{ "en": "After Emperor Go-Enyu, who opposed Yoshimitsu and abdicated to Emperor Go-Komatsu, died in 1393, Yoshimitsu established his power, and in 1394, he handed over the post of Shogun to his son, Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, and retired, but he continued to hold the real power.", "ja": "義満と対立して後小松天皇に譲位していた後円融天皇が1393年(明徳4年)に死去し、自己の権力を確固たるものにした義満は1394年(応永元年)には将軍職を嫡男の足利義持に譲って隠居したが、政治上の実権は握り続けた。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that he became a priest in order to gain the ability to control temples and shrines, the remaining sphere he wanted to conquer after reaching the peak of the aristocratic spheres as Seii Taishogun, Taisei daijin and Junsangu.", "ja": "義満の出家は、征夷大将軍として武家の太政大臣・准三后として公家のそれぞれの頂点に達した義満が、残る寺社勢力を支配する地位をも得ようとしたためであると考えられている。" }
{ "en": "Following Yoshimitsu's act, many samurai and aristocrats also became priests.", "ja": "義満の出家に際して、斯波義将をはじめ多くの武家や公家が追従して出家している。" }
{ "en": "In 1395, Sadayo IMAGAWA, who held independent authority as Kyushu Tandai, was dismissed.", "ja": "1395年(応永2年)には九州探題として独自の権力を持っていた今川貞世を罷免する。" }
{ "en": "In 1399, he provoked a powerful Daimyo in the western region, Yoshihiro OUCHI, and using the excuse that Yoshihiro was taking up arms, he subdued Yoshihiro (War of Oei), and in this way the influential factions that might oppose Yoshimitsu in the western region were eliminated.", "ja": "1399年(応永6年)には西国の有力大名・大内義弘を挑発し義弘が堺市で挙兵したのを機に討伐し(応永の乱)、西日本で義満に対抗できる勢力は排除された。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu, since his younger days, had deeply admired Ming, wishing to establish trade between Japan and Ming. However, the government of Ming recognized Prince Kanenaga sole counterpart for negotiations, therefore, Yoshimitsu's wish was not fulfilled.", "ja": "義満は若年の頃から明への憧憬が深く早くから日明通交を望んでいたが、明側では南朝の懐良親王を「日本国王良懐」として日本における唯一の正規な通交相手として認めていたため、かなわなかった。" }
{ "en": "After the integration of the Northern and Southern Courts, he again intended to negotiate with Ming, under the nominal title of \"Seii Shogun of Japan, Yoshimitsu MINAMOTO,\" but the government of Ming would not accept an envoy dispatched by someone who presented himself as a vassal of the Emperor, because Ming traditionally did not trade with any retainer of a vassal.", "ja": "南北朝合一後、「日本国征夷将軍源義満」名義で交渉を始めようと試みるが、明側は陪臣との通交は認めないため天皇の臣下と名乗る者からの使者は受け入れられなかった。" }
{ "en": "Then, Yoshimitsu became a priest, and then sent a merchant called Koitsumi from Hakata City and the priest Soa as missionaries to Ming in 1401, with the aristocratic title of \"Junsangu of Japan, Michiyoshi MINAMOTO,\" instead of using the higher (but samurai) title of \"Taisei Shogun.\"", "ja": "そこで義満は出家し、太政大臣も辞した「日本国准三后源道義」の名義で1401年(応永8年)に博多の商人肥富と僧祖阿を使節として明に派遣する。" }
{ "en": "Finally Emperor Jianwen of Ming offered a master-and-man relationship (sakuho) to the Japanese sovereign instead of to Prince Kanenaga, with whom Ming had wanted to have contact until then, and when Ming gave the Datongli calendar to Japan, the two countries' diplomatic relations were formally established.", "ja": "ようやく明の建文帝によりそれまでの懐良親王に代わって日本国王に冊封され、明の大統暦が授与され国交が正式に樹立した。" }
{ "en": "In 1404, he started Japan-Ming trade that took the form of tribute to the Ming emperor. He also was able to suppress Japanese pirates (however, before the Ming's government could dispatch an envoy to convey the emperor's gratitude to the Japanese government, the Seinan War broke out in Ming, Emperor Jianwen abdicated, and Emperor Yongle took the throne).", "ja": "明の皇帝に朝貢する形式をとった勘合貿易を1404年(応永11年)から始め、また明に要請されて倭寇を鎮圧した(なお、返礼の使者を送るまでに靖難の変が起き、建文帝から永楽帝に皇帝が変わっていた)。" }
{ "en": "After the abolition of the embassies to China, in the Japanese aristocratic society, in which an isolation policy was practiced based on a petit Sino centrism, there were accumulated discontent with and criticism of the tribute trade because Japan was treated as vassal to the emperors of Ming; but, as the aristocrats were not able to speak out publicly in the face of the Yoshimitsu's strong influence, they could do nothing but comment on their dissatisfaction in diaries or other documents.", "ja": "遣唐使の廃止以来、独自の小中華思想に基づく孤立政策を採っていた公家社会では明皇帝の臣下となる朝貢貿易に対して不満や批判が多くあったが、義満の権勢の前では公な発言ができず日記などに記すのみであった。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu, who adored Ming culture, pressed the Imperial Court to use the Chinese character 洪 in the name of Japanese eras after the Taizu of Ming, Emperor Hongwu (洪武帝), but this was rejected by for various reasons, including the facts mentioned above.", "ja": "明の文化に心酔していた義満は明の太祖・洪武帝にあやかって日本の年号にも「洪」の字を使うよう朝廷へ圧力をかけたが、上記の理由もあり朝廷側が拒否したため実現しなかった。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu felt offended, and after that, he was never allowed to change the name of the era during his reign, and that is why the Oei was the longest era before Meiji.", "ja": "機嫌を損ねた義満は以後、逆に自分の生きている間には年号を変えさせなかったため応永年号は明治以前では最も長い年号となった。" }
{ "en": "In 1397, he received Hokusantei in Kitayama, Kyoto, from Kintsune SAIONJI, and constructed a mountain villa called Kitayamatei or Kitayamadono (later Rokuon-ji Temple), placing a reliquary in the center.", "ja": "1397年(応永4年)には西園寺公経から京都北山の「北山弟」(ほくさんてい)を譲り受け、舎利殿(金閣)を中心とする山荘(「北山第」(きたやまてい)または「北山殿」(きたやまどの)、後の鹿苑寺)を造営した。" }
{ "en": "The culture of this period is called the Kitayama Culture, where the samurai style, aristocratic style and the Tang style (Zen Buddhism style) were merged.", "ja": "この時代の文化を、武家様・公家様・唐様(禅宗様)が融合した北山文化と呼ぶことも多い。" }
{ "en": "In 1408, he died of a sudden illness in his 51st calendar year (49 years old).", "ja": "1408年(応永15年)、急病のために死去、享年51(満49歳没)。" }
{ "en": "After the death of Yoshimitsu, the title \"Rokuonin Daijohoo (Cloistered Emperor)\" was granted from the Imperial Court, but his son Yoshimochi, who became the fourth Shogun, declined the offer partly because Yoshiyuki (Yoshimasa) SHIBA and others opposed accepting the title (on the other hand, his family temple, Shokoku-ji Temple seems to have accepted the title and therefore, Yoshimitsu's name is registered as \"Rokuonin Daijo Tenno\" in the temple's death register).", "ja": "義満の死後には朝廷から「鹿苑院太上法皇」の称号を贈られるが、4代将軍となった子の義持は斯波義将らの反対もあり辞退している(その一方で相国寺は受け入れたらしく、過去帳に「鹿苑院太上天皇」と記されている)。" }
{ "en": "It is said that during his life Yoshimitsu did not get along well with his son Yoshimochi, and the policies that Yoshimitsu introduced, such as the Imperial Court policy, control of the aristocracy and Shugo Daimyo, and foreign policy including trade with Ming, were denounced by Yshimochi.", "ja": "義満は生前から義持と折り合いが悪かったとされ、対朝廷・公家政策、守護大名統制政策、明との勘合貿易などの外交政策をはじめとする義満の諸政策は義持によって一旦は否定された。" }
{ "en": "In his life, Yoshimitsu was extremely partial to Yoshitsugu ASHIKAGA, his second son, and when Yoshitsugu absconded, Yoshimochi accused him of treason and killed him.", "ja": "義持は義満が偏愛した義満の次男・足利義嗣が出奔した際に、謀反を企てたとして殺害している。" }
{ "en": "Afterwards, the descendants of Yoshitsugu fled to Echizen, and they were called \"Kuradanigosho.\"", "ja": "のちに義嗣の子孫は越前に下り、子孫は鞍谷御所とよばれるようになった。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu's son, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, intended to continue Yoshimitsu's policies when he became the 6th Shogun, but he was assassinated by Mitsusuke AKAMATSU during the Kakitsu War.", "ja": "6代将軍となった子である足利義教は義満の政策を踏襲した施政をはじめるが、嘉吉の乱で赤松満祐に暗殺されたことで頓挫する。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu's grandson, Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA who became the 8th Shogun, also tried to follow his grandfather and father's policies, but as he became disgusted with the Onin War and the puppet administration controlled by his vassals, he lost enthusiasm for political management.", "ja": "孫の8代・足利義政も祖父や父の政治を引き継ごうとしたが、応仁の乱や側近政治の中で嫌気が差し政権運営への情熱をなくしてしまう。" }
{ "en": "The Shugo Daimyos, who had served submissively during Yoshimitsu's reign, began to take a defiant attitude toward the government again.", "ja": "また義満の治世に従順であった有力守護大名も、再び幕府に対して反抗的な態度をとりはじめる。" }
{ "en": "Yoshinari TANAKA, Akira IMATANI, and others propose a theory that Yoshimitsu had an intention to usurp the imperial throne; and based on this theory, some novelists including Chogoro KAIONJI and Motohiko IZAWA present their opinion that Yoshimitsu's sudden death might confirm that he was assassinated to interrupt his plot.", "ja": "田中義成、今谷明らは義満が皇位簒奪する意図を持っていたのではないかとする説を唱えており、これを受けて作家の海音寺潮五郎、井沢元彦らは義満の死が突然だったため、これは義満の皇位簒奪を阻止するための暗殺ではないかとの意見を提示している。" }
{ "en": "Yoshimitsu, from his younger days, was accustomed to using wither of two stylized signatures according to the situation, one for samurai affairs and the other for aristocratic affairs. He also made his second wife, Yasuko, become the Emperor Go-Komatsu's junbo (mother next to the Empress, treated as his mother), then made her a Nyoin (wife of a former Emperor or princess who received the same treatment as Emperors). He also forced the nobles to offer their wives to him.", "ja": "義満は早くから花押を武家用と公家用に使い分けたり、2番目の妻である康子を後小松天皇の准母(天皇の母扱い)ついで女院にしたり、公家衆の妻を自分に差し出させたりしていた。" }
{ "en": "He also usurped various authorities, such as those for rituals and for personnel affairs, from the Imperial Family. In April 1408, one month before his death, he carried out the ceremony of Genpuku (coming-of-age ceremony for boys) for his second son, Yoshitsugu, on a scale comparable to ceremonies for an imperial prince.", "ja": "また祭祀権・叙任権(人事権)などの諸権力を天皇家から奪い、死の1ヶ月前の1408年(応永15年)4月には宮中において次男・義嗣の元服を親王並みに行った。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that all of this was done by Yoshimitsu with the intention of usurping the throne, and becoming Ming's hosaku is also supposed to have been planned as a part of his plot, in order to make use of external pressure on the imperial court.", "ja": "これらは義満が皇位の簒奪を企てていたためであり、明による日本国王冊封も当時の明の外圧を利用しての簒奪計画の一環であると推測している。" }
{ "en": "Those who support the assassination theory suspect that Yoshimitsu was poisoned by the Imperial Court, who wanted to prevent his usurpation (IZAWA deduces in his novel that the assassin was Zeami).", "ja": "また暗殺説を取る各氏は、簒奪を阻止しようとした朝廷側による毒殺であると疑っている(井沢は著作で犯人を世阿弥と推理)。" }
{ "en": "There is another theory in which Yoshimochi's side was worried about the future succession due to Yoshimitsu's excessive partiality to Yoshitsugu.", "ja": "また、他には義満の義嗣偏愛によって将来が不安視された義持の陣営による暗殺と見る説もある。" }
{ "en": "However, there were no descriptions in any documents of that period, such as nobles' diaries, indicating suspicion that the actions taken by Yoshimitsu had been a part of his plot or that he was assassinated, and therefore, they cannot offer any direct evidence either.", "ja": "しかし、当時の公家の日記などには義満の行為が皇位簒奪計画の一環であるとしたりその死を暗殺と疑った記録はなく、皇位簒奪計画や義満暗殺の直接の証拠はない。" }
{ "en": "By the way, usurpation here does not mean that Yoshimitsu himself wanted to take to the throne, but he wanted to take authority from the emperors by acquiring power as a sort of retired sovereign, and intended to hold real power even after his retirement.", "ja": "なお、皇位簒奪とは義満みずからが天皇に即位するわけではなく治天の君(実権をもち院政を行う上皇のこと)となって王権(天皇の権力)を簒奪することを意味している。" }
{ "en": "He tried to make his second son, Yoshitsugu, accede to the throne, while he himself, being his father, intended to be a retired sovereign.", "ja": "次男・義嗣を天皇にして、自らは天皇の父親として上皇になろうとしたというのである" }
{ "en": "IMATANI supposes that Yoshimitsu was strongly influenced by China (Ming), but he did not subscribe to idea that incumbent emperors could be overthrown by decree of heaven, instead making use of \"Yamataishi,\" a popular prophecy of the time.", "ja": "今谷は義満は中国(明)の影響を強く受けていたが、易姓革命思想ではなく当時流行した『野馬台詩』を利用していたのではないかと推測する。" }
{ "en": "This verse is known as a prophecy, where it is predicted that the imperial reign would count 100 emperors, and according today's study, the Emperor Go-Komatsu is considered to be the 100th emperor.", "ja": "この詩は予言として知られており、天皇は100代現在では後小松天皇が100代目とされている。" }
{ "en": "However, because the reigns of the Kobun, Junnin, and Chukyo were not recognized at the time, and the Muromachi Shogunate naturally saw the Northern Court as legitimate, Emperor Go-Komatsu was considered to be the 99th.", "ja": "しかし当時は弘文天皇、淳仁天皇、仲恭天皇の即位を認めておらず、また室町幕府は当然北朝を正統としていたから後小松天皇で99代目となる。" }
{ "en": "But, if the temporary unification of Emperor Go-Murakami in the Shohei unification during the Civil war of Kanno is counted, then Emperor Go-Komatsu is the 100th emperor.", "ja": "ただし、観応の擾乱正平一統による後村上天皇への一時的な統一を認めるならば後小松天皇でやはり100代目になる。" }
{ "en": "Thus, it could be interpreted to mean that Japan would be ruined after a monkey or dog had been called a hero.", "ja": "で終わり、サルやイヌがヒーローを称した末に日本は滅ぶと解釈できる内容だった。" }
{ "en": "The idea that the imperial reign terminates with the 100th emperor is documented in Gukansho by Jien and other writings, and is supposed to have been widely accepted.", "ja": "「終末論天皇」と呼ばれる天皇が100代で終わるという終末思想は慈円『愚管抄』などに記録されており、幅広く浸透していたことが推測できる。" }
{ "en": "Ujimitsu ASHIKAGA, the Kamakura Kubo, was born in the year of the monkey, according to the Chinese zodiac (nowadays, he is considered to have been born in the year of boar), while Yoshimitsu was born in the year of dog; therefore, there was an interpretation that the monkey and the dog represent these two people.", "ja": "鎌倉公方の足利氏満は申年(しかし現在では亥年生まれとされる)生まれ、義満は戌年生まれだから猿や犬とは2人のことであるという解釈もされていた。" }
{ "en": "January 7, 1367 - conferred Jugoi no ge.", "ja": "1367年1月7日(正平21年/貞治5年12月7日(旧暦))、従五位下に叙す。" }
{ "en": "December 24 - promoted to Shogoi no jo.", "ja": "12月24日(正平22年/貞治6年12月3日(旧暦))、正五位下に昇叙。" }
{ "en": "May 2, 1398 - held his coming-of-age ceremony, and took the name Yoshimitsu.", "ja": "1368年5月2日(正平23年/応安元年4月15日(旧暦))、元服し、義満と名乗る。" }
{ "en": "January 28, 1369 - declared Seii Taishogun.", "ja": "1369年1月28日(正平23年/応安元年12月30日(旧暦))、征夷大将軍宣下。" }
{ "en": "January 7, 1374 - promoted to Jushii no ge and given secondary post of Sangi.", "ja": "1374年1月7日(文中2年/応安6年11月25日(旧暦))、従四位下に昇叙し、参議に補任。" }
{ "en": "December 13, 1375 - promoted to Jusanmi.", "ja": "1375年12月13日(天授元年/永和元年11月20日(旧暦))、従三位に昇叙。" }
{ "en": "April 21, 1378 - post changed to Gon Dainagon", "ja": "1378年4月21日(天授4年/永和4年3月24日(旧暦))、権大納言に転任。" }
{ "en": "January 2, 1379 - promoted to Junii", "ja": "1379年1月2日(天授4年/永和4年12月13日(旧暦))、従二位に昇叙。" }
{ "en": "February 11, 1380 - promoted to Juichii.", "ja": "1380年2月11日(天授6年/康暦2年1月5日(旧暦))、従一位に昇叙。" }
{ "en": "August 13, 1381 - post changed to Naidaijin", "ja": "1381年8月13日(弘和元年/永徳元年7月23日(旧暦))、内大臣に転任。" }
{ "en": "February 9, 1382 - post changed to Sadaijin", "ja": "1382年2月9日(弘和2年/永徳2年1月26日(旧暦))、左大臣に転任。" }
{ "en": "February 16, 1383 - also took on the post of Genji Chojain and Junwa Shogakuin Betto.", "ja": "1383年2月16日(弘和3年/永徳3年1月14日(旧暦))、源氏長者、淳和奨学両院別当兼務。" }
{ "en": "April 8, 1384 - resigned as Ukonoe no Daisho", "ja": "1384年4月8日(元中元年/至徳元年3月17日(旧暦))、右近衛大将辞任。" }
{ "en": "June 30, 1388 - resigned as Minister of the Left", "ja": "1388年6月30日(元中5年/嘉慶2年5月26日(旧暦))、左大臣辞任。" }
{ "en": "February 7 - returned to the post of Minister of the Left", "ja": "1393年2月7日(元中9年/明徳3年12月26日(旧暦))、左大臣還任。" }
{ "en": "January 8, 1395 - resigned as Seii Taishogun.", "ja": "1395年1月8日(応永元年12月17日(旧暦))、征夷大将軍辞職。" }
{ "en": "July 7 - became a priest (by the name of Doyu, later changed to Dogi)", "ja": "7月7日(6月20日(旧暦))、出家(道有を号し、のち、道義と改める)。" }
{ "en": "August 20, 1404 - Ming designated him as the Sovereign of Japan.", "ja": "1402年8月20日(応永9年9月5日(旧暦))、明より日本国王に封ぜらる。" }
{ "en": "USUI, Nobuyoshi. (1989). Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Yoshikawa kobunkan People series. Yoshikawa Kobunkan. ISBN 4642051503.", "ja": "臼井信義『足利義満』(吉川弘文館人物叢書、1989年(平成元年)新装版)ISBN4642051503" }
{ "en": "IMATANI, Akira. (1990). Muromachi no Oken: Ashikaga Yoshimitsu no Oken Sandatsu. Chuko Shinsho. ISBN 4121009789.", "ja": "今谷明『室町の王権足利義満の王権簒奪計画』(中公新書、1990年(平成2年))ISBN4121009789" }
{ "en": "SATO, Shinichi. (1994). Ashikaga Yoshimitsu: Chusei Oken e no Chosen. Heibonsha Library. ISBN 4582760627.", "ja": "佐藤進一『足利義満中世王権への挑戦』(平凡社ライブラリー、1994年(平成6年))ISBN4582760627" }
{ "en": "IZAWA, Motohiko. (1998). A Shogun Who Wanted to Be An Emperor: Taiheiki Thereafter - The Mystery of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. Shogakkan Bunko. ISBN 4094023011.", "ja": "井沢元彦『天皇になろうとした将軍それからの大平記足利義満のミステリー』(小学館文庫、1998年(平成10年))ISBN4094023011" }
{ "en": "IZAWA, Motohiko. (2003). Paradoxical Japanese History (7) King's Power in the Middle Ages - The Mystery of Taiheiki and the Southern and Northern Courts. Shogakkan Bunko. ISBN 4094020071.", "ja": "井沢元彦『逆説の日本史(7)中世王権編太平記と南北朝の謎』(小学館文庫、2003年(平成15年))ISBN4094020071" }
{ "en": "ABE, Ryutaro. (1995). \"Basara Shogun.\" Muromachikaden. Bungei Shunju/Basara Shogun. Bunshun Bunko.", "ja": "安部龍太郎『バサラ将軍』(文藝春秋『室町花伝』/文春文庫『バサラ将軍』収録、1995年(平成7年))" }
{ "en": "HIRAIWA, Yumiko. (2000). Throne of Lion - Biography of Yoshimitsu Ashikaga. Chuokoron Shinsha.", "ja": "平岩弓枝『獅子の座足利義満伝』(中央公論新社/文春文庫、2000年(平成12年))" }
{ "en": "SAKAGUCHI, Hisashi. (1993-1996). Akkanbe Ikkyu. Kodansha.", "ja": "坂口尚『あっかんべェ一休』(講談社、1993~1996年(平成5~8年))" }
{ "en": "TV Animation Program. (broadcast 1975-1982). Ikkyu-san (Toei Doga), wherein Yoshimitsu appears as Shogun. Voice Actor: Keaton Yamada.", "ja": "1975年~1982年(昭和50~57年)に放映されたTVアニメ『一休さん』(東映動画製作)では、将軍として義満(声優:キートン山田)が登場する。" }
{ "en": "Located in the Higashiyama Ward of Kyoto City, Sanjyo-Keihan Station is a stop on the Tozai Line, a Kyoto Municipal Subway Line.", "ja": "三条京阪駅(さんじょうけいはんえき)は、京都市東山区にある、京都市営地下鉄東西線の鉄道駅。" }
{ "en": "The platform is located on the fourth underground level, as are the platforms of other stations on the Tozai Line. Equipped with safety measures, the platform is what is known as an 'Island Platform,' which is a single platform between double tracks (one platform serving two tracks that run in opposite directions).", "ja": "ホームは地下4層にあり、他の東西線の駅と同様、複線島式ホーム(1面2線)で、プラットホーム安全対策が設置されている。" }
{ "en": "Each station on the Tozai Line has its own color, and the color used at Sanjyo-Keihan Station is scarlet tinged with purple.", "ja": "東西線の駅は駅ごとにステーションカラーが制定されているが、三条京阪駅のステーションカラーは牡丹色。" }
{ "en": "Kyoto City Bus and other public transport firms have been calling this spot \"Sanjyo-Keihan\" since before the subway line was opened.", "ja": "地下鉄開業以前から、京都市営バス等ではこの地点名を「三条京阪」と呼んでいる。" }
{ "en": "The municipal subway chose to use the name Sanjyo-Keihan because Keihan was the name of another railway company and there was already a station named Sanjyo in Kyoto prefecture.", "ja": "京阪電気鉄道の三条駅(京都府)ではなく市営地下鉄のほうが三条京阪駅と他社の名前を名乗っている。" }
{ "en": "The Keihan Keishin Line uses the same tracks as the Tozai Line. They originally planned to share the tracks to this station because the Keihan Keishin Line ran between Misasagi Station and this station, which was above ground at the time. However, as they were unable to secure enough space around this area for a turnaround, the Keihan Keishin Line decided to extend the shared section to the next station, Kyoto Shiyakusyo-mae, when Sanjyo-Keihan Station was opened. (They later extended the shared section even further to Uzumasa Tenjingawa Station when the Tozai Line was extended to that station in 2008.)", "ja": "なお、東西線に乗り入れている京阪京津線は元々御陵駅よりこの駅の地上を走っていたことから、当初はこの駅までの乗り入れを予定していたが、この付近では折返し運転をするのに必要なスペースが確保できなかったため、開業時は一つ先の京都市役所前駅までの乗り入れとなった(その後、2008年に東西線が太秦天神川駅へ延長された時に、同駅まで乗り入れ区間が延長されている)。" }
{ "en": "Higashiyama Station (station number: T10), owned and controlled by Kyoto Prefecture---Sanjyo-Keihan Station (station number: T11)---Kyoto Shiyakusyo-mae Station (station number: T12)", "ja": "東山駅_(京都府)(T10)-三条京阪駅(T11)-京都市役所前駅(T12)" }
{ "en": "Sanyodo (Senyodo or Kagetomo-no-michi) can mean:", "ja": "山陽道(さんようどう、せんようどう、かげとものみち)、影面道、光面道(かげとものみち)" }
{ "en": "The region west of Kinai and along the Seto Inland Sea, from present-day West Hyogo Prefecture to Yamaguchi Prefecture, was collectively called Sanyodo.", "ja": "畿内の西に位置し、現在の兵庫県西部から山口県までに至る瀬戸内海沿岸を総称した。" }
{ "en": "During the Ritsuryo period the Sanyodo connected Kinai (Naniwa-kyo, Heijo-kyo, and Heian-kyo) and North Kyushu (Dazaifu and Hakata).", "ja": "律令制時代の道路としての山陽道は、畿内(難波京、平城京、平安京)と北部九州(大宰府、博多)を結んでいた。" }
{ "en": "The Sanyodo was only the first graded highway among the Shichido, and as such it was regarded as the most important because of the expected passage and stays of foreign missions.", "ja": "外国の使節が通行し、宿泊する事が想定されたため、七道の中で唯一の大路に格付けされ、最重視された。" }
{ "en": "The ancient Sanyodo was approximately six to nine meters wide and generally straight in such a way that Kokufu and other areas throughout the region could be connected efficiently.", "ja": "古代の山陽道は道幅約6mから9m、道筋は直線的で、各国の国府を効率良く結んでいた。" }
{ "en": "The Edo shogunate improved the Sanyodo as part of its road maintenance policy, which focused on five major highways.", "ja": "江戸幕府は、五街道を筆頭にする街道整備政策の延長線上に、山陽道の整備を置いた。" }
{ "en": "During the Edo period, the Sanyodo (otherwise known as Saigoku-kaido) connected Kyoto to Shimonoseki City and further extended to Kokura City by crossing the Kammon-kaikyo Strait from Shimonoseki.", "ja": "江戸時代の山陽道は西国街道とも呼ばれており、京都と下関市を結んでおり、下関から関門海峡を越えて小倉市へと至った。" }
{ "en": "During the Meiji period, the Sanyodo of the Edo period and earlier became a section of National Highway 3 connecting Tokyo City and Kobe City (separating from National Highway 2 in Kyoto City); and of National Highway 4 connecting Tokyo and Nagasaki City; during the Taisho period it was integrated into National Highway 2 connecting Tokyo and Kagoshima City (separating from National Highway 1 in Mie Prefecture).", "ja": "江戸時代までの山陽道は、明治時代には東京市と神戸市を結ぶ国道3号(2号から京都市で分岐)、および、東京と長崎市を結ぶ国道4号の一部になり、大正時代には東京と鹿児島市を結ぶ国道2号(1号から三重県で分岐)の一部になった。" }
{ "en": "The Sanyodo has been passed down to National Highway 2 today, which connects Osaka City and Kita Kyushu City.", "ja": "現在では、山陽道は、大阪市と北九州市を結ぶ国道2号に引き継がれている。" }
{ "en": "National Highway 2 from Okayama City (Okayama Prefecture) to Fukuyama City (Hiroshima Prefecture) takes a very different route (Kamogata-orai Route).", "ja": "岡山県岡山市~広島県福山市にかけての国道2号は大幅に異なるルート(鴨方往来)を通る。" }
{ "en": "The Sanyo Jidoshado Expressway and the railway lines of the Sanyo Main Line and the Sanyo Shinkansen Line roughly follow the historical Sanyodo.", "ja": "また、鉄道の山陽本線や山陽新幹線、高速道路の山陽自動車道も、ほぼ古来の山陽道に沿って敷設されている。" }
{ "en": "The Sanyodo has served its function of connecting the Kinki region and Kyushu since the Ritsuryo period, and it continues in that manner today.", "ja": "現代においても、近畿地方と九州を結ぶ機能を律令時代から維持し続けている。" }
{ "en": "When people say \"Sanyodo\" today, they are generally referring to the Sanyo Jidoshado Highway.", "ja": "現在において「山陽道」と呼んだ場合には、「山陽自動車道」のことを指す。" }
{ "en": "The historical Sanyodo and the roads running in parallel with it are collectively called \"Old Sanyodo\" in Okayama Prefecture and East Hiroshima Prefecture, because National Highway 2 does not follow it between Okayama City (Okayama Prefecture) and Fukuyama City (Hiroshima Prefecture).", "ja": "岡山県岡山市~広島県福山市にかけて、国道2号がかつての山陽道を踏襲していないこともあって、かつての山陽道やそれに並行する道路は「旧山陽道」と呼ぶのが岡山県や広島県東部では、一般的となっている。" }
{ "en": "It used to belong to Tendai Sect, but since 1949 it became independent and is now the Head Temple of Kurama-kokyo Sect.", "ja": "宗派はもと天台宗に属したが、1949年以降独立して鞍馬弘教総本山となっている。" }
{ "en": "\"Sonten\" is said to be the Honzon that is a Trinity of Vaisravana, Saharabhuja and Goho Maoson.", "ja": "「尊天」とは、毘沙門天、千手観音、護法魔王尊の三身一体の本尊であるという。" }
{ "en": "Is located at the north of Kyoto Basin, on the sourthern slope of Mount Kurama, where rich natural environment remains.", "ja": "京都盆地の北に位置し、豊かな自然環境を残す鞍馬山の南斜面に位置する。" }
{ "en": "Kurama is also famous as the place where Ushiwakamaru (MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune) trained himself, and it is also known as the setting for Jiro OSARAGI's book, \"Kurama Tengu.\"", "ja": "鞍馬は牛若丸(源義経)が修行をした地として著名であり、大佛次郎の『鞍馬天狗』でも知られる。" }
{ "en": "It operates a cable car (Mount Kurama Cable Railway) transportation to Kurama Temple, and it is the only religious corporation which operates a railway business.", "ja": "なお、鞍馬寺への輸送機関としてケーブルカー(鞍馬山鋼索鉄道)を運営しており、宗教法人としては唯一の鉄道事業者ともなっている。" }
{ "en": "Various books including \"Konjaku Monogatarishu\" and \"Fusoryakuki\" describe the beginning of Kurama Temple, and it is said that a person named FUJIWARA no Isendo, who came from Fujiwara Nanke and served as the Head of Zoto-ji Temple, enshrined Vaisravana and sahasrabhuja, and built Kurama Temple.", "ja": "鞍馬寺の草創については、『今昔物語集』、『扶桑略記』など諸書に見られ、延暦15年(796年)、藤原南家の出身で造東寺長官を務めた藤原伊勢人という人物が毘沙門天と千手観音を安置して創建したとされている。" }
{ "en": "However, \"Anbagaiji engi\", handed down for many generations in the temple, tells another story about the start of the temple, which is that Gantei, a high disciple of Ganjin, built a cottage in the 1st Year of Hoki, and enshrined Vaisravana.", "ja": "しかし、寺に伝わる『鞍馬蓋寺縁起』(あんばがいじえんぎ)には別の草創縁起を伝えており、鑑真の高弟鑑禎(がんてい)が宝亀元年(770年)に草庵を結び、毘沙門天を安置したのが始まりという。" }
{ "en": "One night, in the third year of Hoki, Gantei saw a spiritual dream, which told him that there is a spiritual mountain in the north of Yamashiro Province.", "ja": "宝亀3年(772年)のある夜、鑑禎は霊夢を見、山城国の北方に霊山があると告げられる。" }
{ "en": "Gantei, who set off to visit the spiritual mountain, saw a white horse with a saddle made by treasures on top of a mountain.", "ja": "霊山を尋ねて出かけた鑑禎は、ある山の上方に宝の鞍を乗せた白馬の姿を見る。" }
{ "en": "Gantei, on entering the mountain, was attacked and nearly killed by an ogre who took the form of a woman, but when he was in extreme danger, a dead tree fell down and crushed the ogre.", "ja": "山に入った鑑禎は女形の鬼に襲われ殺されそうになるが、あわやという時、枯れ木が倒れてきて鬼はつぶされてしまった。" }
{ "en": "The next morning, a statue of Vaisravana was there, and it is said that Gantei built a temple to worship this statue.", "ja": "翌朝になると、そこには毘沙門天の像があったので、鑑禎はこれを祀る一寺を建立したという。" }
{ "en": "This story about Gantei is only seen in \"Anbagaiji engi\", and it is not clear how far it tells an actual historical event.", "ja": "この鑑禎の話は『鞍馬蓋寺縁起』以外の書物には見えず、どこまで史実を伝えるものかわからない。" }
{ "en": "Nevertheless, it is notable that a priest of South Capital (Nara) took part in establishing the temple, as in the case of the establishment of KiyomizuTemple.", "ja": "ただし、清水寺の草創縁起と同様、南都(奈良)の僧が創建にかかわったとしている点は注目される。" }