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kaa_Latn | sárdarlıq | eng_Latn | commanding |
kaa_Latn | 2) ulıwma intoksikaciya (balanın uyqısı ham ishteyi buzılıp, ayırım gezlern kusıq. emiznuli balalarda dispepsiya ushırasadı); | eng_Latn | 2) General intoxication (the child's sleep and appetite are disturbed, sometimes vomiting occurs, in infants - dyspepsia); |
kaa_Latn | Usı jıldıń 9-27-yanvar kúnleri Qıtayda 23 jasqa shekemgi futbolshılar arasında ótkerilgen Aziya chempionatında Ózbekistan jaslar saylandı komandası altın medaldı qolǵa kirgizdi. | eng_Latn | Uzbekistan's youth national team won gold medals at the AFC U-23 Championship, held in China from January 9th to 27th. |
kaa_Latn | 4) a=-1,b=5, c=1800. | eng_Latn | 4) a = -1, b = 5, c = 1800. |
kaa_Latn | 2. www.// ÁMELIY FIZIKALIQ TAYARLIQ 1-tema. | eng_Latn | // PHYSICAL TRAINING Topic 1. |
kaa_Latn | mıńǵırlaw | eng_Latn | To grumble |
kaa_Latn | Bilim resursları: baqlaw, ólshewler ótkeriw, tájiriybe, salistiriw, modellestiriw jumislari kórsetilgen slaydlar yamasa fotosúwretler, "Ay fazaları" fotosúwretleri, stakanlar yamasa probirkalar toplamı, suwiq hám jilli suw, duz (3-4 as qasıq), qumsheker (1 as qasıq), kishkene qasıq (aralastırıw ushin), qagaz salfetkalar, qurgaq ashitqı. | eng_Latn | Learning Resources: Innovative Methods: Slides or photographs, with | small group work, observation visualization, critical discussion, measurement, experiments, | problem situation. comparisons, modeling, photographs "Phases of the Moon," a set of glasses or test tubes, cold and warm water, salt (3-4 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), spoon (for stirring), paper napkins, dry yeast. |
kaa_Latn | Laboratoriya-talqılaw úskeneleri jańalanbaqta. | eng_Latn | Laboratory analytical equipment is being updated. |
kaa_Latn | Temperatura t1 = 0°C dan t2 = 30 °C ga shekem ózgergende katushkası mıs sımnan islengen elektromagnit paydalanatuģın quwatlılıq neshe payızģa ózgeredi? | eng_Latn | By what percentage will the power consumed by an electromagnet made of copper wire change when the temperature changes from t1 = 0 °C to t = 30 °C? |
kaa_Latn | iyterip kirgiziw | eng_Latn | to shove |
kaa_Latn | Bryussel bul baǵdarda Tashkent penen birge islesiwden mápdar. | eng_Latn | Brussels is interested in developing cooperation with Tashkent in this area. |
kaa_Latn | qıtıq | eng_Latn | tickling |
kaa_Latn | Bunday jaqsı jaǵımlı sózler mıń jılda da basqalardıń awzına túspeydi dep maqtandı Kupriyanovna qızarǵan erinlerin naz benen qımıp, sóytip otırıp qalay tásir eter eken dep ózi Davıdovqa kóz astınan qıyalap qarap qoyadı. | eng_Latn | "So tender and heartfelt, no one could ever come up with anything better!" she boasted, pursing her rosy lips affectedly, while glancing sideways at Davydov. What impression would it make on him? |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı xalıqaralıq finanslıq shólkemlerden tartılatuǵın qarjılardı da máhállege baylanıstırıw áhmietli ekenligin atap ótti. | eng_Latn | The Head of State emphasized the importance of linking funds attracted from international financial organizations to local communities. |
kaa_Latn | Matvey Ilyiya Gizo haqqında oǵada joqarı pikirde edi hám gez kelgen adamnıń xámmesine óziniń eskishil, keri tartpalar keri ketken byurokratlardın katarına jatpaytuǵınlıǵın, jámietlik turmıstın áhmietli waqıyalarının bireuin de itibarsız kaldırmaytuǵınlıǵın urındırıwǵa tırısatuǵın edi... | eng_Latn | Matvei Ilyich spoke of Guizot with great respect and tried to impress upon everyone that he did not belong to the ranks of routineers and backward bureaucrats, that he did not ignore any important manifestation of public life... |
kaa_Latn | qoydırıw | eng_Latn | to leave |
kaa_Latn | jabıq | eng_Latn | Closed |
kaa_Latn | shamalı ǵana | eng_Latn | some |
kaa_Latn | tozıw | eng_Latn | to spread out |
kaa_Latn | Web-betke tekst kirgiziw temasi'n ta'kirarlaw 1. | eng_Latn | Review of the Topic "Text Input on a Web Page" 1. |
kaa_Latn | kishkene jay | eng_Latn | Small house |
kaa_Latn | Prezidentler húrmetli qarawıl aldınan ótti. | eng_Latn | The presidents inspected the honor guard. |
kaa_Latn | úmit etiw | eng_Latn | to hope |
kaa_Latn | Her face is round. | eng_Latn | She has a round face. |
kaa_Latn | Fiziologiyalıq sarǵayıw dep atalıwshı sarǵayıw gemolitik sarǵayıwdan ayırması bwl simptomlardı bermeyli, sarǵayıw tuwılǵannan keyin 2-3 kúnleri payda bolıp anemiya hám ulıwma ózgerislerdi payda etpeydi. | eng_Latn | Unlike hemolytic jaundice, so-called physiological jaundice does not exhibit these symptoms. Jaundiced coloration appears on the 2nd or 3rd day after birth, is not accompanied by anemia, and does not cause general disorders. |
kaa_Latn | 0), J (-5; | eng_Latn | 0), J (-5; |
kaa_Latn | shaǵım | eng_Latn | complaint |
kaa_Latn | Mámleket sırtqı qarızınıń qatnasındaǵı joybarlardıń nátiyjeliligin arttırıw zárúr ekenligi ayrıqsha atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | The need to increase the effectiveness of projects involving external government borrowing has been emphasized. |
kaa_Latn | Jetiskenlik penen júrgizilip atırǵan waqtınan burın tuwılıw máselelerinin etnologiyaların ábden dıqqat penen uyreniw, qarın ishindegi balanıń rawajlanıwına tek patologiyalık nasillik hám eki kabatlık toksikozları ǵana etkir emes, sonıń menen birge ananıń xronik xem infekciyalık kesellikleri, eki kabatlardıń endokri nopatiyaları jáne de toksoplazmoz usaǵan jasırın etnushi kesellikleriniń de jaǵımsız tásir etiuin anıqladı. | eng_Latn | Intensive study of the etiology of premature birth, successfully conducted in the USSR, reveals the negative impact on fetal development not only of pathological heredity and toxemia of pregnancy, but also of chronic and acute infectious diseases of the mother, endocrine disorders of pregnant women, and such latent diseases as toxoplasmosis. |
kaa_Latn | Turmıs hámmemizden isenimli háreketlerdi, belsendi baslamalardı, barlıq salada isenimli hám ádil múnásibetti talap etpekte. | eng_Latn | Life itself demands decisive action, initiative, and honest and fair treatment of one's work in every field. |
kaa_Latn | tasqa aylanǵan | eng_Latn | petrified |
kaa_Latn | Adamdaģı rudiment organlar. | eng_Latn | Human vestigial organs. |
kaa_Latn | telefonnan shaqırıq | eng_Latn | telephone call |
kaa_Latn | 4 -5-4-3-2-1 1 2 3 4 5x -1 -2 -4 -5 3 1 -5-4-3-2-1 1 2 3 4 5 1-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 26. | eng_Latn | 5 4 2 4 3 2 1 ++ -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 12345x -2 3 -4 -5 -5-4-3-2-1 1 2 3 4 51 26. |
kaa_Latn | keminde | eng_Latn | at least |
kaa_Latn | Bul tenliklerde a, b, c-qálegen sanlar. | eng_Latn | In these equalities, a, b, c are any numbers. |
kaa_Latn | - Menin pikirim mınaday dedi ol. | eng_Latn | "That's my take on it," he said. |
kaa_Latn | Xalıqaralıq sertifikattıń dáslepki hám orta dárejesin alǵan oqıtıwshılardıń aylıq miynet haqısına 40 procent, joqarı nátiyje kórsetkenlerge 50 procent ústeme beriletuǵını belgilendi. | eng_Latn | A task has been set to introduce bonuses to the salaries of teachers who have obtained an international certificate at the beginning and intermediate levels, at a rate of 40 percent, and for those who have achieved a high level, at a rate of 50 percent. |
kaa_Latn | jay salınbaǵan | eng_Latn | undeveloped |
kaa_Latn | Juwabı: 1) x =−1; | eng_Latn | Answer: 1) x = -1; |
kaa_Latn | XALÍQARALÍQ MIGRACIYA ShÓLKEMI DELEGACIYASÍNÍŃ UShÍRASÍWLARÍ Ózbekstan Respublikası Bántlik hám miynet qatnasıqları ministrliginde 2-aprel kúni Xalıqaralıq migraciya shólkemi (XMSh) bas direktorı Uilyam Sving basshılıǵındaǵı delegaciya menen ushırasıw bolıp ótti. | eng_Latn | On April 2, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with a delegation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) led by its Director General William Swing. |
kaa_Latn | tiykarlı | eng_Latn | In-depth |
kaa_Latn | anıqlanıw | eng_Latn | to emerge |
kaa_Latn | Jáne bir tiykarǵı baǵdar - pal hárreshilikti rawajlandırıw maqsetinde dúzilgen Ózbekstan pal hárreshiler associaciyasına 14 mıńnan aslam isbilermen aǵza bolıp kirdi hám usı jılı 19 mıń tonna pal jetistirildi. | eng_Latn | Another priority area is beekeeping. Over 14,000 entrepreneurs have joined the Beekeepers' Association of Uzbekistan, created for its development, and this year, 19,000 tons of honey have been produced. |
kaa_Latn | Múmkin bolǵanınsha ol keselxanada tuuıuı kerek, sebebi qan quyıu kerek bolıp qalıuı múmkin. | eng_Latn | 392). If possible, she should have her baby in a hospital, in case extra blood is needed. |
kaa_Latn | Bul procesti zatlardı ajıratıw usıllarınan birine baylanıstırıw mumkinbe? | eng_Latn | Can this process be classified as one of the methods of substance separation? |
kaa_Latn | balanı terbetiw | eng_Latn | to rock a baby |
kaa_Latn | aqlawshı sóz | eng_Latn | defense speech |
kaa_Latn | 7. Aldegidler qanday zatlar menen reakciyaģa kirisedi? | eng_Latn | 7. What substances do aldehydes react with? |
kaa_Latn | ser | eng_Latn | Sir |
kaa_Latn | Usı aymaqlarda farmacevtika, elektrotexnika hám mashina qurılısı tarawında keń imkaniyatlar bar bolsa da, tiykarınan, qurılıs materialları hám toqımashılıq ónimlerin islep shıǵarıw, miywe-ovoshtı qayta islew joybarları menen sheklenilgeni sınǵa alındı. | eng_Latn | The fact that, despite the wide opportunities in the pharmaceuticals, electrical engineering, and machine building sectors in the specified regions, cooperation talks were limited to projects primarily in the production of building materials and textiles, as well as the processing of fruits and vegetables, was criticized. |
kaa_Latn | qara jer | eng_Latn | Earth |
kaa_Latn | Soldatlar sizlerdi korga dan bas tartıp atır. | eng_Latn | Your soldiers don't want to serve you any more. |
kaa_Latn | kózge túsiw | eng_Latn | to appear |
kaa_Latn | jez | eng_Latn | brass |
kaa_Latn | otdyornut | eng_Latn | to pull back |
kaa_Latn | Rásmiy sapardıń juwmaǵında eki mámleket Prezidentleri "Ózbekstan hám Amerika Qurama Shtatları: strategiyalıq sherikliktiń jańa dáwiriniń baslanıwı" dep atalǵan Birliktegi bildiriwge qol qoyıwı, hár qıylı tarawlardaǵı óz-ara qatnasıqlardı bunnan bılay da bekkemlewge qaratılǵan hújjetler toplamınıń qabıl etiliwi kútilmekte. | eng_Latn | Following the official visit, it is anticipated that a Joint Statement by the Presidents, "Uzbekistan and the United States of America: The Beginning of a New Era of Strategic Partnership," will be adopted, along with the signing of a package of documents aimed at further strengthening bilateral relations in various fields. |
kaa_Latn | Oniń armiyası 486-jili Suasson qalası jaqınında Rim armiyasin jenedi, sońinan vestgotlardı boysındırıp, Qubla Galliyanı da iyeleydi. | eng_Latn | In 486, near the city of Soissons, his army defeated the army of the Romans, and then, having subjugated the Visigoths, seized Southern Gaul. |
kaa_Latn | baxıtqa bólengen | eng_Latn | radiant |
kaa_Latn | keme jaǵısqa kelip toqtadı | eng_Latn | The steamship docked at the pier. |
kaa_Latn | -Karabas Barabas kolların sermep, otırǵıshtan atlıǵıp turdı. jelbirep ketti. | eng_Latn | - Karabas Barabas jumped up from his chair, waved his arms, and his beard flew out. |
kaa_Latn | Ilajda universitet rektorı A.Reymov bársheni kirip kiyatırǵan jańa 2020-jıl menen qızǵın qutlıqladı hám olarǵa bayram sawǵaların tapsırdı. | eng_Latn | At the event, Rector of the University Akhmed Reymov warmly congratulated everyone on the New Year 2020 and presented holiday gifts. |
kaa_Latn | 8. Qashan xorezmshah Afriǵ óz sarayın Xorezmniń ȧyyemgi paytaxtı Kat qalasına kóshirgen? | eng_Latn | 8. When did the Khwarazmian Shah Afrigh move his residence to the ancient capital of Khwarazm, Kyat? |
kaa_Latn | 4. Madina ayazlap qaldı. | eng_Latn | 4. Madina has caught a cold. |
kaa_Latn | alkogol | eng_Latn | alcohol |
kaa_Latn | Iygilikli arzıw-nietlerimiz ámelge assın! | eng_Latn | May all our good dreams and hopes come true! |
kaa_Latn | túsiniksiz etiw | eng_Latn | To obscure |
kaa_Latn | ıqlatıp alıp ketiw | eng_Latn | to take, to carry, to bring, to refer, to attribute |
kaa_Latn | - Ózbekstan Respublikası Insan huqıqları boyınsha milliy orayı hám Qatar Mámleketi Insan huqıqları boyınsha milliy komiteti arasında óz-ara túsinisiw memorandumı; | eng_Latn | - Memorandum of Understanding between the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights and the National Human Rights Committee of the State of Qatar; |
kaa_Latn | Al, ne awhal? | eng_Latn | Well, what's up? What's the matter? |
kaa_Latn | Sapar etiw baǵdarlamasına muwapıq, Ankara qalasında joqarı dárejedegi sóylesiwler jáne Ózbekstan hám Túrkiya Prezidentleri basshılıǵında eki tárepleme Strategiyalıq birge islesiw keńesiniń birinshi májilisi bolıp ótedi. | eng_Latn | In accordance with the program of the stay, high-level talks and the first meeting of the bilateral Strategic Cooperation Council will be held in Ankara, chaired by the leaders of Uzbekistan and Turkey. |
kaa_Latn | ónimsiz suffiksler | eng_Latn | Unproductive suffixes |
kaa_Latn | Sol uaqıtta artqı jaqtan telejkalı traktor da keldi. | eng_Latn | Meanwhile up crawled the tractor with the trailer. |
kaa_Latn | diywalı gazeta | eng_Latn | Wall newspaper |
kaa_Latn | Global siyasat hám region kún tártibindegi máseleler boyınsha da pikir alısıladı. | eng_Latn | There will also be an exchange of views on issues of global politics and the regional agenda. |
kaa_Latn | puw menen jibitiw | eng_Latn | to steam |
kaa_Latn | 2022-jılı ekonomikamız tarmaqların hám isbilermenlikti rawajlandırıw, jańa jumıs orınların jaratıw dıqqatımız orayında boladı. | eng_Latn | In 2022, our focus will be on accelerated development of economic sectors and businesses, and the creation of new jobs. |
kaa_Latn | shınıqtırıw | eng_Latn | train |
kaa_Latn | usatıw | eng_Latn | to liken |
kaa_Latn | Ataqlı máripachı Abdulla Avloniy babamız ayqanınday, til - millet ruwxın joqarılatatuǵın ullı kúsh bolıp esaplanadı. | eng_Latn | As the great educator Abdullah Avloni said, the native language is a powerful force that elevates the spirit of a nation. |
kaa_Latn | Bunnan bılay qurılıs, awıl xojalıǵı, farmacevtika hám basqa da tiykarǵı tarawlarda jańa iri joybarlar islep shıǵılmaqta. | eng_Latn | New major projects are on the horizon in construction, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and other priority areas. |
kaa_Latn | kóbeyiw | eng_Latn | Reproduction |
kaa_Latn | konstituciya | eng_Latn | constitution |
kaa_Latn | 8. Gápti dawam etiń: "Men gazetalardı oqimayman, sebebi ...." | eng_Latn | 8. Continue the sentence: "I don't read newspapers because..." |
kaa_Latn | dárya vokzalı | eng_Latn | riverside station |
kaa_Latn | xosh kewillilik | eng_Latn | Optimistic mood |
kaa_Latn | 6) toqima hám organlar; | eng_Latn | 6) tissues and organs; |
kaa_Latn | nabavit | eng_Latn | to add, to increase, to supplement |
kaa_Latn | Sonday-aq, Rossiya Federaciyası Húkimetiniń Baslıǵı Mixail Mishustin hám Tatarstan Baslıǵı Rustam Minnixanov penen ushırasıwlar ótkeriliwi, bir qatar obektlerge barıwı rejelestirilgen. | eng_Latn | Meetings are also planned with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, as well as visits to a number of facilities. |
kaa_Latn | dóretiw | eng_Latn | creative work |
kaa_Latn | Ajıratılgan zaryadlar tok dereginiń polyuslarında toplanadi. | eng_Latn | Free charges accumulate at the poles of the current source. |
kaa_Latn | terrorist | eng_Latn | terrorist |
kaa_Latn | bereket tabıńız! | eng_Latn | Be a friend! |
kaa_Latn | (5-y) 3 = (5) 3-3 (5) 2 y + 3·5 (y) 2 - (y) 312575y+15y2-13 4-misal. | eng_Latn | (5-y) 3 = (5) 3-3 (5) 2 y+3·5 (y) 2 - (y) 3 = 125-75y+15y2-13 Example 4. |
kaa_Latn | shek qoyılǵan | eng_Latn | restrictive |
kaa_Latn | nápes | eng_Latn | breath |
kaa_Latn | jıl boyılıq | eng_Latn | annual |
kaa_Latn | 3. Fotosintez procesiniń tábiyattaģi áhmiyetin aytıp beriń? | eng_Latn | 3. Describe the significance of the process of photosynthesis in nature. |
kaa_Latn | Nikolay Petrovich tasalanıp jasırındı. | eng_Latn | Nikolai Petrovich lay in wait. |
kaa_Latn | Ol sıyırlarımdı urladıń dep Germeske keyiy basladı hám malların qaytarıp beriwdi talap etti, biraq Germes bulardı moyınla madı. | eng_Latn | He began to reproach Hermes for stealing the cows and demanded that he return them to him, but Hermes denied everything. |