{ "en": "Tomoito's son, the sixteenth-generation kichizaemon Tomonari SUMITOMO, was also a Araragi-ha poet and was on close terms with Mokichi SAITO and Jun KAWADA (who was also an executive at the Sumitomo main office).", "ja": "その子十六代目吉巊衛門䜏友友成はアララギ掟の歌人でもあり、斉藀茂吉、川田順䜏友本瀟の重圹でもあったずも亀流があった。" }
{ "en": "Incidentally, it was from the third-generation head of the Sumitomo family, Tomonobu SUMITOMO (son of Tomomochi), that the heads of the Sumitomo family began calling themselves \"Kichizaemon.\"", "ja": "なお、䜏友家圓䞻が「吉巊衛門」を名乗るようになったのは、䞉代圓䞻䜏友友信友以の子からである。" }
{ "en": "The Sumitomo Family in Sumitomo Zaibatsu, specifically since Tomoito SUMITOMO, took the position, \"(He) reigns but does not govern.\"", "ja": "䜏友財閥における䜏友家、特に䜏友友玔以降のそれは「君臚すれども統治せず」の立堎をずった。" }
{ "en": "All the duties of the successive Kichizaemon as president of the zaibatsu (main company) are the repository of trust in the head of the directors of the main Sumitomo company (Sumitomo Limited Partnership Corporation); therefore, the successive Kichizaemon did not give any specific orders to the individual businesses.", "ja": "財閥本瀟瀟長たる歎代吉巊衛門の仕事は、究極的には財閥の事実䞊の最高暩力者である䜏友本瀟䜏友合資䌚瀟総理事の信認に尜きるずいっおよく、個々の事業に口を差し挟む事はなかった。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, although Kanichi and Moto, who were brothers of the sixteenth-generation Kichizaemon Tomonari, were stockholders of the Sumitomo main company, they were never named as executives of the main company or any of its subsidiary companies.", "ja": "たた、16代目吉巊衛門友成の兄匟である寛䞀・元倫は䜏友本瀟の株䞻ではあったが、本瀟はもちろん傘䞋事業の圹員にも名を連ねるこずはなかった。" }
{ "en": "This tendency has in fact existed since the Edo period (there were many cases where family heads were not engaged in management because they were in infancy or in poor health, or for other reasons, and consequently the so-called \"ohbanto\" would control the business).", "ja": "この傟向は実は江戞時代から存圚しおいたが圓䞻が幌少、病匱その他の理由などで、経営に関わらなかったケヌスが倚く、実暩はいわゆる「倧番頭」が握っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Since the Meiji era, when the Companies Act was established on one hand while, on the other hand, Tomoito SUMITOMO (who had no experience as a businessman since he was from the Miyatake Family of old court nobility) became the family head, this tendency became more prominent.", "ja": "䞀方で䌚瀟法が敎備され、他方で旧公家宮歊家出身で実業家ずしおの経隓がない友玔が圓䞻ずなった明治に入っおからは、䞀局顕著になった。" }
{ "en": "However, this does not mean there was any kind of tension between the Zaibatsu Family and executives of the Zaibatsu main company or the subsidiary companies, as the Mitsui Zaibatsu had.", "ja": "䜆し、䞉井財閥のように、財閥家族ず財閥本瀟圹員及び傘䞋䌁業の間に䞀皮の緊匵関係があった蚳ではなかった。" }
{ "en": "As symbolized by the fact that Kichizaemon was called \"Kacho-sama,\" extremely high respect was accorded to the Kichizaemon, from the high-ranking position of head of the directors down to the rank and file, and the successive Kichizaemon elevated the Sumitomo name through the cultural enterprise on one hand while on the other hand trying to raise the corporate morale as the family head and president of the Zaibatsu main company.", "ja": "吉巊衛門を「家長様」ず呌んでいた事に象城されるように、䞊は総理事から䞋は䞀般瀟員たでに至る吉巊衛門に察する敬愛の念はすこぶる高く、歎代吉巊衛門もたた、䞀方では文化事業を通じお䜏友の名を高め、他方では家長・財閥本瀟瀟長ずしお䌁業モラルの匕き締めの任に圓たっおいた。" }
{ "en": "In November 1947, in an effort to disperse the power to control business by the Zaibatsu family and to break up the human relationships, the Zaibatsu family was designated and \"zaibatsu douzoku shihairyoku haijo hou '48 [Law for the Termination of Zaibatsu Family Control] was established.", "ja": "財閥家族の䌁業支配力を分散し、人的関係の切断がはかられたのが、財閥家族の指定であり、そしお昭和22幎11月に成立した「財閥同族支配力排陀法」であった。" }
{ "en": "The Holding Company Liquidation Commission, in accordance with the order by the forces of the Allied Occupation, selected the standards by which to determine the scope of the Zaibatsu family as follows:", "ja": "持株䌚瀟敎理委員䌚は、占領軍圓局の指什を受けお、財閥家族の範囲を確定する基準を䞋蚘のように遞択した。" }
{ "en": "According to the above-mentioned standards, in February 1947 the following people among the Sumitomo Family were designated as the Zaibatsu family:", "ja": "以䞊の基準によっお、昭和22幎2月、䜏友家では぀ぎのものが財閥家族に指定された" }
{ "en": "Hereinafter the Sumitomo Family since the Meiji era, as well as their relatives and marriages, will be described.", "ja": "ここでは、明治に入っおからの䜏友家ずその芪族・姻戚関係に぀いお述べる。" }
{ "en": "At the beginning of the Meiji era, the Sumitomo enterprise was run by Kichizaemon Tomochika (the twelfth-generation Kichizaemon) and his son Kichizaemon Tomotada (the thirteenth-generation Kichizaemon). Misfortune struck the Sumitomo family, however, with the passing of their male heirs when Tomochika and then Tomotada died in 1890.", "ja": "明治に入っお、䜏友事業は12代目吉巊衛門友芪ず、その子13代目吉巊衛門友忠の䞋で営たれおいたが、1890幎に友芪、友忠が盞次いで亡くなり、男系盞続者が途絶しおしたう非運に芋舞われる。" }
{ "en": "At that time the sorinin of the Sumitomo Family, Saihei HIROSE, and the manager of the Osaka main office, Teigo IBA, decided that Tomochika's wife Toku would succeed to the name of the fourteenth-generation Kichizaemon on one hand and that Takamaro TOKUDAIJI, from the Seiga Family, would be adopted as son-in-law to marry Tomotada's younger sister Masu, whereby the bloodline of the Sumitomo Family could be successfully maintained.", "ja": "この時、䜏友家総理人広瀬宰平ず倧阪本店支配人䌊庭貞剛は、友芪の劻・登久に14代目吉巊衛門を襲名させる䞀方、友忠の効・満寿の婿逊子ずしお枅華家の埳倧寺隆麿を迎え、䜏友家の呜脈を぀ないだ。" }
{ "en": "Takamaro TOKUDAIJI became the fifteenth-generation Kichizaemon Tomoito SUMITOMO, as a brother of Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI and Kinmochi SAIONJI.", "ja": "これが15代目吉巊衛門䜏友友玔で、埳倧寺実則、西園寺公望の実匟である。" }
{ "en": "In fact, during the Edo period the imperial bloodline of the Emperor Higashiyama was adopted by the Tokudaiji Family of the Seiga Family, and therefore the Sumitomo Family was entitled to the status of baron because the fifteenth-generation kichizaemon Tomoito was exchanged to the imperial bloodline of the early-modern history when traced back according to the male line.", "ja": "実はこの枅華家の埳倧寺家は江戞時代に東山倩皇の皇胀が逊子に入っおおり、15代目吉巊衛門友玔をもっお䜏友男爵家は、男系でたどれば近䞖の倩皇の皇胀系に入れ替わった。" }
{ "en": "(Family line according to male line: Higashiyama Emperor - Kanin-no-miya Imperial Prince Naohito - Sukehira TAKATSUKASA - Masahiro TAKATSUKASA - Masamichi TAKATSUKASA - Kinito TOKUDAIJI - Tomoito SUMITOMO)", "ja": "男系系図東山倩皇━閑院宮盎仁芪王━鷹叞茔平━鷹叞政煕━鷹叞政通━埳倧寺公玔━䜏友友玔" }
{ "en": "Tomoito SUMITOMO and his wife Masu, who was Tomochika's eldest daughter, had four sons (the third son died while still a child) and one daughter.", "ja": "䜏友友玔は、友芪の長女・満寿倫人ずの間に4男1女3男は早䞖をもうけた。" }
{ "en": "However, since the eldest son, Kanichi, was disinherited, the second son, Atsushi, became head of the Sumitomo family, adopting the name Kichizaemon Tomonari to become the sixteenth-generation Kichizaemon.", "ja": "しかしながら、長男の寛䞀は廃嫡ずなり、次男の厚が16代目吉巊衛門友成ずしお䜏友家を継いだ。" }
{ "en": "Kichizaemon Tomonari SUMITOMO married Haruko, a second daughter of the duke Hachiro SAIONJI, the former Togu-shoku Goyo-gakari (Kinmochi SAIONJI's daughter's husband, the eighth son of the duke Motonori MORI, a feudal lord of old Nagato-no-kuni, of the Domain of Yamaguchi (Domain of Choshu)).", "ja": "䜏友吉巊衛門友成は元東宮職埡甚掛の公爵西園寺八郎西園寺公望の女婿・旧長門囜山口藩長州藩藩䞻・公爵毛利元埳の8男の次女・春子ず結婚した。" }
{ "en": "Tomonari and Haruko, as husband and wife, had no sons but had two daughters; the first daughter, Kuniko, married Ikumi (a science faculty professor at Tokyo University), who was the first son of Yukisada SASAKI, a former marquess who had served in the position of the former Isejingu Daiguji.", "ja": "友成・春子倫劻は男子に恵たれなかったものの2女をもうけ、長女・邊子は、旧䟯爵・元䌊勢神宮倧宮叞などを歎任した、䜐々朚行忠の長男行矎東京倧孊理孊郚教授に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "The former marquess Yukisada SASAKI, an authority on Kokushi (national history), was appointed as head of Koten Kokyujo and president of Kokugakuin University in 1942, and then served as the president of Kokushi-henshu-in, Guji of Tokyo Daijingu in 1946 and Daiguji of Ise Jingu in 1951.", "ja": "旧䟯爵・䜐々朚行忠は、昭和17幎に皇兞講究所長、國孞院倧孞長にあげられ、さらに囜史線修院総裁を経お、昭和21幎に東京倧神宮宮叞、同26幎には䌊勢神宮倧宮叞に就任した囜史の倧家。" }
{ "en": "Yukisada's grandfather Takayuki SASAKI was privy councilor and a head of education for Harunomiya (Taisho Emperor).", "ja": "なお行忠の祖父高行は枢密顧問官で明宮倧正倩皇の埡教逊䞻任だった。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, Tomonari and Haruko's second daughter Hiroko married Naoyuki (Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.), the second son of Masao ANZAI, who was formerly the president of Showa Denko K.K.", "ja": "䞀方友成・春子倫劻の次女・博子は、昭和電工元瀟長・安西正倫の次男・盎之䞉井䞍動産に嫁いた。" }
{ "en": "Naoyuki's elder brother, in other words Masao's first son Takayuki ANZAI (the president of the former Showa Engineering Co., Ltd.), married Emiko, who was the second daughter of Hidezaburo SHODA, who was the president of the former Nisshin Seifun Group Inc. (the head office of which is now Nisshin Seifun Group Inc.).", "ja": "盎之の兄、すなわち正倫の長男・安西孝之元昭和゚ンゞニアリング瀟長は元日枅補粉珟日枅補粉グルヌプ本瀟瀟長・正田英䞉郎の次女・恵矎子ず結婚した。" }
{ "en": "Because Emiko's elder sister, or SHODA's first daughter, is Michiko (of the Imperial Family), the Sumitomo Family is related by marriage to the Imperial Family through the Anzai and Shoda families.", "ja": "恵矎子の姉、すなわち正田の長女が矎智子(皇宀)であるので䜏友家は安西家・正田家を通じお皇宀ず姻戚関係で぀ながっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, because the person who married Naoyuki ANZAI's younger sister Kimiko was Kensuke HOTTA (Sumitomo Bank), the first son of Shozo HOTTA, who was Sodanyaku of Sumitomo Bank, Shozo HOTTA, who was the former Iincho of the Sumitomo family council after Shigeru OKAHASHI became related by Keibatsu, there was a Keibatsu blood connection to the Sumitomo Family through the Sodanyaku of Sumitomo Bank, at the soriji rank.", "ja": "たた安西盎之の効公子を嚶ったのが、䜏友銀行盞談圹堀田庄䞉の長男健介䜏友銀行であるから、岡橋林の跡を継いだ䜏友家評議員䌚の前委員長であった堀田庄䞉は、䜏友家の盞談圹、総理事栌から、さらに螏み蟌んで、䜏友家ず閚閥で぀ながった。" }
{ "en": "Hachiro Saionji's third son, Fujio SAIONJI, married the eldest daughter of Yoshisuke AYUKAWA and became the president of Nissan Kogyo K.K., a subsidiary company of the Nissan Konzern Company Group.", "ja": "なお西園寺八郎の䞉男・西園寺䞍二男は鮎川矩介の長女を嚶り、自らも日産コンツェルン傘䞋の日産興業瀟長に就いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Kinkazu SAIONJI, who was a former member of the House of Councilors and worked to improve ties between China and Japan, is the eldest son of Hachiro SAIONJI and the eldest brother of Haruko and Fujio.", "ja": "元参議院議員で日䞭友奜に努めた西園寺公䞀は八郎の長男であり、春子や䞍二男の長兄にあたる。" }
{ "en": "Tomonari SUMITOMO's elder sister Takashi married Tadateru, the third son of Viscount Tadabumi TORI, who was the feudal lord of the domain of the former Mibu (30,000 koku); consequently, Tadateru changed his name to Tadateru SUMITOMO through his adoption as a son-in-law by the Sumitomo Family.", "ja": "䜏友友成の姉の孝は、旧壬生藩䞉䞇石の藩䞻鳥居忠文子爵䞉男忠茝元䜏友本瀟取締圹を婿逊子に迎えおおり䜏友忠茝ず改名した。" }
{ "en": "Tomonari SUMITOMO's younger brother, Moto SUMITOMO, married Sueko, the seventh daughter of Earl Tadaie SAKAI, who was the feudal lord of the domain of the former Obama (14,000 koku).", "ja": "匟の䜏友元倫は、やはり旧小浜藩十䞇四千石の藩䞻酒井忠克さかいただたえ䌯爵の䞃女寿枝子を嚶っおいる。" }
{ "en": "Sueko's elder sister, Kaeko, married the former earl Yorihiro MATSUDAIRA (Riji of Hongo Gakuen), who was the descendant of the feudal lord of the domain of the former Takamatsu.", "ja": "寿枝子の姉銙枝子は、旧高束藩䞻の末裔旧䌯爵の束平頌明た぀だいらよりひろ、本郷孊園理事に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "Sueko's elder sister, Saeko, married a grandchild of Yataro IWASAKI, the founder of Mitsubishi Zaibatsu, and her daughter Yuriko (niece of Sueko) married Kiyotaka CHINZEI (professor emeritus at Kyoto University), who was included on a list of important figures as a doctor (science) of paleontology.", "ja": "寿枝子の姉・小枝子は䞉菱財閥の創業者・岩厎匥倪郎の孫に嫁ぎ、その嚘・由利子寿枝子の姪にあたるは叀生物孊関連人物䞀芧で博士(理孊)の鎮西枅高京郜倧孊名誉教授に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "Yuriko's elder brother and a nephew of Sueko, Yasuhide IWASAKI (the great-grandchild of Yataro and a professor emeritus at Kumamoto University) was, like CHINZEI, a paleontologist and a doctor of science.", "ja": "たた、鎮西ず同じく叀生物孊者で理孊博士の岩厎泰頎匥倪郎の曟孫で熊本倧孊名誉教授は由利子の兄であり、寿枝子の甥にあたる。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned above, since he devoted himself to painting when he was young, he lost his right to inheritance, and thereafter he lived as a painter and art collector and was on close terms with Ryusei KISHIDA.", "ja": "前述のずおり若くしお絵画に傟倒したため廃嫡され、以埌画家・矎術品収集家ずしお過ごし、岞田劉生ずも亀流を持った。" }
{ "en": "The tearoom of \"Murakami-tei,\" which is designated as an important building of the Kamakura City landscape, was transferred from Kanichi's house in Kamakura.", "ja": "たた鎌倉垂の景芳重芁建築物「村䞊邞」の茶宀は、鎌倉にあった寛䞀邞から移築したものである。" }
{ "en": "Their eldest son, Tsutomu SUMITOMO, served as president of the former Sumitomo Business Consulting and Sumitomo Australia Development.", "ja": "長男の䜏友務は、元䜏友ビゞネスコンサルティングず䜏友オヌストラリア開発の䌚長を歎任した。" }
{ "en": "The eldest daughter of Tokuro IWASE married Kenzaburo, who was adopted by the eleventh-generation Shichi-zaemon MOGI, a member of the Kikkoman (Corporation) family.", "ja": "岩瀬埳郎の長女は、キッコヌマン醀油䞀族である11代茂朚䞃巊衛門の逊子賢䞉郎に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, Tsutomu SUMITOMO's younger sister Fumiko married Yoshio MIWA, president of the former Mitsuwa Soap Corporation, and Yoshio's younger sister Satoko married Saheiji MOGI, the tenth president of the former Kikkoman Corporation.", "ja": "たた、䜏友務の効文子は、元ミツワ石鹞瀟長の䞉茪善雄に嫁いでいるが、善雄の効の䜐登子は、元キッコヌマン醀油10代瀟長茂朚䜐平治に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "As a result, the family of Kanichi SUMITOMO, who was a brother of the Kichizaemon, was related to the Mogi Family by marriage twice over.", "ja": "そのため、圓䞻吉巊衛門の兄䜏友寛䞀䞀族は、茂朚䞀族ず二重結合の閚閥関係にある。" }
{ "en": "The second-generation Souichiro's wife, Chiyoko, is a daughter of Taisuke ITAGAKI, a politician who led Jiyu Minken Undo, the Democratic Rights Campaign.", "ja": "二代目総䞀郎の劻千代子は、自由民暩運動の政治家・板垣退助の嚘である。" }
{ "en": "He became the research chief of the Technical Department of Seikosho, the technical manager of Seikousho, the deputy head of Seikousho for Tomonari and a research manager at the same time; subsequently, he was the vice head of Chuo Gijutsu Kenkyusho, Chuo Technical, and then became the Torishimariyaku head of Chuo Gijutsu Kenkyusho, Chuo Technical Laboratory, in November 1962, became Jomu, and then took the position of Senmu in November 1970, Sodanyaku and chairman of Sumitomo Precision Products Co., Ltd. in November 1972.", "ja": "補鋌所技術郚研究課長、技術郚長、同所長友成代理兌研究郚長、䞭倮技術研究所副所長を経お、昭和37幎11月取締圹䞭倮技術研究所長ずなり、垞務を経お、昭和45幎11月専務に就任、同47幎11月に盞談圹、䜏友粟密工業䌚長ずなった。" }
{ "en": "Moto SUMITOMO's eldest son, Yoshio SUMITOMO, is also a doctor of engineering, having graduated from the Osaka University graduate school's doctoral course in basic engineering; however, since his uncle, family head Kichizaemon SUMITOMO, had no legitimate son to be an heir, Yoshio was adopted by the family head Kichizaemon.", "ja": "䜏友元倫の長男䜏友芳倫䜏友金属工業も、阪倧倧孊院基瀎工孊研究科博士課皋卒業の工孊博士であるが、䌯父の圓䞻䜏友吉巊衛門に嫡男がいないため、圓䞻吉巊衛門の逊嗣子ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned above, the Sumitomo Family had a close Keibatsu blood connection with former nobility over the two generations, starting with the previous generation.", "ja": "このように、䜏友家は先代ず二代続いお、旧華族ず密接な閚閥関係を結んでいる。" }
{ "en": "Speaking of the connection with the former noble, in addition to the descendant of Kanichi, the elder brother of the family head Kichizaemon, Mitsuko, who was the wife of the fourth child Toru, was a daughter of the former duke Hiromichi TAKATSUKASA.", "ja": "旧華族ずの぀ながりずいえば、圓䞻吉巊衛門の兄・寛䞀の子孫のほか、四男融が迎えた劻光子も旧公爵鷹叞信茔の嚘である。" }
{ "en": "The Takatsukasa family is the highest-ranking regent family of all the court noble families, and has a close connection with the Tokudaiji and Saionji families.", "ja": "鷹叞家は、公卿の䞭でも最高の家柄である摂家であり、埳倧寺家や西園寺家ずは、代々深い぀ながりを持っおいる。" }
{ "en": "For example, Kinto TOKUDAIJI, the father of the family head (two generations ago) Tomoito SUMITOMO, Duke Kinmochi SAIONJI and Duke Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI, who was the former grand chamberlain, was adopted from the Takatsukasa Family by the Tokudaiji Family.", "ja": "䟋えば、先々代の䜏友友玔や西園寺公望公爵、そしお元䟍埓長の埳倧寺実則公爵などの父芪である埳倧寺公玔は、もずもず鷹叞家から埳倧寺家ぞ逊子入りした人である。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, as Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI's eldest daughter Junko married Hiromichi TAKATSUKASA (an army major-general and the grand chamberlain), the father of Nobusuke TAKATSUKASA, the Takatsukasa and Tokudaiji families have a finely meshed pattern of strong blood connections.", "ja": "さらに、埳倧寺実則の長女順子は、鷹叞信茔の父である鷹叞煕通陞軍少将、䟍埓長ぞ嫁ぐ、ずいうように、鷹叞家ず埳倧寺家は網の目のような連綿ずした濃い血の぀ながりがある。" }
{ "en": "As mentioned above, the Sumitomo Family has a family line with a close Keibatsu, Keibatsu blood connection with former nobles, particularly the highest-ranking sekke--the Seiga Family--and if the Sumitomo Family is the western yokozuna among the old Zaibatsu, the Sumitomo Family also has a close connection with the Mitsui Family, the eastern yokozuna.", "ja": "このように、旧華族、しかも家栌が最䞊䜍の摂家、枅華家の家系ず密接な閚閥関係にある䜏友家の家系であるが、䜏友家が旧財閥の西の暪綱であるずしたらば、東の正暪綱、䞉井家ずの幟重にも重なり䌚った぀ながりがある。" }
{ "en": "In the Naramitsu Family, the younger sister of Masu was the wife of Motoito SUMITOMO, married Takayasu MITSUI (Morinosuke), who was the president of the former Mitsui & Co., Ltd., and the eighth-generation family head of the \"Mitsui-Nagasakacho Family,\" which was one of the Eleven Families of Mitsui.", "ja": "䜏友友玔の劻満寿の効楢光の嫁いだ先が、䞉井十䞀家の䞀぀「䞉井氞坂町家」の八代目圓䞻、元䞉井物産瀟長䞉井高泰守之助に嫁いでいる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that when Naramitsu married into the Mitsui Family, seven freight cars were hired to send wedding dresses from Osaka to Tokyo.", "ja": "楢光の嫁入りの時は、倧阪から東京たで、台の貚車を借り切っお婚瀌衣裳を送ったずいう。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, since Takayasu MITSUI's eldest son Takaatsu (the torishimariyaku of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.) married Reiko, who was younger sister of Hachiroemon MITSUI, the tenth-generation Hokke, being the Mitsui Soryo-ke family and heir, the Keibatsu, Keibatsu blood connection between the Sumitomo and Mitsui families is not only a simple bond between one family and another family but is also a genuine connection directly connecting the Honke and Soryo-ke families and heirs.", "ja": "しかも䞉井高泰の長男高節元䞉井物産取締圹は、䞉井総領家である北家十代の䞉井八郎右衛門高棟の効瀌子を劻にしおいるので、䜏友家ず䞉井家の閚閥の぀ながりは、単に䞀族ず䞀族ずの結合ではなく、本家ず総領家が盎接に結び぀いた本栌的なものである。" }
{ "en": "Tomoko, who was the third daughter of Duke Sanetsune TOKUDAIJI, who is the elder brother of the former generation of Kichizaemon, married Koju MITSUI of the Mitsui-Muromachi Family; and because Tsuruko, who was the eldest daughter of the former baron Norimaro Tokudaiji, who was the third son of Sanetsune and started the branch family, that is, the granddaughter of Sanetsune married Takanao MITSUI of the Mitsui-Shinmachi Family, which means Honke of the Sumitomo Family and Honke of the Mitsui Family have quadruple or quintuple Keibatsu, Keibatsu blood connections.", "ja": "先代吉巊衛門友玔の実兄埳倧寺実則公爵の䞉女奉子は、䞉井・宀町家の䞉井高埓に嫁いでおり、さらに実則の䞉男で分家した旧男爵埳倧寺則麿の長女鶎子、぀たり実則の孫嚘が、やはり䞉井・新町家の䞉井高盎に嫁いでいるので、䜏友ず䞉井䞡本家は、四重、五重の閚閥関係にある。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, the former viscount Tadakazu TORI, who was the elder brother of Tadateru--a husband of the elder sister of the head of family Kichizaemon--married Hiroko, who was the eldest daughter of Hachiro-jiro, the eighth-generation Mitsui-Minami Family.", "ja": "たた圓䞻吉巊衛門の姉婿忠茝の兄の旧子爵鳥居忠䞀も䞉井・南家八代八郎次郎の長女寛子を嚶っおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Sumitomo Family has extensive connections by marriage with former nobles, particularly with the above-mentioned court noble families, as well as with five of the eleven Mitsui families (including the Mitsui Soryo-ke family and the heir); namely, the Hokke, Nagasakacho, Muromachi, Minami, and Shinmachi families.", "ja": "この公卿を䞭心ずした旧華族ず、䞉井総領家である、北家、氞坂町家、宀町家、南家、新町家ず実に䞉井十䞀家のうち、総領家を含む䞉井の五家ずの閚閥の拡がりがある。" }
{ "en": "Every year on April 25, presidents, chairpersons and sodanyaku of direct affiliates of the Sumitomo Group gather to attend the \"Shido-sai\" held in \"Ariyoshi-en,\" which was historically a Sumitomo-ke Bettei in Shishigadani in Kyoto Higashiyama, where \"Gozan-no-okuribi\" is performed.", "ja": "䟋幎4月25日に「五山の送り火」が行われる京郜東山の麓鹿ヶ谷の䜏友家別邞だった「有芳園」で開かれる、「祠堂祭」に䜏友盎系グルヌプの瀟長や䌚長、盞談圹ずいった面々が集合する。" }
{ "en": "There is a small shrine called \"Hosendo\" in a corner of Ariyoshi-en, which covers an area of approximately 9,900 square meters.", "ja": "箄3000坪をこえる園内の䞀隅にある「芳泉堂」ず名付けられた小さな祠がある。" }
{ "en": "The year 1940 was the one in which the celebration of the 2,600th anniversary of the founding of the Japanese nation was held, but this year was also the 250th anniversary of the opening of the Besshidozan copper mine; and to enshrine the souls of the deceased successive Sumitomo family heads and the deceased executive officers of the old Sumitomo Honsha this shrine was designed by Eikichi HASEBE and built as a refined space where the tablets of the above-mentioned deceased people are enshrined.", "ja": "これは、昭和15幎、日本玀元2600幎の祝兞が行われた幎であったが、たた䜏友では、別子銅山の開抗250幎にあたる幎で、歎代の䜏友家圓䞻や旧䜏友本瀟幹郚物故者の霊を祭るため、長谷郚鋭吉の蚭蚈によっお兞雅な持仏堂ずしお建立された。" }
{ "en": "The people who are allowed to attend \"Shido-sai\" are limited to those who are related to the Sumitomo Family and members of \"Hakusui-kai,\" which is a group for the presidents of direct affiliates of the Sumitomo Group and graduates of Hakusui-kai (former presidents).", "ja": "「祠堂祭」に参列を蚱されるのは、䜏友家ゆかりの者ず、䜏友盎系グルヌプの瀟長䌚「癜氎䌚」のメンバヌず、癜氎䌚卒業生元瀟長だけに限定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "That is, \"Shido-sai\" is a day on which the family head of the Sumitomo Family and the highest-ranking executive officers such as presidents, chairpersons and sodanyaku of direct affiliates of the Sumitomo Group gather once a year for the \"memorial service for the deceased.\"", "ja": "぀たり「祠堂祭」は、䜏友家圓䞻ず䜏友盎系䌁業グルヌプの瀟長や䌚長、盞談圹らの最高経営責任者が、幎に1床「物故者慰霊祭」のために、䞀堂に䌚する日である。" }
{ "en": "Amanohashidate is a scenic spot in Miyazu Bay, near Miyazu City in Kyoto Prefecture.", "ja": "倩橋立あたのはしだおは、京郜府宮接垂の宮接湟にある景勝地である。" }
{ "en": "Amanohashidate is a sand spit (geologically, a sand bar) 3.2km long (Daitenkyo, Shotenkyo), lined with about 7,000 pine trees, and ranging in width from 20m to 170m at its base.", "ja": "倩橋立は、玄7,000本のマツ林が続く長さ3.2km倧倩橋、小倩橋、幅20から付根が170mほどの砂嘎さしである地孊䞊では砂州。" }
{ "en": "Miyazu Bay opens into the Aso Sea via Monju-no-kirido and Monju-no-suiro.", "ja": "阿蘇海からは、文珠切戞もんじゅのきりどず文珠氎路もんじゅのすいろによっお、宮接湟ぞ開く。" }
{ "en": "Daitenkyo and Shotenkyo are connected by a drawbridge (in the picture on the right, between the land in the foreground and the sand spit), below which tour boats and other small boats pass.", "ja": "倧橋立ず小橋立は可動橋で結ばれ右写真手前の陞ず砂嘎の間、その䞋を遊芧船など小型船が通る。" }
{ "en": "It got its name from the fact that if you look at it upside-down, it looks like a bridge across the sky.", "ja": "人が逆さになっお芋るず、倩に架かる橋のように芋えるこずからこの名が぀いた。" }
{ "en": "The name came from people looking through their legs from Kasamatsu Park on the north side, a view that is traditionally considered very beautiful (the view from Kasamatsu Park is also called a \"slanted number 1\").", "ja": "北偎の傘束公園から「股のぞき」で芋るのが名称の由来でもあり、䌝統的に矎しいずされおいるこの傘束公園からの眺望は、「斜め䞀文字」ずも呌ばれる。" }
{ "en": "Because it looks like a dragon climbing into the sky), is also popular, drawing just as many tourists as the north side.", "ja": "韍が倩に登る姿に芋えるこずからも人気が高く、北偎ず芳光客を二分するほどになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "There are other vantage points: the view from the east side is called Sesshukan (", "ja": "その他にも展望台があり、東偎からの眺めを「雪舟芳」せっしゅうかん。" }
{ "en": "from \"Amanohashidate-zu\" by Sesshu, shown at left); and the view from the west is called \"Ichijikan\" (", "ja": "巊に掲げた雪舟筆「倩橋立図」が描かれたこずから、西からの眺めを「䞀字芳」いちじかん。" }
{ "en": "Since it has been famous from ancient times, examples can be found in literature, such as the poem by KOSHIKIBU no Naishi in the Hyakunin-isshu, \"By Mt. Oe the road to Ikuno is long, I have not yet seen Amanohashidate\"; and in the Tango no Kuni Fudoki it is written that Izanagi had a ladder to climb to heaven, but it fell over while he was sleeping and became Amanohashidate.", "ja": "叀くから名所ずしお知られおおり、䞀䟋ずしお癟人䞀銖の小匏郚内䟍の歌「倧江山いく野の道の遠ければただふみもみず倩橋立」が芋られるほか、䞹埌囜颚土蚘には、むザナギが倩に昇るためのはしごが、むザナギが寝おいる間に倒れお倩橋立になったずの蚘述がある。" }
{ "en": "Since the Edo period it has been counted as one of Japan's three scenic views, along with Matsushima (current Miyagi Prefecture) and Miyajima (current Hiroshima Prefecture).", "ja": "江戞時代から束島珟圚の宮城県、宮島珟圚の広島県ずずもに日本䞉景の䞀぀に数えられた。" }
{ "en": "On November 22, 1952, it was designated by the national government as a place of special scenic beauty, and has also been selected as one of the top 100 white sand beaches and green pine groves of Japan (Hakushaseisho Hyakusen).", "ja": "1952幎昭和27幎11月22日に囜の特別名勝に指定され、たた日本の癜砂青束100遞にも指定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Although it was designated a part of the Wakasa Bay Quasi-National Park on June 1, 1955, it indepedently became Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Park on August 3, 2007.", "ja": "1955幎6月1日には若狭湟囜定公園の䞀郚ずしお囜定公園に指定されおいたが、2007幎8月3日に䞹埌倩橋立倧江山囜定公園ずしお独立した。" }
{ "en": "Kyoto Prefecture and Miyazu City have made suggestions to the Agency for Cultural Affairs as candidate for the tentative (UNESCO) World Heritage Site list, and named their suggestion \"Amanohashidate: The Origin of Japan's Cultural Scenery\".", "ja": "京郜府、宮接垂などは「倩橋立日本の文化景芳の原点」ずいう名で、文化庁に察し䞖界遺産暫定䞀芧衚蚘茉資産候補ずしおの提案をしおいる。" }
{ "en": "To get to Kasamatsu Park on the north side, take the Tango Kairiku Kotsu Bus or Tour Boat to Ichinomiya and walk toward Fuchu Station.", "ja": "北偎の傘束公園ぞは䞹埌海陞亀通のバス・芳光船などで䞀の宮ぞ行き埒歩で府䞭駅ぞ。" }
{ "en": "Via Trans-Kyoto Expressway, Tamba interchange to National Route 27, Ayabe Ankokuji interchange to Trans-Kyoto Expressway, Miyazu Amanohashidate interchange to National Route 178, to Kyoto Prefectural Route 2, to Amanohashidate", "ja": "京郜瞊貫自動車道→䞹波むンタヌチェンゞ→囜道27号→綟郚安囜寺むンタヌチェンゞ→京郜瞊貫自動車道→宮接倩橋立むンタヌチェンゞ→囜道178号→京郜府道2号線→倩橋立" }
{ "en": "Via Chugoku Expressway, Yoshida Junction to Maizuru Wakasa Expressway, Ayabe Junction to Trans-Kyoto Expressway, Miyazu Amanohashidate IC to National Route 176, to Kyoto Prefectural Route 2, to Amanohashidate", "ja": "䞭囜自動車道→吉川ゞャンクション→舞鶎若狭自動車道→綟郚ゞャンクション→京郜瞊貫自動車道→宮接倩橋立IC→囜道176号→京郜府道2号線→倩橋立" }
{ "en": "This is because dams were built on the rivers after the war, reducing the amount of sediment carried from the mountains to the sea, and destroying the balance of sediment deposits and erosion on Amanohashidate.", "ja": "これは、戊埌、河川にダムなどが䜜られ、山地から海ぞの土砂䟛絊量が枛少し、倩橋立における土砂の堆積・䟵食バランスが厩れたためである。" }
{ "en": "To prevent further erosion, the administration has installed many small erosion barriers on the sand bar in an attempt to stop the sand from washing away (in the picture from the south (Hiryukan), it is the part on the right where the beach is serrated).", "ja": "これ以䞊の䟵食を防ぐため、行政では砂州䞊にそれず盎亀しお小型の堆砂堀を倚数蚭眮し、流出する土砂をそこで食い止めようずしおいる写真南偎よりの眺め飛韍芳の向かっお右偎の砂浜がノコギリ状になっおいる郚分。" }
{ "en": "The Story of Amanohashidate: Its Culture, History, and Preservation - Yuichi IWAGAKI (July 2007, Gihodo Shuppan) ISBN 978-4-7655-1721-8", "ja": "倩橋立物語その文化ず歎史ず保党-岩垣雄䞀著2007幎7月、技報堂出版ISBN978-4-7655-1721-8" }
{ "en": "The name 'Muromachi' was derived from the Muromachi-dono, which was built by Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, the third Ashikaga Shogun, to serve as the public residence of the Shogun (commonly known as Hana no Gosho, this residence is located in what is now Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City).", "ja": "「宀町」ずいう呌称は、3代将軍足利矩満が将軍の公邞ずしお造営した宀町殿通称・花の埡所、珟圚の京郜垂䞊京区に由来しおいる。" }
{ "en": "There are two views regarding the year of Muromachi Bakufu's establishment--in November 1336, when the administrative policies of Bakufu were set up (being clearly indicated as Kenmu Shikimoku), or in 1338, when Takauji ASHIKAGA was assigned as Seii Taishogun (literally, \"great general who subdues the barbarians\") by Emperor Komyo of Jimyoin-to faction (持明院統); however, the former view is more convincing.", "ja": "宀町幕府の成立時期には、幕府の斜政方針が建歊匏目ずしお確立・明瀺された1336幎建歊(日本)311月、足利尊氏が持明院統の光明倩皇に埁倷倧将軍ぞ補任された1338幎暊応1の2説があるが、前者が有力説である。" }
{ "en": "Regarding the time when the bakufu ended, it virtually ended in 1573 when the fifteenth shogun, Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, was banished from Kyoto by Nobunaga ODA.", "ja": "幕府の終期に぀いおは、1573幎に15代将軍足利矩昭が織田信長によっお京郜から远攟されたこずで事実䞊厩壊した。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, the period until the unification of Hokucho and Nancho is called the period of the Northern and Southern Courts, and the period after the Onin War (1467) or the Meio Incident (1493) is called the Age of Civil War (Japan).", "ja": "なお、北朝ず南朝が合䜓するたでを南北朝時代_(日本)、応仁の乱1467幎あるいは明応の政倉1493幎以降を戊囜時代(日本)ず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "Because procedures for the removal of Seii Taishogun were not implemented even after Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA's banishment from Kyoto, he was still treated as a shogun by the powers opposed to Nobunaga.", "ja": "足利矩昭が京郜から远攟された埌も、埁倷倧将軍の解任手続は行われなかったために、䟝然ずしお信長に反察する勢力からは将軍ずしお扱われおいる。" }
{ "en": "\"Kugyo-Bunin\" treated Yoshiaki as a Shogun until February 9 1588, when he followed Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, chief adviser to the Emperor, and visited the Imperial Palace, vowed loyalty to Hideyoshi and was granted status as Ju-sangu.", "ja": "『公卿補任』では、矩昭が関癜豊臣秀吉に埓っお参内しお、秀吉ぞの忠誠を誓っお准䞉宮の埅遇を受けた倩正16幎1月13日_(旧暊)1588幎2月9日たでを将軍扱いずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Also, according to the official opinion of the government at the time, from the end of the Meiji period until defeat in World War II, Nancho (Japan) was regarded as the legitimate imperial line, and this age was referred to as the 'period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan)'; because of such a view, the first shogun Takauji, the second shogun Yoshiakira ASHIKAGA and the third shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA were not acknowledged as official shoguns (based on imperial history).", "ja": "たた、明治時代末期から第二次䞖界倧戊敗戊たで、圓時の政府の公匏芋解においおは、南朝(日本)を正統な皇統ずしおこの時代を「南北朝時代(日本)」ず称しおいたが、その結果、北朝(日本)が任じた初代尊氏・2代足利矩詮・3代足利矩満南北朝合䞀以前は正匏な将軍ずは認められおいなかった皇囜史芳。" }
{ "en": "As for law, Takauji enacted Kenmu Shikimoku as a basic law (in 1336).", "ja": "法ずしおは、建歊匏目を尊氏が制定し、基本法ずしおいる1336幎。" }
{ "en": "As a detailed law, Goseibai-shikimoku (Joe-shikimoku) of the Kamakura period was applied, and when necessary an additional law called 'Kenmu-irai-tsuika' was issued to supplement the above.", "ja": "そしお、具䜓的な法什ずしおは鎌倉時代の埡成敗匏目貞氞匏目を適甚し、必芁に応じお「建歊以来远加」ず呌ばれる远加法を発垃しお補充しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Also, a government structure was assigned with the shogun at the top, along with Samurai-dokoro, government office, monchu-jo, hyojo-shu, hikitsuke-shu as the control with the role of supporting the shogun.", "ja": "たた、将軍の補䜐圹の管領に䟍所、政所、問泚所、評定衆、匕付衆がそれぞれ蚭眮され、将軍を頂点に政治機構が構成される。" }
{ "en": "Muromachi Bakufu was a united government of Shugo daimyos, and the control originating from the chamberlain position of the Ashikaga clan did not have the actual power that the regents of Kamakura Bakufu had; consequently, government by bakufu was in principle conducted through a council system.", "ja": "宀町幕府は守護倧名による連合政暩であり、足利家の執事職を起源ずする管領は鎌倉幕府の執暩ほどは実暩が無く、幕政は原則的に合議制であった。" }
{ "en": "The major Shugo daimyos referred to as Sankan--the Hosokawa clan, Shiba clan and Hatakeyama clan--assumed the position of control and supported the Shogun, while the Akamatsu clan, Isshiki clan, Yamana clan and Kyogoku clan, as Shishiki, assumed by turns the position of Shoshi, the chief of Samurai-dokoro.", "ja": "将軍を補䜐する管領には现川氏、斯波氏、畠山氏の䞉管ずよばれる有力守護倧名が亀替で、䟍所長官である所叞には赀束氏、䞀色氏、山名氏、京極氏の四職が亀替で就任した。" }
{ "en": "Major posts of the bakufu and shugos governing several lands were held by the Ashikaga family such as the Hosokawa clan, Shiba clan, Yamana clan, Isshiki clan, Hatakeyama clan, Shibukawa clan, Imagawa clan, Uesugi clan (cognate), etc.", "ja": "幕府芁職や耇数囜守護のほずんどが现川氏、斯波氏、山名氏、䞀色氏、畠山氏、枋川氏、今川氏、䞊杉氏倖戚など足利䞀門によっお占められおいるのが特城である。" }
{ "en": "The collapse of the public ownership system of manors = transfer to the system of ownership by Shugo daimyos and the development of a monetary economy are part of the characteristics of Muromachi Bakufu.", "ja": "宀町幕府の特城ずしおは、荘園公領制の厩壊守護領囜制ぞの移行や貚幣経枈の進展などがあげられる。" }
{ "en": "In the Kamakura period, individual Gokenin directly paid homage to the Shogun (although there were exceptions such as being hired by a strong Gokenin), and shugos were mere supervisors of Gokenin within their lands.", "ja": "鎌倉時代においおは有力埡家人の被官のような䟋倖はあるが個々の埡家人が盎接将軍ず䞻埓関係を結んでおり、守護は囜内の埡家人の監督者に過ぎなかった。" }
{ "en": "However, during the Muromachi period the Shugo daimyos directly hired samurais in their lands, who became their vassals, and exercised unified control over their lands (since there are exceptions or differences by region, please refer to the item 'System of Ownership by Shugo Daimyos' for details).", "ja": "しかし宀町時代においおは、守護倧名がその領囜の歊士ず䞻埓関係を結び、被官化し、䞀元支配するようになったのである䟋倖、あるいは地域差が存圚するので、詳现は「守護領囜制」の項目を参考の事。" }
{ "en": "Subsequently, even Shugo daimyos with power exceeding that of Shogun Muromachi were born.", "ja": "そしお宀町将軍すら䞊回るほどの実力を蓄えた守護倧名すら生たれるのである。" }
{ "en": "Against such circumstances, Shogun Muromachi hired samurais of various regions over the Shugo daimyos' heads, and formed 'Hoko-shu' as mentioned above, which not only strengthened the direct military power of the shogun but also deterred the control of Shugo daimyos over their lands.", "ja": "それに察しお宀町将軍も、守護倧名の頭越しに各地の歊士ず䞻埓関係を結び、䞊蚘の「奉公衆」を線成し、将軍盎蜄の軍事力を匷化するのみならず、守護倧名の領囜支配に楔を入れたのである。" }
{ "en": "However, while there were cases in which the bakufu subdued individual Shugo daimyos, there was no case where a Shugo daimyo and Shogun Muromachi were fully in conflict with each other.", "ja": "しかし個々の守護倧名を幕府が蚎䌐した䟋はあるものの、守護倧名ず宀町将軍が党面的に察立する事は無かった。" }