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Eine Straße führt direkt am Strand entlang zum Anglerparadies Henties Bay, und weiter nach Cape Cross bis zur Mündung des Ugab Flusses.
20 Und Jakob legte ein Gelübde ab und sagte: Wenn Gott mit mir ist und mich behütet auf diesem Weg, den ich gehe, und mir Brot zu essen und Kleidung anzuziehen gibt 21 und ich in Frieden zurückkehre zum Haus meines Vaters, dann soll der HERR mein Gott sein. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | A road skirts the beach to the angler ’ s paradise Henties Bay and then continues to Cape Cross on the mouth of the Ugab River.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, 21 and I return to my father's house in safety, then the LORD will be my God. |
The Commission's decision directs federal ministries and departments to tighten up the existing criminal and administrative law, prevent the use of the mass media and new communications technology for the purpose of trafficking in people, and tighten controls on the activities of travel agencies, agencies offering job placements abroad and "matrimonial agencies" arranging for women and girls to leave the country. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | Решение Комиссии содержит поручения федеральным министерствам и ведомствам, направленные на совершенствование действующего уголовного и административного законодательства, предотвращение использования средств массовой информации и новых коммуникационных технологий в целях торговли людьми, усиление контроля за деятельностью туристических фирм, агентств по трудоустройству за рубежом и "брачных контор", организующих выезд за рубеж женщин и девушек. |
Anmerkungen Das geometrische Mittel einer Gesamtheit ist die n-te Wurzel des Produkts aller Datenpunkten, wobei n die Größe der Gesamtheit ist.
In mehreren Kurzfilmen, in denen ich Bilderreihen aus den Chinatowns von Prato, Neapel, Mailand und Rom zeige, verwende ich Lieder aus Schuberts Winterreise. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Notes The geometric mean of a population is the nth root of the product of all the data points, where n is the size of the population.
In several short films, in which I show some series of pictures of the Chinatowns of Prato, Naples, Milan and Rome, I use songs from Schubert ’ s Winter journey. |
“Farmers can now earn US $5,000 to US $10,000 per hectare from traditional apple orchards, but they usually have to wait five or six years for the first harvest, and the quality is low, ” Yarmak said.
A number of renovation and construction projects were under way or under study, including in particular renovations at the Tipitapa, Chinandega, Estelí, Granada and Matagalpa prisons and the construction of new facilities at Estelí, Chinandega. Bluefields and Bilwi. | Switch the specified sentences from their Russian form to English form. | « В настоящее время фермеры могут получать с традиционных яблоневых садов от 5000 до 10 000 долларов США с гектара, однако обычно они должны пять-шесть лет ждать первого урожая, и качество продукции является достаточно низким », – отметил Ярмак.
Целый ряд проектов по ремонту и строительству находятся в стадии реализации или изучения, в частности ремонт пенитенциарных учреждений в Типитапе, Чинандеге, Эстели, Гранаде и Матагальпе, а также строительство новых учреждений в Эстели, Чинандеге, Блуфилдсе и Бильви. |
Например, важное дело с точки зрения повышения осведомленности об этой проблеме рассматривалось в окружном суде Каяани, а затем в апелляционном суде Восточной Финляндии; тогда в отношении одного из преподавателей было вынесено постановление о выплате штрафа и компенсации на том основании, что он обозвал 14-летнюю чернокожую девушку негритянкой. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | An important case for the raising of awareness has, for example, been a case before the District Court of Kajaani and subsequently, the Court of Appeal of Eastern Finland, where a teacher was ordered to pay fines and compensation on the grounds that he had called a 14 year-old-black girl a negro. |
Ein Bericht in der Londoner Times deutet darauf hin, dass das Fiasko der US-Politik in Syrien die Europäische Union veranlasst, eine eigene Initiative vorzulegen.
Der Europäische Rat hat 2007 ehrgeizige energie- und klimapolitische Ziele für 2020 verabschiedet – eine Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen um 20%, eine Erhöhung des Anteils erneuerbarer Energien auf 20% und eine Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz um 20% [1]. | Please offer the German rendition for the following statements using the given reference word translations. | A report in the Times of London suggests that the debacle of US policy in Syria has prompted the European Union to propose its own initiative.
In 2007 the European Council adopted ambitious energy and climate change objectives for 2020 – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%, to increase the share of renewable energy to 20% and to reach 20% energy efficiency [1]. |
Der englische Langbogen aus dem Mittelalter hatte typischerweise eine Schnur aus Hanf oder Leinen, während türkische und arabische Bogensehnen aus Seide und Mohair bestanden. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in German using the given reference word translations? | The English longbow from the Middle Ages typically had a string made of hemp or linen while Turkish and Arab bowstrings were of silk and mohair. |
I am convinced that a diverse banking system – made up of small, medium-sized and large institutions and with a range of different business models – is the best thing to guarantee stability and to make sure that the various customer needs are met.
This knowledge of the world serves to provide what is pragmatic to all other acquired sciences and skills, so that they are useful not merely for school, but in life, and is where the accomplished apprentice is introduced to his vocation ’ s stage, namely, in the world. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Denn ein vielfältiges Bankensystem – mit kleinen, mittelgroßen und großen Instituten und mit verschiedenen Geschäftsmodellen – ist nach meiner festen Überzeugung der beste Garant für Stabilität und dafür, dass die unterschiedlichen Kundenbedürfnisse erfüllt werden.
Diese Weltkenntniß ist es, welche dazu dient, allen sonst erworbenen Wissenschaften und Geschicklichkeiten das Pragmatische zu verschaffen, dadurch sie nicht bloß für die Schule, sondern für das Leben brauchbar werden, und wodurch der fertig gewordene Lehrling auf den Schauplatz seiner Bestimmung, nämlich in die Welt, eingeführt wird. |
The German institute for window technology ift recently published a guideline for passive house windows requiring nearly the mean value of the above mentioned and by this means presents a reasonable benchmark for future constructions. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Vom ift (Institut für Fenstertechnik e.V.) wurde ebenfalls eine neue Richtlinie für Passivhausfenster ausgegeben, die nahezu den Mittelwert der beiden oben beschriebenen Anforderungen abdeckt und für die Zukunft eine sinnvolle Ausführungsmöglichkeit darstellt. |
自然界中的重元素經各種衰變途徑一共產生6種砹的同位素,原子量介乎214和219,但最穩定的兩種同位素砹-210和砹-211都不存在於自然中。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | Additionally, there is little evidence in the files of the secretariat verifying that anticipated matching funding had actually been paid, although beginning this year it is requesting proof of payments, which is commendable.
Among astatine isotopes, six (with mass numbers 214 to 219) are present in nature as the result of decay of heavier elements; however, the most stable astatine-210 and the industrially used astatine-211 are not. |
I founded my gymnastics foundation 20 years ago. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language. | Ich habe meine Turnstiftung von 20 Jahren gegründet. |
Улица Алексантеринкату является одной из знаменитых торговых улиц города, это центральная торговая улица Хельсинки.
На совещании были рассмотрены основные причины обезлесения, потребности и нужды стран со слабой лесистостью, будущее предложение и спрос на древесину и недревесные продукты, пути восстановления деградировавших земель и другие соответствующие вопросы. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Aleksanterinkatu – Aleksanterinkatu Street is one of the famous shopping streets in the city, It is the central commercial street of Helsinki.
The meeting addressed the underlying causes of deforestation, needs and requirements of countries with low forest cover, future supply and demand for wood and non-wood products, rehabilitation of degraded lands and other relevant issues. |
Было также выражено мнение о том, что нет никаких сомнений, что, в соответствии с международным правом и практикой, в случае нарушения государством его юридических обязательств по отношению к другому государству, последнее имеет право аннулировать свои юридические обязательства по отношению к первому государству. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | The view was also expressed that there could be no doubt that, in accordance with international law and practice, if a State violated its legal obligations towards another State, that State was entitled to abrogate its legal obligations towards the first State. |
Probleme bei der Speicherzuweisung für Kernel / Initrd / Gerätebaum in U-Boot Auf einigen Systemen mit älteren U-Boot-Versionen können Probleme bei der korrekten Speicherzuweisung für Linux-Kernel, Initial-Ramdisk und Gerätebaum-Abbild während des Boot-Prozesses auftreten. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Kernel / Initrd / Device-Tree relocation issues in U-Boot On some systems with older U-Boot versions there can be problems with properly relocating the Linux kernel, the initial ramdisk and the device-tree blob in memory during the boot process. |
„Reise ins Salz“: in den Salzbergwerken in Hallein, Hallstatt und Altaussee erfahren Sie viel Interessantes über das „Weiße Gold“.
In den 90er Jahren kehrte er jedoch zum Gitarrenspiel zurück, und begann mit Hilfe der Resonatorgitarre und Mandoline die Quellen seiner musikalischen Inspiration in der Blues- und Folk-Musik neu zu entdecken. | It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | “Journey to the salt ” - the Salt Mines of Hallein, Hallstatt and Altaussee offer very interesting insights about the“ white gold ”.
In the 90s, however, he returned to playing guitar regularly, and with the help of the resonator guitar and mandolin has begun to rediscover in blues and folk music the sources of his musical inspiration. |
Контролер проводит анализ риска на текущей основе, чтобы убедиться, что персональные данные обрабатываются им безопасным образом, гарантируя, в первую очередь, что только уполномоченные лица имеют доступ к данным и только в объеме, необходимом с учетом выполняемых ими задач.
Пациенты со слишком высоким тонусом мышц анального сфинктера, а также пациенты с пониженным притоком крови к этой области имеют более высокий риск развития анальных трещин. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Russian? The given word translations should be used. | The Controller conducts risk analysis on an ongoing basis to ensure that Personal Data is processed by him in a secure manner, ensuring, above all, that only authorized persons have access to the data and only to the extent that it is necessary due to the tasks they perform.
Patients whose sphincter muscles of the anus are too tense and patients with a decreased blood flow to the area have a higher risk of developing anal fissures. |
Questions & Answers Here's what travellers have asked, with answers from Khao Sok Green Valley Resort staff and other travellers. | Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 以下是旅客们曾提出过的问题,以及考索绿谷度假村员工和其他旅客的相关回答。 |
The German Transplantation Association plays a central role in quality assurance in transplantation medicine by, for example, striving for a greater degree of safety for living organ donors and the better use of post-mortem donor organs and by developing guidelines to these ends. | Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences. | Die Deutsche Transplantationsgesellschaft spielt bei der Qualitätssicherung der Transplantationsmedizin eine zentrale Rolle, indem sie etwa eine höhere Sicherheit für lebende Organspender sowie die bessere Nutzung von postmortalen Spenderorganen anstrebt und Richtlinien hierzu entwickelt. |
26面对越来越多的证据表明,当今世界贸易体系正在危害最贫穷者和处于最边缘地位的人的粮食安全,使不平等日益加剧,特别报告员认为,现在是考虑其他能够更好确保食物权办法的时候了。 | Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | In 2005, an estimated 139 million persons older than 15 years of age were obese, and that number is forecasted to increase to 289 million by 2015.
In the face of mounting evidence that the current world trading system is hurting the food security of the poorest and most marginalized, and generating ever-greater inequalities, the Special Rapporteur believes that it is now time to look at alternative means that could better ensure the right to food. |
Der Prozess verstärkt sich selbst, und nach etwa 1 bis 2 Milliarden Jahren sind die obersten Dezimeter praktisch eisfrei und sehr dunkel. “Entscheidend für die Entstehung der Helligkeitsdichotomie in der beobachteten Form ist das Zusammenwirken mit einem zweiten Effekt, der in den Bilddaten entdeckt wurde. | What do the following sentences mean in German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The process reinforces itself, and after about 1 to 2 billion years the uppermost decimeters are virtually ice-free and very dark. "Critical to the emergence of the brightness dichotomy in the observed shape is the interaction with a second effect that was discovered in the image data. |
Der nationale Sicherheitsberater des afghanischen Präsidenten, Hamdullah Mohib, wiederholte auf Twitter, dass die Regierung der Ansicht sei, dass es "wenig Sinn mache, weiterhin mit den Taliban umzugehen", da sie nicht in der Lage seien, die Gewalt im Land zu kontrollieren. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | The national security adviser to the Afghan president, Hamdullah Mohib, reiterated on Twitter that the government believes there is "little sense in continuing to deal with the Taliban", given their inability to control violence in the country. |
Airports of Turkmenistan has favourable economic and geographic location for transit flights as well as for technical landing and relative service of aircrafts, which provides their role as important links of international system of transport communications connecting the countries and continents. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Аэропорты Туркменистана имеют выгодное экономико-географическое положение для транзитных рейсов, а также для технических посадок и соответствующего обслуживания самолётов, что обуславливает их роль как важных звеньев международной системы транспортных коммуникаций, соединяющих страны и континенты. |
为了证明损失,索赔人提交了1989年10月到1990年10月的"金质和镀金首饰"保单。 | Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences. | With more than a decade of experience in developing solutions tailored to China's complex internet infrastructure, ChinaCache is a partner of choice for businesses, government agencies and other enterprises to enhance the reliability and scalability of online services and applications and to improve end-user experience.
In support of his loss, the claimant submitted an insurance policy for the period from October 1989 to October 1990, for "gold and golden jewellery". |
这将有助于减少核武器在维持安全方面的作用----如果不是完全使核武器非合法化的话,并概述在理论、政策、态度和体制方面所需要的改变,以引导进入一个无核武器和非暴力的世界。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | In accordance with rule 15 of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council and past practices, the Statistical Commission, at the commencement of its first meeting of a regular session, shall elect, from among the representatives of its members, a Chairman, three Vice-Chairmen and a Rapporteur (the Bureau).
That will serve to diminish the role of nuclear weapons in maintaining security, if not altogether to delegitimize nuclear weapons, and encapsulate the changes in doctrines, policies, attitudes and institutions required to usher in a nuclear-weapon-free and non-violent world. |
74. In July 2004, the Special Representative wrote to the Government of China concerning husband and wife defenders, who were both HIV-positive and wanted to protest about the inadequate health care and services for those infected with HIV / AIDS in Shangqiu city.
Eighteenth-century philosophers used the concept to distinguish the ability to think (reason) from the ability to feel (sentience). | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English. | 74.2004年7月,特别代表致函中国政府,事关一对维权者夫妇,二人都是艾滋病毒携带者,他们企图对商丘市未对艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者提供适当的医疗和服务提出抗议。
十八世紀的哲人以此概念來區分思考(「理性」)和感受(「感情」)。 |
Some reviewers, such as RPGFan felt that the music was "uninspired and dull" whereas GamePro praised the audio for evoking "emotions throughout the story, from battles to heartbreak to comedy". | In English, what do the given sentences convey? | RPGFan等评论认为音乐“平凡无趣”,而GamePro称赞其“从战斗到悲伤到喜剧,在整个故事中(唤起)情感”。 |
Die Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke Peking-Zhangjiakou erspart der Pekinger Geschäftsfrau Yin Yu eine dreistündige Autofahrt von Peking in Zhangjiakous Stadtteil Chongli, um dort in ihrem Geschäft mit Skiausrüstung zu arbeiten.
Akne - Entzündung der Talgdrüsen und Haarfollikel.Akne entwickelt sich am häufigsten im Alter zwischen 12-18 Jahren.Dies ist die häufigste Hauterkrankung und ist in 80% der Jugendlichen vor. | Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway line will spare Beijing businesswoman Yin Yu from having to drive three hours from Beijing to Zhangjiakou's Chongli district to work at her ski equipment business there.
Acne - inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.Acne develops most often between the ages of 12-18 years.This is the most common skin disease and is present in 80% of adolescents. |
“Most people remain unaware of quite how much land is owned by so few, ” he writes, adding:“ A few thousand dukes, baronets and country squires own far more land than all of middle England put together. ” | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | « Большинство людей не знают, сколько земли принадлежит столь немногим », — пишет он, добавляя: « Несколько тысяч герцогов, баронетов и сельских сквайров владеют гораздо большим количеством земли, чем вся средняя Англия вместе взятая ». |
Wir haben es vermasselt. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? | We scrapped. |
Italienische und griechische Skulpturen, Ritterrüstungen, zahlreiche Gemälde und Ikonen, Möbel und Accessoires im Stil von Barock und Rokoko - hier erzählt alles von der Liebe der Besitzer des Hauses zu den alten Kunstwerken und Traditionen.
Jedes Mal, wenn Sie eine Datei herunterladen, einen E-Mail-Anhang öffnen oder eine Browser-Erweiterung installieren, besteht die Gefahr, dass Ihr Computer mit schädlichen Dateien (so genannter Malware) infiziert wird. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Italian and Greek sculptures, knight armor, numerous paintings and icons, furniture and accessories in the styles of baroque and rococo - everything here speaks of the love of the owners of the house to the ancient art and traditions.
Whenever you download a file, open an email attachment or install an extension on your browser, you are at risk of infecting your computer with harmful files known as malware. |
Central nervous system signs include a localized involuntary twitching of muscles or groups of muscles, seizures with salivation and jaw movements commonly described as "chewing-gum fits", or more appropriately as "distemper myoclonus". | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | .中枢神经系统的症状包括肌肉或肌群局部不自主的抽搐,发作时往往流涎,下颌运动常被描述为“口香糖惊厥”,或更恰当地称为“犬瘟热肌阵挛”。 |
Der Historiker Tacitus (Annales XIV, 17) berichtet, wie im Jahr 59 n. Chr. bei einem von Livineius Regulus ausgerichteten Gladiatorenkampf die Bewohner von Nuceria und Pompeji aus geringfügigem Anlass miteinander in einen Streit gerieten, der mit zahlreichen Toten und Verletzten, besonders unter den Nucerianern endete. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | Tacitus (The Annals XIV, 17) recounts that in 59A.D. during a gladiatorial show exhibited by Livineius Regulus, a petty brawl between the inhabitants of Nuceria and Pompeii soon degenerated into bloodshed, leaving many dead and wounded, especially amongst the people of Nuceria. |
成立至今,Dr.Kong江博士积极践行社会责任,通过在社会各界开展公益活动,推广足脊健康理念,希望将足脊健康带进每一个家庭。 | spine means 脊
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Since its establishment, Dr. Kong actively fulfill social responsibility, by holding public welfare activities in all circles of society, promote foot & spine healthy concept, hope to bring foot & spine care to every household. |
最后,她想知道,这些法案的颁布是否对单身母亲、未婚妈妈、强奸受害者和其他弱势妇女群体的生命权和生殖权造成消极影响。 | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese? | A topological space is discrete if and only if its singletons are open, which is the case if and only if it doesn't contain any accumulation points.
Lastly, she wondered whether the enactment of those bills would have a negative impact on the lives and reproductive rights of single mothers, unmarried mothers, rape victims and other vulnerable women. |
The world has over 5,000 different languages, including more than twenty with 50 million or more speakers. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 世界上有超过 5,000 种不同的语言,其中有 20 多种语言的使用者超过了 5,000 万人。 |
On the cliff sticking out over the sea, there's a white colored Rokugozaki lighthouse designed by an Englishman in Meiji Period (in the year 1883). Address
After sleeping only four or five hours a night, he would wake up at 5 AM and begin writing stories, composing music, and painting pictures. | Turn the following sentences from their Chinese version to the English version, and must use the given word translations. | 由英国人设计师于明治时代建成的白色禄刚崎灯台,耸立在突出于海洋上的悬崖之顶。地址
他晚上只睡4到5小时,早上5点起床,然后开始写故事、作曲、绘画。 |
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und die Datenschutzerklärung sorgfältig gelesen haben, bevor Sie personenbezogene Daten auf der Website einer anderen Organisation eingeben, da wir für Websites anderer Organisationen keine Verantwortung oder Haftung übernehmen.
Seine Schlussfolgerung: „Der Wert eines wachsenden Lebensstands liegt nicht nur in den konkreten Verbesserungen, die dieser für das Leben der einzelnen Menschen mit sich bringt, sondern auch darin, wie er den sozialen, politischen und letztlich den moralischen Charakter eines Volkes formt.“ | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language, and must use the given word translations. | Please make sure you read the terms and conditions and privacy notice carefully before providing any personal data on another organisation ’ s website as we do not accept any responsibility or liability for websites of other organisations.
He concluded that, “The value of a rising standard of living lies not just in the concrete improvements it brings to how individuals live but in how it shapes the social, political, and ultimately the moral character of a people. ” |
There are a lot of things to weigh up because this property will probably be known by the not-so-nice element of Cornwall. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | 现在有很多事情需要权衡,因为这处房屋很可能会成为康沃尔郡一个不太好的元素。 |
严重侵犯人权、大量平民流离失所、国际恐怖主义、艾滋病、毒品和武器贩运以及环境灾难,都直接威胁着人类的安全,迫使我们要对一系列问题采取更为协调一致的对策。 | astronaut means 宇航员
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | On February 4, 2003, President George W. Bush and his wife Laura led a memorial service for the astronauts' families at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
Gross abuses of human rights, the large-scale displacement of civilian populations, international terrorism, the AIDS pandemic, drug and arms trafficking and environmental disasters present a direct threat to human security, forcing us to adopt a much more coordinated approach to a range of issues. |
ELIXPolymers-是欧洲ABS(丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯)树脂及其衍生产品的领先制造企业。 | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese. | In the light of its general comment No. 3 (2003) on HIV / AIDS and the rights of the child, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to prevent transmission of HIV / AIDS by raising the awareness of the public, including children, about the means of transmission and providing hospitals with necessary resources to prevent sharing of needles and other instruments that could lead to infections.
ELIX Polymers - ELIX Polymers is a leading manufacturer of ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) resins and derivatives in Europe. |
部队记录记录了飞机每次从弗吉尼亚州匡提科海军陆战队机场的基地飞行的时间为 30 分钟。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | Unit records record the aircraft flight time as 30 minutes each way from its home base at Marine Corps Air Facility Quantico in Virginia. |
Besides, the Serbian team, now consisting of backup players, is absolutely not a lamb for anyone to slaughter; in an earlier match against the Dutch team, the Serbian team played five rounds, and finally the Second Serbian Team turned the situation around and defeated the Dutch team, which was composed entirely of first line players, at 3:2, reflecting a very powerful lineup. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language. | 另外,替补的塞尔维亚队也并非“任人宰割”的羔羊,此前与荷兰队一役中,双方大战5局,塞尔维亚二队最终3:2逆转了荷兰的全主力阵容,由此可见其阵容厚度之深。 |
Этот известный британский философ, перед которым преклонялись Исаак Ньютон, Роберт Бойл, Элиас Эшмол и другие современники, выпустил в 1667 г. книгу под названием "Тайны разоблачены". | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version. | This renowned British philosopher – revered by Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Elias Ashmole and others of his day – produced a work in 1667 entitled Secrets Revealed. |
当你一生的罪恶记录被读出来时,你将哑口无言,毫无任何自我辩护的理由;对你罪恶的一生,你将毫无辩护的余地! | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? | In 1827 he was elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and in 1829 he won the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.
When the record of the sins of your life is read, you will be speechless. You will have no arguments whatever in your own defense; no defense for a life of sin! |
For his "campaign for a sustainable and respectful use of the world's seas," the polar explorer from Bad Bramstedt received the Seadevcon Maritime Award during Hamburg Climate Week. "Arved Fuchs is a great example for all of us who are concerned about the survival of the oceans", said Skipper Boris Herrmann during the award ceremony. "He is a witness to the changes that have occurred in the Arctic over the past decades." | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Für seinen "Kampf um eine nachhaltige und respektvolle Nutzung der Weltmeere" wurde der Polarforscher aus Bad Bramstedt im Rahmen der Hamburger Klimawoche mit dem "Seadevcon Maritime Award" ausgezeichnet. "Für uns alle, denen das Überleben der Ozeane am Herzen liegt, ist Arved Fuchs ein großes Vorbild", sagte Skipper Boris Herrmann bei der Preisverleihung. "Er ist ein Zeuge der Veränderungen, die sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten in der Arktis zugetragen haben". |
An additional major factor has nevertheless been the persistent tendency of certain Governments, in particular that of Liberia, to exacerbate already existing tensions in one or other of their neighbours by meddling in domestic disputes and using proxies to undermine Governments. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The given word translations should be used. | 还有一个主要因素是,某些政府(特别是利比里亚政府)屡屡插手这个或那个邻国的国内争端和使用代理人削弱政府,从而加剧那里已经存在的紧张局势。 |
Trust me; this compilation is what you need if you love streaming and downloading high quality (HD) ebony smut on your desktop, tablet or mobile smartphone.
98. Calls upon United Nations humanitarian entities, other relevant humanitarian organizations, development partners, the private sector, donor countries and affected States to enhance cooperation and coordination and to continue to utilize and develop appropriate tools, with a view to planning and delivering humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of early recovery as well as of sustainable rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts; | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 相信我;如果你热爱用你的电脑、平板或手机在线观看或下载高质量(高清)的黑人色情内容的话,那么对你来说,这个合集就是必不可少的。
98.吁请联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织、发展伙伴、私营部门、捐助国和受影响的国家加强合作与协调,并继续利用和开发适当的工具,以便以有利于早日恢复、可持续复原和重建工作的方式规划和提供人道主义援助; |
Moreover, many members of the foreign-policy elite were concerned about all of Vietnam falling to the Communists, which according to the so-called domino theory would mean that, once Vietnam fell, Communism would spread to the rest of Southeast Asia. | Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language. | Более того, многие члены внешнеполитической элиты были обеспокоены тем, что весь Вьетнам перейдет к коммунистам, что, согласно так называемой теории домино, означало бы, что после падения Вьетнама коммунизм распространится на остальную часть Юго-Восточной Азии. |
而《任天堂力量》1990年3-4月刊中收录了一个游戏世界地图,并在另一面放了《超级魂斗罗》的海报,以及一个《勇者斗恶龙》文字冒险。 | contra means 魂斗罗
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Chinese? The given word translations should be used. | The unstable period of September temporarily slowed up the ripening of black grape varieties, but the weather cleared up very soon and the nebbiolo ripening turned out perfect.
The March – April 1990 issue of Nintendo Power has a map of the game world, with a poster of Super Contra on the other side, and also features a Dragon Warrior text adventure. |
Less than $1.4 billion in spending on new projects in the North Sea is expected in 2016, compared with an average of around $7 billion in the past five years. | Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form. | 2016年,北海新项目的支出预计不超过14亿美元,而过去五年的平均项目支出达到约70亿美元。 |
32. In November and December 2010, the United States and Canada, two countries that had previously voted against the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, made separate announcements endorsing it. | Convert the subsequent sentences from Chinese into English, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 32.2010年11月和12月,两个先前曾投票反对《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的国家美国和加拿大分别宣布核可该宣言。 |
Имеет довольно большое влияние в городе; Сайлент Хилл был основан именно членами культа. Орден старался защищать свою веру любыми способами, в том числе обрекая неугодных людей на смерть.
290. 10 ноября движение Исламский джихад пригрозило организовать нападения, если Израиль не освободит палестинских заключенных, задержанных по соображениям безопасности, включая активистку движения Исламский джихад Атаеф Алиян, которая голодает три недели в тюрьме Неве-Тирза. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | It has quite a strong influence in the town; Silent Hill was founded precisely by cult members. The Order tried to defend their faith by any means, including condemning unwanted people to death.
290. On 10 November, the Islamic Jihad movement threatened to carry out attacks unless Israel released Palestinian security prisoners, including Islamic Jihad activist Ataef Alian, who had been on hunger strike for three weeks at the Neveh Tirza prison. |
In the squad of his national team Kaká took part not only in the Olympics in Beijing but at FIFA World Cups in Germany and South Africa.
For example, "Operation Valkyrie" is a film based on real events, telling about the conspiracy of the high command of the Nazi forces with the goal of killing Hitler. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | В составе своей сборной Кака принимал участие не только в Олимпиаде в Пекине, но и на чемпионатах мира в Германии и ЮАР.
Например « Операция « Валькирия » » — основанный на реальных событиях фильм, рассказывающий про заговор высшего командования нацистских сил с целью убийства Гитлера. |
Biosphere reserves are designed to meet one of the most challenging issues that the world is facing today: to conserve the biodiversity and maintain healthy natural systems while, at the same time, meeting the material needs and aspirations of an increasing number of human beings. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Russian form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Биосферные заповедники призваны решить один из наиболее сложных вопросов, с которым сегодня сталкивается весь мир: сохранение биоразнообразия и поддержание в нормальном состоянии природных систем при одновременном удовлетворении материальных потребностей и чаяний все большего числа людей. |
应外交部长王毅邀请,纳米比亚共和国副总理兼国际关系与合作部长内通博·南迪-恩代特瓦将于4月10日至13日对中国进行正式访问。 | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? | At the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of Namibia, will pay an official visit to China from April 10 to 13. |
According to Thai folklore, at the time of the fall of the ancient Siam capital of Ayutthaya in 1767 the invading Burmese troops rounded up thousands of Thais and took them to Burma as prisoners.
Mr. Apolinar Espinal (Dominican Republic) (spoke in Spanish): First, we should like to congratulate you, Madam, on your excellent work in guiding the work of the First Committee. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | Согласно тайскому преданию, во время падения столицы древнего сиамского королевства Аюттаи в 1767 году, бирманские оккупанты пленили тысячи тайцев и увели их в Бирму.
Г-н Аполинар Эспиналь (Доминиканская Республика) (говорит по-испански): Г-жа Председатель, прежде всего мы хотели бы выразить Вам признательность за прекрасное руководство работой Первого комитета. |
现在,它是圣保罗最热门的景点之一,全家人可以在这里看到2000多种毒蛇、蜘蛛和蝎子。 | scorpion means 蝎子
It would be helpful if you could provide the Chinese translation of the ensuing sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Today, it is one of the most visited places of Sao Paulo, and the family can discover more than 2,000 species of snakes, spiders and scorpions. |
The Republic of Korea has built specific support centres for foreigners and provides them interpretation in seven languages, and trains foreign workers in terms of Korean language, habits and culture.
The laboratory also performs a wide range of other tests, such as the temperature testing of transformers and switching installations, endurance tests lasting several months, high voltage calibration and mechanical tests of items including insulators and safety relays. Dielectric tests | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | 大韩民国已经为外国人建立了专门的支助中心,向其提供几种语言的翻译,并且在韩语、生活习惯和文化方面为外籍工人提供培训。
实验室还进行了各种其他测试,如变压器和开关设备的温度测试,持续数月的耐久性测试,高压校准以及包括绝缘体和安全继电器在内的机械测试。介电试验 |
Depending on various factors (like how far the VPN server is from you, what VPN protocol you use, how powerful your CPU is, how the VPN routes your traffic – just to name a few), it ’ s possible that a VPN slows Internet connection speeds for some users.
The fact that Petro Poroshenko could attract many more votes, in all parts of the country – including the east, than any other candidate is a first in the history of Ukraine and is a strong sign of the country ’ s unity. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Abhängig von verschiedenen Faktoren (z. B. wie weit der VPN-Server von Ihnen entfernt ist, welches VPN-Protokoll Sie verwenden, wie leistungsfähig Ihre CPU ist, wie das VPN Ihren Datenverkehr weiterleitet – um nur einige zu nennen), kann ein VPN die Geschwindigkeit der Internetverbindung für einige Benutzer verlangsamen.
Dass Petro Poroschenko in allen Teilen des Landes, auch im Osten, weit vor allen anderen Kandidaten die meisten Stimmen auf sich vereinen konnte, ist ein Novum in der Geschichte der Ukraine und ein starkes Signal der Einheit des Landes. |
2013年4月,俄罗斯紧急情况部向巴勒斯坦提供约5000吨小麦面粉(通过海路运往以色列阿什杜德港口),作为俄罗斯联邦向世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)基金提供捐助的一部分(200万美元)。 | peptide means 肽
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | 40. Scientific publications have shown that biologically-active biochemicals and bioregulatory peptides can modulate physiological systems and processes such as the brain and the immune system in very precise ways.
In April 2013, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations delivered to Palestine (by sea to the Israeli port of Ashdod) about 5,000 tons of wheat flour as part of the contribution of the Russian Federation to the fund of the World Food Programme (WFP) ($2 million). |
With his irenicism, however, in 1618-1619 as Bremen delegate at the Synod of Dordt, Crocius for the first time collided with the strict orthodoxy insisted upon by the Dutch Calvinists, which led to an ecclesiastical conflict in 1636. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | Mit seiner Irenik kollidierte Crocius jedoch, zunächst 1618-1619 als Bremer Delegierter während der Dordrechter Synode, mit der von den calvinistischen Niederlanden geforderten strengen Orthodoxie, die 1636 einen Kirchenstreit verursachte. |
今年6月,在政府的引导下,村里140户贫困群众加入合作社,一切开始出现转变。 | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Chinese translation for these sentences. | Under government guidance, 140 households in poverty in the village joined the cooperative this June, and then everything began to change. |
(4) Der Lieferant stellt sicher, dass er keine Materialien oder Produkte liefert, die Zinn, Tantal, Wolfram und Gold beinhalten und in den Konfliktminen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo oder ihren Nachbarstaaten gewonnen wurden. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | (4) The Supplier is to ensure that he does not supply any materials or products containing tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, which have been obtained in the conflict mines of the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its neighboring states. |
In the absence of the Chairman and the two Vice-Chairmen, all three of whom had been prevented from attending, it took place under the joint chairmanship of Mr. Gunnar Hoel (Norway) and Mr. Pim Hol (Netherlands), whom the Working Party appointed ad interim.
You can get to the park by bus from Puerto Natales (3 hours) or from the city of El Calafate (5 hours). | Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | В отсутствие Председателя и двух заместителей Председателя, которые не смогли участвовать в совещании, их обязанности совместно исполняли г-н Гуннар Хоэль (Норвегия) и г-н Пим Хол (Нидерланды), которые были временно назначены на эти должности Рабочей группой.
Доехать до парка можно на автобусе из городка Пуэрто-Наталес (3 часа) или из города Эль Калафате (5 часов). |
In her government declaration she made the goal of German European policy in the coming years – notwithstanding the severe setbacks to "Project Europe" in the referendums in France and the Netherlands – unmistakably clear: "Even though it seems partly illusory today, we want to make the constitutional treaty a success. | Convert the subsequent sentences from German into English. | In ihrer Regierungserklärung machte sie – ungeachtet der herben Rückschläge, die das Projekt Europa bei den Referenden in Frankreich und den Niederlanden erfahren hatte – das Ziel der deutschen Europapolitik in den folgenden Jahren unmissverständlich deutlich: „Wir wollen den Verfassungsvertrag, auch wenn das heute zum Teil illusorisch scheint, zu einem Erfolg machen. |
'36"大卫在世的时候遵行了神的旨意,就睡了,归到他祖宗那里,已见朽坏;37惟独神所复活的,他并未见朽坏。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 36 For David, after he had in his own generation served the counsel of God, fell asleep, and was laid with his fathers, and saw decay. 37 But he whom God raised up saw no decay. |
条约表达了缔约国的意图,人们只能针对该意图的真正含义做出假定,国际法院关于对《灭绝种族罪公约》的保留的咨询意见明确了这一点。 | Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences. | Treaties expressed the intention of the States that had concluded them, and one could only conjecture as to the real meaning of that intention, as the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on reservations to the Convention against Genocide had made clear. |
‘ After Prince Sergey Alexandrovich became a victim of terrorists, the princess dedicated the rest of her life to the cause of charity and mercy, for which, as already was mentioned here, she was nicknamed the White Angel already in her lifetime.
“This website was created with financial support of the European Union within the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013. For the content posted on the site is exclusively responsible the Independent Public Health Care Unit in Hajnówka, views expressed therein do not reflect in any way the official position of the European Union ” | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? | После того как великий князь Сергей Александрович стал жертвой террористов, великая княгиня всю свою оставшуюся жизнь посвятила делу благотворительности, служению милосердия, за что, как уже было сегодня сказано, еще при жизни была названа Белым ангелом.
« Этот сайт был создан при финансовой поддержке Европейского союза в рамках Программы трансграничного сотрудничества Польша-Беларусь-Украина 2007-2013. За содержание, размещяемое на сайте отвечает Независимое учреждение здравохранения в г. Хайнувка, высказанные здесь взгляды никоим образом не отражают официальной позиции Европейского союза » |
Although the new law did not provide for the return of assets, it ensured that they remained frozen in Canada so as to afford Tunisia and Egypt time to conduct investigations and initiate prosecutions, which could provide a basis for successful asset recovery from Canada in the future. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | 虽然新的法律并未对返还资产作出规定,但它确保此类资产继续被冻结在加拿大,以使突尼斯和埃及有时间进行调查和提起诉讼,从而可为未来成功地从加拿大追回资产奠定基础。 |
Wenn wir beabsichtigen, Ihre Daten für einen anderen als den in dieser Datenschutz- und Cookie-Richtlinien angegebenen Zweck weiterzuverarbeiten, werden wir Ihnen Einzelheiten zu diesem weiteren Zweck mitteilen, bevor wir mit der Verarbeitung beginnen.
Da Holz sehr leicht zu bearbeiten ist, kann jeder mit einer Bohrmaschine, einer Stichsäge und einer Oberfräse (oder Kreissäge), die Maschine bauen. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | If we intend to further process your data for any other purpose to those set out in this Privacy & Cookie Policy, we shall provide you with details of this further purpose before we commence processing.
Because wood is very easy to work. Anyone with a drill, a jigsaw and a router (or circular saw) can build the machine. |
Die Japanische Enzephalitis ist eigentlich eine Zoonose - das Erregerreservoir bilden vor allem wildlebende Vögel (unter anderem Reiher), aber auch Reptilien und Fledermäuse.
Der oberste Führer des Landes, Ayatollah Ali Chamenei, sagte, dass sich Feinde des Iran an Geld, Waffen und politische Kriegsführung bedienen, um den Iran zu destabilisieren. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | The Japanese encephalitis is, in the proper sense, a zoonotic disease. The main pathogen reservoir are wildlife birds (including herons), but also reptiles and bats.
The country ’ s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that enemies of Iran are using money, weapons, and political warfare in an attempt to destabilize Iran. |
В то время река Эвримедон была судоходной до Аспендоса, и город получил большое богатство от торговли солью, маслом и шерстью. | In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | At that time the Eurymedon River was navigable as far as Aspendos, and the city derived great wealth from a trade in salt, oil, and wool. |
The princes of Pharaoh saw her, and praised her to Pharaoh; and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. 16
He was allegedly forced to sit handcuffed and hooded in painful and contorted positions, subjected to prolonged sleep deprivation and beaten over the course of three weeks. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | 法老的臣宰看见了她,就在法老面前夸奖她。那妇人就被带进法老的宫去。16
据称他被迫扭曲着身体坐着,双手被铐住,头部被罩上东西,长时间无法睡觉,并被拷打了三个星期。 |
A relative majority is also of the opinion that, overall, there are more winners than losers from digitalisation; and that it will not tend to lead to greater inequality in the German education system.
Yet it creeps into even the Israel propaganda pamphlet which puts forward the official story; there we learn incidentally that time and again the foreign Arab commanders had to use force to prevent the local Arabs from making truces with the Israel forces. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Eine relative Mehrheit ist auch der Meinung, dass es durch die Digitalisierung insgesamt mehr Gewinner als Verlierer gibt und dass sie eher nicht zu größerer Ungleichheit im deutschen Bildungssystem führen wird.
Und doch schleicht sich das sogar in die israelische Propagandabroschüre ein, in der die offizielle Geschichte zu lesen ist. Hier erfahren wir zufälligerweise, dass die ausländischen arabischen Kommandanten immer wieder Gewalt anwenden mussten, um die lokale arabische Bevölkerung daran zu hindern, einen Waffenstillstand mit den israelischen Kräften zu schließen. |
Aber die meisten zeitgenössischen Tiere, die die Konterschattierung einsetzen - denken Sie an Rehe, Zebras oder Gürteltiere - sind viel kleiner und verletzlicher als Beute, was signalisiert, dass dieser Nodosaurier einem echten Kampf ums Überleben ausgesetzt war. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? | But most contemporary animals that have countershading -- think deer, zebras or armadillos -- are much smaller and more vulnerable as prey, signaling that this nodosaur faced a real struggle to survive. |
83. In order to help students develop intellectually, morally and physically, students' halls and extracurricular sports schools in the capital city and localities were extensively refurbished, where students conducted diverse cultural and sports activities after school.
Silverfall is a hack and slash action role-playing video game, developed by software company Monte Cristo for Windows. | Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format. | 83.为促进学生的德智体发展,对首都和地方的学生礼堂和课外体校进行了广泛装修,学生可在放学后,在这里开展各种文化和体育活动。
《落银城》(法语:Silverfall)是一款由基督山游戏开发的一款Windows平台的砍杀类角色扮演游戏。 |
In the morning of September 11, at Jining City Bus Company IC Card Sales Center, several elderly people are queuing to apply for a card. The 62-year-old Yao obtained his half-price card for the elderly. | Switch the specified sentences from their Chinese form to English form. | 11日上午,济宁市公交公司IC卡销售中心,办卡窗口前几位老年人正在排队办卡,62岁的姚大爷拿到老年半价卡。 |
Thus, it is apparent that the fires ignited simultaneously in several areas that were separated from each other and that their massive and targeted character gives reasonable grounds to suggest that those incidents were man-made and intentional. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | 因此,在几个彼此分开的地区显然同时着火,且火灾的范围大,针对性明显,使我们有充分理由认定这些火灾是人为的、有意的。 |
Es gibt immer Hindernisse zum Überwinden, aber Heathrow beantwortet jede ihm gestellte Frage. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? | There are always obstacles to be overcome, but Heathrow is answering every question asked of it. |
Limitation of processing means that the personal information is only processed with your consent or to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims, or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of important public interest. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Einschränkung der Verarbeitung bedeutet, dass die personenbezogenen Daten nur mit Ihrer Einwilligung oder zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen oder zum Schutz der Rechte einer anderen natürlichen oder juristischen Person oder aus Gründen eines wichtigen öffentlichen Interesses verarbeitet werden. |
After completing his studies in the Jesuit college of Cesena and receiving his doctorate of law (1734), Braschi continued his studies at the University of Ferrara, where he became the private secretary of Tommaso Ruffo, papal legate, in whose bishopric of Ostia and Velletri he held the post of auditor until 1753.
30. On 20 May, a mobile patrol in Gradac (8 kilometres south of Ljubovija, Sector Alpha) observed a boat crossing the Drina to the Bosnian side and unloading there two jerrycans and several bags. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | После завершения учёбы в иезуитском колледже Чезены и получения докторской степени по праву (1734) Браски продолжил учёбу в университете Феррары, где стал личным секретарем Томмазо Руффо, папского легата, в чьих епархии — Остии и Веллетри — он занимал должность аудитора до 1753 года.
30. 20 мая мобильный патруль в Градаце (в 8 км к югу от Любовия, сектор "Альфа") обнаружил лодку, которая пересекла реку Дрина в сторону Боснии и выгрузила там свой груз (две канистры и несколько мешков). |
On 31 July 2009, for instance, the Cour militaire du Kasaï oriental, upheld on appeal the sentence against an inspector at the military prosecutor's office of Lodja, Sankuru District, Kasaï Oriental Province, for the rape of a minor in December 2007. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Например, 31 июля 2009 года Военный суд в Восточном Касаи оставил в силе обжалованный приговор в отношении инспектора военной прокуратуры Лоджа, район Санкуру в провинции Восточное Касаи, за изнасилование несовершеннолетней в декабре 2007 года. |
Aber selbst wenn die vier stärksten Drahtseile reißen würden, wären die anderen Seile noch ausreichend, um die Brücke zu stützen. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | But even if the four strongest cables would snap, the other cables would still be sufficient to support the bridge. |
Wie aus mehreren, im General-Landesarchiv in Karlsruhe und auf Burg Guttenberg verwahrten Akten ersichtlich, erneuerte Catharina Maria von Schade, die damalige Besitzerin von zwei Dritteln der Heinsheimer Gemarkung (ein Drittel gehörte dem Deutschen Orden in Gundelsheim), 1701 und 1714 Vereinbarungen mit den Juden über den Friedhof. | Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | As many documents found in the General State Archives in Karlsruhe and at Guttenberg Castle confirm, Catharina Maria Schade – then owner of two thirds of the Heinsheim district (one third belonged to the Teutonic Order in Gundelsheim) – renewed agreements concerning the cemetery with the Jewish community in 1701 and 1714. |
В конференции, организованной посольством Китая в Армении и научно-образовательным фондом "Нораванк", приняли участие члены правительства, парламента, представители ряда посольств, а также эксперты из Армении и других государств.
Д-р Уинн Уэсткотт говорит: « Самое раннее употребление данного термина « алхимия » можно найти в трудах Юлия Фирмика Матерна, жившего при Константине Великом. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian. | The conference, organized by the Chinese Embassy in Armenia and the Noravank Research Foundation, was attended by members of the government, the parliament, representatives of some embassies, as well as by experts from Armenia and other countries.
Says Dr. Wynn Westcott: “The earliest use of the actual term ‘ alchemy ’ is found in the works of Julius Firmicus Maternus, who lived in the days of Constantine the Great. |
树龄为10至30年的林区包含高大的赤杨和枫树,也有松柏门,这些约占到公园内植被覆盖面积的20%。 | Can you reveal the Chinese translation of the forthcoming sentences? | Forest areas 10 to 30 years old that contained tall alder and maple trees and smaller conifers accounted for about 20 percent of the park. |
Гордостью музея является современный планетарий с захватывающими визуальными эффектами, которые стали возможны благодаря оборудованию немецкой компании Карл Цейс. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? | The pride of the museum is a modern planetarium with spectacular visual effects which became possible by the equipment of the German company Carl Zeiss. |
Natural beauty, history and traditions of the old town of Umag and the surrounding areas of Istria, a warm Mediterranean climate with plenty of sunshine throughout most of the year, and high-quality hotels, campgrounds, condominiums and bungalows make Umag an ideal vacation place for the whole family.
In the absence of speakers, the Chairman informed the Committee that informal consultations on this question would begin on Friday, 12 December, in the afternoon, under the chairmanship of Ms. Felicity Buchanan (New Zealand). | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? | Природная красота, история и традиции старого города, а также окружающей области Истрии, теплый средиземноморский климат с изобилием солнечного света в течение большинства месяцев и отели высшего класса, кемпинги, апартаменты и бунгало делают Умаг идеальным выбором для всей семьи.
В отсутствие ораторов Председатель сообщил Комитету, что неофициальные консультации по данному вопросу начнутся во второй половине дня в пятницу, 12 декабря, под председательством г-жи Фелисити Буканан (Новая Зеландия). |
:: On 1 May 2014, a Syrian regime warplane hit Ein Jalout School in eastern Aleppo, killing 19 people, including 10 children, and injuring many others. | Change the given sentences from Chinese to English format using the given reference word translations. | *2014年5月1日,叙利亚当局一驾战机攻击了东阿勒颇的艾因·加卢特学校,打死19人,包括10名儿童,并击伤多人。 |
Das Komplettpaket besteht aus zwei Pneumatikzylindern, einem handbetätigten Ventil, einem Druckregler sowie den Pneumatikschläuchen und den notwendigen Befestigungskomponenten. | It would be helpful if you could provide the German translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | The complete package consists of two pneumatic cylinders, one manually operated valve, one pressure regulator, and the pneumatic tubing as well as the required mounting components. |
In early childhood, the mother probably paid much more attention to the child than the father, because little Jean-Claude was a pampered, feeble and whining boy, although now it ’ s difficult to believe it.
Upon completion of their mission, the submarine was heading back to the North before it was spotted by a local fisherman some 11.5 miles east of the port city of Sokcho and seized by the navy of the Republic of Korea. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Вероятно, в раннем детстве мать уделяла внимание ребенку гораздо больше, чем отец, так как маленький Жан-Клод рос изнеженным, хилым и плаксивым мальчиком, хотя теперь поверить в это и сложно.
После выполнения своей миссии подводная лодка следовала обратным курсом на север, когда она была замечена одним местным рыбаком в точке, расположенной примерно в 11,5 мили к востоку от портового города Сокчхо, и затем захвачена ВМС Республики Корея. |
London has plenty of macabre museums, but perhaps the most morbid is The Crime Museum, better known as The Black Museum, at New Scotland Yard.
In the Philippines, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez filed a bill mandating that social media companies verify the identity of users before registering them on their networks, in what he describes as an effort to more easily prevent users from creating fake accounts and spreading fake news. | Translate the following sentences from Russian to English. | В Лондоне предостаточно жутковатых музеев, но, пожалуй, самый пугающий из них – музей Преступлений, более известный как Черный Музей на Нью-Скотлэнд-Ярд.
Спикер Палаты представителей Филиппин, Панталеон Альварес, внёс законопроект, предписывающий социальным медиа проверять личность пользователей до регистрации последних в своей сети. Данные меры, по словам спикера, являются упрощенной попыткой остановить создание фейковых аккаунтов и распространение фейковых новостей. |
Elon Musk consequently dropped his plans to buy up the shares. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences. | При этом Илон Маск впоследствии отказался от своих планов выкупить акции. |
В третьем веке до н.э. вавилонский жрец / историк по имени Берос написал о мифическом существе по имени Оанн, вышедшем из моря, чтобы принести людям божественную мудрость. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian? | In the 3rd century B.C., a Babylonian priest / historian named Berosus wrote of a mythical creature named Oannes who, according to Berosus, emerged from the sea to give divine wisdom to men. |
从事商业性色情产业的妇女不时被警方逮捕,而这几乎总是招致妇女组织的强烈抗议,认为逮捕具有歧视性,因为介绍卖淫的男子并未被拘捕。 | What do the following sentences mean in Chinese using the given reference word translations? | 3. In short, this part of the preamble shows that information technologies should be considered means of communicating and that their use does not change the core values of the law, nor should it.
Women working in the commercial sex industry, have at times been arrested by the Police, and this, almost always, prompts an outcry from women's organizations that the arrests were discriminatory as the men procuring the prostitutes are not arrested. |
Bergevin went on to point out that as a consequence of a complete ban as described above, consumers would move from private internet gambling sites to those sites which where not controlled by the EU authorities and which could not effectively be blocked to consumers given how easily such bans could be circumvented.
The Messe-Prater Underground Station (line U2) is just a 3-minute walk away, and the Vorgartenstraße Underground Station (line U1) can be reached in a 7-minute walk. | Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences. | Zudem würden die Verbraucher in Folge eines derartigen staatlichen Totalverbots von privaten Internetspielseiten auf diejenigen Spielseiten ausweichen, die weder durch eine EU-Behörde kontrolliert noch aufgrund der simplen Umgehbarkeit eines solchen Verbotes für die Verbraucher gesperrt werden könnten.
Der U-Bahnhof Messe-Prater (U2) liegt nur 3 Gehminuten entfernt und den U-Bahnhof Vorgartenstraße (U1) erreichen Sie in 7 Gehminuten. |
309. The Committee urges the State party to settle the problem of the debt owed to the Equatorian Institute of Social Security so as to allow it to perform its task of ensuring adequate security coverage and payment of social benefits. | Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form. | 309.委员会促请缔约国解决亏欠厄瓜多尔社会保险机构的债务问题,从而使该机构能履行其任务,确保充分的保险覆盖率并支付社会福利金。 |
通过包含 200 个字母 (或核苷酸,每个艺术家复杂的科学词典) ,希瑟杜威·哈博格希望通过描绘出这些出奇相似的肖像,表达出至少在生理结构上,人人都是这样的。 | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? | By including the 200 letters (or nucleotides, per the artist's sophisticated scientific lexicon), Dewey-Hagborg hoped to illustrate how astoundingly similar, at least in biological makeup, we all are. |
"The number of nuclear-armed states could rise and increasing investment in tactical nuclear weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons will increase the risk that nuclear weapons are used," the report noted.
Laying out the reasons why the project is stalling, Riihimäki concluded that the Baltic countries will never build the high-speed rail line if things continue as they were. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | « Число государств, обладающих ядерным оружием, может возрасти, и увеличение инвестиций в тактическое ядерное оружие и электромагнитное импульсное оружие увеличит риск применения ядерного оружия », - отмечается в докладе.
Излагая причины, по которым проект приостанавливается, Рийхимяки пришел к выводу, что страны Прибалтики никогда не построят высокоскоростную железнодорожную линию, если все будет продолжаться так, как раньше. |
比如说,她需要组织、委派、教导仆人,这并不是轻松的任务,因为大部分仆人都并不可靠。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format. | For example, she had to organize, delegate and instruct her servants, which was not an easy task as many of them were not reliable. |