stringlengths 61
###cont###chatting###user happy###careful, he's a hero###bot happy###that’s a solid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###< video does a good job explaining push/pull.###bot happy###thanks for letting me know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the evergreen debacle shows how badly that goes in real life. turns out the diversity coalition would actually hack [name] into pieces and parade her organs around.###bot neutral###that’s a solid observation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###youtube is my wikipedia. videos about any interest. but i read wikipedia sometimes too when i want to know the details.###bot neutral###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###who's [name]?###bot neutral###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah, too many blind assumptions. i'm just happy that we're getting four additional characters to pad the roster with.###bot happy###i can see your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###oh yeah!!###bot happy###i understand your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###love this!! this is so lovely! wish i had friends like this! great drawing as well!!###bot happy###thanks for explaining that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###here i am playing daggerfall###bot neutral###that’s worth considering.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###[name] and [name] together for multiple games composed entirely of 3 on 3? this is a dream come true.###bot neutral###makes sense to me.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i am so excited to vote for him! [name]###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###< video does a good job explaining push/pull.###bot happy###i appreciate the info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###this makes perfect sense, thank you for explaining! ###bot happy###good to know!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###she already had plans with some of her friends and it would have been weird for me to get there, i didn’t know any of them. ###bot neutral###i’m glad you brought that up.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the strapping type twine? white stuff? once pulled a car out of a ditch with a few strands of that.###bot neutral###good to know!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i thought the term gated community was figurative, not literal.###bot neutral###i appreciate hearing that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###sorry for the bad analogy, yours is way better###bot sad###that’s definitely something to consider.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i think this is my favourite one ever.###bot happy###understood.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###finally getting the help it needs###bot happy###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###ahhhhh ok i thought it was the other way round, thanks for clearing it up.###bot happy###it’s nice to get more context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###keep telling yourself that, women dont care. keep hypnotizing yourself with pornsickness, that will bring all the women to the yard /s###bot happy###i see what you mean.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah, too many blind assumptions. i'm just happy that we're getting four additional characters to pad the roster with.###bot happy###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###yeah. i heard that in my head aswell doing the last argument, and found myself back here posting. ###bot neutral###i can see how that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###good news everyone!###bot happy###thank you for that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###recover well. (argh, my english is too terrible 🇲🇫)###bot happy###thanks for the detail.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###thanks a [name]###bot happy###i see, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yea i agree, and [name] is way younger so has trade value. [name] is still an offensive powerhouse but his dwar is slumping.###bot happy###thanks for the background.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###break them. join the fight, stop fighting against the fight.###bot neutral###i’ll consider that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###what?! you dare insult the band of gods?! typical teen, i hate my own generation! *screams in 16 year old*###bot anger###i’d be frustrated too.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###huh, assumed he was more of a grindr fella .....###bot neutral###that’s a good way of looking at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###plus it's prettier.###bot happy###i appreciate the thought you put into that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###looks soooo much better###bot happy###interesting perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###the left really needs to co-opt “gamers rise up!”###bot happy###noted, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i am so excited to vote for him! [name]###bot happy###that’s useful info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###sadly no, everything was thrown around the room, and everytime i rebuilt something, it would be annihilated again.###bot sad###i get it, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###it's ideological thinking, how boring and repugnant, honestly. ###bot neutral###i’ll think about that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###weird thing, but my cat will go ham on my earhole if i let her.###bot anger###that situation sounds so irritating.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i suggest going to the food carts. buy some legal weed. enjoy the bars. go to washington park.###bot happy###interesting perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###very wise, your flair reminds me of the quote "there can be no true despair without hope."###bot happy###that’s a helpful point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###say what you want, [name] is putting on a goddamn show###bot happy###thank you for that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###keep telling yourself that, women dont care. keep hypnotizing yourself with pornsickness, that will bring all the women to the yard /s###bot anger###it’s really frustrating to go through that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###seems like that’s part 2, here is part one, full highlights from weplay###bot happy###that’s definitely one way to look at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###as a strip club connoisseur, this is one of my biggest fears. ###bot neutral###i appreciate the thought you put into that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###finally getting the help it needs###bot neutral###i hadn’t thought about it that way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###went to school with her son. she is larger than life in person. always swaying gracefully. it was crazy.###bot neutral###i can see where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###ahhh i misread your comment as “if i noticed a car on a flat bed with no straps.”###bot sad###i’m listening.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###plus it's prettier.###bot happy###thanks for the clarification.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###weird thing, but my cat will go ham on my earhole if i let her.###bot anger###i’m sorry this has you feeling this way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###> western values you mean liberal values?###bot happy###thank you for that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i can't wait to finally sacrifice my body and soul to [name], with a whole crowd of onlookers to witness it.###bot happy###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###sorry for the bad analogy, yours is way better###bot sad###that’s definitely one way to look at it.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###the strapping type twine? white stuff? once pulled a car out of a ditch with a few strands of that.###bot neutral###good perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###indeed yet i still gotta watch my dependency & tolerance. i stay disciplined and just keep moving forward.###bot happy###interesting perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###isn't there a sub for tomorrow exact post?###bot neutral###makes sense to me.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###hopefully they got a chance to see [name].###bot happy###i hadn’t thought of it that way.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###hang in there, we're here for you. i hope you get through this.###bot happy###that’s useful info.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###ay my brotha i'm peepin that squad car a$ap 👌###bot neutral###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###ohmigoodness! i've never seen this before! all the gracias to you!###bot happy###interesting angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###please cuddle me so i have a reason to save it###bot neutral###i can understand where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###one day they are going to do data-analysis of my leave patterns and see that almost all of my personal/sick leave happens in the second half of the year.###bot neutral###understood.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###youtube is my wikipedia. videos about any interest. but i read wikipedia sometimes too when i want to know the details.###bot neutral###understood.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels the same!###bot happy###noted, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###that is a good idea. it may be hard for him to make any progress with him coming over so often. thank you for you input!###bot happy###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###this post is inappropriate for this subreddit.###bot anger###that sounds really frustrating.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###“[name] created men and cheats made them equal!”###bot neutral###i appreciate your point of view.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###indeed yet i still gotta watch my dependency & tolerance. i stay disciplined and just keep moving forward.###bot happy###thanks for the detail.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###what a great photo and you two look so happy. 😍###bot happy###that’s something to think about.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###he's a good fit, not a perfect fit. same goes for [name]. ###bot happy###it’s good to get that perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###ahhhhh ok i thought it was the other way round, thanks for clearing it up.###bot happy###that’s fair.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###[name] from benoni is doing well for herself ...###bot happy###i understand.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###it's ideological thinking, how boring and repugnant, honestly. ###bot happy###that clears things up a bit.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###not true. backtested analysis shows that 85% stocks 15% bonds provides better returns.###bot neutral###i can see where you're coming from.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###i pity them more than anything. my life's actually pretty okay, but what their generation has done to our planet and society's future is unconscionable.###bot sad###i appreciate that explanation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###as a strip club connoisseur, this is one of my biggest fears. ###bot happy###that’s helpful to know.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###well, i'm glad you're out of all that now. how awful. the way they act, they make you think healthy boundaries are you being hostile.###bot happy###i can see why you’d think that.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###good news everyone!###bot happy###i see your point now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###this post is inappropriate for this subreddit.###bot neutral###makes sense!###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###careful, he's a hero###bot happy###i understand your point.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###desktop link: ^^/r/helperbot_ ^^downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^counter: ^^231558###bot neutral###thanks for pointing that out.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###that was your comment dude. which part of my comment was fake news? *wake me up if you find it.###bot neutral###i see, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###[name] and porzingod under the tutilage of daddy dirk pinch me i must be dreaming###bot neutral###noted, thanks for sharing.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###i mean, two times zero is zero and that can be a guarantee :d###bot happy###that’s clear now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###indeed yet i still gotta watch my dependency & tolerance. i stay disciplined and just keep moving forward.###bot happy###i’ll keep that in mind.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###break them. join the fight, stop fighting against the fight.###bot anger###it sounds like a really unfair situation.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###[name] gets so many chances but just can’t hit the net. i don’t get it.###bot neutral###you’ve given me something to consider.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###if he were to come to the table with fewer red lines the eu might make different concessions.###bot happy###that’s a reasonable take.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###> 3 low-ceiling prospects i think 95%+ of professional nba analysts would disagree with that assessment###bot anger###i totally get why this would anger you.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###are we still stuck on this?###bot anger###that sounds incredibly annoying.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###yeah, too many blind assumptions. i'm just happy that we're getting four additional characters to pad the roster with.###bot happy###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###this is love <3###bot happy###interesting perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user sad###[name] doesn't get a vote [name]! get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.###bot sad###i understand.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###that looks amazing###bot happy###good perspective.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###hahaha, ok. i was worried there for a second....###bot happy###i hadn’t considered that angle.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###i thought the term gated community was figurative, not literal.###bot neutral###hmm, i see.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###very wise, your flair reminds me of the quote "there can be no true despair without hope."###bot happy###thanks for the heads-up.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user anger###what a fuckin n###bot anger###that’s really aggravating.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###this is from the crystal lake rib house in illinois if anyone was curious.###bot neutral###that’s clear now.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user happy###really not sure how some of these folks clothe and dress themselves each day.###bot happy###appreciate the context.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###> 3 low-ceiling prospects i think 95%+ of professional nba analysts would disagree with that assessment###bot neutral###that makes sense.###end### |
###cont###chatting###user neutral###huge difference e b/t “seniors housing” and “nursing home.” huge difference.###bot neutral###i appreciate the explanation.###end### |
Subsets and Splits