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Having arrived at (the neighbourhood of) Bharadvāja's asylum, that foremost of men while it was a krosa (to the destination), left his forces behind and went thither, accompanied by his counsellors alone. And leaving his attire and arms, and clad in a silk cloth, that pious one placing the priest in front, went on foot. | भरद्वाजाश्रमं गत्वा क्रोशादेव नरर्षभः। जनं सर्वमवस्थाप्य जगाम सह मन्त्रिभिः॥ पद्भ्यामेव तु धर्मज्ञो न्यस्तशस्त्रपरिच्छदः। वसानो वाससी क्षौमे पुरोधाय पुरोहितम्॥ |
Then with the view of seeing Bharadvāja, that descendent of Raghu leaving behind the counsellors also, went in the wake of the priest. | ततः संदर्शने तस्य भरद्वाजस्य राघवः। मन्त्रिणस्तानवस्थाप्य जगामानुपुरोहितम्॥ |
As soon as Bharadvāja of rigid austerities saw Vasiştha, he at once rose from his seat, saying to him disciples "Arghya!" | वसिष्ठमथ दृष्ट्वैव भरद्वाजो महातपाः। संचचालासनात् तूर्णं शिष्यानर्घ्यमिति ब्रुवन्॥ |
On being called upon by Vasiştha, that highly energetic one understood that it was Daſaratha's son. | समागम्य वसिष्ठेन भरतेनाभिवादितः। अबुध्यत महातेजाः सुतं दशरथस्य तम्॥ |
Having offered them (the guests) water to wash their feet and Arghya, as well as fruits subsequently, that virtuous one (Bharadvāja) successively enquired after the welfare of their (respective) homes; and after that, of the forces, exchequer, friends and counsellors in Ayodhyā. And knowing that Dasaratha had departed this life, he did not ask anything relating to the monarch. | ताभ्यामर्थ्य च पाद्यं च दत्त्वा पश्चात् फलानि च। आनुपूर्व्याच्च धर्मज्ञः पप्रच्छ कुशलं कुले॥ अयोध्यायां बले कोशे मित्रेष्वपि च मन्त्रिषु। जानन् दशरथं वृत्तं न राजानमुदाहरत्॥ |
Then Vasiştha and Bharata questioned him as to his welfare, in relation to the body, the (sacrificial) fire, the trees, the beasts and the birds (of the hermitage). | वसिष्ठो भरतश्चैनं पप्रच्छतुरनामयम्। शरीरेऽग्निषु शिष्येषु वृक्षेषु मृगपक्षिषु॥ |
To all this returning "So it is,” the illustrious Bharadvāja from affection for Rāghava said to Bharata. | तथेति तु प्रतिज्ञाय भरद्वाजो महायशाः। भरतं प्रत्युवाचेदं राघवस्नेहबन्धनात्॥ |
What is the use of your visit here, seeing that you are engaged in the task of governing the kingdom? Do you relate all this to me; my mind is ill at ease. | किमिहागमने कार्यं तव राज्यं प्रशासतः। एतदाचक्ष्व सर्वं मे न हि मे शुध्यते मनः॥ |
That slayer of foes and perpetuator of his race who has been born by Kausalyā, and who along with his wife and brother has been banished to the woods for a long term, that illustrious one who enjoined by his sire in the interests of a woman, has become an inhabitant of the woods for fourteen years, do you, desirous of securely enjoying the kingdon belonging to him as well to his younger brother, intend to do any harm to that sinless one? | सुषुवे यममित्रघ्नं कौसल्याऽऽनन्दवर्धनम्। भ्रात्रा सह सभार्यो यश्चिरं प्रवाजितो वनम्॥ नियुक्तः स्त्रीनिमित्तेन पित्रा योऽसौ महायशाः। वनवासी भवेतीह समाः किल चतुर्दश॥ कच्चिन्न तस्यापापस्य पापं कर्तुमिहेच्छसि। अकण्टकं भोक्तुमना राज्यं तस्यानुजस्य च॥ |
Thus accosted, Bharata replied to Bharadvāja with tears filling his eyes and his words choked with grief. | एवमुक्तो भरद्वाजं भरतः प्रत्युवाच ह। पर्यश्रुनयनो दुःखाद् वाचा संसज्जमानया॥ |
Undone am I if the reverend one also deems me so. Do not apprehend any wrong from me; and do you not reproach me thus. | हतोऽस्मि यदि मामेवं भगवानपि मन्यते। मत्तो न दोषमाशङ्के मैवं मामनुशाधि हि॥ |
Whatever my mother has said in relation to me, does not express my wish, I am not satisfied with that, nor do I endorse her speech. | न चैतदिष्टं माता मे यदवोचन्मदन्तरे। नाहमेतेन तुष्टश्च न तद्वचनमाददे॥ |
I, intending to pacify him, and going to that chief of men, with the view of taking him to Ayodhyā and of paying homage to his feet. | अहं तु तं नरव्याघ्रमुपयातः प्रसादकः। प्रतिनेतुमयोध्यायां पादौ चास्याभिवन्दितुम्॥ |
Thinking me as already gone, you should show your favour to me. O reverend Sir, tell me where stay at present Rāma, lord of the earth. | तं मामेवंगतं मत्वा प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि। शंस मे भगवन् रामः क्व सम्प्रति महीपतिः॥ |
Besought by Vasiştha and the other Rtvijas, the venerable Bharadvāja well pleased, spoke to Bharata. | वसिष्ठादिभित्विग्भिर्याचितो भगवांस्ततः। उवाच तं भरद्वाजः प्रसादाद् भरतं वचः॥ |
foremost of men, even this is worthy of you. Serving superiors, restraint of the senses, and following the pious, are ever found in one sprung in the Rāghava line. | त्वय्येतत् पुरुषव्याघ्र युक्तं राघववंशजे। गुरुवृत्तिर्दमश्चैव साधूनां चानुयायिता॥ |
I know that even this is your intention, but for the purpose of making your mind all the firmer, I had asked you in this wise; so that your fame might greatly increase. | जाने चैतन्मनःस्थं ते दृढीकरणमस्त्विति। अपृच्छं त्वां तवात्यर्थं कीर्तिं समभिवर्धयन्॥ |
I also know the righteous Rāma with Sītā and Lakşmaņa. This brother of yours at present stays at the mighty mountain Citrakuta. | जाने च रामं धर्मज्ञं ससीतं सहलक्ष्मणम्। अयं वसति ते भ्राता चित्रकूटे महागिरौ॥ |
On the morrow you will set out for that region. Do you to-day sojourn here along with your counsellors. O wise one, do this at your pleasure, O you understanding interest and desire. | श्वस्तु गन्तासि तं देशं वसाद्य सह मन्त्रिभिः। एतं मे कुरु सुप्राज्ञ कामं कामार्थकोविद॥ |
Thereat the gently-looking and highly famous one said, “Be it so;" and the king's son made up his mind to spend the night in the great hermitage (of the saint). | ततस्तथेत्येवमुदारदर्शनः प्रतीतरूपो भरतोऽब्रवीद् वचः। चकार बुद्धिं च तदाश्रमे तदा निशानिवासाय नराधिपात्मजः॥ |
Then ordered by the lord of Rākşasas, the sons of his counsellors, seven (in number) in splendour reseinbling fire, issued forth that mansion. | ततस्ते राक्षसेन्द्रेण चोदिता मन्त्रिणः सुताः। निर्ययुर्भवनात् तस्मात् सप्त सप्तार्चिवर्चसः॥ |
And surrounded by a mighty army, furnished with bows, endowed with wondrous strength, and accomplished in arms— the foremost of those acquainted with weapons-each burning for victory, with mighty cars yoked with steeds, covered with golden net-works, bearing pennons and standards, and having sounds like those proceeding from clouds, exultingly stretching with immeasurable prowess bows decked with gold, resembling clouds surcharged with lightning, those warriors sallied out. Learning that the servants had been slain, their (i.e. the mothers of the sons of the councillors) mothers, along with their friends and kindred, were overpowered with grief. | महद्बलपरीवारा धनुष्मन्तो महाबलाः। कृतास्त्रास्त्रविदां श्रेष्ठाः परस्परजयैषिणः॥ हेमजालपरिक्षिप्तैर्ध्वजवद्भिः पताकिभिः। तोयदस्वननिर्घोषैर्वाजियुक्तैर्महारथैः॥ तप्तकाञ्चनचित्राणि चापान्यमितविक्रमाः। विस्फारयन्तः संहृष्टास्तडिद्वन्त इवाम्बुदाः॥ जनन्यस्तास्ततस्तेषां विदित्वा किंकरान् हतान्। बभूवुः शोकसम्भ्रान्ताः सबान्धवसुहृज्जनाः॥ |
And vieing with each other in eagerness, those (warriors) decked in ornaments of polished gold, confronted Hanumān staying at the gate. | ते परस्परसंघर्षास्तप्तकाञ्चनभूषणाः। अभिपेतुर्हनूमन्तं तोरणस्थमवस्थितम्॥ |
And with their cars sending roars, the Rākşasas, pouring showers of shafts, ranged (the field), resembling clouds during the rainy season. | सृजन्तो बाणवृष्टिं ते रथगर्जितनि:स्वनाः। प्रावृट्काल इवाम्भोदा विचेरुनैर्ऋताम्बुदाः॥ |
Covered with those arrowy showers, Hanuman had his person concealed, like the monarch of mountains hidden by a downpour. | अवकीर्णस्ततस्ताभिर्हनूमाञ्शरवृष्टिभिः। अभवत्संवृताकारः शैलराडिव वृष्टिभिः॥ |
That swift-speeding monkey, coursing the cloudless sky, evaded those shafts of those heroes, as well as the impetuosity of their cars. | स शरान्वञ्चयामास तेषामाशुचरः कपिः। रथवेगांश्च वीराणां विचरन्विमलेऽम्बरे॥ |
That hero, playing pranks with those bowmen, appeared like the masterful Wind playing tricks with the bow-bearing clouds. (i.e. having the iris.) | स तैः क्रीडन्धनुष्मद्भिोम्नि वीरः प्रकाशते। धनुष्मद्भिर्यथा मेधैर्मारुतः प्रभुरम्बरे॥ |
Sending up a dreadful shout, and thereby filling that vast host with fright, the energetic Hanumān rushed on that Rākşasa army. | स कृत्वा निनदं घोरं त्रासयंस्तां महाचमूम्। चकार हनूमान्वेगं तेषु रक्षःसु वीर्यवान्॥ |
That subduer of enemies slew some with slaps, and some he rived with nails, and some he killed by blows, and others with (the pressure of) his chest. And some dropped down on the ground at the very same spot at the sounds that he emitted. | तलेनाभिहनत् कांश्चित्पादैः कांश्चित्परंतपः। मुष्टिभिश्चाहनत्कांश्चिन्नखैः कांश्चिद् व्यदारयत्॥ प्रममाथोरसा कांश्चिदूरुभ्यामपरानपि। केचित्तस्यैव नादेन तत्रैव पतिता भुवि॥ |
And on their being slain or falling on the earth, that army, afflicted with affright, began to fly in all directions. | ततस्तेष्ववपन्नेषु भूमौ निपतितेषु च। तत्सैन्यमगमत्सर्वं दिशो दश भयादितम्॥ |
The elephants roared in frightful tones, and the steeds fell down on the earth. And the Earth was covered with broken boxes, flag-staffs, and umbrellas, (belonging to the cars), as also with the cars themselves. | विनेदुर्विस्वरं नागा निपेतुर्भुवि वाजिनः। भग्ननीडध्वजच्छत्रैर्भूश्च कीर्णाभवद् रथैः ॥ |
And rivers running gore were seen on the way, and Lankā uttered various frightful cries. | स्त्रवता रुधिरेणाथ स्रवन्त्यो दर्शिताः पथि। विविधैश्च स्वनैर्लङ्का ननाद विकृतं तदा॥ |
Having slain those overgrown Rākşasas, that exceedingly powerful and heroic monkey of terrific power, desirous of again coping with other Rākşasas, retraced his steps to the selfsame entrance. | स तान्प्रवृद्धान् विनिहत्य राक्षसान् महाबलश्चण्डपराक्रमः कपिः। स्तदेव वीरोऽभिजगाम तोरणम्॥ |
Like to servants waiting upon a wealthy person various auspicious omens waited upon Sītā of a blameless and comely person, racked with grief and divested of joy. | तथागतां तां व्यथितामनिन्दितां व्यतीतहर्षां परिदीनमानसाम्। शुभां निमित्तानि शुभानि भेजिरे नरं श्रिया जुष्टमिवोपसेविनः॥ |
And the large left eye of that dame having graceful hairs, having dark pupils, white ends and thick eye-lashes, began to dance like a lotus shaken by a fish. | राज्यावृतं कृष्णविशालशुक्लम्। प्रास्पन्दतैकं नयनं सुकेश्या मीनाहतं पद्ममिवाभिताम्रम्॥ |
And her beautiful, round, plump left hand, which, ere this, sprinkled with costly aguru and sandal, used to serve for a pillow to Rāma, began to dance now again and again after a long time. | भुजश्च चार्वञ्चितवृत्तपीनः परायंकालागुरुचन्दनाहः। अनुत्तमेनाध्युषितः प्रियेण चिरेण वामः समवेपताशु॥ |
And her well built plump left thigh, resembling the trunk of an elephant, dancing, announced that she would soon behold Rāma. | स्तयोर्द्वयोः संहतयोस्तु जातः। प्रस्पन्दमानः पुनरूरुरस्या रामं पुरस्तात् स्थितमाचचक्षे॥ |
And the gold-hued cloth, now covered with dust, of that damsel of a comely person, having teeth like pomegranate seeds, slipped a little off its place. | मीषद्रजोध्वस्तमिवातुलाक्ष्याः। वासः स्थितायाः शिखराग्रदन्त्याःकिंचित् परिस्त्रंसतचारुगात्र्याः॥ |
And being enlivened by those and various other auspicious omens, she attained joy like to a seed, spoiled by the wind and the sun, growing afresh in the rainy season. | एतैर्निमित्तैरपरैश्च सुभ्रूः संचोदिता प्रागपि साधुसिद्धैः। वातातपक्लान्तमिव प्रणष्टं वर्षेण बीजं प्रतिसंजहर्ष॥ |
And her countenance, having lips red as Bimba fruits, beautiful eyes, eye-brows extending to ears, curling eye-lashes and white teeth, again appeared graceful like to the Moon released from the full grasp of Rahu. (Like the Moon when full eclipse is just over-In mythology Rāhu is the son of Sinika, a Daitya, with the tail of a dragon whose head was severed from-his body by Vişnu, but being immortal this head and tail retained their separate existence and being transferred to the stellar sphere, became the authors of eclipses.) | तस्याः पुनर्बिम्बफलोपमोष्ठं स्वक्षिभुकेशान्तमरालपक्ष्म। वक्त्रं बभासे सितशुक्लदंष्ट्र राहोर्मुखाच्चन्द्र इव प्रमुक्तः॥ |
Her grief and exhaustion were removed. sorrow was pacified and her heart was filled with joy. And she with her countenance appeared beautiful like a lunar night beautified by the rays of the Moon. | सा वीतशोका व्यपनीततन्द्रा शान्तज्वरा हर्षविबुद्धसत्त्वा। अशोभतार्या वदनेन शुक्ले शीतांशुना रात्रिरिवोदितेन ॥ |
Then the grim Śūrpanakhā, coming to Rāghava's asylum pointed out to the Rākşasas those brother in company with Sītā. | ततः शूर्पणखा घोरा राघवाश्रममागता। राक्षसानाचचक्षे तौ भ्रातरौ सह सीतया॥ |
And they saw the mighty Rāma seated in the cottage in company with Sītā, and ministered to by Laksmana. | ते रामं पर्णशालायामुपविष्टं महाबलम्। ददृशुः सीतया सार्धं लक्ष्मणेनापि सेवितम्॥ |
And seeing her, as well as the Rākşasas who had come, Rāma remarked to his brother, Lakşınaņa of flaming energy. | तां दृष्ट्वा राघवः श्रीमानागतांस्तांश्च राक्षसान्। अब्रवीद् भ्रातरं रामो लक्ष्मणं दीप्ततेजसम्॥ |
O Sumitrā's son, do you for a while guard Sītā. I shall slay these that have come to this asylum here. | मुहूर्ते भव सौमित्रे सीतायाः प्रत्यनन्तरः। इमानस्या वधिष्यामि पदवीमागतानिह॥ |
Hearing these words of Rāma versed in the knowledge of self, Lakşmaņa honoured his speech by saying, So be it. | वाक्यमेतत् ततः श्रुत्वा रामस्य विदितात्मनः। तथेति लक्ष्मणो वाक्यं राघवस्य प्रपूजयन्।।५ |
And the righteous Rāghava strung his mighty bow decked with gold; and addressed the Raksasas. | राघवोऽपि महच्चापं चामीकरविभूषितम्। चकार सज्यं धर्मात्मा तानि रक्षांसि चाब्रवीत्॥ |
We that have entered into this untraceable forest of Dandaka in company with Sītā are the sons of Dasaratha, the brothers, Rama and Lakşmana. Why do you intend to do injury to us. Subsisting on fruits and roots, having our senses under control, carrying on asceticism and leading a Brahmacarya life, we are passing our days in the forest of Dandaka. | पुत्रौ दशरथस्यावां भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। प्रविष्टौ सीतया सार्धं दुश्चरं दण्डकावनम्॥ फलमूलाशनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ। वसन्तौ दण्डकारण्ये किमर्थमुपहिंसथ॥ |
It is do destroy you, wicked, and troublesome that I equipped with the bow have come here at the desire of the saints. | युष्मान् पापात्मकान् हन्तुं विप्रकारान् महाहवे। ऋषीणां तु नियोगेन सम्प्राप्तः सशरासनः॥ |
Stay there content you should not move further. If you have a care for your lives, desist, you rangers of the night. | तिष्ठतैवात्र संतुष्टा नोपवर्तितुमर्हथ। यदि प्राणैरिहार्थो वो निवर्तघ्नाः॥ |
Hearing those words of his, those fourteen grim Rākşasas bearing darts in their hands, exceedingly enraged, with their eyes reddened, breathing high spirits, harshly said to the sweetspeeched Rāma, having his eyes reddened whose prowess they had not seen before. | तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षसास्ते चतुर्दश। ऊचुर्वाचं सुसंक्रुद्धा ब्रह्मघ्नाः शूलपाणयः॥ संरक्तनयना घोरा रामं संरक्तलोचनम्। परुषा मधुराभाषं हृष्टा दृष्टपराक्रमम्॥ |
Having excited there our lord. the high-souled Khara, it is you that shal: lose your life no later than this day, being slain by us in battle. | क्रोधमुत्पाद्य नो भर्तुः खरस्य सुमहात्मनः। त्वमेव हास्यसे प्राणान् सद्योऽस्माभिर्हतो युधि ॥ |
What power hast you, being one to stay before us many in the field, what shall I say of your coping with us in conflict? | का हि ते शक्तिरेकस्य बहूनां रणमूर्धनि । अस्माकमग्रतः स्थातुं किं पुनर्यो माहवे॥ |
In consequence of the parighas (iron-clubs), darts, and pattisas (a kind of sharp-edged sword) discharged by our arms, you will surely lose your life, along with your prowess, and this bow which you press with your hand. | एभिर्बाहुप्रयुक्तैश्च परिघैः शूलपट्टिशैः। प्राणांस्त्यक्ष्यसि वीर्यं च धनुश्च करपीडितम्॥ |
Having said this in wrath, those fourteen Rākşasas, uplifting their weapons and daggers rushed towards Rāma. | इत्येवमुक्त्वा संरब्धा राक्षसास्ते चतुर्दश। उद्यतायुधनिस्त्रिंशा राममेवाभिदुद्रुवुः॥ |
And discharged darts at the invincible Rāghava. Thereupon Kākutstha by means of shafts decked with gold, cut off those fourteen darts of theirs. | चिक्षिपुस्तानि शूलानि राघवं प्रति दुर्जयम्। तानि शूलानि काकुत्स्थः समस्तानि चतुर्दश॥ |
Seeing this, that exceedingly cnergetic one, waxing highly enraged, look out fourteen darts with many golden arrows, whetted on stone, resembling the sun. And even as Satakratu hurls the thunder bolt, Rāghava drawing his bow and taking his aim at the Rākşasas, let go those shafts. | तावद्भिरेव चिच्छेद शरैः काञ्चनभूषितैः। ततः पश्यान्महातेजा नाराचान् सूर्यसंनिभान्॥ जग्राह परमकुद्धश्चतुर्दश शिलाशितान्। गृहीत्वा धनुरायम्य लक्ष्यानुद्दिश्य राक्षसान्॥ मुमोच राघवो बाणान् वज्रानिव शतक्रतुः। |
And those Rākşasas, their breasts pierced with vehemence, and themselves bathed in blood, fell down to the carth, like snakes dropping down from an ant hill. | ते भित्वा रक्षसां वेगाद् वक्षांसि रुधिरप्लुताः॥ विनिष्पेतुस्तदा भूमौ वल्मीकादिव पन्नगाः। |
And with their breasts pierced, they, dripping with blood, deformed and deprived of their lives, lay on the ground like trees whose roots have been severed. | तैर्भग्नहदया भूमौ छिन्नमूला इव द्रुमाः॥ निपेतुः शोणितस्नाता विकृता विगतासवः। |
Seeing them fallen-on the ground, the Rākşasī, beyond herself in wrath, approaching Khara, with her blood a little dried up, again in distressful guise threw herself on the earth, like a plant exuding gum. | तान् भूमौ पतितान् दृष्ट्वा राक्षसी क्रोधमूछिताः॥ उपगम्य खरं सा तु किंचित्संशुष्कशोणिता। पपात पुनरेवार्ता सनिर्यासेव वल्लरी॥ |
And in presence of her brother, she set up a mighty roar; and then her face grown pallid, she dropped tears, emitting cries. | भ्रातुः समीपे शोकार्ता ससर्ज निनदं महत्। सस्वरं मुमुचे वाष्पं विवर्णवदना तदा॥ |
Seeing those Rākşasas slain in battle, Śūrpanakhā again hastened (to his brother); and the sister of Khara, related in detail the slaughter of those Rākşasas. | निपातितान् प्रेक्ष्य रणे तु राक्षसान् प्रधाविता शूर्पणखा पुनस्ततः। वधं च तेषां निखिलेन रक्षसां शशंस सर्वं भगिनी खरस्य सा॥ |
Having departed from Rşyamuka, and arrived at the Malaya hill, Hanumān informed the king of monkeys of (the arrival of) the descendants of Raghu. | ऋष्यमूकात् तु हनुमान् गत्वा तं मलयं गिरिम्। आचचक्षे तदा वीरौ कपिराजाय राघवौ॥ |
O exceedingly wise one, this one that has come here is Rāma having truth for his prowess. | अयं रामो महाप्राज्ञ सम्प्राप्तो दृढविक्रमः। लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा रामोऽयं सत्यविक्रमः॥ |
This is Rāma having truth for his prowess, in company with his brother, Lakşmaņa. Rāma the son of Dasaratha, is born in the race of the Ikş wākus. Ever doing the will of his sire, he has been sent hither, in order that his father's verity may stand in tact. | इक्वाकूणां कुले जातो रामो दशरथात्मजः। धर्मे निगदितश्चैव पितुर्निदेशकारकः॥ |
Raima, who has come to the forest, is the son of him who has propitiated Fire with Rājasuyas and horse sacrifices,-dispensing Dakshinas and kine by hundreds and thousands-and who has governed the earth by asceticism and truthful speech. His son Rāma has come to the forest through a woman. | राजसूयाश्वमेधैश्च वह्निर्येनाभितर्पितः। दक्षिणाश्च तथोत्सृष्टा गावः शतसहस्रशः॥ तपसा सत्यवाक्येन वसुधा येन पालिता। स्त्रीहेतोस्तस्य पुत्रोऽयं रामोऽरण्यं समागतः॥ |
While that high-souled one having his senses under control was dwelling in the woods, his wife was carried off by Rāvana; and he (Rāma) has (in consequence) sought your protection. | तस्यास्य वसतोऽरण्ये नियतस्य महात्मनः। रावणेन हृता भार्या स त्वां शरणमागतः॥ |
Do you, granting an interview to the brothers Rāma and Lakşmaņa-both of them worthy of homage-who pe eager for your friendship, receive them respectfully. | भवता सत्यकामो तौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ। प्रगृह्य चार्चयस्वैतौ पूजनीयतमाबुभौ॥ |
Hearing Hanuman's words, Sugrīva-lord of monkeys, becoming visible (at his will), gladly spoke to Rāghava, sir, you are versed in morality, and bear love towards all. The son of the wind-god has faithfully described your virtues to me. | श्रुत्वा हनूमतो वाक्यं सुग्रीवो वानराधिपः। दर्शनीयतमो भूत्वा प्रीत्योवाच च राघवम्॥ भवान् धर्मविनीतश्च सुतपाः सर्ववत्सलः। आख्याता वायुपुत्रेण तत्त्वतो मे भवद्गुणाः॥ |
That you, O lord, are anxious to contract friendship with me who am a monkey does me honour and is my gain. | तन्ममैवैष सत्कारो लाभश्चैवोत्तमः प्रभो। यत्त्वमिच्छसि सौहार्द वानरेण मया सह ॥ |
If you relish friendship with me, do you take this stretched arm and my hand with yours, and bind yourself fast with a vow. | रोचते यदि मे सख्यं बाहुरेष प्रसारितः। गृह्यतां पाणिना पाणिर्मर्यादा बध्यतां ध्रुवा॥ |
Hearing these sweet words of Sugrīva, (Rāma) exceedingly delighted, pressed Sugrīva's hand with his. And contracting friendship with Surgrīva, Rāma experiencing great joy embraced him warmly. | एतत् तु वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवस्य सुभाषितम्। सम्प्रहृष्टमना हस्तं पीडयामास पाणिना॥ हृष्टः सौहृदमालम्ब्य पर्यष्वजत पीडितम्। |
Then that subduer of foes, Hanumān, leaving off the guise of a beggar, in his native shape produced a fire with two pieces of wood. | ततो हनूमान् संत्यज्य भिक्षुरूपमरिंदमः॥ काष्ठयोः स्वेन रूपेण जनयामास पावकम्। |
Then worshipping that flaming fire with flowers, he, well pleased, carefully placed it between them (Rāma and Sugrīva). Then Sugrīva and Rāghava went round the fire; and (thus) were fastened in friendship. | दीप्यमानं ततो वह्नि पुष्पैरभ्यर्च्य सत्कृतम्॥ तयोर्मध्ये तु सुप्रीतो निदधौ सुसमाहितः। ततोऽग्निं दीप्यमानं तौ चक्रतुश्च प्रदक्षिणम्॥ सुग्रीवो राघवश्चैव वयस्यत्वमुपागतौ। |
And with delighted hearts, both of them-the monkey and Rāghava began to gaze at each other, yet they did not feel satiated. | ततः सुप्रीतमनसौ ताबुभौ हरिराघवौ॥ अन्योन्यमभिवीक्षन्तौ न तृप्तिमभिजग्मतुः। |
You are the friend of my heart. Our happiness and misery are common,-Sugriva, rejoicing greatly, said these words to Rāghava. | त्वं वयस्योऽसि हृद्यो मे ह्येकं दुःखं सुखं च नौ।।१७। सुग्रीवो राघवं वाक्यमित्युवाच प्रहृष्टवत्। |
Then spreading a beautifully blossoming spray of Sala, full of foliage, Sugriva made an awning and sat down with Rāghava. | ततः सुपर्णबहुला भङ्क्त्वा शाखां सुपुष्पिताम्॥ सालस्यास्तीर्य सुग्रीवो निषसाद सराघवः। |
Hanumăn, the son of the wind-god with great joy gave to Lakşmaņa a bough of a sandal tree, plentifully blossoming. | लक्ष्मणायाथ संहृष्टो हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः॥ शाखां चन्दनवृक्षस्य ददौ परमपुष्पिताम्। |
Next Sugriva, feeling high rapture, with his eyes expanded with joy, answered Rāma blandly in sweet words. | ततः प्रहृष्टः सुग्रीवः श्लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा॥ प्रत्युवाच तदा रामं हर्षव्याकुललोचनः। |
Oppressed have I been, O Rama; and here am always afflicted with fear. Deprived of my wife, I have, agitated with apprehension, sought refuge in this dense wilderness. | अहं विनिकृतो राम चरामीह भयादितः॥ हृतभार्यो वने त्रस्तो दुर्गमेतदुपाश्रितः। |
I am afflicted with fright, and worried by fear, with my senses bewildered in this wood. Wronged have I been by Vāli, my brother; and I have incurred his hostility, O Raghava. | सोऽहं त्रस्तो वने भीतो वसाम्युभ्रान्तचेतनः॥ वालिना निकृतो भ्रात्रा कृतवैरश्च राघव। |
And, O exalted one, do you dispel the fear of me, who am tormented with fear on account of Vali. And, O Kakutstha, it behoves you so to act that I may not become subject to fear. | वालिनो मे महाभाग भयार्तस्याभयं कुरु॥ कर्तुमर्हसि काकुत्स्थ भयं मे न भवेद् यथा। |
Thus addressed, the powerful Kākutstha, knowing righteousness, and devoted to virtue, answered Sugriva, smiling, | एवमुक्तस्तु तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः॥ प्रत्यभाषत काकुत्स्थः सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव। |
O mighty monkey, that the outcome of amity is good offices I am well aware of. I will slay that captor of your wife Vāli. | उपकारफलं मित्रं विदितं मे महाकपे॥ वालिनं तं वधिष्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्। |
These infallible sharpened shafts of inine, resembling the sun, feathered with the plumes of the Kanka, like to the thunderbolt of the great Indra, having sharp heads and even knots, like in infuriated serpents,-being let go with vehermence, shall alight upon the impious Vali. | अमोघाः सूर्यसंकाशा ममेमे निचिताः शराः॥ तस्मिन् वालिनि दुर्वृत्ते निपतिष्यन्ति वेगिताः। कङ्कपत्रप्रतिच्छन्ना महेन्द्राशनिसंनिभाः॥ तीक्ष्णाग्रा ऋजुपर्वाणः सरोषा भुजगा इव। |
Do you today behold Vāli slain with sharpened shafts, resembling snakes,—like to a torn hill lying on the ground. | तमद्य वालिनं पश्य तीक्ष्णैराशीविषोपमैः॥ शरैर्विनिहतं भूमौ प्रकीर्णमिव पर्वतम्। |
Hearing those words of Răghava fraught with his welfare, Sugrīva supremely rejoiced, said these words, informed with rapture, You hero! | स तु तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्यात्मनो हितम्। सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतः परमं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥ |
You lion among men! by your grace shall I obtain both my beloved and my monarchy. O God among men, do you so deal with that foe, my elder brother, that he may not again wrong venomous me. | तव प्रसादेन नृसिंह वीर प्रियां च राज्यं च समाप्नुयामहम्। तथा कुरु त्वं नरदेव वैरिणं यथा न हिंस्यात् स पुनर्ममाग्रजम् ॥ |
The left eyes of Sītā, the lord of apes, and night rangers-respectively like the lotus, gold, and flaming fire, throbbed when the friendship between Rāma and Sugrīva was contracted. | सीताकपीन्द्रक्षणदाचराणां राजीवहेमज्वलनोपमानि। सुग्रीवरामप्रणयप्रसङ्गे वामानि नेत्राणि समं स्फुरन्ति॥ |
Then when the right had passed away, the mighty Muni Viśvāmitra, having greeted the monarchs, yet out for the Northern mountains. | अथ रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः। आपृष्ट्वा तौ च राजानौ जगामोत्तरपर्वतम्॥ |
When Viśvāmitra had gone away, king Dasaratha, greeting Mithila's lord, Vaideha, actively prepared for setting out for his own capital. | विश्वामित्रे गते राजा वैदेहं मिथिलाधिपम्। आपृष्दैव जगामाशु राजा दशरथः पुरीम्॥ |
Then the king of the Videhas gave a dower consisting of various things. And Mithilā's lord gave many hundred thousands of kine, and excellent woollen stuffs, and Koțis of common cloths; and elephants, and horses, and cars, and footmen, as well as an hundred damsels adorned, endowed with elegance to form goodly waitingmaids. And well-pleased the king gave as a noble dower gold and silver and pearls and coral. | अथ राजा विदेहानां ददौ कन्याधनं बहु। गवां शतसहस्राणि बहूनि मिथिलेश्वरः॥ कम्बलानां च मुख्यानां क्षौमान् कोट्यम्बराणि च। हस्त्यश्वरथपादातं दिव्यरूपं स्वलंकृतम्॥ ददौ कन्याशतं तासां दासीदासमनुत्तमम्। हिरण्यस्य सुवर्णस्य मुक्तानां विद्रुमस्य च ॥ |
Having given divers kinds of articles, that king, the lord of Mithila, bidding adieu to the monarch (Dasaratha), re-entered his own capital. And the master of Ayodhyā accompanied with his high-souled sons, and headed by the saints in a body, started on the journey, followed by his own army. | ददौ राजा सुसंहृष्टः कन्याधनमनुत्तमम्। दत्त्वा बहुविधं राजा समनुज्ञाप्य पार्थिवम्॥ प्रविवेश स्वनिलयं मिथिलां मिथिलेश्वरः। राजाप्ययोध्याधिपतिः सह पुत्रैर्महात्मभिः॥ ऋषीन् सर्वान् पुरस्कृत्य जगाम सबलानुगः। |
As that tiger-like one was on his way, in company with Rāghava and the saints, the fowls began to utter frightful cries all around, and the beasts on earth to stream in a Southern direction. | गच्छन्तं तु नरव्याघ्र सर्षिसङ्घ सराघवम्॥ घोरास्तु पक्षिणो वाचो व्याहरन्ति समन्ततः। भौमाश्चैव मृगाः सर्वे गच्छन्ति स्म प्रदक्षिणम्॥ |
Beholding them, that tiger-like monarch asked Vasistha, saying, Those birds of fierce aspects emit frightful cries and beasts stream in a Southerly direction. What is this? My heart tremble and my mind is not at ease. | तान् दृष्ट्वा राजशार्दूलो वसिष्ठं पर्यपृच्छत। असौम्याः पक्षिणो घोरा मृगाश्चापि प्रदक्षिणाः॥ किमिदं हृदयोत्कम्पि मनो मम विषीदति। |
Hearing the speech of king Dasaratha, that mighty saint spoke sweetly, saying, 'These fowls of the air by their cries presage some dreadful impending evil; but these beasts betoken peace restored. Therefore do you renounce anxiety' | राज्ञो दशरथस्यैतच्छ्रुत्वा वाक्यं महानृषिः॥ उवाच मधुरां वाणी श्रूयतामस्य यत् फलम्। उपस्थितं भयं घोरं दिव्यं पक्षिमुखाच्च्युतम्॥ मृगाः प्रशमयन्त्येते संतापस्त्यज्यतामयम्। |
As they were thus conversing, there blew a strong wind; and all the earth began to speak; and the trees to topple down. And a deep gloom enveloped the sun; and no quarter could be discovered. And enveloped in ashes, that host became stupefied. | तेषां: संवदतां तत्र वायुः प्रादुर्बभूव ह॥ कम्पयन् मेदिनी सर्वां पातयंश्च महादुमान्। तमसा संवृतः सूर्यः सर्वे नावेदिषुर्दिशः॥ भस्मना चावृतं सर्वं सम्मूढमिव तद्बलम्। |
At that dreadful hour, Vasiştha and the other saints and the king alone retained their senses, all else were deprived of their senses, and the army was enveloped with ashes. | वसिष्ठ ऋषयश्चान्ये राजा च ससुतस्तदा॥ ससंज्ञा इव तत्रासन् सर्वमन्यद्विचेतनम्। तस्मिंस्तमसि घोरे तु भस्मच्छन्नेव सा चमूः॥ |
The king saw that repressor of kings, the descendant of Bhrgu, Jamadagni's son, dreadful to behold, wearing a head of matted locks, like to the Kailāsa, had to baffle, resembling the fire at the universal dissolution, difficult to bear, flaming in energy, incapable of being looked at by the unrighteous, with his axe on his shoulder, equipped with a bow like to the lighting, and fierce arrows, looking like Śiva the slayer of Tripura. | ददर्श भीमसंकाशं जटामण्डलधारिणम्। भार्गवं जामदग्न्येयं राजा राजविमर्दनम्॥ कैलासमिव दुर्धर्षं कालाग्निमिव दुःसहम्। ज्वलन्तमिव तेजोभिर्दुर्निरीक्ष्यं पृथग्जनैः॥ स्कन्धे चासज्ज्य परशुं धनुर्विद्युद्गणोपमम्। प्रगृह्य शरमुग्रं च त्रिपुरघ्नं यथा शिवम् ॥ |
Beholding him of dreadful appearance like to flaming fire, the Vipras headed by Viśvāmitra, engaged in reciting mantras and and offering oblations to the fire, those saints assembled together, began to converse with each other. | तं दृष्ट्वा भीमसंकाशं ज्वलन्तमिव पावकम्। वसिष्ठप्रमुखा विप्रा जपहोमपरायणाः॥ संगता मुनयः सर्वे संजजल्पुरथो मिथः। |
Subsets and Splits