Getting Involved
Thank you for taking the time to read this document and to contribute. The OpenROAD project will not reach all of its objectives without help!
Possible ways to contribute to the OpenROAD application:
- Tool improvements
- New tools
- Improvements to documentation, including this document
- Star our project and repos so we can see the number of people who are interested
Licensing Contributions
As much as possible, all contributions should be licensed using the BSD3 license. You can propose another license if you must, but contributions made with BSD3 fit best with the spirit of OpenROAD's permissive open-source philosophy. We do have exceptions in the project, but over time we hope that all contributions will be BSD3, or some other permissive license such as MIT or Apache2.0.
Contributing Scripts and Code
We follow the Google C++ style guide. If you find code in our project that does not follow this guide, then within each file that you edit, follow the style in that file.
Please pay careful attention to the
tool checklist for all code. If you want
to add or improve functionality in OpenROAD, please start with the
top-level app repo. You
can see in the src
directory that submodules exist pointing to tested
versions of the other relevant repos in the project. Please look at the
tool workflow in the developer guide document
to work with the app and its submodule repos in an efficient way.
Please run clang-format on all the C++ source files that you change, before
committing. In the root directory of the OpenROAD repository there is the
file .clang-format
that defines all coding formatting rules.
Please pay attention to the
test directory
and be sure to add tests for any code changes that you make, using open-source
PDK and design information. We provide the nangate45
PDK in
the OpenROAD-flow-scripts repo to help with this. Pull requests with
code changes are unlikely to be accepted without accompanying test
cases. There are many
tests. Each repo has a test directory as well with tests you should run
and add to if you modify something in one of the submodules.
For changes that claim to improve QoR or PPA, please run many tests and ensure that the improvement is not design-specific. There are designs in the OpenROAD-flow-scripts repo which can be used unless the improvement is technology-specific.
Do not add runtime or build dependencies without serious thought. For a project like OpenROAD with many application subcomponents, the software architecture can quickly get out of control. Changes with lots of new dependencies which are not necessary are less likely to be integrated.
If you want to add Tcl code to define a new tool command, look at pdngen as an example of how to do so. Take a look at the CMake file which automatically sources the Tcl code and the Tcl file itself.
To accept contributions, we require each commit to be made with a DCO (Developer
Certificate of Origin) attached.
When you commit you add the -s
flag to your commit. For example:
git commit -s -m "test dco with -s"
This will append a statement to your commit comment that attests to the DCO. GitHub
has built in the -s
option to its command line since use of this is so
pervasive. The promise is very basic, certifying that you know that you
have the right to commit the code. Please read the full statement
Please refer to our FAQs.