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Real-Time Video Generation with Pyramid Attention Broadcast
[ "Xuanlei Zhao", "Xiaolong Jin", "Kai Wang", "Yang You" ]
We present Pyramid Attention Broadcast (PAB), a real-time, high quality and training-free approach for DiT-based video generation. Our method is founded on the observation that attention difference in the diffusion process exhibits a U-shaped pattern, indicating significant redundancy. We mitigate this by broadcasting attention outputs to subsequent steps in a pyramid style. It applies different broadcast strategies to each attention based on their variance for best efficiency. We further introduce broadcast sequence parallel for more efficient distributed inference. PAB demonstrates superior results across three models compared to baselines, achieving real-time generation for up to 720p videos. We anticipate that our simple yet effective method will serve as a robust baseline and facilitate future research and application for video generation.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.DC" ]
CKConv: Continuous Kernel Convolution For Sequential Data
[ "David W. Romero", "Anna Kuzina", "Erik J. Bekkers", "Jakub M. Tomczak", "Mark Hoogendoorn" ]
Conventional neural architectures for sequential data present important limitations. Recurrent networks suffer from exploding and vanishing gradients, small effective memory horizons, and must be trained sequentially. Convolutional networks are unable to handle sequences of unknown size and their memory horizon must be defined a priori. In this work, we show that all these problems can be solved by formulating convolutional kernels in CNNs as continuous functions. The resulting Continuous Kernel Convolution (CKConv) allows us to model arbitrarily long sequences in a parallel manner, within a single operation, and without relying on any form of recurrence. We show that Continuous Kernel Convolutional Networks (CKCNNs) obtain state-of-the-art results in multiple datasets, e.g., permuted MNIST, and, thanks to their continuous nature, are able to handle non-uniformly sampled datasets and irregularly-sampled data natively. CKCNNs match or perform better than neural ODEs designed for these purposes in a faster and simpler manner.
[ "cs.LG" ]
DiffuseKronA: A Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning Method for Personalized Diffusion Models
[ "Shyam Marjit", "Harshit Singh", "Nityanand Mathur", "Sayak Paul", "Chia-Mu Yu", "Pin-Yu Chen" ]
In the realm of subject-driven text-to-image (T2I) generative models, recent developments like DreamBooth and BLIP-Diffusion have led to impressive results yet encounter limitations due to their intensive fine-tuning demands and substantial parameter requirements. While the low-rank adaptation (LoRA) module within DreamBooth offers a reduction in trainable parameters, it introduces a pronounced sensitivity to hyperparameters, leading to a compromise between parameter efficiency and the quality of T2I personalized image synthesis. Addressing these constraints, we introduce \textbf{\textit{DiffuseKronA}}, a novel Kronecker product-based adaptation module that not only significantly reduces the parameter count by 35\% and 99.947\% compared to LoRA-DreamBooth and the original DreamBooth, respectively, but also enhances the quality of image synthesis. Crucially, \textit{DiffuseKronA} mitigates the issue of hyperparameter sensitivity, delivering consistent high-quality generations across a wide range of hyperparameters, thereby diminishing the necessity for extensive fine-tuning. Furthermore, a more controllable decomposition makes \textit{DiffuseKronA} more interpretable and even can achieve up to a 50\% reduction with results comparable to LoRA-Dreambooth. Evaluated against diverse and complex input images and text prompts, \textit{DiffuseKronA} consistently outperforms existing models, producing diverse images of higher quality with improved fidelity and a more accurate color distribution of objects, all the while upholding exceptional parameter efficiency, thus presenting a substantial advancement in the field of T2I generative modeling. Our project page, consisting of links to the code, and pre-trained checkpoints, is available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
From Sparse to Dense: GPT-4 Summarization with Chain of Density Prompting
[ "Griffin Adams", "Alexander Fabbri", "Faisal Ladhak", "Eric Lehman", "Noémie Elhadad" ]
Selecting the ``right'' amount of information to include in a summary is a difficult task. A good summary should be detailed and entity-centric without being overly dense and hard to follow. To better understand this tradeoff, we solicit increasingly dense GPT-4 summaries with what we refer to as a ``Chain of Density'' (CoD) prompt. Specifically, GPT-4 generates an initial entity-sparse summary before iteratively incorporating missing salient entities without increasing the length. Summaries generated by CoD are more abstractive, exhibit more fusion, and have less of a lead bias than GPT-4 summaries generated by a vanilla prompt. We conduct a human preference study on 100 CNN DailyMail articles and find that that humans prefer GPT-4 summaries that are more dense than those generated by a vanilla prompt and almost as dense as human written summaries. Qualitative analysis supports the notion that there exists a tradeoff between informativeness and readability. 500 annotated CoD summaries, as well as an extra 5,000 unannotated summaries, are freely available on HuggingFace (
[ "cs.CL" ]
StepCoder: Improve Code Generation with Reinforcement Learning from Compiler Feedback
[ "Shihan Dou", "Yan Liu", "Haoxiang Jia", "Limao Xiong", "Enyu Zhou", "Wei Shen", "Junjie Shan", "Caishuang Huang", "Xiao Wang", "Xiaoran Fan", "Zhiheng Xi", "Yuhao Zhou", "Tao Ji", "Rui Zheng", "Qi Zhang", "Xuanjing Huang", "Tao Gui" ]
The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has significantly propelled the field of code generation. Previous work integrated reinforcement learning (RL) with compiler feedback for exploring the output space of LLMs to enhance code generation quality. However, the lengthy code generated by LLMs in response to complex human requirements makes RL exploration a challenge. Also, since the unit tests may not cover the complicated code, optimizing LLMs by using these unexecuted code snippets is ineffective. To tackle these challenges, we introduce StepCoder, a novel RL framework for code generation, consisting of two main components: CCCS addresses the exploration challenge by breaking the long sequences code generation task into a Curriculum of Code Completion Subtasks, while FGO only optimizes the model by masking the unexecuted code segments to provide Fine-Grained Optimization. In addition, we furthermore construct the APPS+ dataset for RL training, which is manually verified to ensure the correctness of unit tests. Experimental results show that our method improves the ability to explore the output space and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in corresponding benchmarks. Our dataset APPS+ and StepCoder are available online.
[ "cs.SE", "cs.CL" ]
SGLang: Efficient Execution of Structured Language Model Programs
[ "Lianmin Zheng", "Liangsheng Yin", "Zhiqiang Xie", "Chuyue Sun", "Jeff Huang", "Cody Hao Yu", "Shiyi Cao", "Christos Kozyrakis", "Ion Stoica", "Joseph E. Gonzalez", "Clark Barrett", "Ying Sheng" ]
Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used for complex tasks that require multiple generation calls, advanced prompting techniques, control flow, and structured inputs/outputs. However, efficient systems are lacking for programming and executing these applications. We introduce SGLang, a system for efficient execution of complex language model programs. SGLang consists of a frontend language and a runtime. The frontend simplifies programming with primitives for generation and parallelism control. The runtime accelerates execution with novel optimizations like RadixAttention for KV cache reuse and compressed finite state machines for faster structured output decoding. Experiments show that SGLang achieves up to 6.4x higher throughput compared to state-of-the-art inference systems on various large language and multi-modal models on tasks including agent control, logical reasoning, few-shot learning benchmarks, JSON decoding, retrieval-augmented generation pipelines, and multi-turn chat. The code is publicly available at
[ "cs.AI", "cs.PL" ]
Lifelong Language Pretraining with Distribution-Specialized Experts
[ "Wuyang Chen", "Yanqi Zhou", "Nan Du", "Yanping Huang", "James Laudon", "Zhifeng Chen", "Claire Cu" ]
Pretraining on a large-scale corpus has become a standard method to build general language models (LMs). Adapting a model to new data distributions targeting different downstream tasks poses significant challenges. Naive fine-tuning may incur catastrophic forgetting when the over-parameterized LMs overfit the new data but fail to preserve the pretrained features. Lifelong learning (LLL) aims to enable information systems to learn from a continuous data stream across time. However, most prior work modifies the training recipe assuming a static fixed network architecture. We find that additional model capacity and proper regularization are key elements to achieving strong LLL performance. Thus, we propose Lifelong-MoE, an extensible MoE (Mixture-of-Experts) architecture that dynamically adds model capacity via adding experts with regularized pretraining. Our results show that by only introducing a limited number of extra experts while keeping the computation cost constant, our model can steadily adapt to data distribution shifts while preserving the previous knowledge. Compared to existing lifelong learning approaches, Lifelong-MoE achieves better few-shot performance on 19 downstream NLP tasks.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Calibrating LLM-Based Evaluator
[ "Yuxuan Liu", "Tianchi Yang", "Shaohan Huang", "Zihan Zhang", "Haizhen Huang", "Furu Wei", "Weiwei Deng", "Feng Sun", "Qi Zhang" ]
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) on language modeling and emergent capabilities make them a promising reference-free evaluator of natural language generation quality, and a competent alternative to human evaluation. However, hindered by the closed-source or high computational demand to host and tune, there is a lack of practice to further calibrate an off-the-shelf LLM-based evaluator towards better human alignment. In this work, we propose AutoCalibrate, a multi-stage, gradient-free approach to automatically calibrate and align an LLM-based evaluator toward human preference. Instead of explicitly modeling human preferences, we first implicitly encompass them within a set of human labels. Then, an initial set of scoring criteria is drafted by the language model itself, leveraging in-context learning on different few-shot examples. To further calibrate this set of criteria, we select the best performers and re-draft them with self-refinement. Our experiments on multiple text quality evaluation datasets illustrate a significant improvement in correlation with expert evaluation through calibration. Our comprehensive qualitative analysis conveys insightful intuitions and observations on the essence of effective scoring criteria.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Recognize Anything: A Strong Image Tagging Model
[ "Youcai Zhang", "Xinyu Huang", "Jinyu Ma", "Zhaoyang Li", "Zhaochuan Luo", "Yanchun Xie", "Yuzhuo Qin", "Tong Luo", "Yaqian Li", "Shilong Liu", "Yandong Guo", "Lei Zhang" ]
We present the Recognize Anything Model (RAM): a strong foundation model for image tagging. RAM makes a substantial step for large models in computer vision, demonstrating the zero-shot ability to recognize any common category with high accuracy. RAM introduces a new paradigm for image tagging, leveraging large-scale image-text pairs for training instead of manual annotations. The development of RAM comprises four key steps. Firstly, annotation-free image tags are obtained at scale through automatic text semantic parsing. Subsequently, a preliminary model is trained for automatic annotation by unifying the caption and tagging tasks, supervised by the original texts and parsed tags, respectively. Thirdly, a data engine is employed to generate additional annotations and clean incorrect ones. Lastly, the model is retrained with the processed data and fine-tuned using a smaller but higher-quality dataset. We evaluate the tagging capabilities of RAM on numerous benchmarks and observe impressive zero-shot performance, significantly outperforming CLIP and BLIP. Remarkably, RAM even surpasses the fully supervised manners and exhibits competitive performance with the Google tagging API. We are releasing the RAM at \url{} to foster the advancements of large models in computer vision.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Unifying Multimodal Retrieval via Document Screenshot Embedding
[ "Xueguang Ma", "Sheng-Chieh Lin", "Minghan Li", "Wenhu Chen", "Jimmy Lin" ]
In the real world, documents are organized in different formats and varied modalities. Traditional retrieval pipelines require tailored document parsing techniques and content extraction modules to prepare input for indexing. This process is tedious, prone to errors, and has information loss. To this end, we propose Document Screenshot Embedding} (DSE), a novel retrieval paradigm that regards document screenshots as a unified input format, which does not require any content extraction preprocess and preserves all the information in a document (e.g., text, image and layout). DSE leverages a large vision-language model to directly encode document screenshots into dense representations for retrieval. To evaluate our method, we first craft the dataset of Wiki-SS, a 1.3M Wikipedia web page screenshots as the corpus to answer the questions from the Natural Questions dataset. In such a text-intensive document retrieval setting, DSE shows competitive effectiveness compared to other text retrieval methods relying on parsing. For example, DSE outperforms BM25 by 17 points in top-1 retrieval accuracy. Additionally, in a mixed-modality task of slide retrieval, DSE significantly outperforms OCR text retrieval methods by over 15 points in nDCG@10. These experiments show that DSE is an effective document retrieval paradigm for diverse types of documents. Model checkpoints, code, and Wiki-SS collection will be released.
[ "cs.IR" ]
Can Editing LLMs Inject Harm?
[ "Canyu Chen", "Baixiang Huang", "Zekun Li", "Zhaorun Chen", "Shiyang Lai", "Xiongxiao Xu", "Jia-Chen Gu", "Jindong Gu", "Huaxiu Yao", "Chaowei Xiao", "Xifeng Yan", "William Yang Wang", "Philip Torr", "Dawn Song", "Kai Shu" ]
Knowledge editing has been increasingly adopted to correct the false or outdated knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs). Meanwhile, one critical but under-explored question is: can knowledge editing be used to inject harm into LLMs? In this paper, we propose to reformulate knowledge editing as a new type of safety threat for LLMs, namely Editing Attack, and conduct a systematic investigation with a newly constructed dataset EditAttack. Specifically, we focus on two typical safety risks of Editing Attack including Misinformation Injection and Bias Injection. For the risk of misinformation injection, we first categorize it into commonsense misinformation injection and long-tail misinformation injection. Then, we find that editing attacks can inject both types of misinformation into LLMs, and the effectiveness is particularly high for commonsense misinformation injection. For the risk of bias injection, we discover that not only can biased sentences be injected into LLMs with high effectiveness, but also one single biased sentence injection can cause a bias increase in general outputs of LLMs, which are even highly irrelevant to the injected sentence, indicating a catastrophic impact on the overall fairness of LLMs. Then, we further illustrate the high stealthiness of editing attacks, measured by their impact on the general knowledge and reasoning capacities of LLMs, and show the hardness of defending editing attacks with empirical evidence. Our discoveries demonstrate the emerging misuse risks of knowledge editing techniques on compromising the safety alignment of LLMs and the feasibility of disseminating misinformation or bias with LLMs as new channels.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Memory-Efficient LLM Training with Online Subspace Descent
[ "Kaizhao Liang", "Bo Liu", "Lizhang Chen", "Qiang Liu" ]
Recently, a wide range of memory-efficient LLM training algorithms have gained substantial popularity. These methods leverage the low-rank structure of gradients to project optimizer states into a subspace using projection matrix found by singular value decomposition (SVD). However, convergence of these algorithms is highly dependent on the update rules of their projection matrix. In this work, we provide the \emph{first} convergence guarantee for arbitrary update rules of projection matrix. This guarantee is generally applicable to optimizers that can be analyzed with Hamiltonian Descent, including most common ones, such as LION, Adam. Inspired by our theoretical understanding, we propose Online Subspace Descent, a new family of subspace descent optimizer without SVD. Instead of updating the projection matrix with eigenvectors, Online Subspace Descent updates the projection matrix with online PCA. Online Subspace Descent is flexible and introduces only minimum overhead to training. We show that for the task of pretraining LLaMA models ranging from 60M to 7B parameters on the C4 dataset, Online Subspace Descent achieves lower perplexity and better downstream tasks performance than state-of-the-art low-rank training methods across different settings and narrows the gap with full-rank baselines.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Visual Instruction Tuning
[ "Haotian Liu", "Chunyuan Li", "Qingyang Wu", "Yong Jae Lee" ]
Instruction tuning large language models (LLMs) using machine-generated instruction-following data has improved zero-shot capabilities on new tasks, but the idea is less explored in the multimodal field. In this paper, we present the first attempt to use language-only GPT-4 to generate multimodal language-image instruction-following data. By instruction tuning on such generated data, we introduce LLaVA: Large Language and Vision Assistant, an end-to-end trained large multimodal model that connects a vision encoder and LLM for general-purpose visual and language understanding.Our early experiments show that LLaVA demonstrates impressive multimodel chat abilities, sometimes exhibiting the behaviors of multimodal GPT-4 on unseen images/instructions, and yields a 85.1% relative score compared with GPT-4 on a synthetic multimodal instruction-following dataset. When fine-tuned on Science QA, the synergy of LLaVA and GPT-4 achieves a new state-of-the-art accuracy of 92.53%. We make GPT-4 generated visual instruction tuning data, our model and code base publicly available.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
LEACE: Perfect linear concept erasure in closed form
[ "Nora Belrose", "David Schneider-Joseph", "Shauli Ravfogel", "Ryan Cotterell", "Edward Raff", "Stella Biderman" ]
Concept erasure aims to remove specified features from a representation. It can improve fairness (e.g. preventing a classifier from using gender or race) and interpretability (e.g. removing a concept to observe changes in model behavior). We introduce LEAst-squares Concept Erasure (LEACE), a closed-form method which provably prevents all linear classifiers from detecting a concept while changing the representation as little as possible, as measured by a broad class of norms. We apply LEACE to large language models with a novel procedure called "concept scrubbing," which erases target concept information from every layer in the network. We demonstrate our method on two tasks: measuring the reliance of language models on part-of-speech information, and reducing gender bias in BERT embeddings. Code is available at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL", "cs.CY" ]
Safe Unlearning: A Surprisingly Effective and Generalizable Solution to Defend Against Jailbreak Attacks
[ "Zhexin Zhang", "Junxiao Yang", "Pei Ke", "Shiyao Cui", "Chujie Zheng", "Hongning Wang", "Minlie Huang" ]
LLMs are known to be vulnerable to jailbreak attacks, even after safety alignment. An important observation is that, while different types of jailbreak attacks can generate significantly different queries, they mostly result in similar responses that are rooted in the same harmful knowledge (e.g., detailed steps to make a bomb). Therefore, we conjecture that directly unlearn the harmful knowledge in the LLM can be a more effective way to defend against jailbreak attacks than the mainstream supervised fine-tuning (SFT) based approaches. Our extensive experiments confirmed our insight and suggested surprising generalizability of our unlearning-based approach: using only 20 raw harmful questions \emph{without} any jailbreak prompt during training, our solution reduced the Attack Success Rate (ASR) in Vicuna-7B on \emph{out-of-distribution} (OOD) harmful questions wrapped with various complex jailbreak prompts from 82.6\% to 7.7\%. This significantly outperforms Llama2-7B-Chat, which is fine-tuned on about 0.1M safety alignment samples but still has an ASR of 21.9\% even under the help of an additional safety system prompt. Further analysis reveals that the generalization ability of our solution stems from the intrinsic relatedness among harmful responses across harmful questions (e.g., response patterns, shared steps and actions, and similarity among their learned representations in the LLM). Our code is available at \url{}.
[ "cs.CR", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
Adaptive Computation Modules: Granular Conditional Computation For Efficient Inference
[ "Bartosz Wójcik", "Alessio Devoto", "Karol Pustelnik", "Pasquale Minervini", "Simone Scardapane" ]
The computational cost of transformer models makes them inefficient in low-latency or low-power applications. While techniques such as quantization or linear attention can reduce the computational load, they may incur a reduction in accuracy. In addition, globally reducing the cost for all inputs may be sub-optimal. We observe that for each layer, the full width of the layer may be needed only for a small subset of tokens inside a batch and that the "effective" width needed to process a token can vary from layer to layer. Motivated by this observation, we introduce the Adaptive Computation Module (ACM), a generic module that dynamically adapts its computational load to match the estimated difficulty of the input on a per-token basis. An ACM consists of a sequence of learners that progressively refine the output of their preceding counterparts. An additional gating mechanism determines the optimal number of learners to execute for each token. We also describe a distillation technique to replace any pre-trained model with an "ACMized" variant. The distillation phase is designed to be highly parallelizable across layers while being simple to plug-and-play into existing networks. Our evaluation of transformer models in computer vision and speech recognition demonstrates that substituting layers with ACMs significantly reduces inference costs without degrading the downstream accuracy for a wide interval of user-defined budgets.
[ "cs.LG" ]
LLaSM: Large Language and Speech Model
[ "Yu Shu", "Siwei Dong", "Guangyao Chen", "Wenhao Huang", "Ruihua Zhang", "Daochen Shi", "Qiqi Xiang", "Yemin Shi" ]
Multi-modal large language models have garnered significant interest recently. Though, most of the works focus on vision-language multi-modal models providing strong capabilities in following vision-and-language instructions. However, we claim that speech is also an important modality through which humans interact with the world. Hence, it is crucial for a general-purpose assistant to be able to follow multi-modal speech-and-language instructions. In this work, we propose Large Language and Speech Model (LLaSM). LLaSM is an end-to-end trained large multi-modal speech-language model with cross-modal conversational abilities, capable of following speech-and-language instructions. Our early experiments show that LLaSM demonstrates a more convenient and natural way for humans to interact with artificial intelligence. Specifically, we also release a large Speech Instruction Following dataset LLaSM-Audio-Instructions. Code and demo are available at and The LLaSM-Audio-Instructions dataset is available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG", "cs.SD", "eess.AS" ]
Multi-Modal Classifiers for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
[ "Prannay Kaul", "Weidi Xie", "Andrew Zisserman" ]
The goal of this paper is open-vocabulary object detection (OVOD) $\unicode{x2013}$ building a model that can detect objects beyond the set of categories seen at training, thus enabling the user to specify categories of interest at inference without the need for model retraining. We adopt a standard two-stage object detector architecture, and explore three ways for specifying novel categories: via language descriptions, via image exemplars, or via a combination of the two. We make three contributions: first, we prompt a large language model (LLM) to generate informative language descriptions for object classes, and construct powerful text-based classifiers; second, we employ a visual aggregator on image exemplars that can ingest any number of images as input, forming vision-based classifiers; and third, we provide a simple method to fuse information from language descriptions and image exemplars, yielding a multi-modal classifier. When evaluating on the challenging LVIS open-vocabulary benchmark we demonstrate that: (i) our text-based classifiers outperform all previous OVOD works; (ii) our vision-based classifiers perform as well as text-based classifiers in prior work; (iii) using multi-modal classifiers perform better than either modality alone; and finally, (iv) our text-based and multi-modal classifiers yield better performance than a fully-supervised detector.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "I.4.6; I.4.8; I.4.9; I.2.10" ]
A Watermark for Large Language Models
[ "John Kirchenbauer", "Jonas Geiping", "Yuxin Wen", "Jonathan Katz", "Ian Miers", "Tom Goldstein" ]
Potential harms of large language models can be mitigated by watermarking model output, i.e., embedding signals into generated text that are invisible to humans but algorithmically detectable from a short span of tokens. We propose a watermarking framework for proprietary language models. The watermark can be embedded with negligible impact on text quality, and can be detected using an efficient open-source algorithm without access to the language model API or parameters. The watermark works by selecting a randomized set of "green" tokens before a word is generated, and then softly promoting use of green tokens during sampling. We propose a statistical test for detecting the watermark with interpretable p-values, and derive an information-theoretic framework for analyzing the sensitivity of the watermark. We test the watermark using a multi-billion parameter model from the Open Pretrained Transformer (OPT) family, and discuss robustness and security.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL", "cs.CR" ]
Entity Embeddings of Categorical Variables
[ "Cheng Guo", "Felix Berkhahn" ]
We map categorical variables in a function approximation problem into Euclidean spaces, which are the entity embeddings of the categorical variables. The mapping is learned by a neural network during the standard supervised training process. Entity embedding not only reduces memory usage and speeds up neural networks compared with one-hot encoding, but more importantly by mapping similar values close to each other in the embedding space it reveals the intrinsic properties of the categorical variables. We applied it successfully in a recent Kaggle competition and were able to reach the third position with relative simple features. We further demonstrate in this paper that entity embedding helps the neural network to generalize better when the data is sparse and statistics is unknown. Thus it is especially useful for datasets with lots of high cardinality features, where other methods tend to overfit. We also demonstrate that the embeddings obtained from the trained neural network boost the performance of all tested machine learning methods considerably when used as the input features instead. As entity embedding defines a distance measure for categorical variables it can be used for visualizing categorical data and for data clustering.
[ "cs.LG" ]
InstantSplat: Sparse-view SfM-free Gaussian Splatting in Seconds
[ "Zhiwen Fan", "Wenyan Cong", "Kairun Wen", "Kevin Wang", "Jian Zhang", "Xinghao Ding", "Danfei Xu", "Boris Ivanovic", "Marco Pavone", "Georgios Pavlakos", "Zhangyang Wang", "Yue Wang" ]
While novel view synthesis (NVS) from a sparse set of images has advanced significantly in 3D computer vision, it relies on precise initial estimation of camera parameters using Structure-from-Motion (SfM). For instance, the recently developed Gaussian Splatting depends heavily on the accuracy of SfM-derived points and poses. However, SfM processes are time-consuming and often prove unreliable in sparse-view scenarios, where matched features are scarce, leading to accumulated errors and limited generalization capability across datasets. In this study, we introduce a novel and efficient framework to enhance robust NVS from sparse-view images. Our framework, InstantSplat, integrates multi-view stereo(MVS) predictions with point-based representations to construct 3D Gaussians of large-scale scenes from sparse-view data within seconds, addressing the aforementioned performance and efficiency issues by SfM. Specifically, InstantSplat generates densely populated surface points across all training views and determines the initial camera parameters using pixel-alignment. Nonetheless, the MVS points are not globally accurate, and the pixel-wise prediction from all views results in an excessive Gaussian number, yielding a overparameterized scene representation that compromises both training speed and accuracy. To address this issue, we employ a grid-based, confidence-aware Farthest Point Sampling to strategically position point primitives at representative locations in parallel. Next, we enhance pose accuracy and tune scene parameters through a gradient-based joint optimization framework from self-supervision. By employing this simplified framework, InstantSplat achieves a substantial reduction in training time, from hours to mere seconds, and demonstrates robust performance across various numbers of views in diverse datasets.
[ "cs.CV" ]
MultiBooth: Towards Generating All Your Concepts in an Image from Text
[ "Chenyang Zhu", "Kai Li", "Yue Ma", "Chunming He", "Li Xiu" ]
This paper introduces MultiBooth, a novel and efficient technique for multi-concept customization in image generation from text. Despite the significant advancements in customized generation methods, particularly with the success of diffusion models, existing methods often struggle with multi-concept scenarios due to low concept fidelity and high inference cost. MultiBooth addresses these issues by dividing the multi-concept generation process into two phases: a single-concept learning phase and a multi-concept integration phase. During the single-concept learning phase, we employ a multi-modal image encoder and an efficient concept encoding technique to learn a concise and discriminative representation for each concept. In the multi-concept integration phase, we use bounding boxes to define the generation area for each concept within the cross-attention map. This method enables the creation of individual concepts within their specified regions, thereby facilitating the formation of multi-concept images. This strategy not only improves concept fidelity but also reduces additional inference cost. MultiBooth surpasses various baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, showcasing its superior performance and computational efficiency. Project Page:
[ "cs.CV" ]
Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model
[ "Lianghui Zhu", "Bencheng Liao", "Qian Zhang", "Xinlong Wang", "Wenyu Liu", "Xinggang Wang" ]
Recently the state space models (SSMs) with efficient hardware-aware designs, i.e., the Mamba deep learning model, have shown great potential for long sequence modeling. Meanwhile building efficient and generic vision backbones purely upon SSMs is an appealing direction. However, representing visual data is challenging for SSMs due to the position-sensitivity of visual data and the requirement of global context for visual understanding. In this paper, we show that the reliance on self-attention for visual representation learning is not necessary and propose a new generic vision backbone with bidirectional Mamba blocks (Vim), which marks the image sequences with position embeddings and compresses the visual representation with bidirectional state space models. On ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20k semantic segmentation tasks, Vim achieves higher performance compared to well-established vision transformers like DeiT, while also demonstrating significantly improved computation & memory efficiency. For example, Vim is 2.8$\times$ faster than DeiT and saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing batch inference to extract features on images with a resolution of 1248$\times$1248. The results demonstrate that Vim is capable of overcoming the computation & memory constraints on performing Transformer-style understanding for high-resolution images and it has great potential to be the next-generation backbone for vision foundation models. Code is available at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
VisionLLaMA: A Unified LLaMA Backbone for Vision Tasks
[ "Xiangxiang Chu", "Jianlin Su", "Bo Zhang", "Chunhua Shen" ]
Large language models are built on top of a transformer-based architecture to process textual inputs. For example, the LLaMA stands out among many open-source implementations. Can the same transformer be used to process 2D images? In this paper, we answer this question by unveiling a LLaMA-like vision transformer in plain and pyramid forms, termed VisionLLaMA, which is tailored for this purpose. VisionLLaMA is a unified and generic modelling framework for solving most vision tasks. We extensively evaluate its effectiveness using typical pre-training paradigms in a good portion of downstream tasks of image perception and especially image generation. In many cases, VisionLLaMA have exhibited substantial gains over the previous state-of-the-art vision transformers. We believe that VisionLLaMA can serve as a strong new baseline model for vision generation and understanding. Our code is released at
[ "cs.CV" ]
LSTM: A Search Space Odyssey
[ "Klaus Greff", "Rupesh Kumar Srivastava", "Jan Koutník", "Bas R. Steunebrink", "Jürgen Schmidhuber" ]
Several variants of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture for recurrent neural networks have been proposed since its inception in 1995. In recent years, these networks have become the state-of-the-art models for a variety of machine learning problems. This has led to a renewed interest in understanding the role and utility of various computational components of typical LSTM variants. In this paper, we present the first large-scale analysis of eight LSTM variants on three representative tasks: speech recognition, handwriting recognition, and polyphonic music modeling. The hyperparameters of all LSTM variants for each task were optimized separately using random search, and their importance was assessed using the powerful fANOVA framework. In total, we summarize the results of 5400 experimental runs ($\approx 15$ years of CPU time), which makes our study the largest of its kind on LSTM networks. Our results show that none of the variants can improve upon the standard LSTM architecture significantly, and demonstrate the forget gate and the output activation function to be its most critical components. We further observe that the studied hyperparameters are virtually independent and derive guidelines for their efficient adjustment.
[ "cs.NE", "cs.LG", "68T10", "I.2.6; I.2.7; I.5.1; H.5.5" ]
Matting by Generation
[ "Zhixiang Wang", "Baiang Li", "Jian Wang", "Yu-Lun Liu", "Jinwei Gu", "Yung-Yu Chuang", "Shin'ichi Satoh" ]
This paper introduces an innovative approach for image matting that redefines the traditional regression-based task as a generative modeling challenge. Our method harnesses the capabilities of latent diffusion models, enriched with extensive pre-trained knowledge, to regularize the matting process. We present novel architectural innovations that empower our model to produce mattes with superior resolution and detail. The proposed method is versatile and can perform both guidance-free and guidance-based image matting, accommodating a variety of additional cues. Our comprehensive evaluation across three benchmark datasets demonstrates the superior performance of our approach, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results not only reflect our method's robust effectiveness but also highlight its ability to generate visually compelling mattes that approach photorealistic quality. The project page for this paper is available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Sketching the Future (STF): Applying Conditional Control Techniques to Text-to-Video Models
[ "Rohan Dhesikan", "Vignesh Rajmohan" ]
The proliferation of video content demands efficient and flexible neural network based approaches for generating new video content. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that combines zero-shot text-to-video generation with ControlNet to improve the output of these models. Our method takes multiple sketched frames as input and generates video output that matches the flow of these frames, building upon the Text-to-Video Zero architecture and incorporating ControlNet to enable additional input conditions. By first interpolating frames between the inputted sketches and then running Text-to-Video Zero using the new interpolated frames video as the control technique, we leverage the benefits of both zero-shot text-to-video generation and the robust control provided by ControlNet. Experiments demonstrate that our method excels at producing high-quality and remarkably consistent video content that more accurately aligns with the user's intended motion for the subject within the video. We provide a comprehensive resource package, including a demo video, project website, open-source GitHub repository, and a Colab playground to foster further research and application of our proposed method.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
MovieLLM: Enhancing Long Video Understanding with AI-Generated Movies
[ "Zhende Song", "Chenchen Wang", "Jiamu Sheng", "Chi Zhang", "Gang Yu", "Jiayuan Fan", "Tao Chen" ]
Development of multimodal models has marked a significant step forward in how machines understand videos. These models have shown promise in analyzing short video clips. However, when it comes to longer formats like movies, they often fall short. The main hurdles are the lack of high-quality, diverse video data and the intensive work required to collect or annotate such data. In face of these challenges, we propose MovieLLM, a novel framework designed to synthesize consistent and high-quality video data for instruction tuning. The pipeline is carefully designed to control the style of videos by improving textual inversion technique with powerful text generation capability of GPT-4. As the first framework to do such thing, our approach stands out for its flexibility and scalability, empowering users to create customized movies with only one description. This makes it a superior alternative to traditional data collection methods. Our extensive experiments validate that the data produced by MovieLLM significantly improves the performance of multimodal models in understanding complex video narratives, overcoming the limitations of existing datasets regarding scarcity and bias.
[ "cs.CV" ]
FuseChat: Knowledge Fusion of Chat Models
[ "Fanqi Wan", "Longguang Zhong", "Ziyi Yang", "Ruijun Chen", "Xiaojun Quan" ]
While training large language models (LLMs) from scratch can indeed lead to models with distinct capabilities and strengths, it incurs substantial costs and may lead to redundancy in competencies. Knowledge fusion aims to integrate existing LLMs of diverse architectures and capabilities into a more potent LLM through lightweight continual training, thereby reducing the need for costly LLM development. In this work, we propose a new framework for the knowledge fusion of chat LLMs through two main stages, resulting in FuseChat. Firstly, we conduct pairwise knowledge fusion on source chat LLMs of varying structures and scales to create multiple target LLMs with identical structure and size via lightweight fine-tuning. During this process, a statistics-based token alignment approach is introduced as the cornerstone for fusing LLMs with different structures. Secondly, we merge these target LLMs within the parameter space, where we propose a novel method for determining the merging coefficients based on the magnitude of parameter updates before and after fine-tuning. We implement and validate FuseChat using six prominent chat LLMs with diverse architectures and scales, including OpenChat-3.5-7B, Starling-LM-7B-alpha, NH2-SOLAR-10.7B, InternLM2-Chat-20B, Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct, and Qwen-1.5-Chat-72B. Experimental results on two instruction-following benchmarks, AlpacaEval 2.0 and MT-Bench, demonstrate the superiority of FuseChat-7B over baselines of various sizes. Our model is even comparable to the larger Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct and approaches GPT-3.5-Turbo-1106 on MT-Bench. Our code, model weights, and data are public at \url{}.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Knesset-DictaBERT: A Hebrew Language Model for Parliamentary Proceedings
[ "Gili Goldin", "Shuly Wintner" ]
We present Knesset-DictaBERT, a large Hebrew language model fine-tuned on the Knesset Corpus, which comprises Israeli parliamentary proceedings. The model is based on the DictaBERT architecture and demonstrates significant improvements in understanding parliamentary language according to the MLM task. We provide a detailed evaluation of the model's performance, showing improvements in perplexity and accuracy over the baseline DictaBERT model.
[ "cs.CL", "68T50" ]
STT: Stateful Tracking with Transformers for Autonomous Driving
[ "Longlong Jing", "Ruichi Yu", "Xu Chen", "Zhengli Zhao", "Shiwei Sheng", "Colin Graber", "Qi Chen", "Qinru Li", "Shangxuan Wu", "Han Deng", "Sangjin Lee", "Chris Sweeney", "Qiurui He", "Wei-Chih Hung", "Tong He", "Xingyi Zhou", "Farshid Moussavi", "Zijian Guo", "Yin Zhou", "Mingxing Tan", "Weilong Yang", "Congcong Li" ]
Tracking objects in three-dimensional space is critical for autonomous driving. To ensure safety while driving, the tracker must be able to reliably track objects across frames and accurately estimate their states such as velocity and acceleration in the present. Existing works frequently focus on the association task while either neglecting the model performance on state estimation or deploying complex heuristics to predict the states. In this paper, we propose STT, a Stateful Tracking model built with Transformers, that can consistently track objects in the scenes while also predicting their states accurately. STT consumes rich appearance, geometry, and motion signals through long term history of detections and is jointly optimized for both data association and state estimation tasks. Since the standard tracking metrics like MOTA and MOTP do not capture the combined performance of the two tasks in the wider spectrum of object states, we extend them with new metrics called S-MOTA and MOTPS that address this limitation. STT achieves competitive real-time performance on the Waymo Open Dataset.
[ "cs.RO", "cs.AI", "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Data Interpreter: An LLM Agent For Data Science
[ "Sirui Hong", "Yizhang Lin", "Bang Liu", "Bangbang Liu", "Binhao Wu", "Danyang Li", "Jiaqi Chen", "Jiayi Zhang", "Jinlin Wang", "Li Zhang", "Lingyao Zhang", "Min Yang", "Mingchen Zhuge", "Taicheng Guo", "Tuo Zhou", "Wei Tao", "Wenyi Wang", "Xiangru Tang", "Xiangtao Lu", "Xiawu Zheng", "Xinbing Liang", "Yaying Fei", "Yuheng Cheng", "Zongze Xu", "Chenglin Wu" ]
Large Language Model (LLM)-based agents have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness. However, their performance can be compromised in data science scenarios that require real-time data adjustment, expertise in optimization due to complex dependencies among various tasks, and the ability to identify logical errors for precise reasoning. In this study, we introduce the Data Interpreter, a solution designed to solve with code that emphasizes three pivotal techniques to augment problem-solving in data science: 1) dynamic planning with hierarchical graph structures for real-time data adaptability;2) tool integration dynamically to enhance code proficiency during execution, enriching the requisite expertise;3) logical inconsistency identification in feedback, and efficiency enhancement through experience recording. We evaluate the Data Interpreter on various data science and real-world tasks. Compared to open-source baselines, it demonstrated superior performance, exhibiting significant improvements in machine learning tasks, increasing from 0.86 to 0.95. Additionally, it showed a 26% increase in the MATH dataset and a remarkable 112% improvement in open-ended tasks. The solution will be released at
[ "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
Data Engineering for Scaling Language Models to 128K Context
[ "Yao Fu", "Rameswar Panda", "Xinyao Niu", "Xiang Yue", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi", "Yoon Kim", "Hao Peng" ]
We study the continual pretraining recipe for scaling language models' context lengths to 128K, with a focus on data engineering. We hypothesize that long context modeling, in particular \textit{the ability to utilize information at arbitrary input locations}, is a capability that is mostly already acquired through large-scale pretraining, and that this capability can be readily extended to contexts substantially longer than seen during training~(e.g., 4K to 128K) through lightweight continual pretraining on appropriate data mixture. We investigate the \textit{quantity} and \textit{quality} of the data for continual pretraining: (1) for quantity, we show that 500 million to 5 billion tokens are enough to enable the model to retrieve information anywhere within the 128K context; (2) for quality, our results equally emphasize \textit{domain balance} and \textit{length upsampling}. Concretely, we find that naively upsampling longer data on certain domains like books, a common practice of existing work, gives suboptimal performance, and that a balanced domain mixture is important. We demonstrate that continual pretraining of the full model on 1B-5B tokens of such data is an effective and affordable strategy for scaling the context length of language models to 128K. Our recipe outperforms strong open-source long-context models and closes the gap to frontier models like GPT-4 128K.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Fusion-Eval: Integrating Assistant Evaluators with LLMs
[ "Lei Shu", "Nevan Wichers", "Liangchen Luo", "Yun Zhu", "Yinxiao Liu", "Jindong Chen", "Lei Meng" ]
Evaluating natural language systems poses significant challenges, particularly in the realms of natural language understanding and high-level reasoning. In this paper, we introduce 'Fusion-Eval', an innovative approach that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to integrate insights from various assistant evaluators. The LLM is given the example to evaluate along with scores from the assistant evaluators. Each of these evaluators specializes in assessing distinct aspects of responses. Fusion-Eval achieves a 0.962 system-level Kendall-Tau correlation with humans on SummEval and a 0.744 turn-level Spearman correlation on TopicalChat, which is significantly higher than baseline methods. These results highlight Fusion-Eval's significant potential in the realm of natural language system evaluation.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Do LLMs Understand User Preferences? Evaluating LLMs On User Rating Prediction
[ "Wang-Cheng Kang", "Jianmo Ni", "Nikhil Mehta", "Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy", "Lichan Hong", "Ed Chi", "Derek Zhiyuan Cheng" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities in generalizing to new tasks in a zero-shot or few-shot manner. However, the extent to which LLMs can comprehend user preferences based on their previous behavior remains an emerging and still unclear research question. Traditionally, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has been the most effective method for these tasks, predominantly relying on the extensive volume of rating data. In contrast, LLMs typically demand considerably less data while maintaining an exhaustive world knowledge about each item, such as movies or products. In this paper, we conduct a thorough examination of both CF and LLMs within the classic task of user rating prediction, which involves predicting a user's rating for a candidate item based on their past ratings. We investigate various LLMs in different sizes, ranging from 250M to 540B parameters and evaluate their performance in zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning scenarios. We conduct comprehensive analysis to compare between LLMs and strong CF methods, and find that zero-shot LLMs lag behind traditional recommender models that have the access to user interaction data, indicating the importance of user interaction data. However, through fine-tuning, LLMs achieve comparable or even better performance with only a small fraction of the training data, demonstrating their potential through data efficiency.
[ "cs.IR", "cs.LG" ]
CoMoSpeech: One-Step Speech and Singing Voice Synthesis via Consistency Model
[ "Zhen Ye", "Wei Xue", "Xu Tan", "Jie Chen", "Qifeng Liu", "Yike Guo" ]
Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) have shown promising performance for speech synthesis. However, a large number of iterative steps are required to achieve high sample quality, which restricts the inference speed. Maintaining sample quality while increasing sampling speed has become a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a "Co"nsistency "Mo"del-based "Speech" synthesis method, CoMoSpeech, which achieve speech synthesis through a single diffusion sampling step while achieving high audio quality. The consistency constraint is applied to distill a consistency model from a well-designed diffusion-based teacher model, which ultimately yields superior performances in the distilled CoMoSpeech. Our experiments show that by generating audio recordings by a single sampling step, the CoMoSpeech achieves an inference speed more than 150 times faster than real-time on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU, which is comparable to FastSpeech2, making diffusion-sampling based speech synthesis truly practical. Meanwhile, objective and subjective evaluations on text-to-speech and singing voice synthesis show that the proposed teacher models yield the best audio quality, and the one-step sampling based CoMoSpeech achieves the best inference speed with better or comparable audio quality to other conventional multi-step diffusion model baselines. Audio samples are available at
[ "cs.SD", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG", "cs.MM", "eess.AS" ]
Evade ChatGPT Detectors via A Single Space
[ "Shuyang Cai", "Wanyun Cui" ]
ChatGPT brings revolutionary social value but also raises concerns about the misuse of AI-generated text. Consequently, an important question is how to detect whether texts are generated by ChatGPT or by human. Existing detectors are built upon the assumption that there are distributional gaps between human-generated and AI-generated text. These gaps are typically identified using statistical information or classifiers. Our research challenges the distributional gap assumption in detectors. We find that detectors do not effectively discriminate the semantic and stylistic gaps between human-generated and AI-generated text. Instead, the "subtle differences", such as an extra space, become crucial for detection. Based on this discovery, we propose the SpaceInfi strategy to evade detection. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of this strategy across multiple benchmarks and detectors. We also provide a theoretical explanation for why SpaceInfi is successful in evading perplexity-based detection. And we empirically show that a phenomenon called token mutation causes the evasion for language model-based detectors. Our findings offer new insights and challenges for understanding and constructing more applicable ChatGPT detectors.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Adaptive Guidance: Training-free Acceleration of Conditional Diffusion Models
[ "Angela Castillo", "Jonas Kohler", "Juan C. Pérez", "Juan Pablo Pérez", "Albert Pumarola", "Bernard Ghanem", "Pablo Arbeláez", "Ali Thabet" ]
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the role of Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) in text-conditioned diffusion models from the perspective of inference efficiency. In particular, we relax the default choice of applying CFG in all diffusion steps and instead search for efficient guidance policies. We formulate the discovery of such policies in the differentiable Neural Architecture Search framework. Our findings suggest that the denoising steps proposed by CFG become increasingly aligned with simple conditional steps, which renders the extra neural network evaluation of CFG redundant, especially in the second half of the denoising process. Building upon this insight, we propose "Adaptive Guidance" (AG), an efficient variant of CFG, that adaptively omits network evaluations when the denoising process displays convergence. Our experiments demonstrate that AG preserves CFG's image quality while reducing computation by 25%. Thus, AG constitutes a plug-and-play alternative to Guidance Distillation, achieving 50% of the speed-ups of the latter while being training-free and retaining the capacity to handle negative prompts. Finally, we uncover further redundancies of CFG in the first half of the diffusion process, showing that entire neural function evaluations can be replaced by simple affine transformations of past score estimates. This method, termed LinearAG, offers even cheaper inference at the cost of deviating from the baseline model. Our findings provide insights into the efficiency of the conditional denoising process that contribute to more practical and swift deployment of text-conditioned diffusion models.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Are We Done with MMLU?
[ "Aryo Pradipta Gema", "Joshua Ong Jun Leang", "Giwon Hong", "Alessio Devoto", "Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino", "Rohit Saxena", "Xuanli He", "Yu Zhao", "Xiaotang Du", "Mohammad Reza Ghasemi Madani", "Claire Barale", "Robert McHardy", "Joshua Harris", "Jean Kaddour", "Emile van Krieken", "Pasquale Minervini" ]
Maybe not. We identify and analyse errors in the popular Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. Even though MMLU is widely adopted, our analysis demonstrates numerous ground truth errors that obscure the true capabilities of LLMs. For example, we find that 57% of the analysed questions in the Virology subset contain errors. To address this issue, we introduce a comprehensive framework for identifying dataset errors using a novel error taxonomy. Then, we create MMLU-Redux, which is a subset of 3,000 manually re-annotated questions across 30 MMLU subjects. Using MMLU-Redux, we demonstrate significant discrepancies with the model performance metrics that were originally reported. Our results strongly advocate for revising MMLU's error-ridden questions to enhance its future utility and reliability as a benchmark. Therefore, we open up MMLU-Redux for additional annotation
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
TPTU: Large Language Model-based AI Agents for Task Planning and Tool Usage
[ "Jingqing Ruan", "Yihong Chen", "Bin Zhang", "Zhiwei Xu", "Tianpeng Bao", "Guoqing Du", "Shiwei Shi", "Hangyu Mao", "Ziyue Li", "Xingyu Zeng", "Rui Zhao" ]
With recent advancements in natural language processing, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for various real-world applications. Despite their prowess, the intrinsic generative abilities of LLMs may prove insufficient for handling complex tasks which necessitate a combination of task planning and the usage of external tools. In this paper, we first propose a structured framework tailored for LLM-based AI Agents and discuss the crucial capabilities necessary for tackling intricate problems. Within this framework, we design two distinct types of agents (i.e., one-step agent and sequential agent) to execute the inference process. Subsequently, we instantiate the framework using various LLMs and evaluate their Task Planning and Tool Usage (TPTU) abilities on typical tasks. By highlighting key findings and challenges, our goal is to provide a helpful resource for researchers and practitioners to leverage the power of LLMs in their AI applications. Our study emphasizes the substantial potential of these models, while also identifying areas that need more investigation and improvement.
[ "cs.AI" ]
Scaling Laws for Linear Complexity Language Models
[ "Xuyang Shen", "Dong Li", "Ruitao Leng", "Zhen Qin", "Weigao Sun", "Yiran Zhong" ]
The interest in linear complexity models for large language models is on the rise, although their scaling capacity remains uncertain. In this study, we present the scaling laws for linear complexity language models to establish a foundation for their scalability. Specifically, we examine the scaling behaviors of three efficient linear architectures. These include TNL, a linear attention model with data-independent decay; HGRN2, a linear RNN with data-dependent decay; and cosFormer2, a linear attention model without decay. We also include LLaMA as a baseline architecture for softmax attention for comparison. These models were trained with six variants, ranging from 70M to 7B parameters on a 300B-token corpus, and evaluated with a total of 1,376 intermediate checkpoints on various downstream tasks. These tasks include validation loss, commonsense reasoning, and information retrieval and generation. The study reveals that existing linear complexity language models exhibit similar scaling capabilities as conventional transformer-based models while also demonstrating superior linguistic proficiency and knowledge retention.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Gemma Scope: Open Sparse Autoencoders Everywhere All At Once on Gemma 2
[ "Tom Lieberum", "Senthooran Rajamanoharan", "Arthur Conmy", "Lewis Smith", "Nicolas Sonnerat", "Vikrant Varma", "János Kramár", "Anca Dragan", "Rohin Shah", "Neel Nanda" ]
Sparse autoencoders (SAEs) are an unsupervised method for learning a sparse decomposition of a neural network's latent representations into seemingly interpretable features. Despite recent excitement about their potential, research applications outside of industry are limited by the high cost of training a comprehensive suite of SAEs. In this work, we introduce Gemma Scope, an open suite of JumpReLU SAEs trained on all layers and sub-layers of Gemma 2 2B and 9B and select layers of Gemma 2 27B base models. We primarily train SAEs on the Gemma 2 pre-trained models, but additionally release SAEs trained on instruction-tuned Gemma 2 9B for comparison. We evaluate the quality of each SAE on standard metrics and release these results. We hope that by releasing these SAE weights, we can help make more ambitious safety and interpretability research easier for the community. Weights and a tutorial can be found at and an interactive demo can be found at
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
GPT-NeoX-20B: An Open-Source Autoregressive Language Model
[ "Sid Black", "Stella Biderman", "Eric Hallahan", "Quentin Anthony", "Leo Gao", "Laurence Golding", "Horace He", "Connor Leahy", "Kyle McDonell", "Jason Phang", "Michael Pieler", "USVSN Sai Prashanth", "Shivanshu Purohit", "Laria Reynolds", "Jonathan Tow", "Ben Wang", "Samuel Weinbach" ]
We introduce GPT-NeoX-20B, a 20 billion parameter autoregressive language model trained on the Pile, whose weights will be made freely and openly available to the public through a permissive license. It is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest dense autoregressive model that has publicly available weights at the time of submission. In this work, we describe \model{}'s architecture and training and evaluate its performance on a range of language-understanding, mathematics, and knowledge-based tasks. We find that GPT-NeoX-20B is a particularly powerful few-shot reasoner and gains far more in performance when evaluated five-shot than similarly sized GPT-3 and FairSeq models. We open-source the training and evaluation code, as well as the model weights, at
[ "cs.CL" ]
PMC-LLaMA: Towards Building Open-source Language Models for Medicine
[ "Chaoyi Wu", "Weixiong Lin", "Xiaoman Zhang", "Ya Zhang", "Yanfeng Wang", "Weidi Xie" ]
Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable capabilities in natural language understanding. While demonstrating proficiency in everyday conversations and question-answering situations, these models frequently struggle in domains that require precision, such as medical applications, due to their lack of domain-specific knowledge. In this paper, we describe the procedure for building a powerful, open-source language model specifically designed for medicine applications, termed as PMC-LLaMA. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we systematically investigate the process of adapting a general-purpose foundation language model towards medical domain, this involves data-centric knowledge injection through the integration of 4.8M biomedical academic papers and 30K medical textbooks, as well as comprehensive fine-tuning for alignment with domain-specific instructions; (ii) we contribute a large-scale, comprehensive dataset for instruction tuning. This dataset encompasses medical question-answering (QA), rationale for reasoning, and conversational dialogues, comprising a total of 202M tokens; (iii) we conduct thorough ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of each proposed component. While evaluating on various public medical question-answering benchmarks, our lightweight PMCLLaMA, which consists of only 13 billion parameters, exhibits superior performance, even surpassing ChatGPT. All models, codes, datasets can be found in
[ "cs.CL" ]
Tuning Language Models by Proxy
[ "Alisa Liu", "Xiaochuang Han", "Yizhong Wang", "Yulia Tsvetkov", "Yejin Choi", "Noah A. Smith" ]
Despite the general capabilities of large pretrained language models, they consistently benefit from further adaptation to better achieve desired behaviors. However, tuning these models has become increasingly resource-intensive, or impossible when model weights are private. We introduce proxy-tuning, a lightweight decoding-time algorithm that operates on top of black-box LMs to achieve the same end as direct tuning, but by accessing only its predictions over the output vocabulary, not its parameters. Our method tunes a smaller LM, then applies the difference between the predictions of the small tuned and untuned LMs to shift the original predictions of the larger untuned model in the direction of tuning, while retaining the benefits of larger-scale pretraining. In experiments, when we apply proxy-tuning to Llama2-70B using proxies of only 7B size, we can close 88% of the gap between Llama2-70B and its truly-tuned chat version, when evaluated across knowledge, reasoning, and safety benchmarks. We then demonstrate the generality of proxy-tuning by applying it to domain adaptation on code, and task-specific finetuning on question-answering and math problems. Finally, we show how to proxy-tune a truly black-box LM, GPT-3.5, for temporal adaptation, increasing its knowledge about recent events. Our work demonstrates the promise of using small tuned LMs to efficiently customize large, potentially proprietary LMs through decoding-time guidance.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Pathways: Asynchronous Distributed Dataflow for ML
[ "Paul Barham", "Aakanksha Chowdhery", "Jeff Dean", "Sanjay Ghemawat", "Steven Hand", "Dan Hurt", "Michael Isard", "Hyeontaek Lim", "Ruoming Pang", "Sudip Roy", "Brennan Saeta", "Parker Schuh", "Ryan Sepassi", "Laurent El Shafey", "Chandramohan A. Thekkath", "Yonghui Wu" ]
We present the design of a new large scale orchestration layer for accelerators. Our system, Pathways, is explicitly designed to enable exploration of new systems and ML research ideas, while retaining state of the art performance for current models. Pathways uses a sharded dataflow graph of asynchronous operators that consume and produce futures, and efficiently gang-schedules heterogeneous parallel computations on thousands of accelerators while coordinating data transfers over their dedicated interconnects. Pathways makes use of a novel asynchronous distributed dataflow design that lets the control plane execute in parallel despite dependencies in the data plane. This design, with careful engineering, allows Pathways to adopt a single-controller model that makes it easier to express complex new parallelism patterns. We demonstrate that Pathways can achieve performance parity (~100% accelerator utilization) with state-of-the-art systems when running SPMD computations over 2048 TPUs, while also delivering throughput comparable to the SPMD case for Transformer models that are pipelined across 16 stages, or sharded across two islands of accelerators connected over a data center network.
[ "cs.DC", "cs.LG" ]
UNcommonsense Reasoning: Abductive Reasoning about Uncommon Situations
[ "Wenting Zhao", "Justin T Chiu", "Jena D. Hwang", "Faeze Brahman", "Jack Hessel", "Sanjiban Choudhury", "Yejin Choi", "Xiang Lorraine Li", "Alane Suhr" ]
Language technologies that accurately model the dynamics of events must perform commonsense reasoning. Existing work evaluating commonsense reasoning focuses on making inferences about common, everyday situations. To instead investigate the ability to model unusual, unexpected, and unlikely situations, we explore the task of uncommonsense abductive reasoning. Given a piece of context with an unexpected outcome, this task requires reasoning abductively to generate an explanation that makes the unexpected outcome more likely in the context. To this end, we curate and release a new English language corpus called UNcommonsense. We characterize the performance differences between human explainers and the best-performing large language models, finding that model-enhanced human-written explanations achieve the highest quality by trading off between specificity and diversity. Finally, we experiment with several imitation learning algorithms to train open and accessible language models on this task. When compared with the vanilla supervised fine-tuning approach, these methods consistently reduce lose rates on both common and uncommonsense abductive reasoning judged by human evaluators.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Predicting is not Understanding: Recognizing and Addressing Underspecification in Machine Learning
[ "Damien Teney", "Maxime Peyrard", "Ehsan Abbasnejad" ]
Machine learning (ML) models are typically optimized for their accuracy on a given dataset. However, this predictive criterion rarely captures all desirable properties of a model, in particular how well it matches a domain expert's understanding of a task. Underspecification refers to the existence of multiple models that are indistinguishable in their in-domain accuracy, even though they differ in other desirable properties such as out-of-distribution (OOD) performance. Identifying these situations is critical for assessing the reliability of ML models. We formalize the concept of underspecification and propose a method to identify and partially address it. We train multiple models with an independence constraint that forces them to implement different functions. They discover predictive features that are otherwise ignored by standard empirical risk minimization (ERM), which we then distill into a global model with superior OOD performance. Importantly, we constrain the models to align with the data manifold to ensure that they discover meaningful features. We demonstrate the method on multiple datasets in computer vision (collages, WILDS-Camelyon17, GQA) and discuss general implications of underspecification. Most notably, in-domain performance cannot serve for OOD model selection without additional assumptions.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
Tune As You Scale: Hyperparameter Optimization For Compute Efficient Training
[ "Abraham J. Fetterman", "Ellie Kitanidis", "Joshua Albrecht", "Zachary Polizzi", "Bryden Fogelman", "Maksis Knutins", "Bartosz Wróblewski", "James B. Simon", "Kanjun Qiu" ]
Hyperparameter tuning of deep learning models can lead to order-of-magnitude performance gains for the same amount of compute. Despite this, systematic tuning is uncommon, particularly for large models, which are expensive to evaluate and tend to have many hyperparameters, necessitating difficult judgment calls about tradeoffs, budgets, and search bounds. To address these issues and propose a practical method for robustly tuning large models, we present Cost-Aware Pareto Region Bayesian Search (CARBS), a Bayesian optimization algorithm that performs local search around the performance-cost Pareto frontier. CARBS does well even in unbounded search spaces with many hyperparameters, learns scaling relationships so that it can tune models even as they are scaled up, and automates much of the "black magic" of tuning. Among our results, we effectively solve the entire ProcGen benchmark just by tuning a simple baseline (PPO, as provided in the original ProcGen paper). We also reproduce the model size vs. training tokens scaling result from the Chinchilla project (Hoffmann et al. 2022), while simultaneously discovering scaling laws for every other hyperparameter, via an easy automated process that uses significantly less compute and is applicable to any deep learning problem (not just language models).
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI" ]
Language-Guided Music Recommendation for Video via Prompt Analogies
[ "Daniel McKee", "Justin Salamon", "Josef Sivic", "Bryan Russell" ]
We propose a method to recommend music for an input video while allowing a user to guide music selection with free-form natural language. A key challenge of this problem setting is that existing music video datasets provide the needed (video, music) training pairs, but lack text descriptions of the music. This work addresses this challenge with the following three contributions. First, we propose a text-synthesis approach that relies on an analogy-based prompting procedure to generate natural language music descriptions from a large-scale language model (BLOOM-176B) given pre-trained music tagger outputs and a small number of human text descriptions. Second, we use these synthesized music descriptions to train a new trimodal model, which fuses text and video input representations to query music samples. For training, we introduce a text dropout regularization mechanism which we show is critical to model performance. Our model design allows for the retrieved music audio to agree with the two input modalities by matching visual style depicted in the video and musical genre, mood, or instrumentation described in the natural language query. Third, to evaluate our approach, we collect a testing dataset for our problem by annotating a subset of 4k clips from the YT8M-MusicVideo dataset with natural language music descriptions which we make publicly available. We show that our approach can match or exceed the performance of prior methods on video-to-music retrieval while significantly improving retrieval accuracy when using text guidance.
[ "cs.CV" ]
UL2: Unifying Language Learning Paradigms
[ "Yi Tay", "Mostafa Dehghani", "Vinh Q. Tran", "Xavier Garcia", "Jason Wei", "Xuezhi Wang", "Hyung Won Chung", "Siamak Shakeri", "Dara Bahri", "Tal Schuster", "Huaixiu Steven Zheng", "Denny Zhou", "Neil Houlsby", "Donald Metzler" ]
Existing pre-trained models are generally geared towards a particular class of problems. To date, there seems to be still no consensus on what the right architecture and pre-training setup should be. This paper presents a unified framework for pre-training models that are universally effective across datasets and setups. We begin by disentangling architectural archetypes with pre-training objectives -- two concepts that are commonly conflated. Next, we present a generalized & unified perspective for self-supervision in NLP and show how different pre-training objectives can be cast as one another and how interpolating between different objectives can be effective. We then propose Mixture-of-Denoisers (MoD), a pre-training objective that combines diverse pre-training paradigms together. We furthermore introduce a notion of mode switching, wherein downstream fine-tuning is associated with specific pre-training schemes. We conduct extensive ablative experiments to compare multiple pre-training objectives and find that our method pushes the Pareto-frontier by outperforming T5 & GPT-like models across multiple diverse setups. By scaling our model up to 20B parameters, we achieve SOTA performance on 50 well-established supervised finetuning based NLP tasks. Our model also achieve strong results at in-context learning, outperforming 175B GPT-3 on zero-shot SuperGLUE and tripling the performance of T5-XXL on one-shot summarization. On 0-shot MMLU, UL2 20B outperforms T0 and T5 models. UL2 20B also works well with chain-of-thought prompting and reasoning, making it an appealing choice for research into reasoning at a small to medium scale of 20B parameters. Finally, we apply FLAN instruction tuning to the UL2 20B model, achieving MMLU and Big-Bench scores competitive to FLAN-PaLM 62B. We release Flax-based T5X checkpoints for the UL2 20B & Flan-UL2 20B.
[ "cs.CL" ]
TAROT: Task-Oriented Authorship Obfuscation Using Policy Optimization Methods
[ "Gabriel Loiseau", "Damien Sileo", "Damien Riquet", "Maxime Meyer", "Marc Tommasi" ]
Authorship obfuscation aims to disguise the identity of an author within a text by altering the writing style, vocabulary, syntax, and other linguistic features associated with the text author. This alteration needs to balance privacy and utility. While strong obfuscation techniques can effectively hide the author's identity, they often degrade the quality and usefulness of the text for its intended purpose. Conversely, maintaining high utility tends to provide insufficient privacy, making it easier for an adversary to de-anonymize the author. Thus, achieving an optimal trade-off between these two conflicting objectives is crucial. In this paper, we propose TAROT: Task-Oriented Authorship Obfuscation Using Policy Optimization, a new unsupervised authorship obfuscation method whose goal is to optimize the privacy-utility trade-off by regenerating the entire text considering its downstream utility. Our approach leverages policy optimization as a fine-tuning paradigm over small language models in order to rewrite texts by preserving author identity and downstream task utility. We show that our approach largely reduce the accuracy of attackers while preserving utility. We make our code and models publicly available.
[ "cs.CL" ]
DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In The Wild
[ "Shashank Tripathi", "Agniv Chatterjee", "Jean-Claude Passy", "Hongwei Yi", "Dimitrios Tzionas", "Michael J. Black" ]
Understanding how humans use physical contact to interact with the world is key to enabling human-centric artificial intelligence. While inferring 3D contact is crucial for modeling realistic and physically-plausible human-object interactions, existing methods either focus on 2D, consider body joints rather than the surface, use coarse 3D body regions, or do not generalize to in-the-wild images. In contrast, we focus on inferring dense, 3D contact between the full body surface and objects in arbitrary images. To achieve this, we first collect DAMON, a new dataset containing dense vertex-level contact annotations paired with RGB images containing complex human-object and human-scene contact. Second, we train DECO, a novel 3D contact detector that uses both body-part-driven and scene-context-driven attention to estimate vertex-level contact on the SMPL body. DECO builds on the insight that human observers recognize contact by reasoning about the contacting body parts, their proximity to scene objects, and the surrounding scene context. We perform extensive evaluations of our detector on DAMON as well as on the RICH and BEHAVE datasets. We significantly outperform existing SOTA methods across all benchmarks. We also show qualitatively that DECO generalizes well to diverse and challenging real-world human interactions in natural images. The code, data, and models are available at
[ "cs.CV" ]
LMFlow: An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models
[ "Shizhe Diao", "Rui Pan", "Hanze Dong", "Ka Shun Shum", "Jipeng Zhang", "Wei Xiong", "Tong Zhang" ]
Foundation models have demonstrated a great ability to achieve general human-level intelligence far beyond traditional approaches. As the technique keeps attracting attention from the AI community, an increasing number of foundation models are becoming publicly accessible. However, a significant shortcoming of most of these models lies in their performance in specialized-domain and task-specific applications, necessitating domain- and task-aware fine-tuning to develop effective scientific language models. As the number of available foundation models and specialized tasks keeps growing, the job of training scientific language models becomes highly nontrivial. In this paper, we initiate steps to tackle this issue. We introduce an extensible and lightweight toolkit, LMFlow, which aims to simplify the domain- and task-aware finetuning of general foundation models. LMFlow offers a complete finetuning workflow for a foundation model to support specialized training with limited computing resources. Furthermore, it supports continuous pretraining, instruction tuning, parameter-efficient finetuning, alignment tuning, inference acceleration, long context generalization, model customization, and even multimodal finetuning, along with carefully designed and extensible APIs. This toolkit has been thoroughly tested and is available at
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
E2 TTS: Embarrassingly Easy Fully Non-Autoregressive Zero-Shot TTS
[ "Sefik Emre Eskimez", "Xiaofei Wang", "Manthan Thakker", "Canrun Li", "Chung-Hsien Tsai", "Zhen Xiao", "Hemin Yang", "Zirun Zhu", "Min Tang", "Xu Tan", "Yanqing Liu", "Sheng Zhao", "Naoyuki Kanda" ]
This paper introduces Embarrassingly Easy Text-to-Speech (E2 TTS), a fully non-autoregressive zero-shot text-to-speech system that offers human-level naturalness and state-of-the-art speaker similarity and intelligibility. In the E2 TTS framework, the text input is converted into a character sequence with filler tokens. The flow-matching-based mel spectrogram generator is then trained based on the audio infilling task. Unlike many previous works, it does not require additional components (e.g., duration model, grapheme-to-phoneme) or complex techniques (e.g., monotonic alignment search). Despite its simplicity, E2 TTS achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot TTS capabilities that are comparable to or surpass previous works, including Voicebox and NaturalSpeech 3. The simplicity of E2 TTS also allows for flexibility in the input representation. We propose several variants of E2 TTS to improve usability during inference. See for demo samples.
[ "eess.AS", "cs.SD" ]
Retroformer: Retrospective Large Language Agents with Policy Gradient Optimization
[ "Weiran Yao", "Shelby Heinecke", "Juan Carlos Niebles", "Zhiwei Liu", "Yihao Feng", "Le Xue", "Rithesh Murthy", "Zeyuan Chen", "Jianguo Zhang", "Devansh Arpit", "Ran Xu", "Phil Mui", "Huan Wang", "Caiming Xiong", "Silvio Savarese" ]
Recent months have seen the emergence of a powerful new trend in which large language models (LLMs) are augmented to become autonomous language agents capable of performing objective oriented multi-step tasks on their own, rather than merely responding to queries from human users. Most existing language agents, however, are not optimized using environment-specific rewards. Although some agents enable iterative refinement through verbal feedback, they do not reason and plan in ways that are compatible with gradient-based learning from rewards. This paper introduces a principled framework for reinforcing large language agents by learning a retrospective model, which automatically tunes the language agent prompts from environment feedback through policy gradient. Specifically, our proposed agent architecture learns from rewards across multiple environments and tasks, for fine-tuning a pre-trained language model which refines the language agent prompt by summarizing the root cause of prior failed attempts and proposing action plans. Experimental results on various tasks demonstrate that the language agents improve over time and that our approach considerably outperforms baselines that do not properly leverage gradients from the environment. This demonstrates that using policy gradient optimization to improve language agents, for which we believe our work is one of the first, seems promising and can be applied to optimize other models in the agent architecture to enhance agent performances over time.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
High-Fidelity Image Compression with Score-based Generative Models
[ "Emiel Hoogeboom", "Eirikur Agustsson", "Fabian Mentzer", "Luca Versari", "George Toderici", "Lucas Theis" ]
Despite the tremendous success of diffusion generative models in text-to-image generation, replicating this success in the domain of image compression has proven difficult. In this paper, we demonstrate that diffusion can significantly improve perceptual quality at a given bit-rate, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches PO-ELIC and HiFiC as measured by FID score. This is achieved using a simple but theoretically motivated two-stage approach combining an autoencoder targeting MSE followed by a further score-based decoder. However, as we will show, implementation details matter and the optimal design decisions can differ greatly from typical text-to-image models.
[ "eess.IV", "cs.CV", "cs.LG", "stat.ML" ]
Can GPT models be Financial Analysts? An Evaluation of ChatGPT and GPT-4 on mock CFA Exams
[ "Ethan Callanan", "Amarachi Mbakwe", "Antony Papadimitriou", "Yulong Pei", "Mathieu Sibue", "Xiaodan Zhu", "Zhiqiang Ma", "Xiaomo Liu", "Sameena Shah" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on a wide range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, often matching or even beating state-of-the-art task-specific models. This study aims at assessing the financial reasoning capabilities of LLMs. We leverage mock exam questions of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of ChatGPT and GPT-4 in financial analysis, considering Zero-Shot (ZS), Chain-of-Thought (CoT), and Few-Shot (FS) scenarios. We present an in-depth analysis of the models' performance and limitations, and estimate whether they would have a chance at passing the CFA exams. Finally, we outline insights into potential strategies and improvements to enhance the applicability of LLMs in finance. In this perspective, we hope this work paves the way for future studies to continue enhancing LLMs for financial reasoning through rigorous evaluation.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "q-fin.GN" ]
LCM-LoRA: A Universal Stable-Diffusion Acceleration Module
[ "Simian Luo", "Yiqin Tan", "Suraj Patil", "Daniel Gu", "Patrick von Platen", "Apolinário Passos", "Longbo Huang", "Jian Li", "Hang Zhao" ]
Latent Consistency Models (LCMs) have achieved impressive performance in accelerating text-to-image generative tasks, producing high-quality images with minimal inference steps. LCMs are distilled from pre-trained latent diffusion models (LDMs), requiring only ~32 A100 GPU training hours. This report further extends LCMs' potential in two aspects: First, by applying LoRA distillation to Stable-Diffusion models including SD-V1.5, SSD-1B, and SDXL, we have expanded LCM's scope to larger models with significantly less memory consumption, achieving superior image generation quality. Second, we identify the LoRA parameters obtained through LCM distillation as a universal Stable-Diffusion acceleration module, named LCM-LoRA. LCM-LoRA can be directly plugged into various Stable-Diffusion fine-tuned models or LoRAs without training, thus representing a universally applicable accelerator for diverse image generation tasks. Compared with previous numerical PF-ODE solvers such as DDIM, DPM-Solver, LCM-LoRA can be viewed as a plug-in neural PF-ODE solver that possesses strong generalization abilities. Project page:
[ "cs.CV", "cs.LG" ]
Knowledge Fusion of Chat LLMs: A Preliminary Technical Report
[ "Fanqi Wan", "Ziyi Yang", "Longguang Zhong", "Xiaojun Quan", "Xinting Huang", "Wei Bi" ]
Recently, FuseLLM introduced the concept of knowledge fusion to transfer the collective knowledge of multiple structurally varied LLMs into a target LLM through lightweight continual training. In this report, we extend the scalability and flexibility of the FuseLLM framework to realize the fusion of chat LLMs, resulting in FusionChat. FusionChat comprises two main stages. Firstly, we undertake knowledge fusion for structurally and scale-varied source LLMs to derive multiple target LLMs of identical structure and size via lightweight fine-tuning. Then, these target LLMs are merged within the parameter space, wherein we propose a novel method for determining the merging weights based on the variation ratio of parameter matrices before and after fine-tuning. We validate our approach using three prominent chat LLMs with diverse architectures and scales, namely NH2-Mixtral-8x7B, NH2-Solar-10.7B, and OpenChat-3.5-7B. Experimental results spanning various chat domains demonstrate the superiority of FusionChat-7B across a broad spectrum of chat LLMs at 7B and 34B scales, even surpassing GPT-3.5 (March) and approaching Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct.
[ "cs.CL" ]
The Role of Entropy and Reconstruction in Multi-View Self-Supervised Learning
[ "Borja Rodríguez-Gálvez", "Arno Blaas", "Pau Rodríguez", "Adam Goliński", "Xavier Suau", "Jason Ramapuram", "Dan Busbridge", "Luca Zappella" ]
The mechanisms behind the success of multi-view self-supervised learning (MVSSL) are not yet fully understood. Contrastive MVSSL methods have been studied through the lens of InfoNCE, a lower bound of the Mutual Information (MI). However, the relation between other MVSSL methods and MI remains unclear. We consider a different lower bound on the MI consisting of an entropy and a reconstruction term (ER), and analyze the main MVSSL families through its lens. Through this ER bound, we show that clustering-based methods such as DeepCluster and SwAV maximize the MI. We also re-interpret the mechanisms of distillation-based approaches such as BYOL and DINO, showing that they explicitly maximize the reconstruction term and implicitly encourage a stable entropy, and we confirm this empirically. We show that replacing the objectives of common MVSSL methods with this ER bound achieves competitive performance, while making them stable when training with smaller batch sizes or smaller exponential moving average (EMA) coefficients. Github repo:
[ "cs.LG" ]
TinyStories: How Small Can Language Models Be and Still Speak Coherent English?
[ "Ronen Eldan", "Yuanzhi Li" ]
Language models (LMs) are powerful tools for natural language processing, but they often struggle to produce coherent and fluent text when they are small. Models with around 125M parameters such as GPT-Neo (small) or GPT-2 (small) can rarely generate coherent and consistent English text beyond a few words even after extensive training. This raises the question of whether the emergence of the ability to produce coherent English text only occurs at larger scales (with hundreds of millions of parameters or more) and complex architectures (with many layers of global attention). In this work, we introduce TinyStories, a synthetic dataset of short stories that only contain words that a typical 3 to 4-year-olds usually understand, generated by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. We show that TinyStories can be used to train and evaluate LMs that are much smaller than the state-of-the-art models (below 10 million total parameters), or have much simpler architectures (with only one transformer block), yet still produce fluent and consistent stories with several paragraphs that are diverse and have almost perfect grammar, and demonstrate reasoning capabilities. We also introduce a new paradigm for the evaluation of language models: We suggest a framework which uses GPT-4 to grade the content generated by these models as if those were stories written by students and graded by a (human) teacher. This new paradigm overcomes the flaws of standard benchmarks which often requires the model's output to be very structures, and moreover provides a multidimensional score for the model, providing scores for different capabilities such as grammar, creativity and consistency. We hope that TinyStories can facilitate the development, analysis and research of LMs, especially for low-resource or specialized domains, and shed light on the emergence of language capabilities in LMs.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG" ]
SHAP-EDITOR: Instruction-guided Latent 3D Editing in Seconds
[ "Minghao Chen", "Junyu Xie", "Iro Laina", "Andrea Vedaldi" ]
We propose a novel feed-forward 3D editing framework called Shap-Editor. Prior research on editing 3D objects primarily concentrated on editing individual objects by leveraging off-the-shelf 2D image editing networks. This is achieved via a process called distillation, which transfers knowledge from the 2D network to 3D assets. Distillation necessitates at least tens of minutes per asset to attain satisfactory editing results, and is thus not very practical. In contrast, we ask whether 3D editing can be carried out directly by a feed-forward network, eschewing test-time optimisation. In particular, we hypothesise that editing can be greatly simplified by first encoding 3D objects in a suitable latent space. We validate this hypothesis by building upon the latent space of Shap-E. We demonstrate that direct 3D editing in this space is possible and efficient by building a feed-forward editor network that only requires approximately one second per edit. Our experiments show that Shap-Editor generalises well to both in-distribution and out-of-distribution 3D assets with different prompts, exhibiting comparable performance with methods that carry out test-time optimisation for each edited instance.
[ "cs.CV" ]
The Brittleness of AI-Generated Image Watermarking Techniques: Examining Their Robustness Against Visual Paraphrasing Attacks
[ "Niyar R Barman", "Krish Sharma", "Ashhar Aziz", "Shashwat Bajpai", "Shwetangshu Biswas", "Vasu Sharma", "Vinija Jain", "Aman Chadha", "Amit Sheth", "Amitava Das" ]
The rapid advancement of text-to-image generation systems, exemplified by models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Imagen, and DALL-E, has heightened concerns about their potential misuse. In response, companies like Meta and Google have intensified their efforts to implement watermarking techniques on AI-generated images to curb the circulation of potentially misleading visuals. However, in this paper, we argue that current image watermarking methods are fragile and susceptible to being circumvented through visual paraphrase attacks. The proposed visual paraphraser operates in two steps. First, it generates a caption for the given image using KOSMOS-2, one of the latest state-of-the-art image captioning systems. Second, it passes both the original image and the generated caption to an image-to-image diffusion system. During the denoising step of the diffusion pipeline, the system generates a visually similar image that is guided by the text caption. The resulting image is a visual paraphrase and is free of any watermarks. Our empirical findings demonstrate that visual paraphrase attacks can effectively remove watermarks from images. This paper provides a critical assessment, empirically revealing the vulnerability of existing watermarking techniques to visual paraphrase attacks. While we do not propose solutions to this issue, this paper serves as a call to action for the scientific community to prioritize the development of more robust watermarking techniques. Our first-of-its-kind visual paraphrase dataset and accompanying code are publicly available.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Repulsive Score Distillation for Diverse Sampling of Diffusion Models
[ "Nicolas Zilberstein", "Morteza Mardani", "Santiago Segarra" ]
Score distillation sampling has been pivotal for integrating diffusion models into generation of complex visuals. Despite impressive results it suffers from mode collapse and lack of diversity. To cope with this challenge, we leverage the gradient flow interpretation of score distillation to propose Repulsive Score Distillation (RSD). In particular, we propose a variational framework based on repulsion of an ensemble of particles that promotes diversity. Using a variational approximation that incorporates a coupling among particles, the repulsion appears as a simple regularization that allows interaction of particles based on their relative pairwise similarity, measured e.g., via radial basis kernels. We design RSD for both unconstrained and constrained sampling scenarios. For constrained sampling we focus on inverse problems in the latent space that leads to an augmented variational formulation, that strikes a good balance between compute, quality and diversity. Our extensive experiments for text-to-image generation, and inverse problems demonstrate that RSD achieves a superior trade-off between diversity and quality compared with state-of-the-art alternatives.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CV" ]
Expressive Whole-Body 3D Gaussian Avatar
[ "Gyeongsik Moon", "Takaaki Shiratori", "Shunsuke Saito" ]
Facial expression and hand motions are necessary to express our emotions and interact with the world. Nevertheless, most of the 3D human avatars modeled from a casually captured video only support body motions without facial expressions and hand motions.In this work, we present ExAvatar, an expressive whole-body 3D human avatar learned from a short monocular video. We design ExAvatar as a combination of the whole-body parametric mesh model (SMPL-X) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). The main challenges are 1) a limited diversity of facial expressions and poses in the video and 2) the absence of 3D observations, such as 3D scans and RGBD images. The limited diversity in the video makes animations with novel facial expressions and poses non-trivial. In addition, the absence of 3D observations could cause significant ambiguity in human parts that are not observed in the video, which can result in noticeable artifacts under novel motions. To address them, we introduce our hybrid representation of the mesh and 3D Gaussians. Our hybrid representation treats each 3D Gaussian as a vertex on the surface with pre-defined connectivity information (i.e., triangle faces) between them following the mesh topology of SMPL-X. It makes our ExAvatar animatable with novel facial expressions by driven by the facial expression space of SMPL-X. In addition, by using connectivity-based regularizers, we significantly reduce artifacts in novel facial expressions and poses.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Better speech synthesis through scaling
[ "James Betker" ]
In recent years, the field of image generation has been revolutionized by the application of autoregressive transformers and DDPMs. These approaches model the process of image generation as a step-wise probabilistic processes and leverage large amounts of compute and data to learn the image distribution. This methodology of improving performance need not be confined to images. This paper describes a way to apply advances in the image generative domain to speech synthesis. The result is TorToise -- an expressive, multi-voice text-to-speech system. All model code and trained weights have been open-sourced at
[ "cs.SD", "cs.CL", "eess.AS" ]
TofuEval: Evaluating Hallucinations of LLMs on Topic-Focused Dialogue Summarization
[ "Liyan Tang", "Igor Shalyminov", "Amy Wing-mei Wong", "Jon Burnsky", "Jake W. Vincent", "Yu'an Yang", "Siffi Singh", "Song Feng", "Hwanjun Song", "Hang Su", "Lijia Sun", "Yi Zhang", "Saab Mansour", "Kathleen McKeown" ]
Single document news summarization has seen substantial progress on faithfulness in recent years, driven by research on the evaluation of factual consistency, or hallucinations. We ask whether these advances carry over to other text summarization domains. We propose a new evaluation benchmark on topic-focused dialogue summarization, generated by LLMs of varying sizes. We provide binary sentence-level human annotations of the factual consistency of these summaries along with detailed explanations of factually inconsistent sentences. Our analysis shows that existing LLMs hallucinate significant amounts of factual errors in the dialogue domain, regardless of the model's size. On the other hand, when LLMs, including GPT-4, serve as binary factual evaluators, they perform poorly and can be outperformed by prevailing state-of-the-art specialized factuality evaluation metrics. Finally, we conducted an analysis of hallucination types with a curated error taxonomy. We find that there are diverse errors and error distributions in model-generated summaries and that non-LLM based metrics can capture all error types better than LLM-based evaluators.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
JEN-1 DreamStyler: Customized Musical Concept Learning via Pivotal Parameters Tuning
[ "Boyu Chen", "Peike Li", "Yao Yao", "Alex Wang" ]
Large models for text-to-music generation have achieved significant progress, facilitating the creation of high-quality and varied musical compositions from provided text prompts. However, input text prompts may not precisely capture user requirements, particularly when the objective is to generate music that embodies a specific concept derived from a designated reference collection. In this paper, we propose a novel method for customized text-to-music generation, which can capture the concept from a two-minute reference music and generate a new piece of music conforming to the concept. We achieve this by fine-tuning a pretrained text-to-music model using the reference music. However, directly fine-tuning all parameters leads to overfitting issues. To address this problem, we propose a Pivotal Parameters Tuning method that enables the model to assimilate the new concept while preserving its original generative capabilities. Additionally, we identify a potential concept conflict when introducing multiple concepts into the pretrained model. We present a concept enhancement strategy to distinguish multiple concepts, enabling the fine-tuned model to generate music incorporating either individual or multiple concepts simultaneously. Since we are the first to work on the customized music generation task, we also introduce a new dataset and evaluation protocol for the new task. Our proposed Jen1-DreamStyler outperforms several baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Demos will be available at
[ "cs.SD", "cs.AI", "eess.AS" ]
Video ReCap: Recursive Captioning of Hour-Long Videos
[ "Md Mohaiminul Islam", "Ngan Ho", "Xitong Yang", "Tushar Nagarajan", "Lorenzo Torresani", "Gedas Bertasius" ]
Most video captioning models are designed to process short video clips of few seconds and output text describing low-level visual concepts (e.g., objects, scenes, atomic actions). However, most real-world videos last for minutes or hours and have a complex hierarchical structure spanning different temporal granularities. We propose Video ReCap, a recursive video captioning model that can process video inputs of dramatically different lengths (from 1 second to 2 hours) and output video captions at multiple hierarchy levels. The recursive video-language architecture exploits the synergy between different video hierarchies and can process hour-long videos efficiently. We utilize a curriculum learning training scheme to learn the hierarchical structure of videos, starting from clip-level captions describing atomic actions, then focusing on segment-level descriptions, and concluding with generating summaries for hour-long videos. Furthermore, we introduce Ego4D-HCap dataset by augmenting Ego4D with 8,267 manually collected long-range video summaries. Our recursive model can flexibly generate captions at different hierarchy levels while also being useful for other complex video understanding tasks, such as VideoQA on EgoSchema. Data, code, and models are available at:
[ "cs.CV" ]
Measuring Progress in Fine-grained Vision-and-Language Understanding
[ "Emanuele Bugliarello", "Laurent Sartran", "Aishwarya Agrawal", "Lisa Anne Hendricks", "Aida Nematzadeh" ]
While pretraining on large-scale image-text data from the Web has facilitated rapid progress on many vision-and-language (V&L) tasks, recent work has demonstrated that pretrained models lack "fine-grained" understanding, such as the ability to recognise relationships, verbs, and numbers in images. This has resulted in an increased interest in the community to either develop new benchmarks or models for such capabilities. To better understand and quantify progress in this direction, we investigate four competitive V&L models on four fine-grained benchmarks. Through our analysis, we find that X-VLM (Zeng et al., 2022) consistently outperforms other baselines, and that modelling innovations can impact performance more than scaling Web data, which even degrades performance sometimes. Through a deeper investigation of X-VLM, we highlight the importance of both novel losses and rich data sources for learning fine-grained skills. Finally, we inspect training dynamics, and discover that for some tasks, performance peaks early in training or significantly fluctuates, never converging.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.CV" ]
Mixture-of-Depths: Dynamically allocating compute in transformer-based language models
[ "David Raposo", "Sam Ritter", "Blake Richards", "Timothy Lillicrap", "Peter Conway Humphreys", "Adam Santoro" ]
Transformer-based language models spread FLOPs uniformly across input sequences. In this work we demonstrate that transformers can instead learn to dynamically allocate FLOPs (or compute) to specific positions in a sequence, optimising the allocation along the sequence for different layers across the model depth. Our method enforces a total compute budget by capping the number of tokens ($k$) that can participate in the self-attention and MLP computations at a given layer. The tokens to be processed are determined by the network using a top-$k$ routing mechanism. Since $k$ is defined a priori, this simple procedure uses a static computation graph with known tensor sizes, unlike other conditional computation techniques. Nevertheless, since the identities of the $k$ tokens are fluid, this method can expend FLOPs non-uniformly across the time and model depth dimensions. Thus, compute expenditure is entirely predictable in sum total, but dynamic and context-sensitive at the token-level. Not only do models trained in this way learn to dynamically allocate compute, they do so efficiently. These models match baseline performance for equivalent FLOPS and wall-clock times to train, but require a fraction of the FLOPs per forward pass, and can be upwards of 50\% faster to step during post-training sampling.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
One Step of Gradient Descent is Provably the Optimal In-Context Learner with One Layer of Linear Self-Attention
[ "Arvind Mahankali", "Tatsunori B. Hashimoto", "Tengyu Ma" ]
Recent works have empirically analyzed in-context learning and shown that transformers trained on synthetic linear regression tasks can learn to implement ridge regression, which is the Bayes-optimal predictor, given sufficient capacity [Aky\"urek et al., 2023], while one-layer transformers with linear self-attention and no MLP layer will learn to implement one step of gradient descent (GD) on a least-squares linear regression objective [von Oswald et al., 2022]. However, the theory behind these observations remains poorly understood. We theoretically study transformers with a single layer of linear self-attention, trained on synthetic noisy linear regression data. First, we mathematically show that when the covariates are drawn from a standard Gaussian distribution, the one-layer transformer which minimizes the pre-training loss will implement a single step of GD on the least-squares linear regression objective. Then, we find that changing the distribution of the covariates and weight vector to a non-isotropic Gaussian distribution has a strong impact on the learned algorithm: the global minimizer of the pre-training loss now implements a single step of $\textit{pre-conditioned}$ GD. However, if only the distribution of the responses is changed, then this does not have a large effect on the learned algorithm: even when the response comes from a more general family of $\textit{nonlinear}$ functions, the global minimizer of the pre-training loss still implements a single step of GD on a least-squares linear regression objective.
[ "cs.LG" ]
OLMo: Accelerating the Science of Language Models
[ "Dirk Groeneveld", "Iz Beltagy", "Pete Walsh", "Akshita Bhagia", "Rodney Kinney", "Oyvind Tafjord", "Ananya Harsh Jha", "Hamish Ivison", "Ian Magnusson", "Yizhong Wang", "Shane Arora", "David Atkinson", "Russell Authur", "Khyathi Raghavi Chandu", "Arman Cohan", "Jennifer Dumas", "Yanai Elazar", "Yuling Gu", "Jack Hessel", "Tushar Khot", "William Merrill", "Jacob Morrison", "Niklas Muennighoff", "Aakanksha Naik", "Crystal Nam", "Matthew E. Peters", "Valentina Pyatkin", "Abhilasha Ravichander", "Dustin Schwenk", "Saurabh Shah", "Will Smith", "Emma Strubell", "Nishant Subramani", "Mitchell Wortsman", "Pradeep Dasigi", "Nathan Lambert", "Kyle Richardson", "Luke Zettlemoyer", "Jesse Dodge", "Kyle Lo", "Luca Soldaini", "Noah A. Smith", "Hannaneh Hajishirzi" ]
Language models (LMs) have become ubiquitous in both NLP research and in commercial product offerings. As their commercial importance has surged, the most powerful models have become closed off, gated behind proprietary interfaces, with important details of their training data, architectures, and development undisclosed. Given the importance of these details in scientifically studying these models, including their biases and potential risks, we believe it is essential for the research community to have access to powerful, truly open LMs. To this end, we have built OLMo, a competitive, truly Open Language Model, to enable the scientific study of language models. Unlike most prior efforts that have only released model weights and inference code, we release OLMo alongside open training data and training and evaluation code. We hope this release will empower the open research community and inspire a new wave of innovation.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Leave No Context Behind: Efficient Infinite Context Transformers with Infini-attention
[ "Tsendsuren Munkhdalai", "Manaal Faruqui", "Siddharth Gopal" ]
This work introduces an efficient method to scale Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) to infinitely long inputs with bounded memory and computation. A key component in our proposed approach is a new attention technique dubbed Infini-attention. The Infini-attention incorporates a compressive memory into the vanilla attention mechanism and builds in both masked local attention and long-term linear attention mechanisms in a single Transformer block. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on long-context language modeling benchmarks, 1M sequence length passkey context block retrieval and 500K length book summarization tasks with 1B and 8B LLMs. Our approach introduces minimal bounded memory parameters and enables fast streaming inference for LLMs.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI", "cs.LG", "cs.NE" ]
BOLAA: Benchmarking and Orchestrating LLM-augmented Autonomous Agents
[ "Zhiwei Liu", "Weiran Yao", "Jianguo Zhang", "Le Xue", "Shelby Heinecke", "Rithesh Murthy", "Yihao Feng", "Zeyuan Chen", "Juan Carlos Niebles", "Devansh Arpit", "Ran Xu", "Phil Mui", "Huan Wang", "Caiming Xiong", "Silvio Savarese" ]
The massive successes of large language models (LLMs) encourage the emerging exploration of LLM-augmented Autonomous Agents (LAAs). An LAA is able to generate actions with its core LLM and interact with environments, which facilitates the ability to resolve complex tasks by conditioning on past interactions such as observations and actions. Since the investigation of LAA is still very recent, limited explorations are available. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive comparison of LAA in terms of both agent architectures and LLM backbones. Additionally, we propose a new strategy to orchestrate multiple LAAs such that each labor LAA focuses on one type of action, \textit{i.e.} BOLAA, where a controller manages the communication among multiple agents. We conduct simulations on both decision-making and multi-step reasoning environments, which comprehensively justify the capacity of LAAs. Our performance results provide quantitative suggestions for designing LAA architectures and the optimal choice of LLMs, as well as the compatibility of both. We release our implementation code of LAAs to the public at \url{}.
[ "cs.AI" ]
RelBench: A Benchmark for Deep Learning on Relational Databases
[ "Joshua Robinson", "Rishabh Ranjan", "Weihua Hu", "Kexin Huang", "Jiaqi Han", "Alejandro Dobles", "Matthias Fey", "Jan E. Lenssen", "Yiwen Yuan", "Zecheng Zhang", "Xinwei He", "Jure Leskovec" ]
We present RelBench, a public benchmark for solving predictive tasks over relational databases with graph neural networks. RelBench provides databases and tasks spanning diverse domains and scales, and is intended to be a foundational infrastructure for future research. We use RelBench to conduct the first comprehensive study of Relational Deep Learning (RDL) (Fey et al., 2024), which combines graph neural network predictive models with (deep) tabular models that extract initial entity-level representations from raw tables. End-to-end learned RDL models fully exploit the predictive signal encoded in primary-foreign key links, marking a significant shift away from the dominant paradigm of manual feature engineering combined with tabular models. To thoroughly evaluate RDL against this prior gold-standard, we conduct an in-depth user study where an experienced data scientist manually engineers features for each task. In this study, RDL learns better models whilst reducing human work needed by more than an order of magnitude. This demonstrates the power of deep learning for solving predictive tasks over relational databases, opening up many new research opportunities enabled by RelBench.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.DB" ]
SDXL: Improving Latent Diffusion Models for High-Resolution Image Synthesis
[ "Dustin Podell", "Zion English", "Kyle Lacey", "Andreas Blattmann", "Tim Dockhorn", "Jonas Müller", "Joe Penna", "Robin Rombach" ]
We present SDXL, a latent diffusion model for text-to-image synthesis. Compared to previous versions of Stable Diffusion, SDXL leverages a three times larger UNet backbone: The increase of model parameters is mainly due to more attention blocks and a larger cross-attention context as SDXL uses a second text encoder. We design multiple novel conditioning schemes and train SDXL on multiple aspect ratios. We also introduce a refinement model which is used to improve the visual fidelity of samples generated by SDXL using a post-hoc image-to-image technique. We demonstrate that SDXL shows drastically improved performance compared the previous versions of Stable Diffusion and achieves results competitive with those of black-box state-of-the-art image generators. In the spirit of promoting open research and fostering transparency in large model training and evaluation, we provide access to code and model weights at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
MoE-LLaVA: Mixture of Experts for Large Vision-Language Models
[ "Bin Lin", "Zhenyu Tang", "Yang Ye", "Jiaxi Cui", "Bin Zhu", "Peng Jin", "Jinfa Huang", "Junwu Zhang", "Yatian Pang", "Munan Ning", "Li Yuan" ]
Recent advances demonstrate that scaling Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) effectively improves downstream task performances. However, existing scaling methods enable all model parameters to be active for each token in the calculation, which brings massive training and inferring costs. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective training strategy MoE-Tuning for LVLMs. This strategy innovatively addresses the common issue of performance degradation in multi-modal sparsity learning, consequently constructing a sparse model with an outrageous number of parameters but a constant computational cost. Furthermore, we present the MoE-LLaVA, a MoE-based sparse LVLM architecture, which uniquely activates only the top-k experts through routers during deployment, keeping the remaining experts inactive. Extensive experiments show the significant performance of MoE-LLaVA in a variety of visual understanding and object hallucination benchmarks. Remarkably, with only approximately 3B sparsely activated parameters, MoE-LLaVA demonstrates performance comparable to the LLaVA-1.5-7B on various visual understanding datasets and even surpasses the LLaVA-1.5-13B in object hallucination benchmark. Through MoE-LLaVA, we aim to establish a baseline for sparse LVLMs and provide valuable insights for future research in developing more efficient and effective multi-modal learning systems. Code is released at
[ "cs.CV" ]
Learning to Move Like Professional Counter-Strike Players
[ "David Durst", "Feng Xie", "Vishnu Sarukkai", "Brennan Shacklett", "Iuri Frosio", "Chen Tessler", "Joohwan Kim", "Carly Taylor", "Gilbert Bernstein", "Sanjiban Choudhury", "Pat Hanrahan", "Kayvon Fatahalian" ]
In multiplayer, first-person shooter games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), coordinated movement is a critical component of high-level strategic play. However, the complexity of team coordination and the variety of conditions present in popular game maps make it impractical to author hand-crafted movement policies for every scenario. We show that it is possible to take a data-driven approach to creating human-like movement controllers for CS:GO. We curate a team movement dataset comprising 123 hours of professional game play traces, and use this dataset to train a transformer-based movement model that generates human-like team movement for all players in a "Retakes" round of the game. Importantly, the movement prediction model is efficient. Performing inference for all players takes less than 0.5 ms per game step (amortized cost) on a single CPU core, making it plausible for use in commercial games today. Human evaluators assess that our model behaves more like humans than both commercially-available bots and procedural movement controllers scripted by experts (16% to 59% higher by TrueSkill rating of "human-like"). Using experiments involving in-game bot vs. bot self-play, we demonstrate that our model performs simple forms of teamwork, makes fewer common movement mistakes, and yields movement distributions, player lifetimes, and kill locations similar to those observed in professional CS:GO match play.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.GR" ]
MedTrinity-25M: A Large-scale Multimodal Dataset with Multigranular Annotations for Medicine
[ "Yunfei Xie", "Ce Zhou", "Lang Gao", "Juncheng Wu", "Xianhang Li", "Hong-Yu Zhou", "Sheng Liu", "Lei Xing", "James Zou", "Cihang Xie", "Yuyin Zhou" ]
This paper introduces MedTrinity-25M, a comprehensive, large-scale multimodal dataset for medicine, covering over 25 million images across 10 modalities, with multigranular annotations for more than 65 diseases. These enriched annotations encompass both global textual information, such as disease/lesion type, modality, region-specific descriptions, and inter-regional relationships, as well as detailed local annotations for regions of interest (ROIs), including bounding boxes, segmentation masks. Unlike existing approach which is limited by the availability of image-text pairs, we have developed the first automated pipeline that scales up multimodal data by generating multigranular visual and texual annotations (in the form of image-ROI-description triplets) without the need for any paired text descriptions. Specifically, data from over 90 different sources have been collected, preprocessed, and grounded using domain-specific expert models to identify ROIs related to abnormal regions. We then build a comprehensive knowledge base and prompt multimodal large language models to perform retrieval-augmented generation with the identified ROIs as guidance, resulting in multigranular texual descriptions. Compared to existing datasets, MedTrinity-25M provides the most enriched annotations, supporting a comprehensive range of multimodal tasks such as captioning and report generation, as well as vision-centric tasks like classification and segmentation. Pretraining on MedTrinity-25M, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on VQA-RAD and PathVQA, surpassing both multimodal large language models and other representative SoTA approaches. This dataset can also be utilized to support large-scale pre-training of multimodal medical AI models, contributing to the development of future foundation models in the medical domain.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Improving Open Language Models by Learning from Organic Interactions
[ "Jing Xu", "Da Ju", "Joshua Lane", "Mojtaba Komeili", "Eric Michael Smith", "Megan Ung", "Morteza Behrooz", "William Ngan", "Rashel Moritz", "Sainbayar Sukhbaatar", "Y-Lan Boureau", "Jason Weston", "Kurt Shuster" ]
We present BlenderBot 3x, an update on the conversational model BlenderBot 3, which is now trained using organic conversation and feedback data from participating users of the system in order to improve both its skills and safety. We are publicly releasing the participating de-identified interaction data for use by the research community, in order to spur further progress. Training models with organic data is challenging because interactions with people "in the wild" include both high quality conversations and feedback, as well as adversarial and toxic behavior. We study techniques that enable learning from helpful teachers while avoiding learning from people who are trying to trick the model into unhelpful or toxic responses. BlenderBot 3x is both preferred in conversation to BlenderBot 3, and is shown to produce safer responses in challenging situations. While our current models are still far from perfect, we believe further improvement can be achieved by continued use of the techniques explored in this work.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
Part123: Part-aware 3D Reconstruction from a Single-view Image
[ "Anran Liu", "Cheng Lin", "Yuan Liu", "Xiaoxiao Long", "Zhiyang Dou", "Hao-Xiang Guo", "Ping Luo", "Wenping Wang" ]
Recently, the emergence of diffusion models has opened up new opportunities for single-view reconstruction. However, all the existing methods represent the target object as a closed mesh devoid of any structural information, thus neglecting the part-based structure, which is crucial for many downstream applications, of the reconstructed shape. Moreover, the generated meshes usually suffer from large noises, unsmooth surfaces, and blurry textures, making it challenging to obtain satisfactory part segments using 3D segmentation techniques. In this paper, we present Part123, a novel framework for part-aware 3D reconstruction from a single-view image. We first use diffusion models to generate multiview-consistent images from a given image, and then leverage Segment Anything Model (SAM), which demonstrates powerful generalization ability on arbitrary objects, to generate multiview segmentation masks. To effectively incorporate 2D part-based information into 3D reconstruction and handle inconsistency, we introduce contrastive learning into a neural rendering framework to learn a part-aware feature space based on the multiview segmentation masks. A clustering-based algorithm is also developed to automatically derive 3D part segmentation results from the reconstructed models. Experiments show that our method can generate 3D models with high-quality segmented parts on various objects. Compared to existing unstructured reconstruction methods, the part-aware 3D models from our method benefit some important applications, including feature-preserving reconstruction, primitive fitting, and 3D shape editing.
[ "cs.GR", "cs.CV" ]
LlamaFactory: Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ Language Models
[ "Yaowei Zheng", "Richong Zhang", "Junhao Zhang", "Yanhan Ye", "Zheyan Luo", "Zhangchi Feng", "Yongqiang Ma" ]
Efficient fine-tuning is vital for adapting large language models (LLMs) to downstream tasks. However, it requires non-trivial efforts to implement these methods on different models. We present LlamaFactory, a unified framework that integrates a suite of cutting-edge efficient training methods. It provides a solution for flexibly customizing the fine-tuning of 100+ LLMs without the need for coding through the built-in web UI LlamaBoard. We empirically validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework on language modeling and text generation tasks. It has been released at and received over 25,000 stars and 3,000 forks.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
List Items One by One: A New Data Source and Learning Paradigm for Multimodal LLMs
[ "An Yan", "Zhengyuan Yang", "Junda Wu", "Wanrong Zhu", "Jianwei Yang", "Linjie Li", "Kevin Lin", "Jianfeng Wang", "Julian McAuley", "Jianfeng Gao", "Lijuan Wang" ]
Set-of-Mark (SoM) Prompting unleashes the visual grounding capability of GPT-4V, by enabling the model to associate visual objects with tags inserted on the image. These tags, marked with alphanumerics, can be indexed via text tokens for easy reference. Despite the extraordinary performance from GPT-4V, we observe that other Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) struggle to understand these visual tags. To promote the learning of SoM prompting for open-source models, we propose a new learning paradigm: "list items one by one," which asks the model to enumerate and describe all visual tags placed on the image following the alphanumeric orders of tags. By integrating our curated dataset with other visual instruction tuning datasets, we are able to equip existing MLLMs with the SoM prompting ability. Furthermore, we evaluate our finetuned SoM models on five MLLM benchmarks. We find that this new dataset, even in a relatively small size (10k-30k images with tags), significantly enhances visual reasoning capabilities and reduces hallucinations for MLLMs. Perhaps surprisingly, these improvements persist even when the visual tags are omitted from input images during inference. This suggests the potential of "list items one by one" as a new paradigm for training MLLMs, which strengthens the object-text alignment through the use of visual tags in the training stage. Finally, we conduct analyses by probing trained models to understand the working mechanism of SoM. Our code and data are available at \url{}.
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI", "cs.CL" ]
Full Parameter Fine-tuning for Large Language Models with Limited Resources
[ "Kai Lv", "Yuqing Yang", "Tengxiao Liu", "Qinghui Gao", "Qipeng Guo", "Xipeng Qiu" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP) but demand massive GPU resources for training. Lowering the threshold for LLMs training would encourage greater participation from researchers, benefiting both academia and society. While existing approaches have focused on parameter-efficient fine-tuning, which tunes or adds a small number of parameters, few have addressed the challenge of tuning the full parameters of LLMs with limited resources. In this work, we propose a new optimizer, LOw-Memory Optimization (LOMO), which fuses the gradient computation and the parameter update in one step to reduce memory usage. By integrating LOMO with existing memory saving techniques, we reduce memory usage to 10.8% compared to the standard approach (DeepSpeed solution). Consequently, our approach enables the full parameter fine-tuning of a 65B model on a single machine with 8 RTX 3090, each with 24GB memory.Code and data are available at
[ "cs.CL" ]
LLM Augmented LLMs: Expanding Capabilities through Composition
[ "Rachit Bansal", "Bidisha Samanta", "Siddharth Dalmia", "Nitish Gupta", "Shikhar Vashishth", "Sriram Ganapathy", "Abhishek Bapna", "Prateek Jain", "Partha Talukdar" ]
Foundational models with billions of parameters which have been trained on large corpora of data have demonstrated non-trivial skills in a variety of domains. However, due to their monolithic structure, it is challenging and expensive to augment them or impart new skills. On the other hand, due to their adaptation abilities, several new instances of these models are being trained towards new domains and tasks. In this work, we study the problem of efficient and practical composition of existing foundation models with more specific models to enable newer capabilities. To this end, we propose CALM -- Composition to Augment Language Models -- which introduces cross-attention between models to compose their representations and enable new capabilities. Salient features of CALM are: (i) Scales up LLMs on new tasks by 're-using' existing LLMs along with a few additional parameters and data, (ii) Existing model weights are kept intact, and hence preserves existing capabilities, and (iii) Applies to diverse domains and settings. We illustrate that augmenting PaLM2-S with a smaller model trained on low-resource languages results in an absolute improvement of up to 13\% on tasks like translation into English and arithmetic reasoning for low-resource languages. Similarly, when PaLM2-S is augmented with a code-specific model, we see a relative improvement of 40\% over the base model for code generation and explanation tasks -- on-par with fully fine-tuned counterparts.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.CV" ]
BitDelta: Your Fine-Tune May Only Be Worth One Bit
[ "James Liu", "Guangxuan Xiao", "Kai Li", "Jason D. Lee", "Song Han", "Tri Dao", "Tianle Cai" ]
Large Language Models (LLMs) are typically trained in two phases: pre-training on large internet-scale datasets, and fine-tuning for downstream tasks. Given the higher computational demand of pre-training, it's intuitive to assume that fine-tuning adds less new information to the model, and is thus more compressible. We explore this assumption by decomposing the weights of fine-tuned models into their pre-trained components and an additional delta. We introduce a simple method, BitDelta, which successfully quantizes this delta down to 1 bit without compromising performance. This interesting finding not only highlights the potential redundancy of information added during fine-tuning, but also has significant implications for the multi-tenant serving and multi-tenant storage of fine-tuned models. By enabling the use of a single high-precision base model accompanied by multiple 1-bit deltas, BitDelta dramatically reduces GPU memory requirements by more than 10x, which can also be translated to enhanced generation latency in multi-tenant settings. We validate BitDelta through experiments across Llama-2 and Mistral model families, and on models up to 70B parameters, showcasing minimal performance degradation over all tested settings.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.CL" ]
Improving Language Plasticity via Pretraining with Active Forgetting
[ "Yihong Chen", "Kelly Marchisio", "Roberta Raileanu", "David Ifeoluwa Adelani", "Pontus Stenetorp", "Sebastian Riedel", "Mikel Artetxe" ]
Pretrained language models (PLMs) are today the primary model for natural language processing. Despite their impressive downstream performance, it can be difficult to apply PLMs to new languages, a barrier to making their capabilities universally accessible. While prior work has shown it possible to address this issue by learning a new embedding layer for the new language, doing so is both data and compute inefficient. We propose to use an active forgetting mechanism during pretraining, as a simple way of creating PLMs that can quickly adapt to new languages. Concretely, by resetting the embedding layer every K updates during pretraining, we encourage the PLM to improve its ability of learning new embeddings within a limited number of updates, similar to a meta-learning effect. Experiments with RoBERTa show that models pretrained with our forgetting mechanism not only demonstrate faster convergence during language adaptation but also outperform standard ones in a low-data regime, particularly for languages that are distant from English.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG", "cs.NE" ]
Efficient Exploration for LLMs
[ "Vikranth Dwaracherla", "Seyed Mohammad Asghari", "Botao Hao", "Benjamin Van Roy" ]
We present evidence of substantial benefit from efficient exploration in gathering human feedback to improve large language models. In our experiments, an agent sequentially generates queries while fitting a reward model to the feedback received. Our best-performing agent generates queries using double Thompson sampling, with uncertainty represented by an epistemic neural network. Our results demonstrate that efficient exploration enables high levels of performance with far fewer queries. Further, both uncertainty estimation and the choice of exploration scheme play critical roles.
[ "cs.LG", "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "stat.ME", "stat.ML" ]
A Minimaximalist Approach to Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback
[ "Gokul Swamy", "Christoph Dann", "Rahul Kidambi", "Zhiwei Steven Wu", "Alekh Agarwal" ]
We present Self-Play Preference Optimization (SPO), an algorithm for reinforcement learning from human feedback. Our approach is minimalist in that it does not require training a reward model nor unstable adversarial training and is therefore rather simple to implement. Our approach is maximalist in that it provably handles non-Markovian, intransitive, and stochastic preferences while being robust to the compounding errors that plague offline approaches to sequential prediction. To achieve the preceding qualities, we build upon the concept of a Minimax Winner (MW), a notion of preference aggregation from the social choice theory literature that frames learning from preferences as a zero-sum game between two policies. By leveraging the symmetry of this game, we prove that rather than using the traditional technique of dueling two policies to compute the MW, we can simply have a single agent play against itself while maintaining strong convergence guarantees. Practically, this corresponds to sampling multiple trajectories from a policy, asking a preference or teacher model to compare them, and then using the proportion of wins as the reward for a particular trajectory. We demonstrate that on a suite of continuous control tasks, we are able to learn significantly more efficiently than reward-model based approaches while maintaining robustness to the intransitive and stochastic preferences that frequently occur in practice when aggregating human judgments.
[ "cs.LG" ]
Self-Training with Direct Preference Optimization Improves Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
[ "Tianduo Wang", "Shichen Li", "Wei Lu" ]
Effective training of language models (LMs) for mathematical reasoning tasks demands high-quality supervised fine-tuning data. Besides obtaining annotations from human experts, a common alternative is sampling from larger and more powerful LMs. However, this knowledge distillation approach can be costly and unstable, particularly when relying on closed-source, proprietary LMs like GPT-4, whose behaviors are often unpredictable. In this work, we demonstrate that the reasoning abilities of small-scale LMs can be enhanced through self-training, a process where models learn from their own outputs. We also show that the conventional self-training can be further augmented by a preference learning algorithm called Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). By integrating DPO into self-training, we leverage preference data to guide LMs towards more accurate and diverse chain-of-thought reasoning. We evaluate our method across various mathematical reasoning tasks using different base models. Our experiments show that this approach not only improves LMs' reasoning performance but also offers a more cost-effective and scalable solution compared to relying on large proprietary LMs.
[ "cs.CL" ]
MetaMath: Bootstrap Your Own Mathematical Questions for Large Language Models
[ "Longhui Yu", "Weisen Jiang", "Han Shi", "Jincheng Yu", "Zhengying Liu", "Yu Zhang", "James T. Kwok", "Zhenguo Li", "Adrian Weller", "Weiyang Liu" ]
Large language models (LLMs) have pushed the limits of natural language understanding and exhibited excellent problem-solving ability. Despite the great success, most existing open-source LLMs (e.g., LLaMA-2) are still far away from satisfactory for solving mathematical problem due to the complex reasoning procedures. To bridge this gap, we propose MetaMath, a fine-tuned language model that specializes in mathematical reasoning. Specifically, we start by bootstrapping mathematical questions by rewriting the question from multiple perspectives without extra knowledge, which results in a new dataset called MetaMathQA. Then we fine-tune the LLaMA-2 models on MetaMathQA. Experimental results on two popular benchmarks (i.e., GSM8K and MATH) for mathematical reasoning demonstrate that MetaMath outperforms a suite of open-source LLMs by a significant margin. Our MetaMath-7B model achieves 66.4% on GSM8K and 19.4% on MATH, exceeding the state-of-the-art models of the same size by 11.5% and 8.7%. Particularly, MetaMath-70B achieves an accuracy of 82.3% on GSM8K, slightly better than GPT-3.5-Turbo. We release all the MetaMathQA dataset, the MetaMath models with different model sizes and the training code for public use.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.AI" ]
VideoHallucer: Evaluating Intrinsic and Extrinsic Hallucinations in Large Video-Language Models
[ "Yuxuan Wang", "Yueqian Wang", "Dongyan Zhao", "Cihang Xie", "Zilong Zheng" ]
Recent advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have extended their capabilities to video understanding. Yet, these models are often plagued by "hallucinations", where irrelevant or nonsensical content is generated, deviating from the actual video context. This work introduces VideoHallucer, the first comprehensive benchmark for hallucination detection in large video-language models (LVLMs). VideoHallucer categorizes hallucinations into two main types: intrinsic and extrinsic, offering further subcategories for detailed analysis, including object-relation, temporal, semantic detail, extrinsic factual, and extrinsic non-factual hallucinations. We adopt an adversarial binary VideoQA method for comprehensive evaluation, where pairs of basic and hallucinated questions are crafted strategically. By evaluating eleven LVLMs on VideoHallucer, we reveal that i) the majority of current models exhibit significant issues with hallucinations; ii) while scaling datasets and parameters improves models' ability to detect basic visual cues and counterfactuals, it provides limited benefit for detecting extrinsic factual hallucinations; iii) existing models are more adept at detecting facts than identifying hallucinations. As a byproduct, these analyses further instruct the development of our self-PEP framework, achieving an average of 5.38% improvement in hallucination resistance across all model architectures.
[ "cs.CV" ]
TCAN: Animating Human Images with Temporally Consistent Pose Guidance using Diffusion Models
[ "Jeongho Kim", "Min-Jung Kim", "Junsoo Lee", "Jaegul Choo" ]
Pose-driven human-image animation diffusion models have shown remarkable capabilities in realistic human video synthesis. Despite the promising results achieved by previous approaches, challenges persist in achieving temporally consistent animation and ensuring robustness with off-the-shelf pose detectors. In this paper, we present TCAN, a pose-driven human image animation method that is robust to erroneous poses and consistent over time. In contrast to previous methods, we utilize the pre-trained ControlNet without fine-tuning to leverage its extensive pre-acquired knowledge from numerous pose-image-caption pairs. To keep the ControlNet frozen, we adapt LoRA to the UNet layers, enabling the network to align the latent space between the pose and appearance features. Additionally, by introducing an additional temporal layer to the ControlNet, we enhance robustness against outliers of the pose detector. Through the analysis of attention maps over the temporal axis, we also designed a novel temperature map leveraging pose information, allowing for a more static background. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve promising results in video synthesis tasks encompassing various poses, like chibi. Project Page:
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
LAVIE: High-Quality Video Generation with Cascaded Latent Diffusion Models
[ "Yaohui Wang", "Xinyuan Chen", "Xin Ma", "Shangchen Zhou", "Ziqi Huang", "Yi Wang", "Ceyuan Yang", "Yinan He", "Jiashuo Yu", "Peiqing Yang", "Yuwei Guo", "Tianxing Wu", "Chenyang Si", "Yuming Jiang", "Cunjian Chen", "Chen Change Loy", "Bo Dai", "Dahua Lin", "Yu Qiao", "Ziwei Liu" ]
This work aims to learn a high-quality text-to-video (T2V) generative model by leveraging a pre-trained text-to-image (T2I) model as a basis. It is a highly desirable yet challenging task to simultaneously a) accomplish the synthesis of visually realistic and temporally coherent videos while b) preserving the strong creative generation nature of the pre-trained T2I model. To this end, we propose LaVie, an integrated video generation framework that operates on cascaded video latent diffusion models, comprising a base T2V model, a temporal interpolation model, and a video super-resolution model. Our key insights are two-fold: 1) We reveal that the incorporation of simple temporal self-attentions, coupled with rotary positional encoding, adequately captures the temporal correlations inherent in video data. 2) Additionally, we validate that the process of joint image-video fine-tuning plays a pivotal role in producing high-quality and creative outcomes. To enhance the performance of LaVie, we contribute a comprehensive and diverse video dataset named Vimeo25M, consisting of 25 million text-video pairs that prioritize quality, diversity, and aesthetic appeal. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LaVie achieves state-of-the-art performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of pre-trained LaVie models in various long video generation and personalized video synthesis applications.
[ "cs.CV" ]
Getting the most out of your tokenizer for pre-training and domain adaptation
[ "Gautier Dagan", "Gabriel Synnaeve", "Baptiste Rozière" ]
Tokenization is an understudied and often neglected component of modern LLMs. Most published works use a single tokenizer for all experiments, often borrowed from another model, without performing ablations or analysis to optimize tokenization. Moreover, the tokenizer is generally kept unchanged when fine-tuning a base model. In this paper, we show that the size, pre-tokenization regular expression, and training data of a tokenizer can significantly impact the model's generation speed, effective context size, memory usage, and downstream performance. We train specialized Byte-Pair Encoding code tokenizers, and conduct extensive ablations on the impact of tokenizer design on the performance of LLMs for code generation tasks such as HumanEval and MBPP, and provide recommendations for tokenizer hyper-parameters selection and switching the tokenizer in a pre-trained LLM. We perform our experiments on models trained from scratch and from pre-trained models, verifying their applicability to a wide range of use-cases. We find that when fine-tuning on more than 50 billion tokens, we can specialize the tokenizer of a pre-trained LLM to obtain large gains in generation speed and effective context size.
[ "cs.CL" ]
Mixture of Tokens: Efficient LLMs through Cross-Example Aggregation
[ "Szymon Antoniak", "Sebastian Jaszczur", "Michał Krutul", "Maciej Pióro", "Jakub Krajewski", "Jan Ludziejewski", "Tomasz Odrzygóźdź", "Marek Cygan" ]
Despite the promise of Mixture of Experts (MoE) models in increasing parameter counts of Transformer models while maintaining training and inference costs, their application carries notable drawbacks. The key strategy of these models is to, for each processed token, activate at most a few experts - subsets of an extensive feed-forward layer. But this approach is not without its challenges. The operation of matching experts and tokens is discrete, which makes MoE models prone to issues like training instability and uneven expert utilization. Existing techniques designed to address these concerns, such as auxiliary losses or balance-aware matching, result either in lower model performance or are more difficult to train. In response to these issues, we propose Mixture of Tokens, a fully-differentiable model that retains the benefits of MoE architectures while avoiding the aforementioned difficulties. Rather than routing tokens to experts, this approach mixes tokens from different examples prior to feeding them to experts, enabling the model to learn from all token-expert combinations. Importantly, this mixing can be disabled to avoid mixing of different sequences during inference. Crucially, this method is fully compatible with both masked and causal Large Language Model training and inference.
[ "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]
DL3DV-10K: A Large-Scale Scene Dataset for Deep Learning-based 3D Vision
[ "Lu Ling", "Yichen Sheng", "Zhi Tu", "Wentian Zhao", "Cheng Xin", "Kun Wan", "Lantao Yu", "Qianyu Guo", "Zixun Yu", "Yawen Lu", "Xuanmao Li", "Xingpeng Sun", "Rohan Ashok", "Aniruddha Mukherjee", "Hao Kang", "Xiangrui Kong", "Gang Hua", "Tianyi Zhang", "Bedrich Benes", "Aniket Bera" ]
We have witnessed significant progress in deep learning-based 3D vision, ranging from neural radiance field (NeRF) based 3D representation learning to applications in novel view synthesis (NVS). However, existing scene-level datasets for deep learning-based 3D vision, limited to either synthetic environments or a narrow selection of real-world scenes, are quite insufficient. This insufficiency not only hinders a comprehensive benchmark of existing methods but also caps what could be explored in deep learning-based 3D analysis. To address this critical gap, we present DL3DV-10K, a large-scale scene dataset, featuring 51.2 million frames from 10,510 videos captured from 65 types of point-of-interest (POI) locations, covering both bounded and unbounded scenes, with different levels of reflection, transparency, and lighting. We conducted a comprehensive benchmark of recent NVS methods on DL3DV-10K, which revealed valuable insights for future research in NVS. In addition, we have obtained encouraging results in a pilot study to learn generalizable NeRF from DL3DV-10K, which manifests the necessity of a large-scale scene-level dataset to forge a path toward a foundation model for learning 3D representation. Our DL3DV-10K dataset, benchmark results, and models will be publicly accessible at
[ "cs.CV", "cs.AI" ]
Agent Lumos: Unified and Modular Training for Open-Source Language Agents
[ "Da Yin", "Faeze Brahman", "Abhilasha Ravichander", "Khyathi Chandu", "Kai-Wei Chang", "Yejin Choi", "Bill Yuchen Lin" ]
Closed-source agents suffer from several issues such as a lack of affordability, transparency, and reproducibility, particularly on complex interactive tasks. This motivates the development of open-source alternatives. We introduce LUMOS, one of the first frameworks for training open-source LLM-based agents. LUMOS features a learnable, unified, and modular architecture with a planning module that learns high-level subgoal generation, and a grounding module trained to translate these into actions using various tools in the execution module. The design allows for modular upgrades and wider applicability to diverse interactive tasks. To foster generalizable agent learning, we collect large-scale, unified, and high-quality training annotations derived from diverse ground-truth reasoning rationales across various complex interactive tasks. On 9 datasets, LUMOS exhibits several key advantages: (1) LUMOS excels multiple larger open-source agents on the held-out datasets (unused for training) for each task type. LUMOS even surpasses GPT agents on QA and web tasks; (2) LUMOS outperforms open-source agents produced by chain-of-thoughts and unmodularized integrated training; and (3) LUMOS effectively generalizes to unseen tasks, outperforming 33B-scale agents and domain-specific agents.
[ "cs.AI", "cs.CL", "cs.LG" ]