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2 classes
Serlence 1 By rolling over in her upper berth, Talyan could bok over the edge of it and see her mother plainly. How very small and straight and rigid she lay in the bunk below! Her eyes were closed, but Tatyana doubled if she slept Sentence 2: How very small and straight and rigid Talyana lay in the bunk bebw!
Sentence l: Mark was close to Mr Singer's heels. Re heard him calling for the captain, pronising him, in the jargon everyone talked that night, that not one thing should be damaged on the ship except only the amaunition, but the captain and all his crew had best stay in the cabin until the work was over. Sentence 2 Re heard Mark calling for the captain.
Benteiice: 1! Joe. ias sold his houséand Boiight i niew ‘one.a few tiles away, He -will:be:mdving ‘out, of itor ‘Dhiirsday. fens Dare ve Sputene'2: He will be movidigiout of The: ew house vob Fhuteday: .
Sentence 1: Sam Goodman's biography of the Spartan general enophanes gorveys a vivid sense of the dficuties he faced in his research Sentence 2 BM sosns biography of the Spartan general Xenophanes carweys a vivid sense of the difficulties Goodman faced inhis research
Sentence’: 1: Steve follows: Fred's . example everything. He influences him hugely. Sentence 2: Steve influences hini hugely. in
Senterice "1: Pété envies: Martin although: he is” very, successful ‘Sentence 2: Martin is very successful
Sentence I: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, and it continued until 10. Sentence 2: The rain continued until 10.
Sentence Sentence 2:
Sentence 1: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast. Sentence 2: The delivery truck was going so fast. a” 2 °
Sentence 1. [Sentence 2:
Sentome 1: This morning, Joey built a send caste on the back, and put 4. toy flag in, the, Highest tower, but. this afternoon, the, tide knocked. it down. Seortence 2: This afternoon the tie Anocked The flag dawn.
Sentence 42: Anne yive, sbirth “too “daughter Cast month: She*-isra ery, charinithg baby: Sentence: 2! Anne ts:a very charming. baby:
Sentence 1: larry, a timid teenager, lives with his. widowed mother in. a Brooklyn housing, * project. Larry's father, 3 “gang leader, was shot to death; his father's disciple, Antonio, takes larry under “his. wing, and quickly molds him inte a drug runner. Sentence 2: His father's disciple, Antonio, takes larry under his wing, and quickly molds Anitenio inte a drug runner.
Sentence 1: Sidexplaing 'd his theory to-Mark but-he couldn't convinée him. Sentence 2: Sid couldn't convince him,
Sentence 1: The journalists interviewed the stars of the new movie. They were very cooperative, so the interview lasted for a long time. Sentence 2: The journalists were very cooperative, so the interview lasted for a long time.
Sentence % We had hoped to place copies of our newsietior on all the chairs in the auditorium, but there were simply too many of them. Sentence & There were simply too many copies of the newsletter.
Sentence 1: Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was over. Sentence 2: Bill's turn was over.
Sentence 1: Mama came over and sat down beside Alice. Gently she stroked her hair and let the child weep. Sentence 2: Alice stroked her hair and let the child weep.
@ontence t Thomson visited Cooper's grave in 1765. At that date he had been travelling for five years. Gentence 2: Thomson had been travelling for five years.
‘Sentence 1: The dog chased the cat, which ran up a tree. It waited at the bottom. ‘Sentence 2: The cat waited at the bottom.
Sentence 1: The police arrested all of the gang members. They were trying to stop the drug trade in the neighborhood. Sentence 2: The gang members were trying to stop the oo trade in the neighborhood.
Sentence 1: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid; it was a fine sélection of his writing. Sentence ‘2: It was. a fine selection of Ovid's writing.
Sentence 1: The scientists are studying three species of fish that have recently been found living in the Indian Ocean. They appeared two years ago. Sentence 2: The, scientists appeared two years ago.
Sentence 4: The man lifted. the boy onto’ his shoulders. Sentence 2: The man lifted the boy onto the boy's shoulders.
Sentence 1:Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had retired and presented several options for future treatmeng: Sentence Dr. Adams had retired and presented several options for future treatment.
Sentence 1: Anna did a lot better than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. Sentence 2: Anna had studied so hard.
Sentence x It wes.¢ summer afternoon, and the dog was sitting im the middie of the lawn. After @ while, got up end moved to @ spot under the tree, because fares cooler. Sentence :Thespot under the tree was conler,
Sentence 1...) Ethan’ ran ftrom:+
2 Sentence 1: Tatyana managed tWo guitars and a ba * and still could point out the Freemans: “Isnt it nic } that they have come, amar" Sentence 2: [sri jt Nice that the Freemans have come, Mama!"
‘Sentence 1:?red and alice had very warm down Goats, Rut ‘Migy were riot prepared forthe cold inAlaska.. ‘Senitencez:coatswerenot prepared ior thecdidin Alaska.
Sentence 1: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she had given. Sentence 2: Joan made ‘sure to thank Susan for all the help Joan had given.
Sentence 1:1 used an. old rag to clean. the| knife,-and. then’l put ft in the Drawer. Sentence 2: |.put the knife in the Drawer.
Sentercet: Sdm-puuled up.a dha f the piano but it was bioken, S0'tie hiad to.stand instead, Sentenice 2: The ‘pidno’ was” broken, s0° lie had ‘to stand instead,
Sentence 1: In the middle of the outdoor concert, the rain started falling, but it continued until 10. Sentence 2: The rain continued until i0.
Sentencé.. 1: Frank’ felt crushed. ‘when his longtime rival Bill revealed that he was thé: ‘winner of the competition, Sentence” 2: Bill’ was the -winner. of the ‘competition.
iSentence.1: During @ Etfian chased Luke ‘Game’ of-tag; becouse he was"it=: Sentence 2: Ethan was
Sentence 1: in July, Komtchatka decored war on Yokutsk. Since Yokstsk's army wos much better equipped and ten times larger, they were victorious] within weeks, Sentence 2: Yakutsk was victorious within weeks.
Sentence.1: My meeting started at 4:00 and | needed to catch the train at 4:30, so there wasnt much time, Luckily, it weas delayed, so it worked out. 2 The meetirig was delayed, so it worked
shi hgdg Coa eer. 2 Tred admires him hugely.
Sentence 1: The delivery truck zoomed by the school bus because it was going so fast. Sentence 2: The school bus was going so fast.
Sentence ‘1:.The wropiiy ‘doesri't: fit into the, brown Suitcase because. it is too large Sentence 2i'The trophy is too large
‘Seisence Dan ‘ook the: reat _ while Sat cidimed tte foot ‘because his." Dis!” wag: aie ‘ Sectiones % Daic feo the. cert ‘seat while Bil aid the’ fiont incanse ean "Dis! cece
‘Sentence 1: John hired Bil to take care of him. ‘Sentence 2: John hired Bil to take care of Bi.
Sentence l:Fred ‘watched CY: -uhile “George went out. to. buy groceries, fifter am hour he got back ” Sentence 2: George:got. back.
Sentence 1: Then Dad figured out how much the man owed the store; to that he added the| man's board-bill at the cook-shanty. He subtracted that amount from the man's| wages, and made out his check Sentence 2: The man subtracted that amount from the man's wages.
Sentence 1: Bob paid for Charlie's college education, but now Charlie acts as though it never happened. He is very hyit. Sentene2: Chris vey hut.
Sentence town to run their stores and lived in the rooms behind them. : The storekeepers staye: Sentence 2: The storekeepers stayed in town to run their stores and lived in the rooms behind the rooms.
Sentence -1:-Fred isthe only man. alive who still remembers my father ‘as an infant. When Fred. first ‘saw my. father, he was. tivelve months: old. : , : “Sentence®@; When Fred first ‘saw. my. father, Fred.was twelve months old.
Sentence 1: James asked Robert for a favor but he was refused. Sentence 2: James was refused.
‘Sete Ennai at asthe allt ai along shan tat se ws open, ‘Sutonce 2: ma sav taste was open
Sentence 1:1 took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be lighter. Sentence 2:1 took the water bottle out of the backpack so that the backpack would be lighter.
Sentence “1:1 -saw Jimi:yelling’ at some. guy” in’ a- military: uniform with. ‘a “huge. red:-béard: -1 . don't latow,. why Ke was, but he looked very unhappy: : Sentence 2:1-don't know. why Jim was; but he looked’ very.unhappy.
‘Sentence 1: Even before they reached town, they could hear a sound like corn popping. Dora asked what it was, and Dad said it was firecrackers. Sentence 2: Dora asked what the sound was.
cked:on Susan's door, bul Sentence 1; Jane kno’ There was m0 answer. She Was disappointed. sentence 2:Jane was disappointed:
Sentence 1:1 stuck a pin thro ugh a carrot. Wher | | pulled the in out, it left a hol le. Sentence 2: The pin left a hole.
Sentence: Papa looked dows) at the childreris| faces, so-puzzied’ and: sad: now. It was; bad feniough that they. had" to'be dehied:so many things berabse he couldn't afford them: Sentence ‘2: It was’ bad- enough’ that “the chidren. had: ‘to be daniad ‘so" many thinigs| because he chuldh't afford them:
Sentence 1: Susan knew that Ann's son had been in a car accident, because she told her about it. Sentence 2: Ann told her about it.
‘Senitence,.4. Fred: covered. his eyes.’ with his “hands, because’. the . wind,-was. blowing say around.” He towered them: when the wind stopped. ‘Sentence. 2: He“lowered “his eyes. “when. "the wind. stopped. : s
Sentence I: Mark was close to Mr. ping ‘ had best slay in I until Lhe work was over.
Sentence 1: The path to the lake was blocked, so we couldn't reach it. Sentence 2: We couldn't reach the path.
Sentence 1: Madonna fired her trainer because she slept with her boyfriend Sentence 2: The trainer slept with her boyfriend
Sentence t: Bob paid for Charlie's college leducation. He is very grateful. [Sentence 2: Bob is very grateful.
Sentence % Tom said “Check” to Ralph as he moved his bishop. Sentence 2: Tom said “Check” to Ralph as he moved Ralph's bishop.
Sentence 2 Kirilov . ceded the presidency to Shatov because he was more popular. Sentence 2: Kirilov was more popular.
Sentence.-1: No oie joins Facebook -to be: sad and lonely. But-a:néw study: from: the University-” . of: Wisconsin“ psychologist George’ Lincoln ‘argues that:-that's ovactly how it makes vs feel: : “Sentence 2: That's: evactly: how. the. study fitokes us feel,
Sentence 1: Sam's drawing was hiing: justo aboue' TTine'éo ateditb did look much better with another one above it. * Sentence 2: Sam's drawing did look much better with another one above it. *
Sentence 1: Bill passed the gameboy to John because his turn was next. Sentence 2: John's turn was next.
Sentence 1: Sara -borrowed.the book from, ‘the library because .she: néeds: it for,an arti¢le: she: is”. working: on.-She: teads-it when she gets home from work : Seritence 2:She reads the book’ ‘Wwhen-she gets home front wor « .
Sentence 1: Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a good start. Sentence 2: Sue had such a good start.
Senlence t | sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining-room fable, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. Senlence 2: He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the body there all the time.
‘Sentence 1: Fred covered his eyes with his hands, because the wind was blowing sand around. He lowered them when the wind stopped. ‘Sentence 2: He lowered his hands when the wind stopped.
oamnct £ weswor 9G oi ae A xe Se be 0 so ‘bene BT et vas wile sin
Sentencé 1 When’ Toinimy. dropped ‘his ice cream, Timmy: glagled, so father gave, him 3 sympathetic look: Sentence. 2: Father - gave : ‘Timmy..-a sympatheti¢ look.
Sentence 1: Susan knows all about Ann's personal problems because she is nosy. Sentence 2: Susan is nosy.
E'Sara ber rowed thebook from the library becatuse she nents efor amar ticle she is working on. She reads it when she gets heme from 2 She reads the article when she gets heme frem werk.
Senterice 4 Sentence 2:
Senden FE Wank aoe lose Mie Singer's chek He ‘eat coli’ Pf *cdgnain,. roms “in: the, jorguneetyine, talked” thal ght hin ane isha be “domed dhe ahi” ertegh athe, oma, bo he gaat da icon bel ay “1 Pain “Ean a Bante rh etc: ute chan
This Sentence introduced bo ok Shakespeare Goethe lg i ne ° selection writing Sentence selection fine la. Goethe lof writing
Senitelice |; The foxes dre gelling in, at night anid attacking the. chickens: They. fave: gotten ery bold, : . Séntenge 2: The chickens: have gotten vaty'boid:
Sentencé 1::Theé. journalists interviewed the’ Stars’ of the-néw, movie. Fhéy:svere Very *-cogperative; : so, ¢ thé interview: jasted for'a‘lohg tines Sentence: 2°: The “Stars. , were svery cooperative, so thé ‘interview: lasted. for a-fong ‘time.
Sentence 1: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and it did. Sentence 2: Tlié'donkey wished a wart on its hind leg would disappear, and leg did.
Sentence 1: jane Ksiogked onthe doo, ap Sisan aimwnred Sheinvitedher to comeout.. : ‘Sentence 2: Jateinvited her to'come ot.
Sentence 11 There is a gap in the wall. You can see the garden through it. Sentence at You can see the garden through the gap.
Sentence 4; Frank felt crushed when his longtime rival Bll, revealed, thathewasthe winner of the competition, Sentence 2: Frank was the winner of the competition,
Senténée « Fred -covered “his “eyes. ‘with “his “hands, Decaiuse the wind was blowing sarid around’ He opened them when the wind stopped. Sentence’ 2:. He operied his hands wher. the, wind stopped :
Sefttenice i: Dan took the rear geat:while Bill clainied the” front- because his "Dibs!" was stow. Sentence 2:Nan tédk'thé rear seat while-Bill claimed: the front becavisé Dan's""Dibis!" was slow,
Senitence 1: George got free tickets to thé play, but he gave :.them “to- Eric, becausé ‘he: .was particularly edger to see it. Sentence. 2: George was. particularly eager to see it
[Sentence 1: Wark tdld Pete. many lies about hiriselt, which Pete, included: in *his::book.. He- should ‘have. beet mare skeptical. : Sentence 2: Pete should havé been more skeptical
Sentence: Ann’ askeu Mary what-time the library closes; iui she had forgotten. Sentence 2: Ann ‘had forgotten.
1: Grace was happy to rade me her sweater for my jacket. ihe thinks it looks dowdy on her. 2: The sweater looks dowdy her.
Sentence “E-Bemard,._ who. ”-Had' not... told the govermvient..”: aE ne ut pFficidl'that he. Was tess than 21 wher he. filed for a homestead deitn, did not consider that he had done lanything. dishonest. Stil, eftyone: "who kde that fe! s old could. faké his clin away, from hit ince’ 2:"Ainyonie - who: knew “that. “he - wae, ge ears, old .could, take. his clair away from, the
Sentence t It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the sarne distance apart, and it is very difficult to cut them precisely the right size The tiniest sip of the scissors wil make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will jeave the scissors too smal.
Sentence 114 mecting started st. 4:00 : and Inceded to,aateh the train.ot 4:50, so there, wosn't much time. Luckily, it was short, so it worked out. Sentence, 2: The trein wos short, soit worked out.
Sentence t Joe paid the detective after he received the final report’ on the case: Sentence 2 Joo received the final report on the case.
Sentence 1: The dog chased the cat, which ran up a tree. It waited at the bottom. Sentence 2: The dog waited at the bottom.