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Вредоносное ПО в основном получает доступ к вашему устройству через Интернет и по электронной почте, несмотря на то, что оно также может получать доступ через взломанные веб-сайты, музыкальные файлы, панели инструментов, демонстрации игр, бесплатные подписки, программное обеспечение или что-либо еще, что загружается из Интернета на устройство, которое не защищено программным обеспечением от вредоносных программ. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form. | Malware mostly gains access to your device via the Internet and through email, despite the fact that it can also get access via hacked websites, music files, toolbars, game demos, free subscriptions, software, or anything else that gets download from the web onto a device which is not protected with anti-malware software. |
Wenn jeder Mensch weltweit, der derzeit noch keinen Zugang zu einem Optiker oder Augenarzt hat, innerhalb eines Jahr einen Sehtest oder eine Augenuntersuchung bekommen soll, bräuchte es viele zusätzliche Termine für die neuen Patienten: 6 Millionen an jedem Tag, 250.000 in jeder Stunde oder 70 in jeder Sekunde. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | If everyone in the world who currently has no access to an optometrist or ophthalmologist is to receive a vision test or eye exam within one year, a lot of additional appointments would be necessary for the new patients: 6 million every day, 250,000 every hour or 70 every second. |
2000年和2001年商业部门疲软表现在公司利润不断降低,股权价格直线下落,资本支出长期削减,工业生产急剧下降。 | Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences. | Moreover, it must be reiterated that Israel is responsible for the safety, well-being and condition of all Palestinians being held in its captivity, including women and children and all ill prisoners, 25 of whom are reported to be suffering from cancer.
The weakness in the business sector in 2000 and 2001 embodied a persistent decline in corporate profits, a precipitate fall in equity prices, a protracted cut in capital spending, and a sharp drop in industrial production. |
Voidokilia beach is a true natural gem of Greece. It is difficult to access and therefore little known among tourists. Sandy dunes are located around the beach, which are rare on the Peloponnese peninsula. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Пляж Войдокилья - это настоящая природная жемчужина Греции. Он труднодоступен, а потому малоизвестен среди туристов. Вокруг пляжа расположены песочные дюны, которые практически не встречаются на полуострове Пелопоннес. |
В наше время развитие страны в некоторой степени зависит от ее промышленного производства, что, в свою очередь, часто отражается в общенациональных показателях импорта и экспорта железа и стали, поскольку из этих материалов производится так много товаров.
Гэнда верил, что даже в конце войны японские пилоты способны на равных сражаться с опытными американскими лётчиками, получившими отличную подготовку и снабжёнными новейшими самолётами. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form. | In modern times, the development of a country is to some degree dependent upon its industrial production, which in turn is often reflected in national totals of the import and export of iron and steel, as so many goods are produced from these materials.
Genda believed that even late in the war Japanese pilots were capable of fighting experienced American pilots on equal terms if properly trained and supplied with state-of-the-art aircraft. |
Only the effects of catastrophizing, not depression and fear was conditional of regular weekly structured PA sessions. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Lediglich die Auswirkungen der Katastrophisierung, nicht aber Depression und Angst waren Voraussetzung für regelmäßige wöchentliche strukturierte Sitzungen mit körperlichen Aktivitäten. |
Integrated hand brake The lifting unit as well as the carriage is fitted with a hand brake. Working on a car thus becomes easier, and above all, safer. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Integrierte Festellbremse: Sowohl die Hubeinheit als auch das Fahrgestell sind mit einer Feststellbremse ausgerüstet. Das Arbeiten am Fahrzeug wird damit noch einfacher. Und vor allem sicherer. |
地址:中国辽宁省锦州市太和区解放西路116号 | Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences. | Address: No. 116, West Jie Fang Road, Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province |
Da viele Menschen versuchen, Geld zu verdienen, indem sie in neue Projekte investieren, die mit Kryptowährung zu tun haben, sind ICOs eine der beliebtesten Methoden, um Betrug zu begehen. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Since many people try to earn money by investing in new projects that are related to cryptocurrency, ICOs are one of the most popular ways to commit fraud. |
That's why UCLA's first three practices were scheduled to begin at 7:15 p.m. to accommodate players' already crammed schedules. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | Поэтому начало первых трёх тренировок команды Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе было назначено на 7:15 вечера, чтобы они поместились в и без того плотное расписание игроков. |
In light of the evidence that HPV vaccines have not been proven safe or effective, how wise is it to allow doctors to give a minor child Gardasil or Cervarix vaccinations without informing and getting the consent of parents?
Wadi Billy (Dry Canyon): this canyon was covered by Red Sea water millions of years ago. We will enjoy the beautiful view of the canyon and see the fossils of corals and shells. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? | В свете отсутствия доказательств безопасности и эффективности вакцины против ВПЧ, насколько разумно позволять врачам делать несовершеннолетнему ребенку прививку « Гардасил » или « Церварикс », не проинформировав и не получив согласие родителей?
Вади Билли (Сухой каньон): этот каньон миллионы лет назад был покрыт водой Красного моря. Мы насладимся прекрасным видом на каньон и увидим окаменелости кораллов и ракушек. |
The conservative opposition and the country's president Gjorge Ivanov are against it. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form. | Против - консервативная оппозиция и президент страны Георге Иванов. |
In his book on messianism, David Banon confirms this vision of the world: “The Messianic era such as it was described by all the prophets consists of the suppression of political violence and social injustice. ” [5]
Fewer cars, efficient and convenient public transport, good and secure cycle paths – many people want this because it improves their quality of life and protects the environment. " | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | David Banon bestätigt diese Weltsicht in seinem Buch über Messianismus: „Das messianische Zeitalter, wie es von den Propheten beschrieben wurde, besteht in der Unterdrückung politischer Gewalt und sozialer Ungerechtigkeit. ” (3)
Weniger Autos, ein leistungsfähiger und günstiger öffentlicher Nahverkehr, gute und sichere Fahrradwege – all das wünschen sich viele Menschen, weil es ihre Lebensqualität verbessert und die Umwelt schützt. " |
Like their religious adversaries, they are also involved in the growing market for Islamic historical films, the production of which repeatedly triggers conflict over the dress code for female actors.
* High insulation property (the value of dielectric constant is only 2.6, and the value of tangent is less than 0.0025). | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? | Wie ihre religiösen Gegenspieler beteiligen auch sie sich am wachsenden Markt islamischer Historienfilme, bei deren Produktion es immer wieder zum Streit über die Aufmachung der Schauspielerinnen kommt.
* hohes Isolierungseigentum (der Wert der Dielektrizitätskonstante ist nur 2,6, und der Wert der Tangente ist kleiner als 0,0025). |
A Swiss military bicycle which must be able by the way to survive undamaged being thrown twenty times from a troop transporter completes the military facet.
The Gossen Prize is awarded every year to a German speaking economist who has gained an international reputation for his or her research. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Ein Schweizer Militärfahrrad, das übrigens zwanzig Würfe aus dem Truppentransporter unbeschadet überstehen muss, damit es diensttauglich erklärt wird, komplettiert die militärische Facette.
Der Gossen-Preis wird jedes Jahr an einen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler oder eine Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin aus dem deutschen Sprachraum verliehen, die durch ihre Forschung internationales Ansehen gewonnen haben. |
Mustafa Dzhemilev was born on November 13, 1943 in the village of Bozkoy in the steppe Crimea, where his parents were evicted from the village of Ay Serez (now Mizhrichia) in the Sudak region of the Crimean SSR. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Мустафа Джемилев родился 13 ноября 1943 г. в селе Бозкой в степном Крыму, куда его родители были выселены из села Ай-Серез (ныне с. Междуречье) Судакского региона Крымской АССР. |
И если бы я должен был выбрать конкретную дату, которая ознаменовала собой начало конца, то остановился бы на 31 января 1968 года – дне, когда силы Вьетконга и Северного Вьетнама начали Тетское наступление, которое в военном отношении было для них провальным, но политически гибельным для администрации Линдона Бэйнса Джонсона. | In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? | And if I had to pick a specific date that marked the beginning of the end, I would settle on January 31, 1968 – the day the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces began the Tet offensive, which was militarily a setback for them, but politically disastrous for the administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson. |
The plans include the world's largest indoor ski center, golf courses, a seven-star hotel, the world's largest musical fountain and miniature replicas of famous structures like the Tower Bridge in London and San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.
In 1974 – 1980, Professor Stefan Marinov from Graz, Austria, did a series of experiments in which he showed that the Earth moves with respect to a certain cosmic reference system at a speed of 360 ± 30 km / s, which clearly has some absolute status. | Translate the following sentences from Russian to English. | Планы включают строительство крупнейшего в мире крытого горнолыжного центра, поля для гольфа, семизвездочного отеля, крупнейшего в мире музыкального фонтана и уменьшенные копии таких известных строений, как Тауэрский мост в Лондоне и мост « Золотые ворота » в Сан-Франциско.
В 1974 - 1980 годах профессор Стефан Маринов из г. Грац, Австрия, проделал серию экспериментов, в которых показал, что Земля движется по отношению к некоторой космической системе отсчета со скоростью 360 ± 30 км / с, которая явно имеет какой-то абсолютный статус. |
这些文件证明亚美尼亚有关各起事件的说法毫无根据,证明埃里温故意不履行安全理事会决议的要求,执意破坏依据国际法解决冲突的进程。 | Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences. | The documents in question prove the unsubstantiated nature of the Armenian version of events and testify to the intentional non-fulfilment by Yerevan of the requirements of the Security Council resolutions, and its determined efforts to undermine the process of settling the conflict on the basis of international law. |
认知科学是一个跨学科领域,包含了来自各领域的贡献,包括心理学、神经科学、语言学、精神哲学、计算机科学、人类学、社会学和生物学。 | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Chinese? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Mind, in Buddhism, refers to an individual, subjective, mere experiencing of something and not to a physical or immaterial object that either does the experiencing or is the tool someone uses to experience things.
Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary field with contributors from various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy of mind, computer science, anthropology, sociology, and biology. |
The number of consultant contracts decreased by 11.6 per cent (489 contracts) and the number of individual contractor contracts decreased by 10.2 per cent (301 contracts) between 2001 and 2003.
The surrounding wetlands were drained and cultivated by the monks of nearby Bergues Abbey. | 顾问 means consultant
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 2001年到2003年之间,顾问合同数减少了11.6%(489份合同),独立订约人合同数减少了10.2%(301份合同)。
城市周圍的濕地由附近的贝尔格教堂的僧侶抽走積水並開墾。 |
Einige dieser Veränderungen betreffen meine Realität als Einwanderin, die Neuerfindung meiner kulturellen Identität, die Distanz meiner Familie, meine Beziehung zur Musik und wie ich meine Weiblichkeit definiere. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Some of these changes involve my reality as an immigrant, the reinvention of my cultural identity, the distance of my family, my relationship with music and how I define my womanhood. |
Ich begrüße die Anstrengungen der Regierung, durch Sofortmaßnahmen eine mögliche Ausbreitung des Virus in Usbekistan zu verhindern “, sagte Frau Jakab heute auf einer Pressekonferenz in der Hauptstadt Taschkent.
Nebenwirkungen wie Nierenprobleme, interstitielle Pneumonie (eine Lungenerkrankung) und venöse okklusive Leberkrankheit (eine Erkrankung, bei der einige der kleinen Lebervenen verstopfen) traten häufiger bei Patienten auf, die mit einer myeloablativen Therapie behandelt wurden, als unter konventioneller Chemotherapie. | Change the given sentences from English to German format using the given reference word translations. | I would like to commend the Government ’ s efforts to take urgent action to prevent the possible spread of the virus in Uzbekistan, ” said Ms Jakab at a press conference in the capital, Tashkent, today.
Side effects such as renal (kidney) effects, interstitial pneumonitis (a type of lung disease) and veno-occlusive disease (a condition in which some of the small veins in the liver are obstructed) were more common in patients treated with myeloablative therapy than conventional chemotherapy. |
However on the island of Ulleungdo there is still an extinct volcano, although according to volcanologists, the last eruption occurred more than 5,000 years ago. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | Впрочем на самом острове Уллындо все же есть потухший вулкан, хотя по данным вулканологов последнее его извержение произошло более, чем 5000 лет назад. |
In March 2016, Zurich ’ s Triemli Hospital opened the most modern inpatient facility in Switzerland after seven years of construction: Rooms accommodating just two patients also for generally insured patients, friendly interior design with natural materials – and on each bed a multimedia terminal with an 18-inch touchscreen.
The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is one of the unusual species that regularly hunts in the delta in spring. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | Im März 2016 eröffnete das Zürcher Stadtspital Triemli nach siebenjähriger Bauzeit das modernste Bettenhaus der Schweiz: Auch für allgemeinversicherte Patienten nur noch Zweibettzimmer, freundliche Raumgestaltung mit natürlichen Materialien – und an jedem Bett ein Multimedia-Terminal mit 18-Zoll-Touchscreen.
Der Wanderfalke (Falco peregrinus) ist eine der seltenen Arten, die im Frühling regelmäßig im Delta jagen. |
Tests like Tensile Strength and Ultimate Elongation (ASTM D-638), Chemical Resistance (ASTM D-543) and Accelerated Aging (ISO 188) can also give one a good idea if the product will last.
Research had identified several promising chemical and non-chemical alternatives (phosphine, insecticides and sulfuryl fluoride with heat), but the party had demonstrated that they were not yet effective on a commercial scale. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | 抗拉强度和极限延长(ASTMD-638)、耐化学性(ASTMD-543)和加速老化(ISO188)等测试也可让您清楚地了解产品的使用寿命。
研究已发现若干有前途的化学和非化学替代品(膦类化合物、杀虫剂和加热的硫酰氟),但缔约方已证明它们尚不具备商业规模的有效性。 |
Её исток самый широкий и крупный в мире, и вода в нём не замерзает даже в сильные морозы, потому что сюда постоянно поступают более тёплые струи из глубин.
Витовт был вынужден подписать договор, по которому обязался быть лояльным к Скиргайло и поддерживать его, но его положение как князя Волыни при этом не было документально подтверждено. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Its source is the widest and largest in the world, and the water in it does not freeze even in extreme frosts, because warmer jets from the depths constantly flow here.
Vytautas was pressured into signing a formal document declaring that he was loyal to Skirgaila and supported him, but his position as Duke of Lutsk was not formally acknowledged. |
It is proven that the Byzantine emperor Leo III successfully defended the city against the Arabs in the battle of Akroinon in 740.
Picea glauca (white spruce) and Abies balsamea (balsam fir) are more shade-tolerant than P. mariana3, but the latter tolerates better the difficult conditions of boggy forest4. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Belegt ist, dass der byzantinische Kaiser Leo III. im Jahr 740 die Stadt in der Schlacht bei Akroinon erfolgreich gegen die Araber verteidigte.
Picea glauca (Weiß-Fichte) und Abies balsamea (Balsam-Tanne) sind schattentoleranter als P. mariana3, aber die letztgenannte toleriert besser die schwierigen Verhältnisse des moorigen Waldes4. |
How many Christians, lay people, consecrated brothers and sisters, priests have given their own lives to teaching, to the education of children and young people.
At the same time it ’ s still unknown exactly how the inflammatory processes occur and why some people develop severe periodontal disease and others do not. ” Nagihan Bostanci has been studying for more than ten years in this field. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Wie viele Christen – Laien, geweihte Brüder und Schwestern, Priester – haben ihr Leben der Bildung, der Erziehung von Kindern und Jugendlichen gewidmet.
Gleichzeitig ist noch unbekannt, wie die Entzündung genau abläuft und warum manche Menschen eine schwere Parodontitis entwickeln und andere nicht. “Nagihan Bostanci forscht seit mehr als zehn Jahren auf diesem Gebiet. |
Das bedeutet eine geringere Schädigung des Meeresbodens, weniger Beifänge von gefährdeten Lebewesen, wie Schweinswalen, Delfinen und anderen Meeressäugern, sowie eine Senkung der Treibstoffverbrauchs ‑ weil zum Fang einer Tonne Fisch aus einem üppigen Bestand weniger Fangzeit benötigt wird als aus einem knappen Bestand. Dies wird die CO2-Emissionen ebenso verringern wie die Treibstoffkosten der Fischereifahrzeuge. | Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences using the given reference word translations. | This means less damage to sea bottoms, less by-catches of vulnerable organisms, such as porpoises, dolphins and other marine mammals and less fuel used – because it takes less fishing time to catch a tonne of fish from an abundant stock than from a scarce one; this will in turn contribute to reducing carbon emissions and the fuel expenditure of fishing vessels. |
Bei weniger als 1 % der Infizierten verursacht das Virus eine gefährliche Meningitis oder Enzephalitis. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | The virus causes dangerous meningitis or encephalitis in less than 1% of those infected. |
Он отказался от выполнения военной обязанности на основании своих личных религиозных убеждений, согласившись взамен пройти альтернативную службу. 25 апреля 2007 года Гунсанским отделением окружного суда Чонджу его ходатайство было отклонено, и он был приговорен к полутора годам тюремного заключения в нарушение Закона о военной службе.
Самая известная « жертва » — Связной банк, который потерял четверть своих вкладов после выхода статьи в газете « Коммерсантъ » в ноябре 2014 года о проблеме с выплатой долга у бизнесмена Максима Ноготкова (на тот момент он был акционером банка). | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | He refused to perform military duty on account of his personal religious convictions. He agreed to perform alternative service. On 25 April 2007, the Gunsan Branch of Jeonju District Court rejected his claim and sentenced him to one and a half years of imprisonment in violation of the Military Service Law.
The most famous “victim ” — Svyaznoy Bank, which lost a quarter of their deposits after the article in the newspaper“ Kommersant ” in November 2014 about a problem with the repayment of the debt by businessman Maxim Nogotkov (at the time was a shareholder of the Bank). |
The authorities also report two deaths in humans, presumably from bird flu in the provinces of Nineveh and Diyala (in the north and northeast of the country).
Opal is considered to be the national gemstone for Australia, owing to the fact that Australia produces roughly 97% of the world's entire supply of opal gemstones. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Власти страны сообщают также о двух смертельных случаях у людей предположительно от птичьего гриппа в провинциях Ниневия и Дияла (на севере и северо-востоке страны).
Опал считается национальным драгоценным камнем в Австралии, в связи с тем, что эта страна производит примерно 97% всего мирового запаса опаловых драгоценных камней. |
This 3-star hotel is quietly located in Chişinău ’ s green Sectorul Botanica district, a 5-minute walk from Chişinău Zoo and the Chişinău Botanic Gardens.
That ’ s why so many medical professionals tell their patients to eat bananas when experiencing an upset stomach, and why bananas are part of the BRAT (bananas, rice, apple sauce, and toast) diet. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | Dieses 3-Sterne-Hotel liegt ruhig im grünen Stadtteil Sectorul Botanica von Chişinău. Ein 5-minütiger Spaziergang bringt Sie zum Zoo und zum botanischen Garten von Chişinău.
Deshalb empfehlen so viele Mediziner ihren Patienten, Bananen zu essen, wenn sie eine Magenverstimmung haben, und warum Bananen ein Teil der BRAT (Bananen, Reis, Apfelmus und Toast) Diät sind. |
“Eccentric, impertinent and vulgar, - Klaus Kinski, who was hardly loved by anyone, has been a favourite of the media for decades.
The ILWU, as a union for dockworkers, owes its existence to international trade, but also inherits a tradition of working-class internationalism from its radical past.
Tell us what you think about "Altars of madness" and receive a 10% voucher within 24 hours. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | "Exzentrisch, unverschämt und ordinär – Klaus Kinski, den kaum jemand mochte, war seit Jahrzehnten ein Lieblingskind der Medien.
Die ILWU, als Gewerkschaft der Hafenarbeiter, verdankt ihre Existenz dem internationalen Handel. Aber sie hat aus ihrer radikalen Vergangenheit auch eine starke Tradition des Arbeiterklassen-Internationalismus geerbt.
Sag uns deine Meinung zu „Altars of madness“ und erhalte innerhalb von 24 Stunden einen 10% Gutschein. |
Еще одна наша бывшая "художница" - Яна Березко-Маргграндер, которая выступает за сборную Германии. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | Another one of our former ‘rhythmic gymnasts’ is Jana Berezko-Marggrander, who competes for Team Germany. |
Kinder mit ADHS haben Schwierigkeiten, sich auf Dinge wie Schularbeiten zu konzentrieren, aber sie können sich auf Dinge konzentrieren, die ihnen Spaß machen, wie etwa Spielen, ihre Lieblingszeichentrickserie zu schauen oder Sätze ohne Zeichensetzung zu schreiben. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? | Children with ADD have a hard time focusing on things like school work, but they can concentrate on things they enjoy doing like playing games or watching their favorite cartoons or writing sentences without punctuation. |
In Queensland, three out of five people - mostly the elderly, immigrants, vulnerable workers, victims of violence and those without resources to fight unfair evictions and the like - are already turned away while seeking free legal advice and representation. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form. | In Queensland werden bereits drei von fünf Personen - meistens ältere Personen, Immigranten, hilfsbedürftige Arbeiter, Opfer von Gewalttaten und diejenigen, die über keine Mittel für ungerechte Delogierungen und ähnliches verfügen - bei ihrem Ansuchen auf kostenlose Rechtsberatung und Rechtsbeistand abgewiesen. |
Juckreiz an Händen und Füßen, auch Pruritus genannt, kann ein Symptom für verschiedene Hautprobleme, wie einen allergischen Hautausschlag, Psoriasis oder Dermatitis, sein. [1] Dieser Juckreiz kann sehr schmerzhaft und irritierend sein. Die Haut ist ggf. rot, hat Beulen und Blasen. | Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Itchy feet and hands, also called pruritus, can be a symptom of different skin conditions such as an allergic rash, psoriasis, or dermatitis. [1] It can be painful or extremely irritating, and your skin may be rough, red, or have bumps and blisters. |
(1)假若我们把身体视为属我所有,对它有占有心,不愿明智善用。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | (a) If we view the body as our own, we become possessive of it and are unwilling to expend it in ways that are wise and worthwhile. |
罗马尼亚对庆祝国庆节遭受攻击的法国表达同情。7月14号在法国东南部尼斯市一辆大货车冲撞正看焰火表演的人群造成几十人死亡。 | Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Romania stands by France, hit by a new terror attack right on its national holiday. Tens of people were killed on the night of July 14, when a lorry ploughed through the crowd gathered for the Bastille Day fireworks in Nice, in the south-east of the country. |
Die Bedeutung und Auswirkung des Evangeliums auf das christliche Leben in der Welt zu erkennen und es auf neue Situationen anzuwenden, ist wesentlich für eure kirchliche Führungsaufgabe; es ist Zeit, daß die Katholiken zusammen mit den anderen Christen mittels der Neuheit des Evangeliums für die Verteidigung und Förderung jener grundlegenden Werte kämpfen, auf denen eine des Menschen wahrhaft würdige Gesellschaft aufgebaut ist. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? The given word translations should be used. | Working out the implications of the Gospel for Christian life in the world and applying it to new situations is crucial to your ecclesial leadership: this is the time for Catholics – together with other Christians – to bring the freshness of the Gospel to the struggle to defend and promote the fundamental values upon which a society truly worthy of man is built. |
然而,中央公园的旋转木马仍然是一个魔幻般的体验,对于两个 2 岁的孩子,一个11岁的孩子,和四个 40 来岁的两个女孩都可以参加的活动来说,每个人都玩得很开心。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format. | The Central Park carousel, however, is still a weirdly magical experience, to the extent that two two-year-olds, an 11-year-old and two women in their 40s can go on it and all have a great time. |
From 2004 to 2010, Chinese athletes won 841 world champion titles, of which female athletes won 473 (56 per cent); Chinese athletes set world records 125 times over the same period, of which 98 (78 per cent) were set by female athletes. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | С 2004 по 2010 год китайские спортсмены 841 раз становились чемпионами мира, при этом 473 чемпионских звания завоевали женщины (56%); в течение указанного периода времени китайские атлеты установили 125 мировых рекордов, из которых 98 (78%) на счету спортсменов-женщин. |
Some countries export billions of dollars of arms every year, stockpile chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, establish military bases or have a military presence in other countries while accusing others of militarism, and mobilize all their global resources to impede the scientific and technological progress of other nations under the pretext of countering arms proliferation. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Некоторые страны ежегодно экспортируют вооружения на миллиарды долларов, накапливают химическое, биологическое и ядерное оружие, создают военные базы или имеют военное присутствие в других странах, но при этом обвиняют в милитаризме остальных и мобилизуют все свои глобальные ресурсы для того, чтобы препятствовать научному и технологическому прогрессу других государств под предлогом борьбы с распространением вооружений. |
Entdecken Sie mit dem Reiseführer ein Museum in zeitgenössischer Architektur, das Ihnen die Lebensweisen der Haeduer, einem Volk, das Bibracte vor zweitausend Jahren bewohnte, offenbart.
Um langfristig sachdienliche Daten zu erlangen, wird die Kommission in einem ersten Schritt auch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den nationalen statistischen Ämtern und Eurostat fördern, damit Methoden zur Abbildung der EU-Mikroregionen mit dem größten Entwicklungsrückstand, in denen die meisten marginalisierten Gruppen – insbesondere Roma – leben, ermittelt werden können. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language, and must use the given word translations. | Discover a museum featuring contemporary architecture with a guide, who will reveal to you the lifestyles of the Aedui; the people who lived in Bibracte two thousand years ago.
In order to get useful data in the long term, the Commission will also foster cooperation between national statistical offices and Eurostat so as to be able to identify methods to map the EU's least developed micro-regions, where the most marginalised groups live, and in particular Roma, as a first step. |
Олд Спиталфилдс Маркет находится в восточной части города, в непосредственной близости от Ливерпуль-стрит и состоит из более чем сорока мест, где можно поесть и выпить, а также двадцати пяти магазинов, продающих все виды кустарных изделий.
10 ноября 2007 года 10 остальных обвиняемых, одному из которых был 71 год, а другому, несовершеннолетнему, - 17 лет, при том что в момент совершения преступления ему было 16 лет, были признаны виновными и приговорены к смертной казни судом Северного Хартума. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | In prime position, pretty close to Liverpool Street, Old Spitalfields Market is in the East End of the city and comprises of over forty places to eat and drink, as well as twenty-five shops selling all kinds of artisanal products.
On 10 November 2007, the 10 remaining defendants, including a 71-year-old and a minor aged 17, who was 16 years old at the time of the crime, were found guilty and sentenced to death by a court in Khartoum North. |
I almost died, and the Vietnamese people saved my life, thanks to the doctors. "
Dust bunnies are harmful to electronics, as they can obstruct air flow through heat sinks, raising temperatures significantly, and therefore shortening the life of electronic components.
Regime forces and the regime's loyal Shabiha militias launched several mortar attacks, field artillery, airstrikes and surface-to-surface missile operations against the Al Waer area, which caused wide waves of displacement, and the number of population decreased to almost 200,000. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | 我差点丧命,是越南人民挽救了我的生命,感谢医生们”。
政权部队和忠于政权的沙比哈民兵用迫击炮、野战炮、空袭和地对地导弹对瓦尔地区发动数次攻击行动,造成广泛的流离失所浪潮,使瓦尔人口减至不到200000人。 |
Eisschrank Ein Eisschrank (österreichisch: Eiskasten) war ein kompaktes, hölzernes Eisreservoir, der vor der Einführung von mechanischen Kühlschränken verwendet wurde. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | An icebox, also referred to as a cold closet, is a compact, wooden refrigerator which was used before the introduction of mechanical refrigerators. |
SATA (Serial ATA) specification, describing a serial data exchange mode, was presented for the first time on Intel Developer Forum in 2000 and was finally developed to the version 1.0 in the end of the same year. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Russian to English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Спецификация SATA (Serial ATA), описывающая последовательный способ обмена информацией, впервые была представлена на Intel Developer Forum в 2000 году и была окончательно доработана до версии - 1.0 в конце того же года. |
Da die Priester die neue Region der Edomiter ("Idumäa") und die nach Norden verrutschte Südgrenze der Provinz Jehud nicht akzeptieren wollen, beginnen sie einen Propagandakrieg gegen Edomiter: | Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The priests don't want to accept the new region of the Edomites ("Idumea") and don't want to accept the new borderline of Yehud province in the South which was shifted to the North. So they begin a new propaganda war against Edomites: |
Der einzige Weg, diese Orgie von Zerstörung zu verhindern, ist die Verhängung eines Waffenstillstandes gegen beide Seiten, die Beendigung der Verteilung von Finanzen und Waffen an das Regime und die Rebellen, die Isolierung der mörderischen Extremisten auf beiden Seiten und die Mobilisierung der USA und Russlands sowie der Europäischen Union, Ägyptens, der Türkei und des Iran zur Unterstützung eines politischen Überganges. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The only way to end the orgy of destruction is to impose a ceasefire on both sides, halt the delivery of funds and weapons to the regime and the rebels, isolate murderous extremists in both camps, and mobilise the United States and Russia, as well as the European Union, Egypt, Turkey and Iran, in support of a political transition. |
Die Anforderungen unserer Kunden verändern sich heute viel schneller als noch vor wenigen Jahren: Natürlich werden Mercedes-Benz Pkw auch weiterhin mit exzellenter Sicherheit, hoher Zuverlässigkeit und einem einzigartigen Fahrgefühl glänzen.
Der alte Echidna weiß nicht, was das für ein Wesen ist, aber irgendwie erinnert es ihn an seinen Vater, auch wenn er nicht weiß, warum. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The requirements of our customers are currently changing more quickly than was the case just a few years ago: Naturally Mercedes-Benz passenger cars will continue to shine with excellent safety, high reliability and a unique driving feeling.
The old echidna doesn't know who the being is, but says that, for some reason, it reminds him of his father. |
工业化国家的经济依赖于地球的原材料。不过提取这些原材料绝非易事,因为它们被埋藏在坚硬岩石的地底深处,千年来一直不曾被挖掘过。矿山和采石场布满着许多专门用于破碎与钻破岩石的重型机器。 | What do the following sentences mean in Chinese? | Recognizing the threat posed by drug trafficking to the security of States in central Asia and to the region as a whole, UNDCP provided technical and legal assistance to the five State drug control commissions. Among the regional activities undertaken were the third Regional Workshop on Forensic Laboratories, held in Ashgabat in March 1999, and the International Law Enforcement Seminar, held in Almaty in October 1999.
The economies of the industrialized world rely on the earth's raw materials, but extracting them is no easy feat since they lie deep beneath the ground, buried in solid rock that has been undisturbed for aeons. Mines and quarries are riddled with large, heavy-duty machines built specifically for crushing and drilling through solid rock. |
For example, if both you and your conversation partner play tennis, you might ask what kind of racquet she prefers. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | 比如,如果你俩都喜欢打网球,你可以问他喜欢哪种球拍。 |
One of the main reasons that you ’ re feeling homesick is probably because you ’ ve left behind everything that you were familiar with – your bedroom, your hometown, and everyone you know. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | Einer der Hauptgründe, warum Du Heimweh verspürst, ist wahrscheinlich, dass Du alles hinter Dir gelassen hast, was Dir vertraut war. Dein Schlafzimmer, Deine Heimat und jeden, den Du kennst. |
"A fit player is a good player." | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | "Der fitte Spieler ist ein guter Spieler." |
The whole area belonged to the arrondissement of Birkenfeld in the Department of Sarre. Until 1814, this was French territory.
The free and unmerited nature of grace is never so evident as on the occasion of a child's Baptism: "In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins" (1 Jn 4: 10). | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Der gesamte Raum gehörte zum Arrondissement Birkenfeld im Département de la Sarre und war zeitweilig bis 1814 französisches Staatsgebiet.
Denn nirgendwo tritt das freie und unverdiente Wesen der Gnade deutlicher ins Licht als bei der Kindertaufe: "Nicht darin besteht die Liebe, daß wir Gott geliebt haben, sondern daß er uns geliebt und seinen Sohn als Sühne für unsere Sünden gesandt hat" (1 Joh 4,10). |
Unser Hotel liegt an der Stadtgrenze zu Fürth, im Landkreis Fürth und bietet einen idealen Ausgangspunkt für Geschäftsverbindungen im Großraum Fürth. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Our hotel is located on the outskirts of Fürth, in the district of Fürth and offers an ideal starting point for business connections in the Greater Area of Fürth. |
Acting in the spirit of partnership and cooperation and in the light of the provisions of Article 43 the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall inform the Community of its intentions to submit new legislation or adopt new regulations which may render the conditions for the establishment or operation in the Republic of Azerbaijan of subsidiaries and branches of Community companies more restrictive than the situation existing on the day preceding the date of signature of this Agreement. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | (3) Im Geiste der Partnerschaft und der Kooperation und im Lichte des Artikels 43 unterrichtet die Regierung der Republik Aserbaidschan die Gemeinschaft, wenn sie beabsichtigt, neue Rechtsvorschriften vorzulegen oder zu erlassen, die die Bedingungen für die Niederlassung oder die Geschäftstätigkeit der Tochtergesellschaften und Zweigniederlassungen von Gesellschaften der Gemeinschaft in der Republik Aserbaidschan restriktiver machen können, als sie am Tag vor Unterzeichnung dieses Abkommens sind. |
Out of frustration, they called a tow truck and had their car taken to a garage, and then ordered a new key from the automaker. | Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format. | 他们只好雇了一辆拖车把车子拉到一家修车厂存放,然后从汽车制造商那里重新订购了钥匙。 |
You can put your money and documents in a ziplock bag and then put them in the money belt if you ’ re worried about them getting soaked in sweat.
In his testimony, one of the Russian Army officers captured in Ukraine, Major Vladimir Starkov also indicated the existence of a fictitious military unit # 89462 in Novocherkassk, which served as a cover for the 12th Command and the starting point for missions to the war in Ukraine. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English. | Sie können Ihr Geld und Ihre Dokumente in eine Reißverschlusstasche stecken und sie dann in den Geldgürtel stecken, wenn Sie befürchten, dass sie ins Schwitzen geraten könnten.
In seinen Aussagen wies einer der gefangengenommenen Offiziere der russischen Streitkräfte, Major Wladimir Starkow, ebenfalls auf die Existenz einer fiktiven Militäreinheit Nr. 89462 in Nowotscherkassk hin, die als Tarnung für das 12. Kommando dient und den Ausgangspunkt für die Dienstreisen in den Krieg in die Ukraine darstellt. |
This policy, in our opinion, has justified itself, if we take into account that the property damage caused to the Republic of Armenia on corruption issues identified during 2018 amounted to about 622 million Russian rubles, of which about 529 million Russian rubles were reimbursed, or about 85 percent.
Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Russian citizens that in the event of a nuclear war they would go to heaven as martyrs, while the rest would just “die. ” | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Данная политика, по нашему мнению, оправдала себя, если учесть, что имущественный ущерб, нанесенный Республике Армения по делам коррупционной направленности, выявленных в течение 2018 года, составил около 622 миллионов российских рублей, из которых было возмещено около 529 миллионов российских рублей или около 85 процентов.
Президент РФ Владимир Путин пообещал россиянам, что в случае ядерной войны они попадут в рай как мученики, а остальные "сдохнут". |
Однако победа австрийских и британских войск против объединённой франко-баварской армии в битве при Бленхейме 13 августа 1704 года дала им преимущество не только в войне за испанское наследство, но и предотвратила объединение сил Ракоци с французами — союзниками баварцев.
Крах моста стал « инцидентом огромных масштабов на жизненно важном артериальном пути, не только для Генуи, но и для всей страны », — сказал губернатор Лигурийского региона Италии Джованни Тоти. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences using the given reference word translations. | However, the victory of Austrian and British forces against a combined French-Bavarian army in the Battle of Blenheim on 13 August 1704, provided an advantage not only in the War of the Spanish Succession, but also prevented the union of Rákóczi ’ s forces with their French-Bavarian allies.
The collapse of the bridge was an “incident of vast proportions on a vital arterial road, not just for Genoa, but for the whole country ”, said the governor of Liguria region, Giovanni Toti. |
我谨代表本委员会衷心感谢我刚才提到的国家元首和政府首脑、外交部长、政府和国际组织,以及本次会议的所有与会者,感谢他们为全面、公正和持久地解决巴勒斯坦问题作出不懈的努力,并且对本委员会执行任务不断提供支持。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | On behalf of the Committee, I should like to express our sincere thanks to the heads of State or Government, Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Governments and international organizations that I have just mentioned, as well as to all participants in this meeting, for their tireless efforts to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the question of Palestine and for their constant support for the Committee in carrying out its mandate. |
The Centre, which is named after the Norwegian poet Henrik Wergeland (1808 - 1845), was established in 2008 and began operating in February 2009.
In addition, it was pointed out that in many countries, the effect of the subparagraph would not be to dispel a doubt but to create jurisdiction for the arbitral tribunal beyond the confines of the jurisdiction conferred upon the arbitral tribunal by the parties in the arbitration agreement. | Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. | 该中心是以挪威诗人亨利克·韦格朗(1808-1845年)的名字命名的,于2008年设立,2009年2月开始运作。
而且,还据指出,在许多国家,本项规定的效果将不是打消疑虑,而是为仲裁庭开辟管辖权范围,使之超出仲裁协议当事人赋予仲裁庭的管辖权限度。 |
The Palace Museum has one of the largest collections of mechanical timepieces of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in the world, with more than one thousand pieces.
Ibn Zuhr was the first to explain how to provide direct feeding through the gullet or rectum in cases where normal feeding was not possible — a technique now known as parenteral feeding. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language. | Дворец-музей обладает одной из самых больших коллекций механических часов 18-го и 19-го века в мире, их там более чем 1000 штук.
Ибн Зухр первым объяснил, как обеспечить прямое питание через пищевод или прямую кишку в тех случаях, когда нормальное питание невозможно – метод, известный сейчас как парентеральное кормление. |
Unlike thorns, which are created through the transformation of stems or leaves and grow as a fused part of the plant, prickles can be easily detached. | Translate the following sentences from German to English, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Im Gegensatz zu Dornen, die aus umgebildeten Stängeln oder Blättern entstehen und fest mit der Pflanze verwachsen sind, lassen sich Stacheln einfach ablösen. |
工作量的压力使他疲惫不堪,还出现了精神崩溃[8][34],这一精神崩溃又导致他患上严重的口吃。 | It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences. | This cosy hotel offers comfortable accommodation and Wi-Fi internet access in the Neersen district of Willich, between Mönchengladbach (11 km) and Krefeld (13 km), just 1 km from the A44 motorway.
The pressure of his workload caused him to suffer exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. [2] [38] His nervous collapse while in the army left him with a serious stuttering problem. |
It is possible that the appearance of rich clans of nomads in the given region was linked with the political and military activity of the Achaemenids and, in particular, with the rapacious policies of King Darius I, which have been described in detail in the written sources. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Нельзя исключить, что появление богатых кочевых родов в данном регионе было связано с политической и военной активностью династии Ахеменидов, и в частности с захватнической политикой царя Дария I, детально описанной в письменных источниках. |
And now as he looked into the candle its flame dumbly expressed to him that it was made to shine on sensible people, and that it abhorred lighting the face of a dupe and a failure. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 此时他看着面前的蜡烛,蜡焰似乎在向他默默地表示,烛光本来是要照耀那些明智的人的,它讨厌照在上当受骗的傻瓜身上。 |
With a view to modernizing the judicial system, the Presidential Decree of 19 January 2006 set up new courts in Azerbaijan (in the cities of Baku, Ganja, Sumqayit, Ali Bayramli and Shaeki). | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language. | В целях модернизации судебной системы Указом Президента Азербайджанской Республики от 19 января 2006 года в Азербайджанской Республике (в городах Баку, Гянджа, Сумгайыт, Алибайрамлы, Шеки) были организованы новые суды. |
В январе 2018 года Великий муфтий Египта объявил, что торговля криптовалютами запрещена в соответствии с исламским религиозным правом из-за риска, связанного с этой деятельностью. | mufti means муфтий
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | In January 2018, the Grand Mufti of Egypt declared that cryptocurrency trading was forbidden under Islamic religious law due to the risk associated with the activity. |
On 30 March, the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Mr. Alvaro de Soto briefed Council members on the situation in Afghanistan on the basis of the report of the Secretary-General dated 17 March 1998 (S / 1998 / 222). | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | 30 марта помощник Генерального секретаря по политическим вопросам г-н Альваро де Сото проинформировал членов Совета о положении в Афганистане на основе доклада Генерального секретаря от 17 марта 1998 года (S / 1998 / 222). |
应用可控震源技术进行地震勘探具有3个好处:首先,柴达木盆地脆弱的生态环境和野生动物得到很好保护。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | the minispec Contrast Agent Analyzer is a TD-NMR instrument that has long been used for Research & Development and Quality Control of MRI Contrast Agents.
Application of technology of vibroseis seismic exploration has three advantages: Firstly, the fragile ecological environment and wild animals in Qaidam basin have been protected well. |
Scientists say the Greenland shark has the longest lifespan of any vertebrate on the planet. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 科学家表示,小头睡鲨 (Greenland shark) 是地球上寿命最长的脊椎动物。 |
Привет! Меня зовут Глеб Скоробогатов. Более двадцати лет я занимаюсь экстремальным туризмом. Я не занимаюсь выживанием, я адаптирую себя и своё снаряжение. И если мне вдруг придётся выживать, это не будет проблема - это будет задача.
Сейфеддин Рустамов, бенефициарный владелец ПАО « Метафракс » - одного из крупнейших производителей метанола и его производных, рассказал о стратегии и планах компании. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language. | Hello! My name is Gleb Skorobogatov. For more than twenty years I have been engaged in extreme tourism. I do not do survival, I adapt myself and my equipment. And if I suddenly have to survive, it will not be a problem - it will be a task.
Seyfeddin Roustamov, beneficial owner of PJSC Metafrax, one of the largest producers of methanol and its derivatives, spoke about the company ’ s strategy and plans. |
Wulfila (311-383) war ein westgotischer Bischof, der die Bibel für die zum Christentum übergetretenen Goten aus dem Griechischen übersetzte. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify using the given reference word translations? | Wulfila (311-383), also known as Ulfilas, was a Western Gothic bishop who translated the bible from Greek for the benefit of his converted Goths. |
благодаря антиокислительным свойствам, лецитины способны увеличивать сроки годности продуктов питания (хлеб, сладкая выпечка, шоколад и другие кондитерские изделия) | lecithin means лецитины
What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Due to their antioxidant properties, lecithins can increase the shelf life of food (bread, sweet pastries, chocolate and other confectionery) |
Если ты посетишь Иерусалим и попросишь кого-нибудь указать тебе гору Сион, тебя, вероятно, пошлют к кряжу или холму, который простирается на юг от Старого города.
Тойгер – отличный выбор для семьи с детьми, но взаимодействие животного с маленькими членами семьи должно проходить под контролем взрослых. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? | If you were to visit Jerusalem, and you asked someone to direct you to Mount Zion, most likely you would be sent to a ridge, or hill, that extends south of the Old City.
Toyger is a great choice for families with children, but the interaction of the animal with small family members should be supervised by adults. |
Für die Arbeiter ist der Generalstreik die logische Folge des modernen industriellen Systems, dessen Leidtragende sie heute sind; zugleich bietet er ihnen die stärkste Waffe im Kampf für ihre soziale Befreiung, vorausgesetzt sie erkennen ihre eigene Stärke und lernen, diese richtig anzuwenden. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | For the workers, the general strike is the logical outcome of the modern industrial system, whose victims they are to-day, and at the same time it offers them their strongest weapon in the struggle for their social liberation, provided they recognise their own strength and learn how to use this weapon properly. |
Об этом сообщает "Коммерсантъ" со ссылкой на данные Центробанка. | Please provide the Russian translation for the following sentences. | Kommersant reported this, citing Central Bank information. |
In it the author, Andrea Fink-Kessler, relates the fascinating and eventful history of milk – from its mythological beginnings, when milk was exclusively the preserve of the gods, through the industrialisation of production to the renaissance of raw milk and handcrafted cheese.
German Version (translated): M 57 can already be perceived as a foggy "smoke ring" in a small telescope from 10 cm aperture. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | Die Autorin Andrea Fink-Kessler erzählt darin die faszinierende und wechselvolle Geschichte der Milch – von den mythologischen Anfängen, als Milch ausschließlich den Göttern vorbehalten war, über die Industrialisierung der Produktion bis hin zur Renaissance von Rohmilch und handwerklicher Käsekunst.
Deutsche Version: M 57 kann bereits in einem kleinen Teleskop ab 10 cm Öffnung als nebliger "Rauchring" wahrgenommen werden. |
In a rare move, Saudi Arabia last year began issuing temporary visas to visitors to attend sporting and cultural events in a bid to kickstart tourism. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? | В прошлом году Саудовская Аравия пошла на редкую меру и в целях стимулирования туризма начала выдавать временные визы туристам, желающим посетить спортивные и культурные мероприятия. |
Нефтяной сектор Азербайджана, который составляет более 60% ВВП страны, увеличивает его зависимость от цен на нефть на международных сырьевых биржах. И чем больше Баку увеличивает объемы экспорта нефти, тем больше его зависимость от колебаний цен на нефть, т.е. тем уязвимее экономика этой страны. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Russian form. | Azerbaijan's oil sector which makes more than 60% of its GDP increases its dependence from the oil prices in the international raw materials exchanges. And as much as Azerbaijan increases the export volume, the more its dependence from the fluctuations of oil prices increases, that is to say its economy becomes more vulnerable. |
Jinni means spirit, beneficent ghost, bliss-bringing, unearthly creature, and figuratively it means the inborn yearning for higher goals, the pleasure in mental and spiritual progress, the busy striving for everything which is good and noble, and most of all the joy in promoting one's neighbours' happiness, the well-being of all those who require love and assistance. | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version. | Dschinni heißt Genius, wohltätiger Geist, segensreiches unirdisches Wesen, und bildlich bedeutet es den angeborenen Herzenstrieb nach Höherem, das Wohlgefallen am geistigen und seelischen Aufwärtssteigen, das fleißige Trachten nach Allem, was gut und was edel ist, und vor allen Dingen die Freude am Glücke des Nächsten, an der Wohlfahrt aller derer, welche der Liebe und der Hilfe bedürfen. |
Im Vergleich zu 2009 fielen die Umsatzerlöse um 5,0% auf 3.307,9 Mio. €, das EBITDA gab um 15,4% nach, das operative Ergebnis sank um 20,5% auf 828,5 Mio. €, und das Konzernergebnis reduzierte sich um 37,8% auf 400,8 Mio. €.
Wir brauchen das Militär und die Rüstung, um den Weltfrieden zu sichern. “–„ Die Frage ist nur, ob die anderen Staaten der Welt damit einverstanden sind. | What do the following sentences mean in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Compared to 2009, sales dropped by 5.0% to 3,307.9 million €, the EBITDA fell by 15.4%, the operating result sank by 20.5% to 828.5 million €, and the group result was reduced by 37.8% to 400.8 million €.
We need the military and the armament in order to safeguard the world peace. "-" The question is only whether the other states in the world agree with that. |
第一,建议条款草案第18条的位置更靠近第2条,以期忠实反映第2条中的包含要素与第18条目前通过适用的法律和"不妨碍"条款所体现的排除要素之间的联系。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | First, it had been suggested that article 18 be placed closer to article 2. This was intended to faithfully reflect the link between the inclusionary elements in article 2 and the exclusionary elements, by way of applicable law and "without prejudice" clauses, as was currently reflected in draft article 18. |
Heutzutage ist es eine offensichtliche Tatsache, dass das Taxon, das Probleme verursacht und eine ernste Bedrohung der biologischen Vielfalt in Europa darstellt, der chinesische Kormoran P.c.sinensis Blumenbach 1798 ist, und nicht der einheimische nordatlantische Großkormoran P.c.carbo L.1758, der im Gegenteil einer ernsten genetischen und ökologischen Bedrohung durch den Erstgenannten ausgesetzt ist. | It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | It is now an obvious fact that the taxon causing problems and constituting a serious threat to the biodiversity in Europe is the Chinese Cormorant P.c. sinensis (Blumenbach, 1798) and not the indigenous, North Atlantic Great Cormorant P.c. carbo (L., 1758) which, on the contrary, is exposed to a serious genetic and ecological threat by the aforementioned. |
报告还注意到国际法院分析了"种族清洗"一词在危害人类罪、种族灭绝罪和战争罪中以及保护责任范围内含意及其在国际法中的意义。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | The report also notes the analysis provided by the International Court of Justice of the meaning of the term "ethnic cleansing" and its significance in international law in the context of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes and within the purview of the responsibility to protect. |
Learn about the ill-fated love Goethe felt for the young Ulrika, the unfulfilled romance between Fryderyk Chopin and Maria Wodzińska and the saucy tale of King Edward VII of England and a pretty milliner by the name of Mizzi.
The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration strictly enforces the law in an effort to keep the city clean and will fine anyone caught spitting, discarding cigarette stubs, or dropping rubbish in public areas. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Erfahren Sie mehr über die unglückliche Liebe, die Goethe für die junge Ulrika empfunden hat, über die unerfüllte Romanze zwischen Fryderyk Chopin und Maria Wodzińska und die freche Geschichte von König Edward VII. Von England und einem hübschen Müller namens Mizzi.
Die städtische Verwaltung in Bangkok setzt entsprechende Vorschriften streng durch, um die Stadt sauber zu halten, und belegt jeden mit einer Geldstrafe, der beim Spucken, Wegwerfen von Zigarettenkippen oder Abfall ertappt wird. |
On July 30th, 2008, a few days before the Olympic Games in China, police officers Tang Yuangui from the Hechuan District State Security Section in Chongqing and Xiong Ping from Nanjin Street Police Station in the Hechuan District arrested Ms. Jiang Dejun on the street. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Am 30. Juli 2008, wenige Tage vor dem Beginn der Olympischen Spiele in China, verhafteten die Polizisten Tang Yuangui der Staatssicherheitsabteilung aus dem Bezirk Hechuan in Chongqing und Xiong Ping aus der Polizeiwache der Nanjin Straße im Bezirk Hechuan Frau Jiang Dejun auf der Straße. |
Born in Australia in 1968, Hugh Jackman began his acting career on stage, appearing in several Melbourne musicals, and later won a Tony Award for his role as Peter Allen in The Boy from Oz. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Родившись в Австралии в 1968 году, Хью Джекман начал свою актерскую карьеру на сцене, появившись в нескольких мюзиклах в Мельбурне, а затем выиграл премию « Тони » за роль Питера Аллена в постановке « Мальчик из страны Оз ». |
“For those who think that war is still going on in Nagorno-Karabakh, I ’ ll say that there has been no war there for a long time, although encounters on the border with Azerbaijan happen from time to time.
It has led to what Stephen Fortescue calls “policy irresponsibility ”: coexistence of a multitude of strategic documents on both the federal and the regional levels that promulgate exceedingly ambitious and compulsory goals that are often mutually contradictory and underfunded. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | « Тем, кто до сих пор думает, что в Нагорном Карабахе все еще идет война, скажу, что никакой войны там давно нет, хотя перестрелки на границе с Азербайджаном время от время случаются.
Это привело к тому, что Стивен Фортескью называет « безответственной политикой »: на федеральном и региональном уровнях сосуществует множество стратегических документов, ставящих чрезвычайно амбициозные и обязательные цели, которые часто противоречат друг другу и недостаточно подкреплены финансовыми ресурсами. |
邮编:063001,案例编号:2505,抗菌剂部门,2004年11月19日 | antimicrobials means 抗菌剂
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese? The given word translations should be used. | Cross section of the olfactory bulb of a rat, stained in two different ways at the same time: one stain shows neuron cell bodies, the other shows receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA.
PC Code 063001, Case 2505, Antimicrobials Division, 11 / 19 / 2004 |
Mycoplasma contamination must be excluded in cell transfection in particular, since the negative effects of the contamination on cell growth and metabolism cause transfection efficiency to fall dramatically. | transfektion means transfection
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form, and must use the given word translations. | Speziell im Falle der Transfektion von Zellen muss eine Kontamination mit Mycoplasmen auf jeden Fall ausgeschlossen werden, da durch ihren negativen Einfluss auf das Wachstum und die Stoffwechselaktivität der Zellen die Transfektionseffizienzen drastisch absinken. |
While being in church, it is worth seeing the khachkar (traditional Armenian cross-stone) that was unveiled in 2009. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | In der Kirche lohnt es sich, das Chatschkar zu sehen, ein traditionelles Steinkreuz der Armenier, das 2009 enthüllt wurde. |
A local anesthetic agent may also be used to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
Secondly, forests contain such special resources as berries, wild fruits and medicinal plants, the harvesting and processing of which can not only help meet the needs of Kyrgyzstan's food and pharmaceutical industries but also become a source of export income.
There are restaurants offering natural food and local specialties made from local ingredients, as well as shops where you can buy sundries, sweets and imported snacks. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English using the given reference word translations? | 一种局部麻醉剂也可用于减轻手术过程中的不适药物。
这里有使用当地食材、提供当地特色菜的餐厅,也有销售特色礼品、甜点和进口食品的商店。 |
Я это вижу повсюду в лицах молодых людей, которые имеют доступ ко всему миру посредством щелчка на кнопку, и которые готовы участвовать в искоренении нищеты и в борьбе против изменения климата, открывать свой бизнес, расширять границы свободы и оставлять позади идеологические сражения прошлых лет.
2.2 Если электронное сообщение отправлено в иную информационную систему, чем та, которую указал адресат, это электронное сообщение считается полученным в момент, когда адресат узнает об этом сообщении. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian using the given reference word translations? | I see it in the faces of young people everywhere who can access the entire world with a click of a button, and who are eager to join the cause of eradicating extreme poverty and combating climate change, starting businesses and expanding freedom, and leaving behind the old ideological battles of the past.
2.2 When an electronic message is sent to an information system other than that designated by the addressee, the electronic message is deemed to be received at the time when the addressee becomes aware of the message. |
没有人会质疑婴儿是否可能因为暴力震动或虐待而受伤甚至致死;当然是可能的。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | No one questions whether infants can be damaged or killed by violent shaking or abuse; of course they can. |
Subsets and Splits