3 values
845 values
81 values
45 values
SPLADE v2: Sparse Lexical and Expansion Model for Information Retrieval
[ "Thibault Formal", "Carlos Lassance", "Benjamin Piwowarski", "Stéphane Clinchant" ]
In neural Information Retrieval (IR), ongoing research is directed towards improving the first retriever in ranking pipelines. Learning dense embeddings to conduct retrieval using efficient approximate nearest neighbors methods has proven to work well. Meanwhile, there has been a growing interest in learning \emph{sparse} representations for documents and queries, that could inherit from the desirable properties of bag-of-words models such as the exact matching of terms and the efficiency of inverted indexes. Introduced recently, the SPLADE model provides highly sparse representations and competitive results with respect to state-of-the-art dense and sparse approaches. In this paper, we build on SPLADE and propose several significant improvements in terms of effectiveness and/or efficiency. More specifically, we modify the pooling mechanism, benchmark a model solely based on document expansion, and introduce models trained with distillation. We also report results on the BEIR benchmark. Overall, SPLADE is considerably improved with more than $9$\% gains on NDCG@10 on TREC DL 2019, leading to state-of-the-art results on the BEIR benchmark.
[ "cs.IR", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Lumina-mGPT: Illuminate Flexible Photorealistic Text-to-Image Generation with Multimodal Generative Pretraining
[ "Dongyang Liu", "Shitian Zhao", "Le Zhuo", "Weifeng Lin", "Yu Qiao", "Hongsheng Li", "Peng Gao" ]
We present Lumina-mGPT, a family of multimodal autoregressive models capable of various vision and language tasks, particularly excelling in generating flexible photorealistic images from text descriptions. Unlike existing autoregressive image generation approaches, Lumina-mGPT employs a pretrained decoder-only transformer as a unified framework for modeling multimodal token sequences. Our key insight is that a simple decoder-only transformer with multimodal Generative PreTraining (mGPT), utilizing the next-token prediction objective on massive interleaved text-image sequences, can learn broad and general multimodal capabilities, thereby illuminating photorealistic text-to-image generation. Building on these pretrained models, we propose Flexible Progressive Supervised Finetuning (FP-SFT) on high-quality image-text pairs to fully unlock their potential for high-aesthetic image synthesis at any resolution while maintaining their general multimodal capabilities. Furthermore, we introduce Ominiponent Supervised Finetuning (Omni-SFT), transforming Lumina-mGPT into a foundation model that seamlessly achieves omnipotent task unification. The resulting model demonstrates versatile multimodal capabilities, including visual generation tasks like flexible text-to-image generation and controllable generation, visual recognition tasks like segmentation and depth estimation, and vision-language tasks like multiturn visual question answering. Additionally, we analyze the differences and similarities between diffusion-based and autoregressive methods in a direct comparison.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Discrete Flow Matching
[ "Itai Gat", "Tal Remez", "Neta Shaul", "Felix Kreuk", "Ricky T. Q. Chen", "Gabriel Synnaeve", "Yossi Adi", "Yaron Lipman" ]
Despite Flow Matching and diffusion models having emerged as powerful generative paradigms for continuous variables such as images and videos, their application to high-dimensional discrete data, such as language, is still limited. In this work, we present Discrete Flow Matching, a novel discrete flow paradigm designed specifically for generating discrete data. Discrete Flow Matching offers several key contributions: (i) it works with a general family of probability paths interpolating between source and target distributions; (ii) it allows for a generic formula for sampling from these probability paths using learned posteriors such as the probability denoiser ($x$-prediction) and noise-prediction ($\epsilon$-prediction); (iii) practically, focusing on specific probability paths defined with different schedulers considerably improves generative perplexity compared to previous discrete diffusion and flow models; and (iv) by scaling Discrete Flow Matching models up to 1.7B parameters, we reach 6.7% Pass@1 and 13.4% Pass@10 on HumanEval and 6.7% Pass@1 and 20.6% Pass@10 on 1-shot MBPP coding benchmarks. Our approach is capable of generating high-quality discrete data in a non-autoregressive fashion, significantly closing the gap between autoregressive models and discrete flow models.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
PockEngine: Sparse and Efficient Fine-tuning in a Pocket
[ "Ligeng Zhu", "Lanxiang Hu", "Ji Lin", "Wei-Chen Wang", "Wei-Ming Chen", "Chuang Gan", "Song Han" ]
On-device learning and efficient fine-tuning enable continuous and privacy-preserving customization (e.g., locally fine-tuning large language models on personalized data). However, existing training frameworks are designed for cloud servers with powerful accelerators (e.g., GPUs, TPUs) and lack the optimizations for learning on the edge, which faces challenges of resource limitations and edge hardware diversity. We introduce PockEngine: a tiny, sparse and efficient engine to enable fine-tuning on various edge devices. PockEngine supports sparse backpropagation: it prunes the backward graph and sparsely updates the model with measured memory saving and latency reduction while maintaining the model quality. Secondly, PockEngine is compilation first: the entire training graph (including forward, backward and optimization steps) is derived at compile-time, which reduces the runtime overhead and brings opportunities for graph transformations. PockEngine also integrates a rich set of training graph optimizations, thus can further accelerate the training cost, including operator reordering and backend switching. PockEngine supports diverse applications, frontends and hardware backends: it flexibly compiles and tunes models defined in PyTorch/TensorFlow/Jax and deploys binaries to mobile CPU/GPU/DSPs. We evaluated PockEngine on both vision models and large language models. PockEngine achieves up to 15 $\times$ speedup over off-the-shelf TensorFlow (Raspberry Pi), 5.6 $\times$ memory saving back-propagation (Jetson AGX Orin). Remarkably, PockEngine enables fine-tuning LLaMav2-7B on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin at 550 tokens/s, 7.9$\times$ faster than the PyTorch.
[ "cs.LG" ]
SlotLifter: Slot-guided Feature Lifting for Learning Object-centric Radiance Fields
[ "Yu Liu", "Baoxiong Jia", "Yixin Chen", "Siyuan Huang" ]
The ability to distill object-centric abstractions from intricate visual scenes underpins human-level generalization. Despite the significant progress in object-centric learning methods, learning object-centric representations in the 3D physical world remains a crucial challenge. In this work, we propose SlotLifter, a novel object-centric radiance model addressing scene reconstruction and decomposition jointly via slot-guided feature lifting. Such a design unites object-centric learning representations and image-based rendering methods, offering state-of-the-art performance in scene decomposition and novel-view synthesis on four challenging synthetic and four complex real-world datasets, outperforming existing 3D object-centric learning methods by a large margin. Through extensive ablative studies, we showcase the efficacy of designs in SlotLifter, revealing key insights for potential future directions.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.RO" ]
BRIGHT: A Realistic and Challenging Benchmark for Reasoning-Intensive Retrieval
[ "Hongjin Su", "Howard Yen", "Mengzhou Xia", "Weijia Shi", "Niklas Muennighoff", "Han-yu Wang", "Haisu Liu", "Quan Shi", "Zachary S. Siegel", "Michael Tang", "Ruoxi Sun", "Jinsung Yoon", "Sercan O. Arik", "Danqi Chen", "Tao Yu" ]
Existing retrieval benchmarks primarily consist of information-seeking queries (e.g., aggregated questions from search engines) where keyword or semantic-based retrieval is usually sufficient. However, many complex real-world queries require in-depth reasoning to identify relevant documents that go beyond surface form matching. For example, finding documentation for a coding question requires understanding the logic and syntax of the functions involved. To better benchmark retrieval on such challenging queries, we introduce BRIGHT, the first text retrieval benchmark that requires intensive reasoning to retrieve relevant documents. BRIGHT is constructed from the 1,398 real-world queries collected from diverse domains (such as economics, psychology, robotics, software engineering, earth sciences, etc.), sourced from naturally occurring or carefully curated human data. Extensive evaluation reveals that even state-of-the-art retrieval models perform poorly on BRIGHT. The leading model on the MTEB leaderboard [38 ], which achieves a score of 59.0 nDCG@10,2 produces a score of nDCG@10 of 18.0 on BRIGHT. We further demonstrate that augmenting queries with Chain-of-Thought reasoning generated by large language models (LLMs) improves performance by up to 12.2 points. Moreover, BRIGHT is robust against data leakage during pretraining of the benchmarked models as we validate by showing similar performance even when documents from the benchmark are included in the training data. We believe that BRIGHT paves the way for future research on retrieval systems in more realistic and challenging settings. Our code and data are available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.IR" ]
Thinking Like Transformers
[ "Gail Weiss", "Yoav Goldberg", "Eran Yahav" ]
What is the computational model behind a Transformer? Where recurrent neural networks have direct parallels in finite state machines, allowing clear discussion and thought around architecture variants or trained models, Transformers have no such familiar parallel. In this paper we aim to change that, proposing a computational model for the transformer-encoder in the form of a programming language. We map the basic components of a transformer-encoder -- attention and feed-forward computation -- into simple primitives, around which we form a programming language: the Restricted Access Sequence Processing Language (RASP). We show how RASP can be used to program solutions to tasks that could conceivably be learned by a Transformer, and how a Transformer can be trained to mimic a RASP solution. In particular, we provide RASP programs for histograms, sorting, and Dyck-languages. We further use our model to relate their difficulty in terms of the number of required layers and attention heads: analyzing a RASP program implies a maximum number of heads and layers necessary to encode a task in a transformer. Finally, we see how insights gained from our abstraction might be used to explain phenomena seen in recent works.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
Preference Fine-Tuning of LLMs Should Leverage Suboptimal, On-Policy Data
[ "Fahim Tajwar", "Anikait Singh", "Archit Sharma", "Rafael Rafailov", "Jeff Schneider", "Tengyang Xie", "Stefano Ermon", "Chelsea Finn", "Aviral Kumar" ]
Learning from preference labels plays a crucial role in fine-tuning large language models. There are several distinct approaches for preference fine-tuning, including supervised learning, on-policy reinforcement learning (RL), and contrastive learning. Different methods come with different implementation tradeoffs and performance differences, and existing empirical findings present different conclusions, for instance, some results show that online RL is quite important to attain good fine-tuning results, while others find (offline) contrastive or even purely supervised methods sufficient. This raises a natural question: what kind of approaches are important for fine-tuning with preference data and why? In this paper, we answer this question by performing a rigorous analysis of a number of fine-tuning techniques on didactic and full-scale LLM problems. Our main finding is that, in general, approaches that use on-policy sampling or attempt to push down the likelihood on certain responses (i.e., employ a "negative gradient") outperform offline and maximum likelihood objectives. We conceptualize our insights and unify methods that use on-policy sampling or negative gradient under a notion of mode-seeking objectives for categorical distributions. Mode-seeking objectives are able to alter probability mass on specific bins of a categorical distribution at a fast rate compared to maximum likelihood, allowing them to relocate masses across bins more effectively. Our analysis prescribes actionable insights for preference fine-tuning of LLMs and informs how data should be collected for maximal improvement.
[ "cs.LG" ]
How Language Model Hallucinations Can Snowball
[ "Muru Zhang", "Ofir Press", "William Merrill", "Alisa Liu", "Noah A. Smith" ]
A major risk of using language models in practical applications is their tendency to hallucinate incorrect statements. Hallucinations are often attributed to knowledge gaps in LMs, but we hypothesize that in some cases, when justifying previously generated hallucinations, LMs output false claims that they can separately recognize as incorrect. We construct three question-answering datasets where ChatGPT and GPT-4 often state an incorrect answer and offer an explanation with at least one incorrect claim. Crucially, we find that ChatGPT and GPT-4 can identify 67% and 87% of their own mistakes, respectively. We refer to this phenomenon as hallucination snowballing: an LM over-commits to early mistakes, leading to more mistakes that it otherwise would not make.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Assisting in Writing Wikipedia-like Articles From Scratch with Large Language Models
[ "Yijia Shao", "Yucheng Jiang", "Theodore A. Kanell", "Peter Xu", "Omar Khattab", "Monica S. Lam" ]
We study how to apply large language models to write grounded and organized long-form articles from scratch, with comparable breadth and depth to Wikipedia pages. This underexplored problem poses new challenges at the pre-writing stage, including how to research the topic and prepare an outline prior to writing. We propose STORM, a writing system for the Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking. STORM models the pre-writing stage by (1) discovering diverse perspectives in researching the given topic, (2) simulating conversations where writers carrying different perspectives pose questions to a topic expert grounded on trusted Internet sources, (3) curating the collected information to create an outline. For evaluation, we curate FreshWiki, a dataset of recent high-quality Wikipedia articles, and formulate outline assessments to evaluate the pre-writing stage. We further gather feedback from experienced Wikipedia editors. Compared to articles generated by an outline-driven retrieval-augmented baseline, more of STORM's articles are deemed to be organized (by a 25% absolute increase) and broad in coverage (by 10%). The expert feedback also helps identify new challenges for generating grounded long articles, such as source bias transfer and over-association of unrelated facts.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Toward Joint Language Modeling for Speech Units and Text
[ "Ju-Chieh Chou", "Chung-Ming Chien", "Wei-Ning Hsu", "Karen Livescu", "Arun Babu", "Alexis Conneau", "Alexei Baevski", "Michael Auli" ]
Speech and text are two major forms of human language. The research community has been focusing on mapping speech to text or vice versa for many years. However, in the field of language modeling, very little effort has been made to model them jointly. In light of this, we explore joint language modeling for speech units and text. Specifically, we compare different speech tokenizers to transform continuous speech signals into discrete units and use different methods to construct mixed speech-text data. We introduce automatic metrics to evaluate how well the joint LM mixes speech and text. We also fine-tune the LM on downstream spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks with different modalities (speech or text) and test its performance to assess the model's learning of shared representations. Our results show that by mixing speech units and text with our proposed mixing techniques, the joint LM improves over a speech-only baseline on SLU tasks and shows zero-shot cross-modal transferability.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
LRVS-Fashion: Extending Visual Search with Referring Instructions
[ "Simon Lepage", "Jérémie Mary", "David Picard" ]
This paper introduces a new challenge for image similarity search in the context of fashion, addressing the inherent ambiguity in this domain stemming from complex images. We present Referred Visual Search (RVS), a task allowing users to define more precisely the desired similarity, following recent interest in the industry. We release a new large public dataset, LRVS-Fashion, consisting of 272k fashion products with 842k images extracted from fashion catalogs, designed explicitly for this task. However, unlike traditional visual search methods in the industry, we demonstrate that superior performance can be achieved by bypassing explicit object detection and adopting weakly-supervised conditional contrastive learning on image tuples. Our method is lightweight and demonstrates robustness, reaching Recall at one superior to strong detection-based baselines against 2M distractors. The dataset is available at .
[ "cs.CV", "68T07 (Primary) 68T45 (Secondary)", "I.2.10" ]
MoMa: Efficient Early-Fusion Pre-training with Mixture of Modality-Aware Experts
[ "Xi Victoria Lin", "Akshat Shrivastava", "Liang Luo", "Srinivasan Iyer", "Mike Lewis", "Gargi Ghosh", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Armen Aghajanyan" ]
We introduce MoMa, a novel modality-aware mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture designed for pre-training mixed-modal, early-fusion language models. MoMa processes images and text in arbitrary sequences by dividing expert modules into modality-specific groups. These groups exclusively process designated tokens while employing learned routing within each group to maintain semantically informed adaptivity. Our empirical results reveal substantial pre-training efficiency gains through this modality-specific parameter allocation. Under a 1-trillion-token training budget, the MoMa 1.4B model, featuring 4 text experts and 4 image experts, achieves impressive FLOPs savings: 3.7x overall, with 2.6x for text and 5.2x for image processing compared to a compute-equivalent dense baseline, measured by pre-training loss. This outperforms the standard expert-choice MoE with 8 mixed-modal experts, which achieves 3x overall FLOPs savings (3x for text, 2.8x for image). Combining MoMa with mixture-of-depths (MoD) further improves pre-training FLOPs savings to 4.2x overall (text: 3.4x, image: 5.3x), although this combination hurts performance in causal inference due to increased sensitivity to router accuracy. These results demonstrate MoMa's potential to significantly advance the efficiency of mixed-modal, early-fusion language model pre-training, paving the way for more resource-efficient and capable multimodal AI systems.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Rotational Equilibrium: How Weight Decay Balances Learning Across Neural Networks
[ "Atli Kosson", "Bettina Messmer", "Martin Jaggi" ]
This study investigates how weight decay affects the update behavior of individual neurons in deep neural networks through a combination of applied analysis and experimentation. Weight decay can cause the expected magnitude and angular updates of a neuron's weight vector to converge to a steady state we call rotational equilibrium. These states can be highly homogeneous, effectively balancing the average rotation -- a proxy for the effective learning rate -- across different layers and neurons. Our work analyzes these dynamics across optimizers like Adam, Lion, and SGD with momentum, offering a new simple perspective on training that elucidates the efficacy of widely used but poorly understood methods in deep learning. We demonstrate how balanced rotation plays a key role in the effectiveness of normalization like Weight Standardization, as well as that of AdamW over Adam with L2-regularization. Finally, we show that explicitly controlling the rotation provides the benefits of weight decay while substantially reducing the need for learning rate warmup.
[ "cs.LG" ]
InstantStyle-Plus: Style Transfer with Content-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation
[ "Haofan Wang", "Peng Xing", "Renyuan Huang", "Hao Ai", "Qixun Wang", "Xu Bai" ]
Style transfer is an inventive process designed to create an image that maintains the essence of the original while embracing the visual style of another. Although diffusion models have demonstrated impressive generative power in personalized subject-driven or style-driven applications, existing state-of-the-art methods still encounter difficulties in achieving a seamless balance between content preservation and style enhancement. For example, amplifying the style's influence can often undermine the structural integrity of the content. To address these challenges, we deconstruct the style transfer task into three core elements: 1) Style, focusing on the image's aesthetic characteristics; 2) Spatial Structure, concerning the geometric arrangement and composition of visual elements; and 3) Semantic Content, which captures the conceptual meaning of the image. Guided by these principles, we introduce InstantStyle-Plus, an approach that prioritizes the integrity of the original content while seamlessly integrating the target style. Specifically, our method accomplishes style injection through an efficient, lightweight process, utilizing the cutting-edge InstantStyle framework. To reinforce the content preservation, we initiate the process with an inverted content latent noise and a versatile plug-and-play tile ControlNet for preserving the original image's intrinsic layout. We also incorporate a global semantic adapter to enhance the semantic content's fidelity. To safeguard against the dilution of style information, a style extractor is employed as discriminator for providing supplementary style guidance. Codes will be available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
PanGu-Draw: Advancing Resource-Efficient Text-to-Image Synthesis with Time-Decoupled Training and Reusable Coop-Diffusion
[ "Guansong Lu", "Yuanfan Guo", "Jianhua Han", "Minzhe Niu", "Yihan Zeng", "Songcen Xu", "Zeyi Huang", "Zhao Zhong", "Wei Zhang", "Hang Xu" ]
Current large-scale diffusion models represent a giant leap forward in conditional image synthesis, capable of interpreting diverse cues like text, human poses, and edges. However, their reliance on substantial computational resources and extensive data collection remains a bottleneck. On the other hand, the integration of existing diffusion models, each specialized for different controls and operating in unique latent spaces, poses a challenge due to incompatible image resolutions and latent space embedding structures, hindering their joint use. Addressing these constraints, we present "PanGu-Draw", a novel latent diffusion model designed for resource-efficient text-to-image synthesis that adeptly accommodates multiple control signals. We first propose a resource-efficient Time-Decoupling Training Strategy, which splits the monolithic text-to-image model into structure and texture generators. Each generator is trained using a regimen that maximizes data utilization and computational efficiency, cutting data preparation by 48% and reducing training resources by 51%. Secondly, we introduce "Coop-Diffusion", an algorithm that enables the cooperative use of various pre-trained diffusion models with different latent spaces and predefined resolutions within a unified denoising process. This allows for multi-control image synthesis at arbitrary resolutions without the necessity for additional data or retraining. Empirical validations of Pangu-Draw show its exceptional prowess in text-to-image and multi-control image generation, suggesting a promising direction for future model training efficiencies and generation versatility. The largest 5B T2I PanGu-Draw model is released on the Ascend platform. Project page: $\href{}{this~https~URL}$
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
NEFTune: Noisy Embeddings Improve Instruction Finetuning
[ "Neel Jain", "Ping-yeh Chiang", "Yuxin Wen", "John Kirchenbauer", "Hong-Min Chu", "Gowthami Somepalli", "Brian R. Bartoldson", "Bhavya Kailkhura", "Avi Schwarzschild", "Aniruddha Saha", "Micah Goldblum", "Jonas Geiping", "Tom Goldstein" ]
We show that language model finetuning can be improved, sometimes dramatically, with a simple augmentation. NEFTune adds noise to the embedding vectors during training. Standard finetuning of LLaMA-2-7B using Alpaca achieves 29.79% on AlpacaEval, which rises to 64.69% using noisy embeddings. NEFTune also improves over strong baselines on modern instruction datasets. Models trained with Evol-Instruct see a 10% improvement, with ShareGPT an 8% improvement, and with OpenPlatypus an 8% improvement. Even powerful models further refined with RLHF such as LLaMA-2-Chat benefit from additional training with NEFTune.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Segmentation
[ "Ayush Jain", "Pushkal Katara", "Nikolaos Gkanatsios", "Adam W. Harley", "Gabriel Sarch", "Kriti Aggarwal", "Vishrav Chaudhary", "Katerina Fragkiadaki" ]
State-of-the-art models on contemporary 3D segmentation benchmarks like ScanNet consume and label dataset-provided 3D point clouds, obtained through post processing of sensed multiview RGB-D images. They are typically trained in-domain, forego large-scale 2D pre-training and outperform alternatives that featurize the posed RGB-D multiview images instead. The gap in performance between methods that consume posed images versus post-processed 3D point clouds has fueled the belief that 2D and 3D perception require distinct model architectures. In this paper, we challenge this view and propose ODIN (Omni-Dimensional INstance segmentation), a model that can segment and label both 2D RGB images and 3D point clouds, using a transformer architecture that alternates between 2D within-view and 3D cross-view information fusion. Our model differentiates 2D and 3D feature operations through the positional encodings of the tokens involved, which capture pixel coordinates for 2D patch tokens and 3D coordinates for 3D feature tokens. ODIN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet200, Matterport3D and AI2THOR 3D instance segmentation benchmarks, and competitive performance on ScanNet, S3DIS and COCO. It outperforms all previous works by a wide margin when the sensed 3D point cloud is used in place of the point cloud sampled from 3D mesh. When used as the 3D perception engine in an instructable embodied agent architecture, it sets a new state-of-the-art on the TEACh action-from-dialogue benchmark. Our code and checkpoints can be found at the project website (
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.RO" ]
Is Your Model Really A Good Math Reasoner? Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning with Checklist
[ "Zihao Zhou", "Shudong Liu", "Maizhen Ning", "Wei Liu", "Jindong Wang", "Derek F. Wong", "Xiaowei Huang", "Qiufeng Wang", "Kaizhu Huang" ]
Exceptional mathematical reasoning ability is one of the key features that demonstrate the power of large language models (LLMs). How to comprehensively define and evaluate the mathematical abilities of LLMs, and even reflect the user experience in real-world scenarios, has emerged as a critical issue. Current benchmarks predominantly concentrate on problem-solving capabilities, which presents a substantial risk of model overfitting and fails to accurately represent genuine mathematical reasoning abilities. In this paper, we argue that if a model really understands a problem, it should be robustly and readily applied across a diverse array of tasks. Motivated by this, we introduce MATHCHECK, a well-designed checklist for testing task generalization and reasoning robustness, as well as an automatic tool to generate checklists efficiently. MATHCHECK includes multiple mathematical reasoning tasks and robustness test types to facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of both mathematical reasoning ability and behavior testing. Utilizing MATHCHECK, we develop MATHCHECK-GSM and MATHCHECK-GEO to assess mathematical textual reasoning and multi-modal reasoning capabilities, respectively, serving as upgraded versions of benchmarks including GSM8k, GeoQA, UniGeo, and Geometry3K. We adopt MATHCHECK-GSM and MATHCHECK-GEO to evaluate over 20 LLMs and 11 MLLMs, assessing their comprehensive mathematical reasoning abilities. Our results demonstrate that while frontier LLMs like GPT-4o continue to excel in various abilities on the checklist, many other model families exhibit a significant decline. Further experiments indicate that, compared to traditional math benchmarks, MATHCHECK better reflects true mathematical abilities and represents mathematical intelligence more linearly, thereby supporting our design. On our MATHCHECK, we can easily conduct detailed behavior analysis to deeply investigate models.
[ "cs.CL" ]
WildGaussians: 3D Gaussian Splatting in the Wild
[ "Jonas Kulhanek", "Songyou Peng", "Zuzana Kukelova", "Marc Pollefeys", "Torsten Sattler" ]
While the field of 3D scene reconstruction is dominated by NeRFs due to their photorealistic quality, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently emerged, offering similar quality with real-time rendering speeds. However, both methods primarily excel with well-controlled 3D scenes, while in-the-wild data - characterized by occlusions, dynamic objects, and varying illumination - remains challenging. NeRFs can adapt to such conditions easily through per-image embedding vectors, but 3DGS struggles due to its explicit representation and lack of shared parameters. To address this, we introduce WildGaussians, a novel approach to handle occlusions and appearance changes with 3DGS. By leveraging robust DINO features and integrating an appearance modeling module within 3DGS, our method achieves state-of-the-art results. We demonstrate that WildGaussians matches the real-time rendering speed of 3DGS while surpassing both 3DGS and NeRF baselines in handling in-the-wild data, all within a simple architectural framework.
[ "cs.CV" ]
LongAlign: A Recipe for Long Context Alignment of Large Language Models
[ "Yushi Bai", "Xin Lv", "Jiajie Zhang", "Yuze He", "Ji Qi", "Lei Hou", "Jie Tang", "Yuxiao Dong", "Juanzi Li" ]
Extending large language models to effectively handle long contexts requires instruction fine-tuning on input sequences of similar length. To address this, we present LongAlign -- a recipe of the instruction data, training, and evaluation for long context alignment. First, we construct a long instruction-following dataset using Self-Instruct. To ensure the data diversity, it covers a broad range of tasks from various long context sources. Second, we adopt the packing and sorted batching strategies to speed up supervised fine-tuning on data with varied length distributions. Additionally, we develop a loss weighting method to balance the contribution to the loss across different sequences during packing training. Third, we introduce the LongBench-Chat benchmark for evaluating instruction-following capabilities on queries of 10k-100k in length. Experiments show that LongAlign outperforms existing recipes for LLMs in long context tasks by up to 30\%, while also maintaining their proficiency in handling short, generic tasks. The code, data, and long-aligned models are open-sourced at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
4Real: Towards Photorealistic 4D Scene Generation via Video Diffusion Models
[ "Heng Yu", "Chaoyang Wang", "Peiye Zhuang", "Willi Menapace", "Aliaksandr Siarohin", "Junli Cao", "Laszlo A Jeni", "Sergey Tulyakov", "Hsin-Ying Lee" ]
Existing dynamic scene generation methods mostly rely on distilling knowledge from pre-trained 3D generative models, which are typically fine-tuned on synthetic object datasets. As a result, the generated scenes are often object-centric and lack photorealism. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel pipeline designed for photorealistic text-to-4D scene generation, discarding the dependency on multi-view generative models and instead fully utilizing video generative models trained on diverse real-world datasets. Our method begins by generating a reference video using the video generation model. We then learn the canonical 3D representation of the video using a freeze-time video, delicately generated from the reference video. To handle inconsistencies in the freeze-time video, we jointly learn a per-frame deformation to model these imperfections. We then learn the temporal deformation based on the canonical representation to capture dynamic interactions in the reference video. The pipeline facilitates the generation of dynamic scenes with enhanced photorealism and structural integrity, viewable from multiple perspectives, thereby setting a new standard in 4D scene generation.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Connecting Large Language Models with Evolutionary Algorithms Yields Powerful Prompt Optimizers
[ "Qingyan Guo", "Rui Wang", "Junliang Guo", "Bei Li", "Kaitao Song", "Xu Tan", "Guoqing Liu", "Jiang Bian", "Yujiu Yang" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in various tasks, but they rely on carefully crafted prompts that often demand substantial human effort. To automate this process, in this paper, we propose a novel framework for discrete prompt optimization, called EvoPrompt, which borrows the idea of evolutionary algorithms (EAs) as they exhibit good performance and fast convergence. To enable EAs to work on discrete prompts, which are natural language expressions that need to be coherent and human-readable, we connect LLMs with EAs. This approach allows us to simultaneously leverage the powerful language processing capabilities of LLMs and the efficient optimization performance of EAs. Specifically, abstaining from any gradients or parameters, EvoPrompt starts from a population of prompts and iteratively generates new prompts with LLMs based on the evolutionary operators, improving the population based on the development set. We optimize prompts for both closed- and open-source LLMs including GPT-3.5 and Alpaca, on 31 datasets covering language understanding, generation tasks, as well as BIG-Bench Hard (BBH) tasks. EvoPrompt significantly outperforms human-engineered prompts and existing methods for automatic prompt generation (e.g., up to 25% on BBH). Furthermore, EvoPrompt demonstrates that connecting LLMs with EAs creates synergies, which could inspire further research on the combination of LLMs and conventional algorithms.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
LAMP: Learn A Motion Pattern for Few-Shot-Based Video Generation
[ "Ruiqi Wu", "Liangyu Chen", "Tong Yang", "Chunle Guo", "Chongyi Li", "Xiangyu Zhang" ]
With the impressive progress in diffusion-based text-to-image generation, extending such powerful generative ability to text-to-video raises enormous attention. Existing methods either require large-scale text-video pairs and a large number of training resources or learn motions that are precisely aligned with template videos. It is non-trivial to balance a trade-off between the degree of generation freedom and the resource costs for video generation. In our study, we present a few-shot-based tuning framework, LAMP, which enables text-to-image diffusion model Learn A specific Motion Pattern with 8~16 videos on a single GPU. Specifically, we design a first-frame-conditioned pipeline that uses an off-the-shelf text-to-image model for content generation so that our tuned video diffusion model mainly focuses on motion learning. The well-developed text-to-image techniques can provide visually pleasing and diverse content as generation conditions, which highly improves video quality and generation freedom. To capture the features of temporal dimension, we expand the pretrained 2D convolution layers of the T2I model to our novel temporal-spatial motion learning layers and modify the attention blocks to the temporal level. Additionally, we develop an effective inference trick, shared-noise sampling, which can improve the stability of videos with computational costs. Our method can also be flexibly applied to other tasks, e.g. real-world image animation and video editing. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LAMP can effectively learn the motion pattern on limited data and generate high-quality videos. The code and models are available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
SyncDreamer: Generating Multiview-consistent Images from a Single-view Image
[ "Yuan Liu", "Cheng Lin", "Zijiao Zeng", "Xiaoxiao Long", "Lingjie Liu", "Taku Komura", "Wenping Wang" ]
In this paper, we present a novel diffusion model called that generates multiview-consistent images from a single-view image. Using pretrained large-scale 2D diffusion models, recent work Zero123 demonstrates the ability to generate plausible novel views from a single-view image of an object. However, maintaining consistency in geometry and colors for the generated images remains a challenge. To address this issue, we propose a synchronized multiview diffusion model that models the joint probability distribution of multiview images, enabling the generation of multiview-consistent images in a single reverse process. SyncDreamer synchronizes the intermediate states of all the generated images at every step of the reverse process through a 3D-aware feature attention mechanism that correlates the corresponding features across different views. Experiments show that SyncDreamer generates images with high consistency across different views, thus making it well-suited for various 3D generation tasks such as novel-view-synthesis, text-to-3D, and image-to-3D.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.GR" ]
Robust Preference Optimization through Reward Model Distillation
[ "Adam Fisch", "Jacob Eisenstein", "Vicky Zayats", "Alekh Agarwal", "Ahmad Beirami", "Chirag Nagpal", "Pete Shaw", "Jonathan Berant" ]
Language model (LM) post-training (or alignment) involves maximizing a reward function that is derived from preference annotations. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is a popular offline alignment method that trains a policy directly on preference data without the need to train a reward model or apply reinforcement learning. However, typical preference datasets have only a single, or at most a few, annotation per preference pair, which causes DPO to overconfidently assign rewards that trend towards infinite magnitude. This frequently leads to degenerate policies, sometimes causing even the probabilities of the preferred generations to go to zero. In this work, we analyze this phenomenon and propose distillation to get a better proxy for the true preference distribution over generation pairs: we train the LM to produce probabilities that match the distribution induced by a reward model trained on the preference data. Moreover, to account for uncertainty in the reward model we are distilling from, we optimize against a family of reward models that, as a whole, is likely to include at least one reasonable proxy for the preference distribution. Our results show that distilling from such a family of reward models leads to improved robustness to distribution shift in preference annotations, while preserving the simple supervised nature of DPO.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
MagicPose: Realistic Human Poses and Facial Expressions Retargeting with Identity-aware Diffusion
[ "Di Chang", "Yichun Shi", "Quankai Gao", "Jessica Fu", "Hongyi Xu", "Guoxian Song", "Qing Yan", "Yizhe Zhu", "Xiao Yang", "Mohammad Soleymani" ]
In this work, we propose MagicPose, a diffusion-based model for 2D human pose and facial expression retargeting. Specifically, given a reference image, we aim to generate a person's new images by controlling the poses and facial expressions while keeping the identity unchanged. To this end, we propose a two-stage training strategy to disentangle human motions and appearance (e.g., facial expressions, skin tone and dressing), consisting of (1) the pre-training of an appearance-control block and (2) learning appearance-disentangled pose control. Our novel design enables robust appearance control over generated human images, including body, facial attributes, and even background. By leveraging the prior knowledge of image diffusion models, MagicPose generalizes well to unseen human identities and complex poses without the need for additional fine-tuning. Moreover, the proposed model is easy to use and can be considered as a plug-in module/extension to Stable Diffusion. The code is available at:
[ "cs.CV" ]
Sparse High Rank Adapters
[ "Kartikeya Bhardwaj", "Nilesh Prasad Pandey", "Sweta Priyadarshi", "Viswanath Ganapathy", "Rafael Esteves", "Shreya Kadambi", "Shubhankar Borse", "Paul Whatmough", "Risheek Garrepalli", "Mart Van Baalen", "Harris Teague", "Markus Nagel" ]
Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has gained massive attention in the recent generative AI research. One of the main advantages of LoRA is its ability to be fused with pretrained models adding no overhead during inference. However, from a mobile deployment standpoint, we can either avoid inference overhead in the fused mode but lose the ability to switch adapters rapidly, or suffer significant (up to 30% higher) inference latency while enabling rapid switching in the unfused mode. LoRA also exhibits concept-loss when multiple adapters are used concurrently. In this paper, we propose Sparse High Rank Adapters (SHiRA), a new paradigm which incurs no inference overhead, enables rapid switching, and significantly reduces concept-loss. Specifically, SHiRA can be trained by directly tuning only 1-2% of the base model weights while leaving others unchanged. This results in a highly sparse adapter which can be switched directly in the fused mode. We further provide theoretical and empirical insights on how high sparsity in SHiRA can aid multi-adapter fusion by reducing concept loss. Our extensive experiments on LVMs and LLMs demonstrate that finetuning only a small fraction of the parameters in the base model is sufficient for many tasks while enabling both rapid switching and multi-adapter fusion. Finally, we provide a latency- and memory-efficient SHiRA implementation based on Parameter-Efficient Finetuning (PEFT) Library. This implementation trains at nearly the same speed as LoRA while consuming lower peak GPU memory, thus making SHiRA easy to adopt for practical use cases.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Mixture-of-Modules: Reinventing Transformers as Dynamic Assemblies of Modules
[ "Zhuocheng Gong", "Ang Lv", "Jian Guan", "Junxi Yan", "Wei Wu", "Huishuai Zhang", "Minlie Huang", "Dongyan Zhao", "Rui Yan" ]
Is it always necessary to compute tokens from shallow to deep layers in Transformers? The continued success of vanilla Transformers and their variants suggests an undoubted "yes". In this work, however, we attempt to break the depth-ordered convention by proposing a novel architecture dubbed mixture-of-modules (MoM), which is motivated by an intuition that any layer, regardless of its position, can be used to compute a token as long as it possesses the needed processing capabilities. The construction of MoM starts from a finite set of modules defined by multi-head attention and feed-forward networks, each distinguished by its unique parameterization. Two routers then iteratively select attention modules and feed-forward modules from the set to process a token. The selection dynamically expands the computation graph in the forward pass of the token, culminating in an assembly of modules. We show that MoM provides not only a unified framework for Transformers and their numerous variants but also a flexible and learnable approach for reducing redundancy in Transformer parameterization. We pre-train various MoMs using OpenWebText. Empirical results demonstrate that MoMs, of different parameter counts, consistently outperform vanilla transformers on both GLUE and XSUM benchmarks. More interestingly, with a fixed parameter budget, MoM-large enables an over 38% increase in depth for computation graphs compared to GPT-2-large, resulting in absolute gains of 1.4 on GLUE and 1 on XSUM. On the other hand, MoM-large also enables an over 60% reduction in depth while involving more modules per layer, yielding a 16% reduction in TFLOPs and a 43% decrease in memory usage compared to GPT-2-large, while maintaining comparable performance.
[ "cs.CL" ]
In-Context Learning with Long-Context Models: An In-Depth Exploration
[ "Amanda Bertsch", "Maor Ivgi", "Uri Alon", "Jonathan Berant", "Matthew R. Gormley", "Graham Neubig" ]
As model context lengths continue to increase, the number of demonstrations that can be provided in-context approaches the size of entire training datasets. We study the behavior of in-context learning (ICL) at this extreme scale on multiple datasets and models. We show that, for many datasets with large label spaces, performance continues to increase with hundreds or thousands of demonstrations. We contrast this with example retrieval and finetuning: example retrieval shows excellent performance at low context lengths but has diminished gains with more demonstrations; finetuning is more data hungry than ICL but can sometimes exceed long-context ICL performance with additional data. We use this ICL setting as a testbed to study several properties of both in-context learning and long-context models. We show that long-context ICL is less sensitive to random input shuffling than short-context ICL, that grouping of same-label examples can negatively impact performance, and that the performance boosts we see do not arise from cumulative gain from encoding many examples together. We conclude that although long-context ICL can be surprisingly effective, most of this gain comes from attending back to similar examples rather than task learning.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Ctrl-Adapter: An Efficient and Versatile Framework for Adapting Diverse Controls to Any Diffusion Model
[ "Han Lin", "Jaemin Cho", "Abhay Zala", "Mohit Bansal" ]
ControlNets are widely used for adding spatial control to text-to-image diffusion models with different conditions, such as depth maps, scribbles/sketches, and human poses. However, when it comes to controllable video generation, ControlNets cannot be directly integrated into new backbones due to feature space mismatches, and training ControlNets for new backbones can be a significant burden for many users. Furthermore, applying ControlNets independently to different frames cannot effectively maintain object temporal consistency. To address these challenges, we introduce Ctrl-Adapter, an efficient and versatile framework that adds diverse controls to any image/video diffusion model through the adaptation of pretrained ControlNets. Ctrl-Adapter offers strong and diverse capabilities, including image and video control, sparse-frame video control, fine-grained patch-level multi-condition control (via an MoE router), zero-shot adaptation to unseen conditions, and supports a variety of downstream tasks beyond spatial control, including video editing, video style transfer, and text-guided motion control. With six diverse U-Net/DiT-based image/video diffusion models (SDXL, PixArt-$\alpha$, I2VGen-XL, SVD, Latte, Hotshot-XL), Ctrl-Adapter matches the performance of pretrained ControlNets on COCO and achieves the state-of-the-art on DAVIS 2017 with significantly lower computation (< 10 GPU hours).
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Diffusion
[ "Yilun Du", "Jiayuan Mao", "Joshua B. Tenenbaum" ]
We introduce iterative reasoning through energy diffusion (IRED), a novel framework for learning to reason for a variety of tasks by formulating reasoning and decision-making problems with energy-based optimization. IRED learns energy functions to represent the constraints between input conditions and desired outputs. After training, IRED adapts the number of optimization steps during inference based on problem difficulty, enabling it to solve problems outside its training distribution -- such as more complex Sudoku puzzles, matrix completion with large value magnitudes, and pathfinding in larger graphs. Key to our method's success is two novel techniques: learning a sequence of annealed energy landscapes for easier inference and a combination of score function and energy landscape supervision for faster and more stable training. Our experiments show that IRED outperforms existing methods in continuous-space reasoning, discrete-space reasoning, and planning tasks, particularly in more challenging scenarios. Code and visualizations at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Specializing Smaller Language Models towards Multi-Step Reasoning
[ "Yao Fu", "Hao Peng", "Litu Ou", "Ashish Sabharwal", "Tushar Khot" ]
The surprising ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform well on complex reasoning with only few-shot chain-of-thought prompts is believed to emerge only in very large-scale models (100+ billion parameters). We show that such abilities can, in fact, be distilled down from GPT-3.5 ($\ge$ 175B) to T5 variants ($\le$ 11B). We propose model specialization, to specialize the model's ability towards a target task. The hypothesis is that large models (commonly viewed as larger than 100B) have strong modeling power, but are spread on a large spectrum of tasks. Small models (commonly viewed as smaller than 10B) have limited model capacity, but if we concentrate their capacity on a specific target task, the model can achieve a decent improved performance. We use multi-step math reasoning as our testbed because it is a very typical emergent ability. We show two important aspects of model abilities: (1). there exists a very complex balance/ tradeoff between language models' multi-dimensional abilities; (2). by paying the price of decreased generic ability, we can clearly lift up the scaling curve of models smaller than 10B towards a specialized multi-step math reasoning ability. We further give comprehensive discussions about important design choices for better generalization, including the tuning data format, the start model checkpoint, and a new model selection method. We hope our practice and discoveries can serve as an important attempt towards specialized smaller models in the new research paradigm set by LLMs.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Open-FinLLMs: Open Multimodal Large Language Models for Financial Applications
[ "Qianqian Xie", "Dong Li", "Mengxi Xiao", "Zihao Jiang", "Ruoyu Xiang", "Xiao Zhang", "Zhengyu Chen", "Yueru He", "Weiguang Han", "Yuzhe Yang", "Shunian Chen", "Yifei Zhang", "Lihang Shen", "Daniel Kim", "Zhiwei Liu", "Zheheng Luo", "Yangyang Yu", "Yupeng Cao", "Zhiyang Deng", "Zhiyuan Yao", "Haohang Li", "Duanyu Feng", "Yongfu Dai", "VijayaSai Somasundaram", "Peng Lu", "Yilun Zhao", "Yitao Long", "Guojun Xiong", "Kaleb Smith", "Honghai Yu", "Yanzhao Lai", "Min Peng", "Jianyun Nie", "Jordan W. Suchow", "Xiao-Yang Liu", "Benyou Wang", "Alejandro Lopez-Lira", "Jimin Huang", "Sophia Ananiadou" ]
Large language models (LLMs) have advanced financial applications, yet they often lack sufficient financial knowledge and struggle with tasks involving multi-modal inputs like tables and time series data. To address these limitations, we introduce \textit{Open-FinLLMs}, a series of Financial LLMs. We begin with FinLLaMA, pre-trained on a 52 billion token financial corpus, incorporating text, tables, and time-series data to embed comprehensive financial knowledge. FinLLaMA is then instruction fine-tuned with 573K financial instructions, resulting in FinLLaMA-instruct, which enhances task performance. Finally, we present FinLLaVA, a multimodal LLM trained with 1.43M image-text instructions to handle complex financial data types. Extensive evaluations demonstrate FinLLaMA's superior performance over LLaMA3-8B, LLaMA3.1-8B, and BloombergGPT in both zero-shot and few-shot settings across 19 and 4 datasets, respectively. FinLLaMA-instruct outperforms GPT-4 and other Financial LLMs on 15 datasets. FinLLaVA excels in understanding tables and charts across 4 multimodal tasks. Additionally, FinLLaMA achieves impressive Sharpe Ratios in trading simulations, highlighting its robust financial application capabilities. We will continually maintain and improve our models and benchmarks to support ongoing innovation in academia and industry.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.CE", "q-fin.CP" ]
Mosaic-SDF for 3D Generative Models
[ "Lior Yariv", "Omri Puny", "Natalia Neverova", "Oran Gafni", "Yaron Lipman" ]
Current diffusion or flow-based generative models for 3D shapes divide to two: distilling pre-trained 2D image diffusion models, and training directly on 3D shapes. When training a diffusion or flow models on 3D shapes a crucial design choice is the shape representation. An effective shape representation needs to adhere three design principles: it should allow an efficient conversion of large 3D datasets to the representation form; it should provide a good tradeoff of approximation power versus number of parameters; and it should have a simple tensorial form that is compatible with existing powerful neural architectures. While standard 3D shape representations such as volumetric grids and point clouds do not adhere to all these principles simultaneously, we advocate in this paper a new representation that does. We introduce Mosaic-SDF (M-SDF): a simple 3D shape representation that approximates the Signed Distance Function (SDF) of a given shape by using a set of local grids spread near the shape's boundary. The M-SDF representation is fast to compute for each shape individually making it readily parallelizable; it is parameter efficient as it only covers the space around the shape's boundary; and it has a simple matrix form, compatible with Transformer-based architectures. We demonstrate the efficacy of the M-SDF representation by using it to train a 3D generative flow model including class-conditioned generation with the 3D Warehouse dataset, and text-to-3D generation using a dataset of about 600k caption-shape pairs.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.GR" ]
TinyLLaVA: A Framework of Small-scale Large Multimodal Models
[ "Baichuan Zhou", "Ying Hu", "Xi Weng", "Junlong Jia", "Jie Luo", "Xien Liu", "Ji Wu", "Lei Huang" ]
We present the TinyLLaVA framework that provides a unified perspective in designing and analyzing the small-scale Large Multimodal Models (LMMs). We empirically study the effects of different vision encoders, connection modules, language models, training data and training recipes. Our extensive experiments showed that better quality of data combined with better training recipes, smaller LMMs can consistently achieve on-par performances compared to bigger LMMs. Under our framework, we train a family of small-scale LMMs. Our best model, TinyLLaVA-3.1B, achieves better overall performance against existing 7B models such as LLaVA-1.5 and Qwen-VL. We hope our findings can serve as baselines for future research in terms of data scaling, training setups and model selections. Our model weights and codes will be made public.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
InstructBLIP: Towards General-purpose Vision-Language Models with Instruction Tuning
[ "Wenliang Dai", "Junnan Li", "Dongxu Li", "Anthony Meng Huat Tiong", "Junqi Zhao", "Weisheng Wang", "Boyang Li", "Pascale Fung", "Steven Hoi" ]
Large-scale pre-training and instruction tuning have been successful at creating general-purpose language models with broad competence. However, building general-purpose vision-language models is challenging due to the rich input distributions and task diversity resulting from the additional visual input. Although vision-language pretraining has been widely studied, vision-language instruction tuning remains under-explored. In this paper, we conduct a systematic and comprehensive study on vision-language instruction tuning based on the pretrained BLIP-2 models. We gather 26 publicly available datasets, covering a wide variety of tasks and capabilities, and transform them into instruction tuning format. Additionally, we introduce an instruction-aware Query Transformer, which extracts informative features tailored to the given instruction. Trained on 13 held-in datasets, InstructBLIP attains state-of-the-art zero-shot performance across all 13 held-out datasets, substantially outperforming BLIP-2 and larger Flamingo models. Our models also lead to state-of-the-art performance when finetuned on individual downstream tasks (e.g., 90.7% accuracy on ScienceQA questions with image contexts). Furthermore, we qualitatively demonstrate the advantages of InstructBLIP over concurrent multimodal models. All InstructBLIP models are open-sourced at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
ANAH-v2: Scaling Analytical Hallucination Annotation of Large Language Models
[ "Yuzhe Gu", "Ziwei Ji", "Wenwei Zhang", "Chengqi Lyu", "Dahua Lin", "Kai Chen" ]
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit hallucinations in long-form question-answering tasks across various domains and wide applications. Current hallucination detection and mitigation datasets are limited in domains and sizes, which struggle to scale due to prohibitive labor costs and insufficient reliability of existing hallucination annotators. To facilitate the scalable oversight of LLM hallucinations, this paper introduces an iterative self-training framework that simultaneously and progressively scales up the hallucination annotation dataset and improves the accuracy of the hallucination annotator. Based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, in each iteration, the framework first applies a hallucination annotation pipeline to annotate a scaled dataset and then trains a more accurate hallucination annotator on the dataset. This new hallucination annotator is adopted in the hallucination annotation pipeline used for the next iteration. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the finally obtained hallucination annotator with only 7B parameters surpasses the performance of GPT-4 and obtains new state-of-the-art hallucination detection results on HaluEval and HalluQA by zero-shot inference. Such an annotator can not only evaluate the hallucination levels of various LLMs on the large-scale dataset but also help to mitigate the hallucination of LLMs generations, with the Natural Language Inference (NLI) metric increasing from 25% to 37% on HaluEval.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
EDMSound: Spectrogram Based Diffusion Models for Efficient and High-Quality Audio Synthesis
[ "Ge Zhu", "Yutong Wen", "Marc-André Carbonneau", "Zhiyao Duan" ]
Audio diffusion models can synthesize a wide variety of sounds. Existing models often operate on the latent domain with cascaded phase recovery modules to reconstruct waveform. This poses challenges when generating high-fidelity audio. In this paper, we propose EDMSound, a diffusion-based generative model in spectrogram domain under the framework of elucidated diffusion models (EDM). Combining with efficient deterministic sampler, we achieved similar Fr\'echet audio distance (FAD) score as top-ranked baseline with only 10 steps and reached state-of-the-art performance with 50 steps on the DCASE2023 foley sound generation benchmark. We also revealed a potential concern regarding diffusion based audio generation models that they tend to generate samples with high perceptual similarity to the data from training data. Project page:
[ "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
MiniCache: KV Cache Compression in Depth Dimension for Large Language Models
[ "Akide Liu", "Jing Liu", "Zizheng Pan", "Yefei He", "Gholamreza Haffari", "Bohan Zhuang" ]
A critical approach for efficiently deploying computationally demanding large language models (LLMs) is Key-Value (KV) caching. The KV cache stores key-value states of previously generated tokens, significantly reducing the need for repetitive computations and thereby lowering latency in autoregressive generation. However, the size of the KV cache grows linearly with sequence length, posing challenges for applications requiring long context input and extensive sequence generation. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach, called MiniCache, to compress the KV cache across layers from a novel depth perspective, significantly reducing the memory footprint for LLM inference. Our approach is based on the observation that KV cache states exhibit high similarity between the adjacent layers in the middle-to-deep portion of LLMs. To facilitate merging, we propose disentangling the states into the magnitude and direction components, interpolating the directions of the state vectors while preserving their lengths unchanged. Furthermore, we introduce a token retention strategy to keep highly distinct state pairs unmerged, thus preserving the information with minimal additional storage overhead. Our MiniCache is training-free and general, complementing existing KV cache compression strategies, such as quantization and sparsity. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of MiniCache utilizing various models including LLaMA-2, LLaMA-3, Phi-3, Mistral, and Mixtral across multiple benchmarks, demonstrating its exceptional performance in achieving superior compression ratios and high throughput. On the ShareGPT dataset, LLaMA-2-7B with 4-bit MiniCache achieves a remarkable compression ratio of up to 5.02x, enhances inference throughput by approximately 5x, and reduces the memory footprint by 41% compared to the FP16 full cache baseline, all while maintaining near-lossless performance.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
The Vision of Autonomic Computing: Can LLMs Make It a Reality?
[ "Zhiyang Zhang", "Fangkai Yang", "Xiaoting Qin", "Jue Zhang", "Qingwei Lin", "Gong Cheng", "Dongmei Zhang", "Saravan Rajmohan", "Qi Zhang" ]
The Vision of Autonomic Computing (ACV), proposed over two decades ago, envisions computing systems that self-manage akin to biological organisms, adapting seamlessly to changing environments. Despite decades of research, achieving ACV remains challenging due to the dynamic and complex nature of modern computing systems. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) offer promising solutions to these challenges by leveraging their extensive knowledge, language understanding, and task automation capabilities. This paper explores the feasibility of realizing ACV through an LLM-based multi-agent framework for microservice management. We introduce a five-level taxonomy for autonomous service maintenance and present an online evaluation benchmark based on the Sock Shop microservice demo project to assess our framework's performance. Our findings demonstrate significant progress towards achieving Level 3 autonomy, highlighting the effectiveness of LLMs in detecting and resolving issues within microservice architectures. This study contributes to advancing autonomic computing by pioneering the integration of LLMs into microservice management frameworks, paving the way for more adaptive and self-managing computing systems. The code will be made available at
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.DC", "cs.MA", "cs.SE" ]
Diffuse to Choose: Enriching Image Conditioned Inpainting in Latent Diffusion Models for Virtual Try-All
[ "Mehmet Saygin Seyfioglu", "Karim Bouyarmane", "Suren Kumar", "Amir Tavanaei", "Ismail B. Tutar" ]
As online shopping is growing, the ability for buyers to virtually visualize products in their settings-a phenomenon we define as "Virtual Try-All"-has become crucial. Recent diffusion models inherently contain a world model, rendering them suitable for this task within an inpainting context. However, traditional image-conditioned diffusion models often fail to capture the fine-grained details of products. In contrast, personalization-driven models such as DreamPaint are good at preserving the item's details but they are not optimized for real-time applications. We present "Diffuse to Choose," a novel diffusion-based image-conditioned inpainting model that efficiently balances fast inference with the retention of high-fidelity details in a given reference item while ensuring accurate semantic manipulations in the given scene content. Our approach is based on incorporating fine-grained features from the reference image directly into the latent feature maps of the main diffusion model, alongside with a perceptual loss to further preserve the reference item's details. We conduct extensive testing on both in-house and publicly available datasets, and show that Diffuse to Choose is superior to existing zero-shot diffusion inpainting methods as well as few-shot diffusion personalization algorithms like DreamPaint.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Instruction-tuning Aligns LLMs to the Human Brain
[ "Khai Loong Aw", "Syrielle Montariol", "Badr AlKhamissi", "Martin Schrimpf", "Antoine Bosselut" ]
Instruction-tuning is a widely adopted finetuning method that enables large language models (LLMs) to generate output that more closely resembles human responses. However, no studies have shown that instruction-tuning actually teaches LLMs to process language in a similar manner as humans. We investigate the effect of instruction-tuning on aligning LLM and human language processing mechanisms in two ways: (1) brain alignment, the similarity of LLM internal representations to neural activity in the human language system, and (2) behavioral alignment, the similarity of LLM and human behavior on a reading task. We assess 25 vanilla and instruction-tuned LLMs on three datasets involving humans reading naturalistic stories and sentences, and find that instruction-tuning generally enhances brain alignment (~6%), but has no similar effect on behavioral alignment. To identify factors underlying this improvement in brain alignment, we compute correlations between brain alignment and various LLM properties, such as model size, problem-solving, and world knowledge understanding. Notably, we find a strong positive correlation between brain alignment and model size (r = 0.95), as well as performance on tasks requiring world knowledge (r = 0.81). Our results demonstrate that instruction-tuning LLMs improves both world knowledge representations and brain alignment, suggesting that the mechanisms that encode world knowledge in LLMs also improve representational alignment to the human brain.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Learning Iterative Reasoning through Energy Minimization
[ "Yilun Du", "Shuang Li", "Joshua B. Tenenbaum", "Igor Mordatch" ]
Deep learning has excelled on complex pattern recognition tasks such as image classification and object recognition. However, it struggles with tasks requiring nontrivial reasoning, such as algorithmic computation. Humans are able to solve such tasks through iterative reasoning -- spending more time thinking about harder tasks. Most existing neural networks, however, exhibit a fixed computational budget controlled by the neural network architecture, preventing additional computational processing on harder tasks. In this work, we present a new framework for iterative reasoning with neural networks. We train a neural network to parameterize an energy landscape over all outputs, and implement each step of the iterative reasoning as an energy minimization step to find a minimal energy solution. By formulating reasoning as an energy minimization problem, for harder problems that lead to more complex energy landscapes, we may then adjust our underlying computational budget by running a more complex optimization procedure. We empirically illustrate that our iterative reasoning approach can solve more accurate and generalizable algorithmic reasoning tasks in both graph and continuous domains. Finally, we illustrate that our approach can recursively solve algorithmic problems requiring nested reasoning
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Automatic Differential Diagnosis using Transformer-Based Multi-Label Sequence Classification
[ "Abu Adnan Sadi", "Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman Khan", "Lubaba Binte Saber" ]
As the field of artificial intelligence progresses, assistive technologies are becoming more widely used across all industries. The healthcare industry is no different, with numerous studies being done to develop assistive tools for healthcare professionals. Automatic diagnostic systems are one such beneficial tool that can assist with a variety of tasks, including collecting patient information, analyzing test results, and diagnosing patients. However, the idea of developing systems that can provide a differential diagnosis has been largely overlooked in most of these research studies. In this study, we propose a transformer-based approach for providing differential diagnoses based on a patient's age, sex, medical history, and symptoms. We use the DDXPlus dataset, which provides differential diagnosis information for patients based on 49 disease types. Firstly, we propose a method to process the tabular patient data from the dataset and engineer them into patient reports to make them suitable for our research. In addition, we introduce two data modification modules to diversify the training data and consequently improve the robustness of the models. We approach the task as a multi-label classification problem and conduct extensive experiments using four transformer models. All the models displayed promising results by achieving over 97% F1 score on the held-out test set. Moreover, we design additional behavioral tests to get a broader understanding of the models. In particular, for one of our test cases, we prepared a custom test set of 100 samples with the assistance of a doctor. The results on the custom set showed that our proposed data modification modules improved the model's generalization capabilities. We hope our findings will provide future researchers with valuable insights and inspire them to develop reliable systems for automatic differential diagnosis.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
μ-Bench: A Vision-Language Benchmark for Microscopy Understanding
[ "Alejandro Lozano", "Jeffrey Nirschl", "James Burgess", "Sanket Rajan Gupte", "Yuhui Zhang", "Alyssa Unell", "Serena Yeung-Levy" ]
Recent advances in microscopy have enabled the rapid generation of terabytes of image data in cell biology and biomedical research. Vision-language models (VLMs) offer a promising solution for large-scale biological image analysis, enhancing researchers' efficiency, identifying new image biomarkers, and accelerating hypothesis generation and scientific discovery. However, there is a lack of standardized, diverse, and large-scale vision-language benchmarks to evaluate VLMs' perception and cognition capabilities in biological image understanding. To address this gap, we introduce {\mu}-Bench, an expert-curated benchmark encompassing 22 biomedical tasks across various scientific disciplines (biology, pathology), microscopy modalities (electron, fluorescence, light), scales (subcellular, cellular, tissue), and organisms in both normal and abnormal states. We evaluate state-of-the-art biomedical, pathology, and general VLMs on {\mu}-Bench and find that: i) current models struggle on all categories, even for basic tasks such as distinguishing microscopy modalities; ii) current specialist models fine-tuned on biomedical data often perform worse than generalist models; iii) fine-tuning in specific microscopy domains can cause catastrophic forgetting, eroding prior biomedical knowledge encoded in their base model. iv) weight interpolation between fine-tuned and pre-trained models offers one solution to forgetting and improves general performance across biomedical tasks. We release {\mu}-Bench under a permissive license to accelerate the research and development of microscopy foundation models.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
RLVF: Learning from Verbal Feedback without Overgeneralization
[ "Moritz Stephan", "Alexander Khazatsky", "Eric Mitchell", "Annie S Chen", "Sheryl Hsu", "Archit Sharma", "Chelsea Finn" ]
The diversity of contexts in which large language models (LLMs) are deployed requires the ability to modify or customize default model behaviors to incorporate nuanced requirements and preferences. A convenient interface to specify such model adjustments is high-level verbal feedback, such as "Don't use emojis when drafting emails to my boss." However, while writing high-level feedback is far simpler than collecting annotations for reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), we find that simply prompting a model with such feedback leads to overgeneralization of the feedback to contexts where it is not relevant. We study the problem of incorporating verbal feedback without such overgeneralization, inspiring a new method Contextualized Critiques with Constrained Preference Optimization (C3PO). C3PO uses a piece of high-level feedback to generate a small synthetic preference dataset specifying how the feedback should (and should not) be applied. It then fine-tunes the model in accordance with the synthetic preference data while minimizing the divergence from the original model for prompts where the feedback does not apply. Our experimental results indicate that our approach effectively applies verbal feedback to relevant scenarios while preserving existing behaviors for other contexts. For both human- and GPT-4-generated high-level feedback, C3PO effectively adheres to the given feedback comparably to in-context baselines while reducing overgeneralization by 30%.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Sketch2NeRF: Multi-view Sketch-guided Text-to-3D Generation
[ "Minglin Chen", "Weihao Yuan", "Yukun Wang", "Zhe Sheng", "Yisheng He", "Zilong Dong", "Liefeng Bo", "Yulan Guo" ]
Recently, text-to-3D approaches have achieved high-fidelity 3D content generation using text description. However, the generated objects are stochastic and lack fine-grained control. Sketches provide a cheap approach to introduce such fine-grained control. Nevertheless, it is challenging to achieve flexible control from these sketches due to their abstraction and ambiguity. In this paper, we present a multi-view sketch-guided text-to-3D generation framework (namely, Sketch2NeRF) to add sketch control to 3D generation. Specifically, our method leverages pretrained 2D diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion and ControlNet) to supervise the optimization of a 3D scene represented by a neural radiance field (NeRF). We propose a novel synchronized generation and reconstruction method to effectively optimize the NeRF. In the experiments, we collected two kinds of multi-view sketch datasets to evaluate the proposed method. We demonstrate that our method can synthesize 3D consistent contents with fine-grained sketch control while being high-fidelity to text prompts. Extensive results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of sketch similarity and text alignment.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
RouterBench: A Benchmark for Multi-LLM Routing System
[ "Qitian Jason Hu", "Jacob Bieker", "Xiuyu Li", "Nan Jiang", "Benjamin Keigwin", "Gaurav Ranganath", "Kurt Keutzer", "Shriyash Kaustubh Upadhyay" ]
As the range of applications for Large Language Models (LLMs) continues to grow, the demand for effective serving solutions becomes increasingly critical. Despite the versatility of LLMs, no single model can optimally address all tasks and applications, particularly when balancing performance with cost. This limitation has led to the development of LLM routing systems, which combine the strengths of various models to overcome the constraints of individual LLMs. Yet, the absence of a standardized benchmark for evaluating the performance of LLM routers hinders progress in this area. To bridge this gap, we present RouterBench, a novel evaluation framework designed to systematically assess the efficacy of LLM routing systems, along with a comprehensive dataset comprising over 405k inference outcomes from representative LLMs to support the development of routing strategies. We further propose a theoretical framework for LLM routing, and deliver a comparative analysis of various routing approaches through RouterBench, highlighting their potentials and limitations within our evaluation framework. This work not only formalizes and advances the development of LLM routing systems but also sets a standard for their assessment, paving the way for more accessible and economically viable LLM deployments. The code and data are available at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
DiJiang: Efficient Large Language Models through Compact Kernelization
[ "Hanting Chen", "Zhicheng Liu", "Xutao Wang", "Yuchuan Tian", "Yunhe Wang" ]
In an effort to reduce the computational load of Transformers, research on linear attention has gained significant momentum. However, the improvement strategies for attention mechanisms typically necessitate extensive retraining, which is impractical for large language models with a vast array of parameters. In this paper, we present DiJiang, a novel Frequency Domain Kernelization approach that enables the transformation of a pre-trained vanilla Transformer into a linear complexity model with little training costs. By employing a weighted Quasi-Monte Carlo method for sampling, the proposed approach theoretically offers superior approximation efficiency. To further reduce the training computational complexity, our kernelization is based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) operations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves comparable performance to the original Transformer, but with significantly reduced training costs and much faster inference speeds. Our DiJiang-7B achieves comparable performance with LLaMA2-7B on various benchmark while requires only about 1/50 training cost. Code is available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Specialized Language Models with Cheap Inference from Limited Domain Data
[ "David Grangier", "Angelos Katharopoulos", "Pierre Ablin", "Awni Hannun" ]
Large language models have emerged as a versatile tool but are challenging to apply to tasks lacking large inference budgets and large in-domain training sets. This work formalizes these constraints and distinguishes four important variables: the pretraining budget (for training before the target domain is known), the specialization budget (for training after the target domain is known), the inference budget, and the in-domain training set size. Across these settings, we compare different approaches from the machine learning literature. Limited by inference cost, we find better alternatives to the standard practice of training very large vanilla transformer models. In particular, we show that hyper-networks and mixture of experts have better perplexity for large pretraining budgets, while small models trained on importance sampled datasets are attractive for large specialization budgets.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
MooER: LLM-based Speech Recognition and Translation Models from Moore Threads
[ "Junhao Xu", "Zhenlin Liang", "Yi Liu", "Yichao Hu", "Jian Li", "Yajun Zheng", "Meng Cai", "Hua Wang" ]
In this paper, we present MooER, a LLM-based large-scale automatic speech recognition (ASR) / automatic speech translation (AST) model of Moore Threads. A 5000h pseudo labeled dataset containing open source and self collected speech data is used for training. We achieve performance comparable to other open source models trained with up to hundreds of thousands of hours of labeled speech data. Meanwhile, experiments conducted on Covost2 Zh2en testset suggest that our model outperforms other open source Speech LLMs. A BLEU score of 25.2 can be obtained. The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows. First, this paper presents a training strategy for encoders and LLMs on speech related tasks (including ASR and AST) using a small size of pseudo labeled data without any extra manual annotation and selection. Second, we release our ASR and AST models and plan to open-source our training code and strategy in the near future. Moreover, a model trained on 8wh scale training data is planned to be released later on.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Audio Flamingo: A Novel Audio Language Model with Few-Shot Learning and Dialogue Abilities
[ "Zhifeng Kong", "Arushi Goel", "Rohan Badlani", "Wei Ping", "Rafael Valle", "Bryan Catanzaro" ]
Augmenting large language models (LLMs) to understand audio -- including non-speech sounds and non-verbal speech -- is critically important for diverse real-world applications of LLMs. In this paper, we propose Audio Flamingo, a novel audio language model with 1) strong audio understanding abilities, 2) the ability to quickly adapt to unseen tasks via in-context learning and retrieval, and 3) strong multi-turn dialogue abilities. We introduce a series of training techniques, architecture design, and data strategies to enhance our model with these abilities. Extensive evaluations across various audio understanding tasks confirm the efficacy of our method, setting new state-of-the-art benchmarks. Our demo website is and the code is open-sourced at
[ "cs.SD", "cs.LG", "eess.AS" ]
Dynamic NeRFs for Soccer Scenes
[ "Sacha Lewin", "Maxime Vandegar", "Thomas Hoyoux", "Olivier Barnich", "Gilles Louppe" ]
The long-standing problem of novel view synthesis has many applications, notably in sports broadcasting. Photorealistic novel view synthesis of soccer actions, in particular, is of enormous interest to the broadcast industry. Yet only a few industrial solutions have been proposed, and even fewer that achieve near-broadcast quality of the synthetic replays. Except for their setup of multiple static cameras around the playfield, the best proprietary systems disclose close to no information about their inner workings. Leveraging multiple static cameras for such a task indeed presents a challenge rarely tackled in the literature, for a lack of public datasets: the reconstruction of a large-scale, mostly static environment, with small, fast-moving elements. Recently, the emergence of neural radiance fields has induced stunning progress in many novel view synthesis applications, leveraging deep learning principles to produce photorealistic results in the most challenging settings. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of basing a solution to the task on dynamic NeRFs, i.e., neural models purposed to reconstruct general dynamic content. We compose synthetic soccer environments and conduct multiple experiments using them, identifying key components that help reconstruct soccer scenes with dynamic NeRFs. We show that, although this approach cannot fully meet the quality requirements for the target application, it suggests promising avenues toward a cost-efficient, automatic solution. We also make our work dataset and code publicly available, with the goal to encourage further efforts from the research community on the task of novel view synthesis for dynamic soccer scenes. For code, data, and video results, please see
[ "cs.CV", "68T45", "I.4.5" ]
Deductive Verification of Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
[ "Zhan Ling", "Yunhao Fang", "Xuanlin Li", "Zhiao Huang", "Mingu Lee", "Roland Memisevic", "Hao Su" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) significantly benefit from Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting in performing various reasoning tasks. While CoT allows models to produce more comprehensive reasoning processes, its emphasis on intermediate reasoning steps can inadvertently introduce hallucinations and accumulated errors, thereby limiting models' ability to solve complex reasoning tasks. Inspired by how humans engage in careful and meticulous deductive logical reasoning processes to solve tasks, we seek to enable language models to perform explicit and rigorous deductive reasoning, and also ensure the trustworthiness of their reasoning process through self-verification. However, directly verifying the validity of an entire deductive reasoning process is challenging, even with advanced models like ChatGPT. In light of this, we propose to decompose a reasoning verification process into a series of step-by-step subprocesses, each only receiving their necessary context and premises. To facilitate this procedure, we propose Natural Program, a natural language-based deductive reasoning format. Our approach enables models to generate precise reasoning steps where subsequent steps are more rigorously grounded on prior steps. It also empowers language models to carry out reasoning self-verification in a step-by-step manner. By integrating this verification process into each deductive reasoning stage, we significantly enhance the rigor and trustfulness of generated reasoning steps. Along this process, we also improve the answer correctness on complex reasoning tasks. Code will be released at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Ferret: Federated Full-Parameter Tuning at Scale for Large Language Models
[ "Yao Shu", "Wenyang Hu", "See-Kiong Ng", "Bryan Kian Hsiang Low", "Fei Richard Yu" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) have become indispensable in numerous real-world applications. Unfortunately, fine-tuning these models at scale, especially in federated settings where data privacy and communication efficiency are critical, presents significant challenges. Existing methods often resort to parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) to mitigate communication overhead, but this typically comes at the cost of model accuracy. To address these limitations, we propose federated full-parameter tuning at scale for LLMs (Ferret), the first first-order method with shared randomness to enable scalable full-parameter tuning of LLMs across decentralized data sources while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Ferret accomplishes this through three aspects: (1) it employs widely applied first-order methods for efficient local updates; (2) it projects these updates into a low-dimensional space to considerably reduce communication overhead; and (3) it reconstructs local updates from this low-dimensional space with shared randomness to facilitate effective full-parameter global aggregation, ensuring fast convergence and competitive final performance. Our rigorous theoretical analyses and insights along with extensive experiments, show that Ferret significantly enhances the scalability of existing federated full-parameter tuning approaches by achieving high computational efficiency, reduced communication overhead, and fast convergence, all while maintaining competitive model accuracy. Our implementation is available at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Brainformers: Trading Simplicity for Efficiency
[ "Yanqi Zhou", "Nan Du", "Yanping Huang", "Daiyi Peng", "Chang Lan", "Da Huang", "Siamak Shakeri", "David So", "Andrew Dai", "Yifeng Lu", "Zhifeng Chen", "Quoc Le", "Claire Cui", "James Laudon", "Jeff Dean" ]
Transformers are central to recent successes in natural language processing and computer vision. Transformers have a mostly uniform backbone where layers alternate between feed-forward and self-attention in order to build a deep network. Here we investigate this design choice and find that more complex blocks that have different permutations of layer primitives can be more efficient. Using this insight, we develop a complex block, named Brainformer, that consists of a diverse sets of layers such as sparsely gated feed-forward layers, dense feed-forward layers, attention layers, and various forms of layer normalization and activation functions. Brainformer consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art dense and sparse Transformers, in terms of both quality and efficiency. A Brainformer model with 8 billion activated parameters per token demonstrates 2x faster training convergence and 5x faster step time compared to its GLaM counterpart. In downstream task evaluation, Brainformer also demonstrates a 3% higher SuperGLUE score with fine-tuning compared to GLaM with a similar number of activated parameters. Finally, Brainformer largely outperforms a Primer dense model derived with NAS with similar computation per token on fewshot evaluations.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
Mindstorms in Natural Language-Based Societies of Mind
[ "Mingchen Zhuge", "Haozhe Liu", "Francesco Faccio", "Dylan R. Ashley", "Róbert Csordás", "Anand Gopalakrishnan", "Abdullah Hamdi", "Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud", "Vincent Herrmann", "Kazuki Irie", "Louis Kirsch", "Bing Li", "Guohao Li", "Shuming Liu", "Jinjie Mai", "Piotr Piękos", "Aditya Ramesh", "Imanol Schlag", "Weimin Shi", "Aleksandar Stanić", "Wenyi Wang", "Yuhui Wang", "Mengmeng Xu", "Deng-Ping Fan", "Bernard Ghanem", "Jürgen Schmidhuber" ]
Both Minsky's "society of mind" and Schmidhuber's "learning to think" inspire diverse societies of large multimodal neural networks (NNs) that solve problems by interviewing each other in a "mindstorm." Recent implementations of NN-based societies of minds consist of large language models (LLMs) and other NN-based experts communicating through a natural language interface. In doing so, they overcome the limitations of single LLMs, improving multimodal zero-shot reasoning. In these natural language-based societies of mind (NLSOMs), new agents -- all communicating through the same universal symbolic language -- are easily added in a modular fashion. To demonstrate the power of NLSOMs, we assemble and experiment with several of them (having up to 129 members), leveraging mindstorms in them to solve some practical AI tasks: visual question answering, image captioning, text-to-image synthesis, 3D generation, egocentric retrieval, embodied AI, and general language-based task solving. We view this as a starting point towards much larger NLSOMs with billions of agents-some of which may be humans. And with this emergence of great societies of heterogeneous minds, many new research questions have suddenly become paramount to the future of artificial intelligence. What should be the social structure of an NLSOM? What would be the (dis)advantages of having a monarchical rather than a democratic structure? How can principles of NN economies be used to maximize the total reward of a reinforcement learning NLSOM? In this work, we identify, discuss, and try to answer some of these questions.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "cs.MA", "68T07", "I.2.6; I.2.11" ]
MFTCoder: Boosting Code LLMs with Multitask Fine-Tuning
[ "Bingchang Liu", "Chaoyu Chen", "Cong Liao", "Zi Gong", "Huan Wang", "Zhichao Lei", "Ming Liang", "Dajun Chen", "Min Shen", "Hailian Zhou", "Hang Yu", "Jianguo Li" ]
Code LLMs have emerged as a specialized research field, with remarkable studies dedicated to enhancing model's coding capabilities through fine-tuning on pre-trained models. Previous fine-tuning approaches were typically tailored to specific downstream tasks or scenarios, which meant separate fine-tuning for each task, requiring extensive training resources and posing challenges in terms of deployment and maintenance. Furthermore, these approaches failed to leverage the inherent interconnectedness among different code-related tasks. To overcome these limitations, we present a multi-task fine-tuning framework, MFTcoder, that enables simultaneous and parallel fine-tuning on multiple tasks. By incorporating various loss functions, we effectively address common challenges in multi-task learning, such as data imbalance, varying difficulty levels, and inconsistent convergence speeds. Extensive experiments have conclusively demonstrated that our multi-task fine-tuning approach outperforms both individual fine-tuning on single tasks and fine-tuning on a mixed ensemble of tasks. Moreover, MFTcoder offers efficient training capabilities, including efficient data tokenization modes and PEFT fine-tuning, resulting in significantly improved speed compared to traditional fine-tuning methods. MFTcoder seamlessly integrates with several mainstream open-source LLMs, such as CodeLLama and Qwen. Leveraging the CodeLLama foundation, our MFTcoder fine-tuned model, \textsc{CodeFuse-CodeLLama-34B}, achieves an impressive pass@1 score of 74.4\% on the HumaneEval benchmark, surpassing GPT-4 performance (67\%, zero-shot). MFTCoder is open-sourced at \url{}
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
How to Train Data-Efficient LLMs
[ "Noveen Sachdeva", "Benjamin Coleman", "Wang-Cheng Kang", "Jianmo Ni", "Lichan Hong", "Ed H. Chi", "James Caverlee", "Julian McAuley", "Derek Zhiyuan Cheng" ]
The training of large language models (LLMs) is expensive. In this paper, we study data-efficient approaches for pre-training LLMs, i.e., techniques that aim to optimize the Pareto frontier of model quality and training resource/data consumption. We seek to understand the tradeoffs associated with data selection routines based on (i) expensive-to-compute data-quality estimates, and (ii) maximization of coverage and diversity-based measures in the feature space. Our first technique, Ask-LLM, leverages the zero-shot reasoning capabilities of instruction-tuned LLMs to directly assess the quality of a training example. To target coverage, we propose Density sampling, which models the data distribution to select a diverse sample. In our comparison of 19 samplers, involving hundreds of evaluation tasks and pre-training runs, we find that Ask-LLM and Density are the best methods in their respective categories. Coverage sampling can recover the performance of the full data, while models trained on Ask-LLM data consistently outperform full-data training -- even when we reject 90% of the original dataset, while converging up to 70% faster.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Show-o: One Single Transformer to Unify Multimodal Understanding and Generation
[ "Jinheng Xie", "Weijia Mao", "Zechen Bai", "David Junhao Zhang", "Weihao Wang", "Kevin Qinghong Lin", "Yuchao Gu", "Zhijie Chen", "Zhenheng Yang", "Mike Zheng Shou" ]
We present a unified transformer, i.e., Show-o, that unifies multimodal understanding and generation. Unlike fully autoregressive models, Show-o unifies autoregressive and (discrete) diffusion modeling to adaptively handle inputs and outputs of various and mixed modalities. The unified model flexibly supports a wide range of vision-language tasks including visual question-answering, text-to-image generation, text-guided inpainting/extrapolation, and mixed-modality generation. Across various benchmarks, it demonstrates comparable or superior performance to existing individual models with an equivalent or larger number of parameters tailored for understanding or generation. This significantly highlights its potential as a next-generation foundation model. Code and models are released at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code
[ "Mark Chen", "Jerry Tworek", "Heewoo Jun", "Qiming Yuan", "Henrique Ponde de Oliveira Pinto", "Jared Kaplan", "Harri Edwards", "Yuri Burda", "Nicholas Joseph", "Greg Brockman", "Alex Ray", "Raul Puri", "Gretchen Krueger", "Michael Petrov", "Heidy Khlaaf", "Girish Sastry", "Pamela Mishkin", "Brooke Chan", "Scott Gray", "Nick Ryder", "Mikhail Pavlov", "Alethea Power", "Lukasz Kaiser", "Mohammad Bavarian", "Clemens Winter", "Philippe Tillet", "Felipe Petroski Such", "Dave Cummings", "Matthias Plappert", "Fotios Chantzis", "Elizabeth Barnes", "Ariel Herbert-Voss", "William Hebgen Guss", "Alex Nichol", "Alex Paino", "Nikolas Tezak", "Jie Tang", "Igor Babuschkin", "Suchir Balaji", "Shantanu Jain", "William Saunders", "Christopher Hesse", "Andrew N. Carr", "Jan Leike", "Josh Achiam", "Vedant Misra", "Evan Morikawa", "Alec Radford", "Matthew Knight", "Miles Brundage", "Mira Murati", "Katie Mayer", "Peter Welinder", "Bob McGrew", "Dario Amodei", "Sam McCandlish", "Ilya Sutskever", "Wojciech Zaremba" ]
We introduce Codex, a GPT language model fine-tuned on publicly available code from GitHub, and study its Python code-writing capabilities. A distinct production version of Codex powers GitHub Copilot. On HumanEval, a new evaluation set we release to measure functional correctness for synthesizing programs from docstrings, our model solves 28.8% of the problems, while GPT-3 solves 0% and GPT-J solves 11.4%. Furthermore, we find that repeated sampling from the model is a surprisingly effective strategy for producing working solutions to difficult prompts. Using this method, we solve 70.2% of our problems with 100 samples per problem. Careful investigation of our model reveals its limitations, including difficulty with docstrings describing long chains of operations and with binding operations to variables. Finally, we discuss the potential broader impacts of deploying powerful code generation technologies, covering safety, security, and economics.
[ "cs.LG" ]
A Technical Report for Polyglot-Ko: Open-Source Large-Scale Korean Language Models
[ "Hyunwoong Ko", "Kichang Yang", "Minho Ryu", "Taekyoon Choi", "Seungmu Yang", "Jiwung Hyun", "Sungho Park", "Kyubyong Park" ]
Polyglot is a pioneering project aimed at enhancing the non-English language performance of multilingual language models. Despite the availability of various multilingual models such as mBERT (Devlin et al., 2019), XGLM (Lin et al., 2022), and BLOOM (Scao et al., 2022), researchers and developers often resort to building monolingual models in their respective languages due to the dissatisfaction with the current multilingual models non-English language capabilities. Addressing this gap, we seek to develop advanced multilingual language models that offer improved performance in non-English languages. In this paper, we introduce the Polyglot Korean models, which represent a specific focus rather than being multilingual in nature. In collaboration with TUNiB, our team collected 1.2TB of Korean data meticulously curated for our research journey. We made a deliberate decision to prioritize the development of Korean models before venturing into multilingual models. This choice was motivated by multiple factors: firstly, the Korean models facilitated performance comparisons with existing multilingual models; and finally, they catered to the specific needs of Korean companies and researchers. This paper presents our work in developing the Polyglot Korean models, which propose some steps towards addressing the non-English language performance gap in multilingual language models.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Giving Robots a Hand: Learning Generalizable Manipulation with Eye-in-Hand Human Video Demonstrations
[ "Moo Jin Kim", "Jiajun Wu", "Chelsea Finn" ]
Eye-in-hand cameras have shown promise in enabling greater sample efficiency and generalization in vision-based robotic manipulation. However, for robotic imitation, it is still expensive to have a human teleoperator collect large amounts of expert demonstrations with a real robot. Videos of humans performing tasks, on the other hand, are much cheaper to collect since they eliminate the need for expertise in robotic teleoperation and can be quickly captured in a wide range of scenarios. Therefore, human video demonstrations are a promising data source for learning generalizable robotic manipulation policies at scale. In this work, we augment narrow robotic imitation datasets with broad unlabeled human video demonstrations to greatly enhance the generalization of eye-in-hand visuomotor policies. Although a clear visual domain gap exists between human and robot data, our framework does not need to employ any explicit domain adaptation method, as we leverage the partial observability of eye-in-hand cameras as well as a simple fixed image masking scheme. On a suite of eight real-world tasks involving both 3-DoF and 6-DoF robot arm control, our method improves the success rates of eye-in-hand manipulation policies by 58% (absolute) on average, enabling robots to generalize to both new environment configurations and new tasks that are unseen in the robot demonstration data. See video results at .
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
360$^\circ$ Reconstruction From a Single Image Using Space Carved Outpainting
[ "Nuri Ryu", "Minsu Gong", "Geonung Kim", "Joo-Haeng Lee", "Sunghyun Cho" ]
We introduce POP3D, a novel framework that creates a full $360^\circ$-view 3D model from a single image. POP3D resolves two prominent issues that limit the single-view reconstruction. Firstly, POP3D offers substantial generalizability to arbitrary categories, a trait that previous methods struggle to achieve. Secondly, POP3D further improves reconstruction fidelity and naturalness, a crucial aspect that concurrent works fall short of. Our approach marries the strengths of four primary components: (1) a monocular depth and normal predictor that serves to predict crucial geometric cues, (2) a space carving method capable of demarcating the potentially unseen portions of the target object, (3) a generative model pre-trained on a large-scale image dataset that can complete unseen regions of the target, and (4) a neural implicit surface reconstruction method tailored in reconstructing objects using RGB images along with monocular geometric cues. The combination of these components enables POP3D to readily generalize across various in-the-wild images and generate state-of-the-art reconstructions, outperforming similar works by a significant margin. Project page: \url{}
[ "cs.CV", "cs.GR" ]
Visual Sketchpad: Sketching as a Visual Chain of Thought for Multimodal Language Models
[ "Yushi Hu", "Weijia Shi", "Xingyu Fu", "Dan Roth", "Mari Ostendorf", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Noah A Smith", "Ranjay Krishna" ]
Humans draw to facilitate reasoning: we draw auxiliary lines when solving geometry problems; we mark and circle when reasoning on maps; we use sketches to amplify our ideas and relieve our limited-capacity working memory. However, such actions are missing in current multimodal language models (LMs). Current chain-of-thought and tool-use paradigms only use text as intermediate reasoning steps. In this work, we introduce Sketchpad, a framework that gives multimodal LMs a visual sketchpad and tools to draw on the sketchpad. The LM conducts planning and reasoning according to the visual artifacts it has drawn. Different from prior work, which uses text-to-image models to enable LMs to draw, Sketchpad enables LMs to draw with lines, boxes, marks, etc., which is closer to human sketching and better facilitates reasoning. Sketchpad can also use specialist vision models during the sketching process (e.g., draw bounding boxes with object detection models, draw masks with segmentation models), to further enhance visual perception and reasoning. We experiment with a wide range of math tasks (including geometry, functions, graphs, and chess) and complex visual reasoning tasks. Sketchpad substantially improves performance on all tasks over strong base models with no sketching, yielding an average gain of 12.7% on math tasks, and 8.6% on vision tasks. GPT-4o with Sketchpad sets a new state of the art on all tasks, including V*Bench (80.3%), BLINK spatial reasoning (83.9%), and visual correspondence (80.8%). All codes and data are in
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CL" ]
Autoregressive Speech Synthesis without Vector Quantization
[ "Lingwei Meng", "Long Zhou", "Shujie Liu", "Sanyuan Chen", "Bing Han", "Shujie Hu", "Yanqing Liu", "Jinyu Li", "Sheng Zhao", "Xixin Wu", "Helen Meng", "Furu Wei" ]
We present MELLE, a novel continuous-valued tokens based language modeling approach for text to speech synthesis (TTS). MELLE autoregressively generates continuous mel-spectrogram frames directly from text condition, bypassing the need for vector quantization, which are originally designed for audio compression and sacrifice fidelity compared to mel-spectrograms. Specifically, (i) instead of cross-entropy loss, we apply regression loss with a proposed spectrogram flux loss function to model the probability distribution of the continuous-valued tokens. (ii) we have incorporated variational inference into MELLE to facilitate sampling mechanisms, thereby enhancing the output diversity and model robustness. Experiments demonstrate that, compared to the two-stage codec language models VALL-E and its variants, the single-stage MELLE mitigates robustness issues by avoiding the inherent flaws of sampling discrete codes, achieves superior performance across multiple metrics, and, most importantly, offers a more streamlined paradigm. See for demos of our work.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
GPT-4V(ision) is a Generalist Web Agent, if Grounded
[ "Boyuan Zheng", "Boyu Gou", "Jihyung Kil", "Huan Sun", "Yu Su" ]
The recent development on large multimodal models (LMMs), especially GPT-4V(ision) and Gemini, has been quickly expanding the capability boundaries of multimodal models beyond traditional tasks like image captioning and visual question answering. In this work, we explore the potential of LMMs like GPT-4V as a generalist web agent that can follow natural language instructions to complete tasks on any given website. We propose SEEACT, a generalist web agent that harnesses the power of LMMs for integrated visual understanding and acting on the web. We evaluate on the recent MIND2WEB benchmark. In addition to standard offline evaluation on cached websites, we enable a new online evaluation setting by developing a tool that allows running web agents on live websites. We show that GPT-4V presents a great potential for web agents -- it can successfully complete 51.1 of the tasks on live websites if we manually ground its textual plans into actions on the websites. This substantially outperforms text-only LLMs like GPT-4 or smaller models (FLAN-T5 and BLIP-2) specifically fine-tuned for web agents. However, grounding still remains a major challenge. Existing LMM grounding strategies like set-of-mark prompting turns out to be not effective for web agents, and the best grounding strategy we develop in this paper leverages both the HTML structure and visuals. Yet, there is still a substantial gap with oracle grounding, leaving ample room for further improvement. All code, data, and evaluation tools are available at
[ "cs.IR", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV" ]
T2V-Turbo: Breaking the Quality Bottleneck of Video Consistency Model with Mixed Reward Feedback
[ "Jiachen Li", "Weixi Feng", "Tsu-Jui Fu", "Xinyi Wang", "Sugato Basu", "Wenhu Chen", "William Yang Wang" ]
Diffusion-based text-to-video (T2V) models have achieved significant success but continue to be hampered by the slow sampling speed of their iterative sampling processes. To address the challenge, consistency models have been proposed to facilitate fast inference, albeit at the cost of sample quality. In this work, we aim to break the quality bottleneck of a video consistency model (VCM) to achieve $\textbf{both fast and high-quality video generation}$. We introduce T2V-Turbo, which integrates feedback from a mixture of differentiable reward models into the consistency distillation (CD) process of a pre-trained T2V model. Notably, we directly optimize rewards associated with single-step generations that arise naturally from computing the CD loss, effectively bypassing the memory constraints imposed by backpropagating gradients through an iterative sampling process. Remarkably, the 4-step generations from our T2V-Turbo achieve the highest total score on VBench, even surpassing Gen-2 and Pika. We further conduct human evaluations to corroborate the results, validating that the 4-step generations from our T2V-Turbo are preferred over the 50-step DDIM samples from their teacher models, representing more than a tenfold acceleration while improving video generation quality.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Breaking the Computation and Communication Abstraction Barrier in Distributed Machine Learning Workloads
[ "Abhinav Jangda", "Jun Huang", "Guodong Liu", "Amir Hossein Nodehi Sabet", "Saeed Maleki", "Youshan Miao", "Madanlal Musuvathi", "Todd Mytkowicz", "Olli Sarikivi" ]
Recent trend towards increasing large machine learning models require both training and inference tasks to be distributed. Considering the huge cost of training these models, it is imperative to unlock optimizations in computation and communication to obtain best performance. However, current logical separation between computation and communication kernels in deep learning frameworks misses the optimization opportunities across such barrier. Breaking this abstraction with a holistic consideration can provide many optimizations to provide performance improvements in distributed workloads. Manually applying these optimizations needs modifications in underlying computation and communication libraries for each scenario, which is time consuming and error-prone. Therefore, we present CoCoNeT, with a DSL to express a program with both computation and communication. CoCoNeT contains several machine learning aware transformations to optimize a program and a compiler to generate high performance kernels. Providing both computation and communication as first class constructs allows users to work on a high-level abstraction and apply powerful optimizations, such as fusion or overlapping of communication and computation. CoCoNeT enables us to optimize data-, model-and pipeline-parallel workloads in large language models with only a few lines of code. Experiments show CoCoNeT significantly outperforms state-of-the-art distributed machine learning implementations.
[ "cs.DC", "cs.LG", "cs.PL" ]
Improving Multimodal Datasets with Image Captioning
[ "Thao Nguyen", "Samir Yitzhak Gadre", "Gabriel Ilharco", "Sewoong Oh", "Ludwig Schmidt" ]
Massive web datasets play a key role in the success of large vision-language models like CLIP and Flamingo. However, the raw web data is noisy, and existing filtering methods to reduce noise often come at the expense of data diversity. Our work focuses on caption quality as one major source of noise, and studies how generated captions can increase the utility of web-scraped datapoints with nondescript text. Through exploring different mixing strategies for raw and generated captions, we outperform the best filtering method proposed by the DataComp benchmark by 2% on ImageNet and 4% on average across 38 tasks, given a candidate pool of 128M image-text pairs. Our best approach is also 2x better at Flickr and MS-COCO retrieval. We then analyze what makes synthetic captions an effective source of text supervision. In experimenting with different image captioning models, we also demonstrate that the performance of a model on standard image captioning benchmarks (e.g., NoCaps CIDEr) is not a reliable indicator of the utility of the captions it generates for multimodal training. Finally, our experiments with using generated captions at DataComp's large scale (1.28B image-text pairs) offer insights into the limitations of synthetic text, as well as the importance of image curation with increasing training data quantity. The synthetic captions used in our experiments are now available on HuggingFace.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
EasyAnimate: A High-Performance Long Video Generation Method based on Transformer Architecture
[ "Jiaqi Xu", "Xinyi Zou", "Kunzhe Huang", "Yunkuo Chen", "Bo Liu", "MengLi Cheng", "Xing Shi", "Jun Huang" ]
This paper presents EasyAnimate, an advanced method for video generation that leverages the power of transformer architecture for high-performance outcomes. We have expanded the DiT framework originally designed for 2D image synthesis to accommodate the complexities of 3D video generation by incorporating a motion module block. It is used to capture temporal dynamics, thereby ensuring the production of consistent frames and seamless motion transitions. The motion module can be adapted to various DiT baseline methods to generate video with different styles. It can also generate videos with different frame rates and resolutions during both training and inference phases, suitable for both images and videos. Moreover, we introduce slice VAE, a novel approach to condense the temporal axis, facilitating the generation of long duration videos. Currently, EasyAnimate exhibits the proficiency to generate videos with 144 frames. We provide a holistic ecosystem for video production based on DiT, encompassing aspects such as data pre-processing, VAE training, DiT models training (both the baseline model and LoRA model), and end-to-end video inference. Code is available at: We are continuously working to enhance the performance of our method.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.CL", "cs.MM" ]
Robust Gaussian Splatting
[ "François Darmon", "Lorenzo Porzi", "Samuel Rota-Bulò", "Peter Kontschieder" ]
In this paper, we address common error sources for 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) including blur, imperfect camera poses, and color inconsistencies, with the goal of improving its robustness for practical applications like reconstructions from handheld phone captures. Our main contribution involves modeling motion blur as a Gaussian distribution over camera poses, allowing us to address both camera pose refinement and motion blur correction in a unified way. Additionally, we propose mechanisms for defocus blur compensation and for addressing color in-consistencies caused by ambient light, shadows, or due to camera-related factors like varying white balancing settings. Our proposed solutions integrate in a seamless way with the 3DGS formulation while maintaining its benefits in terms of training efficiency and rendering speed. We experimentally validate our contributions on relevant benchmark datasets including Scannet++ and Deblur-NeRF, obtaining state-of-the-art results and thus consistent improvements over relevant baselines.
[ "cs.CV" ]
InternVid: A Large-scale Video-Text Dataset for Multimodal Understanding and Generation
[ "Yi Wang", "Yinan He", "Yizhuo Li", "Kunchang Li", "Jiashuo Yu", "Xin Ma", "Xinhao Li", "Guo Chen", "Xinyuan Chen", "Yaohui Wang", "Conghui He", "Ping Luo", "Ziwei Liu", "Yali Wang", "Limin Wang", "Yu Qiao" ]
This paper introduces InternVid, a large-scale video-centric multimodal dataset that enables learning powerful and transferable video-text representations for multimodal understanding and generation. The InternVid dataset contains over 7 million videos lasting nearly 760K hours, yielding 234M video clips accompanied by detailed descriptions of total 4.1B words. Our core contribution is to develop a scalable approach to autonomously build a high-quality video-text dataset with large language models (LLM), thereby showcasing its efficacy in learning video-language representation at scale. Specifically, we utilize a multi-scale approach to generate video-related descriptions. Furthermore, we introduce ViCLIP, a video-text representation learning model based on ViT-L. Learned on InternVid via contrastive learning, this model demonstrates leading zero-shot action recognition and competitive video retrieval performance. Beyond basic video understanding tasks like recognition and retrieval, our dataset and model have broad applications. They are particularly beneficial for generating interleaved video-text data for learning a video-centric dialogue system, advancing video-to-text and text-to-video generation research. These proposed resources provide a tool for researchers and practitioners interested in multimodal video understanding and generation.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Breaking Boundaries: Investigating the Effects of Model Editing on Cross-linguistic Performance
[ "Somnath Banerjee", "Avik Halder", "Rajarshi Mandal", "Sayan Layek", "Ian Soboroff", "Rima Hazra", "Animesh Mukherjee" ]
The integration of pretrained language models (PLMs) like BERT and GPT has revolutionized NLP, particularly for English, but it has also created linguistic imbalances. This paper strategically identifies the need for linguistic equity by examining several knowledge editing techniques in multilingual contexts. We evaluate the performance of models such as Mistral, TowerInstruct, OpenHathi, Tamil-Llama, and Kan-Llama across languages including English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada. Our research identifies significant discrepancies in normal and merged models concerning cross-lingual consistency. We employ strategies like 'each language for itself' (ELFI) and 'each language for others' (ELFO) to stress-test these models. Our findings demonstrate the potential for LLMs to overcome linguistic barriers, laying the groundwork for future research in achieving linguistic inclusivity in AI technologies.
[ "cs.CL" ]
CRiM-GS: Continuous Rigid Motion-Aware Gaussian Splatting from Motion Blur Images
[ "Junghe Lee", "Donghyeong Kim", "Dogyoon Lee", "Suhwan Cho", "Sangyoun Lee" ]
Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have received significant attention due to their high-quality novel view rendering ability, prompting research to address various real-world cases. One critical challenge is the camera motion blur caused by camera movement during exposure time, which prevents accurate 3D scene reconstruction. In this study, we propose continuous rigid motion-aware gaussian splatting (CRiM-GS) to reconstruct accurate 3D scene from blurry images with real-time rendering speed. Considering the actual camera motion blurring process, which consists of complex motion patterns, we predict the continuous movement of the camera based on neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Specifically, we leverage rigid body transformations to model the camera motion with proper regularization, preserving the shape and size of the object. Furthermore, we introduce a continuous deformable 3D transformation in the \textit{SE(3)} field to adapt the rigid body transformation to real-world problems by ensuring a higher degree of freedom. By revisiting fundamental camera theory and employing advanced neural network training techniques, we achieve accurate modeling of continuous camera trajectories. We conduct extensive experiments, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively on benchmark datasets.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Phidias: A Generative Model for Creating 3D Content from Text, Image, and 3D Conditions with Reference-Augmented Diffusion
[ "Zhenwei Wang", "Tengfei Wang", "Zexin He", "Gerhard Hancke", "Ziwei Liu", "Rynson W. H. Lau" ]
In 3D modeling, designers often use an existing 3D model as a reference to create new ones. This practice has inspired the development of Phidias, a novel generative model that uses diffusion for reference-augmented 3D generation. Given an image, our method leverages a retrieved or user-provided 3D reference model to guide the generation process, thereby enhancing the generation quality, generalization ability, and controllability. Our model integrates three key components: 1) meta-ControlNet that dynamically modulates the conditioning strength, 2) dynamic reference routing that mitigates misalignment between the input image and 3D reference, and 3) self-reference augmentations that enable self-supervised training with a progressive curriculum. Collectively, these designs result in a clear improvement over existing methods. Phidias establishes a unified framework for 3D generation using text, image, and 3D conditions with versatile applications.
[ "cs.CV" ]
LLaMA-NAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search for Large Language Models
[ "Anthony Sarah", "Sharath Nittur Sridhar", "Maciej Szankin", "Sairam Sundaresan" ]
The abilities of modern large language models (LLMs) in solving natural language processing, complex reasoning, sentiment analysis and other tasks have been extraordinary which has prompted their extensive adoption. Unfortunately, these abilities come with very high memory and computational costs which precludes the use of LLMs on most hardware platforms. To mitigate this, we propose an effective method of finding Pareto-optimal network architectures based on LLaMA2-7B using one-shot NAS. In particular, we fine-tune LLaMA2-7B only once and then apply genetic algorithm-based search to find smaller, less computationally complex network architectures. We show that, for certain standard benchmark tasks, the pre-trained LLaMA2-7B network is unnecessarily large and complex. More specifically, we demonstrate a 1.5x reduction in model size and 1.3x speedup in throughput for certain tasks with negligible drop in accuracy. In addition to finding smaller, higher-performing network architectures, our method does so more effectively and efficiently than certain pruning or sparsification techniques. Finally, we demonstrate how quantization is complementary to our method and that the size and complexity of the networks we find can be further decreased using quantization. We believe that our work provides a way to automatically create LLMs which can be used on less expensive and more readily available hardware platforms.
[ "cs.AI" ]
SwapAnything: Enabling Arbitrary Object Swapping in Personalized Visual Editing
[ "Jing Gu", "Yilin Wang", "Nanxuan Zhao", "Wei Xiong", "Qing Liu", "Zhifei Zhang", "He Zhang", "Jianming Zhang", "HyunJoon Jung", "Xin Eric Wang" ]
Effective editing of personal content holds a pivotal role in enabling individuals to express their creativity, weaving captivating narratives within their visual stories, and elevate the overall quality and impact of their visual content. Therefore, in this work, we introduce SwapAnything, a novel framework that can swap any objects in an image with personalized concepts given by the reference, while keeping the context unchanged. Compared with existing methods for personalized subject swapping, SwapAnything has three unique advantages: (1) precise control of arbitrary objects and parts rather than the main subject, (2) more faithful preservation of context pixels, (3) better adaptation of the personalized concept to the image. First, we propose targeted variable swapping to apply region control over latent feature maps and swap masked variables for faithful context preservation and initial semantic concept swapping. Then, we introduce appearance adaptation, to seamlessly adapt the semantic concept into the original image in terms of target location, shape, style, and content during the image generation process. Extensive results on both human and automatic evaluation demonstrate significant improvements of our approach over baseline methods on personalized swapping. Furthermore, SwapAnything shows its precise and faithful swapping abilities across single object, multiple objects, partial object, and cross-domain swapping tasks. SwapAnything also achieves great performance on text-based swapping and tasks beyond swapping such as object insertion.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
GaussianImage: 1000 FPS Image Representation and Compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting
[ "Xinjie Zhang", "Xingtong Ge", "Tongda Xu", "Dailan He", "Yan Wang", "Hongwei Qin", "Guo Lu", "Jing Geng", "Jun Zhang" ]
Implicit neural representations (INRs) recently achieved great success in image representation and compression, offering high visual quality and fast rendering speeds with 10-1000 FPS, assuming sufficient GPU resources are available. However, this requirement often hinders their use on low-end devices with limited memory. In response, we propose a groundbreaking paradigm of image representation and compression by 2D Gaussian Splatting, named GaussianImage. We first introduce 2D Gaussian to represent the image, where each Gaussian has 8 parameters including position, covariance and color. Subsequently, we unveil a novel rendering algorithm based on accumulated summation. Remarkably, our method with a minimum of 3$\times$ lower GPU memory usage and 5$\times$ faster fitting time not only rivals INRs (e.g., WIRE, I-NGP) in representation performance, but also delivers a faster rendering speed of 1500-2000 FPS regardless of parameter size. Furthermore, we integrate existing vector quantization technique to build an image codec. Experimental results demonstrate that our codec attains rate-distortion performance comparable to compression-based INRs such as COIN and COIN++, while facilitating decoding speeds of approximately 2000 FPS. Additionally, preliminary proof of concept shows that our codec surpasses COIN and COIN++ in performance when using partial bits-back coding. Code is available at
[ "eess.IV", "cs.AI", "cs.CV", "cs.MM" ]
Take a Step Back: Evoking Reasoning via Abstraction in Large Language Models
[ "Huaixiu Steven Zheng", "Swaroop Mishra", "Xinyun Chen", "Heng-Tze Cheng", "Ed H. Chi", "Quoc V Le", "Denny Zhou" ]
We present Step-Back Prompting, a simple prompting technique that enables LLMs to do abstractions to derive high-level concepts and first principles from instances containing specific details. Using the concepts and principles to guide reasoning, LLMs significantly improve their abilities in following a correct reasoning path towards the solution. We conduct experiments of Step-Back Prompting with PaLM-2L, GPT-4 and Llama2-70B models, and observe substantial performance gains on various challenging reasoning-intensive tasks including STEM, Knowledge QA, and Multi-Hop Reasoning. For instance, Step-Back Prompting improves PaLM-2L performance on MMLU (Physics and Chemistry) by 7% and 11% respectively, TimeQA by 27%, and MuSiQue by 7%.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
NeuralEditor: Editing Neural Radiance Fields via Manipulating Point Clouds
[ "Jun-Kun Chen", "Jipeng Lyu", "Yu-Xiong Wang" ]
This paper proposes NeuralEditor that enables neural radiance fields (NeRFs) natively editable for general shape editing tasks. Despite their impressive results on novel-view synthesis, it remains a fundamental challenge for NeRFs to edit the shape of the scene. Our key insight is to exploit the explicit point cloud representation as the underlying structure to construct NeRFs, inspired by the intuitive interpretation of NeRF rendering as a process that projects or "plots" the associated 3D point cloud to a 2D image plane. To this end, NeuralEditor introduces a novel rendering scheme based on deterministic integration within K-D tree-guided density-adaptive voxels, which produces both high-quality rendering results and precise point clouds through optimization. NeuralEditor then performs shape editing via mapping associated points between point clouds. Extensive evaluation shows that NeuralEditor achieves state-of-the-art performance in both shape deformation and scene morphing tasks. Notably, NeuralEditor supports both zero-shot inference and further fine-tuning over the edited scene. Our code, benchmark, and demo video are available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Sampling 3D Gaussian Scenes in Seconds with Latent Diffusion Models
[ "Paul Henderson", "Melonie de Almeida", "Daniela Ivanova", "Titas Anciukevičius" ]
We present a latent diffusion model over 3D scenes, that can be trained using only 2D image data. To achieve this, we first design an autoencoder that maps multi-view images to 3D Gaussian splats, and simultaneously builds a compressed latent representation of these splats. Then, we train a multi-view diffusion model over the latent space to learn an efficient generative model. This pipeline does not require object masks nor depths, and is suitable for complex scenes with arbitrary camera positions. We conduct careful experiments on two large-scale datasets of complex real-world scenes -- MVImgNet and RealEstate10K. We show that our approach enables generating 3D scenes in as little as 0.2 seconds, either from scratch, from a single input view, or from sparse input views. It produces diverse and high-quality results while running an order of magnitude faster than non-latent diffusion models and earlier NeRF-based generative models
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
The ObjectFolder Benchmark: Multisensory Learning with Neural and Real Objects
[ "Ruohan Gao", "Yiming Dou", "Hao Li", "Tanmay Agarwal", "Jeannette Bohg", "Yunzhu Li", "Li Fei-Fei", "Jiajun Wu" ]
We introduce the ObjectFolder Benchmark, a benchmark suite of 10 tasks for multisensory object-centric learning, centered around object recognition, reconstruction, and manipulation with sight, sound, and touch. We also introduce the ObjectFolder Real dataset, including the multisensory measurements for 100 real-world household objects, building upon a newly designed pipeline for collecting the 3D meshes, videos, impact sounds, and tactile readings of real-world objects. We conduct systematic benchmarking on both the 1,000 multisensory neural objects from ObjectFolder, and the real multisensory data from ObjectFolder Real. Our results demonstrate the importance of multisensory perception and reveal the respective roles of vision, audio, and touch for different object-centric learning tasks. By publicly releasing our dataset and benchmark suite, we hope to catalyze and enable new research in multisensory object-centric learning in computer vision, robotics, and beyond. Project page:
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.GR", "cs.HC", "cs.RO" ]
DOCCI: Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images
[ "Yasumasa Onoe", "Sunayana Rane", "Zachary Berger", "Yonatan Bitton", "Jaemin Cho", "Roopal Garg", "Alexander Ku", "Zarana Parekh", "Jordi Pont-Tuset", "Garrett Tanzer", "Su Wang", "Jason Baldridge" ]
Vision-language datasets are vital for both text-to-image (T2I) and image-to-text (I2T) research. However, current datasets lack descriptions with fine-grained detail that would allow for richer associations to be learned by models. To fill the gap, we introduce Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images (DOCCI), a dataset with long, human-annotated English descriptions for 15k images that were taken, curated and donated by a single researcher intent on capturing key challenges such as spatial relations, counting, text rendering, world knowledge, and more. We instruct human annotators to create comprehensive descriptions for each image; these average 136 words in length and are crafted to clearly distinguish each image from those that are related or similar. Each description is highly compositional and typically encompasses multiple challenges. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, we demonstrate that DOCCI serves as an effective training resource for image-to-text generation -- a PaLI 5B model finetuned on DOCCI shows equal or superior results compared to highly-performant larger models like LLaVA-1.5 7B and InstructBLIP 7B. Furthermore, we show that DOCCI is a useful testbed for text-to-image generation, highlighting the limitations of current text-to-image models in capturing long descriptions and fine details.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
UniAudio: An Audio Foundation Model Toward Universal Audio Generation
[ "Dongchao Yang", "Jinchuan Tian", "Xu Tan", "Rongjie Huang", "Songxiang Liu", "Xuankai Chang", "Jiatong Shi", "Sheng Zhao", "Jiang Bian", "Xixin Wu", "Zhou Zhao", "Shinji Watanabe", "Helen Meng" ]
Large Language models (LLM) have demonstrated the capability to handle a variety of generative tasks. This paper presents the UniAudio system, which, unlike prior task-specific approaches, leverages LLM techniques to generate multiple types of audio (including speech, sounds, music, and singing) with given input conditions. UniAudio 1) first tokenizes all types of target audio along with other condition modalities, 2) concatenates source-target pair as a single sequence, and 3) performs next-token prediction using LLM. Also, a multi-scale Transformer model is proposed to handle the overly long sequences caused by the residual vector quantization based neural codec in tokenization. Training of UniAudio is scaled up to 165K hours of audio and 1B parameters, based on all generative tasks, aiming to obtain sufficient prior knowledge not only in the intrinsic properties of audio but also the inter-relationship between audio and other modalities. Therefore, the trained UniAudio model has the potential to become a foundation model for universal audio generation: it shows strong capability in all trained tasks and can seamlessly support new audio generation tasks after simple fine-tuning. Experiments demonstrate that UniAudio achieves state-of-the-art or at least competitive results on most of the 11 tasks. Demo and code are released at
[ "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
Reverse Engineering Self-Supervised Learning
[ "Ido Ben-Shaul", "Ravid Shwartz-Ziv", "Tomer Galanti", "Shai Dekel", "Yann LeCun" ]
Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a powerful tool in machine learning, but understanding the learned representations and their underlying mechanisms remains a challenge. This paper presents an in-depth empirical analysis of SSL-trained representations, encompassing diverse models, architectures, and hyperparameters. Our study reveals an intriguing aspect of the SSL training process: it inherently facilitates the clustering of samples with respect to semantic labels, which is surprisingly driven by the SSL objective's regularization term. This clustering process not only enhances downstream classification but also compresses the data information. Furthermore, we establish that SSL-trained representations align more closely with semantic classes rather than random classes. Remarkably, we show that learned representations align with semantic classes across various hierarchical levels, and this alignment increases during training and when moving deeper into the network. Our findings provide valuable insights into SSL's representation learning mechanisms and their impact on performance across different sets of classes.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Pix2Gif: Motion-Guided Diffusion for GIF Generation
[ "Hitesh Kandala", "Jianfeng Gao", "Jianwei Yang" ]
We present Pix2Gif, a motion-guided diffusion model for image-to-GIF (video) generation. We tackle this problem differently by formulating the task as an image translation problem steered by text and motion magnitude prompts, as shown in teaser fig. To ensure that the model adheres to motion guidance, we propose a new motion-guided warping module to spatially transform the features of the source image conditioned on the two types of prompts. Furthermore, we introduce a perceptual loss to ensure the transformed feature map remains within the same space as the target image, ensuring content consistency and coherence. In preparation for the model training, we meticulously curated data by extracting coherent image frames from the TGIF video-caption dataset, which provides rich information about the temporal changes of subjects. After pretraining, we apply our model in a zero-shot manner to a number of video datasets. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model -- it not only captures the semantic prompt from text but also the spatial ones from motion guidance. We train all our models using a single node of 16xV100 GPUs. Code, dataset and models are made public at:
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control
[ "Sherwin Bahmani", "Ivan Skorokhodov", "Aliaksandr Siarohin", "Willi Menapace", "Guocheng Qian", "Michael Vasilkovsky", "Hsin-Ying Lee", "Chaoyang Wang", "Jiaxu Zou", "Andrea Tagliasacchi", "David B. Lindell", "Sergey Tulyakov" ]
Modern text-to-video synthesis models demonstrate coherent, photorealistic generation of complex videos from a text description. However, most existing models lack fine-grained control over camera movement, which is critical for downstream applications related to content creation, visual effects, and 3D vision. Recently, new methods demonstrate the ability to generate videos with controllable camera poses these techniques leverage pre-trained U-Net-based diffusion models that explicitly disentangle spatial and temporal generation. Still, no existing approach enables camera control for new, transformer-based video diffusion models that process spatial and temporal information jointly. Here, we propose to tame video transformers for 3D camera control using a ControlNet-like conditioning mechanism that incorporates spatiotemporal camera embeddings based on Plucker coordinates. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance for controllable video generation after fine-tuning on the RealEstate10K dataset. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to enable camera control for transformer-based video diffusion models.
[ "cs.CV" ]
LVLM-Interpret: An Interpretability Tool for Large Vision-Language Models
[ "Gabriela Ben Melech Stan", "Estelle Aflalo", "Raanan Yehezkel Rohekar", "Anahita Bhiwandiwalla", "Shao-Yen Tseng", "Matthew Lyle Olson", "Yaniv Gurwicz", "Chenfei Wu", "Nan Duan", "Vasudev Lal" ]
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, multi-modal large language models are emerging as a significant area of interest. These models, which combine various forms of data input, are becoming increasingly popular. However, understanding their internal mechanisms remains a complex task. Numerous advancements have been made in the field of explainability tools and mechanisms, yet there is still much to explore. In this work, we present a novel interactive application aimed towards understanding the internal mechanisms of large vision-language models. Our interface is designed to enhance the interpretability of the image patches, which are instrumental in generating an answer, and assess the efficacy of the language model in grounding its output in the image. With our application, a user can systematically investigate the model and uncover system limitations, paving the way for enhancements in system capabilities. Finally, we present a case study of how our application can aid in understanding failure mechanisms in a popular large multi-modal model: LLaVA.
[ "cs.CV" ]
PERSONA: A Reproducible Testbed for Pluralistic Alignment
[ "Louis Castricato", "Nathan Lile", "Rafael Rafailov", "Jan-Philipp Fränken", "Chelsea Finn" ]
The rapid advancement of language models (LMs) necessitates robust alignment with diverse user values. However, current preference optimization approaches often fail to capture the plurality of user opinions, instead reinforcing majority viewpoints and marginalizing minority perspectives. We introduce PERSONA, a reproducible test bed designed to evaluate and improve pluralistic alignment of LMs. We procedurally generate diverse user profiles from US census data, resulting in 1,586 synthetic personas with varied demographic and idiosyncratic attributes. We then generate a large-scale evaluation dataset containing 3,868 prompts and 317,200 feedback pairs obtained from our synthetic personas. Leveraging this dataset, we systematically evaluate LM capabilities in role-playing diverse users, verified through human judges, and the establishment of both a benchmark, PERSONA Bench, for pluralistic alignment approaches as well as an extensive dataset to create new and future benchmarks. The full dataset and benchmarks are available here:
[ "cs.CL" ]
Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly
[ "Yuzhen Huang", "Jinghan Zhang", "Zifei Shan", "Junxian He" ]
There is a belief that learning to compress well will lead to intelligence. Recently, language modeling has been shown to be equivalent to compression, which offers a compelling rationale for the success of large language models (LLMs): the development of more advanced language models is essentially enhancing compression which facilitates intelligence. Despite such appealing discussions, little empirical evidence is present for the interplay between compression and intelligence. In this work, we examine their relationship in the context of LLMs, treating LLMs as data compressors. Given the abstract concept of "intelligence", we adopt the average downstream benchmark scores as a surrogate, specifically targeting intelligence related to knowledge and commonsense, coding, and mathematical reasoning. Across 12 benchmarks, our study brings together 31 public LLMs that originate from diverse organizations. Remarkably, we find that LLMs' intelligence -- reflected by average benchmark scores -- almost linearly correlates with their ability to compress external text corpora. These results provide concrete evidence supporting the belief that superior compression indicates greater intelligence. Furthermore, our findings suggest that compression efficiency, as an unsupervised metric derived from raw text corpora, serves as a reliable evaluation measure that is linearly associated with the model capabilities. We open-source our compression datasets as well as our data collection pipelines to facilitate future researchers to assess compression properly.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.IT", "cs.LG", "math.IT" ]
TableGPT: Towards Unifying Tables, Nature Language and Commands into One GPT
[ "Liangyu Zha", "Junlin Zhou", "Liyao Li", "Rui Wang", "Qingyi Huang", "Saisai Yang", "Jing Yuan", "Changbao Su", "Xiang Li", "Aofeng Su", "Tao Zhang", "Chen Zhou", "Kaizhe Shou", "Miao Wang", "Wufang Zhu", "Guoshan Lu", "Chao Ye", "Yali Ye", "Wentao Ye", "Yiming Zhang", "Xinglong Deng", "Jie Xu", "Haobo Wang", "Gang Chen", "Junbo Zhao" ]
Tables are prevalent in real-world databases, requiring significant time and effort for humans to analyze and manipulate. The advancements in large language models (LLMs) have made it possible to interact with tables using natural language input, bringing this capability closer to reality. In this paper, we present TableGPT, a unified fine-tuned framework that enables LLMs to understand and operate on tables using external functional commands. It introduces the capability to seamlessly interact with tables, enabling a wide range of functionalities such as question answering, data manipulation (e.g., insert, delete, query, and modify operations), data visualization, analysis report generation, and automated prediction. TableGPT aims to provide convenience and accessibility to users by empowering them to effortlessly leverage tabular data. At the core of TableGPT lies the novel concept of global tabular representations, which empowers LLMs to gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire table beyond meta-information. By jointly training LLMs on both table and text modalities, TableGPT achieves a deep understanding of tabular data and the ability to perform complex operations on tables through chain-of-command instructions. Importantly, TableGPT offers the advantage of being a self-contained system rather than relying on external API interfaces. Moreover, it supports efficient data process flow, query rejection (when appropriate) and private deployment, enabling faster domain data fine-tuning and ensuring data privacy, which enhances the framework's adaptability to specific use cases.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
LangNav: Language as a Perceptual Representation for Navigation
[ "Bowen Pan", "Rameswar Panda", "SouYoung Jin", "Rogerio Feris", "Aude Oliva", "Phillip Isola", "Yoon Kim" ]
We explore the use of language as a perceptual representation for vision-and-language navigation (VLN), with a focus on low-data settings. Our approach uses off-the-shelf vision systems for image captioning and object detection to convert an agent's egocentric panoramic view at each time step into natural language descriptions. We then finetune a pretrained language model to select an action, based on the current view and the trajectory history, that would best fulfill the navigation instructions. In contrast to the standard setup which adapts a pretrained language model to work directly with continuous visual features from pretrained vision models, our approach instead uses (discrete) language as the perceptual representation. We explore several use cases of our language-based navigation (LangNav) approach on the R2R VLN benchmark: generating synthetic trajectories from a prompted language model (GPT-4) with which to finetune a smaller language model; domain transfer where we transfer a policy learned on one simulated environment (ALFRED) to another (more realistic) environment (R2R); and combining both vision- and language-based representations for VLN. Our approach is found to improve upon baselines that rely on visual features in settings where only a few expert trajectories (10-100) are available, demonstrating the potential of language as a perceptual representation for navigation.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.RO" ]
Priority Sampling of Large Language Models for Compilers
[ "Dejan Grubisic", "Chris Cummins", "Volker Seeker", "Hugh Leather" ]
Large language models show great potential in generating and optimizing code. Widely used sampling methods such as Nucleus Sampling increase the diversity of generation but often produce repeated samples for low temperatures and incoherent samples for high temperatures. Furthermore, the temperature coefficient has to be tuned for each task, limiting its usability. We present Priority Sampling, a simple and deterministic sampling technique that produces unique samples ordered by the model's confidence. Each new sample expands the unexpanded token with the highest probability in the augmented search tree. Additionally, Priority Sampling supports generation based on regular expression that provides a controllable and structured exploration process. Priority Sampling outperforms Nucleus Sampling for any number of samples, boosting the performance of the original model from 2.87% to 5% improvement over -Oz. Moreover, it outperforms the autotuner used for the generation of labels for the training of the original model in just 30 samples.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL", "cs.PF" ]
Video-LLaMA: An Instruction-tuned Audio-Visual Language Model for Video Understanding
[ "Hang Zhang", "Xin Li", "Lidong Bing" ]
We present Video-LLaMA a multi-modal framework that empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) with the capability of understanding both visual and auditory content in the video. Video-LLaMA bootstraps cross-modal training from the frozen pre-trained visual and audio encoders and the frozen LLMs. Unlike previous works that complement LLMs to process the visual or audio signals only, Video-LLaMA enables video comprehension by tackling two challenges: (1) capturing the temporal changes in visual scenes, (2) integrating audio-visual signals. To counter the first challenge, we propose a Video Q-former to assemble a pre-trained image encoder into our video encoder and introduce a video-to-text generation task to learn video-language correspondence. For the second challenge, we leverage ImageBind, a universal embedding model aligning multiple modalities, as the pre-trained audio encoder and introduce an Audio Q-former on top of ImageBind to learn reasonable auditory query embeddings for the LLM module. To align the output of both visual and audio encoders with LLM's embedding space, we first train Video-LLaMA on massive video/image-caption pairs and then tune our model with visual-instruction datasets of moderate amount but higher quality. We found Video-LLaMA shows the ability to perceive and comprehend video content and generate meaningful responses grounded in the visual and auditory information presented in the videos.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.CV", "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
Human or Not? A Gamified Approach to the Turing Test
[ "Daniel Jannai", "Amos Meron", "Barak Lenz", "Yoav Levine", "Yoav Shoham" ]
We present "Human or Not?", an online game inspired by the Turing test, that measures the capability of AI chatbots to mimic humans in dialog, and of humans to tell bots from other humans. Over the course of a month, the game was played by over 1.5 million users who engaged in anonymous two-minute chat sessions with either another human or an AI language model which was prompted to behave like humans. The task of the players was to correctly guess whether they spoke to a person or to an AI. This largest scale Turing-style test conducted to date revealed some interesting facts. For example, overall users guessed the identity of their partners correctly in only 68% of the games. In the subset of the games in which users faced an AI bot, users had even lower correct guess rates of 60% (that is, not much higher than chance). This white paper details the development, deployment, and results of this unique experiment. While this experiment calls for many extensions and refinements, these findings already begin to shed light on the inevitable near future which will commingle humans and AI.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CY", "cs.HC", "68T50", "I.2.7" ]
Sailor: Open Language Models for South-East Asia
[ "Longxu Dou", "Qian Liu", "Guangtao Zeng", "Jia Guo", "Jiahui Zhou", "Wei Lu", "Min Lin" ]
We present Sailor, a family of open language models ranging from 0.5B to 7B parameters, tailored for South-East Asian (SEA) languages. These models are continually pre-trained from Qwen1.5, a great language model for multilingual use cases. From Qwen1.5, Sailor models accept 200B to 400B tokens, primarily covering the languages of English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Malay, and Lao. The training leverages several techniques, including BPE dropout for improving the model robustness, aggressive data cleaning and deduplication, and small proxy models to optimize data mixture. Experimental results on four typical tasks indicate that Sailor models demonstrate strong performance across different benchmarks, including commonsense reasoning, question answering, reading comprehension and examination. Embracing the open-source spirit, we share our insights through this report to spark a wider interest in developing large language models for multilingual use cases.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
PAS: Data-Efficient Plug-and-Play Prompt Augmentation System
[ "Miao Zheng", "Hao Liang", "Fan Yang", "Haoze Sun", "Tianpeng Li", "Lingchu Xiong", "Yan Zhang", "Youzhen Wu", "Kun Li", "Yanjun Shen", "Mingan Lin", "Tao Zhang", "Guosheng Dong", "Yujing Qiao", "Kun Fang", "Weipeng Chen", "Bin Cui", "Wentao Zhang", "Zenan Zhou" ]
In recent years, the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has spurred a growing demand for plug-and-play AI systems. Among the various AI techniques, prompt engineering stands out as particularly significant. However, users often face challenges in writing prompts due to the steep learning curve and significant time investment, and existing automatic prompt engineering (APE) models can be difficult to use. To address this issue, we propose PAS, an LLM-based plug-and-play APE system. PAS utilizes LLMs trained on high-quality, automatically generated prompt complementary datasets, resulting in exceptional performance. In comprehensive benchmarks, PAS achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) results compared to previous APE models, with an average improvement of 6.09 points. Moreover, PAS is highly efficient, achieving SoTA performance with only 9000 data points. Additionally, PAS can autonomously generate prompt augmentation data without requiring additional human labor. Its flexibility also allows it to be compatible with all existing LLMs and applicable to a wide range of tasks. PAS excels in human evaluations, underscoring its suitability as a plug-in for users. This combination of high performance, efficiency, and flexibility makes PAS a valuable system for enhancing the usability and effectiveness of LLMs through improved prompt engineering.
[ "cs.CL" ]
PointInfinity: Resolution-Invariant Point Diffusion Models
[ "Zixuan Huang", "Justin Johnson", "Shoubhik Debnath", "James M. Rehg", "Chao-Yuan Wu" ]
We present PointInfinity, an efficient family of point cloud diffusion models. Our core idea is to use a transformer-based architecture with a fixed-size, resolution-invariant latent representation. This enables efficient training with low-resolution point clouds, while allowing high-resolution point clouds to be generated during inference. More importantly, we show that scaling the test-time resolution beyond the training resolution improves the fidelity of generated point clouds and surfaces. We analyze this phenomenon and draw a link to classifier-free guidance commonly used in diffusion models, demonstrating that both allow trading off fidelity and variability during inference. Experiments on CO3D show that PointInfinity can efficiently generate high-resolution point clouds (up to 131k points, 31 times more than Point-E) with state-of-the-art quality.
[ "cs.CV" ]