The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Xining Municipal Committee that Xining City will implement the "Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Xining City" from October 1, focusing on 15 uncivilized acts such as pedestrians not following the instructions of traffic lights and throwing objects out of buildings, listing the key <v>management</v> lists and setting up corresponding penalties.
The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Xining Municipal Committee that Xining will implement the "Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Xining City" from October 1, focusing on 15 uncivilized behaviors such as pedestrians not following the instructions of traffic lights and throwing objects from buildings. <v>He listed the key management list and set up corresponding penalties.</v>
It would be helpful if you could provide the English translation of the ensuing sentences.
记者从西宁市委宣传部了解到,西宁市将于10月1日起施行《西宁市文明行为促进条例 》 , 重点瞄准行人不按交通信号灯指示通行、从建筑物向外抛掷物品等15种不文明行为,列出重点治理清单,并设置相应处罚。 ### Note: A translation displaying major accuracy/mistranslation errors can be
„Ich bin essentieller Arbeiter, ich bin Lehrerin, und mein Freund hat berufliche Verpflichtungen, weshalb wir nicht für 14 Tage in Quarantäne gehen können wenn wir zurückkehren, sagte Sie.
"Ich bin ein Schlüsselarbeiter - ich bin eine Schülerin - und meine Freundin hat Arbeitgeberin, so dass wir für 14 Tage keine Quarantäne machen, wenn wir zurückkehren", sagte sie.
Translate from English to German.
"I'm a keyworker - I'm a teacher - and my boyfriend has work commitments so we cannot quarantine for 14 days when we return," she said.
Saudi-Arabien werde am Samstag Anträge auf Online-Touristenvisa für Bürger aus 49 Ländern <v>stellen</v> , zitierte Bloomberg News Khateeb.
Saudi-Arabien wird am Samstag Anträge für Online-Touristenvisa an Bürger aus 49 Ländern <v>auftrennen</v>, zitierte Bloomberg News Khateeb.
Change the given sentences from English to German format.
Saudi Arabia will open applications for online tourist visas to citizens of 49 countries on Saturday, Bloomberg News quoted Khateeb as saying. ### Note: A translation featuring major accuracy/mistranslation errors might be
In the last few years, China's scientific publications have grown rapidly, particularly in the computer science and engineering fields.
In the past few years, China's scientific publications have rapidly grown, especially in computer science and engineering.
Translate from Chinese to English.
哈里斯县陪审团发现 , 39 岁的 Ronald Haskell 在 2014 年 7 月杀害了 6 名家庭成员 : 父母 Stephen Lay 和 Katie Lay , 以及儿童布莱恩 , 13 岁 , Emily , 9 岁 , Rebecca , 7 岁和 Zach , 4 岁。
哈里斯县陪审团认定,39岁的罗纳德·哈斯克尔在2014 年 7 月杀害了6 名 Stay 家族成员的罪名:父母 Stephen Stay 和 Katie Stay,以及 13 岁的 Bryan、9 岁的 Emily、7 岁的 Rebecca 和 4 岁的 Zach。
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese?
A Harris County jury found Ronald Haskell, 39, guilty in the July 2014 killings of six members of the Stay family: parents Stephen Stay and Katie Stay, and children Bryan, 13, Emily, 9, Rebecca, 7 and Zach, 4. ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
The three steps for setting goals are: 1) Identify specific, achievable objectives to work towards; 2) Develop a plan to reach those objectives; and 3) Measure progress along the way.
The three steps for setting goals are: 1) Identify the goal; 2) Set a timeline; and 3) Create a plan.
What are the three steps for setting goals?
When translated to Chinese, what message do these sentences carry?
The consultation, launched on the Government's website on Friday, says: "Effective and consistent enforcement across Scotland is fundamental in helping address issues relating to out-of-control dogs. ### Note: A translation containing minor errors may be
Venus ist die Göttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit, und das wiederum ist die Geschichte der Blüten.
Venus ist natürlich der Gott des Liebes und der Fertility, was die Blütegeschichte ist.
Translate from English to German.
Venus, of course, is the god of love and fertility, which is the flower story.
„Er wusste, wie er die Medien manipulieren konnte. Er wusste genau, wie er auf die Titelseiten kommen konnte“, sagte Fiddes, der zehn Jahre lang als Jacksons Bodyguard angestellt war. „Es hat in 90 Prozent der Fälle funktioniert, indem er eine Maske trug oder sich Klebeband an seine Hände klebte – oder auf die Nase, das war sein Favorit. Er hat gesagt, dass er wollte, dass sein Leben das größte Mysterium auf der Welt würde.“
„Er wusste, wie man die Medien manipuliert. Er wusste genau, wie man die Titelseite bekommt“, sagte Fiddes, der zehn Jahre lang Jacksons Leibwächter war. „90 Prozent der Zeit, in der es funktionierte, indem er eine Maske auf sein Gesicht legte oder Klebeband auf seine Hände legte – oder Klebeband auf seiner Nase war ein Favorit. Er würde sagen, er wollte, dass sein Leben das größte Geheimnis der Erde ist.“
Translate from English to German.
"He knew how to manipulate the media. He knew exactly how to get the front page," Fiddes, who was Jackson's bodyguard for 10 years, said. "90 per cent of the time it worked, by putting a mask on his face, or sticky tape on his hands - or tape on his nose was a favourite one. He would say he wanted his life to be the greatest mystery on Earth."
Please share the Chinese version of the given sentences.
Mr Tasi said studies conducted showed no suicide cases and the ministry is confident that the potential of harm can be avoided because the test is voluntary. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
According to a report, former French President Jacques Chirac is to be buried in Paris next week. The former head of State will be buried on Monday in the Montparnasse Cemetery in the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported, citing the Chiracs family. The funeral will take place in the close family circle. A public funeral service was scheduled for Sunday at the Invalides Cathedral in Paris, according to media reports.
According to a report, former French President Jacques Chirac is to be buried in Paris next week. The former head of state will be buried on Monday at Montparnasse cemetery in the south of the French capital, the AFP news agency reported, citing the Chirac family. The funeral will take place in a close family circle. A public funeral service was scheduled for Sunday in the Paris Invalides Cathedral, as media reported.
In terms of English, what do the next sentences imply?
Der ehemalige französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac soll einem Bericht zufolge in der kommenden Woche in Paris beigesetzt werden. Der frühere Staatschef werde am Montag auf dem Friedhof Montparnasse im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt bestattet, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP unter Berufung auf die Familie Chiracs. Die Bestattung werde im engen Familienkreis stattfinden. Für Sonntag war eine öffentliche Trauerfeier im Pariser Invalidendom angesetzt, wie Medien berichteten. ### Note: A translation with major errors could be
He praised Garland and said Clinton's team would not want to "rock the boat" with a new pick.
He praised Garland and said Clinton's team would not cause a rift with a new candidate.
Translate from German to English.
Er lobte Garland und sagte, Clintons Team würde nicht für Unruhe mit einem neuen Kandidaten sorgen.
Could you supply the Chinese translation for the upcoming sentences?
"Directors will welcome the opportunity to set the record straight and demonstrate that their conduct was always in the best interests of Thomas Cook's customers, employees and stakeholders," a person familiar with the company told Reuters. ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
The force's police and crime commissioner Barry Coppinger said: "I am deeply concerned at the worrying contents of this report. ### Note: A translated version with no inaccuracies can be
electric cars are better than their petrol/diesel counterparts because they are more efficient, cost less to maintain, and produce zero emissions, making them a much more environmentally friendly option. They also require much less frequent refueling than petrol/diesel cars and have very low running costs, making them a smart choice for those looking to save money on their motoring costs.
Electric cars are better than petrol/diesel cars because they are more efficient and produce less pollution. Electric cars use less fuel than petrol/diesel cars, which means they produce less pollution. Additionally, electric cars are more reliable and require less maintenance than petrol/diesel cars.
Explain why electric cars are better than their petrol/diesel counterparts.
Song Tao, chief engineer of the shaft work area of the Da Rui Project Department of the China Railway Tunnel Bureau, said, "After the successful excavation of the main <v>well</v> of the No. 1 shaft of the Gaoligong Mountain Tunnel to the end, it will help to promote the construction of the car yard at the bottom of the construction well, open a number of working faces for the later construction of the positive hole and flat guide, and speed up the construction progress of the whole Gaoligong Mountain Tunnel."
Classify the following sentence as polite, direct, or impolite.
Can you help me out with this problem?
Nevertheless, Turkey will ′′ continue our relations with Iran especially on this issue and on many other issues ", said the Turkish president, who repeatedly criticized US sanctions against Iran in the past.
Nevertheless, Turkey will "continue our relations with Iran, in particular on this issue and on many other issues," said the Turkish president, who has repeatedly criticized the US sanctions against Iran in the past.
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
Trotzdem werde die Türkei "besonders in dieser Frage und in vielen anderen Fragen unsere Beziehungen mit dem Iran fortsetzen", sagte der türkische Präsident, der die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran in der Vergangenheit wiederholt kritisiert hatte. ### Note: A rendition having minor errors is possible
In terms of Chinese, what do the next sentences imply?
Dr Kaluwa noted that 99 per cent of zoonotic disease like rabies was transmitted from dogs to humans, adding that One Health approach to controlling and ultimately eliminating human rabies was expedient. ### Note: A translation with minor errors could be
Cats and dogs are both four-legged animals that are known for their companionship. However, cats are generally quieter, more independent, and easier to take care of than dogs. Dogs are typically more active, require more attention and exercise, and are more easily trained. Cats usually have an aloof and independent nature while dogs tend to be more affectionate and loyal. In terms of activity, cats tend to stay indoors while dogs can enjoy activities including walking, running, and playing games. In terms of cost, cats typically require less money for food and supplies, while dogs require a more extensive investment in toys, beds, and other items.
Cats and dogs are both popular pets, but they have a number of differences. Cats are typically more independent and independent-minded than dogs, and they require more attention and care. Cats are also more likely to be more active and require more exercise than dogs. Dogs, on the other hand, are more social and require more interaction with their owners. Cats are also more likely to be more loyal and loyal to their owners, while dogs are more likely to be more independent and independent-minded.
Compare and contrast the difference between cats and dogs.
Viola Davis verrät bei „Jimmy Kimmel“ ein paar Geheimnisse über ihre Michelle Obama-Rolle
Viola Davis fährt einige Wahrheitsbomben über das Spielen von Michelle Obama auf „Jimmy Kimmel“ ab.
Translate from English to German.
Viola Davis Drops Some Truth Bombs About Playing Michelle Obama On 'Jimmy Kimmel'
他的步行路程,搭配他的腰带上衣,白色短裤,及膝靴子和军校学员帽,很快就席卷了互联网。 在他散步的一个视频,看来,他甚至得到了一个微笑出来时尚主编安娜*温图尔,因为他经过她.他的父亲是一个女孩,他的父亲是一个女孩,他的父亲是一个女
他的步行,加上他的腰带顶部,白色短裤,膝盖高的靴子和学员帽子,很快就席卷了互联网。在他的步行中,他甚至从《时尚》杂志主编安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)走过时,他甚至露出了笑容。
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
His walk, paired with his belted top, white shorts, knee-high boots and cadet hat, quickly took the internet by storm. In one video of his walk, it appears he even got a smile out of Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour as he passed by her. ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
aufzuführen. Roger ohne Sets des Rest den würden, versuchen sie dass vor, ursprünglich schlug und Bühne die verließ Band Die
wird. nicht Roger ohne werden, versuchen, zu setzen die um sie dass vor, vorher, nach dem auf die Band Die
Kindly furnish the German translation of the subsequent sentences.
The band left the stage, originally suggesting they would try to work out the rest of the set without Roger. ### Note: The act of reversing the order of words to create a translation.
Give full play to the role of third-party social organizations to ensure the quality and safety of industrial products.
To fully play the role of third-party social organizations, ensure the quality and safety of industrial products.
Translate from Chinese to English.
world. the to challenge, or threat a not opportunity, an is development China’s that states paper white This
world. the to challenge, or threat not opportunity, an is development China’s that out points paper white The
Adapt the mentioned sentences from Chinese to the English language.
白皮书指出,中国的发展对世界是机遇,不是威胁和挑战。 ### Note: The act of rearranging words in the opposite order to create a translation.
Aber die Unterwasserbestattung des Dinosauriers bewahrte seine Rüstung in exquisitem Detail.
Aber der Dinosaurier unter der Meerverwaltung verhängte seine Armor in exquisiten Detail.
Translate from English to German.
But the dinosaur's undersea burial preserved its armor in exquisite detail.
Die Aktienkurse von Tesla stiegen um mehr als 5 %, nachdem Electrek, eine News-Website für Elektrofahrzeuge, meldete, dass CEO Elon Musk zufolge das Unternehmen „die Chance hat“, in diesem Quartal ein neues Rekordvolumen von 100.000 Autos auszuliefern.
Die Aktien von Tesla stiegen um mehr als 5 %, nachdem Electrek, eine Nachrichtenwebsite für Elektrofahrzeuge, berichtete, dass CEO Elon Musk sagte, dass das Unternehmen „eine Chance“ habe, in diesem Quartal 100.000 Autos auszuliefern, was ein neuer Rekord wäre.###
Translate from English to German.
Shares of Tesla jumped more than 5% after Electrek, an electric vehicle news website, reported that CEO Elon Musk said the company "has a shot" at delivering 100,000 cars this quarter, which would be a new record.
Alle fünf wiesen die Anklage am Freitag vor einem Richter in Thessaloniki zurück. Den beiden georgischen Staatsangehörigen wird vorgeworfen, die Rädelsführer zu sein.
Alle fünf bestritten am Freitag vor einem Richter in Thessaloniki die Anklage. Den beiden georgischen Staatsangehörigen wird vorgeworfen, die Anführer zu sein.
What is the intended meaning of the ensuing sentences in German?
All five denied the charges before a Thessaloniki magistrate on Friday. The two Georgian nationals are accused of being the ringleaders. ### Note: A translation showing no mistakes is possible
They were made from an ingredient and a cheap thing that stretches the ingredient out.
They are made with a raw material and a cheap pouring material.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Podcasts are digital audio files that can be accessed online, whereas radio is broadcast over the airwaves. Podcasts are typically structured into episodic series, while radio is generally more of a continuous stream of content. Podcasts usually come with a wider range of topics and can be accessed on-demand, whereas radio programming is limited to a particular region or station.
Podcasts are digital audio files that can be listened to on any device, while radio is a broadcast medium that is typically broadcast over the airwaves. Podcasts are typically longer and more in-depth than radio, and can be more interactive and engaging. Podcasts also tend to be more focused on topics that are relevant to the listener, while radio is more general and can be more easily accessed by anyone.
How are podcasts different from radio?
The Lufthansa Group is changing its strategy for Vienna Airport. In the midst of the price war with low-cost airlines such as Lauda, ​​Wizz Air, EasyJet and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA "takes over the commercial management of all Eurowings flights from Vienna", a press spokesman for Austrian Airlines confirmed to APA on Friday. "AviationNetOnline" had previously reported on this.
The Lufthansa Group is changing its strategy for Vienna Airport. In the midst of the price war with low-cost airlines such as Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet and Level, the Lufthansa subsidiary AUA is taking over "the commercial management of all Eurowings flights from Vienna," a press spokesman for Austrian Airlines confirmed to APA on Friday. Previously, "AviationNetOnline" had reported on this.
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to English?
Der Lufthansa-Konzern krempelt seine Strategie für den Flughafen Wien um. Inmitten des Preiskampfes mit Billigfliegern wie Lauda, Wizz Air, EasyJet und Level übernimmt die Lufthansa-Tochter AUA "die kommerzielle Steuerung aller Eurowings-Flüge ab Wien", bestätigte am Freitag ein Pressesprecher der Austrian Airlines gegenüber der APA. Zuvor hatte "AviationNetOnline" darüber berichtet. ### Note: A translated version with minor inaccuracies can be
这个模型的 Runway Stomp 在巴黎时装周的所有精灵
Transpose the next sentences from the English format to the Chinese format.
This Model's Runway Stomp Has Eclipsed All Else At Paris Fashion Week ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
<v>Hat die Politik den Willen</v> , diese Waffen abzuschaffen?
<v>Wenn es der politische Wille gibt, diese Waffen abzuschaffen</v>?
Render the listed sentences in German from their original English form.
So, is there the political will to abolish these weapons? ### Note: A translation involving minor style/awkward errors may be
100 grams is equal to 0.22046226218487757 pounds.
100 grams is equal to 0.00928 pounds.
Convert 100 grams to pounds.
The updated table is as follows: +-------------------+ | Country | Income | +-------------------+ | France | 60000 | | Spain | 80000 | | Italy | 90000 | +-------------------+
The new dataset has been updated with the new information. The table now has the following entries:\n+-------------------+\n| Country | Income |\n+-------------------+\n| France | 52000 |\n| Spain | 72000 |\n| Italy | 92000 |\n| Portugal | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Italy | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Italy | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100000 |\n| Portugal | 100000 |\n| Greece | 100000 |\n| Spain | 100001 |\n| Spain | 100001 |\n| Spain | 100001 |\n| Greece | 100001 |\n| Spain | 100001 |\n| Spain | 100002 |\n| Spain | 100002 |\n| Spain | 100002 |\n| Greece | 100002 |\n| Spain | 100002 |\n| Spain
Update the information in the table with the new dataset.
+-------------------+ | Country | Income | +-------------------+ | France | 50000 | | Spain | 70000 | +-------------------+ New Dataset: +-------------------+ | Country | Income | +-------------------+ | France | 60000 | | Spain | 80000 | | Italy | 90000 | +-------------------+
Bei einer Unterhaltung mit Journalisten nach ihrem Sieg gegen Alison Riske im Viertelfinale am Dienstag gab sich die 37-jährige Tennisikone hinsichtlich ihrer Strafe gelassen.
Der 37-jährige Tennisstar schien die Geldstrafe abzugeben, während er mit Reportern sprach, nachdem er am Dienstag die Viertelfinale gegen Alison Riske gewonnen hatte.
Can you reveal the German translation of the forthcoming sentences?
The 37-year-old tennis star appeared to shrug off the fine while speaking to reporters after winning the quarterfinal round against Alison Riske on Tuesday. ### Note: the means die. after means nach. against means gegen. day means tag. old means alt. off means ab. final means finale.
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Jo. Jo was an optimistic and happy girl who always had a smile on her face and was always eager to learn something new. One day, she stumbled upon a magical tree that granted her one wish. She wished for the courage to explore the world, and the tree granted her wish. Suddenly, Jo found herself deep in the jungle, a place full of mystery and adventure. She soon discovered that the jungle was filled with incredible creatures and beautiful wonders that she had never seen before. She explored, she learned, and she had the time of her life. She eventually made it back home, with the courage to explore the world and many wonderful memories.
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Alice who lived in a small village. She was always fascinated by the world around her and dreamed of exploring the world. One day, she decided to take a journey to the distant lands of the stars. She set off on a journey filled with adventure and excitement. Along the way, she encountered many strange creatures and encountered many strange people. She eventually arrived at a strange planet, where she was welcomed by a mysterious tribe. The tribe taught her the secrets of the stars and the secrets of the universe. She was amazed and delighted to learn so much about the universe and the stars. She was so excited to explore the world and learn so much about the universe.
Tell me a story that entertains me.
According to the Wilderness Society, Alaska has the most wilderness with over 22 million acres designated as wilderness. Other states with large amounts of wilderness include California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, and Oregon. Texas, Arizona and New Mexico also have large amounts of public lands designated as wilderness.
The states with the most wilderness are Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.
Which states have the most wilderness?
Render the listed sentences in Chinese from their original English form.
Federal authorities declined to pursue civil rights charges Thursday against Sacramento police officers who fatally shot an unarmed black man, a killing that sparked protests and spurred changes to a state law governing when authorities can use deadly force. ### Note: A translation involving minor errors may be
Manche Leute schließen auf der Jagd sogar neue Freundschaften.
Einige Leute machen auch neue Freunde bei der Hunde.
Translate from English to German.
Some people are even making new friends on the hunt.
Gaochun fully exploits the local advantages through the connection to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and uses the development zone and its position as an international "slow city" as figureheads to locate intelligent high-end production plants, companies for biomedical and medical technology, for energy storage and environmental protection, from the cultural and healthcare industries as well as enterprises for organic agriculture, which are leaders in the "3 + 2" area. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the establishment of a national tourism zone covering all areas and tourist resorts of national importance. Here, the ecological and cultural resources of the Gaochun landscape have been integrated, the condition of the buildings for civic services and for the public service
Gaochun takes full advantage of the local benefits through the connection to southern Jiangsu and southern Anhui and uses the development zone and its position as an international "Slow City" as a flagship to attract intelligent high-end production companies, companies for biomedical and medical technology, for energy storage and environmental protection, from the cultural and health sector as well as companies for ecological agriculture, which are leaders in the "3 + 2" sector. At the same time, Gaochun has promoted the development of a national tourism zone and tourist resorts of national importance. Here, the ecological and cultural resources of the Gaochun landscape have been integrated, the state of the buildings for civil services and for the public service has been comprehensively improved,
How should the following sentences be comprehended in English?
Gaochun schöpft die vor Ort gegebene Vorteile durch die Anbindung an das südliche Jiangsu und das südliche Anhui voll aus und nutzt die Entwicklungszone und seine Stellung als internationale "Slow City" als Aushängeschilder, um intelligente High-End-Produktionsbetriebe, Unternehmen für Biomedizin- und Medizintechnik, für Energiespeicherung und Umweltschutz, aus der Kultur- und Gesundheitsbranche sowie Betriebe für ökologische Landwirtschaft, die im "3+2"-Bereich führend sind, hier anzusiedeln. Gleichzeitig hat Gaochun den Aufbau einer nationalen, sämtliche Gebiete umfassenden Tourismuszone und von Fremdenverkehrsorten von nationaler Bedeutung gefördert. Hierbei wurden die ökologischen und kulturellen Ressourcen der Landschaft von Gaochun eingebunden, der Zustand der Gebäude für Bürgerdienste und für den öffentlichen Dienst umfassend verbessert, die Bereiche "Tourismus +" und "+ Tourismus" energisch weiterentwickelt und die Entwicklung des Kulturtourismus auf hohem Qualitätsniveau vorangebracht. Es lohnt sich, sich auf die Zukunft von Gaochun zu freuen. ### Note: A translation involving major errors might be
In addition, the SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are produced in Wolfsburg. However, sales of Golf and Tiguan have recently declined. Therefore, expectations now rest on the Golf 8. despite all efforts to develop e-mobility, it is to remain the bread-and-Butter car of the Wolfsburg family for the time being.
In addition, the SUV Tiguan and Tarraco (Seat) are produced in Wolfsburg. However, the sales figures of the Golf and Tiguan have recently declined. Therefore, expectations now rest on the Golf 8. Despite all efforts to build e-mobility, it is to remain the bread-and-butter car of the Wolfsburg.
In English, what do the given sentences convey?
Außerdem werden in Wolfsburg die SUV Tiguan und Tarraco (Seat) produziert. Allerdings entwickelten sich die Verkaufszahlen von Golf und Tiguan zuletzt rückläufig. Daher ruhen die Erwartungen nun auf dem Golf 8. Er soll trotz aller Anstrengungen zum Aufbau der E-Mobilität vorerst das Brot-und-Butter-Auto der Wolfsburger bleiben. ### Note: A translation displaying major errors can be
"The tears flowed"
Please provide the English translation for the following sentences.
"Die Tränen flossen" ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
"What happens at sea often takes place to the exclusion of the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and the littering of the oceans. During the expedition, among other things, Greenland glacier ice was measured with a drone and fished for microplastics with nets, they said.
"What happens in the sea often takes place in the exclusion of the public," said Fuchs. He and his team wanted to inform people about the effects of global warming and the pollution of the seas. During the expedition, among other things, Greenland glacier ice was measured with a drone and fished for microplastics with nets, it was said.
In the context of English, what do the upcoming sentences signify?
"Was auf dem Meer passiert, findet oft unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt", sagte Fuchs. Er und sein Team wollten die Menschen über die Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung und die Vermüllung der Meere informieren. Bei der Expedition sei unter anderem mit einer Drohne grönländisches Gletschereis vermessen und mit Netzen nach Mikroplastik gefischt worden, hieß es. ### Note: A translation involving major errors may be
Translate from English to Chinese.
Thunberg was taking part in a protest in Canada on Friday where U.N. aviation leaders were gathering in Montreal to discuss plane emissions targets.
singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) prepare for their wedding festival. The Model posed several party photos on Thursday (place time) in their day-to-day Stories, where they can be seen in the white wedding look. Reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others had organized a young company in Los Angeles according to the People magazine.
Singer Justin Bieber (25) and his wife Hailey (22) are preparing for their wedding party. The model posted several party photos on her Instagram Stories on Thursday (local time), in which she can be seen in the white wedding look. Reality star Kendall Jenner (23) and others had organized a bachelor party in Los Angeles, according to People magazine.
Transform the upcoming sentences from German language to English language.
Sänger Justin Bieber (25) und seine Frau Hailey (22) bereiten sich auf ihr Hochzeitsfest vor. Das Model postete am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in ihren Instagram Stories mehrere Partyfotos, auf denen sie im weißen Hochzeitslook zu sehen ist. Reality-Star Kendall Jenner (23) und andere hatten dem People-Magazin zufolge einen Junggesellinnenabschied in Los Angeles organisiert. ### Note: A translation exhibiting major mistakes could be
"That was a slap in the face for agitators in the CDU/CSU," said Gabriel on Friday to the newspapers of the Funke media group.
"That was a disgrace for the sharpshooters in the CDU/CSU," Gabriel told the media groups of the Funke Group (Friday).
Translate from German to English.
"Das war eine Ohrfeige für die Scharfmacher in der CDU/CSU", sagte Gabriel den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe (Freitag).
Die Stays und vier ihrer Kinder wurden tödlich in den Hinterkopf geschossen, und ein fünftes Kind, das damals 15 war, überlebte. Dieser Teenager, Cassidy, wurde von einer Kugel am Kopf gestreift und <v>tot gespielt.</v>
Die Stays und vier ihrer Kinder wurden tödlich in den Hinterkopf geschossen, und ein fünftes Kind, das damals 15 Jahre alt war, überlebte. Dieser Teenager, Cassidy, wurde von einer Kugel in den Kopf <v>gezündet</v> und tot gespielt.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences.
The Stays and four of their children were fatally shot in the back of their heads, and a fifth child, who was 15 at the time, survived. That teen, Cassidy, was grazed in the head by a bullet and played dead. ### Note: A translation showing minor fluency/grammar mistakes is possible
Walter wird beschuldigt, die Quelle der Pillen zu sein, die ein anderer Mann, Cameron Pettit, an Miller verkauft hat.
Walter wird beschuldigt, die Quelle der Pillen zu die sein, ein Mann, Cameron an Cameron Miller verkauft hat.
When translated to German, what message do these sentences carry?
Walter is accused of being the source of the pills that another man, Cameron Pettit, sold to Miller. ### Note: A translation containing no errors may be
Wang Yi said that China and African countries are good brothers and good partners.
Wang Yi said that China and African countries are good brothers and partners.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
王毅表示,中国同非洲国家是好兄弟、好伙伴。 ### Note: A translation containing no mistakes might be
Und das ist kein übliches Floß, mit Isar-Touristen.
Eine nicht normaler Flutgesellschaft, mit Isar-Touristen.
Translate from English to German.
An no normal raft that is, with Isar tourists.
A practical solution to the water crisis could include targeting water wastage and encouraging water conservation measures through public awareness campaigns. Governments could also launch initiatives to clean and purify polluted water sources, while also investing in innovative technologies to improve water management, such as desalination plants and rainwater storage systems. Additionally, water pricing policies can be implemented to incentivize efficient use, and taxation systems can be used to mitigate overuse of water resources. Finally, investments should be made in water infrastructure, such as pipes and canals, to ensure that water is accessible for all.
One practical solution to the water crisis is to invest in water conservation measures such as installing water-efficient appliances, using rainwater harvesting systems, and investing in water-efficient infrastructure such as water pipes and water-efficient roofs.
Suggest a practical solution to the water crisis.
Shakira comes from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York, her parents come from Puerto Rico.
Shakira is from Colombia. Jennifer Lopez was born in New York, her parents are from Puerto Rico.
What is the significance of the mentioned sentences in English?
Shakira stammt aus Kolumbien. Jennifer Lopez wurde in New York geboren, ihre Eltern kommen aus Puerto Rico. ### Note: A translation featuring no errors might be
Fast runs the cat.
The cat runs slow.
Reverse the following statement. Output the reversed statement.
The cat runs fast.
巴西石油机构ANP Decio Oddone的负责人表示,该机构认为石油可能是由一艘从巴西海岸运送原油的油轮泄漏的,但他补充说,这种可能性尚未得到证实,ANP的一份声明称,该国没有任何石油钻井平台运营商泄漏的报告。
巴西石油机构ANP Decio Oddone的负责人说,该机构认为,石油可能是由一艘远离巴西海岸的油轮泄漏的,但补充说,这种可能性尚未得到证实。 ANP的声明说,该国没有报告任何石油钻井平台运营商泄漏的情况。
Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences.
The head of Brazil's oil agency ANP Decio Oddone said the agency believes the oil could have been spilled by a tanker transporting the crude far from the Brazilian coast, but added this possibility has not yet been confirmed yet. An ANP statement said there were no reports of spills by any operator of oil drilling rigs in the country. ### Note: A translation showing major mistakes is possible
Apple, Orange, and Lemon are all fruits.
Fruit: Apple, Orange, Lemon
Categorize the given items into the provided group.
Apple, Orange, Lemon Group: Fruits
It all just came."
Everything has come."
Translate from German to English.
Es ist alles gekommen."
threatened. as worldwide species animal and plant 28,000 than more lists it all, In (extinct). EX and wild); the in (extinct EW endangered); (critically CR (endangered); EN (vulnerable); VU threatened); (near NT categories: six into species threatened divides IUCN The
species. threatened 28,000 than more lists it globally, in species plants and animals 28,000 than more globally, in species plants and animals threatened six into categories six into divided IUCN The
How would you express the meaning of the following sentences in English?
Die IUCN teilt gefährdete Arten in sechs Kategorien ein: von "potenziell gefährdet" über "gefährdet", "stark gefährdet", "vom Aussterben bedroht" und "in der Natur ausgestorben" bis "ausgestorben". Insgesamt listet sie weltweit mehr als 28.000 Tier- und Pflanzenarten als gefährdet. ### Note: A translation produced in reverse sequence.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese.
On Thursday, attorneys for the state introduced a study from Utah on the effects of a 72-hour waiting period there. It found that 8% of participating women who attended an initial counselling visit later said they were no longer seeking an abortion. ### Note: A translation containing minor mistakes might be
Due to contact with one infected staff member, Andanar and 49 PCOO staff members were tested for COVID-19 on 24th.
On the 24th, after contact with an infected PCOO employee, Anand tested 49 PCOO employees for COVID-19.
Translate from Chinese to English.
„Inshallah (so Gott will), wird er von einem hohen Gericht freigesprochen“, sagte er.
„Inshallah (so Gott will), wird er von einem hohen Gericht freigesprochen werden“, sagte er.
In German, what do the given sentences convey?
Inshallah (God willing), he will be acquitted by a high court,"" he said. ### Note: will means wird. high means hohen. said means sagt. acquitted means freigesprochen.
Renting a house was a wise decision to make.
The decision to rent a house was a wise one.
Rewrite the sentence to provide more clarity and flow.
Making the decision to rent a house was a wise choice
Ctrip's National Day Travel Report predicts that with reference to the National Day tourism statistics of previous years, the number of domestic tourists during this year's National Day <v>holiday</v> is expected to be close to 800 million; in addition, there will be more than 7.5 million outbound tourists.
Ctrip's National Day tourism report predicts that, according to the <v>national day tourism</v> statistics of previous years, it is expected that the number of domestic tourists during this year's National Day holiday will be close to 800 million; in addition, there will be more than 7.5 million outbound tourists.
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from Chinese to English.
携程国庆旅游报告预测,参照往年国庆旅游统计数据,预计今年国庆假期国内旅游人次将接近8亿;另外还将有超过750万人次出境旅游。 ### Note: A translation containing minor fluency/grammar mistakes might be
The strongest argument from this paragraph is that we need to take swift and radical action to reduce emissions, invest in sustainable and renewable sources of energy, and explore more options to reduce further and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
The strongest argument from this paragraph is that global climate change is a serious issue that needs to be addressed now more than ever.
Identify the strongest argument from this paragraph.
The issue of global climate change needs to be addressed now more than ever. Its impacts are being seen all around the world, from rising sea levels to extreme weather patterns. It threatens the future of our planet and all life living on it, as well as whole human societies and economies. We need to take swift and radical action to reduce emissions, invest in sustainable and renewable sources of energy, and explore more options to reduce further and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
The rise in cybercrimes is a major global concern, as it poses a grave threat to personal privacy, financial security, and national security.
The rise of cybercrimes has become a major concern for governments and businesses alike, as it poses a growing threat to the security of individuals and organizations.
Construct a thesis statement for an essay about a rise in cybercrimes.
Next, please watch the details.
Next, please watch the detailed content.
Translate from Chinese to English.
The Renaissance was a period in European history from the 14th to the 17th centuries that marked a cultural rebirth after the Middle Ages. It was characterized by advances in science, technology and art, with a renewed focus on classical scholarship and humanistic values. It was a period of exploration and discovery, with individuals contributing to the development of modern science, philosophy, and literature. It saw new social structures emerge, with a class system based on wealth and success. As an outcome of this progress, the period also witnessed an increased economic fortunes and regional power.
The Renaissance in Europe was a period of cultural and political change that began in the late 15th century and lasted until the late 17th century. It was marked by a shift from the Middle Ages to a new era of enlightenment, which saw the rise of new ideas, new forms of art, and new ways of thinking. It was also a time of great social and economic upheaval, with the rise of new social classes, the spread of new technologies, and the rise of new forms of government.
Talk about the Renaissance in Europe.
Einer wurde zu bestimmten Zeiten aus dem Universitätsgelände <v>verbannt</v> , der andere durfte nicht an organisierten gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen. Allen drei Studenten wurde die Teilnahme an ihren Abschlussfeiern untersagt.
Einer wurde zu bestimmten Zeiten aus den <v>Universitätsgebäuden</v> verbannt und der anderer wurde dabei abzulegen, an organisierten gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen. Alle drei Studenten wurden dabei abzulegen, an ihre Abschlussfeiern teilzunehmen.
Please make available the German translation for the listed sentences.
One was banned from University premises at certain times and the other was banned from attending organised social events. All three students were banned from attending their graduation ceremonies. ### Note: A translation showing minor terminology/inappropriate for context mistakes is possible
The fire department looked for other possible passengers with thermal imaging cameras.
With heat images, the fire brigade searched for possible witnesses.
Translate from German to English.
Mit Wärmebildkameras suchte die Feuerwehr mögliche Mitfahrer.
At the same time, the Regulations highlight the <v>fight against sexual harassment</v> and the protection of female minors.
At the same time, the "Regulations" highlight the <v>anti-sexual harassment</v> and protection of female minors.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
同时 , 《 条例》突出了反性骚扰和对女性未成年人的保护。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting major terminology/inappropriate for context mistakes could be
I believe the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare is an incredibly powerful and useful tool. Through AI, medical providers can identify patterns and make decisions quickly and accurately. AI can also assist in providing faster and more personalized treatments, as well as helping to reduce medical costs. Furthermore, AI technologies can be used to collect and analyze data in order to make more informed assessments and decisions about treatments, which can lead to more effective patient care.
I believe that artificial intelligence is an important tool in healthcare. AI can be used to automate mundane tasks, provide personalized care, and detect medical errors. AI can also be used to improve patient outcomes by providing more accurate diagnoses and treatments. Additionally, AI can be used to improve patient safety by detecting and preventing potential risks.
Give me your opinion on the following topic.
The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
During the construction of the project, the project department created more than 130 national patent achievements.
During the construction of the project, the project department has created more than 130 national patent achievements.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
在该项目施工过程中,项目部共创造了130余项国家专利成果。 ### Note: A translation containing no errors may be
John stepped out of the airport and paused, blinking in the glaring midday sun. He was in a new city, one he'd never visited before, and he could feel a deep sense of apprehension come over him. He looked around, taking in the unfamiliar streets and buildings, and realized with a jolt of surprise that he didn't know where he was going. He slowly started walking, trying to make sense of his surroundings. As he made his way through the city, he noticed a few people here and there, but for the most part, it was oddly quiet and empty. He walked for what felt like hours, until he finally came across a small cafe. It was the only place still open, and he decided to take a seat and rest. John ordered a cup of coffee and sat back in his chair, relieved to finally have some respite. As he sipped his drink, he noticed a map of the city pinned up on the wall across from him. His curiosity piqued, he slowly started to study the map, trying to memorize the main roads to get a better grasp of the layout of the city. He eventually finished his coffee and headed back out, the map committing most of the city to memory. He looked around, admiring the buildings and landmarks, determined to make the best of his stay in this strange new city. He eventually found himself in an unexpectedly cozy neighborhood and without realizing it, he started to explore. He stumbled across a beautiful park, and soon felt as if he'd been transported to another world. From that moment on, he was hooked. As the days passed, he got to know more and more about the city, and eventually made some friends. He soon found himself completely devoted to his new adopted home, and his heart was overcome with a newfound love. He felt a deep connection with the city he now called his own, and life in the unfamiliar city soon felt like a true home. John spent the next few years happily exploring the streets and alleys of this wonderful place. He found joy in the little things, like the sun setting over the city's skyline, and the bustling of people on the busy sidewalks. He often marveled at the beauty of his adopted home, and with each passing day he felt more and more at peace. John eventually moved away, but he never forgot the feeling of being in love with his unfamiliar city. He kept the memories alive in his heart, and the city always held a special place in his life; he knew he'd never forget the feeling of being in love with an unfamiliar city.
John was walking through the streets of the city when he noticed a strange figure standing in the middle of the street. He was startled and ran away, but the figure was still there. He was walking slowly, but he was feeling a strange sense of dread. He had never seen anything like this before, and he was sure he had seen something sinister. He was determined to find out what it was, and he was determined to find out who was behind it. He was determined to find out who was behind it. He was determined to make it out of this city alive.
Generate a 500-word story about a man who finds himself in an unfamiliar city.
Translate from English to Chinese.
The first stop when they arrived in Ferguson was on South Florissant Road, a site across from the police department that became a campground of sorts as the activists awaited word of Officer Darren Wilson's eventual non-indictment.
Please provide the Chinese translation for the following sentences.
Leader of Colombia's Los Pelusos crime gang killed, president says ### Note: A rendition having no errors is possible
包括Sun 的团伙走私新精神活性物质到美国,并解决了一系列重大毒品走私案件,包括走私新精神活性物质到美国。
Translate from English to Chinese.
A string of major drug trafficking cases have been solved, including the smuggling of new psychoactive substances to the United States by Sun's gang, and the
正如汤伯格告诉联合国峰会′′我们正处于大规模灭绝的开始, 你能谈论的是永恒的经济增长的金钱和童话,"卡利斯-铃木告诉领导人,"失去我的未来并不像失去一个选举或股票市场上的几点."
正如 Thunberg 在联合国峰会上说的那样 , “我们正处于大规模灭绝的开始 , 你所谈论的只是永恒经济增长的金钱和童话故事 ” , Cullis-Suzuki告诉领导人 , “失去我的未来 , 不像在选举中失去一个点或股市上失去几个点 ” 。
What is the meaning of these sentences when translated to Chinese?
Just as Thunberg told the UN summit "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money and fairytales of eternal economic growth," Cullis-Suzuki told leaders that "losing my future is not like losing an election or a few points on the stock market." ### Note: A translated version with major inaccuracies can be
Und dann ein Bauingenieurstudium, sagen wir mal, erfolgreich abgebrochen.
Und dann habe ich eine erfolgreiche Abschlussierung einer Bürgerentwicklungstechnologie abgelehnt.###
Translate from English to German.
And then I successfully abandoned, shall we say, a civil engineering course of studies.
Sum: 15, Product: 120
The sum of the data is 15 and the product of the data is 5.
Given the following data [1,2,3,4,5], output the sum and product of the data.
„Es tut sehr weh“, erklärte Cynthia Allen, die Großmutter von Amari. „Ich will, dass sie von der Schule fliegen. Ich möchte, dass etwas unternommen wird.“
„Es ist sehr schmerzhaft“, sagte Cynthia Allen, Amaris Großmutter. „Ich will, dass sie von der Schule entlassen werden. Ich will, dass etwas getan wird.“
What do the following sentences mean in German?
It's very painful,"" said Cynthia Allen, Amari's grandmother. ""I want to see them dismissed from the school. I want to see something done."" ### Note: the means das. from means von. very means sehr. something means etwas. want means will. mother means mutter.
new_list = [] for num in [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5]: if num not in new_list: new_list.append(num) print(new_list) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def remove_duplicates(list):\n duplicates = []\n for element in list:\n if element in duplicates:\n duplicates.remove(element)\n else:\n duplicates.append(element)\n return duplicates
Write a code to remove duplicate elements from a list.
[1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5]
The use of mirrors plays a part in adding theatre, space and light.
The use of mirrors is very important for increasing atmosphere, space and light.
Translate from Chinese to English.
"""Der deutsche Bundeskanzler, der Premierminister von England (Großbritannien) und der Präsident von Frankreich waren in New York und alle bestanden darauf, dass dieses Treffen stattfindet. Und Amerika sagt, dass es die Sanktionen aufheben wird"", sagte Rouhani auf seiner offiziellen Website <v> nach Reuters.</v> ""Es stand zur Debatte, welche Sanktionen aufgehoben werden, und sie (die Vereinigten Staaten) hatten klar gesagt, dass wir alle Sanktionen aufheben werden."""
„Der deutsche Kanzler, der Premierminister von England (Großbritannien) und der Präsident von Frankreich waren in New York und alle bestanden darauf, dass dieses Treffen stattfinden. Und Amerika sagt, dass es die Sanktionen aufheben wird“, sagte Rouhani laut Reuters auf seiner offiziellen Website. „Es stand zur Debatte, welche Sanktionen aufgehoben werden, und sie (die Vereinigten Staaten) hatten klar gesagt, dass wir alle Sanktionen aufheben werden.“
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German?
""The German chancellor, the prime minister of England (Britain) and the president of France were in New York and all insisted that this meeting take place. And America says that it will lift the sanctions,"" Rouhani said on his official website, according to Reuters. ""It was up for debate what sanctions will be lifted and they (the United States) had said clearly that we will lift all sanctions."" ### Note: A translation involving minor style/awkward errors might be
Globalization has had a major positive impact on the economic growth of developing countries. By opening up markets and increasing the flow of capital, labor, goods and services, it has helped to reduce poverty and create new job opportunities. It has also enabled developing countries to integrate with the global economy, allowing them to access advanced technologies and attract foreign investment. The economic growth of developing countries has been further boosted by global trade rules and agreements, which have opened up markets, reduced tariffs, and made it easier for businesses to access new markets. In addition, foreign aid has helped to reduce poverty and boost economic growth. In conclusion, globalization has had a significant impact on the economic growth of developing countries, through increases in trade, foreign investment and access to advanced technologies.
Globalization has had a significant impact on the economic growth of developing countries. It has enabled countries to access more resources, technologies, and markets, as well as to access more foreign capital. This has led to increased economic growth, increased investment, and increased employment opportunities. Additionally, globalization has enabled countries to develop new industries and technologies, which has led to increased productivity and increased economic growth.
Describe the effect of globalization on the economic growth of developing countries.
Please make available the Chinese translation for the listed sentences.
Trump quickly denied that he had offered Iran any relief, tweeting that Tehran had asked him to lift sanctions as a prerequisite to talks, but that he had "of course" refused. ### Note: A translation showing no mistakes is possible
On the 2nd, Lamela, the Chief Justice of the Spanish National Court, announced the decision to temporarily imprison nine independent high-ranking officials of the Catalonia Autonomous Region for inciting rebellion, treason, and misappropriation of public funds.
The Supreme Court of Spain's Justice Ramos announced on the second day of the month that nine former independent ministers of Catalonia's autonomous region were temporarily detained on charges of inciting rebellion, treason and misappropriation of public funds.
Translate from Chinese to English.
Algorithm SearchList (list, target_number): Set index = 0 Set found = False While index < length of list and found = False: If list at index = target_number Set found = True Else Increment index If found = True Print "Number was found at index " + index Else Print "Number was not found"
1. Create a list of numbers to search through.\n2. Create a function to search through the list of numbers.\n3. Set a flag to indicate if the value is found.\n4. Return the value if the flag is set.\n5. If the flag is not set, return -1.
Write an algorithm with pseudocode for searching through a list of numbers for a particular value.
那么 , 对于 Thunberg 来说 , 未来的发展是什么呢 ? 那要看你如何看待库利斯 - 铃木的例子了。一方面 , 她最可怕的恐惧都没有过去。另一方面 , 世界各国政府仍然存在着与之抗衡的生态问题 , 并且仍然被孩子们所说教。
Modify the forthcoming sentences, converting them from English to Chinese.
So what does the future have in store for Thunberg? Well that depends how you look at Cullis-Suzuki's example. On one hand, none of her worst fears came to pass. On the other, world governments still have ecological problems to contend with, and are still being lectured by children about them. ### Note: A translation containing major mistakes might be
Stoltenberg said in a speech at the US Military Academy at West Point: "For 70 years, NATO's containment and defense measures have been based on maintaining technological advantages."
Stoltenberg said in a speech at the United States Military Academy at West Point: "Over the past 70 years, the containment and defense measures taken by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have been based on maintaining technological advantages."
Could you supply the English translation for the upcoming sentences?
斯托尔滕贝格在美国西点军校发表演讲时说 : “ 70年来,北约采取的遏制和防御措施都基于维护技术优势 。 ” ### Note: 和 means and. 年 means year. 基于 means based. 防御 means defense. 演讲 means speech. 优势 means advantages. 措施 means measures. 遏制 means containment.
This amount is significantly higher than a person's estimated annual intake of microplastics.
This number is significantly higher than the estimated amount of microplastics a person consumes throughout the year.
What do the following sentences mean in English?
这个数量显著高于一个人全年估计摄取的微塑料数量。 ### Note: 高 means high. 估计 means estimate. 塑料 means plastics. 微 means micro.
In 1991, Shouguang entered the ranks of the top 100 counties in the country, and Wang Boxiang was transferred to serve as vice mayor of Weifang.
In 1991, Shouguang entered the ranks of the top 100 counties in the country, and Wang Boxiang was transferred to the vice mayor of Weifang City.
Translate from Chinese to English.
It is expected that by 2020, Vietnam's macroeconomic situation will remain basically stable, the implementation of various FTAs will promote trade development, economic restructuring and improvement of the business environment will be further strengthened, and Vietnam's foreign export activities will show a declining trend due to the impact of trade frictions.
It is expected that by 2020, Vietnam's macro-economy will continue to remain basically stable. The implementation of various free trade agreements will promote trade development. Economic restructuring and improvement of business environment will be further strengthened. Due to the impact of trade frictions, Vietnam's foreign export activities will show a downward trend.
Transpose the next sentences from the Chinese format to the English format.
预计到2020年,越南宏观经济继续保持基本平稳,各项自贸协定的落实将助推贸易发展,经济结构调整、营商环境改善工作得到进一步加强,因受贸易摩擦的影响,越南对外出口活动将呈现下降态势。 ### Note: 将 means will. 进一步 means further. 发展 means development. 贸易 means trade. 经济 means economic. 活动 means activities. 基本 means basic. 环境 means environment. 影响 means impact. 改善 means improvement. 预计 means expected. 环 means ring. 出口 means export. 南 means nam. 加强 means strengthen. 摩擦 means frictions. 宏观 means macro.
All kinds of poems about the moon are surging in my mind, but I only <v>like</v> this sentence clearly: every three or five reunions / full of light protection jade hurdles / round in the sky only to hold out / the world's ten thousand surnames look up.
There are all kinds of poems about the moon in my mind, but I only like this sentence clearly: <v>Every</v> three or five, the whole family reunites / the whole family reunites / the whole family reunites / the whole world looks up.
Please share the English version of the given sentences.
脑子里汹涌着关于明月的各种诗词,偏偏只清晰地喜欢这句:每逢三五便团圆/满把清光护玉栏/天上一轮才捧出/人间万姓仰头看。 ### Note: A translation featuring minor fluency/grammar errors might be
Even in China, Mordillo found many fans.
In China, Mordillo found many fans.
Translate from German to English.
Selbst in China fand Mordillo viele Fans.
西服的创作者亚伦·科什(Aaron Korsh)表示,他“从未要求”英国苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)在该剧最后一集中客串蕾切尔·赞恩(Rachel Zane)的角色。
西装创造者Aaron Korsh说,他“从未要求”英国苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根·马克尔(英语:Meghan Markle)在节目最后一集客串雷切尔·赞恩(英语:Rachel Zane)的戏份。
How can the subsequent sentences be interpreted in Chinese?
The creator of Suits, Aaron Korsh, has said he "never asked" Britain's Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, to reprise her role as Rachel Zane for a cameo in the show's last-ever episode. ### Note: A rendition having major errors is possible
„„Nur eine konservative Regierung wird sich für diejenigen einsetzen, die bei dem, was einmal in einer Generation geschehen sollte, mit“ Nein <v>„</v> gestimmt haben.“
"""Nur eine konservative Regierung wird sich für diejenigen einsetzen, die bei einem Ereignis, das einmal in einer Generation stattfinden sollte, mit ""Nein <v>""</v> gestimmt haben."""
How should the following sentences be comprehended in German?
""Only a Conservative government will stand up for those who voted ""No"" in what was meant to be a once in a generation event."" ### Note: A translation involving minor fluency/punctuation errors might be
Translate from English to Chinese.
No two leaves are alike, nor can one find two completely identical shopping malls. A famous shopping mall must have its own characteristics.
Six men suspected of counterfeiting and selling our passports, birth certificates and identity cards, including an assistant director of the National Registration Bureau and a Dato' class businessman, were present in the case on Thursday. The court judge approved the <v>anti-human trafficking</v> and anti-trafficking Allegations of trafficking in migrants were transferred to the High Court for trial.
Six men suspected of forging and selling Chinese passports, birth certificates and identity cards, including an assistant director of the National Registration Bureau and a Dato-class businessman, went to court on Thursday, and the district court judge approved the <v>anti-trafficking</v> and anti-trafficking in migrants charges, and the case was transferred to the High Court for trial.
Kindly submit the English interpretation for the next sentences.
涉嫌伪造及售卖我国护照、报生纸及身分证的6名男子,包括1名国名登记局助理主任,以及1名拿督级商人,周四案件过堂,地庭法官批准有关反贩卖人口和反贩运移民的指控,移交至高庭审理。 ### Note: A translation containing major accuracy/omission errors may be
The office of the TCL Group Board of Directors told <v>the</v> "Securities Daily" reporter that the repurchase of shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans, equity incentives or for the conversion of convertible corporate bonds issued by listed companies.
The office of the board of directors of TCL Group told the reporter of Securities Daily that the repurchase of shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans, equity incentives or <v>for</v> the conversion of corporate bonds issued by listed companies that can be converted into shares.
Can you deliver the English translation for the mentioned sentences?
TCL集团董事会办公室对《证券日报》记者表示,回购股份将用于员工持股计划、股权激励或用于转换上市公司发行的可转换为股票的公司债券。 ### Note: A translation exhibiting minor fluency/grammar mistakes could be
It thereby grows out ever further into the sea and regularly breaks off.
It is then going on forever into the sea and breaks regularly.
Translate from German to English.
Es wächst somit immer weiter ins Meer und bricht regelmäßig ab.
It is approximately 433 miles from Arizona to California.
It is approximately 1,800 miles from Arizona to California.
How far is it from Arizona to California?