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kaa_Latn | jaqtılık | eng_Latn | enlightenment |
kaa_Latn | Bul azap birneshe sutkaga sozılǵan. | eng_Latn | The torture lasted several days. |
kaa_Latn | Dáslep, miymanlar QMU basshılıǵı tárepinen universitet bas binası aldında nan-duz benen kútip alındı. | eng_Latn | Initially, the University administration welcomed the guests in front of the main building of KSU. |
kaa_Latn | sóz mánisi | eng_Latn | semantics |
kaa_Latn | Subtropikler tábiyatı. | eng_Latn | The Nature of the Subtropics. |
kaa_Latn | jetew II imizde | eng_Latn | all the seven of us |
kaa_Latn | páseytiw | eng_Latn | to soften |
kaa_Latn | Bul zavod mámleketimizde hám ulıwma regionımızda neft-gaz-ximiya sanaatı tarawındaǵı eń iri kárxana. | eng_Latn | This plant is the largest enterprise in the oil and gas chemical industry not only in our country, but also in the entire region. |
kaa_Latn | qurallanǵan | eng_Latn | equipped |
kaa_Latn | ayırım waqıtta | eng_Latn | rarely |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent xalıqaralıq kinofestivalınıń jeńimpazları anıqlandı Keshe ǵana Tashkentte ótkerilgen xalıqaralıq kinofestivaldıń jabılıw máresimi bolıp ótti. | eng_Latn | The Tashkent International Film Festival serves the cause of peace and goodwill. The closing ceremony of the XIV Tashkent International Film Festival "Pearl of the Silk Road" was held in the capital. |
kaa_Latn | Luganda | eng_Latn | Luganda |
kaa_Latn | Máselen, plyonkalı ıssıxanalarda pomidor náli 6 ay ónim berse, bul innovaciyalıq ıssıxanada bir jıl dawamında ónim alıw múmkin. | eng_Latn | For example, while film greenhouses yield tomatoes for 6 months, "fifth generation" greenhouses can produce a harvest for a whole year. |
kaa_Latn | xosh | eng_Latn | Best wishes! |
kaa_Latn | Máselen, Tashkent, Zangiata, Qıbray, Joqarı Shırshıq rayonlarında sanaat qońsılas janındaǵı paytaxt rayonlarına salıstırǵanda bir neshe ret az. | eng_Latn | For example, in Tashkent, Zangiota, Kibray, Yukorichirchik, and Urtachirchik districts, the volume of industrial production is several times lower than in the bordering districts of the capital. |
kaa_Latn | dáryalıq | eng_Latn | delta |
kaa_Latn | salıw | eng_Latn | to send |
kaa_Latn | Kórgizbe slaydları, tarqatpa materiallar, sabaqlıq, oqiw Bilim beriw quralları qollanba, didaktikalıq materiallar, birinshi medicinalıq járdem kórsetiw quralları. kompyuter IKT hám interaktiv elektron doska proektor televizor www:// LMS Google Classroom o smart-doska kolonkalar LMS Moodle qurallar Óz betinshe bilim alıw ushın tapsırmalar Ádebiyat hám internet resursları Shanaraq agzaları járdeminde bas, kókirek, qarın, qol hám ayaqlarga sterillizaciya etilgen baylam menen bir-eki mártebe shinigiw etip úyreniw. | eng_Latn | Presentations, handouts, textbook, study guide, didactic materials, first aid supplies, ICT and computer resources, electronic interactive projector, television, whiteboard, speakers, smart board. Assignments for independent study, www://, LMS Google Classroom or LMS Moodle. Practice applying a sterile bandage to the head, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. |
kaa_Latn | alpinizm | eng_Latn | Mountaineering |
kaa_Latn | Eń joqarı tezligi-1900 km/s, en bálent ushiwı-15200 m, samolyot uzınlıǵı-18,9 m, bálentligi―4,9 m (30-súwret). | eng_Latn | Maximum speed 1900 km/h, practical ceiling 15200 m, aircraft length 18.9 m, height 4.9 m (Fig. 30). Fig. 30. |
kaa_Latn | "Ózbekstan Konstituciyasınıń 30 jıllıǵı" estelik belgisi menen Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası sudı hám Hákimshilik sudınıń bir qatar sudyaları hám sud xızmetkerleri de sıylıqlandı. | eng_Latn | In connection with the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a ceremony was also held at the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education to award a commemorative badge to a group of dedicated employees of the industry. |
kaa_Latn | shań | eng_Latn | Dust |
kaa_Latn | 5. 0,9% li as duzınıń eritpesi fiziologiyalıq eritpe dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | 5. A 0.9% solution of table salt is called a physiological solution. |
kaa_Latn | povesttiń avtorı | eng_Latn | author of the novella |
kaa_Latn | sıbaw | eng_Latn | to grind |
kaa_Latn | Ruslan Nuruddinov hám Akbar Djuraev Aziya chempionına aylandı Tashkent qalasında awır atletika boyınsha eresekler arasında ótkerilgen Aziya chempionatı óz juwmaǵına jetti. | eng_Latn | Our fencers are Asian Championship and World Cup medalists. The individual saber competition for women at the Asian Fencing Championships in Manama (Bahrain) has concluded. |
kaa_Latn | 2. 90° múyesh astında; | eng_Latn | 2. At a 90-degree angle; |
kaa_Latn | namısına tiyiw | eng_Latn | to abuse |
kaa_Latn | 3. Informaciya deregine qarań. | eng_Latn | 3. Look at the source of the information. |
kaa_Latn | adamı túwel ochered | eng_Latn | live queue |
kaa_Latn | M7.GÓ.MM.04. | eng_Latn | M7.GO'.MM.04. |
kaa_Latn | Reflekske sipatlama beriń? | eng_Latn | Define reflex. |
kaa_Latn | qayta kánigelesiw | eng_Latn | To retrain |
kaa_Latn | Qantlı eginlerden qant láblebisin jetistiriwde Rossiya, Franciya, AQSH; qant qamıs jetistiriwde Braziliya, Hindstan, Qıtay jetekshilik etedi. | eng_Latn | Russia, France, and the USA lead in sugar beet production, while Brazil, India, and China lead in sugarcane production. |
kaa_Latn | jıllı | eng_Latn | paired |
kaa_Latn | ózgeris | eng_Latn | change |
kaa_Latn | D) Foyiq; | eng_Latn | G) Faik; |
kaa_Latn | • 3-misal. | eng_Latn | Example 3. |
kaa_Latn | "3-dekabr-xalıqaralıq Mayıplardı qorǵaw kúni" múnásibeti menen mektep basshı xızmetkerleri hám muǵallimler úy sharayatında bilim alıp atırǵan usı oqıwshılardıń hal-jaǵdayınan xabar alıp, olarǵa bayram sawǵaların tapsırdı. | eng_Latn | Despite the ongoing pandemic, Constitution Day is being celebrated in a festive mood across our country, in all workplaces, mahallahs, educational institutions, and families, while adhering to precautionary measures. |
kaa_Latn | Prezentaciyada bul baǵdardaǵı joybarlardıń usınısları kórip shıǵıldı. | eng_Latn | The presentation reviewed relevant project proposals. |
kaa_Latn | alıp-satarshılıq | eng_Latn | Speculation |
kaa_Latn | tuwıwshılıq | eng_Latn | birth rate |
kaa_Latn | silikat | eng_Latn | Silicates |
kaa_Latn | Jıǵılıp túsip esin jınawǵa qansha waqıt kerek bolsa, sonsha waqıt es-túsin bilmey jatadı da, keyin ornınan turıp úyge qaray pıyada tarta beredi. | eng_Latn | Well, he'll hit his head, lie unconscious for as long as he needs to recover, and then he'll get up and walk home. |
kaa_Latn | shiyshe | eng_Latn | Glass |
kaa_Latn | kúydiriw | eng_Latn | There is |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentimiz Tashkent metropoliteni YUnusabad baǵdarınıń ekinshi basqısh qurılısın kózden ótkerdi. | eng_Latn | The president reviewed the construction of the second phase of the Yunusabad metro line. |
kaa_Latn | Diyqanshılıq penen shuǵıllanıw tileginde bolǵan 560 mıń zamanlasıńızǵa usı jılı 155 mıń gektar jer maydanı ajıratılıp, 800 mıńnan aslam jańa jumıs orınları jaratıldı. | eng_Latn | This year, 560,000 of your peers who decided to engage in agriculture have been allocated 155,000 hectares of land, creating over 800,000 new jobs. |
kaa_Latn | mına mánilerdi bildiredi: | eng_Latn | with |
kaa_Latn | nedovarit | eng_Latn | to undercook |
kaa_Latn | Uzınlıǵı 4 cm bolgan kesindi sızıń hám oni 8 teń bólekke bóliń. | eng_Latn | A segment 4 cm long was divided into 8 equal parts of 1/3. |
kaa_Latn | 3-Tábiyattaniw, 3 Magnitli temirtas Qonir temirtas Qızıl temirtas 31-súwret. | eng_Latn | 3 - Natural Science, 3 33 Magnetite Brown Iron Ore Red Iron Ore Fig. 31. |
kaa_Latn | Shi'ni'ǵi'wlar 1. y=4x+20 funkciyasi'ni'ń ma'nislerin x ti'ń -20; | eng_Latn | 1. Calculate the values of the function y=4x+20 when x is equal to -20; |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Respublikasının Konstituciyası, 18-statyadan iyası, 5-§. | eng_Latn | Article 18, Section 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketlerdiń basqarıw forması hám mámleketlik dúzilisi Basqarıw forması, respublika, prezidentlik respublika, parlamentar respublika, monarxiya, konstituciyalıq monarxiya, sheklenbegen monarxiya, mámleket dúzilisi, unitar mámleket, federativlik mámleket - Siyasiy basqarıwdıń eki tiykarģı respublika hám monarxiya forması ajıratıladı. | eng_Latn | § 3. Forms of Government and State Structure in Countries of the World Form of government, republic, presidential republic, parliamentary republic, monarchy, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, state structure, unitary state, federation As is known, there are two main forms of government - the republic and the monarchy. |
kaa_Latn | Atap aytqanda, Qaraózek rayonı qurılıs materialları, Beruniy, Xojeli, Nókis rayonları miywe-ovosh, Taxtakópir sharwashılıq, Shomanay qusshılıq, Ellikqala júzimgershilik hám turizm, Moynaq balıqshılıq hám sharwashılıq, Kegeyli sharwashılıq, boyan tamırın qayta islew hám qaǵaz sanaatı, Qanlıkól dánli eginler hám salı jetistiriwge qánigelestiriliwi atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | Thus, Karauzyak district will specialize in the production of building materials, Beruniy, Khodzheli, and Nukus districts - in fruit and vegetable growing, Takhtakupyr - in livestock breeding, Shumanay - in poultry farming, Ellikkala - in viticulture and tourism, Muynak - in fish farming and livestock breeding, Kegeyli - in livestock breeding, processing licorice and paper industry, and Kanlykul - in growing legumes and rice. |
kaa_Latn | jalınıp shaqırıw | eng_Latn | to call in |
kaa_Latn | 2023-jılı milliy rawajlanıyaımızdıń áhmietli baǵdarların qamtıp alǵan hám insan qádiri degen ullı principti ózinde jámlegen jańalanıp atırǵan Konstituciya qabıl etilgenligin atap ótiw kerek. | eng_Latn | It is worth noting that this year a new Constitution has been adopted, encompassing priority areas of national development and embodying the noble principle of respect for human dignity. |
kaa_Latn | Kompyuter grafikası ótken ásirdiń 70-80-jıllarınan baslap kennen tarqala basladı. | eng_Latn | Computer graphics became widespread, starting in the 1970s and 1980s. |
kaa_Latn | sessiz motor | eng_Latn | silent engine |
kaa_Latn | 2005-jili ultrakonservator Mahmud Ahmadinajodtiń prezident etip saylanıwı Iranda reformalardıń barısın, mámlekettiń jáhán jámiyechiligine qaytıwın biraz páseńletti. | eng_Latn | The election of the ultra-conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005 somewhat slowed down reforms in Iran and its return to the global community. |
kaa_Latn | Búginge shekem Qazaqstan, Pakistan, Rossiya Federaciyası hám Qıtayǵa shama menen 43 million dollarlıq ónim jiberildi. | eng_Latn | To date, nearly $43 million worth of products have been shipped to Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, and China. |
kaa_Latn | jasalma | eng_Latn | artificial |
kaa_Latn | Alıs Atlantikadan uralǵa ızǵarlı kelip, suwıqtı quwdı hám sonlıqtan ba jumsaq úpelek qar jaValka. | eng_Latn | A moist wind from the distant Atlantic reached the Urals, driving away the cold and bringing soft snowfalls. |
kaa_Latn | rastan ashıwlanıw | eng_Latn | joke |
kaa_Latn | Jumıs beriwshiniń ayıbı menen miynette mayıp bolǵan yamasa kásiplik kesellikke shatılǵan mayıplıǵı bolǵan shaxslar medicinalıq kórsetpelerge bola jumıs beriwshiniń (shólkemniń shólkemlestiriwshilik-huqıqıy formasına qaramastan) qarjıları esabınan reabilitaciyalawdıń texnikalıq hám arnawlı transport quralları menen támiyinlenedi. | eng_Latn | Individuals with disabilities who have sustained an occupational injury or illness as a result of their employer's negligence (regardless of the legal form of the organization), are provided with assistive technology and special vehicles at the employer's expense, based on medical recommendations. |
kaa_Latn | qorashalaw | eng_Latn | encircling |
kaa_Latn | quwırma awqat | eng_Latn | roast |
kaa_Latn | Ǵárezsizliktiń dáslepki kúnlerinen-aq Ózbekstan túrkiy dúnya jámiechiligi tárepinen qollap-quwatlanǵan "Túrkstan - ulıwma úyimiz" degen baslamanı alǵa qoydı. | eng_Latn | Even in the first years of independence, Uzbekistan put forward the initiative "Turkestan - Our Common Home," which was supported by the Turkic-speaking community. |
kaa_Latn | - Eski hám oǵada áhmietli sawda sızıǵı - Jipek jolınıń qayta tikleniwi túrkiy dúnyanı jáne de birlestiredi. | eng_Latn | - Restoring the ancient and extremely important trade route - the Great Silk Road - will further unite the Turkic world. |
kaa_Latn | Ol 30 minut aydaģannan keyin teñiz qáddinde edi. | eng_Latn | He was at sea level after 30 minutes of driving. |
kaa_Latn | Bul kemshilikti saplastırıw ushın banklerdiń jumısına tán bolmaǵan funkciyalardı xatlawdan ótkeriw, Oraylıq bank janındaǵı Qayta tayarlaw korporativ orayında bárinen burın orınlardaǵı bank xızmetkerleri ushın banklerdiń transformaciyasın túsindiriw boyınsha oqıw baǵdarlamaların shólkemlestiriw tapsırıldı. | eng_Latn | To address the situation, an inventory of functions not typical for banks has been tasked, as well as organizing training programs at the Corporate Training Center of the Central Bank to clarify the goals of bank transformation, primarily for bank employees on the ground. |
kaa_Latn | sınap kóriw | eng_Latn | trial stone |
kaa_Latn | óz isiniń baǵdarın qayta ózgertiw | eng_Latn | Perestroika |
kaa_Latn | Zamanagóy qáwip-qáterlerge qarsı nátiyjeli gúresiw regionallıq birge islesiwiimizdi jáne de kúsheytiwdi, bir-birimizdi hár tárepleme qollap-quwatlawdı talap etpekte. | eng_Latn | Effectively addressing contemporary challenges requires further strengthening of regional cooperation and comprehensive mutual support. |
kaa_Latn | jeti aylıq | eng_Latn | seven-month-old |
kaa_Latn | Metanaldıń oksidleniwinen ne payda boladı? | eng_Latn | What is formed by the oxidation of methanal? |
kaa_Latn | YAponiyanıń eń iri portlarınan bolǵan Nagoyadan jılına 110 million tonnadan aslam júk tasıladı. | eng_Latn | Nagoya is one of Japan's largest ports, handling over 110 million tons of cargo annually. |
kaa_Latn | hiylekerlik kúlimsirew | eng_Latn | A cunning smile |
kaa_Latn | mazmunsızlıq | eng_Latn | Meaninglessness |
kaa_Latn | - Tereń bilim menen birge ruwxıylıq, watan súyiwshilik sezimi de sińdiriliwi kerek. | eng_Latn | Here, along with providing in-depth knowledge, spirituality and a sense of patriotism should be instilled. |
kaa_Latn | 0), J (−5; | eng_Latn | 0), J (-5; |
kaa_Latn | dańqtıń eń biyik dárejesnnde bolıw | eng_Latn | To be at the zenith, peak, apex; the sun is at its zenith at noon; at the height of glory. |
kaa_Latn | Eger biz bunnan bes jıl burın qabıl etken Háreketler strategiyasınıń tiykarǵı mánisin ulıwmalastırıp túsindiretuǵın bolsaq, bul biybaha hújjette óz aldımızǵa Jańa Ózbekstandı qurıw hám Úshinshi Renessanstıń tiykarın jaratıwday ullı wazıypalardı strategiyalıq maqset etip qoyǵan edik. | eng_Latn | To sum up the essence and content of the Action Strategy adopted by us five years ago, this program document defined our strategic goal - the construction of a New Uzbekistan and the foundation of the Third Renaissance. |
kaa_Latn | baǵmanshılıq | eng_Latn | Gardening |
kaa_Latn | tawsılmaytuǵın | eng_Latn | innumerable |
kaa_Latn | C) x −2, x+5; | eng_Latn | C) x minus 2, x by 5%; |
kaa_Latn | 1990-jillar basında AQSH ekonomikasında qısqa muddetli recessiya baqlandı. | eng_Latn | In the early 1990s, the US economy experienced a brief recession. |
kaa_Latn | 6-jumsarti'w pa'njeleri. | eng_Latn | 6 Fluffers for loosening. |
kaa_Latn | 3a Write to true sentences and one false sentence about yesterday. e.g. | eng_Latn | Write two true sentences and one false sentence about yesterday. For example: |
kaa_Latn | Qashqadáryada jılına 106 mıń tonna gipsokarton, 102 mıń kvadrat metr kafel hám basqa da qurılıs materiallarına talap bar. | eng_Latn | Construction companies in Qashqadarya use 106 thousand tons of drywall, 102 thousand square meters of tile and other construction materials annually. |
kaa_Latn | Sonday-aq, birgelikte awıl xojalıǵı eginlerin jetistiriw hám azıq-awqat ónimlerin islep shıǵarıw arqalı agrosanaat kooperaciyasın keńeytiwdi áhmietli, dep esaplaymız. | eng_Latn | We also believe it is important to expand agricultural and industrial cooperation through joint production of agricultural crops and food products. |
kaa_Latn | awırıw | eng_Latn | to collapse |
kaa_Latn | Xalıqaralıq atom energiyası agentliginiń qánigeleri Ózbekstannıń Atom energiyasınan tınısh maqsetlerde paydalanıw milliy baǵdarlamasın ámelge asırıw boyınsha baslamasın qollap-quwatladı hám onı júzege shıǵarıwda hár tárepleme járdemlesiwge tayar ekenin bildirdi. | eng_Latn | IAEA experts have supported the initiative of the Republic of Uzbekistan to implement a National Program for the peaceful use of atomic energy and have expressed their readiness to provide all possible assistance in its implementation. |
kaa_Latn | Onsha qattı emes, kútá jaǵımlı muzıka esitildi, Tap muzıkalıq qutıda organ shertilgendey boldı... | eng_Latn | A soft, very pleasant melody sounded, as if a music box was playing... |
kaa_Latn | kózge iliniw | eng_Latn | to appear |
kaa_Latn | búliniw | eng_Latn | collapse |
kaa_Latn | Be polite! | eng_Latn | Please be polite! |
kaa_Latn | Tereklerdi tárbiyalaw ushın hár bir máhállege birewden, rayonlıq hám qalalıq abadanlastırıw bólimlerine keminde 5 jumısshı biriktiriw zárúr ekenligi atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | It was noted that one worker should be assigned to each mahalla to care for the trees, and no fewer than five workers should be assigned to the district and city landscaping departments. |
kaa_Latn | Biraq bul bar potencialǵa hám talapqa qaraǵanda oǵada az. | eng_Latn | However, this is far below the existing potential and demand. |