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50,300 | 1,353 | 29 | 983 | 5,954 | Comment est-elle arrivée dans cette situation?! C'était trop! C'est trop pour elle! Le cœur de Marie n'arrêtait pas de battre rapidement, sa gorge était sèche et elle n'arrêtait pas d'avaler alors qu'elle gardait les yeux au sol. Une chaleur intense émanait de son visage, une chaleur qu'elle n'avait jamais eue auparavant alors que son sang se précipitait sur ses joues, les rendant aussi rouges que ses cheveux. Qu'est-ce qu'elle a pu faire? Ce n'est pas comme si Saber avait besoin d'être surveillé, mais s'il avait été attaqué, il avait besoin de quelqu'un pour le soutenir avec des sorts de soutien. "M-Miyamoto-sama?" C'est ce que Saber avait insisté pour qu'elle l'appelle quand ils étaient autour des gens dans les oreilles. Elle leva la tête pour le regarder et ses yeux s'élargirent comme des assiettes de dîner et elle coula en regardant en arrière. Son visage est devenu encore plus rouge si c'était possible. -- Pouvons-nous y aller, s'il vous plaît?! Elle a crié sur un Saber nasé.
Les deux étaient maintenant dans l'aile artistique de l'école, en particulier ils étaient dans une salle qui a été utilisée pour les élèves pour travailler sur des œuvres d'art qui impliquaient la figure humaine. Dans ce cas, ils travaillaient sur la figure masculine. Le modèle qui est habituellement entré dans un accident et a cassé la tête radiale dans son coude proprement en deux et a dû être précipité à l'hôpital. Saber s'est trouvé dans la région et a décidé de se porter volontaire juste pour tuer le temps. Marie d'autre part a fait de son mieux pour le dissuader, mais il ne voulait pas l'écouter. À l'instant où il est entré dans le studio d'art presque toutes les femmes et certains hommes vérifiaient le nouveau morceau de bonbons pour les yeux qui serait modelé pour eux.
"Oh calme Marie. Je ne peux pas partir maintenant qu'ils ont commencé. Le corps humain est une chose belle et sacrée qui devrait être capturée. Tu ne crois pas?" Saber a dit nonchalamment, ne pas regarder dans sa direction car il est resté parfaitement immobile pour être un modèle parfait. En tant qu'artiste lui-même, il pouvait apprécier ce que font ces jeunes hommes et ces jeunes femmes, ne trouvant ni honte ni embarras avec le corps humain. Ils croyaient aussi que la forme humaine est quelque chose pour ne pas ressentir de honte, mais de fierté et qu'ils devraient prendre la chance de l'immortaliser pour de nombreuses générations plus tard pour s'émerveiller et l'apprécier pour ce qu'elle est.
À l'intérieur, Mary criait. Elle a fouetté son téléphone et ses doigts ont volé rapidement en texto à sa sœur.
Jane, je suis mourante. O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,301 | 1,353 | 30 | 1,918 | 8,272 | C'est moi qui l'ai fait.
Charles n'a pas répondu aux commentaires de Fumio, bien que celui à propos de lui ressemblant à un tueur à contrat ait tiré un éclat à demi-coeur de l'homme. Il a pris un siège en face du professeur tandis que Jane a pris la cafetière après que Fumio a fini avec elle et versé pour les deux d'entre eux. Elle a pris le sien avec un peu de crème, Charles a pris le sien avec 6 paquets de sucre. Mais avant que Charles ne puisse prendre une gorgée, il s'est figé, les yeux collés au bel oiseau qui s'était envolé pour livrer une sorte de colis au médecin. Il savait à l'arrière de son esprit que ce n'était pas un oiseau normal, mais il devait actuellement s'y intéresser avec enthousiasme. Il devait capturer ce moment. Il a rapidement posé sa tasse et sorti son téléphone, ne pouvant prendre qu'une seule photo avant le départ de l'homme. Charles se leva et était sur le point de poursuivre, jusqu'à ce qu'il entende Jane appeler pour qu'il arrête.
Jane avait aussi regardé l'oiseau, sachant aussi bien que ce n'était pas une espèce normale, mais son attention était attirée par son téléphone portable, qu'elle avait toujours mis sur vibreur. En le tirant, elle a vu que Mary lui avait envoyé un message. Jane prit un autre verre de sa tasse alors qu'elle ouvrit le message, seulement pour le cracher immédiatement comme elle regardait Saber au naturel. "Maître Dorvain, je crois qu'il faut hâter l'aile de l'art."
Charles se retourna vers Jane, puis retourna à la retraite de Fumio, les yeux tournés vers l'oiseau sur son épaule. Avec une force de volonté extrême, il se retourna vers Jane, qui avait l'air plutôt malheureux alors qu'il lui arrache le téléphone pour voir ce qu'il en était. Il l'a regardée un moment avant de se tourner vers Jane. "Pourquoi êtes-vous si choqué par cela, n'avez-vous pas eu moi ge-" Il a commencé, seulement à souffrir d'un cas chronique de poing en face. Il n'y a pas grand-chose, il ne fait que tourner les yeux pour regarder Jane, dont le visage était extrêmement rouge et ses yeux flamboyant d'une fureur foncée.
-- Ce n'est pas un autre mot, Maître Dorvain, c'est un secret entre nous deux, souvenez-vous?
"Va, j'ai oublié, maintenant peux-tu enlever ton poing de mon visage."
Jane l'a fait immédiatement, retrouvant son expression stoïque, bien qu'ayant encore un léger rougissement sur son visage. Sans aucun doute, ils ont fait leur chemin vers l'aile de l'art, ouvrant la porte à la scène actuelle. Dès qu'ils sont arrivés, Charles a eu ce regard dans l'œil, celui qui a signalé quand il était sur le point de devenir fou de la photo. En entrant dans son sac, il a sorti sa caméra et s'est mis dans une bonne position parmi les étudiants en art. Jane alla vers sa sœur, faisant un effort visible pour ne pas regarder dans la direction de sabre. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et qui échouent horriblement. Toutes les cinq secondes, ses yeux s'égaraient de sa sœur, à Saber, puis de nouveau à sa sœur.
"Je vois que vous avez eu une journée intéressante, Mary, ainsi y a-t-il une raison pour laquelle Miyamoto-sama est nus modelant. Il n'y a rien de mal à ça, mais il n'est pas censé garder un profil bas. Rien à ce sujet n'est peu médiatisé." Jane gronda légèrement sa sœur, mais elle ne tenait pas autant de poids que Jane avait un petit saignement de nez en courant sur son visage, toujours en regardant Saber toutes les cinq secondes.
Charles regardait Saber à travers son objectif, marchant autour du studio jusqu'à ce qu'il trouve un bon angle, puis prenant une photo et passant à autre chose. Il n'a pas utilisé le flash cette fois, puisque la salle était déjà bien éclairée, et il s'est assuré d'être le plus silencieux possible afin de ne pas déranger les autres artistes. En tant que lui-même, il respectait leur concentration et avait jeté un petit sort d'interférence mentale sur lui-même afin qu'il ne puisse être entendu par personne à proximité.
Utakan City, Centre-ville
Nidhogg s'était ennuyé d'être dans son repaire, alors il était parti explorer la ville. Jusqu'à présent, il l'avait trouvé assez intéressant, tout était si différent de la façon dont il se rappelait des choses. Ce serait presque dommage de tout démolir. Presque
Cependant, alors qu'il faisait son chemin à travers le quartier commerçant, il a remarqué à des présences incontournables. Des servants étaient à proximité, et sous son masque, sa langue noire se léchait les dents en prévision. Il n'allait pas les attaquer, mais il essayait de les provoquer dans un combat, ou du moins, essayer de faire un peu de chaos. Il s'approcha de la présence la plus proche, une femme dans une étrange tenue blanche. Ça doit être une sorte de prêtresse ou quelque chose qu'il pensait à l'approche. Il portait actuellement une chemise blanche avec une cravate noire et un pantalon de robe noire, ses chaussures étant des mocassins noirs brillants. Il avait été sur l'un des cadavres qu'il avait excavé, et il avait décidé de le prendre comme le sien, bien qu'il l'ait refait avec l'utilisation de ses racines.
Il marchait derrière elle alors qu'elle était sur le point d'entrer dans l'un des nombreux arrêts, sa voix sortant dans un murmure sifflant.
"Pourquoi bonjour madame, et ce qui amène une Servante telle que votre moi à la grande ville à la vue de tous. Ce n'est pas une façon très efficace de ne pas avoir d'ennuis. » | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,302 | 1,353 | 31 | 1,525 | 528 | Encore une fois, la Servante a agréablement surpris son Maître. Avec ce genre de capacité, il n'aurait qu'à s'inquiéter d'être vu, ce qui finirait par poser problème. Jacob était connu pour s'être collé le nez dans des endroits où il ne devrait pas l'être. Jusqu'à ce qu'il soit témoin d'une partie quelconque de la guerre, il devrait s'asseoir sur les lignes latérales, de peur qu'il ne soit découvert. S'il participait en tant que mage voyou, il pourrait manipuler les pièces en sa faveur sans avoir besoin d'être une cible. Tout ce qu'il voulait, c'était la guerre pour causer le moins de dégâts possible. Jusqu'où était-il prêt à aller faire ça?
"Nay Lucille, tout le plaisir est à moi." Jacob prit sa place sur scène, embrassant le linceul de la tromperie. Il a posé une main sur sa poitrine et s'est prosterné à son tour au curtsy de Lucille. "Je vous prie de m'excuser pour tout inconvénient que ce voyage aurait pu vous causer. Je sais que c'était un peu soudain. S'il vous plaît, essayez de ne pas penser à moi comme à quelque chose de spécial. " Tournant le poignet, il regarda sa montre, et trouva qu'il courait bien plus tard qu'il ne le pensait. "Pardonne-moi d'avoir coupé ça, mais je dois aller voir mes élèves." Plongé dans sa poche, il a enlevé une clé et lui l'a remise. Un geste plutôt hilarant, toutes choses considérées. "Sentez-vous libre de vous rendre à la maison. Je peux bien sûr vous déposer en ville en arrivant, ou peut - être voudriez - vous visiter l'école? "
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Finalement, arrivant à l'école, il sortit de sa voiture et regarda autour de lui. Il était peut-être trop tôt pour être paranoïaque, mais il a dû le sentir. Il ferma les yeux et expira, forçant presque tout l'air de ses poumons. En utilisant le tout dernier, il a prononcé une incantation, celle que sa famille avait utilisée depuis longtemps. L'air a craqué avec le pouvoir autour de lui et il a apporté cela à l'intérieur, apportant une grande quantité d'informations à son esprit. Il pouvait sentir le parfum d'une femme à l'autre bout du campus, entendre les murmures d'un jeune couple sous les gradins, le vent à l'intérieur de ses poumons lui parlait maintenant, lui racontant des histoires dans le sens le plus vague. De toutes les choses qui étaient autour de lui, il y avait très peu dans la façon de Magecraft, il était sûr de dire que le campus n'avait pas été compromis, pour l'instant.
L'air enchanté a fui ses poumons dans un profond soupir de soulagement. Prana était une source de pouvoir que tous les êtres vivants avaient, de sorte que le moyen le plus rapide d'acquérir une grande piscine était de faire des choses diaboliques que Jacob ne pensait même pas, mais il avait déjà vu. Avec cette confiance, il se prosterne vers l'école. Il était en retard pour sa conférence, mais il était convaincu que Walter, son professeur étudiant, pourrait se débrouiller jusqu'à ce qu'il y arrive. C'était un professeur assez détendu, croyant que si ses élèves ne voulaient pas prendre leur éducation au sérieux, il y avait un problème, pas le sien. Mais il était toujours prêt à aider ceux qui cherchaient à élargir leur base de connaissances, surtout s'il était lié au passé.
Pas six portes en bas était sa salle de conférence, il aurait pu continuer à marcher, mais son attention a été attirée par plusieurs jeunes femmes regardant à travers la fissure d'une porte qui mène à la salle d'art. C'était dur pour lui de se battre contre cette curiosité. "Les portes ont tendance à travailler mieux quand vous les ouvrez jusqu'aux dames." Aucun d'eux ne l'entendit s'approcher, tous sautèrent quand il parla. Ils ont vite filé et ont trébuché sur leurs mots, leurs visages rouges avec embarras. Sa curiosité a atteint son apogée, et il a ouvert la porte.
Il le regrettait immédiatement. C'était une salle d'art, avec différents étudiants pratiquant différents styles de différentes manières avec un seul focus. L'homme bien ciselé dans le centre n'était pas familier à Jacob, mais il s'est trouvé devenir plus familier qu'il l'était avec la plupart. Son visage a commencé à rougir beaucoup comme les filles avait, le modèle devant lui ne l'a pas autant dérangé, mais ce qui a été fait était que c'était une de ces rares occasions où il était à une perte de mots.
Il est resté un instant dans la porte, ce qui s'est rapidement transformé en quelques instants. Le bruit d'une caméra l'a sorti de là et il a regardé autour. Il a vu trois visages familiers. Parmi les trois, il a identifié Jane d'abord, puis Mary, et savait très bien que Charles était proche, probablement avec l'origine de l'éclatement en main. Il avait raison. Charles était l'un des rares Magus que Jacob traitait régulièrement. Il avait lui aussi une affinité pour Wind Magecraft, ce qui signifiait qu'il était un bon partenaire / sujet de test. Le seul problème, c'est qu'il avait une faible portée d'attention, ce qui le rendait plus souvent envahissant. Ne voulant pas déranger Charles jusqu'à ce qu'il sorte de la zone où il était en ce moment, il s'approcha de Mary et Jane. "Je ne savais pas que nous allions accueillir de nouveaux... talents." | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,303 | 1,353 | 32 | 983 | 5,954 | Mary ne pouvait toujours pas regarder dans la peur qu'elle puisse avoir un œil sur Saber et son... longue épée. Jusqu'à ce moment elle était encore innocente, consciente du sexe opposé, mais néanmoins innocente, mais maintenant elle a été marquée pour la vie après avoir vu le samouraï dans sa maquette de costume d'anniversaire pour les étudiants en art. Elle a couvert ses yeux de ses mains, essayant de sortir l'image de sa tête bien qu'elle l'ait imprimée pour toujours dans son esprit. Un tel cri lui venait d'elle alors qu'elle y repensait et la tournait vers Saber, son visage se consumant follement. "Je ne pouvais pas l'arrêter. Le modèle qu'ils ont généralement engagé a cassé quelque chose et Miyamoto-sama voulait aider... » Elle a mis les bouts de son index ensemble, regardant en bas coupable. "Bien qu'il semble qu'il y ait des gens qui aiment la vue..." Mary se murmura pour dire passivement agressivement que Jane s'amusait un peu trop.
Oh mon dieu... même dans une situation comme ce maître Dorvain veut toujours prendre des photos. La tête rouge se pensa avant que ses pensées ne soient interrompues.
Jacob Milford les avait approchés de façon inattendue avec un visage aussi rouge que celui de Mary en apprenant à connaître la forme humaine des autres hommes. Mary soupira et poussa ses franges hors de son visage. "Ils ne le sont pas. C'est l'ami de Maître Dorvain, Miyamoto-sama, un artiste aspirant qui s'installe avec Maître pour le temps. Le modèle original s'est cassé le bras et nous étions dans la région alors il a décidé d'aider par compassion en tant qu'artiste... » | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,304 | 1,353 | 33 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Quartier commercial
En attendant que les magasins s'ouvrent, il était un peu impatient, car le scénario le laissait sans rien faire à part regarder les objets derrière les vitres. Il a supposé que ce soi-disant "boutique de fenêtre" était un peu divertissant au début, mais comme le temps passait, il voulait aller à l'intérieur et voir ce qu'ils avaient d'autre pour l'affichage. Même si Sinia lui avait donné de l'argent avant qu'elle parte, il n'allait pas le gaspiller sur des choses stupides du genre. Rider le sauverait quand il en aurait absolument besoin... rien de plus, rien de moins. Finalement, les magasins ont ouvert, et son expédition dans le quartier commerçant était devenue beaucoup plus intéressante. Il y avait beaucoup d'autres choses à voir dans les magasins, des vêtements aux statuettes de Bouddha et des charmes chanceux.
Son exploration a cependant été de courte durée, car il s'est rapidement emparé de deux présences à proximité. Des serviteurs. C'est la première chose qui lui a traversé l'esprit quand il a quitté une petite boutique. Il n'était pas sûr d'aller confronter les deux, même si c'était quelque chose qu'il voulait vraiment. Il démangeait pour se battre, surtout contre l'un de ses ennemis. S'il les chassait, alors les rues seraient plus sûres pour son Maître, après tout. Et donc, Rider a commencé à chercher les deux Serviteurs, son visage devenant un de curiosité et d'agression.
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que Genghis Khan les trouve à l'entrée de l'un des nombreux magasins qui bordent le quartier. Il se cachait, mais il était certain qu'au moins l'un d'eux le prendrait. Cependant, même s'il avait envie d'une bonne bataille, cela ne voulait pas dire qu'il allait en commencer une. Ce serait idiot de faire... la meilleure chose qu'il pouvait faire était de s'asseoir et d'attendre que l'un d'eux l'attaque. La Servante était plus petite, et il a deviné qu'elle était probablement Caster ou Assassin. Le mâle, cependant, l'a automatiquement amené à penser qu'il était un Berserker. Ils n'étaient donc pas des classes plus fortes, comme les classes Knight qui n'avaient pas encore montré leur visage.
"Ne savez-vous pas que c'est plutôt impoli de harceler une dame?" Rider a parlé, croisant ses bras alors qu'il regardait la Servante aux cheveux noirs. Pendant qu'il disait cela, il savait qu'il était hypocrite. Toute son histoire a été rasée de cas où il faisait plus que harceler des femmes. "Je vous conseille de reculer et de partir." | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,305 | 1,353 | 34 | 490 | 461 | Ville d'Ukatan
Charlotte avait refusé une offre pour visiter l'Université avec sa maîtrise car elle estimait qu'il était beaucoup trop tôt pour qu'ils soient vus ensemble. Avant que cela ne se produise, elle devait s'établir en tant qu'individu à part entière, ce qui signifiait créer l'identité à laquelle elle s'identifierait au reste du monde. Une fois créée sa nouvelle identité, il serait plus facile de s'intégrer parfaitement à la routine de ses Maîtres sans paraître déplacée ou trop suspecte. Bien sûr, elle manque à la fois les ressources et le temps nécessaires pour créer la paperasse pour soutenir une telle identité à l'heure actuelle, de sorte qu'elle devrait compter sur l'illusion pour le moment. Ceux qui ont pris trop profondément trouveraient sans aucun doute la vérité. Ils trouveraient aussi un couteau dans leur abdomen pour leurs problèmes.
Elle s'est humiliée délicatement en perçant sans effort sur un poteau téléphonique, invisible à l'œil humain dans son état d'incorporation, suivant son Maître à une distance sûre pour éviter la détection par un quelconque « don » d'yeux. Quant à la façon dont elle s'établirait comme un être humain plutôt qu'une Servante, elle avait quelques idées, la plupart nécessitant une certaine surprise de la part de son Maître. C'est pourquoi elle avait négligé de l'informer qu'elle l'accompagnerait à l'Université, d'une manière bien entendu indirecte. Elle avait besoin de la surprise pour être aussi authentique que possible pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles. Alors que son Master se dirigeait vers l'Université, elle a suivi une série de mouvements bien chronométrés, dont la vitesse la rendrait indistincte même à ceux avec le « don » nécessaire pour la voir.
Cependant, elle n'a pas suivi sa maîtrise jusqu'à l'Université, s'éloignant une fois qu'elle était certaine de son emplacement. Le timing était important. Au lieu de cela, elle s'est jetée dans un parc voisin, toujours dans son état incorporé. Si elle avait été une classe différente, elle aurait été plus préoccupée par la dissimulation de sa présence, mais comme tous les Assassins, elle possédait Présence Concealment. À condition qu'elle n'agisse d'aucune manière ouvertement agressive, il n'y avait pas de moyen normal pour les Serviteurs ou les Maîtres autres que le sien de détecter sa nature de Serviteur. Pourtant, ce n'était pas une raison de ne pas faire preuve d'une certaine prudence. Charlotte s'est manifestée dans sa forme corporelle et s'est effondrée sur le sentier et dans une foule d'élèves qui passaient sur le chemin d'un jour de classe.
Elle ne les suivit pas vers l'université et se dirigea plutôt vers le centre de la ville. C'était son intention d'aller faire du shopping, mais son maître n'avait pas encore donné d'argent. Il ne doute pas qu'il l'aurait fait si elle l'avait demandé, mais cela aurait pu nuire à son plan. Moins son Maître savait le mieux. C'était littéralement pour son bien. C'est dans cette optique qu'elle avait considéré «l'obtention des fonds des étudiants, mais au mieux de sa connaissance, la majorité pouvait mal se permettre la perte et donc elle les avait laissé être. Sa destination souhaitée serait sans aucun doute à cet égard. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,306 | 1,353 | 35 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, quartier commercial
Nidhogg a regardé comme s'il était sur le point de demander quelque chose, mais a ensuite pris le temps de renifler lui-même. Il sentait bon, mais pour d'autres, il a dû sentir tout à fait mauvais en ce moment. Pas étonnant qu'il ait eu des apparences étranges alors qu'il marchait à travers la ville. J'ai oublié que ça sent le voyage avec toi, je vais devoir faire quelque chose à ce sujet.
"Ce ne sera pas nécessaire, mais je vous remercie pour l'offre, comme beaucoup ne le feraient pas. Quant à une alliance, et tout ce que vous avez mentionné, nous pouvons en discuter plus tard, mais en ce moment nous avons l'air d'avoir un invité non invité. » Il se retourna pour faire face à l'homme à son approche, ne sentant pas le moindre peu intimidé par lui, surtout quand l'homme a livré sa petite excuse pour une menace. Nidhogg ne s'est qu'éclaboussé, ses yeux blancs taillent la proie devant lui avec l'éblouissement d'un prédateur. Derrière le masque qu'il portait actuellement, sa langue a glissé sur ses dents en prévision. Mais il s'est tenu en arrière, car être le premier à frapper un coup pourrait très mal finir si cela pris hors de main, en particulier avec tant de témoins autour. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. bien qu'il puisse les dévorer tout cela est arrivé.
"Je ne harcèle personne, c'était un salut passif-agressif, rien de plus ou de moins. Je suis beaucoup trop subtile pour menacer un autre Serviteur pour peu ou pas de raison, donc si vous voulez bien vous tenir à l'écart des affaires des autres, ce serait merveilleux. Vas-y, espèce de sale singe, juste te regarder est suffisant pour me rendre malade."
Nidhogg a pensé que ces deux étaient l'une des classes de Chevalier, compte tenu de leur position, avec la fille semblant comme un Saber faible et le grand singe cherchant à être soit Lancer ou Rider. De toute façon, Nidhogg se sentait comme s'il n'avait rien à craindre si la bataille éclatait, car la femme fuirait probablement pour éviter le conflit et le singe ferait un bel amuse-gueule pour les batailles à venir.
Charles & Jane, Université d'Utakan, Art Wing
Il a fallu une seconde à Jane pour prendre conscience de la cible de la plainte de Mary, mais avant qu'elle puisse répondre, elle a entendu une voix familière derrière elle. Jane a simulé une toux pour la déguiser en essuyant le saignement de nez, puis s'est retournée pour faire face à Maître Miliford. Il avait été le professeur de magie de Maître Dorvain quand il avait commencé à le prendre au sérieux à l'âge de 16 ans, et il était resté jusqu'à l'âge de 19 ans, où ils se sont séparés en raison de la quantité de frictions qu'ils avaient entre les deux. Alors que son maître pouvait être un étudiant incroyablement attentif, et un apprenant rapide, il a fallu beaucoup de temps pour le motiver à le faire. Miliford était un enseignant strict, forçant Charles à terminer ses études selon son horaire, pas celui de Maître Dorvain, à son grand regret.
Jane, malheureusement, avait développé un assez grand béguin sur l'homme pendant ses 3 années de séjour dans le domaine de Dorvain. Elle ne lui avait jamais dit ça, bien sûr, et elle était déjà passée à autre chose. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. La plupart du temps. Mary n'était pas au courant, du moins elle ne l'était pas, mais malheureusement, Maître Dorvain l'a fait. Maître Dorvain n'aime pas que les gens lui cachent des secrets, et il est très, très bon pour découvrir ce qui est caché quand il le veut. Photos de Maître Miliford où parmi les nombreuses photos secrètes qu'elle avait fait prendre par le jeune maître dans le cadre de leur pacte secret, elle aurait toujours été un modèle volontaire, composé et il lui a fourni des photos d'hommes plus âgés musclés. Maître Dorvain n'avait aucune idée de la raison pour laquelle elle les voulait, parce qu'elle n'avait aucune idée de ce genre de choses en dehors d'une vision artistique, et qu'il n'avait aucun désir sexuel à lui seul, pour l'un ou l'autre sexe.
-- Ah, Maître Miliford, dit Jane avec seulement un petit accrochage dans sa voix à l'approche de l'homme, faisant de son mieux pour forcer le blush qui menace de se montrer sur son visage. « C'est tout comme Mary l'a dit, Maître Dorvain a senti qu'il avait besoin d'avoir un autre artiste à côté de lui pour vivre avec afin de voir si cela l'inspire à faire un travail plus grand et mieux. Cela et, comme vous pouvez le voir, il trouve l'homme comme un excellent sujet pour se capturer. Je ne pense pas qu'il restera longtemps, cependant, comme Maître Dorvain est connu pour avoir des vols de fantaisie. Il peut être parti avec dans la journée, la semaine, le mois, l'année, on ne peut jamais savoir. Marie et moi avons l'air d'être les seules constantes de sa vie, la seule chose pour le garder même quelque peu ancré à la réalité. »
Pendant que Jane parlait à Jacob, Charles tira un Batman, paraissant apparaître derrière Marie par un air mince, caméra pointée à Saber, comme il continuait à prendre d'autres photos. "Ne bougez pas un pouce, Miyamoto, sinon Marie devra prendre votre place comme punition." Charles se tourna pour demander à Mary si elle était d'accord avec ça (non pas qu'il aurait fait beaucoup de différence), mais alors son œil a pris sur. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. lui. "Qu'est-ce que tu fous là? Tu n'es pas professeur d'art, alors je pense que tu devrais t'occuper de tes affaires. Vous êtes très présent et vous aspirez toute la créativité et la passion de la pièce. » | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,307 | 1,353 | 36 | 2,738 | 49 | Université Ukatan, Parc de stationnement
Maintenant paré de ses nouvelles babioles, Fumio sortit de sa camionnette et s'assura que ses vêtements et ses cheveux étaient encore présentables dans le miroir latéral. Juste parce qu'il ne se souciait pas beaucoup de ce que d'autres pensaient de lui, il devait encore soutenir l'illusion d'être une personne normale, si un peu absente, personne ou d'autres gens commenceraient à inventer des histoires, comme ils l'ont toujours fait. Eh bien, il a laissé un zombie pour courir sur le complexe tout seul et a obtenu un paquet livré par un oiseau. Il était certain qu'il n'était pas parmi aucune des espèces indigènes, si cela n'a pas commencé les machines de rumeur, alors quelques cheveux fous et une nouvelle bague ne serait pas si mal non plus.
Après être retourné dans le salon de l'enseignant, il a remarqué que le ravageur ennuyeux avec cette caméra avait heureusement déjà quitté. Il a rapidement glissé le reste de son café, maintenant froid, et a saisi ses documents de la table, avant de se rendre à la salle de conférence où il tiendrait son cours d'anatomie. Le long du chemin, il a également retrouvé son zombie, qui n'avait apparemment rien fait d'autre que de patrouiller mentalement dans les couloirs autour du salon. Il l'a tiré avec elle pendant un certain temps, après quoi il a commencé à le suivre par lui-même, l'épargner le ridicule d'avoir à conduire un être humain adulte autour comme un enfant.
Quand il est arrivé à la salle de conférence, Fumio était encore assez tôt, même après le tracas avec l'oiseau, donc il a fait le zombie s'asseoir sur l'un des sièges dans la dernière rangée, où il espère rester jusqu'à ce qu'il la récupère à nouveau à la fin de la session et a commencé à dessiner un torse humain anatomiquement correct sur le tableau noir. Une fois terminé, Fumio s'appuya sur son bureau et regarda attentivement l'horloge sur le mur s'allumer vers le début de sa leçon.
Maintenant d'attendre que les agneaux viennent à leur massacre et qui sait, peut-être que certains d'entre eux ont fait leur devoir et étudié quelque chose à la maison. Un test surprise de temps en temps, pour voir s'il y en a des prometteurs parmi eux, éclaire vraiment mon humeur.» | Name: Dr. Fumio Nakahara
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Servant: Caster
Necromancy: A practice born through the manipulation of corpses, letting its practitioner perform feats like raising simple zombies, giving birth to cobbled monsters or even using body parts as weapons. While many of his craft travel from one war to the next tragedy, with a short stop at a local epidemic, guaranteeing them a never ending supply of bodies, Fumio is one of the odd cases who prefer to stay in one place for a longer period of time.
Spiritual Surgery: A type of magecraft used by Spiritual doctors that heals through a spiritual medium, as in healing through the spirit rather than flesh. It is a "curse" that can remove the infected part without using a single surgical knife on the body. Something he doesn't use often since his "patients" are dead....most of the time.
General Magecraft: Things you should've picked up if you're not from a completely useless magus family, like Bounded Field creation, Formalcraft, Memory Manipulation and other convenient little spells to keep normal humans off your back.
Fumio has a huge god complex, which only furthers his ambition to create true life, the one goal he has and focuses all his work on. While he poses as the serious and strict professor during his lectures and the university, he comes a lot closer to the cackling mad scientist archetype when he is alone with his creations. He thinks of golems and homunculi both as failures and merely bad imitations of real life, simple dolls which don't even come close to his flesh constructs.
Short Biography:
Born into the sixth generation of a magus family was fortunate for Fumio. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family that practiced Necromancy was ideal. Being born into the sixth generation of a magus family as the first son and already destined to become the next heir, was fate. Having this future taken away from him, together with the family's crest and his biggest chance to reach the dream he had since he read a book about a certain doctor F., after years of studying their rituals and spells, just because his old foolish grandfather thought that he "wasn't stable enough", was the greatest injustice he had ever experienced.
Thankfully though, minor mishaps like this would never stop a true genius like Fumio, so he made the only correct choice: He killed his grandfather and brother, took the thaumaturgical crest and ran off, after making sure that the bodies would never ever be found of course. In the following years he not only acquired his PhD, but also managed to become an integral part of the Ukatan university staff as a Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, not necessarily through hard work alone, which meant he had access to needed materials and certain useful places without drawing unwanted attention from the local authorities. |
50,308 | 1,353 | 37 | 1,188 | 1,184 | Thomas leva légèrement les sourcils, laissant tomber le morceau de craie qu'il avait utilisé dans le support en bas du plateau. Je crois que c'est un nouveau record pour le nombre de retardataires le premier jour de la classe. Syllabus est sur vos bureaux, j'espère que vous vous montrerez plus tôt dans le futur.
Il soupira, retourna sur son podium et changea des papiers dessus. Mais d'abord, puisqu'une grande partie de cette classe est à l'extérieur et non enseignée, j'aimerais que vos camarades de classe et moi en sachions au moins assez sur vous pour commencer une conversation. Donc... j'ai trois questions, et vous pouvez supposer qu'il y en a trois chaque jour dans cette classe avant de commencer le matériel. Rien de difficile, je vous assure, et rien n'a été noté."
Quel est votre nom, d'où venez-vous, et... pourquoi vous êtes-vous inscrit aux Études occultes? Gardez vos réponses appropriées. » Thomas sourit légèrement pendant qu'il continuait. Je suis Thomas Joren, je suis des Etats-Unis, et... je suis ici parce que je suis qualifié pour enseigner cette classe. Suivant. | Name: Thomas Joren, the Paper Mage
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Servant: … Hmm, we’ll see how this goes.
Powers/Abilities: A rather unorthodox mage, Joren is almost entirely dependent on two, simple resources for his magecraft: A writing utensil, and paper.
Remember the Name:
By writing a person or Servant’s name on a piece of paper, Joren can read their abilities and a few of their personal details. The amount of the name he has changes his power–a full name lets him see every ability, but just a first or last name gives him around half.
Words of Power:
By far his most useful ability, Joren is capable of writing a word on paper and summoning an item with it. Most have to be simple, or writing the description takes too long to be of use. This is how he does basic mage abilities like fireballs and the like: by describing them on a sheet of paper, then triggering the enchantment when necessary.
In a pinch, Joren is capable of using his own blood as the material for writing his spells and as a source of mana. Such an effort, however, will cost him a huge amount of energy and will possibly kill him–so he’d much rather not use it. He can use the blood of others as well, though he must do it by physical contact with the fluid in question and he’s sworn to never use it.
Personality: Thomas Joren’s entire “thing” is caution, but complete and utter committal once he has decided on a course of action. He’s slow to make a decision, but once he begins he’s as unstoppable as a steam train going out of control. This often leaves him in a weakened position if he has to fight multiple enemies in a row as he’ll exhaust himself in attempts to utterly obliterate the first, but he’s careful to not get in over his head, and always seeks a less… Exhausting way to deal with them, ordinarily by trying to talk them down. He was probably picked for the grail war due to a desire for greater power that borders on an insatiable hunger.
Short Biography: Thomas Joren has a relatively ordinary heritage. He isn’t descended from any inordinately skilled mages and isn’t a member of a powerful family. His childhood was fairly ordinary for a magus, though the desire for power that marks him to this day arose early. He used paper as an early focusing medium for spells and his magic developed along those lines, granting him the power he so desired at the price of the flexibility other types of magecraft allow. Still, he was good enough at it to gain a teaching position at the University, becoming the instructor of Ritual Studies.
Other: Joren always carries a pen behind his ear, multiple ink cartridges, and two pads of notecards in his pockets. |
50,309 | 1,353 | 38 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Université de Ukatan City, Ukatan, Japon
?? :?C'est quoi, ça?
Les yeux glacés d'Akane s'ouvrent sur les questions de son professeur, sa fronce fatiguée s'approfondit. Oh mon garçon... voilà tout ce qui s'est passé : "Voyons le lien avec nos camarades de classe!" C'est un truc. Elle n'a jamais été une pour ça, mais au moins ça lui a permis d'apprendre à connaître les noms de tout le monde et les choses du genre. Cela signifierait que se faire des amis serait plus facile. "Mon nom est Akane Inukai. Je viens de Kuje, au Japon." Elle a frotté la table avec un doigt, brisant le contact visuel avec le professeur. Pourquoi a-t-elle repris des études occultes? "Oh, et j'ai pris ce cours parce que j'avais besoin des crédits supplémentaires. Cette école ne vous pardonne pas si vous êtes un crédit loin d'être à temps partiel ou quelque chose du genre », la fille aux cheveux foncés a câliné un peu, assis et regardant autour du reste des élèves. Elle se demande qui d'autre a pris la classe pour les crédits supplémentaires, ou peut-être simplement par curiosité.
Cette classe avait été plutôt... intéressante. Elle avait appris que certains des élèves avaient pris la classe simplement parce qu'ils étaient curieux d'apprendre quelques choses sur la magie-- d'autres ont déclaré une autre excuse. Un ou deux avaient entendu que c'était une classe "facile A" et ont décidé de la prendre pour booster leur GPA. Quoi qu'il en soit, Akane s'en foutait, en ce moment. Elle était plus concentrée à retourner dans son dortoir pour voir ce que Lancer faisait. Même si c'était un adulte, elle se sentait toujours comme s'il avait eu des ennuis... ou quelqu'un l'avait reniflé et l'avait défié.
Elle a trottiné jusqu'à sa chambre, se moquant de sa carte-clé alors qu'elle la balançait dans la fente avant d'entrer et de fermer la porte derrière elle. "Yo, Lancer, je suis de retour!" Akane a dit. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe?"
C'est quoi, ça?
Ukatan City (Japon)
Quartier commercial
Ce type s'est vraiment énervé.
Alors que Rider voulait vraiment frapper ce type au sol, il savait que ce serait un mauvais coup. Tout d'abord, cela mettrait en danger les citoyens autour de lui. Deuxièmement, cela lui attirerait l'attention non désirée. Il n'était pas sûr si son Maître voulait s'impliquer si vite... et il était plus intelligent que de se disputer avec le premier Servant qu'il a vu. Cependant, il n'était pas sur le point de se faufiler comme un chien avec sa queue entre les jambes. Non, il allait rester debout jusqu'à ce que l'homme sache qu'il n'était pas l'apète qu'il semblait être. Et bien sûr, rêve du jour où il pourrait le battre à terre.
"Très bien," il drone, indifférent à l'odeur de l'homme et à son attitude. Pour lui, c'était juste un étrange Servant qui sentait la merde. Mais Rider avait senti pire. « Cependant, si vous essayez de chauffer mon sang en m'insultant, j'ai peur que cela ne fonctionne pas. Quant au nom, je le porterai avec honneur, car être un « singe sale » vaut mieux que d'être l'homme qui se tient devant moi. » | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,310 | 1,353 | 39 | 993 | 1,646 | Lancer, dortoir de l'Ukatan
Lancer a décidé de passer la majeure partie de sa journée dans sa forme physique, malgré la pensée forte que le monde d'aujourd'hui n'avait pas tant à lui offrir. Etre au Japon, c'était un peu... comment a-t-il pu le dire? Eh bien, c'est dégueulasse. La Chine n'était pas si loin de là. Il pourrait toujours monter un de ces... avions et y arriver tout de suite. La Chine a-t-elle fait quelque chose de grandiose? Comme les États-Unis? Il était aussi curieux de savoir comment la Chine l'a vu. Selon ce qu'il savait, il était maintenant considéré et vénéré comme une divinité. Ce qui lui va très bien.
Après un moment de délibération sur la question de savoir s'il devrait sortir et se trouver des vêtements pour s'intégrer dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, il a finalement décidé contre et s'est assis devant la télé, prenant l'un des contrôleurs pour les consoles alignées là-bas. Le Saint Graal lui a fourni des informations sur le monde d'aujourd'hui, mais il ne lui a pas donné des informations sur des choses aussi banales que cela. "Je suppose que ça va comme... ça?" Il a passé son doigt par le panneau on/off dessus, en activant efficacement la console. C'était un pas en avant, mais il n'était toujours pas sûr de ce qu'il devait faire maintenant. Ça prendrait du temps...
Quelques temps plus tard, Lancer a finalement réussi à faire tomber les choses et s'est lancé dans le jeu. Un peu trop. Il était assis sur le sol avec ses jambes croisées et bougeait même la façon dont le personnage à l'intérieur de l'écran se déplaçait. Un bon jeu de tir qui gisait autour. Il s'est demandé pourquoi il n'avait pas utilisé une arme pour se battre. Mais ça ne ferait pas de lui un Archer au lieu d'un lanceur? Il aimait quand même sa lance, mais... c'était quelque chose de difficile à penser, maintenant que c'est arrivé. Qui s'en souciait?
Il a continué à jouer jusqu'à ce qu'Akane traverse la porte. "Oh, Zhu. C'est bon de te voir revenir en sécurité de l'école. J'espère que vous n'avez rencontré aucun Maître pendant que vous étiez là-dedans? Vous auriez été désavantagé si quelqu'un vous avait attaqué pendant l'école. Vous pouvez toujours utiliser un sceau de commandement pour appeler à mon aide si nécessaire, mais je crois que ce ne serait pas une ligne de conduite viable? » Il a dit, et même s'il avait l'air... profond peut-être? Préoccupée par l'état de son Maître, peut-être? Ce n'était pas le cas pendant qu'il jouait dans la console de jeu vidéo sur laquelle il jouait depuis un moment maintenant.
Pour être honnête, il cherchait à se battre lui-même. Il a finalement laissé tomber le contrôleur et a regardé son maître avec des yeux significatifs. "Ou allons-nous continuer l'offensive nous-mêmes et chercher les Maîtres nous-mêmes? Plus vite nous nous débarrasserons des parasites, mieux ce sera." | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,311 | 1,353 | 40 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, quartier commercial
"Je ne pouvais pas m'en soucier, que vous aimiez le nom ou non, ou que vous m'aimiez ou non." Nidhogg a commencé par un ton condescendant, se détournant de l'homme de façon dédaigneuse : « Actuellement, tout ce que je veux, c'est que tu m'enlèves ton cul de singe. Tu penses que c'est de la merde, ton honneur, c'est moins que de la merde, quel que soit l'héritage que tu as laissé qui laisse le Graal d'imbécile penser que tu es digne de marcher à nouveau sur la terre, ça vaut moins que ça. Donc, si vous pouviez partir, je pourrais commencer à sauver le reste de ma journée, qui a été complètement ruinée par vous avoir rencontré. Alors que je trouve qu'ils aiment beaucoup dire à cette époque, baisez-vous et baisez-vous."
Nidhogg espérait que si cela n'avait pas poussé l'homme à attaquer, ça l'amènerait au moins à partir. Il aimerait beaucoup voir ce qu'il pourrait découvrir de la femme Servant. Une alliance est un excellent moyen d'obtenir de l'information sur la concurrence future, de la maintenir en vie plus longtemps pendant la guerre, et de donner une excellente chance à la double croix qui est à suivre. Tout d'abord, un ennemi commun est nécessaire, un serviteur assez fort pour attirer l'attention de la majorité des autres et doit être enlevé rapidement, après cela, laisser les alliés s'affaiblir, puis aller pour le meurtre. Un plan sournois qui a fait un grand sourire sur le visage de Nidhogg, caché par son masque, si seulement. | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,312 | 1,353 | 41 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Université de la ville d'Ukatan, Dortoir pour filles
Elle était plutôt amusée de voir que sa Servante était allée de l'avant et a commencé à jouer à ses jeux vidéo sur la console. S'il s'y est vraiment mis, alors elle aurait d'autres personnes à jouer avec d'autres que les gens sur Internet. Akane a flotté sur son lit, regardant l'homme aux cheveux violets lui parler. Il se demandait si elle avait rencontré des maîtres à l'école, et elle secouait la tête. « Je n'ai vu aucun Maître dans les couloirs, mais je pense qu'il y en a au moins deux à l'école », lui a-t-elle dit, se frottant les yeux à la légère. Elle avait senti quelques mages dans sa classe, mais elle ne savait pas lequel était qui. Un bâillet échappait à ses lèvres, et ses yeux devenaient à moitié déchaînés, réalisant soudain à quel point c'était confortable sur son lit. Elle donnait n'importe quoi pour s'endormir là et puis, mais elle savait qu'il y avait des choses plus importantes à s'occuper. "Mais j'aurais appelé si j'avais absolument besoin de toi. Je peux repousser les agresseurs... Un peu."
Lancer a demandé s'ils allaient aller à l'offensive et trouver les Maîtres eux-mêmes. Akane s'est assise, une fronce sur son visage. "Est-ce vraiment une bonne idée?" Elle a posé des questions. "Si vous voulez trouver les autres Maîtres, nous allons devoir sortir et faire connaître votre présence. Et c'est comme tenir un grand signe au-dessus de notre tête qui dit 'Frappez-nous!'." Encore une fois... c'était vraiment ce qu'ils devaient faire. Pour faire des alliés ou nommer d'autres ennemis, ils devraient savoir qu'elle était elle-même un Maître. La jeune femme soupira, fermant les yeux pendant un moment comme elle le pensait.
"Très bien, Lancer. Je pense que vous devriez faire savoir que vous êtes un Serviteur, mais je ne vais pas montrer que je suis votre Maître. J'irai là où vous déciderez de vous révéler, bien que je me cacherai », a dit Akane. « Même si nous allons le faire, j'ai besoin de savoir si vous pensez être capable de prendre plus qu'un Serviteur à la fois. Il est probable que plus d'un va se montrer."
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,313 | 1,353 | 42 | 1,525 | 528 | Avec les deux d'entre eux décidant d'avoir un argument ou si ce n'est pas cela, alors juste être généralement désagréable l'un avec l'autre la femme a décidé de sortir de l'étape. En prenant la distraction pour l'utiliser à son propre avantage, elle s'est rapidement remise en place et s'est jetée dans le magasin de tailleur. En regardant autour de lui, il avait une large gamme de vêtements et de robes, ainsi qu'une qu'elle avait porté à un moment, un kimono exposé dans un boîtier en verre avec un petit sanctuaire qui a été mis en place pour prendre des offrandes. Ça l'a fait rire, mais elle est montée au comptoir. "Kon'nichiwa!" Elle a dit avec un petit arc. « Bonjour, j'aimerais acheter et avoir des vêtements adaptés à moi-même, si possible? » Elle m'a demandé d'avoir un clin d'œil en réponse.
"Bon!" Tomoe a répondu et a été amené dans le dos. Le gardien de magasin a écouté ses besoins et a décidé qu'elle obtiendrait le meilleur usage d'un costume. Ils lui ont donné un look professionnel et l'ont fait passer pour un garde du corps. Elle a donné à l'homme la bonne quantité de yen et puis un peu plus, mettant en évidence une paire de lunettes de soleil.
Beserker a marché jusqu'à la porte et a découvert qu'ils étaient toujours sur les nerfs de l'autre. En sortant entre les deux autres serviteurs, elle soupira. "Je peux vous laisser vous disputer tout seul maintenant? Ce mage a d'autres devoirs que de vous garder en disputant." | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,314 | 1,353 | 43 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Quartier commercial
Dieu, cet homme était plus un enfant que ce qu'il croyait. Sa patience était mince, et s'il n'en savait pas mieux, il l'aurait battu à la pulpe en une seconde. Il semblait que l'autre Servant était aussi intelligent; il n'avait pris aucune position ou mouvement agressif, et avait plutôt tourné le dos à lui. Pendant un moment, il s'est demandé quelle était sa véritable identité. Probablement un prince merdique qui est devenu fou au milieu de la guerre. Rider regardait simplement l'arrière de sa tête, ses sourcils tricotant ensemble comme son nez ridé dans le dégoût. Non, il n'allait pas le combattre aujourd'hui. Un jour il le ferait, et il implorait la miséricorde à ses pieds tout comme les autres centaines de personnes qui sont mortes avant lui. Il expliquerait ce qu'il a vu et fait à Sinia ; elle voudrait en entendre parler.
L'autre Servant sortit de la boutique, habillée différemment qu'elle ne l'avait été auparavant. Elle s'était mise entre eux, demandant si elle pouvait prendre son congé. Le regard de Rider s'est évanoui jusqu'à elle-- au moins elle était assez décente pour parler et s'adresser correctement. "Faites ce que vous voulez", a-t-il chargé un gros putois. "J'étais sur le point de laisser ce chien à lui-même de toute façon. Son odeur commence vraiment à perturber mon estomac." Il devrait vraiment partir avant de traverser la tête du maniaque. Sinia serait mécontente s'il s'était déjà trouvé dans une grande quantité d'ennuis, et elle aurait probablement à utiliser un sceau de commandement pour le sortir de l'autre Servant.
"C'était un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous les deux," les paroles de Rider étaient teintées de malice envers l'autre mâle alors qu'il laissait ses bras tomber à ses côtés. "J'espère qu'on se reverra, petit chien noir."
Et avec ça, il se tourna et les laissa faire ce qu'ils voulaient. Pas qu'il s'en souciât.
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,315 | 1,353 | 44 | 993 | 1,646 | Son sentiment de liberté serait quelque chose à désirer, Jacob répondit à Jane : « Ne finirait-il jamais ce qu'il a commencé. » Il ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser qu'à l'âge de Charles, sa vie était planifiée comme un long voyage. Pendant plus d'une décennie, il a suivi ce plan avec passion jeune, et c'est là qu'il l'a conduit. Sûr qu'il était un professeur enseignant le sujet même qu'il a cherché, mais il était également coincé pour plus d'une raison. La guerre du Graal mis à part, c'était une affaire de famille que Jacob allait enseigner à Charles. On espère que les Dorvain permettront à leur héritier de mûrir plus rapidement et de renforcer leur Crest, et que la famille Millford aura accès à de nombreuses ressources de Dorvain. Jacob était heureux de le faire au début, l'enseignement était toujours ce qu'il voulait faire en fin de compte, mais il s'est lentement dégradé avec le temps. La discipline engendre la grandeur. Charles pouvait être génial dans tout ce à quoi il s'appliquait, mais le garçon était très erratique.
Quand l'homme en question s'est coincé dans la conversation, ses paroles ont poussé Jacob à rouler les yeux. "Je vais faire court comme vous semblez être oh si occupé," il a commencé d'un ton de fait. "Il y avait une obstruction dans le couloir." S'élançant sur l'épaule et se concentrant sur son audition, il pouvait dire que les dames étaient toujours là-bas. "Je devais m'assurer que ce n'était rien d'inquiétant. Je ne suis pas encore parvenu à une conclusion. " Miyamoto-sama, comme Marie l'a appelé, était encore un étranger. Il n'y a qu'une fine ligne microscopique entre le modèle et l'exposant. Si Charles s'est porté garant de lui, ce serait suffisant pour satisfaire Jacob. Mais une fois de plus, Charles connaîtrait-il la différence? L'enseignant sentait un sentiment de déception en lui-même.
Cependant Mary et Jane étaient une autre histoire, leurs mots sur lesquels il pouvait compter. Les deux ont toujours été un plaisir à gérer. Dommage qu'ils n'aient pas gâché le jeune homme et une bénédiction que Charles n'ait pas gâché sur eux. Il admirait Jane pour sa nature ferme et audacieuse, et pensait que tout le monde pouvait bénéficier d'une once d'innocence de Marie. Il ne restait plus qu'à faire savoir à l'étranger. "Miyamoto-sama, s'il te plaît ne bouge pas, car je crains ce qui pourrait arriver à Marie si tu le fais. Je vous remercie d'avoir répondu, mais il y a des canaux pour ce genre de choses. Papeterie et autres. Je serais heureux d'y souscrire si nécessaire." | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,316 | 1,353 | 45 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Université de la ville d'Ukatan, Dorm pour filles
Elle a dû admettre qu'elle aimait la façon dont Guan agissait. Il n'avait pas l'air d'être dédaigné par le fait que tous les Serviteurs puissent aussi bien se montrer. Pourtant, Akane était encore un peu inquiète. Elle ne savait pas à quoi s'attendre quand il s'agissait de Serviteurs ou de Maîtres qui se battaient les uns les autres; elle n'avait lu que des histoires et des exemples tirés de manuels et d'autres gros tomes lorsque la marque apparaissait sur sa main. Elle n'était même pas d'accord avec ça-- elle avait été prête à utiliser tous ses Sceaux de Commandement à la fois simplement pour se débarrasser de son Serviteur dès que possible, mais... même si elle était paresseuse et plutôt rester à la maison regarder la télévision, elle aimait toujours maintenir tout l'honneur qu'elle avait laissé. Mais elle se demandait si elle devait être aussi effrayée ou nerveuse qu'elle l'était. Son serviteur était un Lancer, l'une des classes les plus fortes convoquées par le Saint Graal. Guan pourrait se débrouiller. Ou du moins, il devrait.
-- Merci pour le compliment, répondit Akane avec une expression malicieuse, souriant comme un renard à l'homme. "Ce n'est pas souvent que les gens voient à quel point je suis génial."
Elle a croisé les bras en écoutant ce qu'il a dit quand elle s'est penchée contre son lit. Maintenant qu'elle était sûre qu'il savait se défendre, tout ce qui restait, c'était de choisir un champ de bataille pour l'affrontement. Lancer ne connaissait pas la ville, et elle n'avait jamais pensé à choisir un endroit pour se battre. Akane n'était pas une stratégie. Son esprit a commencé à penser à tous les espaces ouverts possibles il y avait dans la ville loin des yeux indiscrets des spectateurs. Trois zones lui sont venues à l'esprit, et elle s'est fracassé les doigts avec enthousiasme. "Ah, j'ai quelques réglages pour le showdown que vous aimeriez utiliser. L'un est un parking abandonné au sud de la ville. C'est assez grand, mais il n'y a pas beaucoup d'endroits à cacher, donc je ne sais pas si vous voulez utiliser cela », a-t-elle expliqué, en comptant ses doigts comme elle a décrit les zones qu'elle connaissait.
« Un autre endroit est un chantier qui est à proximité, mais il est inactif pendant la semaine. Personne ne sera là, et c'est grand aussi. Vous pouvez grimper les cadres métalliques et les choses du genre si vous voulez être sur un terrain plus haut que votre ennemi." C'était deux. Elle tenait le troisième doigt comme si elle contemplait ses choix, ses yeux sur le visage de Lancer pour voir s'il préférait une zone aux autres. "Troisième zone est un centre commercial abandonné. Le parking abandonné dont je t'avais parlé avant était sur la propriété du centre commercial. C'est un immense champ de bataille. Il y a trois étages et beaucoup de tours, de virages et de cachettes que vous pouvez utiliser. Mais je pense que les ennemis ne vont pas être stupides non plus, donc ils vont certainement l'utiliser à leur avantage aussi."
Akane lui a cligné un clin d'œil, évidemment fière d'elle-même pour avoir pensé à tout ça. Le sourire stupide était encore sur son visage alors qu'elle attendait avec impatience sa réponse. "Alors? Est-ce que l'un d'eux a l'air de vous convenir? »
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,317 | 1,353 | 46 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, quartier commercial
"Non, je pense que nous sommes bons pour l'instant, jusqu'à ce que nous nous retrouvions pour nous tuer l'un l'autre." Nidhogg s'enfuit alors que l'Ape s'enfuit, l'air de haine qu'il lui donna de remplir Nidhogg d'un sentiment d'orgueil que ses talents insultants n'avaient pas perdu leur avantage au fil des années de non-existence, se tournant vers la femme et lui donnant une nouvelle garde-robe une fois de plus. "Pas vraiment se fondre dans, mais vous vous démarquez beaucoup moins qu'avant. De toute façon, maintenant que le singe ennuyeux est parti, souhaitez-vous poursuivre nos négociations d'alliance, ou est-ce que cette adhésion ne vous semble plus favorable? » Nidhogg a donné un étirement alors qu'il attendait sa réponse, se demandant s'il devrait juste attaquer la femme et en finir avec elle. Elle semblait être un morceau assez faible, un apéritif pour les repas à venir, mais avoir un maillon faible pour tirer le feu serait utile pour prendre des ennemis plus forts avec moins d'effort que ne serait normalement nécessaire.
Charles & Jane, Université d'Utakan, Art Wing
« Maître Dorvain, excusez-vous auprès de Maître Miliford immédiatement », se tourna vers Charles avec un regard d'irritation et de colère contre sa remarque enfantine. -- Je sais que vous et lui avez vos différences, mais c'était complètement impoli et imprudent! Charles s'est moqué, en éloignant sa caméra et en s'éloignant de Jane et de la porte.
"Quoi qu'il en soit, je serai dehors, alors appelez-moi quand Miyamoto sera prêt à partir." Il a donné un éblouissement de passage à Jacob alors qu'il le passait, la seule chose qui l'empêchait de crier sur l'homme ou de laisser plus de colère était son respect pour la concentration de ceux qui étaient actuellement concentrés sur leur travail. Il poussa la porte ouverte, ignorant les filles trop curieuses alors qu'elles essayaient de jeter un coup d'œil à Saber. Au lieu de cela, il s'assit du côté opposé de la salle et commença le processus de séparation des bonnes images des mauvaises. Contrairement à la nuit précédente, il a pris plus de temps sur ces, en étudiant pour voir s'il pourrait améliorer les mauvais numériquement, par l'utilisation de filtres f et ce qui ne le serait pas.
À son insu, cependant, il avait amassé un petit groupe de femmes autour de lui. Ils ont tous pris t pic sur son épaule, regardant la photo, et donnant leurs propres opinions sur eux. Son point de vue était si unique, et sa concentration était si intense qu'il ne les a même pas entendus ou remarqués.
Jane, toujours dans la pièce, ne pouvait que secouer la tête sur le comportement de son maître, il a toujours eu comme ça quand face à quelque chose qu'il détestait ou ne voulait pas faire. En retournant vers Jacob, elle a donné un arc bas, l'embarras du moment montrant clairement sur son visage.
"Mes plus sincères excuses, Maître Miliford, Moi, Marie, et les parents de Maître Dorvain et d'autres membres de sa famille ont tout essayé pour le briser de ses comportements enfantins, mais comme vous pouvez le voir, cela a mené à très peu de succès." | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,318 | 1,353 | 47 | 1,525 | 528 | Tomoe a tenu une seconde, en pensant avant de prendre une courte seconde pour se composer. "Il serait bénéfique pour nous deux si nous formions une sorte d'accord de non-agression. Je jurerai de ne pas vous attaquer, vous ou votre maître, et je révélerai mon nom et ma classe si vous jurez de ne pas m'attaquer moi-même ou mon maître jusqu'à ce que. Je peux aussi vous offrir une source de repas fraîchement morts. Je ne peux rien promettre au-delà du fait que les corps seront plus neufs que le cimetière que vous avez dû creuser. » Elle lui fit un commentaire, lui donnant un petit arc. "Je sais quand mon bien se tient devant moi et pour inciter à écouter les supplications d'un serviteur plus faible comme moi; je dois offrir plus sur la table de peur que tu ne me frappes là où je me tiens. Par conséquent, je propose aussi de m'entraider dans n'importe quel endroit où nous rencontrons un ennemi plus fort que l'un ou l'autre de nous, comme les classes de chevaliers. » la femelle lui a proposé, se tenant debout. Elle avait espéré qu'il serait prêt à accepter, la promesse d'un repas pour lui et une préoccupation de moins pour les deux.
"Même si cela ne dure qu'à nous deux debout et à ma défaite, j'aurais été heureux d'avoir exploré ma patrie une fois de plus." Tomoe a ajouté, un sourire doux sur son visage, mais aussi celui qui parlait de confiance. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,319 | 1,353 | 48 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, Université d'Utakan
Le temps passa presque sans condition comme le lisait Archer, non perturbé par la convocation de son maître ou par la présence d'autres serviteurs. Il y avait peu de chances qu'il y ait eu des Serviteurs de toute façon, certainement avec la guerre à ce stade. Ils pourraient commencer à scruter, mais son Maître n'avait rien dit au sujet de la guerre ayant effectivement commencé, donc il supposait qu'ils avaient le temps. Et c'était important de toute façon pour qu'il puisse consacrer le temps. Ils avaient besoin de connaissances pour continuer.
Il s'est donc consacré à son travail, se trouvant rapidement absorbé par celui-ci. La connaissance avait certainement progressé depuis son époque, tant de découvertes et de choses qu'il pouvait utiliser, qui n'avaient pas été fournies par le Graal. Gaz, explosifs, armes improvisées qu'il pouvait facilement fabriquer, etc. Au moins un d'entre eux devait être utile contre un Serviteur, ou un Maître.
Sa tête se leva avec la cloche, les livres qu'il avait lus s'étaient engagés à la mémoire. C'était une compétence assez utile, et il en faisait bon usage. Pour l'instant, il avait l'information dont il avait besoin, et ce serait juste une question de trouver les choses dont ils avaient besoin pour faire les choses dont ils avaient besoin. Et ce ne serait pas trop dur, vu où lui et son maître étaient.
Levant, il a remis les livres sur le rack avant de passer à Spirit Form, de passer à travers le mur et de partir à la recherche de son Maître. Il devrait au moins vérifier et s'assurer qu'elle allait bien, et lui dire s'il allait partir en ville pour des trucs. Il n'avait pas vraiment d'argent, donc ça pourrait être un problème si elle ne voulait pas recourir au vol.
Ce ne serait pas trop dur. Et étant donné que personne ne pouvait le voir, il a juste dû la trouver. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,320 | 1,353 | 49 | 993 | 1,646 | Lancer écoutait attentivement son Maître. Elle semblait avoir pensé à toutes les possibilités de cette guerre. C'était bien d'avoir un tel maître préparé, et pas un type à moitié cul qui ne ferait que le ralentir. Au moins, elle avait l'air d'être comme ça. Lancer a pris sa main et a embrassé le dos à nouveau, comme quand ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois. "Je trouve impressionnant que vous ne soyez pas complimenté plus souvent, Zhu. Votre esprit est superbe. Cette bataille est aussi bonne que la nôtre." Lancer lui a dit, tout en souriant.
Il regardait maintenant dans ses yeux, après avoir lâché la main d'Akane. « Oui, je crois fermement que le chantier de construction serait un endroit parfait pour nous de faire la bataille. L'endroit sera aussi parfait et utile pour moi. Le centre commercial peut être utilisé contre moi autant que je peux l'utiliser, et le parking ne semble pas comme le genre de chose qui serait bénéfique pour moi dans un combat. La voiture pourrait être utilisée contre moi si mon adversaire devait utiliser une sorte de feu. Par conséquent, le chantier de construction est l'endroit idéal pour nous tenir l'avantage contre nos ennemis. » Lancer sourit, après avoir commencé dans sa tête.
Il marche jusqu'à la porte et se tourne pour voir son Maître une fois de plus. Il était impatient de se battre, et il aurait certainement aimé se débarrasser d'une telle impatience déjà. "Maintenant, Zhu, s'il vous plaît dirigez le chemin. Plus vite les choses s'arrangeront, mieux ce sera. Je vais laisser les détails sur la façon dont nous allons attirer les autres Maîtres à notre position pour vous." Lancer lui sourit encore une fois, avant de disparaître dans l'air mince. "Je vais m'assurer de gagner le Saint Graal pour vous." | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,321 | 1,353 | 50 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Université de la ville d'Ukatan, Dorm de fille
Est-ce qu'elle avait l'air aussi intelligente que Lancer l'avait fait? Akane n'était que de cette façon en raison du fait que la possibilité qu'elle soit utile a rendu son sang chaud. Si elle ne s'en foutait pas de cette "guerre du Graal" et de sa santé et de sa sécurité, elle aurait dormi, surtout avec la fatigue qu'elle était. Non seulement cela, mais sa Servante était sympathique, pas une sorte de roi gâté ou un guerrier qui avait des écrous et des boulons pour le cerveau. Elle a senti son visage se réchauffer à nouveau quand il a embrassé le dos de sa main et l'a complimentée une fois de plus. "O-oh... Je suppose que mon cerveau est vraiment quelque chose, n'est-ce pas?" Elle riait nerveusement.
Quand il a dit que le chantier de construction était le meilleur terrain de bataille pour lui, elle a tiré à ses pieds, commençant à trembler. Oh, mon Dieu, ils allaient vraiment se tenir debout au milieu de cet endroit flippant? Ça l'a terrifiée... mais ça l'a rendue plus excitée que tout. Les lèvres d'Akane rayonnaient encore, tellement que ses yeux se fermaient. "Haha, le chantier c'est, alors! Si vous gagnez cette bataille, M. Guan, je vais vous offrir une cuisine chinoise gourmande! Ou... quelque chose d'autre, si vous voulez." La jeune femme aux cheveux foncés retenait un rire anxieux alors qu'elle quittait son dortoir après s'être assurée que Lancer n'était pas visible aux yeux d'un humain normal, en sautant pratiquement dans les salles tapissées.
Ukatan City (Japon)
Site de construction, jeudi (11:49)
Ils étaient arrivés sur le chantier en une demi-heure, ce qui était assez rapide pour Akane. Elle ne savait pas que si elle avait littéralement couru là-bas ou quelque chose, mais ça aurait dû prendre plus de trente minutes. Ce qui importe maintenant, c'est qu'ils soient là. Elle n'avait pas attendu un moment pour chercher une cachette où elle pouvait encore voir Lancer. Bien qu'elle ait choisi un endroit assez proche de sa servante, elle a trouvé qu'il s'agissait d'un endroit vital si elle devait entrer et le protéger. Elle pourrait très bien jeter une de ses bombes de bijoux de fumée et fournir assez grande distraction s'il en avait besoin.
Akane se cachait entre un groupe de grands conteneurs, regardant autour du coin. Elle était sûre qu'elle tremblait plus qu'avant. Elle pourrait très bien mourir ici... ils pourraient tous les deux. « Très bien, Lancer, prêt quand vous l'êtes », a-t-elle appelé, se jetant à nouveau derrière les conteneurs.
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,322 | 1,353 | 51 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, quartier commercial
« Comme je l'ai déjà dit, il n'est pas nécessaire de me rendre un tel hommage, car j'ai bien peur que ce que j'ai recueilli aujourd'hui ne soit autant qu'avec l'attention indue. Comme ou le pacte de non-agression, vous avez ma parole que je ne vous attaquerai ni vous ni votre maître et accepterai de vous aider dans toute entreprise où vous vous trouvez face à un ennemi plus fort si je suis capable."
Contrairement à la posture droite et digne de la femme, Nidhogg's était langui et détendu, comme celui du lion qui s'est couché sur un rocher. L'arrangement de la femme était lourdement contre elle à long terme, mais il ne voyait aucune raison de l'avertir de sa propre folie. Aussi, étant donné qu'elle parlait des 3 classes plus puissantes, elle-même n'était pas un Saber, ce qui le laissait penser Archer ou Caster. Rider ne lui convenait pas, et bien qu'elle soit peut-être un Assassin, il ne pourrait pas sentir sa présence avant si elle était de cette classe.
-- Eh bien, vous devez être impatients de revenir, alors dites-moi votre nom et votre classe pour que je puisse être sur mon chemin, aussi, comme signe de notre alliance, prenez cela. Nidhogg a apporté une racine de sa poche, qu'il avait formée en secret, et l'a gardée pour qu'elle la prenne. "Si jamais tu as besoin d'aide, casse ça et je m'en vais." | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,323 | 1,353 | 52 | 1,525 | 528 | J'apprécie l'offre, mais je suis sûr que vous ressentirez mon besoin. Je suis Caster et beaucoup de mortels me connaîtraient comme Pincess Seishi. Haute Préstesse du Sanctuaire Kamo dans l'ancien japan. J'espère que notre alliance aura des liens solides jusqu'à la fin. Gozen a dit, pas envie d'accepter un objet inconnu de sa part. "Je te dis adieu." Elle a fini et a commencé à sortir de l'autre serviteur, sachant que sa ruse ne durerait pas toute la guerre, mais espérant qu'elle lui gagnerait du temps et un élément de surprise dont elle avait besoin. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,324 | 1,353 | 53 | 1,792 | 1,124 | Classe occulte, Université d'Ukatan
Le retard d'Eddie et d'Akane n'est pas passé inaperçu, mais heureusement, il n'y a pas eu de problème. L'enseignant était jeune, ou du moins semblait jeune, et a annoncé que chaque classe aurait trois questions faciles, non notées, y compris aujourd'hui. Les questions pour la journée étaient quel est le nom, d'où on venait et pourquoi cours d'études occultes. Le professeur a mentionné son nom, Thomas Joren, et qu'il était des États-Unis. Un détail qui a attiré l'intérêt d'Eddie.
Après qu'Akane se soit présentée, l'acteur était le suivant. "Eh bien, je suis Patrick Edward Culiar, je suis des États-Unis comme tu enseignes et... j'ai eu mon agent pour organiser mes cours pour moi..."
- Juste à l'extérieur de l'université d'Ukatan -
La classe était... intéressante. Eddie n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il venait d'apprendre, mais maintenant que la classe était terminée, l'acteur se mit à chercher son Serviteur. Il n'était pas sûr où, mais si un Servant magique voulait dépenser de l'argent, Eddie pensait que c'était le quartier commerçant et il y est allé. Il espérait juste qu'elle n'avait rien fait de stupide pendant qu'il était parti. | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,325 | 1,353 | 54 | 993 | 1,646 | Aussi bon que la gastronomie chinoise serait, Guan était curieux de savoir ce que les Japonais mangeaient tous les jours. Pour autant que la connaissance du Graal allait, il semblait que la nourriture était... similaire au mieux, mais pas la même que son cher pays d'origine la Chine. Et il préférerait manger de la nourriture chinoise gourmet faite par les bonnes mains d'une jeune fille chinoise. Il s'arrangerait avec des sushis ou n'importe quoi d'autre que les Japonais mangeaient. -- Quoi qu'il en soit, je t'apporterai la victoire, Maître! L'invisible Lancer a dit. "Assurez-vous aussi de m'appeler Lancer. La découverte de mon identité me désavantagerait."
Site de construction
Avec son maître caché et son casque sous son bras, il n'y avait qu'une partie du puzzle qui manquait encore. Il a pris son casque et l'a mis, faisant briller ses yeux bleus dans le noir encore une fois. Il a sorti son bras, et assez tôt, sa naginata est apparue hors de l'air. Il l'a attrapé et a commencé à tourner autour comme pour se montrer, bien que le seul là-bas en ce moment était son Maître bien sûr, il voulait toujours lui montrer quel genre de guerrier il était.
"Surveille-moi, Zhu! Je vais vous montrer à quel point la classe Lancer est puissante en réalité! » Guan scruta sa naginata dans le sol et la lame s'y enterre, prêt à affronter n'importe quel adversaire. Il voulait qu'ils soient Saber ou Archer, car il serait en mesure de se débarrasser des plus gênants dans un seul coup. "Je ne peux pas attendre de voir ce que le destin a en réserve pour moi..... Même Berserker serait une agréable surprise à ce stade." Bien sûr, il plaisantait dans le dernier. Il ne voudrait pas que ce soit Berserker, pas du tout. D'autant plus qu'ils n'étaient probablement rien d'autre qu'une masse de muscles mobiles sans cerveau. La seule idée était terrifiante. Il espérait aussi que son adversaire ne serait pas une femme, il deviendrait extrêmement gênant pour lui de les blesser de quelque manière que ce soit. | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,326 | 1,353 | 55 | 490 | 461 | Études occultes
Université d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
"Ah, princesse Akane, mon doux petit ange, comment tu éclaires mon jour," Louise s'est dit en écoutant Akane se présenter, la jeune fille aux cheveux foncés effectivement étincelante dans Louise momentanément déformée réalité. Elle s'est ridiculisée. Elle avait manqué l'occasion de faire sauter des jupes ce matin avec sa magecraft personnalisée et ressentait l'envie presque excessive de causer un accident. Elle a résisté, à peine, ne serait-ce qu'en raison de la gravité de la situation actuelle. Pas la classe bien sûr, la guerre. Une fois que c'était son tour, elle se tourna vers le professeur et lui sourit d'une joie évidente. Bonjour, exalté un!
Mon nom est Louise Evangeline Kotomi. Chimie de première année. De France. J'ai été transféré ici plus tôt cette année grâce à un mombo-jumbo politique tiré par mon père. Quant à mon nom, c'est bizarre, n'est-ce pas? Eh bien, comme il s'avère que mon père est du Japon et ma mère, eh bien, maman est beaucoup de choses," Louise a dit, son comportement joyeux ne glisser que momentanément avec la mention de sa mère. Elle s'est amusée pendant un moment. Pourquoi me suis-je inscrit à cette classe?Elle s'est moquée à haute voix, sachant bien que certains membres de la population étudiante et de la faculté d'enseignement étaient de la persuasion mystique et connaissaient la vraie nature de cette classe. Comme c'était sérieux pour certaines personnes. "J'ai pris cette classe parce qu'on m'a dit à," Louise a dit avec une honnêteté totale et non émotionnelle. Le regard sans souci sur son visage suggérait que ce n'était pas grand chose.
Département de chimie Toittop
Université d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Une fois que Louise était libre de revenir, elle se dirigeait immédiatement directement vers le département de chimie. Elle ne s'inquiétait pas pour Archer, elle aurait su à la fois si quelque chose lui était arrivé par le lien qu'ils partageaient maintenant, grâce à leur contrat et aux sceaux de commandement qui symbolisaient ce pacte. Cependant, elle ne nierait pas qu'elle a passé une grande partie de la journée à se demander ce qu'il avait fait exactement. La recherche du monde moderne, la mise à jour de la technologie actuelle des matériaux, peut-être même la recherche du sort de l'entreprise qu'il avait lui-même fondé il y a tant d'années. Toutes considérations raisonnables. Elle s'est ridiculisée. Ou peut-être s'immisce - t - il avec des visions de fleurs hors saison avec des yeux étonnamment précis.
L'entrée au département a été assez facile, même sans ses titres de compétence. À la place de sa carte-clé officielle, elle a utilisé un rectangle de «plastique modifié» et de métal. Créer une copie exacte de la carte a été une expérience difficile mais enrichissante. Elle l'avait fait en utilisant la carte clé originale comme modèle et avait copié les cartes de maquillage physique et chimique sur la carte vierge. Plein transfert de ses propriétés chimiques. L'astuce était assez facile en principe pour un alchimiste décent, bien que le cercle alchimiste ait été une salope à créer. Une fois sur le toit, elle a appelé Archer de son côté.
Comment était la vue!Elle a appelé joyeusement, son sens évident du regard sur son visage. À part sa plaisanterie, son expression est devenue plus sombre et plus sérieuse. On est prêts? | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,327 | 1,353 | 56 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, Université d'Ukatan
Looking n'avait pas eu beaucoup de chance en dépit de la vision d'Archer, le campus juste trop grand pour simplement localiser son maître de. Et la détection de la mana d'Archer n'était toujours pas la meilleure. Mais les Sceaux de Commandement étaient une traction, et il avait une idée juste de l'endroit où elle pourrait être. Ainsi, il a rapidement pu la retrouver, sur le toit où ils s'étaient vus pour la dernière fois. Il aurait vraiment dû s'y attendre.
S'approchant, il retourna à la forme matérielle, s'affaissant à côté d'elle pendant qu'il scannait l'horizon, juste pour s'assurer qu'il n'y avait pas de Serviteurs qui regardaient. Ce qui n'arrêterait pas Caster, mais il pensait que cela dépendait de l'habileté de ce Serviteur et de l'existence de Clairvoyance. Même à son époque, il y avait eu des imbéciles prétendant qu'ils pouvaient le faire, bien qu'on doive supposer qu'un Esprit héroïque pouvait réellement le faire.
-- Pas aussi bon que l'Europe, répondit Archer avec un sourire à lui, mal interprété délibérément sa déclaration avant qu'il ne s'installe et devienne sérieux à son tour. « Autant que nous pouvons être avec ce que nous avons. Je suggère soit de visiter un magasin d'armes afin d'élargir mon arsenal, soit de trouver un endroit pour obtenir des approvisionnements au-delà des produits chimiques simples. » Il aimerait ne pas se battre sans être complètement préparé, et ils n'avaient pas encore de trucs prêts. Et en plus, ajouter à la quantité d'armes qu'il pourrait générer ne ferait pas de mal non plus. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,328 | 1,353 | 57 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, quartier commercial -> Site de construction
Nidhogg a hurlé comme il a empoché la racine, donc la fille n'était pas complètement stupide. Pourtant, sa volonté de lui donner son nom et sa classe était un peu suspecte, mais Nidhogg a décidé de juste en parler avec Joren plus tard, car il ne s'en souciait pas particulièrement pour le moment. Avec son évaluation de base, il pourrait dire qu'elle ne sera probablement pas d'ennuis quoi que ce soit, quelle que soit la classe qu'elle est.
-- Très bien, plus tard. Nidhogg s'en alla, lui donnant une vague alors qu'il commença à errer dans la ville, à la recherche d'autres serviteurs.
- 30 minutes plus tard.
Nidhogg sourit alors qu'il s'approchait du chantier, ayant ressenti la présence d'un Serviteur pendant sa chasse. Il pouvait dire que celui-ci faisait un effort pour annoncer sa position, ce qui ne pouvait signifier qu'une chose. Nidhogg a léché les lèvres en prévision, mais il n'a pas encore emménagé. Il avait placé des racines dans la région et avait pris le temps d'attendre alors qu'elles se répandaient sous le champ de bataille, en s'assurant qu'elles étaient assez profondes pour qu'elles ne perturbent pas le sol au-dessus.
Une fois qu'il était sûr que les racines étaient prêtes, il est entré dans l'arène, ses yeux se concentraient légèrement sur sa proie. Ses vêtements ont commencé à se déplacer alors que les racines qu'il portait ont commencé à le couvrir entièrement jusqu'à ce qu'il soit sous une masse de vrilles noires. Les vrilles se retirèrent bientôt pour révéler une figure heureuse dans l'armure en bois, stylisée après sa vraie forme et faite complètement à partir de ses racines. La couleur des vrilles était beaucoup plus sombre, et des lignes d'énergie rouge étaient mélangées à travers, certains formant en runes qui parlaient de mort et de désespoir à tous ceux qui les regardaient. Il s'est cassé le cou alors qu'il regardait hors des trous du casque, ses yeux blancs resplendissant presque de l'intensité de sa léthargie.
"Pourquoi bonjour, Apéritif-san, et au revoir."
Et puis il a éclaté en avant, utilisant son Prana a éclaté pour le lancer directement à son ennemi, son bras a élevé le dos et les vrilles se formant en pic allongé autour de son bras. Aussitôt qu'il était assez proche, il s'en sortait, espérant empaler son adversaire alors qu'il passait par lui, car il avait dirigé un peu sa charge vers la gauche de son ennemi. Qu'il ait été attaqué ou non, il se retournerait contre lui pour lui lancer un barrage de grandes vrilles avant de pouvoir se remettre, laissant un rire fou alors qu'il atterrissait sur l'une des poutres métalliques qui composaient l'infrastructure du bâtiment. | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,329 | 1,353 | 58 | 993 | 1,646 | Une fois qu'il a vu qui est venu à leur défi contre les serviteurs, Lancer ne pouvait pas s'empêcher d'être offensé. Il a même cliqué sa langue une fois qu'il a vu la Bête commencer à se former à partir de racines et quoi que ce soit. C'était une insulte, et rien de plus. "Alors encore, ce n'est que la volonté des Dieux." Il a dit, comme il a facilement évité la première grève de la Bête. C'était un style de combat simple, qui l'a offensé. Il n'y avait pas de finesse ni de menace pour lui. Malgré cela, Lancer vit calmement les mouvements de la Bête. Une fois qu'il est venu contre lui une fois de plus et a commencé avec un flot d'attaques, Lancer les a évités à nouveau assez facilement. Aucune tactique contre lui n'était à part une insulte.
Même ainsi, Lancer avait une politique de ne jamais sous-estimer aucun de ses adversaires. Il a fait un pas en arrière entre le flot d'attaques de la Bête folle et a utilisé sa naginata pour arrêter l'une de ses attaques. Comme prévu, il a été renvoyé par sa force énorme, mais seulement légèrement. Oui, il était plus fort que lui. Mais voici la raison pour laquelle les gens étaient bien au-dessus des bêtes. Ils avaient plus de cerveaux. "Très bien. Je vous graciera avec la possibilité de combattre le grand Lancer." Il dit, avant de s'élancer vers la bête et de sauter sur sa tête, et de viser à frapper à travers son cou avec sa naginata. Même si son attaque n'était pas réussie, il serait toujours derrière la bête, et il ne perdrait pas de temps là-dedans et commencerait à courir tout de suite à l'intérieur du chantier.
"Suivez-moi si vous osez, Shòu!" Lancer a crié dessus. Bien sûr, une bête comme ça ne pourrait pas voir ce qu'il faisait, alors qu'il commençait à geler les piliers qu'il courait à côté. Au moins, Lancer espérait que c'était trop stupide pour même penser que ce qu'il faisait était exprès. | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,330 | 1,353 | 59 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, chantier
Statut: Appréciant actuellement son amuse-gueule
Nidhogg s'échappa facilement de l'attaque, se penchant pour regarder Lancer passer. Alors que Lancer commença à courir sur le chantier de construction, Nidhogg se contenta de ridiculiser les présomptions de l'imbécile. Il connaissait une cage quand il en a vu une, et la seule chose qu'une Bête doit faire dans une situation comme celle-ci est de démolir les barreaux et de dévorer le geôlier. Dans cette optique, Nidhogg s'est levé dans une position debout, en envoyant un signal aux racines souterraines comme il l'a fait. Baissez-le.
Plusieurs vrilles éclatent du sol près des piliers de soutien principaux, entravant pour en faire des plus grandes, plus puissantes, avant de s'écraser en eux. Il n'a fallu qu'un swing de chacun pour faire le travail, faisant tomber l'infrastructure sur son adversaire dans un tas de métal tordu. Avant même que la poussière ne commence à se calmer, les vrilles commencent alors à converger sur la position de Lancer, libérant un intense barrage d'attaques balayantes contre lui.
Pendant qu'ils faisaient cela, Nidhogg appela une racine entrelacée pour le soulever haut au-dessus du carnage, formant une lance dans sa main alors qu'il regardait l'épave sans petite quantité d'auto-satisfaction. Tirant son bras en arrière, il jeta la lance à Lancer, en utilisant Prana Burst pour augmenter l'accelration et la puissance de perçage de la construction. Il tirerait 5 autres attaques de ce genre, les deux dernières, cependant, ne se dirigeant pas vers Lancer, mais à la figure cachée qui était probablement son maître, qu'il avait localisé avec ses vrilles souterraines, en utilisant des brins minces cheveux pour sonder la région environnante. Chaque lance frapperait avec la force d'un missile, causant probablement un grand cratère lorsqu'ils toucheraient le sol.
Voyons à quel point mon apéritif danse maintenant qu'il a perdu l'avantage du terrain et qu'il a son maître à protéger. | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,331 | 1,353 | 60 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Site de construction inactif, jeudi
Akane n'a pas pu s'empêcher de regarder avec élégance sa Servante. Il était trop cool! Elle n'avait pas vu une naginata pleine être balayée comme ça auparavant, et la regarder à la télévision et dans les jeux vidéo n'était rien de tel que de le voir dans la vraie vie. Lancer semblait plus que prêt à faire face à tout ce qui venait de son côté. Même si elle était un peu anxieuse, elle devait rester forte. Ses doigts tournaient autour de sa veste légère alors qu'elle regardait le premier adversaire arriver. Qu'est-ce que... c'était? Était-il vraiment un Servant? Il ressemblait plus à un démon ou à un monstre convoqué qu'à un Caster ou Berserker.
Quoi qu'il en soit, les deux Serviteurs n'ont pas épargné le temps de discuter et se sont plutôt lancés l'un à l'autre. Pendant un moment, elle était sûre que Lancer allait être touché par l'un des attaques de l'autre mâle. Pourtant, il esquiva chacun d'entre eux, à sa grande surprise. Wow... c'est vraiment quelque chose. Akane a pensé, commençant à trembler d'excitation une fois de plus. Comment quelqu'un pouvait bouger aussi vite, elle ne savait pas. Tout ce qu'elle savait, c'était qu'elle était fière d'avoir convoqué une servante aussi agile.
Lancer a commencé à courir vers le chantier, mais l'adversaire l'a déchiré avec facilité. Akane s'est légèrement effondré. Welp... leur avantage est parti. Elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que quelqu'un avec ce genre de pouvoir arrive ou soit assez dur pour détruire le travail de quelqu'un. Il ne fait aucun doute que les habitants de la ville allaient se méfier maintenant. Soudain, le Serviteur lança des lances à Lancer et à elle, à sa grande surprise. Heureusement, elle avait été assez rapide pour s'éloigner des objets entrants, mais pas sans se raser les genoux. "Craps!" Elle a craché, se levant du sol et courant pour plus de couverture. Comment a-t-il su qu'elle était là? N'était-ce pas une bonne cachette?
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,332 | 1,353 | 61 | 983 | 5,954 | "Okay Miyamoto-san, c'est fini pour l'instant! Merci pour la modélisation!" L'enseignante, une enseignante au milieu de la trentaine, sourit à l'homme nu qui l'a rendu avec la sérénité qu'il portait habituellement. C'est alors qu'il a finalement remarqué que beaucoup le fixaient d'une manière qui n'était probablement pas appropriée pour un modèle. Curieusement, c'est surtout les femmes, y compris l'enseignante.
"J'ai eu le plaisir d'aider. Pourriez-vous me donner mes vêtements?" Il s'est retourné pour regarder Mary et s'est branlé. "Voyez la jeune femme, vous en avez déjà vu plus qu'assez." Saber a dit avec une simple plaisanterie, prenant les vêtements que le professeur lui a remis et habillés. Cela a été salué avec beaucoup d'expressions déçues de beaucoup de dames et de certains hommes qui étaient dans la pièce, poussant et soupirant presque à l'unisson. Il ne se penchait pas à cela alors qu'il tournait son attention sur Jacob. "Je suis désolé pour le comportement de Charles. Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'il agirait ainsi envers qui que ce soit. Je vais lui parler. Jane, Mary, restez ici avec monsieur Milford."
Sans attendre une réponse, Saber sortit de la pièce dans le couloir avec des étudiantes qui regardaient l'école. Beaucoup d'entre eux bouffaient terriblement et courbaient avant qu'ils se dispersent comme des souris devant le chat. Il n'avait pas l'esprit; ses pensées se concentraient sur la façon dont son maître était méprisable envers Jacob sans raison. Si cet homme devait être son maître, alors il devrait faire mieux que d'agir comme un putain de gamin! Ce n'était pas difficile de le trouver. Après tout, il a été la source de sa mana après tout. Dès qu'il l'a trouvé, il l'a approché de derrière et a arraché la caméra de ses mains avec une vitesse aveuglante."Dorvain-sama, votre attitude envers M. Milford était atroce. En tant que maître, vous devez être poli et composé. Un gentleman plus ou moins, pas un rapscallion." | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,333 | 1,353 | 62 | 983 | 5,954 | Inutile d'excuser Jane, il a répondu avec un sourire sincère. "Ses paroles ne portent que peu à aucune substance qui pourrait m'offenser. Bien que souvent je blesse ce qu'il n'aime pas de moi ainsi." Jacob avait écrit cela comme une phase il y a quelques mois, mais maintenant il ne pouvait pas aider mais blessant s'il y avait plus à cela. Son élève avait des dons et des talents, sans parler des moyens de laisser la fleur en pleine beauté. Avec l'argent de sa famille et Jane et Mary debout à ses côtés, il pourrait vraiment être quelque chose. Mais il s'est caché derrière une caméra. A quoi pensait ce garçon?
Avec grand soulagement, il a regardé l'homme s'habiller. C'était l'étrange type. Quel genre d'artiste avait besoin de ce muscle? Peut-être une sculpture, ou un muraliste. Peut-être était-il un artiste contemporain qui travaillait avec le métal. L'entendre parler pour la première fois l'a rendu d'autant plus étrange. Polite et bien parlé l'homme était un pinacle marcheur de la vertu. Un exécuteur de l'église? Ce serait le jour. « Comme je l'ai dit, ne pensez rien de cela, mais lui parler serait probablement pour le mieux. »
Après avoir quitté Jacob, les deux dames ont fait un geste au coin de la pièce, dans l'espoir qu'elles puissent parler en murmurant pour ne pas être entendues par les autres. "Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps, mais je dois demander. A-t-il suivi ses études? Manger et bien dormir? J'espère qu'il n'a plus été un procès pour vous les filles. Je suis tout pour qu'il s'exprime et prenne sa propre voie, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il doit aussi vous traîner dans la boue. » | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,334 | 1,353 | 63 | 993 | 1,646 | Oui, Lancer n'aimait pas avoir à faire face à une bête insensée comme ça. Il a fait baisser toute la construction sans même penser à l'utiliser à son avantage. Toute personne pensante aurait pensé à utiliser la structure à son avantage en la faisant tomber sur la tête de l'autre. Même si l'adversaire était Servant et que cela ne faisait rien de plus que de gratter les autres, cela donnerait encore un temps à l'autre pour se préparer au combat qui est arrivé par la suite. Lancer avait une longueur d'avance sur le dragon en bois, sans parler du fait que son plan était en fait le même, donc il a pu échapper au bâtiment avant même qu'il ne commence à s'effondrer.
Comme prévu, la bête suivit ses attaques, que Lancer évita avec une relative facilité. Même si c'était rapide, ses mouvements étaient trop prévisibles. Bien sûr, il ne s'attendait pas à ce que les deux derniers se dirigent vers son maître. Lancer a sauté et s'est mis en face de son Maître, bloquant de toutes ses forces les deux attaques, même s'ils l'ont renvoyé un peu. "Mon, tu es une bête stupidement grande. Je suppose que vous êtes soit une partie de la classe Berserker, soit un tel idiot dans la vie que même en tant que Servant, vous êtes toujours aussi stupide que vous l'étiez dans la vie." Lancer a dit à la Bête devant lui. Il commençait à se lasser de jouer sur la défensive.
Il leva sa naginata et mit le bâton contre son visage. "Alors, que diriez-vous d'arrêter de jouer maintenant? C'est à mon tour de faire mon mouvement." Il a commencé à rassembler ses forces, ainsi que le prana de son Maître. Zhu, couvrez-vous dans un autre endroit où vous êtes plus en sécurité. En ce moment, cet endroit est un champ de bataille contre une Bête qui n'est pas dans son bon esprit. Une autre attaque aléatoire comme celle-ci ne serait pas surprenante à aucun moment." Il a dit. Il était maintenant concentré. Son esprit était calme, il était prêt à frapper.
Avec un tiret qui fit croire qu'il avait disparu, Lancer sauta et apparut bientôt devant le serviteur adverse, la seule chose visible à travers ses casques était ses yeux bleus et la piste bleue qu'ils laissèrent dans les airs alors qu'il se déplaçait à des vitesses si étonnantes. Il a ramené sa naginata d'une seule main puis l'a poussée vers l'avant, mais bien sûr, elle se terminerait là. Il a commencé à aller de l'avant avec sa naginata à une vitesse incroyable, de sorte qu'il était presque impossible de suivre le chemin de ses frappes. "Devenez un coussin d'épingle!" Après plusieurs frappes de ce genre qui passèrent en un seul instant, il prit finalement sa naginata et la fila dans sa main gauche, avant de viser à trancher la poitrine de la Bête, puis retourna à nouveau frapper à sa poitrine et tomber au sol, laissant un trou dans lequel il atterrit juste de sa force pure. | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,335 | 1,353 | 64 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, ancien chantier
"Nimble petits morsels, ne sont pascha," Nidhogg observé d'en haut, vrilles se levant vers le haut pour former un cocon autour de lui comme Lancer a attaqué. Ses frappes perçaient directement le cocon, et son premier coup était sans entrave, mais ce n'était pas le cas pour son deuxième coup, dans lequel la lame de naginata était arrêtée à mi-chemin à travers l'attaque, arrêtant son élan et le laissant accroché dans l'air par l'arbre de son arme, qui était fermement à la portée des vrilles et ne serait pas facilement enlevé. Avant qu'il ne puisse réagir, la vrille principale s'est réhaussée, avant de frapper dans le sol, se levant seulement pour faire la même chose encore et encore. Si Lancer ne lâchait pas son arme, il serait dans un monde de blessures, car la force que cette vrille exerçait était massive, en écrasant facilement les poutres en acier comme si elle était faite de papier.
S'il s'accrochait à cela, fouetterait dans le sol avec assez de force pour l'envoyer en train de s'envoler (s'il ne s'accroche pas, alors ignore la première moitié de cette phrase), avant de revenir au sol, en prenant sa Naginata avec elle. Comme il l'a fait, une figure en sortit, les racines en retrait se séparant autour de la figure de cauchemar comme de l'eau contre une pierre. En s'appuyant sur Prana de son maître, Nidhogg a décidé de monter un peu son jeu et d'arrêter de jouer avec son repas. Quelques-unes de ces grèves l'avaient frappé alors qu'il s'était échappé dans la vrille, rien de sérieux, mais ça l'a laissé plutôt ennuyé. Ses yeux ont commencé à briller un blanc chauve alors qu'il est devenu entouré d'une aura malveillante de sang sauvage si fort qu'il réveillerait une peur primitive de tous ceux qui l'ont vu. C'était la compétence de classe de la classe des bêtes, Primeval Strength. Il s'élança dans un brouillage de mouvement, atteignant la position de Lancer en quelques instants avec son poing en arrière, avant de s'élancer avec un coup dévastateur sur la poitrine de Lancer, la force déjà impressionnante de Nidhogg étant considérablement renforcée par Class Skill et Prana Burst. Si elle était prise directement, Lancer serait certainement incapable, sinon carrément tué, et même un coup indirect infligerait des blessures graves. Elle enverrait également Lancer s'envoler vers l'arrière dans l'épave du chantier, ce qui aggraverait encore les dégâts.
Nidhogg se blottit dans l'obscurité alors qu'il convoquait une autre masse de vrilles pour s'endormir autour de lui alors qu'il s'approchait du serviteur.
"Vous n'êtes pas le serviteur le plus intelligent, vous êtes Apéritif-San, m'attaquant comme ça. C'est un signe d'arrogance pour moi, ne dirais-tu pas, taille Bite? » Il a dit, s'adressant à la fille qui était évidemment le maître de Lancer.
Charles, Université d'Utakan, Art Wing
Statut : Pissed off
La première impulsion de Charles a été d'ordonner à Saber de rendre la caméra, mais il s'est tenu en arrière. Il n'allait pas gaspiller un sceau de commandement sur quelque chose comme ça. Il a pris plusieurs respirations profondes, avant de finalement se lever, donnant à Saber un regard froid. "Miyamoto, prenons un moment pour évaluer certains faits. Tu n'es pas mon père, tu n'es pas responsable de moi, je n'ai pas à t'écouter, et c'est moi qui paie pour que tu sois ici. » Son ton était aussi froid que son éblouissement, sinon plus froid.
"Avec cela à l'esprit, ne pensez jamais que vous pouvez me dire quoi faire. Je me fiche de ce que tu penses de mon comportement, je m'en fiche si tu m'aimes, je me soucie seulement de faire ce que je veux faire. Si je veux être impoli avec ce cul, alors je le ferai, et personne ne me fera faire autrement. Alors, s'il vous plaît, donnez-moi mon appareil photo, puis allez chercher Mary et Jane. Après cela, vous pouvez faire ce que vous voulez, comprenez?"
Jane soupira, elle savait très bien pourquoi Maître Dorvain n'aimait pas, mais elle refusa de le dire à cause de son enfance. Toute cette animosité, juste parce que Charles n'a jamais pu battre cet homme. C'est complètement ridicule, mais ce qu'il faut faire face à un tel imbécile têtu d'un maître. Plus tu le pousses, plus il creuse ses talons.
Marie, cependant, regardait vers l'endroit où Maître Dorvain avait pris l'assaut. Elle n'a pas approuvé son comportement non plus, mais elle savait qu'essayer de lui parler alors qu'il était comme ça risquait d'aggraver les choses au lieu de s'améliorer. Quand Maître Miliford les a emmenés au coin de la rue pour parler de Maître Dorvain, les deux jumeaux soupiraient des épreuves d'être les serviteurs de Maître Dorvain.
"Ses études ne sont pas un problème, il est très négligent avec son temps de recherche, surtout quand il s'agit d'expériences", Mary a commencé doucement, mais Jane a coupé avec ses propres plaintes.
Mais il est impossible de l'amener à manger et à dormir régulièrement, puis de s'occuper de ses parents et de ses candidats au mariage. Compte tenu de son style de vie, il est compréhensible que sa famille veuille un héritier plus tôt, plutôt que plus tard, mais Maître Dorvain ne montre aucun intérêt pour eux. Il prend juste quelques photos, quelques petits discours, puis les envoie en chemin, et c'est moi qui suis blâmé pour ça. Ils sont convaincus que j'ai volé son cœur pour n'importe quelle raison." | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,336 | 1,353 | 65 | 490 | 461 | Département de chimie Toittop
Université d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
"Oh, je ne sais pas, les fleurs qui poussent ici ont un certain charme pour eux," Louise a dit avec un grand sourire joyeux alors qu'elle marchait à côté d'Archer et regardait au-dessus de la région. Elle l'écouta alors qu'il énumérait ses préoccupations et fit un signe de tête, s'arrêtant pendant un moment pendant qu'elle examinait leurs options. Cela dépend de ce dont vous avez réellement besoin. Produits chimiques que je peux synthétiser dans les laboratoires sans soulever trop de sourcils. Les métaux, eh bien, si c'est de la matière de base, du fer ou de l'acier, il y a beaucoup d'options qui peuvent nous fournir du matériel en quantités assez importantes. Les chantiers de construction et les usines abandonnées? On pourrait peut-être écraser des composants mécaniques qui pourraient nous être utiles. J'ai magecraft qui peut les rendre aussi bonnes que neuves.
Alors qu'elle parlait Louise marchait vers une section spécifique de rebord et s'étendait sur sa poitrine afin qu'elle puisse atteindre par-dessus le bord. Après un moment d'enracinement autour d'elle a trouvé ce qu'elle cherchait, ses mains se fermant autour d'un morceau de bois solide et gravé. Je déteste vous le casser, mais ce pays n'est pas si chaud quand il s'agit de la possession personnelle d'armes à feu. Je ne sais pas si les magasins ici seraient en mesure de fournir quelque chose au-delà de l'armement de chasse de base, a dit Louise comme elle a trouvé et lâché les sangles que là où tenir le balai à la face inférieure de la corniche. Elle s'est remise aux pieds avec un regard satisfait sur son visage, un vieux balai de paille à l'air de mode tenu fermement par le puits. Le long de sa surface a couru une série de gravures compliquées et complexes.
Bien que cela dit que je ne suis pas particulièrement bien versé dans les armes à feu moi-même, alors je ne sais pas où regarder, désolé,, dit-elle, se dépoussiérer. Elle regarda alors Archer avec impatience. Alors, M. Archer, qu'est-ce que vous pensez que nous devrions faire? | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,337 | 1,353 | 66 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Ruines de chantier, jeudi
Cette bataille ne semblait pas aller en leur faveur. La créature a continué à bloquer chaque coup qui s'est passé, et pourtant, Lancer n'a pas fauché le moindre peu. Une fois qu'il avait bloqué les lances entrantes que le monstre lui avait tiré dessus, il lui a conseillé de se cacher dans un endroit plus sûr. Akane clignait tout simplement dans la surprise. Il ne voulait pas qu'elle soit près d'elle pour qu'elle puisse l'aider s'il en avait besoin? Puis encore une fois... elle devrait probablement l'écouter. Il était plus expérimenté quand il s'agissait de batailles et tout. Et pourtant, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir un peu inutile. Et si Lancer était gravement blessé, ou pire?
Quelque chose lui a dit qu'elle prenait ça un peu trop au sérieux. La vie des Serviteurs n'a-t-elle pas tourné autour du combat et de la lutte contre les ennemis? Akane a regardé Lancer encore un moment, hésitant, avant de tourner la queue et de commencer à courir vers une zone plus sûre. Où peut-elle se cacher? Il n'y avait plus grand chose à cacher entre ou derrière. Alors que ses yeux se faufilaient rapidement sur la région, elle a soudain eu une idée. Peut-être qu'elle pourrait se cacher au-dessus du sol? Il y avait une petite cabane à proximité du chantier détruit qui avait été épargné de la destruction des racines. Il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'il puisse facilement l'attraper avec une racine ou quoi que ce soit si elle n'était pas sur le sol, non? N'est-ce pas?
Akane courut vers la cabane, entendant les paroles du monstre avant qu'il ne soit trop loin pour écouter correctement. Avait-il vraiment l'intention de les manger s'il les battait tous les deux? Eh bien... elle n'était pas sûre que ni elle ni Lancer n'auraient autant de goût. Elle sauta sur un réservoir d'ordures et sauta, s'emparant au bord du toit de la cabane pendant qu'elle s'approchait de la surface plane. Le maître aux cheveux foncés se cachait derrière un ventilateur extérieur et tirait sa cartable devant elle, l'ouvrant pour regarder les divers bijoux de taille qu'elle avait dans le sac. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait en jeter un ou deux de là-haut si c'était le cas. | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,338 | 1,353 | 67 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, bâtiment de chimie toit, Université Ukatan
Archer écouta attentivement, tandis que son maître décrivait ce qu'elle pouvait faire pour lui. Les produits chimiques et les métaux seraient la plupart de ce dont ils avaient besoin, donc si Louise était confiante qu'elle pourrait fournir les quantités nécessaires, alors il aurait foi en elle aussi. Les mines seraient gentilles, même s'il n'avait pas trop d'espoir dans ce genre de combat. Les bombes seraient plus utiles, surtout si elles pouvaient inclure du gaz. C'était sale, c'était vrai, mais c'était le genre de tactique qu'ils auraient à utiliser pour gagner. "Je vais faire une liste," a-t-il confirmé avec un clin d'œil.
À sa mauvaise nouvelle cependant, il a souri en regardant Louise récupérer un balai d'un endroit caché. -- Eh bien, t'avoir une arme pour te défendre serait bien, mais nous n'avons pas à le faire, lui dit-il, son attitude n'a pas diminué. "Mais quant à moi, je n'ai besoin que de voir l'arme en personne pour pouvoir la reproduire. Donc, nous devons juste trouver un magasin, puis vous restez dehors et je vais entrer, et la prochaine chose que vous savez, nous avons nous-mêmes un arsenal d'armes."
Il s'est ébranlé alors qu'il se déplaçait sur ses pieds. « Donc, à moins que vous préfériez aller voir si nous pouvons repérer des combats en cours, peut-être avoir une idée des ennemis que nous devons affronter, je dirais que nous devrions le faire », conclut-il enfin. Elle voulait sa suggestion, et elle l'avait eue. Mais en tant que Maître, elle devrait être celle qui décidera quoi faire, dans la raison. L'action indépendante était une bonne chose. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,339 | 1,353 | 68 | 490 | 461 | Département de chimie Toittop
Université d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Ah, Archer! Ne soyez pas un homme atypique, n'étant jamais prêt à prendre la tête! » Louise a dit avec un rire joyeux, ignorant délibérément la mention de son acquisition d'une arme pour se défendre avec. Elle n'était toujours pas tout à fait à l'aise avec l'idée d'avoir à combattre un autre être humain. La légitime défense était une chose, mais infliger des dommages délibérés en était une autre, bien qu'avec cela, elle ait reconnu mentalement que si elle en venait à elle, elle n'aurait peut-être pas le choix. Les autres Maîtres pourraient ne pas lui donner le choix. Et comme ses talents étaient presque complètement dans des formes non agressives de magecraft, une arme d'une certaine variété serait nécessaire. Cependant, la pensée des armes lui a donné une idée. Elle s'est tournée vers Archer avec enthousiasme. Un arsenal en effet!
Elle s'est enfuie, s'est précipitée à récupérer son téléphone de sa poche de jupe tout en entrant rapidement une série de commandes pour déverrouiller l'appareil rarement utilisé. Après un moment, elle a trouvé ce qu'elle cherchait et s'est retournée vers Archer et lui a montré l'écran. Sur l'écran, il y avait l'image d'une clôture à chaîne sans panneau d'entrée avec l'aimable autorisation du JDF. Si c'est une armure qu'il nous faut alors pourquoi ne pas viser un peu plus haut, mon amie éthérée, Louise a dit un petit degré de satisfaction. Cependant, si cette idée s'est révélée trop dangereuse pour Archer pour aller avec elle, elle a aussi amené un autre directement à l'esprit. Ou à défaut que la police ait au moins une armure dans les limites de la ville, n'est-ce pas? Oh, je suis en train de devenir excité, c'est comme un voyage shopping avec quelqu'un d'autre de carte de crédit! Allez-y! | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,340 | 1,353 | 69 | 983 | 5,954 | Avant que Charles ne puisse dire ou faire quoi que ce soit d'autre, Saber l'a attrapé par les menottes de sa chemise et l'a coincé contre un mur avec un seul bras. Espèce d'insolent! Ne voyez-vous même pas l'image plus grande que vos trois par cinq? » Il sifflait venimeusement à son maître. Il ne pouvait pas croire comment son maître pouvait être si égoïste, si enfantin! Si ce garçon n'était pas son maître, il l'aurait tué ou au moins l'aurait battu jusqu'au dernier centimètre de sa vie pour avoir dit quelque chose de si profondément stupide. « Avez-vous même une idée de votre rôle? Tu es le maître, tu ne représentes pas seulement moi, mais Mary, Jane, et ta famille! Chaque fois que vous faites un choix égoïste, alors ils sont indirectement touchés par vous! Si ce n'est pas pour moi, faites-le pour Mary et Jane. Ils s'occupent de votre mauvaise conduite depuis des années et ils n'ont jamais quitté votre côté."
Saber lâcha son emprise sur Charles et le laissa tomber au sol. « Maintenant, si vous avez de l'empathie envers ces deux-là, allez avaler votre fierté insensée et présentez vos excuses à monsieur Milford devant eux. Tu es peut-être mon maître, mais en tant que serviteur, j'ai la responsabilité de t'aider à mûrir. J'espère que vous prendrez cela comme une leçon." Saber s'est retourné sur son talon et a commencé à s'en aller. Il a ensuite jeté la caméra dans sa main sur son épaule vers Charles tour. | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,341 | 1,353 | 70 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, Département de chimie Rooftop, Université Ukatan
Archer a regardé avec un peu d'intérêt que Louise a récupéré un appareil et lui a montré une photo d'une clôture de maillon de chaîne. Eh bien, c'était intéressant, surtout pour quelqu'un qui semble opposé à avoir une sorte d'arme de défense personnelle, si son silence était une indication. On devait se demander comment elle allait pour entrer dans une installation militaire, mais elle n'était pas prête à se servir d'une arme elle-même. Très étrange, pour le moins.
"Très bien alors. Essayez de garder Maître », a-t-il répondu avec un clin d'œil avant de sauter du toit, en utilisant ses capacités de Serviteur pour se lier de plus en plus haut que n'importe quel humain normal ne serait en mesure de le faire. Ils auraient juste à espérer que personne ne regardait et n'a remarqué les deux personnes à l'horizon. Sinon, ce serait un peu gênant.
En même temps, il espérait juste qu'elle pouvait suivre. Sinon, il retournerait la chercher. Etant donné qu'elle a produit un balai, il devinait qu'elle pouvait voler. Et avec cela à l'esprit, il s'est dirigé vers la base qu'elle avait soulignée, sa vue rendant tout cela plus facile à mesure qu'ils allaient à un rythme rapide. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,342 | 1,353 | 71 | 2,319 | 356 | Ville d'Ukatan
Site de construction
Un personnage royal a vu l'affrontement dans le chantier à travers les yeux d'un autre. Son armure caractéristique n'était pas présente, révélant ses caractéristiques et son physique. Il tenait un type de corps maigre plus incliné vers l'agilité que la force, mais une force distincte de la forme était présente dans sa figure royale. De longs cheveux noirs droits pleuvaient sur les épaules de la principale, contrastant avec la face anormalement pâle du chevalier. Ses yeux étaient d'une nuance noire, apparaissant comme s'il s'agissait de deux vides corrosifs. Des cercles sombres lui berçaient les yeux, accentuant une sensation de folie qui se mêlait étrangement à cette présence royale assez bien. Une fois de plus, il était assis sur son grand trône d'émeraude, contemplant ce conflit de serviteurs avec un silence mort. La bête comme l'homme semble être un problème important. Celui que le chevalier comprit instinctivement qu'il ne pouvait vaincre au combat, même avec son attribut anti - dragon et les capacités physiques accrues de l'épée sainte légendaire de son père. Vraiment une créature effrayante au combat, mais rien de plus qu'une créature. Une bête sauvage y régnait facilement. Et le chevalier tenait des règnes capables de s'incliner dans ce spécimen sale. La bête avait utilisé l'habileté d'éclatement de Prana, indiquant le lignage descendant d'espèces fantasmiques, et ses paramètres étaient exceptionnels. Son noble fantasme n'était pas encore révélé, mais les racines en faisaient probablement partie. Le Lancer semblait tout à fait capable de combattre, étant évidemment un héros de l'Est d'une certaine renommée. Il ne pouvait pas égaler le monstre en force brute, mais était capable de compenser la puissance brute avec des prouesses techniques. Un adversaire embarrassant pour le chevalier s'ils se joignaient au combat, mais bien sûr le combat n'était pas l'affinité du chevalier. À quoi bon défier les autres sans exploiter leurs faiblesses, glaner leur insécurité par l'observation, et formuler le filet avec lequel enfermer ces ennemis impuissants? Affronter sans manipulation était simplement indiquer qu'on était simplement une bête pour le combat, pas différent de l'homme monstrueux luttant Lancer.
"Faites-le. Il est plus sage de frapper rapidement les plus faibles, car je suis sûr que vous comprenez que vous ne pouvez pas égaler un serviteur sans utiliser votre pleine capacité, qui ne peut pas être récupéré. Aucun mage régulier ne devrait être capable de vous égaler, et l'élimination d'un serviteur de cette guerre catalyse nos plans d'autant plus vite. »
Hao a acquiescé avec un clin d'œil. Ses vêtements sacerdotaux sombres étaient dissimulés avec une couche d'armure d'argent enveloppée d'épaisses soupirs noirs de ce qui semblait être de la fumée.L'armure était étonnamment légère, et Hao se contentait d'en orner des parties, laissant ses zones d'articulation libres pour un mouvement libre. L'aspect important de l'armure, le casque, a été placé sur la tête de Hao. Tout maître qui tentait de voir Hao ne verrait qu'une figure humanoïde cachée sous une couche floue de fumée - comme l'obscurité, et toute tentative de lire sa présence de glané son identité échouerait si le casque n'était pas enlevé. Avec une rapidité contre nature pour un homme, Hao a traversé le chantier ravagé vers Akane. Il se méfiait de l'approcher de derrière, et l'armure étouffait sa présence de sa servante. Hao l'a examinée au sommet d'une cabane rouillée, et s'est rapidement refermée sur son emplacement, son corps parfaitement calme et détendu en préparation de cet engagement. Il serait préférable pour la fille de se faire briser la tête en un instant, car la mort serait sans douleur, mais Hao soupçonnait que ce ne serait pas le cas. | Hao Weizhen
"Gamble your lives in this roulette of stray wishes, my prospective master. Do keep in mind that no neutral force can pave a smooth road for you."
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hao has been an executor since he was eleven years of age, training as a prodigy in the 8th sacrament. From his training and work as an executor, Hao exhibits a supernatural physical capacity, capable of running fifty kilometers per hour smashing concrete. In addition, Hao has superb knowledge against the enemies that he fights against as an executor, mostly consisting of dead apostles. His combat capacity is also superb, made up of long standing experience, training and innate capacity. The advanced utilization of black keys and such techniques as the iron plate effect are incorporated into experience as an executor. Black keys are spiritual weapons consisting of handles without blades. Once these handles are grasped and mana is passed through them, a blade, long and thin much like a skewer, forms. These blades can be thrown with enough force to shatter reinforced concrete and pierce through solid iron. The Iron Plate effect is a martial arts technique where the black key is thrown and creates a massive impact easily capable of blowing a human sized mass several dozen feet away. Hao keeps twenty five black keys in his pockets and under his frock, and is capable of utilizing multiple at once easily.
The Chinese philosophy of breathing and walking, borne from Hao's intensive conditioning through Chinese martial arts. With taiji, Hao removes all unnecessary movements from his body, and grants him a controlled breathing. Also enhances the physical condition when utilizing martial arts. Hao practices Kai Men Bajiquan and has optimized it to be efficient in dealing lethal or incapacitating blows as quickly as possible. Martial arts has massively enhanced Hao's combat capacity, granting him the capacity to "sense" or "hear" hostile moves, granting him the capacity to react to attacks that he does not actively see.
Those in the church normally do not affiliate themselves with magecraft, but Hao has broken off from such rigidity and embraced the heresy of magecraft. He is capable of all things attributed to general magecraft and has a high affinity for Chinese divination magecraft.
Command Seals
As church overseer, Hao possesses several command seals to direct the war, using them as incentives to take down a master that is causing too much trouble or deal with an event that could disrupt the grail war.
Although executors and the church see magecraft as being heretical, Hao still practices it and applies his knowledge of it into combat. For example, one such result among several others of this unholy combination of magecraft and church mystery is the cremation rite, a spell that can be inscribed on his black keys or shroud to immolate a target upon physical contact.
Credit to ふわり。 on Pixiv
Hao observes a reserved and stoic personality, emitting a distinct sense of emptiness. He rarely exhibits anything other than a cold front, and could be praised as the exemplar of constancy. His tone rings a monotonous and droning but deep tone, revealing no inflection of emotion. His expression remains a placid and static image of calmness, all the while a sly glint in his eyes reveals distinction in character beneath his appearance, but one that many would be suspicious of. Hao is pragmatic and observant, constantly analyzing and taking in his environment. Hao does not simply sit back and see the world pass by him, he observes. No scenery however familiar passes by Hao as a regular and unworthy image. He inspects every facet of the world around him with as much zest as he would in a new world. This coupled with this calculating and utilitarian ideologies presents Hao as the epitome of human efficiency. Some would admire such capacity to remain rationally efficient, but to many others it is a cause of fear, a deviance from the basic human nature of expresison.
Short Biography:
Hao was adopted by an executor and primed himself to be one from an early age, exhibiting a superb talent that allowed him to become an executor at the age of eleven. His time as an executor lasted until Hao was twenty one, when his father passed on. From then on, Hao kept ties moderate ties with the church but began to practice magecraft in China under an acquaintance he had met during his early teenage years through his father. As an apprentice and with capable circuitry, willingness to learn and capacity, Hao prospered under the tutelage of his teacher. After several years of learning, Hao underwent a global pilgrimage to find holy relics and to achieve a spiritual peace, but returned two years later with little spiritual development. He practiced asceticism and underwent extreme tortures of body and mind to seek a spiritual goal but eventually gave up on such practices for various reasons. Eventually he took a station in Ukatan city church as the overseer of the next grail war, knowing full well that he was not a neutral party.
Shroud of Turin
A type of mystic code, the shroud of Turin is a long piece of faded crimson cloth that carries the effect of nullifying erosion to that which seeks to harm what it wraps. However, it does not nullify damage intended to the shroud itself, but will still nullify damage intended to what it preserves even if said damage encompasses an area affecting both the cloth and the preserved object. |
50,343 | 1,353 | 72 | 993 | 1,646 | La bête a saisi sa naginata, et, bien que cela ait mis Lancer dans un sacré lier, il avait encore le fait qu'il était un bon artiste martial tout seul. Évidemment, Lancer a lâché sa naginata. Il n'était pas vraiment prêt d'être frappé comme ça plus d'une fois. Il a fait des backflips jusqu'à ce qu'il mette une certaine distance entre lui et le monstre. Il a mis en place une position pour se battre mais, bien sûr, sans son Noble Phantasm, ce serait un combat assez dur. Même ainsi, ce serait aussi facile que de le faire disparaître et de le faire réapparaître dans ses mains. Et puis encore une fois, ce ne serait pas amusant. Ce que la Bête n'a pas pris en compte c'est que les Serviteurs étaient intangibles pour commencer, et seulement donné forme par leurs Maîtres.
Lancer s'est préparé pour la prochaine attaque de la Bête et s'est accouché pour une attaque à pleine force. Oui, la Bête a dû être offensée par sa dernière attaque, même si elle ne l'a pas montrée dans ses premières expressions. Et puis, il a senti un frisson descendre sa colonne vertébrale. Oui, c'était l'émotion la plus primitive des humains et même s'il avait dépassé les humains, il le ressentait encore. C'était une peur qui aurait pris en charge n'importe quel humain normal, mais ses propres compétences lui ont laissé la capacité de garder son esprit à sa bonne place et toujours contre-attaquer au besoin.
La Bête émerge du sol et vise un puissant coup de poing contre lui. Il semblait puissant juste à la vue de lui, et quelque chose qui, bien qu'étant un serviteur, causerait encore beaucoup de dommages. "Hmph. Tu prends enfin ça un peu plus au sérieux. Laissez-moi vous montrer la vraie différence entre nous deux." Lancer a sauté dans le petit moment entre l'action et le coup de poing réel, au-dessus du bras de la Bête, au lieu d'éviter l'attaque comme on aurait pensé mieux. L'agilité élevée n'était rien à sous-estimer. Il a atterri sur les vrilles de la chose, et n'a pas perdu de temps là-bas alors qu'il a commencé à courir vers son vrai corps.
"Petite et arrogante Bête. Vous souhaitez affronter un vrai Chevalier légendaire avec rien d'autre que de la force brute. J'espère que vous êtes prêts à payer pour ces péchés! » Lancer a dit, avant de sauter vers le corps principal de la Bête, tournant autour dans l'air et visant à planter un coup de pied à droite sur sa tête. "Une Bête rembourrée dans les vêtements d'un humain n'est encore qu'une Bête sale!" Lancer a dit, et peu importe si son attaque était efficace, il a filé autour de nouveau en utilisant l'élan du coup de pied et a utilisé le corps de la Bête pour s'élancer sur son corps encore une fois pour se déplacer vers sa naginata et l'attraper. Peut-être qu'il devrait le geler, s'il n'était pas encore entravé par la Bête. Malgré cela, il y avait un... sentiment d'urgence qui l'a poussé à se précipiter du côté de son Maître, et même alors, ce serait une mauvaise idée de laisser la Bête seule. | 'Why would you even think about hurting the great Emperor? Do you have a death wish?'
True Name: Guan Yu
Class: Lancer
Age: Unknown, looks like he is in his 30's
Gender: Male
Master: Akane Inukai
Personality: An arrogant and vain person, Emperor Guan Yun believes all things that happen to him are nothing but divine will of the heavens. That said, while he is arrogant and vain, he still has his pride as a warrior, and as a prideful warrior, even meeting someone way over his level and losing is also something brought to him by the heavens. With usually a cool and stoic demeanor, and a smile on his face, Guan likes seeing all the new things going around in the modern world, however, his curiosity isn't as big as one would think for an emperor that has been dead for quite a few centuries, as he is only interested in what has come out of China, hence, he is mainly interested in nothing but trinkets sold at fifty cents in some rundown store.
Still, he is not the most intelligent person around, probably a rock is more intelligent than him. Simple minded to ridiculous extremes, it is easy to convince him on doing anything, as long as you praise him about it, and he'll probably try to say some kind of cool line afterwards. He is someone who wouldn't back down from a fight, no matter what, but his chivalry will also stop him from fighting any kind of woman. Too much of a gentleman to even lay a finger on a woman, he can even get annoying in those kinds of cases. Probably, it is easier to use a Command Seal to get him to fight a woman to convince him into a fight against a woman, in any case.
Short Biography: Guan Yu (died 220), courtesy name Yunchang, was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the late Eastern Han dynasty. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to the collapse of the dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han – founded by Liu Bei – in the Three Kingdoms period.
As one of the best known Chinese historical figures throughout East Asia, Guan's true life stories have largely given way to fictionalised ones, most of which are found in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms or passed down the generations, in which his deeds and moral qualities have been lionised. Guan is respected as an epitome of loyalty and righteousness.
Guan Yu was deified as early as the Sui dynasty and is still worshipped by many Chinese people today, especially in southern China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and among many overseas Chinese communities. He is a figure in Chinese folk religion, popular Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism, and small shrines to Guan are almost ubiquitous in traditional Chinese shops and restaurants. He is often reverently called Guan Gong (Lord Guan) and Guan Di (Emperor Guan). His hometown Yuncheng has also named its airport after him. (totally not out of wikipedia)
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance
Battle Continuation:
Personal Skills:
Chinese Martial Arts
Eternal Arms Mastership
Noble Phantasm:
Frost Fair Blade
Type: Anti-Unit
Description: A naginata famous after being wielded by Guan Yu through many battlefields. It has the ability to control and create ice, as well as being able to stay completely clean, no matter what it cuts through. It is a very versatile weapon, that weighs way too much than it actually should, at least, at first sight, yet, Guan is able to wield it without problems. Whenever someone else takes a hold of it, they are unable to control it properly, even with two hands
Green Dragon Crescent Blade
Type: Anti-Army
Description: The real name and actual Noble Phantasm of Guan Yu. It is said that the spirit of a Jade Dragon resides into it and as so, Guan Yu is able to call upon its brute, destructive force once in a while. It empties both his mana reserves as well as those of his master. Evading this would probably spell certain death for him. Slashin in a crescent motion with his naginata, Guan Yu calls forth the spirit of a dragon. A sharp slash is what follows, and a slash that is able to cut even through metal easily, and it also releases a gigantic force push that sends anyone back with the sheer force of it.
Other: His long hair is more for fashion than anything else, however, when looked at from his back, Guan Yu is easily mistaken for a woman. |
50,344 | 1,353 | 73 | 983 | 5,954 | Tout était comme il pensait. Penchant un moment, il tenta de trouver un moyen d'aider, mais s'aperçut bientôt que ses mains étaient liées. Pour aider quelqu'un, il a dû mieux saisir sa situation actuelle. Tout ce qu'il pouvait faire pour l'instant, c'était laisser Jane et Mary faire leur travail. Ce n'était pas comme s'il avait un investissement réel dans l'enfant, génétiquement parlant. Les élèves doivent apprendre à tomber pour pouvoir se relever. "Qu'il fasse ce qu'il veut, dans la raison bien sûr. S'il pense qu'il se fait boxer, il va immédiatement détester et commencer à poser des murs que je préférerais que nous n'ayons pas à abattre. S'il fait quelque chose de stupide, appelez-moi." Avec cela, il s'est tourné pour quitter la pièce, mais s'est arrêté à court.
Charles était un Magus. Jacob trouva son subconscient en criant sur lui, lui disant que tout cela était faux. Quelles sont les chances? Le Graal le jugerait-il digne? Est-ce qu'il entendrait l'appel? Il y avait beaucoup de questions qui n'avaient pas de réponses, et Jacob s'inquiétait de chacune d'elles. À la porte, son esprit courut sur toutes les possibilités. Il a dû le découvrir, mais il n'a pas pu demander. Un maître intelligent dirait à son serviteur d'enquêter sur la question, et un maître intelligent qu'il était. Mais il a décidé de s'y opposer. "Sinon, je m'arrêterai à la propriété ce week-end. Il est peut-être temps qu'on ait un cœur à cœur. J'ai dégagé l'air." C'était quelque chose qu'il devait faire lui-même. S'il se transformait en monstre ici, il ne serait pas en mesure de vivre avec lui-même après la fin de la guerre. Charles était un ami, s'il devait le tuer, mais ce qui allait devenir de sa réputation.
En sortant de la salle d'art, il a aperçu Miyamoto disparaître autour d'un coin, et Charles assis sur le sol à nouveau le mur avec sa caméra dans ses genoux. Jacob est passé devant lui et est allé dans la salle de conférence, ne faisant même pas de contact visuel pendant une seconde. Tout ce qu'il dirait tomberait dans le mauvais sens, même le mauvais regard pourrait être un problème. Ne voulant pas attiser les flammes, il a pensé qu'il valait mieux les laisser mourir et les raviver à une date ultérieure.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Le reste de la journée a continué sans incident. Pour la plupart, il était tendu, mais pas visiblement. Il s'attendait à ce que quelque chose arrive, pour que quelqu'un enfreigne les règles sur le fait d'être vu en public. À sa grande surprise, la journée s'est déroulée comme les autres. Rassemblant ses effets, il a commencé à partir pour la nuit, mais s'est arrêté dans le bureau principal. Personne ne lui a donné l'esprit alors qu'il passait directement dans une pièce à l'arrière. Pas plus grand qu'un placard à balais, la salle n'avait qu'un seul ordinateur et une imprimante à l'aspect unique. Il est temps de se mettre au travail. Assassin aurait besoin d'une carte d'identité pour errer dans les installations. Elle aurait aussi besoin d'une période d'identification. -- Assassin, dit-il, apparemment personne en particulier, puis-je vous emprunter une seconde. J'ai besoin de votre photo." | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,345 | 1,353 | 74 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, ancienne construction
Statut: Jouer avec un petit écureuil agile
"M'appeler arrogant quand tu as pensé te nommer légendaire, je sens l'hypocrisie, et dire, ce qui te rend si 'légendaire', hmm." Nidhogg se moquait alors qu'il bloquait sans effort le coup de Lancer avec son bras, ne faisant rien pour l'arrêter alors qu'il se dirigeait vers l'endroit où était son arme, au milieu d'un enchevêtrement ondulant de racines. "Tu as vécu, tu es mort, les gens ont chanté tes louanges, et pourtant ce qui t'a eu, outre une vie de soumission à l'insensé Magus quand ils t'invoquent pour de petites querelles sur une coupe insensée."
Nidhogg a pris note d'une autre présence à travers les racines sensorielles qu'il avait répandues à travers, la jugeant peu importante comme un soar formé dans sa main, celui-ci beaucoup plus dense que les autres, fait à partir de beaucoup plus de racines que les autres. Il se lançait dans la main, et était couvert de toutes sortes de morceaux déchiquetés pour déchirer la chair et l'os. "De plus, vous semblez tout à fait certain pour une raison quelconque que ma nature bestiale me met en dessous de vous, un trait présent dans la plupart des humains que je trouve hilarant. L'arrogance que vous tenez en tant qu'espèce est assortie, et parfois, dépasse même celle des dieux. »
Nidhogg n'était pas vraiment pour parler dans une bataille, mais il a décidé d'humourr le sac à viande stupide, en imitant le ton qu'il avait pris dans la bataille avec tout son blather, même en agitant sa lance d'une manière similaire. Mais cela a stoppé le moment où Lancer s'est approché de son arme, alors qu'il se brouillait dans l'action, en envoyant la lance à travers les airs avec toutes ses forces, ainsi que l'utilisation de Prana Burst. Il viendrait crier à Lancer, suivi de plusieurs lances plus légères qui ont été lancées par les vrilles qui l'entouraient.
Maintenant, étant de la classe Lancer, Nidhogg savait que l'homme ne serait probablement pâté que par le premier projectile (un paze qui déchirerait probablement un bon morceau de son armure et laisserait une gazhe profonde où il a frappé, mais encore un paze) et esquiverait ou défectuerait les autres, mais la Bête avait une excellente surprise en réserve pour le singe agile qui le garderait magnifiquement en place.
Les vrilles autour de la Naginata seraient incapables d'empêcher Lancer d'atteindre son arme, bien qu'ils lanceraient encore une attaque furieuse pour l'empêcher, bien que le modèle d'attaque serait le même qu'avant, exactement ce qu'il attendrait d'une « bête sale » comme il l'a si merveilleusement dit. Au moment où il saisirait l'arme, il se retrouverait dans une bonne quantité de douleur comme des brins de racine, si minces que seuls les yeux de la classe Archer les remarqueraient à temps, qui courait le cours de l'arme instantanément creusé dans sa main, ou les mains s'il utilisait les deux, entreprenant pour devenir plus épais alors qu'ils fouillaient dans son bras, s'attachaient à ses os, ses muscles, même ses nerfs.
Même s'il utilisait cette capacité de gel pour tuer les racines et arrêter leur avance, cela ne l'aiderait pas à gérer ceux qui sont en lui. Les racines d'Yggdrasil croissaient rapidement et creusaient profondément, et la seule façon de les enlever en toute sécurité, même quand ils étaient morts, était pour Nidhogg de les enlever. Cela entraverait la capacité de combat de son ennemi, car les raideurs des racines rendraient difficile de plier ses poignets, ses coudes, même ses épaules s'ils arrivaient aussi loin.
Au fur et à mesure que cela se produirait, le reste des vrilles convergerait rapidement sur Lancer. Ils l'entouraient comme des constricteurs et étaient assez forts pour le tenir en place pour que les lances de Nidhogg l'atteignent.
Après l'attaque de Spear, Nidhogg chargeait, à nouveau en entrant avec un autre coup de poing de foin tout-out pour écraser complètement son ennemi dans la saleté. Si Lancer échappait à cela, il se trouverait assailli de tous côtés par des vrilles, à la fois lentes et plus fortes de la terre et brutalement rapides, mais pas comme des vrilles nuisibles de la propre armure de Nidhogg. Nidhogg avait en effet décidé d'arrêter de jouer avec sa nourriture, si seulement un peu. Lancer n'était pas différent du nombre infini d'âmes humaines déshonorées qu'il avait dévorées, juste un autre guerrier arrogant qui se croyait être l'un des plus grands même dans la mort, à l'exception des gens ont en fait nourri son ego. La nature humaine change rarement, peu importe le nombre d'années qui passent. C'est un menu plutôt ennuyeux après un moment, pour être honnête. | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,346 | 1,353 | 75 | 490 | 461 | Composé JSDF
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Louise a tiré son chapeau de sorcellerie de son sac avant de jeter le sac sur le côté. Elle a pris un moment pour redresser son chapeau, se hantant une fois satisfait. Elle tira ensuite une paire de lunettes sur ses yeux avant de suivre Archer, sautant de la corniche à la poursuite de sa Servante. Bien qu'il lui ait fallu un moment pour rattraper son retard, elle a finalement réussi à égaler sa vitesse avec celle de ses serviteurs afin que, au sommet de ses sauts, les deux d'entre eux soient à niveau l'un avec l'autre.
Ne mange pas, hein? Il s'agit d'une combinaison de deux phénomènes différents invoqués, « repoussés par la terre » et « pieds ne prenant pas contact avec le sol ». L'effet combiné est que je peux léviter en place pendant des périodes prolongées. Pas indéfiniment, bien sûr, je n'ignore pas complètement la gravité, je la nie jusqu'à un point. C'est pourquoi vous avez besoin d'ajouter une forme de propulsion au mélange, surtout si vous voulez vraiment obtenir n'importe où," Louise a expliqué d'une manière joyeuse et décontractée. Archer était un homme intelligent dans la vie donc elle a supposé qu'il était toujours possédé de la même curiosité qui a dû le nourrir dans la vie. En plus, elle préférait la conversation au silence. Elle n'était pas du genre stoïque. Il est plus facile pour les femmes de tirer, de sorte que vous pouvez l'imaginer est une forme assez populaire de transport.
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant qu'ils quittent les frontières principales de la ville et entrent dans les quartiers les plus reculés. Une fois libéré de la ville, il ne faudrait pas longtemps pour atteindre la base militaire la plus proche. C'est quoi le plan Archer? Tu veux que je trouve un endroit sûr pour rester à l'écart de la vue? Je suppose que c'est assez facile pour vous d'entrer et de sortir invisible mais je suis assez visible.
Bureau principal
Université d'Ukatan
"J'ai pensé que tu pourrais," Charlotte a dit de derrière Jacob. Ce n'est pas qu'elle ait répondu trop rapidement à sa convocation, mais plutôt qu'elle ait été tout près de commencer par. Derrière lui, en fait. Après tout, les gens s'emparaient facilement de sa classe, au point qu'elle n'avait presque pas réalisé qu'elle le faisait. Bien sûr, elle avait été dans sa forme éthérée de sorte que la majorité des gens ne l'auraient pas vue commencer par. Son Maître avait semblé distrait, ou concentré, elle ne pouvait pas encore le dire. Dans tous les cas. Vous aimez?
Charlotte avait acheté des vêtements. Cela avait été avec l'argent d'autres gens, mais c'était à côté du but. Le style lui-même était très semblable à celui qu'elle avait enfilé la veille, une écharpe brune enveloppée autour de son cou, jetée sur son épaule, un manteau brun sur un pull jaune pâle avec une jupe bleue. Sur ses pieds une paire de bottes brunes douces qui s'étendaient au-dessus de la cheville. La seule vraie différence était que ces vêtements étaient réels, donc contrairement à ceux qu'elle avait manifestés éthérément auparavant, ils avaient des étiquettes, et des reçus. L'un et l'autre seraient utiles pour maintenir toute ruse future. Elle a aussi acheté d'autres vêtements, mais ils ont déjà été sécrétés pour une autre occasion, plus publique. La vraie différence était avec ses cheveux, qui étaient maintenant vibrants et pleins de vie par rapport à ce qu'elle était quand elle avait manifesté pour la première fois. L'apparence post-exécution ne devenait pas. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,347 | 1,353 | 76 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Ruines de chantier, jeudi
La bataille s'est déroulée de façon aussi vicieuse que jamais. Aucun des Serviteurs n'était parti et ne s'était fait de mal; Lancer avait esquivé tout ce que la bête avait jeté sur lui et la créature démoniaque avait bloqué ses coups forts. Akane continue à regarder, ses yeux larges comme elle a observé les mouvements fluides de Lancer. Comment a-t-il pu être si rapide? C'était presque comme s'il était inhumain. Elle souhaitait pouvoir bouger aussi doucement qu'il le pouvait. Si elle le pouvait... elle serait aux côtés de Lancer, apportant son soutien à sa servante. Peut-être qu'elle pourrait apprendre un peu plus de magie? Eh bien... pas vraiment en mouvement si vite, mais peut-être qu'elle pourrait apprendre à guérir ou à aider Guan dans la bataille, surtout quand et s'il a encore perdu sa naginata.
Quelque chose lui a dit qu'elle devrait probablement regarder derrière elle. Quand elle l'a fait, elle a remarqué qu'une figure était sur elle, sur le point de se casser le crâne. Pleurant sous le choc, elle s'est jetée de manière si violente qu'elle a failli tomber du toit. L'attaque braquée par sa tête... si elle avait été un peu plus près, elle aurait été tuée. Akane n'a même pas regardé directement son agresseur; si elle le faisait, elle aurait probablement moins de temps pour réagir. Elle s'est roulée du toit de l'étain, en tombant dessus et en atterrissant sur ses pieds. Sans une seconde pensée, elle jeta l'un des bijoux vers le haut, l'entendant s'accrocher sur le toit et exploser quelques instants après. Alors que la bombe à bijoux n'a pas causé grand-chose, la fumée épaisse a couvert le toit, espérant lui fournir suffisamment de distraction et de couverture pour s'échapper.
" Lancer! " Elle a crié alors qu'elle s'éloignait de son agresseur, panique commençant à flotter dans sa poitrine. Elle n'était pas habituée à ça! Qu'est-ce qu'elle devait faire contre un ennemi aussi rapide et puissant? Elle aurait dû étudier plus, pas perdre de temps à jouer aux jeux vidéo! Stupide Akane! Stupide! Tellement stupide!
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,348 | 1,353 | 77 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, composé JSDF
Ce que Louise a dit à Archer alors qu'elle volait à côté de lui n'était pas complètement gibérique, grâce au Graal, mais il admettait qu'il était un peu perdu. Il aimerait certainement mieux comprendre la magie, mais pour le moment ils n'ont pas vraiment eu le temps de lui apprendre tout ce qu'il aimerait savoir. Il avait son Item Construction et tout ça, et ça devrait suffire. -- Je vois, répondit-il avec un sourire. Pourquoi n'a - t - il pas été surpris d'entendre cela de la part de son Maître?
Bientôt, ils arrivèrent, passant les limites de la ville à la périphérie de la ville, où une clôture à maillons en chaîne séparait la base militaire du reste de la zone. Il débarqua de la lumière dans ses pieds, regardant vers l'amas de bâtiments au-delà alors que son Maître descendait à côté de lui. Elle avait réussi à suivre, donc c'était une autre chose dont il pouvait être reconnaissant. Ce n'est pas qu'Archer ne voulait pas la porter, mais savoir qu'elle pouvait se déplacer de son propre pouvoir serait gentil.
Il s'est dit d'accord lorsqu'il s'est adressé à lui. "Je vais aller vérifier les choses, donc ce serait mieux pour vous de rester ici et de ne pas attirer l'attention sur vous-même. Appelez-moi si vous avez besoin d'aide." Il ne pensait pas qu'elle le ferait, car un Maître aurait dû être assez stupide pour se battre juste à l'extérieur d'une base militaire où tout le monde pouvait voir, mais on ne savait jamais. Il connaissait des gens stupides à son époque.
"Eh bien, je m'en vais." Avec un sourire et une vague, il se dirigea vers la clôture avant de se déplacer dans sa forme spirituelle et de disparaître de la vue. Cela serait suivi de sauter la clôture et de se diriger vers l'armurerie. Il est temps de voir ce qu'il pouvait trouver. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,349 | 1,353 | 78 | 490 | 461 | Composé JSDF
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Louise a dit avec un ton de cœur léger qu'elle l'a frappé un faux salut avant d'espérer de son balai et sur le sol. Remettez-moi quelque chose de gentil, vous entendez!Louise a appelé pendant qu'elle regardait Archer faire son truc, se déplaçant dans son état éthéré pour qu'il ne soit pas détecté par le personnel des bases et les systèmes de sécurité. À moins bien sûr que l'armée n'ait installé une sorte de mécanisme de détection spirituelle top secret de l'état de l'art. Ce qu'ils n'ont pas fait. Sûrement. De toute façon, il était trop tard pour s'inquiéter maintenant. Qui a laissé Louise seule de l'autre côté d'une clôture en chaîne attendant qu'Archer revienne.
Louise envisageait de trouver un endroit où se cacher au cas où leur approche aurait généré une réponse, automatisée ou autre. Strictement parlant bien sûr, il n'y avait pas de loi qui disait qu'elle ne pouvait pas flâner de ce côté de la clôture, à condition qu'elle ne montre aucune inclination à l'intrusion. Mais là encore, les lois civiles et la doctrine militaire n'étaient pas toujours les plus compatibles entre les parents, surtout en ce qui concerne les secrets. Cependant, si elle était déjà observée alors s'enfuir pour se cacher aurait l'air encore plus suspect. Donc pour l'instant, elle a décidé de faire le point sur la situation.
Louise s'est détournée de la base et a regardé autour. "Bleh." Sparse était de loin le mot de choix, avec peu à voir sauver l'arbre mort occasionnel et la roche en saillie au-dessus de la longue herbe. Bien sûr, elle avait vu la couche du terrain sur le chemin à l'intérieur et à partir de l'air non moins, mais regarder autour au niveau du sol avait aussi ses avantages. Plus important encore, il lui a permis de se faire une idée approximative de la distance d'où elle pouvait être observée, en particulier par quelqu'un qui aurait pu se trouver à la suivre et Archer. Et à son tour, la distance à laquelle elle pouvait voir n'importe qui s'approcher. Même si cela n'avait qu'une importance modérée.
Louise, de son propre aveu, n'était pas bien préparée offensivement pour les batailles qui devaient venir, son seul vaisseau d'attaque était tout sauf complètement incapable d'infliger des blessures graves même aux cibles les plus douces. Au mieux, elle pouvait délibérément exploser des tympans. Une distraction au mieux. Mais quand il s'agissait de sa capacité défensive, c'était une autre histoire entièrement. Dans ce cas, elle pensait à sa capacité d'éviter toute bataille. En cas de besoin, elle pourrait utiliser son Prana pour permettre la «méthode Jet» qui, avec suffisamment d'avertissement, lui permettrait de dépasser même le plus rapide des Serviteurs. Et avec assez d'altitude, elle pouvait être hors de portée de la plupart des gens, surtout hors de la ville avec rien qu'ils ne pouvaient tailler pour la hauteur. Donc pour l'instant, elle était assez en sécurité, ou du moins elle l'a supposé. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,350 | 1,353 | 79 | 2,319 | 356 | Site de construction de la ville d'Ukatan
Le poing envolé de Hao a frappé la tête d'Akane, la pression du vent du coup agitant ses cheveux. Un glissement inhabituel pour Hao qui avait été un exécuteur exécutif pendant plus d'une décennie, et avait régulièrement lutté contre les apôtres morts qui étaient largement supérieurs aux humains, capables d'éviter les tirs de balles et de broyer l'acier comme le papier. Faire des erreurs était humain, et Hao a simplement accepté cela comme un inconvénient mineur. Le poids et la nature légèrement constrictive de l'armure durable auraient pu ternir la perception de Hao, ou peut-être le destin était avec cette fille stupide. Hao observa alors qu'elle sautait instinctivement, et dans un temps presque concomitant, Hao s'accroupit et met du pouvoir derrière ses jambes pour effectuer un saut rapide pour saisir Akane pour poser un coup de mort sûr. Malheureusement, elle avait lancé un bijou vers Hao, et Hao a été forcé d'assumer une posture défensive, croisant ses bras au-dessus de sa tête et lâchant sa posture pour protéger ses vitaux abdominaux. Cela était probablement inutile car cette armure repousserait facilement la force de la plupart des sorts de mages modernes, mais un bijou qui avait stocké plusieurs années d'énergie continuerait à causer un impact à Hao de l'intérieur de l'armure.
La précaution de Hao a été prouvée sans récompense quand le bijou a créé une faible explosion que Hao a résisté en creusant ses pieds dans le toit en tôle. Au moment exact où Hao a retrouvé son équilibre, il a immédiatement propulsé son corps hors du toit en tôle, en utilisant sa position défensée pour centrer son équilibre et pousser la puissance dans ses jambes. La jeune fille possédait évidemment un minimum, s'il y en a, d'expérience de combat. Que pouvait-elle attendre d'un écran de fumée dans cette situation? Elle avait déjà révélé qu'elle sautait tout simplement et courait vers l'avant, de sorte qu'un écran de fumée ne cachait pas ses mouvements télégraphiques. Les sens et mouvements surnaturellement raffinés de Hao traquaient aussi Akane à travers ses traces agitées et lourdes, et surtout, son appel paniqué à son serviteur de classe Lancer.
Hao devrait décider s'il faut continuer à poursuivre sa cible ou se retirer. Il ne correspondrait pas à ce Lancer qualifié, et cette fille succomberait probablement à d'autres maîtres en temps voulu. La seule raison pour laquelle Hao a tenté d'assassiner cette fille était d'éliminer son serviteur de classe Lancer, et en effet cela pourrait être accompli mais à un prix incroyablement lourd que Hao n'était pas encore prêt à payer. Il valait mieux que ces coûts soient laissés à la bête comme un serviteur. Hao a rapidement décidé qu'il se retirerait et observerait la bataille, mais pas avant de laisser un cadeau de séparation. Atteindre une crevasse dans son armure à l'articulation de son bras gauche qui n'avait pas d'armure pour un mouvement moins restrictif, Hao a tiré a mis trois clés noires qui avaient été coincées entre l'armure et sa chair. Les trois clés ont été placées entre les doigts des mains droites de Hao, et trois rapiers comme des lames autour d'un mètre de long ont émergé de leurs bouts. Avec des mouvements fluides, Hao a avancé et a centré son poids sur son pied droit avant, en l'utilisant comme pivot pour pivoter son corps. Hao a utilisé son élan gagné pour lancer les trois clés à des vitesses et une force extraordinaires facilement capables de briser à travers le béton. Le mouvement a été effectué en.8 secondes, presque trois fois la quantité régulière requise sans armure pour les exécuteurs réguliers, mais toujours satisfaisant à Hao. Sa vision était encore entravée, donc il a utilisé ses sens pour former une image mentale de Akane courant, et avait visé son accord de la moelle épinière, le crâne et le cœur. | Hao Weizhen
"Gamble your lives in this roulette of stray wishes, my prospective master. Do keep in mind that no neutral force can pave a smooth road for you."
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hao has been an executor since he was eleven years of age, training as a prodigy in the 8th sacrament. From his training and work as an executor, Hao exhibits a supernatural physical capacity, capable of running fifty kilometers per hour smashing concrete. In addition, Hao has superb knowledge against the enemies that he fights against as an executor, mostly consisting of dead apostles. His combat capacity is also superb, made up of long standing experience, training and innate capacity. The advanced utilization of black keys and such techniques as the iron plate effect are incorporated into experience as an executor. Black keys are spiritual weapons consisting of handles without blades. Once these handles are grasped and mana is passed through them, a blade, long and thin much like a skewer, forms. These blades can be thrown with enough force to shatter reinforced concrete and pierce through solid iron. The Iron Plate effect is a martial arts technique where the black key is thrown and creates a massive impact easily capable of blowing a human sized mass several dozen feet away. Hao keeps twenty five black keys in his pockets and under his frock, and is capable of utilizing multiple at once easily.
The Chinese philosophy of breathing and walking, borne from Hao's intensive conditioning through Chinese martial arts. With taiji, Hao removes all unnecessary movements from his body, and grants him a controlled breathing. Also enhances the physical condition when utilizing martial arts. Hao practices Kai Men Bajiquan and has optimized it to be efficient in dealing lethal or incapacitating blows as quickly as possible. Martial arts has massively enhanced Hao's combat capacity, granting him the capacity to "sense" or "hear" hostile moves, granting him the capacity to react to attacks that he does not actively see.
Those in the church normally do not affiliate themselves with magecraft, but Hao has broken off from such rigidity and embraced the heresy of magecraft. He is capable of all things attributed to general magecraft and has a high affinity for Chinese divination magecraft.
Command Seals
As church overseer, Hao possesses several command seals to direct the war, using them as incentives to take down a master that is causing too much trouble or deal with an event that could disrupt the grail war.
Although executors and the church see magecraft as being heretical, Hao still practices it and applies his knowledge of it into combat. For example, one such result among several others of this unholy combination of magecraft and church mystery is the cremation rite, a spell that can be inscribed on his black keys or shroud to immolate a target upon physical contact.
Credit to ふわり。 on Pixiv
Hao observes a reserved and stoic personality, emitting a distinct sense of emptiness. He rarely exhibits anything other than a cold front, and could be praised as the exemplar of constancy. His tone rings a monotonous and droning but deep tone, revealing no inflection of emotion. His expression remains a placid and static image of calmness, all the while a sly glint in his eyes reveals distinction in character beneath his appearance, but one that many would be suspicious of. Hao is pragmatic and observant, constantly analyzing and taking in his environment. Hao does not simply sit back and see the world pass by him, he observes. No scenery however familiar passes by Hao as a regular and unworthy image. He inspects every facet of the world around him with as much zest as he would in a new world. This coupled with this calculating and utilitarian ideologies presents Hao as the epitome of human efficiency. Some would admire such capacity to remain rationally efficient, but to many others it is a cause of fear, a deviance from the basic human nature of expresison.
Short Biography:
Hao was adopted by an executor and primed himself to be one from an early age, exhibiting a superb talent that allowed him to become an executor at the age of eleven. His time as an executor lasted until Hao was twenty one, when his father passed on. From then on, Hao kept ties moderate ties with the church but began to practice magecraft in China under an acquaintance he had met during his early teenage years through his father. As an apprentice and with capable circuitry, willingness to learn and capacity, Hao prospered under the tutelage of his teacher. After several years of learning, Hao underwent a global pilgrimage to find holy relics and to achieve a spiritual peace, but returned two years later with little spiritual development. He practiced asceticism and underwent extreme tortures of body and mind to seek a spiritual goal but eventually gave up on such practices for various reasons. Eventually he took a station in Ukatan city church as the overseer of the next grail war, knowing full well that he was not a neutral party.
Shroud of Turin
A type of mystic code, the shroud of Turin is a long piece of faded crimson cloth that carries the effect of nullifying erosion to that which seeks to harm what it wraps. However, it does not nullify damage intended to the shroud itself, but will still nullify damage intended to what it preserves even if said damage encompasses an area affecting both the cloth and the preserved object. |
50,351 | 1,353 | 80 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, Base JSDF
Archer a entendu l'appel de son Maître pour un souvenir, mais il l'a ignoré. Dans Spirit Form, il ne pouvait pas interagir avec des objets solides, donc il n'y aurait aucune chance de rapporter quoi que ce soit pour Louise s'il ne voulait pas être découvert. C'est comme ça que ça s'est passé, et elle devrait s'en occuper. Mais il avait l'impression que ce ne serait pas un problème pour elle tant qu'il est revenu avec de bonnes choses.
L'étendue entre la clôture et la base a été traversée en quelques instants, l'invisible Archer profitant de sa vitesse de Servant supérieure pour franchir la distance en un éclair. Il s'est alors penché sur les soldats qui s'occupaient de leurs affaires, confirmant qu'ils ne pouvaient pas le voir avant qu'il ne parte. Juste pour être sûr, puisqu'il n'y avait pas de raison de courir et de se faire tirer dessus beaucoup. Mais ils ne l'ont pas fait, comme on pouvait s'y attendre.
Il s'en alla alors, errant entre les bâtiments jusqu'à ce qu'il localise l'armurerie. L'entrée était facile, simplement une question de marcher à travers le mur, et il était à l'intérieur. Une vue aiguë a glissé sur des racks et des boîtes d'armes et de bombes. Fusils d'assaut, mitrailleuses, pistolets, et plus encore, tout le monde l'attend. Mais seulement quelques-uns ont pris son intérêt, ces spéciaux faits par sa compagnie, ces canons américains dont il pouvait voir le travail dans le fond de son esprit et comme le dos de sa main. Ceux faits par sa compagnie dont il a maintenant profité et écrit à la mémoire. Avec ça à son appel, il aurait un véritable arsenal à utiliser contre eux.
Quand il eut fini, il fut prompt à retourner chez son maître, qui avait l'air d'être incroyablement ennuyé. Cet ennui disparaîtrait alors qu'il retournait à la forme matérielle, en souriant. « Mission accomplie Maître », lui a-t-il dit. Il se montra alors, une main étendue, et une lumière blanche évasée, des points brillants coagulant en quelques millisecondes avant de disparaître, le laissant avec un objet solide. Dans une main il avait un Colt Anaconda, et dans l'autre il avait un M4 Carbine. "Je pense qu'on est tous sur le front des armes." | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,352 | 1,353 | 81 | 490 | 461 | Composé JSDF
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Louise planta ses mains sur ses hanches et sourit largement, comme Archer le montrait les fruits de son travail sous la forme de deux armes différentes, toutes deux assises naturellement dans ses mains comme si elles avaient été fabriquées à la main spécifiquement pour lui. D'une certaine façon, elle pensait qu'ils l'étaient. Encore une fois, elle avait des théories sur la façon dont ses capacités étaient réellement réalisées en réalité, mais elle s'est retenue. Au lieu de cela, elle s'approcha gentiment de l'arme dans sa main droite et la toucha soigneusement. Elle ne sentait rien de particulièrement puissant ou mystérieux à propos de l'arme, mais elle se contentait de reconnaître que de telles choses sortaient bien de son domaine d'expertise. Si Archer était heureuse alors elle était heureuse. Elle regarda en arrière dans les yeux d'Archer et sourit rougiment.
Travail exceptionnel, Archer. Ils ne t'ont littéralement jamais vu venir, a dit Louise d'un ton amusé, hurlant avec une satisfaction évidente. C'était sympa quand les choses se sont passées exactement comme elle l'avait prévu. Elle se détourna d'Archer et regarda au-dessus du vide éparse qui se trouvait entre eux et la maison, murmurant dans la pensée pendant un moment. Je pense qu'il est temps que nous fassions un peu... de recherche, dans nos adversaires. Nous avons besoin d'informations, d'habitudes, de tactiques, d'armes privilégiées. Leurs vrais noms et leur noble fantasme si on peut les saisir. Plus nous en savons, plus nos chances s'améliorent. Alors allons voir ce que nous pouvons découvrir.
Alors qu'elle parlait, Louise a couru la main le long des gravures du balai, ce qui les a amenés à s'illuminer faiblement pendant un bref moment avant qu'elle ne jette le balai dans l'air. Elle a regardé comme il tombait, vite au début, puis de plus en plus lentement jusqu'à ce qu'il semblait arrêter complètement de tomber. Elle monta le balai et tira les lunettes sur ses yeux. Elle a appelé comme tous les tricheurs, après qu'elle était déjà en train de bouger. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,353 | 1,353 | 82 | 490 | 461 | Jacob était occupé à entrer dans l'identité d'Assassin quand elle est apparue. Il était content qu'elle soit vraiment là, si elle n'avait pas été qu'il aurait l'air très stupide. Elle a posé une question, mais il n'a pas tout à fait saisi sa signification jusqu'à ce qu'il se retourne et la regarde. Son apparence avait changé, plus présentable, aussi grossière que cela sonne. Ses cheveux ont été nettoyés et elle avait de vrais vêtements, ce qui soulevait beaucoup de questions, mais il les trouvait sans importance. "Très bien. C'est un bon look pour toi. Si je puis me permettre, avez-vous choisi cela en fonction de la mode moderne ou vous-même l'aimez-vous? »
En retournant à l'ordinateur, Jacob s'est assuré que tout était en ordre. C'est arrivé à quelques détails majeurs, principalement la façon dont elle était affiliée à l'université. "Est-ce qu'un simple badge de visiteur va bien? Je peux faire de vous un étudiant ou un assistant avec un peu plus de travail. Le gardien ou le gardien de terrain serait en train de le pousser. L'enseignant est hors de question." Il faudrait qu'il appelle quelques faveurs pour qu'elle soit aussi défoncée. Il pouvait étendre l'insigne du visiteur sur une base hebdomadaire, quelque chose que le collège a fait pour les personnes qui voulaient visiter avant d'y assister. L'accès serait limité à la porte d'entrée et à la bibliothèque à moins qu'elle ne veuille quelque chose de plus haut. Elle pourrait aussi s'asseoir sur ses conférences. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,354 | 1,353 | 83 | 1,525 | 528 | Elle a traversé la ville en naviguant dans les rues et les ruelles. La femme pouvait sentir la confrontation en cours et a décidé que ce serait contre son meilleur jugement d'aller les voir, donc le serviteur marchait. Beserker a déménagé à travers la ville, ne devenant pas trop bizarres par la société de japan'mentez votre propre entreprise'. Gozen a marché dans le coin et camouflé face à face avec son maître.
"Monsieur Eddie, je suis heureux de vous avoir trouvé." Elle a dit avec un arc. "Je m'excuse, les villes sont beaucoup plus grandes que ce que j'ai vécu à mon époque." Elle lui a dit. "Ce n'est pas sûr pour moi de quitter votre région." la femme lui a fait un commentaire. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,355 | 1,353 | 84 | 1,792 | 1,124 | Quartier commercial de l'Ukatan, ville de l'Ukatan
Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que Cage trouve son serviteur bien qu'au lieu du kimono, elle portait un costume adapté à une femme d'affaires ou au moins une sorte de garde du corps ou de videur. Cage a levé un doigt sur Tomoe. "Je me souviens t'avoir dit d'attendre avant d'acheter un costume." Il soupira ensuite. "Au moins, nous nous ressemblions. Joli costume."
"Alors, parlons de cette 'guerre du Graal'." Cage a dit. "Mais pas ici. Allez, je connais un bon restaurant près d'ici où on peut prendre un snack. Ce sera comme un rendez-vous." L'acteur mène ensuite Tomoe vers le café susmentionné.
-Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Le Maître involontaire et le Servant Berserker s'étaient assis près de la fenêtre dans un petit restaurant familial. "Vous commandez tout ce que vous voulez, d'accord. Je vous tiens." Cage l'a dit à son serviteur.
"D'abord, qu'est-ce qu'une "guerre du Graal"?" Cage a posé sa première question. | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,356 | 1,353 | 85 | 490 | 461 | Bureau principal
Université d'Ukatan
Je pense que le matériau est très....confortable,,, elle a répondu gentiment, encore un peu incertain quant aux mérites des vêtements modernes. Il ne fait aucun doute que la qualité des matériaux disponibles est tout simplement au-delà de ce qu'elle savait dans la vie. Bien qu'avec cela dit les styles de l'époque moderne étaient un peu sur le côté révélateur par rapport aux styles de son époque, révélant plus de ses jambes qu'elle était entièrement à l'aise avec. Cela dit, ils étaient à l'aise et extrêmement pratiques. Alors que Jacob expliquait la situation Charlotte se regardait, ou plutôt ses vêtements comme s'ils les voyaient pour la première fois. Elle dansait un peu sur place pour voir comment le tissu bougeait.
Charlotte s'est ouvertement moquée de l'idée qu'elle n'était pas apte à être enseignante, murmurant quelque chose en français sous son souffle au sujet des normes élevées de son éducation de l'enfance. Et l'idée d'être concierge était juste risible. Charlotte n'avait jamais rien arrangé de sa vie, et elle n'avait pas tenté. Elle avait payé des gens pour accomplir des tâches comme ça. Comme son Maître l'a dit, le visiteur devait l'être. "Lucille Chevalier," elle a lu à haute voix avant de glisser la carte dans une poche de manteau. Elle se dirigea vers la table où son maître travaillait et s'assit sur le bord pour voir la porte dans la pièce. Quelqu'un t'a-t-il pris l'œil, Maître? | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,357 | 1,353 | 86 | 490 | 461 | Calme-toi, il a dit avec un grand sourire. C'était plutôt mignon la façon dont elle a été offensée par ses remarques. "Je suis sûr que vous en savez plus sur le français et certaines époques de l'histoire que moi. Je parie même que vous êtes bon en mathématiques et en physique, mais il y a une différence profonde entre une carte d'identité et un diplôme accrédité. C'est le visiteur."
En raison de son retard, c'était une courte journée. En y pensant, Jacob ne pouvait penser à rien qui lui distrait, à part Charles. Le personnel et les étudiants agissaient tous normalement, personne ne se sentait différent ou avait un air étrange à leur sujet. Il n'y avait pas grand-chose à faire, étant le premier jour et tout. Certains étudiants étaient absents ainsi que certains membres du personnel, étant donné qu'il n'y avait aucun moyen d'être sûr de l'état du campus. "Rien ne s'est distingué... mais." C'était la vie ou la mort, mais pourtant il hésitait à dire à la seule personne qu'il devrait faire confiance à un ennemi potentiel. S'il mentait, il découvrirait plus tard que Charles n'était pas une menace. Mais s'il mentait, comment aurait-il pu s'attendre à ce qu'Assassin lui fasse confiance.
Il a dactylographié le nom dans l'ordinateur, tirant les informations sur Charles Dorvain qu'il pouvait. "Je suppose que je devrais vous en parler." En ouvrant sa photo, il s'appuya sur sa chaise, donnant à son serviteur un moment pour lire son dossier. "C'est mon élève, ou il était, dépend de qui vous demandez. C'est le seul Magus de la région que je connais. Récemment, nous sommes devenus distants, mais il ne m'a jamais beaucoup aimé. » Jacob pensait connaître toutes les capacités de l'enfant, mais si les choses étaient aussi mauvaises qu'il le craignait, il aurait pu être joué tout ce temps. Il n'y avait aucun doute que Charles avait du potentiel, et les cerveaux pour le soutenir, mais son mentor avait plus d'expérience, et dans le monde de Magecraft, c'était la ressource la plus précieuse.
"Je n'ai pas peur de lui. Si je m'inquiétais pour l'autre Magi, je serais une excuse pour un homme. Mais je ne peux pas le tuer avant de le connaître d'une façon ou d'une autre. Une question de réputation et d'honneur, deux choses qui prennent des années à construire mais des moments à rompre. Je me suis invité à son domaine ce week-end pour "corriger" notre relation brisée. Lucille Chevalier est plus que bienvenue pour m'accompagner." Il y avait au moins six autres Maîtres, si cette guerre était comme les autres. Six vies n'étaient rien, Jacob avait tué plus que cela à son époque à l'étranger. Charles était différent, mais il n'était pas comme les autres Mages. Peut-être qu'il serait même un allié. Trop de variables qu'il se disait, à de nombreux problèmes. "Y avait-il quelque chose que vous trouviez intéressant? A part les courses." | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,358 | 1,353 | 87 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer
"Vous faites croire qu'ils m'ont vu du tout," Archer a rétorqué alors qu'il a laissé les armes disparaître, préférant conserver le prana quand il n'y avait pas besoin d'armes à ce stade. Générer des munitions était plus de travail qui en fait garder les fusils manifestés, mais dans ce combat chaque peu aiderait. Ils n'avaient pas le genre de Phantasms à haute puissance que les autres classes de chevaliers ou les Serviteurs allaient jeter autour, comme on l'avait déjà noté, de sorte qu'ils ne pouvaient pas se permettre d'être gaspillés.
Sa suggestion suivante était plus qu'acceptable pour lui, avec la situation à portée de main. C'était au début de la guerre, et ils avaient besoin d'information avant de pouvoir aller de l'avant. Bien sûr, Archer dans son ancienne vie ne serait pas allé dans un accord d'affaires sans une idée de la personne à laquelle il essayait de vendre. Et en affaires, il le ferait aussi en guerre. Il avait parlé avec assez d'hommes militaires pour connaître la valeur du renseignement dans une bataille, et ça, il se refléterait ici.
-- Comme vous le demandez, Maître, répondit-il avec un clin d'œil. C'était suivi d'un ronflement alors que Louise courait sur son balai en direction de la ville. Il s'en alla avec le bruit d'air dérangé, rattrapant rapidement et gardant le rythme au fur et à mesure qu'ils passaient à travers les airs. C'était une bonne chose que Servants pouvait être si rapide, et il n'était même pas près d'être le plus rapide parmi eux. Il devrait éviter toute sorte de courses de pieds, mais cela qu'il pourrait gérer pour l'instant, alors qu'il balayait l'horizon, sa vue aiguë à la recherche de tout ce qui ressemble à une activité liée à la guerre du Graal.
Il se déplaçait que quelque chose lui a attiré l'œil, et il s'est arrêté. « Maître », appela-t-il alors qu'il montait au sommet de l'un des nombreux gratte-ciels qui composaient l'horizon, sa vision ramassant ardemment un combat continu entre au moins deux Serviteurs, l'un avec une épée et l'autre avec ses mains nues, en plus des racines. "Si vous fermez les yeux, vous pouvez voir avec ma vision," a-t-il expliqué en gardant son regard fixé, lui offrant sa vue pour qu'elle puisse voir le choc elle-même. "Il semble être Berserker et Saber. Bien qu'il puisse être Lancer, je suppose." C'était difficile à dire avec une lame comme ça, du moins de son point de vue particulier | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,359 | 1,353 | 88 | 1,525 | 528 | Tomoe alla écrire son ordre sur un papier avant de le remettre à la serveuse. "Vous êtes un étranger, tandis que Japan a accueilli votre espèce, nous savons toujours comment traiter les nôtres." Elle a dit avec un sourire, la serveuse qui le regarde et qui hoche la tête. La serveuse a hurlé, comprenant l'ordre de Tomoe.
"Bien, alors, gardez-le tranquille parce que ce n'est pas quelque chose que la plupart des mortels connaissent. Sept ensembles de participants participent à la guerre du Graal. Tous ces participants se disputent le prix du Graal sacré, pour le revendiquer comme vainqueur est d'obtenir un vœu pour le maître et le serviteur. » Elle lui a expliqué. « Les serviteurs sont tous de l'histoire, appelés à se battre les uns les autres. Et la guerre a lieu tous les soixante ans si je me souviens bien." la femme a dit, lui expliquant. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,360 | 1,353 | 89 | 1,792 | 1,124 | -Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Cage savait déjà qu'il y avait d'autres personnes impliquées, mais il ne savait pas que le vainqueur de la guerre se verrait accorder un voeu. L'acteur a un souhait à l'esprit mais il n'était pas sûr si cela valait le coup ou s'il devait souhaiter quelque chose de si égoïste et sans valeur par rapport au monde. Il se demande également s'il y a une prise. "Un souhait, hein? Tu as un vœu à l'esprit, Tommy?" Cage n'avait pas l'esprit de demander.
"De toute façon, comment peut-on "combattre" pour ce truc Graal?" Cage avait un mauvais pressentiment à ce sujet. Depuis qu'il a 'la guerre' en son nom, il y avait de bonnes chances qu'elle implique la violence et la mort. | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,361 | 1,353 | 90 | 490 | 461 | Bureau principal
Université d'Ukatan
Charlotte reprit l'hésitation de ses Maîtres, mais n'en dit rien, attendant plutôt qu'il décide de lui dire ou non ses soupçons à l'égard de ses compagnons mages. Sa patience fut finalement récompensée. L'image qui apparaissait à l'écran ne lui était pas immédiatement familière et son image n'a suscité aucune réponse instinctive de sa part. En termes simples, il était impossible pour Charlotte de se sentir pour quelqu'un à travers une image numérique. Elle devrait le chercher en personne. Elle s'est penchée plus près de l'image et a grondé d'une manière réfléchie avant de s'éloigner de l'écran et de s'asseoir de nouveau sur le bord de la table.
Il y a des façons de le dire, Charlotte a commencé à le dire, mais s'est enfuie dans le silence. À son avis, il serait beaucoup plus facile de tuer Charles sur la simple chance qu'il soit un Maître. En fait, il serait prudent d'éliminer tout mage. Charlotte sourit à elle-même. Quand a-t-elle commencé à penser comme ça? Elle avait pensé comme ça quand elle était en vie? Ce n'était pas important en tout cas.
Un rassemblement social? Comme c'est pittoresque. J'ai juste la tenue, a-t-elle dit, ses yeux se tournent momentanément vers les sacs de courses. Elle regarda vers son Maître, puis par la fenêtre, regardant les nuages flotter à travers le ciel qui s'assombrissait rapidement. J'ai vu plusieurs Serviteurs, mais je n'ai pas pu les identifier positivement. Et au moins un autre Maître. Je suppose que les Maîtres savent piloter, oui? Parce que celui-ci volait. Une sorcière, dit-elle, glisse accidentellement dans sa langue maternelle. Comme une méchante sorcière non? Elle était très loin et assez haut, je n'avais aucun moyen de l'atteindre facilement. Elle avait une servante. Homme, un homme plus âgé, je ne connais pas son visage. Ils ne m'ont pas perçu. Ils allaient hors de la ville, à l'endroit où je ne sais pas,
Ville d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
Louise s'arrêta en plein air à côté de sa Servante, regardant dans la même direction que lui, mais voyant très peu, juste des flous indistincts de mouvement qui, il est vrai, auraient pu être n'importe quoi à ses yeux. Elle squatte un peu, mais ça n'a pas aidé. C'est alors qu'Archer lui a dit de fermer les yeux. Elle avait entendu parler de ce truc particulier, mais n'avait jamais personnellement vécu quoi que ce soit qui lui ressemblait. C'était loin de la magecraft avec laquelle elle s'est cognée. Elle était tout de suite excitée et juste un peu nerveuse. Elle a avalé dur alors qu'elle fermait gentiment ses yeux. Et se mit à frapper la tête sur le sol du toit avec un bruit étrangement satisfaisant. Avec le recul, Louise aurait dû démonter le balai avant de fermer les yeux. Le sentiment soudain et extraterrestre de dislocation qui accompagnait l'acte de regarder le monde d'un autre point de vue lui avait fait perdre son équilibre.
"Le monde est si squiggly," elle a dit dans un ton évidemment concussé, le monde devant ses yeux tournant. Le sentiment est passé et elle a sauté à ses pieds, complètement rénergisé et déterminé, comme si rien ne s'était passé. Son chapeau était partiellement écrasé et dérapé sur sa tête. C'était génial! Haha! » dit-elle avec enthousiasme, souriant largement à Archer. Maintenant, avec les pieds fermement plantés sur le sol, elle ferma les yeux à nouveau. Il n'y avait pas de sentiment de dislocation cette fois, bien qu'il se sente encore un peu étrange.
Et elle a beaucoup vu. La vision d'Archer était quelque chose d'autre, la quantité de détail qu'il pouvait voir même à une telle distance mendiait croyance. Maintenant qu'elle voyait le monde à travers ses yeux, elle avait une plus grande appréciation pour ses serviteurs plus de capacités passives. Elle pourrait trouver des moyens de s'en servir. Cependant, pour l'instant, elle s'est concentrée sur ce qu'elle voyait, l'image se déplaçant alors qu'Archer enquêtait sur la bataille. Et c'était chaotique de dire le moins. Les armes seules ne font pas de classe, a-t-elle dit en réponse à son observation des Serviteurs. C'est alors que quelque chose de familier a attiré son attention. Attendez! Concentre-toi sur la fille, la jolie, oui elle. Je la connais, elle fréquente la même université que moi. Akane-chan. Elle est dans une de ses classes. Je n'en avais aucune idée... | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,362 | 1,353 | 91 | 1,525 | 528 | Elle a hurlé, l'écoutant. « J'en ai une, cependant, la façon de gagner la guerre implique la violence et la mort. Chaque fois qu'un serviteur est tué, il est retiré de la guerre. Une fois qu'il en reste une, nous avons la chance d'attraper le Graal. C'est une guerre par procuration, où les serviteurs se battent, mais ce n'est pas pour dire que les maîtres ne peuvent pas se battre les uns les autres. Même dans mon état actuel, je serais susceptible de vous tuer sans effort." elle lui a expliqué, puis a pris sa main. Au verso, il y avait le symbole du sceau de commande. "C'est un sceau de commande, vous en obtenez trois. Tu n'en auras que trois à moins que d'autres ne soient doués pour toi, mais ne t'inquiètes pas pour ça." Elle a expliqué et posé son épée sur la table. Il n'était pas très orné, il avait une finition noire avec un tissu rouge enveloppé autour de la poignée. Elle garda fermement sa main sur l'épée.
"Vous allez avoir besoin de les utiliser sur moi dans le futur, car il est impossible pour moi de les ignorer. Quand je dessine mon épée, je deviens plutôt... fou... donc à moins qu'il ne devienne absolument nécessaire, ne les utilise pas." Tomoe a dit, avoir un visage très sérieux sur elle-même. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,363 | 1,353 | 92 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, ville d'Utakan
Archer soupira alors qu'il se préparait à partager ses sens avec son Maître, seulement pour regarder le visage plané droit sur le toit, les yeux fermés. Espérons que cela ne deviendra pas une habitude. À tout le moins, il était heureux qu'elle n'ait pas réussi d'une manière ou d'une autre à se rendre inconsciente, ce qui aurait été très malheureux. Pour elle de toute façon. Moins pour lui, puisqu'il avait l'Action Indépendante et n'était pas aussi dépendant de son maître pour Prana, ce qui signifiait plus qui pouvait être utilisé pour d'autres choses. Pas nécessairement la guérison, mais qui savait à quoi d'autre elle l'utiliserait.
« Ce serait vous, pas moi, » commenta-t-il avec un léger sourire à mesure qu'elle se rétablit, Louise parlant d'un ton qui démentit sa blessure. Il attend patiemment jusqu'à ce qu'elle se rétablisse, faisant presque tourner les yeux sur son enthousiasme, tandis qu'elle lui sourit à son tour. Il a ensuite tourné son regard vers le combat qu'il était témoin, et la laisser voir, maintenant qu'elle n'avait pas à s'inquiéter d'une migraine majeure pour ruiner les choses pour elle.
Il a gardé son regard fixé pour qu'elle puisse continuer à voir le combat, car la regarder signifiait qu'elle se regarderait elle-même. Ce qui serait gênant, compréhensible. "Vous réalisez que trois des classes, y compris la mienne, sont basées autour des armes qu'elles utilisent correctement", a-t-il rétorqué quand elle a souligné le danger de faire des hypothèses basées sur les armes qu'elles voyaient dans le combat. À son commandement, bien qu'il se soit concentré sur la fille, il a choisi de longs cheveux noirs dans une queue de cheval, grand, l'habitude. Il fut surpris d'apprendre que Louise savait qui était la personne qu'elle regardait. "C'est intéressant," a noté Archer. "Elle a l'air d'avoir des ennuis." Ils devraient discuter de ce qu'il faut faire plus tard, si Akane survit. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,364 | 1,353 | 93 | 1,792 | 1,124 | -Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Tomoe a expliqué que Cage avait quelque chose appelé « scellés de commandement » qui se manifestait sur le dos de sa main. "Hoe-lee..." Cage regarda bien l'étrange emblème circulaire attaché à sa main. Tomoe a ensuite ajouté qu'il aurait besoin de l'utiliser un jour puisque le Serviteur a tendance à perdre le contrôle chaque fois qu'elle se bat. "Vraiment? Vous avez l'air bien composé pour moi."
« Vous dites qu'il y a d'autres participants, avez-vous une idée de qui ils sont? » Cage a demandé. "Vous avez aussi dit que tous les Serviteurs venaient de l'histoire. Qui êtes-vous alors?" | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,365 | 1,353 | 94 | 1,525 | 528 | "C'est une partie de ma classe et de mes capacités que tu as réussi à relier avec moi." Elle expliqua et tendit l'épée. "Quoi que je suis, Toemoe gozen." Elle a dit tranquillement, pour qu'il l'entende peu. "Quant à qui devrait connaître mon nom, seulement vous devriez le savoir, personne d'autre. Ne jamais parler ne l'est. Si vous dites mon nom, appelez-moi Seishi" lui a-t-elle dit. "Maintenant, je sais qui est le cavalier, en quelque sorte les cheveux plus longs. Il y a aussi un autre serviteur, qui sent la mort et qui porte un masque du visage avec un sourire de dents dessus. » Elle lui fit des commentaires, s'emparant fermement de son épée et ne voulant pas l'abandonner.
"Je peux expliquer mes capacités si tu veux." | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,366 | 1,353 | 95 | 1,792 | 1,124 | -Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Tomoe Gozen? Cage a rappelé ce nom de quelque part, mais il n'est pas sûr d'où il vient. Cependant, Tomoe a dit clairement de ne pas prononcer son vrai nom. Elle devait plutôt être 'Seishi'. L'acteur fut impressionné par cette tactique bien qu'elle l'inquiétait car cela impliquait que la guerre du Graal était vraiment sérieuse. Berserker a mentionné qu'elle avait rencontré d'autres serviteurs. "Quoi? Vraiment? Est-ce que tu t'es battu ou quelque chose comme ça?" Cependant, à en juger par le regard actuel de Tomoe, il semble qu'elle ne l'ait pas fait. Bien qu'il pourrait être que le combat était terriblement partial.
"Vos capacités, hein?" Cage pensait que le Maître devrait savoir de quoi les compétences de son Serviteur sont faites et à quel point elles sont puissantes. "Écoute ça." | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,367 | 1,353 | 96 | 490 | 461 | Ville d'Ukatan
Oui, mais ça veut dire que quatre d'entre eux ne le sont pas. Il n'est pas au-delà du domaine de la plausibilité qu'on puisse utiliser une arme comme une forme de camouflage. Vous n'êtes peut-être pas si impatiente de combattre Assassin si vous pensez qu'ils sont Saber, » Louise a répondu alors qu'elle regardait la bataille continuer à se dérouler sous ses yeux. Elle a mordu sa lèvre en frustration. D'une part, elle avait le pouvoir d'intervenir, sauvant potentiellement Akane dans le processus. Mais de l'autre cela signifierait délibérément mettre Archer en danger. Elle doutait qu'il accepterait volontiers une telle attitude téméraire. Louise ne voulait pas avoir à utiliser les sceaux de commandement si elle pouvait l'éviter.
Si nous supposons que nous voyons effectivement Saber et Berserker, cela signifierait que dans tous les cas nous devrions combattre au moins l'un des deux si directement. Cependant, à ce stade, nous serions également soutenus par l'un de ces deux, qui met les chances de victoire en notre faveur. Mais cela suppose que nous ne sommes pas trahis dès qu'il devient avantageux de le faire. Je ne peux pas dire avec certitude qu'Akane ne ferait pas ça. Hypothétiquement parlant, le risque est trop grand," Louise a dit d'une manière calme, logique comme elle a essayé de voir la situation d'un point de vue purement logique. Cependant, aussi calme qu'elle ait pu sonner à l'extérieur à l'intérieur, elle était proche de la panique.
Je ne sais pas si je peux juste rester ici et regarder Akane mourir, elle a dit d'un ton honnête mais sombre, sachant que ce qu'elle était proche de suggérer pourrait être synonyme de suicide. Elle a fermé les yeux pour se déconnecter de la vision d'Archer. Je ne sais pas quoi faire, dit-elle, s'emparant si fort de son balai que sa main devint blanche. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,368 | 1,353 | 97 | 490 | 461 | Voler? Il y avait plusieurs façons de le faire, et pendant que Jacob voulait demander, il savait que sa Servante ne serait pas en mesure de lui dire. Quoi qu'il en soit, c'était un processus simple en théorie, mais l'exécution était une autre chose. "C'est... intéressant. Il n'y a pas de quoi s'inquiéter, mais il n'en est pas moins intéressant. Je dois vous féliciter d'avoir trouvé des pistes. Je suis agréablement surpris." Chaque petit bout d'information a aidé. S'ils avaient leur sexe, cela le réduit d'environ la moitié. C'est à moins qu'ils n'utilisent des illusions, mais ce n'était pas une ligne de pensée que Jacob était prêt à suivre. "La prochaine fois, choisissez-en un et faites-les suivre, je n'ai pas de préférence... puis encore."
Une pensée lui a traversé l'esprit. En regardant autour de la pièce, il a vu que, une chambre, quatre murs, un plancher et un plafond. "Comment voyez-vous ça?" Le Maître a demandé assez brusquement. "Ou plutôt, qu'est-ce que tu aimerais que ça se passe? Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que nous sommes à la traîne. Il n'y a pas de doute qu'il y a une bataille en ce moment même, une bataille que nous ne connaissons pas. Nous avons besoin d'une meilleure approche pour demain." Graal Wars avait tendance à être court, et s'il ne sautait pas sur le wagon de bande public bientôt, il pourrait manquer sa chance de feindre l'innocence. S'ils attendaient que quelqu'un vienne à eux, il serait trop tard pour agir. Il était préférable qu'il gagne la confiance de quelqu'un plus tôt que la dernière afin d'utiliser plus de ressources pour la collecte d'information, ainsi que le muscle. Assassin s'est avéré bien adapté pour trouver les autres paires. "Voici ce que je pense. Demain, trouvez-moi un Maître. Quelqu'un qui est jeune, et, espérons-le, naïf. Alors, quand le moment est venu, tu essaies de me tuer." | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,369 | 1,353 | 98 | 490 | 461 | Bureau principal
Université d'Ukatan
En vol, oui, comme une méchante sorcière, une méchante sorcière. Le balai et tout. Ils s'éloignaient de l'université, je ne peux pas être plus précis que cela," Assassin confirmé avec un léger clin d'œil. Comment j'aimerais que ça parte? Est-ce vraiment important? Puisque vous le demandez, nous devrions éviter les combats directs dans la mesure du possible. Cependant, éviter toute bataille ne nous mènera nulle part. Nous devons manipuler la situation. » Assassin s'est arrêté un moment, regardant son Maître avec un regard momentanément perplexe avant de sous-estimer l'aube sur elle. Elle est d'accord. Ça pourrait marcher.
Il semblait que son Maître voulait créer une situation qui l'attirait vers l'un des autres Maîtres afin de gagner leur confiance, d'où l'accent mis sur la naïveté. Information Erasure, sa capacité latente d'enlever l'information liée à son identité immédiatement après la bataille s'avérerait la plus avantageuse. Cela lui permettrait d'exercer son rôle en toute anonymat. De cette façon, elle pourrait rejoindre son Maître, se présentant comme un humain normal à travers la Concelation de Présence. Avec cette ligne de conduite convenue, elle est revenue à sa question précédente.
Il ne suffit pas de frapper simplement les Maîtres. Les Maîtres seront gardés, leurs Serviteurs s'en occuperont. Nous devons donc retirer les Serviteurs de l'équation. Idéalement, nous devons créer une situation dans laquelle deux Maîtres sont contraints de s'affronter directement les uns avec les autres, forçant ainsi leurs Serviteurs à la main. Plus la proportion est égale, mieux c'est. Cela créera une ouverture, une vulnérabilité temporaire que nous pouvons exploiter. Un moment, c'est tout ce dont j'ai besoin. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,370 | 1,353 | 99 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, ville d'Ukatan
Une fois de plus Archer s'est trouvé en désaccord, dans une certaine mesure. D'une part, Assassin n'aurait pas combattu comme ça, Rider aurait utilisé sa monture s'il avait fait tout son possible, et Caster utiliserait la magie. Certes, les racines auraient pu être une forme de magie de la nature, mais cela ne semblait pas si probable. Et une autre classe aurait pu avoir ça aussi. En fin de compte, son maître avait peut-être plus de raison qu'il n'aimait le penser, et il n'était simplement pas d'accord parce qu'il devait s'en tenir à son opinion initiale. Des détails qui n'ont aucune incidence sur leur situation actuelle.
Archer a froncé, froncé les sourcils bien qu'il ait considéré la situation à portée de main tout en regardant le combat en cours, et en envisageant ce qu'il faut faire. Berserker et Saber ont tendance à être des classes assez fortes dans leurs propres droits. Il serait préférable de s'aligner sur un et de les combattre ensuite, s'ils faisaient ce genre de choses. D'autre part, il pourrait être plus logique de les laisser se battre, puis d'attaquer qui a gagné. À ce moment-là, ils seraient épuisés, blessés, peut-être même incapables d'utiliser leur Noble Phantasm, qui était un coup de pouce en soi. Il voyait pourquoi Louise avait un problème avec ça.
Se résolvant, il tenait sa main avec sa paume vers le haut, et il prit un fusil alors qu'il lâchait d'air mince. Les mouvements mesurés l'ont élevé et sur son épaule alors qu'il a dirigé vers le bas les vues à la bataille en cours. Plus précisément, l'écolière qui a actuellement servi comme commandant dans cette guerre. « Si nous voulons nous impliquer, nous devrions cibler les Maîtres », a-t-il expliqué. "Ils ne pourront pas survivre longtemps sans une réserve de Prana, en particulier Berserker." C'était une façon froide de faire les choses, mais c'était ce qu'il fallait faire pour gagner. Ils devraient profiter de tout ce qu'ils pourraient obtenir.
Posé de cette façon, il a déplacé son regard vers son doute foudroyé Maître, notant la façon dont elle s'accrochait au balai dans ses mains et luttait. "Faites ce que vous pensez être juste," dit-il en s'inspirant de sa Charisma. « En ce moment, nous ne sommes pas vraiment pressés de prendre une décision. Donc, nous pouvons aider votre amie, la combattre, ou attendre et voir ce qui se passe. La guerre est encore en avance, mais votre ami pourrait être plus important que tout ce qui est à la fin de cela. » Pas la consolation la plus facile, mais elle servirait. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,371 | 1,353 | 100 | 1,918 | 8,272 | Charles, Université d'Utakan->Ville d'Utakan, Ruines de chantier
Charles avait quitté l'université, en envoyant un texto rapide à Mary et Jane pour les informer de ce qu'il faisait. Il n'était pas autorisé à partir, et il ne s'en souciait pas non plus. Tout était juste pour qu'il ait une excuse pour être en ville, donc s'il s'est fait virer, ce n'était pas grave. De plus, s'il avait besoin de rester à l'université, il pourrait utiliser sa magie pour l'aider à revenir. Il se moquait de ça jusqu'à ce qu'il sente quelque chose qui l'a gelé dans ses traces. Prana, une tonne de merde, d'être utilisé à proximité.
"Clairvoyance", murmura-t-il, ses yeux s'emparant d'une légère lueur lorsqu'il regarda autour de lui, découvrant enfin les sources venant d'un chantier voisin. Il a rapidement fait leur chemin, mais a chanté plusieurs Aria's sur lui-même pour activer plusieurs sorts d'interférence mentale sur lui. "Insomnium, Celo, Fallo" L'Insomnium cacherait ses traits physiques, le faisant apparaître comme une figure squelettique aux yeux rouges brûlants et au feu noir percé autour de lui. Une bonne tactique d'effroi, mais rien de plus, et facilement contourné par Magus habile. Le suivant, Celo, était beaucoup moins flashy, et donc plus efficace. Cela a fait que ceux qui le regardaient, s'ils traversaient l'Insomnium, ressemblaient à une autre personne. Il divertit l'idée d'être Jacob Miliford, mais il n'était pas si cruel d'un homme. Au lieu de cela, il s'est fait ressembler à un homme de salaire de tous les jours qu'il a vu mille d'ici au Japon, avec des cheveux noirs bien peignés, des caractéristiques maison, et une stature courte. Cela aurait le double effet de jeter l'objectif de son opponet et d'esquiver avec leur depuis des dimensions, car ils croyaient que sa portée était courte qu'elle ne l'était vraiment. Le dernier sort, Fallo, a fait tenir les yeux de son adversaire sur son image une demi-seconde de plus que la normale. Une petite quantité si le temps, mais cela pourrait être la différence entre une lame dans ses poumons, et une lame dans son épaule, ce dernier dont il préférerait beaucoup à un coup de mort. Il a également rendu difficile pour ses adversaires de bloquer ses attaques, si seulement légèrement.
Au moment où il était fini, il était arrivé à la vue, son épée et boucleur déjà sorti comme il a vu une figure ombrelée en armure lancer trois couteaux sur une fille. "Leveum Ventus" Il murmura, sa voix étant de plus en plus menaçante en raison de son utilisation de l'Insomnium, et un vent autour de lui s'empare violemment, une rafale sauvage se précipitant vers l'avant pour entrer en collision avec la lame, les frapper de côté juste assez pour qu'ils manquent leurs cibles prévues, bien qu'ils puissent encore frapper ou couper la fille si elle ne bouge pas assez vite. En direction de l'agresseur, il se dirigea vers l'avant avec son épée, ramassant son prana plus efficacement pour sa prochaine attaque. "Ehwaz: Ignis Caesio" Il a appelé, invoquant d'abord les runes sur la lame, puis le sort pour envoyer une lame en mouvement rapide de flammes intenses. Il frappait la lame deux fois plus pour envoyer deux autres lames à la figure, puis levait son bouclier et attendait que la figure réagit. Une fois qu'il eut dévié ou évité l'attaque, Charles surprit le boucleur d'envoyer une violente tempête de vent lui blessant, la force derrière cette attaque étant beaucoup plus forte que le sort de Caesio, et le mettant en lumière avec sa lame. Cela le transformerait en boule de feu à haute puissance, qui exploserait à l'impact avec l'homme.
Saber, il pensait qu'il pleuvait son assaut de flammes sur l'ombre,Venez à ma position dès que vous le pouvez, j'ai rencontré ce que je crois être un autre maître, et certains serviteurs le durent à proximité. Il n'a pas offert plus d'informations en plus où il était si Saber a demandé, ne voulant pas enlever ses yeux de son adversaire. Il pouvait dire d'un coup d'œil que la fille était un Magus assez peu entraîné et un pauvre combattant, et de ce même coup d'oeil, pouvait dire que son adversaire était exactement le contraire. Le fait lui a fait sourire alors qu'il sentait ce sens de l'adrénaline glorieuse pompe à travers ses veines, ses sens se concentrant entièrement sur la bataille dans laquelle il était. C'était Charles à son plus humain, à son plus excité, à son plus concentré. C'est pour cela qu'il a vraiment vécu, tout à propos de cela était quelque chose qui l'a fait se sentir vraiment vivant. Viens, mystérieux homme de l'ombre, montre-moi ce que tu as à offrir.
Nidhogg, ville d'Utakan, ruines du chantier
Lancer s'empara de l'arme dès qu'il saisit l'arme, mais il se battit à travers la poêle, les yeux brillants, tandis qu'il éclairait toutes les vrilles autour de lui. Comme Nidhogg cam cloose, il a élevé sa Naginata pour détourner le coup, bien que cela lui a encore causé beaucoup de dommages et l'a envoyé voler en arrière. S'arrêtant à l'arrêt, et avec une douleur dans sa main gauche, Lancer s'est prosterné devant la bête sale qui avait osé poser une main sur lui. Il était sur le point de l'inculper quand il a entendu Akane appeler son nom. Sensant le danger pour son Maître, Lancer s'est évanoui avec son arme, en envoyant une vague à Ice à Nidhogg, avant de se précipiter sur le côté de son Maître, bloquant toutes les dagues qui lui sont venues.
Il regarda les figures mystérieuses qui se battaient devant lui, mais tourna les yeux pour regarder son maître.
"Je pense qu'il est temps d'une retraite tactique, Zhou, tandis que votre mystérieux bienfaiteur s'occupe de l'homme et que mon attaque retient la bête." Lancer a gagné alors qu'il repositionnait son arme dans ses mains, les racines dans sa main gauche rendant difficile de bouger sa main même le moindre peu, comme si son garçon se battait contre chaque ordre qu'il lui donnait.
Nidhogg sourit alors que le singe s'enfuyait, élevant un mur de vrilles épaisses pour le protéger de l'attaque de glace. Il divertit l'idée de chasser la Servante, mais il trouva qu'il serait plus intéressant de le combattre plus tard. D'ailleurs, Nidhogg s'était un peu ennuyé de traiter avec l'homme, alors il a simplement marché de nouveau dans l'ombre, regardant la procédure en cours à partir d'une zone cachée enveloppée dans ses vrilles. J'ai hâte de voir ce qui se passerait ensuite. | Name:Charles Dorvain, The Paladin of Gales and Madness, The Sloth Knight
Servant: Saber
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Blood type:O+
Personality: Charles is a very unmotivated person, tending to take life slowly and one step at a time. He will not put any effort into something unless he finds it interesting, but his life growing up has given him some moral compass, though in the midst of battle it has a tendency to be ignored in favor of the thrill he gets when fighting. He is also very hard to anger, though he does have one trigger, getting in the way of his photography. You do that, and he will lay down a solid ass-kicking on you, no matter who the hell you are. This has gotten him in some trouble before, and it will likely continue to do so in the future as well.
Likes:Relaxing, doing nothing, challenges, photography, Fighting in real battles
Dislikes:People who get in the way of his shots, those who mess with his friends, doing anything outside of fighting
General Magecraft:
Formalcraft: Drawing Magic circles and using catalysts to perform rituls
Basic Familiar creation: He can make basic familiar, mainly for espionage and information gathering. They are usually in the shape of animals native to the area, so for the city they'll be pigeons, squirrels, and rats.
Basic Bounded Fields, and Bounded Field Removal: Setting up and removing of Intruder alert, Soundproofing, Taking control of the mana in area.
Looking through Familiar: Transfer of ones conscious to a familiar
Threads of Consciousness: To use ones consciousness for scouting and basic magus detection
Basic Clairvoyance:grants ability to see through walls and operate a crystal ball
Contracting:To forge a contract with something
Floating: Manipulation of mass and air currents
Night Vision: To be able to see in the dark
Magecraft shields: Protection, but it amplifies ones senses.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Mental Interfeance Magecraft:
He is well versed in the use of Mental Thaumagetry, casting spells that focus on disabling the enemy with fear, weaking them mentally with paranoia, or driving them insane with madness. The latter of the three is usually done as a result of multiple encounters with him. This is usually used as a secondary offensive as well as a diversionary or escape tactic. It's hard to fight someone, when you are also warding off your own inner demons at the same time.
Elemental Magecraft:
Wind is his main combat affinity, he uses this magic the most and is highly skilled in it. He can uses it offensively by making it into highly pressurized bullets and blades, as well as using it to suck the oxygen out of an area. Defensively, he can make walls and domes out from condensing the air pressure. He also bears a variation of this Magic in the form of Vibration magic, which focuses on violently vibrating the molecules in the air, which can cause intense pain to those caught in the area of influence, but as of yet isn't that lethal.
He bears many different types of spells in his Magic Crest, which spans from his left arm to his right arm, spanning the width of his shoulders and a good portion of his back. Wind spells mostly on dealing lots of damage at a fast pace, so it bears a lot of single action, one line, and three line spells. His mental interference is mostly for diversions and weakening of powerful enemies, but requires more time to cast, so it has many three line and five line spells.
Mystic Codes: He bears 3 Mystic Codes: A western longsword which bears Ehwaz and Sowilo runes, strengthening the blade and giving it a fire attribute. This allows Charles to set the blade(and any wind attacks that can be launched from it) on fire, increasing their damage in exchange for penetrating and cutting power. His other one is a shield that works more into his affinity. It bears Ehwaz runes to increase its durability, and can have wind magic pushed in to it. This expands it's defensive range of coverage, and can be overcharged to send gale of highly pressurized air towards his enemy. Finally, he bears a cross pendant which serves for Prana storage, he currently a rather sizeable amount of Prana in it, thus allowing him to use to power spells when he himself is eiither out of or trying to conserve his Prana.
Equipment: Normally wears casual clothes, A switchblade, Cigarettes, a book of some kind, and a camera. Bears a sizeable amount of money due to his family, but hardly touches it unless he needs it. Throwing knives, in case the switchblade doesn't cut it, A smart phone, and a rather high end camera.
Non-Magecraft Related Skills: Very exceptional skills in sword and shield fighting, as well as hand to hand, moderate skill in archery. Rather adept at pickpocketing, his favorite hobby. Very good at cooking with cheap ingredients, He is an olympic gold napper, able to sleep through anything, unless it threatens his life. In such cases he is able to wake up instantly to avoid the threat with hardly any drowsiness whatsoever. A very good photographer, as it is his passion.
History: Charles lived a rather normal life, for a magus that is. His family, while not one of the oldest mage families, was still rather old and was given proper respect because of it. Charles him self was a bit of an oddity however, because he had almost no interest in Magic, yet was very skilled in it. To him, magic was just another thing to learn in life, and to be honest it bored him. Until he joined the Mages Association and began to participate in real combat. For some reason he couldn't explain, when ever he was in a fight where both sides were trying to kill or maim each other, he began to feel well and truly alive, putting a hundred and ten percent of his abilities into the fight. And so it has been that he began to study magic seriously ever since, so as he can gain a combative edge against the Association's enemies, not for their sake, but so he can make sure he comes out on top. When the Holy Grail War came around, he was the prime volunteer in his family, as he was eager to see what enemies awaited him in this new battle field.
Wish:At the moment he doesn't have one |
50,372 | 1,353 | 101 | 490 | 461 | Précisément. Nous n'avons pas besoin de tous les tuer, nous avons seulement besoin d'être le dernier debout. Avec peu d'amour pour la confrontation physique, Jacob était très attaché à l'idée de regarder cet opéra de loin. Obtenir quelqu'un d'autre pour combattre ses batailles augmenterait ses chances de victoire, et si quelqu'un osait nuire à quelqu'un d'autre que les combattants, il serait sûr qu'ils atteignent leur but. Promets-moi que quand tu me sautes dessus, tu le rends convaincant. Tire tes coups de poing et je serai furieuse." Il sourit coyly à Assassin, de la même manière qu'elle lui avait fait plusieurs fois.
L'horloge sur le mur lui a dit qu'il était temps de rentrer à la maison, plus de sommeil ce soir l'aiderait à être plus conscient demain. Le dîner était aussi frais dans son esprit, quelque chose de simple et sans effort était particulièrement attrayant pour lui. "Qu'est-ce que la nuit te réserve Lucille? Voulez-vous faire plus de scoutisme ou voulez-vous que je vous ramène chez vous? » | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,373 | 1,353 | 102 | 490 | 461 | Ville d'Ukatan
C'est la première fois qu'il s'agit d'un problème.
La lutte interne de Louise s'est terminée, les mains qui avaient saisi le balai si fortement maintenant détendu, son expression calme et presque sereine. Elle sourit, les yeux fermés, le vent poussant ses vêtements et ses cheveux à se gonfler autour d'elle. Le vent soufflait dans la direction qu'elle voulait aller, ce qui serait utile pour ce qu'elle avait en tête. "Archer! Nous allons sauver cette fille, je ne me soucie pas de sa Servante! – Elle a dit avec conviction, en fermant les yeux sur la scène devant eux. Elle a commencé à cycler le prana à travers les gravures sur son balai, en rétablissant l'enchantement qui permettrait la lévitation. Les symboles brillaient en réponse, mais contrairement à avant cela n'était pas une lueur temporaire, au lieu de croître en intensité. Les enchantements ont commencé mais n'ont pas encore été activés.
Je vais la sauver. J'ai un plan. Mais j'ai besoin que tu m'aides. Je vais comprendre si vous voulez refuser. Mais je suis prêt à forcer le problème si je dois,, dit-elle, ses yeux ne quittent pas la scène qui a lieu sous ses yeux. Elle ne l'a pas dit directement, mais il serait évident pour sa servante qu'elle faisait référence à ses commandements des sceaux. Elle ne voulait pas les utiliser mais dans cette situation, elle n'hésiterait pas. Elle avait besoin qu'Archer le sache. C'était juste. Je vais voler aussi vite que je peux, tout droit vers Akane. J'ai besoin que tu me soutiennes autant que tu peux de loin. Fais ce que tu as à faire. Souvenez-vous, nous ne sommes pas là pour nous battre, nous retirons dès que vous le pouvez. On se retrouvera dans ma chambre... Tu pourras être en colère contre moi plus tard.
Louise a pris quelques pas en arrière, a tiré ses lunettes sur ses yeux et a pris quelques respirations profondes avant de courir vers le rebord, sautant dans l'espace vide. Elle s'est permise de tomber librement, de gagner de la vitesse à mesure qu'elle s'approchait de la vitesse terminale. Un peu plus bas, elle engagea les enchantements « repoussés par la terre » et « pieds ne prenant pas contact avec le sol ». Elle a ensuite effectué autant de cycles du prana qu'elle pouvait épargner pour fournir une propulsion avant. Elle savait qu'Archer pouvait suivre, même à ces vitesses. Elle espérait juste qu'il ne la haïrait pas pour une telle conduite imprudente. Elle comprendrait s'il le faisait. Alors qu'elle s'approchait de l'horizontale, elle allait aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait.
Elle se dirigeait tout droit vers Akane, plus ou moins, virant légèrement seulement pour corriger sa trajectoire. Au moment du « contact » avec Akane, elle étendait ses enchantement magecrafts, « repoussée par la terre » et « pied ne prenant pas contact avec le sol » pour englober Akane, lui faisant la lumière suffisante pour porter.
Ville d'Ukatan
Assassin est d'accord. Il était bon qu'ils fonctionnent sur la même longueur d'onde, il serait plus facile de prédire les intentions de son Maître à l'avance, lui permettant plus d'autonomie quand il s'agit de prendre des décisions. S'ils avaient été d'un autre esprit sans doute son maître aurait ‘resserré les règnes' comme il était. Elle a rendu son sourire. Mais bien sûr, je dois le rendre convaincant. Mais ne t'inquiète pas, je suis très bon dans ce que je fais. Je peux faire que ça ait l'air mauvais sans vous mettre en danger, à condition que vous me fassiez confiance, Elle a dit en réponse à son insistance qu'elle ne va pas facilement sur lui. Elle ne lui a pas dit que l'idée de se retenir n'avait jamais traversé son esprit.
Je n'ai pas de plans immédiats, je retournerai probablement dans ma chambre et attendrai jusqu'au lendemain. À moins bien sûr que vous ayez besoin de moi pendant la nuit, dans ce cas vous commencerez le vin et dînerez moi,, elle a dit en plaisanterie, souriant joyeusement comme elle a fait. Elle se leva de sa position assise et passa devant son Maître, posant une main sur son épaule alors qu'elle le passait. Elle se dirigea vers la sortie, ses mains se fermèrent sur la base de son crâne, un sac d'achat s'accrochant à sa main droite. Et dans sa droite était un couteau de cuisine. Elle se tourna vers son Maître et sourit d'une manière innocente. Je surveillerai votre dos, alors ne vous inquiétez pas Maître. Personne ne mettra un couteau sur ma montre. Elle a appelé joyeusement sur son épaule quand elle a disparu dans le couloir. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,374 | 1,353 | 103 | 983 | 5,954 | Dans l'un des luxueux hôtels de la ville, un homme regardait le paysage de la ville depuis sa table basse, sirotant son café noir alors qu'il regardait les événements quotidiens jouer devant lui. On s'inquiétait peu de savoir si son serviteur allait bien ou non. S'il devait s'inquiéter de savoir si les autres serviteurs seraient en mesure de gérer le conquérant des barbares. Pourtant, il s'agissait d'une guerre sacrée et inhabituelle qui ne devrait pas être prise à la légère. Contrairement aux autres graals, celui-ci avait huit serviteurs et cette classe supplémentaire était la classe des bêtes. Seigneur sait quelle bête impie a été convoquée. Mais ce n'était pas un problème. Quoi qu'il arrive, cette guerre sera finalement la sienne tant qu'il sera impliqué. Tout cela semblait trivial; la guerre ne signifiait vraiment rien pour lui. Il n'y avait rien qu'il voulait qu'il n'ait pas déjà et tout ce qu'il n'avait pas était considéré sans valeur par lui. La seule raison pour laquelle il est entré dans cette guerre était juste pour s'amuser. Pour simplement obtenir un frisson d'un défi pour briser le cycle mondain de tout ce qui va à son chemin. "Hm, je me demande si Rider s'était pointé avec quelqu'un pour l'instant."
Dieu dammit Charles agissait à nouveau de son propre gré! Saber grit les dents et soupira un soupir lourd avant de se dissiper dans sa forme éthérée comme un moyen de se rendre à son maître à un rythme plus rapide. Je suis en route. Charles-Sama ne fait rien d'imprudent avant d'arriver là-bas. Il ne pouvait qu'espérer y arriver à temps. C'était irresponsable de sa part de laisser son maître seul comme ça, surtout un maître qui aime se mettre dans les ennuis! | Name: David Wilhelm, The King of the Clock Tower, The Harbinger
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Servant: Rider
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Absolute Spatial Magic: This magic allows David control over the space around him. One can manipulate space as means of defense, offense, by means of forming heat, and generating explosions, teleporting people and/or objects of their choice, and granting the user the ability to switch places with other people who are in close proximity. He can even use this combined with his affinities.
General Magecraft: He's a teacher so it is expected that he has a variety of magic under his belt and the complete mastery of the basics.
Elemental Magic
Personality: David is calm, almost seeming like nothing can phase him no matter how shocking something is. He is incredibly intelligent and sees the world as nothing as a chess board. It seems like everything is boring to him.
Short Biography:
If there is a man that is blessed by the gods then it would've been David. He was born into a family of mages who's bloodline extends for many generations and was blessed with five elemental affinities as well as overwhelming talent. At a young age while he was still learning magic he picked it up faster than his teacher could teach him and before the scholar even knew it his own student surpassed him a few years later. As a student in the Clock Tower he absorbed a vast quantity of knowledge and his schools just kept on improving as if he had no limits. He was loved by all the teachers and respected by all of the students. Years later he would become a teacher for the Clock Tower and soon became the head lecturer, creating excellent mages in his own image. Everything was fine and all, but there was a problem with it: he was bored. All of his life everything had come so easy for him; nothing really seemed to be a challenge for him. That is until he discovered the Holy Grail War. With hope that it would ease his boredom and give him the challenge he so desperately craved, he joined it.
Other: |
50,375 | 1,353 | 104 | 2,319 | 356 | Site de construction de l'Ukatan
Le pouls n'a jamais varié au-dessus d'une constante calmante mortelle. Ses sens demeurèrent vifs, son esprit d'acier bloquant toutes les limitations inhibitrices apportées par l'esprit. Aucune crainte, hésitation ou errance ne braignait son esprit, dans une mesure telle que c'était comme si Hao se contentait d'accomplir les actes les plus occasionnels de tous les jours. Sa respiration était régulée et rythmée, et ses mouvements n'avaient absolument aucun gaspillage pour eux. Chacune des manœuvres des Hao, qu'il s'agisse de feintes ou d'attaques prolongées, a été planifiée et exécutée avec une efficacité inhumaine qui manquait complètement d'erreur humaine. Un résultat de la respiration et de la marche, une idéologie orientale que l'on tirait en dieu par le souffle et libérait dieu en une seule expression par l'acte de marcher. La base de l'accent mis sur le contrôle de la respiration dans les arts martiaux chinois, et une idéologie qui a grandement amélioré la capacité de combat des Hao, et l'a fait être presque sans pair dans la main complète au combat main. C'est avec cet état d'esprit d'efficacité totale que Hao imbibé sa nouvelle situation, en analysant soigneusement chaque minutie il y avait à la situation avec une extrême rapidité. Premièrement, Hao a perçu assez rapidement que ce nouvel ennemi utilisait des interférences mentales, qui amusaient Hao. Peut-être que si l'homme avait été beaucoup plus subtil et avait daigné éliminer son intimidation flashy, son interférence mentale aurait pu être assez mineure pour ignorer, mais hélas sa flamme a annoncé une grave erreur. Aucune interférence mentale du niveau de comptage unique des mages modernes ne serait en mesure de nuire à n'importe quel magus avec une capacité décente, car le simple passage du prana dans les circuits suffirait à dissiper le sort d'interférence. Il faudrait une famille formée d'interférences à travers de nombreuses générations pour même envisager une telle échelle de manipulation.
En flottant son énergie magique dans tout son corps, Hao a lavé la saleté de l'interférence de Charles et l'a perçu clairement. La jeune fille avait immédiatement été saisie par une autre connaissance de la sienne et s'était échappée en bonne et due forme, mais Hao n'a pas considéré cet événement comme une perte. Il ne s'attendait jamais à éliminer un maître si tôt dans cette guerre, mais il ne s'attendait pas à ce que quelqu'un le défie directement. Rationalement, Hao pouvait déduire que l'homme avant lui était un magus occidental capable, et donc un maître comme aucun magus occidental ne serait troublé de marcher sur une terre orientale sans quelques priorités dans l'ordre, et encore moins de s'engager dans des conflits inutiles. Bien sûr, cet homme étant un maître a présenté la situation difficile que son serviteur était proche, et il enverrait facilement Hao s'il n'était pas méfiant. Hao a compris instinctivement que cette situation était très désavantageuse pour lui, car il n'avait aucun moyen de déduire si le serviteur de l'homme était à proximité ou s'approchait rapidement d'un endroit éloigné. Même alors, Hao ne serait pas assez stupide pour engager cet homme. Il avait seulement décidé d'enlever la vie d'Akane, car cela aurait été une surprise avec pas même le temps pour elle d'utiliser un sceau de commande pour appeler son cher Lancer. Mais cet homme était prêt et prêt à utiliser un sceau de commandement s'il faisait face à la pression de Hao, ce qui était tout à fait probable. Pourtant, Hao ne pouvait plus simplement fuir. Il serait immédiatement soupçonné comme un maître par n'importe qui d'autre observant, et ainsi sa retraite serait immédiatement annoncer une poursuite par ceux qui ont confiance dans leurs capacités de maîtres. Hao avait une excellente capacité de retraite tactique, et poursuivre Hao serait tout à fait la tâche ardue et peut-être menaçant la vie si cet homme tentait de le faire, mais la présence d'un serviteur serait largement nier ce risque. Hao aurait besoin de compter sur le Chevalier pour l'extirper de cette situation, ce qui était tout à fait malheureux.
Le corps haoês a automatiquement pris une position défensive générale avec des bras croisés sur le torse et le corps en position légèrement courbée pour réduire la zone cible quand il a perçu son adversaire tirer des lames de flamme sur lui. Ils ont été créés à partir de runes, qui ont peut-être indiqué un maître scandinave ou irlandais comme Runes étaient exclusifs aux mages de ces régions. Gardant cette information dans son esprit, Hao a tout simplement tenu son sol, les épées se contentant de le repousser sans causer de dommages importants. Ils ont impressionné sur l'armure de Hao-S avant de flatter loin sans aucun carburant supplémentaire pour continuer à brûler. Un sort plus significatif devrait être utilisé au-delà de l'action unique ou d'un royaume de comte pour denteler cette armure, compte tenu du statut de son porteur original. En tandem avec Hao, l'ennemi avait levé un boucleur, un code probablement mystique avec l'épée, en défense afin de détecter en toute sécurité les capacités de Hao. Tout ce qu'il allait glaner de cet échange était que l'armure de Hao-S était exceptionnellement durable, et le facteur évident de l'expérience de combat de Hao-S. L'instinct de Hao s'est évanoui immédiatement alors que son adversaire tirait d'un sort nettement plus puissant qui se trouvait encore à l'intérieur de la plage de comptage unique, mais probablement capable d'infliger certains dommages à Hao devrait être en contact solide. Bien que les chances de recevoir quelque chose de plus que des blessures mineures soient extrêmement faibles, Hao a toujours la tâche urgente de se retirer, ce qui serait le mieux à accomplir dès que possible.
Dès que Hao a perçu l'homme préparant son offense dans le temps bien avant que n'importe quel homme ordinaire puisse percevoir en raison de Hao analyser tout, de la fonction faciale au langage corporel, il a contacté le chevalier avec une simple demande.
Ouvrez la porte.
Un changement soudain dans le paysage. Un chevalier assis avec un air majestueux sur un trône à l'intérieur d'une pièce circulaire de brique noircie et de mortier hoche en réponse.
Ouvrez la porte, laissez-le entrer.
Une scie noire s'ouvrit derrière Hao, déformant l'espace alors que sa singularité noire de charbon perforait un trou dans les couches spatiales. Hao s'est immédiatement lancé à travers ce portail en se poussant avec son pied avant. Le portail s'est effondré lorsque le corps de Hao's s'est percuté dans le portail, s'évanouissant et ne laissant rien pour se souvenir de son existence. | Hao Weizhen
"Gamble your lives in this roulette of stray wishes, my prospective master. Do keep in mind that no neutral force can pave a smooth road for you."
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hao has been an executor since he was eleven years of age, training as a prodigy in the 8th sacrament. From his training and work as an executor, Hao exhibits a supernatural physical capacity, capable of running fifty kilometers per hour smashing concrete. In addition, Hao has superb knowledge against the enemies that he fights against as an executor, mostly consisting of dead apostles. His combat capacity is also superb, made up of long standing experience, training and innate capacity. The advanced utilization of black keys and such techniques as the iron plate effect are incorporated into experience as an executor. Black keys are spiritual weapons consisting of handles without blades. Once these handles are grasped and mana is passed through them, a blade, long and thin much like a skewer, forms. These blades can be thrown with enough force to shatter reinforced concrete and pierce through solid iron. The Iron Plate effect is a martial arts technique where the black key is thrown and creates a massive impact easily capable of blowing a human sized mass several dozen feet away. Hao keeps twenty five black keys in his pockets and under his frock, and is capable of utilizing multiple at once easily.
The Chinese philosophy of breathing and walking, borne from Hao's intensive conditioning through Chinese martial arts. With taiji, Hao removes all unnecessary movements from his body, and grants him a controlled breathing. Also enhances the physical condition when utilizing martial arts. Hao practices Kai Men Bajiquan and has optimized it to be efficient in dealing lethal or incapacitating blows as quickly as possible. Martial arts has massively enhanced Hao's combat capacity, granting him the capacity to "sense" or "hear" hostile moves, granting him the capacity to react to attacks that he does not actively see.
Those in the church normally do not affiliate themselves with magecraft, but Hao has broken off from such rigidity and embraced the heresy of magecraft. He is capable of all things attributed to general magecraft and has a high affinity for Chinese divination magecraft.
Command Seals
As church overseer, Hao possesses several command seals to direct the war, using them as incentives to take down a master that is causing too much trouble or deal with an event that could disrupt the grail war.
Although executors and the church see magecraft as being heretical, Hao still practices it and applies his knowledge of it into combat. For example, one such result among several others of this unholy combination of magecraft and church mystery is the cremation rite, a spell that can be inscribed on his black keys or shroud to immolate a target upon physical contact.
Credit to ふわり。 on Pixiv
Hao observes a reserved and stoic personality, emitting a distinct sense of emptiness. He rarely exhibits anything other than a cold front, and could be praised as the exemplar of constancy. His tone rings a monotonous and droning but deep tone, revealing no inflection of emotion. His expression remains a placid and static image of calmness, all the while a sly glint in his eyes reveals distinction in character beneath his appearance, but one that many would be suspicious of. Hao is pragmatic and observant, constantly analyzing and taking in his environment. Hao does not simply sit back and see the world pass by him, he observes. No scenery however familiar passes by Hao as a regular and unworthy image. He inspects every facet of the world around him with as much zest as he would in a new world. This coupled with this calculating and utilitarian ideologies presents Hao as the epitome of human efficiency. Some would admire such capacity to remain rationally efficient, but to many others it is a cause of fear, a deviance from the basic human nature of expresison.
Short Biography:
Hao was adopted by an executor and primed himself to be one from an early age, exhibiting a superb talent that allowed him to become an executor at the age of eleven. His time as an executor lasted until Hao was twenty one, when his father passed on. From then on, Hao kept ties moderate ties with the church but began to practice magecraft in China under an acquaintance he had met during his early teenage years through his father. As an apprentice and with capable circuitry, willingness to learn and capacity, Hao prospered under the tutelage of his teacher. After several years of learning, Hao underwent a global pilgrimage to find holy relics and to achieve a spiritual peace, but returned two years later with little spiritual development. He practiced asceticism and underwent extreme tortures of body and mind to seek a spiritual goal but eventually gave up on such practices for various reasons. Eventually he took a station in Ukatan city church as the overseer of the next grail war, knowing full well that he was not a neutral party.
Shroud of Turin
A type of mystic code, the shroud of Turin is a long piece of faded crimson cloth that carries the effect of nullifying erosion to that which seeks to harm what it wraps. However, it does not nullify damage intended to the shroud itself, but will still nullify damage intended to what it preserves even if said damage encompasses an area affecting both the cloth and the preserved object. |
50,376 | 1,353 | 105 | 832 | 3,739 | Archer, ville d'Ukatan
Eh bien, on dirait que c'était ça. Archer écouta calmement et Louise déclara qu'elle allait sauver la fille de son école, venir en enfer ou en eau douce. Il pourrait soutenir cela, au moins la démonstration et la décision solide. Il n'a pas vraiment approuvé que son maître mette sa vie en danger comme ça, mais il était tout à fait évident qu'il ne changerait pas d'avis. Cela ressortait de la lueur montante des enchantements et du vent qui s'était également levé. C'était impressionnant, bien qu'il fût plus impatient du résultat après la préparation.
-- Pas besoin d'aller aussi loin Maître, répondit-il d'une main qui reste quand elle élève les Sceaux de Commandement. "Je serais un très mauvais Archer si je laissais quelque chose t'arriver quand je pourrais l'empêcher. Après tout, je dois maintenir cette réputation de fiabilité. » Il y avait un clin d'œil avec cela alors qu'il licenciait le Rifle de chasse qu'il avait fait. C'était une arme utile, mais pas pour une situation comme celle-ci.
Un autre clin d'œil alors qu'elle détaillait son plan. Ce n'est pas le plus élégant, mais si cela ne faisait que se précipiter pour l'arracher, cela suffirait. En même temps, il y avait sa servante pour s'inquiéter, mais il n'a pas eu l'occasion de souligner que, comme Louise était déjà en train de partir, des lunettes réparées alors qu'elle sautait dans l'espace vide et tombait vers le sol. Elle n'a certainement pas manqué d'enthousiasme, et au moins il n'a pas eu à se concentrer sur les Serviteurs.
Alors il a sauté après elle, se matérialisant deux pistolets dans le processus. À mesure que Louise atteignit sa cible, Archer ouvrit le feu sur les deux autres Maîtres, utilisant sa vue et ses capacités de classe pour viser le centre de la masse, plutôt que la tête. Celui qui les avait rejoints récemment semblait être un allié de la fille, mais mieux vaut ne pas le risquer. Il tirait seulement pour supprimer de toute façon, bien qu'il n'ait pas l'air malade sur des coups de chance.
Une fois que Louise avait Akane, il la suivait, s'assurant qu'aucun des autres Maîtres, ni aucun autre Serviteur, ne suivit. Une tâche difficile, surtout pour les filles Servant qui devaient écouter ses commandements, mais à ce stade il était assez certain qu'elles improvisaient de toute façon. Que dois-je faire si sa servante insiste pour la récupérer, a-t-il demandé, bien qu'il soit un peu tard pour cela. | "God made man, but I made them equal"
True Name: Samuel Colt
Class: Archer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Master: ~TBD
Class Skills:
Independent Action
Item Construction
Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True)
Noble Phantasm:
Colt Paterson
Type: Anti Unit
The very first revolver Colt made, this five shot revolver is accurate, with a prana charge that can deal significant damage to other Servants. As the very first mass produced revolver and the 'great equalizer', it can ignore any boosts to Defense or Luck provided by Personal skills or Noble Phantasms, but it also ignores any debuffs to those stats as well. It takes time to reload, and only has five shots at a time.
Colt Armory
Type: ???
It is estimated that in it's first 25 years of existence, Colt's company made over 400,000 pistols. As a Servant, this has manifested itself as the ability for him to turn any item he touches into a Colt weapon that existed in his lifetime, the Colt Peacemaker (due to it's fame), or a Colt produced weapon he has seen before. Each functions as a low level NP, without the stat negation abilities of his Paterson.
Personality: Colt was determined to be famous, and used his own personal success to further his business career. A rowdy and revolutionary person. Very defensive of his success, to the possible detriment of general progress. Also a scheming businessman who was capable of all sorts of ploys to sell his product, and further his legacy. Also a very persuasive speaker, even convincing people that he was an actual doctor
Short Biography: Born in Hartford Connecticut, at age 11 he gained a love for science, as well as a desire to be like the inventors he read about, who accomplished impossible things. And when he heard of the impossibility of a gun that could shoot multiple times without reloading, he set out to make that gun. He displayed a love for explosions and pyrotechnics that impressed, but also got him kicked out of school and sent to learn the seaman's trade, where he got the idea for the revolver.
Later on, he traveled and did science experiments involving nitrous oxide as well as other gasses to fund himself. Eventually, he hired a blacksmith, and in 1835 he got his first patent from Great Britain, with a successive one from the USA, as he aimed for creating an assembly line for pistol manufacture. Such success was short lived though as no one bought the weapons in spite of approval from President Andrew Jackson, and the fact that Colt undermined his own company through lavish spending that was aimed at persuading buyers.
With the company liquidated, he turned to making mines, which failed, working with Samuel Morse, which didn't, and perfecting tinfoil cartridges, which also succeeded somewhat. Walker got him the funds he needed to restart his company, and from there Colt took off, selling to everyone and anyone, even opposing enemies. He fought over his patents and won, establishing a virtual monopoly on revolver production and design in the USA, forcing designers to look elsewhere. As the first mass produced revolver in history, Colt certainly left his mark when he died of gout in the 1860's. |
50,377 | 1,353 | 106 | 2,548 | 3,795 | Ukatan City (Japon)
Ruines de chantier, jeudi
Oh mec, elle allait vraiment mourir, n'est-ce pas? Personne ne l'a vraiment aidée pour ce qui semblait être le plus long temps. Akane n'osait pas tourner la tête pour voir ce qu'elle allait faire... si elle le faisait, elle se chierait sûrement elle-même et là-bas. Tout d'un coup, sa Servante se précipita vers l'avant, en frappant les objets tranchants qui lui avaient été dirigés. Ça l'aurait certainement tuée si Lancer n'était pas arrivé. "A-ah, c'est vrai, j'ai juste besoin de trouver un moyen de sortir d'ici!" Elle a appelé par-dessus son épaule. Une autre personne s'est montrée, cette fois un homme aux cheveux pâles qui ne semblait pas beaucoup plus vieux qu'elle l'était. Il était de son côté? Il ne courait pas vers elle ou ne l'attaquait pas, mais il a engagé l'étranger au combat. Elle a seulement aperçu la figure blindée en recul avant qu'elle ne se sente soudainement devenir plus légère qu'elle ne l'était d'habitude. Et puis, tout aussi vite, elle a été soulevée dans l'air et s'est éloignée des ruines du chantier.
Panic a commencé à flotter dans sa poitrine alors qu'elle s'apercevait qu'elle volait. Akane s'attachait à la personne qui l'avait sauvée alors qu'elle retenait un cri, ses yeux inondaient de peur alors qu'elle se tournait vers son « sauveur ». Une certaine peur a été remplacée par un choc à la jeune femme aux cheveux légers devant elle. "L-Louise?" C'était vraiment elle? Elle n'a pas l'air du genre de personne qui serait un mage, sans parler d'un mage qui avait convoqué un Servant. Elle s'est permise de se détendre un peu... si c'était Louise qui l'avait sauvée, cela signifiait probablement qu'elle n'avait aucune raison d'avoir peur.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle ferait à propos de Lancer? S'il décidait d'aller de l'avant et d'attaquer l'autre Servante et Louise et qu'il ne reculait pas quoi qu'elle lui dise, il lui faudrait un sceau de commandement. Elle regarda le dos de sa main comme Louise expliqua son plan à la Servante à long terme. Ce serait bien de retourner aux dortoirs. Elle s'enfermerait probablement dans sa chambre, après...
C'est quoi, ça?
Ukatan City (Japon)
Hôtel sans nom, jeudi
Rider a passé la majeure partie de la journée à se faufiler autour de la ville, à chercher des informations fiables (et des choses brillantes qu'il a trouvé attrayantes) avant de détecter plusieurs présences à proximité. Le grand homme n'a pas appelé Jebe à le porter car il pouvait atteindre la zone où l'affrontement se déroulait avant longtemps. Au fur et à mesure que les présences devenaient plus fortes, il cachait sa propre présence et se préoccupait. Ce qu'il a vu était quelque chose d'étonnant... plusieurs mages et trois Serviteurs s'étaient révélés. L'un semblait être un Berserker, l'autre un Lancer... et celui qui utilisait les armes... il n'était pas sûr. Peut-être Archer, ou peut-être même Caster, puisque les armes étaient étrangères à beaucoup de Serviteurs. Au moins, il connaissait la méthode d'attaque de la Servante, ce qui lui ressemblait beaucoup. Il y avait aussi une figure blindée, probablement Saber, mais il ne voyait aucun aperçu d'une épée.
Au lieu de sauter dans la mêlée, Rider s'enfuit et commença à se diriger vers l'hôtel où résidait son Maître. Ça aurait été idiot de sauter comme ça... mais il a dû admettre que ça aurait été amusant. Il démangeait pour se battre. Mais il était plus important d'observer votre ennemi d'abord, apprendre tout ce que vous pouvez à leur sujet. Il a mis les mains dans ses poches lorsqu'il est arrivé à l'hôtel, en montant quelques escaliers avant d'entrer dans la chambre où vivait son Maître.
Il ferma la porte derrière lui, regardant son Maître de près avant que l'ombre d'un sourire ne vienne sur ses lèvres. «C'était une journée chargée aujourd'hui, Maître», explique-t-il en marchant et en s'asseyant à proximité. "Il y a déjà eu une confrontation sur le chantier. Les Serviteurs que le Graal a convoqués sont intéressants. La classe Berserker se bat avec des appendices qui ressemblent beaucoup aux racines, et la classe Archer ou Caster utilise des armes à feu."
C'est quoi, ça? | Name: Sinia Dagda
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Servant: ?
Runic Magecraft
Magecraft originating in old Scandinavia. It consists of symbols that automatically realize mysteries that their meanings represent. They are drawn with straight stick like lines and function similarly to magic crests. Sinia has high proficiency with this subset of magecraft.
General Magecraft
The standard fare for anyone who calls themselves a magus. Includes things like locking doors, breaking falls, etc.
Uaithne was the harp of Dagda, an elder god of Celtic mythology. This harp has been passed down to Sinia's family line through service to Dagda incurring his favor and remains as a carried on tradition. Uaithne is capable of manifesting elemental mysteries simply by plucking its strings, mimicking the original capacity of the artifact to alter the weather and incur natural disasters with its playing. Of course, Sinia is incapable of fully utilizing Uaithne and is many leagues away from mastering it. Uaithne has the capacity to heal mental interference and sway the emotions of others depending on the tune it plays. A nervous and staccato tone would make those hearing the harp nervous and fearful, while a slow and melodious tune would cause somnolence and so on. The harp is capable of casting certain spells such as healing and reinforcement with its notes towards an intended target or object if said target hears these notes as well as mental interference. The notes that Uaithne plays enact mystery by themselves, much like divine words. Uaithne as a guardian artifact also increases the physical resistance of its wielder slightly, but provides a powerful inhibitor against magic many times more potent than an amulet. By calling its name, Uaithne can be recalled to its wielder with frightful speed easily capable of smashing through most things to deal considerable damage, a watered down version of Dagda's recalling that killed nine divine spirits with the harp's trajectory. This recalling is the harp's most powerful ability in terms of offense, and will devastate most targets with ease but cannot be directed and will automatically take the shortest linear route to Sinia regardless of blockades. The harp itself is quite large and clumsy, being almost as large as Sinia herself, and thus renders her an immobile "fighter" if she can be apt to be called one. Instead, the harp characterizes Sinia more as a "support" type fighter, as well as being capable of producing music of exceptional other worldly quality.
Sinia is a rather quirky figure with a joyfully capricious and open minded view of the world. She is rather forgetful and often stumbles down the path of life, but remains cheerful and optimistic under pressure and misfortune she often brings unto herself. She is an empathetic and easily moved individual, but regardless has a capable tact and flavor of pragmatism that allows her to have a surprisingly clairvoyant perception of characters and their motives. Sinia is marked with a distinct gentleness about her that engenders a calm that contrasts with her high energy aura. In consequence, Sinia is rather pacifistic and mentally unfit for high tension and violence situations such as battle. However, her perceptiveness and infectious energy allows her to empathize and connect with others and understand them. Sinia possesses an ardent passion for music in all its forms, and often immerses herself in her playing completely in almost vitrification induced manner. Sinia possesses a rational and insightful side to her also, facilitating her ability to keep track of minutiae and discern slight changes in both physical and emotional atmosphere. Sinia has a keen sense of curiosity and an equally acute will and passion to match, granting her a whimsical method of action based on her own capricious curiosities.
Short Biography:
Hailing from a secluded family that had serviced the god Daga and had received his cherished harp, Sinia enriched herself with the isolated culture of her homeland. She learnt the foundations of magecraft and imbibed the knowledge of runic magecraft that her family possessed. In unprecedented fashion, she entered the Association but found it unfitting for her specific and niche talents. Instead, in an even more unprecedented fashion, Sinia decided to immerse herself in her music rather than magecraft, which didn't consist of much more than runic knowledge. She put her knowledge of magecraft on dusty shelves and instead took to fostering her musical knowledge in the modern world, causing her to settle down in Ukata university. However certain circumstances led her to pursue the grail war in Ukata, and with resolute determination Sinia brushed away the settled dust from her magecraft knowledge.
"Music is a tool more refined, more piercing, and more durable than any sword or gun" |
50,378 | 1,353 | 107 | 1,525 | 528 | « Bien que je ne me sois pas battu, j'ai pu manipuler un serviteur pendant une courte période. En ce qui concerne mes capacités, pour commencer par ça, j'ai besoin de vous expliquer brièvement ma vie. J'étais autrefois considéré comme un guerrier qui pouvait prendre un millier d'hommes. C'est l'ancien moi, en ce moment vous me voyez après que j'ai pris ma retraite de mon épée." Elle a dit, gesticulant à celui dans sa main sur la table. "Je vais me battre sans le dessiner, tout en me laissant un peu mortelle. Cependant, si la situation est assez grave, ou si vous utilisez un sceau de commande pour me forcer à l'utiliser, je vais démanteler la lame. Je ne peux pas promettre ce qui arrivera quand je le ferai, parce que j'ai forcé la folie dans la lame. Sa folie... tu m'as attaché avec ton rituel d'invocation. Je ne peux pas vraiment te blâmer parce que tu n'avais aucune idée de ce que tu faisais." Elle lui dit, semblant plutôt calme et réservée par rapport à ce qu'elle prétendait être sa réputation.
"Maintenant, j'ai déjà démontré ma capacité à observer mon environnement dans les détails et la perception. Je peux appeler des chevaux, transformer mon épée en arc... Je peux appeler les gens en duels, aussi gagner quelques avantages en raison d'autres choses que je fais." Elle lui a dit de faire un bref tour d'horizon. | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,379 | 1,353 | 108 | 490 | 461 | Université d'Ukatan
Salle de dortoir de Louise
Louise et Akane
Louise sentit presque instantanément l'augmentation de la tension et, pendant un moment, presque défectueuse, ce qui aurait permis à sa magecraft de s'effondrer complètement. Hafd qui s'est produit alors dans toutes les hottes probables, ils seraient tous les deux morts alors qu'ils s'écrasent sur la terre. C'était une bonne chose que sa Servante ait été Archer, son action indépendante lui permettant d'exister même lorsqu'elle était coupée de son Prana, au moins pendant un moment. Ce qui était bon, parce qu'en ce moment elle n'était pas tout à fait sûre de ce qu'elle avait à épargner. Envelopper un autre magi dans deux champs actifs était une chose, mais maintenir sa vitesse en même temps était une autre question tout à fait. La prochaine fois qu'elle a sorti quelque chose comme ça, elle a apporté la pommade spéciale. Elle a grimacé en concentration alors qu'elle tirait le balai vers le haut et loin du chantier, montant rapidement à une hauteur que même un Serviteur aurait du mal à les poursuivre.
Sans surprise, Akane semblait à juste titre déconcertée pendant un moment, après avoir été littéralement balayée par Louise. Malgré la tension évidente Louise lui a souri d'une manière joyeuse et confiante en regardant la fille qui s'est accrochée à son corps pour la vie chère. Ce qui était probablement une bonne idée. Si elle s'éloignait ou rejetait Louise de Prana, alors les deux se trouveraient probablement sur un aller aller aller au sol. De plus, la façon dont Akane s'est accrochée sur elle a rendu le danger du sauvetage en vaut la peine. Absolument! Louise répondit simplement mais avec une confiance évidente, son sourire se fondant dans un sourire inquiet. Si j'étais vous, nous ne serions pas encore en sécurité.
Mais ils le seraient bientôt. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour qu'ils atteignent les terrains de l'Université, même si Louise réduisait la vitesse une fois qu'ils étaient à une distance sécuritaire des combats. Comme elle l'avait dit à sa servante, elle se dirigeait tout droit vers sa chambre par l'itinéraire le plus direct possible. La fenêtre. Et toujours à une certaine vitesse de démarrage. Cependant, juste avant qu'ils n'atteignent la vitre de verre Louise a finalement tiré le balai à un arrêt, une rafale rapide de Prana les amenant à un arrêt. Louise se dirigea vers le verre et plaça sa main légèrement contre la vitre. Un cercle magique brillait en réponse à son Prana qui s'estompait, provoquant l'ouverture du verre dans un mouvement tourbillonnant comme s'il était composé de masse liquide. Une astuce assez simple pour un alchimiste, un mage qui s'est emparé de la manipulation et de l'altération des propriétés matérielles.
"Allez, c'est bon, je ne vais pas vous faire de mal. Si j'avais voulu te faire du mal, j'aurais pu t'abandonner il y a longtemps. Louise m'a dit d'une certaine façon qu'elle avait demandé à Akane de monter à l'intérieur. Louise la suivait, fermant la fenêtre derrière elle, le verre encore une fois solide et immobile. | "The window was broken when I got here! You want me to fix it? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"
Name – Louise Evangeline Kotomi
Age – 19
Gender – Female
Servant -
Alignment – Neutral Good
Elemental Affinity – Air
Thaumaturgy - Alchemy – This branch of magecraft focuses on the ability to convert, create and manipulate matter. High level alchemist are also able to convert phenomena. Louise’s known abilities include;
Reconstruction – A specific form of matter manipulation dedicated solely to reconstructing an object to its previous state of existence. As there is no alteration of the materials intrinsic and physical properties the technique requires less preparation than Transmutation, requiring only physical contact, concentration and sufficient prana. If the user possess insufficient od and the area lacks enough mana to complete the task the object will fail to reconstruct and be reduced to its degraded state.
There are certain fundamental limitations in regard in Reconstruction magecraft. The object must have at some point in its history been ‘whole’. This ability is not meant to build or create objects, only restore them to a previous state. If the object has no history of being whole there is no previous state to which it can be returned. Objects with Legendary or Divine properties cannot be Reconstructed with this magecraft.
The time taken increases with the magnitude of the damage and history of the object. How the damage was caused is largely irrelevant. Area wide reconstruction requires preparation time.
Transmutation – The ability to manipulate the configuration and properties of an object or material at its most basic level, such as increasing or decreasing the durability or density of an object. As a chemistry student Louise has a very firm understanding of the principles that underlie and dictate the properties of materials and is naturally proficient in this arena of Alchemy. Louise’s Transmutation requires that the material to be ‘changed’ is physically present in reality and can be interacted with directly, along with certain preparative measures such as the appropriate magical circles. Unlike the aptly named ‘Reinforcement’ Transmutation takes longer to implement and is far less battle worthy as a result.
Broom flight - Female magi can easily achieve magical properties such as "foot not making contact with the ground" and "repelled by the earth" when employing a broom, allowing for the use of said item for transportation purposes. Louise is trying to develop a method to trump the so called "Touko Travel" method, though has met with little success.
Void Implosion/Explosion Mk2 – An ability that involves creating an implosion of air through the creation of a temporary void zone. Removal of the void zone creates an explosion of air in a sphere around the central point, blowing everything in proximity away with kinetic force. Generally harmless but is good at separating individuals. An improvement of Mk1, which would also hit Louise as well. MK2 only affects her 30% of the time. Has been known to shatter windows when aimed badly.
Personality – A mage who is generally speaking a good person, if not exactly 100% ethical and certainly not virtuous. In fact at times she can be quite the ‘lecherous old man’ according to certain sources, i.e. anyone who has known her for more than an afternoon. Because of this she has something of a following of like minded individuals. She does not discriminate between the genders either. Her more admirable qualities include an innate talent for both her Magecraft and Chemistry and is one of the better students of the later in her year at the university. She is also curious and can be surprising astute and empathic when it is called for. Despite her obvious inclinations Louise has very little experience of actual romance, causing her brain to ‘malfunction’ if her actions result in positive consequences.
Biography – A chemistry student studying at the Ukatan City University in Japan who also happens to be a practising Alchemist. Originally from France, Louise moved to Japan several years ago following the divorce of her parents. Her father, a member of the Mage’s Association used his connections to set up his daughter in a new university which itself had strong ties to the Association. A mere formality considering that she was something of a prodigy at her previous university. Luckily due to having a Japanese father and a French mother Louise was at ease with both languages and acclimated quickly to her surroundings. Her easy going personality made it easy for her to make new friends, though she is not exactly ‘popular’ and is often in trouble due to her antics.
With rumours of a new Holy Grail War spreading through the community it did not take her father long to warn her off of any foolish notions in regard to attempting the summoning required to take part. Louise for the most part had no real interest in taking part in the Grail War, however the prospect of Servants being summoned caused her to become curious about the specifics of such rituals and their intricacies and complexities. With that in mind Louise began researching the required rituals. She assumed that she would be safe enough since she did not consider herself to be either a ‘worthy’ candidate or having a wish that she desired fulfilling. Apparently some other force disagreed.
Theme – With Lightning Speed |
50,380 | 1,353 | 109 | 1,792 | 1,124 | -Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Tomoe a beaucoup parlé de ses capacités que Cage a certes été beaucoup à prendre, mais il en a eu l'essentiel, sa Servante s'en va un peu quand elle démantele son épée et qu'elle peut appeler des chevaux, des arcs et d'autres choses. Cage était heureuse que Tomoe n'ait pas été blessée par sa petite rencontre. "Merci de m'avoir dit tout ça." Cage soupirait. "Je me suis vraiment mis dans le pétrin, n'est-ce pas? C'est un excellent complot pour un film cependant." Il a ajouté en frottant l'arrière de son cou.
Cage s'est effondré sur son siège. Sa vie a définitivement pris un tournant pour le bizarre, sinon, le pire. Sauf si bien sûr il était dupé dans une super méga farce, mais il y avait beaucoup de preuves qui ont indiqué le contraire. L'acteur ne pouvait que se demander ce qui se passerait maintenant après ça. Il n'a jamais vu de bagarre entre Servants. Heck, il n'a jamais vu d'autre Servant que Tomoe et, à en juger par ses capacités, se battre serait probablement extraordinaire.
L'acteur a fait un autre soupir. Il s'est demandé ce qu'ils devaient faire ensuite, mais il s'est souvenu de quelque chose. "Oh, T-- Seishi, tu ne m'as pas vraiment dit ce que ton souhait est. Si vous vous posez des questions sur moi, j'ai un vœu, mais je ne pense pas que ça vaut tout ce brouhaha." | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,381 | 1,353 | 110 | 1,525 | 528 | Elle savait qu'il lui demanderait, mais elle a laissé un soupir doux pour y penser. "Je veux contrôler ma propre mortalité. De cette façon je ne suis pas coincé avec la vie immortelle et je peux surveiller et protéger ma patrie. Après ta mort... tu... je ne sais pas comment le décrire... mais tu manques d'être en vie. Le monde réel te manque." Elle lui dit, un regard lointain dans ses yeux. "Je n'ai peut-être pas été parfait, ou même vaut la peine d'être sauvé après tout le monde que j'ai tué... mais je ne veux pas mourir à nouveau..." dit-elle en le regardant, se souciant clairement beaucoup de cela. On aurait dit qu'elle refoulait ses émotions et ses larmes de toutes choses. "Je crains la mort. Je l'ai accepté une fois, quand je l'ai traversé la première fois. Mais maintenant, je supplie ceux qui ont des pouvoirs omnipotents dans les cieux de me laisser gagner ceci afin que je puisse faire du bien avec ma deuxième chance dans ce domaine." | True Name: Tomoe Gozen
Class: Beserker
Age: (depends) Standard appearance: 29
Gender: Female
Master: Mr Culler (Paul)
Noble Phantasm: Fukutsu no ketsui
Unyielding Determination is the name of her sword, decapitations and slaying of hundreds over the blade. It's a katana, albeit a bit over sized. The casing is made out of hardened and honed wood, enchantments and prayers weaved into it make it a rather unbreakable item. This is where the blade is stored when it isn't being used to draw blood. A viable blocking tactic on its own, it's a formidable object.
The blade itself has seen the blood of many people, hundreds if not thousands of people. it's been responsible of the decapitation of a number of enemies. It was said to slice the very air, even being out of reach of the target with its metal, it causes the slashes to travel more than two meters away from the blade through the air and retaining the original sharp cutting edge. The sword is also bound to her, incapable of being taken from her more than a minute. If left somewhere, it shall appear at her left waist or in her left hand. She sleeps with it clutched in her grasp, awakening if it's taken from her.
If held out infront of the sword, the case will become a yumi and the sword will turn into an arrow that appears anew with each draw of the bow string. However, all of the fired arrows disappear when the sword and sheath return to their original states. This form counts as the sword being drawn.
Mad Enhancement: due to her beserker class, she has inherited the mad enhancement skill/curse. It is not obvious by looking at her that she has it. However, when she unsheathes her sword, she gets serious and the mad enhancement swings into full effect. The woman undergoes a transformation to a younger appearance. This is bringing her back to her younger years roughly at the age of sixteen and more active combat times, as opposed to her older and combat retired years as she normally appears as. Her durability gets tougher, reaction times get faster and her strength goes up.
However, she is difficult to control in this state as she treats most everything like a game and if she finds something she wants to prove herself at, she will go overboard in attempting to do so. Toying with her opponents and being cocky come with the territory as well, leading to many refused orders and a desire to prove her abilities against whatever she chooses. This also causes a significant drain on the user while active as well.
she gains access to a second sword, this one just a normal sword, when transformed.
Secondary phantasm: veteran battle spirit:
Duel her lifestyle and many years of fightng and practice as a samurai, she is capable of closing her eyes and utilizing her spirit to increase her abilities, making her reaction times quicker and making her perception of the world more clear around herself in a roughly ten meter area. She has the abilities to utilize this as many times as she wishes and for as log as her body can handle the strain put on it. If used for too long, the mana draw can physically harm her master (causing horrible headaches and General stress on the body that usually results in bruising.) and exhaust her, leaving her vulnerable.
Dueling callout: Has the ability to pick out a target and call them out to a duel. This would create a room of a 15 meters across square, giving a six meter ceiling to it as a pagoda. Tomoe can call it off at will, but is inescapable to the opponent unless tomoe dispells it or leaves the pagoda. Initial investment only required for the pagoda to be brought into play with magic.
Horse Rider: Has the ability to call forth a horse from out of site to herself and ride it as if it were broken in. Can also call her own warhorse into battle, plated in armor, faster and stronger than the average ones she can summon. If the war horse is killed, she loses it for the rest of the war, however it can be de-summoned when not in combat.
Prayer beads of a true Buddhist: Large prayer beads can be summoned at any Buddhist place of worship, comprising of twenty of these beads. She can heal minor wounds with one bead being used, turning it from white to black. Major wounds using five beads. All start white and as they're used up, they turn from white to black.
Head Hunter: Due to her history and habit for taking heads like people take shots in a bar, Tomoe can uniquely call out an opponent and claim that she shall take her head. Against them, her attacks are stronger and she appears to move faster, all accompanied by an initial vision of their head rolling away from their body when she calls them out.
A Warrior worth a thousand: Due to her legendary nature, her drain on her master, regardless of form, tends to decline over time spend draining. Whenever she changes forms or increases her drainage through a skill being activated or phantasm being used, it resets back to the original drain then draining once more. This lowering of the drainage is a slow effect, taking a full day to half the drainage and another day to half that.It does NOT affect her performance, allowing her to keep up the stamina and fight a battle that would normally take a thousand.
Hunter of the mythos: Beliefs of her skill and abilities by many and celebrated throughout history as high caliber, being described as demon and god slaying caliber has led her to manifesting the ability to ignore any mental influence (anything that could negatively affect her state of mind, magical or physically displayed to her) and gives her a slight damage buff when facing enemies that could be classified as god or demons. (wounds tend to be nastier and bleed for longer)
A pretty face: Her natural beauty has led to her having a natural charm with people, increasing her effects of trying to convince people of ideas and proposals. An increase to her charisma.
“Tomoe was especially beautiful, with white skin, long hair, and charming features. She was also a remarkably strong archer, and as a swordswoman she was a warrior worth a thousand, ready to confront a demon or a god, mounted or on foot. She handled unbroken horses with superb skill; she rode unscathed down perilous descents. Whenever a battle was imminent, Yoshinaka sent her out as his first captain, equipped with strong armor, an oversized sword, and a mighty bow; and she performed more deeds of valor than any of his other warriors.
— The Tale of the Heike”
Personality: Normally, she is very calm and cool headed, happy to smile and laugh when jokes are told and does tend to care about those who are her superiors, almost always listening to them on an level, but also offering her own input and opinions on the actions of her master. Many would easily find her rather like able and kind.
Short Biography:
Short version: Tomoe Gozen, was a late twelfth-century female samurai warrior (onna bugeisha), known for her bravery and strength. She fought in and survived the Genpei War
Longer and most notable portions of history (aka, what we know):
After defeating the Taira and driving them into the western provinces, Minamoto no Yoshinaka (Tomoe's master) took Kyoto and desired to be the leader of the Minamoto clan. His cousin Yoritomo was prompted to crush Yoshinaka, and sent his brothers Yoshitsune and Noriyori to kill him. Yoshinaka fought Yoritomo's forces at the Battle of Awazu on February 21, 1184, where Tomoe Gozen purportedly took at least one head of the enemy. Although Yoshinaka's troops fought bravely, they were outnumbered and overwhelmed. When Yoshinaka was defeated there, with only a few of his soldiers standing, he told Tomoe Gozen to flee because he wanted to die with his foster brother Imai no Shiro Kanehira and he said that he would be ashamed if he died with a woman.
There are varied accounts of what followed. At Battle of Awazu in 1184, she is known for beheading Honda no Moroshige of Musashi. She is also known for having killed Uchida Ieyoshi and for escaping capture by Hatakeyama Shigetada. It is also said that she was defeated by Wada Yoshimori and became his wife, giving up the sword in the process. After Wada died, she became a nun in Echizen.
Other: while one of the more level headed beserkers to have appeared, this doesn't mean she can't fight without drawing her sword. Her skills are retained and she is extremely capable with her use of the sheathed blade as a blunt weapon. Her vows to drop the sword and unwillingness to fight have led her to be viewed as a weaker warrior to summon, only really acting in self defense or by her own sense of what is right or wrong in the world. Not her lack of skills or abilities, but her unwillingness to use them is what her flaw and weakness is.
Drainage on master:
Sheathed sword: a barely noticeable trickle
Unsheathed sword: significant drain
Favorite phrase: "Oyasumi nasai" |
50,382 | 1,353 | 111 | 1,792 | 1,124 | -Nagwaria, ville d'Ukatan
Tomoe voulait donc vivre éternellement. C'était un bon vœu. Un peu cliché mais Cage a vu la gravité du ton de Tomoe. L'acteur ne voulait pas du tout participer à la guerre, mais sa Servante, d'autre part, semblait impatiente de gagner. Puisqu'il était le Maître, il pouvait toujours dire à Tomoe de se retirer mais il n'était pas du genre à être impoli ou envers les femmes, surtout envers les belles comme Tomoe, et il ne voulait pas non plus abattre leurs rêves. Puis encore une fois, sa vie et celle des autres sont en jeu et si être grossier les sauverait alors Cage le ferait avec plaisir.
D'autre part, s'il était un joueur alors cela signifiait que d'autres joueurs allaient à sa recherche, peu importe s'il voulait le souhait. Il pouvait essayer de leur parler, mais il avait le sentiment de négocier avec les autres joueurs ne serait pas simple. En fait, son expérience hollywoodienne lui a dit que les autres joueurs l'attaqueraient probablement avec 0% d'avertissement et 100% de surprise. Ça n'a pas l'air bon du tout. Peut-être qu'il devrait engager des gardes du corps pour patrouiller chez lui?
"Eh bien, T-- Seishi. Et maintenant?" | Name: Patrick Edward Culiar
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Servant: N/A if no one takes him
Edward is a strong and agile close quarter kcombatant, showing excellent fighting technique in fights. His most notable power is the ability to propel himself forward and increase the strength of his blows. When Edward uses this power, afterimages of a glowing yellow color are produced. Ed can augment the power of these glowing attacks which are represented by afterimages of a glowing cerulean color. When performing augmented attacks, Ed can absorb two hits though he will feel the pain afterwards.
In addition to these physical glowing abilities, Ed also has the ability to launch blasts of bright yellow energy as well as sending cerulean shadows of himself to perform less powerful special attacks.
Unbeknownst to Edward, he is a descendant of a clan of mages that combine magic and martial arts in battle. While there are plenty of techniques and spells that the clan can perform, Edward only knows of the current abilities he has now and used these to ascend to child stardom.
He almost always wears a pair of shades and his belt buckle is a metal piece shaped 'CAGE'.
Edward is an arrogant, egotistical and complacent person on the outside but on the inside, he is a kind and peace-loving person who willingly helps strangers and will not hesitate to insult himself.
His main priority currently is the resurrection of his career and so cannot help out in anything that takes a long time. Except when the fate of many lives are at stake.
Short Biography:
Born an American, Edward manifested his powers when he was 15 and tried to imitate the impossible techniques in his favorite action movies. With these nearly impossible moves, Ed realized his dream to be a martial arts actor and starred in many an action flick. It took a while before he gained international recognition but soon enough, the award-winning film, 'WA-CHA!', gained much adoration which then made Edward a recognized and famed figure in show business.
A dozen movies later, Edward's fame has been declining with increasing critiques that his moves in the films were nothing more than stunts and special effects. Ed aimed to gain some fame back and debunk these critiques by traveling around the world and attending formal schooling to show off his talents. (He was tutored in his actor years)
Currently, Edward is a student in Ukatan City University finishing his 3rd year and part of (the club with the fighting).
Catchphrase: "You just got Caged!" |
50,383 | 1,354 | 0 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Le début
C'était un jour normal, le ciel était nuageux comme s'il était sur le point de pleuvoir. Les gens se promèneraient, allant et venant du travail. Même des enfants qui rentrent de l'école. Il y aurait une gamme de magasins, petits et grands. mais niché au milieu est un petit magasin en bois. Le signe de qui est la plupart du temps détruit seulement en lisant 'Appel' à la fin. Un endroit où ceux qui ont un potentiel caché peuvent trouver. Rarement faire des gens sans ce potentiel trouver ce magasin car il est entouré de magie pour détourner l'attention de la plupart des gens. Pour ceux qui trouvent ce magasin, il est à l'intérieur ressemblerait à une boutique de secours plus que tout, des tonnes d'étagères alignées sur le magasin rempli d'assortiment aléatoire de déchets, des sculptures en bois, aux bijoux. Il y avait tellement de choses qu'il était difficile de dire ce qui était fait à la main et ce qui ne l'était pas.
À gauche de l'entrée à l'intérieur, il y aurait un petit comptoir où un homme serait vu penché sur sa chaise avec une capuche couvrant son visage comme s'il dormait occupant le magasin. L'apparence de l'homme serait étrange, car il ressemblait à quelque chose de très étranger, ou complètement hors de ce monde. Même lorsque notre nouveau groupe d'enfants potentiels entrerait dans l'homme, il n'y aurait aucun signe de déplacement ou de présence. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,384 | 1,354 | 1 | 2,033 | 9,319 | - Viola. - Oui, c'est ça.
C'était un jour nuageux - son genre de jour préféré. Tout ce qu'il manquait c'était une légère bruine et une brise agréable et ce serait parfait. Qu'est-ce qu'elle faisait dehors, sans parapluie et habillé d'une façon un peu bizarre par rapport à la plupart des autres personnes un jour triste comme celui-ci? Elle cherchait quelque chose. Qu'est-ce qu'elle cherchait? Elle n'en avait aucune idée. Quelque chose qui sort de l'ordinaire, en quelque sorte. Quelque chose qui l'amènerait à la prochaine étape de son petit voyage, peu importe ce que c'était. Elle avait parcouru un long chemin depuis son départ de la France, et elle était assez certaine qu'il restait encore un long chemin à parcourir, où qu'il mène.
La petite fille a marché tranquillement sur le trottoir du petit centre commercial, pour la plupart en ignorant la plupart des autres personnes et les magasins. Rien pour l'instant. Tout était la même vieille ennuyeuse. Incroyablement. Des gens ennuyeux, des magasins ennuyeux. Pourquoi était-elle ici? Elle a raté quelque chose? C'est probable, honnêtement. Rien ne sort de l'ordinaire jusqu'à présent. Eh bien, au moins rien jusqu'ici jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'arrête devant un bâtiment en bois plutôt... obstrué parmi les plus modernes.
Maintenant, c'était quelque chose qui sortait définitivement de l'ordinaire.
Avec un petit sourire, Viola est entrée dans le magasin, ne vérifiant même pas le nom ou en regardant le contenu. C'était probablement là où elle allait.
Une fois à l'intérieur, ça ressemblait à ce qu'elle attendait. Étrange, et tout semblait complètement déplacé. Il y avait aussi bizarre que le reste du magasin... et soit il dormait, soit il était un très bon acteur. Viola pariait sur ce dernier. Pourtant, s'il faisait semblant de ne pas l'avoir remarquée encore et qu'il y avait un certain nombre d'articles sur les étagères qui semblaient assez intéressants... bien. Il devrait mieux regarder son magasin s'il ne voulait pas qu'un gamin s'installe et vole quelque chose.
Avec un chanfrein calme, Viola s'est déplacée dans l'une des étagères, à la recherche d'un objet qui pourrait être intéressant à gâcher. Peut-être aussi voler. | Name:
Viola Rifei
Standing at four foot six and barely over 80lbs, and usually sporting a slightly mischievous, somewhat knowing seeming smirk, Viola is definitely not what one would call physically impressive. Slender, and lacking any sort of definite muscle. Her skin is free of any blemishes and markings of any kind. Her eyes are a dull grey color and sports black colored hair that falls well past her shoulders.
Clothing wise, she is a fan of rather complicated and somewhat eccentric and expensive dresses, preferring darker colors such as black, purple, and dark blue. Her current choice of attire is a black dress, with white accents and red bows that falls to her waist where it meets a pair of black stockings and dress shoes. Why she chose to wear those instead of something more suiting is anyone guess. Some assume she's simply the child of a wealthy family and takes very good care of herself and is quite the pampered little brat, and doesn't know any better. She comments she simply likes the style.
Summoning, the art of summoning mythical creatures to temporarily aid one.
Contracts, the art of binding a mythical beast to the will of the user and gaining temporary access to its abilities.
Grimoire Appearance:
Viola's Grimoire is made of exquisite black leather, and is small enough to fit in her pocket. The spine has silver studs adorning it, and is clasped shut with silver locks. Embedded in the center of the book is an onyx gemstone. The book smells of aged leather and paper, and has a hint of age to the covers.
First Spells:
Art of Summoning:
Summon Wind Sprite: "I call thee, Spirit of wind. Answer my summons..."
A simple spell. Summons a small fairy that can manipulate air currents and winds. Not too powerful at all, but everyone has to start somewhere. The wind sprite moves of its own accord, carrying out its orders as it sees fit. Incantation may change depending on creature summoned, and may not always be entirely loyal to the summoner.
Art of Contracts:
Viola is able to effectively bind certain creatures to her will. Some more easily than others, depending on certain characteristics they possess.
Affinity: Faerie Lore
Things that are typically considered to be of a family of Fae. Faeries, pixies, and those residents of the Fae Courts. She is able to communicate with them on some beginner level and press them into her service unless they require specific requirements to 'tame'.
Affinity: Incorporeal Beings
Ghost-like entities that may not entirely possess corporeal form. Ghosts, harmless poltergeists, and those creatures with an affinity for not strictly 'living'. Not necromancy, really, as she's not raising anything. Simply giving what is already existing a little more...direction. She is able to communicate with them in some manner.
There is a limit to how many she can control at a time, of course, and looking after many creatures might get a bit...exhausting. Once contracted, they are bound to the Grimoire and its owner. The mage is then capable of using their power at their leisure.
Viola...definitely does not behave the way her appearance might suggest. At first impression, she'd come off as incredibly formal and polite. Talk with her long enough though, and you'll find a somewhat self-centered, cynical, mischievous, somewhat playfully aggressive little girl who has a rather large seeming ego. However, this is just her attempting to be 'cute' or 'cheeky'. Truthfully, she doesn't take her own words to heart, and would never consider herself better than anyone.
Truthfully, she is fairly friendly and likes meeting people and being around people, and also simply likes watching them for...entertainment purposes. She'll be the first to say hello to someone, the first to speak up or attempt to diffuse a hostile situation and otherwise try and make light of things.
Another thing to note, would be an insatiable curiosity about anything and everything. History, technology...everything. While her physical skills are lacking, her academic studies and focus on such things will likely help greatly in the pursuit of magic.
However, like with everyone, she does have her own vices and sins. Hers, is curiosity and a lust and love of all knowledge, and her rather cynical and logical outlook on life and people, despite her seeming playfulness. She, would do anything for the sake of knowledge, and her curiosity drives her to meddle in quite a number of affairs, especially ones that offer the most entertainment value. For the most part, they are likely to be harmless...but perhaps, it could get everyone into trouble one day. Above all though, her desire is simple: Power.
Viola's past isn't that remarkable, really. Born as the sole child to a middle class family in France. Utterly normal. Nothing to complain about. Nothing at all. She went to a normal school. Had normal friends, a normal life. It was a good life, really. Loving parents, friends, family. Even so, Viola herself couldn't help but to feel...well, nothing. Utter boredom, really. She spent her days reading books, studying, looking up myths, legends, and other such things on the internet. She even went to a witch coven once just for the lulz to see how it was. Aside from being completely disappointed, she didn't achieve anything nor alleviate her boredom.
Her life continued this way until she was around fifteen.
Now, she had always had a healthy bit of skepticism about supernatural things. But one night after taking a walk through town she stumbled across something that shouldn't be. A small hint of something otherworldly. For the first time in her life, Viola felt excited. Like a gaping hole in her heart had been filled and had been replaced by one thing: A burning desire. Without a word to her parents or friends, she left, taking as much money as she could and following these scant clues until she stumbled across a run down shop, where the clues seemed to be leading her...
N/A |
50,385 | 1,354 | 2 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Lutte contre le retour
Aviva a pu entendre le courant à l'extérieur alors qu'il a été forcé contre la porte d'entrée. Lui et son père sont descendus dans les escaliers. Comme ils séparaient Aviva se leva rapidement et regarda l'homme et ses yeux retournèrent à l'intérieur. Il avait du mal à comprendre ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Est-ce que je veux y retourner? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Non, j'ai une piste libre pour la porte. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais il pleut. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Qu'est-ce que ça peut faire? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il a ensuite senti son corps s'écraser sur le sol. Aviva gémit dans la douleur alors qu'il sentit la peau au contact de la peau à sa zone nasale. "Ah!" Il a ressenti une douleur aiguë et il a goûté du sang alors que son père l'a frappé encore quelques fois avant qu'Aviva ne se levât le genou dans l'estomac de son père. Aviva a donné un coup de pied aussi fort qu'il le pouvait. Enlevant son père de lui, il s'est levé rapidement et a commencé à courir pour la porte. Il a regardé en arrière le mâle et l'homme a commencé à se lever et à poursuivre Aviva.
Placer sa main sur le mur de brique de niveau moyen et se jeter dessus. Il a atterri de l'autre côté parfaitement bien. S'il ouvrait la porte, il serait pris par l'homme plus âgé.
15 minutes après la course
Aviva était hors d'haleine de courir jusqu'à la ville de sa maison. Toux et tenir sa gorge alors qu'il était à moitié plié avec sa seule main placée sur son genou pour soutenir son corps de tomber. Il était trempé par la pluie. Rain a décidé de verser comme une rivière de ses écluses. Il respirait beaucoup, mais rapidement. La gorge d'Aviva était vraiment sèche, et il essayait juste de calmer son cœur de la course.
Il regarda dans l'air en fermant les yeux et en ouvrant la bouche. Une partie de l'eau était prise dans sa bouche. Aviva resta là pendant quelques minutes jusqu'à ce qu'il ait la tête droite et il regarda autour de lui en avalant l'eau de pluie. Il a recommencé à marcher car il ne voulait pas que l'homme l'attrape. Si l'homme plus âgé venait même après lui.
Centre commercial
Aviva a trébuché jusqu'au centre commercial de la ville où il vit depuis si longtemps. Il sourit légèrement en voyant l'endroit. Cela a ramené des souvenirs fantastiques de quand il était plus jeune. "Euh, vieil ami." Il s'est dégonflé alors qu'il reprenait son souffle, mais il voulait dire quelque chose au centre commercial. Ce qui est probablement étrange et les gens qui le regardent s'il y en a un penseraient probablement qu'il était complètement fou mentalement et qu'il aurait besoin d'aller à un asile insane après les pupilles. Combiner ses serrures mouillées avec ses doigts. Une partie de l'eau sortait de ses cheveux. Bien que la pluie ait fait gonfler les serrures avec de l'eau en quelques secondes. Soupirant, il secoua la tête regrettant un peu qu'il fuyât de chez lui.
Oddd Shop
Comme Aviva marchait le long de la rue, il regardait autour de lui et souriait légèrement. Il regardait tous les magasins où il était et les nouveaux.
Attraper son œil était un nouveau bâtiment étrange avec un nouveau panneau sur l'entrée. Il l'a regardé de haut en bas. Aviva ne pense pas qu'il n'ait jamais vu ce panneau et magasiner ici bien qu'il puisse se tromper et juste avoir raté quelque chose. Il n'est pas en ville depuis un demi-mois. Il s'est cogné la tête, il a regardé autour de lui. Montant jusqu'à la porte, il a regardé à l'intérieur et il semblait assez lumineux et intéressant.
Une nouvelle boutique signifiait de nouvelles choses pour Aviva et il était généralement un individu curieux. En ouvrant lentement la porte en bois, il entendit un creak puis un clocher. Alors qu'il entrait, la porte très fermée a presque claqué même quand il ne l'a pas touché. Il s'est frotté le poignet et a regardé autour. Cette fois, il peignait ses cheveux en essayant d'en retirer de l'eau. Aviva ne voulait pas grandir avec la maladie. Il détestait avoir des rhumes mais semblait toujours les avoir.
"Bonjour!" Appeler Aviva a regardé autour de lui puis a vu un mouvement par une étagère. Il a appelé sa tête alors qu'il regardait le mouvement. "Bonjour?" Il s'interrogea alors qu'il marchait à quelques pieds d'avance. Aviva était très prudent puisque cette boutique avait l'air un peu bizarre. Il a regardé autour de lui, et tout était dans des positions bizarres ou maladroites sur l'étagère ou non organisée. Ses sourcils sillonnaient un peu dans la confusion.
Aviva a ensuite remarqué un gars derrière un comptoir qui dormait ou ne s'occupait pas d'une chose dans le monde. Il a hurlé et il savait ce qu'il ressentait en ce moment. Aviva était un peu fatiguée aussi. Surtout de courir si loin de chez lui et d'aller si loin jusqu'à la ville où il vit. Il s'est emparé de sa manche puis a essuyé le sang qu'il avait senti sur sa lèvre. "Uhm..." Il regarda la personne. "Avez-vous un chiffon ou quelque chose pour un nez ensanglanté?" Aviva a demandé poliment car il ne voulait pas réveiller le mâle. Bien qu'il semblait à Aviva qu'il n'allait pas obtenir une réponse. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,386 | 1,354 | 3 | 1,724 | 3,156 | L'essai
L'homme jetterait un coup d'œil sur Aviva comme s'il ne dormait pas depuis le début. Il allait atteindre sous le comptoir et mettre une boîte ouverte de tissus sur le comptoir pour Aviva. "Ça fait un moment que j'ai des clients..." il disait d'une voix basse. Inconnu d'Aviva en même temps ce qui semblerait être un homme identique que celui au comptoir allait taper Viola sur l'épaule "Tout ce que je peux vous aider avec mademoiselle?" Il lui demanderait. Comme si l'homme était à deux endroits en même temps, ou juste des jumeaux identiques. Il serait difficile de savoir si l'on pouvait voir les deux en même temps. Inconnue des deux dans le magasin, la porte se verrouillait silencieusement, elle pouvait être ouverte mais seulement de l'extérieur. Tu piéges tous ceux qui entrent. Les deux hommes se frottaient le menton alors qu'ils écoutaient tout ce que Viola et Aviva auraient à dire avant de dire soudainement aux deux "Depuis que ça fait un moment que j'ai eu des clients... Je vais faire un marché spécial aujourd'hui.. vous pouvez choisir un article dans le magasin et peut-être l'avoir gratuitement" dit-il simplement.
C'était un simple test, car il y avait dix objets dans le magasin qui tenaient le pouvoir magique à l'intérieur d'eux. S'ils avaient choisi l'un d'eux parce qu'ils sentaient quelque chose, alors ils auraient passé. Mais s'ils choisissent autre chose, il considérerait que c'était juste une erreur qu'ils sont arrivés. Les dix articles consisteraient en un collier bleu bijouté, une petite baguette en bois avec différentes sculptures, un simple gant blanc avec un cercle alchimie sur le dos, une dague noire complète avec des marques rouges sur le côté de la lame, Un rouleau qui a dessin de 'cercles magiques', Une petite bague en argent qui ressemble au dieu dragon de l'infinité de la mythologie, un monocle avec des gravures presque invisibles dans le verre, un petit totem sculpté en forme de monstres, une carte à jouer qui a le dieu nordique Thor sur lui, et enfin une simple robe blanche avec une croix sur elle.
ces articles seraient dispersés dans la boutique, certains sous la jonque, tandis que d'autres sur les étagères en vue. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,387 | 1,354 | 4 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Aviva a regardé que le gardien de magasin masculin a sorti une boîte de tissus déjà ouverts de sous le comptoir. Il en a été très reconnaissant. -- Oh, merci, merci beaucoup, monsieur. Il s'inclina légèrement la tête alors qu'il saisit environ deux tissus et tenta d'arrêter l'hémorragie du nez. "Je ne veux pas être un tel fardeau." Il chuchotait presque pour que quelqu'un d'autre entende.
La prochaine chose que le make shop keeper a dit a surpris Aviva beaucoup car il a fait Aviva incliner sa tête d'une manière confuse pendant quelques instants. Il a arrêté ses mots alors qu'il essayait de penser à ce qu'il voulait dire. "Je ne sais pas... je ne pourrais pas." Aviva a déclaré sa réponse alors qu'il frottait l'arrière de son cou. Il ne voulait pas être impoli envers le propriétaire du magasin, même s'il ne voulait rien prendre gratuitement. "Je paierai si je choisis quelque chose... je dois te rembourser un peu..." Aviva a tourné la tête sur son épaule alors qu'il regardait les différentes choses sur les étagères et a légèrement hissé la tête.
Il a regardé autour du magasin en voyant un tas d'objets non organisés et d'objets sur les étagères qui étaient tordus avec des rayonnages. Il soupirait et laissait son corps se détendre un peu, il se sentait légèrement calme en ce moment. Des objets sans valeur et de haute valeur assis sur les étagères aussi bien ensemble. En regardant en arrière le gardien de magasin, il s'est secoué la tête en léger désaccord. "Très bien..." il a dit deuxième devinant lui-même. "Je choisirai quelque chose... Bien que si c'est cher de me le dire et que je paierai pour ça..." Il a déclaré qu'il ne voyait rien avoir une vraie étiquette de prix dessus. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Peut-être un magasin de commerce? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Qui sait? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Aviva était un peu gêné qu'il ait accepté de choisir quelque chose dans les étagères. Il avait l'impression de voler à l'intérieur? En interne, c'est ce qu'il ressentait, mais il savait qu'il ne devait pas se sentir ainsi.
Aviva fit quelques pas quand son corps se tourna vers l'unité de rayonnage qui se trouvait juste derrière lui. Tilting sa tête regardant les objets sur l'étagère, il a hurlé sa tête avec intérêt et de la pensée. Il s'est regardé et a vérifié ce qu'il avait déjà sur lui. Une veste noire avec des rayures jaunes sur les épaules et autour des aisselles avec des manches pleines qui ont été tiré vers le haut avec un intérieur rouge, un collier avec une corde noire et un petit bijou en or avec quelque chose gravé dedans, deux gants de conduite, une chemise blanche avec un pantalon noir, des bottes de combat noir armée, et une ceinture qui était là. Il s'est légèrement craqué le cou. Il se baisait légèrement la lèvre. Il avait l'impression d'avoir déjà assez de trucs, surtout qu'il fuyait déjà de chez lui.
Aviva descendit du côté gauche de l'unité de rayonnage alors qu'il ramassait des objets et les étudiait lorsqu'il cueillait et remettait les choses. Il a fini par prendre une carte à jouer qui avait le dieu Norse Thor dessus. Il a appelé sa tête. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Pourquoi une seule carte? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il a interrogé en interne avant de le poser et est allé dans une autre section de la boutique. En traversant une boîte de choses, il a trouvé de la poussière, des papiers et une vieille chose avec des cercles dessus. Qu'il n'a même pas vérifié, il s'est retourné et a commencé à regarder d'autres choses. Il a ensuite vu une dague noire complète avec des marques rouges sur le côté de la lame, et il a pris l'œil tout de suite. Aviva est montée jusqu'à l'arme et l'a soigneusement ramassée. "C'est combien?" Aviva s'interrogea alors qu'il regardait en arrière le magasinier. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,388 | 1,354 | 5 | 1,724 | 3,156 | L'homme regardait en haut d'être de retour à son bureau vers Aviva. "Comme je l'ai dit... vous pouvez une chose ici gratuitement" il se contente de répéter. -- C'est ce que vous choisissez? demande-t-il. L'homme sourirait à l'arrière de son esprit, pensant qu'il pourrait en avoir un nouveau. La plupart ont abandonné pendant son entraînement donc il a dû chercher beaucoup de nouveaux à prendre ou sinon les autres Maîtres l'endommageraient qui l'agitait beaucoup. Il a simplement attendu qu'Aviva fasse son choix, toujours en disant la même chose si Aviva demandait un prix. La vérité n'était rien dans ce magasin avait un prix, il était tout simplement utilisé pour les tests, la moitié de ce n'était même pas réel. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,389 | 1,354 | 6 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
L'expression d'Aviva différait quand il entendait la réponse de l'homme étrange. Décelant cette réponse, il secoua la tête d'une manière en désaccord et s'empare de l'air. À l'intérieur de sa bouche, il gémissait légèrement dans un peu d'ennui. Respirant lourdement ses épaules un peu tendues comme les autres parties de son corps l'ont fait.
Un peu d'Aviva s'est moqué du mâle. "Et, comme je l'ai dit..." il s'est arrêté un moment pour essayer de voir comment il voulait mettre le reste de sa phrase. "Combien cela coûte-t-il vraiment?" Aviva interrogea et souleva un sourcil vers le mâle. En regardant l'arme puis en revenant sur le propriétaire Aviva semblait avoir un regard de suspicion dans ses yeux pendant un moment. Comme s'il interrogeait quelque chose.
Affinant sa tête, il regarda dans les yeux du mâle et fit un contact visuel pendant quelques minutes sans dire un mot ou laisser entendre quelqu'un l'haleine qui vient de ses poumons. Sa langue a glissé sous le dos de sa ligne de dents inférieure. Comme sa bouche a été légèrement séparée comme il a donné quelques légers clins d'œil une fois de plus. "Pourquoi laisser quelqu'un choisir une chose aléatoire dans votre magasin?" Aviva s'est interrogée et s'est rapprochée du mâle. "C'est un peu bizarre que tu dises que tu n'as pas beaucoup de costumiers... tu laisses quelqu'un entrer et choisir une chose aléatoire?" Il s'interroge davantage. Il s'est moqué de sa lèvre maintenant. Ses yeux se concentrent sur le mâle car il ne clignote pas maintenant. "N'est-ce pas mauvais pour toi? N'allez-vous pas perdre votre travail... perdre de l'argent?" Le ton de la voix d'Aviva semblait avoir une légère inquiétude par agitation.
Rouler les yeux et secouer la tête en désaccord une fois de plus. Aviva regarda le mâle comme sa langue glissa contre ses molaires de la ligne supérieure de ses dents et il s'inclina. "Oui, c'est celui que je choisis." Il mâche encore à l'intérieur de sa bouche inférieure. "Je choisis celui-ci. Aussi, je vais arrêter de vous poser des questions." Le ton de la voix d'Aviva semble s'éclaircir et se détendre. Il s'est tourné vers un ton plus doux et plus doux. "Merci pour le tissu au fait... Je vais y aller maintenant?" Aviva s'est interrogé alors qu'il prenait quelques pas en arrière. "En outre, merci pour le poignard..." Il était très reconnaissant qu'il ait pu être entendu dans sa voix bien qu'il semblait légèrement nerveux comme quelque chose allait arriver et il cligne des yeux bien que ses yeux s'ouvrent pour regarder tous les moyens qu'il pouvait sans bouger sa tête. Son corps s'est tourné vers la porte alors qu'il regardait le mâle.
Aviva ne voulait pas que la police l'appelle pour avoir volé quelque chose du magasin. Être un enfant fugueur de son père violent et être dans un poste de police pour avoir volé quelque chose dans la même nuit ainsi que d'être trempé avec un nez sanglant ne ressemble pas à la nuit où il voudrait être. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,390 | 1,354 | 7 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Le début
L'homme souriait quand il entendit Aviva dire qu'il a choisi la dague, tout d'un coup une lumière éclate et elle s'évanouit. Aviva et l'homme seraient debout dans une pièce vide, identique à avant mais sans rien dedans, sans meubles ni rien. Toutes les fenêtres de l'extérieur seraient noires. "Vous avez réussi le test" dit-il avec un chanfrein alors qu'il applaudit. "C'est vrai que je n'ai pas eu de clients... mais c'est parce que ce magasin est faux" dit-il à Aviva "Ma vraie affaire est beaucoup différente, et ce magasin n'est qu'un test.. la porte d'un nouvel avenir vous a été ouverte" L'homme marcherait vers Aviva maintenant mettant ses mains derrière son dos.
Le sourire s'estomperait "Bien que... c'est si vous le choisissez. Si vous ne le faites pas bien, vous n'aurez jamais une autre chance... Mon nom est Maître Charles Kilin et je suis un Maître de Magie » dit-il à Aviva en tirant une de ses mains de son dos et en pointant sa paume comme une boule de feu se forme soudainement au-dessus de sa main avec une chaleur intense. "La Porte s'est ouverte pour que vous appreniez la magie... vous la prendrez... ou vous perdrez cette chance pour toujours" Il dit à Aviva comme une porte semble se former hors de l'air derrière Charles. Une porte en pierre avec diverses sculptures extravagantes partout sur elle. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,391 | 1,354 | 8 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Un blanc aveuglant s'est formé dans les yeux d'Aviva alors qu'il tentait de couvrir la lumière devant ses yeux pour voir. Il ne pouvait pas avant que ça s'estompe. La vue d'Aviva étant mise au point, il pouvait voir qu'il était dans une pièce vide identique à la pièce qu'il était dans le magasin où le propriétaire lui a donné cette dague dans ses mains.
Il se rendit compte qu'il avait entre ses mains qu'il entendait la voix apaisante du propriétaire du magasin et que ses sourcils sillonnaient légèrement car Aviva était confus sur ce qui se passait. Battre le cœur et le sang du jeune homme s'est développé... en pantoufle... en pantoufle... plus fort... plus rapide. Ce sentiment accablant s'est développé à l'intérieur d'Aviva alors que les mots des hommes de magasin ont brisé le silence et Aviva s'est retourné sur son talon en regardant le mâle tout de suite.
C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .Passé quel test?. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .à l'intérieur de son esprit courait avec des pensées et des résultats différents à cette situation. Aviva ne savait pas vraiment comment gérer une situation comme celle-ci. Aviva semblait rester calme. Comme il respirait le souffle pouvait être entendu comme il était lourd et clair. En serrant le poignard aussi fort qu'il le pouvait, ses mains s'ébranlaient légèrement d'être si tendues. Ses yeux mystiques regardaient de nouveau dans l'étrange individu. En ouvrant sa bouche pour dire quelque chose il semblait que sa langue était coupée ses lèvres semées ensemble. Ses lèvres se fermèrent alors qu'il regardait le mâle. Aviva ne savait vraiment pas quoi dire à cet homme.
C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .Un nouvel avenir?. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ses sourcils se montrèrent sillonner comme le mâle disait ces mots. Aviva pouvait entendre son propre battement de cœur continuer à courir. Son propre corps reste tendu et peu sûr de cette situation. "Comment ça?" Il interrogea doucement l'homme avec des préoccupations légèrement confuses dans son ton.
Aviva a remarqué que le mâle marchait vers lui. Il recula élégamment en regardant son poids qu'il pouvait contrôler son poids et physiquement probablement utiliser le poids de son adversaire contre eux. "Cette lumière... m'a-t-elle téléportée?" Aviva a demandé que ses yeux restent concentrés sur les hommes comme s'il ne faisait pas confiance à l'étranger qu'il était dans la pièce vide avec qui n'avait pas de fenêtres... portes... Exits d'aucune sorte.
Il a certainement été remarqué que le corps d'Aviva était extrêmement tendu comme le moment. Mais il ne semblait pas avoir peur de lui. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Si tu l'as choisi. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. les mots résonnaient dans la tête d'Aviva. Déplacement de son corps, il roula les épaules alors qu'il se déplaçait trois autres pas en arrière, se créant lui-même pour se déplacer légèrement circulairement autour de l'étranger qui s'identifiait maintenant comme Maître Charles Kilin de Magie. Ces sentiments en lui. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Aviva se sentait en sécurité bien qu'il l'ait beaucoup submergé. "Maître...Kilin?" Aviva chuchotait alors qu'il semblait avoir un questionnement à ce sujet bien qu'il semblait qu'il testait le nom en mots.
Une boule de feu s'est alors formée dans la paume de la main des Maîtres alors qu'Aviva arrachait sa lame de la gaine mais n'osait pas la pointer sur l'individu qui contrôlait le feu. Une rupture scientifique de la physique et tout ce qu'il savait vient de changer d'avis. Il avait tellement de questions de celle-ci. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. "Miracle...". C'est ce que j'ai dit. Aviva parlait doucement et tranquillement en regardant la paume du mâle.
C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Tu veux bien le prendre? C'est ce que j'ai dit. .respirant fortement au fur et à mesure qu'il commençait à augmenter rapidement. Le sang a commencé à pomper plus fort qu'il ne l'a jamais fait. Devant ses yeux, il ne croyait pas ce qui venait de se passer, même s'il le croyait. Regarder la porte de pierre apparaître avec des sculptures extravagantes partout dans le cadre de la pierre. Il est apparu de l'air mince comme il s'est construit dans le matériel physique. Aviva regarda droit dans les yeux du mâle et regarda la porte puis retourna vers le Maître. "...Y..." il a arrêté ses mots. -- Oui. Aviva répond alors qu'il remet le poignard dans la gaine. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,392 | 1,354 | 9 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Le sourire réapparaîtrait sur l'homme encore plus grand qu'avant alors qu'il écrase la boule de feu au-dessus de sa paume et marche sur le côté "Puis, prenez le premier pas" il dit comme la porte de pierre extravagante frissonne, de petites quantités de poussière qui tombent dessus comme si elle n'avait pas été ouverte depuis longtemps. La porte commence à s'ouvrir vers l'extérieur, la lumière inonde de l'autre côté, il remplirait la porte rendant impossible de voir ce qui est de l'autre côté. L'homme était content qu'Aviva ait fait le bon choix, il n'a pas été surpris que le garçon ait pensé à utiliser le poignard contre lui, mais ce ne serait pas grave s'il le faisait. Si le garçon l'avait attaqué, il pourrait l'incinérer avant de s'approcher d'un pied.
L'homme suivrait Aviva s'il franchissait la porte. De l'autre côté serait une salle de marbre extravagante, ressemblant presque à un temple. Grec comme des piliers tenant le plafond, des statues géantes tapissant les murs. Un total de dix statues de différentes personnes hommes et femmes en différentes tenues. Petites plaques de pierre au fond de chacune avec des mots sur eux, bien qu'illisibles de la distance qu'ils sont d'eux. Une statue à droite, la statue du milieu, aurait l'air identique à Charles debout à côté d'Aviva.
Ils seraient sur une petite plate-forme haute dans la pièce, la tête au niveau des statues, avec seulement le chemin vers le bas étant un long escalier. Dans ce nouvel endroit Aviva se sentirait comme si un poids venait de tomber sur tout son corps, un étrange sentiment inconfortable se répandant dans tout son corps comme s'il y avait quelque chose de nouveau dans son corps. C'était simplement parce que la densité de la mana ici, étant des centaines de fois plus grande que sur terre. Kilin attendait quelques secondes à regarder Aviva comme il s'habitue avant de commencer les marches, les portes de pierre se fermant derrière eux. "Bienvenue... à ton avenir... un nouveau monde plein de magie et de monstres" dit-il à Aviva en marchant. "J'ai bien peur que maintenant vous ayez fait ce choix, il n'y a pas de retour en arrière.. vous ne pouvez pas rentrer chez vous à moins que vous maîtrisiez la magie." "Chacun de ces gens sont les maîtres originaux de la magie.. ceux qui ont créé ce monde pour une raison ou une autre.. vous en apprendrez plus sur cela plus tard, car ce n'est pas important. Ce qui est important, c'est de trouver un endroit où rester et trouver de la nourriture. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,393 | 1,354 | 10 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Regarder la boule de feu disparaître dans l'air mince. Aviva a regardé le mâle prendre des mesures sur le côté en disant quelque chose qui a été dirigé vers la porte de pierre extravagante. Tilting sa tête Aviva a laissé un souffle qui a été entendu comme il s'est transformé en un léger soupir. Tandis que des lumières éclataient de la porte, il couvrit ses yeux en sifflant légèrement à la douleur qu'elle apportait à ses orbes.
Aviva est ensuite entré dans la porte en sachant que c'est ce que Maître Kilin voulait qu'il fasse. Comme il l'a fait, il est entré dans une merveilleuse salle de marbre. Comme celui du temple, vu dans les livres d'histoire de l'école. En regardant autour des piliers grecs tenait le plafond de l'envahissement, statues géantes surplombant les murs... Dix statues se tenaient de différentes personnes qui semblaient anciennes des deux sexes. Aviva s'est approché d'une personne qui semblait familière. Une statue qui se tenait à droite au milieu. Comme il a intitulé sa tête Aviva regarda Maître Kilin et sourit légèrement. « C'est vous... » commenta-t-il tranquillement. En retournant à la statue, il se hoche légèrement la tête en s'éloignant de quelques pas en se tournant vers l'endroit où se dirigeait le Maître.
Aviva marchait à côté du Maître de Magie alors qu'il le regardait regarder ses expressions faciales. Il regardait autour des murs et des plafonds qui semblaient être tombés à des kilomètres dans le sol. Alors qu'Aviva marchait devant un long escalier, il commença à suivre le mâle lentement. Ce sentiment de poids physique tombant sur l'ensemble du corps d'Aviva l'a englouti. C'était étrangement mal à l'aise, contrairement à l'écrasante sensation qu'il avait dans la pièce vide. Aviva n'a pas aimé se sentir comme ça. Ne sachant pas pourquoi il a ressenti ce sentiment, il a juste essayé de l'ignorer sans parler en ce moment. Bien qu'Aviva ait continué à regarder ses mains pendant que sa vision allait légèrement flou puis retour à se concentrer, il répéterait ce cycle encore quelques fois avant qu'il s'y adapte complètement. En entendant le discours de maître Aviva a montré qu'il écoutait pendant qu'il regardait Kilin. "Magic et monstres?" Aviva s'interroge légèrement sarcastiquement alors qu'il sourit légèrement. Rester tranquille maintenant alors qu'il écoutait l'homme parler de plus de mots. Aviva a hurlé la tête d'une manière à l'écoute alors qu'il attendait son tour pour s'engager dans cette conversation. "Connaissable. Eh bien, je me fiche de rentrer chez moi." Aviva se déclare comme ses yeux semblent remplir d'une obscurité en eux. Alors qu'il se souvenait de ce qu'il venait de fuir et de ce qui s'est passé, ses sourcils se sont sillonnés et il a regardé loin du mâle devant lui.
En regardant le maître avec intérêt pendant qu'il parlait. Aviva a intitulé sa tête un peu "Maîtres d'origine"? Aviva interrogea et fit quelques pas vers Maître Kilin. "Est-ce que tu en es un? Je veux dire que vous avez la stature là-bas..." Aviva a regardé les escaliers puis de retour au Maître Kilin. Aviva gémit légèrement en roulant ses épaules "Mhm...Tout est important d'une manière ou d'une autre cela dépend juste si vous choisissez de le prendre comme une chose importante ou non." Aviva commente la déclaration « pas important » de l'individu qu'il parle aussi."Ah, maintenant ça a l'air sympa." Affinant sa tête et souriant légèrement Aviva regarda droit dans les yeux de Maître Kilin "Maintenant où serait-ce?" Il a posé des questions. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,394 | 1,354 | 11 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Charles soulevait un sourcil comme il voyait comment Aviva s'en allait alors ses commentaires ont fait Charles soupir secouant la tête « Oui, je suis l'un des peuples fondateurs de ce monde, et comme je l'ai dit, ce n'est pas important. Le passé est le passé » dit-il simplement « Ce que l'on devrait regarder est l'avenir, ou tout ce qu'ils trouveront est la douleur et l'horreur » il dirait regarder Aviva avant de passer par une grande arche vers l'extérieur. Ils seraient dans ce qui ressemblait à un petit village ancien, un mur de bois autour d'entourer le village, divers bâtiments de pierre et de bois. La route étant de la terre, des chariots allant et venant comme les gens vont et viennent des différents magasins et à l'extérieur du village.
Bien que les chevaux ne tireraient aucun des chariots à la place ce serait des bêtes étranges de différentes sortes. Celui qui ressemble à un rhinocéros sauf que c'est la corne s'aplatit comme une pelle à la fin et est beaucoup plus grand. Il y avait même ce qui ressemblait à de petites personnes écorchées qui couraient autour, avec des oreilles pointues et un nez légèrement incliné. Ce seraient des gobelins, transportant diverses caisses de certains chariots aux magasins. Charles marcherait vers une structure qui est la moitié inférieure est faite de pierre tandis que le sommet, qui s'étend vers l'extérieur plus loin créant un surplomb, serait fait de bois. Un panneau serait accroché au-dessus de la porte avec l'image d'un œuf dans un nid avec un lézard étrange enveloppé autour. "C'est ici que nous allons rester et obtenir une bouchée.. c'est une auberge" il dit simplement l'évidence.
Dès qu'ils entrent, ce qui était une salle bruyante devient soudain calme puisque beaucoup de gens assis à des tables de l'autre côté de la salle se tournent vers l'entrée des nouveaux arrivants. Tout d'un coup, ils se levaient et criaient "Bienvenue de retour Maître!" Tout d'un coup, ils étaient très formels comme s'ils s'occupaient de la royauté, certains avaient des visages effrayés comme si un cauchemar venait de revenir. Charles semble simplement les ignorer en marchant vers l'avant, en regardant en arrière à Aviva « Ce sont vos anciens supérieurs comme je suppose que vous pourriez l'appeler » dit-il « Tout le monde dans ce monde en dehors des dix premiers.. sont tous des gens que nous avons pris comme apprentis dans ce monde... Cela ne signifie pas qu'aucun d'entre eux n'a maîtrisé la magie pas beaucoup comme ceux en face de vous a abandonné et a décidé de vivre ici pour toujours dans ce monde, mais cela ne signifie pas non plus qu'ils ne connaissent aucune magie.. ils ont assez pour vivre et combattre les monstres qui courent amok" Charles se détournerait pour Aviva quand ils ont atteint le comptoir.
Une femme sortait avec des oreilles de chat, elle saluerait poliment Charles comme tous les autres, mais elle n'avait pas du tout peur. "Deux assiettes de dîner et deux chambres" il dit simplement qu'elle hoche la tête et produit deux clés les donnant à Charles "Le repas sera dehors dans un instant" elle parle. Charles se dirigeait vers une table vide assise « Bien que la plupart des monstres de ce monde aient été faits par nous. » dit-il en revenant sur le sujet à portée de main. « Nous avons créé diverses créatures juste pour satisfaire notre curiosité, en utilisant la magie pour combiner diverses créatures et créer de nouvelles espèces. » il dit "que nous permettons simplement de courir et de vivre dans ce monde comme tout le reste"
Après quelques minutes, la femme sortait de l'arrière-salle et mettait deux assiettes et deux bols sur la table "Le repas de ce soir se compose de steak Dragon, fraîchement pris, et la soupe aux pommes d'Ent aînée" La femme dirait avant de partir. Charles commençait à penser à quel manque de régiment d'entraînement il allait faire passer Aviva. À ce moment-là, toutes les personnes ont commencé à retourner à leur propre entreprise, mais toujours regarder dans leur direction de temps en temps. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,395 | 1,354 | 12 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Aviva a entendu le signe du mâle alors qu'il s'y intéressait, il a regardé le mâle. Il avait l'air d'avoir quelques questions, mais il ne les parlait pas à haute voix. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .Le passé est le passé... "Mais... c'est celui qui vous fait dans le futur et si vous oubliez simplement le passé, vous vous oubliez vous-même." Aviva commente alors qu'il murmure cela sous son souffle.
Entrée d'une porte vers l'extérieur maintenant. Aviva regarde autour de lui un petit village avec un mur en bois autour de lui, différents travaux de menuiserie sur les bâtiments (pierres et bois), chemins de terre remplis de chariots allant dans toutes les directions, et divers magasins et créatures.
"Beau" Aviva dit alors qu'il s'approchait d'une créature étrange. Qu'il était garé par un magasin alors que les individus transportaient des paquets du chariot au magasin. Il se tenait là, regardant la créature dans les yeux. Aviva s'est approché, mais il n'a pas osé s'approcher de cette créature dont il ne connaissait rien.
Tournant son corps Aviva a réalisé qu'il était loin de Maître Kilin car il a remarqué que le mâle était déjà sur la route. Aviva s'est précipitée et s'est précipitée vers le mâle qui l'amenait dans cette dimension, le monde, etc. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit.
Tilting sa tête légèrement à droite comme il semblait avoir quelque chose pris son oeil. C'était un signe avec un œuf dans un nid avec un étrange lézard enveloppé autour de lui sculpté dans le signe en bois. "Mhm... Je n'ai pas remarqué. Je pensais certainement que c'était une grotte." Aviva a répondu à la déclaration de Charles Kilins avec une remarque sarcastique et un sourire pour aller avec elle.
Entendre les bruits de bavardage, les coups de poids sous les pas, l'argenterie contre la vaisselle, et d'autres bruits. Aviva suivit après l'entrée de Charles Kilin. "Bienvenue de retour Maître" des voix joyeuses criaient suivi avec des visages terrifiés.
J'ai vu Charles Kilin. Aviva semblait tendue à ces expressions faciales de certains individus dans la pièce. Il avait l'air d'entrer dans un endroit où il n'était pas à l'aise ou ne pouvait pas faire confiance.
-- Maintenant, s'ils ont décidé de vivre ici, pourquoi ont-ils l'air si malheureux? Aviva s'interrogea alors qu'il brouillait les mots. Habituellement, il n'a pas de filtre sur lui-même dans des situations comme celle-ci. Il a été l'un pour voir la douleur d'une personne plus facile puis voir le bonheur.
On a remarqué qu'une femelle avait des oreilles sur le dessus de sa tête. Il a intitulé sa tête un peu comme il regardait ces deux formes de fourrure. Ne pas écouter ce que Charles Kilin a dit à la femme. Aviva semblait beaucoup plus intéressée par la raison pour laquelle elle avait des oreilles sur la tête. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est vrai? C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. en interne se questionnant lui-même.
Aviva s'est rendu compte qu'il la fixait longtemps et qu'il semblait embarrassé et qu'il se sentait malpoli. J'ai prêté attention à Maître Kilin. L'autre homme a commencé à parler. "Comme c'est charmant de ta part. D'habitude, les gens mettaient juste leurs créations dans une cage et l'appelaient un jour. » Il s'est un peu bagarré en souriant à l'autre mâle. "Maintenant, la vraie question est. Pourquoi faire un monde comme celui-ci?" Aviva a posé la question comme il semblait un peu intéressé par sa question.
Notant que la femme aux oreilles de chat sortit de nouveau, il la regarda dans les yeux cette fois. Pour être plus poli alors sa première impression. Comme elle l'a dit. Il a appelé sa tête à gauche comme il semblait confus. "Le steak dragon... l'aulne?" Il a posé des questions. "Attends... nous mangeons des arbres qui viennent en vie?" Aviva semble un peu préoccupé par le bol de soupe. Il savait ce qu'était un Ent et ça l'inquiétait juste ce qu'il allait mettre dans sa bouche. "Je ne sais pas si c'est..." il s'est arrêté "Édible pour moi." Il sourit : "Qu'est-ce que tu essaies de m'empoisonner?" à Charles Kilin. Alors qu'il le fixait. Aviva a huffé et a regardé la femelle "Merci". Il s'est bourdonné alors qu'il ramassait l'annonce de la cuillère et qu'il tournait la soupe dans le bol. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,396 | 1,354 | 13 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Charles soupirait de toutes les questions qu'Aviva continuait à lui lancer, de la conversation en retour, et des commentaires sarcastiques. "Le moment où vous êtes venu ici, votre passé n'a plus d'importance, c'est vrai que le passé vous fait qui vous êtes... mais quand vous vivez pendant des milliers d'années, cela n'a plus d'importance" dit-il simplement à Aviva. avant de continuer "Ils ont l'air malheureux parce qu'à chaque fois qu'ils me voient, ils se souviennent de l'enfer que je leur ai passé pendant l'entraînement... le même enfer que je vais vous faire subir" il secoue la tête "Bien que à ce rythme je vais monter le régiment d'entraînement" il dit mal.
Charles prenait une bouchée de son steak "Nous avons fait ce monde parce que nous ne pouvions pas être libres sur la terre.. il nous a ennuyés et nous ne voulions pas prendre la peine de prendre le monde pour que nous venons de faire le nôtre" il a rétréci ses yeux sur la façon dont Aviva ne mangeait pas "Vous aurez besoin de manger, la plupart des aliments ici sont faits à partir des ingrédients des monstres, et ce n'est pas un arbre ou de l'écorce, c'est une soupe de pomme" dit-il "L'application vient juste de venir d'un Ent aîné, qui est un monstre de classe trois.. ils nous donnent leurs meilleurs ingrédients pour nous honorer" il lui dit. "Si vous ne mangez pas, vous ne me respectez pas seulement, mais les gens qui ont cuisiné cette nourriture pour nous à manger, aussi vous aurez besoin d'un repas chaud dans votre ventre avant que votre entraînement commence" il continuerait à manger après qu'il a fini de parler.
Il ne parlait pas tant qu'il n'avait pas fini son repas "Oui aussi, ces oreilles étaient réelles, c'est un vrai Neko comme certains diraient sur terre" dit-il "Une des races de personnes créées dans ce monde, chacun d'entre nous a créé une race d'êtres avec les monstres" il dit "Ainsi c'est dix espèces d'humanoïdes qui courent autour... Elfes, Nains, Bêtes, vous le dites nous l'avons probablement" il s'assoirait en pensant avant de reparler, "Vous allez apprendre les bases de la dure voie... à travers la vie et les luttes de la mort" il dit simplement "on là où je n'interfère pas même si vos membres sont arrachés de votre corps". | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,397 | 1,354 | 14 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Aviva a jeté un coup d'œil sur Charles Kilin alors qu'il jouait avec sa nourriture. En contact visuel avec le mâle plus âgé, il a hurlé la tête avant d'essayer une partie de la soupe. "Je ne voudrais manquer de respect à personne maintenant." Il a commenté avant de mettre la cuillère pleine de soupe de pomme d'Ent aîné dans sa bouche. Il l'a balancé dans la bouche, puis l'a avalé. Il a hurlé sur les paroles du mâle. Quelques minutes de silence passèrent. Aviva n'a pas regardé le maître de la magie, mais il a juste joué avec sa nourriture comme il soupirait. "Mhm. J'ai été en enfer et en retour... Je pense que ça va aller." La voix calme d'Aviva semblait s'enfler dans une voix lourde pendant qu'il parlait.
Écouter les raisons du mâle pour créer le monde avec les autres. Aviva sourit qui était un peu forcé, mais il retourna tout de suite manger. En essayant un peu de steak de dragon, son visage s'est brouillé un peu. C'était une saveur de dégustation unique. Il l'a avalé, même si ce n'était pas son goût préféré. « Intéressant... aromatisant... » dit-il en poussant l'assiette loin de son bol de soupe ent. "Je préfère la soupe." Il commenta alors qu'il regardait légèrement vers Kilin. Aviva avait l'impression qu'il ne pouvait pas le regarder en ce moment pour une raison quelconque.
Aviva pouvait sentir son cœur se précipiter et le sang se précipiter dans ses veines alors qu'il continuait à penser à différents résultats et situations se faisant tout travailler à l'intérieur. Il roulait les épaules pour qu'ils craquent, il toussait un peu sa bouche avec le dos de sa main droite.
« D'habitude, je ne mange pas avant de trop m'entraîner. Depuis que je me déplace et que j'ai un ventre plein me fait vomir plus d'une fois. » Aviva commente alors qu'il prend quelques autres cuillères pleines de sa soupe ent. Il jouait encore et encore avec la nourriture. "J'aime vraiment cette soupe." Aviva sourit vraiment alors qu'il continue de sourire.
"Quelles espèces avez-vous créées?" Aviva semblait un peu intéressé par le titre de sa tête à sa question. "Donc, ma vie ne change pas du tout... et ce sera la même chose qu'elle était sur terre." Aviva a hurlé et a hurlé la tête alors qu'il semblait penser à quelque chose. En prenant encore quelques cuillères de la soupe, il regarda Charles Kilin. "Lovely, eh bien, commençons l'entraînement." Aviva a déclaré qu'il se levait et regardait le maître. "Je ne suis pas bon à parler... alors, je préfère bouger." Aviva a commenté alors qu'il commençait à s'étirer. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |
50,398 | 1,354 | 15 | 1,724 | 3,156 | Charles le regardait pendant qu'il parlait et quand il se levait Charles soupirait à nouveau "..Reason Je dis que vous avez besoin d'un repas.. parce que c'est le dernier que je vais fournir" il dit simplement "Le moment où votre entraînement commence, je vais vous jeter dans le bois entouré de créatures magiques et d'autres bêtes" il dit à Aviva "et voir comment vous survivez" Charles regarderait l'un des autres mécènes aléatoires dans la pièce "Vous venez ici et montrez au garçon votre Grimoire" il dirait. L'homme à qui il parlait se levait soudain et se prosternait en disant: «Oui monsieur!» il marchait à leur table et mettait sa main dehors, paume faisant face vers le haut et parlant comme une incantation « Par la puissance dans mon sang, manifeste et accorde-moi la puissance » serait parlée d'un ton étrange qui sentait qu'il était plein de puissance. L'homme mettait le pouvoir magique dans ses mots, comme l'énergie s'agiterait hors de sa main avant soudain comme un poof de fumée un tome épais apparaîtrait dans l'air, il aurait une couverture rouge et noire. Avec deux axes de bataille qui traversent le front.
"C'est un Grimoire" Charles dirait "C'est là que commence votre départ.. vous devez réveiller votre Grimoire, les mots utilisés pour l'appeler diffèrent d'une personne à l'autre." Il agitait l'homme avant de continuer "J'allais commencer l'entraînement demain après que vous ayez eu une bonne nuit de sommeil et un bon repas.. mais depuis votre si avide.. bye" dit-il avant de se casser les doigts provoquant toute la vision d'Aviva à devenir noir.
Après ce qui semblait être quelques secondes, la vision d'Aviva reviendrait pour se retrouver au milieu d'une forêt, des arbres presque aussi grands que le séquoia, mais seulement aussi épais que le chêne. L'herbe à ses pieds serait à mi-chemin jusqu'à ses genoux, quelques plantes étranges comme des plantes dispersées autour à la base de certains arbres. Il était dans un territoire nouveau et inconnu sans aucun signe du maître. Il y aurait un étang au nord à environ un quart de mille. Montagnes à l'ouest à environ un mille de distance avec différentes grottes. Alors que la forêt semble s'étirer dans les autres directions. | Name: Master Charles Kilin
Age: unkown
Talent: unknown
Grimoire Appearance: Unknown
Personality: One can hardly tell what this master is thinking, one moment he could seem kind but next minute you are in Spartan training to the edge of death but not being allowed to cross it.
History: Unknown
Other: |
50,399 | 1,354 | 16 | 2,759 | 249 | Aviva
Là-bas, il écoutait les paroles du mâle. "Intérêt... donc, tu vas me mettre dans un endroit avec des créatures magiques et des bêtes pour me déchirer." Il a hurlé la tête. "Je ne vais plus jamais faire confiance à un autre gardien de magasin." Il s'est moqué de Charles Kilin. On dirait d'essayer de taquiner et d'éclaircir l'humeur. Même si Aviva prenait tout ça très au sérieux. Ce qu'on pourrait dire en regardant ses yeux... qui ont ouvert la porte à ses émotions réelles. Je regarde un garçon qui s'approche d'eux. Aviva s'intéresse et écoute en regardant le grimoire apparaître sous ses yeux. "Un livre..." Il a hurlé. "Un bon puits, c'est charmant. Un livre de sorts. C'est ce que je prends." Aviva a commenté et a serré ses épaules. Bien qu'il ait étudié le livre et tracé ses doigts dessus. "C'est un livre incroyable, cependant. Ne vous moquez pas de mes mots sarcastiques." Il sourit au garçon en essayant d'obtenir une sensation de réchauffement de l'autre jeune homme. Il ne voulait pas l'offenser.
À l'écoute de Charles, il a hurlé. "Donc, je dois juste comprendre ce qu'est mon grimoire. Plus facile a dit que c'était fait. S'il y a des livres de fantaisie que j'ai lus, ce n'est pas si facile d'avoir un grimoire, surtout si vous n'avez pas de pouvoirs M. Kilin. » Aviva a dit cela avec un ton sérieux puis sarcastique se dirigeant vers la fin. "Vous avez littéralement pris un humain normal hors des rues qui vient de fuir ses parents. Je l'ai placé dans ce monde et c'est comme si je t'avais mis dans une poursuite d'oie et une mission suicidaire! » Il a été coupé quand tout est devenu vide.
Aviva se réveilla dans la haute herbe avec des arbres imposants au-dessus de sa vision. Il s'est frotté la tête alors qu'il gémissait et regardait autour de lui. Lentement assis et regardant autour de lui, il sillonna son front. Il grandit légèrement, puis se leva. "Je ne vais plus jamais faire confiance aux propriétaires de magasins." Il siffla et, debout sur ses pieds, il frappa l'arbre le plus proche de lui. "Je déteste les gens... pourquoi je parle même!" Il a crié à haute voix comme il se sentait autour de lui. Il n'a pas senti le poignard. "Est-ce qu'il l'a pris?" Il se prosterna alors qu'il voyait des parties d'herbe près de lui qui s'éloignaient d'être droites. Il a trouvé le poignard qu'il a choisi dans le magasin.
Il s'est ébranlé la tête en tournant autour d'Aviva. "Mhm. Eh bien, si les choses tournent mal il y a toujours..." Il s'est bourdonné puis a attaché le poignard à sa ceinture. Soupirant... Regarder autour de la région pour avoir une bonne vue du terrain où il a été placé. La forêt semblait étrangement calme... un peu à calme. Il regardait autour de lui, puis il se blottit les épaules. Aviva était parfaitement calme alors qu'il commençait à marcher dans une direction nord-est. | Name
Aviva Dira Nefili
Aviva stands at a height of 6'1''. . . A strong build with skinny muscles. He is pretty strong though in a normal sense of speaking. He has darker skin for he is from Middle Eastern Heritage. His eye's black sometimes very dark brown seeming to some. His eyes are very gentle and mysterious. As they reflect everything he looks at. Dark brown hair that curls widely.
Nature , Light, Healing
First Spells
Nature Causing a seed to sprout 'S'sarg'
Light - Being able to focus sun rays in a certain spot (To cause fires or an object to heat up) 'Yar di"
Healing - Healing small wounds / not letting them get infected 'Ht' L eah'
Aviva is a very laid-back gentle guy at first appearance might come off quiet and approachable. He is a very approachable character indeed. He always has a smile across his face and he tries to respect others as much as he can. Once in comfortable positions with you he will show a more humour toned attitude and maybe talking a little more. He is very kind hearted and a fragile speaker.
But....don'to't let the kindness fool you.
Aviva can have a temper if in the right situation. Usually not having a temper unless somebody is hurting somebody else. He can also be very pushing away not wanting people to get to close to him. He is usually a good collected person with himself and others. Very outgoing as well.
Aviva grew up in an extremely dysfunctional household which didn't help they had money problems. A stay at home mother that cleaned the whole house from top to bottom each day, made all meals, made dessert, and even did the yard work till Aviva was old enough to help her round the house especially the yard and fixing up the house.
Aviva's father was very rude, disrespectful and was the one to raise his hand to a child or a woman any time he was upset, wrong, or not in the right.
He tried to talk his mother out of leaving running away from the abusive man that locked them into a life they didn't deserve. His mother always rejected for fear she would be found and sent back to him if she tried running away.
From age 14 to now, Aviva has been stealing a little extra cash every time he was able to get to his father's wallet. He was preparing to run away forever and start a new life without or with his mother. He wanted her to come though she wouldn't and he knew that. At least she never told on him for stealing she always protected Aviva till he got to the age of 15 when he wouldn't let her any more.
The night he ran away and found the shop where a new interesting life began was the night him and his father got into the worst fight of his life.Bruises, screaming and things breaking. At least it wasn't bones. Aviva's mother was crying while the whole thing happened. Aviva's father slammed him against the door, and they tumbled out side. Aviva got away from his father then ran out into the dark. It was raining and by the time he was intact with the shop he was soaking wet and horrible looking.
It was the only shop that had an opened sign at the time he was around so he entered and there it began. |