Considering the magnitude of the problem and some new disturbing trends (such as trafficking in children from Romania, Albania, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and growing child sex tourism to these countries from Western Europe), decisive measures must be taken urgently to make legislation and law enforcement more effective.
Change the given sentences from Russian to English format.
Ввиду масштабности этой проблемы и некоторых новых тревожных тенденций (таких, как торговля детьми из Румынии, Албании, Республики Молдова, Украины и Российской Федерации, а также рост детского секс-туризма в эти страны из Западной Европы) необходимо в экстренном порядке принять решительные меры для повышения эффективности законодательства и системы правоприменения.
Citric acid is not the only substance which can act as an electrolyte – sodium chloride or almost any other water-soluble salt can do it too.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
Citronensäure ist übrigens nicht die einzige Substanz, die als Elektrolyt fungieren kann. Gleiches gilt für Natriumchlorid oder fast jedes andere wasserlösliche Salz.
Guests can literally taste the past in DDR restaurant Domklause, located on the Spree. The restaurant is located on the same block as the infamous Palasthotel, where the Stasi would welcome its important guests during the days of the DDR, and recreates the hotel ’ s original recipes.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
Besucher können im DDR-Restaurant Domklause an der Spree sprichwörtlich eine Kostprobe der Vergangenheit nehmen: Das Restaurant befindet sich in demselben Block wie das berühmt-berüchtigte Palasthotel, in dem die Stasi zu DDR-Zeiten wichtige Gäste empfing, und hier werden die Originalrezepte des Hotels rekonstruiert.
As for rides, classics get a California-centric twist, such as the Artichoke Dip (think spinning tea cups) and the Garlic Twirl (a Gilroy-specific take on the classic tilt-a-whirl).
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
What do the following sentences mean in Chinese?
Li Shanshan | Vice Director (based in Beijing) Since graduating with a Masters in Transportation Engineering from Kunming University of Science and Technology, Li Shanshan worked in Zhejiang Enjoyor Electronics Co., where she mainly focused intelligent transportation system design.
 By the end of the workshop, participants had learned to sing three different compositions in Hindustani style and practised voice modulation, followed by a discussion session. Facebook Linkedin 2.7 On 16 November 2001, the complainant filed a second asylum application with the Swiss Embassy in Colombo and justified his failure to attend the interview on 16 March 2001 as follows: the night before the interview, security forces had been searching for him, thereby forcing him to go into hiding.
转调 means modulation Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
在工作坊的最后部份,参加者学习以印度斯坦尼风格,唱出三首不同歌曲和转调,并接著进行讨论。FacebookLinkedin 2.72001年11月16日,申诉人又一次向驻科伦坡的瑞士使馆提出庇护申请,并说明他于2001年3月16日未能前往面谈的理由如下:面谈前一晚,安全部队正在搜捕他,因此他被迫藏了起来。
Find also his / her similar artists: the artists that are close to the musical universe of Latoya Jackson: The Jackson Five, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, La Toya Jackson, La Toya. (In other places livestock perishes on such an occasion because pastures die underneath the dust, an equally heavy blow for all gauchos, the traditional Patagonian cowboys).
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Finden Sie ebenfalls seine ähnlichen Künstler wieder: die Künstler, die nah am musikalischen Universum sind von Latoya Jackson: The Jackson Five, Jermaine Jackson, Marlon Jackson, La Toya Jackson, La Toya. (In anderen Gegenden verendet bei solchen Gelegenheiten das Vieh, weil die Weiden unter dem Staub sterben – ein nicht weniger schwerer Schlag für alle Gauchos, die traditionellen Viehhirten Patagoniens).
The larger right-wing extremist parties, such as the German National Democratic Party (National Demokratische Partei Deutschlands, NPD), German People's Union (Deutsche Volksunion, DVU) and the Republicans, have all sided with Mr. Sarrazin. Areas depleted of woody vegetation cover by fuel wood cutting, excessive logging or overgrazing are becoming increasingly susceptible to fire, especially in extreme drought periods.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format.
德国国家民主党(NPD)、德国人民联盟(DVU)和共和党等大型右翼极端政党,都支持萨拉钦先生。 因薪材砍伐、过度采伐或过度放牧而耗竭了木质植被的地区,越来越易受到火灾影响,特别是在极端干旱时期。
Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format.
But Paikkala enthusiastically explains that her work is not all about digging into dusty archives: "I often have to deal with email or phone enquiries when people are looking for the etymology of a surname, or feel they need a completely new surname."
The Commission commended the Government and the opposition leaders on overcoming their differences and reaching agreement on a number of critical issues, including the role of the ruling and opposition parties, the setting up of mechanisms to investigate the March violence, and the strengthening of important democratic institutions, in particular the Parliament, the Political Parties Registration Commission, and the Independent Media Commission.
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
In 1995 the British scientist made a break-through discovery when he found that porous elemental silicon is not only biodegradable, but also biocompatible (non-toxic).
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
1995 gelang dem britischen Wissenschaftler ein Durchbruch, als er entdeckte, dass poröses elementares Silicium nicht nur biologisch abbaubar, sondern auch bioverträglich (ungiftig) ist.
These diamonds in the sky have always known how to attract the fascination of human beings, to make them dream and to inspire their imagination: STARS.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
Die Diamanten des Himmels verstanden es schon immer, die Faszination der Menschen auf sich zu ziehen, sie zum Träumen zu veranlassen und ihre Phantasie zu beflügeln: STERNE.
Benzocaine, which is quite effective when the local application and its toxic dose of more than about 200 mg, has a start time of about 30 seconds and a duration of from about one half to about one hour. In addition, through this mobile app, passengers are now able to purchase train tickets online. The process of booking and payment is completely safe because it requires the use of special protection systems for work with plastic cards and PIN codes.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? The given word translations should be used.
Бензокаин, который является довольно эффективным при местном применении и его токсичная доза составляет более чем около 200 мг, имеет время начала действия около 30 секунд и продолжительность действия от около половины до около одного часа. Кроме того, через это мобильное приложение пассажирам теперь доступна возможность покупки железнодорожных билетов онлайн. Процесс бронирования и оплаты полностью безопасен, поскольку предусматривает использование специальных систем защиты для работы с пластиковыми картами и ПИН-кодов.
Heart attacks and strokes are caused by the build-up of fatty material in artery walls to form a plaque.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
1999 absolvierte sie als Stipendiatin des japanischen Kulturministeriums ein Zusatzstudium an der Universität fur Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien bei José Vazquez (Viola da gamba), Ingomar Rainer (Cembalo) und Elzbieta Wiedner-Zajac (Klavier). Nach der Niederlage Chinas im Zweiten Opiumkrieg 1861 wurde der Vertrag von Tianjin unterzeichnet. Dieser verpflichtete China zur Öffnung des Reiches für den Handel mit verschiedenen europäischen Staaten, Preußen inbegriffen.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
In 1999 she finished additional studies at the University of Music in Vienna with José Vazquez (Viola da gamba), Ingomar Rainer (Cembalo) and Elzbieta Wiedner-Zajac (Klavier) as a stipendiate of the Japanese Ministery of Culture. In 1861, following China's defeat in the Second Opium War, the Treaty of Tientsin was signed, which opened formal commercial relations between various European states, including Prussia, with China.
Diagnose panniculitis by clinical evaluation (including presence of tender, red, subcutaneous nodules) and confirm with excisional biopsy. Her compositions, influenced by jazz as well as flamenco and copla andaluza, bespeak great emotional depth and devotion.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Die Diagnose der Pannikulitis erfolgt aufgrund einer klinischen Bewertung (einschließlich des Auftretens zarter, roter, subkutaner Knötchen) und wird mit einer Exzisionsbiopsie bestätigt. Ihre von Jazz ebenso wie von Flamenco und Copla andaluza beeinflussten Kompositionen zeugen von großer emotionalen Tiefe und Hingabe.
Die Felsen von Belogradtschik, das Schloss „Verliebt in den Wind“ in Rawadinowo, der Ethnografische Komplex Etara bei Gabrowo und die Gemeinde Sandanski sind nur Teil der Destinationen, die Preise als Anerkennung für die Entwicklung ihres touristischen Produkts erhalten haben. Eine solche Untersuchung ist aber nicht einfach: Das liegt auch daran, dass Zuwanderer ihren Zielort normalerweise nicht zufällig aussuchen, sondern nach wirtschaftlichen oder anderen Kriterien.
In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The Belogradchik Rocks, the "In Love with the Wind" castle in Ravadinovo, the ethnographic complex "Etar" near Gabrovo and the municipality of Sandanski, were only a part of the destinations awarded for the development of their tourist product in recent years. Such an investigation can prove quite challenging, however, partly because migrants do not normally choose their destination at random, but rather according to economic or other criteria.
Между тем, саудиты, которые финансировали повстанцев, воюющих против президента Сирии Башара Асада, сейчас сотрудничают с Россией, пытаясь уговорить оппозицию объединиться для мирных переговоров — что, вероятно, лишь укрепит позиции сирийского лидера.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Meanwhile the Saudis, who had financed rebels fighting against Assad, are cooperating with Russia in coaxing the opposition to unite for peace talks – which will likely cement the Syrian leader in power.
Detainees interviewed by the mission complained about the poor quality of the food and water, skin rashes and the inadequate sanitation conditions in their cells, which were infested with insects. The tunes range in style, including "jazzy" and "new age", and in tempo from slow, somber pieces to more upbeat rhythms.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
调查团会见的被拘留者控诉说,食物和水的质量低下,发生皮疹,牢房卫生条件差,蚊虫肆虐。 曲調風格範圍包括“爵士”與“新世紀”,以及從緩慢、憂鬱到更歡快的節拍。
Он сказал: "Это исторический и символический момент в строительстве Квинсферри Кроссинг.
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format.
He said: "This is a historic and symbolic moment in the building of the Queensferry Crossing.
Кого-то родители увезли в другую страну еще в детстве, не оставив выбора.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version.
Some were brought to a different country by their parents during childhood, leaving no choice.
2. По данным Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР), при сохранении нынешней политики к 2050 году совокупная потребность в инвестициях в наземную транспортную инфраструктуру прогнозируется на уровне 45 трлн. долл. США (или в среднем 3 трлн. долл. США в год). Посол Китая в США, Цуй Тянькай, на пресс-конференции в понедельник заявил, что двусторонний пакт инвестиций станет очень важной темой предстоящих переговоров.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form.
2. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), cumulative investment needs in land transport infrastructure are projected to reach 45 trillion United States dollars by 2050 (or US $3 trillion per year on average), under current policies. The Chinese ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, said in a Monday news conference that the bilateral investment pact will be a very important topic for the upcoming talks.
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing study how cells age over the course of their lifespan, the genes that contribute to the process and the environmental factors involved. Compared with the round tube, the special-shaped tube has a large inertia moment and section modulus, has a larger bending, torsional ability, can greatly reduce the structure of weight, saving steel.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut für Biologie des Alterns erforschen, wie Zellen im Laufe ihres Lebens altern, welche Gene daran beteiligt sind und welche Rolle Umweltfaktoren spielen. Verglichen mit dem runden Rohr hat das speziell geformte Rohr ein großes Trägheitsmoment und ein größeres Widerstandsmoment, eine größere Biegung und Torsionsfähigkeit, kann die Gewichtsstruktur erheblich reduzieren und spart Stahl.
This place is very close to where the admiral Christopher Columbus, and his caravels, disembarked for the first time in Cuba in 1492.
karavelle means caravel Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Dieser Ort liegt in der Nähe der Stelle, an der 1492 Admiral Christoph Kolumbus mit seiner Karavelle erstmalig in Kuba gelandet ist.
Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements.
16. The Government of Mauritius observed that its economy has grown in recent years despite the global economic crisis; however, competition spurred by globalization makes it difficult for young people, in particular the poor and those without adequate training and education, to find employment.
Река Магдалена — крупнейшая река Колумбии (длиной 1550 км), беря начало в Андах, она протекает на западе Колумбии.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
The Magdalena river (Spanish Río Madalena) — the largest river in Colombia (1550 km), taking origin in the Andes. it flows in the West of Colombia.
On December 19, 2019, a Reception was held at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Moscow to mark the 20th Anniversary of the return of Macao to China and the founding of the Macao Special administrative region.
Please share the English version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
19 декабря 2019 года в Посольстве Китайской Народной Республики в Москве состоялся торжественный прием по случаю 20-летнего юбилея возвращения Аомэнь (Макао) в лоно Китая и основания Специального административного района Аомэнь.
Many wealthy or rich people have recognized long ago that prosperity and wealth mean social responsibility, that luck and satisfaction walk along, unavoidably, with generosity, magnanimity and empathy. When selling, trading in or transferring ownership of your Land Rover privately, you must remove your vehicle from your InControl account. It consists of two synthetic hormones, gestodene and ethinylestradiol, which mimic the action of progesterone and oestrogen.
großmut means magnanimity.gestoden means gestodene Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Viele wohlhabende oder reiche Menschen haben längst erkannt, dass Wohlstand und Reichtum soziale Verantwortung bedeuten, dass Glück und Zufriedenheit unumgänglich mit Großzügigkeit, Großmut und Empathie einhergeht. Wenn Sie Ihren Land Rover verkaufen, in Zahlung geben oder die Eigentümerschaft an eine andere Privatperson übertragen wollen, müssen Sie Ihr Fahrzeug aus Ihrem InControl Account entfernen. Sie besteht aus zwei synthetischen Hormonen, Gestodene und Ethinylestradiol, welche die Wirkung von Progesteron und Östrogen imitieren.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
Please provide further information on the current number of shelters and information / reception units throughout the country, their admission criteria, whether they are equipped to receive women with disabilities or children with disabilities, the mode of financing them, including the financial support of victims while in shelters, and whether shelters are available and accessible in all regions.
Moreover, the supporting grids are very easy to disassemble, and maintenance work can be carried via manholes. Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans, Louisiana: New Orleans had previously hosted 10 Super Bowls, with the last being Super Bowl XLVII in 2013.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English.
而且它们易于拆卸,维护工作也可通过人孔进行。 梅賽德斯-賓士超級巨蛋,路易斯安娜州新奧爾良:新奧爾良曾舉行十次超級碗,最近一次為2013年第四十七屆超級盃。
如果她透露她喜欢圆形钻石,那么圆形钻石和椭圆形钻石是非常好的选择。 此外,公用服务消费有所增长:用水量增长6.0%,达到16.2086亿加仑(2005/2006为15.2952亿加仑);耗电量增长21.65%,达到4.5604亿千瓦小时。
Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements.
If she has let on that she loves rounded diamonds, then the round brilliant diamond and the oval diamond are very good choices. Furthermore, the consumption of utility services increased: water usage expanded by 6.0 per cent to 1,620.86 million gallons (from 1,529.52 million gallons in 2005 / 06), while electricity consumption rose by 21.65 per cent to 456.04 million kilowatt-hours.
Wenn Sie im Scandic Asker übernachten, können Sie das Kulturhaus von Asker besuchen und im Sommer den Strand Hvalstrand aufsuchen. Oder verbringen sie einen Tag im Asker Golfklubb.
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations.
When you stay at Scandic Asker, you can visit the Asker culture house, and in the summer you can go to Hvalstrand beach or spend the day at Asker Golfklubb.
Special festive box of white flowers decorated with greenery, red baubles and sparkly red ribbon.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences.
Имеем честь довести до Вашего сведения представленный на французском языке текст заявления министра иностранных дел Бельгии г-на Вилли Класа, сделанного от имени Европейского союза на встрече по вопросу о бывшей Югославии, которая состоялась в Женеве 29 ноября 1993 года.
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences.
We have the honour to inform you of the text in French of the statement given by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Mr. Willy Claes, on behalf of the European Union, at the meeting held in Geneva, on 29 November 1993, concerning the former Yugoslavia.
Vor ihrer Zeit bei RTI machte Frau Benec eine hervorragende Karriere in der Rechtsabteilung von H. J. Heinz Company (heute The Kraft Heinz Company), ein an der NYSE notiertes Unternehmen für verpackte Lebensmittel.
Please offer the German rendition for the following statements, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Prior to RTI, Ms. Benec enjoyed a more than twelve-year career in the law department of H. J. Heinz Company (now The Kraft Heinz Company), a NYSE-listed global packaged food company.
Gartentherapie basiert auf dem therapeutischen Wert der Teilnahme an Gartenarbeit, wie z. B. Anbau von Obst oder Gemüse und / oder Blumen. Nachdem du den Fedtschenko-Gletscher, den weltweit längsten seiner Art, bezwungen hast, kannst du in einer traditionellen kirgisischen Jurte übernachten und die Einheimischen kennenlernen – ein warmes Willkommen und eine Kostprobe der authentischen lokalen Küche sind dir sicher.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Horticultural therapy is based on the therapeutic value of participating in garden activities such as growing fruit or vegetables and / or flowers. After trekking up the Fedchenko glacier, the largest glacier in the world, get to know the locals during a homestay in a traditional Kyrgyz yurt, where you will likely be warmly welcomed with kind hospitality and a sampling of some authentic cuisine if you ’ re lucky.
It was whilst touring in West Germany that they met Boney M ’ s manager / producer Frank Farian, which resulted in a recording contract with Hansa Records based in Berlin. While Greece unreservedly condemns all acts of violence and terror, it recognizes, in this regard, Israel's legitimate right to self-defence and its duty and obligation to protect and safeguard its citizens, in accordance with international law and international humanitarian law.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Во время тура по Западной Германии они встретились с менеджером и продюсером группы « Boney M » Фрэнком Фарианом, в результате чего заключили соглашение о записи альбома в студии « Hansa Records » в Берлине. Греция безоговорочно осуждает любые акты насилия и террора, признавая при этом законное право Израиля на самооборону и его долг и обязанность защищать и оберегать своих граждан в соответствии с международным правом и международным гуманитарным правом.
允许被拘留者接收邮包、信件及内含基本必需品和季节性服装和鞋类的包裹。 事实:1)1996年,"精灵"荣获澳大利亚电影学院奖类别中的"最佳青年系列»。
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
Detainees are permitted to receive packages, dispatches and parcels which contain articles of basic necessity as well as seasonal clothes and footwear. Facts: 1) In 1996, the "Wizard" was awarded the Australian Film Institute Award in the category "Best Youth series ».
In July 2013, a border guard who had posted insults concerning Chechen migrants on the Internet had been judged not to have committed a crime since the words he had used were protected by freedom of speech. “Paraguay declares its deep concern at the situation affecting the Pilcomayo River, which is an international waterway inasmuch as its source is in Bolivia and it forms the border between Argentina and Paraguay.
Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English.
В июле 2013 года было признано, что пограничник, разместивший в интернете оскорбительные замечания о чеченских мигрантах, не совершил преступления, поскольку использованные им слова защищены свободой слова. "Парагвай заявляет о своей глубокой озабоченности в связи с ситуацией в отношении реки Пилькомайо, которая является международным водным путем, берет начало в Боливии, а также является границей между Аргентиной и Парагваем.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version.
He has made this appeal to Germany many times.
Он далее рекомендует государству-участнику принять необходимые меры с целью повышения эффективности инспекции труда и других форм контроля детского труда в интересах обеспечения полного соблюдения норм, предусмотренных Законом о занятости 2001 года в отношении условий труда детей в возрасте от 14 до 18 лет.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? The given word translations should be used.
It further recommends that the State party take the necessary measures to improve the effectiveness of the labour inspectorate and other forms of monitoring child labour in order to ensure full compliance with the rules of the Employment Act 2001 regarding working conditions for children from 14 to 18 years of age.
It was emphasized that the proposed project would be beneficial for decision makers in the participating countries as they would gain access to more reliable data, it would improve land and water resource management and enhance regional cooperation, and it would contribute to capacity-building in developing countries. Seasonal factors that contribute to the growth of demand for solid-state memory in the third quarter are the emergence of new models of smartphones and an increase in the activity of companies operating data centers, in which increasingly solid-state drives are used.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language.
Было подчеркнуто, что предлагаемый проект принесет пользу руководителям участвующих стран, поскольку они получат доступ к более надежным данным; кроме того, он позволит улучшить системы управления земельными и водными ресурсами, активизировать региональное сотрудничество и внести вклад в создание потенциала в развивающихся странах. Сезонные факторы, способствующие росту спроса на твердотельную память в третьем квартале – это выход новых моделей смартфонов и повышение активности компаний, эксплуатирующих центры обработки данных, в которых всё чаще применяются твердотельные накопители.
Das Management-Team von Grand Plaza veröffentlichte eine Erklärung an die Bewohner: "Die Polizei arbeitet derzeit an der Zeitachse und dem Hintergrund des Opfers und erforscht eine Vielzahl von Motiven, einschließlich eines möglichen häuslichen Vorfalls."
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
The management team at Grand Plaza released a statement to residents saying, "Police are currently working on the timeline and background of the victim and are exploring a variety of motives, including a possible domestic incident."
April and May are traditionally dedicated to walking tours to the island's highest peak, Kamenjak, and bike tours following the footsteps of the shepherd Kalifront and shepherdess Draga. Platinum (Pt) is the most frequently used thermoresistant material, however, we can also buy nickel (Ni) or copper (Cu) thermoresistors.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Die Monate April und Mai sind traditionell für Wandertouren zum höchsten Gipfel der Insel (Kamenjak) und für Radtouren auf den Wegen des Hirten Kalifront und der Hirtin Draga reserviert. Das am häufigsten verwendete Thermo-Widerstand-Material ist Platin (Pt), es gibt jedoch auch Thermowiderstände aus Nickel (Ni) oder Kupfer (Cu).
В этой схеме проводимость равна 2 сименсам. Сопротивление провода составляет 0.5 сименса. Проводимость раствора измеряется в сименсах.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form.
The circuit has a conductance of 2 S. The resistance of the wire is 0.5 S. The conductance of the solution is measured in S.
Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences?
Furthermore, it was found that whilst the e-mail in itself was not the contract of guarantee, the signature contained in it authenticated the contract contained in both that e-mail and the other documents in the sequence.
Bei einer Virusinfektion benötigt der Körper verschiedene Abwehrmechanismen – unter anderem muss im Knochenmark innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine große Anzahl von weissen Blutzellen (Leukozyten) gebildet werden. 1. Das Telefon ist im Flugmodus, oder der Kontakt zwischen SIM-Karte und Telefon ist schlecht. Schalten Sie bitte den Flugmodus aus, und installieren Sie die SIM-Karte neu, um die Verbindung zwischen der SIM-Karte und dem Telefon wiederherzustellen.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
During a viral infection, the body needs various defence mechanisms – amongst other things, a large number of white blood cells (leukocytes) must be produced in the bone marrow within a short period of time. 1. The phone is in Airplane mode or there is poor contact between the SIM card and phone, please turn off Airplane mode, and re-install the sim card to restore connection between the SIM card and phone;
In certain cases, the failure to adhere to these laws and regulations may result in substantial penalties upon the individuals (board members and staff) who are responsible for these organizations, as well as the loss of the organization's tax-exempt status. A lawyer can never be sure whether that custom meets the requirements for becoming a peremptory norm of international law.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
在某些情况下,未能遵守上述法律法规可能导致对该等组织的负责人(董事会成员或员工)的巨额惩罚,甚至可能导致组织丧失免税地位。 一位律师绝不可能知道这种习俗是否已经达到了成为国际法的一项专横的标准的条件。
作为光纤激光器的一家领先的制造商,我们的激光工程师始终处于创造下一级激光技术的前列,您的工作有可能会塑造全球发展最快的产业的未来。 平成十八年,被指定为那霸市史迹文化遗产。
How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese?
As one of the leading manufacturers of Fiber Lasers, our Laser engineers are at the forefront of generating the next level of Laser technology, your work has the potential to shape the future of one the fastest growing global industries. It was designated as the Naha City Historical Site of Cultural Property in 2006.
Nachdem die von den Freiwilligen geschossenen Fotos eingesammelt wurden, zeigten die Forscher sie mehr als 100 Personen, die jedes Gesicht nach folgenden Eigenschaften bewerten sollten: äußerliche Attraktivität, vermeintlicher Gesundheitszustand und Zuverlässigkeit. Als Küstenschutz vor Erosion dienen Buhnen, Steinmauern, oder Tetrapoden aus Beton, die als Wellenbrecher wirken sollen.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Once the researchers finished collecting the pictures of all volunteers, they showed them to more than 100 people who were asked to give a vote to each face based on: physical attractiveness, apparent health status and reliability. Coastal defences against erosion are groynes, stone walls, or tetrapods of concrete, which act as breakwaters.
I regret that the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan has left me no other choice but to convey to you once again the information prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, which quotes publications in the Azeri media of that period of time.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Facebook expressed regret about the policy of AdBlock Plus and promised to fix the problem shortly.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
В Facebook выразили сожаление такой политикой AdBlock Plus и пообещали вскоре решить проблему.
You could do the whole job by writing a TECO program, but that was too slow, so we optimized it by putting part of it in machine language.
Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
According to this definition, the planning fallacy results in not only time overruns, but also cost overruns and benefit shortfalls. “Originated in China in 1990s, Falun Gong is one form of meditation qigong. ” Similar to Buddhism and Taoism, it is rooted in traditional Chinese culture and has attracted more than 100 million people worldwide.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Nach dieser Definition führt der Planungsfehlschluss nicht nur zur Überschreitung des geplanten Zeitrahmens, sondern auch zu Kostenexplosionen und geringeren Nutzen als geplant. … „Falun Gong ist in den 1990er Jahren aus der chinesischen Meditationsform Qi Gong entstanden.“ Ähnlich wie Buddhismus und Daoismus ist es in der traditionellen chinesischen Kultur verwurzelt und hat über 100 Millionen Menschen weltweit angezogen.
多年来,凯利布拉克博士和我的整个医生团队所展示的专业水平令我震惊。我非常感谢他们和我们出色的医疗保健系统。" 此外,集成的3.5英寸LCD视频显示器让用户能对设备进行全面控制,而无需外接显示器。
Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
"The level of expertise shown by Dr. Kelly Burak and my whole team of doctors over the years astounds me. I'm so very thankful for them and our amazing health care system." In addition, the integrated 3.5 in LCD video display gives users full control of the device without the need for an external monitor.
Diese unterschiedlich langen Mensuren gleichen die Spannung der Saiten untereinander deutlich an, was bei den tiefen Saiten zu einem definierteren Ton mit langem Sustain führt, während sich die hohen Saiten komfortabel bei gleicher Tondefinition spielen lassen.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
The different scale lengths makes the tension between the strings more balanced, which causes the lower strings to have a more defined tone with longer sustain, while the higher strings can be played comfortably with the same tone definition.
Испытания проводятся уже более года, с лета 2016-го, когда на улицах Сингапура появились первые беспилотные авто. За рулем каждого из них в целях безопасности находился опытный водитель, готовый в случае возникновения любых проблем перехватить управление. Подобная практика испытаний беспилотного транспорта успешно зарекомендовала себя во всем мире.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format.
Trials have been conducted for more than a year, since summer 2016, when the first autonomous cars showed up in the streets of Singapore. Every car had an experienced driver for security purposes, ready to take over the control in case of any problems. Such test practice for driverless vehicles has proven to be efficient in the whole world.
Йеменский план гуманитарного реагирования на 2019 год требует 4,2 миллиарда долларов США для оказания помощи более 20 миллионам йеменцев, включая 10 миллионов человек, которые полностью полагаются на гуманитарную помощь для удовлетворения своих основных потребностей каждый месяц. Природа деревни Искрец очень красива, поэтому ее часто посещают любители болгарской деревни.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations?
"The Yemeni Humanitarian Response Plan 2019 requires US $4.2 billion in funding to help more than 20 million Yemenis, including 10 million people who rely entirely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs each month. The nature of the village of Iskrets is very beautiful and therefore it is frequently visited by the lovers of the Bulgarian village.
They found that the surface of this red giant has just a few convective cells, or granules, that are each about 120 million kilometres across — about a quarter of the star ’ s diameter [2]. The trademark “SIGMA ” and any other products names, service names used in this Web Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of SIGMA Corporation.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
Sie fanden heraus, dass die Oberfläche dieses Roten Riesen nur wenige konvektive Zellen oder Granulen aufweist, die jeweils etwa 120 Millionen Kilometer groß sind – das entspricht etwa einem Viertel des Sterndurchmessers [2]. Das Markenzeichen "Sigma" sowie alle weiteren Produktnamen auf dieser Seite sind Schutzmarken oder eingetragene Markenzeichen der Sigma Corporation.
Лучшие районы, где можно найти рестораны в Хельсинки, включают центральные районы Катаянокка и Круунунхака, а также главный городской бульвар Эспланади. Ацетилен огнеопасен, и если вы допустите ошибку, это приведет к серьезной аварии, поэтому мы не можем рекомендовать газовую сварку новичкам.
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The best areas to find restaurants in Helsinki include the central areas of Katajanokka and Kruununhaka as well as the city's main boulevard, the Esplanadi. Acetylene is flammable, and if you make a mistake, it will lead to a major accident, so we can not recommend gas welding to beginners.
Drawing a general picture, we can say that the event in Brussels was held on a positive tone owing to a series of political and diplomatic results achieved in the course of 2017.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Взглянув на ситуацию в целом, можно сказать, что мероприятие в Брюсселе прошло на позитивной ноте, благодаря ряду политических и дипломатических успехов, достигнутых на протяжении 2017 года.
In addition, non-State health experts should be encouraged to review State examinations and to conduct their own independent assessments; these assessments should be given the weight they deserve on their merits.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences.
Solltest du erfolgreich sein, wirst du für einen Probetag eingeladen, damit auch du dir ein Bild von dem Unternehmen machen kannst. Gehaltstechnisch kannst du mit etwa 2.000 €brutto pro Monat rechnen. Das hängt von deiner Vorerfahrung, sowie von deinen Fähigkeiten ab.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Once you are successful you will then be asked over for a 1 day trial to see what it ’ s like here and if this is job is for you. In terms of Salary, you can expect to earn around €2,000 gross / month; depending on the level of skill and experience you can bring to the roll.
Sometimes, all creditors do not participate in a restructuring and holdout, leading to either costly settlements or expensive litigation against the sovereign by holdout creditors. But he will likely crack down only on undocumented immigrants who commit violent crimes, rather than trying to deport 5-10 million people.
钉子户 means holdout Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
有时,并非所有债权人都参加债务重组,有些拒绝合作,由此产生的结果要么是代价高昂的和解,要么是"钉子户"债权人对主权国家提出昂贵的诉讼。 但他可能将只驱逐有过暴力犯罪记录的无证移民,而不是试图驱逐500—1,0000万人。
Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese.
The leader of the Wai Wai community of Guyana had reported on the community's plan to ban loggers and miners from their area and to pursue an economic strategy based on ecotourism, research and traditional crafts in order to create employment while preserving their land for future generations.
当地时间上午 9:30 左右 (UTC 0230),JAS 39C 鹰狮战斗机撞上跑道并发生爆炸,导致机场关闭,商业航班无法正常起降。
When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry?
The JAS 39C Gripen crashed onto a runway at around 9:30 am local time (0230 UTC) and exploded, closing the airport to commercial flights.
Notwithstanding those resolutions, the Palestinian people continue to be deprived of the chance to exercise even their most basic human rights — as guaranteed by the United Nations Charter — including the right to self-determination and to the creation of an independent State on their own territory. As fish become less abundant and harder to catch in the waters around Nauru, Nauruans will be forced to reduce the amount of fish in their diets or turn to more expensive substitutes.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Несмотря на эти резолюции, палестинский народ по-прежнему лишен возможности на осуществление даже своих самых элементарных прав человека, гарантированных Уставом Организации Объединенных Наций, в том числе права на самоопределение и создание независимого государства на своей собственной территории. Поскольку рыбные запасы становятся менее обильными и рыбу труднее поймать в водах, омывающих Науру, науруанцы будут вынуждены уменьшить долю рыбы в своем рационе питания или использовать более дорогостоящие заменители.
The Hamdorf carpentry business in Fahrenkrug, Schleswig-Holstein, is a good example of the fact that many timber work companies have successfully survived the financial crisis.
Change the given sentences from German to English format.
Die Zimmerei Hamdorf im schleswigholsteinischen Fahrenkrug kann als Beispiel dafür gelten, dass viele Holzbauunternehmen gut durch die Finanzkrise gekommen sind.
5. Prices of major African export commodities such as coffee, cocoa, cotton and tropical logs have remained stable, while the recent promotion of the use of biofuels has led to notable increases in the prices for agricultural commodities such as wheat, maize and sugar.
棉花 means cotton.可可 means cocoa.小麦 means wheat Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
The Russians have once again confirmed reputation of the most beautiful girls of the planet: in the competition « Miss universe » in December in Thailand will participate not only Miss Russia, but another two participants of Russian origin – Miss Iceland and Miss Finland. If extra seeds and fertilizer are not distributed without fail in the coming weeks to peasants throughout the country to provide for the next harvest, a drop of at least 40 per cent in agricultural production should be expected during this period.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Россиянки в очередной раз подтверждают репутацию самых красивых девушек планеты: в конкурсе « Мисс Вселенная » в декабре в Таиланде будут участвовать не только Мисс Россия, но и еще две участницы российского происхождения – Мисс Исландия и Мисс Финляндия. Если в ближайшие недели крестьянам во всей стране не будут выданы дополнительные семена и удобрения для будущего урожая, то придется ожидать снижения сельскохозяйственного производства не менее чем на 40% в течение этого периода.
It is equipped with 2 single beds 90 X 190 cms, a sofa that can serve as a bed for children, a table, 4 chairs, 1 refrigerator, 1 microwave-grill, crockery for 4 people. Maylin: At the end it is like in a marriage, especially in pair skating. There are highs and lows.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Es ist mit 2 Einzelbetten (90 x 190 cm), einem Schlafsofa, das als Kinderbett genutzt werden kann, einem Tisch, 4 Stühlen, 1 Kühlschrank, 1 Mikrowellenherd, sowie Geschirr für 4 Personen ausgestattet. Maylin: Letztendlich ist es wie in einer Ehe, speziell im Paarlaufen, es gibt Hochs und Tiefs.
Kristen Stewart spricht über ihre Bisexualität
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences.
Kristen Stewart talks about her bisexuality
Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese.
55. In the Declaration they had adopted in September 1999, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Group of 77 and China had made it clear that there should not be any ceiling on the budget of the United Nations and that resources proposed by the Secretary-General should be sufficient to ensure the full implementation of all mandated programmes and activities.
Unser Umweltmanagementsystem soll die Umweltschutzaktivitäten steuern, das Umweltbewusstsein der Mitarbeiter fördern, die rechtliche Sicherheit in Bezug auf Umweltprobleme schaffen und umweltschutztechnische Prozesse absichern.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Our Environmental Management System is to control the environmental activities, to encourage the environmental awareness of the employees, to create legal security in regards of environmental issues and to assure environmental processes.
8.关于切题的质量方面,显然切需尽可能明确地探知统计产品用户和可能用户的政策需要。 因此,我建议所有贫血和瘦弱的人无论天气怎样,都要在日出前出门晒半小时太阳,用于吸收早晨的太阳能量。
In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey?
8. Concerning the quality aspect of relevance, it is obviously essential that the policy needs of the users and potential users of statistical products be detected as clearly as possible. That is why I recommend to all anaemic and lean people to go out for half an hour before sunrise in any weather, in order to absorb the early sun energy.
(4)显微镜:是由两个焦距不同的凸透镜组成的。 现代约旦是由国王阿卜杜拉一世在第一次世界大战之后建立的。阿卜杜拉一世的孙子侯赛因国王统治这个国家长达46年一直到1999年去世,之后阿卜杜拉二世继承王位。
When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry?
(4) a microscope: a convex lens made of two different focal lengths. Modern Jordan was founded by King Abdullah I after World War I. It was ruled by his grandson, the late King Hussein, for 46 years until his death in 1999, when his son, King Abdullah II, assumed the throne.
Also noted was the arrival in the area of 2 100-mm anti-tank guns MT-12 “Rapira ” (which had undergone repairs), as well as 6 tented cargo trucks with ammunition. She has said that she was "always very sexual and even before I lost my virginity (at the age of 14), I had a reputation as a slut".
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Также отмечено прибытие в данный район 2-х 100-мм противотанковых пушек МТ-12 "Рапира" (ранее прошедших ремонт), а также 6-ти тентованых грузовых автомобилей с боеприпасами. По её словам, она « всегда была очень сексуальной и имела репутацию шлюхи еще до того, как в четырнадцатилетнем возрасте потеряла девственность ».
Кацивели – это посёлок городского типа в АР Крым. В последнее время посёлок развивается как курорт, появляется торговая инфраструктура, рядом расположен аквапарк. В том же духе гражданственности и уважения, президент Монсон недавно обратился к членам Церкви с просьбой о большем взаимопонимании и терпимости в религиозных вопросах: « Я хочу призвать членов Церкви везде, где бы они ни находились, повсюду проявлять доброту и уважение ко всем людям.
Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements.
Katsiveli - a small town in the Crimea. Recently, the village developed as a resort, there is a trading infrastructure, close to the water park. In that same spirit of civility and respect, President Monson recently made a plea to the members of the Church for more religious understanding and tolerance: “I would encourage members of the Church wherever they may be to show kindness and respect for all people everywhere.
2.1 Г-н Мюллер, ювелир, приехал в Намибию в июле 1995 года в качестве туриста, однако настолько прижился в стране, что решил обосноваться в городе Свакопмунд. Сиена сдалась Испании, а испанский король уступил Сиену Флоренции, чтобы погасить свои огромные долги перед семьей Медичи.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form.
2.1 Mr. Müller, a jewellery maker, came to Namibia in July 1995 as a visitor, but was so taken up with the country that he decided to settle in the city of Swakopmund. Siena surrendered in Spain and the Spanish king ceded Siena to Florence to pay off his enormous debts with the Medici family.
Static IP Address for Site (button): Specify the public static IP address that is used for Internet connections at your site.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Statische IP-Adresse für Standort (Schaltfläche): Legen Sie die registrierte statische IP-Adresse fest, die an Ihrem Standort für Internetverbindungen verwendet wird.
Serena Williams, one of the world ’ s most successful tennis players of all time, has revealed in an Instagram post that she is an investor in cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. It is the capital city of the Baoruco province, and is located 180 kilometres west of the national capital, Santo Domingo, close to the shore of Lake Enriquillo, the largest lake in the West Indies.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Серена Уильямс, одна из самых успешных теннисисток в мире, сообщила в своем посте в Instagram, что она является инвестором в криптовалютную торговую платформу Coinbase. Это столица провинции Баоруко, расположенная в 180 километрах к западу от столицы страны Санто-Доминго, недалеко от берега озера Энрикильо, самого большого озера в Вест-Индии. [1] [2]
Во время ожесточенных столкновений между милицией и демонстрантами утром 22 января 2014 года по крайней мере двое протестующих были застрелены милицией, и один разбился насмерть, упав с крыши футбольного стадиона Динамо (Киев). Иллюстрированные книги, печатные издания и, в последнее время, фотографии и фильмы, всегда были особенно богатым источником изображений для дизайнеров текстиля и моды.
What do the following sentences mean in Russian?
During violent clashes between police and protesters in the morning of 22 January 2014, at least two protesters were shot dead by the police and one fell to his death from the roof of the Kiev Dynamo football stadium. Illustrated books, prints and, more recently, photographs and film, have always been a particularly rich source of imagery for textile and fashion designers.
In addition, two deputies from the Reformist Bloc (RB) and seven from the Bulgarian Democratic Centre voted to make participation in elections mandatory. The opening of the first kindergarten working at dung in Ermoclia village in Stefan Voda District is one of the first steps to implementation of the large-scale project “Energy and biomass in Moldova ”, the cost of which will exceed 15 million Euros and will be paid by EU and UNDP.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Кроме того, за признание обязательным участия в выборах проголосовали двое депутатов из « Реформаторского блока » (РБ) и семеро из « Болгарского демократического центра ». Открытие первого детского садика, работающего на навозе, в селе Ермоклия в районе Штефан-Водэ - один из первых шагов к реализации масштабного проекта "Энергия и биомасса в Молдове", стоимость которого превысит 15 млн. евро и будет оплачена ЕС и ПРООН.
"We started doing this because there have been cases where our customers rejected our products, citing production quality issues, when problems were in fact due to distortions that happened during transportation.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
Übersetzt aus dem Lateinischen bedeutet dieser Begriff wörtlich "Verrottung", wird oft für verschiedene Erkrankungen des harten Zahngewebes verwendet, deren Anzeichen das Zerbröckeln von Dentin und Schmelz sind. Experten weisen darauf hin, dass vegetarisches Essen für mehrere Jahre zur Verlängerung des Lebens beiträgt, aber der Effekt wird erst nach längerer Beobachtung einer solchen Diät beobachtet - für mehrere Jahre.
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Translated from Latin, this term literally means "rotting", it is often used for various diseases of hard tissues of teeth, the signs of which are the crumbling of dentin and enamel. Experts note that vegetarian food contributes to the prolongation of life for several years, but the effect is observed only after long-term observance of such a diet - for several years.
12. Strongly urges all parties to the hostilities to redouble their efforts to negotiate an equitable solution to the civil conflict to ensure respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Sudanese people, thereby creating the necessary conditions to end the exodus of Sudanese refugees to neighbouring countries and facilitating their early return to the Sudan, and welcomes efforts to facilitate dialogue among the parties to that end;
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
12. решительно призывает все стороны, участвующие в боевых действиях, удвоить свои усилия по достижению путем переговоров справедливого урегулирования гражданского конфликта в целях обеспечения соблюдения прав человека и основных свобод суданского народа, создав таким образом необходимые условия для прекращения исхода суданских беженцев в соседние страны и содействуя их скорейшему возвращению в Судан, и приветствует усилия по содействию диалогу между сторонами с этой целью;
Über die Situation der Arbeiter und den Zusammenhang von Wirtschaft und Stress spricht der Heidelberger Doktorand Hasan Ashraf, der im Rahmen seiner Feldforschung mehrere Monate in zwei Fabriken in Bangladesch gearbeitet und mit den Arbeitern zusammen gelebt hat. Der Rotluchs bevorzugt zwar bewaldete und grasbedeckte Bereiche, man kann ihn aber auch zu Zeiten der Morgen- und Abenddämmerung an verlassenen Straßen bei der Jagd nach kleinen Nagetieren beobachten.
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Hasan Ashraf, a doctoral candidate at Heidelberg University, will discuss the situation of the workers and the relationship between economics and stress. During his field research, he spent several months working in two factories in Bangladesh, living together with the workers. The bobcat prefers woody or grassy areas, but can be seen along deserted roads at dawn and dusk hunting for small rodents.
The light infused character is created through a continuous illumination in the gap between the glass bricks and the concrete shell, which has been designed as a walkable space. The national security adviser to the Afghan president, Hamdullah Mohib, reiterated on Twitter that the government believes there is "little sense in continuing to deal with the Taliban", given their inability to control violence in the country.
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
Erzeugt wird der lichtdurchflutete Charakter durch eine durchgehende Beleuchtung im Zwischenraum der Glasbausteine und des Rohbaus, der als begehbarer Raum konzipiert wurde. Der nationale Sicherheitsberater des afghanischen Präsidenten, Hamdullah Mohib, wiederholte auf Twitter, dass die Regierung der Ansicht sei, dass es "wenig Sinn mache, weiterhin mit den Taliban umzugehen", da sie nicht in der Lage seien, die Gewalt im Land zu kontrollieren.
Alan Sutherland, chief executive of Surrey's student unions said: "We became aware of the misconduct, and as investigations proceeded any individual students who were accused of committing a "major" offence as per the student disciplinary regulations were referred to a university investigation."
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English?
Since August 2010 the DB runs the BR 115 in special livery\ "80 years of autotrain“ on the lines throughout Germany. The early Baroque period was the golden age of Croatian music; Ivan Lukačić was composing in Split, the Italian Tomaso Cechinni on Hvar, and Vinko Jelić, from Rijeka, published a collection of motets in Strasbourg.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form.
Seit August 2010 schickt die DB eine BR 115 mit Sonderlackierung zum Jubiläum „80 Jahre Autozug“ auf die Strecken in ganz Deutschland. Der Frühbarock war zugleich das goldene Zeitalter der kroatischen Musik; in Split war der Komponist Ivan Lukačić tätig, auf der Insel Hvar wirkte der Italiener Tomaso Cechinni, und in Straßburg ließ Vinko Jelić, gebürtig aus Rijeka, seine gedruckten Motettensammlungen veröffentlichen.
14. Mr. Singh Gill (India) said that, while the draft protocol proposed for adoption after four years of discussion and intense work might not be perfect, the instrument would nevertheless have an immediate, far-reaching humanitarian impact, which should satisfy all parties.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Since 1999, after a period as a publishing house editor, he has lived and worked in Cologne as a freelance translator of Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian literature. The Alta Badia Flight Centre has been active in sports aviation for years, offering technology and equipment that guarantee a safe and untroubled flight experience.
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements.
Nach seiner Tätigkeit als Verlagslektor lebt und arbeitet er seit 1999 als freier Übersetzer schwedischer, finnlandschwedischer und norwegischer Literatur in Köln. Das Flugzentrum Alta Badia ist seit Jahren im Bereich des Flugsports tätig, mit Technik und Ausrüstung die ein sicheres und ungetrübtes Flugerlebnis gewährleistet.
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
The main goals of this programme are, in addition to those proclaimed in its title, to improve the social conditions and to raise the standard of living of the population, and to promote the participation in the country's development of the poorer sectors of the population.
如果车上人员无意识或者无法用其他方式沟通,则呼叫中心会立即通知紧急救援机构并告知事故位置的信息。 在19世纪中期,阿塞拜疆文学在巴库、占贾、舍基、第比利斯、叶里温的学校均有教授。
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Chinese?
If the occupants of the car are unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate, the call centre immediately notifies the emergency services and provides information about the location of the accident. In the mid-19th century Azerbaijani literature was taught at schools in Baku, Ganja, Shaki, Tbilisi, and Yerevan.
Red is the cape that drapes Lycan's neck, a symbol of the tainted blood that courses through his veins. They are different breeds, they have different physiological characteristics and something essential, they feed in different ways: only the Iberico de Bellota pigs (the ones that do the Montanera season) eat acorns and only the Iberian pigs produce the famous Iberian ham in all its qualities, Iberico de Cebo, Iberico de Cebo de Campo and Iberico Bellota.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language.
Rot ist der Umhang, der Lycans Hals verhüllt und ein Symbol des verdorbenen Blutes, das durch seine Adern fließt. Es sind verschiedene Rassen, sie haben unterschiedliche physiologische Eigenschaften und etwas Wesentliches, sie ernähren sich auf unterschiedliche Weise: nur die Iberico de Bellota Schweine (die, die die Montanera -Saison machen) essen Eicheln und nur die iberischen Schweine produzieren den berühmten iberischen Schinken in all seinen Qualitäten, Iberico de Cebo, Iberico de Cebo de Campo und Iberico Bellota.
Diese Funktionen können mit verschiedenen Stufen des Lebenswegs eines Stoffes verknüpft werden, beginnend mit der Freisetzung des Stoffes (Emission), dem Grad der Verschmutzung der Umweltmedien, der Exposition von Organismen sowie den daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen und der Beurteilung, ob diese Wirkungen als nachteilig betrachtet werden müssen. Das neue Gesetz erlaubt die Möglichkeit einer schrittweisen Wiederaufnahme der Arbeit aus therapeutischen Gründen: Dazu stellt der Arbeitnehmer auf Grundlage eines ärztlichen Attests seines behandelnden Arztes und nach Einverständnis seines Arbeitgebers einen Antrag bei der Nationalen Gesundheitskasse (CNS).
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
These functions can be linked to different steps of the fate of a substance, starting with the release of the substance (emission), the level of pollution of environmental media, the exposition of organisms, the resulting effects as well as the evaluation whether those effects are considered as an adverse impact. The new law allows the possibility of a gradual return to work for therapeutic reasons: To this end, the employee submits an application to the National Health Fund (CNS) on the basis of a medical certificate from his attending physician and with the consent of his employer.
Нейтрофилы у взрослого человека показывают, насколько сильна естественная защита организма, поэтому очень важно поддерживать этот показатель в норме и вовремя начинать необходимую терапию. На острове Осима, который входит в префектуру Токио, Япония, 26 января 2014 года будет проведен традиционный Фестиваль камелий, который известен как один из самых красивых и зрелищных праздников в Японии.
Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form.
Neutrophils in an adult show how strong the natural defense of the body is, so it is very important to maintain this indicator in the norm and start the necessary therapy on time. On Oshima island, which is in the Prefecture of Tokyo, Japan, January 26, 2014 will be held the traditional Festival of camellias, which is known as one of the most beautiful and spectacular festivals in Japan.
Он соединяет людей, их добрые сердца и творчество. Поэтому изначально мы ставим перед собой цель ежегодно проводить этот фестиваль в разных странах. Первый фестиваль состоялся в 2018 году в Москве, Россия. В этом году финал нашего фестиваля пройдет в столице Беларуси Минске.
Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences.
It connects people, their kind hearts and creativity. Therefore, initially we set a goal to hold this festival every year in different countries. The first festival was held in 2018 in Moscow, Russia. This year the final of our festival will be held in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.
This case is not the first tragedy to have occurred when women have been sent to sleep in the huts – a practice, known as chhaupadi, that was criminalised in 2017.
чхаупади means chhaupadi Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The given word translations should be used.
Этот случай — не первая трагедия, которая произошла, когда женщин отправили спать в хижины — практика, известная как чхаупади, которая была криминализована в 2017 году.
Er beklagte, dass keine der Baden-Württemberg-Fregatten von der Marine in Dienst gestellt wurden.
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences.
He lamented that none of the of the Baden-Wuerttemberg-class frigates were able to join the Navy.