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kaa_Latn | Quyashtan kelgen ultrafiolet nurlar tásirinde suw puwlari vodorod hám kislorodqa ajıraladı, biraq shıģarılģan kislorod uglerod oksidi menen reakciyaga kirisip, karbonat angidridti payda qılgan. | eng_Latn | Under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun, water vapor decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen, but the released oxygen, reacting with carbon monoxide, formed carbon dioxide. |
kaa_Latn | Bul adam bizin razyezde sarras qırıq tórt jıl 7-195 jumıs isledi. | eng_Latn | This man worked at our junction for forty-four years, all his life. |
kaa_Latn | Misallar Anıqlawshı belgiler Noqatlardı bir-birine baylanistiriw kerekligin anlatadi. | eng_Latn | Examples of Connecting Points: Indicative Signs Show the Connection of Points to Each Other. |
kaa_Latn | Buvan Aleksey Ivanovich ayıpker shıǵar?." | eng_Latn | "You're right, it's my fault, Alexei Ivanovich." |
kaa_Latn | ájayıp | eng_Latn | Astonishing |
kaa_Latn | 8.3. Kubti tegislik penen keskende kesimde 14-súwrette súwretlengen qaysı jaģdaylar boliwi múmkin? | eng_Latn | 8.3. When a cube intersects a plane, which of the following situations can be described in Figure 14? |
kaa_Latn | Sharwashılıq tarawında 1 mıńnan aslam, balıqshılıq baǵdarında 317 joybardı iske qosıp, gósh jetistiriwdi kóbeytiw ilajları kórip shıǵıldı. | eng_Latn | Measures have been considered to increase meat production by launching over a thousand projects in the livestock sector and 317 projects in the fisheries sector. |
kaa_Latn | bir minutta | eng_Latn | immediately |
kaa_Latn | (圓圓) Tayanish túsinikler: skalyar shama, vektorlıq shama, vektorlardın qosındısı, vektorlardıń ayırması, vektordi sanga kóbeytiw, vektordi sanga bóliw, vektordıń proekciyası (qurawshısı). | eng_Latn | 1. **Key Concepts**: Scalar quantity, vector quantity, sum of vectors, difference of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a number, division of a vector by a number, projection (forming) of a vector. |
kaa_Latn | A 5. Anlatpalar dúziń hám olardıń mánisin tabiń: a 40 35 27 51 62 19 72 a +8 6. | eng_Latn | 71 5. Complete the expressions according to the table and fill it in: 40 35 27 51 62 19 72 a a+8 6. |
kaa_Latn | Ilaj dauamında shet tilleri fakulteti studentleri atqarıwındaǵı hár qıylı milletlerdiń ayaq oyınları, shayırlarımız qáleminen dѳregen ingliz, nemec, rus túrkmen tillerindegi qosıqlardıń ájayıp etip kѳrkemlep oqılıwı, sázende-baqsı qızlarımız atqarıwındaǵı sıyqırlı namalar keshege kѳterińki ruwx baǵıshladı. | eng_Latn | Students' performing of dances of various nations, excellent reading of English, German, Russian, Turkmen poems by our writers, magical melodies performed by girls-buksi gave the event a festive spirit. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı dáslep Payariq rayonına barıp, Imam Buxariy maqbarasın zıyaratladı. | eng_Latn | The head of our state first visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari in the Payaryk district. |
kaa_Latn | sıbırlasıw | eng_Latn | to whisper |
kaa_Latn | AC = 2x; | eng_Latn | AC = 2x; |
kaa_Latn | 8. 108 g alyuminiy karbid gidrolizlengende payda bolatuģın gaz kólemin (, n.j.) tabiń. | eng_Latn | 8. Find the volume (L at STP) of the gas released during the hydrolysis of 108 g of aluminum carbide. |
kaa_Latn | Kefey menen Kassiona jas jubaylar menen toylaydı, bárshe xalıq toylap atır. | eng_Latn | Cepheus and Cassiopeia feast with the newlyweds, and the whole people are feasting. |
kaa_Latn | Aldın xabar bergenimizdey, qońsı mámleketlerden (Tájikstan, Qırǵızstan hám Qazaqstan) oqıwdı Ózbekstanǵa kóshiriw múddeti usı jıldıń 15-mart sánesine shekem uzayttırıldı. | eng_Latn | As previously reported, the term for the transfer of studies from neighboring countries (Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan) to Uzbekistan lasted until March 15 this year. |
kaa_Latn | Nátiyjede jolawshılardıń mánzilge jetip barıw waqtı 16 saaatdan 7 saatqa shekem qısqaradı. | eng_Latn | As a result, travel time for passengers will be reduced from 16 to 7 hours. |
kaa_Latn | ámel joq | eng_Latn | There's nothing to do. |
kaa_Latn | 1163. 2,4 mm. | eng_Latn | 1091. 2.4 mm. |
kaa_Latn | Winter Spring Summer Autumn 4. | eng_Latn | Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. |
kaa_Latn | 1. Surxandárya-Qashqadárya milliy klassikalıq muzika janrları haqqında soylep bering. | eng_Latn | Tell me about the methods of performing classical musical genres in Surxondaryo and Kashkadaryo. |
kaa_Latn | Ruwxanıylerdiń "Ittihodi Muhammadi" partiyası "Jas túrkler"di qudaysızlıqta ayıpladı. | eng_Latn | The "Ittihodi Muhammadi" party of priests accused the "Young Turks" of godlessness. |
kaa_Latn | Gazetalarımızda, tele-radiokanallarımızda járiyalılıq, tallaw hám ádil sın kózqaras ruwxınıń kúsheygeni, tikkeley sırt ellerden tayarlanıp atırǵan materiallar sanınıń kóbeyip atırǵanın biz hár tárepleme qollap-quwatlaymız. | eng_Latn | We welcome an atmosphere of openness, objective analysis, and criticism in publications, radio and television broadcasts, and the growing number of materials coming from our journalists abroad. |
kaa_Latn | salqınlanıw | eng_Latn | To cool off |
kaa_Latn | Oǵan Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Joqarǵı Keńesiniń Baslıǵı M.Kamalov, Qaraqalpaqstan Respublikası Ministrler Keńesi baslıǵı Q.Sariev hám sırt ellerdegi abıroylı joqarı oqıw orınlarınan miymanlar qatnastı. | eng_Latn | The event was attended by the Chairman of the Jokargy Kenges of the Republic of Karakalpakstan M.Kamalov, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan K.Sariyev and guests from foreign prestigious universities. |
kaa_Latn | D) Jizya; | eng_Latn | B) jizya; |
kaa_Latn | ózin salmaqlı tutıw | eng_Latn | to put on a serious face |
kaa_Latn | Izbe-izliktiń bunday etip beriliw usılı rekurrent (latinsha recuroqaytiw) usılı dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | This method of assigning a sequence is called recursive (from the Latin recurro - to return). |
kaa_Latn | Biral ulken jastaǵı balalardaǵı auır dizenteri da keselliktin basında 6-12 saatka suu-chay dietası bo ledi. | eng_Latn | In cases of severe dysentery in older children, a water and tea diet is indicated for the first 6 to 12 hours of the illness. |
kaa_Latn | Paytaxtı Ankara qalası. | eng_Latn | The capital is the city of Ankara. |
kaa_Latn | Kórgizbeden gózlengen tiykarǵı maqset - Ózbekstan sanaat kompaniyaların rawajlandırıw hám investiciyalıq jetiskenliklerin Qıtay bazarında kórsetiw. | eng_Latn | Its main goal is to showcase the development of Uzbek industrial companies and their successes in the Chinese market. |
kaa_Latn | 2. a) Eki dóngelektin hár biri teń 6 ģa bólinip, payda bolgan bóleklerdiń 8 in algan bolsa, bul naduris bólshek kórinisinde jazıladı. b) Dóńgelektiń bóliniwler sanın naduris bólshek kórinisinde anlatıń: 3. | eng_Latn | 2. a) Divide two circles into 6 equal parts each. If you take 8 of these parts, you will get an improper fraction, 8/6 parts of a circle. b) Express the number of parts in the picture as an improper fraction: 3. |
kaa_Latn | Ne sebepten túnde-tún, al kúndizde-kúndiz? | eng_Latn | Why is it night at night and day during the day? |
kaa_Latn | Gulnoza Boboeva, ÓzA | eng_Latn | Gulnoza Boboeva, UzA |
kaa_Latn | qanatsız ushıwshı apparatura | eng_Latn | wingless vehicle |
kaa_Latn | tekserip kóriw | eng_Latn | To certify |
kaa_Latn | Awǵan xalqına gezektegi gumanitarlıq járdem kórsetildi Prezidentimizdiń tapsırmasına tiykarlanıp Surxandárya wálayatındaǵı Hayratan shegara ótkeriw punkti arqalı qońsı Awǵanstanǵa gumanitarlıq járdem jiberildi. | eng_Latn | Another batch of humanitarian aid has been delivered to the Afghan people. On the President's instructions, humanitarian aid was sent to neighboring Afghanistan through the border crossing point in Surxondaryo region. |
kaa_Latn | Qabıl etilgen nızamnıń tiykarǵı principleri etip tómendegiler: - qaysı normativlik-huqıqıy hújjetler nızamnan kelip shıǵatuǵın hújjetler ekenligi; - konstituciyalıq nızamlar hám kodeksler neni bildiretuǵının; - nızamnan kelip shıǵatuǵın hújjetlerdi tártipke salıw sheńberlerin belgilew, olarda fizikalıq hám yuridikalıq tárepler ushın juwapkershilikti, sonday-aq, xojalıq basqarıw uyımlarınıń wákilliklerine kiretuǵın máselelerdi jáne korporativlik qatnasıqlardı tártipke salıwdı názerde tutatuǵın huqıqıy normalar anıq belgilengen. | eng_Latn | The key principles of the adopted law define: - which regulatory legal acts are subordinate acts; - what constitutes constitutional laws and codes; - the scope of regulation by subordinate acts, legal norms providing for the liability of individuals and legal entities, as well as issues within the competence of bodies of economic management and regulation of corporate relations. |
kaa_Latn | azıraq qırıńqıraw | eng_Latn | To shave |
kaa_Latn | "Hesh kim," - dep oyladı Valka hám oǵan adam kereklig tusindi. | eng_Latn | "No one," Valka thought, realizing he needed someone. |
kaa_Latn | Ekinshiden, búgingi kúnde joqarı maǵlıwmat talap etetuǵın 80 mıńǵa shamalas bos jumıs orınları bar. | eng_Latn | Currently, there are nearly 80,000 job openings that require a higher education. |
kaa_Latn | turpayı | eng_Latn | unethical |
kaa_Latn | Qazaqstan Respublikası Prezidenti Nursultan Nazarbaev penen sóylesiwde mámleket basshıları Qazaqstanda Ózbekstan jılı dep járiyalanǵan 2018-jılda eki tárepleme qatnasıqlar jańa pát, sapa hám mazmunǵa ie bolǵanın úlken qanaatlanıwshılıq penen atap ótti. | eng_Latn | During a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, the heads of the two states noted with deep satisfaction that in 2018, declared the Year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, bilateral relations gained new momentum, quality, and substance. |
kaa_Latn | perebranka | eng_Latn | altercation |
kaa_Latn | Ilim, bilimlendiriw hám densawlıqtı saqlaw tarawlarında, sonıń ishinde, elimizde Rossiyanıń jetekshi joqarı bilimlendiriw mákemeleriniń filialların ashıw boyınsha birliktegi baǵdarlamalar ámelge asırılmaqta. | eng_Latn | Joint programs are being implemented in the fields of science, education, and healthcare, including the opening of branches of leading Russian universities in our country. |
kaa_Latn | Nemis kompozitori Y. Gaydn, V. Mocart, L. V. Betxoven, rus kompozitori P. I. Chaykovskiy, ózbek kompozitori M. Ashrafiy, M. Tajiyevler simfoniyalıq orkestr ushin úlken dóretiwshilik úlgilerin jaratıp, simfoniya, koncert, poema, uvertyura sıyaqlı janrlardagi shiģarmalardı jazıp qaldırdı. | eng_Latn | European composers Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and Uzbek composers Muzaffar Ashrafi and Makhmud Tajiev wrote great musical works for the symphony orchestra in genres such as symphony, concerto, poem, and overture. |
kaa_Latn | ustashılıq | eng_Latn | carpentry |
kaa_Latn | radiaciyalıq | eng_Latn | Radiation |
kaa_Latn | Arxeologiyalıq predmetler olar anıqlanǵan orında qaldırılǵan jaǵdayda ashıq qaǵaz hám ruxsatnama alǵan arxeolog mádeniy miyras obektlerin qorǵaw hám olardan paydalanıw salasındaǵı mámleketlik basqarıwdı ámelge asırıwshı tiyisli uyım menen birgelikte usı predmetlerdi konservaciyalaw ilajların kóriwi tiyis. | eng_Latn | When archaeological objects remain at their discovery site, the archaeologist, having received a permit and authorization, together with the relevant body responsible for state management in the field of protection and use of cultural heritage objects, must take measures for their conservation. |
kaa_Latn | birewlep | eng_Latn | one after another |
kaa_Latn | Jas áwladtıń tálim-tárbiyasına baylanıslı iygilikli baslamalardıń qamtılıwı keńeyip, mazmunı jáne de bayıp atırǵanı xalqımız, ásirese, ata-analar, ilimiy-aǵartıwshılıq hám pedagogikalıq jámiechilik tárepinen belsendi qollap-quwatlanbaqta. | eng_Latn | The scope and content of noble aspirations concerning the education and upbringing of the younger generation are expanding, which is actively supported by our people, in particular, parents, the scientific and educational community, and educators. |
kaa_Latn | Vladimir Putinniń elimizge saparı sheńberinde "Rektorlar forumı" ótkeriledi Rossiya Federaciyası Prezidenti Vladimir Putinniń Ózbekstanǵa saparı sheńberinde biznes tarawında 20 mlrd dollar átirapındaǵı kelisim hám shártnamalarǵa qol qoyılıwı kútilmekte. | eng_Latn | The President of the Russian Federation's visit to Uzbekistan has concluded. At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, visited our country on a state visit. |
kaa_Latn | uslap qalıw | eng_Latn | slam shut |
kaa_Latn | Uliwma formulası R-O-R' yamasa CH2n+2O bolgan kislorod saqlawshı organikalıq birikpelerge ȧpiwayı efirler dep ataladı. | eng_Latn | Organic compounds containing oxygen with the general formula R-O-R' or CnH2n+2O are called simple ethers. |
kaa_Latn | Ekinshi infekciyalar payda etken irindi akınıularında antibiotikler menen emlenedi (penicillin, streptomicin, xlortetraciklin). | eng_Latn | For purulent complications caused by secondary infection, treatment is conducted with antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, chlortetracycline). |
kaa_Latn | "Aysel Energy" jılına 10 mıń iri elektr úskenelerin islep shıǵarıw quwatlılıǵına ie. | eng_Latn | "Aysel Energy" is capable of producing 10,000 pieces of large-scale electrical equipment per year. |
kaa_Latn | ótiw | eng_Latn | to withstand |
kaa_Latn | volokno | eng_Latn | fiber |
kaa_Latn | Mine usınday ullı áyyyamda pútkil ómirin azatlıq ushın gúreske baǵıshlaǵan, bul jolda jan pidá etken ata-babalarımız, márt hám batır jerleslerimizdiń esteligine húrmet etemiz. | eng_Latn | On this great holiday, we pay tribute to our ancestors, our brave and courageous countrymen, who dedicated themselves to the fight for the independence of our Motherland and did not spare their lives for her freedom. |
kaa_Latn | Tashkent qalasında sanaat, infrastruktura hám turizmdi rawajlandırıw máseleleri dodalandı Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoevqa 27-fevral kúni Tashkent qalasında sanaat hám xızmetler kórsetiw tarawları hám infrastrukturanı rawajlandırıw boyınsha hújjetler joybarları boyınsha málimleme berildi. | eng_Latn | On February 27, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was presented with draft documents aimed at developing industry, services, and infrastructure in the city of Tashkent. Issues related to the development of industry, infrastructure, and tourism in the city of Tashkent were discussed. |
kaa_Latn | Ǵárezsizligimizdiń dáslepki dáwirinde qabıl etilgen Konstituciyamız shaxs, jámiet hám mámleket arasındaǵı qatnasıqlarda óz-ara huqıq hám minnetlemelerin jáne olardıń kepilliklerin ashıq-aydın belgilep berdi. | eng_Latn | The Constitution of Uzbekistan, adopted in the early years of independence, specifically defines and guarantees the rights and responsibilities of the individual, society, and the state in their mutual relations. |
kaa_Latn | oqıp alıw | eng_Latn | to study |
kaa_Latn | Mámleket basshıları joqarı dárejedegi bolajaq ilajlardıń kún tártibin de kórip shıqtı. | eng_Latn | The heads of state also reviewed the schedule of upcoming high-level events. |
kaa_Latn | sezimin qozǵaw | eng_Latn | to wake up |
kaa_Latn | Oni úyreniw ushın metall plastina ornina parafin menen toltırılgan úshmúyeshli prizmadan paydalanıladı (4.7-súwret). | eng_Latn | To study this phenomenon, a triangular prism filled with paraffin is used instead of a metal plate (Fig. 4.7). |
kaa_Latn | 2. 4a h4 13 m-8 m=416 m2; | eng_Latn | 2. 4a · h = 4 · 13 m · 8 m = 416 m<sup>2</sup>; |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı ullı mártebeli miymandı qızǵın qutlıqlap, ShBShnıń Samarqand sammitinde qatnasıp atırǵanı ushın minnetdarshılıq bildirdi. | eng_Latn | The leader of our state warmly greeted the distinguished guest and expressed gratitude for his participation in the Samarkand SCO summit. |
kaa_Latn | Bul tovarlardı elimizde islep shıǵarıw importtıń ornın tolıqtırıw, valyuta qarjıların únemlew, sonıń menen birge, eksporttan payda alıw imkaniyatın beredi. | eng_Latn | Producing these goods in our country will allow us to replace their import, save foreign currency, and generate profit from exports. |
kaa_Latn | Máhállelerde xalıqtıӊ dáramatın arttırıw máseleleri kórip shıǵıldı Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoev 7-mart kúni máhállelerde xalıqtıӊ dáramatın arttırıw hám kámbaǵallıqtı qısqartıw ilajların dodalaw boyınsha májilis ótkerdi. | eng_Latn | President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on March 7 to discuss measures aimed at increasing the incomes of the population and reducing poverty levels in mahallahs. |
kaa_Latn | jer | eng_Latn | district |
kaa_Latn | Turaq jaydıń baslanǵısh tólemi ushın subsidiya tólew tártibin ápiwayılastırıw hám múddetin qısqartıw boyınsha kórsetpe berildi. | eng_Latn | The process for issuing subsidies for down payments on housing has been instructed to be simplified and the timeframes for their issuance shortened. |
kaa_Latn | ÓzA Prezident Shavkat Mirziyoev 22-noyabr kúni "Ózbekneftgaz" akcionerlik jámietinde bolıp, energetika sistemasınıń qısqı máwsimge tayarlıǵı menen jaqınnan tanıstı. | eng_Latn | On November 29, a telephone conversation took place between the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. |
kaa_Latn | Fakultet dekanı S.Sulaymanov, oqıw isleri boyınsha dekan orınbasarı A.Matchanov,ruwxıylıq isleri boyınsha dekan orınbasarı I.Elmuratov, assistent M.Tolıbaelar ámeliyachılar menen birgelikte. | eng_Latn | The head of the department of collaborating with bright students, A.Tajimuratova and the head of Scientific department K.Nizamatdinov informed about opportunities for talented youth. |
kaa_Latn | Elimiz jetekshisiniń tınımsız háreketi nátiiyjesinde Ózbekstan xalıqaralıq dárejedegi abırayın bekkemlep atırǵanı, tıǵız birge islesiwdi kúsheytiwge kómeklesip atırǵanı atap ótildi. | eng_Latn | The leader of our country has noted with satisfaction the dynamic development of Uzbek-American relations of strategic partnership and multifaceted cooperation in recent years. |
kaa_Latn | basıp kirgiziw | eng_Latn | to push in, to press in, to indent |
kaa_Latn | basqa jerge tasıw | eng_Latn | overload |
kaa_Latn | orta dármiyan | eng_Latn | So |
kaa_Latn | Degen menen házirgi tekseriw usılları bir qatar otada bahalı maǵlıwmatlardı alıwǵa múmkinshilik berip, tek topikalıq diagnostikanı emes, sonıń menen birge balalardaǵı júrek tuwılma keselliklerin xi rurgiyalıq emlewde de jana múmkinshilikler ashadı. | eng_Latn | However, modern research methods provide the opportunity to obtain a number of very valuable insights, opening up new possibilities not only in refining topical diagnostics, but also in the surgical treatment of congenital heart defects in children. |
kaa_Latn | SULAYMAN YUDAKOVTÍŃ "MAYSARANING ISHI" OPERASI, ONÍŃ DÓRETILIW TARIYXÍ, ORNÍ HÁM ÁHMIYETI Askiya (basqılaspa) óneriniń oshaģi bolgan Qoqan qalasında tuwilip ósken Sulayman Yudakov (1916-1990-j) házilkesh insan bolgan. | eng_Latn | Suleyman Yudakov's Opera "The Tricks of Maisara," the History of Its Creation, Its Place and Significance. The composer Suleyman Yudakov was born in the city of Kokand (1916 - 1990), lived and worked creatively there. |
kaa_Latn | nırq | eng_Latn | cost |
kaa_Latn | oyǵa alıw | eng_Latn | to outline |
kaa_Latn | Xanabad qalasında 2017-2019-jıllarda ámelge asırılǵan jumıslar, "Kampirravot" mákan puqaralar jıyını aymaǵında "Inimpeks Alliance" juwapkershiligi sheklengen jámieti tárepinen dem alıw orınların qurıw, "Lu Yang Agroculture" sırt el kárxanasınıń jergilikli miyweli baǵlar hám palız eginlerin, citrus miyweler hám badam baǵların shólkemlestiriw joybarları haqqında maǵlıwmat berildi. | eng_Latn | Information is provided on work carried out in the city of Khanabad from 2017 to 2019, including projects by LLC "Inimpeks Alliance" to organize recreation zones on the territory of the "Kampirravot" mahalla citizens' assembly, and the establishment of fruit, melon, citrus, and almond orchards by the foreign enterprise "Lu Yang Agroculture." |
kaa_Latn | málim emes | eng_Latn | unknown |
kaa_Latn | bulka nanları | eng_Latn | bakery products |
kaa_Latn | ketiw | eng_Latn | withdrawal |
kaa_Latn | dúbeleyleniw | eng_Latn | to rage |
kaa_Latn | kosıp jazıw | eng_Latn | To attribute |
kaa_Latn | áynek | eng_Latn | window |
kaa_Latn | 1. Háriplerdiń bólshek mánisine iye bolatuģın mánislerin tabiń. a 3 k b' c-1' d+2 2. | eng_Latn | 1. Find the permissible values for the letters included in the fraction: a 3 a / b' a-1' b+2' -1b+2° 2. |
kaa_Latn | Mámleketimiz basshısı joybarlardı ámelge asırıw processlerin jeńillestiriw áhmietli másele ekenin atap ótti. | eng_Latn | The head of our state noted that simplifying processes related to project implementation is a pressing issue. |
kaa_Latn | domalaw | eng_Latn | roll |
kaa_Latn | lampada | eng_Latn | oil lamp |
kaa_Latn | jalatay | eng_Latn | rogue |
kaa_Latn | qıyanachılıq islew | eng_Latn | betray |
kaa_Latn | ońalıw | eng_Latn | amendment |
kaa_Latn | Mıstıń salıstırmalı qarsılıǵı 1,7.10-82.m, tıgızlıǵı 8900 kg/m3, salıstırmalı jıllılıq sıyımlılıǵı 380 J/ (kg.K) 2. | eng_Latn | The resistivity of copper is 1.7 x 10<sup>-8</sup> Ω·m, the density is 8900 kg/m<sup>3</sup>, and the specific heat capacity is 380 J/ (kg•°C). |
kaa_Latn | 2 What is in your bathroom? | eng_Latn | What's in your bathroom? |
kaa_Latn | ["gcd "monIN] goose n pl (geese) [guc gic] gosling n pl ["g⚫slIN] got [g⚫t] I got here by metro. grandad n ["grÏ ndï d] grandfather n ["grÏ nd¶ADE] grandmother n ["grÏ ndî ̄DE] orninan turiw juwiniw úyge ketip qalıw mektepke jetip alıw/barıw jiraf qız bala beriw stakan bir stakan sherbet júriw, bariw ketiw (arılaw) baliq awlaw bazarlıq qılıw, satıp alıw tuwriRa júriw uyqılaw a jatiw mektepke bariw mektepke avtobusta/piyada barıw eshki Bawqıldaw (túye tawıq haqqında) atın balıq Altın shashlı qız (ertekte) jaqsı jaqsiman Xosh bol Qayırlı tań! | eng_Latn | Great Britain green gray group grow guess guitar gym to receive to get dressed to receive grades to prepare to get up to wash one's face to get home to get to school giraffe girl to give; to give away glass a glass of juice to go; to ride to leave to go fishing to go shopping to go straight to go to bed to go to school to go to school by bus/to walk to school goat to gobble (of a turkey) goldfish Goldilocks good I am good at goodbye. |
kaa_Latn | keristiriw | eng_Latn | To quarrel |