{ "en": "The Shugo daimyos proceeded to exercise control over their lands by the authority that they were assigned to the position of Shugo by Bakufu.", "ja": "守護大名は幕府から守護職に任命されたという権威を背景に、領国の支配を進めていったのである。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, no matter how much they expanded their power, they could not afford to deny the authority of Shogun Muromachi.", "ja": "だからいくら勢力を拡大しようとも、室町将軍の権威を否定する訳にはいかなかったのである。" }
{ "en": "After all, if the authority of the Shogun were to be eroded, so too would that of the Shugo daimyo.", "ja": "将軍の権威の失墜はすなわち守護大名の権威の失墜を意味し、そして事実としてそうなっていくのである。" }
{ "en": "Also, four shoguns who died in their place of exile (the tenth, Yoshitane ASHIKAGA; eleventh, Yoshizumi ASHIKAGA; twelfth, Yoshiharu ASHIKAGA; and fourteenth, Yoshihide ASHIKAGA).", "ja": "また、亡命先で死亡した将軍が4名いる(10代足利義稙(義稙)、11代足利義澄、12代足利義晴、14代足利義栄)。" }
{ "en": "Upon the occurrence of Kanno no Joran, Takauji ASHIKAGA established the Kamakura government in Kamakura as an organization to control 10 countries in the east.", "ja": "観応の擾乱が起こると、足利尊氏は鎌倉に東国10カ国を統括する機関として鎌倉府を設置した。" }
{ "en": "The position as chief of this organization was succeeded by the descendant of Motouji ASHIKAGA, a son of Takauji, who served the position of Kanto control (関東管領).", "ja": "長官は鎌倉公方で尊氏の子・足利基氏の子孫が世襲し、関東管領が補佐した。" }
{ "en": "Throughout the Muromachi period, Kamakura-kubo (鎌倉公方) was opposed to bakufu and also became gradually opposed to the Uesugi clan, who held the position of Kanto control.", "ja": "室町時代を通じて鎌倉公方は幕府と対立し、関東管領を務める上杉氏とも対立していった。" }
{ "en": "To compete with such power, Bakufu directly hired strong local persons in the land of Kanto and Mutsu, as Kyoto Fuchi-shu.", "ja": "これに対抗するため、幕府は関東や陸奥の有力国人を京都扶持衆として直臣化した。" }
{ "en": "Consequently, in the era of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA the fourth Kamakura-kubo, Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, who raised the Eikyo Rebellion, was conquered and temporarily direct rule by the shogun was exercised but eventually failed; subsequently, Mochiuji's son Shigeuji ASHIKAGA was made the new Kamakura-kubo.", "ja": "このため、足利義教の代に永享の乱を起こした第4代鎌倉公方・足利持氏を攻め滅ぼして一時直接統治を図るが失敗に終わり、持氏の子・足利成氏を新しい鎌倉公方とした。" }
{ "en": "However, Shigeuji also raised the Kyotoku Rebellion and escaped to Koga-jo Castle, where he named himself Koga-kubo (古河公方), and as the Uesugi clan split into the Yamanouchi Uesugi and Ogigayatsu Uesugi families, the Kanto region was in a state of turbulence before the Onin War started.", "ja": "だが成氏も享徳の乱を起こして、古河城に逃れて古河公方を名乗り、更に上杉氏は山内上杉家と扇谷上杉家に分裂したため、応仁の乱が始まるよりも前に関東地方は騒乱状態となる。" }
{ "en": "Bakufu refused to simply wait with its arms folded but instead sent the younger brother of the eighth shogun, Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, Masatomo ASHIKAGA, to Kanto (Horikoshi-kubo (堀越公方)).", "ja": "幕府も手を拱いているだけではなく、8代将軍足利義政の弟・足利政知を関東に派遣する(堀越公方)。" }
{ "en": "However, Horikoshi-kubo was also defeated after Masatomo's death by Moritoki ISE (Soun HOJO), a major vassal of the Imagawa clan, and this ended in failure.", "ja": "だが、堀越公方も政知の死後に今川氏重臣・伊勢盛時(北条早雲)によって倒されて、失敗に終わった。" }
{ "en": "Also, Koga-kubo, after splitting off Oyumi-kubo (小弓公方), was made a puppet of the Go-Hojo clan, who were descendants of Moritoki.", "ja": "古河公方も小弓公方との分裂を経て、盛時の子孫である後北条氏によって傀儡化させられていくのである。" }
{ "en": "Initially, Sadayo IMAGAWA (Ryoshun), who had been ordered to subdue Nancho powers such as Imperial Prince Kanenaga, assumed the position, but the Bakufu feared that Ryoshun would establish his own power in Kyushu; after Ryoshun was dismissed, descendants of the Shibukawa clan succeeded in the position.", "ja": "初めは懐良親王ら南朝勢力の討伐に任じられた今川貞世(了俊)が就くが、了俊が九州で独自の勢力を築くと幕府に警戒され、了俊が解任された後は渋川氏の世襲となる。" }
{ "en": "In the Tohoku Region Oshu control (奥州管領) was established, which was abolished when two countries of Ou became under the control of Kamakura-fu, and during a certain period Inamura-kubo (稲村公方) and Sasagawa-kubo (篠川公方) were established.", "ja": "東北地方には奥州管領が設置され、奥羽2国が鎌倉府の管轄下に組み込まれると廃止されて一時期には稲村公方と篠川公方が設置されている。" }
{ "en": "Upon the abasement of the Shogun's authority after the Onin Rebellion, Sankan Shishiki (other than the Hosokawa clan) also fell, and when in the middle of the Age of Civil War the power of the Hosokawa clan weakened, the various systems of Muromachi Bakufu became mere terms.", "ja": "応仁の乱以降、将軍の権威が失墜すると細川氏以外の三管四職も没落し、さらに戦国時代中期に至って細川氏の勢力が減退すると室町幕府の諸制度は形骸化していった。" }
{ "en": "In the southern part of Yamashiro Province, where the Yamashironokuni Riot occurred, self-government (in addition to regional ruling classes, farmers, etc.) also participated.", "ja": "山城国南部では山城国一揆が形成され、地域住民(在地支配層の他、農民等も参加)による自治に至った事例もある。" }
{ "en": "Such Kokujin powers were regrouped/merged and developed into strong warring lordships, which competed with each other and grew in power; they replaced government by Bakufu and gave rise to the trend of civil war that followed.", "ja": "これらの国人勢力も互いに整理統合されながら、強力な戦国大名が成長し、これが群雄割拠して幕府支配に取って代わり、以後の戦国時代への流れを作ってゆくことになる。" }
{ "en": "The majority of the financial income of Muromachi Bakufu came from Goryo-sho (御料所), which was directly controlled by Bakufu; but often, during the war of the Northern and Southern Courts, the Goryo-sho became a target and were taken by the opposing Nancho side, or were given away as rewards for one's own army, and the scale of Goryo-sho is considered to be smaller than that of Kamakura Bakufu or Edo Bakufu.", "ja": "室町幕府の財政は幕府直轄の御料所からの収入が主であったが、南北朝の戦乱の際に敵対する南朝側より狙われて奪取されたり、自軍への恩賞にされてしまうケースも多く、鎌倉幕府や江戸幕府に比べて小規模であったと考えられている。" }
{ "en": "Operating taxes, etc., were collected from merchants in exchange for the special privileges and protection provided to them, and Tsuryou (津料) was charged from various ports and Sekisen (tolls) from barriers.", "ja": "商人に対しては特権や保護の代償に営業税などを取り、各港からの津料、関所のからの関銭(通行税)も徴収された。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, when a permanent right to charge Yakusen (役銭) from Doso (土倉) and Sakaya (酒屋) in Kyoto was allowed during the era of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, Yakusen were charged together with Tansen, Munabetsu-sen, etc., by the doso appointed by Bakufu, who were referred to as Nosen-kata.", "ja": "なお、足利義満の時代に京都の土倉や酒屋に対して恒常的に役銭を取る権利を認められると、段銭や棟別銭などとともに納銭方と呼ばれる幕府御用達の土倉によって徴収された。" }
{ "en": "Nosen-kata were later also entrusted with clerical matters such as the safekeeping/bookkeeping of tax income, and such doso were referred to as Kubo-okura (公方御倉).", "ja": "後に納銭方は幕府の委託を受けて税収の保管・出納の事務等も任されるようになり、こうした土倉を公方御倉と呼んだ。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, when Yoshimitsu initiated trade between Japan and Ming, profit by Chubunsen (抽分銭) also became the income of Bakufu.", "ja": "更に義満が日明貿易を始めると貿易そのものや抽分銭による収益も幕府収入となる。" }
{ "en": "Due to the limited numbers of trade activities, they remained as income of a temporary nature, but it is said that there were cases where income from a single trade was as great as the other tax income of several years.", "ja": "貿易の回数が限られていたために臨時収入的なものに留まったが、1回の貿易で他の税収の数年分の収益を挙げる事もあったとされている。" }
{ "en": "Furthermore, since the latter half of the fifteenth century, action was taken to make the Yamashiro Province (within Kyoto) a Goryo-sho.", "ja": "更に15世紀後半以後には京都のある山城国国内の御料所化にも着手している。" }
{ "en": "Waka is a name in contrast to the Chinese poetry, and it is also called Yamatouta (大和歌・倭歌) or just Uta.", "ja": "和歌とは漢詩に対する呼称で、やまとうた(大和歌・倭歌)、あるいは単にうたという。" }
{ "en": "In a broad sense, Waka means Choka (long poem), Tanka (short poem), Sedoka (head-repeated poem), Katauta (half poem), and Bussokusekika (Buddha's footprint stone poem), but in a narrow sense it designates only Tanka of 31 syllables.", "ja": "和歌は広義には長歌・短歌・旋頭歌・片歌及び仏足石歌の総称だが、狭義には31音を定型とする短歌のことを指す。" }
{ "en": "Also, it is called Yakumo, the name of which is based on the first word of the poem Susanoo (a deity in Japanese mythology) composed, and the poem is considered the first Waka in Japanese mythology: 'Clouds (Yakumo), actively upwelling covered the eightfold fence.It makes the eightfold fence to have my new wife stay in the house.Great eightfold fence.'", "ja": "また、日本神話ではスサノオが詠った「八雲立つ出雲八重垣妻ごめに八重垣作るその八重垣を」が最初の和歌とされることから、その初めの語句を取って八雲(やくも)ともいう。" }
{ "en": "Shikishima means Yamato or Japan, so it literally means 'roads in Japan.'", "ja": "敷島(しきしま)は大和あるいは日本を意味し、直訳すれば「日本の道」という意味になる。" }
{ "en": "Waka means Uta (song) and fixed-form poetry consisting of five and seven syllables and written in Yamato-kotoba (a word of purely Japanese origin).", "ja": "和歌は、五音と七音を標準とする大和ことばによる定型詩(し)、または詩(うた、音楽)である。" }
{ "en": "Waka is considered to be both literature and music, but generally it is taken as one genre of Japanese literature, so the element of 'Uta' has been excluded in Japanese education.", "ja": "文学としての解釈と音楽としての解釈の二通りがあるが、一般的には国文学の中の1つとして解釈されるため、学校教育において「うた」の要素は排除されている。" }
{ "en": "Hiko is to recite Waka to a tune, and there are some schools of reciting such as the AYANOKOJI School and the REIZEI School.", "ja": "披講とは、和歌に節を付けて詠み上げることで、綾小路流や冷泉流などの流派が存在する。" }
{ "en": "It is also said that the screams and cheers let out with excitement increasingly grew to be songs sung in groups at festivals and during laborious work.", "ja": "感情の高まりから発せられた叫び・掛け声が次第に成長して、祭りや労働の際に集団で歌われる歌となったものとも言われる。" }
{ "en": "Most of them are considered to have been lost without being written down, but about 300 poems have survived in the books of \"Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters),\" \"Nihon shoki (Chronicles of Japan),\" \"Fudoki (notes on local legends and geography),\" \"Manyoshu,\" \"Kogoshui (commentaries on ancient words and practices),\" \"Kinkafu (poetry collection)\" and \"Bussokusekika hi (stele).\"", "ja": "多くは文字に記されることなく失われてしまったとされるが、『古事記』『日本書紀』『風土記』『万葉集』『古語拾遺』『琴歌譜』『仏足石歌碑』などに約300首残っている。" }
{ "en": "Jodai Kayo came to be an origin of ceremonial songs such as Kagurauta (songs) and Saibara (folk songs), which were accompanied with instruments, and its form and poetic devices became progenitors of the later Waka.", "ja": "上代歌謡は神楽歌や催馬楽などの楽器を伴う儀式歌の源流となるが、その歌体・技巧は後の和歌の母胎となっている。" }
{ "en": "They are not independent ballads but used to enhance an effect of narrative, and some of them are said to have been creative songs or ceremonial songs made by court people.", "ja": "独立した歌謡ではなく、物語の効果を高めるために用いられていることが多いが、宮廷人が歌った儀式の歌謡や、創作もあるとされている。" }
{ "en": "Poetic devices such as Tsuiku, Kurikaeshi (repetition), Makura kotoba, Jo kotoba, etc., were used for a verse form of basic lines of five and seven syllables, like Katauta, Sedoka, Tanka and Choka.", "ja": "片歌・旋頭歌・短歌・長歌などの五音と七音を標準とする歌体に、対句・くりかえし・枕詞・序詞などの技法が用いられた。" }
{ "en": "The other ballads in the same period were of the kind inscribed on the monument of Bussokusekika in Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara and \"Kinkafu,\" which was a book on the Wagon (a Japanese string instrument, also called the Yamatogoto, that consisted of a flat, shallow sound box with six strings, much like a zither), was copied in the middle of the Heian period.", "ja": "他にも記紀の時代の歌謡には、奈良の薬師寺の仏足石歌碑に刻まれた歌、平安時代中期に書写された和琴の譜本『琴歌譜』がある。" }
{ "en": "In the process of giving unification to Japan, Chinese poetry was introduced to Japan from the Chinese Continent, and under its influence poems to express individual feelings were energetically composed.", "ja": "統一国家が確立してゆく中で、大陸から漢詩が入ってきた影響もあり、個人の気持ちを個々に表現する歌が盛んに作られるようになった。" }
{ "en": "According to the notes in Manyoshu, there had been some other anthologies before Manyoshu, such as \"Kokashu (Collection of Old Poetry),\" \"KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro's Collection,\" \"Kasanokanamura Collection,\" \"TAKAHASHI no Mushimaro's Collection of Poetry,\" \"Book of poetry of TANABE no Sakimaro,\" \"Ruiju-karin (Collection of Poetry),\" etc., but none of them has survived.", "ja": "万葉集の注記によると、万葉集以前にも『古歌集』『柿本人麻呂歌集』『笠金村歌集』『高橋虫麻呂歌集』『田辺福麻呂歌集』『類聚歌林』などがあったとされるが、現存していない。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Manyoshu was compiled by many people over a long period of time, but it was OTOMO no Yakamochi who in the end edited and made a 20-volume anthology as it is.", "ja": "万葉集は長い期間を経て何人もの人々によってまとめられたが、最終的に現在の20巻のかたちに編集したのは大伴家持だと言われている。" }
{ "en": "Manyoshu contains about 4500 poems, the earliest of which was composed in the reign of Emperor Nintoku, but most of them were being made during the period of less than 100 years from the Asuka period to the middle of the Nara period.", "ja": "約4500首が収められており、その最も古いものは仁徳天皇期のものであるが、大部分は飛鳥時代から奈良時代中期にかけての約百年弱のもので占められている。" }
{ "en": "Most of the poems have realistic and objective styles, and there are some poems made by people in general, such as Azumauta poetry and Sakimori-no-uta (frontier guards' poems) besides the poems of court nobles.", "ja": "現実的・写実的な歌風が多く、貴族の歌のほかに東歌・防人歌など民衆の歌もある。" }
{ "en": "Zotoka (poems exchanged between a man and a woman) became the leading style of Waka, and the number of Waka composed in the Imperial Court decreased compared with that of the Nara period.", "ja": "和歌は私的に交わされる贈答歌が主となり、宮廷で詠まれることは奈良時代と比較すると少なくなった。" }
{ "en": "However, in the middle of the Heian period the decline of Tang and abolishment of Kentoshi (the embassy to the Tang dynasty) lessened the influence of Chinese culture, and Kokufu bunka was developed.", "ja": "しかし、平安時代中期になって、唐の衰退やそれに伴う遣唐使の廃止により中国の文化的影響力は減少し、国風文化の時代となった。" }
{ "en": "In its process, Waka gradually regained its position as an official culture along with the development of Kana characters (the Japanese syllabaries), and Uta awase (poetry match) came to be held.", "ja": "その過程で、仮名文字の発達とあいまって和歌は次第に公的な文化として復権し、歌合も行われるようになった。" }
{ "en": "In the book of \"Shinsen Manyoshu (Newly Selected Manyoshu),\" Japanese poems were put beside the Chinese poems, which suggested that the Japanese poetry was regaining its status as an official literature.", "ja": "『新撰万葉集』には漢詩(からうた)と和歌(やまとうた)が並べて書かれ、和歌が公的な文学としての地位を回復してゆく姿が見られる。" }
{ "en": "\"Kokin wakashu\" was compiled by Imperial command of Emperor Daigo in 905; the compilers were KI no Tsurayuki, KI no Tomonori, OSHIKOCHI no Mitsune and MIBU no Tadamine.", "ja": "延喜5年(905年)醍醐天皇の勅命によって、紀貫之・紀友則・凡河内躬恒・壬生忠岑の4人によって編纂されたのが『古今和歌集』である。" }
{ "en": "Fifty years later, in the reign of Emperor Murakami, Wakadokoro (Bureau of Poetry) was established, where Nashitsubo no Gonin (Five Men of the Pear Chamber) read the Chinese characters in \"Manyoshu,\" which was already difficult to read at that time, in the Japanese pronunciation, and compiled and dedicated \"Gosen wakashu (Later Collection of Japanese Poetry)\" to the Emperor.", "ja": "それから半世紀のちの村上天皇の頃に和歌所が置かれ、当時すでに読みにくくなっていた『万葉集』の訓読と『後撰和歌集』の撰進が梨壺の五人によって行われた。" }
{ "en": "Compared with the conservative \"Go shui wakashu,\" the following \"Kinyo wakashu (A Collection of Golden Leaves)\" was innovative and focused on fresh descriptive poems; however, the subsequent \"Shika wakashu (A Collection of Verbal Flowers of Japanese Poetry)\" marked a return to the conservative style.", "ja": "保守的な『後拾遺和歌集』に対し、次の『金葉和歌集』は清新な叙景歌が中心で革新的なものであったが、続く『詞花和歌集』は再び保守的なものになっている。" }
{ "en": "It shows a tendency toward the principle of art for art's sake in the destruction of the aristocracy and the rise of samurai warriors, elevating the status of waka in the late Heian period.", "ja": "貴族社会の崩壊、武士の台頭という混乱の中で芸術至上的な傾向を示し、平安時代末期の和歌を一つの高みに導いた。" }
{ "en": "In the Kamakura period, court nobles who had been deprived of their power came to depend on the traditional culture, so they composed waka energetically.", "ja": "鎌倉時代に入ると、政権を奪われた貴族たちは伝統文化を心のより所にしたため、和歌は盛んに詠まれた。" }
{ "en": "Bearing feelings of rivalry toward Kamakura, the Retired Emperor Go-Tobain who showed much enthusiasm for Waka ordered the compilation of \"Shin kokin wakashu.\"", "ja": "鎌倉への対抗意識もあって和歌に非常な熱意を示した後鳥羽院の命で撰進されたのが『新古今和歌集』である。" }
{ "en": "Most of the poems were not based on real experiences but on a fictional world.", "ja": "現実の体験ではなく、頭の中で作り上げた世界を詠んだものがほとんどを占める。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, the following two people were respected: Saigyo, who made poems on love toward nature and his view of life, and MINAMOTO no Sanetomo, who composed poems in the Manyo style.", "ja": "その一方で自然への愛や人生観を詠んだ西行、万葉調の源実朝も尊ばれた。" }
{ "en": "After the death of FUJIWARA no Sadaie, who had been a central figure in the compilation of \"Shin kokin wakashu,\" his son Tameie became a mentor of the Tanka Composers' Society, but after Tameie passed away, both the Fujiwara family and the Tanka Composers' Society were divided into three schools: the NIJO, KYOGOKU and REIZEI.", "ja": "『新古今和歌集』編纂の中心人物だった藤原定家の死後は、その子の為家が歌壇の指導者だったが、為家が亡くなると、家系も歌壇も二条派・京極派・冷泉派の三派に分かれた。" }
{ "en": "The three schools struggled to attain leadership, and both the NIJO and KYOGOKU schools compiled collections of poems one after another by imperial command.", "ja": "三派は主導権をめぐって争い、うち二条派と京極派は次々と勅撰集を編纂した。" }
{ "en": "Since around the period of the Northern and Southern Courts (Japan), waka came to be composed mainly by monks and samurai, while the composition of waka spread to local samurai, and some of the waka that lapsed into formalism declined.", "ja": "南北朝時代(日本)ごろから、和歌は僧侶や武士を中心に詠まれるようになるが、地方武士にも普及する一方で、形式主義に流れた和歌は衰退していった。" }
{ "en": "In the early modern times, traditional studies of waka were compiled into a book, and many kajin poets appeared, but waka had already been perfected as 'kado,' so a new style did not emerge.", "ja": "近世初期には伝統的な歌学が集大成され、多くの歌人が生まれたが、既に「歌道」として完成された芸術になっていたため新しい歌風は生まれなかった。" }
{ "en": "Compared with haikai, which had been just generated, waka was traditional Japanese culture that had continued since Jodai (ancient times); therefore, its degree of innovation was suppressed.", "ja": "誕生まもない俳諧に比べて、上代からの伝統的日本文化である和歌の革新は抑制された。" }
{ "en": "At the end of the early modern times, a new movement of waka arose in Kyoto, and there appeared the Keien school of jigenin (a court official who has not obtained the imperial ordinance of promotion) derived from the NIJO school of dojo (a family who is allowed to be promoted to court noble).", "ja": "近世後期になると京都から新しい和歌の動きが起こり、堂上の二条派から派生した地下人の桂園派が登場した。" }
{ "en": "Highly educated people of the early Meiji period played important roles in the Tanka Composers' Society, as represented by the Outadokoro School and Keien School, but people who intended waka reform (Shiki MASAOKA, Tekkan YOSANO, and so on) criticized both the style and elegant poetic devices of daiei (poetry composed on a given theme), and thus there emerged a new style of waka suitable for the new era.", "ja": "明治時代初期の歌壇は、御歌所派や桂園派などの江戸期からの伝統的な文化人たちが担ってきたが、和歌改革を志す人々(正岡子規や与謝野鉄幹ら)によって題詠による作歌・風雅な趣向が批判され、新時代に相応しい新しい和歌が生まれた。" }
{ "en": "However, in order to discern the new Waka from the traditional one, these new poems came to be commonly called 'Tanka' (see also Tanka).", "ja": "しかし、伝統的な和歌と区別するために、やがてこれらの新しい歌は「短歌」と呼称するのが普通となった(短歌の項も参照のこと)。" }
{ "en": "It not only shows respect to the Kajin poet but also indicates those who are treated as gods in Kado, such as KAKINOMOTO no Hitomaro and YAMABE no Akahito.", "ja": "単なる敬意を示すのみではなく、歌道において神としてあがめられる歌人を指しており、具体的には柿本人麻呂と山部赤人をいう。" }
{ "en": "Above all, Ogura Hyakunin isshu (One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), compiled by FUJIWARA no Sadaie, is familiar to everyone, and it has had great influence on the Japanese people's appreciation of waka.", "ja": "中でも藤原定家による小倉百人一首は大変よく親しまれており、日本人の和歌に対する見方に大きな影響を与えている。" }
{ "en": "Because waka began as accompaniment to a tune, the number of letters (the number of syllables, or mora) is not strictly confined if it is read in a singsong manner.", "ja": "和歌は、節(ふし)を付けて詠うものとして始まったため、節にのっていれば文字数(音節数・モーラ数)の規定はややゆるい。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, as long as it is read in a singsong manner the poem doesn't essentially seem to have 'extra syllables or insufficient syllables,' even if it doesn't consist of lines with five and seven syllables.", "ja": "すなわち、節にのっていれば、五音・七音以外の音節数であっても実質的には「字余り・字足らず」ではない。" }
{ "en": "The idea of 'extra or insufficient syllables' arose from a sense of beauty for a fixed form of verse to write down instead of reciting it.", "ja": "「字余り・字足らず」という考え方は、詠うことよりも、書き留めた際の定型詩としての美意識から生まれた言葉である。" }
{ "en": "In the context of Western music, waka has a slow quadruple time that establishes its rhythm in sets of two bars.", "ja": "西洋音楽による解釈では、和歌はテンポの遅い四分の四拍子で、2小節で1セットのリズムを作っている。" }
{ "en": "Five syllables consists of five crotchets and three crotchet rests in one rhythm (two bars), while seven syllables consists of seven crotchets and one crotchet rest in one rhythm, but if the total number of crotchets and crotchet rests is eight in one rhythm (two bars), then it is acceptable (nine syllables includes a triplet part).", "ja": "五音は1リズム(2小節)に5つの四分音符と3つの四分休符、七音は1リズムに7つの四分音符と1つの四分休符を基本形としているが、四分音符・休符の総数が1リズム(2小節)内に8つであればよい(九音の場合、音節数が9なら三連符が一部入る)。" }
{ "en": "For example, a Tanka is made up of five sets of two bars, giving a total number of ten bars.", "ja": "例えば、短歌は2小節1セットのリズムが5つで出来ており、全小節数は10となる。" }
{ "en": "The Tanka, that 'temporary hermitage, with straw mat on the roof, in autumn rice field.My cloth would be getting wet with rain\" is said to be divided into two parts of 'five, seven, six and seven, seven,' having an extra syllable, but if the poem is divided by a set of two bars, 'Akinota (autumn rice field)' is used more.", "ja": "「あきのたのかりほのいおのとまをあらみわがころもではつゆにぬれつつ」という短歌は、「五七六、七七」で字余りといわれるが、リズムごとに2小節ずつ区切ると、「あきのたが多用されたりする。" }
{ "en": "An example of applying Western-style harmony to tanka and deserting the manner of reciting waka (rhythm) is 'Kimigayo (the Japanese national anthem),' and in this case the rhythm of tanka, as stated above, was abandoned in the adjustment to the Western system of harmony.", "ja": "短歌を和歌の詠み方(リズム)から脱して西洋音楽化させた例として「君が代」があるが、この場合は上記のような短歌のリズムから脱し、西洋音楽として美しく聴こえるよう音節を長短させている。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, 'Kojo no tsuki (The Moon Over the Deserted Castle)' is an excellent piece of music that has been applied to Western-style harmony without destroying the waka rhythm of seven and five syllables.", "ja": "一方、「荒城の月」は「七五、七五、…、七五」と繰り返される和歌であるが、和歌のリズムをあまり崩さずに西洋音楽に適合させた名曲である。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA was the 3rd Seii Taishogun of the Muromachi Shogunate and reigned from 1368 to1394.", "ja": "足利義満(あしかがよしみつ)は室町幕府の第3代征夷大将軍(在位1368年-1394年)である。" }
{ "en": "His wife was Nariko HINO, a daughter of the Dainagon (Great Councilor) Tokimitsu HINO, and she became his wife thanks to the arrangement and support of a beloved princess of the Emperor Go-Kogon, Senshi Hino.", "ja": "正室は大納言日野時光の娘である日野業子で、後光厳天皇の寵姫である日野宣子の介添えで義満の室となる。" }
{ "en": "After that, Yasuko Hino (later Kitayamain), her niece, became his wife after the death of Nariko.", "ja": "その後、業子のあとは業子の姪である日野康子が正室となる(のちの北山院)。" }
{ "en": "His concubines were FUJIWARA no Keishi (Yoshiko) - mother of Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA and Yoshinori ASHIKAGA - and Kasuga no Tsubone (a concubine of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA) - mother of Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA - among others.", "ja": "側室は足利義持と足利義教の生母・藤原慶子、足利義嗣の生母・春日局(足利義満側室)など。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu was also called \"Muromachi-dono\" (Lord Muromachi), because he moved the Imperial Palace to Kitakoji Muromachi.", "ja": "義満が御所を北小路室町へ移したことにより、義満は「室町殿」とも呼ばれた。" }
{ "en": "Later, \"Muromachi-dono\" became the designation for the ASHIKAGA Shogun, and his government office-cum-residence was called \"Muromachi Bakufu,\" which has been used ever since as a historical term to indicate Muromachi Shogunate.", "ja": "のちに足利将軍を指す呼称となり、政庁を兼ねた将軍邸は後に歴史用語として「室町幕府」と呼ばれることになった。" }
{ "en": "When Yoshimitsu was young, there were constant struggles between the Muromachi Shogunate and the Yoshino Imperial Court, and moreover, since the Kanno Disturbance, an internal conflict of the ASHIKAGA family, had occurred, the strife between the Shogunate and the Court intensified.", "ja": "義満が幼少の頃の室町幕府は吉野朝廷との抗争が続き、さらに足利氏の内紛である観応の擾乱以来、幕政をめぐる争いが深刻さを増していた。" }
{ "en": "Kiyouji HOSOKAWA and other potential military commanders supported the Southern Imperial Court, and in 1361, when Kiyouji and Masanori KUSUNOKI of the Southern Imperial Court occupied Kyoto, Yoshimitsu was obliged to escape to the Shirahata Castle in Harima Province.", "ja": "やがて政争で失脚した細川清氏などの有力武将が南朝勢力に加担し、1361年(正平(日本)16年/康安元年)には清氏や南朝の楠木正儀らに京都を占領され、義満は赤松則祐の居城播磨国白旗城へ避難を余儀なくされた。" }
{ "en": "The following year, he returned to Kyoto as the alliance of the Shogunate and Northern Court recaptured the capital. On the way back to Kyoto, when he spent a night in Settsu Province, he liked the scenery and said to the vassals, \"there is very fine scenery here, let's carry it back to Kyoto.", "ja": "翌年には幕府・北朝側が京都を奪還したため帰京しているが、帰途で摂津の国に泊まった際にその場所の景色が良い事が気に入り、「ここの景色は良いから、京都に持って帰ろう。" }
{ "en": "\"You should carry it on your shoulders,\" and the vassals, listening to him, were said to be very surprised at his grandiose thinking.", "ja": "お前らが担いで行け」と家臣らに命じ家臣らはその希有壮大さに驚いたという。" }
{ "en": "After his farther Yoshiakira died from an illness in 1367, Yoshimitsu became the 3rd Shogun at the age of 11.", "ja": "1367年(正平22年/貞治6年)に父・義詮が病により死去すると、義満は11歳で3代将軍となる。" }
{ "en": "In 1368 the Hyojohajime was celebrated, and in 1369 he was installed as Shogun.", "ja": "1368年(正平23年/応安元年)に評定始が行われ、1369年(正平24年/応安2年)には正式に将軍に就任した。" }
{ "en": "While the administration of the Shogunate was led by Shugo Daimyos of the Ashikaga clan, including Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA, who were in charge of Kanrei, he studied imperial governance.", "ja": "幕政は管領の細川頼之をはじめ、足利一門の守護大名が主導することにより帝王学を学ぶ。" }
{ "en": "Yoriyuki implemented Oan no Taiho, a land expropriation law, to consolidate land management, and developed the Five Mountain System in Kyoto and Kamakura to strengthen control over religion.", "ja": "頼之は応安大法を実施して土地支配を強固なものにし、京都や鎌倉の五山制度を整えて宗教統制を強化した。" }
{ "en": "He also dispatched Sadayo (Ryoshun) IMAGAWA and Yoshihiro OUCHI to Kyushu, where the Southern Court dominated, to debilitate its influence and consolidate the power of the Shogunate.", "ja": "また南朝最大の勢力圏であった九州に今川貞世(了俊)・大内義弘を派遣して、南朝勢力を弱体化させ幕府権力を固める。" }
{ "en": "In 1370, in order to strengthen control over Kyoto, the Court gave him authority to control the Sanmon Kunin (a clique of influential people of Enryaku-ji Temple and its affiliates, as well as member of the temple)", "ja": "さらに京都の支配を強化するために、1370年(応安3年)に朝廷より山門公人(延暦寺及びその支配下の諸勢力及びその構成員)に対する取締権を与えられた。" }
{ "en": "In 1378, the Shogunate was moved from Sanjo Bomon to Kitanokoji Muromachi.", "ja": "1378年(天授(日本)4年/永和(日本)4年)には幕府を三条坊門より北小路室町に移した。" }
{ "en": "The Shogunate, after the move, was nicknamed \"Hana no Gosho\" (Flower Palace), and also called the Muromachi Bakufu (Shogunate) after its new location.", "ja": "移転後の幕府は後に花の御所と呼ばれ、その所在地により室町幕府と呼ばれるようになる。" }
{ "en": "The administration and taxation authorities, which had been divided between the Court and the Shogunate, were integrated and a unit called Hokoshu or Bugyoshu was organized to handle practical matters, and was a standing army comparable to the Shugo Daimyo's army in military strength.", "ja": "朝廷と幕府に二分化されていた京都の行政権や課税権なども幕府に一元化するとともに、守護大名の軍事力に対抗しうる将軍直属の常備軍である奉公衆や奉行衆と呼ばれる実務官僚を整備する。" }
{ "en": "He also undertook the following actions to demonstrate his power: visit to Todai-ji Temple and Kofuku-ji Temple in 1385, sight-seeing trip to Mt. Fuji in Suruga Province in 1388, visit to Itsukushima Shrine in Aki Province in 1389.", "ja": "また、1385年(元中2年/至徳(日本)2年)には東大寺・興福寺参詣、1388年(元中5年/嘉慶(日本)2年)には駿河国で富士山を遊覧し、1389年(元中6年/康応元年)には安芸国厳島神社参詣などの権力示威行為(デモンストレーション)も行っている。" }
{ "en": "In 1379, Yoshimitsu's residence was surrounded by the anti-Yoriyuki Shugo Daimyos such as Yoshiyuki (Yoshimasa) SHIBA and Yoriaki TOKI, who requested that he dismiss Yoriyuki, and consequently Yoriyuki was dismissed (Koryaku Political Change).", "ja": "1379年(天授5年/康暦元年)、義満は反頼之派の守護大名である斯波義将や土岐頼康らに邸を包囲され頼之の罷免を求められ、頼之は罷免される(康暦の政変)。" }
{ "en": "The Shogunate issued an order to hunt and kill Yoriyuki, but the following year pardoned him and after that he was included again in the administration with the post of shukuro, and during this period Yoshimitsu was able to establish his power as Shogun; and based on these facts we can assume that he might have intended to make use of the rivalry between the two factions, SHIBA and HOSOKAWA, to get them to contain each other.", "ja": "頼之に対しては追討令が下されるが翌年には赦免されて宿老として幕政に復帰しており、また政変後に義満の将軍権力が確立している事から斯波・細川両派の抗争を利用して相互に牽制させていたと考えられている。" }
{ "en": "After the death of Yoriyasu, he subdued the TOKI clan, taking advantage of the internal conflict while the TOKI were fighting on two sides.", "ja": "頼康の死後、分裂して争う土岐氏の内紛につけ込んで土岐氏を討伐した(土岐康行の乱)。" }
{ "en": "In 1391, he intervened in the internal conflict of the YAMASHINAs and provoked Ujikiyo YAMANA, a powerful Shugo Daimyo dominating 11 provinces at that time who was called \"Rokubun no ichi dono\" (Lord of one-sixth of the whole country) to raise an army to subdue the YAMANAs.", "ja": "1391年(元中8年/明徳2年)には山名氏の内紛に介入し、11か国の守護を兼ねて「六分一殿」と称された有力守護大名・山名氏清を挑発して挙兵させ、同年12月に討伐する(明徳の乱)。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu was again promoted and took the position of Naidaijin (minister of internal affairs) and Sadaijinn (minister of the left), the higher official rankings that his grandfather and his father were not able to achieve.", "ja": "義満は祖父・足利尊氏や父を越える内大臣、左大臣へ就任し官位の昇進を続けた。" }
{ "en": "In 1383 he was the first samurai to become Genjichoja (Head of the Genjis), and served concurrently as Betto (supreme officer) of the Junan-in and the Shogaku-in, and later he was granted a title \"Jusango,\" and reached the height of power of the samurai as well as the aristocrats.", "ja": "1383年(弘和3年/永徳3年)には武家として初めて源氏長者となり淳和・奨学両院別当を兼任、准三后の宣下をうけ、名実ともに公武両勢力の頂点に上り詰めた。" }