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amat | 1 very, exceedingly. 2. 1) watch closely, keep track of. 2) inspect. 3) monitor, guard. |
amatir | amateur. |
amb | (Abri Masuk Desa) policy of military personnel participating in village development projects. |
ambah | trade, handicraft. |
ambah-ambah | plague, pest. |
ambai | scoop net. |
ambai-ambai | k.o. sea crab. |
ambal | 1. carpet. 2. ambal-an 1) procession. 2) troops. |
ambang | 1. 1) threshold, sill. 2) railroad tie. 2. float. |
ambar | 1. 1) ambergris. 2) amber. 2. see HAMBAR. |
ambasadir | /ambasador, ambasadur/ ambassador. |
ambeg-parama-arta | (Java) first things first. |
ambeien | hemorrhoids, piles. |
ambek | pout, be unwilling to move, work, or take part. ambek-an tending to sulk. |
ambekan | breath, breathe. |
ambelas | see AMBLAS. |
ambeles | see AMBLES. |
amben | 1 sash worn with woman's sarong. 2 wooden or bamboo platform for sleeping. |
amberol | see AMBROL. |
amberuk | see AMBRUK. |
ambet | 1 diaper. 2 swaddling clothes. 3 bindings, bandage. |
ambia | the prophets (plural of nabi). |
ambigu | ambiguous. |
ambiguitas | ambiguity. |
ambik | (Call., M) see AMBIL. |
ambil | take. ambil-alih take over. |
ambin | 1 strap, sling. 2 see AMBEN2. |
ambing | udder. |
ambisi | ambition. |
ambisius | ambitious. |
ambivalen | ambivalent. |
ambivalensi | ambivalence. |
amblas | disappear, vanish. |
ambleg | /amblek/ give way, collapse (of a bridge, etc.). |
ambles | mire, bog down, sink in mud. ambles-an (geol.) subsidence. |
amboi | hey ! (exclamation of surprise or sympathy). |
ambok | arrogant, haughty. |
ambrek | untidy, messy. |
ambreng | strong-smelling. |
ambrin | (Coll.) sweetheart. |
ambring-ambringan | indescribable, unheard of. |
ambrol | 1 collapse (esp. of flat surfaces), sag. 2 be destroyed. |
ambruk | collapse (houses, buildings). fall down. |
ambu-ambu | k.o. fish, the bonito. |
ambul | 1 bounce, rebound, ricochet. 2 bob up and down. |
ambulan | /ambulans/ ambulance. |
ambung | bounce, soar. |
ambyar | (Java) splatter, fall apart. |
ambyuk | (Java) 1 swarm, gather in large numbers. 2 fall down (of a tree). |
ame | (Jakarta) see SAMA 1,2. |
amen | statement uttered when begging. |
amendemen | see AMANDEMEN. |
amendir | see AMANDIR. |
amerika | 1 N. or S. America. 2 America, American. |
amerikanisasi | Americanization. |
amerikanisme | Americanism. |
amfibi | amphibian (vehicle, animal). |
amil | (Islam) mosque official who collects the tithe. |
amin | amen. |
amir | (Lit.) commander, leader (of gvt.). |
amirulmukminin | (Islam) caliph. |
amis | putrid taste or odor of fish. |
amit-amit | God forbid ! |
ammaba'dah | /ammaba'dahu/ and furthermore (used in formal correspondence and speeches). |
ammi | illiterate |
amn | (Akademi Militer Nasional) National Military Academy. |
amnesti | amnesty. |
amoh | (Java) in rags. |
amoi | (in some regions only) form of address and reference to China girl. |
amok | see AMUK. |
amonia | /amoniak/ ammonia. |
amor | (Lit.) love. dewi-amor goddess of love. |
amoralitas | amorality. |
amorf | (Biol.) amorphous. |
amortisasi | (Econ.) amortization. |
amour | see AMOR. |
amoy | see AMOI. |
ampai | 1 slim, slender. |
ampai-ampai | jellyfish. |
ampang | 1 insipid, tasteless. 2 see EMPANG. |
ampas | waste, dregs. |
ampat | (Jakarta) see EMPAT |
ampe | see SAMPAI. |
ampek | 1 have difficulty breathing. 2 asthma. |
ampela | chicken gizzard. |
ampelas | see AMPLAS1,2. |
ampelop | see AMPLOP. |
amper | 1 (Madura) porch, veranda. 2 . 1) (Elec.) ampere. 2 electric meter. |
ampera | (Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat) Message of the People's Suffering (Soekarno-era slogan). |
ampera | (Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat) Message of the People's Suffering (Soekarno-era slogan). |
amphibi | /ampibi/ (Coll.) see AMFIBI. |
ampir | see HAMPIR. |
ampiran | (Java) stopping-off place. |
ampitasi | see AMPUTASI. |
ampiteater | amphitheater. |
ampitir | meng-ampitir amputate. |
amplas | 1 fig tree. 2 sandpaper. |
amplasemen | see EMPLASEMEN. |
ampli | /amplifayer/ amplifier. |
amplop | envelope. |