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2 classes
Sentence 1:1 was trying to open the lock with the key, but someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum, and! couldn't get it in. Sentence 2: couldn't get the chewing gum in.
Senterice 1: Paul tried to’ call George on the phone, but he wasn't available. Sentence 2: Paul wasn't available
Sentence Ir couldn’ ied using a: pen to at ‘turned out to esse it got full of eotfec. tance 2 The. coffee got full of &
Senteeet oe fae etn in nit stipe each, Tshallliave to ail dein, Sentence 2: {alive oie fare.
Sentence 1: In the storm, the tree fell down and crashed through the roof of my house. Now, | have to get it repaired. Sentence 2: Now | have to get The tree repaired.
Seatenee. i: Thi “ity councilmen’ ‘relused ihe. -demolstiatirs, a perihit Because, they advocated ‘violence. “Sentetice 2: The city.councilimen advocated violence.
‘ ddan. Jaatur:all’“aboiie inh profileins hogatesn She 38 indiscrnnt. Susans indistrent: ron
Ei sailied, out for ‘a bit af food, mare: 1p pass the time thant because { wanted it Bit sallied out fara bit of foad,- more (a pass the time than because wanted food!
Sentence 1: When the sponsors ofthe bill got to the town hall, they vere surprised tofind that the room was fl of opponents. They were very much in the minority. nce 2: The opponents were very much in the minority
Sentence: 1: The firemen arfived before thé police because they were coming from so far away. Sentence : The police were coming from so far away.
‘Sentence t Mary took out her flute ond played one of her favorite pieces. She hos loved it since she wos @ child. Sentence 2 She hos loved the flute since she was a child.
Sentence I: John promised Bill to leave, so an hour later he left. Sentence 2: John left.
Sentenos J: Sid) explained’ hie theory ton Made but he coulda: ondaratood biti! 6.1) Sentence 2: Sid: covldi't vnddératéind shim or
entence 1: Frank was upset with Tom because ¢ toaster he had bought from him didn't work. ‘entence 2: The toaster Tom had bought from him lidn't work.
Sentence1: The. fish. ate ‘the worm. It. was tasty. ~ ‘Sentence 2: The fish was tasty.
Sentence 1: Alice looked for her friend'Jade in the. crow. Sinice she abiays has. good: fick Alice’ spotted her quickly Senteriée 2: Since Alice always has goat luck. Alice spotted. her quickly
Sentence 1: The table was pied high with food, and on the floor beside it there were crocks, baskets, and a five- art pail of milk 2: Beside the floor there were crocks, baskets, a five-quart pail of milk
Sentence % Fred is the only man alive who still remambers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve months old. Sentence 2: When Fred first saw my father, My father was twelve months old.
Sentence: |-ttied t0' paint'a picture-of an. orchard with femoris. in: thé ‘lemon ‘trees, ‘but they ‘Camper Gut. looking imore like light bulbs, af ‘Sentence.2:.;he temons carpe out-Idoking mre like; ligh3| bulbs
sentence 1: The table won't fit through the doorway auseit is too wide. sentence 2: The doorway is too wide.
I: The -Wainwrights treated Mr- Crowley like a prince untit he-made his will their favor; then they ‘treated bim like dict e-cpsrt covg ae a at ting nagging. ce 2:Folks said he died just to be ride a the Wainwrights’ everlasting nagging.
Sentence 1: Bob was playing cards with Adam and was way ahead. If Adam hadn't had a sudden run of good luck, he would have won. Sentence 2: Bob would have won.
Sentence 1: The signs over the shops' doors had pictures that indicated what work was done inside. Although more and more people were learning how to read, each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because he happened to be illiterate. Sentence 2: Each artisan still had signs, not wishing to lose a possible patron merely because the artisan happened to be iterate.
Sentence 1: Lionel «is holding captive a scientist, Dr. Vardi, who. has invented: a device that tums animals invisible; Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send him to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Sentence 2: Lionel plans to’ use it on Geoffrey and send Geoffrey to steal nuclear material from an army vault.
Sentence It Alice was dusting the living hidden. 5 1d pictures in her favorite phi y she had to hunt for a b put the album om a chair without even opening it. Sentence 22 No time today to look old pictures in Mamas favorite photo album.
‘Sentence 1: Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep it dry. Sentence 2:1 carried the‘newspaper over my backpack to keep the backpack dry.
Sentence 1: The sun was covered by a thick cloud al | moming, but lickily, by the time the picnic started, it was gone. Sentence 2: The sun was gone
Sentence 1:11 was.a suihmer afternooi, afid’the dog was siting in ‘the middle of the:lawn. After awhile, it got up and moved to a Spot under the tiee, Becauseiit was hot: Sentence 2'The dog was hot:
Sentence 1: John was jogging through the park when he saw a man juggling watermelons: He was very impressed Sentence 2: The juggler was very impressed
_ Senter & Sim Goodan's biography of the Spartan’ genial = Menopbonce conveys a vid sense of the difficulties be feted tn bis childhood... Sentence 2: Sain Géodinan’s biography 6} te Sparian’ general Renopbines conveys. vinid “seise. of the “Diffeutie, Xenophanes faced jn bis ee 8 -
Sentence tm sire that mo mar wil show this Bui iis Very famous. ‘Sentence 2 The mar is very famas.
Senterice’ Ti" The’ politicians Far away ine Washington: -could-. not know ..the’ ‘settlers ‘so. they’ must make’ rules. to regulate .them. e Sentence 2!’ They .:must make rules 3) to fresular the politicians. :
Sentence 1: At the Loebner competition the judges couldn't Figure out which respondents} were the chatbots because they were s9| advanced. Sentence 2: The chatbots were so advanced,
sentence 1: Jane knocked on Susan's door, but there was no answer. She was out. Sentence 2: Susan was out.
Sentence 1;.The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. | shall have to guard them. Sentence 2: | shall have to guard The ‘chickens.
Sentence Geotae Gok fee ees tothe ploy “but he'gave them "to. Eric, becatise was. not” particularly eager to ste it: a ‘Sentence 2: erase epee ae see it.
Sentence I The scientists are studying three species Pe fish that have recently been found living inthe Indian Ocean. They began two years ago. Sentence 2: The fish began two years ago
Sentence ‘1: Pam's parents ‘catne home and found her. having sex with her boyfriend, Paul: They were furious about it. Sentence. 2: Pam and Paul were furious ljabout it.
Sentence : The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we rescued them. Sentence 2: We. rescued the younger studénts.
‘Senterice't: Susan knowe'alt-about Ann's personal: Broblems becatise she's nosy.” Senterice 2: Aiinisnosy..-
sentence 1: Joe has*’sold his house and hought anew one, a few, miles away. He: will be moving into jé ori Thursday. \ Sentence 2: He.will be moving into The new: Rouse on Thursday.
‘Sentence ‘1: The, man lifted the boy onto his bunk bed. Sentence 2: The man lifted the boy.onto.the man’s bunk bed.
sentence «1: ing: th Sentence 2:: years digo.
sentence 1: Men had the right to Keep thelr sone servcing for them until they were 21 years of 96: entence 2: Men had. the right to Keep, their sons ‘working for them until the sons were 21, years. of age.
Sentence 1! put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of leftovers in it Sentence a The refrigerator has a lot of leftovers in it.
Sentence : The’ fish ate’ ‘the: wor hungry. . Tt: Was Sentence 2: The fish‘was tungry.
Sentence 1: Mark became absorbed in Blase, the white horse. He was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him because he was timid, so he took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal, Sentence 2: Blase was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him.
Sentence.-1:. At. the’ Loebner competition the. judges couldn't. figure. out. which respondents were*thie chatbois becatise they. were: so’ advanced. Sentence”.'2: The: judges’: were. .so advanced. *
Sentericey very: day after dinner Me Schmidt. took a long nap. Mark woutd.let steen for an‘haur,then wake. Rint up scold. hirh.and get work, He needed to det trim to finish his. was-beautiful.,
Sentence 1: In the storm, the tree fell down and crashed through the roof of my house. Now, Ihave to get it removed. ‘Sentence 2: Now have to get The tree removed.
Sotence & The father carted the seeping boy in te bassinet ‘Sentence 2: The father carried the sleeping boy’ in the boy's bassinet .
Sentence’1: 1 saw-Jim'yelling at Some-guy in, «military iniform, iwith:a huge fed beard. I.don't know-why-he was,’but?he looked ‘ery unhappy. Sentence 2:1 doi't:kiowi: why"the guy in uniforin was, but’ he, Looked very unhappy.
Sentence 1: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that she could work, Sentence 2: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that Mary's daughter could work.
Sentence 1: Sam and Amy are passionately in love, but Amy's parents are unhappy about it, because they are fifteen. Sentence 2:Sam and Amy are fifteen.
Sentence 1: Mr. Moncrieff visited Chester's Luxurious New York apartment, thinking that it belonged to his son Edward. The result was that Mr. Moncrieff has decided to cancel Edward's allowance on the ground that he no longer requires his financial support. Sentence 2: chester no Longer requires his financial support.
Sentence Tom gave Ralph a lift to school, so_he wouldn't havé to drive alone, Sentence 2: Tom wouldn't have {to drive alone.
Sentencé it Jana ‘gave: ‘Joan’ gandy: because."she was hungry. : : Senténée 2: Joan'was hungry
Sentence’ 4:-A-nunbér'of, tines Henry had been present Gt interviews’ which. “his fatter--had had ‘with, noted ‘detectives widdesired his aid «dh. solving “perplexing mjsteries,’ -and thasé odéasions.'stood out dé.xed-letter days for.fiim, Sentences @:. ‘Those’ occasions; atood’ out..as Ked-lettér days: for Heary.
» Sentence 1: Fred watched Tv while George | went out to buy grocerias After an hour he got up. Sentence 2: George got up.
Sentence 1: Fred is the only man alive who_ still remembers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve years old. Sentence a: When Fred was twelve years old. saw my father, My father
énitence t.-They broadcast ‘an arinouncement, ut. a subway ‘came. ‘into: the station and: | -ouldn't héar over it “ ntence 2: couldi’'t hear thé annouricement.
Sentence 1: The politicians far away in Washington ‘could not know the settlers 0 they must make rules to regulate them. Sentence 2: The politicians must make rilles to regulate them.
Sentence 1: Mama came over and sat down beside Alice. Gently she stroked her hair and let the child weep. Sentence 2: She stroked Alice's hair and let the child weep.
Sentence 4: The’ firernen: atrived after’ the police becatise they were corning. from'se far’ away: . ‘Sentence. 2: The. firemen were coming feom so far away. 4
Sentence’ 1: The ‘city councilmen. refused’ ‘the demonstrators apermit because they feared violence. 2 i aan feared violence,
Sentence 1: The politicians far away in Washington could not know the settlers so they must make rules to regulate them. Sentence 2: They must make rules to regular the settlers.
Sentence Sentence
Sentence |: Torn said "Check" to Ralph as he moved his bishop. Sentence 2 Torn said "Check" to Ralph as he moved Tom's| bishop.
except only . Singer's heels. He promising him. in to Mr. mi the ight, that not one ard in and all his crew the work was over. BS Ey Beiz3
Sentence. 1:The sack of potatoes had: been placed below the bag of flo ‘so. it-had to: be moved first. ‘Sentence:2: The bag of flour had to. be: moved first,
Sentence 1: Paul tried to call George on the phone. but he wasnt successful. Sentence 2 Paul wasnt successful. * 1 I
Sentence 1: Look! There is a shark. swimming right below that duck! It had better get away, to safety fost! > Sentence. 2: The duck Had better. get away: to safety fast!
Sentence = As ie carried Tommy up) eho ‘Winding steps, bis legs ached. Sentence 2: Teeneny's loys ached.
Sentence 1: Fred was supposed to run the dishwasher, but he put it off, because he wanted to watch TV. But the show turned out to be boring, so he changed his mind and turned it on. Sentence 2: He changed his mind and turned the dishwasher on.
Sentence I: Nice tried frantically to stop her! daughter from chatting at the party, leaving us| to wonder why she was behaving so strangely. Sentence 2: Alice's daughter was behaving so strangely.
Sentence 1: There is @ gop in the wall. You can see the garden behind ‘Sentence 2: You can see the garden through the wall.
Sentence 1: The mang couldn't lift his son because he was so we: Sentence’: The son was so weak
‘Sentence 4: Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, because she told her about it. Sentence 2: Susan told her about it.
Sentence “t Crraite wax happy to itadle ime hen. sweater lor my. jacket: She thinks it: boks great on “her. Sentence 2 The sveatir bobs gitat oni. her
Sentence’i: Of éné thing Mark was sure: Hariy knew much leis thaii he did, Sentence 2: Harry. knew: much less than'Harry did:
Sentence 1: It is not easy. to space buttonholes ‘exactly the. same distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. ‘The tiniest: slfp of the scissors will make the: hole too large; and éven-ohe thread uncut will. leave it'too small. : Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave one thread too'small.
Sentence 1: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10. Sentence 2: The concert continued until 10.
Emma’s_meather gentence 1: had died . bng . 9% and — ery place had been sakenhy by an exealient woman-as governess 2 Emma's mother’s! piace had baen, taken’ By an mealbnt word jas governess.
Sentence i The trophy doesn't fit into the brown suitcase because it is too smal. Sentence 2: The trophy is too small a
Sentence 1: Archaeologists have concluded that humans lived in Laputa 20,000 years ago. They hunted for deesn the river| banks. | Sentence 2: Archaeologists hunted for deer| on the river banks. }
sentence. 1? Wana came, Over and /sat’ down beside ,ALice<, ‘Gentlyishe: stroked fer haiz and tet. theschild weet : sentence: 2:, lame Jet. the chle weee- stashed: nee” hair and
Sentence 1: The foxes. are: getting nat night: and attacking the chickens. shallhave to guard them, © Sentéheé 2: shall haveits guard The foxes,
Lrepapart ‘This book introduced Shakespeare to t aa mejer influence on hes writing. i Sentence 2 it was a major influence on Ovid's writing.
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete many lies about, himself, which: Pete included-in his: book: He should haveé-beén more skeptical. Sentence, 2; Mark. shouild have. been ‘more skeptical:
Santanes"t the tories Se gettfig’ in at-night and attackhis the chickérs Tray hang gattsei very Bold. Santanes'2:‘ths texas have’ igs verg bad
Sentence I: The woman held the girl against her chest. Sentence 2: The woman held the girl against the girl's chest.
Sentence 1: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because his “Dibs!" was quicker. Sentence a: Dan took the rear seat while Bill claimed the front because Bill's ‘Dibs!" was quicker.
Sentence 1: At the Loebner competition the judges couldnt figure out which respondents were the chatbots because they were so stupid. Sentence 2: The judges were so stupid.
Sentence 1: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that Mana had hidden. No time today to look at old pictures in her favorite photo album. Today she had to hunt for @ button, so she put the album on a chair without even opening it. Sentence 2: No time today to look at old pictures in Alice's favorite photo album.
Sentence 1: Dan had to stop Bill from toying with the injured bird. He is very cruel. Sentence 2: Bill is cruel SL
Sentence 1: Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his.work. But he could not help: him. now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company would ‘not want anyone but him to work in the office. Sentence 2: Larry's boss at. the railroad company would not want anyone: but him to work in the office.
Sentence 1: Lily spoke.fo Donna, breaking her silence. 7 Sentence 2 Lily spoke. to Donna, breaking Donna’ silence: .