Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the static vacuum spherically symmetric solutions in massive gravity are obtained both analytically and numerically . the solutions depend on two parameters ( integration constants ) : the mass @xmath0 ( or , equivalently , the schwarzschild radius ) , and an additional parameter , the `` scalar charge '' @xmath1 . at zero value of @xmath1 and positive mass the standard schwarzschild black hole solutions are recovered . depending on the parameters of the model and the signs of @xmath0 and @xmath1 , the solutions may or may not have horizon . those with the horizon describe modified black holes provided they are stable against small perturbations . in the analytically solvable example , the modified black hole solutions may have both attractive and repulsive ( anti - gravitating ) behavior at large distances . at intermediate distances the gravitational potential of a modified black hole may mimics the presence of dark matter . modified black hole solutions are also found numerically in more realistic massive gravity models which are attractors of the cosmological evolution . massive gravity , spherically symmetric solutions , black holes . ulb - th/09 - 05 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recent advances in observational cosmology @xcite have revived interest in alternative theories of gravity in which the gravitational interaction is modified in the infrared domain and which could potentially explain the accelerated expansion of the universe without introducing the dark energy and matter components . theoretical consistency and existing experimental data impose severe constraints on such models . different approaches to the problem have been discussed in the literature ( see , e.g. , refs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
@xcite , and refs . @xcite for reviews ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper we treat the behavior of bose einstein condensates in double square well potentials , both of equal and different depths . for even depth , symmetry preserving solutions to the relevant nonlinear schrdinger equation is known , just as in the linear limit . when the nonlinearity is strong enough , symmetry breaking solutions also exist , side by side with the symmetric one . interestingly , solutions almost entirely localized in one of the wells are known as an extreme case . here we outline a method for obtaining all these solutions for repulsive interactions . the bifurcation point at which , for critical nonlinearity , the asymmetric solutions branch off from the symmetry preserving ones is found analytically . we also find this bifurcation point and treat the solutions generally via a josephson junction model . when the confining potential is in the form of two wells of different depth , interesting new phenomena appear . this is true of both the occurrence of the bifurcation point for the static solutions , and also of the dynamics of phase and amplitude varying solutions . again a generalization of the josephson model proves useful . the stability of solutions is treated briefly . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the nonlinear schrdinger equation is a powerful tool for describing bose einstein condensates at zero temperature . double well potentials are an important class of configurations to which this tool can be applied . for square wells , exact solutions are known to exist @xcite . in zi _. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
@xcite , we outlined a method for obtaining such exact solutions for a symmetric double square well situation with attractive interaction . we found an exact criterion to determine the bifurcation point .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: _ binary _ black holes occupy a special place in our quest for understanding the evolution of galaxies along cosmic history . if massive black holes grow at the center of ( pre-)galactic structures that experience a sequence of merger episodes , then dual black holes form as inescapable outcome of galaxy assembly , and can in principle be detected as powerful dual quasars . but , if the black holes reach _ coalescence _ , during their inspiral inside the galaxy remnant , then they become the loudest sources of gravitational waves ever in the universe . the _ laser interferometer space antenna _ is being developed to reveal these waves that carry information on the mass and spin of these binary black holes out to very large look - back times . nature seems to provide a pathway for the formation of these exotic binaries , and a number of key questions need to be addressed : how do massive black holes pair in a merger ? depending on the properties of the underlying galaxies , do black holes always form a close keplerian binary ? if a binary forms , does hardening proceed down to the domain controlled by gravitational wave back reaction ? what is the role played by gas and/or stars in braking the black holes , and on which timescale does coalescence occur ? can the black holes accrete on flight and shine during their pathway to coalescence ? after outlining key observational facts on dual / binary black holes , we review the progress made in tracing their dynamics in the habitat of a gas - rich merger down to the smallest scales ever probed with the help of powerful numerical simulations . n - body / hydrodynamical codes have proven to be vital tools for studying their evolution , and progress in this field is expected to grow rapidly in the effort to describe , in full realism , the physics of stars and gas around the black holes , starting from the cosmological large scale of a merger . if detected in the new window provided by the upcoming gravitational wave experiments , binary black holes.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: massive black holes weighing from a million to a billion suns have long been suspected to be the powerhouse of energetic phenomena taking place in distant galaxies . energy in the form of radiation , high velocity plasma outflows , and ultra relativistic jets , is extracted efficiently from the gravitational field of the black hole when gas is accreting from the parsec scale of a galactic nucleus down to the scale of the horizon . since the early discovery of quasars , the accretion paradigm has been at the heart of the interpretation of massive black holes as being `` real '' sources in the universe . it was also recognized in the late 60 s that the luminous quasars and the active galactic nuclei ( agns ) were undergoing strong cosmic evolution : nuclear activity was common in the past and declined with cosmic time .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
no bright quasar lives in our local universe , but a few agns are present with very modest activity , representing the fading tail of the population . from simple considerations on the life - cycle of quasars , there has been always the suspicion that at high redshifts accretion was ignited in many if not all galaxies , leading to the commonly held premise that most galaxies we see in our local universe should host in their nucleus a massive black hole , relic of an earlier active phase . for long times , black hole masses in agns and quasars
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider a general anisotropic spin - orbit coupling ( soc ) and analyze the phase diagrams of both balanced and imbalanced fermi gases for the entire bcs bose - einstein condensate ( bec ) evolution . in the first part , we use the self - consistent mean - field theory at zero temperature , and show that the topological structure of the ground - state phase diagrams is quite robust against the effects of anisotropy . in the second part , we go beyond the mean - field description , and investigate the effects of gaussian fluctuations near the critical temperature . this allows us to derive the time - dependent ginzburg - landau theory , from which we extract the effective mass of the cooper pairs and their critical condensation temperature in the molecular bec limit . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the realization of bcs bose - einstein condentate ( bec ) evolution with two - component atomic fermi gases has received tremendous attention in the last decade @xcite . in these experiments , the tuning of attractive interactions permits the ground state of the system to evolve from a weak fermion attraction bcs limit of loosely bound and largely overlapping cooper pairs to a strong fermion attraction limit of tightly bound small bosonic molecules which undergo bec . the main difference between the bcs - bec evolution problem and the simple bcs theory is that the cooper pairing is not allowed only for fermions with energies close to the fermi energy but is also allowed for all momenta .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
all of the early theoretical works were concentrated on the balanced fermi gases , i.e. both components have the same number and mass , suggesting that the evolution is not a phase transition but a smooth crossover , and hence the name _ bcs - bec crossover_. this prediction was then found to be in very good agreement with all of the observations @xcite . motivated by the experimental success with balanced fermi gases , many of the recent theoretical works were concentrated on imbalanced ( population , mass and/or dimension ) fermi gases , suggesting various phases and phase transitions between them .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we obtain the large deviation function for entropy production of the medium and its distribution function for two - site totally asymmetric simple exclusion process ( tasep ) and three - state unicyclic network . since such systems are described through microscopic irreversible transitions , we obtain time - dependent transition rates by sampling the states of these systems at a regular short time interval @xmath0 . these transition rates are used to derive the large deviation function for the entropy production in the nonequilibrium steady state and its asymptotic distribution function . the shapes of the large deviation function and the distribution function depend on the value of the mean entropy production rate which has a non - trivial dependence on the particle injection and withdrawal rates in case of tasep . further , it is argued that in case of a tasep , the distribution function tends to be like a poisson distribution for smaller values of particle injection and withdrawal rates . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the entropy production of the surrounding medium of a system driven out of equilibrium is arguably the most convenient tool for quantifying the irreversiblity . in the long time limit when the steady state value of the entropy production arising due to the boundary contributions could be neglected , the probability distribution function @xmath1 for the change in the medium entropy @xmath2 at time @xmath3 , is known to satisfy certain symmetry relation , generally known as the fluctuation theorem @xcite : @xmath4 this symmetry relation implies that the probability of observing the entropy annihilation over a long time interval becomes negligibly small and can be viewed as the nonequilibrium generalization of the second law of thermodynamics . the derivation of the distribution function in the asymptotic time limit is often performed by finding out the corresponding large deviation function(ldf ) @xmath5 which is related to the distribution function as , @xmath6 the ldf plays the role of the free energy functions in equilibrium systems @xcite and in the case of nonequilibrium systems , its symmetry property , @xmath7 , validates the fluctuation theorem or the gallavotti - cohen symmetry @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
for a system described by the continuous time markov dynamics , a microscopic transition from its configuration @xmath8 to @xmath9 with a transition rate , @xmath10 , causes the entropy of the surrounding medium to change @xcite by the amount @xmath11 , where @xmath12 , the boltzmann constant , is assumed to be unity . of the many studies on the entropy production of the medium for systems with microscopic reversibility @xcite , some recent works on the properties of the ldf and its symmetry relation can be found in @xcite where the authors studied the asymptotic distributions of the entropy production by finding out the ldf using a generating function based approach . in reference
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a detailed study of the relation between circumnuclear dust morphology , host galaxy properties , and nuclear activity in nearby galaxies . we use our sample of 123 nearby galaxies with visible near - infrared colormaps from the _ hubble space telescope _ to create well - matched , `` paired '' samples of 28 active and 28 inactive galaxies , as well as 19 barred and 19 unbarred galaxies , that have the same host galaxy properties . comparison of the barred and unbarred galaxies shows that grand design nuclear dust spirals are only found in galaxies with a large - scale bar . these nuclear dust spirals , which are present in approximately a third of all barred galaxies , also appear to be connected to the dust lanes along the leading edges of the large - scale bars . grand design nuclear spirals are more common than inner rings , which are present in only a small minority of the barred galaxies . tightly wound nuclear dust spirals , in contrast , show a strong tendency to avoid galaxies with large - scale bars . comparison of the agn and inactive samples shows that nuclear dust spirals , which may trace shocks and angular momentum dissipation in the ism , occur with comparable frequency in both active and inactive galaxies . the only difference between the active and inactive galaxies is that several inactive galaxies appear to completely lack dust structure in their circumnuclear region , while none of the agn lack this structure . the comparable frequency of nuclear spirals in active and inactive galaxies , combined with previous work that finds no significant differences in the frequency of bars or interactions between well - matched active and inactive galaxies , suggests that no _ universal _ fueling mechanism for low - luminosity agn operates at spatial scales greater than @xmath0 pc radius from the galactic nuclei . the similarities of the circumnuclear environments of active and inactive galaxies suggests that the lifetime of nuclear activity is less than the.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: many observational programs over the past few years have led to the proposition that all galaxies with a substantial spheroid component contain supermassive black holes , irrespective of the presence or absence of nuclear activity ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
since black holes grow via the accretion of matter and this accretion leads to detectable nuclear activity , these results imply that all galaxies must go through an accretion phase , yet the mechanism which triggers nuclear activity in `` currently '' active galaxies remains unknown . in order to fuel active galactic nuclei ( agn ) , essentially all of the angular momentum must be removed from some fraction of the host galaxy s interstellar medium ( ism ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a time - dependent quantum calculation of the van der waals interaction between a pair of dissimilar atoms , one of which is initially excited while the other one is in its ground state . for small detuning , the interaction is predominantly mediated at all distances by the exchange of doubly resonant photons between the two atoms . we find that it presents both temporal and spatial oscillations . spatially oscillating terms depend on the resonant frequencies of both atoms , while the frequency of the time oscillations is given by their detuning . we analyse the physical content of our findings and discuss to what extent previous conflicting stationary approaches provide compatible results . a proper account of causality is found essential in order to obtain the correct result . dispersion forces between neutral atoms are often interpreted as a result of the quantum fluctuation of both the electromagnetic ( em ) field and the atomic charges @xcite . a prominent example of those are van der waals ( vdw ) forces acting between neutral atoms and molecules , which are important in atomic and molecular interferometry where they influence the measured interference pattern @xcite . in quantum information , vdw forces between rydberg atoms produce a rydberg blockade which may be exploited to realize quantum gates @xcite . in biophysical and chemical processes vdw forces are known to play a crucial role for the stability and assembling of molecules @xcite . + at zero temperature , two atoms in their ground states undergo a series of virtual transitions to upper levels . it is the coupling of the charges of each atom to the quantum em field that induces the correlation between their transient dipole moments , giving rise to a non - vanishing vdw interaction . the lifetime of the virtual atomic transitions is very short in comparison to ordinary observation times and thus , the use of stationary quantum perturbation theory is well justified for the calculation of this interaction.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in the first place , we note that all the time - evolution free - propagators in eq.(2 ) are retarded , @xmath130 with @xmath131 . this is so because the time - order prescription on the time integrals implies @xmath132 , hence @xmath133 holds in all the @xmath130 oparators of eq.(2 ) . it is the time - ordering together with the heaviside function @xmath134 in the integrand of eq.([laeq ] ) that guarantee causality . substituting in eq.([laeq ] ) the expressions of the operators @xmath135 as sums over normal modes , and making use of the identities @xcite @xmath136 and @xmath137,\label{sm1}\end{aligned}\ ] ] that we will denote by @xmath138 , we can write eq.([laeq ] ) as @xmath139,\nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] where the integrand of the time - ordered integrals is the product of the retarded time - evolution free - propagators , @xmath140 is the fine - structure constant and @xmath141 is the electron charge .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
next , integrating in time we end up with @xmath142}}{(k - k_{a})(k - k_{b})(k'-k)}\nonumber\\&+&\frac{\cos{[(\omega'-\omega_{a})t]}}{(k'-k_{a})(k'-k_{b})(k'-k)}\bigr],\label{sm3}\end{aligned}\ ] ] where straightforward application of perturbation theory enforces to taking the principal value ( p.v . ) of the integral in eq.([sm3 ] ) , as intermediate states with energies equal to that of the initial state must be removed from the sums ( integrals in the continuum ) in order to avoid zeros in the denominators , @xmath143 having impossed causality by time - ordering the integrals of eq.([sm2 ] ) and multiplying the integrand by @xmath134 , there is no need to add arbitrarily small imaginary parts @xmath144 to the real poles of the integrand in eq.([sm3 ] ) in order to ensure that the propagators are retarded . also , we have argued in the letter that spontaneous emission enters at higher order , hence it can not provide imaginary shifts @xmath145 to the real poles of eq.([sm3 ] ) either , in contrast to refs.@xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present photometric and spectroscopic measurements of the galaxy populations in clusters from the cnoc1 sample of rich , x - ray luminous clusters at @xmath0 . a classical measure of the galaxy blue fraction for spectroscopically confirmed cluster members shows a significant butcher - oemler effect for the sample , but only when radii larger than 0.5@xmath1 are considered . we perform a principal component analysis of galaxy spectra to divide the total cluster light into contributions from stellar populations of different ages . composite radial distributions of different stellar populations show strong gradients as a function of cluster - centric radius . the composite population is dominated by evolved populations in the core , and gradually changes at radii greater than the virial radius to one which is similar to coeval field galaxies . we do not see evidence at any radius within the clusters for an excess of star formation over that seen in the coeval field . within this redshift range , significant evolution in the fractional population gradient is seen . both low and high redshift clusters have similar populations in the cluster cores , but higher redshift clusters have steeper gradients and more star forming galaxies at radii outside of the core region in effect , a restatement of the butcher - oemler effect . luminosity density profiles are consistent with a scenario where this phenomenon is due to a decline over time in the infall rate of field galaxies into clusters . depending on how long galaxies reside in clusters before their star formation rates are diminished , this suggests a decrease in the infall into clusters of a factor of @xmath2 between @xmath3 and @xmath4 . we also discuss alternative scenarios for the evolution of cluster populations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the evolving populations in galaxy clusters offer a unique opportunity to directly observe galaxy evolution , and particularly the effects of environment on star forming galaxies . present - day rich clusters have strikingly different populations from galaxies in poorer environments , suggesting that some mechanism is at work on the cluster population which is absent in the lives of normal field galaxies . the first clues towards understanding the evolution of the cluster population came more than 20 years ago , with the discovery that higher redshift clusters have a larger fraction of blue galaxies than those at the present epoch : the butcher - oemler effect ( butcher & oemler 1978 , 1984 ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
these purely photometric results were confirmed spectroscopically ( e.g. , dressler & gunn 1982 , 1992 ; lavery & henry 1986 ; fabricant , mcclintock & bautz 1991 ) and populations of both star forming and recently post - star formation galaxies in moderate redshift clusters have been identified ( i.e. , the balmer - strong h-@xmath5 or k@xmath6a galaxies ; dressler & gunn 1982 ; couch & sharples 1987 ; poggianti 1999 ) . many subsequent investigations have focused on the details of how these galaxies are transformed into the population seen in clusters today ( couch & sharples 1987 ; barger 1996 ; poggianti 1999 ; balogh 1999 , b99 hereafter ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this paper presents a theoretical study of blood flow through a tapered and overlapping stenosed artery under the action of an externally applied magnetic field . the fluid ( blood ) medium is assumed to be porous in nature . the variable viscosity of blood depending on hematocrit ( percentage volume of erythrocytes ) is taken into account in order to improve resemblance to the real situation . the governing equation for laminar , incompressible and newtonian fluid subject to the boundary conditions is solved by using a well known frobenius method . the analytical expressions for velocity component , volumetric flow rate , wall shear stress and pressure gradient are obtained . the numerical values are extracted from these analytical expressions and are presented graphically . it is observed that the influence of hematocrit , magnetic field and the shape of artery have important impact on the velocity profile , pressure gradient and wall shear stress . moreover , the effect of primary stenosis on the secondary one has been significantly observed . * keywords : * _ overlapping stenoses , tapered artery , mhd flow , porous vessel , hematocrit , frobenius method _ 0.8 cm -.1 in -.1 in 0.0 cm [ section ] [ theorem]definition [ theorem]observation [ theorem ] [ theorem]proposition [ theorem]rule 23.0 cm = currsize . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: many cardiovascular diseases such as due to the arterial occlusion is one of the leading cause of death world wide . the partial occlusion of the arteries due to stenotic obstruction not only restrict the regular blood flow but also characterizes the hardening and thickening of the arterial wall . however , the main cause of the formation of stenosis is still unknown but it is well established that the fluid dynamical factors play an important role as to further development of stenosis . therefore ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
during the past few decay several studies were conducted by young @xcite , young and tsai @xcite to understand the effects of stenosis on blood flow through arteries . [ cols= " < , < " , ] tu and deville @xcite investigated pulsatile flow of blood in stenosed arteries . misra and shit @xcite studied in two different situations on the blood flow through arterial stenosis by treating blood as a non - newtonian ( herschel - bulkley ) fluid model .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper , we introduce and study the fermionic concurrence in a two - site extended hubbard model . its behaviors both at the ground state and finite temperatures as function of coulomb interaction @xmath0 ( on - site ) and @xmath1 ( nearest - neighbor ) are obtained analytically and numerically . we also investigate the change of the concurrence under a nonuniform field , including local potential and magnetic field , and find that the concurrence can be modulated by these fields . # 1#1 # 1#1 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently , many efforts have been devoted to the entanglement in strongly correlated systems@xcite , in the hope that its non - trivial behavior in these systems may shed new lights on the understanding of physical phenomena of condensed matter physics . a typical case is the relation of entanglement to quantum phase transition@xcite . for example , osterloh _ el al.,_@xcite reported that the entanglement shows scaling behavior in the vicinity of quantum phase transition point of the transverse - field ising model .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
most of previous works are for spin 1/2 systems , where the degrees of freedom at each site ( or qubit ) is 2 . for these systems , the entanglement of formation , i.e. , the concurrence@xcite , is often used as a measure of pairwise entanglement between two qubits .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: surface brightness fluctuations ( sbf ) can provide useful information about the unresolved stellar content of early - type galaxies and spiral bulges . the absolute sbf magnitude @xmath0 in a given passband depends on the properties of the stellar population and can be predicted by population synthesis models . sbf measurements in different bandpasses are sensitive to different evolutionary stages within the galaxy stellar population . near - ir sbf magnitudes are sensitive to the evolution of stars within the agb phase , especially the thermally pulsing agb , while sbf in the blue and uv are sensitive to the hot horizontal branch and post - agb stages . thus , multi - band sbf studies can constrain important evolutionary parameters . empirically , sbf data at the red end of the optical spectrum ( @xmath1 , @xmath2 , and potentially @xmath3 ) remain excellent distance indicators . i briefly review some recent work on stellar populations using sbf , primarily from an observational point of view . address = herzberg institute of astrophysics , national research council of canada , victoria , b.c . v9e 2e7 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the surface brightness fluctuations ( sbf ) method measures the intrinsic pixel - to - pixel intensity variance in a galaxy image resulting from statistical fluctuations in the numbers and luminosities of the stars within individual pixels . since the sbf signal is convolved with the point spread function , one measures the fourier space amplitude of the power spectrum on the scale of the psf in the galaxy - subtracted . the ratio of sbf variance to galaxy surface brightness has units of flux and scales inversely with the square of the galaxy distance . this ratio is usually converted to a magnitude called @xmath4 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the distance can be determined if the absolute @xmath0 , which depends on both the photometric bandpass and the stellar population , is known from empirical or theoretical calibration . sbf measurements in multiple bands can provide useful distance - independent information on the stellar content of a galaxy . the sbf method was first quantified by tonry & schneider ( 1988 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss the phenomenology of models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking which attempt to generate the observed fermion mass spectrum . after briefly describing the variety of and constraints on proposed models , we concentrate on the signatures of colored pseudo - nambu - goldstone bosons and resonances at existing and proposed colliders . these particles provide a possibly unique signature : _ strongly produced _ resonances associated with _ electroweak _ symmetry breaking . = 11 # 1cite##1##2##1 = 12 .4 in .4 in -2pc -.15 cm = # 1#2#3_nucl . phys . _ * b#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . lett . _ * b#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . lett . _ * # 1b * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . rev . _ * d#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . rev . lett . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . rep . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_ann . rev . astron . astrophys . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_rev . mod . phys . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_ann . rev . nucl . part . sci . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_mod . phys . lett . _ * a#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_zeit . fr physik _ * c#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_ap . j. _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_int . j. mod . phys . _ * a#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_nuovo cim . _ * a#1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 # 1#2#3_phys . rev . _ * # 1 * ( 19#2 ) # 3 psfig.sty ( 0,0)(0,0 ) ( 333,330)buhep-95 - 7 ( 333,315)hep - ph/9503202 subgroup report for the electroweak symmetry breaking and beyond the standard model " working group of the dpf long range planning study . this report will appear as a chapter in _ electroweak symmetry breaking and beyond the standard model _ , edited by t. barklow , s. dawson , h.e . haber , and j. siegrist , to be published by world scientific . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the standard @xmath0 gauge theory of the electroweak interactions is in good agreement with all current experimental data . nonetheless , there is no evidence to show which mechanism is responsible for the breakdown of this symmetry to the @xmath1 of electromagnetism . it is usually assumed that electroweak symmetry breaking ( ewsb ) is due to the vacuum expectation value of one or more fundamental scalars which are doublets of @xmath2 . this explanation is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons : @xmath3 in all such theories there must be at least one physical degree of freedom remaining from the fundamental scalar doublet(s ) , the higgs boson .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
as yet , there is no direct evidence for the existence of such a state . @xmath3 these models do not give a dynamical explanation of electroweak symmetry breaking . instead
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the electronic structure of the junctions between a single graphene layer and carbon nanotubes , using a tight - binding model and the continuum theory based on dirac fermion fields . the latter provides a unified description of different lattice structures with curvature , which is always localized at six heptagonal carbon rings around each junction . when these are evenly spaced , we find that it is possible to curve the planar lattice into armchair @xmath0 as well as zig - zag @xmath1 nanotubes . we show that the junctions fall into two different classes , regarding the low - energy electronic behavior . one of them , constituted by the junctions made of the armchair nanotubes and the zig - zag @xmath1 geometries when @xmath2 is a multiple of 3 , is characterized by the presence of two quasi - bound states at the fermi level , which are absent for the rest of the zig - zag nanotubes . these states , localized at the junction , are shown to arise from the effective gauge flux induced by the heptagonal carbon rings , which has a direct reflection in the local density of states around the junction . furthermore , we also analyze the band structure of the arrays of junctions , finding out that they can also be classified into two different groups according to the low - energy behavior . in this regard , the arrays made of armchair and @xmath1 nanotubes with @xmath2 equal to a multiple of 3 are characterized by the presence of a series of flat bands , whose number grows with the length of the nanotubes . we show that such flat bands have their origin in the formation of states confined to the nanotubes , with little overlap in the region between the junctions . this is explained in the continuum theory from the possibility of forming standing waves in the mentioned nanotube geometries , as a superposition of modes with opposite momenta and the same quantum numbers under the @xmath3 symmetry of the junction . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the recent isolation of graphene layers a single atom thick@xcite has lead to a great deal of activity , because of their novel electronic properties and potential applications . the lattice structure of graphene is determined by the @xmath4 coordination between neighboring carbon atoms . each carbon atom has three nearest neighbors , leading to planar honeycomb lattice . with small modifications ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the same structure describes other carbon allotropes , such as the fullerenes and the carbon nanotubes . in this paper we study the simplest systems which combine two of these allotropes : the junctions between a single graphene layer and carbon nanotubes .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the formation and growth of supermassive black holes ( smbhs ) physically linked with bulges are considered . we focus on the radiation hydrodynamic process for the growth of smbh in the optically thick starburst phase , where radiation from bulge stars drives the mass accretion on to a galactic center through radiation drag effect . in the present scenario , the agn luminosity - dominant phase ( qso phase ) is preceded by the host luminosity - dominat phase , which is called `` proto - qso phase '' . in this phase , there exists the massive dusty disks within younger bulges . also , the proto - qso phase is anticipated by an optically - thick ultraluminous infrared galaxy ( ulirg ) phase . furthermore , such radiation hydrodynamic model has been also applied to disk galaxies . it turns out that the mass of a smbh primarily correlates with a bulge component even in a disk galaxy . thus , by analogy to proto - qsos , the bh growing phase in disk galaxies may have massive dusty disks within younger bulges . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the paradigm that ultraluminous infrared galaxies ( ulirgs ) could evolve into qsos was proposed by pioneering studies by sanders et al . ( 1988 ) and norman & scovill ( 1988 ) . by recent observations , the x - ray emission ( brandt et a. 1997 ) or pa@xmath0 lines ( veilleux , sanders , & kim 1999 ) intrinsic for active galactic nuclei ( agns ) have been detected in more than one third of ulirgs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
on the other hand , recent high - resolution observations of galactic centers have revealed that the estimated mass of a central `` massive dark object''(mdo ) , which is the nomenclature for a supermassive bh candidate , does correlate with the mass of a galactic bulge ; the mass ratio of the bh to the bulge is 0.002 as a median value ( e.g. , marconi & hunt 2003 ) . in addition , it has been found that qso host galaxies are mostly luminous and well - evolved early - type galaxies ( e.g. , mclure , dunlope , & kukula 2000 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the planar interface of an isotropic homogeneous metal and an ambichiral dielectric material can guide surface - plasmon - polariton waves . the planar interface of an isotropic , homogeneous dielectric material and an ambichiral dielectric material can guide dyakonov tamm waves . in either instance , we found that , as the ambichiral partnering material evolves into a finely chiral material , the solutions of the dispersion equation for surface - wave propagation evince convergence . the convergence is faster for the surface waves with larger phase speeds than for the surface waves with smaller phase speeds . * keywords * : ambichiral material ; dyakonov tamm wave ; finely chiral material , surface plasmon - polariton wave * evolution of surface - plasmon - polariton and dyakonov tamm waves with the ambichirality of a partnering dielectric material * + muhammad faryad and akhlesh lakhtakia + pennsylvania state university , department of engineering science and mechanics , nanoengineered metamaterials group ( nanomm ) , university park , pa 168026812 , usa + . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: anticipating the discovery of cholesteric liquid crystals by about two decades @xcite , reusch proposed in 1869 that a periodically nonhomogeneous multilayered material reflects normally incident circularly polarized light of one handedness , but not of the opposite handedness , provided that all layers are made of the same homogeneous , uniaxial dielectric material such that the optic axis in each layer is rotated about the thickness direction with respect to the optic axis in the adjacent layer by a fixed angle @xcite . such a periodically nonhomogeneous dielectric material is nowadays called a _ reusch pile_. extensive theoretical and experimental work by joly and colleagues @xcite showed that circular - polarization - selective reflection of normally incident light by a reusch pile may occur in several spectral regimes .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this selective reflection of circularly polarized light of one handedness , but very little of the other , in a given spectral regime is commonly called circular bragg phenomenon @xcite . according to a classification scheme developed by hodgkinson _ et al . _
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a theoretical model for type ib supernova ( sn ) 2006jc . we calculate the evolution of the progenitor star , hydrodynamics and nucleosynthesis of the sn explosion , and the sn bolometric light curve ( lc ) . the synthetic bolometric lc is compared with the observed bolometric lc constructed by integrating the uv , optical , near - infrared ( nir ) , and mid - infrared ( mir ) fluxes . the progenitor is assumed to be as massive as @xmath0 on the zero - age main - sequence . the star undergoes extensive mass loss to reduce its mass down to as small as @xmath1 , thus becoming a wco wolf - rayet star . the wco star model has a thick carbon - rich layer , in which amorphous carbon grains can be formed . this could explain the nir brightening and the dust feature seen in the mir spectrum . we suggest that the progenitor of sn 2006jc is a wco wolf - rayet star having undergone strong mass loss and such massive stars are the important sites of dust formation . we derive the parameters of the explosion model in order to reproduce the bolometric lc of sn 2006jc by the radioactive decays : the ejecta mass @xmath2 , hypernova - like explosion energy @xmath3 ergs , and ejected @xmath4ni mass @xmath5 . we also calculate the circumstellar interaction and find that a csm with a flat density structure is required to reproduce the x - ray lc of sn 2006jc . this suggests a drastic change of the mass - loss rate and/or the wind velocity that is consistent with the past luminous blue variable ( lbv)-like event . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: on 9th october 2006 , @xcite reported k. itagaki s discovery of a possible supernova ( sn ) in ugc 4904 . although the sn was discovered after the peak , an upper limit of the @xmath6 magnitude ( @xmath7 ) was obtained at @xmath820 days before the discovery @xcite . interestingly , @xcite also reported that an optical transient had appeared in 2004 close to the position of sn 2006jc .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the transient was as faint as @xmath9 and its duration was as short as @xmath10 days . since the event was faint and short - lived , they speculated that the transient was a luminous blue variable ( lbv)-like event . the spatial coincidence between the lbv - like event and sn 2006jc is confirmed by @xcite . because of such an intriguing association with the lbv - like event , many groups performed follow - up observations of sn 2006jc in various wavebands : x - ray , ultra violet ( uv ) , optical , infrared ( ir ) , and radio .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the cosmic crystallography method of lehoucq et al . @xcite produces sharp peaks in the distribution of distances between the images of cosmic sources . but the method can not be applied to universes with compact spatial sections of negative curvature . we apply to the these a second order crystallographic effect , as evidenced by statistical parameters . pacs number : 98.80.jk keywords : cosmology , large scale structure . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the method of cosmic crystallography was developed by lehoucq , lachize - rey , and luminet @xcite , and consists of plotting the distances between cosmic images of clusters of galaxies . in euclidean spaces , we take the square of the distance between all pairs of images on a catalogue versus the frequency of occurence of each of these distances . in universes with euclidean multiply connected spatial sections , we have sharp peaks in a plot of distance distributions .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
it is usual to consider the friedmann - lematre - robertson - walker ( flrw ) cosmological models of constant curvature @xmath0 with simply connected spatial sections . however , models with these spacetime metrics also admit , compact , orientable , multiply connected spatial sections , which are represented by quotient manifolds @xmath1 , where @xmath2 is @xmath3 , @xmath4 or @xmath5 and @xmath6 is a discrete group of isometries ( or rigid motions ) acting freely and properly discontinously on @xmath7 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a detailed study of the _ non - linear _ thermoelectric properties of a molecular junction , represented by a dissipative anderson - holstein model . a single orbital level with strong coulomb interaction is coupled to a localized vibrational mode and we account for both electron and phonon exchange with both electrodes , investigating how these contribute to the heat and charge transport . we calculate the efficiency and power output of the device operated as a heat to electric power converter and identify the optimal operating conditions , which are found to be qualitatively changed by the presence of the vibrational mode . based on this study of a generic model system , we discuss the desirable properties of molecular junctions for thermoelectric applications . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the field of single - molecule electronics has been expanding rapidly during recent years , as techniques to electrically contact and control single molecules in a transport junction have improved @xcite . by studying the electric current through the molecule as function of the applied voltage - bias , spectroscopic information can be extracted @xcite . in setups with a gate - electrode , which can be used to control the electrostatic potential on the molecule , a detailed spectroscopy can be performed @xcite . by applying a temperature - bias and measuring the induced electric current or voltage , additional information can be extracted , such as the type of carriers ( holes / electrons ) dominating transport @xcite . this emerging field of molecular thermoelectrics @xcite is also interesting for applications . molecules have been predicted to be particularly efficient for conversion of heat into electric energy @xcite ( or analogously for cooling , using electric energy to pump heat ) , the reason being their very sharp electronic resonances when weakly coupled to electrodes @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this is similar to the large thermoelectric efficiency of e.g. , semi - conducting nanowires with highly peaked densities of states @xcite . most theoretical works on meso- and nano - scale thermoelectrics have focused on the _ linear , equilibrium _ regime , where one operates close to the small voltage @xmath0 which exactly cancels the current induced by the small thermal bias @xmath1 . here the thermopower ( or seebeck coefficient ) @xmath2 is the decisive quantity , where ( @xmath3 ) @xmath4 is the ( thermal ) conductance . a large efficiency @xmath5 of the device operated as a heat to electric energy converter is then related to a large dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit @xmath6 , where @xmath7 is the operating temperature and @xmath8 the thermal conductance . in bulk systems
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study expanding circle maps interacting in a heterogeneous random network . heterogeneity means that some nodes in the network are massively connected , while the remaining nodes are only poorly connected . we provide a probabilistic approach which enables us to describe the effective dynamics of the massively connected nodes when taking a weak interaction limit . more precisely , we show that for almost every random network and almost all initial conditions the high dimensional network governing the dynamics of the massively connected nodes can be reduced to a few macroscopic equations . such reduction is intimately related to the ergodic properties of the expanding maps . this reduction allows one to explore the coherent properties of the network . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: understanding the behavior of interacting dynamical systems is a long standing problem . main efforts focused on dynamical systems interacting in a lattice , and with a mean field coupling @xcite . typical attempts establish the existence of an absolutely continuous invariant measure , see for example @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
more recently , the attention has shifted towards more general and irregular networks of coupled maps @xcite . the last decade has witnessed a rapidly growing interest in dynamics on spaces with complex topology .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: igr j170913624 is a transient x - ray source and is believed to be a galactic black hole candidate . recently , it has received a considerable attention due to the detection of peculiar variability patterns known as ` heartbeats ' , which are quasi - periodic mini - outbursts repeated over timescales ranging between 5 and 70 s. so far , such variability patterns have been observed only in grs 1915 + 105 and these are classified as @xmath0- and @xmath1-variability classes . here , we present the results of ` phase - resolved ' spectroscopy of the ` heartbeat ' oscillations of igr j170913624 using data from simultaneous observations made by rxte and xmm - newton . we find that the 0.735 kev spectra can be fitted with a ` canonical ' model for black hole sources consisting of only two components a multi - temperature disk black body and a power law ( or its equivalent ) . we attempt to constrain the system parameters of the source by simultaneously fitting spectra during different phases of the burst profile while tying the system parameters across the phases . the results indicate that the source is a high inclination binary ( @xmath2>53@xmath3 ) . further , the observed low flux from the source can be explained only if the black hole spin is very low , along with constraints on the black hole mass ( < 5 m@xmath4 ) and the distance ( > 20 kpc ) . for higher inclination angles , which is favored by the data , the black hole spin is required to be negative . thus low or retrograde spin could be the reason for the low luminosity of the source . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the micro - quasar grs 1915 + 105 is an enigmatic black hole binary ( bhb ) exhibiting enormous variability which have been classified in more than 14 different variability classes @xcite . it is believed that the extreme variability and rapid state changes observed in grs 1915 + 105 are due to a very high accretion rate , which is close to , or at times higher than , the eddington accretion rate @xcite . it is also known for exhibiting large superluminal radio flares and steady radio emission which are always associated with specific x - ray variability classes @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
such an extreme and correlated multi - wavelength variability makes grs 1915 + 105 a unique bhb . in this context , igr j170913624 , a new x - ray transient source believed to be a bhb , generated considerable interest recently .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we used the australia telescope compact array to map a large field of approximately @xmath0 around the sculptor group galaxy ngc 300 in the 21-cm line emission of neutral hydrogen . we achieved a @xmath1 column density sensitivity of @xmath2 over a spectral channel width of @xmath3 for emission filling the @xmath4 synthesised beam . the corresponding mass sensitivity is @xmath5 , assuming a distance of @xmath6 . for the first time , the vast disc of ngc 300 has been mapped over its entire extent at a moderately high spatial resolution of about @xmath7 . ngc 300 is characterised by a dense inner disc , well aligned with the optical disc of @xmath8 orientation angle , and an extended outer disc with a major axis of more than @xmath9 on the sky ( equivalent to a diameter of about @xmath10 ) and a different orientation angle of @xmath11 . a significant fraction ( about 43 per cent ) of the total detected mass of @xmath12 resides within the extended outer disc . we fitted a tilted ring model to the velocity field of ngc 300 to derive the rotation curve out to a radius of @xmath13 , almost twice the range of previous rotation curve studies . the rotation curve rises to a maximum velocity of almost @xmath14 and then gently decreases again in the outer disc beyond a radius of about @xmath15 . mass models fitted to the derived rotation curve yield good fits for burkert and nfw dark matter halo models , whereas pseudo - isothermal halo models and mond - based models both struggle to cope with the declining rotation curve . we also observe significant asymmetries in the outer disc of ngc 300 , in particular near the edge of the disc , which are possibly due to ram pressure stripping of gas by the intergalactic medium ( igm ) of the sculptor group . our estimates show that ram pressure stripping can occur under reasonable assumptions on the density of the igm and the relative velocity of ngc 300 . the asymmetries in the gas disc suggest a proper motion of ngc 300 toward the south - east.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: at distances in the range of about @xmath17 to @xmath18 , the sculptor group is among the nearest galaxy groups beyond the local group @xcite . it forms an elongated filament of galaxies and comprises a number of separate subgroups at different distances along the line of sight . at a distance of about @xmath19 , the nearest of these subgroups consists of ngc 55 , ngc 300 , and possibly two or more known dwarf spheroidal companions ( @xcite ; koribalski et al .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, in prep . ) . ngc 55 and ngc 300 are medium - sized spiral galaxies of type sb(s)m and sa(s)d , respectively @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the correct use of energy - dependent single - particle level ( s.p.l . ) densities within particle - hole state densities based on the equidistant spacing model ( esm ) is analysed . first , an analytical expression is obtained following the convolution of energy - dependent excited - particle and hole densities . next , a comparison is made with results of the esm formula using average s.p.l . densities for the excited particles and holes , respectively . the fermi - gas model ( fgm ) s.p.l . densities calculated at the corresponding average excitation energies are used in both cases . the analysis concerns also the density of particle - hole bound states . the pairing correlations are taken into account while the comparison of various effects includes the exact correction for the pauli exclusion principle . quantum - mechanical s.p.l . densities and the _ continuum effect _ can also match a corresponding fgm formula , suitable for use within the average energy - dependent partial state density in multistep reaction models . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the particle - hole state densities are basic quantities for the description of preequilibrium emission ( pe ) in semiclassical models as well as quantum - statistical theories ( e.g. , @xcite ) involving a series of particle - hole excitations caused by two - body interactions . the nuclear excitation in the equilibrium processes concerns the single - particle levels ( s.p.l . ) within an energy range of the order of the nuclear temperature around the fermi level . this explains the basic role of the s.p.l . equidistant spacing model ( esm ) @xcite in the analysis of the equilibrium emission ( see also @xcite ). Please generate the next two sentences of the article
. however , much higher and lower single - particle energies are involved in pe reactions so that one should consider the reduced suitability of the esm partial - state density ( psd ) formula of williams @xcite . moreover , the inconsistency between the phenomenological s.p.l . density @xmath0 mev@xmath1 and the number _ a _ of nucleons in the nucleus has come under increasing criticism @xcite . on the other hand , combinatorial calculations performed in the space of realistic shell model s.p.l .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we construct one soliton solutions for the nonlinear schrdinger equation with variable quadratic hamiltonians in a unified form by taking advantage of a complete ( super ) integrability of generalized harmonic oscillators . the soliton wave evolution in external fields with variable quadratic potentials is totally determined by the linear problem , like motion of a classical particle with acceleration , and the ( self - similar ) soliton shape is due to a subtle balance between the linear hamiltonian ( dispersion and potential ) and nonlinearity in the schrdinger equation by the standards of soliton theory . most linear ( hypergeometric , bessel ) and a few nonlinear ( jacobian elliptic , second painlev transcendental ) classical special functions of mathematical physics are linked together through these solutions , thus providing a variety of nonlinear integrable cases . examples include bright and dark solitons , and jacobi elliptic and second painlev transcendental solutions for several variable hamiltonians that are important for current research in nonlinear optics and bose einstein condensation . the feshbach resonance matter wave soliton management is briefly discussed from this new perspective . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: advances of the past decades in nonlinear optics , bose einstein condensates , propagation of soliton waves in plasma physics and in other fields of nonlinear science have involved a detailed study of nonlinear schrdinger equations ( see , for example , @xcite , bruga : sci10 , @xcite , @xcite , zakh : shab71 and references therein ) . in the theory of bose einstein condensation @xcite , @xcite , from a general point of view , the dynamics of gases of cooled atoms in a magnetic trap at very low temperatures can be described by an effective equation for the condensate wave function known as the gross pitaevskii ( or nonlinear schrdinger ) equation @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite and @xcite . experimental observations of dark and bright solitons @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , khayketal02 and bright soliton trains @xcite , strecker : etal02 , @xcite in the presence of harmonic confinement have generated considerable research interest in this area bongssengs04 , @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the propagation of an optical pulse in a real fiber is also well described by a nonlinear schrdinger equation for the envelope of wave functions travelling inside the fiber @xcite , @xcite , bruga : sci10 , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite . a class of self - similar solutions that exists for physically realistic dispersion and nonlinearity profiles in a fiber with anomalous group velocity dispersion is discussed in @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , serkin : hasrgawa00 , @xcite , which suggests , among other things , a method of pulse compression and a model of steady - state asynchronous laser mode locking @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: multi - mode expansions in computational quantum dynamics promise convergence toward exact results upon increasing the number of modes . convergence is difficult to ascertain in practice due to the unfavourable scaling of required resources for many - particle problems and therefore a simplified criterion based on a threshold value for the least occupied mode function is often used . here we show how the separable quantum motion of the center of mass can be used to sensitively detect unconverged numerical multi - particle dynamics in harmonic potentials . based on an experimentally relevant example of attractively interacting bosons in one dimension , we demonstrate that the simplified convergence criterion fails to assure qualitatively correct results . furthermore , the numerical evidence for the creation of two - hump fragmented bright soliton - like states presented by streltsov _ et al . _ [ prl 100 , 130401 ( 2008 ) ] is shown to be inconsistent with exact results . implications for our understanding of dynamical fragmentation in attractive boson systems are briefly discussed . recent advances in the field of ultracold atoms have made it possible to observe the quantum dynamics of few to many particles under unitary time evolution @xcite . the opportunity to explain and predict novel effects motivates computational approaches , which face the challenge of vast complexity @xcite . variational multi - mode dynamics seeks to reduce the computational complexity by expanding the wave function with a small number @xmath0 of optimised mode functions @xcite . specifically adapted for bosonic particles is the multi - configurational time - dependent hartree method for bosons ( mctdhb ) @xcite . it provides a hierarchy of approxmations beyond the hartree or gross - pitaevskii mean - field theory @xcite , to which it reduces for @xmath1 . the ability to represent fragmented bose - einstein condensates and correlated wave functions for @xmath2 is the defining feature of the approach . .... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: numerical simulations were performed with the open - source qiwib implementation of mctdhb @xcite , using standard runge kutta time evolution and representing spatial derivatives with five point stencil finite differences . for the @xmath65 ground - state results in figs . ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , we have performed simulations on a 1400 point equidistant grid with different values of the coupling constant @xmath77 using @xmath78 as the computational box length for @xmath79 and @xmath80 for stronger interactions . while for @xmath67 , we have used a 2000 point equidistant grid with @xmath78 for @xmath81 and @xmath82 for stronger interactions . for the time - evolution of the com variance. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, we have used 600 point equidistant grid with @xmath83 for both @xmath55 and @xmath40 simulations . we have assured ourselves that the results are converged with respect to changes in these parameters and those of time and space discretization .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in 2003 , marti showed that one could use the machinery of @xmath0-cores and @xmath0-quotients of partitions to establish lower bounds for @xmath1 , the number of partitions of @xmath2 . in this paper we explore these ideas in the case @xmath3 , using them to give a largely combinatorial proof of an effective upper bound on @xmath1 , and to prove asymptotic formulae for the number of self - conjugate partitions , and the number of partitions with distinct parts . in a further application we give a combinatorial proof of an identity originally due to gauss . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a _ partition _ of a number @xmath4 is a sequence @xmath5 such that @xmath6 and @xmath7 . to indicate that @xmath8 is a partition of @xmath2 we write @xmath9 . let @xmath1 be the number of partitions of @xmath2 . by our definition , @xmath10 is the unique partition of @xmath11 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the problem of finding asymptotic estimates for @xmath1 was introduced , and one might reasonably say , solved , by the famous paper of hardy ramanujan @xcite . as well as
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we outline new laser interferometer measurements to search for variation of the electromagnetic fine - structure constant @xmath0 and particle masses ( including a non - zero photon mass ) . we propose a strontium optical lattice clock silicon single - crystal cavity interferometer as a novel small - scale platform for these new measurements . our proposed laser interferometer measurements , which may also be performed with large - scale gravitational - wave detectors , such as ligo , virgo , geo600 or tama300 , may be implemented as an extremely precise tool in the direct detection of scalar dark matter that forms an oscillating classical field or topological defects . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: dark matter remains one of the most important unsolved problems in contemporary physics . astronomical observations indicate that the energy density of dark matter exceeds that of ordinary matter by a factor of five @xcite . extensive laboratory searches for weakly interacting massive particle ( wimp ) dark matter through scattering - off - nuclei experiments have failed to produce a strong positive result to date , see , e.g. , refs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
@xcite , which has spurred significant interest of late in searching for alternate well - motivated forms of dark matter , such as ultralight ( sub - ev mass ) spin-0 particles that form either an oscillating classical field or topological defects , see , e.g. , refs . @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the rates of activated processes , such as escape from a metastable state and nucleation , are exponentially sensitive to an externally applied field . we describe how this applies to modulation by high - frequency fields and illustrate it with experimental observations . the results may lead to selective control of diffusion in periodic potentials , novel control mechanisms for crystal growth , and new separation techniques . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: activated processes are responsible for large qualitative changes in broad classes of systems . a well - known example is escape from a potential well , in which fluctuations carry the system over a potential barrier . activated escape underlies diffusion in crystals , protein folding , and provides a paradigm for activated chemical reactions .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
another example is nucleation in phase transitions . it would be advantageous to control the probabilities of activated processes by applying a comparatively weak external force .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: social media have provided plentiful evidence of their capacity for information diffusion . fads and rumors , but also social unrest and riots travel fast and affect large fractions of the population participating in online social networks ( osns ) . this has spurred much research regarding the mechanisms that underlie social contagion , and also who ( if any ) can unleash system - wide information dissemination . access to real data , both regarding topology the network of friendships and dynamics the actual way in which osns users interact , is crucial to decipher how the former facilitates the latter s success , understood as efficiency in information spreading . with the quantitative analysis that stems from complex network theory , we discuss who ( and why ) has privileged spreading capabilities when it comes to information diffusion . this is done considering the evolution of an episode of political protest which took place in spain , spanning one month in 2011 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the question about how a piece of information ( a virus , a rumor , an opinion , etc . , ) is globally spread over a network , and which ingredients are necessary to achieve such a success , has motivated much research recently . the reason behind this interest is that identifying key aspects of spreading phenomena facilitates the prevention ( e.g. , minimizing the impact of a disease ) or the optimization ( e.g. the enhancement of viral marketing ) of diffusion processes that can reach system wide scales . in the context of political protest or social movements. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, information diffusion plays a key role to coordinate action and to keep adherents informed and motivated @xcite . understanding the dynamics of such diffusion is important to locate who has the capability to transform the emission of a single message into a global information cascade , affecting the whole system .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we evaluate the complete spectrum of the @xmath0 mesons , below the open flavor @xmath1 threshold , in a bethe - salpeter model . we make predictions for the radiative decay widths of the @xmath0 excited states . we compare our results with those of other models . epsf -0.5 in 6.5 in 8.5 in -.375 in * radiative decays of @xmath0 mesons in a bethe - salpeter model + * @xmath2 _ physics department , king khalid university , abha 9004 , saudi arabia _ + @xmath3 _ department of physics and astronomy , iowa state university , ames , iowa 50011 , usa _ + .5 in . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the @xmath0 meson discovered by the cdf collaboration @xcite in @xmath4 collisions at @xmath5 tev completes the family of mixed flavor mesons . the @xmath0 meson has a @xmath6 anti - quark and a @xmath7 quark . current and future experiments at the tevatron and lhc are expected to provide large samples of the excited states of the @xmath0 mesons @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this will make possible the study of the spectroscopy and the decays of the @xmath0 mesons . the @xmath0 meson family lies intermediate in mass and size between the @xmath8 @xmath9 and the @xmath10 ( @xmath11 ) families where the heavy quark interactions are believed to be understood rather well .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present determinations of the total to selective extinction ratio @xmath0 and visual extinction @xmath1 values for milky way stars using ultraviolet color excesses . we extend the analysis of @xcite by using non - equal weights derived from observational errors . we present a detailed discussion of various statistical errors . in addition , we estimate the level of systematic errors by considering different normalization of the extinction curve adopted by @xcite . our catalog of 782 @xmath0 and @xmath1 values and their errors is available in the electronic form on the world wide web . * key words : * catalogs dust , extinction galaxy : general ism : structure techniques : photometric . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the extinction curve describes how the extinction changes with the wavelength . extinction is due to the presence of dust grains in the interstellar medium and its characteristics are different in a diffuse interstellar medium as compared to a dense interstellar medium . thus , the knowledge of extinction curve is necessary to deredden magnitudes and colors of astronomical objects and to understand the physical properties of dust grains .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* hereafter ccm ) derived a mean extinction law ( for @xmath2 ) that depends on only one parameter @xmath3 . they considered the sample used in the ultraviolet ( uv ) extinction study of @xcite based on _ international ultraviolet explorer _ extinction curves of 45 reddened milky way ob stars .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: confusion noise due to extragalactic sources is a fundamental astrophysical limitation for experiments aimed at accurately determining the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background ( cmb ) down to arcmin angular scales and with a sensitivity @xmath0 . at frequencies @xmath1 ghz , the most relevant extragalactic foreground hampering the detection of intrinsic cmb anisotropies is constituted by radio loud active galactic nuclei ( agn ) , including `` flat spectrum '' radiogalaxies , quasars , bl - lacs and blazars . we review our present understanding of astrophysical properties , spectra , and number counts of the above classes of sources . we also study the angular power spectrum of fluctuations due both to poisson distributed and clustered radio sources and give preliminary predictions on the power spectrum of their polarized components . furthermore , we discuss the capabilities of future space missions ( nasa s map , bennett et al . 1995 ; esa s planck surveyor , bersanelli et al . 1996 ) in studying bright radio sources over an almost unexplored frequency interval where spectral signatures , essential for the understanding of the physical processes , show up . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in the last fifteen years , deep vla surveys have allowed to extend direct determinations of radio source counts down to @xmath2jy levels at 1.41 , 4.86 and 8.44 ghz . at these frequencies , counts now cover about 7 orders of magnitude in flux and reach areal densities of several sources arcmin@xmath3 . at bright fluxes , the radio source population is dominated by classical , strongly evolving , powerful radio galaxies ( fanaroff - riley classes i and ii ) and quasars , whose counts begin to converge below @xmath4mjy .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the vla surveys , however , have revealed a flattening in differential source counts ( normalized to euclidean ones ) below a few mjy at 1.41 ghz ( condon & mitchell 1984 ) , at 4.86 ghz ( donnelly et al . 1987 ; fomalont et al .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: predictions of isobaric and regge models are compared with the latest experimental data ( bonn , jlab ) to select among the models those providing a satisfactory description of the data . only the saclay - lyon ( sla ) and maid models are in a reasonable agreement with both photo- and electro - production data ranging up to about @xmath0 gev . in this energy region the regge model is suitable only for description of the electro - production data and the older models adelseck - saghai ( as1 , as2 ) , workman ( w1,w2 ) , and adelseck - bennhold ( ab2 ) can reliably predict only the photo - production cross sections up to @xmath1 gev . in the kinematic region of the e98 - 108 experiment on the electro - production , sla , adelseck - wright ( aw4 ) , regge and maid models are expected to provide an appropriate description of the separated cross sections whereas the unseparated cross sections can be reasonably well predicted also by the aw3 and williams - ji - cotanch ( c4 ) models . = 15.5 cm . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the photo- and electro - production of kaons on the proton in the resonance region have been studied both experimentally and theoretically since the 1960s . many data were collected on the kaon photo - production ( cornell , cal tech , bonn , tokyo , desy , and orsay , see @xcite ) but only a few experiments were carried - out on the electro - production ( harvard - cornell , desy , and cambridge , see @xcite and references therein ) . simulated by the availability of new facilities with higher current or / and high duty factor and polarization capability ( jlab , bonn , grenoble ) , more precise data on both reactions have been accumulated starting in the late of 1990s which renewed interest in the subject . now various response functions are accessible and measured with a good level of precision .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the latest experimental data , especially those from jlab @xcite on the separated cross sections in the electro - production in the kinematic region where scarce data were formerly available , allow to perform more rigorous tests of theoretical models and in this way improve our understanding of the elementary process . numerous theoretical attempts have been made to describe the electro - magnetic production of kaons with @xmath2 in the final state . in the kinematic region , @xmath3 gev ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: asteroid families form as a result of large - scale collisions among main belt asteroids . the orbital distribution of fragments after a family - forming impact could inform us about their ejection velocities . unfortunately , however , orbits dynamically evolve by a number of effects , including the yarkovsky drift , chaotic diffusion , and gravitational encounters with massive asteroids , such that it is difficult to infer the ejection velocities eons after each family s formation . here we analyze the _ inclination _ distribution of asteroid families , because proper inclination can remain constant over long time intervals , and could help us to understand the distribution of the component of the ejection velocity that is perpendicular to the orbital plane ( @xmath0 ) . from modeling the initial breakup , we find that the distribution of @xmath0 of the fragments , which manage to escape the parent body s gravity , should be more peaked than a gaussian distribution ( i.e. , be leptokurtic ) even if the initial distribution was gaussian . we surveyed known asteroid families for signs of a peaked distribution of @xmath0 using a statistical measure of the distribution peakedness or flatness known as kurtosis . we identified eight families whose @xmath0 distribution is significantly leptokurtic . these cases ( e.g. the koronis family ) are located in dynamically quiet regions of the main belt , where , presumably , the initial distribution of @xmath0 was not modified by subsequent orbital evolution . we suggest that , in these cases , the inclination distribution can be used to obtain interesting information about the original ejection velocity field . [ firstpage ] minor planets , asteroids : general celestial mechanics . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: asteroid families form as a result of collisions between asteroids . these events can either lead to a formation of a large crater on the parent body , from which fragments are ejected , or catastrophically disrupt it . more than 120 families are currently known in the main belt ( nesvorn et al .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
2015 ) and the number of their members ranges from several thousands to just a few dozens , for the smaller and compact families . a lot of progress has been made in the last decades in developing sophisticated impact hydrocodes able to reproduce the main properties of families , mainly accounting for their size distribution , and , in a few cases ( the karin and veritas clusters ) the ejection velocities of their members ( michel et al .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: this paper proposes an extension to the generative adversarial networks ( gans ) , namely as agan to synthetically generate more challenging and complex images such as artwork that have abstract characteristics . this is in contrast to most of the current solutions that focused on generating natural images such as room interiors , birds , flowers and faces . the key innovation of our work is to allow back - propagation of the loss function w.r.t . the labels ( randomly assigned to each generated images ) to the generator from the discriminator . with the feedback from the label information , the generator is able to learn faster and achieve better generated image quality . empirically , we show that the proposed agan is capable to create realistic artwork , as well as generate compelling real world images that globally look natural with clear shape on cifar-10 . oldmaketitlemaketitle image synthesis , generative adversarial networks , deep learning . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: pablo picasso `` i paint objects as i think them , not as i see them '' recently , generative adversarial networks ( gans ) @xcite have shown significant promise in synthetically generate natural images using the mnist @xcite , cifar-10 @xcite , cub-200 @xcite and lfw datasets @xcite . however , we could notice that all these datasets have some common characteristics : i ) most of the background / foreground are clearly distinguishable ; ii ) most of the images contain only one object per image and finally iii ) most of the objects have fairly structured shape such as numeric , vehicles , birds , face etc . in this paper , we would like to investigate if machine can create ( more challenging ) images that do not exhibit any of the above characteristics , such as the artwork depicted in fig .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
[ fig : clscom ] . artwork is a mode of creative expression , coming in different kind of forms , including drawing , naturalistic , abstraction , etc .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate a hamiltonian lattice version of the two - dimensional wess - zumino model by quantum monte carlo simulations . in order to study the pattern of supersymmetry breaking , we measure the ground state energy and the correlation length along a trajectory approaching the continuum limit . the algorithm is very effective in measuring the ground state energy , and adequate for the correlation length . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: numerical simulations of lattice field theories are usually performed in the lagrangian formulation . nonetheless , we think there are very good reasons to develop numerical simulation techniques for the hamiltonian approach @xcite : powerful many - body techniques are available @xcite , which allow the direct computation of the vacuum wave function properties ; fermions are implemented directly and need not be integrated out ; properties like the mass spectrum are more immediate . finally , universality checks between the lagrangian and the hamiltonian formalism are very welcome .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we study the hamiltonian lattice version of the two - dimensional wess - zumino model described in refs . @xcite ; we only wish to highlight here the main features of the formulation . in the hamiltonian formalism ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present measurements of quasi - keplerian flows in a taylor - couette device that identify the boundary conditions required to generate near - ideal flows that exhibit self - similarity under scaling of the reynolds number . these experiments are contrasted with alternate boundary configurations that result in flows that progressively deviate from ideal couette rotation as the reynolds number is increased . these behaviors are quantitatively explained in terms of the tendency to generate global ekman circulation and the balance of angular momentum fluxes through the axial and radial boundary layers . + eric m. edlund * and hantao ji + princeton plasma physics laboratory + september 1 , 2015 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: that the global properties of an extended system may be mapped to the boundaries is an idea that has found success in holographic theories of general relativistic systems @xcite , and in magnetically confined plasmas @xcite . we report on a similar behavior observed in incompressible hydrodynamic flows in a taylor - couette apparatus where it is observed that certain characteristics of the global flow are largely dictated by the boundaries . this finding is particularly relevant for experiments that examine quasi - keplerian ( qk ) flows , that is , rotation satisfying @xmath0 where @xmath1 , @xmath2 is the fluid angular velocity and @xmath3 is the radial coordinate , as models of astrophysical systems , namely accretion disks .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
numerous recent studies have commented on the hydrodynamic stability of such systems @xcite , with extensions to magnetohydrodynamics in electrically conducting fluids @xcite . while there is some disagreement between studies as to whether hydrodynamic turbulence can be induced in qk flows , the balance seems to lean toward the negative , at least insofar as incompressible turbulence is considered , and points to the important role of magnetohydrodynamic effects in astrophysical systems .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in @xcite , we introduced the notion of minor - embedding in adiabatic quantum optimization . a minor - embedding of a graph @xmath0 in a quantum hardware graph @xmath1 is a subgraph of @xmath2 such that @xmath0 can be obtained from it by contracting edges . in this paper , we describe the intertwined adiabatic quantum architecture design problem , which is to construct a hardware graph @xmath2 that satisfies all known physical constraints and , at the same time , permits an efficient minor - embedding algorithm . we illustrate an optimal complete - graph - minor hardware graph . given a family @xmath3 of graphs , a ( host ) graph @xmath1 is called @xmath3-minor - universal if for each graph @xmath0 in @xmath3 , @xmath1 contains a minor - embedding of @xmath0 . the problem for designing a @xmath4-minor - universal hardware graph @xmath5 in which @xmath4 consists of a family of sparse graphs ( e.g. , bounded degree graphs ) is open . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: we introduced the notion of minor - embedding in adiabatic quantum optimization in @xcite . in particular , we showed that the np - hard quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem on a graph @xmath0 can be solved in an adiabatic quantum computer that implements the spin-1/2 ising hamiltonian , by reduction through minor - embedding of @xmath0 in the quantum hardware graph @xmath2 . we proved the correctness of the minor - embedding reduction and solved a related parameter setting problem in @xcite . in this paper. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, we discuss the intertwined adiabatic quantum architecture design problem , which is to construct a hardware graph @xmath2 that satisfies all known physical constraints and , at the same time , permits an efficient minor - embedding algorithm . this paper is organized as follows . in section [ sec : aqc ] , we review adiabatic quantum computation , and describe an adiabatic quantum architecture that is implemented with superconducting devices and the imposing physical constraints . in section [ sec : minor - embed ] , we recall the minor - embedding in aqc . in section
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the analysis of polycrystalline materials benefits greatly from accurate quantitative descriptions of their grain structures . laguerre tessellations approximate such grain structures very well . however , it is a quite challenging problem to fit a laguerre tessellation to tomographic data , as a high - dimensional optimization problem with many local minima must be solved . in this paper , we formulate a version of this optimization problem that can be solved quickly using the cross - entropy method , a robust stochastic optimization technique that can avoid becoming trapped in local minima . we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to both artificially generated and experimentally produced tomographic data . image processing ; microstructural characterization ; grain boundary structure ; polycrystalline ; power diagram ; inverse problem ; cross - entropy method . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in recent years there have been significant advances in the tomographic characterization of materials . as a result , it is now possible to carry out detailed investigations of the 3d grain structures of polycrystalline materials ; see , e.g. , @xcite . a fundamental ingredient in any such investigation is a suitable quantitative description of the grain morphology . such a description contains the key features of the structure , ideally free from noise and imaging artifacts .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
a good description usually results in significant data compression , describing large 3d voxel data sets using only a small number of parameters . data compression is necessary , for example , when carrying out analysis of sequences of tomographic data sets ( e.g. , the high time resolution in - situ synchrotron images considered in @xcite ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: pulsars are thought to be highly magnetized rotating neutron stars accelerating charged particles along magnetic field lines in their magnetosphere and visible as pulsed emission from the radio wavelength up to high energy x - rays and gamma - rays . being highly compact objects with compactness close to @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the schwarzschild radius and @xmath2 the mass and radius of the neutron star , general - relativistic effects become important close to their surface . this is especially true for the polar caps where radio emission is supposed to emanate from , leading to well defined signatures such as linear and circular polarization . in this paper , we derive a general formalism to extend to general relativity the deutsch field solution valid in vacuum space . thanks to a vector spherical harmonic expansion of the electromagnetic field , we are able to express the solution to any order in the spin parameter @xmath3 of the compact object . we hope this analysis to serve as a benchmark to test numerical codes used to compute black hole and neutron star magnetospheres . [ firstpage ] stars : neutron - stars : magnetic fields - general relativity - methods : analytical - methods : numerical . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in our current understanding of pulsar magnetospheres and radiation mechanisms , strongly magnetized rotating neutron stars play a central role . the underlying plasma processes like particle acceleration , pair creation and pulsed emission profiles throughout the whole electromagnetic spectrum strongly depend on the peculiar magnetic field geometry and strength adopted or extracted from numerical simulations of the magnetosphere . for instance radio emission is believed to emanate from the polar caps , therefore in regions of strong gravity where curvature and frame - dragging effects are considerable due to the high compacity of neutron stars @xmath4 for typical models with its mass @xmath5 , its radius @xmath6 and the schwarzschild radius given by @xmath1 , @xmath7 being the gravitational constant and @xmath8 the speed of light .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
detailed quantitative analysis of radio pulse polarization and pair cascade dynamics could greatly benefit from a better quantitative description of the electromagnetic field around the polar caps . although there exists an extensive literature about flat space - time electrodynamics , only little work has been done to include general - relativistic effects .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the holonomic rank of the @xmath0-hypergeometric system @xmath1 is the degree of the toric ideal @xmath2 for generic parameters ; in general , this is only a lower bound . to the semigroup ring of @xmath0 we attach the ranking arrangement and use this algebraic invariant and the exceptional arrangement of nongeneric parameters to construct a combinatorial formula for the rank jump of @xmath1 . as consequences , we obtain a refinement of the stratification of the exceptional arrangement by the rank of @xmath1 and show that the zariski closure of each of its strata is a union of translates of linear subspaces of the parameter space . these results hold for generalized @xmath0-hypergeometric systems as well , where the semigroup ring of @xmath0 is replaced by a nontrivial weakly toric module @xmath3 $ ] . we also provide a direct proof of the main result in @xcite regarding the isomorphism classes of @xmath1 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: an @xmath0-hypergeometric system @xmath1 is a @xmath4-module determined by an integral matrix @xmath0 and a complex parameter vector @xmath5 . these systems are also known as _ gkz - systems _ , as they were introduced in the late 1980 s by gelfand , graev , kapranov , and zelevinsky @xcite . their solutions occur naturally in mathematics and physics , including the study of roots of polynomials , picard . Please generate the next two sentences of the article
fuchs equations for the variation of hodge structure of calabi - yau toric hypersurfaces , and generating functions for intersection numbers on moduli spaces of curves , see @xcite . the ( holonomic ) rank of @xmath1 coincides with the dimension of its solution space at a nonsingular point . in this article
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we review a variety of theoretical and experimental results concerning electronic band structure of superconducting materials based on fese monolayers . three type of systems are analyzed : intercalated fese systems a@xmath0fe@xmath1se@xmath2s@xmath0 and [ li@xmath3fe@xmath0oh]fese as well as the single fese layer films on srtio@xmath4 substrate . we present the results of detailed first principle electronic band structure calculations for these systems together with comparison with some experimental arpes data . the electronic structure of these systems is rather different from that of typical feas superconductors , which is quite significant for possible microscopic mechanism of superconductivity . this is reflected in the absence of hole pockets of the fermi surface at @xmath5-point in brillouin zone , so that there are no `` nesting '' properties of different fermi surface pockets . lda+dmft calculations show that correlation effects on fe-3d states in the single fese layer are not that strong as in most of feas systems . as a result , at present there is no theoretical understanding of the formation of rather `` shallow '' electronic bands at @xmath6 points . lda calculations show that the main difference in electronic structure of fese monolayer on srtio@xmath4 substrate from isolated fese layer is the presence of the band of o-2p surface states of tio@xmath1 layer on the fermi level together with fe-3d states , which may be important for understanding the enhanced @xmath7 values in this system . we briefly discuss the implications of our results for microscopic models of superconductivity . pacs : 74.20.-z , 74.20.rp , 74.25.jb , 74.70.-b . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the discovery of a new class of superconductors based on iron pnictides has opened up the new prospects for the study of high - temperature superconductivity ( cf . reviews @xcite ) . the nature of superconductivity in these novel materials and other physical properties significantly differs from those of high @xmath7 cuprates , though they still have many common features , which gives hope for a better understanding of the problem of high - temperature superconductivity in general .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the discovery of superconductivity in iron pnictides was soon followed by its discovery in iron _ chalcogenide _ fese . a lot of attention was attracted to this system because of its simplicity , though its superconducting characteristics ( under normal conditions ) were quite modest ( @xmath88k ) and its electronic structure was quite similar to that of iron pnictides ( cf . review in @xcite ) . the situation with iron chalcogenides fundamentally changed with the appearance of _ intercalated _ fese based systems with the value of @xmath830 - 40k , which immediately attracted attention due to their unusual electronic structure @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose a modified time lag random matrix theory in order to study time lag cross - correlations in multiple time series . we apply the method to 48 world indices , one for each of 48 different countries . we find long - range power - law cross - correlations in the absolute values of returns that quantify risk , and find that they decay much more slowly than cross - correlations between the returns . the magnitude of the cross - correlations constitute `` bad news '' for international investment managers who may believe that risk is reduced by diversifying across countries . we find that when a market shock is transmitted around the world , the risk decays very slowly . we explain these time lag cross - correlations by introducing a global factor model ( gfm ) in which all index returns fluctuate in response to a single global factor . for each pair of individual time series of returns , the cross - correlations between returns ( or magnitudes ) can be modeled with the auto - correlations of the global factor returns ( or magnitudes ) . we estimate the global factor using principal component analysis , which minimizes the variance of the residuals after removing the global trend . using random matrix theory , a significant fraction of the world index cross - correlations can be explained by the global factor , which supports the utility of the gfm . we demonstrate applications of the gfm in forecasting risks at the world level , and in finding uncorrelated individual indices . we find 10 indices are practically uncorrelated with the global factor and with the remainder of the world indices , which is relevant information for world managers in reducing their portfolio risk . finally , we argue that this general method can be applied to a wide range of phenomena in which time series are measured , ranging from seismology and physiology to atmospheric geophysics . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: when complex systems join to form even more complex systems , the interaction of the constituent subsystems is highly random @xcite . the complex stochastic interactions among these subsystems are commonly quantified by calculating the cross - correlations . this method has been applied in systems ranging from nanodevices @xcite , atmospheric geophysics @xcite , and seismology @xcite , to finance @xcite . here we propose a method of estimating the most significant component in explaining long - range cross - correlations . studying cross - correlations in these diverse physical systems. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
provides insight into the dynamics of natural systems and enables us to base our prediction of future outcomes on current information . in finance , we base our risk estimate on cross - correlation matrices derived from asset and investment portfolios @xcite . in seismology ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the feasibility of probing anomalous top - quark couplings of @xmath0 , @xmath1 , and @xmath2 in terms of an effective lagrangian with dimension - six operators at future @xmath3 linear colliders with a c. m. energy @xmath4 gev . we first examine the constraints on these anomalous couplings from the @xmath5 data at lep i and from unitarity considerations . we then consider in detail the effects of anomalous couplings on @xmath6 spin correlations in the top - pair production and decay with three spin bases : the helicity , beamline and off - diagonal bases . our results show that the polarized beams are more suitable for exploring the effects of different new operators . for polarized beams , the helicity basis yields the best sensitivity . -0.5 in 6.5 in 8.50 in -0.5 in [ 1]0= 0=0 1= 1=1 0>1 # 1 / / # 1#20.7ex # 1@xmath7 # 1@xmath8 # 1 # 1 # 1[#1 ] [ appendixc ] [ subappendixc ] * top - quark spin correlation at linear colliders + with anomalous couplings * + .3 cm @xmath9institute of high energy physics , academia sinica , + beijing , 100039 , p. r. china , + @xmath10department of physics , university of wisconsin , madison , wi 53706 , usa + .3 in . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the top - quark physics is one of the most important topics at a next generation linear collider . near and above the threshold of a top quark and anti - top quark ( @xmath11 ) , there will be about @xmath12 pairs produced per one @xmath13 of integrated luminosity . thus a high luminosity linear collider may allow for a good determination @xcite of the top - quark mass ( @xmath14 ) , its total width , the strong coupling constant @xmath15 , and even new physics effects such as from a virtual higgs boson .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
indeed , as the heaviest particle observed so far with a mass at the electroweak scale , the top quark may hold the key to new physics in the electroweak sector @xcite . without knowing the underlying dynamics beyond the standard model ( sm ) , it is appropriate to parameterize new physics effects at low energies by an effective lagrangian @xmath16 where @xmath17 is a cutoff scale above which new physics sets in , and @xmath18 is the sm lagrangian , @xmath19 the sm - gauge - invariant dimension - six operators . @xmath20
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report the discovery of two doubly - imaged quasars , sdss j100128.61 + 502756.9 and sdss j120629.65 + 433217.6 , at redshifts of @xmath0 and @xmath1 and with image separations of @xmath2 and @xmath3 , respectively . the objects were selected as lens candidates from the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . based on the identical nature of the spectra of the two quasars in each pair and the identification of the lens galaxies , we conclude that the objects are gravitational lenses . the lenses are complicated ; in both systems there are several galaxies in the fields very close to the quasars , in addition to the lens galaxies themselves . the lens modeling implies that these nearby galaxies contribute significantly to the lens potentials . on larger scales , we have detected an enhancement in the galaxy density near sdss j100128.61 + 502756.9 . the number of lenses with image separation of @xmath4 in the sdss already exceeds the prediction of simple theoretical models based on the standard lambda - dominated cosmology and observed velocity function of galaxies . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in strong gravitational lensing of quasars , the separations between multiple images , @xmath5 , is the most important observable linking observations to theory . since the image separation is determined by the potential depth of the lens , the image separation distribution of lensed quasars offers a direct probe of the hierarchical structure of the universe . for instance , normal galaxies can produce strongly lensed quasars with image separations of @xmath6 , while lenses with image separation @xmath7 can only be caused by clusters of galaxies .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
about 70 of @xmath6 lenses are known to date , and there is one example of a lensed quasar system in which the lens potential is dominated by that of dark matter @xcite . among gravitationally lensed quasars , those with intermediate image separations ( @xmath8 ) are of great interest because they represent a link between small- and large - separation lenses . in the standard modeling procedure used to predict the distribution of image separations , assuming isothermal profiles and an a priori velocity function of galaxies , lenses with image separations @xmath9 are very rare , because even the largest early type galaxies do not have einstein radii this large .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper , we introduce a new machine learning theory based on multi - channel parallel adaptation for rule discovery . this theory is distinguished from the familiar parallel - distributed adaptation theory of neural networks in terms of channel - based convergence to the target rules . we show how to realize this theory in a learning system named cfrule . cfrule is a parallel weight - based model , but it departs from traditional neural computing in that its internal knowledge is comprehensible . furthermore , when the model converges upon training , each channel converges to a target rule . the model adaptation rule is derived by multi - level parallel weight optimization based on gradient descent . since , however , gradient descent only guarantees local optimization , a multi - channel regression - based optimization strategy is developed to effectively deal with this problem . formally , we prove that the cfrule model can explicitly and precisely encode any given rule set . also , we prove a property related to asynchronous parallel convergence , which is a critical element of the multi - channel parallel adaptation theory for rule learning . thanks to the quantizability nature of the cfrule model , rules can be extracted completely and soundly via a threshold - based mechanism . finally , the practical application of the theory is demonstrated in dna promoter recognition and hepatitis prognosis prediction . [ section ] [ section ] [ section ] + + + * li min fu * + department of cise + university of florida + + corresponding author : + li min fu + department of computer and information sciences , 301 cse + p.o . box 116120 + university of florida + gainesville , florida 32611 + + phone : ( 352)392 - 1485 + e - mail : * multi - channel parallel adaptation theory + for rule discovery * + * li min fu * + * keywords : * rule discovery , adaptation , optimization , regression , certainty factor , neural network , machine learning , uncertainty.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: rules express general knowledge about actions or conclusions in given circumstances and also principles in given domains . in the if - then format , rules are an easy way to represent cognitive processes in psychology and a useful means to encode expert knowledge . in another perspective , rules are important because they can help scientists understand problems and engineers solve problems . these observations would account for the fact that rule learning or discovery has become a major topic in both machine learning and data mining research . the former discipline concerns the construction of computer programs which learn knowledge or skill while the latter is about the discovery of patterns or rules hidden in the data .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the fundamental concepts of rule learning are discussed in [ 16 ] . methods for learning sets of rules include symbolic heuristic search [ 3 , 5 ] , decision trees [ 17 - 18 ] , inductive logic programming [ 13 ] , neural networks [ 2 , 7 , 20 ] , and genetic algorithms [ 10 ] . a methodology comparison can be found in our previous work [ 9 ] . despite the differences in their computational frameworks , these methods perform a certain kind of search in the rule space ( i.e. , the space of possible rules ) in conjunction with some optimization criterion .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we use an automated galaxy morphology analysis method to quantitatively measure the spirality of galaxies classified manually as elliptical . the data set used for the analysis consists of 60,518 galaxy images with redshift obtained by the sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) and classified manually by _ galaxy zoo _ , as well as the rc3 and na10 catalogues . we measure the spirality of the galaxies by using the ganalyzer method , which transforms the galaxy image to its radial intensity plot to detect galaxy spirality that is in many cases difficult to notice by manual observation of the raw galaxy image . experimental results using manually classified elliptical and s0 galaxies with redshift @xmath00.3 suggest that galaxies classified manually as elliptical and s0 exhibit a nonzero signal for the spirality . these results suggest that the human eye observing the raw galaxy image might not always be the most effective way of detecting spirality and curves in the arms of galaxies . * keywords * : galaxies : elliptical and lenticular techniques : image processing . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: galaxy morphology is studied for the purpose of classification and analysis of the physical structures exhibited by galaxies in wide redshift ranges in order to get a better understanding of the structure and development of galaxies . while significant research has been done to study the morphology of galaxies with spiral arms @xcite , research efforts have been focused also on the analysis of elliptical and s0 galaxies using photometric measurement of the electromagnetic radiation , ellipticity , position angle , shape , and colour @xcite . these analyses were successful in acquiring information regarding the structure and development of some of these galaxies .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
however , these studies have done little analysis of the spirality of galaxies that were classified as elliptical . studying the morphology of large datasets of galaxies have attracted significant attention in the past decade @xcite , and was driven by the increasing availability of automatically acquired datasets such as the data releases of the sloan digital sky survey @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: generalized langevin dynamics ( gld ) arise in the modeling of a number of systems , ranging from structured fluids that exhibit a viscoelastic mechanical response , to biological systems , and other media that exhibit anomalous diffusive phenomena . molecular dynamics ( md ) simulations that include gld in conjunction with external and/or pairwise forces require the development of numerical integrators that are efficient , stable , and have known convergence properties . in this article , we derive a family of extended variable integrators for the generalized langevin equation ( gle ) with a positive prony series memory kernel . using stability and error analysis , we identify a superlative choice of parameters and implement the corresponding numerical algorithm in the lammps md software package . salient features of the algorithm include exact conservation of the first and second moments of the equilibrium velocity distribution in some important cases , stable behavior in the limit of conventional langevin dynamics , and the use of a convolution - free formalism that obviates the need for explicit storage of the time history of particle velocities . capability is demonstrated with respect to accuracy in numerous canonical examples , stability in certain limits , and an exemplary application in which the effect of a harmonic confining potential is mapped onto a memory kernel . + _ copyright 2013 american institute of physics . this article may be downloaded for personal use only . any other use requires prior permission of the author and the american institute of physics . _ . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: langevin dynamics@xcite is a modeling technique , in which the motion of a set of massive bodies in the presence of a bath of smaller solvent particles is directly integrated , while the dynamics of the solvent are `` averaged out '' . this approximation may lead to a dramatic reduction in computational cost compared to `` explicit solvent '' methods , since dynamics of the solvent particles no longer need to be fully resolved . with langevin dynamics , the effect of the solvent is reduced to an instantaneous drag force and a random delta - correlated force felt by the massive bodies .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this framework has been applied in a variety of scenarios , including implicit solvents,@xcite brownian dynamics,@xcite dynamic thermostats,@xcite and the stabilization of time integrators.@xcite in spite of the numerous successes of conventional langevin dynamics it has long been recognized that there are physically compelling scenarios in which the underlying assumptions break down , necessitating a more general treatment.@xcite to this end , generalized langevin dynamics ( gld ) permits the modeling of systems in which the inertial gap separating the massive bodies from the smaller solvent particles is reduced . here the assumptions of an instantaneous drag force and a delta - correlated random force become insufficient , leading to the introduction of a temporally non - local drag and a random force with non - trivial correlations .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we propose a general formalism for galaxy biasing and apply it to methods for measuring cosmological parameters , such as regression of light versus mass , the analysis of redshift distortions , measures involving skewness and the cosmic virial theorem . the common linear and deterministic relation @xmath0 between the density fluctuation fields of galaxies @xmath1 and mass @xmath2 is replaced by the conditional distribution @xmath3 of these random fields , smoothed at a given scale at a given time . the nonlinearity is characterized by the conditional mean @xmath4 , while the local scatter is represented by the conditional variance @xmath5 and higher moments . the scatter arises from hidden factors affecting galaxy formation and from shot noise unless it has been properly removed . for applications involving second - order local moments , the biasing is defined by three natural parameters : the slope @xmath6 of the regression of @xmath1 on @xmath2 , a nonlinearity @xmath7 , and a scatter @xmath8 . the ratio of variances @xmath9 and the correlation coefficient @xmath10 mix these parameters . the nonlinearity and the scatter lead to underestimates of order @xmath11 and @xmath12 in the different estimators of @xmath13 ( @xmath14 ) . the nonlinear effects are typically smaller . local stochasticity affects the redshift - distortion analysis only by limiting the useful range of scales , especially for power spectra . in this range , for linear stochastic biasing , the analysis reduces to kaiser s formula for @xmath6 ( not @xmath15 ) , independent of the scatter . the distortion analysis is affected by nonlinear properties of biasing but in a weak way . estimates of the nontrivial features of the biasing scheme are made based on simulations and toy models , and strategies for measuring them are discussed . they may partly explain the range of estimates for @xmath13 . # 1equation ( [ eq:#1 ] ) # 1equations ( [ eq:#1 ] ) # 1([eq:#1 ] ) # 1equation ( [ eq:#1 ] ) # 1equations ( [.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: galaxy biasing " clearly exists . the fact that galaxies of different types cluster differently ( , dressler 1980 ; lahav , nemiroff & piran 1990 , santiago & strauss 1992 ; loveday 1995 ; hermit 1996 ; guzzo 1997 ) implies that not all of them are exact tracers of the underlying mass distribution . it is obvious from the emptiness of large voids ( , kirshner 1987 ) and the spikiness of the galaxy distribution with @xmath17 spacing ( , broadhurst 1992 ) , especially at high redshifts ( steidel 1996 ; 1998 ) , that if the structure has evolved by standard gravitational instability theory ( gi ) then the galaxy distribution must be biased .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
arguments for different kinds of biasing schemes have been put forward and physical mechanisms for biasing have been proposed ( , kaiser 1984 ; davis 1985 ; bardeen 1996 ; dekel & silk 1986 ; dekel & rees 1987 ; braun , dekel & shapiro 1988 ; babul & white 1991 ; lahav & saslaw 1992 ) . cosmological simulations of galaxy formation clearly indicate galaxy biasing , even at the level of galactic halos ( , cen & ostriker 1992 ; kauffmann , nusser & steinmetz 1997 ; blanton 1998 ; somerville 1998 ) . the biasing becomes stronger at higher redshifts ( , bagla 1998a , 1998b ; jing & suto 1998 ; wechsler 1998 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this note , we solve the loewner equation in the upper half - plane with forcing function @xmath0 , for the cases in which @xmath0 has a power - law dependence on time with powers @xmath1 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 . in the first case the trace of singularities is a line perpendicular to the real axis . in the second case the trace of singularities can do three things . if @xmath4 , the trace is a straight line set at an angle to the real axis . if @xmath5 , as pointed out by marshall and rohde @xcite , the behavior of the trace as @xmath6 approaches @xmath3 depends on the coefficient @xmath7 . our calculations give an explicit solution in which for @xmath8 the trace spirals into a point in the upper half - plane , while for @xmath9 it intersects the real axis . we also show that for @xmath10 the trace becomes a half - circle . the third case with forcing @xmath11 gives a trace that moves outward to infinity , but stays within fixed distance from the real axis . we also solve explicitly a more general version of the evolution equation , in which @xmath0 is a superposition of the values @xmath12 . [ [ key - words ] ] key words : + + + + + + + + + + conformal map , loewner equation , singularity , slit domain . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the loewner differential equation was introduced by karl lwner @xcite ( who later changed his name to charles loewner ) to study properties of univalent functions on the unit disk . the differential equation is driven by a function that encodes in an ingeneous way continuous curves slitting the disk from the boundary . a few years ago , oded schramm realized that by taking brownian motion as the driving function , the loewner equation generates families of random curves with a conformally invariant measure , that he called `` stochastic loewner evolutions '' ( sle s ) @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
moreover , he showed that if the loop - erased random walk has a scaling limit , and if this scaling limit is conformally invariant , then it must be described by an sle , and he made similar conjectures about the scaling limits of uniform spanning trees and of critical percolation . the existence of conformally invariant scaling limits and the connections with sle were established for the first two models by lawler , schramm and werner @xcite , and for critical site percolation on the triangular lattice by smirnov @xcite . over the past few years schramm s idea has been investigated further , mainly in a combined effort of lawler , schramm and werner @xcite , leading to new developments in the study of ( the scaling limit of ) discrete models . in sle
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present optical and near infrared observations of the type iib supernova ( sn ) 2011fu from a few days to @xmath0 d after explosion . the sn presents a double - peaked light curve ( lc ) similar to that of sn 1993j , although more luminous and with a longer cooling phase after the primary peak . the spectral evolution is also similar to sn 1993j s , with hydrogen dominating the spectra to @xmath1 d , then helium gaining strength , and nebular emission lines appearing from @xmath2 d post - explosion . the velocities derived from the p - cygni absorptions are overall similar to those of other type iib sne . we have found a strong similarity between the oxygen and magnesium line profiles at late times , which suggests that these lines are forming at the same location within the ejecta . the hydrodynamical modelling of the pseudo - bolometric lc and the observed photospheric velocities suggest that sn 2011fu was the explosion of an extended star ( @xmath3 r@xmath4 ) , in which 1.3 @xmath5 erg of kinetic energy were released and 0.15 m@xmath6 of @xmath7ni were synthesised . in addition , a better reproduction of the observed early pseudo - bolometric lc is achieved if a more massive h - rich - envelope than for other type iib sne is considered ( 0.3 m@xmath6 ) . the hydrodynamical modelling of the lc and the comparison of our late - time spectra with nebular spectral models for type iib sne , point to a progenitor for sn 2011fu with a zams mass of 13 - 18 m@xmath6 . [ firstpage ] supernovae : general , supernovae : individual : sn 2011fu . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: core - collapse - supernovae ( cc - sne ) are believed to be the explosions that mark the end - point in the evolution of massive stars ( @xmath8 m@xmath9 ; see e.g. * ? ? ? they are spectroscopically divided in different groups according mainly to the presence of the h and he lines in their optical spectra . while type ii sne show prominent h features , type i do not , and can be further subdivided , according to the presence or absence of he , as types ib and ic respectively .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
there are also hybrid objects which undergo a transition from being h dominated at early phases of their spectral evolution , to he dominated at later times . these are termed type iib sne .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the spatial distribution of charge and magnetization within the nucleon ( proton and neutron ) is encoded in the elastic electromagnetic form factors @xmath0 and @xmath1 . these form factors have been precisely measured utilizing elastic electron scattering , and the combination of proton and neutron form factors allows for the separation of the up- and down - quark contributions to the nucleon form factors . we expand on our original analyses and extract the up- and down - quark contributions to the nucleon electromagnetic form factors from worldwide data with an emphasis on precise new data covering the low - momentum region , which is sensitive to the large - scale structure of the nucleon . from these , we construct the flavor - separated dirac and pauli form factors and their ratios , and compare the results to recent extractions and theoretical calculations and models . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the nucleon electromagnetic form factors @xmath2 and @xmath3 are fundamental quantities in nuclear and elementary particle physics as they provide information on the spatial distributions of charge and magnetization within the nucleon . they are a function of the four - momentum transfer squared of the virtual photon , @xmath4 . in the nonrelativistic limit , they are the fourier transform of the charge and magnetization distributions . therefore. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, isolating the up- and down - quark contributions to the nucleon form factors is essential to examine spatial asymmetries in the quark distributions . there are primarily two methods used to extract the proton form factors .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a model of a qubit built of a three coherently coupled quantum dots with three spins in a triangular geometry . the qubit states are encoded in the doublet subspace and they are controlled by a gate voltage , which breaks the triangular symmetry of the system . we show how to prepare the qubit and to perform one qubit operations . a new type of the current blockade effect will be discussed . the blockade is related with an asymmetry of transfer rates from the electrodes to different doublet states and is used to read - out of the dynamics of the qubit state . our research also presents analysis of the rabi oscillations , decoherence and leakage processes in the doublets subspace . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a quantum computer will allow to perform some algorithms much faster than in classical computers e.g. shor algorithm for the factorization the numbers @xcite . the basic elements in the quantum computation are qubits and quantum logical gates , which allow to construct any circuit to quantum algorithms . the good candidates to realization of qubits are semiconductor quantum dots with controlled electron numbers .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the qubit state can be encoded using an electron charge or , which is also promising , an electron spin @xcite . the spin qubits are characterized by longer decoherence times necessary in the quantum computation @xcite . however to prepare that qubit one needs to apply a magnetic field and removed the degeneracy between spin up and down .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: i report on a lattice computation of the energy of a system of two light quarks and two static antiquarks as a function of the separation of the static antiquarks . in terms of hadrons such a system corresponds to a pair of @xmath0 mesons and its energy to the hadronic potential . i present selected results for different isospin , spin and parity combinations of the individual @xmath0 mesons mainly focusing on those channels relevant to determine , whether two @xmath0 mesons may form a bound tetraquark state . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: lattice computations of the potential of a pair of static - light mesons ( in the following also referred to as @xmath0 mesons ) are of interest , because they constitute first principles determinations of a hadronic force . such potentials can e.g. be used as input for phenomenological calculations to determine , whether two @xmath0 mesons may form a bound tetraquark state . in the literature interactions between static - light mesons have been studied in the quenched approximation @xcite and recently also with dynamical quarks @xcite . here. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
i report on the status of an investigation with two flavors of dynamical wilson twisted mass quarks . forces are not only studied between the lightest static - light mesons ( denoted by @xmath1 ) , but for the first time also first excitations are taken into account ( denoted by @xmath2 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: metastasis is the process by which cells from a primary tumor disperse and form new tumors at distant anatomical locations . the treatment and prevention of metastatic cancer remains an extremely challenging problem . this work introduces a novel biologically motivated objective function to the radiation optimization community that takes into account metastatic risk instead of the status of the primary tumor . in this work , we consider the problem of developing fractionated irradiation schedules that minimize production of metastatic cancer cells while keeping normal tissue damage below an acceptable level . a dynamic programming framework is utilized to determine the optimal fractionation scheme . we evaluated our approach on a breast cancer case using the heart and the lung as organs - at - risk ( oar ) . for small tumor @xmath0 values , hypo - fractionated schedules were optimal , which is consistent with standard models . however , for relatively larger @xmath0 values , we found the type of schedule depended on various parameters such as the time when metastatic risk was evaluated , the @xmath0 values of the oars , and the normal tissue sparing factors . interestingly , in contrast to standard models , hypo - fractionated and semi - hypo - fractionated schedules ( large initial doses with doses tapering off with time ) were suggested even with large tumor @xmath1/@xmath2 values . numerical results indicate potential for significant reduction in metastatic risk . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: most solid tumors eventually establish colonies in distant anatomical locations ; when these colonies become clinically detectable , they are called macrometastasis . while often there is a large burden from primary tumors , it is in fact metastatic disease that is responsible for most cancer fatalities @xcite . the creation of macrometastasis requires the successful completion of a sequence of difficult steps . first , cancer cells must gain access to the general circulation system via the process of intravasation .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
next , the cells must survive in the inhospitable environment of the circulatory system . following this , the tumor cells must exit the circulatory system ( extravasation ) at a distant site and initiate micrometastsis ( clinically undetectable population of tumor cells at a distant anatomical site ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate intersubband mixing effects in multichannel quantum wires in the presence of rashba spin - orbit coupling and attached to two terminals . when the contacts are ferromagnetic and their magnetization direction is perpendicular to the rashba field , the spin - transistor current is expected to depend in a oscillatory way on the rashba coupling strength due to spin coherent oscillations of the travelling electrons . nevertheless , we find that the presence of many propagating modes strongly influences the spin precession effect , leading to ( i ) a quenching of the oscillations and ( ii ) strongly irregular curves for high values of the rashba coupling . we also observe that in the case of leads magnetization parallel to the rashba field , the conductance departs from a uniform value as the rashba strength increases . we also discuss the rashba interaction induced current polarization effects when the contacts are not magnetic and investigate how this mechanism is affected by the presence of several propagating channels . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the discovery of the giant magnetoresistance effect,@xcite research in spintronics has been developing at a fast pace . an important requirement for practical applications of this novel technology is the generation , control and manipulation of spin - polarized currents preferably using electric fields only.@xcite spin - orbit interactions in semiconductor materials are promising tools to achieve that goal . in particular , the rashba interaction,@xcite a type of spin - orbit coupling that originates from a lack of inversion symmetry in semiconductor heterostructures ( such as inas or gaas ) , has been experimentally shown to possess a high degree of tunability using gate contacts.@xcite since the spin - orbit interaction couples the electron momentum and its spin , the rashba field behaves as an effective magnetic field that is responsible for spin coherent oscillations , which can be exploited in spintronics . based on this property , datta and das suggested a spin field - effect transistor.@xcite it consists of a one - dimensional ballistic channel sandwiched by two ferromagnetic contacts .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
their proposal relies on the control of the current along the channel using the rashba interaction via a third terminal ( the gate ) and the relative orientation of the leads magnetizations . the length of the channel and the intensity of the rashba strength determine the flow of the current .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: three , interrelated biologically - relevant examples of biased random walks are presented : ( 1 ) a model for dna melting , modelled as dna unzipping , which provides a way to illustrate the role of the boltzmann factor in a venue well - known to biology and pre - medical students ; ( 2 ) the activity of helicase motor proteins in unzipping double - stranded dna , for example , at the replication fork , which is an example of a brownian ratchet ; ( 3 ) force generation by actin polymerization , which is another brownian ratchet , and for which the force and actin - concentration dependence of the velocity of actin polymerization is determined . a . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in spite of the growing recognition that physics skills `` scholastic rigor , analytical thinking , quantitative assessment , and the analysis of complex systems '' @xcite are important for biology @xcite and pre - medical @xcite students , these students often arrive in physics classes skeptical about the relevance of physics to their academic and professional goals . to engage these students , in the 2010 - 2011 academic year , the yale physics department debuted a new introductory physics sequence , that , in addition to covering the basics . Please generate the next two sentences of the article
kinematics , force , energy , momentum , hooke s law , ohm s law , maxwell s equations _ etc . _ also covers a number of more biologically - relevant topics , including , in particular , probability , random walks , and the boltzmann factor .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in order to understand a crucial role of orbital degree of freedom in the magnetic structure of recently synthesized neptunium compounds nptga@xmath0 ( t = fe , co , and ni ) , we propose to discuss the magnetic phase of an effective two - orbital model , which has been constructed based on a @xmath1-@xmath1 coupling scheme to explain the magnetic structure of uranium compounds utga@xmath0 . by analyzing the model with the use of numerical technique such as exact diagonalization , we obtain the phase diagram including several kinds of magnetic states . an orbital - based scenario is discussed to understand the change in the magnetic structure among c- , a- , and g - type antiferromagnetic phases , experimentally observed in npfega@xmath0 , npcoga@xmath0 , and npniga@xmath0 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently it has been widely recognized that orbital degree of freedom plays an essential role for the understanding of novel magnetism in transition metal oxides @xcite . a typical material is manganese oxide , exhibiting remarkable colossal magneto - resistance phenomena @xcite . due to competition and interplay among spin , charge , and orbital degrees of freedom , rich phase diagram has been revealed @xcite , but a recent trend is to unveil further new phases both from experimental and theoretical investigations . in fact , even in undoped rmno@xmath2 ( r = rare earth lanthanide ions ) , a novel antiferromagnetic ( af ) phase called the `` e - type '' spin structure has been reported as the ground state for r = ho @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
here we follow the definitions of spin structure in ref . the origin of the e - af phase has been clarified theoretically @xcite based on a band - insulator scenario in the @xmath3-orbital systems @xcite . it should be noted that the ground state of undoped manganites was just considered to be well understood , since for most r - ions , the a - type af insulating phase appears with the c - type ordering of the @xmath4@xmath5@xmath6- and @xmath7@xmath5@xmath6-orbitals @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we derive the fundamental parameters ( temperature and luminosity ) of 107619 _ hipparcos _ stars and place these stars on a true hertzsprung russell diagram . this is achieved by comparing bt - settl model atmospheres to spectral energy distributions ( seds ) created from _ hipparcos _ , _ tycho _ , sdss , denis , 2mass , _ msx _ , _ akari _ , _ iras _ and _ wise _ data . we also identify and quantify from these seds any infrared excesses attributable to circumstellar matter . we compare our results to known types of objects , focussing on the giant branch stars . giant star dust production ( as traced by infrared excess ) is found to start in earnest around 680 l@xmath0 . [ firstpage ] stars : fundamental parameters solar neighbourhood stars : mass - loss circumstellar matter infrared : stars hertzsprung russell and colour magnitude diagrams . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: spectral energy distributions ( seds ) have long been the primary method of understanding stars . colour magnitude diagrams , which can be quickly made from photometric data , enable one to explore various facets of stellar populations , such as stellar mass and evolutioanry state . however , these does not present the information at its most basic physical level : the stellar temperature and luminosity . these represent the fundamental ideals of stellar modelling , and are theoretically free from biases introduced by photometric calibration , interstellar reddening and similar phenomena .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
while transformations to these parameters can be achieved through colour temperature relations and bolometric corrections , these are limited in scope . most importantly , the wavelength coverage of the observations means that well - defined solutions do not always exist for these relations ( e.g. for very red stars , or for observations only covering wavelengths longer than the sed peak ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we study the phase diagram of flux lines in superconductors with columnar pins . based on numerical exact diagonalisation simulations on small clusters , we get two phases of vortices : a low temperature pinned glass with diverging tilt modulus and a high temperature delocalised entangled vortex liquid . for random potential disorder we find a new phase transition temperature @xmath0 from a pinned bose glass to an entangled liquid that reduces with increasing vortex density . this occurs primarily because vortices screen the disorder potential and generate an effective weaker random potential with increasing vortex density . for a fixed fraction of randomly placed attractive columnar pins of strength @xmath1 , we find a mott insulating phase when the vortex density exactly matches the number of pins ( @xmath2 ) . we also find a transition from a strongly pinned bose glass for @xmath3 to a weakly pinned bose glass for @xmath4 as the vortex density is varied . 0.065 in pacs numbers : 74.60.g , 05.30.j 2 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the interest in equilibrium and dynamical properties of flux arrays in type ii superconductors originates both from their technological importance and the rich variety of behavior these systems exhibit under different physical conditions . in a classic paper abrikosov in 1957 @xcite showed that for applied fields @xmath5 such that @xmath6 , the magnetic field penetrates in the form of quantized flux tubes ( @xmath7 ) , which in the absence of disorder form a triangular lattice . in conventional low temperature superconductors , this flux line lattice ( fll ) was believed to exist at all temperatures upto @xmath8 . with the discovery of high @xmath9 superconductors , it was realized that , due to much higher transition temperatures , reduced effective dimensionality and short coherence lengths , fluctuations play an important role in deciding the structure and dynamics of flls @xcite . one of the most significant consequences of enhanced thermal fluctuations on the fll is its melting into a flux liquid phase via a first order transition @xcite . disorder arising from vacancies and interstitials , twin boundaries , grain boundaries and columnar pins also modify the structure and dynamics of the vortex lattice .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the presence of strong static disorder is technologically relevant , for it leads to effective pinning of vortices thereby leading to high critical currents @xcite . it also can lead to novel glassy phases such as the vortex glass and bragg glass for the case of _ random _ quenched disorder @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: a code is said to be a @xmath0-local locally repairable code ( lrc ) if each of its coordinates can be repaired by accessing at most @xmath0 other coordinates . when some of the @xmath0 coordinates are also erased , the @xmath0-local lrc can not accomplish the local repair , which leads to the concept of @xmath1-locality . a @xmath2-ary @xmath3 $ ] linear code @xmath4 is said to have @xmath5-locality ( @xmath6 ) if for each coordinate @xmath7 , there exists a punctured subcode of @xmath4 with support containing @xmath7 , whose length is at most @xmath8 , and whose minimum distance is at least @xmath9 . the @xmath5-lrc can tolerate @xmath10 erasures in total , which degenerates to a @xmath0-local lrc when @xmath11 . a @xmath2-ary @xmath1 lrc is called optimal if it meets the singleton - like bound for @xmath1-lrcs . a class of optimal @xmath2-ary cyclic @xmath0-local lrcs with lengths @xmath12 were constructed by tamo , barg , goparaju and calderbank based on the @xmath2-ary reed - solomon codes . in this paper , we construct a class of optimal @xmath2-ary cyclic @xmath1-lrcs ( @xmath6 ) with length @xmath12 , which generalizes the results of tamo _ et al . _ moreover , we construct a new class of optimal @xmath2-ary cyclic @xmath0-local lrcs with lengths @xmath13 and a new class of optimal @xmath2-ary cyclic @xmath1-lrcs ( @xmath6 ) with lengths @xmath13 . the constructed optimal lrcs with length @xmath14 have the best - known length @xmath15 for the given finite field with size @xmath2 when the minimum distance is larger than @xmath16 . shell : bare demo of ieeetran.cls for ieee journals distributed storage , locally repairable codes , singleton - like bounds , maximum distance separable ( mds ) codes , optimal cyclic lrcs . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in distributed storage systems , repair cost metrics include repair locality @xcite , repair bandwidth @xcite and disk - i / o @xcite . recently , locally repairable codes ( lrcs ) introduced by gopalan _ _ @xcite have attracted a lot of interest . the @xmath7th symbol @xmath17 of an @xmath3 $ ] linear code @xmath4 over the finite field @xmath18 is said to have _ locality _. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
@xmath0 if this symbol can be recovered by accessing at most @xmath0 other symbols of @xmath4 . coding techniques are then introduced in distributed storage systems to reduce the storage overhead , while maintaining high data reliability .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the body - centered cubic coulomb crystal of ions in the presence of a uniform magnetic field is studied using the rigid electron background approximation . the phonon mode spectra are calculated for a wide range of magnetic field strengths and for several orientations of the field in the crystal . the phonon spectra are used to calculate the phonon contribution to the crystal energy , entropy , specific heat , debye - waller factor of ions , and the rms ion displacements from the lattice nodes for a broad range of densities , temperatures , chemical compositions , and magnetic fields . strong magnetic field dramatically alters the properties of quantum crystals . the phonon specific heat increases by many orders of magnitude . the ion displacements from their equilibrium positions become strongly anisotropic . the results can be relevant for dusty plasmas , ion plasmas in penning traps , and especially for the crust of magnetars ( neutron stars with superstrong magnetic fields @xmath0 g ) . the effect of the magnetic field on ion displacements in a strongly magnetized neutron star crust can suppress the nuclear reaction rates and make them extremely sensitive to the magnetic field direction . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the model of a crystal of point - like charges immersed in a uniform neutralizing background of opposite charge was conceived by wigner @xcite to describe a possible crystallization of electrons . these wigner crystals of electrons have much in common with coulomb crystals of ions with the uniform electron background . the model of the coulomb crystal is widely used in different branches of physics , including theory of plasma oscillations ( e.g. , @xcite ) , solid state physics , and works on dusty plasmas and ion plasmas in penning traps ( e.g. , @xcite ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
moreover , coulomb crystals of ions , immersed in an almost uniform electron background , are formed in the cores of white dwarfs and envelopes of neutron stars . the properties of such crystals are important for the structure and evolution of these astrophysical objects ( e.g. , @xcite ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we compute the pauli - jordan , hadamard and feynman propagators for the massive metrical perturbations on de sitter space . they are expressed both in terms of mode sums and in invariant forms . october 1996 umh - mg-96/01 * massive spin 2 propagators on + de sitter space * cl . gabriel , ph . spindel + 1 cm _ mcanique et gravitation _ + _ universit de mons - hainaut _ , + _ 15 , avenue maistriau , b-7000 mons , belgium _ 1 cm 3 cm pacs : 04.62 + v . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the apparently simplest model of space - time beyond minkowski space is de sitter space . its high ( maximal ) degree of symmetry makes it the typical framework to investigate quantum field theory outside flat space . + one of the essential ingredients of quantum field theory are the various green functions of the fields . for the scalar field on de sitter space ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the first work on the subject is , in our knowledge , the paper of ghniau and schomblond @xcite . these authors have used the harmonicity property of de sitter space , i.e. the possibility to solve klein - gordon equation by a function depending only on the geodesic distance , to obtain the expression of the pauli - jordan propagator @xmath0 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we have obtained deep hi observations in the direction of 22 continuum sources without previously detected cold neutral medium ( cnm ) . 18 cnm clouds were detected with the typical hi column density of @xmath0 @xmath1 . our surprisingly high detection rate suggests that clouds with low hi column densities are quite common in the interstellar medium . these clouds appear to represent an extension of the traditional cnm cloud population , yet have sizes in hundreds to thousands of aus . we present properties of the newly - detected cnm sample , and discuss several theoretical avenues important for understanding the production mechanisms of these clouds . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: while properties and origin of the au - scale structure in the cold neutral medium ( cnm ) are still under debate , a possibly related new population of cnm clouds has been dicovered recently . using the westerbork radio telescope , braun & kanekar ( 2005 ) detected very weak hi absorption lines toward three high - latitude sources . along each line of sight multiple absorption lines were detected , with the peak optical depth of only 0.1 to 2% .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
stanimirovic & heiles ( 2005 ) used the arecibo telescope to confirme the existence of these low - optical - depth cnm clouds in directions of two of the sources . they also emphasized that these clouds have hi column densities among the lowest ever detected for the cnm , @xmath2 @xmath1 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: results from recent multiwavelength observations of blazars are reviewed , with particular emphasis on those involving the _ rossi x - ray timing explorer _ ( rxte ) . i discuss blazars spectral energy distributions , their correlated variability at various energies , and the insights they offer on the physical processes in the jet . new results on mrk 501 , pks 2155304 , and pks 2005489 are highlighted . # 1 # 2 _ mem . soc . astron . it . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ the messenger _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . nach . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . lett . _ * # 1 * , l#2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . rev . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . astrophys . suppl . ser . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astron . j. _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ ann . rev . astron . astrophys . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . j. _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys .. j. lett . _ * # 1 * , l#2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . j. suppl . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ astrophys . space sci . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ adv . space res . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ bull . astron . inst . czechosl . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ j. quant . spectrosc . . transfer _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ mon . not . r. astr . soc . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ mem . r. astr . soc . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ phys . lett . rev . _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ publ . astron . soc . japan _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ publ . astr . soc . pacific _ * # 1 * , # 2 # 1 # 2 _ nature _ * # 1 * , # 2 epsf.sty . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: blazars are radio - loud active galactic nuclei characterized by polarized , highly luminous , and rapidly variable non - thermal continuum emission ( angel & stockmann 1980 ) from a relativistic jet oriented close to the line of sight ( blandford & rees 1978 ) . as such , blazars provide fortuitous natural laboratories to study the jet processes and ultimately how energy is extracted from the central black hole . the radio through gamma - ray spectral energy distributions ( seds ) of blazars exhibit two broad humps ( figure 1 ) . the first component peaks at ir / optical in `` red '' blazars and at uv / x - rays in their `` blue '' counterparts , and is most likely due to synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons in the jet ( see ulrich , maraschi , & urry 1997 and references therein ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the second component extends from x - rays to gamma - rays ( gev and tev energies ) , and its origin is less well understood . a popular scenario is inverse compton ( ic ) scattering of ambient photons , either internal ( synchrotron - self compton , ssc ; tavecchio , maraschi , & ghisellini 1998 ) or external to the jet ( external compton , ec ; see bttcher 1999 and references therein ) . in the following discussion i will assume the synchrotron and ic scenarios , keeping in mind , however , that a possible alternative for the production of gamma - rays is provided by the hadronic models ( proton - induced cascades ; see rachen 1999 and references therein ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in a new measurement on neutrino oscillation @xmath0 , the miniboone collaboration observes an excess of electron - like events at low energy and the phenomenon may demand an explanation which obviously is beyond the oscillation picuture . we propose that heavier neutrino @xmath1 decaying into a lighter one @xmath2 via the transition process @xmath3 where @xmath4 denotes any light products , could be a natural mechanism . the theoretical model we employ here is the unparticle scenario established by georgi . we have studied two particular modes @xmath5 and @xmath6 . unfortunately , the number coming out from the computation is too small to explain the observation . moreover , our results are consistent with the cosmology constraint on the neutrino lifetime and the theoretical estimation made by other groups , therefore we can conclude that even though neutrino decay seems plausible in this case , it indeed can not be the source of the peak at lower energy observed by the miniboone collaboration and there should be other mechanisms responsible for the phenomenon . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently , the miniboone collaboration reported its results of searching for @xmath7 oscillations @xcite . in the experiment , the @xmath8 energy spectrum has a peak centered at 700 mev and extends to 3000 mev . for the oscillation range @xmath9 mev where @xmath10 is the energy of the produced neutrino , no significant excess of events is found . this result excludes sizable appearance of @xmath11 via two neutrino oscillation and disfavors the previous lsnd measurement @xcite . however , they observed that outside of the oscillation range , there is a clear peak of the electron - neutrino - like events ( @xmath12 events ) lying above background at @xmath13 mev .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
although the origin of the excess is still under investigation , we may assume that they are indeed electron neutrinos at present . the beam is completely composed of @xmath14 and the oscillation can only produce @xmath11 with the same energy , therefore the observation would be a serious challenge to the present theories .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the multiplier statistics of discrete and continuous nonconservative multiplicative cascade models , employed to describe the energy cascade in fully developed turbulence , is investigated . it is found to be indistinguishable due to small - scale resummation and restoration of spatial homogeneity . only the subclass of positively skewed weight distributions , associated to the cascade generator , qualifies to describe observed unconditional as well as conditional multiplier distributions qualitatively ; popular log - poisson and log - stable weight distributions do not share this property . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the intermittent small - scale dynamics of fully developed turbulence at very large reynolds numbers is believed to be more or less scale - invariant within the so - called inertial range , the latter being bound by the integral length scale @xmath0 and the dissipation length scale @xmath1 . consequently , both experimental @xcite and theoretical @xcite efforts largely concentrate on scaling exponents , which are deduced from structure functions of the velocity field . however , `` scaling exponents are not everything '' as they represent for sure the simplest , but at the same time also the most insensitive observables characterising multi - scale processes .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
because of this insensitiveness any heroic effort to derive the observed multi - scaling directly from the navier - stokes equation @xcite remains somewhat incomplete as some physics might have been lost with the applied approximations and assumptions . also , due to the finiteness of the real - world inertial range and the limited statistical sampling , the experimental procedure to extract multi - scaling is not unequivocal and quoted values for scaling exponents beyond sixth order should not be overemphasised . for these reasons and also in view of the quest for universality in the up - to - now unreachable limit @xmath2 , additional observables other than scaling exponents are needed . in order to explain this philosophy , `` scaling exponents are not everything '' , in more detail
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider the effects that accretion from the interstellar medium onto the particles of an n - body system has on the rate of two - body relaxation . to this end , we derive an accretion - modified relaxation time by adapting spitzer s two - component model to include the damping effects of accretion . we consider several different mass - dependencies and efficiency factors for the accretion rate , as well as different mass ratios for the two components of the model . the net effect of accretion is to accelerate mass segregation by increasing the average mass @xmath0 , since the relaxation time is inversely proportional to @xmath0 . under the assumption that the accretion rate increases with the accretor mass , there are two additional effects that accelerate mass segregation . first , accretion acts to increase the range of any initial mass spectrum , quickly driving the heaviest members to even higher masses . second , accretion acts to reduce the velocities of the accretors due to conservation of momentum , and it is the heaviest members that are affected the most . using our two - component model , we quantify these effects as a function of the accretion rate , the total cluster mass , and the component masses . we conclude by discussing the implications of our results for the dynamical evolution of primordial globular clusters , primarily in the context of black holes formed from the most massive stellar progenitors . [ firstpage ] globular clusters : general stellar dynamics stars : formation black hole physics . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: for most of the life of a massive star cluster , two - body relaxation is the dominant physical mechanism driving its evolution ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ?. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
* ; * ? ? ? that is , the cumulative effects of long - range gravitational interactions between stars act to alter their orbits within the cluster .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the ratio of nuclear modification factors of high-@xmath0 heavy - flavored mesons to light - flavored hadrons ( `` heavy - to - light ratio '' ) in nucleus - nucleus collisions tests the partonic mechanism expected to underlie jet quenching . heavy - to - light ratios are mainly sensitive to the mass and color - charge dependences of medium - induced parton energy loss . here , we assess the potential for identifying these two effects in @xmath1 and @xmath2 meson production at rhic and at the lhc . to this end , we supplement the perturbative qcd factorized formalism for leading hadron production with radiative parton energy loss . for @xmath1 meson spectra at high but experimentally accessible transverse momentum ( @xmath3 ) in pb pb collisions at the lhc , we find that charm quarks behave essentially like light quarks . however , since light - flavored hadron yields are dominated by gluon parents , the heavy - to - light ratio of @xmath1 mesons is a sensitive probe of the color charge dependence of parton energy loss . in contrast , due to the larger @xmath4 quark mass , the medium modification of @xmath2 mesons in the same kinematical regime provides a sensitive test of the mass dependence of parton energy loss . at rhic energies , the strategies for identifying and disentangling the color charge and mass dependence of parton energy loss are more involved because of the smaller kinematical range accessible . we argue that at rhic , the kinematical regime best suited for such an analysis of @xmath1 mesons is @xmath5 , whereas the study of lower transverse momenta is further complicated due to the known dominant contribution of additional , particle species dependent , non - perturbative effects . 1.5 cm . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: high-@xmath0 partons , produced in dense qcd matter , are expected @xcite to suffer a significant additional medium - induced energy degradation prior to hadronization in the vacuum . models based on this picture @xcite account for the main modifications of high-@xmath0 hadron production in nucleus - nucleus collisions at rhic , namely the strong suppression of single inclusive hadron spectra , their centrality dependence @xcite , the corresponding suppression of leading back - to - back correlations @xcite , and high-@xmath0 hadron production with respect to the reaction plane @xcite . to further test the microscopic dynamics of medium - induced parton energy loss , two classes of measurements are now gradually coming into experimental reach @xcite : first , high-@xmath0 particle correlations @xcite , jet shapes and jet multiplicity distributions @xcite will test the predicted relation between the energy loss of the leading parton , the transverse momentum broadening of the parton shower , and the softening of its multiplicity distribution .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
second , the relative yields of identified high-@xmath0 hadrons will test the prediction that medium - induced parton energy loss depends on the identity of the parent parton . hard gluons lose more energy than hard quarks due to the stronger coupling to the medium @xcite , and the energy loss of massive quarks is further reduced @xcite due to the mass - dependent restriction of the phase space into which medium - induced gluon radiation can take place . in the present work
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present new sets of fragmentation functions for @xmath0 mesons , both at leading and next - to - leading order . they are determined by fitting lep1 data on inclusive @xmath0 production in @xmath1 annihilation . in one of the sets , we take the charm - quark fragmentation function to be of the form proposed by peterson et al . and thus obtain updated values of the @xmath2 parameter and the @xmath3 branching ratio . the new fragmentation functions lead to an excellent description of other @xmath1 data with centre - of - mass energies between 10 and 35 gev . they also nicely agree with recent hera data on inclusive @xmath0 photoproduction in @xmath4 collisions , which may be considered as a test of the universality of the fragmentation into @xmath0 mesons . pacs numbers : 13.60.-r , , 13.87.fh , @=11 tempcntc citex[#1]#2@fileswauxout tempcnta@tempcntb@neciteaciteforciteb:=#2citeo#1 citeotempcnta > tempcntbciteacitea , tempcnta = tempcntbtempcnta @=12 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: recently , the h1 @xcite and zeus @xcite collaborations at hera presented data on the differential cross section @xmath5 of inclusive @xmath0 production in low-@xmath6 collisions , where @xmath7 and @xmath8 are the rapidity and transverse momentum of the produced @xmath0 mesons in the laboratory frame , respectively . these measurements extended up to @xmath9 gev . these data were compared with next - to - leading order ( nlo ) qcd predictions in the so - called massless - charm scheme @xcite and good agreement was found . in the massless - charm scheme , the charm - quark mass @xmath10 is neglected , which should be a reasonable approximation for @xmath11 . in this approach. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, charm is considered to be one of the active flavours in the same way as the lighter @xmath12 , @xmath13 , and @xmath14 quarks . then , the collinear singularities corresponding to the @xmath15 terms in a scheme where the charm - quark mass is finite and only three active flavours are taken into account , are absorbed into the charm - quark parton density functions ( pdf s ) and into the fragmentation functions ( ff s ) of charm quarks into @xmath0 mesons .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the paper presents a binarization scheme that converts non - binary data into a set of binary strings . at present , there are many binarization algorithms , but they are optimal for only specific probability distributions of the data source . overcoming the problem , it is shown in this paper that the presented binarization scheme conserves the entropy of the original data having any probability distribution of @xmath0-ary source . the major advantages of this scheme are that it conserves entropy without the knowledge of the source and the probability distribution of the source symbols . the scheme has linear complexity in terms of the length of the input data . the binarization scheme can be implemented in context - based adaptive binary arithmetic coding ( cabac ) for video and image compression . it can also be utilized by various universal data compression algorithms that have high complexity in compressing non - binary data , and by binary data compression algorithms to optimally compress non - binary data . binarization , source coding , data compression , image compression , video compression , binary arithmetic coding , context - based adaptive binary arithmetic coding ( cabac ) . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: data compression is performed in all types of data requiring storage and transmission . it preserves space , energy and bandwidth , while representing the data in most efficient way [ 1 - 4 ] . there are numerous coding algorithms used for compression in various applications [ 1 - 3,5 - 18 ] .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
some of them are optimal [ 4,19 ] in all cases , whereas others are optimal for a specific probability distribution of the source symbols . all of these algorithms are mostly applied on @xmath0-ary data source .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a lattice measurement of the first two moments of the spin - dependent gpd @xmath0 . from these we obtain the axial coupling constant and the second moment of the spin - dependent forward parton distribution . the measurements are done in full qcd using wilson fermions . in addition , we also present results from a first exploratory study of full qcd using asqtad sea and domain - wall valence fermions . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: generalized parton distributions ( gpds ) @xcite ( see also @xcite for a recent review ) provide a means of parametrizing hadronic contributions to both exclusive and inclusive processes . they reduce in certain limits to form factors and to ( forward ) parton distributions . for a review on the nucleon axial structure see @xcite and for spin - dependent parton distributions consult @xcite . gpds depend on three independent kinematic variables and are therefore far more difficult to extract from experiments than forward parton distributions .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
lattice simulations provide a general , model - independent way to compute their moments directly . first results for spin - independent gpds have been presented in @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we discuss central exclusive production ( cep ) of the tensor @xmath0 meson in proton-(anti)proton collisions at tevatron , rhic and lhc energies . the amplitude for the process is derived within the @xmath1-factorisation approach . differential and total cross sections are calculated for several unintegrated gluon distributions ( ugdfs ) . we compare exclusive production of all charmonium states @xmath2 and @xmath3 . equally good description of the recent tevatron data is achieved both with martin - ryskin phenomenological ugdf and ugdf based on unified bfkl - dglap approach . unlike for higgs production , the main contribution to the diffractive amplitude of heavy quarkonia comes from nonperturbative region of gluon transverse momenta @xmath4 . at @xmath5 0 , depending on ugdf we predict the contribution of @xmath6 to the @xmath7 channel to be comparable or larger than that of the @xmath8 one . this is partially due to a significant contribution from lower polarization states @xmath9 for @xmath10 and @xmath11 for @xmath3 meson . corresponding theoretical uncertainties are discussed . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: it is well known that the exclusive diffractive higgs production provides a very convenient tool for higgs searches at hadron colliders due to a very clean environment unlike the inclusive production @xcite . a qcd mechanism for the diffractive production of heavy central system has been proposed by kaidalov , khoze , martin and ryskin ( durham group ) for higgs production at the lhc ( see refs . @xcite ) . below we will refer to it as the kkmr approach . in the framework of this approach the amplitude of the exclusive @xmath12 process. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
is considered to be a convolution of the hard subprocess amplitude describing fusion of two off - shell gluons producing a heavy system @xmath13 , and the soft hadronic factors containing information about emission of the relatively soft gluons from the proton lines ( see fig . [ fig : fig1 ] ) . in the framework of the @xmath14-factorisation approach
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the paper presents a teaching module about liquid crystals . since liquid crystals are linked to everyday student experiences and are also a topic of a current scientific research , they are an excellent candidate of a modern topic to be introduced into education . we show that liquid crystals can provide a _ file rouge _ through several fields of physics such as thermodynamics , optics and electromagnetism . we discuss what students should learn about liquid crystals and what physical concepts they should know before considering them . in the presentation of the teaching module that consists of a lecture and experimental work in a chemistry and physics lab , we focus on experiments on phase transitions , polarization of light , double refraction and colours . a pilot evaluation of the module was performed among pre - service primary school teachers who have no special preference for natural sciences . the evaluation shows that the module is very efficient in transferring knowledge . a prior study showed that the informally obtained pre - knowledge on liquid crystals of the first year students on several different study fields is negligible . since the social science students are the ones that are the least interested in natural sciences it can be expected that students in any study programme will on average achieve at least as good conceptual understanding of phenomena related to liquid crystals as the group involved in the pilot study . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: for physicists physics is a permanent inspiration for new discoveries . however , non - physicists often consider physics as a boring and old discipline , detached from everyday life . public often fails to realize the consequences of research in everyday applications , so it often considers the academic research as a waste of financial resources .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
but research is tightly connected to the development even if it is not strongly focused toward applications . this can be best illustrated by the well known statement that the light bulb was not discovered by optimizing a candle@xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: measuring entanglement is a demanding task that usually requires full tomography of a quantum system , involving a number of observables that grows exponentially with the number of parties . recently , it was suggested that adding a single ancillary qubit would allow for the efficient measurement of concurrence , and indeed any entanglement monotone associated to antilinear operations . here , we report on the experimental implementation of such a device an embedding quantum simulator in photonics , encoding the entangling dynamics of a bipartite system into a tripartite one . we show that bipartite concurrence can be efficiently extracted from the measurement of merely two observables , instead of fifteen , without full tomographic information . entanglement is arguably the most striking feature of quantum mechanics @xcite , defining a threshold between the classical and quantum behavior of nature . yet its experimental quantification in a given system remains challenging . several measures of entanglement involve unphysical operations , such as antilinear operations , on the quantum state @xcite , and thus its direct measurement can not be implemented in the laboratory . as a consequence , in general , experimental measurements of entanglement have been carried out mostly via the full reconstruction of the quantum state @xcite . while this technique called quantum state tomography ( qst)has been widely used when dealing with relatively low - dimensional systems @xcite , it is known to become rapidly intractable as the system size grows , being outside of experimental reach in systems with @xmath0 qubits @xcite . this difficulty lies in having to measure an exponentially - growing number of observables , @xmath1 , to reconstruct @xmath2-qubits . such constraint can be relaxed somewhat by using , for example , multiple copies of the same quantum state @xcite , prior state knowledge in noisy dynamics @xcite , compressed sensing methods @xcite , or measuring phases.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: following the main text , the evolution operator associated with the embedding hamiltonian @xmath90 can be implemented via 4 control-@xmath91 gates ( @xmath92 ) , and a single qubit rotation @xmath93 . these gates act as @xmath94 with @xmath95 , and @xmath96 . the indices @xmath97 and @xmath98 indicate on which particle the operators act . the circuit for the embedding quantum simulator consists of a sequence of gates applied in the following order : @xmath99 simple algebra shows that this expression can be recast as @xmath100 explicitly exhibiting the equivalence between the gate sequence and the evolution under the hamiltonian of interest .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the evolution of the reduced circuit is given by a @xmath93 rotation of qubit @xmath16 , followed by two consecutive control - z gates on qubits @xmath51 and @xmath12 , both controlled on qubit @xmath16 , see fig . [ fig : sm1 ] ( a ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the visual magnitude profile of the symbiotic system z and during the 1984 - 1986 activity period appears double peaked and the flux intensity is low compared to outbursts in other epochs . the detailed modeling of the observed spectra , accounting for the shells ejected by the red giant star , shows that the outburst is intrinsically single but distorted by the collision at different phases of the white dwarf wind with two close shells . binaries : symbiotic - stars : individual : z and . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: symbiotic systems ( ss ) are generally composed by a white dwarf ( wd ) , a red giant ( rg ) star , and by circumstellar and circumbinary nebulae . gas and dust radiation from the nebulae appear throughout a large frequency range , from radio to x - rays . z andromedae ( z and ) binary system consists of a cool giant of spectral type m4.5 and a hot compact component with a temperature of @xmath0 1.5 10@xmath1 k. many periods of activity have been reported during more than 100 years , in 1915 , 1939 , 1960 , 1984 , and 2000 as nonuniform eruptions of classical outbursts .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
sokolowski et al . ( 2006 ) claim that the _ outbursts sometimes come in pairs ( as in 1984 and 1986 ) _ , or in a series of eruptions with decreasing maximum brightness and different shapes , separated in time by periods slightly shorter than the orbital one ( kenyon & webbink 1984 ) .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the photometric properties of six super stellar clusters ( sscs ) seen in both the optical and near - infrared hubble space telescope images of the local ultraluminous starburst galaxy arp 220 . three of the sscs are located in the central 0.5 kpc region . the remaining three are in the circumnuclear region between 0.5 kpc and 2.5 kpc from the centre . comparing the observed spectral energy distributions ( seds ) of the sscs with the starburst99 models of leitherer et al . , we confirm that all the three nuclear sscs are heavily obscured ( @xmath0 mag ) . considering the results from this comparison in conjunction with measurements of the near - infrared co absorption index and of millimetre co line widths and luminosities , we estimate the ages of the nuclear sscs to be @xmath1 yrs . the bolometric luminosity of the three nuclear sscs is at most one - fifth of the total bolometric luminosity of arp 220 . on the other hand , the circumnuclear sscs have little internal extinction ( @xmath2 1 mag ) . these contribute negligibly to the total bolometric luminosity . galaxies : individual ( arp 220 ) galaxies : starburst stars : formation . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: ultraluminous infrared galaxies ( uligs ) are the most luminous objects in the local universe ( their bolometric luminosities @xmath3 ) . the uligs are undergoing major dissipative collapses , which are probably triggered by mergers ( clements et al . 1996 ; murphy et al . 1996 ) .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
whether the uligs are powered by starbursts or active galactic nuclei ( agn ) has remained unknown since their discovery because of huge amounts of internal extinction along our lines of sight to their centres ( for a review see sanders & mirabel 1996 ) . however , recent mid - infrared spectroscopic work ( genzel et al . 1998 ) suggests that the major energy sources of most local uligs are nuclear starbursts .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in classical information theory , entropy rate and algorithmic complexity per symbol are related by a theorem of brudno . in this paper , we prove a quantum version of this theorem , connecting the von neumann entropy rate and two notions of quantum kolmogorov complexity , both based on the shortest qubit descriptions of qubit strings that , run by a universal quantum turing machine , reproduce them as outputs . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in recent years , the theoretical and experimental use of quantum systems to store , transmit and process information has spurred the study of how much of classical information theory can be extended to the new territory of quantum information and , vice versa , how much novel strategies and concepts are needed that have no classical counterpart . we shall compare the relations between the rate at which entropy is produced by classical , respectively quantum , ergodic sources , and the complexity of the emitted strings of bits , respectively qubits . according to kolmogorov @xcite , the complexity of a bit string is the minimal length of a program for a turing machine ( _ tm _ ) that produces the string .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
more in detail , the algorithmic complexity @xmath0 of a string @xmath1 is the length ( counted in the number of bits ) of the shortest program @xmath2 that fed into a universal _ tm _ ( _ utm _ ) @xmath3 yields the string as output , i.e. @xmath4 . for infinite sequences @xmath5 , in analogy with the entropy rate , one defines the _ complexity rate _ as @xmath6 , where @xmath1 is the string consisting of the first @xmath7 bits of @xmath5 , @xcite . the universality of @xmath3 implies that changing the _ utm _ , the difference in the complexity of a given string is bounded by a constant independent of the string ; it follows that the complexity rate @xmath8 is _ utm_-independent .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we approximate the solution of some linear systems of sdes driven by a fractional brownian motion @xmath0 with hurst parameter @xmath1 in the wick it sense , including a geometric fractional brownian motion . to this end , we apply a donsker - type approximation of the fractional brownian motion by disturbed binary random walks due to sottinen . moreover , we replace the rather complicated wick products by their discrete counterpart , acting on the binary variables , in the corresponding systems of wick difference equations . as the solutions of the sdes admit series representations in terms of wick powers , a key to the proof of our euler scheme is an approximation of the hermite recursion formula for the wick powers of @xmath0 . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: a fractional brownian motion @xmath0 with hurst parameter @xmath2 is a continuous zero - mean gaussian process in @xmath3 with stationary increments and covariance function @xmath4 = \tfrac{1}{2 } ( |t|^{2h } + |s|^{2h } - brownian motion , but a fractional brownian motion is not a semimartingale for @xmath5 . in this paper , we restrict ourselves to the case @xmath6 , in which the corresponding fractional gaussian noise @xmath7 exhibits long - range dependence . in recent years , a lively interest in integration theory with respect to fractional brownian motion has emerged ( see , e.g. , the monographs by mishura or biagini _ et al . _ one of the extensions of the it integral beyond semimartingales is the fractional wick it integral . it is based on the wick product @xmath8 , which has its origin as a renormalization operator in quantum physics . in probability theory ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the wick product with ordinary differentiation rule imitates the situation of ordinary multiplication with it differentiation rule ( cf . holden _ et al . _
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: high angular resolution images of irc+10216 taken at various bandpasses within the near - infrared _ h , k _ & _ l _ bands are presented . the maps have the highest angular resolution yet recovered , and were reconstructed from interferometric measurements obtained at the keck 1 telescope in 1997 december and 1998 april , forming a subset of a 7-epoch monitoring program presented earlier ( * ? ? ? * paper 1 ) . systematic changes with observing wavelength are found and discussed in context of present geometrical models for the circumstellar envelope . with these new high - resolution , multi - wavelength data and contemporaneous photometry , we also re - visit the hypothesis that the bright compact core of the nebula ( component `` a '' ) marks the location of the central carbon star . we find that directly measured properties of the core ( angular size , flux density , color temperature ) are consistent with a reddened carbon star photosphere ( line - of - sight @xmath0 ) . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: irc+10216 (= cw leo ) is a dusty , embedded carbon - rich long period variable presently undergoing an episode of intense mass - loss up to @xmath1m@xmath2/yr @xcite . it is the nearest object of its type ( 110 - 135pc ; * ? ? ? * ) and brightest in the thermal - ir , and is generally believed to be in transition between the latest stellar and the earliest planetary nebula phases. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
. this fortuitous combination of factors has led to intensive study across the spectrum resulting in an extensive and rich literature , making irc+10216 the textbook example for objects in its class . although studies of molecular lines ( eg . * ? ? ?
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we prove that when a lozin s transformation is applied to a graph , the ( castelnuovo - mumford ) regularity of the graph increases exactly by one , as it happens to its induced matching number . as a consequence , we show that the regularity of a graph can be bounded from above by a function of its induced matching number . we also prove that the regularity of a graph is always less than or equal to the sum of its induced matching and decycling numbers . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: castelnuovo - mumford regularity ( or just the regularity ) is something of a two - way study in the sense that it is a fundamental invariant both in commutative algebra and discrete geometry . the regularity is a kind of universal bound for measuring the complexity of a considered object ( a module , a sheaf or a simplicial complex ) . our interest here is to compute or provide better bounds for the regularity of rings associated to graphs .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we are primarily concerned on the computation of the regularity of the edge ring ( or equivalently the stanley - reisner ring of the independence complex ) of a given graph . one way to attack such a problem goes by translating the underlying algebraic or topological language to that of graph s . such an approach may enable us to bound the regularity of a graph via other graph parameters , and the most likely candidate is the induced matching number . by a theorem of katzman @xcite , it is already known that the induced matching number provides a lower bound for the regularity of a graph , and the characterization of graphs in which the regularity equals to the induced matching number has been the subject of many recent papers @xcite . during his search on the complexity of the induced matching number , lozin @xcite describes an operation ( he calls it as the _ stretching operation _ ) on graphs , and he proves that when it is applied to a graph , the induced matching number increases exactly by one .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present truly ultimate limits on covert quantum communication by exploiting quantum - mechanical properties of the minkowski vacuum in the quantum field theory framework . our main results are the following : we show how two parties equipped with unruh - dewitt detectors can covertly communicate at large distances without the need of hiding in a thermal background or relying on various technological tricks . we reinstate the information - theoretic security standards for reliability of asymptotic quantum communication and show that the rate of covert communication is strictly positive . therefore , contrary to the previous conclusions , covert and reliable quantum communication is possible . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: long before the development of cryptography and encryption , one of humankind s best techniques of secretly delivering a message was to hide the fact that a message was even delivered at all . a well - known example of this is from ancient times where one person would shave another s head and write a message on it . it was only after waiting for their hair to grow back that they would then be sent to the intended recipient , who would again shave the scalp to reveal the message . this is historically one of the first - known examples of covert communication , i.e. , the ability to communicate without being detected @xcite . today. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
, even though advanced encryption techniques are available , there is still a need to hide the fact that communication is taking place from malicious eavesdroppers , e.g. , secret government operations . modern approaches of such covert communication exist from digital steganography to spread spectrum communication and more @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the mott effect for heavy quarkonia due to debye screening of the heavy quark potential in a plasma of massless quarks and antiquarks . the influence of residual color correlation is investigated by coupling the light quark sector to a temporal gauge field driven by the polyakov loop potential . this leads to an increase of the mott dissociation temperatures for quarkonia states which stabilizes in particular the excited states , but has marginal effect on the ground states . the temperature dependence of binding energies suggests that the dissciation of the charmonium ( bottomonium ) ground state by thermal activation sets in at temperatures of 200 mev ( 250 mev ) . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: since the suggestion of @xmath0 suppression as a signal of quark - gluon plasma ( qgp ) formation by matsui and satz @xcite in 1986 the problem of quarkonium dissociation in hot and dense strongly interacting matter has played a key role for qgp diagnostics in relativistic heavy - ion collision experiments . the original idea was that in a qgp the string tension of the confining potential vanishes and the residual one - gluon exchange interaction undergoes a debye screening by the color charges of the plasma . when the temperature dependent debye radius @xmath1 ( the inverse of the debye mass @xmath2 ) becomes shorter than the bohr radius of the charmonium ground state ( @xmath0 ) then the mott effect @xcite ( bound state dissociation ) occurs and the corresponding temperature is @xmath3 .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this simple idea grew up to a multifacetted research direction when not only in the first light ion - nucleus collisions at the cern na38 experiment , but also in proton - nucleus collisions at fermilab @xmath0 suppression has been found so that there is not only a qgp but also a cold nuclear matter effect on charmonium production , see @xcite for a recent review . if one wants to explore the question of screening in a plasma more in detail then a variety of approaches is available in the literature , from the original debye - hckel approach @xcite applicable to any vacuum potential ( for example the cornell potential ) , over the thermodynamic green functions approach to the ab - initio studies of heavy - quark potentials in lattice qcd . with the obtained medium - dependent potentials one can then study the bound state problem by solving the thermodynamic @xmath4 - matrix for quarkonia @xcite , or the equivalent schrdinger - type wave equation where medium effects are absorbed in a plasma hamiltonian @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a combined analytical and numerical study of the early stages ( sub-@xmath0 ) of the non - equilibrium dynamics of photo - excited electrons in graphene . we employ the semiclassical boltzmann equation with a collision integral that includes contributions from electron - electron ( e - e ) and electron - optical phonon interactions . taking advantage of circular symmetry and employing the massless dirac fermion ( mdf ) hamiltonian , we are able to perform an essentially analytical study of the e - e contribution to the collision integral . this allows us to take particular care of subtle collinear scattering processes processes in which incoming and outgoing momenta of the scattering particles lie on the same line including carrier multiplication ( cm ) and auger recombination ( ar ) . these processes have a vanishing phase space for two dimensional mdf bare bands . however , we argue that electron - lifetime effects , seen in experiments based on angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy , provide a natural pathway to regularize this pathology , yielding a finite contribution due to cm and ar to the coulomb collision integral . finally , we discuss in detail the role of physics beyond the fermi golden rule by including screening in the matrix element of the coulomb interaction at the level of the random phase approximation ( rpa ) , focusing in particular on the consequences of various approximations including static rpa screening , which maximizes the impact of cm and ar processes , and dynamical rpa screening , which completely suppresses them . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: graphene , a two - dimensional ( 2d ) crystal of carbon atoms tightly packed in a honeycomb lattice , is at the center of an ever growing research effort , due to its potential as a platform material for a variety of applications in fields ranging from electronics , to food packaging @xcite . in particular , in optoelectronics , photonics , and plasmonics graphene has decisive advantages , such as wavelength - independent absorption , tunability via electrostatic doping , large charge - carrier concentrations , low dissipation rates , high mobility , and the ability to confine electromagnetic energy to unprecedented small volumes @xcite . these unique properties make it an ideal material for a variety of photonic applications @xcite , including fast photodetectors @xcite , transparent electrodes in displays and photovoltaic modules @xcite , optical modulators @xcite , plasmonic devices @xcite , microcavities @xcite , ultrafast lasers @xcite , just to cite a few .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
therefore , understanding the microscopic interactions between light and matter is an essential requirement to progress these emerging research areas into technological applications . when light arrives on a graphene sample it creates a highly non - equilibrium `` hot '' electron distribution ( he d ) , which first relaxes on an ultrafast timescale to a thermalized ( but still hot ) fermi - dirac ( fd ) distribution and then slowly cools , _ via _ optical and acoustic phonon emission , eventually reaching thermal equilibrium with the lattice .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this note we study a certain graph polynomial arising from a special recursion . this recursion is a member of a family of four recursions where the other three recursions belong to the chromatic polynomial , the modified matching polynomial , and the adjoint polynomial , respectively . the four polynomials share many common properties , for instance all of them are of exponential type , i. e. , they satisfy the identity @xmath0,x)f(g[v\setminus s],y)=f(g , x+y)\ ] ] for every graph @xmath1 . it turns out that the new graph polynomial is a specialization of the tutte polynomial . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: throughout this paper every graphs are simple . let us consider the following recursion of a graph polynomial . let @xmath2 and assume that @xmath3 satisfies the following recursion formula @xmath4 where @xmath5 denotes the following graph .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
we delete the vertices @xmath6 and @xmath7 from @xmath1 and replace it with a vetrex @xmath8 which we connect to those vertices of @xmath9 which were adjacent to exactly one of @xmath6 and @xmath7 in @xmath1 . in other words , we connect @xmath8 with the symmetric difference of @xmath10 and @xmath11 . the @xmath12 refers to the symmetric difference in the recursive formula .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper , we show a `` proof of concept '' of the heating mechanism of the solar chromosphere due to wave dissipation caused by the effects of partial ionization . numerical modeling of non - linear wave propagation in a magnetic flux tube , embedded in the solar atmosphere , is performed by solving a system of single - fluid quasi - mhd equations , which take into account the ambipolar term from the generalized ohm s law . it is shown that perturbations caused by magnetic waves can be effectively dissipated due to ambipolar diffusion . the energy input by this mechanism is continuous and shown to be more efficient than dissipation of static currents , ultimately leading to chromospheric temperature increase in magnetic structures . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: understanding the physical mechanisms leading to heating of the solar atmosphere is one of the primary questions in solar physics and a long - standing puzzle . in recent years , the importance of partial ionization for the processes in solar plasma is becoming clear . it has been shown that the current dissipation enhanced in the presence of neutrals in the plasma not entirely coupled by collisions can be essential for the energy balance of the chromosphere @xcite . in the latter paper it was shown how the dissipation of static currents in non - current - free solar magnetic flux tubes allows to release a large amount of energy into the chromosphere , potentially able to compensate its radiative losses , @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
solar atmosphere is far from stationary . it is filled with waves and rapidly varying flows , and pierced by dynamic magnetic structures , originating in the solar interior .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: it is widely believed that the swimming speed , @xmath0 , of many flagellated bacteria is a non - monotonic function of the concentration , @xmath1 , of high - molecular - weight linear polymers in aqueous solution , showing peaked @xmath2 curves . pores in the polymer solution were suggested as the explanation . quantifying this picture led to a theory that predicted peaked @xmath2 curves . using new , high - throughput methods for characterising motility , we have measured @xmath0 , and the angular frequency of cell - body rotation , @xmath3 , of motile _ escherichia coli _ as a function of polymer concentration in polyvinylpyrrolidone ( pvp ) and ficoll solutions of different molecular weights . we find that non - monotonic @xmath2 curves are typically due to low - molecular weight impurities . after purification by dialysis , the measured @xmath2 and @xmath4 relations for all but the highest molecular weight pvp can be described in detail by newtonian hydrodynamics . there is clear evidence for non - newtonian effects in the highest molecular weight pvp solution . calculations suggest that this is due to the fast - rotating flagella ` seeing ' a lower viscosity than the cell body , so that flagella can be seen as nano - rheometers for probing the non - newtonian behavior of high polymer solutions on a molecular scale . he motility of micro - organisms in polymer solutions is a topic of vital biomedical interest . thus , e.g. , mucus covers the respiratory @xcite , gastrointestinal @xcite and reproductive @xcite tracks of all metazoans . penetration of this solution of biomacromolecules by motile bacterial pathogens is implicated in a range of diseases , e.g. , stomach ulcers caused by _ helicobacter pylori _ @xcite . oviduct mucus in hens provides a barrier against _ salmonella _ infection of eggs @xcite . penetration of the exopolysaccharide matrix of biofilms by swimming bacteria @xcite can stabilise or destabilise them _ in vivo _ ( e.g. the bladder ) and _ in vitro _ ( e.g..... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: purcell s widely - used ` model _ e. coli _ ' has a prolate ellipsoidal cell body bearing a single left - handed helical flagellum at one pole @xcite . its motion is described by three kinematic parameters : the swimming speed , @xmath0 , the body angular speed , @xmath3 , and the flagellum angular speed , @xmath17 : @xmath18 with @xmath19 . the drag forces and torques ( @xmath20 ) on the body ( subscript ` @xmath21 ' ) and flagellum ( subscript @xmath22 ) are given by @xmath23 where @xmath24 , the solvent viscosity .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
requiring the body and flagellum to be force and torque free , we find @xmath25 where @xmath26 and @xmath27 are viscosity - independent geometric constants . equations [ omega_omega ] and [ v_omega ] predict that @xmath28 but underdetermine @xmath29 .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this paper we study leading neutron production in photon - hadron interactions which take place in @xmath0 and @xmath1 collisions at large impact parameters . using a model that describes the recent leading neutron data at hera , we consider exclusive vector meson production in association with a leading neutron in @xmath2 collisions at rhic and lhc energies . the total cross sections and rapidity distributions of @xmath3 , @xmath4 and @xmath5 produced together with a leading neutron are computed . our results indicate that the study of these processes is feasible and that it can be used to improve the understanding of leading neutron processes and of exclusive vector meson production . lu tp 16-xx + may 2016 . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: understanding leading particle production is crucial to understand forward physics at hadron colliders and also cosmic ray physics @xcite . indeed , the interpretation of cosmic ray data is strongly dependent on the accurate knowledge of the leading baryon momentum spectrum and its energy dependence ( see e.g. ref . @xcite ) . moreover , particle production at forward rapidities and high energies probes the qcd dynamics at very small - @xmath6 , where non - linear effects associated to high gluonic density in the target are expected to contribute significantly @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this new regime of the qcd dynamics is a field of intense activity and the exclusive production of vector mesons in @xmath7 collisions and in ultraperipheral hadronic collisions is one of the most promising observables to constrain the main properties of the theory ( see , e.g. refs . @xcite ) . leading neutron production has been investigated in @xmath8 collisions at hera , from where we have high precision experimental data on semi - inclusive @xmath9 processes @xcite as well as on exclusive @xmath3 photoproduction associated with a leading neutron ( @xmath10 ) @xcite . in these processes
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: in this work we derive non - singular bps string solutions from an action that captures the essential features of a @xmath0brane - anti-@xmath0brane system compactified to four dimensions . the model we consider is a supersymmetric abelian higgs model with a @xmath0term potential coupled to an axion - dilaton multiplet . the strings in question are axionic @xmath0term strings which we identify with the @xmath0strings of type ii string theory . in this picture the higgs field represents the open string tachyon of the @xmath1 pair and the axion is dual to a ramond ramond form . the crucial term allowing the existence of non - singular bps strings is the fayet - iliopoulos term , which is related to the tensions of the @xmath0string and of the parent branes . despite the presence of the axion , the strings are bps and carry finite energy , due to the fact that the space gets very slowly decompactified away from the core , screening the long range axion field ( or equivalently the theory approaches an infinitely weak @xmath2 coupling ) . within our @xmath2 effective action we also identify another class of bps string solutions ( @xmath3strings ) which have no ten dimensional analog , and can only exist after compactification . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: it was suggested long ago by witten@xcite that fundamental superstrings ( f - strings ) of macroscopic length could be observed in the form of cosmic strings . after the discovery of @xmath4-branes@xcite , it is natural to expect that a similar role could be played by other extended objects of string theory such as @xmath5-branes wrapped around internal @xmath6-cycles . it is interesting that brane inflation@xcite generically predicts the formation of such objects , whereas the formation of point - like or wall - like extended objects is suppressed@xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
various aspects of the dynamics , formation and evolution of cosmic @xmath7 and @xmath0strings have been discussed in @xcite . needless to say that a possible observation of these objects would provide a direct window into string theory .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we analytically derived two models which reduce to the familiar chevallier - polarski - linder parametrization with @xmath0 proportional to @xmath1 . the two models have only one free parameter @xmath2 , which helps us eliminate the degeneracy among @xmath0 , @xmath2 and @xmath3 , and makes the models automatically consistent with the @xmath4cdm model . with these degeneracy relations , we test their effects on the constraints of cosmological parameters . we find that : ( 1 ) the degeneracy between @xmath2 and @xmath0 for the two models is consistent with that found for the original chevallier - polarski - linder model ; ( 2 ) the degeneracies have little effect on @xmath3 ; ( 3 ) the @xmath5 error of @xmath6 was reduced about 25% with the degeneracy relations ; ( 4 ) the @xmath5 error of @xmath2 was reduced about one half with the degeneracy relations . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: to explain the cosmic acceleration found by the observations of type ia supernovae ( sne ia ) in 1998 @xcite , we usually introduce an exotic energy component with negative pressure to the right hand side of einstein equation . this exotic energy component which consists about 72% of the total energy density in the universe is dubbed as dark energy . although the cosmological constant is the simplest candidate for dark energy and is consistent with current observations , other possibilities are also explored due to the many orders of magnitude discrepancy between the theoretical estimation and astronomical observations for the cosmological constant .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
currently we still have no idea about the nature of dark energy . in particular , the question whether dark energy is the cosmological constant remains unanswered .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present measurements of the frequency and electric field dependent conductivity of single walled carbon nanotube(swcnt ) networks of various densities . the ac conductivity as a function of frequency is consistent with the extended pair approximation model and increases with frequency above an onset frequency @xmath0 which varies over seven decades with a range of film thickness from sub - monolayer to 200 nm . the nonlinear electric field - dependent dc conductivity shows strong dependence on film thickness as well . measurement of the electric field dependence of the resistance r(e ) allows for the determination of a length scale @xmath1 possibly characterizing the distance between tube contacts , which is found to systematically decrease with increasing film thickness . the onset frequency @xmath0 of ac conductivity and the length scale @xmath1 of swcnt networks are found to be correlated , and a physically reasonable empirical formula relating them has been proposed . such studies will help the understanding of transport properties and benefit the applications of this material system . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: networks with randomly distributed single walled carbon nanotubes ( swcnts ) are emerging as novel materials for various applications , particularly as electronic materials . @xcite this creates a need for the accurate determination of their fundamental electrical properties . swcnt networks can be viewed as a two - dimensional network of conducting one - dimensional rods.@xcite these rods are either metallic or semiconducting with large dimension ratio(length / diameter @xmath2 ) , which leads to the following interesting behavior.@xcite since the nanotube - nanotube junction resistance is much larger than the nanotube resistance itself,@xcite such a network can be seen as a system with randomly distributed barriers for electrical transport . for a sub - monolayer network ,. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the junction resistance will dominate the overall resistance and the network resistance shows percolation behavior with nonlinear thickness dependence.@xcite for swcnt networks with thickness in the tens of nanometers , e.g. with tens of layers of swcnts , the conductance through the metallic tubes will dominate the conduction , and leads to metallic behavior of the overall resistance.@xcite the frequency - dependent and electric - field - dependent conductivity have been investigated for individual swcnt@xcite and some types of swcnt networks.@xcite burke and co - workers measured the microwave conductivity of individual swcnts and investigated their operation as a transistor at 2.6 ghz.@xcite for swcnt networks with 30 nm thickness , our previous work finds the ac conductivity is frequency - independent up to an onset frequency @xmath3 of about 10 ghz , beyond which it increases with an approximate power law behavior.@xcite for thicker films with thickness in the range of tens of micrometers , p. peit _ _ found that conductivities at dc and 10 ghz are almost the same.@xcite m. fuhrer _
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the aggregation of amphiphilic molecules by adapting the two - state muller - lee - graziano model for water , in which a solvent - induced hydrophobic interaction is included implicitly . we study the formation of various types of micelle as a function of the distribution of hydrophobic regions at the molecular surface . successive substitution of non - polar surfaces by polar ones demonstrates the influence of hydrophobicity on the upper and lower critical solution temperatures . aggregates of lipid molecules , described by a refinement of the model in which a hydrophobic tail of variable length interacts with different numbers of water molecules , are stabilized as the length of the tail increases . we demonstrate that the essential features of micelle formation are primarily solvent - induced , and are explained within a model which focuses only on the alteration of water structure in the vicinity of the hydrophobic surface regions of amphiphiles in solution . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: in an aqueous solution , the hydrophobic parts of amphiphilic molecules tend to separate themselves from water molecules by forming aggregates , such as micelles and microemulsion droplets . the simplest amphiphilic structure occurs if the polar and hydrophobic parts of the amphiphilic molecule are well separated into head and tail regions . motivated by the structure of sphingolipids and glycolipids ( fig .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
[ figglycolipid ] ) , we will refer to this type of molecule as ` lipids ' ( although we note here that this generic structure is not common to all classes of lipid ) . for molecules such as those in fig . [ figglycolipid ] , micelles consist of a polar outer surface and a hydrophobic core which contains all the tails . by contrast ,
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a scheme for the implementation of three - qubit grover s algorithm using four - level superconducting quantum interference devices ( squids ) coupled to a superconducting resonator . the scheme is based on resonant , off - resonant interaction of the cavity field with squids and application of classical microwave pulses . we show that adjustment of squid level spacings during the gate operations , adiabatic passage , and second - order detuning are not required that leads to faster implementation . we also show that the marked state can be searched with high fidelity even in the presence of unwanted off - resonant interactions , level decay , and cavity dissipation . keywords : quantum phase gate ; grover s algorithm ; superconducting quantum interference devices ( squids ) . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the quantum algorithms work much more efficiently than their classicalcounter parts due to quantum superposition and quantum interference . for example , consider the search of an item in an unsorted database containing @xmath0 elements . classical computation requires @xmath1 steps to carry out the search .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
however , grover showed that search can be carried out with only @xmath2 steps @xcite . thus , grover s algorithm represents a quadratic advantage over its classical counterpart .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: coherent photoproduction of @xmath0 on the deuteron and @xmath1he is calculated . the isoscalar and isovector parts of the elementary photoproduction amplitude was determined by fitting the measured total cross section on protons and neutrons . the dependence of the cross section on the isospin of the target nucleus is discussed . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: coherent photoproduction of neutral pions on nuclei , when the target nucleus remains in its ground state , are widely used in meson - nuclear physics . firstly , these reactions allow obtaining nuclear structure information . since the incident photon probes the entire nuclear volume , the cross section directly depends on the nuclear density distribution . an important advantage of reactions involving neutral pions is that they are not complicated by the coulomb interaction , so that the description of the final state becomes more simple . among the recent works one can mention ref.@xcite , in which the dependence of the cross section for @xmath2li@xmath3li on the @xmath4li parameters was explored .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
generally , the results obtained from the photoproduction reactions seem to be of comparable quality to that provided by other processes , for example , by elastic particle - nuclear scattering . the second important aspect , related to the coherent meson photoproduction , is the investigation of the photoproduction mechanism .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: localization properties of the doped @xmath0-topological insulator are studied by weak localization theory . the disordered kane - mele model for graphene is taken as a prototype , and analyzed with attention to effects of the topological mass term , inter - valley scattering , and the rashba spin - orbit interaction . the known tendency of graphene to anti - localize in the _ absence _ of inter - valley scattering between @xmath1 and @xmath2 points is naturally placed as the massless limit of kane - mele model . the latter is shown to have a unitary behavior even in the absence of magnetic field due to the topological mass term . when inter - valley scattering is introduced , the topological mass term leaves the system in the unitary class , whereas the ordinary mass term , which appears if a and b sublattices are inequivalent , turns the system to weak localization . the rashba spin - orbit interaction in the _ presence _ of @xmath1-@xmath2 scattering drive the system to weak anti - localization in sharp contrast to the ideal graphene case . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the concept of @xmath0 topological insulator was first introduced in a model for graphene @xcite , in the presence of both intrinsic and extrinsic ( rashba ) spin - orbit interactions ( called hereafter , kane - mele model ) @xcite . the origin of @xmath0 symmetry lies naturally in the time reversal invariance of the underlying spin - orbit interactions , i.e. , in the existence of kramers pairs . in the continuum limit , the intrinsic spin - orbit interaction is represented by a so - called topological mass term ( of size @xmath3 , opening a spin - orbit gap @xmath4 ) , encoding quantized spin hall effect .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the latter occurs when fermi energy is in the gap , and implies the existence of a pair of counter - propagating gapless states at the sample boundary with opposite spins , often dubbed as _ edge modes @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: high energy @xmath0linear colliders are the next large scale project in particle physics . they need intense sources to achieve the required luminosity . in particular , the positron source must provide about 10@xmath1 positrons per second . the positron source for the international linear collider ( ilc ) is based on a helical undulator passed by the electron beam to create an intense circularly polarized photon beam . with these photons a longitudinally polarized positron beam is generated ; the degree of polarization can be enhanced by collimating the photon beam . however , the high photon beam intensity causes huge thermal load in the collimator material . in this paper the thermal load in the photon collimator is discussed and a flexible design solution is presented . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the positron source for the international linear collider ( ilc ) is based on a helical undulator @xcite . before collisions , the accelerated electron beam passes the superconducting helical undulator and creates an intense circularly polarized multi - mev photon beam . the photons hit a positron target and create in an electromagnetic shower longitudinally polarized positrons ( and electrons ) . this method was suggested by balakin and mikhailichenko @xcite and has been successfully tested with the e-166 experiment @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the baseline parameters of the ilc positron source afford a positron polarization of 30% . the distribution of polarization within the photon beam depends on the radial position of the photons , so it is possible to increase the average polarization of positrons by collimation from 30% up to 50 - 60% .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we present a comparative study of the gain achievement in a waveguide whose active layer is constituted by a silica matrix containing silicon nanograins acting as sensitizer of either neodymium ions ( @xmath0 ) or erbium ions ( @xmath1 ) . by means of an auxiliary differential equation and finite difference time domain ( ade - fdtd ) approach that we developed , we investigate the steady states regime of both rare earths ions and silicon nanograins levels populations as well as the electromagnetic field for different pumping powers ranging from @xmath2 to @xmath3 . moreover , the achievable gain has been estimated in this pumping range . the @xmath0doped waveguide shows a higher gross gain per unit length at 1064 nm ( up to @xmath4 ) than the one with @xmath1doped active layer at 1532 nm ( up to @xmath5 ) . taking into account the experimental background losses we demonstrate that a significant positive net gain can only be achieved with the @xmath0doped waveguide . 10 n. daldosso and l. pavesi , nanosilicon photonics , " laser photonics rev . * 3 * , 508534 ( 2009 ) . g. p. agrawal , ( john wiley & sons , 2010 ) . o. lumholt , a. bjarklev , t. rasmussen , and c. lester , rare earth - doped integrated glass components : modeling and optimization , " j. lightwave technol . * 13 * , 275282 ( 1995 ) . a. podhorodecki , j. misiewicz , f. gourbilleau , j. cardin , and c. dufour , high energy excitation transfer from silicon nanocrystals to neodymium ions in silicon - rich oxide film , " electrochem . solid - state lett . * 13 * , k26k28 ( 2010 ) . a. polman and f. c. j. m. van veggel , broadband sensitizers for erbium - doped planar optical amplifiers : review , " j. opt . . am . b * 21 * , 871892 ( 2004 ) . a. n. macdonald , a. hryciw , quan li , and a. meldrum , luminescence of nd - enriched silicon nanoparticle glasses , " opt . mater . * 28 * , 820824 ( 2006 ) . a. fafin , j. cardin , c. dufour , and f. gourbilleau , modeling of the electromagnetic field.... And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the development of waveguide optical amplifiers based on rare earth ( re ) doped silicon based matrix is of great interest for the semiconductor research community@xcite . erbium ions are particularly interesting due to an optical transition at @xmath9 which coincides with the maximum of transmission in optical glass fiber@xcite . however , in the case of erbium this transition involves the ground level , which may limit the achievable gain due to reabsorption mechanisms@xcite . to overcome this critical issue , neodymium ion has been recently proposed because its emission scheme makes it more suitable for achieving higher gain@xcite . in such a system , the amplification is commonly achieved through re level population inversion by an appropriate optical pumping . one main drawback of re ions is their low absorption cross section .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
however this can be overcome by the use of sensitizers that are characterized by a larger absorption cross section . those sensitizers have shown an efficient transfer of energy to re ions in their vicinity .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we investigate the spin injection and the spin transport in paramagnetic insulators described by simple heisenberg interactions using auxiliary particle methods . some of these methods allow access to both paramagnetic states above magnetic transition temperatures and magnetic states at low temperatures . it is predicted that the spin injection at an interface with a normal metal is rather insensitive to temperatures above the magnetic transition temperature . on the other hand below the transition temperature , it decreases monotonically and disappears at zero temperature . we also analyze the bulk spin conductance . it is shown that the conductance becomes zero at zero temperature as predicted by linear spin wave theory but increases with temperature and is maximized around the magnetic transition temperature . these findings suggest that the compromise between the two effects determines the optimal temperature for spintronics applications utilizing magnetic insulators . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: manipulating spin degrees of freedom of electrons in addition to charge degrees is at the forefront of current materials science @xcite . by utilizing the spin hall effect ( she ) @xcite and the inverse spin hall effect ( ishe)@xcite , a variety of novel phenomena are envisioned @xcite . for example , the spin current in magnetic materials can be generated by the temperature gradient , the spin seebeck effect ( sse ) @xcite .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
unlike the conventional seebeck effect , the sse also exists in magnetic insulators ( mis ) @xcite in which the spin current is mediated by spin waves or magnons . not only in a ferromagnetic ( fm ) insulator or a ferrimagnetic insulator , the spin transport is possible through an antiferromagnetic ( afm ) insulator @xcite .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: the first veritas telescope was installed in 2002 - 2003 at the fred lawrence whipple observatory and was originally operated as a prototype instrument . subsequently the decision was made to locate the full array at the same site , resulting in an asymmetric array layout . as anticipated , this resulted in less than optimal sensitivity due to the loss in effective area and the increase in background due to local muon initiated triggers . in the summer of 2009 , the veritas collaboration relocated telescope 1 to improve the overall array layout . this has provided a 30% improvement in sensitivity corresponding to a 60% change in the time needed to detect a source . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the imaging atmospheric cherenkov technique ( iact ) was developed at the fred lawrence whipple observatory ( flwo ) resulting in the first very high energy ( vhe ; e @xmath0 100 gev ) detection of the crab nebula in 1989 @xcite . in the twenty years since that first publication there have been vhe detections of over 100 objects including pulsars , blazars , pulsar wind nebula , supernova remnants and starburst galaxies . since vhe photons do not penetrate the atmosphere , iact telescopes measure the cherenkov light generated by particle showers initiated by the primary photons interacting with our atmosphere .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
this cherenkov light appears as a two dimensional ellipse when imaged by an iact telescope camera . the shape and orientation of the ellipse in the camera indicate whether the shower was initiated by a gamma ray or by a cosmic ray which can also cause a particle shower .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we consider the metallicities and kinematics of nearby stars known to have planetary - mass companions in the general context of the overall properties of the local galactic disk . we have used strmgren photometry to determine abundances for both the extrasolar - planet host stars and for a volume - limited sample of 486 f , g and k stars selected from the hipparcos catalogue . the latter data show that the sun lies near the modal abundance of the disk , with over 45% of local stars having super - solar metallicities . twenty of the latter stars ( 4.1% ) are known to have planetary - mass companions . using that ratio to scale data for the complete sample of planetary host stars , we find that the fraction of stars with extrasolar planets rises sharply with increasing abundance , confirming previous results . however , the frequency remains at the 3 - 4% level for stars within @xmath0 dex of solar abundance , and falls to @xmath1 only for stars with abundances less than half solar . given the present observational constraints , both in velocity precision and in the available time baseline , these numbers represent a lower limit to the frequency of extrasolar planetary systems . a comparison between the kinematics of the planetary host stars and a representative sample of disk stars suggests that the former have an average age which is @xmath2 of the latter . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: the discovery of the first extrasolar planetary system stands as one of the key scientific and philosophical advances of the twentieth century . while the existence of other planetary systems had been postulated for several centuries ( dick , 1998 ) , and could even be regarded as likely , particularly following the detection of circumstellar disks around young stars ( see sargent & beckwith , 1993 ) , mayor & queloz ( 1995 ) radial velocity measurements of 51 pegasi marked a definitive transition from speculation to observation . the relatively short time interval which has elapsed since that initial discovery has seen the identification of a plethora of additional systems , notably by marcy , butler and collaborators . taken together , those systems provide sufficient numbers for a statistical comparison of the characteristics of stars with planetary - mass companions against the overall distribution of properties of the local galactic disk .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
the results of such a study have obvious implications for estimating the likely frequency of extrasolar planets ( esps ) , particularly potentially habitable systems . comparative studies of this type must pay due regard to several important caveats .
Suppose that you have an abstract for a scientific paper: we report on our investigations on some technologies that can be used to build disk servers and networks of disk servers using commodity hardware and software solutions . it focuses on the performance that can be achieved by these systems and gives measured figures for different configurations . it is divided into two parts : iscsi and other technologies and hardware and software raid solutions . the first part studies different technologies that can be used by clients to access disk servers using a gigabit ethernet network . it covers block access technologies ( iscsi , hyperscsi , enbd ) . experimental figures are given for different numbers of clients and servers . the second part compares a system based on 3ware hardware raid controllers , a system using linux software raid and ide cards and a system mixing both hardware raid and software raid . performance measurements for reading and writing are given for different raid levels . . And you have already written the first three sentences of the full article: _ iscsi _ is a protocol designed to transport scsi commands over a tcp / ip network . + _ iscsi _ can be used as a building block for network storage using existing ip infrastructure in a lan / wan environment . it can connect different types of block - oriented storage devices to servers .. Please generate the next two sentences of the article
+ _ iscsi _ was initially standardized by ansi t10 and further developed by the ip storage working group of the ietf @xcite , which will publish soon an rfc . many vendors in the storage industry as well as research projects are currently working on the implementation of the iscsi protocol .