October 12 is 80 years since the birth of Rolan Bykov, a famous film director, actor, People's Artist of the USSR
Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations.
12. Oktober 80 Jahre seit der Geburt von Rolan Bykow, ein berühmter Regisseur, Schauspieler, Volkskünstler der UdSSR
На примере Косовской битвы и других сражений, выигранных османами во время продвижения в Европу (под Никополем в 1396 г., под Варной в 1444 г.), можно видеть обстоятельства, способствовавшие их успехам. Из-за проблем с безопасностью британское правительство отменило визит в Джос, город в Центральной Нигерии, который стал местом смертельных столкновений между христианами и мусульманами.
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
On the Kosovo battle and other battles won by Ottoman during the promotion in Europe (near Nicopolis in 1396, near Varna in 1444), you can see the circumstances that contributed to their success. Because of security concerns, the British government called off a visit to Jos, a city in Central Nigeria that has been the scene of deadly clashes between Christians and Muslims.
Вороны сосуществовали с людьми в течение тысяч лет, и в некоторых местах их было так много, что люди считают их вредителями.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian using the given reference word translations?
Common ravens have coexisted with humans for thousands of years and in some areas have been so numerous that people have regarded them as pests.
Restaurants und Unterhaltungsangebote findet man in einer Entfernung von etwa 200 Metern und der Flughafen Warna ist etwa 30 Kilometer entfernt. Er erinnert sich daran, wie er als Kind in der Uniform der Lehrlinge im Hotel herumlief und an die vielen berühmten Gäste, die im ersten Designerhotel der Welt wohnten: Mitglieder des Königshauses, Spitzenpolitiker, Filmschauspieler und Rockstars.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Restaurants and entertainment facilities can be found some 200 metres from the hotel and Varna airport is located around 30 kilometres away. He reminded himself how he walked around in the uniform of the learner in the hotel, when he was a child and also off the many famous guests which used to live in the first designer hotel of the world: Members of the royal dynasty, top-ranking politicians, actors and rock stars.
Between these two mountain chains there are, at a height between 3600 and 4000m, the forest-free and steppe-like highlands of the Altiplano that has an expansion of 200 times 700km and is considered as the core landscape of Bolivia together with the Titicaca Lake.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Zwischen diesen beiden Gebirgsketten befindet sich auf 3600 bis 4000m Höhe die waldlose und steppenähnliche Hochlandebene des Altiplanos, die eine Ausdehnung von 200 mal 700km besitzt und zusammen mit dem Titicacasee als Kernlandschaft Boliviens gilt.
Selbst in den heißesten Wüsten kann es nachts extrem kalt werden. Ohne warme Kleidung stellt Unterkühlung eine echte Gefahr dar.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences?
Even the hottest of deserts can become extremely cold at night. Hypothermia is a real risk without warm clothing.
"It's disturbing how much pressure it took to get this commonsense step from the guy in charge of protecting the air we breathe," said Lori Ann Burd of the Center for Biological Diversity.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
As a consequence of the definition, 3 is an Ulam number (1 + 2); and 4 is an Ulam number (1 + 3).
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Из определения вытекает, что 3 это число Улама (1 + 2); и 4 это число Улама (1 + 3).
Она скомкала одежду и положила ее в чемодан. Он скомкал бумаги вместе и связал их резинкой. Фермер скомкал сено и сложил его в амбар.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in Russian?
She bundled up the clothes and put them in the suitcase. He bundled the papers together and tied them with a rubber band. The farmer bundled the hay and stacked it in the barn.
Состав возрастной группы пожилых людей является таким же неоднородным, как и состав остальной части населения, и положение указанной группы лиц зависит от экономического и социального положения страны, демографических, экологических, культурных и трудовых факторов, а на уровне отдельной личности - от семейного положения, уровня образования, городской или сельской среды и профессиональной деятельности трудящихся и пенсионеров.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Russian, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Older persons as a group are as heterogeneous and varied as the rest of the population and their situation depends on a country's economic and social situation, on demographic, environmental, cultural and employment factors and, at the individual level, on the family situation, the level of education, the urban or rural environment and the occupation of workers and retirees.
The Archer Tower is one of the three defenses that has Troops on the top of it, the other two being the Wizard Tower and the Bomb Tower.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and must use the given word translations.
Der Bogenschützenturm ist neben dem Magierturm und dem Bombenturm eine der drei Abwehranlagen, die mit Truppen besetzt sind.
In its current form, the square was formed in the early 17th century, with the active participation of the architect Carlo di Castellamonte.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? The given word translations should be used.
В нынешнем виде площадь сформировалась в начале 17 века, при активном участии архитектора Карло ди Кастелламонте.
Das Gebiss eines Triceratops war in der Lage, nicht nur Blätter, sondern sogar sehr harte Äste und Wurzeln zu zermalmen.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German?
A triceratops' teeth would have been able to crush not only leaves but even very tough branches and roots.
26. The Committee notes that the minimum age for marriage is 17 years for both boys and girls, and marriage at the age of 16 is permitted in special circumstances, with the approval of a judge. In this novel, in which he uses historical facts and fictional events, Pascual tells the story of Leona Vicario as well as the story of many others who participated in the war for and against Mexican independence from the Spanish Empire.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
26. Комитет отмечает, что минимальный возраст для вступления в брак составляет 17 лет и для мальчиков, и для девочек и что заключение брака в возрасте 16 лет разрешается при исключительных обстоятельствах, с согласия судьи. В этом произведении, в котором он использует исторические факты и вымышленные события, Паскуаль рассказывает историю Леоны Викарио так же, как и истории многих других, кто участвовал в войне за или против мексиканской независимости от Испанской империи.
Personal VPN (virtual private network) providers are an excellent way of circumventing both political censorship and commercial IP-geofiltering.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form.
个人 VPN(虚拟专用网络)程序是规避政治审查和商业 IP 地理过滤的绝佳工具。
Having crushed Woods and Patrick Reed in the fourballs they then gelled superbly to beat a deflated Woods and American rookie Bryson Dechambeau by an even more emphatic 5&4.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences?
在四人四球赛中击败伍兹和帕特里克·瑞德 (Patrick Reed) 后,他们配合极为默契,最终以 5-4 的大胜击败了灰心丧气的伍兹和美国新秀布赖森·德尚博 (Bryson Dechambeau)。
Tennis-Ass Serena Williams zeigt sich von ihrer gefühlvollen und sensiblen Seite.
Translate the following sentences from English to German.
Tennis star Serena Williams shows her emotional and sensitive side.
383. Статья 41 Конституции обязывает государство, в рамках его экономического потенциала и развития, предпринимать эффективные усилия по обеспечению права на труд, образование и оказанию государственной помощи в случае безработицы, по достижении пожилого возраста, в связи с болезнями и нетрудоспособностью. Если протекающая через теплообменник текучая среда содержит две фазы, то есть представляет собой смесь газа и жидкости, повторяющиеся изменения направления потока у гребней и желобков приводят к тому, что газ вытесняет жидкость, не давая ей контактировать с пластинами.
What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
383. Article 41 of the Constitution obligates the State, within the limits of its economic capacity and development, to make effective provisions for securing the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement. If flowing through the heat exchanger fluid contains two phases, that is, is a mixture of gas and liquid, repeated change of direction of flow of the ridges and grooves cause the gas displaces the liquid, without allowing it to contact with the plates.
在 7 月 25 日的电话中,巴尔和特朗普的律师鲁道夫·朱利安尼多次被提及。起诉书说,白宫官员对此非常关注,他们试图“锁定”通话记录。
Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form.
Barr is mentioned several times in the July 25 phone call, as is Trump attorney Rudolph Giuliani. The complaint says White House officials were concerned enough that they attempted to "lock down" the record of the call.
卡车司机使用红色闪光信号来警示其他司机前方的事故。 火车售票员点燃了红色闪光信号来示意火车即将到达。 在紧急情况下,随身携带红色闪光信号以供示意非常重要。
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese?
The truck driver used a fusee to warn other drivers of the accident ahead. The train conductor lit a fusee to signal the approaching train. In emergency situations, it is important to have a fusee on hand for signaling purposes.
It is necessary to mention, that it is exactly here that the famous statues are located – Nike of Samothrace, Laocoon and, most importantly, one of the Seven Wonders of the World – the Colossus of Rhodes. Regardless, Europe still represents one of the main theaters of contention between Russia and the United States, and further escalation of the geopolitical competition between them could still cause them to change their position on this in the future.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Следует отметить, что именно здесь расположены знаменитые скульптуры - Ника Самофракийская, Лаокоон и, главное, одно из семи чудес света, Колосс Родосский. Несмотря на это, Европа по-прежнему представляет собой один из главных театров раздора между Россией и США, и дальнейшая эскалация геополитической конкуренции между ними может побудить их изменить свою позицию по этому вопросу в будущем.
Vor zehn Jahren machten die Ergebnisse der ersten von der OECD durchgeführten internationalen Schulleistungsuntersuchung 15-jähriger Schülerinnen und Schüler (PISA-Studie 2000, vgl. BAUMERT / SCHÜMER 2001) darauf aufmerksam, dass die Bildungschancen in Deutschland stärker als in vergleichbaren Ländern von der sozialen Herkunft und der nationalen oder ethnischen Zugehörigkeit abhängen.
What do the following sentences mean in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Ten years ago, the findings from the OECD's first international study concerning the school performance of 15-year-old pupils (PISA Study 2000, see BAUMERT / SCHÜMER 2001) drew attention to the fact that, in Germany, educational opportunities are more closely tied to social background and nationality or ethnic origin than they are in comparable countries.
В 1638 году польский сейм признал, что Бобрка почти полностью пришла в упадок и снова освободил жителей на 4 года от уплаты податей. Многие сталкиваются с тем, что во время беременности кожа становится сухой, требующей повышенного ухода, регулярного нанесения кремов и лосьонов, использования мягких ухаживающих средств, а иногда и приема специальных витаминов и элементов, восстанавливающих естественный водный баланс.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and must use the given word translations.
In 1638 the Polish Sejm admitted that Bibrka was almost completely in decline and again dismissed the residents for 4 years from the payment of taxes. Many people are faced with the fact that during pregnancy the skin becomes dry, requiring increased care, regular application of creams and lotions, the use of soft care products, and sometimes taking special vitamins and elements that restore the natural water balance.
Taking note of the stepped-up activities of rightist and extremist elements in the country and attempts by the Israeli ruling circles to restrict the civil rights and freedom of political activity of opponents of the government ’ s policy, the congress called on all democratic forces to rally to repel the fascist threat and to defend democratic freedoms.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
В связи с активизацией правых и экстремистских элементов в стране, а также попытками правящих кругов Израиля ограничить гражданские права и свободу политической деятельности противников политики правительства, съезд обратился ко всем демократическим силам с призывом сплотиться для отпора фашистской опасности и защиты демократических свобод.
Verschiedene Suchalgorithmen: Die drei integrierten Suchverfahren wenden unterschiedliche Technologien zur Datenrettung an, die sich gegenseitig optimal ergänzen, aber auch einzeln verwendet werden können. Der Stausee der Talsperre Wendefurth dient dem Pumpspeicherwerk als Unterbecken, während sich das Oberbecken auf einer nahegelegenen Anhöhe befindet.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Different search algorithms: The three integrated search options contain different recovery technologies that can be used separately or in combination with one another. The valley reservoir at Wendefurth dam acts as the lower reservoir for the pumped storage power plant, whereas the upper reservoir is situated on a nearby hill.
In keinem Fall erhalten die letztgenannten Parteien personenbezogene Daten, die zur Erfüllung ihrer jeweiligen Aufgaben nicht notwendig sind. Schmieden Sie sich auf der Historic Adventure Tour etwas solides Wissen rund ums Thema Schmiedekunst und erleben Sie, wie gestandene Kerle Hammer und Zange benutzen, um Werkzeuge, Nägel und Scharniere herzustellen.
Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
In any case, the latter parties will not receive personal data which are unneeded to fulfil their respective tasks. Forge yourself some blacksmithing knowledge, on a Historic Adventure Tour. You'll see some burly gents wield hammer and tongs to make tools, nails, and hinges.
Im März 2015 nahm Helen in Suvilahti bei Helsinki eine 340 Kilowatt Photovoltaik-Anlage in Betrieb, die ihren Kunden erstmalig die Möglichkeit bot, Solarstrom zu erzeugen, ohne in eine eigene private Photovoltaik-Anlage investieren zu müssen.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences using the given reference word translations.
In March 2015, Helen completed a 340 kW PV installation in Suvilahti near Helsinki, for the first time offering its customers a possibility to generate solar power without investing in a private PV system.
Seit acht Jahren kommt sie im März ins ‚ Lanzarote Park Hotel ’ in Playa Blanca und liest auch spanische Tageszeitungen, nicht nur dieses dämliche Inselmagazin Lanzarote 37 °. Er dachte, er hätte von seiner Begegnung mit König Artus geträumt, aber er erkannte schnell, dass er noch immer den Umhang über seinen Schultern und den Geldbeutel voller Geld in seinen Händen hatte.
Change the given sentences from English to German format using the given reference word translations.
She has been coming to the ’ Lanzarote Park Hotel ’ in Playa Blanca in March for eight years now and also reads Spanish Daily Newspapers, not just this stupid island magazine Lanzarote 37 °. He thought he had dreamt of his encounter with King Arthur, but he quickly realized he still had the cloak draped over his shoulders and the purse full of money in his hands.
For creative flash photography, the D7200 is compatible with a range of Speedlights from Nikon ’ s industry-leading Creative Lighting System. Moreover, in 2018 more cruise liners will be docking in the port of Hamburg than ever before, even though they are among the worst climate-damaging means of transport that exist.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
Für eine hohe Kreativität bei der Blitzlichtfotografie ist die D7200 zum Nikon Creative Lighting System kompatibel und unterstützt zahlreiche Nikon-Blitzgeräte. Obendrein werden 2018 so viele Kreuzfahrtschiffe im Hamburger Hafen anlegen wie nie zuvor, obwohl sie zu den klimaschädlichsten Transportmitteln zählen.
In 1139 Malachy went to Rome to visit Pope innocent II. Then he stayed in the French city of Clare-Vaux, where he wrote his prophecies. Several centuries later this manuscript was discovered in the Vatican library by the Benedictine monk Arnold de Villon.
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
В 1139 г. Малахия отправился в Рим посетить папу Иннокентия II. Затем он останавливался во французском городе Клер-во, где написал свои пророчества. Несколько веков спустя эту рукопись обнаружил в библиотеке Ватикана бенедиктинский монах Арнольд де Вийон.
The basis of “Made in Germany ” is stability, trust and the maintenance of high social and environmental standards, which can be costly in the short term, but at the same time are important drivers for productivity growth and long-term technological developments.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The given word translations should be used.
Die Basis von „Made in Germany“ sind Stabilität, Vertrauen und die Aufrechterhaltung hoher Sozial- und Umweltstandards, die kurzfristig kostspielig sein können, aber gleichzeitig wichtige Treiber für Produktivitätswachstum und langfristige technologische Entwicklungen sind.
Two other high-ranking former Kenyan Olympic committee officials were named, as was the former Kenyan minister of sport, Hassan Wario, and three ministry officials who worked under him. According to preliminary estimates by experts, smuggled goods pose a direct threat to health: they are highly flammable due to the high content of cyclohexanone.
циклогексанон means cyclohexanone Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Названы два других высокопоставленных должностных лица кенийского олимпийского комитета, а также бывший министр спорта Кении Хасан Варио и три сотрудника министерства, которые работали под его руководством. По предварительной оценке экспертов, нелегально ввезенные товары представляют непосредственную угрозу для здоровья: они легко воспламеняются благодаря высокому содержанию циклогексанона.
For cup winners Gala, it will once again depend on Lukas Podolski.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version.
Bei Pokalsieger "Gala" wird es besonders wieder auf Lukas Podolski ankommen.
You ’ ll find all the applications you ’ re used to, with the exception of Minecraft and Wolfram Mathematica (we don ’ t have a licence to put those on any machine that ’ s not a Raspberry Pi). Beta-carotene is also a photoprotective agent and it quenches the photochemical reactions in the epidermis, thereby protecting the skin from the ultraviolet rays.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences using the given reference word translations?
Вы найдете все приложения, к которым вы привыкли, за исключением Minecraft и Wolfram Mathematica (у нас нет лицензии на их установку на любой машине, не являющейся Raspberry Pi). Бета-каротин также является фотозащитным средством и гасит фотохимические реакции в эпидермисе, тем самым защищая кожу от ультрафиолетовых лучей.
91. fordert die Mitgliedstaaten auf, dafür zu sorgen, dass bei jedweder rechtlichen oder politischen Bewertung, Prüfung, Verfahrensweise oder Klage, die geheimdienstliche Informationen umfasst, ein besonderer Schutzgrad sichergestellt wird und dass der Schutz der Vertraulichkeit und die Integrität der nachrichtendienstlichen Quellen und Beamten gewahrt wird, damit die Arbeit und die Sicherheit der Quellen, Informanten und Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtendienste nicht gefährdet wird;
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
91. Calls on the Member States to ensure that any legal or political evaluation, check, procedure or lawsuit that provides intelligence information does so with a special degree of protection and to ensure that the protection of confidentiality and integrity of sources of intelligence and officials is maintained in order not to endanger the work and security of sources, informants and employees of the intelligence services;
In a recent publication in Cell Reports, the Kiel biochemist Becker-Pauly, a member of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 877 "Proteolysis as a Regulatory Event in Pathophysiology", together with experts from Germany, the United States and Sweden, examined how Meprin regulates the structure of the intestinal mucosal barrier.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language.
In einer aktuellen Publikation in der Fachzeitschrift Cell Reports untersuchte der Kieler Biochemiker Becker-Pauly, der Mitglied im Sonderforschungsbereich 877 „Proteolyse als regulatorisches Ereignis in der Pathophysiologie“ ist, gemeinsam mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Deutschland, den USA und Schweden, wie Meprin den Aufbau der Schleimschicht im Darm reguliert.
Фото опубликовано в Instagram-аккаунте hd7tv.
I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences.
A photo was published on the Instagram account of hd7tv.
Bei Pokemon Go geht es darum, Leute vom Sofa zu holen und aktiver werden zu lassen.
What do the following sentences mean in German?
Pokemon Go is getting people off the couch and into some activity.
However, no method of transmission over the Internet, and no means of electronic or physical storage, is absolutely secure, and thus we cannot ensure or warrant the security of that information.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Allerdings gibt es keine absolut sicheren Methoden der Übertragung über das Internet und keine Mittel zur elektronischen oder physischen Speicherung, so dass wir die Sicherheit dieser Informationen nicht gewährleisten oder garantieren können.
By voting for Klaus Iohannis the Romanians hope something will finally be done about the corruption in their country, columnist Ion Ionita writes on the blog of the liberal-conservative daily Adevărul, and beseeches the new president not to fail: "Betrayal, hypocrisy, faked competence and Romanian political Byzantinism [total submissiveness] will not disappear just because Iohannis has won the elections!...
Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Mit der Wahl von Klaus Johannis hoffen die Rumänen darauf, etwas gegen die Korruption im eigenen Land ausrichten zu können, ist Kolumnist Ion Ionita auf dem Blog der liberal-konservativen rumänischen Tageszeitung Adevărul überzeugt und fleht den neuen Präsidenten an, nicht zu scheitern: "Verrat, Doppelzüngigkeit, vorgetäuschte Kompetenz, rumänischer politischer Byzantinismus [kriecherische Unterwerfung] werden nicht verschwinden, nur weil Johannis die Wahl gewonnen hat!...
Площадь Аквариума « Бирч », обитателей которого хорошо видно в прямой трансляции, составляет 5 960,4 м2. Вместимость аквариума равна 660 000 литров морской воды. Послевоенный порядок начал обретать форму ещё в 1941 году, когда президент США Франклин Рузвельт и премьер-министр Британии Уинстон Черчилль составили проект « Атлантической хартии » на борту корабля, бросившего якорь в канадской бухте Пласеншиа-Бэй.
Can you deliver the Russian translation for the mentioned sentences using the given reference word translations?
The area of the Birch Aquarium, whose inhabitants can be clearly seen in the live stream camera, is 5,960.4 m2. The capacity of the aquarium is 660,000 liters of sea water. The postwar order had begun to take shape as early as 1941, when US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill drafted the Atlantic Charter on a ship anchored in Canada ’ s Placentia Bay.
In this superficial historical analogy the main point is forgotten, namely, that in ancient Rome the class struggle took place only within a privileged minority, between the free rich and the free poor, while the great productive mass of the population, the slaves, formed the purely passive pedestal for these combatants.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format.
Bei dieser oberflächlichen geschichtlichen Analogie vergißt man die Hauptsache, daß nämlich im alten Rom der Klassenkampf nur innerhalb einer privilegierten Minorität spielte, zwischen den freien Reichen und den freien Armen, während die große produktive Masse der Bevölkerung, die Sklaven, das bloß passive Piedestal für jene Kämpfer bildete.
Thieves on Friday morning stole $26,750 from a Brink's worker refilling an ATM at Newport on the Levee, according to a news release from the Newport Police Department.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language.
纽波特警察局 (Newport Police Department) 发布的新闻报道介绍称,周五上午,一名 Brink 的工作人员在向 Newport on the Levee 的 ATM 里放钞票时,被盗贼偷走了 26,750 美元。
Der Schwedische Sportbund gab bekannt, dass in Wirklichkeit nichts auf eine Verwicklung der Sportler in Dopingfälle hindeute, meldete den Hack der Polizei und rief die Medien und die Öffentlichkeit dazu auf, nicht bei der Verbreitung sensibler persönlicher Daten der Sportler behilflich zu sein. Ich möchte betonen, dass die friedliche Koexistenz der zwei Staaten, Palästina und Israel, eine essenzielle Bedingung für eine genuine Sicherheit und Stabilität in der Region ist, so Putin nach einem Treffen mit Abbas.
Please share the German version of the given sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
The Swedish Sports Confederation stated that, in fact, nothing suggests that the athletes had been involved in doping, reported the hack to the police and appealed to the media and the public not to help spread the sensitive personal details of the athletes. “I would like to stress that peaceful coexistence of two countries, Palestine and Israel, is an essential condition for ensuring genuine security and stability in this region, ” Putin said after the meeting with Abbas.
Через четыре месяца после опубликования книги фон Деникен признался в одном из интервью, что никогда не был в той части Эквадора, которую описывал, а оставался в городе Куэнке в ста километрах оттуда.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to Russian language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Four months after the publication of the book von Däniken admitted in an interview that he had never been to that part of Ecuador, which is described, and remained in the city of Cuenca, a hundred kilometers away.
"Что скажешь об атмосфере в команде?"
Change the given sentences from English to Russian format.
“What can you say about the atmosphere in the team?”
Nov. 9 is Cambodia's independence day, celebrating when it obtained its freedom from France in 1953.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Am 9. November ist der Unabhängigkeitstag in Kambodscha, an diesem Tag wird die Unabhängigkeit von Frankreich im Jahr 1953 gefeiert.
Потолок скорости устрашает: если стандартный G 63 быстрее 210 км/ч не ездит, то тюнинговый вседорожник с деактивированным электронным "ошейником" способен выжать 250 км/ч.
Please share the Russian version of the given sentences.
The top speed is terrifying: while the standard G 63 can't go faster than 210 km/h, the souped-up SUV, with a deactivated electronic ‘collar’, is capable of hitting 250 km/h.
Согласно тендерной документации, опубликованной на веб-сайте российского правительства zakupki.gov.ru, министерство строит военную базу на площади в 300 га возле небольшого города Валуйки, расположенном недалеко от села Солоти. Национальный парк Серро Хойя был создан 2 октября 1984 года и является родиной большинства оставшихся обитателей джунглей в регионе Асуэро, а также средой обитания для ряда исчезающих видов.
It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
According to tender documents published on the Russian government website zakupki.gov.ru, the ministry is building the military base on a 300-hectare site near Valuyki, a small town not far from Soloti. Parque nacional Cerro Hoya was established on October 2, 1984 and is home of most of the remaining jungle habitat in the Azuero region and is also habitat for a number of endangered species.
Мешхед, Лаледжин, Исфахан и Тебриз уже зарегистрированы как мировые города драгоценных камней, керамики, ремесел и ковров ручной работы, соответственно.
Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and must use the given word translations.
Mashhad, Lalejin, Isfahan and Tabriz have already been recorded as the world cities of gemstones, pottery, handicrafts and handwoven carpets, respectively.
In spite of the difficulties encountered, the progress achieved is clear evidence of the political will of States to combat terrorism with the necessary resolve, given the fact that this is one of the major challenges facing the international community at the beginning of this millennium. The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not imply any right for the military authorities of the sending State to exercise jurisdiction over persons who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in the receiving State, unless they are members of the force of the sending State.
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Несмотря на трудности, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, достигаемый прогресс является четким подтверждением политической воли государств вести борьбу с терроризмом с необходимой решительностью, учитывая тот факт, что это одна из главных проблем, стоящих перед международным сообществом в начале этого тысячелетия. Предшествующие положения настоящей статьи не подразумевают права военных властей направляющего государства осуществлять юрисдикцию над лицами, которые являются гражданами принимающего государства либо постоянно проживают в нем, если только они не являются военнослужащими направляющего государства.
Die Ti (3 +) Gehalte in natürlichen Hiboniten deuten darauf hin, dass diese Proben während ihrer Bildung und Akkretion im Solarnebel wahrscheinlich Sauerstofffugazitäten ausgesetzt waren, die mehrere Grössenordnungen oxidierender waren als man von thermodynamischen Berechnungen her erwarten würde. Vorstehende Haftungsfreizeichnung gilt nicht, soweit die Schadensursache auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht oder soweit der Besteller wegen des Fehlens einer zugesicherten Eigenschaft Schadenersatzansprüche wegen Nichterfüllung geltend macht.
In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
The Ti (3 +) contents in natural hibonites indicate that these samples have been likely exposed during their formation and accretion in the Solar Nebula to oxygen fugacities several orders of magnitude more oxidising than expected from thermodynamic calculations. This restriction of liability does not apply if the cause of the damage or loss is attributable to wilful intent or gross negligence, or if the customer has a claim for damages for nonperformance as the result of the absence of a promised characteristic.
The fighting fish of the Betta foerschi relationship – there are several very similar species, which are considered by some specialists to be only local varieties of the same species, namely Betta foerschi – are not only particularly beautiful, but also particularly interesting. Unfortunately, however, it is the case that very many human beings – even when they are already grownups – are not able to form their own opinion, because they have never learnt to think independently.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original German form, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Die Kampffische des Betta-foerschi-Artenkreises – es gibt mehrere einander sehr ähnliche Arten, die von manchen Spezialisten auch nur für Lokalvarianten der gleichen Art, nämlich Betta foerschi, gehalten werden – sind nicht nur besonders schön, sondern auch besonders interessant. Leider ist es aber so, dass sehr viele Menschen – auch wenn sie bereits Erwachsene sind –, sich keine eigene Meinung zu bilden vermögen, weil sie nie selbständig zu denken gelernt haben.
Ein Bundesrichter muss nun entscheiden, welchen Experten er im Gerichtverfahren bezüglich des Tennessee-Gesetzes zur 48-stündigen Wartezeit vor Abtreibungen glauben soll.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German?
A federal judge will have to decide which experts to believe in a trial over Tennessee's 48-hour waiting period law for abortions.
I am very proud to be one of the six award winners and would like to thank my colleagues with whom I worked during my doctoral thesis. ” In cooperation with the Association of European Pump Manufacturers Europump and three other manufacturers of heating circulators, Wilo has undertaken to provide standardised labelling indicating the energy classification.
Transpose the next sentences from the German format to the English format, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, einer der sechs Preisträger zu sein und danke meinen Kollegen, mit denen ich während meiner Doktorarbeit zusammengearbeitet habe. “ Zusammen mit dem Verband europäischer Pumpenhersteller Europump und drei anderen Herstellern von Heizungspumpen hat sich Wilo zu einer einheitlichen Kennzeichnung der Energie-Klassifizierung verpflichtet.
We paid 769 million euros in income taxes which is spread across our regions as follows: 48 percent are paid in Western Europe, 15 percent in the Eastern Europe, Africa and Middle East region, 15 percent in North America, and 22 percent in the Latin America and Asia-Pacific region.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language, and must use the given word translations.
Wir haben 769 Millionen Euro an Einkommenssteuer gezahlt, welche sich folgendermaßen auf unsere Regionen verteilt: 48 Prozent wurden in Westeuropa gezahlt, 15 Prozent in Osteuropa, Afrika und dem Nahost-Raum, 15 Prozent in Nordamerika, und 22 Prozent in den Regionen Lateinamerika und Asien-Pazifik.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
Geiger developed a method for detecting and measuring radioactivity, an invention that eventually led to the device known as the Geiger Counter.
If you ’ d like to take a mountain trip from Stinica, we recommend a visit to Štirovača – a site in the southern part of Northern Velebit National Park known for its well-preserved coniferous forests.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry?
Wenn Sie von Stinica aus einen Bergausflug unternehmen möchten, dann sollten Sie Štirovača besuchen. Dies ist ein Gebiet im südlichen Teil des Nationalparks Nördlicher Velebit, das für seinen bewahrten Nadelwald bekannt ist.
Mr. Arias (Panama) (spoke in Spanish): First and foremost, Sir, may I extend a welcome to you in the Council and express the honour and satisfaction we feel at seeing you chairing this important debate, the theme of which is of great significance to us. 1. The authors of the communication are Mrs. Maria Torregrosa Lafuente and 21 other persons, all of them Spanish citizens residing in Spain.
Transpose the next sentences from the Russian format to the English format, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Г-н Ариас (Панама) (говорит по-испански): Прежде всего, господин Председатель, позвольте мне поприветствовать Вас в Совете и сказать, что для нас большая честь и удовольствие видеть Вас на посту Председателя в ходе этих важных прений, тема которых представляется нам исключительно значимой. 1. Авторами сообщения являются гжа Мария Торрегроса Лафуэнте и еще 21 человек, все из которых являются испанскими гражданами, проживающими в Испании.
Dann und wann überließ Hartmann-Niemerg den Kindern das Feld und ließ sie die Äpfel in den großen Trichter füllen.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
Every now and then, Hartmann-Niemerg had help from the children to fill the apples in the big funnel.
Police have arrested a suspect in the fatal shooting death of Wayde Sims, a 20-year-old basketball player at LSU.
Render the listed sentences in English from their original Chinese form.
警方已经路易斯安那州立大学 20 岁的篮球运动员 Wayde Sims 枪杀案嫌疑人抓捕归案。
"I think the younger players had fun having a go at him, as well, this week, which was fun to see.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
Ich denke, die jüngeren Spieler hatten diese Woche auch Spaß daran, sich mit ihm zu messen, das war schön anzusehen.“
The group comprising two large islands, Upolu and Savaii and eight smaller islands is located 2,600 miles south-east of Hawaii, 1,800 miles north-east of New Zealand and 2,700 miles east of Sydney, Australia. This is certainly one of the best budget gaming laptops you can buy as it ’ s powered by a 7th generation Intel Core i7 processor, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics card and 8 GB of RAM.
Change the given sentences from Russian to English format, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Группа островов, состоящая из двух крупных островов - Уполу и Савайи - и восьми менее крупных, расположена в 2600 милях к юговостоку от Гавайев, 1800 милях к северовостоку от Новой Зеландии и 2700 милях к востоку от Сиднея, Австралия. Это, безусловно, один из лучших бюджетных игровых ноутбуков, который вы можете купить, поскольку он оснащен процессором 7-го поколения Intel Core i7, графической картой NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti и 8 ГБ оперативной памяти.
The first round consists of only striking while standing.
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English?
Первый раунд - только ударная техника в стойке.
Начнем с вопросов экономики, поскольку я твердо убежден: нельзя построить открытое, свободное и процветающее общество и создать высокие стандарты жизни для своих граждан на основе слабой, зависимой и несовременной экономики и без преобладающего слоя среднего класса.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the Russian language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Let's begin with the economic issues, because I am firmly convinced: it is impossible to establish an open, free and prospering society and to create high life standards for the citizens on the basis of weak, dependent and outdated economy, without a predominance of the middle class.
In dem Maße, in dem der Imperialismus seine Ziele durch Wirtschaftskriege und „Regimewechseloperationen“ in den mit Russland verbündeten Ländern nicht erreicht, wird er auf eine direkte militärische Aggression zurückgreifen – und bereitet sich bereits aktiv darauf vor. Die Folgen für die Arbeiterklasse in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und international wären katastrophal.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from English to German language, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
To the extent that imperialism fails to achieve its aims by means of economic warfare and “regime change operations ” in countries allied to Russia, it will resort to — and is already actively preparing to resort to — direct military aggression, which would have the most catastrophic consequences for the working class in the former Soviet Union and internationally.
Гостиничный комплекс "Петровский Бровар" находится на окраине города Бровары, на выезде к автодороге Киев-Чернигов и всего в 10 км от Киева. Отель представляет собой трехэтажное здание на 13 комфортабельных номеров, 5 деревянных коттеджей и 4 бунгало.
Can you reveal the Russian translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
The hotel complex "Petrovsky Brovar" is located on the outskirts of the city of Brovary, at the exit to the highway Kiev-Chernigov and only 10 km from Kiev. The hotel is a three-storey building with 13 comfortable rooms, 5 wooden cottages and 4 bungalows.
Eine gute Gelegenheit, um ein Fischbrötchen in der nördlichsten Fischbude Deutschlands zu genießen, in Westerland zu bummeln oder eine schöne Radtour, beispielsweise von List nach Kampen, zu unternehmen. Alle Energieprodukte in unserem Smartshop sorgen für einen Energieschub und sind somit ideal wenn Sie Energie für die Arbeit, das Studium, Sport oder zum Feiern benötigen.
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
A good opportunity to enjoy a fish roll in the most northern fish stall in Germany, take a stroll in Westerland or go on a nice cycle tour for example from List to Kampen. All energy products in our smart shop cause your energy level to increase. Perfect if you need more energy to work, study, sport or party.
The Catholic church choir has been inviting people to the secular part of the festival in the Catholic parish home for many years.
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
Seit vielen Jahren lädt der katholische Kirchenchor dann noch zum weltlichen Teil des Festes ins katholische Pfarrheim ein.
Для удобства болельщиков, которые хотят посетить матч первого квалификационного раунда Лиги Чемпионов « Астана » — ЧФР Клуж (Румыния) продажа билетов на эту игру будет открыта помимо онлайн-системы еще и в кассах около СК « Астана Арена ».
Please make available the Russian translation for the listed sentences using the given reference word translations.
For the convenience of fans who want to attend the match of the first qualifying round of the UEFA Champions League Astana vs CFR Cluj (Romania), in addition to the online system, tickets sale for this match will be opened at the ticket offices near SC Astana Arena.
Präsident Donald Trump hat die angebliche Rolle des Iran bei den Angriffen auf saudische Öleinrichtungen kritisiert und den führenden Politikern der Welt anlässlich der UN- Generalversammlung am Dienstag gesagt, dass sie Teheran zu diplomatischen Gesprächen drängen sollten.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language.
President Donald Trump slammed Iran's alleged role in the attacks on Saudi oil facilities, telling world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday that they should pressure Tehran into diplomatic talks.
By the end of 2018, pilot projects in Zhejiang and Yunnan provinces had been basically completed, with 15.8 billion yuan and 18.5 billion yuan of state capital transferred respectively.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
From conversations I've had, people have got rid of their collection, normally around 1998 or 1999.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language.
Von den Gesprächen, die ich geführt habe, haben sich Leute in der Regel so um 1998 oder 1999 ihrer Sammlung entledigt.
48% of women surveyed in the United States and Israel are ready to wait six months or a year before living with their boyfriends, while for 31% of women a period of up to six months is quite sufficient.
What do the following sentences mean in English? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
48% участниц опроса в США и Израиля готовы подождать полгода-год, перед тем как жить совместно с ухажером, для 31% женщин период до полугода вполне достаточен.
We recycle 94.6 percent (2013: 94.1 percent) of the hydrogen chloride that we use in the production loops at our Burghausen and Nünchritz sites. The first is one of Couperin ’ s most beautiful pieces, Le Rossignol en amour (‘ The Nightingale in Love ’).
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Wir recyceln 94,6 Prozent (2013: 94,1 Prozent) des Chlorwasserstoffs, den wir in den Produktionskreisläufen unserer Standorte Burghausen und Nünchritz verwenden. Das erste Stück ist eine von Couperins schönsten Kompositionen: Le Rossignol en amour („Die verliebte Nachtigall“).
He was told that after what Germany did in the 20th century it did not have any moral right to stand in the way of the freedom of East European countries. [7] The dispute lasted during supper and into the next day.
ужин means supper What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Ему сказали, что после того, что Германия сделала в 20 веке, у нее нет никакого морального права стоять на пути свободы восточно-европейских государств. [7] Спор продолжался во время ужина и на следующий день.
« Наше исследование указывает на необходимость информирования врачами своих пациентов о признаках и симптомах склерита и увеита, для того чтобы как можно быстрее подобрать лечение и предотвратить дальнейшие осложнения », — добавляют они. (8) В целях защиты третьих лиц все утвержденные аудиторы и аудиторские фирмы подлежат занесению в общедоступный реестр, содержащий основную информацию относительно уполномоченных аудиторов и аудиторских фирм.
scleritis means склерит Please share the Russian version of the given sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
“Our study highlights the need for clinicians to inform their patients about the signs and symptoms of scleritis and uveitis, so that prompt treatment may be sought and further complications averted, ” they added. (8) In order to protect third parties, all approved auditors and audit firms should be entered in a register which is accessible to the public and which contains basic information concerning statutory auditors and audit firms.
Zwischen 2000 und 2012 hat die israelische Militärverwaltung 94 Prozent der palästinensischen Anträge für Baugenehmigungen abgelehnt. 2014 wurde nur eine solche Genehmigung erteilt. Oft ist es schwer, einen Spinnenbiss vom Biss oder Stich eines anderen Insekts oder sogar von einer leichten Hautinfektion zu unterscheiden.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Between 2000 and 2012, the Israeli military administration rejected 94 percent of Palestinian construction permit requests, and in 2014, it issued only one such permit. It is sometimes difficult to tell a spider bite from another insect sting or bite, or even just a mild skin infection.
14. Calls on both the EU and the US to continue to support the Libyan transitional authorities in all endeavours to build an inclusive and democratic society; emphasises, at the same time, that this support must be conditional on respect for human rights and the rule of law and political participation for all citizens, in particular women; The form of iron in water depends on the water pH and redox potential, as shown in the Pourbaix diagram of Iron below.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences.
14. fordert die EU und die USA auf, die libysche Übergangsregierung weiterhin bei all ihren Bemühungen um den Aufbau einer integrativen und demokratischen Gesellschaft zu unterstützen; betont gleichzeitig, dass diese Unterstützung die Achtung der Menschenrechte, die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und die politische Teilhabe von allen Bürgern, insbesondere von Frauen, voraussetzt; Die Form, in der das Eisen im Wasser auftaucht, ist von dem pH-Wert und dem Redoxpotential abhängig. Das folgende Pourbaix-Diagramm von Eisen zeigt dies.
The media watchdog group Articulo 19 attributed more than half of attacks on journalists last year to police and public officials.
Transform the upcoming sentences from Chinese language to English language.
媒体监察集团 Articulo 19 就将去年超过一半的记者袭击归罪于警方和公共官员。
In the first place, we have completely reserved for ourselves full freedom to criticise the reformist leaders of the British working class and have availed ourselves of that freedom to a degree unequalled by any other Communist Party in the world. Environmental risk factors that have been established are pregnancy complications including stress, infections and malnutrition of the mother, birth complications, growing up in a large city, low but normal IQ (intelligence quotient), and drug consumption including cannabis use.
Please make available the English translation for the listed sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Erstens haben wir uns die volle Freiheit der Kritik an den reformistischen Führern der englischen Arbeiterklasse voll und ganz bewahrt und diese Freiheit restlos ausgenutzt, so, wie sie keine andere kommunistische Partei der Welt ausgenutzt hat. Umweltfaktoren, die als Risiken identifiziert wurden, sind Schwangerschaftskomplikationen wie Stress, Infektionen und Mangelernährung der Mutter, Geburtskomplikationen, das Aufwachsen in einer großen Stadt, ein niedriger, aber normaler Intelligenzquotient sowie Drogenkonsum, inklusive Cannabiskonsum.
America is also behind the fact that, after 17 years of its presence in the region, the production of narcotics (opiates) in Afghanistan has increased by at least a factor of 40.
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from Russian to English language.
Как устраивает и то, что за 17 лет американского присутствия производство наркотиков (опиатов) в Афганистане увеличилось как минимум в 40 раз.
„Bei einem großen radiologischen Ereignis in einem dicht besiedelten Gebiet ist es schwierig bis unmöglich, alle zu behandeln, die unter akuter Strahlenkrankheit leiden könnten“, sagt Professor Robert Hayes. Aufgrund eines Nutzungsvertrages mit dem damaligen Landkreis Artern erfolgte ab 1992 eine Grundsanierung der Schule mit einem Investitionsaufwand von rund 11 Millionen Euro.
Adapt the mentioned sentences from English to the German language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
"If there is a large radiological event in a populated area, it would be difficult or impossible to treat everyone who could potentially have acute radiation syndrome," says professor Robert Hayes. Because of a license agreement with the then Administrative District Artern, an entire restoration of the school took place as of 1992 with a capital expenditure of around about 11 million Euros.
Unsere Zimmer erhalten Sie schon ab 29 EUR pro Nacht. Unten finden Sie die Anzahl von Hotels nach Sternebewertung in Region Pelagonien und in der Umgebung: Elphinstone €95.00 Ein unvergesslicher Tagesausflug mit dem Tauchboot zum weltbekannten Elphinstone-Riff, wo häufig Haie beobachtet werden können.
In German, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
Our room prices start at 34 USD per night and below you'll find the number of hotels by star rating in Pelagonia Region as well as in the surrounding area: Elphinstone €95.00 An unforgettable day trip by submersible to the world-famous Elphinstone reef, where sharks can often be observed.
Can you deliver the Chinese translation for the mentioned sentences?
All along, Alipay and WeChat Pay have been riding high on the road to globalization.
Bitte beachten Sie: Ihr bloodhound 2.0.0 setup.exe muss nicht unbedingt mit Problemen mit Gerätetreibern zusammenhängen, trotzdem ist es immer gut, sicherzustellen, dass alle Gerätetreiber auf dem neuesten Stand sind, um die Leistung Ihres PCs zu maximieren.
Can you deliver the German translation for the mentioned sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation.
Please Note: Your bloodhound 2.0.0 setup.exe may not be related to hardware driver problems, but it's always a good idea to ensure all of your PC device drivers are up-to-date to maximize PC performance.
Руководители Корпорации « Металлы Восточной Сибири » приняли участие в совещании у Первого вице-премьера Правительства РФ В.А.Зубкова, посвященном развитию экономического сотрудничества с Туркменистаном Однако, по имеющимся оценкам, один миллиард людей по всему миру не имеет таких базовых идентификационных документов, включая каждого четвертого ребенка или представителя молодого поколения, чье рождение никогда не было зарегистрировано — при этом число тех, кто имеет удостоверения личности, которым вряд ли можно доверять из-за их неудовлетворительного качества или невозможности их надежно проверить, гораздо больше.
In Russian, what do the given sentences convey? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Executives of the Corporation “Metals of Eastern Siberia ” took part in a meeting with Russia ’ s First Deputy Prime Minister V.A. Zubkov devoted to expanding economic cooperation with Turkmenistan However, an estimated 1 billion people worldwide do not have such basic ID credentials — including as many as 1 in 4 children and youth whose births have never been registered — and many more have IDs that cannot be trusted because they are poor quality or cannot be reliably verified.
Sakic, who hired Roy on May 23, 2013, thanked Roy for his contributions to the team.
Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version.
Sakic, der Roy am 23. Mai 2013 angeheuert hatte, bedankte sich bei ihm für dessen Beiträge für das Team.
Hinter ihm lagen 9 Jahre Studium dieser komplexen Polyrhythmen, nun brachte er diese neue Formation nach Europa und war somit der erste, der wirklich virtuose urbane Musik aus Senegal nach Finnland brachte. Die so genannte › Augenmusik, häufig an Johann Sebastian Bachs Werken exemplifiziert, verdeutlicht, wie weitgehend die visuelle Vermittlung musikalischer Struktur eine eigenständige ästhetische Ebene darstellt, wenn bestimmte symbolische Bedeutungen nur durch das Lesen der Partitur offenbar werden.
Please provide the German translation for the following sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation.
Behind him he had 9 years of studying these tricky polyrhythms, and now he brought his new band to Europe, being the first musician to bring real virtuoso urban Senegalese music to Finland. So-called ‹ eye music, › often exemplified by making reference to works by Johann Sebastian Bach, illustrates how extensively the visual communication of musical structure represents an independent aesthetic level when certain symbolic meanings only become obvious by reading the score.
Körperliche Aktivität löst eine Kaskade von "Signalen" aus, die, wenn sie wiederholt werden, die Funktion unseres Körpers und Gehirns verbessern, das Risiko von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Stoffwechselstörungen reduzieren, Angstzustände reduzieren und Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit steigern.
Change the given sentences from English to German format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation.
Physical activity triggers a cascade of "signals" that, if repeated, improve the function of our body and brain, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders, reduce anxiety and increase concentration and attention.
Dimmeler and her team now want to find out what happens with the clonally expanded cells in the long term, since at present they are only able to track their fate for about two months. “We want to know what has happened to these cells after a year and whether the new blood vessels are just as good as the old ones in the long term, ” says Dimmeler.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation.
Dimmeler und ihr Team wollen nun herausfinden, was langfristig mit den klonal expandierten Zellen passiert, denn zurzeit können sie deren Schicksal nur ca. zwei Monate verfolgen. „Wir möchten wissen, was nach einem Jahr mit diesen Zellen geschehen ist und ob die neuen Blutgefäße langfristig genauso gut sind wie die alten“, sagt Dimmeler.
As the generals correctly calculated, the Kaiser does not dare bring them before a military tribunal for their insubordination and political blackmail in time of war. In 1941, all three of them were interned in the Pechora concentration camp and returned to Tulchyn after being liberated by the Red Army. On January 21st, 2010 Mr. Niu Suiye and Mrs. Wang Zhilan, a couple from Qijia Village, Xinxing Town, Gangu County, Gansu Province were arrested for practising Falun Gong.
gehorsamsverweigerung means insubordination How should the following sentences be comprehended in English? The given word translations should be used.
Wie von den Generälen richtig kalkuliert, hat er es nicht gewagt, sie wegen ihrer militärischen Gehorsamsverweigerung mitten im Krieg und ihrer politischen Erpressung vor ein Kriegsgericht zu stellen. Alle drei wurden 1941 im KZ Petschora interniert und kehrten nach der Befreiung durch die Rote Armee nach Tultschyn zurück. Am 21. Januar 2010 wurden das Ehepaar Herr Niu Suiye und Frau Wang Zhilan aus dem Dorf Qijia, Gemeinde Xinxing im Bezirk Gangu, Provinz Gansu verhaftet, weil sie Falun Gong praktizierten.
The buy-back, on one hand, shows that the listed company is economically strong and financially healthy, and has the capacity to stabilize its share price and give investors confidence, but on the other hand, it also means that the listed company and its controlling shareholders are responsible for the company, the market, and investors, said Zhao Xijun, the deputy dean of the School of Finance, Renmin University of China, in an interview by China News Service.
Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.
It is scandalous that drug lords enjoy more freedom to operate than aid agencies, while basic access to food, education, and health care suffers many restrictions, with up to 70% of Burma ’ s children are chronically malnourished in some border areas.
What do the following sentences mean in English? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Постыдно, что наркобароны получают большую свободу для работы, чем организации помощи, в то время как простой доступ к пище, образованию и здравоохранению претерпевает множество ограничений; 70% детей Бирмы в некоторых пограничных областях постоянно недополучают пищу.
Professor Shai Danziger and his colleagues studied 1112 cases for a period of 10 months in Israel. The plaintiffs wanted to either be allowed out on parole or get the conditions for their imprisonment changed. These cases were examined by 8 judges (6 men and 2 women). The objective of youth hostels, therefore, is not merely to provide accommodation and board, but also to serve as centers which offer an opportunity to young people coming from different parts of the country, as also young travelers from abroad, to know and understand each other.
Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Профессор Шай Данцигер со своими коллегами изучил 1112 дел за период в 10 месяцев в Израиле. Истцы хотели добиться либо условно-досрочного освобождения, либо изменить условия их заключения Эти дела рассматривали 8 судей (6 мужчин и 2 женщины). Таким образом, цель молодежных общежитий заключается не только в обеспечении жильем и питанием, но и в том, чтобы служить центрами, предоставляющими возможность молодым людям, прибывающим из различных частей страны, а также молодым путешественникам из-за рубежа узнавать и понимать друг друга.
Hegelianism — popular in the 1850 ’ s — was replaced in the 1860 ’ s by positivism, which played a certain useful role in the struggle against clerical ideology (A. Pulszky and G. Pikier).
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Гегельянство, популярное в 50-х гг., сменилось в 60-х гг. позитивизмом, сыгравшим определённую положительную роль в борьбе с клерикальной идеологией (А. Пульски, Д. Пиклер).
Barium nitrate, meanwhile, decomposes when heated and releases that much-needed oxygen: Ba (NO3) 2 → Ba (NO2) 2 + O2 ↑ Duodenal atresia occurs when recanalization of the closed duodenum fails to occur or occurs only partially during the embryonic period (usually between the 8th – 10th week of gestation).
Reinterpret the ensuing sentences from German to English language using the given reference word translations.
Bariumnitrat hingegen zersetzt sich beim Erhitzen und gibt den dringend benötigten Sauerstoff ab: Ba (NO3) 2 → Ba (NO2) 2 + O2 ↑ Als Ursache für eine Duodenalatresie wird eine unvollständige bzw. fehlende Rekanalisation des in der Embryonalzeit (meist zwischen 8. und 10. Gestationswoche) verschlossenen Duodenums vermutet.
Fang Lijun, for example, presents in the Lehmbruck Museum a wall made of ceramic Mao bibles which is threatening to collapse. The work offers multiple political interpretations. It touches on China's past cultural revolution, the fascination that Maoism held and still holds for many Chinese, and the role of the Communist Party - a taboo issue in itself. The Director of the Civil Aviation Authority (North East), the Regional Director of the Environment, Development and Housing and the Departmental Director of the Territories also attend the meetings, but are not entitled to vote.
In English, what do the given sentences convey? The given word translations should be used.
Beispielsweise ist Fang Lijun mit einer vom Einsturz bedrohten Mauer aus keramischen Mao-Bibeln im Lehmbruck-Museum zu sehen, eine Arbeit, die sich auf mehreren Ebenen politisch interpretieren lässt: Sie berührt Chinas kulturrevolutionäre Vergangenheit, die Faszination, die der Maoismus auch heute noch auf viele Chinesen ausübt, und die Rolle der Partei – an sich ein Tabuthema. An den Beratungen nehmen des Weiteren, jedoch ohne beratende Stimme, der Direktor des Bereichs Zivile Luftfahrt Nord-Ost, der Regionaldirektor für Umwelt, Raumordnung und Wohnungswesen und der Departementdirektor für die betreffenden Gebiete teil.
The economic situation in Germany in 2017 thus was characterised by steady and strong growth (+ 0.9% in the first quarter, + 0.6% in the second quarter and + 0.7% in the third quarter). Translated here as Lower Westerwald, this region borders on the Rhine and Lahn river valley landscapes and manifests itself as the western and southwestern part of the Westerwald, a heavily truncated upland with elevations ranging from 200 to 400 m.
When translated to English, what message do these sentences carry? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial.
Die konjunkturelle Lage in Deutschland war damit im Jahr 2017 durch ein stetiges und kräftiges Wirtschaftswachstum gekennzeichnet (+ 0,9% im ersten Quartal, + 0,6% im zweiten Quartal und + 0,7% im dritten Quartal). Der Niederwesterwald (häufig auch Unterwesterwald bezeichnet) grenzt an die Tallandschaften von Rhein und Lahn und stellt den West- und Südwestteil des Westerwaldes als zertaltes Rumpfgebirge in Höhenlagen von 200 bis 400 m dar.
In the moral field his teaching was not devoid of ambiguity: he insisted on considering the intention of the subject as the sole source for defining the goodness or evil of moral acts, thereby neglecting the objective significance and moral value of the actions: a dangerous subjectivism. Throughout the centuries, Celtiberians, Romans, Visigoths, Muslims and Christians have left their personal mark in the city.
subjektivismus means subjectivism In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply using the given reference word translations?
Auf dem Gebiet der Moral war seine Lehre nicht frei von Zweideutigkeit: Er bestand darauf, die Absicht des Subjekts als die einzige Quelle zu betrachten, um Güte oder Bosheit der moralischen Akte zu beschreiben, wodurch er die objektive Bedeutung und den moralischen Wert der Handlungen vernachlässigte: ein gefährlicher Subjektivismus. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte hinterließen Keltiberer, Römer, Westgoten, Muslime und Christen ihre Spuren in der Stadt.