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English translation
Eitt framkomið samfelag hevur brúk fyri fólki, sum lesa, eisini mannfólki.
An advanced society needs people who read, including men.
At skúlar hjálpa børnum og tannáringum at avmarka skíggjanýtlsuna og eggja til sosiala samveru við at hava snildfonfríar skúlar
That schools help children and teenagers to limit screen use and encourage social interaction by having smartphone-free schools
Tá ið eg kom heim aftur til Føroya, komu dóttirin og sonurin vestur við blómutyssi, og bilurin varð vaskaður og skimmaður innan, so hann sá út sum nýggjur.
When I came back home to the Faroe Islands, my daughter and son came west with a bouquet of flowers, and the car was washed and cleaned inside, so it looked like new.
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Tað upplýsti Kirsten L. Fencker, landsstýriskvinna við heilsumálum í tíðindaskrivi í gjár.
This was announced by Kirsten L. Fencker, the Minister of Health, in a press release yesterday.
Eg gekk heim til ta nýggju brúnna og fór síðani oman ígjøgnum ánna
I walked home to the new bridge and then went down through the river
Eins og í september, vóru næstan tvífalt so nógvar gistingar í oktober í mun til í fjør.
Like in September, there were almost twice as many accommodations in October compared to last year.
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Við tað, at A-venjaraútbúgvingin er tað hægsta, sum til ber at taka í Føroyum, hevur Pætur tikið Pro-útbúgvingina hjá danska fótbóltssambandinum.
With the A-coaching education being the highest available in the Faroe Islands, Pætur has taken the Pro-training with the Danish Football Association.
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Vestmanna sløkkilið arbeiðir við at fáa skil á støðuna, skrivar Vestmanna kommuna.
Vestmanna fire brigade is working to get a handle on the situation, Vestmanna municipality writes.
Menn klára seg ikki uttan eina kvinnu afturat sær, men onkursvegna er hendan Rósa sum ein druknandi, sum bjargar sær upp á land hjá Janusi.
Men can't manage without a woman by their side, but somehow this Rosa is like a drowning person, who saves herself by landing with Janus.
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Jólatrøini í Vága kommunu verða tendrað í dag
The Christmas trees in Vága municipality will be lit today
Kanska eg eri sloppin at gera alt tað óskikkiliga meðan eg var ung
Maybe I got to do all the inappropriate things while I was young
Hesi fáa at vita at tey era gamaldags og grenjut
These get to know that they are old-fashioned and grumpy
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Síðani grøna orkuskiftið tók dik á seg hevur spurningurin um, hvussu vit leggja um frá olju og gassi til grøna orku í skipaflotanum, javnan verið frammi í orðaskiftinum, men hóast boðini uppá nýggj brennievni til heimsins skipaflotar eru mong, so hevur tað enn ikki eydnast at semjast um, hvør er besta og rætta leiðin at ganga.
Since the green energy transition took hold, the question of how we transition from oil and gas to green energy in the fleet has often been at the forefront of the debate, but despite the many offers of new fuels for the world's fleets, it has not yet been possible to agree on what is the best and right way to go.
Ungur sýslumaður Í 1920 fekk hann bara 25 ára gamal starvið sum sýslumaður í Suðuroy.
Young sheriff In 1920, at just 25 years old, he got the job as sheriff in Suðuroy.
Óvissan kring smittu- og heilsuvandan av omicron frábrigdinum fær lond at lata landamørkini aftur.
Uncertainty about the infection and health risk of the omicron variant causes countries to close their borders again.
Tá koronufarsóttin byrjaði, var komið fram til, at kvinnur, sum eru upp á vegin, eru í vandabólkinum.
When the corona pandemic started, it was found that women who are pregnant are in the risk group.
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- Saman við hinum í venjaratoyminum megnaði Sorin at lyfta leikararnar og skapa spæligleði, hóast tað vísti seg at vera ógjørligt at venda gongdini móti niðurflyting. Okkurt gott úrslit kom í hús, og fleiri ferðir var tað um reppi at vit fingu úrtøku úr dystum. Móti endanum var tað nær við, men tá saman um kom, vóru vit ov stuttir til at yvirliva í deildini, skrivar felagið.
- Together with the others in the coaching team, Sorin managed to lift the players and create joy of play, even though it proved impossible to reverse the trend towards relegation. Some good results came in, and several times it was close that we got a draw from the matches. In the end, it was close, but when it came down to it, we were too short to survive in the division, writes the club.
Mettu skattainntøkurnar fyri 2022 eru 74,8 milliónir, umframt eftirlønarskatt á 18,4 millónir krónur, sum samanlagt gevur 93,2 milliónir.
The estimated tax revenues for 2022 are 74.8 million, in addition to pension tax of 18.4 million crowns, which together gives 93.2 million.
dimma_article_83 steðgar veitingunum til All Oceans Logistics stops services to All Oceans Logistics
Tað skrivar sosiali miðilin á sínari heimasíðu.
The social media writes on its website.
Finalan verður á Tórsvølli leygardagin 4. desember klokkan 16.
The final will be at Tórsvøllur on Saturday, December 4th at 16 o'clock.
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- Eg havi ikki fingið at vita, júst hvat hendi, men tað var okkurt við at bilurin, ið hann skuldi koyra burtur við, ikki startaði ella fekst í gear, greiðir Teitur Samuelsen frá.
- I have not been informed exactly what happened, but there was something with the car that he was supposed to drive away with, it did not start or get into gear, Teitur Samuelsen explains.
Tá er ríkisrættarsakin ímóti Støjberg liðug, tó er sakin í landsrættinum ímóti Messerschmidt ikki liðug tá.
By then, the state lawsuit against Støjberg will be finished, but the case in the High Court against Messerschmidt will not be finished by then.
Helvtin av teimum, ið eru skrásett smittaði, hava verið børn undir 11 ár, skrivar hann á Facebook.
Half of those registered infected have been children under 11 years old, he writes on Facebook.
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Edith er autodidakt listafólk og hevur seinastu mongu árini havt listina sum sítt høvuðsstarv.
Edith is a self-taught artist and has had art as her main occupation for many years.
Tey vóru bara øðrvísi og tað er lívsins gongd.
They were just different and that is the course of life.
Eftir handanina segði Anelia Blagoeva Philbrow, at hon heldur, at kappingin hevði givið sær gott høvi at fáa áhugaverda og týðandi gransking fram í ljós.
Afterwards, Anelia Blagoeva Philbrow said that she believes the competition has given her a good opportunity to bring interesting and important research to light.
- Vit vilja tí gera eitt tak fyri at verja hana.
- We therefore want to make an effort to protect it.
Har er ljós úr erva og úr síðunum, so at tú sært listina í øllum sínum veldi.
There is light from the ceiling and from the sides, so you can see the art in all its glory.
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B36 - Víkingur (Mánadagin 29. november, 18:00)
B36 - Víkingur (Monday, November 29, 6:00 PM)
35-ára gamli málverjin varð skiftur inn fyri Karstin Hansen til brotssparkskappingina.
The 35-year-old goalkeeper was substituted for Karstin Hansen for the penalty shootout.
Almenna skuldin umfatar skuld hjá stjórnarmyndugleikanum, lands­parta­mynd­ug­leik­um (regiónum), kommunum og sosialum grunnum.
The public debt includes debt from the government, regional authorities, municipalities, and social foundations.
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Norðurting verður í Norðurlandahúsinum í kvøld – Landsstýrismaðurin, sum upprunaliga skuldi halda setanarrøðuna, hevur fingið forfall, og tí verður tað fólkatingsmaðurin, sum fer at seta Norðurting
Norðurting will be in the Nordic House tonight - The Minister, who was originally supposed to give the opening speech, has cancelled, and therefore it will be the member of parliament who will open Norðurting
Nærri vegleiðing til luttøku sæst her.
Detailed guidance for participation can be found here.
Hóast korona framvegis er eitt haft um beinið á bæði Atlantic Airways og nógvum øðrum virksemi, so hevur felagið góðar vónir um, at flogvinnan fer at fáa fótin fyri seg aftur.
Although corona is still a burden on both Atlantic Airways and many other businesses, the company has good hopes that the aviation industry will get back on its feet.
Toppurin á flaggstongini
The top of the flagpole
Her er ein brellbiti frá heimildarfilminum: Her er framførslan hjá Hatari í Eurovision-finaluni í Ísrael í 2019: Og júst sum fyriskipararnir hildu, at nú var sloppið, so kemur politiska staðsetingin:
Here is a snippet from the documentary: Here is Hatari's performance in the Eurovision final in Israel in 2019: And just as the organizers thought they were off the hook, the political statement comes:
So, nú siti eg niðri, við borðið, framman fyri mær eru páskaliljur í urtapotti, ein faldari um, hví tað er so øgiliga týdningarmikið at lesa fyri børnum.
So, now I sit down, at the table, in front of me are daffodils in a flower pot, a brochure about why it is so incredibly important to read to children.
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Skeiðið hevur verið hildið í Føroyum tríggjar ferðir frammanundan.
The course has been held in the Faroe Islands three times before.
tí hetta er sanniliga nakað at vísa fram
because this is truly something to show off
og eg var har hjá teimum eina tíð
and I was there with them for a while
Jóan Pauli Joensen fer at hugleiða um mjólk og ost í Føroyum, og síðani verður verkstova við heimskenda ostaframleiðaranum, David Asher ( Black Sheep School ).
Jóan Pauli Joensen will reflect on milk and cheese in the Faroe Islands, and then there will be a workshop with the world-renowned cheese producer, David Asher (Black Sheep School).
Hesar góðkenningar við tilhoyrandi skeiðum hava eitt marknaðarvirði á 250.000 krónur fyri hvønn pilotin, ið harvið hevur møguleikan at flúgva hjá Atlantic Airways í háárstíð, og sum kann royna aðrar avbjóðingar úti í heimi, tá minni er at gera um okkara leiðir.
These certifications with corresponding courses have a market value of 250,000 kroner for each pilot, who thereby has the opportunity to fly for Atlantic Airways in the high season, and who can try other challenges out in the world when there is less to do on our routes.
Seinasta samdøgrið eru 5.120 persónar staðfestir smittaðir við koronu í Danmark, og tað er hægsta talið, Danmark hevur havt í eitt samdøgur undir allari farsóttini.
In the last 24 hours, 5,120 people have been confirmed infected with corona in Denmark, and this is the highest number Denmark has had in one day during the entire pandemic.
Litir og ljós riggaðu væl
Colors and light worked well
Skattaprosentið verður framvegis 21 prosent, meðan dagstovnagjøldini verða tey somu sum undanfarin ár.
The tax rate will continue to be 21 percent, while the daycare fees will be the same as previous years.
Vístar vórðu videoupptøkur av átta teimum fremstu brundseyðunum í hvørjum bólki.
Video recordings of the eight leading rams in each category were shown.
Sum heild røkkur hetta til plaseringar niðarliga ímillum Norðurlond, sum ikki er óvæntað; við tað at londini plaga at senda lutfalsliga fáar, men góðar svimjarar til hesa stevnu, skrivar svimjisambandið.
As a whole, this leads to placements at the lower end among the Nordic countries, which is not unexpected; given that the countries tend to send relatively few, but good swimmers to this event, writes the swimming association.
Hann arbeiðir sum radiomaður hjá herinum
He works as a radio man for the army
Í A-bólkinum vunnu Magnus Dal-Christiansen og Mia Thorkildshøj bronsu, meðan Rúni Øster og Miriam Í Grótinum vunnu gull í eini tættari finalu í trimum settum ímóti donskum pari.
In the A group, Magnus Dal-Christiansen and Mia Thorkildshøj won bronze, while Rúni Øster and Miriam Í Grótinum won gold in a close final in three sets against a Danish pair.
Eilif Samuelsen týddi.
Eilif Samuelsen translated.
Ókey kanska okkurt er eftir
Okay, maybe something is left
ið deila brotini fleiri túsund ferðir
who share the fragments thousands of times
Boð eru nú send eftir semingsstovninum.
Invitations have now been sent for the Mediation Institute.
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Hetta er árstíðin, har vit vanliga fara í jólaborðhald at hugna okkum saman við vinum og starvsfeløgum.
This is the season when we usually go to Christmas parties to enjoy ourselves with friends and colleagues.
so hevur tað í øllum førum víst okkum tað
it has at least shown us that
Hetta er ein avbjóðing fyri flestar flokkar.
This is a challenge for most parties.
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Sunnudagin verður hátíðarhald í Fuglafirði, har jóltrø verða tendrað, jólemenninir koma á vitjan, og røða og tónleikur er á skránni
On Sunday, there will be a celebration in Fuglafjørður, where the Christmas tree will be lit, Santa Claus will visit, and speeches and music are on the program
Í hinari hálvfinaluni hittast NSÍ og HB.
In the other semi-final, NSÍ and HB meet.
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Hann var vágbingur, mentanar,- vertskaps,- og tjóðveldismaður, umframt at vera vinar-, familju-, barnakærur, og so mangt annað, als ikki neyðturviliga í hasari raðfylgju.
He was a Vágbingur, a cultural, hospitality, and republican man, in addition to being a friend, family, child-loving, and so much more, not necessarily in that order.
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Sjúrður Skaale avloysir Jenis av Rana til Norðurting
Sjúrður Skaale replaces Jenis av Rana for Norðurting
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Fríggjadagin vórðu ferðaavmarkingar settar í verk fyri Suðurafrika og seks onnur lond í sunnara parti av Afrika.
On Friday, travel restrictions were put in place for South Africa and six other countries in the southern part of Africa.
Hetta kalla veðurlagssálarfrøðingar eina veðurlagsparadoks - at samstundis sum fleiri og fleiri ógvisligar hendingar fara fram, sum til dømis ódnir í USA, at ísurin í Antarktis bráðnar, og frostmýrarnar fara í upploysn, so leggja vit minni í, og samfelagið vísir minni vilja at gera nakað.
This is what climate psychologists call a climate paradox - that while more and more inexplicable events are taking place, such as storms in the USA, the ice in Antarctica is melting, and the permafrost is thawing, we pay less attention, and society shows less willingness to do something.
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Kristianna Winther Poulsen, býráðslimur, og Bergur Debes Joensen, prestur, bera fram røðu og GHM spælir. Aftaná verða øll boðin í kirkjukjallaran til kaffi og holukøkur, og eisini kemur jólamaðurin á gátt og bjóðar karamellur.
Kristianna Winther Poulsen, city council member, and Bergur Debes Joensen, priest, give a speech and GHM plays. Afterwards, everyone is invited to the church basement for coffee and holukøkur, and also the Christmas man comes to visit and offers caramels.
Tá næmingarnir fara aftur í skúla, arbeða teir í nakrar tímar saman við lærarunum sum vegleiða so teksturin verður liðugur
When the students go back to school, they work for a few hours together with the teachers who guide so the text becomes finished.
Men Grønland var ikki ein útjaðari hjá grønlendingum. Grønland var Kallaalit Nunaat – landið hjá menniskjunum. Tað var miðdepilin.
But Greenland was not a periphery to the Greenlanders. Greenland was Kallaalit Nunaat - the land of the people. It was the center.
Hann hevði longu fingið nógv frá hondini
He had already gotten a lot done
Við hesum er hugskotið borið víðari til mentafólk av øllum slag í Føroyum.
With this, the idea is carried further to cultural people of all kinds in the Faroe Islands.
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Leiðin gekk norður undir Stiðarkoppar, veðrið var frálíkt, kavi, stilli og sól.
The route went north under Stiðarkoppar, the weather was fantastic, fog, calm and sun.
Arbeiðsbólkurin er komin fram til, at vit hava nógvar skilagóðar skipanir, ið royna at hjálpa teimum ungu við at nema sær eina útbúgving.
The working group has found that we have many good systems that try to help young people get an education.
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Meira sæst at lesa um listakvinnuna á og
More can be read about the artist at and
Í dag fór eg norður til Saksunar
Today I went north to Saksun
Eftir at hava leitað soleiðis hissini er hetta einasta listaliga avrik úr nýggjari tíð sum á hugfarsligan og sigandi hátt púra greitt lýsir ein úrvaldan part av býarmyndini
After searching in such a way, this is the only artistic achievement of recent times that clearly describes a significant part of the cityscape in a thoughtful and expressive manner.
men hon má fjala sítt skrivihefti fyri manninum
but she has to hide her writing from the man
Hon er frá 1904, haldi eg, hann segði.
It's from 1904, I think, he said.
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Um eg eri farin í býin og okkurt vinfólk liggur heima, so koma tey eisini upp at koyra meg.
If I have gone to town and some friends are at home, they also come up to drive me.
Hon skal eisini venja tvey onnur ungdómslið.
She will also coach two other youth teams.
Í vikuni var ritgerð løgd fram
A thesis was presented this week
Í næstum fer tó eisini at bera til at bíleggja tíð til triðu koppseting.
However, it will soon also be possible to book a time for the third vaccination.
Hann hevur havt ein vin undir krígnum
He has had a friend during the war
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Malan Lützen, systir Heina syngur eisini eitt lag, ið er ein føroyska útgáva av Breath of Heaven hjá Amy Grant.
Malan Lützen, Heine's sister, also sings a song, which is a Faroese version of Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant.
Tað eru meira enn hálvthundrað ár síðan vit sendu fólk upp á mánan, og fingu tey niður aftur á jørðina í livandi líki. Áttu vit so ikki tá eisini at kunna uppfunnið EINA skipan har vit kunnu avgreiða øll íløt?
It's more than half a century since we sent people to the moon and got them back to earth alive. Shouldn't we then also have been able to invent ONE system where we can handle all items?
Og svenski kongurin hevði ikki nóg mikið av skipum til at kunna verja trý fjarskotin lond í tí harðbalna Norðuratlantshavinum. Tí segði hann nei takk. Tey trý londini vóru ein byrða, sum hann ikki vildi leggja á sítt fólk.
And the Swedish king did not have enough ships to be able to defend the three distant lands in the harsh North Atlantic. Therefore, he said no thanks. The three lands were a burden that he did not want to impose on his people.
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Landsverk arbeiður í løtuni við at fáa trailaran, sum er fult lastaður, upp aftur, og arbeiðið fer væntandi at taka nakrar tímar, tí stórar maskinur skulu til, og tær mugu koyra um Eiðiskarð fyri at koma til hjálpar.
Landsverk is currently working to recover the trailer, which is fully loaded, and the work is expected to take several hours, as large machines are needed, and they must drive around Eidiskard to help.
Hálvfinalurnar vera avgreiddar við tveimum umførum, soleiðis at øll liðini spæla ein dyst á útivølli og ein á heimavølli.
The semi-finals are decided over two rounds, so that all the teams play one match away and one at home.
Játtanin kemur frá átakinum Knæk Cancer 2021, sum hevur yvirlit yvir stuðlaðar verkætlanir her.
The grant comes from the initiative Knæk Cancer 2021, which has an overview of supported projects here.
Tað fer at halda eina tíð
It will take some time
Hetta er galdandi bæði á bygd og býi, so her hava atkvøðurnar í høvuðsstaðnum ikki gjørt stóran mun.
This is true both in the countryside and in the city, so here the votes have not made a big difference.
Tað er tí, at eg leggi dent á rehabiliteringina, sigur Federer, sum av mongum verður skýrdur at vera besti tennisspælari í søguni.
That's why I'm focusing on rehabilitation, says Federer, who many consider to be the best tennis player in history.
hetta er ikki ein vanlig krígssøga
this is not an ordinary war story
Til tey eitt sindur størri hava vit givið út bøkur um at vera ættleidd
For the slightly older ones, we have published books about being adopted
Nýggja koronu-frábrigdið – omikron – er allarhelst longu komið til danska kongaríkið, men er kanska minni vandamikið enn Delta-frábrigdið, sambært Anders Fomsgaard, smittufrøðingini
The new coronavirus variant - omicron - has most likely already arrived in the Danish kingdom, but is possibly less dangerous than the Delta variant, according to Anders Fomsgaard, the epidemiologist
Stovnsmetingarnar fyri tosk og hýsu, serliga framskrivingarnar, hava verið daprari tey síðstu tvey árini, enn tær vóru frammanundan.
The stock assessments for cod and haddock, especially the projections, have been more disappointing in the last two years than they were before.
Bíblian er eisini bókin, sum flest fólk eiga, men ikki taka av hillini. Hví?
The Bible is also the book that most people own, but do not take off the shelf. Why?
Harumframt var eisini WTA sesongfinalan spæld í Shenzen.
In addition, the WTA season finale was also played in Shenzen.
Smittaði spælarin er fult koppsettur, og tað eru bert tveir leikarar í hópinum, ið ikki hava fingið fulla koppseting – teir mangla báðir seinna prikið, upplýsir Magni Mouritsen.
The infected player is fully vaccinated, and there are only two players in the group who have not been fully vaccinated - they both lack the second jab, informs Magni Mouritsen.
Tú kanst lesa dagførdu leiðreglurnar her: Seks nýggj grundupptøkuøki til skúlarnar
You can read the updated rules here: Six new basic intake areas for the schools
Tórshavn Boksing, boksifelagið við venjingarhølum í bygninginum hjá Vøruhúsinum inni á Hjalla, fer nú undir eitt nýtt sosialt átak, sum í útgangsstøði ikki beinleiðis nýtist at hava nakað við boksing at gera.
Tórshavn Boxing, the boxing club with training facilities in the building at Vøruhúsinum on Hjalla, is now embarking on a new social initiative, which initially does not directly involve boxing.
Yvirskipað snýr okkara arbeiði við fyribyrging af hvítvaski og fígging av yvirgangi seg um at kanna bakgrund og endamál í sambandi við allar óvanliga stórar flytingar og øll óvanlig flytingarmynstur og annað virksemi, har tað ikki ber til at staðfesta, at talan er um greitt og lógligt fíggjarligt virksemi.
Overall, our work with the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism involves investigating the background and purpose in connection with all unusually large transfers and all unusual transfer patterns and other activities, where it is not possible to confirm that it is a clear and legal financial activity.
Tá var hon í sessinum í sjey tímar, áðrenn hon tók seg aftur.
Then she was in office for seven hours before she resigned.