stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 46
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stringlengths 1
Выступая вскоре после закрытия избирательных участков, премьер-министр Македонии Зоран Заев, сторонник смены наименования республики, заявил, что, если среди поданных голосов окажется больше "да", то Македония сменит наименование, невзирая на недостигнутый кворум. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian? | Speaking soon after the closure of the polling stations, the prime minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev, a supporter of changing the name of the republic, said that if among the votes cast there are more "yes" votes, then Macedonia will change its name, despite the quorum not reached. |
Corona will be cancer-free for three years in November. But his mother, Elizabeth Anderson, said that she worries that if his cancer does return, it may be impossible to harvest more stem cells from his blood. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in English? | Corona wird ab November für drei Jahre krebsfrei sein. Aber seine Mutter, Elizabeth Anderson, sagte, sie mache sich Sorgen, dass es im Falle einer Rückkehr des Krebses unmöglich sein könnte, seinem Blut noch weitere Stammzellen zu entnehmen. |
С 16 века Шинон больше не был королевской резиденцией, а в 1631 году он стал частью поместья герцога Ришелье, который забросил крепость. | Render the listed sentences in Russian from their original English form using the given reference word translations. | From the sixteenth century, Chinon was no longer a royal residence, and in 1631 it became part of the estates of the Duke of Richelieu, who neglected the fortress. |
Usually, the process begins with serous inflammation, but the lack of treatment (elimination of the cause) can lead to suppuration and the formation of adenophlegmon.
In most Member States where conscientious objection was recognised and fully implemented, conscientious objector status could be claimed on the basis not only of religious beliefs but also of a relatively broad range of personal beliefs of a non-religious nature, except in Romania and Ukraine. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Normalerweise beginnt der Prozess mit einer serösen Entzündung, aber die fehlende Behandlung (Beseitigung der Ursache) kann zu Eiter und der Bildung von Adenophlegmonen führen.
In den meisten Mitgliedsstaaten, in denen die Kriegsdienstverweigerung anerkannt und vollständig umgesetzt ist, kann der Status als Kriegsdienstverweigerer nicht nur aus religiösen Gründen beantragt werden, sondern auch aus einem relativ breiten Spektrum von persönlichen Überzeugungen nicht-religiöser Natur. Ausgenommen davon sind Rumänien und die Ukraine. |
С 2012-го по 2016 год Алексей Рогозин был гендиректором федерального казенного предприятия ФКП "Алексинский химический комбинат", занимающегося производством и НИОКР в области спецхимии, композиционных и резинотехнических изделий для промышленности обычных вооружений, авиации и космической техники, а также производством пороха. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | From 2012 to 2016, Alexey Rogozin was the general director of the federal state enterprise FKP "Aleksinsky Chemical Plant", engaged in the production and research and development of special chemicals, composite and rubber products for the industry of conventional weapons, aviation and space technology, as well as the production of gunpowder. |
But precisely that, in turn, is an abuse of the report. | Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from German to English. | Doch genau das ist wiederum ein Missbrauch des Berichtes. |
Es heißt: "Er ist der Sohn eines Journalisten, ein Typ, der auf Sensationen aus ist."
Wie es uns der Herr schon offenbart hat, wenn die Agenten Satans es nicht schaffen, uns in den Fallen der Sünde zu fangen, die sie uns stellen, bemühen sie sich, uns abzulenken, damit wir uns auf unser Heil und auf Gottesarbeit nicht konzentrieren. | Kindly submit the German interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | They say he is “the son of a journalist, a chap who wants to cause a sensation. ”
As the Lord has already revealed to us, when the agents of satan do not succeed in trapping us in the snare of sins which they are always setting for us, they make the effort to distract us so that we do not focus on our salvation, and on the work of God. |
Для искоренения фактической дискриминации по признаку пола в сфере занятости необходимо рассмотреть различные меры, включая государственное финансирование отпуска по уходу за ребенком или пособий по беременности, разработку стратегий, способствующих возобновлению трудовой деятельности после перерыва в работе, стимулирование практики занятости с учетом потребностей людей, обеспечивающих уход, в сотрудничестве с профсоюзами, промышленными организациями и работодателями. | What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Various measures should be considered to eliminate de facto sex discrimination in employment, for example financing parental leave or maternity benefits publicly, putting in place policies to help people back into work once they have taken time out of the labour force, and incentivizing carer-friendly employment practices and work arrangements, in collaboration with trade unions, industry bodies and employers. |
Pre-operative transgender people should not expect to pass through the scanners with their privacy and dignity intact. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 尚未做手术的变性者在通过扫描仪时,不得不透露自己的隐私,并且无法保障自身尊严。 |
Das auf Facebook live gestreamte und sich hernach im Netz rasend schnell verbreitende 17-minütige Video des Amoklaufs in Neuseeland löste in den etablierten sowie sozialen Medien eine heftige Debatte aus: Wie sei das überhaupt möglich?
e) vermittelnd und unterstützend bei der Schaffung einer Esperanto-Literatur zu wirken, die sowohl aus Übersetzungen als auch aus Originaltexten besteht, und die die Ziele unserer Vereinigung widerspiegelt. | Please share the German version of the given sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The 17-minute video of the rampage in New Zealand, which was streamed live on Facebook and then spread rapidly over the net, triggered a fierce debate in the established and social media: How is this even possible?
e) to be an intermediary and supporter in the creation of an Esperanto literature consisting both of translations and original texts, and which reflects the aims of our association. |
服贸司负责人并指出,1-8月新兴服务进口占比也逐步提升。 | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese? | The head of the Department of Trade in Services and Commercial Services also pointed out that the proportion of import of emerging services also gradually increased from January to August. |
However, the basis for increasing energy efficiency is the systematic collection and analysis of energy use: In order to uncover potential savings and identify changes, the entire energy flow of the company must be recorded and documented.
Rather, we came to earth to learn by experience to distinguish good from evil, grow in wisdom and skill, live values we care about, and acquire the characteristics of godliness — progress we cannot make from the safe confines of a bassinet. | wiege means bassinet
Adapt the mentioned sentences from German to the English language, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Die Grundlage für eine Steigerung der Energieeffizienz bildet allerdings eine systematische Erfassung und Analyse der Energienutzung: Um Einsparpotentiale aufzudecken und Veränderungen festzustellen, muss der gesamte Energiefluss des Unternehmens erfasst und dokumentiert werden.
Wir sind aber auf die Erde gekommen, um aus Erfahrung zu lernen, Gut und Böse zu unterscheiden, um Weisheit und Fertigkeiten zu entwickeln, nach Wertvorstellungen zu leben und uns göttliche Eigenschaften anzueignen. In der Geborgenheit einer Wiege ist eine solche Entwicklung nicht möglich. |
2 Und Ahab redete zu Naboth und sprach: Gib mir deinen Weinberg, daß er mein Krautgarten werde, denn er ist nahe bei meinem Hause; und ich will dir statt seiner einen besseren Weinberg geben; oder wenn es gut ist in deinen Augen, will ich dir Geld geben, im Werte desselben. | When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | 2 And Ahab said to Naboth, "Give me your vineyard, so that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near my house; I will give you a better vineyard for it; or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its value in money." |
Many people had been "arrested arbitrarily just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time," said HRW, citing the lawyers of detainees. According to their attorneys, accusations against those arrested range from "spreading false information" to membership of a "terrorist organization." In Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities, security forces, in uniform as well as civilian clothing, also arbitrarily questioned and searched passersby, according to HRW. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in English? | Viele Menschen seien "willkürlich festgenommen" worden, "nur weil sie 'zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort' waren", teilte HRW unter Berufung auf Rechtsanwälte Festgenommener mit. Die Vorwürfe gegen die Festgenommenen reichen nach Angaben ihrer Anwälte von "Verbreitung von Falschinformationen" bis zur Mitgliedschaft in einer "terroristischen Vereinigung". In Kairo, Alexandria und anderen Städten befragten und durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte in Uniform, aber auch in ziviler Kleidung, nach HRW-Angaben zudem willkürlich Passanten. |
Besichtigen Sie die in 5 Minuten fußläufig zu erreichende Kathedrale von Bordeaux und gehen Sie im Botanischen Garten von Bordeaux spazieren, welcher in 15 Gehminuten zu erreichen ist.
Infektionen (bakteriell, viral oder parasitär), Medikamente wie Cholestyramin, Tetrazyklin, Colchicin sowie Alkohol und Erkrankungen wie Zöliakie und Morbus Crohn können allesamt die Dünndarmschleimhaut schädigen. | Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Visit Bordeaux Cathedral, reachable in a 5 minutes ’ walk, and go for walks in the Botanical Garden of Bordeaux, reachable in 15 minutes on foot.
Infections (bacterial, viral, or parasitic), drugs such as cholestyramine, tetracycline, colchicine, and alcohol, and disorders such as celiac disease and Crohn disease all may injure the intestinal lining. |
Некоторые идеи и технологий показались нам перспективными, и мы планируем взаимодействовать с этими компаниями и после завершения конкурса », — комментирует вице-президент по маркетингу категории пищевой продукции, чая и мороженого Unilever Мария Багрова.
"Мы серьезно относимся к этому вопросу и стремимся к увеличению мобильности и свободы для всех пассажиров и водителей, в том числе для тех членов нашего общества, которые являются инвалидами", – говорится в заявлении Uber. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply using the given reference word translations? | Some ideas and technologies seemed promising to us, and we are planning to cooperate with these companies after the contest is over as well, "commented Maria Bagrova, Vice President of Marketing in Foods, Tea and Ice Cream categories at Unilever.
“We take this issue seriously and are committed to increasing mobility and freedom for all riders and drivers, including those members of our communities who are disabled," an Uber spokesperson said in a statement. |
By 1960, it was decided to move headquarters to Conakry in neighboring Republic of Guinea (former French Guinea) in order to prepare for an armed struggle.
When Gavin discovers Madelyne's true identity, she is forced to leave the sanctuary of the abbey and appeal to King Henry for succor. | In English, what do the given sentences convey? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | 1960 verlegte die PAIGC ihr Hauptquartier nach Conakry ins benachbarte Guinea und richtete dort mehrere Trainingslager ein, um den bewaffneten Kampf vorzubereiten.
Als Gavin Madelynes wahre Identität aufdeckt, wird sie gezwungen ihre klösterliche Zuflucht zu verlassen und König Heinrich von England um Hilfe zu bitten. |
On the other hand, Haskell supports multiple inheritance, but considers classes of types and requires concrete types to be explicitly made instances of all the classes they belong to.
When World War I broke out the 1st Sea Battalion was in Kiel, the 2nd in Wilhelmshafen, the 3rd in Tsingtau. | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Dagegen unterstützt Haskell die Mehrfachvererbung, betrachtet aber Klassen von Typen und verlangt, dass konkrete Typen explizit zu Instanzen aller Klassen gemacht werden müssen, zu denen sie gehören.
Bei Ausbruch des Weltkrieges stand das 1. Seebataillon in Kiel, das 2. in Wilhelmshaven, das 3. in Tsingtau. |
It is very important to keep your comp card updated with new photos and credits, if you want to be recognized professionally as a model and if you want to stand out of the crowd (since everyone is a model and a photographer these days). | Turn the following sentences from their German version to the English version using the given reference word translations. | Es ist total wichtig, wenn man professionell als Model wahrgenommen werden möchte und um sich von der breiten Masse abzuheben (da ja heute schon alles und jeder modelt und fotografiert), dass man seine Sedcard immer wieder aktuell hält und regelmäßig mit neuen Fotos und Referenzen erneuert. |
Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass das Proletariat eine Schlüsselstellung im Zentrum der kapitalistischen Wirtschaft einnimmt, und auch weil das Proletariat im politischen und ökonomischen Bereich die wirklichen Interessen der großen Mehrheit der arbeitenden Bevölkerung unter kapitalistischer Herrschaft verkörpert. "(Lenin)
Alle Memmert CO2-Inkubatoren besitzen einen akustischen Alarm, dessen deutlich hörbarer Warnton beispielsweise bei zu lange geöffneter Tür oder bei Ausfall der zentralen Versorgung (CO2-Gas, Netzspannung, etc.) ausgelöst wird. | Please share the German version of the given sentences using the given reference word translations. | This is because the proletariat occupies a key position in the heart of the capitalist economy and also because the proletariat expresses, in the economic and political domain, the real interests of the immense majority of the working population under capitalist domination ” (Lenin).
All Memmert CO2 incubators have an acoustic alarm, and this clearly audible warning signal is set off if the door is opened for too long or if there is a failure of the central supply, such as CO2 gas, power supply, etc. |
In meiner Freizeit zieht es mich ans Meer: Geboren auf Rügen, liebe ich das Windsurfen, gehe gerne campen und verbringe möglichst viel Zeit mit meiner Familie in der Natur. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In my spare time, I head for the sea. Born in Rügen, I love windsurfing, camping and spending as much time as possible with my family in nature. |
There is no death penalty in South Africa. | Adapt the mentioned sentences from Russian to the English language. | В Южной Африке нет смертной казни. |
Russian MFA commented on scandal in Kyrgyzstan with Malakhov's show | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | В МИД РФ прокомментировали скандал в Киргизии с шоу Малахова |
The most historically valuable pieces of the art collection are the Bauhaus ceramics, which can be seen in the permanent exhibition “Art Deco and Functionalism – Applied Arts between the World Wars ”. | Please share the English version of the given sentences. | Kunsthistorisch wertvollster Teil der Sammlung sind Bauhauskeramiken, die in der ständigen Ausstellung "Art déco & Funktionalismus - Angewandte Kunst zwischen den Weltkriegen" zu sehen sind. |
截至9月28日收盘,美国WTI原油期货收涨1.13美元,报73.25美元/桶。 | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Chinese. | As of the closing on September 28, the US WTI crude oil futures closed up with $1.13 US, reported $73.25 / barrel. |
Jan Assmann war von 1976 bis 2003 Professor für Ägyptologie an der Universität Heidelberg und ist seit 2005 Honorarprofessor für Kulturwissenschaft und Religionstheorie an der Universität Konstanz. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Jan Assmann was professor of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg from 1976 until 2013 and has been an honorary professor of cultural studies and theory of religion at the University of Konstanz since 2005. |
Früher hatte er eines der tollsten Süßwasser-Aquarien, die man sich nur vorstellen kann – Es war wunderschön, mit vielen verschiedenen Pflanzen und Fischen und ich habe immer bewundert, mit wieviel Arbeit und Liebe er sich darum gekümmert hat.
Im Jahr 2013 wird ein beklagenswertes Gesetz in Kraft treten: Es dauert 37 Jahre, bis eine Altersrente gezahlt wird. | In the context of German, what do the upcoming sentences signify? The given word translations should be used. | Years ago he used to have one of the coolest sweet water fish tanks you can imagine – it was gorgeous, with a ton of different plants and fish and I always loved to watch how much love and effort he put into taking care of it.
In 2013, a lamentable law will come into force: it will take 37 years for a retirement pension to be paid. |
STRATO ist der „Beste Internet Service Provider 2013“: Das spanische Magazin BYTE TI zeichnete das umfassende Produkt- und Lösungsportfolio von STRATO aus, das sowohl für Privatanwender als auch für kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen geeignet ist.
Im Juli 1920 gab es in Mosul eine Rebellion gegen die britische Herrschaft, und dieser Aufstand weitete sich nach Süden ins Euphrattal aus. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | STRATO is the "Best Internet Service Provider 2013": The Spanish magazine BYTE TI distinguished the comprehensive product and solution portfolio from STRATO, which is suitable for private users as well as for small and medium-sized companies.
By July 1920, Mosul was in rebellion against British rule, and the insurrection moved south down the Euphrates River valley. |
Today, in Shanghai, the opening-up landmark of China, China International Import Expo (CIIE), the world's first large-scale state-level exhibition with the theme of import, has officially opened in much anticipation. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the English translation for these sentences. | 今天,在中国的开放地标上海,全球首个以进口为主题的大型国家级展会 ― ― 中国国际进口博览会,于万众期待中正式拉开帷幕。 |
A TV reporter has condemned a stranger who pretended to grope her backside then kissed her live on air. | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Репортер осудила прохожего, который попытался схватить ее за ягодицу и поцеловать в прямом эфире. |
Султанат Оман подчеркивает, что Ближний Восток — один из самых нестабильных регионов мира — должен стать зоной, свободной от оружия массового уничтожения, в том числе ядерного оружия, особенно с учетом того, что в этом регионе мира наблюдается гонка вооружений, а шансы на установление мира и стабильности исчезают. | In the context of Russian, what do the upcoming sentences signify using the given reference word translations? | The Sultanate of Oman stresses that the Middle East, one of the most volatile regions in the world, must become a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, especially as that part of the world is faced with an arms race and is seeing the chances for establishing peace and stability vanish. |
Der Spieler wurde während des Spiels für ein Foul bestraft.
Der Schiedsrichter pfiff, als das Foul begangen wurde.
Der Trainer rügte den Spieler, weil er seinen Gegner foulte. | In terms of German, what do the next sentences imply? | The player was penalized for a foul during the game.
The referee blew the whistle when the foul was committed.
The coach reprimanded the player for fouling his opponent. |
Причиной проблемы может быть сочетание соли и накипи. Если белое покрытие можно вытереть пальцем, то это, вероятно, остатки соли. Если покрытие вытереть невозможно, однако его можно удалить с помощью небольшого количества уксуса, то это, по-видимому, накипь. | limescale means накипь
What do the following sentences mean in Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The cause of the problem could be a combination of salt or limescale. If you can wipe off the white coating with a finger, it is probably salt residue. If you cannot wipe the coating off but you can remove it with a small amount of vinegar, it is probably limescale. |
笪魏介绍说,按照正常情况,整个通过时间需要花费4个小时。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form. | Da Wei explained that the overall passing time needed to be 4 hours under normal circumstances. |
眼泪像片状落下,顺着她的脸颊流淌。 | Change the given sentences from English to Chinese format. | The rain was coming down in sheets.
The snow covered the ground in sheets.
The tears streamed down her face in sheets. |
Klinische Studien: Auf den folgenden Seiten möchten wir Sie über die aktuellen klinischen Studien, welche den Patienten einen Zugang zu den neuesten und erfolgversprechensten Behandlungsmethoden ermöglichen, informieren. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Clinical trials: On the following pages, we would like to inform you about the latest clinical trials, which give patients access to the latest and most promising treatment methods. |
讲清楚中国特色社会主义进入新时代的重大意义,讲清楚我国社会主要矛盾变化的深远影响,讲清楚两个一百年奋斗目标。 | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to Chinese form. | We should make clear the significance of socialism with Chinese characteristics as it enters a new era, the far-reaching influence of the change of the society’s principal contradiction, and the Two Centenary Goals. |
我们也是”,亨特补充到。 | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format. | So are we," she added. |
Sie sagt es in ihrem Lied: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright". | In German, what do the given sentences convey? | As she says in her song: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright". |
Lage Schöneiche bei Berlin, die etwa 12.500 Einwohner zählende Gemeinde im Landkreis Oder-Spree in Brandenburg schließt direkt an die östliche Stadtgrenze Berlins an. | Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Location Schöneiche, a municipality of 12,500 residents in the District of Oder-Spree, straddles the eastern city limits of Berlin on the Brandenburg side. |
Most of the concerts for festive and religious reasons take place in the area of Kufstein / Tyrol, but over the years, there were several appearances all over Austria and abroad, for example in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands.
This concept, he learned in his childhood years spent in the city of Modesto, from comics and TV series (first of all, about Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers). | In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Большинство концертов по праздничным и религиозным поводам проходят в районе Куфштайн в Тироле, но за прошедшие годы было несколько выступлений по всей Австрии и за рубежом, например в Италии, Швейцарии, Германии и Нидерландах.
Концепцию эту он почерпнул в детские годы, проведённые в городе Модесто, из комиксов и телесериалов (в первую очередь, о Флэше Гордоне и Баке Роджерсе). |
So when Jim Al-Khalili writes of "Arabic" science, he is referring to scientific findings that were written down in Arabic, regardless of the nationality of the authors or whether they were Muslim, Christian, Jewish or Zoroastrian.
The NASA Dawn mission reached its target not with a conventional rocket engine, but with a propulsion system that slowly but constantly accelerated the probe using a concentrated jet of ionised inert gas (xenon). | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | "Arabische" Wissenschaften sind für Jim Al-Khalili also Erkenntnisse, die auf Arabisch verfasst wurden – unabhängig davon, welcher Nationalität die Forscher angehörten oder ob sie Muslime, Christen, Juden oder Zoroastrier waren.
Die NASA-Mission Dawn erreichte ihr Ziel nicht mit einem konventionellen Raketenantrieb, sondern mit einem Motor, der die Sonde mit einem gebündelten Strahl des ionisierten Edelgases Xenon langsam, aber stetig beschleunigte. |
В 1907 году девятеро рыбаков заявили, что поймали кадборозавра — мифического морского змея, обитающего у тихоокеанского побережья Северной Америки.
Наша страна последовательно придерживается общепризнанных принципов международного права, включая право народов на самоопределение, и внесла существенный вклад в процесс деколонизации, поддержав народы Африки и Азии в их борьбе за независимость. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, and must use the given word translations. | In 1907, a group of 9 fishermen claimed to have caught a Cadborosaurus, a mythical sea serpent believed to inhabit the Pacific Coast of North America.
Our country has consistently adhered to the generally recognised principles of international law, including the right of peoples to self-determination, and has made a significant contribution to the decolonisation process by supporting the peoples of Africa and Asia in their struggle for independence. |
Instructions for use show that treatment of dermatomycosis usually takes about four weeks, and in the case of pityriasis, from one week to three.
If the sodium level in blood continues to decrease or does not increase despite restriction of fluid intake, doctors may prescribe drugs such as demeclocycline or lithium, which decrease the effect of vasopressin on the kidneys, or newer drugs such as conivaptan and tolvaptan, which block vasopressin receptors and prevent the kidneys from responding to vasopressin. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Die Gebrauchsanweisung zeigt, dass die Behandlung der Dermatomykose in der Regel etwa vier Wochen und bei der Pityriasis eine Woche bis drei Wochen dauert.
Wenn der Natriumspiegel im Blut weiter abnimmt oder trotz Beschränkung der Flüssigkeitszufuhr nicht zunimmt, können Arzneimittel wie Demeclocyclin und Lithium, die die Wirkung des antidiuretischen Hormons auf die Nieren reduzieren, oder neuere Arzneimittel wie Conivaptan und Tolvaptan, die die Rezeptoren für antidiuretisches Hormon blockieren und die Reaktion der Nieren auf das antidiuretische Hormon verhindern, angewendet werden. |
Сестра Роя Камдин Рой сказала, что ее неотступно преследует мысль о том, что она никогда не сможет присутствовать на его свадьбе или стать тетей его детей. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences. | Mr Roy's sister, Camdyn Roy, testified that she was "haunted" by the realisation that she would never attend her brother's wedding or be an aunt to his children. |
Он в черном фраке, она в элегантном свадебном платье … И не последнюю роль здесь играет место проведения торжества.Что может быть романтичнее, чем свадьба на берегу моря? Portofino Hotel Beach Resort – красивое начало семейной жизни! | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | He is dressed in a black frock coat, she is wearing an elegant wedding dress … And not the least role is played by the place of the celebration. What can be more romantic than a wedding on the beach? Portofino Hotel Beach Resort – a beautiful beginning of family life! |
根据省人大常委会今年工作要点安排,常委会计划听取审议专项工作报告,并开展实施银行业监督管理法、服务地方经济发展情况专题询问。 | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? | According to the work plan of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress this year, the Standing Committee plans to listen to the deliberation of special work report, and carry out the implementation of banking supervision and management law and special inquiry of serving local economic development. |
Brazil Olympic Games is in full swing. Even if the event is broadcast in the midnight in China, many people will stay up late to watch. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English? | 巴西奥运会赛事正如火如荼地进行,即便赛事播出时在国内是半夜时分,很多市民也会熬夜观看。 |
"As the biggest communications service provider in Turkey, Turkcell needs agility in order to quickly provide rich services to our customers, so we are focused on modernizing our data center to gain a competitive edge. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? The given word translations should be used. | „Als größter Kommunikationsdienstleister in der Türkei benötigt Turkcell Agilität, um seinen Kunden schnell umfassende Services zur Verfügung stellen zu können. Daher konzentrieren wir uns auf die Modernisierung unseres Rechenzentrums, um uns einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu sichern. |
We oppose this hostile vision of the future with our desire for a society based on support for one another, material security, the satisfaction of needs, equality and self determination, to enable every person on this earth a dignified life without fear, wherever they want.
The research center "Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations“ is based on the particular strengths of research in Mainz in the areas of elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, and atomic physics as well as mathematics and nuclear chemistry. | Can you reveal the English translation of the forthcoming sentences? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Wir stellen diesem lebensfeindlichen Zukunftsentwurf unser Begehren nach einer Gesellschaft entgegen, die auf gegenseitiger Unterstützung, materieller Absicherung, Bedürfnisbefriedigung, Gleichberechtigung und Selbstbestimmung fußt und jedem Menschen auf diesem Planeten ein würdevolles Leben ohne Angst an dem Ort seiner freien Wahl ermöglicht.
Das Zentrum "Elementarkräfte und mathematische Grundlagen" basiert auf den besonderen Stärken der Mainzer Forschung auf den Gebieten Elementarteilchen-, Kern- und Atomphysik sowie Mathematik und Kernchemie. |
To modify only the declaration of the target namespace (but not its definition) or the declaration of any namespace, edit the prefix and value of the namespace in the Namespace Prefixes dialog (XBRL | Namespace Prefixes command). | Kindly furnish the English translation of the subsequent sentences. | Um nur die Deklaration des Target Namespace, (nicht aber die Definition) oder die Deklaration jedes beliebigen Namespace zu ändern, bearbeiten Sie das Präfix und den Wert des Namespace im Dialogfeld "Namespaces" (Befehl XBRL | Namespace-Präfixe). |
Within the Unicode Hebrew code block (U + 0590.. U + 05FF), the BenOr Rashi font includes glyphs for all Unicode Hebrew Point and Hebrew Punctuation code points currently defined, U + 05B0.. U + 05C7: 05C8 05C9
There is more information (in German only) on the Homepage of the Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum and in Wikipedia articles about the German Shipping Museum, the Bremen cog and the SEUTE DEERN. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences using the given reference word translations? | Innerhalb des Unicodeblocks Hebräisch (U + 0590.. U + 05FF) enthält die Schriftart BenOr Rashi Glyphen für alle aktuell definierten Unicode Codepunkte für Hebräische Punkte und Hebräische Satzzeichen U + 05B0.. U + 05C7: 05C8 05C9
Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Homepage des Deutschen Schiffahrtmuseums und z.B. in Wikipedia-Artikeln über das Schiffahrtsmuseum, die Bremer Kogge und die SEUTE DEERN. |
Wildtierfotografie wird oft als gegeben hingenommen, aber wie auch bei anderer Fotografie gilt, dass ein Bild mehr sagt als tausend Worte. | What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German? | Wildlife photography is often taken for granted, but like photography in general, a picture is worth a thousand words. |
Zum Beispiel erinnern wir uns an Ihre Login-ID / E-Mail-Adresse oder Ihren Benutzernamen, damit Sie sich beim nächsten Besuch unserer Website schnell einloggen können oder damit Sie die Artikel, die Sie zuvor in Ihren Einkaufswagen gelegt haben, einfach abrufen können.
Der Vorsteher der Moschee von Paris, der Verband der islamischen Organisationen in Frankreich und die weltweite islamische Liga haben gegen die satirische Wochenzeitschrift « Charlie Hebdo » Klage eingereicht; diese hatte Karikaturen des Propheten Mohammed veröffentlicht. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to German? Consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | For example, we remember your login ID / email address or screen name so that you can quickly login the next time you visit our site or so that you can easily retrieve the items you previously placed in your shopping cart.
The chief administrative officer of the Mosque of Paris, the Union for Islamic organizations of France, the World Islamic League have brought an action against the satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo ” for the publication of cartoons representing the prophet Mahomet. |
The town of Vlahi, located 8 kilometers to the east and which is accessed by a dirt road that winds through the Pirin Mountains.
4. Ms. Flores (Belize), acknowledging that even educated young women who did get involved in political campaigns and fund-raising were reluctant to stand for election, said that the Government had, for 20 years, been trying to encourage them to do so through women's workshops and other means. | Please offer the English rendition for the following statements using the given reference word translations. | Деревня Влахи, расположенная в 8 километрах к востоку и доступная по грунтовой дороге, которая проходит через горы Пирин.
4. Г-жа Флорес (Белиз), признавая, что даже образованные молодые женщины, которые участвуют в проведении политических кампаний и сборе средств, неохотно идут на выдвижение своих кандидатур на выборах, говорит, что правительство на протяжении 20 лет пытается поощрять их к этому путем организации семинаров для женщин и с помощью других средств. |
Serema S.A. была основана в 1986 году и имеет штаб-квартиру в каталонском городе Руби на северо-востоке Испании, примерно в 32 км от Барселоны.
Выражаясь языком экономистов, Британия, похоже, стала жертвой эффекта Хаутаккера-Мэги в его крайнем варианте. Это явление названо так в честь двух экономистов, которые открыли его в 1969 году: уровень ценовой эластичности для импорта и экспорта может существенно различаться, из-за этого нарастает устойчивая тенденция к дисбалансу счёта текущих операций. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the Russian translation for these sentences, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Serema S.A. was founded in 1986 and has its headquarters in the Catalan city of Rubí in northeastern Spain, about 32 km from Barcelona.
In economics jargon, the UK seems to be suffering from an extreme variant of the Houthakker-Magee effect – named after two economists who discovered in 1969 that price elasticities for imports and exports could diverge substantially, giving rise to a permanent tendency toward current-account imbalance. |
2016年,eMarketer跟踪了180家最大的电商之后估计,电商总销售额约为2000亿美元,而其中最大的25家占到了1590多亿美元。 | Kindly submit the Chinese interpretation for the next sentences. | In 2016, eMarketer, after tracking 180 of the largest e-commerce firms, estimated that total sales of e-commerce firms amounted to approximately US$200 billion, of which the largest 25 accounted for more than US$159 billion; |
It was patented 30 years after she invented it, because the company who was initially interested in her creation rejected it when they learned that Kenner was African American.
As of today, it is one of the largest law schools in Russia and has the highest scientific and pedagogical potential: more than half of the teaching staff has academic degrees and titles, while a quarter of them are doctors of science. | доктор means doctor
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and must use the given word translations. | Он был запатентован через 30 лет после того, как Кеннер изобрела его, потому что компания, которая изначально была заинтересована в промышленном использовании изобретения, отвергла его, узнав, что изобретатель - афро-американка.
Сегодня это - один из крупнейших юридических вузов России, обладающий мощным научно-педагогическим потенциалом: более половины преподавателей имеют ученые степени и звания, а четверть являются докторами наук. |
The waste gas incineration plant in Trostberg converts emissions into water and carbon dioxide, and in the case of chlorinated benzonitriles into hydrochloric acid, which in turn is used in other processes at the site. | benzonitril means benzonitrile
Translate the following sentences from German to English, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | Die Abgasverbrennungsanlage in Trostberg wandelt Emissionen in Wasser und Kohlendioxid um, sowie im Fall von chlorierten Benzonitrilen in Salzsäure, welche wiederum in anderen Prozessen am Standort genutzt wird. |
After having considered the potential impact on vehicle safety, protection of the environment, energy saving or the performance of anti-theft technology, Contracting Parties may prohibit the sale and use of such wheeled vehicles, equipment or parts in their territory until this non-conformity is rectified. | Turn the following sentences from their Russian version to the English version, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Оценив потенциальные последствия для безопасности транспортных средств, охраны окружающей среды, экономии энергии и эффективности технологий защиты от угона, Договаривающиеся стороны могут запретить на своей территории продажу и использование таких колесных транспортных средств, предметов оборудования или частей до устранения этого несоответствия. |
В министерстве сказали, что в ближайшие недели будут приняты усиленные карантинные меры, поскольку многие жители страны собираются совершить поездки по стране во время праздника Чхусок, который будет отмечаться с 30 сентября по 9 октября. | Turn the following sentences from their English version to the Russian version using the given reference word translations. | The ministry said it will implement strengthened quarantine measures in the coming weeks, as many people are expected to take trips around the country during the Chuseok holiday, which runs from Sept. 30 to Oct. 9. |
Сегодня Кузбасс известен не только как один из сильных промышленных центров России, но и как регион с высокоразвитым сельским хозяйством, весомыми достижениями в строительстве, науке, здравоохранении, культуре, туризме. По ряду показателей мы занимаем лидирующее положение в экономике Сибири и России.
Во-вторых, в центре города линия пересекла заброшенный район (бывший еврейский квартал Амстердама), снос которого считался не очень проблематичной задачей. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Today Kuzbass is known not only as one of the strongest industrial centers of Russia, but also as a region with highly developed agriculture and significant achievements in construction, science, health, culture, and tourism. In some areas of the economy, we are one of the leaders in Siberia and Russia.
- within the city centre the line crossed a rather derelict area (the former Jewish quarter of Amsterdam), the necessary demolition of which was considered not to be very problematic. |
The Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy has collated all the information received from the regions about current programs to develop business and legalize the self-employed, as well as the results of such programs. | What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English? | Комитет Совета Федерации по экономической политике обобщил поступившую от регионов информацию о действующих в них программах развития бизнеса и легализации самозанятых, а также об итогах таких программ. |
Ich war ein wenig zu schematisch: Schauen Sie sich diesen Typ an, er ist klasse, in dieser beschissenen Gesellschaft findet er keinen Platz. Also muss er sterben. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to German language, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | I was saying: look at that guy, he ’ s really great, there is no place for him in this rotten society, therefore he ’ s going to die. |
Во время беседы посол, передав Альберту II наилучшие пожелания Президента Азербайджана Ильхама Алиева, отметил успешное сотрудничество в сфере строительства, здравоохранения и энергетики и подчеркнул, что азербайджанская сторона заинтересована в дальнейшем углублении этих связей. | It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | During the conversation, the ambassador, conveying the best wishes of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Albert II, noted the successful cooperation in the field of construction, health care and energy, and stressed that Azerbaijan is interested in further deepening of these relations. |
迈克·蓬佩奥表示,叙利亚政府在 5 月份的袭击中使用了氯化学武器 | Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences. | Mike Pompeo says Syrian government used chlorine in May chemical weapon attack |
Bis dahin wollen wir von jedem Kandidaten und jeder Kandidatin wissen, ob sie ehrlich und redlich den von Brüssel diktierten Vertrag ablehnen, weil er den verfassungsmässigen Grundprinzipien der Schweiz widerspricht, oder ob sie die heikle Angelegenheit nur hinausschieben möchten, weil sie wiedergewählt werden wollen. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? Ensure that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Until then, we want to know from each and every candidate whether they are honest and aboveboard in rejecting the treaty dictated by Brussels, because it contradicts Switzerland ’ s basic constitutional principles, or whether they just want to postpone the delicate matter because of their wish to be re-elected. |
Бахта считает, что торговая война бросает вызов китайскому развитию в области экономики, энергетики и продовольственной безопасности.
Те, кто без ума от всего, что связано с открытым исходным кодом, оценят Chromium — быть в авангарде разработки кода, который обеспечивает самый распространенный в мире браузерный движок, — это крутая вещь для энтузиастов. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Bakhta believes the trade war challenges China's development in the areas of economic, energy and food security.
Those who are crazy for all things open source will appreciate Chromium - being at the forefront of the development of the code which feeds the world's most pervasive browser engine is a cool thing to experience for enthusiasts. |
Она нашла записку от своего давно потерянного друга в своем почтовом ящике.
Он написал трогательную записку своей жене перед отправлением на войну.
Я получил загадочную записку без подписи. | How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Russian? | She found a billet from her long-lost friend in her mailbox.
He wrote a heartfelt billet to his wife before leaving for the war.
I received a mysterious billet with no signature. |
Но если копирайтер может написать текст за полчаса, то здесь веб-дизайнер может работать над проектом по несколько дней, а то и недель, в зависимости от сложности задания.
[9: 113] Ни пророк, ни те, кто веруют, не должны просить прощения идолопоклонникам — даже если бы они были их ближайшими родственниками — как только им становится ясно, что они обречены на Ад. | Please offer the Russian rendition for the following statements, and consistency between the provided translation and the translation of pertinent words is crucial. | But if a copywriter can write the text in half an hour, here the web designer can work on the project for several days, or even weeks, depending on the complexity of the task.
[9: 113] Neither the prophet, nor those who believe shall ask forgiveness for the idol worshipers, even if they were their nearest of kin, once they realize that they are destined for Hell. |
В долгосрочной перспективе, я уверен, она наберет скорость и станет хорошим конкурентоспособным соревнованием, поэтому это важно. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry? | In the long term I'm sure it will get up to speed and be a good competitive competition, so that is critical. |
Neben den positiven Eigenschaften für die Agrobiodiversität wie zum Beispiel als wichtige Nahrungsquelle für Bestäuber, haben Eiweißpflanzen besonders positive Effekte auf die Stickstoff-Fixierung im Boden sowie auf die Humusanreicherung, den Erosionsschutz und die Wasserspeicherkapazität. | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in German? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | As well as having beneficial uses for agricultural biodiversity, for instance as an important food source for pollinators, protein crops have a particularly strong positive impact on nitrogen fixing in the soil, humus enrichment, erosion prevention and soil water storage capacity. |
– Our family had to learn to live without our beloved cat Minosch, who died of cancer in November 2012 (at the age of 14).
What is often forgotten, though, is that the knowledge one gains from leading universities has also become more valuable, particularly in fields such as biochemistry, computer science, and environmental studies. | biochemie means biochemistry
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | – Unsere Familie musste lernen, ohne unseren geliebten Kater Minosch zu leben, der im November 2012 an Kreb starb (er wurde 14 Jahre alt).
Dabei wird jedoch oft vergessen, dass das Wissen, das man an führenden Universitäten erwirbt, auch wertvoller geworden ist, vor allem in Fachrichtungen wie Biochemie, Informatik und Umweltwissenschaften. |
В целях снижения зависимости внутреннего продовольственного рынка от импортируемой продукции и создания надежных запасов продовольствия, правительство приняло ряд мер для улучшения делового и инвестиционного климата путем стимулирования производителей, предоставления субсидий и создания прочной институциональной и экономической основы для дальнейшего развития.
Батангас – важный морской порт и центр торговли провинции, которая является сахаропроизводящим регионом. | Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In order to decrease the dependence of the domestic food market on imported products and generate reliable food reserves, the government has taken a number of measures to improve the business and investment climate by stimulating producers, providing subsidies, and establishing a firm institutional and economic basis for further development.
Batangas City is an important seaport and trade center for the province, which is a sugar-growing region. |
一般来说,卫星电话不能取代移动电话,因为只有在卫星信号畅通的室外,才能进行通话。 | Kindly furnish the Chinese translation of the subsequent sentences. | A satellite phone is not generally a replacement for a mobile phone, as you have to be outdoors with clear line of sight to the satellite to make a phone call. |
Американский врач Стивен Пратт составил список из четырнадцати суперпродуктов, которые позволяют сохранить здоровье на долгие годы. Согласно его рецепту, чтобы достичь лучших результатов, нужно минимум три-четыре раза в неделю пробовать блюда из мяса индейки, поскольку оно является наиболее пресным источником протеина в мире. | It would be helpful if you could provide the Russian translation of the ensuing sentences, and the translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | American doctor Stephen Pratt made a list of fourteen superfoods that allow you to maintain health for many years. According to his recipe to achieve the best results, you need at least three or four times a week to taste the dishes containing turkey meat because it is the most bland source of protein in the world. |
Представительная демократия- политический режим, при котором основным источником власти признается народ, но управление государством делегируется различным представительным органам, члены которых избираются гражданами. | Kindly furnish the Russian translation of the subsequent sentences, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | Representative democracy – form of government in which the main source of power is recognized nation, but the state administration is delegated to the various representative bodies whose members are elected by citizens. |
Newtonskala: Die Serie KERN 281 verfügt über eine Ergebnisanzeige in Newton statt in Gramm, speziell für Messungen von Zugkräften
Er war, wie schon zuvor erwähnt, Leibarzt von Saladin und seiner Familie, und Saladin ernannte ihn zum Oberhaupt über alle ägyptischen Juden.
Sie dachten, ich würde eine Zeit lang diese neue Religion verfolgen, missmutig werden und dann zu einer anderen Religion übergehen, wie ich es mein ganzes Leben als Erwachsener getan hatte. | In German, what do the given sentences convey? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | Newton scale: The KERN 281 range can display the results in Newtons instead of in grammes, specifically for measuring tensile forces
He was, as I have mentioned before, personal physician to Saladin and his family, and by Saladin's order he was appointed Chief over all Egypt's Jews.
They thought I would stick with this new religion for a while, become disgruntled, and move on to another religion as I had done all my adult life. |
我们有一个很好的开始,同时我们并没有期盼着做什么惊天动地的大事。 | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in Chinese? | We had a good start and at the same time we weren't looking to do anything amazing. |
Die Amerikaner schätzen diese ebenso wie jede andere - daher der sorgsam inszenierte Sturz Saddam Husseins auf dem Firdos Platz in Bagdad im Jahr 2003. | Switch the specified sentences from their English form to German form. | Americans appreciate this as well as anyone - hence the carefully stage-manged toppling of Saddam Hussein in Firdos square in Baghdad in 2003. |
The members of the ensemble, which, besides the two Iraqi musicians Saad Thamir and Bassem Hawar, includes the German clarinettist Christina Fuchs and Dietmar Fuhr on the double bass as well as German-Indian pianist Jarry Singla, combine the melodies and rhythms of Arabic music with western classical music and jazz.
Companies ’ assessments of the trend in insolvencies in Germany are just as pessimistic: almost nine out of ten surveyed (88%) believe that the number of personal insolvencies will increase in the next two years, while 87% expect the number of corporate insolvencies to rise. | In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify? | Die Mitglieder des Ensembles, zu denen neben den beiden irakischen Musikern Saad Thamir und Bassem Hawar die deutsche Klarinettistin Christina Fuchs und Dietmar Fuhr am Kontrabass sowie der deutsch-indische Pianist Jarry Singla gehören, kombinieren die Melodien und Rhythmen der arabischen Musik mit der westlichen, klassischen Musik und dem Jazz.
Ebenfalls pessimistisch bewerten Unternehmen die Insolvenzentwicklung in Deutschland: Fast neun von zehn Befragten (88%) glauben, dass die Zahl der Privatinsolvenzen in den kommenden zwei Jahren zunehmen wird; bei den Unternehmensinsolvenzen gehen 87% von einer Zunahme aus. |
В 2006 году, когда Германия победила Аргентину в борьбе за Кубок мира, я сидел на трибуне Олимпийского стадиона в Берлине, на котором проводилась нацистская Олимпиада 1936 года, наблюдая за ликующей толпой, и думал об уверенном, но не чрезмерном национализме современной Германии и о том, проявят ли китайцы такой же самоконтроль на Олимпиаде 2008 года. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and the translation of significant terms must conform to the provided translation. | In 2006, as I sat in the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, the site of the Nazi Olympics of 1936, watching the exuberant crowd as Germany defeated Argentina in the World Cup, I witnessed Germany ’ s confident but not excessive nationalism of today, and I wondered whether China would exhibit the same self-control at the 2008 Olympics. |
I had intended to celebrate my birthday on 18 November, only a few days before the birth of my first child, first with my friends from the revolution on Tahrir Square and then with my family. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Nur wenige Tage vor der Geburt meines ersten Kindes hatte ich vor, meinen Geburtstag am 18. November mit meinen Kameraden der Revolution auf dem Tahrir-Platz zu feiern und später mit meiner Familie. |
Nestle would start with suppliers in Indonesia and Brazil, since these countries are among the world's biggest coffee producers. | How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English? | Nestle начнет с поставщиков в Индонезии и Бразилии, поскольку эти страны входят в число крупнейших мировых производителей кофе. |
Убеждают ли улыбки? | What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? | Do the smiles convince? |
Mit 295 Kilowatt [2] (401 PS) und 520 Newtonmetern [2] katapultiert der 3,0-Liter-V6-Biturbomotor den Mercedes-AMG E 43 4MATIC in nur 4,7 Sekunden von 0 auf 100 km / h – und das hocheffizient bei niedrigem Verbrauch. | Could you supply the German translation for the upcoming sentences? The given word translations should be used. | Deploying its 295 kilowatts (401 hp) and 520 Newton-metres, the 3.0-litre V6 biturbo engine slings the new Mercedes-AMG E 43 4MATIC from a complete standstill to 100 km / h in a mere 4.7 seconds – and does this with the utmost efficiency at low consumption levels. |
Земан фактически признал наличие в рядах Европейского союза группы стран, выступающих против антироссийских санкций, и заявил, что в отношениях Запада с Россией приоритет должен быть отдан торгово-экономическому сотрудничеству, а не политическому противоборству. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | Zeman virtually admitted that there was a group of countries within the European Union who were against the anti-Russian sanctions, and declared that with regard to relations between the West and Russia, priority should be given to trade and economic cooperation rather than political confrontation. |
Легендарный гитарист Роберт Уильям Гэри Мур, более известный меломанам всего мира как Гэри Мур, родился в 1952 году в Белфасте, в Северной Ирландии. | Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Russian format, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The legendary guitarist Robert William Gary Moore, better known for music lovers from all around the world as Gary Moore was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1952. |
Interfax reports this citing committee head Vasily Piskarev. | Please provide the English translation for the following sentences. | Об этом сообщает "Интерфакс" со ссылкой на руководителя комиссии Василия Пискарева. |
Долина реки Зета и берег Скадарского озера – пристанище для 270 видов птиц, почти треть которых находятся на грани вымирания. | When translated to Russian, what message do these sentences carry using the given reference word translations? | The Zeta River Valley and the shore of Lake Skadar are home to 270 bird species, almost a third of which are on the verge of extinction. |
Для пациентов с легкой и умеренной печеночной недостаточностью не требуется корректировка дозировки, но этим пациентам следует следить за связанными с метронидазолом нежелательными явлениями (см. КЛИНИЧЕСКАЯ ФАРМАКОЛОГИЯ И ДОЗИРОВКА И АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ).
Для внутренней экономики Китая эта эпидемия привела к полной блокировке передвижения по меньшей мере в 17 городах, в которых проживает более 50 миллионов человек — население больше, чем в Южной Корее или Австралии. | Convert the subsequent sentences from English into Russian using the given reference word translations. | For patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment, no dosage adjustment is needed but these patients should be monitored for Metronidazole associated adverse events (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).
For China's domestic economy, this epidemic has caused a total lockdown of movement in at least 17 cities, which are home to more than 50 million people - a population larger than South Korea or Australia. |
В историографии указывается, что в Молетай перед Второй мировой войной в коммунистические организации входили только евреи. | Translate the following sentences from English to Russian, and the translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | The historiographical sources point out that prior to World War II it was only Jews who belonged to the communist organizations in Molėtai. |
Бассейн Тульского государственного университета является бассейном закрытого типа. Бассейн оборудован 4 дорожками по 25 м. Глубина бассейна составляет 1,8 м. Температура воды в бассейне поддерживается на уровне 26,5 ° С. В бассейне проводятся занятия по плаванию и аква-аэробике. | aqua means аква
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in Russian? The translation of relevant terminology should be consistent with the given translation. | The basin of the Tula state University is a closed type swimming pool. The pool is equipped with 4 lanes of 25 m. The depth of the pool is 1.8 m. The temperature of the pool water is maintained at 26.5 ° C. Swimming lessons and aqua aerobics are held in the swimming pool. |
Баски — народ, живущий в небольшой области (размером примерно с Род-Айленд), расположенной на французско-испанской границе, от моря на западе до Пиренеев на востоке.
(Minghui.org) В январе 2013 года Тань Дэган из городского округа Нэйцзян провинции Сычуань был приговорен к трём с половиной годам заключения за разоблачение преследования Фалуньгун. | In terms of Russian, what do the next sentences imply? The given word translations should be used. | The Basques are a people who live in a small region (about the size of Rhode Island) that straddles the border of Spain and France from the sea in the west into the Pyrenees in the east.
(Minghui.org) Mr. Tan Degang from Neijiang City, Sichuan Province was sentenced to three and a half years in January 2013 for exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. |
Der Arcos des dritten Jahrtausends, allgemein bekannt als Arcos del Milenio, ist ein skulpturales Werk des mexikanischen Künstlers Enrique Carbajal González, bekannt als "Sebastián", in der Stadt Guadalajara, Jalisco, im Westen Mexikos. | I'd appreciate it if you could present the German translation for these sentences using the given reference word translations. | The Arcos of the third millennium, commonly known simply as Arcos del Milenio, is a sculptural work by the Mexican artist Enrique Carbajal González known as "Sebastián", which is located in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, in western Mexico. |
A black congregation that had been worshiping nearby took title to the building. | Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences? | Eine schwarze Gemeinde, die in der Nähe eine Religion ausübten, erwarb das Gebäude. |
Среди этих мест были три города, которые упоминаются в Библии как филистимские центры - Ашдод, Ашкелон и Экрон (Телль-Микне), а также несколько мест, которые были египетскими крепостями. | How should the following sentences be comprehended in Russian? The translation of relevant words should comply with the provided translation. | These sites included three of the cities mentioned in the Bible as the hub of Philistine life — Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Ekron (Tel Miqne) as well as several sites that served as Egyptian forts. |
Симптомами появления полипов являются: заложенность носа, синусит, аносмия (потеря обоняния) и вторичная инфекция, приводящая к головной боли. [1] Несмотря на их удаление во время хирургического вмешательства, назальные полипы возникают повторно примерно в 70% случаев. | anosmia means аносмия
Transform the upcoming sentences from English language to Russian language using the given reference word translations. | Symptoms of polyps include nasal congestion, sinusitis, anosmia (loss of smell), and secondary infection leading to headache. [1] They may be removed by surgery, but are found to recur in about 70% of cases. |
An einer archäologischen Ausgrabungsstätte in der mesopotamischen Stadt Tappa Gaura im Norden des Irak wurde ein Salukischädel gefunden, der bis mindestens 3500 v. Chr. zurückdatiert werden kann.
Das R & B liegt nur fünf Minuten zu Fuß vom historischen Marktplatz von Brügge entfernt und ist der beste Ort, um saftige, langsam gegarte Rippchen in einer Vielzahl schmackhafter Soßen zu verkosten.
1899 verfasste er eine Abhandlung mit dem Titel „Neue Methoden der Himmelsmechanik“, die wiederholt nachgedruckt wurde. | Translate the following sentences from English to German, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | A Saluki skull dating back to at least 3500BC was found at the archaeological site in the Mesopotamian city of Tepe Gawra, now in Northern Iraq.
Situated, a 5 minutes walk from the historic Market Square of Bruges, R & B is the best place to sample succulent, slow cooked ribs in a variety of tasty sauces.
In 1899 he wrote a treatise titled “New Methods of Celestial Mechanics, ” which was repeatedly reprinted. |
Aydan Sener was born on March 1, 1963 in the administrative center of the province Kilis in the southeast of Turkey. When Aydan was five years old, her parents moved to the city of Bursa to the northwest of the Turkish peninsula of Anatoly. | It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences, ensuring that the translation of pertinent words aligns with the given translation. | Айдан Шенер родилась 1 марта 1963 года в административном центре провинции Килис на юго-востоке Турции. Когда Айдан было пять лет, её родители переехали в город Бурсу на северо-запад турецкого полуострова Анатолия. |