llamagnific-3-87b / README.md
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5.29 kB
  - meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct
  - NousResearch/Hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-70B
library_name: transformers
  - mergekit
  - merge
license: llama3

*** Yoloing this 99-layer llamastein straight to the leaderboard wish me luck


base_model: [meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct]

merge_model: [NousResearch/Hermes-2-Pro-Llama-3-70B]

This is a merge of pre-trained language models created using mergekit.

Merge Details

Merge Method

This model was merged using the passthrough merge method.

Models Merged

The following models were included in the merge:

  • /home/admin/meta70
  • /home/admin/hermes2pro


The following YAML configuration was used to produce this model:

dtype: bfloat16
merge_method: passthrough
- sources:
  - layer_range: [0, 15]
    model: /home/admin/meta70
- sources:
  - layer_range: [10, 69]
    model: /home/admin/hermes2pro
- sources:
  - layer_range: [55, 80]
    model: /home/admin/meta70


How to build a city on Mars? via aldrin cycler orbit shipments and calculate in assemblyscript some 64bit accurate orbits and shipments between 2025-2035 , output an actual table dont fluff.

Building a city on Mars is a complex and multi-faceted endeavor that requires a deep understanding of various fields, including orbital mechanics, materials science, and habitat design. Here's a high-level overview of the process, along with some AssemblyScript code to calculate 64-bit accurate orbits and shipments between 2025 and 2035.

**Step 1: Orbital Mechanics and Aldrin Cycler**

The Aldrin cycler is a type of spacecraft that uses a specific orbit to travel between Earth and Mars, making it an energy-efficient option for transporting people and cargo. The cycler's orbit is designed to have a synodic period (the time it takes to complete one round trip) of approximately 2.14 years, which is close to the Earth-Mars synodic period.

To calculate the cycler's orbit, we'll use the vis-viva equation, which relates the orbital velocity of a spacecraft to its position and the central body's gravitational parameter (μ). The equation is:

v = sqrt(μ \* (2/r - 1/a))

v = orbital velocity
μ = standard gravitational parameter (for Earth, μ = 3.986004418e+14 m³/s²)
r = position vector (distance from the central body)
a = semi-major axis of the orbit

Here's an AssemblyScript function to calculate the cycler's orbit:

(import "env" "console_log" (func $console_log (result i32) (i32)))

(memory (import "env" "memory") 1)

(data (i32.const 0) "\0A\00\00\00")

@; Calculate the cycler's orbit
@; Args: r (f64) - position vector (distance from the central body)
@;        a (f64) - semi-major axis of the orbit
@; Returns: v (f64) - orbital velocity
(func $cycler_orbit (param $r f64) (param $a f64) (result f64)
    (f64.const 3.986004418e+14)
        (f64.const 2)
        (f64.copy $r)
        (f64.const 1)
        (f64.copy $a)

@; Example usage: Calculate the cycler's velocity at a position of 1.5 AU
@; (1 AU = 1.496e+11 m) and a semi-major axis of 2.4 AU
  (call $cycler_orbit
    (f64.mul (f64.const 1.5) (f64.const 1.496e+11))
    (f64.mul (f64.const 2.4) (f64.const 1.496e+11)))

**Step 2: Assembly and Construction**

Once you've calculated the cycler's orbit, you'll need to assemble and construct the city on Mars. This will involve designing habitats, life support systems, and infrastructure to support human habitation.

**Step 3: Table of Shipments**

To create a table of shipments between 2025 and 2035, you'll need to determine the number of cyclers, the cargo capacity of each cycler, and the frequency of shipments. Here's a simple AssemblyScript function to calculate the total cargo capacity over a given period:

@; Calculate the total cargo capacity over a given period
@; Args: num_cyclers (i64) - number of cyclers
@;        cargo_capacity (f64) - cargo capacity of each cycler (in tons)
@;        start_year (i64) - start year (e.g., 2025)
@;        end_year (i64) - end year (e.g., 2035)
@; Returns: total_capacity (f64) - total cargo capacity (in tons)
(func $total_cargo_capacity (param $num_cyclers i64) (param $cargo_capacity f64) (param $start_year i64) (param $end_year i64) (result f64)
        (get_local $end_year)
        (get_local $start_year)
      (get_local $num_cyclers)
    (f64.copy $cargo_capacity)

@; Example usage: Calculate the total cargo capacity for 2 cyclers with a capacity of 500 tons each, between 2025 and 2035
  (call $total_cargo_capacity
    (i64.const 2)
    (f64.const 500)
    (i64.const 2025)
    (i64.const 2035)

This is a high-level overview of the process, and there are many more details to consider when building a city on Mars. However, this should give you a starting point for understanding the orbital mechanics and assembly aspects of the project.