stringlengths 17
| en
stringlengths 17
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float64 0
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float64 0
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float64 -0.15
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stringclasses 15
values | Type
stringclasses 7
values |
'Pensa oh impressionant m'estic sentint millor yay llavors colpeja! Vaig parlar massa aviat, oi? Ja no em sento tan bé. | 'Thinks oh awesome I'm feeling better yay then it hits!!! Spoke to f'ing soon didn't I?!? I don't feel so good anymore!!'. | 0.999962 | 0.999966 | 0.859662 | PRN | SM |
oops m'agradaria que hi hagués tal cosa | oops i wish there was such a thing | 0.998759 | 0.985228 | 0.931515 | PRN | SM |
Què fas per canviar això? | What are you doing to change that? | 0.999877 | 0.985591 | 0.965045 | ENV | CON |
Si Sud-àfrica és el país més modern i civilitzat d'Àfrica, és gràcies als governs blancs anteriors a l'arribada de Mandela. | If South Africa is the most modern and civilized country in Africa it is thanks to white governments before the arrival of Mandela. | 1 | 0.999786 | 0.906624 | AUT | SM |
Aquest espai nostàlgic fa una bona rialla després de les demostracions d'artesania tradicionals entre parades d'artesania, cuina vietnamita i japonesa amb una nit de ""shushi"", gaudint de pasta de bambú, gel d'afaitar japonès. | That nostalgic space has a good laugh after traditional craft demonstrations among handicraft stalls, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisine with a ""Shushi night"", enjoying bamboo pasta, Japanese shaved ice. | 1 | 1 | 0.90782 | ARC | SM |
Pot ser, però si una persona ha tingut moltes relacions, alguna cosa no va bé o és del tipus que no s'aferra a ningú o és molt inconstant | Maybe, but if a person has had a lot of relationships, something isn't right or he's the type who doesn't stick to anyone or is very fickle | 0.999997 | 0.999996 | 0.833161 | HRM | SM |
En un article publicat recentment al portal Puro Marketing ens donen alguns consells sobre com ens pot ajudar el nostre lloc web a millorar les vendes fora de línia. | In an article recently published on the Puro Marketing portal, they give us some advice on how our website can help us improve offline sales. | 1 | 0.999987 | 0.889919 | MWM | SM |
* Una petita bossa de carn a la galta d'Ignus salta, i corre en un degoteig fumejant per la seva mandíbula . * 'Thissss way...Ignussss sempre fuess ...' * | * 'Thissss way ...' * A small pocket of flesh on Ignus' cheek * pops *, and runs in a steaming trickle down his jaw . * 'Thissss way...Ignussss alwayssss wasss ...' * | 0.999996 | 0.999932 | 0.925053 | CUL | CON |
El commutador 12 també es pot configurar per proporcionar una funcionalitat addicional, inclòs el filtratge i/o el dúplex dels senyals. | The switch 12 can also be configured to provide additional functionality, including filtering and/or duplexing of the signals. | 1 | 0.999994 | 0.951881 | AUT | PAT |
Pel que fa als motors de cerca, també es basen en l'estructura del seu contingut d'informació al lloc web per analitzar i indexar el seu lloc web. | As for the search engines, they also rely on the structure of your information content on the website to analyze and index your website. | 0.99998 | 0.999372 | 0.91045 | MWM | SM |
La producció va ser de vehicles al juny, mentre que els enviaments a l'estranger van assolir unitats, sense incloure les dades del fabricant japons Nissan, va detallar l'Associació Mexicana de la Indústria Automotriu (AMIA). | The production was 349,153 vehicles in June, while shipments abroad reached 260,966 units, not including the data of the Japanese manufacturer Nissan, said the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA). | 1 | 1 | 0.853283 | FIN | NEW |
La manutenció és una obligació del marit. | Maintenance is the husband's obligation. | 0.999504 | 0.998493 | 0.930755 | HRM | GEN |
Segons alguns, 'Orava' (Arva) és un nom preeslau, relacionat amb l'element indogermànic eren (veloç) | According to some, ""Orava"" (Arva) is a pre-Slavic name, connected with the Indo-Germanic element eren (swift) | 1 | 0.998208 | 0.911734 | HRM | SM |
Això és possible mitjançant el desenvolupament de noves tecnologies i infraestructures de TI que permetin una gran participació ciutadana. | This is possible by developing novel technologies and IT infrastructures enabling large citizen participation. | 1 | 0.999743 | 0.919386 | MAT | GEN |
Finalment, també es fa èmfasi en la proposta de derogació de l'article 158 del Codi, el contingut del qual va ser referit en paràgrafs anteriors, per implicar tracte discriminatori envers la dona. | Finally, emphasis is also placed on the proposal to repeal article 158 of the Code, the content of which was referred to in previous paragraphs, because it implies discriminatory treatment towards women. | 1 | 1 | 0.946907 | LEG | SM |
Per a més informació, truqueu al 646-6505 o visiteu La Humane Society of Ventura County és una organització privada sense ànim de lucre fundada el 1932. | For more information, call 646-6505 or visit The Humane Society of Ventura County is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1932. | 0.999955 | 0.999899 | 0.971507 | GEN | EML |
KATMANDÚ, Nepal (AP) — Una dona de 40 anys va ser acusada de llançar un encanteri i ser cremada viva per una torba divendres en un remot llogaret de Tharus, al sud del Nepal. | KATHMANDU, Nepal A 40-year-old woman has been charged with casting a spell and being burned alive by a mob on Friday in a remote Tharus village in southern Nepal. | 1 | 1 | 0.906722 | COM | NEW |
És el botulinum que produeix la toxina botulínica, la més potent de la història. | It is 'botulinum' that produces botulinum toxin, the most powerful toxin in history. | 1 | 0.996938 | 0.888079 | ENV | SM |
Com es va crear la nostra família. | How our family was created ..... | 0.999934 | 0.993638 | 0.830159 | CUL | CON |
Alfeig barbut, en veure aquesta abominació, Arethusa va córrer tenia raó. | Alpheus bearded, seeing that abomination, Arethusa ran was right. | 0.999977 | 0.999727 | 0.858965 | HRM | CON |
La vida ha de continuar amb les versions respectives. | Life should go on with their respective versions. | 0.887609 | 0.984778 | 0.935135 | HRM | SM |
Si esteu configurant les propietats d'una plantilla, recordeu que l'assignació de carpetes utilitza les propietats per determinar on ubicar els fitxers creats a partir de la plantilla. | If you are setting the properties for a template, remember that folder mapping uses the properties to determine where to locate the files created from the template. | 1 | 1 | 0.907934 | MWM | MNL |
Un examen més detallat pot indicar que la planta no és una de les herbes que figuren a la llista d'espècies. | Further examination may indicate that the plant is not one of the grasses listed in the species list. | 0.999992 | 0.996459 | 0.879352 | ENV | GEN |
El projecte és personal de Johnson. | The project is personal to Johnson. | 0.634418 | 0.773634 | 0.922565 | AUT | CON |
O he d'esperar que hi estiguin d'acord? | Or do I have to wait for their agreement. | 0.968812 | 0.989779 | 0.806697 | HRM | CON |
Mel Gould, del Leamington C & AC, va ser tercera a la general i primera dona. | Leamington C & AC's Mel Gould was third overall and first female. | 0.324311 | 0.999443 | 0.947699 | CUL | NEW |
Aquesta vegada vaig intentar fer manualitats amb cordes de cotó. | This time I tried to make crafts out of cotton ropes. | 0.9993 | 0.997328 | 0.906655 | CUL | CON |
També és bo per a la sopa de fideus. | Good for soup noodles too. | 0.994642 | 0.940318 | 0.860859 | CUL | SM |
He comprat entrades per a dues pel·lícules de la darrera trilogia de La Guerra de les Galàxies. | I bought tickets for two movies from the latest Star Wars trilogy. | 1 | 0.997233 | 0.85524 | COM | SM |
Per prepotència de la província (Còrdova) i per la capacitat intel·lectual del que la governa, el vèrtex més amigable amb el TGR ho ocupa el Joan més consistent dels Joans. | Due to the arrogance of the province (Cordoba) and the intellectual capacity of the one who governs it, the most friendly vertex with the TGR is occupied by the most consistent Juan of the Juanes. | 1 | 1 | 0.83291 | ARC | SM |
Municipalitat de Providència va ajudar a víctima de ""Bicichorros | Municipality of Providencia helped a victim of ""Bicichorros | 0.999999 | 0.99311 | 0.904203 | ENV | SM |
Re: 'Ara l'actual administració sota PNOY tindrà un Defensor del Poble lleial a ell, i cap sistema possible de revisió legal o de control i equilibri per evitar noves corrupcions.' | Re: 'Now the current administration under PNOY will have an Ombudsman loyal to him, and no possible legal review or check and balance system to prevent new corruption.' | 1 | 1 | 0.931227 | POL | SM |
La paraula 'Saluk' deriva d'una paraula d'arrel àrab que significa 'fer alguna cosa a la idiosincràsia' i el veritable origen del nom es remunta a la part sud de la península aràbiga coneguda avui com a Iemen. | The word ""Saluk"" is derived from a word with an Arabic root meaning ""to do something on the idiosyncracy"" and the true origin of the name goes back to the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula known today as Yemen. | 1 | 1 | 0.896601 | HRM | SM |
La junta de propietaris estarà formada per tots els propietaris de l'àrea de gestió de la propietat. | The owners' meeting shall be composed of all owners of the property management area. | 0.999997 | 0.999377 | 0.884852 | LEG | EML |
@ graceobrien no . no pots estar maryanne . no m'agrada perquè el que va fer a carl va ser molt dolent | @ graceobrien no . you cant be maryanne . i do not like her cause what she did to carl was so mean | 0.996056 | 0.978879 | 0.937134 | PRN | SM |
El productor executiu de la sèrie, Charlie Pinsky de Nova York's Frappe Inc., manté l'itinerari com un secret estretament custodiat perquè l'equip de somni pugui recórrer Espanya sense problemes. | The series' executive producer, Charlie Pinsky of New York's Frappe Inc., is keeping the itinerary a closely guarded secret so the dream team can tour Spain without a hitch. | 1 | 1 | 0.94421 | CUL | NEW |
HCM) pel fet que no existeix el nom d'aquesta empresa ubicat a l'adreça abans esmentada, el certificat de seguretat alimentària és fals. | HCM) because of the fact that there is no name of this company located at the aforementioned address, the food safety certificate is fake. | 1 | 0.999945 | 0.848572 | AUT | SM |
Jajaja, la meva contrasenya va ser trobada, i estic de tornada. | Hahaha, my password was found, and I'm back again. | 0.997434 | 0.990626 | 0.811738 | COM | CON |
Páez i Sabina es van distanciar a finals de la dècada de 1990, després de fer junts el disc 'Enemigos Intimos' (1998), i des de llavors no hi ha hagut reconciliació entre aquests dos cantautors. | Paez and Sabina parted ways at the end of the 1990s, after making the album 'Enemigos Intimos' (1998) together, and since then there has been no reconciliation between these two singer-songwriters. | 1 | 1 | 0.959961 | CUL | NEW |
Això no emmagatzema els fitxers al repositori | This does not store the files in the repository | 0.999998 | 0.984972 | 0.947671 | COM | MNL |
Hi ha diverses maneres que el nostre treball funcioni perquè el nostre treball pugui ser exhibit per una galeria o exposició. | There are several ways for our work to run so that our work can be displayed by a gallery or exhibition. | 0.999998 | 0.99913 | 0.929071 | MWM | SM |
Tot i així, un no pot evitar sentir-se impressionat per la seva idea de l'American Way of Life. | Still, one cannot help but be impressed by his idea of the 'American Way of Life'. | 0.963991 | 0.995238 | 0.916065 | HRM | SM |
Per mi, 2017-2018 va ser un núvol negre. | For me, 2017-2018 was a black cloud. | 0.999325 | 0.927854 | 0.963761 | CUL | CON |
La meva germana va tenir 35 matxos en només uns dies! | My sister had 35 matches in just a few days! | 0.999981 | 0.977513 | 0.907691 | CUL | SM |
Instructor: Tinc una gran pregunta: Hi va haver alguna vegada esclaus al Canadà? | Instructor: I have one big question: Have there ever been slaves in Canada? | 0.999992 | 0.913003 | 0.932401 | GEN | CON |
La denúncia va ser radicada a la Direcció Provincial d'Afers Interns. | The complaint was filed with the Provincial Directorate of Internal Affairs. | 0.999999 | 0.999414 | 0.875034 | LEG | EML |
També hi haurà un simulador d'ambulància que s'utilitzarà per fer simulacres de rescat. | There will also be an ambulance simulator used for rescue drills. | 1 | 0.985855 | 0.882086 | AUT | SM |
I el comboi Janoubia de Port Said a Suez. | And the Janoubia convoy from Port Said to Suez. | 0.229581 | 0.975335 | 0.887857 | AUT | SM |
L'assegurança estàndard és obligatòria. | Standard insurance is mandatory. | 1 | 0.990212 | 0.940209 | AUT | MNL |
Bon dia amb química | Good morning with chemistry | 0.999993 | 0.997353 | 0.885515 | PRN | SM |
O potser algú ja sap que és fals però insisteix a comprar-lo pel bé de presumir davant de la gent? Hmm ... | Or maybe someone already knows it's fake but insists on buying it for the sake of showing off to people? Hmm ... | 0.999976 | 1 | 0.902402 | CUL | CON |
Candler intenta fer respectar el seu beuratge limitant la venda -a cinc centaus el got- a les fonts de soda, és a dir, restringint el negoci. | Candler tries to enforce respect for his concoction by limiting the sale - to five cents a glass - to soda fountains, that is, restricting the business. | 0.998857 | 1 | 0.909888 | MWM | CON |
Més nivells de Sokoban gratuït descarrega'ls aquí! | More free Sokoban levels download here! | 0.999925 | 0.999809 | 0.964979 | CUL | EML |
Table steel guitar També coneguda com a « guitarra de consola », suposa una evolució de l'anterior, amb l'afegit d'un pal addicional, amb vuit cordes a cadascun dels pals. | Table steel guitar Also known as ""console guitar"", it is an evolution of the previous one, with the addition of an additional neck, with eight strings on each neck. | 1 | 1 | 0.884371 | CUL | MNL |
El futnol no oblidarà mai el teu somriure"", li va dir el jugador del Barcelona. | Football will never forget your smile,"" the Barcelona player told him. | 0.999999 | 0.967521 | 0.936709 | CUL | SM |
La Direcció General de Trànsit posa en marxa, des de les hores, la segona fase del dispositiu especial de Setmana Santa, que s'estendrà fins dilluns 17 de març. | The General Directorate of Traffic is launching today, from 3:00 p. m., the second phase of the special Easter Week device, which will run until Monday, March 17. | 1 | 1 | 0.901944 | AUT | EML |
Però l'un i l'altre període desapareixen entre les fumaroles de l'incendi col·lectiu. | But both periods disappear between the fumaroles of the collective fire. | 1 | 0.999384 | 0.910022 | HRM | CON |
el 'galaxy s6' i el 'galaxy s6 edge' van presentar un disseny que va canviar significativament respecte a la serie anterior en harmonitzar el metall (metall) i el vidre (vidre). | the 'galaxy s6' and 'galaxy s6 edge' presented a design that changed significantly from the previous series by harmonizing metal (metal) and glass (glass). | 1 | 1 | 0.954521 | COM | SM |
Gràcies a OPEN pels serveis prestats a l'últim viatge. | Thank you OPEN for providing services for the last trip . long brother. | 1 | 0.995712 | 0.826701 | ENV | EML |
El personal de l'Església que ha dut a terme aquestes missions ha fet una feina admirable en circumstàncies molt difícils"", va dir. | 'The Church personnel who carried out these assignments have done an admirable job under very difficult circumstances,' he said. | 1 | 0.999854 | 0.932829 | AUT | SM |
Tinc 30 anys i no em puc permetre el botox perquè realment no ho tinc | I'm 30 and can't afford botox because I really don't | 0.999176 | 0.989186 | 0.904417 | PRN | SM |
El Tour de França ja té favorits PARÍS, França (AP). | The Tour de France already has favorites PARIS, France (AP). | 0.99626 | 0.9963 | 0.958352 | CUL | NEW |
Aquesta és la legalitat. | That is the legality. | 0.989612 | 0.982056 | 0.90241 | LEG | CON |
Això és el que jo diria . Jo dic. | That's what I would say . I say. | 0.998601 | 0.991935 | 0.945759 | CUL | CON |
No hi ha distinció geogràfica a la feina diplomàtica, i aniran on el país els necessiti, i amb gust aniran a treballar per complir la seva missió. | There is no geographical distinction in diplomatic work, and they will go wherever the country needs them to go, and they will gladly go to work to fulfill their mission. | 1 | 1 | 0.92727 | HRM | SM |
Pajaritas Plomades diversos models, colors i marques, a partir de 1 euro. | Lead Bow Ties various models, colors and brands, from 1 euro. | 0.998089 | 0.98126 | 0.88751 | PRN | MNL |
Poden servir d'exemple els següents: El Palau d'Hivern de Sant Petersburg, el Gran Palau Iekaterinsky de Tsarskoye Selo, el Gran Palau de Peterhof, l'Església de Sant Pere i Sant Pau de Sant Petersburg. | The following can serve as examples: The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, the Grand Yekaterinsky Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, the Grand Palace in Peterhof, the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in St. Petersburg. | 1 | 1 | 0.947592 | ARC | SM |
Aquest certamen va ser creat fa 35 anys per estimular les aportacions científiques i tecnològiques dels professionals i estudiants al camp dels aliments a Mèxic. | This contest was created 35 years ago to stimulate the scientific and technological contributions of professionals and students in the field of food in Mexico. | 1 | 1 | 0.935971 | ENV | SM |
L'última vegada que l'Assemblea General va ser convocada novament per a una sessió sepcial va ser sota el governador Pat Quinn. | The last time the General Assembly was called back for a sepcial session was under Governor Pat Quinn. | 0.999979 | 0.997139 | 0.932741 | LEG | CON |
Dels 50 homes, 20 dones i dos nens, en total 72 persones, 62 van morir, després de 15 dies de navegar a la deriva per les concorregudes i intensament vigilades aigües del mediterrani. | Of the 50 men, 20 women and two children, a total of 72 people, 62 died, after 15 days of drifting through the crowded and intensely monitored waters of the Mediterranean. | 1 | 1 | 0.971732 | POL | SM |
La segona té la funda i em paga per que s'ho enfonsa. | The second one has the cover and she pays me to sink it. | 0.995796 | 0.984571 | 0.901743 | CUL | CON |
Amb taxes de benefici competitives i múltiples beneficis, un alt sostre de finançament de fins a 10 milions de dirhams . Per a més informació, poseu-vos en contacte amb els números següents: client. | With competitive profit rates and multiple benefits, a high financing ceiling of up to 10 million dirhams . For more information, please contact the following numbers: customer. | 1 | 1 | 0.94603 | AUT | EML |
A partir de les hores i fins a les sis de la tarda s'instal·laran taules receptores d'opinió en què s'exercirà el dret al vot. | From 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m., 2,516 opinion polling stations will be installed where the right to vote will be exercised. | 0.999993 | 0.999172 | 0.72817 | AUT | EML |
Duped Again: Igual que amb el llançament d'Elvis Costello a principis d'aquest any, una vegada més vaig ser víctima del bombo i em vaig afanyar a comprar el nou de Bowie. | Duped Again: As with the Elvis Costello release earlier this year, I once again fell victim to the hype and rushed out to buy Bowie's new one. | 1 | 0.999896 | 0.950581 | CUL | NEW |
Tot i alguns petits defectes, vaig gaudir molt de la pel·lícula i em vaig quedar amb ganes de més en la seva conclusió. | Despite some slight flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and was left wanting more at its conclusion. | 1 | 1 | 0.940149 | CUL | SM |
Massa sovint, els líders, en el seu entusiasme per 'anar', assumeixen que tothom sap què està fent. | Too often, leaders, in their excitement to 'go', assume that everyone knows what they are doing. | 1 | 0.999933 | 0.927594 | ENV | SM |
El novembre del 2005 va ser nomenat comissari de PZN pel ministre d'Esports | In November 2005 he was appointed curator of PZN by the Minister of Sport | 0.989972 | 0.998817 | 0.955038 | ARC | NEW |
Em vaig dir que eren les hormones. | I told myself it was the hormones. | 0.821214 | 0.995048 | 0.910653 | GEN | CON |
En aquesta pàgina pots trobar informació sobre Moreton in Marsh Anglaterra. | On this page you can find information on Moreton in Marsh England. | 0.999993 | 0.987619 | 0.976443 | HRM | NEW |
Aquell any, prop de l'actual Càller, va néixer el primer nucli territorial del regne de Sardenya. | In that year, near the present Cagliari, was born the first territorial nucleus of the kingdom of Sardinia. | 0.999999 | 0.983947 | 0.91895 | ARC | SM |
La llei marcial en vigor se suspendrà la setmana que ve . La gent es fa selfies amb les forces armades als carrers del Giro, em diverteixo i demà me'n vaig a la platja. | The martial law in force will be suspended next take selfies with the armed forces in the Giro streets, I have fun and tomorrow I go to the beach. | 1 | 0.999253 | 0.849135 | CUL | SM |
Aquesta no és la malaltia que fa que la persona no vulgui parlar amb ningú més que amb el somni | This is not the disease that makes the person not want to talk to anyone but sleep | 0.999993 | 0.997931 | 0.811076 | LSM | SM |
com cony no t'agrada la sopa de fideus de pollastre? | how the fuck do you not like chicken noodle soup? | 0.962082 | 0.996104 | 0.94177 | PRN | CON |
Els manifestants van repartir ahir peix entre els vianants . bon rotllo. | Protesters distributed fish among passers-by yesterday . good vibes. | 0.999944 | 0.998818 | 0.902588 | ENV | CON |
L'embaràs primerenc continua sent alt, les dades mostren [] | Early pregnancy is still high, data show [] | 0.999942 | 0.998055 | 0.927959 | LSM | SM |
L'espai s'emet cada diumenge, de 12:45 a 13h., dins del magazine A vivir que són dos dies, al tram d'informació regional. | The space is broadcast every Sunday, from 12:45 p. m. to 1:00 p. m., within the magazine A vivir que son dos dias, in its section of regional information. | 0.998563 | 0.999322 | 0.906501 | ARC | SM |
A més, es veuen obligats a sotmetre's a les pretensions desmesurades dels seus usuaris. | In addition, they are forced to submit to the excessive claims of their users. | 0.999999 | 0.999159 | 0.906656 | LEG | SM |
Disponible en codi obert sota la llicència GPL, utilitza un mètode híbrid de traçat de raigs/fonts d'imatge per calcular l'acústica de la sala per a malles grans. | Available in open-source under the GPL license, it uses a ray-tracing/image-sources hybrid method to calculate the room acoustics for large meshes. | 1 | 1 | 0.919458 | ING | GEN |
Els documents CAD s'utilitzen per emmagatzemar dades CAD d'enginyeria (models o dibuixos). | CAD documents are used to store engineering CAD data (models or drawings). | 0.999999 | 0.989882 | 0.970531 | COM | MNL |
Juro que no guanyarem i alhora no deixaré de creure si guanyem | I swear that we will not win and at the same time I will not disbelieve if we win | 0.999992 | 0.999422 | 0.911205 | HRM | SM |
Els regidors proposaran altres solucions millors? | Proposaran els regidors altres solucions millors? | 0.999951 | 0.000049 | 0.995362 | GEN | CON |
La corda de niló, de Gourock Ropeworks, estava molt lluny de les fibres ultralleugeres i hidròfugues que utilitzen els escaladors avui dia. | Nylon rope, from Gourock Ropeworks, was a far cry from the ultra-light, water-repellent fibres used by climbers today. | 0.999956 | 0.999957 | 0.893977 | ARC | SM |
Va mirar cap a l'aeroport i va veure pols. | She looked toward the airport and saw dust. | 0.989932 | 0.999805 | 0.910758 | CUL | SM |
Veneçuela passa una de les pitjors crisis de la seva història recent. | Venezuela is going through one of the worst crises in its recent history. | 1 | 0.999516 | 0.929602 | GEN | NEW |
Definitivament és tant una com l'altra. | It is definitely as much one as the other. | 0.998649 | 0.989735 | 0.842358 | HRM | CON |
No vol dir que no es puguin oferir contractes llargs, però actualment són inevitables. | It doesn't mean that long contracts can't be offered, but currently they are unavoidable. | 0.999978 | 0.999999 | 0.942915 | AUT | SM |
Oh espera, potser em vaig casar amb el tercer És aquesta vida òbvia? | Oh wait, maybe I'll get married to the third one Is this life obvious? | 0.99978 | 0.998568 | 0.872965 | PRN | SM |
Es tracta de gestionar el seu entorn de tiered-storage de la manera més rendible possible, complint o superant les expectatives de les empreses. | This is about managing your tiered-storage environment in the most cost-efficient way while meeting or exceeding businesses expectations. | 0.98612 | 0.999998 | 0.895503 | MWM | SM |
Reflexiona sobre quan encara estàs sortint i quan ja estàs sortint, on és la diferència. | Reflect on when you're still dating and when you're already dating, where is the difference. | 1 | 0.9999 | 0.833994 | MWM | SM |
No compreu: Aquesta càmera és una càmera meravellosa quan funciona. | Do Not Purchase: This camera is a wonderful camera when it is working. | 0.999996 | 0.998238 | 0.908602 | CUL | MNL |
Dataset Card for CA-EN Parallel Corpus
Dataset Description
Dataset Summary
The CA-EN Parallel Corpus is a Catalan-English dataset of parallel sentences created to support Catalan in NLP tasks, specifically Machine Translation.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
The dataset can be used to train Bilingual Machine Translation models between English and Catalan in any direction, as well as Multilingual Machine Translation models.
The sentences included in the dataset are in Catalan (CA) and English (EN).
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
The dataset is a single tsv file where each row contains a parallel sentence pair, as well as the following information per sentence:
- language probability score calculated with the language detector lingua.py,
- alignment score calculated with LaBSE,
- domain,
- text type.
Data Fields
Each example contains the following 7 fields:
- ca: Catalan sentence
- en: English sentence
- ca_prob: Language probability for the Catalan sentence calculated with the language detector lingua.py
- en_prob: Language probability for the English sentence calculated with the language detector lingua.py
- alignment: Sentence pair alignment score calculated with LaBSE
- Domain: Domain (see list of domains)
- Type: Text type (see list of text types)
[ { Pel que fa als motors de cerca, també es basen en l'estructura del seu contingut d'informació al lloc web per analitzar i indexar el seu lloc web. As for the search engines, they also rely on the structure of your information content on the website to analyze and index your website. 0.9999799355804416 0.9993718600460302 0.91045034 MWM SM }, ... ]
List of domains (and number of sentences per domain):
AUT: Automotive, transport, traffic regulations (2.289.951)
LEG: legal, law, HR, certificates, degrees (498.676)
MWM: Marketing, web, merchandising, customer support and service, e-commerce , advertising, surveys (1.066.111)
LSM: Medicine, natural sciences, food/nutrition, biology, sexology, cosmetics, chemistry, genetics (457.647)
ENV: Environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, farming, zoology, ecology (681.813)
FIN: Finance, economics, business, entrepreneurship, business, competitions, labour, employment, accounting, insurance, insurance (292.865)
POL: Politics, international relations, European Union, international organisations, defence, military (451.569)
PRN: Porn, inappropriate content (597.926)
COM: Computers, IT, robotics, domotics, home automation, telecommunications (1.200.192)
ING: Pure engineering (mechanical, electrical, electronic, aerospace...), meteorology, mining, engineering, maritime, acoustics (581.722)
ARC: Architecture, civil engineering, construction, public engineering (663.985)
MAT: Mathematics, statistics, physics (216.635)
HRM: History, religion, mythology, folklore, philosophy, psychology, ethics, anthropology, tourism (1.362.302)
CUL: Art, poetry, literature, cinema, video games, theatre, theatre/film scripts, esotericism, astrology, sports, music, photography (2.774.420)
GEN: General - generic cathegory with topics such as clothing, textiles, gastronomy, etc. (1.832.164)
List of text types (and number of sentences per text type):
PAT: Patents (583.353)
SM: Social media, chats, forums, tweets (6.420.644)
CON: Oral language, transcription of conversations, subtitles (3.709.344)
EML: Emails (543.010)
MNL: Manuals, data sheets (1.379.021)
NEW: News, journalism (1.346.845)
GEN: Prose, generic type of text (985.761)
Data Splits
The dataset contains a single split: train
Individual domain or style specific subsets can be extracted from the original dataset by filtering by the previously mentioned domains and text types.
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
This dataset is aimed at promoting the development of Machine Translation between Catalan and other languages, specifically English.
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
The data is a collection of parallel sentences in Catalan and English, partially derived from web crawlings and belonging to a mix of different domains and styles. The source data is partially Catalan authentic text translated into English and partially authentic English text translated into Catalan.
The data was obtained through a combination of human translation and machine translation with human proofreading.
Who are the source language producers?
The original data gathering was entrusted to an external company through a public tender process.
Annotation process
The dataset does not contain any annotations.
Who are the annotators?
Personal and Sensitive Information
Given that this dataset is partly derived from pre-existing datasets that may contain crawled data, and that no specific anonymisation process has been applied, personal and sensitive information may be present in the data. This needs to be considered when using the data for training models.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
By providing this resource, we intend to promote the use of Catalan across NLP tasks, thereby improving the accessibility and visibility of the Catalan language.
Discussion of Biases
No specific bias mitigation strategies were applied to this dataset. Inherent biases may exist within the data.
Other Known Limitations
The dataset contains data of several specific domains. The dataset can be used as a whole or extracting subsets per domain or text types. Applications of this dataset in domains other than the ones included in the domain list would be of limited use.
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
Language Technologies Unit at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (langtech@bsc.es).
This work has been promoted and financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the Aina project.
Licensing Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Citation Information
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- 39
Models trained or fine-tuned on projecte-aina/CA-EN_Parallel_Corpus