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Die Pictet-Gruppe gab heute ihre ungeprüften Zahlen für das erste Halbjahr 2016 bekannt. Der Betriebsertrag beläuft sich auf CHF 1,033 Milliarden, der Geschäftserfolg auf CHF 244 Millionen und der Konzerngewinn auf CHF 191 Millionen.
Sie bekam kostbare Kleider aus Seide und Musselin und war im Schloß die Schönste von allen, doch sie war stumm, konnte weder singen noch sprechen. | What do the following sentences mean in German? The given word translations should be used. | The Pictet Group today released unaudited figures for the first half of 2016, showing an operating income of CHF 1,033 million, operating results of CHF 244 million and a consolidated net profit of CHF 191 million.
She was dressed in priceless clothes of silk and muslin, she was the most beautiful of all those at the palace, but she was mute, unable to sing or speak. |
The “duopoly: ” No look at the global digital landscape would be complete without acknowledgement that Google and Facebook continue to be the key growth drivers.
Just like their counterparts sniffing out bombs or people, these dogs are trained to smell a tell-tale chemical – called triphenylphosphine oxide or TPPO – found in most electronic devices. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Das „Duopol“: Kein Blick auf die globale digitale Landschaft ist vollständig ohne die Erkenntnis, dass Google und Facebook weiterhin die wichtigsten Wachstumstreiber sind.
Wie ihre anderen „Kollegen“, die Bomben oder Personen erschnüffeln, sind diese Hunde darin geschult, eine chemische Substanz zu riechen, und zwar Triphenylphosphanoxid oder TPPO, das in den meisten elektronischen Geräten enthalten ist. |
Good luck, and we look forward to seeing many great Pokémon TCG, video game, and Pokkén Tournament players in Anaheim, CA, at the Pokémon World Championships this August.
In addition, we would like to give current and potential friends and supporters of HSBA the opportunity to meet students, alumni, professors and employees of the university and to discuss the various activities and the future development of HSBA. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Wir wünschen viel Glück und freuen uns darauf, diesen August viele tolle Spieler des Pokémon-Sammelkartenspiels, der Pokémon-Videospiele und von Pokémon Tekken im kalifornischen Anaheim bei den Pokémon-Weltmeisterschaften begrüßen zu dürfen.
Darüber hinaus möchten wir aktuellen und potenziellen Freunden und Förderern der HSBA die Gelegenheit geben, mit Studierenden, Alumni, Professoren und Mitarbeitern der Hochschule zusammenzukommen und sich über die vielfältigen Aktivitäten und die zukünftige Entwicklung der HSBA auszutauschen. |
Wir können also nicht sagen, daß Jona, weil seine Prophezeiung nicht Wirklichkeit wurde, kein wirklicher Prophet war. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences, and must use the given word translations. | So we can't say that Jonah, due to the fact that his prophecy did not materialize, was not a real prophet. |
(7) Die Maßnahmen für Sassafrasöl werden derzeit innerhalb der Gemeinschaft unterschiedlich ausgelegt, da es in einigen Mitgliedstaaten als Mischung betrachtet wird, die Safrol enthält, und daher überwacht wird, während andere Mitgliedstaaten dieses Öl als Naturprodukt ansehen, für das keine Kontrollmaßnahmen gelten. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | (6) The measures applicable to Sassafras Oil are currently interpreted in different ways in the Community, since it is regarded as a mixture containing Safrole and is therefore controlled in some Member States, while other Member States regard it as a natural product not subject to controls. |
We are grateful to the Governments of Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the United States and Ireland, and to the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Red Cross and other international organizations; regardless of the changed priorities of international cooperation for Chernobyl and the socio-economic recovery of the affected territory, they continue to devote attention to rendering humanitarian assistance to the victims of the disaster. | What do the following sentences mean in English? | 我们感谢日本、瑞士、意大利、德国、美国和爱尔兰等国政府以及国际原子能机构、红十字会和其他国际组织;它们不顾有关切尔诺贝利的国际合作的优先事项发生的变化,以及受灾领土的社会经济复苏,继续专心向灾民提供人道主义援助。 |
Diese Initiative wurde vom Auswärtigen Amt im Februar 2008 ins Leben gerufen mit dem Ziel, ein weltumspannendes Netz von mindestens 1.000 Partnerschulen aufzubauen und damit bei jungen Menschen Interesse und Begeisterung für das moderne Deutschland, seine Gesellschaft und seine Sprache zu wecken. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | This initiative was started in February 2008 by the German Department for Foreign Affairs; its aim is to build a worldwide network of more than a thousand partner schools to inspire young people ’ s interest in, and enthusiasm for, the modern Germany, its society and its language. |
Выхлопные газы двигателя проходят через турбину, заставляя вал и компрессор вращаться со скоростью более 200 000 оборотов в минуту, что почти в 40 раз быстрее, чем число оборотов большинства автомобильных двигателей. | shaft means вал
Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | The exhaust gases of the engine pass through the turbine, causing the shaft and compressor to rotate at a speed of more than 200,000 rpm, which is almost 40 times faster than the number of revolutions of most car engines. |
More than 70 percent of U.S. cancer specialists in one survey said they would prescribe marijuana if it was legal; nearly half said they had urged their patients to break the law to acquire the drug.
5. In accordance with article 17, paragraph 6, of the Convention and rule 13 of the Committee ’ s rules of procedure, Mr. Bostjan Zupančič, by a letter dated 12 November 1998, informed the Secretary-General of his decision to cease his functions as a member of the Committee. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language. | В одном из опросов более 70% специалистов-онкологов в США заявили, что они прописали бы марихуану больным в случае ее легализации; около половины из них советуют пациентам нарушить закон и приобрести марихуану.
5. В соответствии с пунктом 6 статьи 17 Конвенции и правилом 13 правил процедуры Комитета г-н Бостьян Жупанчич в письме от 12 ноября 1998 года уведомил Генерального секретаря о своем решении сложить с себя функции члена Комитета. |
Der Pillbox-Hut, seine Geschichte & Styling-Tipps Unterstützt durch Affiliate-Links (mit * gekennzeichnet) und kostenlose Testprodukte (PR-Samples, gekennzeichnet mit c / o) Denkst Du an Pillbox-Hüte, was fällt Dir dabei als erstes ein? | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements using the given reference word translations. | The pillbox hat, its story & styling tips This blogpost contains affilaite links (marked with *) and pr samples (marked with c / o) When you think of pillbox hats, what comes to your mind first? |
In line with this philosophy, our trains operate directly between the German seaports and inland terminals â €“with no shunting intersections and no time losses. And above all no congestion on the motorway. | 编解 means shunting
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English, and must use the given word translations. | 我们按照这一理念经营德国港口与内陆之间的直达铁路运输,中间无需编解,没有时间损耗,更不会出现像高速公路上发生的堵车。 |
These arguments initiated a debate on comparability rules and comparability indicators; some developed country Parties expressed the view that no single comparability measure or metric is possible because of the high diversity in national circumstances of individual Parties. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English. | 这些论点引发了关于可比性规则和可比性指标的辩论;一些发达国家缔约方认为,由于各个缔约方国情的差异很大,因此不可能有单一的可比性度量或衡量标准。 |
The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), which is the total number of episodes of apnea and hypopnea occurring during sleep divided by the hours of sleep time, is the common summary measure used to describe respiratory disturbances during sleep.
Based on their results, the researchers now assume that these therapeutics will not only help people with diabetes but may also improve bone healing in older, overweight patients. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Der Apnoe-Hypopnoe-Index (AHI) ist die Gesamtzahl der Episoden von Apnoe und Hypopnoe während des Schlafes, geteilt durch die Stunden Schlaf, ist das übliche Auswertungsmaß, um Atemstörungen während des Schlafes zu beschreiben.
Die Forscher gehen nun aufgrund ihrer Ergebnisse davon aus, dass diese Therapeutika nicht nur zuckerkranken Menschen helfen, sondern vielleicht auch die Knochenheilung bei älteren, übergewichtigen Patienten verbessern können. |
Композиция вышивки состоит из 18 цветочных розеток круглой формы, из которых 4 расположены в верхней части, 4 - в нижней, 2 - по бокам, 8 розеток - в центральной части. | It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences using the given reference word translations. | The embroidery composition consists of eighteen round floral rosettes; four of them are positioned in the upper part, four in the lower part, two at the side and eight rosettes in the central part. |
Uses: Isobutylene - C4H8 - in its pure form is used in organic synthesis and in the production of high octane aviation gasoline.
The Academy takes part in the republican competition for the best dance flash mob among higher education institutions "One country - one people", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where among more than 20 universities, the flash mob of the Academy took 3rd place. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Изобутилен (C4H8) — в очищенном виде применяется в органическом синтезе и производстве авиационного бензина с высоким октановым числом.
Академия принимает участие в республиканском конкурсе на лучший танцевальный флешмоб среди высших учебных заведений « Одна страна – один народ », посвященный 25-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан, где среди более 20 вузов, флеш-моб Академии занял 3-е призовое место. |
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed that the visa restrictions were an “attempt to stir up discontent among Russian citizens about the actions of the Russian authorities. ”
45. Kees P. Rade was designated Chairman of the Budgetary and Finance Committee; Oscar Serrate-Cuellar was designated Chairman of the Standing Committee for Programme Matters; and Bozorgmehr Ziaran and Ryszard Rysinski were designated Co-Chairmen of the Drafting Group. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Министр иностранных дел Сергей Лавров заявил, что визовые ограничения являются « попыткой вызвать у россиян недовольство действиями российских властей ».
45. Председателем Бюджетно-финансового комитета был назначен Кес П. Раде; Председателем Постоянного комитета по вопросам программ - Оскар Серрате-Куэльяр; Бозоргмехр Зиаран и Ришард Рысиньский были назначены сопредседателями Редакционной группы. |
Vegetable farming is concentrated in central and southern Florida, especially in the area south of Lake Okeechobee, where drainage of the Everglades left exceptionally rich soil.
This type of synthetic fiber does not crinkle, does not burn out and for a long time retains high strength, possesses a hypoallergenic property. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Овощеводство сконцентрировано в центральной и южной Флориде, особенно к югу от озера Окичоби, где в результате осушения болот Эверглейдса образовалась очень плодородная почва.
Этот вид синтетического волокна не мнется, не выгорает и долго сохраняет высокую прочность, обладает гипоаллергенным свойством. |
大多数居民是新教徒,48.45%的人口表示他们实行了这种信仰,26.9%的人口是埃塞俄比亚正教,23%是穆斯林。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | The majority of the inhabitants were Protestants, with 48.45% of the population having reported they practiced that belief, while 26.9% of the population professed Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity and 23% of the population were Muslim. |
E. coli O157: H7 передается человеку, главным образом, в результате потребления в пищу зараженных пищевых продуктов, таких как сырые или не прошедшие достаточную тепловую обработку продукты из мясного фарша и сырое молоко. | Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | E. coli O157: H7 is transmitted to humans primarily through contaminated foods such as raw or undercooked ground meats and raw milk. |
The productions of cartographer Gerardus Mercator and the foundation of a university in 1655 established the city's renown as "Educated Duisburg" ("Duisburgum Doctum").
Our GNSS antennas are suitable for various applications and different environmental conditions, e. g., positioning, surveying in agriculture and forestry, cadastral surveying, control systems for construction and agricultural machinery, GNSS monitoring systems, Galileo PRS, aviation and space applications as well as marine and land navigation. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | Das Wirken von Gerhard Mercator und die Gründung der Universität im Jahre 1655 schufen die Anerkennung als „Gelehrtes Duisburg“ („Duisburgum Doctum“).
Unsere GNSS-Antennen eignen sich für vielfältige Einsatzbereiche in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungsbedingungen: Positionierung und Vermessung in Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Katastervermessung, Fahrzeug- und Maschinensteuerungen in Bau- und Landwirtschaft, GNSS-Überwachungssysteme, Galileo PRS, Luft- und Raumfahrtanwendungen oder Navigation an Land und auf See. |
Initially, SAO Krajina, SAO Western Slavonia, and SAO Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia were separate entities and fought individually against the Croatian government. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Первоначально САО Краина, САО Западная Славония и САО Восточная Славония, Баранья и Западный Срем были отдельными образованиями и индивидуально боролись против хорватского правительства. |
Die Kaschmirwolle ist eine besonders feine und sehr weiche Faser, die aus dem Unterfell der Kaschmirziege gewonnen wird. | Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Cashmere wool is a particularly fine and very soft fibre that is obtained from the undercoat of the cashmere goat. |
Adult males typically weigh between 3 – 5 kg (6.6 – 11.0 lb) and adult females typically weigh between 1.6 – 4 kg (3.5 – 8.8 lb).
Located in Dongzhou district of Fushun City, Xingzhou Mine is one of our mines that host major portions of iron ore resources. | 雌性 means female.雄性 means male
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | 成年雄性體重約為3~5公斤(6.6~11.0磅)而成年雌性約為1.6~4公斤(3.5~8.8磅)。
兴洲铁矿位于辽宁省抚顺市东洲区境内,是公司铁矿资源的重要组成部分。 |
"Oh, it didn't?" Liliana turned to him, putting on an expression of mock surprise. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | 「噢,没有吗?」莉莲娜转向他,露出假装吃惊的表情。 |
The quake destroyed thousands of buildings and left thousands of tourists temporarily stranded. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form. | 地震损毁了数千幢建筑,致使数千名游客临时滞留。 |
The first report, issued in September 2012, included detail on organizational assets, liabilities, income, expenses, cash and budget utilization, but no supporting analysis of the data or narrative to assist the intended audience in understanding the report or to highlight areas for the attention of management.
2.4 With regard to the three decisions handed down by the Zaragoza Transport Arbitration Board on 29 November 1993, the author also appealed to Zaragoza Court of First Instance No. 1, which rejected the appeal in a ruling dated 2 June 1994. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | 第一份报告印发于2012年9月,其中载有关于全组织资产、负债、收入、支出、现金和预算利用情况的详细资料,但没有辅以数据分析或陈述性说明,以帮助所针对的读者理解报告或着重指出管理层需要注意的方面。
2.4对于萨拉戈萨交通仲裁委员会于1993年11月29日宣布的三项决定,提交人也向萨拉戈萨第一初审法庭提出了上诉,后者在1994年6月2日的判决中驳回了上诉。 |
产品条码Scan能识别全部主流的代码类型(UPC、EAN和ISBN),实时显示价格、评论和关于扫描产品的更多信息。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | PRODUCT BARCODES Scan recognizes all of the popular barcode types (UPC, EAN, and ISBN) and shows you pricing, reviews, and more about any products you scan. |
例如,鹵素的原子量越高,色澤就越深(氟幾乎無色,氯呈亮綠色,溴呈棕色,而碘呈深灰或紫色)。 | Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences? | Date palms provide shade and shelter from heat and dry winds for many other food crops, forage crops and trees, and in addition they stabilize sand dunes and check desertification.
Min utbildning: Bachelors degree Min specialitet: Engineering Mitt yrke: Engineer Min hobby: Movies / Videos, Cooking, Political interests, Watching sports, Travel / Sightseeing
For example, halogens get darker with increasing atomic weight – fluorine is nearly colorless, chlorine is yellow-green, bromine is red-brown, and iodine is dark gray / violet. |
Der Zettel, auf dem Lenin den georgischen Bolschewiki seine volle Unterstützung gegen Stalin, Dserschinski und Ordschonikidse versprach, war an Mdivani adressiert.
Es ist kein Zufall, dass die architektonische Form "Nabel der Erde" an der Kreuzung der sieben Straßen installiert wurde - fünf Autostraßen und Fußgängerzonen der Stadt Kungur und zwei Wasserwege: stromauf und stromab des Flusses Sylwa. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the German version, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Lenin ’ s note promising the Georgian Bolsheviks his full support against Stalin, Dzherzhinsky, and Ordzhonikidze was addressed to Mdivani.
It is no coincidence that the architectural form “Hub of the Universe ” was installed at the intersection of seven roads – five motor roads and pedestrian streets of Kungur and two water ways: upstream and downstream of Sylva River. |
When cinematographer Guillermo Navarro won the Academy Award in 2006 for his work on the dark fantasy film “Pan ’ s Labyrinth, ” it was only the second time in the history of the awards that a foreign language film with English subtitles earned the distinction. | Change the given sentences from Russian to English format. | Когда кинооператор Гильермо Наварро выиграл Оскар в 2006 году за работу над темным фантастическим фильмом « Лабиринт Фавна », это был лишь второй раз в истории награждений, когда фильм на иностранном языке с английскими субтитрами заслужил награду. |
您打算带着最喜爱的香水或者溜冰鞋旅行吗,而这些香水或者溜冰鞋很可能在通过安检时被没收? | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Chinese version, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | A baby identified by its family as a witch is seen as a malediction and a curse and as the source of all the family's past, present and future ills, both real and imagined.
Are you going to want to travel with your favourite perfume or a pair of ice skates that could be confiscated once you reach security? |
27.根据1993年9月30日联合国大会第47/237号决议,每年在摩尔多瓦共和国都庆祝国际家庭日,从2009年开始,每年以主要的口号"家庭创造价值,价值创造家庭"来庆祝家庭日。 | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | 27. In accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution 47 / 237 of September 20, 1993, the International Family Day is celebrated annually in the Republic of Moldova, and as of 2009, the Family Festival is held every year with the main motto "The family creates values, values create the family". |
16.危地马拉敦请各会员国捐款给国际十年自愿基金和拉丁美洲及加勒比土著人民发展基金,以便帮助实现十年的各项目标、援助赤贫的土著人民。 | In the context of Chinese, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Misty is reportedly the name of a classified project by the United States National Reconnaissance Office to operate stealthy reconnaissance satellites.
16. Guatemala urged Member States to contribute to the Voluntary Fund for the International Decade and the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, in order to help achieve the goals of the Decade and provide assistance to the most needy indigenous peoples. |
Запрещено производить работы без применения средств личной безопасности — беруш или наушников, респиратора, защитных очков, а также работать без рукавиц и защитного костюма из плотной ткани.
В столице США президент Армении принял участие в фестивале Смитсоновского института « Национальная жизнь », посвященном армянскому культурному наследию, провел ряд встреч в конгрессе и с представителями армянской общины. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | It is forbidden to work without the use of personal safety equipment - earplugs or earphones, a respirator, goggles, and also work without gloves and a protective suit made of dense fabric.
In the U.S. capital, the President of Armenia participated in the festival of the Smithsonian institution « national life » dedicated to the Armenian cultural heritage, held a series of meetings in Congress and with representatives of the Armenian community. |
This was said by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vasily Osmakov at the fifth international forum "Arctic Projects - Today and Tomorrow", which takes place in Arkhangelsk on October 19-20, 2017. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | Об этом сказал заместитель Министра промышленности и торговли Российской Федерации Василий Осьмаков на пятом международном форуме "Арктические проекты - сегодня и завтра", который проходит в Архангельске 19-20 октября 2017 года. |
The season, from November till March, remains somewhat chilly for the tourists with the average minimums of 14 ° C. The average high temperature in January, the coldest month of the year, hardly climbs to 11 ° C while the low drops to 6 ° C.
"One of the first characteristics of materiality is that matter is always limited, that is to say, the quantity of matter in a given place under given conditions is limited. | материальность means materiality
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Сезон, с ноября по март, остается довольно холодным для туристов со средним минимумом 14 ° C. Средняя высокая температура в январе, самый холодный месяц в году, едва поднимается до 11 ° C, а низкая падает до 6 ° C.
Один из главных признаков материальности – это то, что материя всегда имеет предел, т.е. количество материи в данном месте и при данных условиях ограничено. |
It was installed in the harbor of the Dutch city of Dordrecht, but some time later closed to the public due to disagreements between the owner and the city authorities.
Mental illnesses are also very common: Nearly 1 in 5 people experience clinical depression during their lives; one in five experiences an anxiety disorder; 1 in 100 experience schizophrenia; and nearly 8 percent of the general population experience PTSD. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Он был установлен в гавани голландского города Дордрехт, но некоторое время спустя закрыт для посещения из-за разногласий между владельцем и городскими властями.
Психические заболевания также очень распространены: почти каждый пятый человек испытывает клиническую депрессию в течение своей жизни; каждый пятый испытывает тревожное расстройство; 1 из 100 испытывает шизофрению; почти 8% населения в целом страдают от ПТСР. |
Most of the Turkmen are based in the northern parts of the country; the town of Babu, near Peshawar, is the largest settlement camp. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English. | 大多數土庫曼人居住在該國北部地区,白沙瓦附近的巴布镇是最大的定居點。 |
С другой стороны, я знаю, что хоть кто-то наверняка прочел ее, потому что каждый день получаю кипу писем и многие задают вопросы и подробно комментируют мою книгу, а это свидетельствует о том, что они ее читали, хотя не всё в ней поняли. | Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences. | On the other hand, I know that at least some people must have read it because each day I get a pile of letters about my book, many asking questions or making detailed comments that indicate that they have read it, even if they do not understand all of it. |
Unentbehrlicher Zustand - das Kind muss durch die Nase atmen, damit die eingeatmete Luft erwärmt, befeuchtet und gereinigt wird, deshalb muss vor dem Gehen die Nase des kranken Pavianes unbedingt von den Krusten gereinigt werden.
Es handelt sich hier um ein sehr interessantes und kreatives Buch, das von einem Finanzberater geschrieben wurde, der in Medizin und Entwicklungspsychologie ausgebildet ist und der eine persönliche Mission hat: älteren Menschen zu helfen, unabhängig von ihrem physischen Zustand gut zu leben. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences using the given reference word translations? | Indispensable condition - the child must breathe through the nose, so that the inhaled air is warmed, moistened and cleared, therefore, before walking, the nose of the sick baboon must necessarily be cleaned from the crusts.
This is a very interesting and creative book written by a financial consultant, who has a background in medicine and developmental psychology, and who has as a personal mission: helping older people live well regardless of their physical conditions. |
Обязательно тщательно чистите зубы по крайней мере 2 раза в день и используйте скребок для языка, чтобы удалить бактерии, которые могут собираться на вашем языке.
В результате аварии была уничтожена капсула Dragon, несущая около 2200 кг продовольствия и научного оборудования, в том числе док-систему для двух новых космических таксомоторов, разрабатываемых SpaceX и Boeing. | scraper means скребок
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Be sure to brush your teeth carefully at least twice a day and use a tongue scraper to remove the bacteria and debris that can collect on your tongue.
The accident destroyed a Dragon capsule carrying about 5,000 (2,200 kg) pounds of food, science experiments and equipment, including a docking system for two new space taxis under development by SpaceX and Boeing. |
В свете новых факторов риска, порожденных научными достижениями в области биотехнологии, и террористических угроз, связанных с применением биологического оружия, все большее политическое значение приобретает предотвращение беспрепятственного доступа к микроорганизмам и токсинам, которые могут использоваться в качестве биологического оружия. | In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In the light of new risks generated by scientific developments in the field of biotechnology and terrorist threats with biological weapons, the prevention of unimpeded access to microorganisms and toxins that can be used as biological weapons has also gained increasing political importance. |
A recent comprehensive analysis of relevant research at home and abroad found that increasing vegetable intake reduces the risk of precancerous lesions of the esophagus.
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology therefore wanted to find out what effect the lunar cycle had on the hunting behaviour of the gulls. | When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The given word translations should be used. | Eine kürzlich durchgeführte umfassende Analyse relevanter Forschungen im In- und Ausland ergab, dass die Erhöhung der Gemüsezufuhr das Risiko präkanzeröser Läsionen des Ösophagus reduziert.
Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck Instituts für Ornithologie wollten deshalb herausfinden, welche Auswirkung der Mondzyklus auf das Jagdverhalten der Möwen hat. |
He brought up the landmark with his second winner of the night at his local track - on Predilection, trained by John Gosden. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Он пришел к этой выдающейся отметке с помощью своего второго победителя ночи на своей домашней дорожке - на Пристрастии, обученном Джоном Госденом. |
出租人未按租赁合同约定时间向承租人提供房屋,或者所提供的房屋不符合合同约定的,应向承租人支付合同约定的违约金,违约金不足以赔偿由此造成承租人损失的,出租人应就不足部分进行补偿。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | At each end of a bridges is a structure which supports the weight of the deck. These are known as abutments, and they are often the first part of the bridge to fail. Blockage of the main channel by debris can cause water to look for the path of least resistance around the sides of the bridges, thus placing the abutments at risk.
In case that the lessor fails to provide the house to the lessee as agreed in the lease contract, or the house provided by the lessor fails to conform to the commitment of the lease contract, the lessor shall pay breach of contract damages agreed in the lease contract. If the breach of contract damages is insufficient to compensate for losses of the lessee caused therefrom, the lessor shall make up for the deficiency. |
В знак протеста и уважения к жертвам я приняла решение не участвовать ни в каких церемониях поминовения жертв геноцида, если Караджич и Младич не будут арестованы.
С понедельника по субботу сотни продавцов стекаются на рынок в районе Виден (расположенный к югу от Рингштрассе), чтобы продать фрукты, мясо, молочные продукты и другие местные продукты питания. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | As a sign of protest and in respect for the victims, I have thus decided not to participate in any commemoration of the genocide unless Karadzic and Mladic are arrested.
Every Monday through Saturday, hundreds of vendors flock to this market in the Wieden District (located just south of the Ringstrasse) to sell fruit, meat, dairy products and other local food items. |
Разовая доза для взрослых не должна быть более 200 мг, начальная суточная доза при этом находится в пределах 150-300 мг, средняя суточная – 200-400 мг, а максимальная рекомендованная дозировка в сутки не может превышать 600 мг.
Выставка занимает четыре галереи на втором этаже МоМа, включает более 250 работ и является одной из крупнейших выставок, когда-либо проходивших в МоМа. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | A single dose for adults should not be more than 200 mg, the initial daily dose is in the range of 150-300 mg, the average daily dose is 200-400 mg, and the maximum recommended dosage per day can not exceed 600 mg.
Four gallery spaces on MoMA ’ s second floor are dedicated to the exhibition, which comprises more than 250 works and constitutes one of the largest exhibitions ever organized at the Museum. |
The name of city is derived from its Latin name Trajectum Ad Mosam (Meuse-crossing), referring to the bridge built by the Romans under the reign of Augustus Caesar.
Konstantin P. Petrov (August 23, 1945, Noginsk, Moscow Region – July 21, 2009, Moscow) – Soviet and Russian military leader, a Russian social and political activist.
While still in his youth Prochorus made his plans to devote his life entirely to God and to go to a monastery. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Название города пошло от латинского названия моста Trajectum Ad Mosam (Брод через Маас), построенного во времена римского императора Августа Цезаря.
Константин Павлович Петров (23 августа 1945 года, Ногинск, Московская область - 21 июля 2009, Москва) - советский и российский военный деятель, российский общественный и политический деятель.
Уже в юности Прохор стремился всецело посвятить свою жизнь Богу и уйти в монастырь. |
Many of the gold coins issued by the Austrian Mint were extensively used in trade during the Austro-Hungarian Empire, while the silver thaler proved to be one of the most minted and widely used silver coins in global commerce between 1750 and the 1950s.
Bolivar Peak, named after the revolutionary leader Simon Bolivar, the peaks of which are covered with eternal snow, contrasts sharply with the rest of the landscapes of the country, which predominantly has a tropical equatorial climate. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Russian language to English language. | Большинство монет, выпущенных монетным двором Австрии, широко использовались в торговле в течение существования Австро-Венгерской империи, в то время как серебряный талер стал одним из наиболее широко используемых серебряных монет в мировой торговле с 1750 по 1950 гг.
Пик Боливар, названный в честь революционного лидера Симона Боливара, вершины которого покрыты вечным снегом, резко контрастирует с остальными пейзажами страны, которая преимущественно имеет тропический экваториальный климат. |
Man kann beobachten, dass die Geisterbeschwörer unverständliche und sinnlose Worte sprechen, aber wenige denken darüber nach, dass die Wirkungen dieser Sprüche im Rhythmus und hauptsächlich in den ausgesandten Gedanken bestehen. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply using the given reference word translations? | It may be noticed that the exorcisers pronounce some incomprehensible and meaningless words, but few reflect that the effectiveness is not in the meaning of such expressions but in the rhythm and, principally, in the thoughts being sent. |
Он пояснил, что на закрытых консультациях Совбеза он представил государствам-членам информацию об инцидентах на территории Республики Крым и зачитал заявление министерства иностранных дел РФ, в котором "выражается озабоченность и возмущение по поводу попытки теракта и саботажа на территории Республики Крым". | Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences. | He explained that, in closed consultations of the Security Council, he presented Member States with information about incidents within the territory of the Republic of Crimea, and read a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which ‘expresses concern and indignation in regard to attempted acts of terrorism and sabotage within the territory of the Republic of Crimea’. |
The provisions of the resolution have been circulated to all financial institutions, banks and banking companies in the country, all relevant trading and industrial entities and all border crossings by air, land and sea for implementation and appropriate action in accordance with the country's obligations.
After all, Fritz Stern wrote his book to warn of the dangers posed by a romantic abhorrence of modernity. | Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 决议条款已经分发给我国的各金融机构、银行和金融公司、各有关贸易和工业实体及各个海陆空过境点,以供按照我国的义务加以执行和采取适当行动。
毕竟,弗里茨·施特恩在他的著作中警告了对现代事务罗曼蒂克的憎恨所带来的危险。 |
We have helped more than 200,000 traders make money, and we want to help you do the same. Our aim as an online Forex broker is to help you join the league of successful traders and change your life. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Мы помогли более 200 000 трейдерам заработать деньги, и мы хотим помочь вам сделать то же самое. Наша цель как онлайн-брокера на рынке форекс — помочь вам присоединиться к лиге успешных трейдеров и изменить свою жизнь. |
Считалось, что его отец был самураем низкого ранга, и Басё начал работать в качестве слуги с ранних лет, чтобы заработать себе на жизнь. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences. | His father was believed to have been a low-ranking samurai and Basho started working as a servant early on in life to earn his livelihood. |
The unit was based at Murmashi airfield, south of Murmansk, as part of the defense of Murmansk and the Kola Peninsula.
26. The coalition Government gradually proved unable to rule. On 7 September 1992, the opposition forced elected President Nabiyev to sign a letter of resignation, and Akbarshah Iskandarov, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet and a member of the opposition, became acting President. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Часть была дислоцирована в аэропорту Мурмаши, южнее Мурманска и являлась частью обороны Мурманска и Кольского полуострова.
26. Коалиционное правительство постепенно утратило способность управлять страной. 7 сентября 1992 года оппозиционные силы вынудили президента Набиева подписать письмо об отставке, и исполняющим обязанности президента стал Акбаршах Искандеров, Председатель Верховного совета и член оппозиции. |
Г-н ЛЕОН ГОНСАЛЕС (Куба) говорит, что существующие правила по минам, отличным от противопехотных, изложенные в Конвенции, адекватно охватывают технические и гуманитарные аспекты таких мин, и поэтому нет нужды в новых юридически связывающих мерах или переговорах на этот счет. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | Mr. LEON GONZALEZ (Cuba) said that the existing rules on mines other than anti-personnel mines set out in the Convention adequately covered the technical and humanitarian aspects of such mines, so that there was no need for new legally binding measures or for negotiations on the matter. |
In Berlin-Kreuzberg zeigt eine Gruppe von Schülern ihren Mitschülern und Freunden Häuser, in denen früher Juden wohnten, die von den Nazis ermordet wurden.
Ich bin dem Produzenten Aaron Levinson sehr dankbar dafür, dass er mir die Liebe und Leidenschaft, die in Salsa steckt, nähergebracht hat.
Die 1906 / 07 errichtete Glienicker Brücke bildete während der Teilung Deutschlands eine Nahtstelle zwischen West-Berlin und der DDR. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, a group of schoolchildren are showing their fellow pupils and friends houses in which Jews who were murdered by the Nazis used to live.
I thank the producer, Aaron Levinson, for instilling in me the love and passion that is salsa music.
When Germany was divided, the Glienicke Bridge, constructed in 1906-07, became a meeting point between West Berlin and the GDR. |
13And having sailed from Paphos, Paul and his company came to Perga of Pamphylia; and John separated from them and returned to Jerusalem.
In addition, several fluoride compounds may be produced in the electrolytic bath in the event of an oxygen shortage. These compounds include carbon tetrafluoride CF4, hexafluoroethane C2F6, sulfur hexafluoride SF6, and silicon tetrafluoride SiF4. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements. | 13Als aber Paulus und seine Begleiter von Paphos abgefahren waren, kamen sie nach Perge in Pamphylien. Johannes aber sonderte sich von ihnen ab und kehrte nach Jerusalem zurück.
Außerdem können im elektrolytischen Bad bei Sauerstoffmangel mehrere Fluorverbindungen entstehen, unter anderem Kohlenstofftetrafluorid CF4, Hexafluorethan C2F6, Schwefelhexafluorid SF6 und Siliziumtetrafluorid SiF4. |
260.本小组在以前的报告中已经确定,无法使用存在伊拉克银行账户中的资金并不构成直接损失,除非索赔人能表明,伊拉克有合同义务或其他特定义务将这类资金换为可兑换货币并许可将兑换所得的货币转出伊拉克,而这种兑换和转账又因伊拉克入侵和占领科威特而受到阻碍。 | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese? | The departments and organizations thus brought together within the framework of the national committee undertake the following: support for small enterprises, provision of prosthetic limbs and mobility aids, assistance for those who have lost their hearing and sight, physiotherapy to restore the vital functions of injured limbs, psychological rehabilitation of victims, training of victims to enable them to practise a trade, and conducting a needs assessment survey.
This Panel has found in its previous reports that the loss of use of funds on deposit in Iraqi banks is not a direct loss unless the claimant can demonstrate that Iraq was under a contractual or other specific duty to exchange those funds for convertible currencies and to authorise the transfer of the converted funds out of Iraq and that this exchange and transfer was prevented by Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait. |
Округ Меномини является единственным округом в восточной части Соединённых Штатов с индейским большинством. | It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Menominee County is the only county in the eastern half of the United States with a Native American majority. |
117. In connection with the activities of the recently established State Committee on Religious and National Questions, the Committee draws the attention of the State party to its General Recommendation XVII (42) on the establishment of national institutions to facilitate the implementation of the Convention. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | 117. В отношении деятельности недавно созданного Государственного комитета по религиозным и национальным вопросам Комитет обращает внимание государства-участника на его Общую рекомендацию XVII (42) относительно создания национальных институтов по содействию осуществлению Конвенции. |
В классических греческих городах-государствах, будь то Афины, Фивы или далекий Акрагас, благотворительность в смысле бескорыстной любви, милостыни, жалости и заботы о сиротах, вдовах и престарелых практиковалась широко и щедро. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | In the classical Greek city-states, whether in Athens, Thebes, or remote Acragas, charity in the sense of selfless love, almsgiving, pity, and concern for the orphan, the widow, and the elderly was widely and generously practiced. |
В 1908 году в южной части Намибии, в 10 километрах от портового города Людериц, рабочий нашел алмаз и показал его своему начальнику, немецкому железнодорожному инспектору Августу Штауху.
Треллеборг является самым южным городом Швеции, который ведет свою историю с XIII века, когда город был представлен в качестве свадебного подарка от датской королевской семьи князю Швеции Вальдемару. | Kindly submit the Russian interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | In 1908, in southern Namibia, 10 kilometers inland from the port town of Lüderitz, a worker found a diamond and showed it to his supervisor, the German railway inspector, August Stauch.
Trelleborg is Sweden's southernmost town and can trace its history back to the 13th century when the town was presented as a wedding gift to the Swedish Prince Valdemar from the Danish Royal Family. |
Доктрина Кеннеди (англ. Kennedy Doctrine) относится к инициативам во внешней политике 35-го Президента США Джона Фицджеральда Кеннеди по отношению к странам Латинской Америки в 1961 — 1963 годах.
Молекулярная генетика человека - это изучение молекулярной основы генетического заболевания человека, генетики развития, нейрогенетики, структуры и функции хромосом, молекулярных аспектов раковой генетики, генной терапии, биохимической генетики, основных достижений в картировании генов и понимания организации генома. | Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences? | The Kennedy Doctrine refers to foreign policy initiatives of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, towards Latin America during his administration between 1961 and 1963.
Human Molecular Genetics is the study of the molecular basis of human genetic disease, developmental genetics, neurogenetics, chromosome structure and function, molecular aspects of cancer genetics, gene therapy, biochemical genetics, major advances in gene mapping and understanding of genome organization. |
Another aspect of this invention relates to the study of protein kinases in biological and pathological phenomena; the study of intracellular signal transduction pathways mediated by such protein kinases; and the comparative evaluation of new protein kinase inhibitors. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | В другом аспекте настоящее изобретение относится к изучению протеинкиназ в биологических и патологических процессах; к исследованию внутриклеточных путей передачи сигнала, опосредованных такими протеинкиназами; и к сравнительной оценке новых ингибиторов протеинкиназы. |
Патил считает, что это вполне возможно, учитывая возможности компании в электронной коммерции и облачных технологиях, а также ее инвестиции в цифровой контент и строительство центров обработки заказов.
Международный аэропорт Бауэрфилд - относительно небольшой аэропорт, который расположен на острове Эфате, к северу от столицы и самого большого города Республики Вануату, Порт-Вила. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | Patil believes that this will become possible thanks to the company's capabilities in e-commerce and cloud technologies, as well as its investments in digital content and construction of order processing centers.
Bauerfield International Airport is a relatively small airport that is located on the island of Efate, just north of the capital and biggest city of the Republic of Vanuatu, Port Vila. |
具有讽刺意味的是,一些提案国指责在伊拉克、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦、被占领的叙利亚戈兰及其他地方抗击外国占领的抵抗者为恐怖分子,却坚称叙利亚境内没有恐怖组织,即便这些恐怖组织的头目公开发表声明承认其行径。 | Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. | Unlike traditional comparison based approaches, LAS X Cast Iron Expert determines type, shape, size and distribution of graphite nodules automatically.
It was ironic that some of the sponsors accused those resisting foreign occupation in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, the occupied Syrian Golan and elsewhere of terrorism, and insisted that no terrorist groups were active in Syria, even as the heads of those groups had made public declarations and confessions of their deeds. |
На всей территории отеля работает бесплатный Wi-Fi. Собор Святого Петра и Павла, замок Шпильберк и множество других исторических памятников находятся всего в нескольких шагах от отеля.
Сотни людей приняли Иисуса как своего Спасителя; тысячи были исцелены от самых разных болезней; тысячи верующих пробудились к новой жизни, и очень многие получили крещение Духом Святым, как в день Пятидесятницы. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Free WiFi is available throughout the property. The Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul and the Špilberk Castle and other numerous historical sites are just a few steps away.
I dare to say that hundreds of people received Jesus as their Saviour, thousands were healed from all kinds of diseases, also thousands of believers awoke to a new life, and many, many received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost. |
Es war eine unglücklich gewählte Formulierung, es tut uns leid, dass es passiert ist." | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German. | It was an unfortunate choice of words, we're sorry it happened.' |
Local nature reserves in the area provide further opportunities for getting out and about in the fresh air -- nearby is ancient Flitwick Wood, which is rich in native plant life and is home to wildlife, including woodpeckers and muntjac deer.
Located in the temporal lobe, the auditory cortex is the primary receptive area for sound information. | 麂 means muntjac
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 该地区的当地自然保护区为游客提供了更多去到户外,置身于新鲜空气中的机会,因为附近是古老的弗立维森林(FlitwickWood),它拥有丰富的本土植物,是野生动物的栖息地,包括啄木鸟和麂鹿。
聽覺皮層位在颞叶,是聲音資訊的初級接收區。 |
In case of an activation of the IP anonymisation on this website, however, your IP address will be shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. | Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language. | Im Falle des In-Kraft-Treten der IP-Anonymisierung auf dieser Internetseite wird Ihre IP-Adresse von Google jedoch innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der EU oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum im Voraus zensiert. |
The other two victims were not in the car and police are investigating whether any of the wounded men could be a shooter. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Две другие жертвы были не в машине, и полиция расследует, мог ли кто-то из раненых мужчин быть стрелявшим. |
A smoke detector or smoke alarm is a device that detects smoke and issues an alarm to alert nearby people that there is a potential fire.
He further submits that the domestic legislation of the State party does not appear to foresee a procedure suitable to remedy his situation, because all procedures are oriented towards correcting or amending an individual's birth certificate, but in his case the latter is the only document where his names are transcribed correctly. | Change the given sentences from Russian to English format. | Детектор дыма или пожарный извещатель представляет собой устройство, которое обнаруживает дым и выдает сигнал тревоги, чтобы предупредить окружающих людей об опасности потенциального пожара.
Далее он утверждает, что внутреннее законодательство государства-участника, как представляется, не предусматривает процедуру, пригодную для исправления положения, в котором он оказался, поскольку все процедуры ориентированы на исправление или внесение поправок в свидетельства о рождении лиц, однако в его случае последнее является единственным документом, в котором его имена транскрибированы правильным образом. |
Не рекомендуется применять пожароопасный винил на кухне, поскольку в этом помещении нельзя исключить возможность возгорания, а материал при горении выделяет токсичные вещества.
Но чтобы россияне успели приобрести цифровые приставки и новые телевизионные приемники, способные транслировать цифровое телевидение, переходный период продлен на две недели - до середины января. | vinyl means винил
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | It is not recommended to use fire-hazardous vinyl in the kitchen, since it is impossible to exclude the possibility of fire in this room, and the material emit toxic substances during combustion.
But for the Russians to have time to buy digital set-top boxes and new television receivers capable of broadcasting digital television, the transition period is extended by two weeks - until mid-January. |
Belgrade and Moscow have signed a preliminary agreement for the sale of two helicopters, for which the Serbian side has already made advance payments, Serbian Minister of Defense Bratislav Gasic said Thursday. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | Сербия и Россия подписали предварительное соглашение о купле-продаже двух вертолётов, и сербская сторона уже выплатила аванс, сообщил в четверг министр обороны Сербии Братислав Гашич. |
Его первая книга на эту тему « Как каждый может прекратить уплату подоходного налога », опубликованная в 1982 году, стала бестселлером по версии « Нью-Йорк Таймс ». | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | His first book on this topic (he authored six books in total) How Anyone Can Stop Paying Income Taxes, published in 1982 became a New York Times best seller. |
In 1846, at the age of 19, Riemann began to study theology and philology, intending to become a priest, but his teacher Gauss, shocked by the young man ’ s abilities to mathematics, strongly advises him to abandon the theological path and concentrate his efforts on exact sciences.
While they endured harsh conditions during their time of service, as a result of their labors, they acquired ownership of small pieces of land that they could then work as independent yeoman farmers. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | В 1846 г., в возрасте 19 лет, Риман начинает изучать теологию и филологию, намереваясь стать священником, но его учитель Гаусс, потрясённый способностями юноши к математике, настоятельно советует ему оставить теологическую стезю и сосредоточить усилия на точных науках.
Хотя условия их работы были очень суровыми, в результате своего труда подневольные работники получали в собственность небольшие земельные наделы, которые они могли обрабатывать, став в итоге независимыми фермерами-йоменами. |
Although rubble and debris were removed at some central locations on the beach and in the centre of the coastal town of Palu, the destruction is still omnipresent and of unimaginable proportions.
Active listening (to understand the value we can contribute, what we must correct and how to work to optimize our business relationship with customers, suppliers and employees). | What do the following sentences mean in English? | Geröll und Schutt wurden zwar an einigen zentralen Stellen am Strand und im Zentrum der Küstenstadt Palu entfernt, doch die Zerstörung ist immer noch allgegenwärtig und von unvorstellbarem Ausmaß.
Aktives Zuhören (um zu verstehen, welchen Wert wir beitragen können, was wir korrigieren müssen und wie wir an der Optimierung unserer Geschäftsbeziehungen zu Kunden, Lieferanten und Mitarbeitern arbeiten können). |
В соответствии с Европейским консенсусом по вопросам развития, Европейский союз укрепляет свои механизмы и партнерские структуры в целях поддержки благого правления, которое включает не только борьбу против коррупции, но и уважение прав человека, приверженность демократическим принципам и верховенству закона и эффективное управление в экономической, финансовой, социальной и экологической областях. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Russian? | In line with the European Consensus for Development, the European Union was strengthening its mechanisms and partnerships to support good governance, which included not only the fight against corruption, but also respect for human rights, adherence to democratic principles and the rule of law, and sound economic, financial, social and environmental management. |
В начале 2004 года Группа экономической разведки сообщила, что число рабочих в секторе гостиничного хозяйства сократилось на 19,5 процента в результате урагана « Фабиан » и закрытия на капитальный ремонт двух крупных гостиниц 15. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | At the beginning of 2004, the Economist Intelligence Unit reported that the number of workers in the hotel industry declined by 19.5 per cent owing to the effects of hurricane Fabian and the closure of two major hotels for refurbishment.15 |
An diesem Teilchenbeschleuniger kollidieren Elektronen mit gegenläufigen Antiteilchen und erzeugen dabei schwere Quarks und Leptonen, Teilchen, die im heutigen Universum nicht mehr existieren. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German? The given word translations should be used. | In this particle accelerator, electrons with opposed anti-particles collide and produce heavy quarks and leptons, particles that no longer exist in today ’ s universe. |
The Daugava river valley, located between Krāslava and Daugavpils, with its steep banks (up to 40 m high) and the Daugavas Loki Nature Park, where you can find rare species of plants in abundance, is very picturesque.
24. Having gained significant development experience over the last several decades, and having also recognized the links between human rights and economic and social development, UNICEF envisages the child as the central subject of development to ensure the realization of all the rights of the individual child. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form. | Долина реки Даугава, расположенная между Краславой и Даугавпилсом, с ее крутыми берегами (высотой до 40 м) и природным парком Даугавас Локи, где вы можете найти редкие виды растений в изобилии, очень живописна.
24. Накопив за последние несколько десятилетий значительный опыт в области развития, а также признав взаимосвязь между правами человека и социально-экономическим развитием, ЮНИСЕФ рассматривает ребенка в качестве основного субъекта процесса развития, с тем чтобы обеспечить осуществление всех прав каждого отдельного ребенка. |
Other projects include live recordings of works by Mozart, the five Beethoven concertos and the upcoming recording of both Brahms piano concertos with the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Zubin Mehta.
According to UN reports quoted by Zeid, over 190,000 people were killed in Syria between March 2011 and April 2014, and some 6.5 million people, almost half of that country's population, had fled their homes. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | 其他项目包括许多现场录音专辑——莫扎特全集、贝多芬五首钢琴协奏曲以及即将录制的与维也纳爱乐乐团和祖宾•梅塔合作的勃拉姆斯钢琴协奏曲全集。
根据扎伊德引述的联合国报告,2011年3月至2014年4月之间有超过19万人在叙利亚被杀害,650万人背井离乡,几乎占到该国人口的一半。 |
If your Apple Watch detects that you're immobile for about a minute, it begins a 15-second countdown, while tapping you on the wrist and sounding an alert.
As of April 2004, the so-called Plan Patriota was put into effect in the south of the country. It is the largest military operation in modern Colombian history, with the declared objective of striking a blow against the rearguard of the FARC-EP and capturing its principal leaders. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English using the given reference word translations? | 如果AppleWatch检测到您在一分钟之内一动不动,它会开始15秒的倒计时,同时会轻拍您的手腕并发出提醒声。
截至2004年4月,在该国南部执行了所谓的"爱国者计划",这是哥伦比亚现代史上一次最大的军事行动,所宣称的目标是打击爱国武装力量----人民军的后卫部队,抓捕其主要领导人。 |
Recent episodes of organized unrest in the northern part of the city have highlighted the relative ease with which committed troublemakers can create tension in the area. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences, and must use the given word translations. | 最近在该城市的北部发生的有组织的骚乱突出表明执意闹事者可轻而易举在该地区造成紧张局势。 |
In 1991, the last major essential component of a Unix-like system was developed: Linux, the free kernel written by Linus Torvalds. Today, the combination of GNU and Linux is used by millions of people around the world, and its popularity is growing. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Russian into English. | В 1991 году был разработан последний крупный существенный компонент системы типа Unix: Linux, свободное ядро, написанное Линусом Торвальдсом. Сегодня сочетание GNU и Linux применяется миллионами людей по всему миру, и популярность его растет. |
尽管案件的用语通常不像应有的那么清楚,买方似乎真有那种权力。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | If you want to determine how an object drops, you dont concern yourself with whether it is new or old, is red or green, or has an odor or not.
Though the language of the cases is not always so clear as it might be, the vendee seems to have precisely that sort of power. |
Then comes the inevitable descent underground to catacombs and corpses, with Barnes's account of his abrupt and unbearable bereavement. The combination of forms and styles, slipping to and fro between airy fantasy and the grim immitigable facts of disease and death, really shouldn't work – but it does, thanks to Barnes's deft emotional insight and his verbal legerdemain. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | 紧接着,巴恩斯以自己唐突而充满叫人难受的丧亲之痛的叙述描绘了那无可避免的尸入墓穴、生死相隔的悲剧。在从天马行空的幻想滑落到疾病和死亡的冷酷事实的往复中的这种写作形式与风格的结合本应是完全行不通的——但巴恩斯凭借其敏锐的情感洞察力和高明的文字运用技巧却做到了。 |
为此目的,《公约》的全体缔约国和尚未加入该《公约》的其他国家必须作出充分承诺,以彻底消除杀伤人员地雷,并处理与此有关的严重的人道主义问题。 | In Chinese, what do the given sentences convey? | In 1928, when Jin Shuren came to power, he reinforced the supervision and imposition of the Russians.
To that end, it is crucial to have the full commitment of all States parties to the Convention and of States that have not yet acceded to the Convention in order to completely eradicate anti-personnel mines and to deal with their devastating humanitarian impact. |
The new US administration backs the UK ’ s divorce from the EU, it prefers bilateral deals to multilateral trade agreements, and it accuses Germany of exploiting the EU as a vehicle for its own interests and of weakening the euro to gain an unfair competitive advantage.
The leek is a vegetable that belongs, along with onion and garlic, to the genus Allium, currently placed in family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Allioideae. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? The given word translations should be used. | Die neue amerikanische Regierung befürwortet die Abspaltung Großbritanniens von der EU, sie präferiert bilaterale ‚ Deals ‘ gegenüber multilateralen Handelsabkommen, und sie wirft Deutschland vor, die EU als Vehikel eigener Interessen auszunutzen und den Euro zu schwächen, um unfaire Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erlangen.
Der Lauch ist ein Gemüse, das gehört, zusammen mit Zwiebel und Knoblauch zu der Gattung Allium, derzeit in Familie Amaryllisgewächse, Unterfamilie Allioideae gelegt. |
Чесменский Дворец и Чесменская церковь (церковь Иоанна Предтечи) были построены для фаворита Екатерины II князя Григория Потемкина в честь его участия в морском походе против турков и Чесменской битвы (в бухте Чесма в Средиземном море). | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language. | Chesme Palace and Chesme Church (St. John the Forerunner church) were built for Prince Grigory Potemkin's favorite of Catherine II in honor of his participation in a naval campaign against the Turks and the Chesme Battle (in the Chesma Bay in the Mediterranean Sea). |
On his first visit to Sochi as the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach met members of Komanda 2014, the team made up of the staff and volunteers of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Глава МОК Томас Бах, впервые прибывший в Сочи в качестве президента международного Олимпийского комитета, встретился с членами « Команды 2014 », в составе которой сотрудники Оргкомитета « Сочи 2014 » и волонтеры. |
After lengthy cooking, the rabbit meat is allowed to marinate a few days in olive oil which makes it soft and tender, with the look and consistency of tuna in oil, and a delicate, slightly aromatic flavour.
The equity ratio as at 31 March 2018 was 42% (30 Sep 2017: 41%) while the workforce grew to 1,604 employees (31 Mar 2017: 1,381 employees). | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Das Kaninchenfleisch wird lange gegart und dann für einige Tage in Olivenöl eingelegt, damit es weich und zart wird. Dadurch bekommt es das Aussehen und die Konsistenz von Thunfisch in Öl. Sein Geschmack ist delikat, leicht würzig.
Die Eigenkapitalquote zum 31. März 2018 lag bei 42% (30. Sep 2017: 41%), der Personalbestand ist auf 1.604 Mitarbeiter (31. Mär 2017: 1.381 Mitarbeiter) angestiegen. |
Die vorgestellte Studie des Instituts für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika) der RWTH Aachen liefert neue Ergebnisse zum Standpunkt der Bevölkerung gegenüber autonomen Fahrzeugen und wurde in Kooperation mit deutschen Tageszeitungen durchgeführt. | Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The study presented by the Institute for Motor Vehicles (ika) of RWTH Aachen University provides new results on the population's view on autonomous vehicles and was carried out in cooperation with German daily newspapers. |
Der S-Bahnhof Charlottenburg und der U-Bahnhof Wilmersdorfer Straße befinden sich nur 2 Gehminuten vom Domicil Hotel Berlin by Golden Tulip entfernt. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | The Charlottenburg city rail station and the Wilmersdorfer Straße underground station are a 2-minute walk from the Domicil Hotel Berlin by Golden Tulip. |
“By synchronizing our activities and sharing information we stand a much better chance to secure the waters in the region and thereby keeping the sea lanes safe and secure, ” said Commodore Aage Buur Jensen, the commander of NATO ’ s counter-piracy mission, Operation Ocean Shield.
After reading too many novels about knights and heroic stories, Don Quijote and his servant Sancho Panza decide to wander the roads of Spain to protect the weak and to accomplish good deeds. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | « Благодаря синхронизации наших действий и обмену информацией у нас гораздо больше шансов обеспечить безопасность в водах региона и тем самым сделать безопасными морские пути », – сказал командующий операцией НАТО по борьбе с пиратством « Оушн шилд » коммодор Оге Буур Йенсен.
После чтения большого количества романов о рыцарях и героях, Дон Кихот и его слуга Санчо Панса решают отправиться в путешествие по Испании, чтобы защищать слабых и совершать благородные поступки. |
伊朗多家媒体也发布了油轮起航的视频。 | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Chinese language. | Several Iranian media also posted videos of the tanker's departure. |
"Замедление экономического роста означает, что закрывается окно возможностей, когда государства могли бы принять меры для решения накопившихся проблем, таких как высокий уровень государственного и частного долга, а также проблем, обусловленных долгосрочными тенденциями старения населения и неравенства доходов", - подчеркнули в агентстве. | Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences. | "The slowdown in economic growth means that the window of opportunity is closing, when states could take measures to solve accumulated problems, such as high levels of public and private debt, as well as problems caused by long-term trends of population aging and income inequality," the agency said. |
When I was seven years old, I believed I was a witch for several months and later got taken to the school principal for putting curses on kid ’ s in the playground.
The location, in the Salamanca district, could scarcely be more convenient, near the Avenida de América and the Golden Mile. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Als ich sieben Jahre alt war glaubte ich einige Monate lang, ich sei eine Hexe und wurde später vor den Schulrektor geführt, weil ich die Kinder auf dem Schulhof mit Zaubersprüchen verhexen wollte.
Die Lage im Distrikt Salamanca könnte kaum angenehmer sein: in der Nähe befindet sich die Avenida de América und die Golden Mile. |
”快速交通挑战赛的网站上有完整的吉尼斯规则,此规则类似于伦敦地铁挑战赛的规则。 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | The complete Guinness rules can be found on the Rapid Transit Challenge website and are similar to the rules for the London Underground's Tube Challenge. |
Subsets and Splits