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ampo | k.o. red medicinal clay for stomach upsets. |
amprok | meet, run into. |
ampu | 1 support, prop up .2 see EMPU. |
ampuh | 1 1) endowed with magical power. 2) potent, efective (of medicine). 2. flood, overflow, inundation. |
ampul | 1 (Med.) ampul. 2 swell, expand. |
ampun | 1 pardon, forgiveness. 2 mercy. |
amput | (Java, Vulg.) have sexual intercourse . |
amputan | 1 female genitalia. 2 mistress. |
amputasi | amputation. |
amputir | see AMPITIR. |
amra | k.o. mango. |
amril | 1 sandpaper. 2 emery board or paper. |
ams | (Algemene Middelbare School) k.o upper secondary school (colonial era). |
amsal | 1 proverb. 2 parable. 3 (Bib) Proverbs. |
amsiong | (China) internal injury. |
amtenar | government official. |
amtenarisme | officialism, bureaucratism. |
amuba | amoeba. |
amubawi | amoebic. |
amuk | 1 go berserk, run amuck. 2 rage violently. |
amukan | 1 fight. 2 uncontrolled raging. |
amunisi | ammunition. |
ana | (Jakarta, used by those of Arab descent or educated in Islam schools) I. |
anafora | anaphora. |
anaforis | anaphoric. |
anak | 1 child. 2 offspring. 3 native of. 4 member of a group. 5 dependent, sub, smaller variant, accessory of. 6 term of address to a child (most often as nak). |
anakanda | (Lit.) 1 Child, son (respectful, use mostly in letters with the meaning I or you). 2 familiar form of address to young people. |
anakronisme | anachronism. |
analis | analyst, analyzer. |
analisa | analysis, examination. |
analisawan | analyst. |
analisir | analyze. |
analisis | analysis. |
analitik | analytic. |
analitikus | analyst. |
analitis | analytical. |
analog | analog. |
analogi | analogy. |
anam | see ENAM. |
ananda | see ANAKANDA. |
anarkhis | 1 anarchic. 2 anarchist. |
anarki | anarchy. |
anarkis | see ANARKHIS. |
anarkisme | anarchism. |
anasir | element. |
anatomi | anatomy. |
anbia | see AMBIA. |
ancai | disabled (of a ship). |
ancak | 1 bamboo stand or container for offerings to spirits. 2 rack, shelf. |
ancak-ancak | indifferent, casual, nonchalant. |
ancam | say s.t. threatening. |
ancar-ancar | /ancer-ancer/ 1 estimate. 2 target date, time, or amount. |
ancoa | (China) How's it going ? |
ancuk | (Java, Vulg.) copulate. |
anda | you (common in newspapers and journals, and sometimes used in speech as a neutral form). |
andai | if. andai-nya supposing or suppose that. |
andak | 1 (Naut.) reef, take in ( a sail). 2 limit, restrict, decrease. |
andal | 1 rely on. 2 trade on. |
andalan | 1 mainstay. 2 security, pledge. 3 chief seat (at national or territorial level). |
andalas | (Lit.) Sumatra. |
andam | 1. 1) trim o's hair or beard neatly. 2) have a hairstyle that requires care. 2. lock up. 3 (M) grave. |
andang | torch. |
andang-andang | 1 (Jakarta) mole, birthmark. 2 (Naut.) yardarm. |
andap | (Java) able to be humble. |
andapita | k.o. cake. |
andar | 1 explain in great detail, give a long-winded account. andar-an protracted account, explanation. 2 see MATI. |
ande | see HANDAI, ANDAI. |
andel | see ANDAL. |
andeng-andeng | see ANDANG-ANDANG. |
andepi | see ANDEWI. |
anderak | elephant pit. |
anderok | slip, petticoat. |
andewi | endive. |
andi | title of nobility in S. Sulawesi. |
andil | 1 (Fin.) share. 2 contribution. |
andon | see ANDUN. |
andong | four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in Central Java. |
anduk | 1. 1) hold up high in a strap. 2) hold. 2. see HANDUK. |
andukan | 1) support, prop. 2) sling. |
andun | go to. |
andunan | outsider. |
andung | (Medan) grandmother. |
ane | (Jakarta) see ANA. |
aneh | strange, queer, peculiar. |
aneka | various, diverse, all sorts of. |
anekdot | /anekdote/ anecdote. |
aneksasi | annexation. |
anem | see ENAM. |
anemer | building contractor. |
anemi | anemia. |
anestesi | anesthesia. |
anestesiologi | anesthesiology. |
anfal | (Coll.) 1 attack. 2 heart attack. |
ang | (M) you (when addressing males). |
angah | see ENGA2. |
angan | 1 thought, notion, idea. 2 chimera, illusion. |
angan-angan | 1 thought, notion, idea. 2 fantasy, illusion, day dreaming. |
angcui | k.o. red China liquor. |
angel | (Java) 1 difficult. 2 strange, unusual. |
anget | see HANGAT. |
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