15 values
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock import pytest import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn import DataParallel from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule from pytorch_lightning.overrides import LightningDistributedModule from pytorch_lightning.overrides.data_parallel import ( LightningParallelModule, python_scalar_to_tensor, unsqueeze_scalar_tensor, ) from pytorch_lightning.trainer.states import RunningStage from tests.helpers import BoringModel from tests.helpers.runif import RunIf @pytest.mark.parametrize("wrapper_class", [LightningParallelModule, LightningDistributedModule]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "stage", [ ("training", "training_step"), ("testing", "test_step"), ("validating", "validation_step"), ("predicting", "predict_step"), ], ) def test_lightning_wrapper_module_methods(wrapper_class, stage): """Test that the LightningWrapper redirects .forward() to the LightningModule methods.""" pl_module = MagicMock() wrapped_module = wrapper_class(pl_module) batch = torch.rand(5) batch_idx = 3 prop, step = stage pl_module.trainer.sanity_checking = False for p in ("training", "testing", "validating", "predicting"): setattr(pl_module.trainer, p, p == prop) wrapped_module(batch, batch_idx) getattr(pl_module, step).assert_called_with(batch, batch_idx) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,expected", [ [torch.tensor(1.0), torch.tensor([1.0])], [torch.tensor([2.0]), torch.tensor([2.0])], [torch.ones(3, 4, 5), torch.ones(3, 4, 5)], ], ) def test_unsqueeze_scalar_tensor(inp, expected): """Test that the utility function unsqueezes only scalar tensors.""" assert torch.all(unsqueeze_scalar_tensor(inp).eq(expected)) @RunIf(min_gpus=2) def test_lightning_parallel_module_unsqueeze_scalar(): """Test that LightningParallelModule takes care of un-squeezeing 0-dim tensors.""" class TestModel(BoringModel): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): output = super().training_step(batch, batch_idx) loss = output["loss"] loss = loss.squeeze() assert loss.dim() == 0 # PyTorch usually warns about 0-dim tensors returned in DP return {"loss": loss} model = TestModel() model.trainer = Mock() model.trainer.state.stage = RunningStage.TRAINING batch = torch.rand(2, 32).cuda() batch_idx = 0 wrapped_model = LightningParallelModule(model).cuda() dp_module = DataParallel(wrapped_model, device_ids=[0, 1]) output = wrapped_model(batch, batch_idx) assert output["loss"].dim() == 1 with pytest.warns(None) as record: output = dp_module(batch, batch_idx) assert output["loss"].dim() == 1 assert not record @pytest.mark.parametrize( "inp,expected", [[1.0, torch.tensor([1.0])], [2, torch.tensor([2.0])], [True, torch.tensor([True])]] ) def test_python_scalar_to_tensor(inp, expected): assert torch.all(python_scalar_to_tensor(inp).eq(expected)) @RunIf(min_gpus=1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("device", [torch.device("cpu"), torch.device("cuda", 0)]) def test_lightning_parallel_module_python_scalar_conversion(device): """Test that LightningParallelModule can convert Python scalars to tensors.""" class TestModel(BoringModel): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): output = super().training_step(batch, batch_idx) # PyTorch DP does not support Python scalars, Lightning converts them to tensors output.update({"python scalar": 12.3}) return output model = TestModel().to(device) model.trainer = Mock() model.trainer.state.stage = RunningStage.TRAINING batch = torch.rand(2, 32).to(device) batch_idx = 0 wrapped_model = LightningParallelModule(model) output = wrapped_model(batch, batch_idx) assert output["python scalar"] == torch.tensor([12.3], device=device) @RunIf(min_gpus=2) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "nest, unnest", [ (lambda x: x, lambda x: x), (lambda x: dict(data=x), lambda x: x["data"]), (lambda x: [x, (x, x)], lambda x: x[1][0]), ], ) def test_lightning_parallel_module_device_access(nest, unnest): """Test that self.device returns the correct value in replicas of DataParallel.""" class DeviceAccessModel(LightningModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.layer = nn.Linear(2, 3) def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): batch = unnest(batch) assert batch.shape == torch.Size([1, 1]) assert self.device.index == batch.item() assert self.device == self.layer.weight.device return torch.tensor(1, device=self.device) pl_module = DeviceAccessModel() # required for redirecting the forward call to training_step pl_module.trainer = Mock() pl_module.trainer.state.stage = RunningStage.TRAINING root_device = torch.device("cuda", 0) wrapped_module = LightningParallelModule(pl_module).to(root_device) model = DataParallel(wrapped_module, device_ids=[0, 1]) data = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0], device=root_device).view(2, 1) # one value per gpu data = data = nest(data) output = model(data, 0) assert output.device == root_device assert pl_module.device == root_device assert torch.all(output.cpu().eq(torch.tensor([1, 1]))) @RunIf(min_gpus=2) def test_lightning_parallel_module_device_access_warning(): """Test that we show a warning when the device can't be inferred from the input.""" class DeviceAccessModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): pass pl_module = DeviceAccessModel() # required for redirecting the forward call to training_step pl_module.trainer = Mock() pl_module.trainer.state.stage = RunningStage.TRAINING wrapped_module = LightningParallelModule(pl_module).cuda() model = DataParallel(wrapped_module, device_ids=[0, 1]) data = dict(x=1) # contains no tensors with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Could not determine on which device the inputs are."): _ = model(data, 0)
''' Created on Nov 1, 2013 @author: holtjma ''' import argparse as ap import logging import os import sys import MSBWTGen import util from MUSCython import CompressToRLE from MUSCython import GenericMerge from MUSCython import MSBWTCompGenCython from MUSCython import MSBWTGenCython from MUSCython import MultimergeCython as Multimerge from MUSCython import MultiStringBWTCython as MultiStringBWT def initLogger(): ''' This code taken from Matt's Suspenders for initializing a logger ''' global logger logger = logging.getLogger('root') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def mainRun(): ''' This is the primary function for external typical users to run when the Command Line Interface is used ''' #start up the logger initLogger() #attempt to parse the arguments p = ap.ArgumentParser(description=util.DESC, formatter_class=ap.RawTextHelpFormatter) #version data p.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s' + \ ' %s in MSBWT %s' % (util.VERSION, util.PKG_VERSION)) #TODO: do we want subparsers groups by type or sorted by name? it's type currently sp = p.add_subparsers(dest='subparserID') p2 = sp.add_parser('cffq', help='create a MSBWT from FASTQ files (pp + cfpp)') p2.add_argument('-p', metavar='numProcesses', dest='numProcesses', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to run (default: 1)') p2.add_argument('-u', '--uniform', dest='areUniform', action='store_true', help='the input sequences have uniform length', default=False) p2.add_argument('-c', '--compressed', dest='buildCompressed', action='store_true', help='build the RLE BWT (faster, less disk I/O)', default=False) p2.add_argument('outBwtDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the output MSBWT directory') p2.add_argument('inputFastqs', nargs='+', type=util.readableFastqFile, help='the input FASTQ files') p7 = sp.add_parser('pp', help='pre-process FASTQ files before BWT creation') p7.add_argument('-u', '--uniform', dest='areUniform', action='store_true', help='the input sequences have uniform length', default=False) p7.add_argument('outBwtDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the output MSBWT directory') p7.add_argument('inputFastqs', nargs='+', type=util.readableFastqFile, help='the input FASTQ files') p3 = sp.add_parser('cfpp', help='create a MSBWT from pre-processed sequences and offsets') p3.add_argument('-p', metavar='numProcesses', dest='numProcesses', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to run (default: 1)') p3.add_argument('-u', '--uniform', dest='areUniform', action='store_true', help='the input sequences have uniform length', default=False) p3.add_argument('-c', '--compressed', dest='buildCompressed', action='store_true', help='build the RLE BWT (faster, less disk I/O)', default=False) p3.add_argument('bwtDir', type=util.existingDirectory, help='the MSBWT directory to process') p4 = sp.add_parser('merge', help='merge many MSBWTs into a single MSBWT') p4.add_argument('-p', metavar='numProcesses', dest='numProcesses', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to run (default: 1)') p4.add_argument('outBwtDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the output MSBWT directory') p4.add_argument('inputBwtDirs', nargs='+', type=util.existingDirectory, help='input BWT directories to merge') p5 = sp.add_parser('query', help='search for a sequence in an MSBWT, prints sequence and seqID') p5.add_argument('inputBwtDir', type=util.existingDirectory, help='the BWT to query') p5.add_argument('kmer', type=util.validKmer, help='the input k-mer to search for') p5.add_argument('-d', '--dump-seqs', dest='dumpSeqs', action='store_true', help='print all sequences with the given kmer (default=False)', default=False) p6 = sp.add_parser('massquery', help='search for many sequences in an MSBWT') p6.add_argument('inputBwtDir', type=util.existingDirectory, help='the BWT to query') p6.add_argument('kmerFile', help='a file with one k-mer per line') p6.add_argument('outputFile', help='output file with counts per line') p6.add_argument('-r', '--rev-comp', dest='reverseComplement', action='store_true', help='also search for each kmer\'s reverse complement', default=False) p8 = sp.add_parser('compress', help='compress a MSBWT from byte/base to RLE') p8.add_argument('-p', metavar='numProcesses', dest='numProcesses', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to run (default: 1)') p8.add_argument('srcDir', type=util.existingDirectory, help='the source directory for the BWT to compress') p8.add_argument('dstDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the destination directory') p9 = sp.add_parser('decompress', help='decompress a MSBWT from RLE to byte/base') p9.add_argument('-p', metavar='numProcesses', dest='numProcesses', type=int, default=1, help='number of processes to run (default: 1)') p9.add_argument('srcDir', type=util.existingDirectory, help='the source directory for the BWT to compress') p9.add_argument('dstDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the destination directory') p10 = sp.add_parser('convert', help='convert from a raw text input to RLE') p10.add_argument('-i', metavar='inputTextFN', dest='inputTextFN', default=None, help='input text filename (default: stdin)') p10.add_argument('dstDir', type=util.newDirectory, help='the destination directory') args = p.parse_args() if args.subparserID == 'cffq':'Inputs:\t'+str(args.inputFastqs))'Uniform:\t'+str(args.areUniform))'Output:\t'+args.outBwtDir)'Output Compressed:\t'+str(args.buildCompressed))'Processes:\t'+str(args.numProcesses)) if args.numProcesses > 1: logger.warning('Using multi-processing with slow disk accesses can lead to slower build times.') print if args.areUniform: #if they are uniform, use the method developed by Bauer et al., it's likely short Illumina seq if args.buildCompressed: MultiStringBWT.createMSBWTCompFromFastq(args.inputFastqs, args.outBwtDir, args.numProcesses, args.areUniform, logger) else: MultiStringBWT.createMSBWTFromFastq(args.inputFastqs, args.outBwtDir, args.numProcesses, args.areUniform, logger) else: #if they aren't uniform, use the merge method by Holt et al., it's likely longer PacBio seq if args.buildCompressed: logger.error('No compressed builder for non-uniform datasets, compress after creation.') else: Multimerge.createMSBWTFromFastq(args.inputFastqs, args.outBwtDir, args.numProcesses, args.areUniform, logger) elif args.subparserID == 'pp':'Inputs:\t'+str(args.inputFastqs))'Uniform:\t'+str(args.areUniform))'Output:\t'+args.outBwtDir) if args.areUniform: #preprocess for Bauer et al. method MultiStringBWT.preprocessFastqs(args.inputFastqs, args.outBwtDir, args.areUniform, logger) else: #preprocess for Holt et al. method numProcs = 1 Multimerge.preprocessFastqs(args.inputFastqs, args.outBwtDir, numProcs, args.areUniform, logger) elif args.subparserID == 'cfpp':'BWT dir:\t'+args.bwtDir)'Uniform:\t'+str(args.areUniform))'Output Compressed:\t'+str(args.buildCompressed))'Processes:\t'+str(args.numProcesses)) if args.numProcesses > 1: logger.warning('Using multi-processing with slow disk accesses can lead to slower build times.') print seqFN = args.bwtDir+'/seqs.npy' offsetFN = args.bwtDir+'/offsets.npy' bwtFN = args.bwtDir+'/msbwt.npy' if args.areUniform: #process it using the column-wise Bauer et al. method if args.buildCompressed: MSBWTCompGenCython.createMsbwtFromSeqs(args.bwtDir, args.numProcesses, logger) else: MSBWTGenCython.createMsbwtFromSeqs(args.bwtDir, args.numProcesses, logger) else: #process it using the Holt et al. merge method if args.buildCompressed: logger.error('No compressed builder for non-uniform datasets, compress after creation.') else: Multimerge.interleaveLevelMerge(args.bwtDir, args.numProcesses, args.areUniform, logger) elif args.subparserID == 'compress':'Source Directory:'+args.srcDir)'Dest Directory:'+args.dstDir)'Processes:'+str(args.numProcesses)) if args.srcDir == args.dstDir: raise Exception('Source and destination directories cannot be the same directory.') print MSBWTGen.compressBWT(args.srcDir+'/msbwt.npy', args.dstDir+'/comp_msbwt.npy', args.numProcesses, logger) elif args.subparserID == 'decompress':'Source Directory: '+args.srcDir)'Dest Directory: '+args.dstDir)'Processes: '+str(args.numProcesses)) print MSBWTGen.decompressBWT(args.srcDir, args.dstDir, args.numProcesses, logger) #TODO: remove if srcdir and dstdir are the same? elif args.subparserID == 'merge':'Inputs:\t'+str(args.inputBwtDirs))'Output:\t'+args.outBwtDir)'Processes:\t'+str(args.numProcesses)) if args.numProcesses > 1: logger.warning('Multi-processing is not supported at this time, but will be included in a future release.') numProcs = 1 #logger.warning('Using multi-processing with slow disk accesses can lead to slower build times.') print #MSBWTGen.mergeNewMSBWT(args.outBwtDir, args.inputBwtDirs, args.numProcesses, logger) if len(args.inputBwtDirs) > 2: #this is a deprecated method, it may still work if you feel daring #MSBWTGenCython.mergeMsbwts(args.inputBwtDirs, args.outBwtDir, 1, logger) logger.error('Merging more than two MSBWTs at once is not currently supported.') else: GenericMerge.mergeTwoMSBWTs(args.inputBwtDirs[0], args.inputBwtDirs[1], args.outBwtDir, numProcs, logger) elif args.subparserID == 'query': #this is the easiest thing we can do, don't dump the standard info, just do it msbwt = MultiStringBWT.loadBWT(args.inputBwtDir, logger=logger) #always print how many are found, users can parse it out if they want r = msbwt.findIndicesOfStr(args.kmer) print r[1]-r[0] #dump the seqs if request if args.dumpSeqs: for x in xrange(r[0], r[1]): dInd = msbwt.getSequenceDollarID(x) print msbwt.recoverString(dInd)[1:]+','+str(dInd) elif args.subparserID == 'massquery':'Input:\t'+str(args.inputBwtDir))'Queries:\t'+str(args.kmerFile))'Output:\t'+args.outputFile)'Rev-comp:\t'+str(args.reverseComplement)) print msbwt = MultiStringBWT.loadBWT(args.inputBwtDir, logger=logger) output = open(args.outputFile, 'w+') output.write('k-mer,counts') if args.reverseComplement: output.write(',revCompCounts\n') else: output.write('\n')'Beginning queries...') for line in open(args.kmerFile, 'r'): kmer = line.strip('\n') c = msbwt.countOccurrencesOfSeq(kmer) if args.reverseComplement: rc = msbwt.countOccurrencesOfSeq(MultiStringBWT.reverseComplement(kmer)) output.write(kmer+','+str(c)+','+str(rc)+'\n') else: output.write(kmer+','+str(c)+'\n')'Queries complete.') elif args.subparserID == 'convert': if args.inputTextFN == None:'Input: stdin') else:'Input: '+args.inputTextFN)'Output: '+args.dstDir)'Beginning conversion...') CompressToRLE.compressInput(args.inputTextFN, args.dstDir)'Finished conversion.') else: print args.subparserID+" is currently not implemented, please wait for a future release." if __name__ == '__main__': mainRun()
import csv import matplotlib.pyplot as mp import nltk as nltk import sklearn import scipy as sp import sys from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer json = open("tmp", "r") class TfidfVectorizer(sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer): def build_analyzer(self): global stopwords analyzer = super(TfidfVectorizer, self).build_analyzer() return lambda doc:(nltk.stem.RSLPStemmer().stem(w) for w in analyzer(doc) if w not in stopwords) def convert(csv): quest = [] answer = [] for i in csv: quest.append(i.split(";")[0]) answer.append(i.split(";")[1]) dictcsv = {i:j for i, j in zip(quest, answer)} return dictcsv def get_quest(hash): get_quest_saida = [] for i,j in hash.items(): get_quest_saida.append(stemmer.stem(i)) return get_quest_saida def distance(v1, v2): delta = (v1/sp.linalg.norm(v1.toarray()))-(v2/sp.linalg.norm(v2.toarray())) return sp.linalg.norm(delta.toarray()) def nearest_one(quests, new_quest): best_doc = None best_dist = sys.maxint best_i = None for i in range(0, n_samples): quest = quests if quest==new_quest: continue dist = distance(X_train.getrow(i), vec.transform([new_quest])) if dist < best_dist: best_dist = dist best_i = i return best_i def get_ans(new_quest): nearest_question = nearest_one(FAQ.keys(),new_quest) return FAQ.items()[nearest_question][1] FAQ = convert(json) stemmer = nltk.stem.RSLPStemmer() stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('portuguese') #vec = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer(min_df=1) #vec = sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1) vec = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1) X_train = vec.fit_transform(get_quest(FAQ)) n_samples, n_features = X_train.shape def nt(text): new_text = text new_text_vec = vec.transform([new_text]) nearest_question = nearest_one(FAQ.keys(),new_text) FAQ.items()[nearest_question][1] ###### #new_text = "gostando" #new_text_vec = vec.transform([new_text]) #nearest_question = nearest_one(FAQ.keys(),new_text) #FAQ.items()[nearest_question][1] ######
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example of DNNRegressor for Housing dataset.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn import metrics from sklearn import preprocessing import tensorflow as tf def main(unused_argv): # Load dataset boston = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset('boston') x, y =, # Split dataset into train / test x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split( x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) # Scale data (training set) to 0 mean and unit standard deviation. scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() x_train = scaler.fit_transform(x_train) # Build 2 layer fully connected DNN with 10, 10 units respectively. feature_columns = tf.contrib.learn.infer_real_valued_columns_from_input( x_train) regressor = tf.contrib.learn.DNNRegressor( feature_columns=feature_columns, hidden_units=[10, 10]) # Fit, y_train, steps=5000, batch_size=1) # Predict and score y_predicted = list( regressor.predict( scaler.transform(x_test), as_iterable=True)) score = metrics.mean_squared_error(y_predicted, y_test) print('MSE: {0:f}'.format(score)) if __name__ == '__main__':
import numpy as np from collections import namedtuple from pysc2.agents import base_agent from pysc2.lib import actions import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim import torch.autograd as autograd from torch.autograd import Variable from import DataLoader, Dataset from starcraft_agents.a2c_model import A2CModel from starcraft_agents.learning_agent import LearningAgent from starcraft_agents.saved_actions import TrajectoryDataset from torchnet.logger import VisdomPlotLogger, VisdomLogger import torchnet as tnt class A2CAgent(LearningAgent): """The start of a basic A2C agent for learning agents.""" def __init__(self, screen_width, screen_height, horizon, num_processes=2, fully_conv=False, expirement_name="default_expirement", learning_rate=7e-4, value_coef=1.0, entropy_coef=1e-4, in_channels=8, continue_training=False, summary=None): super(A2CAgent, self).__init__(expirement_name) num_functions = len(actions.FUNCTIONS) self.model = A2CModel(num_functions=num_functions, expirement_name=expirement_name, screen_width=screen_width, screen_height=screen_height).cuda() self.screen_width = screen_width self.screen_height = screen_height self.summary = summary self.in_channels = in_channels self.horizon = horizon self.num_processes = num_processes self.max_grad = 0.5 self.entropy_coef = entropy_coef self.value_coef = value_coef self.gamma = 0.95 self.tau = 0.97 self.saved_actions = TrajectoryDataset(self.horizon, self.num_processes, screen_width, screen_height) if continue_training: self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"./models/{expirement_name}.pth")) self.model.eval() print(f"learning rate set to: {learning_rate}") self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) self.final_rewards = torch.zeros(1, 1) self.setup_loggers() def setup_loggers(self): # visdom setup self.loss_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.loss_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Train Loss'}) self.pi_loss_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.pi_loss_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Policy Loss'}) self.xy_loss_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.xy_loss_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'XY Loss'}) self.value_loss_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.value_loss_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Value Loss'}) self.reward_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.reward_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Batch Reward'}) self.entropy_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.entropy_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Entropy'}) self.adv_meter = tnt.meter.AverageValueMeter() self.adv_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': 'Advantage'}) self.episode_logger = VisdomPlotLogger('line', env=self.expirement_name, opts={'title': "Episode Score"}) self.episode_meter = tnt.meter.MovingAverageValueMeter(windowsize=3) def finish_step(self): self.saved_actions.step() def reset_meters(self): self.adv_meter.reset() self.loss_meter.reset() self.pi_loss_meter.reset() self.value_loss_meter.reset() self.entropy_meter.reset() self.xy_loss_meter.reset() def rollout(self): self.reset_meters() self.saved_actions.compute_advantages(self.gamma) loader = DataLoader(self.saved_actions, batch_size=self.horizon, shuffle=True) for screens, minimaps, games, actions, x1s, y1s, rewards, returns in loader: values, lp, x_lp, y_lp, dist_entropy, spatial_entropy = self.model.evaluate_actions( Variable(screens).cuda(), Variable(minimaps).cuda(), Variable(games).cuda(), Variable(actions).cuda(), Variable(x1s).cuda(), Variable(y1s).cuda()) rewards_var = Variable(rewards).cuda() returns_var = Variable(returns).cuda() advs = (returns_var - values).data advs_var = Variable(advs).cuda() dist_entropy *= self.entropy_coef spatial_entropy *= self.entropy_coef pg_loss = ((lp + x_lp + y_lp) * advs_var).mean() pg_loss -= dist_entropy pg_loss -= spatial_entropy vf_loss = (values - rewards_var).pow(2).mean() * self.value_coef train_loss = pg_loss + vf_loss self.optimizer.zero_grad() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.model.parameters(), self.max_grad) train_loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.loss_meter.add([0]) self.pi_loss_meter.add([0]) self.entropy_meter.add([0] +[0]) self.value_loss_meter.add([0]) self.reward_meter.add(rewards.sum()) self.adv_meter.add(advs.mean()) self.loss_logger.log(self.steps, self.loss_meter.value()[0]) self.pi_loss_logger.log(self.steps, self.pi_loss_meter.value()[0]) self.reward_logger.log(self.steps, self.reward_meter.value()[0]) self.entropy_logger.log(self.steps, self.entropy_meter.value()[0]) self.value_loss_logger.log(self.steps, self.value_loss_meter.value()[0]) self.adv_logger.log(self.steps, self.adv_meter.value()[0]) self.episode_logger.log(self.steps, self.episode_meter.value()[0])
#!/usr/bin/env python """Simple parsers for configuration files.""" import collections import re import logging from grr.lib import lexer from grr.lib import parsers from grr.lib import utils from grr.lib.rdfvalues import anomaly as rdf_anomaly from grr.lib.rdfvalues import client as rdf_client from grr.lib.rdfvalues import config_file as rdf_config_file from grr.lib.rdfvalues import protodict as rdf_protodict from grr.lib.rdfvalues import standard as rdf_standard def AsIter(arg): """Encapsulates an argument in a tuple, if it's not already iterable.""" if isinstance(arg, basestring): rslt = [arg] elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable): rslt = arg elif not arg: rslt = [] else: rslt = [arg] return tuple(rslt) # Grr lexer implementation of ssv parser. Considered using # # but it doesn't seem to actually forward lookup. class FieldParser(lexer.Lexer): r"""A generalized field based parser that splits entries into fields. Entries refer to distinct records within the text content, for example each line of /etc/passwd or a ssh configuration attribute. Fields are elements that make up the entry, for example the individual parameters in /etc/passwd. The parser supports: - Flexible field based separators (e.g. spaces, commas, colons). - Identification and removal of line comments. Inline comments (e.g. /*...*/) are not supported. - Line continuation detection. - Multiline quotes. The parser uses the following attributes as defaults: - comments: # - cont: \ (followed by any amount of whitespace) - ml_quote: False (by default, quotes must close before newlines). - quot: Both " and ' characters. - sep: Whitespace - term: Newlines. To override default values, pass in appropriate keywords with a python compatible regex string. """ def __init__(self, comments=r"#", cont=r"\\\s*\n", ml_quote=False, quot=(r"\"", r"'"), sep=r"[ \t\f\v]+", term=r"[\r\n]", verbose=0): """A generalized field-based parser. Handles whitespace, csv etc. Args: comments: Line comment patterns (e.g. "#"). cont: Continuation patterns (e.g. "\\"). ml_quote: Boolean flag to allow quoted strings to span lines. quot: Quotation patterns (e.g. "\\"" or "'"). sep: Field separator patterns (e.g. "[\\s,]"). term: Entry termination patterns (e.g. "\\n"). verbose: Enable verbose mode for the lexer. Useful for debugging. """ super(FieldParser, self).__init__() self.entries = [] self.fields = [] self.field = "" self.comments = AsIter(comments) self.cont = AsIter(cont) self.ml_quote = AsIter(ml_quote) self.quot = AsIter(quot) self.sep = AsIter(sep) self.term = AsIter(term) self.verbose = verbose self._GenStates() def Reset(self): super(FieldParser, self).Reset() self.entries = [] self.fields = [] self.field = "" def _GenStates(self): """Generate the lexer states.""" self.GenCommentState() self.GenFwdState() self.GenQuotedState() self.GenCatchallState() def _AddToken(self, state_regex, regex, actions, next_state): self._tokens.append(lexer.Token(state_regex, regex, actions, next_state)) def GenCommentState(self): if self.comments: self._AddToken("COMMENT", r"\n", "PushBack,PopState", None) self._AddToken("COMMENT", ".", None, None) def GenFwdState(self): """Generates forwarding state rules. The lexer will fast forward until there is string content. The string content will be returned to the string processor. """ for c in self.cont: self._AddToken("FWD", c, None, None) for s in self.sep: self._AddToken("FWD", s, None, None) self._AddToken("FWD", ".", "PushBack,PopState", None) def GenQuotedState(self): """Generate string matching state rules.""" for i, q in enumerate(self.quot): label = "%s_STRING" % i escaped = q.encode("string_escape") self._AddToken(label, escaped, "PopState", None) self._AddToken(label, q, "PopState", None) if self.ml_quote: self._AddToken(label, r"\n", None, None) else: self._AddToken(label, r"\n", "BadLine", None) self._AddToken(label, ".", "AddToField", None) def GenCatchallState(self): """Generate string matching state rules. This sets up initial state handlers that cover both the 'INITIAL' state and the intermediate content between fields. The lexer acts on items with precedence: - continuation characters: use the fast forward state rules. - field separators: finalize processing the field. - quotation characters: use the quotation state rules. """ for c in self.comments: self._AddToken(".", c, "PushState,EndField", "COMMENT") for c in self.cont: self._AddToken(".", c, "PushState", "FWD") for t in self.term: self._AddToken(".", t, "EndEntry", None) for s in self.sep: self._AddToken(".", s, "EndField", None) for i, q in enumerate(self.quot): self._AddToken(".", q, "PushState", "%s_STRING" % i) self._AddToken(".", ".", "AddToField", None) def EndEntry(self, **_): self.EndField() if self.fields: # Copy the fields into the processed entries. self.entries.append(self.fields[:]) self.fields = [] def AddToField(self, string="", **_): if string: self.field += string def EndField(self, **_): if self.field: self.fields.append(self.field[:]) self.field = "" def BadLine(self, **_): logging.debug("Skipped bad line in file at %s" % self.processed) self.field = "" def ParseEntries(self, data): # Flush any old results. self.Reset() self.Feed(utils.SmartStr(data)) self.Close() # In case there isn't a terminating field at the end of the feed, e.g. \n self.EndEntry() return self.entries class KeyValueParser(FieldParser): """A generalized KeyValue parser that splits entries into key/value pairs. Capabilities and parameters are identical to FieldParser, with one difference. The parser also accepts the parameter "kv_sep" Patterns specified in kv_sep are used to demarcate key/value processing. kv_sep defaults to "=" """ def __init__(self, comments=r"#", cont=r"\\\s*\n", kv_sep="=", ml_quote=False, quot=(r"\"", r"'"), sep=r"[ \t\f\v]+", term=r"[\r\n]", verbose=0): """A generalized key-value parser. Handles whitespace, csv etc. Args: comments: Line comment patterns (e.g. "#"). cont: Continuation patterns (e.g. "\\"). kv_sep: Key/Value separators (e.g. "=" or ":"). ml_quote: Boolean flag to allow quoted strings to span lines. quot: Quotation patterns (e.g. "\\"" or "'"). sep: Field separator patterns (e.g. "[\\s,]"). term: Entry termination patterns (e.g. "\\n"). verbose: Enable verbose mode for the lexer. Useful for debugging. """ self.kv_sep = AsIter(kv_sep) super(KeyValueParser, self).__init__(comments=comments, cont=cont, ml_quote=ml_quote, quot=quot, sep=sep, term=term, verbose=verbose) self.key_field = "" def _GenStates(self): self.GenCommentState() self.GenFwdState() self.GenQuotedState() self.GenMatchFirstState() self.GenInitialState() self.GenKeyState() self.GenValueState() self.GenCatchallState() def GenMatchFirstState(self): for i, q in enumerate(self.quot): self._AddToken(".", q, "PushState", "%s_STRING" % i) for c in self.cont: self._AddToken(".", c, "PushState", "FWD") def GenInitialState(self): for c in self.comments: self._AddToken("INITIAL", c, "PushState,EndField", "COMMENT") for t in self.term: self._AddToken("INITIAL", t, "EndField,EndEntry", None) for c in self.sep: self._AddToken("INITIAL", c, "PushState", "FWD") for k in self.kv_sep: self._AddToken("INITIAL", k, "BadLine", None) self._AddToken("INITIAL", ".", "PushState,PushBack", "KEY") def GenKeyState(self): for c in self.comments: self._AddToken("KEY", c, "EndKeyField,EndEntry,PopState,PushBack", "COMMENT") for t in self.term: self._AddToken("KEY", t, "EndKeyField,EndEntry,PopState", None) for k in self.kv_sep: self._AddToken("KEY", k, "EndKeyField", "VALUE") def GenValueState(self): for c in self.comments: self._AddToken("VALUE", c, "EndField,EndEntry,PopState,PushBack", "COMMENT") for t in self.term: self._AddToken("VALUE", t, "EndField,EndEntry,PopState", None) for s in self.sep: self._AddToken("VALUE", s, "EndField", None) def GenCatchallState(self): self._AddToken(".", ".", "AddToField", None) def EndKeyField(self, **_): self.key_field = self.field self.field = "" def EndEntry(self, **_): # Finalize processing for non-terminated entries. Key first, then fields. if self.field and not self.key_field: self.EndKeyField() else: self.EndField() # Set up the entry. key_field = self.key_field.strip() if key_field: self.entries.append({key_field: self.fields}) self.key_field = "" self.fields = [] def ParseToOrderedDict(self, data): result = collections.OrderedDict() for field in self.ParseEntries(data): result.update(field) return result class NfsExportsParser(parsers.FileParser, FieldParser): """Parser for NFS exports.""" output_types = ["NfsExport"] supported_artifacts = ["NfsExportsFile"] def Parse(self, unused_stat, file_obj, unused_knowledge_base): for entry in self.ParseEntries( if not entry: continue result = rdf_config_file.NfsExport() result.share = entry[0] for field in entry[1:]: if field.startswith(("-", "(")): result.defaults = field.strip("-()").split(",") else: client = rdf_config_file.NfsClient() cfg = field.split("(", 1) host = cfg[0] if len(cfg) > 1: options = cfg[1] else: options = None = host if options: client.options = options.strip("()").split(",") result.clients.append(client) yield result class SshdConfigParser(parsers.FileParser): """Parser for sshd_config files.""" output_types = ["SshdConfig"] supported_artifacts = ["SshdConfigFile", "SshdConfigCmd"] # Specify the values that are boolean or integer. Anything else is a string. _integers = ["clientalivecountmax", "magicudsport", "maxauthtries", "maxsessions", "port", "protocol", "serverkeybits", "x11displayoffset"] _booleans = ["allowagentforwarding", "challengeresponseauthentication", "gssapiauthentication", "gssapicleanupcredentials", "gssapikeyexchange", "gssapistorecredentialsonrekey", "gssapistrictacceptorcheck", "hostbasedauthentication", "ignorerhosts", "ignoreuserknownhosts", "kbdinteractiveauthentication", "kerberosauthentication", "passwordauthentication", "permitemptypasswords", "permitrootlogin", "permittunnel", "permituserenvironment", "pubkeyauthentication", "rhostsrsaauthentication", "rsaauthentication", "strictmodes", "uselogin", "usepam", "x11forwarding", "x11uselocalhost"] # Valid ways that parameters can repeat _repeated = {"acceptenv": r"[\n\s]+", "allowgroups": r"[\s]+", "allowusers": r"[\s]+", "authenticationmethods": r"[\s]+", "authorizedkeysfile": r"[\s]+", "ciphers": r"[,]+", "denygroups": r"[\s]+", "denyusers": r"[\s]+", "forcecommand": r"[\n]+", "hostkey": r"[\n]+", "kexalgorithms": r"[,]+", "listenaddress": r"[\n]+", "macs": r"[,]+", "permitopen": r"[\s]+", "port": r"[,\n]+", "protocol": r"[,]+", "subsystem": r"[\n]+"} _true = ["yes", "true", "1"] _match_keywords = [ "acceptenv", "allowagentforwarding", "allowgroups", "allowtcpforwarding", "allowusers", "authenticationmethods", "authorizedkeyscommand", "authorizedkeyscommanduser", "authorizedkeysfile", "authorizedprincipalsfile", "banner", "chrootdirectory", "denygroups", "denyusers", "forcecommand", "gatewayports", "gssapiauthentication", "hostbasedauthentication", "hostbasedusesnamefrompacketonly", "kbdinteractiveauthentication", "kerberosauthentication", "magicudspath", "magicudsport", "maxauthtries", "maxsessions", "passwordauthentication", "permitemptypasswords", "permitopen", "permitrootlogin", "permittemphomedir", "permittty", "permittunnel", "pubkeyauthentication", "rekeylimit", "rhostsrsaauthentication", "rsaauthentication", "temphomedirpath", "x11displayoffset", "x11forwarding", "x11uselocalhost"] def __init__(self): super(SshdConfigParser, self).__init__() self.Flush() def Flush(self): self.config = {} self.matches = [] self.section = self.config self.processor = self._ParseEntry def ParseLine(self, line): """Extracts keyword/value settings from the sshd config. The keyword is always the first string item. Values are the remainder of the string. In cases where an sshd config allows multiple values, these are split according to whatever separator(s) sshd_config permits for that value. Keywords and values are normalized. Keywords are converted to lowercase. Values are converted into integers, booleans or strings. Strings are always lowercased. Args: line: A line of the configuration file. """ kv = line.split(None, 1) keyword = kv[0].lower() # Safely set the argument string if it wasn't found. values = kv[1:] or [""] # Then split any parameters that are actually repeated items. separators = self._repeated.get(keyword) if separators: repeated = [] for v in values: repeated.extend(re.split(separators, v)) # Remove empty matches. values = [v for v in repeated if v] # Now convert the values to the right types. if keyword in self._integers: values = [int(v) for v in values] elif keyword in self._booleans: values = [v.lower() in self._true for v in values] else: values = [v.lower() for v in values] # Only repeated arguments should be treated as a list. if keyword not in self._repeated: values = values[0] # Switch sections for new match blocks. if keyword == "match": self._NewMatchSection(values) # Add the keyword/values to the section. self.processor(keyword, values) def _ParseEntry(self, key, val): """Adds an entry for a configuration setting. Args: key: The name of the setting. val: The value of the setting. """ if key in self._repeated: setting = self.section.setdefault(key, []) setting.extend(val) else: self.section.setdefault(key, val) def _ParseMatchGrp(self, key, val): """Adds valid match group parameters to the configuration.""" if key in self._match_keywords: self._ParseEntry(key, val) def _NewMatchSection(self, val): """Create a new configuration section for each match clause. Each match clause is added to the main config, and the criterion that will trigger the match is recorded, as is the configuration. Args: val: The value following the 'match' keyword. """ section = {"criterion": val, "config": {}} self.matches.append(section) # Now add configuration items to config section of the match block. self.section = section["config"] # Switch to a match-specific processor on a new match_block. self.processor = self._ParseMatchGrp def Parse(self, stat, file_object, knowledge_base): """Parse the sshd configuration. Process each of the lines in the configuration file. Assembes an sshd_config file into a dictionary with the configuration keyword as the key, and the configuration settings as value(s). Args: stat: unused file_object: An open configuration file object. knowledge_base: unused Yields: The configuration as an rdfvalue. """ _, _ = stat, knowledge_base # Clean out any residual state. self.Flush() # for line in file_object: lines = [l.strip() for l in] for line in lines: # Remove comments (will break if it includes a quoted/escaped #) line = line.split("#")[0].strip() if line: self.ParseLine(line) matches = [] for match in self.matches: criterion, config = match["criterion"], match["config"] block = rdf_config_file.SshdMatchBlock(criterion=criterion, config=config) matches.append(block) yield rdf_config_file.SshdConfig(config=self.config, matches=matches) class MtabParser(parsers.FileParser, FieldParser): """Parser for mounted filesystem data acquired from /proc/mounts.""" output_types = ["Filesystem"] supported_artifacts = ["LinuxProcMounts", "LinuxFstab"] def Parse(self, unused_stat, file_obj, unused_knowledge_base): for entry in self.ParseEntries( if not entry: continue result = rdf_client.Filesystem() result.device = entry[0].decode("string_escape") result.mount_point = entry[1].decode("string_escape") result.type = entry[2].decode("string_escape") options = KeyValueParser(term=",").ParseToOrderedDict(entry[3]) # Keys without values get assigned [] by default. Because these keys are # actually true, if declared, change any [] values to True. for k, v in options.iteritems(): options[k] = v or [True] result.options = rdf_protodict.AttributedDict(**options) yield result class MountCmdParser(parsers.CommandParser, FieldParser): """Parser for mounted filesystem data acquired from the mount command.""" output_types = ["Filesystem"] supported_artifacts = ["LinuxMountCmd"] mount_re = re.compile(r"(.*) on (.*) type (.*) \((.*)\)") def Parse(self, cmd, args, stdout, stderr, return_val, time_taken, knowledge_base): """Parse the mount command output.""" _ = stderr, time_taken, args, knowledge_base # Unused. self.CheckReturn(cmd, return_val) result = rdf_protodict.AttributedDict() for entry in self.ParseEntries(stdout): line_str = " ".join(entry) mount_rslt = self.mount_re.match(line_str) if mount_rslt: device, mount_point, fs_type, option_str = mount_rslt.groups() result = rdf_client.Filesystem() result.device = device result.mount_point = mount_point result.type = fs_type # Parse these options as a dict as some items may be key/values. # KeyValue parser uses OrderedDict as the native parser method. Use it. options = KeyValueParser(term=",").ParseToOrderedDict(option_str) # Keys without values get assigned [] by default. Because these keys are # actually true, if declared, change any [] values to True. for k, v in options.iteritems(): options[k] = v or [True] result.options = rdf_protodict.AttributedDict(**options) yield result class RsyslogParser(parsers.FileParser, FieldParser): """Parser for syslog configurations.""" output_types = ["AttributedDict"] supported_artifacts = ["LinuxRsyslogConfigs"] process_together = True log_rule_re = re.compile(r"([\w,\*]+)\.([\w,!=\*]+)") destinations = collections.OrderedDict([ ("TCP", re.compile(r"(?:@@)([^;]*)")), ("UDP", re.compile(r"(?:@)([^;]*)")), ("PIPE", re.compile(r"(?:\|)([^;]*)")), ("NONE", re.compile(r"(?:~)([^;]*)")), ("SCRIPT", re.compile(r"(?:\^)([^;]*)")), ("MODULE", re.compile(r"(?::om\w:)([^;]*)")), ("FILE", re.compile(r"-?(/[^;]*)")), ("WALL", re.compile(r"(\*)"))]) def _ParseAction(self, action): """Extract log configuration data from rsyslog actions. Actions have the format: <facility>/<severity> <type_def><destination>;<template> e.g. *.*;RSYSLOG_ForwardFormat Actions are selected by a type definition. These include: "@@": TCP syslog "@": UDP syslog "|": Named pipe "~": Drop to /dev/null "^": Shell script ":om<string>:": An output module Or a file path. Args: action: The action string from rsyslog. Returns: a rdfvalue.LogTarget message. """ rslt = rdf_config_file.LogTarget() for dst_str, dst_re in self.destinations.iteritems(): dst = dst_re.match(action) if dst: rslt.transport = dst_str rslt.destination = break return rslt def ParseMultiple(self, unused_stats, file_objs, unused_knowledge_base): # TODO(user): review quoting and line continuation. result = rdf_config_file.LogConfig() for file_obj in file_objs: for entry in self.ParseEntries( directive = entry[0] log_rule = self.log_rule_re.match(directive) if log_rule and entry[1:]: target = self._ParseAction(entry[1]) target.facility, target.priority = log_rule.groups() result.targets.append(target) return [result] class PackageSourceParser(parsers.FileParser): """Common code for APT and YUM source list parsing.""" output_types = ["AttributedDict"] # Prevents this from automatically registering. __abstract = True # pylint: disable=g-bad-name def Parse(self, stat, file_obj, unused_knowledge_base): uris_to_parse = self.FindPotentialURIs(file_obj) uris = [] for url_to_parse in uris_to_parse: url = rdf_standard.URI() url.ParseFromString(url_to_parse) # if no transport then url_to_parse wasn't actually a valid URL # either host or path also have to exist for this to be a valid URL if url.transport and ( or url.path): uris.append(url) filename = stat.pathspec.path cfg = {"filename": filename, "uris": uris} yield rdf_protodict.AttributedDict(**cfg) def FindPotentialURIs(self, file_obj): """Stub Method to be overriden by APT and Yum source parsers.""" raise NotImplementedError("Please implement FindPotentialURIs.") def ParseURIFromKeyValues(self, data, separator, uri_key): """Parse key/value formatted source listing and return potential URLs. The fundamental shape of this format is as follows: key: value # here : = separator key : value URI: [URL] # here URI = uri_key [URL] # this is where it becomes trickey because [URL] [URL] # can contain 'separator' specially if separator is : key: value The key uri_key is of interest to us and since the next line in the config could contain another [URL], we need to keep track of context when we hit uri_key to be able to check if the next line(s) have more [URL]. Args: data: unprocessed lines from a file separator: how the key/value pairs are seperated uri_key: starting name of the key containing URI. Returns: A list of potential URLs found in data """ kv_entries = KeyValueParser(kv_sep=separator).ParseEntries(data) spaced_entries = FieldParser().ParseEntries(data) uris = [] check_uri_on_next_line = False for kv_entry, sp_entry in zip(kv_entries, spaced_entries): for k, v in kv_entry.iteritems(): # This line could be a URL if a) from key:value, value is empty OR # b) if separator is : and first character of v starts with /. if (check_uri_on_next_line and (not v or (separator == ":" and v and v[0].startswith("/")))): uris.append(sp_entry[0]) else: check_uri_on_next_line = False if k.lower().startswith(uri_key) and v: check_uri_on_next_line = True uris.append(v[0]) # v is a list return uris class APTPackageSourceParser(PackageSourceParser): """Parser for APT source lists to extract URIs only.""" supported_artifacts = ["APTSources"] def FindPotentialURIs(self, file_obj): """Given a file, this will return all potenial APT source URIs.""" rfc822_format = "" # will contain all lines not in legacy format uris_to_parse = [] for line in # check if legacy style line - if it is then extract URL m ="^\s*deb(?:-\S+)?(?:\s+\[[^\]]*\])*\s+(\S+)(?:\s|$)", line) if m: uris_to_parse.append( else: rfc822_format += line uris_to_parse.extend(self.ParseURIFromKeyValues(rfc822_format, ":", "uri")) return uris_to_parse class YumPackageSourceParser(PackageSourceParser): """Parser for Yum source lists to extract URIs only.""" supported_artifacts = ["YumSources"] def FindPotentialURIs(self, file_obj): """Given a file, this will return all potenial Yum source URIs.""" return self.ParseURIFromKeyValues(, "=", "baseurl") class CronAtAllowDenyParser(parsers.FileParser): """Parser for /etc/cron.allow /etc/cron.deny /etc/at.allow & /etc/at.deny.""" output_types = ["AttributedDict"] supported_artifacts = ["CronAtAllowDenyFiles"] def Parse(self, stat, file_obj, unused_knowledge_base): lines = set([l.strip() for l in]) users = [] bad_lines = [] for line in lines: if " " in line: # behaviour of At/Cron is undefined for lines bad_lines.append(line) # with whitespace separated fields/usernames elif line: # drop empty lines users.append(line) filename = stat.pathspec.path cfg = {"filename": filename, "users": users} yield rdf_protodict.AttributedDict(**cfg) if bad_lines: yield rdf_anomaly.Anomaly(type="PARSER_ANOMALY", symptom="Dodgy entries in %s." % (filename), reference_pathspec=stat.pathspec, finding=bad_lines) class NtpdParser(parsers.FileParser, FieldParser): """Parser for ntpd.conf file.""" output_types = ["NtpConfig"] supported_artifacts = ["NtpConfFile"] process_together = True # The syntax is based on: # # keywords with integer args. _integers = set(["ttl", "hop"]) # keywords with floating point args. _floats = set(["broadcastdelay", "calldelay"]) # keywords that have repeating args. _repeated = set(["ttl", "hop"]) # keywords that set an option state, but can be "repeated" as well. _boolean = set(["enable", "disable"]) # keywords that are keyed to their first argument, an address. _address_based = set([ "trap", "fudge", "server", "restrict", "peer", "broadcast", "manycastclient"]) # keywords that append/augment the config. _accumulators = set(["includefile", "setvar"]) # keywords that can appear multiple times, accumulating data each time. _duplicates = _address_based | _boolean | _accumulators # All the expected keywords. _match_keywords = _integers | _floats | _repeated | _duplicates | set([ "autokey", "revoke", "multicastclient", "driftfile", "broadcastclient", "manycastserver", "includefile", "interface", "disable", "includefile", "discard", "logconfig", "logfile", "tos", "tinker", "keys", "keysdir", "requestkey", "trustedkey", "crypto", "control", "statsdir", "filegen"]) _defaults = {"auth": True, "bclient": False, "calibrate": False, "kernel": False, "monitor": True, "ntp": True, "pps": False, "stats": False} def ParseLine(self, entries): """Extracts keyword/value settings from the ntpd config. The keyword is always the first entry item. Values are the remainder of the entries. In cases where an ntpd config allows multiple values, these are split according to whitespace or duplicate entries. Keywords and values are normalized. Keywords are converted to lowercase. Values are converted into integers, floats or strings. Strings are always lowercased. Args: entries: A list of items making up a single line of a ntp.conf file. """ # If no entries were found, short circuit. if not entries: return keyword = entries[0].lower() # Set the argument string if it wasn't found. values = entries[1:] or [""] # Convert any types we need too. if keyword in self._integers: values = [int(v) for v in values] if keyword in self._floats: values = [float(v) for v in values] if keyword not in self._repeated | self._duplicates: # We have a plain and simple single key/value config line. if isinstance(values[0], basestring): self.config[keyword] = " ".join(values) else: self.config[keyword] = values elif keyword in self._repeated: # The keyword can have multiple single-word options, so add them as a list # and overwrite previous settings. self.config[keyword] = values elif keyword in self._duplicates: if keyword in self._address_based: # If we have an address keyed keyword, join the keyword and address # together to make the complete key for this data. address = values[0].lower() values = values[1:] or [""] # Add/overwrite the address in this 'keyed' keywords dictionary. existing_keyword_config = self.keyed.setdefault(keyword, []) # Create a dict which stores the server name and the options. # Flatten the remaining options into a single string. existing_keyword_config.append({"address": address, "options": " ".join(values)}) # Are we toggling an option? elif keyword in self._boolean: for option in values: if keyword == "enable": self.config[option] = True else: # As there are only two items in this set, we can assume disable. self.config[option] = False else: # We have a non-keyed & non-boolean keyword, so add to the collected # data so far. Order matters technically. prev_settings = self.config.setdefault(keyword, []) prev_settings.append(" ".join(values)) def Parse(self, stat, file_object, knowledge_base): """Parse a ntp config into rdf.""" _, _ = stat, knowledge_base # Clean out any residual state. self.config = self._defaults.copy() self.keyed = {} # ntp.conf has no line continuation. Override the default 'cont' values # then parse up the lines. self.cont = "" for line in self.ParseEntries( self.ParseLine(line) yield rdf_config_file.NtpConfig( config=self.config, server=self.keyed.get("server"), restrict=self.keyed.get("restrict"), fudge=self.keyed.get("fudge"), trap=self.keyed.get("trap"), peer=self.keyed.get("peer"), broadcast=self.keyed.get("broadcast"), manycastclient=self.keyed.get("manycastclient")) def ParseMultiple(self, stats, file_objects, knowledge_base): for s, f in zip(stats, file_objects): for rslt in self.Parse(s, f, knowledge_base): yield rslt
# Copyright 2018 Google. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """COCO-style evaluation metrics. Forked from reference model implementation. COCO API: """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import atexit import tempfile from absl import flags import numpy as np from pycocotools.coco import COCO from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval import six import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf import mlperf import ssd_constants FLAGS = flags.FLAGS # if six.PY3: import pycocotools.coco pycocotools.coco.unicode = str def async_eval_runner(queue_predictions, queue_results, val_json_file): """Load intermediate eval results and get COCO metrics.""" while True: message = queue_predictions.get() if message == 'STOP': # poison pill break step, predictions = message results = compute_map(predictions, val_json_file) queue_results.put((step, results)) def compute_map(predictions, val_json_file): """Use model predictions to compute mAP. Args: predictions: a list of tuples returned by decoded_predictions function, each containing the following elements: image source_id, box coordinates in XYWH order, probability score, label val_json_file: path to COCO annotation file Returns: A dictionary that maps all COCO metrics (keys) to their values """ if val_json_file.startswith("gs://"): _, local_val_json = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".json") tf.gfile.Remove(local_val_json) tf.gfile.Copy(val_json_file, local_val_json) atexit.register(tf.gfile.Remove, local_val_json) else: local_val_json = val_json_file cocoGt = COCO(local_val_json) cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes(np.array(predictions)) E = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox') E.evaluate() E.accumulate() E.summarize() print("Current AP: {:.5f}".format(E.stats[0])) metric_names = ['AP', 'AP50', 'AP75', 'APs', 'APm', 'APl', 'ARmax1', 'ARmax10', 'ARmax100', 'ARs', 'ARm', 'ARl'] # Prefix with "COCO" to group in TensorBoard. return {"COCO/" + key: value for key, value in zip(metric_names, E.stats)} def calc_iou(target, candidates): target_tiled = np.tile(target[np.newaxis, :], (candidates.shape[0], 1)) # Left Top & Right Bottom lt = np.maximum(target_tiled[:,:2], candidates[:,:2]) rb = np.minimum(target_tiled[:,2:], candidates[:,2:]) delta = np.maximum(rb - lt, 0) intersect = delta[:,0] * delta[:,1] delta1 = target_tiled[:,2:] - candidates[:,:2] area1 = delta1[:,0] * delta1[:,1] delta2 = target_tiled[:,2:] - candidates[:,:2] area2 = delta2[:,0] * delta2[:,1] iou = intersect/(area1 + area2 - intersect) return iou # TODO(haoyuzhang): Rewrite this NumPy based implementation to TensorFlow based # implementation under accuracy_function. def decode_predictions(labels_and_predictions): """Decode predictions and remove unused boxes and labels.""" predictions = [] for example in labels_and_predictions: source_id = int(example[ssd_constants.SOURCE_ID]) pred_box = example[ssd_constants.PRED_BOXES] pred_scores = example[ssd_constants.PRED_SCORES] locs, labels, probs = decode_single( pred_box, pred_scores, ssd_constants.OVERLAP_CRITERIA, ssd_constants.MAX_NUM_EVAL_BOXES, ssd_constants.MAX_NUM_EVAL_BOXES) raw_height, raw_width, _ = example[ssd_constants.RAW_SHAPE] for loc, label, prob in zip(locs, labels, probs): # Ordering convention differs, hence [1], [0] rather than [0], [1] x, y = loc[1] * raw_width, loc[0] * raw_height w, h = (loc[3] - loc[1]) * raw_width, (loc[2] - loc[0]) * raw_height predictions.append( [source_id, x, y, w, h, prob, ssd_constants.CLASS_INV_MAP[label]]) mlperf.logger.log(key=mlperf.tags.NMS_THRESHOLD, value=ssd_constants.OVERLAP_CRITERIA) mlperf.logger.log(key=mlperf.tags.NMS_MAX_DETECTIONS, value=ssd_constants.MAX_NUM_EVAL_BOXES) return predictions def decode_single(bboxes_in, scores_in, criteria, max_output, max_num=200): # Reference to bboxes_out = [] scores_out = [] labels_out = [] for i, score in enumerate(np.split(scores_in, scores_in.shape[1], 1)): score = np.squeeze(score, 1) # skip background if i == 0: continue mask = score > ssd_constants.MIN_SCORE if not np.any(mask): continue bboxes, score = bboxes_in[mask, :], score[mask] score_idx_sorted = np.argsort(score) score_sorted = score[score_idx_sorted] score_idx_sorted = score_idx_sorted[-max_num:] candidates = [] # perform non-maximum suppression while len(score_idx_sorted): idx = score_idx_sorted[-1] bboxes_sorted = bboxes[score_idx_sorted, :] bboxes_idx = bboxes[idx, :] iou = calc_iou(bboxes_idx, bboxes_sorted) score_idx_sorted = score_idx_sorted[iou < criteria] candidates.append(idx) bboxes_out.append(bboxes[candidates, :]) scores_out.append(score[candidates]) labels_out.extend([i]*len(candidates)) if len(scores_out) == 0:"No objects detected. Returning dummy values.") return ( np.zeros(shape=(1, 4), dtype=np.float32), np.zeros(shape=(1,), dtype=np.int32), np.ones(shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32) * ssd_constants.DUMMY_SCORE, ) bboxes_out = np.concatenate(bboxes_out, axis=0) scores_out = np.concatenate(scores_out, axis=0) labels_out = np.array(labels_out) max_ids = np.argsort(scores_out)[-max_output:] return bboxes_out[max_ids, :], labels_out[max_ids], scores_out[max_ids]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """uses po2.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from collections import defaultdict import tensorflow.keras.backend as K from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation from tensorflow.keras.layers import Flatten from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input from tensorflow.keras.layers import * from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical from qkeras import * from qkeras.utils import model_save_quantized_weights import numpy as np import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf np.random.seed(42) NB_EPOCH = 100 BATCH_SIZE = 64 VERBOSE = 1 NB_CLASSES = 10 OPTIMIZER = Adam(lr=0.0001, decay=0.000025) VALIDATION_SPLIT = 0.1 train = 1 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() RESHAPED = 784 x_train = x_train.astype("float32") x_test = x_test.astype("float32") x_train = x_train[..., np.newaxis] x_test = x_test[..., np.newaxis] x_train /= 256.0 x_test /= 256.0 print(x_train.shape[0], "train samples") print(x_test.shape[0], "test samples") print(y_train[0:10]) y_train = to_categorical(y_train, NB_CLASSES) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, NB_CLASSES) x = x_in = Input( x_train.shape[1:-1] + (1,)) x = QConv2D( 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2D( 16, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2D( 8, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2DTranspose( 8, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2DTranspose( 16, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2DTranspose( 32, kernel_size=(3, 3), kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x = QActivation("quantized_relu(4,0)")(x) x = QConv2D( 1, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding="same", kernel_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1), bias_quantizer=quantized_bits(4,0,1))(x) x_out = x x = Activation("sigmoid")(x) model = Model(inputs=[x_in], outputs=[x]) mo = Model(inputs=[x_in], outputs=[x_out]) model.summary() model.compile( loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer=OPTIMIZER, metrics=["accuracy"]) if train: history = x_train, x_train, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=NB_EPOCH, initial_epoch=1, verbose=VERBOSE, validation_split=VALIDATION_SPLIT) # Generate reconstructions num_reco = 8 samples = x_test[:num_reco] targets = y_test[:num_reco] reconstructions = model.predict(samples) for layer in model.layers: for w, weight in enumerate(layer.get_weights()): print(, w, weight.shape) print_qstats(model)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Robust Scaling on Toy Data ========================================================= Making sure that each Feature has approximately the same scale can be a crucial preprocessing step. However, when data contains outliers, :class:`StandardScaler <sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler>` can often be mislead. In such cases, it is better to use a scaler that is robust against outliers. Here, we demonstrate this on a toy dataset, where one single datapoint is a large outlier. """ from __future__ import print_function print(__doc__) # Code source: Thomas Unterthiner # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, RobustScaler # Create training and test data np.random.seed(42) n_datapoints = 100 Cov = [[0.9, 0.0], [0.0, 20.0]] mu1 = [100.0, -3.0] mu2 = [101.0, -3.0] X1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu1, cov=Cov, size=n_datapoints) X2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu2, cov=Cov, size=n_datapoints) Y_train = np.hstack([[-1]*n_datapoints, [1]*n_datapoints]) X_train = np.vstack([X1, X2]) X1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu1, cov=Cov, size=n_datapoints) X2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu2, cov=Cov, size=n_datapoints) Y_test = np.hstack([[-1]*n_datapoints, [1]*n_datapoints]) X_test = np.vstack([X1, X2]) X_train[0, 0] = -1000 # a fairly large outlier # Scale data standard_scaler = StandardScaler() Xtr_s = standard_scaler.fit_transform(X_train) Xte_s = standard_scaler.transform(X_test) robust_scaler = RobustScaler() Xtr_r = robust_scaler.fit_transform(X_train) Xte_r = robust_scaler.fit_transform(X_test) # Plot data fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4)) ax[0].scatter(X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], color=np.where(Y_train > 0, 'r', 'b')) ax[1].scatter(Xtr_s[:, 0], Xtr_s[:, 1], color=np.where(Y_train > 0, 'r', 'b')) ax[2].scatter(Xtr_r[:, 0], Xtr_r[:, 1], color=np.where(Y_train > 0, 'r', 'b')) ax[0].set_title("Unscaled data") ax[1].set_title("After standard scaling (zoomed in)") ax[2].set_title("After robust scaling (zoomed in)") # for the scaled data, we zoom in to the data center (outlier can't be seen!) for a in ax[1:]: a.set_xlim(-3, 3) a.set_ylim(-3, 3) plt.tight_layout() # Classify using k-NN from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier knn = KNeighborsClassifier(), Y_train) acc_s = knn.score(Xte_s, Y_test) print("Testset accuracy using standard scaler: %.3f" % acc_s), Y_train) acc_r = knn.score(Xte_r, Y_test) print("Testset accuracy using robust scaler: %.3f" % acc_r)
# Author: Hamzeh Alsalhi <> # # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import operator import array from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from sklearn.utils.fixes import astype from ._random import sample_without_replacement __all__ = ['sample_without_replacement', 'choice'] # This is a backport of np.random.choice from numpy 1.7 # The function can be removed when we bump the requirements to >=1.7 def choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None, random_state=None): """ choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None) Generates a random sample from a given 1-D array .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 Parameters ----------- a : 1-D array-like or int If an ndarray, a random sample is generated from its elements. If an int, the random sample is generated as if a was np.arange(n) size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned. replace : boolean, optional Whether the sample is with or without replacement. p : 1-D array-like, optional The probabilities associated with each entry in a. If not given the sample assumes a uniform distribtion over all entries in a. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Returns -------- samples : 1-D ndarray, shape (size,) The generated random samples Raises ------- ValueError If a is an int and less than zero, if a or p are not 1-dimensional, if a is an array-like of size 0, if p is not a vector of probabilities, if a and p have different lengths, or if replace=False and the sample size is greater than the population size See Also --------- randint, shuffle, permutation Examples --------- Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3) # doctest: +SKIP array([0, 3, 4]) >>> #This is equivalent to np.random.randint(0,5,3) Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0]) # doctest: +SKIP array([3, 3, 0]) Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False) # doctest: +SKIP array([3,1,0]) >>> #This is equivalent to np.random.shuffle(np.arange(5))[:3] Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement: >>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0]) ... # doctest: +SKIP array([2, 3, 0]) Any of the above can be repeated with an arbitrary array-like instead of just integers. For instance: >>> aa_milne_arr = ['pooh', 'rabbit', 'piglet', 'Christopher'] >>> np.random.choice(aa_milne_arr, 5, p=[0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3]) ... # doctest: +SKIP array(['pooh', 'pooh', 'pooh', 'Christopher', 'piglet'], dtype='|S11') """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) # Format and Verify input a = np.array(a, copy=False) if a.ndim == 0: try: # __index__ must return an integer by python rules. pop_size = operator.index(a.item()) except TypeError: raise ValueError("a must be 1-dimensional or an integer") if pop_size <= 0: raise ValueError("a must be greater than 0") elif a.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("a must be 1-dimensional") else: pop_size = a.shape[0] if pop_size is 0: raise ValueError("a must be non-empty") if None != p: p = np.array(p, dtype=np.double, ndmin=1, copy=False) if p.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("p must be 1-dimensional") if p.size != pop_size: raise ValueError("a and p must have same size") if np.any(p < 0): raise ValueError("probabilities are not non-negative") if not np.allclose(p.sum(), 1): raise ValueError("probabilities do not sum to 1") shape = size if shape is not None: size =, dtype=np.intp) else: size = 1 # Actual sampling if replace: if None != p: cdf = p.cumsum() cdf /= cdf[-1] uniform_samples = random_state.random_sample(shape) idx = cdf.searchsorted(uniform_samples, side='right') # searchsorted returns a scalar idx = np.array(idx, copy=False) else: idx = random_state.randint(0, pop_size, size=shape) else: if size > pop_size: raise ValueError("Cannot take a larger sample than " "population when 'replace=False'") if None != p: if np.sum(p > 0) < size: raise ValueError("Fewer non-zero entries in p than size") n_uniq = 0 p = p.copy() found = np.zeros(shape, flat_found = found.ravel() while n_uniq < size: x = random_state.rand(size - n_uniq) if n_uniq > 0: p[flat_found[0:n_uniq]] = 0 cdf = np.cumsum(p) cdf /= cdf[-1] new = cdf.searchsorted(x, side='right') _, unique_indices = np.unique(new, return_index=True) unique_indices.sort() new = new.take(unique_indices) flat_found[n_uniq:n_uniq + new.size] = new n_uniq += new.size idx = found else: idx = random_state.permutation(pop_size)[:size] if shape is not None: idx.shape = shape if shape is None and isinstance(idx, np.ndarray): # In most cases a scalar will have been made an array idx = idx.item(0) # Use samples as indices for a if a is array-like if a.ndim == 0: return idx if shape is not None and idx.ndim == 0: # If size == () then the user requested a 0-d array as opposed to # a scalar object when size is None. However a[idx] is always a # scalar and not an array. So this makes sure the result is an # array, taking into account that np.array(item) may not work # for object arrays. res = np.empty((), dtype=a.dtype) res[()] = a[idx] return res return a[idx] def random_choice_csc(n_samples, classes, class_probability=None, random_state=None): """Generate a sparse random matrix given column class distributions Parameters ---------- n_samples : int, Number of samples to draw in each column. classes : list of size n_outputs of arrays of size (n_classes,) List of classes for each column. class_probability : list of size n_outputs of arrays of size (n_classes,) Optional (default=None). Class distribution of each column. If None the uniform distribution is assumed. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. Returns ------- random_matrix : sparse csc matrix of size (n_samples, n_outputs) """ data = array.array('i') indices = array.array('i') indptr = array.array('i', [0]) for j in range(len(classes)): classes[j] = np.asarray(classes[j]) if classes[j].dtype.kind != 'i': raise ValueError("class dtype %s is not supported" % classes[j].dtype) classes[j] = astype(classes[j], np.int64, copy=False) # use uniform distribution if no class_probability is given if class_probability is None: class_prob_j = np.empty(shape=classes[j].shape[0]) class_prob_j.fill(1 / classes[j].shape[0]) else: class_prob_j = np.asarray(class_probability[j]) if np.sum(class_prob_j) != 1.0: raise ValueError("Probability array at index {0} does not sum to " "one".format(j)) if class_prob_j.shape[0] != classes[j].shape[0]: raise ValueError("classes[{0}] (length {1}) and " "class_probability[{0}] (length {2}) have " "different length.".format(j, classes[j].shape[0], class_prob_j.shape[0])) # If 0 is not present in the classes insert it with a probability 0.0 if 0 not in classes[j]: classes[j] = np.insert(classes[j], 0, 0) class_prob_j = np.insert(class_prob_j, 0, 0.0) # If there are nonzero classes choose randomly using class_probability rng = check_random_state(random_state) if classes[j].shape[0] > 1: p_nonzero = 1 - class_prob_j[classes[j] == 0] nnz = int(n_samples * p_nonzero) ind_sample = sample_without_replacement(n_population=n_samples, n_samples=nnz, random_state=random_state) indices.extend(ind_sample) # Normalize probabilites for the nonzero elements classes_j_nonzero = classes[j] != 0 class_probability_nz = class_prob_j[classes_j_nonzero] class_probability_nz_norm = (class_probability_nz / np.sum(class_probability_nz)) classes_ind = np.searchsorted(class_probability_nz_norm.cumsum(), rng.rand(nnz)) data.extend(classes[j][classes_j_nonzero][classes_ind]) indptr.append(len(indices)) return sp.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), (n_samples, len(classes)), dtype=int)
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from functools import lru_cache import numpy as np import torch from import data_utils, Dictionary from . import BaseWrapperDataset, LRUCacheDataset class MaskTokensDataset(BaseWrapperDataset): """ A wrapper Dataset for masked language modeling. Input items are masked according to the specified masking probability. Args: dataset: Dataset to wrap. sizes: Sentence lengths vocab: Dictionary with the vocabulary and special tokens. pad_idx: Id of pad token in vocab mask_idx: Id of mask token in vocab return_masked_tokens: controls whether to return the non-masked tokens (the default) or to return a tensor with the original masked token IDs (and *pad_idx* elsewhere). The latter is useful as targets for masked LM training. seed: Seed for random number generator for reproducibility. mask_prob: probability of replacing a token with *mask_idx*. leave_unmasked_prob: probability that a masked token is unmasked. random_token_prob: probability of replacing a masked token with a random token from the vocabulary. freq_weighted_replacement: sample random replacement words based on word frequencies in the vocab. mask_whole_words: only mask whole words. This should be a byte mask over vocab indices, indicating whether it is the beginning of a word. We will extend any mask to encompass the whole word. bpe: BPE to use for whole-word masking. """ @classmethod def apply_mask(cls, dataset:, *args, **kwargs): """Return the source and target datasets for masked LM training.""" dataset = LRUCacheDataset(dataset) return ( LRUCacheDataset(cls(dataset, *args, **kwargs, return_masked_tokens=False)), LRUCacheDataset(cls(dataset, *args, **kwargs, return_masked_tokens=True)), ) def __init__( self, dataset:, vocab: Dictionary, pad_idx: int, mask_idx: int, return_masked_tokens: bool = False, seed: int = 1, mask_prob: float = 0.15, leave_unmasked_prob: float = 0.1, random_token_prob: float = 0.1, freq_weighted_replacement: bool = False, mask_whole_words: torch.Tensor = None, ): assert 0.0 < mask_prob < 1.0 assert 0.0 <= random_token_prob <= 1.0 assert 0.0 <= leave_unmasked_prob <= 1.0 assert random_token_prob + leave_unmasked_prob <= 1.0 self.dataset = dataset self.vocab = vocab self.pad_idx = pad_idx self.mask_idx = mask_idx self.return_masked_tokens = return_masked_tokens self.seed = seed self.mask_prob = mask_prob self.leave_unmasked_prob = leave_unmasked_prob self.random_token_prob = random_token_prob self.mask_whole_words = mask_whole_words if random_token_prob > 0.0: if freq_weighted_replacement: weights = np.array(self.vocab.count) else: weights = np.ones(len(self.vocab)) weights[:self.vocab.nspecial] = 0 self.weights = weights / weights.sum() self.epoch = 0 def set_epoch(self, epoch, **unused): super().set_epoch(epoch) self.epoch = epoch @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def __getitem__(self, index: int): with data_utils.numpy_seed(self.seed, self.epoch, index): item = self.dataset[index] sz = len(item) assert self.mask_idx not in item, \ 'Dataset contains mask_idx (={}), this is not expected!'.format( self.mask_idx, ) if self.mask_whole_words is not None: word_begins_mask = self.mask_whole_words.gather(0, item) word_begins_idx = word_begins_mask.nonzero().view(-1) sz = len(word_begins_idx) words = np.split(word_begins_mask, word_begins_idx)[1:] assert len(words) == sz word_lens = list(map(len, words)) # decide elements to mask mask = np.full(sz, False) num_mask = int( # add a random number for probabilistic rounding self.mask_prob * sz + np.random.rand() ) mask[np.random.choice(sz, num_mask, replace=False)] = True if self.return_masked_tokens: # exit early if we're just returning the masked tokens # (i.e., the targets for masked LM training) if self.mask_whole_words is not None: mask = np.repeat(mask, word_lens) new_item = np.full(len(mask), self.pad_idx) new_item[mask] = item[torch.from_numpy(mask.astype(np.uint8)) == 1] return torch.from_numpy(new_item) # decide unmasking and random replacement rand_or_unmask_prob = self.random_token_prob + self.leave_unmasked_prob if rand_or_unmask_prob > 0.0: rand_or_unmask = mask & (np.random.rand(sz) < rand_or_unmask_prob) if self.random_token_prob == 0.0: unmask = rand_or_unmask rand_mask = None elif self.leave_unmasked_prob == 0.0: unmask = None rand_mask = rand_or_unmask else: unmask_prob = self.leave_unmasked_prob / rand_or_unmask_prob decision = np.random.rand(sz) < unmask_prob unmask = rand_or_unmask & decision rand_mask = rand_or_unmask & (~decision) else: unmask = rand_mask = None if unmask is not None: mask = mask ^ unmask if self.mask_whole_words is not None: mask = np.repeat(mask, word_lens) new_item = np.copy(item) new_item[mask] = self.mask_idx if rand_mask is not None: num_rand = rand_mask.sum() if num_rand > 0: if self.mask_whole_words is not None: rand_mask = np.repeat(rand_mask, word_lens) num_rand = rand_mask.sum() new_item[rand_mask] = np.random.choice( len(self.vocab), num_rand, p=self.weights, ) return torch.from_numpy(new_item)
from sklearn.externals import six from sklearn.tree import _tree import numpy as np def node_to_str(cls, tree, node_id, criterion, depth, kind, coef): if not isinstance(criterion, six.string_types): criterion = "impurity" value = tree.value[node_id] if tree.n_outputs == 1: value = value[0, :] cType = 1 IVar = 0 cut = 0.0 if tree.children_left[node_id] == _tree.TREE_LEAF: IVar = -1 #print "Node", depth*" ", kind, value[0] return '<Node pos="{0}" depth="{1}" NCoef="0" \ IVar="{2}" Cut="{3:.16E}" cType="1" \ res="{4:.16E}" rms="0.0e-00" \ purity="{5}" nType="-99">'.format( kind, depth, IVar, 0.0, value[0] / cls.n_estimators * coef, tree.impurity[node_id] ) else: IVar = tree.feature[node_id] #print "Node", depth*" ", kind, IVar, tree.threshold[node_id], value[0] return '<Node pos="{0}" depth="{1}" NCoef="0" \ IVar="{2}" Cut="{3:.16E}" cType="1" \ res="{4:.16E}" rms="0.0" \ purity="{5}" nType="0">'.format( kind, depth, IVar, tree.threshold[node_id], value[0] / cls.n_estimators * coef, tree.impurity[node_id] ) def recurse(cls, outfile, t, coef, node_id=0, criterion="impurity", depth=0, kind="s"): outfile.write(depth*" "+node_to_str(cls, t, node_id, criterion, depth, kind, coef) + '\n') left_child = t.children_left[node_id] right_child = t.children_right[node_id] if depth == 10: return if left_child != _tree.TREE_LEAF: recurse(cls, outfile, t, coef, left_child, criterion, depth+1, kind="l") if right_child != _tree.TREE_LEAF: recurse(cls, outfile, t, coef, right_child, criterion, depth+1, kind="r") #if left_child == _tree.TREE_LEAF or right_child == _tree.TREE_LEAF: outfile.write(depth*" "+"</Node>\n") from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingRegressor def gbr_to_tmva(cls, data, outfile_name, **kwargs): # if not isinstance(cls, GradientBoostingRegressor): # raise ValueError("Can only export GradientBoostingRegressor") # if cls.loss != "huber": # raise ValueError("TMVA assumes loss=huber") #if cls.n_classes_ != 1: # raise ValueError("Currently only two-class classification supported. (regression between 0 and 1).") mva_name = kwargs.get("mva_name", "bdt") coef = kwargs.get("coef", 10) feature_names = data.columns.values features_min = [data[fn].min() for fn in feature_names] features_max = [data[fn].max() for fn in feature_names] #Create list of variables varstring = "" for i in range(cls.n_features): varstring += '<Variable VarIndex="{0}" Expression="{1}" Label="{1}" Title="{1}" Unit="" Internal="{1}" Type="F" Min="{2:.16E}" Max="{3:.16E}"/>\n'.format( i, feature_names[i], features_min[i], features_max[i] ) outfile = open(outfile_name, "w") outfile.write( """ <?xml version="1.0"?> <MethodSetup Method="BDT::{mva_name}"> <GeneralInfo> <Info name="TMVA Release" value="4.2.0 [262656]"/> <Info name="ROOT Release" value="6.02/05 [393733]"/> <Info name="Creator" value="joosep"/> <Info name="Date" value="Sun May 31 01:31:49 2015"/> <Info name="Host" value="Linux 2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 28 08:50:46 CET 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"/> <Info name="Dir" value="/home/joosep/btv/CMSSW_7_4_0/src/RecoBTag/CMSCSTagger"/> <Info name="Training events" value="1692351"/> <Info name="TrainingTime" value="7.82964582e+03"/> <Info name="AnalysisType" value="Classification"/> </GeneralInfo> <Options> <Option name="V" modified="Yes">False</Option> <Option name="VerbosityLevel" modified="Yes">Fatal</Option> <Option name="VarTransform" modified="No">None</Option> <Option name="H" modified="Yes">False</Option> <Option name="CreateMVAPdfs" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="NTrees" modified="Yes">{ntrees}</Option> <Option name="MaxDepth" modified="Yes">{maxdepth}</Option> <Option name="MinNodeSize" modified="No">5%</Option> <Option name="nCuts" modified="Yes">50</Option> <Option name="BoostType" modified="Yes">Grad</Option> <Option name="AdaBoostR2Loss" modified="No">quadratic</Option> <Option name="UseBaggedBoost" modified="Yes">False</Option> <Option name="Shrinkage" modified="Yes">{learnrate}</Option> <Option name="AdaBoostBeta" modified="No">5.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="UseRandomisedTrees" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="UseNvars" modified="Yes">{usenvars}</Option> <Option name="UsePoissonNvars" modified="No">True</Option> <Option name="BaggedSampleFraction" modified="No">6.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="UseYesNoLeaf" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="NegWeightTreatment" modified="No">ignorenegweightsintraining</Option> <Option name="Css" modified="No">1.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="Cts_sb" modified="No">1.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="Ctb_ss" modified="No">1.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="Cbb" modified="No">1.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="NodePurityLimit" modified="No">5.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="SeparationType" modified="No">giniindex</Option> <Option name="DoBoostMonitor" modified="Yes">False</Option> <Option name="UseFisherCuts" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="MinLinCorrForFisher" modified="No">8.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="UseExclusiveVars" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="DoPreselection" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="SigToBkgFraction" modified="No">1.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="PruneMethod" modified="No">nopruning</Option> <Option name="PruneStrength" modified="No">0.000000e+00</Option> <Option name="PruningValFraction" modified="No">5.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="nEventsMin" modified="No">0</Option> <Option name="UseBaggedGrad" modified="No">False</Option> <Option name="GradBaggingFraction" modified="No">6.000000e-01</Option> <Option name="UseNTrainEvents" modified="No">0</Option> <Option name="NNodesMax" modified="No">0</Option> </Options> <Variables NVar="{nvars}"> {varstring} </Variables> <Classes NClass="2"> <Class Name="Signal" Index="0"/> <Class Name="Background" Index="1"/> </Classes> <Transformations NTransformations="0"/> <MVAPdfs/> <Weights NTrees="{ntrees}" AnalysisType="1"> """.format(**{ "mva_name": mva_name, "ntrees":cls.n_estimators, "maxdepth":cls.max_depth, "maxdepth":cls.max_depth, "usenvars":cls.max_features, "nvars": cls.n_features, "varstring": varstring, "learnrate": cls.learning_rate } ) ) for itree, t in enumerate(cls.estimators_[:, 0]): outfile.write('<BinaryTree type="DecisionTree" boostWeight="1.0" itree="{0}">\n'.format(itree, cls.learning_rate)) recurse(cls, outfile, t.tree_, coef) outfile.write('</BinaryTree>\n') outfile.write(""" </Weights> </MethodSetup> """) outfile.close() def evaluate_sklearn(cls, vals, coef=10): ret = 0 for t in cls.estimators_[:,0]: r = t.tree_.predict(np.array(vals, dtype="float32")) / cls.n_estimators * coef ret += r[0,0] return 2.0/(1.0+np.exp(-2.0*ret))-1
from __future__ import print_function import functools import numpy as np # sklearn imports have_isotonic = False try: from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression have_isotonic = True except ImportError: raise ValueError('unable to import isotonic regression from sklearn, SLOPE subgradient projection will not work') # regreg imports from regreg.atoms.slope import _basic_proximal_map import regreg.api as rr from ..constraints.affine import constraints from .randomization import randomization from ..base import restricted_estimator from .query import gaussian_query from .lasso import lasso class slope(gaussian_query): def __init__(self, loglike, slope_weights, ridge_term, randomizer, perturb=None): r""" Create a new post-selection object for the SLOPE problem Parameters ---------- loglike : `regreg.smooth.glm.glm` A (negative) log-likelihood as implemented in `regreg`. slope_weights : np.ndarray SLOPE weights for L-1 penalty. If a float, it is broadcast to all features. ridge_term : float How big a ridge term to add? randomizer : object Randomizer -- contains representation of randomization density. perturb : np.ndarray Random perturbation subtracted as a linear term in the objective function. """ self.loglike = loglike self.nfeature = p = self.loglike.shape[0] if np.asarray(slope_weights).shape == (): slope_weights = np.ones(loglike.shape) * slope_weights self.slope_weights = np.asarray(slope_weights) self.randomizer = randomizer self.ridge_term = ridge_term self.penalty = rr.slope(slope_weights, lagrange=1.) self._initial_omega = perturb # random perturbation def _solve_randomized_problem(self, perturb=None, solve_args={'tol': 1.e-12, 'min_its': 50}): p = self.nfeature # take a new perturbation if supplied if perturb is not None: self._initial_omega = perturb if self._initial_omega is None: self._initial_omega = self.randomizer.sample() quad = rr.identity_quadratic(self.ridge_term, 0, -self._initial_omega, 0) problem = rr.simple_problem(self.loglike, self.penalty) initial_soln = problem.solve(quad, **solve_args) initial_subgrad = -(self.loglike.smooth_objective(initial_soln, 'grad') + quad.objective(initial_soln, 'grad')) return initial_soln, initial_subgrad def fit(self, solve_args={'tol': 1.e-12, 'min_its': 50}, perturb=None): self.initial_soln, self.initial_subgrad = self._solve_randomized_problem(perturb=perturb, solve_args=solve_args) p = self.initial_soln.shape[0] # now we have to work out SLOPE details, clusters, etc. active_signs = np.sign(self.initial_soln) active = self._active = active_signs != 0 self._overall = overall = active> 0 self._inactive = inactive = ~self._overall _active_signs = active_signs.copy() self.selection_variable = {'sign': _active_signs, 'variables': self._overall} indices = np.argsort(-np.fabs(self.initial_soln)) sorted_soln = self.initial_soln[indices] initial_scalings = np.sort(np.unique(np.fabs(self.initial_soln[active])))[::-1] self.observed_opt_state = initial_scalings self._unpenalized = np.zeros(p, np.bool) _beta_unpenalized = restricted_estimator(self.loglike, self._overall, solve_args=solve_args) beta_bar = np.zeros(p) beta_bar[overall] = _beta_unpenalized self._beta_full = beta_bar self.num_opt_var = self.observed_opt_state.shape[0] X, y = W = self._W = self.loglike.saturated_loss.hessian( _hessian_active =, X[:, active] * W[:, None]) _score_linear_term = -_hessian_active self.score_transform = (_score_linear_term, np.zeros(_score_linear_term.shape[0])) self.observed_score_state = self.observed_score_state[inactive] += self.loglike.smooth_objective(beta_bar, 'grad')[inactive] cur_indx_array = [] cur_indx_array.append(0) cur_indx = 0 pointer = 0 signs_cluster = [] for j in range(p - 1): if np.abs(sorted_soln[j + 1]) != np.abs(sorted_soln[cur_indx]): cur_indx_array.append(j + 1) cur_indx = j + 1 sign_vec = np.zeros(p) sign_vec[np.arange(j + 1 - cur_indx_array[pointer]) + cur_indx_array[pointer]] = \ np.sign(self.initial_soln[indices[np.arange(j + 1 - cur_indx_array[pointer]) + cur_indx_array[pointer]]]) signs_cluster.append(sign_vec) pointer = pointer + 1 if sorted_soln[j + 1] == 0: break signs_cluster = np.asarray(signs_cluster).T if signs_cluster.size == 0: return active_signs else: X_clustered = X[:, indices].dot(signs_cluster) _opt_linear_term = _, prec = self.randomizer.cov_prec opt_linear, opt_offset = (_opt_linear_term, self.initial_subgrad) # now make the constraints self._setup = True A_scaling_0 = -np.identity(self.num_opt_var) A_scaling_1 = -np.identity(self.num_opt_var)[:(self.num_opt_var - 1), :] for k in range(A_scaling_1.shape[0]): A_scaling_1[k, k + 1] = 1 A_scaling = np.vstack([A_scaling_0, A_scaling_1]) b_scaling = np.zeros(2 * self.num_opt_var - 1) self._setup_sampler(A_scaling, b_scaling, opt_linear, opt_offset) return active_signs # Targets of inference # and covariance with score representation # are same as LASSO @staticmethod def gaussian(X, Y, slope_weights, sigma=1., quadratic=None, ridge_term=0., randomizer_scale=None): loglike = rr.glm.gaussian(X, Y, coef=1. / sigma ** 2, quadratic=quadratic) n, p = X.shape mean_diag = np.mean((X ** 2).sum(0)) if ridge_term is None: ridge_term = np.std(Y) * np.sqrt(mean_diag) / np.sqrt(n - 1) if randomizer_scale is None: randomizer_scale = np.sqrt(mean_diag) * 0.5 * np.std(Y) * np.sqrt(n / (n - 1.)) randomizer = randomization.isotropic_gaussian((p,), randomizer_scale) return slope(loglike, np.asarray(slope_weights) / sigma ** 2, ridge_term, randomizer) # Projection onto selected subgradients of SLOPE def _projection_onto_selected_subgradients(prox_arg, weights, ordering, cluster_sizes, active_signs, last_value_zero=True): """ Compute the projection of a point onto the set of subgradients of the SLOPE penalty with a given clustering of the solution and signs of the variables. This is a projection onto a lower dimensional set. The dimension of this set is p -- the dimensions of the `prox_arg` minus the number of unique values in `ordered_clustering` + 1 if the last value of the solution was zero (i.e. solution was sparse). Parameters ---------- prox_arg : np.ndarray(p, np.float) Point to project weights : np.ndarray(p, np.float) Weights of the SLOPE penalty. ordering : np.ndarray(p, Order of original argument to SLOPE prox. First entry corresponds to largest argument of SLOPE prox. cluster_sizes : sequence Sizes of clusters, starting with largest in absolute value. active_signs : np.ndarray(p, Signs of non-zero coefficients. last_value_zero : bool Is the last solution value equal to 0? """ result = np.zeros_like(prox_arg) ordered_clustering = [] cur_idx = 0 for cluster_size in cluster_sizes: ordered_clustering.append([ordering[j + cur_idx] for j in range(cluster_size)]) cur_idx += cluster_size # Now, run appropriate SLOPE prox on each cluster cur_idx = 0 for i, cluster in enumerate(ordered_clustering): prox_subarg = np.array([prox_arg[j] for j in cluster]) # If the value of the soln to the prox was non-zero # then we solve a SLOPE of size 1 smaller than the cluster # If the cluster size is 1, the value is just # the corresponding signed weight if i < len(ordered_clustering) - 1 or not last_value_zero: if len(cluster) == 1: result[cluster[0]] = weights[cur_idx] * active_signs[cluster[0]] else: indices = [j + cur_idx for j in range(len(cluster))] cluster_weights = weights[indices] ir = IsotonicRegression() _ir_result = ir.fit_transform(np.arange(len(cluster)), cluster_weights[::-1])[::-1] result[indices] = -np.multiply(active_signs[indices], _ir_result/2.) else: indices = np.array([j + cur_idx for j in range(len(cluster))]) cluster_weights = weights[indices] slope_prox = _basic_proximal_map(prox_subarg, cluster_weights) result[indices] = prox_subarg - slope_prox cur_idx += len(cluster) return result
# Authors: Peter Prettenhofer <> (main author) # Mathieu Blondel (partial_fit support) # # License: BSD 3 clause """Classification and regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).""" import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from ..externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed from .base import LinearClassifierMixin, SparseCoefMixin from .base import make_dataset from ..base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from ..feature_selection.from_model import _LearntSelectorMixin from ..utils import (check_array, check_random_state, check_X_y, deprecated) from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot from ..utils.multiclass import _check_partial_fit_first_call from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..externals import six from .sgd_fast import plain_sgd, average_sgd from ..utils.fixes import astype from ..utils import compute_class_weight from .sgd_fast import Hinge from .sgd_fast import SquaredHinge from .sgd_fast import Log from .sgd_fast import ModifiedHuber from .sgd_fast import SquaredLoss from .sgd_fast import Huber from .sgd_fast import EpsilonInsensitive from .sgd_fast import SquaredEpsilonInsensitive LEARNING_RATE_TYPES = {"constant": 1, "optimal": 2, "invscaling": 3, "pa1": 4, "pa2": 5} PENALTY_TYPES = {"none": 0, "l2": 2, "l1": 1, "elasticnet": 3} DEFAULT_EPSILON = 0.1 # Default value of ``epsilon`` parameter. class BaseSGD(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseEstimator, SparseCoefMixin)): """Base class for SGD classification and regression.""" def __init__(self, loss, penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, C=1.0, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=0.1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, warm_start=False, average=False): self.loss = loss self.penalty = penalty self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.epsilon = epsilon self.alpha = alpha self.C = C self.l1_ratio = l1_ratio self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.n_iter = n_iter self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.eta0 = eta0 self.power_t = power_t self.warm_start = warm_start self.average = average self._validate_params() self.coef_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = None self.average_coef_ = None # iteration count for learning rate schedule # must not be int (e.g. if ``learning_rate=='optimal'``) self.t_ = None def set_params(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseSGD, self).set_params(*args, **kwargs) self._validate_params() return self @abstractmethod def fit(self, X, y): """Fit model.""" def _validate_params(self): """Validate input params. """ if not isinstance(self.shuffle, bool): raise ValueError("shuffle must be either True or False") if self.n_iter <= 0: raise ValueError("n_iter must be > zero") if not (0.0 <= self.l1_ratio <= 1.0): raise ValueError("l1_ratio must be in [0, 1]") if self.alpha < 0.0: raise ValueError("alpha must be >= 0") if self.learning_rate in ("constant", "invscaling"): if self.eta0 <= 0.0: raise ValueError("eta0 must be > 0") # raises ValueError if not registered self._get_penalty_type(self.penalty) self._get_learning_rate_type(self.learning_rate) if self.loss not in self.loss_functions: raise ValueError("The loss %s is not supported. " % self.loss) def _get_loss_function(self, loss): """Get concrete ``LossFunction`` object for str ``loss``. """ try: loss_ = self.loss_functions[loss] loss_class, args = loss_[0], loss_[1:] if loss in ('huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'): args = (self.epsilon, ) return loss_class(*args) except KeyError: raise ValueError("The loss %s is not supported. " % loss) def _get_learning_rate_type(self, learning_rate): try: return LEARNING_RATE_TYPES[learning_rate] except KeyError: raise ValueError("learning rate %s " "is not supported. " % learning_rate) def _get_penalty_type(self, penalty): penalty = str(penalty).lower() try: return PENALTY_TYPES[penalty] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Penalty %s is not supported. " % penalty) def _validate_sample_weight(self, sample_weight, n_samples): """Set the sample weight array.""" if sample_weight is None: # uniform sample weights sample_weight = np.ones(n_samples, dtype=np.float64, order='C') else: # user-provided array sample_weight = np.asarray(sample_weight, dtype=np.float64, order="C") if sample_weight.shape[0] != n_samples: raise ValueError("Shapes of X and sample_weight do not match.") return sample_weight def _allocate_parameter_mem(self, n_classes, n_features, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None): """Allocate mem for parameters; initialize if provided.""" if n_classes > 2: # allocate coef_ for multi-class if coef_init is not None: coef_init = np.asarray(coef_init, order="C") if coef_init.shape != (n_classes, n_features): raise ValueError("Provided ``coef_`` does not match dataset. ") self.coef_ = coef_init else: self.coef_ = np.zeros((n_classes, n_features), dtype=np.float64, order="C") # allocate intercept_ for multi-class if intercept_init is not None: intercept_init = np.asarray(intercept_init, order="C") if intercept_init.shape != (n_classes, ): raise ValueError("Provided intercept_init " "does not match dataset.") self.intercept_ = intercept_init else: self.intercept_ = np.zeros(n_classes, dtype=np.float64, order="C") else: # allocate coef_ for binary problem if coef_init is not None: coef_init = np.asarray(coef_init, dtype=np.float64, order="C") coef_init = coef_init.ravel() if coef_init.shape != (n_features,): raise ValueError("Provided coef_init does not " "match dataset.") self.coef_ = coef_init else: self.coef_ = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.float64, order="C") # allocate intercept_ for binary problem if intercept_init is not None: intercept_init = np.asarray(intercept_init, dtype=np.float64) if intercept_init.shape != (1,) and intercept_init.shape != (): raise ValueError("Provided intercept_init " "does not match dataset.") self.intercept_ = intercept_init.reshape(1,) else: self.intercept_ = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64, order="C") # initialize average parameters if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.average_coef_ = np.zeros(self.coef_.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self.average_intercept_ = np.zeros(self.standard_intercept_.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") def _prepare_fit_binary(est, y, i): """Initialization for fit_binary. Returns y, coef, intercept. """ y_i = np.ones(y.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") y_i[y != est.classes_[i]] = -1.0 average_intercept = 0 average_coef = None if len(est.classes_) == 2: if not est.average: coef = est.coef_.ravel() intercept = est.intercept_[0] else: coef = est.standard_coef_.ravel() intercept = est.standard_intercept_[0] average_coef = est.average_coef_.ravel() average_intercept = est.average_intercept_[0] else: if not est.average: coef = est.coef_[i] intercept = est.intercept_[i] else: coef = est.standard_coef_[i] intercept = est.standard_intercept_[i] average_coef = est.average_coef_[i] average_intercept = est.average_intercept_[i] return y_i, coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept def fit_binary(est, i, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, pos_weight, neg_weight, sample_weight): """Fit a single binary classifier. The i'th class is considered the "positive" class. """ # if average is not true, average_coef, and average_intercept will be # unused y_i, coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept = \ _prepare_fit_binary(est, y, i) assert y_i.shape[0] == y.shape[0] == sample_weight.shape[0] dataset, intercept_decay = make_dataset(X, y_i, sample_weight) penalty_type = est._get_penalty_type(est.penalty) learning_rate_type = est._get_learning_rate_type(learning_rate) # XXX should have random_state_! random_state = check_random_state(est.random_state) # numpy mtrand expects a C long which is a signed 32 bit integer under # Windows seed = random_state.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max) if not est.average: return plain_sgd(coef, intercept, est.loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, est.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(est.fit_intercept), int(est.verbose), int(est.shuffle), seed, pos_weight, neg_weight, learning_rate_type, est.eta0, est.power_t, est.t_, intercept_decay) else: standard_coef, standard_intercept, average_coef, \ average_intercept = average_sgd(coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept, est.loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, est.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(est.fit_intercept), int(est.verbose), int(est.shuffle), seed, pos_weight, neg_weight, learning_rate_type, est.eta0, est.power_t, est.t_, intercept_decay, est.average) if len(est.classes_) == 2: est.average_intercept_[0] = average_intercept else: est.average_intercept_[i] = average_intercept return standard_coef, standard_intercept class BaseSGDClassifier(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseSGD, LinearClassifierMixin)): loss_functions = { "hinge": (Hinge, 1.0), "squared_hinge": (SquaredHinge, 1.0), "perceptron": (Hinge, 0.0), "log": (Log, ), "modified_huber": (ModifiedHuber, ), "squared_loss": (SquaredLoss, ), "huber": (Huber, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "epsilon_insensitive": (EpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "squared_epsilon_insensitive": (SquaredEpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), } @abstractmethod def __init__(self, loss="hinge", penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False): super(BaseSGDClassifier, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) self.class_weight = class_weight self.classes_ = None self.n_jobs = int(n_jobs) def _partial_fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, n_iter, classes, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init): X, y = check_X_y(X, y, 'csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") n_samples, n_features = X.shape self._validate_params() _check_partial_fit_first_call(self, classes) n_classes = self.classes_.shape[0] # Allocate datastructures from input arguments self._expanded_class_weight = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, self.classes_, y) sample_weight = self._validate_sample_weight(sample_weight, n_samples) if self.coef_ is None or coef_init is not None: self._allocate_parameter_mem(n_classes, n_features, coef_init, intercept_init) elif n_features != self.coef_.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Number of features %d does not match previous data %d." % (n_features, self.coef_.shape[-1])) self.loss_function = self._get_loss_function(loss) if self.t_ is None: self.t_ = 1.0 # delegate to concrete training procedure if n_classes > 2: self._fit_multiclass(X, y, alpha=alpha, C=C, learning_rate=learning_rate, sample_weight=sample_weight, n_iter=n_iter) elif n_classes == 2: self._fit_binary(X, y, alpha=alpha, C=C, learning_rate=learning_rate, sample_weight=sample_weight, n_iter=n_iter) else: raise ValueError("The number of class labels must be " "greater than one.") return self def _fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): if hasattr(self, "classes_"): self.classes_ = None X, y = check_X_y(X, y, 'csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") n_samples, n_features = X.shape # labels can be encoded as float, int, or string literals # np.unique sorts in asc order; largest class id is positive class classes = np.unique(y) if self.warm_start and self.coef_ is not None: if coef_init is None: coef_init = self.coef_ if intercept_init is None: intercept_init = self.intercept_ else: self.coef_ = None self.intercept_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.average_coef_ = None self.average_intercept_ = None # Clear iteration count for multiple call to fit. self.t_ = None self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, self.n_iter, classes, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init) return self def _fit_binary(self, X, y, alpha, C, sample_weight, learning_rate, n_iter): """Fit a binary classifier on X and y. """ coef, intercept = fit_binary(self, 1, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, self._expanded_class_weight[1], self._expanded_class_weight[0], sample_weight) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] # need to be 2d if self.average > 0: if self.average <= self.t_ - 1: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_.reshape(1, -1) self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_.reshape(1, -1) self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = coef.reshape(1, -1) # intercept is a float, need to convert it to an array of length 1 self.intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) def _fit_multiclass(self, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter): """Fit a multi-class classifier by combining binary classifiers Each binary classifier predicts one class versus all others. This strategy is called OVA: One Versus All. """ # Use joblib to fit OvA in parallel. result = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=self.verbose)( delayed(fit_binary)(self, i, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, self._expanded_class_weight[i], 1., sample_weight) for i in range(len(self.classes_))) for i, (_, intercept) in enumerate(result): self.intercept_[i] = intercept self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] if self.average > 0: if self.average <= self.t_ - 1.0: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ def partial_fit(self, X, y, classes=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Subset of the training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Subset of the target values classes : array, shape (n_classes,) Classes across all calls to partial_fit. Can be obtained by via `np.unique(y_all)`, where y_all is the target vector of the entire dataset. This argument is required for the first call to partial_fit and can be omitted in the subsequent calls. Note that y doesn't need to contain all labels in `classes`. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ if self.class_weight in ['balanced', 'auto']: raise ValueError("class_weight '{0}' is not supported for " "partial_fit. In order to use 'balanced' weights, " "use compute_class_weight('{0}', classes, y). " "In place of y you can us a large enough sample " "of the full training set target to properly " "estimate the class frequency distributions. " "Pass the resulting weights as the class_weight " "parameter.".format(self.class_weight)) return self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, n_iter=1, classes=classes, sample_weight=sample_weight, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None) def fit(self, X, y, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Target values coef_init : array, shape (n_classes, n_features) The initial coefficients to warm-start the optimization. intercept_init : array, shape (n_classes,) The initial intercept to warm-start the optimization. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. These weights will be multiplied with class_weight (passed through the contructor) if class_weight is specified Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, coef_init=coef_init, intercept_init=intercept_init, sample_weight=sample_weight) class SGDClassifier(BaseSGDClassifier, _LearntSelectorMixin): """Linear classifiers (SVM, logistic regression, a.o.) with SGD training. This estimator implements regularized linear models with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) learning: the gradient of the loss is estimated each sample at a time and the model is updated along the way with a decreasing strength schedule (aka learning rate). SGD allows minibatch (online/out-of-core) learning, see the partial_fit method. For best results using the default learning rate schedule, the data should have zero mean and unit variance. This implementation works with data represented as dense or sparse arrays of floating point values for the features. The model it fits can be controlled with the loss parameter; by default, it fits a linear support vector machine (SVM). The regularizer is a penalty added to the loss function that shrinks model parameters towards the zero vector using either the squared euclidean norm L2 or the absolute norm L1 or a combination of both (Elastic Net). If the parameter update crosses the 0.0 value because of the regularizer, the update is truncated to 0.0 to allow for learning sparse models and achieve online feature selection. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <sgd>`. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'hinge', 'log', 'modified_huber', 'squared_hinge',\ 'perceptron', or a regression loss: 'squared_loss', 'huber',\ 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' The loss function to be used. Defaults to 'hinge', which gives a linear SVM. The 'log' loss gives logistic regression, a probabilistic classifier. 'modified_huber' is another smooth loss that brings tolerance to outliers as well as probability estimates. 'squared_hinge' is like hinge but is quadratically penalized. 'perceptron' is the linear loss used by the perceptron algorithm. The other losses are designed for regression but can be useful in classification as well; see SGDRegressor for a description. penalty : str, 'none', 'l2', 'l1', or 'elasticnet' The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. Defaults to 'l2' which is the standard regularizer for linear SVM models. 'l1' and 'elasticnet' might bring sparsity to the model (feature selection) not achievable with 'l2'. alpha : float Constant that multiplies the regularization term. Defaults to 0.0001 l1_ratio : float The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1. Defaults to 0.15. fit_intercept : bool Whether the intercept should be estimated or not. If False, the data is assumed to be already centered. Defaults to True. n_iter : int, optional The number of passes over the training data (aka epochs). The number of iterations is set to 1 if using partial_fit. Defaults to 5. shuffle : bool, optional Whether or not the training data should be shuffled after each epoch. Defaults to True. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level epsilon : float Epsilon in the epsilon-insensitive loss functions; only if `loss` is 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'. For 'huber', determines the threshold at which it becomes less important to get the prediction exactly right. For epsilon-insensitive, any differences between the current prediction and the correct label are ignored if they are less than this threshold. n_jobs : integer, optional The number of CPUs to use to do the OVA (One Versus All, for multi-class problems) computation. -1 means 'all CPUs'. Defaults to 1. learning_rate : string, optional The learning rate schedule: constant: eta = eta0 optimal: eta = 1.0 / (t + t0) [default] invscaling: eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t) where t0 is chosen by a heuristic proposed by Leon Bottou. eta0 : double The initial learning rate for the 'constant' or 'invscaling' schedules. The default value is 0.0 as eta0 is not used by the default schedule 'optimal'. power_t : double The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate [default 0.5]. class_weight : dict, {class_label: weight} or "balanced" or None, optional Preset for the class_weight fit parameter. Weights associated with classes. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` warm_start : bool, optional When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous solution. average : bool or int, optional When set to True, computes the averaged SGD weights and stores the result in the ``coef_`` attribute. If set to an int greater than 1, averaging will begin once the total number of samples seen reaches average. So average=10 will begin averaging after seeing 10 samples. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (1, n_features) if n_classes == 2 else (n_classes,\ n_features) Weights assigned to the features. intercept_ : array, shape (1,) if n_classes == 2 else (n_classes,) Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import linear_model >>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> Y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) >>> clf = linear_model.SGDClassifier() >>>, Y) ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SGDClassifier(alpha=0.0001, average=False, class_weight=None, epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.0, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15, learning_rate='optimal', loss='hinge', n_iter=5, n_jobs=1, penalty='l2', power_t=0.5, random_state=None, shuffle=True, verbose=0, warm_start=False) >>> print(clf.predict([[-0.8, -1]])) [1] See also -------- LinearSVC, LogisticRegression, Perceptron """ def __init__(self, loss="hinge", penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False): super(SGDClassifier, self).__init__( loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, class_weight=class_weight, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) def _check_proba(self): check_is_fitted(self, "t_") if self.loss not in ("log", "modified_huber"): raise AttributeError("probability estimates are not available for" " loss=%r" % self.loss) @property def predict_proba(self): """Probability estimates. This method is only available for log loss and modified Huber loss. Multiclass probability estimates are derived from binary (one-vs.-rest) estimates by simple normalization, as recommended by Zadrozny and Elkan. Binary probability estimates for loss="modified_huber" are given by (clip(decision_function(X), -1, 1) + 1) / 2. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in `self.classes_`. References ---------- Zadrozny and Elkan, "Transforming classifier scores into multiclass probability estimates", SIGKDD'02, The justification for the formula in the loss="modified_huber" case is in the appendix B in: """ self._check_proba() return self._predict_proba def _predict_proba(self, X): if self.loss == "log": return self._predict_proba_lr(X) elif self.loss == "modified_huber": binary = (len(self.classes_) == 2) scores = self.decision_function(X) if binary: prob2 = np.ones((scores.shape[0], 2)) prob = prob2[:, 1] else: prob = scores np.clip(scores, -1, 1, prob) prob += 1. prob /= 2. if binary: prob2[:, 0] -= prob prob = prob2 else: # the above might assign zero to all classes, which doesn't # normalize neatly; work around this to produce uniform # probabilities prob_sum = prob.sum(axis=1) all_zero = (prob_sum == 0) if np.any(all_zero): prob[all_zero, :] = 1 prob_sum[all_zero] = len(self.classes_) # normalize prob /= prob_sum.reshape((prob.shape[0], -1)) return prob else: raise NotImplementedError("predict_(log_)proba only supported when" " loss='log' or loss='modified_huber' " "(%r given)" % self.loss) @property def predict_log_proba(self): """Log of probability estimates. This method is only available for log loss and modified Huber loss. When loss="modified_huber", probability estimates may be hard zeros and ones, so taking the logarithm is not possible. See ``predict_proba`` for details. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Returns the log-probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in `self.classes_`. """ self._check_proba() return self._predict_log_proba def _predict_log_proba(self, X): return np.log(self.predict_proba(X)) class BaseSGDRegressor(BaseSGD, RegressorMixin): loss_functions = { "squared_loss": (SquaredLoss, ), "huber": (Huber, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "epsilon_insensitive": (EpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "squared_epsilon_insensitive": (SquaredEpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), } @abstractmethod def __init__(self, loss="squared_loss", penalty="l2", alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, random_state=None, learning_rate="invscaling", eta0=0.01, power_t=0.25, warm_start=False, average=False): super(BaseSGDRegressor, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) def _partial_fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, n_iter, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init): X, y = check_X_y(X, y, "csr", copy=False, order='C', dtype=np.float64) y = astype(y, np.float64, copy=False) n_samples, n_features = X.shape self._validate_params() # Allocate datastructures from input arguments sample_weight = self._validate_sample_weight(sample_weight, n_samples) if self.coef_ is None: self._allocate_parameter_mem(1, n_features, coef_init, intercept_init) elif n_features != self.coef_.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Number of features %d does not match previous data %d." % (n_features, self.coef_.shape[-1])) if self.average > 0 and self.average_coef_ is None: self.average_coef_ = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self.average_intercept_ = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self._fit_regressor(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter) return self def partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Subset of training data y : numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Subset of target values sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._partial_fit(X, y, self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, n_iter=1, sample_weight=sample_weight, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None) def _fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): if self.warm_start and self.coef_ is not None: if coef_init is None: coef_init = self.coef_ if intercept_init is None: intercept_init = self.intercept_ else: self.coef_ = None self.intercept_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.average_coef_ = None self.average_intercept_ = None # Clear iteration count for multiple call to fit. self.t_ = None return self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, self.n_iter, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init) def fit(self, X, y, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Target values coef_init : array, shape (n_features,) The initial coefficients to warm-start the optimization. intercept_init : array, shape (1,) The initial intercept to warm-start the optimization. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples (1. for unweighted). Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, coef_init=coef_init, intercept_init=intercept_init, sample_weight=sample_weight) @deprecated(" and will be removed in 0.19.") def decision_function(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ return self._decision_function(X) def _decision_function(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ check_is_fitted(self, ["t_", "coef_", "intercept_"], all_or_any=all) X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') scores = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.coef_.T, dense_output=True) + self.intercept_ return scores.ravel() def predict(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ return self._decision_function(X) def _fit_regressor(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter): dataset, intercept_decay = make_dataset(X, y, sample_weight) loss_function = self._get_loss_function(loss) penalty_type = self._get_penalty_type(self.penalty) learning_rate_type = self._get_learning_rate_type(learning_rate) if self.t_ is None: self.t_ = 1.0 random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) # numpy mtrand expects a C long which is a signed 32 bit integer under # Windows seed = random_state.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max) if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_, self.standard_intercept_, \ self.average_coef_, self.average_intercept_ =\ average_sgd(self.standard_coef_, self.standard_intercept_[0], self.average_coef_, self.average_intercept_[0], loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, self.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(self.fit_intercept), int(self.verbose), int(self.shuffle), seed, 1.0, 1.0, learning_rate_type, self.eta0, self.power_t, self.t_, intercept_decay, self.average) self.average_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.average_intercept_) self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.standard_intercept_) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] if self.average <= self.t_ - 1.0: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ else: self.coef_, self.intercept_ = \ plain_sgd(self.coef_, self.intercept_[0], loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, self.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(self.fit_intercept), int(self.verbose), int(self.shuffle), seed, 1.0, 1.0, learning_rate_type, self.eta0, self.power_t, self.t_, intercept_decay) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] self.intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.intercept_) class SGDRegressor(BaseSGDRegressor, _LearntSelectorMixin): """Linear model fitted by minimizing a regularized empirical loss with SGD SGD stands for Stochastic Gradient Descent: the gradient of the loss is estimated each sample at a time and the model is updated along the way with a decreasing strength schedule (aka learning rate). The regularizer is a penalty added to the loss function that shrinks model parameters towards the zero vector using either the squared euclidean norm L2 or the absolute norm L1 or a combination of both (Elastic Net). If the parameter update crosses the 0.0 value because of the regularizer, the update is truncated to 0.0 to allow for learning sparse models and achieve online feature selection. This implementation works with data represented as dense numpy arrays of floating point values for the features. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <sgd>`. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'squared_loss', 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', \ or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' The loss function to be used. Defaults to 'squared_loss' which refers to the ordinary least squares fit. 'huber' modifies 'squared_loss' to focus less on getting outliers correct by switching from squared to linear loss past a distance of epsilon. 'epsilon_insensitive' ignores errors less than epsilon and is linear past that; this is the loss function used in SVR. 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' is the same but becomes squared loss past a tolerance of epsilon. penalty : str, 'none', 'l2', 'l1', or 'elasticnet' The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. Defaults to 'l2' which is the standard regularizer for linear SVM models. 'l1' and 'elasticnet' might bring sparsity to the model (feature selection) not achievable with 'l2'. alpha : float Constant that multiplies the regularization term. Defaults to 0.0001 l1_ratio : float The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1. Defaults to 0.15. fit_intercept : bool Whether the intercept should be estimated or not. If False, the data is assumed to be already centered. Defaults to True. n_iter : int, optional The number of passes over the training data (aka epochs). The number of iterations is set to 1 if using partial_fit. Defaults to 5. shuffle : bool, optional Whether or not the training data should be shuffled after each epoch. Defaults to True. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level. epsilon : float Epsilon in the epsilon-insensitive loss functions; only if `loss` is 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'. For 'huber', determines the threshold at which it becomes less important to get the prediction exactly right. For epsilon-insensitive, any differences between the current prediction and the correct label are ignored if they are less than this threshold. learning_rate : string, optional The learning rate: constant: eta = eta0 optimal: eta = 1.0/(alpha * t) invscaling: eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t) [default] eta0 : double, optional The initial learning rate [default 0.01]. power_t : double, optional The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate [default 0.25]. warm_start : bool, optional When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous solution. average : bool or int, optional When set to True, computes the averaged SGD weights and stores the result in the ``coef_`` attribute. If set to an int greater than 1, averaging will begin once the total number of samples seen reaches average. So ``average=10 will`` begin averaging after seeing 10 samples. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) Weights assigned to the features. intercept_ : array, shape (1,) The intercept term. average_coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) Averaged weights assigned to the features. average_intercept_ : array, shape (1,) The averaged intercept term. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import linear_model >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = linear_model.SGDRegressor() >>>, y) ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SGDRegressor(alpha=0.0001, average=False, epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.01, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15, learning_rate='invscaling', loss='squared_loss', n_iter=5, penalty='l2', power_t=0.25, random_state=None, shuffle=True, verbose=0, warm_start=False) See also -------- Ridge, ElasticNet, Lasso, SVR """ def __init__(self, loss="squared_loss", penalty="l2", alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, random_state=None, learning_rate="invscaling", eta0=0.01, power_t=0.25, warm_start=False, average=False): super(SGDRegressor, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average)
# Authors: Peter Prettenhofer <> (main author) # Mathieu Blondel (partial_fit support) # # License: BSD 3 clause """Classification and regression using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).""" import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from ..externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed from .base import LinearClassifierMixin, SparseCoefMixin from .base import make_dataset from ..base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from ..feature_selection.from_model import _LearntSelectorMixin from ..utils import (check_array, check_random_state, check_X_y, deprecated) from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot from ..utils.multiclass import _check_partial_fit_first_call from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..externals import six from .sgd_fast import plain_sgd, average_sgd from ..utils.fixes import astype from ..utils import compute_class_weight from .sgd_fast import Hinge from .sgd_fast import SquaredHinge from .sgd_fast import Log from .sgd_fast import ModifiedHuber from .sgd_fast import SquaredLoss from .sgd_fast import Huber from .sgd_fast import EpsilonInsensitive from .sgd_fast import SquaredEpsilonInsensitive LEARNING_RATE_TYPES = {"constant": 1, "optimal": 2, "invscaling": 3, "pa1": 4, "pa2": 5} PENALTY_TYPES = {"none": 0, "l2": 2, "l1": 1, "elasticnet": 3} DEFAULT_EPSILON = 0.1 # Default value of ``epsilon`` parameter. class BaseSGD(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseEstimator, SparseCoefMixin)): """Base class for SGD classification and regression.""" def __init__(self, loss, penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, C=1.0, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=0.1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, warm_start=False, average=False): self.loss = loss self.penalty = penalty self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.epsilon = epsilon self.alpha = alpha self.C = C self.l1_ratio = l1_ratio self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept self.n_iter = n_iter self.shuffle = shuffle self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.eta0 = eta0 self.power_t = power_t self.warm_start = warm_start self.average = average self._validate_params() self.coef_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = None self.average_coef_ = None # iteration count for learning rate schedule # must not be int (e.g. if ``learning_rate=='optimal'``) self.t_ = None def set_params(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseSGD, self).set_params(*args, **kwargs) self._validate_params() return self @abstractmethod def fit(self, X, y): """Fit model.""" def _validate_params(self): """Validate input params. """ if not isinstance(self.shuffle, bool): raise ValueError("shuffle must be either True or False") if self.n_iter <= 0: raise ValueError("n_iter must be > zero") if not (0.0 <= self.l1_ratio <= 1.0): raise ValueError("l1_ratio must be in [0, 1]") if self.alpha < 0.0: raise ValueError("alpha must be >= 0") if self.learning_rate in ("constant", "invscaling"): if self.eta0 <= 0.0: raise ValueError("eta0 must be > 0") # raises ValueError if not registered self._get_penalty_type(self.penalty) self._get_learning_rate_type(self.learning_rate) if self.loss not in self.loss_functions: raise ValueError("The loss %s is not supported. " % self.loss) def _get_loss_function(self, loss): """Get concrete ``LossFunction`` object for str ``loss``. """ try: loss_ = self.loss_functions[loss] loss_class, args = loss_[0], loss_[1:] if loss in ('huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'): args = (self.epsilon, ) return loss_class(*args) except KeyError: raise ValueError("The loss %s is not supported. " % loss) def _get_learning_rate_type(self, learning_rate): try: return LEARNING_RATE_TYPES[learning_rate] except KeyError: raise ValueError("learning rate %s " "is not supported. " % learning_rate) def _get_penalty_type(self, penalty): penalty = str(penalty).lower() try: return PENALTY_TYPES[penalty] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Penalty %s is not supported. " % penalty) def _validate_sample_weight(self, sample_weight, n_samples): """Set the sample weight array.""" if sample_weight is None: # uniform sample weights sample_weight = np.ones(n_samples, dtype=np.float64, order='C') else: # user-provided array sample_weight = np.asarray(sample_weight, dtype=np.float64, order="C") if sample_weight.shape[0] != n_samples: raise ValueError("Shapes of X and sample_weight do not match.") return sample_weight def _allocate_parameter_mem(self, n_classes, n_features, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None): """Allocate mem for parameters; initialize if provided.""" if n_classes > 2: # allocate coef_ for multi-class if coef_init is not None: coef_init = np.asarray(coef_init, order="C") if coef_init.shape != (n_classes, n_features): raise ValueError("Provided ``coef_`` does not match dataset. ") self.coef_ = coef_init else: self.coef_ = np.zeros((n_classes, n_features), dtype=np.float64, order="C") # allocate intercept_ for multi-class if intercept_init is not None: intercept_init = np.asarray(intercept_init, order="C") if intercept_init.shape != (n_classes, ): raise ValueError("Provided intercept_init " "does not match dataset.") self.intercept_ = intercept_init else: self.intercept_ = np.zeros(n_classes, dtype=np.float64, order="C") else: # allocate coef_ for binary problem if coef_init is not None: coef_init = np.asarray(coef_init, dtype=np.float64, order="C") coef_init = coef_init.ravel() if coef_init.shape != (n_features,): raise ValueError("Provided coef_init does not " "match dataset.") self.coef_ = coef_init else: self.coef_ = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.float64, order="C") # allocate intercept_ for binary problem if intercept_init is not None: intercept_init = np.asarray(intercept_init, dtype=np.float64) if intercept_init.shape != (1,) and intercept_init.shape != (): raise ValueError("Provided intercept_init " "does not match dataset.") self.intercept_ = intercept_init.reshape(1,) else: self.intercept_ = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64, order="C") # initialize average parameters if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.average_coef_ = np.zeros(self.coef_.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self.average_intercept_ = np.zeros(self.standard_intercept_.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") def _prepare_fit_binary(est, y, i): """Initialization for fit_binary. Returns y, coef, intercept. """ y_i = np.ones(y.shape, dtype=np.float64, order="C") y_i[y != est.classes_[i]] = -1.0 average_intercept = 0 average_coef = None if len(est.classes_) == 2: if not est.average: coef = est.coef_.ravel() intercept = est.intercept_[0] else: coef = est.standard_coef_.ravel() intercept = est.standard_intercept_[0] average_coef = est.average_coef_.ravel() average_intercept = est.average_intercept_[0] else: if not est.average: coef = est.coef_[i] intercept = est.intercept_[i] else: coef = est.standard_coef_[i] intercept = est.standard_intercept_[i] average_coef = est.average_coef_[i] average_intercept = est.average_intercept_[i] return y_i, coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept def fit_binary(est, i, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, pos_weight, neg_weight, sample_weight): """Fit a single binary classifier. The i'th class is considered the "positive" class. """ # if average is not true, average_coef, and average_intercept will be # unused y_i, coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept = \ _prepare_fit_binary(est, y, i) assert y_i.shape[0] == y.shape[0] == sample_weight.shape[0] dataset, intercept_decay = make_dataset(X, y_i, sample_weight) penalty_type = est._get_penalty_type(est.penalty) learning_rate_type = est._get_learning_rate_type(learning_rate) # XXX should have random_state_! random_state = check_random_state(est.random_state) # numpy mtrand expects a C long which is a signed 32 bit integer under # Windows seed = random_state.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max) if not est.average: return plain_sgd(coef, intercept, est.loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, est.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(est.fit_intercept), int(est.verbose), int(est.shuffle), seed, pos_weight, neg_weight, learning_rate_type, est.eta0, est.power_t, est.t_, intercept_decay) else: standard_coef, standard_intercept, average_coef, \ average_intercept = average_sgd(coef, intercept, average_coef, average_intercept, est.loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, est.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(est.fit_intercept), int(est.verbose), int(est.shuffle), seed, pos_weight, neg_weight, learning_rate_type, est.eta0, est.power_t, est.t_, intercept_decay, est.average) if len(est.classes_) == 2: est.average_intercept_[0] = average_intercept else: est.average_intercept_[i] = average_intercept return standard_coef, standard_intercept class BaseSGDClassifier(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseSGD, LinearClassifierMixin)): loss_functions = { "hinge": (Hinge, 1.0), "squared_hinge": (SquaredHinge, 1.0), "perceptron": (Hinge, 0.0), "log": (Log, ), "modified_huber": (ModifiedHuber, ), "squared_loss": (SquaredLoss, ), "huber": (Huber, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "epsilon_insensitive": (EpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "squared_epsilon_insensitive": (SquaredEpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), } @abstractmethod def __init__(self, loss="hinge", penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False): super(BaseSGDClassifier, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) self.class_weight = class_weight self.classes_ = None self.n_jobs = int(n_jobs) def _partial_fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, n_iter, classes, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init): X, y = check_X_y(X, y, 'csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") n_samples, n_features = X.shape self._validate_params() _check_partial_fit_first_call(self, classes) n_classes = self.classes_.shape[0] # Allocate datastructures from input arguments self._expanded_class_weight = compute_class_weight(self.class_weight, self.classes_, y) sample_weight = self._validate_sample_weight(sample_weight, n_samples) if self.coef_ is None or coef_init is not None: self._allocate_parameter_mem(n_classes, n_features, coef_init, intercept_init) elif n_features != self.coef_.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Number of features %d does not match previous data %d." % (n_features, self.coef_.shape[-1])) self.loss_function = self._get_loss_function(loss) if self.t_ is None: self.t_ = 1.0 # delegate to concrete training procedure if n_classes > 2: self._fit_multiclass(X, y, alpha=alpha, C=C, learning_rate=learning_rate, sample_weight=sample_weight, n_iter=n_iter) elif n_classes == 2: self._fit_binary(X, y, alpha=alpha, C=C, learning_rate=learning_rate, sample_weight=sample_weight, n_iter=n_iter) else: raise ValueError("The number of class labels must be " "greater than one.") return self def _fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): if hasattr(self, "classes_"): self.classes_ = None X, y = check_X_y(X, y, 'csr', dtype=np.float64, order="C") n_samples, n_features = X.shape # labels can be encoded as float, int, or string literals # np.unique sorts in asc order; largest class id is positive class classes = np.unique(y) if self.warm_start and self.coef_ is not None: if coef_init is None: coef_init = self.coef_ if intercept_init is None: intercept_init = self.intercept_ else: self.coef_ = None self.intercept_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.average_coef_ = None self.average_intercept_ = None # Clear iteration count for multiple call to fit. self.t_ = None self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, self.n_iter, classes, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init) return self def _fit_binary(self, X, y, alpha, C, sample_weight, learning_rate, n_iter): """Fit a binary classifier on X and y. """ coef, intercept = fit_binary(self, 1, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, self._expanded_class_weight[1], self._expanded_class_weight[0], sample_weight) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] # need to be 2d if self.average > 0: if self.average <= self.t_ - 1: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_.reshape(1, -1) self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_.reshape(1, -1) self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = coef.reshape(1, -1) # intercept is a float, need to convert it to an array of length 1 self.intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) def _fit_multiclass(self, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter): """Fit a multi-class classifier by combining binary classifiers Each binary classifier predicts one class versus all others. This strategy is called OVA: One Versus All. """ # Use joblib to fit OvA in parallel. result = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=self.verbose)( delayed(fit_binary)(self, i, X, y, alpha, C, learning_rate, n_iter, self._expanded_class_weight[i], 1., sample_weight) for i in range(len(self.classes_))) for i, (_, intercept) in enumerate(result): self.intercept_[i] = intercept self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] if self.average > 0: if self.average <= self.t_ - 1.0: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_ self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(intercept) self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ def partial_fit(self, X, y, classes=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Subset of the training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Subset of the target values classes : array, shape (n_classes,) Classes across all calls to partial_fit. Can be obtained by via `np.unique(y_all)`, where y_all is the target vector of the entire dataset. This argument is required for the first call to partial_fit and can be omitted in the subsequent calls. Note that y doesn't need to contain all labels in `classes`. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ if self.class_weight in ['balanced', 'auto']: raise ValueError("class_weight '{0}' is not supported for " "partial_fit. In order to use 'balanced' weights, " "use compute_class_weight('{0}', classes, y). " "In place of y you can us a large enough sample " "of the full training set target to properly " "estimate the class frequency distributions. " "Pass the resulting weights as the class_weight " "parameter.".format(self.class_weight)) return self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, n_iter=1, classes=classes, sample_weight=sample_weight, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None) def fit(self, X, y, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Target values coef_init : array, shape (n_classes, n_features) The initial coefficients to warm-start the optimization. intercept_init : array, shape (n_classes,) The initial intercept to warm-start the optimization. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. These weights will be multiplied with class_weight (passed through the contructor) if class_weight is specified Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, coef_init=coef_init, intercept_init=intercept_init, sample_weight=sample_weight) class SGDClassifier(BaseSGDClassifier, _LearntSelectorMixin): """Linear classifiers (SVM, logistic regression, a.o.) with SGD training. This estimator implements regularized linear models with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) learning: the gradient of the loss is estimated each sample at a time and the model is updated along the way with a decreasing strength schedule (aka learning rate). SGD allows minibatch (online/out-of-core) learning, see the partial_fit method. For best results using the default learning rate schedule, the data should have zero mean and unit variance. This implementation works with data represented as dense or sparse arrays of floating point values for the features. The model it fits can be controlled with the loss parameter; by default, it fits a linear support vector machine (SVM). The regularizer is a penalty added to the loss function that shrinks model parameters towards the zero vector using either the squared euclidean norm L2 or the absolute norm L1 or a combination of both (Elastic Net). If the parameter update crosses the 0.0 value because of the regularizer, the update is truncated to 0.0 to allow for learning sparse models and achieve online feature selection. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <sgd>`. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'hinge', 'log', 'modified_huber', 'squared_hinge',\ 'perceptron', or a regression loss: 'squared_loss', 'huber',\ 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' The loss function to be used. Defaults to 'hinge', which gives a linear SVM. The 'log' loss gives logistic regression, a probabilistic classifier. 'modified_huber' is another smooth loss that brings tolerance to outliers as well as probability estimates. 'squared_hinge' is like hinge but is quadratically penalized. 'perceptron' is the linear loss used by the perceptron algorithm. The other losses are designed for regression but can be useful in classification as well; see SGDRegressor for a description. penalty : str, 'none', 'l2', 'l1', or 'elasticnet' The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. Defaults to 'l2' which is the standard regularizer for linear SVM models. 'l1' and 'elasticnet' might bring sparsity to the model (feature selection) not achievable with 'l2'. alpha : float Constant that multiplies the regularization term. Defaults to 0.0001 l1_ratio : float The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1. Defaults to 0.15. fit_intercept : bool Whether the intercept should be estimated or not. If False, the data is assumed to be already centered. Defaults to True. n_iter : int, optional The number of passes over the training data (aka epochs). The number of iterations is set to 1 if using partial_fit. Defaults to 5. shuffle : bool, optional Whether or not the training data should be shuffled after each epoch. Defaults to True. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level epsilon : float Epsilon in the epsilon-insensitive loss functions; only if `loss` is 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'. For 'huber', determines the threshold at which it becomes less important to get the prediction exactly right. For epsilon-insensitive, any differences between the current prediction and the correct label are ignored if they are less than this threshold. n_jobs : integer, optional The number of CPUs to use to do the OVA (One Versus All, for multi-class problems) computation. -1 means 'all CPUs'. Defaults to 1. learning_rate : string, optional The learning rate schedule: constant: eta = eta0 optimal: eta = 1.0 / (t + t0) [default] invscaling: eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t) where t0 is chosen by a heuristic proposed by Leon Bottou. eta0 : double The initial learning rate for the 'constant' or 'invscaling' schedules. The default value is 0.0 as eta0 is not used by the default schedule 'optimal'. power_t : double The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate [default 0.5]. class_weight : dict, {class_label: weight} or "balanced" or None, optional Preset for the class_weight fit parameter. Weights associated with classes. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The "balanced" mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as ``n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`` warm_start : bool, optional When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous solution. average : bool or int, optional When set to True, computes the averaged SGD weights and stores the result in the ``coef_`` attribute. If set to an int greater than 1, averaging will begin once the total number of samples seen reaches average. So average=10 will begin averaging after seeing 10 samples. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (1, n_features) if n_classes == 2 else (n_classes,\ n_features) Weights assigned to the features. intercept_ : array, shape (1,) if n_classes == 2 else (n_classes,) Constants in decision function. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import linear_model >>> X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-2, -1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> Y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2]) >>> clf = linear_model.SGDClassifier() >>>, Y) ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SGDClassifier(alpha=0.0001, average=False, class_weight=None, epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.0, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15, learning_rate='optimal', loss='hinge', n_iter=5, n_jobs=1, penalty='l2', power_t=0.5, random_state=None, shuffle=True, verbose=0, warm_start=False) >>> print(clf.predict([[-0.8, -1]])) [1] See also -------- LinearSVC, LogisticRegression, Perceptron """ def __init__(self, loss="hinge", penalty='l2', alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, learning_rate="optimal", eta0=0.0, power_t=0.5, class_weight=None, warm_start=False, average=False): super(SGDClassifier, self).__init__( loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, class_weight=class_weight, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) def _check_proba(self): check_is_fitted(self, "t_") if self.loss not in ("log", "modified_huber"): raise AttributeError("probability estimates are not available for" " loss=%r" % self.loss) @property def predict_proba(self): """Probability estimates. This method is only available for log loss and modified Huber loss. Multiclass probability estimates are derived from binary (one-vs.-rest) estimates by simple normalization, as recommended by Zadrozny and Elkan. Binary probability estimates for loss="modified_huber" are given by (clip(decision_function(X), -1, 1) + 1) / 2. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in `self.classes_`. References ---------- Zadrozny and Elkan, "Transforming classifier scores into multiclass probability estimates", SIGKDD'02, The justification for the formula in the loss="modified_huber" case is in the appendix B in: """ self._check_proba() return self._predict_proba def _predict_proba(self, X): if self.loss == "log": return self._predict_proba_lr(X) elif self.loss == "modified_huber": binary = (len(self.classes_) == 2) scores = self.decision_function(X) if binary: prob2 = np.ones((scores.shape[0], 2)) prob = prob2[:, 1] else: prob = scores np.clip(scores, -1, 1, prob) prob += 1. prob /= 2. if binary: prob2[:, 0] -= prob prob = prob2 else: # the above might assign zero to all classes, which doesn't # normalize neatly; work around this to produce uniform # probabilities prob_sum = prob.sum(axis=1) all_zero = (prob_sum == 0) if np.any(all_zero): prob[all_zero, :] = 1 prob_sum[all_zero] = len(self.classes_) # normalize prob /= prob_sum.reshape((prob.shape[0], -1)) return prob else: raise NotImplementedError("predict_(log_)proba only supported when" " loss='log' or loss='modified_huber' " "(%r given)" % self.loss) @property def predict_log_proba(self): """Log of probability estimates. This method is only available for log loss and modified Huber loss. When loss="modified_huber", probability estimates may be hard zeros and ones, so taking the logarithm is not possible. See ``predict_proba`` for details. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- T : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Returns the log-probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in `self.classes_`. """ self._check_proba() return self._predict_log_proba def _predict_log_proba(self, X): return np.log(self.predict_proba(X)) class BaseSGDRegressor(BaseSGD, RegressorMixin): loss_functions = { "squared_loss": (SquaredLoss, ), "huber": (Huber, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "epsilon_insensitive": (EpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), "squared_epsilon_insensitive": (SquaredEpsilonInsensitive, DEFAULT_EPSILON), } @abstractmethod def __init__(self, loss="squared_loss", penalty="l2", alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, random_state=None, learning_rate="invscaling", eta0=0.01, power_t=0.25, warm_start=False, average=False): super(BaseSGDRegressor, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average) def _partial_fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, n_iter, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init): X, y = check_X_y(X, y, "csr", copy=False, order='C', dtype=np.float64) y = astype(y, np.float64, copy=False) n_samples, n_features = X.shape self._validate_params() # Allocate datastructures from input arguments sample_weight = self._validate_sample_weight(sample_weight, n_samples) if self.coef_ is None: self._allocate_parameter_mem(1, n_features, coef_init, intercept_init) elif n_features != self.coef_.shape[-1]: raise ValueError("Number of features %d does not match previous data %d." % (n_features, self.coef_.shape[-1])) if self.average > 0 and self.average_coef_ is None: self.average_coef_ = np.zeros(n_features, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self.average_intercept_ = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64, order="C") self._fit_regressor(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter) return self def partial_fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Subset of training data y : numpy array of shape (n_samples,) Subset of target values sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._partial_fit(X, y, self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, n_iter=1, sample_weight=sample_weight, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None) def _fit(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): if self.warm_start and self.coef_ is not None: if coef_init is None: coef_init = self.coef_ if intercept_init is None: intercept_init = self.intercept_ else: self.coef_ = None self.intercept_ = None if self.average > 0: self.standard_intercept_ = self.intercept_ self.standard_coef_ = self.coef_ self.average_coef_ = None self.average_intercept_ = None # Clear iteration count for multiple call to fit. self.t_ = None return self._partial_fit(X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, self.n_iter, sample_weight, coef_init, intercept_init) def fit(self, X, y, coef_init=None, intercept_init=None, sample_weight=None): """Fit linear model with Stochastic Gradient Descent. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data y : numpy array, shape (n_samples,) Target values coef_init : array, shape (n_features,) The initial coefficients to warm-start the optimization. intercept_init : array, shape (1,) The initial intercept to warm-start the optimization. sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,), optional Weights applied to individual samples (1. for unweighted). Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ return self._fit(X, y, alpha=self.alpha, C=1.0, loss=self.loss, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, coef_init=coef_init, intercept_init=intercept_init, sample_weight=sample_weight) @deprecated(" and will be removed in 0.19.") def decision_function(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ return self._decision_function(X) def _decision_function(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ check_is_fitted(self, ["t_", "coef_", "intercept_"], all_or_any=all) X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') scores = safe_sparse_dot(X, self.coef_.T, dense_output=True) + self.intercept_ return scores.ravel() def predict(self, X): """Predict using the linear model Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples,) Predicted target values per element in X. """ return self._decision_function(X) def _fit_regressor(self, X, y, alpha, C, loss, learning_rate, sample_weight, n_iter): dataset, intercept_decay = make_dataset(X, y, sample_weight) loss_function = self._get_loss_function(loss) penalty_type = self._get_penalty_type(self.penalty) learning_rate_type = self._get_learning_rate_type(learning_rate) if self.t_ is None: self.t_ = 1.0 random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) # numpy mtrand expects a C long which is a signed 32 bit integer under # Windows seed = random_state.randint(0, np.iinfo(np.int32).max) if self.average > 0: self.standard_coef_, self.standard_intercept_, \ self.average_coef_, self.average_intercept_ =\ average_sgd(self.standard_coef_, self.standard_intercept_[0], self.average_coef_, self.average_intercept_[0], loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, self.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(self.fit_intercept), int(self.verbose), int(self.shuffle), seed, 1.0, 1.0, learning_rate_type, self.eta0, self.power_t, self.t_, intercept_decay, self.average) self.average_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.average_intercept_) self.standard_intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.standard_intercept_) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] if self.average <= self.t_ - 1.0: self.coef_ = self.average_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.average_intercept_ else: self.coef_ = self.standard_coef_ self.intercept_ = self.standard_intercept_ else: self.coef_, self.intercept_ = \ plain_sgd(self.coef_, self.intercept_[0], loss_function, penalty_type, alpha, C, self.l1_ratio, dataset, n_iter, int(self.fit_intercept), int(self.verbose), int(self.shuffle), seed, 1.0, 1.0, learning_rate_type, self.eta0, self.power_t, self.t_, intercept_decay) self.t_ += n_iter * X.shape[0] self.intercept_ = np.atleast_1d(self.intercept_) class SGDRegressor(BaseSGDRegressor, _LearntSelectorMixin): """Linear model fitted by minimizing a regularized empirical loss with SGD SGD stands for Stochastic Gradient Descent: the gradient of the loss is estimated each sample at a time and the model is updated along the way with a decreasing strength schedule (aka learning rate). The regularizer is a penalty added to the loss function that shrinks model parameters towards the zero vector using either the squared euclidean norm L2 or the absolute norm L1 or a combination of both (Elastic Net). If the parameter update crosses the 0.0 value because of the regularizer, the update is truncated to 0.0 to allow for learning sparse models and achieve online feature selection. This implementation works with data represented as dense numpy arrays of floating point values for the features. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <sgd>`. Parameters ---------- loss : str, 'squared_loss', 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', \ or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' The loss function to be used. Defaults to 'squared_loss' which refers to the ordinary least squares fit. 'huber' modifies 'squared_loss' to focus less on getting outliers correct by switching from squared to linear loss past a distance of epsilon. 'epsilon_insensitive' ignores errors less than epsilon and is linear past that; this is the loss function used in SVR. 'squared_epsilon_insensitive' is the same but becomes squared loss past a tolerance of epsilon. penalty : str, 'none', 'l2', 'l1', or 'elasticnet' The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. Defaults to 'l2' which is the standard regularizer for linear SVM models. 'l1' and 'elasticnet' might bring sparsity to the model (feature selection) not achievable with 'l2'. alpha : float Constant that multiplies the regularization term. Defaults to 0.0001 l1_ratio : float The Elastic Net mixing parameter, with 0 <= l1_ratio <= 1. l1_ratio=0 corresponds to L2 penalty, l1_ratio=1 to L1. Defaults to 0.15. fit_intercept : bool Whether the intercept should be estimated or not. If False, the data is assumed to be already centered. Defaults to True. n_iter : int, optional The number of passes over the training data (aka epochs). The number of iterations is set to 1 if using partial_fit. Defaults to 5. shuffle : bool, optional Whether or not the training data should be shuffled after each epoch. Defaults to True. random_state : int seed, RandomState instance, or None (default) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. verbose : integer, optional The verbosity level. epsilon : float Epsilon in the epsilon-insensitive loss functions; only if `loss` is 'huber', 'epsilon_insensitive', or 'squared_epsilon_insensitive'. For 'huber', determines the threshold at which it becomes less important to get the prediction exactly right. For epsilon-insensitive, any differences between the current prediction and the correct label are ignored if they are less than this threshold. learning_rate : string, optional The learning rate: constant: eta = eta0 optimal: eta = 1.0/(alpha * t) invscaling: eta = eta0 / pow(t, power_t) [default] eta0 : double, optional The initial learning rate [default 0.01]. power_t : double, optional The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate [default 0.25]. warm_start : bool, optional When set to True, reuse the solution of the previous call to fit as initialization, otherwise, just erase the previous solution. average : bool or int, optional When set to True, computes the averaged SGD weights and stores the result in the ``coef_`` attribute. If set to an int greater than 1, averaging will begin once the total number of samples seen reaches average. So ``average=10 will`` begin averaging after seeing 10 samples. Attributes ---------- coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) Weights assigned to the features. intercept_ : array, shape (1,) The intercept term. average_coef_ : array, shape (n_features,) Averaged weights assigned to the features. average_intercept_ : array, shape (1,) The averaged intercept term. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn import linear_model >>> n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(n_samples) >>> X = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> clf = linear_model.SGDRegressor() >>>, y) ... #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE SGDRegressor(alpha=0.0001, average=False, epsilon=0.1, eta0=0.01, fit_intercept=True, l1_ratio=0.15, learning_rate='invscaling', loss='squared_loss', n_iter=5, penalty='l2', power_t=0.25, random_state=None, shuffle=True, verbose=0, warm_start=False) See also -------- Ridge, ElasticNet, Lasso, SVR """ def __init__(self, loss="squared_loss", penalty="l2", alpha=0.0001, l1_ratio=0.15, fit_intercept=True, n_iter=5, shuffle=True, verbose=0, epsilon=DEFAULT_EPSILON, random_state=None, learning_rate="invscaling", eta0=0.01, power_t=0.25, warm_start=False, average=False): super(SGDRegressor, self).__init__(loss=loss, penalty=penalty, alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=fit_intercept, n_iter=n_iter, shuffle=shuffle, verbose=verbose, epsilon=epsilon, random_state=random_state, learning_rate=learning_rate, eta0=eta0, power_t=power_t, warm_start=warm_start, average=average)
""" ======================================================== Classification of text documents: using a MLComp dataset ======================================================== This is an example showing how the scikit-learn can be used to classify documents by topics using a bag-of-words approach. This example uses a scipy.sparse matrix to store the features instead of standard numpy arrays. The dataset used in this example is the 20 newsgroups dataset and should be downloaded from the (free registration required): Once downloaded unzip the archive somewhere on your filesystem. For instance in:: % mkdir -p ~/data/mlcomp % cd ~/data/mlcomp % unzip /path/to/ You should get a folder ``~/data/mlcomp/379`` with a file named ``metadata`` and subfolders ``raw``, ``train`` and ``test`` holding the text documents organized by newsgroups. Then set the ``MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME`` environment variable pointing to the root folder holding the uncompressed archive:: % export MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME="~/data/mlcomp" Then you are ready to run this example using your favorite python shell:: % ipython examples/ """ # Author: Olivier Grisel <> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from time import time import sys import os import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import pylab as pl from sklearn.datasets import load_mlcomp from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB print(__doc__) if 'MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME' not in os.environ: print("MLCOMP_DATASETS_HOME not set; please follow the above instructions") sys.exit(0) # Load the training set print("Loading 20 newsgroups training set... ") news_train = load_mlcomp('20news-18828', 'train') print(news_train.DESCR) print("%d documents" % len(news_train.filenames)) print("%d categories" % len(news_train.target_names)) print("Extracting features from the dataset using a sparse vectorizer") t0 = time() vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(encoding='latin1') X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform((open(f).read() for f in news_train.filenames)) print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) print("n_samples: %d, n_features: %d" % X_train.shape) assert sp.issparse(X_train) y_train = print("Loading 20 newsgroups test set... ") news_test = load_mlcomp('20news-18828', 'test') t0 = time() print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) print("Predicting the labels of the test set...") print("%d documents" % len(news_test.filenames)) print("%d categories" % len(news_test.target_names)) print("Extracting features from the dataset using the same vectorizer") t0 = time() X_test = vectorizer.transform((open(f).read() for f in news_test.filenames)) y_test = print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) print("n_samples: %d, n_features: %d" % X_test.shape) ############################################################################### # Benchmark classifiers def benchmark(clf_class, params, name): print("parameters:", params) t0 = time() clf = clf_class(**params).fit(X_train, y_train) print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) if hasattr(clf, 'coef_'): print("Percentage of non zeros coef: %f" % (np.mean(clf.coef_ != 0) * 100)) print("Predicting the outcomes of the testing set") t0 = time() pred = clf.predict(X_test) print("done in %fs" % (time() - t0)) print("Classification report on test set for classifier:") print(clf) print() print(classification_report(y_test, pred, target_names=news_test.target_names)) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, pred) print("Confusion matrix:") print(cm) # Show confusion matrix pl.matshow(cm) pl.title('Confusion matrix of the %s classifier' % name) pl.colorbar() print("Testbenching a linear classifier...") parameters = { 'loss': 'hinge', 'penalty': 'l2', 'n_iter': 50, 'alpha': 0.00001, 'fit_intercept': True, } benchmark(SGDClassifier, parameters, 'SGD') print("Testbenching a MultinomialNB classifier...") parameters = {'alpha': 0.01} benchmark(MultinomialNB, parameters, 'MultinomialNB')
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Author : Prakhar Pratyush <> # ###################################################################### import torch from import Dataset, DataLoader from utils import file_stats, to_tensor, create_word_vocab, create_weights import numpy as np import pickle restaurant_test_file = 'Data/Restaurant/restaurant_test.json' ################################################################### ##################### Vocab Initialization ######################## ################################################################### words = [] word2idx = {} words.append('<pad>') word2idx['<pad>'] = 0 ################################################################### class vocabDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, vocab, transform=None): self.vocab = vocab self.transform = transform def __len__(self): return len(self.vocab) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.vocab[idx] def main(): global words global word2idx test_file = restaurant_test_file # Load Model path = "Saved_Models/PD8/10epoch_5" model = torch.load(path) device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') model = print("\nTest Set :") #test_vocab = file_stats(test_file, test_file=True) with open("test_pd_data.pickle", "rb") as f: test_vocab = pickle.load(f) file_stats(test_vocab, return_vocab=False) words, word2idx = create_word_vocab(test_vocab, words, word2idx) weights_matrix = create_weights(words, word2idx) test_vocab = to_tensor(test_vocab, word2idx) test_set = vocabDataset(test_vocab) test_batch = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size=32, shuffle=True) acc, cm = model.test(test_batch, weights_matrix) print(cm) print(f'Test Acc: {acc*100:.2f}%') if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os from unittest import mock import pytest from pytorch_lightning.plugins.environments import LightningEnvironment @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {}) def test_default_attributes(): """Test the default attributes when no environment variables are set.""" env = LightningEnvironment() assert not env.creates_children() assert env.master_address() == "" assert isinstance(env.master_port(), int) assert env.world_size() == 1 assert env.local_rank() == 0 assert env.node_rank() == 0 @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"MASTER_ADDR": "", "MASTER_PORT": "500", "LOCAL_RANK": "2", "NODE_RANK": "3"}) def test_attributes_from_environment_variables(): """Test that the default cluster environment takes the attributes from the environment variables.""" env = LightningEnvironment() assert env.master_address() == "" assert env.master_port() == 500 assert env.world_size() == 1 assert env.global_rank() == 0 assert env.local_rank() == 2 assert env.node_rank() == 3 env.set_global_rank(100) assert env.global_rank() == 100 env.set_world_size(100) assert env.world_size() == 100 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "environ, creates_children", [({}, False), (dict(LOCAL_RANK="2"), True), (dict(NODE_RANK="1"), False)] ) def test_manual_user_launch(environ, creates_children): """Test that the environment switches to manual user mode when LOCAL_RANK env variable detected.""" with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, environ): env = LightningEnvironment() assert env.creates_children() == creates_children @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GROUP_RANK": "1"}) def test_node_rank_from_group_rank(): """Test that the GROUP_RANK substitutes NODE_RANK.""" env = LightningEnvironment() assert "NODE_RANK" not in os.environ assert env.node_rank() == 1 @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {}) def test_random_master_port(): """Test randomly chosen master port when no master port was given by user.""" env = LightningEnvironment() port = env.master_port() assert isinstance(port, int) # repeated calls do not generate a new port number assert env.master_port() == port @mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"WORLD_SIZE": "1"}) def test_teardown(): """Test that the GROUP_RANK substitutes NODE_RANK.""" env = LightningEnvironment() assert "WORLD_SIZE" in os.environ env.teardown() assert "WORLD_SIZE" not in os.environ
from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50, preprocess_input from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3 from keras.applications.vgg16 import VGG16 from keras.layers import Dense, Flatten, Input, AveragePooling2D from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from keras.models import Model from keras.datasets import cifar10 from skimage.transform import resize import numpy as np import pickle import tensorflow as tf import keras.backend as K flags = FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('dataset', 'cifar10', "Make bottleneck features this for dataset, one of 'cifar10', or 'traffic'") flags.DEFINE_string('network', 'resnet', "The model to bottleneck, one of 'vgg', 'inception', or 'resnet'") flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 16, 'The batch size for the generator') batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size h, w, ch = 224, 224, 3 if == 'inception': h, w, ch = 299, 299, 3 from keras.applications.inception_v3 import preprocess_input img_placeholder = tf.placeholder("uint8", (None, 32, 32, 3)) resize_op = tf.image.resize_images(img_placeholder, (h, w), method=0) def gen(session, data, labels, batch_size): def _f(): start = 0 end = start + batch_size n = data.shape[0] while True: X_batch =, {img_placeholder: data[start:end]}) X_batch = preprocess_input(X_batch) y_batch = data[start:end] start += batch_size end += batch_size if start >= n: start = 0 end = batch_size print(start, end) yield (X_batch, y_batch) return _f def create_model(): input_tensor = Input(shape=(h, w, ch)) if == 'vgg': model = VGG16(input_tensor=input_tensor, include_top=False) x = model.output x = AveragePooling2D((7,7))(x) model = Model(model.input, x) elif == 'inception': model = InceptionV3(input_tensor=input_tensor, include_top=False) x = model.output x = AveragePooling2D((8, 8), strides=(8, 8))(x) model = Model(model.input, x) else: model = ResNet50(input_tensor=input_tensor, include_top=False) return model def main(_): if FLAGS.dataset == 'cifar10': (X_train, y_train), (_, _) = cifar10.load_data() X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) else: with open('data/train.p', mode='rb') as f: train = pickle.load(f) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(train['features'], train['labels'], test_size=0.33, random_state=0) train_output_file = "{}_{}_{}.p".format(, FLAGS.dataset, 'bottleneck_features_train') validation_output_file = "{}_{}_{}.p".format(, FLAGS.dataset, 'bottleneck_features_validation') print("Resizing to", (w, h, ch)) print("Saving to ...") print(train_output_file) print(validation_output_file) with tf.Session() as sess: K.set_session(sess) K.set_learning_phase(1) model = create_model() print('Bottleneck training') train_gen = gen(sess, X_train, y_train, batch_size) bottleneck_features_train = model.predict_generator(train_gen(), X_train.shape[0]) data = {'features': bottleneck_features_train, 'labels': y_train} pickle.dump(data, open(train_output_file, 'wb')) print('Bottleneck validation') val_gen = gen(sess, X_val, y_val, batch_size) bottleneck_features_validation = model.predict_generator(val_gen(), X_val.shape[0]) data = {'features': bottleneck_features_validation, 'labels': y_val} pickle.dump(data, open(validation_output_file, 'wb')) if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function, division from time import time import argparse import numpy as np from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB ESTIMATORS = { "dummy": DummyClassifier(), "random_forest": RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_features="sqrt", min_samples_split=10), "extra_trees": ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_features="sqrt", min_samples_split=10), "logistic_regression": LogisticRegression(), "naive_bayes": MultinomialNB(), "adaboost": AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=10), } ############################################################################### # Data if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-e', '--estimators', nargs="+", required=True, choices=ESTIMATORS) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) data_train = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset="train") data_test = fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset="test") X_train = check_array(, dtype=np.float32, accept_sparse="csc") X_test = check_array(, dtype=np.float32, accept_sparse="csr") y_train = y_test = print("20 newsgroups") print("=============") print("X_train.shape = {0}".format(X_train.shape)) print("X_train.format = {0}".format(X_train.format)) print("X_train.dtype = {0}".format(X_train.dtype)) print("X_train density = {0}" "".format(X_train.nnz / np.product(X_train.shape))) print("y_train {0}".format(y_train.shape)) print("X_test {0}".format(X_test.shape)) print("X_test.format = {0}".format(X_test.format)) print("X_test.dtype = {0}".format(X_test.dtype)) print("y_test {0}".format(y_test.shape)) print() print("Classifier Training") print("===================") accuracy, train_time, test_time = {}, {}, {} for name in sorted(args["estimators"]): clf = ESTIMATORS[name] try: clf.set_params(random_state=0) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass print("Training %s ... " % name, end="") t0 = time(), y_train) train_time[name] = time() - t0 t0 = time() y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) test_time[name] = time() - t0 accuracy[name] = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) print("done") print() print("Classification performance:") print("===========================") print() print("%s %s %s %s" % ("Classifier ", "train-time", "test-time", "Accuracy")) print("-" * 44) for name in sorted(accuracy, key=accuracy.get): print("%s %s %s %s" % (name.ljust(16), ("%.4fs" % train_time[name]).center(10), ("%.4fs" % test_time[name]).center(10), ("%.4f" % accuracy[name]).center(10))) print()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """QGIS Unit tests for QgsServer. .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = 'Stephane Brunner' __date__ = '28/08/2015' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2015, The QGIS Project' import qgis # NOQA import os from shutil import copyfile from math import sqrt from utilities import unitTestDataPath from osgeo import gdal from osgeo.gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly from qgis.server import QgsServer, QgsAccessControlFilter, QgsServerRequest, QgsBufferServerRequest, QgsBufferServerResponse from qgis.core import QgsRenderChecker, QgsApplication from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QSize import tempfile from test_qgsserver import QgsServerTestBase import base64 XML_NS = \ 'service="WFS" version="1.0.0" ' \ 'xmlns:wfs="" ' \ 'xmlns:xsi="" ' \ 'xmlns:ogc="" ' \ 'xmlns="" updateSequence="0" ' \ 'xmlns:xlink="" ' \ 'xsi:schemaLocation="" ' \ 'xmlns:gml="" ' \ 'xmlns:ows="" ' class RestrictedAccessControl(QgsAccessControlFilter): """ Used to have restriction access """ # Be able to deactivate the access control to have a reference point _active = False def __init__(self, server_iface): super(QgsAccessControlFilter, self).__init__(server_iface) def layerFilterExpression(self, layer): """ Return an additional expression filter """ if not self._active: return super(RestrictedAccessControl, self).layerFilterExpression(layer) return "$id = 1" if == "Hello" else None def layerFilterSubsetString(self, layer): """ Return an additional subset string (typically SQL) filter """ if not self._active: return super(RestrictedAccessControl, self).layerFilterSubsetString(layer) if == "Hello_SubsetString": return "pk = 1" elif == "Hello_Project_SubsetString": return "pkuid = 6 or pkuid = 7" elif == "Hello_Filter_SubsetString": return "pkuid = 6 or pkuid = 7" else: return None def layerPermissions(self, layer): """ Return the layer rights """ if not self._active: return super(RestrictedAccessControl, self).layerPermissions(layer) rh = self.serverInterface().requestHandler() rights = QgsAccessControlFilter.LayerPermissions() # Used to test WFS transactions if rh.parameterMap().get("LAYER_PERM") == "no": return rights # Used to test the WCS if rh.parameterMap().get("TEST") == "dem": rights.canRead = != "dem" else: rights.canRead = not in ("Country", "Hello_OnOff") if == "db_point": rights.canRead = rights.canInsert = rights.canUpdate = rights.canDelete = True return rights def authorizedLayerAttributes(self, layer, attributes): """ Return the authorised layer attributes """ if not self._active: return super(RestrictedAccessControl, self).authorizedLayerAttributes(layer, attributes) if "color" in attributes: # spellok attributes.remove("color") # spellok return attributes def allowToEdit(self, layer, feature): """ Are we authorise to modify the following geometry """ if not self._active: return super(RestrictedAccessControl, self).allowToEdit(layer, feature) return feature.attribute("color") in ["red", "yellow"] def cacheKey(self): return "r" if self._active else "f" class TestQgsServerAccessControl(QgsServerTestBase): @classmethod def _execute_request(cls, qs, requestMethod=QgsServerRequest.GetMethod, data=None): if data is not None: data = data.encode('utf-8') request = QgsBufferServerRequest(qs, requestMethod, {}, data) response = QgsBufferServerResponse() cls._server.handleRequest(request, response) headers = [] rh = response.headers() rk = sorted(rh.keys()) for k in rk: headers.append(("%s: %s" % (k, rh[k])).encode('utf-8')) return b"\n".join(headers) + b"\n\n", bytes(response.body()) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Run before all tests""" cls._app = QgsApplication([], False) cls._server = QgsServer() cls._execute_request("") cls._server_iface = cls._server.serverInterface() cls._accesscontrol = RestrictedAccessControl(cls._server_iface) cls._server_iface.registerAccessControl(cls._accesscontrol, 100) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Run after all tests""" del cls._server cls._app.exitQgis() def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.testdata_path = unitTestDataPath("qgis_server_accesscontrol") data_file = os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "helloworld.db") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(data_file), 'Could not find data file "{}"'.format(data_file)) copyfile(data_file, os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "_helloworld.db")) for k in ["QUERY_STRING", "QGIS_PROJECT_FILE"]: if k in os.environ: del os.environ[k] self.projectPath = os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "project_grp.qgs") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.projectPath), 'Could not find project file "{}"'.format(self.projectPath)) def tearDown(self): copyfile(os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "_helloworld.db"), os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "helloworld.db")) def _handle_request(self, restricted, query_string, **kwargs): self._accesscontrol._active = restricted qs = "?" + query_string if query_string is not None else '' result = self._result(self._execute_request(qs, **kwargs)) return result def _result(self, data): headers = {} for line in data[0].decode('UTF-8').split("\n"): if line != "": header = line.split(":") self.assertEqual(len(header), 2, line) headers[str(header[0])] = str(header[1]).strip() return data[1], headers def _get_fullaccess(self, query_string): result = self._handle_request(False, query_string) return result def _get_restricted(self, query_string): result = self._handle_request(True, query_string) return result def _post_fullaccess(self, data, query_string=None): self._server.putenv("QGIS_PROJECT_FILE", self.projectPath) result = self._handle_request(False, query_string, requestMethod=QgsServerRequest.PostMethod, data=data) self._server.putenv("QGIS_PROJECT_FILE", '') return result def _post_restricted(self, data, query_string=None): self._server.putenv("QGIS_PROJECT_FILE", self.projectPath) result = self._handle_request(True, query_string, requestMethod=QgsServerRequest.PostMethod, data=data) self._server.putenv("QGIS_PROJECT_FILE", '') return result def _img_diff(self, image, control_image, max_diff, max_size_diff=QSize(), outputJpg=False): extFile = 'png' if outputJpg: extFile = 'jpg' temp_image = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "%s_result.%s" % (control_image, extFile)) with open(temp_image, "wb") as f: f.write(image) control = QgsRenderChecker() control.setControlPathPrefix("qgis_server_accesscontrol") control.setControlName(control_image) control.setRenderedImage(temp_image) if max_size_diff.isValid(): control.setSizeTolerance(max_size_diff.width(), max_size_diff.height()) return control.compareImages(control_image), def _img_diff_error(self, response, headers, image, max_diff=10, max_size_diff=QSize()): super()._img_diff_error(response, headers, image, max_diff=max_diff, max_size_diff=max_size_diff, unittest_data_path='qgis_server_accesscontrol') def _geo_img_diff(self, image_1, image_2): if == 'nt': # Not supported on Windows due to #13061 return 0 with open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), image_2), "wb") as f: f.write(image_1) image_1 = gdal.Open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), image_2), GA_ReadOnly) assert image_1, "No output image written: " + image_2 image_2 = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.testdata_path, "results", image_2), GA_ReadOnly) assert image_1, "No expected image found:" + image_2 if image_1.RasterXSize != image_2.RasterXSize or image_1.RasterYSize != image_2.RasterYSize: image_1 = None image_2 = None return 1000 # wrong size square_sum = 0 for x in range(image_1.RasterXSize): for y in range(image_1.RasterYSize): square_sum += (image_1.ReadAsArray()[x][y] - image_2.ReadAsArray()[x][y]) ** 2 # Explicitly close GDAL datasets image_1 = None image_2 = None return sqrt(square_sum) def _test_colors(self, colors): for id, color in list(colors.items()): response, headers = self._post_fullaccess( """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wfs:GetFeature {xml_ns}> <wfs:Query typeName="db_point" srsName="EPSG:3857" xmlns:feature=""> <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=""><ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo> <ogc:PropertyName>gid</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Literal>{id}</ogc:Literal> </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo></ogc:Filter></wfs:Query></wfs:GetFeature>""".format(id=id, xml_ns=XML_NS) ) self.assertTrue( str(response).find("<qgs:color>{color}</qgs:color>".format(color=color)) != -1, "Wrong color in result\n%s" % response)
""" ======================================= Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) ======================================= Example of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) metric to evaluate classifier output quality. ROC curves typically feature true positive rate on the Y axis, and false positive rate on the X axis. This means that the top left corner of the plot is the "ideal" point - a false positive rate of zero, and a true positive rate of one. This is not very realistic, but it does mean that a larger area under the curve (AUC) is usually better. The "steepness" of ROC curves is also important, since it is ideal to maximize the true positive rate while minimizing the false positive rate. Multiclass settings ------------------- ROC curves are typically used in binary classification to study the output of a classifier. In order to extend ROC curve and ROC area to multi-class or multi-label classification, it is necessary to binarize the output. One ROC curve can be drawn per label, but one can also draw a ROC curve by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a binary prediction (micro-averaging). Another evaluation measure for multi-class classification is macro-averaging, which gives equal weight to the classification of each label. .. note:: See also :func:`sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score`, :ref:``. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier # Import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X = y = # Binarize the output y = label_binarize(y, classes=[0, 1, 2]) n_classes = y.shape[1] # Add noisy features to make the problem harder random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X = np.c_[X, random_state.randn(n_samples, 200 * n_features)] # shuffle and split training and test sets X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.5, random_state=0) # Learn to predict each class against the other classifier = OneVsRestClassifier(svm.SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, random_state=random_state)) y_score =, y_train).decision_function(X_test) # Compute ROC curve and ROC area for each class fpr = dict() tpr = dict() roc_auc = dict() for i in range(n_classes): fpr[i], tpr[i], _ = roc_curve(y_test[:, i], y_score[:, i]) roc_auc[i] = auc(fpr[i], tpr[i]) # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], _ = roc_curve(y_test.ravel(), y_score.ravel()) roc_auc["micro"] = auc(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"]) ############################################################################## # Plot of a ROC curve for a specific class plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr[2], tpr[2], label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[2]) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic example') plt.legend(loc="lower right") ############################################################################## # Plot ROC curves for the multiclass problem # Compute macro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr["macro"] = np.mean([fpr[i] for i in range(n_classes)], axis=0) tpr["macro"] = np.mean([tpr[i] for i in range(n_classes)], axis=0) roc_auc["macro"] = auc(fpr["macro"], tpr["macro"]) plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], label='micro-average ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc["micro"]), linewidth=2) plt.plot(fpr["macro"], tpr["macro"], label='macro-average ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc["macro"]), linewidth=2) for i in range(n_classes): plt.plot(fpr[i], tpr[i], label='ROC curve of class {0} (area = {1:0.2f})' ''.format(i, roc_auc[i])) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Some extension of Receiver operating characteristic to multi-class') plt.legend(loc="lower right")
""" ======================================= Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) ======================================= Example of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) metric to evaluate classifier output quality. ROC curves typically feature true positive rate on the Y axis, and false positive rate on the X axis. This means that the top left corner of the plot is the "ideal" point - a false positive rate of zero, and a true positive rate of one. This is not very realistic, but it does mean that a larger area under the curve (AUC) is usually better. The "steepness" of ROC curves is also important, since it is ideal to maximize the true positive rate while minimizing the false positive rate. Multiclass settings ------------------- ROC curves are typically used in binary classification to study the output of a classifier. In order to extend ROC curve and ROC area to multi-class or multi-label classification, it is necessary to binarize the output. One ROC curve can be drawn per label, but one can also draw a ROC curve by considering each element of the label indicator matrix as a binary prediction (micro-averaging). Another evaluation measure for multi-class classification is macro-averaging, which gives equal weight to the classification of each label. .. note:: See also :func:`sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score`, :ref:``. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier # Import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X = y = # Binarize the output y = label_binarize(y, classes=[0, 1, 2]) n_classes = y.shape[1] # Add noisy features to make the problem harder random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features = X.shape X = np.c_[X, random_state.randn(n_samples, 200 * n_features)] # shuffle and split training and test sets X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.5, random_state=0) # Learn to predict each class against the other classifier = OneVsRestClassifier(svm.SVC(kernel='linear', probability=True, random_state=random_state)) y_score =, y_train).decision_function(X_test) # Compute ROC curve and ROC area for each class fpr = dict() tpr = dict() roc_auc = dict() for i in range(n_classes): fpr[i], tpr[i], _ = roc_curve(y_test[:, i], y_score[:, i]) roc_auc[i] = auc(fpr[i], tpr[i]) # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], _ = roc_curve(y_test.ravel(), y_score.ravel()) roc_auc["micro"] = auc(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"]) ############################################################################## # Plot of a ROC curve for a specific class plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr[2], tpr[2], label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[2]) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic example') plt.legend(loc="lower right") ############################################################################## # Plot ROC curves for the multiclass problem # Compute macro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr["macro"] = np.mean([fpr[i] for i in range(n_classes)], axis=0) tpr["macro"] = np.mean([tpr[i] for i in range(n_classes)], axis=0) roc_auc["macro"] = auc(fpr["macro"], tpr["macro"]) plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], label='micro-average ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc["micro"]), linewidth=2) plt.plot(fpr["macro"], tpr["macro"], label='macro-average ROC curve (area = {0:0.2f})' ''.format(roc_auc["macro"]), linewidth=2) for i in range(n_classes): plt.plot(fpr[i], tpr[i], label='ROC curve of class {0} (area = {1:0.2f})' ''.format(i, roc_auc[i])) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Some extension of Receiver operating characteristic to multi-class') plt.legend(loc="lower right")
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from import Dictionary from fairseq.models import ( FairseqDecoder, FairseqLanguageModel, register_model, register_model_architecture, ) @register_model('dummy_model') class DummyModel(FairseqLanguageModel): def __init__(self, args, encoder): super().__init__(encoder) self.args = args @staticmethod def add_args(parser): parser.add_argument('--num-layers', type=int, default=24) parser.add_argument('--embed-dim', type=int, default=1024) @classmethod def build_model(cls, args, task): encoder = DummyEncoder( num_embed=len(task.target_dictionary), embed_dim=args.embed_dim, num_layers=args.num_layers, ) return cls(args, encoder) def forward(self, src_tokens, masked_tokens=None, **kwargs): return self.decoder(src_tokens, masked_tokens=masked_tokens) class DummyEncoder(FairseqDecoder): def __init__(self, num_embed=50000, embed_dim=1024, num_layers=24): super().__init__(Dictionary()) self.embed = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=num_embed, embedding_dim=embed_dim, padding_idx=0 ) self.layers_a = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim), nn.Linear(embed_dim, 3*embed_dim), # q, k, v input projection nn.Linear(3*embed_dim, embed_dim), # skip self-attention nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim), # output projection nn.Dropout(), ) for i in range(num_layers) ]) self.layers_b = nn.ModuleList([ nn.Sequential( nn.LayerNorm(embed_dim), nn.Linear(embed_dim, 4*embed_dim), # FFN nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(4*embed_dim, embed_dim), # FFN nn.Dropout(0.1), ) for i in range(num_layers) ]) self.out_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, num_embed) def forward(self, tokens, masked_tokens=None): x = self.embed(tokens) for layer_a, layer_b in zip(self.layers_a, self.layers_b): x = x + layer_a(x) x = x + layer_b(x) x = self.out_proj(x) if masked_tokens is not None: x = x[masked_tokens] return (x,) def max_positions(self): return 1024 def get_normalized_probs(self, net_output, log_probs, sample=None): logits = net_output[0].float() if log_probs: return F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) else: return F.softmax(logits, dim=-1) @register_model_architecture('dummy_model', 'dummy_model') def base_architecture(args): pass
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.utils import resample from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer # Load the data cancer = load_breast_cancer() maxdepth = 6 X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,,random_state=0) #now scale the data from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler() X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train) X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test) score = np.zeros(maxdepth) depth = np.zeros(maxdepth) for degree in range(1,maxdepth): model = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=degree),y_train) y_pred = model.predict(X_test_scaled) depth[degree] = degree score[degree] = model.score(X_test_scaled,y_pred) print('Max Tree Depth:', degree) print('Score:', score[degree]) plt.xlim(1,maxdepth) plt.plot(depth, score, label='Score') plt.legend()
##Make synthetic data n = 1000 np.random.seed(20) x1 = np.random.rand(n) x2 = np.random.rand(n) X = designMatrix(x1, x2, 4) y = franke(x1, x2) ##Train-validation-test samples. # We choose / play with hyper-parameters on the validation data and then test predictions on the test data X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.25, random_state=1) # 0.25 x 0.8 = 0.2 scaler = StandardScaler() X_train = scaler.transform(X_train) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) X_val = scaler.transform(X_val) X_train[:, 0] = 1 X_test[:, 0] = 1 X_val[:, 0] = 1 linreg = linregOwn(method='ols') #print('Invert OLS:',, y_train)) beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.07) #print('SGD OLS:', beta) linreg = linregOwn(method='ridge') #print('Invert Ridge:',, y_train, lambda_= 0.01)) beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.0004, method='ridge') #print('SGD Ridge:', beta) sgdreg = SGDRegressor(max_iter = 100, penalty=None, eta0=0.1)[:, 1:],y_train.ravel()) #print('sklearn:', sgdreg.coef_) #print('sklearn intercept:', sgdreg.intercept_) def plot_MSE(method = 'ridge', scheme = None): eta = np.logspace(-5, -3, 10) lambda_ = np.logspace(-5, -1, 10) MSE_ols = [] MSE_ridge = [] if scheme == 'joint': if method == 'ridge': for lmbd in lambda_: for i in eta: beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=i, lambda_ = lmbd, method = method) mse_ols_test, mse_ridge_test = compute_test_mse(X_val, y_val, lambda_ = lmbd, beta = beta) MSE_ridge.append(mse_ridge_test) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ##get current axis lambda_ = np.ravel(lambda_) eta = np.ravel(eta) ax.zaxis.set_major_locator(LinearLocator(5)) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.02f')) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.03f')) ax.plot_trisurf(lambda_, eta, MSE_ridge, cmap='viridis', edgecolor='none') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\eta$') ax.set_title(r'MSE Ridge') ax.view_init(30, 60) if scheme == 'separate': if method == 'ols': eta = np.logspace(-5, 0, 10) for i in eta: beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=i, lambda_ = 0.01, method = method) mse_ols_test, mse_ridge_test = compute_test_mse(X_val, y_val, beta = beta) MSE_ols.append(mse_ols_test) print('The learning rate {} performs best for the OLS' .format(eta[MSE_ols.index(min(MSE_ols))])) print('Corresponding minimum MSE for OLS: {}'.format(min(MSE_ols))) plt.semilogx(eta, MSE_ols) plt.xlabel(r'Learning rate, $\eta$') plt.ylabel('MSE OLS') plt.title('Stochastic Gradient Descent') if scheme == 'separate': if method == 'ridge': eta = np.logspace(-5, 0, 10) for i in eta: beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=i, lambda_ = 0.01, method = method) mse_ols_test, mse_ridge_test = compute_test_mse(X_val, y_val, beta = beta) MSE_ols.append(mse_ridge_test) print('The learning rate {} performs best for Ridge' .format(eta[MSE_ols.index(min(MSE_ols))])) print('Corresponding minimum MSE for Ridge: {}'.format(min(MSE_ols))) plt.plot(eta, MSE_ols) plt.xlabel(r'Learning rate, $\eta$') plt.ylabel('MSE Ridge') plt.title('Stochastic Gradient Descent') # plot_MSE(method='ridge', scheme = 'joint') # plot_MSE(method='ols', scheme = 'separate') # plot_MSE(method='ridge', scheme = 'separate') ####Predict OLS, Ridge on test data after tuning learning rate and lambda on validation data def plot_scatter(y_true, method = 'ols'): if method == 'ols': beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.07, lambda_ = 0, method = method, n_epochs=300) if method == 'ridge': beta = SGD(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=0.0001, lambda_ = 0, method = method, n_epochs=300) y_pred =, beta) mse_ols_test, mse_ridge_test = compute_test_mse(X_test, y_true, beta = beta) print('Test MSE OLS: {}' .format(mse_ols_test)) print('Test MSE Ridge: {}' .format(mse_ridge_test)) a = plt.axes(aspect='equal') plt.scatter(y_pred, y_pred, color= 'blue', label = "True values") plt.scatter(y_pred, y_true, color = 'red', label = "Predicted values") plt.xlabel('True y values') plt.ylabel('Predicted y') plt.title(f"Prediction - {method}") plt.legend() # if method == 'ols': # plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Plots', 'ols_reg_pred.png'), transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') # if method == 'ridge': # plt.savefig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Plots', 'ridge_reg_pred.png'), transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') plot_scatter(y_test, method='ols') plot_scatter(y_test, method='ridge')
#! /usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Cournapeau David <> # 2010 Fabian Pedregosa <> # License: 3-clause BSD descr = """A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining""" import sys import os import shutil from distutils.command.clean import clean as Clean from pkg_resources import parse_version if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import __builtin__ as builtins else: import builtins # This is a bit (!) hackish: we are setting a global variable so that the main # sklearn __init__ can detect if it is being loaded by the setup routine, to # avoid attempting to load components that aren't built yet: # the numpy distutils extensions that are used by scikit-learn to recursively # build the compiled extensions in sub-packages is based on the Python import # machinery. builtins.__SKLEARN_SETUP__ = True DISTNAME = 'scikit-learn' DESCRIPTION = 'A set of python modules for machine learning and data mining' with open('README.rst') as f: LONG_DESCRIPTION = MAINTAINER = 'Andreas Mueller' MAINTAINER_EMAIL = '' URL = '' LICENSE = 'new BSD' DOWNLOAD_URL = '' # We can actually import a restricted version of sklearn that # does not need the compiled code import sklearn VERSION = sklearn.__version__ # Optional setuptools features # We need to import setuptools early, if we want setuptools features, # as it monkey-patches the 'setup' function # For some commands, use setuptools SETUPTOOLS_COMMANDS = set([ 'develop', 'release', 'bdist_egg', 'bdist_rpm', 'bdist_wininst', 'install_egg_info', 'build_sphinx', 'egg_info', 'easy_install', 'upload', 'bdist_wheel', '--single-version-externally-managed', ]) if SETUPTOOLS_COMMANDS.intersection(sys.argv): import setuptools extra_setuptools_args = dict( zip_safe=False, # the package can run out of an .egg file include_package_data=True, ) else: extra_setuptools_args = dict() # Custom clean command to remove build artifacts class CleanCommand(Clean): description = "Remove build artifacts from the source tree" def run(self): if os.path.exists('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('sklearn'): for filename in filenames: if (filename.endswith('.so') or filename.endswith('.pyd') or filename.endswith('.dll') or filename.endswith('.pyc')): os.unlink(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) for dirname in dirnames: if dirname == '__pycache__': shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)) cmdclass = {'clean': CleanCommand} # Optional wheelhouse-uploader features # To automate release of binary packages for scikit-learn we need a tool # to download the packages generated by travis and appveyor workers (with # version number matching the current release) and upload them all at once # to PyPI at release time. # The URL of the artifact repositories are configured in the setup.cfg file. WHEELHOUSE_UPLOADER_COMMANDS = set(['fetch_artifacts', 'upload_all']) if WHEELHOUSE_UPLOADER_COMMANDS.intersection(sys.argv): import wheelhouse_uploader.cmd cmdclass.update(vars(wheelhouse_uploader.cmd)) def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None): if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): os.remove('MANIFEST') from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration config = Configuration(None, parent_package, top_path) # Avoid non-useful msg: # "Ignoring attempt to set 'name' (from ... " config.set_options(ignore_setup_xxx_py=True, assume_default_configuration=True, delegate_options_to_subpackages=True, quiet=True) config.add_subpackage('sklearn') return config scipy_min_version = '0.9' numpy_min_version = '1.6.1' def get_scipy_status(): """ Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether SciPy is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if not installed). """ scipy_status = {} try: import scipy scipy_version = scipy.__version__ scipy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version( scipy_version) >= parse_version(scipy_min_version) scipy_status['version'] = scipy_version except ImportError: scipy_status['up_to_date'] = False scipy_status['version'] = "" return scipy_status def get_numpy_status(): """ Returns a dictionary containing a boolean specifying whether NumPy is up-to-date, along with the version string (empty string if not installed). """ numpy_status = {} try: import numpy numpy_version = numpy.__version__ numpy_status['up_to_date'] = parse_version( numpy_version) >= parse_version(numpy_min_version) numpy_status['version'] = numpy_version except ImportError: numpy_status['up_to_date'] = False numpy_status['version'] = "" return numpy_status def setup_package(): metadata = dict(name=DISTNAME, maintainer=MAINTAINER, maintainer_email=MAINTAINER_EMAIL, description=DESCRIPTION, license=LICENSE, url=URL, version=VERSION, download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, classifiers=['Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: Unix', 'Operating System :: MacOS', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', ], cmdclass=cmdclass, **extra_setuptools_args) if (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and ('--help' in sys.argv[1:] or sys.argv[1] in ('--help-commands', 'egg_info', '--version', 'clean'))): # For these actions, NumPy is not required. # # They are required to succeed without Numpy for example when # pip is used to install Scikit-learn when Numpy is not yet present in # the system. try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup metadata['version'] = VERSION else: numpy_status = get_numpy_status() numpy_req_str = "scikit-learn requires NumPy >= {0}.\n".format( numpy_min_version) scipy_status = get_scipy_status() scipy_req_str = "scikit-learn requires SciPy >= {0}.\n".format( scipy_min_version) instructions = ("Installation instructions are available on the " "scikit-learn website: " "\n") if numpy_status['up_to_date'] is False: if numpy_status['version']: raise ImportError("Your installation of Numerical Python " "(NumPy) {0} is out-of-date.\n{1}{2}" .format(numpy_status['version'], numpy_req_str, instructions)) else: raise ImportError("Numerical Python (NumPy) is not " "installed.\n{0}{1}" .format(numpy_req_str, instructions)) if scipy_status['up_to_date'] is False: if scipy_status['version']: raise ImportError("Your installation of Scientific Python " "(SciPy) {0} is out-of-date.\n{1}{2}" .format(scipy_status['version'], scipy_req_str, instructions)) else: raise ImportError("Scientific Python (SciPy) is not " "installed.\n{0}{1}" .format(scipy_req_str, instructions)) from numpy.distutils.core import setup metadata['configuration'] = configuration setup(**metadata) if __name__ == "__main__": setup_package()
""" ========================================================= Using FunctionTransformer to select columns ========================================================= Shows how to use a function transformer in a pipeline. If you know your dataset's first principle component is irrelevant for a classification task, you can use the FunctionTransformer to select all but the first column of the PCA transformed data. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer def _generate_vector(shift=0.5, noise=15): return np.arange(1000) + (np.random.rand(1000) - shift) * noise def generate_dataset(): """ This dataset is two lines with a slope ~ 1, where one has a y offset of ~100 """ return np.vstack(( np.vstack(( _generate_vector(), _generate_vector() + 100, )).T, np.vstack(( _generate_vector(), _generate_vector(), )).T, )), np.hstack((np.zeros(1000), np.ones(1000))) def all_but_first_column(X): return X[:, 1:] def drop_first_component(X, y): """ Create a pipeline with PCA and the column selector and use it to transform the dataset. """ pipeline = make_pipeline( PCA(), FunctionTransformer(all_but_first_column), ) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y), y_train) return pipeline.transform(X_test), y_test if __name__ == '__main__': X, y = generate_dataset() plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, s=50) X_transformed, y_transformed = drop_first_component(*generate_dataset()) plt.scatter( X_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros(len(X_transformed)), c=y_transformed, s=50, )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Inc. team # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- import math import os from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import numpy import torch from torch import Tensor, nn from torch.nn import functional as F torch.manual_seed(0) """ This is an example of export bart decoder attention with huggingface v3.5.1 def my_bart_attention_forward( self, query, key: Tensor, key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor], layer_state: Optional[List[Tensor]], attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool=False, use_past=torch.tensor(False), ): static_kv: bool = self.encoder_decoder_attention q_weight = self.q_proj.weight.transpose(0,1) q_weight = q_weight.reshape(self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim) kv_weight = torch.stack((self.k_v_proj.k_proj.weight.transpose(0,1), self.k_v_proj.v_proj.weight.transpose(0,1)), dim=1) kv_weight = kv_weight.reshape(self.embed_dim, 2 * self.embed_dim) bias = torch.stack((self.q_proj.bias, self.k_v_proj.k_proj.bias, self.k_v_proj.v_proj.bias), dim=0) bias = bias.reshape(3 * self.embed_dim) self_p_k, self_p_v, enc_dec_p_k, enc_dec_p_v = layer_state if static_kv: key_cache, value_cache = enc_dec_p_k, enc_dec_p_v else: key_cache, value_cache = self_p_k, self_p_v if not static_kv: key_padding_mask = torch.tensor(False) attn_output, new_key_cache, new_value_cache = torch.ops.onnxruntime.DecoderAttention( query, key, q_weight, kv_weight, bias, key_padding_mask, key_cache, value_cache, torch.tensor(static_kv), #static_kv use_past, #use_past torch.tensor(True), #has_layer_state torch.tensor(static_kv), #has_key_padding_mask self.num_heads) if not use_past: if self.encoder_decoder_attention: layer_state[2] = new_key_cache layer_state[3] = new_value_cache else: layer_state[0] = new_key_cache layer_state[1] = new_value_cache else: if not self.encoder_decoder_attention: layer_state[0] = new_key_cache layer_state[1] = new_value_cache attn_output = self.out_proj(attn_output) return attn_output, None, layer_state """ class Config: batch_size = 0 sequence_length = 0 kv_sequence_length = 0 num_heads = 0 head_size = 0 embed_dim = 0 def __init__(self, b, s, s2, n, h): self.batch_size = b self.sequence_length = s self.kv_sequence_length = s2 self.num_heads = n self.head_size = h self.embed_dim = self.num_heads * self.head_size class AttentionProjection(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_heads, head_dim, embed_dim, bias=True): super().__init__() self.num_heads = num_heads self.head_dim = head_dim self.k_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.v_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) def shape_state(self, state, batch_size): return state.view(batch_size * self.num_heads, -1, self.head_dim) def shape_proj(self, proj, batch_size): return proj.view(-1, batch_size * self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(0, 1) def forward( self, query, key, layer_state: Optional[List[Tensor]], encoder_decoder_attention: bool, use_past=torch.tensor(False), ): bsz = torch._shape_as_tensor(query)[1] if layer_state is None or not use_past: if not encoder_decoder_attention: k = self.k_proj(query) v = self.v_proj(query) k = self.shape_proj(k, bsz) v = self.shape_proj(v, bsz) else: k = self.k_proj(key) v = self.v_proj(key) k = self.shape_proj(k, bsz) v = self.shape_proj(v, bsz) else: self_p_k, self_p_v, enc_dec_p_k, enc_dec_p_v = layer_state if not encoder_decoder_attention: k = self.k_proj(query) v = self.v_proj(query) k = self.shape_proj(k, bsz) v = self.shape_proj(v, bsz) k =[self.shape_state(self_p_k, bsz), k], dim=1) v =[self.shape_state(self_p_v, bsz), v], dim=1) else: k = self.shape_state(enc_dec_p_k, bsz) v = self.shape_state(enc_dec_p_v, bsz) return k, v class AttentionForONNX(nn.Module): """Multi-headed attention from 'Attention Is All You Need' paper""" def __init__( self, embed_dim, num_heads, dropout=0.0, bias=True, encoder_decoder_attention=False, # otherwise self_attention ): super().__init__() self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.num_heads = num_heads self.dropout = dropout self.head_dim = embed_dim // num_heads assert self.head_dim * num_heads == self.embed_dim, "embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads" self.scaling = self.head_dim**-0.5 self.encoder_decoder_attention = encoder_decoder_attention self.k_v_proj = torch.jit.script(AttentionProjection(num_heads, self.head_dim, embed_dim, bias)) self.q_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.out_proj = nn.Linear(embed_dim, embed_dim, bias=bias) self.cache_key = "encoder_decoder" if self.encoder_decoder_attention else "self" def _shape(self, tensor, seq_len, bsz): return tensor.contiguous().view(seq_len, bsz * self.num_heads, self.head_dim).transpose(0, 1) def forward( self, query, key: Tensor, key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, layer_state: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None, attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, use_past=torch.tensor(False), has_key_padding_mask: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]: """Input shape: Time(SeqLen) x Batch x Channel""" static_kv: bool = self.encoder_decoder_attention tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim = query.size() # get here for encoder decoder cause of static_kv k, v = self.k_v_proj(query, key, layer_state, self.encoder_decoder_attention, use_past) q = self.q_proj(query) * self.scaling q = self._shape(q, tgt_len, bsz) # Update cache if layer_state is not None: cached_shape = ( bsz, self.num_heads, -1, self.head_dim, ) # bsz must be first for reorder_cache if static_kv: # cross-attn new_key_cache = k.view(*cached_shape) new_value_cache = v.view(*cached_shape) else: # self-attn new_key_cache = k.view(*cached_shape) new_value_cache = v.view(*cached_shape) src_len = k.size(1) assert key_padding_mask is None or key_padding_mask.shape == (bsz, src_len) attn_weights = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(1, 2)) assert attn_weights.size() == (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) if has_key_padding_mask: # don't attend to padding symbols attn_weights = attn_weights.view(bsz, self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) reshaped = key_padding_mask.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2) attn_weights = attn_weights.masked_fill(reshaped, float("-inf")) attn_weights = attn_weights.view(bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, src_len) attn_weights = F.softmax(attn_weights, dim=-1) attn_probs = attn_weights assert v is not None attn_output = torch.bmm(attn_probs, v) assert attn_output.size() == (bsz * self.num_heads, tgt_len, self.head_dim) attn_output = attn_output.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(tgt_len, bsz, embed_dim) attn_output = self.out_proj(attn_output) return attn_output, new_key_cache, new_value_cache def ORT_forward( self, query, key: Tensor, key_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, layer_state: Optional[List[Tensor]] = None, attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, use_past=torch.tensor(False), has_key_padding_mask: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]: """Input shape: Time(SeqLen) x Batch x Channel""" # For readability static_kv = True if self.encoder_decoder_attention else False has_layer_state = True if layer_state is not None else False use_past_cache = True if use_past else False q_weight = self.q_proj.weight.transpose(0, 1) q_weight = q_weight.reshape(self.embed_dim, self.embed_dim) kv_weight = torch.stack( ( self.k_v_proj.k_proj.weight.transpose(0, 1), self.k_v_proj.v_proj.weight.transpose(0, 1), ), dim=1, ) kv_weight = kv_weight.reshape(self.embed_dim, 2 * self.embed_dim) bias = torch.stack( (self.q_proj.bias, self.k_v_proj.k_proj.bias, self.k_v_proj.v_proj.bias), dim=0, ) bias = bias.reshape(3 * self.embed_dim) onnx_model_str = create_decoder_attention_graph( query, key, q_weight, kv_weight, bias, self.num_heads, static_kv, use_past_cache, has_layer_state, has_key_padding_mask, ) self_p_k, self_p_v, enc_dec_p_k, enc_dec_p_v = layer_state if self.encoder_decoder_attention: key_cache, value_cache = enc_dec_p_k, enc_dec_p_v else: key_cache, value_cache = self_p_k, self_p_v ort_inputs = { "query": numpy.ascontiguousarray(query.cpu().numpy()), "key": numpy.ascontiguousarray(key.cpu().numpy()), "key_padding_mask": numpy.ascontiguousarray(key_padding_mask.cpu().numpy()), "key_cache": numpy.ascontiguousarray(key_cache.detach().cpu().numpy()), "value_cache": numpy.ascontiguousarray(value_cache.detach().cpu().numpy()), } from onnxruntime import InferenceSession, SessionOptions sess_options = SessionOptions() ort_session = InferenceSession(onnx_model_str, sess_options, providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"]) ort_output =, ort_inputs) output, new_key_cache, new_value_cache = ort_output output = torch.tensor(output) attn_output = self.out_proj(output) return attn_output, torch.tensor(new_key_cache), torch.tensor(new_value_cache) def create_decoder_attention_graph( query, key, q_weight, kv_weight, bias, num_heads_, static_kv, use_past, has_layer_state, has_key_padding_mask, ): from onnx import TensorProto, helper S, B, NH = query.size() S2 = key.size()[0] N = num_heads_ H = int(NH / N) nodes = [ helper.make_node( "DecoderAttention", [ "query", "key", "q_weight", "kv_weight", "bias", "key_padding_mask", "key_cache", "value_cache", "static_kv", "use_past", "has_layer_state", "has_key_padding_mask", ], ["output", "new_key_cache", "new_value_cache"], "DecoderAttention_0", num_heads=num_heads_, domain="", ), ] initializers = [ helper.make_tensor("q_weight", TensorProto.FLOAT, [NH, NH], q_weight.flatten().tolist()), helper.make_tensor("kv_weight", TensorProto.FLOAT, [NH, 2 * NH], kv_weight.flatten().tolist()), helper.make_tensor("bias", TensorProto.FLOAT, [3 * NH], bias.flatten().tolist()), helper.make_tensor("static_kv", TensorProto.BOOL, [1], [static_kv]), helper.make_tensor("use_past", TensorProto.BOOL, [1], [use_past]), helper.make_tensor("has_layer_state", TensorProto.BOOL, [1], [has_layer_state]), helper.make_tensor("has_key_padding_mask", TensorProto.BOOL, [1], [has_key_padding_mask]), ] graph = helper.make_graph( nodes, "DecoderAttention_Graph", [ helper.make_tensor_value_info("query", TensorProto.FLOAT, [S, B, NH]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("key", TensorProto.FLOAT, [S2, B, NH]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("key_padding_mask", TensorProto.BOOL, [B, "mask_len"]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("key_cache", TensorProto.FLOAT, [B, N, "cache_len", H]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("value_cache", TensorProto.FLOAT, [B, N, "cache_len", H]), ], [ helper.make_tensor_value_info("output", TensorProto.FLOAT, [S, B, NH]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("new_key_cache", TensorProto.FLOAT, [B, N, "new_cache_len", H]), helper.make_tensor_value_info("new_value_cache", TensorProto.FLOAT, [B, N, "new_cache_len", H]), ], initializers, ) model = helper.make_model(graph) return model.SerializeToString() def create_inputs( config: Config, has_layer_state: bool, use_past: bool, encoder_decoder_attention: bool, ): query = torch.normal( mean=0.0, std=0.1, size=(config.sequence_length, config.batch_size, config.embed_dim), ).to(torch.float32) key = torch.normal( mean=0.0, std=0.1, size=(config.kv_sequence_length, config.batch_size, config.embed_dim), ).to(torch.float32) key_length = None if not has_layer_state or not use_past: if not encoder_decoder_attention: key_length = config.sequence_length else: key_length = config.kv_sequence_length else: if not encoder_decoder_attention: key_length = config.sequence_length + config.kv_sequence_length else: key_length = config.kv_sequence_length key_padding_mask = torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=0.1, size=(config.batch_size, key_length)) > 0 # The following line ensure not all the mask are true key_padding_mask[0][0] = False cache = torch.normal( mean=0.0, std=0.1, size=( config.batch_size, config.num_heads, config.kv_sequence_length, config.head_size, ), ).to(torch.float32) layer_state = [cache, cache, cache, cache] return query, key, key_padding_mask, layer_state, torch.tensor(use_past) def parity_check( config, has_layer_state, use_past, static_kv, has_key_padding_mask, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4, ): query, key, key_padding_mask, layer_state, use_past = create_inputs(config, has_layer_state, use_past, static_kv) attn = AttentionForONNX(config.embed_dim, config.num_heads, encoder_decoder_attention=static_kv) attn_output, new_key_cache, new_value_cache = attn.forward( query, key, key_padding_mask, layer_state, None, False, use_past, has_key_padding_mask, ) attn_output_ort, new_key_cache_ort, new_value_cache_ort = attn.ORT_forward( query, key, key_padding_mask, layer_state, None, False, use_past, has_key_padding_mask, ) attn_output_ort_1, _, _ = attn.ORT_forward( query, key, key_padding_mask, layer_state, None, False, use_past, has_key_padding_mask, ) print( " B:", config.batch_size, " S:", config.sequence_length, " S*:", config.kv_sequence_length, " h:", config.embed_dim, " has_layer_state:", has_layer_state, " use_past:", use_past, " static_kv:", static_kv, " has_key_padding_mask:", has_key_padding_mask, "[attn_output, randomness, key, value] parity:", numpy.allclose( attn_output.detach().numpy(), attn_output_ort.detach().numpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True, ), numpy.allclose( attn_output_ort_1.detach().numpy(), attn_output_ort.detach().numpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True, ), numpy.allclose( new_key_cache.detach().numpy(), new_key_cache_ort.detach().numpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True, ), numpy.allclose( new_value_cache.detach().numpy(), new_value_cache_ort.detach().numpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=True, ), ) if __name__ == "__main__": for b in [1, 32, 128]: for s in [1, 2, 128]: for s2 in [1, 64, 256]: for n in [8]: for h in [64]: config = Config(b, s, s2, n, h) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=True, static_kv=True, has_key_padding_mask=False, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=True, static_kv=False, has_key_padding_mask=False, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=False, static_kv=True, has_key_padding_mask=False, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=False, static_kv=False, has_key_padding_mask=False, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=True, static_kv=True, has_key_padding_mask=True, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=True, static_kv=False, has_key_padding_mask=True, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=False, static_kv=True, has_key_padding_mask=True, ) parity_check( config, has_layer_state=True, use_past=False, static_kv=False, has_key_padding_mask=True, )
""" ========================================================= Using FunctionTransformer to select columns ========================================================= Shows how to use a function transformer in a pipeline. If you know your dataset's first principle component is irrelevant for a classification task, you can use the FunctionTransformer to select all but the first column of the PCA transformed data. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer def _generate_vector(shift=0.5, noise=15): return np.arange(1000) + (np.random.rand(1000) - shift) * noise def generate_dataset(): """ This dataset is two lines with a slope ~ 1, where one has a y offset of ~100 """ return np.vstack(( np.vstack(( _generate_vector(), _generate_vector() + 100, )).T, np.vstack(( _generate_vector(), _generate_vector(), )).T, )), np.hstack((np.zeros(1000), np.ones(1000))) def all_but_first_column(X): return X[:, 1:] def drop_first_component(X, y): """ Create a pipeline with PCA and the column selector and use it to transform the dataset. """ pipeline = make_pipeline( PCA(), FunctionTransformer(all_but_first_column), ) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y), y_train) return pipeline.transform(X_test), y_test if __name__ == '__main__': X, y = generate_dataset() plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, s=50) X_transformed, y_transformed = drop_first_component(*generate_dataset()) plt.scatter( X_transformed[:, 0], np.zeros(len(X_transformed)), c=y_transformed, s=50, )
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union import torch from torchmetrics import Metric import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.loops.fit_loop import FitLoop from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _OMEGACONF_AVAILABLE, rank_zero_deprecation, rank_zero_info, rank_zero_warn from pytorch_lightning.utilities.cloud_io import atomic_save, get_filesystem from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException from pytorch_lightning.utilities.imports import _fault_tolerant_training from pytorch_lightning.utilities.upgrade_checkpoint import KEYS_MAPPING as DEPRECATED_CHECKPOINT_KEYS if _OMEGACONF_AVAILABLE: from omegaconf import Container class CheckpointConnector: def __init__(self, trainer, resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None): self.trainer = trainer self.resume_checkpoint_path = resume_from_checkpoint self._loaded_checkpoint = {} @property def hpc_resume_path(self) -> Optional[str]: dir_path_hpc = str(self.trainer.weights_save_path) max_version = self.max_ckpt_version_in_folder(dir_path_hpc, "hpc_ckpt_") if max_version is not None: return os.path.join(dir_path_hpc, f"hpc_ckpt_{max_version}.ckpt") def resume_start(self) -> None: """ Attempts to pre-load the checkpoint file to memory, with the source path determined in this priority: 1. from HPC weights if found 2. from `resume_from_checkpoint` file if provided 3. don't restore Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the path to the checkpoint file is provided but the file does not exist. """ self.resume_checkpoint_path = self.hpc_resume_path or self.resume_checkpoint_path checkpoint_path = self.resume_checkpoint_path if not checkpoint_path: return rank_zero_info(f"Restoring states from the checkpoint path at {checkpoint_path}") self._loaded_checkpoint = self.trainer.training_type_plugin.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) def resume_end(self) -> None: """Signal the connector that all states have resumed and memory for the checkpoint object can be released.""" if self.resume_checkpoint_path: rank_zero_info(f"Restored all states from the checkpoint file at {self.resume_checkpoint_path}") self.resume_checkpoint_path = None self._loaded_checkpoint = {} # clear cache after restore torch.cuda.empty_cache() # wait for all to catch up self.trainer.training_type_plugin.barrier("CheckpointConnector.resume_end") def restore(self, checkpoint_path: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None) -> None: """ Attempt to restore everything at once from a 'PyTorch-Lightning checkpoint' file through file-read and state-restore, in this priority: 1. from HPC weights if found 2. from `resume_from_checkpoint` file if provided 3. don't restore All restored states are listed in return value description of `dump_checkpoint`. Args: checkpoint_path: Path to a PyTorch Lightning checkpoint file. """ self.resume_checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path self.resume_start() # restore module states self.restore_datamodule() self.restore_model() # restore callback states self.restore_callbacks() # restore training state self.restore_training_state() self.resume_end() def restore_datamodule(self) -> None: """Calls hooks on the datamodule to give it a chance to restore its state from the checkpoint.""" if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return datamodule = self.trainer.datamodule if datamodule is not None: datamodule.on_load_checkpoint(self._loaded_checkpoint) def restore_model(self) -> None: """ Restores a model's weights from a PyTorch Lightning checkpoint. Hooks are called first go give the LightningModule a chance to modify the contents, then finally the model gets updated with the loaded weights. """ if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return model = self.trainer.lightning_module # hook: give user access to checkpoint if needed. model.on_load_checkpoint(self._loaded_checkpoint) # call hpc specific hook if self.hpc_resume_path is not None: model.on_hpc_load(self._loaded_checkpoint) # restore model state_dict self.trainer.training_type_plugin.load_model_state_dict(self._loaded_checkpoint) # reset metrics states on non-rank 0 as all states have been accumulated on rank 0 via syncing on checkpointing. if not self.trainer.is_global_zero: for module in self.trainer.lightning_module.modules(): if isinstance(module, Metric): module.reset() def restore_model_weights(self, checkpoint_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]]) -> None: """Restore only the model weights.""" checkpoint = self._loaded_checkpoint if checkpoint_path is not None: checkpoint = self.trainer.training_type_plugin.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) self.trainer.lightning_module.on_load_checkpoint(checkpoint) self.trainer.training_type_plugin.load_model_state_dict(checkpoint) def restore_training_state(self) -> None: """ Restore the trainer state from the pre-loaded checkpoint. This includes the precision settings, loop progress, optimizer states and learning rate scheduler states. """ if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return # restore precision plugin (scaler etc.) self.trainer.precision_plugin.on_load_checkpoint(self._loaded_checkpoint) # restore loops and their progress self.restore_loops() self.restore_optimizers_and_schedulers() def restore_callbacks(self) -> None: """Restores all callbacks from the pre-loaded checkpoint.""" if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return if any(key in self._loaded_checkpoint for key in DEPRECATED_CHECKPOINT_KEYS): raise ValueError( "The checkpoint you're attempting to load follows an" " outdated schema. You can upgrade to the current schema by running" " `python -m pytorch_lightning.utilities.upgrade_checkpoint --file model.ckpt`" " where `model.ckpt` is your checkpoint file." ) self.trainer.on_load_checkpoint(self._loaded_checkpoint) def restore_loops(self) -> None: """ Restores the loop progress from the pre-loaded checkpoint. Calls hooks on the loops to give it a chance to restore its state from the checkpoint. """ if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return self.trainer.fit_loop.global_step = self._loaded_checkpoint["global_step"] self.trainer.fit_loop.current_epoch = self._loaded_checkpoint["epoch"] # crash if max_epochs is lower then the current epoch from the checkpoint if ( FitLoop._is_max_limit_enabled(self.trainer.max_epochs) and self.trainer.current_epoch > self.trainer.max_epochs ): raise MisconfigurationException( f"You restored a checkpoint with current_epoch={self.trainer.current_epoch}," f" but you have set Trainer(max_epochs={self.trainer.max_epochs})." ) # Division deals with global step stepping once per accumulated batch # Inequality deals with different global step for odd vs even num_training_batches self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches = self.trainer.accumulation_scheduler.get_accumulate_grad_batches( self.trainer.current_epoch ) n_accum = 1 if self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches is None else self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches expected_steps = self.trainer.num_training_batches / n_accum if self.trainer.num_training_batches != 0 and self.trainer.global_step % expected_steps > 1: rank_zero_warn( "You're resuming from a checkpoint that ended mid-epoch." " Training will start from the beginning of the next epoch." " This can cause unreliable results if further training is done," " consider using an end of epoch checkpoint." ) state_dict = self._loaded_checkpoint.get("loops") if state_dict: self.trainer.fit_loop.load_state_dict(state_dict["fit_loop"]) self.trainer.validate_loop.load_state_dict(state_dict["validate_loop"]) self.trainer.test_loop.load_state_dict(state_dict["test_loop"]) self.trainer.predict_loop.load_state_dict(state_dict["predict_loop"]) def restore_optimizers_and_schedulers(self) -> None: """Restores the optimizers and learning rate scheduler states from the pre-loaded checkpoint.""" if ( not self._loaded_checkpoint or not self.trainer.training_type_plugin.lightning_restore_optimizer_and_schedulers ): return # validation if "optimizer_states" not in self._loaded_checkpoint or "lr_schedulers" not in self._loaded_checkpoint: raise KeyError( "Trying to restore training state but checkpoint contains only the model." " This is probably due to `ModelCheckpoint.save_weights_only` being set to `True`." ) self.restore_optimizers() self.restore_lr_schedulers() def restore_optimizers(self) -> None: """Restores the optimizer states from the pre-loaded checkpoint.""" if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return # restore the optimizers self.trainer.training_type_plugin.load_optimizer_state_dict(self._loaded_checkpoint) for optimizer in self.trainer.optimizers: # move optimizer to GPU 1 weight at a time # avoids OOM if self.trainer.root_gpu is not None: for state in optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = v.cuda(self.trainer.root_gpu) def restore_lr_schedulers(self) -> None: """Restores the learning rate scheduler states from the pre-loaded checkpoint.""" if not self._loaded_checkpoint: return # restore the lr schedulers lr_schedulers = self._loaded_checkpoint["lr_schedulers"] for scheduler, lrs_state in zip(self.trainer.lr_schedulers, lr_schedulers): scheduler["scheduler"].load_state_dict(lrs_state) # ---------------------------------- # PRIVATE OPS # ---------------------------------- def hpc_save(self, folderpath: str, logger): # make sure the checkpoint folder exists folderpath = str(folderpath) # because the tests pass a path object fs = get_filesystem(folderpath) fs.makedirs(folderpath, exist_ok=True) # save logger to make sure we get all the metrics max_suffix = self.max_ckpt_version_in_folder(folderpath) ckpt_number = (max_suffix if max_suffix is not None else 0) + 1 fs.makedirs(folderpath, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(folderpath, f"hpc_ckpt_{ckpt_number}.ckpt") # give model a chance to do something on hpc_save model = self.trainer.lightning_module checkpoint = self.dump_checkpoint() model.on_hpc_save(checkpoint) # do the actual save # TODO: fix for anything with multiprocess DP, DDP, DDP2 try: atomic_save(checkpoint, filepath) except AttributeError as err: if pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY in checkpoint: del checkpoint[pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY] rank_zero_warn(f"warning, `hyper_parameters` dropped from checkpoint. An attribute is not picklable {err}") atomic_save(checkpoint, filepath) return filepath def dump_checkpoint(self, weights_only: bool = False) -> dict: """Creating a model checkpoint dictionary object from various component states. Args: weights_only: saving model weights only Return: structured dictionary: { 'epoch': training epoch 'global_step': training global step 'pytorch-lightning_version': The version of PyTorch Lightning that produced this checkpoint 'callbacks': "callback specific state"[] # if not weights_only 'optimizer_states': "PT optim's state_dict"[] # if not weights_only 'lr_schedulers': "PT sched's state_dict"[] # if not weights_only 'native_amp_scaling_state': PT amp's state_dict # if not weights_only and use native amp 'amp_scaling_state': Apex's state_dict # if not weights_only and use apex amp 'state_dict': Model's state_dict (e.g. network weights) CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_NAME: CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY: CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_TYPE: something_cool_i_want_to_save: anything you define through model.on_save_checkpoint LightningDataModule.__class__.__name__: pl DataModule's state } """ # dump epoch/global_step/pytorch-lightning_version current_epoch = self.trainer.current_epoch global_step = self.trainer.global_step has_reached_max_steps = self.trainer.max_steps and self.trainer.max_steps <= global_step global_step += 1 if not has_reached_max_steps: current_epoch += 1 model = self.trainer.lightning_module checkpoint = { "epoch": current_epoch, "global_step": global_step, "pytorch-lightning_version": pl.__version__, "state_dict": self._get_lightning_module_state_dict(), } if _fault_tolerant_training(): checkpoint["loops"] = self._get_loops_state_dict() if not weights_only: # dump callbacks checkpoint["callbacks"] = self.trainer.on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) optimizer_states = [] for i, optimizer in enumerate(self.trainer.optimizers): # Rely on accelerator to dump optimizer state optimizer_state = self.trainer.accelerator.optimizer_state(optimizer) optimizer_states.append(optimizer_state) checkpoint["optimizer_states"] = optimizer_states # dump lr schedulers lr_schedulers = [] for scheduler in self.trainer.lr_schedulers: lr_schedulers.append(scheduler["scheduler"].state_dict()) checkpoint["lr_schedulers"] = lr_schedulers self.trainer.precision_plugin.on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) # dump hyper-parameters if model.hparams: if hasattr(model, "_hparams_name"): checkpoint[pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_NAME] = model._hparams_name # dump arguments if _OMEGACONF_AVAILABLE and isinstance(model.hparams, Container): checkpoint[pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY] = model.hparams checkpoint[pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_TYPE] = type(model.hparams) else: checkpoint[pl.LightningModule.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY] = dict(model.hparams) # give the model a chance to dump a few things model.on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) if self.trainer.datamodule is not None: self.trainer.datamodule.on_save_checkpoint(checkpoint) return checkpoint def hpc_load(self, checkpoint_path: str) -> None: """ Attempts to restore the full training and model state from a HPC checkpoint file. .. deprecated::v1.4 Will be removed in v1.6. Use :meth:`restore` instead. """ rank_zero_deprecation( "`CheckpointConnector.hpc_load()` was deprecated in v1.4 and will be removed in v1.6." " Use `CheckpointConnector.restore()` instead." ) self.restore(checkpoint_path) def max_ckpt_version_in_folder(self, dir_path: Union[str, Path], name_key: str = "ckpt_") -> Optional[int]: """List up files in `dir_path` with `name_key`, then yield maximum suffix number. Args: dir_path: path of directory which may contain files whose name include `name_key` name_key: file name prefix Returns: None if no-corresponding-file else maximum suffix number """ # check directory existence fs = get_filesystem(dir_path) if not fs.exists(dir_path): return None # check corresponding file existence files = [os.path.basename(f["name"]) for f in fs.listdir(dir_path)] files = [x for x in files if name_key in x] if len(files) == 0: return None # extract suffix number ckpt_vs = [] for name in files: name = name.split(name_key)[-1] name = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", name) ckpt_vs.append(int(name)) return max(ckpt_vs) def get_max_ckpt_path_from_folder(self, folder_path: Union[str, Path]) -> str: """Get path of maximum-epoch checkpoint in the folder.""" max_suffix = self.max_ckpt_version_in_folder(folder_path) ckpt_number = max_suffix if max_suffix is not None else 0 return f"{folder_path}/hpc_ckpt_{ckpt_number}.ckpt" def save_checkpoint(self, filepath, weights_only: bool = False) -> None: """Save model/training states as a checkpoint file through state-dump and file-write. Args: filepath: write-target file's path weights_only: saving model weights only """ _checkpoint = self.dump_checkpoint(weights_only) self.trainer.accelerator.save_checkpoint(_checkpoint, filepath) def _get_lightning_module_state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: metrics = ( [m for m in self.trainer.lightning_module.modules() if isinstance(m, Metric)] if _fault_tolerant_training() else [] ) for metric in metrics: metric.persistent(True) metric.sync() state_dict = self.trainer.accelerator.lightning_module_state_dict() for metric in metrics: # sync can be a no-op (e.g. on cpu) so `unsync` would raise a user error exception if we don't check if metric._is_synced: metric.unsync() return state_dict def _get_loops_state_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "fit_loop": self.trainer.fit_loop.state_dict(), "validate_loop": self.trainer.validate_loop.state_dict(), "test_loop": self.trainer.test_loop.state_dict(), "predict_loop": self.trainer.predict_loop.state_dict(), }
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from abc import ABC from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import torch from torch import optim from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.core.optimizer import LightningOptimizer from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException class TrainerOptimizersMixin(ABC): _lightning_optimizers: Optional[List[LightningOptimizer]] def init_optimizers(self, model: Optional["pl.LightningModule"]) -> Tuple[List, List, List]: pl_module = self.lightning_module or model self._lightning_optimizers = None optim_conf = self.call_hook("configure_optimizers", pl_module=pl_module) if optim_conf is None: rank_zero_warn( "`LightningModule.configure_optimizers` returned `None`, this fit will run with no optimizer", UserWarning, ) optim_conf = _MockOptimizer() optimizers, lr_schedulers, optimizer_frequencies = [], [], [] monitor = None # single output, single optimizer if isinstance(optim_conf, Optimizer): optimizers = [optim_conf] # two lists, optimizer + lr schedulers elif ( isinstance(optim_conf, (list, tuple)) and len(optim_conf) == 2 and isinstance(optim_conf[0], list) and all(isinstance(opt, Optimizer) for opt in optim_conf[0]) ): opt, sch = optim_conf optimizers = opt lr_schedulers = sch if isinstance(sch, list) else [sch] # single dictionary elif isinstance(optim_conf, dict): optimizers = [optim_conf["optimizer"]] monitor = optim_conf.get("monitor", None) lr_schedulers = [optim_conf["lr_scheduler"]] if "lr_scheduler" in optim_conf else [] # multiple dictionaries elif isinstance(optim_conf, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(d, dict) for d in optim_conf): optimizers = [opt_dict["optimizer"] for opt_dict in optim_conf] scheduler_dict = ( lambda scheduler, opt_idx: dict(scheduler, opt_idx=opt_idx) if isinstance(scheduler, dict) else {"scheduler": scheduler, "opt_idx": opt_idx} ) lr_schedulers = [ scheduler_dict(opt_dict["lr_scheduler"], opt_idx) for opt_idx, opt_dict in enumerate(optim_conf) if "lr_scheduler" in opt_dict ] optimizer_frequencies = [ opt_dict["frequency"] for opt_dict in optim_conf if opt_dict.get("frequency", None) is not None ] # assert that if frequencies are present, they are given for all optimizers if optimizer_frequencies and len(optimizer_frequencies) != len(optimizers): raise ValueError("A frequency must be given to each optimizer.") # single list or tuple, multiple optimizer elif isinstance(optim_conf, (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(opt, Optimizer) for opt in optim_conf): optimizers = list(optim_conf) # unknown configuration else: raise MisconfigurationException( "Unknown configuration for model optimizers." " Output from `model.configure_optimizers()` should either be:\n" " * `torch.optim.Optimizer`\n" " * [`torch.optim.Optimizer`]\n" " * ([`torch.optim.Optimizer`], [`torch.optim.lr_scheduler`])\n" ' * {"optimizer": `torch.optim.Optimizer`, (optional) "lr_scheduler": `torch.optim.lr_scheduler`}\n' ' * A list of the previously described dict format, with an optional "frequency" key (int)' ) is_manual_optimization = not pl_module.automatic_optimization lr_schedulers = self.configure_schedulers(lr_schedulers, monitor, is_manual_optimization) _validate_scheduler_optimizer(optimizers, lr_schedulers) return optimizers, lr_schedulers, optimizer_frequencies def convert_to_lightning_optimizers(self): def _convert_to_lightning_optimizer(trainer, optimizer): if not isinstance(optimizer, LightningOptimizer): optimizer = LightningOptimizer(optimizer) optimizer._on_trainer_init(trainer) return optimizer self._lightning_optimizers = { opt_idx: _convert_to_lightning_optimizer(self, opt) for opt_idx, opt in enumerate(self.optimizers) } def configure_schedulers( self, schedulers: list, monitor: Optional[str], is_manual_optimization: bool ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Convert each scheduler into dict structure with relevant information""" lr_schedulers = [] default_config = _get_default_scheduler_config() for scheduler in schedulers: if is_manual_optimization: if isinstance(scheduler, dict): invalid_keys = {"interval", "frequency", "reduce_on_plateau", "monitor", "strict"} keys_to_warn = [k for k in scheduler.keys() if k in invalid_keys] if keys_to_warn: rank_zero_warn( f"The lr scheduler dict contains the key(s) {keys_to_warn}, but the keys will be ignored." " You need to call `lr_scheduler.step()` manually in manual optimization.", RuntimeWarning, ) scheduler = {key: scheduler[key] for key in scheduler if key not in invalid_keys} lr_schedulers.append({**default_config, **scheduler}) else: lr_schedulers.append({**default_config, "scheduler": scheduler}) else: if isinstance(scheduler, dict): # check provided keys extra_keys = [k for k in scheduler.keys() if k not in default_config.keys()] if extra_keys: rank_zero_warn(f"Found unsupported keys in the lr scheduler dict: {extra_keys}", RuntimeWarning) if "scheduler" not in scheduler: raise MisconfigurationException( 'The lr scheduler dict must have the key "scheduler" with its item being an lr scheduler' ) if "interval" in scheduler and scheduler["interval"] not in ("step", "epoch"): raise MisconfigurationException( 'The "interval" key in lr scheduler dict must be "step" or "epoch"' f' but is "{scheduler["interval"]}"' ) scheduler["reduce_on_plateau"] = isinstance( scheduler["scheduler"], optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau ) if scheduler["reduce_on_plateau"] and scheduler.get("monitor", None) is None: raise MisconfigurationException( "The lr scheduler dict must include a monitor when a `ReduceLROnPlateau` scheduler is used." ' For example: {"optimizer": optimizer, "lr_scheduler":' ' {"scheduler": scheduler, "monitor": "your_loss"}}' ) lr_schedulers.append({**default_config, **scheduler}) elif isinstance(scheduler, optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau): if monitor is None: raise MisconfigurationException( "`configure_optimizers` must include a monitor when a `ReduceLROnPlateau`" " scheduler is used. For example:" ' {"optimizer": optimizer, "lr_scheduler": scheduler, "monitor": "metric_to_track"}' ) lr_schedulers.append( {**default_config, "scheduler": scheduler, "reduce_on_plateau": True, "monitor": monitor} ) elif isinstance(scheduler, optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler): lr_schedulers.append({**default_config, "scheduler": scheduler}) else: raise ValueError(f'The provided lr scheduler "{scheduler}" is invalid') return lr_schedulers class _MockOptimizer(Optimizer): """The `_MockOptimizer` will be used inplace of an optimizer in the event that `None` is returned from `configure_optimizers`. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__([torch.zeros(1)], {}) def add_param_group(self, param_group): pass # Do Nothing def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): pass # Do Nothing def state_dict(self): return {} # Return Empty def step(self, closure=None): if closure is not None: closure() def zero_grad(self): pass # Do Nothing def __repr__(self): return "No Optimizer" def _validate_scheduler_optimizer(optimizers, lr_schedulers): if any(sch["scheduler"].optimizer not in optimizers for sch in lr_schedulers): raise MisconfigurationException( "Some schedulers are attatched with an optimizer that wasn't returned from `configure_optimizers`." ) def _get_default_scheduler_config() -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "scheduler": None, "name": None, # no custom name "interval": "epoch", # after epoch is over "frequency": 1, # every epoch/batch "reduce_on_plateau": False, # most often not ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler "monitor": None, # value to monitor for ReduceLROnPlateau "strict": True, # enforce that the monitor exists for ReduceLROnPlateau "opt_idx": None, # necessary to store opt_idx when optimizer frequencies are specified }
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import pickle import cloudpickle import pytest from tests import _PATH_DATASETS from tests.helpers.datasets import AverageDataset, MNIST, TrialMNIST @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dataset_cls,args", [(MNIST, dict(root=_PATH_DATASETS)), (TrialMNIST, dict(root=_PATH_DATASETS)), (AverageDataset, {})], ) def test_pickling_dataset_mnist(tmpdir, dataset_cls, args): mnist = dataset_cls(**args) mnist_pickled = pickle.dumps(mnist) pickle.loads(mnist_pickled) # assert vars(mnist) == vars(mnist_loaded) mnist_pickled = cloudpickle.dumps(mnist) cloudpickle.loads(mnist_pickled) # assert vars(mnist) == vars(mnist_loaded)
import glob import os.path import time from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from datetime import datetime import gridtools.resampling as gtr import netCDF4 import numpy as np from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any from .cube_config import CubeConfig from .util import Config, NetCDFDatasetCache, aggregate_images, temporal_weight def _get_us_method(var_attributes): return gtr.__dict__['US_' + var_attributes.get('us_method', 'NEAREST')] def _get_ds_method(var_attributes): return gtr.__dict__['DS_' + var_attributes.get('ds_method', 'MEAN')] class CubeSourceProvider(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ An abstract interface for objects representing data source providers for the data cube. Cube source providers are passed to the :py:meth:`Cube.update` method. :param cube_config: Specifies the fixed layout and conventions used for the cube. :param name: The provider's registration name. """ def __init__(self, cube_config: CubeConfig, name: str): if not cube_config: raise ValueError('cube_config expected') if not name: raise ValueError('name expected') self._name = name self._cube_config = cube_config @property def name(self) -> str: """ The provider's registration name. """ return self._name @property def cube_config(self) -> CubeConfig: """ The data cube's configuration. """ return self._cube_config @abstractmethod def prepare(self): """ Called by a Cube instance's :py:meth:`update` method before any other provider methods are called. Provider instances should prepare themselves w.r.t. the given cube configuration *cube_config*. """ pass @abstractproperty def temporal_coverage(self) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime]: """ Return the start and end time of the available source data. :return: A tuple of datetime.datetime instances (start_time, end_time). """ return None @abstractproperty def spatial_coverage(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: """ Return the spatial coverage as a rectangle represented by a tuple of integers (x, y, width, height) in the cube's image coordinates. :return: A tuple of integers (x, y, width, height) in the cube's image coordinates. """ return None @abstractproperty def variable_descriptors(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Return a dictionary which maps target(!) variable names to a dictionary of target attribute values. The following attributes have a special meaning and shall or should be provided: * ``data_type``: A numpy data type. Mandatory attribute. * ``fill_value``: The value used for indicating missing grid cells. Mandatory attribute. * ``source_name``: the name of the variable in the source (files). Optional, defaults to the target variable's name. * ``scale_factor``: See CF conventions. Optional, defaults to one (``1.0``). * ``add_offset``: See CF conventions. Optional, defaults to zero (``0.0``). * ``units``: See CF conventions. Optional. * ``standard_name``: See CF conventions. Optional. * ``long_name``: See CF conventions. Optional. :return: dictionary of variable names to attribute dictionaries """ return None @abstractmethod def compute_variable_images(self, period_start: datetime, period_end: datetime) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """ Return variable name to variable image mapping of all provided variables. Each image is a numpy array with the shape (height, width) derived from the :py:meth:`get_spatial_coverage` method. The images must be computed (by aggregation or interpolation or copy) from the source data in the given time period *period_start* <= source_data_time < *period_end* and taking into account other data cube configuration settings. The method is called by a Cube instance's :py:meth:`update` method for all possible time periods in the time range given by the :py:meth:`get_temporal_coverage` method. The times given are adjusted w.r.t. the cube's reference time and temporal resolution. :param period_start: The period start time as a datetime.datetime instance :param period_end: The period end time as a datetime.datetime instance :return: A dictionary variable name --> image. Each image must be numpy array-like object of shape (grid_height, grid_width) as given by the :py:class:`CubeConfig`. Return ``None`` if no such variables exists for the given target time range. """ return None @abstractmethod def close(self): """ Called by the cube's :py:meth:`update` method after all images have been retrieved and the provider is no longer used. """ pass class BaseCubeSourceProvider(CubeSourceProvider, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A partial implementation of the :py:class:`CubeSourceProvider` interface that computes its output image data using weighted averages. The weights are computed according to the overlap of source time ranges and a requested target time range. :param cube_config: Specifies the fixed layout and conventions used for the cube. :param name: The provider's registration name. """ def __init__(self, cube_config: CubeConfig, name: str): super(BaseCubeSourceProvider, self).__init__(cube_config, name) self._source_time_ranges = None def prepare(self): """ Calls **compute_source_time_ranges** and assigns the return value to the field **source_time_ranges**. """ self._source_time_ranges = self.compute_source_time_ranges() @property def source_time_ranges(self): return self._source_time_ranges @property def spatial_coverage(self): """ Return the spatial grid coverage given in the Cube's configuration (default). :return: A tuple of integers (x, y, width, height) in the cube's image coordinates. """ return 0, 0, self.cube_config.grid_width, self.cube_config.grid_height @property def temporal_coverage(self) -> (datetime, datetime): """ Return the temporal coverage derived from the value returned by **compute_source_time_ranges()**. """ if len(self._source_time_ranges) > 0: return self._source_time_ranges[0][0], self._source_time_ranges[-1][1] else: raise KeyError("No datasets are available for the specified temporal coverage. " "Consider changing the start_time or end_time in cube.config") @abstractmethod def compute_source_time_ranges(self) -> list or None: """ Return a sorted list of all time ranges of every source file. Items in this list must be 4-element tuples of the form (time_start: datetime, time_stop: datetime, file: str, time_index: int). The method is called from the **prepare()** method in order to pre-compute all available time ranges. This method must be implemented by derived classes. """ return None def compute_variable_images(self, period_start: datetime, period_end: datetime): """ For each source time range that has an overlap with the given target time range compute a weight according to the overlapping range. Pass these weights as source index to weight mapping to **compute_variable_images_from_sources(index_to_weight)** and return the result. :return: A dictionary variable name --> image. Each image must be numpy array-like object of shape (grid_height, grid_width) as given by the **CubeConfig**. Return ``None`` if no such variables exists for the given target time range. """ source_time_ranges = self._source_time_ranges if len(source_time_ranges) == 0: return None index_to_weight = dict() for i in range(len(source_time_ranges)): source_start_time, source_end_time = source_time_ranges[i][0:2] weight = temporal_weight(source_start_time, source_end_time, period_start, period_end) if weight > 0.0: index_to_weight[i] = weight if not index_to_weight: return None self.log('computing images for time range %s to %s from %d source(s)...' % (period_start, period_end, len(index_to_weight))) t1 = time.time() result = self.compute_variable_images_from_sources(index_to_weight) t2 = time.time() self.log('images computed for %s, took %f seconds' % (str(list(result.keys())), t2 - t1)) return result @abstractmethod def compute_variable_images_from_sources(self, index_to_weight: Dict[int, float]): """ Compute the target images for all variables from the sources with the given time indices to weights mapping. The time indices in *index_to_weight* are guaranteed to point into the time ranges list returned by py:meth:`compute_source_time_ranges`. The weight values in *index_to_weight* are float values computed from the overlap of source time ranges with a requested target time range. :param index_to_weight: A dictionary mapping time indexes --> weight values. :return: A dictionary variable name --> image. Each image must be numpy array-like object of shape (grid_height, grid_width) as specified by the cube's layout configuration **CubeConfig**. Return ``None`` if no such variables exists for the given target time range. """ pass def log(self, message: str): """ Log a *message*. :param message: The message to be logged. """ print('%s: %s' % (, message)) def _get_file_and_time_index(self, var_index: int): """ Return the file path and time dimension index as tuple. To be used by derived classes only. """ return self._source_time_ranges[var_index][2:4] class BaseStaticCubeSourceProvider(CubeSourceProvider, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A CubeSourceProvider that * uses a NetCDF source dataset read from a given *dir_path*; * performs only spatial resampling. :param cube_config: Specifies the fixed layout and conventions used for the cube. :param name: The provider's registration name. """ def __init__(self, cube_config: CubeConfig, name: str): super(BaseStaticCubeSourceProvider, self).__init__(cube_config, name) self._variable_images_computed = False def prepare(self): """Clear the flag that indicates that the static sources have been processed.""" self._variable_images_computed = False @property def spatial_coverage(self): """ Return the spatial grid coverage given in the Cube's configuration (default). :return: A tuple of integers (x, y, width, height) in the cube's image coordinates. """ return 0, 0, self.cube_config.grid_width, self.cube_config.grid_height @property def temporal_coverage(self) -> (datetime, datetime): """ Return the temporal coverage derived from the value returned by **compute_source_time_ranges()**. """ return self.cube_config.start_time, self.cube_config.end_time def compute_variable_images(self, period_start: datetime, period_end: datetime) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: if self._variable_images_computed: return None dataset = self.open_dataset() try: var_descriptors = self.variable_descriptors target_var_images = dict() for var_name, var_attributes in var_descriptors.items(): source_name = var_attributes.get('source_name', var_name) var_image = self.get_dataset_image(dataset, source_name) var_image = self.transform_source_image(var_image) var_image = gtr.resample_2d(var_image, self.cube_config.grid_width, self.cube_config.grid_height, ds_method=_get_ds_method(var_attributes), us_method=_get_us_method(var_attributes), fill_value=var_attributes.get('fill_value', np.nan)) if var_image.shape[1] / var_image.shape[0] != 2.0: print("Warning: wrong size ratio of image in '%s'. Expected 2, got %f" % ( self.get_dataset_file_path(dataset), var_image.shape[1] / var_image.shape[0])) target_var_images[var_name] = var_image finally: self.close_dataset(dataset) self._variable_images_computed = True return target_var_images @abstractmethod def open_dataset(self) -> object: """ Open the single dataset and return its representation. :return: a dataset object """ @abstractmethod def close_dataset(self, dataset: object): """ Close *dataset*. :param dataset: the dataset returned by :py:meth:`open_dataset` """ @abstractmethod def get_dataset_file_path(self, dataset: object) -> str: """ Get the file path for *dataset*. :param dataset: the dataset returned by :py:meth:`open_dataset` :return: a file path """ @abstractmethod def get_dataset_image(self, dataset: object, name: str): """ Get a 2D-image for *dataset* for the given variable *name*. :param dataset: the dataset returned by :py:meth:`open_dataset`. :param name: the variable name. :return: a 2D-image """ def transform_source_image(self, source_image): """ Does nothing but returning the source image. Override to implement transformations if needed. :param source_image: 2D image :return: *source_image* """ return source_image def close(self): """Does nothing. Override to implement any required close operation.""" pass class NetCDFStaticCubeSourceProvider(BaseStaticCubeSourceProvider, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A CubeSourceProvider that * Uses a NetCDF source dataset read from a given **dir_path** * Performs only spatial resampling :param cube_config: Specifies the fixed layout and conventions used for the cube. :param name: The provider's registration name. :param dir_path: Source directory to read the single file from. If relative path, it will be resolved against the **cube_sources_root** path of the global ESDL configuration (**esdl.util.Config.instance()**). """ def __init__(self, cube_config: CubeConfig, name: str, dir_path: str): super(NetCDFStaticCubeSourceProvider, self).__init__(cube_config, name) if dir_path is None: raise ValueError('dir_path expected') if not os.path.isabs(dir_path): self._dir_path = Config.instance().get_cube_source_path(dir_path) else: self._dir_path = dir_path self.cube_config.static_data = True @property def dir_path(self): return self._dir_path def open_dataset(self): file_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self._dir_path, '*.nc')) if not file_paths: raise ValueError('No *.nc file found in %s' % self._dir_path) file = file_paths[0] return netCDF4.Dataset(file) def close_dataset(self, dataset): dataset.close() def get_dataset_file_path(self, dataset): return dataset.filepath def get_dataset_image(self, dataset, var_name): variable = dataset.variables[var_name] if len(variable.shape) == 3: var_image = variable[0, :, :] elif len(variable.shape) == 2: var_image = variable[:, :] else: raise ValueError("unexpected shape for variable '%s'" % var_name) return var_image class NetCDFCubeSourceProvider(BaseCubeSourceProvider, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A BaseCubeSourceProvider that * Uses NetCDF source datasets read from a given **dir_path** * Performs temporal aggregation first and then spatial resampling :param cube_config: Specifies the fixed layout and conventions used for the cube. :param name: The provider's registration name. :param dir_path: Source directory to read the files from. If relative path, it will be resolved against the **cube_sources_root** path of the global ESDL configuration (**esdl.util.Config.instance()**). :param resampling_order: The order in which resampling is performed. One of 'time_first', 'space_first'. """ def __init__(self, cube_config: CubeConfig, name: str, dir_path: str, resampling_order: str): super(NetCDFCubeSourceProvider, self).__init__(cube_config, name) if dir_path is None: raise ValueError('dir_path expected') valid_resampling_order = ('time_first', 'space_first') if resampling_order is None: resampling_order = valid_resampling_order[0] if resampling_order not in valid_resampling_order: raise ValueError('resampling_order must be one of %s' % str(valid_resampling_order)) if not os.path.isabs(dir_path): self._dir_path = Config.instance().get_cube_source_path(dir_path) else: self._dir_path = dir_path self._resampling_order = resampling_order self._dataset_cache = NetCDFDatasetCache(name) self._old_indices = None @property def dir_path(self): return self._dir_path @property def dataset_cache(self): return self._dataset_cache def compute_variable_images_from_sources(self, index_to_weight): new_indices = self.close_unused_open_files(index_to_weight) var_descriptors = self.variable_descriptors target_var_images = dict() for var_name, var_attributes in var_descriptors.items(): source_var_images = [None] * len(new_indices) source_weights = [None] * len(new_indices) var_image_index = 0 for i in new_indices: file, time_index = self._get_file_and_time_index(i) source_name = var_attributes.get('source_name', var_name) variable = self._dataset_cache.get_dataset(file).variables[source_name] if len(variable.shape) == 3: var_image = variable[time_index, :, :] elif len(variable.shape) == 2: var_image = variable[:, :] else: raise ValueError("unexpected shape for variable '%s'" % var_name) var_image = self.transform_source_image(var_image) if self._resampling_order == 'space_first': var_image = gtr.resample_2d(var_image, self.cube_config.grid_width, self.cube_config.grid_height, ds_method=_get_ds_method(var_attributes), us_method=_get_us_method(var_attributes), fill_value=var_attributes.get('fill_value', np.nan)) if var_image.shape[1] / var_image.shape[0] != 2.0: print("Warning: wrong size ratio of image in '%s'. Expected 2, got %f" % ( file, var_image.shape[1] / var_image.shape[0])) source_var_images[var_image_index] = var_image source_weights[var_image_index] = index_to_weight[i] var_image_index += 1 if len(new_indices) > 1: # Temporal aggregation var_image = aggregate_images(source_var_images, weights=source_weights) else: # Temporal aggregation not required var_image = source_var_images[0] # Spatial resampling if self._resampling_order == 'time_first': var_image = gtr.resample_2d(var_image, self.cube_config.grid_width, self.cube_config.grid_height, ds_method=_get_ds_method(var_attributes), us_method=_get_us_method(var_attributes), fill_value=var_attributes.get('fill_value', np.nan)) target_var_images[var_name] = var_image return target_var_images def transform_source_image(self, source_image): """ Returns the source image. Override to implement transformations if needed. :param source_image: 2D image :return: source_image """ return source_image def close_unused_open_files(self, index_to_weight): """ Close all datasets that wont be used anymore w.r.t. the given **index_to_weight** dictionary passed to the **compute_variable_images_from_sources()** method. :param index_to_weight: A dictionary mapping time indexes --> weight values. :return: set of time indexes into currently active files w.r.t. the given **index_to_weight** parameter. """ new_indices = set(index_to_weight.keys()) if self._old_indices: unused_indices = self._old_indices - new_indices for i in unused_indices: file, _ = self._get_file_and_time_index(i) self._dataset_cache.close_dataset(file) self._old_indices = new_indices return new_indices def close(self): self._dataset_cache.close_all_datasets()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import hyperopt import pprint import numpy as np from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict, cross_val_score from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from hyperopt import hp, fmin, tpe, STATUS_OK, Trials from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from data_load import load_data, load_data_tgt data_dir = '/home/ilya/code/ml4vs/data/LMC_SC20__corrected_list_of_variables/raw_index_values' file_1 = 'vast_lightcurve_statistics_variables_only.log' file_0 = 'vast_lightcurve_statistics_constant_only.log' file_0 = os.path.join(data_dir, file_0) file_1 = os.path.join(data_dir, file_1) names = ['Magnitude', 'clipped_sigma', 'meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', 'weighted_sigma', 'skew', 'kurt', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Npts', 'MAD', 'lag1', 'RoMS', 'rCh2', 'Isgn', 'Vp2p', 'Jclp', 'Lclp', 'Jtim', 'Ltim', 'CSSD', 'Ex', 'inv_eta', 'E_A', 'S_B', 'NXS', 'IQR'] # names_to_delete = ['meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', # 'Npts', 'CSSD'] names_to_delete = ['meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', 'Npts', 'CSSD', 'clipped_sigma', 'lag1', 'L', 'Lclp', 'Jclp', 'MAD', 'Ltim'] X, y, df, features_names, delta = load_data([file_0, file_1], names, names_to_delete) kfold = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=4, shuffle=True, random_state=1) def objective(space): pprint.pprint(space) clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=space['n_neighbors'], weights='distance', n_jobs=2) estimators = list() estimators.append(('imputer', Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median', axis=0, verbose=2))) estimators.append(('scaler', StandardScaler())) estimators.append(('clf', clf)) pipeline = Pipeline(estimators) # auc = np.mean(cross_val_score(pipeline, X, y, cv=kfold, scoring='roc_auc', # verbose=1, n_jobs=4)) y_preds = cross_val_predict(pipeline, X, y, cv=kfold, n_jobs=4) CMs = list() for train_idx, test_idx in kfold: CMs.append(confusion_matrix(y[test_idx], y_preds[test_idx])) CM = np.sum(CMs, axis=0) FN = CM[1][0] TP = CM[1][1] FP = CM[0][1] print "TP = {}".format(TP) print "FP = {}".format(FP) print "FN = {}".format(FN) f1 = 2. * TP / (2. * TP + FP + FN) print "F1 : ", f1 return{'loss': 1-f1, 'status': STATUS_OK} space = {'n_neighbors': hp.qloguniform("n_neighbors", 0, 6.55, 1)} trials = Trials() best = fmin(fn=objective, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=100, trials=trials) print hyperopt.space_eval(space, best) best_pars = hyperopt.space_eval(space, best) # # Load blind test data # file_tgt = 'LMC_SC19_PSF_Pgood98__vast_lightcurve_statistics.log' # file_tgt = os.path.join(data_dir, file_tgt) # X_tgt, feature_names, df, df_orig = load_data_tgt(file_tgt, names, names_to_delete, # delta) # # # Fit model on all training data # clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=best_pars['n_neighbors'], # weights=best_pars['weights'], n_jobs=2) # estimators = list() # estimators.append(('imputer', Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median', # axis=0, verbose=2))) # estimators.append(('scaler', StandardScaler())) # estimators.append(('clf', clf)) # pipeline = Pipeline(estimators) #, y) # # # Predict clases on new data # y_probs = pipeline.predict_proba(X_tgt)[:, 1] # idx = y_probs > 0.5 # idx_ = y_probs < 0.5 # knn_no = list(df_orig['star_ID'][idx_]) # print("Found {} variables".format(np.count_nonzero(idx))) # # with open('knn_results.txt', 'w') as fo: # for line in list(df_orig['star_ID'][idx]): # fo.write(line + '\n') # # # Check F1 # with open('clean_list_of_new_variables.txt', 'r') as fo: # news = fo.readlines() # news = [line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in news] # news = set(news) # # with open('knn_results.txt', 'r') as fo: # knn = fo.readlines() # knn = [line.strip().split('_')[4].split('.')[0] for line in knn] # knn = set(knn) # # print "Among new vars found {}".format(len(news.intersection(knn))) # # with open('candidates_50perc_threshold.txt', 'r') as fo: # c50 = fo.readlines() # c50 = [line.strip("\", ', \", \n, }, {") for line in c50] # # with open('variables_not_in_catalogs.txt', 'r') as fo: # not_in_cat = fo.readlines() # nic = [line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in not_in_cat] # # # Catalogue variables # cat_vars = set(c50).difference(set(nic)) # # Non-catalogue variable # noncat_vars = set([line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in not_in_cat if 'CST' # not in line]) # # # All variables # all_vars = news.union(cat_vars).union(noncat_vars) # knn_no = set([line.strip().split('_')[4].split('.')[0] for line in knn_no]) # # found_bad = '181193' in knn # print "Found known variable : ", found_bad # # FN = len(knn_no.intersection(all_vars)) # TP = len(all_vars.intersection(knn)) # TN = len(knn_no) - FN # FP = len(knn) - TP # recall = float(TP) / (TP + FN) # precision = float(TP) / (TP + FP) # F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) # print "precision: {}".format(precision) # print "recall: {}".format(recall) # print "F1: {}".format(F1) # print "TN={}, FP={}".format(TN, FP) # print "FN={}, TP={}".format(FN, TP)
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import torch import tests.helpers.pipelines as tpipes import tests.helpers.utils as tutils from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback, EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint from tests.helpers import BoringModel from tests.helpers.datamodules import ClassifDataModule from tests.helpers.runif import RunIf from tests.helpers.simple_models import ClassificationModel def test_cpu_slurm_save_load(tmpdir): """Verify model save/load/checkpoint on CPU.""" model = BoringModel() # logger file to get meta logger = tutils.get_default_logger(tmpdir) version = logger.version # fit model trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, logger=logger, limit_train_batches=0.2, limit_val_batches=0.2, callbacks=[ModelCheckpoint(dirpath=tmpdir)], ) real_global_step = trainer.global_step # traning complete assert trainer.state.finished, "cpu model failed to complete" # predict with trained model before saving # make a prediction dataloaders = model.test_dataloader() if not isinstance(dataloaders, list): dataloaders = [dataloaders] for dataloader in dataloaders: for batch in dataloader: break model.eval() pred_before_saving = model(batch) # test HPC saving # simulate snapshot on slurm saved_filepath = trainer.checkpoint_connector.hpc_save(trainer.weights_save_path, logger) assert os.path.exists(saved_filepath) # new logger file to get meta logger = tutils.get_default_logger(tmpdir, version=version) model = BoringModel() class _StartCallback(Callback): # set the epoch start hook so we can predict before the model does the full training def on_train_epoch_start(self, trainer, model): assert trainer.global_step == real_global_step and trainer.global_step > 0 # predict with loaded model to make sure answers are the same mode = model.eval() new_pred = model(batch) assert torch.eq(pred_before_saving, new_pred).all() model.train(mode) trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, logger=logger, callbacks=[_StartCallback(), ModelCheckpoint(dirpath=tmpdir)], ) # by calling fit again, we trigger training, loading weights from the cluster # and our hook to predict using current model before any more weight updates def test_early_stopping_cpu_model(tmpdir): class ModelTrainVal(BoringModel): def validation_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().validation_step(*args, **kwargs) self.log("val_loss", output["x"]) return output tutils.reset_seed() stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", min_delta=0.1) trainer_options = dict( callbacks=[stopping], default_root_dir=tmpdir, gradient_clip_val=1.0, overfit_batches=0.20, track_grad_norm=2, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, accumulate_grad_batches=2, limit_train_batches=0.1, limit_val_batches=0.1, ) model = ModelTrainVal() tpipes.run_model_test(trainer_options, model, on_gpu=False) # test freeze on cpu model.freeze() model.unfreeze() @RunIf(skip_windows=True) def test_multi_cpu_model_ddp(tmpdir): """Make sure DDP works.""" tutils.set_random_master_port() trainer_options = dict( default_root_dir=tmpdir, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=0.4, limit_val_batches=0.2, gpus=None, num_processes=2, accelerator="ddp_cpu", ) dm = ClassifDataModule() model = ClassificationModel() tpipes.run_model_test(trainer_options, model, data=dm, on_gpu=False) def test_lbfgs_cpu_model(tmpdir): """Test each of the trainer options. Testing LBFGS optimizer""" class ModelSpecifiedOptimizer(BoringModel): def __init__(self, optimizer_name, learning_rate): super().__init__() self.optimizer_name = optimizer_name self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.save_hyperparameters() trainer_options = dict( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, weights_summary="top", limit_train_batches=0.2, limit_val_batches=0.2, ) model = ModelSpecifiedOptimizer(optimizer_name="LBFGS", learning_rate=0.004) tpipes.run_model_test_without_loggers(trainer_options, model, min_acc=0.01) def test_default_logger_callbacks_cpu_model(tmpdir): """Test each of the trainer options.""" trainer_options = dict( default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, gradient_clip_val=1.0, overfit_batches=0.20, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, limit_train_batches=0.01, limit_val_batches=0.01, ) model = BoringModel() tpipes.run_model_test_without_loggers(trainer_options, model, min_acc=0.01) # test freeze on cpu model.freeze() model.unfreeze() def test_running_test_after_fitting(tmpdir): """Verify test() on fitted model.""" class ModelTrainValTest(BoringModel): def validation_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().validation_step(*args, **kwargs) self.log("val_loss", output["x"]) return output def test_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().test_step(*args, **kwargs) self.log("test_loss", output["y"]) return output model = ModelTrainValTest() # logger file to get meta logger = tutils.get_default_logger(tmpdir) # logger file to get weights checkpoint = tutils.init_checkpoint_callback(logger) # fit model trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, max_epochs=2, limit_train_batches=0.4, limit_val_batches=0.2, limit_test_batches=0.2, callbacks=[checkpoint], logger=logger, ) assert trainer.state.finished, f"Training failed with {trainer.state}" trainer.test() # test we have good test accuracy tutils.assert_ok_model_acc(trainer, key="test_loss", thr=0.5) def test_running_test_no_val(tmpdir): """Verify `test()` works on a model with no `val_dataloader`. It performs train and test only""" class ModelTrainTest(BoringModel): def val_dataloader(self): pass def test_step(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().test_step(*args, **kwargs) self.log("test_loss", output["y"]) return output model = ModelTrainTest() # logger file to get meta logger = tutils.get_default_logger(tmpdir) # logger file to get weights checkpoint = tutils.init_checkpoint_callback(logger) # fit model trainer = Trainer( default_root_dir=tmpdir, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=0.4, limit_val_batches=0.2, limit_test_batches=0.2, callbacks=[checkpoint], logger=logger, ) assert trainer.state.finished, f"Training failed with {trainer.state}" trainer.test() # test we have good test accuracy tutils.assert_ok_model_acc(trainer, key="test_loss") def test_simple_cpu(tmpdir): """Verify continue training session on CPU.""" model = BoringModel() # fit model trainer = Trainer(default_root_dir=tmpdir, max_epochs=1, limit_val_batches=0.1, limit_train_batches=20) # traning complete assert trainer.state.finished, "amp + ddp model failed to complete" def test_cpu_model(tmpdir): """Make sure model trains on CPU.""" trainer_options = dict( default_root_dir=tmpdir, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=4, limit_val_batches=4 ) model = BoringModel() tpipes.run_model_test(trainer_options, model, on_gpu=False) def test_all_features_cpu_model(tmpdir): """Test each of the trainer options.""" trainer_options = dict( default_root_dir=tmpdir, gradient_clip_val=1.0, overfit_batches=0.20, track_grad_norm=2, progress_bar_refresh_rate=0, accumulate_grad_batches=2, max_epochs=1, limit_train_batches=0.4, limit_val_batches=0.4, ) model = BoringModel() tpipes.run_model_test(trainer_options, model, on_gpu=False, min_acc=0.01)
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import itertools from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional import torch from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel from import BatchSampler, DistributedSampler, Sampler import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.overrides.base import _LightningModuleWrapperBase class LightningDistributedModule(_LightningModuleWrapperBase): def __init__(self, pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> None: """ Wraps the user's LightningModule and redirects the forward call to the appropriate method, either ``training_step``, ``validation_step``, ``test_step`` or ``predict``. This class is used in combination with :class:`~torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` as shown in the example. Example: ddp_model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( module=LightningDistributedModule(lightning_module), device_ids=[local_rank], ... ) Args: pl_module: the model to wrap """ super().__init__(pl_module) def _find_tensors(obj): # pragma: no-cover r""" Recursively find all tensors contained in the specified object. """ if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): return [obj] if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return itertools.chain(*map(_find_tensors, obj)) if isinstance(obj, dict): return itertools.chain(*map(_find_tensors, obj.values())) return [] # In manual_optimization, we need to call reducer prepare_for_backward. # Note: Keep track of Pytorch DDP and update if there is a change # def prepare_for_backward(model: DistributedDataParallel, output: Any): # `prepare_for_backward` is `DistributedDataParallel` specific. if not isinstance(model, DistributedDataParallel): return if torch.is_grad_enabled() and model.require_backward_grad_sync: model.require_forward_param_sync = True # We'll return the output object verbatim since it is a freeform # object. We need to find any tensors in this object, though, # because we need to figure out which parameters were used during # this forward pass, to ensure we short circuit reduction for any # unused parameters. Only if `find_unused_parameters` is set. if model.find_unused_parameters: model.reducer.prepare_for_backward(list(_find_tensors(output))) else: model.reducer.prepare_for_backward([]) else: model.require_forward_param_sync = False class UnrepeatedDistributedSampler(DistributedSampler): """ A fork of the pytorch DistributedSampler that doesn't repeat data, instead allowing the number of batches per process to be off-by-one from each other. This makes this sampler usable for predictions (it's deterministic and doesn't require shuffling). It is potentially unsafe to use this sampler for training, because during training the DistributedDataParallel syncs buffers on each forward pass, so it could freeze if one of the processes runs one fewer batch. During prediction, buffers are only synced on the first batch, so this is safe to use as long as each process runs at least one batch. We verify this in an assert. Taken from and """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.num_samples = len(range(self.rank, len(self.dataset), self.num_replicas)) self.total_size = len(self.dataset) # If any process has at least one batch, every other process needs to # have at least one batch, or the DistributedDataParallel could lock up. assert self.num_samples >= 1 or self.total_size == 0 def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[List[int]]: if self.shuffle: # deterministically shuffle based on epoch g = torch.Generator() g.manual_seed(self.epoch) indices = torch.randperm(len(self.dataset), generator=g).tolist() else: indices = list(range(len(self.dataset))) assert len(indices) == self.total_size # subsample indices = indices[self.rank : self.total_size : self.num_replicas] assert len(indices) == self.num_samples return iter(indices) class IndexBatchSamplerWrapper: """This class is used to wrap a :class:`` and capture its indices.""" def __init__(self, sampler: BatchSampler) -> None: self._sampler = sampler self.batch_indices: Optional[List[int]] = None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[List[int]]: for batch in self._sampler: self.batch_indices = batch yield batch def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._sampler) @property def drop_last(self) -> bool: return self._sampler.drop_last @property def batch_size(self) -> int: return self._sampler.batch_size @property def sampler(self) -> Sampler: return self._sampler.sampler
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= SVM-Kernels ========================================================= Three different types of SVM-Kernels are displayed below. The polynomial and RBF are especially useful when the data-points are not linearly separable. """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm # Our dataset and targets X = np.c_[(.4, -.7), (-1.5, -1), (-1.4, -.9), (-1.3, -1.2), (-1.1, -.2), (-1.2, -.4), (-.5, 1.2), (-1.5, 2.1), (1, 1), # -- (1.3, .8), (1.2, .5), (.2, -2), (.5, -2.4), (.2, -2.3), (0, -2.7), (1.3, 2.1)].T Y = [0] * 8 + [1] * 8 # figure number fignum = 1 # fit the model for kernel in ('linear', 'poly', 'rbf'): clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kernel, gamma=2), Y) # plot the line, the points, and the nearest vectors to the plane plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.scatter(clf.support_vectors_[:, 0], clf.support_vectors_[:, 1], s=80, facecolors='none', zorder=10) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y, zorder=10, plt.axis('tight') x_min = -3 x_max = 3 y_min = -3 y_max = 3 XX, YY = np.mgrid[x_min:x_max:200j, y_min:y_max:200j] Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[XX.ravel(), YY.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(XX.shape) plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.pcolormesh(XX, YY, Z > 0, plt.contour(XX, YY, Z, colors=['k', 'k', 'k'], linestyles=['--', '-', '--'], levels=[-.5, 0, .5]) plt.xlim(x_min, x_max) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) fignum = fignum + 1
# Recurrent Neural Networks [Overview video]( See also lecture on Thursday October 22 and examples from [week 42]( [IN5400 at UiO Lecture]( [CS231 at Stanford Lecture]( ## Recurrent neural networks: Overarching view Till now our focus has been, including convolutional neural networks as well, on feedforward neural networks. The output or the activations flow only in one direction, from the input layer to the output layer. A recurrent neural network (RNN) looks very much like a feedforward neural network, except that it also has connections pointing backward. RNNs are used to analyze time series data such as stock prices, and tell you when to buy or sell. In autonomous driving systems, they can anticipate car trajectories and help avoid accidents. More generally, they can work on sequences of arbitrary lengths, rather than on fixed-sized inputs like all the nets we have discussed so far. For example, they can take sentences, documents, or audio samples as input, making them extremely useful for natural language processing systems such as automatic translation and speech-to-text. ## Set up of an RNN Text to come. ## A simple example %matplotlib inline # Start importing packages import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU from tensorflow.keras import optimizers from tensorflow.keras import regularizers from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical # convert into dataset matrix def convertToMatrix(data, step): X, Y =[], [] for i in range(len(data)-step): d=i+step X.append(data[i:d,]) Y.append(data[d,]) return np.array(X), np.array(Y) step = 4 N = 1000 Tp = 800 t=np.arange(0,N) x=np.sin(0.02*t)+2*np.random.rand(N) df = pd.DataFrame(x) df.head() plt.plot(df) values=df.values train,test = values[0:Tp,:], values[Tp:N,:] # add step elements into train and test test = np.append(test,np.repeat(test[-1,],step)) train = np.append(train,np.repeat(train[-1,],step)) trainX,trainY =convertToMatrix(train,step) testX,testY =convertToMatrix(test,step) trainX = np.reshape(trainX, (trainX.shape[0], 1, trainX.shape[1])) testX = np.reshape(testX, (testX.shape[0], 1, testX.shape[1])) model = Sequential() model.add(SimpleRNN(units=32, input_shape=(1,step), activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(8, activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(1)) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='rmsprop') model.summary(),trainY, epochs=100, batch_size=16, verbose=2) trainPredict = model.predict(trainX) testPredict= model.predict(testX) predicted=np.concatenate((trainPredict,testPredict),axis=0) trainScore = model.evaluate(trainX, trainY, verbose=0) print(trainScore) index = df.index.values plt.plot(index,df) plt.plot(index,predicted) plt.axvline(df.index[Tp], c="r") ## An extrapolation example The following code provides an example of how recurrent neural networks can be used to extrapolate to unknown values of physics data sets. Specifically, the data sets used in this program come from a quantum mechanical many-body calculation of energies as functions of the number of particles. # For matrices and calculations import numpy as np # For machine learning (backend for keras) import tensorflow as tf # User-friendly machine learning library # Front end for TensorFlow import tensorflow.keras # Different methods from Keras needed to create an RNN # This is not necessary but it shortened function calls # that need to be used in the code. from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input from tensorflow.keras import regularizers from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, Sequential from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, SimpleRNN, LSTM, GRU # For timing the code from timeit import default_timer as timer # For plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # The data set datatype='VaryDimension' X_tot = np.arange(2, 42, 2) y_tot = np.array([-0.03077640549, -0.08336233266, -0.1446729567, -0.2116753732, -0.2830637392, -0.3581341341, -0.436462435, -0.5177783846, -0.6019067271, -0.6887363571, -0.7782028952, -0.8702784034, -0.9649652536, -1.062292565, -1.16231451, -1.265109911, -1.370782966, -1.479465113, -1.591317992, -1.70653767]) ## Formatting the Data The way the recurrent neural networks are trained in this program differs from how machine learning algorithms are usually trained. Typically a machine learning algorithm is trained by learning the relationship between the x data and the y data. In this program, the recurrent neural network will be trained to recognize the relationship in a sequence of y values. This is type of data formatting is typically used time series forcasting, but it can also be used in any extrapolation (time series forecasting is just a specific type of extrapolation along the time axis). This method of data formatting does not use the x data and assumes that the y data are evenly spaced. For a standard machine learning algorithm, the training data has the form of (x,y) so the machine learning algorithm learns to assiciate a y value with a given x value. This is useful when the test data has x values within the same range as the training data. However, for this application, the x values of the test data are outside of the x values of the training data and the traditional method of training a machine learning algorithm does not work as well. For this reason, the recurrent neural network is trained on sequences of y values of the form ((y1, y2), y3), so that the network is concerned with learning the pattern of the y data and not the relation between the x and y data. As long as the pattern of y data outside of the training region stays relatively stable compared to what was inside the training region, this method of training can produce accurate extrapolations to y values far removed from the training data set. <!-- --> <!-- The idea behind formatting the data in this way comes from [this resource]( and [this one]( --> <!-- --> <!-- The following method takes in a y data set and formats it so the "x data" are of the form (y1, y2) and the "y data" are of the form y3, with extra brackets added in to make the resulting arrays compatable with both Keras and Tensorflow. --> <!-- --> <!-- Note: Using a sequence length of two is not required for time series forecasting so any lenght of sequence could be used (for example instead of ((y1, y2) y3) you could change the length of sequence to be 4 and the resulting data points would have the form ((y1, y2, y3, y4), y5)). While the following method can be used to create a data set of any sequence length, the remainder of the code expects the length of sequence to be 2. This is because the data sets are very small and the higher the lenght of the sequence the less resulting data points. --> # FORMAT_DATA def format_data(data, length_of_sequence = 2): """ Inputs: data(a numpy array): the data that will be the inputs to the recurrent neural network length_of_sequence (an int): the number of elements in one iteration of the sequence patter. For a function approximator use length_of_sequence = 2. Returns: rnn_input (a 3D numpy array): the input data for the recurrent neural network. Its dimensions are length of data - length of sequence, length of sequence, dimnsion of data rnn_output (a numpy array): the training data for the neural network Formats data to be used in a recurrent neural network. """ X, Y = [], [] for i in range(len(data)-length_of_sequence): # Get the next length_of_sequence elements a = data[i:i+length_of_sequence] # Get the element that immediately follows that b = data[i+length_of_sequence] # Reshape so that each data point is contained in its own array a = np.reshape (a, (len(a), 1)) X.append(a) Y.append(b) rnn_input = np.array(X) rnn_output = np.array(Y) return rnn_input, rnn_output # ## Defining the Recurrent Neural Network Using Keras # # The following method defines a simple recurrent neural network in keras consisting of one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. def rnn(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False): """ Inputs: length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data". This is determined when the data is formatted batch_size (an int): Default value is None. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. stateful (a boolean): Default value is False. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. Returns: model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this method Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with one hidden layer and returns the model. """ # Number of neurons in the input and output layers in_out_neurons = 1 # Number of neurons in the hidden layer hidden_neurons = 200 # Define the input layer inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, length_of_sequences, in_out_neurons)) # Define the hidden layer as a simple RNN layer with a set number of neurons and add it to # the network immediately after the input layer rnn = SimpleRNN(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=False, stateful = stateful, name="RNN")(inp) # Define the output layer as a dense neural network layer (standard neural network layer) #and add it to the network immediately after the hidden layer. dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn) # Create the machine learning model starting with the input layer and ending with the # output layer model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens]) # Compile the machine learning model using the mean squared error function as the loss # function and an Adams optimizer. model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="adam") return model ## Predicting New Points With A Trained Recurrent Neural Network def test_rnn (x1, y_test, plot_min, plot_max): """ Inputs: x1 (a list or numpy array): The complete x component of the data set y_test (a list or numpy array): The complete y component of the data set plot_min (an int or float): the smallest x value used in the training data plot_max (an int or float): the largest x valye used in the training data Returns: None. Uses a trained recurrent neural network model to predict future points in the series. Computes the MSE of the predicted data set from the true data set, saves the predicted data set to a csv file, and plots the predicted and true data sets w while also displaying the data range used for training. """ # Add the training data as the first dim points in the predicted data array as these # are known values. y_pred = y_test[:dim].tolist() # Generate the first input to the trained recurrent neural network using the last two # points of the training data. Based on how the network was trained this means that it # will predict the first point in the data set after the training data. All of the # brackets are necessary for Tensorflow. next_input = np.array([[[y_test[dim-2]], [y_test[dim-1]]]]) # Save the very last point in the training data set. This will be used later. last = [y_test[dim-1]] # Iterate until the complete data set is created. for i in range (dim, len(y_test)): # Predict the next point in the data set using the previous two points. next = model.predict(next_input) # Append just the number of the predicted data set y_pred.append(next[0][0]) # Create the input that will be used to predict the next data point in the data set. next_input = np.array([[last, next[0]]], dtype=np.float64) last = next # Print the mean squared error between the known data set and the predicted data set. print('MSE: ', np.square(np.subtract(y_test, y_pred)).mean()) # Save the predicted data set as a csv file for later use name = datatype + 'Predicted'+str(dim)+'.csv' np.savetxt(name, y_pred, delimiter=',') # Plot the known data set and the predicted data set. The red box represents the region that was used # for the training data. fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x1, y_test, label="true", linewidth=3) ax.plot(x1, y_pred, 'g-.',label="predicted", linewidth=4) ax.legend() # Created a red region to represent the points used in the training data. ax.axvspan(plot_min, plot_max, alpha=0.25, color='red') # Check to make sure the data set is complete assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot) # This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data dim=12 # Separate the training data from the whole data set X_train = X_tot[:dim] y_train = y_tot[:dim] # Generate the training data for the RNN, using a sequence of 2 rnn_input, rnn_training = format_data(y_train, 2) # Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the # machine learning model model = rnn(length_of_sequences = rnn_input.shape[1]) model.summary() # Start the timer. Want to time training+testing start = timer() # Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5% # validation split. Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration. hist =, rnn_training, batch_size=None, epochs=150, verbose=True,validation_split=0.05) for label in ["loss","val_loss"]: plt.plot(hist.history[label],label=label) plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1])) plt.legend() # Use the trained neural network to predict more points of the data set test_rnn(X_tot, y_tot, X_tot[0], X_tot[dim-1]) # Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed. end = timer() print('Time: ', end-start) ## Other Things to Try Changing the size of the recurrent neural network and its parameters can drastically change the results you get from the model. The below code takes the simple recurrent neural network from above and adds a second hidden layer, changes the number of neurons in the hidden layer, and explicitly declares the activation function of the hidden layers to be a sigmoid function. The loss function and optimizer can also be changed but are kept the same as the above network. These parameters can be tuned to provide the optimal result from the network. For some ideas on how to improve the performance of a [recurrent neural network]( def rnn_2layers(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False): """ Inputs: length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data". This is determined when the data is formatted batch_size (an int): Default value is None. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. stateful (a boolean): Default value is False. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. Returns: model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this method Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with two hidden layers and returns the model. """ # Number of neurons in the input and output layers in_out_neurons = 1 # Number of neurons in the hidden layer, increased from the first network hidden_neurons = 500 # Define the input layer inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, length_of_sequences, in_out_neurons)) # Create two hidden layers instead of one hidden layer. Explicitly set the activation # function to be the sigmoid function (the default value is hyperbolic tangent) rnn1 = SimpleRNN(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=True, # This needs to be True if another hidden layer is to follow stateful = stateful, activation = 'sigmoid', name="RNN1")(inp) rnn2 = SimpleRNN(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=False, activation = 'sigmoid', stateful = stateful, name="RNN2")(rnn1) # Define the output layer as a dense neural network layer (standard neural network layer) #and add it to the network immediately after the hidden layer. dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn2) # Create the machine learning model starting with the input layer and ending with the # output layer model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens]) # Compile the machine learning model using the mean squared error function as the loss # function and an Adams optimizer. model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="adam") return model # Check to make sure the data set is complete assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot) # This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data dim=12 # Separate the training data from the whole data set X_train = X_tot[:dim] y_train = y_tot[:dim] # Generate the training data for the RNN, using a sequence of 2 rnn_input, rnn_training = format_data(y_train, 2) # Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the # machine learning model model = rnn_2layers(length_of_sequences = 2) model.summary() # Start the timer. Want to time training+testing start = timer() # Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5% # validation split. Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration. hist =, rnn_training, batch_size=None, epochs=150, verbose=True,validation_split=0.05) # This section plots the training loss and the validation loss as a function of training iteration. # This is not required for analyzing the couple cluster data but can help determine if the network is # being overtrained. for label in ["loss","val_loss"]: plt.plot(hist.history[label],label=label) plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1])) plt.legend() # Use the trained neural network to predict more points of the data set test_rnn(X_tot, y_tot, X_tot[0], X_tot[dim-1]) # Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed. end = timer() print('Time: ', end-start) ## Other Types of Recurrent Neural Networks Besides a simple recurrent neural network layer, there are two other commonly used types of recurrent neural network layers: Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). For a short introduction to these layers see <> and <>. The first network created below is similar to the previous network, but it replaces the SimpleRNN layers with LSTM layers. The second network below has two hidden layers made up of GRUs, which are preceeded by two dense (feeddorward) neural network layers. These dense layers "preprocess" the data before it reaches the recurrent layers. This architecture has been shown to improve the performance of recurrent neural networks (see the link above and also <>. def lstm_2layers(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False): """ Inputs: length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data". This is determined when the data is formatted batch_size (an int): Default value is None. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. stateful (a boolean): Default value is False. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. Returns: model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this method Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with two LSTM hidden layers and returns the model. """ # Number of neurons on the input/output layer and the number of neurons in the hidden layer in_out_neurons = 1 hidden_neurons = 250 # Input Layer inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, length_of_sequences, in_out_neurons)) # Hidden layers (in this case they are LSTM layers instead if SimpleRNN layers) rnn= LSTM(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=True, stateful = stateful, name="RNN", use_bias=True, activation='tanh')(inp) rnn1 = LSTM(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=False, stateful = stateful, name="RNN1", use_bias=True, activation='tanh')(rnn) # Output layer dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn1) # Define the midel model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens]) # Compile the model model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam') # Return the model return model def dnn2_gru2(length_of_sequences, batch_size = None, stateful = False): """ Inputs: length_of_sequences (an int): the number of y values in "x data". This is determined when the data is formatted batch_size (an int): Default value is None. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. stateful (a boolean): Default value is False. See Keras documentation of SimpleRNN. Returns: model (a Keras model): The recurrent neural network that is built and compiled by this method Builds and compiles a recurrent neural network with four hidden layers (two dense followed by two GRU layers) and returns the model. """ # Number of neurons on the input/output layers and hidden layers in_out_neurons = 1 hidden_neurons = 250 # Input layer inp = Input(batch_shape=(batch_size, length_of_sequences, in_out_neurons)) # Hidden Dense (feedforward) layers dnn = Dense(hidden_neurons/2, activation='relu', name='dnn')(inp) dnn1 = Dense(hidden_neurons/2, activation='relu', name='dnn1')(dnn) # Hidden GRU layers rnn1 = GRU(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=True, stateful = stateful, name="RNN1", use_bias=True)(dnn1) rnn = GRU(hidden_neurons, return_sequences=False, stateful = stateful, name="RNN", use_bias=True)(rnn1) # Output layer dens = Dense(in_out_neurons,name="dense")(rnn) # Define the model model = Model(inputs=[inp],outputs=[dens]) # Compile the mdoel model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam') # Return the model return model # Check to make sure the data set is complete assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot) # This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data dim=12 # Separate the training data from the whole data set X_train = X_tot[:dim] y_train = y_tot[:dim] # Generate the training data for the RNN, using a sequence of 2 rnn_input, rnn_training = format_data(y_train, 2) # Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the # machine learning model # Change the method name to reflect which network you want to use model = dnn2_gru2(length_of_sequences = 2) model.summary() # Start the timer. Want to time training+testing start = timer() # Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5% # validation split. Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration. hist =, rnn_training, batch_size=None, epochs=150, verbose=True,validation_split=0.05) # This section plots the training loss and the validation loss as a function of training iteration. # This is not required for analyzing the couple cluster data but can help determine if the network is # being overtrained. for label in ["loss","val_loss"]: plt.plot(hist.history[label],label=label) plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1])) plt.legend() # Use the trained neural network to predict more points of the data set test_rnn(X_tot, y_tot, X_tot[0], X_tot[dim-1]) # Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed. end = timer() print('Time: ', end-start) # ### Training Recurrent Neural Networks in the Standard Way (i.e. learning the relationship between the X and Y data) # # Finally, comparing the performace of a recurrent neural network using the standard data formatting to the performance of the network with time sequence data formatting shows the benefit of this type of data formatting with extrapolation. # Check to make sure the data set is complete assert len(X_tot) == len(y_tot) # This is the number of points that will be used in as the training data dim=12 # Separate the training data from the whole data set X_train = X_tot[:dim] y_train = y_tot[:dim] # Reshape the data for Keras specifications X_train = X_train.reshape((dim, 1)) y_train = y_train.reshape((dim, 1)) # Create a recurrent neural network in Keras and produce a summary of the # machine learning model # Set the sequence length to 1 for regular data formatting model = rnn(length_of_sequences = 1) model.summary() # Start the timer. Want to time training+testing start = timer() # Fit the model using the training data genenerated above using 150 training iterations and a 5% # validation split. Setting verbose to True prints information about each training iteration. hist =, y_train, batch_size=None, epochs=150, verbose=True,validation_split=0.05) # This section plots the training loss and the validation loss as a function of training iteration. # This is not required for analyzing the couple cluster data but can help determine if the network is # being overtrained. for label in ["loss","val_loss"]: plt.plot(hist.history[label],label=label) plt.ylabel("loss") plt.xlabel("epoch") plt.title("The final validation loss: {}".format(hist.history["val_loss"][-1])) plt.legend() # Use the trained neural network to predict the remaining data points X_pred = X_tot[dim:] X_pred = X_pred.reshape((len(X_pred), 1)) y_model = model.predict(X_pred) y_pred = np.concatenate((y_tot[:dim], y_model.flatten())) # Plot the known data set and the predicted data set. The red box represents the region that was used # for the training data. fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(X_tot, y_tot, label="true", linewidth=3) ax.plot(X_tot, y_pred, 'g-.',label="predicted", linewidth=4) ax.legend() # Created a red region to represent the points used in the training data. ax.axvspan(X_tot[0], X_tot[dim], alpha=0.25, color='red') # Stop the timer and calculate the total time needed. end = timer() print('Time: ', end-start) # Solving ODEs with Deep Learning The Universal Approximation Theorem states that a neural network can approximate any function at a single hidden layer along with one input and output layer to any given precision. ## Ordinary Differential Equations An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is an equation involving functions having one variable. In general, an ordinary differential equation looks like <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="ode"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{ode} \tag{1} f\left(x, \, g(x), \, g'(x), \, g''(x), \, \dots \, , \, g^{(n)}(x)\right) = 0 \end{equation} $$ where $g(x)$ is the function to find, and $g^{(n)}(x)$ is the $n$-th derivative of $g(x)$. The $f\left(x, g(x), g'(x), g''(x), \, \dots \, , g^{(n)}(x)\right)$ is just a way to write that there is an expression involving $x$ and $g(x), \ g'(x), \ g''(x), \, \dots \, , \text{ and } g^{(n)}(x)$ on the left side of the equality sign in ([1](#ode)). The highest order of derivative, that is the value of $n$, determines to the order of the equation. The equation is referred to as a $n$-th order ODE. Along with ([1](#ode)), some additional conditions of the function $g(x)$ are typically given for the solution to be unique. ## The trial solution Let the trial solution $g_t(x)$ be <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="_auto1"></div> $$ \begin{equation} g_t(x) = h_1(x) + h_2(x,N(x,P)) \label{_auto1} \tag{2} \end{equation} $$ where $h_1(x)$ is a function that makes $g_t(x)$ satisfy a given set of conditions, $N(x,P)$ a neural network with weights and biases described by $P$ and $h_2(x, N(x,P))$ some expression involving the neural network. The role of the function $h_2(x, N(x,P))$, is to ensure that the output from $N(x,P)$ is zero when $g_t(x)$ is evaluated at the values of $x$ where the given conditions must be satisfied. The function $h_1(x)$ should alone make $g_t(x)$ satisfy the conditions. But what about the network $N(x,P)$? As described previously, an optimization method could be used to minimize the parameters of a neural network, that being its weights and biases, through backward propagation. ## Minimization process For the minimization to be defined, we need to have a cost function at hand to minimize. It is given that $f\left(x, \, g(x), \, g'(x), \, g''(x), \, \dots \, , \, g^{(n)}(x)\right)$ should be equal to zero in ([1](#ode)). We can choose to consider the mean squared error as the cost function for an input $x$. Since we are looking at one input, the cost function is just $f$ squared. The cost function $c\left(x, P \right)$ can therefore be expressed as $$ C\left(x, P\right) = \big(f\left(x, \, g(x), \, g'(x), \, g''(x), \, \dots \, , \, g^{(n)}(x)\right)\big)^2 $$ If $N$ inputs are given as a vector $\boldsymbol{x}$ with elements $x_i$ for $i = 1,\dots,N$, the cost function becomes <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="cost"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{cost} \tag{3} C\left(\boldsymbol{x}, P\right) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \big(f\left(x_i, \, g(x_i), \, g'(x_i), \, g''(x_i), \, \dots \, , \, g^{(n)}(x_i)\right)\big)^2 \end{equation} $$ The neural net should then find the parameters $P$ that minimizes the cost function in ([3](#cost)) for a set of $N$ training samples $x_i$. ## Minimizing the cost function using gradient descent and automatic differentiation To perform the minimization using gradient descent, the gradient of $C\left(\boldsymbol{x}, P\right)$ is needed. It might happen so that finding an analytical expression of the gradient of $C(\boldsymbol{x}, P)$ from ([3](#cost)) gets too messy, depending on which cost function one desires to use. Luckily, there exists libraries that makes the job for us through automatic differentiation. Automatic differentiation is a method of finding the derivatives numerically with very high precision. ## Example: Exponential decay An exponential decay of a quantity $g(x)$ is described by the equation <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="solve_expdec"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{solve_expdec} \tag{4} g'(x) = -\gamma g(x) \end{equation} $$ with $g(0) = g_0$ for some chosen initial value $g_0$. The analytical solution of ([4](#solve_expdec)) is <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="_auto2"></div> $$ \begin{equation} g(x) = g_0 \exp\left(-\gamma x\right) \label{_auto2} \tag{5} \end{equation} $$ Having an analytical solution at hand, it is possible to use it to compare how well a neural network finds a solution of ([4](#solve_expdec)). ## The function to solve for The program will use a neural network to solve <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="solveode"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{solveode} \tag{6} g'(x) = -\gamma g(x) \end{equation} $$ where $g(0) = g_0$ with $\gamma$ and $g_0$ being some chosen values. In this example, $\gamma = 2$ and $g_0 = 10$. ## The trial solution To begin with, a trial solution $g_t(t)$ must be chosen. A general trial solution for ordinary differential equations could be $$ g_t(x, P) = h_1(x) + h_2(x, N(x, P)) $$ with $h_1(x)$ ensuring that $g_t(x)$ satisfies some conditions and $h_2(x,N(x, P))$ an expression involving $x$ and the output from the neural network $N(x,P)$ with $P $ being the collection of the weights and biases for each layer. For now, it is assumed that the network consists of one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. ## Setup of Network In this network, there are no weights and bias at the input layer, so $P = \{ P_{\text{hidden}}, P_{\text{output}} \}$. If there are $N_{\text{hidden} }$ neurons in the hidden layer, then $P_{\text{hidden}}$ is a $N_{\text{hidden} } \times (1 + N_{\text{input}})$ matrix, given that there are $N_{\text{input}}$ neurons in the input layer. The first column in $P_{\text{hidden} }$ represents the bias for each neuron in the hidden layer and the second column represents the weights for each neuron in the hidden layer from the input layer. If there are $N_{\text{output} }$ neurons in the output layer, then $P_{\text{output}} $ is a $N_{\text{output} } \times (1 + N_{\text{hidden} })$ matrix. Its first column represents the bias of each neuron and the remaining columns represents the weights to each neuron. It is given that $g(0) = g_0$. The trial solution must fulfill this condition to be a proper solution of ([6](#solveode)). A possible way to ensure that $g_t(0, P) = g_0$, is to let $F(N(x,P)) = x \cdot N(x,P)$ and $A(x) = g_0$. This gives the following trial solution: <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="trial"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{trial} \tag{7} g_t(x, P) = g_0 + x \cdot N(x, P) \end{equation} $$ ## Reformulating the problem We wish that our neural network manages to minimize a given cost function. A reformulation of out equation, ([6](#solveode)), must therefore be done, such that it describes the problem a neural network can solve for. The neural network must find the set of weights and biases $P$ such that the trial solution in ([7](#trial)) satisfies ([6](#solveode)). The trial solution $$ g_t(x, P) = g_0 + x \cdot N(x, P) $$ has been chosen such that it already solves the condition $g(0) = g_0$. What remains, is to find $P$ such that <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="nnmin"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{nnmin} \tag{8} g_t'(x, P) = - \gamma g_t(x, P) \end{equation} $$ is fulfilled as *best as possible*. ## More technicalities The left hand side and right hand side of ([8](#nnmin)) must be computed separately, and then the neural network must choose weights and biases, contained in $P$, such that the sides are equal as best as possible. This means that the absolute or squared difference between the sides must be as close to zero, ideally equal to zero. In this case, the difference squared shows to be an appropriate measurement of how erroneous the trial solution is with respect to $P$ of the neural network. This gives the following cost function our neural network must solve for: $$ \min_{P}\Big\{ \big(g_t'(x, P) - ( -\gamma g_t(x, P) \big)^2 \Big\} $$ (the notation $\min_{P}\{ f(x, P) \}$ means that we desire to find $P$ that yields the minimum of $f(x, P)$) or, in terms of weights and biases for the hidden and output layer in our network: $$ \min_{P_{\text{hidden} }, \ P_{\text{output} }}\Big\{ \big(g_t'(x, \{ P_{\text{hidden} }, P_{\text{output} }\}) - ( -\gamma g_t(x, \{ P_{\text{hidden} }, P_{\text{output} }\}) \big)^2 \Big\} $$ for an input value $x$. ## More details If the neural network evaluates $g_t(x, P)$ at more values for $x$, say $N$ values $x_i$ for $i = 1, \dots, N$, then the *total* error to minimize becomes <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="min"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{min} \tag{9} \min_{P}\Big\{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \big(g_t'(x_i, P) - ( -\gamma g_t(x_i, P) \big)^2 \Big\} \end{equation} $$ Letting $\boldsymbol{x}$ be a vector with elements $x_i$ and $C(\boldsymbol{x}, P) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \big(g_t'(x_i, P) - ( -\gamma g_t(x_i, P) \big)^2$ denote the cost function, the minimization problem that our network must solve, becomes $$ \min_{P} C(\boldsymbol{x}, P) $$ In terms of $P_{\text{hidden} }$ and $P_{\text{output} }$, this could also be expressed as $$ \min_{P_{\text{hidden} }, \ P_{\text{output} }} C(\boldsymbol{x}, \{P_{\text{hidden} }, P_{\text{output} }\}) $$ ## A possible implementation of a neural network For simplicity, it is assumed that the input is an array $\boldsymbol{x} = (x_1, \dots, x_N)$ with $N$ elements. It is at these points the neural network should find $P$ such that it fulfills ([9](#min)). First, the neural network must feed forward the inputs. This means that $\boldsymbol{x}s$ must be passed through an input layer, a hidden layer and a output layer. The input layer in this case, does not need to process the data any further. The input layer will consist of $N_{\text{input} }$ neurons, passing its element to each neuron in the hidden layer. The number of neurons in the hidden layer will be $N_{\text{hidden} }$. ## Technicalities For the $i$-th in the hidden layer with weight $w_i^{\text{hidden} }$ and bias $b_i^{\text{hidden} }$, the weighting from the $j$-th neuron at the input layer is: $$ \begin{aligned} z_{i,j}^{\text{hidden}} &= b_i^{\text{hidden}} + w_i^{\text{hidden}}x_j \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} b_i^{\text{hidden}} & w_i^{\text{hidden}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ x_j \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} $$ ## Final technicalities I The result after weighting the inputs at the $i$-th hidden neuron can be written as a vector: $$ \begin{aligned} \boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{\text{hidden}} &= \Big( b_i^{\text{hidden}} + w_i^{\text{hidden}}x_1 , \ b_i^{\text{hidden}} + w_i^{\text{hidden}} x_2, \ \dots \, , \ b_i^{\text{hidden}} + w_i^{\text{hidden}} x_N\Big) \\ &= \begin{pmatrix} b_i^{\text{hidden}} & w_i^{\text{hidden}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & \dots & 1 \\ x_1 & x_2 & \dots & x_N \end{pmatrix} \\ &= \boldsymbol{p}_{i, \text{hidden}}^T X \end{aligned} $$ ## Final technicalities II The vector $\boldsymbol{p}_{i, \text{hidden}}^T$ constitutes each row in $P_{\text{hidden} }$, which contains the weights for the neural network to minimize according to ([9](#min)). After having found $\boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{\text{hidden}} $ for every $i$-th neuron within the hidden layer, the vector will be sent to an activation function $a_i(\boldsymbol{z})$. In this example, the sigmoid function has been chosen to be the activation function for each hidden neuron: $$ f(z) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp{(-z)}} $$ It is possible to use other activations functions for the hidden layer also. The output $\boldsymbol{x}_i^{\text{hidden}}$ from each $i$-th hidden neuron is: $$ \boldsymbol{x}_i^{\text{hidden} } = f\big( \boldsymbol{z}_{i}^{\text{hidden}} \big) $$ The outputs $\boldsymbol{x}_i^{\text{hidden} } $ are then sent to the output layer. The output layer consists of one neuron in this case, and combines the output from each of the neurons in the hidden layers. The output layer combines the results from the hidden layer using some weights $w_i^{\text{output}}$ and biases $b_i^{\text{output}}$. In this case, it is assumes that the number of neurons in the output layer is one. ## Final technicalities III The procedure of weighting the output neuron $j$ in the hidden layer to the $i$-th neuron in the output layer is similar as for the hidden layer described previously. $$ \begin{aligned} z_{1,j}^{\text{output}} & = \begin{pmatrix} b_1^{\text{output}} & \boldsymbol{w}_1^{\text{output}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ \boldsymbol{x}_j^{\text{hidden}} \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} $$ ## Final technicalities IV Expressing $z_{1,j}^{\text{output}}$ as a vector gives the following way of weighting the inputs from the hidden layer: $$ \boldsymbol{z}_{1}^{\text{output}} = \begin{pmatrix} b_1^{\text{output}} & \boldsymbol{w}_1^{\text{output}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 & \dots & 1 \\ \boldsymbol{x}_1^{\text{hidden}} & \boldsymbol{x}_2^{\text{hidden}} & \dots & \boldsymbol{x}_N^{\text{hidden}} \end{pmatrix} $$ In this case we seek a continuous range of values since we are approximating a function. This means that after computing $\boldsymbol{z}_{1}^{\text{output}}$ the neural network has finished its feed forward step, and $\boldsymbol{z}_{1}^{\text{output}}$ is the final output of the network. ## Back propagation The next step is to decide how the parameters should be changed such that they minimize the cost function. The chosen cost function for this problem is $$ C(\boldsymbol{x}, P) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_i \big(g_t'(x_i, P) - ( -\gamma g_t(x_i, P) \big)^2 $$ In order to minimize the cost function, an optimization method must be chosen. Here, gradient descent with a constant step size has been chosen. ## Gradient descent The idea of the gradient descent algorithm is to update parameters in a direction where the cost function decreases goes to a minimum. In general, the update of some parameters $\boldsymbol{\omega}$ given a cost function defined by some weights $\boldsymbol{\omega}$, $C(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega})$, goes as follows: $$ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{\text{new} } = \boldsymbol{\omega} - \lambda \nabla_{\boldsymbol{\omega}} C(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}) $$ for a number of iterations or until $ \big|\big| \boldsymbol{\omega}_{\text{new} } - \boldsymbol{\omega} \big|\big|$ becomes smaller than some given tolerance. The value of $\lambda$ decides how large steps the algorithm must take in the direction of $ \nabla_{\boldsymbol{\omega}} C(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega})$. The notation $\nabla_{\boldsymbol{\omega}}$ express the gradient with respect to the elements in $\boldsymbol{\omega}$. In our case, we have to minimize the cost function $C(\boldsymbol{x}, P)$ with respect to the two sets of weights and biases, that is for the hidden layer $P_{\text{hidden} }$ and for the output layer $P_{\text{output} }$ . This means that $P_{\text{hidden} }$ and $P_{\text{output} }$ is updated by $$ \begin{aligned} P_{\text{hidden},\text{new}} &= P_{\text{hidden}} - \lambda \nabla_{P_{\text{hidden}}} C(\boldsymbol{x}, P) \\ P_{\text{output},\text{new}} &= P_{\text{output}} - \lambda \nabla_{P_{\text{output}}} C(\boldsymbol{x}, P) \end{aligned} $$ ## The code for solving the ODE import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) # Assuming one input, hidden, and output layer def neural_network(params, x): # Find the weights (including and biases) for the hidden and output layer. # Assume that params is a list of parameters for each layer. # The biases are the first element for each array in params, # and the weights are the remaning elements in each array in params. w_hidden = params[0] w_output = params[1] # Assumes input x being an one-dimensional array num_values = np.size(x) x = x.reshape(-1, num_values) # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x ## Hidden layer: # Add a row of ones to include bias x_input = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_input ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_input) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) ## Output layer: # Include bias: x_hidden = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_hidden ), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_hidden) x_output = z_output return x_output # The trial solution using the deep neural network: def g_trial(x,params, g0 = 10): return g0 + x*neural_network(params,x) # The right side of the ODE: def g(x, g_trial, gamma = 2): return -gamma*g_trial # The cost function: def cost_function(P, x): # Evaluate the trial function with the current parameters P g_t = g_trial(x,P) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the neural network d_net_out = elementwise_grad(neural_network,1)(P,x) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the trial function d_g_t = elementwise_grad(g_trial,0)(x,P) # The right side of the ODE func = g(x, g_t) err_sqr = (d_g_t - func)**2 cost_sum = np.sum(err_sqr) return cost_sum / np.size(err_sqr) # Solve the exponential decay ODE using neural network with one input, hidden, and output layer def solve_ode_neural_network(x, num_neurons_hidden, num_iter, lmb): ## Set up initial weights and biases # For the hidden layer p0 = npr.randn(num_neurons_hidden, 2 ) # For the output layer p1 = npr.randn(1, num_neurons_hidden + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included P = [p0, p1] print('Initial cost: %g'%cost_function(P, x)) ## Start finding the optimal weights using gradient descent # Find the Python function that represents the gradient of the cost function # w.r.t the 0-th input argument -- that is the weights and biases in the hidden and output layer cost_function_grad = grad(cost_function,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): # Evaluate the gradient at the current weights and biases in P. # The cost_grad consist now of two arrays; # one for the gradient w.r.t P_hidden and # one for the gradient w.r.t P_output cost_grad = cost_function_grad(P, x) P[0] = P[0] - lmb * cost_grad[0] P[1] = P[1] - lmb * cost_grad[1] print('Final cost: %g'%cost_function(P, x)) return P def g_analytic(x, gamma = 2, g0 = 10): return g0*np.exp(-gamma*x) # Solve the given problem if __name__ == '__main__': # Set seed such that the weight are initialized # with same weights and biases for every run. npr.seed(15) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve N = 10 x = np.linspace(0, 1, N) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = 10 num_iter = 10000 lmb = 0.001 # Use the network P = solve_ode_neural_network(x, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) # Print the deviation from the trial solution and true solution res = g_trial(x,P) res_analytical = g_analytic(x) print('Max absolute difference: %g'%np.max(np.abs(res - res_analytical))) # Plot the results plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(x, res_analytical) plt.plot(x, res[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','nn']) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('g(x)') ## The network with one input layer, specified number of hidden layers, and one output layer It is also possible to extend the construction of our network into a more general one, allowing the network to contain more than one hidden layers. The number of neurons within each hidden layer are given as a list of integers in the program below. import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) # The neural network with one input layer and one output layer, # but with number of hidden layers specified by the user. def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consists of # parameters to all the hidden # layers AND the output layer. # Assumes input x being an one-dimensional array num_values = np.size(x) x = x.reshape(-1, num_values) # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x # Due to multiple hidden layers, define a variable referencing to the # output of the previous layer: x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output # The trial solution using the deep neural network: def g_trial_deep(x,params, g0 = 10): return g0 + x*deep_neural_network(params, x) # The right side of the ODE: def g(x, g_trial, gamma = 2): return -gamma*g_trial # The same cost function as before, but calls deep_neural_network instead. def cost_function_deep(P, x): # Evaluate the trial function with the current parameters P g_t = g_trial_deep(x,P) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the neural network d_net_out = elementwise_grad(deep_neural_network,1)(P,x) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the trial function d_g_t = elementwise_grad(g_trial_deep,0)(x,P) # The right side of the ODE func = g(x, g_t) err_sqr = (d_g_t - func)**2 cost_sum = np.sum(err_sqr) return cost_sum / np.size(err_sqr) # Solve the exponential decay ODE using neural network with one input and one output layer, # but with specified number of hidden layers from the user. def solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): # num_hidden_neurons is now a list of number of neurons within each hidden layer # The number of elements in the list num_hidden_neurons thus represents # the number of hidden layers. # Find the number of hidden layers: N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weights and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 ) for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) ## Start finding the optimal weights using gradient descent # Find the Python function that represents the gradient of the cost function # w.r.t the 0-th input argument -- that is the weights and biases in the hidden and output layer cost_function_deep_grad = grad(cost_function_deep,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): # Evaluate the gradient at the current weights and biases in P. # The cost_grad consist now of N_hidden + 1 arrays; the gradient w.r.t the weights and biases # in the hidden layers and output layers evaluated at x. cost_deep_grad = cost_function_deep_grad(P, x) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_deep_grad[l] print('Final cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) return P def g_analytic(x, gamma = 2, g0 = 10): return g0*np.exp(-gamma*x) # Solve the given problem if __name__ == '__main__': npr.seed(15) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve N = 10 x = np.linspace(0, 1, N) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = np.array([10,10]) num_iter = 10000 lmb = 0.001 P = solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) res = g_trial_deep(x,P) res_analytical = g_analytic(x) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of a deep neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(x, res_analytical) plt.plot(x, res[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','dnn']) plt.ylabel('g(x)') ## Example: Population growth A logistic model of population growth assumes that a population converges toward an equilibrium. The population growth can be modeled by <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="log"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{log} \tag{10} g'(t) = \alpha g(t)(A - g(t)) \end{equation} $$ where $g(t)$ is the population density at time $t$, $\alpha > 0$ the growth rate and $A > 0$ is the maximum population number in the environment. Also, at $t = 0$ the population has the size $g(0) = g_0$, where $g_0$ is some chosen constant. In this example, similar network as for the exponential decay using Autograd has been used to solve the equation. However, as the implementation might suffer from e.g numerical instability and high execution time (this might be more apparent in the examples solving PDEs), using a library like TensorFlow is recommended. Here, we stay with a more simple approach and implement for comparison, the simple forward Euler method. ## Setting up the problem Here, we will model a population $g(t)$ in an environment having carrying capacity $A$. The population follows the model <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="solveode_population"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{solveode_population} \tag{11} g'(t) = \alpha g(t)(A - g(t)) \end{equation} $$ where $g(0) = g_0$. In this example, we let $\alpha = 2$, $A = 1$, and $g_0 = 1.2$. ## The trial solution We will get a slightly different trial solution, as the boundary conditions are different compared to the case for exponential decay. A possible trial solution satisfying the condition $g(0) = g_0$ could be $$ h_1(t) = g_0 + t \cdot N(t,P) $$ with $N(t,P)$ being the output from the neural network with weights and biases for each layer collected in the set $P$. The analytical solution is $$ g(t) = \frac{Ag_0}{g_0 + (A - g_0)\exp(-\alpha A t)} $$ ## The program using Autograd The network will be the similar as for the exponential decay example, but with some small modifications for our problem. import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) # Function to get the parameters. # Done such that one can easily change the paramaters after one's liking. def get_parameters(): alpha = 2 A = 1 g0 = 1.2 return alpha, A, g0 def deep_neural_network(P, x): # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(P) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assumes input x being an one-dimensional array num_values = np.size(x) x = x.reshape(-1, num_values) # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x # Due to multiple hidden layers, define a variable referencing to the # output of the previous layer: x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = P[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = P[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output def cost_function_deep(P, x): # Evaluate the trial function with the current parameters P g_t = g_trial_deep(x,P) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the trial function d_g_t = elementwise_grad(g_trial_deep,0)(x,P) # The right side of the ODE func = f(x, g_t) err_sqr = (d_g_t - func)**2 cost_sum = np.sum(err_sqr) return cost_sum / np.size(err_sqr) # The right side of the ODE: def f(x, g_trial): alpha,A, g0 = get_parameters() return alpha*g_trial*(A - g_trial) # The trial solution using the deep neural network: def g_trial_deep(x, params): alpha,A, g0 = get_parameters() return g0 + x*deep_neural_network(params,x) # The analytical solution: def g_analytic(t): alpha,A, g0 = get_parameters() return A*g0/(g0 + (A - g0)*np.exp(-alpha*A*t)) def solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): # num_hidden_neurons is now a list of number of neurons within each hidden layer # Find the number of hidden layers: N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weigths and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 ) for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) ## Start finding the optimal weigths using gradient descent # Find the Python function that represents the gradient of the cost function # w.r.t the 0-th input argument -- that is the weights and biases in the hidden and output layer cost_function_deep_grad = grad(cost_function_deep,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): # Evaluate the gradient at the current weights and biases in P. # The cost_grad consist now of N_hidden + 1 arrays; the gradient w.r.t the weights and biases # in the hidden layers and output layers evaluated at x. cost_deep_grad = cost_function_deep_grad(P, x) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_deep_grad[l] print('Final cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) return P if __name__ == '__main__': npr.seed(4155) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nt = 10 T = 1 t = np.linspace(0,T, Nt) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = [100, 50, 25] num_iter = 1000 lmb = 1e-3 P = solve_ode_deep_neural_network(t, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) g_dnn_ag = g_trial_deep(t,P) g_analytical = g_analytic(t) # Find the maximum absolute difference between the solutons: diff_ag = np.max(np.abs(g_dnn_ag - g_analytical)) print("The max absolute difference between the solutions is: %g"%diff_ag) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(t, g_analytical) plt.plot(t, g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','nn']) plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('g(t)') ## Using forward Euler to solve the ODE A straightforward way of solving an ODE numerically, is to use Euler's method. Euler's method uses Taylor series to approximate the value at a function $f$ at a step $\Delta x$ from $x$: $$ f(x + \Delta x) \approx f(x) + \Delta x f'(x) $$ In our case, using Euler's method to approximate the value of $g$ at a step $\Delta t$ from $t$ yields $$ \begin{aligned} g(t + \Delta t) &\approx g(t) + \Delta t g'(t) \\ &= g(t) + \Delta t \big(\alpha g(t)(A - g(t))\big) \end{aligned} $$ along with the condition that $g(0) = g_0$. Let $t_i = i \cdot \Delta t$ where $\Delta t = \frac{T}{N_t-1}$ where $T$ is the final time our solver must solve for and $N_t$ the number of values for $t \in [0, T]$ for $i = 0, \dots, N_t-1$. For $i \geq 1$, we have that $$ \begin{aligned} t_i &= i\Delta t \\ &= (i - 1)\Delta t + \Delta t \\ &= t_{i-1} + \Delta t \end{aligned} $$ Now, if $g_i = g(t_i)$ then <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="odenum"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} g_i &= g(t_i) \\ &= g(t_{i-1} + \Delta t) \\ &\approx g(t_{i-1}) + \Delta t \big(\alpha g(t_{i-1})(A - g(t_{i-1}))\big) \\ &= g_{i-1} + \Delta t \big(\alpha g_{i-1}(A - g_{i-1})\big) \end{aligned} \end{equation} \label{odenum} \tag{12} $$ for $i \geq 1$ and $g_0 = g(t_0) = g(0) = g_0$. Equation ([12](#odenum)) could be implemented in the following way, extending the program that uses the network using Autograd: # Assume that all function definitions from the example program using Autograd # are located here. if __name__ == '__main__': npr.seed(4155) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nt = 10 T = 1 t = np.linspace(0,T, Nt) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = [100,50,25] num_iter = 1000 lmb = 1e-3 P = solve_ode_deep_neural_network(t, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) g_dnn_ag = g_trial_deep(t,P) g_analytical = g_analytic(t) # Find the maximum absolute difference between the solutons: diff_ag = np.max(np.abs(g_dnn_ag - g_analytical)) print("The max absolute difference between the solutions is: %g"%diff_ag) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(t, g_analytical) plt.plot(t, g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','nn']) plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('g(t)') ## Find an approximation to the funtion using forward Euler alpha, A, g0 = get_parameters() dt = T/(Nt - 1) # Perform forward Euler to solve the ODE g_euler = np.zeros(Nt) g_euler[0] = g0 for i in range(1,Nt): g_euler[i] = g_euler[i-1] + dt*(alpha*g_euler[i-1]*(A - g_euler[i-1])) # Print the errors done by each method diff1 = np.max(np.abs(g_euler - g_analytical)) diff2 = np.max(np.abs(g_dnn_ag[0,:] - g_analytical)) print('Max absolute difference between Euler method and analytical: %g'%diff1) print('Max absolute difference between deep neural network and analytical: %g'%diff2) # Plot results plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.plot(t,g_euler) plt.plot(t,g_analytical) plt.plot(t,g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['euler','analytical','dnn']) plt.xlabel('Time t') plt.ylabel('g(t)') ## Example: Solving the one dimensional Poisson equation The Poisson equation for $g(x)$ in one dimension is <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="poisson"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{poisson} \tag{13} -g''(x) = f(x) \end{equation} $$ where $f(x)$ is a given function for $x \in (0,1)$. The conditions that $g(x)$ is chosen to fulfill, are $$ \begin{align*} g(0) &= 0 \\ g(1) &= 0 \end{align*} $$ This equation can be solved numerically using programs where e.g Autograd and TensorFlow are used. The results from the networks can then be compared to the analytical solution. In addition, it could be interesting to see how a typical method for numerically solving second order ODEs compares to the neural networks. ## The specific equation to solve for Here, the function $g(x)$ to solve for follows the equation $$ -g''(x) = f(x),\qquad x \in (0,1) $$ where $f(x)$ is a given function, along with the chosen conditions <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="cond"></div> $$ \begin{aligned} g(0) = g(1) = 0 \end{aligned}\label{cond} \tag{14} $$ In this example, we consider the case when $f(x) = (3x + x^2)\exp(x)$. For this case, a possible trial solution satisfying the conditions could be $$ g_t(x) = x \cdot (1-x) \cdot N(P,x) $$ The analytical solution for this problem is $$ g(x) = x(1 - x)\exp(x) $$ ## Solving the equation using Autograd import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assumes input x being an one-dimensional array num_values = np.size(x) x = x.reshape(-1, num_values) # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x # Due to multiple hidden layers, define a variable referencing to the # output of the previous layer: x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output def solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): # num_hidden_neurons is now a list of number of neurons within each hidden layer # Find the number of hidden layers: N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weigths and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 ) for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) ## Start finding the optimal weigths using gradient descent # Find the Python function that represents the gradient of the cost function # w.r.t the 0-th input argument -- that is the weights and biases in the hidden and output layer cost_function_deep_grad = grad(cost_function_deep,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): # Evaluate the gradient at the current weights and biases in P. # The cost_grad consist now of N_hidden + 1 arrays; the gradient w.r.t the weights and biases # in the hidden layers and output layers evaluated at x. cost_deep_grad = cost_function_deep_grad(P, x) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_deep_grad[l] print('Final cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) return P ## Set up the cost function specified for this Poisson equation: # The right side of the ODE def f(x): return (3*x + x**2)*np.exp(x) def cost_function_deep(P, x): # Evaluate the trial function with the current parameters P g_t = g_trial_deep(x,P) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the trial function d2_g_t = elementwise_grad(elementwise_grad(g_trial_deep,0))(x,P) right_side = f(x) err_sqr = (-d2_g_t - right_side)**2 cost_sum = np.sum(err_sqr) return cost_sum/np.size(err_sqr) # The trial solution: def g_trial_deep(x,P): return x*(1-x)*deep_neural_network(P,x) # The analytic solution; def g_analytic(x): return x*(1-x)*np.exp(x) if __name__ == '__main__': npr.seed(4155) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nx = 10 x = np.linspace(0,1, Nx) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = [200,100] num_iter = 1000 lmb = 1e-3 P = solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) g_dnn_ag = g_trial_deep(x,P) g_analytical = g_analytic(x) # Find the maximum absolute difference between the solutons: max_diff = np.max(np.abs(g_dnn_ag - g_analytical)) print("The max absolute difference between the solutions is: %g"%max_diff) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(x, g_analytical) plt.plot(x, g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','nn']) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('g(x)') ## Comparing with a numerical scheme The Poisson equation is possible to solve using Taylor series to approximate the second derivative. Using Taylor series, the second derivative can be expressed as $$ g''(x) = \frac{g(x + \Delta x) - 2g(x) + g(x-\Delta x)}{\Delta x^2} + E_{\Delta x}(x) $$ where $\Delta x$ is a small step size and $E_{\Delta x}(x)$ being the error term. Looking away from the error terms gives an approximation to the second derivative: <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="approx"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{approx} \tag{15} g''(x) \approx \frac{g(x + \Delta x) - 2g(x) + g(x-\Delta x)}{\Delta x^2} \end{equation} $$ If $x_i = i \Delta x = x_{i-1} + \Delta x$ and $g_i = g(x_i)$ for $i = 1,\dots N_x - 2$ with $N_x$ being the number of values for $x$, ([15](#approx)) becomes $$ \begin{aligned} g''(x_i) &\approx \frac{g(x_i + \Delta x) - 2g(x_i) + g(x_i -\Delta x)}{\Delta x^2} \\ &= \frac{g_{i+1} - 2g_i + g_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2} \end{aligned} $$ Since we know from our problem that $$ \begin{aligned} -g''(x) &= f(x) \\ &= (3x + x^2)\exp(x) \end{aligned} $$ along with the conditions $g(0) = g(1) = 0$, the following scheme can be used to find an approximate solution for $g(x)$ numerically: <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="odesys"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} -\Big( \frac{g_{i+1} - 2g_i + g_{i-1}}{\Delta x^2} \Big) &= f(x_i) \\ -g_{i+1} + 2g_i - g_{i-1} &= \Delta x^2 f(x_i) \end{aligned} \end{equation} \label{odesys} \tag{16} $$ for $i = 1, \dots, N_x - 2$ where $g_0 = g_{N_x - 1} = 0$ and $f(x_i) = (3x_i + x_i^2)\exp(x_i)$, which is given for our specific problem. The equation can be rewritten into a matrix equation: $$ \begin{aligned} \begin{pmatrix} 2 & -1 & 0 & \dots & 0 \\ -1 & 2 & -1 & \dots & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots & & \vdots \\ 0 & \dots & -1 & 2 & -1 \\ 0 & \dots & 0 & -1 & 2\\ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} g_1 \\ g_2 \\ \vdots \\ g_{N_x - 3} \\ g_{N_x - 2} \end{pmatrix} &= \Delta x^2 \begin{pmatrix} f(x_1) \\ f(x_2) \\ \vdots \\ f(x_{N_x - 3}) \\ f(x_{N_x - 2}) \end{pmatrix} \\ \boldsymbol{A}\boldsymbol{g} &= \boldsymbol{f}, \end{aligned} $$ which makes it possible to solve for the vector $\boldsymbol{g}$. ## Setting up the code We can then compare the result from this numerical scheme with the output from our network using Autograd: import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assumes input x being an one-dimensional array num_values = np.size(x) x = x.reshape(-1, num_values) # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x # Due to multiple hidden layers, define a variable referencing to the # output of the previous layer: x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_values)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output def solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): # num_hidden_neurons is now a list of number of neurons within each hidden layer # Find the number of hidden layers: N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weigths and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 ) for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) ## Start finding the optimal weigths using gradient descent # Find the Python function that represents the gradient of the cost function # w.r.t the 0-th input argument -- that is the weights and biases in the hidden and output layer cost_function_deep_grad = grad(cost_function_deep,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): # Evaluate the gradient at the current weights and biases in P. # The cost_grad consist now of N_hidden + 1 arrays; the gradient w.r.t the weights and biases # in the hidden layers and output layers evaluated at x. cost_deep_grad = cost_function_deep_grad(P, x) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_deep_grad[l] print('Final cost: %g'%cost_function_deep(P, x)) return P ## Set up the cost function specified for this Poisson equation: # The right side of the ODE def f(x): return (3*x + x**2)*np.exp(x) def cost_function_deep(P, x): # Evaluate the trial function with the current parameters P g_t = g_trial_deep(x,P) # Find the derivative w.r.t x of the trial function d2_g_t = elementwise_grad(elementwise_grad(g_trial_deep,0))(x,P) right_side = f(x) err_sqr = (-d2_g_t - right_side)**2 cost_sum = np.sum(err_sqr) return cost_sum/np.size(err_sqr) # The trial solution: def g_trial_deep(x,P): return x*(1-x)*deep_neural_network(P,x) # The analytic solution; def g_analytic(x): return x*(1-x)*np.exp(x) if __name__ == '__main__': npr.seed(4155) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nx = 10 x = np.linspace(0,1, Nx) ## Set up the initial parameters num_hidden_neurons = [200,100] num_iter = 1000 lmb = 1e-3 P = solve_ode_deep_neural_network(x, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) g_dnn_ag = g_trial_deep(x,P) g_analytical = g_analytic(x) # Find the maximum absolute difference between the solutons: plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title('Performance of neural network solving an ODE compared to the analytical solution') plt.plot(x, g_analytical) plt.plot(x, g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['analytical','nn']) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('g(x)') ## Perform the computation using the numerical scheme dx = 1/(Nx - 1) # Set up the matrix A A = np.zeros((Nx-2,Nx-2)) A[0,0] = 2 A[0,1] = -1 for i in range(1,Nx-3): A[i,i-1] = -1 A[i,i] = 2 A[i,i+1] = -1 A[Nx - 3, Nx - 4] = -1 A[Nx - 3, Nx - 3] = 2 # Set up the vector f f_vec = dx**2 * f(x[1:-1]) # Solve the equation g_res = np.linalg.solve(A,f_vec) g_vec = np.zeros(Nx) g_vec[1:-1] = g_res # Print the differences between each method max_diff1 = np.max(np.abs(g_dnn_ag - g_analytical)) max_diff2 = np.max(np.abs(g_vec - g_analytical)) print("The max absolute difference between the analytical solution and DNN Autograd: %g"%max_diff1) print("The max absolute difference between the analytical solution and numerical scheme: %g"%max_diff2) # Plot the results plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.plot(x,g_vec) plt.plot(x,g_analytical) plt.plot(x,g_dnn_ag[0,:]) plt.legend(['numerical scheme','analytical','dnn']) ## Partial Differential Equations A partial differential equation (PDE) has a solution here the function is defined by multiple variables. The equation may involve all kinds of combinations of which variables the function is differentiated with respect to. In general, a partial differential equation for a function $g(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ with $N$ variables may be expressed as <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="PDE"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{PDE} \tag{17} f\left(x_1, \, \dots \, , x_N, \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_1}, \dots , \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_N}, \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_1\partial x_2}, \, \dots \, , \frac{\partial^n g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_N^n} \right) = 0 \end{equation} $$ where $f$ is an expression involving all kinds of possible mixed derivatives of $g(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ up to an order $n$. In order for the solution to be unique, some additional conditions must also be given. ## Type of problem The problem our network must solve for, is similar to the ODE case. We must have a trial solution $g_t$ at hand. For instance, the trial solution could be expressed as $$ \begin{align*} g_t(x_1,\dots,x_N) = h_1(x_1,\dots,x_N) + h_2(x_1,\dots,x_N,N(x_1,\dots,x_N,P)) \end{align*} $$ where $h_1(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ is a function that ensures $g_t(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ satisfies some given conditions. The neural network $N(x_1,\dots,x_N,P)$ has weights and biases described by $P$ and $h_2(x_1,\dots,x_N,N(x_1,\dots,x_N,P))$ is an expression using the output from the neural network in some way. The role of the function $h_2(x_1,\dots,x_N,N(x_1,\dots,x_N,P))$, is to ensure that the output of $N(x_1,\dots,x_N,P)$ is zero when $g_t(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ is evaluated at the values of $x_1,\dots,x_N$ where the given conditions must be satisfied. The function $h_1(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ should alone make $g_t(x_1,\dots,x_N)$ satisfy the conditions. ## Network requirements The network tries then the minimize the cost function following the same ideas as described for the ODE case, but now with more than one variables to consider. The concept still remains the same; find a set of parameters $P$ such that the expression $f$ in ([17](#PDE)) is as close to zero as possible. As for the ODE case, the cost function is the mean squared error that the network must try to minimize. The cost function for the network to minimize is $$ C\left(x_1, \dots, x_N, P\right) = \left( f\left(x_1, \, \dots \, , x_N, \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_1}, \dots , \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_N}, \frac{\partial g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_1\partial x_2}, \, \dots \, , \frac{\partial^n g(x_1,\dots,x_N) }{\partial x_N^n} \right) \right)^2 $$ ## More details If we let $\boldsymbol{x} = \big( x_1, \dots, x_N \big)$ be an array containing the values for $x_1, \dots, x_N$ respectively, the cost function can be reformulated into the following: $$ C\left(\boldsymbol{x}, P\right) = f\left( \left( \boldsymbol{x}, \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}) }{\partial x_1}, \dots , \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}) }{\partial x_N}, \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}) }{\partial x_1\partial x_2}, \, \dots \, , \frac{\partial^n g(\boldsymbol{x}) }{\partial x_N^n} \right) \right)^2 $$ If we also have $M$ different sets of values for $x_1, \dots, x_N$, that is $\boldsymbol{x}_i = \big(x_1^{(i)}, \dots, x_N^{(i)}\big)$ for $i = 1,\dots,M$ being the rows in matrix $X$, the cost function can be generalized into $$ C\left(X, P \right) = \sum_{i=1}^M f\left( \left( \boldsymbol{x}_i, \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}_i) }{\partial x_1}, \dots , \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}_i) }{\partial x_N}, \frac{\partial g(\boldsymbol{x}_i) }{\partial x_1\partial x_2}, \, \dots \, , \frac{\partial^n g(\boldsymbol{x}_i) }{\partial x_N^n} \right) \right)^2. $$ ## Example: The diffusion equation In one spatial dimension, the equation reads $$ \frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial x^2} $$ where a possible choice of conditions are $$ \begin{align*} g(0,t) &= 0 ,\qquad t \geq 0 \\ g(1,t) &= 0, \qquad t \geq 0 \\ g(x,0) &= u(x),\qquad x\in [0,1] \end{align*} $$ with $u(x)$ being some given function. ## Defining the problem For this case, we want to find $g(x,t)$ such that <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="diffonedim"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial x^2} \end{equation} \label{diffonedim} \tag{18} $$ and $$ \begin{align*} g(0,t) &= 0 ,\qquad t \geq 0 \\ g(1,t) &= 0, \qquad t \geq 0 \\ g(x,0) &= u(x),\qquad x\in [0,1] \end{align*} $$ with $u(x) = \sin(\pi x)$. First, let us set up the deep neural network. The deep neural network will follow the same structure as discussed in the examples solving the ODEs. First, we will look into how Autograd could be used in a network tailored to solve for bivariate functions. ## Setting up the network using Autograd The only change to do here, is to extend our network such that functions of multiple parameters are correctly handled. In this case we have two variables in our function to solve for, that is time $t$ and position $x$. The variables will be represented by a one-dimensional array in the program. The program will evaluate the network at each possible pair $(x,t)$, given an array for the desired $x$-values and $t$-values to approximate the solution at. def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # x is now a point and a 1D numpy array; make it a column vector num_coordinates = np.size(x,0) x = x.reshape(num_coordinates,-1) num_points = np.size(x,1) # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output[0][0] ## Setting up the network using Autograd; The trial solution The cost function must then iterate through the given arrays containing values for $x$ and $t$, defines a point $(x,t)$ the deep neural network and the trial solution is evaluated at, and then finds the Jacobian of the trial solution. A possible trial solution for this PDE is $$ g_t(x,t) = h_1(x,t) + x(1-x)tN(x,t,P) $$ with $A(x,t)$ being a function ensuring that $g_t(x,t)$ satisfies our given conditions, and $N(x,t,P)$ being the output from the deep neural network using weights and biases for each layer from $P$. To fulfill the conditions, $A(x,t)$ could be: $$ h_1(x,t) = (1-t)\Big(u(x) - \big((1-x)u(0) + x u(1)\big)\Big) = (1-t)u(x) = (1-t)\sin(\pi x) $$ since $(0) = u(1) = 0$ and $u(x) = \sin(\pi x)$. ## Why the jacobian? The Jacobian is used because the program must find the derivative of the trial solution with respect to $x$ and $t$. This gives the necessity of computing the Jacobian matrix, as we want to evaluate the gradient with respect to $x$ and $t$ (note that the Jacobian of a scalar-valued multivariate function is simply its gradient). In Autograd, the differentiation is by default done with respect to the first input argument of your Python function. Since the points is an array representing $x$ and $t$, the Jacobian is calculated using the values of $x$ and $t$. To find the second derivative with respect to $x$ and $t$, the Jacobian can be found for the second time. The result is a Hessian matrix, which is the matrix containing all the possible second order mixed derivatives of $g(x,t)$. # Set up the trial function: def u(x): return np.sin(np.pi*x) def g_trial(point,P): x,t = point return (1-t)*u(x) + x*(1-x)*t*deep_neural_network(P,point) # The right side of the ODE: def f(point): return 0. # The cost function: def cost_function(P, x, t): cost_sum = 0 g_t_jacobian_func = jacobian(g_trial) g_t_hessian_func = hessian(g_trial) for x_ in x: for t_ in t: point = np.array([x_,t_]) g_t = g_trial(point,P) g_t_jacobian = g_t_jacobian_func(point,P) g_t_hessian = g_t_hessian_func(point,P) g_t_dt = g_t_jacobian[1] g_t_d2x = g_t_hessian[0][0] func = f(point) err_sqr = ( (g_t_dt - g_t_d2x) - func)**2 cost_sum += err_sqr return cost_sum ## Setting up the network using Autograd; The full program Having set up the network, along with the trial solution and cost function, we can now see how the deep neural network performs by comparing the results to the analytical solution. The analytical solution of our problem is $$ g(x,t) = \exp(-\pi^2 t)\sin(\pi x) $$ A possible way to implement a neural network solving the PDE, is given below. Be aware, though, that it is fairly slow for the parameters used. A better result is possible, but requires more iterations, and thus longer time to complete. Indeed, the program below is not optimal in its implementation, but rather serves as an example on how to implement and use a neural network to solve a PDE. Using TensorFlow results in a much better execution time. Try it! import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import jacobian,hessian,grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d ## Set up the network def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # x is now a point and a 1D numpy array; make it a column vector num_coordinates = np.size(x,0) x = x.reshape(num_coordinates,-1) num_points = np.size(x,1) # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output[0][0] ## Define the trial solution and cost function def u(x): return np.sin(np.pi*x) def g_trial(point,P): x,t = point return (1-t)*u(x) + x*(1-x)*t*deep_neural_network(P,point) # The right side of the ODE: def f(point): return 0. # The cost function: def cost_function(P, x, t): cost_sum = 0 g_t_jacobian_func = jacobian(g_trial) g_t_hessian_func = hessian(g_trial) for x_ in x: for t_ in t: point = np.array([x_,t_]) g_t = g_trial(point,P) g_t_jacobian = g_t_jacobian_func(point,P) g_t_hessian = g_t_hessian_func(point,P) g_t_dt = g_t_jacobian[1] g_t_d2x = g_t_hessian[0][0] func = f(point) err_sqr = ( (g_t_dt - g_t_d2x) - func)**2 cost_sum += err_sqr return cost_sum /( np.size(x)*np.size(t) ) ## For comparison, define the analytical solution def g_analytic(point): x,t = point return np.exp(-np.pi**2*t)*np.sin(np.pi*x) ## Set up a function for training the network to solve for the equation def solve_pde_deep_neural_network(x,t, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): ## Set up initial weigths and biases N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weigths and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 + 1 ) # 2 since we have two points, +1 to include bias for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: ',cost_function(P, x, t)) cost_function_grad = grad(cost_function,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): cost_grad = cost_function_grad(P, x , t) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_grad[l] print('Final cost: ',cost_function(P, x, t)) return P if __name__ == '__main__': ### Use the neural network: npr.seed(15) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nx = 10; Nt = 10 x = np.linspace(0, 1, Nx) t = np.linspace(0,1,Nt) ## Set up the parameters for the network num_hidden_neurons = [100, 25] num_iter = 250 lmb = 0.01 P = solve_pde_deep_neural_network(x,t, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) ## Store the results g_dnn_ag = np.zeros((Nx, Nt)) G_analytical = np.zeros((Nx, Nt)) for i,x_ in enumerate(x): for j, t_ in enumerate(t): point = np.array([x_, t_]) g_dnn_ag[i,j] = g_trial(point,P) G_analytical[i,j] = g_analytic(point) # Find the map difference between the analytical and the computed solution diff_ag = np.abs(g_dnn_ag - G_analytical) print('Max absolute difference between the analytical solution and the network: %g'%np.max(diff_ag)) ## Plot the solutions in two dimensions, that being in position and time T,X = np.meshgrid(t,x) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Solution from the deep neural network w/ %d layer'%len(num_hidden_neurons)) s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,g_dnn_ag,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Analytical solution') s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,G_analytical,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Difference') s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,diff_ag,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); ## Take some slices of the 3D plots just to see the solutions at particular times indx1 = 0 indx2 = int(Nt/2) indx3 = Nt-1 t1 = t[indx1] t2 = t[indx2] t3 = t[indx3] # Slice the results from the DNN res1 = g_dnn_ag[:,indx1] res2 = g_dnn_ag[:,indx2] res3 = g_dnn_ag[:,indx3] # Slice the analytical results res_analytical1 = G_analytical[:,indx1] res_analytical2 = G_analytical[:,indx2] res_analytical3 = G_analytical[:,indx3] # Plot the slices plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t1) plt.plot(x, res1) plt.plot(x,res_analytical1) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t2) plt.plot(x, res2) plt.plot(x,res_analytical2) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t3) plt.plot(x, res3) plt.plot(x,res_analytical3) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) ## Example: Solving the wave equation with Neural Networks The wave equation is $$ \frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial t^2} = c^2\frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial x^2} $$ with $c$ being the specified wave speed. Here, the chosen conditions are $$ \begin{align*} g(0,t) &= 0 \\ g(1,t) &= 0 \\ g(x,0) &= u(x) \\ \frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t} \Big |_{t = 0} &= v(x) \end{align*} $$ where $\frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t} \Big |_{t = 0}$ means the derivative of $g(x,t)$ with respect to $t$ is evaluated at $t = 0$, and $u(x)$ and $v(x)$ being given functions. ## The problem to solve for The wave equation to solve for, is <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="wave"></div> $$ \begin{equation} \label{wave} \tag{19} \frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial t^2} = c^2 \frac{\partial^2 g(x,t)}{\partial x^2} \end{equation} $$ where $c$ is the given wave speed. The chosen conditions for this equation are <!-- Equation labels as ordinary links --> <div id="condwave"></div> $$ \begin{aligned} g(0,t) &= 0, &t \geq 0 \\ g(1,t) &= 0, &t \geq 0 \\ g(x,0) &= u(x), &x\in[0,1] \\ \frac{\partial g(x,t)}{\partial t}\Big |_{t = 0} &= v(x), &x \in [0,1] \end{aligned} \label{condwave} \tag{20} $$ In this example, let $c = 1$ and $u(x) = \sin(\pi x)$ and $v(x) = -\pi\sin(\pi x)$. ## The trial solution Setting up the network is done in similar matter as for the example of solving the diffusion equation. The only things we have to change, is the trial solution such that it satisfies the conditions from ([20](#condwave)) and the cost function. The trial solution becomes slightly different since we have other conditions than in the example of solving the diffusion equation. Here, a possible trial solution $g_t(x,t)$ is $$ g_t(x,t) = h_1(x,t) + x(1-x)t^2N(x,t,P) $$ where $$ h_1(x,t) = (1-t^2)u(x) + tv(x) $$ Note that this trial solution satisfies the conditions only if $u(0) = v(0) = u(1) = v(1) = 0$, which is the case in this example. ## The analytical solution The analytical solution for our specific problem, is $$ g(x,t) = \sin(\pi x)\cos(\pi t) - \sin(\pi x)\sin(\pi t) $$ ## Solving the wave equation - the full program using Autograd import autograd.numpy as np from autograd import hessian,grad import autograd.numpy.random as npr from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d ## Set up the trial function: def u(x): return np.sin(np.pi*x) def v(x): return -np.pi*np.sin(np.pi*x) def h1(point): x,t = point return (1 - t**2)*u(x) + t*v(x) def g_trial(point,P): x,t = point return h1(point) + x*(1-x)*t**2*deep_neural_network(P,point) ## Define the cost function def cost_function(P, x, t): cost_sum = 0 g_t_hessian_func = hessian(g_trial) for x_ in x: for t_ in t: point = np.array([x_,t_]) g_t_hessian = g_t_hessian_func(point,P) g_t_d2x = g_t_hessian[0][0] g_t_d2t = g_t_hessian[1][1] err_sqr = ( (g_t_d2t - g_t_d2x) )**2 cost_sum += err_sqr return cost_sum / (np.size(t) * np.size(x)) ## The neural network def sigmoid(z): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z)) def deep_neural_network(deep_params, x): # x is now a point and a 1D numpy array; make it a column vector num_coordinates = np.size(x,0) x = x.reshape(num_coordinates,-1) num_points = np.size(x,1) # N_hidden is the number of hidden layers N_hidden = np.size(deep_params) - 1 # -1 since params consist of parameters to all the hidden layers AND the output layer # Assume that the input layer does nothing to the input x x_input = x x_prev = x_input ## Hidden layers: for l in range(N_hidden): # From the list of parameters P; find the correct weigths and bias for this layer w_hidden = deep_params[l] # Add a row of ones to include bias x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev ), axis = 0) z_hidden = np.matmul(w_hidden, x_prev) x_hidden = sigmoid(z_hidden) # Update x_prev such that next layer can use the output from this layer x_prev = x_hidden ## Output layer: # Get the weights and bias for this layer w_output = deep_params[-1] # Include bias: x_prev = np.concatenate((np.ones((1,num_points)), x_prev), axis = 0) z_output = np.matmul(w_output, x_prev) x_output = z_output return x_output[0][0] ## The analytical solution def g_analytic(point): x,t = point return np.sin(np.pi*x)*np.cos(np.pi*t) - np.sin(np.pi*x)*np.sin(np.pi*t) def solve_pde_deep_neural_network(x,t, num_neurons, num_iter, lmb): ## Set up initial weigths and biases N_hidden = np.size(num_neurons) ## Set up initial weigths and biases # Initialize the list of parameters: P = [None]*(N_hidden + 1) # + 1 to include the output layer P[0] = npr.randn(num_neurons[0], 2 + 1 ) # 2 since we have two points, +1 to include bias for l in range(1,N_hidden): P[l] = npr.randn(num_neurons[l], num_neurons[l-1] + 1) # +1 to include bias # For the output layer P[-1] = npr.randn(1, num_neurons[-1] + 1 ) # +1 since bias is included print('Initial cost: ',cost_function(P, x, t)) cost_function_grad = grad(cost_function,0) # Let the update be done num_iter times for i in range(num_iter): cost_grad = cost_function_grad(P, x , t) for l in range(N_hidden+1): P[l] = P[l] - lmb * cost_grad[l] print('Final cost: ',cost_function(P, x, t)) return P if __name__ == '__main__': ### Use the neural network: npr.seed(15) ## Decide the vales of arguments to the function to solve Nx = 10; Nt = 10 x = np.linspace(0, 1, Nx) t = np.linspace(0,1,Nt) ## Set up the parameters for the network num_hidden_neurons = [50,20] num_iter = 1000 lmb = 0.01 P = solve_pde_deep_neural_network(x,t, num_hidden_neurons, num_iter, lmb) ## Store the results res = np.zeros((Nx, Nt)) res_analytical = np.zeros((Nx, Nt)) for i,x_ in enumerate(x): for j, t_ in enumerate(t): point = np.array([x_, t_]) res[i,j] = g_trial(point,P) res_analytical[i,j] = g_analytic(point) diff = np.abs(res - res_analytical) print("Max difference between analytical and solution from nn: %g"%np.max(diff)) ## Plot the solutions in two dimensions, that being in position and time T,X = np.meshgrid(t,x) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Solution from the deep neural network w/ %d layer'%len(num_hidden_neurons)) s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,res,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Analytical solution') s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,res_analytical,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.set_title('Difference') s = ax.plot_surface(T,X,diff,linewidth=0,antialiased=False,cmap=cm.viridis) ax.set_xlabel('Time $t$') ax.set_ylabel('Position $x$'); ## Take some slices of the 3D plots just to see the solutions at particular times indx1 = 0 indx2 = int(Nt/2) indx3 = Nt-1 t1 = t[indx1] t2 = t[indx2] t3 = t[indx3] # Slice the results from the DNN res1 = res[:,indx1] res2 = res[:,indx2] res3 = res[:,indx3] # Slice the analytical results res_analytical1 = res_analytical[:,indx1] res_analytical2 = res_analytical[:,indx2] res_analytical3 = res_analytical[:,indx3] # Plot the slices plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t1) plt.plot(x, res1) plt.plot(x,res_analytical1) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t2) plt.plot(x, res2) plt.plot(x,res_analytical2) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.title("Computed solutions at time = %g"%t3) plt.plot(x, res3) plt.plot(x,res_analytical3) plt.legend(['dnn','analytical']) ## Resources on differential equations and deep learning 1. [Artificial neural networks for solving ordinary and partial differential equations by I.E. Lagaris et al]( 2. [Neural networks for solving differential equations by A. Honchar]( 3. [Solving differential equations using neural networks by M.M Chiaramonte and M. Kiener]( 4. [Introduction to Partial Differential Equations by A. Tveito, R. Winther](
""" ========================== Plotting Validation Curves ========================== In this plot you can see the training scores and validation scores of an SVM for different values of the kernel parameter gamma. For very low values of gamma, you can see that both the training score and the validation score are low. This is called underfitting. Medium values of gamma will result in high values for both scores, i.e. the classifier is performing fairly well. If gamma is too high, the classifier will overfit, which means that the training score is good but the validation score is poor. """ print(__doc__) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import load_digits from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.learning_curve import validation_curve digits = load_digits() X, y =, param_range = np.logspace(-6, -1, 5) train_scores, test_scores = validation_curve( SVC(), X, y, param_name="gamma", param_range=param_range, cv=10, scoring="accuracy", n_jobs=1) train_scores_mean = np.mean(train_scores, axis=1) train_scores_std = np.std(train_scores, axis=1) test_scores_mean = np.mean(test_scores, axis=1) test_scores_std = np.std(test_scores, axis=1) plt.title("Validation Curve with SVM") plt.xlabel("$\gamma$") plt.ylabel("Score") plt.ylim(0.0, 1.1) plt.semilogx(param_range, train_scores_mean, label="Training score", color="r") plt.fill_between(param_range, train_scores_mean - train_scores_std, train_scores_mean + train_scores_std, alpha=0.2, color="r") plt.semilogx(param_range, test_scores_mean, label="Cross-validation score", color="g") plt.fill_between(param_range, test_scores_mean - test_scores_std, test_scores_mean + test_scores_std, alpha=0.2, color="g") plt.legend(loc="best")
# Copyright The PyTorch Lightning team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License import logging import os from typing import Optional, Tuple import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.loggers.base import DummyLogger from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn from pytorch_lightning.utilities.cloud_io import get_filesystem from import has_len from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException from pytorch_lightning.utilities.memory import garbage_collection_cuda, is_oom_error from pytorch_lightning.utilities.parsing import lightning_getattr, lightning_hasattr, lightning_setattr log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def scale_batch_size( trainer: "pl.Trainer", model: "pl.LightningModule", mode: str = "power", steps_per_trial: int = 3, init_val: int = 2, max_trials: int = 25, batch_arg_name: str = "batch_size", ) -> Optional[int]: """See :meth:`~pytorch_lightning.tuner.tuning.Tuner.scale_batch_size`""" if trainer.fast_dev_run: rank_zero_warn("Skipping batch size scaler since fast_dev_run is enabled.", UserWarning) return if not lightning_hasattr(model, batch_arg_name): raise MisconfigurationException(f"Field {batch_arg_name} not found in both `model` and `model.hparams`") if hasattr(model, batch_arg_name) and hasattr(model, "hparams") and batch_arg_name in model.hparams: rank_zero_warn( f"Field `model.{batch_arg_name}` and `model.hparams.{batch_arg_name}` are mutually exclusive!" f" `model.{batch_arg_name}` will be used as the initial batch size for scaling." " If this is not the intended behavior, please remove either one." ) if hasattr(model.train_dataloader, "patch_loader_code"): raise MisconfigurationException( "The batch scaling feature cannot be used with dataloaders passed directly to `.fit()`." " Please disable the feature or incorporate the dataloader into the model." ) # Arguments we adjust during the batch size finder, save for restoring __scale_batch_dump_params(trainer) # Set to values that are required by the algorithm __scale_batch_reset_params(trainer, model, steps_per_trial) # Save initial model, that is loaded after batch size is found save_path = os.path.join(trainer.default_root_dir, "scale_batch_size_temp_model.ckpt") trainer.save_checkpoint(str(save_path)) if trainer.progress_bar_callback: trainer.progress_bar_callback.disable() # Initially we just double in size until an OOM is encountered new_size, _ = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, value=init_val) # initially set to init_val if mode == "power": new_size = _run_power_scaling(trainer, model, new_size, batch_arg_name, max_trials) elif mode == "binsearch": new_size = _run_binsearch_scaling(trainer, model, new_size, batch_arg_name, max_trials) else: raise ValueError("mode in method `scale_batch_size` could either be `power` or `binsearch`") garbage_collection_cuda()"Finished batch size finder, will continue with full run using batch size {new_size}") # Restore initial state of model if trainer.is_global_zero: trainer.checkpoint_connector.restore(str(save_path)) fs = get_filesystem(str(save_path)) if fs.exists(save_path): fs.rm(save_path) # Finish by resetting variables so trainer is ready to fit model __scale_batch_restore_params(trainer) if trainer.progress_bar_callback: trainer.progress_bar_callback.enable() return new_size def __scale_batch_dump_params(trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> None: # Prevent going into infinite loop trainer.__dumped_params = { "auto_lr_find": trainer.auto_lr_find, "current_epoch": trainer.current_epoch, "max_steps": trainer.max_steps, "weights_summary": trainer.weights_summary, "logger": trainer.logger, "callbacks": trainer.callbacks, "checkpoint_callback": trainer.checkpoint_callback, "auto_scale_batch_size": trainer.auto_scale_batch_size, "limit_train_batches": trainer.limit_train_batches, "model": trainer.model, } def __scale_batch_reset_params(trainer: "pl.Trainer", model: "pl.LightningModule", steps_per_trial: int) -> None: trainer.auto_scale_batch_size = None # prevent recursion trainer.auto_lr_find = False # avoid lr find being called multiple times trainer.fit_loop.current_epoch = 0 trainer.fit_loop.max_steps = steps_per_trial # take few steps trainer.weights_summary = None # not needed before full run trainer.logger = DummyLogger() trainer.callbacks = [] # not needed before full run trainer.limit_train_batches = 1.0 trainer.optimizers, trainer.lr_schedulers = [], [] # required for saving trainer.model = model # required for saving def __scale_batch_restore_params(trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> None: trainer.auto_lr_find = trainer.__dumped_params["auto_lr_find"] trainer.fit_loop.current_epoch = trainer.__dumped_params["current_epoch"] trainer.fit_loop.max_steps = trainer.__dumped_params["max_steps"] trainer.weights_summary = trainer.__dumped_params["weights_summary"] trainer.logger = trainer.__dumped_params["logger"] trainer.callbacks = trainer.__dumped_params["callbacks"] trainer.auto_scale_batch_size = trainer.__dumped_params["auto_scale_batch_size"] trainer.limit_train_batches = trainer.__dumped_params["limit_train_batches"] trainer.model = trainer.__dumped_params["model"] del trainer.__dumped_params def _run_power_scaling( trainer: "pl.Trainer", model: "pl.LightningModule", new_size: int, batch_arg_name: str, max_trials: int ) -> int: """Batch scaling mode where the size is doubled at each iteration until an OOM error is encountered.""" for _ in range(max_trials): garbage_collection_cuda() trainer.fit_loop.global_step = 0 # reset after each try try: # Try fit trainer.tuner._run(model) # Double in size new_size, changed = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, factor=2.0, desc="succeeded") except RuntimeError as exception: # Only these errors should trigger an adjustment if is_oom_error(exception): # If we fail in power mode, half the size and return garbage_collection_cuda() new_size, _ = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, factor=0.5, desc="failed") break else: raise # some other error not memory related if changed: # Force the train dataloader to reset as the batch size has changed trainer.reset_train_dataloader(model) else: break return new_size def _run_binsearch_scaling( trainer: "pl.Trainer", model: "pl.LightningModule", new_size: int, batch_arg_name: str, max_trials: int ) -> int: """Batch scaling mode where the size is initially is doubled at each iteration until an OOM error is encountered. Hereafter, the batch size is further refined using a binary search""" low = 1 high = None count = 0 while True: garbage_collection_cuda() trainer.fit_loop.global_step = 0 # reset after each try try: # Try fit trainer.tuner._run(model) count += 1 if count > max_trials: break # Double in size low = new_size if high: if high - low <= 1: break midval = (high + low) // 2 new_size, changed = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, value=midval, desc="succeeded") else: new_size, changed = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, factor=2.0, desc="succeeded") if changed: # Force the train dataloader to reset as the batch size has changed trainer.reset_train_dataloader(model) else: break except RuntimeError as exception: # Only these errors should trigger an adjustment if is_oom_error(exception): # If we fail in power mode, half the size and return garbage_collection_cuda() high = new_size midval = (high + low) // 2 new_size, _ = _adjust_batch_size(trainer, batch_arg_name, value=midval, desc="failed") if high - low <= 1: break else: raise # some other error not memory related return new_size def _adjust_batch_size( trainer: "pl.Trainer", batch_arg_name: str = "batch_size", factor: float = 1.0, value: Optional[int] = None, desc: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, bool]: """Helper function for adjusting the batch size. Args: trainer: instance of pytorch_lightning.Trainer batch_arg_name: name of the field where batch_size is stored. factor: value which the old batch size is multiplied by to get the new batch size value: if a value is given, will override the batch size with this value. Note that the value of `factor` will not have an effect in this case desc: either `succeeded` or `failed`. Used purely for logging Returns: The new batch size for the next trial and a bool that signals whether the new value is different than the previous batch size. """ model = trainer.lightning_module batch_size = lightning_getattr(model, batch_arg_name) new_size = value if value is not None else int(batch_size * factor) if desc:"Batch size {batch_size} {desc}, trying batch size {new_size}") if not _is_valid_batch_size(new_size, trainer.train_dataloader): new_size = min(new_size, len(trainer.train_dataloader.dataset)) changed = new_size != batch_size lightning_setattr(model, batch_arg_name, new_size) return new_size, changed def _is_valid_batch_size(current_size, dataloader): return not has_len(dataloader) or current_size <= len(dataloader)
""" ================================================== Plot different SVM classifiers in the iris dataset ================================================== Comparison of different linear SVM classifiers on a 2D projection of the iris dataset. We only consider the first 2 features of this dataset: - Sepal length - Sepal width This example shows how to plot the decision surface for four SVM classifiers with different kernels. The linear models ``LinearSVC()`` and ``SVC(kernel='linear')`` yield slightly different decision boundaries. This can be a consequence of the following differences: - ``LinearSVC`` minimizes the squared hinge loss while ``SVC`` minimizes the regular hinge loss. - ``LinearSVC`` uses the One-vs-All (also known as One-vs-Rest) multiclass reduction while ``SVC`` uses the One-vs-One multiclass reduction. Both linear models have linear decision boundaries (intersecting hyperplanes) while the non-linear kernel models (polynomial or Gaussian RBF) have more flexible non-linear decision boundaries with shapes that depend on the kind of kernel and its parameters. .. NOTE:: while plotting the decision function of classifiers for toy 2D datasets can help get an intuitive understanding of their respective expressive power, be aware that those intuitions don't always generalize to more realistic high-dimensional problems. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import svm, datasets # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. We could # avoid this ugly slicing by using a two-dim dataset y = h = .02 # step size in the mesh # we create an instance of SVM and fit out data. We do not scale our # data since we want to plot the support vectors C = 1.0 # SVM regularization parameter svc = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=C).fit(X, y) rbf_svc = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', gamma=0.7, C=C).fit(X, y) poly_svc = svm.SVC(kernel='poly', degree=3, C=C).fit(X, y) lin_svc = svm.LinearSVC(C=C).fit(X, y) # create a mesh to plot in x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - 1, X[:, 0].max() + 1 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - 1, X[:, 1].max() + 1 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) # title for the plots titles = ['SVC with linear kernel', 'LinearSVC (linear kernel)', 'SVC with RBF kernel', 'SVC with polynomial (degree 3) kernel'] for i, clf in enumerate((svc, lin_svc, rbf_svc, poly_svc)): # Plot the decision boundary. For that, we will assign a color to each # point in the mesh [x_min, m_max]x[y_min, y_max]. plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) Z = clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) # Put the result into a color plot Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z,, alpha=0.8) # Plot also the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, plt.xlabel('Sepal length') plt.ylabel('Sepal width') plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max()) plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max()) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) plt.title(titles[i])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Table transformer for storage commands""" from azure.cli.core.commands.transform import build_table_output from knack.log import get_logger logger = get_logger(__name__) def transform_container_list(result): return build_table_output(result, [ ('Name', 'name'), ('Lease Status', 'properties.leaseStatus'), ('Last Modified', 'properties.lastModified') ]) def transform_container_show(result): return build_table_output(result, [ ('Name', 'name'), ('Lease Status', ''), ('Last Modified', 'properties.lastModified') ]) def transform_blob_output(result): return build_table_output(result, [ ('Name', 'name'), ('Blob Type', 'properties.blobType'), ('Blob Tier', 'properties.blobTier'), ('Length', 'properties.contentLength'), ('Content Type', 'properties.contentSettings.contentType'), ('Last Modified', 'properties.lastModified'), ('Snapshot', 'snapshot') ]) def transform_share_list(result): return build_table_output(result, [ ('Name', 'name'), ('Quota', 'properties.quota'), ('Last Modified', 'properties.lastModified') ]) def transform_file_output(result): """ Transform to convert SDK file/dir list output to something that more clearly distinguishes between files and directories. """ from collections import OrderedDict new_result = [] iterable = result if isinstance(result, list) else result.get('items', result) for item in iterable: new_entry = OrderedDict() entity_type = item['type'] # type property is added by transform_file_directory_result is_dir = entity_type == 'dir' new_entry['Name'] = item['name'] + '/' if is_dir else item['name'] new_entry['Content Length'] = ' ' if is_dir else item['properties']['contentLength'] new_entry['Type'] = item['type'] new_entry['Last Modified'] = item['properties']['lastModified'] or ' ' new_result.append(new_entry) return sorted(new_result, key=lambda k: k['Name']) def transform_entity_show(result): from collections import OrderedDict timestamp = result.pop('Timestamp') result.pop('etag') # Reassemble the output new_result = OrderedDict() new_result['Partition'] = result.pop('PartitionKey') new_result['Row'] = result.pop('RowKey') for key in sorted(result.keys()): new_result[key] = result[key] new_result['Timestamp'] = timestamp return new_result def transform_message_show(result): from collections import OrderedDict ordered_result = [] for item in result: new_result = OrderedDict() new_result['MessageId'] = item.pop('id') new_result['Content'] = item.pop('content') new_result['InsertionTime'] = item.pop('insertionTime') new_result['ExpirationTime'] = item.pop('expirationTime') for key in sorted(item.keys()): new_result[key] = item[key] ordered_result.append(new_result) return ordered_result def transform_boolean_for_table(result): for key in result: result[key] = str(result[key]) return result def transform_file_directory_result(result): """ Transform a the result returned from file and directory listing API. This transformer add and remove properties from File and Directory objects in the given list in order to align the object's properties so as to offer a better view to the file and dir list. """ from ._transformers import transform_share_directory_json_output, transform_share_file_json_output return_list = [] for each in result: if getattr(each, 'is_directory', None): setattr(each, 'type', 'dir') each = transform_share_directory_json_output(each) else: setattr(each, 'type', 'file') each = transform_share_file_json_output(each) return_list.append(each) return return_list def transform_metadata_show(result): return result.metadata
import argparse import torch import torch.nn as nn from pt_model import TransformerModel from utils import get_batch, prepare_data def train(model, data_source, device, epoch, args, bptt=35): total_loss = 0.0 model.train() for batch, i in enumerate(range(0, data_source.size(0) - 1, bptt)): data, targets = get_batch(data_source, i) optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data) loss = criterion(output.view(-1, 28785), targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() total_loss += loss.item() if batch % args.log_interval == 0 and batch > 0: cur_loss = total_loss / args.log_interval print( "epoch {:3d} | {:5d}/{:5d} batches | loss {:5.2f}".format( epoch, batch, len(data_source) // bptt, cur_loss ) ) total_loss = 0 def evaluate(model, data_source, criterion, bptt=35): total_loss = 0.0 model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i in range(0, data_source.size(0) - 1, bptt): data, targets = get_batch(data_source, i) output = model(data) output_flat = output.view(-1, 28785) total_loss += len(data) * criterion(output_flat, targets).item() return total_loss / (len(data_source) - 1) if __name__ == "__main__": # Training settings parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PyTorch TransformerModel example") parser.add_argument( "--batch-size", type=int, default=20, metavar="N", help="input batch size for training (default: 20)" ) parser.add_argument( "--test-batch-size", type=int, default=20, metavar="N", help="input batch size for testing (default: 20)" ) parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=2, metavar="N", help="number of epochs to train (default: 2)") parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=0.001, metavar="LR", help="learning rate (default: 0.001)") parser.add_argument("--no-cuda", action="store_true", default=False, help="disables CUDA training") parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=1, metavar="S", help="random seed (default: 1)") parser.add_argument( "--log-interval", type=int, default=200, metavar="N", help="how many batches to wait before logging training status (default: 200)", ) # Basic setup args = parser.parse_args() if not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # Model criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() lr = 0.001 model = TransformerModel(28785, 200, 2, 200, 2, 0.2).to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr) # Preparing data train_data, val_data, test_data = prepare_data(device, args.batch_size, args.test_batch_size) # Train for epoch in range(1, args.epochs + 1): train(model, train_data, device, epoch, args) val_loss = evaluate(model, val_data, criterion) print("-" * 89) print("| end of epoch {:3d} | valid loss {:5.2f} | ".format(epoch, val_loss)) print("-" * 89) # Evaluate test_loss = evaluate(model, test_data, criterion) print("=" * 89) print("| End of training | test loss {:5.2f}".format(test_loss)) print("=" * 89)
""" ============================ Gradient Boosting regression ============================ Demonstrate Gradient Boosting on the Boston housing dataset. This example fits a Gradient Boosting model with least squares loss and 500 regression trees of depth 4. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Peter Prettenhofer <> # # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import ensemble from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.utils import shuffle from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error ############################################################################### # Load data boston = datasets.load_boston() X, y = shuffle(,, random_state=13) X = X.astype(np.float32) offset = int(X.shape[0] * 0.9) X_train, y_train = X[:offset], y[:offset] X_test, y_test = X[offset:], y[offset:] ############################################################################### # Fit regression model params = {'n_estimators': 500, 'max_depth': 4, 'min_samples_split': 1, 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'loss': 'ls'} clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor(**params), y_train) mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, clf.predict(X_test)) print("MSE: %.4f" % mse) ############################################################################### # Plot training deviance # compute test set deviance test_score = np.zeros((params['n_estimators'],), dtype=np.float64) for i, y_pred in enumerate(clf.staged_decision_function(X_test)): test_score[i] = clf.loss_(y_test, y_pred) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title('Deviance') plt.plot(np.arange(params['n_estimators']) + 1, clf.train_score_, 'b-', label='Training Set Deviance') plt.plot(np.arange(params['n_estimators']) + 1, test_score, 'r-', label='Test Set Deviance') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Boosting Iterations') plt.ylabel('Deviance') ############################################################################### # Plot feature importance feature_importance = clf.feature_importances_ # make importances relative to max importance feature_importance = 100.0 * (feature_importance / feature_importance.max()) sorted_idx = np.argsort(feature_importance) pos = np.arange(sorted_idx.shape[0]) + .5 plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.barh(pos, feature_importance[sorted_idx], align='center') plt.yticks(pos, boston.feature_names[sorted_idx]) plt.xlabel('Relative Importance') plt.title('Variable Importance')
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Pipelining: chaining a PCA and a logistic regression ========================================================= The PCA does an unsupervised dimensionality reduction, while the logistic regression does the prediction. We use a GridSearchCV to set the dimensionality of the PCA """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model, decomposition, datasets from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression() pca = decomposition.PCA() pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic)]) digits = datasets.load_digits() X_digits = y_digits = ############################################################################### # Plot the PCA spectrum plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.axes([.2, .2, .7, .7]) plt.plot(pca.explained_variance_, linewidth=2) plt.axis('tight') plt.xlabel('n_components') plt.ylabel('explained_variance_') ############################################################################### # Prediction n_components = [20, 40, 64] Cs = np.logspace(-4, 4, 3) #Parameters of pipelines can be set using ‘__’ separated parameter names: estimator = GridSearchCV(pipe, dict(pca__n_components=n_components, logistic__C=Cs)), y_digits) plt.axvline(estimator.best_estimator_.named_steps['pca'].n_components, linestyle=':', label='n_components chosen') plt.legend(prop=dict(size=12))
""" ==================== Theil-Sen Regression ==================== Computes a Theil-Sen Regression on a synthetic dataset. See :ref:`theil_sen_regression` for more information on the regressor. Compared to the OLS (ordinary least squares) estimator, the Theil-Sen estimator is robust against outliers. It has a breakdown point of about 29.3% in case of a simple linear regression which means that it can tolerate arbitrary corrupted data (outliers) of up to 29.3% in the two-dimensional case. The estimation of the model is done by calculating the slopes and intercepts of a subpopulation of all possible combinations of p subsample points. If an intercept is fitted, p must be greater than or equal to n_features + 1. The final slope and intercept is then defined as the spatial median of these slopes and intercepts. In certain cases Theil-Sen performs better than :ref:`RANSAC <ransac_regression>` which is also a robust method. This is illustrated in the second example below where outliers with respect to the x-axis perturb RANSAC. Tuning the ``residual_threshold`` parameter of RANSAC remedies this but in general a priori knowledge about the data and the nature of the outliers is needed. Due to the computational complexity of Theil-Sen it is recommended to use it only for small problems in terms of number of samples and features. For larger problems the ``max_subpopulation`` parameter restricts the magnitude of all possible combinations of p subsample points to a randomly chosen subset and therefore also limits the runtime. Therefore, Theil-Sen is applicable to larger problems with the drawback of losing some of its mathematical properties since it then works on a random subset. """ # Author: Florian Wilhelm -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause import time import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor print(__doc__) estimators = [('OLS', LinearRegression()), ('Theil-Sen', TheilSenRegressor(random_state=42)), ('RANSAC', RANSACRegressor(random_state=42)), ] ############################################################################## # Outliers only in the y direction np.random.seed(0) n_samples = 200 # Linear model y = 3*x + N(2, 0.1**2) x = np.random.randn(n_samples) w = 3. c = 2. noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_samples) y = w * x + c + noise # 10% outliers y[-20:] += -20 * x[-20:] X = x[:, np.newaxis] plt.plot(x, y, 'k+', mew=2, ms=8) line_x = np.array([-3, 3]) for name, estimator in estimators: t0 = time.time(), y) elapsed_time = time.time() - t0 y_pred = estimator.predict(line_x.reshape(2, 1)) plt.plot(line_x, y_pred, label='%s (fit time: %.2fs)' % (name, elapsed_time)) plt.axis('tight') plt.legend(loc='upper left') ############################################################################## # Outliers in the X direction np.random.seed(0) # Linear model y = 3*x + N(2, 0.1**2) x = np.random.randn(n_samples) noise = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_samples) y = 3 * x + 2 + noise # 10% outliers x[-20:] = 9.9 y[-20:] += 22 X = x[:, np.newaxis] plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'k+', mew=2, ms=8) line_x = np.array([-3, 10]) for name, estimator in estimators: t0 = time.time(), y) elapsed_time = time.time() - t0 y_pred = estimator.predict(line_x.reshape(2, 1)) plt.plot(line_x, y_pred, label='%s (fit time: %.2fs)' % (name, elapsed_time)) plt.axis('tight') plt.legend(loc='upper left')
import numpy as np from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn import qda # Data is just 6 separable points in the plane X = np.array([[0, 0], [-2, -2], [-2, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, -2], [1, 3], [1, 2], [2, 1], [2, 2]]) y = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]) y3 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1]) # Degenerate data with 1 feature (still should be separable) X1 = np.array([[-3, ], [-2, ], [-1, ], [-1, ], [0, ], [1, ], [1, ], [2, ], [3, ]]) # Data that has zero variance in one dimension and needs regularization X2 = np.array([[-3, 0], [-2, 0], [-1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0]]) # One element class y4 = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]) # Data with less samples in a class than n_features X5 = np.c_[np.arange(8), np.zeros((8,3))] y5 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) def test_qda(): # QDA classification. # This checks that QDA implements fit and predict and returns # correct values for a simple toy dataset. clf = qda.QDA() y_pred =, y).predict(X) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y) # Assure that it works with 1D data y_pred1 =, y).predict(X1) assert_array_equal(y_pred1, y) # Test probas estimates y_proba_pred1 = clf.predict_proba(X1) assert_array_equal((y_proba_pred1[:, 1] > 0.5) + 1, y) y_log_proba_pred1 = clf.predict_log_proba(X1) assert_array_almost_equal(np.exp(y_log_proba_pred1), y_proba_pred1, 8) y_pred3 =, y3).predict(X) # QDA shouldn't be able to separate those assert_true(np.any(y_pred3 != y3)) # Classes should have at least 2 elements assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y4) def test_qda_priors(): clf = qda.QDA() y_pred =, y).predict(X) n_pos = np.sum(y_pred == 2) neg = 1e-10 clf = qda.QDA(priors=np.array([neg, 1 - neg])) y_pred =, y).predict(X) n_pos2 = np.sum(y_pred == 2) assert_greater(n_pos2, n_pos) def test_qda_store_covariances(): # The default is to not set the covariances_ attribute clf = qda.QDA().fit(X, y) assert_true(not hasattr(clf, 'covariances_')) # Test the actual attribute: clf = qda.QDA().fit(X, y, store_covariances=True) assert_true(hasattr(clf, 'covariances_')) assert_array_almost_equal( clf.covariances_[0], np.array([[0.7, 0.45], [0.45, 0.7]]) ) assert_array_almost_equal( clf.covariances_[1], np.array([[0.33333333, -0.33333333], [-0.33333333, 0.66666667]]) ) def test_qda_regularization(): # the default is reg_param=0. and will cause issues # when there is a constant variable clf = qda.QDA() with ignore_warnings(): y_pred =, y).predict(X2) assert_true(np.any(y_pred != y)) # adding a little regularization fixes the problem clf = qda.QDA(reg_param=0.01) with ignore_warnings():, y) y_pred = clf.predict(X2) assert_array_equal(y_pred, y) # Case n_samples_in_a_class < n_features clf = qda.QDA(reg_param=0.1) with ignore_warnings():, y5) y_pred5 = clf.predict(X5) assert_array_equal(y_pred5, y5)
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import logging import numpy as np import torch from import Dictionary, FairseqDataset from fairseq.tasks import FairseqTask, register_task logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @register_task('dummy_mt') class DummyMTTask(FairseqTask): @staticmethod def add_args(parser): """Add task-specific arguments to the parser.""" parser.add_argument('--dict-size', default=49996, type=int) parser.add_argument('--dataset-size', default=100000, type=int) parser.add_argument('--tokens-per-sample', default=512, type=int, help='max number of total tokens over all segments ' 'per sample for BERT dataset') def __init__(self, args, dictionary): super().__init__(args) self.dictionary = dictionary self.seed = args.seed dictionary.pad_to_multiple_(8) # often faster if divisible by 8 seq = torch.arange(args.tokens_per_sample + 1) + dictionary.pad() + 1 self.dummy_src = seq[:-1] self.dummy_tgt = seq[1:] @classmethod def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): """Setup the task. """ dictionary = Dictionary() for i in range(args.dict_size): dictionary.add_symbol('word{}'.format(i))'dictionary: {} types'.format(len(dictionary))) return cls(args, dictionary) def load_dataset(self, split, epoch=1, combine=False, **kwargs): """Load a given dataset split. Args: split (str): name of the split (e.g., train, valid, test) """ if self.args.max_sentences is not None: bsz = self.args.max_sentences else: bsz = max(1, self.args.max_tokens // self.args.tokens_per_sample) tgt = torch.stack([self.dummy_tgt for _ in range(bsz)]) self.datasets[split] = DummyDataset( { 'id': 1, 'net_input': { 'src_tokens': torch.stack([self.dummy_src for _ in range(bsz)]), 'src_lengths': torch.full( (bsz, ), self.args.tokens_per_sample, dtype=torch.long ), 'prev_output_tokens': tgt.clone(), }, 'target': tgt, 'nsentences': bsz, 'ntokens': bsz * self.args.tokens_per_sample, }, num_items=self.args.dataset_size, item_size=self.args.tokens_per_sample, ) @property def source_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary @property def target_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary class DummyDataset(FairseqDataset): def __init__(self, batch, num_items, item_size): super().__init__() self.batch = batch self.num_items = num_items self.item_size = item_size def __getitem__(self, index): return index def __len__(self): return self.num_items def collater(self, samples): return self.batch @property def sizes(self): return np.array([self.item_size] * self.num_items) def num_tokens(self, index): return self.item_size def size(self, index): return self.item_size def ordered_indices(self): return np.arange(self.num_items) @property def supports_prefetch(self): return False
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Text datasets.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import tarfile import numpy as np from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets import base from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile DBPEDIA_URL = '' def maybe_download_dbpedia(data_dir): """Download if DBpedia data is not present.""" train_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dbpedia_csv/train.csv') test_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dbpedia_csv/test.csv') if not (gfile.Exists(train_path) and gfile.Exists(test_path)): archive_path = base.maybe_download( 'dbpedia_csv.tar.gz', data_dir, DBPEDIA_URL) tfile =, 'r:*') tfile.extractall(data_dir) def load_dbpedia(size='small', test_with_fake_data=False): """Get DBpedia datasets from CSV files.""" if not test_with_fake_data: data_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv('TF_EXP_BASE_DIR', ''), 'dbpedia_data') maybe_download_dbpedia(data_dir) train_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dbpedia_csv', 'train.csv') test_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'dbpedia_csv', 'test.csv') if size == 'small': # Reduce the size of original data by a factor of 1000. base.shrink_csv(train_path, 1000) base.shrink_csv(test_path, 1000) train_path = train_path.replace('train.csv', 'train_small.csv') test_path = test_path.replace('test.csv', 'test_small.csv') else: module_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) train_path = os.path.join(module_path, 'data', 'text_train.csv') test_path = os.path.join(module_path, 'data', 'text_test.csv') train = base.load_csv_without_header( train_path, target_dtype=np.int32, features_dtype=np.str, target_column=0) test = base.load_csv_without_header( test_path, target_dtype=np.int32, features_dtype=np.str, target_column=0) return base.Datasets(train=train, validation=None, test=test)
import os from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz from IPython.display import Image from pydot import graph_from_dot_data import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Where to save the figures and data files PROJECT_ROOT_DIR = "Results" FIGURE_ID = "Results/FigureFiles" DATA_ID = "DataFiles/" if not os.path.exists(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR): os.mkdir(PROJECT_ROOT_DIR) if not os.path.exists(FIGURE_ID): os.makedirs(FIGURE_ID) if not os.path.exists(DATA_ID): os.makedirs(DATA_ID) def image_path(fig_id): return os.path.join(FIGURE_ID, fig_id) def data_path(dat_id): return os.path.join(DATA_ID, dat_id) def save_fig(fig_id): plt.savefig(image_path(fig_id) + ".png", format='png') cancer = load_breast_cancer() X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=cancer.feature_names) print(X) y = pd.Categorical.from_codes(, cancer.target_names) y = pd.get_dummies(y) print(y) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=1) tree_clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=5), y_train) export_graphviz( tree_clf, out_file="DataFiles/", feature_names=cancer.feature_names, class_names=cancer.target_names, rounded=True, filled=True ) cmd = 'dot -Tpng DataFiles/ -o DataFiles/cancer.png' os.system(cmd)
from rootpy.tree.filtering import EventFilter from math import * from . import utils as triggerutils from . import log; log = log[__name__] from .. import utils from ..units import GeV from .. import datasets class TauTriggerMatchIndex(EventFilter): """ Match reco taus to trigger taus. If there are more than two EF taus, take the leading two. """ def __init__(self, config, datatype, year, dR=0.2, passthrough=False, **kwargs): super(TauTriggerMatchIndex, self).__init__( passthrough=passthrough, **kwargs) if not passthrough: self.config = config self.dR = dR year %= 1000 self.year = year """ WARNING: possible bias if matching between MC and data differs """ if datatype == datasets.DATA: if year == 11: self.passes = self.passes_data11 elif year == 12: self.passes = self.passes_data12 else: raise ValueError( "No data trigger matching defined for year %d" % year) elif datatype == datasets.MC: if year == 11: self.passes = self.passes_mc11 elif year == 12: self.passes = self.passes_mc12 else: raise ValueError( "No MC trigger matching defined for year %d" % year) else: raise ValueError( "No trigger matching defined for datatype %d" % datatype) def passes_mc11(self, event): """ Matching performed during trigger emulation with CoEPPTrigTool """ tau: tau.trigger_match_index > -1) self.match_sanity(event) return len(event.taus) >= 2 def passes_data11(self, event): if 177986 <= event.RunNumber <= 187815: # Periods B-K trigger = 'EF_tau29_medium1_tau20_medium1' elif 188902 <= event.RunNumber <= 191933: # Periods L-M trigger = 'EF_tau29T_medium1_tau20T_medium1' else: raise ValueError("No trigger defined for run %i" % event.RunNumber) self.match_index(event, trigger) tau: tau.trigger_match_index > -1) self.match_sanity(event) return len(event.taus) >= 2 def passes_mc12(self, event): self.match_index(event, 'EF_tau29Ti_medium1_tau20Ti_medium1') tau: tau.trigger_match_index > -1) self.match_sanity(event) return len(event.taus) >= 2 def passes_data12(self, event): self.match_index(event, 'EF_tau29Ti_medium1_tau20Ti_medium1') tau: tau.trigger_match_index > -1) self.match_sanity(event) return len(event.taus) >= 2 def match_index(self, event, trigger): # get indices of trigger taus associated with this trigger trigger_idx = triggerutils.get_tau_trigger_obj_idx( self.config, event, trigger) # trigger_idx can contain 3 indices # will need to take the leading two taus = list(event.taus) # for each EF tau find closest matching reco tau for EF_idx in trigger_idx: trigger_tau = event.taus_EF.getitem(EF_idx) closest_dR = 99999 closest_tau = None for tau in taus: dR = utils.dR( trigger_tau.eta, trigger_tau.phi, tau.eta, tau.phi) if dR < self.dR and dR < closest_dR: closest_dR = dR closest_tau = tau if closest_tau is not None: closest_tau.trigger_match_index = EF_idx # remove match from future matches (greedy match) taus.remove(closest_tau) def match_sanity(self, event): # sanity check if len(event.taus) < 3: return print '-' * 20 print "Run: %d, Event %d" % (event.RunNumber, event.EventNumber) fmt = "%d: match index: %d reco pT: %f EF pT: %f" for i, tau in enumerate(event.taus): print fmt % (i, tau.trigger_match_index,, event.taus_EF.getitem(tau.trigger_match_index).pt) print "dR with all other taus:" for j, tau2 in enumerate(event.taus): if tau2 != tau: print j, utils.dR( tau.eta, tau.phi, tau2.eta, tau2.phi) print '=' class TauTriggerMatchThreshold(EventFilter): """ Match previously matched reco taus to thresholds of the trigger """ def __init__(self, datatype, tree, passthrough=False, **kwargs): self.datatype = datatype self.tree = tree super(TauTriggerMatchThreshold, self).__init__( passthrough=passthrough, **kwargs) def passes(self, event): if self.datatype == datasets.EMBED: assert len(event.taus) == 2 assert event.taus[0].pt >= event.taus[1].pt # taus are already sorted in descending order by pT by TauLeadSublead tau1, tau2 = event.taus tau1.trigger_match_thresh = 29 tau2.trigger_match_thresh = 20 else: self.match_threshold(event, (29, 20)) return True def match_threshold(self, event, thresholds): """ thresholds must be in descending order TODO: Use the info stored in the D3PD for 2012: trig_EF_tau_EF_tau29Ti_medium1_tau20Ti_medium1 if(trig_EF_tau_EF_tau20Ti_medium1==1) tau_trigger_match_thresh = 20 if(trig_EF_tau_EF_tau29Ti_medium1==1) tau_trigger_match_thresh = 29 """ assert len(event.taus) == 2 assert len(thresholds) == 2 # assume only matched taus remain in event.taus taus = [(tau, event.taus_EF.getitem(tau.trigger_match_index)) for tau in event.taus] # sort by pT of EF tau taus = sorted(taus, key=lambda tau: tau[1].pt, reverse=True) # assign thresholds in descending order for i in xrange(len(taus)): taus[i][0].trigger_match_thresh = thresholds[i] # sanity check THIS SOMETIMES FAILS! if taus[i][1].pt < thresholds[i] * GeV: log.warning("EF pT %f less than trigger threshold %f" % ( taus[i][1].pt, thresholds[i] * GeV)) self.tree.tau_trigger_match_error = True
""" =========================================================== Plot Ridge coefficients as a function of the regularization =========================================================== Shows the effect of collinearity in the coefficients of an estimator. .. currentmodule:: sklearn.linear_model :class:`Ridge` Regression is the estimator used in this example. Each color represents a different feature of the coefficient vector, and this is displayed as a function of the regularization parameter. At the end of the path, as alpha tends toward zero and the solution tends towards the ordinary least squares, coefficients exhibit big oscillations. """ # Author: Fabian Pedregosa -- <> # License: BSD 3 clause print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model # X is the 10x10 Hilbert matrix X = 1. / (np.arange(1, 11) + np.arange(0, 10)[:, np.newaxis]) y = np.ones(10) ############################################################################### # Compute paths n_alphas = 200 alphas = np.logspace(-10, -2, n_alphas) clf = linear_model.Ridge(fit_intercept=False) coefs = [] for a in alphas: clf.set_params(alpha=a), y) coefs.append(clf.coef_) ############################################################################### # Display results ax = plt.gca() ax.set_color_cycle(['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'k', 'y', 'm']) ax.plot(alphas, coefs) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()[::-1]) # reverse axis plt.xlabel('alpha') plt.ylabel('weights') plt.title('Ridge coefficients as a function of the regularization') plt.axis('tight')
""" String transformers that can split and merge strings. """ import re import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ( Any, Callable, ClassVar, Collection, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) if sys.version_info < (3, 8): from typing_extensions import Final, Literal else: from typing import Literal, Final from mypy_extensions import trait from black.brackets import BracketMatchError from black.comments import contains_pragma_comment from black.lines import Line, append_leaves from black.mode import Feature from black.nodes import ( CLOSING_BRACKETS, OPENING_BRACKETS, STANDALONE_COMMENT, is_empty_lpar, is_empty_par, is_empty_rpar, parent_type, replace_child, syms, ) from black.rusty import Err, Ok, Result from black.strings import ( assert_is_leaf_string, get_string_prefix, has_triple_quotes, normalize_string_quotes, ) from blib2to3.pgen2 import token from blib2to3.pytree import Leaf, Node class CannotTransform(Exception): """Base class for errors raised by Transformers.""" # types T = TypeVar("T") LN = Union[Leaf, Node] Transformer = Callable[[Line, Collection[Feature]], Iterator[Line]] Index = int NodeType = int ParserState = int StringID = int TResult = Result[T, CannotTransform] # (T)ransform Result TMatchResult = TResult[Index] def TErr(err_msg: str) -> Err[CannotTransform]: """(T)ransform Err Convenience function used when working with the TResult type. """ cant_transform = CannotTransform(err_msg) return Err(cant_transform) def hug_power_op(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]) -> Iterator[Line]: """A transformer which normalizes spacing around power operators.""" # Performance optimization to avoid unnecessary Leaf clones and other ops. for leaf in line.leaves: if leaf.type == token.DOUBLESTAR: break else: raise CannotTransform("No doublestar token was found in the line.") def is_simple_lookup(index: int, step: Literal[1, -1]) -> bool: # Brackets and parentheses indicate calls, subscripts, etc. ... # basically stuff that doesn't count as "simple". Only a NAME lookup # or dotted lookup (eg. NAME.NAME) is OK. if step == -1: disallowed = {token.RPAR, token.RSQB} else: disallowed = {token.LPAR, token.LSQB} while 0 <= index < len(line.leaves): current = line.leaves[index] if current.type in disallowed: return False if current.type not in {token.NAME, token.DOT} or current.value == "for": # If the current token isn't disallowed, we'll assume this is simple as # only the disallowed tokens are semantically attached to this lookup # expression we're checking. Also, stop early if we hit the 'for' bit # of a comprehension. return True index += step return True def is_simple_operand(index: int, kind: Literal["base", "exponent"]) -> bool: # An operand is considered "simple" if's a NAME, a numeric CONSTANT, a simple # lookup (see above), with or without a preceding unary operator. start = line.leaves[index] if start.type in {token.NAME, token.NUMBER}: return is_simple_lookup(index, step=(1 if kind == "exponent" else -1)) if start.type in {token.PLUS, token.MINUS, token.TILDE}: if line.leaves[index + 1].type in {token.NAME, token.NUMBER}: # step is always one as bases with a preceding unary op will be checked # for simplicity starting from the next token (so it'll hit the check # above). return is_simple_lookup(index + 1, step=1) return False new_line = line.clone() should_hug = False for idx, leaf in enumerate(line.leaves): new_leaf = leaf.clone() if should_hug: new_leaf.prefix = "" should_hug = False should_hug = ( (0 < idx < len(line.leaves) - 1) and leaf.type == token.DOUBLESTAR and is_simple_operand(idx - 1, kind="base") and line.leaves[idx - 1].value != "lambda" and is_simple_operand(idx + 1, kind="exponent") ) if should_hug: new_leaf.prefix = "" # We have to be careful to make a new line properly: # - bracket related metadata must be maintained (handled by Line.append) # - comments need to copied over, updating the leaf IDs they're attached to new_line.append(new_leaf, preformatted=True) for comment_leaf in line.comments_after(leaf): new_line.append(comment_leaf, preformatted=True) yield new_line class StringTransformer(ABC): """ An implementation of the Transformer protocol that relies on its subclasses overriding the template methods `do_match(...)` and `do_transform(...)`. This Transformer works exclusively on strings (for example, by merging or splitting them). The following sections can be found among the docstrings of each concrete StringTransformer subclass. Requirements: Which requirements must be met of the given Line for this StringTransformer to be applied? Transformations: If the given Line meets all of the above requirements, which string transformations can you expect to be applied to it by this StringTransformer? Collaborations: What contractual agreements does this StringTransformer have with other StringTransfomers? Such collaborations should be eliminated/minimized as much as possible. """ __name__: Final = "StringTransformer" # Ideally this would be a dataclass, but unfortunately mypyc breaks when used with # `abc.ABC`. def __init__(self, line_length: int, normalize_strings: bool) -> None: self.line_length = line_length self.normalize_strings = normalize_strings @abstractmethod def do_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: """ Returns: * Ok(string_idx) such that `line.leaves[string_idx]` is our target string, if a match was able to be made. OR * Err(CannotTransform), if a match was not able to be made. """ @abstractmethod def do_transform(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> Iterator[TResult[Line]]: """ Yields: * Ok(new_line) where new_line is the new transformed line. OR * Err(CannotTransform) if the transformation failed for some reason. The `do_match(...)` template method should usually be used to reject the form of the given Line, but in some cases it is difficult to know whether or not a Line meets the StringTransformer's requirements until the transformation is already midway. Side Effects: This method should NOT mutate @line directly, but it MAY mutate the Line's underlying Node structure. (WARNING: If the underlying Node structure IS altered, then this method should NOT be allowed to yield an CannotTransform after that point.) """ def __call__(self, line: Line, _features: Collection[Feature]) -> Iterator[Line]: """ StringTransformer instances have a call signature that mirrors that of the Transformer type. Raises: CannotTransform(...) if the concrete StringTransformer class is unable to transform @line. """ # Optimization to avoid calling `self.do_match(...)` when the line does # not contain any string. if not any(leaf.type == token.STRING for leaf in line.leaves): raise CannotTransform("There are no strings in this line.") match_result = self.do_match(line) if isinstance(match_result, Err): cant_transform = match_result.err() raise CannotTransform( f"The string transformer {self.__class__.__name__} does not recognize" " this line as one that it can transform." ) from cant_transform string_idx = match_result.ok() for line_result in self.do_transform(line, string_idx): if isinstance(line_result, Err): cant_transform = line_result.err() raise CannotTransform( "StringTransformer failed while attempting to transform string." ) from cant_transform line = line_result.ok() yield line @dataclass class CustomSplit: """A custom (i.e. manual) string split. A single CustomSplit instance represents a single substring. Examples: Consider the following string: ``` "Hi there friend." " This is a custom" f" string {split}." ``` This string will correspond to the following three CustomSplit instances: ``` CustomSplit(False, 16) CustomSplit(False, 17) CustomSplit(True, 16) ``` """ has_prefix: bool break_idx: int @trait class CustomSplitMapMixin: """ This mixin class is used to map merged strings to a sequence of CustomSplits, which will then be used to re-split the strings iff none of the resultant substrings go over the configured max line length. """ _Key: ClassVar = Tuple[StringID, str] _CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP: ClassVar[Dict[_Key, Tuple[CustomSplit, ...]]] = defaultdict( tuple ) @staticmethod def _get_key(string: str) -> "CustomSplitMapMixin._Key": """ Returns: A unique identifier that is used internally to map @string to a group of custom splits. """ return (id(string), string) def add_custom_splits( self, string: str, custom_splits: Iterable[CustomSplit] ) -> None: """Custom Split Map Setter Method Side Effects: Adds a mapping from @string to the custom splits @custom_splits. """ key = self._get_key(string) self._CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP[key] = tuple(custom_splits) def pop_custom_splits(self, string: str) -> List[CustomSplit]: """Custom Split Map Getter Method Returns: * A list of the custom splits that are mapped to @string, if any exist. OR * [], otherwise. Side Effects: Deletes the mapping between @string and its associated custom splits (which are returned to the caller). """ key = self._get_key(string) custom_splits = self._CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP[key] del self._CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP[key] return list(custom_splits) def has_custom_splits(self, string: str) -> bool: """ Returns: True iff @string is associated with a set of custom splits. """ key = self._get_key(string) return key in self._CUSTOM_SPLIT_MAP class StringMerger(StringTransformer, CustomSplitMapMixin): """StringTransformer that merges strings together. Requirements: (A) The line contains adjacent strings such that ALL of the validation checks listed in StringMerger.__validate_msg(...)'s docstring pass. OR (B) The line contains a string which uses line continuation backslashes. Transformations: Depending on which of the two requirements above where met, either: (A) The string group associated with the target string is merged. OR (B) All line-continuation backslashes are removed from the target string. Collaborations: StringMerger provides custom split information to StringSplitter. """ def do_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: LL = line.leaves is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) for i, leaf in enumerate(LL): if ( leaf.type == token.STRING and is_valid_index(i + 1) and LL[i + 1].type == token.STRING ): return Ok(i) if leaf.type == token.STRING and "\\\n" in leaf.value: return Ok(i) return TErr("This line has no strings that need merging.") def do_transform(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> Iterator[TResult[Line]]: new_line = line rblc_result = self._remove_backslash_line_continuation_chars( new_line, string_idx ) if isinstance(rblc_result, Ok): new_line = rblc_result.ok() msg_result = self._merge_string_group(new_line, string_idx) if isinstance(msg_result, Ok): new_line = msg_result.ok() if isinstance(rblc_result, Err) and isinstance(msg_result, Err): msg_cant_transform = msg_result.err() rblc_cant_transform = rblc_result.err() cant_transform = CannotTransform( "StringMerger failed to merge any strings in this line." ) # Chain the errors together using `__cause__`. msg_cant_transform.__cause__ = rblc_cant_transform cant_transform.__cause__ = msg_cant_transform yield Err(cant_transform) else: yield Ok(new_line) @staticmethod def _remove_backslash_line_continuation_chars( line: Line, string_idx: int ) -> TResult[Line]: """ Merge strings that were split across multiple lines using line-continuation backslashes. Returns: Ok(new_line), if @line contains backslash line-continuation characters. OR Err(CannotTransform), otherwise. """ LL = line.leaves string_leaf = LL[string_idx] if not ( string_leaf.type == token.STRING and "\\\n" in string_leaf.value and not has_triple_quotes(string_leaf.value) ): return TErr( f"String leaf {string_leaf} does not contain any backslash line" " continuation characters." ) new_line = line.clone() new_line.comments = line.comments.copy() append_leaves(new_line, line, LL) new_string_leaf = new_line.leaves[string_idx] new_string_leaf.value = new_string_leaf.value.replace("\\\n", "") return Ok(new_line) def _merge_string_group(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> TResult[Line]: """ Merges string group (i.e. set of adjacent strings) where the first string in the group is `line.leaves[string_idx]`. Returns: Ok(new_line), if ALL of the validation checks found in __validate_msg(...) pass. OR Err(CannotTransform), otherwise. """ LL = line.leaves is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) vresult = self._validate_msg(line, string_idx) if isinstance(vresult, Err): return vresult # If the string group is wrapped inside an Atom node, we must make sure # to later replace that Atom with our new (merged) string leaf. atom_node = LL[string_idx].parent # We will place BREAK_MARK in between every two substrings that we # merge. We will then later go through our final result and use the # various instances of BREAK_MARK we find to add the right values to # the custom split map. BREAK_MARK = "@@@@@ BLACK BREAKPOINT MARKER @@@@@" QUOTE = LL[string_idx].value[-1] def make_naked(string: str, string_prefix: str) -> str: """Strip @string (i.e. make it a "naked" string) Pre-conditions: * assert_is_leaf_string(@string) Returns: A string that is identical to @string except that @string_prefix has been stripped, the surrounding QUOTE characters have been removed, and any remaining QUOTE characters have been escaped. """ assert_is_leaf_string(string) RE_EVEN_BACKSLASHES = r"(?:(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*)" naked_string = string[len(string_prefix) + 1 : -1] naked_string = re.sub( "(" + RE_EVEN_BACKSLASHES + ")" + QUOTE, r"\1\\" + QUOTE, naked_string ) return naked_string # Holds the CustomSplit objects that will later be added to the custom # split map. custom_splits = [] # Temporary storage for the 'has_prefix' part of the CustomSplit objects. prefix_tracker = [] # Sets the 'prefix' variable. This is the prefix that the final merged # string will have. next_str_idx = string_idx prefix = "" while ( not prefix and is_valid_index(next_str_idx) and LL[next_str_idx].type == token.STRING ): prefix = get_string_prefix(LL[next_str_idx].value).lower() next_str_idx += 1 # The next loop merges the string group. The final string will be # contained in 'S'. # # The following convenience variables are used: # # S: string # NS: naked string # SS: next string # NSS: naked next string S = "" NS = "" num_of_strings = 0 next_str_idx = string_idx while is_valid_index(next_str_idx) and LL[next_str_idx].type == token.STRING: num_of_strings += 1 SS = LL[next_str_idx].value next_prefix = get_string_prefix(SS).lower() # If this is an f-string group but this substring is not prefixed # with 'f'... if "f" in prefix and "f" not in next_prefix: # Then we must escape any braces contained in this substring. SS = re.sub(r"(\{|\})", r"\1\1", SS) NSS = make_naked(SS, next_prefix) has_prefix = bool(next_prefix) prefix_tracker.append(has_prefix) S = prefix + QUOTE + NS + NSS + BREAK_MARK + QUOTE NS = make_naked(S, prefix) next_str_idx += 1 # Take a note on the index of the non-STRING leaf. non_string_idx = next_str_idx S_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, S) if self.normalize_strings: S_leaf.value = normalize_string_quotes(S_leaf.value) # Fill the 'custom_splits' list with the appropriate CustomSplit objects. temp_string = S_leaf.value[len(prefix) + 1 : -1] for has_prefix in prefix_tracker: mark_idx = temp_string.find(BREAK_MARK) assert ( mark_idx >= 0 ), "Logic error while filling the custom string breakpoint cache." temp_string = temp_string[mark_idx + len(BREAK_MARK) :] breakpoint_idx = mark_idx + (len(prefix) if has_prefix else 0) + 1 custom_splits.append(CustomSplit(has_prefix, breakpoint_idx)) string_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, S_leaf.value.replace(BREAK_MARK, "")) if atom_node is not None: # If not all children of the atom node are merged (this can happen # when there is a standalone comment in the middle) ... if non_string_idx - string_idx < len(atom_node.children): # We need to replace the old STRING leaves with the new string leaf. first_child_idx = LL[string_idx].remove() for idx in range(string_idx + 1, non_string_idx): LL[idx].remove() if first_child_idx is not None: atom_node.insert_child(first_child_idx, string_leaf) else: # Else replace the atom node with the new string leaf. replace_child(atom_node, string_leaf) # Build the final line ('new_line') that this method will later return. new_line = line.clone() for i, leaf in enumerate(LL): if i == string_idx: new_line.append(string_leaf) if string_idx <= i < string_idx + num_of_strings: for comment_leaf in line.comments_after(LL[i]): new_line.append(comment_leaf, preformatted=True) continue append_leaves(new_line, line, [leaf]) self.add_custom_splits(string_leaf.value, custom_splits) return Ok(new_line) @staticmethod def _validate_msg(line: Line, string_idx: int) -> TResult[None]: """Validate (M)erge (S)tring (G)roup Transform-time string validation logic for __merge_string_group(...). Returns: * Ok(None), if ALL validation checks (listed below) pass. OR * Err(CannotTransform), if any of the following are true: - The target string group does not contain ANY stand-alone comments. - The target string is not in a string group (i.e. it has no adjacent strings). - The string group has more than one inline comment. - The string group has an inline comment that appears to be a pragma. - The set of all string prefixes in the string group is of length greater than one and is not equal to {"", "f"}. - The string group consists of raw strings. """ # We first check for "inner" stand-alone comments (i.e. stand-alone # comments that have a string leaf before them AND after them). for inc in [1, -1]: i = string_idx found_sa_comment = False is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(line.leaves) while is_valid_index(i) and line.leaves[i].type in [ token.STRING, STANDALONE_COMMENT, ]: if line.leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT: found_sa_comment = True elif found_sa_comment: return TErr( "StringMerger does NOT merge string groups which contain " "stand-alone comments." ) i += inc num_of_inline_string_comments = 0 set_of_prefixes = set() num_of_strings = 0 for leaf in line.leaves[string_idx:]: if leaf.type != token.STRING: # If the string group is trailed by a comma, we count the # comments trailing the comma to be one of the string group's # comments. if leaf.type == token.COMMA and id(leaf) in line.comments: num_of_inline_string_comments += 1 break if has_triple_quotes(leaf.value): return TErr("StringMerger does NOT merge multiline strings.") num_of_strings += 1 prefix = get_string_prefix(leaf.value).lower() if "r" in prefix: return TErr("StringMerger does NOT merge raw strings.") set_of_prefixes.add(prefix) if id(leaf) in line.comments: num_of_inline_string_comments += 1 if contains_pragma_comment(line.comments[id(leaf)]): return TErr("Cannot merge strings which have pragma comments.") if num_of_strings < 2: return TErr( f"Not enough strings to merge (num_of_strings={num_of_strings})." ) if num_of_inline_string_comments > 1: return TErr( f"Too many inline string comments ({num_of_inline_string_comments})." ) if len(set_of_prefixes) > 1 and set_of_prefixes != {"", "f"}: return TErr(f"Too many different prefixes ({set_of_prefixes}).") return Ok(None) class StringParenStripper(StringTransformer): """StringTransformer that strips surrounding parentheses from strings. Requirements: The line contains a string which is surrounded by parentheses and: - The target string is NOT the only argument to a function call. - The target string is NOT a "pointless" string. - If the target string contains a PERCENT, the brackets are not preceded or followed by an operator with higher precedence than PERCENT. Transformations: The parentheses mentioned in the 'Requirements' section are stripped. Collaborations: StringParenStripper has its own inherent usefulness, but it is also relied on to clean up the parentheses created by StringParenWrapper (in the event that they are no longer needed). """ def do_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: LL = line.leaves is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) for idx, leaf in enumerate(LL): # Should be a string... if leaf.type != token.STRING: continue # If this is a "pointless" string... if ( leaf.parent and leaf.parent.parent and leaf.parent.parent.type == syms.simple_stmt ): continue # Should be preceded by a non-empty LPAR... if ( not is_valid_index(idx - 1) or LL[idx - 1].type != token.LPAR or is_empty_lpar(LL[idx - 1]) ): continue # That LPAR should NOT be preceded by a function name or a closing # bracket (which could be a function which returns a function or a # list/dictionary that contains a function)... if is_valid_index(idx - 2) and ( LL[idx - 2].type == token.NAME or LL[idx - 2].type in CLOSING_BRACKETS ): continue string_idx = idx # Skip the string trailer, if one exists. string_parser = StringParser() next_idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) # if the leaves in the parsed string include a PERCENT, we need to # make sure the initial LPAR is NOT preceded by an operator with # higher or equal precedence to PERCENT if is_valid_index(idx - 2): # mypy can't quite follow unless we name this before_lpar = LL[idx - 2] if token.PERCENT in {leaf.type for leaf in LL[idx - 1 : next_idx]} and ( ( before_lpar.type in { token.STAR, token.AT, token.SLASH, token.DOUBLESLASH, token.PERCENT, token.TILDE, token.DOUBLESTAR, token.AWAIT, token.LSQB, token.LPAR, } ) or ( # only unary PLUS/MINUS before_lpar.parent and before_lpar.parent.type == syms.factor and (before_lpar.type in {token.PLUS, token.MINUS}) ) ): continue # Should be followed by a non-empty RPAR... if ( is_valid_index(next_idx) and LL[next_idx].type == token.RPAR and not is_empty_rpar(LL[next_idx]) ): # That RPAR should NOT be followed by anything with higher # precedence than PERCENT if is_valid_index(next_idx + 1) and LL[next_idx + 1].type in { token.DOUBLESTAR, token.LSQB, token.LPAR, token.DOT, }: continue return Ok(string_idx) return TErr("This line has no strings wrapped in parens.") def do_transform(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> Iterator[TResult[Line]]: LL = line.leaves string_parser = StringParser() rpar_idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) for leaf in (LL[string_idx - 1], LL[rpar_idx]): if line.comments_after(leaf): yield TErr( "Will not strip parentheses which have comments attached to them." ) return new_line = line.clone() new_line.comments = line.comments.copy() try: append_leaves(new_line, line, LL[: string_idx - 1]) except BracketMatchError: # HACK: I believe there is currently a bug somewhere in # right_hand_split() that is causing brackets to not be tracked # properly by a shared BracketTracker. append_leaves(new_line, line, LL[: string_idx - 1], preformatted=True) string_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, LL[string_idx].value) LL[string_idx - 1].remove() replace_child(LL[string_idx], string_leaf) new_line.append(string_leaf) append_leaves( new_line, line, LL[string_idx + 1 : rpar_idx] + LL[rpar_idx + 1 :] ) LL[rpar_idx].remove() yield Ok(new_line) class BaseStringSplitter(StringTransformer): """ Abstract class for StringTransformers which transform a Line's strings by splitting them or placing them on their own lines where necessary to avoid going over the configured line length. Requirements: * The target string value is responsible for the line going over the line length limit. It follows that after all of black's other line split methods have been exhausted, this line (or one of the resulting lines after all line splits are performed) would still be over the line_length limit unless we split this string. AND * The target string is NOT a "pointless" string (i.e. a string that has no parent or siblings). AND * The target string is not followed by an inline comment that appears to be a pragma. AND * The target string is not a multiline (i.e. triple-quote) string. """ STRING_OPERATORS: Final = [ token.EQEQUAL, token.GREATER, token.GREATEREQUAL, token.LESS, token.LESSEQUAL, token.NOTEQUAL, token.PERCENT, token.PLUS, token.STAR, ] @abstractmethod def do_splitter_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: """ BaseStringSplitter asks its clients to override this method instead of `StringTransformer.do_match(...)`. Follows the same protocol as `StringTransformer.do_match(...)`. Refer to `help(StringTransformer.do_match)` for more information. """ def do_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: match_result = self.do_splitter_match(line) if isinstance(match_result, Err): return match_result string_idx = match_result.ok() vresult = self._validate(line, string_idx) if isinstance(vresult, Err): return vresult return match_result def _validate(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> TResult[None]: """ Checks that @line meets all of the requirements listed in this classes' docstring. Refer to `help(BaseStringSplitter)` for a detailed description of those requirements. Returns: * Ok(None), if ALL of the requirements are met. OR * Err(CannotTransform), if ANY of the requirements are NOT met. """ LL = line.leaves string_leaf = LL[string_idx] max_string_length = self._get_max_string_length(line, string_idx) if len(string_leaf.value) <= max_string_length: return TErr( "The string itself is not what is causing this line to be too long." ) if not string_leaf.parent or [L.type for L in string_leaf.parent.children] == [ token.STRING, token.NEWLINE, ]: return TErr( f"This string ({string_leaf.value}) appears to be pointless (i.e. has" " no parent)." ) if id(line.leaves[string_idx]) in line.comments and contains_pragma_comment( line.comments[id(line.leaves[string_idx])] ): return TErr( "Line appears to end with an inline pragma comment. Splitting the line" " could modify the pragma's behavior." ) if has_triple_quotes(string_leaf.value): return TErr("We cannot split multiline strings.") return Ok(None) def _get_max_string_length(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> int: """ Calculates the max string length used when attempting to determine whether or not the target string is responsible for causing the line to go over the line length limit. WARNING: This method is tightly coupled to both StringSplitter and (especially) StringParenWrapper. There is probably a better way to accomplish what is being done here. Returns: max_string_length: such that `line.leaves[string_idx].value > max_string_length` implies that the target string IS responsible for causing this line to exceed the line length limit. """ LL = line.leaves is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) # We use the shorthand "WMA4" in comments to abbreviate "We must # account for". When giving examples, we use STRING to mean some/any # valid string. # # Finally, we use the following convenience variables: # # P: The leaf that is before the target string leaf. # N: The leaf that is after the target string leaf. # NN: The leaf that is after N. # WMA4 the whitespace at the beginning of the line. offset = line.depth * 4 if is_valid_index(string_idx - 1): p_idx = string_idx - 1 if ( LL[string_idx - 1].type == token.LPAR and LL[string_idx - 1].value == "" and string_idx >= 2 ): # If the previous leaf is an empty LPAR placeholder, we should skip it. p_idx -= 1 P = LL[p_idx] if P.type in self.STRING_OPERATORS: # WMA4 a space and a string operator (e.g. `+ STRING` or `== STRING`). offset += len(str(P)) + 1 if P.type == token.COMMA: # WMA4 a space, a comma, and a closing bracket [e.g. `), STRING`]. offset += 3 if P.type in [token.COLON, token.EQUAL, token.PLUSEQUAL, token.NAME]: # This conditional branch is meant to handle dictionary keys, # variable assignments, 'return STRING' statement lines, and # 'else STRING' ternary expression lines. # WMA4 a single space. offset += 1 # WMA4 the lengths of any leaves that came before that space, # but after any closing bracket before that space. for leaf in reversed(LL[: p_idx + 1]): offset += len(str(leaf)) if leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS: break if is_valid_index(string_idx + 1): N = LL[string_idx + 1] if N.type == token.RPAR and N.value == "" and len(LL) > string_idx + 2: # If the next leaf is an empty RPAR placeholder, we should skip it. N = LL[string_idx + 2] if N.type == token.COMMA: # WMA4 a single comma at the end of the string (e.g `STRING,`). offset += 1 if is_valid_index(string_idx + 2): NN = LL[string_idx + 2] if N.type == token.DOT and NN.type == token.NAME: # This conditional branch is meant to handle method calls invoked # off of a string literal up to and including the LPAR character. # WMA4 the '.' character. offset += 1 if ( is_valid_index(string_idx + 3) and LL[string_idx + 3].type == token.LPAR ): # WMA4 the left parenthesis character. offset += 1 # WMA4 the length of the method's name. offset += len(NN.value) has_comments = False for comment_leaf in line.comments_after(LL[string_idx]): if not has_comments: has_comments = True # WMA4 two spaces before the '#' character. offset += 2 # WMA4 the length of the inline comment. offset += len(comment_leaf.value) max_string_length = self.line_length - offset return max_string_length @staticmethod def _prefer_paren_wrap_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the "prefer paren wrap" statement requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of the StringParenWrapper class's docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # The line must start with a string. if LL[0].type != token.STRING: return None # If the string is surrounded by commas (or is the first/last child)... prev_sibling = LL[0].prev_sibling next_sibling = LL[0].next_sibling if not prev_sibling and not next_sibling and parent_type(LL[0]) == syms.atom: # If it's an atom string, we need to check the parent atom's siblings. parent = LL[0].parent assert parent is not None # For type checkers. prev_sibling = parent.prev_sibling next_sibling = parent.next_sibling if (not prev_sibling or prev_sibling.type == token.COMMA) and ( not next_sibling or next_sibling.type == token.COMMA ): return 0 return None def iter_fexpr_spans(s: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Yields spans corresponding to expressions in a given f-string. Spans are half-open ranges (left inclusive, right exclusive). Assumes the input string is a valid f-string, but will not crash if the input string is invalid. """ stack: List[int] = [] # our curly paren stack i = 0 while i < len(s): if s[i] == "{": # if we're in a string part of the f-string, ignore escaped curly braces if not stack and i + 1 < len(s) and s[i + 1] == "{": i += 2 continue stack.append(i) i += 1 continue if s[i] == "}": if not stack: i += 1 continue j = stack.pop() # we've made it back out of the expression! yield the span if not stack: yield (j, i + 1) i += 1 continue # if we're in an expression part of the f-string, fast forward through strings # note that backslashes are not legal in the expression portion of f-strings if stack: delim = None if s[i : i + 3] in ("'''", '"""'): delim = s[i : i + 3] elif s[i] in ("'", '"'): delim = s[i] if delim: i += len(delim) while i < len(s) and s[i : i + len(delim)] != delim: i += 1 i += len(delim) continue i += 1 def fstring_contains_expr(s: str) -> bool: return any(iter_fexpr_spans(s)) class StringSplitter(BaseStringSplitter, CustomSplitMapMixin): """ StringTransformer that splits "atom" strings (i.e. strings which exist on lines by themselves). Requirements: * The line consists ONLY of a single string (possibly prefixed by a string operator [e.g. '+' or '==']), MAYBE a string trailer, and MAYBE a trailing comma. AND * All of the requirements listed in BaseStringSplitter's docstring. Transformations: The string mentioned in the 'Requirements' section is split into as many substrings as necessary to adhere to the configured line length. In the final set of substrings, no substring should be smaller than MIN_SUBSTR_SIZE characters. The string will ONLY be split on spaces (i.e. each new substring should start with a space). Note that the string will NOT be split on a space which is escaped with a backslash. If the string is an f-string, it will NOT be split in the middle of an f-expression (e.g. in f"FooBar: {foo() if x else bar()}", {foo() if x else bar()} is an f-expression). If the string that is being split has an associated set of custom split records and those custom splits will NOT result in any line going over the configured line length, those custom splits are used. Otherwise the string is split as late as possible (from left-to-right) while still adhering to the transformation rules listed above. Collaborations: StringSplitter relies on StringMerger to construct the appropriate CustomSplit objects and add them to the custom split map. """ MIN_SUBSTR_SIZE: Final = 6 def do_splitter_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: LL = line.leaves if self._prefer_paren_wrap_match(LL) is not None: return TErr("Line needs to be wrapped in parens first.") is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) idx = 0 # The first two leaves MAY be the 'not in' keywords... if ( is_valid_index(idx) and is_valid_index(idx + 1) and [LL[idx].type, LL[idx + 1].type] == [token.NAME, token.NAME] and str(LL[idx]) + str(LL[idx + 1]) == "not in" ): idx += 2 # Else the first leaf MAY be a string operator symbol or the 'in' keyword... elif is_valid_index(idx) and ( LL[idx].type in self.STRING_OPERATORS or LL[idx].type == token.NAME and str(LL[idx]) == "in" ): idx += 1 # The next/first leaf MAY be an empty LPAR... if is_valid_index(idx) and is_empty_lpar(LL[idx]): idx += 1 # The next/first leaf MUST be a string... if not is_valid_index(idx) or LL[idx].type != token.STRING: return TErr("Line does not start with a string.") string_idx = idx # Skip the string trailer, if one exists. string_parser = StringParser() idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) # That string MAY be followed by an empty RPAR... if is_valid_index(idx) and is_empty_rpar(LL[idx]): idx += 1 # That string / empty RPAR leaf MAY be followed by a comma... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.COMMA: idx += 1 # But no more leaves are allowed... if is_valid_index(idx): return TErr("This line does not end with a string.") return Ok(string_idx) def do_transform(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> Iterator[TResult[Line]]: LL = line.leaves QUOTE = LL[string_idx].value[-1] is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) insert_str_child = insert_str_child_factory(LL[string_idx]) prefix = get_string_prefix(LL[string_idx].value).lower() # We MAY choose to drop the 'f' prefix from substrings that don't # contain any f-expressions, but ONLY if the original f-string # contains at least one f-expression. Otherwise, we will alter the AST # of the program. drop_pointless_f_prefix = ("f" in prefix) and fstring_contains_expr( LL[string_idx].value ) first_string_line = True string_op_leaves = self._get_string_operator_leaves(LL) string_op_leaves_length = ( sum(len(str(prefix_leaf)) for prefix_leaf in string_op_leaves) + 1 if string_op_leaves else 0 ) def maybe_append_string_operators(new_line: Line) -> None: """ Side Effects: If @line starts with a string operator and this is the first line we are constructing, this function appends the string operator to @new_line and replaces the old string operator leaf in the node structure. Otherwise this function does nothing. """ maybe_prefix_leaves = string_op_leaves if first_string_line else [] for i, prefix_leaf in enumerate(maybe_prefix_leaves): replace_child(LL[i], prefix_leaf) new_line.append(prefix_leaf) ends_with_comma = ( is_valid_index(string_idx + 1) and LL[string_idx + 1].type == token.COMMA ) def max_last_string() -> int: """ Returns: The max allowed length of the string value used for the last line we will construct. """ result = self.line_length result -= line.depth * 4 result -= 1 if ends_with_comma else 0 result -= string_op_leaves_length return result # --- Calculate Max Break Index (for string value) # We start with the line length limit max_break_idx = self.line_length # The last index of a string of length N is N-1. max_break_idx -= 1 # Leading whitespace is not present in the string value (e.g. Leaf.value). max_break_idx -= line.depth * 4 if max_break_idx < 0: yield TErr( f"Unable to split {LL[string_idx].value} at such high of a line depth:" f" {line.depth}" ) return # Check if StringMerger registered any custom splits. custom_splits = self.pop_custom_splits(LL[string_idx].value) # We use them ONLY if none of them would produce lines that exceed the # line limit. use_custom_breakpoints = bool( custom_splits and all(csplit.break_idx <= max_break_idx for csplit in custom_splits) ) # Temporary storage for the remaining chunk of the string line that # can't fit onto the line currently being constructed. rest_value = LL[string_idx].value def more_splits_should_be_made() -> bool: """ Returns: True iff `rest_value` (the remaining string value from the last split), should be split again. """ if use_custom_breakpoints: return len(custom_splits) > 1 else: return len(rest_value) > max_last_string() string_line_results: List[Ok[Line]] = [] while more_splits_should_be_made(): if use_custom_breakpoints: # Custom User Split (manual) csplit = custom_splits.pop(0) break_idx = csplit.break_idx else: # Algorithmic Split (automatic) max_bidx = max_break_idx - string_op_leaves_length maybe_break_idx = self._get_break_idx(rest_value, max_bidx) if maybe_break_idx is None: # If we are unable to algorithmically determine a good split # and this string has custom splits registered to it, we # fall back to using them--which means we have to start # over from the beginning. if custom_splits: rest_value = LL[string_idx].value string_line_results = [] first_string_line = True use_custom_breakpoints = True continue # Otherwise, we stop splitting here. break break_idx = maybe_break_idx # --- Construct `next_value` next_value = rest_value[:break_idx] + QUOTE # HACK: The following 'if' statement is a hack to fix the custom # breakpoint index in the case of either: (a) substrings that were # f-strings but will have the 'f' prefix removed OR (b) substrings # that were not f-strings but will now become f-strings because of # redundant use of the 'f' prefix (i.e. none of the substrings # contain f-expressions but one or more of them had the 'f' prefix # anyway; in which case, we will prepend 'f' to _all_ substrings). # # There is probably a better way to accomplish what is being done # here... # # If this substring is an f-string, we _could_ remove the 'f' # prefix, and the current custom split did NOT originally use a # prefix... if ( next_value != self._normalize_f_string(next_value, prefix) and use_custom_breakpoints and not csplit.has_prefix ): # Then `csplit.break_idx` will be off by one after removing # the 'f' prefix. break_idx += 1 next_value = rest_value[:break_idx] + QUOTE if drop_pointless_f_prefix: next_value = self._normalize_f_string(next_value, prefix) # --- Construct `next_leaf` next_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, next_value) insert_str_child(next_leaf) self._maybe_normalize_string_quotes(next_leaf) # --- Construct `next_line` next_line = line.clone() maybe_append_string_operators(next_line) next_line.append(next_leaf) string_line_results.append(Ok(next_line)) rest_value = prefix + QUOTE + rest_value[break_idx:] first_string_line = False yield from string_line_results if drop_pointless_f_prefix: rest_value = self._normalize_f_string(rest_value, prefix) rest_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, rest_value) insert_str_child(rest_leaf) # NOTE: I could not find a test case that verifies that the following # line is actually necessary, but it seems to be. Otherwise we risk # not normalizing the last substring, right? self._maybe_normalize_string_quotes(rest_leaf) last_line = line.clone() maybe_append_string_operators(last_line) # If there are any leaves to the right of the target string... if is_valid_index(string_idx + 1): # We use `temp_value` here to determine how long the last line # would be if we were to append all the leaves to the right of the # target string to the last string line. temp_value = rest_value for leaf in LL[string_idx + 1 :]: temp_value += str(leaf) if leaf.type == token.LPAR: break # Try to fit them all on the same line with the last substring... if ( len(temp_value) <= max_last_string() or LL[string_idx + 1].type == token.COMMA ): last_line.append(rest_leaf) append_leaves(last_line, line, LL[string_idx + 1 :]) yield Ok(last_line) # Otherwise, place the last substring on one line and everything # else on a line below that... else: last_line.append(rest_leaf) yield Ok(last_line) non_string_line = line.clone() append_leaves(non_string_line, line, LL[string_idx + 1 :]) yield Ok(non_string_line) # Else the target string was the last leaf... else: last_line.append(rest_leaf) last_line.comments = line.comments.copy() yield Ok(last_line) def _iter_nameescape_slices(self, string: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[Index, Index]]: """ Yields: All ranges of @string which, if @string were to be split there, would result in the splitting of an \\N{...} expression (which is NOT allowed). """ # True - the previous backslash was unescaped # False - the previous backslash was escaped *or* there was no backslash previous_was_unescaped_backslash = False it = iter(enumerate(string)) for idx, c in it: if c == "\\": previous_was_unescaped_backslash = not previous_was_unescaped_backslash continue if not previous_was_unescaped_backslash or c != "N": previous_was_unescaped_backslash = False continue previous_was_unescaped_backslash = False begin = idx - 1 # the position of backslash before \N{...} for idx, c in it: if c == "}": end = idx break else: # malformed nameescape expression? # should have been detected by AST parsing earlier... raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} LOGIC ERROR!") yield begin, end def _iter_fexpr_slices(self, string: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[Index, Index]]: """ Yields: All ranges of @string which, if @string were to be split there, would result in the splitting of an f-expression (which is NOT allowed). """ if "f" not in get_string_prefix(string).lower(): return yield from iter_fexpr_spans(string) def _get_illegal_split_indices(self, string: str) -> Set[Index]: illegal_indices: Set[Index] = set() iterators = [ self._iter_fexpr_slices(string), self._iter_nameescape_slices(string), ] for it in iterators: for begin, end in it: illegal_indices.update(range(begin, end + 1)) return illegal_indices def _get_break_idx(self, string: str, max_break_idx: int) -> Optional[int]: """ This method contains the algorithm that StringSplitter uses to determine which character to split each string at. Args: @string: The substring that we are attempting to split. @max_break_idx: The ideal break index. We will return this value if it meets all the necessary conditions. In the likely event that it doesn't we will try to find the closest index BELOW @max_break_idx that does. If that fails, we will expand our search by also considering all valid indices ABOVE @max_break_idx. Pre-Conditions: * assert_is_leaf_string(@string) * 0 <= @max_break_idx < len(@string) Returns: break_idx, if an index is able to be found that meets all of the conditions listed in the 'Transformations' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(string) assert is_valid_index(max_break_idx) assert_is_leaf_string(string) _illegal_split_indices = self._get_illegal_split_indices(string) def breaks_unsplittable_expression(i: Index) -> bool: """ Returns: True iff returning @i would result in the splitting of an unsplittable expression (which is NOT allowed). """ return i in _illegal_split_indices def passes_all_checks(i: Index) -> bool: """ Returns: True iff ALL of the conditions listed in the 'Transformations' section of this classes' docstring would be be met by returning @i. """ is_space = string[i] == " " is_not_escaped = True j = i - 1 while is_valid_index(j) and string[j] == "\\": is_not_escaped = not is_not_escaped j -= 1 is_big_enough = ( len(string[i:]) >= self.MIN_SUBSTR_SIZE and len(string[:i]) >= self.MIN_SUBSTR_SIZE ) return ( is_space and is_not_escaped and is_big_enough and not breaks_unsplittable_expression(i) ) # First, we check all indices BELOW @max_break_idx. break_idx = max_break_idx while is_valid_index(break_idx - 1) and not passes_all_checks(break_idx): break_idx -= 1 if not passes_all_checks(break_idx): # If that fails, we check all indices ABOVE @max_break_idx. # # If we are able to find a valid index here, the next line is going # to be longer than the specified line length, but it's probably # better than doing nothing at all. break_idx = max_break_idx + 1 while is_valid_index(break_idx + 1) and not passes_all_checks(break_idx): break_idx += 1 if not is_valid_index(break_idx) or not passes_all_checks(break_idx): return None return break_idx def _maybe_normalize_string_quotes(self, leaf: Leaf) -> None: if self.normalize_strings: leaf.value = normalize_string_quotes(leaf.value) def _normalize_f_string(self, string: str, prefix: str) -> str: """ Pre-Conditions: * assert_is_leaf_string(@string) Returns: * If @string is an f-string that contains no f-expressions, we return a string identical to @string except that the 'f' prefix has been stripped and all double braces (i.e. '{{' or '}}') have been normalized (i.e. turned into '{' or '}'). OR * Otherwise, we return @string. """ assert_is_leaf_string(string) if "f" in prefix and not fstring_contains_expr(string): new_prefix = prefix.replace("f", "") temp = string[len(prefix) :] temp = re.sub(r"\{\{", "{", temp) temp = re.sub(r"\}\}", "}", temp) new_string = temp return f"{new_prefix}{new_string}" else: return string def _get_string_operator_leaves(self, leaves: Iterable[Leaf]) -> List[Leaf]: LL = list(leaves) string_op_leaves = [] i = 0 while LL[i].type in self.STRING_OPERATORS + [token.NAME]: prefix_leaf = Leaf(LL[i].type, str(LL[i]).strip()) string_op_leaves.append(prefix_leaf) i += 1 return string_op_leaves class StringParenWrapper(BaseStringSplitter, CustomSplitMapMixin): """ StringTransformer that wraps strings in parens and then splits at the LPAR. Requirements: All of the requirements listed in BaseStringSplitter's docstring in addition to the requirements listed below: * The line is a return/yield statement, which returns/yields a string. OR * The line is part of a ternary expression (e.g. `x = y if cond else z`) such that the line starts with `else <string>`, where <string> is some string. OR * The line is an assert statement, which ends with a string. OR * The line is an assignment statement (e.g. `x = <string>` or `x += <string>`) such that the variable is being assigned the value of some string. OR * The line is a dictionary key assignment where some valid key is being assigned the value of some string. OR * The line starts with an "atom" string that prefers to be wrapped in parens. It's preferred to be wrapped when the string is surrounded by commas (or is the first/last child). Transformations: The chosen string is wrapped in parentheses and then split at the LPAR. We then have one line which ends with an LPAR and another line that starts with the chosen string. The latter line is then split again at the RPAR. This results in the RPAR (and possibly a trailing comma) being placed on its own line. NOTE: If any leaves exist to the right of the chosen string (except for a trailing comma, which would be placed after the RPAR), those leaves are placed inside the parentheses. In effect, the chosen string is not necessarily being "wrapped" by parentheses. We can, however, count on the LPAR being placed directly before the chosen string. In other words, StringParenWrapper creates "atom" strings. These can then be split again by StringSplitter, if necessary. Collaborations: In the event that a string line split by StringParenWrapper is changed such that it no longer needs to be given its own line, StringParenWrapper relies on StringParenStripper to clean up the parentheses it created. For "atom" strings that prefers to be wrapped in parens, it requires StringSplitter to hold the split until the string is wrapped in parens. """ def do_splitter_match(self, line: Line) -> TMatchResult: LL = line.leaves if line.leaves[-1].type in OPENING_BRACKETS: return TErr( "Cannot wrap parens around a line that ends in an opening bracket." ) string_idx = ( self._return_match(LL) or self._else_match(LL) or self._assert_match(LL) or self._assign_match(LL) or self._dict_match(LL) or self._prefer_paren_wrap_match(LL) ) if string_idx is not None: string_value = line.leaves[string_idx].value # If the string has no spaces... if " " not in string_value: # And will still violate the line length limit when split... max_string_length = self.line_length - ((line.depth + 1) * 4) if len(string_value) > max_string_length: # And has no associated custom splits... if not self.has_custom_splits(string_value): # Then we should NOT put this string on its own line. return TErr( "We do not wrap long strings in parentheses when the" " resultant line would still be over the specified line" " length and can't be split further by StringSplitter." ) return Ok(string_idx) return TErr("This line does not contain any non-atomic strings.") @staticmethod def _return_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the return/yield statement requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # If this line is apart of a return/yield statement and the first leaf # contains either the "return" or "yield" keywords... if parent_type(LL[0]) in [syms.return_stmt, syms.yield_expr] and LL[ 0 ].value in ["return", "yield"]: is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) idx = 2 if is_valid_index(1) and is_empty_par(LL[1]) else 1 # The next visible leaf MUST contain a string... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.STRING: return idx return None @staticmethod def _else_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the ternary expression requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # If this line is apart of a ternary expression and the first leaf # contains the "else" keyword... if ( parent_type(LL[0]) == syms.test and LL[0].type == token.NAME and LL[0].value == "else" ): is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) idx = 2 if is_valid_index(1) and is_empty_par(LL[1]) else 1 # The next visible leaf MUST contain a string... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.STRING: return idx return None @staticmethod def _assert_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the assert statement requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # If this line is apart of an assert statement and the first leaf # contains the "assert" keyword... if parent_type(LL[0]) == syms.assert_stmt and LL[0].value == "assert": is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) for i, leaf in enumerate(LL): # We MUST find a comma... if leaf.type == token.COMMA: idx = i + 2 if is_empty_par(LL[i + 1]) else i + 1 # That comma MUST be followed by a string... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.STRING: string_idx = idx # Skip the string trailer, if one exists. string_parser = StringParser() idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) # But no more leaves are allowed... if not is_valid_index(idx): return string_idx return None @staticmethod def _assign_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the assignment statement requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # If this line is apart of an expression statement or is a function # argument AND the first leaf contains a variable name... if ( parent_type(LL[0]) in [syms.expr_stmt, syms.argument, syms.power] and LL[0].type == token.NAME ): is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) for i, leaf in enumerate(LL): # We MUST find either an '=' or '+=' symbol... if leaf.type in [token.EQUAL, token.PLUSEQUAL]: idx = i + 2 if is_empty_par(LL[i + 1]) else i + 1 # That symbol MUST be followed by a string... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.STRING: string_idx = idx # Skip the string trailer, if one exists. string_parser = StringParser() idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) # The next leaf MAY be a comma iff this line is apart # of a function argument... if ( parent_type(LL[0]) == syms.argument and is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.COMMA ): idx += 1 # But no more leaves are allowed... if not is_valid_index(idx): return string_idx return None @staticmethod def _dict_match(LL: List[Leaf]) -> Optional[int]: """ Returns: string_idx such that @LL[string_idx] is equal to our target (i.e. matched) string, if this line matches the dictionary key assignment statement requirements listed in the 'Requirements' section of this classes' docstring. OR None, otherwise. """ # If this line is apart of a dictionary key assignment... if syms.dictsetmaker in [parent_type(LL[0]), parent_type(LL[0].parent)]: is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) for i, leaf in enumerate(LL): # We MUST find a colon... if leaf.type == token.COLON: idx = i + 2 if is_empty_par(LL[i + 1]) else i + 1 # That colon MUST be followed by a string... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.STRING: string_idx = idx # Skip the string trailer, if one exists. string_parser = StringParser() idx = string_parser.parse(LL, string_idx) # That string MAY be followed by a comma... if is_valid_index(idx) and LL[idx].type == token.COMMA: idx += 1 # But no more leaves are allowed... if not is_valid_index(idx): return string_idx return None def do_transform(self, line: Line, string_idx: int) -> Iterator[TResult[Line]]: LL = line.leaves is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(LL) insert_str_child = insert_str_child_factory(LL[string_idx]) comma_idx = -1 ends_with_comma = False if LL[comma_idx].type == token.COMMA: ends_with_comma = True leaves_to_steal_comments_from = [LL[string_idx]] if ends_with_comma: leaves_to_steal_comments_from.append(LL[comma_idx]) # --- First Line first_line = line.clone() left_leaves = LL[:string_idx] # We have to remember to account for (possibly invisible) LPAR and RPAR # leaves that already wrapped the target string. If these leaves do # exist, we will replace them with our own LPAR and RPAR leaves. old_parens_exist = False if left_leaves and left_leaves[-1].type == token.LPAR: old_parens_exist = True leaves_to_steal_comments_from.append(left_leaves[-1]) left_leaves.pop() append_leaves(first_line, line, left_leaves) lpar_leaf = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(") if old_parens_exist: replace_child(LL[string_idx - 1], lpar_leaf) else: insert_str_child(lpar_leaf) first_line.append(lpar_leaf) # We throw inline comments that were originally to the right of the # target string to the top line. They will now be shown to the right of # the LPAR. for leaf in leaves_to_steal_comments_from: for comment_leaf in line.comments_after(leaf): first_line.append(comment_leaf, preformatted=True) yield Ok(first_line) # --- Middle (String) Line # We only need to yield one (possibly too long) string line, since the # `StringSplitter` will break it down further if necessary. string_value = LL[string_idx].value string_line = Line( mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth + 1, inside_brackets=True, should_split_rhs=line.should_split_rhs, magic_trailing_comma=line.magic_trailing_comma, ) string_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, string_value) insert_str_child(string_leaf) string_line.append(string_leaf) old_rpar_leaf = None if is_valid_index(string_idx + 1): right_leaves = LL[string_idx + 1 :] if ends_with_comma: right_leaves.pop() if old_parens_exist: assert right_leaves and right_leaves[-1].type == token.RPAR, ( "Apparently, old parentheses do NOT exist?!" f" (left_leaves={left_leaves}, right_leaves={right_leaves})" ) old_rpar_leaf = right_leaves.pop() append_leaves(string_line, line, right_leaves) yield Ok(string_line) # --- Last Line last_line = line.clone() last_line.bracket_tracker = first_line.bracket_tracker new_rpar_leaf = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")") if old_rpar_leaf is not None: replace_child(old_rpar_leaf, new_rpar_leaf) else: insert_str_child(new_rpar_leaf) last_line.append(new_rpar_leaf) # If the target string ended with a comma, we place this comma to the # right of the RPAR on the last line. if ends_with_comma: comma_leaf = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",") replace_child(LL[comma_idx], comma_leaf) last_line.append(comma_leaf) yield Ok(last_line) class StringParser: """ A state machine that aids in parsing a string's "trailer", which can be either non-existent, an old-style formatting sequence (e.g. `% varX` or `% (varX, varY)`), or a method-call / attribute access (e.g. `.format(varX, varY)`). NOTE: A new StringParser object MUST be instantiated for each string trailer we need to parse. Examples: We shall assume that `line` equals the `Line` object that corresponds to the following line of python code: ``` x = "Some {}.".format("String") + some_other_string ``` Furthermore, we will assume that `string_idx` is some index such that: ``` assert line.leaves[string_idx].value == "Some {}." ``` The following code snippet then holds: ``` string_parser = StringParser() idx = string_parser.parse(line.leaves, string_idx) assert line.leaves[idx].type == token.PLUS ``` """ DEFAULT_TOKEN: Final = 20210605 # String Parser States START: Final = 1 DOT: Final = 2 NAME: Final = 3 PERCENT: Final = 4 SINGLE_FMT_ARG: Final = 5 LPAR: Final = 6 RPAR: Final = 7 DONE: Final = 8 # Lookup Table for Next State _goto: Final[Dict[Tuple[ParserState, NodeType], ParserState]] = { # A string trailer may start with '.' OR '%'. (START, token.DOT): DOT, (START, token.PERCENT): PERCENT, (START, DEFAULT_TOKEN): DONE, # A '.' MUST be followed by an attribute or method name. (DOT, token.NAME): NAME, # A method name MUST be followed by an '(', whereas an attribute name # is the last symbol in the string trailer. (NAME, token.LPAR): LPAR, (NAME, DEFAULT_TOKEN): DONE, # A '%' symbol can be followed by an '(' or a single argument (e.g. a # string or variable name). (PERCENT, token.LPAR): LPAR, (PERCENT, DEFAULT_TOKEN): SINGLE_FMT_ARG, # If a '%' symbol is followed by a single argument, that argument is # the last leaf in the string trailer. (SINGLE_FMT_ARG, DEFAULT_TOKEN): DONE, # If present, a ')' symbol is the last symbol in a string trailer. # (NOTE: LPARS and nested RPARS are not included in this lookup table, # since they are treated as a special case by the parsing logic in this # classes' implementation.) (RPAR, DEFAULT_TOKEN): DONE, } def __init__(self) -> None: self._state = self.START self._unmatched_lpars = 0 def parse(self, leaves: List[Leaf], string_idx: int) -> int: """ Pre-conditions: * @leaves[@string_idx].type == token.STRING Returns: The index directly after the last leaf which is apart of the string trailer, if a "trailer" exists. OR @string_idx + 1, if no string "trailer" exists. """ assert leaves[string_idx].type == token.STRING idx = string_idx + 1 while idx < len(leaves) and self._next_state(leaves[idx]): idx += 1 return idx def _next_state(self, leaf: Leaf) -> bool: """ Pre-conditions: * On the first call to this function, @leaf MUST be the leaf that was directly after the string leaf in question (e.g. if our target string is `line.leaves[i]` then the first call to this method must be `line.leaves[i + 1]`). * On the next call to this function, the leaf parameter passed in MUST be the leaf directly following @leaf. Returns: True iff @leaf is apart of the string's trailer. """ # We ignore empty LPAR or RPAR leaves. if is_empty_par(leaf): return True next_token = leaf.type if next_token == token.LPAR: self._unmatched_lpars += 1 current_state = self._state # The LPAR parser state is a special case. We will return True until we # find the matching RPAR token. if current_state == self.LPAR: if next_token == token.RPAR: self._unmatched_lpars -= 1 if self._unmatched_lpars == 0: self._state = self.RPAR # Otherwise, we use a lookup table to determine the next state. else: # If the lookup table matches the current state to the next # token, we use the lookup table. if (current_state, next_token) in self._goto: self._state = self._goto[current_state, next_token] else: # Otherwise, we check if a the current state was assigned a # default. if (current_state, self.DEFAULT_TOKEN) in self._goto: self._state = self._goto[current_state, self.DEFAULT_TOKEN] # If no default has been assigned, then this parser has a logic # error. else: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} LOGIC ERROR!") if self._state == self.DONE: return False return True def insert_str_child_factory(string_leaf: Leaf) -> Callable[[LN], None]: """ Factory for a convenience function that is used to orphan @string_leaf and then insert multiple new leaves into the same part of the node structure that @string_leaf had originally occupied. Examples: Let `string_leaf = Leaf(token.STRING, '"foo"')` and `N = string_leaf.parent`. Assume the node `N` has the following original structure: Node( expr_stmt, [ Leaf(NAME, 'x'), Leaf(EQUAL, '='), Leaf(STRING, '"foo"'), ] ) We then run the code snippet shown below. ``` insert_str_child = insert_str_child_factory(string_leaf) lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, '(') insert_str_child(lpar) bar = Leaf(token.STRING, '"bar"') insert_str_child(bar) rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ')') insert_str_child(rpar) ``` After which point, it follows that `string_leaf.parent is None` and the node `N` now has the following structure: Node( expr_stmt, [ Leaf(NAME, 'x'), Leaf(EQUAL, '='), Leaf(LPAR, '('), Leaf(STRING, '"bar"'), Leaf(RPAR, ')'), ] ) """ string_parent = string_leaf.parent string_child_idx = string_leaf.remove() def insert_str_child(child: LN) -> None: nonlocal string_child_idx assert string_parent is not None assert string_child_idx is not None string_parent.insert_child(string_child_idx, child) string_child_idx += 1 return insert_str_child def is_valid_index_factory(seq: Sequence[Any]) -> Callable[[int], bool]: """ Examples: ``` my_list = [1, 2, 3] is_valid_index = is_valid_index_factory(my_list) assert is_valid_index(0) assert is_valid_index(2) assert not is_valid_index(3) assert not is_valid_index(-1) ``` """ def is_valid_index(idx: int) -> bool: """ Returns: True iff @idx is positive AND seq[@idx] does NOT raise an IndexError. """ return 0 <= idx < len(seq) return is_valid_index
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ''' Adapted from Original author Wei Wu Implemented the following paper: Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun. "Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks" ''' import mxnet as mx import numpy as np def residual_unit(data, num_filter, stride, dim_match, name, bottle_neck=True, bn_mom=0.9, workspace=256, memonger=False): """Return ResNet Unit symbol for building ResNet Parameters ---------- data : str Input data num_filter : int Number of output channels bnf : int Bottle neck channels factor with regard to num_filter stride : tuple Stride used in convolution dim_match : Boolean True means channel number between input and output is the same, otherwise means differ name : str Base name of the operators workspace : int Workspace used in convolution operator """ if bottle_neck: # the same as, a bit difference with origin paper bn1 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=data, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn1') act1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu1') conv1 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=int(num_filter*0.25), kernel=(1,1), stride=(1,1), pad=(0,0), no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv1') bn2 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=conv1, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn2') act2 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn2, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu2') conv2 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act2, num_filter=int(num_filter*0.25), kernel=(3,3), stride=stride, pad=(1,1), no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv2') bn3 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=conv2, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name=name + '_bn3') act3 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn3, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu3') conv3 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act3, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=(1,1), pad=(0,0), no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv3') if dim_match: shortcut = data else: shortcut = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=stride, no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name+'_sc') if memonger: shortcut._set_attr(mirror_stage='True') return conv3 + shortcut else: bn1 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=data, fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=2e-5, name=name + '_bn1') act1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu1') conv1 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(3,3), stride=stride, pad=(1,1), no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv1') bn2 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=conv1, fix_gamma=False, momentum=bn_mom, eps=2e-5, name=name + '_bn2') act2 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn2, act_type='relu', name=name + '_relu2') conv2 = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act2, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(3,3), stride=(1,1), pad=(1,1), no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name + '_conv2') if dim_match: shortcut = data else: shortcut = mx.sym.Convolution(data=act1, num_filter=num_filter, kernel=(1,1), stride=stride, no_bias=True, workspace=workspace, name=name+'_sc') if memonger: shortcut._set_attr(mirror_stage='True') return conv2 + shortcut def resnet(units, num_stages, filter_list, num_classes, image_shape, bottle_neck=True, bn_mom=0.9, workspace=256, dtype='float32', memonger=False): """Return ResNet symbol of Parameters ---------- units : list Number of units in each stage num_stages : int Number of stage filter_list : list Channel size of each stage num_classes : int Ouput size of symbol dataset : str Dataset type, only cifar10 and imagenet supports workspace : int Workspace used in convolution operator dtype : str Precision (float32 or float16) """ num_unit = len(units) assert(num_unit == num_stages) data = mx.sym.Variable(name='data') if dtype == 'float32': data = mx.sym.identity(data=data, name='id') else: if dtype == 'float16': data = mx.sym.Cast(data=data, dtype=np.float16) data = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=data, fix_gamma=True, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn_data') (nchannel, height, width) = image_shape if height <= 32: # such as cifar10 body = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=filter_list[0], kernel=(3, 3), stride=(1,1), pad=(1, 1), no_bias=True, name="conv0", workspace=workspace) else: # often expected to be 224 such as imagenet body = mx.sym.Convolution(data=data, num_filter=filter_list[0], kernel=(7, 7), stride=(2,2), pad=(3, 3), no_bias=True, name="conv0", workspace=workspace) body = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=body, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn0') body = mx.sym.Activation(data=body, act_type='relu', name='relu0') body = mx.sym.Pooling(data=body, kernel=(3, 3), stride=(2,2), pad=(1,1), pool_type='max') for i in range(num_stages): body = residual_unit(body, filter_list[i+1], (1 if i==0 else 2, 1 if i==0 else 2), False, name='stage%d_unit%d' % (i + 1, 1), bottle_neck=bottle_neck, workspace=workspace, memonger=memonger) for j in range(units[i]-1): body = residual_unit(body, filter_list[i+1], (1,1), True, name='stage%d_unit%d' % (i + 1, j + 2), bottle_neck=bottle_neck, workspace=workspace, memonger=memonger) bn1 = mx.sym.BatchNorm(data=body, fix_gamma=False, eps=2e-5, momentum=bn_mom, name='bn1') relu1 = mx.sym.Activation(data=bn1, act_type='relu', name='relu1') # Although kernel is not used here when global_pool=True, we should put one pool1 = mx.sym.Pooling(data=relu1, global_pool=True, kernel=(7, 7), pool_type='avg', name='pool1') flat = mx.sym.Flatten(data=pool1) fc1 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=flat, num_hidden=num_classes, name='fc1') if dtype == 'float16': fc1 = mx.sym.Cast(data=fc1, dtype=np.float32) return mx.sym.SoftmaxOutput(data=fc1, name='softmax') def get_symbol(num_classes, num_layers, image_shape, conv_workspace=256, dtype='float32', **kwargs): """ Adapted from Original author Wei Wu """ image_shape = [int(l) for l in image_shape.split(',')] (nchannel, height, width) = image_shape if height <= 28: num_stages = 3 if (num_layers-2) % 9 == 0 and num_layers >= 164: per_unit = [(num_layers-2)//9] filter_list = [16, 64, 128, 256] bottle_neck = True elif (num_layers-2) % 6 == 0 and num_layers < 164: per_unit = [(num_layers-2)//6] filter_list = [16, 16, 32, 64] bottle_neck = False else: raise ValueError("no experiments done on num_layers {}, you can do it yourself".format(num_layers)) units = per_unit * num_stages else: if num_layers >= 50: filter_list = [64, 256, 512, 1024, 2048] bottle_neck = True else: filter_list = [64, 64, 128, 256, 512] bottle_neck = False num_stages = 4 if num_layers == 18: units = [2, 2, 2, 2] elif num_layers == 34: units = [3, 4, 6, 3] elif num_layers == 50: units = [3, 4, 6, 3] elif num_layers == 101: units = [3, 4, 23, 3] elif num_layers == 152: units = [3, 8, 36, 3] elif num_layers == 200: units = [3, 24, 36, 3] elif num_layers == 269: units = [3, 30, 48, 8] else: raise ValueError("no experiments done on num_layers {}, you can do it yourself".format(num_layers)) return resnet(units = units, num_stages = num_stages, filter_list = filter_list, num_classes = num_classes, image_shape = image_shape, bottle_neck = bottle_neck, workspace = conv_workspace, dtype = dtype)
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import logging import math import sys import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from fairseq.models import BaseFairseqModel, register_model, register_model_architecture from fairseq.modules import ( Fp32GroupNorm, Fp32LayerNorm, GumbelVectorQuantizer, KmeansVectorQuantizer, ) from fairseq.utils import buffered_arange logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @register_model("wav2vec") class Wav2VecModel(BaseFairseqModel): @staticmethod def add_args(parser): """Add model-specific arguments to the parser.""" parser.add_argument( "--prediction-steps", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of steps ahead to predict", ) parser.add_argument( "--sample-distance", type=int, metavar="N", help="sample distance from target. does not work properly with cross-sampling", ) parser.add_argument( "--cross-sample-negatives", type=int, metavar="N", help="num of cross sampled negatives", ) parser.add_argument( "--num-negatives", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of negative examples" ) parser.add_argument( "--conv-feature-layers", type=str, metavar="EXPR", help="convolutional feature extraction layers [(dim, kernel_size, stride), ...]", ) parser.add_argument( "--conv-aggregator-layers", type=str, metavar="EXPR", help="convolutional feature extraction layers [(dim, kernel_size, stride), ...]", ) parser.add_argument( "--dropout", type=float, metavar="D", help="dropout to apply within the model", ) parser.add_argument( "--dropout-features", type=float, metavar="D", help="dropout to apply to the features", ) parser.add_argument( "--dropout-agg", type=float, metavar="D", help="dropout to apply after aggregation step", ) parser.add_argument( "--encoder", type=str, choices=["cnn"], help="type of encoder to use" ) parser.add_argument( "--aggregator", type=str, choices=["cnn", "gru"], help="type of aggregator to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--gru-dim", type=int, metavar="N", help="GRU dimensionality" ) parser.add_argument( "--no-conv-bias", action="store_true", help="if set, does not learn bias for conv layers", ) parser.add_argument( "--agg-zero-pad", action="store_true", help="if set, zero pads in aggregator instead of repl pad", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-connections-feat", action="store_true", help="if set, adds skip connections to the feature extractor", ) parser.add_argument( "--skip-connections-agg", action="store_true", help="if set, adds skip connections to the aggregator", ) parser.add_argument( "--residual-scale", type=float, metavar="D", help="scales residual by sqrt(value)", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-compression", action="store_true", help="if set, adds a log compression to feature extractor", ) parser.add_argument( "--balanced-classes", action="store_true", help="if set, loss is scaled to balance for number of negatives", ) parser.add_argument( "--project-features", choices=["none", "same", "new"], help="if not none, features are projected using the (same or new) aggregator", ) parser.add_argument( "--non-affine-group-norm", action="store_true", help="if set, group norm is not affine", ) parser.add_argument( "--offset", help="if set, introduces an offset from target to predictions. " 'if set to "auto", it is computed automatically from the receptive field', ) parser.add_argument( "--activation", type=str, choices=["relu", "gelu"], help="which activation function to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-type", type=str, choices=["none", "gumbel", "kmeans"], help="which type of quantizer to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-vars", type=int, metavar="N", help="if set, project to this many vector quantized variables per group", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-groups", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of groups of latent variables", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-dim", type=int, metavar="N", help="uses this dimensionality for quantized vectors", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-depth", type=int, metavar="N", help="number of layers for vq weight projection", ) parser.add_argument( "--combine-groups", action="store_true", help="if set, variables are shared among groups", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-temp", type=str, metavar="TEMP", help="temperature for latent variable sampling with gumbel softmax. should be a tuple of 3 values (start, end, decay)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vq-gamma", type=float, metavar="D", help="gamma parameter for kmeans style vector quantization", ) @classmethod def build_model(cls, args, task): """Build a new model instance.""" # make sure all arguments are present in older models base_wav2vec_architecture(args) model = Wav2VecModel(args) return model def __init__(self, args): super().__init__() self.prediction_steps = args.prediction_steps offset = args.offset if args.activation == "relu": activation = nn.ReLU() elif args.activation == "gelu": activation = nn.GELU() else: raise Exception("unknown activation " + args.activation) if args.encoder == "cnn": feature_enc_layers = eval(args.conv_feature_layers) self.feature_extractor = ConvFeatureExtractionModel( conv_layers=feature_enc_layers, dropout=0.0, log_compression=args.log_compression, skip_connections=args.skip_connections_feat, residual_scale=args.residual_scale, non_affine_group_norm=args.non_affine_group_norm, activation=activation, ) embed = feature_enc_layers[-1][0] else: raise Exception("unknown encoder type " + args.encoder) self.vector_quantizer = None if args.vq_type == "gumbel": self.vector_quantizer = GumbelVectorQuantizer( dim=embed, num_vars=args.vq_vars, temp=eval(args.vq_temp), groups=args.vq_groups, combine_groups=args.combine_groups, vq_dim=args.vq_dim if args.vq_dim > 0 else embed, time_first=False, activation=activation, weight_proj_depth=args.vq_depth, weight_proj_factor=2, ) elif args.vq_type == "kmeans": self.vector_quantizer = KmeansVectorQuantizer( dim=embed, num_vars=args.vq_vars, groups=args.vq_groups, combine_groups=args.combine_groups, vq_dim=args.vq_dim if args.vq_dim > 0 else embed, time_first=False, gamma=args.vq_gamma, ) else: assert ( args.vq_type == "none" or args.vq_type is None ), "Unknown quantizer type" if args.offset == "auto": assert args.encoder == "cnn" jin = 0 rin = 0 for _, k, stride in feature_enc_layers: if rin == 0: rin = k rin = rin + (k - 1) * jin if jin == 0: jin = stride else: jin *= stride offset = math.ceil(rin / jin) offset = int(offset) def make_aggregator(): if args.aggregator == "cnn": agg_layers = eval(args.conv_aggregator_layers) agg_dim = agg_layers[-1][0] feature_aggregator = ConvAggegator( conv_layers=agg_layers, embed=embed, dropout=args.dropout, skip_connections=args.skip_connections_agg, residual_scale=args.residual_scale, non_affine_group_norm=args.non_affine_group_norm, conv_bias=not args.no_conv_bias, zero_pad=args.agg_zero_pad, activation=activation, ) elif args.aggregator == "gru": agg_dim = args.gru_dim feature_aggregator = nn.Sequential( TransposeLast(), nn.GRU( input_size=embed, hidden_size=agg_dim, num_layers=1, dropout=args.dropout, ), TransposeLast(deconstruct_idx=0), ) else: raise Exception("unknown aggregator type " + args.aggregator) return feature_aggregator, agg_dim self.feature_aggregator, agg_dim = make_aggregator() self.wav2vec_predictions = Wav2VecPredictionsModel( in_dim=agg_dim, out_dim=embed, prediction_steps=args.prediction_steps, n_negatives=args.num_negatives, cross_sample_negatives=args.cross_sample_negatives, sample_distance=args.sample_distance, dropout=args.dropout, offset=offset, balanced_classes=args.balanced_classes, infonce=args.infonce, ) self.dropout_feats = nn.Dropout(p=args.dropout_features) self.dropout_agg = nn.Dropout(p=args.dropout_agg) if args.project_features == "none": self.project_features = None elif args.project_features == "same": self.project_features = self.feature_aggregator elif args.project_features == "new": self.project_features, _ = make_aggregator() def forward(self, source): result = {} features = self.feature_extractor(source) if self.vector_quantizer: q_res = self.vector_quantizer(features) features = q_res["x"] for k in q_res.keys(): if k != "x": result[k] = q_res[k] x = self.dropout_feats(features) x = self.feature_aggregator(x) x = self.dropout_agg(x) if self.project_features is not None: features = self.project_features(features) x, targets = self.wav2vec_predictions(x, features) result["cpc_logits"] = x result["cpc_targets"] = targets return result def upgrade_state_dict_named(self, state_dict, name): super().upgrade_state_dict_named(state_dict, name) def max_positions(self): """Maximum length supported by the model.""" return sys.maxsize def get_logits(self, net_output): logits = net_output["cpc_logits"] return logits def get_targets(self, sample, net_output): t = net_output["cpc_targets"] if isinstance(t, tuple): t = t[0] return t.contiguous() def get_target_weights(self, targets, net_output): targets = net_output["cpc_targets"] if isinstance(targets, tuple) and targets[-1] is not None: return targets[-1] return None def get_extra_losses(self, net_output): loss = None if "prob_perplexity" in net_output: loss = net_output["num_vars"] - net_output["prob_perplexity"] elif "kmeans_loss" in net_output: loss = net_output["kmeans_loss"] return loss class TransposeLast(nn.Module): def __init__(self, deconstruct_idx=None): super().__init__() self.deconstruct_idx = deconstruct_idx def forward(self, x): if self.deconstruct_idx is not None: x = x[self.deconstruct_idx] return x.transpose(-2, -1) def norm_block(is_layer_norm, dim, affine=True): if is_layer_norm: mod = nn.Sequential( TransposeLast(), Fp32LayerNorm(dim, elementwise_affine=affine), TransposeLast(), ) else: mod = Fp32GroupNorm(1, dim, affine=affine) return mod class ConvFeatureExtractionModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, conv_layers, dropout, log_compression, skip_connections, residual_scale, non_affine_group_norm, activation, ): super().__init__() def block(n_in, n_out, k, stride): return nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(n_in, n_out, k, stride=stride, bias=False), nn.Dropout(p=dropout), norm_block( is_layer_norm=False, dim=n_out, affine=not non_affine_group_norm ), activation, ) in_d = 1 self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList() for dim, k, stride in conv_layers: self.conv_layers.append(block(in_d, dim, k, stride)) in_d = dim self.log_compression = log_compression self.skip_connections = skip_connections self.residual_scale = math.sqrt(residual_scale) def forward(self, x): # BxT -> BxCxT x = x.unsqueeze(1) for conv in self.conv_layers: residual = x x = conv(x) if self.skip_connections and x.size(1) == residual.size(1): tsz = x.size(2) r_tsz = residual.size(2) residual = residual[..., :: r_tsz // tsz][..., :tsz] x = (x + residual) * self.residual_scale if self.log_compression: x = x.abs() x = x + 1 x = x.log() return x class ZeroPad1d(nn.Module): def __init__(self, pad_left, pad_right): super().__init__() self.pad_left = pad_left self.pad_right = pad_right def forward(self, x): return F.pad(x, (self.pad_left, self.pad_right)) class ConvAggegator(nn.Module): def __init__( self, conv_layers, embed, dropout, skip_connections, residual_scale, non_affine_group_norm, conv_bias, zero_pad, activation, ): super().__init__() def block(n_in, n_out, k, stride): # padding dims only really make sense for stride = 1 ka = k // 2 kb = ka - 1 if k % 2 == 0 else ka pad = ( ZeroPad1d(ka + kb, 0) if zero_pad else nn.ReplicationPad1d((ka + kb, 0)) ) return nn.Sequential( pad, nn.Conv1d(n_in, n_out, k, stride=stride, bias=conv_bias), nn.Dropout(p=dropout), norm_block(False, n_out, affine=not non_affine_group_norm), activation, ) in_d = embed self.conv_layers = nn.ModuleList() self.residual_proj = nn.ModuleList() for dim, k, stride in conv_layers: if in_d != dim and skip_connections: self.residual_proj.append(nn.Conv1d(in_d, dim, 1, bias=False)) else: self.residual_proj.append(None) self.conv_layers.append(block(in_d, dim, k, stride)) in_d = dim self.conv_layers = nn.Sequential(*self.conv_layers) self.skip_connections = skip_connections self.residual_scale = math.sqrt(residual_scale) def forward(self, x): for rproj, conv in zip(self.residual_proj, self.conv_layers): residual = x x = conv(x) if self.skip_connections: if rproj is not None: residual = rproj(residual) x = (x + residual) * self.residual_scale return x class Wav2VecPredictionsModel(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_dim, out_dim, prediction_steps, n_negatives, cross_sample_negatives, sample_distance, dropout, offset, balanced_classes, infonce, ): super().__init__() self.n_negatives = n_negatives self.cross_sample_negatives = cross_sample_negatives self.sample_distance = sample_distance self.project_to_steps = nn.ConvTranspose2d( in_dim, out_dim, (1, prediction_steps) ) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.offset = offset self.balanced_classes = balanced_classes self.infonce = infonce def sample_negatives(self, y): bsz, fsz, tsz = y.shape y = y.transpose(0, 1) # BCT -> CBT y = y.contiguous().view(fsz, -1) # CBT => C(BxT) cross_high = tsz * bsz high = tsz if self.sample_distance is None else min(tsz, self.sample_distance) assert high > 1 neg_idxs = torch.randint(low=0, high=high, size=(bsz, self.n_negatives * tsz)) with torch.no_grad(): if self.n_negatives > 0: tszs = ( buffered_arange(tsz) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(-1, self.n_negatives) .flatten() ) neg_idxs = torch.randint( low=0, high=high - 1, size=(bsz, self.n_negatives * tsz) ) neg_idxs[neg_idxs >= tszs] += 1 if self.cross_sample_negatives > 0: tszs = ( buffered_arange(tsz) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(-1, self.cross_sample_negatives) .flatten() ) cross_neg_idxs = torch.randint( low=0, high=cross_high - 1, size=(bsz, self.cross_sample_negatives * tsz), ) cross_neg_idxs[cross_neg_idxs >= tszs] += 1 if self.n_negatives > 0: for i in range(1, bsz): neg_idxs[i] += i * high else: neg_idxs = cross_neg_idxs if self.cross_sample_negatives > 0 and self.n_negatives > 0: neg_idxs =[neg_idxs, cross_neg_idxs], dim=1) negs = y[..., neg_idxs.view(-1)] negs = negs.view( fsz, bsz, self.n_negatives + self.cross_sample_negatives, tsz ).permute( 2, 1, 0, 3 ) # to NxBxCxT return negs def forward(self, x, y): x = x.unsqueeze(-1) x = self.project_to_steps(x) # BxCxTxS x = self.dropout(x) negatives = self.sample_negatives(y) y = y.unsqueeze(0) targets =[y, negatives], dim=0) # Copies x B x C x T copies = targets.size(0) bsz, dim, tsz, steps = x.shape steps = min(steps, tsz - self.offset) predictions = bsz * copies * (tsz - self.offset + 1) * steps - ((steps + 1) * steps // 2) * copies * bsz ) if self.infonce: labels = predictions.new_full( (predictions.shape[0] // copies,), 0, dtype=torch.long ) else: labels = torch.zeros_like(predictions) weights = ( torch.full_like(labels, 1 / self.n_negatives) if self.balanced_classes and not self.infonce else None ) start = end = 0 for i in range(steps): offset = i + self.offset end = start + (tsz - offset) * bsz * copies if self.infonce: predictions[start:end] = torch.einsum( "bct,nbct->tbn", x[..., :-offset, i], targets[..., offset:] ).flatten() else: pos_num = (end - start) // copies predictions[start:end] = torch.einsum( "bct,nbct->nbt", x[..., :-offset, i], targets[..., offset:] ).flatten() labels[start : start + pos_num] = 1.0 if weights is not None: weights[start : start + pos_num] = 1.0 start = end assert end == predictions.numel(), "{} != {}".format(end, predictions.numel()) if self.infonce: predictions = predictions.view(-1, copies) else: if weights is not None: labels = (labels, weights) return predictions, labels @register_model_architecture("wav2vec", "wav2vec") def base_wav2vec_architecture(args): conv_feature_layers = "[(512, 10, 5)]" conv_feature_layers += " + [(512, 8, 4)]" conv_feature_layers += " + [(512, 4, 2)] * 3" args.conv_feature_layers = getattr(args, "conv_feature_layers", conv_feature_layers) args.conv_aggregator_layers = getattr( args, "conv_aggregator_layers", "[(512, 3, 1)] * 9" ) args.prediction_steps = getattr(args, "prediction_steps", 12) args.num_negatives = getattr(args, "num_negatives", 1) args.sample_distance = getattr(args, "sample_distance", None) args.cross_sample_negatives = getattr(args, "cross_sample_negatives", 0) args.dropout = getattr(args, "dropout", 0.0) args.dropout_features = getattr(args, "dropout_features", 0.0) args.dropout_agg = getattr(args, "dropout_agg", 0.0) args.encoder = getattr(args, "encoder", "cnn") args.aggregator = getattr(args, "aggregator", "cnn") args.skip_connections_feat = getattr(args, "skip_connections_feat", False) args.skip_connections_agg = getattr(args, "skip_connections_agg", False) args.residual_scale = getattr(args, "residual_scale", 0.5) args.gru_dim = getattr(args, "gru_dim", 512) args.no_conv_bias = getattr(args, "no_conv_bias", False) args.agg_zero_pad = getattr(args, "agg_zero_pad", False) args.log_compression = getattr(args, "log_compression", False) args.balanced_classes = getattr(args, "balanced_classes", False) args.infonce = getattr(args, "infonce", False) args.project_features = getattr(args, "project_features", "none") args.non_affine_group_norm = getattr(args, "non_affine_group_norm", False) args.offset = getattr(args, "offset", "auto") args.activation = getattr(args, "activation", "relu") args.vq_type = getattr(args, "vq_type", "none") args.vq_vars = getattr(args, "vq_vars", 320) args.vq_groups = getattr(args, "vq_groups", 2) args.vq_dim = getattr(args, "vq_dim", 0) args.vq_depth = getattr(args, "vq_depth", 1) args.combine_groups = getattr(args, "combine_groups", False) args.vq_temp = getattr(args, "vq_temp", "(2.0, 0.5, 0.999995)") args.vq_gamma = getattr(args, "vq_gamma", 0.25)
import numpy from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import Activation from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline # Not sure if I need these yet from keras.layers import Dropout from keras.layers import LSTM from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from keras.utils import np_utils def nn_model(): #create model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(output_dim=128, input_dim=160, kernel_initializer='normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dense(output_dim=128, kernel_initializer='normal')) model.add(Activation('relu')) model.add(Dense(1)) model.add(Activation('sigmoid')) #compile model model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam') return model def main(input_filename, chars_file): raw_text = '' with open(input_filename) as fp: raw_text = chars = '' with open(chars_file) as fp: chars = raw_text = raw_text.lower() input_data = raw_text.splitlines() input_data = [(x + (' ' * 160))[:160] for x in input_data] # create mapping of unique chars to integers chars = sorted(list(set(chars))) char_to_int = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(chars)) int_to_char = dict((i, c) for i, c in enumerate(chars)) # prepare the dataset of input to output pairs encoded as integers dataX = [] for i in range(0, len(input_data), 1): # output is formatted 'name\tnumber' and we just want the number dataX.append([char_to_int[char] for char in input_data[i]]) n_patterns = len(dataX) #X = numpy.reshape(dataX, (n_patterns, 160, 1)) X = numpy.reshape(dataX, (n_patterns, 160)) # normalize seed = 7 numpy.random.seed(seed) #scale = StandardScaler() #dataX = scale.fit_transform(dataX) # filepath = 'checkpoints/weights-improvement-Adam-{epoch:02d}-{loss:.4f}.hdf5' # checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='min') # callbacks_list = [checkpoint] model = nn_model() model.load_weights("checkpoints/weights-improvement-Adam-49-0.6549.hdf5") model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam') res = model.predict(X) for i in range(len(input_data)): print(input_data[i] + " -> {}".format(res[i][0] * 100)) #kfold = KFold(n_splits=10, random_state=seed) # --The program breaks here-- #results = cross_val_score(estimator, dataX, dataY, cv=kfold) #print("Results: %.2f (%.2f) MSE" % (results.mean(), results.std())) if __name__=='__main__': import sys # I had to do this because of windows sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1], "data/cards.collectible.json_formatted.txt")) #sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Summarization by mT5 model """ from transformers import T5Tokenizer, MT5ForConditionalGeneration from typing import List from pythainlp.summarize import CPE_KMUTT_THAI_SENTENCE_SUM class mT5Summarizer: def __init__( self, model_size: str = "small", num_beams: int = 4, no_repeat_ngram_size: int = 2, min_length: int = 30, max_length: int = 100, skip_special_tokens: bool = True, pretrained_mt5_model_name: str = None, ): model_name = "" if pretrained_mt5_model_name is None: if model_size not in ["small", "base", "large", "xl", "xxl"]: raise ValueError( f"""model_size \"{model_size}\" not found. It might be a typo; if not, please consult our document.""" ) model_name = f"google/mt5-{model_size}" else: if pretrained_mt5_model_name == CPE_KMUTT_THAI_SENTENCE_SUM: model_name = f"thanathorn/{CPE_KMUTT_THAI_SENTENCE_SUM}" else: model_name = pretrained_mt5_model_name self.model_name = model_name self.model = MT5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name) self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.num_beams = num_beams self.no_repeat_ngram_size = no_repeat_ngram_size self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.skip_special_tokens = skip_special_tokens def summarize(self, text: str) -> List[str]: preprocess_text = text.strip().replace("\n", "") if self.model_name == f"thanathorn/{CPE_KMUTT_THAI_SENTENCE_SUM}": t5_prepared_Text = "simplify: " + preprocess_text else: t5_prepared_Text = "summarize: " + preprocess_text tokenized_text = self.tokenizer.encode( t5_prepared_Text, return_tensors="pt" ) summary_ids = self.model.generate( tokenized_text, num_beams=self.num_beams, no_repeat_ngram_size=self.no_repeat_ngram_size, min_length=self.min_length, max_length=self.max_length, early_stopping=True, ) output = self.tokenizer.decode( summary_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=self.skip_special_tokens ) return [output]
import hyperopt from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, hp, STATUS_OK, Trials import os import numpy as np from hyperopt import Trials, STATUS_OK, tpe from keras import callbacks from keras.models import Sequential, load_model from keras.layers import Dense from keras.layers import Dropout from keras.constraints import maxnorm from keras.optimizers import SGD from sklearn.cross_validation import (StratifiedShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold, cross_val_score) from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, average_precision_score from utils import print_cm_summary from data_load import load_data, load_data_tgt data_dir = '/home/ilya/code/ml4vs/data/LMC_SC20__corrected_list_of_variables/raw_index_values' file_1 = 'vast_lightcurve_statistics_variables_only.log' file_0 = 'vast_lightcurve_statistics_constant_only.log' file_0 = os.path.join(data_dir, file_0) file_1 = os.path.join(data_dir, file_1) names = ['Magnitude', 'clipped_sigma', 'meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', 'weighted_sigma', 'skew', 'kurt', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Npts', 'MAD', 'lag1', 'RoMS', 'rCh2', 'Isgn', 'Vp2p', 'Jclp', 'Lclp', 'Jtim', 'Ltim', 'CSSD', 'Ex', 'inv_eta', 'E_A', 'S_B', 'NXS', 'IQR'] # names_to_delete = ['Magnitude', 'meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', # 'Npts', 'CSSD'] names_to_delete = ['meaningless_1', 'meaningless_2', 'star_ID', 'Npts', 'CSSD', 'clipped_sigma', 'lag1', 'L', 'Lclp', 'Jclp', 'MAD', 'Ltim'] X, y, df, feature_names, delta = load_data([file_0, file_1], names, names_to_delete) target = 'variable' predictors = list(df) predictors.remove(target) dtrain = df kfold = StratifiedKFold(dtrain[target], n_folds=4, shuffle=True, random_state=1) sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=1, test_size=0.25, random_state=123) for train_index, test_index in sss: X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] transforms = list() transforms.append(('imputer', Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median', axis=0, verbose=2))) transforms.append(('scaler', StandardScaler())) pipeline = Pipeline(transforms) for name, transform in pipeline.steps: X_test = transform.transform(X_test) X_train = transform.transform(X_train) def auc(y_true, y_pred): return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred) def keras_fmin_fnct(space): print "Using hyperparameters =================================" if not space['use_3_layers']: print "2 layers, 18 - {} neurons".format(space['Dense']) print "Dropouts: {} - {}".format(space['Dropout'], space['Dropout_1']) print "W_constraints: {} - {}".format(space['w1'], space['w2']) # print "LR = {}, DR = {}, Momentum = {}".format(0.1, space['dr'], # space['momentum']) print "Batch size = {}".format(space['batch_size']) print "Class weight = {}".format(space['cw']) elif space['use_3_layers']: print "3 layers, 18 - {} - {} neurons".format(space['Dense'], space['use_3_layers']['Dense_2']) print "Dropouts: {} - {} - {}".format(space['Dropout'], space['Dropout_1'], space['use_3_layers']['Dropout_2']) print "W_constraints: {} - {} - {}".format(space['w1'], space['w2'], space['use_3_layers']['w3']) # print "LR = {}, DR = {}, Momentum = {}".format(0.1, space['dr'], # space['momentum']) print "Batch size = {}".format(space['batch_size']) print "Class weight = {}".format(space['cw']) print "===================================================" # Create and compile model model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(18, input_dim=18, init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(space['w1']))) model.add(Dropout(space['Dropout'])) model.add(Dense(space['Dense'], init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(space['w2']))) # model.add(Activation(space['Activation'])) model.add(Dropout(space['Dropout_1'])) # if conditional(space['conditional']) == 'three': # model.add(Dense(space['Dense_2'], activation='relu', # W_constraint=maxnorm(space['w3']), # init='normal')) # model.add(Dropout(space['Dropout_2'])) if space['use_3_layers']: model.add(Dense(space['use_3_layers']['Dense_2'], activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(space['use_3_layers']['w3']), init='normal')) model.add(Dropout(space['use_3_layers']['Dropout_2'])) model.add(Dense(1, init='normal', activation='sigmoid')) # Compile model learning_rate = 0.2 decay_rate = 0.001 momentum = 0.9 sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate, decay=decay_rate, momentum=momentum, nesterov=False) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']) # Save model to HDF5'model.h5') del model # earlyStopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=10, # verbose=1, mode='auto') earlyStopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=25, verbose=1, mode='auto') laps = list() for train_index, test_index in kfold: X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] for name, transform in pipeline.steps: X_test = transform.transform(X_test) X_train = transform.transform(X_train) model = load_model('model.h5'), y_train, batch_size=space['batch_size'], nb_epoch=1000, verbose=2, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), callbacks=[earlyStopping], class_weight={0: 1, 1: space['cw']}) # TODO: Use CV and cross_val_score # score, acc = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=1) y_pred = model.predict(X_test, batch_size=space['batch_size']) del model aps = average_precision_score(y[test_index], y_pred) print "== Fold AUPRC: {} ==".format(aps) laps.append(aps) aps = np.mean(laps) print "== Area Under PR-Curve: {} ==".format(aps) return {'loss': 1-aps, 'status': STATUS_OK} space = { 'Dropout': hp.quniform('Dropout', 0., 0.5, 0.05), 'Dense': hp.choice('Dense', (9, 13, 18, 22, 27)), 'Dropout_1': hp.quniform('Dropout_1', 0., 0.5, 0.05), # 'conditional': hp.choice('conditional', [{'n_layers': 'two'}, # {'n_layes': 'three', # 'Dense_2': hp.choice('Dense_2', (9, 18, 36)), # 'Dropout_2': hp.uniform('Dropout_2', 0., 1.), # 'w3': hp.choice('w3', (1, 2, 3, 5, 7))}]), 'use_3_layers': hp.choice('use_3_layers', [False, {'Dense_2': hp.choice('Dense_2', (9, 13, 18, 22, 27)), 'Dropout_2': hp.quniform('Dropout_2', 0., 0.5, 0.05), 'w3': hp.choice('w3', (2, 3, 4, 5))}]), # 'lr': hp.loguniform('lr', -4.6, -0.7), # 'dr': hp.loguniform('dr', -10.6, -2.5), 'w1': hp.choice('w1', (2, 3, 4, 5)), 'w2': hp.choice('w2', (2, 3, 4, 5)), # 'momentum': hp.quniform('momentum', 0.5, 0.95, 0.05), # 'cw': hp.qloguniform('cw', 0, 6, 1), 'cw': hp.quniform('cw', 1, 20, 1), 'batch_size': hp.choice('batch_size', (256, 512, 1024)) } trials = Trials() best = fmin(fn=keras_fmin_fnct, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=100, trials=trials) print hyperopt.space_eval(space, best) best_pars = hyperopt.space_eval(space, best) # Now show plots sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(y, n_iter=1, test_size=0.25, random_state=1) for train_index, test_index in sss: X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] transforms = list() transforms.append(('imputer', Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median', axis=0, verbose=2))) transforms.append(('scaler', StandardScaler())) pipeline = Pipeline(transforms) for name, transform in pipeline.steps: X_test = transform.transform(X_test) X_train = transform.transform(X_train) history = callbacks.History() earlyStopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=50, verbose=1, mode='auto') # Build model with best parameters model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(18, input_dim=18, init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['w1']))) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['Dropout'])) model.add(Dense(best_pars['Dense'], init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['w2']))) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['Dropout_1'])) if best_pars['use_3_layers']: model.add(Dense(best_pars['use_3_layers']['Dense_2'], activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['use_3_layers']['w3']), init='normal')) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['use_3_layers']['Dropout_2'])) model.add(Dense(1, init='normal', activation='sigmoid')) # Compile model learning_rate = 0.2 decay_rate = 0.001 momentum = 0.9 sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate, decay=decay_rate, momentum=momentum, nesterov=False) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'])'model.h5'), y_train, batch_size=best_pars['batch_size'], nb_epoch=1000, show_accuracy=True, verbose=2, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), callbacks=[earlyStopping, history], class_weight={0: 1, 1: best_pars['cw']}) n_epoch = history.epoch[-1] y_pred = model.predict(X_test) y_pred[y_pred < 0.5] = 0. y_pred[y_pred >= 0.5] = 1. y_probs = model.predict_proba(X_test) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) print_cm_summary(cm) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(history.history['acc']) plt.plot(history.history['val_acc']) plt.title('model accuracy') plt.ylabel('accuracy') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig("nn_accuracy_weights.png") plt.close() plt.plot(history.history['loss']) plt.plot(history.history['val_loss']) plt.title('model loss') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.legend(['train', 'test'], loc='upper left') plt.savefig("nn_loss_weights.png") plt.close() ################################################################################ # Now fit all train data transforms = list() transforms.append(('imputer', Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy='median', axis=0, verbose=2))) transforms.append(('scaler', StandardScaler())) pipeline = Pipeline(transforms) for name, transform in pipeline.steps: X = transform.transform(X) # Build model with best parameters model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(18, input_dim=18, init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['w1']))) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['Dropout'])) model.add(Dense(best_pars['Dense'], init='normal', activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['w2']))) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['Dropout_1'])) if best_pars['use_3_layers']: model.add(Dense(best_pars['use_3_layers']['Dense_2'], activation='relu', W_constraint=maxnorm(best_pars['use_3_layers']['w3']), init='normal')) model.add(Dropout(best_pars['use_3_layers']['Dropout_2'])) model.add(Dense(1, init='normal', activation='sigmoid')) # Compile model learning_rate = 0.2 decay_rate = 0.001 momentum = 0.9 sgd = SGD(lr=learning_rate, decay=decay_rate, momentum=momentum, nesterov=False) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy']), y, batch_size=best_pars['batch_size'], nb_epoch=int(1.25*n_epoch), show_accuracy=True, verbose=2, class_weight={0: 1, 1: best_pars['cw']}) # Load blind test data file_tgt = 'LMC_SC19_PSF_Pgood98__vast_lightcurve_statistics.log' file_tgt = os.path.join(data_dir, file_tgt) X_tgt, feature_names, df, df_orig = load_data_tgt(file_tgt, names, names_to_delete, delta) # Use the same transform for name, transform in pipeline.steps: X_tgt = transform.transform(X_tgt) y_probs = model.predict(X_tgt)[:, 0] idx = y_probs > 0.5 idx_ = y_probs < 0.5 nn_no = list(df_orig['star_ID'][idx_]) print("Found {} variables".format(np.count_nonzero(idx))) with open('nn_results.txt', 'w') as fo: for line in list(df_orig['star_ID'][idx]): fo.write(line + '\n') # Analyze results with open('clean_list_of_new_variables.txt', 'r') as fo: news = fo.readlines() news = [line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in news] news = set(news) with open('nn_results.txt', 'r') as fo: nn = fo.readlines() nn = [line.strip().split('_')[4].split('.')[0] for line in nn] nn = set(nn) print "Among new vars found {}".format(len(news.intersection(nn))) with open('candidates_50perc_threshold.txt', 'r') as fo: c50 = fo.readlines() c50 = [line.strip("\", ', \", \n, }, {") for line in c50] with open('variables_not_in_catalogs.txt', 'r') as fo: not_in_cat = fo.readlines() nic = [line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in not_in_cat] # Catalogue variables cat_vars = set(c50).difference(set(nic)) # Non-catalogue variable noncat_vars = set([line.strip().split(' ')[1] for line in not_in_cat if 'CST' not in line]) # All variables all_vars = news.union(cat_vars).union(noncat_vars) nn_no = set([line.strip().split('_')[4].split('.')[0] for line in nn_no]) found_bad = '181193' in nn print "Found known variable : ", found_bad FN = len(nn_no.intersection(all_vars)) TP = len(all_vars.intersection(nn)) TN = len(nn_no) - FN FP = len(nn) - TP recall = float(TP) / (TP + FN) precision = float(TP) / (TP + FP) F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) print "precision: {}".format(precision) print "recall: {}".format(recall) print "F1: {}".format(F1) print "TN={}, FP={}".format(TN, FP) print "FN={}, TP={}".format(FN, TP)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest from pythainlp.augment import WordNetAug from pythainlp.augment.wordnet import postype2wordnet from pythainlp.augment.lm import Thai2transformersAug from pythainlp.augment.word2vec.bpemb_wv import BPEmbAug from pythainlp.augment.word2vec import ( Thai2fitAug, LTW2VAug ) import nltk class TestTextaugmentPackage(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.text = "เรารักคุณมากที่สุดในโลก" self.text2 = "เราอยู่ที่มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น" def test_WordNetAug(self):'omw-1.4', force=True) # load wordnet wordnetaug = WordNetAug() self.assertIsNotNone(wordnetaug.augment(self.text)) self.assertIsNotNone(wordnetaug.find_synonyms("ผม", pos=None)) self.assertIsNotNone(wordnetaug.augment(self.text, postag=False)) self.assertIsNone(postype2wordnet('n', 'abc')) self.assertIsNotNone(postype2wordnet('NOUN', 'orchid')) def test_Thai2fitAug(self): _aug = Thai2fitAug() self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.tokenizer(self.text)) self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.augment(self.text, n_sent=3, p=0.5)) def test_BPEmbAug(self): _aug = BPEmbAug() self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.tokenizer(self.text)) self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.augment(self.text, n_sent=3, p=0.5)) def test_LTW2VAug(self): _aug = LTW2VAug() self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.tokenizer(self.text)) self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.augment(self.text, n_sent=3, p=0.5)) def test_Thai2transformersAug(self): _aug = Thai2transformersAug() self.assertIsNotNone(_aug.augment(self.text2, num_replace_tokens=1))
from .db_settings import get_model_indexes import datetime import sys from django.db.models.sql import aggregates as sqlaggregates from django.db.models.sql.constants import LOOKUP_SEP, MULTI, SINGLE from django.db.models.sql.where import AND, OR from django.db.utils import DatabaseError, IntegrityError from django.utils.tree import Node from functools import wraps from google.appengine.api.datastore import Entity, Query, MultiQuery, \ Put, Get, Delete, Key from google.appengine.api.datastore_errors import Error as GAEError from google.appengine.api.datastore_types import Text, Category, Email, Link, \ PhoneNumber, PostalAddress, Text, Blob, ByteString, GeoPt, IM, Key, \ Rating, BlobKey from djangotoolbox.db.basecompiler import NonrelQuery, NonrelCompiler, \ NonrelInsertCompiler, NonrelUpdateCompiler, NonrelDeleteCompiler import cPickle as pickle import decimal # Valid query types (a dictionary is used for speedy lookups). OPERATORS_MAP = { 'exact': '=', 'gt': '>', 'gte': '>=', 'lt': '<', 'lte': '<=', # The following operators are supported with special code below: 'isnull': None, 'in': None, 'startswith': None, 'range': None, 'year': None, } NEGATION_MAP = { 'gt': '<=', 'gte': '<', 'lt': '>=', 'lte': '>', # TODO: support these filters #'exact': '!=', # this might actually become individual '<' and '>' queries } def safe_call(func): @wraps(func) def _func(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except GAEError, e: raise DatabaseError, DatabaseError(str(e)), sys.exc_info()[2] return _func class GAEQuery(NonrelQuery): # ---------------------------------------------- # Public API # ---------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, compiler, fields): super(GAEQuery, self).__init__(compiler, fields) self.inequality_field = None self.pk_filters = None self.excluded_pks = () self.has_negated_exact_filter = False self.ordering = () self.gae_ordering = [] pks_only = False if len(fields) == 1 and fields[0].primary_key: pks_only = True self.db_table = self.query.get_meta().db_table self.pks_only = pks_only start_cursor = getattr(self.query, '_gae_start_cursor', None) end_cursor = getattr(self.query, '_gae_end_cursor', None) self.gae_query = [Query(self.db_table, keys_only=self.pks_only, cursor=start_cursor, end_cursor=end_cursor)] # This is needed for debugging def __repr__(self): return '<GAEQuery: %r ORDER %r>' % (self.gae_query, self.ordering) @safe_call def fetch(self, low_mark, high_mark): query = self._build_query() executed = False if self.excluded_pks and high_mark is not None: high_mark += len(self.excluded_pks) if self.pk_filters is not None: results = self.get_matching_pk(low_mark, high_mark) else: if high_mark is None: kw = {} if low_mark: kw['offset'] = low_mark results = query.Run(**kw) executed = True elif high_mark > low_mark: results = query.Get(high_mark - low_mark, low_mark) executed = True else: results = () for entity in results: if isinstance(entity, Key): key = entity else: key = entity.key() if key in self.excluded_pks: continue yield self._make_entity(entity) if executed and not isinstance(query, MultiQuery): self.query._gae_cursor = query.GetCompiledCursor() @safe_call def count(self, limit=None): if self.pk_filters is not None: return len(self.get_matching_pk(0, limit)) if self.excluded_pks: return len(list(self.fetch(0, 2000))) kw = {} if limit is not None: kw['limit'] = limit return self._build_query().Count(**kw) @safe_call def delete(self): if self.pk_filters is not None: keys = [key for key in self.pk_filters if key is not None] else: keys = self.fetch() if keys: Delete(keys) @safe_call def order_by(self, ordering): self.ordering = ordering for order in self.ordering: if order.startswith('-'): order, direction = order[1:], Query.DESCENDING else: direction = Query.ASCENDING if order == self.query.get_meta().pk.column: order = '__key__' self.gae_ordering.append((order, direction)) # This function is used by the default add_filters() implementation @safe_call def add_filter(self, column, lookup_type, negated, db_type, value): if value in ([], ()): self.pk_filters = [] return # Emulated/converted lookups if column == self.query.get_meta().pk.column: column = '__key__' db_table = self.query.get_meta().db_table if lookup_type in ('exact', 'in'): # Optimization: batch-get by key if self.pk_filters is not None: raise DatabaseError("You can't apply multiple AND filters " "on the primary key. " "Did you mean __in=[...]?") if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = [value] pks = [create_key(db_table, pk) for pk in value if pk] if negated: self.excluded_pks = pks else: self.pk_filters = pks return else: # XXX: set db_type to 'gae_key' in order to allow # convert_value_for_db to recognize the value to be a Key and # not a str. Otherwise the key would be converted back to a # unicode (see convert_value_for_db) db_type = 'gae_key' key_type_error = 'Lookup values on primary keys have to be' \ 'a string or an integer.' if lookup_type == 'range': if isinstance(value,(list, tuple)) and not(isinstance( value[0], (basestring, int, long)) and \ isinstance(value[1], (basestring, int, long))): raise DatabaseError(key_type_error) elif not isinstance(value,(basestring, int, long)): raise DatabaseError(key_type_error) # for lookup type range we have to deal with a list if lookup_type == 'range': value[0] = create_key(db_table, value[0]) value[1] = create_key(db_table, value[1]) else: value = create_key(db_table, value) if lookup_type not in OPERATORS_MAP: raise DatabaseError("Lookup type %r isn't supported" % lookup_type) # We check for negation after lookup_type isnull because it # simplifies the code. All following lookup_type checks assume # that they're not negated. if lookup_type == 'isnull': if (negated and value) or not value: # TODO/XXX: is everything greater than None? op = '>' else: op = '=' value = None elif negated and lookup_type == 'exact': if self.has_negated_exact_filter: raise DatabaseError("You can't exclude more than one __exact " "filter") self.has_negated_exact_filter = True self._combine_filters(column, db_type, (('<', value), ('>', value))) return elif negated: try: op = NEGATION_MAP[lookup_type] except KeyError: raise DatabaseError("Lookup type %r can't be negated" % lookup_type) if self.inequality_field and column != self.inequality_field: raise DatabaseError("Can't have inequality filters on multiple " "columns (here: %r and %r)" % (self.inequality_field, column)) self.inequality_field = column elif lookup_type == 'in': # Create sub-query combinations, one for each value if len(self.gae_query) * len(value) > 30: raise DatabaseError("You can't query against more than " "30 __in filter value combinations") op_values = [('=', v) for v in value] self._combine_filters(column, db_type, op_values) return elif lookup_type == 'startswith': self._add_filter(column, '>=', db_type, value) if isinstance(value, str): value = value.decode('utf8') if isinstance(value, Key): value = list(value.to_path()) if isinstance(value[-1], str): value[-1] = value[-1].decode('utf8') value[-1] += u'\ufffd' value = Key.from_path(*value) else: value += u'\ufffd' self._add_filter(column, '<=', db_type, value) return elif lookup_type in ('range', 'year'): self._add_filter(column, '>=', db_type, value[0]) op = '<=' if lookup_type == 'range' else '<' self._add_filter(column, op, db_type, value[1]) return else: op = OPERATORS_MAP[lookup_type] self._add_filter(column, op, db_type, value) # ---------------------------------------------- # Internal API # ---------------------------------------------- def _add_filter(self, column, op, db_type, value): for query in self.gae_query: key = '%s %s' % (column, op) value = self.convert_value_for_db(db_type, value) if isinstance(value, Text): raise DatabaseError('TextField is not indexed, by default, ' "so you can't filter on it. Please add " 'an index definition for the column %s ' 'on the model %s.%s as described here:\n' '' % (column, self.query.model.__module__, self.query.model.__name__)) if key in query: existing_value = query[key] if isinstance(existing_value, list): existing_value.append(value) else: query[key] = [existing_value, value] else: query[key] = value def _combine_filters(self, column, db_type, op_values): gae_query = self.gae_query combined = [] for query in gae_query: for op, value in op_values: self.gae_query = [Query(self.db_table, keys_only=self.pks_only)] self.gae_query[0].update(query) self._add_filter(column, op, db_type, value) combined.append(self.gae_query[0]) self.gae_query = combined def _make_entity(self, entity): if isinstance(entity, Key): key = entity entity = {} else: key = entity.key() entity[self.query.get_meta().pk.column] = key return entity @safe_call def _build_query(self): for query in self.gae_query: query.Order(*self.gae_ordering) if len(self.gae_query) > 1: return MultiQuery(self.gae_query, self.gae_ordering) return self.gae_query[0] def get_matching_pk(self, low_mark=0, high_mark=None): if not self.pk_filters: return [] results = [result for result in Get(self.pk_filters) if result is not None and self.matches_filters(result)] if self.ordering: results.sort(cmp=self.order_pk_filtered) if high_mark is not None and high_mark < len(results) - 1: results = results[:high_mark] if low_mark: results = results[low_mark:] return results def order_pk_filtered(self, lhs, rhs): left = dict(lhs) left[self.query.get_meta().pk.column] = lhs.key().to_path() right = dict(rhs) right[self.query.get_meta().pk.column] = rhs.key().to_path() return self._order_in_memory(left, right) def matches_filters(self, entity): item = dict(entity) pk = self.query.get_meta().pk value = self.convert_value_from_db(pk.db_type(connection=self.connection), entity.key()) item[pk.column] = value result = self._matches_filters(item, self.query.where) return result class SQLCompiler(NonrelCompiler): """ A simple App Engine query: no joins, no distinct, etc. """ query_class = GAEQuery def convert_value_from_db(self, db_type, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)) and \ db_type.startswith(('ListField:', 'SetField:')): db_sub_type = db_type.split(':', 1)[1] value = [self.convert_value_from_db(db_sub_type, subvalue) for subvalue in value] if db_type.startswith('SetField:') and value is not None: value = set(value) if db_type.startswith('DictField:') and value is not None: value = pickle.loads(value) if ':' in db_type: db_sub_type = db_type.split(':', 1)[1] value = dict((key, self.convert_value_from_db(db_sub_type, value[key])) for key in value) # the following GAE database types are all unicode subclasses, cast them # to unicode so they appear like pure unicode instances for django if isinstance(value, basestring) and value and db_type.startswith('decimal'): value = decimal.Decimal(value) elif isinstance(value, (Category, Email, Link, PhoneNumber, PostalAddress, Text, unicode)): value = unicode(value) elif isinstance(value, Blob): value = str(value) elif isinstance(value, str): # always retrieve strings as unicode (it is possible that old datasets # contain non unicode strings, nevertheless work with unicode ones) value = value.decode('utf-8') elif isinstance(value, Key): # for now we do not support KeyFields thus a Key has to be the own # primary key # TODO: GAE: support parents via GAEKeyField assert value.parent() is None, "Parents are not yet supported!" if db_type == 'integer': if is None: raise DatabaseError('Wrong type for Key. Expected integer, found' 'None') else: value = elif db_type == 'text': if is None: raise DatabaseError('Wrong type for Key. Expected string, found' 'None') else: value = else: raise DatabaseError("%s fields cannot be keys on GAE" % db_type) elif db_type == 'date' and isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = elif db_type == 'time' and isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): value = value.time() return value def convert_value_for_db(self, db_type, value): if isinstance(value, unicode): value = unicode(value) elif isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)) and \ db_type.startswith(('ListField:', 'SetField:')): db_sub_type = db_type.split(':', 1)[1] value = [self.convert_value_for_db(db_sub_type, subvalue) for subvalue in value] elif isinstance(value, decimal.Decimal) and db_type.startswith("decimal:"): value = self.connection.ops.value_to_db_decimal(value, *eval(db_type[8:])) elif isinstance(value, dict) and db_type.startswith('DictField:'): if ':' in db_type: db_sub_type = db_type.split(':', 1)[1] value = dict([(key, self.convert_value_for_db(db_sub_type, value[key])) for key in value]) value = Blob(pickle.dumps(value)) if db_type == 'gae_key': return value elif db_type == 'longtext': # long text fields cannot be indexed on GAE so use GAE's database # type Text value = Text((isinstance(value, str) and value.decode('utf-8')) or value) elif db_type == 'text': value = (isinstance(value, str) and value.decode('utf-8')) or value elif db_type == 'blob': value = Blob(value) elif type(value) is str: # always store unicode strings value = value.decode('utf-8') elif db_type == 'date' or db_type == 'time' or db_type == 'datetime': # here we have to check the db_type because GAE always stores datetimes value = to_datetime(value) return value class SQLInsertCompiler(NonrelInsertCompiler, SQLCompiler): @safe_call def insert(self, data, return_id=False): gae_data = {} opts = self.query.get_meta() unindexed_fields = get_model_indexes(self.query.model)['unindexed'] unindexed_cols = [opts.get_field(name).column for name in unindexed_fields] kwds = {'unindexed_properties': unindexed_cols} for column, value in data.items(): if column == if isinstance(value, basestring): kwds['name'] = value else: kwds['id'] = value elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)) and not len(value): # gae does not store emty lists (and even does not allow passing empty # lists to Entity.update) so skip them continue else: gae_data[column] = value entity = Entity(self.query.get_meta().db_table, **kwds) entity.update(gae_data) key = Put(entity) return key.id_or_name() class SQLUpdateCompiler(NonrelUpdateCompiler, SQLCompiler): pass class SQLDeleteCompiler(NonrelDeleteCompiler, SQLCompiler): pass def to_datetime(value): """Convert a time or date to a datetime for datastore storage. Args: value: A datetime.time, or string object. Returns: A datetime object with date set to 1970-01-01 if value is a datetime.time A datetime object with date set to value.year - value.month - and time set to 0:00 if value is a """ if value is None: return value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value elif isinstance(value, return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, elif isinstance(value, datetime.time): return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond) def create_key(db_table, value): if isinstance(value, (int, long)) and value < 1: return None return Key.from_path(db_table, value)
"""Benchmarks of Lasso regularization path computation using Lars and CD The input data is mostly low rank but is a fat infinite tail. """ from __future__ import print_function from collections import defaultdict import gc import sys from time import time import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import lars_path from sklearn.linear_model import lasso_path from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_regression def compute_bench(samples_range, features_range): it = 0 results = defaultdict(lambda: []) max_it = len(samples_range) * len(features_range) for n_samples in samples_range: for n_features in features_range: it += 1 print('====================') print('Iteration %03d of %03d' % (it, max_it)) print('====================') dataset_kwargs = { 'n_samples': n_samples, 'n_features': n_features, 'n_informative': n_features / 10, 'effective_rank': min(n_samples, n_features) / 10, #'effective_rank': None, 'bias': 0.0, } print("n_samples: %d" % n_samples) print("n_features: %d" % n_features) X, y = make_regression(**dataset_kwargs) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lars_path (with Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() G =, X) # precomputed Gram matrix Xy =, y) lars_path(X, y, Xy=Xy, Gram=G, method='lasso') delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lars_path (with Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lars_path (without Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lars_path(X, y, method='lasso') delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lars_path (without Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lasso_path (with Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lasso_path(X, y, precompute=True) delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lasso_path (with Gram)'].append(delta) gc.collect() print("benchmarking lasso_path (without Gram):", end='') sys.stdout.flush() tstart = time() lasso_path(X, y, precompute=False) delta = time() - tstart print("%0.3fs" % delta) results['lasso_path (without Gram)'].append(delta) return results if __name__ == '__main__': from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d # register the 3d projection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt samples_range = np.linspace(10, 2000, 5).astype( features_range = np.linspace(10, 2000, 5).astype( results = compute_bench(samples_range, features_range) max_time = max(max(t) for t in results.values()) fig = plt.figure('scikit-learn Lasso path benchmark results') i = 1 for c, (label, timings) in zip('bcry', sorted(results.items())): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, i, projection='3d') X, Y = np.meshgrid(samples_range, features_range) Z = np.asarray(timings).reshape(samples_range.shape[0], features_range.shape[0]) # plot the actual surface ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z.T, cstride=1, rstride=1, color=c, alpha=0.8) # dummy point plot to stick the legend to since surface plot do not # support legends (yet?) #ax.plot([1], [1], [1], color=c, label=label) ax.set_xlabel('n_samples') ax.set_ylabel('n_features') ax.set_zlabel('Time (s)') ax.set_zlim3d(0.0, max_time * 1.1) ax.set_title(label) #ax.legend() i += 1
""" ======================================================================================== Topics extraction with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization And Latent Dirichlet Allocation ======================================================================================== This is an example of applying Non Negative Matrix Factorization and Latent Dirichlet Allocation on a corpus of documents and extract additive models of the topic structure of the corpus. The output is a list of topics, each represented as a list of terms (weights are not shown). The default parameters (n_samples / n_features / n_topics) should make the example runnable in a couple of tens of seconds. You can try to increase the dimensions of the problem, but be aware that the time complexity is polynomial in NMF. In LDA, the time complexity is proportional to (n_samples * iterations). """ # Author: Olivier Grisel <> # Lars Buitinck <> # Chyi-Kwei Yau <> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import print_function from time import time from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer from sklearn.decomposition import NMF, LatentDirichletAllocation from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups n_samples = 2000 n_features = 1000 n_topics = 10 n_top_words = 20 def print_top_words(model, feature_names, n_top_words): for topic_idx, topic in enumerate(model.components_): print("Topic #%d:" % topic_idx) print(" ".join([feature_names[i] for i in topic.argsort()[:-n_top_words - 1:-1]])) print() # Load the 20 newsgroups dataset and vectorize it. We use a few heuristics # to filter out useless terms early on: the posts are stripped of headers, # footers and quoted replies, and common English words, words occurring in # only one document or in at least 95% of the documents are removed. t0 = time() print("Loading dataset and extracting features...") dataset = fetch_20newsgroups(shuffle=True, random_state=1, remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes')) data_samples =[:n_samples] # use tf-idf feature for NMF model tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=2, max_features=n_features, stop_words='english') tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(data_samples) # use tf feature for LDA model tf_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.95, min_df=2, max_features=n_features, stop_words='english') tf = tf_vectorizer.fit_transform(data_samples) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) # Fit the NMF model print("Fitting the NMF model with tf-idf feature, n_samples=%d and n_features=%d..." % (n_samples, n_features)) nmf = NMF(n_components=n_topics, random_state=1).fit(tfidf) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) print("\nTopics in NMF model:") tfidf_feature_names = tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names() print_top_words(nmf, tfidf_feature_names, n_top_words) print("\nFitting LDA models with tf feature, n_samples=%d and n_features=%d..." % (n_samples, n_features)) lda = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_topics=n_topics, max_iter=5, learning_method='online', learning_offset=50., random_state=0) print("done in %0.3fs." % (time() - t0)) print("\nTopics in LDA model:") tf_feature_names = tf_vectorizer.get_feature_names() print_top_words(lda, tf_feature_names, n_top_words)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= The Iris Dataset ========================================================= This data sets consists of 3 different types of irises' (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica) petal and sepal length, stored in a 150x4 numpy.ndarray The rows being the samples and the columns being: Sepal Length, Sepal Width, Petal Length and Petal Width. The below plot uses the first two features. See `here <>`_ for more information on this dataset. """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # import some data to play with iris = datasets.load_iris() X =[:, :2] # we only take the first two features. Y = x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - .5, X[:, 0].max() + .5 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - .5, X[:, 1].max() + .5 plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.clf() # Plot the training points plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=Y, plt.xlabel('Sepal length') plt.ylabel('Sepal width') plt.xlim(x_min, x_max) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.xticks(()) plt.yticks(()) # To getter a better understanding of interaction of the dimensions # plot the first three PCA dimensions fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6)) ax = Axes3D(fig, elev=-150, azim=110) X_reduced = PCA(n_components=3).fit_transform( ax.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], X_reduced[:, 2], c=Y, ax.set_title("First three PCA directions") ax.set_xlabel("1st eigenvector") ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel("2nd eigenvector") ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_zlabel("3rd eigenvector") ax.w_zaxis.set_ticklabels([])
# Copyright 2014 NeuroData ( # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from django.conf.urls import * from . import views # Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin: from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = [ url(r'^profile/$', views.getProjects), url(r'^projects/$', views.getProjects), url(r'^datasets/$', views.getDatasets), url(r'^channels/$', views.getChannels), url(r'^token/$', views.getTokens), url(r'^alltokens/$', views.getAllTokens), url(r'^createproject/$', views.createProject), url(r'^createdataset/$', views.createDataset), url(r'^createtoken/$', views.createToken), url(r'^updateproject/$', views.updateProject), url(r'^updatetoken/$', views.updateToken), url(r'^updatechannel/$', views.updateChannel), url(r'^updatedataset/$', views.updateDataset), url(r'^backupproject/$', views.backupProject), url(r'^restoreproject/$', views.restoreProject), url(r'^download/$', views.downloadData), url(r'^usertoken/$', views.getUserToken), url(r'^$', views.default) ]
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, Adam Števko <> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: zfs_facts short_description: Gather facts about ZFS datasets. description: - Gather facts from ZFS dataset properties. version_added: "2.3" author: Adam Števko (@xen0l) options: name: description: - ZFS dataset name. required: yes aliases: [ "ds", "dataset" ] recurse: description: - Specifies if properties for any children should be recursively displayed. type: bool default: 'no' parsable: description: - Specifies if property values should be displayed in machine friendly format. type: bool default: 'no' properties: description: - Specifies which dataset properties should be queried in comma-separated format. For more information about dataset properties, check zfs(1M) man page. default: all aliases: [ "props" ] type: description: - Specifies which datasets types to display. Multiple values have to be provided in comma-separated form. choices: [ 'all', 'filesystem', 'volume', 'snapshot', 'bookmark' ] default: all depth: description: - Specifies recursion depth. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Gather facts about ZFS dataset rpool/export/home zfs_facts: dataset: rpool/export/home - name: Report space usage on ZFS filesystems under data/home zfs_facts: name: data/home recurse: yes type: filesystem - debug: msg: 'ZFS dataset {{ }} consumes {{ item.used }} of disk space.' with_items: '{{ ansible_zfs_datasets }}' ''' RETURN = ''' name: description: ZFS dataset name returned: always type: str sample: rpool/var/spool parsable: description: if parsable output should be provided in machine friendly format. returned: if 'parsable' is set to True type: bool sample: True recurse: description: if we should recurse over ZFS dataset returned: if 'recurse' is set to True type: bool sample: True zfs_datasets: description: ZFS dataset facts returned: always type: str sample: { "aclinherit": "restricted", "aclmode": "discard", "atime": "on", "available": "43.8G", "canmount": "on", "casesensitivity": "sensitive", "checksum": "on", "compression": "off", "compressratio": "1.00x", "copies": "1", "creation": "Thu Jun 16 11:37 2016", "dedup": "off", "devices": "on", "exec": "on", "filesystem_count": "none", "filesystem_limit": "none", "logbias": "latency", "logicalreferenced": "18.5K", "logicalused": "3.45G", "mlslabel": "none", "mounted": "yes", "mountpoint": "/rpool", "name": "rpool", "nbmand": "off", "normalization": "none", "org.openindiana.caiman:install": "ready", "primarycache": "all", "quota": "none", "readonly": "off", "recordsize": "128K", "redundant_metadata": "all", "refcompressratio": "1.00x", "referenced": "29.5K", "refquota": "none", "refreservation": "none", "reservation": "none", "secondarycache": "all", "setuid": "on", "sharenfs": "off", "sharesmb": "off", "snapdir": "hidden", "snapshot_count": "none", "snapshot_limit": "none", "sync": "standard", "type": "filesystem", "used": "4.41G", "usedbychildren": "4.41G", "usedbydataset": "29.5K", "usedbyrefreservation": "0", "usedbysnapshots": "0", "utf8only": "off", "version": "5", "vscan": "off", "written": "29.5K", "xattr": "on", "zoned": "off" } ''' from collections import defaultdict from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems SUPPORTED_TYPES = ['all', 'filesystem', 'volume', 'snapshot', 'bookmark'] class ZFSFacts(object): def __init__(self, module): self.module = module = module.params['name'] self.recurse = module.params['recurse'] self.parsable = module.params['parsable'] = module.params['properties'] self.type = module.params['type'] self.depth = module.params['depth'] self._datasets = defaultdict(dict) self.facts = [] def dataset_exists(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('zfs')] cmd.append('list') cmd.append( (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: return True else: return False def get_facts(self): cmd = [self.module.get_bin_path('zfs')] cmd.append('get') cmd.append('-H') if self.parsable: cmd.append('-p') if self.recurse: cmd.append('-r') if int(self.depth) != 0: cmd.append('-d') cmd.append('%s' % self.depth) if self.type: cmd.append('-t') cmd.append(self.type) cmd.append('-o') cmd.append('name,property,value') cmd.append( cmd.append( (rc, out, err) = self.module.run_command(cmd) if rc == 0: for line in out.splitlines(): dataset, property, value = line.split('\t') self._datasets[dataset].update({property: value}) for k, v in iteritems(self._datasets): v.update({'name': k}) self.facts.append(v) return {'ansible_zfs_datasets': self.facts} else: self.module.fail_json(msg='Error while trying to get facts about ZFS dataset: %s' %, stderr=err, rc=rc) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict(required=True, aliases=['ds', 'dataset'], type='str'), recurse=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), parsable=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'), properties=dict(required=False, default='all', type='str'), type=dict(required=False, default='all', type='str', choices=SUPPORTED_TYPES), depth=dict(required=False, default=0, type='int') ), supports_check_mode=True ) zfs_facts = ZFSFacts(module) result = {} result['changed'] = False result['name'] = if zfs_facts.parsable: result['parsable'] = zfs_facts.parsable if zfs_facts.recurse: result['recurse'] = zfs_facts.recurse if zfs_facts.dataset_exists(): result['ansible_facts'] = zfs_facts.get_facts() else: module.fail_json(msg='ZFS dataset %s does not exist!' % module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from scipy import linalg, optimize, sparse from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns from sklearn.utils.testing import raises from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raise_message from sklearn.utils import ConvergenceWarning from sklearn.linear_model.logistic import ( LogisticRegression, logistic_regression_path, LogisticRegressionCV, _logistic_loss_and_grad, _logistic_grad_hess, _multinomial_grad_hess, _logistic_loss, ) from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.datasets import load_iris, make_classification X = [[-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]] X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X) Y1 = [0, 1, 1] Y2 = [2, 1, 0] iris = load_iris() def check_predictions(clf, X, y): """Check that the model is able to fit the classification data""" n_samples = len(y) classes = np.unique(y) n_classes = classes.shape[0] predicted =, y).predict(X) assert_array_equal(clf.classes_, classes) assert_equal(predicted.shape, (n_samples,)) assert_array_equal(predicted, y) probabilities = clf.predict_proba(X) assert_equal(probabilities.shape, (n_samples, n_classes)) assert_array_almost_equal(probabilities.sum(axis=1), np.ones(n_samples)) assert_array_equal(probabilities.argmax(axis=1), y) def test_predict_2_classes(): # Simple sanity check on a 2 classes dataset # Make sure it predicts the correct result on simple datasets. check_predictions(LogisticRegression(random_state=0), X, Y1) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(random_state=0), X_sp, Y1) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(C=100, random_state=0), X, Y1) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(C=100, random_state=0), X_sp, Y1) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False, random_state=0), X, Y1) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False, random_state=0), X_sp, Y1) def test_error(): # Test for appropriate exception on errors msg = "Penalty term must be positive" assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LogisticRegression(C=-1).fit, X, Y1) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LogisticRegression(C="test").fit, X, Y1) for LR in [LogisticRegression, LogisticRegressionCV]: msg = "Tolerance for stopping criteria must be positive" assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LR(tol=-1).fit, X, Y1) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LR(tol="test").fit, X, Y1) msg = "Maximum number of iteration must be positive" assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LR(max_iter=-1).fit, X, Y1) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg, LR(max_iter="test").fit, X, Y1) def test_predict_3_classes(): check_predictions(LogisticRegression(C=10), X, Y2) check_predictions(LogisticRegression(C=10), X_sp, Y2) def test_predict_iris(): # Test logistic regression with the iris dataset n_samples, n_features = target = iris.target_names[] # Test that both multinomial and OvR solvers handle # multiclass data correctly and give good accuracy # score (>0.95) for the training data. for clf in [LogisticRegression(C=len(, LogisticRegression(C=len(, solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial'), LogisticRegression(C=len(, solver='newton-cg', multi_class='multinomial')]:, target) assert_array_equal(np.unique(target), clf.classes_) pred = clf.predict( assert_greater(np.mean(pred == target), .95) probabilities = clf.predict_proba( assert_array_almost_equal(probabilities.sum(axis=1), np.ones(n_samples)) pred = iris.target_names[probabilities.argmax(axis=1)] assert_greater(np.mean(pred == target), .95) def test_multinomial_validation(): for solver in ['lbfgs', 'newton-cg']: lr = LogisticRegression(C=-1, solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial') assert_raises(ValueError,, [[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0, 1]) def test_check_solver_option(): X, y =, for LR in [LogisticRegression, LogisticRegressionCV]: msg = ("Logistic Regression supports only liblinear, newton-cg and" " lbfgs solvers, got wrong_name") lr = LR(solver="wrong_name") assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, y) msg = "multi_class should be either multinomial or ovr, got wrong_name" lr = LR(solver='newton-cg', multi_class="wrong_name") assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, y) # all solver except 'newton-cg' and 'lfbgs' for solver in ['liblinear']: msg = ("Solver %s does not support a multinomial backend." % solver) lr = LR(solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial') assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, y) # all solvers except 'liblinear' for solver in ['newton-cg', 'lbfgs']: msg = ("Solver %s supports only l2 penalties, got l1 penalty." % solver) lr = LR(solver=solver, penalty='l1') assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, y) msg = ("Solver %s supports only dual=False, got dual=True" % solver) lr = LR(solver=solver, dual=True) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, y) def test_multinomial_binary(): # Test multinomial LR on a binary problem. target = ( > 0).astype(np.intp) target = np.array(["setosa", "not-setosa"])[target] for solver in ['lbfgs', 'newton-cg']: clf = LogisticRegression(solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial'), target) assert_equal(clf.coef_.shape, (1,[1])) assert_equal(clf.intercept_.shape, (1,)) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(, target) mlr = LogisticRegression(solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial', fit_intercept=False), target) pred = clf.classes_[np.argmax(clf.predict_log_proba(, axis=1)] assert_greater(np.mean(pred == target), .9) def test_sparsify(): # Test sparsify and densify members. n_samples, n_features = target = iris.target_names[] clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0).fit(, target) pred_d_d = clf.decision_function( clf.sparsify() assert_true(sp.issparse(clf.coef_)) pred_s_d = clf.decision_function( sp_data = sp.coo_matrix( pred_s_s = clf.decision_function(sp_data) clf.densify() pred_d_s = clf.decision_function(sp_data) assert_array_almost_equal(pred_d_d, pred_s_d) assert_array_almost_equal(pred_d_d, pred_s_s) assert_array_almost_equal(pred_d_d, pred_d_s) def test_inconsistent_input(): # Test that an exception is raised on inconsistent input rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_ = rng.random_sample((5, 10)) y_ = np.ones(X_.shape[0]) y_[0] = 0 clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0) # Wrong dimensions for training data y_wrong = y_[:-1] assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y_wrong) # Wrong dimensions for test data assert_raises(ValueError,, y_).predict, rng.random_sample((3, 12))) def test_write_parameters(): # Test that we can write to coef_ and intercept_ clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=0), Y1) clf.coef_[:] = 0 clf.intercept_[:] = 0 assert_array_almost_equal(clf.decision_function(X), 0) @raises(ValueError) def test_nan(): # Test proper NaN handling. # Regression test for Issue #252: fit used to go into an infinite loop. Xnan = np.array(X, dtype=np.float64) Xnan[0, 1] = np.nan LogisticRegression(random_state=0).fit(Xnan, Y1) def test_consistency_path(): # Test that the path algorithm is consistent rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = np.concatenate((rng.randn(100, 2) + [1, 1], rng.randn(100, 2))) y = [1] * 100 + [-1] * 100 Cs = np.logspace(0, 4, 10) f = ignore_warnings # can't test with fit_intercept=True since LIBLINEAR # penalizes the intercept for method in ('lbfgs', 'newton-cg', 'liblinear'): coefs, Cs = f(logistic_regression_path)( X, y, Cs=Cs, fit_intercept=False, tol=1e-16, solver=method) for i, C in enumerate(Cs): lr = LogisticRegression(C=C, fit_intercept=False, tol=1e-16), y) lr_coef = lr.coef_.ravel() assert_array_almost_equal(lr_coef, coefs[i], decimal=4) # test for fit_intercept=True for method in ('lbfgs', 'newton-cg', 'liblinear'): Cs = [1e3] coefs, Cs = f(logistic_regression_path)( X, y, Cs=Cs, fit_intercept=True, tol=1e-4, solver=method) lr = LogisticRegression(C=Cs[0], fit_intercept=True, tol=1e-4, intercept_scaling=10000), y) lr_coef = np.concatenate([lr.coef_.ravel(), lr.intercept_]) assert_array_almost_equal(lr_coef, coefs[0], decimal=4) def test_liblinear_dual_random_state(): # random_state is relevant for liblinear solver only if dual=True X, y = make_classification(n_samples=20) lr1 = LogisticRegression(random_state=0, dual=True, max_iter=1, tol=1e-15), y) lr2 = LogisticRegression(random_state=0, dual=True, max_iter=1, tol=1e-15), y) lr3 = LogisticRegression(random_state=8, dual=True, max_iter=1, tol=1e-15), y) # same result for same random state assert_array_almost_equal(lr1.coef_, lr2.coef_) # different results for different random states msg = "Arrays are not almost equal to 6 decimals" assert_raise_message(AssertionError, msg, assert_array_almost_equal, lr1.coef_, lr3.coef_) def test_logistic_loss_and_grad(): X_ref, y = make_classification(n_samples=20) n_features = X_ref.shape[1] X_sp = X_ref.copy() X_sp[X_sp < .1] = 0 X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X_sp) for X in (X_ref, X_sp): w = np.zeros(n_features) # First check that our derivation of the grad is correct loss, grad = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.) approx_grad = optimize.approx_fprime( w, lambda w: _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)[0], 1e-3 ) assert_array_almost_equal(grad, approx_grad, decimal=2) # Second check that our intercept implementation is good w = np.zeros(n_features + 1) loss_interp, grad_interp = _logistic_loss_and_grad( w, X, y, alpha=1. ) assert_array_almost_equal(loss, loss_interp) approx_grad = optimize.approx_fprime( w, lambda w: _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.)[0], 1e-3 ) assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp, approx_grad, decimal=2) def test_logistic_grad_hess(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features = 50, 5 X_ref = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) y = np.sign( * rng.randn(n_features))) X_ref -= X_ref.mean() X_ref /= X_ref.std() X_sp = X_ref.copy() X_sp[X_sp < .1] = 0 X_sp = sp.csr_matrix(X_sp) for X in (X_ref, X_sp): w = .1 * np.ones(n_features) # First check that _logistic_grad_hess is consistent # with _logistic_loss_and_grad loss, grad = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.) grad_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.) assert_array_almost_equal(grad, grad_2) # Now check our hessian along the second direction of the grad vector = np.zeros_like(grad) vector[1] = 1 hess_col = hess(vector) # Computation of the Hessian is particularly fragile to numerical # errors when doing simple finite differences. Here we compute the # grad along a path in the direction of the vector and then use a # least-square regression to estimate the slope e = 1e-3 d_x = np.linspace(-e, e, 30) d_grad = np.array([ _logistic_loss_and_grad(w + t * vector, X, y, alpha=1.)[1] for t in d_x ]) d_grad -= d_grad.mean(axis=0) approx_hess_col = linalg.lstsq(d_x[:, np.newaxis], d_grad)[0].ravel() assert_array_almost_equal(approx_hess_col, hess_col, decimal=3) # Second check that our intercept implementation is good w = np.zeros(n_features + 1) loss_interp, grad_interp = _logistic_loss_and_grad(w, X, y, alpha=1.) loss_interp_2 = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha=1.) grad_interp_2, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha=1.) assert_array_almost_equal(loss_interp, loss_interp_2) assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp, grad_interp_2) def test_logistic_cv(): # test for LogisticRegressionCV object n_samples, n_features = 50, 5 rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_ref = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) y = np.sign( * rng.randn(n_features))) X_ref -= X_ref.mean() X_ref /= X_ref.std() lr_cv = LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=[1.], fit_intercept=False, solver='liblinear'), y) lr = LogisticRegression(C=1., fit_intercept=False), y) assert_array_almost_equal(lr.coef_, lr_cv.coef_) assert_array_equal(lr_cv.coef_.shape, (1, n_features)) assert_array_equal(lr_cv.classes_, [-1, 1]) assert_equal(len(lr_cv.classes_), 2) coefs_paths = np.asarray(list(lr_cv.coefs_paths_.values())) assert_array_equal(coefs_paths.shape, (1, 3, 1, n_features)) assert_array_equal(lr_cv.Cs_.shape, (1, )) scores = np.asarray(list(lr_cv.scores_.values())) assert_array_equal(scores.shape, (1, 3, 1)) def test_logistic_cv_sparse(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=50, n_features=5, random_state=0) X[X < 1.0] = 0.0 csr = sp.csr_matrix(X) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(fit_intercept=True), y) clfs = LogisticRegressionCV(fit_intercept=True), y) assert_array_almost_equal(clfs.coef_, clf.coef_) assert_array_almost_equal(clfs.intercept_, clf.intercept_) assert_equal(clfs.C_, clf.C_) def test_intercept_logistic_helper(): n_samples, n_features = 10, 5 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=n_features, random_state=0) # Fit intercept case. alpha = 1. w = np.ones(n_features + 1) grad_interp, hess_interp = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X, y, alpha) loss_interp = _logistic_loss(w, X, y, alpha) # Do not fit intercept. This can be considered equivalent to adding # a feature vector of ones, i.e column of one vectors. X_ = np.hstack((X, np.ones(10)[:, np.newaxis])) grad, hess = _logistic_grad_hess(w, X_, y, alpha) loss = _logistic_loss(w, X_, y, alpha) # In the fit_intercept=False case, the feature vector of ones is # penalized. This should be taken care of. assert_almost_equal(loss_interp + 0.5 * (w[-1] ** 2), loss) # Check gradient. assert_array_almost_equal(grad_interp[:n_features], grad[:n_features]) assert_almost_equal(grad_interp[-1] + alpha * w[-1], grad[-1]) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) grad = rng.rand(n_features + 1) hess_interp = hess_interp(grad) hess = hess(grad) assert_array_almost_equal(hess_interp[:n_features], hess[:n_features]) assert_almost_equal(hess_interp[-1] + alpha * grad[-1], hess[-1]) def test_ovr_multinomial_iris(): # Test that OvR and multinomial are correct using the iris dataset. train, target =, n_samples, n_features = train.shape # Use pre-defined fold as folds generated for different y cv = StratifiedKFold(target, 3) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(cv=cv), target) clf1 = LogisticRegressionCV(cv=cv) target_copy = target.copy() target_copy[target_copy == 0] = 1, target_copy) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.scores_[2], clf1.scores_[2]) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.intercept_[2:], clf1.intercept_) assert_array_almost_equal(clf.coef_[2][np.newaxis, :], clf1.coef_) # Test the shape of various attributes. assert_equal(clf.coef_.shape, (3, n_features)) assert_array_equal(clf.classes_, [0, 1, 2]) coefs_paths = np.asarray(list(clf.coefs_paths_.values())) assert_array_almost_equal(coefs_paths.shape, (3, 3, 10, n_features + 1)) assert_equal(clf.Cs_.shape, (10, )) scores = np.asarray(list(clf.scores_.values())) assert_equal(scores.shape, (3, 3, 10)) # Test that for the iris data multinomial gives a better accuracy than OvR for solver in ['lbfgs', 'newton-cg']: clf_multi = LogisticRegressionCV( solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial', max_iter=15 ), target) multi_score = clf_multi.score(train, target) ovr_score = clf.score(train, target) assert_greater(multi_score, ovr_score) # Test attributes of LogisticRegressionCV assert_equal(clf.coef_.shape, clf_multi.coef_.shape) assert_array_equal(clf_multi.classes_, [0, 1, 2]) coefs_paths = np.asarray(list(clf_multi.coefs_paths_.values())) assert_array_almost_equal(coefs_paths.shape, (3, 3, 10, n_features + 1)) assert_equal(clf_multi.Cs_.shape, (10, )) scores = np.asarray(list(clf_multi.scores_.values())) assert_equal(scores.shape, (3, 3, 10)) def test_logistic_regression_solvers(): X, y = make_classification(n_features=10, n_informative=5, random_state=0) clf_n = LogisticRegression(solver='newton-cg', fit_intercept=False), y) clf_lbf = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', fit_intercept=False), y) clf_lib = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), y) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_n.coef_, clf_lib.coef_, decimal=3) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_lib.coef_, clf_lbf.coef_, decimal=3) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_n.coef_, clf_lbf.coef_, decimal=3) def test_logistic_regression_solvers_multiclass(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=20, n_features=20, n_informative=10, n_classes=3, random_state=0) clf_n = LogisticRegression(solver='newton-cg', fit_intercept=False), y) clf_lbf = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', fit_intercept=False), y) clf_lib = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), y) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_n.coef_, clf_lib.coef_, decimal=4) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_lib.coef_, clf_lbf.coef_, decimal=4) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_n.coef_, clf_lbf.coef_, decimal=4) def test_logistic_regressioncv_class_weights(): X, y = make_classification(n_samples=20, n_features=20, n_informative=10, n_classes=3, random_state=0) # Test the liblinear fails when class_weight of type dict is # provided, when it is multiclass. However it can handle # binary problems. clf_lib = LogisticRegressionCV(class_weight={0: 0.1, 1: 0.2}, solver='liblinear') assert_raises(ValueError,, X, y) y_ = y.copy() y_[y == 2] = 1, y_) assert_array_equal(clf_lib.classes_, [0, 1]) # Test for class_weight=balanced X, y = make_classification(n_samples=20, n_features=20, n_informative=10, random_state=0) clf_lbf = LogisticRegressionCV(solver='lbfgs', fit_intercept=False, class_weight='balanced'), y) clf_lib = LogisticRegressionCV(solver='liblinear', fit_intercept=False, class_weight='balanced'), y) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_lib.coef_, clf_lbf.coef_, decimal=4) def test_logistic_regression_convergence_warnings(): # Test that warnings are raised if model does not converge X, y = make_classification(n_samples=20, n_features=20) clf_lib = LogisticRegression(solver='liblinear', max_iter=2, verbose=1) assert_warns(ConvergenceWarning,, X, y) assert_equal(clf_lib.n_iter_, 2) def test_logistic_regression_multinomial(): # Tests for the multinomial option in logistic regression # Some basic attributes of Logistic Regression n_samples, n_features, n_classes = 50, 20, 3 X, y = make_classification(n_samples=n_samples, n_features=n_features, n_informative=10, n_classes=n_classes, random_state=0) clf_int = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial'), y) assert_array_equal(clf_int.coef_.shape, (n_classes, n_features)) clf_wint = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', multi_class='multinomial', fit_intercept=False), y) assert_array_equal(clf_wint.coef_.shape, (n_classes, n_features)) # Similar tests for newton-cg solver option clf_ncg_int = LogisticRegression(solver='newton-cg', multi_class='multinomial'), y) assert_array_equal(clf_ncg_int.coef_.shape, (n_classes, n_features)) clf_ncg_wint = LogisticRegression(solver='newton-cg', fit_intercept=False, multi_class='multinomial'), y) assert_array_equal(clf_ncg_wint.coef_.shape, (n_classes, n_features)) # Compare solutions between lbfgs and newton-cg assert_almost_equal(clf_int.coef_, clf_ncg_int.coef_, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(clf_wint.coef_, clf_ncg_wint.coef_, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(clf_int.intercept_, clf_ncg_int.intercept_, decimal=3) # Test that the path give almost the same results. However since in this # case we take the average of the coefs after fitting across all the # folds, it need not be exactly the same. for solver in ['lbfgs', 'newton-cg']: clf_path = LogisticRegressionCV(solver=solver, multi_class='multinomial', Cs=[1.]), y) assert_array_almost_equal(clf_path.coef_, clf_int.coef_, decimal=3) assert_almost_equal(clf_path.intercept_, clf_int.intercept_, decimal=3) def test_multinomial_grad_hess(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features, n_classes = 100, 5, 3 X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) w = rng.rand(n_classes, n_features) Y = np.zeros((n_samples, n_classes)) ind = np.argmax(, w.T), axis=1) Y[range(0, n_samples), ind] = 1 w = w.ravel() sample_weights = np.ones(X.shape[0]) grad, hessp = _multinomial_grad_hess(w, X, Y, alpha=1., sample_weight=sample_weights) # extract first column of hessian matrix vec = np.zeros(n_features * n_classes) vec[0] = 1 hess_col = hessp(vec) # Estimate hessian using least squares as done in # test_logistic_grad_hess e = 1e-3 d_x = np.linspace(-e, e, 30) d_grad = np.array([ _multinomial_grad_hess(w + t * vec, X, Y, alpha=1., sample_weight=sample_weights)[0] for t in d_x ]) d_grad -= d_grad.mean(axis=0) approx_hess_col = linalg.lstsq(d_x[:, np.newaxis], d_grad)[0].ravel() assert_array_almost_equal(hess_col, approx_hess_col) def test_liblinear_decision_function_zero(): # Test negative prediction when decision_function values are zero. # Liblinear predicts the positive class when decision_function values # are zero. This is a test to verify that we do not do the same. # See Issue: # and the PR X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5, n_features=5) clf = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), y) # Dummy data such that the decision function becomes zero. X = np.zeros((5, 5)) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(X), np.zeros(5)) def test_liblinear_logregcv_sparse(): # Test LogRegCV with solver='liblinear' works for sparse matrices X, y = make_classification(n_samples=10, n_features=5) clf = LogisticRegressionCV(solver='liblinear'), y) def test_logreg_intercept_scaling(): # Test that the right error message is thrown when intercept_scaling <= 0 for i in [-1, 0]: clf = LogisticRegression(intercept_scaling=i) msg = ('Intercept scaling is %r but needs to be greater than 0.' ' To disable fitting an intercept,' ' set fit_intercept=False.' % clf.intercept_scaling) assert_raise_message(ValueError, msg,, X, Y1) def test_logreg_intercept_scaling_zero(): # Test that intercept_scaling is ignored when fit_intercept is False clf = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=False), Y1) assert_equal(clf.intercept_, 0.) def test_logreg_cv_penalty(): # Test that the correct penalty is passed to the final fit. X, y = make_classification(n_samples=50, n_features=20, random_state=0) lr_cv = LogisticRegressionCV(penalty="l1", Cs=[1.0], solver='liblinear'), y) lr = LogisticRegression(penalty="l1", C=1.0, solver='liblinear'), y) assert_equal(np.count_nonzero(lr_cv.coef_), np.count_nonzero(lr.coef_))
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2018 The Tensor2Tensor Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ImageNet.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function # Dependency imports from tensor2tensor.data_generators import image_utils from tensor2tensor.utils import registry import tensorflow as tf # Derived from ImageNet data MEAN_RGB = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] STDDEV_RGB = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] def imagenet_preprocess_example(example, mode, resize_size=None): """Preprocessing used for Imagenet and similar problems.""" resize_size = resize_size or [299, 299] assert resize_size[0] == resize_size[1] image = example["inputs"] if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: image = preprocess_for_train(image, image_size=resize_size[0]) else: image = preprocess_for_eval(image, image_size=resize_size[0]) example["inputs"] = image return example @registry.register_problem class ImageImagenet(image_utils.Image2ClassProblem): """Imagenet.""" @property def is_small(self): return False @property def num_classes(self): return 1000 def generate_data(self, data_dir, tmp_dir, task_id=-1): # TODO(lukaszkaiser): find a better way than printing this. print("To generate the ImageNet dataset in the proper format, follow " "instructions at" "/inception/") def preprocess_example(self, example, mode, _): return imagenet_preprocess_example(example, mode) class ImageImagenetRescaled(ImageImagenet): """Imagenet rescaled to rescale_size.""" @property def rescale_size(self): # return [224, 224] raise NotImplementedError() def dataset_filename(self): return "image_imagenet" # Reuse Imagenet data. def generate_data(self, data_dir, tmp_dir, task_id=-1): tf.logging.warning( "Generate data for rescaled ImageNet problems with image_imagenet") def preprocess_example(self, example, mode, _): return imagenet_preprocess_example( example, mode, resize_size=self.rescale_size) @registry.register_problem class ImageImagenet224(ImageImagenetRescaled): """Imagenet rescaled to 224x224.""" @property def rescale_size(self): return [224, 224] @registry.register_problem class ImageImagenet32(ImageImagenetRescaled): """Imagenet rescaled to 32x32.""" @property def rescale_size(self): return [32, 32] @property def is_small(self): return True # Modalities like for CIFAR. def preprocess_example(self, example, mode, _): # Just resize with area. if self._was_reversed: example["inputs"] = tf.to_int64( tf.image.resize_images(example["inputs"], self.rescale_size, tf.image.ResizeMethod.AREA)) else: example = imagenet_preprocess_example(example, mode) example["inputs"] = tf.to_int64( tf.image.resize_images(example["inputs"], self.rescale_size)) return example @registry.register_problem class ImageImagenet64(ImageImagenet32): """Imagenet rescaled to 64x64.""" @property def rescale_size(self): return [64, 64] @registry.register_problem class Img2imgImagenet(image_utils.ImageProblem): """Imagenet rescaled to 8x8 for input and 32x32 for output.""" def dataset_filename(self): return "image_imagenet" # Reuse Imagenet data. def preprocess_example(self, example, unused_mode, unused_hparams): inputs = example["inputs"] # For Img2Img resize input and output images as desired. example["inputs"] = image_utils.resize_by_area(inputs, 8) example["targets"] = image_utils.resize_by_area(inputs, 32) return example def generate_data(self, data_dir, tmp_dir, task_id=-1): tf.logging.warning("Generate data for img2img_imagenet with image_imagenet") def hparams(self, defaults, unused_model_hparams): p = defaults p.input_modality = {"inputs": ("image:identity", 256)} p.target_modality = ("image:identity", 256) p.batch_size_multiplier = 256 p.input_space_id = 1 p.target_space_id = 1 # The following preprocessing functions were taken from # cloud_tpu/models/resnet/ # ============================================================================== def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width): """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes. Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does assume we know the input image rank. Args: image: `Tensor` image of shape [height, width, channels]. offset_height: `Tensor` indicating the height offset. offset_width: `Tensor` indicating the width offset. crop_height: the height of the cropped image. crop_width: the width of the cropped image. Returns: the cropped (and resized) image. Raises: InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are less than the crop size. """ original_shape = tf.shape(image) rank_assertion = tf.Assert( tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3), ["Rank of image must be equal to 3."]) with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]): cropped_shape = tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]) size_assertion = tf.Assert( tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height), tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)), ["Crop size greater than the image size."]) offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0])) # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to # define the crop size. with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]): image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape) return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape) def distorted_bounding_box_crop(image, bbox, min_object_covered=0.1, aspect_ratio_range=(0.75, 1.33), area_range=(0.05, 1.0), max_attempts=100, scope=None): """Generates cropped_image using a one of the bboxes randomly distorted. See `tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box` for more documentation. Args: image: `Tensor` of image (it will be converted to floats in [0, 1]). bbox: `Tensor` of bounding boxes arranged `[1, num_boxes, coords]` where each coordinate is [0, 1) and the coordinates are arranged as `[ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]`. If num_boxes is 0 then use the whole image. min_object_covered: An optional `float`. Defaults to `0.1`. The cropped area of the image must contain at least this fraction of any bounding box supplied. aspect_ratio_range: An optional list of `float`s. The cropped area of the image must have an aspect ratio = width / height within this range. area_range: An optional list of `float`s. The cropped area of the image must contain a fraction of the supplied image within in this range. max_attempts: An optional `int`. Number of attempts at generating a cropped region of the image of the specified constraints. After `max_attempts` failures, return the entire image. scope: Optional `str` for name scope. Returns: (cropped image `Tensor`, distorted bbox `Tensor`). """ with tf.name_scope(scope, "distorted_bounding_box_crop", [image, bbox]): # Each bounding box has shape [1, num_boxes, box coords] and # the coordinates are ordered [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]. # A large fraction of image datasets contain a human-annotated bounding # box delineating the region of the image containing the object of interest. # We choose to create a new bounding box for the object which is a randomly # distorted version of the human-annotated bounding box that obeys an # allowed range of aspect ratios, sizes and overlap with the human-annotated # bounding box. If no box is supplied, then we assume the bounding box is # the entire image. sample_distorted_bounding_box = tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box( tf.shape(image), bounding_boxes=bbox, min_object_covered=min_object_covered, aspect_ratio_range=aspect_ratio_range, area_range=area_range, max_attempts=max_attempts, use_image_if_no_bounding_boxes=True) bbox_begin, bbox_size, distort_bbox = sample_distorted_bounding_box # Crop the image to the specified bounding box. cropped_image = tf.slice(image, bbox_begin, bbox_size) return cropped_image, distort_bbox def _random_crop(image, size): """Make a random crop of (`size` x `size`).""" bbox = tf.constant([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], dtype=tf.float32, shape=[1, 1, 4]) random_image, bbox = distorted_bounding_box_crop( image, bbox, min_object_covered=0.1, aspect_ratio_range=(3. / 4, 4. / 3.), area_range=(0.08, 1.0), max_attempts=1, scope=None) bad = _at_least_x_are_true(tf.shape(image), tf.shape(random_image), 3) image = tf.cond( bad, lambda: _center_crop(_do_scale(image, size), size), lambda: tf.image.resize_bicubic([random_image], [size, size])[0]) return image def _flip(image): """Random horizontal image flip.""" image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image) return image def _at_least_x_are_true(a, b, x): """At least `x` of `a` and `b` `Tensors` are true.""" match = tf.equal(a, b) match = tf.cast(match, tf.int32) return tf.greater_equal(tf.reduce_sum(match), x) def _do_scale(image, size): """Rescale the image by scaling the smaller spatial dimension to `size`.""" shape = tf.cast(tf.shape(image), tf.float32) w_greater = tf.greater(shape[0], shape[1]) shape = tf.cond(w_greater, lambda: tf.cast([shape[0] / shape[1] * size, size], tf.int32), lambda: tf.cast([size, shape[1] / shape[0] * size], tf.int32)) return tf.image.resize_bicubic([image], shape)[0] def _center_crop(image, size): """Crops to center of image with specified `size`.""" image_height = tf.shape(image)[0] image_width = tf.shape(image)[1] offset_height = ((image_height - size) + 1) / 2 offset_width = ((image_width - size) + 1) / 2 image = _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, size, size) return image def _normalize(image): """Normalize the image to zero mean and unit variance.""" offset = tf.constant(MEAN_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3]) image -= offset scale = tf.constant(STDDEV_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3]) image /= scale return image def preprocess_for_train(image, image_size=224): """Preprocesses the given image for evaluation. Args: image: `Tensor` representing an image of arbitrary size. image_size: int, how large the output image should be. Returns: A preprocessed image `Tensor`. """ image = _random_crop(image, image_size) image = _normalize(image) image = _flip(image) image = tf.reshape(image, [image_size, image_size, 3]) return image def preprocess_for_eval(image, image_size=224): """Preprocesses the given image for evaluation. Args: image: `Tensor` representing an image of arbitrary size. image_size: int, how large the output image should be. Returns: A preprocessed image `Tensor`. """ image = _do_scale(image, image_size + 32) image = _normalize(image) image = _center_crop(image, image_size) image = tf.reshape(image, [image_size, image_size, 3]) return image # ==============================================================================
import copy import io import os import random import tempfile import numpy as np import onnx import pytest import torch import onnxruntime import as onnxblock from onnxruntime.capi import _pybind_state as C # PyTorch Module definitions class SimpleNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_classes): super(SimpleNet, self).__init__() self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU() self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_classes) def forward(self, model_input): out = self.fc1(model_input) out = self.relu(out) out = self.fc2(out) return out # onnxblock Model definitions class SimpleModelWithMSELoss(onnxblock.Model): def __init__(self): super(SimpleModelWithMSELoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.MSELoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) class SimpleModelWithCrossEntropyLoss(onnxblock.Model): def __init__(self): super(SimpleModelWithCrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.CrossEntropyLoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) class SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss(onnxblock.TrainingModel): def __init__(self): super(SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.MSELoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) class SimpleTrainingModelWithCrossEntropyLoss(onnxblock.TrainingModel): def __init__(self): super(SimpleTrainingModelWithCrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.CrossEntropyLoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) class SimpleModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss(onnxblock.Model): def __init__(self): super(SimpleModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.BCEWithLogitsLoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) class SimpleTrainingModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss(onnxblock.TrainingModel): def __init__(self): super(SimpleTrainingModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss, self).__init__() self.loss = onnxblock.loss.BCEWithLogitsLoss() def build(self, output_name): return self.loss(output_name) # Test utility methods def _get_onnx_model(torch_model, model_inputs): model_outputs = torch_model(*model_inputs) if isinstance(model_outputs, torch.Tensor): model_outputs = [model_outputs] dynamic_axes = {} input_names = [] output_names = [] for i, model_input in enumerate(model_inputs): input_name = f"input-{i}" input_names.append(input_name) dynamic_axes[input_name] = {} for dim_idx in range(len(model_input.shape)): dynamic_axes[input_name].update({dim_idx: f"{input_name}_dim{dim_idx}"}) for i, model_output in enumerate(model_outputs): output_name = f"output-{i}" output_names.append(output_name) dynamic_axes[output_name] = {} for dim_idx in range(len(model_output.shape)): dynamic_axes[output_name].update({dim_idx: f"{output_name}_dim{dim_idx}"}) f = io.BytesIO() torch.onnx.export( torch_model, model_inputs, f, input_names=input_names, output_names=output_names, opset_version=14, do_constant_folding=False, training=torch.onnx.TrainingMode.TRAINING, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, export_params=True, keep_initializers_as_inputs=False, ) return onnx.load_model_from_string(f.getvalue()) def _to_numpy(tensor): return tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() if tensor.requires_grad else tensor.cpu().numpy() def _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, zero_flag=False): """Returns the pt and onnx models for SimpleNet""" pt_model = SimpleNet(input_size, hidden_size, output_size).to(device) # setting all initial weights to zero if zero_flag: with torch.no_grad(): for param in pt_model.parameters(): param.zero_() x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) onnx_model = _get_onnx_model(pt_model, (x,)) return pt_model, onnx_model def _get_training_ort_output_names(pt_model, onnx_model): """Returns the ort output names""" ort_output_names = [onnx_model.graph.output[0].name] for name, _ in pt_model.named_parameters(): ort_output_names.append(f"{name}_grad.accumulation.out") return ort_output_names def _get_training_ort_inputs(x, target, pt_model, onnx_model, target_type=None): """Returns the ort inputs""" ort_inputs = { onnx_model.graph.input[0].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(x)), onnx_model.graph.input[1].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(target)) if target_type is None else _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(target).type(target_type)), } if target_type is not None: ort_inputs[onnx_model.graph.input[1].name] for name, param in pt_model.named_parameters(): ort_inputs[name] = _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(param)) ort_inputs[f"{name}_grad.accumulation.buffer"] = _to_numpy(torch.zeros_like(param)) ort_inputs["lazy_reset_grad"] = np.full(1, True) return ort_inputs # All unit tests @pytest.mark.parametrize( "graph", [ SimpleModelWithMSELoss, SimpleModelWithCrossEntropyLoss, SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss, SimpleTrainingModelWithCrossEntropyLoss, SimpleModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss, SimpleTrainingModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss, ], ) def test_loss_composition(graph): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) # When / Then no error occurs simple_model = graph() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) def test_mse_loss_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) # Build the onnx model with loss simple_model = SimpleModelWithMSELoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = [onnx_model.graph.output[0].name] ort_inputs = { onnx_model.graph.input[0].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(x)), onnx_model.graph.input[1].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(target)), } def mse_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = mse_loss(pt_model(x), target) # Then assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) def test_crossentropy_loss_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randint(high=output_size, size=(batch_size,), dtype=torch.int64, device=device) # Build the onnx model with loss simple_model = SimpleModelWithCrossEntropyLoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = [onnx_model.graph.output[0].name] ort_inputs = { onnx_model.graph.input[0].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(x)), onnx_model.graph.input[1].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(target).type(torch.int32)), } def crossentropy_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = crossentropy_loss(pt_model(x), target) # Then assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) def test_bcewithlogits_loss_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) # Build the onnx model with loss simple_model = SimpleModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = [onnx_model.graph.output[0].name] ort_inputs = { onnx_model.graph.input[0].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(x)), onnx_model.graph.input[1].name: _to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(target)), } def bcewithlogits_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = bcewithlogits_loss(pt_model(x), target) # Then assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) def test_mse_loss_training_graph_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) # Build the onnx trainingmodel with loss simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = _get_training_ort_output_names(pt_model, onnx_model) ort_inputs = _get_training_ort_inputs(x, target, pt_model, onnx_model) def mse_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = mse_loss(pt_model(x), target) torch_outs.backward() # Then # assert loss is close assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) def test_crossentropy_loss_training_graph_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randint(high=output_size, size=(batch_size,), dtype=torch.int64, device=device) # Build the onnx trainingmodel with loss simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithCrossEntropyLoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = _get_training_ort_output_names(pt_model, onnx_model) ort_inputs = _get_training_ort_inputs(x, target, pt_model, onnx_model, target_type=torch.int32) def crossentropy_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = crossentropy_loss(pt_model(x), target) torch_outs.backward() # Then # assert loss is close assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) def test_bcewithlogits_loss_training_graph_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) # Build the onnx model with loss simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) ort_output_names = _get_training_ort_output_names(pt_model, onnx_model) ort_inputs = _get_training_ort_inputs(x, target, pt_model, onnx_model) def bcewithlogits_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =, ort_inputs) torch_outs = bcewithlogits_loss(pt_model(x), target) torch_outs.backward() # Then # assert loss is close assert np.allclose(ort_outs[0], _to_numpy(torch_outs)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "graph", [SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss, SimpleTrainingModelWithCrossEntropyLoss, SimpleTrainingModelWithBCEWithLogitsLoss], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("grad_clipping", [None, onnxblock.optim.ClipGradNorm(2.5)]) def test_adamw_optimizer_composition(graph, grad_clipping): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) # When / Then no error occurs simple_model = graph() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) optimizer = onnxblock.optim.AdamW(clip_grad=grad_clipping) with onnxblock.onnx_model() as accessor: _ = optimizer(simple_model.parameters()) optimizer_model = accessor.model assert optimizer_model # TODO: Add a test for correctness when creation of ortvalues of # tensor seq is possible on cuda def test_adamw_optimizer_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) optimizer = onnxblock.optim.AdamW() with onnxblock.onnx_model() as accessor: output_name = optimizer(simple_model.parameters()) optimizer_model = accessor.model learning_rate = 0.001 step = 1 ort_output_names = [output_name] def mse_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, loss = mse_loss(pt_model(x), target) loss.backward() ort_inputs = { "learning_rate": np.full(1, learning_rate, dtype=np.float32), "step": np.full(1, step, dtype=np.int64), "params": [], "gradients": [], "first_order_moments": [], "second_order_moments": [], } for _, param in pt_model.named_parameters(): ort_inputs["params"].append(_to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(param))) ort_inputs["gradients"].append(_to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(param.grad))) ort_inputs["first_order_moments"].append(_to_numpy(torch.zeros_like(param))) ort_inputs["second_order_moments"].append(_to_numpy(torch.zeros_like(param))) # Then no error occurs when executing the model ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) _ =, ort_inputs) def test_retrieve_parameters(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) # When trainable_params, non_trainable_params = simple_model.parameters() # Then assert not non_trainable_params for ort_param, (pt_param_name, pt_param) in zip(trainable_params, pt_model.named_parameters()): assert == pt_param_name assert np.allclose( np.frombuffer(ort_param.raw_data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(pt_param.shape), _to_numpy(pt_param), ) def test_retrieve_parameters_before_building_gradient_graph(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() # When / Then with pytest.raises(Exception) as ex_info: _, _ = simple_model.parameters() assert "Please build the training model first before trying to retrieve the parameters." in str(ex_info.value) def test_save_checkpoint(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) trainable_params, non_trainable_params = simple_model.parameters() # When with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as checkpoint_dir_name: checkpoint_file_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir_name, "checkpoint") onnxblock.save_checkpoint((trainable_params, non_trainable_params), checkpoint_file_path) # Then assert os.path.exists(checkpoint_file_path) def test_load_checkpoint(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, zero_onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, zero_flag=True) for i in range(len(zero_onnx_model.graph.initializer)): zero_np = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(zero_onnx_model.graph.initializer[i]) assert np.allclose(zero_np, np.zeros(zero_np.shape)) _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) # Copy of onnx_model for comparison onnx_model_copy = copy.deepcopy(onnx_model) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() # When simple_model.requires_grad("fc2.weight", False) simple_model.requires_grad("fc1.bias", False) with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) trainable_params, non_trainable_params = simple_model.parameters() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as checkpoint_dir_name: checkpoint_file_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_dir_name, "checkpoint") onnxblock.save_checkpoint((trainable_params, non_trainable_params), checkpoint_file_path) # Load checkpoint parameters to the new simple model onnxblock.load_checkpoint_to_model(checkpoint_file_path, zero_onnx_model) # Then onnx_model_copy.graph.initializer.sort(key=lambda x: zero_onnx_model.graph.initializer.sort(key=lambda x: for i, _ in enumerate(onnx_model_copy.graph.initializer): onnx_np = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(onnx_model_copy.graph.initializer[i]) zero_np = onnx.numpy_helper.to_array(zero_onnx_model.graph.initializer[i]) assert np.allclose(onnx_np, zero_np) def test_set_requires_grad_on_parameters(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() # When simple_model.requires_grad("fc2.weight", False) simple_model.requires_grad("fc1.bias", False) with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) trainable_params, non_trainable_params = simple_model.parameters() # Then expected_trainable_parameters = {"fc1.weight", "fc2.bias"} expected_non_trainable_parameters = {"fc2.weight", "fc1.bias"} for param in trainable_params: assert in expected_trainable_parameters for param in non_trainable_params: assert in expected_non_trainable_parameters def test_set_requires_grad_on_inputs(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 _, onnx_model = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) # When simple_model = SimpleTrainingModelWithMSELoss() simple_model.requires_grad("input-0") with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = simple_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name) # Then expecteinput_sizeput_gradient_buffer_name = "input-0_grad.accumulation.buffer" expecteinput_sizeput_gradient_output_name = "input-0_grad.accumulation.out" graph_input_names = { for graph_input in onnx_model.graph.input} graph_output_names = { for graph_output in onnx_model.graph.output} assert expecteinput_sizeput_gradient_buffer_name in graph_input_names assert expecteinput_sizeput_gradient_output_name in graph_output_names @pytest.mark.parametrize("model_type", [onnxblock.Model, onnxblock.TrainingModel]) def test_weighted_average_model_composition(model_type): # Given class TwoOutputNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_classes): super(TwoOutputNet, self).__init__() self.fc1_1 = torch.nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.relu1 = torch.nn.ReLU() self.fc1_2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_classes) self.fc2_1 = torch.nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size) self.relu2 = torch.nn.ReLU() self.fc2_2 = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_classes) def forward(self, model_input1, model_input2): out1 = self.fc1_2(self.relu1(self.fc1_1(model_input1))) out2 = self.fc2_2(self.relu2(self.fc2_1(model_input2))) return out1, out2 class WeightedAvg(model_type): def __init__(self, w1, w2): super(WeightedAvg, self).__init__() self.loss1 = onnxblock.loss.CrossEntropyLoss() self.loss2 = onnxblock.loss.CrossEntropyLoss() self.w1 = onnxblock.building_blocks.Constant(w1) self.w2 = onnxblock.building_blocks.Constant(w2) self.mul = onnxblock.building_blocks.Mul() self.add = onnxblock.building_blocks.Add() def build(self, loss_input_name1, loss_input_name2): return self.add( self.mul(self.w1(), self.loss1(loss_input_name1, labels_name="labels1")), self.mul(self.w2(), self.loss2(loss_input_name2, labels_name="labels2")), ) device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model = TwoOutputNet(input_size, hidden_size, output_size).to(device) x1 = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) x2 = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) onnx_model = _get_onnx_model(pt_model, (x1, x2)) # When / Then no error occurs weighted_model = WeightedAvg(random.random(), random.random()) with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): _ = weighted_model(onnx_model.graph.output[0].name, onnx_model.graph.output[1].name) def test_grad_clipping_execution(): # Given device = "cuda" batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size = 64, 784, 500, 10 pt_model, _ = _get_models(device, batch_size, input_size, hidden_size, output_size) x = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size, device=device) target = torch.randn(batch_size, output_size, device=device) # Prepare the onnx model with only grad clipping onnx_model = onnx.ModelProto() = "ClipGradNorm Model" onnx_model.producer_name = "grad clipping test" onnx_model.opset_import.extend(onnxblock.optim.optim._OPSET_IMPORTS) onnx_model.ir_version = onnx.IR_VERSION class GradClippingModel(onnxblock.Model): def __init__(self, max_norm): super().__init__() self._grad_clip = onnxblock.optim.ClipGradNorm(max_norm) def build(self, grads_name): return self._grad_clip(grads_name) onnx_model.graph.input.append( onnx.helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info("gradients", onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, None) ) grad_clip = GradClippingModel(2.5) with onnxblock.onnx_model(onnx_model): ort_output_names = grad_clip("gradients") onnx_model.graph.output.append( onnx.helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(ort_output_names, onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, None) ) def mse_loss(prediction, target): loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() return loss(prediction, target) # When with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".onnx") as onnx_fo:, loss = mse_loss(pt_model(x), target) loss.backward() ort_inputs = {"gradients": []} for _, param in pt_model.named_parameters(): ort_inputs["gradients"].append(_to_numpy(copy.deepcopy(param.grad))) torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(pt_model.parameters(), 2.5) # Then no error occurs when executing the model ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(, providers=C.get_available_providers()) ort_outs =[ort_output_names], ort_inputs) # assert all the gradients are close for ort_grad, pt_param in zip(ort_outs[0], pt_model.parameters()): assert np.allclose(ort_grad, _to_numpy(pt_param.grad))
# Copyright (C) 2001-2007, 2009, 2010 Nominum, Inc. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NOMINUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOMINUM BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """DNS nodes. A node is a set of rdatasets.""" import StringIO import dns.rdataset import dns.rdatatype import dns.renderer class Node(object): """A DNS node. A node is a set of rdatasets @ivar rdatasets: the node's rdatasets @type rdatasets: list of dns.rdataset.Rdataset objects""" __slots__ = ['rdatasets'] def __init__(self): """Initialize a DNS node. """ self.rdatasets = []; def to_text(self, name, **kw): """Convert a node to text format. Each rdataset at the node is printed. Any keyword arguments to this method are passed on to the rdataset's to_text() method. @param name: the owner name of the rdatasets @type name: object @rtype: string """ s = StringIO.StringIO() for rds in self.rdatasets: print >> s, rds.to_text(name, **kw) return s.getvalue()[:-1] def __repr__(self): return '<DNS node ' + str(id(self)) + '>' def __eq__(self, other): """Two nodes are equal if they have the same rdatasets. @rtype: bool """ # # This is inefficient. Good thing we don't need to do it much. # for rd in self.rdatasets: if rd not in other.rdatasets: return False for rd in other.rdatasets: if rd not in self.rdatasets: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __len__(self): return len(self.rdatasets) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.rdatasets) def find_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=dns.rdatatype.NONE, create=False): """Find an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node. @param rdclass: The class of the rdataset @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The type of the rdataset @type rdtype: int @param covers: The covered type. Usually this value is dns.rdatatype.NONE, but if the rdtype is dns.rdatatype.SIG or dns.rdatatype.RRSIG, then the covers value will be the rdata type the SIG/RRSIG covers. The library treats the SIG and RRSIG types as if they were a family of types, e.g. RRSIG(A), RRSIG(NS), RRSIG(SOA). This makes RRSIGs much easier to work with than if RRSIGs covering different rdata types were aggregated into a single RRSIG rdataset. @type covers: int @param create: If True, create the rdataset if it is not found. @type create: bool @raises KeyError: An rdataset of the desired type and class does not exist and I{create} is not True. @rtype: dns.rdataset.Rdataset object """ for rds in self.rdatasets: if rds.match(rdclass, rdtype, covers): return rds if not create: raise KeyError rds = dns.rdataset.Rdataset(rdclass, rdtype) self.rdatasets.append(rds) return rds def get_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=dns.rdatatype.NONE, create=False): """Get an rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node. None is returned if an rdataset of the specified type and class does not exist and I{create} is not True. @param rdclass: The class of the rdataset @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The type of the rdataset @type rdtype: int @param covers: The covered type. @type covers: int @param create: If True, create the rdataset if it is not found. @type create: bool @rtype: dns.rdataset.Rdataset object or None """ try: rds = self.find_rdataset(rdclass, rdtype, covers, create) except KeyError: rds = None return rds def delete_rdataset(self, rdclass, rdtype, covers=dns.rdatatype.NONE): """Delete the rdataset matching the specified properties in the current node. If a matching rdataset does not exist, it is not an error. @param rdclass: The class of the rdataset @type rdclass: int @param rdtype: The type of the rdataset @type rdtype: int @param covers: The covered type. @type covers: int """ rds = self.get_rdataset(rdclass, rdtype, covers) if not rds is None: self.rdatasets.remove(rds) def replace_rdataset(self, replacement): """Replace an rdataset. It is not an error if there is no rdataset matching I{replacement}. Ownership of the I{replacement} object is transferred to the node; in other words, this method does not store a copy of I{replacement} at the node, it stores I{replacement} itself. """ self.delete_rdataset(replacement.rdclass, replacement.rdtype, replacement.covers) self.rdatasets.append(replacement)
""" Contains the base class for open datasets """ from .. import Dataset, DatasetIndex from .. import ImagesBatch class Openset(Dataset): """ The base class for open datasets """ def __init__(self, index=None, batch_class=None, path=None, preloaded=None, **kwargs): self._train_index, self._test_index = None, None if index is None: preloaded, index, self._train_index, self._test_index = super().__init__(index, batch_class=batch_class, preloaded=preloaded, **kwargs) if self._train_index and self._test_index: self.train = type(self).from_dataset(self, self._train_index, batch_class=batch_class, **kwargs) self.test = type(self).from_dataset(self, self._test_index, batch_class=batch_class, **kwargs) @staticmethod def uild_index(index): """ Create an index """ if index is not None: return super().build_index(index) return None def download(self, path): """ Download a dataset from the source web-site """ _ = path return None def _infer_train_test_index(self, train_len, test_len): total_len = train_len + test_len index = DatasetIndex(list(range(total_len))) train_index = DatasetIndex(list(range(train_len))) test_index = DatasetIndex(list(range(train_len, total_len))) return index, train_index, test_index class ImagesOpenset(Openset): """ The base class for open datasets with images """ def __init__(self, index=None, batch_class=ImagesBatch, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(index, batch_class, *args, **kwargs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate import scikitplot as skplt import xgboost as xgb # Load the data cancer = load_breast_cancer() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(,,random_state=0) print(X_train.shape) print(X_test.shape) #now scale the data from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler() X_train_scaled = scaler.transform(X_train) X_test_scaled = scaler.transform(X_test) xg_clf = xgb.XGBClassifier(max_depth = 4, n_estimators = 200),y_train) y_test = xg_clf.predict(X_test_scaled) print("Test set accuracy with Random Forests and scaled data: {:.2f}".format(xg_clf.score(X_test_scaled,y_test))) import scikitplot as skplt y_pred = xg_clf.predict(X_test_scaled) skplt.metrics.plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, normalize=True) y_probas = xg_clf.predict_proba(X_test_scaled) skplt.metrics.plot_roc(y_test, y_probas) skplt.metrics.plot_cumulative_gain(y_test, y_probas) xgb.plot_tree(xg_clf,num_trees=0) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [50, 10] xgb.plot_importance(xg_clf) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [5, 5]
import math, time, sys import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy.random as rng from scipy.special import expit as sigmoid np.set_printoptions(precision=2) def inverse_sigmoid(prob1): return np.log(prob1/(1-prob1)) class RBM(object): """An RBM has weights, visible biases, and hidden biases. You can either make a new one, or read an old one in from a .npz file. An RBM can be told to train itself, given some data set of visible patterns. eg: rbm.train(indata, learning_params). The training can be via Contrastive Divergence, or as an auto-encoder. It can save itself in pickled form. It can make pretty pics of itself. """ def __init__(self, filename, num_hid=0, num_vis=0, DROPOUT=True, hid_type='logistic'): f = open(filename+'.txt', 'a') if (num_hid>0 and num_vis>0): = filename self.num_hid = num_hid self.num_vis = num_vis rng.seed(99) self.W = np.asarray( 0.1*rng.normal(size = (num_hid, num_vis)),order= 'fortran' ) self.hid_bias = 0.001 * rng.normal(size = (1, num_hid)) self.vis_bias = 0.001 * rng.normal(size = (1, num_vis)) else: print('Reading in pickled RBM from %s' % (filename)) f.write('Reading in pickled RBM from %s' % (filename)) # read in from a saved npz file if not(filename.endswith('.npz')): filename = filename + '.npz' with np.load('./saved_nets/' + filename) as data: = filename[:-4] self.W = data['W'] self.hid_bias = data['hid_bias'] self.vis_bias = data['vis_bias'] self.num_hid = self.W.shape[0] self.num_vis = self.W.shape[1] print('NAME: %s, is an RBM with %d hids and %d vis' % (, self.num_hid, self.num_vis)) f.write('NAME: %s, is an RBM with %d hids and %d vis' % (, self.num_hid, self.num_vis)) self.DROPOUT = DROPOUT self.hid_type = hid_type self.vis_type = 'linear' print ('dropout is %s, hidden units of type %s' %(self.DROPOUT, self.hid_type)) f.write('dropout is %s, hidden units of type %s' %(self.DROPOUT, self.hid_type)) f.close() def rename(self, newname): """ give the RBM a new name """ = newname def pushup(self, vis_pats, noise=True): """ push visible pats into hidden layer""" psi =, self.W.T) + self.hid_bias if self.hid_type == 'logistic': # BERNOULLI units hid_prob1 = sigmoid(psi) if noise == False: return hid_prob1 elif noise == True: return 1*(hid_prob1 > rng.random(size=hid_prob1.shape)) elif self.hid_type == 'relu': # ReLU units if noise == True: psi = psi + rng.normal(0.,0.001+np.sqrt(sigmoid(psi)), size=psi.shape) return np.maximum(0.0, psi) def pushdown(self, hid_pats, noise=True): """ push hidden pats into visible """ if self.DROPOUT: dropout = rng.randint(2, size=(hid_pats.shape[0], self.num_hid)) vis =*dropout, self.W) + self.vis_bias else: FACTOR = 0.5 vis =, FACTOR*self.W) + self.vis_bias if noise == True: vis += 0.5*rng.normal(size = (self.num_vis)) return vis # OR.... #return 1*(vis_prob1 > rng.random(size=vis_prob1.shape)) def explainaway(self, other_phi, my_h, v): psi = - other_phi, self.W.T) + self.hid_bias #psi += (my_h - 0.5)*np.sum(self.W**2,axis=1) return psi def train(self, indata, num_iterations, Loss, rate, momentum, L1_penalty, minibatch_size): """ Train the RBM's weights on the supplied data, and (optionally) use dropout. Loss can be CD or AE (contrastive divergence or auto-encoder). """ f = open('.txt', 'a') print('training with Loss %s and L1 penalty %.6f' % (Loss, L1_penalty)) print('rate %.5f, momentum %.2f, minibatches of %d' % (rate, momentum, minibatch_size)) f.write('training with Loss %s and L1 penalty %.6f' % (Loss, L1_penalty)) f.write('rate %.5f, momentum %.2f, minibatches of %d' % (rate, momentum, minibatch_size)) announce_every = num_iterations / 5 start = time.time() num_pats = indata.shape[0] W_change = 0.0 hid_bias_change = 0.0 vis_bias_change = 0.0 for t in range(num_iterations+1): outputs = self.pushdown(self.pushup(indata,noise=False),noise=False) C = 0.5*np.sum((outputs - indata)**2) if (t % announce_every == 0): print ('Iteration %5d \t TIME (secs): %.1f, RMSreconstruction: %.1f' % (t, time.time() - start, C/num_pats)) f.write('Iteration %5d \t TIME (secs): %.1f, RMSreconstruction: %.1f' % (t, time.time() - start, C/num_pats)) start_index = 0 C = 0.0 ######## training loop starts while start_index < num_pats-1: next_index = min(start_index + minibatch_size, num_pats) vis_minibatch = indata[start_index : next_index] ndata = np.shape(vis_minibatch)[0] # how many in this minibatch start_index = next_index # ready for next time if Loss == 'CD': W_grad, hid_bias_grad = self.CD_gradient(vis_minibatch, CD_steps=2) elif Loss == 'AE': W_grad, hid_bias_grad = self.autoencoder_gradient(vis_minibatch) W_change = rate * W_grad + momentum * W_change self.W += W_change - L1_penalty * np.sign(self.W) # Now we have to do the visible and hidden bias weights as well. hid_bias_change = rate * hid_bias_grad + momentum * hid_bias_change self.hid_bias += hid_bias_change # IGNORING VISIBLE BIASES STILL??????????????? # self.vis_bias_change = rate * (vis_minibatch.mean(0) - vis_reconstruction.mean(0)) + momentum * self.vis_bias_change # self.vis_bias += self.vis_bias_change ######## training loop ends f.close() return def CD_gradient(self, inputs, CD_steps=1): """This RBM, with this data, can calculate the gradient for its weights and biases under the CD loss. So do it... """ ndata = np.shape(inputs)[0] assert (CD_steps > 0) # WAKE PHASE followed by HEBB # push visible pats into hidden hid_first = self.pushup(inputs) # (Einstein alternative suggested by Paul Mathews) Hebb = np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', hid_first, inputs) # SLEEP PHASE followed by HEBB hiddens = hid_first for step in range(CD_steps): # push hidden pats into visible vis_reconstruction = self.pushdown(hiddens, noise=True) # push reconstructed visible pats back into hidden hiddens = self.pushup(vis_reconstruction, noise=True) # the final step is noiseless. vis_reconstruction = self.pushdown(hiddens, noise=False) # push reconstructed visible pats back into hidden hiddens = self.pushup(vis_reconstruction, noise=False) hid_second = hiddens # push hidden pats into visible vis_reconstruction = self.pushdown(hid_first, noise=False) # push reconstructed visible pats back into hidden hid_second = self.pushup(vis_reconstruction) AntiHebb = np.einsum('ij,ik->jk', hid_second, vis_reconstruction) weights_gradient = (Hebb - AntiHebb)/ndata hid_bias_gradient = hid_first.mean(0) - hid_second.mean(0) return weights_gradient, hid_bias_gradient def autoencoder_gradient(self,inputs): """This RBM, with this data, can calculate the gradient for its weights and biases under the auto-encoder loss. So do it... """ ndata = np.shape(inputs)[0] targets = inputs # it's an autoencoder... hiddens = self.pushup(inputs, noise=False) outputs = self.pushdown(hiddens, noise=False) out_type = 'linear' # Different types of output neurons if self.vis_type == 'linear': deltao = (outputs-targets) elif self.vis_type == 'logistic': deltao = (outputs-targets)*outputs*(1.0-outputs) elif self.vis_type == 'softmax': deltao = (outputs-targets)*(outputs*(-outputs)+outputs) #WHAT??! else: print ("bogus vis_type") if self.hid_type == 'linear': deltah =,np.transpose(self.W)) elif self.hid_type == 'relu': deltah = np.maximum(0,np.sign(hiddens)) * (,np.transpose(self.W))) elif self.hid_type == 'logistic': deltah = hiddens*(1.0-hiddens)*(,np.transpose(self.W))) else: print ("bogus hid_type") w1_gradient = (,deltah)) w2_gradient = (,deltao)) weights_gradient = 0.5*(w1_gradient.T + w2_gradient) / ndata hid_bias_gradient = np.sum(deltah,0) / ndata #error = 0.5*np.sum((outputs-inputs)**2) / ndata #print ("\t\t error: %.1f" % error) return -1.0 * weights_gradient, -1.* hid_bias_gradient def get_num_vis(self): return self.num_vis def get_num_hid(self): return self.num_hid def make_weights_figure(self): """ reality-check by looking at the weights, and their updates, for some particular hidden units. """ plt.clf() rows, cols = 7, 8 i=0 maxw = np.max(np.abs(self.W)) for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): i += 1 plt.subplot(rows,cols,i) if (i == 1): # the very first one will be the bias weights img = self.vis_bias.reshape(28,28) plt.text(0,-2,'bias', fontsize=8, color='red') else: j = i % self.num_hid #rng.randint(self.num_hid) # random choice of hidden node img = self.W[j].reshape(28,28) plt.text(0,-2,'h%d %.1f, %.1f' %(j, np.min(self.W[j]), np.max(self.W[j])), fontsize=8) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest',cmap='RdBu', vmin=-maxw, vmax=maxw) # setting vmin and vmax there ensures zero weights aren't coloured. plt.axis('off') filename = '%s_weights.png' % ( plt.savefig(filename) print('Saved figure named %s' % (filename)) def show_patterns(self, vis_pats): num_pats = vis_pats.shape[0] num_rows, num_cols = 7, 10 num_examples = num_rows*num_cols + 1 Vis_test = np.copy(vis_pats[rng.randint(0, num_pats, size=(num_examples)), :]) i = 0 plt.clf() for r in range(num_rows): for c in range(num_cols): i += 1 plt.subplot(num_rows,num_cols,i) plt.imshow(Vis_test[i].reshape(28,28), cmap='Greys', vmin=-1., vmax=1., interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('off') filename = '%s_visibles.png' % ( plt.savefig(filename) print('Saved %s' % (filename)) def make_dynamics_figure(self, indata, SCRAMBLE=False): if SCRAMBLE: # initialise with completely scrambled training pics. safe = np.copy(indata) num_pixels = indata.shape[1] for i in range(indata.shape[0]): img = safe[i] rand_order = rng.permutation(np.arange(num_pixels)) indata[i] = img[rand_order] ## WATCH OUT FOR CONSEQUENCES!!! # self.DROPOUT = True ### WATCH OUT FOR CONSEQUENCES!!! num_pats = indata.shape[0] num_examples = 5 eg_indices = rng.randint(0, num_pats, size=(num_examples)) Vis_test = np.copy(indata[eg_indices, :]) i = 0 next_stop = 0 num_rows = 6 plt.clf() total_time = 0 for s in range(num_rows): #print('doing alternating Gibbs Sampling until t=%d' % (next_stop)) while total_time < next_stop: hid = self.pushup(Vis_test, noise=True) Vis_test = self.pushdown(hid, noise=False) total_time += 1 for n in range(num_examples): i += 1 plt.subplot(num_rows,num_examples,i) plt.imshow(Vis_test[n].reshape(28,28), cmap='Greys',interpolation='nearest') #, vmin=-1., vmax=1., plt.axis('off') plt.text(0,-2,'t=%d %.1f, %.1f' %(total_time, np.min(Vis_test[n]), np.max(Vis_test[n])), fontsize=8) next_stop = 2**s #max(1, next_stop) * 2 # wait X times longer each time before showing the next sample. filename = '%s_gibbs_chains.png' % ( plt.savefig(filename) print('Saved %s' % (filename)) def save_as_pickle(self, annotation=''): """ Save this RBM's weights and biases. """ name = if len(annotation)>0: name = name + annotation filename = './saved_nets/%s.npz' % (name) np.savez(filename, W=self.W, hid_bias=self.hid_bias, vis_bias=self.vis_bias) print('Saved the pickle of %s' % (filename)) def random_visibles_for_rbm(rbm, num_items): return np.random.randint(0,2,(num_items, rbm.get_num_vis())) def random_hiddens_for_rbm(rbm, num_items): return np.random.randint(0,2,(num_items, rbm.get_num_hid())) def random_hidden_for_rbm(rbm): return np.random.randint(0,2,rbm.get_num_hid()) def weights_into_hiddens(weights): num_vis = math.sqrt(weights.shape[1]) return weights.reshape(weights.shape[0],num_vis, num_vis) def load_mnist_digits(digits, dataset_size): vis_train_pats = flatten_dataset(load_mnist_digit(digits[0],dataset_size)) for i in digits[1:]: vis_train_pats = np.vstack((vis_train_pats, flatten_dataset(load_mnist_digit(i,dataset_size)))) # Now scramble the order. num_pats = vis_train_pats.shape[0] rand_order = rng.permutation(np.arange(num_pats)) vis_train_pats = vis_train_pats[rand_order] # THE FOLLOWING WRITES LIST OF DIGIT IMAGES AS A CSV TO A PLAIN TXT FILE # np.savetxt(fname='mnist_digits.txt', X=vis_train_pats, fmt='%.2f', delimiter=',') vis_train_pats = vis_train_pats*2.0 - 1.0 # so range is vis_train_pats *= 2.0 # 0.5 print('visibles range from %.2f to %.2f' % (vis_train_pats.min(), vis_train_pats.max())) return vis_train_pats def generate_smooth_bkgd(dataset_size): bkgd_imgs = np.ones((dataset_size, 28, 28), dtype=float) x = np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,28) y = np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,28) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y) print('dataset size: ', dataset_size) for i in range(dataset_size): xslope, yslope = .5*(2.*rng.rand()-1.), .5*(2*rng.rand()-1.) intercept = 0.5*(2.*rng.rand()-1.) img = xslope*X + yslope*Y + intercept img = img - np.min(np.ravel(img)) img = img / np.max(np.ravel(img)) bkgd_imgs[i] = 2*img - 1.0 vis_train_pats = flatten_dataset(bkgd_imgs) #print('vis_train_pats shape is ', vis_train_pats.shape) print('gradient visibles range from %.2f to %.2f' % (vis_train_pats.min(), vis_train_pats.max())) return vis_train_pats def load_mnist_digit(digit, dataset_size): assert(digit >= 0 and digit < 10) with open("datasets/{}.npy".format(digit),'rb') as f: return np.load(f)[:dataset_size] def flatten_dataset(images): smushed = images.copy() return smushed.reshape((smushed.shape[0], -1)) def show_example_images(pats, filename='examples.png'): rows = 6 cols = 6 i=0 plt.clf() for r in range(rows): for c in range(cols): plt.subplot(rows,cols,i+1) j = r+rows*c # rng.randint(0,len(pats)) plt.imshow(pats[j].reshape(28,28), cmap='Greys', interpolation='nearest', vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) maxval = pats[j].max() minval = pats[j].min() plt.text(0,0,"%.1f, %.1f" %(minval, maxval), fontsize=7, color='b') plt.axis('off') i += 1 plt.savefig(filename) print('Saved figure named %s' % (filename)) def make_2layer_dynamics_figure(L1, L2): ## WATCH OUT FOR CONSEQUENCES!!! L1.DROPOUT = False L2.DROPOUT = False ### WATCH OUT FOR CONSEQUENCES!!! num_examples = 5 mid_pats = random_visibles_for_rbm(L2, num_examples) i = 0 next_stop = 0 num_rows = 6 plt.clf() total_time = 0 for s in range(num_rows): print ('alternating Gibbs to iter %d' % (next_stop)) while total_time < next_stop: top_pats = L2.pushup(mid_pats) mid_pats = L2.pushdown(top_pats) total_time += 1 vis_pats = L1.pushdown(mid_pats) for n in range(num_examples): i += 1 plt.subplot(num_rows,num_examples,i) plt.imshow(vis_pats[n].reshape(28,28), cmap='Greys', vmin=-1., vmax=1., interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('off') plt.text(0,-2,'iter %d' %(total_time), fontsize=8) next_stop = max(1, next_stop) * 5 # wait X times longer each time before showing the next sample. filename = '%s_2layer_chains.png' % ( plt.savefig(filename) print('Saved %s' % (filename))
import numpy as np from scipy import sparse as sp from import assert_raises, assert_equal from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.feature_selection.base import SelectorMixin from sklearn.utils import check_array class StepSelector(SelectorMixin, BaseEstimator): """Retain every `step` features (beginning with 0)""" def __init__(self, step=2): self.step = step def fit(self, X, y=None): X = check_array(X, 'csc') self.n_input_feats = X.shape[1] return self def _get_support_mask(self): mask = np.zeros(self.n_input_feats, dtype=bool) mask[::self.step] = True return mask support = [True, False] * 5 support_inds = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8] X = np.arange(20).reshape(2, 10) Xt = np.arange(0, 20, 2).reshape(2, 5) Xinv = X.copy() Xinv[:, 1::2] = 0 y = [0, 1] feature_names = list('ABCDEFGHIJ') feature_names_t = feature_names[::2] feature_names_inv = np.array(feature_names) feature_names_inv[1::2] = '' def test_transform_dense(): sel = StepSelector() Xt_actual =, y).transform(X) Xt_actual2 = StepSelector().fit_transform(X, y) assert_array_equal(Xt, Xt_actual) assert_array_equal(Xt, Xt_actual2) # Check dtype matches assert_equal(np.int32, sel.transform(X.astype(np.int32)).dtype) assert_equal(np.float32, sel.transform(X.astype(np.float32)).dtype) # Check 1d list and other dtype: names_t_actual = sel.transform([feature_names]) assert_array_equal(feature_names_t, names_t_actual.ravel()) # Check wrong shape raises error assert_raises(ValueError, sel.transform, np.array([[1], [2]])) def test_transform_sparse(): sparse = sp.csc_matrix sel = StepSelector() Xt_actual = Xt_actual2 = sel.fit_transform(sparse(X)) assert_array_equal(Xt, Xt_actual.toarray()) assert_array_equal(Xt, Xt_actual2.toarray()) # Check dtype matches assert_equal(np.int32, sel.transform(sparse(X).astype(np.int32)).dtype) assert_equal(np.float32, sel.transform(sparse(X).astype(np.float32)).dtype) # Check wrong shape raises error assert_raises(ValueError, sel.transform, np.array([[1], [2]])) def test_inverse_transform_dense(): sel = StepSelector() Xinv_actual =, y).inverse_transform(Xt) assert_array_equal(Xinv, Xinv_actual) # Check dtype matches assert_equal(np.int32, sel.inverse_transform(Xt.astype(np.int32)).dtype) assert_equal(np.float32, sel.inverse_transform(Xt.astype(np.float32)).dtype) # Check 1d list and other dtype: names_inv_actual = sel.inverse_transform([feature_names_t]) assert_array_equal(feature_names_inv, names_inv_actual.ravel()) # Check wrong shape raises error assert_raises(ValueError, sel.inverse_transform, np.array([[1], [2]])) def test_inverse_transform_sparse(): sparse = sp.csc_matrix sel = StepSelector() Xinv_actual = assert_array_equal(Xinv, Xinv_actual.toarray()) # Check dtype matches assert_equal(np.int32, sel.inverse_transform(sparse(Xt).astype(np.int32)).dtype) assert_equal(np.float32, sel.inverse_transform(sparse(Xt).astype(np.float32)).dtype) # Check wrong shape raises error assert_raises(ValueError, sel.inverse_transform, np.array([[1], [2]])) def test_get_support(): sel = StepSelector(), y) assert_array_equal(support, sel.get_support()) assert_array_equal(support_inds, sel.get_support(indices=True))
""" Testing for Theil-Sen module (sklearn.linear_model.theil_sen) """ # Author: Florian Wilhelm <> # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import os import sys from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_less from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_warns from scipy.linalg import norm from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs from import raises, assert_almost_equal from sklearn.utils import ConvergenceWarning from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, TheilSenRegressor from sklearn.linear_model.theil_sen import _spatial_median, _breakdown_point from sklearn.linear_model.theil_sen import _modified_weiszfeld_step from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater, assert_less @contextmanager def no_stdout_stderr(): old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') sys.stderr = open(os.devnull, 'w') yield sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr def gen_toy_problem_1d(intercept=True): random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) # Linear model y = 3*x + N(2, 0.1**2) w = 3. if intercept: c = 2. n_samples = 50 else: c = 0.1 n_samples = 100 x = random_state.normal(size=n_samples) noise = 0.1 * random_state.normal(size=n_samples) y = w * x + c + noise # Add some outliers if intercept: x[42], y[42] = (-2, 4) x[43], y[43] = (-2.5, 8) x[33], y[33] = (2.5, 1) x[49], y[49] = (2.1, 2) else: x[42], y[42] = (-2, 4) x[43], y[43] = (-2.5, 8) x[53], y[53] = (2.5, 1) x[60], y[60] = (2.1, 2) x[72], y[72] = (1.8, -7) return x[:, np.newaxis], y, w, c def gen_toy_problem_2d(): random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 100 # Linear model y = 5*x_1 + 10*x_2 + N(1, 0.1**2) X = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, 2)) w = np.array([5., 10.]) c = 1. noise = 0.1 * random_state.normal(size=n_samples) y =, w) + c + noise # Add some outliers n_outliers = n_samples // 10 ix = random_state.randint(0, n_samples, size=n_outliers) y[ix] = 50 * random_state.normal(size=n_outliers) return X, y, w, c def gen_toy_problem_4d(): random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples = 10000 # Linear model y = 5*x_1 + 10*x_2 + 42*x_3 + 7*x_4 + N(1, 0.1**2) X = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, 4)) w = np.array([5., 10., 42., 7.]) c = 1. noise = 0.1 * random_state.normal(size=n_samples) y =, w) + c + noise # Add some outliers n_outliers = n_samples // 10 ix = random_state.randint(0, n_samples, size=n_outliers) y[ix] = 50 * random_state.normal(size=n_outliers) return X, y, w, c def test_modweiszfeld_step_1d(): X = np.array([1., 2., 3.]).reshape(3, 1) # Check startvalue is element of X and solution median = 2. new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, median) assert_array_almost_equal(new_y, median) # Check startvalue is not the solution y = 2.5 new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, y) assert_array_less(median, new_y) assert_array_less(new_y, y) # Check startvalue is not the solution but element of X y = 3. new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, y) assert_array_less(median, new_y) assert_array_less(new_y, y) # Check that a single vector is identity X = np.array([1., 2., 3.]).reshape(1, 3) y = X[0, ] new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, y) assert_array_equal(y, new_y) def test_modweiszfeld_step_2d(): X = np.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1.]).reshape(3, 2) y = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) # Check first two iterations new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(new_y, np.array([1 / 3, 2 / 3])) new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, new_y) assert_array_almost_equal(new_y, np.array([0.2792408, 0.7207592])) # Check fix point y = np.array([0.21132505, 0.78867497]) new_y = _modified_weiszfeld_step(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(new_y, y) def test_spatial_median_1d(): X = np.array([1., 2., 3.]).reshape(3, 1) true_median = 2. _, median = _spatial_median(X) assert_array_almost_equal(median, true_median) # Test larger problem and for exact solution in 1d case random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) X = random_state.randint(100, size=(1000, 1)) true_median = np.median(X.ravel()) _, median = _spatial_median(X) assert_array_equal(median, true_median) def test_spatial_median_2d(): X = np.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1.]).reshape(3, 2) _, median = _spatial_median(X, max_iter=100, tol=1.e-6) def cost_func(y): dists = np.array([norm(x - y) for x in X]) return np.sum(dists) # Check if median is solution of the Fermat-Weber location problem fermat_weber = fmin_bfgs(cost_func, median, disp=False) assert_array_almost_equal(median, fermat_weber) # Check when maximum iteration is exceeded a warning is emitted assert_warns(ConvergenceWarning, _spatial_median, X, max_iter=30, tol=0.) def test_theil_sen_1d(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d() # Check that Least Squares fails lstq = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) assert_greater(np.abs(lstq.coef_ - w), 0.9) # Check that Theil-Sen works theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(random_state=0).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, w, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.intercept_, c, 1) def test_theil_sen_1d_no_intercept(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d(intercept=False) # Check that Least Squares fails lstq = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False).fit(X, y) assert_greater(np.abs(lstq.coef_ - w - c), 0.5) # Check that Theil-Sen works theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(fit_intercept=False, random_state=0).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, w + c, 1) assert_almost_equal(theil_sen.intercept_, 0.) def test_theil_sen_2d(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_2d() # Check that Least Squares fails lstq = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) assert_greater(norm(lstq.coef_ - w), 1.0) # Check that Theil-Sen works theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(max_subpopulation=1e3, random_state=0).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, w, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.intercept_, c, 1) def test_calc_breakdown_point(): bp = _breakdown_point(1e10, 2) assert_less(np.abs(bp - 1 + 1/(np.sqrt(2))), 1.e-6) @raises(ValueError) def test_checksubparams_negative_subpopulation(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d() TheilSenRegressor(max_subpopulation=-1, random_state=0).fit(X, y) @raises(ValueError) def test_checksubparams_too_few_subsamples(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d() TheilSenRegressor(n_subsamples=1, random_state=0).fit(X, y) @raises(ValueError) def test_checksubparams_too_many_subsamples(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d() TheilSenRegressor(n_subsamples=101, random_state=0).fit(X, y) @raises(ValueError) def test_checksubparams_n_subsamples_if_less_samples_than_features(): random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features = 10, 20 X = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, n_features)) y = random_state.normal(size=n_samples) TheilSenRegressor(n_subsamples=9, random_state=0).fit(X, y) def test_subpopulation(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_4d() theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(max_subpopulation=250, random_state=0).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, w, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.intercept_, c, 1) def test_subsamples(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_4d() theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(n_subsamples=X.shape[0], random_state=0).fit(X, y) lstq = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) # Check for exact the same results as Least Squares assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, lstq.coef_, 9) def test_verbosity(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_1d() # Check that Theil-Sen can be verbose with no_stdout_stderr(): TheilSenRegressor(verbose=True, random_state=0).fit(X, y) TheilSenRegressor(verbose=True, max_subpopulation=10, random_state=0).fit(X, y) def test_theil_sen_parallel(): X, y, w, c = gen_toy_problem_2d() # Check that Least Squares fails lstq = LinearRegression().fit(X, y) assert_greater(norm(lstq.coef_ - w), 1.0) # Check that Theil-Sen works theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(n_jobs=-1, random_state=0, max_subpopulation=2e3).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, w, 1) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.intercept_, c, 1) def test_less_samples_than_features(): random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) n_samples, n_features = 10, 20 X = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, n_features)) y = random_state.normal(size=n_samples) # Check that Theil-Sen falls back to Least Squares if fit_intercept=False theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(fit_intercept=False, random_state=0).fit(X, y) lstq = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False).fit(X, y) assert_array_almost_equal(theil_sen.coef_, lstq.coef_, 12) # Check fit_intercept=True case. This will not be equal to the Least # Squares solution since the intercept is calculated differently. theil_sen = TheilSenRegressor(fit_intercept=True, random_state=0).fit(X, y) y_pred = theil_sen.predict(X) assert_array_almost_equal(y_pred, y, 12)
# Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import ctypes import numpy as np import torch from smore.cpp_sampler import libsampler from smore.cpp_sampler import sampler_clib from smore.common.util import name_query_dict from collections import defaultdict from tqdm import tqdm def is_all_relation(query_structure): for ele in query_structure[-1]: if ele not in ['r', 'n']: return False return True def has_negation(query_structure): for ele in query_structure[-1]: if ele == 'n': return True return False def build_query_tree(query_structure, fn_qt_create): if is_all_relation(query_structure): assert len(query_structure) == 2 if query_structure[0] == 'e': prev_node = fn_qt_create(libsampler.entity) else: prev_node = build_query_tree(query_structure[0], fn_qt_create) for i, c in enumerate(query_structure[-1]): if c == 'r': cur_op = libsampler.relation else: assert c == 'n' cur_op = libsampler.negation cur_root = fn_qt_create(libsampler.entity_set) cur_root.add_child(cur_op, prev_node) prev_node = cur_root return cur_root else: last_qt = query_structure[-1] node_type = libsampler.intersect if len(last_qt) == 1 and last_qt[0] == 'u': node_type = libsampler.union query_structure = query_structure[:-1] sub_root = fn_qt_create(node_type) for c in query_structure: ch_node = build_query_tree(c, fn_qt_create) sub_root.add_child(libsampler.no_op, ch_node) return sub_root class OnlineSampler(object): def __init__(self, kg, query_names, negative_sample_size, sample_mode, normalized_structure_prob, sampler_type='naive', share_negative=False, same_in_batch=False, weighted_answer_sampling=False, weighted_negative_sampling=False, nprefetch=10, num_threads=8): = kg kg_dtype = kg.dtype fn_qt_create = libsampler.create_qt32 if kg_dtype == 'uint32' else libsampler.create_qt64 query_structures = [name_query_dict[task] for task in query_names] self.query_structures = query_structures self.normalized_structure_prob = normalized_structure_prob assert len(normalized_structure_prob) == len(query_structures) self.negative_sample_size = negative_sample_size self.share_negative = share_negative self.same_in_batch = same_in_batch self.nprefetch = nprefetch if len(sample_mode) == 5: self.rel_bandwidth, self.max_to_keep, self.weighted_style, self.structure_weighted_style, self.max_n_partial_answers = sample_mode self.weighted_ans_sample = False self.weighted_neg_sample = False else: self.rel_bandwidth, self.max_to_keep, self.weighted_style, self.structure_weighted_style, self.max_n_partial_answers, self.weighted_ans_sample, self.weighted_neg_sample = sample_mode if self.rel_bandwidth <= 0: self.rel_bandwidth = kg.num_ent if self.max_to_keep <= 0: self.max_to_keep = kg.num_ent if self.max_n_partial_answers <= 0: self.max_n_partial_answers = kg.num_ent if self.structure_weighted_style == 'wstruct': assert self.normalized_structure_prob is not None list_qt = [] list_qt_nargs = [] for qs in query_structures: if qs[0] == '<': # inverse query assert is_all_relation(qs[1]) and not has_negation(qs[1]) qt = build_query_tree(qs[1], fn_qt_create) qt.is_inverse = True else: qt = build_query_tree(qs, fn_qt_create) list_qt.append(qt) list_qt_nargs.append(qt.get_num_args()) self.list_qt = list_qt self.list_qt_nargs = list_qt_nargs self.max_num_args = max(list_qt_nargs) no_search_list = [] if sampler_type == 'naive': sampler_cls = sampler_clib.naive_sampler(kg_dtype) elif sampler_type.startswith('sqrt'): sampler_cls = sampler_clib.rejection_sampler(kg_dtype) if '-' in sampler_type: no_search_list = [int(x) for x in sampler_type.split('-')[1].split('.')] elif sampler_type == 'nosearch': sampler_cls = sampler_clib.no_search_sampler(kg_dtype) elif sampler_type == 'edge': sampler_cls = sampler_clib.edge_sampler(kg_dtype) list_qt = query_names else: raise ValueError("Unknown sampler %s" % sampler_type) self.sampler_type = sampler_type self.sampler = sampler_cls(kg, list_qt, normalized_structure_prob, self.share_negative, self.same_in_batch, self.weighted_ans_sample, self.weighted_neg_sample, negative_sample_size, self.rel_bandwidth, self.max_to_keep, self.max_n_partial_answers, num_threads, no_search_list) def print_queries(self): self.sampler.print_queries() def sample_entities(self, weighted, num): entities = torch.LongTensor(num) self.sampler.sample_batch_entities(weighted, num, entities.numpy()) return entities def set_seed(self, seed): self.sampler.set_seed(seed) def batch_generator(self, batch_size): self.sampler.prefetch(batch_size, self.nprefetch) uniform_weigths = torch.ones(batch_size) list_buffer = [] for i in range(2): t_pos_ans = torch.LongTensor(batch_size) if self.share_negative: t_neg_ans = torch.LongTensor(1, self.negative_sample_size) t_is_neg_mat = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, self.negative_sample_size) else: t_neg_ans = torch.LongTensor(batch_size, self.negative_sample_size) t_is_neg_mat = torch.FloatTensor(1, 2) t_weights = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size) t_arg_buffer = torch.LongTensor(batch_size, self.max_num_args) list_buffer.append((t_pos_ans, t_neg_ans, t_is_neg_mat, t_weights, t_arg_buffer)) buf_idx = 0 pos_ans, neg_ans, is_neg_mat, weights, arg_buffer = list_buffer[buf_idx] q_type = self.sampler.next_batch(pos_ans.numpy(), neg_ans.numpy(), weights.numpy(), is_neg_mat.numpy(), arg_buffer.numpy()) while True: next_buf_idx = 1 - buf_idx next_pos_ans, next_neg_ans, next_is_neg_mat, next_weights, next_arg_buffer = list_buffer[next_buf_idx] next_q_type = self.sampler.next_batch(next_pos_ans.numpy(), next_neg_ans.numpy(), next_weights.numpy(), next_is_neg_mat.numpy(), next_arg_buffer.numpy()) if self.weighted_style == 'u': weights = uniform_weigths pos_ans, neg_ans, is_neg_mat, weights, arg_buffer = list_buffer[buf_idx] q_args = arg_buffer[:, :self.list_qt_nargs[q_type]] q_structs = [self.query_structures[q_type]] * batch_size if self.sampler_type == 'edge': is_neg_mat = None yield pos_ans, neg_ans, is_neg_mat if self.share_negative else None, weights, q_args, q_structs q_type = next_q_type buf_idx = 1 - buf_idx def has_negation(st): if isinstance(st, tuple): for c in st: if has_negation(c): return True else: assert isinstance(st, str) return st == 'n' return False def print_qt(qt, g, idx): import graphviz node_type = str(qt.node_type).split('.')[-1] root_idx = str(idx) color = '#CCCCFF' if qt.sqrt_middle else '#FFFFFF' g.node(root_idx, node_type, fillcolor=color) idx += 1 ch_list = [] qt.get_children(ch_list) for ch in ch_list: ch_idx = idx idx = print_qt(ch, g, ch_idx) l = str(ch.parent_edge).split('.')[-1] if l == 'no_op': l = '' s = 'solid' if l == 'negation': s = 'dashed' g.edge(root_idx, str(ch_idx), label=l, style=s) return idx if __name__ == '__main__': import time db_name = 'FB15k' data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'data/knowledge_graphs/%s' % db_name) with open(os.path.join(data_folder, 'stats.txt'), 'r') as f: num_ent = f.readline().strip().split()[-1] num_rel = f.readline().strip().split()[-1] num_ent, num_rel = int(num_ent), int(num_rel) kg = libsampler.KG32(num_ent, num_rel) kg.load(data_folder + '/train_bidir.bin') print('num ent', kg.num_ent) print('num rel', kg.num_rel) print('num edges', kg.num_edges) sampler_type = 'naive' query_structures = ["1p"] negative_sample_size = 256 sample_mode = (0, 0, 'u', 'u', 0, True, False) sampler = OnlineSampler(kg, query_structures, negative_sample_size, sample_mode, [1.0 / len(query_structures)] * len(query_structures), sampler_type=sampler_type, share_negative=True, same_in_batch=True, num_threads=1) batch_gen = sampler.batch_generator(10) idx = 0 for pos_ans, neg_ans, is_neg_mat, weights, q_args, q_structs in tqdm(batch_gen): idx += 1 # if idx > 10: # break # for i, qt in enumerate(sampler.list_qt): # g = graphviz.Digraph() # g.node_attr['style']='filled' # print_qt(qt, g, 0) # g.render('graph-%d' % i) # log_file = open('%s/%s-%d.txt' % (db_name, sampler_type, bd), 'w') # samplers = [None] * len(all_query_structures) # for i in range(len(all_query_structures)): # query_structures = all_query_structures[i:i+1] # samplers[i] = OnlineSampler(kg, query_structures, negative_sample_size, sample_mode, [1.0 / len(query_structures)] * len(query_structures), # sampler_type=sampler_type, # num_threads=8) # sampler = samplers[i] # batch_gen = sampler.batch_generator(1024) # t = time.time() # idx = 0 # for pos_ans, weights, q_args, q_structs, neg_ans in batch_gen: # idx += 1 # if idx > 10: # break # log_file.write('%d %.4f\n' % (i, (time.time() - t) / 10)) # log_file.close()
""" Encoder, decoder, encoder-decoder architectures. """ from collections import OrderedDict import torch import torch.nn as nn from .base import TorchModel from .utils import get_shape from .layers import ConvBlock, Upsample, Combine, Crop from .blocks import DefaultBlock from ..utils import unpack_args class EncoderModule(nn.ModuleDict): """ Encoder: create compressed representation of an input by reducing its spatial dimensions. """ def __init__(self, inputs=None, return_all=True, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.return_all = return_all self._make_modules(inputs, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): outputs = [] for letter, layer in zip(self.layout, self.values()): if letter in ['b', 'd', 'p']: x = layer(x) elif letter in ['s']: outputs.append(x) outputs.append(x) if self.return_all: return outputs return outputs[-1] def _make_modules(self, inputs, **kwargs): num_stages = kwargs.pop('num_stages') encoder_layout = ''.join([item[0] for item in kwargs.pop('order')]) block_args = kwargs.pop('blocks') downsample_args = kwargs.pop('downsample') self.layout = '' for i in range(num_stages): for letter in encoder_layout: if letter in ['b']: args = {**kwargs, **block_args, **unpack_args(block_args, i, num_stages)} layer = ConvBlock(inputs=inputs, **args) inputs = layer(inputs) layer_desc = 'block-{}'.format(i) elif letter in ['d', 'p']: args = {**kwargs, **downsample_args, **unpack_args(downsample_args, i, num_stages)} layer = ConvBlock(inputs=inputs, **args) inputs = layer(inputs) layer_desc = 'downsample-{}'.format(i) elif letter in ['s']: layer = nn.Identity() layer_desc = 'skip-{}'.format(i) else: raise ValueError('Unknown letter in order {}, use one of "b", "d", "p", "s"' .format(letter)) self.update([(layer_desc, layer)]) self.layout += letter class EmbeddingModule(nn.Module): """ Embedding: thorough processing of an input tensor. """ def __init__(self, inputs=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() inputs = inputs[-1] if isinstance(inputs, list) else inputs self.embedding = ConvBlock(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): inputs = x if isinstance(x, list) else [x] x = inputs[-1] inputs.append(self.embedding(x)) return inputs class DecoderModule(nn.ModuleDict): """ Decoder: increasing spatial dimensions. """ def __init__(self, inputs=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self._make_modules(inputs, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): inputs = x if isinstance(x, list) else [x] x = inputs[-1] i = 0 for letter, layer in zip(self.layout, self.values()): if letter in ['b', 'u']: x = layer(x) elif letter in ['c'] and self.skip and (i < len(inputs) - 2): x = layer([x, inputs[-i - 3]]) i += 1 return x def _make_modules(self, inputs, **kwargs): inputs = inputs if isinstance(inputs, list) else [inputs] x = inputs[-1] num_stages = kwargs.pop('num_stages') or len(inputs) - 2 decoder_layout = ''.join([item[0] for item in kwargs.pop('order')]) self.skip = kwargs.pop('skip') factor = kwargs.pop('factor') or [2]*num_stages if isinstance(factor, int): factor = int(factor ** (1/num_stages)) factor = [factor] * num_stages elif not isinstance(factor, list): raise TypeError('factor should be int or list of int, but %s was given' % type(factor)) block_args = kwargs.pop('blocks') upsample_args = kwargs.pop('upsample') combine_args = kwargs.pop('combine') self.layout = '' for i in range(num_stages): for letter in decoder_layout: if letter in ['b']: args = {**kwargs, **block_args, **unpack_args(block_args, i, num_stages)} layer = ConvBlock(inputs=x, **args) x = layer(x) layer_desc = 'block-{}'.format(i) elif letter in ['u']: args = {'factor': factor[i], **kwargs, **upsample_args, **unpack_args(upsample_args, i, num_stages)} layer = Upsample(inputs=x, **args) x = layer(x) layer_desc = 'upsample-{}'.format(i) elif letter in ['c']: if self.skip and (i < len(inputs) - 2): args = {'factor': factor[i], **kwargs, **combine_args, **unpack_args(combine_args, i, num_stages)} layer = Combine(inputs=[x, inputs[-i - 3]], **args) x = layer([x, inputs[-i - 3]]) layer_desc = 'combine-{}'.format(i) else: raise ValueError('Unknown letter in order {}, use one of ("b", "u", "c")'.format(letter)) self.update([(layer_desc, layer)]) self.layout += letter class Encoder(TorchModel): """ Encoder architecture. Allows to combine blocks from different models, e.g. ResNet and DenseNet, in order to create new ones with just a few lines of code. Intended to be used for classification tasks. Parameters ---------- body : dict encoder : dict, optional num_stages : int Number of downsampling stages. order : str, sequence of str Determines order of applying layers. If str, then each letter stands for operation: 'b' for 'block', 'd'/'p' for 'downsampling', 's' for 'skip'. If sequence, than the first letter of each item stands for operation: For example, `'sbd'` allows to use throw skip connection -> block -> downsampling. downsample : dict, optional Parameters for downsampling (see :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`) blocks : dict, optional Parameters for pre-processing blocks. base : callable Tensor processing function. Default is :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`. other args : dict Parameters for the base block. """ @classmethod def default_config(cls): config = super().default_config() config['body/encoder'] = dict(num_stages=None, order=['skip', 'block', 'downsampling']) config['body/encoder/downsample'] = dict(layout='p', pool_size=2, pool_strides=2) config['body/encoder/blocks'] = dict(base=DefaultBlock) return config @classmethod def body(cls, inputs, return_all=False, **kwargs): kwargs = cls.get_defaults('body', kwargs) encoder = kwargs.pop('encoder') layers = [('encoder', EncoderModule(inputs=inputs, return_all=return_all, **{**kwargs, **encoder}))] return nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers)) class Decoder(TorchModel): """ Decoder architecture. Allows to combine blocks from different models, e.g. ResNet and DenseNet, in order to create new ones with just a few lines of code. Intended to be used for increasing spatial dimensionality of inputs. Parameters ---------- body : dict decoder : dict, optional num_stages : int Number of upsampling blocks. factor : int or list of int If int, the total upsampling factor for all stages combined. If list, upsampling factors for each stage. skip : bool, dict If bool, then whether to combine upsampled tensor with stored pre-downsample encoding by using `combine` parameters that can be specified for each of blocks separately. order : str, sequence of str Determines order of applying layers. If str, then each letter stands for operation: 'b' for 'block', 'u' for 'upsampling', 'c' for 'combine' If sequence, than the first letter of each item stands for operation. For example, `'ucb'` allows to use upsampling -> combine -> block. upsample : dict Parameters for upsampling (see :class:`~.layers.Upsample`). blocks : dict Parameters for post-processing blocks: base : callable Tensor processing function. Default is :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`. other args : dict Parameters for the base block. combine : dict If dict, then parameters for combining tensors, see :class:`~.layers.Combine`. head : dict, optional Parameters for the head layers, usually :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock` parameters. Note that an extra 1x1 convolution may be applied in order to make predictions compatible with the shape of the targets. """ @classmethod def default_config(cls): config = super().default_config() config['body/decoder'] = dict(skip=True, num_stages=None, factor=None, order=['upsampling', 'block', 'combine']) config['body/decoder/upsample'] = dict(layout='tna') config['body/decoder/blocks'] = dict(base=DefaultBlock) config['body/decoder/combine'] = dict(op='concat', leading_index=1) return config @classmethod def body(cls, inputs, **kwargs): kwargs = cls.get_defaults('body', kwargs) decoder = kwargs.pop('decoder') layers = [('decoder', DecoderModule(inputs=inputs, **{**kwargs, **decoder}))] return nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers)) @classmethod def head(cls, inputs, target_shape, classes, **kwargs): kwargs = cls.get_defaults('head', kwargs) layers = [] layer = super().head(inputs, target_shape, classes, **kwargs) if layer is not None: inputs = layer(inputs) layers.append(layer) if classes: if get_shape(inputs)[1] != classes: layer = ConvBlock(inputs=inputs, layout='c', filters=classes, kernel_size=1) layers.append(layer) return nn.Sequential(*layers) class EncoderDecoder(Decoder): """ Encoder-decoder architecture. Allows to combine blocks from different models, e.g. ResNet and DenseNet, in order to create new ones with just a few lines of code. Intended to be used for segmentation tasks. Parameters ---------- body : dict encoder : dict, optional num_stages : int Number of downsampling stages. order : str, sequence of str Determines order of applying layers. If str, then each letter stands for operation: 'b' for 'block', 'd'/'p' for 'downsampling', 's' for 'skip'. If sequence, than the first letter of each item stands for operation: For example, `'sbd'` allows to use throw skip connection -> block -> downsampling. downsample : dict, optional Parameters for downsampling (see :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`) blocks : dict, optional Parameters for pre-processing blocks. base : callable Tensor processing function. Default is :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`. other args : dict Parameters for the base block. embedding : dict or None, optional If None no embedding block is created. If dict, then parameters for tensor processing function. base : callable Tensor processing function. Default is :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`. other args Parameters for the base block. decoder : dict, optional num_stages : int Number of upsampling blocks. factor : int or list of int If int, the total upsampling factor for all stages combined. If list, upsampling factors for each stage. skip : bool, dict If bool, then whether to combine upsampled tensor with stored pre-downsample encoding by using `combine` parameters that can be specified for each of blocks separately. order : str, sequence of str Determines order of applying layers. If str, then each letter stands for operation: 'b' for 'block', 'u' for 'upsampling', 'c' for 'combine' If sequence, than the first letter of each item stands for operation. For example, `'ucb'` allows to use upsampling -> combine -> block. upsample : dict Parameters for upsampling (see :class:`~.layers.Upsample`). blocks : dict Parameters for post-processing blocks: base : callable Tensor processing function. Default is :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock`. other args : dict Parameters for the base block. combine : dict If dict, then parameters for combining tensors, see :class:`~.layers.Combine`. head : dict, optional Parameters for the head layers, usually :class:`~.layers.ConvBlock` parameters. Note that an extra 1x1 convolution may be applied in order to make predictions compatible with the shape of the targets. Examples -------- Use ResNet as an encoder with desired number of blocks and filters in them (total downsampling factor is 4), create an embedding that contains 256 channels, then upsample it to get 8 times the size of initial image. >>> config = { 'inputs': dict(images={'shape': B('image_shape')}, masks={'name': 'targets', 'shape': B('mask_shape')}), 'initial_block/inputs': 'images', 'body/encoder': {'base': ResNet, 'num_blocks': [2, 3, 4] 'filters': [16, 32, 128]}, 'body/embedding': {'layout': 'cna', 'filters': 256}, 'body/decoder': {'num_stages': 5, 'factor': 32}, } Preprocess input image with 7x7 convolutions, downsample it 5 times with DenseNet blocks in between, use MobileNet block in the bottom, then restore original image size with subpixel convolutions and ResNeXt blocks in between: >>> config = { 'inputs': dict(images={'shape': B('image_shape')}, masks={'name': 'targets', 'shape': B('mask_shape')}), 'initial_block': {'inputs': 'images', 'layout': 'cna', 'filters': 4, 'kernel_size': 7}, 'body/encoder': {'num_stages': 5, 'blocks': {'base': DenseNet.block, 'num_layers': [2, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'growth_rate': 6, 'skip': True}}, 'body/embedding': {'base': MobileNet.block, 'width_factor': 2}, 'body/decoder': {'upsample': {'layout': 'X'}, 'blocks': {'base': ResNet.block, 'filters': [256, 128, 64, 32, 16], 'resnext': True}}, } """ @classmethod def default_config(cls): config = super().default_config() config['body/encoder'] = dict(num_stages=None, order=['skip', 'block', 'downsampling']) config['body/encoder/downsample'] = dict(layout='p', pool_size=2, pool_strides=2) config['body/encoder/blocks'] = dict(base=DefaultBlock) config['body/embedding'] = dict(base=DefaultBlock) config['body/decoder'] = dict(skip=True, num_stages=None, factor=None, order=['upsampling', 'block', 'combine']) config['body/decoder/upsample'] = dict(layout='tna') config['body/decoder/blocks'] = dict(base=DefaultBlock) config['body/decoder/combine'] = dict(op='concat', leading_index=1) return config @classmethod def body(cls, inputs, **kwargs): kwargs = cls.get_defaults('body', kwargs) encoder = kwargs.pop('encoder') embedding = kwargs.pop('embedding') decoder = kwargs.pop('decoder') layers = [] encoder = cls.encoder(inputs=inputs, **{**kwargs, **encoder}) encoder_outputs = encoder(inputs) layers.append(('encoder', encoder)) if embedding is not None: embedding = cls.embedding(inputs=encoder_outputs, **{**kwargs, **embedding}) else: embedding = nn.Identity() encoder_outputs = embedding(encoder_outputs) layers.append(('embedding', embedding)) decoder = cls.decoder(inputs=encoder_outputs, **{**kwargs, **decoder}) layers.append(('decoder', decoder)) return nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers)) @classmethod def encoder(cls, inputs, **kwargs): """ Create encoder either from base model or block args. """ if 'base_model' in kwargs: base_model = kwargs['base_model'] base_model_kwargs = kwargs.get('base_model_kwargs', {}) return base_model.body(inputs=inputs, return_all=True, encoder=base_model_kwargs).encoder return EncoderModule(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) @classmethod def embedding(cls, inputs, **kwargs): return EmbeddingModule(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) @classmethod def decoder(cls, inputs, **kwargs): return DecoderModule(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) class AutoEncoder(EncoderDecoder): """ Model without skip-connections between corresponding stages of encoder and decoder. """ @classmethod def default_config(cls): config = super().default_config() config['body/decoder'] += dict(skip=False) return config class VariationalBlock(nn.Module): """ Reparametrization trick block. """ def __init__(self, inputs=None, base_mu=None, base_std=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.mean = base_mu(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) self.std = base_std(inputs=inputs, **kwargs) def forward(self, x): mean = self.mean(x) std = self.std(x) return mean + std * torch.randn_like(std) class VariationalAutoEncoder(AutoEncoder): """ Autoencoder that maps input into distribution. Based on Kingma, Diederik P; Welling, Max "`Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes <>`_" Notes ----- Distribution that is learned is always normal. """ @classmethod def default_config(cls): config = super().default_config() config['body/embedding'] += dict(base=VariationalBlock, base_mu=DefaultBlock, base_std=DefaultBlock) return config
import unittest import sys import numpy as np from sklearn.mixture import DPGMM, VBGMM from sklearn.mixture.dpgmm import log_normalize from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_less, assert_equal from sklearn.mixture.tests.test_gmm import GMMTester from sklearn.externals.six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO np.seterr(all='warn') def test_class_weights(): # check that the class weights are updated # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50) # get indices of components that are used: indices = np.unique(dpgmm.predict(X)) active = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.bool) active[indices] = True # used components are important assert_array_less(.1, dpgmm.weights_[active]) # others are not assert_array_less(dpgmm.weights_[~active], .05) def test_verbose_boolean(): # checks that the output for the verbose output is the same # for the flag values '1' and 'True' # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm_bool = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=True) dpgmm_int = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: # generate output with the boolean flag verbose_output = sys.stdout bool_output = verbose_output.readline() # generate output with the int flag verbose_output = sys.stdout int_output = verbose_output.readline() assert_equal(bool_output, int_output) finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_first_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=1) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_verbose_second_level(): # simple 3 cluster dataset X, y = make_blobs(random_state=1) for Model in [DPGMM, VBGMM]: dpgmm = Model(n_components=10, random_state=1, alpha=20, n_iter=50, verbose=2) old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() try: finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout def test_log_normalize(): v = np.array([0.1, 0.8, 0.01, 0.09]) a = np.log(2 * v) assert np.allclose(v, log_normalize(a), rtol=0.01) def do_model(self, **kwds): return VBGMM(verbose=False, **kwds) class DPGMMTester(GMMTester): model = DPGMM do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestDPGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestDPGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, DPGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class VBGMMTester(GMMTester): model = do_model do_test_eval = False def score(self, g, train_obs): _, z = g.score_samples(train_obs) return g.lower_bound(train_obs, z) class TestVBGMMWithSphericalCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'spherical' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithDiagCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'diag' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithTiedCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'tied' setUp = GMMTester._setUp class TestVBGMMWithFullCovars(unittest.TestCase, VBGMMTester): covariance_type = 'full' setUp = GMMTester._setUp
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib import itertools import os import re import time import uuid from datetime import datetime from urllib.parse import urlsplit from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db import models, transaction from django.db.models import F, Max, Q, signals as dbsignals from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils import translation from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.translation import trans_real, ugettext_lazy as _ from django_jsonfield_backport.models import JSONField from django_statsd.clients import statsd from jinja2.filters import do_dictsort import olympia.core.logger from olympia import activity, amo, core from olympia.access import acl from olympia.addons.utils import generate_addon_guid from olympia.amo.decorators import use_primary_db from olympia.amo.fields import PositiveAutoField from olympia.amo.models import ( BasePreview, BaseQuerySet, FilterableManyToManyField, LongNameIndex, ManagerBase, ModelBase, OnChangeMixin, SaveUpdateMixin, SlugField) from olympia.amo.templatetags import jinja_helpers from olympia.amo.urlresolvers import reverse from olympia.amo.utils import ( StopWatch, attach_trans_dict, find_language, send_mail, slugify, sorted_groupby, timer, to_language) from olympia.constants.categories import CATEGORIES, CATEGORIES_BY_ID from olympia.constants.promoted import NOT_PROMOTED, RECOMMENDED from olympia.constants.reviewers import REPUTATION_CHOICES from olympia.files.models import File from olympia.files.utils import extract_translations, resolve_i18n_message from olympia.ratings.models import Rating from olympia.tags.models import Tag from olympia.translations.fields import ( LinkifiedField, PurifiedField, TranslatedField, save_signal) from olympia.translations.hold import translation_saved from olympia.translations.models import Translation from olympia.users.models import UserProfile from import version_int from olympia.versions.models import ( Version, VersionPreview, VersionReviewerFlags, inherit_nomination) from . import signals log = olympia.core.logger.getLogger('z.addons') MAX_SLUG_INCREMENT = 999 SLUG_INCREMENT_SUFFIXES = set(range(1, MAX_SLUG_INCREMENT + 1)) GUID_REUSE_FORMAT = 'guid-reused-by-pk-{}' def get_random_slug(): """Return a 20 character long random string""" return ''.join(str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')[:-1]) def clean_slug(instance, slug_field='slug'): """Cleans a model instance slug. This strives to be as generic as possible but is only used by Add-ons at the moment. :param instance: The instance to clean the slug for. :param slug_field: The field where to get the currently set slug from. """ slug = getattr(instance, slug_field, None) or if not slug: # Initialize the slug with what we have available: a name translation # or in last resort a random slug. translations = Translation.objects.filter(id=instance.name_id) if translations.exists(): slug = translations[0] max_length = instance._meta.get_field(slug_field).max_length # We have to account for slug being reduced to '' by slugify slug = slugify(slug or '')[:max_length] or get_random_slug() if DeniedSlug.blocked(slug): slug = slug[:max_length - 1] + '~' # The following trick makes sure we are using a manager that returns # all the objects, as otherwise we could have a slug clash on our hands. # Eg with the "Addon.objects" manager, which doesn't list deleted addons, # we could have a "clean" slug which is in fact already assigned to an # already existing (deleted) addon. Also, make sure we use the base class. manager = models.Manager() manager.model = instance._meta.proxy_for_model or instance.__class__ qs = manager.values_list(slug_field, flat=True) # Get list of all slugs. if qs = qs.exclude( # Can't clash with itself. # We first need to make sure there's a clash, before trying to find a # suffix that is available. Eg, if there's a "foo-bar" slug, "foo" is still # available. clash = qs.filter(**{slug_field: slug}) if clash.exists(): max_postfix_length = len(str(MAX_SLUG_INCREMENT)) slug = slugify(slug)[:max_length - max_postfix_length] # There is a clash, so find a suffix that will make this slug unique. lookup = {'%s__startswith' % slug_field: slug} clashes = qs.filter(**lookup) prefix_len = len(slug) used_slug_numbers = [value[prefix_len:] for value in clashes] # find the next free slug number slug_numbers = {int(i) for i in used_slug_numbers if i.isdigit()} unused_numbers = SLUG_INCREMENT_SUFFIXES - slug_numbers if unused_numbers: num = min(unused_numbers) elif max_length is None: num = max(slug_numbers) + 1 else: # This could happen. The current implementation (using # ``[:max_length -2]``) only works for the first 100 clashes in the # worst case (if the slug is equal to or longuer than # ``max_length - 2`` chars). # After that, {verylongslug}-100 will be trimmed down to # {verylongslug}-10, which is already assigned, but it's the last # solution tested. raise RuntimeError( 'No suitable slug increment for {} found'.format(slug)) slug = u'{slug}{postfix}'.format(slug=slug, postfix=num) setattr(instance, slug_field, slug) return instance class AddonQuerySet(BaseQuerySet): def id_or_slug(self, val): """Get add-ons by id or slug.""" if isinstance(val, str) and not val.isdigit(): return self.filter(slug=val) return self.filter(id=val) def public(self): """Get reviewed add-ons only""" return self.filter(self.valid_q(amo.REVIEWED_STATUSES)) def valid(self): """Get valid, enabled add-ons only""" return self.filter(self.valid_q(amo.VALID_ADDON_STATUSES)) def not_disabled_by_mozilla(self): """Get all add-ons not disabled by Mozilla.""" return self.exclude(status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) def valid_q(self, statuses): """ Return a Q object that selects a valid Addon with the given statuses. An add-on is valid if not disabled and has a current version. """ return Q( _current_version__isnull=False, disabled_by_user=False, status__in=statuses) class AddonManager(ManagerBase): _queryset_class = AddonQuerySet def __init__(self, include_deleted=False): # DO NOT change the default value of include_deleted unless you've read # through the comment just above the Addon managers # declaration/instantiation and understand the consequences. ManagerBase.__init__(self) self.include_deleted = include_deleted def get_queryset(self): qs = super(AddonManager, self).get_queryset() if not self.include_deleted: qs = qs.exclude(status=amo.STATUS_DELETED) return qs.transform(Addon.transformer) def id_or_slug(self, val): """Get add-ons by id or slug.""" return self.get_queryset().id_or_slug(val) def public(self): """Get public add-ons only""" return self.get_queryset().public() def valid(self): """Get valid, enabled add-ons only""" return self.get_queryset().valid() def not_disabled_by_mozilla(self): """Get all add-ons not disabled by Mozilla.""" return self.get_queryset().not_disabled_by_mozilla() def get_base_queryset_for_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False, admin_content_review=False, show_pending_rejection=False): qs = ( self.get_queryset() # We don't want the default transformer, it does too much, and # crucially, it prevents the # select_related('_current_version__autoapprovalsummary') from # working, because it overrides the _current_version with the one # it fetches. We want translations though. .only_translations() # We need those joins for the queue to work without making extra # queries. .select_related( 'addonapprovalscounter', 'reviewerflags', '_current_version__autoapprovalsummary', 'promotedaddon', ) .prefetch_related( '_current_version__files' ) ) if not show_pending_rejection: qs = qs.filter( _current_version__reviewerflags__pending_rejection__isnull=True ) if not admin_reviewer: if admin_content_review: qs = qs.exclude( reviewerflags__needs_admin_content_review=True ) else: qs = qs.exclude( reviewerflags__needs_admin_code_review=True ) return qs def get_auto_approved_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False): """Return a queryset of Addon objects that have been auto-approved but not confirmed by a human yet.""" success_verdict = amo.AUTO_APPROVED qs = ( self.get_base_queryset_for_queue( admin_reviewer=admin_reviewer ) .public() .filter( _current_version__autoapprovalsummary__verdict=success_verdict ) .exclude( _current_version__autoapprovalsummary__confirmed=True ) .order_by( '-_current_version__autoapprovalsummary__weight', 'addonapprovalscounter__last_human_review', 'created', ) ) return qs def get_content_review_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False): """Return a queryset of Addon objects that need content review.""" qs = ( self.get_base_queryset_for_queue( admin_reviewer=admin_reviewer, admin_content_review=True ) .valid() .filter( addonapprovalscounter__last_content_review=None, # Only content review extensions and dictionaries. See # & # type__in=(amo.ADDON_EXTENSION, amo.ADDON_DICT), ) .order_by('created') ) return qs def get_scanners_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False): """Return a queryset of Addon objects that have been approved but contain versions that were automatically flagged as needing human review (regardless of channel).""" return ( self.get_base_queryset_for_queue( admin_reviewer=admin_reviewer ) # All valid statuses, plus incomplete as well because the add-on # could be purely unlisted (so we can't use valid_q(), which # filters out current_version=None). We know the add-ons are likely # to have a version since they got the needs_human_review flag, so # returning incomplete ones is acceptable. .filter( status__in=[ amo.STATUS_APPROVED, amo.STATUS_NOMINATED, amo.STATUS_NULL ], versions__files__status__in=[ amo.STATUS_APPROVED, amo.STATUS_AWAITING_REVIEW, ], versions__needs_human_review=True ) .order_by('created') # There could be several versions matching for a single add-on so # we need a distinct. .distinct() ) def get_mad_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False): return ( self.get_base_queryset_for_queue( admin_reviewer=admin_reviewer ) # All valid statuses, plus incomplete as well because the add-on # could be purely unlisted (so we can't use valid_q(), which # filters out current_version=None). We know the add-ons are likely # to have a version since they got the needs_human_review_by_mad # flag, so returning incomplete ones is acceptable. .filter( Q(status__in=[ amo.STATUS_APPROVED, amo.STATUS_NOMINATED, amo.STATUS_NULL ]), Q(versions__files__status__in=[ amo.STATUS_APPROVED, amo.STATUS_AWAITING_REVIEW, ]), (Q(versions__reviewerflags__needs_human_review_by_mad=True, versions__channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED) | Q(_current_version__reviewerflags__needs_human_review_by_mad=( # noqa True))) ) .order_by('created') # There could be several versions matching for a single add-on so # we need a distinct. .distinct() ) def get_pending_rejection_queue(self, admin_reviewer=False): filter_kwargs = { '_current_version__reviewerflags__pending_rejection__isnull': False } return self.get_base_queryset_for_queue( admin_reviewer=admin_reviewer, show_pending_rejection=True, ).filter(**filter_kwargs).order_by( '_current_version__reviewerflags__pending_rejection' ) class Addon(OnChangeMixin, ModelBase): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) STATUS_CHOICES = amo.STATUS_CHOICES_ADDON guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True) slug = models.CharField(max_length=30, unique=True, null=True) name = TranslatedField() default_locale = models.CharField(max_length=10, default=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, db_column='defaultlocale') type = models.PositiveIntegerField( choices=amo.ADDON_TYPE.items(), db_column='addontype_id', default=amo.ADDON_EXTENSION) status = models.PositiveIntegerField( choices=STATUS_CHOICES.items(), default=amo.STATUS_NULL) icon_type = models.CharField( max_length=25, blank=True, db_column='icontype') icon_hash = models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=True, null=True) homepage = TranslatedField() support_email = TranslatedField(db_column='supportemail') support_url = TranslatedField(db_column='supporturl') description = PurifiedField(short=False) summary = LinkifiedField() developer_comments = PurifiedField(db_column='developercomments') eula = PurifiedField() privacy_policy = PurifiedField(db_column='privacypolicy') average_rating = models.FloatField( max_length=255, default=0, null=True, db_column='averagerating') bayesian_rating = models.FloatField( default=0, db_column='bayesianrating') total_ratings = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=0, db_column='totalreviews') text_ratings_count = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=0, db_column='textreviewscount') weekly_downloads = models.PositiveIntegerField( default=0, db_column='weeklydownloads') hotness = models.FloatField(default=0) average_daily_users = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) last_updated = models.DateTimeField( null=True, help_text='Last time this add-on had a file/version update') disabled_by_user = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_column='inactive') target_locale = models.CharField( max_length=255, blank=True, null=True, help_text='For dictionaries and language packs. Identifies the ' 'language and, optionally, region that this add-on is ' 'written for. Examples: en-US, fr, and de-AT') contributions = models.URLField(max_length=255, blank=True) authors = FilterableManyToManyField( 'users.UserProfile', through='AddonUser', related_name='addons', q_filter=~Q(addonuser__role=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_DELETED)) categories = models.ManyToManyField('Category', through='AddonCategory') _current_version = models.ForeignKey(Version, db_column='current_version', related_name='+', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) is_experimental = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_column='experimental') reputation = models.SmallIntegerField( default=0, null=True, choices=REPUTATION_CHOICES.items(), help_text='The higher the reputation value, the further down the ' 'add-on will be in the auto-approved review queue. ' 'A value of 0 has no impact') requires_payment = models.BooleanField(default=False) unfiltered = AddonManager(include_deleted=True) objects = AddonManager() class Meta: db_table = 'addons' # This is very important: # The default base manager will be used for relations like # `version.addon`. We thus want one that is NOT filtered in any case, # we don't want a 500 if the addon is not found (because it has the # status amo.STATUS_DELETED for example). # The CLASS of the one configured here will also be used for "many to # many relations" like `collection.addons`. In that case, we do want # the filtered version by default, to make sure we're not displaying # stuff by mistake. You thus want the filtered one configured # as `base_manager_name`. # We don't control the instantiation, but AddonManager sets # include_deleted to False by default, so filtering is enabled by # default. base_manager_name = 'unfiltered' indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('bayesian_rating',), name='bayesianrating'), models.Index(fields=('created',), name='created_idx'), models.Index(fields=('_current_version',), name='current_version'), models.Index(fields=('disabled_by_user',), name='inactive'), models.Index(fields=('hotness',), name='hotness_idx'), models.Index(fields=('last_updated',), name='last_updated'), models.Index(fields=('modified',), name='modified_idx'), models.Index(fields=('status',), name='status'), models.Index(fields=('target_locale',), name='target_locale'), models.Index(fields=('type',), name='addontype_id'), models.Index(fields=('weekly_downloads',), name='weeklydownloads_idx'), models.Index(fields=('average_daily_users', 'type'), name='adus_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('bayesian_rating', 'type'), name='rating_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('created', 'type'), name='created_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('last_updated', 'type'), name='last_updated_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('modified', 'type'), name='modified_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('type', 'status', 'disabled_by_user'), name='type_status_inactive_idx'), models.Index(fields=('weekly_downloads', 'type'), name='downloads_type_idx'), models.Index(fields=('type', 'status', 'disabled_by_user', '_current_version'), name='visible_idx'), models.Index(fields=('name', 'status', 'type'), name='name_2'), ] def __str__(self): return u'%s: %s' % (, def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Addon, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def save(self, **kw): self.clean_slug() super(Addon, self).save(**kw) @use_primary_db def clean_slug(self, slug_field='slug'): if self.status == amo.STATUS_DELETED: return clean_slug(self, slug_field) def force_disable(self): activity.log_create(amo.LOG.CHANGE_STATUS, self, amo.STATUS_DISABLED)'Addon "%s" status changed to: %s', self.slug, amo.STATUS_DISABLED) self.update(status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) self.update_version() # See: self.disable_all_files() def force_enable(self): activity.log_create(amo.LOG.CHANGE_STATUS, self, amo.STATUS_APPROVED)'Addon "%s" status changed to: %s', self.slug, amo.STATUS_APPROVED) self.update(status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED) # Call update_status() to fix the status if the add-on is not actually # in a state that allows it to be public. self.update_status() def deny_resubmission(self): if self.is_guid_denied: raise RuntimeError("GUID already denied") activity.log_create(amo.LOG.DENIED_GUID_ADDED, self)'Deny resubmission for addon "%s"', self.slug) DeniedGuid.objects.create(guid=self.guid) def allow_resubmission(self): if not self.is_guid_denied: raise RuntimeError("GUID already denied") activity.log_create(amo.LOG.DENIED_GUID_DELETED, self)'Allow resubmission for addon "%s"', self.slug) DeniedGuid.objects.filter(guid=self.guid).delete() def disable_all_files(self): File.objects.filter(version__addon=self).update( status=amo.STATUS_DISABLED) @property def is_guid_denied(self): return DeniedGuid.objects.filter(guid=self.guid).exists() def is_soft_deleteable(self): return self.status or Version.unfiltered.filter(addon=self).exists() def _prepare_deletion_email(self, msg, reason): user = core.get_user() # Don't localize email to admins, use 'en-US' always. with translation.override(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE): # The types are lazy translated in apps/constants/ atype = amo.ADDON_TYPE.get(self.type, 'unknown').upper() context = { 'atype': atype, 'authors': [ for u in self.authors.all()], 'adu': self.average_daily_users, 'guid': self.guid, 'id':, 'msg': msg, 'reason': reason, 'name':, 'slug': self.slug, 'weekly_downloads': self.weekly_downloads, 'url': jinja_helpers.absolutify(self.get_url_path()), 'user_str': ( "%s, %s (%s)" % (,, if user else "Unknown"), } email_msg = u""" The following %(atype)s was deleted. %(atype)s: %(name)s URL: %(url)s DELETED BY: %(user_str)s ID: %(id)s GUID: %(guid)s AUTHORS: %(authors)s WEEKLY DOWNLOADS: %(weekly_downloads)s AVERAGE DAILY USERS: %(adu)s NOTES: %(msg)s REASON GIVEN BY USER FOR DELETION: %(reason)s """ % context'Sending delete email for %(atype)s %(id)s' % context) subject = 'Deleting %(atype)s %(slug)s (%(id)d)' % context return subject, email_msg @transaction.atomic def delete(self, msg='', reason='', send_delete_email=True): # To avoid a circular import from . import tasks from olympia.versions import tasks as version_tasks from olympia.files import tasks as file_tasks # Check for soft deletion path. Happens only if the addon status isn't # 0 (STATUS_INCOMPLETE) with no versions. soft_deletion = self.is_soft_deleteable() if soft_deletion and self.status == amo.STATUS_DELETED: # We're already done. return id = # Fetch previews before deleting the addon instance, so that we can # pass the list of files to delete to the delete_preview_files task # after the addon is deleted. previews = list(Preview.objects.filter(addon__id=id) .values_list('id', flat=True)) version_previews = list( VersionPreview.objects.filter(version__addon__id=id) .values_list('id', flat=True)) if soft_deletion: # /!\ If we ever stop using soft deletion, and remove this code, we # need to make sure that the logs created below aren't cascade # deleted!'Deleting add-on: %s' % if send_delete_email: email_to = [settings.DELETION_EMAIL] subject, email_msg = self._prepare_deletion_email(msg, reason) else: email_to, subject, email_msg = [], '', '' # If the add-on was disabled by Mozilla, add the guid to # DeniedGuids to prevent resubmission after deletion. if self.status == amo.STATUS_DISABLED: try: with transaction.atomic(): self.deny_resubmission() except RuntimeError: # If the guid is already in DeniedGuids, we are good. pass # Update or NULL out various fields. models.signals.pre_delete.send(sender=Addon, instance=self) self._ratings.all().delete() # We avoid triggering signals for Version & File on purpose to # avoid extra work. Files will be moved to the correct storage # location with hide_disabled_files task or hide_disabled_files # cron as a fallback. self.disable_all_files() file_tasks.hide_disabled_files.delay( self.versions.all().update(deleted=True) VersionReviewerFlags.objects.filter(version__addon=self).update( pending_rejection=None) # The last parameter is needed to automagically create an AddonLog. activity.log_create(amo.LOG.DELETE_ADDON,, str(self.guid), self) self.update(status=amo.STATUS_DELETED, slug=None, _current_version=None, models.signals.post_delete.send(sender=Addon, instance=self) if send_delete_email: send_mail(subject, email_msg, recipient_list=email_to) else: # Real deletion path. super(Addon, self).delete() for preview in previews: tasks.delete_preview_files.delay(preview) for preview in version_previews: version_tasks.delete_preview_files.delay(preview) return True @classmethod def initialize_addon_from_upload(cls, data, upload, channel, user): timer = StopWatch('addons.models.initialize_addon_from_upload.') timer.start() fields = [ for field in cls._meta.get_fields()] guid = data.get('guid') old_guid_addon = None if guid: # It's an extension. # Reclaim GUID from deleted add-on. try: old_guid_addon = Addon.unfiltered.get(guid=guid) old_guid_addon.update(guid=None) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass generate_guid = ( not data.get('guid', None) and data.get('is_webextension', False) ) if generate_guid: data['guid'] = guid = generate_addon_guid() timer.log_interval('1.guids') data = cls.resolve_webext_translations(data, upload) timer.log_interval('2.resolve_translations') if channel == amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED: data['slug'] = get_random_slug() timer.log_interval('3.get_random_slug') addon = Addon(**{k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in fields}) timer.log_interval('4.instance_init') addon.status = amo.STATUS_NULL locale_is_set = (addon.default_locale and addon.default_locale in settings.AMO_LANGUAGES and data.get('default_locale') == addon.default_locale) if not locale_is_set: addon.default_locale = to_language(trans_real.get_language()) timer.log_interval('5.default_locale') timer.log_interval('6.addon_save') if guid: AddonGUID.objects.create(addon=addon, guid=guid) if old_guid_addon: old_guid_addon.update(guid=GUID_REUSE_FORMAT.format('GUID {guid} from addon [{}] reused ' f'by addon [{}].') if user: AddonUser(addon=addon, user=user).save() timer.log_interval('7.end') return addon @classmethod def from_upload(cls, upload, selected_apps, channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED, parsed_data=None, user=None): """ Create an Addon instance, a Version and corresponding File(s) from a FileUpload, a list of compatible app ids, a channel id and the parsed_data generated by parse_addon(). Note that it's the caller's responsability to ensure the file is valid. We can't check for that here because an admin may have overridden the validation results. """ assert parsed_data is not None addon = cls.initialize_addon_from_upload( parsed_data, upload, channel, user) Version.from_upload( upload=upload, addon=addon, selected_apps=selected_apps, channel=channel, parsed_data=parsed_data) activity.log_create(amo.LOG.CREATE_ADDON, addon)'New addon %r from %r' % (addon, upload)) return addon @classmethod def resolve_webext_translations(cls, data, upload): """Resolve all possible translations from an add-on. This returns a modified `data` dictionary accordingly with proper translations filled in. """ default_locale = find_language(data.get('default_locale')) if not data.get('is_webextension') or not default_locale: # Don't change anything if we don't meet the requirements return data # find_language might have expanded short to full locale, so update it. data['default_locale'] = default_locale fields = ('name', 'homepage', 'summary') messages = extract_translations(upload) for field in fields: data[field] = { locale: resolve_i18n_message( data[field], locale=locale, default_locale=default_locale, messages=messages) for locale in messages } return data def get_url_path(self, add_prefix=True): if not self._current_version_id: return '' return reverse( 'addons.detail', args=[self.slug], add_prefix=add_prefix) def get_dev_url(self, action='edit', args=None, prefix_only=False): args = args or [] prefix = 'devhub' if not prefix_only: prefix += '.addons' view_name = '{prefix}.{action}'.format(prefix=prefix, action=action) return reverse(view_name, args=[self.slug] + args) def get_detail_url(self, action='detail', args=None): if args is None: args = [] return reverse('addons.%s' % action, args=[self.slug] + args) @property def ratings_url(self): return reverse('addons.ratings.list', args=[self.slug]) @cached_property def listed_authors(self): return self.authors.filter( addons=self, addonuser__listed=True).order_by('addonuser__position') @classmethod def get_fallback(cls): return cls._meta.get_field('default_locale') @property def ratings(self): return Rating.objects.filter(addon=self, reply_to=None) def language_ascii(self): lang = trans_real.to_language(self.default_locale) return settings.LANGUAGES.get(lang) @property def valid_file_statuses(self): if self.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED: return [amo.STATUS_APPROVED] return amo.VALID_FILE_STATUSES def find_latest_public_listed_version(self): """Retrieve the latest public listed version of an addon. If the add-on is not public, it can return a listed version awaiting review (since non-public add-ons should not have public versions).""" try: statuses = self.valid_file_statuses status_list = ','.join(map(str, statuses)) fltr = { 'channel': amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED, 'files__status__in': statuses } return self.versions.filter(**fltr).extra( where=[""" NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM files AS f2 WHERE f2.version_id = AND f2.status NOT IN (%s)) """ % status_list])[0] except (IndexError, Version.DoesNotExist): return None def find_latest_version(self, channel, exclude=((amo.STATUS_DISABLED,))): """Retrieve the latest version of an add-on for the specified channel. If channel is None either channel is returned. Keyword arguments: exclude -- exclude versions for which all files have one of those statuses (default STATUS_DISABLED).""" # If the add-on is deleted or hasn't been saved yet, it should not # have a latest version. if not or self.status == amo.STATUS_DELETED: return None # We can't use .exclude(files__status=excluded_statuses) because that # would exclude a version if *any* of its files match but if there is # only one file that doesn't have one of the excluded statuses it # should be enough for that version to be considered. params = { 'files__status__in': ( set(amo.STATUS_CHOICES_FILE.keys()) - set(exclude) ) } if channel is not None: params['channel'] = channel try: # Avoid most transformers - keep translations because they don't # get automatically fetched if you just access the field without # having made the query beforehand, and we don't know what callers # will want ; but for the rest of them, since it's a single # instance there is no reason to call the default transformers. latest_qs = self.versions.filter(**params).only_translations() latest = latest_qs.latest() except Version.DoesNotExist: latest = None return latest @use_primary_db def update_version(self, ignore=None, _signal=True): """ Update the current_version field on this add-on if necessary. Returns True if we updated the current_version field. The optional ``ignore`` parameter, if present, is a a version to not consider as part of the update, since it may be in the process of being deleted. Pass ``_signal=False`` if you want to no signals fired at all. """ new_current_version = self.find_latest_public_listed_version() updated = {} send_signal = False if self._current_version != new_current_version: updated['_current_version'] = new_current_version send_signal = True # update_version can be called by a post_delete signal (such # as File's) when deleting a version. If so, we should avoid putting # that version-being-deleted in any fields. if ignore is not None: updated = {k: v for k, v in updated.items() if v != ignore} if updated: diff = [self._current_version, new_current_version] # Pass along _signal to the .update() to prevent it from firing # signals if we don't want them. updated['_signal'] = _signal try: self.update(**updated) if send_signal and _signal: signals.version_changed.send(sender=self)'Version changed from current: %s to %s ' u'for addon %s' % tuple(diff + [self])) except Exception as e: log.error(u'Could not save version changes current: %s to %s ' u'for addon %s (%s)' % tuple(diff + [self, e])) return bool(updated) def increment_theme_version_number(self): """Increment theme version number by 1.""" latest_version = self.find_latest_version(None) version = latest_version or self.current_version version.version = str(float(version.version) + 1) # Set the current version. self.update( @property def current_version(self): """Return the latest public listed version of an addon. If the add-on is not public, it can return a listed version awaiting review (since non-public add-ons should not have public versions). If the add-on has not been created yet or is deleted, it returns None. """ if not or self.status == amo.STATUS_DELETED: return None try: return self._current_version except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass return None @cached_property def latest_unlisted_version(self): """Shortcut property for Addon.find_latest_version( channel=RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED).""" return self.find_latest_version(channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED) @cached_property def binary(self): """Returns if the current version has binary files.""" version = self.current_version if version: return version.files.filter(binary=True).exists() return False @cached_property def binary_components(self): """Returns if the current version has files with binary_components.""" version = self.current_version if version: return version.files.filter(binary_components=True).exists() return False def get_icon_dir(self): return os.path.join(jinja_helpers.user_media_path('addon_icons'), '%s' % ( // 1000)) def get_icon_url(self, size, use_default=True): """ Returns the addon's icon url according to icon_type. If it's a theme and there is no icon set, it will return the default theme icon. If it's something else, it will return the default add-on icon, unless use_default is False, in which case it will return None. """ icon_type_split = [] if self.icon_type: icon_type_split = self.icon_type.split('/') # Get the closest allowed size without going over if (size not in amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES and size >= amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES[0]): size = [s for s in amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES if s < size][-1] elif size < amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES[0]: size = amo.ADDON_ICON_SIZES[0] # Figure out what to return for an image URL if not self.icon_type: return self.get_default_icon_url(size) if use_default else None elif icon_type_split[0] == 'icon': return '{0}img/addon-icons/{1}-{2}.png'.format( settings.STATIC_URL, icon_type_split[1], size ) else: # [1] is the whole ID, [2] is the directory split_id = re.match(r'((\d*?)\d{1,3})$', str( # Use the icon hash if we have one as the cachebusting suffix, # otherwise fall back to the add-on modification date. suffix = self.icon_hash or str( int(time.mktime(self.modified.timetuple()))) path = '/'.join([ or '0', '{0}-{1}.png?modified={2}'.format(, size, suffix), ]) return jinja_helpers.user_media_url('addon_icons') + path def get_default_icon_url(self, size): return '{0}img/addon-icons/{1}-{2}.png'.format( settings.STATIC_URL, 'default', size ) @use_primary_db def update_status(self, ignore_version=None): self.reload() if (self.status in [amo.STATUS_NULL, amo.STATUS_DELETED] or self.is_disabled): self.update_version(ignore=ignore_version) return versions = self.versions.filter(channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED) status = None reason = '' if not versions.exists(): status = amo.STATUS_NULL reason = 'no listed versions' elif not versions.filter( files__status__in=amo.VALID_FILE_STATUSES).exists(): status = amo.STATUS_NULL reason = 'no listed version with valid file' elif (self.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED and not versions.filter(files__status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED).exists()): if versions.filter( files__status=amo.STATUS_AWAITING_REVIEW).exists(): status = amo.STATUS_NOMINATED reason = 'only an unreviewed file' else: status = amo.STATUS_NULL reason = 'no reviewed files' elif self.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED: latest_version = self.find_latest_version( channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED) if (latest_version and latest_version.has_files and (latest_version.all_files[0].status == amo.STATUS_AWAITING_REVIEW)): # Addon is public, but its latest file is not (it's the case on # a new file upload). So, call update, to trigger watch_status, # which takes care of setting nomination time when needed. status = self.status reason = 'triggering watch_status' if status is not None:'Changing add-on status [%s]: %s => %s (%s).' % (, self.status, status, reason)) self.update(status=status) activity.log_create(amo.LOG.CHANGE_STATUS, self, self.status) self.update_version(ignore=ignore_version) @staticmethod def attach_related_versions(addons, addon_dict=None): if addon_dict is None: addon_dict = { addon for addon in addons} all_ids = set( filter(None, (addon._current_version_id for addon in addons))) versions = list(Version.objects.filter(id__in=all_ids).order_by()) for version in versions: try: addon = addon_dict[version.addon_id] except KeyError:'Version %s has an invalid add-on id.' % continue if addon._current_version_id == addon._current_version = version version.addon = addon @staticmethod def attach_listed_authors(addons, addon_dict=None): if addon_dict is None: addon_dict = { addon for addon in addons} addonuser_qs = ( AddonUser.objects.filter(addon__in=addons, listed=True) .order_by('addon_id', 'position') .select_related('user')) seen = set() groupby = itertools.groupby(addonuser_qs, key=lambda u: u.addon_id) for addon_id, addonusers in groupby: addon_dict[addon_id].listed_authors = [ au.user for au in addonusers] seen.add(addon_id) # set listed_authors to empty list on addons without listed authors. [setattr(addon, 'listed_authors', []) for addon in addon_dict.values() if not in seen] @staticmethod def attach_previews(addons, addon_dict=None, no_transforms=False): if addon_dict is None: addon_dict = { a for a in addons} qs = Preview.objects.filter(addon__in=addons, position__gte=0).order_by() if no_transforms: qs = qs.no_transforms() qs = sorted(qs, key=lambda x: (x.addon_id, x.position, x.created)) seen = set() for addon_id, previews in itertools.groupby(qs, lambda x: x.addon_id): addon_dict[addon_id]._all_previews = list(previews) seen.add(addon_id) # set _all_previews to empty list on addons without previews. [setattr(addon, '_all_previews', []) for addon in addon_dict.values() if not in seen] @staticmethod def attach_static_categories(addons, addon_dict=None): if addon_dict is None: addon_dict = { addon for addon in addons} qs = ( AddonCategory.objects .filter(addon__in=addon_dict.values()) .values_list('addon_id', 'category_id')) for addon_id, cats_iter in itertools.groupby(qs, key=lambda x: x[0]): # The second value of each tuple in cats_iter are the category ids # we want. addon_dict[addon_id].category_ids = sorted( [c[1] for c in cats_iter]) addon_dict[addon_id].all_categories = [ CATEGORIES_BY_ID[cat_id] for cat_id in addon_dict[addon_id].category_ids if cat_id in CATEGORIES_BY_ID] @staticmethod @timer def transformer(addons): if not addons: return addon_dict = { a for a in addons} # Attach categories. Addon.attach_static_categories(addons, addon_dict=addon_dict) # Set _current_version and attach listed authors. Addon.attach_related_versions(addons, addon_dict=addon_dict) Addon.attach_listed_authors(addons, addon_dict=addon_dict) # Attach previews. Addon.attach_previews(addons, addon_dict=addon_dict) return addon_dict def show_adu(self): return self.type != amo.ADDON_SEARCH @property def contribution_url(self, lang=settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, app=settings.DEFAULT_APP): return reverse('addons.contribute', args=[self.slug]) @property def thumbnail_url(self): """ Returns the addon's thumbnail url or a default. """ try: preview = self._all_previews[0] return preview.thumbnail_url except IndexError: return settings.STATIC_URL + '/img/icons/no-preview.png' def can_request_review(self): """Return whether an add-on can request a review or not.""" if (self.is_disabled or self.status in (amo.STATUS_APPROVED, amo.STATUS_NOMINATED, amo.STATUS_DELETED)): return False latest_version = self.find_latest_version(amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED, exclude=()) return (latest_version is not None and latest_version.files.exists() and not any(file.reviewed for file in latest_version.all_files)) @property def is_disabled(self): """True if this Addon is disabled. It could be disabled by an admin or disabled by the developer """ return self.status == amo.STATUS_DISABLED or self.disabled_by_user @property def is_deleted(self): return self.status == amo.STATUS_DELETED def is_unreviewed(self): return self.status in amo.UNREVIEWED_ADDON_STATUSES def is_public(self): return self.status == amo.STATUS_APPROVED and not self.disabled_by_user def has_complete_metadata(self, has_listed_versions=None): """See get_required_metadata for has_listed_versions details.""" return all(self.get_required_metadata( has_listed_versions=has_listed_versions)) def get_required_metadata(self, has_listed_versions=None): """If has_listed_versions is not specified this method will return the current (required) metadata (truthy values if present) for this Addon. If has_listed_versions is specified then the method will act as if Addon.has_listed_versions() returns that value. Used to predict if the addon will require extra metadata before a version is created.""" if has_listed_versions is None: has_listed_versions = self.has_listed_versions() if not has_listed_versions: # Add-ons with only unlisted versions have no required metadata. return [] # We need to find out if the add-on has a license set. We prefer to # check the current_version first because that's what would be used for # public pages, but if there isn't any listed version will do. version = self.current_version or self.find_latest_version( channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED, exclude=()) return [ self.all_categories,, self.summary, (version and version.license), ] def should_redirect_to_submit_flow(self): return ( self.status == amo.STATUS_NULL and not self.has_complete_metadata() and self.find_latest_version(channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED)) def can_be_deleted(self): return not self.is_deleted def has_listed_versions(self, include_deleted=False): if include_deleted: manager = self.versions(manager='unfiltered_for_relations') else: manager = self.versions return self._current_version_id or manager.filter( channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED).exists() def has_unlisted_versions(self, include_deleted=False): if include_deleted: manager = self.versions(manager='unfiltered_for_relations') else: manager = self.versions return manager.filter(channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_UNLISTED).exists() @property def is_restart_required(self): """Whether the add-on current version requires a browser restart to work.""" return ( self.current_version and self.current_version.is_restart_required) def _is_recommended_theme(self): from olympia.bandwagon.models import CollectionAddon return (self.type == amo.ADDON_STATICTHEME and CollectionAddon.objects.filter( collection_id=settings.COLLECTION_FEATURED_THEMES_ID, addon=self).exists()) def promoted_group(self, *, currently_approved=True): """Is the addon currently promoted for the current applications? Returns the group constant, or NOT_PROMOTED (which is falsey) otherwise. `currently_approved=True` means only returns True if self.current_version is approved for the current promotion & apps. If currently_approved=False then promotions where there isn't approval are returned too. """ from olympia.promoted.models import PromotedAddon try: promoted = self.promotedaddon except PromotedAddon.DoesNotExist: return NOT_PROMOTED is_promoted = ( not currently_approved or promoted.approved_applications) return if is_promoted else NOT_PROMOTED @cached_property def promoted(self): promoted_group = self.promoted_group() if promoted_group: return self.promotedaddon else: from olympia.promoted.models import PromotedTheme if self._is_recommended_theme(): return PromotedTheme(addon=self, return None @cached_property def tags_partitioned_by_developer(self): """Returns a tuple of developer tags and user tags for this addon.""" tags = self.tags.not_denied() user_tags = tags.exclude(addon_tags__user__in=self.listed_authors) dev_tags = tags.exclude(id__in=[ for t in user_tags]) return dev_tags, user_tags @cached_property def compatible_apps(self): """Shortcut to get compatible apps for the current version.""" if self.current_version: return self.current_version.compatible_apps else: return {} def accepts_compatible_apps(self): """True if this add-on lists compatible apps.""" return self.type not in amo.NO_COMPAT def incompatible_latest_apps(self): """Returns a list of applications with which this add-on is incompatible (based on the latest version of each app). """ apps = [] for application, version in self.compatible_apps.items(): if not version: continue latest_version = version.get_latest_application_version() if version_int(version.max.version) < version_int(latest_version): apps.append((application, latest_version)) return apps def has_author(self, user): """True if ``user`` is an author of the add-on.""" if user is None or user.is_anonymous: return False return AddonUser.objects.filter(addon=self, user=user).exists() @classmethod def _last_updated_queries(cls): """ Get the queries used to calculate addon.last_updated. """ status_change = Max('versions__files__datestatuschanged') public = ( Addon.objects.filter( status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED, versions__files__status=amo.STATUS_APPROVED) .values('id').annotate(last_updated=status_change)) stati = amo.VALID_ADDON_STATUSES exp = (Addon.objects.exclude(status__in=stati) .filter(versions__files__status__in=amo.VALID_FILE_STATUSES) .values('id') .annotate(last_updated=Max('versions__files__created'))) return {'public': public, 'exp': exp} @cached_property def all_categories(self): return list(filter( None, [cat.to_static_category() for cat in self.categories.all()])) @cached_property def current_previews(self): """Previews for the current version, or all of them if not a static theme.""" if self.has_per_version_previews: if self.current_version: return self.current_version.previews.all() return VersionPreview.objects.none() else: return self._all_previews @cached_property def _all_previews(self): """Exclude promo graphics.""" return list(self.previews.exclude(position=-1)) @property def has_per_version_previews(self): return self.type == amo.ADDON_STATICTHEME @property def app_categories(self): app_cats = {} categories = sorted_groupby( sorted(self.all_categories), key=lambda x: getattr(amo.APP_IDS.get(x.application), 'short', '')) for app, cats in categories: app_cats[app] = list(cats) return app_cats def remove_locale(self, locale): """NULLify strings in this locale for the add-on and versions.""" for o in itertools.chain([self], self.versions.all()): Translation.objects.remove_for(o, locale) def check_ownership(self, request, require_owner, require_author, ignore_disabled, admin): """ Used by acl.check_ownership to see if request.user has permissions for the addon. """ if require_author: require_owner = False ignore_disabled = True admin = False return acl.check_addon_ownership(request, self, admin=admin, dev=(not require_owner), ignore_disabled=ignore_disabled) def should_show_permissions(self, version=None): version = version or self.current_version return (self.type == amo.ADDON_EXTENSION and version and version.all_files[0] and (not version.all_files[0].is_webextension or version.all_files[0].permissions or version.all_files[0].optional_permissions )) # Aliases for reviewerflags below are not just useful in case # AddonReviewerFlags does not exist for this add-on: they are also used # by reviewer tools get_flags() function to return flags shown to reviewers # in both the review queues and the review page. @property def needs_admin_code_review(self): try: return self.reviewerflags.needs_admin_code_review except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def needs_admin_content_review(self): try: return self.reviewerflags.needs_admin_content_review except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def needs_admin_theme_review(self): try: return self.reviewerflags.needs_admin_theme_review except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def auto_approval_disabled(self): try: return self.reviewerflags.auto_approval_disabled except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def auto_approval_disabled_until_next_approval(self): try: return ( self.reviewerflags.auto_approval_disabled_until_next_approval ) except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def auto_approval_delayed_until(self): try: return self.reviewerflags.auto_approval_delayed_until except AddonReviewerFlags.DoesNotExist: return None @property def auto_approval_delayed_indefinitely(self): return self.auto_approval_delayed_until == datetime.max @property def auto_approval_delayed_temporarily(self): return ( bool(self.auto_approval_delayed_until) and self.auto_approval_delayed_until != datetime.max and self.auto_approval_delayed_until > ) def reset_notified_about_auto_approval_delay(self): """ Reset notified_about_auto_approval_delay reviewer flag for this addon. This doesn't create an AddonReviewerFlags if there wasn't one, just resets notified_about_auto_approval_delay to False if there were flags for this add-on. """ AddonReviewerFlags.objects.filter(addon=self).update( notified_about_auto_approval_delay=False) @classmethod def get_lookup_field(cls, identifier): lookup_field = 'pk' if identifier and not identifier.isdigit(): # If the identifier contains anything other than a digit, it's # either a slug or a guid. guids need to contain either {} or @, # which are invalid in a slug. if amo.ADDON_GUID_PATTERN.match(identifier): lookup_field = 'guid' else: lookup_field = 'slug' return lookup_field @property def addonguid_guid(self): """ Use this function to avoid having to wrap `addon.addonguid.guid` in a try...except. There *should* be a matching AddonGUID record for every Addon with a guid, but the foreign key is from AddonGUID to Addon so there's a possiblity of bad data leading to the AddonGUID not existing. Plus we don't want this to fail if an upload with guid=None somehow ended up getting through. """ return getattr(self, 'addonguid', self).guid @cached_property def block(self): from olympia.blocklist.models import Block # Block.guid is unique so it's either on the list or not. return Block.objects.filter(guid=self.addonguid_guid).last() @cached_property def blocklistsubmission(self): from olympia.blocklist.models import BlocklistSubmission # GUIDs should only exist in one (active) submission at once. return BlocklistSubmission.get_submissions_from_guid( self.addonguid_guid).last() @property def git_extraction_is_in_progress(self): from olympia.git.models import GitExtractionEntry return GitExtractionEntry.objects.filter( addon=self, in_progress=True ).exists() dbsignals.pre_save.connect(save_signal, sender=Addon, dispatch_uid='addon_translations') @receiver(signals.version_changed, dispatch_uid='version_changed') def version_changed(sender, **kw): from . import tasks tasks.version_changed.delay( @receiver(dbsignals.post_save, sender=Addon, dispatch_uid='') def update_search_index(sender, instance, **kw): from . import tasks if not kw.get('raw'): tasks.index_addons.delay([]) @Addon.on_change def watch_status(old_attr=None, new_attr=None, instance=None, sender=None, **kwargs): """ Set nomination date if the addon is new in queue or updating. The nomination date cannot be reset, say, when a developer cancels their request for review and re-requests review. If a version is rejected after nomination, the developer has to upload a new version. """ if old_attr is None: old_attr = {} if new_attr is None: new_attr = {} new_status = new_attr.get('status') old_status = old_attr.get('status') latest_version = instance.find_latest_version( channel=amo.RELEASE_CHANNEL_LISTED) # Update the author's account profile visibility if new_status != old_status: [author.update_is_public() for author in instance.authors.all()] if (new_status not in amo.VALID_ADDON_STATUSES or not new_status or not latest_version): return if old_status not in amo.UNREVIEWED_ADDON_STATUSES: # New: will (re)set nomination only if it's None. latest_version.reset_nomination_time() elif latest_version.has_files: # Updating: inherit nomination from last nominated version. # Calls `inherit_nomination` manually given that signals are # deactivated to avoid circular calls. inherit_nomination(None, latest_version) @Addon.on_change def watch_disabled(old_attr=None, new_attr=None, instance=None, sender=None, **kwargs): """ Move files when an add-on is disabled/enabled. There is a similar watcher in olympia.files.models that tracks File status, but this one is useful for when the Files do not change their status. """ if old_attr is None: old_attr = {} if new_attr is None: new_attr = {} attrs = {key: value for key, value in old_attr.items() if key in ('disabled_by_user', 'status')} was_disabled = Addon(**attrs).is_disabled is_disabled = instance.is_disabled if was_disabled and not is_disabled: for file_ in File.objects.filter( file_.unhide_disabled_file() elif is_disabled and not was_disabled: for file_ in File.objects.filter( file_.hide_disabled_file() @Addon.on_change def watch_changes(old_attr=None, new_attr=None, instance=None, sender=None, **kwargs): if old_attr is None: old_attr = {} if new_attr is None: new_attr = {} changes = { x for x in new_attr if not x.startswith('_') and new_attr[x] != old_attr.get(x) } basket_relevant_changes = ( # Some changes are not tracked here: # - Any authors changes (separate model) # - Creation/Deletion of unlisted version (separate model) # - Name change (separate model, not implemented yet) # - Categories changes (separate model, ignored for now) # - average_rating changes (ignored for now, happens too often) # - average_daily_users changes (ignored for now, happens too often) '_current_version', 'default_locale', 'slug', 'status', 'disabled_by_user', ) if any(field in changes for field in basket_relevant_changes): from olympia.amo.tasks import sync_object_to_basket 'Triggering a sync of %s %s with basket because of %s change', 'addon',, 'attribute') sync_object_to_basket.delay('addon', @receiver(translation_saved, sender=Addon, dispatch_uid='watch_addon_name_changes') def watch_addon_name_changes(sender=None, instance=None, **kw): field_name = kw.get('field_name') if instance and field_name == 'name': from olympia.amo.tasks import sync_object_to_basket 'Triggering a sync of %s %s with basket because of %s change', 'addon',, 'name') sync_object_to_basket.delay('addon', def attach_translations(addons): """Put all translations into a translations dict.""" attach_trans_dict(Addon, addons) def attach_tags(addons): addon_dict = { addon for addon in addons} qs = (Tag.objects.not_denied().filter(addons__in=addon_dict) .values_list('addons__id', 'tag_text')) for addon, tags in sorted_groupby(qs, lambda x: x[0]): addon_dict[addon].tag_list = [t[1] for t in tags] class AddonReviewerFlags(ModelBase): addon = models.OneToOneField( Addon, primary_key=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='reviewerflags') needs_admin_code_review = models.BooleanField(default=False) needs_admin_content_review = models.BooleanField(default=False) needs_admin_theme_review = models.BooleanField(default=False) auto_approval_disabled = models.BooleanField(default=False) auto_approval_disabled_until_next_approval = models.NullBooleanField( default=None) auto_approval_delayed_until = models.DateTimeField( default=None, null=True) notified_about_auto_approval_delay = models.NullBooleanField(default=None) notified_about_expiring_delayed_rejections = models.NullBooleanField( default=None) class MigratedLWT(OnChangeMixin, ModelBase): lightweight_theme_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() getpersonas_id = models.PositiveIntegerField() static_theme = models.ForeignKey( Addon, unique=True, related_name='migrated_from_lwt', on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: db_table = 'migrated_personas' indexes = [ LongNameIndex( fields=('static_theme',), name='migrated_personas_static_theme_id_fk_addons_id'), LongNameIndex( fields=('getpersonas_id',), name='migrated_personas_getpersonas_id'), ] class AddonCategory(models.Model): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey(Addon, on_delete=models.CASCADE) category = models.ForeignKey('Category', on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: db_table = 'addons_categories' indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('category', 'addon'), name='category_addon_idx'), ] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('addon', 'category'), name='addon_id'), ] class AddonUserManager(ManagerBase): def __init__(self, include_deleted=False): # DO NOT change the default value of include_deleted unless you've read # through the comment just above the Addon managers # declaration/instantiation and understand the consequences. super().__init__() self.include_deleted = include_deleted def get_queryset(self): qs = super().get_queryset() if not self.include_deleted: qs = qs.exclude(role=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_DELETED) return qs class AddonUser(OnChangeMixin, SaveUpdateMixin, models.Model): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey(Addon, on_delete=models.CASCADE) user = user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE) role = models.SmallIntegerField(default=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER, choices=amo.AUTHOR_CHOICES_UNFILTERED) listed = models.BooleanField(_(u'Listed'), default=True) position = models.IntegerField(default=0) unfiltered = AddonUserManager(include_deleted=True) objects = AddonUserManager() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._original_role = self.role class Meta: # see Addon.Meta for details of why this base_manager_name is important base_manager_name = 'unfiltered' db_table = 'addons_users' indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('listed',), name='listed'), models.Index(fields=('addon', 'user', 'listed'), name='addon_user_listed_idx'), models.Index(fields=('addon', 'listed'), name='addon_listed_idx'), ] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('addon', 'user'), name='addon_id'), ] def delete(self): # soft-delete self.update(role=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_DELETED) @property def is_deleted(self): return self.role == amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_DELETED @AddonUser.on_change def watch_addon_user(old_attr=None, new_attr=None, instance=None, sender=None, **kwargs): instance.user.update_is_public() # Update ES because authors is included. update_search_index(sender=sender, instance=instance.addon, **kwargs) def addon_user_sync(sender=None, instance=None, **kwargs): # Basket doesn't care what role authors have or whether they are listed # or not, it just needs to be updated whenever an author is added/removed. created_or_deleted = kwargs.get('created', True) or instance.is_deleted if created_or_deleted and instance.addon.status != amo.STATUS_DELETED: from olympia.amo.tasks import sync_object_to_basket 'Triggering a sync of %s %s with basket because of %s change', 'addon',, 'addonuser') sync_object_to_basket.delay('addon', models.signals.post_delete.connect(watch_addon_user, sender=AddonUser, dispatch_uid='delete_addon_user') models.signals.post_delete.connect(addon_user_sync, sender=AddonUser, dispatch_uid='delete_addon_user_sync') models.signals.post_save.connect(addon_user_sync, sender=AddonUser, dispatch_uid='save_addon_user_sync') class AddonUserPendingConfirmation(SaveUpdateMixin, models.Model): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey(Addon, on_delete=models.CASCADE) user = user = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, on_delete=models.CASCADE) role = models.SmallIntegerField(default=amo.AUTHOR_ROLE_OWNER, choices=amo.AUTHOR_CHOICES) listed = models.BooleanField(_(u'Listed'), default=True) # Note: we don't bother with position for authors waiting confirmation, # because it's impossible to properly reconcile it with the confirmed # authors. Instead, authors waiting confirmation are displayed in the order # they have been added, and when they are confirmed they end up in the # last position by default. def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._original_role = self.role class Meta: db_table = 'addons_users_pending_confirmation' constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('addon', 'user'), name='addons_users_pending_confirmation_' 'addon_id_user_id_38e3bb32_uniq'), ] class AddonApprovalsCounter(ModelBase): """Model holding a counter of the number of times a listed version belonging to an add-on has been approved by a human. Reset everytime a listed version is auto-approved for this add-on. Holds 2 additional date fields: - last_human_review, the date of the last time a human fully reviewed the add-on - last_content_review, the date of the last time a human fully reviewed the add-on content (not code). """ addon = models.OneToOneField( Addon, primary_key=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) counter = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0) last_human_review = models.DateTimeField(null=True) last_content_review = models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True) def __str__(self): return u'%s: %d' % (str(, self.counter) if else u'' @classmethod def increment_for_addon(cls, addon): """ Increment approval counter for the specified addon, setting the last human review date and last content review date to now. If an AddonApprovalsCounter already exists, it updates it, otherwise it creates and saves a new instance. """ now = data = { 'counter': 1, 'last_human_review': now, 'last_content_review': now, } obj, created = cls.objects.get_or_create( addon=addon, defaults=data) if not created: data['counter'] = F('counter') + 1 obj.update(**data) return obj @classmethod def reset_for_addon(cls, addon): """ Reset the approval counter (but not the dates) for the specified addon. """ obj, created = cls.objects.update_or_create( addon=addon, defaults={'counter': 0}) return obj @classmethod def approve_content_for_addon(cls, addon, now=None): """ Set last_content_review for this addon. """ if now is None: now = return cls.reset_content_for_addon(addon, reset_to=now) @classmethod def reset_content_for_addon(cls, addon, reset_to=None): """ Reset the last_content_review date for this addon so it triggers another review. """ obj, created = cls.objects.update_or_create( addon=addon, defaults={'last_content_review': reset_to}) return obj class DeniedGuid(ModelBase): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True) comments = models.TextField(default='', blank=True) class Meta: db_table = 'denied_guids' def __str__(self): return self.guid class Category(OnChangeMixin, ModelBase): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) slug = SlugField( max_length=50, help_text='Used in Category URLs.', db_index=False) type = models.PositiveIntegerField(db_column='addontype_id', choices=do_dictsort(amo.ADDON_TYPE)) application = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=amo.APPS_CHOICES, null=True, blank=True, db_column='application_id') count = models.IntegerField('Addon count', default=0) weight = models.IntegerField( default=0, help_text='Category weight used in sort ordering') misc = models.BooleanField(default=False) addons = models.ManyToManyField(Addon, through='AddonCategory') class Meta: db_table = 'categories' verbose_name_plural = 'Categories' indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('type',), name='addontype_id'), models.Index(fields=('application',), name='application_id'), models.Index(fields=('slug',), name='categories_slug'), ] @property def name(self): try: value = CATEGORIES[self.application][self.type][self.slug].name except KeyError: # We can't find the category in the constants dict. This shouldn't # happen, but just in case handle it by returning an empty string. value = '' return str(value) def __str__(self): return str( def get_url_path(self): try: type = amo.ADDON_SLUGS[self.type] except KeyError: type = amo.ADDON_SLUGS[amo.ADDON_EXTENSION] return reverse('browse.%s' % type, args=[self.slug]) def to_static_category(self): """Return the corresponding StaticCategory instance from a Category.""" try: staticcategory = CATEGORIES[self.application][self.type][self.slug] except KeyError: staticcategory = None return staticcategory @classmethod def from_static_category(cls, static_category, save=False): """Return a Category instance created from a StaticCategory. Does not save it into the database by default. Useful in tests.""" # We need to drop description and name - they are StaticCategory # properties not present in the database. data = dict(static_category.__dict__) del data['name'] del data['description'] if save: category, _ = Category.objects.get_or_create(, defaults=data) return category else: return cls(**data) class Preview(BasePreview, ModelBase): id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey( Addon, related_name='previews', on_delete=models.CASCADE) caption = TranslatedField() position = models.IntegerField(default=0) sizes = JSONField(default=dict) class Meta: db_table = 'previews' ordering = ('position', 'created') indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('addon',), name='addon_id'), models.Index(fields=('addon', 'position', 'created'), name='addon_position_created_idx'), ] dbsignals.pre_save.connect(save_signal, sender=Preview, dispatch_uid='preview_translations') models.signals.post_delete.connect(Preview.delete_preview_files, sender=Preview, dispatch_uid='delete_preview_files') class AppSupport(ModelBase): """Cache to tell us if an add-on's current version supports an app.""" id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey(Addon, on_delete=models.CASCADE) app = models.PositiveIntegerField(choices=amo.APPS_CHOICES, db_column='app_id') min = models.BigIntegerField("Minimum app version", null=True) max = models.BigIntegerField("Maximum app version", null=True) class Meta: db_table = 'appsupport' indexes = [ models.Index(fields=('addon', 'app', 'min', 'max'), name='minmax_idx'), models.Index(fields=('app',), name='app_id_refs_id_481ce338'), ] constraints = [ models.UniqueConstraint(fields=('addon', 'app'), name='addon_id'), ] class DeniedSlug(ModelBase): name = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, default='') class Meta: db_table = 'addons_denied_slug' def __str__(self): return @classmethod def blocked(cls, slug): return slug.isdigit() or cls.objects.filter(name=slug).exists() class FrozenAddon(models.Model): """Add-ons in this table never get a hotness score.""" id = PositiveAutoField(primary_key=True) addon = models.ForeignKey(Addon, on_delete=models.CASCADE) class Meta: db_table = 'frozen_addons' def __str__(self): return 'Frozen: %s' % self.addon_id @receiver(dbsignals.post_save, sender=FrozenAddon) def freezer(sender, instance, **kw): # Adjust the hotness of the FrozenAddon. if instance.addon_id: Addon.objects.get(id=instance.addon_id).update(hotness=0) class ReplacementAddon(ModelBase): guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True, null=True) path = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, help_text=_('Addon and collection paths need to ' 'end with "/"')) class Meta: db_table = 'replacement_addons' @staticmethod def path_is_external(path): return urlsplit(path).scheme in ['http', 'https'] def has_external_url(self): return self.path_is_external(self.path) def track_new_status(sender, instance, *args, **kw): if kw.get('raw'): # The addon is being loaded from a fixure. return if kw.get('created'): track_addon_status_change(instance) models.signals.post_save.connect(track_new_status, sender=Addon, dispatch_uid='track_new_addon_status') @Addon.on_change def track_status_change(old_attr=None, new_attr=None, **kw): if old_attr is None: old_attr = {} if new_attr is None: new_attr = {} new_status = new_attr.get('status') old_status = old_attr.get('status') if new_status != old_status: track_addon_status_change(kw['instance']) def track_addon_status_change(addon): statsd.incr('addon_status_change.all.status_{}' .format(addon.status)) class AddonGUID(ModelBase): """ Addons + guids will be added to this table whenever an addon is created. For deleted addons it will contain an fk to the Addon instance even after Addon.guid has been set to null (i.e. when it's been reuploaded). """ guid = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=False, db_index=True) addon = models.OneToOneField( Addon, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, unique=True) hashed_guid = models.CharField(max_length=64, null=False) class Meta: db_table = 'addons_reusedguid' def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hashed_guid = hashlib.sha256(self.guid.encode()).hexdigest() super().save(*args, **kwargs)
"""Mean shift clustering algorithm. Mean shift clustering aims to discover *blobs* in a smooth density of samples. It is a centroid based algorithm, which works by updating candidates for centroids to be the mean of the points within a given region. These candidates are then filtered in a post-processing stage to eliminate near-duplicates to form the final set of centroids. Seeding is performed using a binning technique for scalability. """ # Authors: Conrad Lee <> # Alexandre Gramfort <> # Gael Varoquaux <> # Martino Sorbaro <> import numpy as np import warnings from collections import defaultdict from ..externals import six from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..utils import extmath, check_random_state, gen_batches, check_array from ..base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin from ..neighbors import NearestNeighbors from ..metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances_argmin from ..externals.joblib import Parallel from ..externals.joblib import delayed def estimate_bandwidth(X, quantile=0.3, n_samples=None, random_state=0): """Estimate the bandwidth to use with the mean-shift algorithm. That this function takes time at least quadratic in n_samples. For large datasets, it's wise to set that parameter to a small value. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input points. quantile : float, default 0.3 should be between [0, 1] 0.5 means that the median of all pairwise distances is used. n_samples : int, optional The number of samples to use. If not given, all samples are used. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. Returns ------- bandwidth : float The bandwidth parameter. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if n_samples is not None: idx = random_state.permutation(X.shape[0])[:n_samples] X = X[idx] nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=int(X.shape[0] * quantile)) bandwidth = 0. for batch in gen_batches(len(X), 500): d, _ = nbrs.kneighbors(X[batch, :], return_distance=True) bandwidth += np.max(d, axis=1).sum() return bandwidth / X.shape[0] # separate function for each seed's iterative loop def _mean_shift_single_seed(my_mean, X, nbrs, max_iter): # For each seed, climb gradient until convergence or max_iter bandwidth = nbrs.get_params()['radius'] stop_thresh = 1e-3 * bandwidth # when mean has converged completed_iterations = 0 while True: # Find mean of points within bandwidth i_nbrs = nbrs.radius_neighbors([my_mean], bandwidth, return_distance=False)[0] points_within = X[i_nbrs] if len(points_within) == 0: break # Depending on seeding strategy this condition may occur my_old_mean = my_mean # save the old mean my_mean = np.mean(points_within, axis=0) # If converged or at max_iter, adds the cluster if (extmath.norm(my_mean - my_old_mean) < stop_thresh or completed_iterations == max_iter): return tuple(my_mean), len(points_within) completed_iterations += 1 def mean_shift(X, bandwidth=None, seeds=None, bin_seeding=False, min_bin_freq=1, cluster_all=True, max_iter=300, max_iterations=None, n_jobs=1): """Perform mean shift clustering of data using a flat kernel. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_shift>`. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input data. bandwidth : float, optional Kernel bandwidth. If bandwidth is not given, it is determined using a heuristic based on the median of all pairwise distances. This will take quadratic time in the number of samples. The sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth function can be used to do this more efficiently. seeds : array-like, shape=[n_seeds, n_features] or None Point used as initial kernel locations. If None and bin_seeding=False, each data point is used as a seed. If None and bin_seeding=True, see bin_seeding. bin_seeding : boolean, default=False If true, initial kernel locations are not locations of all points, but rather the location of the discretized version of points, where points are binned onto a grid whose coarseness corresponds to the bandwidth. Setting this option to True will speed up the algorithm because fewer seeds will be initialized. Ignored if seeds argument is not None. min_bin_freq : int, default=1 To speed up the algorithm, accept only those bins with at least min_bin_freq points as seeds. cluster_all : boolean, default True If true, then all points are clustered, even those orphans that are not within any kernel. Orphans are assigned to the nearest kernel. If false, then orphans are given cluster label -1. max_iter : int, default 300 Maximum number of iterations, per seed point before the clustering operation terminates (for that seed point), if has not converged yet. n_jobs : int The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by computing each of the n_init runs in parallel. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. Returns ------- cluster_centers : array, shape=[n_clusters, n_features] Coordinates of cluster centers. labels : array, shape=[n_samples] Cluster labels for each point. Notes ----- See examples/cluster/ for an example. """ # FIXME To be removed in 0.18 if max_iterations is not None: warnings.warn("The `max_iterations` parameter has been renamed to " "`max_iter` from version 0.16. The `max_iterations` " "parameter will be removed in 0.18", DeprecationWarning) max_iter = max_iterations if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(X) elif bandwidth <= 0: raise ValueError("bandwidth needs to be greater than zero or None,\ got %f" % bandwidth) if seeds is None: if bin_seeding: seeds = get_bin_seeds(X, bandwidth, min_bin_freq) else: seeds = X n_samples, n_features = X.shape center_intensity_dict = {} nbrs = NearestNeighbors(radius=bandwidth).fit(X) # execute iterations on all seeds in parallel all_res = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_mean_shift_single_seed) (seed, X, nbrs, max_iter) for seed in seeds) # copy results in a dictionary for i in range(len(seeds)): if all_res[i] is not None: center_intensity_dict[all_res[i][0]] = all_res[i][1] if not center_intensity_dict: # nothing near seeds raise ValueError("No point was within bandwidth=%f of any seed." " Try a different seeding strategy \ or increase the bandwidth." % bandwidth) # POST PROCESSING: remove near duplicate points # If the distance between two kernels is less than the bandwidth, # then we have to remove one because it is a duplicate. Remove the # one with fewer points. sorted_by_intensity = sorted(center_intensity_dict.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) sorted_centers = np.array([tup[0] for tup in sorted_by_intensity]) unique = np.ones(len(sorted_centers), dtype=np.bool) nbrs = NearestNeighbors(radius=bandwidth).fit(sorted_centers) for i, center in enumerate(sorted_centers): if unique[i]: neighbor_idxs = nbrs.radius_neighbors([center], return_distance=False)[0] unique[neighbor_idxs] = 0 unique[i] = 1 # leave the current point as unique cluster_centers = sorted_centers[unique] # ASSIGN LABELS: a point belongs to the cluster that it is closest to nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1).fit(cluster_centers) labels = np.zeros(n_samples, distances, idxs = nbrs.kneighbors(X) if cluster_all: labels = idxs.flatten() else: labels.fill(-1) bool_selector = distances.flatten() <= bandwidth labels[bool_selector] = idxs.flatten()[bool_selector] return cluster_centers, labels def get_bin_seeds(X, bin_size, min_bin_freq=1): """Finds seeds for mean_shift. Finds seeds by first binning data onto a grid whose lines are spaced bin_size apart, and then choosing those bins with at least min_bin_freq points. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input points, the same points that will be used in mean_shift. bin_size : float Controls the coarseness of the binning. Smaller values lead to more seeding (which is computationally more expensive). If you're not sure how to set this, set it to the value of the bandwidth used in clustering.mean_shift. min_bin_freq : integer, optional Only bins with at least min_bin_freq will be selected as seeds. Raising this value decreases the number of seeds found, which makes mean_shift computationally cheaper. Returns ------- bin_seeds : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Points used as initial kernel positions in clustering.mean_shift. """ # Bin points bin_sizes = defaultdict(int) for point in X: binned_point = np.round(point / bin_size) bin_sizes[tuple(binned_point)] += 1 # Select only those bins as seeds which have enough members bin_seeds = np.array([point for point, freq in six.iteritems(bin_sizes) if freq >= min_bin_freq], dtype=np.float32) if len(bin_seeds) == len(X): warnings.warn("Binning data failed with provided bin_size=%f," " using data points as seeds." % bin_size) return X bin_seeds = bin_seeds * bin_size return bin_seeds class MeanShift(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin): """Mean shift clustering using a flat kernel. Mean shift clustering aims to discover "blobs" in a smooth density of samples. It is a centroid-based algorithm, which works by updating candidates for centroids to be the mean of the points within a given region. These candidates are then filtered in a post-processing stage to eliminate near-duplicates to form the final set of centroids. Seeding is performed using a binning technique for scalability. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_shift>`. Parameters ---------- bandwidth : float, optional Bandwidth used in the RBF kernel. If not given, the bandwidth is estimated using sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth; see the documentation for that function for hints on scalability (see also the Notes, below). seeds : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features], optional Seeds used to initialize kernels. If not set, the seeds are calculated by clustering.get_bin_seeds with bandwidth as the grid size and default values for other parameters. bin_seeding : boolean, optional If true, initial kernel locations are not locations of all points, but rather the location of the discretized version of points, where points are binned onto a grid whose coarseness corresponds to the bandwidth. Setting this option to True will speed up the algorithm because fewer seeds will be initialized. default value: False Ignored if seeds argument is not None. min_bin_freq : int, optional To speed up the algorithm, accept only those bins with at least min_bin_freq points as seeds. If not defined, set to 1. cluster_all : boolean, default True If true, then all points are clustered, even those orphans that are not within any kernel. Orphans are assigned to the nearest kernel. If false, then orphans are given cluster label -1. n_jobs : int The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by computing each of the n_init runs in parallel. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. Attributes ---------- cluster_centers_ : array, [n_clusters, n_features] Coordinates of cluster centers. labels_ : Labels of each point. Notes ----- Scalability: Because this implementation uses a flat kernel and a Ball Tree to look up members of each kernel, the complexity will is to O(T*n*log(n)) in lower dimensions, with n the number of samples and T the number of points. In higher dimensions the complexity will tend towards O(T*n^2). Scalability can be boosted by using fewer seeds, for example by using a higher value of min_bin_freq in the get_bin_seeds function. Note that the estimate_bandwidth function is much less scalable than the mean shift algorithm and will be the bottleneck if it is used. References ---------- Dorin Comaniciu and Peter Meer, "Mean Shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2002. pp. 603-619. """ def __init__(self, bandwidth=None, seeds=None, bin_seeding=False, min_bin_freq=1, cluster_all=True, n_jobs=1): self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.seeds = seeds self.bin_seeding = bin_seeding self.cluster_all = cluster_all self.min_bin_freq = min_bin_freq self.n_jobs = n_jobs def fit(self, X, y=None): """Perform clustering. Parameters ----------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Samples to cluster. """ X = check_array(X) self.cluster_centers_, self.labels_ = \ mean_shift(X, bandwidth=self.bandwidth, seeds=self.seeds, min_bin_freq=self.min_bin_freq, bin_seeding=self.bin_seeding, cluster_all=self.cluster_all, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) return self def predict(self, X): """Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[n_samples, n_features] New data to predict. Returns ------- labels : array, shape [n_samples,] Index of the cluster each sample belongs to. """ check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") return pairwise_distances_argmin(X, self.cluster_centers_)
"""Mean shift clustering algorithm. Mean shift clustering aims to discover *blobs* in a smooth density of samples. It is a centroid based algorithm, which works by updating candidates for centroids to be the mean of the points within a given region. These candidates are then filtered in a post-processing stage to eliminate near-duplicates to form the final set of centroids. Seeding is performed using a binning technique for scalability. """ # Authors: Conrad Lee <> # Alexandre Gramfort <> # Gael Varoquaux <> # Martino Sorbaro <> import numpy as np import warnings from collections import defaultdict from ..externals import six from ..utils.validation import check_is_fitted from ..utils import extmath, check_random_state, gen_batches, check_array from ..base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin from ..neighbors import NearestNeighbors from ..metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances_argmin from ..externals.joblib import Parallel from ..externals.joblib import delayed def estimate_bandwidth(X, quantile=0.3, n_samples=None, random_state=0): """Estimate the bandwidth to use with the mean-shift algorithm. That this function takes time at least quadratic in n_samples. For large datasets, it's wise to set that parameter to a small value. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input points. quantile : float, default 0.3 should be between [0, 1] 0.5 means that the median of all pairwise distances is used. n_samples : int, optional The number of samples to use. If not given, all samples are used. random_state : int or RandomState Pseudo-random number generator state used for random sampling. Returns ------- bandwidth : float The bandwidth parameter. """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if n_samples is not None: idx = random_state.permutation(X.shape[0])[:n_samples] X = X[idx] nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=int(X.shape[0] * quantile)) bandwidth = 0. for batch in gen_batches(len(X), 500): d, _ = nbrs.kneighbors(X[batch, :], return_distance=True) bandwidth += np.max(d, axis=1).sum() return bandwidth / X.shape[0] # separate function for each seed's iterative loop def _mean_shift_single_seed(my_mean, X, nbrs, max_iter): # For each seed, climb gradient until convergence or max_iter bandwidth = nbrs.get_params()['radius'] stop_thresh = 1e-3 * bandwidth # when mean has converged completed_iterations = 0 while True: # Find mean of points within bandwidth i_nbrs = nbrs.radius_neighbors([my_mean], bandwidth, return_distance=False)[0] points_within = X[i_nbrs] if len(points_within) == 0: break # Depending on seeding strategy this condition may occur my_old_mean = my_mean # save the old mean my_mean = np.mean(points_within, axis=0) # If converged or at max_iter, adds the cluster if (extmath.norm(my_mean - my_old_mean) < stop_thresh or completed_iterations == max_iter): return tuple(my_mean), len(points_within) completed_iterations += 1 def mean_shift(X, bandwidth=None, seeds=None, bin_seeding=False, min_bin_freq=1, cluster_all=True, max_iter=300, max_iterations=None, n_jobs=1): """Perform mean shift clustering of data using a flat kernel. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_shift>`. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input data. bandwidth : float, optional Kernel bandwidth. If bandwidth is not given, it is determined using a heuristic based on the median of all pairwise distances. This will take quadratic time in the number of samples. The sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth function can be used to do this more efficiently. seeds : array-like, shape=[n_seeds, n_features] or None Point used as initial kernel locations. If None and bin_seeding=False, each data point is used as a seed. If None and bin_seeding=True, see bin_seeding. bin_seeding : boolean, default=False If true, initial kernel locations are not locations of all points, but rather the location of the discretized version of points, where points are binned onto a grid whose coarseness corresponds to the bandwidth. Setting this option to True will speed up the algorithm because fewer seeds will be initialized. Ignored if seeds argument is not None. min_bin_freq : int, default=1 To speed up the algorithm, accept only those bins with at least min_bin_freq points as seeds. cluster_all : boolean, default True If true, then all points are clustered, even those orphans that are not within any kernel. Orphans are assigned to the nearest kernel. If false, then orphans are given cluster label -1. max_iter : int, default 300 Maximum number of iterations, per seed point before the clustering operation terminates (for that seed point), if has not converged yet. n_jobs : int The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by computing each of the n_init runs in parallel. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. Returns ------- cluster_centers : array, shape=[n_clusters, n_features] Coordinates of cluster centers. labels : array, shape=[n_samples] Cluster labels for each point. Notes ----- See examples/cluster/ for an example. """ # FIXME To be removed in 0.18 if max_iterations is not None: warnings.warn("The `max_iterations` parameter has been renamed to " "`max_iter` from version 0.16. The `max_iterations` " "parameter will be removed in 0.18", DeprecationWarning) max_iter = max_iterations if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(X) elif bandwidth <= 0: raise ValueError("bandwidth needs to be greater than zero or None,\ got %f" % bandwidth) if seeds is None: if bin_seeding: seeds = get_bin_seeds(X, bandwidth, min_bin_freq) else: seeds = X n_samples, n_features = X.shape center_intensity_dict = {} nbrs = NearestNeighbors(radius=bandwidth).fit(X) # execute iterations on all seeds in parallel all_res = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_mean_shift_single_seed) (seed, X, nbrs, max_iter) for seed in seeds) # copy results in a dictionary for i in range(len(seeds)): if all_res[i] is not None: center_intensity_dict[all_res[i][0]] = all_res[i][1] if not center_intensity_dict: # nothing near seeds raise ValueError("No point was within bandwidth=%f of any seed." " Try a different seeding strategy \ or increase the bandwidth." % bandwidth) # POST PROCESSING: remove near duplicate points # If the distance between two kernels is less than the bandwidth, # then we have to remove one because it is a duplicate. Remove the # one with fewer points. sorted_by_intensity = sorted(center_intensity_dict.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) sorted_centers = np.array([tup[0] for tup in sorted_by_intensity]) unique = np.ones(len(sorted_centers), dtype=np.bool) nbrs = NearestNeighbors(radius=bandwidth).fit(sorted_centers) for i, center in enumerate(sorted_centers): if unique[i]: neighbor_idxs = nbrs.radius_neighbors([center], return_distance=False)[0] unique[neighbor_idxs] = 0 unique[i] = 1 # leave the current point as unique cluster_centers = sorted_centers[unique] # ASSIGN LABELS: a point belongs to the cluster that it is closest to nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1).fit(cluster_centers) labels = np.zeros(n_samples, distances, idxs = nbrs.kneighbors(X) if cluster_all: labels = idxs.flatten() else: labels.fill(-1) bool_selector = distances.flatten() <= bandwidth labels[bool_selector] = idxs.flatten()[bool_selector] return cluster_centers, labels def get_bin_seeds(X, bin_size, min_bin_freq=1): """Finds seeds for mean_shift. Finds seeds by first binning data onto a grid whose lines are spaced bin_size apart, and then choosing those bins with at least min_bin_freq points. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input points, the same points that will be used in mean_shift. bin_size : float Controls the coarseness of the binning. Smaller values lead to more seeding (which is computationally more expensive). If you're not sure how to set this, set it to the value of the bandwidth used in clustering.mean_shift. min_bin_freq : integer, optional Only bins with at least min_bin_freq will be selected as seeds. Raising this value decreases the number of seeds found, which makes mean_shift computationally cheaper. Returns ------- bin_seeds : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Points used as initial kernel positions in clustering.mean_shift. """ # Bin points bin_sizes = defaultdict(int) for point in X: binned_point = np.round(point / bin_size) bin_sizes[tuple(binned_point)] += 1 # Select only those bins as seeds which have enough members bin_seeds = np.array([point for point, freq in six.iteritems(bin_sizes) if freq >= min_bin_freq], dtype=np.float32) if len(bin_seeds) == len(X): warnings.warn("Binning data failed with provided bin_size=%f," " using data points as seeds." % bin_size) return X bin_seeds = bin_seeds * bin_size return bin_seeds class MeanShift(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin): """Mean shift clustering using a flat kernel. Mean shift clustering aims to discover "blobs" in a smooth density of samples. It is a centroid-based algorithm, which works by updating candidates for centroids to be the mean of the points within a given region. These candidates are then filtered in a post-processing stage to eliminate near-duplicates to form the final set of centroids. Seeding is performed using a binning technique for scalability. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mean_shift>`. Parameters ---------- bandwidth : float, optional Bandwidth used in the RBF kernel. If not given, the bandwidth is estimated using sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth; see the documentation for that function for hints on scalability (see also the Notes, below). seeds : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features], optional Seeds used to initialize kernels. If not set, the seeds are calculated by clustering.get_bin_seeds with bandwidth as the grid size and default values for other parameters. bin_seeding : boolean, optional If true, initial kernel locations are not locations of all points, but rather the location of the discretized version of points, where points are binned onto a grid whose coarseness corresponds to the bandwidth. Setting this option to True will speed up the algorithm because fewer seeds will be initialized. default value: False Ignored if seeds argument is not None. min_bin_freq : int, optional To speed up the algorithm, accept only those bins with at least min_bin_freq points as seeds. If not defined, set to 1. cluster_all : boolean, default True If true, then all points are clustered, even those orphans that are not within any kernel. Orphans are assigned to the nearest kernel. If false, then orphans are given cluster label -1. n_jobs : int The number of jobs to use for the computation. This works by computing each of the n_init runs in parallel. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used. Attributes ---------- cluster_centers_ : array, [n_clusters, n_features] Coordinates of cluster centers. labels_ : Labels of each point. Notes ----- Scalability: Because this implementation uses a flat kernel and a Ball Tree to look up members of each kernel, the complexity will is to O(T*n*log(n)) in lower dimensions, with n the number of samples and T the number of points. In higher dimensions the complexity will tend towards O(T*n^2). Scalability can be boosted by using fewer seeds, for example by using a higher value of min_bin_freq in the get_bin_seeds function. Note that the estimate_bandwidth function is much less scalable than the mean shift algorithm and will be the bottleneck if it is used. References ---------- Dorin Comaniciu and Peter Meer, "Mean Shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis". IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 2002. pp. 603-619. """ def __init__(self, bandwidth=None, seeds=None, bin_seeding=False, min_bin_freq=1, cluster_all=True, n_jobs=1): self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.seeds = seeds self.bin_seeding = bin_seeding self.cluster_all = cluster_all self.min_bin_freq = min_bin_freq self.n_jobs = n_jobs def fit(self, X, y=None): """Perform clustering. Parameters ----------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Samples to cluster. """ X = check_array(X) self.cluster_centers_, self.labels_ = \ mean_shift(X, bandwidth=self.bandwidth, seeds=self.seeds, min_bin_freq=self.min_bin_freq, bin_seeding=self.bin_seeding, cluster_all=self.cluster_all, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) return self def predict(self, X): """Predict the closest cluster each sample in X belongs to. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[n_samples, n_features] New data to predict. Returns ------- labels : array, shape [n_samples,] Index of the cluster each sample belongs to. """ check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") return pairwise_distances_argmin(X, self.cluster_centers_)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original', data_home='~/cgt/data') # XXX print( print( np.unique( #plt.imshow([1, :].reshape(28, 28)) # do some preprocessing X = y = X = X.astype('float64') X = X / 255 # train-test split (as [Joachims, 2006]) # TODO can define own validation split... n_train = 60000 X_train = X[:n_train, :] X_test = X[n_train:, :] y_train = y[:n_train] y_test = y[n_train:] # construct the network import nn import cgt from opt import sgd_update N_LAYERS = 2 hid_size = X.shape[1] # 28 * 28 out_size = 10 inps = [cgt.matrix(dtype=cgt.floatX)] param_list = [] for k in xrange(N_LAYERS): tmp = nn.Affine(hid_size, hid_size)#(inps[k]) param_list.extend([tmp.weight, tmp.bias]) inps.append(cgt.tanh(tmp(inps[k]))) tmp = nn.Affine(hid_size, out_size) param_list.extend([tmp.weight, tmp.bias]) logprobs = nn.logsoftmax(tmp(inps[-1])) #dnn = nn.Module(inps[0:1], [logprobs]) #params = dnn.get_parameters() # XXX think should just make this part of get_parameters theta = nn.setup_contiguous_storage(param_list) # XXX initialize theta[:] = np.random.uniform(-0.08, 0.08, theta.shape) # XXX taken from other demo, move def ind2onehot(inds, n_cls): out = np.zeros(list(inds.shape)+[n_cls,], cgt.floatX) for k in xrange(inds.shape[0]): out[k, inds[k].astype('int32')] = 1 #out.flat[np.arange(inds.size)*n_cls + inds.ravel()] = 1 return out b_size = 25 def make_loss_and_grad(net): X_b = inps[0] #cgt.matrix(dtype=cgt.floatX) y_onehot = cgt.matrix(dtype='i4') outputs = [logprobs] loss = nn.crossent(outputs[0], y_onehot) / b_size #gradloss = cgt.grad(loss, params) gradloss = cgt.grad(loss, param_list) # XXX use flatcat function grad = cgt.concatenate([x.flatten() for x in gradloss]) #grad = gradloss return cgt.make_function([X_b, y_onehot], [loss, grad, logprobs]) f_loss_and_grad = make_loss_and_grad(None) # train loop # shuffle data perm = np.random.permutation(np.arange(X_train.shape[0])) X_train = X_train[perm, :] y_train = y_train[perm] class Table(object): pass state = Table() state.theta = theta state.step_size = 0.1 exploss = None for k in xrange(X_train.shape[0] / b_size): X_batch, y_batch = X_train[k*b_size:(k+1)*b_size, :], y_train[k*b_size:(k+1)*b_size] loss, grad, logprobs = f_loss_and_grad(X_batch, ind2onehot(y_batch, 10)) exploss = loss if k == 0 else 0.99*exploss + 0.01*loss print('iter %d, loss %f, exploss %f' % (k + 1, loss, exploss)) sgd_update(state, grad) # test code correct = 0 total = 0 print(X_test.shape) print(y_test.shape) for k in xrange(X_test.shape[0] / b_size): X_batch, y_batch = X_test[k*b_size:(k+1)*b_size, :], y_test[k*b_size:(k+1)*b_size] loss, grad, logprobs = f_loss_and_grad(X_batch, ind2onehot(y_batch, 10)) preds = logprobs.argmax(axis=1).flatten() correct = correct + (preds == y_batch).sum() total = total + b_size print('%d/%d correct', correct, total)
# Copyright (C) 2003-2007, 2009, 2010 Nominum, Inc. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND NOMINUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL NOMINUM BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import dns.rdtypes.nsbase class CNAME(dns.rdtypes.nsbase.NSBase): """CNAME record Note: although CNAME is officially a singleton type, dnspython allows non-singleton CNAME rdatasets because such sets have been commonly used by BIND and other nameservers for load balancing.""" pass
import numpy as np import torch from torch.autograd import Variable import atexit import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class Plotter(): def __init__(self, no_plot): self._no_plot = no_plot if self._no_plot: return atexit.register( self._cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap([ (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1) ]) def plot(self, X, phn, spk, name="fig", transform=lambda x: x): if self._no_plot: return self.last_axes_boundaries() plt.figure(name) for i, m in enumerate(['o', '+', 'x']): mask = (spk.numpy() == i) spk_set = X.numpy()[mask] spk_set = Variable(torch.from_numpy(spk_set).float()) spk_set = transform(spk_set).data.numpy() plt.scatter(spk_set[:, 0], spk_set[:, 1], c=phn.numpy()[mask], cmap=self._cmap, marker=m) self._show_plot() return self.last_axes_boundaries() def plot_preds(self, name, X, y, colors): if self._no_plot: return self.last_axes_boundaries() plt.figure(name) plt.scatter(X.numpy()[:, 0], X.numpy()[:, 1], c=colors) self._show_plot() return self.last_axes_boundaries() def last_axes_boundaries(self): axes = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim() return (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax) def _show_plot(self): plt.pause(0.05) def plot_preds(plotter, name, b_l, u_r, classifier, nb_steps=100): X = np.mgrid[b_l[0]:u_r[0]:(u_r[0]-b_l[0])/nb_steps, b_l[1]:u_r[1]:(u_r[1]-b_l[1])/nb_steps] X = X.reshape(2, -1).T X = torch.from_numpy(X).float() print(X.size()) y = classifier(Variable(X)) colors = torch.exp(y).data.numpy() plotter.plot_preds(name, X, y, colors)
import warnings import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as la from scipy import sparse from distutils.version import LooseVersion from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_almost_equal, clean_warning_registry from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_greater_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_less_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises_regex from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_warns_message from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_no_warnings from sklearn.utils.testing import ignore_warnings from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs import mean_variance_axis from import _transform_selected from import Binarizer from import KernelCenterer from import Normalizer from import normalize from import OneHotEncoder from import StandardScaler from import scale from import MinMaxScaler from import minmax_scale from import MaxAbsScaler from import maxabs_scale from import RobustScaler from import robust_scale from import add_dummy_feature from import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.utils.validation import DataConversionWarning from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() def toarray(a): if hasattr(a, "toarray"): a = a.toarray() return a def test_polynomial_features(): # Test Polynomial Features X1 = np.arange(6)[:, np.newaxis] P1 = np.hstack([np.ones_like(X1), X1, X1 ** 2, X1 ** 3]) deg1 = 3 X2 = np.arange(6).reshape((3, 2)) x1 = X2[:, :1] x2 = X2[:, 1:] P2 = np.hstack([x1 ** 0 * x2 ** 0, x1 ** 1 * x2 ** 0, x1 ** 0 * x2 ** 1, x1 ** 2 * x2 ** 0, x1 ** 1 * x2 ** 1, x1 ** 0 * x2 ** 2]) deg2 = 2 for (deg, X, P) in [(deg1, X1, P1), (deg2, X2, P2)]: P_test = PolynomialFeatures(deg, include_bias=True).fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(P_test, P) P_test = PolynomialFeatures(deg, include_bias=False).fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(P_test, P[:, 1:]) interact = PolynomialFeatures(2, interaction_only=True, include_bias=True) X_poly = interact.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_poly, P2[:, [0, 1, 2, 4]]) @ignore_warnings def test_scaler_1d(): # Test scaling of dataset along single axis rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(5) X_orig_copy = X.copy() scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled =, copy=False) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), 1.0) # check inverse transform X_scaled_back = scaler.inverse_transform(X_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled_back, X_orig_copy) # Test with 1D list X = [0., 1., 2, 0.4, 1.] scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled =, copy=False) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), 1.0) X_scaled = scale(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), 1.0) X = np.ones(5) assert_array_equal(scale(X, with_mean=False), X) def test_standard_scaler_numerical_stability(): """Test numerical stability of scaling""" # np.log(1e-5) is taken because of its floating point representation # was empirically found to cause numerical problems with np.mean & np.std. x = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.float64) + np.log(1e-5, dtype=np.float64) if LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.9'): # This does not raise a warning as the number of samples is too low # to trigger the problem in recent numpy x_scaled = assert_no_warnings(scale, x) assert_array_almost_equal(scale(x), np.zeros(8)) else: w = "standard deviation of the data is probably very close to 0" x_scaled = assert_warns_message(UserWarning, w, scale, x) assert_array_almost_equal(x_scaled, np.zeros(8)) # with 2 more samples, the std computation run into numerical issues: x = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64) + np.log(1e-5, dtype=np.float64) w = "standard deviation of the data is probably very close to 0" x_scaled = assert_warns_message(UserWarning, w, scale, x) assert_array_almost_equal(x_scaled, np.zeros(10)) x = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64) * 1e-100 x_small_scaled = assert_no_warnings(scale, x) assert_array_almost_equal(x_small_scaled, np.zeros(10)) # Large values can cause (often recoverable) numerical stability issues: x_big = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64) * 1e100 w = "Dataset may contain too large values" x_big_scaled = assert_warns_message(UserWarning, w, scale, x_big) assert_array_almost_equal(x_big_scaled, np.zeros(10)) assert_array_almost_equal(x_big_scaled, x_small_scaled) x_big_centered = assert_warns_message(UserWarning, w, scale, x_big, with_std=False) assert_array_almost_equal(x_big_centered, np.zeros(10)) assert_array_almost_equal(x_big_centered, x_small_scaled) def test_scaler_2d_arrays(): # Test scaling of 2d array along first axis rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 0.0 # first feature is always of zero scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled =, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 5 * [0.0]) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Check that X has been copied assert_true(X_scaled is not X) # check inverse transform X_scaled_back = scaler.inverse_transform(X_scaled) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled_back, X) X_scaled = scale(X, axis=1, with_std=False) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=1), 4 * [0.0]) X_scaled = scale(X, axis=1, with_std=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=1), 4 * [0.0]) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=1), 4 * [1.0]) # Check that the data hasn't been modified assert_true(X_scaled is not X) X_scaled =, copy=False) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 5 * [0.0]) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Check that X has not been copied assert_true(X_scaled is X) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 1.0 # first feature is a constant, non zero feature scaler = StandardScaler() X_scaled =, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), 5 * [0.0]) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Check that X has not been copied assert_true(X_scaled is not X) def test_min_max_scaler_iris(): X = scaler = MinMaxScaler() # default params X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.min(axis=0), 0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.min(axis=0), 0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.max(axis=0), 1) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) # not default params: min=1, max=2 scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(1, 2)) X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.min(axis=0), 1) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.max(axis=0), 2) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) # min=-.5, max=.6 scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(-.5, .6)) X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.min(axis=0), -.5) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.max(axis=0), .6) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) # raises on invalid range scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(2, 1)) assert_raises(ValueError,, X) def test_min_max_scaler_zero_variance_features(): # Check min max scaler on toy data with zero variance features X = [[0., 1., +0.5], [0., 1., -0.1], [0., 1., +1.1]] X_new = [[+0., 2., 0.5], [-1., 1., 0.0], [+0., 1., 1.5]] # default params scaler = MinMaxScaler() X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) X_expected_0_1 = [[0., 0., 0.5], [0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 1.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected_0_1) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) X_trans_new = scaler.transform(X_new) X_expected_0_1_new = [[+0., 1., 0.500], [-1., 0., 0.083], [+0., 0., 1.333]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans_new, X_expected_0_1_new, decimal=2) # not default params scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(1, 2)) X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) X_expected_1_2 = [[1., 1., 1.5], [1., 1., 1.0], [1., 1., 2.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected_1_2) # function interface X_trans = minmax_scale(X) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected_0_1) X_trans = minmax_scale(X, feature_range=(1, 2)) assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected_1_2) def test_minmax_scale_axis1(): X = X_trans = minmax_scale(X, axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(np.min(X_trans, axis=1), 0) assert_array_almost_equal(np.max(X_trans, axis=1), 1) @ignore_warnings def test_min_max_scaler_1d(): # Test scaling of dataset along single axis rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(5) X_orig_copy = X.copy() scaler = MinMaxScaler() X_scaled = assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.min(axis=0), 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.max(axis=0), 1.0) # check inverse transform X_scaled_back = scaler.inverse_transform(X_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled_back, X_orig_copy) # Test with 1D list X = [0., 1., 2, 0.4, 1.] scaler = MinMaxScaler() X_scaled = assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.min(axis=0), 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.max(axis=0), 1.0) # Constant feature. X = np.zeros(5) scaler = MinMaxScaler() X_scaled = assert_greater_equal(X_scaled.min(), 0.) assert_less_equal(X_scaled.max(), 1.) def test_scaler_without_centering(): rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 0.0 # first feature is always of zero X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_csc = sparse.csc_matrix(X) assert_raises(ValueError, StandardScaler().fit, X_csr) null_transform = StandardScaler(with_mean=False, with_std=False, copy=True) X_null = null_transform.fit_transform(X_csr) assert_array_equal(, X_orig = null_transform.inverse_transform(X_null) assert_array_equal(, scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X) X_scaled = scaler.transform(X, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) scaler_csr = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X_csr) X_csr_scaled = scaler_csr.transform(X_csr, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan( scaler_csc = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X_csc) X_csc_scaled = scaler_csr.transform(X_csc, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan( assert_equal(scaler.mean_, scaler_csr.mean_) assert_array_almost_equal(scaler.std_, scaler_csr.std_) assert_equal(scaler.mean_, scaler_csc.mean_) assert_array_almost_equal(scaler.std_, scaler_csc.std_) assert_array_almost_equal( X_scaled.mean(axis=0), [0., -0.01, 2.24, -0.35, -0.78], 2) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) X_csr_scaled_mean, X_csr_scaled_std = mean_variance_axis(X_csr_scaled, 0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_mean, X_scaled.mean(axis=0)) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_std, X_scaled.std(axis=0)) # Check that X has not been modified (copy) assert_true(X_scaled is not X) assert_true(X_csr_scaled is not X_csr) X_scaled_back = scaler.inverse_transform(X_scaled) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled_back, X) X_csr_scaled_back = scaler_csr.inverse_transform(X_csr_scaled) assert_true(X_csr_scaled_back is not X_csr) assert_true(X_csr_scaled_back is not X_csr_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_back.toarray(), X) X_csc_scaled_back = scaler_csr.inverse_transform(X_csc_scaled.tocsc()) assert_true(X_csc_scaled_back is not X_csc) assert_true(X_csc_scaled_back is not X_csc_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csc_scaled_back.toarray(), X) def test_scaler_int(): # test that scaler converts integer input to floating # for both sparse and dense matrices rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.randint(20, size=(4, 5)) X[:, 0] = 0 # first feature is always of zero X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_csc = sparse.csc_matrix(X) null_transform = StandardScaler(with_mean=False, with_std=False, copy=True) clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): X_null = null_transform.fit_transform(X_csr) assert_array_equal(, X_orig = null_transform.inverse_transform(X_null) assert_array_equal(, clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X) X_scaled = scaler.transform(X, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): scaler_csr = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X_csr) X_csr_scaled = scaler_csr.transform(X_csr, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan( clean_warning_registry() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): scaler_csc = StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X_csc) X_csc_scaled = scaler_csr.transform(X_csc, copy=True) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan( assert_equal(scaler.mean_, scaler_csr.mean_) assert_array_almost_equal(scaler.std_, scaler_csr.std_) assert_equal(scaler.mean_, scaler_csc.mean_) assert_array_almost_equal(scaler.std_, scaler_csc.std_) assert_array_almost_equal( X_scaled.mean(axis=0), [0., 1.109, 1.856, 21., 1.559], 2) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) X_csr_scaled_mean, X_csr_scaled_std = mean_variance_axis( X_csr_scaled.astype(np.float), 0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_mean, X_scaled.mean(axis=0)) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_std, X_scaled.std(axis=0)) # Check that X has not been modified (copy) assert_true(X_scaled is not X) assert_true(X_csr_scaled is not X_csr) X_scaled_back = scaler.inverse_transform(X_scaled) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X) assert_true(X_scaled_back is not X_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled_back, X) X_csr_scaled_back = scaler_csr.inverse_transform(X_csr_scaled) assert_true(X_csr_scaled_back is not X_csr) assert_true(X_csr_scaled_back is not X_csr_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_back.toarray(), X) X_csc_scaled_back = scaler_csr.inverse_transform(X_csc_scaled.tocsc()) assert_true(X_csc_scaled_back is not X_csc) assert_true(X_csc_scaled_back is not X_csc_scaled) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csc_scaled_back.toarray(), X) def test_scaler_without_copy(): # Check that does not change input rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 0.0 # first feature is always of zero X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_copy = X.copy() StandardScaler(copy=False).fit(X) assert_array_equal(X, X_copy) X_csr_copy = X_csr.copy() StandardScaler(with_mean=False, copy=False).fit(X_csr) assert_array_equal(X_csr.toarray(), X_csr_copy.toarray()) def test_scale_sparse_with_mean_raise_exception(): rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) # check scaling and fit with direct calls on sparse data assert_raises(ValueError, scale, X_csr, with_mean=True) assert_raises(ValueError, StandardScaler(with_mean=True).fit, X_csr) # check transform and inverse_transform after a fit on a dense array scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=True).fit(X) assert_raises(ValueError, scaler.transform, X_csr) X_transformed_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(scaler.transform(X)) assert_raises(ValueError, scaler.inverse_transform, X_transformed_csr) def test_scale_input_finiteness_validation(): # Check if non finite inputs raise ValueError X = [np.nan, 5, 6, 7, 8] assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large", scale, X) X = [np.inf, 5, 6, 7, 8] assert_raises_regex(ValueError, "Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large", scale, X) def test_scale_function_without_centering(): rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 0.0 # first feature is always of zero X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_scaled = scale(X, with_mean=False) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan(X_scaled))) X_csr_scaled = scale(X_csr, with_mean=False) assert_false(np.any(np.isnan( # test csc has same outcome X_csc_scaled = scale(X_csr.tocsc(), with_mean=False) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled, X_csc_scaled.toarray()) # raises value error on axis != 0 assert_raises(ValueError, scale, X_csr, with_mean=False, axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.mean(axis=0), [0., -0.01, 2.24, -0.35, -0.78], 2) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0), [0., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) # Check that X has not been copied assert_true(X_scaled is not X) X_csr_scaled_mean, X_csr_scaled_std = mean_variance_axis(X_csr_scaled, 0) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_mean, X_scaled.mean(axis=0)) assert_array_almost_equal(X_csr_scaled_std, X_scaled.std(axis=0)) def test_robust_scaler_2d_arrays(): """Test robust scaling of 2d array along first axis""" rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.randn(4, 5) X[:, 0] = 0.0 # first feature is always of zero scaler = RobustScaler() X_scaled = assert_array_almost_equal(np.median(X_scaled, axis=0), 5 * [0.0]) assert_array_almost_equal(X_scaled.std(axis=0)[0], 0) def test_robust_scaler_iris(): X = scaler = RobustScaler() X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) assert_array_almost_equal(np.median(X_trans, axis=0), 0) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) q = np.percentile(X_trans, q=(25, 75), axis=0) iqr = q[1] - q[0] assert_array_almost_equal(iqr, 1) def test_robust_scale_axis1(): X = X_trans = robust_scale(X, axis=1) assert_array_almost_equal(np.median(X_trans, axis=1), 0) q = np.percentile(X_trans, q=(25, 75), axis=1) iqr = q[1] - q[0] assert_array_almost_equal(iqr, 1) def test_robust_scaler_zero_variance_features(): """Check RobustScaler on toy data with zero variance features""" X = [[0., 1., +0.5], [0., 1., -0.1], [0., 1., +1.1]] scaler = RobustScaler() X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) # NOTE: for such a small sample size, what we expect in the third column # depends HEAVILY on the method used to calculate quantiles. The values # here were calculated to fit the quantiles produces by np.percentile # using numpy 1.9 Calculating quantiles with # scipy.stats.mstats.scoreatquantile or scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles # would yield very different results! X_expected = [[0., 0., +0.0], [0., 0., -1.0], [0., 0., +1.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) # make sure new data gets transformed correctly X_new = [[+0., 2., 0.5], [-1., 1., 0.0], [+0., 1., 1.5]] X_trans_new = scaler.transform(X_new) X_expected_new = [[+0., 1., +0.], [-1., 0., -0.83333], [+0., 0., +1.66667]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans_new, X_expected_new, decimal=3) def test_maxabs_scaler_zero_variance_features(): """Check MaxAbsScaler on toy data with zero variance features""" X = [[0., 1., +0.5], [0., 1., -0.3], [0., 1., +1.5], [0., 0., +0.0]] scaler = MaxAbsScaler() X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) X_expected = [[0., 1., 1.0 / 3.0], [0., 1., -0.2], [0., 1., 1.0], [0., 0., 0.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv) # make sure new data gets transformed correctly X_new = [[+0., 2., 0.5], [-1., 1., 0.0], [+0., 1., 1.5]] X_trans_new = scaler.transform(X_new) X_expected_new = [[+0., 2.0, 1.0 / 3.0], [-1., 1.0, 0.0], [+0., 1.0, 1.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans_new, X_expected_new, decimal=2) # sparse data X_csr = sparse.csr_matrix(X) X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X_csr) X_expected = [[0., 1., 1.0 / 3.0], [0., 1., -0.2], [0., 1., 1.0], [0., 0., 0.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans.A, X_expected) X_trans_inv = scaler.inverse_transform(X_trans) assert_array_almost_equal(X, X_trans_inv.A) def test_maxabs_scaler_large_negative_value(): """Check MaxAbsScaler on toy data with a large negative value""" X = [[0., 1., +0.5, -1.0], [0., 1., -0.3, -0.5], [0., 1., -100.0, 0.0], [0., 0., +0.0, -2.0]] scaler = MaxAbsScaler() X_trans = scaler.fit_transform(X) X_expected = [[0., 1., 0.005, -0.5], [0., 1., -0.003, -0.25], [0., 1., -1.0, 0.0], [0., 0., 0.0, -1.0]] assert_array_almost_equal(X_trans, X_expected) def test_warning_scaling_integers(): # Check warning when scaling integer data X = np.array([[1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.uint8) w = "Data with input dtype uint8 was converted to float64" clean_warning_registry() assert_warns_message(DataConversionWarning, w, scale, X) assert_warns_message(DataConversionWarning, w, StandardScaler().fit, X) assert_warns_message(DataConversionWarning, w, MinMaxScaler().fit, X) def test_normalizer_l1(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_dense = rng.randn(4, 5) X_sparse_unpruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # set the row number 3 to zero X_dense[3, :] = 0.0 # set the row number 3 to zero without pruning (can happen in real life) indptr_3 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[3] indptr_4 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[4][indptr_3:indptr_4] = 0.0 # build the pruned variant using the regular constructor X_sparse_pruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # check inputs that support the no-copy optim for X in (X_dense, X_sparse_pruned, X_sparse_unpruned): normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l1', copy=True) X_norm = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm is not X) X_norm1 = toarray(X_norm) normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l1', copy=False) X_norm = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm is X) X_norm2 = toarray(X_norm) for X_norm in (X_norm1, X_norm2): row_sums = np.abs(X_norm).sum(axis=1) for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(row_sums[i], 1.0) assert_almost_equal(row_sums[3], 0.0) # check input for which copy=False won't prevent a copy for init in (sparse.coo_matrix, sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.lil_matrix): X = init(X_dense) X_norm = normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l2', copy=False).transform(X) assert_true(X_norm is not X) assert_true(isinstance(X_norm, sparse.csr_matrix)) X_norm = toarray(X_norm) for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(row_sums[i], 1.0) assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[3]), 0.0) def test_normalizer_l2(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_dense = rng.randn(4, 5) X_sparse_unpruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # set the row number 3 to zero X_dense[3, :] = 0.0 # set the row number 3 to zero without pruning (can happen in real life) indptr_3 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[3] indptr_4 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[4][indptr_3:indptr_4] = 0.0 # build the pruned variant using the regular constructor X_sparse_pruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # check inputs that support the no-copy optim for X in (X_dense, X_sparse_pruned, X_sparse_unpruned): normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l2', copy=True) X_norm1 = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm1 is not X) X_norm1 = toarray(X_norm1) normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l2', copy=False) X_norm2 = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm2 is X) X_norm2 = toarray(X_norm2) for X_norm in (X_norm1, X_norm2): for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[i]), 1.0) assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[3]), 0.0) # check input for which copy=False won't prevent a copy for init in (sparse.coo_matrix, sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.lil_matrix): X = init(X_dense) X_norm = normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l2', copy=False).transform(X) assert_true(X_norm is not X) assert_true(isinstance(X_norm, sparse.csr_matrix)) X_norm = toarray(X_norm) for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[i]), 1.0) assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[3]), 0.0) def test_normalizer_max(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_dense = rng.randn(4, 5) X_sparse_unpruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # set the row number 3 to zero X_dense[3, :] = 0.0 # set the row number 3 to zero without pruning (can happen in real life) indptr_3 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[3] indptr_4 = X_sparse_unpruned.indptr[4][indptr_3:indptr_4] = 0.0 # build the pruned variant using the regular constructor X_sparse_pruned = sparse.csr_matrix(X_dense) # check inputs that support the no-copy optim for X in (X_dense, X_sparse_pruned, X_sparse_unpruned): normalizer = Normalizer(norm='max', copy=True) X_norm1 = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm1 is not X) X_norm1 = toarray(X_norm1) normalizer = Normalizer(norm='max', copy=False) X_norm2 = normalizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_norm2 is X) X_norm2 = toarray(X_norm2) for X_norm in (X_norm1, X_norm2): row_maxs = X_norm.max(axis=1) for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(row_maxs[i], 1.0) assert_almost_equal(row_maxs[3], 0.0) # check input for which copy=False won't prevent a copy for init in (sparse.coo_matrix, sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.lil_matrix): X = init(X_dense) X_norm = normalizer = Normalizer(norm='l2', copy=False).transform(X) assert_true(X_norm is not X) assert_true(isinstance(X_norm, sparse.csr_matrix)) X_norm = toarray(X_norm) for i in range(3): assert_almost_equal(row_maxs[i], 1.0) assert_almost_equal(la.norm(X_norm[3]), 0.0) def test_normalize(): # Test normalize function # Only tests functionality not used by the tests for Normalizer. X = np.random.RandomState(37).randn(3, 2) assert_array_equal(normalize(X, copy=False), normalize(X.T, axis=0, copy=False).T) assert_raises(ValueError, normalize, [[0]], axis=2) assert_raises(ValueError, normalize, [[0]], norm='l3') def test_binarizer(): X_ = np.array([[1, 0, 5], [2, 3, -1]]) for init in (np.array, list, sparse.csr_matrix, sparse.csc_matrix): X = init(X_.copy()) binarizer = Binarizer(threshold=2.0, copy=True) X_bin = toarray(binarizer.transform(X)) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 0), 4) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 1), 2) X_bin = binarizer.transform(X) assert_equal(sparse.issparse(X), sparse.issparse(X_bin)) binarizer = Binarizer(copy=True).fit(X) X_bin = toarray(binarizer.transform(X)) assert_true(X_bin is not X) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 0), 2) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 1), 4) binarizer = Binarizer(copy=True) X_bin = binarizer.transform(X) assert_true(X_bin is not X) X_bin = toarray(X_bin) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 0), 2) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 1), 4) binarizer = Binarizer(copy=False) X_bin = binarizer.transform(X) if init is not list: assert_true(X_bin is X) X_bin = toarray(X_bin) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 0), 2) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 1), 4) binarizer = Binarizer(threshold=-0.5, copy=True) for init in (np.array, list): X = init(X_.copy()) X_bin = toarray(binarizer.transform(X)) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 0), 1) assert_equal(np.sum(X_bin == 1), 5) X_bin = binarizer.transform(X) # Cannot use threshold < 0 for sparse assert_raises(ValueError, binarizer.transform, sparse.csc_matrix(X)) def test_center_kernel(): # Test that KernelCenterer is equivalent to StandardScaler # in feature space rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X_fit = rng.random_sample((5, 4)) scaler = StandardScaler(with_std=False) X_fit_centered = scaler.transform(X_fit) K_fit =, X_fit.T) # center fit time matrix centerer = KernelCenterer() K_fit_centered =, X_fit_centered.T) K_fit_centered2 = centerer.fit_transform(K_fit) assert_array_almost_equal(K_fit_centered, K_fit_centered2) # center predict time matrix X_pred = rng.random_sample((2, 4)) K_pred =, X_fit.T) X_pred_centered = scaler.transform(X_pred) K_pred_centered =, X_fit_centered.T) K_pred_centered2 = centerer.transform(K_pred) assert_array_almost_equal(K_pred_centered, K_pred_centered2) def test_fit_transform(): rng = np.random.RandomState(0) X = rng.random_sample((5, 4)) for obj in ((StandardScaler(), Normalizer(), Binarizer())): X_transformed = X_transformed2 = obj.fit_transform(X) assert_array_equal(X_transformed, X_transformed2) def test_add_dummy_feature(): X = [[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]] X = add_dummy_feature(X) assert_array_equal(X, [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) def test_add_dummy_feature_coo(): X = sparse.coo_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]) X = add_dummy_feature(X) assert_true(sparse.isspmatrix_coo(X), X) assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) def test_add_dummy_feature_csc(): X = sparse.csc_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]) X = add_dummy_feature(X) assert_true(sparse.isspmatrix_csc(X), X) assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) def test_add_dummy_feature_csr(): X = sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 1]]) X = add_dummy_feature(X) assert_true(sparse.isspmatrix_csr(X), X) assert_array_equal(X.toarray(), [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) def test_one_hot_encoder_sparse(): # Test OneHotEncoder's fit and transform. X = [[3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]] enc = OneHotEncoder() # discover max values automatically X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X).toarray() assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 5)) assert_array_equal(enc.active_features_, np.where([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])[0]) assert_array_equal(enc.feature_indices_, [0, 4, 7, 9]) # check outcome assert_array_equal(X_trans, [[0., 1., 0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1., 0., 1.]]) # max value given as 3 enc = OneHotEncoder(n_values=4) X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X) assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 4 * 3)) assert_array_equal(enc.feature_indices_, [0, 4, 8, 12]) # max value given per feature enc = OneHotEncoder(n_values=[3, 2, 2]) X = [[1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]] X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X) assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 3 + 2 + 2)) assert_array_equal(enc.n_values_, [3, 2, 2]) # check that testing with larger feature works: X = np.array([[2, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) enc.transform(X) # test that an error is raised when out of bounds: X_too_large = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]] assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, X_too_large) assert_raises(ValueError, OneHotEncoder(n_values=2).fit_transform, X) # test that error is raised when wrong number of features assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, X[:, :-1]) # test that error is raised when wrong number of features in fit # with prespecified n_values assert_raises(ValueError,, X[:, :-1]) # test exception on wrong init param assert_raises(TypeError, OneHotEncoder(, X) enc = OneHotEncoder() # test negative input to fit assert_raises(ValueError,, [[0], [-1]]) # test negative input to transform[[0], [1]]) assert_raises(ValueError, enc.transform, [[0], [-1]]) def test_one_hot_encoder_dense(): # check for sparse=False X = [[3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]] enc = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) # discover max values automatically X_trans = enc.fit_transform(X) assert_equal(X_trans.shape, (2, 5)) assert_array_equal(enc.active_features_, np.where([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])[0]) assert_array_equal(enc.feature_indices_, [0, 4, 7, 9]) # check outcome assert_array_equal(X_trans, np.array([[0., 1., 0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1., 0., 1.]])) def _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, sel): for M in (X, sparse.csr_matrix(X)): Xtr = _transform_selected(M, Binarizer().transform, sel) assert_array_equal(toarray(Xtr), X_expected) def test_transform_selected(): X = [[3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]] X_expected = [[1, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]] _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, [0]) _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, [True, False, False]) X_expected = [[1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1]] _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, [0, 1, 2]) _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, [True, True, True]) _check_transform_selected(X, X_expected, "all") _check_transform_selected(X, X, []) _check_transform_selected(X, X, [False, False, False]) def _run_one_hot(X, X2, cat): enc = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=cat) Xtr = enc.fit_transform(X) X2tr = enc.transform(X2) return Xtr, X2tr def _check_one_hot(X, X2, cat, n_features): ind = np.where(cat)[0] # With mask A, B = _run_one_hot(X, X2, cat) # With indices C, D = _run_one_hot(X, X2, ind) # Check shape assert_equal(A.shape, (2, n_features)) assert_equal(B.shape, (1, n_features)) assert_equal(C.shape, (2, n_features)) assert_equal(D.shape, (1, n_features)) # Check that mask and indices give the same results assert_array_equal(toarray(A), toarray(C)) assert_array_equal(toarray(B), toarray(D)) def test_one_hot_encoder_categorical_features(): X = np.array([[3, 2, 1], [0, 1, 1]]) X2 = np.array([[1, 1, 1]]) cat = [True, False, False] _check_one_hot(X, X2, cat, 4) # Edge case: all non-categorical cat = [False, False, False] _check_one_hot(X, X2, cat, 3) # Edge case: all categorical cat = [True, True, True] _check_one_hot(X, X2, cat, 5) def test_one_hot_encoder_unknown_transform(): X = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [1, 0, 3], [1, 0, 2]]) y = np.array([[4, 1, 1]]) # Test that one hot encoder raises error for unknown features # present during transform. oh = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='error') assert_raises(ValueError, oh.transform, y) # Test the ignore option, ignores unknown features. oh = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore') assert_array_equal( oh.transform(y).toarray(), np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]]) ) # Raise error if handle_unknown is neither ignore or error. oh = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='42') assert_raises(ValueError, oh.transform, y)
""" @author: Michele Donini @email: Toy test of the algorithm """ # Test: from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from EasyMKL import EasyMKL from komd import KOMD from cvxopt import matrix import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Binary classification problem random_state = np.random.RandomState(0) X, Y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=50, n_informative=10, n_redundant=10, n_repeated=10, n_classes=2, n_clusters_per_class=5, weights=None, flip_y=0.0, class_sep=0.5, hypercube=True, shift=0.0, scale=1.0, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state) X = matrix(X) Y = matrix([1.0 if y>0 else -1.0 for y in Y]) # Train & Test: pertr = 90 idtrain = range(0,len(Y) * pertr / 100) idtest = range(len(Y) * pertr / 100,len(Y)) Ytr = Y[idtrain] Yte = Y[idtest] # Selected features for each weak kernel: featlist = [[random_state.randint(0,X.size[1]) for i in range(5)] for j in range(50)] # Generation of the weak Kernels: klist = [rbf_kernel(X[:,f], gamma = 0.1) for f in featlist] klisttr = [matrix(k)[idtrain,idtrain] for k in klist] klistte = [matrix(k)[idtest,idtrain] for k in klist] # EasyMKL initialization: l = 0.5 # lambda easy = EasyMKL(lam=l, tracenorm = True) easy.train(klisttr,Ytr) # Evaluation: rtr = roc_auc_score(np.array(Ytr),np.array(easy.rank(klisttr))) print 'AUC EasyMKL train:',rtr ranktest = np.array(easy.rank(klistte)) rte = roc_auc_score(np.array(Yte),ranktest) print 'AUC EasyMKL test:',rte print 'weights of kernels:', easy.weights # Comparison with respect the single kernels: print '\n\n\n\n\nSingle kernel analisys using KOMD:' YYtr = matrix(np.diag(list(Ytr))) for idx,f in enumerate(featlist): classifier = KOMD(lam=l, Kf = 'rbf', rbf_gamma = 0.1) y_score =[idtrain,f], Ytr).decision_function(X[idtest,f]) print 'K with features:',f,'AUC test:',roc_auc_score(np.array(Yte), np.array(y_score)) print '\t\t margin train: \t\t',(easy.gamma.T * YYtr * matrix(klist[idx])[idtrain,idtrain] * YYtr * easy.gamma)[0] print '\t\t weight assigned: \t',easy.weights[idx] # Some (not so useful) images, only if the X.size[1]==2 (2 dimensional datasets): PLOT_THE_CLASS = True ranktestnorm = [ (2 * (r - np.min(ranktest))) / (np.max(ranktest) - np.min(ranktest)) - 1.0 for r in ranktest] if PLOT_THE_CLASS and X.size[1] == 2: plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(X[idtrain, 0], X[idtrain, 1], marker='*', s = 140, c=Ytr, cmap='spring') plt.scatter(X[idtest, 0], X[idtest, 1], marker='o', s = 180, c=ranktestnorm, cmap='spring') plt.colorbar()
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import pearsonr,spearmanr from scipy.stats import entropy as kl from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, f1_score, mean_squared_error from math import sqrt import os import multiprocessing as mp def get_annotator_ensemble_baseline(annotations, k, agg_function, eval_function, n_t, n_p): assert(n_t + n_p <=k) np.random.seed() annotations = annotations.dropna() groups = annotations.groupby(annotations.index) groups = [e[1] for e in groups if e[1].shape[0]>=k] d_ts = [] d_ps = [] for g in groups: g = g.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(g))] d_ts.append(g[0:n_t]) d_ps.append(g[n_t:(n_t+n_p)]) d_t = pd.concat(d_ts) d_p = pd.concat(d_ps) scores_t = agg_function(d_t).values scores_p = agg_function(d_p).values return {'score' : eval_function(scores_t, scores_p), 'n_t' : n_t, 'n_p': n_p } def get_annotator_ensemble_baseline_helper(args): return get_annotator_ensemble_baseline(*args) def get_annotator_ensemble_baselines_parallel(args_list, n_jobs = 8): """ Run function in parallel with args in args_list, function must return dict of results. """ p = mp.Pool(min(n_jobs, len(args_list))) res =, args_list) p.close() p.join() #res = [f(args) for args in args_list] return pd.DataFrame(res) def get_model_baseline(model_predictions, annotations, k, agg_function, eval_function, n_t): """ """ assert(n_t <= k) np.random.seed() annotations = annotations.dropna() groups = annotations.groupby(annotations.index) groups = [e[1] for e in groups if e[1].shape[0]>=k] d_ts = [] for g in groups: g = g.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(g))] d_ts.append(g[0:n_t]) d_t = pd.concat(d_ts) scores_t = agg_function(d_t) model_predictions = model_predictions.loc[scores_t.index] return {'score' : eval_function(scores_t.values, model_predictions.values), 'n_t' : n_t } def get_model_baseline_helper(args): return get_model_baseline(*args) def get_model_baselines_parallel(args_list, n_jobs = 8): """ Run function in parallel with args in args_list, function must return dict of results. """ p = mp.Pool(min(n_jobs, len(args_list))) res =, args_list) p.close() p.join() #res = [f(args) for args in args_list] return pd.DataFrame(res) # Aggregation Functions def average(l): """ Average all labels with the same rev_id """ s = l.groupby(l.index).mean() = 'y' return s def remove_na(l): l['na'] = l['na'].fillna(value = False) s = l.groupby(l.index).filter(lambda x: np.mean(x['na']) < 0.5) return s def plurality(l): """ Take the most common label from all labels with the same rev_id. """ s = l.groupby(l.index).apply(lambda x:x.value_counts().index[0]) = 'y' return s def empirical_dist(l, w = 0.0, index = None): """ Compute empirical distribution over all classes using all labels with the same rev_id """ if not index: index = sorted(list(set(l.dropna().values))) data = {} for k, g in l.groupby(l.index): data[k] = g.value_counts().reindex(index).fillna(0) + w labels = pd.DataFrame(data).T labels = labels.fillna(0) labels = labels.div(labels.sum(axis=1), axis=0) return labels # Regression Evaluation Metrics def pearson(x,y): return pearsonr(x,y)[0] def spearman(x,y): return spearmanr(x,y)[0] def rmse(x,y): return sqrt(mean_squared_error(x, y)) # Binary Classification Evaluation Metrics def binary_roc_auc(true, pred): true = (true > 0.5).astype(float) return roc_auc_score(true, pred) def binary_optimal_f1(true, pred, step = 1): binary_true = (true > 0.5).astype(float) ts = [np.percentile(pred, p) for p in np.arange(0, 101, step)] f1s = [] for t in ts: y_pred_t = pred >= t f1 = f1_score(binary_true, y_pred_t) # Note F1 should have a parabolic shape, so no need to continue when the score starts falling if len(f1s) > 0 and f1 < f1s[-1] : return f1s[-1] else: f1s.append(f1) return f1s[-1] # Multi-Class Classification Evaluation Metrics def one_hot(y): m = y.shape[0] if len(y.shape) == 1: n = len(set(y.ravel())) idxs = y.astype(int) else: idxs = y.argmax(axis = 1) n = y.shape[1] y_oh = np.zeros((m, n)) y_oh[list(range(m)), idxs] = 1 return y_oh def expectation(y): classes = np.arange(y.shape[1]) return def multi_class_roc_auc(true, pred, average = 'macro'): true = one_hot(true) #print(true) return roc_auc_score(true, pred, average = average) def multi_class_spearman(true, pred): return spearman(expectation(true), expectation(pred)) def multi_class_pearson(true, pred): return pearson(expectation(true), expectation(pred)) def cross_entropy(x, y): logy = np.log(y) logy[np.isinf(logy)] = 0 return - np.multiply(x,logy).sum(axis=1).mean() def kl_divergence(x, y): return kl(x.T, y.T).mean() def tidy_labels(d): classes = ['not_attack', 'other', 'quoting', 'recipient', 'third_party'] for e in classes: d[e] = d.is_harassment_or_attack.str.contains(e).astype(float) d['attack'] = d.is_harassment_or_attack.str.contains('|'.join(classes[1:])).astype(float) return d def map_aggression_score_to_2class(l): if l<0.0: return 1 if l >= 0.0: return 0 def load_comments_and_labels(task): base_path = '../../data/annotations/split' splits = ['train', 'dev', 'test', 'baseline'] nss = ['user', 'article'] samples = ['blocked', 'random'] dfs = {} for split in splits: path = os.path.join(base_path, split, 'annotations.tsv') df = pd.read_csv(path, sep = '\t') #print(df.shape) #print(len(df['rev_id'].unique())) df.index = df.rev_id dfs[split] = df data = {} for ns in nss: data[ns] = {} for sample in samples: data[ns][sample] = {} for split in splits: data[ns][sample][split] = {'x':{}, 'y':{}} df = dfs[split].query("ns=='%s' and sample=='%s'" % (ns, sample)) comments = df.drop_duplicates(subset='rev_id')['clean_diff'] #print(comments.shape) labels = df[task] data[ns][sample][split]['x']['comments'] = comments ed = empirical_dist(labels) data[ns][sample][split]['y']['empirical_dist'] = ed data[ns][sample][split]['y']['one_hot'] = ed.apply(lambda x: (x > (1.0 / ed.shape[1])).astype(int)) weights = pd.Series(ed.columns, index=ed.columns) data[ns][sample][split]['y']['average'] = (ed * weights).sum(1) data[ns][sample][split]['y']['plurality'] = ed.idxmax(axis = 1) return data def assemble_data(data, xtype, ytype, nss = ['user', 'article'], samples = ['random', 'blocked'], splits = ['train', 'dev', 'test']): xs = [] ys = [] for ns in nss: for sample in samples: for split in splits: x = data[ns][sample][split]['x'][xtype] #print(x.shape) y = data[ns][sample][split]['y'][ytype] #print(y.shape) x = x.loc[y.index] #print(x.shape) xs.append(x) ys.append(y) x = pd.concat(xs).values #print(x.shape) y = pd.concat(ys).values #print(y.shape) return x, y
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations from django.conf import settings class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Backup', fields=[ ('backup_id', models.AutoField(serialize=False, primary_key=True)), ('protocol', models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=[(b'local', b'file system'), (b's3', b'Amazon S3')])), ('filename', models.CharField(max_length=4096)), ('jsonfile', models.CharField(max_length=4096)), ('description', models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=4096)), ('datetimestamp', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)), ('status', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'Done'), (1, b'Processing'), (2, b'Failed')])), ], options={ 'db_table': 'backups', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Channel', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('channel_name', models.CharField(max_length=255)), ('channel_description', models.CharField(max_length=4096, blank=True)), ('channel_type', models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=[(b'image', b'IMAGES'), (b'annotation', b'ANNOTATIONS'), (b'timeseries', b'TIMESERIES')])), ('resolution', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('propagate', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'NOT PROPAGATED'), (2, b'PROPAGATED')])), ('channel_datatype', models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=[(b'uint8', b'uint8'), (b'uint16', b'uint16'), (b'uint32', b'uint32'), (b'uint64', b'uint64'), (b'float32', b'float32')])), ('readonly', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(1, b'Yes'), (0, b'No')])), ('exceptions', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(1, b'Yes'), (0, b'No')])), ('startwindow', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('endwindow', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('default', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('header', models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=8192, blank=True)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'channels', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Dataset', fields=[ ('dataset_name', models.CharField(max_length=255, serialize=False, verbose_name=b'Name of the Image dataset', primary_key=True)), ('dataset_description', models.CharField(max_length=4096, blank=True)), ('public', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'Private'), (1, b'Public')])), ('ximagesize', models.IntegerField()), ('yimagesize', models.IntegerField()), ('zimagesize', models.IntegerField()), ('xoffset', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('yoffset', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('zoffset', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('xvoxelres', models.FloatField(default=1.0)), ('yvoxelres', models.FloatField(default=1.0)), ('zvoxelres', models.FloatField(default=1.0)), ('scalingoption', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'Z Slices'), (1, b'Isotropic')])), ('scalinglevels', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('starttime', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('endtime', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('user', models.ForeignKey(to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'datasets', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Project', fields=[ ('project_name', models.CharField(max_length=255, serialize=False, primary_key=True)), ('project_description', models.CharField(max_length=4096, blank=True)), ('public', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'Private'), (1, b'Public')])), ('host', models.CharField(default=b'localhost', max_length=255, choices=[(b'', b'default'), (b'', b'dsp061'), (b'', b'dsp062'), (b'', b'dsp063'), (b'localhost', b'Debug')])), ('kvengine', models.CharField(default=b'MySQL', max_length=255, choices=[(b'MySQL', b'MySQL'), (b'Cassandra', b'Cassandra'), (b'Riak', b'Riak')])), ('kvserver', models.CharField(default=b'localhost', max_length=255, choices=[(b'', b'default'), (b'', b'dsp061'), (b'', b'dsp062'), (b'', b'dsp063'), (b'localhost', b'Debug')])), ('nd_version', models.CharField(default=b'0.6', max_length=255)), ('schema_version', models.CharField(default=b'0.6', max_length=255)), ('dataset', models.ForeignKey(to='nduser.Dataset')), ('user', models.ForeignKey(to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'projects', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Token', fields=[ ('token_name', models.CharField(max_length=255, serialize=False, primary_key=True)), ('token_description', models.CharField(max_length=4096, blank=True)), ('public', models.IntegerField(default=0, choices=[(0, b'Private'), (1, b'Public')])), ('project', models.ForeignKey(to='nduser.Project')), ('user', models.ForeignKey(to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'tokens', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='NIFTIHeader', fields=[ ('channel', models.OneToOneField(primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='nduser.Channel')), ('header', models.BinaryField(max_length=1024)), ('affine', models.BinaryField(max_length=1024)), ], options={ 'db_table': 'nifti_header', 'managed': True, }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='channel', name='project', field=models.ForeignKey(to='nduser.Project'), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='backup', name='channel', field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, to='nduser.Channel', null=True), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='backup', name='project', field=models.ForeignKey(to='nduser.Project'), ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='channel', unique_together=set([('project', 'channel_name')]), ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='backup', unique_together=set([('project', 'datetimestamp')]), ), ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # miniboa/ # Copyright 2009 Jim Storch # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a # copy of the License at # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Handle Asynchronous Telnet Connections. """ import socket import select import sys from miniboa.telnet import TelnetClient from miniboa.error import BogConnectionLost ## Cap sockets to 512 on Windows because winsock can only process 512 at time if sys.platform == 'win32': MAX_CONNECTIONS = 512 ## Cap sockets to 1000 on Linux because you can only have 1024 file descriptors else: MAX_CONNECTIONS = 1000 #-----------------------------------------------------Dummy Connection Handlers def _on_connect(client): """ Placeholder new connection handler. """ print "++ Opened connection to %s, sending greeting..." % client.addrport() client.send("Greetings from Miniboa! " " Now it's time to add your code.\n") def _on_disconnect(client): """ Placeholder lost connection handler. """ print "-- Lost connection to %s" % client.addrport() #-----------------------------------------------------------------Telnet Server class TelnetServer(object): """ Poll sockets for new connections and sending/receiving data from clients. """ def __init__(self, port=7777, host='', on_connect=_on_connect, on_disconnect=_on_disconnect, timeout=0.005): """ Create a new Telnet Server. port -- Port to listen for new connection on. On UNIX-like platforms, you made need root access to use ports under 1025. host -- Address of the LOCAL network interface to listen on. You can usually leave this blank unless you want to restrict traffic to a specific network device. This will usually NOT be the same as the Internet address of your server. on_connect -- function to call with new telnet connections on_disconnect -- function to call when a client's connection dies, either through a terminated session or being set to False. timeout -- amount of time that Poll() will wait from user inport before returning. Also frees a slice of CPU time. """ self.port = port = host self.on_connect = on_connect self.on_disconnect = on_disconnect self.timeout = timeout server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind((host, port)) self.address = server_socket.getsockname() server_socket.listen(5) self.server_socket = server_socket self.server_fileno = server_socket.fileno() ## Dictionary of active clients, ## key = file descriptor, value = TelnetClient (see miniboa.telnet) self.clients = {} def client_count(self): """ Returns the number of active connections. """ return len(self.clients) def client_list(self): """ Returns a list of connected clients. """ return self.clients.values() def poll(self): """ Perform a non-blocking scan of recv and send states on the server and client connection sockets. Process new connection requests, read incomming data, and send outgoing data. Sends and receives may be partial. """ #print len(self.connections) ## Build a list of connections to test for receive data pending recv_list = [self.server_fileno] # always add the server for client in self.clients.values(): if recv_list.append(client.fileno) ## Delete inactive connections from the dictionary else: #print "-- Lost connection to %s" % client.addrport() #client.sock.close() self.on_disconnect(client) del self.clients[client.fileno] ## Build a list of connections that need to send data send_list = [] for client in self.clients.values(): if client.send_pending: send_list.append(client.fileno) ## Get active socket file descriptors from try: rlist, slist, elist =, send_list, [], self.timeout) except select.error, err: ## If we can't even use select(), game over man, game over print >> sys.stderr, ("!! FATAL SELECT error '%d:%s'!" % (err[0], err[1])) sys.exit(1) ## Process socket file descriptors with data to recieve for sock_fileno in rlist: ## If it's coming from the server's socket then this is a new ## connection request. if sock_fileno == self.server_fileno: try: sock, addr_tup = self.server_socket.accept() except socket.error, err: print >> sys.stderr, ("!! ACCEPT error '%d:%s'." % (err[0], err[1])) continue ## Check for maximum connections if self.client_count() >= MAX_CONNECTIONS: print '?? Refusing new connection; maximum in use.' sock.close() continue new_client = TelnetClient(sock, addr_tup) #print "++ Opened connection to %s" % new_client.addrport() ## Add the connection to our dictionary and call handler self.clients[new_client.fileno] = new_client self.on_connect(new_client) else: ## Call the connection's recieve method try: self.clients[sock_fileno].socket_recv() except BogConnectionLost: self.clients[sock_fileno].deactivate() ## Process sockets with data to send for sock_fileno in slist: ## Call the connection's send method self.clients[sock_fileno].socket_send()
import json import tensorflow as tf from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import evoflow.backend as B from evoflow.engine import EvoFlow from evoflow.engine import FitnessFunction from evoflow.selection import SelectFittest from evoflow.population import uniform_population from evoflow.ops import Input, Shuffle, Reverse1D class TSPFitness(FitnessFunction): def __init__(self, distances, num_cities, baseline_distance=0, penality=100000, **kwargs): """ """ self.num_cities = num_cities self.distances = B.flatten(distances) self.penality = penality self.baseline_distance = int(baseline_distance) super(TSPFitness, self).__init__(**kwargs) def call(self, population, normalize=True): """ Parallel lookup and distance computation: - multiply the tensor by population shifed by 1 which gives the id to lookup in the flat distance array - reduce_sum for the total distance - 1/reduce_sum so fitness goes from 0 to 1 """ shifted_population = B.roll(population, 1, axis=1) idxs = (population * self.num_cities) + shifted_population distances = B.take(self.distances, idxs) # total distance total_distance = B.sum(distances, axis=1) return total_distance def tsp_setup(num_cities): # get files zip_fname = "" % num_cities origin = "" % num_cities # noqa download_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(zip_fname, origin, extract=True) # process city info json_fname = "%s/cities_%s.json" % (download_path.replace(zip_fname, ''), num_cities) cities = json.loads(open(json_fname).read()) idx2city = {} for city in cities: idx2city[city['idx']] = city chart_data = defaultdict(list) for city in cities: chart_data['lat'].append(city['lat']) chart_data['lon'].append(city['lon']) chart_data['name'].append(city['name']) chart_data['population'].append(city['population']) distance_fname = "%sdistances_%s.npz" % (download_path.replace( zip_fname, ''), num_cities) distances = np.load(distance_fname)['distances'] distances = distances.astype(B.intx()) return cities, chart_data, distances, idx2city def solve_tsp(args): population_shape, generations, cities, chart_data, distances, idx2city = args # noqa NUM_CITIES = len(cities) NUM_REVERSE_OPERATIONS = 4 MAX_REVERSE_PROBABILITY = 0.3 REVERSE_POPULATION_FRACTION = 0.3 MIN_REVERSE_PROBABILITY = 0.1 SHUFFLE_POPULATION_FRACTION = 0.2 population = uniform_population(population_shape) rpi = MAX_REVERSE_PROBABILITY / NUM_REVERSE_OPERATIONS reverse_probabilty = 1 - rpi # Evolution model inputs = Input(shape=population.shape) x = inputs for idx in range(NUM_REVERSE_OPERATIONS): x = Reverse1D(population_fraction=REVERSE_POPULATION_FRACTION, max_reverse_probability=reverse_probabilty)(x) reverse_probabilty = max(reverse_probabilty - rpi, MIN_REVERSE_PROBABILITY) x = Shuffle(population_fraction=SHUFFLE_POPULATION_FRACTION)(x) outputs = x ef = EvoFlow(inputs, outputs, debug=False) evolution_strategy = SelectFittest(mode='min') fitness_fn = TSPFitness(distances, NUM_CITIES) ef.compile(evolution_strategy, fitness_fn) ef.evolve(population, generations=generations, verbose=0)
from __future__ import division import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from itertools import product from sklearn.externals.six.moves import xrange from sklearn.externals.six import iteritems from scipy.sparse import issparse from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_equal from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_true from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_false from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises from sklearn.utils.testing import assert_raises_regex from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels from sklearn.utils.multiclass import is_multilabel from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target from sklearn.utils.multiclass import class_distribution class NotAnArray(object): """An object that is convertable to an array. This is useful to simulate a Pandas timeseries.""" def __init__(self, data): = data def __array__(self): return EXAMPLES = { 'multilabel-indicator': [ # valid when the data is formated as sparse or dense, identified # by CSR format when the testing takes place csr_matrix(np.random.RandomState(42).randint(2, size=(10, 10))), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.bool)), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.int8)), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.uint8)), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float)), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float32)), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0]])), csr_matrix(np.array([[0, 1]])), # Only valid when data is dense np.array([[-1, 1], [1, -1]]), np.array([[-3, 3], [3, -3]]), NotAnArray(np.array([[-3, 3], [3, -3]])), ], 'multiclass': [ [1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4], np.array([1, 0, 2]), np.array([1, 0, 2], dtype=np.int8), np.array([1, 0, 2], dtype=np.uint8), np.array([1, 0, 2], dtype=np.float), np.array([1, 0, 2], dtype=np.float32), np.array([[1], [0], [2]]), NotAnArray(np.array([1, 0, 2])), [0, 1, 2], ['a', 'b', 'c'], np.array([u'a', u'b', u'c']), np.array([u'a', u'b', u'c'], dtype=object), np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=object), ], 'multiclass-multioutput': [ np.array([[1, 0, 2, 2], [1, 4, 2, 4]]), np.array([[1, 0, 2, 2], [1, 4, 2, 4]], dtype=np.int8), np.array([[1, 0, 2, 2], [1, 4, 2, 4]], dtype=np.uint8), np.array([[1, 0, 2, 2], [1, 4, 2, 4]], dtype=np.float), np.array([[1, 0, 2, 2], [1, 4, 2, 4]], dtype=np.float32), np.array([['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]), np.array([[u'a', u'b'], [u'c', u'd']]), np.array([[u'a', u'b'], [u'c', u'd']], dtype=object), np.array([[1, 0, 2]]), NotAnArray(np.array([[1, 0, 2]])), ], 'binary': [ [0, 1], [1, 1], [], [0], np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.bool), np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int8), np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.uint8), np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float), np.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32), np.array([[0], [1]]), NotAnArray(np.array([[0], [1]])), [1, -1], [3, 5], ['a'], ['a', 'b'], ['abc', 'def'], np.array(['abc', 'def']), [u'a', u'b'], np.array(['abc', 'def'], dtype=object), ], 'continuous': [ [1e-5], [0, .5], np.array([[0], [.5]]), np.array([[0], [.5]], dtype=np.float32), ], 'continuous-multioutput': [ np.array([[0, .5], [.5, 0]]), np.array([[0, .5], [.5, 0]], dtype=np.float32), np.array([[0, .5]]), ], 'unknown': [ [[]], [()], # sequence of sequences that were'nt supported even before deprecation np.array([np.array([]), np.array([1, 2, 3])], dtype=object), [np.array([]), np.array([1, 2, 3])], [set([1, 2, 3]), set([1, 2])], [frozenset([1, 2, 3]), frozenset([1, 2])], # and also confusable as sequences of sequences [{0: 'a', 1: 'b'}, {0: 'a'}], # empty second dimension np.array([[], []]), # 3d np.array([[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]]]), ] } NON_ARRAY_LIKE_EXAMPLES = [ set([1, 2, 3]), {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}, {0: [5], 1: [5]}, 'abc', frozenset([1, 2, 3]), None, ] MULTILABEL_SEQUENCES = [ [[1], [2], [0, 1]], [(), (2), (0, 1)], np.array([[], [1, 2]], dtype='object'), NotAnArray(np.array([[], [1, 2]], dtype='object')) ] def test_unique_labels(): # Empty iterable assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels) # Multiclass problem assert_array_equal(unique_labels(xrange(10)), np.arange(10)) assert_array_equal(unique_labels(np.arange(10)), np.arange(10)) assert_array_equal(unique_labels([4, 0, 2]), np.array([0, 2, 4])) # Multilabel indicator assert_array_equal(unique_labels(np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])), np.arange(3)) assert_array_equal(unique_labels(np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])), np.arange(3)) # Several arrays passed assert_array_equal(unique_labels([4, 0, 2], xrange(5)), np.arange(5)) assert_array_equal(unique_labels((0, 1, 2), (0,), (2, 1)), np.arange(3)) # Border line case with binary indicator matrix assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, [4, 0, 2], np.ones((5, 5))) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, np.ones((5, 4)), np.ones((5, 5))) assert_array_equal(unique_labels(np.ones((4, 5)), np.ones((5, 5))), np.arange(5)) def test_unique_labels_non_specific(): # Test unique_labels with a variety of collected examples # Smoke test for all supported format for format in ["binary", "multiclass", "multilabel-indicator"]: for y in EXAMPLES[format]: unique_labels(y) # We don't support those format at the moment for example in NON_ARRAY_LIKE_EXAMPLES: assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, example) for y_type in ["unknown", "continuous", 'continuous-multioutput', 'multiclass-multioutput']: for example in EXAMPLES[y_type]: assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, example) def test_unique_labels_mixed_types(): # Mix with binary or multiclass and multilabel mix_clf_format = product(EXAMPLES["multilabel-indicator"], EXAMPLES["multiclass"] + EXAMPLES["binary"]) for y_multilabel, y_multiclass in mix_clf_format: assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, y_multiclass, y_multilabel) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, y_multilabel, y_multiclass) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, [[1, 2]], [["a", "d"]]) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, ["1", 2]) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, [["1", 2], [1, 3]]) assert_raises(ValueError, unique_labels, [["1", "2"], [2, 3]]) def test_is_multilabel(): for group, group_examples in iteritems(EXAMPLES): if group in ['multilabel-indicator']: dense_assert_, dense_exp = assert_true, 'True' else: dense_assert_, dense_exp = assert_false, 'False' for example in group_examples: # Only mark explicitly defined sparse examples as valid sparse # multilabel-indicators if group == 'multilabel-indicator' and issparse(example): sparse_assert_, sparse_exp = assert_true, 'True' else: sparse_assert_, sparse_exp = assert_false, 'False' if (issparse(example) or (hasattr(example, '__array__') and np.asarray(example).ndim == 2 and np.asarray(example).dtype.kind in 'biuf' and np.asarray(example).shape[1] > 0)): examples_sparse = [sparse_matrix(example) for sparse_matrix in [coo_matrix, csc_matrix, csr_matrix, dok_matrix, lil_matrix]] for exmpl_sparse in examples_sparse: sparse_assert_(is_multilabel(exmpl_sparse), msg=('is_multilabel(%r)' ' should be %s') % (exmpl_sparse, sparse_exp)) # Densify sparse examples before testing if issparse(example): example = example.toarray() dense_assert_(is_multilabel(example), msg='is_multilabel(%r) should be %s' % (example, dense_exp)) def test_type_of_target(): for group, group_examples in iteritems(EXAMPLES): for example in group_examples: assert_equal(type_of_target(example), group, msg=('type_of_target(%r) should be %r, got %r' % (example, group, type_of_target(example)))) for example in NON_ARRAY_LIKE_EXAMPLES: msg_regex = 'Expected array-like \(array or non-string sequence\).*' assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg_regex, type_of_target, example) for example in MULTILABEL_SEQUENCES: msg = ('You appear to be using a legacy multi-label data ' 'representation. Sequence of sequences are no longer supported;' ' use a binary array or sparse matrix instead.') assert_raises_regex(ValueError, msg, type_of_target, example) def test_class_distribution(): y = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 1], [2, 2, 0, 1], [1, 3, 0, 1], [4, 2, 0, 1], [2, 0, 0, 1], [1, 3, 0, 1]]) # Define the sparse matrix with a mix of implicit and explicit zeros data = np.array([1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 0, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) indices = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) indptr = np.array([0, 6, 11, 11, 17]) y_sp = sp.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(6, 4)) classes, n_classes, class_prior = class_distribution(y) classes_sp, n_classes_sp, class_prior_sp = class_distribution(y_sp) classes_expected = [[1, 2, 4], [0, 2, 3], [0], [1]] n_classes_expected = [3, 3, 1, 1] class_prior_expected = [[3/6, 2/6, 1/6], [1/3, 1/3, 1/3], [1.0], [1.0]] for k in range(y.shape[1]): assert_array_almost_equal(classes[k], classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(n_classes[k], n_classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(class_prior[k], class_prior_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(classes_sp[k], classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(n_classes_sp[k], n_classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(class_prior_sp[k], class_prior_expected[k]) # Test again with explicit sample weights (classes, n_classes, class_prior) = class_distribution(y, [1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0]) (classes_sp, n_classes_sp, class_prior_sp) = class_distribution(y, [1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0]) class_prior_expected = [[4/9, 3/9, 2/9], [2/9, 4/9, 3/9], [1.0], [1.0]] for k in range(y.shape[1]): assert_array_almost_equal(classes[k], classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(n_classes[k], n_classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(class_prior[k], class_prior_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(classes_sp[k], classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(n_classes_sp[k], n_classes_expected[k]) assert_array_almost_equal(class_prior_sp[k], class_prior_expected[k])
""" ========================= Train error vs Test error ========================= Illustration of how the performance of an estimator on unseen data (test data) is not the same as the performance on training data. As the regularization increases the performance on train decreases while the performance on test is optimal within a range of values of the regularization parameter. The example with an Elastic-Net regression model and the performance is measured using the explained variance a.k.a. R^2. """ print(__doc__) # Author: Alexandre Gramfort <> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from sklearn import linear_model ############################################################################### # Generate sample data n_samples_train, n_samples_test, n_features = 75, 150, 500 np.random.seed(0) coef = np.random.randn(n_features) coef[50:] = 0.0 # only the top 10 features are impacting the model X = np.random.randn(n_samples_train + n_samples_test, n_features) y =, coef) # Split train and test data X_train, X_test = X[:n_samples_train], X[n_samples_train:] y_train, y_test = y[:n_samples_train], y[n_samples_train:] ############################################################################### # Compute train and test errors alphas = np.logspace(-5, 1, 60) enet = linear_model.ElasticNet(l1_ratio=0.7) train_errors = list() test_errors = list() for alpha in alphas: enet.set_params(alpha=alpha), y_train) train_errors.append(enet.score(X_train, y_train)) test_errors.append(enet.score(X_test, y_test)) i_alpha_optim = np.argmax(test_errors) alpha_optim = alphas[i_alpha_optim] print("Optimal regularization parameter : %s" % alpha_optim) # Estimate the coef_ on full data with optimal regularization parameter enet.set_params(alpha=alpha_optim) coef_ =, y).coef_ ############################################################################### # Plot results functions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.semilogx(alphas, train_errors, label='Train') plt.semilogx(alphas, test_errors, label='Test') plt.vlines(alpha_optim, plt.ylim()[0], np.max(test_errors), color='k', linewidth=3, label='Optimum on test') plt.legend(loc='lower left') plt.ylim([0, 1.2]) plt.xlabel('Regularization parameter') plt.ylabel('Performance') # Show estimated coef_ vs true coef plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.plot(coef, label='True coef') plt.plot(coef_, label='Estimated coef') plt.legend() plt.subplots_adjust(0.09, 0.04, 0.94, 0.94, 0.26, 0.26)
""" ================================================= Demo of affinity propagation clustering algorithm ================================================= Reference: Brendan J. Frey and Delbert Dueck, "Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points", Science Feb. 2007 """ print(__doc__) from sklearn.cluster import AffinityPropagation from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs ############################################################################## # Generate sample data centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]] X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=300, centers=centers, cluster_std=0.5, random_state=0) ############################################################################## # Compute Affinity Propagation af = AffinityPropagation(preference=-50).fit(X) cluster_centers_indices = af.cluster_centers_indices_ labels = af.labels_ n_clusters_ = len(cluster_centers_indices) print('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_) print("Homogeneity: %0.3f" % metrics.homogeneity_score(labels_true, labels)) print("Completeness: %0.3f" % metrics.completeness_score(labels_true, labels)) print("V-measure: %0.3f" % metrics.v_measure_score(labels_true, labels)) print("Adjusted Rand Index: %0.3f" % metrics.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels)) print("Adjusted Mutual Information: %0.3f" % metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels)) print("Silhouette Coefficient: %0.3f" % metrics.silhouette_score(X, labels, metric='sqeuclidean')) ############################################################################## # Plot result import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from itertools import cycle plt.close('all') plt.figure(1) plt.clf() colors = cycle('bgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmyk') for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters_), colors): class_members = labels == k cluster_center = X[cluster_centers_indices[k]] plt.plot(X[class_members, 0], X[class_members, 1], col + '.') plt.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col, markeredgecolor='k', markersize=14) for x in X[class_members]: plt.plot([cluster_center[0], x[0]], [cluster_center[1], x[1]], col) plt.title('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Provides functions for reading (writing is WIP currently) of Java objects serialized by ObjectOutputStream. This form of object representation is a standard data interchange format in Java world. javaobj module exposes an API familiar to users of the standard modules such as marshal, pickle and json. See: """ import io import struct try: import logging except ImportError: def log_debug(message, ident=0): pass def log_error(message, ident=0): pass else: _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def log_debug(message, ident=0): _log.debug(" " * (ident * 2) + str(message)) def log_error(message, ident=0): _log.error(" " * (ident * 2) + str(message)) __version__ = "$Revision: 20 $" def load(file_object, *args): """ Deserializes Java primitive data and objects serialized by ObjectOutputStream from a file-like object. """ marshaller = JavaObjectUnmarshaller(file_object) for t in args: marshaller.add_transformer(t) marshaller.add_transformer(DefaultObjectTransformer()) return marshaller.readObject() def load_all(file_object): marshaller = JavaObjectUnmarshaller(file_object) marshaller.add_transformer(DefaultObjectTransformer()) res = [] while marshaller.data_left: res.append(marshaller.readObject()) return res def loads(string, *args): """ Deserializes Java objects and primitive data serialized by ObjectOutputStream from a string. """ f = io.StringIO(string) marshaller = JavaObjectUnmarshaller(f) for t in args: marshaller.add_transformer(t) marshaller.add_transformer(DefaultObjectTransformer()) return marshaller.readObject() def dumps(object, *args): """ Serializes Java primitive data and objects unmarshaled by load(s) before into string. """ marshaller = JavaObjectMarshaller() for t in args: marshaller.add_transformer(t) return marshaller.dump(object) class JavaClass(object): def __init__(self): = None self.serialVersionUID = None self.flags = None self.handle = None self.fields_names = [] self.fields_types = [] self.superclass = None def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "[%s:0x%X]" % (, self.serialVersionUID) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False return ( == and self.serialVersionUID == other.serialVersionUID and self.flags == other.flags and self.fields_names == other.fields_names and self.fields_types == other.fields_types and self.superclass == other.superclass) class JavaObject(object): def __init__(self): self.classdesc = None self.annotations = [] def get_class(self): return self.classdesc def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): name = "UNKNOWN" if self.classdesc: name = return "<javaobj:%s>" % name def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return False res = (self.classdesc == other.classdesc and self.annotations == other.annotations) for name in self.classdesc.fields_names: res = (res and getattr(self, name) == getattr(other, name)) return res def copy(self, new_object): new_object.classdesc = self.classdesc new_object.annotations = self.annotations for name in self.classdesc.fields_names: new_object.__setattr__(name, getattr(self, name)) class JavaString(str): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): str.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, str): return False return str.__eq__(self, other) class JavaEnum(JavaObject): def __init__(self, constant=None): super(JavaEnum, self).__init__() self.constant = constant class JavaArray(list, JavaObject): def __init__(self, classdesc=None): list.__init__(self) JavaObject.__init__(self) self.classdesc = classdesc class JavaObjectConstants: STREAM_MAGIC = 0xaced STREAM_VERSION = 0x05 TC_NULL = 0x70 TC_REFERENCE = 0x71 TC_CLASSDESC = 0x72 TC_OBJECT = 0x73 TC_STRING = 0x74 TC_ARRAY = 0x75 TC_CLASS = 0x76 TC_BLOCKDATA = 0x77 TC_ENDBLOCKDATA = 0x78 TC_RESET = 0x79 TC_BLOCKDATALONG = 0x7A TC_EXCEPTION = 0x7B TC_LONGSTRING = 0x7C TC_PROXYCLASSDESC = 0x7D TC_ENUM = 0x7E TC_MAX = 0x7E # classDescFlags SC_WRITE_METHOD = 0x01 # if SC_SERIALIZABLE SC_BLOCK_DATA = 0x08 # if SC_EXTERNALIZABLE SC_SERIALIZABLE = 0x02 SC_EXTERNALIZABLE = 0x04 SC_ENUM = 0x10 # type definition chars (typecode) TYPE_BYTE = 'B' # 0x42 TYPE_CHAR = 'C' TYPE_DOUBLE = 'D' # 0x44 TYPE_FLOAT = 'F' # 0x46 TYPE_INTEGER = 'I' # 0x49 TYPE_LONG = 'J' # 0x4A TYPE_SHORT = 'S' # 0x53 TYPE_BOOLEAN = 'Z' # 0x5A TYPE_OBJECT = 'L' # 0x4C TYPE_ARRAY = '[' # 0x5B # list of supported typecodes listed above TYPECODES_LIST = [ # primitive types TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_CHAR, TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_LONG, TYPE_SHORT, TYPE_BOOLEAN, # object types TYPE_OBJECT, TYPE_ARRAY ] BASE_REFERENCE_IDX = 0x7E0000 class JavaObjectUnmarshaller(JavaObjectConstants): def __init__(self, stream=None): self.opmap = { self.TC_NULL: self.do_null, self.TC_CLASSDESC: self.do_classdesc, self.TC_OBJECT: self.do_object, self.TC_STRING: self.do_string, self.TC_LONGSTRING: self.do_string_long, self.TC_ARRAY: self.do_array, self.TC_CLASS: self.do_class, self.TC_BLOCKDATA: self.do_blockdata, self.TC_BLOCKDATALONG: self.do_blockdata_long, self.TC_REFERENCE: self.do_reference, self.TC_ENUM: self.do_enum, self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: self.do_null, # note that we are reusing of do_null } self.current_object = None self.reference_counter = 0 self.references = [] self.object_stream = stream self._readStreamHeader() self.object_transformers = [] self.data_left = True def readObject(self): try: opcode, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=0) # TODO: add expects position_bak = self.object_stream.tell() the_rest = if len(the_rest): log_error("Warning!!!!: Stream still has %s bytes left. Enable debug mode of logging to see the hexdump." % len(the_rest)) log_debug(self._create_hexdump(the_rest, position_bak)) self.data_left = True else: log_debug("Java Object unmarshalled succesfully!") self.data_left = False return res except Exception as e: self._oops_dump_state() raise def add_transformer(self, transformer): self.object_transformers.append(transformer) def _readStreamHeader(self): (magic, version) = self._readStruct(">HH") if magic != self.STREAM_MAGIC or version != self.STREAM_VERSION: raise IOError("The stream is not java serialized object. Invalid stream header: %04X%04X" % (magic, version)) def _read_and_exec_opcode(self, ident=0, expect=None): position = self.object_stream.tell() (opid, ) = self._readStruct(">B") log_debug("OpCode: 0x%X (at offset: 0x%X)" % (opid, position), ident) if expect and opid not in expect: raise IOError("Unexpected opcode 0x%X" % opid) handler = self.opmap.get(opid) if not handler: raise RuntimeError("Unknown OpCode in the stream: 0x%x" % opid) return (opid, handler(ident=ident)) def _readStruct(self, unpack): length = struct.calcsize(unpack) ba = if len(ba) != length: raise RuntimeError("Stream has been ended unexpectedly while unmarshaling. (%d vs %d)" % (len(ba), length)) return struct.unpack(unpack, ba) def _readString(self, mod="H"): (length, ) = self._readStruct(">" + mod) ba = return ba def do_classdesc(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_CLASSDESC className serialVersionUID newHandle classDescInfo # classDescInfo: # classDescFlags fields classAnnotation superClassDesc # classDescFlags: # (byte) // Defined in Terminal Symbols and Constants # fields: # (short)<count> fieldDesc[count] # fieldDesc: # primitiveDesc # objectDesc # primitiveDesc: # prim_typecode fieldName # objectDesc: # obj_typecode fieldName className1 clazz = JavaClass() log_debug("[classdesc]", ident) ba = self._readString() = ba log_debug("Class name: %s" % ba, ident) (serialVersionUID, newHandle, classDescFlags) = self._readStruct(">LLB") clazz.serialVersionUID = serialVersionUID clazz.flags = classDescFlags clazz.handle = newHandle self._add_reference(clazz, ident) log_debug("Serial: 0x%X newHandle: 0x%X. classDescFlags: 0x%X" % (serialVersionUID, newHandle, classDescFlags), ident) (length, ) = self._readStruct(">H") log_debug("Fields num: 0x%X" % length, ident) clazz.fields_names = [] clazz.fields_types = [] for fieldId in range(length): (typecode, ) = self._readStruct(">B") field_name = self._readString() field_type = None field_type = self._convert_char_to_type(typecode) if field_type == self.TYPE_ARRAY: opcode, field_type = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE]) assert type(field_type) is JavaString # if field_type is not None: # field_type = "array of " + field_type # else: # field_type = "array of None" elif field_type == self.TYPE_OBJECT: opcode, field_type = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE]) assert type(field_type) is JavaString log_debug("FieldName: 0x%X" % typecode + " " + str(field_name) + " " + str(field_type), ident) assert field_name is not None assert field_type is not None clazz.fields_names.append(field_name) clazz.fields_types.append(field_type) if parent: parent.__fields = clazz.fields_names parent.__types = clazz.fields_types # classAnnotation (opid, ) = self._readStruct(">B") log_debug("OpCode: 0x%X" % opid, ident) if opid != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: raise NotImplementedError("classAnnotation isn't implemented yet") # superClassDesc opcode, superclassdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) log_debug(str(superclassdesc), ident) clazz.superclass = superclassdesc return clazz def do_blockdata(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_BLOCKDATA (unsigned byte)<size> (byte)[size] log_debug("[blockdata]", ident) (length, ) = self._readStruct(">B") ba = return ba def do_blockdata_long(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_BLOCKDATALONG (int)<size> (byte)[size] log_debug("[blockdata]", ident) (length, ) = self._readStruct(">I") ba = return ba def do_class(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_CLASS classDesc newHandle log_debug("[class]", ident) # TODO: what to do with "(ClassDesc)prevObject". (see 3rd line for classDesc:) opcode, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) log_debug("Classdesc: %s" % classdesc, ident) self._add_reference(classdesc, ident) return classdesc def do_object(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_OBJECT classDesc newHandle classdata[] // data for each class java_object = JavaObject() log_debug("[object]", ident) log_debug("java_object.annotations just after instantination: " + str(java_object.annotations), ident) # TODO: what to do with "(ClassDesc)prevObject". (see 3rd line for classDesc:) opcode, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) # self.TC_REFERENCE hasn't shown in spec, but actually is here self._add_reference(java_object, ident) # classdata[] # Store classdesc of this object java_object.classdesc = classdesc if classdesc.flags & self.SC_EXTERNALIZABLE and not classdesc.flags & self.SC_BLOCK_DATA: raise NotImplementedError("externalContents isn't implemented yet") # TODO: if classdesc.flags & self.SC_SERIALIZABLE: # create megalist tempclass = classdesc megalist = [] megatypes = [] while tempclass: log_debug(">>> " + str(tempclass.fields_names) + " " + str(tempclass), ident) log_debug(">>> " + str(tempclass.fields_types), ident) fieldscopy = tempclass.fields_names[:] fieldscopy.extend(megalist) megalist = fieldscopy fieldscopy = tempclass.fields_types[:] fieldscopy.extend(megatypes) megatypes = fieldscopy tempclass = tempclass.superclass log_debug("Values count: %s" % str(len(megalist)), ident) log_debug("Prepared list of values: %s" % str(megalist), ident) log_debug("Prepared list of types: %s" % str(megatypes), ident) for field_name, field_type in zip(megalist, megatypes): res = self._read_value(field_type, ident, name=field_name) java_object.__setattr__(field_name, res) if classdesc.flags & self.SC_SERIALIZABLE and classdesc.flags & self.SC_WRITE_METHOD or classdesc.flags & self.SC_EXTERNALIZABLE and classdesc.flags & self.SC_BLOCK_DATA: # objectAnnotation log_debug("java_object.annotations before: " + str(java_object.annotations), ident) while opcode != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: opcode, obj = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1) # , expect=[self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA, self.TC_BLOCKDATA, self.TC_OBJECT, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) if opcode != self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA: java_object.annotations.append(obj) log_debug("objectAnnotation value: " + str(obj), ident) log_debug("java_object.annotations after: " + str(java_object.annotations), ident) # Transform object for transformer in self.object_transformers: tmp_object = transformer.transform(java_object) if tmp_object is not java_object: java_object = tmp_object break log_debug(">>> java_object: " + str(java_object), ident) return java_object def do_string(self, parent=None, ident=0): log_debug("[string]", ident) ba = JavaString(self._readString()) self._add_reference(ba, ident) return ba def do_string_long(self, parent=None, ident=0): log_debug("[long string]", ident) ba = JavaString(self._readString("Q")) self._add_reference(ba, ident) return ba def do_array(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_ARRAY classDesc newHandle (int)<size> values[size] log_debug("[array]", ident) opcode, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) array = JavaArray(classdesc) self._add_reference(array, ident) (size, ) = self._readStruct(">i") log_debug("size: " + str(size), ident) type_char =[0] assert type_char == self.TYPE_ARRAY type_char =[1] if type_char == self.TYPE_OBJECT or type_char == self.TYPE_ARRAY: for i in range(size): opcode, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1) log_debug("Object value: %s" % str(res), ident) array.append(res) else: for i in range(size): res = self._read_value(type_char, ident) log_debug("Native value: %s" % str(res), ident) array.append(res) return array def do_reference(self, parent=None, ident=0): (handle, ) = self._readStruct(">L") log_debug("## Reference handle: 0x%x" % (handle), ident) return self.references[handle - self.BASE_REFERENCE_IDX] def do_null(self, parent=None, ident=0): return None def do_enum(self, parent=None, ident=0): # TC_ENUM classDesc newHandle enumConstantName enum = JavaEnum() opcode, classdesc = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_CLASSDESC, self.TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, self.TC_NULL, self.TC_REFERENCE]) enum.classdesc = classdesc self._add_reference(enum, ident) opcode, enumConstantName = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1, expect=[self.TC_STRING, self.TC_REFERENCE]) enum.constant = enumConstantName return enum def _create_hexdump(self, src, start_offset=0, length=16): FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x)))==3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)]) result = [] for i in xrange(0, len(src), length): s = src[i:i+length] hexa = ' '.join(["%02X" % ord(x) for x in s]) printable = s.translate(FILTER) result.append("%04X %-*s %s\n" % (i+start_offset, length*3, hexa, printable)) return ''.join(result) def _read_value(self, field_type, ident, name = ""): if len(field_type) > 1: cls = field_type[1:] field_type = field_type[0] # We don't need details for arrays and objects if field_type == self.TYPE_BOOLEAN: (val, ) = self._readStruct(">B") res = bool(val) elif field_type == self.TYPE_BYTE: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">b") elif field_type == self.TYPE_SHORT: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">h") elif field_type == self.TYPE_INTEGER: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">i") elif field_type == self.TYPE_LONG: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">q") elif field_type == self.TYPE_FLOAT: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">f") elif field_type == self.TYPE_DOUBLE: (res, ) = self._readStruct(">d") elif field_type == self.TYPE_OBJECT or field_type == self.TYPE_ARRAY: try: opcode, res = self._read_and_exec_opcode(ident=ident+1) except RuntimeError: if cls == 'java/lang/String;': res = JavaString(self._readString()) else: raise else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown typecode: %s" % field_type) log_debug("* %s %s: " % (field_type, name) + str(res), ident) return res def _convert_char_to_type(self, type_char): typecode = type_char if type(type_char) is int: typecode = chr(type_char) if typecode in self.TYPECODES_LIST: return typecode else: raise RuntimeError("Typecode %s (%s) isn't supported." % (type_char, typecode)) def _add_reference(self, obj, ident=0): log_debug('## New reference handle 0x%X' % (len(self.references) + self.BASE_REFERENCE_IDX,), ident) self.references.append(obj) def _oops_dump_state(self): log_error("==Oops state dump" + "=" * (30 - 17)) log_error("References: %s" % str(self.references)) log_error("Stream seeking back at -16 byte (2nd line is an actual position!):"), 1) position = self.object_stream.tell() the_rest = if len(the_rest): log_error(self._create_hexdump(the_rest, position)) log_error("=" * 30) class JavaObjectMarshaller(JavaObjectConstants): def __init__(self, stream=None): self.object_stream = stream self.object_transformers = [] def add_transformer(self, transformer): self.object_transformers.append(transformer) def dump(self, obj): self.object_obj = obj self.object_stream = io.StringIO() self._writeStreamHeader() self.writeObject(obj) return self.object_stream.getvalue() def _writeStreamHeader(self): self._writeStruct(">HH", 4, (self.STREAM_MAGIC, self.STREAM_VERSION)) def writeObject(self, obj): log_debug("Writing object of type " + str(type(obj)) + " " + str(obj)) if isinstance(obj, JavaArray): self.write_array(obj) elif isinstance(obj, JavaEnum): self.write_enum(obj) elif isinstance(obj, JavaObject): self.write_object(obj) elif isinstance(obj, JavaString): self.write_string(obj) elif isinstance(obj, JavaClass): self.write_class(obj) elif obj is None: self.write_null() elif type(obj) is str: self.write_blockdata(obj) else: raise RuntimeError("Object serialization of type %s is not supported." % str(type(obj))) def _writeStruct(self, unpack, length, args): ba = struct.pack(unpack, *args) self.object_stream.write(ba) def _writeString(self, string): length = len(string) self._writeStruct(">H", 2, (length, )) self.object_stream.write(string) def write_string(self, obj): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_STRING,)) self._writeString(obj) def write_enum(self, obj): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_ENUM, )) self.write_classdesc(obj.get_class()) self.write_string(obj.constant) def write_blockdata(self, obj, parent=None): # TC_BLOCKDATA (unsigned byte)<size> (byte)[size] length = len(obj) if length <= 256: self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_BLOCKDATA, )) self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (length, )) else: self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_BLOCKDATALONG, )) self._writeStruct(">I", 1, (length, )) self.object_stream.write(obj) def write_null(self): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_NULL, )) def write_object(self, obj, parent=None): # Transform object for transformer in self.object_transformers: tmp_object = transformer.transform(obj) if tmp_object is not obj: obj = tmp_object break self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_OBJECT, )) cls = obj.get_class() self.write_classdesc(cls) all_names = [] all_types = [] tmpcls = cls while tmpcls: all_names += tmpcls.fields_names all_types += tmpcls.fields_types tmpcls = tmpcls.superclass del tmpcls for name, type in zip(all_names, all_types): try: self._write_value(type, getattr(obj, name)) except AttributeError as e: log_error("%s e, %s %s" % (str(e), repr(obj), repr(dir(obj)))) raise del all_names, all_types if (cls.flags & self.SC_SERIALIZABLE and cls.flags & self.SC_WRITE_METHOD or cls.flags & self.SC_EXTERNALIZABLE and cls.flags & self.SC_BLOCK_DATA): for annot in obj.annotations: log_debug("Write annotation %s for %s" % (repr(annot), repr(obj),)) if annot == None: self.write_null() else: self.writeObject(annot) self._writeStruct('>B', 1, (self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA,)) def write_class(self, obj, parent=None): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_CLASS,)) self.write_classdesc(obj) def write_classdesc(self, obj, parent=None): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_CLASSDESC, )) self._writeString( self._writeStruct(">LLB", 1, (obj.serialVersionUID, obj.handle, obj.flags)) self._writeStruct(">H", 1, (len(obj.fields_names), )) for name,type in zip(obj.fields_names, obj.fields_types): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self._convert_type_to_char(type),)) self._writeString(name) if type[0] in (self.TYPE_OBJECT, self.TYPE_ARRAY): self.write_string(type) self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA,)) if obj.superclass: self.write_classdesc(obj.superclass) else: self.write_null() def write_array(self, obj): self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (self.TC_ARRAY,)) self.write_classdesc(obj.get_class()) self._writeStruct(">i", 1, (len(obj),)) classdesc = obj.get_class() type_char =[0] assert type_char == self.TYPE_ARRAY type_char =[1] if type_char == self.TYPE_OBJECT: for o in obj: self.write_object(o) elif type_char == self.TYPE_ARRAY: for a in obj: self.write_array(a) else: log_debug("Write array of type %s" % type_char) for v in obj: self._write_value(type_char, v) def _write_value(self, field_type, value): if len(field_type) > 1: field_type = field_type[0] # We don't need details for arrays and objects if field_type == self.TYPE_BOOLEAN: self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (1 if value else 0,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_BYTE: if value > 127: self._writeStruct(">B", 1, (value,)) else: self._writeStruct(">b", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_SHORT: self._writeStruct(">h", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_INTEGER: self._writeStruct(">i", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_LONG: self._writeStruct(">q", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_FLOAT: self._writeStruct(">f", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_DOUBLE: self._writeStruct(">d", 1, (value,)) elif field_type == self.TYPE_OBJECT or field_type == self.TYPE_ARRAY: if value == None: self.write_null() elif isinstance(value, JavaEnum): self.write_enum(value) elif isinstance(value, JavaObject): self.write_object(value) elif isinstance(value, JavaString): self.write_string(value) elif isinstance(value, str): self.write_blockdata(value) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown typecode: %s" % field_type) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown typecode: %s" % field_type) def _convert_type_to_char(self, type_char): typecode = type_char if type(type_char) is int: typecode = chr(type_char) if typecode in self.TYPECODES_LIST: return ord(typecode) elif len(typecode) > 1: if typecode[0] == 'L': return ord(self.TYPE_OBJECT) elif typecode[0] == '[': return ord(self.TYPE_ARRAY) raise RuntimeError("Typecode %s (%s) isn't supported." % (type_char, typecode)) class DefaultObjectTransformer(object): class JavaList(list, JavaObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): list.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) JavaObject.__init__(self) class JavaMap(dict, JavaObject): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) JavaObject.__init__(self) def transform(self, object): if object.get_class().name == "java.util.ArrayList": # * @serialData The length of the array backing the <tt>ArrayList</tt> # * instance is emitted (int), followed by all of its elements # * (each an <tt>Object</tt>) in the proper order. #print "---" #print "java.util.ArrayList" #print object.annotations #print "---" new_object = self.JavaList() object.copy(new_object) new_object.extend(object.annotations[1:]) #print ">>> object:", new_object return new_object if object.get_class().name == "java.util.LinkedList": #print "---" #print #print "java.util.LinkedList" #print object.annotations #print "---" new_object = self.JavaList() object.copy(new_object) new_object.extend(object.annotations[1:]) #print ">>> object:", new_object return new_object if object.get_class().name == "java.util.HashMap": #print "---" #print #print "java.util.HashMap" #print object.annotations #print "---" new_object = self.JavaMap() object.copy(new_object) for i in range(1, len(object.annotations),2): new_object[object.annotations[i]] = object.annotations[i+1] #print ">>> object:", new_object return new_object return object
""" ================================== Comparing various online solvers ================================== An example showing how different online solvers perform on the hand-written digits dataset. """ # Author: Rob Zinkov <rob at zinkov dot com> # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier, Perceptron from sklearn.linear_model import PassiveAggressiveClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression heldout = [0.95, 0.90, 0.75, 0.50, 0.01] rounds = 20 digits = datasets.load_digits() X, y =, classifiers = [ ("SGD", SGDClassifier()), ("ASGD", SGDClassifier(average=True)), ("Perceptron", Perceptron()), ("Passive-Aggressive I", PassiveAggressiveClassifier(loss='hinge', C=1.0)), ("Passive-Aggressive II", PassiveAggressiveClassifier(loss='squared_hinge', C=1.0)), ("SAG", LogisticRegression(solver='sag', tol=1e-1, C=1.e4 / X.shape[0])) ] xx = 1. - np.array(heldout) for name, clf in classifiers: print("training %s" % name) rng = np.random.RandomState(42) yy = [] for i in heldout: yy_ = [] for r in range(rounds): X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \ train_test_split(X, y, test_size=i, random_state=rng), y_train) y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) yy_.append(1 - np.mean(y_pred == y_test)) yy.append(np.mean(yy_)) plt.plot(xx, yy, label=name) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xlabel("Proportion train") plt.ylabel("Test Error Rate")
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # # Description: generate inputs and targets for the dlrm benchmark # The inpts and outputs are generated according to the following three option(s) # 1) random distribution # 2) synthetic distribution, based on unique accesses and distances between them # i) R. Hassan, A. Harris, N. Topham and A. Efthymiou "Synthetic Trace-Driven # Simulation of Cache Memory", IEEE AINAM'07 # 3) public data set # i) Criteo Kaggle Display Advertising Challenge Dataset # # ii) Criteo Terabyte Dataset # from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals # others from os import path import bisect import collections import data_utils # numpy import numpy as np from numpy import random as ra # pytorch import torch from import Dataset, RandomSampler import data_loader_terabyte # Kaggle Display Advertising Challenge Dataset # dataset (str): name of dataset (Kaggle or Terabyte) # randomize (str): determines randomization scheme # "none": no randomization # "day": randomizes each day"s data (only works if split = True) # "total": randomizes total dataset # split (bool) : to split into train, test, validation data-sets class CriteoDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, dataset, max_ind_range, sub_sample_rate, randomize, split="train", raw_path="", pro_data="", memory_map=False ): # dataset # tar_fea = 1 # single target den_fea = 13 # 13 dense features # spa_fea = 26 # 26 sparse features # tad_fea = tar_fea + den_fea # tot_fea = tad_fea + spa_fea if dataset == "kaggle": days = 7 out_file = "kaggleAdDisplayChallenge_processed" elif dataset == "terabyte": days = 24 out_file = "terabyte_processed" else: raise(ValueError("Data set option is not supported")) self.max_ind_range = max_ind_range self.memory_map = memory_map # split the datafile into path and filename lstr = raw_path.split("/") self.d_path = "/".join(lstr[0:-1]) + "/" self.d_file = lstr[-1].split(".")[0] if dataset == "kaggle" else lstr[-1] self.npzfile = self.d_path + ( (self.d_file + "_day") if dataset == "kaggle" else self.d_file ) self.trafile = self.d_path + ( (self.d_file + "_fea") if dataset == "kaggle" else "fea" ) # check if pre-processed data is available data_ready = True if memory_map: for i in range(days): reo_data = self.npzfile + "_{0}_reordered.npz".format(i) if not path.exists(str(reo_data)): data_ready = False else: if not path.exists(str(pro_data)): data_ready = False # pre-process data if needed # WARNNING: when memory mapping is used we get a collection of files if data_ready: print("Reading pre-processed data=%s" % (str(pro_data))) file = str(pro_data) else: print("Reading raw data=%s" % (str(raw_path))) file = data_utils.getCriteoAdData( raw_path, out_file, max_ind_range, sub_sample_rate, days, split, randomize, dataset == "kaggle", memory_map ) # get a number of samples per day total_file = self.d_path + self.d_file + "_day_count.npz" with np.load(total_file) as data: total_per_file = data["total_per_file"] # compute offsets per file self.offset_per_file = np.array([0] + [x for x in total_per_file]) for i in range(days): self.offset_per_file[i + 1] += self.offset_per_file[i] # print(self.offset_per_file) # setup data if memory_map: # setup the training/testing split self.split = split if split == 'none' or split == 'train': = 0 self.max_day_range = days if split == 'none' else days - 1 elif split == 'test' or split == 'val': = days - 1 num_samples = self.offset_per_file[days] - \ self.offset_per_file[days - 1] self.test_size = int(np.ceil(num_samples / 2.)) self.val_size = num_samples - self.test_size else: sys.exit("ERROR: dataset split is neither none, nor train or test.") ''' # text print("text") for i in range(days): fi = self.npzfile + "_{0}".format(i) with open(fi) as data: ttt = 0; nnn = 0 for _j, line in enumerate(data): ttt +=1 if np.int32(line[0]) > 0: nnn +=1 print("day=" + str(i) + " total=" + str(ttt) + " non-zeros=" + str(nnn) + " ratio=" +str((nnn * 100.) / ttt) + "%") # processed print("processed") for i in range(days): fi = self.npzfile + "_{0}_processed.npz".format(i) with np.load(fi) as data: yyy = data["y"] ttt = len(yyy) nnn = np.count_nonzero(yyy) print("day=" + str(i) + " total=" + str(ttt) + " non-zeros=" + str(nnn) + " ratio=" +str((nnn * 100.) / ttt) + "%") # reordered print("reordered") for i in range(days): fi = self.npzfile + "_{0}_reordered.npz".format(i) with np.load(fi) as data: yyy = data["y"] ttt = len(yyy) nnn = np.count_nonzero(yyy) print("day=" + str(i) + " total=" + str(ttt) + " non-zeros=" + str(nnn) + " ratio=" +str((nnn * 100.) / ttt) + "%") ''' # load unique counts with np.load(self.d_path + self.d_file + "_fea_count.npz") as data: self.counts = data["counts"] self.m_den = den_fea # X_int.shape[1] self.n_emb = len(self.counts) print("Sparse features= %d, Dense features= %d" % (self.n_emb, self.m_den)) # Load the test data # Only a single day is used for testing if self.split == 'test' or self.split == 'val': # only a single day is used for testing fi = self.npzfile + "_{0}_reordered.npz".format( ) with np.load(fi) as data: self.X_int = data["X_int"] # continuous feature self.X_cat = data["X_cat"] # categorical feature self.y = data["y"] # target else: # load and preprocess data with np.load(file) as data: X_int = data["X_int"] # continuous feature X_cat = data["X_cat"] # categorical feature y = data["y"] # target self.counts = data["counts"] self.m_den = X_int.shape[1] # den_fea self.n_emb = len(self.counts) print("Sparse fea = %d, Dense fea = %d" % (self.n_emb, self.m_den)) # create reordering indices = np.arange(len(y)) if split == "none": # randomize all data if randomize == "total": indices = np.random.permutation(indices) print("Randomized indices...") X_int[indices] = X_int X_cat[indices] = X_cat y[indices] = y else: indices = np.array_split(indices, self.offset_per_file[1:-1]) # randomize train data (per day) if randomize == "day": # or randomize == "total": for i in range(len(indices) - 1): indices[i] = np.random.permutation(indices[i]) print("Randomized indices per day ...") train_indices = np.concatenate(indices[:-1]) test_indices = indices[-1] test_indices, val_indices = np.array_split(test_indices, 2) print("Defined %s indices..." % (split)) # randomize train data (across days) if randomize == "total": train_indices = np.random.permutation(train_indices) print("Randomized indices across days ...") # create training, validation, and test sets if split == 'train': self.X_int = [X_int[i] for i in train_indices] self.X_cat = [X_cat[i] for i in train_indices] self.y = [y[i] for i in train_indices] elif split == 'val': self.X_int = [X_int[i] for i in val_indices] self.X_cat = [X_cat[i] for i in val_indices] self.y = [y[i] for i in val_indices] elif split == 'test': self.X_int = [X_int[i] for i in test_indices] self.X_cat = [X_cat[i] for i in test_indices] self.y = [y[i] for i in test_indices] print("Split data according to indices...") def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return [ self[idx] for idx in range( index.start or 0, index.stop or len(self), index.step or 1 ) ] if self.memory_map: if self.split == 'none' or self.split == 'train': # check if need to swicth to next day and load data if index == self.offset_per_file[]: # print("day_boundary switch", index) self.day_boundary = self.offset_per_file[] fi = self.npzfile + "_{0}_reordered.npz".format( ) # print('Loading file: ', fi) with np.load(fi) as data: self.X_int = data["X_int"] # continuous feature self.X_cat = data["X_cat"] # categorical feature self.y = data["y"] # target = ( + 1) % self.max_day_range i = index - self.day_boundary elif self.split == 'test' or self.split == 'val': # only a single day is used for testing i = index + (0 if self.split == 'test' else self.test_size) else: sys.exit("ERROR: dataset split is neither none, nor train or test.") else: i = index if self.max_ind_range > 0: return self.X_int[i], self.X_cat[i] % self.max_ind_range, self.y[i] else: return self.X_int[i], self.X_cat[i], self.y[i] def _default_preprocess(self, X_int, X_cat, y): X_int = torch.log(torch.tensor(X_int, dtype=torch.float) + 1) if self.max_ind_range > 0: X_cat = torch.tensor(X_cat % self.max_ind_range, dtype=torch.long) else: X_cat = torch.tensor(X_cat, dtype=torch.long) y = torch.tensor(y.astype(np.float32)) return X_int, X_cat, y def __len__(self): if self.memory_map: if self.split == 'none': return self.offset_per_file[-1] elif self.split == 'train': return self.offset_per_file[-2] elif self.split == 'test': return self.test_size elif self.split == 'val': return self.val_size else: sys.exit("ERROR: dataset split is neither none, nor train nor test.") else: return len(self.y) def collate_wrapper_criteo(list_of_tuples): # where each tuple is (X_int, X_cat, y) transposed_data = list(zip(*list_of_tuples)) X_int = torch.log(torch.tensor(transposed_data[0], dtype=torch.float) + 1) X_cat = torch.tensor(transposed_data[1], dtype=torch.long) T = torch.tensor(transposed_data[2], dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 1) batchSize = X_cat.shape[0] featureCnt = X_cat.shape[1] lS_i = [X_cat[:, i] for i in range(featureCnt)] lS_o = [torch.tensor(range(batchSize)) for _ in range(featureCnt)] return X_int, torch.stack(lS_o), torch.stack(lS_i), T def ensure_dataset_preprocessed(args, d_path): _ = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "train", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) _ = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "test", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']: print('Running preprocessing for split =', split) train_files = ['{}_{}_reordered.npz'.format(args.raw_data_file, day) for day in range(0, 23)] test_valid_file = args.raw_data_file + '_23_reordered.npz' output_file = d_path + '_{}.bin'.format(split) input_files = train_files if split == 'train' else [test_valid_file] data_loader_terabyte.numpy_to_binary(input_files=input_files, output_file_path=output_file, split=split) def make_criteo_data_and_loaders(args): if args.mlperf_logging and args.memory_map and args.data_set == "terabyte": # more efficient for larger batches data_directory = path.dirname(args.raw_data_file) if args.mlperf_bin_loader: lstr = args.processed_data_file.split("/") d_path = "/".join(lstr[0:-1]) + "/" + lstr[-1].split(".")[0] train_file = d_path + "_train.bin" test_file = d_path + "_test.bin" # val_file = d_path + "_val.bin" counts_file = args.raw_data_file + '_fea_count.npz' if any(not path.exists(p) for p in [train_file, test_file, counts_file]): ensure_dataset_preprocessed(args, d_path) train_data = data_loader_terabyte.CriteoBinDataset( data_file=train_file, counts_file=counts_file, batch_size=args.mini_batch_size, max_ind_range=args.max_ind_range ) train_loader = train_data, batch_size=None, batch_sampler=None, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, collate_fn=None, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, sampler=RandomSampler(train_data) if args.mlperf_bin_shuffle else None ) test_data = data_loader_terabyte.CriteoBinDataset( data_file=test_file, counts_file=counts_file, batch_size=args.test_mini_batch_size, max_ind_range=args.max_ind_range ) test_loader = test_data, batch_size=None, batch_sampler=None, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, collate_fn=None, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, ) else: data_filename = args.raw_data_file.split("/")[-1] train_data = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "train", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) test_data = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "test", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) train_loader = data_loader_terabyte.DataLoader( data_directory=data_directory, data_filename=data_filename, days=list(range(23)), batch_size=args.mini_batch_size, max_ind_range=args.max_ind_range, split="train" ) test_loader = data_loader_terabyte.DataLoader( data_directory=data_directory, data_filename=data_filename, days=[23], batch_size=args.test_mini_batch_size, max_ind_range=args.max_ind_range, split="test" ) else: train_data = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "train", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) test_data = CriteoDataset( args.data_set, args.max_ind_range, args.data_sub_sample_rate, args.data_randomize, "test", args.raw_data_file, args.processed_data_file, args.memory_map ) train_loader = train_data, batch_size=args.mini_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=collate_wrapper_criteo, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, # True ) test_loader = test_data, batch_size=args.test_mini_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.test_num_workers, collate_fn=collate_wrapper_criteo, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, # True ) return train_data, train_loader, test_data, test_loader # uniform ditribution (input data) class RandomDataset(Dataset): def __init__( self, m_den, ln_emb, data_size, num_batches, mini_batch_size, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, num_targets=1, round_targets=False, data_generation="random", trace_file="", enable_padding=False, reset_seed_on_access=False, rand_seed=0 ): # compute batch size nbatches = int(np.ceil((data_size * 1.0) / mini_batch_size)) if num_batches != 0: nbatches = num_batches data_size = nbatches * mini_batch_size # print("Total number of batches %d" % nbatches) # save args (recompute data_size if needed) self.m_den = m_den self.ln_emb = ln_emb self.data_size = data_size self.num_batches = nbatches self.mini_batch_size = mini_batch_size self.num_indices_per_lookup = num_indices_per_lookup self.num_indices_per_lookup_fixed = num_indices_per_lookup_fixed self.num_targets = num_targets self.round_targets = round_targets self.data_generation = data_generation self.trace_file = trace_file self.enable_padding = enable_padding self.reset_seed_on_access = reset_seed_on_access self.rand_seed = rand_seed def reset_numpy_seed(self, numpy_rand_seed): np.random.seed(numpy_rand_seed) # torch.manual_seed(numpy_rand_seed) def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return [ self[idx] for idx in range( index.start or 0, index.stop or len(self), index.step or 1 ) ] # WARNING: reset seed on access to first element # (e.g. if same random samples needed across epochs) if self.reset_seed_on_access and index == 0: self.reset_numpy_seed(self.rand_seed) # number of data points in a batch n = min(self.mini_batch_size, self.data_size - (index * self.mini_batch_size)) # generate a batch of dense and sparse features if self.data_generation == "random": (X, lS_o, lS_i) = generate_uniform_input_batch( self.m_den, self.ln_emb, n, self.num_indices_per_lookup, self.num_indices_per_lookup_fixed ) elif self.data_generation == "synthetic": (X, lS_o, lS_i) = generate_synthetic_input_batch( self.m_den, self.ln_emb, n, self.num_indices_per_lookup, self.num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, self.trace_file, self.enable_padding ) else: sys.exit( "ERROR: --data-generation=" + self.data_generation + " is not supported" ) # generate a batch of target (probability of a click) T = generate_random_output_batch(n, self.num_targets, self.round_targets) return (X, lS_o, lS_i, T) def __len__(self): # WARNING: note that we produce bacthes of outputs in __getitem__ # therefore we should use num_batches rather than data_size below return self.num_batches def collate_wrapper_random(list_of_tuples): # where each tuple is (X, lS_o, lS_i, T) (X, lS_o, lS_i, T) = list_of_tuples[0] return (X, torch.stack(lS_o), lS_i, T) def make_random_data_and_loader(args, ln_emb, m_den): train_data = RandomDataset( m_den, ln_emb, args.data_size, args.num_batches, args.mini_batch_size, args.num_indices_per_lookup, args.num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, 1, # num_targets args.round_targets, args.data_generation, args.data_trace_file, args.data_trace_enable_padding, reset_seed_on_access=True, rand_seed=args.numpy_rand_seed ) # WARNING: generates a batch of lookups at once train_loader = train_data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=args.num_workers, collate_fn=collate_wrapper_random, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, # True ) return train_data, train_loader def generate_random_data( m_den, ln_emb, data_size, num_batches, mini_batch_size, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, num_targets=1, round_targets=False, data_generation="random", trace_file="", enable_padding=False, ): nbatches = int(np.ceil((data_size * 1.0) / mini_batch_size)) if num_batches != 0: nbatches = num_batches data_size = nbatches * mini_batch_size # print("Total number of batches %d" % nbatches) # inputs lT = [] lX = [] lS_offsets = [] lS_indices = [] for j in range(0, nbatches): # number of data points in a batch n = min(mini_batch_size, data_size - (j * mini_batch_size)) # generate a batch of dense and sparse features if data_generation == "random": (Xt, lS_emb_offsets, lS_emb_indices) = generate_uniform_input_batch( m_den, ln_emb, n, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed ) elif data_generation == "synthetic": (Xt, lS_emb_offsets, lS_emb_indices) = generate_synthetic_input_batch( m_den, ln_emb, n, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, trace_file, enable_padding ) else: sys.exit( "ERROR: --data-generation=" + data_generation + " is not supported" ) # dense feature lX.append(Xt) # sparse feature (sparse indices) lS_offsets.append(lS_emb_offsets) lS_indices.append(lS_emb_indices) # generate a batch of target (probability of a click) P = generate_random_output_batch(n, num_targets, round_targets) lT.append(P) return (nbatches, lX, lS_offsets, lS_indices, lT) def generate_random_output_batch(n, num_targets, round_targets=False): # target (probability of a click) if round_targets: P = np.round(ra.rand(n, num_targets).astype(np.float32)).astype(np.float32) else: P = ra.rand(n, num_targets).astype(np.float32) return torch.tensor(P) # uniform ditribution (input data) def generate_uniform_input_batch( m_den, ln_emb, n, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, ): # dense feature Xt = torch.tensor(ra.rand(n, m_den).astype(np.float32)) # sparse feature (sparse indices) lS_emb_offsets = [] lS_emb_indices = [] # for each embedding generate a list of n lookups, # where each lookup is composed of multiple sparse indices for size in ln_emb: lS_batch_offsets = [] lS_batch_indices = [] offset = 0 for _ in range(n): # num of sparse indices to be used per embedding (between if num_indices_per_lookup_fixed: sparse_group_size = np.int64(num_indices_per_lookup) else: # random between [1,num_indices_per_lookup]) r = ra.random(1) sparse_group_size = np.int64( np.round(max([1.0], r * min(size, num_indices_per_lookup))) ) # sparse indices to be used per embedding r = ra.random(sparse_group_size) sparse_group = np.unique(np.round(r * (size - 1)).astype(np.int64)) # reset sparse_group_size in case some index duplicates were removed sparse_group_size = np.int64(sparse_group.size) # store lengths and indices lS_batch_offsets += [offset] lS_batch_indices += sparse_group.tolist() # update offset for next iteration offset += sparse_group_size lS_emb_offsets.append(torch.tensor(lS_batch_offsets)) lS_emb_indices.append(torch.tensor(lS_batch_indices)) return (Xt, lS_emb_offsets, lS_emb_indices) # synthetic distribution (input data) def generate_synthetic_input_batch( m_den, ln_emb, n, num_indices_per_lookup, num_indices_per_lookup_fixed, trace_file, enable_padding=False, ): # dense feature Xt = torch.tensor(ra.rand(n, m_den).astype(np.float32)) # sparse feature (sparse indices) lS_emb_offsets = [] lS_emb_indices = [] # for each embedding generate a list of n lookups, # where each lookup is composed of multiple sparse indices for i, size in enumerate(ln_emb): lS_batch_offsets = [] lS_batch_indices = [] offset = 0 for _ in range(n): # num of sparse indices to be used per embedding (between if num_indices_per_lookup_fixed: sparse_group_size = np.int64(num_indices_per_lookup) else: # random between [1,num_indices_per_lookup]) r = ra.random(1) sparse_group_size = np.int64( max(1, np.round(r * min(size, num_indices_per_lookup))[0]) ) # sparse indices to be used per embedding file_path = trace_file line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd = read_dist_from_file( file_path.replace("j", str(i)) ) # debug prints # print("input") # print(line_accesses); print(list_sd); print(cumm_sd); # print(sparse_group_size) # approach 1: rand # r = trace_generate_rand( # line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, sparse_group_size, enable_padding # ) # approach 2: lru r = trace_generate_lru( line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, sparse_group_size, enable_padding ) # WARNING: if the distribution in the file is not consistent # with embedding table dimensions, below mod guards against out # of range access sparse_group = np.unique(r).astype(np.int64) minsg = np.min(sparse_group) maxsg = np.max(sparse_group) if (minsg < 0) or (size <= maxsg): print( "WARNING: distribution is inconsistent with embedding " + "table size (using mod to recover and continue)" ) sparse_group = np.mod(sparse_group, size).astype(np.int64) # sparse_group = np.unique(np.array(np.mod(r, size-1)).astype(np.int64)) # reset sparse_group_size in case some index duplicates were removed sparse_group_size = np.int64(sparse_group.size) # store lengths and indices lS_batch_offsets += [offset] lS_batch_indices += sparse_group.tolist() # update offset for next iteration offset += sparse_group_size lS_emb_offsets.append(torch.tensor(lS_batch_offsets)) lS_emb_indices.append(torch.tensor(lS_batch_indices)) return (Xt, lS_emb_offsets, lS_emb_indices) def generate_stack_distance(cumm_val, cumm_dist, max_i, i, enable_padding=False): u = ra.rand(1) if i < max_i: # only generate stack distances up to the number of new references seen so far j = bisect.bisect(cumm_val, i) - 1 fi = cumm_dist[j] u *= fi # shrink distribution support to exclude last values elif enable_padding: # WARNING: disable generation of new references (once all have been seen) fi = cumm_dist[0] u = (1.0 - fi) * u + fi # remap distribution support to exclude first value for (j, f) in enumerate(cumm_dist): if u <= f: return cumm_val[j] # WARNING: global define, must be consistent across all synthetic functions cache_line_size = 1 def trace_generate_lru( line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, out_trace_len, enable_padding=False ): max_sd = list_sd[-1] l = len(line_accesses) i = 0 ztrace = [] for _ in range(out_trace_len): sd = generate_stack_distance(list_sd, cumm_sd, max_sd, i, enable_padding) mem_ref_within_line = 0 # floor(ra.rand(1)*cache_line_size) #0 # generate memory reference if sd == 0: # new reference # line_ref = line_accesses.pop(0) line_accesses.append(line_ref) mem_ref = np.uint64(line_ref * cache_line_size + mem_ref_within_line) i += 1 else: # existing reference # line_ref = line_accesses[l - sd] mem_ref = np.uint64(line_ref * cache_line_size + mem_ref_within_line) line_accesses.pop(l - sd) line_accesses.append(line_ref) # save generated memory reference ztrace.append(mem_ref) return ztrace def trace_generate_rand( line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, out_trace_len, enable_padding=False ): max_sd = list_sd[-1] l = len(line_accesses) # !!!Unique, i = 0 ztrace = [] for _ in range(out_trace_len): sd = generate_stack_distance(list_sd, cumm_sd, max_sd, i, enable_padding) mem_ref_within_line = 0 # floor(ra.rand(1)*cache_line_size) #0 # generate memory reference if sd == 0: # new reference # line_ref = line_accesses.pop(0) line_accesses.append(line_ref) mem_ref = np.uint64(line_ref * cache_line_size + mem_ref_within_line) i += 1 else: # existing reference # line_ref = line_accesses[l - sd] mem_ref = np.uint64(line_ref * cache_line_size + mem_ref_within_line) ztrace.append(mem_ref) return ztrace def trace_profile(trace, enable_padding=False): # number of elements in the array (assuming 1D) # n = trace.size rstack = [] # S stack_distances = [] # SDS line_accesses = [] # L for x in trace: r = np.uint64(x / cache_line_size) l = len(rstack) try: # found # i = rstack.index(r) # WARNING: I believe below is the correct depth in terms of meaning of the # algorithm, but that is not what seems to be in the paper alg. # -1 can be subtracted if we defined the distance between # consecutive accesses (e.g. r, r) as 0 rather than 1. sd = l - i # - 1 # push r to the end of stack_distances stack_distances.insert(0, sd) # remove r from its position and insert to the top of stack rstack.pop(i) # rstack.remove(r) rstack.insert(l - 1, r) except ValueError: # not found # sd = 0 # -1 # push r to the end of stack_distances/line_accesses stack_distances.insert(0, sd) line_accesses.insert(0, r) # push r to the top of stack rstack.insert(l, r) if enable_padding: # WARNING: notice that as the ratio between the number of samples (l) # and cardinality (c) of a sample increases the probability of # generating a sample gets smaller and smaller because there are # few new samples compared to repeated samples. This means that for a # long trace with relatively small cardinality it will take longer to # generate all new samples and therefore obtain full distribution support # and hence it takes longer for distribution to resemble the original. # Therefore, we may pad the number of new samples to be on par with # average number of samples l/c artificially. l = len(stack_distances) c = max(stack_distances) padding = int(np.ceil(l / c)) stack_distances = stack_distances + [0] * padding return (rstack, stack_distances, line_accesses) # auxiliary read/write routines def read_trace_from_file(file_path): try: with open(file_path) as f: if args.trace_file_binary_type: array = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint64) trace = array.astype(np.uint64).tolist() else: line = f.readline() trace = list(map(lambda x: np.uint64(x), line.split(", "))) return trace except Exception: print("ERROR: no input trace file has been provided") def write_trace_to_file(file_path, trace): try: if args.trace_file_binary_type: with open(file_path, "wb+") as f: np.array(trace).astype(np.uint64).tofile(f) else: with open(file_path, "w+") as f: s = str(trace) f.write(s[1 : len(s) - 1]) except Exception: print("ERROR: no output trace file has been provided") def read_dist_from_file(file_path): try: with open(file_path, "r") as f: lines = except Exception: print("Wrong file or file path") # read unique accesses unique_accesses = [int(el) for el in lines[0].split(", ")] # read cumulative distribution (elements are passed as two separate lists) list_sd = [int(el) for el in lines[1].split(", ")] cumm_sd = [float(el) for el in lines[2].split(", ")] return unique_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd def write_dist_to_file(file_path, unique_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd): try: with open(file_path, "w") as f: # unique_acesses s = str(unique_accesses) f.write(s[1 : len(s) - 1] + "\n") # list_sd s = str(list_sd) f.write(s[1 : len(s) - 1] + "\n") # cumm_sd s = str(cumm_sd) f.write(s[1 : len(s) - 1] + "\n") except Exception: print("Wrong file or file path") if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import operator import argparse ### parse arguments ### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate Synthetic Distributions") parser.add_argument("--trace-file", type=str, default="./input/trace.log") parser.add_argument("--trace-file-binary-type", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--trace-enable-padding", type=bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--dist-file", type=str, default="./input/dist.log") parser.add_argument( "--synthetic-file", type=str, default="./input/trace_synthetic.log" ) parser.add_argument("--numpy-rand-seed", type=int, default=123) parser.add_argument("--print-precision", type=int, default=5) args = parser.parse_args() ### some basic setup ### np.random.seed(args.numpy_rand_seed) np.set_printoptions(precision=args.print_precision) ### read trace ### trace = read_trace_from_file(args.trace_file) # print(trace) ### profile trace ### (_, stack_distances, line_accesses) = trace_profile( trace, args.trace_enable_padding ) stack_distances.reverse() line_accesses.reverse() # print(line_accesses) # print(stack_distances) ### compute probability distribution ### # count items l = len(stack_distances) dc = sorted( collections.Counter(stack_distances).items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0) ) # create a distribution list_sd = list(map(lambda tuple_x_k: tuple_x_k[0], dc)) # x = tuple_x_k[0] dist_sd = list( map(lambda tuple_x_k: tuple_x_k[1] / float(l), dc) ) # k = tuple_x_k[1] cumm_sd = [] # np.cumsum(dc).tolist() #prefixsum for i, (_, k) in enumerate(dc): if i == 0: cumm_sd.append(k / float(l)) else: # add the 2nd element of the i-th tuple in the dist_sd list cumm_sd.append(cumm_sd[i - 1] + (k / float(l))) ### write stack_distance and line_accesses to a file ### write_dist_to_file(args.dist_file, line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd) ### generate correspondinf synthetic ### # line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd = read_dist_from_file(args.dist_file) synthetic_trace = trace_generate_lru( line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, len(trace), args.trace_enable_padding ) # synthetic_trace = trace_generate_rand( # line_accesses, list_sd, cumm_sd, len(trace), args.trace_enable_padding # ) write_trace_to_file(args.synthetic_file, synthetic_trace)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Below are test results for Gelu or FastGelu FP32 kernels using CUDA: Formula Input(BeforeCast) MaxDiff MaxDiff(Optimized) 0(gelu_python) FP32 2.38E-07 4.77E-07 0(gelu_python) FP16 0 6.10E-05 1(gelu) FP32 4.77E-07 0 1(gelu) FP16 6.10E-05 0 2(erf_gelu) FP32 2.38E-07 9.54E-07 2(erf_gelu) FP16 1.22E-04 1.95E-03 3(gelu_new) FP32 2.38E-07 2.38E-07 3(gelu_new) FP16 0 0 4(gelu_fast) FP32 0 2.38E-07 4(gelu_fast) FP16 0 3.05E-05 5(openai_gelu) FP32 0 2.38E-07 5(openai_gelu) FP16 0 3.05E-05 For comparison, CPU has MaxDiff=4.77E-07 for each formula. """ import math import os import unittest import torch from parity_utilities import * from torch import nn class Gelu(nn.Module): def __init__(self, formula=4, fp32_gelu_op=False): super().__init__() self.formula = formula self.fp32_gelu_op = True def gelu(self, x): if self.formula == 0: return x * 0.5 * (1.0 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2.0))) elif self.formula == 1: return nn.functional.gelu(x) elif self.formula == 2: # erf_gelu in Megatron: x * 0.5 * (torch.erf(x / 1.41421).to(dtype=x.dtype)+torch.ones_like(x).to(dtype=x.dtype)) return x * 0.5 * (torch.erf(x / 1.41421).to(dtype=x.dtype) + 1.0) elif self.formula == 3: # gelu_new in huggingface transformers return 0.5 * x * (1.0 + torch.tanh(math.sqrt(2.0 / math.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * torch.pow(x, 3.0)))) elif self.formula == 4: # gelu_fast in huggingface transformers with lower precision in a constant (0.7978845608) return 0.5 * x * (1.0 + torch.tanh(x * 0.7978845608 * (1.0 + 0.044715 * x * x))) else: # openai_gelu in Megatron return 0.5 * x * (1.0 + torch.tanh(0.7978845608028654 * x * (1.0 + 0.044715 * x * x))) @staticmethod def get_fused_op(formula): return "Gelu" if formula in [0, 1, 2] else "FastGelu" def forward(self, x): if self.fp32_gelu_op and x.dtype == torch.float16: # This test only evaluates FP32 kernels so add data type cast for input and output. casted_output = self.gelu( return (casted_output,) else: output = self.gelu(x) return (output,) def get_output_names(): outputs = ["output"] return outputs def run( batch_size, float16, optimized, hidden_size, device, test_cases, formula=0, sequence_length=2, fp32_gelu_op=True, ): test_name = f"device={device}, float16={float16}, optimized={optimized}, batch_size={batch_size}, sequence_length={sequence_length}, hidden_size={hidden_size}, formula={formula}, fp32_gelu_op={fp32_gelu_op}" print(f"\nTesting: {test_name}") model = Gelu(formula=formula, fp32_gelu_op=fp32_gelu_op) model.eval() if float16: model.half() # Do not re-use onnx file from previous test since weights of model are random. onnx_model_path = "./temp/gelu_{}_{}.onnx".format(formula, "fp16" if float16 else "fp32") export_onnx(model, onnx_model_path, float16, hidden_size, device) if optimized: optimized_onnx_path = "./temp/gelu_{}_opt_{}.onnx".format(formula, "fp16" if float16 else "fp32") use_gpu = float16 and not fp32_gelu_op optimize_onnx( onnx_model_path, optimized_onnx_path, Gelu.get_fused_op(formula), use_gpu=use_gpu, opt_level=2 if use_gpu else None, ) onnx_path = optimized_onnx_path else: onnx_path = onnx_model_path num_failure = run_parity( model, onnx_path, batch_size, hidden_size, sequence_length, float16, device, optimized, test_cases, verbose=False, ) # clean up onnx file os.remove(onnx_model_path) if optimized: os.remove(onnx_path) return num_failure, test_name class TestGeluParity(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.optimized = True # Change it to False if you want to test parity of non optimized ONNX self.test_cases = 100 # Number of test cases per test run self.sequence_length = 2 self.hidden_size = 768 self.formula_to_test = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.formula_must_pass = [ 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, ] # formula 2 cannot pass precision test. def run_test( self, batch_size, float16, optimized, hidden_size, device, formula, enable_assert=True, fp32_gelu_op=True, ): if float16 and device.type == "cpu": # CPU does not support FP16 return num_failure, test_name = run( batch_size, float16, optimized, hidden_size, device, self.test_cases, formula, self.sequence_length, fp32_gelu_op, ) if enable_assert: self.assertTrue(num_failure == 0, "Failed: " + test_name) def run_one(self, optimized, device, hidden_size=768, formula=0): for batch_size in [4]: self.run_test( batch_size, float16=False, optimized=optimized, hidden_size=hidden_size, device=device, formula=formula, enable_assert=formula in self.formula_must_pass, ) self.run_test( batch_size, float16=True, optimized=optimized, hidden_size=hidden_size, device=device, formula=formula, enable_assert=formula in self.formula_must_pass, fp32_gelu_op=True, ) self.run_test( batch_size, float16=True, optimized=optimized, hidden_size=hidden_size, device=device, formula=formula, enable_assert=formula in self.formula_must_pass, fp32_gelu_op=False, ) def test_cpu(self): cpu = torch.device("cpu") for i in self.formula_to_test: self.run_one(self.optimized, cpu, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, formula=i) def test_cuda(self): if not torch.cuda.is_available(): import pytest pytest.skip("test requires GPU and torch+cuda") else: gpu = torch.device("cuda") for i in self.formula_to_test: self.run_one(self.optimized, gpu, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, formula=i) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ========================================================= Ordinary Least Squares and Ridge Regression Variance ========================================================= Due to the few points in each dimension and the straight line that linear regression uses to follow these points as well as it can, noise on the observations will cause great variance as shown in the first plot. Every line's slope can vary quite a bit for each prediction due to the noise induced in the observations. Ridge regression is basically minimizing a penalised version of the least-squared function. The penalising `shrinks` the value of the regression coefficients. Despite the few data points in each dimension, the slope of the prediction is much more stable and the variance in the line itself is greatly reduced, in comparison to that of the standard linear regression """ print(__doc__) # Code source: Gaël Varoquaux # Modified for documentation by Jaques Grobler # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn import linear_model X_train = np.c_[.5, 1].T y_train = [.5, 1] X_test = np.c_[0, 2].T np.random.seed(0) classifiers = dict(ols=linear_model.LinearRegression(), ridge=linear_model.Ridge(alpha=.1)) fignum = 1 for name, clf in classifiers.items(): fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize=(4, 3)) plt.clf() plt.title(name) ax = plt.axes([.12, .12, .8, .8]) for _ in range(6): this_X = .1 * np.random.normal(size=(2, 1)) + X_train, y_train) ax.plot(X_test, clf.predict(X_test), color='.5') ax.scatter(this_X, y_train, s=3, c='.5', marker='o', zorder=10), y_train) ax.plot(X_test, clf.predict(X_test), linewidth=2, color='blue') ax.scatter(X_train, y_train, s=30, c='r', marker='+', zorder=10) ax.set_xticks(()) ax.set_yticks(()) ax.set_ylim((0, 1.6)) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_xlim(0, 2) fignum += 1
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ (c) Fritjof Lammers """ import os import yaml import argparse import tpi_filter import tpi_helpers from tpi_svintegration import cluster_calls, nonredundant_2_sets from pybedtools import BedTool from collections import defaultdict from sys import argv def parse_args(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Arguments passed to the program') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True, help=' config file path') return parser.parse_args(args) def main(): """ Start the TeddyPi pipeline, loads main configuration file, collects input files and parses TE/SV caller specific configuration. This module returns filtered and integrated datasets for """ options = parse_args(argv[1:]) modulename = "TeddyPi" print u"TeddyPi - Transposable Element detection and discovery for Phylogenetic Inference" print u"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" print u"[ {} ] Initialize configuration from {}...".format(modulename, options.config), # Load main configuration with open(options.config) as fin: config = yaml.load(fin) programs = config['programs'] print u"done." tpi_helpers.create_out_path(config['out_dir']) # Create output directory transposons = config['refte'] # Load reference TE file # 1. Filter operations for each program and species filtered_files = defaultdict(dict) for samplename in config['samples']: print u"[ {} ] Loading data for sample {}; ".format(modulename, samplename) print u"[ {} ] Config has info on these TE/SV callers: {}".format(modulename, ",".join([elem['name'] for elem in programs])) per_sample_files = (fname for fname in os.listdir(config['data_dir']) if fname.startswith(samplename) and fname.endswith( ".vcf")) # TODO avoid reloading processed files for sample_file in per_sample_files: # print "%s, " % sample_file per_sample_vcf = tpi_filter.LoadVCF(data_dir=config['data_dir'], out_dir=config['out_dir'], fname=sample_file, sname=samplename) simple_source = per_sample_vcf.vcf_source.split(" ")[0].lower() if config['programs'] == "auto" or simple_source in [elem['name'] for elem in programs]: per_sample_vcf.skip = False # flag to skip filtering per_sample_vcf.filter_variants() print u"[ {} ] Filtered variants written to: {}\n".format(modulename, per_sample_vcf.out_fname) filtered_files[samplename][simple_source] = per_sample_vcf.out_fname else: print u"[ {} ] Error: Auto-detection of TE/SV callers disabled and VCF-source {} not mentioned in " \ u"config.\nskipping...".format(modulename, simple_source) # 2. Integrate SV-deletions and convert to Ref+ TE calls # if 'call_operations' in config.keys(): print u"[ {} ] Call operations found in configfile".format(modulename) for op, sources in config['call_operations'].iteritems(): try: assert (set([elem['name'] for elem in programs]) >= (set(sources))) except AssertionError: print u"VCF sources for operations have not been parsed." print u"[ {} ] For operation {}, sources {} were not parsed. Check \' programs \' parameter in {}" \ .format(modulename, op, ",".join(sources), options.config) continue if op == "non_redundant": print u"[ {} ] Starting operation {} on sources {} over all samples,".format(modulename, op, ",".join(sources)) for sample in filtered_files.keys(): print u"[ %s ] %s " % (op, sample) sets = (BedTool(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], filtered_files[sample][src])) for src in sources) nr = nonredundant_2_sets(sets) nr_set_outfile = "{s}.{t}.nr.bed".format(s=sample, t="DEL") nr_set_outfile = os.path.join(config['out_dir'], nr_set_outfile) nr.saveas(nr_set_outfile) print u"[ {} ] non_redundant set saved to {}".format(op, nr_set_outfile) te_isect_outfile = "{s}.{t}.bed".format(s=sample, t="TE") sv_set = nr.window(transposons, w=config['ortho_merge_distance']).saveas( os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_isect_outfile)) print u"[ {} ] TE intersected set saved to {}".format(op, os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_isect_outfile)) te_cls_outfile = "{s}.{t}.cls.bed".format(s=sample, t="TE") sv_set = BedTool(cluster_calls(sv_set)).saveas(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_cls_outfile)) print u"[ {} ] clustered set saved to {}".format(op, os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_cls_outfile)) elif op == "intersection": print u"[ {} ] Starting operation {} on sources {} over all samples,".format(modulename, op, ",".join(sources)) for sample in filtered_files.keys(): print u"[ %s ] %s " % (op, sample) sets = (BedTool(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], filtered_files[sample][src])) for src in sources) isect =, w=100, u=True).sort() isect_set_outfile = "{s}.{t}.is.vcf".format(s=sample, t="NONREF_ISEC") isect.saveas(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], isect_set_outfile)) print u"[ {} ] intersected set saved to {}".format(op, os.path.join(config['out_dir'], isect_set_outfile)) elif op == "te_intersect": print u"[ {} ] Starting operation {} on sources {} over all samples,".format(modulename, op, ",".join(sources)) for sample in filtered_files.keys(): print u"[ %s ] %s " % (op, sample) assert len(sources) == 1 src = sources[0] bt_set = tpi_helpers.make_BED_fromVCF(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], filtered_files[sample][src])) te_isect_outfile = "{s}.{t}.bed".format(s=sample, t="TE") sv_set = bt_set.window(transposons, w=50).saveas( os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_isect_outfile)) print u"[ {} ] TE intersected set saved to {}".format(op, os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_isect_outfile)) te_cls_outfile = "{s}.{t}.cls.bed".format(s=sample, t="TE") sv_set = BedTool(cluster_calls(sv_set)).saveas(os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_cls_outfile)) print u"[ {} ] clustered set saved to {}".format(op, os.path.join(config['out_dir'], te_cls_outfile)) else: print u"[ {} ] Operation '{}' not known. Nothing will be done. Check the configuration file.".format( modulename, op) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** -------- Date : December 2015 Copyright : (C) 2015 by Médéric Ribreux Email : medspx at medspx dot fr *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** This Python module handles pre-treatment operations for* GRASS7 modules. Before using a module you often have to incorporate a points layer into the network vector map. """ __author__ = 'Médéric Ribreux' __date__ = 'December 2015' __copyright__ = '(C) 2015, Médéric Ribreux' import os from qgis.core import QgsProcessingException from import getTempFilename def incorporatePoints(alg, parameters, context, feedback, pointLayerName='points', networkLayerName='input'): """ incorporate points with lines to form a GRASS network """ # Grab the point layer and delete this parameter pointLayer = alg.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, pointLayerName, context) if pointLayer: # Create an intermediate GRASS layer which is the combination of network + centers intLayer = 'net' + os.path.basename(getTempFilename()) pointLayer = alg.exportedLayers[pointLayerName] # Grab the network layer lineLayer = alg.parameterAsVectorLayer(parameters, networkLayerName, context) if lineLayer: lineLayer = alg.exportedLayers[networkLayerName] else: raise QgsProcessingException('GRASS GIS 7 requires a lines layer!')) threshold = alg.parameterAsDouble(parameters, 'threshold', context) # Create the connect command for point layer integration command = ' -s input={} points={} output={} operation=connect threshold={}'.format( lineLayer, pointLayer, intLayer, threshold) alg.commands.append(command) # Connect the point layer database to the layer 2 of the network command = 'v.db.connect -o map={} table={} layer=2'.format(intLayer, pointLayer) alg.commands.append(command) # remove undesired parameters alg.removeParameter(pointLayerName) # Use temp layer for input alg.exportedLayers[networkLayerName] = intLayer # Process the command if 'threshold' in parameters: alg.removeParameter('threshold') alg.processCommand(parameters, context, feedback) def variableOutput(alg, layers, parameters, context, nocats=True): """ Handle variable data output for modules: :param layers: layers is a dict of outputs: { 'outputName': ['srcLayer', 'output_type', output_layer_number, nocats], ... } where: - outputName is the name of the output in the description file. - srcLayer is the grass name of the layer to export. - output_type is the GRASS datatype (point/line/area/etc.). - output_layer_number is the GRASS layer number for multiple layers datasets. - nocats indicates weither we need to also export without categories items. :param parameters: :param context: :param nocats: do not add categories. """ for outputName, typeList in layers.items(): if not isinstance(typeList, list): continue file_name = alg.parameterAsOutputLayer(parameters, outputName, context) src_layer = typeList[0] output_type = typeList[1] output_layer_number = typeList[2] no_cats = typeList[3] grass_name = '{}{}'.format(src_layer, alg.uniqueSuffix) alg.exportVectorLayer(grassName=grass_name, fileName=file_name, layer=output_layer_number, exportnocat=no_cats, dataType=output_type) def processOutputs(alg, parameters, context, feedback): idx = alg.parameterAsInt(parameters, 'operation', context) operations = alg.parameterDefinition('operation').options() operation = operations[idx] if operation == 'nodes': outputParameter = {'output': ['output', 'point', 2, True]} elif operation == 'connect': outputParameter = {'output': ['output', 'line', 1, False]} elif operation == 'arcs': outputParameter = {'output': ['output', 'line', 1, True]} variableOutput(alg, outputParameter, parameters, context)