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<h1 align="center"><ins>LightGlue 鈿★笍</ins><br>Local Feature Matching at Light Speed</h1> |
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<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/philipplindenberger/">Philipp Lindenberger</a> |
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<a href="https://psarlin.com/">Paul-Edouard Sarlin</a> |
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<a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/mapoll/">Marc Pollefeys</a> |
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<img src="assets/larchitecture.svg" alt="Logo" height="40"> |
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<!-- <h2 align="center">PrePrint 2023</h2> --> |
<h2 align="center"><p> |
<a href="https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.13643.pdf" align="center">Paper</a> | |
<a href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/demo.ipynb" align="center">Colab</a> |
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<a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13643"><img src="assets/easy_hard.jpg" alt="example" width=80%></a> |
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<em>LightGlue is a deep neural network that matches sparse local features across image pairs.<br>An adaptive mechanism makes it fast for easy pairs (top) and reduces the computational complexity for difficult ones (bottom).</em> |
</p> |
## |
This repository hosts the inference code of LightGlue, a lightweight feature matcher with high accuracy and blazing fast inference. It takes as input a set of keypoints and descriptors for each image and returns the indices of corresponding points. The architecture is based on adaptive pruning techniques, in both network width and depth - [check out the paper for more details](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.13643.pdf). |
We release pretrained weights of LightGlue with [SuperPoint](https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.07629) and [DISK](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.13566) local features. |
The training end evaluation code will be released in July in a separate repo. To be notified, subscribe to [issue #6](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/issues/6). |
## Installation and demo [![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](https://colab.research.google.com/github/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/demo.ipynb) |
Install this repo using pip: |
```bash |
git clone https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue.git && cd LightGlue |
python -m pip install -e . |
``` |
We provide a [demo notebook](demo.ipynb) which shows how to perform feature extraction and matching on an image pair. |
Here is a minimal script to match two images: |
```python |
from lightglue import LightGlue, SuperPoint, DISK |
from lightglue.utils import load_image, rbd |
# SuperPoint+LightGlue |
extractor = SuperPoint(max_num_keypoints=2048).eval().cuda() # load the extractor |
matcher = LightGlue(features='superpoint').eval().cuda() # load the matcher |
# or DISK+LightGlue |
extractor = DISK(max_num_keypoints=2048).eval().cuda() # load the extractor |
matcher = LightGlue(features='disk').eval().cuda() # load the matcher |
# load each image as a torch.Tensor on GPU with shape (3,H,W), normalized in [0,1] |
image0 = load_image('path/to/image_0.jpg').cuda() |
image1 = load_image('path/to/image_1.jpg').cuda() |
# extract local features |
feats0 = extractor.extract(image0) # auto-resize the image, disable with resize=None |
feats1 = extractor.extract(image1) |
# match the features |
matches01 = matcher({'image0': feats0, 'image1': feats1}) |
feats0, feats1, matches01 = [rbd(x) for x in [feats0, feats1, matches01]] # remove batch dimension |
matches = matches01['matches'] # indices with shape (K,2) |
points0 = feats0['keypoints'][matches[..., 0]] # coordinates in image #0, shape (K,2) |
points1 = feats1['keypoints'][matches[..., 1]] # coordinates in image #1, shape (K,2) |
``` |
We also provide a convenience method to match a pair of images: |
```python |
from lightglue import match_pair |
feats0, feats1, matches01 = match_pair(extractor, matcher, image0, image1) |
``` |
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<a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.13643"><img src="assets/teaser.svg" alt="Logo" width=50%></a> |
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<em>LightGlue can adjust its depth (number of layers) and width (number of keypoints) per image pair, with a marginal impact on accuracy.</em> |
</p> |
## Advanced configuration |
The default values give a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. To maximize the accuracy, use all keypoints and disable the adaptive mechanisms: |
```python |
extractor = SuperPoint(max_num_keypoints=None) |
matcher = LightGlue(features='superpoint', depth_confidence=-1, width_confidence=-1) |
``` |
To increase the speed with a small drop of accuracy, decrease the number of keypoints and lower the adaptive thresholds: |
```python |
extractor = SuperPoint(max_num_keypoints=1024) |
matcher = LightGlue(features='superpoint', depth_confidence=0.9, width_confidence=0.95) |
``` |
The maximum speed is obtained with [FlashAttention](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.14135), which is automatically used when ```torch >= 2.0``` or if it is [installed from source](https://github.com/HazyResearch/flash-attention#installation-and-features). |
<details> |
<summary>[Detail of all parameters - click to expand]</summary> |
- [```n_layers```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L261): Number of stacked self+cross attention layers. Reduce this value for faster inference at the cost of accuracy (continuous red line in the plot above). Default: 9 (all layers). |
- [```flash```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L263): Enable FlashAttention. Significantly increases the speed and reduces the memory consumption without any impact on accuracy. Default: True (LightGlue automatically detects if FlashAttention is available). |
- [```mp```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L264): Enable mixed precision inference. Default: False (off) |
- [```depth_confidence```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L265): Controls the early stopping. A lower values stops more often at earlier layers. Default: 0.95, disable with -1. |
- [```width_confidence```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L266): Controls the iterative point pruning. A lower value prunes more points earlier. Default: 0.99, disable with -1. |
- [```filter_threshold```](https://github.com/cvg/LightGlue/blob/main/lightglue/lightglue.py#L267): Match confidence. Increase this value to obtain less, but stronger matches. Default: 0.1 |
</details> |
## Other links |
- [hloc - the visual localization toolbox](https://github.com/cvg/Hierarchical-Localization/): run LightGlue for Structure-from-Motion and visual localization. |
- [LightGlue-ONNX](https://github.com/fabio-sim/LightGlue-ONNX): export LightGlue to the Open Neural Network Exchange format. |
- [Image Matching WebUI](https://github.com/Vincentqyw/image-matching-webui): a web GUI to easily compare different matchers, including LightGlue. |
- [kornia](kornia.readthedocs.io/) now exposes LightGlue via the interfaces [`LightGlue`](https://kornia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/feature.html#kornia.feature.LightGlue) and [`LightGlueMatcher`](https://kornia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/feature.html#kornia.feature.LightGlueMatcher). |
## BibTeX Citation |
If you use any ideas from the paper or code from this repo, please consider citing: |
```txt |
@inproceedings{lindenberger23lightglue, |
author = {Philipp Lindenberger and |
Paul-Edouard Sarlin and |
Marc Pollefeys}, |
title = {{LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed}}, |
booktitle = {ICCV}, |
year = {2023} |
} |
``` |