215 values
Teacher: In this task, you're given passages that contain mentions of names of people, places, or things. Some of these mentions refer to the same person, place, or thing. Your job is to write questions that evaluate one's understanding of such references. Good questions are expected to link pronouns (she, her, him, his, their, etc.) or other mentions to people, places, or things to which they may refer. Do not ask questions that can be answered correctly without understanding the paragraph or having multiple answers. Avoid questions that do not link phrases referring to the same entity. For each of your questions, the answer should be one or more phrases in the paragraph, and it should be unambiguous. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Passage: Nearing London, Oliver encounters Jack Dawkins, a pickpocket more commonly known by the nickname the "Artful Dodger", and his sidekick, a boy of a humorous nature named Charley Bates, but Oliver's innocent and trusting nature fails to see any dishonesty in their actions. The Dodger provides Oliver with a free meal and tells him of a gentleman in London who will "give him lodgings for nothing, and never ask for change". Grateful for the unexpected assistance, Oliver follows the Dodger to the "old gentleman's" residence. In this way Oliver unwittingly falls in with an infamous Jewish criminal known as Fagin, the gentleman of whom the Artful Dodger spoke. Ensnared, Oliver lives with Fagin and his gang of juvenile pickpockets in their lair at Saffron Hill for some time, unaware of their criminal occupations. He believes they make wallets and handkerchiefs. Solution: Who believes Fagin's gang make wallets and handkerchiefs?. Reason: This question is based on the following sentence in the passage "He believes they make wallets and handkerchiefs". It evaluates the understanding that the pronoun "he" refers to name "Oliver". You can ask questions like this one about most pronouns in a paragraph. Now, solve this instance: Passage: Stalin's death in 1953 was the biggest step toward Shostakovich's rehabilitation as a creative artist, which was marked by his Tenth Symphony. It features a number of musical quotations and codes (notably the DSCH and Elmira motifs, Elmira Nazirova being a pianist and composer who had studied under Shostakovich in the year before his dismissal from the Moscow Conservatory), the meaning of which is still debated, while the savage second movement, according to Testimony, is intended as a musical portrait of Stalin. The Tenth ranks alongside the Fifth and Seventh as one of Shostakovich's most popular works. 1953 also saw a stream of premieres of the "desk drawer" works. During the forties and fifties, Shostakovich had close relationships with two of his pupils, Galina Ustvolskaya and Elmira Nazirova. In the background to all this remained Shostakovich's first, open marriage to Nina Varzar until her death in 1954. He taught Ustvolskaya from 1937 to 1947. The nature of their relationship is far from clear: Mstislav Rostropovich described it as "tender". Ustvolskaya rejected a proposal of marriage from him after Nina's death. Shostakovich's daughter, Galina, recalled her father consulting her and Maxim about the possibility of Ustvolskaya becoming their stepmother. Ustvolskaya's friend Viktor Suslin said that she had been "deeply disappointed" in Shostakovich by the time of her graduation in 1947. The relationship with Nazirova seems to have been one-sided, expressed largely through his letters to her, and can be dated to around 1953 to 1956. He married his second wife, Komsomol activist Margarita Kainova, in 1956; the couple proved ill-matched, and divorced three years later. In 1954, Shostakovich wrote the Festive Overture, opus 96; it was used as the theme music for the 1980 Summer Olympics. (His '"Theme from the film Pirogov, Opus 76a: Finale" was played as the cauldron was lit at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.) In 1959, Shostakovich appeared on stage in Moscow at the end of a concert performance of his Fifth Symphony, congratulating Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra for their performance (part of a concert tour of the Soviet Union). Later that year, Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic recorded the symphony in Boston for Columbia Records. Student:
What is the last name of the person whose rehabilitation was marked by his Tenth Symphony?
TASK DEFINITION: Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. PROBLEM: Personality: I enjoy watching netflix with family. I enjoy making d models for video games and animations. My favorite band is iron maiden. I am a lover of italian food. My father has a very prestigious job. Chat history: -Hi there! How are you? -I am good, just watching movies with my family. -Oh that's fun! I just finished helping grandma with her jewelry. -So, what do you do for fun? -I'm in my schools chorus, oh and I attend a karate class. SOLUTION: Cool... I make videos of d models for games. PROBLEM: Personality: I am a yoga instructor. I collect seashells. I've a son. I love horses. Chat history: -Hey thow are you today? Like kids. -I'm good. Love kids, at least most of the time! -Lol yea I am a teacher of kingersaten so I gotta lol. SOLUTION: I guess so! I've one kid and teach yoga. PROBLEM: Personality: I enjoy clothing with exotic prints. I like to upcycle my thrift shop finds and make new items. Sometimes I like to visit thrift shops. I am an art teacher. I like to sew my own clothing. Chat history: -Hello friend, how are you today. -Hi there, just ate hamburgers. They are my favorite, you? SOLUTION:
Sounds yummy, I just got back from the thrift shop.
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. Let me give you an example: Drapeau's cohorts, the cohort would be a "victim" of making the bomb. Further, firebombs are inherently dangerous. There is no peaceful purpose for making a bomb. Felony offenses that involve explosives qualify as "violent crimes" for purposes of enhancing the sentences of career offenders. See 18 U.S.C. 924(e)(2)(B)(ii) (defining a "violent felony" as: "any crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year ... that ... involves use of explosives"). Courts have found possession of a'bomb to be a crime of violence based on the lack of a nonviolent purpose for a bomb and the fact that, by its very nature, there is a substantial risk that the bomb would be used against the person or property of another. See United States v. Newman, 125 F.3d 863 (10th Cir.1997) (unpublished) (<HOLDING>); United States v. Dodge, 846 F.Supp. 181,, Holding statements: (A) holding that possession of a pipe bomb is a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 3142f1 (B) holding that bank robbery by force and violence or intimidation under 18 usc 2113a is a crime of violence (C) holding that sexual assault of a child qualified as crime of violence under 18 usc 16 (D) holding for the purposes of 18 usc 924e that being a felon in possession of a firearm is not a violent felony as defined in 18 usc 924e2b (E) holding that a court must only look to the statutory definition not the underlying circumstances of the crime to determine whether a given offense is by its nature a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 16 The answer to this example can be: (A) Here is why: It's a good example. Based on the given prompt, option (A) is correct. OK. solve this: litigant. It is a wrong against the institutions set up to protect and safeguard the public, institutions in which fraud cannot complacently be tolerated consistently with the good order of society ... The public welfare demands that the agencies of public justice be not so impotent that they must always be mute and helpless victims of deception and fraud. Id. at 246, 64 S.Ct. at 1001. The Law Firm Defendants' motions to dismiss rest entirely on the argument that the Trustee cannot bring an independent action for damages for fraud on the court. The Court acknowledges that there is limited authority for awarding damages in an action brought for fraud on the court. See Chmil, Jr. v. Rulisa Operating Company (In the Matter of Tudor Associates, Ltd. II), 1990 WL 546146, *1 (E.D.N.C.) (<HOLDING>). However, the Court also notes that most Holding statements: (A) holding that the record supported the district courts award of damages (B) holding that conduct must be beyond the fraud which supported compensatory damages to award punitive damages (C) holding that it was within the bankruptcy courts equitable powers to award damages in an action for fraud on the court (D) holding that pursuant to federal statute and the courts inherent equitable powers a bankruptcy court had jurisdiction to issue a separate money judgment after determining the amount and dischargeability of a claim (E) holding claimant waived right to jury trial on claims brought against it on behalf of bankruptcy estate when it submitted its proof of claim against the estate and subjected itself to the equitable powers of the bankruptcy court Answer:
In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. [EX Q]: Fact1: honest not-too-good-looking artist comes to city to find job, Fact2: Seenu ends up being banner artist, Fact3: U.S. citizen stays with relatives to learn Bharatanatyam, Fact4: soft natured loving girl loves to help people in distress, Fact5: Swetha asks Seenu to speak to climax her [EX A]: Seenu Venkatesh is an honest, nottoogoodlooking, village artist who comes to the city to find a job. He ends up being a banner artist. Shwetha Twinkle Khanna is a U.S. citizen, who loves India and its culture and stays with her relatives to learn Bharatanatyam. She is a soft natured, loving girl who loves to help people in distress but cannot stand it if anyone lies or cheats. Initially, when these two meet, she mistakes Seenu to be a mute and pities him. Swethas occasional friendlier association with Seenu, in the means of helping, gradually blossoms into love. By this time, it is too late for the guiltridden Seenu to disclose the truth as he feared the risk of losing her. Despite all his efforts to reveal the truth, Swetha comes to know of his sham by herself. However, at the end, she realizes Seenus true intentions for acting as a mute and forgives him. However at the climax, when Swetha asks Seenu to speak to her, he keeps silent because he had asked a doctor to cut his tongue so that he could be the Swetha had come to love. [EX Q]: Fact1: Larita meets John 's former girlfriend and neighbour Sarah Hurst, Fact2: neighbour Sarah Hurst is gracious about marriage, Fact3: Sarah to play tennis accompanied by Philip, Fact4: Hilda remains calm in face of mother-in-law 's disdain, Fact5: Larita 's only friends Apart from are servants Jim [EX A]: Set in the early 1930s, Larita Jessica Biel meets John Whittaker Ben Barnes in Monaco. They marry and he takes his bride to the family mansion near Flintham in rural Nottinghamshire to meet his mother, Veronica Whittaker Kristin Scott Thomas and father, Major Jim Whittaker Colin Firth and his two sisters, Hilda Kimberley Nixon and Marion Katherine Parkinson. Veronica, already predisposed to dislike her new daughterinlaw, is further disappointed to find that she, like Jim, speaks fluent French. Larita also meets Johns former girlfriend and neighbour Sarah Hurst Charlotte Riley, who is gracious about the marriage. Larita makes some inadvertent gaffes, accidentally killing the family chihuahua and giving some joking advice to Hilda that unfortunately results in embarrassment to, and enmity from, the sisters. Sarah comes to the Whittakers parties, and to play tennis, accompanied by her brother Philip Christian Brassington, on whom Hilda has a crush. Philip, however, is infatuated with Larita, which further angers Hilda. Larita reveals she has been previously married and remains calm in the face of her motherinlaws disdain. To Laritas disappointment, John is not eager to leave the estate so that they can find a home of their own. Larita is bored and miserable in the countryside and hates blood sports like hunting, and any of the entertainment that country English people seem to enjoy. She reads Lady Chatterleys Lover, shocking the female relatives, and she will not play tennis. She dislikes Veronicas stuffy decor, her constant entertaining of her friends, and the overcooked food. She tries to get along with Veronica who refuses to accept her and resents her attempts to bring American traditions into the home. Veronica and her hunting party discover John and Larita having sex in an outbuilding. Larita becomes increasingly isolated and demoralized by her motherinlaws derision, verbal attacks and dirty tricks. Apart from Jim, Laritas only friends are the servants, whom she treats better than Veronica does. Larita retreats to Jims workshop to work on his motorcycle. Still troubled from having lost all his men in the Great War, Jim has lost interest in the estate. Any love between him and his wife has long since disappeared. The Whittakers have fallen on hard times. John loses his independence and seems immature as he is drawn into family life. Johns affection for Larita seems to be waning, as he complains about his wife to Sarah, who finds his overture inappropriate. Hilda receives a newspaper cutting from her uncle in America revealing information about Laritas first husband, an older man dying of cancer. John withdraws from Larita, while Jim scolds his daughters for their cruelty. At Veronicas Christmas party, John refuses to dance with Larita, so Jim dances a tango with her. She determines to leave the marriage, and on her way out of the mansion, she apologizes to Sarah for having interrupted her relationship with John. She hopes that Sarah will take John back. Veronica and her daughters confront Larita one last time, and an argument ensues in which Veronica and Larita trade barbs, and Larita advises the daughters to leave and see the world while they still can. Larita destroys a large bust as she leaves the house. Jim goes with her in her car and Furber Kris Marshall wishes them both well. [EX Q]: Fact1: naive rambunctious overly enthusiastic and socially inept cowboy Beauregard Decker and friend and father-figure Virgil Blessing take bus from Timber Hill Montana to Phoenix Arizona to participate in rodeo, Fact2: Virgil has encouraged 21-year-old virgin to take interest in girls, Fact3: Beau imagines himself in love with cafe 's singer talentless but ambitious performer from Ozarks with aspirations of becoming Hollywood star, Fact4: Cherie resists plans to take her back to Montana, Fact5: bus stopped on way to Phoenix same place [EX A]:
A naive, rambunctious, overly enthusiastic and socially inept cowboy, Beauregard Decker, and his friend and fatherfigure Virgil Blessing take the bus from Timber Hill, Montana to Phoenix, Arizona, to participate in a rodeo. Virgil has encouraged the 21yearold virgin, Beau, to take an interest in girls. Initially reluctant and frightened of the idea, Beau declares that he hopes to find an angel and will know her when he sees her. Making trouble everywhere they go, he continues his unsophisticated behavior in Graces Diner. In Phoenix, at the Blue Dragon Cafe, he imagines himself in love with the cafes singer, Cherie, a talentless but ambitious performer from the Ozarks with aspirations of becoming a Hollywood star. Her rendition of That Old Black Magic entrances him and he forces her outside, despite the establishments rules against it, kisses her and thinks that means theyre engaged. Cherie is physically attracted to him but resists his plans to take her back to Montana. She has no intention of marrying him and tells him so, but hes too stubborn to listen. The next day, Beau gets a marriage license, and then takes an exhausted Cherie to the rodeo parade and the rodeo, where he rides the bucking bronco and then competes in the calf roping and the bull riding. Beau intends to marry Cherie at the rodeo, but she runs away. He tracks her down at the Cafe, where she jumps out a rear window and flees. Beau catches her, and forces her on the bus back to Montana. On the way, they stop at Graces Diner, the same place the bus stopped on the way to Phoenix. Cherie tries to make another getaway while Beau is asleep on the bus, but the road ahead is blocked by snow and the bus wont be leaving at all. Theyre all stranded there. The bus driver, the waitress and the cafe owner by now all have learned that Beau is kidnapping and bullying the girl. Virgil and the bus driver fight him until he promises to apologize to Cherie and leave her alone. He, however, is unable to do so because hes humiliated about having been beaten. The next morning, the storm has cleared and everybody is free to go. Beau finally apologizes to Cherie for his abusive behavior and begs her forgiveness. He wishes her well and prepares to depart without her. Cherie approaches him and confesses that shes had many boyfriends and is not the kind of woman he thinks she is. Beau confesses his lack of experience to her. Beau asks to kiss her goodbye and they share their first real kiss. All Cherie wanted from a man was respect, which shed previously told the waitress when they sat together on the bus. This new Beau attracts Cherie. He accepts her past and this gesture touches her heart. She tells him shell go anywhere with him. Virgil decides to stay behind. When Beau tries to coerce him to go with them, Cherie reminds him that he cant force Virgil to do what he wants. Having finally apparently learned his lesson, Beau offers Cherie his jacket and gallantly helps her onto the bus.
You are given a paragraph (Passage), a question (Question) and two answer options (Option1 and Option2). Your task is to find the correct answer (and return the string of the correct option, not option1/2) for the given question from the given options and based on the given passage. Answer of the question can be found directly from the passage. Passage: Yesterday I prepared my dinner . It was macaroni and cheese . I like to eat mac and cheese . I like watching the water to see when it will boil . When it started to boil I poured in the noodles and turned down the heat a little . While the noodles where cooking I made sure I had all my other ingredients lined up and a colander to drain the noodles into the sink . I then mixed in the milk , butter and cheese and mixed them together real good . I put everything I did not need to soak in the sink . I liked eating the hot mac and cheese . I might make it again tomorrow or everyday to eat . Question: When the noodles were drained, what was put in the pan? Option1: Water Option2: Milk, butter, and cheese Milk, butter, and cheese Passage: Yesterday night my husband cooked us dinner , so I offered to wash the dishes afterwards . First , I gathered all of our plates , utensils , and glasses from the table and walked them over to the sink . I stacked all the dirty dishes up on the counter next to our double sink . Then , I plugged the left side of the sink and turned on the hot water , filling the left side to about half way full as I squeezed in a couple tablespoons worth of dish washing detergent . Using the rough side of the sponge , I selected a plate first , scrubbed it with the sponge , and then rinsed the plate under the tap over the right side of the sink . Once all of the suds were gone , I put the plate in the dish drying rack to dry . I followed these steps with the rest of the dishes moving in order from the plates , to the glasses , and finally the silverware . I let the dishes air dry in the drying rack over night before putting them away in the kitchen cupboards the next morning . Question: What did they place into the hot water? Option1: sponge Option2: A couple tablespoons worth of dish washing detergent A couple tablespoons worth of dish washing detergent Passage: My family told me that they wanted to go on a special holiday trip this winter . I asked my children where they wanted to go . They told me that they wanted to go on a ski trip at Lake Tahoe . After deciding what we wanted to do and at what location , I had to call the ski resort and make reservations for four people . The operator asked me when we would be coming and if we wanted a special holiday package . The package includes a 2 bedroom cabin , daily breakfast , lunch , and dinner . I told the operator that we would be coming in one month from today and that I wanted to buy the holiday package . She took down my name , address , and payment information . I then thanked her for her time and said goodbye . We all sat around our table and talked about how excited we are about our upcoming vacation . Question: What did they make reservationsw for? Option1: a spa vacation Option2: a special holiday trip this winter
a special holiday trip this winter
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to write a single word that describes the genre that the two sentences belong to, such as face-to-face, government, letters, 9/11, slate, telephone, travel, verbatim, oup, fiction. Sentence 1: that's right yeah but my preference is the one we saw before that was Silence of the Lambs Sentence 2: I hated silence of the lambs. telephone Sentence 1: Village households still wash their laundry in these waters. Sentence 2: The village people haven't used these waters to do laundry in a long time. travel Sentence 1: Some 30 km (18. 5 miles) outside Kyoto, set deep in a forested nature preserve, is the Miho Museum, designed by internationally acclaimed architect I.M. Pei. Sentence 2: The Miho museum is in a crowded city.
In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Q: Neural program embeddings have shown much promise recently for a variety of program analysis tasks, including program synthesis, program repair, code completion, and fault localization. However, most existing program embeddings are based on syntactic features of programs, such as token sequences or abstract syntax trees. Unlike images and text, a program has well-defined semantics that can be difficult to capture by only considering its syntax (i.e. syntactically similar programs can exhibit vastly different run-time behavior), which makes syntax-based program embeddings fundamentally limited. We propose a novel semantic program embedding that is learned from program execution traces. Our key insight is that program states expressed as sequential tuples of live variable values not only capture program semantics more precisely, but also offer a more natural fit for Recurrent Neural Networks to model. We evaluate different syntactic and semantic program embeddings on the task of classifying the types of errors that students make in their submissions to an introductory programming class and on the CodeHunt education platform. Our evaluation results show that the semantic program embeddings significantly outperform the syntactic program embeddings based on token sequences and abstract syntax trees. In addition, we augment a search-based program repair system with predictions made from our semantic embedding and demonstrate significantly improved search efficiency. A: A new way of learning semantic program embedding **** Q: Many large text collections exhibit graph structures, either inherent to the content itself or encoded in the metadata of the individual documents. Example graphs extracted from document collections are co-author networks, citation networks, or named-entity-cooccurrence networks. Furthermore, social networks can be extracted from email corpora, tweets, or social media. When it comes to visualising these large corpora, either the textual content or the network graph are used. In this paper, we propose to incorporate both, text and graph, to not only visualise the semantic information encoded in the documents' content but also the relationships expressed by the inherent network structure. To this end, we introduce a novel algorithm based on multi-objective optimisation to jointly position embedded documents and graph nodes in a two-dimensional landscape. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach with real-world datasets and show that we can capture the semantics of large document collections better than other visualisations based on either the content or the network information. A: Dimensionality reduction algorithm to visualise text with network information, for example an email corpus or co-authorships. **** Q: Existing methods for AI-generated artworks still struggle with generating high-quality stylized content, where high-level semantics are preserved, or separating fine-grained styles from various artists. We propose a novel Generative Adversarial Disentanglement Network which can disentangle two complementary factors of variations when only one of them is labelled in general, and fully decompose complex anime illustrations into style and content in particular. Training such model is challenging, since given a style, various content data may exist but not the other way round. Our approach is divided into two stages, one that encodes an input image into a style independent content, and one based on a dual-conditional generator. We demonstrate the ability to generate high-fidelity anime portraits with a fixed content and a large variety of styles from over a thousand artists, and vice versa, using a single end-to-end network and with applications in style transfer. We show this unique capability as well as superior output to the current state-of-the-art. A:
An adversarial training-based method for disentangling two complementary sets of variations in a dataset where only one of them is labelled, tested on style vs. content in anime illustrations. ****
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. Part 2. Example Text: title speaks for itself really... i just wasted $1500 of my parents' money. i feel terrible. edit: i guess it wasn't that i took the wrong class, but the class i was taking wouldn't transfer credits over to my university. so really it was my negligence to do more research in the matter. gg Answer: TIFU by taking the wrong class for 2 weeks and only realizing it today Explanation: This title is appropriate for the given text post because the focus of this post is about a humorous situation caused by "taking the wrong class". Part 3. Exercise Text: yes, it's one of those stories. i got up to the usual new year's eve business with friends. i got home around 4 am and slept until about 9. despite all the drinking and little sleep i felt really refreshed and wasn't hungover. pretty energetic in fact. i decided it would be nice to take a walk. i popped out of bed and checked the weather - it was snowing pretty heavily. my phone also said it would snow all day, but i figured i could handle it. i put on long underwear, thick socks, jeans, heavy boots, and two sweatshirts before my long coat. i put my ipod onto shuffle and hit the streets. it was damn cold but i liked it. i struck off in no particular direction and just listening to music. after around a mile and a half i decided to head home and have some breakfast/lunch. about a minute after turning around i felt a fart coming on. i imagined it making a little steam cloud because of the cold and laughed, which triggered its release. uh oh, that bitch was wet. i figure "gross" but since there's no follow up i don't worry. a few minutes later pressure's building. i start hustling a little. i get a couple blocks and suddenly feel like there's a sledgehammer trying to escape me. it was so fast that i seriously looked around for a spot i could take an emergency shit without being seen. i decided to walk in an alley in case. i got most of the way home when another rumble alerted me that i was coming to a final stretch. there's a gas station near my place, mostly on the way, but i didn't know if it had a bathroom. at that point i was actually weighing the risk of taking a 15 second detour to find out - what if i checked and they didn't have a bathroom? could i afford that? i decided i couldn't, and just went straight home. two blocks away, i felt i couldn't handle it anymore, ducked into another alley, and prayed this feeling was just a fart. i released ever so slightly. a fart! good god i was so pleased, but i knew i'd only bought myself a few minutes. i went right back to my trek and made it to my street. i was doing a weird penguin speed walk. i passed a neighbor who was walking his dog and exchanged the least comfortable "happy new years" of my life. just after passing him, i started running - i was only 8 houses from my places. i got to my door, keys already in hand. my arms and hands were shaking as i unlocked the door, as if a serial killer was about to get me. i decided i didn't have time to retrieve the keys and just ran inside. i accidentally stepped on my cat's tail as i sprinted to the bathroom while taking off my big coat. :/ i ran in and nononono! it happened while i was standing on the bathroom rug two feet from my toilet. fully dressed, i was shitting in my pants in the bathroom. i just stepped into the tub and began undressing. it took about five minutes for me to be confident that the first wave was done before i thought i could rinse and walk to the toilet for more. Answer:
TIFU by taking a walk on New Year's Day
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a story (which contains five sentences only). Your task is to find all the characters which are available in the given story. Q: Sentence1: Bob bought a bag of potato chips from the store. Sentence2: It was a huge bag meant for a family. Sentence3: But Bob ripped open the bag and dove in. Sentence4: He didn't live that far from the store. Sentence5: Even still, he was finished by time he got home! A:
Bob, The store
Teacher:In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Fact1: Marie St. Clair and beau aspiring artist Jean Millet plan to leave small French village for Paris, Fact2: Marie leaves house for rendezvous with Jean, Fact3: Marie 's stepfather locks her out of house, Fact4: Jean invites Marie to parents home, Fact5: friend calls Marie to raucous party in Latin Quarter Student:
Marie St. Clair and her beau, aspiring artist Jean Millet, plan to leave their small French village for Paris, where they will marry. On the night before their scheduled departure, Marie leaves her house for a rendezvous with Jean. Maries stepfather locks her out of the house, telling her to find shelter elsewhere. Jean invites Marie to his parents home, but his father also refuses to let her stay. Jean escorts Marie to the train station, and promises to return after going home to pack. When he arrives at home, he discovers his father has died. When Jean telephones Marie at the station to tell her they must postpone their trip, she gets on the train without him. One year later in Paris, Marie enjoys a life of luxury as the mistress of wealthy businessman Pierre Revel. A friend calls and invites Marie to a raucous party in the Latin Quarter. She gives Marie the address but cant remember whether the apartment is in the building on the right or the left. Marie enters the wrong building and is surprised to be greeted by Jean Millet, who shares a modest apartment with his mother. Marie tells Jean she would like for him to paint her portrait and gives him a card with her address. Jean calls on Marie at her apartment to begin the painting. Marie notices he is wearing a black armband and asks why he is in mourning. Jean tells Marie his father died the night she left without him. Marie and Jean revive their romance, and Marie distances herself from Pierre Revel. Jean finishes Maries portrait, but instead of painting her wearing the elegant outfit she chose for the sitting, he paints her in the simple dress she wore on the night she left for Paris. Jean proposes to Marie. Jeans mother fights with him over the proposal. Marie arrives unexpectedly outside Jeans apartment just in time to overhear Jean pacify his mother, telling her that he proposed in a moment of weakness. Jean fails to convince Marie he didnt mean what she overheard, and she returns to Pierre Revel. The following night, Jean slips a gun into his coat pocket and goes to the exclusive restaurant where Marie and Pierre are dining. Jean and Pierre get into a scuffle, and Jean is ejected from the dining room. Jean fatally shoots himself in the foyer of the restaurant. The police carry Jeans body to his apartment. Jeans mother retrieves the gun and goes to Maries apartment, but Marie has gone to Jeans studio. Jeans mother returns and finds Marie sobbing by Jeans body. The two women reconcile and return to the French countryside, where they open a home for orphans in a country cottage. One morning, Marie and one of the girls in her care walk down the lane to get a pail of milk. Marie and the girl meet a group of sharecroppers who offer them a ride back in their horsedrawn wagon. At the same time, Pierre Revel and another gentleman are riding through the French countryside in a chauffeurdriven automobile. Pierres companion asks him, What ever happened to that Marie St. Clair? Pierre replies that he doesnt know. The automobile and the horsedrawn wagon pass each other, heading in opposite directions.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a Reddit post as a text. Your task is to generate a title for this text. The title should start with "TIFU by", followed by a situation that caused humor. The title should contain 7-12 words, ideally. Text: title speaks for itself really... i just wasted $1500 of my parents' money. i feel terrible. edit: i guess it wasn't that i took the wrong class, but the class i was taking wouldn't transfer credits over to my university. so really it was my negligence to do more research in the matter. gg Solution: TIFU by taking the wrong class for 2 weeks and only realizing it today Why? This title is appropriate for the given text post because the focus of this post is about a humorous situation caused by "taking the wrong class". New input: Text: so i got in an argument with a friend about him being a dick, and as usual it was me against everyone. he was the victim and in the end i ended up looking like a fool. he stopped talking to me, and to make it up to him i try'ed to make him laugh. did a bunch of random things that could've gotten me in trouble, and then over there i see the sixth graders playing football, so i decide like a fucking idiot to run full speed into the poor 4 foot 8 kid. and i'm fast. boom, he's on the ground, crying. my friend hates me now and the kids entire grade does too. Solution:
TIFU by running full speed into a kid half my size
Teacher:Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: It's my third read of this book. First two I read about ten years ago, when my English hasn't been that matured, so after reading the book in original, I immediately found a copy in my native language. Now I decided to read the whole saga and of course started from the very beginning.Just as addictive as before. And with fair certainty I can say that this is the saga that has inspired George Lucas or whoever he took his ideas from. And yet it all started with "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"... Student:
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. This Frankenstein series started off with 3 1/2 stars and deteriorated downward with every new volume. Not up to Mr. Koontz's standard of edge of your seat, nail biting suspense I've come to love.
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. Q: evidence and reverse only if the evidence compels a contrary conclusion." Singh v. Gonzales, 439 F.3d 1100, 1105 (9th Cir.2006). Under this pre-REAL ID Act standard of review, the Immigration Judge ("IJ") or BIA "must identify specific, cogent reasons for an adverse credibility finding" and the reasons must "strike at the heart of the claim." Id. (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Substantial evidence supports the adverse credibility determination in Yao's case. There were significant discrepancies in the evidence regarding the length of Yao's detention, where he was detained at night, and the chain of events that occurred when he arrived at the police station. These discrepancies go to the heart of Yao's claim. See Chebchoub v. INS, 257 F.3d 1038, 1043 (9th Cir.2001) (<HOLDING>). Yao's declaration states that he was detained Holding statements: (A) holding that appellants complaint on appeal that the environment was coercive did not change the fact that he was not in custody when he voluntarily went to the police station was told several times he could leave and did leave after the interrogation (B) holding that discrepancies regarding the events leading up to petitioners departure and the number of times he was arrested went to the heart of his claim (C) holding that a driver was an independent contractor where he had unfettered discretion to determine the days and times he worked with no minimum or maximum number of hours or days imposed by the defendant (D) holding that when defendant was guilty of burglary but the only evidence that he was armed was from his own statement existence of the firearm went only to the degree of the offense and was not as an element of proof (E) holding that earlier events set the stage for what followed and that factual disputes regarding those events were material A:
In this task, you are given a review of movie. Your task is to classify given movie review into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. -------- Question: Having been pleasantly surprised by Sandra Bullock's performance in Miss Congeniality, I decided to give Murder By Numbers a shot. While decent in plucky, self-effacing roles, Ms. Bullock's performance in "serious" roles (see Hope Floats, Speed 2, 28 Days) leave much to be desired. Her character is at the same time omniscient, confused, and sexually maladjusted (the sub-plot of Sandra's past comes across as needless filler that does little to develop her already shallow character). The two teenage boys gave decent performances, although their forensics expertise and catch-me-if-can attitude is belied by stupid errors that scream "We did it!" Chris Penn as the all-too-obvious suspect is wasted here, as is Ben Chaplin's token partner/love interest character.***Spoilers Ahead*** Mediocre acting aside, the biggest flaws can be traced to a TV-of-the-week plot that never has you totally buying into the murder motives in the first place, and as mentioned, the stupid errors (vomiting up a rare food on the murder scene, an all too convenient and framing of the school janitor, the two boys hanging out together in public, a convenient love interest to cause friction, etc. etc) cause the view to go from being intrigues to being bored and disappointed by the murderers. The ending was strictly "By the Numbers" and was probably the most disappointing aspect of the movie. Using the now-cliched tactic of almost showing the climactic scene at the beginning of the film, and then filling the audience in how we arrived at that moment, the final scenes surprise no one and lacked any of the so-called intelligence the film purported to arrive at it's conclusion. A somewhat promising concept, but poorly executed and weak in nearly every way. * out of ****. Answer: negative Question: Genghis Cohn is a (very) mildly entertaining British movie about a German police commissioner in the late 1950's who is haunted by the ghost of a Jewish comedian that he killed 15 years earlier while serving under Hitler in the SS. The ghost comes back and wants his killer to live as a Jew to atone for the murders he committed.Otto, the German policeman actually knows this ghost's name because, the last thing he did before he died was said, in Yiddish, 'Kiss my ass'. The policeman didn't speak Yiddish, so he asked around until he found the meaning. The 'kiss my ass' left such an impression that everybody involved with that killing learned and remembered the comedian's name, Genghis Cohn.There are a bunch of men who are murdered in the jurisdiction of the police commissioner, and there are no helpful clues. The men are murdered with a set of knives that are missing from the local butcher. The butcher announces that his knives are missing while the commissioner is in the store to get a liver and onion sandwich, so the commissioner is a suspect. The first man is killed while making love to the butcher's wife, so the butcher is a suspect. But the butcher maintains that he would be very busy if he killed every man that slept with his wife. All the men are killed immediately after the climax of lovemaking.I think I might be a bit angrier than the ghost of Genghis Cohn if I was killed like he was. He seems to be very good-natured about it, as if he was just in a mild car accident. I can only guess that it is because it is a British movie and they are known for being a very polite people. He uses some of his material from his stand-up routing, and I just didn't find it very funny.I gave this movie a 4 because it was just kind of goofy. I thought it should have been a little more serious than it was. The movie turns out to be a murder mystery (where did this come from?), and it seemed that Genghis should have been more helpful than he was. The movie gave me a tiny look into Jewish culture, but was only skin-deep. Do all Jews love liver and onion sandwiches? Do they all say 'shtoop' and 'meshuganah' in their daily vocabulary? Isn't there more important stuff that we should know about the culture?I saw this movie at a Jewish community center in Berkeley, CA, and I was the only person in the room whose hair was not fully gray or white. (I have no gray or white hair.) There were 18 of us, and after the movie they stayed for about 20 minutes to discuss the movie. There were 2 main concerns expressed there: 1. The movie was way too light-hearted and future generations might not understand the gravity of what happened and 2. As the Holocaust survivors are dying off, future generations will not know what really happened. I thought that this second concern was ridiculous and I told them I thought they didn't need to worry because there is tons of literature out there and there will always be people who like to watch movies, like myself. The murder of 6,000,000 people by a very bad man will not ever be forgotten. I write this last paragraph because they charged me with telling others about my experience that day. Answer: negative Question: Offering a killer combo of terrible writing, terrible acting and terrible direction, it's a tossup whether Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects is offensively bad or just hilariously bad. It's almost as if someone ran a competition to make the sleaziest, seediest Cannon film. As if a glance at a cast list including characters like 'Lesbian Pedophile,' 'Perverted Gentleman,' 'Porno Actress' weren't enough, it's your only chance to see Charles Bronson's cop throw a lowlife on a bed and grab a dildo - but don't worry, it's okay, as the offscreen screams make clear he's only torturing him for information. After all, even if he is a bit overprotective of his nice Catholic daughter, he's a nice Catholic cop who regularly brings local Catholic priest William O'Connell a packed lunch and who believes in poetic justice - or at least ensuring that the bad guys end up in the slammer with the horniest inmates maximum security can provide to give them a taste of their own medicine. But then that's what you get for telling him "Look, I think you're a little bit unstable." Still, when later offered a bribe, he may snarl "I'd like to shove this up your ass, but I don't want to get my hands dirty," he's clearly learned where to draw the line: instead, he just makes him eat a $25,000 watch and sets fire to his Cadillac. The anal obsession even follows through to the film's title: despite the poster featuring a naked Japanese girl on a porn film set, the film's only direct example of Kinjite/forbidden subjects, as Alex Hyde White's English teacher explains to a group of Japanese businessmen, is, er talking about your bowel movements in polite society.Bronson isn't just too old for this, as the opening fight makes only too clear, he's too old for love interest Peggy Lipton, and she looks old enough to have grown-up kids. A better actor than he ever got the credit for when given the right material, here's he's given less a properly thought out character than a series of outrageous reactionary quirks. When he's not widening the circles of suspects he's accidentally dropping them to their death off the sides of buildings. He's definitely not a P.C. copper, with a special loathing for the Japanese - as if it wasn't bad enough that they're buying up American businesses, what's worse, they double-park on a public thoroughfare! No racial minority goes unassaulted, be they black pimp or Pakistani hotel clerk, no cop cliche unrecycled, be it a boss who bangs his fist on the table or a dead meat partner (Perry Lopez and his spectacularly bad hair dye that's so prominent it deserves screen billing all its own). The twin plot strands - Bronson's L.A. cop trying to take down Juan Hernandez's pimp who deals in underage girls and James Pax's porn-obsessed Japanese businessman take forever to intertwine, and then in the most unlikely of ways: after copping a feel of Bronson's daughter on a bus ("Some Oriental guy touched my holy of holies!"), in the film's idea of poetic justice Pax finds his own daughter kidnapped by Hernandez. You half expect the writer to pop his head round the corner of the screen and say, "How d'ya like them apples?"Somewhere underneath all the laziness is the germ of a good idea even if it is too muddily developed to ever be clear quite what that idea really is, but the execution is pure Rising Sun: the Archie Bunker Version, shot like out-takes from an R-rated 80s music video with an outrageous and rather lazy dockside shoot-'em-up-and-blow'em-up finale that sees a small army of machine-gunning sidekicks suddenly appear to up the gratuitous body count. The last of Bronson's mostly bad to in different collaborations with J. Lee Thompson and sadly Thompson's last film as director - it's a poor signoff for two undervalued players who increasingly never seemed to be that discerning about what pictures they said yes to. Answer:
In this task, you are given text for US Congressional and California state bills, your task is to generate a summary for this bill. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ''Accurate Education for Prenatal Screenings Act''. SEC. 2. CELL-FREE DNA PRENATAL SCREENING EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Part B of title III of the Public Health Service Act is amended by inserting, after section 317T (42 U.S.C. 247b-22), the following: ''SEC. 317U. CELL-FREE DNA PRENATAL SCREENING EDUCATION PROGRAMS. ''(a) Education Programs.--With respect to cell-free DNA prenatal screening, the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall develop, implement, and maintain two programs, one for patients and one for health care providers, to educate patients and health care providers regarding matters including-- ''(1) the purposes and definitions of such screenings; ''(2) the reasons for patients and health care providers to consider such screenings; ''(3) the conditions such screenings may detect, including accurate and up-to-date information about such conditions' clinical features, prognoses, and treatments according to relevant national disability organizations and medical professional societies; ''(4) the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to, the various methods of administering such screenings and prenatal diagnostic testings, including the option to forego such screenings and testings, as per guidelines established by medical professional societies; ''(5) the possible results of such screenings; ''(6) the accuracy of the results of such screenings, including positive predictive value, negative predictive value, specificity, sensitivity, the inability of such screenings to reliably diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, and the fact that such screenings may yield false-positive and false-negative results; ''(7) the need for diagnostic testing, and counseling by a genetics professional, for patients whose screenings yield positive, abnormal, or indeterminate results; and ''(8) the need for communication of screening results to patients and appropriate follow up per guidelines established by medical professional societies. ''(b) Materials.--Each program developed under this section shall include the provision of materials that-- ''(1) contain information that is peer-reviewed, balanced, accurate, and up-to-date; ''(2) enable the respective target audience to understand the available options with regards to cell-free DNA prenatal screenings, other prenatal screenings, and diagnostic tests; ''(3) promote the informed consent, and enhance the decision-making processes of, the respective target audience before and after such screenings; ''(4) contain information that appropriately addresses the diversity of the patient population, including patients proficient in languages other than English; and ''(5) contain contact information for relevant services and support organizations for patients. ''(c) Assessment.--In developing, implementing, and maintaining programs and materials under this section, the Secretary, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shall-- ''(1) consult with relevant medical professional, disability support, patient advocacy, parents, and genetics professionals organizations; ''(2) consult with companies and laboratories that perform cell-free DNA prenatal screenings or develop the technologies for such screenings; ''(3) assess and evaluate existing education activities and materials for health care providers and patients related to such screenings; and ''(4) take the results of such consultations, assessment, and evaluation into account in developing educational programs and materials under this section. ''(d) Annual Report.--Not later than 16 months after the date of enactment of this section and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit a progress report to the Congress with respect to-- ''(1) the development and implementation of the education programs established under this section; ''(2) the accessibility of each program to its respective target audience; ''(3) the adoption of each program by its respective target audience; and ''(4) the Secretary's efforts to ensure health care providers and patients receive the materials created pursuant to this section. ''(e) Deadline.--The Secretary shall develop and implement the education programs required by section 317U of the Public Health Service Act (as added by subsection (a)) not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act''. Accurate Education for Prenatal Screenings Act Amends the Public Health Service Act to direct the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop, implement, and maintain two programs, one to educate patients and one to educate health care providers regarding: the purposes and definitions of cell-free DNA prenatal screenings; the reasons for patients and providers to consider such screenings; the conditions such screenings may detect; the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to, the various methods of administering such screenings and prenatal diagnostic testing; the possible results of such screenings and the accuracy of such results; the need for diagnostic testing, and counseling by a genetics professional, for patients whose screenings yield positive, abnormal, or indeterminate results; and the need for communication of results to patients and appropriate follow-up per guidelines established by medical professional societies. Requires each program to provide materials that: contain information that is peer-reviewed, balanced, accurate, and up-to-date; enable the respective target audience to understand the available options with regard to such screenings, other prenatal screenings, and diagnostic tests; promote the informed consent of, and enhance the decision-making processes of, the respective target audience before and after such screenings; contain information that appropriately addresses the diversity of the patient population; and contain contact information for relevant services and support organizations for patients. Requires CDC to submit annual reports regarding: the development and implementation of such programs; the accessibility of each program to, and the adoption of each program by, its respective target audience; and CDC's efforts to ensure that providers and patients receive the materials created pursuant to this Act. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ''IP-Enabled Voice Communications and Public Safety Act of 2005''. SEC. 2. EMERGENCY SERVICE. (a) 911 and E-911 Services.--Notwithstanding section 2(b) or any other provision of the Communications Act of 1934, the Commission shall prescribe regulations to establish a set of requirements or obligations on providers of IP-enabled voice service to ensure that 911 and E-911 services are available to customers to IP-enabled voice service. Such regulations shall include an appropriate transition period by which to comply with such requirements or obligations and take into consideration available industry technological and operational standards, including network security. (b) Non-Discriminatory Access to Capabilities.--Each entity with ownership or control of the necessary emergency services infrastructure shall provide any requesting IP-enabled voice service provider with nondiscriminatory access to their equipment, network, databases, interfaces and any other related capabilities necessary for the delivery and completion of 911 and E911 calls and information related to such 911 or E911 calls. Such access shall be consistent with industry standards established by the National Emergency Number Association or other applicable industry standards organizations. Such entity shall provide access to the infrastructure at just and reasonable, nondiscriminatory rates, terms and conditions. The telecommunications carrier or other entity shall provide such access to the infrastructure on a stand-alone basis. (c) State Authority.--Nothing in this Act, the Communications Act of 1934, or any Commission regulation or order shall prevent the imposition on or collection from a provider of voice services, including IP-enabled voice services, of any fee or charge specifically designated or presented as dedicated by a State, political subdivision thereof, or Indian tribe on an equitable, and non-discriminatory basis for the support of 911 and E-911 services if no portion of the revenue derived from such fee or charge is obligated or expended for any purpose other than support of 911 and E-911 services or enhancements of such services. (d) Standard.--The Commission may establish regulations imposing requirements or obligations on providers of voice services, entities with ownership or control of emergency services infrastructure under subsections (a) and (b) only to the extent that the Commission determines such regulations are technologically and operationally feasible. (e) Customer Notice.--Prior to the compliance with the rules as required by subsection (a), a provider of an IP-enabled voice service that is not capable of providing 911 and E-911 services shall provide a clear and conspicuous notice of the unavailability of such services to each customer at the time of entering into a contract for such service with that customer. (f) Voice Service Provider Responsibility.--An IP-enabled voice service provider shall have the sole responsibility for the proper design, operation, and function of the 911 and E911 access capabilities offered to the provider's customers. (g) Parity of Protection for Provision or Use of IP-Enabled Voice Service.-- (1) Provider parity.--If a provider of an IP-enabled voice service offers 911 or E-911 services in compliance with the rules required by subsection (a), that provider, its officers, directors, employees, vendors, and agents, shall have immunity or other protection from liability of a scope and extent that is not less than the scope and extent of immunity or other protection from liability that any local exchange company, and its officers directors, employees, vendors, or agents, have under the applicable Federal and State law (whether through statute, judicial decision, tariffs filed by such local exchange company, or otherwise), including in connection with an act or omission involving the release of subscriber information related to the emergency calls or emergency services to a public safety answering point, emergency medical service provider, or emergency dispatch provider, public safety, fire service, or law enforcement official, or hospital emergency or trauma care facility. (2) User parity.--A person using an IP-enabled voice service that offers 911 or E-911 services pursuant to this subsection shall have immunity or other protection from liability of a scope and extent that is not less than the scope and extent of immunity or other protection from liability under applicable law in similar circumstances of a person using 911 or E-911 service that is not provided through an IP-enabled voice service. (3) PSAP parity.--In matters related to IP-enabled 911 and E-911 communications, a PSAP, and its employees, vendors, agents, and authorizing government entity (if any) shall have immunity or other protection from liability of a scope and extent that is not less than the scope and extent of immunity or other protection from liability under applicable law accorded to such PSAP, employees, vendors, agents, and authorizing government entity, respective, in matters related to 911 or E-911 communications that are not provided via an IP- enabled voice service. (h) Delegation Permitted.--The Commission may, in the regulations prescribed under this section, provide for the delegation to State commissions of authority to implement and enforce the requirements of this section and the regulations thereunder. SEC. 3. MIGRATION TO IP-ENABLED EMERGENCY NETWORK. Section 158 of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act (as added by section 104 of the ENHANCE 911 Act of 2004) is amended-- (1) by redesignating subsections (d) and (e) as subsections (e) and (f), respectively; and (2) by inserting after subsection (c) the following: ''(d) Migration Plan Required.-- ''(1) National plan required.--No more than 18 months after the date of the enactment of the ENHANCE 911 Act of 2004, the Office shall develop and report to Congress on a national plan for migrating to a national IP-enabled emergency network capable of receiving and responding to all citizen activated emergency communications. ''(2) Contents of plan.--The plan required by paragraph (1) shall-- ''(A) outline the potential benefits of such a migration; ''(B) identify barriers that must be overcome and funding mechanisms to address those barriers; ''(C) include a proposed timetable, an outline of costs and potential savings; ''(D) provide specific legislative language, if necessary, for achieving the plan; and ''(E) provide recommendations on any legislative changes, including updating definitions, to facilitate a national IP-enabled emergency network. ''(3) Consultation.--In developing the plan required by paragraph (1), the Office shall consult with representatives of the public safety community, technology and telecommunications providers, and others it deems appropriate.''. SEC. 4. DEFINITIONS. (a) In General.--For purposes of this Act: (1) 911 and e-911 services.-- (A) 911.--The term ''911'' means a service that allows a user, by dialing the three-digit code 911, to call a public safety answering point operated by a State, local government, Indian tribe, or authorized entity. (B) E-911.--The term ''E-911 service'' means a 911 service that automatically delivers the 911 call to the appropriate public safety answering point, and provides automatic identification data, including the originating number of an emergency call, the physical location of the caller, and the capability for the public safety answering point to call the user back if the call is disconnected. (2) IP-enabled voice service.--The term ''IP-enabled voice service'' means an IP-enabled service used for real-time 2-way or multidirectional voice communications offered to a customer that-- (A) uses North American Numbering Plan administered telephone numbers, or successor protocol; and (B) has two-way interconnection or otherwise exchange traffic with the public switched telephone network. (3) Customer.--The term ''customer'' includes a consumer of goods or services whether for a fee, in exchange for an explicit benefit, or provided for free. (4) IP-enabled service.--The term ''IP-enabled service'' means the use of software, hardware, or network equipment that enable an end user to send or receive a communication over the public Internet or a private network utilizing Internet protocol, or any successor protocol, in whole or part, to connect users-- (A) regardless of whether the communication is voice, data, video, or other form; and (B) notwithstanding -- (i) the underlying transmission technology used to transmit the communications; (ii) whether the packetizing and depacketizing of the communications occurs at the customer premise or network level; or (iii) the software, hardware, or network equipment used to connect users. (5) Public switched telephone network.--The term ''public switched telephone network'' means any switched common carrier service that is interconnected with the traditional local exchange or interexchange switched network. (6) PSAP.--The term ''public safety answering point'' or ''PSAP'' means a facility that has been designated to receive 911 calls. (b) Common Terminology.--Except as otherwise provided in subsection (a), terms used in this Act have the meanings provided under section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934. IP-Enabled Voice Communications and Public Safety Act of 2005 - Directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to prescribe regulations to establish a set of requirements or obligations on providers of IP-enabled voice service (Internet protocol-enabled service for real-time two-way or multidirectional voice communications) to ensure that 911 (emergency) services and E-911 services (services that automatically delivers a 911 call to the appropriate public safety answering point) are available to customers of IP-enabled voice service. Requires: (1) nondiscriminatory IP provider access to 911 and E-911 services; (2) IP providers to provide to customers a clear and conspicuous notice of the unavailability of 911 and E-911 services; and (3) IP provider and user immunity in the provision and use of 911 and E-911 services to the same extent as local exchange companies and other persons, respectively. Amends the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Organization Act to require the E-911 Implementation Coordination Office to develop and report to Congress on a national plan for migrating to a national IP-enabled emergency network capable of receiving and responding to all citizen activated emergency communications. SECTION 1. INCENTIVES FOR BIODIESEL. (a) Credit for Biodiesel Used as a Fuel.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to business related credits) is amended by inserting after section 40 the following new section: ''SEC. 40A. BIODIESEL USED AS FUEL. ''(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, the biodiesel fuels credit determined under this section for the taxable year is an amount equal to the biodiesel mixture credit. ''(b) Definition of Biodiesel Mixture Credit.--For purposes of this section-- ''(1) Biodiesel mixture credit.-- ''(A) In general.--The biodiesel mixture credit of any taxpayer for any taxable year is the sum of the products of the biodiesel mixture rate for each qualified biodiesel mixture and the number of gallons of such mixture of the taxpayer for the taxable year. ''(B) Biodiesel mixture rate.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the biodiesel mixture rate for each qualified biodiesel mixture shall be-- ''(i) in the case of a mixture with only biodiesel V, 1 cent for each whole percentage point (not exceeding 10 percentage points) of biodiesel V in such mixture, and ''(ii) in the case of a mixture with biodiesel NV, or a combination of biodiesel V and biodiesel NV, 0.5 cent for each whole percentage point (not exceeding 10 percentage points) of such biodiesel in such mixture. ''(2) Qualified biodiesel mixture.-- ''(A) In general.--The term 'qualified biodiesel mixture' means a mixture of diesel and biodiesel V or biodiesel NV which-- ''(i) is sold by the taxpayer producing such mixture to any person for use as a fuel, or ''(ii) is used as a fuel by the taxpayer producing such mixture. ''(B) Sale or use must be in trade or business, in off-highway use, etc.-- ''(i) In general.--Biodiesel V or biodiesel NV used in the production of a qualified biodiesel mixture shall be taken into account-- ''(I) only if the sale or use described in subparagraph (A) is in a trade or business of the taxpayer, ''(II) for the taxable year in which such sale or use occurs, and ''(III) only if the sale or use described in subparagraph (A) is ultimately for use in a vehicle which at the time of use will not be registered and is not required to be registered for highway use under the laws of any State or foreign country. ''(ii) Certification for biodiesel v.-- Biodiesel V used in the production of a qualified biodiesel mixture shall be taken into account only if the taxpayer described in subparagraph (A) obtains a certification from the producer of the biodiesel V which identifies the product produced. ''(C) Casual off-farm production not eligible.--No credit shall be allowed under this section with respect to any casual off-farm production of a qualified biodiesel mixture. ''(c) Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section-- ''(1) Biodiesel v defined.--The term 'biodiesel V' means the monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived solely from virgin vegetable oils for use in compressional-ignition (diesel) engines. Such term shall include esters derived from vegetable oils from corn, soybeans, sunflower seeds, cottonseeds, canola, crambe, rapeseeds, safflowers, flaxseeds, rice bran, and mustard seeds. ''(2) Biodiesel nv defined.--The term 'biodiesel nv' means the monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from nonvirgin vegetable oils or animal fats for use in compressional-ignition (diesel) engines. ''(3) Registration requirements.--The terms 'biodiesel V' and 'biodiesel NV' shall only include a biodiesel which meets-- ''(A) the registration requirements for fuels and fuel additives established by the Environmental Protection Agency under section 211 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7545), and ''(B) the requirements of the American Society of Testing and Materials D6751. ''(4) Biodiesel mixture not used as a fuel, etc.-- ''(A) Imposition of tax.--If-- ''(i) any credit was determined under this section with respect to biodiesel V or biodiesel NV used in the production of any qualified biodiesel mixture, and ''(ii) any person-- ''(I) separates such biodiesel from the mixture, or ''(II) without separation, uses the mixture other than as a fuel, then there is hereby imposed on such person a tax equal to the product of the biodiesel mixture rate applicable under subsection (b)(1)(B) and the number of gallons of the mixture. ''(B) Applicable laws.--All provisions of law, including penalties, shall, insofar as applicable and not inconsistent with this section, apply in respect of any tax imposed under subparagraph (A) as if such tax were imposed by section 4081 and not by this chapter. ''(5) Pass-thru in the case of estates and trusts.--Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, rules similar to the rules of subsection (d) of section 52 shall apply. ''(d) Election To Have Biodiesel Fuels Credit Not Apply.-- ''(1) In general.--A taxpayer may elect to have this section not apply for any taxable year. ''(2) Time for making election.--An election under paragraph (1) for any taxable year may be made (or revoked) at any time before the expiration of the 3-year period beginning on the last date prescribed by law for filing the return for such taxable year (determined without regard to extensions). ''(3) Manner of making election.--An election under paragraph (1) (or revocation thereof) shall be made in such manner as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe.''. (b) Credit Treated as Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) of such Code is amended by striking ''plus'' at the end of paragraph (14), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (15) and inserting '', plus'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ''(16) the biodiesel fuels credit determined under section 40A(a).''. (c) Conforming Amendments.-- (1) Section 39(d) of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ''(11) No carryback of biodiesel fuels credit before january 1, 2004.--No portion of the unused business credit for any taxable year which is attributable to the biodiesel fuels credit determined under section 40A may be carried back to a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2004.''. (2) Section 196(c) of such Code is amended by striking ''and'' at the end of paragraph (9), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (10), and by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ''(11) the biodiesel fuels credit determined under section 40A(a).''. (3) Section 6501(m) of such Code is amended by inserting ''40A(e),'' after ''40(f),''. (4) The table of sections for subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by adding after the item relating to section 40 the following new item: ''Sec. 40A. Biodiesel used as fuel.''. (d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003.
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow a business tax credit for the production and use of biodiesel fuel. Specifies the required mixture rate for biodiesel fuel eligible for the credit. Requires, for purposes of the credit: (1) certification from the producer identifying the product; (2) sale of the fuel for use in a trade or business; and (3) sale of the fuel for use in a vehicle that is not registered for highway use. Imposes a tax for biodiesel mixture which is not used as fuel, but for which a credit was taken.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. Q: Fact1: James Bucky Barnes is dispatched from Hydra base to intercept automobile carrying case of super-soldier super-soldier serum, Fact2: Rumlow blows himself up hoping to kill Rogers, Fact3: Tony Stark supports oversight because of role in Ultron 's creation and Sokovia 's devastation, Fact4: Rogers decides to try to bring in Barnes himself Informed by Sharon Carter of Barnes whereabouts and authorities intentions to kill him, Fact5: Rhodes is paralyzed after being shot down by Vision A:
In 1991, the brainwashed supersoldier James Bucky Barnes is dispatched from a Hydra base in Siberia to intercept an automobile carrying a case of supersoldier serum. In the present day, approximately one year after Ultrons defeat in the nation of Sokovia at the hands of the Avengers,N 1 Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, and Wanda Maximoff stop Brock Rumlow from stealing a biological weapon from a lab in Lagos. Rumlow blows himself up, hoping to kill Rogers. When Maximoff throws the explosion into the sky with telekinesis, it damages a nearby building, killing several Wakandan humanitarian workers. U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross informs the Avengers that the United Nations UN is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish a UN panel to oversee and control the team. The Avengers are divided: Tony Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultrons creation and Sokovias devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of a government. Helmut Zemo tracks down and kills Barnes old Hydra handler, stealing a book containing the trigger words that activate Barnes brainwashing. At a conference in Vienna where the Accords are to be ratified, a bomb kills King TChaka of Wakanda. Security footage indicates the bomber is Barnes, whom TChakas son, TChalla, vows to kill. Informed by Sharon Carter of Barnes whereabouts and the authorities intentions to kill him, Rogers decides to try to bring in Barneshis childhood friend and war comradehimself. Rogers and Wilson track Barnes to Bucharest and attempt to protect him from TChalla and the authorities, but all four, including TChalla, are apprehended. Impersonating a psychiatrist sent to interview Barnes, Zemo recites the words to make Barnes obey him. He questions Barnes, then sends him on a rampage to cover his own escape. Rogers stops Barnes and sneaks him away. When Barnes regains his senses, he explains that Zemo is the real Vienna bomber and wanted the location of the Siberian Hydra base, where other brainwashed Winter Soldiers are kept in cryogenic stasis. Unwilling to wait for authorization to apprehend Zemo, Rogers and Wilson go rogue, and recruit Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang to their cause. With Rosss permission, Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, TChalla, James Rhodes, Vision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades. Starks team intercepts Rogers group at LeipzigHalle Airport, where they fight until Romanoff allows Rogers and Barnes to escape. The rest of Rogers team is captured and detained at the Raft prison, while Rhodes is partially paralyzed after being inadvertently shot down by Vision, and Romanoff goes into exile. Stark discovers evidence that Barnes was framed by Zemo and convinces Wilson to give him Rogers destination. Without informing Ross, Stark goes to the Siberian Hydra facility and strikes a truce with Rogers and Barnes, unaware that they were secretly followed by TChalla. They find that the other supersoldiers have been killed by Zemo, who then shows them footage that reveals that the automobile Barnes had intercepted in 1991 contained Starks parents, whom Barnes subsequently killed. Enraged that Rogers kept this from him, Stark turns on them both, dismembering Barnes robotic arm. After an intense fight, Rogers finally manages to disable Starks armor and departs with Barnes, leaving his shield behind. Satisfied that he has avenged his familys deaths in Sokovia from the Avengers actions by successfully fracturing them, Zemo attempts suicide, but he is stopped by TChalla and taken to the authorities. In the aftermath, Stark provides Rhodes with exoskeletal leg braces that allow him to walk again, while Rogers breaks his allies out of the Raft. In a midcredits scene, Barnes, granted asylum in Wakanda, chooses to return to cryogenic sleep until a cure for his brainwashing is found. In a postcredits scene, Parker tests a new gadget built by Stark.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Q: Simulation is a useful tool in situations where training data for machine learning models is costly to annotate or even hard to acquire. In this work, we propose a reinforcement learning-based method for automatically adjusting the parameters of any (non-differentiable) simulator, thereby controlling the distribution of synthesized data in order to maximize the accuracy of a model trained on that data. In contrast to prior art that hand-crafts these simulation parameters or adjusts only parts of the available parameters, our approach fully controls the simulator with the actual underlying goal of maximizing accuracy, rather than mimicking the real data distribution or randomly generating a large volume of data. We find that our approach (i) quickly converges to the optimal simulation parameters in controlled experiments and (ii) can indeed discover good sets of parameters for an image rendering simulator in actual computer vision applications. A:
We propose an algorithm that automatically adjusts parameters of a simulation engine to generate training data for a neural network such that validation accuracy is maximized.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. Q: 1. Defendant argues that the district court erred in not granting him a mistrial after it allowed the government to question Jose Colon-Maldonado (Colon) about the charged conspiracy. The court gave a curative instruction after the evidence was wrongfully admitted, and the fact that the jury acquitted Defendant of Counts One and Two indicates that the jury followed the instruction. See United States v. Alvarez, 358 F.3d 1194, 1206 (9th Cir.2004). 2. After the rebuttal witnesses testified, the trial court gave a curative instruction directing the jury to disregard the testimony. There is no evidence in the record that the curative instruction failed to alleviate any prejudice to the Defendant. See United States v. Murillo, 288 F.3d 1126, 1140 (9th Cir.2002) (<HOLDING>). 3. The district court did not abuse its Holding statements: (A) holding that any prejudice resulting from a misstatement of the law by the prosecutor was cured by trial courts proper instruction on applicable law (B) holding that instruction to disregard cured error from prosecutors improper comment during voir dire (C) holding that prosecutorial blunder did not prejudice the defendant as the blunder was effectively cured by the instruction to the jury to disregard it (D) holding that the prejudicial effect of a direct reference to an accuseds failure to testify normally cannot be cured by an instruction to disregard (E) holding almost any improper argument may be cured by an instruction to disregard A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Personality: I'm trying to write an ebook on animals. I work as a mall cop. I'm a huge fan of dogs. I wish to buy a corvette when I retire. I'm recently divorced. Chat history: -Howdy what is a better name for crypto currency than bitcoin. -Well, once I have heard something with a name for so long, I can't see anything else. -Hmm true good point... whats new? -Well, I finalized my divorce yesterday. So I'm super excited. -Always a good feeling to be done and start fresh. -Very much, are you a dog person? Or cat person. -Neither I'm about to travel so pets are out for now. -If you could have any? -Horse please! But I am about to travel to Iceland and Faroe islands. -Oh that sounds like fun, I am a major dog person. -Do you have a dog currently? I use to have a black lab. -I have a little sh zu with a full snout. -Are those the wrinkly dogs? My lab would eat pizza a the table with me. -They're those super small long hair dogs, people groom them like crazy. -Oh I see. Good luck with that! I'm going dancing tonite at La Casa Mike.
Oh, I wish I could go dancing, I'm currently writing a ebook.
In this task, five ordered key facts are given. All the given facts are expressed in natural language. Your job is to generate a story 100 to 1000 words long, that includes all the facts given as input in their order of appearance while expanding upon them to produce a broader, yet coherent, narrative. Ex Input: Fact1: story revolves around Ram Sinha, Fact2: Ram Sinha meets girl named while on train journey, Fact3: mother has fixed marriage with same girl, Fact4: Ram is killed in jeep accident, Fact5: well tutored accomplice wore mask Ex Output: The story revolves around Ram Sinha, who meets a girl named Chitralekha while on a train journey. She disappears suddenly from a moving train and thereafter he meets her on various occasions, in circumstances that make him believe that she is a spirit or a ghost. He then discovers that his mother has fixed his marriage with the same girl, and though he goes through with the ceremony, he refuses to accept her as his wife. Chitralekhas ghostspirit leads him to various lifethreatening situations, from which he escapes. Eventually, Ram is killed in a jeep accident, after which it is revealed that his best friend Rajesh had conspired behind his back to cheat him of his wealth. The ghost was a well tutored accomplice who wore a mask that made her look like his betrothed and poisoned Rams mind against her. The final denouement comes when Ram reappears and reveals that he had faked his death with the help of the Police and his doctor, so as to bring the culprits to the book. Ex Input: Fact1: Sethu commit cliff suicide due to pressure put up by Ranjani 's parents against marriage, Fact2: Padmini provides him job of dance master, Fact3: girl attempts suicide for failure in examination, Fact4: Sethu 's failed love from him increases affection towards Sethu, Fact5: Both of Sethu struggle hard to win in love Ex Output: Lovers Sethu and Ranjani arrive at a cliff where they plan to commit suicide due to the pressure put up by Ranjanis parents against their marriage. Sethu, who is the son of an ordinary drunkard cook, is not accepted as groom for Ranjani by her parents. The parents threaten Ranjani that either they would kill Sethu or commit suicide. While jumping from the cliff, Sethu accidentally gets trapped in a tree and escapes but Ranjani dies. Despite the attempts made by Ranjanis father to jail Sethu by framing a fault case that Sethu killed Ranjani, no strong evidence is there to prove it. Sethu is jailed for the offence of attempted suicide for one year. A year later, Sethu is released. His aunt Padmini, who owns a dance school, provides him a job of dance master as he is the former student. Sethu visits the cliff regularly as a remembrance of his love. On his way he sees a girl who attempts suicide for her failure in examination and stops her. He again meets the girl in a gallery. The girl introduces herself to him as Malini but he ignores her. Malini again meets Sethu at a tourist spot where she clicks photos without his knowledge, but Sethu realises this and destroys her camera. Malini chases him to his school as his student. Sethu repeatedly insults her but Malini develops love for him. Malini coincidentally meets Chellapa, uncle of Sethu who dresses himself like Charlie Chaplin and makes people laugh. She comes to know about Sethus failed love from him, which increases her affection towards Sethu. Chellapa helps her to win Sethus heart. Malini is actually a Sinhalese girl because of which she faces trouble from her classmate many times and is every time rescued by Sethu. Though Sethu humiliates her all the time, he develops a soft corner in his mind. Sethu realises that he has started to love her but gets confused what to do as he is a failed one. Sethus repeated attempts to prevent himself loving Malini fails and he takes a sign of blessing for his new love from Ranjani at the cliff side. He finally confesses his love for her and proposes to her. Malini continues to spend time with Chellapa as she enjoys his sense of humour. This makes Sethu jealous, so he attempts to mimic Chellapas mannerisms, but ends up injured. Sethu finds that Chellapa is a failed lover who, to forget his past, has worn a mask of Chaplin. Sethu and Malini unite Chellapa and Padmini who is a spinster. Sethu again faces pressure from Malinis father as Malini is of Sinhalese origin and Sethu is a Tamilian. Both of them struggle hard to win in their love. Malini goes to the extent of escaping from Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu to join with Sethu. After understanding the tight bond of Malini with Sethu, Malinis father approves their marriage. Ranjanis father, who hears about Sethus marriage, wants to take revenge for his daughters death. On the day of Sethus engagement, he gives a basket full of apples which has a time bomb in it to Sethus father, pretending to be his gift for his son. Sethus father who does not know about the bomb keeps the basket in Chellapas car. Sethu and Malini leave to visit Sethus love cliff in Chellapas car which has the bomb. Sethus father and Chellapa come to know about the bomb and try to stop Sethu and Malini, but fail; the bomb explodes at the same place where SethuRanjani attempted suicide and SethuMalini die in the explosion, leaving Chellapa and Sethus father heartbroken. Chellapa later showers flowers in the place where the three of them died. Ex Input: Fact1: deported American gambler and racketeer Renzo Capetto uses yacht to help group of loyalists headed by General Tostada escape with Cuba 's national treasury, Fact2: American secret agent XK150 using alias Sparks Moran has infiltrated gang, Fact3: gang consists of Capeto 's brazenly felonious blond girlfriend Mary-Belle Monahan her and gullible good-natured and homicidal oaf named Pete Peterson Jr., Fact4: Mary-Belle regards attempts to rescue her from life of crime with amused contempt, Fact5: Capetto and crew leave behind footprints made with toilet plunger and mixture of olive oil and green ink Ex Output:
During the Cuban Revolution, deported American gambler and racketeer Renzo Capetto Anthony Carbone comes up with a getrichquick scheme and uses his yacht to help a group of loyalists headed by General Tostada Edmundo Rivera Alvarez escape with Cubas national treasury, which they plan to use to stage a counterrevolution. American secret agent XK150, using the alias Sparks Moran Edward Wain or Robert Towne, has infiltrated the gang which consists of Capetos brazenly felonious blond girlfriend MaryBelle Monahan Betsy JonesMoreland; her deceptively cleancut younger brother Happy Jack Robert Bean; and a gullible, goodnatured, and homicidal oaf named Pete Peterson Jr. Beach Dickerson, who constantly does animal impressions. Unfortunately, despite his other role as the storys omniscient narrator, Sparks is too much the Maxwell Smartstyle bumbler to figure out what is going on because of bhis own incompetence and his hopeless infatuation with the completely uninterested MaryBelle, who regards his attempts to rescue her from a life of crime with an amused contempt. Capetto plans to steal the fortune in gold and then to claim that the mythical Creature from the Haunted Sea rose and devoured the loyalists, but it is he and his crew who murder the Cuban soldiers with sharpened, clawlike gardening tools and leave behind footprints made with a toilet plunger and a mixture of olive oil and green ink. However, he does not know that there really is a shaggy, popeyed sea monster lurking in the very waters that he plans to do the dirty deed and that the creature may make his plan all too easy to pull off. When the monsters insatiable hunger upsets his scheme, Capetto decides to sink his boat into 30 feet of water off the shore of a small island and then to retrieve the gold later. Complications ensue when the male members of his gang get romantically involved with the natives, with Pete hooking up with the aptly named Porcina Esther Sandoval and Jack with her pretty daughter Mango Sonia Noemi Gonzalez, and local working girl Carmelita Blanquita Romero takes an instant liking to Sparks. Capetto and his gang go scuba diving to attempt to salvage the loot, but the creature picks them all off one by one except for Sparks and Carmelita, and the movie ends with its sitting on the undersea treasure and happily picking its teeth.
In this task, you're given four sentences of a story written in natural language. The given story is not complete and your job is to complete the story by selecting one of the sentence choices from (A) and (B), such that the story sounds fully coherent. [Q]: Sentence1: Last weekend I wanted to buy some shoes. Sentence2: I needed a new pair from work so had to look for a place to go. Sentence3: I decided on the mall seeing as how they have a large variety. Sentence4: Once I got there, I quickly went to the store I had selected. (A) I found a perfect pair of shoes and bought them. (B) I purchased a taco at the food court. [A]: A [Q]: Sentence1: Gina's dad came up from the basement furious. Sentence2: He found drugs on her teen brothers bed. Sentence3: What if one of the little kids had found these drugs. Sentence4: For her father this was the last straw. (A) Gina's father grounded everyone for a month. (B) Gina's father was proud. [A]: A [Q]: Sentence1: Anna went to the salon. Sentence2: She was getting her nails done for the first time. Sentence3: She was nervous, but the tech was friendly. Sentence4: He did her nails quickly and expertly. (A) Anna felt very fashionable when she left the salon. (B) Anna really liked her new hairstyle. [A]:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given books product reviews in English language. The goal is to classify the review as "POS" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEG" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. The Book of Wisdom for the Ages . Maha means great and Yoga means a path of reunion. Here the Great Path is outlined and explained in a truly timeless and masterful way. Written by a direct disciple of the great Ramana Maharshi, this is a very important guide book for the seeker of Ultimate Reality. First published in 1937, with numerous printings since then, this book is as fresh and new as a perfect spring morning. Chapters include The Sage, The World, God, The Quest, The Egoless State, and much more. For the modern day nondualist seeker, this is a treasure chest of spiritual wisdom. The author declares that we all, consciously or unconsciously, are always looking for the Supreme Beatitude of the egoless state, i.e., direct knowledge of the One, the Self. To quote a bit from the book: "The right thing to do is not to go on framing questions and seeking answers...but to arrest the culprit, the ego, put him in the dock, and dispose of him by the Quest of the real Self, which he pretends to be. In other words, one should discover the real Self, who is the final answer to all questions. Every question that arises is vitiated by the ignorance which takes the ego at its face value, as the real Self. All questions are therefore reducible to one, 'Who am I?'. This question is the Quest of the Self, by which the egoless state is won." For the person who's ears are ready to hear, this book is sweet music indeed!! Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be shown an extract from a movie plot. You need to read the extract and create questions that can be answered from the extract. Once you create a question you also need to provide the correct answer for it. Write your answer like "Question: your question, Answer: your answer". The questions should be well-formed and grammatically correct. The questions should be completely answerable from the given passage and should not require any external knowledge. Subjective questions are not allowed. Short answers containing words that are present in the passage are preferred. Create questions that result in factoid answers. A simple rule of thumb to decide whether a question is a factoid or not is to see if two different people with average reading/comprehension skills would come up with the same answer after reading the passage. The film opens with young Radha sitting in a mustard field with her parents. Her mother tells her a story of a person who wanted to see the ocean; then she explains that sometimes one must learn to see some things (through her mind's eye) without looking.The film flashes forward to Sita, a newly married young woman, trying to perceive some emotion from her husband Jatin. Jatin appears distant and shows little interest in Sita or in being married. Sita is given a perfunctory welcome by Jatin's family. Jatin is in a typical joint family arrangement. He lives with his older brother Ashok, his sister-in-law Radha, his invalid mother (Biji) and the family servant Mundu. Their apartment is on the second floor of a two story dwelling in a crowded marketplace in New Delhi. Ashok and Jatin run a small store (on the first floor) that sells food (for takeout) and rents videotapes.Sita is gradually exposed to various difficulties. She is also in a typical arranged marriage, but she learns that Jatin married her only to put an end to Ashok's incessant nagging. Jatin continues to date his Chinese girlfriend. Sita does not rebuke him for fear that it may bring dishonour to her parents.The rest of Jatin's home is not rosy either. Biji is paralysed and without speech after a stroke, and Sita and Radha must constantly attend to Biji (even her hygiene). Sita spends her days slaving in the hot and greasy kitchen, and she finds herself lonely and frustrated at night because Jatin is out dallying with his girlfriend. On the financial front, the store provides a modest income but their expenses are very high and they are unable to expand their business or buy a bigger home. Sita resignedly accepts these difficulties, but yearns to break out of this stifling and hopeless situation.It is later revealed that Radha faces a somewhat similar problem. Many years ago, Ashok had come under the influence of Swamiji, a local preacher, who teaches that desires are the cause of suffering and must be suppressed. Ashok is completely taken by these monastic teachings and accordingly suppresses all his desires. He also donates large sums from the meager store income to treat the Swamiji's hydrocele condition. It is also revealed that Radha cannot bear children, due to an incurable ailment. The Swamiji, as per the strict devotional and spiritual convention, teaches that sexual contact is permitted only as a means for procreation. Accordingly, Ashok aims to stamp out all his desires and has not slept with Radha for the past thirteen years. He puts Radha through an excruciating ritual in which they lie motionless next to each other whenever he wants to test his resolve. Radha is racked with guilt over her ailment and driven to frustration by the ritual. She resigns to live out her life, but is unable to stop her growing sadness.Radha and Sita go through the motions oscillating between their desires and disappointments. Radha, the older woman, remains bound by tradition and subdued into silence while Sita refuses to accept misfortune and wishes to break free.One evening, shunned by their husbands, provoked by their (mutual) feelings and driven to desperation by their unfulfilled longings, Radha and Sita seek solace in each other and become lovers. Overjoyed at finding satisfaction in this unusual manner, they resolve to continue it in secret. They eventually realise their love for each other and they start looking for ways to move out and be on their own.Things take a turn for the worse when the servant Mundu becomes aware of their relationship. When Radha reprimands him for masturbating to pornography in front of Biji, he warily reminds her that her own "hanky panky" is bad for the family. One day, Mundu causes Ashok to walk in on Radha and Sita.Ashok is horrified. He is shattered when he finds this incident has stoked his own long-dormant desire. He nevertheless confronts Radha. Radha overcomes her subservience and pours out her emotions. Desire impels life, and she desires Sita because she desires to live. She pointedly suggests that if Ashok seeks to control desires then he should henceforth seek Swamiji's help and stop the ritual. Amid this argument, Radha's sari catches fire. Ashok steps out of the way and angrily watches her burn (for her sinful desires). Radha puts out the flames and recalls her mother's advice from when she was young. She can finally see her ocean. She leaves Ashok.The film ends with Radha moving out and joining Sita. Output:
Question: Who does Sita and Radha have constantly attend to?, Answer: Biji
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. The four incorrect answers are other holding statements. You should find the correct option. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. in the face of an express warranty stating that no security interest exists. To the contrary, case law supports the proposition that an express "free and clear" warranty precludes a finding of actual knowledge of a security interest. The district court in Black Diamond directly considered this issue in the context of 9-320. Id. The court wrote that "Black Diamond specifically guaranteed that it 'had good title' to the coal, had 'the right to sell' the coal to Commodities, and 'that [the coal] shall he free from all liens, encumbrances and claims.' Consequently, Commodities acquired the coal without knowledge that its purchases violated CIT Group's inventory lien." Id. (emphasis in original); see also Victory Nat'l Bank of Nowata v. Stewart, 6 Kan.App.2d 847, 636 P.2d 788, 790 (1981) (<HOLDING>). The bankruptcy court in Black Diamond also Holding statements: (A) holding inter alia defendant breached implied warranty of merchantability where an express warranty regarding safety of goods was printed on package and where goods failed to conform to the express warranty (B) holding that where buyer had opportunity to inspect goods and failed to inform seller in timely manner of defects buyer deemed to have accepted goods pursuant to 672606 (C) holding buyer liable for balance of contract price of accepted goods (D) holding that a buyer who purchases goods subject to an express warranty that the goods are free from all liens takes free of any unperfected security interest (E) holding that a statement of conditional sale of goods can be filed with the state auditor before the delivery of goods where statute says the statement must be filed within ten days of delivery of goods
In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Q: Objectives: We compared the expelled air dispersion distances during coughing from a human patient simulator (HPS) lying at 45u with and without wearing a surgical mask or N95 mask in a negative pressure isolation room. Methods: Airflow was marked with intrapulmonary smoke. Coughing bouts were generated by short bursts of oxygen flow at 650, 320, and 220L/min to simulate normal, mild and poor coughing efforts, respectively. The coughing jet was revealed by laser light-sheet and images were captured by high definition video. Smoke concentration in the plume was estimated from the light scattered by smoke particles. Significant exposure was arbitrarily defined where there was $ 20% of normalized smoke concentration. Results: During normal cough, expelled air dispersion distances were 68, 30 and 15 cm along the median sagittal plane when the HPS wore no mask, a surgical mask and a N95 mask, respectively. In moderate lung injury, the corresponding air dispersion distances for mild coughing efforts were reduced to 55, 27 and 14 cm, respectively, p , 0.001. The distances were reduced to 30, 24 and 12 cm, respectively during poor coughing effort as in severe lung injury. Lateral dispersion distances during normal cough were 0, 28 and 15 cm when the HPS wore no mask, a surgical mask and a N95 mask, respectively. Conclusions: Normal cough produced a turbulent jet about 0.7 m towards the end of the bed from the recumbent subject. N95 mask was more effective than surgical mask in preventing expelled air leakage during coughing but there was still significant sideway leakage. A: Exhaled Air Dispersion during Coughing with and without Wearing a Surgical or N95 Mask **** Q: RSV infection is typically associated with secondary bacterial infection. We hypothesise that the local airway immune response to RSV has incidental antibacterial effects. Using coordinated proteomics and metagenomics analysis we simultaneously analysed the microbiota and proteomes of the upper airway and determined direct antibacterial activity in airway secretions of RSV-infected children. Here, we report that the airway abundance of Streptococcus was higher in samples collected at the time of RSV infection compared with samples collected one month later. RSV infection is associated with neutrophil influx into the airway and degranulation and is marked by overexpression of proteins with known antibacterial activity including BPI, EPX, MPO and AZU1. Airway secretions of children infected with RSV, have significantly greater antibacterial activity compared to RSV-negative controls. This RSVassociated, neutrophil-mediated antibacterial response in the airway appears to act as a regulatory mechanism that modulates bacterial growth in the airways of RSV-infected children. A: Airway response to respiratory syncytial virus has incidental antibacterial effects **** Q: The immune surveillance system protects host cells from viral infection, and viruses have evolved to escape this system for efficient proliferation in the host. Host cells produce cytokines and chemokines in response to viral infection, and among such effector molecules, type I interferons are the principal antiviral cytokines and therefore effective targets for viruses to disarm host surveillance. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) expresses proteins that circumvent the IFN response and other cellular processes, and to compensate the small coding capacity of PRRSV, these proteins are multifunctional. To date, at least four viral proteins have been identified and studied as viral antagonists of host defenses: N as a structural protein and three non-structural proteins, Nsp1 (Nsp1 and Nsp1), Nsp2, and Nsp11. Among these, N and Nsp1 are nuclear-cytoplasmic proteins distributed in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. Nsp1 and Nsp2 are viral proteases while Nsp11 is an endoribonuclease. This review describes the current understanding of the role of these proteins in modulating the host innate immune responses. Blocking against virus-mediated inhibition of the innate response may lead to the future development of effective vaccines. The understanding of viral mechanisms modulating the normal cellular processes will be a key to the design of an effective control strategy for PRRS. A:
Modulation of host cell responses and evasion strategies for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ****
Definition: In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Input: The development of new low cost inactivated polio virus based vaccines (IPV) is a high priority, and will be required to eradicate polio. In addition, such a vaccine constitutes the only realistic polio vaccine in the post-eradication era. One way to reduce the cost of a vaccine is to increase immunogenicity by use of adjuvants. The CAF01 adjuvant has previously been shown to be a safe and potent adjuvant with several antigens, and here we show that in mice IPV formulated with CAF01 induced increased systemic protective immunity measured by binding and neutralization antibody titers in serum. CAF01 also influenced the kinetics of both the cellular and humoral response against IPV to produce a faster, as well as a stronger, response, dominated by IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG2c isotypes as well as IPV specific T cells secreting IFN-c/IL-2. Finally, as intestinal immunity is also a priority of polio vaccines, we present a vaccine strategy based on simultaneous priming at an intradermal and an intramuscular site that generate intestinal immune responses against polio virus. Taken together, the IPV-CAF01 formulation constitutes a new promising vaccine against polio with the ability to generate strong humoral and cellular immunity against the polio virus. Output:
Inducing Dose Sparing with Inactivated Polio Virus Formulated in Adjuvant CAF01
TASK DEFINITION: Given scientific fact as input, generate the question from this fact such that it can be answered from the input. PROBLEM: Temperature and ph level are important in the activity of an enzyme. SOLUTION: Temperature and what other environmental factor are important in the activity of an enzyme? PROBLEM: Constructive interference is when two waves combine to create a larger wave. SOLUTION: What is it called when two waves combine to create a larger wave? PROBLEM: Mercury is the one metal that melts below room temperature. SOLUTION:
Name the one metal that melts below room temperature?
instruction: Given a math problem with context and a question and 5 answer choices, the task is to provide the correct answer choice based on the problem. You must choose one of the given answer choices by letter: a, b, c, d, or e; anything else is invalid. question: Problem: two trains are moving in opposite directions at 60 km / hr and 90 km / hr. their lengths are 1.15 km and 0.6 km respectively. the time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in seconds is ? Options: a. 42, b. 9, c. 7, d. 67, e. 15 answer: a question: Problem: what is the value of n if the sum of the consecutive odd intergers y from 1 to n equals 169 ? Options: a. 47, b. 25, c. 37, d. 33, e. 29 answer: b question: Problem: john ' s bank ' s saving amount is decreased 20 % due to loan payment and current balance is rs. 24000. find the actual balance before deduction ? Options: a. 8000, b. 8500, c. 9000, d. 9500, e. 30000 answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, along with three passages, 1, 2, and 3. Your job is to determine which passage can be used to answer the question by searching for further information using terms from the passage. Indicate your choice as 1, 2, or 3. Q: Question: What role did Michael James Scott play while touring from 2004 to 2005? Passage 1:The final of the Sussex Senior Cup was held at Preston Park in Brighton for the first four competitions, from 1883 to 1886. It was then held at the County Cricket Ground in Hove for 18 editions of the cup, with the exception of the 1891 season, which was held on a league basis. In 1906 the first cup final took place to have been played at the Goldstone Ground in Hove. At the time the Goldstone Ground was the home stadium of Brighton and Hove Albion, which for some time was Sussex's only professional football club. The Goldstone Ground was known to have hosted the final of the Sussex Senior Cup a record 55 times between 1906 and 1995. Other stadiums to have hosted the Susssex Senior Cup include The Dripping Pan in Lewes (held 14 times between 1920 and 1947), The Trafalgar Ground in Newhaven (held twice in 1931 and 1932), Woodside Road in Worthing (held 7 times between 1934 and 1997), The Saffrons in Eastbourne (held once in 1936), Queen Street in Horsham (held once in 1949), Broadfield Stadium in Crawley (held twice in 1998 and 1999) and Priory Lane in Eastbourne (held 11 times between 2000 and 2010). Since 2011 the final of the Sussex Senior Cup has been played at the Falmer Stadium in Brighton. Passage 2:After an early career as a child actor, as a young adult Michael underwent a string of TV work, theatre shows and singing engagements, before getting his higher education BFA degree attending The Conservatory of Theatre Arts program at Webster University in St. Louis, MO. While in college, he went on to be the standby for the legendary Ben Vereen on the international tour of Fosse from 2003 to 2004. He then joined the 1st National US tour of Mamma Mia! from 2004 to 2005. In 2005, he made his Broadway debut in 2005 in the musical All Shook Up. He appeared off-Broadway opposite Donna McKechnie in Here's to the Public. In 2006, after a short stint in Disney's Tarzan on Broadway, he reprised his Mamma Mia! role of Eddie in the Broadway production. In 2007, he was in the original Broadway company for Boublil and Schonberg's new musical The Pirate Queen. In 2008, he was a part of the concert cast of at Carnegie Hall and very shortly afterwards went on to originate Barry Nelson in the Las Vegas production of Jersey Boys. He returned to Broadway in 2009 in a revival of Hair, continuing on to the West End production the following year, for which he was also associate choreographer. At the end of that year, he returned to Broadway in the original cast of , until it closed in 2011. He then played Dr. Gostwana in the original Broadway company of The Book of Mormon. During his time in Book of Mormon, he took a short break to play Donkey in Shrek the Musical at the prestigious MUNY of St. Louis before finally leaving Mormon in 2013. He joined the original Broadway company of Disney's Aladdin musical as the Genie standby. In 2015, he left to originate the Minstrel in Something Rotten! on Broadway. Passage 3:The world tour to support the album began in June 2016 in Europe with a festival tour. The band's headlining tour to support the album will begin in September 2016 in Europe and continue into 2017 throughout the United States and Canada. "Dark Necessities", "Go Robot", "Sick Love" and "This Ticonderoga" made their live debuts in May 2016. "The Getaway" had actually been teased during their performances of "Give It Away" at Ace Hotel for the Feel The Bern Benefit Concert in Los Angeles, CA in February 5, 2016, and at Super Bowl 50 party in San Francisco, CA back in February 2016, however, it went unknown until the band released the song on May 26, 2016. The song would first be performed in its entirety on May 29, 2016. "We Turn Red" became the sixth song from the album to be performed live making its debut on June 10, 2016. "The Longest Wave" made its live debut on June 14, 2016 at a promotional show in Paris. "Detroit" made its live debut on June 29, 2016 at the Roskilde Festival. On July 1, 2016, the Live In Paris EP was released exclusively through the music streaming website Deezer. It features five songs from the band's performance of June 14, 2016 in Paris. "Goodbye Angels" made its live debut on July 10, 2016. "Dreams of a Samurai" made its live debut on July 24, 2016 at the Fuji Rock Festival in Japan. "Feasting on the Flowers" premiered in Oslo, Norway on September 8, 2016."Encore" was finally performed on April 24, 2017 in Jacksonville, FL making "The Hunter" the only song to not be performed yet from the album. The tour concluded on October 18, 2017 lasting a year and almost five months and consisted of 151 shows. The tour placed 32nd on Pollstar's year-end top 100 worldwide tours list for 2016, grossing a total of $46.2million, and it finished as the 18th highest grossing worldwide tour in 2017 grossing $73.5million. A:
Given scientific fact as input, generate the question from this fact such that it can be answered from the input. Q: Zero is the net force acting on an object when two equal forces are applied from opposite directions. A: What is the net force acting on an object when two equal forces are applied from opposite directions? **** Q: Most of the gray matter is on the surface of the brain, surrounding white matter. A: Most of the gray matter is on the surface of the brain, surrounding what other type of matter? **** Q: Differences between organisms reflect differences between their nucleotide sequences rather than between their genetic codes. A:
Differences between organisms reflect differences between their nucleotide sequences rather than between their what? ****
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you're given a paragraph from the research paper and your task is to generate a suitable title for the research paper based on the given paper. Under 100 words is a good title length. Background. Distinguishing between bacterial and viral lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) remains challenging. Transcriptional profiling is a promising tool for improving diagnosis in LRTI. Methods. We performed whole blood transcriptional analysis in 118 patients (median age [interquartile range], 61 [50-76] years) hospitalized with LRTI and 40 age-matched healthy controls (median age, 60 [46-70] years). We applied class comparisons, modular analysis, and class prediction algorithms to identify and validate diagnostic biosignatures for bacterial and viral LRTI. Results. Patients were classified as having bacterial (n = 22), viral (n = 71), or bacterial-viral LRTI (n = 25) based on comprehensive microbiologic testing. Compared with healthy controls, statistical group comparisons (P < .01; multiple-test corrections) identified 3376 differentially expressed genes in patients with bacterial LRTI, 2391 in viral LRTI, and 2628 in bacterial-viral LRTI. Patients with bacterial LRTI showed significant overexpression of inflammation and neutrophil genes (bacterial > bacterial-viral > viral), and those with viral LRTI displayed significantly greater overexpression of interferon genes (viral > bacterial-viral > bacterial). The K-nearest neighbors algorithm identified 10 classifier genes that discriminated between bacterial and viral LRTI with a 95% sensitivity (95% confidence interval, 77%-100%) and 92% specificity (77%-98%), compared with a sensitivity of 38% (18%-62%) and a specificity of 91% (76%-98%) for procalcitonin. Conclusions. Transcriptional profiling is a helpful tool for diagnosis of LRTI. Output:
Superiority of Transcriptional Profiling Over Procalcitonin for Distinguishing Bacterial From Viral Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Hospitalized Adults
Q: In this task, you are given a conversation between a flight agent and the customer. You are given 4 options and you need to select the goal of the conversation. It is provided as part of customer's context, which has to be one of the following: 'book': Make a new reservation, 'cancel': Cancel an existing reservation, 'no_flight': No flight found for the customer's preference, 'no_reservation': No reservation / No change / No cancellation was made in the conversation, mostly enquiring details customer: Hello. agent: Hello. How may I guide you at this moment? customer: Can you please make me a reservation of flight ticket which travel from AUS to EWR? agent: Sure, I am here to help you in booking. But for further process, I need your journey dates. Can you please provide it? customer: Sure, my preferable travelling dates are from Jan 13 to Jan 15. agent: Ok, let me know your connection limit. customer: I would like to prefer connecting flight for my trip. agent: Do you have any class preference for your journey? customer: I am comfortable with any class. agent: May I know your airline preference, please? customer: I don't have airline preference for my journey. agent: Please, provide me your departure and arrival timings. customer: I am flexible to travel at any time. agent: May I know your name for documentation purpose? customer: Sure, myself Carol White. agent: Ok, please wait for a moment. customer: Sure, take your time. agent: Spirit airlines is providing you the connecting flight in economy class and with a price of 100. Shall I reserve it? customer: Ok, please proceed with booking. agent: Your ticket has been reserved with the flight 1000, which departs at 18:00 and arrives at 16:00. customer: Thank you for your help. agent: Thank you for reaching us, have a good day. A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a short story consisting of exactly 5 sentences where the second sentence is missing. You are given two options and you need to select the one that best connects the first sentence with the rest of the story. Indicate your answer by 'Option 1' if the first option is correct, otherwise 'Option 2'. The incorrect option will change the subsequent storyline, so that at least one of the three subsequent sentences is no longer consistent with the story. Sentence 1: Megan took a job babysitting her neighbor's kid. Sentence 3: Megan tried to clean it but the stain wouldn't come out Sentence 4: She hid the stain by flipping the couch cushion Sentence 5: Megan felt guilty for hiding the mistake from her neighbor Option 1: Just before bedtime, she told the baby a story. Option 2: Just before bedtime, the child spilled juice on the couch cushion. Output:
Option 2
TASK DEFINITION: Given a question and a context passage, generate the answer having the word or phrase from the context passage. Here, the answer should be a shortest continous span from the passage. PROBLEM: Context: Long long ago, there was an old merchant who had three sons. "To which one shall I leave my fortune?" he wondered. "It must be to the cleverest son. But which one is the cleverest?" He called his three sons to him. "Here is some money," he told them, "you must each take one coin to buy something that will fill this room. Anyone who can do this shall have my fortune." "It is a big room," said the eldest son. "One coin will not buy very much," said the second son. But the youngest son said nothing. He stood and thought, and then he smiled, "Come, brothers," he said, "let us go to the market." The eldest son bought straw with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of straw. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the straw covered only a corner of the room. The second son bought sand with his coin. But one coin bought only a bit of sand. Even when he had spread it as much as he could, the sand covered only half of the floor. "What did you buy?" the eldest son angrily asked the youngest son. "You don't have any straw." "Yes, what did you buy?" the second son asked angrily. "You don't have any sand." "I bought this," said the youngest son. "A candle!" cried his brothers. "What good is a candle?" "Watch", said the youngest son. He lit the candle, and all at once the room was filled from wall to wall, from ceiling to floor. It was filled with light! "Although you are the youngest, you are indeed the cleverest of my sons," the old merchant said. And that is how, the old merchant left his fortune to his youngest son, the one who could fill a room with light. Question: Who would get father's fortune? SOLUTION: the cleverest son. PROBLEM: Context: The Patriots clinched their fourth straight AFC East title with a close road win. After a scoreless first quarter, the Jaguars responded to a Gostkowski field goal with a Maurice Jones-Drew touchdown run. The Patriots challenged the play, as Jones-Drew appeared to fall down at the line of scrimmage, but the ruling on the field was upheld. New England came back before the halftime to retake the lead at 10-7 on a Dillon one-yard touchdown run. The Patriots maintained their lead as the teams traded touchdowns in the second half, including another touchdown by Jones-Drew. A David Garrard fumble with 1:55 left in the fourth quarter, recovered by safety Rodney Harrison, sealed the Patriots' 11th win of the season. Question: Which team scored the most in the first half? SOLUTION: new england PROBLEM: Context: Two functions of the female reproductive system are similar to the functions of the male reproductive system: producing gametes and secreting a major sex hormone. In the case of females, however, the gametes are eggs, and they are produced by the ovaries. The hormone is estrogen, which is the main sex hormone in females. Estrogen has two major roles: During adolescence, estrogen causes the changes of puberty. It causes the reproductive organs to mature. It also causes other female traits to develop. For example, it causes the breasts to grow and the hips to widen. During adulthood, estrogen is needed for a woman to release eggs from the ovaries. The female reproductive system has another important function, which is not found in males. It supports a baby as it develops before birth. It also gives birth to the baby at the end of pregnancy. The female reproductive organs include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. These organs are shown in Figure 22.3, along with some other structures of the female reproductive system. Find each organ in the drawing as you read about it below. For a cartoon about the female reproductive system, watch this video: [Link] The two ovaries are small, oval organs on either side of the abdomen. Each ovary contains thousands of eggs. However, the eggs do not develop fully until a female has gone through puberty. Then, about once a month, an egg is released by one of the ovaries. The ovaries also secrete estrogen. The two fallopian tubes are thin tubes that are connected to the uterus and extend almost to the ovaries. The upper end of each fallopian tube has fingers (called fimbriae) that sweep an egg into the fallopian tube when it is released by the ovary. The egg then passes through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If an egg is fertilized, this occurs in the fallopian tube. The uterus is a hollow organ with muscular walls. The uterus is where a baby develops until birth. The walls of the uterus stretch to accommodate the growing fetus. The muscles in the walls contract to push the baby out during birth. The uterus is connected to the vagina by a small opening called the cervix. The vagina is a cylinder-shaped organ that opens to the outside of the body. The other end joins with the uterus. Sperm deposited in the vagina swim up through the cervix, into the uterus, and from there into a When a baby girl is born, her ovaries contain all of the eggs they will ever produce. But these eggs are not fully developed. They develop only after the female reaches puberty at about age 12 or 13. Then, just one egg develops each month until she reaches her 40s or early 50s. Human eggs are very large cells. In fact, they are the largest of all human cells. You can even see an egg without a microscope. Its almost as big as the period at the end of this sentence. Like a sperm cell, an egg cell is a haploid cell with half the number of chromosomes of other cells in the body. Unlike a sperm cell, the egg lacks a tail and contains a lot of cytoplasm. Egg production takes place in the ovaries. It occurs in several steps: 1. Before birth, special cells in the ovaries go through mitosis to make identical daughter cells. 2. The daughter cells then start to divide by meiosis. However, they go though only the first of the two cell divisions of meiosis at this time. They remain in that stage until the girl goes through puberty. 3. After puberty, an egg develops in an ovary about once a month. As you can see in Figure 22.4, the egg rests in a nest of cells called a follicle. The follicle and egg grow larger and go through other changes. 4. After a couple of weeks, the egg bursts out of the follicle and through the wall of the ovary. This is called ovulation. After ovulation occurs, the moving fingers of the nearby fallopian tube sweep the egg into the tube. Fertilization may occur if sperm reach the egg while it is Question: __one of a pair of organs that produce and release eggs SOLUTION:
Teacher:Given a passage with a context and an answer, construct a question on the basis of the information present in the passage. Construct the question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) it answer uses text phrases from the passage. Avoid creating questions that (i) can't be answered correctly without actually understanding the passage and (ii) uses the same words or phrases given in the passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Context: Hepatic resection is well established as a potentially curative treatment for hepatic colorectal cancer metastases. However, only a small proportion of patients with liver metastases are suitable for resection because they either have extrahepatic disease, or the extent and/or the distribution of their hepatic disease would make excision impossible. We have previously described the use of cryotherapy for inadequate resection margins and lesions in the remaining lobe of the liver. Combining such cryodestructive techniques with resection offers the possibility of increasing the proportion of patients to whom potentially curative treatment can be offered. The aim of this study was to compare survival in patients treated with resection and cryotherapy against those of patients treated with resection alone. Potential prognostic variables were also examined.', 'Patients undergoing a hepatic resection with or without cryotherapy at our unit between April 1990 and July 1997 were identified from our database and their notes reviewed. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the Log rank test.', 'One hundred and seven patients were treated in total: 32 underwent resection alone, and 75 underwent resection combined with cryotherapy. There was no significant difference between the survival of patients treated with resection alone and those treated with resection and cryotherapy. Answer: Edge and contralobe cryotherapy can be combined with hepatic resection to allow a greater proportion of patients with hepatic colorectal metastases to be offered treatment, and results in similar survival figures comparable to hepatic resection for at least 3 years. Student:
Does resection with cryotherapy of colorectal hepatic metastases have the same survival as hepatic resection alone?
Q: Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Personality: I hate tomatoes. I need a wheel chair to get around. I've 2 kids. I am very short. I am a female. Chat history: -I had the worst burger today, they put tomatoes on it. -Lol y do not u like tomato? -Ca not stand them. Life is hard enough without those gross things. -Aw I'm sorry. Do u like other veggies better? -Haha yeah, I used to cook a lot, but doing fast food more these days. -Omg ew, I never eat that anymore lol. A:
When you have got a couple of kids, you eat what you can!
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context from an academic paper and a question separated with a . You have to answer the question based on the context. Q: Most of the above-discussed systems either shows high performance on (a) Twitter dataset or (b) Facebook dataset (given in the TRAC-2018), but not on both English code-mixed datasets. This may be due to the text style or level of complexities of both datasets. Question: How have the differences in communication styles between Twitter and Facebook increase the complexity of the problem? A:
Systems do not perform well both in Facebook and Twitter texts
Teacher:In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Knowledge distillation is a potential solution for model compression. The idea is to make a small student network imitate the target of a large teacher network, then the student network can be competitive to the teacher one. Most previous studies focus on model distillation in the classification task, where they propose different architectures and initializations for the student network. However, only the classification task is not enough, and other related tasks such as regression and retrieval are barely considered. To solve the problem, in this paper, we take face recognition as a breaking point and propose model distillation with knowledge transfer from face classification to alignment and verification. By selecting appropriate initializations and targets in the knowledge transfer, the distillation can be easier in non-classification tasks. Experiments on the CelebA and CASIA-WebFace datasets demonstrate that the student network can be competitive to the teacher one in alignment and verification, and even surpasses the teacher network under specific compression rates. In addition, to achieve stronger knowledge transfer, we also use a common initialization trick to improve the distillation performance of classification. Evaluations on the CASIA-Webface and large-scale MS-Celeb-1M datasets show the effectiveness of this simple trick. Student:
We take face recognition as a breaking point and propose model distillation with knowledge transfer from face classification to alignment and verification
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Example input: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Example output: Russian Revolution Example explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Q: What city did John grant a charter to in the twelfth century, Context: The city's charter was granted by Prince John, as Lord of Ireland, in 1185. The city was once fully walled, and some wall sections and gates remain today. For much of the Middle Ages, Cork city was an outpost of Old English culture in the midst of a predominantly hostile Gaelic countryside and cut off from the English government in the Pale around Dublin. Neighbouring Gaelic and Hiberno-Norman lords extorted "Black Rent" from the citizens to keep them from attacking the city. The present extent of the city has exceeded the medieval boundaries of the Barony of Cork City; it now takes in much of the neighbouring Barony of Cork. Together, these baronies are located between the Barony of Barrymore to the east, Muskerry East to the west and Kerrycurrihy to the south. A:
Cork city
In this task, you will be shown an extract from a movie plot. You need to read the extract and create questions that can be answered from the extract. Once you create a question you also need to provide the correct answer for it. Write your answer like "Question: your question, Answer: your answer". The questions should be well-formed and grammatically correct. The questions should be completely answerable from the given passage and should not require any external knowledge. Subjective questions are not allowed. Short answers containing words that are present in the passage are preferred. Create questions that result in factoid answers. A simple rule of thumb to decide whether a question is a factoid or not is to see if two different people with average reading/comprehension skills would come up with the same answer after reading the passage. Example Input: Dr. Owen (Jonathan Mellor), an official from the Ministry of Health, and a heavily armed GEO team equipped with video cameras are sent into a quarantined apartment building to control the situation. After Martos, a GEO operator, is killed and infected encountering some of the infected, Owen uses religious mantra and rosary to hold him off in a room. It turns out that Owen is actually a priest sent by the Vatican to get a blood sample from a possessed girl named Tristana Medeiros, the same attacker from the end of the previous film.At the penthouse, Tristana is nowhere to be found. Larra, one of the GEO operators, finds a sample of her blood the only one that the original priest took from her. Owen performs a religious rite, and the blood combusts, confirming that it is the blood he's looking for; however, Fernandez, commanding officer of the GEO team drops it, rendering it useless. Owen tells them that they must get a blood sample from Tristana herself.Jennifer's father, who was outside getting medicine for his daughter (the infected Jennifer from the first installment), manages to convince a firefighter to take him into the building. Three teenagers, Tito, Mire and Ori gain access to the building through the sewage system; however, police seal their exit. After the deaths of Larra, Jennifer's father, and the firefighter from attacks by the possessed, the two groups find each other. However, Tito has been bitten, and they restrain him and lock Mire and Ori in a room where their fates are left unknown. The group then finds Angela Vidal (Manuela Velasco), the reporter from REC, who still has her camera with her. Owen forces Tito to tell him where Tristana Medeiros is. The demon possessing Tito tells him that she is "in the highest." Owen figures out that this means that she is in the penthouse. The demon then gives a hint that the "light" blinds them from seeing the path. When Angela is asked how she saw Tristana, she says she saw her through the camera's night vision. Owen deduces that some things can only be seen in the dark.They go back to the penthouse. When they turn on the camera's night vision, a door appears that leads them to a room. They find a tub filled with water that cannot be seen when the lights are on. While the GEO chief, Fernandez investigates it, Tristana leaps out and drags him in and then disappears as the light is turned on. When Tristana attacks them again, Angela blows her head off with a shotgun, finally killing her. Owen is enraged because he needed the blood sample, but all Angela wants to do is leave the building. At this point, the only survivors are Angela, Owen, and Rosso, the GEO cameraman. When Owen refuses to authorize their exit, Angela starts to beat him. Rosso tells her to stop, but she shoots and kills him. It is revealed that the demon possessing Tristana has now possessed Angela so she can leave the building. After telling Owen that she does not need him to get out, as she can impersonate his voice, she kills him. She takes his radio and says that the mission is over and they can let them out. She also tells them that he is staying behind because he is infected and the only survivor is a woman, Angela. When asked how the woman survived, the demonic Angela looks at the camera and smiles.The ending of the first film is shown, but extended to reveal how the demon possessed Angela (by forcing her mouth open and transferring some type of large parasite into her mouth), and then as Angela, went into hiding as Owen and the GEO team broke into the penthouse earlier in the film. Example Output: Question: Is the tub empty or filled with water?, Answer: filled with water Example Input: Author Roger Cobb is a troubled man, having been separated from his wife (Kay Lenz), their only son Jimmy disappeared without a trace, and his aunt has committed suicide by hanging. On top of everything else, he has been pressured by his publisher to write another book. To the chagrin of his fans and publisher, Cobb plans a novel based on his experiences in Vietnam instead of another horror story as a way to purge himself of the horrors that he had experienced while there.After his aunt's funeral, Cobb decides to live inside her house to write, instead of selling it as recommended by the estate attorney. After moving in, Cobb begins to have powerful graphic nightmares, including thoughts about his military ally Big Ben, who died in Vietnam. In addition, strange phenomena spring forth from the house, haunting him in his waking hours as well. He tries communicating his fears to his next door neighbor named Harold, but he thinks that Cobb is crazy.One night while investigating a noise coming from his late aunt's bedroom, Cobb is attacked by a deformed monster inside the closet. Soon, more attacks occur: levitating garden tools attack him, his wife appears and transforms into a hideous hag-like creature to attack him, and gremlin creatures attempt to kidnap a neighbor's child that Cobb is reluctantly babysitting. Eventually, Cobb discovers an entry into a sinister other-world through the bathroom medicine cabinet and is pulled into the darkness, where he fortuitously locates his lost son Jimmy.Cobb manages to escape with Jimmy, but are soon confronted by an undead Big Ben who wants revenge on him; Cobb did not help him during Vietnam and instead was taken prisoner and tortured before dying. He confronts Ben, no longer afraid of his fears anymore, and destroys him with his own explosives as he and his son escape the burning house. In the end, he triumphantly glances back at the house while regaining control of his life and reunites with his wife and child. Example Output: Question: WITH WHOM HE SHARED HIS FEARS ?, Answer: HE SHARE IT WITH HIS NEIGHBOUR HAROLD. Example Input: Following the events of Jean de Florette, Manon, the daughter of Jean, is living in the countryside of Provence near Les Romarins, the farm that her father once owned. She has taken up residence with an elderly Piedmontese squatter couple who teach her to live off the land, tending to a herd of goats and hunting for birds and rabbits. Ugolin Soubeyran, also called Galinette (only by his uncle Cesar), has begun a successful business growing carnations at Les Romarins with his uncle, Cesar Soubeyranalso known as Papetthanks to the water provided by the spring there.After seeing her bathe nude in the mountains, Ugolin develops an interest in Manon. When he approaches her, she seems disgusted by his vileness and almost certainly by the memory of his involvement in her father's downfall. But Ugolin's interest in Manon becomes obsessive, culminating in sewing a ribbon from her hair onto his chest. At the same time, Manon becomes interested in Bernard, a handsome and educated schoolteacher recently arrived in the village. As a small child, Manon had suffered the loss of her father, who died from a blow to the head while using explosives in an attempt to find the water source. Cesar and Ugolin then bought the farm cheaply from his widowManon's motherand unblocked the spring. Manon witnessed this as a child. The two men profited directly from his death.When she overhears two villagers talking about it, Manon realises that many in the village knew of the crime but had remained silent, for the Soubeyran family was locally important. While searching for a goat that fell into a crevice above the village, Manon finds the underground source of the spring that supplies water to the local farms and village. To take her revenge on both the Soubeyrans and the villagers, who knew but did nothing, she stops the flow of water using the iron-oxide clay and rocks found nearby.The villagers quickly become desperate for water to feed their crops and run their businesses. They come to believe that the water flow had been stopped by some Providence to punish the injustice committed against Jean. Manon publicly accuses Cesar and Ugolin, and the villagers admit their own complicity in the persecution of Jean. They had never accepted him, as he was an outsider and was physically deformed. Cesar tries to evade the accusations, but an eye-witness, a poacher who was trespassing on the vacant property at the time, steps forward to confirm the crime, shaming both Cesar and Ugolin. Ugolin makes a desperate attempt to ask Manon for her hand in marriage, but she rejects him. The Soubeyrans flee in disgrace. Rejected by Manon, Ugolin commits suicide by hanging himself from a tree, apparently ending the Soubeyran line.The villagers appeal to Manon to take part in a religious procession to the village's fountain, hoping that acknowledging the injustice will restore the flow of water to the village. With the assistance of Bernard, Manon unblocks the spring in advance, and the water arrives at the village at the moment that the procession reaches the fountain. Manon marries Bernard. She is last seen very pregnant and leaving a church service on Christmas Eve with her husband.Meanwhile, Cesar has been broken by his nephew's suicide. Delphine, an old acquaintance of his, returns to the village and tells him that Florette, his sweetheart from that period, had written to him to tell him she was carrying their child. Receiving no reply from him, she had tried to abort it. Florette left the village, married a blacksmith from nearby Crespin, and the child was born alive but a hunchback.Cesar, away on military service in Africa, never received her letter and did not know that she had given birth to his child. In a cruel twist of fate, Jean, the man he drove to desperation without having met him, was the son he had always wanted. Devastated, and lacking the will to live any longer, Cesar dies quietly in his sleep. In a letter he leaves his property to Manon, whom he recognises as his natural granddaughter and the last of the Soubeyrans. Example Output:
Question: When Ugolin firsts approaches Manon how does she feel?, Answer: Disgusted
In this task, you're given passages that contain mentions of names of people, places, or things. Some of these mentions refer to the same person, place, or thing. Your job is to write questions that evaluate one's understanding of such references. Good questions are expected to link pronouns (she, her, him, his, their, etc.) or other mentions to people, places, or things to which they may refer. Do not ask questions that can be answered correctly without understanding the paragraph or having multiple answers. Avoid questions that do not link phrases referring to the same entity. For each of your questions, the answer should be one or more phrases in the paragraph, and it should be unambiguous. [Q]: Passage: In 1988, Harrison formed the Traveling Wilburys with Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. The band had gathered in Dylan's garage to record a song for a Harrison European single release. Harrison's record company decided the track, "Handle with Care", was too good for its original purpose as a B-side and asked for a full album. The LP, Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, was released in October 1988 and recorded under pseudonyms as half-brothers, supposed sons of Charles Truscott Wilbury, Sr. It reached number 16 in the UK and number 3 in the US, where it was certified triple platinum. Harrison's pseudonym on the album was "Nelson Wilbury"; he used the name "Spike Wilbury" for their second album.In 1989, Harrison and Starr appeared in the music video for Petty's song "I Won't Back Down". In October that year, Harrison assembled and released Best of Dark Horse 19761989, a compilation of his later solo work. The album included three new songs, including "Cheer Down", which Harrison had recently contributed to the Lethal Weapon 2 film soundtrack.Following Orbison's death in December 1988, the Wilburys recorded as a four-piece. Their second album, issued in October 1990, was mischievously titled Traveling Wilburys Vol. 3. According to Lynne, "That was George's idea. He said, 'Let's confuse the buggers.'" It peaked at number 14 in the UK and number 11 in the US, where it was certified platinum. The Wilburys never performed live, and the group did not record together again following the release of their second album.In December 1991, Harrison joined Clapton for a tour of Japan. It was Harrison's first since 1974 and no others followed. On 6 April 1992, Harrison held a benefit concert for the Natural Law Party at the Royal Albert Hall, his first London performance since the Beatles' 1969 rooftop concert. In October 1992, he performed at a Bob Dylan tribute concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City, playing alongside Dylan, Clapton, McGuinn, Petty and Neil Young. [A]: What was the name of the person that used the name Spike WIlbury? [Q]: Passage: The neck guard, flared outward to protect the shoulders, is covered with a decorative plate consisting of three horizontal designs. At the top, over the base of the skull, a large torus of ivy leaves is bordered by cords; the ivy is gilded, though the cords are not. In the middle, a smooth and concave transitional zone corresponds to the hollow of the neck. At the bottom, an acanthus rinceau, or scroll, is interspersed with birds and butterflies. Portions of the bottom ornamentation are gilded, giving the helmet, with all its silver, gold, and iron components, a polychrome appearance. The ear guards encroach slightly on the bottom design, suggesting that it was not created specifically for the helmet.The face mask is made of iron, and covered with a sheet of silver. The central hinge from which it hangs is made of three parts: an iron tube welded to the interior head piece with an exterior silver tube, a notched silver tube fixed to the face mask that envelops the first part, and a pin which passes through both and has a silver knob at each end. The mask is shaped in the form of a human face. Holes are drilled between the lips and as nostrils; the eyes each have a narrow slit, with three holes in a trefoil design, two round holes outside and a heart-shaped hole in the middle, underneath each eye to allow for a greater range of vision. These apparently were not enough, for a small and rudimentary notch was carved into each of the heart-shaped holes to increase the wearer's vision. The mask is approximately 2 millimetres thick, of which the silver, which is folded around both the edges and each hole to hold it to the iron, accounts for between .25 and .5 millimetres.Distinctive features cover the face mask. The nose is long and fleshy with a prominent bump, and extends high between the eyes. The cheekbones are low yet prominent, and the small mouth, which droops toward the sinister side, shows a thick lower lip. Other featuresthe eyes and eyebrows, and the chinare more conventional. The distinctive features suggest that the maker of the Emesa helmet attempted to translate some of the individual characteristics of the wearer's face into the helmet. [A]: What is the name of the helmet given a polychrome appearance by portions of the gilded bottom ornamentation as well as all its silver, gold, and iron components? [Q]: Passage: The film opens with Tammy at cheerleader practice, while her boyfriend Michael walks in from football practice to observe. The two of them meet Byron, Tammy's gay friend, who approves of Michael as her new boyfriend. Shortly thereafter, Tammy's violent and jealous ex-boyfriend Billy arrives with his gang and harasses Michael. A fight erupts between the two. However, the police arrive to break up the fight and take Billy into custody, but Tammy, unable to deal with the events, breaks down and runs away in tears. The scene then cuts to a figure of a T-Rex in a dark warehouse as two people, Dr. Wachenstein and his assistant Helga, walk through the doors. The lights come on and the T-Rex figure begins to move, being controlled by someone in a room. The Dr. is impressed by the robotic dinosaur's strength, and reveals his plan to implant a living human brain into the robot to give it consciousness, mobility and, "immortality". Later that night, Michael sneaks out to see Tammy. They are soon interrupted by Billy and his thugs, who chase and catch Michael. They throw him into the wild Animal Park where lions and jaguars run loose. A lion mauls Michael and he is left in a comatose state. He is brought to a hospital where his intoxicated uncle watches over him. [A]:
Whose ex-boyfriend shows up to harass Michael?
Q: Given a document, generate a short title of the document. The title should convey the main idea/event/topic about which the document is being written. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. The pay increase Walmartas third minimum wage increase since 2015 and bonus will benefit more than 1 million U.S. hourly workers it said. Separately on Thursday Walmartas Samas Club unit said on Twitter that it was shutting a series of stores following a review. It did not say how many. Sam 's Club reported the store closures in a tweet after a series of reports from local news outlets said some Sam 's Club stores were closed abruptly on Thursday with employees learning of the move as they arrived for work. ( The increase in wages will cost approximately $300 million on top of wage hike plans that had been included in next fiscal yearas plans the company said. Labor groups have said that past rises in wages at the retailer have led to a cut in work hours for employees as the company sought to offset the impact on profits. Walmart has denied that. A:
Lower taxes and tight labor market prompt Walmart to hike U.S. wages
Your task is to generate the next utterance in a given dialogue. You will be given a few sentences describing the personality of the person who is making the dialogue, and a history of the dialogue after that. Each line in the history is said by one of the two participants in the conversation. Q: Personality: My favorite artist is Justin Bieber. My family and I go camping every month. I love to go horseback riding whenever I can. I'm a mother of two beautiful boys. Chat history: -Hello how are you today. -Pretty good and yourself? -I am find just listening to Justin Bieber. -Cool friends call me Frank, what is your name. -I am sonny my 2 boys are named after me. -Cool, why are you sorry? -No my name is sonny. What do you like to do? -I enjoy reading and cycling, you? -I love horseback riding we go every month while camping. -That is great, I also travel to Canada on weekends for relaxing, do you travel. A:
Yes I just went to Japan.
Detailed Instructions: Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. Problem:The move is in response to "anticipated government cuts", the authority said. It said the job cuts were part of a 522,000 savings package. A month-long staff consultation procedure is in place. The authority said it had already reduced costs by 1.1m, saving the equivalent of 30 jobs, in the past year. In a meeting, authority members were told that the exact details of the cut to the LDNPA's annual 7m grant from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs were still unclear, but a 25% reduction would mean it would be short of 1.1m by 2014/15. Action plan An action plan is to be put in place to deliver a new organisational strategy focusing on partnership, working with communities and a high-quality planning service. It was envisaged that the plan would re-allocate cash to deliver the new strategy and provide a safety-net if the financial picture worsens. A report from director of corporate services Kerry Powell said that by making the savings now, the authority would be able to free up resources to deliver its operational strategy and protect jobs. He said: "By taking the savings we will be much more likely to reduce the scale and scope of a second round of savings currently projected for 2013/14. This will protect more jobs in the longer run." Related Internet Links Lake District National Park Solution:
Jobs cuts plan at Lakes authority in Cumbria
Instructions: In this task, you are given Yelp reviews. The task is to classify a review as "POSITIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is positive or as "NEGATIVE" if the overall sentiment of the review is negative. Input: The Spring Mountain location..Ordered the Garlic Parmesan wings, seasoned fries and the Bourbon Baked took 20mins to make d wings..Came back 20mins later to pkup my order, got home n found over cooked dried out wing coated a ton w/just Parmesan cheese, no garlic at all..horrible. The seasoned fries were wilted regular fries..- a mistake or those were their seasoned fries which were no favor at all fries - horrible.. The only thing good was d Bourbon Baked beans..I will never ever order or eat anything from this place. I was so hoping that d wings they supply Pizza hut The Garlic Parmesan wings wld b d same but.. sadly it was not..instead it was d worst tasteless wings n fries I've ever eaten..don't bother w/dis place Output:
In this task, you are given a question. You have to answer the question based on your information. Ex Input: What label produced the early 1990s music of the artist who was featured as a guest performer along with Spice 1 on the album We Come Strapped? Ex Output: Def Jam Ex Input: 20th Century Battlefields was hosted by the radio presenter and historian of what nationality? Ex Output: British Ex Input: What was the first single released from the second studio album by the American violinist, dancer, performance artist, and composer who created her YouTube channel in 2007? Ex Output:
Beyond the Veil
Q: In this task you will be given a text passage from a trivia quiz. You should choose the category this question belongs to from these categories: History, Science, Social Science, Fine Arts, Literature. You can only choose one category, so if in doubt, please choose the closest match. The incremental distributional value of this quantity for a given sliver of the mass distribution of stars can be found from the Schecter function. For main sequence stars, this value is approximately proportional to the 3. 9th power of the star's mass, and one law for calculating this quantity sets it proportional to the fourth power of the stellar velocity dispersion; that law only applies to elliptical galaxies. For a spiral galaxy can be found from the amplitude of its rotation curve in the Tully-Fisher relation. Often calculated for a blackbody by multiplying 4 pi r squared times the result of the Stefan-Boltzmann law, for 10 points, name this quantity, which is equal to the energy radiated by an astronomical body per unit time. A:
In this task, you're given a question, along with three passages, 1, 2, and 3. Your job is to determine which passage can be used to answer the question by searching for further information using terms from the passage. Indicate your choice as 1, 2, or 3. Input: Consider Input: Question: Who is the head of the National Basketball Association? Passage 1:The Hoyas previous season had been a disappointing one in which the relatively young and experienced Georgetown team had fallen from a Top Ten ranking in early January 2009 to a 1615 finish in March that ended with the loss of 12 out of 16 games and first-round exits from both the 2009 Big East Tournament and the 2009 National Invitation Tournament. The Hoyas had lost starting forward DaJuan Summers after the end of the season when he chose to forego his senior year of college and enter the 2009 National Basketball Association draft, as well as starting guard Jessie Sapp, who graduated, and reserve guard/forward Omar Wattad, who transferred. But with freshman forwards Jerrelle Benimon and Hollis Thompson joining the team and sophomore starting center Greg Monroe, junior reserve center Henry Sims, junior starting guards Austin Freeman and Chris Wright, junior reserve forward Julian Vaughn, and sophomore reserve forward Jason Clark all returning, the Hoyas expected to bounce back in 200910. The preseason Associated Press Poll ranked them No. 20. Passage 2:Lewald was born in 1860; his aunt was Jewish novelist Fanny Lewald. Lewald became a civil servant in Prussia in 1885, and became the acting Reich Commissioner in 1903. In that role, Lewald attended the 1904 Worlds Fair (held along with the Olympic Games), where he disagreed with Kaiser Wilhelm II over whether the Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, of which he was the President, should be politically independent. After Berlin won the right to stage the 1916 Summer Olympics (which were later cancelled due to the outbreak of World War I), Lewald encouraged the German Reich to invest in the games, arguing that it was comparable to a World Trade Exhibition. Lewald retired from government in 1923; he had been the under Secretary of State. In 1935, Lewald recommended that Pierre de Coubertin be awarded a Nobel Prize. Passage 3:The 199394 NBA season was the Spurs' 18th season in the National Basketball Association, and 27th season as a franchise. It was also their first season at the Alamodome. During the offseason, the Spurs acquired All-Star forward Dennis Rodman from the Detroit Pistons, and signed free agent Sleepy Floyd. Rodman led the league with 17.6 rebounds per game as the Spurs went on an 8-game winning streak after a 45 start to the season. The team would then win 13 consecutive games between January and February, and finish second in the Midwest Division with a 5527 record. David Robinson captured the scoring title leading the league with 29.8 points per game, and was selected for the 1994 NBA All-Star Game. However, in the first round of the playoffs, Rodman became a distraction as he scuffled with head coach John Lucas as the Spurs lost to the 5th-seeded Utah Jazz in four games. Output: 3 Input: Consider Input: Question: Was Portugal larger than Holland the year Melaka was captured? Passage 1:Carpenter was raised in Rutherfordton, North Carolina, a farming community between Asheville and Charlotte, North Carolina. A standout athlete at Wofford College in South Carolina, Carpenter's abilities on the football field attracted the attention of the Baltimore Colts during his senior year in 1957, and the team offered him an opportunity to play professional football on the same team as legendary quarterback Johnny Unitas. After talking to his family and his minister, Carpenter turned them down. The next year, the Colts won the Western Conference championship and went on to defeat the New York Giants in the first overtime game in National Football League history, often referred to as the "greatest game ever played". Carpenter went on to a career in medicine, devoting a 40-plus-year career to the understanding and treatment of severe mental illness. Passage 2:From 1979 onwards, he worked as a freelance singer, performing internationally. He appeared at both the Hamburg State Opera and the Vienna State Opera in 1981 as the Emperor in Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss. In 1983, he appeared as Max in Weber's Der Freischutz at the Bregenz Festival. The same year, he made his U.S. debut as Erik at the Lyric Opera of Chicago. In 1984 he took part in the Hamburg State Opera's tour of Japan. In 1986 he appeared as Florestan in Beethoven's Fidelio at the Metropolitan Opera, opposite Hildegard Behrens in the title role, returning in 1989 as Siegmund and in 1990 as the Emperor, a role which he had also performed for his 1987 debut at the Royal Opera House. In 1996, he appeared as Loge in Wagner's Das Rheingold at the Opera de Marseille. In addition to his opera activities, Schunk has also performed successfully in concerts. He recorded the tenor solo in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in 1986, conducted by Georg Solti with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Chorus, alongside Jessye Norman, Reinhild Runkel and Hans Sotin. Passage 3:Over the years, Pahang grew independent from Melakan control and at one point even established itself as a rival state to Melaka until the latter's demise in 1511. At the height of its influence, the Sultanate was an important power in Southeast Asian history and controlled the entire Pahang basin, bordering to the north, the Pattani Sultanate, and adjoins to that of Johor Sultanate to the south. To the west, it also extends jurisdiction over part of modern-day Selangor and Negeri Sembilan.. During this period, Pahang was heavily involved in attempts to rid the Peninsula of the various foreign imperial powers; Portugal, Holland and Aceh. After a period of Acehnese raids in the early 17th century, Pahang entered into the amalgamation with the successor of Melaka, Johor, when its 14th Sultan, Abdul Jalil Shah III, was also crowned the 7th Sultan of Johor. After a period of union with Johor, it was eventually revived as a modern sovereign Sultanate in the late 19th century by the Bendahara dynasty. Output: 3 Input: Consider Input: Question: Is the school that Derow attended for his secondary education an all-boys school? Passage 1:Between 1837 and 1841 she served in the Mediterranean, including operations off the coast of Syria and Lebanon in the Syrian War. In 1846 she was taken in hand at Portsmouth Dockyard and converted to steam-powered screw propulsion as a 'blockship'. The conversion was completed on 19 August 1852. In this transformation her displacement was increased to 2,598 tons and her complement of guns reduced to 60 (or 56: reports differ). She acted as guard ship for Devonport until February 1854, when she was assigned to the fleet sent to the Baltic under Sir Charles Napier. She was the flagship of Rear-Admiral Henry Ducie Chads, third in command of the fleet, and took part in the bombardment and capture of the Russian fortress of Bomarsund in the Aland Islands. She returned to the Baltic in 1855. Subsequently she was a guard ship at Sheerness and at Leith, and was sold out of the Navy for breaking up in 1866. Passage 2:Born in Newport, Rhode Island, Derow obtained his secondary education at The Roxbury Latin School in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. After an A.B. degree at Amherst (with Peter K. Marshall), he read for Greats as a second B.A. degree at Oxford in 19651967, achieving a First. At Oxford he was taught by, among others, W. G. (George) Forrest, who was a lasting influence. He completed a Ph.D. at Princeton on 'Rome and the Greek world from the earliest contacts to the end of the first Illyrian war', for which Professor J. V. A. Fine was his Advisor; in the preface to that work, he acknowledges the additional inspiration he had drawn from T. J. Luce and the historian and epigrapher C. Bradford Welles. After a spell of teaching at the University of Toronto, he returned to succeed Forrest at Wadham in 1977 when the latter was elected to the Wykeham Professorship of Ancient History at New College. In 20022005 Derow was also Director of Graduate Studies in ancient history for the Oxford Faculty of Classics. Passage 3:Hot on the heels of the huge success of CSNY and Led Zeppelin, British band Yes rapidly established themselves as one of the leading groups in the burgeoning progressive rock genre, and their success also played a significant part in establishing the primacy of the long-playing album as the major sales format for rock music in the 1970s. After several lineup changes during 196970, the band settled into its "classic" incarnation, with guitarist Steve Howe and keyboard player Rick Wakeman, who both joined during 1971. Although the extended length of much of their material made it somewhat difficult to promote the band with single releases, their live prowess gained them an avid following and their albums were hugely successful their third LP The Yes Album (1971), which featured the debut of new guitarist Steve Howe, became their first big hit, reaching #4 in the UK and just scraping onto the chart in the US at #40. From this point, and notwithstanding the impact of the punk/new wave movement in the late 1970s, the band enjoyed an extraordinary run of successbeginning with their fourth album Fragile, each of the eleven albums they released between 1971 and 1991 (including the lavishly packaged live triple-album Yessongs) made the Top 20 in the US and the UK, and the double-LP Tales of Topographic Oceans (1973) and Going For The One (1977) both reached #1 in the UK.
Output: 2
In this task, you will be shown an extract from a movie plot. You need to read the extract and create questions that can be answered from the extract. Once you create a question you also need to provide the correct answer for it. Write your answer like "Question: your question, Answer: your answer". The questions should be well-formed and grammatically correct. The questions should be completely answerable from the given passage and should not require any external knowledge. Subjective questions are not allowed. Short answers containing words that are present in the passage are preferred. Create questions that result in factoid answers. A simple rule of thumb to decide whether a question is a factoid or not is to see if two different people with average reading/comprehension skills would come up with the same answer after reading the passage. Example input: Twenty-year-old Will Hunting of South Boston is a self-taught, genius-level intellect, though he works as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and spends his free time drinking with his friends, Chuckie (Ben Affleck), Billy (Cole Hauser) and Morgan (Casey Affleck). When Professor Gerald Lambeau (Stellan Skarsgard) posts a difficult mathematics problem as a challenge for his graduate students, Will solves the problem anonymously, stunning both the graduate students and Lambeau himself. As a challenge to the unknown genius, Lambeau posts an even more difficult problem. Lambeau chances upon Will solving the problem but Will flees the scene. That night at a bar, Will meets Skylar (Minnie Driver), a British student about to graduate from Harvard, who plans on attending medical school at Stanford and gives Will her phone number before leaving. Example output: Question: How old is Will Hunting in the movie ?, Answer: Twenty years Example explanation: This is a good question which results in a factoid answer, and the answer is correct too. Q: In 1202, an army led by the three vampire elders (Markus, Viktor, and Amelia) arrives at a Lycan-ravaged village. Viktor and Amelia capture their target, Markus' twin brother, William Corvinus, the first and most powerful werewolf. Despite Markus' defiance, Viktor orders that William be imprisoned in a secret location forever.In the present day, vampire Selene takes Michael to a safe house so that she can confront the vampire regent Kraven; she knows that Kraven intends to kill Markus and plans to stop him. However, Markus has awakened before Kraven arrives. Markus kills Kraven and his men. Lorenz Macaro, an elderly man, sends in a team of "cleaners" to investigate the aftermath from the battle in the Lycans' lair. When Macaro examines Viktor's corpse he finds a metal disc inside which is the match to a pendant originally worn by Sonja. The other half of the pendant is now possessed by Michael after the death of Lucian.Markus tracks Selene and Michael down and attacks them, but they evade him and hide in a warehouse. There, Selene and Michael share their feelings and have passionate sex. Now knowing that the pendant is important to Markus, Michael and Selene set out to discover why Markus wants it. Selene recalls that she saw it as a child, but does not know its significance. They travel to the hideout of the exiled vampire historian Andreas Tanis who reveals that Markus was the first vampire; one of the three sons of Alexander Corvinus, the first immortal. Markus was bitten by a bat and became a vampire, while William was bitten by a wolf and became a werewolf. The third son remained human and gave rise to a line of mortal descendants including Michael, who became the first LycanVampire hybrid. The first werewolves created by William were entirely animal and unable to return to human form. Due to William's destructiveness, Markus approached Viktor, who was a dying mortal warlord at the time, and offered to turn him and his army into immortal vampires in exchange for tracking down and stopping William, and in destroying those he had infected.Viktor did not kill the brothers because he was led by Markus into believing that doing so would result in the immediate extinction of all other vampires and his Lycan slaves. Tanis reveals that Selene's father was the architect who built William's prison and that the pendant is the key. Viktor killed Selene's family as they knew the prison's location, but turned Selene into a vampire so the memory of the prison's location would be kept in her blood. Tanis then refers Selene and Michael to Macaro for help. After Selene and Michael leave Tanis' residence, Markus arrives and drinks Tanis' blood to learn Selene and Michael's location, killing Tanis.Selene and Michael visit Macaro and discover that he actually is Alexander Corvinus. Alexander reveals that he has devoted his entire immortal life to keeping the Vampire-Lycan war a secret. However, he refuses to assist Selene in killing his sons. Then Markus arrives, impaling Michael and learns the location of William's prison by drinking Selene's blood. He mortally wounds his father and obtains the other half of the pendant, after deriding his father's refusal to help William and revealing that he intends, with William, to rule the world as the god-like master of a race of vampire-Lycan hybrids. On Alexander's bidding, Selene drinks his blood, enhancing her physical strength and healing abilities to a level equivalent to that of a hybrid. Afterwards, Alexander blows up his ship, killing himself.Selene, aboard Alexander's helicopter, leads his cleaners to the prison to confront and destroy Markus, but he has already freed William. In the ensuing battle, William bites the cleaners who, as a result, are turned into werewolves. Michael, who is presumed to be dead and is carried aboard the helicopter, awakens and joins the fight in his hybrid form, killing William by ripping his head off. Selene engages Markus in hand-to-hand combat, killing him by kicking him into the rotor blades of the cleaners' crashed helicopter. After the battle, Selene realizes that Alexander's blood has made her immune to the lethal effects of sunlight on vampires. A:
Question: name the three vampires in army?, Answer: Markus, Viktor, and Amelia
Generate an appropriate title for the given text. The generated title must be short and include the main topic of the text. The preferred titles are under fifteen words. Input: Consider Input: Their performance at last summer's World Cup was widely criticised as the team crashed out 4-1 to Germany at the last 16 stage. Loaded says that's not the only reason for the award. Wayne Rooney's message to booing fans and John Terry's 'unauthorised' press conference were also mentioned. "The ability to laugh at ourselves is perhaps one of our nation's most endearing qualities," says Loaded editor Andy Sherwood. "There's no better way to salute England's football flops than presenting them with the joker of the year award." The awards, which have been going since 2003, take place on 1 February. Comedy fans can still vote online for 13 other Lafta awards, in categories like best stand-up, funniest TV show, and funniest Twitterer. Katie Price's husband Alex Reid was last year's joker of the year winner. Output: Loaded Lafta awards: England team 'Jokers of the Year' Input: Consider Input: It happened in Ashover Road, Old Tupton, near Chesterfield, at about 21:00 GMT on Friday. The man was taken to hospital but later died. Derbyshire Police said a 25-year-old man was being held on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. Eyewitnesses are being sought by officers. Follow BBC East Midlands on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Send your story ideas to Output: Man arrested after pedestrian dies near Chesterfield Input: Consider Input: By Mark SavageBBC music reporter "I'm so honoured. This is unreal," said the star, who accepted the prize via video link. Released in 2011, Video Games was initially rejected by dozens of record labels, who said it was too long, too moody, and lacked the drums it needed to get played on the radio. But it became the singer's breakthrough hit, reaching number nine in the UK. "I just can't tell you how much this means," the star said in her acceptance speech. "I got my start in London so I wish I could be there, but I'm there in spirit." The rest of the Q Awards were dominated by grime- with Stormzy, Dizzee Racsal and Little Simz all picking up major prizes. Stormzy picked up best solo act, beating Liam Gallagher, and seemed uncharacteristically nervous as he took to the podium. "This means a lot to me. It's been a very crazy year for myself and my team and my family... I'm at a loss for words." The star, who headlined Glastonbury in June, also announced that his publishing company, Merky Books, had acquired the rights to the autobiography of best-selling Young Adult author Malorie Blackman. Grime pioneer Dizzee Rascal received the "innovation in sound" award, while Mercury-nominated rapper Little Simz won best vocal performance. Scottish troubador Lewis Capaldi picked up the best track award for his heartbreak ballad Someone You Loved. "Music isn't a competition, but I won!" he joked as he accepted his prize at the Roundhouse in Camden. The 1975 were named "greatest act in the world right now", an accolade that singer Matty Healy described as "a bit silly". "Actually, 'greatest act' is really, really humbling, because there's a lot of great acts, but there's not many great bands," he added. "Bands are kind of dead. Or at least, four white guys with guitars being the zeitgeist is not where we are." Elsewhere, the Q Hero award went to Kim Gordon, co-founder of New York band Sonic Youth and "godmother of grunge"; while French pop phenomenon Christine and the Queens was named the 2019 Q icon. "Okay, no biggie," said the star as she took to the stage. "It's a bit unreal because this just started with a computer and a crazy hunger at 20 to be a bit freer, so thank you for letting me do that since then. "Here's to more crazy ideas and crazy people." The full list of winners is as follows. Follow us on Facebook, or on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts. If you have a story suggestion email
Output: Lana Del Rey wins song of the decade at the Q Awards
You are given a paragraph (Passage), a question (Question) and two answer options (Option1 and Option2). Your task is to find the correct answer (and return the string of the correct option, not option1/2) for the given question from the given options and based on the given passage. Answer of the question can be found directly from the passage. Input: Consider Input: Passage: This morning , I went to make coffee in my coffee maker . First I checked to see if the coffee filter still had wet coffee grounds in it from yesterday . It did , so I took the filter to the sink to wash out the old grounds . Once the filter was clean , I took out a bag of fresh coffee grounds and put two scoops of them into the clean filter . Next , I took the empty coffee pot from the coffee maker and went back to the sink . I filled the coffee pot up with water until it was at the 8-cups line . I poured all the water in the coffee pot into a shaft in the coffee maker . Everything was in position now . The filter contained fresh coffee grounds , the coffee maker had 8 cups of water in it , and the coffee pot was empty and ready to be filled with coffee . The only thing left to do was press the on button . Question: What did the person do? Option1: Make coffee Option2: Make tea Output: Make coffee Input: Consider Input: Passage: I am so excited to learn how to drive today with Scott . We are in a large vacant parking lot and no one else is around so it will be perfectly safe for us , the car and anyone else . As we both get in the car , we put on our seatbelts . Check . Now he instructs me to put the key in the ignition and give it a gentle turn forward toward the front of the car . He tells me to grab the crankshaft and put it into the '' D '' position . I feel the car surge forward and immediately hit the brake pedal on the left and car stops . He tells me it 's fine and to give it a little gas . The more gas I give it from the pedal on the right , the faster we go ! Question: When did the car move forward? Option1: after hitting the break pedal Option2: after putting into drive Output: after putting into drive Input: Consider Input: Passage: I needed to boil milk for a recipe I wanted to make . First I had to collect my supplies . I opened the cabinet drawer and found my saucepan . I then opened the refrigerator , and found my milk . Once I had found the milk , I removed the lid , and poured some into the saucepan , making sure I did n't pour too much . Next , I placed the saucepan full of milk on the stove burner , and turned on the stove using the dials . I then watch the milk for indications of boiling . I have to wait for it to get hot enough . Small bubbles start to appear which shows that it is close to boiling . Larger bubbles start appearing , meaning that it is reaching the boiling temperature , which is 212.3 degrees Fahrenheit for milk . Now that my milk has boiled , I removed it from the heated burner , and continue on to the rest of my recipe . Question: What was set on the stove? Option1: The milk lid Option2: Saucepan full of milk.
Output: Saucepan full of milk.
Definition: In this task, you are given a context, a subject, a relation, and many options. Based on the context, from the options select the object entity that has the given relation with the subject. Answer with text (not indexes). Input: Context: A trade union (British EnglishAustralian EnglishNew Zealand EnglishSouth African English / Caribbean English; also trades union), labour union (Canadian English), or labor union (American English) is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members (rank and file members) and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers. The most common purpose of these associations or unions is "maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment". This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies., The Swedish Trade Union Confederation (literally "National Organisation in Sweden"), commonly referred to as LO, is a national trade union centre, an umbrella organisation for fourteen Swedish trade unions that organise mainly "blue-collar" workers. The Confederation, which gathers in total about 1,5 million employees out of Sweden's 9,6 million people population, was founded in 1898 by blue-collar unions on the initiative of the 1897 Scandinavian Labour Congress and the Swedish Social Democratic Party, which almost exclusively was made up by trade unions. In 2012 union density of Swedish blue-collar workers was 67%, a decline by ten percentage points in six years (union density in 2006: 77%). A strongly contributing factor was the considerably raised fees to union unemployment funds in January 2007 made by the new centre-right government., Albert Forslund ( born 1881 , Ovansjo , d. 1954 ) was a Swedish Social Democratic politician and trade union organizer . He belonged to the Railwaymens ' Union . He became the chairman of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation ( LO ) from 1936 . In the same year , he was appointed Minister of Communications , and thus left his post as LO chairman ., Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and rights. The interests of the employees are commonly presented by representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong. The collective agreements reached by these negotiations usually set out wage scales, working hours, training, health and safety, overtime, grievance mechanisms, and rights to participate in workplace or company affairs., The Swedish Social Democratic Party, (SAP; literally, "Social Democratic Workers' Party of Sweden"), contesting elections as the "ArbetarepartietSocialdemokraterna" ('The Workers' Party The Social Democrats'), usually referred to just as the 'Social Democrats' ("Socialdemokraterna"); is the oldest and largest political party in Sweden. The current party leader since 2012 is Stefan Lofven; he has also been Prime Minister of Sweden since 2014., Subject: albert forslund, Relation: member_of_political_party, Options: (A) labour union (B) social democratic party (C) social democrats (D) swedish social democratic party (E) the initiative (F) union Output:
swedish social democratic party

flan subsets: deduped

see config all for the aggregated & deduped dataset

  • all configs/subsets have columns inputs and targets
  • deduped on inputs
  • filtered for lang en if contents more than 5 chars.
    • filter out any row with less than 1 char for either column
  • clean-text applied to both columns

dedup command

deduped with:

python -m text_dedup.minhash \
  --path $ds_name \
  --name $dataset_config \
  --split $data_split \
  --cache_dir "./cache" \
  --output $out_dir \
  --column $text_column \
  --ngram 3 --threshold 0.6 \
  --hash_func xxh3 --hash_bits 32 --num_perm 192 \
  --batch_size 50000
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Models trained or fine-tuned on pszemraj/flan-subsets-deduped