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Multi-modality of InternVideo2


Please follow the installation instructions in INSTALL.

The codebase support using wandb to monitor training. If you want to use wandb, you will need to set up it following this very short instruction, and also set wandb.enable in the config to be True. wandb.entity and wandb.project should also be set.


You can find the dataset instructions in DATASET.

Model ZOO

You can find all the models and the scripts in MODEL_ZOO.

Demo of Using InternVideo2 in Your Work

We give a short instructions of accessing and utilizing InternVideo2-stage2 in demo.ipynb.


We use InternVL pretrained model as the teacher by default

For training, you can simply run the pretraining scripts in scripts/pretraining as follows:

bash scripts/pretraining/stage2/1B/

:warning: Notes:

  1. Set data_dir and your_data_path like your_webvid_path in before running the scripts.
  2. Set vision_encoder.pretrained in vision_encoder.pretrained in the corresponding config files.
  3. Set --rdzv_endpoint to your MASTER_NODE:MASTER_PORT. You can also use the following commond to automatically set it:
    MASTER_NODE=$(scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" | head -n 1)
    ALL_NODES=$(scontrol show hostnames "$SLURM_JOB_NODELIST")
    MASTER_PORT=$((10000 + $RANDOM % 100))
    torchrun --rdzv_endpoint=${MASTER_NODE}:10068 $@
  4. save_latest=True will automatically save the latest checkpoint while training.
  5. auto_resume=True will automatically loaded the best or latest checkpoint while training.

Zero-shot Evaluation

For zero-shot evaluation, you can simply run the pretraining scripts in scripts/evaluation as follows:

bash scripts/evaluation/stage2/zero_shot/1B/

When evaluating, you can choose to turn off deepspeed and the performance will fluctuate slightly from the reported result (around 0.2):

bash scripts/evaluation/stage2/zero_shot/1B/

:warning: Notes:

  1. Set pretrained_path=your_model_path in the running scripts before running the scripts.
  2. Set zero_shot=True and evaluate=True for zero-shot evaluation


Coming soon.