Je suis désolé.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Maybe you did.
Peut-être que si.
Vous l'avez peut-être dit.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
No worries.
Pas de souci.
Pas de souci.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?
Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?
Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.
She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.
It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je me sentais plus chez moi.
I didn't feel at home.
I felt more at home.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.
Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.
Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I'm afraid our time is up for today.
Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.
Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I've got lots of other patients to see.
J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.
J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
And a blind date this lunchtime!
Et un rendez-vous arrangé ce midi !
Et j'ai un blind date ce midi !
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "bizarre (arrangé?)", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_50", "orig": "I've got lots of other patients to see.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.", "ref": "J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Please sign out at reception when you leave.
S'il vous plaît, signez à la réception quand vous partirez.
Signez en partant à la réception, s'il vous plaît.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"quand vous partirez\" > \"en partant\" ; \"signez à\" sonne étrange", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_50", "orig": "I've got lots of other patients to see.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.", "ref": "J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_51", "orig": "And a blind date this lunchtime!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et un rendez-vous arrangé ce midi !", "ref": "Et j'ai un blind date ce midi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "bizarre (arrangé?)", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
D'accord, merci pour votre temps, désolé de vous avoir importuné.
Okay, thanks for your time, I'm sorry I bothered you.
Ok, thank you for your time. Sorry to have bothered you.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_50", "orig": "I've got lots of other patients to see.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.", "ref": "J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_51", "orig": "And a blind date this lunchtime!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et un rendez-vous arrangé ce midi !", "ref": "Et j'ai un blind date ce midi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "bizarre (arrangé?)", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_52", "orig": "Please sign out at reception when you leave.", "norm": "", "mt": "S'il vous plaît, signez à la réception quand vous partirez.", "ref": "Signez en partant à la réception, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"quand vous partirez\" > \"en partant\" ; \"signez à\" sonne étrange", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Et désolé d'être tout le temps désolé...
And I'm sorry I'm always sorry...
And sorry for being sorry all the time.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_50", "orig": "I've got lots of other patients to see.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.", "ref": "J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_51", "orig": "And a blind date this lunchtime!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et un rendez-vous arrangé ce midi !", "ref": "Et j'ai un blind date ce midi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "bizarre (arrangé?)", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_52", "orig": "Please sign out at reception when you leave.", "norm": "", "mt": "S'il vous plaît, signez à la réception quand vous partirez.", "ref": "Signez en partant à la réception, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"quand vous partirez\" > \"en partant\" ; \"signez à\" sonne étrange", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_53", "orig": "D'accord, merci pour votre temps, désolé de vous avoir importuné.", "norm": "", "mt": "Okay, thanks for your time, I'm sorry I bothered you.", "ref": "Ok, thank you for your time. Sorry to have bothered you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je suis désolé.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-28T19:58:17.773486", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "poor", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "average", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a psychiatrist's consulting room.", "Vous êtes dans le cabinet d'un psychiatre." ], [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are a patient and you are talking to your psychiatrist", "Vous êtes le ou la patient(e) et parlez avec votre psychiatre." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the psychiatrist and are with your patient.", "Vous êtes le psychiatre et parlez avec l'un(e) de vos patients" ], "initiated_dialogue": false, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_0", "orig": "Bonjour Docteur", "norm": "Bonjour Docteur.", "mt": "Good morning, Doctor.", "ref": "Hello Doctor.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_1", "orig": "Good morning.", "norm": "", "mt": "Bonjour.", "ref": "Bonjour.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_2", "orig": "Now, tell me.", "norm": "", "mt": "Dis-moi.", "ref": "Alors, dites-moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_3", "orig": "What's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_4", "orig": "Il faut absolument que je vous parle.", "norm": "", "mt": "I need to talk to you.", "ref": "I really need to talk to you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_5", "orig": "Est-ce que je peux m'asseoir sur cette chaise?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I sit in this chair?", "ref": "Can I sit on this chair?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_6", "orig": "No, that's mine.", "norm": "", "mt": "Non, c'est à moi.", "ref": "Non, elle est à moi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"à moi\" -> \"la mienne\"", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_7", "orig": "But you can sit anywhere else.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu peux t'asseoir ailleurs.", "ref": "Mais vous pouvez vous asseoir n'importe où d'autre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_8", "orig": "Or if you prefer, you can lie down there.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger là.", "ref": "Ou si vous préférez, vous pouvez vous allonger ici.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_9", "orig": "Some people prefer that.", "norm": "", "mt": "Certains préfèrent ça.", "ref": "Certaines personnes préfèrent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_10", "orig": "Je peux m'allonger sur ce canapé?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can I lie on this couch?", "ref": "Can I really lie down on the sofa?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_11", "orig": "Vous êtes sûre?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you sure?", "ref": "Are you sure?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_12", "orig": "Je ne veux pas déranger, il a l'air propre et neuf, ça m'inquiète un peu de m'asseoir dessus.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to bother, he looks clean and new, I'm kind of worried about sitting on it.", "ref": "I don't want to be any bother. It looks clean and new - I'm a bit worried about sitting on it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"he\" referring to a couch", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_13", "orig": "Je ne veux pas l'abîmer.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't want to ruin it.", "ref": "I don't want to ruin it.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_14", "orig": "Je crois que ça me rassurerait de rester debout.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think it would make me feel better to stand.", "ref": "I think I would feel more comfortable standing up.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_15", "orig": "Est-ce que vous préférez que j'enlève mes chaussures?", "norm": "", "mt": "Would you like me to take my shoes off?", "ref": "Would you prefer it if I took off my shoes?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_16", "orig": "Remarquez mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "norm": "Remarquez, mes pieds sentent peut-être mauvais, je ne sais pas trop ce qui serait le mieux.", "mt": "Notice how bad my feet feel, I don't know too much what would be best.", "ref": "Then again my feet might smell bad... I don't quite know what would be better.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"too much\" is strange", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_17", "orig": "Calm down, please.", "norm": "", "mt": "Calme-toi, s'il te plaît.", "ref": "Calmez-vous, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "te/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_18", "orig": "Please don't worry.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ne t'inquiète pas.", "ref": "Je vous en prie, n'ayez pas peur.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "t'/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_19", "orig": "Vous n'avez pas chaud?", "norm": "", "mt": "Aren't you hot?", "ref": "Are you not hot?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_20", "orig": "Please just make yourself at home.", "norm": "", "mt": "Faites comme chez vous.", "ref": "Faites comme chez vous.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_21", "orig": "But there's no need to panic.", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais il n'y a pas besoin de paniquer.", "ref": "Mais vous n'avez aucune raison de paniquer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"il n'y a pas besoin\" -> \"il est inutile\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_22", "orig": "So, if you're feeling comfortable, what's been going on?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, si tu te sens à l'aise, qu'est-ce qui se passe ?", "ref": "Bon, si vous vous sentez à l'aise, que se passe-t-il ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_23", "orig": "Je crois que mes voisins pensent que je veux leur faire du mal.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think my neighbors think I want to hurt them.", "ref": "I think my neighbours think I want to hurt them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_24", "orig": "Alors j'ai peur de rester chez moi et j'essaye de faire le moins de bruit possible.", "norm": "", "mt": "So I'm afraid to stay at home and try to make the least noise.", "ref": "So I'm scared of staying at home and I try to make as little noise as possible.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "\"afraid to stay at home\" does not make sense", "eval_problems": [ "coherence", "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_25", "orig": "Mais c'est fatiguant.", "norm": "", "mt": "But it's tiring.", "ref": "But it's tiring.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_26", "orig": "Je ne me sens à ma place nulle part, vous voyez.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't belong anywhere, you know.", "ref": "I don't feel at home anywhere, you see.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_27", "orig": "I'm sure there's somewhere you fit in.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis sûr qu'il y a un endroit où vous vous adaptez.", "ref": "Je suis certaine qu'il y a des endroits où vous avez votre place.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_28", "orig": "Have you always felt like this?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu t'es toujours senti comme ça ?", "ref": "Vous vous êtes toujours senti comme ça ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_29", "orig": "Je ne sais pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't know.", "ref": "I don't know.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_30", "orig": "Mais je crois que c'est de plus en plus difficile pour moi avec le temps.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I think it's getting harder for me in time.", "ref": "But I think it's been getting worse over time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"in time\" should be \"with time\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_31", "orig": "En plus, mes nouveaux voisins sont bizarres.", "norm": "", "mt": "Plus, my new neighbors are weird.", "ref": "And my new neighbours are odd.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_32", "orig": "Ils me regardent toujours d'un air étrange.", "norm": "", "mt": "They always look at me with a strange look.", "ref": "They always look at me weirdly.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_33", "orig": "Je pense qu'ils écoutent ce que je fais à travers les murs.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think they're listening to what I'm doing through the walls.", "ref": "I think they listen to what I'm doing through the walls.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_34", "orig": "Do you listen to them through the walls too?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu les écoutes aussi à travers les murs ?", "ref": "Vous les écoutez vous aussi à travers les murs ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_35", "orig": "Oh non, j'aurais trop peur qu'ils s'aperçoivent que je les écoute.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, no, I'd be too afraid if they found out I was listening.", "ref": "Oh no, I would be too scared of them noticing me listening to them.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"if\" would be better as \"that\"", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_36", "orig": "Mais je les entends quand même.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I still hear them.", "ref": "But I can hear them anyway.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_37", "orig": "Les murs ne sont pas si épais.", "norm": "", "mt": "The walls aren't that thick.", "ref": "The walls aren't very thick.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_38", "orig": "C'est pour ça aussi que je me sens épié en continu.", "norm": "", "mt": "That's why I feel like I'm watching.", "ref": "That's also why I feel spied on continually.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "should maybe be \"being watched\"", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_39", "orig": "Mais je n'ai pas l'argent de déménager dans une maison.", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't have the money to move into a house.", "ref": "But I don't have enough money to move into a house.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_40", "orig": "Oh, so you live in a flat at the moment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors, vous vivez dans un appartement ?", "ref": "Ah, donc vous vivez dans un appartement actuellement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "alors -> donc", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_41", "orig": "Oui absolument, je ne vous l'ai pas dit plus tôt?", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, I did, didn't I tell you earlier?", "ref": "Yes, absolutely. Didn't I tell you earlier? ", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_42", "orig": "Je suis désolé.", "norm": "", "mt": "I'm sorry.", "ref": "I'm sorry.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_43", "orig": "Maybe you did.", "norm": "", "mt": "Peut-être que si.", "ref": "Vous l'avez peut-être dit.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_44", "orig": "No worries.", "norm": "", "mt": "Pas de souci.", "ref": "Pas de souci.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_45", "orig": "But you never had problems with the old neighbours then?", "norm": "", "mt": "Mais tu n'as jamais eu de problèmes avec les vieux voisins ?", "ref": "Mais alors vous n'avez jamais eu de problème avec vos anciens voisins ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous ; \"vieux\" > \"précédents\" ou \"anciens\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_46", "orig": "C'était une personne âgée qui n'entendait rien et ne faisait pas de bruit.", "norm": "", "mt": "She was an old person who didn't hear anything and make no noise.", "ref": "It was an elderly woman who couldn't hear a thing and didn't make any noise.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "neighbours was plural, but he mentions just one person. Slightly incoherent way of replying with respect to the question", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_47", "orig": "Je me sentais plus chez moi.", "norm": "", "mt": "I didn't feel at home.", "ref": "I felt more at home.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_48", "orig": "Well, that will give us a good basis to start with next time.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ça nous donnera une bonne base pour commencer la prochaine fois.", "ref": "Bon, ça nous donne un bon point de départ d'où partir la prochaine fois.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_49", "orig": "I'm afraid our time is up for today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je crains que notre temps soit écoulé.", "ref": "Malheureusement nous arrivons à la fin de votre séance d'aujourd'hui", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je crains que\" est un anglicisme", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_50", "orig": "I've got lots of other patients to see.", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai plein d'autres patients à voir.", "ref": "J'ai plein d'autre patients à voir.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_51", "orig": "And a blind date this lunchtime!", "norm": "", "mt": "Et un rendez-vous arrangé ce midi !", "ref": "Et j'ai un blind date ce midi !", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "bizarre (arrangé?)", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_52", "orig": "Please sign out at reception when you leave.", "norm": "", "mt": "S'il vous plaît, signez à la réception quand vous partirez.", "ref": "Signez en partant à la réception, s'il vous plaît.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"quand vous partirez\" > \"en partant\" ; \"signez à\" sonne étrange", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_53", "orig": "D'accord, merci pour votre temps, désolé de vous avoir importuné.", "norm": "", "mt": "Okay, thanks for your time, I'm sorry I bothered you.", "ref": "Ok, thank you for your time. Sorry to have bothered you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-28T19-58-17.773486_french_english_1_3_54", "orig": "Et désolé d'être tout le temps désolé...", "norm": "", "mt": "And I'm sorry I'm always sorry...", "ref": "And sorry for being sorry all the time.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Why do we learn about History?
Why do we learn about history?
Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.
But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.
But young lady, history is a very important subject.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.
It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.
Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.
And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.
And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.
Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.
Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?
Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.
Every teacher specializes in discipline.
Each teacher is specialist in a subject.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.
I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.
I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais l'histoire est très importante.
But the story is very important.
But history is important.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.
It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.
It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?
And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?
And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
La naissance de l'écriture?
The birth of writing?
The birth of writing?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present
Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.
Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.
Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.
Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!
Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!
Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Prenons un exemple.
Let's take an example.
Let's take an example.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.
After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.
After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ça représentait une fortune.
It meant a fortune.
It was a fortune.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.
It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.
It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.
After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.
In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.
And they built Europe instead.
And they created Europe instead.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.
And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.
And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
That is true.
C'est vrai.
C'est vrai.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?
Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?
Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Je ne pense pas.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...
You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...
We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?
But what are you interested in?
So what are you interested in?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?
What are the subjects that seem useful to you?
Which subjects do you find useful?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I am very passionate about looking after the planet
I am very passionate about looking after the planet.
Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.
Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
And making sure that we look after it
Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.
Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy
by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.
Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.
En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.
Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.
Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?
Are you planning to study in this field?
Do you plan on studying it?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better
I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.
Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.
J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
But I also really enjoy reading and theatre
But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.
Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.
Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.
You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.
You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!
But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!
But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?
Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?
Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.
Depends on what you want to do.
It depends what you want to do for a career.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.
We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.
You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.
But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.
But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!
Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !
Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
How about iPads instead of paper note books?
How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?
Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?
Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
I think my fellow students would be very happy
I think my fellow students would be very happy.
Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.
Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.
You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.
You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.
While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.
Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?
Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?
Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.
Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.
Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.
Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.
Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je pense notamment aux semi-conducteurs, qui sont presque exclusivement produits en Chine, dans des mines très polluantes.
I think about the semi-drivers, who are almost exclusively products in China, in very polluted mines.
I am thinking in particular of semi-conductors, which are almost exclusively produced in China, in highly polluting mines.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure of meaning of 'semi-drivers'", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_48", "orig": "Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.", "norm": "", "mt": "Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.", "ref": "Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Mais vous pourrez en parler à votre professeur de physique, si ça vous intéresse.
But you can talk to your physics teacher, if you're interested.
But you could speak to your Physics teacher about it, if you're interested.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_48", "orig": "Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.", "norm": "", "mt": "Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.", "ref": "Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_49", "orig": "Je pense notamment aux semi-conducteurs, qui sont presque exclusivement produits en Chine, dans des mines très polluantes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think about the semi-drivers, who are almost exclusively products in China, in very polluted mines.", "ref": "I am thinking in particular of semi-conductors, which are almost exclusively produced in China, in highly polluting mines.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure of meaning of 'semi-drivers'", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je dois maintenant vous laisser, car le cours suivant commence dans 1 minute!
I have to leave now, because the next class starts in one minute!
I have to leave you now, since the next class is starting in 1 minute!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_48", "orig": "Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.", "norm": "", "mt": "Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.", "ref": "Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_49", "orig": "Je pense notamment aux semi-conducteurs, qui sont presque exclusivement produits en Chine, dans des mines très polluantes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think about the semi-drivers, who are almost exclusively products in China, in very polluted mines.", "ref": "I am thinking in particular of semi-conductors, which are almost exclusively produced in China, in highly polluting mines.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure of meaning of 'semi-drivers'", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_50", "orig": "Mais vous pourrez en parler à votre professeur de physique, si ça vous intéresse.", "norm": "", "mt": "But you can talk to your physics teacher, if you're interested.", "ref": "But you could speak to your Physics teacher about it, if you're interested.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
À la semaine prochaine!
See you next week!
See you next week!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_48", "orig": "Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.", "norm": "", "mt": "Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.", "ref": "Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_49", "orig": "Je pense notamment aux semi-conducteurs, qui sont presque exclusivement produits en Chine, dans des mines très polluantes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think about the semi-drivers, who are almost exclusively products in China, in very polluted mines.", "ref": "I am thinking in particular of semi-conductors, which are almost exclusively produced in China, in highly polluting mines.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure of meaning of 'semi-drivers'", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_50", "orig": "Mais vous pourrez en parler à votre professeur de physique, si ça vous intéresse.", "norm": "", "mt": "But you can talk to your physics teacher, if you're interested.", "ref": "But you could speak to your Physics teacher about it, if you're interested.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_51", "orig": "Je dois maintenant vous laisser, car le cours suivant commence dans 1 minute!", "norm": "", "mt": "I have to leave now, because the next class starts in one minute!", "ref": "I have to leave you now, since the next class is starting in 1 minute!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Thank you!
Merci !
Merci !
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T12:49:32.341838", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "baseline", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "average", "meaning": "average", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "", "coherence": "", "grammaticality": "", "meaning": "", "word_choice": "" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are in a classroom.", "Vous êtes dans une salle de classe." ], [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "You are the teacher and you are talking to a student.", "Vous êtes le ou la professeur(e) et vous discutez avec un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "You are the student and you are talking to your teacher.", "Vous êtes un(e) élève(e) ou étudiant(e) et vous discutez avec votre professeur(e)." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_0", "orig": "Why do we learn about History?", "norm": "Why do we learn about history?", "mt": "Pourquoi on apprend l'histoire ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on apprend l'histoire ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_1", "orig": "Mais mademoiselle, l'histoire est une discipline très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But mademoiselle, history is a very important discipline.", "ref": "But young lady, history is a very important subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_2", "orig": "Elle permet de comprendre le présent et de préparer l'avenir en étudiant le passé.", "norm": "", "mt": "It allows you to understand the present and prepare the future as a student of the past.", "ref": "Through it you can understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the past.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_3", "orig": "Et puis ça fait partie de la culture générale de toute personne éduquée.", "norm": "", "mt": "And then it's part of the general culture of all educated people.", "ref": "And it's part of any educated person's general knowledge.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_4", "orig": "Ne pas connaître l'histoire c'est venir de nulle part et être perdu dans le présent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Not knowing the story is come from nowhere and be lost in the present.", "ref": "Not knowing history means coming from nowhere and being lost in the present.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_5", "orig": "Why does school not teach us more about the negatives of debt and looking after our mental health?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi l'école ne nous apprend pas plus sur les négatifs de la dette et à la recherche de notre santé mentale ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce qu'on n'en apprend pas plus à l'école sur les inconvénients de la dette et sur comment prendre soin de notre santé mentale ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice", "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_6", "orig": "Chaque professeur est spécialiste d'une discipline.", "norm": "", "mt": "Every teacher specializes in discipline.", "ref": "Each teacher is specialist in a subject.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "meaning" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_7", "orig": "Je suis d'accord avec vous que certains sujets ne sont pas assez traités.", "norm": "", "mt": "I agree with you that certain subjects are not treated enough.", "ref": "I agree with you that certain topics aren't dealt with enough.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_8", "orig": "Mais l'histoire est très importante.", "norm": "", "mt": "But the story is very important.", "ref": "But history is important.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_9", "orig": "C'est aussi par l'histoire que l'on comprend ce qu'est la démocratie, la politique, l'identité culturelle de son pays.", "norm": "", "mt": "It's also in the story that we understand what democracy is, politics, the cultural identity of his country.", "ref": "It's also through history that we can understand democracy, politics and our country's cultural identity.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "not *his country, the cultural identity of *one's country", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_10", "orig": "Et puis ça ne vous fascine pas, les civilisations anciennes?", "norm": "", "mt": "And it doesn't fascinate you, ancient civilizations?", "ref": "And aren't you fascinated by ancient civilisations?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_11", "orig": "La naissance de l'écriture?", "norm": "", "mt": "The birth of writing?", "ref": "The birth of writing?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_12", "orig": "Yes I suppose it is very interesting, but it does not feel very relevant to the present", "norm": "", "mt": "Oui, je suppose que c'est très intéressant, mais ce n'est pas pertinent pour le présent.", "ref": "Oui, c'est sûrement très intéressant, mais ça n'a pas l'air très pertinent par rapport au présent.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"je suppose\" > \"j'imagine\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_13", "orig": "Mais si, car l'histoire se répète souvent.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, it is, because the story often repeats itself.", "ref": "Of course it is, since history often repeats itself.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_14", "orig": "Étudier les conséquences de décisions qui ont été prises dans le passé permet de comprendre quelles sont les bonnes décisions à prendre aujourd'hui!", "norm": "", "mt": "Studying the consequences of decisions that were taken in the past allows you to understand what the right decisions to make today!", "ref": "Studying the consequences of decisions taken in the past allows us to understand which are the good decisions to take today!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "decisions that were *made/ what the right decisions to make *are today", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_15", "orig": "Prenons un exemple.", "norm": "", "mt": "Let's take an example.", "ref": "Let's take an example.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_16", "orig": "Après la première guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont décidé de demander des réparations très élevées à l'Allemagne.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the first world war, the winners have decided to ask for some very high repairs in Germany.", "ref": "After the first world war the victors decided to make Germany pay huge reparations.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_17", "orig": "Ça représentait une fortune.", "norm": "", "mt": "It meant a fortune.", "ref": "It was a fortune.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_18", "orig": "Ça a ruiné l'économie allemande, et a conduit indirectement à la seconde guerre mondiale.", "norm": "", "mt": "It ruined the German economy, and drove indirectly into World War II.", "ref": "It ruined the German economy and indirectly led to the second world war.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_19", "orig": "Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les vainqueurs ont compris grâce à cela qu'il ne fallait pas recommencer la même erreur.", "norm": "", "mt": "After the second world war, the winners understood because of what it was that we didn't have to make the same mistake again.", "ref": "In the aftermath of the second world war, the victors understood as a result that they mustn't commit the same error again.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_20", "orig": "Et ils ont construit l'Europe à la place.", "norm": "", "mt": "And they built Europe instead.", "ref": "And they created Europe instead.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_21", "orig": "Et maintenant, nous vivons en paix depuis 70 ans en Europe.", "norm": "", "mt": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "ref": "And now we've lived in peace for 70 years in Europe.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_22", "orig": "That is true.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est vrai.", "ref": "C'est vrai.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_23", "orig": "Do you think that one day in the future children will not need to learn to write with a pen and just use a computer instead?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pensez-vous qu'un jour dans les futurs enfants n'aura pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et juste utiliser un ordinateur à la place ?", "ref": "Vous pensez qu'un jour dans le futur les enfants n'auront pas besoin d'apprendre à écrire avec un stylo et utiliseront juste un ordinateur à la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_24", "orig": "Je ne pense pas.", "norm": "", "mt": "I don't think so.", "ref": "I don't think so.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_25", "orig": "Il faudra toujours être capable d'écrire des lettres, de signer des documents...", "norm": "", "mt": "You'll always have to be able to write letters, sign documents...", "ref": "We'll always need to write letters, sign documents...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_26", "orig": "Mais vous, qu'est-ce qui vous intéresse?", "norm": "", "mt": "But what are you interested in?", "ref": "So what are you interested in?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_27", "orig": "Quelles sont les matières qui vous semblent utiles?", "norm": "", "mt": "What are the subjects that seem useful to you?", "ref": "Which subjects do you find useful?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_28", "orig": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet", "norm": "I am very passionate about looking after the planet.", "mt": "Je suis très passionné par la recherche de la planète.", "ref": "Prendre soin de la planète, ça ça me passionne vraiment.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"de la\" -> \"sur la\" ?", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_29", "orig": "And making sure that we look after it", "norm": "", "mt": "Et s'assurer qu'on s'en occupe.", "ref": "Et savoir quoi faire pour en prendre soin.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_30", "orig": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy", "norm": "by recycling, being mindful of the ocean and finding new sources of energy.", "mt": "Par le recyclage, être attentif à l'océan et trouver de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "ref": "En recyclant, en prenant soin des océans et en trouvant de nouvelles sources d'énergie.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_31", "orig": "Oui, ce sont des sujets très importants, vous avez raison.", "norm": "", "mt": "Yes, they're very important subjects, you're right.", "ref": "Yes, they are very important topics, you're right.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_32", "orig": "Vous envisagez de faire des études dans ce domaine?", "norm": "", "mt": "Are you planning to study in this field?", "ref": "Do you plan on studying it?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_33", "orig": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better", "norm": "I would like to study more about the planet and how we can change our behaviour for the better.", "mt": "Je voudrais en savoir plus sur la planète et comment nous pouvons changer notre comportement pour le meilleur.", "ref": "J'aimerais travailler plus sur la planète et sur la façon d'améliorer notre comportement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"pour le meilleur\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_34", "orig": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre", "norm": "But I also really enjoy reading and theatre.", "mt": "Mais j'aime aussi la lecture et le théâtre.", "ref": "Mais j'aime aussi beaucoup lire et le théâtre.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_35", "orig": "Vous devriez commencer à vous renseigner pour savoir dans quelles universités il y a des cursus qui pourraient vous intéresser.", "norm": "", "mt": "You might want to start looking into which schools there are cursus that might interest you.", "ref": "You should start to look into which universities have courses that might interest you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*courses", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_36", "orig": "Mais l'environnement est une discipline vraiment passionnante et très importante pour notre avenir, donc je vous encourage dans cette voie!", "norm": "", "mt": "But the environment is a very exciting and very important discipline for our future, so I encourage you in this path!", "ref": "But the environment is a really fascinating subject and is very important for our future, so I encourage you to keep at it!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_37", "orig": "Do I need a University Degree to get a job working to change the environment?", "norm": "", "mt": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour avoir un emploi pour changer l'environnement ?", "ref": "Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un diplôme universitaire pour trouver un travail où je pourrais changer l'environnement ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_38", "orig": "Ça dépend de ce que vous voulez faire comme métier.", "norm": "", "mt": "Depends on what you want to do.", "ref": "It depends what you want to do for a career.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_39", "orig": "On n'a pas besoin de diplôme universitaire pour changer son comportement au quotidien, et pour inciter son entourage à faire de même.", "norm": "", "mt": "We don't need a college degree to change his behavior daily, and to encourage people to do the same.", "ref": "You don't need a degree to change your day-to-day behaviour and to encourage those around you to do the same.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "to change *our behaviour", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_40", "orig": "Mais si vous voulez allez plus loin, par exemple dans la recherche ou l'ingénierie, alors vous aurez besoin de compétences et de diplômes que seules des études supérieures peuvent vous donner.", "norm": "", "mt": "But if you want to go further, for example in research or engineering, then you'll need skills and degrees that only higher studies can give you.", "ref": "But if you want to go further, for example by going into research or engineering, you'll need skills and degrees that only higher education can give you.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_41", "orig": "If we all used computers at school it would be better for the planet!", "norm": "", "mt": "Si on utilisait tous les ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait mieux pour la planète !", "ref": "Si on utilisait tous des ordinateurs à l'école, ce serait meilleur pour l'environnement.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_42", "orig": "How about iPads instead of paper note books?", "norm": "How about iPads instead of paper notebooks?", "mt": "Et les iPads au lieu des livres de papier ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas des iPad à la place des cahiers en papier ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "les>des ; \"de papier\" bizarre", "eval_problems": [ "style", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_43", "orig": "I think my fellow students would be very happy", "norm": "I think my fellow students would be very happy.", "mt": "Je pense que mes camarades d'élèves seraient très heureux.", "ref": "Je pense que mes camarades de classe seraient contents.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "\"mes camarades d'élèves\"", "eval_problems": [ "word choice", "meaning" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_44", "orig": "Vous devriez vous renseigner, car produire des ordinateurs et des iPads est très polluant.", "norm": "", "mt": "You should look into it, because producing computers and iPads are very polluted.", "ref": "You should look into it, because manufacturing computers and iPads creates a lot of pollution.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "*can be very polluting ", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_45", "orig": "Alors que le papier peut être produit de façon respectueuse de l'environnement, en replantant les arbres.", "norm": "", "mt": "While paper can be produced in a way-in-the-way environment, replanting the trees.", "ref": "Whereas paper can be manufactured in an environmentally friendly way, by replanting trees.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure I would say way-in-the-way", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_46", "orig": "Why is producing computers and iPads very polluting?", "norm": "", "mt": "Pourquoi produire les ordinateurs et les iPads très polluants ?", "ref": "Pourquoi est-ce que fabriquer des ordinateurs et des iPad est très polluant ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "formulation générale", "eval_problems": [ "meaning", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_47", "orig": "Parce qu'aujourd'hui, on ne sait pas les produire sans polluer.", "norm": "", "mt": "Because today, we don't know how to produce them without polluting.", "ref": "Because today we don't yet know how to make them without polluting.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_48", "orig": "Les appareils électroniques contiennent de nombreux produits toxiques, par exemple dans les batteries, les écrans, les processeurs.", "norm": "", "mt": "Electronic devices contain many toxic chemicals, for example, in the batteries, the monitors, the chips.", "ref": "Electronic devices contain a number of toxic substances, for example in the batteries, screen and processors.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_49", "orig": "Je pense notamment aux semi-conducteurs, qui sont presque exclusivement produits en Chine, dans des mines très polluantes.", "norm": "", "mt": "I think about the semi-drivers, who are almost exclusively products in China, in very polluted mines.", "ref": "I am thinking in particular of semi-conductors, which are almost exclusively produced in China, in highly polluting mines.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "I'm not sure of meaning of 'semi-drivers'", "eval_problems": [ "word choice" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_50", "orig": "Mais vous pourrez en parler à votre professeur de physique, si ça vous intéresse.", "norm": "", "mt": "But you can talk to your physics teacher, if you're interested.", "ref": "But you could speak to your Physics teacher about it, if you're interested.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_51", "orig": "Je dois maintenant vous laisser, car le cours suivant commence dans 1 minute!", "norm": "", "mt": "I have to leave now, because the next class starts in one minute!", "ref": "I have to leave you now, since the next class is starting in 1 minute!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T12-49-32.341838_french_english_1_11_52", "orig": "À la semaine prochaine!", "norm": "", "mt": "See you next week!", "ref": "See you next week!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.
Hey, it's my birthday.
By the way, it's my birthday.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?
Don't you want to help me set something up?
Do you want to help me organise something?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I said I would, didn't I?
J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?
J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
So here I am. What do you want me to do?
Alors je suis là.
Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Thank you!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.
I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.
I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Peut-être un restau?
Maybe a restaurant?
Maybe in a restaurant?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
I thought it was today.
Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.
Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
I'm busy Saturday.
Je suis occupé samedi.
Je suis occupé samedi.
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
That's a problem.
C'est un problème.
C'est un problème.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Ah mince!
Oh, man.
Oh damn!
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.
My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.
My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
On peut décaler à dimanche?
Can we reschedule for Sunday?
We could move it to Sunday?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.
Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.
Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
We can just invite people on the Sunday.
On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.
On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Do you have a favourite restaurant?
Tu as un restaurant préféré ?
Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Oh and are you paying for everything?
Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?
Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.
Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } } ]
Tu en connais un bon par hasard?
Do you know a good one?
Do you happen to know a good one?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...
It's not too expensive in general...
It usually isn't too expensive...
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.
Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.
Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } } ]
Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?
Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?
Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?
Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...
If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...
If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...
But I don't like Italians too much...
But I don't really like Italian restaurants...
{ "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
That sounds like a good plan.
C'est un bon plan.
Ça me semble un bon plan.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_26", "orig": "Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't like Italians too much...", "ref": "But I don't really like Italian restaurants...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } } ]
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_26", "orig": "Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't like Italians too much...", "ref": "But I don't really like Italian restaurants...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_27", "orig": "That sounds like a good plan.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un bon plan.", "ref": "Ça me semble un bon plan.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
So a cheap French place.
Donc un endroit français bon marché.
Dans ce cas un restaurant français pas cher.
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_26", "orig": "Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't like Italians too much...", "ref": "But I don't really like Italian restaurants...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_27", "orig": "That sounds like a good plan.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un bon plan.", "ref": "Ça me semble un bon plan.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_28", "orig": "Ah.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ah.", "ref": "Ah.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
How about Chez Maurice in the Square?
Et pour Chez Maurice sur la place ?
Pourquoi pas chez Maurice sur la place ?
{ "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_26", "orig": "Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't like Italians too much...", "ref": "But I don't really like Italian restaurants...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_27", "orig": "That sounds like a good plan.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un bon plan.", "ref": "Ça me semble un bon plan.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_28", "orig": "Ah.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ah.", "ref": "Ah.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_29", "orig": "So a cheap French place.", "norm": "", "mt": "Donc un endroit français bon marché.", "ref": "Dans ce cas un restaurant français pas cher.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } } ]
Tu connais un restau indonésien?
You know an Indonesian restaurant?
Do you know an Indonesian restaurant?
{ "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" }
{ "start_time": "2018-04-29T13:01:35.052973", "end_time": "", "translation_model": "2to2", "final_evaluation_user1": { "style": "good", "coherence": "excellent", "grammaticality": "good", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "average" }, "final_evaluation_user2": { "style": "excellent", "coherence": "good", "grammaticality": "excellent", "meaning": "good", "word_choice": "good" }, "scenario": [ [ "You are both organising a party.", "Vous organisez une fête." ], [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ] ], "user1": { "role_num": 1, "role": [ "It's your party.", "C'est votre anniversaire" ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 1, "lang": "french" }, "user2": { "role_num": 2, "role": [ "It's their party.", "C'est l'anniversaire de la personne avec qui vous discutez." ], "initiated_dialogue": true, "turn_number": 2, "lang": "english" } }
[ { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_0", "orig": "Salut!", "norm": "", "mt": "Hi!", "ref": "Hi!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_1", "orig": "Dis, c'est mon anniversaire.", "norm": "", "mt": "Hey, it's my birthday.", "ref": "By the way, it's my birthday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_2", "orig": "Tu ne veux pas m'aider à organiser un truc?", "norm": "", "mt": "Don't you want to help me set something up?", "ref": "Do you want to help me organise something?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "Odd use of negative", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_3", "orig": "I said I would, didn't I?", "norm": "", "mt": "J'ai dit que je le ferais, n'est-ce pas ?", "ref": "J'ai dit que je le ferai, n'est-ce pas ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_4", "orig": "So here I am. What do you want me to do?", "norm": "", "mt": "Alors je suis là.", "ref": "Et bien me voilà. Que veux-tu que je fasse ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "coherence" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_5", "orig": "Super!", "norm": "", "mt": "Great!", "ref": "Great!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_6", "orig": "Merci!", "norm": "", "mt": "Thank you!", "ref": "Thanks!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_7", "orig": "Je pensais faire ça samedi prochain.", "norm": "", "mt": "I was thinking about doing this next Saturday.", "ref": "I was thinking of doing it next Saturday.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_8", "orig": "Peut-être un restau?", "norm": "", "mt": "Maybe a restaurant?", "ref": "Maybe in a restaurant?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_9", "orig": "Oh.", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh.", "ref": "Oh.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_10", "orig": "I thought it was today.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "ref": "Je croyais que c'était aujourd'hui.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_11", "orig": "I'm busy Saturday.", "norm": "", "mt": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "ref": "Je suis occupé samedi.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "genre", "eval_problems": [ "grammar" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_12", "orig": "That's a problem.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un problème.", "ref": "C'est un problème.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_13", "orig": "Ah mince!", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, man.", "ref": "Oh damn!", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_14", "orig": "Mon anniversaire est aujourd'hui, mais je pensais qu'il y aurait plus de monde le week-end.", "norm": "", "mt": "My birthday is today, but I thought there'd be more people on the weekends.", "ref": "My birthday's today but I thought there would be more people at the weekend.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_15", "orig": "On peut décaler à dimanche?", "norm": "", "mt": "Can we reschedule for Sunday?", "ref": "We could move it to Sunday?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_16", "orig": "Well as we've not scheduled the party yet we don't have to reschedule it.", "norm": "", "mt": "Comme on n'a pas prévu de faire la fête, on n'a pas à le reporter.", "ref": "Eh bien puisqu'on n'a pas encore planifié la fête, on n'a pas besoin de la repousser.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_17", "orig": "We can just invite people on the Sunday.", "norm": "", "mt": "On peut inviter des gens le dimanche.", "ref": "On peut juste inviter les gens dimanche.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_18", "orig": "Do you have a favourite restaurant?", "norm": "", "mt": "Tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu as un restaurant préféré ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_19", "orig": "Oh and are you paying for everything?", "norm": "", "mt": "Oh, et vous payez pour tout ?", "ref": "Oh, et est-ce que tu payes pour tout ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "style" ], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_20", "orig": "Euh... je ne sais pas... j'aime bien les restaurants indonésiens.", "norm": "", "mt": "Uh...", "ref": "Erm... I don't know... I like Indonesian restaurants.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_21", "orig": "Tu en connais un bon par hasard?", "norm": "", "mt": "Do you know a good one?", "ref": "Do you happen to know a good one?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_22", "orig": "Ce n'est pas trop cher en général...", "norm": "", "mt": "It's not too expensive in general...", "ref": "It usually isn't too expensive...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "unclear", "eval_problems": [ "other" ], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_23", "orig": "There's that new Italian place but I'm not clear about who's paying.", "norm": "", "mt": "Il y a ce nouvel endroit italien, mais je ne sais pas qui paie.", "ref": "Il y a ce nouvel italien mais je n'ai toujours pas vraiment compris qui allait payer.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_24", "orig": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own mean or will you pay for eveything?", "norm": "Do you want your guests to pay for their own meal or will you pay for everything?", "mt": "Vous voulez que vos invités paient pour eux-mêmes ou vous allez payer pour tout ?", "ref": "Est-ce que tu veux que les invités payent leur repas ou payeras-tu pour tout le monde ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "tu/vous", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_25", "orig": "Si ce n'est pas trop cher, je peux éventuellement payer les boissons et chacun paie pour la nourriture qu'il commande...", "norm": "", "mt": "If it's not too expensive, I can afford the drinks and everyone pays for the food they order...", "ref": "If it's not too expensive, I could perhaps pay for the drinks and everybody could pay for their own food they've ordered...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_26", "orig": "Mais je n'aime pas trop les Italiens...", "norm": "", "mt": "But I don't like Italians too much...", "ref": "But I don't really like Italian restaurants...", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "medium", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "french" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_27", "orig": "That sounds like a good plan.", "norm": "", "mt": "C'est un bon plan.", "ref": "Ça me semble un bon plan.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_28", "orig": "Ah.", "norm": "", "mt": "Ah.", "ref": "Ah.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_29", "orig": "So a cheap French place.", "norm": "", "mt": "Donc un endroit français bon marché.", "ref": "Dans ce cas un restaurant français pas cher.", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "perfect", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [], "lang": "english" } }, { "id": "dialogue-2018-04-29T13-01-35.052973_french_english_4_2_30", "orig": "How about Chez Maurice in the Square?", "norm": "", "mt": "Et pour Chez Maurice sur la place ?", "ref": "Pourquoi pas chez Maurice sur la place ?", "utterance_meta": { "eval_judgment": "poor", "eval_verbatim": "", "eval_problems": [ "grammar", "word choice" ], "lang": "english" } } ]