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Hey guys,
Apologies as I am new to the world of alt coin. Can someone please help me and explain as to why when I go to sell this coin on either trust wallet or uniswap it won’t process the sale transaction.
I can see on etherscan transactions are being made from a variety of wallets but I have no idea how to process the swap to eth or weth
Any help would be appreciated. | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Q016dVZNU0s1OHZCOVJ2MWZfdHZwb2N0VUNlakotZU5ncENWZU1VbmJRclhSeEZFdnQzZUJTRGcwTG54R0J4MFlIUGJtOWh4UW01YThVY0RrR0tDZm4tVWUxTDlBelh3MDV6WV9DOTZMLXM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfLUtnZ0M3Q0NfRW9yNzhBX1NEYzVYaks1SW1TQkRUM0ZaV2Q5VFd2RndWcmhiRmtMcWdha3VuY0JGLUVhREtsS0laRFM5ZmxndHBEYVlQVlhUYkZZTF9vbllsa09WTy1YMS1YRGU1Rk5YU1A5NEYwNDZCYUxqZzFvMnFOQzZtb0pUWG44TU1MMlhwN0syZ0JqWFRTbHpIelg3cFEwdHo4SnNYU0Q5LVIwSGQ0PQ== |
#Bitcoin has formed a Falling Wedge Pattern on the 1H Timeframe! ⏰🔻
Watch for a breakout 🚀 or a rejection ❌ from the pattern’s upper trendline! 📉✨ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Yi1Wa01Ock9veURWNjllRmRFS0tPSUhmWjllNTZrZ2RFalVsUk41TUpxcTlvUUYydHBKdGtVYnlkdFlkYnJTSXM3MDhaTWlVbUpBZjJDa2s2cHcyQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaWNBSHhtdFI2cXQwNFhQUU5KbUtaeW41SVVQS1d0UmxhY3JjcWgySEJPdFJlcXZVdDNvWjk3eUtYSUFadHlEdGNkQVJLRkl1YlI5ZkRwRGZValJMVnBQeVNSWDhDNXBnNkZFUHRJTDlfY3lkQkdkM3h3LTZWejcyNTZpeDlYbGo2NVJLNnJzdDlWY0Y4bGhKb3J6ampBNVdEc3VuR05weUoyb2JYVkNEaWFNPQ== |
You're pondering over the niche of anime in the crypto realm, and let me tell you, it's like hitting the jackpot of cultural crossover. Anime's got a grip on the world like no other, with fans ready to dive into any rabbit hole where their beloved characters and stories might pop up. Now, imagine that fervor channeled into crypto investments.
Here's where projects like RoOLZ ($GODL) come into play. They're not just riding the crypto wave; they're surfing it with an anime board. Think about it: if an anime gets millions of views, shares, and tweets, what happens when you throw in crypto?
You get a community of fans who might not know the ins and outs of blockchain but are all in for the culture.
The impact on exposure? Skyrocketing.
When Bitget or any platform throws in those deposit rewards, it's like adding rocket fuel. It's not just about the tech or the utility; it's about creating a buzz, a movement. Anime fans are already used to spending on merchandise, so why not on digital assets that blend their passion with potential profit?
Now, let's chat about your investment dilemma. You're not alone in seeing the potential here.
| r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3VkNYMmd1bnl1N1lBbWpra0ZsZVZrV0lRdk5hRGY3RlhEQjVtVXFybEhIS0JIb1N4a0staENHaXRrdHVTaEpMMUw3di0wMnoxakYzWWtLcHhOaFp0dlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdWJVRTVMRjNiYjdVZEN4eFlwbXNvQkltczFqbG14dTRwSXYweFhMcU5MOUF4QWtrRWJwUGI1NDJVRzA5QURFRWV3SXRaTVBYQ0lCNWNWQnpzOEVwektlMGtRLTYyMjNDLVFITEZnb2ZpbGpvVVVSMkF3YUtfTG92bzk2ZW9vQUlZbllwSmpzVHRPcmRHT0E5aDdkZ21OWE0zNTJfTmlsSzhQMXF6RksyS1JQNGp0R2QzN3JsenpEMUg5Z1hEV1Jk |
11/4/2024 12:00 PM #Bitcoin Update: 🚨📉
The #BTC/USDT pair has formed a Falling Wedge Pattern 📐 in the last 24 hours. The CTO indicator 📊 is showing some downward momentum. We could see the price hitting the $67,000 support level! 💸
As I mentioned in my last Bitcoin update, watch for a bounce off this support or the bottom trendline of the falling wedge within the next 12 hours ⏳. I’ll keep posting updates throughout the day! 📆🔍
🔗 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3OWpzM1FxYTZfd3VBMTNNbG92MUpHNzFNNHdhVzllV0JEVURycjNWTFBDS2IwYU40aFQyd2NBNUV2ZTJQaGVyWkVlWm9TUXc3a0xLb012OHhKYVV4SHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRThDZ1FyWFZYSHJSRHFyMXVqRzhUTjI3R0NFZ013d3dSSFZVbzdUeGhwZXQ5WUVOYWdVampoWXMxTm5tV3ZUY0psWWM0S0FzNkoycUN6eWhfdFlYd1NnUWhYVDRiSUxiSUIwZnB5YUd5dmJnVmZBNjBuTFdBekNwT3hsOW5FV3Y0b212cW9vMnBKb19jZDFyTDNFckRKeHdFMXdsOTRmNUJzd0dfTEZ4eEpVPQ== |
What’s This All About?
People are inventing new words every day. Words like “ghosting,” “simping,” or “rizz”. They stick around because they say something we all understand.
I am building a platform for creating and trading these words that aren’t in the dictionary, but capture something we can’t quite name yet.
How It Works
Create a market in 3 steps- Come up with a word. Describe what it means. Use it in a sentence.
Coin a word or spot a trend early, you’re betting on ideas that shape culture—with potential gains of more than 100x through a bonding curve. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3M29uNnFLZ0h6bW83OElGMTRTMy05YnRNVEVWNVhPeHR3eUM1R0ltRVVfdGNnZ29feXhuYW53Q3pzR1QtQkppTTlhSUQ1VUxUc3FkU2FEdnRHMXNVRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWDRQRHV4ZTFuV3BvYlFOcXpsQ01VT01CaENCUmtFNmpRT0xUbnFWa0lZWHBhNDBlLWxST2ZxeFBncFZ1TndKRXMtQkNndzJrMTRBNmIwMU1nTUMxbFpYNXVSWm15S0ZpVk16UzNOeDNOQ3ZIYzB1NTVWNnpfa2FSS0lFc0pCNV9ITmlaNzRGX2hGWjNLZnJHLURxZm5MRkFqQlphYVIzOEdCNG4tbHlGRnJleGVHVzItQnV6NUVTcXhLT3pIaU1q |
https://x.com/cryptodavide33/status/1852288984673620248?s=46&t=ZzFu2lK71DZvGnTA1DLEcA | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3STNGbm9EczNxRGV2VmlxWmdiNnJsZWlPdWFUeG9MR1VuUjZkS0NfS0xlVFNydGlWWDVIOHlyclQwWUduUHZFeU5iVVdiakI5YTA3dEpqTldvNzJWdXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRzdLUEdQU2pnU0p3UnhEbG1qZkhMR1g0NURkb18wNUhaTzJMcm9IMzVCUGtsV0NVMkpfOUoxdGFMVEF5UllwMlRsUnRnMmJMZUVYcjN6VjRqOGx3cGYtaTBkTExtWGVXOUlyYVVJZmpLY2plZUVpMmVmak1qaEp2dnEwX2NKWlZMR2Z1d09fU0VEeElodmU0TWFjVTBab1VIakxKY0ozWDU0ZzhvZXhnN1Z0bnpHN25SRFlSTlRxMFhQQnhuak5T |
[Despark.io](http://despark.io/) is a Web3 user research platform dedicated to gathering valuable feedback from crypto users to help shape the development of future tools and platforms. We run surveys/interviews with the goal of bridging the gap between protocols and users. A current survey we have running is targeting European Web3 Users, in which users who take the survey will recieve $15 USDC for the 3-minute survey.
If you are interested in participating, visit [despark.io](http://despark.io/) and look for the relevant sections to get started. Your feedback is invaluable and feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MHJJeHQzQkF2UmhrdjVXbHhFWUVwZ0JqbG82SklpS1VORTV1TU84THJCaUVMdVFXdVY3c0NPS2hWNVdMai1GQmxGeXlZOFBUclo2RTlPMXV2eU5kOHdpNGxvNUJqZDNndzVyTVVtckpkNVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZWgtVkF1dkN4Nkxvb3J1RHJqZGplRy1VeGRwdGpjTkJYM2xCaGJHeWtzWGdLTF9YZHNiRVVwWUFzNC1fRWp4SFNDNjIwbi11ak9LVXQzdG83MDkzNG9RUkE2WUdWOG1CdVJRREhNWTMtLU5nWHJtQXlhVFRjaU5rVkFEcTBZYlZSb2FxRXJWVFJGTFNVcFBHZlNiaEVFN1FvRXprOW92YUxFcHZfQTNJaTdpNmhDbFh2LThhWFNGd1dLb3hkWGRDZWVDYjdhcENCNWxpZmhQOVlUZFNadz09 |
r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MUhMNGdVRnM0Q3NrNG5CTFAtUVhFeV9ZU3d2MGlzWGxhcFFwX25aX25GY0tESTItVVJ0b0FlSUo1Qm5tdkRJeHpqYm5TdmVSRkFWYXVFWG1PcTFqZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfRTJYbVFmRFRycEQ2WGN6ZEw5SlYzUFNETzA2eHpUbDgyMmlhNm9sM3hmN3VXVGVtU0NsZnZoOFQtXzZEeWc0LVRYUkNhLTg0MUlsdGFUR0hCczRIdUZERVBwOW9FcHBpVzRmWERTRWt2N1lhSldIRmJ5TmJpeEJ5eHdGY3lyaUM3MlR1RUZ2cWlYSi1SWHNQd0hpal9ka3dHX3lQSS02Z3lKelFUeE5mUTF3S3F3NXRZWWd5dDlEVExSekxKTVk0VkowNmU3aEprdnJYcmQtM3p0dmZMdz09 |
I'm curious but stay real. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3N3JKQ25XYnRkbV9UMm5GS1FoUDZRbVFqODUwd19kN1hYeU5MZER1eDFhRjFaNWZpX0o4cUZBZEVtWUJQbl93OWExZkZobE5TUG0tLTFWb1pyYnVBSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfV2NtTS0taDVkNXdXdE5COEkydVBQbEtaUXduSmpweVJyRENpZ3hvZlJoSE5UNFMzcE9mYmVvamxuWmJjcnFJUTZOaDBKYnVEazlZVEJyTVFBeXhhSXZzbk9wRDlod2lWbzZocnpEUkRZdzVySVY0cWU0aEw4SnUzNU5kdjVQcDFnTnJzQ0xkUkVBZWRobzRDenhraDQ1UnNiM3VsT0l4RU5zVjA5Tkd3MDZVc3ZPU042WmZ1c2oxRWM0VnhobXNy |
Now that Trump has won the elections crypto will rise for sure. | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bjlUdV9lc2J5ZHpsTFVKbEY0WlExd2RDeEZ4aXlMWmVudWpzazdBTkxCb1lUTTVqdWF0RWluY21OdnVFR1lmYUdxQ2NZbW1Ja2tzZmx4VnBKSUxnSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfeWNpV1pHdi1XREJVOHhIYXR6ZDNGMk1TUXNrYnBRWUNiWnRiWTY1eDIwVk1QYjN5ME9UX2w3ZnprYnJyYjdOX2Vqb294U2taRmV6MWhaSU05ZXktWVBZdXpRYnZBaTJSZ25CNk0zTk11TUFXOVZWT3E1X0xzX092aTl3U2MwSWk1X1BWSEJBU3l5WmpkT2RvSWVFYVJuS0xaZHFQdDNoTjE5NnhDaWJTcEJVPQ== |
11/6/2024 3:00 PM #Dogecoin Update:
#DOGE/USDT is breaking out of a descending triangle pattern on the 15 Min and 1H Chart! 📈🐕💥 Let’s see if it can continue this uptrend to the next two Monthly Resistance Zones between $0.22003 and $0.22888 from March and April 2024! 🚀💰
If it breaks those levels, there’s nothing stopping it from reaching the next Monthly Resistance at $0.29730 from November 2021! 🌌✨
But if it gets rejected from that Monthly Resistance Zone, it will probably head down to the Monthly Support Zone between $0.17980 and $0.17500 where it should hold steady. 🔻💪 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dogecoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NDNOSE1MX2d6NHFReVFOYkxscWVZQ1M0UlFBeDlnVndPTlpzSkJIMW5YWU9YZU02endIa3lVMWUxbzBhV1ozRFRtOEI1Z1F4aFBNa25nb1BaNUJRT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWlY2X1ZqdUhlcFVWUW9aeHpNaDU0SXdtNnFLY3pReVR0OU8zZDVWMjQ4MERiRXM4cjh5UDZvSmtneFhWaGVjX1JSTnMxUEljenhSTC1HMHMyNFlhRFNOdnpYdktsdjMxMTM3WWxySmxndmExSUJWb0Y5SllyR1JIb1dQdGlYR0NsaGhBdjhUNnR6d0NvZkJXblFNM3l6R2dLOGQ1cFdWc1VjNkZjY3NiM3FYNENKV2VKdTRDTVpDczFKMEE4Qkd2 |
Much of bitttenso is using AI technologies, after the launch of Sora with an update to openIA, do we expect a new giant rise? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QUVtam9JalNSbGhJaENSVUhjQWdvcG16RGU0bkRRN0FyRzhNbGk5UzVuczVXZGQwcDRhc1BBWmNoWk8zaERkNHFHSEtHd2dOQ25tSXpfVUxpU3B2RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfNjJDWEVXYmRIZmhMQUJwYVVlSEFMM3hUX28xWmhMRVBaRnBPaFFxRklPYVBlblMwdFpwMDB0VHlROU9yMi0zMjJBZjBZTUxTSnBFS2s0UlJrcllhTEhoX2hDcmdRUm5rSWtwNmZSamRoNEp0MW5oVWctLWUtLXU2RFBpanRLQ01zeHRXNFJLMmpiV2JoeGlQalFfMnlXTXlpZmliRlZENFhZd0dKSmVJYkFXNjhtUUdHdC1IUmNzblBUT1VXRkJr |
🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!
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Install Extension: Enhance your experience by installing the browser extension: [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/grass-lite-node/ilehaonighjijnmpnagapkhpcdbhclfg?hl=en](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/grass-lite-node/ilehaonighjijnmpnagapkhpcdbhclfg?hl=en)
CoinMarketCap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/grass/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/grass/)
Connect: Sign in to the extension, and if it says connected, you're already earning points!
Questions or Assistance? Reach out to me anytime; I'm here to guide you through.
Learn More: Dive deeper into the project on our Discord channel and explore our website at getgrass.io.
🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eUlZdENwNWpHSjEzYUVNQWw4M3NWbTB2MGpIbXF2UlZ5aDJnUnlBZkdQRXdQTWxHdmZtWXQxMUFscUtUR19yX0JvSzJ4WXZvS1h1Zmt1b2V4cnNIRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfaldDUDdMZG1vaXFHSUstZy04NWdoVHdGeFA1bzRBU3oxVk8wOUloVG5CdDZHOG56Y0d2VjJKNW1uWl9GcjNJdU5TV2stWHl5bnRrb0Z6VlRaQVU3QzExaGY0ZkJUWDFMSkxiNDEzZDdFN25NXzR2c1B1dW5wZTFkeG9iZkpEaFNhdEpjdXRLdFpsWDBYWmVVeVc1eHRkN3ktZDRtNGhyeDd1am4xWFhQMkdTQWJNb0xUM0RmQTItd0J0NXZkQllMSUQ2dUFpcGJaeUNtTm9ta2JZMTRVdz09 |
r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cmpwY0YtX0RBMkFiM3YyZC05UE5rQ1RPajhfbkh0T1dneFNzOXNWUG9RSm1kM01yWDJQc2pOeHpULTdTcXVFT0RsUnVlQXh5bWVMSlhkekNmQk9MOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0Nfb0Z4aUhFYjQtQ0xiNTAxUVlVYWRUb0QtS1VETXJLaFdVWUkxSm5ZUDNld2VwTHI0NEFFNWJYRy1Xd0tfMFZIQUVUYjBoNFZCRXlLc193MG9qUE5tOHFKb19UN2ktbm5SZVB0Q2tHNkJUS3dYTzdrZXpFWHNRM1BvcFBrYTdQcGsyZHBFRUdnV0Z1NlM1LXJWNUphVzBsZ01EUVlFbmR2U1VDczRLSkNBZG5CVUdxTG9hdzBMT2xqZnllV21rNnhF |
Liquid staking has transformed the Ethereum ecosystem by allowing users to earn staking rewards without fully locking up their assets. Unlike traditional staking, liquid staking enables users to earn rewards while retaining access to their staked assets, which can then be deployed in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. This flexibility maximizes earning potential and optimizes capital efficiency within the DeFi landscape.
A key player in this space, Swell Network, leverages Ethereum’s secure infrastructure to provide innovative liquidity staking solutions. With Swell, users not only support the Ethereum network through staking but also access DeFi applications to earn additional returns on staked assets. This dual approach enhances the staking experience, making it more flexible and accessible.
Swell has recently broadened its presence by listing on centralized exchanges, opening up more avenues for user engagement. With initiatives like Launchpool, PoolX and CandyBomb on Bitget, Swell now offers users extra ways to earn and get involved in the expanding DeFi ecosystem. As Swell Network continues to innovate, its progress will be worth following as it influences the future of Ethereum-based DeFi and liquid staking.
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/swell-network/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/swell-network/) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Y3FHOVZHX2ZQQXR3MnJ2WVhna2xCVXpxR2VYTERyX2VXT3htS0RvQ254TjNWV180R2tyaVptQ1c1cnl1OWkwazBWcUtoTkNUVGJhaHM2VV9reHV1d2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfZGlRYjd1RUFxSFZleWV1QnJfMnBCMHBvemE0WXAyTV84MVh4bWozNmoteEljTEJXeEk4NkdPVEdGMzFHSTMzazdMSW80REZtYkg5Vk03R09mTXA3eFpva0w3YllCNG1TVEc1bHRlcjVTYWctcnhhdzU4a2NHb2hwc05oYWcyVGg3LVYxWkhmZGxoRWpVVm5sT1ozYkFwc2t1V2o2NmNBdC1RWWdCTnZtS0hTVVl3LVQ5bVNuRzdlLXp5cWRfTmhv |
"btcli subnet list" on my linux only shows the subnet of mainnet.
Is there any way to list up subnets of testnet?
I am a novice on bittensor, and I could not find the way to connect to testnet to test. Please help me if you could | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3U25LMkd2TDRQX1g5cHg2X3NtYWhxbVlkR1lMZUpLUkE2dWFEbS1qbkRzTVNDY3phZzFZRnJMQ1EwaEJGb0tMT01raWI3V01ZT3FKNWNVMVdwTkpTYkVBNHp0ZGhLUFRVSmNkQXJzSkxHUGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfWkxPd1dWaDJWNGQycFh0a1lncnZVUVoxN3ZzZFAtM2RuNm1Rc0pCM0dacDNvMlA4SGRaRDcxS0hWMW5rN2Nfb1ZXOHE1WDZaTDNDTlVTanpwMktjQ2pZNHpIMnBZbUJHTllRZzlKbllncy1teWt5S1ZGbzluWUl3cUZHOGxPTmFETTBXMmg1ajRiczI1VG00bkdKMmNUeS1Mc1l5ajdEMkNybzZZV2k3WHY3U0VIaDJSLVgxTW9ZcGlBcFJ6RVBW |
11/8/2024 3:00 AM #Bitcoin Update: 🕒
Will Bitcoin squeeze out one more ATH above $76,849 before a correction, or was that all she wrote? 🤔📈
15 Min Chart: The #BTC/USDT pair has been consolidating for the last 24 hours, forming a symmetrical triangle pattern. And in the last 30 minutes, it broke out of the triangle to the upside! 🔺➡️📈
4H Chart: We know the 4H timeframe has formed Bearish RSI Divergence, but the Daily Chart has yet to confirm that it’s following suit. Let’s see where this breakout takes Bitcoin’s price in the next 8 hours before making any decisions! 🕗🚀 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aGNURHFaTWcxNndkSTJLNk4ySmlGNy1NQWtmclU0c1JtRzdSZkdRZTVybmNxa25faFBxUW03YzQxLXlnTVV4TXVkSlFuMnlFM2ZKOENmMlJqQTg0MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfdUNSSWozVnVwZWQtdlN1ajE2T0VXd3JvMFRGaXNXTkthWEhrQm1Rd3dBTlZxa1gxcEhrUXJTU1Z3OFpzNnRjYXlWRUswSHdHN1Z2c1FGYzVoNER3eXJ0V3RtWGlhVENfRmFjM2o2WEpHREQtZXhCM0l1Tnhhc2tRcnY2RFRFM3M4RVVhaXZCWG5lOTlIWndsLXVEbkt0aFBXcm80OHVWTHh3M2pYUmVOVV9NPQ== |
Is anyone else experiencing an issue with [https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao](https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao) when attempting to bridge wtao to native tao? I keep getting a balance of "NAN".
I have tried
\-Clearing cahce
\-3 different browsers
\-Metamask and Coinbase wallets
\-validated my balance on etherscan
Anyone have any other bridges that will bridge wtao to native? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cW5ETDN2NTREbi16N2gzSWFrTG8yczI4YU5KM0w2RThEMTdvZjBiZ1lhMl9PYmZDM2NWVmYxS1RTS01OZGt3WGxmR3Y0N2xVem5mUWVVbkFmQTc3VVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfTmg3XzN3T0J0ZVc4SFVIWWxvS0dHZVZwVi1aZXI5WS1PWkNyQVpkWUlLY3BmOGg4WXRheW5hWWFvZ284Yk5fN21XeDh6cUVvX0dsNmhWa282ZVl4UUplR3JHem83VDZtQzNkQWpoeUdGUHdnNzVtdkhOdFJMQzJaa2tfYlc5UEpsb1JhS0J2NmV4VDhDS3hscU9RaXRnPT0= |
Is anyone else having an issue bridging wtao to native tao using https://taobridge.xyz/bridge/tao. I keep receiving a balance of "NAN" despite using different browsers and wallets to attempt to connect. Are there any other bridges available? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3OEQtUk5XV2ctaWUtbmJmTHQyam1kSTF1YzRpNjJ1aG5Kb1BROEN6S25FVE15UFh6ZzFQRTk4ams2V092NlRPQ2R4VmJvN0hUUEtBV3NpZjVkNkNlSFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0NfQWduZ2s1SUdpYzF5NWRqUHYtSWRjSGw1cUMybDIybkpfOXotMnFBamhhTno1WFlyRzJPZHJkLWlicVBiaGJtVDIybkFTWVpjQk5Rb3Z1WUNONmgyd3JsUHFQR0pWdC1vQl9RX29ZQkl0TW1uell0QW5hRElIVG9kc2I0MVRnWmNPb3U3UmZRd2tPUkNiWkFSTzQxdkVRPT0= |
Serenity Shield offers a next-gen, privacy-focused solution for securely storing and inheriting digital assets. With its innovative StrongBox DApp, businesses and individuals alike can protect sensitive data, ensuring it’s accessible to inheritors when needed—without compromising privacy.
# What is Serenity Shield?
* **Decentralized Data & Digital Inheritance**: Serenity Shield focuses on securely storing and passing on digital assets like crypto keys, passwords, and sensitive documents.
* **Privacy-Driven Blockchain Tech**: Uses advanced, privacy-focused blockchain technology for data encryption, ensuring no single party holds full access to the stored information.
* **StrongBox DApp**: Powered by NFT-based encryption, this decentralized application allows users to store, split, and control access to digital assets.
# How does Serenity Shield work?
* **NFT-Powered Access**: StrongBox uses a three-NFT system—one with the user, one with Serenity Shield, and one with the inheritor. Data is only accessible under predefined conditions, such as user inactivity.
* **Enhanced Security & Privacy**: Employs threshold encryption and a multi-signature approach to ensure data privacy without reliance on centralized servers.
# Why Serenity Shield?
* **Growing Business Adoption**: Businesses are increasingly purchasing Serenity Shield tokens directly from exchanges to utilize the StrongBox, underscoring real demand.
* **Estate Planning for Digital Assets**: As digital wealth grows, Serenity Shield addresses the critical need for secure, seamless inheritance.
* **Decentralized and Trustless**: Removes the need for centralized entities or written wills for digital inheritance.
# Key Stats and Tokenomics
* **Current Market Cap**: Around $2 million
* **Token Price**: Approximately $0.10, currently below its IDO price
* **Well-Funded**: Serenity Shield has ample funding to ensure development and growth for years to come
* **Tokenomics**: Designed with a capped supply and strategic allocations to support long-term stability and ecosystem incentives.
# Where to Learn More
* **Market & Stats**: [Serenity Shield on CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/serenity-shield/)
Serenity Shield’s combination of decentralized privacy and secure inheritance technology positions it well for growth in the digital security space. | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eGNEczh4QVpfb1ZMejM3VUJkVWQ5SWhFcjEzUUhqQzFZSTlhRDZvVUxqMzcyN1VjTGlUSjVoSHp0R2lIbHdHYmR5TktpOVpfN3ZHZEpudmNnTzhhaEYzdllWVlR6MkJDSzQzNGpIekp0Ukk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBOUQtaW5QcTU5ZDVBUlYtanE5dFNfTkRQYXBOdkl0WEltMnczVExxTXdjTjF0NlBuaXh1YXRqbmQ3cUJYUzB2em4yZHlyMGJzRF9IMHl2dUFFN1dFTm5qaWlVVkhadHZOTGlKS0JlcDE2OGpOaWhzLWtzRmJmQlNONHpRTU5UY0NSbWIxWFFuVUVsOTVRUUFTQWdBajczVmRneUhkcWFONTBYU2o2clVtcDl1YzktQ3R5SHQzVld3U24zVFM0MVlTYUE0TXc5SllMempTQ1RfamdUWmJfQT09 |
r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QlloQUV3eHF6TUNwZ2dILXI1cFhhU1RfZEwxalE0M01DbVgtU25QUzJmeTVhdDl5V3JzYVBOWUhhVkxSVEMyaWRuT3h0R01qX3hyY1ZZRGgySHVFOS1YbWpBUVRrTkdRUTBXc0NGQzB3TDQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBb1pQYlJldmhVUmxLR3B1ZHZWYm5TdGJacXR1NUp0cWVuWm1WcXZxQWZMNGhGMWItNWgwMEh4dEZFZXduYVdpdk1hMUpISWNaWDNsek1sbUl6THR3dDQ1SVhmM3FoaVk3VnU2UmppQ2NCU1hES0kySkczMHk4ZTJYakNqcTQxcW1PUFF1N1VqTkRZd0ZsLVdxclRoMlZDa19MNkhTZTdub2w4aFY3Z0ExNi1lTW51dmYtalhEbWtHclZlWGxXZlFZ |
Looks like the speculation frenzy is going to take off soon. But seems like support for pre-2018 era coins has waned off. Does anyone find it surprising that alts including BCH haven't done much this later half of the year WRT btc even though it's at ATH? | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3YzFobzMxYmpmN2NUeDdkc3VQRElUUE1jX25mdkpEU0J6emJ4YUtZN09QMVRpQUZ6MWY2dm5pbG9RUUhvMXhQM1R6cW5mMTg0cjdRd2hpbTdpbk15Ymc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBOS0xRmI4bWF1R0hTR0ZGR3NVZWJ6OTJJSnZ2LVE2N1JFY19CakRVMElPVXBfMEVkODJnY25CU2t3eEFjZFN5OVNpazQyZnlzdnRzX0VRSE1XQ1FyQ2U0cEhSdGxiV29VemV1cHlURlpLbHBqbGE1ek9Cb2lmY2pQQVZ3RGlyVUxjOHVSczlNMThQWnlTYXI1M2JaLVU0YXhfdzNkUjE5bkFBalg0aU56dTBUNXBMN0dzS00yMGUzNVpjSGxPQkVz |
Anyone seen this? SBR
0xd6203889c22d9fe5e938a9200f50fdffe9dd8e02 | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3R3FXbG5wXzNkV2s4RE9FRUtEVzRVdGttLW1HekhpWVI2T1Byck1wUXpBMXFMdVF2VjNUT2ktTmZ5NHp2NkJlNmd2MjBxaWU4MDE2djhhcmRrN0dNcmcwajEzUXRudGtrU3poSUk2Z2l5cFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZUVnVnhtazVYN1c1aGJ4WXd5ZUxILVM5UndwNktiLXZ6anJVVTFNaVpMZEI0QTFmMWYwN05OSWJXR1JiVWFma1BLanNONG1SMHAwWFFReGFkTGFOSVkyTkE2WXFxWFNVcWlrR09UWnpoREV4WTBxM3Z3Wk54ajdYQnFpODgtX0l2dmlOa2dXUjhMdHZ5Z0ttWm1pLWFsb2Z5QjJoOWNsckNMSEpERHM0RkZrPQ== |
Here’s a chart of the last BCH halving in April 2020 (the blue vertical line) 273 days after is where we see the first big leg up . This exact cycle will repeat here.
The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) halving occurred on April 4, 2024. As of today, November 9, 2024, it has been 219 days since that event.
There will be a lot of other coins & stocks moving within the next few weeks so it’s easy to think pull money from BCH to go elsewhere , but don’t do it. Rather buy more. You’ve held this long you have approximately 35-85 days until we see our first parabolic leg up.
Stay strong & HODL … and don’t forget . This IS bitcoin. Same tokenomics. You’re just early. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3U01zcEdXQnlUZW1GUEoxeHpVbzhocFdKcnRCTmF0VkdVMHdTTE9KaFJJU040LVVKeG9oSXdPOGx6NTNXUE5CSlNkZ193Y2kzaThlZndpeTB2TWRodkZZSk55NHZGU3NKNG1zeUpCUU5iclk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBT2l1TVYtdXJESDhOZG80SkJkR0stbXNtU2lXVGhnZzdiU05FcG5JQjM4YXdrX1dpNW1JYktja0t2TkNabWY3c3dpeTVldWJfOU0yRW5JZUM0aUVVWHduZ3dMZVVkcERKc0hzSlFsYlJfVzlkbHJwdjZmczd6ellpOXJKOWpLOWxzano1QUlnVXdQWTV6cUNVVTZBUnFuWnd5QUYtZk9HSzM3enMwTHUxWVRLVjcxWngxM1p5bDVTdTZ1d19lVGNS |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3RGNEcW1UbFU0ZWdmNXNzYVItTGVrS09qS0U0N1hnalI0SDZsTVNUbVhORDZrZ1pyY2ROaGpqTE1ObFBMZWtpNGlvYk51XzQ1SW9Vcl96Z2EzLVNwdXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZDhhb2RwWktPSF90dzFKT3d0X01hWV9maEE0V0w0MnZvS0xBUlJwOVROa2xrQWV4TVF0Zjh1TVZIdmk3aktVNF83UGkxcHJXb0F0bjBRNkg2S3ExaWhNVUJTVW94OXo4Umgtc0hWSy1RMEQxUERjdU0ydzNfVzR4Q1M1SmxVNEl2SkZBb0VlSjAtUFV4X1NSNnhGeTAyMGxyVXFLcUtkM0tsdnBCWmwzNElXbmozNk9icnBIZnlOUzFBNUg4QlM5 |
11/9/2024 8:00 AM Bitcoin Update: ⏰
The BTC/USDT pair has formed a Rising Wedge Pattern in which it has now broken out below the bottom trendline of the wedge. 📊 Watch for a correction towards the $73,777 monthly support or if it goes lower, the $71,979 monthly support. 📉
Once it finds its bottom, it will bounce back towards that CME Gap at $76,483 like a magnet! 🧲 Now I could be wrong and the darn thing goes to the bottom of the CME Gaps 1% at $75,718 and bounces back up! 🎢 Either way, it continues this Bull Run! 🚀 💪 https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MkZISkI1bnVMdDUxTEFvYk9adXBsMmdqOHNERWM3QXB4YUZncVFDZjFFOUxsRVE5Y1NJQnVPVEFLZWJRSFdWQ0JOdFJYWjVpXzhDNmV2SS1wUS1UNkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBUXBRNlg2YjJJcTZ0TVh1MUNoX0RlRV92Z0NUTGdIZnlCSy1YNnhXMTN4Sl9HdGJ1cDFmaWNaUGRnRE1FNHZZbGphWkZfM3ZuSm9USUYxOTFhMDNfXzBJYi03eDk1akVhTGVjQmEydFlFTzhsWTVGMmxnWmgwTlhsdnpmUkJzNE9Ra1I0VmFPT0tuS1VjSjhCQUliUHVYSDNkVTRQb1R6cVVOQUl4LThKRGFNPQ== |
Load up now or regret. time to fly. Don't cry 😭 if you fall behind. All bag holder fasten your seat belt.. | r/filecoin | post | r/filecoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3V201Nk9kVWZDSGZWSkJBZ3dGRTRpSlVuQ0pMRFdmRTF5T3JOblVTUmwzT05zMzRnakk2WEdNdkN2d1ZBZ1dEOVZNVzVNX3hXd005RVpJSC0wbFNtYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZXdfTXR6VmZaa1hoSUFqMDMzaTlGQjl3aUMyZWVOYVRhRmNkMVlIbVVfbXRWY1RxYnRzMzdOa3JSV3dGNDZ1VVF1SmFGa0sxZmRQTDFhd3M1eGhhbkJUMXFoY083YnMyYmI5S3dmZnZDdy0xamlvaWRPWHROcFF5MUJJM2U3TGtPUlJ6MzBwQ1V5bzV1ekJBVHNMSjdBPT0= |
Just wanted to share something. At around 9:05pm today I had kraken open and suddenly saw someone place a 2,000 TAO limit order at 510 price. I did the math and it was roughly 1.5 million dollars. Nothing else to share here, I was just a little shock at the big number. And hey, if that was you that placed the order, I want to be your friend 😂 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NGN0RVFFUk9MaHBPRHdMMEZ1cnZsdkJ5SUN4cEJLM3YxaTV1Zm1zenNMbEREblNRbV9CYVRwOXlfZW1FQVJKbkR6VG1yX1BMNFFJTTd3U19JODF2RVZlYWREQkNKc2tNZWE1TzZqdUJzVUk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBUGc5a0tRdVBIMThaX201OUZUNTBER0RsaUI4SkdWR3ZNbTF2N0p3dHA2Y2lxVGJPZVExbDRNakJrTkJDa0pIbXM2d0N0U3QwVDIwMnRyaEs3UUFua1l0VkNiTDFzRjJIOE9ndTJyRGxBdVl3d05sNkxkc0hVYVJCbzFNNlpRa0NoVTJYVGFXTkhVZURKOEhzYVN5T0FCX2RPcXpXUlUyR2xLczlrTGtOZ0l3PQ== |
It feels like 2021 all over again with how bitcoin is doing | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dExQM2pKcmg3Z25kR1ZrQUREVU1mdFFtUEtXMFpIX2FodERhZ0k4VFJiZWN6WEdfdkpZS19QcDAwakpRUml2OThqYjNzVGVuY3Zwd05NVHhnc0U5SGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBSGVObzliYk50SGZOYmd0eVR4MHVjZThxWVNIbllFSjRlNENlNmVaRTc5UEY5MFkta0ZoWjc2TVdRWm5WNTduQ0VRQTJVc2tCVGg3aW5BMkRmSWtSZk5DOXF2ZTljcEgtQnVEbW42QVM4NGp4X29yY2NfVU1peU1JMk5sSS1UUmw4QXNRSTg5cjVDNUZVODJ1Mmd1NFEtVW12OTV2TVRILVowa1JPQ1dxTU8xYm5VRlZrVHRvVkhHcWxKdldSRWsyNld1UnNwVHZvOF9vUDdZZzZ0Y0sxUT09 |
Here is one of the BCH malicious addresses: https://explorer.cloverpool.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qzu9mypqts9fk4rdfslsfs3ff22enrs09uwuc09523
more info here since post gets auto removed here due to keywords: https://old.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/1gnv1nz/someone_is_doing_a_massive_adress_spoofing_dust/ | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3T0hkeDF4cThHcjdWcFIwX211eTBhRjVucXVLUTdnV2hpR0ItcXQzRlFrOWpWMEREOFJUbFkyWXRNbDhmWjhNMHJpN3YyaTNjMHpPeFpWOXJubENERFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBQ3ZpUURscTB2VXpzSnBxOU9qbVhMM19OSXJDWS1CV0VZZ0gxdENEb25vN1lkLTEwMGJURXExdFRLTnhxUG1tX1piaDhScXBmbTFHLTRDeUJmNmNCQUQ4Rk52MW1ycmM0VXlTcG5DTFNNZDh1OVNaTDhrQmpkRDkzc3RnSnIwVlZLOVZLbnhzOHRaNlZvaDJKZy14d0NNWWN2MTNGQWZxR1RVQUtWWVZ0UUpYWUFxZ2lNREZvdWJrSVF5eE8zSHBUdHFXNGNQeDZQazd5TTA5N09tQml4UT09 |
?? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eEgwcXdGblZRcGQ5Ymp1dTUxM2YwUEpiWWpPUlFWeGg5SnpOMVFTa282NXAwT2hHN0Z5VHRzVU50QlpISG5fR3o1b0U4TERVOHBaY05rdW9iUXQwOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBVWZRVElVZVEyd3hfTzJtWW5yWURad3NTUmZMMVE1RUpPNy03Z0RGRzI1WG9fcjNlNkxENTJtS0lfYldfa0E1YjY1MWR4R1FGVXNuTXBlc3JvRm0zYmVZTzAyWnpRNXVncEMxZnFIUzN0T2V0SS1uNEhZdVlLYzlja2dsS1gyZWtZbjN6ZGgzT0NaUTFQUzZtM0lXM0JDcTUyZjdHaTliTXduR2hQS29xMXdhc2FNbXk4TWFtZG5ld1p4TGxKUU4yMU9tdHg1d0FPZUJZWkZGajBQWmpzUT09 |
r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bTV1blc1X0pUZ0RwRHBqWmFQWVQ3VVJqY21jZkJQSVJYd3dnRFlnM3htZ1BOQmlGZ3NxQm1qeVlVdjBaR19mYjFzdFZ6MTdRSmpmMzN5VUFSdU1zSG9NWTRrM2paNm9vOVV4SWd1dWV2YjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBUUxqVUtSV3lFN1hKWk44a21ialhoY1ducVdiX1d1Z1BFMnotUVE4Z3hmWWd4c2pPT0JrOGgzTjQ1RW1QVVRHcEJvSUFuVTJQa2lRWk9XSDhrYTZHcW9pR2dOMzd2SHhsZ3J0SVpjYWFDTE1nR0x1ZGNfa0ZYT3lnNlRvWDR6cjk0cUlnUm5rRTI0dlRDSE5wdDRXS2NscXlzUUNnVFY5LWJSY1g3XzBsd21RPQ== |
Never thought I’d see myself owning ETC again but yet here I am. ETC is so undervalued at the moment and I have a feeling we are going to see another Kansas City Shuffle where the attention is on ETH over the next 6 months but we see ETC go crazy… just like the last bull cycle.
Time to load up again gentlemen.
To the moon 🚀 | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3VjZGaUxHYTAyc2xGdEJZU2FiQlpiRFc0dlFnRFMyTXlCSjR5aUFmdGhXQzFsOENDQkxvaW1PczdkOC1zSXViNV95OWZVRmxISWVXOVBrVjNXazR4eWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBX0NBdm90NjNLUUVYdEdXSERiN08zSmVscmV6aElDSmJRR0Vwc0l3a0NoMVRFTVpFOTRDa0o1c1pkdlJMVzFzX3ZKeWFycmZReUlxb3piRjNrOENlNldHTjR2VTZZWk1mS0I4X0tLcUozaEtHTllnU2hIdklWdHdTQkxzVmNrS1ZNVU9IaGszazdIY0lOMGJFcW5uTnd4aU5sT2NlQTZyRDVNMmo3M1dRcEJrPQ== |
i'll always be bullish on Eth chain project where Ethereum staking intertwines with because we all see where the innovation of DeFi. Here, your ETH transforms, safeguarded by the ancient principles of cryptocurrency. the ancient ones of cryptocurrency have decreed a new path for your ETH, where staking and restaking transform your digital assets into something far more mysterious and rewarding. i like the project for these features; and recently it was listed on Bitget with the events to compliment the lisitng, candybomb, launchpool, poolx
Earn in the Depths: Stake or restake your ETH and reap rewards from both the blockchain and AVS, receiving the liquid token, rswETH.
Secure Investment: With $3.75 million secured, SWELL is set to launch its own Ethereum layer-2 chain in H2 2024, expanding its universe.
Higher Yields: SWELL's protocols are designed to maximize your returns, like ancient spells to summon wealth.
Flexibility: Trade your staked assets while they work for you, a feat as magical as walking on water.
Decentralization: Operate in a realm free from intermediaries, where your transactions are as secure as a pact with the ocean itself.
User-Friendly: Even the uninitiated can navigate SWELL with ease, thanks to step-by-step guides and compatibility with MetaMask.
Diverse Pools: Choose from various staking pools, each with its unique balance of risk and reward.
Customizable: Select pools that align with your investment strategy, like a captain picking his voyage.
Network Security: As a staker, you're not just investing; you're enhancing the network's security, earning Ether for your vigilance.
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/swell-network/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/swell-network/) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eUNMNVY4Rko5YnhnVmZ4RlRlU1hienBzWDkyWXAzZmZNVzNjbnR1M0o2bWs4OWl6dU1JTkotM0ktSXkyMXZwYVV4ZVRDcm03VkhrMDd0UUlwbGtqYXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZ3BiTzY2UUN0dURUNDVJU2JZWHF0RHhHU2cxQjJsNTZlTUVsT2pva1hKNlVnRUNlSHlfNnJBYWkwOWxzb0VLYXNTbi10aHBZNTJfQTZTN1ByMGpBdU03UHFhVk5OY3o4WVNyMDJGb1FnOVVJMW9OV195MjM2Y0dOLWhxQTNSdkhES0F5cjN6dXh3ZE1Vd3hCenFZbGhwUncxbUxVNURMdU82SF9jVVJJM3BTNl9QLWNZcDZWYzkyY3NIckxMMm4t |
🚀 DOGE to the Moon! Market Cap Hits $42 Billion as Price Soars to $0.30 📈✨
By Bitlender, Investigative Blogger/Technical Analyst 📊
Dogecoin (DOGE) has taken the crypto world by storm once again! With a 92% price surge in a week, this meme coin has soared past $0.30, becoming the 6th largest cryptocurrency by market cap, beating XRP and USDC! Let’s dig into what’s driving this rally and where DOGE might go next. 🚀🐕💥
Key Stats and Market Momentum 📊🔥
1. Market Cap: $42.3 billion, ranking 6th in crypto.
2. Price Surge: Over 90%, pushing DOGE above $0.30 📈.
3. Trading Volume: Up 220%, hitting $16.8 billion daily.
4. Liquidations: $64M liquidated, with $36M in shorts closed 💸.
DOGE’s rally aligns with a broader crypto surge and recent optimism following Trump’s election win. Meme coins like SHIB and PEPE also gained this week, adding fuel to the DOGE hype! 🐕🦺💥
Technical Analysis 🔍: Support & Resistance 📉📈
• Support: $0.2800 and $0.2614 – Crucial levels if DOGE retraces 📉.
• Resistance: $0.3000 and $0.3034 – Breaking above could push further gains 🎯.
DOGE’s recent climb through $0.220 resistance, reaching a high of $0.3034, shows bullish strength, with consolidation hinting that buyers are still engaged.
Volume and Indicators 🔄💹
A Rising Wedge Pattern hints at potential moves; the MACD stays bullish, and the RSI above 50 shows steady buying interest. DOGE holds above its 100-hour SMA, suggesting market support for potential breakouts. 📊🚦
Fibonacci Extensions: 🚀 $3.95 to $23.26? 🤯💰
Based on Fibonacci levels, DOGE could aim for $3.95 or even $23.26 if current support holds strong.
Conclusion: 🚀 To the Moon or Breather? 🌕🐕
DOGE’s rally reflects renewed interest in meme coins, with indicators showing potential for $0.32. But beware, meme coins swing wildly!
Hashtags 🔍📲
#Dogecoin #DOGE #Crypto #MemeCoin #TechnicalAnalysis https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dogecoin/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QTQyV1FpTG94YlVvZFhSWm5TeGxHRUk5TF9kRXJlZHFLeDVvLWp5cG0zNGFXTXR6QWpwZ3BqT3dxS094SkV3Q1lCb3NPMjhwRHowX0J1NWg1clQyR2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBbE5PdDFISGhDekpvVkZzWGM0dmlLZ1pTdHlJMDBHWGdSMjRSRE9WMGdkLVRtUGlfUGY0RTVoSlZLQmZuc0NfVTVrb010cEJTTlFmV2hhdjNvWnhNYkRBSmpqeXRBOHM2akg2MkZMV2VLUEFTaUw2cnp2UlBBSFNnWHN0bnhhZGg5NHhtVDJUSDhnanVyS2NkS0xWd1l3eG1wTE1nY1JoWVAwSlR1cE9CMllVPQ== |
PNUT might have started as a tribute to a beloved squirrel, but it has grown into a symbol of the power of community on the internet. While its future might be as unpredictable as the stock market, $PNUT serves as a reminder of how stories, humor, and a collective spirit can create something from nothing in the digital age.
$PNUT. Named after Peanut the Squirrel, this cryptocurrency has captured the hearts of internet users and investors alike, blending humor, community spirit, and the unpredictable nature of meme culture.
The Origins of $PNUT:
* The Story of Peanut: Begin with the real-life story of Peanut the Squirrel, whose life and untimely end captured public attention. This narrative sets the stage for understanding why $PNUT became more than just another crypto token.
* From Meme to Market: Discuss how memes about Peanut evolved into the creation of $PNUT, highlighting how community-driven projects can start from the most unexpected places.
* It is also gaining some serious traction, with major figures like Beeple, Elon Musk, Doge, Wif, and Justin Sun rallying behind it
do you think it can enter billions
* **Complete 3 tasks and win $10-$20 PNUT airdrop**
* More info [**https://www.bitget.com/support/articles/12560603817869**](https://www.bitget.com/support/articles/12560603817869)
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peanut-the-squirrel/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peanut-the-squirrel/) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dW1UbW9UODV5MWFkX1dPRXUxMk5relRCbm9DLS1MM0JpcXRxMkFoSldwWVd5eEE2T1VURThvQnZ5U21ldjlldmM1cFVpSjVfempRZHdWVnNwUk41NGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBakdVWGlNUVFrcER4cm96bVZBbzVyYnU0LUlsWkRhbFZwd2k4cGNIcE9JSXJieF9mNXVNbnIwR3U3Z09QTTB5QlVaY0RjVkUyUkZNa2FDamFKeHUxRnQycUlwQXQ0SzZSZlJJWFB0T0FJaHFMUnRncHN2MG01YkIzTlZRZ1dWWnlLa1U2M3FZdE1yWDNqSS02eGJjQkFyblN3NTM0MkExZHNaZXhRRDR3RkxwR3VWUkhvVk5MNVJsV0NkbmZHQkF3 |
Being a top 20 coin is still a big deal , especially because it’s holding the bitcoin name and all tokenomics . I have repeatedly encouraged you guys to hold , we are seeing some movement now but this is only a fraction. This is a top 5 coin for sure. Everything that’s bullish about BTC works for BCH plus it’s for everyday transactions. DO NOT SELL. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3c3gtMno3X3BJcnEyNEpwMVlqSTAxQlU5ZmtUWDl6c1VKZGhzcy02ZGRuWGRNVUR5YjFINjEwZkNMQTVjbENadHFSYTAyQ0hzaEd1dkVraGVheUprN3RybWpiclgzbTlGLXpzT3hnSmVfWU09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZ3dZZWp3UEo4TWx3WGtFVVdHWXBmXzNxVklFbXlGTUEzMzgwRVRrSDZvUEhSdk5tRk5XTjlGVFd0LVNTQUZtSVZCZWxRVUt5TzBQWEpBek5YekpURXJHVFdNOGZfT2RWd3FtT3JzbkNwSG1Xdnl0eFI4Q1ppTjVrejBPQmZETHJHWjZXd05Ob1NfNlNXQXpJWVJISWdxcWlITjdsOE10R0FDbFlZTllzRTRWek9uWVJ4WDJoUlNfMU4xUEZhM0oyNVFsbEFHdlJhcVNjd0JUVmx0Nmlrdz09 |
Y’all what gives? Every coin is up since the 10am (pst) dip yesterday besides ETC. it’s still under that local high. Come on now, let’s get the party started and catch the f up.
Side note: last run up, ETC & Doge mirrored each other. Whenever doge was running, etc would drop. I’m wondering if some of those same swaps exist and since doge is running, etc is struggling. | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eW1udnlXT2IzREZBWlhNblJPekJLVm4xcmhKNFQ5TktqM3FfanUtTGVYNEdMUmtZY09STG9OS1o4ZVBSdDNTYllXMnktOEtvaWFXR1ZHRGpzcDJ3UkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBRHVjaFhBcERjLWxJcEpQWDBpLUhsTERoTS05V2lGa1dlajFYOHl6dkFDcE1mSFJsY1BVU2tmeTNEajlCejhEZVZNMkc0RWRTYWhiZXFiYS1DYkhYZ2l5a2N3Z1JyNFcwbzdacWszbk4tejJJbzh4STB1UnotVklDS1FOY0w4R2kyM0p1a3ZtUFhtVE5JZlBUbkNNSkhTQTJ3dmdiMUxUUm1YbnpyWkx1Ti1BPQ== |
# Look what I found – the famous DRF token is now relaunching on the SUI network! Check their incredible utility and astonishing ecosystem!
**Please connect with the $DRF telegram community. Search for it on Hub below:**
https://hub xyz/drife
**What is $DRF?**
DRIFE is a decentralized ride-hailing platform that utilizes blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer network for drivers and riders. The platform operates on the DRF token, which serves as the native currency for all transactions on the platform. The primary goal of DRIFE is to revolutionize the traditional ride-hailing industry by creating a more transparent, secure, and cost-effective system that benefits both drivers and riders.
Unlike traditional ride-hailing platforms, DRIFE is a decentralized platform that eliminates intermediaries, giving riders and drivers more control over their interactions. By leveraging blockchain technology, DRIFE creates a trustless and transparent environment that enables direct peer-to-peer interactions between riders and drivers. This direct connection allows for more personalized and customized ride-hailing experiences, where riders can choose drivers based on specific criteria, such as driver rating, car type, and other preferences.
**What solutions $DRF give to the ride-hailing industry?**
The ride-hailing industry is facing a range of issues that are affecting both drivers and passengers. These issues include high commissions, platform-dictated pricing, lack of transparency and freedom, closed governance, and no loyalty.
We can name few more problems in other competitors – sky-rocketing commissions, platform-dictated pricings, lack of transparency and freedom, closed governance, no loyalty and more.
How does DRIFE deal with those problems exactly?
DRIFE offers innovative solutions to some of the key challenges faced by traditional ride-hailing services. Its zero-commission structure, market-dictated pricing, transparency and freedom to choose an open governance model, and incentivized participation make it a unique and sustainable platform that benefits both riders and drivers.
* No commission - One of the key features of DRIFE is its zero-commission structure. Unlike traditional ride-hailing services, DRIFE does not charge drivers any commission fees for using its platform to connect with riders. This leads to better incomes for drivers who can pass on some of these benefits to riders in the form of reduced commuting costs.
* Market-Dictated Pricing - DRIFE's model offers a unique dynamic pricing mechanism that is based on an auction model. This allows market forces to determine the prices for each ride, rather than a fixed pricing system that is imposed by the platform. The middleman's profit is also eliminated, which means that the prices are even lower for riders, while drivers receive higher incomes for their services.
* Transparency & Freedom to Choose - Transparency and freedom of choice are essential features of the DRIFE platform. The platform's decentralized mobility marketplace and flexible peer-to-peer design give riders and drivers greater control over their experience. Riders can select drivers based on various criteria, such as rating, fare price, pickup time, or specific needs, like child seats or disability access.
* Open Governance - DRIFE's open governance model is a unique approach that aims to create a self-sustaining ecosystem where every stakeholder plays an important role in its growth and maintenance. This is achieved through a franchise model that allows entities such as riders, drivers, fleet owners, and local transportation and logistics companies to govern themselves in a fair and efficient way.
* Incentivized Participation - DRIFE's rewards program is a key aspect of incentivizing participation from both drivers and riders on the platform. By offering rewards for active engagement, DRIFE encourages users to complete rides, provide feedback, and participate in the platform's governance process. These rewards can come in the form of DRF tokens or other perks, which can be used to redeem discounts, free rides, or other benefits
**Do $DRF have a working referral system?**
The Drife team have organized and explained in depth their loyalty and referral system. You can check it out in their whitepaper following this link:
**What is the future development plan of $DRF?**
Integration with other modes of transportation - DRIFE plans to integrate with other modes of transportation, such as public transit, to provide riders with a seamless and convenient end-to-end transportation experience.
* International expansion - DRIFE aims to expand its services to other countries, providing riders and drivers around the world with access to its platform.
* Continued technological Advancements - DRIFE will continue to develop and implement new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to improve the ride-hailing experience for its users.
* DRIFE is exploring a new infrastructure layer designed exclusively for mobility, utilizing mobility primitives as a crucial part of the blockchain. This unique approach has the potential to foster innovation in the industry by enabling the community to build mobility-specific use cases.
**Important links:**
**Hub:** https://hub xyz/drife
**Website:**[ https://www.drife.io](https://www.drife.io/)
**Telegram:** @ Drife\_officialchat
**Twitter:**[ https://x.com/Drife\_official](https://x.com/Drife_official) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3SHlrcnFlUFZ5My15RW82emJwUFZwWWtGSFN3TkdNSHMwTmlDNjNjLTJ3NzRuUldvZnNRdDRxVjRSQzVud21uV2ltRjN6QmNJaDNGbXpKc1V0NWpxdVRZVmpfdnpaVHZtenh3Q2gzUkFmY2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBMnc3Vk5PUjBUZmhscS1LcjFsZDVzQVJOeUVZWWlUNWprTlo3czJ3UDJpdDNlWlNEOEY0NFhXV3hPNzk2SFA0SXBqbHBSTU0zUmo0ZlE2UUFGVU0xdENiNFFRM0lqdERvellaS2JDc2t6TThfc3FzZExZUTFkOUZYelpKczV4d3FUeDMtaVZ5MXI5UlhWZURUM0RZRU1ueHllQ3NMS3NXUFZWZzM3bWFTakp1WWZJdzZ5ZlE3WGpvaXdYSW02b19BTVRnMzlrTXA5T2hOR0FKQU1TenFMZz09 |
Any problems with actively staking/unstaking switching validators? | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3blBZMDhMTWJDWHZ3VFBQaFlWU3dmbXd1Z3JCV0s1N05KR2NJQ05HTU1Rby1JSWIzeVNzRkk3R0lrWVFUVkV6QlgwUTY2X2pjc003MkFITkVhTjFsS2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBc254Z3dXaU1DcmMybzlHMmV0TFhxSU1XeWg3dWVJeVhSOXNhOHBNTWlVQkh6SjkzNGJIbXVwd1JfUkdrNFhraGVlLXc2Y3prNllpQ0w4SDR0bkFPckJ6S0dWaHdrY1gxTzR2MHNhTzk4aHJWcDQ0ZzctSzBveU43UXZhWlZZTFBnRl9sSUh0b0lKZDhWeGlNcGxJRzdpaFRoanotX1FpMWhHZW5WVzh5ZU1Lb0F5OWhwT1NBcnFKbGhWRmhpNWZOajBhV0ttT28xaWZicU1xLWdUN0NMUT09 |
Hi everyone!
I’m in my final year of college and working on a project that combines Java with blockchain technology. I have plan to use Spring for backend development. I’m also interested in using Hardhat to implement blockchain functionality.
My goal is to build a real-time communication application, but I’m unsure about the best way to integrate blockchain features, especially since I’m new to that area. I’ve done some research and have a basic idea of how it might work, but I’d love some guidance on:
1. **Whether it's feasible** to build this kind of app with Java (Spring) and Hardhat.
2. **What additional tools or technologies** might be useful to add.
3. Any **resources or advice** for integrating blockchain with Java and Spring. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TkEza0pwRDA2Z0xqaUxvalplX1hLcVJoRjBLVTJzMEJvSzFuV1VSV0RQa0JyOEFsWmh5VlhXUG9EdXBveDFVT0pUZE1NRVlYUUtHRGY5R2R3ZllUbjZtTVBDVXVyTWNCdjdRSTNRbjV4X0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBR2lQSDNvMFN6Z1pNTlN6eEpEM2w1cFhITnZiVUY4OGZtNENFR1ZJQlhpeFVZZE9jajJUTk1NbnZUTV90N0hjeEI4TTlpS2N5QmdhR0xjWkZYQjRFcDJYSjBQSU83a1lIR3ZFenhsSlRXcXhLZXVvSnlEcFhnU084dlczSEVhNEVJZGNpMDRvcXk5cDllSDhrLU1kNk16eHNnR2RKWVJTNVBYbGhzam9mRFppdjhIVEJJSS1KV2Jma0lNUzdvMnFv |
Hey BCHers! Y'all need to get some game over on NOSTR. This includes the mods on this site. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bTM0LTBSQzZkVWlIZ2dGY3FOam9uZHp2ZVEtS0VmOURDeGx2c2ZYRkFKN3VpQ2NwUnRTN0h6QzdhWXE5SEw1NjlDWGUtYWRwdG1xZTVCX3R1REdTSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYUlVdTR3M0t3LXFfUnIyazZWV1NhVkthdkpRcHA0VEw2d0VrVkFZTHlRZi1KeC1CTEcxaDJ6czVjU0NHdHhoMzFBc1JLdkc2NERwWmpndkdUTTNEdWV2SHZzMUdMakNkOEJkc3N1U3Jaa0NQUjJyOUpZRXJ0Rkl3V2NDY1N4Mkg4Um1ZT2JES01ZdzZrZ01HNmVYay1lclZOOG85UVliOTB6d1BHXzlpRjRrPQ== |
Project will be giving a mix of USDT and Tokens to early adopters. | r/web3 | post | r/web3 | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eFJXZHFTdXBqS1UwQ2N4VU5UV2NkcjY0djZ2QThERTZpMWhSS2lDdlItNDVPSTBGQl9zWUNsVEJEaXl6LThHYjh2OVIybXE2bjV0dnJtem5RNldaYVFpdEhyWGNhTFNSR0N3VVAzbkQtZnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYnVxblJKWDB2alNBekJCaWtuaENsNWY4NHhIZzY0cWhxZkI4cmk1WlBUTUhFdGFHS2JuUGF5cFN3Wlo4ajlTckY4R01BYkNGMGtOZDc3ejUza21wSFZvS2xOTkRqSHdNUVJmbmhnNjRFRk1OTS10eHBCWFlaRjAzQVdUOVJ0X005VlhsQlRTcFpkOUFCdUdDV3paY0FaRDlodnlYUWNiQnRlUndGM3dia3ZIa3ctSXVaUk5TRmtZOG1NMnVCa1Rr |
r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QVdTbkYtdzlYT01IOG9PREN4X0J6UG15VXg3NURtLXlzWlJtanNyNkdGWXY4T2hBajV6Y0VRQ0JZOEJuSHZ1c3VmZ2I2d3JadlJLeXdibExyamhrNmx1V3ZlRWx1R3pVNkYzekU1QmZiQjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBTm1lbWxvS05wenp6cXpsRl91dlVBbk1YTV90Tjktd0twbW9WNHVpenRpb2dsSDN1Um1qN3FQTml2UXdmd0VneUZsaVVQWkt1UWVuRzVtX19SbUh1cC1QSDRDUWJMdlhVUE5rYlVlM21wQjFJYlVUcnZkckpTazF0dllkbnJFNWJ0U1ZLM0JuLXZoalowZE8xUlFDRTM2Y1ZXbjdpOXdPdFQxSzR0TnF3MEVmdTI0aDdXbWdIWjRIb1V5Y2hPdm1tMWstVmF5c1ZmVW0yU21qblpSdGZtUT09 |
Make a collection thread or something. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3WDdIenRrYS1pdWMwXzVmVUVPTmhyWTlucFBMMFdsQlZfOE1JTHViQzJuejF2MFZfYng2cGlmTGEtMGJJcGl5NlpzclRBSjNKc3BEZU9SWVpid3A1UHRFWlF1elN1WTlLUnJldTMyUWxmNms9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBM2JTanVVZ3RsWHh6aERpSk1xR2NJcW12bkhfZE9heHc5UXQwQzNyalhxZUV3Z3dxUXVtYlRSM2VqTnlQRHJXSEZwWTBRdFNDb1NEMDEyeE9CdVRlSTh0T1FZQ2JiOE5vdFV2cFk2V19US1RJM1ppMFlNWlVWS3BpOEJEYzg4YjdZLWQxS2Z2clBCTXVKQUlJSE4zLW1xQUFRNkQyaGpqQmhzenVpa2VtLUhWTGhBQi1hUHducjdtZU5EU2RMVVcy |
Started the acc with 100$ on election results day, degened it all the way to 125k before losing it all trying to short 5mil BTC lmao | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3c2pUc1pxZC0yUUVtNHBEOGw3S3dILWJJZVhiU1ltRGlnOWFHRDJKSHo4NDZzOXBVQXVVNHVhbU9IVkxKcXgxcldBNTBFdW5waEdyVnpoMVlHOUlrTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZV9yREdsZ1RLLWdMMGxDbG1iRWRZeUZFa3JSdF9RcExBVXZuOTZmdHhtZEVSUmZBVGg3MmxHZnNuNkZSNFBhUWlmeG5BRVZ6ZFNsdW1HbGJRTmUwS0QtNzVrNVVBZzZ0clRIRjBya1JYdVJ1M3U3TjJoTjdmS3otbUszdmR5M2JfTGNhUDNFM29Pc09aeEI4LWJJc0pGcF9kRVlRV095MTZDUFcwQW9MMU1Ld1luVFNXRmVwY2VWOE5rOFA4cEE0 |
I’m working on a platform that assesses a persons blockchain history among other things to add a layer of trust during the lending process. Higher credit scores = more benefits (maybe lower fees, lower collateral???). I plan to add a donate/fundraise page where people can donate, and maybe increase a part of their credit score or just add benefits in some way (incentive to be good people). Maybe it’ll be a peer-to-peer system rather than a lending pool. I guess I’m just trying to ask if anyone would care if this was a thing. I like this idea and I want a reason to make it happen but I don’t know how viable it is. | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bXhhWl9mYWUwZ3R0MXQwWWtYeS1HLXpROVlyUzhCWngtdExiRDhhQjAwOFEwNlZMNlFwb0M2UzBGQXkxWnNORDdGVGtWTVJtOXdqemVZUDZoU2Y1MEE4d0pzdnRVeFJfVGFwc0hVcVM4VVk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBNzdMRVU4b0t4VXBFVlJ3S0lKOGxza1F1NElQUUw5ckg1ZjJnUEl6bWRidWlRX185bTJPWDg2ckRkNEZHZ0poUlo5WHBHRnJUbWkzX3Z2V2o0UHFHYjF4U2ZITTJjN3pvc0h3RVF2VnNOdWp1WTRPS0d4SkxBTFlJTzkwMlpmZGJVQVZyTzRlYkR3T080eGpkSEpjQXR4aDl0T2IwQ0laX0dldDdya2tiVEtrbUptbEY3a1hLX0NBelFHMHBialRx |
As title says , want decentralised defi protocol. I know can be done with Nexus but no intention.
Tks. | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eFVhZ25GSWVvc3Q0VjJDaUpoV19JR2hZU3lob0Jycks2WG5sTVdGMzN2bTRBT2thdHcwNHE3Wnd2VTNyVnRBWmE4QjFWdEszLUpvaThseERORDVEVXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBV0hCOENpRDQ0SEcydlgyanBOTmxHS2xxaGNQWG94TTR4S0xyeWFubjVjcEwwZDhYUEVJTnZFVC1wazNrZ2RPZENWcTlfYng3VGJsZVMwTmVTM09IYUJQLU9NTlJtNWZBZlpON0piWDdRdkRldTRVaWJQWFZueEFhR1dpNFMxNXRUdldqOGUtdjZkZ0UyUXhrMG9xYy1xeHZ2N09vdkI3MVlYX3dRd042bXBHcm0zVlRaZk1Ma3piWWVGM2JwYzUz |
Total market cap of crypto has surpassed $3 Trillion which is higher than France's GDP at the moment and it continue to grow.
Ethereum has gain a lot of tractions as well lately. It's current price is at $3,333 at the moment. It was $2,400 1 week ago. It's almost 50% growth in a week which is crazy!
Ladies and gentlemen we are entering one of the biggest bull runs ever and it's just the beginning.
Ethereum has been improving itself lately with huge news. There is even a solution to Ethereum's inflationary nature. If that happens, Ethereum will become deflationary asset which will skyrocket it's price to the moon.
In this rally Ethereum might increase it's value more than other coins because it's price lagged behind other crypto coins in the last bull run which implicates Ethereum has huge room to grow.
We are only $700 away from $4 k and considering we have seen a $700 price surge in just a week, $4k might be as close as one week. Just be patient and enjoy the ride :)
Btw if we hit $4k, a new ATH is inevitable as well. $4k might turn into $5k real fast :)
Be safe and believe in Ethereum! | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UVhwY09LeG9XekJpc1hrX3NjcGlvZHlkV0dUZ080MUhzQXQ5eExUSndmM1pFTmQ0cVpETWpreDVLQ2g2X1dfblZHZGtLQmlSa0RCOVVlTXd5b0hDTnBPbVRRczFXMzR4bFNTR1hhYjlYdzg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBc2hMWDNEUkY4cGotMWNCTEw1RDJ1MVktRnNxMDJvTzYwRk5UdlU0VHI0d241Y1hzbWJLWjNVTkNCZm16UVRwUVMxbnV3WXA4MVl5cE9RNzcwekxqYWNOZDNjck41RHpVU3F6eExNUnhkV3lVN3ZJSmRRc1hZVUNRQTJGaDZaWDVUNFBRbG84Vm9YYTk2T2xSazlITk0yNDVJZ1BtWGxEV2JCVWJaQzBxUUNiTjFWcTBoSFgyWUl2UlNPNmVrZnVH |
Been out of work till this month. Everything seems to just be rallying.
I doubt we'll see lows like we have before. But is it too late to buy in or trade? Missed the opportunity to catch bullring?
Haven't bought anything yet. Would love some advice and strat | r/cryptomarkets | post | r/CryptoMarkets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3LW5KQ0g3V2t5NXhLTUM3eXAzdE05b01XT21qYmt1ZmVzbFFvNkdkWEJHTTdDNy1ZajlMaU80XzFwc0w3NDVGV3FxVGh1QU5NWE5aLS03Y1ctdWoxOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBWVNPZGEtZVJwdGVDRGxGNC1uTlhLYWo3eGNfeFBwVnppQzBOTmRlanVjb1A5Zm94Y1dpWGcwbWZYNUxsYzhlYnBVYmdEQjFzOFFuZm9RZFpzeXFIMU9Da0lYYV9FVkRYRGdqdXRRUm5WcTRxR0FDOUR5OUlHNktkT0NTcm5rTEU1UURXS3gwSlMzbktLdDUwV0dfMW14eW5pWTdhZVJydlNWTFZRemtPOHpJPQ== |
I have been looking into bitcoin alternatives which have been there for a while and not so popular due to lack of listing or the devs wanted it that way.
One of those coins is HUSH. During 2017 bull market it has performed but then a downward spiral. But surpirsingly HUSH still has a strong dev team doing frequent releases. Its PoW coin and very similar profile and supply like #Bitcoin. Those Who Missed Out on #Bitcoin can still create an opportunity for their own good.
I have been looking into other altcoins as well, but the market is saturated with 10s of 1000s of coins. Only insiders are making money out of it. What about normal retailers. Normal people who wants to invest? Nobody cares about them really. You either fall into a scam or buy a coin which has grown to its potential. I am talking about people who can only invest in 100s.
So why not try out a coin which has been there for a while, good dev support and wallets. Be the early buyers with very little money. Just invest 10 dollars. It's nothing to lose.
By the way, HUSH is not easy to buy. It's on TradeOgre or you can mine it. For a normal person TradeOgre will work better.
Think about it fellow reddit people. Is 10 dollars to much to lose to try something out.
Please note this is not for people who had success in trading. But for retailers getting into the crypto market very late.
CMC Listed: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hush/ | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UG1LR1M2VWFMWE13X0pIVThuZjQ1VExWQkhsbUE4U3F5MXlad1FxR0g5TGtYSjFhUDZlb2RQcGRpa1FOajhqTlhkQUlWVks5cVVSRmZQR2RRX0tLY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBLXVBdmJZMlBPYnBubUl1MEp5REhLemlnZlB2UGZsaDlzeV9mdU9wOW5Za05YQ05FQmJpOUJlUUR0SGRHV1NULVFWX2hINTVISTY1YmFiOTBZYXBva0xtXzNiTklPYlpkb0dfOVVIOVp4OGZrN2gyWFpBVkZNR3dJbXVoa09nMzJKWUZHNV9RRV9yMFhLbEFWNnAxMk9pZWZMUWZPSjNkVzBqX0gxWDhWN0EySkpGNzdfSGp4T0FaUkVfaWxMdUJ6 |
I finally received my Ledger (Flex) and just moved all my coins incl new staking. This step by step guide makes it super easy - the Talisman part is not on there but pretty much self explanatory .
Prices go up - Safety 1st !! Use a Hardware Wallet !! | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QmF3SHZIaDY5VV8wMXI3VjNJZlBjT0FJeWlneGVKSkRlQ2hDTXJtUkxsTW5HeTEtODVYdEVvck1pZUFpS2o0NGRiYWFOZ1V1T1hqOFJsSUV0VV8tSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYkE5VUJoT1Z4MHczMjdBSkFqd0pfNFNrcE1ZaktTVnBmSVA3cTNPVWJ4aFU4TFF6eU8zdzFYWW1UYXYzeEcwYXR1SHhMX0xCSVpuR1BteTczSi0yQkZiTmpxSmlJNWFwejY5aktiY2JWWkJHcm9CVGdFaGE1cXFseFFRMHB2Y1ZnRFJKc3l2TXE3ZEY4dDloeDU1Z056azZrU2o2ZVMtS1VBTEF1X2U3ZktBPQ== |
Been using JUP but I wonder if there are any better dex which have less fees or more options. I can’t use some as I’m UK based. | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NTRjNkttbk5WZGZnWnV3dW5jMThlWGZFMGh2ZVNxWTh1TDYzZzdma2pWYXpieXo1cWdBVmdYeXhxdVRLMExoczcyYmxOWFZ1VTNDbGU0YlNQb0RUWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYTdvY1FqSkg4WHB6aUc1VXVOaGhCaTl5b2hfa0JsU05ORFBvb3o2RG1ncDJpMGJyRkVvbmk3bWV5WFJCM1N1VU83X0hRdy1jZmVBN2t4RGZZUzR1QWRxOHhaSHNkS3FYRXFLaE9FeWhOLUg5eVVESGpRZHhEaExucEE5enZWWnhnV3Zrb2wtTzY1cFVwUTY2YVlFQk9LZEgzWDhpUjYzdEpTZGlJRUZwZE1WX1FJeVlBRkpjNng4eWJjdHNFSnYz |
I started working with different people since 2021 and I can really tell that everything’s fine at first. The pay and share is enough for me since I am not aware about the money that they earn. Later I found out that some of my clients earned thousands to millions. To the point that I’m bummed out to think that I really am responsible of the designs, graphics and characters. To attract the masses. Until now I am searching for the right people to collaborate so I can have my fair share.
Need some advice from you folks… | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QXFiTllZVXBCZGtPVEcxYTdBWWpnSXI2em5SQmRGcUVxNDdzb1B3WTdnckw0V2xaTXpPbDVlY3JFRU9xbFpMdG9tNWZ1eC1mQjlCN1FZUWZPLUpydEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBaTRQa3l6NUVKeDJkWEVqSF9CNGNwSnJzSVpVRHRvampkODg3OHQ2dTYwbFVwMll0OE9iUm11QUNLSDlLWWJKWG5QWGJVaXNHdHV3dDZ6NDNHYWJUM1hyMnZwT19lSndXbVZ1QUZZdHZsM1RzTHIyMzNYUTQ2dy1SZkxwV2lCUms0TTVhMGQ2MzRoemw3a2JVVEVIak14V1I1MjRfSzJFdFNkUERkNDNCaFhHbEEtR1lmMll4MWpsMklMRHdDLUhm |
What should I tell her? | r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3RS1GMXhTdzByV1pFd185clZOYzNVUkF0RjdxdFpCY2FQdFd1NVpSVVRKYjN6Nk5GVHdYX2tXbFl1NEc3WDU4VmU0eklFT2N4dU5KOFE0bUdYRklXVGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBUUZRR3RUM095bFFwZ1NINDZ0QTJGSlQ0VHpKWVY5WTcwSU1qUkVGRDlTdlcydE13T0N0TzhLU3d5dFU3VGc5WU80YUtTQnFjQmJxUF9jUWxUaV9qNFpuQU56ZF9TOTZIMTlqdXIwcGtfT2RmOElEalQ1bGE3TUtQQVRvNlJuZlo1c3JKdU1kNEZYcE45SUlQTEtjd3d4QTRtVTB1YU1wVGlIMkJvRlFkTzNKZnczOTJkMmFwVXMzakJPSTVjbmJ5R1NLdFJXOVRoVFVlMmFxX2hENEN3dz09 |
I am a physician and I was admitting a patient to the hospital with anemia (low blood count) due to a bleed in his stomach. He would not look away from his phone while he was trading Bitcoin to answer my questions (while he was bleeding in the emergency room).
The top is in. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3S19tdG8yZ3UyYmNVcGJOYklNczl4Y0txTXpiSXp4Tm5CTU13azhjT1JvZ1lJRmVaejN6NjdjeW05RUc2SVJEWUZyWE9OUVFIaE1sY09UbnF4TkdDaWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBbDNhRHROQ3U4M2xZamludEhoc1N4bXJwYTdQY1FyQWFZTVZCNEtlTTJsUDVxVjh0aVE5UUxUb2R0RmJMVERXZ1M1UzliWmlUVTBwdmhINWFPSE9ndGhZU1VXRGpla2ZOZnVZVE0zWkoxOC1WaTNrUUY5aXFnZ1lQMlBZSFQxUzhQRVk3THQ3NS12ckNHV096MlRtYlo2YzR6d2ZnMWVqaTQ3OVFCaElHZXdFPQ== |
Beginner in DEFI, what would be your strategy to optimize your stablecoins (6-numbers amount) according to the following criterias?
* Mixed approach between CEFI and DEFI eventually, if it allows to reduce the risk overall
* Less hassle as possible
* Less risks as possible
* Minimum overall APY: \~4%
* No issue with locked coins (for one year for instance) if it allows a better APY without raising the risks
* No complex strategy
* Diversification between USDT and USDC if possible
* Don't want to put all my eggs in one basket (platform, L1/L2 networks, etc.)
Thanks a lot | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3SHBiYUZtYVpVRWtFUDFPNlh3czFyYmVNeXRnTFlhR2pwak5QQUtrU3V0N3hyNU1FaFppbTNGN1hUalBnOHp5UHMtSEdrUE5WSjZuSU84eWlGY2Vqd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBclI5QThpalNSSHJRbmVLMmtBX3k0MWpYYWhuQ0x6UnpwazBFbUExeHhaN2lKWGFIV1BOcEgtWTZ1bVhTM1pJX0NvdjdhblBnQkljUVBMaW5QS2I4QzhfV0hQUHR1VnlPcjBrQ25Da2xJVGZoeEk1dXlzX0VseHdiSmJRWG12Qjk1dkl4d3J0aE5xVnpRdk45VmNwTlg5NjRUR2pZeGpBUGl2MUFlMjNjLTdfaHYweWdIQmFGTUg5X0ladjFMSEdWSmZkOHVPaElTYWpkRmprZTZ3TGs1dz09 |
Hello. I am a holder. I have been considering buying a monero for a long time. The technical side is clear to me. Now I'm interested in the goals of the community. That's why you keep this coin. There are two types of coins for me. Those that have practical applications and those that are used as investments. I do not consider speculative memcoins. I'm interested in technology. I believe that this is the future. And so, I'm interested in the goals of the community members. Why do you keep coins?
And I apologize for my English. | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cTdVN2RYNk52b1NlRFgtNnEzVEhyWDhFZl9YalBNQkpZcFlTamFrU1JpRW9NSklsTEVlRGFsZWJuS0pNUjdXVEUyYlJfSi1LOGN4cVFRR250S1BQeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBb2tKU1pINHJyOU5Ja29CV3lHU2dEdHFsQ3EyV25nUWlTZGl5TXVhMEtnaXRybGY4Q2xSMk52dExFZ2NOb3hoVldLUk9jX2dsVC1RTm1YSlI0R3NwRGR6aXA1Wm5oS3FZcER2RmVkSk4zTl8tWFY5cmgyU3FwWW0xRlFFcDAyVlRGMng3VDVnYXFRY2xtN2xYMEhRbWNkRWFKNmxoLWxvRVFtOEtBX0hDUURvPQ== |
We have detailled overview of this data including sales of the history in our NFT Trading tool.
Let me know if you want any specific statistics or chart, so I can share. | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dzEyYm5INXdnaEpMQlA2VzRMeW8tRWhxSEgyRHVpYXVOZzI2UDBwMTJPcnlURFR5VHBXX0tlT3hlRV9QZm9qU1dMMEhUT3hVOXhDWWpjbFRLbld3MFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBLVNKTXl1TFRoRWhEbXQ4ZGVKWVd4dENhRVNrT05jTDlacVROT1ZLXzdiTWVJVjFqakFtdTQ5cUltSEZLc0NqVXJiSDJ1dW1jbkZyUnZjdGpkbE4xaWI0QXVoM1VEOFM0MTAyZmJwcTJCejNJcFFsQnVyeVpxT2lpWVpnQlItdlA4UEE4Uk5fSUF2VzQ1RG9lc2wzcFhjTGdKZmtVREFoek8xNGh6UVBtRTVGMGFqeVNCMUpIRzE1dEdVdjNGQlNLZWlqaEd6STVBR0ZySS13T2JoTEtnZz09 |
Something of a happiness hedge for my liberal heart…. Why is it that all I can think about now is why didn’t I put more into the trade…. | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3YkZIbmd4UGxDWVNqTkw4bEZZWG9KTEtiZHVZMHJEbHd2T0FsNXdXQ1lPYVQ2Mk1QZzFGOGE4YlpqQUgtWV9LU3I0VndVTmlUQTA0M25iOGhGWEx5VG0zUlBPR3B0T0JXV1BlaUZEVFlVUnM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBS2FXR3pjVnNFalFMdUF0ZDg0cHA5ZkI1cXZ5OEZMRjhjX3RVVWU5amFPQktWR2xHdHlLTkZDajRVUmR1WHBxeERORk1nYnF0ZG53Tkk0Z2o5VTJHY2gxWldCb2dneDZIZV9jS2NLSTBQald1TVVEcUs3b0toY1ZYQVVZRmpvd2VrRm9OOU9GY2NLY1FNQi00R0pROUVEa3BJSEJ6ZDlSdGlNU0ZzWFZtXzJPTElBNTdrSmtSUHZhaGJKckw1Mjk3UjBIQk1KR3ZTZ0dKR2t5N3M3XzNYQT09 |
**Exolix & Monerujo entered into a partnership**🤝
Monerujo, the trusted and user-friendly Android wallet for Monero, now offers seamless swaps with Exolix!
Here’s what our integration brings to you:
* Zero-confirmation swaps for amounts under 0.3 XMR
* Low minimum exchanges starting at just $5
* No KYC or registration required
All the details are available [**here**](https://exolix.com/blog/exolix-and-monerujo-partnership-for-effortless-crypto-exchanges?utm_source=twitter+&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog)!
🎉T**o celebrate, we’re launching a special Giveaway for the Monero community!**
Joining is easy:
* Complete a swap on Exolix through your Monerujo wallet anytime from November 12th to 24th.
* No forms or personal details — your privacy is our top priority.
On November 25th, we’ll randomly select **three** winning transactions, and each winner will receive **1 XMR** in their Monero wallet. Good luck😉 | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3VWdWX1hyazc4S1VmaVNqMkRQT2Jhb2Z2eTBqTlhsV1dMRWhNN0Q3UmVwU0hDT1RZUXlmMGNnRUR0QlIyUnpGVV9JWHhLazV1WG5mTEJjWUkzTFY0bTdHTC1tWngzaE9SeERabEwwOW85OVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYS03ME9FWWo4OGdFRGxncE1va1ZkVzhVUG9SOHY2cWlvUXJrZnd6cjlZa3J4bFREbUpSV1lTcGhKd3h0LUpISnJxUndHWW52ZmxYdXJ1NEVfN0RTdF9GMjVWcVZESUJRR1RrWGx2N2xLVEhTMmZHSUtqVjZfZV9aN1BPMFFnV1JpcmZ5YWNWaEVuYm1OdDFLQTlMQzRtYlRUTFJPeWl6Vmo1SGNpSktUMk1tNUdrLXVWSEMtcmFnQlhpUTc0Tk51NV90bGFkZzg1WjNLVmI3MjBQSzNRUT09 |
Art dealers like to show off and get recognized. NFT promoters use aliases. Why? | r/nft | post | r/NFT | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NF9veXdSbW9fY0JQV3BHNkdYYTZ4ZU44Mm5OemluMUpPWXh3TFZhOG5CNTVDSlNrMlJvTzNsNFNFVWtwTms2bE10bmhXMENZLXFZSDh6aktsRDhHaU5vZnFvdm93MkJqUE8wcTByS0JwVEE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBekZNQzRRNm1zSlRRdng3UnY2eGE3SWI5SHBKQTlLM2pOaGphYkdwd2VjQmpDV2xUR3l5TFVOdWxvM0ZTcGVDbTVuY255cC1iTjFidl9pVEkyWlZScmRVenRnMHFXYUE5M3B0c092ZXdDZy1JajRrUXl1VmgwUVZ0MmNyOF9hbldaZnZaajk5OXBVNFBsSmJGVDBMdlY4SDdSemhKczBmOU40d0xvZmF1bXZnPQ== |
Monday highlighted the bulls' strength, with BTC making a significant move forward. It feels like we’re at a historic moment, with a new U.S. president, regulations for exchanges, and ETFs. I wonder if altcoins will follow this trend. Some have already shown promising movements, and I believe AI coins will demonstrate their potential.
The Superintelligence Summit has caught my attention this week. It’s a major gathering for ambitious projects that have been building for years. I’ve kept AIOZ Network and Ocean Protocol on my radar ever since I started exploring the crypto space. Humans AI is new to me, and I am exploring it. The industry feels ready for the next wave of innovation.
Speaking of Humans, they are introducing AI agents. These aren’t just standard chatbots, they’re designed to operate almost autonomously, kind of like digital “assistants” that keep learning and adapting based on real-world input. They can make decisions, perform complex tasks, and even interact with other AI systems.
How do they work?
AI Agents get a goal, break it down into steps, gather the needed info, and then go at it, adapting along the way. They can even pull in data from the internet or collaborate with other systems to get more specialized. There’s this whole process where they learn from feedback, making them better over time. They’re on their little mission until they hit their target. Kind of makes regular automation feel… well, limited, honestly.
Where we’re seeing them used?
Right now, they’re popping up in a lot of areas, and each one is pretty exciting:
Finance – Agents handling trades
Healthcare – Assisting with diagnoses and personalizing treatment plans
Education- Personalize learning experiences
Why are they different?
Compared to traditional automation, these AI Agents seem way more flexible and able to handle changes in real-time.
Some of the downsides?
As they get “smarter” and more integrated into our lives, we’ll need to figure out some guidelines. Things like: How much control do we give them? How do we make sure they’re secure?
Curious What Others Think!
Do you find AI Agents innovative or maybe you are skeptical about these innovations? | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3a0p1MzYyVkxEeWxNdGRvcWNhbVVrc2hFbzZWR0pXYUdib2U3RnBZb1MtVzgtWmhqWTBQVXZfR2NYanppTFB0R2Y4WlBYMTBOSHQwYUZLeHFBUDFOUVowemxXelFjZ2tIUmZ4RktiZ2FvNlk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBRHY4LVZ1OUZBV0JsSDhmcExfWTh4WWlPOFIyVzYzVmdlc0QxYXpLZ0IxSVB6V0FzcGpuVEllSGdmVlpjeVFpaTlXMzJOMnYxeGsySEY2dHUzaGFqcXJ3djZQWlVZZV9obWZTZm10YmpmMTVCenVUc3Zpb1JySlhnTXdXR2RPcS1mY2dNNnk1Y1h1cDFrLXVzUU5sQUpzUmNhQml3aEM1eHI4Q09zWmN1MDVnLWVhTW5FQ3FHUHRIWVdWeFlQQTJa |
Hello there, i need a advice about some asic and connection pool | r/ethereumclassic | post | r/EthereumClassic | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dzRoS2hjX1VwaTExd2dXXzgySkZRdng5ejRWZVRzWllNdVVUendBUHI0NkZIdEtnNzZRMWFGQU5FRTM1OFBKWkdIYzFQWUxVOTNNeFZMaFdGb2FHSXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZjZDVjZmOEpXSjNlM3doRDZWV0FkOVJqSjBQRjB3anhXNm1wVXB4WDgzbjZFZlc5cGdnTW9rWFV4RWl2U1BuVWVpNWJTNzlqWUtSNnR6RktUdkdVNlJuSHJCNUt6S3pKTDU0QjZRS2x0WXJRd0U4ZlJ0WWtLS1ZlbzhzTGpzcTdSTmhVVEZDSXRfLTRtTG1VQ1g5MlNDSzhMbWZ5aFZaTmNfcUcwb2c1TGJiaTdobktPODdBZUVXaDJaZkRyVW55MVd3cENYYy0wVFdyT3hteWp1UUlkUT09 |
I'm doing some research, and although there is no data on this topic, I'd like to hear your opinion. Who benefits most from NFTs: artists, marketplaces, promoters, or buyers?
[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/1gpucua) | r/nft | post | r/NFT | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UVVGVnRqVU5IWmVhUDdCZzV5eFVpalhOYVhmRTRidHFEMXlJcmxRQjRvdC1LTy1wcGYwVEpmT3hBUXg3dGl3bFRXTDZDTFAtWTBaeUhySVVibHNEVXEtUkgtaWRfTUx6R3F3bmMxUFM0eGs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBdWtRLU55bFBWUDdzOTJMVlVaX19QM24xbE9xRjFHTTAwSGVlUXFxd3lvU1ZCT0FwdlpjSkxfWGZmUTdKLUZGUXlfN3kwX0lXcGd1ZGxvYS1yRk15MkVzNFB2azZPNVVQa3FoVC1EblExdnl0ajc1VTFOQnA5SlpfSkRmbTc3X2h4TmMyc29lVHlVTlFGWTZTRUoxMmJFcWdObkJzYVFQTjRkNWlocnFUcHlFPQ== |
Can someone help tell me if this is a legit token or not
https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cat-dog | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3QmNmaWJEM2E0ZFBtSW5DNzJjUl9mNDJXLV8wWXB5SGdJbUY5M1BYWFIxOUkwOEZZQ0pyYnlmMDBta2lsaERxdUNGQW1fZHY0WE1POEJDcHc2YWdzUHgxcEExVzg3eDhwbXlUMjIweUFEeFk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBQnZvbFhENVFud3NGbGNGX1NFM1JlOTlrZ3VoWVp0TjBHMFBRQ2pUWTQwWFZ0S1liRjFSRDFnVkthVWlXcU5oclNkanJVcWh4STVIbEIzaFNXT05mZmdlWGdFOG5QczhYbmtJRjA4THA2bl9yWXN4cHJXNTlLNV9nS2tDN1JiRHlQUXozZTFSZnZoRUhYVzd2MWxDQ0tJZ3luMnJDcUt2TWd2RXRFRGZFTUV2ZkpLS1NEZ3d0TG5DQWlyeGlVTGhq |
r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3YURPSU40dzFwOU4xenBrMDZtVUU4cldWeUhBTWFuOFpYSFNxTHdEU2thRjFGVk5LYXg0Q19uNFBpeVlhZ05LWDNkYmhrMWNrRjJweHU0LS1DQTlhNzFNRXlSWnJXYXlyOVBpTzlSUDdEamc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBNGpnSzJCSFVFcDZCRGNrNGwtdVA3dU5jaS1halBSNklFb0lqY2lPY0FYbF9IZjRnX0EySWp1R3ZpclZSUXMwX21UaGkwd3Ztb3JnYUxWZXQzMlNlRkYtWGZYSXU2Qm9VOENGeHcweDRaeEdBdHlONlNGWkdlNmZmMk5EWFExUmswa29jWlg4UU5ucDJrOVBoT1RldnNtbVBsZ1J2SGZDemFoNnFtVkdia1lJPQ== |
Right now I have a bunch of solana staked on Coinbase. I am moving it to my phantom wallet right now. I want to know, how safe is jitosol? Is it more secure than Coinbase? | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aEVQWERUaGdWTUViMFhXaW4xWUVMOUQzX3lzQjAwMkZhcFhOMW5SZ3Vqc3MwZkl2cjNvMG9ETXVadTJ1b0F2Sm4wRzg0NFA3bUx6VkQxaVNzcXQ2V2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZXIybWJNSHN1WjB6eFBpNW1LcFdMWVhoNGZXU0lIRmVtTVp5a0dncVE5eEpDNmN0NjV2Q0JtMVZfTWhHZk9CR2FsSkthZmxaa2JsMmFEcGlGSENhbjZJODdiX2NEMjAzQ2tSOEwyNC0tSF94bjVGS3RaTkI2WnM3aHZkUWY0QzRqUUVGMXczWGxqaHpPZU5mTEFBTnI5THpGQk9nd2tRVDhsclRFQ2U3TXkwPQ== |
Yo fellas what do you think Pepe coin could reach by 2025? Seems like a lot of hype around it, but wondering if it could actually go anywhere long term.
edit: damn it's already pumped from $0.14 to $0.2 since i made this post yesterday. Crazy how quickly things are moving rn.
The DOGE pump (thanks Elon) seems to be bringing memes back into the general public's attention again. imo that explains why a lot of established, well known memecoins are pumping hard:
$Pepe & $shiba for large cap
$Powsche & $Billy for small cap | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aHBtdWpyd0NoeU9JWnZwVE5Cak96M29pd29xZzFST1FySFN3ZHI1bmVVUzdaM0JxQzhhY0ViUXk2VVFvVmtKZFpJQVVEXy15UjFpSGZWNEtKbFZjVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBMzJXQy11cUZMUjB5VWFpczg2S045eXhKeVdjRlRCTXBhXy1kRTh4eDBIbldHcTBxMkxvWVVPcF9MMEc2OUZMZUZUSmgxa01RMG1mbE1MTGpJYXdPdml6MnRyU24zaVdhc0tRNDVKQUE5LVRiTDZpbUQ4MFNJQ2ZMUlhBdUJYYUJQSW4zNXB0aWptY1N4dXlGRmJrQllDU3oxY1pvaFdEMDRBdGJEZ0xBeHZwUDY0a0hoVm9RbkF1TDZvSVFsVVQ0 |
on the search for the next PNUT and DOGE i stumbled upon some new projects and was waiting for some nice price action and i saw PEAQ, At its core, peaq is engineered to facilitate the seamless integration of machines, devices, and physical infrastructure into a decentralized, blockchain-based economy. This vision is realized through:
**Decentralized Governance and Utility**: peaq provides the infrastructure for machines to operate autonomously, offering services across various dimensions - from land-based vehicles to drones in the sky or even equipment in space. This not only decentralizes control but also democratizes access, aligning with the ethos of Web3 where users and machines can interact without intermediaries.
**Ecosystem Richness:** The ecosystem of peaq is vibrant, supporting over 30 projects with more than 850,000 devices connected. These projects range from energy management to mobility solutions, each designed to leverage the blockchain's capabilities to provide real-world services. This extensive network showcases peaq's commitment to not just theoretical blockchain potentials but actual, tangible applications.
Users can stake Bitget's BGB or USDT to earn from a reward pool of 12,125,000 PEAQ tokens. This initiative not only incentivizes early adoption but also spreads awareness and investment in peaq's technology. The event runs from November 12 to November 19, 2024, offering a tangible way for crypto users to engage with peaq's ecosystem.
peaq is not merely participating in the blockchain revolution; it's leading a charge towards a new paradigm of physical and digital integration. what's your thought on the project Growth ?
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peaq/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peaq/) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3b1VsZEN4LTBsUUxrOVhTbW5qTk03YXo0cnhDcGZrTzU3OXhhZHJic1RBaThDWHFjQkVxWlJoZmpOclBmMVliMnJMN0YtYkF3VGR0ZFdnYTN1dWlUNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBaEIwdkRFOEUwblI4UXFWTjhRUjJBVFBzaG15TlM1MFM5RVJfWFdoVWJPYjJ3VF9LZ2hnUTRZZ0twY3F0WW50aThrNkhvYmNzdVU1VmJqeDRFMHNCZ0JvUTZwbzI0THoxOXdfRzcyU0NyWnJ5SVhCdXB1ZVg2TnRlX0tSZktFamc1TnQ1aE1xM3IyX3BLOGtkR2p1RExqVERjbUNtVnVya184RHNFbjVZNmt0VWpvSWFnVVpJZnhHWUN6b1h6a29kdDc5UjM4Mm9jSlhpOFFSQzVneUQzZz09 |
After today's inpennation of BTC price I would like to rebalance my portfolio by swapping some BTC for XMR, I still believe a lot in the potential of XMR, and for me this slow climb is a bullish signal and I would not want to miss it.
Any advice where to swap my BTC to XMR?
**Edit: After 10 days or research and tried different dex, my favorite one is** [deXch](https://redirectdexch1.xyz/)
1:1 rate, very fast transactions, about 5 minutes total to complete the swap, plus it has a fixed fee of $10, on each swap, if you have to swap large sums it is definitely cheaper than competitors.
Also reading their docs, it is totally decentralized, which means your funds can't be locked, but at the same time if you make a mistake they will be lost.
**NB; I don't suggest or raccomand to use it, it's not marketing, just my experience** | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Tzczc3ktOHo3RHJ3YVhUbFdpQTljejNIQTQ2UER4QWc5S3hZS0ctcEFOb0Z1N0VVdVdhQWFtS2NGS20zNWo2bkIxYTlLLUtQbFpBcV9VUXZOTUdobFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBV2loVEdDZEdKcXl2Y0ZVNnpuQlRiWDhqV0toMVZtclBvakZUXzdxblNOeGJoNjA3TkJ3dThDdGswLVkwemVHN25vQUdLT1FZel9teXg0LWx6dVFxbVFETVJUQy1CV3NTRm9MV1hidzhmVXdyWm5CUTRBR09oUmpsUllMQThjSTJ3Nk1oMEJmYktKdjRrU2EycllkNndzc1hTdlVieGw0VkJWbk14X0g0d0hsd2FLTkFsbk9meTU5M1dwZXBYTEJy |
It’s Joever guys rip bag holders.
| r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3N0REb2RweTA1RHdJMmlQVmllUlRyRXJFQTVjN1U1TFByZHZhbTVuRFl3dHRmSGxkSzE4cFN1R09YZlpOMDVWVGRWV01YalpFamFWX3J1NDR0RHluWVcybzlVZFRZQTJTXzU5QW9CeEx5aFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBSXVRSTd3QjZqbEdGcUUxdEx1bGVYZkRkb1NNR0pURlZoRnZ0NjF6NWZ6cFRqRnJUc19hQ181UFJQcVJRZE9JdmhjWE5mX2tEU2lETW9OU29ueFFjMVZaN2MxSUFKZFQ2WnM5WHk5UVdjSFF3QTZGZ2pka1p3TFNiUFBlbzJ1elV2MXhiWUhodjk2VzVHTHZ1MExjV0F2RlFUbmN3eEVzaEtQaWhnS0NDcUVwcnVvX08zd1lzRXZFTHBCeFV6a3Zz |
Hey all, I have a few beginner questions, so please bear with me.
I have some BTC in self-custody that I would like to hold in a USD stable coin. The more decentralized and the least amount of KYC the better (ideally no KYC at all). Looking around it seems like DAI is probably the best bet, although I'm not quite sure. How would I convert BTC into DAI? Is it really the best stable coin? What are the risks here? Feel free to add your 2 cents or any words of wisdom - I'd love to hear it.
Thank you in advance! Cheers! | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3a1FzOTNUTUVVOS1vaXNrV1dDcGxYRW5QNmMyTU1YbGhXME1veHU2bGFYcXpvSEN5OFpZT0Z3QjhfdEo1b01JZGFuOXhXMEFDU3Rnem1wSWd5eFhjQVpBZW90V2I4dmFPQk5OZjJDa2UxQmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBeWNiSTFPYkI5ZG1HTEtWRzRWRm9ubW1EM0k2LWxncThHdUhqaWh5Z2dXcnI3TGEwNXN5WFh3akt2MGdjVTY4RXZpUDJQV2h6aWlLb0pFdUdCeTZJNTRVcUQtbl9iM1ZUUHBYNVpDa281dUluUGp2bGdoNW9uckc0amlFYUtjbnkydmdlZTB2XzJMQTlkWXlwWEl2aXFYT1czX18zUG1EUm51dm9tZ2h4eE40PQ== |
What are your thoughts and concerns with this recent news? What does the outlook for Tesla now look like? | r/wallstreetbets | post | r/wallstreetbets | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3c19aLVVqUzV4aEUxN05DSEpYRmNSTm1XN0NaS292Wm9DX3JERk5kSXF0ODVuWHdvYVAtNE12RmlfeGtwTTdBU253TmJBNFAtYU1uN1k0aHlJWE80QWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBQTh4djZkcVVGa1NyQ0p4d2t1Q2VXZUUxcEE0bUl3ZGdTeVFRS2h4U0tvdEE0N0ZpOWRJSHFwc3lTRkZZcTF6Xy0xdGVOcG53Z3hUOG53RXU0Y01vNklmTGVFOHd2Si14MnB6Nm1QRERuLVdmYzN3LTl2Vi1jWDEwQjBaZE5UOXV6dUhab0FYbGJ5Z3JhaUphaHJsVTFPanpsLTVtd29MWjlLNHR1TExTNGZJZ2N4dm9QNXVPWWZkYm1lZnFBNm40T3lHRldvSjh0WV9qQXU5aGwyNWQyQT09 |
This is eth TRADER, so i hope i can ask this question from financially motivated folks without besmirching the good name of Ethereum.
With the reality of a (previously) unbelievable yet now likely implementation of a BTC strategic reserve in the next 100 days. Is BTC price gonna run away from ETH forever?
At the top of the last bull 12:1 ratio. Last summer was also close 17:1 . Only gone up since then currently 27:1 and when orange man replaces the Treasury Sec with someone crypto friendly.... They gonna pass that bill and start buying 800k BTC .
Fan of Vitalik since he spoke in Miami pre ico. Seriously. I love Ethereum. From the ico craze to gpu mining and the fever dream of defi mania, a huge amount of my holdings are ETH.
since then my premis has been; Btc is digital gold, store of value ... and ethereum is the world computer and the foundational layer of all working Blockchain for the entire planet.
But if BTC going to 500k and Ether 8k. Mebe it's time to shift it all? Anyone else feeling this? And those who are. Are you waiting for a better ratio? Personally if i see anything like 17 :1 I'm gonna shift. | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3cloyZUVRQTdQUVQ4em5iUlRHRkgyZHFOVTZzWnR1cXNMMFhIU3RLUFFJcGc1WEVENy02VUtDeHUzVzN0RjdKZi11X1V0NWNoc3BlamlHdGhNMENLaFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBVTlxX2tLcmJxVGlYb0JiVGJXZ1FCdTJqWG9ieWhOZlRnTndJRHJGRk5DX2d0Zkx1R2hWMmFlTEVDRjh2YWJxZ2EzN29aRVVXNjF3MXlTcm40c1NXcXV2OWJHYTIzLWpnOVVra3p3LXg0ZVZmN3JvdzBWemI4bHlfWjczSmtXbWFnTlZGNTJpdjFTVk54OFFXWTkwN2tZdWRjcXl3Ung2MUdDVTZqLWh2QjZxdTMtOUJnRWdCUHNuQS1nUWNtS1Vv |
[OpenAI NanoGPT compatible](https://preview.redd.it/49btjj3mvk0e1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6551d9eaacf34c34554793329ad30ac5aba7a02a)
Another active week for us, so time for a few updates.
First off, we did a podcast with Jeremy from the Bitcoin Cash Podcast which you can watch here [https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw](https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1BRJjwyvMrLxw) or Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAtkrGvwKoY) . It was a lot of fun (I'm Milan), also gotta credit Jeremy for this being the most professional-feeling podcast I've been on so far. We talk about the benefits of anonymity, discuss Bitcoin Cash and Nano, central banks, implementing BCH on NanoGPT, and quite a bit more.
**New text models**
We added **Yi Lightning** (and other Yi models), GLM-4-Plus (and other Zhipu models), and Claude 3.5 Haiku. Yi Lightning is relatively unknown in "the west" but is currently #6 on LMArena (independent leaderboard), above even Claude 3.5 Sonnet, while GLM-4-Plus is #9.
Yi Lightning is incredibly cheap to use, roughly 1/50th the cost of Claude 3.5 Sonnet and ChatGPT. **We seem to be the only service that offers access to it outside China**. With this addition we now support literally all the top 20 text models on the leaderboards and are the only service anywhere to do so.
[Independent leaderboard ranking](https://preview.redd.it/8duxvhkhtk0e1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=e249d5876587d7df5c1e0fd09681a43fbec4dbd3)
**OpenAI compatible route**
Because Yi Lightning is so high performing and cheap many want to use it for API purposes, which we've made easier by creating an OpenAI compatible API route. See [https://nano-gpt.com/api](https://nano-gpt.com/api) or reach out to us if this is something you're interested in as well. It makes it essentially simple to swap out "OpenAI" for "Nano-GPT" in your code, add our API key, and then have access to all the OpenAI models you're used to plus about 50 others, all in one route.
**New image models**
**Flux Pro V1.1 Ultra** (what a name) is the first proper model to offer 4K/HD images. The max resolution is 2048x2048 (square) or up to 3136x1344 (landscape), and it generates these big images without losing quality.
We've also added NSFW image generation via **Promptchan.** This is the best NSFW model according to most of the benchmarks and user opinions, and it comes with an overload of customization options. Change the image quality, style, pose, filter, optimize for faces, and decide how creative you want the model to be. The model is only visible if you explicitly opt-in by checking "show explicit content" in Settings.
**Model UX improvements**
Since we have so many models nowadays it's becoming unclear which to use. For both text and images the models are by default ranked by their overall score on independent leaderboards, and for text models it's now also possible to sort them for performance on coding or maths.
Models now also have provider icons in front of them so you can find the model you want to use more easily.
[Model sorting](https://preview.redd.it/d2qc9ymktk0e1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f8cd12a196826da5c7b0b839c82d4d17c777dd)
**More payment methods**
Doge, Solana and BTC have been added as payment methods. It's been pretty interesting adding coins - BCH is still one of our most used coins which we think might partially be because it was one of the first we added, but also partially because the BCH community is actually using crypto for payments. At the end of the month we'll release statistics on which coins are used most, which should be interesting!
**Next up**
We're adding payments via ETH, Polygon, Binance Pay and Coinbase Commerce which is an all-in-one integration, then we feel like we support practically any payment method. From then on our focus will likely purely be on improving UX: adding file upload, image upload, improving the look of conversations and generally optimizing the experience in every way.
As always thanks for your support - it's great fun building all this and seeing people use it. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3WjYtX0FMbTV3UXVxUFkzQ3ZFb2UtMFRQbUpsOEF6WHNPOUpCSTFwbVVBUHJVREtqQTUybXVYN2dzT0V1bURRbnctcVJUbGZ0YnV6UUVUZnkxLWlEd1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBNG1vaUVtUHNrN0tKRkl3RVMyQlBTaU1CaTdJVlh6bF9HRWpnd1RmZVZWYVJlSHE5SFdjMk5TUTRRcVljV05aOE1YSmd4QXNBQ2ZKSHFtTURfeWR5dmd2TnpUR3pTckhxYVQ4Nm8xN2JFMVhDRzVGdHhlREh2dG5IRWdOUVFtczhGRGVaRmtCQUh6ZDdqa05tN0NwYTVRUVA1RHM1TG9qYVJwaTZaUFNYQ2VwajNzNWZHRE1kNERJX0U1S3RpZzdhbFpTYmZ2MG5fSF9HcmRLY04xQjNIZz09 |
I had a plan in my mind, hold forever but life said no...
I had to sell because I bought a house and I need to renovate to live there but we are poor right now and my bitcoin are a really big help.
I sold at 74 and feel devasted watching it go to 90 and possibly beyond, I had time untill january to sell but the risk on the short period and not this massive gain difference from there to 90 (It was my new sell point after knew I had to sell) It didn't make me feel safe. (I'm moving with my girlfriend so It's not just about me).
I hope Bitcoin explodes to 200k but watching my 4 years stacking disappear very close to a massive bull run it makes me sad and stupid.
I know I've sold for a fair one and It was a need for it but I can't ignore all the years of sacrifice spent stacking satoshi gone.
All my precious satoshi...
But I made 3.5x so I can't complain much.
I could have 0 Bitcoin right now but my mentality still the same.
I will start from zero again, a new shrimp will born.
I wish you all good stacking.
A fallen Bitcoiner.
| r/bitcoin | post | r/Bitcoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3TUNMcG9RSkI1dG5SSjFlOWZMZXViUFc5TmFyUmpLdWsyX2JYT3kyMTNhQ2NJSUJSRkJiYVZpbGlRbHA3OF9Sa1llWV9iZU90RUh2Mmw3dGVYdFB6a3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBR092NTIwT29sZnNPQ3hjdmZfd1N5LTJuZl96TTBub056ZFJLVUNDNTl0bmtKZFZlUnRpRjRnWW5oRk5ma0xQRjVTeHhBR2JKTDRLbmlDcGwtanBxM0twV1h1Z3RwQms0d3JIZHlQemNFdUZEYXZRaGZxMDJSSHF2VEx1N1FjOVczRWZWY0JFdFVjczByemI1eWhFVU9hT0FPQl9LRjctVGp0dGFQT2JrUDBjPQ== |
Made a short documentary style film about the current state of the NFTs, where we started, why were here and is there hope in the future.
What do you think? Will digital collectibles return or will they evolve into something different?
Thanks for checking it out! | r/nft | post | r/NFT | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Mkx5dU9fZnZUbjZmSy04QjJCTVJBc0pLRFdoRHg5LWFaWjdkaTUyRWtYTUdkQlNDWGdPUHczQUZkNkNMQVY0b3IyMi1VM0lBdU9lY3hiNjd1Q2ZtWlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZkJ4V3M5WmRlRHZ5SmV3WEZxeW5VUDdOTTFpMXBxM3h3bWMwLURqOTN2S19vRlFuSWZUajdWTHByemI3NHlteTVtTDJRWGVuckR2NDc3bHpzcHdscFoxZ0tpMzdzblRlUUhJTndqbEZLdWVMSy00SkFZSFJzTXZsTEVwTXVoR0JaQXo0cTRMVTBMRjlDb0kwLW53TkFrZldIQ3hDa285ekdwbGZ6b1Zpb18xWGZFdVBaSDBVX2NFbnNVOGlkbW1B |
PNUT, a meme coin on the Solana blockchain, has quickly gained popularity, reaching a market cap of over $120 million within just three days of listing. Inspired by Peanut, a pet squirrel known for doing tricks in tiny hats on social media, the coin has struck a strong emotional chord with fans.
The coin's exposure grew with its listing on Bitget, and shortly after, Binance announced it would list PNUT, sparking even more interest. This led to a significant rise in its market cap, from $129 million to $447.5 million, before stabilizing around $422 million, with a current price above $0.41.
In addition to its growing popularity, Bitget is running a campaign where users can win $10–$20 worth of PNUT tokens by participating.
At its core, PNUT shows that cryptocurrency can be about more than just profit. It taps into cultural moments and brings people together over shared emotions, proving how meme coins can build strong communities.
[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peanut-the-squirrel/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/peanut-the-squirrel/) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3amVwZFE1cjNvQmlpOHZ0RFQ4bHNrV2FYOEw4NVlnTDViZGdIN1RDVjhIMHI4QjJlbjlPXzFmNHRaN05sM0wyaVVtQmxPX0wxX2hkTXoxQkVQNHlxbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZ3ZOZnp1UTFER196QVg5RXg0em90WUdvN3lVVi1XWFpZeHprSFpRZTFGQVE4ZkJXZE1UNENtdS1BUC1pZHJaaDNPWXR4QTBTamZaU2pleHBsNnh6QzZxOXpFSDN5QmNaTEgzZkcwRFhfQmZ3dlhTdjNLR1pzTTZrdnlqdks5cUo5Y3RUY1JHclRoeDlJMS1ycFFSZW1IazVoQ0FzeUMwbHM0ajVOZF8zbTVuSndsRkVsbFlzeGlGUkZCUkZtOU1xbEk0cVhCNDF0UUh1UXZjQzA5QVdjdz09 |
It’s lock in day this Friday for May 2025 upgrade✌️
Let’s bang some drums and make some noise.
Join Fiendish & Friends for an hour at 13:00 CET to discuss BCH, VMLA, BigInts, and check out what Paytaca is doing with its ecosystem and merchant adoption!
https://x.com/fiendishcrypto/status/1856452981345882608?s=46 | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3OWMwS1pCcU1aN1RBSnYzM2JvdnpUem54clZ2VEhqYjV5Zm51NE5FT1NoRi1KME1PdFZRcFBlS05nZGQ0dS1lWDVwQ2dSWEJzX1Z1cVpmbDFheDU4OHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYnVwcEtZNUk5SlFGYXd4Wlg0TDZjTFNaN2ZXamdlZjlxYUpDaERtaTRrUU0zNUZGR1JxOF81eDFVbnYyNmliNXJjQ3d5NUJXOGxLT0UtT3VqRU4zd3c0UTFLUHRfcUhVYm5ocURyeThjdzdwcFJOMFIyMkIybE51SDhMdjg4di0wN3hmem50MXFZMm9Sem55cUJvX09PX1o3VURsamlPa1FYWjhrZ3FQVHRVPQ== |
[ETH\/USD 4H](https://preview.redd.it/3r65sq1oem0e1.png?width=1515&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3ecbac6f91086dc1f6e367610200a7ac5d89c81)
As you can see in the chart above, ETH tried to break $3.4k but it has been rejected and it is getting close to test $3k new support again. Depending how the market behaves we will have multiple scenarios that from my point of view won't be a downtrend.
One of the possible scenarios is that BTC keeps following the bullish momentum, which I believe will happen, and the rest of the market will just follow in a shy way probably making ETH break $3.4k resistance.
Another scenario is that crypto in general starts a side move for some time but creating bullish patterns (like an ascending triangle pattern) leading to a up breakout making the whole market keep going up.
Anyway, this little rally feels like just the beginning of the pre Christmas rally triggered by US elections.
I also believe that even thought some altcoins have pumped like ADA, it has been driven by other kind of news regarding Charles + FOMO + Hype. When analyzing general market trends I use to remove this alts movements from the equation because for me they are exceptions. This is why I believe that ETH and other altcoins rally hasn't even started yet.
# What do you think will happen next?
*Disclaimer: The concept and ideas in this post come from my own thoughts and everything I have seen online during my three years in crypto. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.* | r/ethtrader | post | r/ethtrader | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dDlOUGZ2R18wRC10LS1hYkY2enh0X3JabnFKVl9zRU5YTFllSXYydHRSSGxUVjM2cXpTWXhSUUhfQ1czU3RMMlE1ZEFHbDFxM0I0cUlSWmVMWGpGb3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBMHVlNDVnMWZyZEUxYzJTeUtrbzNyS0ZBVTN0Z3FyUUNzbUVfT1FOcFBuclZaemxteU9TbWs5MFQ0XzJncG9Ddm8zRk45a2hGZ3IxT01IZDBqenBDLUpWQ3lIWk1YbXNGa1FvY3ZIN0NqS0xjZmM3YVZWWG11cnh6WVZNbXB1RjlmLTVQOWtELXQ5a3dTRlVENEZHX2IxaHdlUTNTZEMzdUQwZ3JlN1VTSi1TY2xoaGt0WEpPN1ltNnRkMVZPTHRW |
Thank you for your submission on r/NFTs,
Remember to NEVER reveal your seedphrase - Moderators will NEVER DM you first - Ignore any DMs you receive - Thank you for staying safe
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFTS) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3bDNscXIxNHFqZmkyTTVkejhWQUxiWEJyVGFJR2trM085RUpEcGl4b1lCeUFJTGNtemJJOHd1T3EwemZmN2RlS0VfaW9sYmFyWW4xN3dDc3F3THB4Y3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBNmxzREotaWNwVGYyN2twMW91Sl94dW1KOVE4eU9WNm1HeGx1N1FZTGE0TzFCXzhhQmFLaGlONy1tN1NreDQ4STEySGxRTVJULU5lRzIzUnhiaVhSaUR5N1luaDZaOGR2YXVMYTVOc0dWM29GcFZHeXZON3dQRnlRRjBzV1dsX0JET0Y2ZkplOFFOT1MyVk1fX1hKMGp3d1ZNRU8tTlJIcW03T2ZQMi1sOFJBPQ== |
I've heard bad stories about ChangeNOW, Changelly, and FixFloat. Reddit is full of posts where people accuse them of being scams or having funds locked.
I’d like to avoid this problem since I have a decent amount I want to swap. Could someone recommend the best decentralized exchange, without KYC, and maybe explain why | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3YUxzWVoxOVNIX3Z2UVV0YzJLdTVRU0JmQUxnQkt0VXcya3Nud2ZQVWxPUThnYmN1VE9naWJNTkk4VEQ4MFVXRGVySE9ncWdnLXlVdGZxTGNfMmJjYTYyamxKUldsWW82OXFwVHJQWS00TlU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBTUt5ZVVKTEhxQ0tPbXJucEtzXzBldVFjVnlKWnpKQzVkNmxqYVpFdW92UXVTanhvZ1p1S3BzWmlwcFBzQTc3T1NjVWRXR2pCMzJXNFB6WmRORjJrelZXSlBPdDB3U19rUXBMSlFiUDBUeXdISEJGSld3cXY5aGtMS3VsV0tBRUhmZlFpZl9Ga1pfdVJ4dEVRVnJPNmwtR1ZuS0lsZXdRVC1aa0ljMTFhMjBNOHRvMUNydXFveU85emw3Qzc5MlUy |
Ask me anything about AI adoption in the UK, tech stack, how to become an AI/ML Engineer or Data Scientist etc, career development you name it. | r/machinelearning | post | r/MachineLearning | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3ZGE5SEtrbHlQRHNFVkUzTGs4S0JfejlIWkowUEpJZU9Eang0Sk1rNXY2dWhpZm9LdFZJT3VGQ3BzaW82YnBzdWo4Q2ZyRXc4WmNsakRxSmdKemZ6N29LNFVCZFVYdmhtZjNRMWI5VFdoMFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYm05MGF1dkJCMUpmcUZCZFNRd2g4ODF0RHJ6Ukg0NUhTS0tnb0h5eVdDSWpyUXZGeVlhNXQ5MGc0VHRCSzlfdmFaYlJpVl9DSTlDX0dFaWRzRjhEMkJpQlJpcXhnQVpXcmlfd0hzYUtLYlBwa1YyTVhscGF2RS1vTHA1QXcxMWN2dnVLeWJIZ3JISXRYUmVVdm5OYU55MkxqR2pyR29TN2JEOFJzTmN6MG1OeVI0QXZHblowbmc5SEFBVEM5cnNxaFB4d1VjV0ZJWF9TVzZONXZVWkRzZz09 |
That's enough for a town for a whole week.
Garlic is easy to grow, incredibly healthy, tasty when cooked, ensuring happy and healthy human beings. Therefore helping to fulfill Satoshi's vision and Bitcoin's mission in the betterment of human kind. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3UVdoM2VnbTBIT3gydU1tZjRoWWUyS2VCSkVHT3NRSGU5Q1JmTVFKT3J6QWVmZ2lfSGJ2YUExYkhCUHl2bDJTM2V1d1BzdURabXpzWUZJMEdkXzNUNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBem9FdDBpb2k3ekctdTZuMFlLQkttbVhKc19RbHRsR1NwcllWVWx0WDlsOFRrLUN0MEhmNUt0OGlnVkZENjJFWGhVZ0phM1dvYVptZmt6S0JaSHhkUmhHNE80aWxobDA3eDNCVVI2aVVHaW5PVlZDSGtwazlPS0pjbjQtdHdWeEFBVEpncWNnRWNVb2QyZGdvZE0zZUFObnd2aWdxOVRYMmxCcnlXaVZ0TXJqbFBRaml2TndqemgxTlgwa0RNUVpE |
https://x.com/brodyadreon/status/1856408139907903748?s=46 | r/bittensor_ | post | r/bittensor_ | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3aUMzWGxKS2dEMFlTMEkwMXBwc0R6QUZvOUVTbHJtNFI0c2dqNHQtQV9KOE8zczFvUmlqbE1RaS0xWjd3eG1DbUxuOWJ3bTZQMW15U0JYLXdrMXlaZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBU2RMYUkwNXFWLUY4OVB5WHNIajFxUXBmdWFnRVI1S0ZvTm5LT0RSb0xtR2xiNXBYcmlOUFJmRURSRjBmazJUTlQ0Z0JHSkI3c0d4VmNoMlY4VXpvZUhiOE1ab182enM0SWM5bVFzVHlyTW43dktoM1NTUHBGejZuMWNTM21TRkI3QXZwTnRNTnJjcnRPa19KQnJXazh1R2NGWjgtS1B2YXdjN1Rrd0xsVFhJenhVOHZEQ05FZXF5Y21SUnBtWE9QbWZHZ0YxZFRwcWtNRGxyT1VSNVdMUT09 |
Reviews for ICLR 2025 seem to be available on OpenReview. Feel free to celebrate/rant/complain about your reviews here!
Last year's statistics [here](https://papercopilot.com/statistics/iclr-statistics/iclr-2024-statistics/) | r/machinelearning | post | r/MachineLearning | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3WVN4clZsWjlFaVdtSjZpa05xZXBjNFhkakVtU1dsRDJJWmVtdm55cFlaUDNzMlVDU2Q2Y09abHl3RzhPT2lkVHFsdG9reFZLWWU4NnUzcjZ2X19tb0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZWExdnVDWWhVa0dJaThiMGVibURLc0Q5azM5TlBEd2xOQldXTkZUMVcwcVFDTVNCUnZhekd1UnRKeU1xTTAtQ2JiaWVuSlpWbmx6YXdjM1I3Sm90MHNWLTdjWnpXTFVEVnJoS2RyRmNLNm9xZ3dKSFdjN09pWnlvN0lIOHlhMFVxM3ZPNzc2dVRKcmxZeFgwNlFxVWs0SXdJZUxOWUxoTGhoWktCYkljZlVlSlpQWVJLVmlCTzZHRWJSNEt6UktN |
Can anyone link me to YouTube videos, blogs OR paid content like courses or whatever on the topic of liquidity pools?
I’d like to get better educated and am looking for things like step by step guidance on how to get started.
Thanks! | r/defi | post | r/defi | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3c09Ja0xjODd0eHg0TlA1Y1IyVExWemxTdExSWFhwOHpRaUZTTGZYbVVRVXhqVThLc1BwQ1JMVmd6b0gzVDV1a1N6NTU0M05PYlprRnlEX213eE9OMmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBQm04RGdtbTAxY2VCamFJS2VaZ1o3ek91U2gtc1RzX3VDQzhvWnhQelhvRUNhdERwRk9VRXVkU3dibjFyYkpwZWF3WE9WRF9NUU9Ja2NjSjctaERGdEhEcFJSTlFJWS1mTlBwXy14Y2dBTjZzM1NiZ0hDTldjdkJuM1hveVgzMGUwemlpOFc2OUJId2R0Wkh6eUoxVEhreXhDT2E3bDJVUncyZUR1b2duY3c2NWk2dTBmRnhQMzNuNElwQTVEM3FS |
Just started buying some crypto and thought Solana would be a good idea for what i’ve gathered.
I pretend withdrawing all I have in solana just around christmas, till there I will probably invest more 200-300$.
My question is, should I stake the 100$ I have now and stake the other amount I will eventually buy? Or just hold it like I have it now? What’s the best option if I have to sell in probably a month?
I have everything in Phantom. | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3eEZuYjFBTG1sd09MVGRfTm5UWUVDN3A5d3lyMXFGWUhVZ0x0dlFoUGkwc0k5WEdWYXFwTzV4RXpfbkl3ODFPYXlpT2VOZG1rNTdjZXE0ZUlQOWt5Q3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBQXh2Y3hTU214SHh5X3lBSjFWc2VJQnlaVHhTdl9UYW5YY0RSZmNLc1lJalJPUXRudThfWTctbmpCcHp5eEE3WFRiVHVrdzJSR3A2XzBpaThvaUpPTjd1Q0hZM3FSQ1BWZkhNSUFnRzhERklkWDk2ZDhrX0kybmJwQTJkb3R5RlZyTTZDVTVtaEZmYzF6ZHdjTGdfTVhnRWY0SnFpMjRPTmZUZmdPYUFxZU1JPQ== |
Greetings, I am new to the Monero and coin communities, I am interested in this area. I have a few questions. I would be very happy if you answer. Thank you.
1. **Is Monero's supply limited?**
* If not, what is the reason and what are the advantages of having an unlimited supply?
2. **Is Monero decentralized?**
* What are the benefits of decentralization for Monero?
3. **Why is Monero difficult to trace?**
* Where does the untraceability feature come from, and what security benefits does it provide?
4. **Does Monero have better security than Bitcoin?**
* What are the security differences between the two coins?
5. **Why is Monero less listed on centralized exchanges?**
* What are the reasons behind this, and what are the consequences?
6. **How can I use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?**
* What are the ways to use Monero outside of centralized exchanges?
7. **If Monero gets delisted from all exchanges, can I still use it like real money?**
* What are the ways to use Monero as real money outside of exchanges?
8. **Can I make payments or exchanges with real people using Monero?**
* Can I use Monero for daily transactions or exchanges? | r/monero | post | r/Monero | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dWtGeXNMc1JWUXJQMFMwVU1LcjBtMk9La2hhX1liVXR2S05ISG9BYmRGOUhFN2ZsLWtRR1FGLVQzZmRFNTdDVUhZVW1mR0ExT0I1OXRDRmRsUGdNOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBMTBJWVVaUUlUYzZFc2QzSXFseFB1b1ZtbmNteWdPanVEU05BUkR3ek8zbVdCZUFUeDA5NkNfWUJsZTZmOF92V3ZfTEVwZ2FlOVRDeHQ1eW5OQTlZRThiVWtXTGRlZVgyOEItWV9uUkVDTVFra0JYMVlGQnU4TVpWVDhvZ0JpbXJFUmJXY0Z1bHVIb29adjhncjhLSGNxbGZOc3B2T2xKWXRkbGMxX3pMbTNnPQ== |
The most control you will have if you create a smart contract.
This is depending on the blockchain you are going to use to. Ethereum is one example. | r/nfts | comment | r/NFTS | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3ZUlTNVpxTy1BZjIwNng3cEdhVC1mQUkxNXVSY2xSUi1KUUZMWGVHUWZqQ1RnS2dhbFBSZGczcE4zM0RIeHFmTmF0WWJGaWozOW1hM1JUNlhEVDNkMWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBT2ZYYl9WNDNlNmIwVlhyN0otemdBX2Q4T25MNnZySWVTRlYyYnFMTWd5MFozeDFWSFV3T2hpUS1nSmpja2ZhTUNhUDIwcnhJYVBLMy1xZThjbXY3TFdWU2RWTlRPSEZkb3MyekFmTHVROE1RVEY0SUhrT2d1SmJUYWZ1Z0lKcDVWOXlsQmhiYjl1UjhzTi1UVGxjaHFreUltVmswdzBuWG1CS0lvdXk4MGdZPQ== |
['That moment when you first discover $LFGO'](https://preview.redd.it/914l8n7kkn0e1.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d34c3cb92521fc705c380bc37a9d2ca1a0312f)
Introducing LFGO – where “Let’s Fuckin’ Go” isn’t just a phrase, it’s a way of life! We’re a merry band of crypto enthusiasts on a mission to sprinkle some brickified charm into the world of memes.
Picture this: a community where joy, happiness, and a whole lot of “Let’s Fuckin’ Go!” are the order of the day. We’re all about embracing the fun side of crypto with our exciting brickified characters.
So, why LFGO? Because life’s too short for boring memes and dull moments. Come check us out, as we embark on a wild adventure through the world of crypto memes, one brick at a time! Oh, and… Let’s Fuckin’ Go!!
CA: 2u98MM7DMtVmNG4iAKRNMtynjmkzgD6fXAzB3wVfhQvg
CMC: [Lets Fuckin Go price today, LFGO to USD live price, marketcap and chart | CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/lets-fuckin-go/)
CG: [LFGO Price: LFGO Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today | CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/lfgo) | r/altcoin | post | r/altcoin | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NmxmbE5vTXd2MWR6dnQtUjhMYU4tVmlXZ1cxTEdiTGVFZ1JMM1JHTWd1ZDNyWER4Q0VOZVM5aC0tTlNFMlhxTFgxT25zWllxejBaeFhydVUwdEIxT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBdGVhUW1CZV9ncHB4ZUZ4ZURJY2VkLXlwVmFVeFlacXB3dGFPcDhGdE5YQ0FBWXdScEQzTXNobjFhZUlJRl84YjlHZU1SN3dFdGZwWGw3eTV0dHFtdXoxQXZiMnJiYnlDNFc2TWt2WnhXaFRfTEhEelgyS3M5UEVYUUtlWUluYlpjS0FBUmNZMk5GZm5fUnBxcnlFYW9LSUZPeGc3N2cwUmZTR1dwbVAydC16NzI4bFpsbVJQdktaOExGZ2doOWVh |
If BCH ever does rise, people will start to see it as a legitimate threat and competitor to btc-core, and it stands to take market share from people blindly throwing money at the #1 marketcap. Currently the market seems to be giving BCH a 1 in 200 odds of success (BCH ratio is 0.005 - 0.5%) compared to BTC, Those odds seem quite low for a functional blockchain that actually works in the wild and is battle tested against attacks on all fronts for years, compared to a nonfunctional BTC-Core coin, that has to be kept on centralized exchanged due to fees, so the blockchain is basically nonfunctional.
As we see recently, some posts are stating that BTC-Core has "won" since its a higher price, when in reality BTC-core is a total failure due to high fees, while BCH just works and has real utility, to compete with actual payment companies like Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Western union, fees must be cheap and scale-able, BCH does just that.
https://www.google.com/finance/quote/BCH-USD?hl=en&window=6M | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NmdYdXBoWlI2RFcwVHY1Q0d0WE40TkZSbXl3emJySWQ5Ri1CUGtLcWNqRHZZeTREM0tRQmRLUFM4dFpuS1FDNlpQZ1RWaU1vQjBaTE9BbHhWaGFUSVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBbm9lUVQ2TjlnczVaeUoweFJBTjE1dExGemptRVhUMWE3bE1xU0Z2TlVNRXNEZFUzTS1qWkVQMjZSeHp5TTM4UFoyRklubTU3LVA0anV2akdSdEo2RTFpYzBOV1hhTVJLaUpqd3NQNjBsR2JRTjVCS3lmczBJSEgtejFqQ3AzZXBkeWN3dS0zanNyYmlyUURDUEJCQUMtRm1aYnBMSXpPTkdZUGJwb3ZGLWpYZUhLRmZ5T0p6bm1vUUM0UDNnV0E4S2hPTl9kUFYxMm5NY3RZUVhuN0doZz09 |
I'm observing the cryptospace for 4 years now and I didn't buy and hold any coin that made me rich like Dogecoin.
So I have a couple of questions. I read a lot about forks and that Bitcoin Cash is actually what Bitcoin should be, the same argument comes from the Monero Community. Doge is also a Bitcoin fork, so what makes Bitcoin Cash the best option to invest into?
Bitcoin is the gold standard nowadays, is the price only because of attention and interest of the general people? Did it skyrocket cause governments are in it now and they see that it's the future?
What blocks Bitcoin Cash to be the same price per coin Bitcoin is nowadays? They're so similar and what I heard of it's even better.
Is it a matter of time or did BCH just got denounced? Cause honestly Bitcoin Cash is up there and I see no reason for it not to reach 5-Digits in price minimum.
Would be nice to hear from you what real Bitcoin is | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3LWVKRndYbWEwVXo4djJ0UW41SGxuLXA3cGRzTWkwQ2lfVDc4TTVUeTNNT3FhYmVaNUxwUlBjbEh2SkplYWNvVUNrWW1GTmw0aW55UlA5SFZkYWpjSFBMbldkN2J2MzRkNUxtc1BhTmU5RVU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBU2E4ekc5dWY1Mng1VV9QazU5Z2NHUXJZTkpBRVFxU2ZLT1VBaVVqekNiNElWU3RreDFtWmhMLXZSQ0YtdF9NbmV3UE5oaUVlaFJlSjVyNU0zSVRZdzh2dXlIMXdCdG55S091dXdXb0lWZkVYWlJjUXFyX21qMkF2eHJsNVgxR3dwWWlRS214a0hTd1pmNTdEMmlPZjFzQ2FNbUlJRk5yQjFYSnhtWUZoSFFkMFc4U2t4NzlOejlWWW0tek9HRHU1 |
Hello everyone,
I was reading the paper "Neural Discrete Representation Learning" and I was puzzled when I looked at the first term in VQ-VAE Loss Equation
I understand the role of the second and the third term. However, I am not able to derive the first term from either the MSE between the original and reconstructed image. I assumed it will be similar to the ELBO Loss in the VAE. The paper mentions why they have omitted the KL Divergence Term, but even then I don't understand how the expectation in the ELBO Loss turned out to be the first term.
Note: I am not coming from a stats background, so If the question is something fundamental, it would be helpful if you could tell me what it is. Also, If the question isn't clearly explained, I could explain it more in the discussionHello everyone,I was reading the paper "Neural Discrete Representation Learning" and I was puzzled when I looked at the first term in VQ-VAE Loss EquationI understand the role of the second and the third term. However, I am not able to derive the first term from either the MSE between the original and reconstructed image. I assumed it will be similar to the ELBO Loss in the VAE. The paper mentions why they have omitted the KL Divergence Term, but even then I don't understand how the expectation in the ELBO Loss turned out to be the first term.Note: I am not coming from a stats background, so If the question is something fundamental, it would be helpful if you could tell me what it is. Also, If the question isn't clearly explained, I could explain it more in the discussion
\[Discussion\] | r/machinelearning | post | r/MachineLearning | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3NUpOUWRYRER5Rmc3Z2NfVERUUUhZaGpjV1EtWktGekp1WmRYT1BnaWJydXNfOHFJbWZkQjg2VHdCZFJ4OVVGRFRRR1ZKSFlzOHdwcmEwOWpMMTMycEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBZzVZSzJGcl84LVhhVzNpYWppNEw3cGM5b3dfa2hrTDNMSEpSSFJPVFZHbl9qUzl5V2EtNnFDT0Nvbzd3bEtaelVMemVtb3kySGtnUUNXVFd6aGNMeUt1OEpjTzhSelhkLWFYaVd4OEVnTEZEeWYxQzhQY1hvaDRJMF9vck5Pb1VwVVlZX2RlM0RyOTJFbTNlRDE3TVpKNTBRa0I5amtZdTViU25QLTZFVXpQOWNLZ1RmaVN4UnFmUHRJUzk1RWNaQ29pbXZPRnFheHdibHo5M2Z5S3dUZz09 |
* October CPI rose 2.6% YOY matching the expected 2.6%
* Core CPI rose 3.3% YOY matching the expected 3.3%
* The probability of a Fed interest rate cut of 25 basis points on Dec. 18th was 58.7% prior to this CPI report.
* The probability of a 25 bp cut on Dec. 18th has jumped to 82.3% as of 9:32 AM this morning.
* The economy will benefit as the interest rates come down. The Fed has already cut 75bp this year fueling economy expansion with cheaper lending and increasing investments by corporations.
* Looser regulations and the expected tax cut for corporations with the upcoming administration will further propel the economy. This will ameliorate the recent disappointing employment data. The October Unemployment rate was 4.1% matching the expected 4.1%. However, two major hurricanes and several labor strikes, including a massive one at Boeing heavily contributed to October nonfarm payrolls rose only by 12,000 which was much lower than the expected 105,000.
* Loans are much less likely to go on to default as inflation comes down. A study by credit agency TransUnion has shown that inflation pushes borrowers with low FICO scores to default.
* "The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in October, the same increase as in each of the previous 3 months, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 2.6 percent before seasonal adjustment.
* The index for shelter rose 0.4 percent in October, accounting for over half of the monthly all items increase. The food index also increased over the month, rising 0.2 percent as the food at home index increased 0.1 percent and the food away from home index rose 0.2 percent. The energy index was unchanged over the month, after declining 1.9 percent in September.
* The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in October, as it did in August and September. Indexes that increased in October include shelter, used cars and trucks, airline fares, medical care, and recreation. The indexes for apparel, communication, and household furnishings and operations were among those that decreased over the month.
* The all items index rose 2.6 percent for the 12 months ending October, after rising 2.4 percent over the 12 months ending September. The all items less food and energy index rose 3.3 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index decreased 4.9 percent for the 12 months ending October. The food index increased 2.1 percent over the last year."
[https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm) | r/stocks | post | r/stocks | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3dDJOb2tCZDYzXzVabTktNXdqRXM1TGkxaGJaSWVpYlplY2RKOXkybEFtMXJRYU13VVZpandtcUN6bUVHU3U3U3lGbnhpM0hiVDlpWTc5ZzZxQlpCR0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBcnd6SVl1c0pjWjFxTEtWbmVGdnVlSmpNd0hSVFVkZTVOTVNzUmt5SzlXYjI0c1F3ZXl4VVA3UmNRVmN5ZHQwemZkc1JSemVKc2RZSU5CWmJqWUlHNlhJc3JMVU5VY0FiOEwwczBTbnRNQjZHZlR5WEhsbFl5cC1pT1M1UkJQNjRKWm11Sms1Y2NuZmZLMTdGb0xDczdqd1RxbjBJZ1JKTzNfR2dwQ0pYMmdKSmgxMGNQeHVwZTlrMFZhY1E4R0NpdHlpeDVVRXk5R1lYSnhBSHZnRXpiZz09 |
Hi guys, I have been researching the technology behind cryptocurrency for a while now, currently hold a few bch and just had a few questions.
Does BCH stay true / similar to the original whitepaper of BTC, to be used as decentralized electronic cash? - additionally, has it been compromised at all by bad actors, as is believed to be the case with BTC and blockstream?
And does BTC have any real value / is it worth investing into, given that it can't be used as a currency due to transaction fees? The store of value argument makes 0 sense to me as value comes from purpose, so to me BTC seems useless, and is being driven up by people who know nothing about it and don't want to miss out, and the people supposedly controlling btc behind the scenes. | r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3Rm5pY0ZSLXlOUWdLeFVpekNxLTh5eFFMbUpBRHpfM0FzOWpoQWM4MU1uZ1FBZUJpbjAxRnlocUJwa3lyLUFUcy12NHlnV2FKNl95YngtX0gwOXowVkFMdkZwUnY5SXltTU5meDBSRTViLTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBOHpTNUJqck9rRUlsUFBiME1OZnRleHRHSF9RdEV6YU9HYVRyT3VxSEMxVEo1OVBqcEdzckQwQWRvMUxZQkNZYTlxU2w5eWRLMDVld1BCMXdUZWE3dXNRVC1MaGNfbjE4OEVyWW9SVDJab0xzTzU5VjJYYlY2Z2lkWmYyMW5Mdl94WnNSR0t3LXdLUURCWWl3S01UUmJGU1VuZHY0TC1tT1VnU1JIWFphX1N6NEdXUTNQYlYxZ1RKN25EU3JCWlhs |
I've been reading up on Roger Ver's case, and something seriously doesn’t make sense to me. The government seems to have access to private conversations he had with his lawyers, which are supposed to be protected by attorney-client privilege. You know, the whole "talk to your lawyer without worrying it'll be used against you" thing. You can read more about what that means here: [https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-are-privileged-communications](https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-are-privileged-communications)
But in the indictment, they keep citing emails between Ver and his attorneys.
For example, they mention how in 2012, Ver gave his law firm a list of assets and some exit tax calculation.
For example, they mention how in 2012, Ver gave his law firm a list of assets and some exit tax calculation.
How is that not protected? And later, there’s a conversation where he’s talking strategy with his lawyer about how to value his Bitcoin.
**Like, how did the government get their hands on these emails?**
**Was it through his lawyers?**
**Did they somehow just seize it?**
**How did they get this info?**
**Again, how are these private conversations being used in the indictment?**
**How did they get these emails?** Were they turned over by Ver or one of his attorneys, or were they secured by other methods?
Shouldn’t Ver have been able to fight this?
Does anyone know how this works? Is the government overreaching here or what’s the deal? And where’s Ver’s case at right now?
Why is there no updates?
| r/btc | post | r/btc | 2024-11-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0N3MjZTVmhSalVNcGVqdVgtUGhTaU85UXVfUDRwWm1URFNUNlRId1BWeTZiOUlQLTNmejBmcjh0VHF1YzdIcXczOG1UT3NaQklFU1RQa1N5UFoxX0VCQzJCaW5RU1dkWldSeDdqN01fTGdTS0E9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5YV0RBYlFEZFNuUkRKd0JmSHpDeUZUQ3o0Y1lHMF8xbVh5LXRhandHbFpuajBtUlNLbnFsSlFZZmxIelJNVXl0SURGNzdrTE5xVjBWNldXZldTMm9jSnZYU1FRQ29XalFtMENabExzclZ0ckJwUkVja2UteFJRMWgzZ00yZzFLTUNKYzRlZDN3NkR0SjVFbVh4cVVOc0Vrb01ka0FfNlNwRVRpcmo4dEo2dDVnZ2NWUGFSeEotd0g0NGwyeHFsb1pEQ2tx |
Subsets and Splits