{ "en": "two coffees.", "ja": "2杯。" }
{ "en": "it may have a lasting effect.", "ja": "しかし、ミソがつくと後々まで、尾を引くことにもなりかねません。" }
{ "en": "how about, princess of lies?", "ja": "どうなの?、捏造プリンセス。" }
{ "en": "is an old, elevated rail line", "ja": "マンハッタンの中を3km程" }
{ "en": "are you sure?", "ja": "それでも、なお貴様は➡?" }
{ "en": "that's right. who won't be curious after hearing something like that?", "ja": "そうだよ、あんなこといわれたら、気になるだろ。" }
{ "en": "lucky.", "ja": "よかったわね。" }
{ "en": "so it's not good. it's not really good.", "ja": "これは本当に最悪です。" }
{ "en": "he doesn't really try though.", "ja": "今は、全然、やる気、ないみたいなんですけど。" }
{ "en": "what's there to miss?", "ja": "何を寂しがればいい?" }
{ "en": "and it's not an apartment, it's a house that you live in?", "ja": "アパートではなく、一軒家ね?" }
{ "en": "the kind i have to keep.", "ja": "‐守るべき類の物よ。" }
{ "en": "i just forgot something.", "ja": "ちょっと忘れ物をしてね。" }
{ "en": "i think he's dead!", "ja": "死んでるよ!" }
{ "en": "which one is your mom?", "ja": "どれ、お母さん?" }
{ "en": "just like the rest of 'em.", "ja": "生き残りたいんだよ。" }
{ "en": "burgundy? deep red.", "ja": "バーガンディ?、深みのある赤。" }
{ "en": "is this a test?", "ja": "これは試験ですか?" }
{ "en": "(video) stephen colbert: i've got my eye on a wildly popular program from norway", "ja": "(ビデオ)、ノルウェーで非常に人気の番組が、私の目にとまりました" }
{ "en": "how is it possible that they were able to get around our security protocols?", "ja": "警備があるのに、どうしてこんなことに?" }
{ "en": "you will be golden.", "ja": "君は、間違いなく成功する。" }
{ "en": "oh... here.", "ja": "あっ。、それと、これ。" }
{ "en": "who do you have in mind?", "ja": "リーダーとして浮かんでいるのは?" }
{ "en": "being a housewife is a difficult job! it's very tough to raise a family.", "ja": "専業主婦だって立派な仕事ですし、家事が、どれだけ大変か。" }
{ "en": "that's what i think.", "ja": "ああっ!、そ...、それは。" }
{ "en": "you told me yourself i can't fight enemies within and without.", "ja": "外と中で同時に敵と戦うことは、できないと言ったわね。" }
{ "en": "basketball...", "ja": "ラッキーワードはバスケットボール…" }
{ "en": "this is important!", "ja": "ちょっと、麗奈!、今、大事な話だから。" }
{ "en": "keep it casual.", "ja": "自然体でいることだ。" }
{ "en": "what can i say to takeru?", "ja": "私、尊に何ていったらいいの?" }
{ "en": "doesn't mean that torajans don't aspire", "ja": "トラジャの人々が長生きの理想を" }
{ "en": "from the senpai?", "ja": "はっ。➡?" }
{ "en": "no. it is him or us.", "ja": "やめとけ。" }
{ "en": "dottoroni's cojones, for comfort.", "ja": "Dottore's、cojones(博士の睾丸)を贈ってやれる、、それで慰めてやれ。" }
{ "en": "get away from him, you son of a bitch!", "ja": "ほっといて!、畜生め" }
{ "en": "there was no such thing as harassment via text or circulation of cruel cell phone videos.", "ja": "嫌がらせのメールや、携帯電話の、残酷なビデオの配布とかは無かった。" }
{ "en": "blasters?", "ja": "ブラスター?" }
{ "en": "zip it, happy meal.", "ja": "美味しい食事になるな。" }
{ "en": "thanks, boss.", "ja": "どうも、ボス。" }
{ "en": "the ripper painted this picture, for sure, in big, broad strokes.", "ja": "リッパーの手口よ、広い意味では。" }
{ "en": "hey, what do you think, noelchan?", "ja": "ね、ノエルちゃんはどう思う?" }
{ "en": "that's what he wrote.", "ja": "それを妻に教えられた、そう書いてあった。" }
{ "en": "the odds are reasonably good that none of this would have happened without you.", "ja": "君がいなかったら、この事件は、何も解決できなかった可能性が高い。" }
{ "en": "listen, hold on. wait...", "ja": "ちょっと、待ってよ…" }
{ "en": "jane, what the hell?", "ja": "ジェーン、どういうことだ?" }
{ "en": "you never know, lieutenant.", "ja": "だといいですね、大尉。" }
{ "en": "there are lots of skills, right?", "ja": "そうだな、スキルの種類は無数にあるって言われてる?" }
{ "en": "right now, i am happy and satisfied with my life.", "ja": "今は自分の人生に満足しています。" }
{ "en": "there he is!", "ja": "ヘタな冗談は、そこまでだ!" }
{ "en": "soon, the landing sites for our breeding ships can begin construction, and with tyler aboard, we can begin the next phase of interbreeding.", "ja": "交配艦隊の受け入れ拠点は、間も無く建設に着工、既にタイラーは艦に確保、そして交配計画の次の段階へ。" }
{ "en": "peter didn't attack me either. we still don't know why they do", "ja": "ピーターは私にも、攻撃しなかった" }
{ "en": "what brought you here suddenly?", "ja": "急にどうしたんですか?" }
{ "en": "i wanted to see your troubled face.", "ja": "ごめんって。、困った顔が、見たかったんだよ。" }
{ "en": "did her dad ever come and visit her?", "ja": "今までに父親の訪問は?" }
{ "en": "we had nothing else to go on, until we met other children.", "ja": "他の子供に出会うまで、成長のためのものは我々以外なかった。" }
{ "en": "i don't have any proof, though.", "ja": "御厨は群馬に?、確証ないけど..." }
{ "en": "there are two more cuts until your turn, you're too early!", "ja": "出番まで、あと、2カット、あるぞ。、早えよ。" }
{ "en": "you think you can run a print for me?", "ja": "写真から何かわかるか?" }
{ "en": "aigoo..he must have been drinking a lot before coming here!", "ja": "アイゴー、ここに来る前に沢山飲んで来たのね" }
{ "en": "in close proximity to each other", "ja": "築いて暮らすようになると" }
{ "en": "leave that sheet blank", "ja": "そっちの答案用紙は白紙に" }
{ "en": "no doubt.", "ja": "それでいい。" }
{ "en": "is there some reason you didn't tell my committee?", "ja": "私の委員会に報告もせずに?" }
{ "en": "it's weak. it's still weak.", "ja": "弱いな。まだ弱いよ。" }
{ "en": "my husband and i will both live on a horse ranch... and i will work for nasa.", "ja": "主人と一緒に、牧場に住んで...、私はNASAで仕事をする。" }
{ "en": "you little bitch!", "ja": "オカマ野郎!" }
{ "en": "i guess i'll have to throw this away at home.", "ja": "こっちは、家で捨てるしかないか。" }
{ "en": "what's wrong, bad reception?", "ja": "電波が悪いのか?" }
{ "en": "why don't you give the girl a break.", "ja": "なぜ許してやらない?" }
{ "en": "you are lying!", "ja": "この大嘘つきめ!" }
{ "en": "a darkness that will swallow the dawn.", "ja": "夜明けを飲み込む暗闇。" }
{ "en": "we eventually found this one particular website.", "ja": "最終的にはこのwebサイトに辿り着きました。" }
{ "en": "photon missile!!", "ja": "フォトン・ミサイル!" }
{ "en": "walter figured it out?", "ja": "成功したの?" }
{ "en": "you getting your freak on or what? oh, yeah, boy.", "ja": "どうする?" }
{ "en": "listen, mr.", "ja": "名前は...、.。" }
{ "en": "so yeah, if a terrorist is about to blow up a building, and there's no cops around to stop it, then an eyeborg can stop it.", "ja": "つまり、テロリストがビルを、爆破しようとしていて、警官がその場にいない場合、EYEBORGS、が阻止行動を取れる、ってこと?" }
{ "en": "of course you don't.", "ja": "わからないに決まってる。" }
{ "en": "will they be targeting dad too?", "ja": "お父さんも狙われるかな?、えッ?" }
{ "en": "and you're good with np, ns?", "ja": "NPとNSは?" }
{ "en": "you have to face that.", "ja": "それに向き合って。" }
{ "en": "i asked senasenpai about when she fell in love with you.", "ja": "星奈先輩に聞きましたよ。" }
{ "en": "it's possible that the machine has distributed itself in more than one place.", "ja": "マシンがそれ自体を、分散した可能性がある、複数の場所で。" }
{ "en": "so that turned out to be a little more than true.", "ja": "結局はその通り以上になりました。" }
{ "en": "please tell us the repayment source.", "ja": "返済原資をお聞かせ願いたい。" }
{ "en": "back of the closet.", "ja": "クローゼットの背面。" }
{ "en": "and the time when the sales department loses a client", "ja": "そちらの営業部が、顧客を失った時期が" }
{ "en": "violet's camping out in her room.", "ja": "ヴァイオレットは、部屋でキャンプをしてる。" }
{ "en": "she was alive when he left.", "ja": "彼が出てって、まだ生きてる。" }
{ "en": "henry wasn't gonna use the drugs.", "ja": "自分で使うつもりは。" }
{ "en": "you will have 90 seconds to complete your plane.", "ja": "飛行機を作るのに、90秒が与えられます。" }
{ "en": "i never thought i would be having sex with you.", "ja": "別に―、あなたとセックスする、つもりじゃ..." }
{ "en": "i've got an assignment for you. i need you to dig up everything you can on a jordan hester.", "ja": "ヘスターについて、出来る限り調べてくれ。" }
{ "en": "yes, if i may.", "ja": "うん、やらして。" }
{ "en": "is actually a ninja thing.", "ja": "実は、忍者のことだったのよ。" }
{ "en": "i'm one of his patients. oh.", "ja": "彼の患者です。" }
{ "en": "the doorman heard something scratching yesterday morning.", "ja": "昨日の朝、ドアをひっかく音が。" }
{ "en": "right, envy?", "ja": "で、エンヴィー?" }
{ "en": "nn: later work, and again this was before ted 1", "ja": "ネ:この作品はもっと後のものですが、TED1が開催される以前のもので—" }
{ "en": "i was stealing things.", "ja": "盗みをやってた。" }