stringlengths 35
| sha1
stringlengths 40
| id
int64 0
def need_verified_email(request, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Returns error page for unverified email on edX
return standard_error_page(request, 401, "verify_email.html") | 258f0cd7cc9d48724a4192397742ad476baf0aaf | 335 |
def random_masking(token_ids_all):
result = []
for token_ids in token_ids_all:
rands = np.random.random(len(token_ids))
t if r > 0.15 else np.random.choice(token_ids)
for r, t in zip(rands, token_ids)
return result | 5798fd271b6f8a1749ef04139c44a53ef2801473 | 336 |
def used_caches_and_sources(layers, caches, sources):
Find used cache and source names in layers and caches configuration.
used_layer_sources = find_layer_sources(layers)
used_cache_sources = find_cache_sources(caches)
all_used_sources = used_layer_sources.union(used_cache_sources)
avail_caches = set(caches.keys())
avail_sources = set(sources.keys())
used_caches = avail_caches.intersection(all_used_sources)
used_sources = avail_sources.intersection(all_used_sources).difference(used_caches)
return used_caches, used_sources | 21df59bea5cf4d336f9f103de841bfbbedadf3d5 | 338 |
from typing import Union
def encode_labels(
labels: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series],
multi_label: bool = False,
sep: str = '|'
"""Encode labels
Return coded labels, encoder, and decoder.
>>> # multi-class problem
>>> labels = ['OK', 'OK', 'NG1', 'NG2', 'OK']
>>> encode_labels(labels)
[0, 0, 1, 2, 0],
{'OK': 0, 'NG1': 1, 'NG2': 2},
{0: 'OK', 1: 'NG1', 2: 'NG2}
>>> # multi-label problem, a.k.a. one hot encoding
>>> labels = ['dog', 'cat', 'dog|cat']
>>> encode_labels(labels, multi_label=True)
[[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]],
{'dog': 0, 'cat': 1},
{0: 'dog', 1: 'cat'}
labels (list, np.ndarray): List of labels with string elements.
multi_label (bool, optional): Is multi label classification.
sep (str, optional): For multi-label only. Default is '|'.
list or np.array: Coded labels. List in list out, array in array out.
dict: encoder
dict: decoder
# get classes
if not multi_label:
classes = mlsorted(filter(None, set(labels)))
classes = mlsorted(
{labs for item in filter(None, labels) for labs in item.split(sep)}
classes = [_ for _ in classes if _ not in ['']]
n_classes = len(classes)
# generate encoder and decoder
encoder = {_class: code for code, _class in enumerate(classes)}
decoder = {v: k for k, v in encoder.items()}
# create coded labels
if not multi_label:
coded_labels = [encoder[x] if x is not None else x for x in labels]
coded_labels = list()
for x in labels:
labs = [0] * n_classes
if x is not None:
for lab in x.split(sep):
labs[encoder[lab]] = 1
# to numpy or to dataframe
if isinstance(labels, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
if multi_label:
coded_labels = pd.DataFrame(
coded_labels, columns=encoder.keys()
coded_labels = pd.DataFrame(
{'y': coded_labels}, dtype=np.int32
elif isinstance(labels, (np.ndarray, Categorical)):
coded_labels = np.array(coded_labels, dtype=np.int32)
return coded_labels, encoder, decoder | 2cd3ec563edfe0d0f42df3018bfd2cf007738c9d | 339 |
def sigmoid_xent(*, logits, labels, reduction=True):
"""Computes a sigmoid cross-entropy (Bernoulli NLL) loss over examples."""
log_p = jax.nn.log_sigmoid(logits)
log_not_p = jax.nn.log_sigmoid(-logits)
nll = -jnp.sum(labels * log_p + (1. - labels) * log_not_p, axis=-1)
return jnp.mean(nll) if reduction else nll | a427532ddf0feba69879bc5b5d5a9a34d71d9ca6 | 340 |
def is_palindrome(s: str) -> bool:
"""Return whether a string is a palindrome
This is as efficient as you can get when computing whether a string is a
palindrome. It runs in O(n) time and O(1) space.
if len(s) <= 1:
return True
i = 0
j = len(s) - 1
while i < j:
if s[i] != s[j]:
return False
i += 1
j -= 1
return True | 6d3001486fe3603a17e72861e3bdea495cd675c1 | 341 |
def accuracy(pred_cls, true_cls, nclass=3):
compute per-node classification accuracy
accu = []
for i in range(nclass):
intersect = ((pred_cls == i) + (true_cls == i)).eq(2).sum().item()
thiscls = (true_cls == i).sum().item()
accu.append(intersect / thiscls)
return np.array(accu) | 208c2e31b5df37179b2d67a2b8423c3236c64264 | 342 |
def my_hostogram(gray, bins):
""" pixel values has to be within bins range, otherwise index out of range, for example
if pixel 400th has value 70, but bins are -> [0...40], then histogram[70] yields IOR
histogram = [0 for i in bins]
for i in range(gray.shape[0]):
for j in range(gray.shape[1]):
histogram[gray[i][j]] = histogram[gray[i][j]] + 1
return histogram | a2e774fb7b2249325191b20e6fa08847e38211c2 | 343 |
def reverse(password, position_x, position_y):
"""Reverse from position_x to position_y in password."""
password_slice = password[position_x:position_y + 1]
password[position_x:position_y + 1] = password_slice[::-1]
return password | 46fec2c6b9c02d8efa71d53451974e46cbe68102 | 344 |
from typing import Union
from typing import List
import random
def gen_sentence(
start_seq: str = None,
N: int = 4,
prob: float = 0.001,
output_str: bool = True
) -> Union[List[str], str]:
Text generator using Thai2fit
:param str start_seq: word for begin word.
:param int N: number of word.
:param bool output_str: output is str
:param bool duplicate: duplicate word in sent
:return: list words or str words
:rtype: List[str], str
from pythainlp.generate.thai2fit import gen_sentence
# output: 'แคทรียา อิงลิช (นักแสดง'
# output: 'แมว คุณหลวง '
if start_seq is None:
start_seq = random.choice(list(thwiki_itos))
list_word = learn.predict(
if output_str:
return ''.join(list_word)
return list_word | 800b498498396a4cda84885481b09df689f541aa | 345 |
def GetBoolValueFromString(s):
"""Returns True for true/1 strings, and False for false/0, None otherwise."""
if s and s.lower() == 'true' or s == '1':
return True
elif s and s.lower() == 'false' or s == '0':
return False
return None | d6ef53e837fc825a32e073e3a86185093dd1d037 | 346 |
def genomic_del6_abs_37(genomic_del6_37_loc):
"""Create test fixture absolute copy number variation"""
return {
"type": "AbsoluteCopyNumber",
"_id": "ga4gh:VAC.60XjT6dzYKX8rn6ocG4AVAxCoUFfdjI6",
"subject": genomic_del6_37_loc,
"copies": {"type": "Number", "value": 1}
} | 64d8bb95768587adef71c8a98111e0454dfdbb93 | 347 |
def get_typical_qualifications(cfg):
create qualification list to filter just workers with:
- + 98% approval rate
- + 500 or more accepted HIT
- Location USA
:param cfg:
if not cfg['hit_type'].getboolean('apply_qualification'):
return []
# Worker_NumberHITsApproved
'QualificationTypeId': '00000000000000000040',
'Comparator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo',
'IntegerValues': [
'RequiredToPreview': False,
'ActionsGuarded': 'Accept'
}, {
# Worker_PercentAssignmentsApproved
'QualificationTypeId': '000000000000000000L0',
'Comparator': 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo',
'IntegerValues': [
'RequiredToPreview': False,
'ActionsGuarded': 'Accept'
}, {
# Worker_Locale
'QualificationTypeId': '00000000000000000071',
'Comparator': 'EqualTo',
'LocaleValues': [
'RequiredToPreview': False,
'ActionsGuarded': 'Accept'
return qualification_requirements | 4cfad92d7c2587e2fce1caeac032a69f87c70c01 | 348 |
def _shell_wrap_inner(command, shell=True, sudo_prefix=None):
Conditionally wrap given command in (while honoring sudo.)
(Modified from fabric.operations._shell_wrap to avoid double escaping,
as the wrapping host command would also get shell escaped.)
# Honor, while allowing the 'shell' kwarg to override it (at
# least in terms of turning it off.)
if shell and not env.use_shell:
shell = False
# Sudo plus space, or empty string
if sudo_prefix is None:
sudo_prefix = ""
sudo_prefix += " "
# If we're shell wrapping, prefix shell and space, escape the command and
# then quote it. Otherwise, empty string.
if shell:
shell = + " "
command = '"%s"' % command # !! removed _shell_escape() here
shell = ""
# Resulting string should now have correct formatting
return sudo_prefix + shell + command | 6a1a185262e312aac193b70babf9c4b8c1fc2c73 | 350 |
from typing import List
import time
def events_until(events: List[ScheduleEvent],
until: time, *, after: time = None) \
-> List[ScheduleEvent]:
Return events up to and including the given time.
Keyword arguments:
after -- if specified, only events after this time will be included.
if after is not None:
events = events_after(events, after)
return [event for event in events if event[0] <= until] | 8d7390c684fb5590ad1fbdaa0680b3aff7474c56 | 351 |
import socket
def get_ip():
Get local ip from socket connection
:return: IP Addr string
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect(('', 80))
return s.getsockname()[0] | 9afb9cfc5721ea7a89764579bd878a9b51361af2 | 352 |
import unicodedata
def shave_marks(txt):
norm_txt = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', txt) # 把所有的字符分解为基字符和组合记号
shaved = ''.join(c for c in norm_txt
if not unicodedata.combining(c)) # 过滤掉所有的组合记号
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', shaved) | 0b8e15c72854a5bca7b12f6452292d7472bbf1bc | 353 |
def _kld_gamma(p_data, q_data):
Computes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two gamma PDFs
p_data: np.array
Data of the first process
q_data: np.array
Data of the first process
r_kld_gamma: numeric
Kullback-Leibler Divergence Quantity
[1] Bauckhage, Christian. (2014). Computing the Kullback-Leibler Divergence between two Generalized Gamma Distributions. arXiv. 1401.6853.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distribution Parameters -- #
def _gamma_params(data, method='MoM'):
Computes the parameters of a gamma probability density function (pdf), according to the selected
data: np.array
The data with which will be adjusted the pdf
method: str
Method to calculate the value of the parameters for the pdf
'MoM': Method of Moments (Default)
r_params: dict
{'alpha': gamma distribution paramerter, 'beta': gamma distribution parameter}
# -- Methods of Moments -- #
if method == 'MoM':
# first two moments
mean = np.mean(data)
variance = np.var(data)
# sometimes refered in literature as k
alpha = mean**2/variance
# sometimes refered in literature as 1/theta
beta = mean/variance
# return the gamma distribution empirically adjusted parameters
return alpha, beta
# -- For errors or other unsupported methods
raise ValueError("Currently, the supported methods are: 'MoM'")
# alpha_1: Distribution 1: shape parameter, alpha_1 > 0
# beta_1: Distribution 1: rate or inverse scale distribution parameter, beta_1 > 0
alpha_1, beta_1 = _gamma_params(data=p_data)
# alpha_2: Distribution 2: shape parameter, alpha_2 > 0
# beta_2: Distribution 2: rate or inverse scale parameter, beta_2 > 0
alpha_2, beta_2 = _gamma_params(data=q_data)
# Expression with beta instead of theta
theta_1 = 1/beta_1
theta_2 = 1/beta_2
p1, p2 = 1, 1 # Generalized Gamma Distribution with p=1 is a gamma distribution [1]
# Calculations, see [1] for mathematical details.
a = p1*(theta_2**alpha_2)*sps.gamma(alpha_2/p2)
b = p2*(theta_1**alpha_1)*sps.gamma(alpha_1/p1)
c = (((sps.digamma(alpha_1/p1))/p1) + np.log(theta_1))*(alpha_1 - alpha_2)
# Bi-gamma functions
d = sps.gamma((alpha_1+p2)/p1)
e = sps.gamma((alpha_1/p1))
# Calculations
f = (theta_1/theta_2)**(p2)
g = alpha_1/p1
# General calculation and output
r_kld = np.log(a/b) + c + (d/e)*f - g
# Final Kullback-Leibler Divergence for Empirically Adjusted Gamma PDFs
return r_kld | c20fd6764299300dc555bca356d9942e98d38214 | 354 |
def interpolate_rat(nodes, values, use_mp=False):
"""Compute a rational function which interpolates the given nodes/values.
nodes (array): the interpolation nodes; must have odd length and
be passed in strictly increasing or decreasing order
values (array): the values at the interpolation nodes
use_mp (bool): whether to use ``mpmath`` for extended precision. Is
automatically enabled if `nodes` or `values` use ``mpmath``.
BarycentricRational: the rational interpolant. If there are `2n + 1` nodes,
both the numerator and denominator have degree at most `n`.
# ref: (Knockaert 2008), doi:10.1109/LSP.2007.913583
# see also: (Ionita 2013), PhD thesis, Rice U
values = np.asanyarray(values)
nodes = np.asanyarray(nodes)
n = len(values) // 2 + 1
m = n - 1
if not len(values) == n + m or not len(nodes) == n + m:
raise ValueError('number of nodes should be odd')
xa, xb = nodes[0::2], nodes[1::2]
va, vb = values[0::2], values[1::2]
# compute the Loewner matrix
B = (vb[:, None] - va[None, :]) / (xb[:, None] - xa[None, :])
# choose a weight vector in the nullspace of B
weights = _nullspace_vector(B, use_mp=use_mp)
return BarycentricRational(xa, va, weights) | cdc98a0a04a6d35fb409fb4235dab759c1f96c1c | 355 |
import re
def binder_update_page_range(payload):
"""Parser for `binder_update_page_range`"""
match = re.match(binder_update_page_range_pattern, payload)
if match:
match_group_dict = match.groupdict()
return BinderUpdatePageRange(int(, int(, int(, int(
except Exception as e:
raise ParserError(e.message) | 82f3bc931bebc5816b38feb75f918779fa271840 | 356 |
import re
def generate_breadcrumb(url: str, separator: str) -> str:
Fungsi yang menerima input berupa string url dan separator
dan mengembalikan string yang berisi navigasi breadcrumb.
Halaman Wikipedia tentang navigasi breadcrumb:
>>> generate_breadcrumb("", " > ")
'<span class="active">HOME</span>'
>>> generate_breadcrumb("", " > ")
'<a href="/">HOME</a> > <span class="active">HARMONIFY</span>'
>>> generate_breadcrumb("", " / ")
'<a href="/">HOME</a> / <span class="active">SSYPS</span>'
# inisialisasi variabel untuk menampung hasil
result = []
# ambil path dari url
path = parse_path(url)
# filter akhiran index.* dari path
path = re.sub(r"index\.?.*$", "", path)
# split path menjadi list
pathList = path.split("/")
if pathList[-1] == "":
# generate tag anchor dari awal sampai dengan
# elemen kedua terakhir dari pathList
for i in range(len(pathList[:-1])):
url = "/".join(pathList[: i + 1])
desc = generate_description(pathList[i])
anchor = generate_anchor_tag(url, desc)
# generate tag span dengan elemen terakhir dari pathList
span = generate_span_tag(generate_description(pathList[-1]))
# return hasil join tag anchor dengan separator
return separator.join(result) | 8fc4e84ba68a5ff0d359ded9c70aef9ebec89b32 | 357 |
from pathlib import Path
def extract_all_sentences(dataset_path, features_outfile=None):
""" Extract features from sentences using pretrained universal sentence embeddings and save them in a pickle file
:param dataset_path: the path of the dataset to use
:param features_outfile: file used to store the extracted features
:return: extracted embeddings
model_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "data" / "models" / "use"
use = hub.load(str(model_path.absolute()))
feature_extractor = TextFeatureExtractor(use)
return feature_extractor.extract_all_features(dataset_path, features_outfile) | 259ef284310c8bc2a52aa201ec17522e4b00b6d1 | 359 |
def search_sorted(array, value):
Searches the given sorted array for the given value using a
BinarySearch which should execute in O(log N).
array a 1D sorted numerical array
value the numerical value to search for
returns index of array closest to value
returns None if value is outside variable bounds
def index_to_check(rmin, rmax):
return (rmin + rmax) / 2
range_min = 0
range_max_0 = len(array)
range_max = range_max_0
numloops = 0
while numloops < 100:
numloops += 1
if (range_max - range_min) == 1:
if (range_max == range_max_0) or (range_min == 0):
raise LookupError("For some reason, range_max-" +\
"range_min reached 1 before " +\
"the element was found. The " +\
"element being searched for " +\
("was %s. (min,max)" % (value,) +\
("=%s" % ((range_min, range_max),))))
high_index = range_max
high_index = index_to_check(range_min, range_max)
high_val = array[high_index]
low_val = array[high_index - 1]
if value < low_val:
range_max = high_index
elif value > high_val:
range_min = high_index
else: # low_val <= value <= high_val
if (2 * (high_val - value)) < (high_val - low_val):
return high_index
return high_index - 1
raise NotImplementedError("Something went wrong! I " +\
"caught a pseudo-infinite loop!") | 6eec5fb24cd2da1989b4b80260ce185191d782f1 | 362 |
from typing import Dict
import attr
def to_doc(d: DatasetDoc) -> Dict:
Serialise a DatasetDoc to a dict
If you plan to write this out as a yaml file on disk, you're
better off with `to_formatted_doc()`.
doc = attr.asdict(
# Exclude fields that are the default.
filter=lambda attr, value: "doc_exclude" not in attr.metadata
and value != attr.default
# Exclude any fields set to None. The distinction should never matter in our docs.
and value is not None,
doc["$schema"] = ODC_DATASET_SCHEMA_URL
if d.geometry is not None:
doc["geometry"] = shapely.geometry.mapping(d.geometry)
doc["id"] = str(
doc["properties"] = dict(
return doc | 83a3ca0838074e000238765c34067e8086e4a2ab | 363 |
def annealing_exp(start, end, pct):
"""Exponentially anneal from start to end as pct goes from 0.0 to 1.0."""
return start * (end / start) ** pct | 4517b07ad7d065a1ba8d4f963c688677846640e3 | 364 |
def _compile_theano_function(param, vars, givens=None):
"""Compile theano function for a given parameter and input variables.
This function is memoized to avoid repeating costly theano compilations
when repeatedly drawing values, which is done when generating posterior
predictive samples.
param : Model variable from which to draw value
vars : Children variables of `param`
givens : Variables to be replaced in the Theano graph
A compiled theano function that takes the values of `vars` as input
positional args
return function(vars, param, givens=givens,
allow_input_downcast=True) | bed6879a63beebe3af8eaabf654e5617e550e971 | 365 |
def redirect(url):
"""Create a response object representing redirection.
:param url: a URL
:return: a Response
headers = {
"Location": url,
return Response(headers=headers, code=HTTPStatus.FOUND) | 13a61d5854fd5ef50ce51e38a0dc38af282a5693 | 366 |
import json
def remove_ordereddict(data, dangerous=True):
"""turns a nested OrderedDict dict into a regular dictionary.
dangerous=True will replace unserializable values with the string '[unserializable]' """
# so nasty.
return json.loads(json_dumps(data, dangerous)) | f5ca4db424c721a5e9015e77cd727f71b3912699 | 367 |
from typing import List
def evaluate_v1(tokens: List[str]) -> Number:
"""Evaluates a tokenized expression and returns the result"""
stack: List = []
for token in tokens:
stack = consume_token(token, stack)
return get_result_from_stack(stack) | 1507baf55f427096b12690d76854d0189ec1571e | 368 |
def load_gromacs_reaction_coord_files(us_path, n_wins, step=10, verbose=False):
us_path: string
Path to the xvg files with sampled reaction coordinate values
n_wins: integer
Number of umbrella runs
step: integer
Time interval for analysis
verbose: Boolean
us_pull_l: list
list of reaction coordinates values sampled in the umbrella runs
us_pull_l = []
bar = pyprind.ProgBar(n_wins, update_interval=15)
for win_i in (range(1, n_wins+1)):
if verbose:
np.loadtxt(us_path.format(win_i), skiprows=17)[::step])
return us_pull_l | 47a304592306b142b96638f40410685ce31e0482 | 369 |
from typing import Dict
def h_customer_role_playing(
process_configuration: Dict[str, str], h_customer: Hub, staging_table: StagingTable
) -> RolePlayingHub:
"""Define h_customer_role_playing test hub.
process_configuration: Process configuration fixture value.
h_customer: Hub customer fixture value.
staging_table: Staging table fixture value.
Deserialized role playing hub h_customer_role_playing.
h_customer_role_playing_fields = [
h_customer_role_playing = RolePlayingHub(
h_customer_role_playing.parent_table = h_customer
h_customer_role_playing.staging_table = staging_table
return h_customer_role_playing | f8f6fadc9dad8c637fbf173a2d10378f087954f6 | 370 |
def _js_requires(offline: bool = False) -> str:
"""Format JS requires for Plotly dependency.
offline: if True, inject entire Plotly library for offline use.
str: <script> block with Plotly dependency.
helper_fxns = _load_js_resource(_AxPlotJSResources.HELPER_FXNS)
if offline:
script = Template(_load_js_resource(_AxPlotJSResources.PLOTLY_OFFLINE)).render(
script = _load_js_resource(_AxPlotJSResources.PLOTLY_ONLINE)
return script + helper_fxns | cc5bf8b5c6a840b9905008c0986f5b7ef65d6942 | 374 |
def resnet_retinanet(num_classes, backbone='resnet50', inputs=None, modifier=None, **kwargs):
""" Constructs a retinanet model using a resnet backbone.
num_classes: Number of classes to predict.
backbone: Which backbone to use (one of ('resnet50', 'resnet101', 'resnet152')).
inputs: The inputs to the network (defaults to a Tensor of shape (None, None, 3)).
modifier: A function handler which can modify the backbone before using it in retinanet (this can be used to
freeze backbone layers for example).
RetinaNet model with a ResNet backbone.
# choose default input
if inputs is None:
inputs = keras.layers.Input(shape=(None, None, 3))
# create the resnet backbone
if backbone == 'resnet50':
resnet = keras_resnet.models.ResNet50(inputs, include_top=False, freeze_bn=True)
elif backbone == 'resnet101':
resnet = keras_resnet.models.ResNet101(inputs, include_top=False, freeze_bn=True)
elif backbone == 'resnet152':
resnet = keras_resnet.models.ResNet152(inputs, include_top=False, freeze_bn=True)
raise ValueError('Backbone (\'{}\') is invalid.'.format(backbone))
# invoke modifier if given
if modifier:
resnet = modifier(resnet)
# create the full model
return retinanet.retinanet(inputs=inputs, num_classes=num_classes, backbone_layers=resnet.outputs[1:], **kwargs) | 9e44d811cc0da8e7810731379259f8921483e907 | 375 |
def trans_full_matrix_projection(input, size=0, param_attr=None):
Different from full_matrix_projection, this projection performs matrix
multiplication, using transpose of weight.
.. math::
out.row[i] += in.row[i] * w^\mathrm{T}
:math:`w^\mathrm{T}` means transpose of weight.
The simply usage is:
.. code-block:: python
proj = trans_full_matrix_projection(input=layer,
:param input: input layer
:type input: LayerOutput
:param size: The parameter size. Means the width of parameter.
:type size: int
:param param_attr: Parameter config, None if use default.
:type param_attr: ParameterAttribute
:return: A TransposedFullMatrixProjection Object.
:rtype: TransposedFullMatrixProjection
proj = TransposedFullMatrixProjection(, size=size, **param_attr.attr)
proj.origin = input
return proj | c8c69a01bf311d449ec6b9af68d61fe917073c75 | 376 |
def http_head_deck_etag(gist_url):
"""Perform a HEAD against gist_url and return the etag."""
class HeadRequest(Request):
def get_method(self):
return 'HEAD'
head_request = HeadRequest(gist_url + '/raw')
response = urlopen(head_request)
headers = response.headers
etag = headers['etag']
return etag | b5f4d4ebb80ec95059562c500edc8fc3a4040064 | 377 |
def _get_fluxes(sol, reactions):
"""Get the primal values for a set of variables."""
fluxes = { sol.fluxes.loc[r.community_id, r.global_id] for r in reactions
return pd.Series(fluxes) | da5ff0af1a3072baca70ac338ee29a7ea91606ac | 378 |
def compatible_elfs(elf1, elf2):
"""See if two ELFs are compatible
This compares the aspects of the ELF to see if they're compatible:
bit size, endianness, machine type, and operating system.
elf1 : ELFFile
elf2 : ELFFile
True if compatible, False otherwise
osabis = frozenset([e.header['e_ident']['EI_OSABI'] for e in (elf1, elf2)])
compat_sets = (frozenset('ELFOSABI_%s' % x
for x in ('NONE',
'LINUX', )), )
return ((len(osabis) == 1 or
for x in compat_sets)) and elf1.elfclass == elf2.elfclass and
elf1.little_endian == elf2.little_endian and
elf1.header['e_machine'] == elf2.header['e_machine']) | 808c52de45e96d177429ebe1339f4a97c2c219d0 | 379 |
def _tear_down_response(data):
"""Helper function to extract header, payload and end from received response
response_header = data[2:17]
# Below is actually not used
response_payload_size = data[18]
response_payload = data[19:-2]
response_end = data[-2:]
return response_header, response_payload, response_end | 0c9684c2c054beaff018f85a6775d46202d0095a | 381 |
import pymysql
def read_data_from_bd(query,
""" get data from abc database
query: sql
username: database username
password: database password
df: dataframe
connection = pymysql.connect(host=host,
df = pd.read_sql(query, connection)
return df | a7ff96f9bda9b71bced1baaceeeb7c7797839bb4 | 382 |
def stack_atomic_call_middleware(q_dict, q_queryset, logger, middleware):
""" Calls the middleware function atomically.
* Returns cached queue on error or None """
cached_q_dict = q_dict[:]
cached_q_query = q_queryset.all()
middleware(q_dict, q_queryset, logger)
logger.error('MM_STACK: Middleware exception occurred in %s' % middleware.__name__)
return [cached_q_dict, cached_q_query]
return None | 9d01c51e19702ba4bc0ae155f0b9b386a4d947b6 | 383 |
def collate_with_neg_fn(generator):
"""Collate a list of datapoints into a batch, with negative samples in last half of batch."""
users, items, item_attr, num_attr = collate_fn(generator)
users[len(users) // 2:] = users[:len(users) // 2]
return users, items, item_attr, num_attr | 189104ba993e522a1a5f7b40dfcaa06b25e69966 | 384 |
def build_scenario_3(FW, verbosity=None):
Tests if override is cleared when all switch behaviours go out of scope.
And tests switch command with opaque value.
Returns a list of 2-lists: [time, 0ary function] that describes exactly
what needs to be executed when. The 0ary functions return a falsey value
when it succeeded, and a string describing what went wrong else.
def setup_scenario_3():
sendBehaviour(0, buildTwilight(9, 14, 80))
sendBehaviour(1, buildSwitchBehaviour(9, 12, 70))
scenario = TestScenario(FW, "scenario 3")
if verbosity is not None:
# behaviours both become active
scenario.setTime(9, 0)
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "overrideState", "-1", "overridestate should've been set to translucent")
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "aggregatedState", "70", "aggregatedState should be equal to minimum of active behaviour and twilight")
# switch command occurs
scenario.setTime(10, 0)
scenario.addEvent(bind(sendSwitchCommand, 50))
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "overrideState", "50", "overridestate should've been set to translucent")
scenario.setTime(10, 0)
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "aggregatedState", "50", "aggregatedState should be equal to override state when it is opaque")
# all behaviours become inactive
scenario.setTime(12, 0)
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "overrideState", "-1", "overridestate should've been cleared when it is non-zero and all switch behaviours become inactive")
scenario.addExpect("SwitchAggregator", "aggregatedState", "0", "aggregatedState should be equal to 0 when no override state or switch behaviours are active")
return scenario | a676d7997affcb92ea19dc007a8c38eebc919af3 | 385 |
def read(input):
"""Read an entire zonefile, returning an AST for it which contains formatting information."""
return _parse(input, actions=Actions()) | 46cbef9f1b5f85705166ec0527f60e8346157955 | 386 |
def generate_conditionally(text='welcome', random_seed=1, **kwargs):
text - str
random_seed - integer
stroke - numpy 2D-array (T x 3)
model = ConditionalStrokeModel.load(
str(MODEL_DIR / 'conditional-stroke-model'),
batch_size=1, rnn_steps=1, is_train=False, char_seq_len=len(text) + 1)
return conditional_decode(model, seed=random_seed, text=text, **kwargs) | e58a06fc620a71e6ff0704bfe5cae3693ef5f758 | 387 |
import torch
def cross_entropy(pred, soft_targets):
""" pred: unscaled logits
soft_targets: target-distributions (i.e., sum to 1)
logsoftmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
return torch.mean(torch.sum(-soft_targets * logsoftmax(pred), 1)) | 1a81e36a9839600bd621ec0e3bb0da1d5fca0c0a | 388 |
def get_credentials(_globals: dict):
Gets Credentials from Globals
Structure may be found in modules/ducktests/tests/checks/utils/
This function return default username and password, defaults may be overriden throw globals
return DEFAULT_AUTH_USERNAME, DEFAULT_AUTH_PASSWORD | 2ca95af842f1e68eb31b452374adec4d0b830383 | 391 |
def hideablerevs(repo):
"""Revision candidates to be hidden
This is a standalone function to allow extensions to wrap it.
Because we use the set of immutable changesets as a fallback subset in
branchmap (see mercurial.branchmap.subsettable), you cannot set "public"
changesets as "hideable". Doing so would break multiple code assertions and
lead to crashes."""
return obsolete.getrevs(repo, 'obsolete') | caf59496abeb0f6d42063509f3357c7520a90d82 | 392 |
import torch
def squeeze_features(protein):
"""Remove singleton and repeated dimensions in protein features."""
protein["aatype"] = torch.argmax(protein["aatype"], dim=-1)
for k in [
if k in protein:
final_dim = protein[k].shape[-1]
if isinstance(final_dim, int) and final_dim == 1:
if torch.is_tensor(protein[k]):
protein[k] = torch.squeeze(protein[k], dim=-1)
protein[k] = np.squeeze(protein[k], axis=-1)
for k in ["seq_length", "num_alignments"]:
if k in protein:
protein[k] = protein[k][0]
return protein | 05c1a174935f7ebe845a0a3b308ca933baccfde6 | 393 |
import pathlib
def get_cache_dir(app_name: str, suffix: str = None, create: bool = True):
"""Get a local cache directory for a given application name.
app_name: The name of the application.
suffix: A subdirectory appended to the cache dir.
create: Whether to create the directory and its parents if it does not
already exist.
appdirs = _import_appdirs()
if appdirs is None:
raise ImportError(
"To use `dm.utils.fs.get_cache_dir()`, you must have `appdirs` "
"installed: `conda install appdirs`."
cache_dir = pathlib.Path(appdirs.user_cache_dir(appname=app_name))
if suffix is not None:
cache_dir /= suffix
if create:
cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
return cache_dir | 40db55ce5d891a5cd496d23760ac66fe23206ed7 | 394 |
import random
import pickle
def _dump_test_data(filename, num_per_type=10):
"""Get corpus of statements for testing that has a range of stmt types."""
sp = signor.process_from_web()
# Group statements by type
stmts_by_type = defaultdict(list)
for stmt in sp.statements:
# Sample statements of each type (without replacement)
stmt_sample = []
for stmt_type, stmt_list in stmts_by_type.items():
if len(stmt_list) <= num_per_type:
stmt_sample.extend(random.sample(stmt_list, num_per_type))
# Make a random binary class vector for the stmt list
y_arr = [random.choice((0, 1)) for s in stmt_sample]
with open(test_stmt_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump((stmt_sample, y_arr), f)
return stmt_sample | 4eb2fbcfc6524d3f10c92e13f01475834f26f7f2 | 395 |
def gin_dict_parser(coll):
Use for parsing collections that may contain a 'gin' key.
The 'gin' key is assumed to map to either a dict or str value that contains gin bindings.
{'gin': {'Classifier.n_layers': 2, 'Classifier.width': 3}}
{'gin': 'Classifier.n_layers = 2\nClassifier.width = 3'}
if 'gin' in coll:
if is_mapping(coll['gin']):
gin.parse_config("".join(map(lambda t: f'{t[0]} = {t[1]}\n', iteritems(coll['gin']))))
elif isinstance(coll['gin'], str):
return coll | d47fa1785948d70e5bf4575ed879fe37827db6ba | 396 |
def ones(shape, dtype):
Declare a new worker-local tensor with all elements initialized to one.
:param shape: the tensor shape
:param dtype: the tensor data type
:return: the tensor expression
np_dtype = DType(dtype).as_numpy()
init = _ConstTensor(np.ones(shape, dtype=np_dtype))
return LocalTensor(init) | 7345dad51739c1ada5dfd89ae9c0d0b21df54ce8 | 397 |
def _valid_url(url):
"""Checks that the given URL is Discord embed friendly. Or at least, it tries."""
def _valid_string(segment, main=True):
if not len(segment):
return False
for c in [ord(it.lower()) for it in segment]:
if not (97 <= c <= 122 or (main and (48 <= c <= 57 or c == 45))):
return False
return True
test = urlparse(url)
if not (test.scheme and test.netloc and '.' in test.netloc):
return False
# Discord only accepts http or https
if test.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
return False
# Test for valid netloc
netloc_split = test.netloc.split('.')
if (len(netloc_split) < 2):
return False # http://foo
tld = test.netloc.split('.')[-1]
if not (len(tld) >= 2 and _valid_string(tld, main=False)):
return False # http://foo.123
for segment in netloc_split[:-1]:
if not _valid_string(segment):
return False # or http://fo*
for c in url:
if not 33 <= ord(c) <= 126:
return False # non-ASCII only URLs
return True | 74d359bc2c8430fc5990cead6695626ea825db64 | 398 |
def isText(node):
Returns True if the supplied node is free text.
return node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE | 150efc016028d0fab4630ad5e754ebaeed0c82c0 | 399 |
def _parse_descriptor(desc: str, ctx: '_ParseDescriptorContext') -> 'Descriptor':
:meta private:
Parse a descriptor given the context level we are in.
Used recursively to parse subdescriptors
:param desc: The descriptor string to parse
:param ctx: The :class:`_ParseDescriptorContext` indicating the level we are in
:return: The parsed descriptor
:raises: ValueError: if the descriptor is malformed
func, expr = _get_func_expr(desc)
if func == "pk":
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("more than one pubkey in pk descriptor")
return PKDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "pkh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH):
raise ValueError("Can only have pkh at top level, in sh(), or in wsh()")
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("More than one pubkey in pkh descriptor")
return PKHDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "sortedmulti" or func == "multi":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH):
raise ValueError("Can only have multi/sortedmulti at top level, in sh(), or in wsh()")
is_sorted = func == "sortedmulti"
comma_idx = expr.index(",")
thresh = int(expr[:comma_idx])
expr = expr[comma_idx + 1:]
pubkeys = []
while expr:
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if len(pubkeys) == 0 or len(pubkeys) > 16:
raise ValueError("Cannot have {} keys in a multisig; must have between 1 and 16 keys, inclusive".format(len(pubkeys)))
elif thresh < 1:
raise ValueError("Multisig threshold cannot be {}, must be at least 1".format(thresh))
elif thresh > len(pubkeys):
raise ValueError("Multisig threshold cannot be larger than the number of keys; threshold is {} but only {} keys specified".format(thresh, len(pubkeys)))
if ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP and len(pubkeys) > 3:
raise ValueError("Cannot have {} pubkeys in bare multisig: only at most 3 pubkeys")
return MultisigDescriptor(pubkeys, thresh, is_sorted)
if func == "wpkh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH):
raise ValueError("Can only have wpkh() at top level or inside sh()")
pubkey, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
if expr:
raise ValueError("More than one pubkey in pkh descriptor")
return WPKHDescriptor(pubkey)
if func == "sh":
if ctx != _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP:
raise ValueError("Can only have sh() at top level")
subdesc = _parse_descriptor(expr, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH)
return SHDescriptor(subdesc)
if func == "wsh":
if not (ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP or ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH):
raise ValueError("Can only have wsh() at top level or inside sh()")
subdesc = _parse_descriptor(expr, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH)
return WSHDescriptor(subdesc)
if func == "tr":
if ctx != _ParseDescriptorContext.TOP:
raise ValueError("Can only have tr at top level")
internal_key, expr = parse_pubkey(expr)
subscripts = []
depths = []
if expr:
# Path from top of the tree to what we're currently processing.
# branches[i] == False: left branch in the i'th step from the top
# branches[i] == true: right branch
branches = []
while True:
# Process open braces
while True:
expr = _get_const(expr, "{")
except ValueError:
if len(branches) > MAX_TAPROOT_NODES:
raise ValueError("tr() supports at most {MAX_TAPROOT_NODES} nesting levels")
# Process script expression
sarg, expr = _get_expr(expr)
subscripts.append(_parse_descriptor(sarg, _ParseDescriptorContext.P2TR))
# Process closing braces
while len(branches) > 0 and branches[-1]:
expr = _get_const(expr, "}")
# If we're at the end of a left branch, expect a comma
if len(branches) > 0 and not branches[-1]:
expr = _get_const(expr, ",")
branches[-1] = True
if len(branches) == 0:
return TRDescriptor(internal_key, subscripts, depths)
if ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2SH:
raise ValueError("A function is needed within P2SH")
elif ctx == _ParseDescriptorContext.P2WSH:
raise ValueError("A function is needed within P2WSH")
raise ValueError("{} is not a valid descriptor function".format(func)) | 7c755482ba31ce656ae597eeb166de9cfaa2f649 | 400 |
def get_editable_fields(cc_content, context):
Return the set of fields that the requester can edit on the given content
# For closed thread:
# no edits, except 'abuse_flagged' and 'read' are allowed for thread
# no edits, except 'abuse_flagged' is allowed for comment
ret = {"abuse_flagged"}
if cc_content["type"] == "thread" and cc_content["closed"]:
ret |= {"read"}
return ret
if cc_content["type"] == "comment" and context["thread"]["closed"]:
return ret
# Shared fields
ret |= {"voted"}
if _is_author_or_privileged(cc_content, context):
ret |= {"raw_body"}
# Thread fields
if cc_content["type"] == "thread":
ret |= {"following", "read"}
if _is_author_or_privileged(cc_content, context):
ret |= {"topic_id", "type", "title"}
if context["is_requester_privileged"] and context["discussion_division_enabled"]:
ret |= {"group_id"}
# Comment fields
if (
cc_content["type"] == "comment" and (
context["is_requester_privileged"] or (
_is_author(context["thread"], context) and
context["thread"]["thread_type"] == "question"
ret |= {"endorsed"}
return ret | 19cea27fdda79b365c25329851bb7baf8d18bcac | 401 |
def rate_of_matrix_function(A, Adot, f, fprime):
"""Find the rate of the tensor A
A : ndarray (3,3)
A diagonalizable tensor
Adot : ndarray (3,3)
Rate of A
f : callable
fprime : callable
Derivative of f
Ydot : ndarray (3,3)
For a diagonalizable tensor A (the strain) which has a quasi-arbitrary
spectral expansion
.. math::
A = \sum_{i=1}^3 \lambda_i P_{i}
and if a second tensor Y is a principal function of A, defined by
.. math::
Y = \sum_{i=1}^3 f(\lambda_i) P_i,
compute the time rate \dot{Y}. Algorithm taken from Brannon's
Tensor book, from the highlighted box near Equation (28.404) on
page 550.
# Compute the eigenvalues and eigenprojections.
eig_vals, eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(A)
eig_projs = [np.outer(eig_vecs[:, i], eig_vecs[:, i]) for i in [0, 1, 2]]
# Assemble the rate of Y.
Ydot = np.zeros((3, 3))
for eigi, proji in zip(eig_vals, eig_projs):
for eigj, projj in zip(eig_vals, eig_projs):
if eigi == eigj:
gamma = fprime(eigi)
gamma = (f(eigi) - f(eigj)) / (eigi - eigj)
Ydot += gamma *,, projj))
return Ydot | 404d189b2bc6cc91c30ef857a8ebef7cc0db49d9 | 402 |
def enumerate_changes(levels):
"""Assign a unique integer to each run of identical values.
Repeated but non-consecutive values will be assigned different integers.
return levels.diff().fillna(0).abs().cumsum().astype(int) | 4787c0e84d6bca8f6038389e5bebf74317059ed8 | 403 |
def TDataStd_ByteArray_Set(*args):
* Finds or creates an attribute with the array. If <isDelta> == False, DefaultDeltaOnModification is used. If attribute is already set, all input parameters are refused and the found attribute is returned.
:param label:
:type label: TDF_Label &
:param lower:
:type lower: int
:param upper:
:type upper: int
:param isDelta: default value is Standard_False
:type isDelta: bool
:rtype: Handle_TDataStd_ByteArray
return _TDataStd.TDataStd_ByteArray_Set(*args) | a0f3402e1106021affb3dfe12fe93c5ae8ed2dad | 404 |
def _get_total_elements(viewer) -> int:
We need to fetch a workflows listing to figure out how many entries we
have in the database, since the API does not contain a method to count
the DB entries.
:param viewer: CWL Viewer instance URL
:return: number of total elements in the CWL Viewer instance DB
smallest_workflow_dataset: dict = _fetch_workflows_data(viewer, 0, 1).json()
return int(smallest_workflow_dataset['totalElements']) | a7289ed13546b68e381793e0fdd8410f986f87d4 | 405 |
def entrepreneursIncubated(dateFrom=None, dateTo=None):
Returns all entrepreneurs ages count between a set of ranges
queryset = Stage.objects
output = {
'queryset': None,
'fields': [],
'values': [],
'fieldLabels': [],
queryset = queryset.filter(stage_type="IN") # check for duplicated
projects = Project.objects.filter(id__in=queryset.values('project_id'))
entrepreneurs = Entrepreneur.objects.filter(id__in=projects.values('entrepreneurs'))
output['queryset'] = entrepreneurs
fieldsDict = helperDictionaries.getModelReportFields('entrepreneurs')
output['fieldDict'] = fieldsDict
output['fields'] = [*fieldsDict.keys()]
output['fieldLabels'] = [*fieldsDict.values()]
return output | 5b06dc8a9ca15357ecab20e615d329fcaaffc8d8 | 406 |
def get_steps(x, shape):
Convert a (vocab_size, steps * batch_size) array
into a [(vocab_size, batch_size)] * steps list of views
steps = shape[1]
if x is None:
return [None for step in range(steps)]
xs = x.reshape(shape + (-1,))
return [xs[:, step, :] for step in range(steps)] | 44133ddd1ad78b3ea05042c6c16558bb982c9206 | 407 |
def LHS(
a: int,
operation1: str,
b: int,
operation2: str,
c: float
E.g. LHS(a, 'plus', b, 'times', c) does
(a + b) * c
a: int. First number in equation
operation1: str. Must be 'plus', 'minus', 'times', 'divide'
b : int. Second number in equation
operation2: str. Must be 'plus', 'minus', 'times', 'divide'
c: float. Third number in equation
return: int
step_1 = word_function(a, operation1, b)
step_2 = word_function(step_1, operation2, c)
return step_2 | af023f3cd70d123492c8a6abb92d7ae2994b56ae | 408 |
import math
def _validate(api_indicator_matype, option, parameters:dict, **kwargs): # -> dict
"""Validates kwargs and attaches them to parameters."""
matype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["matype"])) if "matype" in kwargs else None
if option == "matype" and matype is not None and matype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["matype"] = matype
nbdevup = math.fabs(kwargs["nbdevup"]) if "nbdevup" in kwargs else None
nbdevdn = math.fabs(kwargs["nbdevdn"]) if "nbdevdn" in kwargs else None
if option == "nbdevup" and nbdevup is not None:
parameters["nbdevup"] = nbdevup
if option == "nbdevdn" and nbdevdn is not None:
parameters["nbdevdn"] = nbdevdn
timeperiod1 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod1"])) if "timeperiod1" in kwargs else None
timeperiod2 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod2"])) if "timeperiod2" in kwargs else None
timeperiod3 = int(math.fabs(kwargs["timeperiod3"])) if "timeperiod3" in kwargs else None
if option == "timeperiod1" and timeperiod1 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod1"] = timeperiod1
if option == "timeperiod2" and timeperiod2 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod2"] = timeperiod2
if option == "timeperiod3" and timeperiod3 is not None:
parameters["timeperiod3"] = timeperiod3
acceleration = math.fabs(float(kwargs["acceleration"])) if "acceleration" in kwargs else None
maximum = math.fabs(float(kwargs["maximum"])) if "maximum" in kwargs else None
if option == "acceleration" and acceleration is not None:
parameters["acceleration"] = acceleration
if option == "maximum" and maximum is not None:
parameters["maximum"] = maximum
fastlimit = math.fabs(float(kwargs["fastlimit"])) if "fastlimit" in kwargs else None
slowlimit = math.fabs(float(kwargs["slowlimit"])) if "slowlimit" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastlimit" and fastlimit is not None and fastlimit > 0 and fastlimit < 1:
parameters["fastlimit"] = fastlimit
if option == "slowlimit" and slowlimit is not None and slowlimit > 0 and slowlimit < 1:
parameters["slowlimit"] = slowlimit
fastperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastperiod"])) if "fastperiod" in kwargs else None
slowperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowperiod"])) if "slowperiod" in kwargs else None
signalperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["signalperiod"])) if "signalperiod" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastperiod" and fastperiod is not None:
parameters["fastperiod"] = fastperiod
if option == "slowperiod" and slowperiod is not None:
parameters["slowperiod"] = slowperiod
if option == "signalperiod" and signalperiod is not None:
parameters["signalperiod"] = signalperiod
fastmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastmatype"])) if "fastmatype" in kwargs else None
slowmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowmatype"])) if "slowmatype" in kwargs else None
signalmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["signalmatype"])) if "signalmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastmatype" and fastmatype is not None and fastmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["fastmatype"] = fastmatype
if option == "slowmatype" and slowmatype is not None and slowmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowmatype"] = slowmatype
if option == "signalmatype" and signalmatype is not None and signalmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["signalmatype"] = signalmatype
fastkperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastkperiod"])) if "fastkperiod" in kwargs else None
fastdperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastdperiod"])) if "fastdperiod" in kwargs else None
fastdmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["fastdmatype"])) if "fastdmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "fastkperiod" and fastkperiod is not None:
parameters["fastkperiod"] = fastkperiod
if option == "fastdperiod" and fastdperiod is not None:
parameters["fastdperiod"] = fastdperiod
if option == "fastdmatype" and fastdmatype is not None and fastdmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["fastdmatype"] = fastdmatype
slowkperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowkperiod"])) if "slowkperiod" in kwargs else None
slowdperiod = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowdperiod"])) if "slowdperiod" in kwargs else None
slowkmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowkmatype"])) if "slowkmatype" in kwargs else None
slowdmatype = int(math.fabs(kwargs["slowdmatype"])) if "slowdmatype" in kwargs else None
if option == "slowkperiod" and slowkperiod is not None:
parameters["slowkperiod"] = slowkperiod
if option == "slowdperiod" and slowdperiod is not None:
parameters["slowdperiod"] = slowdperiod
if option == "slowkmatype" and slowkmatype is not None and slowkmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowkmatype"] = slowkmatype
if option == "slowdmatype" and slowdmatype is not None and slowdmatype in api_indicator_matype:
parameters["slowdmatype"] = slowdmatype
return parameters | d73903514aa87f854d08e3447cca85f64eaa4b31 | 409 |
def scale_y_values(y_data, y_reference, y_max):
Scale the plot in y direction, to prevent extreme values.
:param y_data: the y data of the plot
:param y_reference: the maximum value of the plot series (e.g. Normal force), which will be scaled to y_max
:param y_max: the maximum y value for the plot (e.g. if y_max=1, no y value in the plot will be greater than 1)
multipl_factor = y_max / y_reference
for i in range(len(y_data)):
y_data[i] = y_data[i] * multipl_factor
return y_data, multipl_factor | b3b22b0f868ce46926a4eecfc1c5d0ac2a7c1f7e | 410 |
def set_heating_contribution(agent, pv_power):
""" If the water tank is currently in use, compute and return the part of the pv_power used for heating the water"""
pv_power_to_heating = 0
if agent.water_tank.is_active():
pv_power_to_heating = pv_power * agent.pv_panel.heating_contribution
return pv_power_to_heating | ece29b7f0fbbe10907ada8fd1450919f01ab74c3 | 411 |
import tqdm
def predict_direction(clf, tickers, **kwargs):
Use clf (an untrained classifier) to predict direction of change for validation
data for each stock in 'tickers'. Pass additional keyword arguments to be
used in building the stock datasets.
--clf: An untrained sklearn classifier
--tickers: A list of tickers to use
--kwargs: Additional arguments for the StockDataset class
A dictionary where each key is a ticker in 'tickers' and each value is the
accuracy for the predictions for that ticker.
results = {}
for ticker in tqdm(tickers):
# Build and split dataset
ds = StockDataset(tickers=ticker, quiet=True, **kwargs)
t_data, v_data, t_label, v_label = ds.split(label_field='Direction')
# Clone classifier
clf_clone = sklearn.base.clone(clf)
# Fit classifier to data, t_label)
# Predict and store results
v_pred = clf_clone.predict(v_data)
results[ticker] = mymetrics.direction_accuracy(v_label, v_pred)
return results | 798e25d3b652227407b50e8eec9f0289770d9d9a | 412 |
def parse_primary(index):
"""Parse primary expression."""
if token_is(index, token_kinds.open_paren):
node, index = parse_expression(index + 1)
index = match_token(index, token_kinds.close_paren, ParserError.GOT)
return expr_nodes.ParenExpr(node), index
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.number):
return expr_nodes.Number(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
elif (token_is(index, token_kinds.identifier)
and not p.symbols.is_typedef(p.tokens[index])):
return expr_nodes.Identifier(p.tokens[index]), index + 1
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.string):
return expr_nodes.String(p.tokens[index].content), index + 1
elif token_is(index, token_kinds.char_string):
chars = p.tokens[index].content
return expr_nodes.Number(chars[0]), index + 1
raise_error("expected expression", index, ParserError.GOT) | 2413a0793062e2cfa52fb8d922c21a3af7d06a66 | 414 |
def chopper_pulses_of_mode(i):
"""How many single pulses the chopper transmits per opening,
or in hybrid mode, how many single bunches the tranmitted intensity
corresponds to, based on the current settings of the chopper.
i: 0-based integer"""
if isnan(i) or i<0 or i>=len(chopper.pulses): return nan
return chopper.pulses[int(i)] | c10ade662b515cfdde721b9c7c8cb2aac7fa8c03 | 415 |
def _get_content_from_tag(tag):
"""Gets the content from tag till before a new section."""
contents = []
next_tag = tag
while next_tag and not _is_section(next_tag):
content = parse_content(next_tag.text())
if content:
next_tag =
return ' '.join(contents) | 832f01b7db2a5c2cdcc3454b1253a8399464952e | 416 |
async def get_connections(request: data_models.ConnectionsRequest):
"""Get connections *from* and *to* each entity in the request.
Connections *to* are all the subject-predicate pairs where the entity is the object, and connections *from* are all the predicate-object pairs where the entity is the subject."""
response = {}
for ent in request.entities:
ent_normalised = utils.normaliseURI(ent)
connections_from = sparql_connector.get_sparql_results(
sparql.get_p_o(ent_normalised, labels=request.labels, limit=request.limit)
connections_to = sparql_connector.get_sparql_results(
sparql.get_s_p(ent_normalised, labels=request.labels, limit=request.limit)
for predicate_object_dict in connections_from:
if (
"" in predicate_object_dict["object"]["value"]
) and "objectLabel" not in predicate_object_dict:
object_label = utils.get_vam_object_title(
if object_label is not None:
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"] = dict()
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"]["type"] = "literal"
predicate_object_dict["objectLabel"]["value"] = object_label
for subject_predicate_dict in connections_to:
if (
"" in subject_predicate_dict["subject"]["value"]
) and "subjectLabel" not in subject_predicate_dict:
subject_label = utils.get_vam_object_title(
if subject_label is not None:
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"] = dict()
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"]["type"] = "literal"
subject_predicate_dict["subjectLabel"]["value"] = subject_label
ent: {
"from": connections_from,
"to": connections_to,
return response | e25a363cbd4cbbaa7a2f36132f73fcfa2ebd1d3c | 417 |
def sunlight_duration(hour_angle_sunrise):
"""Returns the duration of Sunlight, in minutes, with Hour Angle in degrees,
sunlight_durration = 8 * hour_angle_sunrise # this seems like the wrong output
return sunlight_durration | b2887dd86caf25e7cac613bfa10b4de26c932c09 | 418 |
import warnings
def add_particle_bunch_gaussian(sim, q, m, sig_r, sig_z, n_emit, gamma0,
sig_gamma, n_physical_particles,
n_macroparticles, tf=0., zf=0., boost=None,
save_beam=None, z_injection_plane=None,
Introduce a relativistic Gaussian particle bunch in the simulation,
along with its space charge field.
The bunch is initialized with a normalized emittance `n_emit`,
in such a way that it will be focused at time `tf`, at the position `zf`.
Thus if `tf` is not 0, the bunch will be initially out of focus.
(This does not take space charge effects into account.)
sim : a Simulation object
The structure that contains the simulation.
q : float (in Coulomb)
Charge of the particle species
m : float (in kg)
Mass of the particle species
sig_r : float (in meters)
The transverse RMS bunch size.
sig_z : float (in meters)
The longitudinal RMS bunch size.
n_emit : float (in meters)
The normalized emittance of the bunch.
gamma0 : float
The Lorentz factor of the electrons.
sig_gamma : float
The absolute energy spread of the bunch.
n_physical_particles : float
The number of physical particles (e.g. electrons) the bunch should
consist of.
n_macroparticles : int
The number of macroparticles the bunch should consist of.
zf: float (in meters), optional
Position of the focus.
tf : float (in seconds), optional
Time at which the bunch reaches focus.
boost : a BoostConverter object, optional
A BoostConverter object defining the Lorentz boost of
the simulation.
save_beam : string, optional
Saves the generated beam distribution as an .npz file "string".npz
z_injection_plane: float (in meters) or None
When `z_injection_plane` is not None, then particles have a ballistic
motion for z<z_injection_plane. This is sometimes useful in
boosted-frame simulations.
`z_injection_plane` is always given in the lab frame.
initialize_self_field: bool, optional
Whether to calculate the initial space charge fields of the bunch
and add these fields to the fields on the grid (Default: True)
# Generate Gaussian gamma distribution of the beam
if sig_gamma > 0.:
gamma = np.random.normal(gamma0, sig_gamma, n_macroparticles)
# Zero energy spread beam
gamma = np.full(n_macroparticles, gamma0)
if sig_gamma < 0.:
"Negative energy spread sig_gamma detected."
" sig_gamma will be set to zero. \n")
# Get inverse gamma
inv_gamma = 1. / gamma
# Get Gaussian particle distribution in x,y,z
x = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
y = sig_r * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
z = zf + sig_z * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Define sigma of ux and uy based on normalized emittance
sig_ur = (n_emit / sig_r)
# Get Gaussian distribution of transverse normalized momenta ux, uy
ux = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
uy = sig_ur * np.random.normal(0., 1., n_macroparticles)
# Finally we calculate the uz of each particle
# from the gamma and the transverse momenta ux, uy
uz_sqr = (gamma ** 2 - 1) - ux ** 2 - uy ** 2
# Check for unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
mask = uz_sqr >= 0
N_new = np.count_nonzero(mask)
if N_new < n_macroparticles:
"Particles with uz**2<0 detected."
" %d Particles will be removed from the beam. \n"
"This will truncate the distribution of the beam"
" at gamma ~= 1. \n"
"However, the charge will be kept constant. \n"%(n_macroparticles
- N_new))
# Remove unphysical particles with uz**2 < 0
x = x[mask]
y = y[mask]
z = z[mask]
ux = ux[mask]
uy = uy[mask]
inv_gamma = inv_gamma[mask]
uz_sqr = uz_sqr[mask]
# Calculate longitudinal momentum of the bunch
uz = np.sqrt(uz_sqr)
# Get weight of each particle
w = n_physical_particles / N_new * np.ones_like(x)
# Propagate distribution to an out-of-focus position tf.
# (without taking space charge effects into account)
if tf != 0.:
x = x - ux * inv_gamma * c * tf
y = y - uy * inv_gamma * c * tf
z = z - uz * inv_gamma * c * tf
# Save beam distribution to an .npz file
if save_beam is not None:
np.savez(save_beam, x=x, y=y, z=z, ux=ux, uy=uy, uz=uz,
inv_gamma=inv_gamma, w=w)
# Add the electrons to the simulation
ptcl_bunch = add_particle_bunch_from_arrays(sim, q, m, x, y, z, ux, uy, uz,
w, boost=boost, z_injection_plane=z_injection_plane,
return ptcl_bunch | 3aedae4d9ff7ec6026b3153946939858db48d332 | 419 |
def sell_shares_nb(cash_now, shares_now, size, direction, price, fees, fixed_fees, slippage,
min_size, allow_partial, raise_reject, log_record, log):
"""Sell shares."""
# Get optimal order size
if direction == Direction.LongOnly:
final_size = min(shares_now, size)
final_size = size
# Check against minimum size
if abs(final_size) < min_size:
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Final size is less than minimum allowed")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.MinSizeNotReached,
log_record, log)
# Check against partial fill
if np.isfinite(size) and is_less_nb(final_size, size) and not allow_partial:
# np.inf doesn't count
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Final size is less than requested")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.PartialFill,
log_record, log)
# Get price adjusted with slippage
adj_price = price * (1 - slippage)
# Compute acquired cash
acq_cash = final_size * adj_price
# Update fees
fees_paid = acq_cash * fees + fixed_fees
# Get final cash by subtracting costs
if is_less_nb(acq_cash, fees_paid):
# Can't fill
if raise_reject:
raise RejectedOrderError("Order rejected: Fees cannot be covered")
return order_not_filled_nb(
cash_now, shares_now,
OrderStatus.Rejected, StatusInfo.CantCoverFees,
log_record, log)
final_cash = acq_cash - fees_paid
# Update current cash and shares
new_cash = cash_now + final_cash
new_shares = add_nb(shares_now, -final_size)
# Return filled order
order_result = OrderResult(
if log:
fill_res_log_nb(new_cash, new_shares, order_result, log_record)
return new_cash, new_shares, order_result | cf16446421ae19aa7f1d142ee195d5d9dfa20bdf | 420 |
import traceback
def handler_no_answer(f):
"""Decorator that creates message handlers that don't reply."""
def handle_wrapper(*args, **kwds):
answer = None
f(*args, **kwds)
except Exception:
'Calling the cmd handler caused an error:\n{}'.format(traceback.format_exc())
], {}
return handle_wrapper | 79f1e0d30eab4d7beb500a3a75f7b7e4415e311c | 422 |
import re
def wrapper_handle_attrs(func):
# 这是一个装饰Parsing.handle_attrs_tmp、Parsing.handle_attrs_tag的装饰器
def handle_attrs(self, attrs_str):
attrs = dict()
if attrs_str == '/':
return attrs
attrs_list = re.findall(self.attr_reg, attrs_str)
for attr in attrs_list:
attrs[attr[0]] = func(self, attr)
return attrs
return handle_attrs | d7396433c9721c26c8d419d4e78f2b8445f5dd70 | 423 |
def transfer_weights(model, weights=None):
Always trains from scratch; never transfers weights
:param model:
:param weights:
print('ENet has found no compatible pretrained weights! Skipping weight transfer...')
return model | 2b8b5e7d3ad72deea42ffccea6a561eac3b72320 | 424 |
def collapse_json(text, indent=4):
"""Compacts a string of json data by collapsing whitespace after the
specified indent level
NOTE: will not produce correct results when indent level is not a multiple
of the json indent level
initial = " " * indent
out = [] # final json output
sublevel = [] # accumulation list for sublevel entries
pending = None # holder for consecutive entries at exact indent level
for line in text.splitlines():
if line.startswith(initial):
if line[indent] == " ":
# found a line indented further than the indent level, so add
# it to the sublevel list
if pending:
# the first item in the sublevel will be the pending item
# that was the previous line in the json
pending = None
item = line.strip()
if item.endswith(","):
sublevel.append(" ")
elif sublevel:
# found a line at the exact indent level *and* we have sublevel
# items. This means the sublevel items have come to an end
sublevel = []
# found a line at the exact indent level but no items indented
# further, so possibly start a new sub-level
if pending:
# if there is already a pending item, it means that
# consecutive entries in the json had the exact same
# indentation and that last pending item was not the start
# of a new sublevel.
pending = line.rstrip()
if pending:
# it's possible that an item will be pending but not added to
# the output yet, so make sure it's not forgotten.
pending = None
if sublevel:
return "\n".join(out) | 625868ca90aab0be50cf6d2fdb2926d395d83301 | 425 |
import ast
def get_skills_v1():
f = open('skills_v1.json', 'rb')
for a in f:
skills_v1 = ast.literal_eval(a)
return skills_v1 | c71b7ed4fc6579ea21a0aecceaf38be81a32964b | 426 |
from typing import Tuple
from typing import List
from typing import Counter
def create_mask(board: np.ndarray, dimensions: Tuple[int, int]) -> List[List[int]]:
""" Function to create Mask of possible valid values based on the initial sudoku Board. """
mask = list(board.tolist())
counts = Counter(board.flatten())
del counts[0]
counts = [number[0] for number in counts.most_common()]
most_common_clues = counts
for clue in range(dimensions[0], dimensions[1]):
if clue not in most_common_clues:
for i, row in enumerate(mask):
if 0 in row:
while 0 in row:
zero_index = row.index(0)
mask[i][zero_index] = []
for number in most_common_clues:
if valid(board, number, (i, zero_index), box_size):
for number in row:
if number != 0:
mask[i][row.index(number)] = {number}
return mask | a8e4c68a55c96ad7502464934226f8909dbf18cd | 427 |
def telegram(text: str, token: str, chat_id: int) -> str:
"""Send a telegram message"""
webhookAddress = f"{token}/sendMessage?" + urlencode({"text":text, "chat_id":chat_id})
handler = urlopen(webhookAddress)
return'utf-8') | c80727f5e482b3e9bb48c28c3cc9e688228733fc | 428 |
def match_term(term, dictionary, case_sensitive, lemmatize=True):
lemmatize Including lemmas improves performance slightly
if (not case_sensitive and term.lower() in dictionary) or term in dictionary:
return True
if (case_sensitive and lemmatize) and term.rstrip('s').lower() in dictionary:
return True
elif (not case_sensitive and lemmatize) and term.rstrip('s') in dictionary:
return True
return False | aba706a211cf68e7c8c1668200da3f9c8613b3d2 | 429 |
import requests
import json
import csv
def fill_user(user_ids, filename='user', write=True):
Input: user_ids dictionary (user ids: task values)
Output: csv file with user id, name, email
emails = {}
for user in user_ids:
r = requests.get(''
.format(user, PYBOSSA_API_KEY), headers=headers)
user_info = json.loads(r.text)
emails[user] = [user_info['fullname'], user_info['email_addr']]
if write:
with open('{}.csv'.format(filename), 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
writer.writerow(["id", "name", "email"])
for i in emails:
writer.writerow([i, emails[i][0], emails[i][1]])
return emails | 0ee2eb7104ee177a13d78e6e05b6fb787736bb06 | 430 |
def project_along_flow(dX_raw,dY_raw,dX_prio,dY_prio,e_perp):
dX_raw : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
raw horizontal displacement with mixed signal
dY_raw : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
raw vertical displacement with mixed signal
dX_prio : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
reference of horizontal displacement (a-priori knowledge)
dY_prio : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
reference of vertical displacement (a-priori knowledge)
e_perp : np.array, size=(2,1), float
vector in the perpendicular direction to the flightline (bearing).
dX_proj : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
projected horizontal displacement in the same direction as reference.
dY_proj : np.array, size=(m,n), dtype=float
projected vertical displacement in the same direction as reference.
The projection function is as follows:
.. math:: P = ({d_{x}}e^{\perp}_{x} - {d_{y}}e^{\perp}_{y}) / ({\hat{d}_{x}}e^{\perp}_{x} - {\hat{d}_{y}}e^{\perp}_{y})
See also Equation 10 and Figure 2 in [1].
Furthermore, two different coordinate system are used here:
.. code-block:: text
indexing | indexing ^ y
system 'ij'| system 'xy' |
| |
| i | x
--------+--------> --------+-------->
| |
| |
image | j map |
based v based |
.. [1] Altena & Kääb. "Elevation change and improved velocity retrieval
using orthorectified optical satellite data from different orbits"
Remote Sensing vol.9(3) pp.300 2017.
# e_{\para} = bearing satellite...
assert(dX_raw.size == dY_raw.size) # all should be of the same size
assert(dX_prio.size == dY_prio.size)
assert(dX_raw.size == dX_prio.size)
d_proj = ((dX_raw*e_perp[0])-(dY_raw*e_perp[1])) /\
dX_proj = d_proj * dX_raw
dY_proj = d_proj * dY_raw
return dX_proj,dY_proj | fe0565667b77954b1df07d7ea31cbb620b20f800 | 431 |
from typing import Mapping
import select
def get_existing_pks(engine: Engine, table: Table) -> Mapping[int, dict]:
Creates an index of hashes of the values of the primary keys in the table provided.
:param engine:
:param table:
with engine.connect() as conn:
pk_cols = [table.c[] for col in table.columns if col.primary_key]
query = select(pk_cols)
result = conn.execute(query)
return {hash_row_els(dict(row), [ for col in pk_cols]): dict(row) for row in result} | fead502b36f67c6732ba4b0e4e678af4fd96ed53 | 432 |
def create_transform_parameters(
fill_mode = 'nearest',
interpolation = 'linear',
cval = 0,
data_format = None,
relative_translation = True,
""" Creates a dictionary to store parameters containing information on
method to apply transformation to an image
# Arguments
fill_mode: One of: 'constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'
interpolation: One of: 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'area', 'lanczos4'
cval: Fill value to use with fill_mode='constant'
data_format: Same as for keras.preprocessing.image_transform.apply_transform
relative_translation: If true (the default), interpret translation as a factor of the image size.
If false, interpret it as absolute pixels.
# Apply processing to input arguments
if data_format is None:
data_format = 'channels_last'
if data_format == 'channels_first':
channel_axis = 0
elif data_format == 'channels_last':
channel_axis = 2
raise ValueError("invalid data_format, expected 'channels_first' or 'channels_last', got '{}'".format(data_format))
if fill_mode == 'constant':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
if fill_mode == 'nearest':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE
if fill_mode == 'reflect':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_REFLECT_101
if fill_mode == 'wrap':
cv_border_mode = cv2.BORDER_WRAP
if interpolation == 'nearest':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
if interpolation == 'linear':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR
if interpolation == 'cubic':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
if interpolation == 'area':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA
if interpolation == 'lanczos4':
cv_interpolation = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
# Create attribute dict to store parameters
_p = AttrDict(
return _p | 2172c283b53d76881877b618043885aa596507d4 | 433 |
def error_rate(model, dataset):
"""Returns error rate for Keras model on dataset."""
d = dataset['dimension']
scores = np.squeeze(model.predict(dataset['features'][:, :, 0:d]), axis=-1)
diff = scores[:, 0] - scores[:, 1]
return np.mean(diff.reshape((-1)) <= 0) | b16b234ead64737eb2d40b3aab612270ed86dc0a | 434 |
def account():
"""Update the user's account"""
return _templates.account(UserContext.user()) | 4624bcce3987e71edcd8d720eea22b52658c1352 | 436 |
from typing import Awaitable
import asyncio
def run_synchronously(computation: Awaitable[TSource]) -> TSource:
"""Runs the asynchronous computation and await its result."""
return | 2aa14167a2de06a85862b0b0c9294c76fa8ed012 | 437 |
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel # noqa: E0611
import cmd
from typing import cast
def create_running_command(
command_id: str = "command-id",
command_key: str = "command-key",
command_type: str = "command-type",
created_at: datetime = datetime(year=2021, month=1, day=1),
params: Optional[BaseModel] = None,
) -> cmd.Command:
"""Given command data, build a running command model."""
return cast(
params=params or BaseModel(),
) | a9e38fd534aaf29ebe265279eb86ed90233113fb | 438 |
def x11_linux_stop_record():
stop test_record action
return xwindows_listener.stop_record() | 3a5e4728f8d6d27083ee43c26c84ba22133e0621 | 439 |
def yxy_intrinsic(mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return yxy intrinsic Euler angle decomposition of mat (.., 4, 4))"""
# extract components
not_nan, r00, r01, r02, r10, r11, r12, _, r21, _ = extract_mat_components(mat)
# pre-initialize results
theta_y0 = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
theta_x = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
theta_y1 = np.full(not_nan.shape, np.nan)
# compute Euler angles
theta_y0[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, np.arctan2(-r01, -r21), 0), 0)
theta_x[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, -np.arccos(r11), -np.pi), 0)
theta_y1[not_nan] = np.where(r11 < 1, np.where(r11 > -1, np.arctan2(-r10, r12), np.arctan2(r02, r00)),
np.arctan2(r02, r00))
return np.stack((theta_y0, theta_x, theta_y1), -1) | d7fd0ab01c3c7cf27839caff53a905294e47b7ba | 440 |
def mnemonic_and_path_to_key(*, mnemonic: str, path: str, password: str) -> int:
Return the SK at position `path`, derived from `mnemonic`. The password is to be
compliant with BIP39 mnemonics that use passwords, but is not used by this CLI outside of tests.
seed = get_seed(mnemonic=mnemonic, password=password)
sk = derive_master_SK(seed)
for node in path_to_nodes(path):
sk = derive_child_SK(parent_SK=sk, index=node)
return sk | 6127278c78a1e52e362c2d66c4eb065f63de0ba9 | 441 |
import inspect
def test_function_with_annotations():
"""Parse a function docstring with signature annotations."""
def f(x: int, y: int, *, z: int) -> int:
This function has annotations.
x: X value.
y: Y value.
Keyword Arguments:
z: Z value.
Sum X + Y.
return x + y
sections, errors = parse(inspect.getdoc(f), inspect.signature(f))
assert len(sections) == 4
assert not errors | 5fe7d046659a9e1511f8f321d186cd6e8f1d8d43 | 442 |
def acceleration(bodies, i, j):
Calculer l'acceleration relative à un objet bodies[i]
bodies: tous les objets
i: index of concerned body which undergoes the gravitation of other objects.
j: index of the step
N = len(bodies)
ax = 0; ay = 0; az = 0 #L'acceleration
for ip in range(N):
#Chaque objet bodies[ip] applique une force de gravitation sur l'objet bodies[i]
if ip == i: #On veut que pas avoir le même objet bodies[ip]
# print(fx(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]))
ax += fx(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
ay += fy(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
az += fz(bodies[ip].masse, bodies[i].x[j]-bodies[ip].x[j], bodies[i].y[j]-bodies[ip].y[j], bodies[i].z[j]-bodies[ip].z[j])
return (ax, ay, az) | e19ab098a72d43d0f28931d853866ba0999bd39d | 443 |
import re
def formatted(s):
"""If s contains substrings of form '#'<txt>'#', '(('<txt>'))',
"''"<txt>"''", returns list of tuples (FORMAT_x, txt).
Otherwise, returns s.
matches = re.findall(_format_re, normalize(s))
if len(matches) == 1 and matches[0][0] != '':
return matches[0][0]
def to_fmt(txt_none, txt_sw, txt_rem, txt_em, txt_a):
if txt_none != '':
return FORMAT_NONE, txt_none
elif txt_sw != '':
return FORMAT_SW, txt_sw
elif txt_rem != '':
return FORMAT_REM, txt_rem
elif txt_em != '':
return FORMAT_EM, txt_em
elif txt_a != '':
return FORMAT_A, txt_a
return [to_fmt(*m) for m in matches] | e164d743c5284de744948ab9db72f8887e380dc2 | 444 |
def deep_len(lnk):
""" Returns the deep length of a possibly deep linked list.
>>> deep_len(Link(1, Link(2, Link(3))))
>>> deep_len(Link(Link(1, Link(2)), Link(3, Link(4))))
>>> levels = Link(Link(Link(1, Link(2)), \
Link(3)), Link(Link(4), Link(5)))
>>> print(levels)
<<<1 2> 3> <4> 5>
>>> deep_len(levels)
if not lnk:
return 0
if type(lnk.first) == int:
return 1 + deep_len(
return deep_len(lnk.first) + deep_len( | d8a33600085e51b181752b2dd81d5bcdae7aaff9 | 445 |
def union(A, B):
""" Add two subspaces (A, B) together.
- A: a matrix whose columns span subspace A [ndarray].
- B: a matrix whose columns span subspace B [ndarray].
- union: a matrix whose columns form the orthogonal basis for subspace
addition A+B [ndarray].
m,n = A.shape
x,y = B.shape
if m != x:
raise Exception('input matrices need to be of same height');
T = np.hstack((A, B))
return image(T) | d88f09cd4be80d06d7ae0d6e8397e46910f81a90 | 446 |
def ldns_create_nsec(*args):
"""LDNS buffer."""
return _ldns.ldns_create_nsec(*args) | f9e8fd181f4476c745a9ac12c513e24e7939e2e3 | 447 |
def str_to_seconds(time):
Returns the number of seconds since midnight in the string time (as an int).
The value time is a string in extended ISO 8601 format. That is, it has the form
'hh:mm:ss' where h, m, and s are digits. There must be exactly two digits each for
hours, minutes, and seconds, so they are padded with 0s when necessary. So
seconds, minutes, and hours may have leading 0s if they are only one digit. For
more information, see
This function does not support time zones, abbreviated formats, or decimals
Example: str_to_seconds('12:35:15') returns 45315
Example: str_to_seconds('03:02:05') returns 10925
Example: str_to_seconds('00:00:00') returns 0
Parameter time: The string representation of the time
Precondition: time is a string in extended ISO 8601 format 'hh:mm:ss'
assert type(time) == str
assert len(time) == 8
assert iso_8601(time) == True
result = get_hours(time)*60*60 + get_minutes(time)*60 + get_seconds(time)
return result
# assert iso_8601(time) == True | works but not whats needed
# assert type(time[get_hours(time):get_seconds(time)]) == str | works but not whats needed
# ¬ assert time == str
# change params in fn from time to hr, min, sec | str concatination?
#assert introcs.isdigit(time[0:1+1]) and introcs.isdigit(time[3:4+1]) and introcs.isdigit(time[6:7+1]) == True
#assert type(time[get_hours(time):get_seconds(time)]) == str
#print(time[0:1+1], time[3:4+1], time[6:7+1]) | 3902e5743567f6d07e2c78fa76e5bc2fc0d6306f | 448 |