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2 classes
Sentence 1: Mark told Pete’ many: liés about himself, Which Pete: included in his book: Hé:should have been: more truthful. . ‘Sentence 2: Pete should have beri more truthful.
Sentence, 1 Johw-wa’ doing ‘research in ‘the. libraty when ‘he heard a'man’ uinining and-whistliig He was yéry annoyed: 5 éntence- 2? THe: ‘man, was’ Very. larmoyed: 7
Sentence 1: Mary took out her flute and | played one of her favorite pieces. She has | had it since she was @ child Sentence 2: She has had the piece since she was a child
Sentence 1: As Andrea in the crop duster passed over Susan, she could see the landing strip. Sentence 2: Andrea could see the landing strip.
Sentence 1: The table won't fit through the doorway because it is too wide Sentence 2: The table is too wide.
Sentence 1: Beth didn't get angry with Sally, who had cat her off, because she stopped and apologized. ‘Semtence 2: Beth stopped and apologized
Sentence 2 Each artisan Stil had sigas, not wishing to ‘atron merely because the patron happened te beilliterate, lose a possible
“Sentence was tov iall. couldsit put the pot on the shelf because it Sentence 2: The pot was foo'tall. °° ~ .
Joan made sure to sentence 1: U for all the help she thank Susan had recieved. sentence 2: Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help Joan had recieved.
Sentence 1: The firemen arrived before the police because they were coming from so far away. Sentence 2: The firemen were coming from so far away.
Sentence } John couldnt see the: stage with Billy in front of him because he-is so short. Sentence 2:Billy is so short
¥ Archaeologists have concluded that humans live .eput 20.000 years age. They hunted for deer on the river banks. 2 Prebistoric bumans hunted for deer on the river banks,
Sentence 1: Tom said "Check" to Ralph as he took his bishop. pentence 2: Tom said “Check” to Ralph as he took Ralph's bishop.
Sentence 1: Joe paid the detective after he received the final report on the case.
Sentence 1: Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't convince him. Sentence 2: Mark couldn't convince him.
Sentence 1: Always before, Larry had helped Dad with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dad said that his boss at the railroad company. would not want anyone but him to work in the office. Sentence 2: He could not help Dad now.
Sentence 1: Bernard, who had not told the government official that he ‘was less than 21 when ra homestead claim, did not consider that he had done anything dishonest. Still, anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from him. Sentence 2: Anyone who knew that he was 19 years old could take his claim away from Bernard.
Sentence 1: Al to stop her ;hter from barking at the party, leavi jer why she was beha’ towo Sentence 2: Al strangely.
Sentence 1: Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad| start. Sentence 2: Sue had sucha bad start.
Sentence 1: When the sponsors of the bill got to the town hall, they were surprised to find that the room was full of opponents. They were very much in the minority. Sentence 2: The sponsors were %very much in_ the minority.
Ifhas tg be. ‘Sentence & The'drain & eloggsa ‘with hai removed. ‘ : Seritenos 2: The hait hasto be reiioved:
“Sentence 13 Whén Tatyana’ tedched the- cabin, her'mather was steeping, She was careful. not te disturb her, undressing and ettinbing. bai ‘inte “hee berth. a Sentenoe'i2: She'-inds: cai ful “ngt to dtsture ats. dines tng and: taba. back. ytto: Fatijana’s "berth. «
Seatence 1: This book introduced Shakespeare to Goethe; it was a fine selection of his writing. Sentence 2: I wai"a fine selection of Shakespeare's writing.
Sentence 1: Larry, a timid teen-ager, lives with his widowed tga ing rookie, housing project. Larry's father, a gang le: , was shot to death; his father's ciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing. and quickly molds him into @ drug runner. Sentence 2: His father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing, and.quickly molds Larry into @ drug runner.
Sentence 1: | couldn't find a spoon, so | tried using a pen to stir my coffee. But that turned out to be a bad idea, because it got full of ink. Sentence 2: The coffee got full of ink.
Sentence i Paul tried to call George on the phone, but be wasnt successful sentence 2: George wasnt successful.
entence I: Wa had hoped.to place copies,of our newsletter, on all the chairs.jin. the auditorium, but there were. simply not enough of them! Sentence 2: Théte were simply not enough chairs.
mtence 1: Archaeologists have oncluded that» humans lived in aputa’ 20,000 years * ago. They unted for. evidence on . the iriver banks, ntence 2: Archaeologists unted for evidence on the river banks.
4+] was trying to open the lock with the y but someone had filled the keyhole with ewing gum, and I couldn't get it out. ‘21 couldn't get the chewing gum out.
Senlerce t The ‘cusbmer ‘waked “ints the bank cid stabbed *éné “of. ‘the telers Ale was mediately taken fo the: polee station 2 The customer “was ‘ramedtaely ‘iaken| jo the polce’ stator '
Sentence t George got free tickets to the play, but he gave them to Eric, even though he wus particularly eager to see it. Sentence 2: George wus purticulurty mger to sxe it.
Sentence: Many: people start tavead Paul's .bowks and can't put, them. down. They are Popular because Paul writes 56 well... Sentence ‘2! Paul's’ books: are.’ popular because:Paul writes so-well,
Sentence & Mark become absorbed in Blaze, the white horse. He was ofraid the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck at him and bullied him becouse he was timid, so he took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal Sentence 2 Blaze took upon himself the feeding and care of the animal.
Sentenée 1: Tomo’, visited Coopers wa ig ite WES. AL at: date hesbatl bbe dead for five years. ‘Senitence 2:Thojtigon héa bed ted tor five ears
ire ceaciaeg oes Bay? eller Dettenes | 2. AED his schoolbage dawn’, ‘The reached the bop-of Lhe stairs; “Seblanes 2: fa Foichéd The'lop of Thana:
Wels: fi ard "Si ‘Sentence: 1; Mark h ladder. ‘The door-of the shop.closed: going down the fier him:-He.rair to look out the window! Sentence 2:.The door-of the'shop-closed alter Mark’
Santerice’ The ‘sculpture rolled eff: the *slielf Because-itwash'Lanchared. . senténce 2: The scuiphire Wasitt anchored:
enterigé r:/'m Sure that my niap-will show this building; itisvery good.” enténce.2: The buildihdvis vwiry:good
sentence 1: Jane knocked on the, door, and Susan Bont oad it, She invited her to come out. me out. sentence 2: Susan invited her to co
‘Sentence 1: The customer waiked into the bank ond stabbed one of the tellers. He wos immediately token to the hospital. Sentence 2: The teter was immediately token to the hospital.
enforce’ Sore pliled <p “&- chan. oi he plana, bul. warsbreken 0, he had fo sng insted. 2 Senteree: 2 the « plane was e Biola 30° he ‘had: long: slo i
Sentence The older students were bullying the younger ones, so we unis them jentence 2: We punished the older students.
Sentence 1: john couldn't sce the stage with Billy in front of him because he is so short. ‘Semtence 2. john is so short.
Sentence 1: James asked Robert for.a favor but he refused. . ‘Sentence 2: Robert refuséd
Sentence 1: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that shecouldwork. Sentence 2: Mary tucked her daughter Anne into bed, so that Mary could work.
tucked her daughter Anne into bed, Sout she coud sleep, Sartenes, 2 doy. ued her ter Anne into
Sentence 1: The path to the lake’ was blocked, so we couldn't use it. Sentence 2: We couldn't use the path.
Sentence 1: The fores are getting in at night and attaching the chickens, They have gottm very nerous. Sentence £: The fore have gotten very nereous.
Sentence t | used an old rag to clean the kni and then | put it in the drawer. Sentence 2:| put the rag in the drawer.
Sentence 1: Bill passed the John because his turn was nex Sentence 2: Bill's turn was next. gameboy to it.
[Sentence 1: Mark: became absorbed ii Blaze. the white forse: He was lafrait the stable boys at the Burlington Stables struck ‘at fim and bullied fint-because fie was timid, so-he took upon himself the feeding Jand care-of te animal. [Sentence 2: Mark took.upoi himself the feeding and care. of tie animal
Sentence 1: Sam triad to paint a picture of shepherds with sheep, but they ended up looking mare ike golfers. ‘Sentence 2: The shepherds ended up looking more lke golfers.
Sentence 1: Beth didn't get angry with Sally. who had cut her off, because she stopped and counted to ten. Sentence 2: Beth stopped and counted'to ten.
Sentence. 1:-Then Dag figufed out how much the:man ovied the eto tat he added the mars board atthe cooks. He, subtracted that ainéunt“trom the man’s. wages, ahd made ut hig cieck ~ [Sentence 2: Dad' subtracted that arfiount from the marts wages.
Sentence 1: John was jogging through the park when he saw a man juggling watermelons. He was very impressive. Sentence 2: The juggler was very impressive.
Sentence 1; As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs dangled. Sentence 2: Ollie's legs dangled.
Sentence 1: Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper in my backpack to keep it dry. Sentence 2: I carried the newspaper in my backpack to keep the newspaper dry.
Sate Era vas et uth fom rae te tester te a butt rom hin cit wr, Stace De tester Fak hat ut ro rt wh,
3 ttre wate iio tha ark ond pub ora ries ire cients open Serace2 fr cae wes rit enw rer
Senitentce 1; Mr, Moncrieff visited Chester's: lnurious New York apartment, thinking: that it belonged to his son Edward. The ‘result, was that Mr. Moricrieff has decided to cancel’ Edward's allowance on the ground tat hg no loiger reatires his financial ‘Support. Sentence, %: He no'lotige: fequires Mr, Movictieffs. fnaneial ‘support.
Sentence 1: Alice looked for her friend Jode in the crowd. Since she always weors red turban, Alice spotted her quickly. Sentence 2: Since Jade always wears a red turban, Alice spotted her quickly. _ ,
Sentence 1:1 put the butterfly wing onthe table and it broke. Sentence 2: The butterfly wing broke. *
Sentence l'biiriag. a game oF ta8 Ethan tay from. ‘EU because Ke Was It Sentence 2 Ethiar wast ~~
Sentence 1: Jane gave Joan candy because she wasn't hungry. Sentence 2: Jane wasn't hungry.
lSentence 1: The sack of potatoes had been placed labove the bag of flour, so it had to be moved first. Sentence 2: The bag of flour had to be moved first.
Sentence “i: ‘The ‘painting: in Maik’s living room shows an oak tree.tt'is to the right of a house. Sentence 2: The painting is to the right of a house.
Sentence 1: James asked Robert for a favor but he refused. Sentence 2: James refused.
Sentence t When Tatyana reached the cabin, her, mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her, undressing, and climbing back. into her berth. Sentence 2: mother was. careful, not. to disturb . her, undressing . and. climbing back into her berth.
sentence tsadain con't ieave work here until Bab arrivesto wae him, if Bob had eft home for work on tine, he :. woitld be gone by this time. Sentence 2; Adain would be gone bythis time.
Sentence 1: Look! There is a minnow swimming right below that duck! It had better get away to safety fast! Sentence 2: The minnow had better get away to safety fast!
Sentence 1: Tom gave Ra Iph a life to school so he wouldn't have to walk. Sentence 2: Ralph woiildn’t have to walk,
‘Seinbece Grice was pp) to lade nie Ber Suter: oy jae Sh tis it loos great on ber Sentence 48 “Thi: jacket” Tnoki "great Son: het.
: 5 5 ew that Ann's Sentence 2: Susan told her about it.
Sentence 1:1 put the cake away in the refrigerator. It has a lot of leftovers in it. Sentence mM. cake has a lot of leftovers in it.
‘Sentence 1: My méeting started at and || Méeded ‘to catch the ‘train at 4:38; SQ ‘there .Wwasn't, much time. : LUckily, it, was deiayed, so-it Worked’ out ‘Sentence.2:. The traia was. delayéd, -so. it. worked out:
Sentence t The sun was covered by @ thick cloud all morning. bu’ luckily, by the .time, the picnic Started. it was gone Sentence 2: The cloud was gone,
Sentence 1: Avie gave bitth toa daughter last month. She isavery charming woman. Sentence 2: Anne's daughtet is'a very charining:woman.
Sentence 1: Sara borrowed the book from the library: because she needs it for an article she is working an, She, writes it when she gets home from work, Sentence 2: She writes,the, book. when she gets home: from work.
Sentence 1: The donkey wished @ wart on its hind leg would cisappear and it cid Sentence 2: The donkey wished a wart on its hind leg Would disappear and wart cid.
Sentence 1: Joe's uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years older. af Sentence 2: Joe is 30 years older.
Sentence 1: sat there feeling rather like a chappie I'd once read about in a book, who murdered another cove and hid the body under the dining- room table, and then had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with it there all the time. Sentence 2: He had to be the life and soul of a dinner party, with the book there all the time.
oqene FiSdm - pulled, wip: a ‘chair tothe pfane, but it was’ brokerk,sd.he had to:stang nstecé ‘Snitenioe 2 His Chait was bivk so hé'had. ‘6 stand ic 5
Séntenee 1: This ‘book introduced: Shakespeare to Ovid; it was a fine sélection of his writing. -” Seritence-2: It: was’ fine selection’ of Shakespeare's| writing
Sentence 1: Men had the right to keep their ‘sons working for them until they were 21 years of age. ‘Sentence 2: Men had the right to keep their sons working for them until the men were ‘21 years of age.
Sentence 1;Bill passed thehalf-empty plate todolin because hewashunttry. Senterite2:John washungry.
Sentence 1 Pam's parents came home and found her having sex with her boyfriend, Paul. ‘They were furious about it. Sentence 2: Pam's parents were furious about it.
“Sentence 1; Prank: was upsel. with ‘Tom, hecause’ thé.-toasterhe “had. sold. him, didn't work. : . Sentence 2: The" toaster Tom’ liad.sold hint didi't wor! ° a
Sentence. 1: Billy'cried because Toby wouldn't accépt his toy. Sentence 2: Billy. cried because Toby: wouldn't accept Billy's toy.
Sevitence / Billy cried because Toby wouldnt share his Toy. Sevitence 2: Billy cried because Toby wouldn't share Billys toy.
Sentence 1: Anna did a lot worse than her good friend Lucy on the test because she had studied so hard. ‘Sentence 2: Anna had studied so hard.
‘Sentence 1: I saw Jim yetling. iat “some... guy .in .a..military intform.with a huge red beard. IZ. don't know who. he was, but lhe. Looked very unhappy: Sentence: 2: I- don't ‘know ‘who Jim was; but ./he ‘Looked. very junRappy « :
Selene imi wo et Sentence 2 Bil. left : an ce
Sentence. 1:.1 poured. water from the bottle into the:cup until it was empty. Sentence.2: The cup was empty. * pes
Sentence k When Tatyana reached the cabin. her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her . undressing and climbing back into her berth, Sentence 2 She was careful not to disturb Tatyana, undressing and climbing back into her berth,
[Seritende 1: Mr. Taylor wa o.man’of uncertain temper “and “his: geheral-tendeggy was. to think hit David was'a Boor chump dnd that whatever itép:he took in any’ direction cn.his, ownracéount was just-another proof of his.inndte idiccy. Sentence, 2: Any. diréction on his own-accoiint was just‘anéther proof of Mr. Téyler's innate idiogy.