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kaa_Latn | 2 Ecris le bon numéro! | eng_Latn | Write down the correct number! |
kaa_Latn | sheberlik penen paydalanıw | eng_Latn | juggle |
kaa_Latn | zeyin salıw | eng_Latn | to treat |
kaa_Latn | Tushdan keyingi vaqtlarni yoz! | eng_Latn | Write down the time after lunch! |
kaa_Latn | Ózbekstan Respublikası Oliy Majlisi Senatınıń Málimleme xızmeti ÓzA | eng_Latn | Chair of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan T. Narbayeva, UzA |
kaa_Latn | 1. Samolyotqa qaysi kúshler tásir etedi? | eng_Latn | What forces act on an airplane? |
kaa_Latn | - Nege? | eng_Latn | - Why? |
kaa_Latn | ѲZBEKSTAN QAHARMANÍ, ARXEOLOG-ALÍM ǴAYRATDIN XOJANIYAZOV OQÍWLARÍ atamasındaǵı ilimiy teoriyalıq konferenciya ...Ol ѳziniń sanalı ѳmirin Qaraqalpaqstannıń tariyxıy hám mádeniy miyrasların, arxeologiyalıq esteliklerin izertlewge arnaǵan ilim ǵayratkeri edi, -degen pikirler menen baslanǵan ilimiy teoriyalıq konferenciyada qaraqalpaq xalqınıń azamat perzenti, álpayımlılıǵı hám pidayılıǵı menen adamgershiliktiń úlken úlgisin qaldırıp ketken insannıń mazmunǵa tolı ѳmir jolı menen ilimdegi izlenisleri sѳz etildi. | eng_Latn | An international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician B.S. Mambetnazarov took place at the Karakalpak State University on March 17, 2023. The conference, titled "Innovative Foundations of Agricultural and Bioecological Research in the Aral Sea Region," was held at the Berdak Academic Musical Theatre of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The event honored the 80th anniversary of Bisenbay Satnazarovich Mambetnazarov, a Meritorious Scientist of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, and Academician. |
kaa_Latn | házil gáp | eng_Latn | jocular |
kaa_Latn | Bólsheklerdi alıń: a3 +27 a+3 3 a Za A) B) C) D) a2 +9 a2 +9 a3 +9 a3 +27 5. | eng_Latn | Simplify the fraction: a3 + 27 / 3a + 3 A) a2 + 9 B) a2 + 9 C) 3 / a2 + 9 D) 3a2 + 27 / 9a2 - 16b2 E) 6a2 / 5 |
kaa_Latn | adasıw | eng_Latn | to whirl, to circle, to spin, to revolve, to go around |
kaa_Latn | Eleonara ekeumizdiń bir-birimizdi suyetuǵınsúymeytuǵınımızdı bilgisi kelse kerek. | eng_Latn | He seemed to want to know if we, Eleanor and I, had fallen in love. |
kaa_Latn | XIYWA XANLÍǴÍ ÚSTINEN ROSSIYA IMPERIYASÍ PROTEKTORATÍNÍŃ ORNATÍLÍWI Xiywa xanlıǵına Rossiya imperiyası qarsi áskeriy júrislerdin baslanıwı imperiyası Orta Aziyada basqınshilıq júrisleri nátiyjesinde basıp alıngan aymaqlarda dáslep bekkem ornalasıp aldı. | eng_Latn | § 11. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE'S PROTECTORATE OVER THE KHIVA KHANATE The conquest of the Khiva Khanate The Russian Empire's strategy was aimed at strengthening its position in the previously conquered territories of Central Asia. |
kaa_Latn | peremenicya | eng_Latn | To change |
kaa_Latn | Keńesbay KARIMOV, Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Joqarǵı Keńesiniń deputatı | eng_Latn | B. ERZHANOVA, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. |
kaa_Latn | Demokrativnıy plyuralistlik teoriyaları amerikalı siyasachılardıń talqılawları tiykarında jaratıldı, birak olardıń ideyaları xaqıyqıy dárejede sáykes kelse, juda ken kollanılıuı mumkin. | eng_Latn | Power structures, developed based on research conducted by American political scientists, if accurate, can be applied extremely broadly. |
kaa_Latn | XVI. Anna Sergeevnanıń háӱlisi dógeregi ashıq jaypauıt denniń ústinde, kirer esiginin aldındaǵı ak gumbezlerine "Italiyanın" ulgisi menen oyıp salınǵan,, Isa payǵambardın tiriliwin" kórsetetuǵın a treso1 súwreti bar, tastan salınǵan, kók ushekli sarı shirkewdiń qasında edi. | eng_Latn | The sixteenth manor, where Anna Sergeyevna lived, stood on a gentle, open hill, not far from a yellow stone church with a green roof, white columns, and an al fresco painting above the main entrance depicting the "Resurrection of Christ" in the "Italian" style. |
kaa_Latn | jún odeyalo | eng_Latn | woolen blanket |
kaa_Latn | Ishkisi bolsa shat bólimine solay etip qoyıladı, branshtıń erkin tárepi tabannan 10-15 sm shiǵip turadi; b) jataq jara hám de nekrozdıń aldın alıw ushin súyektin shiģip turgan jeri (jambas súyek qanatı, tobiqlar) ne hám tabannıń arqa betine jumsaq gezleme qoyıladı; d) taban astına qoyılatuģın gezleme ayaq kiyimge bekkem baylanadı; e) taban astına gezleme qoyilgannan son sirtqi shinani qoyiwga kirisiledi. | eng_Latn | Both free ends of the splints should extend from the plate after the heel by 10-15 cm; b) to prevent the development of pressure sores and necrosis, the joints (protruding side joints of the kneecaps, ankles), as well as the back of the heel, are padded with soft fabric; c) a "sole" is bandaged to the foot; after installing the "sole," proceed to install the external splint. |
kaa_Latn | Onıń esabınan jeke transportlarǵa talap azayıp, tıǵılıs saplastırıladı. | eng_Latn | This is expected to reduce the use of private vehicles and road congestion. |
kaa_Latn | Koronavirus tarqalıwına qarsı gúresiw boyınsha islenip atırǵan qatań ilajlar, usı qáwipli keselliktiń unamsız aqıbetlerin azaytıw, xalıqqa mánzilli járdem kórsetiw, ekonomikanıń áhmietli tarmaqları hám biznestiń rawajlanıwına járdemlesiw boyınsha ámelge asırılıp atırǵan kriziske qarsı baǵdarlama qollap-quwatlandı. | eng_Latn | A key measure of support was the Presidential Decree "On Urgent Measures to Mitigate the Negative Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic and Global Crisis Phenomena on Sectors of the Economy" of March 19, 2020, which provided support to businesses in the tourism industry. |
kaa_Latn | 2. Svetodiodlardı tok deregine jalǵawdıń qanday usılları bar? | eng_Latn | 2. What are the ways to connect LEDs to a power source? |
kaa_Latn | tamǵalaw | eng_Latn | to brand |
kaa_Latn | silpilep jawıw | eng_Latn | to drip |
kaa_Latn | - Bul biybaha ruwxıy ǵáziyneni barlıq aǵza hám baqlawshı mámleketlerdiń tillerinde de basıp shıǵarsaq, tuwısqan ellerimizdi, bárinen burın, jas áwladlarımızdı óz-ara jaqınlastırıw ushın bekkem tiykar jaratqan bolar edik,-dedi mámleketimiz basshısı. | eng_Latn | "If we publish this priceless spiritual treasure in the languages of all participating and observer countries, it will become a solid foundation for bringing our fraternal countries closer together, primarily the younger generation," declared the head of Uzbekistan. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimizde Respublikalıq baqsıshılıq kórkem óner orayı hám Baqsıshılıq kórkem ónerin rawajlandırıw qorı, aymaqlarda usı baǵdardaǵı ansambller nátiyjeli jumıs alıp barmaqta. | eng_Latn | The country has a Republican Center for Bakhshi Art and a Bakhshi Art Development Fund, while regions have ensembles of this genre. |
kaa_Latn | Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasınıń sport saylandı komandaların qáliplestiriw Sport túrleri boyınsha Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikasınıń sport saylandı komandalarına talabanlardıń dizimleri hár jılı aymaqlıq sport federaciyaları (birlespeleri) tárepinen qáliplestiriledi hám Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Dene tárbiya hám sport boyınsha mámleketlik komiteti tárepinen tastıyıqlanadı. | eng_Latn | The formation of the Republic of Uzbekistan's national sports teams. Lists of candidates for the Republic of Uzbekistan's national sports teams in various sports are formed annually by sports federations (associations) and approved by the authorized state body. |
kaa_Latn | KISLORODTÍ ALÍW HÁM ONÍŃ QÁSIYETLERI MENEN TANÍSÍW Jumistin maqseti: laboratoriya jaģdayında kislorodtı alıw, jıynaw hám qásiyetlerin úyreniw. | eng_Latn | Practical Exercise 4: Obtaining Oxygen and Familiarization with its Properties. Objective: to obtain, collect, and study the properties of oxygen in a laboratory setting. |
kaa_Latn | sapası tómen | eng_Latn | substandard |
kaa_Latn | Búgin usı mavzoleydiń ashılıwı menen zıyarachılardıń aǵımı jáne de kóbeetuǵınına isenemen. | eng_Latn | I'm sure the opening of the mausoleum will lead to an even greater influx of visitors. |
kaa_Latn | Aleksandar Makedonskiy onnan: "Sagan qanday járdem beriwim mumkin?" dep soraģanında, Diogen: "Arragıraq tursańshi, quyashti tospa!" dep misqıllı sóz aytqan eken. | eng_Latn | When Alexander the Great asked him, "What can I do for you, philosopher?," he asked, "Step aside, Diogenes, you're blocking my sun." |
kaa_Latn | ásbap soǵıwshı | eng_Latn | his tools |
kaa_Latn | kómiliw | eng_Latn | fall asleep |
kaa_Latn | Hár bir máhállege kirip barıw, adamlardıń tilek hám talabın mánzilli úyreniw mámleketlik siyasat dárejesindegi másele bolıp esaplanadı. | eng_Latn | Entering each mahalla, addressing the wishes and needs of the people is considered a matter of state policy. |
kaa_Latn | 4 tomlıq "Al-Jomi as-sahix" kitabı eń dáslep ózbek tilinde basılıp, kitap oqiwshilarga usınıldı. | eng_Latn | His work, "Al-Jami' as-Sahih," was published in Uzbek for the first time in four volumes. |
kaa_Latn | 3. 2010-jillardan keyin Rossiya hám GMDA mámleketleri ortasındaģi qatnasıqlarda qanday ózgerisler júz berdi? | eng_Latn | 3. What changes have occurred in the relationship between Russia and the CIS countries since the 2000s? |
kaa_Latn | Mariya Ivanovna Peterburgtı kóriwdi de qızınsınbay, sol kuniaq awılǵa qaytıp ketedi... | eng_Latn | That same day, Marya Ivanovna, without bothering to take a look at Petersburg, went back to the village... |
kaa_Latn | Olar gubernatordan shıǵıp úylerine kaytıp kiyatırgan edi, olardın kaptalınan etip baratırgan kishkene jenil arbadan kelte boylı, slavyan oficerleri kietuǵın vengerkası bar birew kápelimde ırǵıp tusip: "Evgeniy Vasilyich!" - dep baqırıp jiberdi de, Bazarovtı kushaklap aldı. | eng_Latn | They were walking home from the governor's house when suddenly a short man in a Slavic-style Hungarian coat jumped out of a passing carriage, shouting, "Yevgeny Vasilyich!" and rushed towards Bazarov. |
kaa_Latn | Molekulalardı modellestiriw Tapsırma. | eng_Latn | Molecular Modeling Assignment. |
kaa_Latn | Men sennen basqa nárseni kútken edim. | eng_Latn | I was expecting a completely different direction from you. |
kaa_Latn | kózi jetken | eng_Latn | Convinced |
kaa_Latn | Sen Shukardıń hesh jerde de qor bolmaytuǵının esinde tut! | eng_Latn | Keep in mind, Shchukar will never disappear! |
kaa_Latn | Solay etip, x2 - 4x + 3 kvadrat úsh agzalının belgisi haqqındaǵı máseleni tómendegi usil menen sheshiwge boladı. | eng_Latn | Therefore, the problem of determining the sign of the quadratic trinomial x2 - 4x + 3 can be solved in the following way. |
kaa_Latn | Kútiń. | eng_Latn | WAIT. |
kaa_Latn | ústinen | eng_Latn | on top of |
kaa_Latn | 2. Konturli kartanı toltırıw, 4-b. | eng_Latn | 2. Fill in the outline map, p. 4. |
kaa_Latn | jaǵday shiyelenisti | eng_Latn | The atmosphere thickened. |
kaa_Latn | alp | eng_Latn | giant |
kaa_Latn | bazis | eng_Latn | basis foundation |
kaa_Latn | Ximiyalıq belgisi - Al. | eng_Latn | The chemical symbol is Al. |
kaa_Latn | tótepki beriw | eng_Latn | To restrain |
kaa_Latn | Bul ánjumanda men ózim ushın ózbek xalqınıń názik qálbin jańadan túsindim hám taptım, dep isenim menen ayta alaman. | eng_Latn | I can confidently say that the forum helped me to see Uzbek culture in a new light and to understand its subtle inner world. |
kaa_Latn | OB2=AB2-AO2; | eng_Latn | OV2 = AB2 - AO2; |
kaa_Latn | Pochetnuyu nagradu vruchil rektor Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, doktor texnicheskix nauk Valeriy Ivanovich Dunay. | eng_Latn | The honorable award was presented by Valery Ivanovich Dunai, Doctor of Engineering Sciences and the rector of the Polessky State University. |
kaa_Latn | Jógilik moyınsınıwshılıq penen Razmyotnov juwap berdi: - Endi maǵan ne qıl deyseń, janım-aw? | eng_Latn | With feigned humility, Razmetnov replied, "Well, where else could I go, my dear?" |
kaa_Latn | Joldıń boylarına energiya únemleytuǵın jaqtılandırǵıshlar ornatıladı. | eng_Latn | Energy-saving streetlights will be installed along the roads. |
kaa_Latn | qazaqlar | eng_Latn | Kazakhs |
kaa_Latn | qo | eng_Latn | a |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentimiz Islam rawajlanıw banki basshısına jáhán civilizaciyasınıń rawajlanıwına úlken úles qosqan ullı babalarımızdıń bay ruwxıy miyrasın úyreniw maqsetinde Samarqandta shólkemlestirilgen Imam Buxariy atındaǵı xalıqaralıq ilimiy-izertlew orayınıń jumısına kórsetilip atırǵan járdem ushın shın júrekten minnetdarshılıq bildirdi. | eng_Latn | The President of our country expressed sincere gratitude to the head of the Islamic Development Bank for supporting the activities of the Imam Bukhari International Research Center in Samarkand, established to study the rich spiritual heritage of our great ancestors, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of world civilization. |
kaa_Latn | Hind gumanist jazıwshısı R. Tagor filosofiyalıq tereńligi hám kórkemlik jaqtan jetiliskenligi menen ajıralatuģın roman, pyesa, gúrriń hám qosıqları menen dúnyaga belgili boldi. | eng_Latn | Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian humanist writer, gained worldwide fame for his novels, plays, short stories, and poems, which are characterized by their philosophical depth and artistic excellence. |
kaa_Latn | Ekinshi tártipli spektr 30° múyesh astında kórinse, usi reshyotkanın turaqlısı nege ten? | eng_Latn | If a second-order spectrum is observed at an angle of 30°, what is the grating constant? |
kaa_Latn | - Sizga qaysi xona yoqadi? | eng_Latn | Which room do you like? |
kaa_Latn | Bul tınıshlıqtı kútilmegen bir jaǵday buzdı; xayuanat baǵınıń ústinde bomba jarıldı. | eng_Latn | And the silence was broken in the most unexpected way: a bomb exploded over the menagerie in the blue sky. |
kaa_Latn | Áziz perzentlerimiz elimizdiń isenimin aqlap, úlken jetiskenliklerge erisip atırǵanı bárshemizdi sheksiz quwantadı. | eng_Latn | We are all very pleased that our young generation, justifying the trust of the people, is achieving great success. |
kaa_Latn | v | eng_Latn | in |
kaa_Latn | Májiliste juwapkerlerge awıl xojalıǵı statistikalıq basqarıwın reformalaw, sonıń ishinde, eginlerdi jaylastırıwdan tartıp satıwǵa shekemgi bolǵan processlerdi tolıq sanlastırıw sistemasın jolǵa qoyıw boyınsha tapsırmalar berdi. | eng_Latn | Officials have been tasked with fundamentally improving the agricultural statistics system, particularly by implementing digital technologies in all processes from planting crops to selling finished products. |
kaa_Latn | Sonli'qtan, texnika - bul ekskovatorlar, ha'r qi'yli' traktorlar, kombaynlar, buldozerler, jeńil ha'm júk, jolawshi' tasi'wshi' transport qurallari', samolyot, kosmosli'q raketalar, televizor, kompyuter, elektron yesaplaw mashinalari', internet tarmaqlari' ha'm basqalar. | eng_Latn | 175 Technology encompasses excavators, tractors, combine harvesters, bulldozers, passenger cars, trucks, passenger vehicles, space satellites, televisions, computers, electronic computers, the internet, and other technical means. |
kaa_Latn | Sonıń menen birge, jaǵdaydan kelip shıǵıp, kerek orınlarda karantin talaplarına tolıq ámel etiwimiz zárúr. | eng_Latn | At the same time, depending on the situation, we should fully comply with quarantine requirements wherever necessary. |
kaa_Latn | shıdaw | eng_Latn | to reconcile |
kaa_Latn | zapaslardıń túwesiliwi | eng_Latn | Depletion of reserves |
kaa_Latn | esli | eng_Latn | sober |
kaa_Latn | úzliksiz | eng_Latn | indefatigable |
kaa_Latn | samoe | eng_Latn | most |
kaa_Latn | Franciya ekolog jasları Qaraqalpaq mámleketlik universitetinde Búgin Qaraqalpaq mámleketlik universiteti Biologiya fakultetinde Ózbekstannıń Parijdegi elshixanası tárepinen eki mámleket jaslarınıń óz-ara almasıp oqıwın jolǵa qoyıw, qorshaǵan ortalıq hám ekologiya tarawında óz-ara tájriybe almasıw máselelerin dodalaw maqsetinde Franciyanıń xalıqaralıq birge islesiw hám tálim (ASIE) shólkemi wákilleri hám Franciya universitetlerinde tálim alıp atırǵan studentlerden ibarat delegaciya miymanda boldi. | eng_Latn | In Karakalpak State University of young Ecologists of France Representatives of the French Association for International Cooperation and Education (ASIE) and representatives of the French Association for International Cooperation and Education visited the Faculty of Biology of Karakalpak State University today to discuss issues of mutual exchange of experience in the field of environment and ecology. |
kaa_Latn | birdeyingi | eng_Latn | everlasting |
kaa_Latn | Bunday jumıslardıń dizimi, olardı beriw normaları, olar menen támiyinlew tártibi hám shártleri jámáátlik shártnamalar hámde kelisimlerde belgilenedi, eger olar dúzilmegen bolsa jumıs beriwshi tárepinen xızmetkerlerdiń wákillikli uyım menen kelisimi boyınsha nızam hújjetlerinde belgilengen normativlerge muwapıq belgilenedi. | eng_Latn | The list of such work, the norms for its issuance, the procedure and conditions for its provision are established by collective agreements and agreements, and if they are not concluded, are determined by the employer in agreement with the representative body of employees in accordance with the standards established by law. |
kaa_Latn | gúmis | eng_Latn | Silver |
kaa_Latn | Sheshiliwi: -9 hám 6 pútin sanlarınıń kóbeymesi eń kishi boladı: −9 × 6 = −54. | eng_Latn | The smallest product will be that of the integers -9 and 6: -9 × 6 = -54. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketlik aktivler agentligine mámleketlik úlesi bar kárxanalardıń ijara shártnamaların ashıq-aydın dizimge alıw hám onlayn qadaǵalaw sistemasın jolǵa qoyıw boyınsha tapsırma berildi. | eng_Latn | The State Property Agency has been tasked with establishing a system for transparent registration and online monitoring of the fulfillment of contracts for the lease of property of enterprises with state ownership. |
kaa_Latn | Biz strategiyalıq baǵdarda jaǵdaydı túp-tiykarınan ózgertiw, sawda, investiciya hám xızmetlerdiń erkin háreketin támiyinlew ushın Shólkemimiz sheńberinde "Jańa ekonomikalıq imkaniyatlar aymaǵı"n dúziw baslamasın alǵa qoyamız. | eng_Latn | To fundamentally change the situation in this strategic direction, to ensure the free movement of trade, investment, and services, we are putting forward the initiative to create within our Organization a "Space of New Economic Opportunities." |
kaa_Latn | QÍZǴÍN QUTLÍQLAWLAR Nawrız bayramı múnásibeti menen Ózbekstan Respublikası Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoevtiń atına sırt ellerden hám húkimetlerdiń basshılarınan qızǵın qutlıqlawlar kelmekte. | eng_Latn | Sincere congratulations are being received by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, from heads of state and government on the occasion of Navruz. |
kaa_Latn | Hátte, XVI ásirdiń ekinshi yarımınan baslap ekonomikalıq qalaqlıq baslandı. | eng_Latn | In the second half of the 16th century, the country experienced an economic downturn. |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi kúnde rayondaǵı 10 gektarlıq hám Nókis qalasındaǵı 3 gektarlıq ıssıxanada pomidor hám qıyar jetistirilmekte. | eng_Latn | Tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in greenhouses built on 10 hectares in the district and 3 hectares in the city of Nukus. |
kaa_Latn | ákeliw | eng_Latn | tray |
kaa_Latn | jeńiwshi | eng_Latn | winner |
kaa_Latn | ashkóz | eng_Latn | greedy |
kaa_Latn | Tolıq avtomatlastırılǵan qadaǵalaw sisteması menen basqarıladı. | eng_Latn | Everything is controlled by a fully automated control system. |
kaa_Latn | ózgeshe | eng_Latn | especially |
kaa_Latn | Ol astronomiya, matematika hám geografiya pánleri menen shugıllandı. | eng_Latn | He studied astronomy, mathematics, and geography. |
kaa_Latn | suw beriwdi toqtatıw | eng_Latn | Turn off the water. |
kaa_Latn | aytqızıw | eng_Latn | achieve |
kaa_Latn | Bársheńizge juwapkershilikli jumısıńızda kúsh-ǵayrat, jańa tabıslar, baxıt hám áwmetler yar bolıwın tileymen. | eng_Latn | I wish you all strength, energy, and new successes in fulfilling your responsible mission. |
kaa_Latn | radiotolqınlarınıń diapazonı | eng_Latn | radio wave range |
kaa_Latn | búldirilgen | eng_Latn | mangled |
kaa_Latn | - Haywanlar ósimlikler hám basqa janlı organizmler menen azıqlanatuģın tiri organizm. | eng_Latn | Animals are living organisms that feed on plants and other animals. |
kaa_Latn | 1. Klasta islengen peyzaj súwretti islewdi dawam ettiriń hám oni akvarelde boyań. | eng_Latn | 1. Finish drawing the landscape started in class and paint it with watercolors. |
kaa_Latn | Házirgi waqıtta jámietlik belsendi hayal-qızlardı basshılıq lawazımlarına tayarlap barıw, olardı oqıtıw, qánigeligin arttırıw sisteması jaratılmaqta. | eng_Latn | At the same time, a system is being created for training leaders from among socially active women, including their education and professional development. |
kaa_Latn | doshkolnik | eng_Latn | Preschooler |
kaa_Latn | Usı jıl aprel ayında Tashkentte Franciya Isbilermenler háreketi - "MEDEF International" menen birgelikte shólkemlestirilgen biznes forumda 35 den aslam Franciya kompaniyalarınıń wákilleri qatnastı. | eng_Latn | In April of this year, a business forum was held in Tashkent in collaboration with the "MEDEF International" movement of French entrepreneurs, which was attended by representatives of over 35 companies from that country. |
kaa_Latn | Orta Aziyalı matematikler de dóńgelekke ishley sızılgan duris kópmúyeshliklerdi jasaw, olardıń táreplerin dóńgelektiń radiusi arqalı anlatıw máseleleri menen shuģillangan. | eng_Latn | Mathematicians from Central Asia, known as GOOGOLS, were engaged in the task of constructing regular polygons, expressing the side length in terms of the radius of the circle circumscribing the polygon. |