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Noch fünf Wochen bis zu einer der wichtigsten Wahlen in unserem Leben. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language. | Five weeks away from one of the most important elections in our lifetimes. |
Zwischen 1921 und 1941 existierten in der unter staatlicher Kontrolle gegründeten Gesamtrussischen Organisation der Sammler und der Sowjetischen Philatelistischen Vereinigung numismatische Abteilungen. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Between 1921 and 1941, there existed numismatic sections in the All-Russian Organisation of Collectors and the Soviet Philatelic Association established under state control. |
13.目前,三分之二以上发达国家政府对自己的人口增长率感到满意,但是,越来越多的少数国家对人口增长率偏低及其对社会经济发展造成的影响感到忧虑。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Unless stated otherwise in our Terms & Conditions of sale and delivery, the prices as valid on the day of delivery apply.
13. At present, more than two thirds of Governments in developed countries consider their rates of population growth to be satisfactory, but a growing minority are voicing concern over low rates of population growth and their consequences for socio-economic development. |
Wer sagt, dass Jesus Christus imaginär ist, respektiert die Wissenschaft nicht: Er ist ein Narr – ein Idiot!
Im Wesentlichen funktioniert unser Kulturprogramm wie eine “festa ”, eine typisch maltesische Feier, die bekannt ist für ihre Pracht und ihre Ausgelassenheit. Die strategische Lage der maltesischen Inseln – direkt zwischen Europa und Afrika – versetzt unsere Kommunen in die einzigartige Position, solch ein Fest kultureller Vielfalt wie das der Europäischen Kulturhauptstadt auszurichten. | Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Anybody who says that Jesus Christ is imaginary does not respect science: is a fool — an idiot!
In essence, our Cultural Programme functions like a festa, a typical Maltese celebration known for its brightness and exuberance, and the strategic geography of the Maltese Islands – placing them right between Europe and Africa – puts our communities in a unique position to host such diverse cultural celebrations as the European Capital of Culture. |
Unsere Auswahl umfasst funktionelle Laufjacken, weiche Fleecejacken für nach dem Training und coole Sportjacken in den angesagtesten Farben der Saison. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Our selection includes functional running jackets, soft fleece jackets to wear after training and cool sport jackets in all the hottest colours of the season. |
Израиль -- это государственное образование, которое было создано путем лишения коренных жителей земли и их замены поселенцами; Израиль дал миру худшие формы терроризма, такие как угоны самолетов, убийства международных представителей и проведение террористических операций за рубежом, даже в странах своих союзников. | Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences. | Israel was an entity that had been established by dispossessing the original inhabitants of the land and replacing them by settlers; it had introduced the world to the worst form of terrorism by hijacking airlines, killing international envoys and conducting terrorist operations abroad, even among its own allies. |
Our balance sheet is strong and I would like to express my gratitude to our investors whose support enabled us to close a $2.8m private placement recently in incredibly challenging market conditions. We will work hard to spend every single dollar entrusted to us wisely and our most important objective is, and will always be, to create value for our shareholders. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Wir verfügen über eine starke Bilanz und ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei unseren Anlegern bedanken, die es uns mit ihrer Unterstützung ermöglicht haben, trotz der außerordentlich angespannten Marktlage vor kurzem eine Privatplatzierung im Wert von 2,8 Millionen Dollar abzuschließen. Wir setzen alles daran, jeden einzelnen, uns anvertrauten Dollar verantwortungsbewusst zu investieren. Es war, ist und bleibt immer unser oberstes Ziel, Werte für unsere Aktionäre zu schaffen. |
研究表明,干燥土壤的地源热泵的性能系数COP要比潮湿土壤的COP低35%,当土壤含水量低于15%时,随着含水量的降低,热泵的循环性能系数将迅速下降。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The research shows that the performance coefficient of the ground source heat pump of the dry soil is 35% lower than that of the wet soil COP. When the soil moisture content is less than 15%, the coefficient of the cycle performance of the heat pump will decrease rapidly with the decrease of the water content. |
新斯科舍的蒂弗顿(Tiverton)有三艘小船被海浪推毁,紐芬蘭與拉布拉多阿瓦隆半岛东部小镇托贝(Torbay)也有九艘船有同样遭遇。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? | Along the coast, the waves wrecked three small boats near Tiverton, Nova Scotia, as well as nine boats in Torbay, Newfoundland and Labrador. |
Die Fantasie wurde 1988 komponiert und nutzt den besonderen, manchmal gespenstischen Klang, den das Klavier mit leisen, auf großen Intervallen aufgebauten Akkorden, überwiegend Dezimen und Undezimen, erzeugen kann.
Unter bestimmten Umständen können wir Ihre persönlichen Daten anonymisieren (so dass sie Ihnen nicht länger zugeordnet werden können) zu Forschungszwecken oder zu statistischen Zwecken. In diesem Fall können wir diese Informationen ohne weitere Benachrichtigung für Sie auf unbestimmte Zeit verwenden. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences using the given reference word translations? | The fantasy was composed in 1988 and exploits the particular and sometimes eerie sound that the piano can make with quiet chords of wide intervals, mostly tenths and elevenths.
In some circumstances we will anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you. |
Dann erließ er den Befehl, dass Xiao Deyan der Lehrer des Prinzen Jin sein solle und ernannte ihn zum Markgrafen der Grafschaft Wuyang. | Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | He issued an order for Mr. Xiao Deyan to teach Prince Jin, and appointed him Marquis of Wuyang County. |
Professor Dr. Benjamin List (47), Organische Molekülchemie, Abteilung Homogene Katalyse, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim / Ruhr
Es wurde im August 1996 von Königin Beatrix im Rahmen einer großen Zeremonie mit einem Konzert von Tina Turner und einem Eröffnungsspiel zwischen Ajax und dem AC Mailand offiziell eingeweiht. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The given word translations should be used. | Professor Dr. Benjamin List (47), Organic Molecular Chemistry, Department of Homogeneous Catalysis, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr
It was officially inaugurated in August of 1996 by Queen Beatrix during a large-scale ceremony which featured a concert by Tina Turner and an inaugural match between Ajax and A.C. Milan. |
The traditional Cement Tile collection, which has been offered for the past 18 years under the brand “Mosaic del Sur ” covers styles that range from Antique, Baroque and Art Nouveau to the 1940 ’ s or“ Pop ”. | Switch the specified sentences from their German form to English form. | Die traditionelle Zementfliesen Kollektion, die seit 16 Jahren unter der Marke „Mosaic del Sur“ angeboten wird, umfasst Stile, die von Antik, Barock und Jugendstil bis zu den vierziger Jahren oder „Pop“ reichen. |
Rosa wird am Montag in Teilen von Mexiko bis zu 10 cm Regen bringen. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? | Rosa will bring up to 10 inches of rain in parts of Mexico on Monday. |
Ideas concerning the origin and fate of the world date from the earliest known writings; however, for almost all of that time, there was no attempt to link such theories to the existence of a "Solar System", simply because it was not generally thought that the Solar System, in the sense we now understand it, existed. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | 有關世界起源和命运的思想可以追溯到已知最早的文字记载;然而,在那大部分的時代裡沒有人试图把这样的理论與"太阳系"的存在联系起来,原因很簡單,因為當時時人一般不相信我们现在了解的太阳系是存在的。 |
Несомненно, высокие цены на нефть и газ, глобальное ослабление Америки, вызванное неудачей в Ираке, и усиление позиций Китая и Индии побудили Москву изменить свою внешнюю политику. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | High oil and gas prices, America ’ s self-inflicted global weakening due to its misadventure in Iraq, and the rise of China and India obviously have prompted Moscow to change its foreign policy. |
This shows that even though the two specimens have different spectral reflectance characteristics, they would appear to be the same color under daylight (Standard Illuminant).
FC Kuressaare, commonly known as Kuressaare, is a football club, based in Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and must use the given word translations. | 这说明尽管两件试样的光谱反射特性不一样,但是在日光(标准光源)照射之下它们的颜色看起来是一样的。
库雷萨雷足球俱乐部(FCKuressaare)是爱沙尼亚足球俱乐部,位于库雷萨雷。 |
В Бахрейне за решеткой находятся тысячи мусульман-шиитов, против которых выдвигают различные обвинения, начиная от участия в антиправительственных протестах и заканчивая вооруженными нападениями на правоохранителей.
— Несмотря на то, что большинство снегирей обитает в Евразии, самые крупные из них, белощёкие снегири, живут на жарких Филиппинах. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version. | Thousands of mainly Shi'ite Muslim Bahrainis are in jail on charges ranging from participating in anti-government protests to armed attacks on security forces.
Despite the fact that most bullfinches live in Eurasia, the largest of them, white-cheeked bullfinches, live in the hot Philippines. |
In the '70s Deleuze and Guattari had the intuition of the machinic, an introjection / imitation of the industrial form of production.
Because we already know how a late payer will react to our work tomorrow, we can provide our customers with better results more quickly. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | In den 70er Jahren haben Deleuze und Guattari intuitiv das Maschinelle erfasst, eine Introjektion / Imitation der industriellen Produktionsweise.
Weil wir heute schon wissen, wie ein säumiger Zahler morgen auf unsere Aktivitäten reagiert, liefern wir unseren Kunden schneller bessere Ergebnisse. |
There have been a number of studies that have shown that supplementation with omega-3 improves the deformability of red blood cells [8] [9], and the stiffening of the erythrocytes during exercise have been attributed to the extra free radical production during exercise which damages the lipid membranes of the RBC ’ s [10]. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Es wurde bereits in mehreren Studien gezeigt, dass eine Supplementierung mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren die Verformbarkeit roter Blutzellen verbessert [8] [9]. Die Versteifung der Erythrozyten durch körperliche Anstrengung wurde auf die Produktion zusätzlicher freier Radikale während des Trainings zurückgeführt, welche die Lipidmembranen der roten Blutkörperchen beschädigen [10]. |
The team included Georg Adolf Demmler, Gottfried Semper and Friedrich August Stüler, all of whom were renowned architects of their time.
It is important to note that 77 species of Balkan endemic small butterflies are found in the Matka Canyon, while 18 other species are new for the science. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | В состав команды входили Георг Адольф Деммлер, Готфрид Земпер и Фридрих Август Стюлер, которые были известными архитекторами своего времени.
Кроме того, важно отметить, что существует 77 видов балканских эндемичных небольших бабочек в каньоне Матка, а 18 других видов являются новыми для науки. |
Covert channels are exceedingly hard to install in real systems, and can often be detected by monitoring system performance; in addition, they suffer from a low signal-to-noise ratio and low data rates (on the order of a few bits per second).
In the northeastern corner of China, a huge new 5,600-square-mile reserve has been established to protect two of the most endangered species of big cats in the world: the Amur leopard and the Siberian tiger, also known as the Amur tiger. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | В реальных системах скрытый канал практически невозможно установить, и также его часто можно обнаружить с помощью наблюдения за быстродействием системы; кроме того, недостатками скрытых каналов являются низкое отношение сигнал / шум и низкие скорости передачи данных (порядка нескольких бит в секунду).
В северо-восточной части Китая был создан новый огромный заповедник площадью 5600 квадратных миль для защиты двух наиболее уязвимых видов крупных кошек в мире: амурского леопарда и сибирского тигра, также известного как амурский тигр. |
Diagnosis of strokes in dogs and cats can be based on the identification of particular changes in the brain and by ruling out other diseases that could mimic a stroke (inflammation or infection of the brain, bleeding from a brain tumour or a metastatic tumour spreading to the brain).
On March 15th 10,000 students, workers and professionals marched to Cairo ’ s Abdeen Palace where thousands more joined them. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | Диагностика инсультов у собак и кошек должна основываться на выявлении конкретных изменений в головном мозге и исключении других заболеваний, которые могут имитировать инсульт (воспаление или инфекция головного мозга, кровотечение из опухоли головного мозга или метастатическая опухоль, распространяющаяся на мозг).
15 марта 10 000 студентов, рабочих и служащих устроили марш к дворцу Абдин в Каире, к которому присоединились еще несколько тысяч человек. |
The Porsche 356 with its sophisticated four-cylinder flat engine was once considered THE Porsche, while the 911 was seen as a betrayal.
The seminars were part of a series of roundtables that have been organized by the Arms Control Association and the British American Security Information Council under a joint project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, to reduce the role of tactical nuclear weapons in European security. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | Der Porsche 356 mit seinem ausgereiften Vierzylinder- Boxermotor war mal DER Porsche schlechthin, den 911 empfand man als Verrat.
Die Veranstaltungen waren Teil einer Serie von Konferenzen, die das IFSH zusammen mit der Arms Control Association und dem British American Security Information Council im Rahmen des gemeinsamen, von der William and Flora Hewlett Foundation unterstützten Projekts zur Reduzierung der Rolle von taktischen Atomwaffen in der europäischen Sicherheit ausrichtet. |
In Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer. | 数秘术 means numerology
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 在基督数秘术中,888代指耶稣,有时又特别代指“救世主基督”(ChristtheRedeemer)。 |
他提到参议院司法委员会 (Senate Judiciary Committee) 民主党参议员黛安·范斯坦 (Dianne Feinstein) 的名字,引得现场一片唏嘘。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | He referenced Senate Judiciary Committee ranking Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein by name, which received loud boos from the audience. |
10.鼓励各国政府、国际组织和非政府组织主办训练方案和支助项目,以便就与其工作有关的人权和人道主义法律问题向军队、执法人员和政府官员以及联合国维持和平或观察员特派团成员提供培训或教育,并呼吁国际社会支持为此目的作出的努力; | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | 10. Encourages Governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations to organize training programmes and to support projects with a view to training or educating military forces, law enforcement officers and government officials, as well as members of the United Nations peacekeeping or observer missions, in human rights and humanitarian law issues connected with their work, and appeals to the international community to support endeavours to that end; |
Согласованные на международном уровне методологии и стандарты: Концентрация нитратов определяется с использованием метода ISO 7890-3: 1988 на основе спектрометрического измерения уровней соединения, образованного в результате реакции нитрата с сульфосалициловой кислотой и последующей обработки щелочью.
Несмотря на то, что у клеток разная скорость, с которой они делятся, тщательно продуманный режим роста и деления клеток одинаков для каждой клетки, независимо от того, происходит ли это у растущего человеческого эмбриона или у студента колледжа, ожидающего заживления сломанной кости, или даже у недавно посаженных семян в саду только начинают прорастать побеги. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form. | Internationally agreed methodologies and standards: The concentration of nitrates is determined by using the ISO 7890-3: 1988 method, based on spectrometric measurement of levels of the compound resulting from the reaction of nitrate with sulfosalicylic acid and its subsequent treatment with alkali.
Although cells have different rates at which they divide, the carefully choreographed routine of growth and cell division is the same from cell to cell, whether it happens in a growing human embryo or in a college student waiting for a broken bone to heal, or even in recently planted seeds in the garden just beginning to sprout shoots. |
Идея создания музея « Гибли » впервые была озвучена в 1998 году, но из-за большой занятости автора начало работы неоднократно переносили.
Генеральная Ассамблея ООН признаёт, что несмотря на продолжающуюся активизацию усилий международного сообщества, мировая проблема наркотиков по-прежнему представляет собой серьёзную угрозу для здоровья населения и безопасности и благополучия людей, особенно молодёжи, а так же для национальной безопасности и сувернитета государств, и что она наносит ущерб социально-экономической и политической стабильности и устойчивому развитию. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences. | The idea of creating the Ghibli Museum was first announced in 1998, but due to the busy schedule of the artist, the beginning of the work was repeatedly postponed.
The UN General Assembly recognized that despite continued and increased efforts by the international community, the world drug problem continues to constitute a serious threat to public health, the safety and well-being of humanity, in particular young people, and the national security and sovereignty of States, and that it undermines socio-economic and political stability and sustainable development. |
Основной научной задачей вычислительного интеллекта является понимание принципов, делающих интеллектуальное поведение возможным в природных и искусственных системах. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian. | The central scientific goal of computational intelligence is to understand the principles that make intelligent behavior possible, in natural or artificial systems. |
В нем содержится информация об отраслях и странах, в которых биотехнологии способствуют повышению производительности и благополучия людей, определяются меры, необходимые для наращивания национального потенциала в области биотехнологий, и выдвигаются предложения в отношении расширения передачи таких технологий, в частности развивающимся странам и странам с переходной экономикой. | Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences. | It provided information on the sectors and countries where biotechnologies were making a contribution to productivity and human welfare, identified measures that were needed to strengthen indigenous capacities in biotechnology and put forth proposals for the enhanced transfer of such technologies, particularly to developing countries and countries with economies in transition. |
Findings from the U.S. government ’ s Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey clearly support this statement: of individuals with type 2 diabetes, 69 percent did not exercise at all or did not engage in regular exercise; 62 percent ate fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day; and 82 percent were either overweight or obese. | Change the given sentences from Russian to English format. | Выводы из результатов Третьего Национального Опроса по состоянию здоровья и питания, проведенного правительством США, явно поддерживают это утверждение: 69 процентов людей с сахарным диабетом 2 типа или вообще не занимались физическими упражнениями или занимались ими нерегулярно, 62 процента съедали меньше, чем пять порций фруктов и овощей в день, а 82 процента имели избыточный вес или страдали ожирением. |
Ali Abdullah Saleh has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security or stability of Yemen, such as acts that obstruct the implementation of the agreement of 23 November 2011 between the Government of Yemen and those in opposition to it, which provides for a peaceful transition of power in Yemen, and acts that obstruct the political process in Yemen. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Ali Abdullah Saleh hat sich an Handlungen beteiligt, die den Frieden, die Sicherheit oder die Stabilität in Jemen bedrohen, wie Handlungen, die die Umsetzung des Abkommens vom 23. November 2011 zwischen der Regierung Jemens und der Opposition über einen friedlichen Machtübergang in Jemen und den politischen Prozess im Land behindern. |
The Party knows that Lenin was the greatest Marxist of our times, a profound theoretician and a most experienced revolutionary, to whom any trace of Blanquism was alien. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Die Partei kennt Lenin als größten Marxisten unserer Zeit, als tiefschürfenden Theoretiker und erfahrensten Revolutionär, dem jede Spur von Blanquismus fremd ist. |
Obwohl die Zahl der Salmonellose-Fälle in den letzten Jahren deutlich zurückgegangen ist, war diese Erkrankung im Jahr 2011 mit 95.548 gemeldeten Fällen nach wie vor die zweithäufigste gemeldete Zoonose beim Menschen. | Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Although salmonellosis has declined significantly in the last years, in 2011 it was still the second most frequently reported zoonotic disease in humans, accounting for 95,548 reported cases. |
Однако возникает вопрос: какое количество работников (охранников) должно быть трудоустроено на фирме на момент получения лицензии? Большинство лицензиатов предпочли бы нанять такой персонал уже после получения лицензии на охранную деятельность и подписания договоров на охрану конкретных объектов, чтобы минимизировать стартовые расходы на открытие бизнеса. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? | However, the question arises: how many employees (security guards) should be employed at the company at the time of obtaining the license? Most licensees would prefer to hire such personnel right after obtaining a security license and signing contracts for the protection of specific facilities in order to minimize startup costs for starting a business. |
In the late '80s, the company, along with Eastman Kodak and Allied Signal, began involvement with Motorola institutionalizing Motorola's Six Sigma methodology.
In its 2002 concluding comments, the Committee urged the State party to address the gender aspects of HIV / AIDS and to ensure that women and girls have equal rights and access to health care and social services, and encouraged the State party to strengthen its efforts to raise awareness and educate women and girls on methods of self-protection. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | 80年代晚期,德州仪器和伊士曼柯达公司和联合信号公司(AlliedSignal)一起,开始参与摩托罗拉的六标准差规范的制定。
委员会在2002年结论意见中敦促该缔约国处理艾滋病毒/艾滋病的性别方面问题,确保妇女和女童享有保健和社会服务的平等权利和机会,鼓励该缔约国加紧努力,提高妇女和女童的认识,并教会她们采取自我保护的方式。 |
4.4缔约国继续指出,2007年10月14日举行了立法机关选举,根据几个独立的消息来源,选举进程总体上令人满意。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | 4.4 The State party goes on to say that legislative elections were held on 14 October 2007 and that, according to several independent sources, the electoral process was on the whole satisfactory. |
My Government would like to remind the Security Council of its statement to the press on 22 December 2000 in which Council members expressed their deep concern at the violations of the ceasefire, strongly condemned the recent fighting and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities.
The kyphotic curve appears at the thoracic vertebrae, which is the curve from the base of the head to the shoulder and from the dorsum to the floor of the spine. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | 我国政府谨提请安全理事会注意,安理会曾于2000年12月22日对新闻界发表声明,安理会成员在其中表示深切关注违反停火的情形,强烈谴责最近的战斗并要求立即停止敌对行动。
后凸曲线在胸椎处出现,是从头部底端到肩膀和从背上部到脊椎底部的曲线。 |
Er sagt Ihnen, dass Sie unbedingt erst ihre Lieblingsfernsehserie sehen wollen, plötzlich fällt Ihnen jedes Stäubchen in der Wohnung auf oder Sie müssen dringend vorher noch schnell die Spülmaschine ausräumen.
Die Weltcup-Saison 2013 / 2014 beginnt Ende November im finnischen Kuusamo und führt die Athleten dann zu elf weiteren Austragungsorten in Europa und Russland bis zum Finale im kommenden März. | Translate the following sentences from English to German using the given reference word translations. | It persuades you that you need to watch your favourite TV series first. All of a sudden you notice every mote of dust in the apartment or you urgently need to empty the dishwasher right now.
The 2013 / 2014 World Cup season kicks off in Kuusamo, Finland, at the end of November and will subsequently take the athletes to eleven other venues in Europe and Russia until the finale next March. |
制裁造成的食品短缺使人均卡路里摄取量比海湾战争之前降低32%。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | Born and raised in Sydney, Gillespie moved to New York City at the age of nineteen to study illustration, graphic design and advertising at Manhattan's School of Visual Arts.
The food shortage caused by the sanctions has led to a 32 per cent drop in per capita caloric intake in comparison with the period prior to the Gulf war. |
"The prevalence of this infection has risen in the past twenty years worldwide, mainly because more people are wearing contact lenses," said Dr. Basilio Valladares from the University Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health of the Canary Islands, | Please share the English version of the given sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | « Распространение инфекции в мире резко возросло за последние 20 лет, в основном потому, что все больше людей носят контактные линзы » — говорит доктор Базилио Валлардес из Университета тропических болезней и общественного здоровья Канарских островов. |
Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in the world, died at the age of 22; of the 10 tallest of people, only one lived to be 56 years old.
Ms. Bando (Japan), continuing to reply to the Committee members' questions, said that the current Law for the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims applied to physical violence only. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Роберт Вадлоу, самый высокий в мире человек, умер в 22 года; из 10 самых высоких людей лишь один дожил до 56 лет.
Г-жа Бандо (Япония), продолжая отвечать на вопросы членов Комитета, говорит, что нынешний Закон о предупреждении насилия в семье и защите жертв применяется только к случаям физического насилия. |
Как артисты, посещавшие оккупированный Крым, поддерживающие политику Путина, который развязал войну на Донбассе, где почти каждый день гибнут люди, могут говорить о мире? | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? | How can artists who have visited occupied Crimea and support the policies of Putin, who launched the war in Donbass, where people are dying almost daily, speak about peace? |
Huhhot, meaning "Green City" in Mongolian, is the capital city of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. | In English, what do the given sentences convey using the given reference word translations? | 呼和浩特蒙古语意为"青色之城",是内蒙古自治区的首府。 |
Some of the reasons could be virus attack or a hardware or software failure or you just mistakenly deleted them just because you pushed the wrong button. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Einige der Gründe könnten Virusattacken oder ein Hardware- oder Softwarefehler sein, oder Sie haben sie nur versehentlich gelöscht, nur weil Sie die falsche Taste gedrückt haben. |
同一天(10月31日)晚些时候,该架C-160型飞机又违反国际航空规则并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空,再次侵入尼科西亚飞行情报区,飞越卡帕西亚地区,然后朝安卡拉飞行情报区飞去。 | Please offer the Chinese rendition for the following statements. | The C-160 aircraft returned later on the same day (31 October) and entered once again the Nicosia FIR, violating international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus, flying over the area of Karpasia before exiting towards the FIR of Ankara. |
Ich kann wählen, wann ich morgens aufstehe, was ich während des Tages mache, was und wann ich esse und wie ich gekleidet bin. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and must use the given word translations. | I can choose when I get up in the morning, what I do during the day, what and when I eat, and how I am dressed. |
31.强调需要利用商定资源确保向大会主席办公室分配专职的秘书处工作人员,负责协调主席之间的过渡、安排大会主席与秘书长之间的互动和留存机构记忆; | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? | 31. Emphasizes the need to ensure, from within agreed resources, that the Office of the President of the General Assembly is allocated dedicated Secretariat staff, with responsibility for coordinating the transition between Presidents, managing interactions between the President of the Assembly and the Secretary-General and the preservation of institutional memory; |
The estimated total resource requirements for the biennium 2002-2003 (para. 18) had been based on the Committee's actual workload for the first nine months of 2002, its projected workload for the remaining three months of 2002, and an extrapolation of those figures for 2003.
As the investigation initially believed, in 2002-2003, under the instruction of Mr. Boyko, the statutory documents of the state farms in the Ruzsky district of the Moscow region were falsified, the lands of which were then bought back by companies connected with the businessman. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Общий объем потребностей в ресурсах на двухгодичный период 2002 - 2003 годов (пункт 18) исчислен исходя из фактического объема работы Комитета за первые девять месяцев 2002 года, его планируемого объема работы на оставшиеся три месяца 2002 года, а также экстраполяции этих показателей на 2003 год.
Как изначально считало следствие, в 2002 – 2003 годах по указанию Бойко были подделаны уставные документы совхозов в Рузском районе Подмосковья, земли которых затем выкупили компании, связанные с бизнесменом. |
Im Bad für kleine Kinder sorgen Lindenblüten für einen erholsamen Schlaf, riechen gut, mildern die gereizte Haut und können ein wenig zu turbulente Kinder beruhigen: Eine Handvoll Lindenblüten in einen Topf mit heißem Wasser geben, 10 Minuten ziehen lassen, filtrieren und ins Bad geben (eventuell mit ein wenig Lavendel). | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | In a bath for young children, linden flowers provide a good restful sleep, smell good, soften irritated skins and can soothe a bit too turbulent children: put a handful of linden flowers in a pan with boiling water, infuse 10 minutes, filter and add to the bath (eventually with a little lavender). |
Giannozzo VI und VII wurden als Musik für die beiden Räume der Galerie Giannozzo komponiert, wobei die Tonhöhen der verwendeten Klänge sich ausschließlich aus den Maßen der Räume ergaben. Die Längen- und Breitenmaße sowie die Raumhöhe sind gleich den Wellenlängen der Klänge und bestimmen damit die Frequenzen der Musik.
Aviator Ursprünglich für die US- Piloten im Jahr 1937 konzipiert, bieten die Aviator-Sonnenbrillen von Ray-Ban einen legendären Stil mit außergewöhnlicher Qualität, Leistung und Komfort. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Giannozzo VI und VII were composed for both spaces of Gallery Giannozzo. The pitches of the used sounds were exclusively determined by the measures of the spaces. The measures of the lengths and widths as well as the heights of the spaces are equal to the wave lengths of the sounds and therefor determine the frequences of the music.
Aviator Originally designed for U.S. Aviators in 1937, Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses offer iconic styling with exceptional quality, performance and comfort. |
"在祈祷期间灵魂在说话和交流,但是在圣灵降临时我们必须保持在完全的肃静中,为的是能清楚地听到和理解他屈尊传达的关于永生的话语。 | Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences. | The soul speaks and converses during prayer, but at the descent of the Holy Spirit we must remain in complete silence, in order to hear clearly and intelligibly all the words of eternal life which he will then deign to communicate. |
From the Kiel castle of the counts from the house of Schauenburg today only the west wing is preserved, after the main building had to be demolished in the 1950s because of the extensive war damages.
He is a Hamas operative, one of the terrorists released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal and expelled to the Gaza Strip (Palinfo Twitter account, March 3, 2019). | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | Vom Kieler Schloss der Grafen aus dem Hause Schauenburg ist heute nur noch der Westflügel erhalten, nachdem der Hauptbau in den 1950er Jahren wegen zu starker Kriegszerstörungen gesprengt werden musste.
Dieser ist ein Aktivist der Hamas, einer der Terroristen, die im Rahmen des Gilad Schalit-Deals zum Austausch von Häftlingen freigelassen und in den Gazastreifen deportiert wurden (Twitter-Account von Palinfo, 3. März 2019). |
Тасия почти 40 лет прожила в гражданском браке с Лопе Пелайо и родила ему 9 детей, но по неизвестным причинам узаконить брак она отказывалась и в итоге дала согласие на официальное бракосочетание только тогда, когда муж был при смерти и выяснилось, что после его смерти их детии и внуки не получат никакого наследства.
По состоянию на февраль 2016 года, имеются свидетельства о том, что лихорадка Зика у беременных женщин может привести к аномальному развитию мозга у плода путем передачи вируса от матери к ребенку, что может привести к выкидышу или микроцефалии. | Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Tasiya lived almost 40 years in a civil union with Lope Pelayo and bore him nine children, but for unknown reasons, she refused to legalize marriage and eventually agreed to a formal marriage only when her husband was dying and it turned out that after his death they children and grandchildren will not receive any inheritance.
As of February 2016, evidence shows that Zika fever in pregnant women can cause abnormal brain development in their fetuses by mother-to-child transmission, which may result in miscarriage or microcephaly. |
"While we already have among the strictest regimes on those products, if the evidence shows that further action is needed... we will not hesitate to take it." | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | „Zwar verfügen wir bereits über eine der strengsten Regelungen für diese Produkte, doch wenn die Fakten zeigen, dass weitere Maßnahmen erforderlich sind ... werden wir nicht zögern, diese einzuleiten.“ |
Don ’ t forget to visit the wonderful distilleries and cheese dairies of the Pays D ’ Auge to try the local produce: Pommeau, Calvados, cidre and apple juice, and Camembert, Pont-l ’ Evêque and Livarot cheeses. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Auf jeden Fall sollten Sie auch den großartigen Destillerien und Käsereien de Pays D ’ Auge einen Besuch abstatten, um die einheimischen Erzeugnisse zu kosten. Pommeau, Calvados, Cidre und Apfelsaft sowie die Käsesorten Camembert, Pont-l ’ Evêque und Livarot. |
No one has ever been charged with the murders. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | Niemand wurde jemals wegen der Morde angeklagt. |
Gems enchant us, not only because of their wealth of shapes and colours, which can range from bright orange-red carnelian to the blood-red or yellow jasper, from violet amethyst through to green chrome chalzedony and the many colourful varieties of agate. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Gemmen bezaubern nicht nur durch ihren Reichtum an Formen und Farben, der vom leuchtend orange-roten Karneol über den blutroten oder gelben Jaspis, den violetten Amethyst bis hin zum grünen Chromchalzedon und den bunten Varietäten des Achat reicht. |
Wie die meisten Sowjetkomponisten wurde Miaskowski während des zweiten Weltkrieges evakuiert, und es war daher in der kirgisischen Hauptstadt Frunse, daß ihn im September 1942 die Nachricht vom Tode Wladimir Derschanowskijs erreichte.
Dämonen anerkennen die Gottheit Christi und zittern vor seiner Macht, während die Menschen um Gnade flehen und vor Schrecken im Staube kriechen. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German using the given reference word translations. | Like most Soviet composers, Myaskovsky was evacuated during the Second World War, and thus it was in the Kirgiz capital Frunze that the news of the death of Vladimir Derzhanovsky reached him in September 1942.
Demons acknowledge the divinity of Christ, and tremble before his power, while men are supplicating for mercy, and groveling in abject terror. |
The Polish government, as Sikorsky ’ s book makes clear, consciously and determinedly began the war in spite of our indefatigable efforts to preserve peace, efforts that made of our foreign policy a combination of patience and pedagogical persistence. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Die polnische Regierung hat, was wiederum aus dem Buche Sikorskis klar ersichtlich ist, den Krieg bewußt und vorsätzlich begonnen, trotz unseren unermüdlichen Bestrebungen, den Frieden zu wahren, Bestrebungen, die unsere Außenpolitik in ein Gemisch aus Geduld und pädagogischer Beharrlichkeit verwandelten. |
The study was conducted by researchers from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, in collaboration with health experts from Harvard School of Public Health and Leipzig University. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Исследование было проведено учеными из Университета Бен-Гуриона в Негеве в Израиле совместно с сотрудниками из Гарвардской школы общественного здравоохранения и Лейпцигского университета. |
"The Council is fully aware of the responsibilities bestowed upon it by the Charter, and of the collective aspirations of the peoples of the world, which impel it to take effective action to maintain international peace and security and eradicate the scourge of war. | Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format. | Совет полностью сознает ответственность, возложенную на него Уставом, и коллективные чаяния народов мира, что побуждает его предпринимать эффективные действия по поддержанию международного мира и безопасности и искоренению бедствий войны. |
Solitude and uncertainty have shaped » Clemens « into » Rabbit «, a shy, fearful youngster in flight.
Even if ironing probably isn ’ t your favourite hobby, doing it should still be a rewarding experience that gives you perfect results effortlessly. | Translate the following sentences from German to English. | Einsamkeit und Unsicherheit haben » Clemens « zu » Karnickel « gemacht, einem scheuen, verängstigten Jungen auf der Flucht.
Auch wenn Bügeln wahrscheinlich nicht zu Ihren liebsten Tätigkeiten gehört, sollte es doch eine lohnende Erfahrung sein und mühelos perfekte Ergebnisse liefern. |
Moyamoya textbook Four internationally renowned Moyamoya experts have compiled their profound knowledge in the extensive textbook 'Moyamoya Disease, Diagnosis and Treatment' and highlight crucial elements of the diagnosis and treatment of Moyamoya disease.
In Colombia, the PPP project designed to improve the navigability of the Magdalena River suffered from poor planning. | Change the given sentences from German to English format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Vier international angesehene Moyamoya-Experten trugen ihr profundes Wissen im umfassenden Fachbuch « Moyamoya Disease, Diagnosis and Treatment » zusammen und bringen die entscheidenden Elemente in der Diagnose und Behandlung von Moyamoya auf den Punkt.
Das ÖPP-Projekt, mit dem die Schiffbarkeit des Río Magdalena in Kolumbien verbessert werden sollte, war schlecht geplant. |
In den späten 1980er und in den 1990er Jahren kehrte eine Generation junger, städtischer Griechen vom Studium und Leben im Ausland zurück, wo sie einen internationaleren und raffinierteren Gaumen entwickelt hatten, was sich in der Nachfrage nach einer kosmopolitischen Küche ausdrückte.
Es war eine besonders passende Zeit für uns, dieses Programm durchzuführen, da wir gerade am Tag zuvor einen Schüler aufgrund einer Gewalttat verloren hatten. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Schüler das Gezeigte wirklich aufnahmen und eine Lehre daraus zogen. “– Rektor einer Highschool, Bundesstaat New York | Translate the following sentences from English to German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | In the late 1980s and 1990s, a generation of young, urban Greeks returned from study and life abroad, where they had acquired a more international and sophisticated palate, which translated into demand for cosmopolitan cuisine.
It was an especially good time for us to have this program as we lost a student to a violent act just a day before and I feel the students really absorbed and learned from this. ” — High school principal, New York State |
‘ While political party affiliation in the US is not a perfect indicator of religiosity, it is no secret that the ‘ red states ’ are primarily red because of the overwhelming political influence of conservative Christians.
Current theories suggest that dark matter, which makes up about 80 percent of the mass of the universe, is made up of unidentified particles that don ’ t interact with visible light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Хотя приверженность той или иной политической партии США и не является идеальным показателем религиозности, не секрет, что « красные штаты » в основном обязаны своим цветом преобладающему политическому влиянию консервативных христиан.
Современные теории предполагают, что темная материя, на которую приходится примерно 80% массы всей Вселенной, создана из пока еще неустановленных частиц, которые не взаимодействуют с видимым светом или другой формой электромагнитного излучения. |
Firtasch wird beschuldigt, indische Beamte mit mehr als 10 Millionen Dollar bestochen zu haben, um eine Lizenz für den Abbau von Ilmenit, dem Ausgangsstoff für Titan, zu erhalten. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Firtash was accused of giving bribes of over 10 million dollars to Indian officials for a licence to extract ilmenite – a mineral used in the production of titanium. |
"15.又认识到全球所有国际移徙者中,几乎一半是妇女和女童,还认识到必须处理移徙妇女和女童的特殊情况和脆弱性,特别是要将性别观点纳入政策,加强国家法律、体制和方案,以打击性别暴力,包括打击贩运人口以及歧视妇女和女童的现象; | Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences. | "15. Also recognizes that women and girls account for almost half of all international migrants at the global level, and further recognizes the need to address the special situation and vulnerability of migrant women and girls by, inter alia, incorporating a gender perspective into policies and strengthening national laws, institutions and programmes to combat gender-based violence, including trafficking in persons and discrimination against women and girls; |
2.5 With the help of official archivists, to whom it records its gratitude, the Commission has carried out a series of archival searches in Belgium, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The antics of these kids, their families, of the "West German" friends and relatives who come to visit, and of the East German border guards, all serve to illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee, and therefore throughout the former East Germany. | архивист means archivist
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 2.5 Прибегнув к помощи официальных архивистов (которым она выражает признательность), Комиссия провела серию архивных поисков в Бельгии, Швеции, Соединенном Королевстве и Соединенных Штатах Америки.
Проделки этих детей, их семей, друзей и родственников, которые приезжают из Западной Германии, немецких пограничников Восточной Германии — все это иллюстрирует абсурдность повседневной жизни на Солнечной Аллеи и, следовательно, на всей территории бывшей Восточной Германии. |
If I had put some space between the pole and my upper body, I could have slowed down my speed and softened my eventual wipeout.
The first devices like the MPMan F10 or the RIO PMP300 did not provide an internet connection and were only able to play back music which was stored on the device itself. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Hätte ich zwischen meinem Oberkörper und der Stange etwas Freiraum gelassen, hätte ich die Geschwindigkeit verringern und so meinen Fall abdämpfen können.
Die ersten Geräte, wie der MPMan F10 oder der RIO PMP300, waren noch ohne Internetanbindung und nur zur Wiedergabe von gespeicherter Musik im Gerät selbst geeignet. |
Париж, космополитическая столица Франции, является одной из крупнейших агломераций в Европе, с населением в 2,2 миллиона человек, живущих в густом центре города и почти 12 миллионов человек, живущих в пределах всей агломерации. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. |
When did you discover that you have headliner status in Greece (again this year you will be headlining the Up The Hammers Festival) - how often have you been playing there?
The mercantile and banking businesses of the Fugger and Welser families founded Augsburg's reputation as one of the richest commercial cities in Germany and it was during this epoch that the unique Renaissance buildings were constructed. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | Wann fandest du denn heraus, dass ihr in Griechenland Headliner-Status bei Festivals habt (wie auch wieder dieses Jahr beim Up The Hammers Festival) – wie oft seid ihr dort denn aufgetreten?
Die Fernhandels- und Bankgeschäfte der Fugger und Welser begründeten Augsburgs Ruf als eine der reichsten Handelsstädte Deutschlands. Aus dieser Zeit stammen auch die einzigartigen Renaissance-Bauwerke. |
Mehmet Aktaş und Hisham Zaman gewinnen am vergangenen Samstag Abend in der norwegischen Stadt Hausgesund den Amanda Award für das Beste Drehbuch zu dem Film "Letter to the king".
Können internationale kulturpolitische Initiativen, wie das EU-Programm „Kulturhauptstädte Europas“, ein Gegengewicht zu der derzeit viel beschworenen politischen Krise in der europäischen Union schaffen und Bürgerinnen und Bürgern eine gemeinsame europäische Zugehörigkeit vermitteln? | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | CONGRATULATIONS! That saturday night in the Norwegian city Hausgesund Mehmet Aktaş and Hisahm Zaman have won the Amanda Award for the Best Script "Letter to the king".
Can international cultural initiatives such as the EU programme ‘ European Capitals of Culture ’ create a counter-balance to the much-cited political crisis in the European Union, giving citizens a shared feeling of belonging to Europe? |
Am 27. Juni wurde Peter der Einsiedler von Bohemund zu Verhandlungen zu Kerboga gesandt, ein nutzloses Unterfangen, die Schlacht mit den Türken war unvermeidbar. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences using the given reference word translations. | On 27 June, Peter the Hermit was sent by Bohemond to negotiate with Kerbogha, but this proved futile and battle with the Turks was thus unavoidable. |
When returning home I closed my eyes for a moment because of the brightness of the Sun, we were driving about 50 kilometers per hour, suddenly my husband started cursing, the motorbike accelerated enormously and I did not have the time to open my eyes. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | Als wir nach Hause kamen, schloß ich meine Augen für einen Moment, weil die Sonne so leuchtend war, wir fuhren ungefähr 50 kmH, plötzlich begann mein Mann zu fluchen, das Motorrad beschleunigte enorm und ich hatte keine Zeit mehr, die Augen zu öffnen. |
得益于对废热的集约化利用以及大楼的持续改造,公司的加热油需求量从2014年的逾30,000升锐减为平均每年2,500升。 | mongolian means 蒙古文
Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version using the given reference word translations. | The questionnaire (see annex II), which was translated into the six United Nations languages, Portuguese and Mongolian, consists of two components:
Thanks to this intensive use of waste heat and the ongoing renovation of our buildings, the company reduced its demand for heating oil from over 30, '000 liters in 2014 to an average of 2,500 liters per year. |
不久,VremyaNovosti门户网站(新闻时间)得到信息,P.Gubarev不仅遭到殴打,还遭受了酷刑,以迫使他承认正在为俄罗斯特种部队执行任务。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Assisting the trio is Detective O'Brien (Simmons), whose investigation into Terminators and time travelers lead him to learn about Skynet, and helps the protagonists in their mission to avert Judgment Day.
Shortly after, the portal of Vremya Novosti (News Time) had information that P. Gubarev had not just been beaten but also tortured in order to force him to confess that he was on a mission from Russian special services. |
For example, Arkhangelsk region proposed changing the term "self-employment" to "entrepreneurial activity", since it "best corresponds to the content of state services promoting self-employment to unemployed citizens". | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Например, Архангельская область предложила заменить термин "самозанятость" на "предпринимательскую деятельность", поскольку это "наиболее соответствует содержанию государственной услуги по содействию самозанятости безработных граждан". |
В контексте выборов, касающихся почти всего региона, мы будем поощрять эти страны развивать региональное сотрудничество и продолжать прилагать решительные усилия в направлении политических, экономических и социальных реформ в целях укрепления демократии и прав человека, обеспечения верховенства права и построения основ прочного развития. | Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences. | In the context of elections concerning almost the entire region, we will encourage them to develop regional cooperation and to continue to make determined efforts for political, economic and social reform in order to consolidate democracy and human rights, to build the rule of law and lay the groundwork for sustainable development. |
1.1 Авторами сообщения являются г-жа Эстела Деолинда Ируста и г-жа Алехандра дель Валье Ируста, сестры г-на Роберто Агустина Ирусты, гражданина Аргентины, родившегося 29 августа 1980 года. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? | 1.1The authors of the communication are Ms. Estela Deolinda Yrusta and Ms. Alejandra del Valle Yrusta, sisters of Mr. Roberto Agustín Yrusta, an Argentine national born on 29 August 1980. |
These results provide vital insight, as Dr. Tyrrell explains, “This is important to help target efforts to reduce depression, which makes it much harder for people to adopt [healthful] lifestyle habits. ”
A deck of 52 cards is usually used for the game, however sometimes “jokers ” and so-called“ wild cards ” can be added to it, with which you can replace any other card to improve the combination. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | Эти результаты дают жизненно важную информацию, как объясняет д-р Тиррелл: “Это важно для того, чтобы помочь целенаправленно бороться с депрессией, которая значительно затрудняет принятие людьми привычек [здорового] образа жизни ”.
Для игры обычно используется колода из 52 карт, однако иногда к ней могут быть добавлены « джокеры » и так называемые « дикие карты », которыми можно заменить любую другую карту для улучшения комбинации. |
17. In its letter dated 30 August 2013, the Committee reiterated its concerns about further alleged failure of Costa Rica to protect members and leaders of the Teribe and Bribri peoples against physical violence by illegal occupants of their territories.
The workshops were held from 10 to 14 March 2008 in Rabat, Morocco, from 24 to 26 October 2007 in Piggs Peak, Swaziland, from 3 to 7 May 2008 in Sanaa, Yemen, and from 22 to 24 July 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 17. В своем письме от 30 августа 2013 года Комитет вновь заявил о своей озабоченности по поводу того, что Коста-Рика, по-прежнему не обеспечивает защиту представителей и лидеров народов терибе и брибри от физического насилия со стороны лиц, незаконно занявших их земли.
Эти рабочие совещания состоялись 10-14 марта 2008 года в Рабате, Марокко, 24-26 октября 2007 года в Пигз Пике, Свазиленд, 3-7 мая 2008 года в Санаа, Йемен, и 22-24 июля 2008 года в Бангкоке, Таиланд. |
Наконец, от имени нашей страны я хотел бы поблагодарить Специального советника Генерального секретаря Организации Объединенных Наций по спорту на благо развития и мира гна Вильфрида Лемке за его важный вклад в содействие диалогу, взаимодействию и партнерству на базе спорта на благо развития и мира.
предлагает сообществу доноров активизировать оказываемую ими поддержку Конвенции в целях формирования глобальной коалиции для борьбы с деградацией почв и опустыниванием в целях содействия улучшению состояния окружающей среды во всем мире и устойчивому освоению засушливых земель; | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? | Finally, on behalf of my country, I would like to thank the United Nations Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace, Mr. Wilfried Lemke, for his important work in encouraging dialogue, collaboration and partnership around sport for development and peace.
Invites the donor community to increase its support to the Convention with a view to achieving a global coalition for combating land degradation and desertification that will contribute to the improvement of the global environment and to the sustainable development of dry lands; |
« Значительное число венесуэльцев в Майкао живут на улицах или в неформальных поселениях, и 81 процент опрошенных заявили, что им нужно укрытие », — сказал г-н Махечич. | Change the given sentences from English to Russian format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | “A significant number of Venezuelans in Maicao are living on the streets or in informal settlements and 81 per cent of those interviewed, said that they required shelter, ” Mr. Mahecic said. |
On 15 November, rebels took control of the military headquarters in Abu Kamal, after fierce clashes with government forces.
At its 2nd meeting, on 8 March 2010, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, on the recommendation of the International Narcotics Control Board, decided by 44 votes to none, with no abstentions, to transfer phenylacetic acid from Table II to Table I of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 11月15日,反对派武装在与政府军的激烈交战之后控制了阿布凯马勒的政府军指挥部。
麻醉药品委员会在其2010年3月8日第2次会议上,按照国际麻醉品管制局的建议,以44票对零票,零票弃权,决定将苯乙酸从1988年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》表二转至表一。 |
Neben der Herstellung und dem Angebot von Betonmischanlagen und mobilen Betonmischanlagen kann das Unternehmen auch ein Kontrollsystem für Betonmischanlagen, verschiedene Mischer, Zubehör für mobile Betonmischanlagen wie Zementsilos, Schneckenförderer, horizontale Zementzuführungen usw. liefern. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The given word translations should be used. | Besides producing and offering concrete batching plant and mobile concrete batching plant, it also can supply concrete batch plant control system, various mixers, mobile concrete batching plant accessories, such as cement silos, screw conveyors, horizontal cement feeder and etc. |
The famous painter of the nineteenth century, the ancestor of critical realism, Pavel Andreevich Fedotov was fond of drawing from early childhood, but did not consider his passion to be a talent, did not see himself as an artist. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Известный живописец девятнадцатого века, родоначальник критического реализма, Павел Андреевич Федотов увлекался рисованием с раннего детства, но не считал свое увлечение – талантом, не видел себя художником. |
In modern prison systems of the world one can trace the origins of the philosophy of rehabilitation through isolation to the Pennsylvania prison model, developed in the 1820s at the Cherry Hill Prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America.
Welcoming guests with warm hospitality and excellent service, this hotel offers luxuriously-decorated rooms to ensure restful slumber. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Chinese to English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 纵观世界现代监狱制度,通过隔离实现改造的理念最早可追溯到1820年代在美利坚合众国费城樱桃山监狱发展起来的宾夕法尼亚监狱模式。
酒店以热情款待和优良的服务欢迎客人,为客人提供豪华装饰的客房,以确保宁静的睡眠。 |
272. Concerning Dr. Waldemar Kalita, the Government confirmed that, because he resisted Federal Border Guard officers, he was pulled out of his car and handcuffed by them, but was neither punched, nor beaten with a truncheon.
Paul did not agree to any Christian sitting lazily and relaxed, fancifully waiting for the coming of his Lord, while letting his house fall into distress and hunger because of idleness. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 272.关于WaldemarKalita博士,该国政府证实,由于他对联邦边防军军官进行抵抗,他被拉出汽车并被带上手铐,但即没有遭到拳打,也没有遭到棍棒的抽打。
保罗不同意任何基督徒只慵懒地闲坐着,幻想等待主的到来,而他的家庭陷入困境,因为懒惰挨饿。 |
58.今年,阿富汗政府通过了新的新闻媒体法,禁止审查或限制大众传媒,并确认思想、言论和新闻自由的权利。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | 58. The Government this year adopted a new media law that prohibits censoring or limiting mass media and affirms the rights to freedom of thought, speech and information. |
Insbesondere sollten die Anschlusspole und die Stecker / Klemmen frei von Korrosion bleiben, da dies die Leistung der Batterie beeinflussen und ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellen kann.
Es ist an der Zeit, dass die afrikanischen Länder massiv und vor allem effizient investieren, sowohl in Humankapital durch Gesundheit und Bildung als auch in die Entwicklung lokaler und regionaler Wertschöpfungsketten, um strukturelle Veränderungen einzuleiten. “ | african means afrikanisch
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Above all, the terminals and connectors or clamps should be kept free of corrosion as this can have a negative influence on the battery's performance and create a safety risk.
The time has come for African countries to invest massively and, above all, efficiently, both in human capital through health and education as well as in the development of local and regional value chains in order to initiate structural changes ”. |
Камера в реальном времени транслирует панорамный вид на Сеул с высоты башни на горе Намсан в самом центре города.
Комитет призывает государство-участник исследовать и проанализировать все случаи применения насилия в отношении женщин, особенно те, которые привели к убийству женщин, и обеспечить принятие эффективных мер для предотвращения насилия в отношении женщин и защиты женщин от насилия. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry? | The camera in real time shows a panoramic view of Seoul from the height of the tower on Mount Namsan in the heart of the city.
The Committee calls upon the State party to study and analyse all cases of violence against women, especially those that result in murders of women, and to ensure the adoption of effective measures to prevent violence against women and protect women from violence. |
The great victories won in the Cultural Revolution prevented the capitalist restoration in China for a decade and led to great socialist transformations in the economic base as well as in education, literature and art, scientific research and other parts of the superstructure.
People with eye signs and symptoms of Behcet's disease need to visit an eye specialist (ophthalmologist) regularly because treatment can help prevent this complication. | надстройка means superstructure
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Великие победы культурной революции предотвратили реставрацию капитализма в Китае на десятилетие и привели к великим социалистическим преобразованиям в экономическом базисе, а также в образовании, литературе и искусстве, научных исследованиях и других элементах надстройки.
Люди с глазными признаками и симптомами болезни Бехчета должны регулярно посещать глазного врача (офтальмолога), потому что лечение может помочь предотвратить это осложнение. |
Joseph Whitt was a regular and said he was heartbroken when they closed. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Joseph Witt war Stammkunde und sagte, dass er am Boden zerstört war, als das Café schloss. |
双半球世界地图(彭纳投影),1566年这幅双半球世界地图由诺曼水道测量员纪尧姆·勒泰图(GuillaumeLeTestu,1509-1572年)使用彭纳投影技术绘制完成。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | Astronomers initially had no reason to believe that there would be countless thousands of minor planets, and strove to assign a symbol to each new discovery, in the tradition of the symbols used for the major planets.
World Map in two Hemispheres (Bonne Projection), 1566 This world map in two hemispheres using the Bonne projection is by the Norman hydrographer Guillaume Le Testu (1509∠’ 72). |
Jeder wird überrascht sein, wenn Sie die obere Hälfte der Skulptur anheben und das Geheimnis lüften: Ober- und Unterteil entpuppen sich als zwei Eierbecher.
Die syrische Wirtschaft basierte zunehmend auf Mieten, und der Anteil der produktiven Sektoren schrumpfte von 48,1 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts im Jahr 1992 auf 40,6 Prozent im Jahr 2010, während der Einkommensanteil im Volkseinkommen in den Jahren 2008-2009 weniger als 33 Prozent im Vergleich zu fast 40,5 Prozent im Jahr 2004 betrug – das bedeutet, dass Profite und Mieten mehr als 67 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts ausmachten. | Change the given sentences from English to German format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Everyone will be surprised when you lift off the upper half of the sculpture and reveal the secret: Top and bottom turn out to be two egg cups.
The Syrian economy became increasingly rent-based, as the share of productive sectors diminished from 48.1 percent of GDP in 1992 to 40.6 percent in 2010, while the share of wages in the national income was less than 33 percent in 2008-2009, compared to nearly 40.5 percent in 2004 – meaning that profits and rents constituted more than 67 percent of GDP. |
Es könnte sich um einen zweiten Begleiter handeln, der dann als GJ 758 C zu bezeichnen wäre. Allerdings muss noch mit einer erneuten, zeitlich versetzten Beobachtung geprüft werden, ob auch dieses Objekt an der gemeinsamen Eigenbewegung des Systems teilnimmt, oder ob es sich um einen Himmelskörper im Hintergrund handelt. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | It could be a second companion, which would then be named GJ 758 C. A new, temporally staggered observation must be carried out, however, to investigate whether this object also participates in the common proper motion of the system, or whether it is a celestial body in the background. |
20.2010年4月7日,司法部建立了一个工作组,准备执行欧洲理事会《保护儿童免遭性剥削和性虐待公约》,以及必要的立法修正案,工作组于2010年5月4日提交了报告,此外还请相关的主管部门和机构于2010年6月底之前就答复提出意见。 | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? | On 7 April 2010, the Ministry of Justice set up a working group to prepare the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse and the necessary legislative amendments. The working group gave its report on 4 May 2010, and the relevant authorities and bodies have been requested to give their comments on the report by the end of June 2010. |
同时,钨酸钠指示剂也可以用于钒钛磁铁矿、硼镁矿石及其它含铁矿石的铁含量测定实验中。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | On 16 May he was captured by American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division in a shoemaker's house in the village of Schleching.
2 bottles of a non-alcoholic drink and 2 tabs for the coffee maker are provided on arrival.
Meanwhile, sodium tungstate indicator can also be used in the iron content measurement experiments of vanadium-titanium magnetite, boron and magnesium ore and other minerals which contain iron. |