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‘Sentence 1: The painting in Mark’ living room shows an oak tree. It is to the right of a house. Sentence 2: The oak tree is to the right of a house. | 11
sentence t:Fred is the only man still | ere who remembers | 10% grea grandfather. He is & Yemarkable man- sentence 2: My great-giMindfather is remarkable man. « | 00
Sentence i Sam and Amy are passionately in love, but Amy's parents are unhappy about it, because they are fifteen. Sentence 2: Amy's parents are fifteen. | 00
Sentence 1: John hired himself out to Bill to take care of him. Sentence 2: John hired himself out to Bill to take care of John. | 00
Sentence. I:Pain's parents came home, and found her tiaviig sex with her boufriend, Paul They were embarrassed about it Sentence 2 Pam's pareiits were émburrasséd about it | 00
Sentenae 1: Jackson was greatly influenced hy Aol, though he: lived tio centuries later. ‘Sentence 2: Jacksén lived two centuries later, | 11
‘Sentence 1: When Tommy dropped his ice cream, Timmy giggled, so father gave him a sympathetic look. Sentence 2: Father gave Tommy a sympathetic look. | 11
Sentence ‘1: Jackson’: was greatly . influenced by Amold, though’ he lived two centuries later: Sentence 2: nold lived tivo centuries-later. | 00
Sentence 1: Sam broke both his ankles and he's alking with crutches. But a month or so from now hey should be better. Sentence 2: The ankles should be better. | 11
4: Susan’ knows all. about Ann's personal problems because she ts indiscroet 2: Ann is indiscreet | 11
ties “ey? Shad: ‘Been. “hs father hak had with present at fisted! detectives. who 4 perplexing imysteries. and th Seniend 2 hase seeosit: s! dap ffi pe See | 00
Sentence 1 Jackson was edly influenced by Armold, though he lived two centuries earlier ‘Sentence 2: Arnold lived two centuries earlier | 11
1i In July. Kamitchatka- declared. war on fakutsk. Since Yakutsk's arniy was much bemer juipped and ten times larger. they were. victorious thin weeks 2: Kamchatka was victorious within weeks | 00
Sentence I: Every day after dinner Mr, Schmidt took a long nap. Mark would let him sleep for an hour, then wake him up, scold him, and get him to work. He needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Sentence 2: Mr. Schmidt needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was eautiful | 00
Sentence 1: All the buttons up the back of Dora's plaid dress were buttoned outsidein, Maude should have thought to button her up; but no, she had left poor litte Dora to do the best she could, alone. Sentence 2: She had left poor little Dora to do the best Dora could, alone, | 11
+ Sentence 1: The table was piled high with food, and / 0" the floor beside it there were crocks, baskets, and 4a five-quart pail of milk. Sentence 2: Beside the food there were crocks, baskets, and a five-quart pail of milk. | 00
Sentence 1:1 sat there feeling rather ike a chapple Td once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. Sentence 2: He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the table there all the time. | 00
Sentence 4: Bob collapsed on che sidewalk. Soothe saw Carl coming torhelps He was very coficeraed Sentence 2+ Bob was very concerned. | 00
Sentence 2: Fred was a remarkable man, | 00
Sentence 1: As Andrea in the crop duster ed over Susan, she could see the landing jusan could see the landing gear | 11
Sentenée i: The painting in’ Marks living rodm’ shows-art oak: tee. 115 10 they ofthe bookcase "Seritence he oak trée is to the right of the bookcasé: | 00
Sentence 1: This mornin 19 Joey built a sand caste on the beach, and put ‘oy flag inthe highest ‘ower but ths afternoon the wind backed # down ‘Sentence 2 This otemoon the wind knocked The flog down, | 11
Sentence % The actress used to be named Terpsichore, but she changed it to Tina a few years ago, because she figured it was easier to pronounce. Sentence 2:Tina was easier to pronounce. | 11
Sentence I: Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down. They, are gripped because Paul writes:so.well Sentence 2: Paiil's books are gripped because Paul writes so well. | 00
Sentence 1: The sculpture rolled off the shelf because it wasn't anchored. Sentence 2: The shelf wasn't anchored. | 00
Sentence 1 Jane knocked on Susan's door, but there was no answer. She was disappointed. Sentence 2: Susan was disappointed | 00
Sef itin'codGt the prsstdency fe Shahpecaubsche das esspongae | 11
‘Sentence 1: The sun was ‘covered by a thick cloud: all morning, but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was out. Sentence 2: The sun was out: | 11
Sentencedarol bebeved that Rebecca suspected that she had stolen the watch: Sentence Qari! believed that Rebecca suspected that, Carol had stolen the watch: | 11
Sentence 1: The man couldn't lift his'son because he was s0 heavy, Sentence 2: The man was so heavy | 00
Sentence 1: Kirilov ceded the presidency to Shatov because he was less popular. Sentence 2: Shatov was less popular. | 00
Sentonte Ses tsok tet iat wht etcmbs the ent becouse his "Dibst wos slow. Sentence 2: Dow took the reer seat while Bil cloimed the front Decouse BITS “Ds! wos stow. | 00
4 We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ‘beach, soit was a dangerous place to swim. 2 The ocean beach was a dangerous place to swim | 11
Sentence 1: Lionel is holding captive a , Dr. Vardi, who has invented a device that turns animals invisible; scienti Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send him to steal nuclear material from an army vault. Sentence 2: Lionel plans to use it on Geoffrey and send Lionel to steal nuclear material from an army vault. | 00
‘Seaton {ia Ollie Survied Tommy op the long winding steps; his legs ached. Seatonce 2: Ollie's legs ached. | 11
Sentence I: Sam broke both his ankles and he's walking with crutches. But a month or so from now they should be better. Sentence 2: The crutches should be better. | 00
Sentence 1: Bob paid for Charlie's college education. He is very generous. Sentence 2: Charlie is very generous. | 00
sentence 1: Archaeologists have concluded. that humans, Fived | in Lapita 20,000 years-ago. They “hurited for evidence on the» « river banks. ‘ enterice 2: Preliistoric -Hamans ‘hunted. for evidence on the river banks. “ | 00
itence 1: Even before they reached town, they could hear und like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said itwas firecratkers. E itence 2 Dora asked what the corh was. | 00
Sentence 1: When Tatyana reached the cabin, her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her berth. Sentence 2: She was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her mother's berth. | 00
Sentence This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe; it was @ major influence on his writing. ‘Sentence 2 It wos .o major influence on Shakespeare's writing. | 00
Sentence 1: When Tommy dropped his ice Sienna ne father pncenle ST3US4 a, 18 cream Ty Sentence 2: Father gave Tommy # stern look. | 00
Sentence 1: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't use it. Sentence 2: We couldn't use the lake. | 00
» Sentence window. E Mark heard Steve's feet ‘Boing door 2 ‘Steve ran’ t lok out ‘the | 00
Sentonte t The table was piled high with food. and on the float beside it there were crecks, baskets, and a five-quirt pail of mink, Seaton nesie the table thre were creks, bistets 0d « five-quart pail of mink.” ~~ | 11
Sentence 1: I put the heavy book on the table and it broke. Sentence 2: The table broke. . | 11
Sentence 1: The customer walked into the bank and stabbed one of the tellers. He was immediately taken to the police station. Sentence 2: The teller was immediately taken to the police station, | 00
Sentence I put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of butter in it. Sentence 2: The cake has a lot of butter in it. +2 7 + | 11
Seritence: I: Tom threw his schoolbag:-down sto Ray- after. he reathed the top of the stairs: Seritence 2: Ray reuched:the top of the stairs. | 00
Sentence 1: Mark became absorbed in Blaze, the white horse. He was afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him because he was timid; so. he took upon himself the feeding and care of the-animal. Sentence 2: Mark was'afraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him. * | 11
lence jaties asked Abert ter faver byt he was.refused. Sentence 2’ Robert was refused | 00
Sentence 1: jane knocked on Susan's door bur she did’ not get an answer. Sentence 2: Susan did not get an answer. | 00
+ Tom sald “Check” to ‘Ralph as’hé ‘took bishop. 2 Toin ‘sald "Check" to Ralpli as: he teak. form's bishop. : | 00
Sentence 1:.Carol..believed that Rebecca -suspected that she had stolen the watch. Sentence: 2: Caral’ believed that Rebecca suspected that-Rebecca had stolen the watch. | 00
‘Sentence 4 The sun was covered by a thick cloud all ‘tmoming but luckily, by the time the picnic started, it was oat. s ‘Sentence 2 The cloud was oat | 00
Sentence t Sam and Amy are passionately in love, but Amy's parents are unhappy about it, because they are snobs. - ‘Sentence 2: Sam and Amy are snobs. | 00
Sentence 1:1 sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining- room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. Sentence 2: He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the life and soul there all the time. | 00
Sentence. :I:’ Pete envies,” Maitin begatise -he is yety:successful. Sentence “2: Pete is . very sliccessful. | 00
I: BIL passed the half-empty plate John because he was full 2: John was full, | 00
‘Sentence 1: Fred was supposed to run the dishwasher, but he put it off, because he wanted to watch TV. But the show tumed out to be boring. 80 he changed his mind and turned it on. ‘Sentence 2: He changed his mind and turned the TVon | 00
‘The seulptie ote gf ie el Gara itwasnit Sentericei; level: | 11
Sentence I: If the con artist has succeeded in fooling Sam, he would have lost a lot of money. Sentence 2: The con arlist would have lost a lo! lof money | 00
Sentence 1: Frank felt vindicated when’ his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was the winner of the competition. Sentence 2: Frank was the winner of the competition: | 11
Sentence 1: 1 was trying to open the lock with the key, put someone had filled the keyhole with chewing gum, and I couldn't get it in. Sentence 2: I couldn't get the key in. | 11
Sentence 1: small can't cut that tree dlown Sentence 2: The tive.is too Sutall | 00
Sentence Stretching her back, the woman smiled atthe git Sentence 2 Stretching the woman's back the woman smiled at the git | 11
Sentence 1: There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden behind it. Sentence 2: You can see the garden through| the gap. | 00
Sentence. t: Adami cant Jeave'-work, here. witil’ Bob arrives to replite im: Lf Bob had let home for work ‘on time, he would-be gone by this time: Sentence'2: Bol worlld be gone by this time. | 00
Sentence 1: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies. Next time, we should make more of them. Sentence 2: We should make more of the oatmeal cookies. | 11
Sentence 1: | saw Jim yelling at some guy in a military uniform with a huge red beard. I don't know who he was, but he looked very unhappy. Sentence 2:1 don't know who the guy in uniform was, but he looked very unhappy. | 11
Sentence 1: Joe paid the detective after he delivered the final report on the case. Sentence 2 The detective delivered the final report on the | 11
Sentence 1: Paitin hee ack, the wotnan'smiled atthe on Seatence 2 Paiting “the womap’s: bash “the ‘Womian smiled. atthe girl?) | 00
Sentence 1: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too narrow. Sentence 2: The doorway is too narrow. | 11
Sentence 1: Ann ashed Mary what time the Library closes, because she had forgotten. Sentence 2: Ann hed forgotten. | 11
Sentence t Jackson was greatly influenced by Arnold, though he lived two centuries earlier. ‘Sentence 2: Jackson lived two centuries earlier. | 00
Sentence 1: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward his bathroom key. Sentence 2: Jim signaled the barman and gestured toward The barman's bathroom key. | 11
‘Sentence: menatios interviewed Me stars af Me mew evie ny wee wry etetent, tne nerve wit Ho og te ‘emtonce & he Stace wer very persient 90 he teview usted tea beny Se | 00
Sentence’ “1: Lionel. is holding] Sentive a scientist, Dr.Vardil captias invented a device that} wrens animals invisible; Lionel cond. him. to. steal’ nuctear| Raterial from an. army vault+ Sentence .2: Lionel plans to-use it. an Geoffrey . and . send Dr.) tt di to steal nuclear materia from an army, vault. | 00
Sentence % Many people start to read Paul's books and can't put them down. They are popular because Paul writes so welll. Sentence 2: People are popular because Paul writes so well | 00
Sentence Hae, | 00
Sentence 1::When the:sponsors-of. the bill-got ts: the’ town ‘all, ‘they. were ‘surprised ‘to’ find, that] the-room.was full of opporients; They. were very mucin the majority.” Sentencé:2:'The opponents Weré very: siuch: i the. inajority.., | 11
Sentence .1: Sam."broke’: both’ his; ankles. arid: He's, walking ‘with crutches: :But’ “a month: of so. fron’ now they” shduld: be unnetessary. - : Sentence.”.2:\The: ankles: should. bé unnecessary: : o3 | 00
Sentence 1: Mark was close to Mr. Singer's heels. He heard him calling for the captain, promising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the ammunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the workwas over. Sentence 2: The captain and all Mr. Singer's crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. | 00
‘Sentence. 1: | put the butterfly, wing on the table and it'broke. Sentence 2: The table broke.” | 00
sertonan 1 cnt ct tal row doen wh hat ents oo thick. Bertone 2: The exe bs Wg thick. w | 00
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete many lies about himself, which Pete included in his book. He should have been more truthful Sentence 2: Mark should have been more truthful. | 11
Seritence 1: Billy cried-because Toby wouldn't accept his toy’ Senténce 2: Billy eriéd Because Tobywouldn't accept Toby's toy: | 00
Sentence 1: what about the time you cut up tulip bulbs in the hamburgers because you thought they were onions? Sentence 2: You thought hamburgers were jonions? | 00
ing three. err found Seni 4c thé’ scientists” are, study! d. tv0. \tence species of fish that have recently bet living-in the’ Indian Ocean: ‘They’ appeares years ago. sentence 2: The fish appeared two yeats 20. | 11
Sentence 1: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had! cancer and presented several options for future treatment Sentence 2: Dr. Adagas had cancer and presented several options for fizure treatment | 00
‘Sentence 1: Even before they reached town, they could hear 1 sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dod Said it wos firecrackers. ‘Sentence 2: Dora asked what the town was. | 00
Sentence 1: As Andrea in the crop duster passed over in, she could see the landing gear. 2: Andrea could see the landing gear. | 00
entence. entence 2: | 11
sentence 1: Lily spoke '© ponna,-bredking her. | oncentration. breaking Lilys ~ gentence 2: Lily spoke to Donn: concentration. : : | 00
‘Sentence 1:1 couldn't find a spoon, so T tried using a'pen to stir ‘my coffee. Bur that turned out to be a bad-idea, because it got full of coffee. Sentence 2: The' pen got full of coffee. | 11