import subprocess |
import os |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import argparse |
from datetime import datetime |
rel_list_above = ['on the top of', 'on the bottom of'] |
rel_list_left = ['on the left of', 'on the right of'] |
rel_list_near = ['on side of', 'next to', 'near'] |
swap_table = { |
'bag': 'handbag', |
'sofa': 'couch', |
'television': 'tv', |
'table': 'dining_table', |
'phone': 'cell_phone' |
} |
with open('util/t2i_prompt_spatial_all.txt', 'r') as f: |
texts = f.read().splitlines() |
def get_obj_t2i(prompt): |
first_obj = prompt.split(' ')[1] |
second_obj = prompt.split(' ')[-1] |
if first_obj in swap_table: |
first_obj = swap_table[first_obj] |
if second_obj in swap_table: |
second_obj = swap_table[second_obj] |
return first_obj, second_obj |
def get_blender_command(prompt): |
relation = '' |
script = '' |
obj1, obj2 = get_obj_t2i(prompt) |
if 'right' in prompt or 'bottom' in prompt: |
obj1, obj2 = obj2, obj1 |
for rel in rel_list_above: |
if rel in prompt: |
script = './util/blender_above_below_floor.py' |
for rel in rel_list_left: |
if rel in prompt: |
script = './util/blender_left_right_floor.py' |
if len(script) == 0: |
script = './util/blender_left_right_near_floor.py' |
return obj1, obj2, prompt, script |
def divide_list_into_partitions(lst, num_partitions): |
partition_size = len(lst) // num_partitions |
partitions = [lst[i:i + partition_size] for i in range(0, len(lst), partition_size)] |
return partitions |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
parser.add_argument('--partition', default=0, type=int, help="Partition 0 - 7") |
parser.add_argument('--num_partition', default=7, type=int, help="Total number of parallel jobs") |
parser.add_argument('--num_variants', default=5, type=int, help="Number of variants per 2-object scene") |
parser.add_argument('--num_background', default=3, type=int, help="Number of variants of backgrounds") |
parser.add_argument('--obj1_asset_folder', default="assets/blender_assets/", help="Object1 Asset Location") |
parser.add_argument('--obj2_asset_folder', default="assets/blender_assets/", help="Object2 Asset Location") |
parser.add_argument('--output_folder', default="/scratch/yluo97/3dscene_output_ver3_debug/", help="hdf5 files output location") |
parser.add_argument('--non_random', action='store_true', help='Description for flag1') |
parser.add_argument('--dry_run', action='store_true', help='Perform dry run only') |
args = parser.parse_args() |
asset_folder = args.obj1_asset_folder |
output_folder = args.output_folder |
background_info = [("background/white-background.hdr", "bg_white"), |
("background/autumn_park_2k.hdr", "bg_real_outdoors"), |
("background/photo_studio_loft_hall_2k.hdr", "bg_real_indoors"), |
("background/black-background.hdr", "bg_black")] |
background_info = background_info[:args.num_background] |
num_variants = args.num_variants |
texts_partition = divide_list_into_partitions(texts, args.num_partition)[args.partition] |
for prompt in texts_partition: |
obj1, obj2, text, script = get_blender_command(prompt) |
command = ["blenderproc", "run", script] |
text = '_'.join(text.split()) |
for background_path, background_name in background_info: |
success = 0 |
if args.non_random: |
arguments = [obj1, obj2, background_path, f'{output_folder}/{background_name}/{text}/', str(success), '0'] |
else: |
arguments = [obj1, obj2, background_path, f'{output_folder}/{background_name}/{text}/', '-1', '0'] |
while success < args.num_variants : |
try: |
if args.dry_run: |
print(command + arguments) |
else: |
completed_process = subprocess.run(command + arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=False, check=True) |
success += 1 |
if args.non_random: |
arguments = [obj1, obj2, background_path, f'{output_folder}/{background_name}/{text}/', str(success), '0'] |
else: |
arguments = [obj1, obj2, background_path, f'{output_folder}/{background_name}/{text}/', '-1', '0'] |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: |
print("Error:", e) |
print(f'Templates of {text} is complete!', f'{datetime.now():%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z}') |