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# Classification of Sugarcane Leaf Disease
## Model Description
The model is based on EfficientNet architecture and has been fine-tuned on a balanced dataset containing six classes:
- **Bacterial Blight Disease**
- **Healthy Leaves**
- **Mosaic Disease**
- **Red Rot Disease**
- **Rust Disease**
- **Yellow Disease**
The model accepts RGB images of sugarcane leaves and outputs the predicted disease class.
## Dataset
The dataset used for training consists of **19926 images** of sugarcane leaves, evenly distributed across the six disease classes. Each image has been pre-processed and augmented to improve model performance.
### Data Augmentation Techniques Used:
- Random rotation
- Flipping
- Zooming
- Resizing
- Cropping
## Model Evaluation
Epoch [10/10], Loss: 0.2903, Accuracy: 90.28%
Validation Loss: 0.3633, Accuracy: 86.32%
Accuracy_test: 0.8683
## Acknowledgements
The dataset used for training can be found : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/akilesh253/sugarcane-plant-diseases-dataset
## License : CDLA-Sharing-1.0