6 values
34 values
[ "Accumulator", "AccumulatorParam", "accumulators", "Any", "BarrierTaskContext", "BarrierTaskInfo", "BasicProfiler", "bin", "Broadcast", "broadcast", "Callable", "cast", "cloudpickle", "conf", "context", "copy_func", "CPickleSerializer", "daemon", "data", "errors", "examples", "files", "filterwarnings", "find_spark_home", "HiveContext", "inheritable_thread_target", "InheritableThread", "install", "instrumentation_utils", "jars", "java_gateway", "join", "keyword_only", "licenses", "MarshalSerializer", "ml", "mllib", "Optional", "pandas", "Profiler", "profiler", "python", "RDD", "rdd", "RDDBarrier", "rddsampler", "resource", "resultiterable", "Row", "sbin", "serializers", "shell", "shuffle", "since", "SparkConf", "SparkContext", "SparkFiles", "SparkJobInfo", "SparkStageInfo", "sql", "SQLContext", "statcounter", "status", "StatusTracker", "StorageLevel", "storagelevel", "streaming", "TaskContext", "taskcontext", "testing", "traceback_utils", "types", "TypeVar", "Union", "util", "version", "worker", "worker_util", "wraps", "_F", "_globals", "_NoValue", "_typing", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.jdbc.jdbc_to_gcs import JDBCToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestJDBCToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for JDBCToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args1(self): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.url"] == "url" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.driver"] == "driver" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.table"] == "table1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn"] == "column" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound"] == "1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.upperbound"] == "2" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.numpartitions"] == "5" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.format"] == "csv" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.mode"] == "append" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn"] == "column" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args2(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write parquet""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=parquet", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=overwrite" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args3(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write avro""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=avro", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format().save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.
, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args4(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write csv""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args5(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write json""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=json", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) #mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args6(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args7(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy.assert_called_once_with("column") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "build", "get_logger", "parse_args", "run", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.jdbc.jdbc_to_gcs import JDBCToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestJDBCToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for JDBCToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args1(self): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.url"] == "url" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.driver"] == "driver" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.table"] == "table1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn"] == "column" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound"] == "1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.upperbound"] == "2" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.numpartitions"] == "5" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.format"] == "csv" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.mode"] == "append" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn"] == "column" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args2(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write parquet""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=parquet", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=overwrite" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args3(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write avro""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=avro", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format().save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args4(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write csv""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame jdbc_to_gcs_template.
(mock_spark_session, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args5(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write json""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=json", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) #mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args6(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args7(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy.assert_called_once_with("column") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "build", "get_logger", "parse_args", "run", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.jdbc.jdbc_to_gcs import JDBCToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestJDBCToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for JDBCToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args1(self): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.url"] == "url" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.driver"] == "driver" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.table"] == "table1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn"] == "column" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound"] == "1" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.input.upperbound"] == "2" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.numpartitions"] == "5" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.format"] == "csv" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.mode"] == "append" assert parsed_args["jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn"] == "column" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args2(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write parquet""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=parquet", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=overwrite" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args3(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write avro""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=avro", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().format().save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args4(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write csv""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args5(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate write json""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.
( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.input.partitioncolumn=column", "--jdbctogcs.input.lowerbound=1", "--jdbctogcs.input.upperbound=2", "--jdbctogcs.numpartitions=5", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=json", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=ignore" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "column"), "1"), "2"), "5") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) #mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args6(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_pass_args7(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests JDBCToGCSTemplate pass args""" jdbc_to_gcs_template = JDBCToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = jdbc_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--jdbctogcs.input.url=url", "--jdbctogcs.input.driver=driver", "--jdbctogcs.input.table=table1", "--jdbctogcs.output.location=gs://test", "--jdbctogcs.output.format=csv", "--jdbctogcs.output.mode=append", "--jdbctogcs.output.partitioncolumn=column" ]) = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args), "url"), "driver"), "table1"), "10") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy.assert_called_once_with("column") mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option.assert_called_once_with(constants.CSV_HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write.mode().partitionBy().option().csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "build", "get_logger", "parse_args", "run", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.mongo.mongo_to_gcs import MongoToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestMongoToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for MongoToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args(self): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.
( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.uri"] == "mongodb://host:port" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.database"] == "database" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.collection"] == "collection" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.format"] == "parquet" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.mode"] == "overwrite" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_parquet(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for parquet format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_avro(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for avro format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=avro", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=append", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format() \ .save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_csv(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for csv format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=csv", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=ignore", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option.assert_called_once_with(constants.HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option() \ .csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_json(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for json format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=json", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=errorifexists", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_ERRORIFEXISTS) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "build", "get_logger", "parse_args", "run", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.mongo.mongo_to_gcs import MongoToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestMongoToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for MongoToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args(self): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.uri"] == "mongodb://host:port" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.database"] == "database" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.collection"] == "collection" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.format"] == "parquet" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.mode"] == "overwrite" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_parquet(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for parquet format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame mongo_to_gcs_template.
(mock_spark_session, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_avro(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for avro format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=avro", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=append", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format() \ .save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_csv(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for csv format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=csv", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=ignore", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option.assert_called_once_with(constants.HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option() \ .csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_json(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for json format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=json", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=errorifexists", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_ERRORIFEXISTS) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.mongo.mongo_to_gcs import MongoToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestMongoToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for MongoToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args(self): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.uri"] == "mongodb://host:port" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.database"] == "database" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.collection"] == "collection" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.format"] == "parquet" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.mode"] == "overwrite" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_parquet(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for parquet format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.
,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_avro(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for avro format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=avro", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=append", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format() \ .save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_csv(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for csv format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=csv", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=ignore", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option.assert_called_once_with(constants.HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option() \ .csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_json(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for json format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=json", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=errorifexists", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_ERRORIFEXISTS) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "build", "get_logger", "parse_args", "run", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
""" * Copyright 2022 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. """ import mock import pyspark from dataproc_templates.mongo.mongo_to_gcs import MongoToGCSTemplate import dataproc_templates.util.template_constants as constants class TestMongoToGCSTemplate: """ Test suite for MongoToGCSTemplate """ def test_parse_args(self): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate.parse_args()""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.uri"] == "mongodb://host:port" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.database"] == "database" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.input.collection"] == "collection" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.format"] == "parquet" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.mode"] == "overwrite" assert parsed_args["mongo.gcs.output.location"] == "gs://test" @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_parquet(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for parquet format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=parquet", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=overwrite", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_OVERWRITE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .parquet.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_avro(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for avro format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=avro", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=append", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_APPEND) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format.assert_called_once_with(constants.FORMAT_AVRO) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .format() \ .save.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_csv(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for csv format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.
( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=csv", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=ignore", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_IGNORE) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option.assert_called_once_with(constants.HEADER, True) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .option() \ .csv.assert_called_once_with("gs://test") @mock.patch.object(pyspark.sql, 'SparkSession') def test_run_json(self, mock_spark_session): """Tests MongoToGCSTemplate runs for json format output""" mongo_to_gcs_template = MongoToGCSTemplate() mock_parsed_args = mongo_to_gcs_template.parse_args( ["--mongo.gcs.input.uri=mongodb://host:port", "--mongo.gcs.input.database=database", "--mongo.gcs.input.collection=collection", "--mongo.gcs.output.format=json", "--mongo.gcs.output.mode=errorifexists", "--mongo.gcs.output.location=gs://test"]) \ = mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame, mock_parsed_args) \ .format.assert_called_with(constants.FORMAT_MONGO) \ .format() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_DATABASE,"database") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option.assert_called_with(constants.MONGO_COLLECTION,"collection") \ .format() \ .option() \ .option() \ .option() \ .load.assert_called_with() mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode.assert_called_once_with(constants.OUTPUT_MODE_ERRORIFEXISTS) mock_spark_session.dataframe.DataFrame.write \ .mode() \ .json.assert_called_once_with("gs://test")
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.
= TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.
= ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.
.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addFilter", "addHandler", "callHandlers", "critical", "debug", "disabled", "error", "exception", "fatal", "filter", "filters", "findCaller", "getChild", "getEffectiveLevel", "handle", "handlers", "hasHandlers", "info", "isEnabledFor", "level", "log", "makeRecord", "name", "parent", "propagate", "removeFilter", "removeHandler", "setLevel", "warn", "warning", "_cache", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.
( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self.
(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addLevelName", "atexit", "BASIC_FORMAT", "basicConfig", "BufferingFormatter", "captureWarnings", "collections", "config", "critical", "CRITICAL", "currentframe", "debug", "DEBUG", "disable", "error", "ERROR", "exception", "fatal", "FATAL", "FileHandler", "Filter", "Filterer", "Formatter", "getLevelName", "getLogger", "getLoggerClass", "getLogRecordFactory", "Handler", "handlers", "info", "INFO", "io", "lastResort", "log", "Logger", "LoggerAdapter", "logMultiprocessing", "logProcesses", "LogRecord", "logThreads", "makeLogRecord", "Manager", "NOTSET", "NullHandler", "os", "PercentStyle", "PlaceHolder", "raiseExceptions", "re", "root", "RootLogger", "setLoggerClass", "setLogRecordFactory", "shutdown", "StreamHandler", "StrFormatStyle", "StringTemplateStyle", "sys", "Template", "threading", "time", "traceback", "warn", "WARN", "warning", "WARNING", "warnings", "weakref", "_acquireLock", "_addHandlerRef", "_after_at_fork_child_reinit_locks", "_at_fork_reinit_lock_weakset", "_checkLevel", "_defaultFormatter", "_defaultLastResort", "_handlerList", "_handlers", "_levelToName", "_lock", "_loggerClass", "_logRecordFactory", "_nameToLevel", "_register_at_fork_reinit_lock", "_releaseLock", "_removeHandlerRef", "_showwarning", "_srcfile", "_startTime", "_StderrHandler", "_str_formatter", "_STYLES", "_warnings_showwarning", "__all__", "__author__", "__date__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__status__", "__version__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.
) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self.
(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addLevelName", "atexit", "BASIC_FORMAT", "basicConfig", "BufferingFormatter", "captureWarnings", "collections", "config", "critical", "CRITICAL", "currentframe", "debug", "DEBUG", "disable", "error", "ERROR", "exception", "fatal", "FATAL", "FileHandler", "Filter", "Filterer", "Formatter", "getLevelName", "getLogger", "getLoggerClass", "getLogRecordFactory", "Handler", "handlers", "info", "INFO", "io", "lastResort", "log", "Logger", "LoggerAdapter", "logMultiprocessing", "logProcesses", "LogRecord", "logThreads", "makeLogRecord", "Manager", "NOTSET", "NullHandler", "os", "PercentStyle", "PlaceHolder", "raiseExceptions", "re", "root", "RootLogger", "setLoggerClass", "setLogRecordFactory", "shutdown", "StreamHandler", "StrFormatStyle", "StringTemplateStyle", "sys", "Template", "threading", "time", "traceback", "warn", "WARN", "warning", "WARNING", "warnings", "weakref", "_acquireLock", "_addHandlerRef", "_after_at_fork_child_reinit_locks", "_at_fork_reinit_lock_weakset", "_checkLevel", "_defaultFormatter", "_defaultLastResort", "_handlerList", "_handlers", "_levelToName", "_lock", "_loggerClass", "_logRecordFactory", "_nameToLevel", "_register_at_fork_reinit_lock", "_releaseLock", "_removeHandlerRef", "_showwarning", "_srcfile", "_startTime", "_StderrHandler", "_str_formatter", "_STYLES", "_warnings_showwarning", "__all__", "__author__", "__date__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__status__", "__version__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.
) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self.
(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addLevelName", "atexit", "BASIC_FORMAT", "basicConfig", "BufferingFormatter", "captureWarnings", "collections", "config", "critical", "CRITICAL", "currentframe", "debug", "DEBUG", "disable", "error", "ERROR", "exception", "fatal", "FATAL", "FileHandler", "Filter", "Filterer", "Formatter", "getLevelName", "getLogger", "getLoggerClass", "getLogRecordFactory", "Handler", "handlers", "info", "INFO", "io", "lastResort", "log", "Logger", "LoggerAdapter", "logMultiprocessing", "logProcesses", "LogRecord", "logThreads", "makeLogRecord", "Manager", "NOTSET", "NullHandler", "os", "PercentStyle", "PlaceHolder", "raiseExceptions", "re", "root", "RootLogger", "setLoggerClass", "setLogRecordFactory", "shutdown", "StreamHandler", "StrFormatStyle", "StringTemplateStyle", "sys", "Template", "threading", "time", "traceback", "warn", "WARN", "warning", "WARNING", "warnings", "weakref", "_acquireLock", "_addHandlerRef", "_after_at_fork_child_reinit_locks", "_at_fork_reinit_lock_weakset", "_checkLevel", "_defaultFormatter", "_defaultLastResort", "_handlerList", "_handlers", "_levelToName", "_lock", "_loggerClass", "_logRecordFactory", "_nameToLevel", "_register_at_fork_reinit_lock", "_releaseLock", "_removeHandlerRef", "_showwarning", "_srcfile", "_startTime", "_StderrHandler", "_str_formatter", "_STYLES", "_warnings_showwarning", "__all__", "__author__", "__date__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__status__", "__version__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.
) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self.
(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.
, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addLevelName", "atexit", "BASIC_FORMAT", "basicConfig", "BufferingFormatter", "captureWarnings", "collections", "config", "critical", "CRITICAL", "currentframe", "debug", "DEBUG", "disable", "error", "ERROR", "exception", "fatal", "FATAL", "FileHandler", "Filter", "Filterer", "Formatter", "getLevelName", "getLogger", "getLoggerClass", "getLogRecordFactory", "Handler", "handlers", "info", "INFO", "io", "lastResort", "log", "Logger", "LoggerAdapter", "logMultiprocessing", "logProcesses", "LogRecord", "logThreads", "makeLogRecord", "Manager", "NOTSET", "NullHandler", "os", "PercentStyle", "PlaceHolder", "raiseExceptions", "re", "root", "RootLogger", "setLoggerClass", "setLogRecordFactory", "shutdown", "StreamHandler", "StrFormatStyle", "StringTemplateStyle", "sys", "Template", "threading", "time", "traceback", "warn", "WARN", "warning", "WARNING", "warnings", "weakref", "_acquireLock", "_addHandlerRef", "_after_at_fork_child_reinit_locks", "_at_fork_reinit_lock_weakset", "_checkLevel", "_defaultFormatter", "_defaultLastResort", "_handlerList", "_handlers", "_levelToName", "_lock", "_loggerClass", "_logRecordFactory", "_nameToLevel", "_register_at_fork_reinit_lock", "_releaseLock", "_removeHandlerRef", "_showwarning", "_srcfile", "_startTime", "_StderrHandler", "_str_formatter", "_STYLES", "_warnings_showwarning", "__all__", "__author__", "__date__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__status__", "__version__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.
) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.
("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.
, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "acquire", "addFilter", "baseFilename", "close", "createLock", "delay", "emit", "encoding", "filter", "filters", "flush", "format", "formatter", "handle", "handleError", "level", "lock", "mode", "name", "release", "removeFilter", "setFormatter", "setLevel", "setStream", "stream", "terminator", "_open", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.
(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.
.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addFilter", "addHandler", "callHandlers", "critical", "debug", "disabled", "error", "exception", "fatal", "filter", "filters", "findCaller", "getChild", "getEffectiveLevel", "handle", "handlers", "hasHandlers", "info", "isEnabledFor", "level", "log", "makeRecord", "name", "parent", "propagate", "removeFilter", "removeHandler", "setLevel", "warn", "warning", "_cache", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.
(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.
.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addFilter", "addHandler", "callHandlers", "critical", "debug", "disabled", "error", "exception", "fatal", "filter", "filters", "findCaller", "getChild", "getEffectiveLevel", "handle", "handlers", "hasHandlers", "info", "isEnabledFor", "level", "log", "makeRecord", "name", "parent", "propagate", "removeFilter", "removeHandler", "setLevel", "warn", "warning", "_cache", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.
(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "addLevelName", "atexit", "BASIC_FORMAT", "basicConfig", "BufferingFormatter", "captureWarnings", "collections", "config", "critical", "CRITICAL", "currentframe", "debug", "DEBUG", "disable", "error", "ERROR", "exception", "fatal", "FATAL", "FileHandler", "Filter", "Filterer", "Formatter", "getLevelName", "getLogger", "getLoggerClass", "getLogRecordFactory", "Handler", "handlers", "info", "INFO", "io", "lastResort", "log", "Logger", "LoggerAdapter", "logMultiprocessing", "logProcesses", "LogRecord", "logThreads", "makeLogRecord", "Manager", "NOTSET", "NullHandler", "os", "PercentStyle", "PlaceHolder", "raiseExceptions", "re", "root", "RootLogger", "setLoggerClass", "setLogRecordFactory", "shutdown", "StreamHandler", "StrFormatStyle", "StringTemplateStyle", "sys", "Template", "threading", "time", "traceback", "warn", "WARN", "warning", "WARNING", "warnings", "weakref", "_acquireLock", "_addHandlerRef", "_after_at_fork_child_reinit_locks", "_at_fork_reinit_lock_weakset", "_checkLevel", "_defaultFormatter", "_defaultLastResort", "_handlerList", "_handlers", "_levelToName", "_lock", "_loggerClass", "_logRecordFactory", "_nameToLevel", "_register_at_fork_reinit_lock", "_releaseLock", "_removeHandlerRef", "_showwarning", "_srcfile", "_startTime", "_StderrHandler", "_str_formatter", "_STYLES", "_warnings_showwarning", "__all__", "__author__", "__date__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__status__", "__version__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.
): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "acquire", "addFilter", "close", "createLock", "emit", "filter", "filters", "flush", "format", "formatter", "handle", "handleError", "level", "lock", "name", "release", "removeFilter", "setFormatter", "setLevel", "setStream", "stream", "terminator", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.
(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "converter", "datefmt", "default_msec_format", "default_time_format", "format", "formatException", "formatMessage", "formatStack", "formatTime", "usesTime", "_fmt", "_style", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().
(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "findall", "finditer", "flags", "fullmatch", "groupindex", "groups", "match", "pattern", "search", "split", "sub", "subn", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.
("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.
( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.
("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.
, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.
("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.
, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.
("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.
, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "chat_plugins", "console_handler", "debug", "double_check", "error", "file_handler", "get_log_directory", "info", "json_logger", "log_json", "logger", "set_level", "speak_mode", "typewriter_log", "typing_console_handler", "typing_logger", "warn", "_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.
("CRITICISM:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "BLACK", "BLUE", "CYAN", "GREEN", "LIGHTBLACK_EX", "LIGHTBLUE_EX", "LIGHTCYAN_EX", "LIGHTGREEN_EX", "LIGHTMAGENTA_EX", "LIGHTRED_EX", "LIGHTWHITE_EX", "LIGHTYELLOW_EX", "MAGENTA", "RED", "RESET", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import logging import os import random import re import time from logging import LogRecord from typing import Any from colorama import Fore, Style from pilot.log.json_handler import JsonFileHandler, JsonFormatter from pilot.singleton import Singleton from pilot.speech import say_text class Logger(metaclass=Singleton): """ Logger that handle titles in different colors. Outputs logs in console, activity.log, and errors.log For console handler: simulates typing """ def __init__(self): # create log directory if it doesn't exist this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) log_file = "activity.log" error_file = "error.log" console_formatter = DbGptFormatter("%(title_color)s %(message)s") # Create a handler for console which simulate typing self.typing_console_handler = TypingConsoleHandler() self.typing_console_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.typing_console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Create a handler for console without typing simulation self.console_handler = ConsoleHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.console_handler.setFormatter(console_formatter) # Info handler in activity.log self.file_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, log_file), "a", "utf-8" ) self.file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) info_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(title)s %(message_no_color)s" ) self.file_handler.setFormatter(info_formatter) # Error handler error.log error_handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_dir, error_file), "a", "utf-8" ) error_handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) error_formatter = DbGptFormatter( "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d %(title)s" " %(message_no_color)s" ) error_handler.setFormatter(error_formatter) self.typing_logger = logging.getLogger("TYPER") self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.typing_console_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.typing_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.typing_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.logger = logging.getLogger("LOGGER") self.logger.addHandler(self.console_handler) self.logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.json_logger = logging.getLogger("JSON_LOGGER") self.json_logger.addHandler(self.file_handler) self.json_logger.addHandler(error_handler) self.json_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.speak_mode = False self.chat_plugins = [] def typewriter_log( self, title="", title_color="", content="", speak_text=False, level=logging.INFO ): if speak_text and self.speak_mode: say_text(f"{title}. {content}") for plugin in self.chat_plugins:"{title}. {content}") if content: if isinstance(content, list): content = " ".join(content) else: content = "" self.typing_logger.log( level, content, extra={"title": title, "color": title_color} ) def debug( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.DEBUG) def info( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.INFO) def warn( self, message, title="", title_color="", ): self._log(title, title_color, message, logging.WARN) def error(self, title, message=""): self._log(title, Fore.RED, message, logging.ERROR) def _log( self, title: str = "", title_color: str = "", message: str = "", level=logging.INFO, ): if message: if isinstance(message, list): message = " ".join(message) self.logger.log( level, message, extra={"title": str(title), "color": str(title_color)} ) def set_level(self, level): self.logger.setLevel(level) self.typing_logger.setLevel(level) def double_check(self, additionalText=None): if not additionalText: additionalText = ( "Please ensure you've setup and configured everything" " correctly. Read to " "double check. You can also create a github issue or join the discord" " and ask there!" ) self.typewriter_log("DOUBLE CHECK CONFIGURATION", Fore.YELLOW, additionalText) def log_json(self, data: Any, file_name: str) -> None: # Define log directory this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") # Create a handler for JSON files json_file_path = os.path.join(log_dir, file_name) json_data_handler = JsonFileHandler(json_file_path) json_data_handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) # Log the JSON data using the custom file handler self.json_logger.addHandler(json_data_handler) self.json_logger.debug(data) self.json_logger.removeHandler(json_data_handler) def get_log_directory(self): this_files_dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) log_dir = os.path.join(this_files_dir_path, "../logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) """ Output stream to console using simulated typing """ class TypingConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): min_typing_speed = 0.05 max_typing_speed = 0.01 msg = self.format(record) try: words = msg.split() for i, word in enumerate(words): print(word, end="", flush=True) if i < len(words) - 1: print(" ", end="", flush=True) typing_speed = random.uniform(min_typing_speed, max_typing_speed) time.sleep(typing_speed) # type faster after each word min_typing_speed = min_typing_speed * 0.95 max_typing_speed = max_typing_speed * 0.95 print() except Exception: self.handleError(record) class ConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record) -> None: msg = self.format(record) try: print(msg) except Exception: self.handleError(record) class DbGptFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Allows to handle custom placeholders 'title_color' and 'message_no_color'. To use this formatter, make sure to pass 'color', 'title' as log extras. """ def format(self, record: LogRecord) -> str: if hasattr(record, "color"): record.title_color = ( getattr(record, "color") + getattr(record, "title", "") + " " + Style.RESET_ALL ) else: record.title_color = getattr(record, "title", "") # Add this line to set 'title' to an empty string if it doesn't exist record.title = getattr(record, "title", "") if hasattr(record, "msg"): record.message_no_color = remove_color_codes(getattr(record, "msg")) else: record.message_no_color = "" return super().format(record) def remove_color_codes(s: str) -> str: ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])") return ansi_escape.sub("", s) logger = Logger() def print_assistant_thoughts( ai_name: object, assistant_reply_json_valid: object, speak_mode: bool = False, ) -> None: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = None assistant_thoughts_plan = None assistant_thoughts_speak = None assistant_thoughts_criticism = None assistant_thoughts = assistant_reply_json_valid.get("thoughts", {}) assistant_thoughts_text = assistant_thoughts.get("text") if assistant_thoughts: assistant_thoughts_reasoning = assistant_thoughts.get("reasoning") assistant_thoughts_plan = assistant_thoughts.get("plan") assistant_thoughts_criticism = assistant_thoughts.get("criticism") assistant_thoughts_speak = assistant_thoughts.get("speak") logger.typewriter_log( f"{ai_name.upper()} THOUGHTS:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_text}" ) logger.typewriter_log("REASONING:", Fore.YELLOW, f"{assistant_thoughts_reasoning}") if assistant_thoughts_plan: logger.typewriter_log("PLAN:", Fore.YELLOW, "") # If it's a list, join it into a string if isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, list): assistant_thoughts_plan = "\n".join(assistant_thoughts_plan) elif isinstance(assistant_thoughts_plan, dict): assistant_thoughts_plan = str(assistant_thoughts_plan) # Split the input_string using the newline character and dashes lines = assistant_thoughts_plan.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.lstrip("- ") logger.typewriter_log("- ", Fore.GREEN, line.strip()) logger.typewriter_log("CRITICISM:", Fore.
, f"{assistant_thoughts_criticism}") # Speak the assistant's thoughts if speak_mode and assistant_thoughts_speak: say_text(assistant_thoughts_speak)
[ "codecs", "decoder", "detect_encoding", "dump", "dumps", "encoder", "JSONDecodeError", "JSONDecoder", "JSONEncoder", "load", "loads", "scanner", "tool", "_default_decoder", "_default_encoder", "__all__", "__author__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.
(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "add_traits", "authenticate", "authenticate_and_handle", "cache", "cache_max_age", "class_config_rst_doc", "class_config_section", "class_get_help", "class_get_trait_help", "class_own_trait_events", "class_own_traits", "class_print_help", "class_trait_names", "class_traits", "cleanup", "config", "cookie_name", "cross_validation_lock", "get_token", "has_trait", "hold_trait_notifications", "jupyterhub_api_token", "jupyterhub_api_url", "log", "notify_change", "observe", "on_trait_change", "parent", "pre_response", "section_names", "session", "set_trait", "setup", "setup_instance", "ssl_context", "tls_ca", "tls_cert", "tls_key", "trait_defaults", "trait_events", "trait_has_value", "trait_metadata", "trait_names", "trait_values", "traits", "unobserve", "unobserve_all", "update_config", "_add_notifiers", "_all_trait_default_generators", "_config_changed", "_cross_validation_lock", "_default_cache", "_default_cookie_name", "_default_jupyterhub_api_token", "_default_jupyterhub_api_url", "_defining_class", "_find_my_config", "_get_log_handler", "_get_trait_default_generator", "_load_config", "_log_default", "_notify_observers", "_notify_trait", "_register_validator", "_remove_notifiers", "_static_immutable_initial_values", "_trait_notifiers", "_trait_validators", "_trait_values", "_traits", "_validate_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__getstate__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__setstate__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().
(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "add_traits", "authenticate", "authenticate_and_handle", "cache", "cache_max_age", "class_config_rst_doc", "class_config_section", "class_get_help", "class_get_trait_help", "class_own_trait_events", "class_own_traits", "class_print_help", "class_trait_names", "class_traits", "cleanup", "config", "cookie_name", "cross_validation_lock", "get_token", "has_trait", "hold_trait_notifications", "jupyterhub_api_token", "jupyterhub_api_url", "log", "notify_change", "observe", "on_trait_change", "parent", "pre_response", "section_names", "session", "set_trait", "setup", "setup_instance", "ssl_context", "tls_ca", "tls_cert", "tls_key", "trait_defaults", "trait_events", "trait_has_value", "trait_metadata", "trait_names", "trait_values", "traits", "unobserve", "unobserve_all", "update_config", "_add_notifiers", "_all_trait_default_generators", "_config_changed", "_cross_validation_lock", "_default_cache", "_default_cookie_name", "_default_jupyterhub_api_token", "_default_jupyterhub_api_url", "_defining_class", "_find_my_config", "_get_log_handler", "_get_trait_default_generator", "_load_config", "_log_default", "_notify_observers", "_notify_trait", "_register_validator", "_remove_notifiers", "_static_immutable_initial_values", "_trait_notifiers", "_trait_validators", "_trait_values", "_traits", "_validate_log", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__getstate__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__setstate__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.
.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "ATTRS", "auth", "auto_decompress", "close", "closed", "connector", "connector_owner", "cookie_jar", "delete", "detach", "get", "head", "headers", "json_serialize", "loop", "options", "patch", "post", "put", "raise_for_status", "request", "requote_redirect_url", "skip_auto_headers", "timeout", "trace_configs", "trust_env", "version", "ws_connect", "_auto_decompress", "_base_url", "_build_url", "_connector", "_connector_owner", "_cookie_jar", "_default_auth", "_default_headers", "_json_serialize", "_loop", "_max_field_size", "_max_line_size", "_prepare_headers", "_raise_for_status", "_read_bufsize", "_request", "_request_class", "_requote_redirect_url", "_resolve_charset", "_response_class", "_skip_auto_headers", "_source_traceback", "_timeout", "_trace_configs", "_trust_env", "_version", "_ws_connect", "_ws_response_class", "__aenter__", "__aexit__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__del__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__enter__", "__eq__", "__exit__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.
(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.
(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "add", "clear", "copy", "difference", "difference_update", "discard", "intersection", "intersection_update", "isdisjoint", "issubset", "issuperset", "pop", "remove", "symmetric_difference", "symmetric_difference_update", "union", "update", "__and__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__iand__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__ior__", "__isub__", "__iter__", "__ixor__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__or__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__", "__sub__", "__xor__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.
(json.load(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "codecs", "decoder", "detect_encoding", "dump", "dumps", "encoder", "JSONDecodeError", "JSONDecoder", "JSONEncoder", "load", "loads", "scanner", "tool", "_default_decoder", "_default_encoder", "__all__", "__author__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import os import json import functools from aiohttp import web from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Select, Mapping from dask_gateway_server.auth import JupyterHubAuthenticator def dask_gateway_config(path="/var/lib/dask-gateway/config.json"): with open(path) as f: return json.load(f) config = dask_gateway_config() c.DaskGateway.log_level = config["gateway"]["loglevel"] # Configure addresses c.DaskGateway.address = ":8000" c.KubeBackend.api_url = f'http://{config["gateway_service_name"]}.{config["gateway_service_namespace"]}:8000/api' c.DaskGateway.backend_class = "dask_gateway_server.backends.kubernetes.KubeBackend" c.KubeBackend.gateway_instance = config["gateway_service_name"] # ========= Dask Cluster Default Configuration ========= c.KubeClusterConfig.image = ( f"{config['cluster-image']['name']}:{config['cluster-image']['tag']}" ) c.KubeClusterConfig.image_pull_policy = config["cluster"]["image_pull_policy"] c.KubeClusterConfig.environment = config["cluster"]["environment"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["scheduler_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.scheduler_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "scheduler_extra_pod_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores = config["cluster"]["worker_cores"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_cores_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_cores_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory = config["cluster"]["worker_memory"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_memory_limit = config["cluster"]["worker_memory_limit"] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_container_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_container_config" ] c.KubeClusterConfig.worker_extra_pod_config = config["cluster"][ "worker_extra_pod_config" ] # ============ Authentication ================= class QHubAuthentication(JupyterHubAuthenticator): async def authenticate(self, request): user = await super().authenticate(request) url = f"{self.jupyterhub_api_url}/users/{}" kwargs = { "headers": {"Authorization": "token %s" % self.jupyterhub_api_token}, "ssl": self.ssl_context, } resp = await self.session.get(url, **kwargs) data = (await resp.json())["auth_state"]["oauth_user"] if ( "dask_gateway_developer" not in data["roles"] and "dask_gateway_admin" not in data["roles"] ): raise web.HTTPInternalServerError( reason="Permission failure user does not have required dask_gateway roles" ) user.admin = "dask_gateway_admin" in data["roles"] user.groups = [ os.path.basename(group) for group in data["groups"] if os.path.dirname(group) == "/projects" ] return user c.DaskGateway.authenticator_class = QHubAuthentication c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_url = config["jupyterhub_api_url"] c.JupyterHubAuthenticator.jupyterhub_api_token = config["jupyterhub_api_token"] # ==================== Profiles ======================= def get_packages(conda_prefix): packages = set() for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta")): if filename.endswith(".json"): with open(os.path.join(conda_prefix, "conda-meta", filename)) as f: packages.add(json.
(f).get("name")) return packages def get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): for namespace in os.listdir(conda_store_mount): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs")): yield namespace, name, os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ) def list_dask_environments(conda_store_mount): for namespace, name, conda_prefix in get_conda_prefixes(conda_store_mount): if {"dask", "distributed"} <= get_packages(conda_prefix): yield namespace, name, conda_prefix def base_node_group(): worker_node_group = { config["worker-node-group"]["key"]: config["worker-node-group"]["value"] } return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"nodeSelector": worker_node_group}, } def base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name): conda_store_pvc_name = config["conda-store-pvc"] conda_store_mount = config["conda-store-mount"] return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_extra_pod_config": { "volumes": [ { "name": "conda-store", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": conda_store_pvc_name, }, } ] }, "worker_extra_container_config": { "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": os.path.join(conda_store_mount, namespace), "name": "conda-store", "subPath": namespace, } ] }, "worker_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-worker", "scheduler_cmd": "/opt/conda-run-scheduler", "environment": { "CONDA_ENVIRONMENT": os.path.join( conda_store_mount, namespace, "envs", name ), }, } def base_username_mount(username, uid=1000, gid=100): return { "scheduler_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "scheduler_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "worker_extra_pod_config": {"volumes": [{"name": "home", "emptyDir": {}}]}, "worker_extra_container_config": { "securityContext": {"runAsUser": uid, "runAsGroup": gid, "fsGroup": gid}, "workingDir": f"/home/{username}", "volumeMounts": [ { "mountPath": f"/home/{username}", "name": "home", } ], }, "environment": { "HOME": f"/home/{username}", }, } def worker_profile(options, user): namespace, name = options.conda_environment.split("/") return functools.reduce( deep_merge, [ base_node_group(), base_conda_store_mounts(namespace, name), base_username_mount(, config["profiles"][options.profile], {"environment": {**options.environment_vars}}, ], {}, ) def user_options(user): allowed_namespaces = set(["filesystem", "default",] + list(user.groups)) environments = { f"{namespace}/{name}": conda_prefix for namespace, name, conda_prefix in list_dask_environments( config["conda-store-mount"] ) if namespace in allowed_namespaces } args = [] if environments: args += [ Select( "conda_environment", list(environments.keys()), default=list(environments.keys())[0], label="Environment", ) ] if config["profiles"]: args += [ Select( "profile", list(config["profiles"].keys()), default=list(config["profiles"].keys())[0], label="Cluster Profile", ) ] args += [ Mapping("environment_vars", {}, label="Environment Variables"), ] return Options( *args, handler=worker_profile, ) c.Backend.cluster_options = user_options # ============== utils ============ def deep_merge(d1, d2): """Deep merge two dictionaries. >>> value_1 = { 'a': [1, 2], 'b': {'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6]}, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}}}, 'm': 1, } >>> value_2 = { 'a': [3, 4], 'b': {'d': 2, 'z': [7]}, 'e': {'f': {'h': 1}}, 'm': [1], } >>> print(deep_merge(value_1, value_2)) {'m': 1, 'e': {'f': {'g': {}, 'h': 1}}, 'b': {'d': 2, 'c': 1, 'z': [5, 6, 7]}, 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4]} """ if isinstance(d1, dict) and isinstance(d2, dict): d3 = {} for key in d1.keys() | d2.keys(): if key in d1 and key in d2: d3[key] = deep_merge(d1[key], d2[key]) elif key in d1: d3[key] = d1[key] elif key in d2: d3[key] = d2[key] return d3 elif isinstance(d1, list) and isinstance(d2, list): return [*d1, *d2] else: # if they don't match use left one return d1
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self.
() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self.
() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.
(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.
(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "annotations", "api", "array", "arrays", "ArrowDtype", "bdate_range", "BooleanDtype", "Categorical", "CategoricalDtype", "CategoricalIndex", "compat", "concat", "conftest", "core", "crosstab", "cut", "DataFrame", "date_range", "DateOffset", "DatetimeIndex", "DatetimeTZDtype", "describe_option", "errors", "eval", "ExcelFile", "ExcelWriter", "factorize", "Flags", "Float32Dtype", "Float64Dtype", "from_dummies", "get_dummies", "get_option", "Grouper", "HDFStore", "Index", "IndexSlice", "infer_freq", "Int16Dtype", "Int32Dtype", "Int64Dtype", "Int8Dtype", "Interval", "interval_range", "IntervalDtype", "IntervalIndex", "io", "isna", "isnull", "json_normalize", "lreshape", "melt", "merge", "merge_asof", "merge_ordered", "MultiIndex", "NA", "NamedAgg", "NaT", "notna", "notnull", "offsets", "option_context", "options", "pandas", "Period", "period_range", "PeriodDtype", "PeriodIndex", "pivot", "pivot_table", "plotting", "qcut", "RangeIndex", "read_clipboard", "read_csv", "read_excel", "read_feather", "read_fwf", "read_gbq", "read_hdf", "read_html", "read_json", "read_orc", "read_parquet", "read_pickle", "read_sas", "read_spss", "read_sql", "read_sql_query", "read_sql_table", "read_stata", "read_table", "read_xml", "reset_option", "Series", "set_eng_float_format", "set_option", "show_versions", "SparseDtype", "StringDtype", "test", "testing", "tests", "Timedelta", "timedelta_range", "TimedeltaIndex", "Timestamp", "to_datetime", "to_numeric", "to_pickle", "to_timedelta", "tseries", "UInt16Dtype", "UInt32Dtype", "UInt64Dtype", "UInt8Dtype", "unique", "util", "value_counts", "wide_to_long", "_built_with_meson", "_config", "_e", "_err", "_is_numpy_dev", "_libs", "_module", "_testing", "_typing", "_version", "_version_meson", "__all__", "__doc__", "__docformat__", "__file__", "__git_version__", "__name__", "__package__", "__version__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.
(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "df", "df_type", "dtypes", "evaluate", "get_warnings", "label", "random_state", "store_warning", "tests", "_clean_warnings", "_coverage_fraction", "_df", "_df_type", "_dtypes", "_expectation_level_assessment", "_label", "_logger", "_overall_assessment", "_random_state", "_report", "_summarize_results", "_tests", "_warnings", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.
(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.
(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self.
() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self.
(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "abc", "abort", "access", "add_dll_directory", "altsep", "chdir", "chflags", "chmod", "chown", "chroot", "CLD_CONTINUED", "CLD_DUMPED", "CLD_EXITED", "CLD_TRAPPED", "close", "closerange", "confstr", "confstr_names", "cpu_count", "ctermid", "curdir", "defpath", "device_encoding", "devnull", "DirEntry", "dup", "dup2", "environ", "environb", "error", "EX_CANTCREAT", "EX_CONFIG", "EX_DATAERR", "EX_IOERR", "EX_NOHOST", "EX_NOINPUT", "EX_NOPERM", "EX_NOTFOUND", "EX_NOUSER", "EX_OK", "EX_OSERR", "EX_OSFILE", "EX_PROTOCOL", "EX_SOFTWARE", "EX_TEMPFAIL", "EX_UNAVAILABLE", "EX_USAGE", "execl", "execle", "execlp", "execlpe", "execv", "execve", "execvp", "execvpe", "extsep", "F_LOCK", "F_OK", "F_TEST", "F_TLOCK", "F_ULOCK", "fchdir", "fchmod", "fchown", "fdatasync", "fdopen", "fork", "forkpty", "fpathconf", "fsdecode", "fsencode", "fspath", "fstat", "fstatvfs", "fsync", "ftruncate", "fwalk", "GenericAlias", "get_blocking", "get_exec_path", "get_inheritable", "get_terminal_size", "getcwd", "getcwdb", "getegid", "getenv", "getenvb", "geteuid", "getgid", "getgrouplist", "getgroups", "getloadavg", "getlogin", "getpgid", "getpgrp", "getpid", "getppid", "getpriority", "getrandom", "getresgid", "getresuid", "getsid", "getuid", "getxattr", "GRND_NONBLOCK", "GRND_RANDOM", "initgroups", "isatty", "kill", "killpg", "lchflags", "lchmod", "lchown", "linesep", "link", "listdir", "listxattr", "lockf", "lseek", "lstat", "major", "makedev", "makedirs", "Mapping", "memfd_create", "MFD_ALLOW_SEALING", "MFD_CLOEXEC", "MFD_HUGE_16GB", "MFD_HUGE_16MB", "MFD_HUGE_1GB", "MFD_HUGE_1MB", "MFD_HUGE_256MB", "MFD_HUGE_2GB", "MFD_HUGE_2MB", "MFD_HUGE_32MB", "MFD_HUGE_512KB", "MFD_HUGE_512MB", "MFD_HUGE_64KB", "MFD_HUGE_8MB", "MFD_HUGE_MASK", "MFD_HUGE_SHIFT", "MFD_HUGETLB", "minor", "mkdir", "mkfifo", "mknod", "MutableMapping", "name", "NGROUPS_MAX", "nice", "O_ACCMODE", "O_APPEND", "O_ASYNC", "O_BINARY", "O_CLOEXEC", "O_CREAT", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECTORY", "O_DSYNC", "O_EXCL", "O_EXLOCK", "O_LARGEFILE", "O_NDELAY", "O_NOATIME", "O_NOCTTY", "O_NOFOLLOW", "O_NOINHERIT", "O_NONBLOCK", "O_PATH", "O_RANDOM", "O_RDONLY", "O_RDWR", "O_RSYNC", "O_SEQUENTIAL", "O_SHLOCK", "O_SHORT_LIVED", "O_SYNC", "O_TEMPORARY", "O_TEXT", "O_TMPFILE", "O_TRUNC", "O_WRONLY", "open", "openpty", "P_ALL", "P_DETACH", "P_NOWAIT", "P_NOWAITO", "P_OVERLAY", "P_PGID", "P_PID", "P_WAIT", "pardir", "path", "pathconf", "pathconf_names", "PathLike", "pathsep", "pipe", "pipe2", "plock", "popen", "POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED", "POSIX_FADV_NOREUSE", "POSIX_FADV_NORMAL", "POSIX_FADV_RANDOM", "POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL", "POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED", "posix_fadvise", "posix_fallocate", "pread", "PRIO_PGRP", "PRIO_PROCESS", "PRIO_USER", "putenv", "pwrite", "R_OK", "read", "readlink", "readv", "register_at_fork", "remove", "removedirs", "removexattr", "rename", "renames", "replace", "rmdir", "RTLD_DEEPBIND", "RTLD_GLOBAL", "RTLD_LAZY", "RTLD_LOCAL", "RTLD_NODELETE", "RTLD_NOLOAD", "RTLD_NOW", "scandir", "SCHED_BATCH", "SCHED_FIFO", "sched_get_priority_max", "sched_get_priority_min", "sched_getaffinity", "sched_getparam", "sched_getscheduler", "SCHED_IDLE", "SCHED_OTHER", "sched_param", "SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK", "SCHED_RR", "sched_rr_get_interval", "sched_setaffinity", "sched_setparam", "sched_setscheduler", "SCHED_SPORADIC", "sched_yield", "SEEK_CUR", "SEEK_DATA", "SEEK_END", "SEEK_HOLE", "SEEK_SET", "sendfile", "sep", "set_blocking", "set_inheritable", "setegid", "seteuid", "setgid", "setgroups", "setpgid", "setpgrp", "setpriority", "setregid", "setresgid", "setresuid", "setreuid", "setsid", "setuid", "setxattr", "SF_MNOWAIT", "SF_NODISKIO", "SF_SYNC", "spawnl", "spawnle", "spawnlp", "spawnlpe", "spawnv", "spawnve", "spawnvp", "spawnvpe", "st", "ST_APPEND", "ST_MANDLOCK", "ST_NOATIME", "ST_NODEV", "ST_NODIRATIME", "ST_NOEXEC", "ST_NOSUID", "ST_RDONLY", "ST_RELATIME", "ST_SYNCHRONOUS", "ST_WRITE", "startfile", "stat", "stat_result", "statvfs", "statvfs_result", "strerror", "supports_bytes_environ", "supports_dir_fd", "supports_effective_ids", "supports_fd", "supports_follow_symlinks", "symlink", "sync", "sys", "sysconf", "sysconf_names", "system", "tcgetpgrp", "tcsetpgrp", "terminal_size", "times", "times_result", "TMP_MAX", "truncate", "ttyname", "umask", "uname", "uname_result", "unlink", "unsetenv", "urandom", "utime", "W_OK", "wait", "wait3", "wait4", "waitid", "waitid_result", "waitpid", "walk", "WCONTINUED", "WCOREDUMP", "WEXITED", "WEXITSTATUS", "WIFCONTINUED", "WIFEXITED", "WIFSIGNALED", "WIFSTOPPED", "WNOHANG", "WNOWAIT", "write", "writev", "WSTOPPED", "WSTOPSIG", "WTERMSIG", "WUNTRACED", "X_OK", "XATTR_CREATE", "XATTR_REPLACE", "XATTR_SIZE_MAX", "_AddedDllDirectory", "_check_methods", "_Environ", "_execvpe", "_exists", "_exit", "_fspath", "_fwalk", "_get_exports_list", "_spawnvef", "_walk", "_wrap_close", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.
.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "abspath", "altsep", "basename", "commonpath", "commonprefix", "curdir", "defpath", "devnull", "dirname", "exists", "expanduser", "expandvars", "extsep", "genericpath", "getatime", "getctime", "getmtime", "getsize", "isabs", "isdir", "isfile", "islink", "ismount", "join", "lexists", "normcase", "normpath", "os", "pardir", "pathsep", "realpath", "relpath", "samefile", "sameopenfile", "samestat", "sep", "split", "splitdrive", "splitext", "stat", "supports_unicode_filenames", "sys", "_abspath_fallback", "_get_bothseps", "_get_sep", "_getfinalpathname", "_getfinalpathname_nonstrict", "_getfullpathname", "_getvolumepathname", "_joinrealpath", "_LCMAP_LOWERCASE", "_LCMapStringEx", "_LOCALE_NAME_INVARIANT", "_nt_readlink", "_readlink_deep", "_varprog", "_varprogb", "__all__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.
(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "clear", "copy", "fromkeys", "get", "items", "keys", "pop", "popitem", "setdefault", "update", "values", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__class_getitem__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__delitem__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__ior__", "__iter__", "__len__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__or__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__setattr__", "__setitem__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.
(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "assertion", "dataframe_from_source", "execute_and_remove_from_queue", "function_name", "key", "stage_file", "stage_name", "test_definition", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.
(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.
(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.
(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "console", "content", "copy_report", "execute_custom_assertions", "name", "refine_ydata_result", "run", "source_file", "stage_file", "stage_file_obj", "tests", "update_report", "_load_source", "_show_progress", "_show_result", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.
(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "filename", "get", "stage_content", "stage_file", "stages", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.
: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "filename", "get", "stage_content", "stage_file", "stages", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.
[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.stage_content[name])
[ "filename", "get", "stage_content", "stage_file", "stages", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import json import os import shutil from glob import glob from time import time import click import pandas as pd from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown class Stage(object): def __init__(self, stage_file, name, content): self.stage_file_obj = stage_file self.stage_file = stage_file.stage_file = name self.content = content self.source_file = None self.console = Console() self._load_source() def _show_progress(self): self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Process stage] {os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}', align='left') def _show_result(self, error=None): stage_name = f'{os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split(".")[0]}:{}' if error is not None: click.echo(f'Skipped stage [{stage_name}] Error: {error}') self.console.rule(f'[bold red][Failed] {stage_name}', align='left') else: self.console.rule(f'[bold green][Pass] {stage_name}', align='left') def _load_source(self): if 'data' not in self.content: raise ValueError('data is required field') source_name = self.content['data'] self.source_file = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.stage_file), '../sources', f'{source_name}.yaml')) def tests(self): return self.content['tests'] def run(self, keep_ge_workspace=False): from import execute_ge_checkpoint from piperider_cli.ydata.data_expectations import DataExpectationsReporter from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: ge_workspace = tmp_dir if keep_ge_workspace: ge_workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'ge_dir_{int(time())}') click.echo(f'Keep ge workspace at {ge_workspace}') try: self._show_progress() all_columns, ge_context = execute_ge_checkpoint(ge_workspace, self) ge_report_file = self.copy_report(ge_workspace) ydata_report_file = ge_report_file.replace('.json', '_ydata.json') self.execute_custom_assertions(ge_context, ge_report_file) # generate ydata report df = pd.DataFrame(columns=all_columns) datasource_name = self.source_file.split('/')[-1] der = DataExpectationsReporter() results = der.evaluate(ge_report_file, df) expectations_report, expectations_dense = results['Expectation Level Assessment'] markdown_template = f''' # Status * Data Source : {datasource_name} * Data Columns : {all_columns} * Output Reports * Test report: {ge_report_file} * Ydata report: {ydata_report_file} # Output ``` text {expectations_report} ``` ''' self.console.print(Markdown(markdown_template)) # save ydata report with open(ydata_report_file, 'w') as fh: outputs = self.refine_ydata_result(results) fh.write(json.dumps(outputs)) self._show_result() return outputs['has_error'], {'ge': ge_report_file, 'ydata': ydata_report_file} except Exception as e: # mark as error self.console.print_exception(show_locals=True) self._show_result(e) return True, None def copy_report(self, ge_workspace): for report_json in glob(os.path.join(ge_workspace, 'great_expectations', 'uncommitted', '**', '*.json'), recursive=True): filename = os.path.basename(self.stage_file).split('.')[0] report_name = f'{filename}_{}_{os.path.basename(report_json)}' shutil.copy(report_json, os.path.join(os.environ['PIPERIDER_REPORT_DIR'], report_name)) return report_name def execute_custom_assertions(self, ge_context, report_file): from import get_scheduled_tests scheduled_tests = get_scheduled_tests() if not scheduled_tests: return print(f"executing {len(scheduled_tests)} scheduled tests", ) for k, v in scheduled_tests.items(): try: # execute the scheduled test action_result = v.execute_and_remove_from_queue(ge_context) if isinstance(action_result, bool): self.update_report(report_file, v, action_result) elif isinstance(action_result, pd.DataFrame): values = action_result.all().values if len(values) == 1 and values[0]: self.update_report(report_file, v, True if values[0] else False) else: self.update_report(report_file, v, False) except Exception as e: click.echo(f'Error: {e}') raise finally: # TODO update the report to ge's output pass def update_report(self, report_file, custom_assertion, action_result): with open(report_file) as fh: report_data = json.loads( results = report_data['results'] kwargs = { "batch_id": "68826d1fc4627a6685f0291acd9c54bb", } if 'column' in custom_assertion.test_definition: kwargs['column'] = custom_assertion.test_definition['column'] results.append( { "exception_info": { "exception_message": None, "exception_traceback": None, "raised_exception": False }, "expectation_config": { "expectation_type": f"custom-assertion::{custom_assertion.function_name}", "kwargs": kwargs, "meta": { "test_definition": custom_assertion.test_definition, "function_name": custom_assertion.function_name } }, "meta": {}, "result": {}, "success": action_result } ) if not action_result: report_data['success'] = False all_count = len(results) success_count = len([r for r in results if r['success']]) report_data['statistics'] = { 'evaluated_expectations': all_count, 'success_percent': 100 * (success_count / all_count), 'successful_expectations': success_count, 'unsuccessful_expectations': all_count - success_count} # write back to file with open(report_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write(json.dumps(report_data, indent=2)) pass def refine_ydata_result(self, results: dict): outputs = {'has_error': True} for k, v in results.items(): if 'Expectation Level Assessment' == k: refined_assessment = list(v) for idx, elem in enumerate(refined_assessment): if isinstance(elem, pd.DataFrame): refined_assessment[idx] = elem.to_json(orient='table') outputs['has_error'] = False if elem['Successful?'].all() else True outputs[k] = refined_assessment else: outputs[k] = v return outputs class StageFile(object): def __init__(self, stage_file): self.stage_file = stage_file from piperider_cli.config import load_stages self.stage_content: dict = load_stages(stage_file) self.filename = stage_file def stages(self): for k in self.stage_content.keys(): yield Stage(self, k, self.stage_content[k]) def get(self, name): if name in self.stage_content: return Stage(self, name, self.
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.
(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "apply_tailwind", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "content", "extras", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_content", "style", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).
('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.
or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "capitalize", "casefold", "center", "count", "encode", "endswith", "expandtabs", "find", "format", "format_map", "index", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "isdecimal", "isdigit", "isidentifier", "islower", "isnumeric", "isprintable", "isspace", "istitle", "isupper", "join", "ljust", "lower", "lstrip", "maketrans", "partition", "removeprefix", "removesuffix", "replace", "rfind", "rindex", "rjust", "rpartition", "rsplit", "rstrip", "split", "splitlines", "startswith", "strip", "swapcase", "title", "translate", "upper", "zfill", "__add__", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__contains__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__ge__", "__getattribute__", "__getitem__", "__getnewargs__", "__gt__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__iter__", "__le__", "__len__", "__lt__", "__mod__", "__module__", "__mul__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__reversed__", "__rmul__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.
.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "__annotations__", "__call__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__func__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__name__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__qualname__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__self__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.
html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.
().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "clear", "page", "parent_view", "props", "style", "tight", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "_child_count_on_enter", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__enter__", "__eq__", "__exit__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().
('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "abc", "ArgInfo", "ArgSpec", "Arguments", "ast", "attrgetter", "Attribute", "BlockFinder", "BoundArguments", "builtins", "ClassFoundException", "classify_class_attrs", "cleandoc", "ClosureVars", "CO_ASYNC_GENERATOR", "CO_COROUTINE", "CO_GENERATOR", "CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE", "CO_NESTED", "CO_NEWLOCALS", "CO_NOFREE", "CO_OPTIMIZED", "CO_VARARGS", "CO_VARKEYWORDS", "collections", "CORO_CLOSED", "CORO_CREATED", "CORO_RUNNING", "CORO_SUSPENDED", "currentframe", "dis", "EndOfBlock", "enum", "findsource", "formatannotation", "formatannotationrelativeto", "formatargspec", "formatargvalues", "FrameInfo", "FullArgSpec", "functools", "GEN_CLOSED", "GEN_CREATED", "GEN_RUNNING", "GEN_SUSPENDED", "get_annotations", "getabsfile", "getargs", "getargspec", "getargvalues", "getattr_static", "getblock", "getcallargs", "getclasstree", "getclosurevars", "getcomments", "getcoroutinelocals", "getcoroutinestate", "getdoc", "getfile", "getframeinfo", "getfullargspec", "getgeneratorlocals", "getgeneratorstate", "getinnerframes", "getlineno", "getmembers", "getmodule", "getmodulename", "getmro", "getouterframes", "getsource", "getsourcefile", "getsourcelines", "importlib", "indentsize", "isabstract", "isasyncgen", "isasyncgenfunction", "isawaitable", "isbuiltin", "isclass", "iscode", "iscoroutine", "iscoroutinefunction", "isdatadescriptor", "isframe", "isfunction", "isgenerator", "isgeneratorfunction", "isgetsetdescriptor", "ismemberdescriptor", "ismethod", "ismethoddescriptor", "ismodule", "isroutine", "istraceback", "itertools", "k", "linecache", "mod_dict", "modulesbyfile", "namedtuple", "OrderedDict", "os", "Parameter", "re", "signature", "Signature", "stack", "sys", "token", "tokenize", "TPFLAGS_IS_ABSTRACT", "trace", "Traceback", "types", "unwrap", "v", "walktree", "warnings", "_check_class", "_check_instance", "_ClassFinder", "_ClassMethodWrapper", "_empty", "_filesbymodname", "_findclass", "_finddoc", "_has_code_flag", "_is_type", "_KEYWORD_ONLY", "_main", "_MethodWrapper", "_missing_arguments", "_NonUserDefinedCallables", "_PARAM_NAME_MAPPING", "_ParameterKind", "_POSITIONAL_ONLY", "_POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD", "_sentinel", "_shadowed_dict", "_signature_bound_method", "_signature_from_builtin", "_signature_from_callable", "_signature_from_function", "_signature_fromstr", "_signature_get_bound_param", "_signature_get_partial", "_signature_get_user_defined_method", "_signature_is_builtin", "_signature_is_functionlike", "_signature_strip_non_python_syntax", "_static_getmro", "_too_many", "_VAR_KEYWORD", "_VAR_POSITIONAL", "_void", "_WrapperDescriptor", "__author__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.
(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "abc", "ArgInfo", "ArgSpec", "Arguments", "ast", "attrgetter", "Attribute", "BlockFinder", "BoundArguments", "builtins", "ClassFoundException", "classify_class_attrs", "cleandoc", "ClosureVars", "CO_ASYNC_GENERATOR", "CO_COROUTINE", "CO_GENERATOR", "CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE", "CO_NESTED", "CO_NEWLOCALS", "CO_NOFREE", "CO_OPTIMIZED", "CO_VARARGS", "CO_VARKEYWORDS", "collections", "CORO_CLOSED", "CORO_CREATED", "CORO_RUNNING", "CORO_SUSPENDED", "currentframe", "dis", "EndOfBlock", "enum", "findsource", "formatannotation", "formatannotationrelativeto", "formatargspec", "formatargvalues", "FrameInfo", "FullArgSpec", "functools", "GEN_CLOSED", "GEN_CREATED", "GEN_RUNNING", "GEN_SUSPENDED", "get_annotations", "getabsfile", "getargs", "getargspec", "getargvalues", "getattr_static", "getblock", "getcallargs", "getclasstree", "getclosurevars", "getcomments", "getcoroutinelocals", "getcoroutinestate", "getdoc", "getfile", "getframeinfo", "getfullargspec", "getgeneratorlocals", "getgeneratorstate", "getinnerframes", "getlineno", "getmembers", "getmodule", "getmodulename", "getmro", "getouterframes", "getsource", "getsourcefile", "getsourcelines", "importlib", "indentsize", "isabstract", "isasyncgen", "isasyncgenfunction", "isawaitable", "isbuiltin", "isclass", "iscode", "iscoroutine", "iscoroutinefunction", "isdatadescriptor", "isframe", "isfunction", "isgenerator", "isgeneratorfunction", "isgetsetdescriptor", "ismemberdescriptor", "ismethod", "ismethoddescriptor", "ismodule", "isroutine", "istraceback", "itertools", "k", "linecache", "mod_dict", "modulesbyfile", "namedtuple", "OrderedDict", "os", "Parameter", "re", "signature", "Signature", "stack", "sys", "token", "tokenize", "TPFLAGS_IS_ABSTRACT", "trace", "Traceback", "types", "unwrap", "v", "walktree", "warnings", "_check_class", "_check_instance", "_ClassFinder", "_ClassMethodWrapper", "_empty", "_filesbymodname", "_findclass", "_finddoc", "_has_code_flag", "_is_type", "_KEYWORD_ONLY", "_main", "_MethodWrapper", "_missing_arguments", "_NonUserDefinedCallables", "_PARAM_NAME_MAPPING", "_ParameterKind", "_POSITIONAL_ONLY", "_POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD", "_sentinel", "_shadowed_dict", "_signature_bound_method", "_signature_from_builtin", "_signature_from_callable", "_signature_from_function", "_signature_fromstr", "_signature_get_bound_param", "_signature_get_partial", "_signature_get_user_defined_method", "_signature_is_builtin", "_signature_is_functionlike", "_signature_strip_non_python_syntax", "_static_getmro", "_too_many", "_VAR_KEYWORD", "_VAR_POSITIONAL", "_void", "_WrapperDescriptor", "__author__", "__doc__", "__file__", "__name__", "__package__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.
(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.
(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "apply_tailwind", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "content", "extras", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_content", "style", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).
('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.
(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).
('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example(ui.
):'NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.
): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 = ui.
([1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_value", "bind_value_from", "bind_value_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "change_handler", "classes", "handle_change", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_value", "style", "tooltip", "update", "value", "value_to_view", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).
('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 = ui.
([1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.
): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.
('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').
(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.
('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.
('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').
(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.
(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_value", "bind_value_from", "bind_value_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "change_handler", "classes", "format", "handle_change", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_value", "style", "tooltip", "update", "value", "value_to_view", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).
('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.
().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().
(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.
('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.
): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.
(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.
(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "add_body_html", "add_head_html", "add_route", "add_static_files", "await_javascript", "button", "card", "card_section", "chart", "checkbox", "color_input", "color_picker", "colors", "column", "custom_example", "dialog", "expansion", "get", "html", "icon", "image", "input", "interactive_image", "joystick", "keyboard", "label", "line_plot", "link", "log", "markdown", "menu", "menu_item", "menu_separator", "notify", "number", "on_connect", "on_disconnect", "on_shutdown", "on_startup", "open", "open_async", "page", "plot", "radio", "row", "run", "run_javascript", "scene", "select", "shutdown", "slider", "switch", "table", "timer", "toggle", "tree", "update", "upload", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.
): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e:'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)
[ "bind_text", "bind_text_from", "bind_text_to", "bind_visibility", "bind_visibility_from", "bind_visibility_to", "classes", "page", "parent_view", "props", "set_text", "style", "text", "tooltip", "update", "view", "visible", "__annotations__", "__class__", "__delattr__", "__dict__", "__dir__", "__doc__", "__eq__", "__format__", "__getattribute__", "__hash__", "__init__", "__init_subclass__", "__module__", "__ne__", "__new__", "__reduce__", "__reduce_ex__", "__repr__", "__setattr__", "__sizeof__", "__slots__", "__str__" ]
import asyncio import inspect import re from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import Callable, Union import docutils.core from nicegui import ui @contextmanager def example(content: Union[Callable, type, str]): callFrame = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back begin = callFrame.f_lineno def add_html_anchor(element: ui.html): html = element.content match ='<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>', html) if not match: return headline_id = re.sub('[^(a-z)(A-Z)(0-9)-]', '_', match.groups()[0].strip()).lower() if not headline_id: return icon = '<span class="material-icons">link</span>' anchor = f'<a href="#{headline_id}" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-black">{icon}</a>' html = html.replace('<h4', f'<h4 id="{headline_id}"', 1) html = html.replace('</h4>', f' {anchor}</h4>', 1) element.view.inner_html = html with ui.row().classes('flex w-full'): if isinstance(content, str): add_html_anchor(ui.markdown(content).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) else: doc = content.__doc__ or content.__init__.__doc__ html = docutils.core.publish_parts(doc, writer_name='html')['html_body'] html = html.replace('<p>', '<h4>', 1) html = html.replace('</p>', '</h4>', 1) html = ui.markdown.apply_tailwind(html) add_html_anchor(ui.html(html).classes('mr-8 w-4/12')) try: with ui.card().classes('mt-12 w-2/12'): with ui.column().classes('flex w-full'): yield finally: code: str = open(__file__).read() end = begin + 1 lines = code.splitlines() while True: end += 1 if end >= len(lines): break if inspect.indentsize(lines[end]) < inspect.indentsize(lines[begin]) and lines[end]: break code = lines[begin:end] code = [l[8:] for l in code] code.insert(0, '```python') code.insert(1, 'from nicegui import ui') if code[2].split()[0] not in ['from', 'import']: code.insert(2, '') code.append('') code.append('```') code = '\n'.join(code) ui.markdown(code).classes('mt-12 w-5/12 overflow-auto') async def create(): ui.markdown('## API Documentation and Examples') def h3(text: str) -> None: ui.label(text).style('width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid silver; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 200') h3('Basic Elements') with example(ui.label): ui.label('some label') with example(ui.icon): ui.icon('thumb_up') with example('NiceGUI on GitHub', '') with example(ui.button): ui.button('Click me!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify(f'You clicked me!')) with example(ui.toggle): toggle1 = ui.toggle([1, 2, 3], value=1) toggle2 = ui.toggle({1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).bind_value(toggle1, 'value') with example( radio1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1).props('inline') radio2 ={1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C'}).props('inline').bind_value(radio1, 'value') with example( select1 =[1, 2, 3], value=1) select2 ={1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}).bind_value(select1, 'value') with example(ui.checkbox): checkbox = ui.checkbox('check me') ui.label('Check!').bind_visibility_from(checkbox, 'value') with example(ui.switch): switch = ui.switch('switch me') ui.label('Switch!').bind_visibility_from(switch, 'value') with example(ui.slider): slider = ui.slider(min=0, max=100, value=50).props('label') ui.label().bind_text_from(slider, 'value') with example(ui.joystick): ui.joystick(color='blue', size=50, on_move=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text(f'{}, {}'), on_end=lambda msg: coordinates.set_text('0, 0')) coordinates = ui.label('0, 0') with example(ui.input): ui.input(label='Text', placeholder='press ENTER to apply', on_change=lambda e: input_result.set_text('you typed: ' + e.value)) input_result = ui.label() with example(ui.number): ui.number(label='Number', value=3.1415927, format='%.2f', on_change=lambda e: number_result.set_text(f'you entered: {e.value}')) number_result = ui.label() with example(ui.color_input): color_label = ui.label('Change my color!') ui.color_input(label='Color', value='#000000', on_change=lambda e: color_label.
(f'color:{e.value}')) with example(ui.color_picker): picker = ui.color_picker(on_pick=lambda e:'background-color:{e.color}!important')) button = ui.button('icon=colorize') with example(ui.upload): ui.upload(on_upload=lambda e: ui.notify(f'{len(e.files[0])} bytes')) h3('Markdown and HTML') with example(ui.markdown): ui.markdown('''This is **Markdown**.''') with example(ui.html): ui.html('This is <strong>HTML</strong>.') svg = '''#### SVG You can add Scalable Vector Graphics using the `ui.html` element. ''' with example(svg): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 200 200" width="100" height="100" xmlns=""> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="78" fill="#ffde34" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" /> <circle cx="80" cy="85" r="8" /> <circle cx="120" cy="85" r="8" /> <path d="m60,120 C75,150 125,150 140,120" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:8; stroke-linecap:round" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content) h3('Images') with example(ui.image): ui.image('') captions_and_overlays = '''#### Captions and Overlays By nesting elements inside a `ui.image` you can create augmentations. Use [Quasar classes]( for positioning and styling captions. To overlay an SVG, make the `viewBox` exactly the size of the image and provide `100%` width/height to match the actual rendered size. ''' with example(captions_and_overlays): with ui.image(''): ui.label('Nice!').classes('absolute-bottom text-subtitle2 text-center') with ui.image(''): content = ''' <svg viewBox="0 0 960 638" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns=""> <circle cx="445" cy="300" r="100" fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="20" /> </svg>''' ui.html(content).style('background:transparent') with example(ui.interactive_image): from import MouseEventArguments def mouse_handler(e: MouseEventArguments): color = 'SkyBlue' if e.type == 'mousedown' else 'SteelBlue' ii.svg_content += f'<circle cx="{e.image_x}" cy="{e.image_y}" r="20" fill="{color}"/>' ui.notify(f'{e.type} at ({e.image_x:.1f}, {e.image_y:.1f})') src = '' ii = ui.interactive_image(src, on_mouse=mouse_handler, events=['mousedown', 'mouseup'], cross=True) h3('Data Elements') with example(ui.table): table = ui.table({ 'columnDefs': [ {'headerName': 'Name', 'field': 'name'}, {'headerName': 'Age', 'field': 'age'}, ], 'rowData': [ {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 18}, {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Carol', 'age': 42}, ], }).classes('max-h-40') def update(): table.options.rowData[0].age += 1 table.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.chart): from numpy.random import random chart = ui.chart({ 'title': False, 'chart': {'type': 'bar'}, 'xAxis': {'categories': ['A', 'B']}, 'series': [ {'name': 'Alpha', 'data': [0.1, 0.2]}, {'name': 'Beta', 'data': [0.3, 0.4]}, ], }).classes('max-w-full h-64') def update(): chart.options.series[0].data[:] = random(2) chart.update() ui.button('Update', on_click=update) with example(ui.plot): import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt with ui.plot(figsize=(2.5, 1.8)): x = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0) y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) * np.exp(-x) plt.plot(x, y, '-') plt.xlabel('time (s)') plt.ylabel('Damped oscillation') with example(ui.line_plot): from datetime import datetime import numpy as np line_plot = ui.line_plot(n=2, limit=20, figsize=(2.5, 1.8)) \ .with_legend(['sin', 'cos'], loc='upper center', ncol=2) def update_line_plot() -> None: now = x = now.timestamp() y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) line_plot.push([now], [[y1], [y2]]) line_updates = ui.timer(0.1, update_line_plot, active=False) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(line_updates, 'active') with example(ui.scene): with ui.scene(width=200, height=200) as scene: scene.sphere().material('#4488ff') scene.cylinder(1, 0.5, 2, 20).material('#ff8800', opacity=0.5).move(-2, 1) scene.extrusion([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0.5]], 0.1).material('#ff8888').move(-2, -2) with box1 =, 0.5, 0.75)'#888888').move(x=2, y=2) scene.line([-4, 0, 0], [-4, 2, 0]).material('#ff0000') scene.curve([-4, 0, 0], [-4, -1, 0], [-3, -1, 0], [-3, -2, 0]).material('#008800') logo = "" scene.texture(logo, [[[0.5, 2, 0], [2.5, 2, 0]], [[0.5, 0, 0], [2.5, 0, 0]]]).move(1, -2) teapot = '' scene.stl(teapot).scale(0.2).move(-3, 4) scene.text('2D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(z=2) scene.text3d('3D', 'background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px').move(y=-2).scale(.05) with example(ui.tree): ui.tree([ {'id': 'numbers', 'children': [{'id': '1'}, {'id': '2'}]}, {'id': 'letters', 'children': [{'id': 'A'}, {'id': 'B'}]}, ], label_key='id', on_select=lambda e: ui.notify(e.value)) with example(ui.log): from datetime import datetime log = ui.log(max_lines=10).classes('h-16') ui.button('Log time', on_click=lambda: log.push("%X.%f")[:-5])) h3('Layout') with example(ui.card): with ui.card().tight(): ui.image('') with ui.card_section(): ui.label('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ...') with example(ui.column): with ui.column(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') with example(ui.row): with ui.row(): ui.label('label 1') ui.label('label 2') ui.label('label 3') clear_containers = '''#### Clear Containers To remove all elements from a row, column or card container, use the `clear()` method. ''' with example(clear_containers): container = ui.row() def add_face(): with container: ui.icon('face') add_face() ui.button('Add', on_click=add_face) ui.button('Clear', on_click=container.clear) with example(ui.expansion): with ui.expansion('Expand!', icon='work').classes('w-full'): ui.label('inside the expansion') with example( choice = ui.label('Try the menu.') with as menu: ui.menu_item('Menu item 1', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 1.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 2', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 2.')) ui.menu_item('Menu item 3 (keep open)', lambda: choice.set_text('Selected item 3.'), auto_close=False) ui.menu_separator() ui.menu_item('Close', on_click=menu.close) ui.button('Open menu', tooltips = '''#### Tooltips Simply call the `tooltip(text:str)` method on UI elements to provide a tooltip. ''' with example(tooltips): ui.label('Tooltips...').tooltip('...are shown on mouse over') ui.button().props('icon=thumb_up').tooltip('I like this') with example(ui.notify): ui.button('Say hi!', on_click=lambda: ui.notify('Hi!', close_button='OK')) with example(ui.dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Hello world!') ui.button('Close', on_click=dialog.close) ui.button('Open a dialog', async_dialog = '''#### Awaitable dialog Dialogs can be awaited. Use the `submit` method to close the dialog and return a result. Canceling the dialog by clicking in the background or pressing the escape key yields `None`. ''' with example(async_dialog): with ui.dialog() as dialog, ui.card(): ui.label('Are you sure?') with ui.row(): ui.button('Yes', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('Yes')) ui.button('No', on_click=lambda: dialog.submit('No')) async def show(): result = await dialog ui.notify(f'You chose {result}') ui.button('Await a dialog', on_click=show) h3('Appearance') design = '''#### Styling NiceGUI uses the [Quasar Framework]( version 1.0 and hence has its full design power. Each NiceGUI element provides a `props` method whose content is passed [to the Quasar component]( Have a look at [the Quasar documentation]( for all styling props. You can also apply [Tailwind]( utility classes with the `classes` method. If you really need to apply CSS, you can use the `styles` method. Here the delimiter is `;` instead of a blank space. All three functions also provide `remove` and `replace` parameters in case the predefined look is not wanted in a particular styling. ''' with example(design):['x', 'y', 'z'], value='x').props('inline color=green') ui.button().props('icon=touch_app outline round').classes('shadow-lg') ui.label('Stylish!').style('color: #6E93D6; font-size: 200%; font-weight: 300') with example(ui.colors): ui.colors() ui.button('Default', on_click=lambda: ui.colors()) ui.button('Gray', on_click=lambda: ui.colors(primary='#555')) h3('Action') lifecycle = '''#### Lifecycle You can run a function or coroutine as a parallel task by passing it to one of the following register methods: - `ui.on_startup`: Called when NiceGUI is started or restarted. - `ui.on_shutdown`: Called when NiceGUI is shut down or restarted. - `ui.on_connect`: Called when a client connects to NiceGUI. (Optional argument: Starlette request) - `ui.on_page_ready`: Called when the page is ready and the websocket is connected. (Optional argument: socket) - `ui.on_disconnect`: Called when a client disconnects from NiceGUI. (Optional argument: socket) When NiceGUI is shut down or restarted, the startup tasks will be automatically canceled. ''' with example(lifecycle): import time l = ui.label() async def run_clock(): while True: l.text = f'unix time: {time.time():.1f}' await asyncio.sleep(1) ui.on_startup(run_clock) ui.on_connect(lambda: l.set_text('new connection')) with example(ui.timer): from datetime import datetime with ui.row().classes('items-center'): clock = ui.label() t = ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lambda: clock.set_text("%X.%f")[:-5])) ui.checkbox('active').bind_value(t, 'active') with ui.row(): def lazy_update() -> None: new_text ='%X.%f')[:-5] if lazy_clock.text[:8] == new_text[:8]: return lazy_clock.text = new_text lazy_clock = ui.label() ui.timer(interval=0.1, callback=lazy_update) with example(ui.keyboard): from import KeyEventArguments def handle_key(e: KeyEventArguments): if e.key == 'f' and not e.action.repeat: if e.action.keyup: ui.notify('f was just released') elif e.action.keydown: ui.notify('f was just pressed') if e.modifiers.shift and e.action.keydown: if e.key.arrow_left: ui.notify('going left') elif e.key.arrow_right: ui.notify('going right') elif e.key.arrow_up: ui.notify('going up') elif e.key.arrow_down: ui.notify('going down') keyboard = ui.keyboard(on_key=handle_key) ui.label('Key events can be caught globally by using the keyboard element.') ui.checkbox('Track key events').bind_value_to(keyboard, 'active') bindings = '''#### Bindings NiceGUI is able to directly bind UI elements to models. Binding is possible for UI element properties like text, value or visibility and for model properties that are (nested) class attributes. Each element provides methods like `bind_value` and `bind_visibility` to create a two-way binding with the corresponding property. To define a one-way binding use the `_from` and `_to` variants of these methods. Just pass a property of the model as parameter to these methods to create the binding. ''' with example(bindings): class Demo: def __init__(self): self.number = 1 demo = Demo() v = ui.checkbox('visible', value=True) with ui.column().bind_visibility_from(v, 'value'): ui.slider(min=1, max=3).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.toggle({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}).bind_value(demo, 'number') ui.number().bind_value(demo, 'number') ui_updates = '''#### UI Updates NiceGUI tries to automatically synchronize the state of UI elements with the client, e.g. when a label text, an input value or style/classes/props of an element have changed. In other cases, you can explicitly call `element.update()` or `ui.update(*elements)` to update. The example code shows both methods for a `ui.table`, where it is difficult to automatically detect changes in the `options` dictionary. ''' with example(ui_updates): from random import randint def add(): numbers.options.rowData.append({'numbers': randint(0, 100)}) numbers.update() def clear(): numbers.options.rowData.clear() ui.update(numbers) numbers = ui.table({'columnDefs': [{'field': 'numbers'}], 'rowData': []}).classes('max-h-40') ui.button('Add', on_click=add) ui.button('Clear', on_click=clear) async_handlers = '''#### Async event handlers Most elements also support asynchronous event handlers. Note: You can also pass a `functools.partial` into the `on_click` property to wrap async functions with parameters. ''' with example(async_handlers): async def async_task(): ui.notify('Asynchronous task started') await asyncio.sleep(5) ui.notify('Asynchronous task finished') ui.button('start async task', on_click=async_task) h3('Pages and Routes') with example('/other_page') def other_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the other side')'Back to main page', '#page')'/dark_page', dark=True) def dark_page(): ui.label('Welcome to the dark side')'Back to main page', '#page')'Visit other page', other_page)'Visit dark page', dark_page) shared_and_private_pages = '''#### Shared and Private Pages By default, pages created with the `` decorator are "private". Their content is re-created for each client. Thus, in the example to the right, the displayed ID changes when the browser reloads the page. With `shared=True` you can create a shared page. Its content is created once at startup and each client sees the *same* elements. Here, the displayed ID remains constant when the browser reloads the page. # Index page All elements that are not created within a decorated page function are automatically added to a new, *shared* index page at route "/". To make it "private" or to change other attributes like title, favicon etc. you can wrap it in a page function with `'/', ...)` decorator. ''' with example(shared_and_private_pages): from uuid import uuid4'/private_page') async def private_page(): ui.label(f'private page with ID {uuid4()}')'/shared_page', shared=True) async def shared_page(): ui.label(f'shared page with ID {uuid4()}')'private page', private_page)'shared page', shared_page) with example('/yet_another_page') def yet_another_page(): ui.label('Welcome to yet another page') ui.button('RETURN', on_click=lambda e:'#open', e.socket)) ui.button('REDIRECT', on_click=lambda e:, e.socket)) add_route = '''#### Route Add a new route by calling `ui.add_route` with a starlette route including a path and a function to be called. Routed paths must start with a `'/'`. ''' with example(add_route): import starlette ui.add_route(starlette.routing.Route( '/new/route', lambda _: starlette.responses.PlainTextResponse('Response') ))'Try the new route!', 'new/route') get_decorator = '''#### Get decorator Syntactic sugar to add routes. Decorating a function with the `@ui.get` makes it available at the specified endpoint, e.g. `'/another/route/<id>'`. Path parameters can be passed to the request handler like with [FastAPI]( If type-annotated, they are automatically converted to `bool`, `int`, `float` and `complex` values. An optional `request` argument gives access to the complete request object. ''' with example(get_decorator): from starlette import requests, responses @ui.get('/another/route/{id}') def produce_plain_response(id: str, request: requests.Request): return responses.PlainTextResponse(f'{} asked for id={id}')'Try yet another route!', 'another/route/42') sessions = '''#### Sessions `` provides an optional `on_connect` argument to register a callback. It is invoked for each new connection to the page. The optional `request` argument provides insights about the clients URL parameters etc. (see [the JustPy docs]( for more details). It also enables you to identify sessions over [longer time spans by configuring cookies]( ''' with example(sessions): from collections import Counter from datetime import datetime from starlette.requests import Request id_counter = Counter() creation ='%H:%M, %d %B %Y') def handle_connection(request: Request): id_counter[request.session_id] += 1 visits.set_text(f'{len(id_counter)} unique views ({sum(id_counter.values())} overall) since {creation}')'/session_demo', on_connect=handle_connection) def session_demo(): global visits visits = ui.label()'Visit session demo', session_demo) javascript = '''#### JavaScript With `ui.run_javascript()` you can run arbitrary JavaScript code on a page that is executed in the browser. The asynchronous function will return after sending the command. With `ui.await_javascript()` you can send a JavaScript command and wait for its response. The asynchronous function will only return after receiving the result. ''' with example(javascript): async def run_javascript(): await ui.run_javascript('alert("Hello!")') async def await_javascript(): response = await ui.await_javascript('Date()') ui.notify(f'Browser time: {response}') ui.button('run JavaScript', on_click=run_javascript) ui.button('await JavaScript', on_click=await_javascript)