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OpenRoad FAQs

If you cannot find your question/answer here, please file a GitHub issue to the appropriate repository or start a discussion.

How can I contribute?

Thank you for your willingness to contribute. Please see the Getting Involved guide.

How do I update OpenROAD-flow-scripts?

Depending on how you installed OpenROAD-flow-scripts, there are different ways of updating. Regardless, here are the common first steps:

cd OpenROAD-flow-scripts
git checkout master
git pull

Now your local copy of ORFS should be up-to-date. The next step is to build it again with the following command:

For WSL/docker based installation, run:

./ --clean

For local installation, run:

./ --local --clean

For pre-built binaries, you can run the flow after git pull is done.

:::{tip} For development purposes, it is a good practice to work on branches and leave master untouched.

  • If the branch already exists: git checkout <BRANCH> && git merge master
  • If the branch does not exist: git checkout -b <BRANCH> && git merge master :::

How do I update the design reference files?

See how to update using the Metrics guide.

How do I get better search results?

As quoted from ReadTheDocs, this documentation is powered by Simple Query String from Elasticsearch. Here are some helpful patterns:

  • Exact phrase search: "global_route"
  • Prefix query: GRT-*, BUF*, report_*
  • Fuzziness: ~N (tilde followed by a number) after a word indicates edit distance. Helpful if the exact spelling is unknown. For example: test~2, reportfilename~2