stringlengths 1
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stringclasses 20
values | dataType
stringclasses 2
values | communityName
stringclasses 20
values | datetime
stringclasses 256
values | username_encoded
stringlengths 136
| url_encoded
stringlengths 220
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Y1N1ZktsejZSSUpuSjFFMHN5aWpaaVJ5R0pUSjRkNzVMNTh6cHUyc21ValpWOWt3cWpMUWdDak5pcFgzMUgyTFh0cFhaWUo5elctOXd4b2hxUldKcFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdG1WWW11NW5Pa3ZRN3RHN3QyTVFlQTVjUzB1eDQ2VEtTQXBCVEU5LW41cWxBbkpkTzdudlp2VlFJYXI4LXYzMWl4NzZuMTRydFVwMEhSRGJqcVNEaW5iZWZWWVhGUDRMZlhQeG51bUVUR194eVh0ZVFDd1VMS3pSU3hudnNITk1udnlJemhOTU4wUEJtUlhLY281U3o4aGs4Q0JpY1lCLXFuU3lHUFhxQ0dWMllmRUhvdFNnOWtXTG5hQ3FXYklRN0pQY3hGWHNyM01LVlo3RXpMUzJyZz09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2d0tzS1NKdW5QSVFPUHU5a1Jxd0F5X0NQQ0Mwci02ZDUtUlM0ZTBoTldYY0JUQWdNcXh5dmE5c205TFJ5M3FHVm9Sb25VY1dsbER1c1lWYW83YW9JcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTXR2MmZxQkRVdVJac1pyOFh6bXBSVjMtR3JwQWVaOFF6bEJsQkVvcVhYYVl0eW1XcUtHZUtHbXQyZ0Y0RDJQck5FQmdkZUVDWFBGOVQ0ZGVobFVZWlJSdnFWX3RCZHE2Q2xIYks2Y2tONnpLMU9KWHl1dXl1b09TVkxLYW1xSU43U1Rfbl9RamQwVWhXZWRzVG9xN1BucFhIQm9zeTdPWXI0eGhsdUxHRzQwPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
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Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2S2lqMFNrVXZONW9GVWFnR2hmMnVxLXJDcElUdWZzNEZXU2NMX2t1WkZqdld4Mi1yU0lsV25LeVRBNlJtUGhiOW5Lb2h0dHI1Ujc0WjlMSTJ1Z2hxQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaGhuMHFNd1AxVGgzQ1hQNnR2N1lOYTdQdUJJaVdxTS13ZG1sMHJCV3JXa1ptNkNFU0lFV1BlcWI5NjZYU0RJd1l5ZFNQLWxiY3ZEWTBoQTl2bjV3UDdUUndzck5YeWJtUXVHUThqaDJYRVBtRHlxQ3I5V216ZnNOcHcxTk5yWk5Sa3N6N0s3QmNHR2Y3YUVGTjZ6c3doQzhnYVdzMFo4T3luMmVQUVhTLWpJUjBiTWRiV1NTbzU0clA5QUVNVjNBUFVyd0c5bGM0V1VZMmRpNFRNRTZnZz09 |
New. Sent FIL from Filestation to 0x address, and after attempting to add to several wallets realized I should have sent to f4 address... Is there a way to reach the FIL in the 0x address? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Q2dxWDdlVkQxRU1sbU1ESkNRUHhMRjRPTFdZMHl6RG5PZm1ucmNCc1BkTU9yRHVIamNPRFg5ZDlZUjRNMHFmSGxQNGJFdDd3bUVoZ1c5aTEzVldnSVZ1dTM5WjVCY3d1TEZuV2JNdS0wdzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRzRzaEROTmpFVkRtYWhJR041c194djRPaDd2Q3dpNUpaNGlNczdZM0VWTm56eUdTaWZocGduUTN2SXQyRnpWaFkxLXBGd3VIM1V3VHYzR003TDNyRXZFbU9KT0FuUVpuSUFFaXVRdUtwMkdfcXFRV0phTWNrWGVDNk11SHJ6V0lSdmxHVWZhMHR0RzdpSEdSODZWZnZobkhzTktrUFlnLWpyNWd6SDZrTzRCX1liV2JKcnkwa0d2ZkJTajJBTF9B |
FiLLiquid hasn't even hit the exchanges and has already gained over $2M in locked value.
It's been audited by both CertiK + Salus and was designed by the team's Economist who is a World Bank & IMF advisor
This project makes it easier for Storage Providers to access more $FIL to expand network capacity since they're able to use locked/pledged liquidity on their node as collateral for $FIL loans while setting FiLLiquid as $FIL beneficiary until the loan is repayed.
$FIL holders can easily stake on the smart contract and earn $FIT, $FIL's liquid staking derivative which increases in value as the loan is paid back by storage providers.
The $FIT can be farmed for the platform's governance token $FIG which will be stakable to earn a percentage of the total yield.
Keep an eye out for it's listing & reach out if you're interested in investing early!
| r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2YjU2VGNmOUg0ZlMya2tyNkh4Y3pmUGJhZE1zV2NjREt2TFJzSHpqdmFlQ2pNa1NXV0VnR3ZCVjZmdVdOdXdubFowRUxLdmxRbmlESE0xcmI1NXVwei05Z3dOMmtJQ2h6b3RiZlN3MENGQ1k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQnZCQzBOUW9LTDFWLXZ5MUNCbk9RcGNjeWFTZk9QanVBUGFYZHRuTEdmVGhCOUNlY2VIWkdsS1Fsd1lvT280aHdkUHUzZ0FmeVRabFJ2MEVGeHhjSy1mR2d4Z1pnTnNlbFJYVnlnNGl0N01tYTJicmtnVVFIQ3RReU9COWM3TGJVTkNHUEhsRG51NkJiRVp3R3U0SnRFRldYclFVeE01SFpxaVZkTXZiQ210eFFlNjBQaEJfU1lkTG92WVo2V3VIcHhaU01ZbjZHTXVYQklXdXFOQV9MUT09 |
I am planning to write a blog.
Can someone help me understand "Token Holder Engagement" & "Token Holder Relations"?
Your input will be very valuable for me. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2ME9UOC04a1Jjdm9uanBZTXJyb05mOFRrNXRvbGxEM0wwMFprQzVIMHpXdVJFS1NCemVMOUZGNk9jUzdrZXhWaGxmNjZIdHZHcmNvZnlmVXh0aF80VWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRlBlSVZUNThpRGhhaHVRUmRmTklXUUpVUEE2WmZFNWRQd1dOZWgtaGUxeG5EMGVXcTF0eE5URGRWbmgyY1dvS0lQZWxmSDZMNEF6N0VsSkVtUG9lRE82akNpYVZHMEFDMk9HN3ZUSHg2RTBlMTI2NGZTanAyRE44c05FbkNuZUlJMkczR1lLZzFteXNaV0R0YV9HLS12RVVkeEtFcV8zZmVQNTdfUEQ2V2xxMVJ0MEFtcklnemZnblN3Mi1saktL |
I’ve been thinking a lot about NFT marketplaces that have come and gone, and something about KnownOrigin has been sticking with me. For a while, KnownOrigin was one of the most celebrated platforms in the space. You couldn’t attend a UK-based NFT event without seeing James Morgan and Andy Gray—the founders—taking the stage, talking passionately about their vision for the future of NFTs. They positioned themselves as champions of the small artist, making a platform where creators who might not have had a voice elsewhere could thrive. It felt like they were truly building something for the community, with a mission to empower artists, not just profit from them.
James, in particular, wasn’t just running a platform; he was helping build the very infrastructure of the NFT ecosystem. His work on EIP-2981, the Ethereum standard for NFT royalties, was a crucial step toward ensuring artists could get compensated on resales. It felt like KnownOrigin was making real progress for creators, not just being a marketplace. They were seen as the good guys—advocates for artists, and a key part of the community.
But here’s where it starts to get murky. After KnownOrigin was acquired by eBay in June 2022 for millions, it was like the founders disappeared. They stepped back, faded from the scene, and before we knew it, eBay announced that the platform was shutting down. And I can’t help but wonder—were they ever truly in it for the community? Or was this all a carefully orchestrated cash-out?
It’s worth noting that I’ve come across some troubling allegations about the company’s inner workings. There’s a podcast called **Eth Girl** on Spotify, hosted by a former employee of KnownOrigin, which dives into some of these issues. Rumors of **mismanagement** and even **harassment** have surfaced, painting a very different picture of what might have been happening behind the scenes. The podcast sheds light on internal dynamics that many weren’t aware of during the platform’s public success.
Hearing these stories makes you wonder—was KnownOrigin always headed for a crash, or did the founders just see an opportunity to make their millions and walk away? It’s unsettling to think that what looked like a community-focused platform may have had deep-seated issues bubbling beneath the surface, and the sudden withdrawal of the founders post-acquisition only raises more questions.
Then there’s eBay. After the acquisition, they went silent. They didn’t seem to release any significant updates or even attempt to support the artists and collectors who believed in KnownOrigin. Instead, 2 years they shut it all down, laid off the staff, and moved on. No real attempt to integrate KnownOrigin into their broader business, no innovation, nothing. It feels like they came in, grabbed what they wanted, and left the rest to wither.
What really went wrong here? Did the founders sell out, leaving the community in the dust? Or was this always part of the plan, a slow unraveling masked by public success? And what role did eBay play in all of this? It’s a strange ending for what was once a key player in the NFT art space. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and it’s hard not to feel like something was lost along the way.
Does anyone else have more insights or know what might have really been going on behind the scenes? It feels like we’re only scratching the surface, and there’s more to this story. | r/nfts | post | r/NFTS | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2TnNMNnQ1MXdpU0ltUUxMT2NHT1ZMejZWU3laMkZqcjdHOGtMQXB4cXh2RWVsTXQ0MVRZenI5ZE9NWXFBajZtN19hSnNKbXhvenBqazBxQno3bVMwbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUTRVT3Nva2dYV3pVTkhUWV9XOVIyTjJBOVJXMW9DTGpBVVNFdWpfQTBIVkdTYlltckNreUg5aGc2RGlQcllQemJ0dHFabGhXNzhaVTJ0blluRVVMSW9HcUFjejZHQjdMMGhjNnQtOExyLVhLUUVCYkxlRzA3aEt0U19LcFZyLUxKM19jR1NFRTdhT1oybDFoRHFUcGtyazdnTkJGQzFvQ1lrVnBpQ0FyV2VuOG5MMEF6V19QMDl4cXRsX1ZLOXJJ |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2aVBQOGpDTDNpNjRqV1cxNkZLM3UwMVZjSmVoUXowVFdaSlI4OXU3MmxKTFc1ZkVTc3RqVGRMeUNOWDEtaVRiQUVZeVBDYXRvTmFOU3VfajlsUmJfVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfR3ZLOTdDb1p0TDU1dUNiQTVRZk03dkRZUS15d3FTZ0xnZ3JqaUk3djBSTl9fMTVyREl2Q3V4YVNpbWlQeXlLRWNFTHpaaUhUSW1YM0lya0tmTURDcDZuYTdCcWR0dW1DSm5WMFNseFRlUWtCTXAzRWhwel84Q0dxNEk0dEMxX3ROa3NSQ0Q5WHRJdlpYSkpnVFdVcGNQRWlHUWU0Uk9mZWRFbVlxeGtYWXRBYTBFSUNmVkVETWhUU0s2bUhzTjh6 |
I had an idea for a Web 3 game that I think would be really interesting. Just writing some thoughts out here for feedback and/or more ideas.
Basically, a mix between Risk, Catan, and Clash of Clans. The core principles of the game are trade, war, and resource management. There are 5 factions on a big island, each faction has a monopoly on some resource that is critical for everyone. Therefore, everyone is locked in a state of interdependence and need to trade for resources.
You buy an NFT which is a parcel of land in a given faction, and then can start building a base on your land. The base would allow you to produce resources, build an army, and participate in regional (faction) governance.
Then, on the borders between all the factions you’d have “outposts”. Initially they are unclaimed and players can go in, battle some bots, and claim the territory. These are resource outposts and can be used to farm more resources, get access to another monopolized resource (if you invade a diff faction), grow more food (to feed army and workers). Et cetera.
I think this game would do a few things well: 1) set up real financial incentives within an MMO game, 2) lock everyone into a constant push-pull between diplomacy and aggression, and 3) be a living, breathing organism that is pretty uncontrollable by a central dev (besides some balancing)
What do you think? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MC1sMFFGYTZkemVYcXc0cTl2cTU0N3lkLXdCVng5eWxvWFN0SXgydEV1WHkwVnp2bl9kcXU5cUdFNEpMWHNsNWtBZ2ttekl3TVZWZUtySExFWGxvUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaVc3Y1hXMm1oMTk1c3VHM3hET012eWVPbS1yUExYNkZFbV9BRTduNms0NmFKLUR3bmRkNFVHZGRjNDY5dXFRNTRLUHVDbmp3N0NseDNqS2pKc2xfdHpLNERna0hMeTVFRTF3WlhDNjJ2SVVQT1EzTFFIcjFqUGVWOWFkLWZRWXAxNkRUUmN4ODl5eHFHY1c5YldRY1FtWFJITnVxdTdzeVAxNWZpZ2N1R3UwUmN1UDg5ZDlnTUl2VHRoQ0w5RDE0 |
I've been developing a decentralized application that aims to revolutionize Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) processes in the Web3 space. This project explores how blockchain technology can create a trustless environment for complex business transactions.
Key technical features:
1. Tokenized ownership representation
2. Decentralized escrow mechanisms
3. Smart contract-based transaction execution
The platform leverages these components to address traditional M&A challenges such as trust issues, intermediary reliance, and lack of transparency. By utilizing blockchain technology, we're able to create a more efficient, scalable, and transparent process for Web3 company acquisitions.
The project is currently deployed on the BSC testnet for experimental purposes. We welcome technical feedback and insights from the community on how we can further contribute to the decentralized web vision. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2LTdGSkVMV28wb2NZR3VsWm94UUN5aERmRkJfcmUyV2s5OHBQNE83LTVWU2RHdVg1bGNKdnl0QTc1a0VrYnV1eW9sMHFXOXE5QWFxT0VJUGp3cjFpNkpyVUhUd1kyNzlsSGpPX3hZRnRFTDA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfLWFtc2l2NW96RjNYdzFrNmhsbGVUazM3Rl9JWW5NM0xXWkoySVhaaVFrcE9JWWZFRlN5cXFCeWZvM2kzc21tV3lvX2V2QktqclRKRWJ6VmkxNXNHOElmb2E5bUdSY3B4Tzl0SC12b1gwSngyQWhMVldIQ3pGc3dpU0NvNzM2S1JoWU9xREpZbE5WbE9zdFFFUDY1cXZoQ1ZlQWtwUHRZYU9hR0pNc3FvUjhTcVlaY1dKZUVGcm5LajdwdEk0a3d3 |
Is it really web3 space is dead or is it still worthy to go for web3 auditor or researcher? Opinion please | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2LUN3S2E5VVVEek1RMkdyVmVZM05tX1d6c0dnc0Y0YlZsb2QyVmFoOEhVYmNKc2R2ZGpfYnBOWHdnQy1qVC1zeUlBRTdCWmhuaDRoZDFnbml2MmxMZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfV3Z2VzI3QWp5ZS1hSWhYWEwycEdNcE5xb29JY2ZwRmRTUnhSV1R3SmxwWkVqNDFYRzdNWVBIUHJ6Y2ZzZjdaN3RQU0F6YzF4RzBlVjgyQTZ1OEc0dXlKTnkzWWRLdWFMT1l5QTE0dUVTbzUxZHdSWVhRYXRnZUZUOHduNkU1RHQ5TWUxOTFuVExqTlFqSlJVZFVzZnFUemFNYkVDRi1wQ2ZzczVFclFETnpYQlNJb091ZWx1emZLX0Y0bFlyYXNl |
Simple question, has anyone found a 3d adaptor to fit on the [https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100](https://www.bombaxminer.com/EZ100)
I use Fruit design for Kaspa, BTC and Doge.
Thank you | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-09-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eVRzZElZbGUxNVVVR0E4cno1WXpmQmYtYjd0a01pTXp3R0tVcGp4VEpsZlkzdVNjeS1TcGpwUUZPUVJ6eFpCaHg5TXg1U0tMdlJsdl9xenRUSnZET2N2NXlCSHJNZ0Z6ZWNQaTljMmNKUHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaHZRNzB4MkJWd3FET2lMNHVwM0VvbUVVMjg5QXlKNmFkRTRrMWQyNWJralNoSkx4blJWVUQ4a2FqTFBjbkpkOGpTc3ozYjBuYmZMbm4wdlh3QW9Yal9ZVUJfNlBjOGdCb2pHZEdKcG50QmdkQkhWa3J4YmhybzN2dW4yY0lQMnBkaWtJcmxKdGVXTlNHTTdPRDlBX284dEdBR081b1NDc05qaWctTXRvcmhOc3FYaDJJS1lJQkdncENIQWxadU5mS21UbEJDaHhqOG1Wb00zQ0c2YTJ4UT09 |
I looking to start a simple website and mess around with some ideas and looked at the traditional route and then wondered if there was anything in the Web3 world that could do the same
Are there any:
-Services to provide of website creation like WordPress
-Hosting services
-Domain registration
Would the website then still be disxoverable via traditional routes (search engines)? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2UUtXQm8xZEpWUEJldHgteE1Vd1l2TE5Ca3FndWNsc0JrM0F1ZEw0SGhaY2llYVNzVmdXdzFrY2NaaHNUMUJZT3FYSUNBTlh4aFZrNm5CVURVRGlBOUhGQkZDeDJkZks5OG1tOEp1WXpvelk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcFNBcFVPbzZWY0JOZllKX0R6V3RsTjNhLWhfWXFOWl9BMEpMV3F2UlRMSldfMHJyeWhhS3hPbHQtTndjTk1WU3dzcnAtcHB4MFVLWEZQT2lmc3pOVGV1Szh5UGdhelpkekxpcVNldmZxcHpwcDNJNXJFaXFrdEpqdnhRRk5IWEdnUC1xN0hQTHhicDdGeE9idW4xVVcwZmpWMy1NeGMzSl9CTVlrMDdmblR4TUJCM2lHWWRlUndVNU1ZcWZ6STFG |
Hi, for example i wanted to get a web3 game developed for my business is it worth it to hire a game dev company or so individual team of devs? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2TVExNVpWYnlhZGlwbHl5YndsX052TjQ1NkVDYm1VWjZPWi1KS2RTcFhDOEF6aG92UVJPLVpldEk1R3dxbzFCMEJxRmVGZ0t5endacUNqSjkzeGhRS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdDI4QXlkR2VzR3p3dmtEVVNvMm1oS0R4YTRhZlR2SVVoWWlYaG5fRjZESEgxa2xwM2tLR0d4TU9Qb0RqeVBURkVpRkpwWENNam42dTRyM3dDamZLZm5VajBXUDhLcjBIZ0MxLTB0b1kyN3Itdy1leVNlNVpGOF9xTHduejB4eXRZUjJ2bTBPUnloSHhWZ0xTWFhQTjJ3MF9mMnZNSWU4d2lxY0VMeHZ4UXpVa3MtVEduXzRlTzZYXzh0eEtZUERN |
Is anyone tracking the WBTC drama? I only have a small exposure to it but trying to get a better understanding of what the main push back is with the recent changes of custody and the Justin Sun drama.
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RkxrYU1CVm96cGR1RW9ocXdjMU0weXJNLVRyYnhGTk14eGg2T1VWeFhmTGY1UGlhYjQ4Q0VtRjlNVld3bXNLSF8yblh5eFpWaS1QMkRlQ3RqV2M4dlVpVTZ4ajk3YkNiRjUyZGh4eXRYQTQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYlpPSTRvOXVNRE5vV2JXSTdSOEg5OXplaVVZTVREbDh3RUxoaVFUNTRRMFhZc2tvbVBabzZYN2F3QklqR0dOUTRpU0lWYXVHZjJjZURCVmxmR2VpMG1jVFpEbXhzMzBkaW5qMy1PQk9uRVUza0xwUGtPR3E5d1dGV3lmM1J4S1U2bUFxRS1tOFo3X0FhZ3BtNkxFNnJaQzRPZU5NTGd0QVVIci1lN1VGazZ4X3BQRGFZbkItaUxTd0RhY2g2ODNT |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2LVQyYThTVVRIYnVkYUZvN1h3UnRKM3JXaGFIZXhXZWZSdm9Rc2lHUnRmU3ptNXlnd0dFODJydGpZblFrZmg2U1UxUHJQRFN2Tm9uYWxKYWdGZjhua2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNlJNQkswS0dFRHRZdHNVZXJ4NE1LVExPS2p3VzE1QzhEZ3U1WmdpZDhrMkE1MjlCc0hsbkNfOHUza2VXSG02NjdsRkU2Ql8tbUU0OVQybjRfeHZWV1VmTmpORnFKa0Y2UW9fWnI2M0QzVWgwdVVnS0RjaDVPNWctalo1b0dTZUxaZ2I4Skc5VWs0VGZ0bUFQQWhPOUxLNDRNS1h3TUdEMDl0TjZUZ3haRlhtdXhNV0pmMUFaLU9uamVCb1VOU3ZvWnBQSUFBOXduamMzcXFwY3Z2bW9GQT09 |
I want to believe in GameFi, but I have just been disappointed by lots of the stuff I saw in previous years. Is every GameFi project doomed to be a failure? Any examples of exceptions, that could make me change my outlook? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WDBHck5iX0wxb0hUVS00RHlmbFZFdlZGdHRNN1lfSzRvbjlIWm4wNzFsUDlYd0FkdmhRZmwtVDlheWEwSVdfYXZPcElfSlpqUWZWTDgzUlB6bkphdUgtRm9DcU5GYm1sNVN2Z2Nnc1AxeHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfcm1qeXBoUWFDTUF3NldZa0pLbnd2b1lGUndEeEdQN0tjYUxCT2VnTlkzelRXU3JhTW04Z0NLdEhwMF9OaGs0TndrRDZFUV9pNmNsbm9saDdNVmJMNkFMQVBJNGNYbHpibnA2cmRrTFFWNTFlQ2xUazJlc3drdG9Xd0VfX21XWVExc2NBMExsTXZQM3dDNG1PVVNEcDdoRXlLblhrVHBncFVtdFRMNFdwbEc5aUw5ZzE2SjZJQ1B0QmQ5bGkxVnZF |
What are the pros and cons?
Will it save the resources needed to run AI models? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2WGx2cEVMQ1pXbXoyeGZSYzh4dmRqS0ZwUHlEZlJielpHenZpMDdfUEcwUHNoY1JjbzEtdXhNcW15UVZNd213c1lmNmh4ODRNMGxWTHA0Q18tZ08yN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNGpqVGtwMVZlY3lydS1qS1ZueDVORzJNZG43a1MtekZBWkVTX3A4dElBNE1pZFM1MnBYbFJkVUdfTFVyLTNSRHROLUY4a2xUekF6THh6Zks5N1R1dEZkbUp1UXBrMnJRYVppRktrUGhDUWk1ZHk4dXJ0YmVrblRCdmVzSkZmbmJocWkxeXN1dURWOW1PWEx3Z05ycnlkaWU0ZFJyNmlRTUFmMzg4ZnU3ekpRPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow direct linking to NFT marketplaces. Please submit your NFTs as pics/GIFs/videos and add the link in the comment.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VFVQcHJjaUVWc1FUS09hVWRfaDhobTlDbi1HVzFkNzlRQk81U1BpbTJnNU16WjZUZXQ1OWVwTjIxRkxQcmR5Y01yWXpFbXJPQTlUcnJUb3ZCeUVXRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcmhiTmtraFprNDBUSG9iclJWZUhXbE9KV3hKQWwtNElleUp5dzVKTjM0SmN2dkZZdUtCT2VWckZNcV9KbDFuV2lId3dLM2RhNmtNdmxCdDJoSnBsX0daTkJjMURfZExWdnRVa0U2RHFONk0zNDljeUZaSFhGZnFWRnkyWmNvMXNVTktmRFdpQ0YtTTNqZzhFWXdsc2loYWdCaVNiMGFIdUhQYW0xZDBEMXI2MVhhdXpITnJpZGdLOTVKTlFpcFEz |
Good day everyone, so I run a very small tech community and one of our devs keeps posting airdrops link (specifically his link) on the community announcement channel even tho i told him "it's not what our members are interested in and it doesn't partian to tech" still he fights back saying it essentially and part of web3.
Now I don't know much about web3 or blockchain but I don't think airdrops can give you a good understanding of how web3 or blockchain works, so any advice would be helpful
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2bTVmV1VpRUdZaGRzZTVWQnNSeGlUcm5jNzFja3N2NnoxQm5XZnVEWDQ2UTlQS0tlWHlXSFdhdlhmbVV6aGRjdktJLTh4aGo0Z2s5b25EZ0FPSTBkckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQ3o2UHM4b2NFMmo2T2dlXzM3VGN6RUxTVmh6SWxrb3ZwNTRwNW1kTm9jNkQ5VXAtYl85NTdzTF9SdzhqVlRtRXRoRm54OWd1ejQybjdYWUN0YmdXQ3U2UWNJN2JqelBzUjVWUHczcVQzWXdYZ0l0cHBGWUwyaGhrQVFBRGlJNVB2Umtfbm9CdmpfSHFZRVhIa043UmJ4akpRYjlKRGRDYzFsMHFUc2VNZHMwPQ== |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2THhzUHh0WXJUbm50VkRuVzdnTlVrbmJZaEpVLUptUzVObm1SWURoVFZqNGsxQzZZYU16ZFdubzZMLXBEeDgwZ1hhREpnd25kVWNVcFpjVkxVdWgxRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfekp1MWl1aWlfcTl0NUg2NERoMmdpYklxdFVqUE83dVJfUWFJQ3dueDRGNk5sc1FTR3FRSUpQbWw5OUpINlNGX2VMbHZNSThnUTM0WEFBU0Z4aUJnNWVyVnpra20zRzdncW9hM2dLaXVrc3JtZXFMSDRpNnZ2Vk04Qng1ZGN5SktybUxnZF83UHhxVHBKMmhsVmVlZDRKT1M1ZkgxQkoxbEpOSU5XUUV3bFE5WEc0dU5XUHlrOHo4Mkc2VWVfUmVRMndYczQtOE8xanphV1VDSC1BcGFadz09 |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2elNyUmY5UGxYUHpQcTJNZG9sWld5Q2ItVXJXSnFnNUNLZzZvQTdOZ3dNN1BHUTdSRnJxeFd6QWFQN3R4MTRpVm12UU43eGxEMkt3aEY0Y3pZbzJvRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfT3lDWVpPbERKaUU3VjVpcm5MQ1pSZk1Rb3gyQ0VkRGx2bVpuWlBYcjV3dmg2cnUwMHEtZWNLSUlqWVJCbzFUdXlpeVRuNGY3cG9kTHFaV1BEM3BwTGtMSDlQbkVOcVk0SVA1bzZHcXlmbTZSeDZUV25WbGs0VzBPV2VlVnJteHROTFlROW44WDhfWExmdVF6aTRBcF8xTkZlY2xMVE5oUVM3R1Bfcnp2YmRQWXdCM0VtLVRqVWJlOE5lOEVTZVFrRE9rN1B3YklFNGVsOEFhTTl5cFhWZz09 |
Hey all! Sorry for newbie questions in advance, but I just found out about FIL, and what an amazing concept. Now, I've had very minimal crypto mining experience when Bitcoin or other ones were a new thing, also got a bit into pooling with friends. My question is, is it possible to do so with FIL?? Would I just use the Lotus software, or is there a pooling server I could use???
I was looking at the requirements needed for the computational aspects of it, and thankfully (and shamelessly) I've already spent much more than what an average person would on server hardware, so I have everything and get data storage quite cheap. My second question would be, if it is possible to start my own pool, would every single person need similar specs?? Like the 128GB or 256GB RAM?? Or is it possible to have my friends pool more storage space while saving the higher-end hardware for my node??? From what I've read on the breakdown of how it works it doesn't seem this is possible but maybe I'm misunderstanding?? \*hopefully\* | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2SGh6OG9lZGhocVRCU094MDh4X3Q1aEV1bjZ6eXlnU0loaXAzYzd3dWJNcWgwV3RSdnV6QTl0TlhWenduM0hpQTZDeE5kMXFIYmczdjdrVDhWcm5TbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYUdFVVZablk1OGZNUFBWM1BxWnFTMzdIcUtWUmVSM25WdDJ3Q0x4SC0zVXhnT2YxWmZFdHc1VTg5akZHOHRvQ2FNcUJpQVdrMTNFWFVnR1l4a3VZY3BZajcxR0pyM180SDZCS3d2eGxDUElmSnp2ZzBPODVYb2hjWE5WV3BWLVRfaUZlcmpReWhwTFU1VUtDdVdaT1F4VDRNS0JUV1FTTnh6VmE1U0pLSWtzPQ== |
I want to figure out the price of 1GiB of Storage on Filecoin.
So far, I understood that I can propose a storage deal, e.g. using Boost and SPs can pick up the deal.
But what is th current 24h average price for 1 sector? Is there some sort of explorer, allowing me to browse pase storage deals?
(I know the price is highly dependent on the SP I use and the properties he offers, e.g. geo location)
So far, I was only able to discover provides like web3.storage
But if I use a storage provider directly, will it be cheaper? Or is web3.storage simply one of many SPs which also proves a usable web UI? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N3ItMnhHTWh1SFhRYi02ajVMTDE4TGl1WUNibkktU3ZYaHdUbmk1S0dkeDdhVUM1bzljMUs0OXFCY3NOUF9meGpFbTN0SW5SVFFiSjV0RXdtdWFsSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfbXhsZFBsQVNPVVVfVjh5cVpoRTlXMDRFSG1WSzFCZk1ENmlUTjFVX2dlMXZNVXRudkVObkdNbnUwVjlTQlRjMEVEMlFRYlRzdXZzZXlzTXktVTVHVVA5RGg2anZrU25kXzl4QzJmTF9yTmN4RWpXOUU4SER5LV8xSTJuWnQwcEJEZTNGODVCV01oOUVubzJaVXdvcnQ0N1RVQW5zMFVGUVFjb3JjeFN1NmtJPQ== |
So, here’s my story—I’ve been deep in the Web3 and shitcoin trading world for a while now. One thing that constantly stands out is how scattered everything is. Traders are following callers everywhere: Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Reddit—you name it. It's a mess to stay on top of it all.
And even worse, you never really know if a call was a success or not. I found myself wishing there was a way to just gather all these calls in one place, track their performance, and make sense of the chaos.
That’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands. I built a platform that pulls together calls from all over, grabs the token price at the time of the call, and follows its price trajectory over time. It’s like having a scorecard for calls, all in one place.
Now, here's where I’m stuck: I’m a developer, not a marketer. I’ve set up a Twitter and even tried live streaming, but I feel like I’m not getting enough traction. How do I get the word out there? What can I do to promote this in a way that actually grabs people’s attention?
Any advice from fellow builders or marketers would be a huge help! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MHJOcnNMcEViQ0dOQTBHSmhvTEdIdndTaURoZlhtT1BEZ3BOSEc0RDNuUjVLMjFBTGhhUzJZNjF1dlJMc285Umo0Wlg3ZEJ4Q1FMbWpEUkhmcGpGVXd1Q0NTWTJ4djVjSExSU0UzaHM3aFE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfT1RKckwwVGUwT2NRa08tcngwdU1nVFZfN3RiYWdLSXM5aHEwakx4MEtSTW4wYTNnb0RoSEJTN0Q2SjRCNmw2OUprNmhaTDgxZnVWaVJWODN2YUdnV25zX2xwN3V1RkFmeUF6TlhsMm5YWU5xWmdjSVZ6eXcxckw0cWhCWExRLTdPUDZ5aF9QSXVKNm9JQmFjVTJTYi1lN29IWnpndFpFemcxM3BrVTZsdkRXNnRlSmNsSWYxcEVERTNYUW9sU3ZNVDdJejlhODRGMGNlVWhjbmRyQTdBQT09 |
I am super new to the Web3 gaming space & had a few questions I was curious about. Would love for some feedback, answers from those who have played/are playing these games.
- What do you enjoy most about these games versus Web2 games. If there is any significant difference apart from the earning bit.
- What do you feel about the tap-to-earn gaming bit? Do you feel it has promise?
- For those who have stopped playing these games - what made you pull out?
- Which is the biggest stereotype about Web3 games that you dislike or would want to bust?
I am just weighing my pros and cons before getting invested. Thanks for all the help. Really appreciate it. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2UU9IR0RFS1BnaXZlRlJDaldEZ1AzOTU5ODBTV1NxX1hRM2hMcGRJNFhPc1RWOTJBT2h3Y1FtMGpVRENzRHpyWXc5c2pucmJlbm0xNENrWEZtbWxRdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfOWNXNkNUWkhSbmp3OXlZakVSZWZpRTl0M19Bd0hkcHZXQjdtc1N2WGhMMW9Tc1BmXzNxWDNHSUwzbHBVTnE0alBHVHVaTXV6N2s1d29NTEd1YVNDXzNPLXZtX0JNLURTOUNtNG04aUNGMEhzRlA4S1VPZjBMcE1aYkZnV09JTHc2cEhXdVhqTUJtdi1NYVphdWFMWTFKc1lUNVJBcWZSa2dFbDVuV0pyTjhuM1NXQTltcTRjZDJSWmVfWTRIRkox |
Hey guys, I'd like to know about some thriving new blockchains on the market right know (especially in asian area)
If you know some of them or maybe even used somehow, please share some insights.
Thanks 🙏 | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VGhYbGtXd2lTTnVvZlA3SndQa1Bmb25tLXB1Sld5Y051ZkRSaV8tYmhmUDZVemhBVEhMMkt6ZDFrTXZKNzBPQjY2d2k0MzhlTjhjbVlvQm1qdTZmbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVmVmdHJ4M0tfcDRBQlJCYzZsdkJlTFJPbnpCY2s4RUJ3eXVwZ2dyTHlpVnprRGJray01MDdtc0JDU1o3OTN5UVJ3N0JTaWh0NHd3eXpwOFF3akM5M011UU5SR3VycnVZdzRXRWhWQXQ3bVNzVGJtQkl2ZFJfWTFvNjdsNWZDeGtoYVdjdEhtSWl5Mlg4M0VCZlh3TFdFV0pkVHlpQWhubWxmekdnOF9Hc2JBRXpRZFoxTmxhU2NiQ2lIMEN6blQ3 |
Hi friends, for any startups, founders, advisors, developers, I got 2 questions, please state your experiences too!:
1) There are many rollups layer 2 in development and coming out, if you are in my position of wanting to innovate, should we focus on building more infrastructures or on decentralized applications built on top of these newly launched layers 2?
2) With the rapid advancement of technology, how do you stick with what you want to build? I'm sure that you have multiple ideas going on in your mind, how do you execute and stay convicted to one without thinking the about the others? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-09-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2TWRCVFk4ZDliTXFKalpGYnhSZmpFNURpVVdUR1ZLcFRxeGlySGd4V1Jqc0hDbXphdWFUZzVGdFhqT1lKNE1xd3c1NmJaVzZ1cGpnNWNyY19OcTFCeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcmF6NjBPUDZjQ1hXT3FnRG9pSXFtV3BFN05QZHpPa1R3QnVrTks1MmlvbTNOLS02eDd4eHR1RDBkMzgxRUhnUUtabmhSXzFaZjUzV3VEbEQ3TjllOHlpSmpyakRrX1hpOEJqTXQ4M0J0QWtBa01SM2tlc2Q3Ql81OTRyZW4yWFlOMGtpeHVHVE84a0lxT1pnY3hkbnZSZ3dEMzdSYXhyQU9JLWpVOVlta0pvPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFT doesn't allow links or hashtags on the post title. Please submit a clean title and post without links or hashtags. You can add links in the comment.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2X0lfSl9BdTVfcVBYZVZYYldvRHZCWWhTSXhWQlBfREE1RHNXTUtCcHd1M2V5SHZNYjcxcTdtQUlQREJyTmhKQ0xzbkNVVGFFMVNzY0RtY2NIdTltd0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMjFsM1FvLXVnUHU5MGhiUGFSMWRwektKRVdTNnNNcjFBSDdHVE5KaUkwaldfdzRMWE81UExnVV8tSFhFY054M2RHQUI0cUJtXzk3YVRETVRrR2JGZnpEZ2ZSR3BrRzV6UTRHNDBCdGNQQm1pazhrN3lHSUlHWTd4NEZObTJMY1N1ZXVZTy1GdndsUDB3Mkw3RDBYZDBuRWI3Z3g0QThkdjRtdDFQOTBHYkZuWHh0YTFHbklCNWhPZjhmQjJZOGJX |
depends which chain I used opensea for this | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Rks1c05NazVYNU1FOVY5Q2tnVWZqN1NkQTZEQnFRT3RsRW1UQXBoTGRMSjV1RThNVXR0NmoxTGlDTlNHaUx3NHdjNnVIc2d6TDg1VUlTUExQSDBwOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMF80QzZpMVRDN0pfN0ZfaERENGFaQjVtdmlTTTNzOW9CeUdqVlZ3Y0NVOUhFaWp4N0NMaTRwVmo1bERUX21GMGNsS2s2czc5NmNac0l1dmF2TkM1dzd2Sm1rRi0xQ3lmZzNhNmVVRldmM0dpY0pVRXJRcTUwWTRlbThWWW5rLTkyVGJJTTVsbmM3dmtJQk50X1pGOWRDVk1TQlZRM3pNSHN5SmJJYmtWYWRjPQ== |
Hi. What happens to Filecoin? It was rebranded to Destor? This is not permissionless anymore? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-09-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2TndtdVZHMlRKTGRBOFdmcU84SFNjNnNfa0QzeUxfWTdIaGV4MTh0WFN5RXZhbERKOTdiWmJvLUwwREV0WmdIVUZxWGtYcFV0aVdlU205NlJJald5aHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfT2hzbThBMTRiSUZaRl9USm5FRmhNTFhVZkhRVjZFRi03eGI4X09zb0FYbkpRRjhKV2o2RXdVbVFqMlhRTElfa3pxbjFKb3lOdnkwZk8tbTNNcXpTUTdPQVFMUjA4Y1V3c0dRdzRDdHZTMmdpZzBaUGVEdmhoN1oyVUtOYXZHMmN2MEN4T2lDd0NYUGNwV19LeU8zRjVySkRPZG1raTZHWnB1enN0TlFkYmNZPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow direct linking to NFT marketplaces. Please submit your NFTs as pics/GIFs/videos and add the link in the comment.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eGxMQ3JYZU0zbG5WaWNKS0lSSEQ3TC1kTnlxbU0yS094ZnVXYW5jdDdET0d0NU1JeHpSaHhsWGkzWThNNHNvOE1TMi05YzFwMlFCMFl4eC1VZHppVmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZHFfT1djQTBzQXFHcF9zZno5TW93T0VWV2JOTHEza1NUUlMzSVo4bzZXbkIxS2ZjSjF5OXRrcDNCWkJwaXlCYzRZbUtrdmdQR3hONUtFT0NJWTVzdWhxRTZzMGMwRnF0Y0dxNVVaUm5vX1ZBRVNiTE1QUzJpbGxIYV9vU0Y1ZFBkUUltXzlwQ1NjN242aDIyTTZxeUk5RDg4SEhOTlBxNDNKWC0xWkNGY1pBUVRMUkd1eXdoS1pEQ2dKMGI3Smk0U2RXaktKSkk0UGdlZ0ljMHVjRm1oQT09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-09-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2amVNQ2E3aFMzcXVUaVlpa3RNQVJsdlB1RkJYREdlRjVEYjIxc1JrUlhGRXRwdld5R1pLRUtzTF93R0tCTjlISlB2eHJXbU1xU2ZDTWRsLUJPLVdtakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfU1VrQVFWeXppYmZNQm5JVEpYcGFWejB6NGlqd0NlM2RvVEZxb1FFZFJueXpGUnFrT1RSWWE0YmxqdU5MRkNvbGdHaEhlaFVZczIycXFpNmRHYTl0cGVLMHpwUzhoZmJYTklZeGRBTHhmQVZUMkNNS3ctbVFsMmlOSTBvOEZ5eUJXUEFXSXk0SWJhMmxNMWFVelI3UHNRPT0= |
Given how Tap-to-Earn games operate with numerous transactions occurring in a short time frame, surely this requires a blockchain able to support the necessary transaction speed. Now, could we explore a similar concept for a larger game, such as a fantasy RPG (adventure/PvP)? In this case, maybe instead of simple 'taps,' players could initiate several transactions by performing specific special attacks or moves against enemies.
What do you think is the scope for this? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2RC0tWUlDYW1CbUtiSGw3VlVXMnZtam9LMVRGWThJS0dTel8xTXlBSm03Sy1fNm5BU19rUk9Fc0dvcjBMOVJZNUZ6Z0xwMnRCQVY3ZVhnTmZVb0FuM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNkdoN0d5TEpRX2JSd19rOHE1emhKdGlOdTR6eFRyWGQyYm0xOFhZYlFOdElpQ2hiTkw4RXFxT2l5UjRsVWlnR1dqQ2pQQzl1RjN0VkV6LWZMaDRIZXJvWlhjYXpLYzN4MjcxNE9FU3N5Ync5NDUzb1ltRm9ITHh3QXo3UFpSVVZSLUYtSHpFd3c3NXMtZGtwZ2RibmdyU1FwcEpQekVrY1hhNWFBT3I2b2N4SWkxVG1PazBIODdSendWazhncEw5 |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2bUpaa0hDT1pwV2p4RkM2alR0aksza3hyMzlIajVJdGtBQ1VBVDR3LW9tbnRMcTFVMXNwcWZrTlIyYTAzN3BHNl9vMnFFVWxUS0NWUno2MkRBYVhmRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSjFUcDI5b1d0RWxTV3JqLU5oSHdjMXRReXdrWGY4RkszUzgwWTNwcGVCWHRjZGV6Y3ZSQklvRVJrZzRkODRGRUNtTElGUUp2a1I4QjVjUG1Sa2IzV1pOQU5qZ3I4cGJrMjZOd1lMYm9fdWFjZDhNT3Q3R0hUdm9BR0NqZU9wVEZDSHhubC1SSkNOTUdBRTJ4YjNLOFNyRm9rQVR5a3BsVzN4N0llbVpONnduM0sxWHJnbmNwSGdZR1hNMVFOclpNZTk2Y3lFTll0RHZnelpzcXJXVDNSZz09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2STE0cWxHVGsybmJWbmhOazdZVWpzSG5kM1pQeXZfeDItMFFhcG1vdmVINWZKUFRoVXFnUlVQSXVDT2luNUZ0OEg5MkpmT0dQd3g0V2NKdHZQN0EydEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfUW5tRlpRbTV5QTZQaHR3SWVTdFdkbXpSNUFkVlB5dy0tNldvMk40d21CY0N3NWRVanp0SHRqWjNhYVpaWV9hZVMwV093a29Tbkk0cmZVRWN1YXVYdWJXQTNranVkMDBtVEZMaWZCdmtqSFZtVGV2SVRnUWhEbG9Cbzg0Wk1QWFhNMUUzNEt5VUhGbWppQlBRMXl2cEJ1Nnp1d0Z5NGlXcVdSM1pKdlpwOVNZR0E4SzlRRGpTOGFwQUxaN1NTNUMzMHUtZU9JNXBzTEk5ck0xdWRsVTI5dz09 |
I am working on a dapp intended for real estate dealerships, I want users to pay using fiat currencies ie USD, I want user to make payment offchain. How can I verify such transactions on chain? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2T0E0OUFKVHg4TWV0ME9ZT1Uydm5PT2VydmpsSlVQWVJvX2NMSjQxVHRsRUMyek13T0ZMRzFQbzVZaEJTUHhFTkZkdGd0R2dTYUZZODlNVHdTcWswYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaWxGUGZRc2pfN296VzBhWjlneURTVERGTnNzcG9vZlRuYmxWSGRSTHhQTWRDNWFZQlU0aDM1SUVkdEJieWlYa0tHWlU5Z3dGdEwyWHh0Sm1BMFZIcmhMYXRrVlJwc21BMkJtMFdGWjY2Vl84anlremtJWFJaemk4dWFMSGFpY3I2a2dhbmkybm5tQ2hIVkFJbW1BdjhISGNZdWJQeFlIdUYzVEcyM0t5UnFDQ2pDa3FoRmZmc1pFd00wdjM2SHND |
What are you building or looking to take a position in? Let us know in the comments! | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-10-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2U3d3cEdhYlZqTkhqMzhjWXhQdXpfM0hob3lPMjR1SGk3Z1plNC1CTEROdnI2cmlCNWhVOHNLaHRaZ3E2TFVuek1CV05nbkw3TEh4TVJ0S1ZKSUJ1X3QyeTRVMndxZUNadHB5XzAwc3ZCY2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSnF3Y1JxVUxzWGNUelhKZG8xQ0YxV0dmR3VSVXp1RGVDOVQ0bUFFQlpOVVJKMmlva0dSdXo2Z0tUYTFWNXdBdE5UM09fbVR1TEdmTldSMk1LQzljVHJmRENVYjdFYTd5WVdvZFVrNjF2YUtJZDkwcEw5QWFaNFF3eFVBdjRMT2l1SkNZZmwxYm1MaHRLaFh1NXVMN2s1ODlLclhxT3QtQzV2R3VGQktJemFaRm5FeFJzVW92eVhuZ2doeG1GVWEy |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2dXZKclRlRzBwR1hxa3Z2TlpodHZnVGNfbkZma2FyQ0V6NlRDbGhEdmVIWnFYSXdsMkVuTE9Cell0dHdhVHdVNHpMRW9OZkRQbzFjRzVua3ZtU1RVenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWnFlYTFOZWl2LXlNMS1EbU9WdUJQTmF0Ym9lZ0RLU2FVczgyTnhTT3dDRFFPMGdBSU1UVmIxaGhSZXRiN0RoWmFqRDM0QnVpWVRUX3BIXzFKNk5RZnBoNmI5T1JGZ0tuRHlEODY1QlJMdTVscFVrMmFzYXBpTnRtSjRlSVFLNi1uSTB6aURuTGt6aXJENFdPSnc5V3VIbGRYNnktbW1ZeExBSU1IallhdHc1TlNwRHdFbzJjVE91WnE4Y0VuTlZxb0FTdFRLNTZ2dHdfTzdWeWNrSTdXZz09 |
GM! This week we're launching Neulock Web3 Password Manager on Ethereum L1 and Arbitrum One, Base, and Optimism L2.
We've decided to start with Ethereum and its largest L2s due to security considerations. But the user should be free to choose whatever blockchain they prefer, so we want to be present wherever the user wants us. Moreover, the only security risk of using a poor chain is to the availability: since Neulock syncs passwords without ever exporting any secrets (not even under encryption) and the frontend verifies all data, there's no risk to password confidentiality and integrity. So, while we're confident that passwords synced with Neulock will remain confidential in any chain, it's up to the user to evaluate their favorite chain's availability guarantees.
After we are done launching on Ethereum and the big L2s, we'll be looking for more niche-oriented chains that are heavy on utility dapps and privacy-minded users. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance!
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2YWZwdjRlNUtXdVZUbHBvOGNlaTFKcDJIcWpKV3d0Sk5rYU1jd2RCam5PY1NuNERvMlNhLTVCMGg0TG4tbmhCRDROcG5yWVNVbGplUWFiX3hpazN4LXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRTlFRkhMN04xczIzVUlyZzVZc3RKem9ueTg5amcxUDg1b3dsMTBQQ0FSeWg2ZzA2UFRnMXFmaHZNYllhOWk5djBVN0dFUWRtal9qbkZuY0IxUVZrQWh1Y1FvREZjS3BGSEVJY3JfREtZZzJGOTRFbUt3OHhpUkFHRDR3WTFnVGpNWmM3dEF3MFM5MkZ0S1RvNWtiV0VBVTMwTldoUDFkN1p2R09QY0hXQzRrPQ== |
Hey Web3 folks,
So I've been tinkering with some growth hacking stuff for Web3 lately, and I thought I'd share some interesting things I've found. Figured it might help some of you out there trying to grow your projects or land clients.
Here's some of the cool stuff I discovered:
1. There's actually a way to spot companies about to launch tokens. Talk about good timing, right?
2. You can use AI to scan websites and figure out who might need Web3 services. Feels a bit like cheating, but in a good way.
3. Turns out, recently funded startups are goldmines if you're offering services. Makes sense when you think about it.
4. If you've got one solid client, there's a neat trick to find more just like them. It's pretty slick.
5. And get this - cold emails can actually work if you do them right. I know, I was shocked too.
I made a video diving into all this stuff because it got a bit too detailed for a Reddit post. If you're curious, [https://youtu.be/pA0mIchfup8](https://youtu.be/pA0mIchfup8)
I used a smart contract auditing company "Quill Audits" as an example, but it should work for most B2B stuff in Web3.
Anyway, what do you all think? Anyone tried something similar? Got any cool tricks of your own for landing Web3 clients or users? Would love to hear what's working for you.
Oh, and if this is helpful, I might dig into more specific Web3 niches later. Let me know if you'd be interested in that.
[Web3 GTM Breakdown Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/pA0mIchfup8)
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2eDhqZW0yZEZMY0N1Z2pwUzFoS3dwUmptUDdGeDIxTVBBNlZtLUR2TklxREVndlQ4RnFrOG5qUEZCdElpdFlUZ2x3bmdYa05TUlI4dzRUUFBUN2R1QnU4cnNQc09Ja083aW1Id2ZFWjU0ZGc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeEVTU2lqcHN1MGhIZ0dZb1FSODVPVVRaWWd3RlJNTkFVYnl0TDd5WVVnd2dlZ041TjN2alByb3FjUnJqVUstX2QtMENlcndhNzNaektVb2tCNWNOb29QcUN1SGVWQ2hONEtIeGhvbDNlLWRfTWdxNnZWTWlkbDlIeTFycnYtOGpaOUtMd1I1dURKOEVsMllJZHdYSDNONmVjWm9HX043WHFPd3gxX2RyOWsxNjZaMVl3VTRSSlVnenVWa3hUSTFBdU5ORzhyS2FSZ3dSNWxLR2EyOURIQT09 |
r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2cHFCZF9tc0FaYldMNXBTTmpEaF9JeU5FR1pjdWtxWnQ5LUszNnBpY0JVelVhMjdpQU1MZW1oSDJQb1NocHc1Uk45Y29hQlN3WTNKNWFFdEFCdU91U3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfV2ZhQVh3WjRjOVRGNG9HU1R0aWxvZFctaGtlVkpDNGljOUtHRDVHWG1RZVlsTlBiRGltVlRCdmk2WGprSXRxNjBlaUZsOWs2WUZzd3hxSDd0ZkstNWhUdnhibU1vN3VQSzNCQVFlNjdiLVN3RjYzVHZNOGswWnJhX3EtV3d1bzZyS0doa2h4aVVkdVlidEVnd0wtYUZJMmQ4NTJLdXNiSXFkX0h5Y0RaXzg0PQ== |
I am in Arizona. I want to buy some TAO and stake it for the long term. Which exchange will let me buy it and withdraw it so I can stake it in a Bittensor wallet with the least hassle? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2Z29VZjRYSG1GQU5uVkJKNm9LVDlqdHZ1NVI4ZlBqbHFyRExlSmRxQW4tcjNIeVNGMzBuUEZqWDhDbm8xaXNFOXhSZHFtbjRmaklFTkhDaHdGcWhTTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfamdBclhwTWNZTlhqdFhrZk82YTUzbU1sYWRnaldrOGROenBZX1Z4dmNFdWlyazNneWlJeDBDRUt2OVdmQTJDY3JJdDFzb3FpMktJN0dfYmU4X0VkNXk5aGpyWWRXb0tzWHF3aVpvS2FRWUQ1ZlVucDVCQnBDbVZZR1Q5QUhNaXNyMFVhcXFERVZCQWR5RzBGV1p6RTlFRldXeGlvSnBXWWFaeUZ6V094aFNqMGQ0cFFwTjNRYkV5WFRDX1pUNi12N0lsTC1CMnNaSW14bXBuTnpUc2VSUT09 |
https://linktr.ee/FILLiquid | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2aDJ6ajlQWHRCYmd6enlzVW1ZenJVXzlmXzFzcFNNVU9PYnhxdTZpMkdkYjlkbVNnRHZuYXRhV0ItVGYwb3hCRGhtWHVmLXVicWZVWkI1cWo4cTVJVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeEl6MkhjQzJaNVhBc2tILWpScWt5ekJMQ2E4TS02ZVRDT2NKNU4wc2RqT1d6MXdQUnJ6Q004bzdqcnJ0RE1RejBoSWhsaE9zZXRoY0JJeHRHNGZnN0tTWk9RMkRWQjJPcEpGWEQyZzA5ZElxU1RnMGZyczQ1VkJrM3BrczAwbW9USnVGSlQ4QThFSVhieU1IbE1nVUxXRWpUR1VWT3ZQb1ZfSUhMd2I0Ql9rPQ== |
Title pretty much says it all. I have some questions about mining TAO with Foundry specifically Subnet-28. See here for more info: https://bittensor.foundrydigital.com/history?startDate=2024-10-10T04%3A00%3A00.000Z&endDate=2024-10-11T03%3A59%3A59.999Z&minuteOffset=5
Willing to pay $100 to get some questions answered.
Thanks! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N0JHUUVwSWlWN1dBZmdmZWdKZEtWREZHODZDTEtjXzMxMW5GcldlODRLYXVxMHMyTk93U09CV1FKMlR3SFRpWHNhNndQT3ZCeTZHYkZobmc3LW1iYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMDB5Z0JxWVNVdG1Wb0ZDT0t4SUhEWm0tS3VjU2RTMEVvcWxxRDNBT2NhRkI1V2JBZHpFY0dNZE01ay1lQW9nSkxaSGNvMHRTOFdnOVFDc08wZzJ6MThOYVpjN0FhUjl6Y3VxaWZOeUNMQnZjZGJ1c29aU2d4QW1Ra2ZIOGh2dktqN3FnTlFscmhjOHdJQ245QjFXVkFYWmMxbGoxdzNfX29BZUdzclp0dm1aRnJ6UTRYQzExajRfWUctOGU4czllM3hUYVVpQkEyX3pXV3VRejJwVGVzZz09 |
I used talisman wallet storing my TAO, send my TAO through [TAObridge.xyz](http://TAObridge.xyz), back to eth mainnet, but my wallet hasn't receive the wTAO, it's been 2months. Is there anything more I should do? Talisman obviously can't maintain the business and they don't even show me the transaction history.
Please help!
[after this it](https://preview.redd.it/ju9ivkkqo6ud1.png?width=1434&format=png&auto=webp&s=af3164bab80e58602b65e0e1b8b643fcc10ef80d)
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2VU5tTnU0OVIweU1WX3FXZ1duLURkRkZyOGlDOFpXLVhJM1hNbV91aEl0eUIyUEJCT1o0MGN2N0pyZFdmTnRLdGQyUFVGN1dQZnlKMWl2UHdUOVVtZTZZS3FkZ0JkZXpPaG8wR3RLSDVJb0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYUZKQkJ1S01Na21BeVZtM3lNNVVzZ3phYWljbGdtOFV2TVdubUc2SGV0cXdRR2l4Ync2TmtabkpsZUw5QV9TTVhUaHVleXVvWjlUc0o4VWo0Q1ExUW50YlNENHBsWDdLNFlWVUxpZUw3TmVNNE9fd25yX1p2VXZfNUFFaXlDQzBDcl9Vc1E4dV93Z0c5NDQ1UmhON182cDJKUFEwSXlRWmJlU2ZkbmVZem5GWVlFT3NHNzNScTVPdVJiQ1JTdmxw |
Hey guys; I'm just a random Software Engineer looking to build my portfolio a bit for assisting with obtaining freelance clients, due to ongoing contracts I'm currently unable to produce a product for many of the mainstream blockchains, but I can comfortably publish open-source work for some lesser-known chains without much issue. Just curious if anyone has a chain that they're following that they'd like to see a decent web/mobile wallet implementation created. **Only request is that they have a test-network available.** | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2N3M2dDgyd0NidVNZSzd0SmFjNnBSWE5rcVktRWxGUUotV2NGdHRIbDgtZ25JUlJfY0VzalU1MENSOHllelJoS0JnTk5fRlVmMUlTbWxwQW1VQVhRT0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWXlDMGRuNHFQZ0IzQ24xbkxqUFpTc2VJTEd1a2VhOGdNTmJMZlQwZ0RTVDdfRThsYUlPQ0lXQ1hwa2R4cHZicUE0VXlya1lZMTcyZ0J5NmNvTU9ULWY3R2hCTUNWbE9zSHdpVXNVTDlodkdOYXhMeG42VVJ3b1ROT0E5Z0VDdUtIMGUwRldlNlVMQWFGYWRnSjczVzlwM3NkQWVTb1c5eWRSZnpGOHpYcmNfLTVmNlU5VGpRblZ6R3pmY01QNWtz |
I purchased some TAO through MEXC a couple months ago and earlier today i did a test with a small amount from my Bittensor wallet back to MEXC but it's stuck at 18 out of 30 for the transfer. Is that a normal occurrence? I'm trying to figure it out in case I want to sell a larger amount at some point. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2TFlDM09UWkVjNnhDalRoOWxodTNmcHNQQlNRcnBMTGQ3V3RlaVhIbjFFRUFFUmJjR3lfR0hoSFlteGVLSFZCcDctcFRzQ00tckx0a1pjZ1ZzdjFLQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfYU8tTno5RDNzRktKQWFnT09DYmNUUC15dHpFaGI4bWJBMWI5WUlwTlVQSVJvTElJRW9TbU9LaWVoOEtSNmFNa1k2ZXZKY196WFF3LVpPUE1xTXl0cG9CLWRSenRvRnFyQXNqRWFaNnRTZUh6R1VLMG11TklMV1dGQlF4U2tETWs4VlhBOXIzd1VRbDR2NDVpRFZHcDlkZy1ldUFBcjdNajRreURLanlEQjRZPQ== |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N2MDY4LVotZjlES3dROEpCemdxaE82cmU2MFlnckwxWm96MFQzcGZqaGNKVzMycklNLUtwekFmYnpDZFdiVkhmbjktMzNuaDdLbjhvcTVyRVo5SGVtemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfbDVMNHlFSGo5cXpZWEJDaFl5WVU1clI5MVNqVE9fWlJnSzVZMVBvcm1pQ1pRMTE1V1ZmZGowN0xmeUlEWmItS3J1MDdIYVJGZjBQS3FUUTZ0UTd4TjRucGF5Wm5vNzAwNnFOTnM1MGF6LTRnbGNWVkpmbGkwOUlRbDVlNXRqWElzM1N4N2NJRU53ODZ4Skd0d2VCN040VDg4eTNWXzZJcmotSXk4ZnIyMEFIb25xMWEzSUUwby1SSWVrZWo2TUdrVlFDZ1ZYUDBGVWRsakExbkk0MTZMZz09 |
https://x.com/UneMandale/status/1845337835404132830?t=90riqVEmyV0E7rah3FHXLg&s=19 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UHVQWFA1WHBTUG9RNXJwMWZaMFY3SkZnY25KOHJiZWNPTGxQdHpFdVRMVDQxeDhrenZwUGZKQ1RHSGdFaGpoVlMxS2VvTm1ISS14aHV6MlhEU1c5Z2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfb1JOVG1wdElQWUVtNDhMeWFvV19BckU5NDZMRWRYbDhqd0J6eXBOZURrWjV2eGstbVl1UGx3VFR5YlY1VDNaX3VheUhWTDhmems1QUZ5SWRpcnFMb0hGZEV0MWpoNWw2RzZXWFFCM0h3Z3NVMDJ3OHZOY2RDTHZRS084eGlYY2Q3ck5ndzAzUEZRUzFsc3pTams5bnBsTGU2VTRvS2RIdHRWZ1VpaTNwQWxsM094MlFjUHJXZjBMNnBhc1JiMy0z |
https://x.com/UneMandale/status/1843970865698160770?t=85p4uVIWeWDJbBQCRJ9ZnQ&s=19 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3WVNwUjBRTVJUVklGR0lsUVFQT0JkZW1GRVBSRUtoLVdOM3hTdXB5Nm11STI4U0x2S1cwY2dpaHFicTBLY2tZRzdHQVRxSDdveHBzbUlBTmQ2SXRfdGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNHAwWVFRMHVyMHNoajB4aEk0TkJtR0xRdEdHeno4UnY3d3lvYkdPckdaU014dVdqV3ZhaW5HREU5QmNfbDN3NW1aUDY3eXVyVE1BbFMtTkdHVEpINXpvZTZCaDdwT0hKR21NY1JZQk5QYkI0cnpRVDEtVTl0T1I4SDZDWnZ4dkF0QjJnaUVxU0s4dzEtSk9XbHlpUjI0ODRGQmNDNm94WENaZGN1S2hjamc1b0k2Qmt0bnJwVlR1czg1dWQzTzRw |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3T2xRY2J0WjN0d0FNU2NDcGFGd2JJRnMxTzEzSWhYVzE5c3JMUkZzNjdFS1JDeV8zQTgxcGxHZzBjdmhiM2VnVEhadl9CQVRXLWJUNUxQNlRPWjFSb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTERlNEFIZnBvclVicEZqVkt5N3JPZWVqUTBaSzltd2ltUEl0bHRYNDk4Wk51QmtWTHhiSmwwNFBvWFBsd3dBRWZpQnI4VGFwcXlOYW1sQk9GX1NzMkpxMl9rWldERlNEV3Y5alYyMXpyVkY3b2JXR0R4ZGtkTlE0aXdWenh6UDRZalNtQV9zbWxwSVNpU3lISFE3d0tlV0t6OE5Za3M5T1Y2bXhZZEF1RkYxUFphakZReXJIdnZHRjR6WE1RMmpQ |
Hi, we run a start up active in the beverage sector(s).
Our mission is "towards a decentralised beverage sector..."
With very limited knowledge of Web 3 i do recognise that for various reasons there could be many benefits to stepping into the Web 3 space forr us but i don't really know where to start.
Is adding a web 3 payment option a sensible starting point?
At what stage should we consider some sort of tokenisation project and is would this potentially be viable as part of a "crowdfunding" exercise?
Is there anyone we should be speaking to at this early stage?
We only operate in local markets but across but our tech, once proven can be applied and (relatively easily) scaled across other country markets.
Any help of advice much welcome
| r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3X1FZMUlFMG80YmZQNWc4NVFYb2x4bVN5dXc2RjhPdlhlaXNXby1weGhfbDlta3hOV2RwMXAxYkhQWVZIV3Nkc0lmN3NMd1dRaVEybDV3QzAxT0ZEWTVxOEtsa19oeWNfYjlqeHNIbFpzbXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfczRDVjRVZ2d2ZUFOR3RGQXU1VmF2a3NVN1E1RXZwSFhBZFZVczUzR2ZtcmtmNWp5b0c3dkhJLUZZOTZHNEFxaWUtRDNib1ZVRkVfTzQ0UkdIbi1fMmxBQ1JTMEtVMm56aTY0TkIzSEhid0FDVVF1RDcxenhjUk5PX3BGVDdmSi1QQTU4aWs0aTg3dkpZSEgtNmFxWDZlTkE5NUxwZy1CNVRQbi1YdDU1S1U1WFBJUTZyNnc0ZTFvQ0NkZ2NxNXl5 |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QXJyX1lvU0ZOX2wzSFJ6UWMtZVhpYk81Nm9fMS1TSTVXcGlTUlJ5V1ZCTVlNWFVRU0hLZk9mNVlHRTNnTGF1UXZjamtHQzhQa201bWxWUVhVVGRObVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfV0RYTHBXdXRtbXhPRm5tM1hpMUs5OG11d3c2VW1PQnlpNGg2bWdzdEdnZWNqaWVLUk5TUW5rUjB6LTFaM0hFVmpPR0lnU3BoanFJYnd2TTdUeVVFNjJkaTZBTnZ1QnZpNk1LM3hQNm53QmNQWjEwdEo0Z0hUVlJIdWVzVEZYZlpTVFVYUzk0Uld4Tzl0X0F1NElVbWdybjN6UU9ZazFJQTVBaEwyNGE1SGxoQWdRRFZiYnhPazBjTTFjcHdiX0xC |
[https://x.com/ch\_egan/status/1845827366163271907](https://x.com/ch_egan/status/1845827366163271907) | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Ykp1clZ5Unk4S1RFTlA2blEza2l3T0htc0VVNHZObXZQY0N5SkJBSjlBcGtzRGwwMEEwdDJyM1BSbmc2VkRrUFJtbDdENmhGN3RzQmItM1ZUamdaanNrWTFwU05xbkNyUk9fN1VFLVptWUU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZlBSeWN3aDBiSFU1aWpXQUNvMGRGNWQ1YWV0dFVsb3lHazZXbTR4Tk0yQlJmWTl1TE5XbkNwbVJ4RC1zenJlU3huTzdLM29vV2pTRUJtVnNSb2VpT1ZNdEllSHJYRmRQTUZhRTgtZ0M1RmkyaEpvX1V0dXZvM2otR19DbjB3VTlzM2VrMXdTU2xYMVh4M2VoTXo3QlZ3PT0= |
I understand the basics of operating a subnet, miner and validator. What I don't understand clearly is, if I register a subnet and provide a repo with the protocol, miner and validator code. What prevents someone with a large stake modifying the validator code and miner code and just give maximum rewards to himself?
I'm thinking more in bootstrapping phase of the subnet. Does that mean as a subnet creator to prevent this I have to try to maintain majority stake , in the beginning at least? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3YlJ6UGxaNmFoMjBmdkZSQW9DelFTVHlxdTVKcjJCVmRvUk53eHExMWE5VlB3YlpBbFQ5QXVObzZqLWZOa21yYmxTOUk3UUx1ZkZxMkx5VEdWYWVZWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfa3NZOTBaSTgzRy1UcDdyWnJCdkV0YmtfRFNoS0thTjJ6VW9iYVVQbUFZcFRydUZNZ1ZGZXpkRUFjOFA1Wk8waVpDcFpzbk1KNWZKZUdHQVhGOFZ1RE1hV0JzV0pLWTJaTTlTejI1eXJpX0s1QWdpWnRPUWY0ZnAwMTNDRzBBVVhpaHp5TnpJNWpiZERqNDVFT3hvQ0liZ3RNMzVWVUpObmxOeTZhMGU0S3cxTHBXSGpsVVBxLTF2M3VCR05ESTlO |
I'm building a list of capital groups that fund people that build things they love.
Curious if there are some innovative new things to check out in the crypto world.
Are there crypto credit cards? Crypto loans? Crypto angel investors?
Curious what capital sources exist.
Names and links would be much appreciated! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3VXRxTTVMUzNoYUJxWXRtbWdMWURKWDY5VHNZOC0yTFVHYlExaHAzaGk0Sk1SLV9kMk44QlNOYUg2NjE1dWhOcktNZ0xCWERhMVJlX1FVM0x2YUo4R2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSHJCZzB0QWxhZHV3RENUa1A5QXVISHBiSEVvX3BhU1NMTzhwelcxbi1hM25vQ1h1QnZ2dVczLTdEbUJZYjRnQmhPNDNzUkpLRkE0aHptcDFIV1FoNm42RFpkY0ZXY2JJZkhmM2RvdU0tWW4yQ2lvOC1EaTVhWTVyQXFKLXFUeE1TTUFYT0xLTmtNd3pZQWEzTzhhVXpvM25zT2doTlVrZnFUbmJ6djQ0bHF6REx3LW5QS1RBUlNnNDhlSDNwdExT |
Drop your comments would like to understand the whole concept of web3 as far as i know it is more hyped and more like a scam(because i got scammed a lot of times). I want to enter web3 and grab some opportunities and how to do that idk. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QmRmU0lTcENzU0p0aFFxTl9mZDdtanhjVlAzYWI3MkstbU1MNEFUUEtxemo3alZiOC01OHNRMWZKaWdvb3JLUFYtX2QwaDVLZ252VDRHVFA2NGkwSktvSzlLR25yenlvVzJUQnZwdEh5dms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfU25aU3NCUU1FajZhcjNXaEd5QVFIM25BSGRPa2NPdFQya3JaeURVak1hRGR4cVN3MU1FdWJUUmxLZjVzb09ybThxaU82TDREa2tUcmZXcGhqNHJWRlJ6TnVPeTVlMGxFRlh5NndGcVBVTVBpMEV3Ykt3enJEbWVUWms5MnptXzdIYXhaY1NpekMwWEhtcG90aFBoZ3g3ZktMd0lEMkRZd0hGc2JoUnUyTGhQc212OEt2NEZoZjA3MzExNjZ2Zk5m |
I want to know the community’s opinion about TOA recent move up is it justified?
It seems to be maintaining it and consolidating. Obviously everything moves with BTC, is this a fake out or the ultimate rally is coming.
Please feel free to drop your opinion about it . | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MlNtN1M4LXRmTnRJTHBjX1g3QjBDeUZVbFNyU0pHZkVva3BFNkNVQ3V4SXcyYVljcEtTN2lhVW1CdHFiMnpBTzVfcVVCRVh2UHFUYTROS3FIWmZUYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfLUFxLUh4c1BFbldQRnZISS1RRHdZWW1OMFdreVlwV2I1cE5CQ3YwSnNCckRXZVdUdEllN0xoSGlsLUZaU3Bzam9EZFN3bUZsbjc3T19ZbGVyUDRmM0Q0OFVuSFV3dEtkSlFwdURyT1p1eDhLYmdJU0VzcjhiRmlUVjh2THZhWEhyT2pCX3MxUGZxSWdEa3lqLVNoazh2X3A1X3dWc1N0OHpzeGxlV1o4Skc1YnJYMXA4NXkxQW51VGtmVHFrR1l6YVVranhwcEQ3MGxHWVVub2NsT3dtQT09 |
“I'm developing a #bittensor $TAO Mining Course!
It will be a full, end-to-end walkthrough on how to get a miner running from scratch.
From picking a subnet, to setting up a cloud machine, to actually receiving $TAO”
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dmhLOHY1dUhMS2JWN0M5azVHdzJfdmRqU095UUVkeDk3b0wzQ2ZGSkVtQU91a01RUmR0OE9OZEJ6OWdZMTlkQ01IS0ZIaFpEQzNwY0RkU2VLR01sbEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeWRWMExRam9tTWZraDFJTGZBQmlPLXdKMkk2c29nU1pyWndpeksxSkhIS01RQVB4SUcxaW1jWDVxSkhDZXhoVzJ0ek9XTFRRcVZnaDZvM0VieDZGNy1IY3E3TzlfYnFYZG0wUFd4alBZWHdrZTdqWkFEdHlsSjNQbWZCQzJJVlNUb3c2dGZYd0JMU2lGcVY4ZHRXRXJJMTdoeGtCVEs2ZHhyVUllbzU1RGVNOW9pTkQ3QXNkSkZWQWROcFIweW1pRG5hRDcwYk0tWV92VEY0alpMa21tUT09 |
I‘ve been using the Polkadot Extension Wallet for more than a year and never had any Problems. But currently the Extension Wallet does not connect to Taostats. Before I could always see my holdings and could have unstaken my Taos, but now I can‘t see anything anymore. The Account with my adress still exists, I checked and I still get my rewards…I staked by Neural Internet but I can’t longer find the Validator either. Can someone please help me. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3LVQtek5QVGwxT1djOU9RSU5WTXpwdEpTaGZLd1YzN09HQzgzSi1BU1l5d0lpaXhqTmNSOVUzdkYwMXlFOGp5elNETzVCaDlsRWZSMHQ3MzNRN0ZlWVpWcDc1VEEzaElGQ2RuR0t2VnVvWVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfd3JEc1BzcUEwcE16MU9GUmRrUk1sWDlwLW5zeUsxSkFlMld2QjVrcUNoVGxPOGpzeDl2bkRJNXhpdHdZVFVwMDRoQUl4cGxPazFPTXBfM0E1TUNVX2JYU3lIaUF0STZ0Y2VtS0gyU3BaQkxmYWlDa1VMdWthOHlQa3ltQnlhU2h6c2NHa0VkRnhzb3R2RVpYR2JoNDZQcXltOWVHNkc0YmZKc0s0d3RaeTRXenZMSHc2RGhKeS1leUducFBnU09N |
Hey everyone! I recently finished the Rust book and have worked on some basic projects . We have a college hackathon coming up, sponsored by EthIndia, 100xDev, and Codium.
The issue: I’m struggling to come up with a strong idea combining Rust and Web3 for the hackathon. Any brainstorming would be super helpful!
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bm0yLWlLeDBjQ1dzdk5rd2F5Q19SWDdJSWw0R0ExeUlwNE14Q2c3NGZEY1Exc3VITlViTTBNeG5MMkdlcVpiQlRDX3VaRXpOVXJhemV1QS04UGFrZzdUNFp1MEZVVS1BYXNreHFsVHFQWXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdnVjQWJjc0tWM21MTW9XZDRQX2RRT05CWDRhRnBNRVR3YUVUSktBX2N5UTNhcmRnUEpmeEIxVFpWLVZGV1dXY19uQjRJNS01NFlsd2NfYzB2dXNTV0lETG1Ra0g2dVBDY2ZwVWFSanROQjNUSEhRQmZlVWMxSG16SHp1UjBpbVFxdTZ4SEF0Qk1sQUVhQXoxSzhoWGVOemI5V2RGOEFJa0kzQUI4bWw0WkxraWVxX0FfU2ktRGV5elRBWVI1Vkoz |
please share and retweet !! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3emk1NTlqSzlRbjhydWVWTmRscUprTkx5cnA2SGh0d2hCYTF6eHlld0RLdW11Z3ZvQXVmQUIwZk9fOThhaDZ1NkJ0S2s0M2k2dEJkU0d4TTFtNnpUQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcHFSMDhRWHJ6LTlfRC0zdGpSR0RSSElNcmFzUk9aYm9XSlEtMzVaa0tiMndaMnhqNjY0Uk1fMk5Nd1EzNlh3dENyZGU0RklRV1RYZklJSF9GemxZMjBnOG5ucDBiUjQzbzZoTVhFZVBpTDRmT2hpR2poQkc3dm5NOGpsbjJ6YVlYcTh4MFUxUUlranFSX0ItQTBCSWF1SmQ3dHZReS1OTkl5V1MtQ3N3OUlQdHZEa3VaU0o5Yi0xNkItdlowNzZu |
https://x.com/josephjacks_/status/1846692408505127069?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eWtOQ21xWHR6Tl93UklJMWg0ZVFFWTNHNm5kaXRXYVVCOWFnWDFGN2VYYU5NZ0JRbmh6TEdMRU9BZVUwMWEyRGJzUTBtNnFWODFVUjMtaVdUeWhLQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSzVESkdfY1VkRTRjdlpVUDUzd1lIQzMxS0hpS1VtSWFYU0tfQWNCNERjWDdMVWczdGR3MEYwTDBkXzNRZzFDVVFBRHl6R1R6ZlNXekJYNG1heGxDOXZPR3NQXzMzT0N4Qk9IYlUtdFN3YV9ienZtMlhJR19xek9SdkRMUWduOFNsOE83LUprc0tFVFNPeFJOUm8xNnZUQXFNb3o5X21Fdkpic1BmME5zTWY1dlk0UDY2cUlIOERjN0hWRXdsemZS |
The web3 scenario is heavily influenced for the artistic aspect of it - it was a subject for discussion during the bull market from 2021 and it’s still a good source of income for artists. So my question is:
If you’re a founder/builder, what do you expect from a web3 artist to be good at (besides having good art obviously)?
If you’re an artist: what are the challenges you find in this space specifically? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aHp1WHJTUUJtSDZBbmpRMmdNbUJ1c2hIVWZ0TzU2dW9mUXA2UFZJZElSNnlVV1BaTzJqZUJFS2J5MU4zNHVFX3hkdWFqVzR3SFBCVmd2NzRLREQ2OGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfT09GbzdzbnVqLXhzMDBkaFFaN3hVb2pGUTU4WUtUckxuYlhhSmR5UUltVXhCZXo4S3VfWWdYZExDalZOc3FtTjhYYXFETHNBYXJGMlNNYlAzS1dtMU5iWk9YazUtc1RkNUZWQnhEUWpZTGF1YUdZWG9VVkVkbTZfVXhoOXB4QTY3OGhPVFB3UU1sTmdHdEtlMExCT1RJM1FMTDBMWi02eW93VHhUTndIV0dBPQ== |
old but golden
other link / same content:
https://timo37.substack.com/p/54af9772-4402-4e0a-8edc-016f5ca6df22 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3RU9SS1pvNWdXa0wwdi1ldDZDa0Z2ZXpIN0dTbVhOeFUzQzkzZ1lYX043VVd6Mkt0UjI4V0pGb2xCRDB5RlFVVmJNYTd3ckJQeU9GWG9ST29TU0xueWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfY2w2OHN5M0hlR3Axb094SWZoYmZkeDhNczU0eXB0Nk5tVmFkNGhiLWl1VG1xTEpvRDE0YURBd1o0TjFrUkduQ054d1ZJM3pUbmVBWW41OXhXUmRvazdjMzdoN1BISHRudFpVdFhBUjZrOGVpeHBCSURRdHZpR2hUcXlfXzljeVl4NmlPcE9OVENsTTRUOUJOWDdYT0xUd2VZSzRmbHdIZjZVNlF5aEtNUVVZUjFOUE1OUHdDbWZLeFp3N3gxYWh6ZlJhZ1dXeDFBU2NHdjhieDR4Y0padz09 |
EVM Demo starts at 1:05:50 min | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bC0zYUdhR3RIaHY4cGctSS1qN1hJRnRjMk1VUk8yYW03dTVfdUY2UmNaWUNPRlFhcmt6R2lfcUpuZndzdnVDN0lZcXc3NWhPSDd0VGNIbTlrUkdRRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfc2JFMFNhSkV3ZlBCZDRHQk5kdDlPV2Q2WWU4bW41WGpBajdiSFRzNUp3dXZvcHExYXlFc1BmUkphR3ViY0huQnc2ZHBXd3RLLVAxZm1INE5ZVzZyTW9iemJUZ0MzRktCTlRFeTFPN0huOVFLeHZJbGFYcEdRTGlJVTRRTG5vNGNydUNJbkdad1Vrd29raTVZT0VyMkRvMW9jeDBzMWxQNlFfNTM2WkdTV0hBckN4bElNRVMzUWkxbGdvOWpSQXo0 |
I am looking for a staking solution that enables me to unstake immediately. Like on Solana, liquid staking via Marinate where after staking you receive mSol that can be traded for Sol and automatically acrues in value according the solana staking policy | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TFBZQ19IMUxGdVN2MG1CaFRQblJvSW9mTXNidnJhV1lidk5iVXdpVlREa1hmNnFRX0tPNXVDc2NmTDBsc1VzTzRsVFZVTWZnaGJhNEpBVlBnMXN3eVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTWtQY2Qyd2F6ME5OQkhtR1pIXzRGcEFXMXUxZldvVk9XU0NvTXlzTlU4a3FoVlhXZ29hQ2RZbS1mOThiNml4bF83MUc1VlNSQURCTzJ5RDY0S2xQSnNMeTNEVURMaUdBRTNUVWc3ajYxNmVRTnhhNjFsRk9wNlNiWFJWR19QNWxMSjdRQnVNTUNSZ3o2cWdXUW8yNEFsdzFsZUxUOEpGQnhCdlNIMWIxRWlSejE4VGVPSFRrampEY2VIVm5IM2li |
I've had a long discussion today with Binance today regarding trading on their exchange with Tao. As I'm resident in the UK, I am unable to access their services to trade Tao. I do not understand why there should be any reason to prohibit trading this coin in the UK. I note that MexC have also suspended their wallet and this probably has nothing to do with where I'm resident - am I missing something? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TzYzcS1qVjgtVUgxamZmcWVTSG5vRlUwQ2k4ZHFKazRYQ25KRXg5dUJBMnpNWjlrcVdHV29CaVd3Z2pubDIxaFVqay1Na21MMnZIVnJQOVdlSUNTWVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeVpPbXRndS0zSnh3VHpSdmFoaUdtNk5aenhFanREb0dMUGhybF8xc3hvbzd1RnEydzE4amZSaUsyaXpnZzhtZm04R2o0NDgwTHBhUl9JZno5UkVrcWhfRjJCUkJoaDJjMDV5YmtFOHhFS1pOTXlFTktlYUprNmxoNDhnbms3bkU2VUkwVnhHV08yQnpDQ09IQzAyNFRROEVUc1VsQWF0SzNKTXBhT3oyWTVFPQ== |
Bittensor-enabled DeFi, a new subnet, & TAO bulls on Delphi podcasts | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bGg3U2VMTmozRmUxak5qNnB4NjFRcEpHN0R1MnlTcFhFdm5idUpReENsdXVMdFBYOHB4dVZJVGNiWXJOMFNLclFtZG0wT0diQ05pTDhCWkwyZ2hCRHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRng1ZE5OcTZaNGV2em9wQWFxZXdVRVB1YTdwYmdHX1l0QmNURFl3eXJOOV9ETG4wZndqSkJ1Q01mSFZlVmtwZjFjZjlyT1V2YnNTTlpPeXZBekRKSUt1TE92dk4zaF9fcmRpWktNUU9aYmpOd0kxQ1c2MW9LODZGTGFkMGVKd2hjczZPNVBKNzRBRVl4UVl4VUFRcTF5U0FiR0duVHFVcjJJbzBodXBrekYwPQ== |
Filecoin Expands With 60+ Teams Innovating Web3 and DePIN Solutions
https://cryptonews.net/29949235/?utm_source=CryptoNews&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=shared | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UWx2aXV2SXpsUldMYlVfYy1Db2JYVlNoMElFRkRjX21QREdyeHZ5LW4wVmtBNE9OZmRxT2xBY3JVVmtnZC16V0lKdW1BUzllQUFsOVhXR21sci1TQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfOGp1cUhKUTZISEFNSG41NV9wSVFMVUZXa3ZhQU5PQzM1SlR4XzdqQ1lkaFJxY3VJM0lWcldSbFRucnZXQUJWWFhoSk1CWlNoRmJPQ2V2dDJtUENYa3cxcHlIcWhfOTRtQVRjdmkwMUcxc1dFODktdFpBNTFMOWhYNEc3b3FYcEM3UzNVV2M1NVdlV1VBcVRNVURzOWxiWlQwb2xRaW84amlNVVlVVXJSS1dBcmc2eXYwd3Q2VWY0UE51cnZLUGVrc2tDWlVLUy1hLVFHSlYteVdVTEFnZz09 |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like there's a consensus among blockchain security analysts about the need to use only [upgradeable proxy](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/5.x/api/proxy) contracts for our dapps. The rationale is that bugs could be patched before someone finds out how to exploit them as security vulnerabilities.
Fair enough. But one desirable feature of dapps is the immutability of the on-chain contract. The idea being that, as a user, you can read the code and then choose to interact with it, knowing that the conditions can't change. Wouldn't upgradeability hurt user's trust in the contract?
Imagine, for example, that someone releases an NFT collection of 1000 tokens, each mintable for 1 ETH. They set a 1% royalty for market transactions and they add a very strong guarantee: holders can, at any time, refund the token for 1 ETH. The smart contract is expected to hold the minting funds for possible refunds. The contract owner only profits from resales.
With such a strong guarantee that the token value will never go below 1 ETH, it quickly sells out. But this is an upgradeable contract. What is stopping the contract owner from pushing an upgrade to drain the funds from the contract after it sells out?
That's one of the discussions we've been having in the [Neulock Web3 Password Manager](https://neulock.app/) team. We've released it using upgradeable contracts, and it makes a lot of sense, especially for a utility, non-financial dapp. We have been upgrading the contracts for optimization and to add features, based on user feedback.
But we wonder if, at some point, we should consider the smart contract API as immutable and ditch the proxy pattern. That will be something to be discussed and voted in our DAO.
What are your takes? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3ME9lSEFpaEllb1YyX2VKb0hRdWtUUmlEZEtxdWtVMU1vMkJ4UUV1amNqbmJGWFo3NUdSVWtqcWdLbFZFbWJmeEc3TzZONGxLek5XamY1bjZYaWdkVHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMklRMDg0cF81eEFORWFNR0wtb0pXVGJfM1B3Sl9pNUFtM3VIT0gwdWRaUFBreFVUYjFURmotWnNfbTFpeEJvalhqVXdib2dmUFMzMi04NFBKN3FTNHlPOFB5d2dsU1NBWWpqVHJya2tocE0tWk1SZkNtZ2hEaTVJVG13Um5xY2NhSGJfRGJTN0ljNmhrbmJ3T2ZsVEFKbDFSUkx6ckh0V0hKVXg5TnVuTmlGZlREdUhmcF9McTBINjNab0htdnVK |
I want to add crypto as a payment option to my site but I don't want to preform KYC. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3X0tFTG5XMGVqM2JYM2NYTmpTb1oyQmZuay1NOEVldHc0MVRxWmVSVGw5MjJOWGppaWREZ1NkSWZrWmROMW1haTVlbmhxcF93dDNLTWlNTXFIOVU1elFTTFhpV1JPR0U4OEozbEdmT2xab009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaUVqeDMzV1dDMUpYRjloZENJaTljSW1yYTdEdkc0UTk1cDBwelVKNHlqUEJiYWZhaDNjcFB1Z0tpM0RXbXlDZGc5QTVLVDRVZ0ZMMi1aMWdpQ25ONXZvV1I0YnR2ZWp0UFNyR2ZueEtfUlNIWHVvNnZpbklLRlNYc3RCSXdkeHR6QlZMOUFnMGdhSHVaLXlidno1S25zQVBteldweXh1S1pIS3BMNmdnV1RiTERaSTRjN05jbFVCWm12M25RSW1a |
Hi there!
I'm curious to know your thoughts about ENS domains.
Now that a couple of years have passed, what do you think are the main reasons a business should buy their web3 domain name?
It seems to me that while web2 domain names are absolutely crucial for most businesses, web3 domains are at best nice-to-have.
What are some examples of businesses that rely heavily on their ENS domain? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3M2ZYWElIcENhcEZQYU1Qb1R4VkZfS3ZCdkR5OWtHZGNMRDAxZ3JiWUFocjB2akZHSGhDUTQ5alBheE1nbTV3cWxUSWN6VjVQRG81U1dVbDBXRHVTTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfU3FfT0VSWERISXBJYVBYMWpnQk1DTEdGN3NfWXJTZG84M09uYWozZUdON2Z4RlVkNWU5Q3o4QmFRNFNxTDlYWHJNZ0xybHBTdXQ0T2MyYjN5UW1vMWJHUFFIMHN2b245LVA2NVg2YW14aVJPWTlYMUpGdHRmWllvTEtWQzYwU1ZoVGNNZjhNXzZYa2xJbml3UmJmcGt6eUtuYVY3RXVkNExSMlIzWE1rcXdHUC1MVWRTYTBiNEoyT1ZSNlZvVmlQ |
Zondax’s Beryx Explorer is taking part in the second round of Filecoin RetroPGF
If you have tried it out before we would love your feedback or experience in the post, we would love to hear how it has been useful and how have you used it 🫶
But if you haven’t and you’re curious to learn more. You can explore it here 👆 | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3S1pwNkdwZVJINkt6WVJUcWpMb2tqVzA2NVRqNHRtNUQ1Vi1TdHBKTmFPcE5hS2x4cXBrTXlYTjRnQ29seUNaVkJZeVNFR1Vhb2IzYkFiOWZyQm9xVUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfb1poMlAxdzRWM0NKV2M1T29WTEZTV2UwbFBjR2dzR21haEU1Q0lvVUdnR1BqZTRMdHR0X1NpQmNTaTNWWlFPSE1EOUg1VWdQa3VtdEJTQXBMbEJJYmFUaG84TmFJOXQ4UnBWZ0lLb3Y2MzJuUVpKc3FxaDRtazAyU2M5X0RJNHlFOFFKaks4WTNta09GVzQwVWYzNU5sNUw5WHlhYzZCZlVQdjZJaW9WSTZyMmU1bEI1cjF6X3RzUHkxOUllc1NiNHlLTzByaldzSFF3anVsLV9KaExYdz09 |
I am running the Bittensor subnet template locally, but I'm not sure how should I approach building an API so users can interact with it. Should each validator run its own api? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QWZ0WjZGdmZlSzVkMGpCWHktcUtrUm5hZjFaRS1aR0t3RTA3WXhkRThQMWQyemFKTEd6VVBfWjJtY2dROGJpa1I0ZFFUMmlicURSMzdmNDA0YjRpOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfejJQMnpCckVoN0RzU0FqOW53QllDQTBFTEVVcVpTWDZtTzhhLUQtYUJYUjMxbWJlNmp4Z2x1dFdaVV9INWJWaHE0dzBMcjlLdjdId09ONG82UElBdXQtOTdkbDMtRHI1R2FQdDhUemdGcldTLVpDcXhHRnBKdEdjM0JJZThKbWMzbW1meGVqVGxyQV9CcjFKbS12UFZOOWN2OXVNMlYxNExHYjV3cTlkSUVTQlpMdUFEdU5CU1poQ1dXWEFtdnMz |
Anyone recommend an API for to get NFT price and portfolio net worth?
Used alchemy but that endpoint was broken and support said no timeline of when it would be fixed
I tried Moralis, dapp radar. None can give me accurate data on NFT price | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QUI0TU8yUkVhVXQ2bTFFNS1CRHVMOE1HYmRKNkJscGdXVDUtUkRBeHd4V3ZXR2lycGVLQlR3SU1LRWZNSzFuaUt4ZnZtcEFRaGlWRE15YXpCd0Z4Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcndNUnBrSkVXM2lpSDhyVGNWWWhycy1yVFFlMU1jT3RHNGpUWHNYZDR5Mk9KYkRhelJwbVJRNHprWC1zUHVZaUNLRHU1dlZIenF3NW5UNnF4Y1NROEloYmxFYlEwSTFQU24tTEhlai1IaTJ2ei1rZ3B1NHpjRXJ5NWNscFdEQnExR1liZldxUVlYcEtnWVBSeVpDVm5iTi1nQ05CT0VDXzJKMS1LVmp0VktZPQ== |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow unapproved giveaways.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3ZWU4TWh2TjdlTy1OSHhCNmFIQi1EeFZxYnBDZmFlNHNYX2E3V0JkWUdTeHczR1J2aXFmQVRJZE5KZWtadlBVQURlYW5lWlVaSldLU0pTUnRvZEFxZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfcFFmNnJsVTZVN0lZcFpjNEtCTU5BeWJHcy11SEpRd1Rtel8tRm53VzBLMG15RmVyVEF2eFh0c2JuOUxSVlIxMWJ0MW52SzljNXhiZ3NaZzZpcWNweDhJTDlaX2tWd0MzTk4tYWNSZDAtQXhBdDVWSThQS3kwWDRTcUVBeFBWZmQ4VjNKNjQ2elN5WVJhVF9oZ0hVNEI2QmRfZ1poS0ZvVy1PaTFER2JCTHVRPQ== |
Seriously ETC did so good q3 man we made great progress went up so much. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bjhtaHFCUWU3SklPNVZnWDBESV96S1c1VFlhMVJDQ0dXbkh0ODdGNEFWdEVnczF0R0lDdGZldDR6QU5Ebk04akJaTGVic0JlYjc2VkpyWHAwNWM0TTdzbjFJQi1YM1JPY1hJaGxSaTd4MFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaFBKXzBwcXI0TU13ZzRqUVdjV1Z2N1JvUVNLTjc4NTdDRTRqZkg0UDNGVHlaQkZSMndXQndJX1FhbVhORVdLeXc0MHFONUZuNDJ6elJzSmRFOV82LTI3NHlTLWlQY3A0MkdPZktPenFZSEhHYUJnbHI4T0w5bDV4TXB1WDdWTFZ3NkZGZ3RPMExmajU0TDdIVndPSDNLc21BTWp2NnhOMGRlc2V1ek0tckxXWFdYV3Zma1Z2eHpLdUN6blBUSTJQ |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-10-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3LVBvTmNhanZlbWQ4TFlGMUhZTnNjZ201WU9nNTc5MjRvUHZBUkJIUDVzSDNkcTVKdTZsWkFCZHBnS1dHcmtIVzl3V0FEN1oyYVFmY01rcnVtbVpqekE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfM2lhdHRGNDQtekN0bkxfZ1A4VFJ0aWxHRWxWc3BNaFJCU01wRHAxUGp5MTk3WlYzSlk3U3NlREQyN2U0M3R5cGR3VmRRTTNQY0pJZ3hsdTZMRTJjM3BKc2pjaWZQcTNoVHdRdjM5TGpmTVExa3BxMDQ3YzZxTXFHb2plQ1RLZ1UwNmhTZGhRVU1UMDZjVjFLRWxCUnUwTjhWMGxBX0FuUUhWdFVXZXlWaGx3PQ== |
I'm looking for a way to restructure my storage infrastructure without buying additional storage. I have about 100 TB of data stored on a storage server; it's not critical data, yet I also don't want to lose it.
I don't have enough spare disk to copy this off locally, so my next thought was looking at the cloud for a short-term storage solution where I could use my 10 gig Internet (enterprise quality blended bandwidth) to offload the data to a cloud resource, restructure my storage, and then import it back into the newly structured filesystem.
I looked at various public cloud providers, yet the cost is extremely prohibitive. I'd be better off buying a new server and putting it in my rack, and then I could rent this out and make money back. I don't really want to go this route.
Therefore, I'm wondering if there's a decentralized storage solution where I could send 100TB, reconfigure my storage, and then bring it back down with little expense. The restructure shouldn't take more than a day; the transfer, if I could get close to realizing my bandwidth, would take about 6 days.
Not knowing much about the decentralized storage market, is there a service that makes sense for this type of operation, both technically and monetarily?
Qualities would be:
- Fast ingress and egress of my data
- No need to duplicate the data locally
- Low cost
- Short commitment period
- Low barrier to entry for a seasoned systems engineer with little actual development background
I'd be willing to look at options where I can rent storage back to cover costs, yet I'm not sure if this is necessary.
If there's a better sub for this question, please advise and I can cross-post. I just wasn't sure where it belonged, so I went with the more general sub.
Thanks everyone in advance for your insights! | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cEI5NnJQOVNDY0JZcFF4eDE3RlM0cHFQTVlaRTQ3QWJpSTVUdVNzMVJiZXNsWVNRaDBlakxpUlNpcElFSm4xREp1NlVNS29WVklybkdyZmo0VWNSSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQl9yWGVRZGpFcDkyLXZONmFPYlRnS3dGUXNqYXhJY2xXZ3RkZjJCRlREMkJTWngzTW9FUEdDeW5DRXhlVVNUQmNGWmRUT1M3T2ZLZ1Z0ZDZEUHNiNUlaTkJGWXloVFNISko2RnZOeXd5cm5GN09PaVZnandPT1VZc3ZfdDZJX2ZjTC00RDdXdHhPbFdBODAtZS1LOGVyVFZkY2huWXhpb29KcmhReExNVzVCMm1NUEgzVWxheEpmOExHT1dsSWtE |
Hi everyone,
I am new to bittensor. I just wonder there is any way to become a miner or join in the subnet which has no available slot. Otherwise, we have to join in the newly established subnet only, is it correct? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MG1ZOEw3dWh4bDJkOHllRnNSU21xZXNnUGVLZ2dxVVlFSGhvRW5TYW4xU01tYVNEblAwZ3g4VU9zSHhKTlF3UVhtOUNETWxyMmNtRWVHVncxbTdjMWg3YzNTOEdZTlQ0SHlXR2lyZHVPMzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMEVMRUROQ0ZQc09FT3FTWFhMcnZUQXRXYVJqVGUzMVIxRkNOU2E1RTdKaUNnVDhhaXcyQ19wLXlqUWIzOUV5aDNxRkU1aHBFVmRMVFpsNkx2SnBab3Boel9nZ0k5N1loZzh3QnJNdXpUVW9TLTlvYjF5QUZqZDdsTWFlX2EtMHhFeXlWZVVyTzNMTEdOS0EtTnp2dTZHZkp3djBDVDFNMG9RLXZRdkpoSGEtV3lHbnl6SnFCYVpSV3ktM0g2d2x6b215MVlSaExxdXcwNmw4OWhHZXpTZz09 |
New developements to make it easier for smaller miners and validators to rent GPU space, and become involved within the Bittensor Ecosystem->
Emerging cloud computing company Cloud GPU ($cGPU) has just announced compatibility with Bittensor subnet deployment.
| r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3anlmdURFeEhCbW5mWTBuVUUwVTRtYnFkajkzYTJPVERteXlIVFhYZVVHTno1MVIwd3R1UXFMcXRtYzl2YWcwOHJfSGJCYTIza1hFbnUtNkZyY0hqTzRFNjM1LURtb2w1T25FWU0xRmQzSWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfVjJndzF6YVkzUlZwWFZEVFhUbndEa0tLamc0OG95WWNvdklzS2FlNlRoQ29BSlhldU9FVHp3eGZTSkdLYUJrYmtnS2RzX3RWM3k2R3NFUkxkbXg2dUpLUVRDTUphbmc5V1M4VkpYekxCRnZTcWx0Y3hWdjRheV9ZUjZOR2JlVUtjUUs0SWRERVBfd1Q2Q1BRME1KWVRmb0c0a2dQT0gwcUhfNDVwS09FOEIzVXFadmpXdHUwMHlPbHo2UzRTdDU0 |
(xpriv G) + (ypriv G) = (xpriv + ypriv) G
G generator point
xpriv, ypriv is integer from Fp finite field (p curve order)
\+ is + mod p
if this is true, is the following also true:
Bob can generate ethereum (ECDSA) keypair, and share his pub key with Alice,
Alice can generate keypair and share pub key with Bob.
they can generate unified pub key by adding (ec point addition) those two pub keys, and from it
generate valid ethereum account address.
while they keep their private keys secret, wallet address is watch-only, no single individual can sign transactions
and move assets from that address. Only way to reconstruct private key for that wallet(account) address
is for both Bobs and Alices private keys to be added (integer addition in Fp)
Is this know fact ? I want to make a centralized system
but without custody of users wallets, so idea was to generate deposit addresses,
and private keys for deposit addresses can only be constructed when both users and my centralized system
agree on reveailing privay keys to each other.
Please tell me can this work, is it already implemented somewhere, is it wrong ? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-10-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3WE9IVWZqMk5XNUpBZGJRNVNiejQxS0l0cmVvOHFHUDVzUmhYalhsTlRSdHJrUFVob29ZR0tlMHVjRjNIRF9BczlDMzFIc2kzVERfVXhpa1RIU19LUjRWU2Z5NWkxRE8wXzdzX0VkZDNaZ009 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMkRKb1ZaX1dhOTVCOVFuSGs0WnVhZkJaQ056NlppdHhJeC1Fai1VLThDQ255ajByU1FCaXRWbDR1MG13VDZMT3ZvSVdJLTdFSlhVQXdWdXNhNk1vaEFVM1liLXhpZzB2ZjZmSGNmTjZkX2Z4Z3REVFNUbjN6S1pHV2tVT0swZ1dyUFRPcXlKZGFCbXZwb1RkTWFETnNhVjZVeVh3ZUY5Mk1rNnJXcUJLMWY2NFlEdG4yYlk3VVBYV3hpQjhVcW1t |
https://x.com/opentensor/status/1849853579731009890?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MnFGbUJvVTVValpzN3l0RlpyNTgtaThtQ0FveEFtQWtqQW5MeGlnbzFqVTNQREF4d0ZoVk5Qai1walFzaGFQcmMyVzY0XzdjM3Y1WmwxbndIYV9USGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSHZ4Yy1Wazh1ZXpxMjJKa0JvV01ERHNXa2NtQzc4ZnhHTzF3SmhiQTZxQnBsOHZXamU2U3RpT2tyM1N2OVN1eS13TUdEdU44U0U2Y1hTeFNQblhMaHFydW5kS3dIb0hFMHBsVXVxZWlTZ3c3dGpvaTJBWGJqOG1iZno4bDBNTlVqal9nd1ozN3piR3lFa3FuamdPMnEyNWczRUtvdjNEeHVZTl9jRFNsamlpWS1iMUt2eWRXX2tDbDR0SGhXb1Z3b2hqOG9lNE1IYXVzd0JKUlhiWkhPQT09 |
As in title could I ask?
And currently which top hard subnet and top easy subnet to start mining? Thank you so much in advance. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UEJnVGR4X1pJd1MzQWsxY0lKVmZzM0w2SEI0bk9SUmJGS0piWElVbDdNR0Y4RE5wYTV0WGR5SUZOLXdQbkJPaXdsMVo0Y1NLN2Qwa2dGUnVEdjRnNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfclU3TzFQaUxpeXJqcTV2bGZHem1VRWJuTEZVNkNaMVB2M3NNY09QRHcxTkx1REZOZGFlS0NrbC1CNWNCWDBQT2lSTERsU0RLYVpZV01ERlU3eXdPeGtUelpLc29aMUpDdmYxN2t4ckhxWGVRdGZfWG5DbkxocjJoczhSNkFiTFZKMDZfeHJ5eFBkbmF3QXZGcjZPdTJsLWd2OGpxcWVmalNQc3BPd0Z6eS03UkFCaEFaY1M3SzY0blA5TkM5bEhk |
Does anyone here know the specifics of exactly how the tokenomics for dTao are going to work?
I really hope dTao is structured similar to how [u/virtuals\_io](https://x.com/virtuals_io) new tokenomics are structured. Where it costs a fixed (or dynamic priced) amount of [$Tao](https://x.com/search?q=%24tao&src=cashtag_click) to start up a projects new liquidity pool and the LP is permanently locked indefinitely (preventing rugpulls). If so that'll be the most bullish update [\#Bittensor](https://x.com/hashtag/Bittensor?src=hashtag_click) has ever had! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UGhodTkxLVNSR09fd3Q0bVROOElrNWJmZ1hRM3VRSGxEbnNsUGlmUFlkX2RHX0tLMU5qSVlaNWNBakY1TzItV0ptd2JwVkNVQ2VNb0hLOU9YaHFCcXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfY2JFSk9xa2xxNklwZDdBLVpCVEpoV0JmWnoyRFlfbDY2aVBQNkZGTkEwazkzU3ZNcXNnenV4enExTGwtbVhQOWM4MmsxRjlJU2hRWmVabF9lVVRGNXZUN29RaWtBUnpnSWM0LTJiZThMZzhjQTNlTFluUUxyYVE4TUIyWF9Ib0lYTmxYdWFSTXowWHRpV2ZGc21CZ3J3MmcxYV96b0czaUVTYXFzV0JFdEVZPQ== |
Also will bittensor use upgrades like asynchronous backing for multiple x's throughput which polkadot have deployed? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3N1V6ZkxralN2elZya2M3UGhzS3BFVEM3M25zcVFKSURHNUlBQm5tYVBxb0ZPbTZkQjJPUGFFSUhMV1lOWWpfS2kzSUF6b2JXQlp1SmRBNWJMenNoeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRkVRSktfUEpXWldObnk3MHVhd2JIOXNLM0RMX0RzeXRLdHE1ZmpfMEd2ekxBOU1kOXRtWU1OQnVGQWRnWnZfeTlUUE5BLWFNNXhTTjhBRWRsNGdFQVNNbmowcUNUcmlWLWlUTHM3ZjJqbU1KWjZ4NWh6YmlEVGZUQ3FWdjRBNGk1dm54a25BYkVCdU1qaThkLUVibTZaaVpfWUdMbUZjUV9idWs2NUFOVV8yd1pYZFdrdDVKcDI1czZYd04tYm42NzExeTlZTDJEc3NfUEFQWFhFMVdRQT09 |
Great work!!!! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-10-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NDVwamREd3o4X0s0dkxIc3U4ZkpsbWVoVVZaR1lMOEc5blJoVzF5NDNBZU1hUkNJYTZfOE43b1JfQ3QyUUFKcml4N1gzYVNNUUJlMUFFaXZQZlFHT3pGcjF1S3lKY2htV1FCVTRWUjEwMmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaFNLZ25DQmpYSEVEUW0xTlpmNXlZRFRXVGVTY1NuU2k5MU5VZnFGbXlaenpRYURWcXhJWWtUN2lPajQySkNOcXFfcFhpbF9HQmZDVjdoTFBuVE9PV1UtRWQtZjhtYjJxN0VuNjZ3a3RLSmZTSlVyQ2xoM3dfOEpPUnRNSWowNVdsNFJldVQ0QUVfWGhFaWhpcDhvZnp3PT0= |
Your submission was removed because r/NFTs doesn't allow whitelist or presales.
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New mega-partnership for AI infrastructure launched! 🌐 Filecoin could benefit from its decentralized storage as data demand rises. 📈
More info: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-30/kkr-and-energy-capital-partners-form-50-billion-ai-partnership
Note: Not financial advice. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TUVuNE4ySTZkQkdOa1ZLaDJLcFZWNzd3RFFMcjljbUs1X1FMbnBPSFhwV3VWaDRxdWpTTXlsT1E5WFdmMWU0ZjJWaHBjN0ZUeUp4anBfVDRsd1lLOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSjJaYzhWWGZ2cWJvWldJcVlsZjJSdl8xU1hXRXdwYTZZaENyQW9GNEM5czJBbF9Ib2dIVE04RlFsQmc5YTk4SGJaakJHRW43Q19DUGtwVXBEbTEtSldzSVdfRTFwUGdPaVB5d002ZUk4TkNYNkcyS2V5dkJRVnU4RnU1eVl3bE8xRHl4cEd2ako3QUJ1ek5IbDZPZnRKYjZOQjFIazNiaVlIVlQxY05EQVFPVzZWMHEzSFVoVHBISUJiNklrZWltblAzRy1rakJuWjUwRlA4Q1UwRjFydz09 |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aVBqTldidW00VlpETVR5eTdQSjJQdzdoNkthbTYzbGp5UW0wdWwzWFoxUnFGV3B0TzhOWHZYOWpmWW5fMU9ibkNLTVRCU3QtMmZ5cVlsUGNxMjRaUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfSHBITjBVczBEWVlDZTFDdjlyWl9rLTdrSER0Vi1uZFJGWHlSM3pMWmZ4QmlreEtJZ2MyVzV2MW5LT0xORGlJd25MZ2h6aVhDUkU5dGZhZzFSaUh6WjRBRWxTZHN0bGxiWEF5cG1QejlscVFvWWFadUduT2JJR2ZyNXBnUzVSZ3pBY3N4TUxCYk9wSmhmaFJFUEZiU3FTQnF6VVRfOVljR3hYNGZDaW9DY3pScm4yRWs4eUJuYUVDaUx0WlYzZWpJ |
Imagine using a cloud storage service that uses ipfs and you accidentally upload a let's say very private file that now you wish could delete. Isn't that a big issue? | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cG9DVzE1dFpFLXRPcnotcmJpc1Y1SHNLX1R1b0l0dTlZQm5oYjRhTjRwUF93dWFkVEJLVDFveGJuSF9ONGxVcHZORjZVVmdiWS1feEM2X29EdmMtWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfajBqOXlvVGgzOXNGQU5rc205TlpkQUhkTXBHRU5zbjl4WVgyaGliTGJyVXd0dDNwNzF1RW1SZ0lXUFVmUGtrX2FzZnFIQ2Viem5VTXVzYk00a1l0eGFaZVFXUlJWTFhwbXpSX3F1Nmp5a0w4anE2YzZsS1I5UGN0aWJtMFFKWnV6dEw3ZUFXaHVSdVg1Q0VnLWkwTEtlaXlZNmo1ajU1RF9vMVROdHUyS05Ybk55TXhDOUtTNjJNOWN0NUJVSTJ1VVpNVklNakhTRjhjSUpIYnA2bVJldz09 |
What subnets I can use for text prompting and image generation? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cnd5TTJFY0dkOTNaMzJkY0dXejktWjJpTnZRc3N1bkdYVzRYZXpRbm00NXdCYTMtRnRydDBtRFJVTnBxbVlIQk9XMmZGUXRjeTNwWGU5b1JFcVNVQWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfMjlNOUtiaFFNdDhTbmVJSjJISUVzTFNGMy10VU5MTzRvVi04cDdHWkl1UmhCNXJoZHlidTNRZjZpZnZVSVFkT3FWbGxabGk1RmxHeHZ1MlViZjctUDQ2WW91NG53YkVIRDZoT1VHelNjX1FuQzlFV0NJZm1janU0MFNLOFh2SHQ5UUlKdjAzR3huYWpVa3JxclpUelpFSHNKOGR3M3dMLVlzOEJYcE5mOGhNPQ== |
What's going on? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bkU3Q2tfRWtaSkRMSmE2NVoxRnlndGpaWlczaEpxdHNYekVIWUJ3SlhZRm1LQ2dUXzNCbGxvS2VtaTBtZDA1MFBSMzcwS3NvSnl4Z0RtRGxhU3pUcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdFRpcGdOVE5JcW1PeHM5RzNLTXNGbGh6Y2ZoMXlPTXBtTDdzZVhLSXAzQzJ5N3ZURkppQUE2Sm8weTF1UG5lY0trbnI3cGZNd002U2I3NWRxNnJjVmNqVmNNYkNiUkZjUVhtdEFqS0RETGhTRU5xaGxVdVR3czlZa1lFVHNnVDlzdEVQWHh6VnBuUW9SRUhOTmc1UlhmamdyTWYtakFCRmgzUFFFbXk2b2tzPQ== |
So I'm pretty new with the crypto, web3, dapp, ... field
My boss want me to make a web app that allow user to exchange from TokenA to TokenB, but he want to make it so that a user can only exchange a limited amount everyday.
I have been looking at some tutorial on youtube how to build this app. But most tutorial that I have seen used the 1inch API in the frontend which will expo everything and user can just make their own transactions without any limit.
Is it possible to build this app, do I just hide the token addresses in the backend, won't it be shown in the transactions ?
Sorry if any of these questions are stupid, I'm still new to this field | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cEVvUi1Xa1JvbVZnVmlGeElieDNlbGlCaC05RHJsdzZCYjJoSkc5dUlya1p2empNc0t0dGJUNVNySHN4UU1SSWw3Sk1HVVJUc2VDT25BQ2NMWDVFRzg0Njdhc3d3X2ZmUEF0M3NvOTBZVU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeXdIZ2FzWC1LWEZpOXBfVzJ0RWhZd1p1OGlyRkFSYmtqOVNxaG1Ka2ZrNm8yNHlrNGlTb1A5Sk5XVDFVX0dPSXZLR1Q5amxDTmdVdFd5bEk2Wl94RmNncm1tTlRxdkRiWEpJRFNsM05USnliSTRzNnhwbm9DYlVpaktDeXQtTzhydXloMC1pbE5KMmRBcVdZTmpMWERJTjJMZXJiVm9mZ3MzSTRGR0NuM1hET21JODBjVWFiZ1RqTUFtVUFyR3J1RUF1VFZkRkJ2T1doM1k1QVdpTVZoUT09 |
I have a business and I need to do some international payments on the platform. But I have a big problem. I can't use stripe from my country and even if I could, settlements aren't that easy (I heard from my other startup founder friends).
Anyway, I am looking for a solution like this: My user pays in her or his preferred fiat currency, then the third party settles in form of cryptocurrencies for me.
I prefer solutions with no KYC/KYB, but even if they have that system, I'd be okay.
Thanks. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TDdXdzUtcTNic3dxTnRybng2bU1ZdWhHYWQwS3NJd1FwSGpMNXRqRnlUSkxWTUtBeFllMU93dWV5WjFCOG05NUxUQTZ5aVdRQk1wNTd5OXBLQWJ1cFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfOHV0QUpHNzIxbWZFaXMzN1BfdW02N3NLa25IVjh6ZkJsQjNYeHFLbjBKcUp1MWlsZjBOb0pzUXhOMTVlNm1OQTBGT01GNmlKS3dFVUo2SHVZYW1KX01BUDBEaFBaRjE5cEwzM3MyX3VuWGlvaHE4eEs3MEY0Mm9nbWR3N3dzbW0tYy1nV0hfd0pKX0RrTVU3dGZUYlVaTWxqZVA5NGVFYi1taWl4NC00OG01WVJ4TjVaa2VLNU16VW9lVTNGVTlx |
>can handle both crypto (eth, ltc, usdt, btc but preferably as many as possible) as well as fiat via cards
>has a good API and a sandbox for testing
>can't be stripe or paypal
Would be good/not sure if mandatory yet:
>has ready made components for frontend like stripe does
>unified solution to offer customer choice of crypto or fiat payment without needing to deal with multiple APIs on the backend; maybe through invoices?
>lets me cash out my money via fiat
So far I've come across NOWPayment which seems promising but it seems that the user needs to buy crypto when they "pay" with fiat and im not sure how that would work without KYC on their end which I need to avoid. Coinbase commerce was my initial first choice since they're reputable but they don't offer a sandbox for some incomprehensible reason. I've looked at BVNK but they don't accept cards despite the misleading pic on their frontpage. Poof and Mercuryo seem like possible solutions. Any recommendations? | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eDNoRW15a2ZGRWRhUjdwQmZVdTgwV3JQak1ZRTlTZDNmMm5Ib0sxSjVoaTJWQnh3M2thblBFa2RreDV5NkFSQTNBRzFNRU80WjNYN3RzM3dUbE0wZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfb1ZhRXljU1dPU3J2c2hENFJoUFdyVVNpX1FSQTRXaGE3Nl9MWUc1M2pGNjUxVU1ZWVZNYS1IeTJLNVA3X0EybGUxdUJYTGduNUs4MUpmdmw1dkk4Z2lsZDY3VGxoU0hFdFJXTFQ0dmh2N2JBV0NzYlVQRXZ0R3o3bUprMXJ2eTRUaDN4YVRBTGd6bmdZNGpJR3dpZlJjQkV5WjVuaHF0U3BZLTh0SDFEbEFWNlZFSWZ2SUM4TjRYaC1OQWtXOWJn |