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Hazard a regardé Mantam alors qu'elle essayait de lui remonter le moral, sachant que ses intentions étaient bonnes, mais cela le rendait mal à l'aise. Il n'a jamais été un fan d'être pris en charge comme ça, car il n'a jamais voulu être vu comme Kyron l'enfant qui a besoin de réconfort. Selon lui, il était censé être le sage et heureux dans le groupe. Quand elle a lâché son épaule et est entrée dans la grotte, il s'est bagarré et a percuté l'herbe en disant "Ehhhh... arrêter d'être attentionné ça me fait sentir tout bizarre!". C'était bien sûr sa façon de montrer qu'il avait dépassé le mode sergent d'exercice de Cynthia et qu'il était prêt à revenir à sa propre insouciance, sans avoir besoin d'être concerné. Il roula un peu plus longtemps avant de s'arrêter, la tête posée à côté de la jambe de Mari alors qu'il la regardait. "Mari, joue de la musique!" Il a dit en étirant ses bras et a essayé d'atteindre son cigare avec gaieté.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Mari, joue de la musique! Marinette regarda avec une amusement sourd que Hazard retourna à son ancien moi, roulant dans l'herbe, presque comme pour secouer les affections avec lesquelles elle et Mantam l'avait assommé. C'était quelqu'un qui pouvait être sérieux quand il en avait besoin, mais qui préférait évidemment garder les choses légères et insouciantes, c'était quelque chose qu'elle admirait en lui. Dans l'expérience de Ness, ce sont ces types de personnes qui ont toujours fait pour les frères les plus froids. Elle a pris une autre bouffée et a exhalé, "Oh, j'ai eu la parfaite!" Elle a changé la fonction de son... bizarre... rose-chose... d'écouteur à haut-parleur et s'est penchée contre le mur de la grotte d'une manière qui l'a trouvée lentement glisser vers le bas, jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'asseyât dans l'herbe. Elle a joué avec le cigare, le gardant juste hors de sa portée, avant de le jeter en l'air, la logique du jeu dictait qu'il l'attraperait probablement parfaitement dans sa bouche. "Tu sais ce que je veux faire?" Elle s'est penchée contre le mur, en entendant à peine Mantam s'adresser à Prince à l'intérieur de la grotte, "Allez et baisez quelque chose-- comme vraiment-- J'aime l'aspect social de ce jeu, mais beaucoup de temps, je veux faire quelque chose de fou, comme... combat d'équipe un lvl. 20 ou quelque chose comme ça. Tu sais?"
Username: Marinette Bwa'Chech Title: "The Based" Gender: In-game: Female Race: Esquen Class: Freelancer Level: 5 Stat Build: STR: 1, Considerably low. FOC: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with AGI. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. AGI: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with FOC. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. Skills: +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making Equipment (Body): Head: (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.) Face: (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.) Ear: (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.) Neck: (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.) Chest: (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.) Right Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR) Left Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI) Left hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Finger: (N/A) Left Finger: (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.) Waist: (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%) Legs: (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) Right ankle: (N/A) Left Ankle: (N/A) Feet: (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. "You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!") Misc.: (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).) Equipment (Weapons): Primary Weapon: (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- ) Secondary Weapon: (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.) Spare Weapon #1: (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.) Spare Weapon #1: (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.) Pet: An Esquen Cobra named 'Anima Sola.' --- Character Appearance: Body. Face. Real Name: Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn Age: 21 Gender: Biological:Assumed Male (Gender fluid) Personality: Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. Background: An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. Appearance: ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with" Other:Marinette is almost always listening to music.
Le jeune homme sourit avec les yeux encore fermés alors qu'il sentait un coup doux sur son épaule et puis la douce voix de Mantam l'avertit de Cynthia. Il savait très bien mais maintenant que quelqu'un lui avait dit qu'il devait agir. Il ne pouvait pas blâmer Mantam. La façon dont elle l'avait dit si doucement l'avait adouci. Puis encore une fois, il était déjà assez doux pour commencer. Lentement, il ouvrit les yeux et sourit à Mantam, lui donnant un petit clin d'œil avant de se lever. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que Cynthia qui va au commando complet? Cela ne serait-il pas gênant?" Le Ki Brawler a plaisanté, espérant que ça allait trop loin, mais sachant que Cynthia était habitué au taquinage à l'heure actuelle. Il se branlait quand ça a commencé, quand tout a commencé. Il avait entendu les nouvelles il y a quelques instants, mais il n'y avait pas vraiment cru. Il n'avait pas le choix. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il y a quelques instants... pendant que tout le monde était dehors. "Nouvelles éclaboussantes!! Il y a quelques joueurs qui actuellement ne peuvent pas accéder à leurs boutons de déconnection! S'il vous plaît, dites-nous tout." L'ancre des nouvelles demande, se tournant vers la petite fille à côté d'elle. Étonnamment, elle était plutôt calme à ce sujet. "Eh bien... Je veux dire... Quand je sors mon menu, l'option de déconnection n'est pas là. Mon groupe entier ne peut pas se déconnecter maintenant. Nous ne savons pas quoi faire." Elle leur a dit que sa voix semblait un peu désespérée. "Voilà, mesdames et messieurs. Si vous ne trouvez pas votre bouton de déconnection, veuillez nous envoyer un message ici à PNN. C'est Paradise News Network! » Le jeune homme a dit à l'écran avant de tourner et de se déconnecter lui-même. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tout de suite. "Bonjour compagnons aventuriers, pilotes, mages, etc. Je pense qu'il est temps que je vous explique votre situation. J'ai une petite proposition pour vous tous." Il commence, son visage masqué dans la noirceur. Un homme était apparu sur l'écran de Prince, bloquant tout sauf le visage de l'homme. La chose la plus étrange à ce sujet était le fait qu'il ne faisait pas partie du jeu. En fait, il semblait très réel, un homme assis dans son bureau avec des papiers l'entourant, la plupart d'entre eux remplis de calculs. Si on regardait assez attentivement, ils verraient un petit cadre avec l'homme et deux petites filles debout à ses côtés. L'homme était la seule chose dans l'écran qui était complètement effacé. « Si vous pouvez découvrir les secrets que j'ai mis à travers le jeu, alors je vous donnerai toutes mes vastes richesses et vous vivrez comme un roi! » Il a commencé, tenant ses bras d'une manière flashy. « Cependant, il y a un prix élevé à payer pour l'échec. Mourez dans le jeu, et vous verrez que vous ne vous réveillerez pas bientôt. Si les membres de votre famille décident d'essayer de vous retirer de votre appareil de jeu, vous mourrez. Si vous essayez de laisser le jeu dedans de toute façon, via des hacks ou d'autres moyens, vous mourrez." Il continua, tournant légèrement la tête comme s'il regardait quelque chose au loin. "Je ne donnerai pas d'indices alors... C'est tout ce que je t'offre. Bonne chance." Il a terminé, l'écran s'est effondré alors que les personnages revenaient à la réalité de la situation. Dans chacune de leurs boîtes de réception est une petite icône de livre étiquetée, "Livre de la vie" L'homme ne s'était même pas présenté... Prince a clignoté un moment, pas vraiment capable de saisir pleinement la situation. Avec un mouvement rapide, il a sorti le menu du jeu et assez sûr que l'option de déconnection était manquante. Il repoussa le menu et regarda autour de la pièce pour mesurer les réactions des autres aux nouvelles.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Mantam sourit au japet de Prince. "Si seulement." Elle a dit sarcastiquement à la pensée de Cynthia nue. Mantam a trouvé que la plaisanterie se terminait assez rapidement alors que sa vision était consumée par un visage inconnu. Sa première pensée était qu'elle avait été piratée. En raison de l'unicité du piratage Paradise pourrait avoir des effets assez désastreux, et bien que la sécurité était censée être très serrée, les gens ont toujours trouvé un moyen. Cependant, elle a vite découvert à son horreur que ce n'était pas le cas. L'homme parlait de richesses séduisantes, mais les paroles ne l'indiquaient guère dans son esprit. Ce qui s'est enregistré était "Cependant, il y a un prix élevé à payer pour l'échec. Mourez dans le jeu, et vous verrez que vous ne vous réveillerez pas bientôt. Si les membres de votre famille décident d'essayer de vous retirer de votre appareil de jeu, vous mourrez. Si vous essayez de laisser le jeu dedans de toute façon, via des hacks ou d'autres moyens, vous mourrez." Le visage de Mantam s'est rapidement transformé en choc. "C'est une sorte de blague pratique, n'est-ce pas?" Elle a dit, avec un rire forcé suivant sa sentence. Elle a rapidement déchiré le menu, et a déménagé pour le bouton de déconnection pour trouver qu'il n'y avait pas une telle chose. Sa tête a commencé à nager, ça ne peut pas être réel, il n'y a aucun moyen que cela se passe réellement. Mais elle pouvait le sentir. La façon dont cet homme parlait, il disait la vérité. Aucun hack ordinaire n'aurait la capacité de projeter un message comme ça, encore moins supprimer le bouton de déconnection. Je pourrais... mourir? Je ne peux pas partir? Je ne veux pas mourir... Je ne veux rien de tout ça. "Il n'y a aucun moyen que ce soit..." Elle sentit les mots pris dans sa gorge. Elle ne pouvait pas gérer ça. Ce n'était pas une blague. Aucune compagnie de jeu ne ferait une telle blague, il y aurait trop de backlash. C'était réel. Elle le savait. Et elle ne pouvait pas gérer ça. Elle ferma les yeux, et quand ils s'ouvrirent de nouveau, elle se trouva rapidement en marche vers le sol. Mantam s'est évanoui.
It was surprisingly hard to write a CS for a character that's just a normal person. Hope it looks alright. Real Name Hazel Hosner Username Mantam Title The Red Wolf Age 19 Gender Female, both in game and in real life. Race Human Class Mirage Shifter Level 5 Stat Build 10 FOC 5 AGI 0 Strength Skills Magic, including but not limited to shape-shifting Forms: Hazel's preferred form is her titular Red Wolf. She is also able to take the form of a Wasnork, Floatezal, and a Paquee. Artificer, able to create weapons that magic can be channeled through Hazel has invested a surprising amount of time into in-game cooking, and is very proficient at it Equipment Ear- Enchanted Ear Rings (Small FOC increase) Neck- Golden Necklace (Small Magic Resist) Chest- Magician's Shirt (Increase to Mana Pool) Right Hand- Wand Left Hand- Magic Foci Waist- Magician's Sash (Small boost to Physical resistance, increase to Mana Pool) Legs- Drab Pants Feet- Fancy Shoes Personality Hazel is a young and cheerful girl. She is outgoing, and goes out of her way to make her more reserved friends feel comfortable. Unlike many 'MMO Addicts' she has no wish to escape the real world, and has no wish to stay trapped in Paradise. In conversation Hazel is a nice, polite, and fun person. Hazel is innocent, and often willing to help others to a fault. She doesn't have much experience with the 'bad' side of the world and can be a bit gullible. Above all, Hazel is a loyal friend, and is unwilling to turn her back back on those she is close to, online or otherwise. Background Hazel is an altogether normal post high school girl. She comes from a rich family, and grew up without want. Despite this, she luckily managed to not become a spoiled brat. She was always the 'popular' girl at school, but was smart enough to keep her head out of trouble that her friends got into. After she passed high school, she put off college, much to the dismay of her parents, in favor of spending a year relaxing. However she quickly found that with most of her friends leaving for college life was boring. Then Paradise came out. Hazel was, surprisingly to most, an avid MMO player. Although most hardcore players would consider her a 'casual', she enjoys playing them greatly, and has made a small group of friends playing MMOs. Intrigued by Paradise's revolutionary gameplay, she convinced her parents to buy the game for her, despite the fact that they frowned upon her gaming 'addiction'. When Miles Standish announced to her and her friends that they were trapped in the game, she made the decision to become a 'hardcore' MMO player so her and her friends can escape Paradise. Characters: ☺ Prince- "Prince is a nice guy, and he has an odd tendency to bring people together. He's a good friend." ☺ Cynthia- "Cynthia seems to harbor some kind of guilt she doesn't let on about, but she's a nice person, and one of my friends." ☺ Marinette- "Marinette's avatar is really creepy looking. Besides that, nice person, good friend." ☺ cattypea- "I like Catty. Catty is one of my friends." ♡ Mantam- "Me. I love me." ☺ Hazard- "Hazard is a kind person, and one of my friends." ☺ Grey- "He's a bit mysterious, but I like him. He's one of my friends." ☺ Raijin- "He's quiet, and can get a bit brutal in fights, but he's a friend of mine. Also, Void is sooooooooo cute." ☺ Deathedge- "He can be a bit... hard to like at times, but I'm convinced that I can make him come out of his shell." ☺ CherryLover- "Cherry is a good person. Truly one of my main girls." How long has your character been playing the game? Mantam got the game on release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? Mantam only recently made this character, choosing to adopt it when the rest of her friends began playing. How long have they been a part of the group? Mantam has been with the group since almost the start. Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Mantam happened to stumble upon the Cave post-occupation by Prince and Cynthia, and somehow managed to find herself with a new group of friends.
Cat s'intéressait beaucoup à la relation de Raijin avec la nouvelle fille, Cherry. Il était clair qu'ils se connaissaient. Juste ici, ou dans la vraie vie? Elle se demandait ce que c'était, de connaître quelqu'un dans la vraie vie, et de jouer avec eux ici. Ça doit être sympa. Une humeur sombre semblait s'installer sur elle. Alors qu'elle avait eu ce qu'on pouvait appeler des amitiés, elles n'avaient jamais duré. Les gens n'ont pas l'air de le comprendre quand elle est entrée dans une humeur dépressive, ou de se demander quelle serait la vie si ses parents avaient survécu. Une petite fille malpolie et méchante était allée jusqu'à dire qu'elle devrait être au-dessus, ils sont morts il y a des années. Mais ce n'était pas le problème. Elle a dû grandir en sachant qu'elle n'avait pas de parents, en écoutant les enfants dire fièrement que leur père était un policier, leur mère un médecin ou d'autres. Et elle avait juste pu dire que son oncle était un spécialiste de l'informatique. Et puis voir leurs regards de pitié. Donc le jeu a donné à Hrr une chance d'avoir des amis qui ne savaient rien de son passé. Elle n'aurait rien gâché. Elle a regardé la tempête. Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? Vous n'aimez pas les chiffres de l'autorité? Ses parents sont stricts? Ou est-ce qu'il a juste des problèmes avec ceux qui assument le commandement? un autre puzzle à résoudre. Elle espérait qu'elle serait finalement en mesure de résoudre tous ces énigmes qui s'accumulaient dans la tête, et ensuite offrir à ses amis de l'aide. Pourtant, alors que le groupe semblait rompre, Cat se sentait hors de sa place. Comme si elle était au bord de tout. Elle ne savait pas quoi faire. Est-ce qu'elle serait encore laissée derrière? Est-ce qu'elle serait considérée comme trop de travail, et serait-ce qu'ils la quitteraient? Elle ne pensait pas pouvoir le porter, pas encore. C'était sa dernière évasion, si c'était arrivé ici... comment s'en sortirait-elle? Et puis... et puis le casting de nouvelles est venu, leur disant tous sur le bouton de déconnection manquant, le mourant, et le reste. Sa première pensée était pour sa famille. Ses cousins, son oncle, sa tante, oh mon dieu, sa tante. Fragile, et tout à fait, sa tante semblait être un vase, qui le ferait à tout moment. Comment pourrait-elle faire face à ça? Son oncle pouvait généralement s'occuper de sa tante, mais Cat savait qu'elle était venue la considérer comme une fille, et elle savait que sa tante allait s'effondrer, complètement et complètement, comme si c'était ses propres enfants pris au piège dans le jeu. Une rare et puissante rose Fury à Cat. Ils n'ont pas pu faire ça. Ils ne pouvaient pas les piéger ici. Ce n'était pas humain. Il est certain que quelque chose pourrait être fait. Ils pourraient sortir, avec leur vie? Elle ne gérait pas d'argent. Mais elle l'a fait pour ses amis, sa famille. Ses mains, non remarquées, enroulées dans les poings, et elle a filé comme si elle pouvait juste faire une sortie. "Tu ne peux pas faire ça!" Elle a crié. Elle n'avait pas besoin de vérifier son menu, pour savoir que son bouton de déconnection était bien parti.
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Cynthia était sur le point de répondre à la question du pilote quand l'homme est apparu à l'écran. Une fois la vision de tout le monde revenue, il était évident qu'elle avait été le plus effectuée par l'événement. Il était parti du bravado et du fer qu'elle avait possédé quelques instants auparavant, remplacé par une ombre blanche tremblante et en feuille. Alors qu'elle s'assoupissait à genoux, elle écoutait encore et encore les mots "Qu'as-tu...", semblant avoir perdu la capacité de rationaliser ce qui était autour d'elle. Elle était dans une transe qu'elle ne pouvait pas secouer, une brume d'incrédulité a couvert son esprit.
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Avec un comportement calme à son sujet, Prince est passé à Mantam et l'a ramassée, la transportant sur le canapé avec une relative facilité. Il a pris un long soupir et il a regardé vers le bas sur elle et puis s'est retourné, regardant les autres. Ce n'est pas qu'il n'a pas eu d'effet, c'est vrai, il n'a pas ressenti la même chose que tout le monde, évidemment. Il... n'avait pas si peur. La plus grande peur qu'il avait était de perdre tout le monde en ce moment. Se perdre n'était pas une peur, il n'avait pas peur de la mort. Perdre sa vraie vie, eh bien... il était déjà resté assez longtemps dans le jeu. Avec un petit chanfrein, un sourire apparut sur le visage de Prince. « Eh bien, je suppose qu'un nouvel endroit sera définitivement en ordre maintenant puisque nous aurons besoin de plus d'endroits pour que tout le monde dorme. » Il parlait, sa voix sonnait bizarrement dans le silence obscène de la région. Le seul bruit était la chaîne d'information toujours en marche. Un autre soupir a échappé à ses lèvres alors qu'il se tournait pour regarder Cynthia, son sourire disparu. Il prit quelques pas à l'extérieur, vers elle et enveloppa ses bras autour de son petit cadre, se reposant le menton sur sa tête alors qu'il la tirait vers sa poitrine. Il n'avait pas de mots aimables à lui offrir, seulement ceci. Avec sa tête encore libre de regarder autour, il regarda autour des autres dehors, un sourire doux mais faible sur son visage.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Raijin était sur le point de commenter la réaction de Cherry prouvant son surnom, quand le message est venu sur son écran. Après la fin, il tomba à genoux, incrédule sur son visage. Puis un faible grognement, qui s'est rapidement levé en volume avec sa colère. Qu'est-ce qui a donné à ce mec le droit de tirer cette merde!!!!!!! Il a saisi l'herbe devant lui, pensant à sa sœur, pensant à ne plus jamais la revoir. Il ne se souciait pas de vivre ici, il méprisait sa vraie vie de toute façon. Il ne pouvait pas la laisser comme ça, il ne pouvait pas mourir comme ça. Il ne mourrait pas comme ça. Ce type voulait qu'il trouve les secrets, puis il les trouverait. Il se leva, se déplaça à Void pour le suivre jusqu'à la grotte. Il n'a pas eu la peine de vérifier son menu, au lieu de se tourner vers Prince, qui réconfortait actuellement Cynthia. Sans surprise, Prince semblait plutôt calme sur la situation, si compréhensiblement silencieux et sombre. "Prince, toutes les idées pour ce que nous devrions faire maintenant, tandis que tout le monde vient à terme avec. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. avec ce qui vient de se passer. Toute idée de ce que je pourrais faire, ou devrions-nous tous rester ici pendant que tout le monde se rétablit?" Pendant qu'il parlait, il a vérifié le don que l'homme avait fait allusion à leur donner, en localisant et en retirant ce "Livre de Vie" de la boîte de réception et en le matérialisant dans le monde.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Hazard venait juste de profiter de la musique que Mari avait mise avant que l'homme aux nouvelles ait parlé de l'option de déconnection manquante. Par curiosité, il a sorti son menu et s'est rendu compte que son... ainsi que tous les autres autour de lui... étaient partis. "Vous avez... vous devez plaisanter..." dit-il dans un souffle silencieux, le cigare tombant de sa bouche et frappant le sol. Il regarda Prince porter sur le Mantam frappé, la pression de la situation entraînant un lourd tribut sur la pauvre fille. Son cœur a coulé alors qu'il regardait Cynthia, tout le commando était parti, elle avait l'air d'une jeune fille effrayée... et ça lui a presque brisé le cœur de la voir de cette façon... il préférait beaucoup son cul dur à tout. Il a essayé de penser à quelque chose pour dire... une blague... quelque chose... mais avec la façon dont c'était, il était sans voix. Mais il savait que la panique n'était pas sur la liste à faire, il avait besoin d'une tête de niveau, pas seulement pour lui, mais ses amis. Il avala le nœud dans sa gorge qui s'était formé pendant le silence et soupira. Sans son fusil, il l'a posé sur le sol et s'est assuré que l'arme était à pleines munitions, ainsi que de compter combien d'autres balles il avait... vingt... pas tout à fait pour être honnête... Après un peu de fouille, il a sorti un sac de monnaie d'une vingtaine de pièces, se dirigeant vers l'endroit où Prince câlinait Cynthia et le plaçait à côté de lui. "Bien les gars, rester assis ici ne va pas nous amener n'importe où. Considérez que mon premier de nombreux dons." "Vous avez entendu le gars, nous n'avons eu qu'une seule vie dans ce jeu maintenant, et la seule façon d'assurer notre survie, c'est de nous mettre au niveau le plus vite possible. Je comprends que j'ai été secouée... moi aussi... mais je m'en fous si je perds ce jeu maintenant, et je m'en fous deux fois si je vois l'un d'entre vous perdre." Sourire avec confiance, il a tenu un pouce à Prince, "Je suis avec vous tout le chemin mon pote, vous êtes le chef de ce groupe, alors allez-y!"
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Les tremblements de Caroline s'amenuisent lentement tandis que Prince la tenait, et finalement la couleur revient à son visage. Elle plaça sa main sur l'un des siens comme un geste silencieux de remerciement, puis se leva lentement. -- Tout le monde, dit-elle, inhalant profondément pour maintenir sa voix. "Tout le monde, écoutez. Par vos réactions, je suppose que vous avez tous vu la même chose que moi. Alors que je ne peux pas promettre que c'est une blague, ou que nous serons tous en sécurité, je veux que vous vous souveniez que vous n'êtes pas seul là-dedans. Nous sommes une équipe, et pour le meilleur ou le pire, nous sommes tous dans cette équipe. N'ayez pas peur de ce qu'il a dit, parce que si vous avez peur alors cette peur assombrira vos réflexes, rien ne peut s'avérer plus dangereux maintenant que de descendre dans l'hystérie. » Elle a attendu un moment que ses paroles prennent fin, puis elle a continué. "Maintenant, c'est un choc pour nous tous, mais nous devons prendre une décision quant à ce que nous allons faire à ce sujet. Je propose que nous continuions comme nous l'étions, en jouant le jeu tel qu'il est, à la fois parce que cela pourrait être le moyen le plus sûr d'échapper à cela et parce que si nous essayions d'avancer trop vite, nous courrons le risque de nous épuiser et de tomber en proie à des ennemis plus forts. Quelqu'un a-t-il une contre-proposition?"
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Ça me semble bien, même si j'ai une question. Si nous faisons une course rapide d'approvisionnement à la ville la plus proche, pour stocker sur les approvisionnements, comme les articles de guérison par exemple. Aussi, je dis que nous amenons Cherry avec nous, car je doute que l'un d'entre nous puisse la laisser se débrouiller dans ces circonstances. De plus, nous avons besoin de son expertise en tant que pilote. Raijin voulait s'assurer qu'ils étaient préparés à n'importe quoi, et qu'une course d'approvisionnement soit probablement la meilleure chose à faire. "De plus, quelqu'un a-t-il une idée de ce livre de la vie qu'on nous avait donné?" Il l'avait sorti de son inventaire, et il l'a apporté pour montrer à tout le monde. "Je suppose qu'on en a tous une."
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Cattypea a écouté les autres, discutant clairement de ce qu'ils allaient faire. Sa crainte était, parce que son niveau était plus bas que le leur déjà, qu'elle serait considérée comme un fardeau. Elle ne voulait pas ça. Elle a mordu sa lèvre en regardant ses mains. Elle pourrait finir par la fatigue, attendre que tout le monde fasse ce qu'il leur fallait, et ensuite sortir pour s'entraîner... mais... Elle soupirait lourdement. "Tu as manqué le message caché dans ce qu'il disait" dit-elle doucement, fermant les yeux "il ne nous a pas dit comment nous obtenons notre. Est-ce que c'est juste gagner le match? Supposons-nous que c'est ce qu'il faudra pour sortir? Comment on fait ça? Ou est-ce quelque chose d'autre? Des questions auxquelles nous avons besoin des réponses. Et si c'est juste rassembler les secrets, combien de secrets y a-t-il? Combien devons-nous en trouver? Est-ce qu'on doit tous les trouver? Ou peut-on les trouver collectivement en tant que groupe? Dans ce cas, serait-il plus facile de se séparer ou de rester ensemble? Peut-être diviser une partie du temps, trouver des secrets et revenir, les partager. Bien sûr, c'est plus dangereux", a-t-elle dit, soupirant à nouveau. "Je ferai ce qui m'est demandé" Elle a encore mordu sa lèvre, ses oreilles scintillent, la queue s'agite légèrement. "Je me rends compte que je ne suis que le niveau 4, alors que la plupart d'entre vous sont le niveau 5...
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Souriant à Cynthia, Prince la regardait simplement parler à tout le monde. Il regarda Hazard et sourit. Avec quelques pas, il était sur le côté de Hazard, une main sur l'épaule. S'en tenant, il chuchotait à son ami, "Je ne m'appellerais pas le chef si fort autour de Cynthia." Il s'en est tiré quelques secondes après, un chanfrein doux s'échappant des lèvres. "Mais merci! Je vais créer un compte bancaire pour le groupe afin que nous puissions commencer à économiser pour un meilleur endroit." Il a dit à Hazard après avoir pris l'argent qu'il avait placé. Prince a tiré le menu une fois de plus et a fait défiler vers le bas à l'option Banque et poussé. En quelques secondes, l'onglet Banque s'est levé avec un petit avatar de poche d'argent, souriant et agitant sur lui. "Que voulez-vous faire aujourd'hui, Mr. À l'ouest?" C'est ce qu'il m'a demandé. Heureux pour l'intimité, Prince sourit à la créature. Tout le monde verrait, serait Prince souriant à quelque chose et ils supposeraient probablement que c'était la Banque Avatar. "J'ai besoin d'ouvrir un compte de groupe partagé." Il a répondu. -- Ce sera pour une nouvelle Guilde? C'est ce qu'il m'a demandé. "Pas actuellement. Nous ne sommes encore qu'une fête." Il a répondu. "Vous devriez envisager de faire ou de rejoindre une guilde!" Il a dit à Prince pendant qu'il se retournait pour prendre quelques papiers. "Cela coûte de l'argent. Est-ce que tu vas me donner l'argent nécessaire?" Prince m'a demandé de plaisanter. -- Certainement pas, monsieur! Je suis une AI!" Il a répondu, en revenant avec toute la paperasse nécessaire. Prince l'a rempli rapidement, en inscrivant le nom de tout le monde dans leur fête. Quand tout a été dit et fait, il avait une nouvelle option sous l'onglet Banque. "Compte partagé" Il l'a ouvert et a placé les 20 pièces de cuivre et les a placées dans le compte ainsi que l'or 123 de son compte. C'était tout ce qu'il avait. Il n'a jamais dépensé d'argent sur de nouveaux équipements ou quelque chose de semblable et a trouvé la plupart de sa nourriture par lui-même. La seule fois où il est sorti manger était avec le groupe et il a souvent mangé très peu. Il était conscient de l'argent et sauvé comme une palourde protégeant leur perle. Avec un soupir, il a fermé le menu. « Si quelqu'un a d'autres dons, il y a maintenant un compte bancaire partagé auquel nous devrions tous avoir accès. On va économiser pour acheter un meilleur endroit. Ce qui nous coûtera probablement des centaines d'or. Je vais voir ce que nous voulons. Si tout le monde pouvait mettre autant qu'il le souhaite, ce serait génial. » Prince a annoncé, souriant largement. Après cela a été fait, il est passé à l'arrière du canapé et s'est appuyé sur elle. Avec un mouvement rapide, il a retiré le menu à nouveau et a tiré son inventaire, tirant le livre. Il a lâché sur Raijin, lui donnant un regard apologétique. "Pour autant que je sache, ce n'est qu'un livre. Il y a des écritures bizarres, mais pas beaucoup... » Il a commencé à retourner dans les pages du livre. Chaque page avait une quantité minimaliste de mots sur elle et tous étaient étrangers à lui, comme s'ils étaient une langue inconnue. Et... chaque page avait un style d'écriture différent, comme si une autre langue était différente. Encore une fois, un autre shrug de Prince. Il a rapidement fermé le livre et l'a jeté dans son inventaire. "Je suis sûr que ça finira par entrer en jeu." Il a calculé. "Je pense que nous devrions faire exactement ce que Cynthia a suggéré. Après tout, nous avons tous besoin d'être gradués pour pouvoir quitter cette planète et commencer nos recherches et espérer que quelque part le long de la ligne, nous trouvons quelque chose. » Il leur a dit, en envoyant un petit sourire à Cynthia.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Danger pensé à obtenir une course d'approvisionnement et a pensé que ce pourrait être une bonne idée. Vu qu'ils étaient un peu bas sur ce qu'ils avaient déjà, ça ne ferait pas de mal à quoi que ce soit, surtout si cette nouvelle... menace était réelle... "Eh bien, sois sûr d'envoyer la moitié de toutes les pièces que j'ai dans le futur sur le compte, je veux construire cela aussi vite que possible si nous voulons obtenir un endroit décent. J'étais sûre d'avoir vu un manoir de guilde pour un peu d'or. C'est un peu impossible, mais hé! Il vise les gens!" Il s'est tourné vers Cat et a souri "Je peux t'aider à monter le niveau si un couple veut nous rejoindre" qu'il a proposé. "Nous pouvons envoyer quelques-uns pour faire une course d'approvisionnement et je peux emmener Catty et quelques autres à la chasse. Ce sera juste quelques gains lents xp jusqu'à ce que nous puissions commencer quelque chose de grand, mais c'est un meilleur départ que rien." Il renonça à son fusil et marcha vers Cat et se tint à côté d'elle, croisant ses bras alors que son sourire de signature revenait alors qu'il attendait une réponse.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
S'il s'est réjoui que Hazard ait parlé, il lui a offert son aide. Elle se sentait comme si elle n'était pas sur le point de recevoir la botte, et ça lui faisait sentir un million de fois mieux. Elle sourit et cria, «merci» dit-elle doucement, «Je suis patiente et maintenant il semble que je ne serai pas en mesure de revenir à mon oncle, tante et cousins, donc, avoir tout le temps dans le monde» dit-elle, une légère amertume entrant dans son ton sans sens. Elle soupira, se souvenant de son bâton, et se jeta dans la grotte pour aller la récupérer, retournant en quelques instants, pour se tenir une fois de plus avec Hazard. "J'apprécie l'aide. La sécurité en nombre et tout ça" elle a réussi un sourire, regardant les autres
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Cynthia a hurlé à Raijin, disant : "Je t'accompagne. J'ai besoin de passer un coup de fil. Ceux d'entre nous avec la famille feraient mieux de passer un coup de fil aussi, tôt que tard. Dites-leur que vous allez bien et avertissez-les de NE PAS essayer de sortir du jeu eux-mêmes, au cas où cette partie n'était pas une menace oisive. Je ne veux pas perdre aucun de vous à de bonnes intentions." Elle a regardé le groupe, puis s'est tournée vers le pilote. -- Eh bien, Cherry, je suppose que vous devez être avec nous aussi. N'hésitez pas à rejoindre l'un ou l'autre groupe, la sécurité en nombre et tout ça, et faites attention à PKers. Je suppose que tout le monde dans le jeu ne sait pas ce qui se passe, ou il y aurait quelque chose de plus qu'une petite nouvelle à ce sujet." Elle regarda en arrière la grotte et ses pensées sortirent sur une tangente. « Si nous n'allons pas l'utiliser comme base d'accueil, nous devrions l'utiliser pour quelque chose. Entreposage, planque, quelque chose. Je détesterais laisser tomber." Avec cela, elle se tourna vers la direction de la ville et marcha au bord de la clairière, attendant que celui qui venait la rejoindre.
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Je pourrais garder toutes les autres bêtes que j'ai capturées. Alors, qui appelez-vous si ça ne vous dérange pas que je demande. J'appelle ma sœur d'accueil. Raijin suivit Cynthia, s'arrêtant seulement pour jeter à Prince un sac de monnaie. "Mon don, la moitié de mes économies sur ce compte et mon précédent. Je dirais que c'est à peu près 50 pièces d'or. Le reste ira vers les approvisionnements." Raijin agita vers les autres, Void suivant derrière lui.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Et bien bon sang... "Bon sang." L'annonce s'est éteinte automatiquement. Personne n'a touché ses airs. Pourtant, elle a réalisé la gravité du message, et la petite colère au sujet de la nécessité de reposer un dispositif musical semblait innappropros, toutes choses considérées. Cela ne voulait pas dire qu'elle... il -- ils, Ness et le personnage de Marinette, paniquaient, Marinette se mêlait tout simplement au bruit de fond des autres réactions avec une puanteur. La menace de mort était la chose qui lui a fait le plus de cicatrices, mais même cela n'a pas réussi à briser son visage de poker. Elle a essayé de s'en occuper froidement, c'est-à-dire que Marinette était, peut-être avec des actions ralenties, elle a pris le cigare Hazard tombé avec l'annonce et s'est enflée alors que le reste de son parti s'occupait des nouvelles. L'évanouissement de la mantam l'a même un peu ridiculisée. C'est pas vrai. Les deux mots résument parfaitement sa réaction aux nouvelles. Marinette a reconnu la possibilité qu'il s'agisse d'un canular -- ou d'un événement de jeu -- quelque chose, cependant, son intuition, lui a dit que c'était quelque chose de plus sérieux, et si c'était le cas, elle n'avait vraiment pas beaucoup de choix. Ça ne sert à rien de soulever une agitation. Elle était Marinette, la free-lance, protégée par Marinette le Loa! Elle ira bien. ...mais... peut-être vouloir sacrifier un porc ou deux... Marinette a sorti le cigare de sa bouche et s'est exhalée de ses narines, "Bon sang..." Elle s'est perroquée, elle s'est approchée de Hazard et Catty, un sourire se levant sur son visage, "On dirait que nous allons avoir ces combats d'équipe maintenant... aurait dû être plus prudent ce que je voulais!"
Username: Marinette Bwa'Chech Title: "The Based" Gender: In-game: Female Race: Esquen Class: Freelancer Level: 5 Stat Build: STR: 1, Considerably low. FOC: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with AGI. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. AGI: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with FOC. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. Skills: +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making Equipment (Body): Head: (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.) Face: (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.) Ear: (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.) Neck: (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.) Chest: (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.) Right Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR) Left Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI) Left hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Finger: (N/A) Left Finger: (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.) Waist: (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%) Legs: (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) Right ankle: (N/A) Left Ankle: (N/A) Feet: (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. "You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!") Misc.: (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).) Equipment (Weapons): Primary Weapon: (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- ) Secondary Weapon: (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.) Spare Weapon #1: (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.) Spare Weapon #1: (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.) Pet: An Esquen Cobra named 'Anima Sola.' --- Character Appearance: Body. Face. Real Name: Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn Age: 21 Gender: Biological:Assumed Male (Gender fluid) Personality: Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. Background: An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. Appearance: ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with" Other:Marinette is almost always listening to music.
Laisser son personnel se matérialiser à ses côtés de son inventaire, Prince est allé à Hazard and Cat avec un sourire sur son visage. "J'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas que je me joigne à vous. J'ai aussi besoin d'un peu de nivellement. Avec nous deux, je doute que ce soit très long." Il a expliqué, debout à droite de Cat. Il a fait des douleurs pour ne pas être trop proche d'elle, ou de quelqu'un ici. Il n'a pas compris. Il a juste remarqué qu'il le faisait et qu'il n'avait pas envie de s'arrêter. Si ce que cet homme avait dit était vrai, le Paradis de Prince était encore plus fragile qu'il ne le pensait. S'il pouvait se séparer et aller protéger les deux groupes, il le ferait. Mais pour l'instant, il savait où il devait être et où il serait tous les soirs à partir de maintenant. Il était juste en retard sur le ballon. Rien de tel que la fin pour vous faire courir un peu plus vite pour que tout continue. Prince s'est soudain senti comme une gerbille, essayant désespérément de courir sur sa petite roue pour garder le rêve en marche, pour garder la façade du bonheur en vie. Prince tourna la tête vers Hazard avec un sourire. "Je suis entre tes mains, Hazard-Sensei." Il a plaisanté, il s'est ridiculisé doucement.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Catty sourit, reloef coulant sur elle. Elle n'allait pas être seule, en train de s'entraîner. Elle préférait ne pas être seule, mais aurait gonr par elle-même si nécessaire qu'elle était heureuse que ce n'était pas le cas. Elle était heureuse qu'on lui ait donné de l'aide, au lieu d'être considérée comme une lia bilité. Elle a remarqué comment Prince semblait être comme s'il faisait partie d'eux, mais pas. C'était presque comme s'il avait peur de s'approcher. Comme si l'un d'eux pouvait le poignarder dans le dos et le laisser pour mort. Elle a froncé, et a regardé tout le monde. Quelles sont vos vraies vies, pour vous avoir fait vous immerger dans ce jeu? Qu'est-ce qui t'a fait ce que tu es? questions qu'elle a pensé qu'elle avait assez de temps pour répondre maintenant, elle a pensé. "Merci" dit-elle à Prince et à Hazard, mais était perplexe à la déclaration de Marinette. "Comment ça?" Elle a demandé "qu'est-ce que tu voulais?"
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire? Catty a demandé, une expression curieux sur son visage, "qu'as-tu souhaité?" Marinette a eu de la chance que le maquillage qu'elle portait empêchât quiconque de voir le personnage rougir, « Eh bien, ce qui s'était passé était... » Frappa l'arrière de sa tête, lui brassant les cheveux un peu, embarrassant avec rétrospection, son sourire devenait de plus en plus ovin alors qu'elle s'arrêtait à penser à quelque chose à dire. « Eh bien, Cats, si nous voulons être complètement honnêtes, j'aurais voulu faire quelque chose comme ça... Je n'ai certainement pas souhaité CE QUE," Elle a fait un geste dans le monde entier, tenant le Livre de Vie comme si c'était la cause de tous leurs problèmes, "Mais je me suis trouvé en train de souhaiter que nous sortions et avons fait quelque chose que..." Marinette a posé un doigt sur sa lèvre inférieure alors qu'elle s'arrêtait pour penser au bon mot, "Galvanise nous pour sortir et faire-- qui est imprudemment combattre les monstres." "Je suppose que j'ai juste..." Elle s'est retrouvée perdue juste en regardant le Livre, considérant les implications de son existence plus sérieusement, "Je suppose que j'aurais voulu que nous allions faire un défi impossible impressionnant, ou quoi que ce soit-- je le fasse-- donc d'une manière bizarre, malade, c'est exactement ce que je voulais..."
Username: Marinette Bwa'Chech Title: "The Based" Gender: In-game: Female Race: Esquen Class: Freelancer Level: 5 Stat Build: STR: 1, Considerably low. FOC: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with AGI. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. AGI: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with FOC. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. Skills: +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making Equipment (Body): Head: (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.) Face: (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.) Ear: (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.) Neck: (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.) Chest: (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.) Right Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR) Left Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI) Left hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Finger: (N/A) Left Finger: (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.) Waist: (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%) Legs: (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) Right ankle: (N/A) Left Ankle: (N/A) Feet: (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. "You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!") Misc.: (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).) Equipment (Weapons): Primary Weapon: (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- ) Secondary Weapon: (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.) Spare Weapon #1: (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.) Spare Weapon #1: (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.) Pet: An Esquen Cobra named 'Anima Sola.' --- Character Appearance: Body. Face. Real Name: Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn Age: 21 Gender: Biological:Assumed Male (Gender fluid) Personality: Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. Background: An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. Appearance: ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with" Other:Marinette is almost always listening to music.
Danger n'a eu aucun problème avec Prince se joignant à eux deux, "Hey homme, plus le joyeux! Ne fais pas la sieste pendant qu'il était sorti" a-t-il dit en plaisantant. Il regarda Mari comme Catt demanda ce qu'elle avait voulu dire, puis il continua à expliquer ce que l'Esquen avait souhaité. "C'est drôle, je me demandais ce que c'était de vivre une vie comme celle-ci, semble maintenant il va arriver à comprendre cela de première main. Mais hé! Au moins, je ne suis pas seul! Je t'ai eu des losers!" il a dit avec un rire, mettant ses mains sur sa poitrine et rayonnant un sourire au groupe.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Danger n'a eu aucun problème avec Prince se joignant à eux deux, "Hey homme, plus le joyeux! Ne fais pas la sieste pendant qu'il était sorti" a-t-il dit en plaisantant. Il regarda Mari comme Catt demanda ce qu'elle avait voulu dire, puis il continua à expliquer ce que l'Esquen avait souhaité. "C'est drôle, je me demandais ce que c'était de vivre une vie comme celle-ci, semble maintenant il va arriver à comprendre cela de première main. Mais hé! Au moins, je ne suis pas seul! Je t'ai eu des losers!" il a dit avec un rire, mettant ses mains sur sa poitrine et rayonnant un sourire au groupe.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Cattypea a froncé à Marinette a essayé d'expliquer ce qu'elle avait voulu dire. D'une certaine façon, elle pouvait le comprendre. Le jeu leur a donné une façon d'explorer, de défier et de survivre, sans risquer leur vie, leur permettant de faire des choses qui semblaient impossibles dans la vie réelle, dans un monde qui semblait en effet réel. Mais maintenant... ils pourraient mourir assez facilement. "Nous ne sortons pas imprudemment pour combattre les monstres" dit-elle soudainement, sa voix teintée de colère. "Mais plutôt pour survivre. Je veux être d'un certain avantage pour le groupe, et je ne peux pas le faire quand j'ai un niveau inférieur alors presque tout le monde. Je ne veux pas être un fardeau. J'aurais dû sortir seul, mais c'est mieux de sortir en groupe. Plus sûre, elle a lâché, regardant vers le bas. Le conflit était dur pour elle. Elle a mordu sa lèvre, puis soupiré lourdement. Elle a regardé vers Hazard, et a réussi un sourire, hurlé "oui, tu le fais"
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Un souvenir est né des profondes recoins de l'esprit de Hazel Hosner. C'était la dernière fois qu'elle avait vu ses grands-parents, le Noël de 2044. Il semblait maintenant que ce pourrait très bien être sa dernière fois qu'elle avait vu ses grands-parents. Les habitants vivaient à Sacramento, en Californie; étés chauds, hivers froids et pluvieux. Les dernières années ont été prises avec la sécheresse, mais ce Noël la pluie est venue dans les pluies torrentielles. Il semblait à Hazel que les Cieux se sont contentés de sauver la pluie des dernières années, et qu'ils ont choisi maintenant de la jeter sur eux tous à la fois. Plus précisément, elle s'est souvenue de ce que sa grand-mère avait dit: "Hazel, tu es une belle fille, tu es intelligente, et tu es charmante, mais je ne comprendrai jamais l'obsession des jeux vidéo. Je vous jure qu'ils seront la mort de vous." À l'époque, Hazel s'est contentée de donner à sa grand-mère un soupir exaspéré. Elle l'avait déjà entendu, et elle s'en foutait. Maintenant, elle ne pouvait que penser qu'ils avaient peut-être raison. L'éveil de Mantam était progressif. Elle s'était évanouie et avait entendu des conversations. "Je ne veux rien de tout ça..." elle murmura, sans doute sans nouvelles. Cette fois-ci, elle se leva du canapé sur lequel elle se trouva couchée, et parla à haute voix. "Nous devons être prudents... Je suis sûr que vous avez accidentellement essuyé avant d'agripper une trop grande foule dans un MMO. Si ça arrive ici, c'est tout. On ne peut pas laisser ça arriver." Sa tête nage toujours. Elle était en état de choc. Les mots sont sortis lents, mais ils sont sortis. Mantam était gênée qu'elle s'évanouisse, mais elle l'a poussé hors de l'esprit. Elle a dû appeler ses parents, et vite. Ils avaient parfois l'habitude de la débrancher soudainement, et si cela arrivait maintenant, ce serait très mauvais. Elle a fait part de ses préoccupations au groupe : « Si vous vivez avec quelqu'un, contactez-le immédiatement. Je suis sûr qu'ils remarqueront notre absence, et se débrancher maintenant ne serait pas bon." Cette fois, les mots sont ressortis plus vite, plus sûr. "J'ai besoin de passer un coup de fil." Elle a dit, en faisant sa sortie de la grotte pour qu'elle puisse avoir un peu d'intimité. Elle a ouvert l'application de téléphone en jeu et a commencé à composer. Elle savait que ce ne serait pas une conversation facile.
It was surprisingly hard to write a CS for a character that's just a normal person. Hope it looks alright. Real Name Hazel Hosner Username Mantam Title The Red Wolf Age 19 Gender Female, both in game and in real life. Race Human Class Mirage Shifter Level 5 Stat Build 10 FOC 5 AGI 0 Strength Skills Magic, including but not limited to shape-shifting Forms: Hazel's preferred form is her titular Red Wolf. She is also able to take the form of a Wasnork, Floatezal, and a Paquee. Artificer, able to create weapons that magic can be channeled through Hazel has invested a surprising amount of time into in-game cooking, and is very proficient at it Equipment Ear- Enchanted Ear Rings (Small FOC increase) Neck- Golden Necklace (Small Magic Resist) Chest- Magician's Shirt (Increase to Mana Pool) Right Hand- Wand Left Hand- Magic Foci Waist- Magician's Sash (Small boost to Physical resistance, increase to Mana Pool) Legs- Drab Pants Feet- Fancy Shoes Personality Hazel is a young and cheerful girl. She is outgoing, and goes out of her way to make her more reserved friends feel comfortable. Unlike many 'MMO Addicts' she has no wish to escape the real world, and has no wish to stay trapped in Paradise. In conversation Hazel is a nice, polite, and fun person. Hazel is innocent, and often willing to help others to a fault. She doesn't have much experience with the 'bad' side of the world and can be a bit gullible. Above all, Hazel is a loyal friend, and is unwilling to turn her back back on those she is close to, online or otherwise. Background Hazel is an altogether normal post high school girl. She comes from a rich family, and grew up without want. Despite this, she luckily managed to not become a spoiled brat. She was always the 'popular' girl at school, but was smart enough to keep her head out of trouble that her friends got into. After she passed high school, she put off college, much to the dismay of her parents, in favor of spending a year relaxing. However she quickly found that with most of her friends leaving for college life was boring. Then Paradise came out. Hazel was, surprisingly to most, an avid MMO player. Although most hardcore players would consider her a 'casual', she enjoys playing them greatly, and has made a small group of friends playing MMOs. Intrigued by Paradise's revolutionary gameplay, she convinced her parents to buy the game for her, despite the fact that they frowned upon her gaming 'addiction'. When Miles Standish announced to her and her friends that they were trapped in the game, she made the decision to become a 'hardcore' MMO player so her and her friends can escape Paradise. Characters: ☺ Prince- "Prince is a nice guy, and he has an odd tendency to bring people together. He's a good friend." ☺ Cynthia- "Cynthia seems to harbor some kind of guilt she doesn't let on about, but she's a nice person, and one of my friends." ☺ Marinette- "Marinette's avatar is really creepy looking. Besides that, nice person, good friend." ☺ cattypea- "I like Catty. Catty is one of my friends." ♡ Mantam- "Me. I love me." ☺ Hazard- "Hazard is a kind person, and one of my friends." ☺ Grey- "He's a bit mysterious, but I like him. He's one of my friends." ☺ Raijin- "He's quiet, and can get a bit brutal in fights, but he's a friend of mine. Also, Void is sooooooooo cute." ☺ Deathedge- "He can be a bit... hard to like at times, but I'm convinced that I can make him come out of his shell." ☺ CherryLover- "Cherry is a good person. Truly one of my main girls." How long has your character been playing the game? Mantam got the game on release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? Mantam only recently made this character, choosing to adopt it when the rest of her friends began playing. How long have they been a part of the group? Mantam has been with the group since almost the start. Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Mantam happened to stumble upon the Cave post-occupation by Prince and Cynthia, and somehow managed to find herself with a new group of friends.
KOMI Quand les nouvelles ont été sur le visage de Komi est allé un peu plus pâle. Elle a rapidement regardé autour d'elle les autres, peut-être qu'ils jouaient une blague sur elle ou quelque chose comme ça. Ça n'a pas l'air d'une blague de deviner des autres leurs réactions Bullshit ils ne peuvent pas faire quelque chose comme ça. Elle a ouvert son menu et a découvert qu'il n'y avait plus de bouton de déconnexion. Son doigt tapait comme un fou, lentement ses dents ont commencé à se broyer l'une l'autre et sa voix est devenue très violente Quitte à te baiser avec moi #*&@#!Ils ne peuvent pas faire quelque chose comme ça, je veux dire comment ils peuvent même faire quelque chose comme ça. Peut-être qu'ils mentent juste qu'ils auraient pu faire ça. Elle s'est tournée vers Raijin, n'est-ce pas? Komi a sûrement insisté pendant qu'elle parlait à tout le monde même quand elle a essayé de rire à Raijin il a montré des signes de ne pas vouloir croire ce que l'homme vient de dire. Quand elle s'est un peu calmée, elle s'est retournée vers l'amiral quand elle a commencé à lui parler. Son visage est devenu un peu sérieux quand elle a fait un clin d'œil à Cynthia. Komi a entendu Raijin parler de l'approvisionnement de la ville, puisqu'elle n'avait confiance en personne encore elle a décidé que ce serait le mieux de rester avec Raijin pour l'instant. Rester avec la lécher l'oreille fille n'était pas le meilleur choix à faire car elle se sentait encore frissons d'avant Oh je vais aller avec vous Raijin Elle a hobbled vers Prince d'abord pour lui donner la plupart des pièces qu'elle possédait. Elle tenait ses deux mains au-dessus de Prince sa main pour stocker 12 pièces d'or dans sa main Je ne vous ai pas encore vu autour de vous donc je vais me présenter une fois de plus. Je suis le pilote de niveau 4 de l'amant des cerises, allons-y. Elle lui sourit un instant, mais son sourire était brisé par le gars à côté d'elle qui l'appelait juste perdante. Komi a balancé son poing et l'a relevée devant elle. Je te frapperai une fois revenue, elle a dit en colère au gars pendant qu'elle courait vers Raijin et Cynthia. Attends une fois qu'elle était proche d'eux, elle marchait de nouveau normalement, les deux mains serrées derrière son dos.
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Marinette s'est retrouvée à la plupart de ce que Catty disait, « Maann... » elle regarda Catty, la tête inclinée légèrement vers le côté, « J'ai survécu toute ma vie... nous l'avons tous, et nous allons continuer à le faire, survivre et quoi que ce soit... mais... survivre... ce n'est pas suffisant, ça ne l'est jamais! » L'expression de Marinette était insouciante, et ses bras semblaient se propager comme si elle voulait les embrasser tous les trois, « Nous ne pouvons pas laisser cela nous arriver. Quoi que ce soit, qui que ce soit qui le fasse, ils ont envoyé ce message pour une raison, ils savent que la première étape pour nous obtenir est d'user de notre détermination. Nous ne pouvons pas perdre notre détermination, ou notre espoir, ou juste... les choses qui nous rendent heureux." Elle regardait Catty dans les yeux, une expression un peu plus sérieuse, "On ne peut pas leur donner le contrôle-- ils ne l'ont pas, nous sommes toujours en vie, nous sommes toujours ensemble, nous sommes toujours en contrôle. Bien sûr, nous survivrons, mais il n'y a aucune raison de ne pas nous amuser aussi pendant que nous survivons... » Elle a brisé son regard avec Catty et s'est retrouvée en regardant le soleil artificiel du Paradis, « Nous allons bien, nous sommes plutôt super. » Et avec ça, elle a commencé à marcher lentement devant le groupe, "Alors, je veux combattre les dragons." Marinette se retourna rapidement, « Arnoth a des dragons, n'est-ce pas? »
Username: Marinette Bwa'Chech Title: "The Based" Gender: In-game: Female Race: Esquen Class: Freelancer Level: 5 Stat Build: STR: 1, Considerably low. FOC: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with AGI. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. AGI: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with FOC. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. Skills: +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making Equipment (Body): Head: (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.) Face: (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.) Ear: (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.) Neck: (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.) Chest: (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.) Right Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR) Left Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI) Left hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Finger: (N/A) Left Finger: (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.) Waist: (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%) Legs: (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) Right ankle: (N/A) Left Ankle: (N/A) Feet: (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. "You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!") Misc.: (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).) Equipment (Weapons): Primary Weapon: (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- ) Secondary Weapon: (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.) Spare Weapon #1: (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.) Spare Weapon #1: (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.) Pet: An Esquen Cobra named 'Anima Sola.' --- Character Appearance: Body. Face. Real Name: Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn Age: 21 Gender: Biological:Assumed Male (Gender fluid) Personality: Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. Background: An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. Appearance: ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with" Other:Marinette is almost always listening to music.
Cattypea s'est soudainement retrouvée débordée, ennuyée par ce que disait Marinette. "Je n'ai jamais dit que nous ne pouvions pas vivre, mais il n'y a pas lieu de faire quelque chose de complètement menaçant pour la vie. Je ne sais pas pour toi, mais je préférerais être en vie pour faire tout ce dont j'ai rêvé depuis que j'ai à peine cinq ans." "Maman! Papa!" Elle avait l'impression de crier depuis des heures, mais ils ne répondaient pas. Sa gorge lui faisait mal, ses yeux étaient endoloris. Elle avait saigné d'une coupure, mais ça s'était arrêté. "Maman!" Elle a sangloté, "Papa!" Ses yeux se fermaient les yeux, alors que la mémoire lui glissait rapidement dans l'esprit. Elle a pris quelques secondes pour se composer, avant de continuer. "Je dois appeler mon oncle et ma tante" Elle a dit, se détournant, et ouvrant le téléphone de jeu. Elle n'a pas pris longtemps pour parler à son oncle, pour lui dire ce qui se passait. Elle n'avait pas besoin de voir la peur dans ses yeux, l'inquiétude, de savoir ce qui lui a traversé l'esprit. Et si tu ne reviens pas? Ils l'avaient élevée depuis qu'elle avait cinq ans. Ils l'avaient traitée comme la leur, et pris soin d'elle. À bien des égards, elle était leur fille, elle le savait. Et son oncle craignait pour elle comme elle était, et craignait pour ses soeurs enfant. Elle a réussi un sourire et a dit, "Je vais bien. J'ai des gens bien avec moi. Je survivrai", a-t-elle dit, et a dit au revoir. Puis elle se retourna vers les autres, composa, et dit: «Je suis prêt. Je ne suis pas sûr d'être prêt à combattre les dragons, s'ils existent cependant"
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Cynthia a hésité un moment, et il semblait qu'elle n'allait pas répondre à la question de Raijin. "Mon frère." Elle a finalement dit, puis s'est tournée vers le pilote. "C'est bon de t'avoir à bord. J'aurais aimé que ce soit dans de meilleures circonstances, mais avec un pilote, notre groupe est presque terminé. » Elle a regardé le ciel pendant une seconde, puis a couru devant quelques marches. "Je vais prendre le petit chemin là-bas. Rai, quand tu auras fini tes courses, amène-la au Pub." Elle a dit, nommant l'endroit où le groupe allait habituellement à côté de la grotte. Avec cela, elle sauta dans l'air par des voies, puis étendit ses ailes et planait une seconde, donnant un salut joyeux avant de décoller dans le ciel. En même temps, une icône de chat vocal est apparue dans la vue de Raijin.
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Raijin a hurlé, ne creusant pas plus profondément qu'il pour dépasser ses frontières. Il se tourna vers Cherry avec un sourire sur le visage, bien qu'il fût teinté d'un peu de mélancolie. "Dit à ce que Cynthia a dit, mais hey, faisons de notre mieux pour sortir de notre situation. Et si on rencontre le gars qui a fait ça, on pourrait donner un. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il éclaire la conférence sur les conséquences de ses actions, avant de faire en sorte que l'enfoiré débarrasse tout le monde." Raijin a parlé la dernière partie d'un ton sombre alors qu'il marchait vers la ville proche, avant de s'éclaircir un peu, et de se tourner à nouveau vers les quartiers Cherry. "Les premières choses de toute façon d'abord, permet d'obtenir quelques fournitures, de quoi pensez-vous que nous allons avoir besoin, en plus de beaucoup de potions de guérison et de fournitures de voyage de base." Raijin a appuyé sur le petit bouton de chat vocal pendant qu'il parlait, probablement Cynthia voulant garder un œil sur lui et Cherry, au cas où quelque chose de mal se passerait. -- Bonjour, vous parlez à Raijin, avec quoi puis-je vous aider aujourd'hui? Void était derrière Cherry, se frottant contre les jambes du pilote, semblant savoir qu'elle était sous une sorte de contrainte, et voulant faire quelque chose pour l'aider à se sentir mieux.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Hazel a fini au téléphone. C'était une conversation difficile, pour le moins. Elle se sentait complètement drainée, à la fois par la nouvelle de leur incapacité à se déconnecter et par le front verbal qui frappait ses parents. Si elle avait eu le choix, elle ne les aurait pas appelés, mais elle n'avait pas eu beaucoup de choix si elle voulait rester en vie. Elle est revenue au groupe avec un huff, "On dirait qu'on est tous dans cette situation ensemble maintenant. Si nous voulons survivre à cela, nous devrons travailler ensemble," Mantam a commencé, "Et peu importe ce que nous faisons pour que personne ne meurt." Elle ne savait pas ce que l'avenir allait contenir, mais le Livre de Vie contiendrait certainement leurs premiers indices. Elle l'a convoqué dans sa boîte de réception et a commencé à la scanner intelligemment. Le livre n'avait aucun sens. Tellement pour cette idée. "Je suis sûr que ce doit être une sorte de code... ou quelque chose... il a dit que c'était censé être un indice, il doit avoir une sorte de sens." C'était ici une offre facile au groupe, avec l'argent qu'elle a vidé de son compte en banque. C'était un peu pour les personnages leur niveau, l'argent principalement transféré de son alt quand elle a fait 'Mantam' pour la première fois. Cela, bien sûr, ne ferait que leur donner tout ce dont ils avaient besoin, mais elle espérait que ça aiderait. Elle a jeté l'argent, soigneusement contenu dans un petit sac, à Prince.
It was surprisingly hard to write a CS for a character that's just a normal person. Hope it looks alright. Real Name Hazel Hosner Username Mantam Title The Red Wolf Age 19 Gender Female, both in game and in real life. Race Human Class Mirage Shifter Level 5 Stat Build 10 FOC 5 AGI 0 Strength Skills Magic, including but not limited to shape-shifting Forms: Hazel's preferred form is her titular Red Wolf. She is also able to take the form of a Wasnork, Floatezal, and a Paquee. Artificer, able to create weapons that magic can be channeled through Hazel has invested a surprising amount of time into in-game cooking, and is very proficient at it Equipment Ear- Enchanted Ear Rings (Small FOC increase) Neck- Golden Necklace (Small Magic Resist) Chest- Magician's Shirt (Increase to Mana Pool) Right Hand- Wand Left Hand- Magic Foci Waist- Magician's Sash (Small boost to Physical resistance, increase to Mana Pool) Legs- Drab Pants Feet- Fancy Shoes Personality Hazel is a young and cheerful girl. She is outgoing, and goes out of her way to make her more reserved friends feel comfortable. Unlike many 'MMO Addicts' she has no wish to escape the real world, and has no wish to stay trapped in Paradise. In conversation Hazel is a nice, polite, and fun person. Hazel is innocent, and often willing to help others to a fault. She doesn't have much experience with the 'bad' side of the world and can be a bit gullible. Above all, Hazel is a loyal friend, and is unwilling to turn her back back on those she is close to, online or otherwise. Background Hazel is an altogether normal post high school girl. She comes from a rich family, and grew up without want. Despite this, she luckily managed to not become a spoiled brat. She was always the 'popular' girl at school, but was smart enough to keep her head out of trouble that her friends got into. After she passed high school, she put off college, much to the dismay of her parents, in favor of spending a year relaxing. However she quickly found that with most of her friends leaving for college life was boring. Then Paradise came out. Hazel was, surprisingly to most, an avid MMO player. Although most hardcore players would consider her a 'casual', she enjoys playing them greatly, and has made a small group of friends playing MMOs. Intrigued by Paradise's revolutionary gameplay, she convinced her parents to buy the game for her, despite the fact that they frowned upon her gaming 'addiction'. When Miles Standish announced to her and her friends that they were trapped in the game, she made the decision to become a 'hardcore' MMO player so her and her friends can escape Paradise. Characters: ☺ Prince- "Prince is a nice guy, and he has an odd tendency to bring people together. He's a good friend." ☺ Cynthia- "Cynthia seems to harbor some kind of guilt she doesn't let on about, but she's a nice person, and one of my friends." ☺ Marinette- "Marinette's avatar is really creepy looking. Besides that, nice person, good friend." ☺ cattypea- "I like Catty. Catty is one of my friends." ♡ Mantam- "Me. I love me." ☺ Hazard- "Hazard is a kind person, and one of my friends." ☺ Grey- "He's a bit mysterious, but I like him. He's one of my friends." ☺ Raijin- "He's quiet, and can get a bit brutal in fights, but he's a friend of mine. Also, Void is sooooooooo cute." ☺ Deathedge- "He can be a bit... hard to like at times, but I'm convinced that I can make him come out of his shell." ☺ CherryLover- "Cherry is a good person. Truly one of my main girls." How long has your character been playing the game? Mantam got the game on release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? Mantam only recently made this character, choosing to adopt it when the rest of her friends began playing. How long have they been a part of the group? Mantam has been with the group since almost the start. Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Mantam happened to stumble upon the Cave post-occupation by Prince and Cynthia, and somehow managed to find herself with a new group of friends.
KOMI Cynthia est déjà partie seule en prenant le court chemin à travers le ciel Bonne chance Cherry a agité sur elle pendant qu'elle s'envolait. Ce n'était pas longtemps avant qu'elle fasse face à Raijin N'est-ce pas dangereux tout seul maintenant que quelqu'un peut facilement vous embusquer quand ils sont avec un grand groupe? Elle va s'en sortir toute seule. Cherry fixa de nouveau devant elle tout en maintenant la même vitesse que Raijin. Il semblait encore assez paisible autour d'eux, peu de gens les ont encore passés. Raijin lui a de nouveau parlé, il a fait Cherry automatiquement tourner sa tête vers lui je ne pense pas que nous avons besoin beaucoup en dehors de la nourriture, des boissons et des potions. Nous pouvons jeter un coup d'oeil autour des magasins dans le centre de la ville pour voir s'il y a quelque chose dont nous avons besoin. Nous ne pouvons pas dépenser beaucoup d'argent dur, l'argent serait utile pour une nouvelle base ou une guilde. Raijin a arrêté de marcher pour commencer un appel vocal avec Cynthia. Cherry ne savait pas vraiment pourquoi il l'a appelée mais elle l'a laissé finir son appel. Cherry sentit quelque chose de fureur frotter sur sa jambe inférieure de l'arrière. Elle s'est retournée pour voir Void se frotter contre sa jambe Aww petit Void veut jouer elle squatté près du sol et a commencé à le caresser dans son cou et sur son dos tout en frottant son visage contre son Vous êtes assez poilu n'est-ce pas elle a ri un peu et a attendu que Raijin termine son appel pendant qu'elle continuait à divertir Void.
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Après que les autres eurent terminé leur petite conversation avant de sortir sur leur propre petit travail, Hazard a atteint son fusil et l'a fixé sur lui avant de regarder Catt et Prince. « Eh bien les gars, il est grand temps que nous nous déplaçions, si vous avez fini de passer vos appels, je dis qu'on y va et on vous met à niveau! » Il a dit avec un grand sourire, en sortant de la grotte. Il a fait ses adieux aux autres en disant qu'il n'avait pas l'intention de les emmener trop loin. "J'appellerai si on a besoin de quelque chose, mais avec ol' PotShot, je dirais que nous allons être en sécurité" dit-il avec un ronflement alors qu'il tape son fusil. Les autres avaient des gens qu'ils pouvaient appeler dans le monde réel, c'était quelque chose qu'il enviait d'eux. Ses propres parents ont décidé de lui refuser juste pour le fait d'avoir un jeu en ligne, l'enfer la dernière fois qu'il les a vus était l'année dernière quand il a déménagé avec le reste de ses affaires. Il était en sécurité dans son appartement, l'endroit était enfermé et... il n'avait pas d'amis en ville pour que personne ne le vérifie. Il a attendu hors de la grotte que les deux autres rattrapent.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Prince avalé comme mention d'appeler la famille et les amis a été mentionné. Il a pris l'argent qui lui a été jeté et l'a placé dans le compte avec un visage vide. Il a essayé de ne pas trop y penser. Il pourrait les appeler, il pourrait vraiment. Mais quelque chose au fond lui a dit de ne pas le faire, lui a dit que ça ne ferait pas de bien, ils criaient seulement et alors où serait-il? Il a laissé un soupir doux et a souri à Hazard. "Je n'appellerais pas les gens perdants si légèrement, ils n'ont pas tous autant envie de ton humour." Il lui a dit qu'il l'avait mis à la légère avec son bâton. "Toujours, je pense que tu mérites ce coup de poing d'une façon ou d'une autre. Chaque fois que ça vient, de toute façon." Il s'est branlé, marchant derrière Hazard. "Prends le chemin, loser." Il a continué, souriant. Non, il n'y avait pas de dragons sur Arnoth. Mais il y avait des créatures plutôt dangereuses, celles qui, si on les sortait, vous laisseraient gagner plus d'exp que vous ne saviez quoi en faire dans certains cas. Mais il ne les a pas prévenus. Pour l'instant, il a racké son cerveau pour une créature plus leur niveau. "Je pense que nous devrions être en mesure de prendre un loup élémentaire... Soit ça, soit on trouve une cachette et on tue des bandits. Les bandits nous donneront plus d'argent, mais moins d'exp et les loups nous donneront près de pas d'argent, mais plus d'exp et ils seront plus difficiles à tuer selon le type... » a expliqué Prince, regardant vers Hazard. "Qu'en pensez-vous? Je sais où on pourrait trouver, soit si vous voulez que je nous y conduise." Il a continué. Prince, tout en étant paresseux était étonnamment bien versé dans le monde du Paradis en considérant ses autres pièces de théâtre. Il ne lui faudrait pas longtemps pour trouver les meilleurs moyens d'obtenir ce qu'ils avaient besoin de faire et il n'avait pas une très bonne idée des cartes de la région et où trouver certaines choses. Il n'était pas parfait, mais il aurait dû le faire.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Le danger s'est simplement ébranlé alors que le prince l'a frappé avec le personnel, ronflant comme on l'appelait lui aussi un loser. Il écouta Prince avec toute l'attention qu'il y avait à ce qu'ils pouvaient faire pour obtenir quoi. Il y a réfléchi un moment, puis il a répondu; "Et si on essayait de le partager? À temps partiel nous pouvons chasser les loups élémentaires, l'autre partie peut être dépensée sur les bandits. On peut tirer le meilleur parti des deux mondes de cette façon. Quels sont les meilleurs endroits que vous connaissez de l'homme?"
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Cattypea s'était tu, et a suivi les deux garçons, en écoutant pendant qu'ils parlaient. Elle irait n'importe où, tant qu'elle pourrait essayer de se mettre à niveau, et ne pas être un fardeau. Alors qu'elle marchait, elle tentait de s'accommoder complètement et de se placer comme la personne qu'elle voulait être. Cattypea, et pas tout à fait, seul Kalinda. Cattypea qui avait des amis, et qui n'était pas seulement toléré. Alors que Prince et Hazard discutaient de quoi attaquer, Catty regarda. Elle se demande brièvement comment d'autres personnes prennent cette nouvelle. Combien de personnes mourraient aujourd'hui. Combien de gens appelaient leur famille. Combien de gens faisaient ce qu'ils faisaient. Ce qui lui a ensuite dit ce qu'elle devait savoir, pour contribuer à la fête de nivellement. Elle s'est débarrassée de la gorge et a dit : "Allons chercher les loups maintenant. Nous avons assez d'argent entre nous pour survivre pour l'instant, mais je pense que beaucoup de gens vont simplement aller pour les bandits, uniquement pour l'argent. Mais si nous nivelons, si nous broyons certains, nous pouvons attaquer de meilleurs monstres, recevoir plus d'exp et de pièces, alors si nous restons juste en arrière et simplement jouer pour l'argent" Elle les regardait tous les deux, "et le nivellement nous permet de devenir plus forts. Nous pouvons nous battre, et nous pouvons fournir. Nous devrions également penser à former d'autres choses que nos écoles de combat. Être capable de cuisiner, de chasser et ce qui ne nous permettra pas d'être en mesure de nous nourrir » a-t-elle dit avec attention « mais pour l'instant, nivelons-nous »
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Prince sourit et regarda Cat puis Hazard. **"Pouvons-nous la garder?"** Il a demandé d'une manière plaisante, ronflant doucement. "C'est une bonne idée, Cat. On va chercher les loups."** Il continua, en lui envoyant un sourire doux. Il a ensuite conduit le groupe à l'endroit qu'il avait utilisé avant lors du broyage des loups. Au début, il n'en a pas vraiment vu, mais après quelques instants de se tenir debout et de regarder autour de lui, il a repéré un flash rouge vif passer parmi les buissons. **"Voilà!"** Il chuchotait au groupe, pointant sur une petite horde de Loups de Feu blottis autour d'un arbre qu'il s'éloignait. **Hazard, vous restez derrière et fournir le feu de couverture comme toujours et Cat et moi allons entrer et essayer d'aggro un ou deux d'entre eux."** Il a commencé, sa voix un murmure émoussé. **"C'est bon?"**
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Après n'avoir reçu aucune réponse pendant un petit moment, Raijin s'est ébranlé avant de repartir pour la ville, donnant un sifflement pour Cherry et Void. Quand ils arrivèrent dans la ville, il fit entrer Cherry dans le magasin de potion pendant qu'il faisait son appel, ils se promenaient pour voir si leur était quelque chose d'autre d'usage qui pourrait être acheté. "Allons Cherry, allons-y. D'abord nous allons aller à la potion shop d'abord, stocker sur les articles de guérison et ainsi de suite. Si ça ne vous dérange pas, pourriez-vous aller chercher les provisions avec Void. Je serai juste dehors, mais j'ai besoin de passer un coup de fil et c'est un peu privé. Je promets que ça ne prendra pas si longtemps."
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
On peut la garder? Cat savait que c'était dit en plaisanterie, mais ça lui faisait vraiment du bien. Elle sourit, vraiment, et largement. Ses soucis se sont apaisés, et elle s'est détendue, après Prince, se déplaçant silencieusement pour qu'elle n'alerte pas les animaux, les monstres, les bandits, ou toute autre chose. Elle regarda autour d'eux en marchant, alertant de tout danger, et ne vit aucun loup. Elle se demandait si les loups se cachaient, ou avaient été essuyés ici, pour le moment. et puis prince vit les loups, et Cat se concentra, regardant les loups comme Prince parlait. Elle s'est déplacée, son personnel dans sa main gauche, et a hurlé qu'elle était d'accord avec le plan, et qu'elle était prête.
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
KOMI Cherry suit Raijin en ville après son appel ne semble pas passer par Cynthia au moment "_Must be occupé ou quelque chose._" Ils sont allés à la potion shop ensemble comme première priorité. La boutique avait l'air bondée par les joueurs, probablement à cause du danger de mourir maintenant. Cherry a regardé le magasin pendant un moment pour voir tous les gens à moitié paniqués à l'intérieur pour acheter des potions. Ils étaient plus les joueurs de niveau inférieur puisqu'ils sont plus vulnérables. Raijin avait l'air occupé à nouveau il voulait passer un appel à nouveau probablement à Cynthia ou à ses parents peut-être "_Savoir ce dont nous avons besoin et je suis assez plat cassé en ce moment j'ai besoin d'un peu d'argent qui était destiné à des fournitures pour être en mesure d'acheter un peu plus._"
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Raijin est entré dans son inventaire et a sorti un autre sac de pièces, le reste de ses économies pour être exact. "Voici le reste de mes économies, environ 50 pièces d'or. Je suis sûr que ce sera suffisant pour nous obtenir une bonne quantité de fournitures de départ, peut-être même un peu plus. Maintenant soyez sur votre chemin, Lil' pétard, et assurez-vous que vous gardez Void dans vos yeux, okay." Il se dirigea vers Cherry, puis entra rapidement dans une ruelle à côté du magasin, donnant déjà un coup de poing dans le numéro. Il a attendu un moment, avant qu'une fenêtre ne s'ouvre pour montrer sa sœur. Il pouvait dire à partir de ses yeux rouges et puis des traces de larmes qui ont couru sur son visage que Shenhad avait entendu des nouvelles alors. Il avait changé les réglages de sorte qu'en appelant sa sœur, elle voyait son vrai visage au lieu de celui de son avatar. "H-hey soeur, devine que tu as entendu la newww, hein." Il saluait assez boiteusement, il ne regardait pas sa sœur dans les yeux. "Jason, ohmygodi'm soglad yourokayi pensaitihadlostyoyand je ne serais jamais allé te voir encore et-" "Hé, calmez-vous, Valérie, respirez. Comme vous pouvez le voir, je vais bien, et je vais continuer à aller bien, alors ne vous inquiétez pas, okay. D'ailleurs, je parie que maintenant tu es content que tu n'aies pas eu le jeu, n'est-ce pas?" Sa sœur, n'ayant presque rien à faire pour une majorité de sa journée, était une joueuse avide et n'était extrêmement jalouse quand il avait obtenu Paradise pour son anniversaire, et n'arrêta pas de faire la pout jusqu'à ce que papa ait promis de faire la même chose pour elle. Ça allait être son anniversaire dans une semaine, et c'était tout ce dont elle avait parlé depuis trois ans. Il s'est dit qu'elle n'aurait rien à voir avec ça. "Ce n'est pas drôle Jason, et implore d'être prudent. Theu va t'emmener à l'hôpital, du moins c'est ce que j'ai entendu dire aux médecins. Mais promettez-moi que quoi que vous fassiez, vous reviendrez à la maison, d'accord." Les yeux de Valérie brillèrent alors que les larmes commencèrent à se rassembler à nouveau. "Je te promets, alors tu dois te concentrer sur l'amélioration, au revoir." Jason a rapidement mis fin à l'appel, s'asseyant une seconde et se laissant prendre son souffle, pour se stabiliser dans le présent. Il n'était pas Jason, il était Raijinslayer. Il n'était pas Jason, il était Raijinslayer *Je ne suis pas Jason, je suis Raijinslayer *Je ne suis pas Jason, je suis Raijin. Il répéta ce mantra dans son esprit, et continuerait à le faire jusqu'à ce que Cherry sorte du magasin.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Dès que Raijin a quitté l'allée, il a vu Cynthia se tenir à l'intérieur d'un des stands de "payphone" devant le magasin, qui ont été utilisés par des personnes qui n'avaient pas ennuyé ou ne pouvaient pas connecter leur téléphone personnel au jeu. La cabine était silencieuse, mais pas opaque, et il pouvait la voir parler, ou plutôt crier dans le récepteur. Sa discussion animée s'est terminée par le fait qu'elle a frappé le téléphone à nouveau dans son berceau et qu'elle s'est enfuie de l'alcôve, où elle a brusquement vu Raijin et s'est arrêtée, en ayant l'air embarrassée. "Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous là?"
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Assez longtemps pour voir que vous et qui étiez de l'autre côté avez eu toute la dispute. Raijin a dit, rester un peu calme pendant qu'il formulait sa réponse un peu plus. "Regardez Cynth, si vous ne voulez pas parler de ce qui se passe sur IRL, alors je ne vais pas prier, juste savoir que tout le monde est là pour vous si vous avez besoin d'une épaule pour pleurer, une personne pour écouter vos soucis, quelqu'un pour vous juste évacuer vos émotions, nous serons leur pour vous. Alors ne sois pas tout doux et embarrassé sur moi maintenant, ô chef intrépide et perce sergent." Raijin a alors commencé à marcher aroun dans une marche de l'armée beaucoup exagérée, parlant d'un ton aboyant au-dessus du volume nécessaire. "Les troupes ont besoin d'une discipline dure et sticte pour les mettre en forme, et quelqu'un sur qui elles peuvent compter pour les mener à la bataille! Et à mon humble avis, je crois que vous êtes le meilleur candidat pour le poste. » Il s'arrêta devant Cynthia, son bras au-dessus de sa tête en saluant. -- Alors, acceptez-vous votre position, Madame Dril Sergent Cynthia, madame.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
KOMI Cherry prit le sac de pièces de monnaie et voulut répondre à Raijin avant "Oh oui... Arrêtez de m'appeler comme ça!" Cherry a crié à Raijin avant de se retourner et a marché avec colère dans le magasin avec quelques murmures "Ne cesse jamais de faire cela, pourquoi ai-je parié avec lui." Elle a serré un peu à travers tous les gens debout dans le magasin. C'est assez facile pour elle depuis qu'elle était assez petite. Cherry s'est assurée que Void était proche d'elle et a regardé vers le bas de temps en temps, avec une de ses jambes près de Void pour sentir si Void whas toujours là. Elle a fait face à la vendeuse et a parlé un peu plus fort puis ussual pour lui dire les fournitures dont elle avait besoin. Après un court laps de temps, elle est sortie de nouveau du magasin à Raijin il semblait un peu comme qu'il se parle à lui-même ou qu'il parle encore à quelqu'un. Cherry n'a eu qu'une petite lueur de ce qu'il disait avant d'arrêter de dire : "Est-ce que tu as dit quelque chose?" Soudain, c'était comme si Cynthia apparaissait de nulle part. Cherry recula un peu et écouta la conversation qu'ils avaient tous les deux : "Vous allez bien?" Elle avait l'air un peu inquiète, mais Raijin semblait à nouveau bien. Cherry leva le bras et plaça sa main contre le côté de sa tête comme dans l'armée. Le bruit de ses chaussures va contre chaque hymne clairement être entendu et l'autre bras qui est placé contre son corps "Raijin a raison, Vous êtes le meilleur pour ce sergent d'exercice de travail." Elle a parlé d'une voix forte et stricte tout en se tenant derrière Raijin qui se promenait encore. Elle a attendu que Raijin termine et a recommencé à parler "Madame Dril Sergent Cynthia Sir." Elle a ri quand elle a fait tomber le visage droit.
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Cynthia riait doucement et essuyait une larme du coin de l'œil. "Merci les gars." Elle a dit de fermer les yeux et de respirer profondément. Comme elle l'a fait, ses épaules se détendirent, et quand elle ouvrit les yeux, il y eut une lueur dure en eux, non pas de colère, mais d'une détermination unique. "Je te promets que je ne perdrai plus la tête. Vous êtes tous sous ma responsabilité, et je compte vous garder tous en vie, quel que soit le coût. » Elle regarda Cherry et s'inclina. "Je suppose que Raijin t'a dit d'avoir des provisions? Qu'est-ce que tu as eu?"
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
Très gentil suivi de Lil' pétard, et dire ce que vous avez, et combien il nous reste? Raijin a dit comme accroupi pour donner à Void un animal de compagnie, en riant que le loup est monté pour lui lécher le visage / "Oi Void, mauvaise fille, mauvaise fille. Tu sais que je n'aime pas me faire lécher le visage." Le ton de Raijin était très peu convaincant, alors qu'il luttait pour la calmer.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Mantam s'est vite rendu compte que la population de The Cave commençait à diminuer lentement, alors que les gens commençaient à s'épuiser pour faire les préparatifs nécessaires à leur nouvelle position piégée dans le Paradis, qu'il s'agisse de faire du shopping ou d'aller au niveau. Peu de temps après, elle ne s'est retrouvée qu'elle-même et Marinette est restée. Elle s'est retrouvée avec peu à faire. Sa tête tournait encore. Elle savait qu'elle devait faire quelque chose, étant donné que sa vie dépendait maintenant de son succès au Paradis, mais elle était perdue. Elle se sentait totalement inutile. Elle aurait souhaité jouer un autre personnage quand c'était arrivé. Mirage Shifter était amusant, mais il possède des lacunes très claires. Quand un Mirage Shifter a brûlé à travers toute leur mana, ils sont dans une position très difficile. En raison de la nature de la classe, ils sont généralement à l'avant du groupe, mais une fois que toute leur mana est partie, ils sont ensuite laissés à l'avant du groupe dans un squishy très formé. Une position dangereuse dans un jeu avec un potentiel de mort. Elle savait qu'elle ferait mieux sur une de ses alts, même un combattant de première ligne sans limitations comme celle du Mirage Shifter. Mais il était impossible de changer. Au lieu de cela, elle s'est déplacée dans le canapé de la grotte et s'est plie dessus. Elle sentait son cœur tordant la culpabilité de l'esprit à son propre égoïsme, choisissant de se reposer pendant que tout le monde travaillait. Mais elle avait du mal à faire face, et ne voulait pas sortir seule. Le Paradis était un endroit dangereux, et elle était terrifiée de mourir.
It was surprisingly hard to write a CS for a character that's just a normal person. Hope it looks alright. Real Name Hazel Hosner Username Mantam Title The Red Wolf Age 19 Gender Female, both in game and in real life. Race Human Class Mirage Shifter Level 5 Stat Build 10 FOC 5 AGI 0 Strength Skills Magic, including but not limited to shape-shifting Forms: Hazel's preferred form is her titular Red Wolf. She is also able to take the form of a Wasnork, Floatezal, and a Paquee. Artificer, able to create weapons that magic can be channeled through Hazel has invested a surprising amount of time into in-game cooking, and is very proficient at it Equipment Ear- Enchanted Ear Rings (Small FOC increase) Neck- Golden Necklace (Small Magic Resist) Chest- Magician's Shirt (Increase to Mana Pool) Right Hand- Wand Left Hand- Magic Foci Waist- Magician's Sash (Small boost to Physical resistance, increase to Mana Pool) Legs- Drab Pants Feet- Fancy Shoes Personality Hazel is a young and cheerful girl. She is outgoing, and goes out of her way to make her more reserved friends feel comfortable. Unlike many 'MMO Addicts' she has no wish to escape the real world, and has no wish to stay trapped in Paradise. In conversation Hazel is a nice, polite, and fun person. Hazel is innocent, and often willing to help others to a fault. She doesn't have much experience with the 'bad' side of the world and can be a bit gullible. Above all, Hazel is a loyal friend, and is unwilling to turn her back back on those she is close to, online or otherwise. Background Hazel is an altogether normal post high school girl. She comes from a rich family, and grew up without want. Despite this, she luckily managed to not become a spoiled brat. She was always the 'popular' girl at school, but was smart enough to keep her head out of trouble that her friends got into. After she passed high school, she put off college, much to the dismay of her parents, in favor of spending a year relaxing. However she quickly found that with most of her friends leaving for college life was boring. Then Paradise came out. Hazel was, surprisingly to most, an avid MMO player. Although most hardcore players would consider her a 'casual', she enjoys playing them greatly, and has made a small group of friends playing MMOs. Intrigued by Paradise's revolutionary gameplay, she convinced her parents to buy the game for her, despite the fact that they frowned upon her gaming 'addiction'. When Miles Standish announced to her and her friends that they were trapped in the game, she made the decision to become a 'hardcore' MMO player so her and her friends can escape Paradise. Characters: ☺ Prince- "Prince is a nice guy, and he has an odd tendency to bring people together. He's a good friend." ☺ Cynthia- "Cynthia seems to harbor some kind of guilt she doesn't let on about, but she's a nice person, and one of my friends." ☺ Marinette- "Marinette's avatar is really creepy looking. Besides that, nice person, good friend." ☺ cattypea- "I like Catty. Catty is one of my friends." ♡ Mantam- "Me. I love me." ☺ Hazard- "Hazard is a kind person, and one of my friends." ☺ Grey- "He's a bit mysterious, but I like him. He's one of my friends." ☺ Raijin- "He's quiet, and can get a bit brutal in fights, but he's a friend of mine. Also, Void is sooooooooo cute." ☺ Deathedge- "He can be a bit... hard to like at times, but I'm convinced that I can make him come out of his shell." ☺ CherryLover- "Cherry is a good person. Truly one of my main girls." How long has your character been playing the game? Mantam got the game on release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? Mantam only recently made this character, choosing to adopt it when the rest of her friends began playing. How long have they been a part of the group? Mantam has been with the group since almost the start. Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Mantam happened to stumble upon the Cave post-occupation by Prince and Cynthia, and somehow managed to find herself with a new group of friends.
Cerise Elle est tombée un peu de la lueur de Cynthia. Elle a peut-être été vraiment en colère contre eux tout d'un coup pour avoir agi comme ça, mais ça n'avait pas l'air d'être comme ça. Ils ont tous les deux fait face à elle peu après pour demander ce qu'elle avait acheté. Un petit sourire apparut sur son visage quand elle descendit un peu sa tête et descendit un peu le chapeau de son chapeau de la main pour cacher ses yeux. Elle se détourna un peu de la tête et commença à parler d'une voix sombre et sinistre : « Du fond de l'enfer, ils creusèrent ce genre d'objets pendant des années. Et ils nous sont amenés depuis des siècles. » Elle leva son ventre sage et le majeur de sa main en l'air devant eux "Ces objets magiques qui s'appellent... Des potions." Une potion apparut dans sa main entre sa tumb et son doigt moyen. Elle les regarda de nouveau et leva son chapeau pour qu'il n'y ait pas de blocage de sa vue : « Environ 20 d'entre eux, il me reste encore 15 or. » Après qu'elle les eut tellement éclaboussées qu'elle attendit que Void s'approche d'elle. Quand Void l'a fait, elle disait tranquillement "Désolé"
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Cynthia a cligné un instant, son visage est complètement impassible. Puis tout d'un coup, elle a ronflé. "Snrk. Est-ce que ça manque à la reine du théâtre?" Elle a dit, un soupçon de rire dans sa voix. Elle a ouvert son inventaire et sorti un carnet de notes, en passant par les pages. "Voyons ici. Outre vos vingt potions, nous devrions probablement obtenir cinq bombes fumigènes, trois appâts, trois livres de nourriture, une boîte de comprimés purifiants, et un peu de silex et d'endurcissement." Elle a remis le carnet dans son inventaire et a vérifié combien d'argent elle avait. C'était tout à fait l'excédent, puisqu'elle a passé presque tout son temps à chasser, et qu'elle avait encore quelques vendables sur elle. "Pourquoi vous deux ne commencez pas à rentrer, ou simplement à vous détendre. Je vais chercher le reste des provisions et vous retrouver à la grotte." Elle les agita et se déplaça de l'autre côté de la rue, retournant dans le magasin général Cherry venait de partir.
I have no clue how skills and stats work here too so if someone can give me a brief explaination on the average values a level 4 has, it'll really help! :D Live every waking moment like it is your last, for every step and mistake you make will haunt you till you pass. Real/Player Name: Rowen Hae Gen Myoun Character Name: R. Tiger Title: The Lost Age: 20 Real Gender: Male In-game Gender: Male Race: Wildborn Class: Purist LeveL: 4 Appearance. R. Tiger, Rowen's character, appears as a very-fit looking man with several feline traits. His ears are pointed and tipped with fur and two lines of thicker facial hair form stripes down his cheeks, as well as prepossessing a long bushy tail. His hair is light brown and swept back, tied in a pony tail behind and growing past his sideburns and along his jaw in front. However, unlike quite a disturbing number of wildborn players who like their appearance 'au-naturale' (see: very, very naked), for less than appropriate reasons. Rowen dresses immaculately, donning a sturdy swallow-tailed coat and canvas trousers that fit snuggly into tan hide metal boots -alongside a red, tattered scarf that hangs around his neck, waist long and flowing in the wind behind him. Though it was once a beginner's item, he has painstakingly upgraded it many times over and is now his trademark accessory. He can wear such armor that would usually be only considered by marksmen and lighter melee classes because of his higher than usual investment into STR, by Purist standards, making up for the slight lack of FOC with slightly better equipment. STR: Second Highest Stat FOC: Highest Stat AGI: Lowest Stat (I have no idea how stat distribution works here so this is a placeholder till then.) Flamebolt: One of the few possible miracles a Purist begins their journey with. This ancient incantation releases a bolt of solid fire that quickly homes in on it's target, detonating upon impact with a fair amount of force and heat. Mastering such long-lost magic is the first step to becoming a true sorcerer. Blink: Having learnt to step beyond the boundaries of space momentarily, a Purist makes use of the planet's rotation to seemingly teleport a short distance away from where they previously were. Leaving both enemies and audiences bewildered in awe. Nature's Lore (Survival): You have learnt how to identify and analyse flora and minerals found in the wilds of various planets, as well as how to prepare simple concoctions with them! Medium Armor Proficiency I (Common): You have learnt how to properly wear hide and aluminium armor, as well as conditioned yourself to move freely in them! Chest - Neck - Legs - Feet - Right Ringfinger - Weapon #1: Weapon #2: *Unmentioned slots are empty. Personality: Rowen has always been abit of an oddball, ever the epicurean, he braves new experiences with vigor and a unflinching curiousity. Though some may consider this an admirable trait, they are far and few between. Most of the time, it leaves those around him uncomfortable and sneering at him. Maybe it is because of this that he enjoys Paradise much more than real life, here he is judged less and the consequences are (were) far more lenient. He has even made some friends in the online game. His experiments have even proved useful every once in awhile. But despite his quirk, Rowen is not without common sense well ...not... totally without it, at least. Like how he clearly tells right from wrong and has a moral compass to guide him, even in a game where the lines between both are blurred. An ideal he sometimes holds above himself for what he thinks is the greater good. Background: (I'd like to keep most of this for discovery through the game so there might not be much I would post here :X, if that's okay? I'll post what his friends would generally know though.) Rowen is his english name and was raised by korean parents who left their country and traveled alot. Never staying in one place, he learnt about the world through first hand experience and never really thought of anywhere as his home. They worked for the CDC (Center for Control of Diseases) and were always in some hotspot, scarce of people. But in recent years where outbreaks have slowed, he has been able to truly be in a society and see how things go. This year he is supposed to enter a local university full-Time but has made a small group of close friends over an online game for quite awhile, he was about to tell them the news when .......something happened. Other: Rowen's dysfunctional choice of being a Wildborn, a race geared towards the physical, and yet a Purist, the most magically oriented class of Paradise, was something of a testing grounds in preparation for his second character. He certainly did not expect to have made friends halfway, or be permernantly stuck with his bad choices when Standish went all psychopathic on them.
> Prince sourit et regarda Cat puis Hazard. Autres produits de la pêche, y compris les produits de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de l'aquaculture, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture > **"Pouvons-nous la garder?"** Il a demandé d'une manière plaisante, ronflant doucement. "C'est une bonne idée, Cat. On va chercher les loups."** Il continua, en lui envoyant un sourire doux. Autres produits de la pêche, y compris les produits de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de l'aquaculture, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture > Il a ensuite conduit le groupe à l'endroit qu'il avait utilisé avant lors du broyage des loups. Au début, il n'en a pas vraiment vu, mais après quelques instants de se tenir debout et de regarder autour de lui, il a repéré un flash rouge vif passer parmi les buissons. Autres produits de la pêche, y compris les produits de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de l'aquaculture, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture > **"Voilà!"** Il chuchotait au groupe, pointant sur une petite horde de Loups de Feu blottis autour d'un arbre qu'il s'éloignait. **Hazard, vous restez derrière et fournir le feu de couverture comme toujours et Cat et moi allons entrer et essayer d'aggro un ou deux d'entre eux."** Il a commencé, sa voix un murmure émoussé. **"C'est bon?"** Danger a dû admettre que Catt avait l'esprit au bon endroit, c'était une fille intelligente. Il a appuyé sur son idée et a accepté avec Prince comme il a dit « Bien sûr que nous le pouvons ». Danger a remarqué l'éclair de rouge tout comme le prince a remarqué où ils étaient, et avec un petit sourire, dénouer son fusil et l'a préparé au feu. "Allez de l'avant et faites ce que vous devez faire, si quelque chose tourne mal, Ol' Potshot et moi serons ici pour nettoyer. Soyez prudents, les gars ok?" Il a dit en prenant son point sur une zone supérieure du sol juste au-dessus de la ligne d'arbres où les loups ont été vus.
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Le prince a légèrement hurlé avant de hurler Cat. Lentement, il se tint debout et se mit à ramper sur le loup. Dès qu'il s'est rendu compte qu'il était là, il l'inculpait. Cependant, à mesure qu'il s'approchait, Prince laissa sortir une petite gaspille. Il avait tout mal calculé. Il n'y avait pas un seul loup de flamme ici, il y avait un paquet entier avec l'alpha qui le fixait au moment où il s'installait. "Cat... nous devons finir ça rapidement. Tu me fais confiance?" Il a demandé sans la regarder. Il pouvait sentir son cœur pomper tandis que le loup marchait lentement vers eux, curieux. Ses cheveux rouges de flamme étaient sur la fin, évidemment prudents d'eux.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Cat se déplaçait silencieusement juste derrière Prince, ne voulant pas attirer trop l'attention sur eux. Elle a eu son personnel, a plongé dans son dos pour l'empêcher de frapper le sol, et à portée de main, et elle a observé tous les mouvements soudains. À la petite bouffée, elle se figea et tenta de voir ce qui avait poussé Prince à faire le bruit. Elle a avalé, voyant les loups. "Cat... nous devons finir ça rapidement. Tu me fais confiance?" Elle regarda Prince, se demandant comment il pouvait poser une telle question, surtout à un moment comme celui-ci. "Bien sûr que je te fais confiance" a-t-elle dit doucement, en espérant ne pas faire en sorte que les loups soient attentifs à eux, "Tu es mon ami"
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Tant mieux. Alors suivez mon exemple. Il est revenu avant de se tourner vers les loups, l'alpha presque sur eux maintenant. Il a mis sa main derrière le dos et a donné à Hazard un petit geste, un signe de rock and roll avec ses deux doigts du milieu pliés. Comme pour dire, 'Temps de rock and roll.' Après cela, Prince a rapidement pris son bâton et l'a balancé autour du côté Cat n'était pas sur et a frappé la pauvre bête dans les yeux avant de sauter en haut et au-dessus, courant dans l'autre direction, au fur et à mesure qu'il allait, il a frappé les loups à droite et à gauche. Il y avait environ 5 d'entre eux sans compter l'alpha et il était sûr qu'il était plus proche. Ils ont besoin d'en finir rapidement pour pouvoir se regrouper avant que l'autre groupe de loups ne se faufile sur eux. Il s'est mis au talon lorsqu'il a atteint l'autre côté des loups, puis il a signalé à nouveau Hazard, pointant vers le haut, espérant que Hazard obtiendrait la note. Il a ensuite coincé son personnel vers le sol et a commencé à se précipiter à l'un des plus gros loups autour de lui. Il grondait sur lui, en poussant des flammes chaudes qui léchaient les vêtements de Prince, mais avant que la bête ne puisse faire beaucoup plus, Prince logea son bâton sous le ventre et le jeta dans les airs. Il espérait que Hazard avait reçu son message, mais s'il n'avait pas eu l'impact, cela laisserait définitivement la pauvre chose un peu meurtrie.
~Real Name~ Logan West ~Username~ Prince267 ~Title~ "The White Knight" ~Real Age/In-Game Age~ 18/18 ~Real Gender/In-Game Gender~ Male/Male ~Race~ Human ~Class~ Ki Brawler ~Level~ Level: 4 ~Stat Build~ STR = 4 FOC= 2 AGI = 6 ~Skills~ ~Repair (Staff and Small Machine) ~Weapon (Staff) ~Fighting ~Cooking (Simple Dishes) ~Equipment~ ~Weapon (Staff Level 3) ~Frying Pan (Used for cooking, and hitting idiots over the head.) ~Simple Traveler's Clothes ~Silver Chain ~Small Ear Ring ~Equipment Slots~ Ear - Small Ear Ring (Slightly improves Agility) Neck - Thin Silver Chain (Gives a small amount of protection against magic projectiles.) Chest - Worn Shirt (Dyed Black) Right Hand - Staff (Two handed) Legs - Worn Pants (Gray) Spare Weapon #1 - Frying Pan ~Personality~ Logan is a rather quiet boy who tends to keep to himself. He finds it hard to be himself around people, the fear of rejection out weighing his desire to be loved. Living by himself didn't help matters either. It just led to a lot of misconceptions about him and his past. Rumors flew through the air around him. That he'd killed his own parents and that he joined the mafia. Because of his rough appearance a lot of people believed it. After all, how could a guy who looked so angry all the time be anything but bad news? In Paradise, however, Logan had no fears. Under the pretense of "Prince", he held no fear of being himself. A fun loving and warm individual. Prince can talk just a bit too much but he always means well. He's also a bit of a free spirit, doing whatever he wants when he wants. If it is something he'd rather not do, he won't. ~Background~ Logan, despite what people think, has a family that is relatively well off. When they deicded to move, he didn't want anything to change and so he stayed in their old home by himself while his parents moved to another part of the country. Not wanting to face the fear of rejection again, he decided to stay and simply play the part they'd wanted to give him. When he found out about Paradise, he asked his parents and they had the game shipped to his home. Since then, he hasn't gone out much besides going to school every now and then and soon even that ended as he spent all of his time in the game with his new friends. Because of the mask Logan could wear, he felt safe to be himself and made a few friends with whom he spent a good deal of his time. Paradise was truly a paradise for him. ~Other~ Still WIPsy since I still need Chuks approval for something. :P ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |☹| Prince - "..." |✧| Cynthia - "She's pretty awesome! She's definitely a lot more dedicated than I am, which I guess is a good thing. I have to give her props because I don't think I could ever work as hard as she does. Also... she's kind of pretty. >////> |✧| Marinette - "Despite always listening to music, Marinette can be pretty cool. She's pretty good at what she does even if she does like to flaunt it a bit too much. Then again, I can't say anything. I'm much weaker than her." |✧| cattypea - "She'd be cute if she didn't intimidate me so much. Then again, most females do that to me. But her fur is pretty cool... I kind of want to pet her but fear that I might lose my hand in doing so and it might not necessarily be Cat to take it..." |✧| Mantam - "Pretty... and kind. I quite like this girl." |✧| Hazard - "Despite being cocky, Hazard always has my back. I feel that he might be my best friend in the game and my best ally. Even when my back is turned, he never lets me down. I don't know what I'd do without the loser." |✧| Grey - "Despite rubbing people the wrong way, Grey is a great friend and an even better cyborg. Well, at least that's what I think. Though... he could lay off the sour berries. He needs to lighten up some times, take some siestas. Maybe I might invite him to one of mine one day." |♪| Raijin - "He needs a chill pill. Plox." |♪| Deathedge - "Also needs a chill pill..." |✧| CherryLover - "The little sister I never had. She cute and adorable like a.. small puppy with... a rather mean bite." How long has your character been playing the game? ~ Since it's release. How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) ~A few weeks old. (Prince is Logan's 2nd attempt at making Prince. He gave up the first time but now he's seems to be sticking with it. Mostly.) How long have they been a part of the group? ~Since it's creation a few weeks ago. He met Cynthia at level 1 and they began to find themselves bumping into one another frequently and decided to simply make a group with the cave they'd stumbled upon. Weeks later, he and Cynthia had managed to fill all of the spots in the party. Who invited them to the group? ~He and Cynthia created it. Who, from the group, did they meet first? ~Cynthia Real Name: Caroline Night Username: Cynthia Black Title: "Fatal Edge" Age: 17 (Ingame 18) Gender: Female Race: Fae (Green Dragonfly wings) Class: Blademaster Level: 5 Stat Build: STR 5 AGI 9 FOC 1 Skills: Swords (Katana, Longsword, Greatsword) Exotic Weapons (Chain Knife, Grappling Hook, Throwing Knife) Cooking Equipment: Chest Armor (Coat, Level 3) Wrist Equipment (Gloves, Vanity) Ear Equipment (Cross Earings, Vanity) Neck Equipment (Cape, Air Resistance) Sword (Katana, level 4) Sword (Longsword, Named , level 5, Fire Attribute) Sword (Greatsword, level 3) Exotic Weapon (Chain Knife, Level 2) Exotic Weapon (Grappling Hook, Level 3) Bio:: Caroline is fed up with the real world, after her sister vanished. She escaped into Paradise and threw herself into it, training constantly to escape the gnawing guilt that she might have been the reason for her sister running away. She detests nothing more than injustice, and will always stand up for what she thinks is right, no matter who is pitted against her. Other: I'll try to make his look prettier when I'm feeling less lazy. Lol.
Raijin a hurlé, agitant à Cynthia avant de retourner à Cherry. "Eh bien, comme elle est partie pour finir nos courses, laisse aller à la grotte, peut-être qu'elle se dirige vers les autres afin que nous puissions obtenir un peu de xp." Il sourit à Cherry, avant de marcher en direction de la grotte, Void traînant derrière lui après avoir léché le pilote, acceptant ses excuses. Void y était habitué, la plupart des gens semblaient supposer que juste parce qu'elle était un loup, qu'elle était un mâle. C'était un peu ennuyeux, mais comme elle ne pouvait communiquer avec personne sauf Raijin, elle a décidé qu'il valait mieux qu'elle s'en occupe.
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Le signal est monté, c'est l'heure de faire du rock and roll! Le danger a glissé sa sécurité sur son fusil et préparé son doigt de gâchette. Il a gardé un œil sur les deux à l'approche des loups, voyant qu'il y avait beaucoup plus qu'ils ne l'avaient prévu. Eh bien, ils allaient obtenir leur niveau assez rapidement aujourd'hui. Jusqu'à présent, la paire semblait faire un travail rapide, puis il a remarqué le signe de Prince, juste avant de voir un grand loup lancé dans les airs. Immédiatement, il entra dans ses yeux, traînant le loup aéroporté, et tout comme il atteignit son sommet, tira la gâchette, atterrissant un carré de balle dans la tête des créatures. Il était mort avant même qu'il frappe le sol, se désintégrant comme tous les ennemis l'ont fait une fois qu'ils sont morts. "Boom, tir à la tête"
Real Name: Kyron Akin Username: Mr.Hazard Title: The Desert Bullet Age: 20 Gender: male for both Race: Esquen Class: Marksman Level: 5 Stat Build: STR : 2 FOC: 9 AGL: 4 Skills: Guns (Assault rifle, pistol, sniper rifle) Perception +Survival +Appraisal +Tracking +Foraging Equipment: Head- Hood (sneak, level 3) Ear- Empty slot Neck- Neckerchief (vanity) Chest - light Velcro vest (armor, level 3) Waist- pocket belt (increased ammo capacity, level 2) Legs- knee pads (armor, level 2) Left hand & right hand- leather fingerless gloves (armor, level 1) Weapon- (Sniper Rifle, named ,level 5, critical attribute) Weapon: (Assault Rifle, level 4) Feet- combat boots (Armor and Speed) Spare weapon #1: 10 mm pistol (10 bullet clip capacity, level 3) Spare weapon #2: Shotgun (four round capacity, level 2) Personality: Jeff tends to keep the same attitude both in and out of game. He is kind and uplifting, and tries his best to cheer up his friends. In game, he tends to act cocky in a battle, and is usually the one to crack jokes to lighten the mood. He will fight to the best of his ability when it comes to providing covering fire to protect his teammates, and never gives up even after the last bullet leaves the chamber. He is generous with the items he finds, and always volunteers to help find whatever may be needed for a suffering teammate. Background: Jeff grew up in a very restrictive environment. His parents had a large list of rules to put on him which gave him a lot of stress since he couldnt go out with his friends often or even as long as he would like. It would seem that every time he found something fun to do that allowed human interaction, his parents would take it away from him. When he came across Paradise, he thought it was amazing, but after a harsh and loud conflict in which his mother forced him out of a game session, Jeff decided he would move out. He got himself a job and rented a low income apartment in the next town, and even though his money is tight for the current time in his life, he couldnt be happier to play online with his friends whenever he pleased. Other: Whenever Jeff makes a headshot, he always says "Boom, headshot" due to it being one of his favorite quotes. His number one favorite quote is: "Do not call me a coward in battle, I like to kill my enemies while looking them in the eyes through a high powered rifle scope at four miles away." In game: Prince- Great guy and a better friend. He brought me into this group and Im thankful for it. A great friend. Cynthia- She is pretty damn cool, bit of a badass which I like, its weird though, I always get the weirdest feeling of deja vu around her... Marinette- Good ol Mari!! definite best friend. I wanna be her drinking buddy once I turn 21 cattypea- Catty is a sweet girl, albeit a little quiet, But willing to learn which I can respect! Mantam- Sweet gal, a great friend and someone to talk to Hazard- Pssh, 10/10 would go gay for, Grey- My friendly rival! At the end of the day we always see who got the most hits... its me Raijin- Raijin Caijin! Sometimes I think he is more animal than human, but he is a cool dude, with a badass wolf Deathedge- Mysterious, but i know he means well. Needs to open up more! CherryLover- Sweet little cherry, kinda feels like a little sister in a way How long has your character been playing the game? Since release How long has this particular "character" been in the game? First character made once the game started How long have they been a part of the group? He was about the halfway mark Who invited them to the group? Prince Who, from the group, did they meet first? Prince came across him while exploring at one point and decided to do a quest with him. been friends since.
Cat dardé à l'autre côté des loups à Prince, le laissant attaquer d'abord, regardant les loups se méfier, mais aussi veiller à ce que Prince ne soit pas en danger. Elle tenait son personnel à gauche, et quand Hazard a tiré sur la tête, elle s'est fléchée vers l'un des loups restants, balançait son personnel à la tête, le frappait sur le côté, et, étant donné qu'elle n'était pas aussi forte que Prince, elle a utilisé une attaque magique, allant chercher de l'eau, utilisant son personnel pour l'aider avec le sort, elle a lancé de l'eau au loup, la forçant au sol, et l'a suivi avec une attaque électrique
Just cause I like to be thorough: 1. What would you like to be called? Caits is more then fine, since it's just a shortening of my name in real life and I like it. 2. Have an age for us? Just turned 23. Hell, where did the year go? 3. How long have you been RPing? Hm. I started between the ages of 15-16. So roughly 7, 8 years. Well. Where did that time go? 4. How many RPs are you in currently? Hum. Let's see. Five. None of which are very demanding at the moment, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands. 5. What would you say are your strengths? I'm kind and caring. I'm very adaptable, and willing to work with others. I am able to play both males and females, despite being female. I can write anywhere from one word, to 1000 in a post (although 1000 ones are rare!). 6.Weaknesses? Spelling would be my main weakness, but I do use spell check, Google and dictionaries. I get very attached to my characters, which I wouldn't consider a weakness. 7. Which do you prefer playing villain or hero? I actually enjoy playing both. I don't particularly have a preference! I find it interesting playing both. 8. If you had to use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? Loyal. 9. If you could have any super power, what would it be? Just one? Empathy. Simply because I am a Nurse. Being able to know others emotions would be extremely beneficial there. 10. Do you believe that you will be committed to this RP? Yes. It is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have been looking for something like this, and will be excited to be apart of this! Real Name: Kalinda Differ Username: cattypea Title: the Nature Queen Age: 19 Gender: Female, in game and i. Real life. Race: wild born Class: Purist Level: 4 Stat Build: STR: 2 FOC: 5 AGI: 5 Skills: Cooking Trapping Taming +Melee combat +Wilderness Movement +Survival Equipment Magical staff (weapon) Short sword (weapon) Rope Cooking pot Water skin/canteen (whatever) Equipment (body) Head hood (level three), Ear: a simple earring, Neck: Necklace of Amag, (a magical item) Chest,waist, legs: light weight leather armor, and robe offering protection Left hand:glove, purely protective Right Hand: Glove, purely protective Feet: fur skin boots, purely protective Spare weapon: dagger Personality Kalinda is a soft spoken person. She doesn't voice her opinions too much, nor does she draw attention to herself. She does have a fiery nature, but most times, she is quite, serious, watchful and caring. At times she almost seems afraid. Certainly, she tries to stay away from others, and is often seen alone. She tries not to be judgemental, not wanting to judge people based on their appearances. In the game, she is able to shine. She comes out of her shell, and is able to be who she wishes to be, instead of the shy, quite mousy girl she portrays in the real world. Background Kalinda's background is somewhat...Trauma filled. She had a stable childhood until she was four, nearly five. Then, her parents took her to see her grandparents,'and on the way home, they were hit by a drunk driver. Her mother died instantly, her father lived for another hour, and the drunk driver died instantly as well. Kalinda, strapped in tight and secure, did not suffer badly. They were on a country road, and it was a few hours until someone else came along. Alone, scared and crying, Kalinda had bloodied her hands trying to get out the seat belt, which was badly jammed, and had yelled herself horse, for her parents, for anyone to help. She was rescued, and was soon taken in by her uncle, who her parents had chosen as her guardian, given the fact he had two children aged three and four. Despite this, she began quite, reserved, never really getting over the accident. She often has dreams about it. She developed a attachment to video games, and when Paradise came out, she asked for it. Her uncle, willing to give her it, complied. Other Since the stupid image won't appear, here's the link for her in game appearance! Whew. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. I hope I did well. I can change her background ground if need be, as I realise it could be seen as...bad. She's been adapted from another character of mine. I hope all the formatting is good. I also wish I had something other then anime to work with, but...I just lost all of my real life photos.
Marinette avait erré toute seule. Pas très loin, elle n'était pas perdue, mais elle avait erré dans un territoire hostile. Les autres n'avaient pas besoin d'elle pour le nivellement, Mari avait été quelque chose d'une meuleuse solo de toute façon, que, et Catty semblait bouleversée par sa présence, de sorte que cela avait renversé la balance pour elle en faveur de quitter-- pendant un certain temps au moins. L'autre groupe avait cette Cherry fille... qui ne voulait probablement pas être autour d'elle, pas pendant un moment au moins... d'ailleurs, les seules personnes dehors qui ont parlé à Ness seraient occupées à flipper pour parler au téléphone de toute façon. Mari était donc seule. C'était inébranlable, ou plus, l'idée qu'une rencontre inattendue a mal tourné pourrait entraîner la mort l'énerver, même l'obligeant, et Ness, à ressentir un peu de peur. Mais seulement un peu. Pas autant qu'il aurait dû. Elle voulait toujours combattre les dragons, malgré le risque, elle voulait tout simplement jouer au jeu et faire des choses impressionnantes dedans. C'était de l'apathie? Dépression? Sur-confiance? Peut-être qu'elle... il.. ils vivaient complètement dans le moment? Ness a peut-être vraiment manqué d'ambition dans le monde réel, et trouvé plus de satisfaction vivant en tant que Marinette? Peut-être que même la mort l'a rendu plus réel... le risque? Ou peut-être juste l'idée que l'avatar avait maintenant une mortalité complètement et absolument liée à la sienne... C'est pas vrai. Marinette secoua les pensées de sa tête en marchant à travers la forêt. Des bandits. Elle cherchait des bandits, Prince avait mentionné des bandits dans la région-- ce serait facile EXP et de l'argent facile, qui pourrait acheter de meilleures armes, de meilleurs articles. Les objets pourraient être la rupture de jeu si vous étiez intelligent avec eux, même à des niveaux bas comme son propre, 99 bombes bon marché lvl.1 à faible rendement était encore 99 bombes. 99 bombes que vous pourriez déployer en même temps... ...ou au moins... en succession rapide? À vrai dire, Marinette n'avait aucune idée de l'utilisation de masse comme ça. Pourtant, elle marchait vers l'avant, son talent dans la fureur minimisant la croûte de ses bottes faites contre les feuilles virtuelles. Elle a allumé sa musique, ne serait-ce que pour la noyer... surtout ses pensées avec du bruit organisé. Heureusement, cela ne lui donnerait pas sa position, contrairement à la vraie musique, le bruit n'était présent que dans sa propre perception, habituellement. Elle entendit une croûte de feuilles devant elle et s'arrêta, se jetant instantanément derrière l'arbre le plus proche. Elle regarda en avant, espionnant les brigands à bas niveau se mouillant près de leur point de frai. Au-delà d'eux était une grotte, les deux bandits la gardaient, et il y avait probablement quelques autres à l'intérieur. Elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de prendre une seconde pour admirer l'IA du jeu. Équipant son arbalète, elle s'approcha des deux bandits. Elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas recharger l'arbalète assez vite pour les obtenir tous les deux, mais si elle pouvait s'approcher assez de celle qu'elle n'allait pas tirer... Elle a tiré le boulon. Peut-être que ce n'était pas aussi rapide que les balles de Hazard, mais le manque de bruit plus que compensé pour elle. Le boulon s'est envolé dans l'air et s'est déchiré dans la gorge des ennemis à bas niveau, provoquant sa forme à se désintégrer presque instantanément, laissant tomber seulement son maigre butin. Bon sang, les attaques sont cassées... Mais Marinette ne pouvait pas se plaindre si c'était à son avantage. Largué l'arborescence et déchauffant son poignard empoisonné, elle a convoqué toute sa vitesse et a précipité le bandit confus et alerté de derrière avant qu'il ne puisse enquêter et la chercher. Dans un mouvement rapide, elle a apporté le poignard à la gorge du bandit et coupé, la figure s'est effondrée dans l'herbe, s'accrochant à sa gorge avant de se désintégrer. Marinette s'est moquée. Son temps était compté. Elle s'accroupit de son point de vue plus proche à l'intérieur de la grotte, il a toujours été intéressant de voir si vous pourriez obtenir les bonus furtifs sur tout le monde dans une de ces situations...
Username: Marinette Bwa'Chech Title: "The Based" Gender: In-game: Female Race: Esquen Class: Freelancer Level: 5 Stat Build: STR: 1, Considerably low. FOC: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with AGI. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. AGI: 7, Above average, on equal grounds with FOC. The points taken out of STR were put into this stat. Skills: +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making Equipment (Body): Head: (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.) Face: (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.) Ear: (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.) Neck: (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.) Chest: (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.) Right Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR) Left Arm: (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI) Left hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Hand: (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC) Right Finger: (N/A) Left Finger: (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.) Waist: (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%) Legs: (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) Right ankle: (N/A) Left Ankle: (N/A) Feet: (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. "You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!") Misc.: (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).) Equipment (Weapons): Primary Weapon: (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- ) Secondary Weapon: (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.) Spare Weapon #1: (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.) Spare Weapon #1: (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.) Pet: An Esquen Cobra named 'Anima Sola.' --- Character Appearance: Body. Face. Real Name: Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn Age: 21 Gender: Biological:Assumed Male (Gender fluid) Personality: Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. Background: An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. Appearance: ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with" Other:Marinette is almost always listening to music.
Les deux avaient l'air d'avoir vu quelqu'un de fou. Elle avait un peu plus peur de la façon dont ils réagiraient après cette soudaine explosion de bizarrerie. Elle a commencé à rougir d'embarras et a regardé un peu l'autre côté avant Cynthia a soudainement donné un commentaire sur elle. Sa tête est devenue plus rouge avant qu'elle commence à crier sur Cynthia "Je ne suis pas une reine dramatique!" Elle a tourné la tête loin des deux et a été calme pendant un moment tandis que Cynthia a appelé ce qu'elle avait tous manqué à part les potions. Elle a tranquillement dit "Désolé" à Cynthia d'avoir oublié toutes les fournitures et a attendu qu'elle aille au magasin. Raijin et Cynthia ont tous deux suggéré de retourner à la base, elle a répondu avec un clin d'œil et un carcan Void tout en s'éloignant déjà. Elle s'est tournée vers Raijin "Peut-être que tu peux me montrer autour de ta base" elle a dit d'une voix un peu plus joyeuse alors tout à l'heure.
Real Name: Komi Tachibana Username: CherryLover Title: Scrap Goddess Real Age: 16 In Game Age: 18 Real Gender: Female In Game Gender: Female Race: Pholirites Class: Pilot Level: 4 Stat Build: Foc 7 Agi 3 Str 2 Skills: +Magic ++Creation ++Mech ++Repair +Creation +Guns Pistols Equipment: Head: Eyewear (Goggles, lvl 2) Neck: Neckwear (Scarf, lvl 1) Chest: Light armor (Leather coat with black tank top under it, lvl 4) Right Arm: Bracelet (Silver wrist band, lvl 1) Left Arm: Bracelet (Navigator Watch, lvl 4, Keeps track of all the places the watch has been to (Citys,towns), also tells time) Left Finger: Ring (Silver, lvl 3) Waist: Belt (Cloth, lvl 4) Legs: Light armor (Floppy pants, lvl 4) Feet: Boots (Half lower leg, Leather, lvl 4) Primary Weapon: Firearm (M1911, lvl 4) Spare Weapon #1 Tool (Heavy wrench, lvl 2) Spare Weapon #2 Small Blade (Dagger, lvl 1) Personality: Miko is one of those girls who is always very friendly and caring towards others, she can be somewhat short tempered sometimes and breaks into rage mode when you even try to mess with her. However she is someone who is very trustworthy and helpful towards her friends and sometimes strangers as well, if you want a shoulder to cry in Miko is that person who will care for her friends. Miko tends to be very relaxed most of the time but she is never lazy and knows when to help out whenever it is needed. She is a person who is always pushing against her limits to constantly improve herself. When anything doesnt want to work out for her she just tries again but even harder than before. Background: Miko didn't have an easy life to live, most of her time was spent at home for being sick all of the sudden while she was just having a nice day of normal school. This was all because she was and is still suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections this makes her extremely vulnerable to viruses and such. After her grandpa died of illness she had a small mental breakdown. He was one of the family members to make her laugh a lot even when she was sick, it resulted in staying in the hospital for a long period of time to take care of her 24/7 till she felt somewhat better. Her life wasnt that horrible that she didn't have any fun at all there were also these moments of enjoyment. Like a simple field trip for school or a vacation to a warm land would make her feel full of excitement. The most enjoyable times where of course when her friends came to visit her at home or in the hospital, it wasn't that often but a fair amount to her. There was one thing in the world where she could just forget about it all and be someone else, in the gaming world she could breathe freely without having to worry about something making her sick and stopping her from having her fun. (give me some more time to make it better, this would have to do for now my inspiration fluids died down.) Other: Miko has just like most Pholirites bicolored eyes in the two colours blue and sea greenish, her right eye is blue and her left eye is green.
Bien sûr, Lil' Firecracker, mais c'est à peu près une seule pièce en ce moment. Raijin a dit, prendre un moment pour enlever son masque et le mettre. Comme il le faisait, il a continué. "J'ai une autre idée à la place, que diriez-vous d'aller faire un peu de nivellement, moi, vous, et Void. Je connais un super endroit pour ça. Qu'est-ce que tu préfères enlever, loups pour XP ou bandits pour de l'argent. Je suis partiale avec les loups, car Void a besoin de quelqu'un pour lui faire une pause de temps en temps. Mais je laisserai le choix à mon pilote préféré, c'est entièrement à vous de décider."
Name:Void Level:5 Beast type:Wolf Skills: +Wilderness Movement +Melee Combat Stats: Str:8 Foc:0 Agi:7 Personality: She is very sweet outside of combat, tending to play a lot and snuggle with her master's companion's. But in battle, she is a vicious fighter, going after her master's enemies with savage brilliance. She is more of a tank then her master, but still remains speedy due to the fact that she has no magic abilities and thus doesn't need to skill points placed in her Focus stat. |☺| Prince: "Prince is an okay guy, but he could stand to have a little motivation. And maybe be a little more energy, I swear 95% of the time he spends in this game is sleeping. Okay that is an exaggeration, it's closer to 80%." |☺|,possible rival, Cynthia:"She's a nice person, plus she's fun to mess with a little. And she knows how to take a joke and throw one right back. I'd say she's pretty, but this is a video game, so I don't know for sure(not that I particularly care), or even a girl(which I do care about). The trials and tribulations of meeting people over the net." |☺| Marinette:"She's cool, a bit to cool though. She doesn't seemed to be the kind that gets phased by much. Has interesting taste in music, that's for sure." |☺| cattypea:"She's an interesting one, she nice and caring, but strict. Kinda like a mom, or at least how I think a mom is. I don't have a of knowledge on the subject, only what I see on TV. She can also be very outspoken." |☺| Mantam:" Nice and cheery, she's the absolute last person I would expect to run into in a game like Paradise. Not an escapist bon in her body, unlike me, but I guess that what I like about her. Out of all the people here, I'd say she's the most carefree. This excludes Prince, as his level of carefree-ness is of the charts." |☺|Hazard: "Cocky, crack-shot, and a Razor sharp wit, what's not to like about the guy. Defintely my first choice in battle." |♪ |Grey:"Guy's alright, but he's rather confusing. Half the time I don't know whether he's joking or not, but maybe that's him getting into the role as a robot. I'm not completely convinced he isn't to be honest." |☹ | Raijin: "Raijin is who I wish I was, who I want to be. But I can never be that person. And that's why I hate him, why I hate me. Can we move on to someone else now, please?" |♪ | Deathedge: He's okay I guess, but he looks so mad all the time. Tend not to talk to him a lot, so I don't know that much about him." |☺| CherryLover: "She the prime target for my mischief. If there's one thing I love, it's messing with hot heads. She's just to easy to mess with, and her reactions are hilarious. She probably doesn't like me that much." How long has your character been playing the game? "I've been in Paradise since it's activation. It's the ultimate form of escapism, and I needed to escape. If this game hadn't came out when it did. . . well let's just say I'm glad it did and leave it at that." How long has this particular "character" been in the game? (The character your character currently plays. Character-ception.) "I have two character's, one's a purist, the other is this one. I got bored of being a purist and decided to go with Xenomaster because, hey, like animals. Thi is a class that uses them, let's play ball." How long have they been a part of the group? "I'd say around a week or two." Who invited them to the group? "Prince, dude just walked up to me one day and said, 'Hey wanna join my group?' I said yes because why the hell not, and the rest is history." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "The answer to this question is stated above, jeez you need to pay more attention."
Le monde C'est un matin d'été frais, mais pas pour longtemps, car le soleil ne s'est pas encore levé et s'est assis dans le ciel. Le temps est cinq et le soleil ne fera pas sa montée pendant une autre heure. Le village est toujours, sauf pour quelques ivrognes qui rentrent de la taverne et les fermiers qui se rendent à leurs champs. Les premiers rayons de lumière éclairent le sommet de l'arbre et le blues frais que leurs ombres jettent sur la ville lui donnent un aspect somnolent. Les corbeaux commencent à se branler sur les toits, ce sont de vilaines bêtes avec cinq yeux et ont vu des becs dentés, avec un penchant pour avoir kidnappé la chèvre occasionnelle. Au-dessous d'eux les gens commencent à remuer dans leurs lits et se préparent pour un autre jeudi. La Taverne C'était cinq heures du matin, l'heure de clôture de son grand établissement bien-aimé. Tellement aimé, en fait, qu'il y avait quelques patrons stragging qui avaient besoin d'une bonne botte pour le cul pour les convaincre de prendre leurs joyeuses façons de rentrer à la maison. C'est en aidant le dernier de ces gars qu'elle a entendu parler du "Blooming". C'était déjà cette période de l'année? Marion Dawnleaf se démangeait soudainement pour raconter une histoire. Nanda, une vilaine villageoise qui venait travailler pour elle simplement pour économiser assez de pièces pour sortir de Vale, était dans sa ligne de vue quand la tentation l'a saisie. Ils ont rencontré des yeux et la barmaid savait ce qu'elle voulait. "Nanda, poupée- J'ai presque oublié que la saison Blooming est presque sur nous." "Eh bien oui, c'est la fin du printemps et tout." vinrent la réponse dodgy, elle évita les yeux et prit une fascination en essuyant une table à bière trempée. "Vous connaissez la légende de l'Ascythénie, n'est-ce pas?" Ses yeux ont pris cette étincelle qui signalait une ouverture à une histoire répétée. "Bien sûr que si. Tout le monde à Vale sait que les vieilles femmes racontent." Dit la fille, espérant que ça la sauverait. Elle était tellement fatiguée et avait vraiment besoin d'un lit. Tout a commencé... Marion, je devrais vraiment... "Tout a commencé-" elle a répété comme elle a frappé un tabouret brusquement à ses genoux de barmaïds, ce qui a fait la fille crier dehors et prendre un siège avec bgrudging de peur qu'elle se fasse agresser un peu plus. Triomphant, le barde s'installe dans son art- sa voix prend maintenant un ton rêveur- comme si elle rappelait un souvenir chéri. "-il y a longtemps dans cette forêt, alors que ce n'était qu'un groupe de sapeurs. Un grand cerf blanc régna en tant que gardien des forêts, sur ses pas des fleurs et des vignes. Ses accusations, deux jeunes hommes, l'ont suivi où qu'il aille. Ce sont les fils du grand roi Tolémus, qui convoitaient la connaissance et ne devaient couronner que le fils qui revenait avec la connaissance la plus complète du pays. Maintenant, qu'est-ce que ces princes pourraient apprendre en suivant un gardien forestier qui les aiderait à gouverner des armées et à conquérir des terres? Ils feraient sûrement plus d'incendies de forêts que de constructions. Le frère aîné, Natas, croyait que le cerf leur parlerait et leur dirait des secrets - la magie de la nature qui vaincrait leurs ennemis. Parius, le plus jeune, était sûr que le cerf voudrait quelque chose en échange de sa connaissance. Mais le cerf n'a jamais parlé. Sur elle marchait et ils suivaient. Ils ont suivi pendant des années, en fait, et bientôt perdu patience. -- Je n'ai rien appris de cette créature! a pleuré Natas un jour. "Il se promène et pousse de l'herbe!" Sa rage était si vive qu'il déchira une fleur voisine, la déchira de ses racines et la déchira entre ses mains. À la fois le cerf tourna sa grande tête- yeux aussi clair et lumineux que la lumière du soleil- et il parla ainsi "Le mortel ose tuer mes enfants. Pour cet acte odieux, je maudis votre semence qui revendique cette terre leur maison. Ils se cacheront de la lumière du soleil, car ton acte leur fera honte. En cela, le Stag tourna son regard sur Parius- "Je ne donnerai que la moitié de mon don sur vous- car vous êtes resté patient pendant que la création a pris racine. Mais vous avez tourné un oeil sur sa destruction. Votre semence qui revendique cette terre, leur maison sera liée l'un à l'autre par la fleur que votre frère a sauvagement sauvage. Elle fleurira entre seulement deux âmes-parents, mais si elle se fane ou que le mal arrive à la fleur- ils mourront." Ainsi parlait le cerf." Nanda n'avait jamais entendu l'histoire racontée de cette façon, "Attendez-vous qu'ils meurent? Mon père disait toujours qu'ils ne trouvent jamais le bonheur. Marion sourit, brossant une mèche de cheveux auburn lâches de ses yeux, "Nanda chérie, ce qu'il t'a dit était la version de l'histoire du coucher. Ce que je dis est authentique." Elle soupira, purchant les lèvres pendant qu'elle donnait un dernier coup d'œil à sa salle à boire. Le barde roula ses épaules avant d'étirer ses bras jusqu'au bâillement, "Et maintenant vous savez d'où viennent les Ascythénies et les goules." "Joy. Puis-je rentrer chez moi maintenant?" La Maison des maires Farrest était éveillé depuis longtemps. Il a préféré commencer ses jours avant que le soleil ne le fasse- il lui a donné une chance de rassembler ses pensées et de courir à travers des plans pour le reste de la journée. Étant l'homme occupé qu'il était, il n'a vraiment pas mal de commencer tôt sur les choses non plus. Ce matin, il marchait seul - une vue rare étant donné que Dagny était habituellement en sa compagnie - mais le chien de loup avait donné naissance la veille et elle protégeait farouchement ses bébés. Comme un atout que Dagny était à ses patrouilles, il n'osait pas rêver de venir entre une mère et sa jeune fille. Il avait appris cela en regardant Marianne élever leur fils- comme un bébé personne n'a été autorisé à toucher Aldric. Tout était une menace. S'il pleurait parce qu'il avait gratté son genou, elle pleurerait et mauditrait à terre pour lui avoir fait du mal. Ça a toujours fait rire le garçon. Il a été mis à l'écart de ses pensées quand il a vu que quelqu'un l'attendait à sa destination. Comme un grand ours, une ombre remplissait la porte de la maison des maires. Le visage des géants est apparu quand il s'est retiré et a rencontré le ranger à mi-chemin, à l'entrée. Gareth Hart était une montagne d'homme. Vraiment, il devait être un descendant de géants. Ses épaules étaient deux fois plus larges que n'importe quel autre adulte que Farrest connaissait. Et, bien que le milieu ait été adouci par la retraite, le ranger pouvait clairement voir comment l'homme avait insufflé la peur à ses ennemis pendant ses années de gloire. "Farrest!" Il booma, secouant la main de ses vieux amis tout en l'applaudissant simultanément sur le dos avec l'autre. C'était comme être frappé avec de la pierre. Farrest sourit à travers la douleur- a essayé de la convertir en amour pour son ami. -- Bonjour, Gareth, des ennuis avec le jardin? À la mention des hommes préférés du temps passé le sourire a disparu de son visage rugueux. C'était la raison de la visite. Le maire avait un problème que seul un ranger comme Farrest Eleros pouvait résoudre. "J'ai bien peur, mais avant qu'on s'adresse à ça, où est ton petit?" Farrest, par habitude, regarda son genou gauche d'où les yeux sages de Dagny le regardaient souvent. Il sourit à son grand ami responsable, "Elle n'est plus tout à fait un chiot, elle a l'âge d'Aldrics." Le maire s'est ridiculisé et a dit : "Alors j'imagine qu'Aldric n'est pas vraiment un chiot lui-même?" "Ah, je ne crois pas." Répondu le ranger, souriant. Son fils avait prouvé qu'il avait grandi plusieurs fois dans le passé - ce n'était pas son souci. Mais ça l'a soudain frappé à quel point il ressemblait à lui-même. Aldric était l'idéal ranger- qui avait le désir d'apprendre et la force de mettre dans le travail pour compenser ses défauts. Mais Farrest avait vécu toute sa vie à Vale. Oui, ses forêts étaient vastes et belles et contenaient des merveilles qui ne pouvaient être vues nulle part ailleurs dans le monde. Mais il y avait des mondes qui ne pouvaient pas être trouvés ici dans l'Angar. Il ne voulait pas que son fils soit aveuglé par les arbres. Il voulait qu'il connaisse aussi l'extérieur. Une rouille dans les tournesols a ramené leur attention au jardin. Est-ce la peur qu'il a vue aux yeux de Gareths? "Il les mangeait." Informé le maire, presque frénétique. "Qu'est-ce qui a mangé quoi?" Interrogé le Ranger avec une alarme croissante. Peut-être que ce travail du matin était beaucoup plus sérieux qu'il ne s'y attendait. "Je t'ai déjà dit que tu sens l'eau du chien?" -- Quoi? demanda à Farrest, mais le maire secouait la tête. "Ce n'était pas moi, bonhomme." Un autre rouille et il a sorti sa tête d'entre les tiges de tournesols. Il mâchait comme il parlait dans la voix des maires, "Je ne supporte pas ce Farrest. C'est un type si calme, bonhomme." Il s'est moqué. Le cerf était un jaune vibrant comme les tournesols sur lesquels il se gorgait. Il aurait dû le savoir. Et maintenant il savait pourquoi le maire était si avare d'avoir traité cette nuisance-- cela pourrait facilement confondre le village et ruiner son nom- au pire bien sûr. Ces créatures ont rarement attaqué quelqu'un. "S'il vous plaît Farrest- vous devez le renvoyer dans la forêt. Je pouvais à peine dormir avec elle en se nourrissant de mon jardin toute la nuit." Le ranger a dérangé le lassoe à sa ceinture, "Pas besoin de s'inquiéter. J'arrangerai ça avant le lever du soleil."
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Guinevere Les yeux brun chocolat s'ouvrent lentement alors que les rayons du soleil touchaient son visage. Le matin était enfin venu. Yawning, elle se leva du lit et frotta ses yeux fatigués. Hier avait été une journée assez longue, son dos a encore souffert des longues heures de punition pour "accidentally" laisser tous les poulets courir sauvagement dans toute la ville. Ce n'était pas sa faute si elle était tombée sur la grille de poulet en duel d'un adversaire. Les guerriers sont allés avec le flux, même si le flux signifiait poulets partout par vos pieds. Apparemment, la ville n'appréciait pas Guinevere. Ils devraient sûrement s'y habituer un jour. Elle s'est amusée. Sirotant ses vêtements, ce n'était que quelques instants avant qu'elle ne choisisse sa tenue pour la journée. Se battant constamment contre l'épée, Guinevere passa la plupart du temps dans son armure et avait très peu de vêtements décontractés. Si c'était son choix, elle porterait son armure partout, mais cela viendrait avec des apparences constantes de désapprobation de la ville. Elle haussa les épaules et jeta sur une simple robe bleue et brune et glissa dans des embarcations brunes. Ce n'était pas trop formel, car les corsets étaient là où elle dessinait la ligne. Guinevere ne comprendra jamais pourquoi les filles se sont pratiquement étouffées pour paraître présentables. En roulant les yeux, elle a quitté sa chambre pour un délicieux petit déjeuner, sans même essayer de se peigner les cheveux. Curly comme il était, il n'a même pas exigé l'effort. De plus, Guinevere n'aimait pas passer beaucoup de temps sur elle-même. C'était une telle perte de temps et d'énergie. Un parfum d'abreuvoir rempli de Guinevere s'empare du nez pendant qu'elle squattait à la table de la famille. C'est quoi, ça? Ce n'était pas longtemps avant Guinevere, la mère a placé des œufs frais et chauds sur son assiette et lui a versé un verre d'eau. Une morsure a envoyé ses papilles danser et supplier pour plus. Alors que sa mère prenait place à côté d'elle, Guinevere se demandait où se trouvait son père, le maire de la ville. Mère, où est père ce matin? Quelque chose ne va pas? – Elle a demandé à sa mère, un peu préoccupée. Il n'y avait probablement rien de mal, mais c'était toujours mieux d'être préparé. Il est dehors en train de parler avec le ranger. Sa mère a commencé mais n'a pas pu terminer pour Guinevere avait déjà boulonné à l'extérieur. Qu'est-ce qui était si important que son père et le ranger ont dû parler avant le petit déjeuner? Elle devait savoir! Comme sa mère l'a dit, le ranger et son père conversaient juste à l'extérieur de la maison. Un léger sourire enroulé sur les lèvres de Guinevere en voyant sa gigantesque tour paternelle sur le ranger. Non, il n'était pas obèse, mais juste extrêmement musclé. C'était quelque chose qu'elle aimait chez son père, combien il était fort et pourtant agile. Guinevere a piqué un baiser sur la joue de son père alors qu'elle marchait à côté d'eux. Bonjour père et Farrest, comment allez-vous? Qu'est-ce qui t'amène ici si tôt le matin? C'est alors qu'elle a remarqué que le ranger avait décroché ses lassoes. Elle leva son sourcil et regarda autour de lui, retraçant quelque chose d'extraordinaire. Un cerf, au moins elle pensait que c'était un cerf, la couleur d'un jaune vif, dévorait sur certains tournesols. Guinevere a gazé et est allé tirer son épée, mais s'est souvenu qu'il était à l'intérieur avec son armure. "Père... Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Elle voulait faire un pas de plus, mais elle attendait que son père l'explique.
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Varric dormait de ses yeux fatigués alors qu'il sortait du lit. Il bâillait de façon impressionnante, avant de se lever et d'approcher du miroir. Il s'est regardé, avant de sourire et de chanter une courte chanson. La chanson elle-même était quelque chose d'antique par les elfes sur le changement et l'acceptation, et l'incroyable voix de Varric l'a porté à travers la taverne et par la fenêtre. Bien que cela ait pu avoir un effet positif sur celui qui écoutait, plus important encore, il a activé la magie de Varric. Des pétales de fleurs fouettaient autour de lui, altérant son apparence. Sa poitrine s'est aplatie, et son visage est devenu un peu moins féminin. Il sourit à son apparence maintenant, avant de s'habiller. Il s'était bien amusé la nuit dernière. Après avoir subtilement trébuché Guinevere avec une petite vigne à l'aide de sa magie (et elle a eu l'ACCIDENTALLY BUSTE LA COUPE DE POULET! Varric était si fier!), il avait décidé de faire un peu de farce. Le chaos qu'il avait répandu à travers la ville était incroyable, et il attendait avec impatience de le voir au cours de sa journée. Sérieusement, il avait commencé sur une note élevée avec la poulailler, puis a réétiqueté tous les instruments de mesure du boulanger, et avait utilisé la magie illusion pour rendre le marteau du forgeron invisible! Et c'était juste le petit truc. Il a souri, il s'est souvenu de tout. Il ne pouvait pas attendre pour sauter la ville et juste voir où la route allait, mais en attendant, il a eu quelques belles aventures ici. Varric s'est occupé de sa routine matinale, de se laver et de se rendre présentable. Il portait un fantaisiste griffon vert avec un capuchon plume, et a attaché son Lute à son dos. Il se regarda dans le miroir, et sourit. Oui, c'était le début d'une grande journée, et il n'y avait aucun moyen que le karma le fasse. Il n'avait qu'à se retourner et quitter sa chambre. Il a fait le premier, puis a regardé son lit. Il a clignoté une fois, deux fois, puis a laissé un bruit quelque part entre un gémissement et une malédiction. Assis sur son oreiller, il y avait encore une fleur à fleurir. Varric a paniqué. Si c'était ce qu'il pensait, sa vie pourrait être ruinée. Il prit la fleur, et sentit quelque chose se remuer dans son âme. C'est pas vrai. Dans une semaine, il fleurirait, et Varric serait lié à quelqu'un. Il s'est griffé les dents, il s'est battu contre les larmes. Il planifiait son départ pour l'aventure depuis des années. C'était tout ce qu'il voulait. Il voulait faire de grandes actions et sauver des jeunes filles et tuer des dragons et prendre une série d'amants et faire sa marque sur l'histoire. Comme sa mère. Il l'a regardée. Ses premières années impliquaient beaucoup de conduite dans un petit porte-bébé sur son dos pendant qu'elle aventurait. Il l'a vue faire des choses incroyables, et savait très tôt que c'était ce qu'il voulait faire. Chaque fois que ses compagnons lui parlèrent, ils lui demandèrent s'il suivrait les marches de sa mère. Il a toujours répondu par un OUI retentissant. Maintenant... ça pourrait être fini. Il a mis la fleur dans une poche à l'intérieur de sa veste. Il a dû en parler à Guinevere, voir ce qu'elle pensait. Il est descendu. Sa mère venait de retrouver une femme de ménage avec une histoire. Varric sourit en voyant sa mère. S'il y avait le bon parent pour Varric, c'était elle. La plupart des gens essayaient de dompter la folie de Varric. Marion l'a nourrie. Même quand elle l'a "interdit" de l'aventure, Varric pour le sentiment qu'elle essayait juste de l'amener à se rebeller. "Varric! Bonjour. Je regagnais juste Nanda avec l'histoire des fleurs! » Varric a cligné. "Ah, le grand don, et pourtant aussi la punition, infligé par le grand Stag sur le prince Parius, pour avoir assisté à la destruction insouciante des fleurs de son frère," Varric a dit dramatiquement, "Beaucoup une jeune fille attend ce don, la fleur qui lie deux âmes pour toujours. Ils espèrent surtout que j'aurai la fleur correspondante, sans aucun doute. Et pourtant, certains redoutent qu'il ne vienne, se réveillant pour trouver le bourgeon inébranlable et voulant maudire les cieux pour cela! » Marion regarda Varric étrangement. "Mais sûrement tous les bourgeons de ce genre seraient pour le meilleur. Après tout, les fleurs, comme les aventures, les repas et les lits, sont les meilleurs lorsqu'elles sont partagées », a dit Marion avec un sourire, « Et si tous les problèmes surgissent avec l'éblouissement de mon fils, j'espère qu'il pourrait me parler. » Varric sourit, "Mais vous nous connaissez jeunes. Nous pensons tout savoir." Et avec ça, il est parti. Il a traversé la ville tôt le matin. Il vit l'une de ses farces se faire fructifier sous ses yeux, tandis que le vendeur de choux poussait sa charrette et qu'un des côtés de la charrette tombait, renversant des choux partout. "Mes choux!" Le vendeur a pleuré. Varric finit par se diriger vers la maison du maire. Il a vu une vue étrange quand il est arrivé. Il a entendu le cerf insulter le Ranger à la voix du maire, et n'a pas pu s'empêcher de vomir. Il a juste HAD pour trouver comment faire ça lui-même un certain temps. Il leva la main en s'approchant, souriant. Il a ensuite dépossédé son Lute de son dos, et a appelé le Ranger. "Besoin d'aide, Fair Farrest? Un homme de votre beauté sauvage ne se soucierait certainement pas un peu de l'aide de quelqu'un qui peut manier les sauvages que vous connaissez si bien?" En vérité, il voulait se montrer un peu au maire. Varric était un fauteur de troubles connu, et la fille du maire Guinevere était son ami le plus proche. Il était préférable de montrer qu'il pouvait être utile. "Et la belle Guinevere, le soleil rayonnant de mon âme! Une fois que nous nous sommes attaqués à ce fléau calomnieux du tournesol, il y a une question que je dois discuter avec une dame de ton œcuménisme! »
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Alixanna venait de finir de se tresser les cheveux quand elle a posé les yeux sur le bourgeon floral. Il a jailli, sans entrave par les planches de plancher, il est toujours bourgeon fermé un vert vibrant et brillant dans la lumière du soleil tôt le matin. C'était exactement comme toutes les queues de fées que la brune avait entendues murmurer avant le coucher. C'était affreux. "Nope", Alixanna s'est moquée, traquant son bureau. La jeune fille a arraché un seau de racine de gingembre fraîchement récoltée et a jeté son contenu, non en flincant comme plusieurs tiges roulées sur le sol. Alixanna a avancé sur la fleur sans prétention et a placé le seau dessus, dissimulant effectivement sa présence. "Mieux", la jeune fille s'est montrée reconnaissante en admirant son travail pratique. Avec un peu de chance, sa mère ne l'a même pas remarqué. Après avoir lavé son visage et attaché un tablier sur sa simple robe bleue, Alixanna s'est enfoncée dans la cuisine où sa mère l'attendait déjà. "Bonjour ma chère," Elora a salué sa fille avec un câlin. Presque instantanément, la femme âgée recula et fronça. "Vous ne portez pas de corset." -- Excellente observation, répondit Alixanna avec un sourire, grimpant une pomme et prenant place à la table. Elora a croisé les bras et a porté les lèvres, clairement pas amusée. « Ne t'inquiète pas, maman, je suis décente », répondit l'adolescente, les coins de sa bouche secouant le sourire. "Bien," Elora s'est cognée, atteignant une main pour mettre une mèche de cheveux en retrait derrière l'oreille d'Alixanna. "J'ai organisé une réunion pour vous et le fils du duc la semaine prochaine," la femme aînée a parlé précipitamment, l'excitation scintille dans ses yeux verts. Alixanna a pris une bouchée de sa pomme et mâché délicatement pendant un moment. -- Vous voulez dire Finnley? qu'elle a clarifié, sa mère hurlant vicieusement avant que la question n'ait même fini de quitter sa bouche. "Vraiment? J'ai entendu dire qu'il avait un troisième téton." "C'est juste une taupe!" Elora a crié, jetant ses mains dans l'exaspération et le grondement. "Et avec tout le terrain qu'a sa famille, il n'aurait pas d'importance si le garçon avait quinze trayons supplémentaires", la femme a fini avec un grondement. "Gross", a dit Alixanna, mais il n'y avait que de l'humour dans sa voix. La jeune fille a fini sa pomme et s'en est débarrassée correctement, avant d'arrondir à nouveau la table pour faire un câlin à sa mère. « Aussi charmante que je pense que les anomies du corps sont, je vais devoir passer », a informé l'adolescente, faisant gémir sa mère et enterrer son visage dans ses mains. Farrest nous a-t-il apporté le moineau de la prairie? "Non, il y a une sorte de camouflage dans le jardin du maire. Mme Caperthon a dit quelque chose au sujet d'un cerf jaune », a dit Elora, agitant une main parfaitement manucurée comme pour rejeter toute la situation entirley. "Elle a aussi dit que le maire accusait Farrest d'avoir senti des dieux ou quelque chose comme ça, mais honnêtement, la femme a quatre-vingt-trois ans. Elle m'a dit hier qu'elle cultivait une pomme de terre dans son nombril." -- Mmm, répondit Alixanna, en attachant les lacets sur ses bottes en cuir usées. "Je n'en douterais pas, Da et moi avons trouvé un gland là-dedans la dernière fois." Elora avait l'air apaisée par cette nouvelle information. "D'accord, je ferais mieux d'aller chercher cette herse. Da en a besoin pour une nouvelle salve sur laquelle il travaille. Au revoir, maman!" Alixanna a dit, et avec une vague d'adieu, limité dans les escaliers et par la porte d'entrée.
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
Dans les premières recoins du matin, un homme était dur à travailler alors qu'il allait créer des objets merveilleux à partir des minerais que la terre portait à la famille. Les armes ont été soigneusement pendues afin de montrer l'artisanat du duo. Le garçon frappe continuellement le métal lumineux à des angles et des endroits spécifiques pour former l'objet dans ce qui serait une lame nouveau-né pour un aventurier errant à acheter. Au travail, il reste attentif non seulement à la lame, mais aussi à tous les clients potentiels qui ont décidé d'acheter une arme aussi tôt le matin... puis encore une fois, très rarement il voyait une tache de vie autre que l'animal occasionnel. Alors qu'il a fini de mouiller l'épée, il s'est mis à la refroidir avant de jeter un coup d'œil à la lame éloquemment façonnée. "Hmm, pas mal je devrais dire. La lame est tranchante comme toujours avec le point d'être facilement capable de rabattre la chair... brr, une pensée plutôt horrible mais hélas c'est la vérité, une triste aussi à elle..." "De toute façon, j'ai besoin de livrer des armes à quelques personnes et des académiciens aujourd'hui. J'ai une liste d'entre eux qui ont voulu que je livre, cependant, d'autres peuvent sembler recevoir leurs armes pendant que je suis parti... Espérons que maman ne s'inquiète pas pour moi errant sur un voyage merveilleux... pas comme cela se produira avec une poignée plus forte que l'acier" Avec un soupir placide, il est entré dans la maison propre qui a été bien gardé malgré les outils tranchants tout autour. En scannant la zone générale, il a trouvé une feuille de papier propre qui se trouvait près de choses surprenantes qui pouvaient être considérées comme dangereuses. C'était un signe que sa mère a peut-être oublié de nettoyer quelque chose la nuit dernière avant de partir au bar. Même si c'était mineur, ils devaient garder les apparences à la hauteur pour attirer des gens potentiels qui pourraient vouloir acheter des biens et il ne voulait pas du tout l'impression d'être négligent. Le garçon s'occupait du problème le plus rapidement possible et s'occupait de son entreprise, trouvant les matériaux nécessaires pour laisser une note derrière elle afin qu'elle comprenne où il traversait. Alors qu'il allait écrire une lettre, il continua à méditer sur le message énigmatique que son père lui avait laissé concernant des fleurs, ainsi que sur l'étrange cadeau qu'il avait reçu la nuit dernière. Il agita son esprit sur leur signification, mais continua à lutter pour déverrouiller les secrets qui ont empêché sa vue. Une fois la lettre terminée, il l'a laissée sur le bureau, car c'était la première chose qu'elle verrait probablement dans le hall. Cela dit, il est retourné dans l'atelier, achetant les marchandises avant de partir. "Je me demande pourquoi certaines personnes ne peuvent jamais obtenir ce trade comme c'est assez simple. Puis encore une fois, les gens ont leur propre niche et peuvent l'utiliser pour les aider dans leur éducation... Père a pratiqué une certaine alchimie, mais j'ai lutté pour conjurer des concoctions créatives. Malgré tout, je ne devrais pas abandonner ce chemin que j'ai tracé. Je pourrais avoir besoin de trouver obstinément un autre moyen si elle continue d'essayer de me descendre et de me forcer à aller dans le forgeron et le forgeron seulement. Elle sait que j'ai une envie de savoir, mais elle essaie trop fort de laisser ce désir s'évanouir en essayant consciemment de me protéger... peut-être qu'un jour je pourrai le poursuivre, mais pour l'instant... ça." Le garçon se lamentait dans ses pensées alors qu'il commençait son chemin vers le sud, en nettoyant son visage avec un chiffon simple qui devint gris au cours de l'essuyage du grime et de la sueur enchâssés sur ses joues. Il a gagné quelques regards d'une petite quantité de personnes autour de son âge qui doit obtenir un raisonnement pour pourquoi il était debout si tôt tout en ayant l'apparence d'être épuisé. Les autres qui connaissaient les services qu'il offrait à ses parents n'étaient pas étrangers lorsqu'il livrait les armes à leurs nouveaux compagnons. Un par un, il les a enregistrés et leur achat ainsi que l'obtention de la bonne quantité d'or d'eux dans le processus. Au cours du petit matin, il a dépêché les articles avec facilité, avant de livrer l'arme finale - une lance à son propriétaire légitime. Avec cette tâche finalement terminée, il a commencé à traverser à nouveau au forgeron, en envisageant d'aller se former ou étudier un peu... ... avant d'entendre une voix familière d'un homme plutôt infâme (à ses yeux) complétant la fille des maires. Même avec cette partie spécifique de la phrase qui sortait, il était plus curieux de ce qu'il voulait dire par fléau... et puis il a vu le cerf qui dévorait les fleurs des maires. C'était un jaune vif, de la même couleur que les fleurs qui aidaient le garçon à discerner facilement qu'il s'agissait d'un cerf cobaltifère. Un de ses livres lui racontait les bêtes enchantées qui erraient près de la ville et il a absorbé la connaissance dans son système, obtenant une compréhension profonde de la situation difficile. Il est également arrivé à la conclusion de comment l'attirer sans sauter à l'utilisation de l'armement car il semblait qu'ils étaient un peu déroutés et presque prêts à agir sur l'impulsion. "D'accord, si des problèmes de cerfs... ok Laciel, il suffit de marcher jusqu'à eux et de dire poliment votre affaire et votre idée d'enlever la créature des locaux sans l'usage de la force." "Uhm... Monsieur? Je, euh... Je pense que j'ai une solution à ce problème." Cela pourrait être plus doux qu'il ne le pensait alors qu'il tentait d'éviter tout contact visuel. Toute cette situation était embarrassante et il voulait juste fuir vers le forgeron car c'était tellement embarrassant. Et s'il a dit la mauvaise chose ou a trébuché sur ses propres mots?! Ce n'était pas du tout une bonne situation pour Laciel.
Name: Laciel Lenssed Age: 18 Height: 6"1' Personality: A rather quiet and rather to himself sort of boy is not much one for words, or really anything revolving around talking since he is rather nervous about spouting the wrong thing along with having a bit of social anxiety. He isn't too headstrong and is rather thoughtful than rushing into the fray, despite having his mothers blood in him. He takes after his father in this sense by staying vigilant and alert to any danger coming near. However, back on the topic of talking to others. Due to being confined to the forge a lot, he doesn't exactly have people skills. Laciel has watched others speak to try and better himself, however it is unknown how soon he will improve. Even with these drawbacks, ever since he was of a young age, Laciel held an innate curiosity of the world about him. He would always search for a way to study, even if it meant his mother scolding him for doing something reckless. If he becomes curious, it may overlap with his thoughtful side when weighing the odds. Usually his decisions are right most of the time, but sometimes they are less than desired results... such as the time he almost got killed by a bear. Thankfully his mother is a lot more fearsome than the bear and promptly caused it to flee, however being "fierce" is something he is lacking in with his supposedly decrepit appearance. The boy has an immense dislike for being tied down to one path and prefers to choose his own way. Since his mother is often fearful of whatever dangers he might have to face, she is overprotective of him which gets old pretty quickly. He feels the need to speak out against her and how his mother is one step in front of him to make his troubles fleeting... Even with her other activities, she managed to keep a keen eye on him and is rather frustrated about being hounded on consistently. He finds it rather difficult to tell her off since it's difficult to locate a mean bone in his body. Even the best doctors around couldn't even find one if they tried... Even with these limitations, he does have a breaking point and one can only hope it isn't broken. Bio: "Laciel is a lot like his father I'll tell ya! Scholarly, curious... and a wee bit stubborn to boot." - Leslie Lenssed Hailing from a long line of scholars and blacksmiths, Laciel was born into a trade that would possibly consume his life and revolve around him consistently... if he wasn't so adverse to not being coaxed into the path of the forge. Ever since he was of a ripe age, he was always working beside his mother at the forge and at night would listen to his fathers encounters when traveling with her prior to them settling down in Vale eventually. Such tales fraught with excitement and mysteries attracted him, but most of all the delight of new knowledge that he could become enlighten with. The dream felt so far away to him, but he was determined to make it a reality and gain the wisdom of those before him. His life outside the house was less than spectacular than the stories spoke of by his father as he spent most of his time around the forge and less around the children. He grew close to his mother as he observed her conjure up weapons with her vitality. Over time he began to properly forge weapons for others, easily taking over his mothers spot when she went off hunting with father or in bed with a hangover after drinking myriads of men Laciel couldn't count (father included) under the table. It was annoying at first, but eventually he became accustomed to her less than stellar and boisterous habits. When he is allowed off from the forge for working a tinge bit too hard, either Laciel pursues knowledge in his free time from the library, his assortment of books, or his father himself. His father expresses a lot of joy for taking interests in his path, but feels the need for leaving cryptic messages for Laciel to figure out. Once he figures out his fathers riddles he becomes ecstatic at his sons ability to properly comprehend his meanings whether it be physical in a sense or metaphorical. After figured out, he would spend a long time with his son, lecturing him and teaching him new things he had never known about before. These times allowed to bond with his father which he rarely had time for since he was usually out reliving his mystical tales through providing for the family. The other times he doesn't get the chance, he is seen by others hanging out in the library studying his days away while others train and enjoy their days in the sunlight. He was often teased by others for being so engrossed in books and was never seen training. Despite these stinging words, he took private lessons from his mother who demonstrated her skills which dazzled him. He often would test his mettle against his mother and other challengers, either failing or succeeding with his prior knowledge gained through his spars with Leslie. This only continued to fuel the desire for paving his own path. One day, his father left without leaving a trace or warning with the exception of a simple letter created with a cryptic message which befuddled his mother. The two were bothered by two completely different reasons, his mother who became worried over his fathers disappearance due to the dangers which most likely were in wait. Laciel became worried over the measures she would go to when becoming very overprotective for another, coming to the conclusion of what sacrifices she would make to safeguard what she dearly loves. This lead to his mother keep a closer grip and keener eye on son after the event which began to slightly suffocate him with the ever impending presence. He rarely could stray too far, but he wanted to travel to bring his father back due to a paltry rumor that caused a ruckus over his family... although he did also find it slightly interesting since it offered something he knew and loved all too well. Other than that, he often attempted to make talk with the other children after watching them make contact with one another. He hadn't really socialize with people other than the exceptional few he would come upon. However, when the event arose to gain a new friend, he ran off to "get to work at the forge." Laciel found himself being consistently beat up mentally through this as he became annoyed at his inability to form a long lasting friendship with another. At the age of eighteen, his sword-skills and smithery have made his mother and him known as the dynamic duo of forging in the village as they continued to make weapons with infallible craftsmanship, with the exception of a few times due to a few mistakes, some of which from his mother, Leslie. From what he could tell, she was still bothered by his fathers leave, even after the two years that flew by before his very eyes. It was seemingly becoming worse as she began to fret a bit more, little by little. It was difficult to notice to the naked eye but she could easily hide her sorrows from others, with the exception of Laciel who began to constantly worry over her well-being since the stress was possibly getting to her in both ways. Along with her becoming perturbed, his social skills were still lacking horribly as he struggled to develop them over the years. That was the only thing that ever continued to dull over the years, until of course he was greeted by an enigmatic letter signed by his father lying on his bed. This one made even less sense than before and made him wrack his brains over more than before to understand it. Laciel did ponder upon the letter, but he hasn't found an answer, yet for the most part... A mithril longsword specially crafted by Laciel himself at a tender age which was considered almost a bit difficult to wield at his age and had assistance from his mother when making it. It's rather large and difficult for most people to properly wield, however thanks to the inherited strength, he seems to possess the vital strength to use the weapon. It has an engraving above the guard of it with two L's side by side. Skills: Mimic: With a thirst for procuring wisdom, he has the ability to properly mimic others fighting styles to put them at a roadblock. Even with a simple longsword, he can almost properly copy another. If he managed to wield the same weapon, then they could be in loads of trouble. Counter: Once he properly learns of a person and their fighting style he can turn the tables and swiftly use their own strategy against them, or come up with a new one to easily fall them. Endurance and Fortitude: Training with others and mainly his mother has left more than a fair amount of bruises and cuts. However, such endeavors that he has endured have caused him to toughen up and become formidable in combat which can cause major surprised to others who don't expect him to be able to properly jump into the fray. Laciel also has his mothers unrivaled strength which was nurtured over spars and losses into the budding blacksmith he is today. Watchful Eye: Laciel has spent a lot of time sneaking away from the stray eyes of Leslie, allowing him to get a taste of nature. Not only can he analyze the area around him, but he can keep up with any inconsistencies in his line of sight as if it was childs play. However, keeping an eye on his environment isn't the only thing he can extort to his advantage. Scholarly Mind: Laciel spends as much time in the books as he does in the forge. He keeps a whole library in the room containing him and will often become sleep deprived to procure knowledge. His love for knowledge allows him to gain information quicker and dispense them to others that he feels that could put this knowledge to use. An example is his knowledge of the forge and his power to easily create wonders. Even so, he won't hesitate to use such a thing to his advantage for his own reasons.
Peut-être devriez-vous lui parler... pour le calmer. Le maire Hart a suggéré que les deux hommes notent que les yeux des cerfs se sont considérablement élargis à la vue de la lassoe. "Le discours humain n'est pas exactement quelque chose qu'ils comprennent, Gareth. Le chevreuil Mimick. Mimiking est une chose. La compréhension en est une autre." Il a caché la corde derrière son dos avant de s'accroupir. Le cerf de tournesol l'a étudié. "C'est mieux qu'on prenne des positions moins intimidantes..." il regarda le géant de sept pieds à côté de lui, "peut-être que vous devriez entrer pour le moment, Maire Hart." "Nonsen-" Gareth a été coupée par Guinevere en train de sortir sa tête de chez eux, s'inquiétant de leur matin et de la raison de la présence de Farrests. À la vue d'elle, les oreilles des cerfs s'élançaient vers l'avant, et elles commençaient à se déplacer nerveusement dans le jardin. Qu'est-ce que c'est? Gareth vit qu'elle allait chercher son épée. C'était la raison exacte pour laquelle il a appelé Farrest. Le maire savait seulement comment boucher et hacher avec sa hache- il ne pouvait pas nu pour tuer quelque chose de peur qu'il n'ait du sang partout sur ses précieuses fleurs. "Un cerf errant, ou, euh, un chevreuil de la forêt. Venez manger au jardin. Farrest est ici pour l'éloigner d'ici et de ma vie pour toujours. » Le ranger était beaucoup trop concentré dans sa tâche pour rire. Le maire, sa fille et le repas qui l'a précédé l'ont distrait. Tellement qu'elle a failli oublier la présence de Farrest. Presque. La dope s'empara rapidement de ses mouvements et se retira plus loin dans le jardin, murmurant quelque chose dans une voix d'étrangers au fur et à mesure qu'elle allait. "Besoin d'aide, Fair Farrest? Un homme de votre beauté sauvage ne serait-il pas un peu d'aide de quelqu'un qui peut manier les sauvages que vous connaissez si bien? Le ranger se tourna vers Varric Dawnleaf. Pendant toutes ses années, sachant qu'il n'avait épinglé qu'une poignée de ses farces à lui, mais le ranger soupçonnait que beaucoup d'autres troubles étranges autour de la ville étaient son travail. Oui, pour la plupart, ils étaient inoffensifs et pouvaient facilement être rectifiés. Mais le Ranger s'est demandé combien de temps ces simples farces enfantines resteraient si inoffensives. Combien de temps ça prendrait jusqu'à ce que Varric commence à avoir de vrais ennuis. "Ah-pas besoin- J'ai le sentiment que nous n'aurons pas besoin de magie de la nature pour la contrôler. Mais merci Varric. Je préférerais que tout le monde garde sa distance de peur qu'on ne l'effraie." "Uhm... Monsieur? Je, euh... Je pense que j'ai une solution à ce problème." Le ranger a filé et a regardé vers la voix - il a reconnu le fils des forgerons. -- Et maintenant? Il l'a demandé à l'amiable. Leslie aimait se vanter de l'intelligence de ses fils, mais Farrest n'a jamais eu l'occasion de travailler avec le garçon. "Qu'est-ce que tu as en mi-" Le maire s'est interpolé, "Bonjour Varric- et Laciel! Je ne peux pas te voir en dehors de la forge, mais ne nous dérange pas. Je ne voudrais pas vous empêcher de jouer avec Guinevere, Varric. Et s'il vous plaît, jouez autour de Dunstans coop." Il regardait fixement sa fille et son regard montrait qu'il savait, "Tu sais, la coopérative que tu as détruite hier. Dunstan n'a pas dit un mot, mais je préférerais que vous alliez tous les deux l'aider à le réparer." Juste alors une des fenêtres de la maison s'est ouverte et la tête blonde de sa femme s'est évanouie, "Elle a fait quoi?" Farrest a dû s'évanouir alors que la dope sortait du jardin, stupéfaite. Le ranger maudit et a tiré sur Sebille un regard exaspéré. La femme des maires a regardé en état de choc, "Qu'est-ce que c'était que ce truc-" Gareth a glissé nerveusement, voyant à quel point tout était bondé et à quel point Farrest était devenu bouleversé. Il a mis une main sur les épaules de Varric et Guinevere, "Vous deux, allez-vous-hm? Reviens déjeuner, Varric. Tu manges de la viande, oui? J'ai quelque chose de spécial." Puis il se tourna vers sa femme, "Darling ce que vous me parliez de tout à l'heure - ce truc sur le verre-" a-t-il dit précipitamment alors qu'il rentrait dans la maison. Sebille pouvait prendre un indice, elle gloussait et disparaissait à nouveau dans la maison. Seulement pour revenir quelques instants plus tard à la fenêtre pour parler à son enfant, "Guinevere, chérie, excuse-toi auprès de Dunstan pour ton comportement. Tu sais comment ton père aime les œufs le matin." Farrest a dégagé sa gorge et lui a dit adieu alors qu'elle rentrait dans la maison, déjà calmé une fois de plus. À l'heure actuelle, la dot avait couru plus loin dans la ville. Il soupira et se demanda combien de temps il lui faudrait pour le trouver sans Dagny. Les tournesols n'avaient pas de parfum, alors il serait dans la même situation. Il regarda vers Laciel, "Allons-y après, hm? J'aurais encore besoin de ton plan." Il ne voulait pas renvoyer le garçon à sa mère, ça semblait cruel. Quelque chose lui a dit aussi qu'il apprécierait probablement un matin de chasse aux cerfs. Un sifflement familier a alors attiré son attention. Le ranger regarda vers la direction du son et vit son fils s'approcher de lui depuis le bas de la route. Farrest sourit, plus il a aidé le plus joyeux. "Mon fils, bonjour." Il a chaleureusement salué Aldric. "Vous êtes arrivés au moment parfait. Un cerf cobalt a erré dans Vale et a mangé quelques-uns des tournesols maires. Alors maintenant c'est son jaune.. Mais ça s'est juste enfui. Il a imité la voix des maires, donc c'est son meilleur moyen de l'envoyer sur le chemin du retour dans l'Angar." Il a fait un geste à Laciel, "Laciel nous aidera, dit qu'il a un plan."
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
C'est de la varicelle. "Mais sir Gareth, sans doute mes magies naturelles pourraient être une grande aubaine pour vous dans le rugissement de cette plante ravageur. Mais, hélas, je suppose que je dois couvrir mes difficultés à me faire ami comme d'habitude," Varric a dit dramatiquement, avant de regarder Guinevere et sourire. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, mon ange, car nous gérerons votre malheur ensemble. Je vais calmer le Dunstan en colère et lui apporter une telle joie par la chanson qu'il ne sera même pas en colère à propos des dommages. Et quand tu arrangeras la coopérative elle-même, pourquoi, je superviserai comme personne n'a jamais supervisé auparavant! » Il s'arrêta : "Et nous discuterons de botanique. Car la fleur de mon cœur semble fleurir pour l'une de vos beautés." Varric se demande momentanément qui pourrait être son "soulmate". D'une part, il savait que la fleur avait tendance à lier l'homme et la femme. Il se demandait ce que cela signifiait pour lui. Il n'aimait pas l'idée de l'avoir décidé pour lui. D'une part,'string of amants' était encore dans ses projets à court terme. C'était peut-être Guinevere. Ils étaient proches, après tout. Varric pourrait dire honnêtement qu'il l'aimait. Cependant, il n'était pas si sûr qu'il puisse l'aimer. En outre, alors que son illusion magique pouvait en grande partie déguiser son corps, Varric savait que la nuit les illusions devaient tomber. Si elle était sa femme, serait-elle d'accord pour ne jamais avoir d'enfant? Est-ce qu'elle le trouverait séduisant? Quant à quelqu'un d'autre, eh bien... et s'ils ne voulaient pas partir. Il y avait beaucoup de choses que Varric ne voulait pas se coucher, comme la fille d'Alixanna le médecin, ou Aldric, qui a hérité du style de vie et du physique de son père. Mais le mariage était un engagement. Et Varric ne voulait pas s'engager à rester en ville. Il ne pouvait pas imaginer s'installer. Et s'ils voulaient des enfants? Si c'était le cas, serait-il d'accord pour porter des enfants? Il secoua les pensées de sa tête, et conserva son comportement joyeux, bien qu'il fût certes nerveux à l'intérieur. Il sentit la fleur sous sa veste. C'était comme des chaînes, près de son cœur.
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Le voyage d'Aldric jusqu'à l'hôtel de ville a été interrompu, en partie par le cerf jaune qui a passé devant lui et en partie par sa course à son père. "Bonjour Père." Il regarda le garçon un peu fou derrière son père, il ne savait pas tout à fait qui c'était jusqu'à ce qu'il l'ait bien regardé.. "Laciel, bonjour." Le fils du forgeron, il n'était pas aussi robuste que sa mère, mais il avait une excellente aptitude à la connaissance, quelque chose d'Aldric très respecté. La connaissance, c'est le pouvoir, a toujours dit son père. Aldric a cogné un sourcil sur son père, "C'était un cerf de cobalt? Je savais ce qui était bizarre, mais je ne pensais pas que c'était ça. La créature a couru il y a un moment." Il s'est maudit pour avoir manqué l'occasion d'attraper la bête. S'il avait juste été un peu plus perspicace, il aurait pris sur qu'il était un cerf cobalt et fait un effort pour attraper ou au moins le suivre. Pourtant, il était un peu tard pour ce que le sis maintenant. Tout ce qu'Aldric pouvait faire, c'était se concentrer sur la façon de l'attraper maintenant. Son père a indiqué à Laciel qu'il avait un plan. -- Très bien, qu'avez-vous à l'esprit Laciel?
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
La lune se situait juste au-dessus de l'horizon alors que la femme traversait le village, vêtue de ses armures et ayant clairement été hors de la ville pendant un certain temps bien qu'elle n'ait pas fait de cheval à travers la Vale alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers sa maison. Elle n'avait pas dormi la nuit précédente, ni le jour, au lieu de cela elle s'éloignait de la maison pendant un certain temps bien qu'elle n'était partie qu'un seul lever du soleil car elle n'était partie que jusqu'à la plus proche noble tenue. Noblemen avait toujours des ennemis et des sacs pleins d'or qui étaient mûrs pour la prise si vous saviez comment obtenir d'eux; non seulement elle avait été payée ce soir, mais elle avait aussi cueilli plusieurs poches de leurs poches et porté une belle somme de cinq cents pièces d'or à la maison avec elle ce matin. Elle marcha le long du chemin tranquille, heureux que tout le monde dormât pour qu'ils ne voient pas la silhouette voilée qui traversait la ville, une épée sur sa hanche et une dague dans sa botte, une poche d'or entre ses seins où personne ne le remarquerait. Elle arrondit le coin et s'évanouit comme l'un des gardiens de la ville, trouvant facilement son chemin dans l'ombre et restant cachée pendant qu'il passait, même si elle était à moins d'un pied de lui, il ne l'a jamais remarquée. Atteindre elle a frappé un petit couteau à travers le bouton du porte-monnaie homme et elle a attrapé les morceaux de cuivre et de bronze dans la paume de sa main où il s'est refermé dans un poing soigné et elle l'a glissé dans son manteau, en les comptant avec ses doigts comme elle les a lâchés dans une poche dans le tissu. Elle attendit plusieurs battements de cœur avant de repartir de l'ombre, en s'éblouissant à nouveau en s'éloignant de la petite ville. Ayant traversé la ville le soleil avait commencé à se lever derrière elle en marchant le chemin de terre qui traversait l'herbe de la ville à sa maison; il n'y avait pas une vraie route pour les charrettes comme les deux préfèreraient prendre un cheval de leurs propres pieds n'importe où. Le chemin était familier et la jeune femme tirait une dague derrière sa cuisse et la tournait entre ses doigts en marchant, cependant, le twang soudain d'une note horriblement jouée suivie de paroles terriblement rimées et elle savait qu'Ezra était une fois de plus sous sa fenêtre. Il a été interrompu bien sûr, par sa mère lui criant dessus et elle était reconnaissante – pour la première fois depuis des années – que la femme était une telle salope. Ce qu'elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il se retourne et marche vers elle pendant qu'elle se tenait à découvert, juste hors de la propriété. *Damnmit. *
Illya Vance Thief’s Daughter – Rogue Assassin Below average height at five foot, two inches and weighing in at just under 7 stones, Illya is a thin girl with a good amount of muscle on her. Small feet and still shapely with a womanly figure. Healthy, with eyes the colour of storm clouds. Age Nine and Ten years Gender Female – Heterosexual Weapon(s) Mithril Dagger -Stolen by her mother and given to her when she turned ten-and-two. It is of dwarven make as mithril can only be mined or worked by the dwarves- Steel Sword -A hand-and-a-half sword she found buried in her mothers’ things- Recurve Bow -Built for hunting, this bow is one who has seen more human deaths than those of animals- Skills Assassinate -If she can get close enough without being spotted, and manage a successful attack, Illya may instantly kill her target with a fatal blow- Become Shadows -With her ability to blend in she may become invisible to the untrained eye, melding with the shadows around her. This combined with her Assassinate ability, make her the perfect stealth attacker- Shadow Step -A passive skill, Illya makes no sound when she walks unless she thinks about it. This also applies to the rest of her body. She makes no noise when she moves, allowing her to sneak up on almost anyone- Sleight of Hand -With practiced ease, the thief may slip a hand inside another pocket, through their bag or make something seemingly vanish into thin air- Acrobatics -After years of practice, she had developed the ease to climb high on next to nothing, to jump and enhances her flexibility to near contortionist levels- Personality Illya has never been one to talk to others, nor share her secrets with them, instead allowing herself to become the distant image by the wall that few would ever really remember. Unemotional and detached, she is cold as ice when it comes to dealing with her target or victims, though when she needs to she can put on the perfect mask and act her way with a flawless facsimile of real emotion. She’s apathetic and rhythmic, with little deviation from how she does things. On the other hand, she is prone to sudden fits of unpredictability or rage, leaving her to do things out of her usual patterns. This has landed her in trouble before, though the person there with the anger is buried deep within her. Biography Illya was raised away from town, taught most by her mother and learning the rest on her own adventures in and around town. The people there were well aware of what her mother was, though if she stole from them they never noticed or could never prove that it was really her and from that reputation people began to believe that the daughter would be much like Marideth was. From a young age Illya was subject to the scorn and distrust of the people in town, hated even by some and the villagers children didn’t treat her any better having learned from their parents that she wasn’t someone to talk to or trust. She became secluded, locking away her own emotions when the bullies came to harass her and over time she became a being of nothingness with little to drive her onward. By the time she was seven she could easily be described as an emotionless thing rather than a human child. Worse even, she was raised without a father, so only her mother – young and having given birth when she was merely sixteen – was left to raise her. She started watching, observing and soon she began to learn all she could and started stealing from the villagers without them even noticing it; her hands became quick and her face began to show a smile again, though little of it was real. She was satisfied with stealing from the village, up until she’d left home for several months once and gone on to a large city where she came face to face with a master assassin. In the time she was gone, the village had thought her moved away and gone for good, but she was learning even more, but this time it was how to be the perfect assassin. The first mark she killed was a young noble man, wanted dead for the affair he was having with a powerful man’s wife and earned herself a pretty pouch of gold before returning home to her mother and the village that shunned her. People questioned why she left in the first place, though she never gave much than a need to see the big city to their faces but Merideth new the first time she saw the pouch of gold on her daughter. The woman had never had much teaching ability to begin with, and few maternal instincts but she was against Illya learning her trade, instead allowing her to buy what she needed regardless of her daughters protests. Why should I act like something I’m not? Why not prove them right and make them regret passing such early judgement? She’d really left because she needed space and someone to really learn from, a Master to show her which way to go to reach her fullest potential. She’d found him too and came back to show her mother exactly what she had been keeping her from. Merideth had to admit, she was a little bit impressed. She’s nineteen now and spend often months at a time away from home, stealing and killing while hiding her riches away from the public eye, instead allowing the Vale to think her a regular girl with few special talents. Other
Guinevere regarda le cerf, curieux et étonné par sa beauté et sa valeur. La chasse n'avait jamais été son truc, mais il semblait étrange que son père le veuille mort simplement parce qu'il avait mangé des tournesols de leur jardin. Guinevere n'a pas vécu dans ses pensées très pour une voix trop familière qui leur a rapidement appelé. C'est Varric. "Et la belle Guinevere, le soleil rayonnant de mon âme! Une fois que nous nous sommes attaqués à ce fléau calomnieux du tournesol, il y a une question que je dois discuter avec une dame de ton œcuménisme! » Varric a dit. Guinevere a levé son sourcil. Quelque chose à discuter avec elle? Parfait. Elle n'avait toujours pas pu lui parler d'une situation particulière. Je crois que mon épée est assez tranchante aussi Smirking, elle a vu à Varric et a croisé ses bras. Les mots ne pouvaient jamais décrire sa personnalité, pas même Guinevere, qui l'a connu pour toujours, ne pouvait le définir pleinement. "Bonjour Varric- et Laciel! Je ne peux pas te voir en dehors de la forge, mais ne nous dérange pas. Je ne voudrais pas vous empêcher de jouer avec Guinevere, Varric. Et s'il vous plaît, jouez autour de Dunstans coop." Gareth regarda fixement sa fille et son regard montra qu'il savait, "vous savez, la coopérative que vous avez détruite hier. Dunstan n'a pas dit un mot, mais je préférerais que vous alliez tous les deux l'aider à le réparer." Guinevere a gagné à la mention de la poulailler. Elle a supposé qu'il ne savait rien quand il n'en a pas parlé au dîner. S'excusant rapidement auprès de son père, Guinevere a promis de réparer la poulailler tout de suite. Scowling à Varric, elle l'a suivi pendant qu'ils retournaient à Dunstan. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, mon ange, car nous gérerons votre malheur ensemble. Je vais calmer le Dunstan en colère et lui apporter une telle joie par la chanson qu'il ne sera même pas en colère à propos des dommages. Et quand tu arrangeras la coopérative elle-même, pourquoi, je superviserai comme personne n'a jamais supervisé auparavant! » Guinevere coude Varric dans l'estomac, dur, probablement assez pour l'envoyer à genoux. Il le méritait bien. Varric a fait une pause : "Et ensuite nous discuterons de botanique. Car la fleur de mon cœur semble fleurir pour l'une de vos beautés." En s'éloignant un peu de lui, Guinevere continua à marcher. Le flirt de Varric commençait à vieillir, mais certaines choses ont encore réussi à la faire flipper. Romance était quelque chose qui avait Guinevere criant dans la peur. Varric voulait seulement jouer et s'amuser, et elle était bien consciente de ça, mais c'était toujours flirtant et elle n'était pas sûre qu'elle s'y serait habituée. "Ah! J'ai laissé mon épée chez moi. Pourquoi ne pas commencer à réparer le poulailler de Dunstan pendant que je vais chercher mon épée? Ça ne prendra qu'un moment! » Elle a dit avant de sprinter à la maison, ne cherchant même pas à voir si Varric la suivait ou allait à la poulailler. Guinevere s'est précipitée dans sa chambre pour découvrir quelque chose qu'elle n'avait pas remarqué auparavant. Assis sur son oreiller était un bourgeon vert qui n'avait pas encore fleuri. Guinevere a laissé sortir un griffon d'oreilles dans la peur. C'est pas vrai. C'est pas vrai. Ça n'arrivait pas. Elle? C'est pas vrai. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire, c'était regarder la fleur qui tuait les rêves, car les visions d'aventures semblaient disparaître.
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Varric 'oof' s'est fortifié quand Guinevere l'a coude, et a failli tomber à genoux de la douleur. Il a eu l'impression qu'elle savait qu'il l'avait fait trébucher. D'un autre côté, les Dieux pouvaient lui en vouloir. La dernière fois qu'il était dans cette douleur, c'était quand ces bandits l'ont capturé. Elle a dit quelques conneries sur son épée (qu'il n'a pas écoutée correctement parce que OW), et est allée l'obtenir. Varric a hurlé poliment, "Ow. Et aussi ow. Mais très bien, je vais commencer par, oh belle Guinevere." Il a fait quelques pas dans la direction de la coopérative, étourdissant sa vie au fur et à mesure qu'il allait. Il chantait un air assez, et des pétales de fleurs l'entouraient. Puis, il recula, une copie parfaite de lui-même marchant encore en avant et jouant. Varric s'est hurlé sous son souffle maintenant, concentré, et est devenu le vent. Il s'est déplacé comme une chanson sur la brise, intangible. Il avait prévu de sortir et de lui faire peur quand elle est entrée dans sa chambre. Finalement, ils ont atteint sa chambre, et comme Varric est redevenu tangible et était sur le point de lui crier et de lui faire peur, elle a crié à haute voix, le faisant peur. Varric a vu pourquoi, et a sorti sa propre fleur de sa veste. Il a regardé Guinevere. Il a parlé, pour une fois, complètement sérieux. " me sens comme si on devrait probablement en parler." Pendant ce temps, son clone s'est percuté contre le mur du poulailler brisé, déroutant les passants, avant d'exploser dans mille pétales de fleurs.
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
La Maison des maires Au cri de Guinevere, le maire s'est mis en mode d'attaque, c'était vraiment une belle vue. Comme tous les petits maires de la ville, il est allé à un stand près de sa porte d'entrée et a pris la hache de la guerre familiale- armé lui-même et s'est enfui dans la maison sans autre mot. Sa femme, Sebille, a soulevé ses sourcils quand elle l'a passé dans le hall, mais n'a rien fait pour arrêter l'homme. Dehors- Farrest regardait vers la nouvelle arrivée- Alixanna- et a noté le regard inquiet sur son visage. Son miroir était le sien- ce n'était pas tous les jours qu'il y avait une telle commotion dans la maison Hart. Le ranger espérait que tout allait bien, même s'il était sûr que Gareth pouvait s'en occuper. "Bonjour Alixanna. Quoi que ce soit, Gareth aura probablement tout sous contrôle. Y avait-il quelque chose dont vous aviez besoin de nous? » Il a rapidement passé dans sa tête toutes les commandes qu'Atlas avait alignées pour qu'il livre - il ne pouvait tout simplement pas se rappeler si c'était soit de la racine de yarrow ou du gingembre qu'ils avaient besoin aujourd'hui. "Comment va ton père?" Il a demandé quand il a entendu un accident à l'étage. C'était quelque chose de verre. Sebille a crié, mais c'était frustré plutôt que de peur. A l'étage, dans son inquiétude et dans la hâte d'aller dans la chambre de ses filles, Gareth avait renversé un vase. Lavendar et lilas ont éclaté sur le sol comme une boîte de peinture ouverte - c'est au-dessus de ce désordre qu'il a marché pour éclater dans la chambre de ses filles. Le cri de guerre aurait été comique- s'il n'avait pas brandi une hache sur sa tête- mais il a secoué la porte qu'il avait presque dérangé. Gareth a dû presque squatter pour entrer dans la chambre de ses filles. La porte n'avait pas été remodelée pour sa taille, donc il a à peine pris à travers elle. C'est ce qu'il a vu... le visage déchirant de Guinevere alors qu'elle regardait quelque chose dans ses mains et Varric debout devant elle... très sérieux comme. Quand ce garçon a-t-il été sérieux dans sa vie? Qu'est-ce que Guin regardait, une seule chose la ferait pleurer comme ça et c'était un ROYAUME DE WEDDING. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe par tous les dieux et leurs salutations?" Dehors, à ce nouveau cri, Farrest s'est faufilé. Peut-être que "sous contrôle" n'était pas le bon choix de mots. Il a regardé Aldric et à moitié bouche qu'ils devraient bientôt se mettre en route. Ils avaient une biche à attraper, après tout. - C'est pas vrai. Débarquement des voleurs La tête d'Ezra était baissée alors qu'il roulait la manche de son bras droit. Une vieille cicatrice a coupé son avant-bras - la coupe d'une des poignards de Marideth était propre et pas toute grande - mais elle a dû donner quelque chose à ses poignards parce que la peau qui s'est formée était rose et faible plutôt que son teint de peau d'olive. C'est cette rainure dans la peau qu'il se masse alors qu'il regarde en arrière et la voit. Oh dieux là-bas elle est, il pensait, que devrais-je faire de mon visage?! Euh, euh... Souriez! Non, c'est nul. Scowl? - Oui. C'est pas vrai! Elle va penser que je suis en colère. Peut-être que je devrais... qu'elle ait l'air si en colère. Il pensait frénétiquement qu'il s'approchait d'elle-- son visage prenant une expression différente avec chaque pensée. Enfin, il a perdu son sang-froid et s'est installé avec un sourire ridicule, s'inclinant la tête alors qu'il venait à quelques pieds d'elle, "Ta mère et moi avons eu une autre de nos petites conversations. Je crois qu'elle a dit qu'elle m'inviterait pour le thé, je le jure, je ne plaisante pas." Il a dit en saluant. Quelque chose était différent chez ses seins. Il devrait savoir... qu'il a beaucoup regardé leur chemin. En fait, il y avait un peu de jingle à son pas. Ezra ne savait rien des exploits nocturnes d'Illya. Enfers qu'il supposait toujours qu'elle rencontrait un amant ou des amis. Donc ce qu'il a dit ensuite était ironiquement innocent pour lui, "Tu ressembles à un repaire de dragons sur roues, as-tu volé un ou quelque chose?" Il a demandé avec un chanfrein. L'homme s'est débarrassé de son éblouissement de mort. Il n'y avait que tant de choses qu'il pouvait prendre. "Je t'emmène au lit, si tu veux." Ses yeux resplendissaient de la suggestivité de ces paroles, mais il voulut que son visage reste sérieux : « Tu as l'air prêt à tomber. »
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Varric n'a pas perdu de temps à dire les mots les plus stupides qu'il puisse dire. -- Eh bien, bande d'hommes musclés, il semblerait que votre fille et moi soyons des âmes soeurs, car nous avons tous les deux reçu des fleurs de ce grand vieux conte. Je suppose que ça fait de toi mon nouveau papa, hein?" Varric a clin d'oeil : « Malheureusement, cela signifie qu'aucun petit-fils et votre lignée familiale ne s'éteindront, parce que, vous savez, les vagins, mais d'un autre côté, vous pouvez être fier de savoir que votre fille a un jeune homme si endurci et responsable pour prendre soin de sa forme féminine fragile et faible. » Il est clair que c'était de la langue dans le coeur. Varric doutait que quelqu'un d'autre que son propre père puisse battre Guinevere dans une bagarre. Honnêtement, Guinevere était bien plus prêt à être aventurier que Varric. C'était un puissant barde, oui, mais sa magie était toute l'évitement et la mobilité. Son seul délit était les vignes et les éclats de vent. Il savait théoriquement qu'il devrait être plus en phase avec tous les éléments, mais depuis quand son état émotionnel et ses besoins impliquent-ils le feu, le gel et la foudre? Il y avait une raison pour laquelle sa mère enchantait tellement son luth. Varric plaisantait honnêtement pour soulager la tension qu'il ressentait lui-même. Si Guinevere était son âme sœur, alors... qu'est-ce que cela signifiait pour leur amitié? Pour leurs projets d'aventure? Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire pour ses amours?C'est quoi, ça? Il n'avait eu qu'une courte corde jusqu'à présent. Rien d'incroyable comme sa mère. Un aventurier bien bardé devait avoir une vaste liste de béhémoths pantalons engorgés et/ou des cases plongeant dans. Sa liste était, genre, quelques-uns attirent les jeunes voyageurs et peut-être un local. C'était un étalon. Il était trop jeune pour être monogame!
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Da est aussi piquante que jamais, Alixanna a répondu à Farrest, clin d'œil qu'un crash fort est venu de la maison du maire. On aurait dit que quelqu'un était assassiné là-dedans. "J'étais juste..." Alixanna arrête la phrase moyenne et avale fort quand elle rencontre accidentellement les yeux d'Aldric. Le médecin laisse tomber son regard rapidement, mais ça n'aide pas grand-chose parce qu'elle a pris la vue de son estomac, ce qu'elle sait pour un fait est si dur et bien musclé que vous pourriez casser un œuf dessus. Non pas qu'elle craquerait des œufs dessus. Sauf si c'est ce que les gens ont fait dans ce genre de situations. Puis elle craquait tous les œufs dans tout le village sur ces abdos. Pour la science. Alixanna a toussé. « Je voulais juste voir si vous aviez pu récupérer plus d'yarrow », tente-t-elle à nouveau, renversant ses yeux verts vers Farrest, dont les abdos n'avaient pas de pouvoirs hypnotiques. "Mais je vois que maintenant n'est pas un bon...." "Qu'est-ce qui se passe par tous les dieux et leurs salutations?" "...Je vais voir si quelqu'un a besoin de soins médicaux", dit Alixanna après ce dernier soufflet de Garreth. "Juste passer à la clinique quand vous avez la herse. Nous pourrions aussi avoir besoin d'un peu plus de sticklewort, si vous en trouvez », ajoute-t-elle en guise d'après-pensée avant de dire ses adieux aux trois hommes et de marcher jusqu'à la maison du maire. Alixanna arrive dans la chambre de Guinevere juste à temps pour que l'autre fille lui passe l'épée et l'armure serrées dans les mains. Le guérisseur clignote à la forme de retraite de l'autre adolescent, avant de retourner vers Gareth et Varric. "Tout le monde va bien ici?" Elle demande et c'est là qu'elle voit le bourgeon sur l'oreiller.
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
- Laciel Lensed : Maison des maires... Le nombre de personnes qui s'accumulaient autour du voisinage général rendait Laciel toujours si anxieux de parler en ce moment à n'importe qui en ce moment. Il ressentait la pression qui pesait sur sa poitrine, se penchant sur s'il faisait le mauvais choix ou non, car il était difficile d'obtenir une réponse entre les deux incohérences. Le seul problème était qu'il n'avait pas encore ouvert la bouche pour révéler la source de ce plan. Peut-être que c'était une idée terrible de venir ici alors que le ranger tournait un œil aigu sur le jeune homme comme il a toujours regardé si insouciantement vers le bas. Il ne pouvait vraiment pas vraiment socialiser avec lui correctement puisqu'il n'était pas l'un des rares personnes à qui il a parlé ou a fait une impression lasing sur. Tandis qu'il « étudiait » ses pieds, un coup soudain de surprise le remplit pendant que le maire parlait, interrompant le ranger, accordant plus d'attention à Laciel. En quelque sorte. Il était plus ou moins question de la façon dont il était rarement vu en dehors de la forge que dans la plupart des gens traversaient souvent là, donc il était une simple vue de voir le garçon au travail de ce qu'il a interprété. Laciel devint un peu confus sur la façon dont il parla un moment, son sourcil se levant pendant quelques secondes avant de se reposer, c'est des lauriers sur son visage. Il a également pris note d'un événement épouvantable qui s'est ébranlé pour le stupéfier momentanément. Guinevere a causé la destruction d'une poulailler l'autre jour qui l'a ramené un peu car il ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'elle soit un klutz. Il fixa le sol, un peu confus à la façon dont la gracieuse Guinevere était la proie d'une poulailler. Honnêtement, ça devrait le frapper en quelques millisecondes, mais avec tout ce discours, il se sentait mal à l'aise dans un sens où il ne parlait pas... et devenait un peu surpris quand une voix haute le poussait à flipper. La voix de la femme des maires s'est émaillée de leur maison alors qu'elle semblait tout aussi curieuse que Laciel à ce qui se passait avec Guinevere... avant que le cerf de cobalt ne sorte du jardin, enlevant presque la tête des rangers s'il ne s'enfuyait pas à temps. « Eh bien, nous sommes tous à l'écart d'un des êtres naturels de notre ville et nous avons décidé de parler de... Varric doit avoir quelque chose à voir avec ça, car il est toujours en train de piéger les gens... tout comme maman quand elle perd toujours un marteau, sérieusement, ceux-là coûtent de l'argent aussi vous savez! Quoi qu'il en soit, à propos duquel il a probablement la magie de ma connaissance concurrente que nous pourrions utiliser dans nos efforts pour capturer et libérer la bête dans la nature... que ou nous pourrions emprunter certains des maires tournesols, espérons qu'il ne serait pas trop mécontent avec cela s'il vient à cela." Avec ses pensées, il avait raison sur l'argent comme il voyait comment ils jouaient de l'argent, agissant comme si elle était la cause de tels ennuis. Il était évident à l'œil que Varric était la raison d'une telle fixation sur Dunstans coop. De toute façon, le duo a finalement décidé de se diriger vers le poulailler, Laciel gardant son accent sur le groupe jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient finalement partis de sa vue, en éliminant une partie de la tension qu'il ressentait à l'intérieur de lui. Il a été rendu un tidbit pire comme le fils des rangers a décidé de se montrer et de revenir une partie de la tension qu'il ressentait. Il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'il soit à l'aise avec ces gens, même s'ils savaient qui ils étaient. Les garçons regardèrent le fils d'Aldric alors qu'il s'approchait, prenant les mots de sa bouche dans une certaine mesure sur le type de créature qui était. Il se sentait mod comme un fardeau puisqu'ils pouvaient facilement l'attraper avec un couple de tournesols puisque c'était un jaune assez lumineux. Le garçon a glissé dans un souffle d'air alors qu'il parlait aux deux. "A-comme vous le savez déjà tous les deux, c'est un C-cobalt d-deer, ou d-doe comme le dit F-Farrest. Nous pourrions utiliser une magie n-nature de V-Varric pour nous aider, ou nous pourrions demander au m-mayor 'tout u-utiliser certains de ses tournesols." Le garçon timide ne pouvait à peine parler, encore moins tenir une conversation correcte avec un design rusé mais simple que la créature ne pouvait pas résister. Il voulait continuer à libérer son idée pratique dans le royaume, mais les mots s'échappèrent de son esprit. C'était comme si le destin le taquinait faute d'une telle chose qu'il fronçait légèrement, ses yeux remplis d'un peu de détresse. Ce n'était pas longtemps avant qu'une voix familière appelle le ranger. Alixanna est apparu à un moment assez précaire qui l'a rendu encore plus paniqué. Il se tourna vers la fille, montrant sa propre faiblesse autour de chacun d'eux avec sa vision nerveuse alors qu'ils commençaient à se rassembler sur le jardin des maires. Laciel avait bien plus peur de toutes les concoctions qu'elle avait prévu d'utiliser sur lui cette fois-ci, ou de la raison pour laquelle il acceptait exactement d'être un sujet d'essai humain. Quoi qu'il en soit, il craignait ce qui pourrait se passer à travers cette tête avec tout ce qu'elle avait, perdant de vue la mission principale devant eux. Et puis il a entendu un cri d'oreille perçant. L'endroit d'où il venait était étonnamment évident alors qu'il tournait la tête vers la maison des maires, ses yeux s'élargissant avec surprise comme Alixianna se demandait si c'était Guinevere qui criait. Pour répondre à sa question, il pouvait pour une fois au moins parler normalement autour des autres pendant cette courte période, ce qui rendait les voleurs fille ne pas une exception pour le moment. "... Oui, oui, sans aucun doute." Alors qu'ils regardaient tous la maison, stupéfaits de ce qui pouvait se passer, Laciel ne pouvait que réfléchir aux possibilités de ce qui pourrait se passer pour l'instant. Quoi qu'il en soit, un cri d'une fille qu'il admirait dans les cris de combat a laissé libre cours à des ennuis. Dans un moment, il a vu le maire se procurer un héritage et a traversé dans la maison. Il ne pouvait errer que si c'était l'enfer qui s'ouvrait un moment ou si quelqu'un proclamait leur amour pour le charmant guerrier qui le rendait légèrement jaloux. Quoi qu'il en soit, Guinevere serait encore très probablement terrifié dans les deux perspectives. Laciel retourna les yeux vers le duo, toujours nerveux comme toujours pour entendre un cri venant du dernier étage qui sonnait masculin. On dirait que le maire n'a pas été calme et recueilli en ce moment, ce qui entraînerait probablement une décision irréfléchie. Il ne pouvait que se demander à quel point cette journée pouvait être mauvaise. D'abord un diner de cerf sur les fleurs comme si c'était un buffet, une possible nouvelle concoction faite par la fille du médecin, et maintenant crier de deux parties. Le garçon ne pouvait que se demander à quel point cette journée pourrait s'aggraver alors qu'il secouait la tête en se branlant en éclatant les cheveux. "Erm, euh, ah, d'ailleurs, le plan P. Nous avons besoin d'une énorme pile de tournesols jaunes. C'est des s-snacks sur le b-bait, on l'a capturé, al-Alright? Est-ce que ça sonne comme un bon plan de p?" Et puis un autre cri se leva de la maison comme on pouvait entendre le claquage du métal. Quoi qu'il en soit, elle a été profondément attristée par quelque chose et a très probablement suivi sa meilleure et la plus décente défense, qui comptait aussi bien qu'une offense à ceux qui ont tenté de pénétrer ses pensées avec des déambulations de ce qu'elle craignait le plus. Il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se demander si c'était le meilleur moment pour essayer d'avoir une vraie conversation avec elle puisqu'il savait où sa destination était le plus probable. Puisque quelqu'un doit toucher un nerf, Varric probablement, il a dû discerner le meilleur moyen de procéder à tout cela, avant de finalement réaliser la meilleure solution de toutes ces pensées et raisons. Il n'avait plus qu'à l'exécuter. "Erm, peut-être que c'est mieux de prendre Va-Varric avec toi sur cette chasse a-comme il pourrait p-possiblement b-construire mon plan. On a besoin de fleurs et de tr-trickery, alors pourquoi ne pas acquérir son aide pour l'instant comme je suis ah, euh, un l-petit occupé... A-aways, j'espère que la chasse g-goes bien, et des excuses pour n-ne pas être un-able à un-assist dans un tel e-endeavor! "Voyez les g-guys autour de vous!" Avant qu'aucun d'entre eux ne puisse protester, il a volé la scène, un peu rouge et embarrassé de tout cela. Par les dieux, c'était ce qui était terriblement terrifiant pour lui. Comment allait-il jamais répandre et recueillir des connaissances s'il ne pouvait même pas former une phrase appropriée avec et trébucher à travers elle ou de plaisanter un mot vers le haut. Laciel s'est probablement fait passer pour un idiot quand il s'est cogné la tête sur toute cette épreuve. "Bah, bon sang, pourquoi ne puis-je pas être normal avec quelqu'un d'autre qu'elle?" On pourrait répondre à cette question plus tard, car il y a des questions plus urgentes à régler. Il a suivi le bruit d'un claquage du mieux qu'il pouvait, mais a été écarté par des myriades de pensées qui ont bombardé sa tête, comme l'histoire d'un garçon qui a fait une épée à partir d'une roche céleste - une épée de météorite ou quelque chose? Quoi qu'il en soit, il a continué le voyage à travers la ville pour finalement trouver une figure familière piratant un mannequin cible. Il ne pouvait qu'espérer qu'il n'ait pas tout gâché, ou Varric est soudainement sorti de nulle part et a provoqué une surprise désagréable, suivie d'une conversation intimidante. "... euh, h-hey, Guinevere, j'ai pensé que je pourrais trouver - vous ici... qu'est-ce que je pourrais vous inquiéter cette fois?" ((Stealing people tonner, ouais :p))
Name: Laciel Lenssed Age: 18 Height: 6"1' Personality: A rather quiet and rather to himself sort of boy is not much one for words, or really anything revolving around talking since he is rather nervous about spouting the wrong thing along with having a bit of social anxiety. He isn't too headstrong and is rather thoughtful than rushing into the fray, despite having his mothers blood in him. He takes after his father in this sense by staying vigilant and alert to any danger coming near. However, back on the topic of talking to others. Due to being confined to the forge a lot, he doesn't exactly have people skills. Laciel has watched others speak to try and better himself, however it is unknown how soon he will improve. Even with these drawbacks, ever since he was of a young age, Laciel held an innate curiosity of the world about him. He would always search for a way to study, even if it meant his mother scolding him for doing something reckless. If he becomes curious, it may overlap with his thoughtful side when weighing the odds. Usually his decisions are right most of the time, but sometimes they are less than desired results... such as the time he almost got killed by a bear. Thankfully his mother is a lot more fearsome than the bear and promptly caused it to flee, however being "fierce" is something he is lacking in with his supposedly decrepit appearance. The boy has an immense dislike for being tied down to one path and prefers to choose his own way. Since his mother is often fearful of whatever dangers he might have to face, she is overprotective of him which gets old pretty quickly. He feels the need to speak out against her and how his mother is one step in front of him to make his troubles fleeting... Even with her other activities, she managed to keep a keen eye on him and is rather frustrated about being hounded on consistently. He finds it rather difficult to tell her off since it's difficult to locate a mean bone in his body. Even the best doctors around couldn't even find one if they tried... Even with these limitations, he does have a breaking point and one can only hope it isn't broken. Bio: "Laciel is a lot like his father I'll tell ya! Scholarly, curious... and a wee bit stubborn to boot." - Leslie Lenssed Hailing from a long line of scholars and blacksmiths, Laciel was born into a trade that would possibly consume his life and revolve around him consistently... if he wasn't so adverse to not being coaxed into the path of the forge. Ever since he was of a ripe age, he was always working beside his mother at the forge and at night would listen to his fathers encounters when traveling with her prior to them settling down in Vale eventually. Such tales fraught with excitement and mysteries attracted him, but most of all the delight of new knowledge that he could become enlighten with. The dream felt so far away to him, but he was determined to make it a reality and gain the wisdom of those before him. His life outside the house was less than spectacular than the stories spoke of by his father as he spent most of his time around the forge and less around the children. He grew close to his mother as he observed her conjure up weapons with her vitality. Over time he began to properly forge weapons for others, easily taking over his mothers spot when she went off hunting with father or in bed with a hangover after drinking myriads of men Laciel couldn't count (father included) under the table. It was annoying at first, but eventually he became accustomed to her less than stellar and boisterous habits. When he is allowed off from the forge for working a tinge bit too hard, either Laciel pursues knowledge in his free time from the library, his assortment of books, or his father himself. His father expresses a lot of joy for taking interests in his path, but feels the need for leaving cryptic messages for Laciel to figure out. Once he figures out his fathers riddles he becomes ecstatic at his sons ability to properly comprehend his meanings whether it be physical in a sense or metaphorical. After figured out, he would spend a long time with his son, lecturing him and teaching him new things he had never known about before. These times allowed to bond with his father which he rarely had time for since he was usually out reliving his mystical tales through providing for the family. The other times he doesn't get the chance, he is seen by others hanging out in the library studying his days away while others train and enjoy their days in the sunlight. He was often teased by others for being so engrossed in books and was never seen training. Despite these stinging words, he took private lessons from his mother who demonstrated her skills which dazzled him. He often would test his mettle against his mother and other challengers, either failing or succeeding with his prior knowledge gained through his spars with Leslie. This only continued to fuel the desire for paving his own path. One day, his father left without leaving a trace or warning with the exception of a simple letter created with a cryptic message which befuddled his mother. The two were bothered by two completely different reasons, his mother who became worried over his fathers disappearance due to the dangers which most likely were in wait. Laciel became worried over the measures she would go to when becoming very overprotective for another, coming to the conclusion of what sacrifices she would make to safeguard what she dearly loves. This lead to his mother keep a closer grip and keener eye on son after the event which began to slightly suffocate him with the ever impending presence. He rarely could stray too far, but he wanted to travel to bring his father back due to a paltry rumor that caused a ruckus over his family... although he did also find it slightly interesting since it offered something he knew and loved all too well. Other than that, he often attempted to make talk with the other children after watching them make contact with one another. He hadn't really socialize with people other than the exceptional few he would come upon. However, when the event arose to gain a new friend, he ran off to "get to work at the forge." Laciel found himself being consistently beat up mentally through this as he became annoyed at his inability to form a long lasting friendship with another. At the age of eighteen, his sword-skills and smithery have made his mother and him known as the dynamic duo of forging in the village as they continued to make weapons with infallible craftsmanship, with the exception of a few times due to a few mistakes, some of which from his mother, Leslie. From what he could tell, she was still bothered by his fathers leave, even after the two years that flew by before his very eyes. It was seemingly becoming worse as she began to fret a bit more, little by little. It was difficult to notice to the naked eye but she could easily hide her sorrows from others, with the exception of Laciel who began to constantly worry over her well-being since the stress was possibly getting to her in both ways. Along with her becoming perturbed, his social skills were still lacking horribly as he struggled to develop them over the years. That was the only thing that ever continued to dull over the years, until of course he was greeted by an enigmatic letter signed by his father lying on his bed. This one made even less sense than before and made him wrack his brains over more than before to understand it. Laciel did ponder upon the letter, but he hasn't found an answer, yet for the most part... A mithril longsword specially crafted by Laciel himself at a tender age which was considered almost a bit difficult to wield at his age and had assistance from his mother when making it. It's rather large and difficult for most people to properly wield, however thanks to the inherited strength, he seems to possess the vital strength to use the weapon. It has an engraving above the guard of it with two L's side by side. Skills: Mimic: With a thirst for procuring wisdom, he has the ability to properly mimic others fighting styles to put them at a roadblock. Even with a simple longsword, he can almost properly copy another. If he managed to wield the same weapon, then they could be in loads of trouble. Counter: Once he properly learns of a person and their fighting style he can turn the tables and swiftly use their own strategy against them, or come up with a new one to easily fall them. Endurance and Fortitude: Training with others and mainly his mother has left more than a fair amount of bruises and cuts. However, such endeavors that he has endured have caused him to toughen up and become formidable in combat which can cause major surprised to others who don't expect him to be able to properly jump into the fray. Laciel also has his mothers unrivaled strength which was nurtured over spars and losses into the budding blacksmith he is today. Watchful Eye: Laciel has spent a lot of time sneaking away from the stray eyes of Leslie, allowing him to get a taste of nature. Not only can he analyze the area around him, but he can keep up with any inconsistencies in his line of sight as if it was childs play. However, keeping an eye on his environment isn't the only thing he can extort to his advantage. Scholarly Mind: Laciel spends as much time in the books as he does in the forge. He keeps a whole library in the room containing him and will often become sleep deprived to procure knowledge. His love for knowledge allows him to gain information quicker and dispense them to others that he feels that could put this knowledge to use. An example is his knowledge of the forge and his power to easily create wonders. Even so, he won't hesitate to use such a thing to his advantage for his own reasons.
Le ranger n'a pas pu s'empêcher de sourire au vieux Atlas Ashgrave. À l'âge d'Aldric, il avait été son apprenti. Oui, Farrest avait prévu de devenir médecin lui-même, mais le destin avait d'autres projets. En bref, il devait une grande partie de ses connaissances pour les herbes médicinales au médecin - courses en cours tels que ceux-ci était le moins qu'il pouvait faire. "La racine étroite et le bâtonnet--" il a fait écho, "Je les enverrai avec Aldric une fois que ce bazar a été réglé." Alixanna s'est ensuite excusée dans la maison, laissant Farrest, Aldric et Laciel. Le frêle garçon a parlé de son plan et le ranger a écouté. Farrest squinté contre un faisceau de lumière errant qui parcourait le toit de la maison des maires. Le matin s'entendait, il s'est demandé jusqu'où se trouvait la dope à ce moment-là. Il a hurlé poliment alors qu'il écoutait la réponse bégayante de Laciel- et il n'a pas fait de motion pour arrêter le garçon alors qu'il s'enfuit. Pauvre enfant... si nerveux et effrayé. Il se demandait si la perte de son père avait aggravé la société de Laciel. Le ranger a eu pitié du garçon et a été déçu par son père. Comment un homme pourrait-il quitter sa famille comme ça? Il a brossé ces pensées bouleversantes de côté et s'est dirigé vers le jardin, en commençant à ramasser la moitié des tournesols consommés. Le Ranger s'est demandé ce que la dope voyait dans ces plantes collantes et durs qui étaient si appétissantes. Quoi que ce soit, il était sûr que ça marcherait. Briser l'animal était parfait pour gagner sa confiance. Si le plan a fonctionné, il a prévu de s'arrêter à la forge plus tard ce jour-là pour remercier personnellement le garçon- et lui offrir quelque chose en échange du conseil. Farrest se tourna vers Aldric, "Fils, connaissez-vous Laciel? Je ne vous ai jamais vus traîner ensemble." Il sortit du jardin et jeta les fleurs sous un bras alors qu'il fouillait son gilet pour quelque chose, "Il a l'air d'un gentil garçon, je pense que vous gagneriez tous les deux à apprendre à vous connaître." De retour à l'étage le maire était beaucoup trop en état de choc à la vue du bourgeon floral pour répondre à temps. Guinevere s'était déjà enfui avant de pouvoir l'arrêter... et comment ses soucis s'arrêteraient s'il le faisait! Varric, peut-être dans sa petite façon d'exprimer le choc, avait piqué quelque chose sur l'extinction et les vagins avant de s'enfuir après elle. Le maire s'est gouffré. Il a ri si fort qu'il a trébuché dans la chambre et a dû s'asseoir sur le lit de Guin. Le cadre a crû et plié dans une forme "u" non naturelle sous son poids- mais il ne s'en souciait pas. Il a penché la hache contre son cadre de lit et a levé les yeux juste à temps pour voir une Alixanna concernée. Le maire a souri à la fille... "Oh Alixanna, désolé si on vous a tous fait peur." Il a dit, "Mais Guin est honnêtement juste surréagir. Le bourgeon des fleurs n'a même pas fleuri! Personne ne se marie à personne. Ce n'est même pas tout le point de la fleur." Il est tombé dans les explications- où la fille se souciait de l'entendre ou pas- enfers c'était un moyen pour lui de se calmer à ce sujet. "Oui- l'Ascythénie fleurit entre deux âmes parents. Soulmates. Et, oui, les gens poursuivent souvent des relations après cela. Et, d'accord, quelques-uns de ces gens sont partis d'un mariage." Il a dragué, "mais l'âme sœur ne veut pas dire partenaire romantique ou partenaire de vie. Une âme sœur est quelqu'un qui vous ressemble beaucoup. Quelqu'un avec qui vous pouvez vous connecter à un niveau beaucoup plus profond que le physique." Gareth a lâché, "Ce que j'essaie de dire, c'est que ma fille n'a pas à épouser celui qui a la même plante de couleur qu'elle. Elle peut certainement les aimer. Par tous les moyens, elle peut les chérir. C'est toujours son choix à la fin, malgré ce que dit la fleur." Il se tenait alors et souriait à Alixanna, "J'espère que ce vieil homme a aidé à dissiper votre confusion au moins- j'espère que tout le monde ne pense pas à l'Ascythénie comme une épreuve de mariage arrangée. Honnêtement, le plus souvent, il fleurit entre amis proches. Le maire a été tenté de fuir après sa fille et de lui dire tout ça, mais elle était plus âgée maintenant. Il sait qu'il ne peut pas la poursuivre pour le reste de sa vie quand quelque chose lui fait peur. C'est une Hart, il rationalise, nous, Harts, nous trouvons toujours notre place dans une bataille. "Excuse-moi, elle déteste quand je vais dans sa chambre sans prévenir." Il dit en sortant de la pièce et dans le couloir avec Alixanna, en s'assurant de fermer la porte derrière lui. "J'ai fait ça?" Dit Gareth alors qu'il regarde le verre et les fleurs éparpillés autour du sol. Il soupire avant de sourire apologétiquement à Ali, "Sortez maintenant, tout le monde me semble bien. Quand tu reverras ton père, dis-lui que je lui dis bonjour et que je compte le rendre bientôt. Juste pour parler."
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Aldric s'y tenait silencieusement pendant que Varric, le fils du barde s'approchait de la réunion. Aldric ne s'intéressait pas du tout à Varric. Loin de l'irresponsable, sans parler de ses soi-disant farces "sans danger" faisaient toujours l'enfer de la journée de quelqu'un. Qu'il s'agisse du forgeron et de ses marteaux, abusant de sa magie naturelle pour faire défiler quelqu'un, il a même entendu dire qu'il avait ruiné la propriété des gens. Des trucs comme ça ont mis Aldric en colère, pourquoi quelqu'un ferait des trucs comme ça? Pourquoi quelqu'un penserait que ruiner la journée de quelqu'un ou rétablir son gagne-pain est ok parce que c'est au nom du "fun". Le seul trait rédempteur que le barde semblait avoir était son affinité pour la magie de la nature, et même alors il corrompt encore cela en l'utilisant pour des choses égoïstes. Sans parler de son flirt constant, il laisse Aldric mal à l'aise. Il soupira lorsque le jeune barde disparut dans la maison. Au moins, il n'a pas à s'occuper de lui tous les jours, juste ses ennuis. Vers ce moment-là, Alixanna a marché vers le haut, rappelant à son père de la livraison de racine d'yarrow et de sticklewort que hey dû au Docteur. Aldric aimait Alixanna, elle était responsable, prenait son travail au sérieux, et très bien informé quand il s'agissait de son métier. Tous les traits qu'il trouvait admirables. Une fois, il y a eu deux enfants plus âgés qui ont harcelé le fils du boulanger pour ne pas leur avoir donné de pain. C'était le mauvais genre d'enfants qui ne voulaient pas travailler pour quoi que ce soit. Ils ont donc décidé de demander à manger au fils du boulanger. Il s'est tourné vers le sud quand il les a refusés, prenant quelques coups avant qu'Aldric n'intervienne. Inutile de dire qu'ils n'étaient pas trop contents de ça. N'importe qui regarder appellerait ce qui est venu après un combat mais c'était plus comme un coup bas. Aldric aurait pu les combattre et il savait qu'il aurait gagné, mais ce n'était pas comme ça. Il a donc pris assez de coups avant que les garçons ne soient satisfaits. Heureusement que le fils du boulanger s'est enfui. Quoi qu'il en soit, après qu'Aldric ait cherché de l'aide à la clinique, heureusement le docteur était sorti et Alixanna l'a aidé à cacher les pires de ses contusions. Un grand cri a brisé Aldric de son souvenir. Un cri qu'il ne pouvait que supposer être Guinevere, auquel le maire est allé charger dans la maison, hache en main. En fait, Aldric était plus inquiet qu'il ne l'aurait cru, en fait il devait combattre la forte envie de courir dans la maison lui-même. Après quelques bruits forts, des cris et un cri très fort du maire Aldric a attrapé sa bouche de père à lui qu'ils feraient mieux d'aller bientôt, le jeune homme ne pouvait pas être plus d'accord, ce genre de drame ne lui convenait pas vraiment. Alixanna disait autre chose à son père quand elle rencontra les yeux d'Aldric, pour quelque raison que le jeune docteur se taise instantanément. Elle s'est maladroitement excusée en se glissant dans la maison après le maire. À ce moment-là, Laciel réussit finalement à cracher son plan. Aldric a détesté l'idée d'obtenir l'aide de Varric, mais si c'est ce que son père a décidé, il ne s'y opposerait pas. Les deux idées étaient bonnes, l'appât de tournesol était si simple Aldric se maudit pour ne pas l'avoir pensé lui-même. Un autre cri perça l'air suivi par le claquage du métal. Aldric a vu Guinevere sortir de la maison, l'épée et l'armure en main et a résisté à l'envie excessive de courir après elle. Il avait une responsabilité, il s'est dit. Un travail à faire sous la forme d'attraper le cerf cobalt. Peut-être qu'il irait la trouver après qu'ils aient accompli cette tâche. Cela n'a pas empêché Laciel qui bégayait une sorte d'excuse alors qu'il s'enfuyait, suivant clairement la fille du maire. Après cela, Varric quitta la maison, mais avant qu'Aldric ou Farrest n'arrive à lui, il disparut tout simplement. À ce moment-là, son père a commencé à ramasser des tournesols, au moins ça veut dire que les deux n'auraient pas à chasser Varric, ce serait juste un exercice de frustration. "Fils, connaissez-vous Laciel? Je ne vous ai jamais vus traîner ensemble. Il a l'air d'être un gentil garçon, je pense que vous auriez tous les deux intérêt à apprendre à vous connaître." Son père voulait bien, Aldric le savait. Mais la dernière chose dont il avait besoin, c'était qu'ils discutent de sa vie personnelle. Pourtant, il était son père et il méritait une réponse réelle et non le licenciement évasif qu'il était tenté de donner. "Non, pas très bien. Le garçon ne peut pas me dire deux mots sans courir pour les collines. Je respecte sa soif de connaissance, et son immense éthique de travail. Il me trouve probablement intimidant, je vais y réfléchir, Père." Les deux ont décollé après le cerf cobalt, allant vers le sud puisque c'est comme ça qu'ils l'ont vu durer. Alors qu'ils passaient devant la boutique du boulanger, le sujet de l'étrange bourgeon est revenu dans l'esprit d'Aldric, pour une raison qu'il a associé l'objet à un sentiment d'urgence. "Père, il y a une sorte de bourgeon qui pousse dans ma chambre, c'est au bout d'une fine vigne de curling et elle est placée au milieu de ma fenêtre comme si elle était délibérément placée pour que je ne puisse pas la manquer. C'est vexant parce que je ne pouvais pas Identi-" Aldric a été coupé par le bruit du maire criant dans la rue. "Je pense que nous l'avons trouvé Père..."
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Fin sud de la ville Farrest a hurlé alors qu'ils se dirigeaient dans la direction dans laquelle la dope s'était limitée. Il était heureux qu'Aldric se rende compte que l'intérêt des Laciels pour le monde extérieur était respectable. Le ranger se demandait parfois si ses fils aiment Vale davantage un loup et son territoire qu'un garçon et sa maison. En tant que père, ses soucis tournaient autour d'Aldrics qui grandissaient et sortaient du village, peut-être s'il lisait les merveilles du monde extérieur, il mettrait alors ses sites plus haut que de rester à Vale. Et c'est alors qu'Aldric avait demandé au sujet d'une fleur. Marianne était méticuleuse en gardant les sauvages hors de chez eux. Elle avait été une citadine avant de partir à Vale- et s'adapter à la vie qu'il menait n'était pas très facile pour elle. Elle accepta volontiers de nombreux aspects de sa vie, mais elle refusa de les faire amener l'Angar dans son Haven. Et une grande partie de la vie de Marianne consistait à couper, déraciner et couper la forêt envahissante qui menaçait souvent de dépasser les murs de leur cabane. Donc, entendre parler d'une telle violation dans leurs défenses l'a surpris. Aucune fleur qu'il connaissait ne pouvait pousser si vite. Cependant, avant même de pouvoir y réfléchir davantage, il l'a entendu. La dope, criant à Gareths voix sur la route vers l'avant. Les préoccupations au sujet de la fleur sont tombées et le ranger a jeté Aldric un tournesol, "Nous en parlerons plus tard. Armez-vous avec ça- et soyez attentif à ne pas l'effrayer. Essaie de ne pas lui faire de mal non plus." Il lui a rappelé... même si c'était inutile. Personne ne savait mieux qu'un ranger à quel point la vie des créatures forestières leur était sacrée. Même quand ils ont tué... ce n'était que dans un but ou si la créature menaçait leur vie. Jamais pour le sport. Jamais pour jouer. De tels actes ont été méprisés et même condamnables. La dope avait la tête enfoncée dans l'une des fenêtres des boulangeries, à la grande consternation du fils des boulangers, qui tentait de l'enlever des baguettes. Le garçon avait 12 cheveux blonds coupés en bol, poussant sur ses yeux, et il griffait au sommet de ses poumons, "Papa! C'est pas vrai! Il a mangé le maire et maintenant il a essayé de me manger!" Farrest se déplaça de ses mains à Aldric, lui ordonnant de tourner en rond derrière l'oie pendant qu'il passait par la boulangerie. Son plan était de simplement le distraire tandis qu'Aldric, les dieux qui le souhaitent, pourrait espérer obtenir une prise de la dope. Il a jeté son fils le lassoe avant d'entrer dans la boulangerie. Le ranger s'accroupit tout comme la dope et le boulanger l'ont vu. Elle l'a reconnu par la façon dont ses oreilles s'avançaient. Sa mâcherie s'est intensifiée alors qu'il parlait, "Hé, petite fille. Comment ça va? Tu veux du pain, ou ça?" Et il a agité le tournesol sur elle. Ça se reflétait dans ses yeux. Le fils des boulangers était confus et mal à l'aise, tout en gardant un œil sur Farrest, il criait à nouveau pour son père, "Papa! Ranger Farrest est là et il parle à ce truc que j'ai peur!" Farrest sourit patiemment au garçon, "Maintenant, elle a peur comme ça. Nous essayons de la sortir d'ici." "Maintenant." Ça lui a saigné de la voix du maire. Horrifié, le fils des boulangers a regardé comme s'il pouvait éclater en larmes. (dernier post, va attendre les autres jusqu'à mon prochain)
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
...mais l'âme sœur ne veut pas dire partenaire romantique ou partenaire de vie. Une âme sœur est quelqu'un qui vous ressemble beaucoup. Quelqu'un avec qui vous pouvez vous connecter à un niveau beaucoup plus profond que le physique. Essaie de dire à ma mère qu'Alixanna s'est évanouie sous son souffle. Elle pensait à sa propre fleur, cachée sous le seau près de sa porte. Elle a pensé à la façon dont sa mère allait absolument perdre l'esprit de ses dieux quand elle l'a trouvé. Alixanna n'a pas pensé à qui avait la fleur qui correspondait à la sienne. Elle avait traversé ce pont une autre fois. Quand tu reverras ton père, dis-lui que je lui dis bonjour et que je compte le rendre bientôt. Juste pour parler, a dit Gareth, souriant de moutons dans le désordre qu'il a fait. Oui monsieur, la petite brune lui répondit, lui exhibant un sourire affectueux et lui donnant un coup de poing ludique à l'épaule. Elle doutait qu'il pouvait le sentir à travers tout son muscle. Merci pour le discours de fleurs. Si je vois Guinevere, je vais le passer le long. » Elle lui fait un câlin rapide avant de passer par la porte d'entrée et de repartir pour la clinique. Alixanna est presque à la maison quand elle voit un flash de lumière sortir du coin de l'œil. Elle regarde vers le terrain d'entraînement et bas et voici, il y a Guinevere dans toute sa gloire, piratant violemment les mannequins de la pratique de la paille. Alixanna's respire des prises. L'autre adolescent est couvert d'une fine sueur et la lumière du soleil brille de ses boucles et de son armure, lui donnant une sorte éthérée d'éclat. Elle ressemble à un ange. Un ange de guerre en sueur et en colère. Alixanna tousse. Le jeune guérisseur sprinte pratiquement le reste du chemin jusqu'à la clinique. Elle ne sait pas si ses ovaires peuvent s'occuper de voir beaucoup plus de Guinevere ou d'Aldric aujourd'hui. Ils pourraient exploser. Alixanna appelle alors qu'elle passe par la porte d'entrée. Atlas est assis à sa table de travail, broyant un peu de concoction avec son mortier et son pilon. Tout ce que je peux vous aider, da?
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
Guinevere a continué à attaquer le mannequin, le frapper encore et encore. Les pensées de la fleur, de cette absurdité de l'âme, de Varric ont toutes disparu de son esprit troublé. Alors qu'elle se concentrait sur l'objet inanimé, elle n'avait même pas remarqué que quelqu'un se faufilait derrière elle. Guinevere a balancé son épée dans le cou de la personne, pour se rendre compte que c'était Laciel. "... euh, h-hey, Guinevere, j'ai pensé que je pourrais trouver - vous ici... qu'est-ce que je pourrais vous inquiéter cette fois?" Il a murmuré. "Laciel! Je suis désolée, je n'avais pas réalisé que c'était toi," Guinevere frotta l'arrière de sa tête dans l'embarras et descendit son épée. Laciel a déjà eu du mal à parler avec d'autres, le moins qu'il ait eu besoin d'une épée pointée dans son visage. Avant de pouvoir répondre à sa préoccupation, Varric s'est approchée d'eux. "Ah, Laciel, espèce d'homme sexy," Varric a dit calmement, "Envie de vous rencontrer ici. C'est bon de te voir! Mais, hé, j'ai des choses à dire à Gwen, si ça ne vous dérange pas. Tata, s'il te plaît, dis à ta mère d'arrêter de mal placer ces marteaux. Je m'inquiète pour cette femme." Guinevere a levé le sourcil, pourquoi a-t-il soudain jeté des commentaires sur Laciel? Varric a passé devant le forgeron et s'est approché d'elle, presque comme il avait l'intention d'ignorer exprès Laciel. Elle devrait l'interroger plus tard. "Quoi qu'il en soit, tu es mon meilleur ami. Et quoi qu'il arrive, je veux faire des aventures avec toi et faire des trucs cools. Et je veux que tu saches que si le destin ne va pas comme nous voulons, alors, eh bien, littéralement baiser le destin. Fais chier sur le côté. Tu es mon ami. C'est la chose importante », a dit Varric, surprenante Guinevere complètement. Elle s'attendait honnêtement à ce que Varric ne lâche jamais ça. Prenant un pas vers lui, Guinevere sentit bien des larmes dans ses yeux. C'était ridicule qu'elle ait réagi de façon excessive à toute cette situation. Une fleur ne pouvait pas changer leur relation, rien ne pouvait. Débordé de soulagement, Guinevere n'a jamais fait quelque chose qu'elle n'avait jamais fait auparavant et s'est cogné Varic, seulement une seconde avant de s'éloigner bien sûr.
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
La jeune femme avait vu le mâle bien qu'il se tourna et la vit avant qu'elle ne puisse courir pour elle, son visage faisant du vélo à travers une série d'expressions – tout ce qu'elle haïssait, même si cela pourrait être juste parce qu'elle haïssait son visage et la façon dont il la regardait. Parfois, elle ressentait vraiment le besoin de sortir ses yeux de leurs sockets, surtout quand ils sont tombés comme ils les ont fait à ses seins qui étaient tenus dans son armure bien qu'en partie montré après qu'elle avait terminé le petit travail qu'elle avait dû faire cette nuit-là en ville. Elle lui resserra les yeux alors qu'elle commentait le jingling de lumière qu'il n'aurait pas dû avoir pu entendre bien que la pochette fût légèrement plus pleine qu'elle ne l'était normalement à cette heure de la journée depuis qu'elle avait eu plus de temps. Elle ne boit pas de thé.La jeune assassine n'a répondu qu'à ce qu'il a dit et comme il a essayé de réparer son expression à nouveau, elle a vu un sourire ridicule et irritant s'étendre sur son visage et elle a joué avec le poignard dans ses mains un peu plus avant de regarder en arrière à son, le bord de l'arme resplendissante menaçante, libre de sang ou de taches parce qu'elle gardait la lame bien entretenue même si c'était un poignard mitril forgé par un nain. Si je voulais que tu sois dans mon lit, tu n'essaierais pas encore ; arrête de demander ou je te couperai la langue. » Illya sourit alors qu'elle parlait à Esdras, douce et innocente regardant à travers il était très clair qu'elle était capable et disposée à suivre avec sa menace là-bas, à l'extérieur de sa maison.
Illya Vance Thief’s Daughter – Rogue Assassin Below average height at five foot, two inches and weighing in at just under 7 stones, Illya is a thin girl with a good amount of muscle on her. Small feet and still shapely with a womanly figure. Healthy, with eyes the colour of storm clouds. Age Nine and Ten years Gender Female – Heterosexual Weapon(s) Mithril Dagger -Stolen by her mother and given to her when she turned ten-and-two. It is of dwarven make as mithril can only be mined or worked by the dwarves- Steel Sword -A hand-and-a-half sword she found buried in her mothers’ things- Recurve Bow -Built for hunting, this bow is one who has seen more human deaths than those of animals- Skills Assassinate -If she can get close enough without being spotted, and manage a successful attack, Illya may instantly kill her target with a fatal blow- Become Shadows -With her ability to blend in she may become invisible to the untrained eye, melding with the shadows around her. This combined with her Assassinate ability, make her the perfect stealth attacker- Shadow Step -A passive skill, Illya makes no sound when she walks unless she thinks about it. This also applies to the rest of her body. She makes no noise when she moves, allowing her to sneak up on almost anyone- Sleight of Hand -With practiced ease, the thief may slip a hand inside another pocket, through their bag or make something seemingly vanish into thin air- Acrobatics -After years of practice, she had developed the ease to climb high on next to nothing, to jump and enhances her flexibility to near contortionist levels- Personality Illya has never been one to talk to others, nor share her secrets with them, instead allowing herself to become the distant image by the wall that few would ever really remember. Unemotional and detached, she is cold as ice when it comes to dealing with her target or victims, though when she needs to she can put on the perfect mask and act her way with a flawless facsimile of real emotion. She’s apathetic and rhythmic, with little deviation from how she does things. On the other hand, she is prone to sudden fits of unpredictability or rage, leaving her to do things out of her usual patterns. This has landed her in trouble before, though the person there with the anger is buried deep within her. Biography Illya was raised away from town, taught most by her mother and learning the rest on her own adventures in and around town. The people there were well aware of what her mother was, though if she stole from them they never noticed or could never prove that it was really her and from that reputation people began to believe that the daughter would be much like Marideth was. From a young age Illya was subject to the scorn and distrust of the people in town, hated even by some and the villagers children didn’t treat her any better having learned from their parents that she wasn’t someone to talk to or trust. She became secluded, locking away her own emotions when the bullies came to harass her and over time she became a being of nothingness with little to drive her onward. By the time she was seven she could easily be described as an emotionless thing rather than a human child. Worse even, she was raised without a father, so only her mother – young and having given birth when she was merely sixteen – was left to raise her. She started watching, observing and soon she began to learn all she could and started stealing from the villagers without them even noticing it; her hands became quick and her face began to show a smile again, though little of it was real. She was satisfied with stealing from the village, up until she’d left home for several months once and gone on to a large city where she came face to face with a master assassin. In the time she was gone, the village had thought her moved away and gone for good, but she was learning even more, but this time it was how to be the perfect assassin. The first mark she killed was a young noble man, wanted dead for the affair he was having with a powerful man’s wife and earned herself a pretty pouch of gold before returning home to her mother and the village that shunned her. People questioned why she left in the first place, though she never gave much than a need to see the big city to their faces but Merideth new the first time she saw the pouch of gold on her daughter. The woman had never had much teaching ability to begin with, and few maternal instincts but she was against Illya learning her trade, instead allowing her to buy what she needed regardless of her daughters protests. Why should I act like something I’m not? Why not prove them right and make them regret passing such early judgement? She’d really left because she needed space and someone to really learn from, a Master to show her which way to go to reach her fullest potential. She’d found him too and came back to show her mother exactly what she had been keeping her from. Merideth had to admit, she was a little bit impressed. She’s nineteen now and spend often months at a time away from home, stealing and killing while hiding her riches away from the public eye, instead allowing the Vale to think her a regular girl with few special talents. Other
La clinique "Oh chérie, mais c'est un gentil garçon." Défendre sa femme alors qu'elle se tenait près de la perche sur leur poêle, face à son mari alors qu'il s'asseyait pour son petit déjeuner. "Je ne connais pas Elora, j'ai entendu parler de 15 tétines et je ne sais pas si ce garçon est même humain." J'ai répondu au docteur. Sa femme gloussait, cachant son sourire d'une main, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il l'écoute. "Ne sois pas comme ça, je suis sûr qu'elle l'appréciera une fois qu'ils se rencontreront." Elle a dit, câlinant ses côtés pendant qu'elle le regardait manger une assiette d'oeufs et de gingembre- une combinaison bizarre que le médecin a insisté pour qu'il aime. "Gah-tu sais ce que je ressens à propos de ton passe-temps de match making." Finissant sa nourriture, il mit ses ustensiles sur l'assiette. "Hobby? Le futur de nos filles est un passe-temps?" Sa colère s'est évanouie. C'était lumineux derrière ses yeux. "Le futur de nos filles ne tourne pas autour de son mariage, Elora." Il a dit, en se penchant sur sa chaise à la table. C'est ainsi que l'ancienne dispute a commencé. "Je veux seulement sécuriser quelque chose d'étable pour qu'Alixanna s'accroche à!" "Elle a la clinique!" "Cette petite boîte d'allumettes? Non, c'est pas vrai! "Cette "petite boîte d'allumettes" a sauvé des dizaines de vies - Elora notre fille a un cadeau - un qui ne sera gaspillé que si elle épouse un noble uppity." "Nous étions autrefois une paire de nobles de haut niveau nous-mêmes, Atlas. Jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions dans cette ville de l'arrière-mer..." Elle croisa les bras et fronça, regardant par la fenêtre. -- J'ai juste, continua-t-elle, je veux juste que notre fille sache d'où elle vient. Je veux qu'elle voit que nous venons d'une substance plus fine." Atlas Ashgrave se tenait debout, repoussant de la table avec un soupir. Il a ramassé son assiette et a marché vers sa femme, seulement pour la contourner et commencer à laver son assiette dans l'évier. "Je comprends ça, Elora. Mais l'épouser n'est pas le moyen... Ils l'emmèneront au tribunal, j'en suis sûr, et ne lui permettront pas de poursuivre ses études médicales. C'est ce que je crains." Sa femme est restée silencieuse à ce stade- elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas discuter avec son mari sur le point de poursuivre l'éducation de leurs filles. Il était de la plus haute importance pour Atlas de le faire. Au lieu de cela, elle a simplement souri et a serré ses maris avant-bras, sortez de la pièce. Atlas savait que ce ne serait pas la dernière fois qu'il en entendait parler... et qu'il devait se rattraper à Elora d'une certaine façon. Il savait que son ton mouvant et rapide l'épuisait souvent. Le médecin a commencé à réfléchir à des façons de la faire sourire alors qu'il descendait les escaliers dans la salle principale de la clinique. Là, il grimaçait à travers les étagères, ramassant des bocals et des sachets d'ingrédients conservés. C'était sur sa liste pour faire des salves. Ils devaient être ramassés tôt ou tard par un garçon de course, Marcel. Son esprit a été rattrapé par Elora, ses rêves pour leur fille, et Alixanna elle-même. Il savait qu'elle ne s'intéressait pas à quelqu'un qui arrangeait quoi que ce soit pour elle, et encore moins à un partenaire de vie. Mais... peut-être que sa fille voulait connaître leur noble famille? Un mariage avec un noble signifierait retourner à Gardenia. "Bah!" Il a craché, broyant les herbes dans une pâte avec sa colère, "Comme je vais permettre à ma fille de retourner dans un tel environnement- celui que j'ai lutté pendant des années pour m'échapper." Il a grondé avant de mettre le mortier de côté, tout comme la porte d'entrée s'est ouverte et est entré dans sa Ali-girl. La mauvaise humeur des pères s'est dissipée et il a souri à son approche - une expression rare pour faire la grâce au visage des vieillards. À son offre de l'aider, il a hurlé, "Bonjour, comment va ma fille Ali?" Il s'est levé lentement, de peur qu'il n'ennuie le genou, et s'est retourné pour inspecter à nouveau les étagères des ingrédients comme il lui a répondu: «Nous avons un appel de maison aujourd'hui. Un enfant est malade de fièvre. J'irais moi-même, mais j'ai l'impression que c'est suffisant pour toi. Tu pourras partir une fois que j'aurai préparé ta cartable avec les nécessités." Il a remarqué que leur bocal était vide, il s'est tourné vers sa fille, "On dirait qu'on est à l'écart de Yarrow, rappelle-moi de dire à Farrest de nous en chercher." Il a commencé à emballer la satchel avec les traitements nécessaires pour le rendez-vous. Des salves pour le refroidissement. Des racines amères pour mâcher. Débarquement des voleurs Esdras mit la main sur son cœur à ses menaces, il gémit comme si cela lui faisait souffrir d'entendre de telles paroles mordantes, "Les jolies dames languissent plus fort que n'importe quelle dague enrobée de sucre, sans doute un poison pour corroder mon cœur." Il a dit dramatiquement, voyant clairement la haine derrière ses yeux, mais refusant de la reconnaître. L'homme sourit et laissa tomber sa main, "Comment était mon impression de Varric?" Il a demandé avec un chanfrein, seulement pour avoir l'impression que son séjour serait une courte durée de vie. Honnêtement il a été surpris qu'il ait duré si longtemps sans un coup de poing au visage ou à l'intestin. "Trop fatigué pour une rangée, je vois... compréhensible. Je ne voudrais pas finir par te blesser." Il a dit avec un snort, bouffant sa poitrine avec insouciance comme il l'a dit, un mâle alpha prétentieux. Quelque chose dans la façon dont ses doigts se sont tendus- comme si prêt à lui faire du mal- l'a dérangé au point où il s'est prosterné. "Je dois prendre congé. Dormez bien et rêvez de moi." Il purifia, n'osant pas la toucher pendant qu'il passait et se dirigea vers le bas de la route. Les oreilles et les joues d'Ezra Audigarde ont brûlé rouge- il avait sérieusement un problème quand il s'agissait de femmes en colère. "Je pense que je suis enthousiasmé par son infuriation." Il a dit à personne en particulier. - C'est pas vrai. Quelques minutes plus tard, Ezra est tombée en ville. Il n'avait vraiment aucun projet pour la journée- bien que l'obtention de quelque chose à manger a commencé à se classer plus haut que les minutes passaient. La poche de la faim dans son estomac commençait à grandir voracement. Peut-être qu'il passerait à la boulangerie. La chapelle a servi gruel- bien que cette merde était méchante-- il n'avait pas si désespérément faim encore. C'est ces pensées qu'il a été secoué quand il a tourné un coin de rue et il les a vus. Ils s'étreignaient... toute la situation semblait plutôt intime. Donc Ezra a fait quelque chose de particulier... il s'est caché. Il ne savait pas pourquoi, mais il pensait que, s'il était vu, il se sentirait comme un intrus. Et donc il s'est caché derrière une clôture... une vieille chose qui l'a à peine couvert... et les a regardés d'entre les poteaux. Guinevere était un sacré bordel. Ses cheveux étaient tous sauvages et son visage était rouge- sans doute de battre la merde hors du sparring factice. Et l'embrasser était Varric- qui avait l'air d'un sérieux sans caractère. Quand ils se sont séparés, Ezra s'est retrouvé à chercher quelque chose dans le visage de Varrics, mais il ne savait pas quoi. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais..." Reconnaissant la voix d'Ezra et levant les yeux, il rencontra les yeux bruns et doux d'un enfant du village. "Mykiel-" "Pourquoi es-tu encore flippant?" Interrogé le garçon, essayant d'atteindre son épaule à Guinevere et Varric. Embarrassed, Ezra l'a écarté de la vue, "Shhh-Hush maintenant ils vont nous voir." "Achetez-moi un chocolat plus tard ou je crierai." "Mykiel, je n'ai pas de... "EWW EZRA what AR-" "SHHH- Très bien, je vais bien par toi chocolat bien!" "Deux chocolats." "Écoute ici, petit tyran..." Mykiel a respiré pour crier, mais Ezra a couvert sa bouche, "Deux chocolats pour le garçon! Maintenant va-" Et il a fait sortir le garçon. Mykiel a sauté, souriant follement.
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Aldric s'est cramponné derrière la dope, lasso en main alors que son père entrait dans la boulangerie. Il entendait le fils du boulanger crier à l'intérieur. D'habitude, le meilleur endroit pour obtenir un lasso était autour du cou de la bête, malheureusement ce meilleur a eu la tête fourrée dans une fenêtre. Dans ce cas, Aldric devrait être créatif. Il s'approchait assez de la dope qu'il pouvait facilement l'attraper, mais même s'il gardait cette emprise, il serait presque impossible. Alors il a pris le lasso, manoeuvrant la corde autour de la jambe de la dope. Aldric était très méticuleux pour s'assurer que la bête ignorait sa présence. Finalement, il a noué la corde autour de sa jambe, en ligotant un slipknot pour former une boucle. Le jeune ranger tira la corde resserrant la boucle autour de la jambe de la dope, il creusa son talon dans le sol se préparant à toute la lutte. Si Aldric s'en prenait à lui.
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Sud-Fin-la Boulangerie Les yeux de la dope se sont élargis et elle a fouetté la tête par la fenêtre de la boulangerie, tout comme le boulanger est entré. L'homme était couvert de farine et il sentait la cannelle. Il a regardé son fils et ensuite le ranger qui se tenait seul dans la pièce. Il a noté la baguette à moitié mangée sur le sol et le boulanger a rétréci ses yeux à Farrest, "Tu vas devoir payer pour ça, Farrest." Le ranger soupira et arracha quelques cuivres de son manteau, le jeta au boulanger, seulement pour extirper un autre mot. Il courut jusqu'à l'endroit où se trouvaient la dot et son fils, et il y trouva Aldric qui avait du mal à tenir l'une des jambes de la dot, et il commença à se tirer frénétiquement. Il craignait que l'effrayé lui enfile son garçon au visage, alors le ranger a retenu le tournesol pour que la dope le voie. Son ton était apaisant et calme pendant qu'il lui parlait, "Shhhhh- là maintenant- calmez-vous fille." Il lui tendit le tournesol, « Calm down ». Avec sa main libre, il a décroché un autre lasso de sa ceinture et avec une touche rapide du poignet a réussi à obtenir la corde autour de son cou. Un remorqueur a serré le noeud. Ils l'ont eue. Mais la dope était toujours frénétique. Il a commencé à faire du vélo à travers des voix comme il criait, "Tu vas devoir payer pour ça, Farrest." Encore et encore. Le ranger a tiré sur son fils. "Très bien. Je suis dérangée. Laisse-la sortir d'ici avant que je ne fasse des cauchemars." Il a hurlé dans la direction de la forêt pour qu'Aldric puisse les y mener.
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Varric s'est tendu en état de choc quand Gwen l'a serré, puis a souri. "Quoi, bébé, tu dois d'abord m'acheter le dîner," a-t-il plaisanté, "Mais, hé, nous devrions en savoir plus sur les mythes de la fleur, et il n'y a personne de plus au courant sur les vieux contes que ma chère, douce mère." Il a souri avant de regarder à Laciel. "De rien aussi. Comme on dit, plus c'est bien. » Il a fait un clin d'œil. -- Et je nous sérénaderai, nous aussi, quand nous marcherons, dit-il, en saisissant son luth de son dos, je chanterai l'histoire de... Il a éternué. Quelque part, Ezra s'était moqué de lui. Il le retrouverait plus tard. "Excusez-moi. Je vais chanter un conte de Garn, le légendaire Smithknight." Varric avait déjà raconté cette histoire à Laciel. Il met l'accent sur l'ingéniosité et l'intellect légendaires de Garn, traits Varric savait que Laciel regarderait vers le haut. Varric s'est débarrassé de la gorge, avant de chanter. "Dans un pays de troubles et de troubles, Il y avait un roi que personne ne pouvait déjouer, Un tyran dont la rage était chaude comme une bobine, Le tyran nommé King Doyle. Eh bien Garn avait vécu dans cette terre, Et laissé des empreintes dans le sable. Et il était en colère, s'il vous plaît comprenez, A ce tyran visqueux d'un homme. Alors Garn a recueilli son courage. Et Garn, il a ramassé ses lames. Et Garn, il a ramassé son marteau, Et Garn, il a montré au roi ce qu'il a fait. Et Garn, il a un public, Avec le roi Tyrant Doyle, Et Garn, on le dit tous les jours depuis, Car il a fait sauter le roi comme un ébullition. Il est tombé sur lui avec une armure, Un appareil des plus merveilleuses, Armure qui pourrait mettre le feu, Armure qui pourrait mettre de la glace. Et le tyran qu'il a combattu et qu'il s'est battu, Mais contre Garn le roi ne pouvait pas gagner, Garn a obtenu ce qu'il cherchait. Il a donné la liberté à son royaume. Et quand même. Nous racontons sa grande histoire. Celui qui a gagné avec l'esprit et pas la force. Et ses histoires sont peut-être un peu gorieuses. Mais c'est Garn le Chevalier Smith."
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
La fille détestait complètement quand ce petit visage fou et bouge comme ça sur elle mais c'était quelque chose à laquelle elle s'était habituée au fil du temps bien qu'elle et sa mère n'en avaient pas moins eu l'impression. "Je le jure, ce robot est un masochiste." La fille grondait d'un soupir lourd alors qu'il s'éloignait. Elle a marché vers sa propre maison, fatiguée mais pas trop pour la faire à l'intérieur et regarder à travers les placards pour quelque chose à boire. Sa mère, naturellement, était descendue après l'avoir vue et a mis un pain avec un peu de fromage et de viande pour une collation avant qu'elle ne dorme ce matin-là pendant que la ville commençait à se réveiller. Elle n'a pas dit grand-chose avant de prendre son assiette avec elle dans les escaliers vers l'aile de la maison qu'elle occupait, sa fenêtre près d'un bel arbre pour l'ombrer bien qu'elle normalement fermé aux rideaux pour empêcher le soleil d'entrer pendant qu'elle dormait. Après une longue nuit comme celle-ci, elle avait besoin d'un bon sommeil et le soleil et le bruit que le drap bloqué la réveillerait si elle l'atteignait. Illya a poussé sa porte ouverte avec son pied et a posé son assiette sur la table par le mur pendant qu'elle se déplaçait, accrochant son manteau sur le cintre pas trop loin de la porte avant qu'elle ne tombe sur son lit et lui coupa les bottes. C'est à ce moment-là qu'elle vit le bourgeon de fleurs accroché à son plafond juste au-dessus de son oreiller. "Tu me chies dessus?" La jeune femme s'est approchée et a ramassé un livre lourd, le jetant directement sur la fleur cependant, le bourgeon semblait se déplacer immédiatement hors du chemin, donc elle a manqué la chose stupide. Elle avait entendu les légendes du barde à la taverne les rares nuits où elle ne travaillait pas et a décidé de boire la nuit loin, parfois même en parlant avec les hommes qui sont venus à leur petite ville dans la Vale lors de leurs voyages. Elle a trouvé amusant qu'elle soit souvent la première femme à s'approcher de ces hommes, considérant que même si elle était une fille locataire, elle serait l'une des plus chères - ils sont partis avec des poches vides de toute façon. Retour à la fleur que la jeune femme regardait, les feuilles se déplaçant dans la brise de la fenêtre ouverte comme s'ils se moquaient d'elle bien qu'elle se soit roulée et a décidé de l'ignorer en allongeant le trésor qu'elle avait loterie la veille sur son lit tout en mangeant la remise de nourriture apporté à l'étage avec elle.
Illya Vance Thief’s Daughter – Rogue Assassin Below average height at five foot, two inches and weighing in at just under 7 stones, Illya is a thin girl with a good amount of muscle on her. Small feet and still shapely with a womanly figure. Healthy, with eyes the colour of storm clouds. Age Nine and Ten years Gender Female – Heterosexual Weapon(s) Mithril Dagger -Stolen by her mother and given to her when she turned ten-and-two. It is of dwarven make as mithril can only be mined or worked by the dwarves- Steel Sword -A hand-and-a-half sword she found buried in her mothers’ things- Recurve Bow -Built for hunting, this bow is one who has seen more human deaths than those of animals- Skills Assassinate -If she can get close enough without being spotted, and manage a successful attack, Illya may instantly kill her target with a fatal blow- Become Shadows -With her ability to blend in she may become invisible to the untrained eye, melding with the shadows around her. This combined with her Assassinate ability, make her the perfect stealth attacker- Shadow Step -A passive skill, Illya makes no sound when she walks unless she thinks about it. This also applies to the rest of her body. She makes no noise when she moves, allowing her to sneak up on almost anyone- Sleight of Hand -With practiced ease, the thief may slip a hand inside another pocket, through their bag or make something seemingly vanish into thin air- Acrobatics -After years of practice, she had developed the ease to climb high on next to nothing, to jump and enhances her flexibility to near contortionist levels- Personality Illya has never been one to talk to others, nor share her secrets with them, instead allowing herself to become the distant image by the wall that few would ever really remember. Unemotional and detached, she is cold as ice when it comes to dealing with her target or victims, though when she needs to she can put on the perfect mask and act her way with a flawless facsimile of real emotion. She’s apathetic and rhythmic, with little deviation from how she does things. On the other hand, she is prone to sudden fits of unpredictability or rage, leaving her to do things out of her usual patterns. This has landed her in trouble before, though the person there with the anger is buried deep within her. Biography Illya was raised away from town, taught most by her mother and learning the rest on her own adventures in and around town. The people there were well aware of what her mother was, though if she stole from them they never noticed or could never prove that it was really her and from that reputation people began to believe that the daughter would be much like Marideth was. From a young age Illya was subject to the scorn and distrust of the people in town, hated even by some and the villagers children didn’t treat her any better having learned from their parents that she wasn’t someone to talk to or trust. She became secluded, locking away her own emotions when the bullies came to harass her and over time she became a being of nothingness with little to drive her onward. By the time she was seven she could easily be described as an emotionless thing rather than a human child. Worse even, she was raised without a father, so only her mother – young and having given birth when she was merely sixteen – was left to raise her. She started watching, observing and soon she began to learn all she could and started stealing from the villagers without them even noticing it; her hands became quick and her face began to show a smile again, though little of it was real. She was satisfied with stealing from the village, up until she’d left home for several months once and gone on to a large city where she came face to face with a master assassin. In the time she was gone, the village had thought her moved away and gone for good, but she was learning even more, but this time it was how to be the perfect assassin. The first mark she killed was a young noble man, wanted dead for the affair he was having with a powerful man’s wife and earned herself a pretty pouch of gold before returning home to her mother and the village that shunned her. People questioned why she left in the first place, though she never gave much than a need to see the big city to their faces but Merideth new the first time she saw the pouch of gold on her daughter. The woman had never had much teaching ability to begin with, and few maternal instincts but she was against Illya learning her trade, instead allowing her to buy what she needed regardless of her daughters protests. Why should I act like something I’m not? Why not prove them right and make them regret passing such early judgement? She’d really left because she needed space and someone to really learn from, a Master to show her which way to go to reach her fullest potential. She’d found him too and came back to show her mother exactly what she had been keeping her from. Merideth had to admit, she was a little bit impressed. She’s nineteen now and spend often months at a time away from home, stealing and killing while hiding her riches away from the public eye, instead allowing the Vale to think her a regular girl with few special talents. Other
- Lentilles Laciel : terrains d'entraînement... Tandis que le garçon trébuchait sur ses paroles, il s'inclinait alors que la lame de l'épée de Guineveres était presque en contact avec son visage charnu, ce qui n'aurait pas l'air bon à long terme. Ce n'était qu'une réaction naturelle pour essayer de s'éloigner d'un adversaire pour éviter d'avoir une partie de votre visage coupé, mais dans le cas de Laciels, il aurait besoin de quelques points de suture et d'une concotion d'Alixianna. Quoi qu'il en soit, il évita encore une fois tout mal alors qu'il regardait l'épée pendant qu'elle s'arrêtait brusquement, les yeux fixés sur la main des filles. Il y avait encore de la tension en lui, qui s'enfermait et le gardait à l'écart. C'était sur le point de s'aggraver à long terme, car une raclée aléatoire s'est abattue derrière lui. Sa réaction naturelle suivante a été de se retourner dans l'animosité avec une ville de surprise époustouflante. Cela n'a fait qu'aggraver l'état d'esprit des garçons alors qu'il tombait sur son dos, regardant vers le haut un Varric triomphant. Laciel se sentait obligé de jouer l'idiot, un cad dans la situation, pas l'érudit bien élevé qu'il était né. Pire encore, il croyait qu'il avait fait quelque chose de mal qui l'avait poussé à réfléchir si Varric se moquait de lui sans discrimination. Pire encore quand il a décidé d'essayer de le jeter avec un jab prématuré impliquant une de ses farces - celles qui leur ont coûté du temps et un peu d'argent. À ce moment-là, il ne pouvait que s'étonner en pure amertume de sa raison d'être ici alors qu'il regardait à blanc les deux alors qu'il se poussait vers le haut, les écoutant parler. Cela ne lui a servi qu'à se demander s'il a dit la mauvaise phrase à Guinevere ou s'il interrompait leur temps. Quoi qu'il en soit, il a commencé à taper le bout de son menton pendant qu'il continuait à écouter la discussion en cours sur la botanique et ce, en particulier sur les fleurs et l'amitié. "Spécifique et particulier dans une certaine mesure... Attends, cette chose de fleur pourrait-elle être complètement liée au petit cadeau en herbe que j'ai récemment reçu après les deux ans de départ de mes pères sur une quête si précaire et suspectement directe. Hmm, si je peux me souvenir, il y avait une histoire impliquant un... un cerf et deux frères. Les détails m'échappent, mais ça pourrait être lié à la lettre? Je vais interroger maman ou Varrics maman plus tard... ou peut-être m'envoyer aux livres co-réponses." Alors que le jeune savant s'autorisait à plonger dans des pensées aussi inexorables, il continua à écouter le duo parler. Laciel cache discrètement sa fronce alors qu'il tourne la tête vers le côté, ses oreilles encore attentives tout comme son esprit souple. Il a eu le courage de se lever et de parler son esprit à Guinevere, montrant qu'il n'avait pas peur de poursuivre des rêves idéaux, contrairement à Laciel lui-même. Il regardait le sol, se griffait les dents, amer de ce qu'il ne pouvait pas accomplir. Le garçon a seulement senti que c'était un coup de poing massif à l'intestin car il est devenu encore plus vert à la vue de ce qu'il vient de voir. Guinevere réciproque les sentiments Varrics après ses mots bien placés, même après avoir tourné le discours corrosif à Laciel comme une façon de lui dire peut-être une confession bien maniaque qui tapait au cœur. Pourquoi n'a-t-il pas fait ce que Varric pouvait? Cette simple coquille l'empêcha de faire à peine n'importe quel ami à part le duo devant lui et Illya qui l'avait jeté et taquiné à un intervalle considérable, mais maintenant il sentait qu'il se séparait encore plus d'eux. Est-ce que j'ai eu une chance? Ou était-ce juste une illusion à laquelle je voulais croire en raison de mon admiration pour elle? » Rien ne semblait juste pour le garçon car sa propre merveille insatiable lui a permis d'avoir une chance d'être avec elle. Il comprenait que les filles craignaient d'être enchaînées, mais il savait qu'il pouvait lui permettre de suivre ses désirs et peut-être lui montrer que l'amour n'était pas trop dérangeant. Cependant, un ami, un prétendant a pu le battre jusqu'au coup de poing. Varric a réussi à compléter ce cycle, ce qui l'a amené à laisser sa bouche légèrement agape à la vue d'eux en train de s'embrasser avant qu'ils ne s'éloignent les uns des autres. Peut-être que sa façon de penser était biaisée et égoïste? Il s'inquiétait légitimement pour la fille et ses problèmes, mais il pensait qu'elle ne devrait pas s'inquiéter pour une chose aussi naturelle. Il ne voulait pas la priver de l'une des joies de la vie, mais la forcer à une conclusion abandonnée ne les débarquerait nulle part. Le garçon reprit son sang-froid dès que Varric commença son affinité naturelle pour parler avec des mots florissants. Le flirt s'inquiétait de l'emmener dîner, d'être mignonne autour d'elle... Cependant, quelques mots mentionnés par Varric lui ont fait justice et ont compilé les questions qu'il a données dans une réponse présentable. Au moins, cela a allégé ses esprits temporairement avant d'être encerclé encore une fois. "Plus c'est bien, hein? Je me sentirais comme une étrange roue qui s'interjecte dans un rendez-vous si je le faisais. C'est déjà assez mal de me demander si j'ai dit quelque chose de incorrect, mais m'inviter à aggraver les choses, non... non... "Merci." "Je, euh, euh... Je pense que je vais juste passer pour n-maintenant. Je devrais probablement retourner à la f-forge pour n-maintenant, j'imagine que je vais vous voir deux l-plus tard..." "... "Ah, au revoir!" Avec ce dernier timidiment placé au bye, il le pouvoir s'éloigna de la scène, se penchant sur les myriades de possibilités de ce à quoi ils pourraient penser. Comme il l'a fait, il s'est éloigné de sa destination dite de la forge grâce à un mensonge bien placé. Laciel pensait que sa mère pouvait le couvrir alors qu'il préparait certaines armes à l'avance, juste au cas où quelqu'un s'arrêtait alors que sa mère s'occupait de la boutique. Il a supplié tous les dieux de ne pas se soucier d'elle. Comme il continua rapidement sur Laciel sentit le besoin de dégager sa tête et une amie pourrait peut-être l'aider avec cela si elle n'était toujours pas sur l'une de ses perspectives nocturnes qu'il craignait pour sa sécurité. Laciel ne pouvait que se demander comment elle s'est faired comme il a traversé à Illya et Marideths logement - un hôtel particulier solitaire au bord de la ville.
Name: Laciel Lenssed Age: 18 Height: 6"1' Personality: A rather quiet and rather to himself sort of boy is not much one for words, or really anything revolving around talking since he is rather nervous about spouting the wrong thing along with having a bit of social anxiety. He isn't too headstrong and is rather thoughtful than rushing into the fray, despite having his mothers blood in him. He takes after his father in this sense by staying vigilant and alert to any danger coming near. However, back on the topic of talking to others. Due to being confined to the forge a lot, he doesn't exactly have people skills. Laciel has watched others speak to try and better himself, however it is unknown how soon he will improve. Even with these drawbacks, ever since he was of a young age, Laciel held an innate curiosity of the world about him. He would always search for a way to study, even if it meant his mother scolding him for doing something reckless. If he becomes curious, it may overlap with his thoughtful side when weighing the odds. Usually his decisions are right most of the time, but sometimes they are less than desired results... such as the time he almost got killed by a bear. Thankfully his mother is a lot more fearsome than the bear and promptly caused it to flee, however being "fierce" is something he is lacking in with his supposedly decrepit appearance. The boy has an immense dislike for being tied down to one path and prefers to choose his own way. Since his mother is often fearful of whatever dangers he might have to face, she is overprotective of him which gets old pretty quickly. He feels the need to speak out against her and how his mother is one step in front of him to make his troubles fleeting... Even with her other activities, she managed to keep a keen eye on him and is rather frustrated about being hounded on consistently. He finds it rather difficult to tell her off since it's difficult to locate a mean bone in his body. Even the best doctors around couldn't even find one if they tried... Even with these limitations, he does have a breaking point and one can only hope it isn't broken. Bio: "Laciel is a lot like his father I'll tell ya! Scholarly, curious... and a wee bit stubborn to boot." - Leslie Lenssed Hailing from a long line of scholars and blacksmiths, Laciel was born into a trade that would possibly consume his life and revolve around him consistently... if he wasn't so adverse to not being coaxed into the path of the forge. Ever since he was of a ripe age, he was always working beside his mother at the forge and at night would listen to his fathers encounters when traveling with her prior to them settling down in Vale eventually. Such tales fraught with excitement and mysteries attracted him, but most of all the delight of new knowledge that he could become enlighten with. The dream felt so far away to him, but he was determined to make it a reality and gain the wisdom of those before him. His life outside the house was less than spectacular than the stories spoke of by his father as he spent most of his time around the forge and less around the children. He grew close to his mother as he observed her conjure up weapons with her vitality. Over time he began to properly forge weapons for others, easily taking over his mothers spot when she went off hunting with father or in bed with a hangover after drinking myriads of men Laciel couldn't count (father included) under the table. It was annoying at first, but eventually he became accustomed to her less than stellar and boisterous habits. When he is allowed off from the forge for working a tinge bit too hard, either Laciel pursues knowledge in his free time from the library, his assortment of books, or his father himself. His father expresses a lot of joy for taking interests in his path, but feels the need for leaving cryptic messages for Laciel to figure out. Once he figures out his fathers riddles he becomes ecstatic at his sons ability to properly comprehend his meanings whether it be physical in a sense or metaphorical. After figured out, he would spend a long time with his son, lecturing him and teaching him new things he had never known about before. These times allowed to bond with his father which he rarely had time for since he was usually out reliving his mystical tales through providing for the family. The other times he doesn't get the chance, he is seen by others hanging out in the library studying his days away while others train and enjoy their days in the sunlight. He was often teased by others for being so engrossed in books and was never seen training. Despite these stinging words, he took private lessons from his mother who demonstrated her skills which dazzled him. He often would test his mettle against his mother and other challengers, either failing or succeeding with his prior knowledge gained through his spars with Leslie. This only continued to fuel the desire for paving his own path. One day, his father left without leaving a trace or warning with the exception of a simple letter created with a cryptic message which befuddled his mother. The two were bothered by two completely different reasons, his mother who became worried over his fathers disappearance due to the dangers which most likely were in wait. Laciel became worried over the measures she would go to when becoming very overprotective for another, coming to the conclusion of what sacrifices she would make to safeguard what she dearly loves. This lead to his mother keep a closer grip and keener eye on son after the event which began to slightly suffocate him with the ever impending presence. He rarely could stray too far, but he wanted to travel to bring his father back due to a paltry rumor that caused a ruckus over his family... although he did also find it slightly interesting since it offered something he knew and loved all too well. Other than that, he often attempted to make talk with the other children after watching them make contact with one another. He hadn't really socialize with people other than the exceptional few he would come upon. However, when the event arose to gain a new friend, he ran off to "get to work at the forge." Laciel found himself being consistently beat up mentally through this as he became annoyed at his inability to form a long lasting friendship with another. At the age of eighteen, his sword-skills and smithery have made his mother and him known as the dynamic duo of forging in the village as they continued to make weapons with infallible craftsmanship, with the exception of a few times due to a few mistakes, some of which from his mother, Leslie. From what he could tell, she was still bothered by his fathers leave, even after the two years that flew by before his very eyes. It was seemingly becoming worse as she began to fret a bit more, little by little. It was difficult to notice to the naked eye but she could easily hide her sorrows from others, with the exception of Laciel who began to constantly worry over her well-being since the stress was possibly getting to her in both ways. Along with her becoming perturbed, his social skills were still lacking horribly as he struggled to develop them over the years. That was the only thing that ever continued to dull over the years, until of course he was greeted by an enigmatic letter signed by his father lying on his bed. This one made even less sense than before and made him wrack his brains over more than before to understand it. Laciel did ponder upon the letter, but he hasn't found an answer, yet for the most part... A mithril longsword specially crafted by Laciel himself at a tender age which was considered almost a bit difficult to wield at his age and had assistance from his mother when making it. It's rather large and difficult for most people to properly wield, however thanks to the inherited strength, he seems to possess the vital strength to use the weapon. It has an engraving above the guard of it with two L's side by side. Skills: Mimic: With a thirst for procuring wisdom, he has the ability to properly mimic others fighting styles to put them at a roadblock. Even with a simple longsword, he can almost properly copy another. If he managed to wield the same weapon, then they could be in loads of trouble. Counter: Once he properly learns of a person and their fighting style he can turn the tables and swiftly use their own strategy against them, or come up with a new one to easily fall them. Endurance and Fortitude: Training with others and mainly his mother has left more than a fair amount of bruises and cuts. However, such endeavors that he has endured have caused him to toughen up and become formidable in combat which can cause major surprised to others who don't expect him to be able to properly jump into the fray. Laciel also has his mothers unrivaled strength which was nurtured over spars and losses into the budding blacksmith he is today. Watchful Eye: Laciel has spent a lot of time sneaking away from the stray eyes of Leslie, allowing him to get a taste of nature. Not only can he analyze the area around him, but he can keep up with any inconsistencies in his line of sight as if it was childs play. However, keeping an eye on his environment isn't the only thing he can extort to his advantage. Scholarly Mind: Laciel spends as much time in the books as he does in the forge. He keeps a whole library in the room containing him and will often become sleep deprived to procure knowledge. His love for knowledge allows him to gain information quicker and dispense them to others that he feels that could put this knowledge to use. An example is his knowledge of the forge and his power to easily create wonders. Even so, he won't hesitate to use such a thing to his advantage for his own reasons.
Tu dois d'abord m'acheter le dîner, Varric a plaisanté, "Mais, hé, nous devrions en savoir plus sur les mythes de la fleur, et il n'y a personne de plus au courant sur les vieux contes que ma chère, douce mère." Guinevere le coudée doucement mais sourit. Plus de romance bizarre entre eux, tout allait bien et comment ça devrait être. En tant que fils de sa mère, Varric a pris le moment de faire éclater la chanson. Contrairement à Guinevere, qui chantait comme une banshee brouillante, la voix de Varric était pleine de compassion et de vulnérabilité. Chanter a fait ressortir un côté incroyable de Varric. Il pouvait faire que n'importe qui remplisse d'espoir et d'amour juste en chantant un air; c'était comme écouter un ange chanter dans le ciel. "C'était magnifique, Varric. C'était vraiment," Guinevere l'a loué après avoir fini et regardé Laciel, qui avait été si calme qu'elle a failli oublier qu'il était là. Varric l'avait invité à chercher sa mère si hardiment que Guinevere craignait qu'il n'ait trop effrayé Laciel. "Je, euh, euh... Je pense que je vais juste passer pour n-maintenant. Je devrais probablement retourner à la f-forge pour n-maintenant, j'imagine que je vais vous voir deux l-plus tard..." "... "Ah, au revoir!" "Laciel, attendez!" Elle a appelé mais il s'était déjà précipité. Soupirant lourdement, Guinevere s'inquiétait qu'ils l'aient bouleversé. Laciel n'a jamais été un pour exprimer ses opinions et laisser ses peurs et ses problèmes s'asseoir en lui jusqu'à ce que tout ça se soit juste fait exploser. Peut-être qu'elle lui parlerait plus tard. En ce moment, Guinevere avait besoin de savoir ce que cette fleur signifiait vraiment et Varric était correct, personne n'en savait plus sur les légendes que sa mère. "Prêt"? Elle lui demanda de le regarder et se mit à marcher chez lui. Portant une armure pleine, Guinevere n'avait même pas envie de se changer en vêtements décontractés. C'était comme si elle allait affronter son plus grand ennemi, la fleur.
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Varric regarda Laciel s'en aller, une expression muselée sur son visage. "Et là, je pensais qu'il aimait Garn. D'habitude, il semble si absorbé quand je raconte ces histoires." Varric a dit, griffant l'arrière de sa tête. Il s'est ensuite ébranlé. -- Mais oui, nous allons dans la taverne! Il marchait dans la direction générale de la taverne, souriant. Cela avait été une rencontre très stressante, mais il semblait que ça allait marcher. Ce soir, il devrait travailler sur cette chaîne d'amoureux. Si tout le reste échouait, il enrôlerait Ezra. En parlant de qui, Varric a senti le vent se lever derrière lui. Il a juré un moment qu'il avait entendu un enfant crier, et il avait l'impression que quelqu'un était à proximité. "Gwen, ça te dérange de rire fort pendant que je parle de la taille du pénis d'Ezra? Je crois qu'il nous surveille. La magie de la nature."
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
La Taverne Le maire se tenait à l'avant de la pièce, face à la foule de rassemblement avec une face de pierre. Cette expression sérieuse et solennelle a rarement trouvé sa place sur le visage du grand joyeux homme. Mais aujourd'hui, au cours de cette rencontre, il a dû informer le village d'un crime odieux qui pourrait faire basculer le doux équilibre de la paix dans la peur. À ses côtés se tenait le Docteur - qui avait été imploré de rester à la maison - mais l'homme était beaucoup trop triste pour ne pas venir à la réunion. Ses yeux étaient rouges et ses vêtements inconsidérés. C'était un homme abandonné d'une mer d'émotions, de peur, de colère, de chagrin et de désespoir. La foule avant eux chuchotait. De bandits et de magie noire. Parmi les autres qui avaient été pris et retournés de simples obus d'eux-mêmes. Les femmes pleuraient parce qu'elles ont été attristées pour la belle jeune femme qui allaitait leurs enfants à nouveau à la santé. Les hommes étaient furieux, car ils craignaient pour la sécurité de leurs propres filles. Les jeunes hommes - sans doute la plupart d'entre eux étant ses prétendants - ont commencé à promettre leur vie pour des fêtes de recherche. Le Docteur fut ému par l'amour que les habitants exprimèrent pour sa fille. Pour sa fille Ali... "Merci d'être venu aujourd'hui, les gens de Vale." Commencé le maire, signalant le début de la réunion. Obéissantement, les citadins brouillaient, tous attentifs à ce que le maire savait de la situation et de son décret pour la corriger. "La nuit dernière, pendant qu'on dormait tous, Alixanna Ashgrave a été enlevée de chez elle. La façon dont les captureurs ont fait cela est inconnue. Qui a fait une chose aussi horrible est inconnu. D'un témoin oculaire, nous avons appris qu'un couple par un chariot est parti à une heure impair dans l'Angar- il est inconnu si le chariot tenait des marchandises ou en fait notre Alixanna. Je vous supplie, gens de Vale, de venir avant toute information que vous pouvez fournir pour faciliter notre recherche. Nous avons envoyé un groupe de recherche composé des meilleurs rangers pour peigner la forêt pour elle. Ils ne s'arrêteront pas jusqu'à ce qu'Alixanna soit ramenée à la sécurité de sa famille. Beaucoup d'entre vous sont venus à l'avance et ont exprimé vos opinions sur qui aurait pu le faire - nous manquons de preuves pour de telles allégations, mais garderons ces suggestions à l'esprit. En tant que maire, je ne demande à personne de risquer leur vie dans l'Angar... mais en tant que père... Je ne me reposerais pas avant que ma fille ne me soit revenue. En conclusion, quelle que soit l'aide que vous pourriez être en mesure de fournir serait grandement apprécié. Assembler des fournitures pour ceux qui sont dans le groupe de recherche pour leur temps indéterminé dans la forêt. Aider le charpentier à fortifier les murs de notre ville et les maisons où nous habitons. Un service de prière sera organisé au chant pour ceux qui cherchent à se consoler d'un événement aussi inquiétant. Les prières à la famille Ashgrave seraient également très appréciées. Je vous remercie et, en tant que maire, termine cette réunion. » Le malaise antérieur de la ville s'inclinait davantage vers la panique organisée - ils commençaient à se précipiter vers les lieux d'emploi et à sortir de la taverne. Certains sont restés en retard, cherchant d'autres moyens d'aider la cause ou de parler avec le maire. Le médecin s'assombrit dans une chaise et regarda engourdi à la table avant lui. Marion Dawnleaf a posé une tasse de bière mousseuse devant lui et l'a patté sur l'épaule. Elle savait le chagrin de perdre un enfant trop bien. Pour la première fois en 8 ans, le docteur buvait. - C'est pas vrai. Plus tôt, dans l'une des tavernes avant la réunion, Ezra s'est assis au lit. La couverture est tombée loin de lui, exposant son corps nu. Il a couru une main à travers ses cheveux non kempts et a regardé la pièce. Une courge vide était posée sur le sol, accompagnée d'une bouteille ou de deux parsemées de l'autre côté de la pièce. Ses vêtements faisaient une piste autour du lit, rejoints par ceux de quelqu'un d'autre. À travers ses pensées brumeuses, les souvenirs de la nuit qui a précédé l'inondation de son esprit. Il s'est déplacé sur le lit pour faire face à un Varric endormi. Avec ses yeux, il a pris dans les traits féminins de son corps- libre de l'illusion magique utilisée pendant la journée. Doucement, il s'est penché et a embrassé son épaule, une affection partagée entre amants et non amis. Avant de sortir du lit et d'arracher son pantalon de leur place froissée sur le sol. Il les a attachés sur sa taille. Humming la chanson qu'ils avaient inventée la veille- appartenant à une chanson sur une prostituée à un pattes qui battait les hommes qui ne payaient pas avec sa jambe en bois. Ezra cherchait ses chaussures. Il en a trouvé un près de la porte... où il l'avait jeté hier soir quand un ivrogne est venu frapper, leur demandant de se taire. Pour la chanson ou le sexe, il ne s'en souvenait pas. En fait, il y avait un certain nombre de choses qu'il ne pouvait pas se rappeler avant d'arriver à la taverne. Ces manques de mémoire commençaient à le déranger. Il se tourna vers le lit et s'assit près de Varric, son dos nu à lui. L'homme a peigné ses cheveux avec ses mains-- il a été surpris qu'il ait encore eu quelques-uns en considérant comment dur Varric avait tiré ses boucles brunes hier soir. On sait qu'il ne se plaignait pas. Il aimait en fait être maltraité. Alors qu'il sentait Varric commencer à remuer à nouveau, il le regarda de nouveau par-dessus son épaule. Il a essayé d'être calme... vraiment, il l'a fait... mais bon sang, il vient d'avoir des rapports sexuels. Alors il ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire et d'incliner sa tête sur l'autre homme, "Bonjour-dormez bien? S'il vous plaît, dites non. Dis que tu es en enfer... Je t'aimerai pour ça." Il plaisantait bien qu'on soit honnêtes, pas si secrètement qu'il le pensait.
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Varric a d'abord remué partiellement à la conscience quand Ezra a embrassé son épaule. Varric sentit son cœur en quelque sorte nerveusement à l'intimité de celui-ci, mais en quelque sorte poussa ces sentiments vers le bas. Il avait suspecté un moment qu'Ezra n'aimait pas leur règle de "non se sent juste amis avec quelques baises" pendant un moment. Il ne voulait pas briser le cœur de son bon ami, et il était nerveux d'aborder le sujet encore. -- Nnnnngh, répondit Varric, souriant, les yeux encore fermés. Il a à peine ouvert une main, et mis sa paume sur le visage d'Ezra, sur son nez, sa bouche et ses yeux. "Snooze, mettez le sort d'alarme pendant cinq minutes de plus," dit-il, avant de se lever avec un bâilleur. Il s'est levé et a regardé Ezra. Il sourit : « C'était une union des plus glorieuse de l'amour. Vous avez fait rouler des vagues de plaisir à travers mon corps, à travers des compétences si vigoureuses et acrobatiques que des poèmes épiques pourraient être écrits à ce sujet. Bien que j'aie l'impression que tu devrais être la plaie ici. Je croyais avoir tous ces cheveux. Et je me souviens vous avoir mordu quelques fois." Il étendit les bras, avant de se regarder dans le miroir. En vérité, il était un peu douloureux, mais il l'avait aimé. Il a regardé son corps. C'était rare que quelqu'un le voie sans le sortilège d'illusions. Il était en fait très féminin en apparence. Honnêtement, il n'était pas l'homme le plus viril de toute façon, et même s'il n'avait pas eu l'illusion magique de ressembler à un homme, il en était encore un. Cela dit, il préférait toujours regarder ce qu'il ressentait. Qui sait, peut-être qu'un jour il trouverait une solution permanente. Il a utilisé le sort, et sourit comme des pétales roses volaient autour de lui, et sa poitrine aplatissait, ses hanches rétrécissaient, et son visage devenait androgyne. -- Vous savez, dit Varric, lasy soir j'ai appris que les fleurs ne sont pas nécessairement romantiques. Varric s'est arrêté. "La légende ascythène, c'est-à-dire. Ce grand vieux récit de l'échec humain, et pourtant, l'espérance humaine. L'espoir que là-bas, il y ait une âme sœur pour tout le monde. Selon ma mère, ça n'a pas à être romantique." Il s'arrêta de nouveau, se demandant comment Ezra réagirait à la prochaine nouvelle. "Ce qui est bon, puisque, tous les deux mon chéri Guinevere et moi en avons un, et je jure que si jamais j'ai besoin de cette femme pour combattre un dragon, je n'ai besoin que de la menacer de mariage."
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Quand elle se réveille la première fois, il y a un démon sur son lit. Alixanna essaie immédiatement de crier, mais le démon est plus rapide, couvrant sa bouche et son nez d'une main noire lisse. Le médecin se bat violemment contre l'intrus et essaie de l'arracher, mais son bras est couvert d'une sorte de goudron et elle ne peut pas avoir une bonne prise. Elle essaie de creuser ses ongles et au moins de blesser le fils de pute, mais la créature est inébranlable. Les yeux du démon ont porté dans le sien pendant que la boue commence à couler dans elle. Si ça ressemble beaucoup à ce qu'Alixanna suppose que la noyade doit se sentir. Toute la lutte s'arrête à l'adolescence et la seule chose sur laquelle elle peut se concentrer est d'essayer de respirer. Son pouls bat dans ses oreilles et elle ne voit plus rien. 'Calme vers le bas,' elle essaie de se dire, sa poitrine s'entassant alors qu'elle inhale de minuscules et inutiles gazes. Le corps humain ne peut aller que trois minutes sans air. C'est ce qui va te tuer d'abord. C'est cette pensée qui incite le médecin à s'entraîner à inhaler profondément contre la bile noire. Pas assez. Ses mains s'inclinent vainement quand elle se sent émue. Alixanna ne se souvient plus où elle est. Pas assez d'air. Je vais perdre connaissance d'ici une minute et demie. Ses calculs ont dû être éteints, parce qu'ils sont une touche contre son temple et qu'elle s'évanouit en trente secondes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quand elle se réveille la deuxième fois, c'est à la balançoire d'une voiture en mouvement. Alixanna essaie de bouger les mains seulement pour réaliser qu'ils ont été liés derrière son dos. La brune abandonne presque instantanément, se détendant contre la paille et se vissant les yeux fermés. L'adolescent ne s'est jamais senti aussi épuisé ou faible. Après qu'elle ait repris son souffle, Alixanna essaie de faire le point sur la situation. "Toujours pieds nus," pense-t-elle alors qu'elle se branle les orteils. Toujours dans mes vêtements de nuit, elle y accède tout en se déplaçant contre le foin et en sentant la texture de coton familière ou sa chemise de nuit se déplacer contre sa peau. C'est définitivement pas décent maintenant. Maman aurait une crise cardiaque, elle glousse un peu hystériquement, au bord d'une dépression. Au moins quelqu'un a mis une couverture sur elle. Remerciez les dieux pour leurs petites compassions.
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
Le matin paisible de Guinevere avait été balayé seul avec celui d'hier. Je n'ai vraiment aucune chance au début de la journée... d'abord un rêve tuant fleur était apparu magiquement sur son oreiller et maintenant une de ses amies proches avait disparu. Grâce à la fille du maire, Guinevere a été le premier à entendre tous les détails. Peu de temps avant qu'elle n'ait établi un plan. S'asseoir en attendant des soirées de recherche la rendrait folle. Non, bien sûr qu'elle chercherait Alixanna elle-même. En raison de la visite constante de Guinevere à la clinique à cause de diverses blessures, les deux avaient établi une amitié étroite. C'était la seule amie de Guinevere. Guinevere ne pouvait pas rester longtemps avec d'autres filles de son âge avec leurs conversations de romance et de mariage, elle allait s'évanouir bientôt! Alixanna n'était pas seulement extrêmement intelligente, mais aussi gentille, quelque chose que Guinevere admirait d'elle. Après avoir emballé un sac de vêtements, de nourriture, et d'autres fournitures aléatoires nécessaires, Guinevere habillée dans son armure et attaché son épée à sa hanche. Juste au cas où, Guinevere a également écrit une note expliquant son plan et de ne pas s'inquiéter pour son père. Si l'homme pensait qu'elle avait été kidnappée aussi, Guinevere ne voulait même pas y penser. Il valait mieux lui dire qu'elle allait bien. Signant cela, Guinevere a commencé la première partie de son plan. Première étape. Trouvez Varric. Quelle aventure n'était pas complète sans votre meilleur ami? De plus, la magie de Varric, bien que parfois agaçante, était puissante et serait un grand atout pour la mission. Heureusement, Marion Dawnleaf avait heureusement dit à Guinevere où Varric pouvait être trouvé, en fait, elle avait été un peu trop excitée pour lui dire. En allant à la taverne, Guinevere s'est assurée d'avoir l'air d'appartenir à elle. Se faufiler en ville ne causerait que des soupçons et ce ne serait pas longtemps avant que son père le découvre. Elle savait qu'il finirait par comprendre que sa fille avait disparu, mais elle voulait juste que ce temps soit après qu'elle soit partie depuis longtemps. Grâce à la réunion de la ville actuelle, la taverne était juste et vide et même la mère de Varric n'était pas là. Extrêmement reconnaissant, Guinevere est monté à la chambre de Varric. "Varric?" Elle a appelé pour frapper à la porte, " Ta mère m'a dit que tu dormais encore, je rentre, d'accord? " Elle a appelé avant d'ouvrir la porte et d'entrer dans sa chambre. Une énorme erreur. Au lieu d'un homme qui fouillait, il y en avait deux. Ni portant leurs vêtements de nuit. "Oh mon. Oh, mon Dieu. Je n'ai rien vu, j'ai tout vu! Un blush rouge a couvert tout son visage alors qu'elle fermait les yeux serrés. En se retournant, elle courut directement à la porte, espérant échapper à ce cauchemar. Au lieu de cela, elle l'a fracassée contre la porte et est tombée en arrière, s'écraser sur le sol. Un éperon de malédictions a échappé à sa bouche. Ce n'était pas surprenant de trouver Ezra avec Varric, Marion leur avait déjà fait allusion la veille, mais elle ne s'attendait pas à les voir si près ensemble-littéralement. Ça n'arrivait pas. Dis-moi que ce n'est pas réel. Pince-moi quelqu'un. Guinevere n'a ouvert les yeux que pour quitter la misérable chambre de Varric, marquée pour le reste de sa vie. Nouveau plan! Nouveau plan! Première étape. Trouvez Varric. Trouvez Aldric.
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
L'Angar Ils marchaient depuis une heure, avec chaque pas la forêt autour d'eux s'est accrue en lui-même. Les arbres ont grandi à des hauteurs monstrueuses dans cette partie de l'Angar- les racines jutées hors du sol pour obscurcir parfois le passage des charrettes. La lumière du soleil était rare sur le sol de la forêt- les lumières de lui éparpillées ici et là- mais les distances entre les deux pourrait rendre n'importe quel voyageur las de ce qui se réfugie dans l'obscurité. Pour la plupart, leur passage n'a rencontré que peu de menaces. La femme marchait le long de la mule et ne pensait guère à son fardeau dans la charrette. Elle a parlé à la mule de temps en temps, la réprimandant pour avoir été si négligente avec un rocher ou s'être arrêtée pour manger quelque chose. Le manteau était évidemment enchanté par l'illusion magique pour masquer ses traits - on pouvait voir qu'elle était belle - mais ne pouvait pas se souvenir de la couleur de ses yeux ou de la courbe de sa bouche. En fait, si on regardait à l'écart, ils commenceraient à l'oublier complètement. Sa voix était étrange, aussi, parce que son accent changeait souvent. Elle parlait comme un roi du nord, puis un paysan de la vallée, seulement pour ensuite s'installer dans l'épais tirage de la côte. Cela aussi était dû à la magie de son manteau pour protéger son identité. Nul doute que c'était la raison du départ de ses compagnons, car son manteau n'avait pas les mêmes avantages. Peu de temps après, ils ont été baignés par la lumière du soleil alors qu'ils brisaient une clairière dans la forêt. Il était petit, seulement la taille du chariot lui-même, et abritait une épaisse couverture de fleurs. La mule s'entrainait sur ceux-ci alors que la femme se tournait vers la charrette pour la première fois depuis son départ. "Réveille-toi, mon enfant." Elle commanda à la voix de la jeune fille courtoise d'attendre. Après un moment, elle lui a cassé la couverture et a posé sa main sur le visage des filles, la bile noire a réagi à son toucher et sillonné son bras. La femme a cherché des contusions à Alixanna. Quand elle a été satisfaite que le dommage était minimum, elle a parlé ainsi, « Nous sommes au bord de la forêt. Au-delà de ce point, nous allons entrer dans la tourbière. C'est ici que mon maître dort. Je te présenterai à lui et il te jugera. Parlez-lui et il vous donnera la révélation. Mais faites preuve de prudence, car ses humeurs sont tempestueuses dans la nature. » À ce moment-là, elle retourna à sa mule et lui drapé le dos avec la couverture. Ils ont continué pendant quelques minutes jusqu'à ce que la forêt commence à tomber et que le sol devienne soggier. Des piscines d'eau stagnantes et vertes ont surgi ici et là. "Nous sommes arrivés." elle a annoncé avant de retourner à Alixanna et de la guider hors du chariot, au bord de l'eau. Avec un doigt son capteur pointé vers le centre de la piscine d'eau, "Regarde. Il nous attend." En regardant, on aurait été incapable de voir ce que la femme a vu, mais ensuite il a bougé. Ce qu'on avait supposé être une roche massive recouverte de mousse, a ouvert les yeux. La créature de mousse se tenait à quatre pattes. L'eau coulait de sa fourrure et de sa crinière. Le lion marécageux s'est séparé les mâchoires pendant qu'il avait l'air pendu aux femmes, "Sorcier." La voix des monstres était celle d'un démon. Profond et sec, avec des tons prédateurs. C'était une partie d'arnaque et une partie de malédiction. La scylée de ses yeux était noire- les iris brillaient un ombrage de flamme. "Monseigneur. Mon redoutable roi." Elle lui a appelé, "J'ai amené un autre enfant. Je crois que cette fois-ci, c'est elle que vous cherchez." Le lion n'a rien dit. Il s'est simplement refermé jusqu'à ce que son nez noir soit à quelques centimètres du visage d'Alixanna et que son visage remplisse sa vue, "Est-ce que ma sorcière... dit la vérité, mon enfant? Votre âme purifiera-t-elle la mienne?" La femme à côté d'Alixanna était en admiration, "Voyez par vous-même. C'est une guérisseuse. Un enfant pur qui ne travaille qu'à aider les autres." À ce moment-là, le lion ouvrit les yeux grands comme il fermait sur celui d'Alixanna. Ils voulaient l'hypnotiser en parlant, "Oui. Oui, je crois que vous avez raison. Je peux voir son âme. Je le veux." Il a tourné son regard sur le capteur, qui a évité son regard, Emmenez-la et préparez-la. Rends-la quand elle sera prête." La femme voilée s'inclina la tête basse, "Oui, redoute roi. Dans 3 jours, nous reviendrons." Et avec cela le lion retourna aux profondeurs de la tourbière, l'eau l'avalant tout entier. La femme se tenait à côté d'Alixanna et la regardait, "Je vais vous donner un départ de cinq minutes." Elle a dit : "Mon travail ici est terminé. Une fois que vous quittez la tourbière, alors vous êtes problème Ogars. Il va t'attendre dans mon chariot, mais la peur fait du bien au corps. Et il a toujours été un pour la poursuite." Elle s'en retourna et monta à sa mule, qui se mit à trotter à l'extérieur de la tourbière. Laisser Alixanna parmi les saules pleurants et les crapauds croquants.
Ezra Audigarde/21/male(bi) He stands at 5'10 and weighs 140 lbs, his build is lean, with broad shoulders. His hair is short brown that curls about his ears . His eyes are a sharp green, almost jade. Personality: Please mind yourself around him- once you get him started he will not stop talking. He's quite the flirt- some times unnervingly so. Ezra moves about as if the world is his for the taking- which never really sits well with others. He has this problem where, if he sees something he likes, he'll go out of his way to have it (people included- actually especially people). But past this annoying disposition he isn't that bad... Oh wait, no theres more actually. Something is most certainly off about Ezra. Yes, he's little talkative and pushy and maybe he has the habit of getting sidetracked in conversations- but its not only these things. Ezra's kinda... crazy. No, honestly, the guy is an adrenaline junkie. Never never dare him- because he will do it. It's like he was never born with the capacity to feel fear. He's prone to outbursts and can become explosively angry when triggered (note: mentioning his father). Although that's him at his worst. Most of the time he's smiling and joking away with complete strangers. He expresses complete interest when people talk about themselves- because he truly wants to know about those around him. The man is a daydreamer and- especially on rainy days- he can be found napping in some odd place. His default laidback (read: lazy) attitude gets him negative cred from the townsfolk. They see him as a troublemaker and often whisper about his mental instability behind their hands. He knows what they think of him but it doesn't bother him. The opinions of others don't put food on his table or clothe him- so its none of his concern. Bio: Born in the valley city of Pax- a city of wealth and squallor, known for its lavish way of life viewed by outsiders as grossly excessive. Ezra's mother was a prostitute and for the majority of his life he thought his father was just a lonely businessman. Growing up in the brothel wasn't as horrible as one might think. In fact, he holds only fond memories of that time in his life, of course save for a few incidents here and there- plus the occasional beating. The women there were all affectionate and protective toward him- honestly it was like having a house full of moms- which was alright by his oblivious younger self. 12 yearold boys in brothels start to attract the really disgusting types- and to protect her son from any harm his mother decided to send her boy to his father. Now, isn't that every whore's sons dream? To meet the father that they dreamt of at night and daydreamed of during their scoldings and beatings and when nasty customers came by. Ezra was a wreck when he walked all three miles on his own out of Pax's red district- into a neighborhood of botanical gardens and houses of dukes and lords. He didn't want to meet his father- the only outcome of this would to be sent away like a dog. He knew this because he wasn't the only child born in the brothel. He wasn't the first or last to be sent to their fathers house. His half sister opened the door. She was younger than him. Her name was Eithne. She knew exactly who he was because they shared the same green eyes. Their father fainted and Ezra knew at once that he would never come to love this man. He was barely in that house for a week before Ezra was packed off to Pax's local Academy. Here he was drilled to become a soldier for the capital. He lasted seven years before he "dropped out", which is code for his being framed for something he didn't do. Eithne visited him at the Academy during his stay there and she soon became the only friend he ever had. They read stories to one another and wrote to each other when they were apart. She was brilliant and she was kind- a complete contrast to Ezra's aggressive and unhinged personality. But she loved him- she loved him so readily that it burdened him sometimes. Like when he would fight in the yard with the other academymen grunts- he never went too far because her voice always rang through his head. Anyways when she learned of his being banished from the Academy she married some noble asshat named Ceril Balfont. The Balfont's extended a pardon to Ezra but he didn't want it because he knew what it really was. His sister had sacrificed her happiness just to give him a second chance at being something. He was sick with guilt. So sick that he (long story short) almost convinced Eithne to run off with him to Vale (he had contacts there and it was such a small, quiet town. They could rebuild their lives there) but it was much too late for her. In fact his father caught word and almost killed him for almost ruining Eithne's marriage to such a powerful figure head. Ezra resents how he was now the only one benefiting from their misery. He came to Vale only a year ago- since he'd spent his time hopping around from city to city in the Valley only to end up a bandits lackey for a few months in the Angar. He stumbled on Vale by accident and met up with his "contact" another Academy drop out. Weapon Pole staff. Its retractable and can easily be hidden in a pocket. Sturdy and simple- he won it in a game of cards. Dagger. Never leave your house without one strapped to your ankle. Skills -Moderate Combat Training. Thank you, Academy. -Street smarts. Thank you, Pax's red district. -Moderate survival. Thank you, those few months spent out in the Angar. -Good looks. Thanks mom. Other -Audigarde is a bastards name. - He lives in a small cabin with Gada, a woman he often mentions but no one really ever sees. Gada Malvodar/21/female(bi) She stands at 5'7 and weighs 115 lbs. Her appearance may seem frail but she is anything but. Gada's a red head that often keeps her hair up in braids, often tied back with jewlery. She has rune tattoos between her breasts, under her chin, behind her ears, and on her feet that provide her with magic energy for quick spell casting. Her eyes are an unnatural yellow. Personality: Bio: Weapon -A spire staff. It has a pointy end that she often threatens to shove up Ezra's ass. Skills -Summoning: Gada specializes in summoning magic. Its a dark art that requires sacrifices. -Apothecary: She knows her way around the - Other
Alixanna a riposté quand la couverture a été retirée, essayant de s'éloigner de l'autre présence. Avant que le médecin ne puisse complètement reculer, une main a couvert son visage et les boues toxiques se sont retirées. Le processus l'a laissée gaspiller avidement alors que ses poumons ont finalement pu puiser dans des respirations non obstruées une fois de plus. Quand ses pupilles s'étaient assez contractées pour qu'Alixanna puisse se concentrer, la brune a essayé de s'emparer de son capteur. "Gorgeous," a fourni son esprit, sans aide. Elle n'a pas pu épingler les détails de son visage. La fille du docteur a pensé que son capteur l'avait regardée. Alixanna a avalé fort comme l'autre lui a dit qu'ils allaient voir son maître. Puis le chariot a recommencé à bouger et le guérisseur a été laissé pour regarder vers le haut de l'arbre. Ils continuent comme ça pendant un moment, jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'arrêtent et que la femme revienne. Elle délimita les pieds d'Alixanna, mais laissa les mains liées avant de la sortir de l'arrière du chariot, sa poignée étonnamment douce. Regarde. Il nous attend, a dit son capteur, en changeant de timbre de voix en se rendant au centre de la tourbière. Alixanna a déplacé son regard vers le milieu du marais et n'a rien vu au début. L'adolescente a commencé à demander, sa voix encore égratignante, mais elle l'a vu, une bête qui était aussi grande qu'un homme, couverte dans le feuillage du marais et ses jowls se sont séparés, révélant des dents jaunâtres et incroyablement pointues. Les Dieux ont la miséricorde, pensa-t-elle, transfixée par le monstre. Elle parlait à l'autre femme, mais les seules paroles qui ont été enregistrées étaient ‘le roi déchiqueté'. Le lion s'approcha, son museau se pressa presque contre son visage alors qu'il lui demandait : « Est-ce que ma sorcière... dit la vérité, mon enfant? Votre âme purifiera-t-elle la mienne?" Alixanna a regardé dans les yeux de la créature et réfléchi dans les orbes maléfiques n'étaient que la mort et la misère. Le médecin a tremblé. La sorcière a dit autre chose et les yeux du roi s'élargissent, épinglant Alixanna où elle se tenait. Une vague de nausées est tombée sur elle et Alixanna's l'esprit était rempli d'images du lion festant sur les jeunes filles et écrasant les crânes d'enfants dans ses mâchoires hideuses, tout en pleurant encore pour leurs mères. La bête a regardé loin et Alixanna a mordu sa lèvre si dur à éviter de crier qu'elle puisse goûter du sang. Le roi redouté a disparu dans les profondeurs de la tourbière et la femme déguisée a dit, "Je vais vous donner un départ de cinq minutes." Alixanna a attendu jusqu'à ce que la femme et son chariot soient presque hors de vue, essayant d'évacuer sa respiration pour qu'elle ne s'évanouisse pas. Elle ne courra jamais quelqu'un comme ça, pensa-t-elle, ses orteils fléchissant dans l'argile humide. Le pied de fer, les mains attachées, et cette chemise de nuit est comme une foutue balise de dieux, Alixanna a ronflé à la chemise de nuit comme s'il était à blâmer pour cette situation. Désorienté, Alixanna a pris une direction et a commencé à marcher, luttant pour être rapide et maintenir son équilibre en même temps. Une branche d'arbre brisée griffa son bicep et elle siffla, regardant vers le bas la matière déchirée de sa manche et le sang qui coulait de la petite blessure. Elle sentit le bourdonnement chaud de sa magie tandis que sa peau brillait d'un or pâle et commençait à tricoter ensemble, mais le sang était encore vibrant contre le blanc de sa chemise de nuit. Ça lui a donné une idée. Alixanna rama son épaule aussi fort que possible contre le point aigu de la branche cassée, la forçant à percer sa chair et à créer une gorge profonde. "Hurhg," elle a percuté la douleur, se concentrant sur l'arrêt de la magie qui a naturellement soufflé pour arrêter le saignement. Les rangers ne peuvent pas manquer cela,,, elle murmura alors qu'elle courait l'épaule blessée sur le tronc d'un saule, laissant derrière un frottis de sang. Cette personne d'Ogar l'aurait sûrement vu aussi, mais ils allaient l'attraper de toute façon. Alixanna continua de marcher, en lui frottant le sang sur tous les arbres et les buissons qu'elle passa.
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
Quand Varric entra à l'étage principal de la taverne, il y eut des bourdonnements dramatiques. Il bâillait et s'étirait. Il venait de passer cinq minutes à écouter une histoire d'Ezra. Une histoire assez stupide à propos d'un combattant de rue contessa qui a apparemment gagné l'amour de deux nobles mineurs en se jetant un coup de pied sur un requin. Varric s'est interrogé sur Ezra, alors. Pendant un peu de temps, ils avaient en quelque sorte... volé la ligne. Bien sûr qu'ils ont baisé. Varric était presque sûr qu'il avait fait saigner les lèvres d'Ezra, Varric STILL ne marchait pas droit, et tout le cou de Varric n'était qu'un hickey géant, tout comme Ezra. Mais l'émotion réelle? Varric aimait Ezra. L'homme était son ami. Il se souciait vraiment de lui. Mais... c'était le même problème avec les fleurs. Varric ne voulait pas s'installer. Peut-être un jour, mais il a eu des années jusqu'à ce que ça aille. Du chaos, Varric a appris qu'Alixanna avait disparu. Varric a vite réfléchi. Au bout d'un moment, il a froncé. Ce n'était pas une de ses blagues. Il n'allait pas rendre Alixanna invisible avant demain. Oh, mes doux princes de pétale. Il a établi un plan. Première étape, trouver Guinevere
Role/Class Bard's Son, the Leaf Singer Appearance Name Varric Dawnleaf/Age 18/Gender Trans Boy Personality: Varric is a bit of a mixed bag. He's certainly polite and treats people well, but, the thing is, he is a bit of an ass as well. If there's one thing he cares about, it's entertainment. And his mom, but more importantly, entertainment. He gets bored easily. So, he likes to stir some trouble on occasion. Maybe kick some valuable and watch as people go ballistic, just to return it later. Maybe punch a girl's but and make it seem like the guy next to him did it. He also tends to boast, about his deeds, and more than once has had to do some form of restitution. One thing in his favor is that, for all his false boasting and whatnot, Varric is ballsy. He doesn't seem to know what fear is. He once heard od dangerous bandits in the woods, and actively sought them out. After getting inevitably captured, he convinced them that he was the Mayor's daughter, and that if they sent word that they had him, then the Mayor would pay them. Since the mayor, and his actual daughter for that matter, we're kind of BADASS, this ended poorly for the bandits. Especially when bardmom got involved. As one may have noticed, Varric is a bit impulsive too. He tends to give exactly zero fucks about the consequences, until he has to face them. He sometimes does genuinely mean things, and only later realizes that, no, pinching that girl's butt and blaming someone else is NOT a harmless prank, but rather a very mean thing to do for both parties. He also loves to charm the ladies and gents. He can often be seen flirting with many dames and dudes, serenading and playing for them. That's the kind of guy he is. He is utterly shameless. There is another side to him, more sensitive. This only ever seems to come out when he is among nature, or making music. He loves to sing, and he loves to play the lute. He's good at it too, and knows it. Varric at his best is a charismatic leader with a rebellious streak and very interesting to have around. On a bad day, he is an unapologetic asshole who causes trouble and pisses people off. Bio Marion Dawnleaf lived a rather eventful life before she settled. Varric's mother, Marion, is actually quite the famous adventurer, and a lot of her stories are not so much legends as personal anecdotes. She has braved dark dungeons, slain a dragon, seduced a minor nature god, and, her proudest accomplishment, given birth to a beautiful boy. Mind you, she kept adventuring for a little while after "settling down" and getting the tavern. And like hell she would trust a babysitter with her child! Had to teach him the family business! Varric had a pretty awesome childhood, all told. Varric showed a talent for magic from an early age, and seemed to know it more intuitively than by learning. During his free time, he was quite the wildchild, going about in nature and causing trouble. The guard know him by name. Varric actually had quite the ideal life. His single mother raised him well enough, even if he is a bit of an ass. He has never wanted for anything, and was always provided for. Hell, even when he realized he was, well, a he, that was pretty simple. His mom didn't give a shit, and at that point everyone accepted Varric was a bit weird. Varric wants to do as his mom did, however, and start adventuring. She forbids it, due to the obvious danger involved, but he has found his own small scale adventures. The largest of which was him getting captured by bandits. He was lucky his mom had retained her adventuring skills, or else he could have died. Afterwards, she was livid with him. Varric was just finalizing his plans to skip town and find an adventuring group, when he found a flower in his bed... Weapon: Varric's Lute: Varric wields a modified wizard's..."staff". His mother had it specially crafted for him. The Lute enhances Varric's magic through him playing it, and is very durable. It also has a basic spell enchanted into it to allow Varric to turn sound into concussive force. It uses his own magical energy, and only disables a foe for a short time, a few seconds, but it is a very good way to get out of trouble. Skills: Charisma: Once you let Varric open his mouth, you have lost. Varric can talk his way out of anything, a trait he gets from his mother. Leafsong: Varric can use magic through music. His magic is more of a muscle than a skill, and the ways he's exercised it show. He is mostly good at ilusions and mobility, and as a combat mage he is nigh on useless. He can move around swiftly using the wind, and render himself almost invisible using a cloak of the wind. He can also cause leaves and petals to fly about himself for dramatic effect. Sneaky:Varric is one sneaky bastard, and is a master of hiding in plain sight. Despite his reputation, he still manages to be able to hide in a crowd. Nature Empath: Varric is a natural at traveling in nature. It's like nature itself tries to provide for him. Lockpicking: Varric took up this skill in order to be better at pranks. Other: Magic Vulnerability: As the very obvious son of a minor nature god and a powerful bard, Varric has inherited a sensitivity to magic. While obviously this endangers him to enemy casters, this does have some benefits, as he is also extra sensitive to positive magic. As a result, his mom is known as the only one who can catch him, as her magical skills can easily track and capture him.
- Lentilles de laciel... De bonne heure, se coucher tôt pour se lever rend l'homme en bonne santé, riche et sage. Laciel s'était réveillé d'un sommeil tranquille rempli de rêves célestes et d'idées délicieuses avant de se réveiller. Cela l'a laissé dans une humeur plutôt satisfaite alors qu'il a sauté son cou, permettant au gaz avec les ligaments d'échapper. Il a laissé sortir un bâilleur doux alors qu'il regardait par la fenêtre, un nouveau jour était sur le point de naître alors que la fissure à l'horizon dansait avec de magnifiques petites flammes rouges. Il était assez tôt pour la plupart, mais pour lui il était un peu tard dans l'exécution de ses tâches quotidiennes. Le garçon est allé travailler, se préparer pour le nouveau jour, jetant ses vêtements après avoir nettoyé, le tout avec créer le petit déjeuner. Après avoir créé sa part et la manger, il a cherché à faire de sa propre mère un repas chaud une fois qu'elle s'est réveillée comme il serait plutôt agréable pour elle de remplir son ventre. Avec cela dit et fait, le garçon s'est mis à travailler sur ses efforts habituels, martelant loin pour fondre le metal en une nouvelle forme étranglée assez pour couper ou casser. Laciel fixa la forme éblouissante alors qu'il sifflait la chanson que Varric avait chantée hier après la rencontre plutôt embarrassante. Il a bien apprécié les légendes et les ballades bien qu'il atténue sa soif et laisse son esprit saturé. Tandis que le garçon travaillait à la forge brillante dans les premiers recoins, il essuyait une partie de la sueur de son visage avec un chiffon familier qui semblait gris dans la teinte et usé. Avec un soupir solennel, il continua d'aplanir la dangereuse nouvelle création. Alors qu'il forgeait de nouvelles armes, donnant vie à des choses non vivantes de la terre, le garçon ne pouvait que réfléchir sur les possibilités du chemin Guinevere et Varric descendaient. Alors qu'il travaillait silencieusement dans l'émerveillement, il n'était pas au courant d'une tragédie qui a frappé le village et en temps voulu il en viendrait à la connaître. Avant qu'il le sache, son ignorance devint apparente mais dispersée dans la brume restante dans un coup de temps comme il se trouvait au milieu des gens au sein de la taverne, sa mère occupant le même espace. Normalement, il lisait sur des contes de vieux livres ou de livres de non-fiction, peut-être faire un peu de shopping ou de rôder autour, mais c'était un moment plutôt en série. Ses yeux dardaient autour de la taverne avec une curiosité morbide alors qu'il étudiait la région de façon discrète. L'air autour semblait tendu et invoquait un sentiment de mystification particulière d'une mystérieuse merveille non accueillie. Le docteur ne s'est pas bien comporté non plus, car il semblait être un horrible désordre et avait l'air de trembler d'angoisse. Le maire ne parlait pas une lèche et les gens étaient à elle, bavardant loin des myriades de possibilités, allant d'idées réalistes à des rumeurs d'autres mondes dont les amis parleraient. "Toute cette foule semble excitable et au bord de presque aller fil de foin en essayant de trouver Ali. Si je me souviens bien, j'ai vu quelques hommes ici tout entiers ont promis leur amour à la jeune femme pendant que je testais une grande partie de ses concoctions... Je crois que j'ai vomi sur l'un d'eux en train de tester l'un d'eux. Dans l'ensemble, pas le but - elle est mon amie et... et je ne peux pas juste la laisser pourrir. Elle a tant joué pour la ville et a gagné beaucoup d'amour de la part de beaucoup. Je sais que ma mère peut le juger dangereux, mais j'ai besoin d'aider à la trouver. » Tandis que le garçon laissait germer les bourgeons de la détermination alors qu'il écoutait les maires des paroles éternelles, en assignant tout le village à la recherche d'une fille perdue. L'homme n'avait aucun indice ou idée de l'endroit où elle a été volée, il a commencé à organiser des soirées de recherche en prévision de la recherche d'elle. Le magasin serait très probablement occupé après cela, car la masse des gens est apparue encore plus frénétique après la fin d'un discours éveillant. Dans l'ensemble, ce serait un cauchemar de quitter la forge pour une seconde, mais heureusement ils se sont enfermés avant d'y aller... et bien, il l'a fait puisque les bandits deviendraient probablement opportunistes dans les prochaines minutes si jamais l'apprentissage du groupe de personnes s'accumulant dans une zone, laissant quelques endroits vurnérables. Bref, ils sont tous devenus ouverts à toute sorte de bus en raison de la panique organisée. Bref, si quelqu'un ne calme pas l'endroit, il pourrait se transformer en un lynchage organisé avec une mentalité de la foule destructrice jusqu'à ce que Alixiannas revienne. "Uhm, je sais que ça va peut-être être une mère de jour occupée, mais je vais décoller de travailler à la forge pour la journée de Tbe et aider à la recherche d'indices persistants que les perpatrateurs pourraient de gauche. Plus vite nous trouverons Alixianna, plus vite elle reviendra aux bras de ses parents... Toutes mes excuses, mais je ne peux pas l'abandonner..." Alors que le garçon parlait timidement à sa mère, il ne semblait pas manquer de détermination dans sa voix. En fait, il avait une idée de qui pouvait voir quelque chose hors de l'ordinaire hier soir, mais il devait se préparer à cette tâche épuisante qu'il allait discrètement devoir participer avant de voir Illya. Le garçon a pivoté alors qu'il regardait vers le bas le soufflet en bois alors qu'il s'éloignait de la zone générale. En bref, il espérait que sa mère comprendrait pourquoi il allait prendre des mesures aussi drastiques sur la chance qu'elle lui a découverte après son complot. Dans les secondes qui ont suivi, il s'est introduit dans un tiret pour la forge, passant devant les nombreuses personnes qui étaient dans un sentiment de panique. En arrivant à la forge, il déverrouille la porte et fait un saut fou à l'étage dans sa chambre, les rouages dans sa tête tournent toujours. Mentir dans l'attente dans un coin était sa tenue pour aller à la bataille, ou alors il aurait fait si sa mère ne l'arrêtait pas régulièrement. Heureusement, le mannequin n'avait pas besoin d'utiliser si pour la valeur pendant le temps et maintenant, il n'a pas été envoyé à une vie de décor ou de sparring. Il en va de même pour son grand mot personnalisé qui s'est accroché sur un rack au-dessus de sa collection de livres. Étant aussi prudent que possible, le garçon se tenait sur les bouts de ses orteils, tandis qu'il glissa soigneusement sa main sur la pointe de la lame avant de la ramener à son niveau. Avec tout rassemblé en un seul endroit, il a commencé à s'adapter aussi vite qu'il le pouvait. "J'espère qu'Illya ne me dérange pas d'être habillée comme ça... encore plus comme sa mère." Lorsque le garçon a terminé ses préparatifs, il a glissé l'énorme épée dans la gaine située sur le dos de son armure avant de sortir de chez lui. Avec quelques pièces de monnaie, une clé de sa maison, et tout le reste, il a fermé l'endroit et a commencé son voyage à l'Atterrissage Thieves, à la recherche d'informations que son amie pourrait avoir de la nuit dernière si elle était sur l'un de ses braquages... heck, peut-être qu'il pourrait coaxer avec elle une recrue pour l'aider, même s'il craignait davantage pour sa sécurité s'il devait l'inclure.
Name: Laciel Lenssed Age: 18 Height: 6"1' Personality: A rather quiet and rather to himself sort of boy is not much one for words, or really anything revolving around talking since he is rather nervous about spouting the wrong thing along with having a bit of social anxiety. He isn't too headstrong and is rather thoughtful than rushing into the fray, despite having his mothers blood in him. He takes after his father in this sense by staying vigilant and alert to any danger coming near. However, back on the topic of talking to others. Due to being confined to the forge a lot, he doesn't exactly have people skills. Laciel has watched others speak to try and better himself, however it is unknown how soon he will improve. Even with these drawbacks, ever since he was of a young age, Laciel held an innate curiosity of the world about him. He would always search for a way to study, even if it meant his mother scolding him for doing something reckless. If he becomes curious, it may overlap with his thoughtful side when weighing the odds. Usually his decisions are right most of the time, but sometimes they are less than desired results... such as the time he almost got killed by a bear. Thankfully his mother is a lot more fearsome than the bear and promptly caused it to flee, however being "fierce" is something he is lacking in with his supposedly decrepit appearance. The boy has an immense dislike for being tied down to one path and prefers to choose his own way. Since his mother is often fearful of whatever dangers he might have to face, she is overprotective of him which gets old pretty quickly. He feels the need to speak out against her and how his mother is one step in front of him to make his troubles fleeting... Even with her other activities, she managed to keep a keen eye on him and is rather frustrated about being hounded on consistently. He finds it rather difficult to tell her off since it's difficult to locate a mean bone in his body. Even the best doctors around couldn't even find one if they tried... Even with these limitations, he does have a breaking point and one can only hope it isn't broken. Bio: "Laciel is a lot like his father I'll tell ya! Scholarly, curious... and a wee bit stubborn to boot." - Leslie Lenssed Hailing from a long line of scholars and blacksmiths, Laciel was born into a trade that would possibly consume his life and revolve around him consistently... if he wasn't so adverse to not being coaxed into the path of the forge. Ever since he was of a ripe age, he was always working beside his mother at the forge and at night would listen to his fathers encounters when traveling with her prior to them settling down in Vale eventually. Such tales fraught with excitement and mysteries attracted him, but most of all the delight of new knowledge that he could become enlighten with. The dream felt so far away to him, but he was determined to make it a reality and gain the wisdom of those before him. His life outside the house was less than spectacular than the stories spoke of by his father as he spent most of his time around the forge and less around the children. He grew close to his mother as he observed her conjure up weapons with her vitality. Over time he began to properly forge weapons for others, easily taking over his mothers spot when she went off hunting with father or in bed with a hangover after drinking myriads of men Laciel couldn't count (father included) under the table. It was annoying at first, but eventually he became accustomed to her less than stellar and boisterous habits. When he is allowed off from the forge for working a tinge bit too hard, either Laciel pursues knowledge in his free time from the library, his assortment of books, or his father himself. His father expresses a lot of joy for taking interests in his path, but feels the need for leaving cryptic messages for Laciel to figure out. Once he figures out his fathers riddles he becomes ecstatic at his sons ability to properly comprehend his meanings whether it be physical in a sense or metaphorical. After figured out, he would spend a long time with his son, lecturing him and teaching him new things he had never known about before. These times allowed to bond with his father which he rarely had time for since he was usually out reliving his mystical tales through providing for the family. The other times he doesn't get the chance, he is seen by others hanging out in the library studying his days away while others train and enjoy their days in the sunlight. He was often teased by others for being so engrossed in books and was never seen training. Despite these stinging words, he took private lessons from his mother who demonstrated her skills which dazzled him. He often would test his mettle against his mother and other challengers, either failing or succeeding with his prior knowledge gained through his spars with Leslie. This only continued to fuel the desire for paving his own path. One day, his father left without leaving a trace or warning with the exception of a simple letter created with a cryptic message which befuddled his mother. The two were bothered by two completely different reasons, his mother who became worried over his fathers disappearance due to the dangers which most likely were in wait. Laciel became worried over the measures she would go to when becoming very overprotective for another, coming to the conclusion of what sacrifices she would make to safeguard what she dearly loves. This lead to his mother keep a closer grip and keener eye on son after the event which began to slightly suffocate him with the ever impending presence. He rarely could stray too far, but he wanted to travel to bring his father back due to a paltry rumor that caused a ruckus over his family... although he did also find it slightly interesting since it offered something he knew and loved all too well. Other than that, he often attempted to make talk with the other children after watching them make contact with one another. He hadn't really socialize with people other than the exceptional few he would come upon. However, when the event arose to gain a new friend, he ran off to "get to work at the forge." Laciel found himself being consistently beat up mentally through this as he became annoyed at his inability to form a long lasting friendship with another. At the age of eighteen, his sword-skills and smithery have made his mother and him known as the dynamic duo of forging in the village as they continued to make weapons with infallible craftsmanship, with the exception of a few times due to a few mistakes, some of which from his mother, Leslie. From what he could tell, she was still bothered by his fathers leave, even after the two years that flew by before his very eyes. It was seemingly becoming worse as she began to fret a bit more, little by little. It was difficult to notice to the naked eye but she could easily hide her sorrows from others, with the exception of Laciel who began to constantly worry over her well-being since the stress was possibly getting to her in both ways. Along with her becoming perturbed, his social skills were still lacking horribly as he struggled to develop them over the years. That was the only thing that ever continued to dull over the years, until of course he was greeted by an enigmatic letter signed by his father lying on his bed. This one made even less sense than before and made him wrack his brains over more than before to understand it. Laciel did ponder upon the letter, but he hasn't found an answer, yet for the most part... A mithril longsword specially crafted by Laciel himself at a tender age which was considered almost a bit difficult to wield at his age and had assistance from his mother when making it. It's rather large and difficult for most people to properly wield, however thanks to the inherited strength, he seems to possess the vital strength to use the weapon. It has an engraving above the guard of it with two L's side by side. Skills: Mimic: With a thirst for procuring wisdom, he has the ability to properly mimic others fighting styles to put them at a roadblock. Even with a simple longsword, he can almost properly copy another. If he managed to wield the same weapon, then they could be in loads of trouble. Counter: Once he properly learns of a person and their fighting style he can turn the tables and swiftly use their own strategy against them, or come up with a new one to easily fall them. Endurance and Fortitude: Training with others and mainly his mother has left more than a fair amount of bruises and cuts. However, such endeavors that he has endured have caused him to toughen up and become formidable in combat which can cause major surprised to others who don't expect him to be able to properly jump into the fray. Laciel also has his mothers unrivaled strength which was nurtured over spars and losses into the budding blacksmith he is today. Watchful Eye: Laciel has spent a lot of time sneaking away from the stray eyes of Leslie, allowing him to get a taste of nature. Not only can he analyze the area around him, but he can keep up with any inconsistencies in his line of sight as if it was childs play. However, keeping an eye on his environment isn't the only thing he can extort to his advantage. Scholarly Mind: Laciel spends as much time in the books as he does in the forge. He keeps a whole library in the room containing him and will often become sleep deprived to procure knowledge. His love for knowledge allows him to gain information quicker and dispense them to others that he feels that could put this knowledge to use. An example is his knowledge of the forge and his power to easily create wonders. Even so, he won't hesitate to use such a thing to his advantage for his own reasons.
Illya Vance La brume a roulé sur le sol de la forêt, les tons tachetés de gris et de vert, lourd et dense bien que la jeune femme s'asseyait dans un arbre au-dessus du brouillard gris profond qui terrifiait le village qu'elle ne pouvait voir. Plus tôt cette nuit-là, Illya était partie pour la manse non loin du village où habitait un jeune seigneur et l'avait envoyée pour elle bien que ce n'était pas pour ce qu'elle attendait. Il voulait du sexe, qu'elle n'était pas opposée à donner, mais pas une mort pour son or. Il l'avait vue et a demandé si elle allait à la capitale avec lui et sa réponse, comme elle l'était toujours avec les hommes, était une remarque de rire et de snide. Elle avait été là et avait gagné, appris et tué ce qui aurait pu facilement monter à des milliers d'innocents et coupables aussi bien sans même battre un oeil. Ce n'était pas ce qu'elle attendait; le jeune seigneur était plus fort qu'il ne le regardait et c'était le début de l'aube qu'elle avait pu partir, s'étant faufilée alors qu'il dormait avec son or dans sa poche et une note sur sa table de chevet. Il aurait vraiment besoin d'essayer plus fort s'il voulait qu'elle soit toute seule. Après une heure de marche environ, elle s'était approchée du village, habillée non pas dans son armure mais dans une robe de soie et de velours noire et violette qu'elle avait été douée un an auparavant, puisqu'il s'agissait d'une réunion et non d'une mission ce soir, bien qu'elle n'ait pas duré tant qu'elle voyait le brouillard commencer à rouler et connaître les contes que les villageois racontaient sur la brume verte. Elle monta au-dessus de la rive dans l'un des nombreux arbres de l'Angar, feuillus et facilement cachant le petit voyou de vue tandis qu'elle s'accroupissait dans l'une des nombreuses branches. Dommage que cela ait ruiné l'ourlet de sa robe et lui ait griffé les jambes nues et les bras; la tenue n'était pas exactement appropriée pour les gens de la ville, même si sa clientèle semblait l'aimer. Le brouillard s'est roulé en dessous d'elle et s'est déroulé de la même façon sans qu'elle ait vu une seule chose à l'intérieur même si elle a entendu le bruit d'une voiture et d'un cri étouffé, bien que cela aurait pu facilement être n'importe qui du village. Peu savait-elle que c'était le pauvre petit Alixianna qu'ils avaient été kidnappés alors que la jeune femme s'accroupissait dans les arcs des branches de l'arbre. Quand le brouillard s'est finalement roulé et a brûlé dans la lumière du matin, Illya est tombée sur les feuilles sèches et les brindilles pour trouver une paire de voies de transport qui s'éloignaient d'elle, mais contrairement à la plupart des autres gens de la ville, elle ne les a pas suivis – elle était payée. Elle s'éloigna de l'arbre et se dirigea de nouveau vers sa maison, même si, comme la veille, quelqu'un l'attendait. Mais cette fois, c'était un visage amical au lieu de celui qui continuait à essayer de coucher avec elle. "Laciel"? Que faites-vous chez moi? Illya n'était pas trop loin de l'endroit où il marchait, ses bras se croisaient sous sa poitrine et un sourcil se levait en question en regardant le fils de forgeron. Il était plus grand qu'elle normalement, même s'il était relativement petit pour un homme ici, mais compte tenu de la grande épée sur son dos et de son expérience avec lui, elle savait qu'il était plus fort qu'il ne le regardait. C'était étrange parce qu'il était peut-être l'un des rares garçons qu'elle rencontrait à ne pas essayer de la séduire ou de l'acheter; au lieu de cela, il se souciait assez d'essayer de l'écarter de son chemin de vie actuel, même si c'était tout ce qu'elle avait à savoir. L'ourlet de sa robe a été déchirée et accrochée autour de ses genoux, grimpant légèrement alors que ses hanches glissaient sur le côté de façon assourdissante pendant que ses bras pâles étaient coupés en quelques endroits, bien qu'il y ait une sale entaille sur son veau gauche qu'elle n'avait pas eu la peine d'essayer de se couvrir du tout.
Illya Vance Thief’s Daughter – Rogue Assassin Below average height at five foot, two inches and weighing in at just under 7 stones, Illya is a thin girl with a good amount of muscle on her. Small feet and still shapely with a womanly figure. Healthy, with eyes the colour of storm clouds. Age Nine and Ten years Gender Female – Heterosexual Weapon(s) Mithril Dagger -Stolen by her mother and given to her when she turned ten-and-two. It is of dwarven make as mithril can only be mined or worked by the dwarves- Steel Sword -A hand-and-a-half sword she found buried in her mothers’ things- Recurve Bow -Built for hunting, this bow is one who has seen more human deaths than those of animals- Skills Assassinate -If she can get close enough without being spotted, and manage a successful attack, Illya may instantly kill her target with a fatal blow- Become Shadows -With her ability to blend in she may become invisible to the untrained eye, melding with the shadows around her. This combined with her Assassinate ability, make her the perfect stealth attacker- Shadow Step -A passive skill, Illya makes no sound when she walks unless she thinks about it. This also applies to the rest of her body. She makes no noise when she moves, allowing her to sneak up on almost anyone- Sleight of Hand -With practiced ease, the thief may slip a hand inside another pocket, through their bag or make something seemingly vanish into thin air- Acrobatics -After years of practice, she had developed the ease to climb high on next to nothing, to jump and enhances her flexibility to near contortionist levels- Personality Illya has never been one to talk to others, nor share her secrets with them, instead allowing herself to become the distant image by the wall that few would ever really remember. Unemotional and detached, she is cold as ice when it comes to dealing with her target or victims, though when she needs to she can put on the perfect mask and act her way with a flawless facsimile of real emotion. She’s apathetic and rhythmic, with little deviation from how she does things. On the other hand, she is prone to sudden fits of unpredictability or rage, leaving her to do things out of her usual patterns. This has landed her in trouble before, though the person there with the anger is buried deep within her. Biography Illya was raised away from town, taught most by her mother and learning the rest on her own adventures in and around town. The people there were well aware of what her mother was, though if she stole from them they never noticed or could never prove that it was really her and from that reputation people began to believe that the daughter would be much like Marideth was. From a young age Illya was subject to the scorn and distrust of the people in town, hated even by some and the villagers children didn’t treat her any better having learned from their parents that she wasn’t someone to talk to or trust. She became secluded, locking away her own emotions when the bullies came to harass her and over time she became a being of nothingness with little to drive her onward. By the time she was seven she could easily be described as an emotionless thing rather than a human child. Worse even, she was raised without a father, so only her mother – young and having given birth when she was merely sixteen – was left to raise her. She started watching, observing and soon she began to learn all she could and started stealing from the villagers without them even noticing it; her hands became quick and her face began to show a smile again, though little of it was real. She was satisfied with stealing from the village, up until she’d left home for several months once and gone on to a large city where she came face to face with a master assassin. In the time she was gone, the village had thought her moved away and gone for good, but she was learning even more, but this time it was how to be the perfect assassin. The first mark she killed was a young noble man, wanted dead for the affair he was having with a powerful man’s wife and earned herself a pretty pouch of gold before returning home to her mother and the village that shunned her. People questioned why she left in the first place, though she never gave much than a need to see the big city to their faces but Merideth new the first time she saw the pouch of gold on her daughter. The woman had never had much teaching ability to begin with, and few maternal instincts but she was against Illya learning her trade, instead allowing her to buy what she needed regardless of her daughters protests. Why should I act like something I’m not? Why not prove them right and make them regret passing such early judgement? She’d really left because she needed space and someone to really learn from, a Master to show her which way to go to reach her fullest potential. She’d found him too and came back to show her mother exactly what she had been keeping her from. Merideth had to admit, she was a little bit impressed. She’s nineteen now and spend often months at a time away from home, stealing and killing while hiding her riches away from the public eye, instead allowing the Vale to think her a regular girl with few special talents. Other
Guinevere s'est précipité de la taverne, se dirigeant dans n'importe quelle direction aléatoire. N'importe où était meilleur qu'ici. Une sueur froide s'est rapidement évanouie sur son visage alors qu'elle courait à travers la ville. Ce n'est qu'après avoir quitté la chambre de Varric qu'elle s'est arrêtée pour reprendre son souffle. Qu'est-ce que je viens de dire? Guinevere secoua la tête violemment, espérant que l'image d'Ezra et de Varric lui échapperait à jamais. Mais il n'y avait pas le temps de s'attarder sur ces pensées indécentes. Elle avait une mission de sauvetage à effectuer et ça a commencé par trouver Aldric. Où le trouver? Aldric aurait déjà entendu la nouvelle de la disparition d'Alixanna et il n'y avait aucun doute dans son esprit qu'il la cherchait déjà. Alors que le ranger aimait garder pour lui-même, Aldric était noble, honorable, et était aussi de bons amis avec Alixanna. Comme Guinevere, il n'allait probablement pas se reposer avant qu'on ne la trouve. Il était évident que la seule façon de le trouver était de commencer à chercher les indices derrière le mystérieux enlèvement d'Alixanna. Grâce à son père, Guinevere savait qu'il n'y avait qu'un seul endroit où quelqu'un qui cherchait Alixanna serait le point de départ d'un étrange chariot qui était parti au moment de la disparition d'Alixanna. En direction d'elle, Guinevere ne pouvait que constater un sentiment de désespoir dans l'air. Les gens se promenaient dans la tristesse avec des fronces qui couvraient leurs visages habituels, empreints de gaieté et de gaieté. Ce n'était pas seulement la fille du médecin qui avait été volée. Je vous promets de retrouver Alixanna et de rendre le bonheur à cette ville. Guinevere a fait un voeu silencieux à la ville. Arrivée, elle a bien sûr trouvé Aldric en train d'examiner la région pour trouver des indices. "Aldric, je te cherchais! Je suis sûr que tu as entendu parler de la disparition d'Alixanna comme je vois que tu cherches déjà des indices. Je crois que le fait de faire équipe ensemble est le moyen le plus rapide et le plus efficace de la ramener saine et sauve. J'ai déjà emballé les fournitures nécessaires », a-t-elle dit, gesticulant jusqu'au sac attaché à son dos. « Il y a assez de nourriture pour un voyage d'une semaine ainsi qu'une trousse médicale pour les urgences. Je sais que vous préférez être seul, mais ensemble, nous serions l'équipe ultime et Alixanna sera à la maison saine et sauve avant le prochain lever du soleil."
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.
Aldric examinait la route, les haubans du chariot étaient assez faciles à trouver. Il était sur le point de commencer à les suivre quand il a entendu une voix lui appeler. C'était Guinevere, la fille du maire, et son partenaire. Pendant toutes ces années, il l'a connue elle a été une personne gentille et responsable. La seule chose à propos de Guinevere qu'Aldric a trouvé perplexe était son besoin incroyablement désespéré de s'éloigner du Vale. Elle voulait sortir et risquer sa vie d'aventure. Ce désir était quelque chose qu'Aldric ne pouvait comprendre. Quel était le but derrière courir et risquer votre vie comme ça? Non, ce genre de vie n'a pas attiré le jeune ranger. Son but était d'aider le village à grandir et à prospérer. Rendre la vie meilleure pour ses habitants. C'est pourquoi il aimait livrer des herbes à la clinique du docteur Ashgrave, parce qu'il savait qu'il aidait les gens. Et c'est probablement pour ça qu'il a trouvé Varric si irritant. Parce que le jeune barde se sentait obligé de rendre la vie des gens plus dure. Après ce train de pensée, c'est peut-être pour ça qu'il sentait un lien si fort avec Alixanna? Aldric s'est brisé de ses pensées dès que le jeune médecin est entré dans son esprit. Penser à elle ne l'a rempli que d'inquiétude et d'un certain désespoir. Et s'il ne la trouvait pas? Et s'il ne la trouve jamais? Le jeune ranger sentait l'effroi à cette pensée profonde dans son intestin, comme un énorme trou qui absorbe toute bonne sensation. Finalement ses pensées ont été ramenées à la tâche à portée de main par Guinevere. « Il y a assez de nourriture pour un voyage d'une semaine ainsi qu'une trousse médicale pour les urgences. Je sais que vous préférez être seul, mais ensemble, nous serions l'équipe ultime et Alixanna sera à la maison saine et sauve avant le prochain lever du soleil." Aldric n'a pas pu s'empêcher de gâcher ça. "Vous êtes très bien préparés. Ce n'est pas que je préfère être seul, vous savez, ça semble toujours finir comme ça. » C'était une image que tout le monde avait à propos de lui qu'il ne pouvait pas secouer. Aldric Eleros le loup solitaire, n'ayant jamais besoin, ou voulant pour cela, la compagnie des autres. Ce qui a mis Aldric dans un endroit très solitaire, les deux seules personnes qui n'étaient pas sa famille qu'il considérait comme amis étaient Guinevere et Alixanna... "Nous la trouverons."
Name: Aldric Eleros Age: 20 Gender: Male Personality: Aldric is a sort of lone wolf, something he gets from his father, he prefers the solitude that hunting provides instead of any sort of camaraderie with others. He is a very responsible young man, taking his perceived duty of guarding the Vale very seriously, serious enough that he trains every single day. Aldric is a perfectionist in every thing he does, as such, he is very critical of himself and his actions, particularly how his actions, or rather his mistakes affect the village or those few people he cares about. His general disposition is stoic, keeping to himself and observing. Social situations tend to see him standing to the side watching, however if you corner him for conversation you'll find he's a very well spoken man. Most of the young men in the village resent Aldric for being so hardworking and useful while they prefer to flirt with girls or horse around. Aldric himself never took much pleasure in the horsing around bit, not unless that involved training for combat or hunting exercises. As for the flirting bit, there's something about saying crude things or acting vulgar towards really any human that just doesn't sit well with the young man. Bio: Ever since Aldric was a young boy he showed great independence. In fact amongst all the kids his age he was the first to start walking, however he was the last to start talking. If only his parents knew how much that would tell about his personality as an adult. From the age of 7 Aldric accompanied his father, Farrest on his trips to gather herbs, learning to identify most plants on sight. As he grew older and older he went with his father on more trips, he killed his first deer at age 10 on one such trip. However never was he allowed to go with his father to hunt the wild boar or the stray wolves who got to close to the village. Aldric has a good relationship with his mother Marianne, while they don't share as much as he and his father they're still family, a fact that Aldric takes very seriously. That and his father treats his mother like a queen, a trait that Aldric has adopted from childhood and has always been the obedient son. As he's grown older, Aldric has assumed more and more of his father's mantle, hunting for the poor of the village, gathering herbs for the Doctor, and recently he's been trusted to hunt feral beasts and ward off the bandits in the region. Weapon: A longbow Aldric carved himself a few years ago. Well made and stout it's seen many hunts and has remained reliable. He has a custom made sword, it's a hand and half longsword with the likeness of a wolf on it's pommel. Skills: Aldric is a very capable outdoors-man, tracking, gathering, and of course hunting, come as naturally to him as breathing. An equally capable archer, Hunter's skills with a bow rival his father's. Hunter practices with his sword as often as possible making him a formidable combatant.
Varric regardait autour de lui ce qu'on ressentait pour toujours. Il est allé dans les hantements habituels de Guinevere, stupéfait qu'elle n'était à aucun d'eux. Il est même allé chez elle et a posé des questions sur elle, mais sa mère n'a aucune idée. Ce n'était qu'à son retour à l'intérieur. Qu'il a découvert ce qui s'est passé ce matin-là. "Elle est partie, blanche comme une feuille puis rouge comme une betterave. J'ai l'impression qu'elle a été un peu surprise de vous voir dans un tel état. » sa mère a dit, snicker à l'hilarité de celui-ci. "Huh. Je savais que mon corps pouvait inspirer les gens à l'émotion. Je ne savais pas que la terreur en faisait partie », avait répondu Varric. Si Gwen le cherchait, alors réalisé qu'il était indisposé, alors il ne pouvait y avoir que quelques autres options. Aldric, son père et le père d'Aldric. Varric ne pensait pas qu'elle ferait confiance à quelqu'un d'autre pour aller à l'aventure avec elle. Peut-être Alixanna, mais c'est elle qui a disparu. Alors, Varric s'est dit lui-même. Où pourrait être Aldric? Nul doute qu'il se serait évanoui seul pour trouver Alix le plus tôt possible. C'était un homme bon et il travaillait souvent seul. Donc tout ce que Varric avait à faire était de suivre la piste. Après un peu de classe A sleuthing et beaucoup de chance stupide, Varric a réussi à venir sur Gwen et Aldric. Il est resté un moment à l'écart, à écouter, à se fondre dans le vent. Il se sentait en paix comme il l'a fait. Il y avait peu de choses qu'il aimait plus que de travailler sa magie. Ce n'était pas quelque chose qu'il a appris autant que quelque chose qu'il a fait. Le monde naturel se sentait plus comme chez soi que l'auberge, parfois. Il écouta Gwen, souriant malgré lui. Elle était déjà prête pour l'aventure. Tout ce que Varric avait apporté, c'était son luth et une potion de guérison. Il était content qu'elle soit tellement plus responsable que lui. Elle lui avait sauvé le cul bien des fois avant. Surtout dans l'incident de bandit. Il sourit et apparut quand Aldric déclara qu'ils la trouveraient. Varric aime la passion dans sa voix. Il avait toujours admiré le ranger. Il a eu l'impression que ce n'était pas vraiment réciproque, cependant. Des pétales de fleurs volèrent de Varric alors qu'il s'éloignait du vent, apparaissant en pleine vue des autres. "En effet, nous devons la trouver. Je ne connais pas très bien Alixanna, mais elle est bien aimée par le village, et j'ai vu beaucoup d'un visage dour tandis que je cherchais la belle Guinevere plus tôt." Pour une fois, grave, Varric a reparlé. Sa voix était libre de sa loquacité habituelle. "C'était... dérangeant de voir tant de gens tristes et effrayés. Je veux aider à le réparer." Il s'arrêta un moment, avant de sourire et de revenir à lui-même. "Et aussi, Gwen. Tu devrais apprendre à frapper avant d'entrer dans ma chambre demain matin. Je ne suis pas vraiment une prude, et beaucoup de voyageurs se sont intéressés à la mystique du Bard. Je suis stupéfait qu'il ait fallu autant de temps pour que tu viennes accidentellement. Il ne fait aucun doute que maman écrit déjà une ballade épique sur la rencontre."
Role/Class: The Mayor's Daughter Appearance: Name Guinevere Hart/18/Female Personality Guinevere craves for the feeling of adventure. Traveling across the world and defeating various evils is what fills her dreams at night. Staying in her home town forever frightens Guinevere and she would do anything to escape that future. While leaving her father will be the hardest thing in her life, she knows fulfilling her dream is what she needs to do. Hardworking and stubborn, Guinevere will never give up on sometimes she’s determine to do. Even if that something puts her danger, she’ll do whatever it takes. More often than not, Guinevere will worsen the situation but in the end, she’ll always set things right. Thanks to her long, hard hours of training, Guinevere has gained an incredible sense of patience. She can outwait anything or anyone. By being patient and calm, she tends to upset and startle multiple people though. Some of the townsman even play little games as to see how fast Guinevere can piss off the new resident. While Guinevere has a strong, feminine personality, she doesn’t have very many friends. By no means is she shy or frighten to speak to others for her bravery outshines none. Girls her age feel a little standoffish by her so Guinevere tends to stay back and hangs out with the guys. Guinevere has a terrible reputation for causing disasters. Wherever she goes, accidents seem to follow. She has a wild spirit that loves to have fun, even if that ‘fun’ means jumping on the roofs of the town. Countless people have scolded her for it, including her own father, but Guinevere just doesn’t seem to let up. When adventure calls, Guinevere must follow. Bio Born from generations of warriors, it was obvious Guinevere would have the same fighting spirit as her ancestors. From the moment she could walk, Guinevere was given a sword and learned the craft of swordsmanship. Unlike most girls in the town learning how to sew and take care of a household, she spent her time clashing swords with the boys. It wasn’t long before she gained a reputation for being a mighty warrior. There’s very few fighters who can keep up with Guinevere. Due to her passion for swords, Guinevere has an incredibly close bond with her father. They’ll often spend nights together, looking at the stars and discussing various adventurous stories they’ve both learned or even made up. Unfortunately, Guinevere spent so much time fighting, she was never able to establish a close relationship with her mother. While they both love each other, they just never connected the way a mother and daughter are supposed to. Countless admires have caught Guinevere’s eye, but she chooses to ignore anything to do with romance. The idea of falling in love seems terrifying to her. Any romance could lead to marriage, which would mean the destruction of her dream. So she runs from anyone who even dares winking at her. When it comes to battling monsters or villains, Guinevere is fearless and completely brave, but mention the word love and she’ll take off running for her life. Most of the men around the town are aware of her distaste for romance so they tend to back off. Of course that doesn’t stop them from talking about her when she isn’t around. Whenever she’s not holding a sword or eating like a complete glutton, Guinevere spends most of her free time snuggled up in a comfortable chair at the town’s library. She loves reading stories of other warriors and the struggles they’ve faced. Becoming one of the many heroes in legend fills her up with excitement. Weapon Guinevere carries around a single sword, a gift on her 16th birthday from her father. Shields are too heavy and boring for her, so she only uses them when absolutely necessary. Skills: Combat Queen: Guinevere is considered one of the best fighters in town. She can wield a sword like no other, with the exception of her father. She's not as strong as most men but uses her swift movement to outsmart and beat them. Bravery No one is braver than Guinevere, who is afraid of practically nothing (except marriage!). Leadership Like father, like daughter, Guinevere’s personality shines when things need done. She’s one of the few who steps up to the plate to establish a plan and determine the best solution. Athletic and Fit Sword fighting does the trick for putting you in shape. Guinevere will often spend time running around town to keep herself fit as well.