def linearly_spaced_combinations(bounds, num_samples): """ Return 2-D array with all linearly spaced combinations with the bounds. Parameters ---------- bounds : sequence of tuples The bounds for the variables, [(x1_min, x1_max), (x2_min, x2_max), ...] num_samples : integer or array_likem Number of samples to use for every dimension. Can be a constant if the same number should be used for all, or an array to fine-tune precision. Total number of data points is num_samples ** len(bounds). Returns ------- combinations : 2-d array A 2-d arrray. If d = len(bounds) and l = prod(num_samples) then it is of size l x d, that is, every row contains one combination of inputs. """ bounds = np.atleast_2d(bounds) num_vars = len(bounds) num_samples = np.broadcast_to(num_samples, num_vars) # Create linearly spaced test inputs inputs = [np.linspace(b[0], b[1], n) for b, n in zip(bounds, num_samples)] # Convert to 2-D array return combinations(inputs)
from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple def flatten_expressions_tree( expression: Optional[Expression]) -> Tuple[Expression, ...]: """ Flatten expressions tree into a list. """ if not expression: return tuple() expressions = [expression] for arg in expression.arguments: if is_expression(arg): expressions.extend(flatten_expressions_tree(arg)) return tuple(expressions)
def policy_head(x, mode, params): """ The policy head attached after the residual blocks as described by DeepMind: 1. A convolution of 8 filters of kernel size 3 × 3 with stride 1 2. Batch normalisation 3. A rectifier non-linearity 4. A fully connected linear layer that outputs a vector of size 19²+1 = 362 corresponding to logit probabilities for all intersections and the pass move """ num_channels = params['num_channels'] num_samples = params['num_samples'] def _forward(x, is_recomputing=False): """ Returns the result of the forward inference pass on `x` """ y = batch_norm_conv2d(x, 'conv_1', (3, 3, num_channels, num_samples), mode, params, is_recomputing=is_recomputing) y = tf.nn.relu(y) y = tf.reshape(y, (-1, 361 * num_samples)) y = dense(y, 'linear_1', (361 * num_samples, 362), policy_offset_op, mode, params, is_recomputing=is_recomputing) return tf.cast(y, tf.float32) return recompute_grad(_forward)(x)
def _get_word_ngrams(n, sentences): """Calculates word n-grams for multiple sentences. """ assert len(sentences) > 0 assert n > 0 words = sum(sentences, []) return _get_ngrams(n, words)
from typing import List def override_list(base_list: List, dynamic_key: str, val): """ Customize the base list by updating with the dynamic_key and val. Parameters ---------- base: dict Dictionary or List to be customized with dynamic args dynamic_key: str Key to identify the location the value should be updated. Nested with DOT like "custom.key_0.key_1.key_2.0.0.key_4" val: str or float or int or dict or list Value to be set Returns ------- dict Updated base_list based on the key-value pairs in dynamic_args Notes ----- This will be called recursively with override_dict. If dynamic_key is not a number, then we try to match on `name` field in the list of dictionaries. """ def find_root_key_index(base_list, root_key): if root_key.isdigit(): # If array index root_key = int(root_key) else: # If string, then match on `name` for root_key_i in range(len(base_list)): if root_key == base_list[root_key_i][NAME]: root_key = root_key_i break if not isinstance(root_key, int): raise KeyError("{} not found in List".format(root_key)) return root_key if DOT in dynamic_key: # Compute root and subtree keys root_key = find_root_key_index(base_list, dynamic_key.split(DOT)[0]) subtree_key = DOT.join(dynamic_key.split(DOT)[1:]) # Extract subtree subtree = base_list[root_key] if isinstance(subtree, dict): root_val = override_dict(base_dict=subtree, dynamic_key=subtree_key, val=val) elif isinstance(subtree, list): root_val = override_list(base_list=subtree, dynamic_key=subtree_key, val=val) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported subtree type. Must be one of list or dict") else: # End of nested dynamic key root_key = find_root_key_index(base_list, dynamic_key) root_val = val base_list[root_key] = root_val return base_list
def c_components(DAG): """Return a list of the maximal c-component node sets in DAG.""" G = nx.Graph(); G.add_nodes_from(observable_nodes(DAG)) G.add_edges_from([(u,v) for u,v in observable_pairs(DAG) if has_confounded_path(DAG, u, v)]) return list(nx.connected_components(G))
def wss_over_number_of_clusters(data, algorithm='kmeans', max_iter=100, num_repeats = 5, max_num_clusters = 12, plot_file = None): """ Calculates the within-sum-of-squares (WSS) for different numbers of clusters, averaged over several iterations. Parameters ---------- data : float array Trajectory data [frames,frame_data] algorithm : string The algorithm to use for the clustering. Options: kmeans, rspace. Default: kmeans max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. Default: 100. num_repeats : int, optional Number of times to run the clustering for each number of clusters. Default: 5. max_num_clusters : int, optional Maximum number of clusters for k-means clustering. Default: 12. plot_file : str, optional Name of the file to save the plot. Returns ------- all_wss : float array WSS values for each number of clusters (starting at 2). std_wss : float array Standard deviations of the WSS. """ # Initialize lists all_wss = [] std_wss = [] # Loop over the number of clusters for nc in range(1,max_num_clusters): rep_wss = [] # Run each clustering several times. for repeat in range(num_repeats): # Get clusters and WSS for this repetition. cc = obtain_clusters(data, algorithm=algorithm, max_iter=max_iter, num_clusters=nc, plot=False) cidx, wss, centroids = cc rep_wss.append(wss) # Calculate mean and standard deviation for this number of clusters. all_wss.append(np.mean(rep_wss)) std_wss.append(np.std(rep_wss)) # Plot the WSS over the number of clusters fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=[4,3], dpi=300) ax.errorbar(np.arange(len(all_wss))+2,np.array(all_wss),yerr=np.array(std_wss)/np.sqrt(num_repeats)) ax.set_xlabel('number of clusters') ax.set_ylabel('total WSS') fig.tight_layout() # Save the plot to file. if plot_file: fig.savefig(plot_file) return all_wss, std_wss
from typing import List from typing import Tuple def separate_classes(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> List[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]]: """Separate samples by classes into a list. Args: x (np.ndarray): Samples. y (np.ndarray): Target labels (classes). Returns: List[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]]: List in the format [(class, samples),...] """ classes = np.unique(y) l = [] for clss in classes: l.append((clss, x[y==clss])) return l
import time from datetime import datetime def monitor_threads(threads, arguments): """ Monitor the threads. Parameters ---------- threads: dict The threads to monitor. arguments: namespace The parsed command line. # --GT-- not used, kept to avoid to break the function call. Returns ------- int 0 """ try: # exit and let systemd restart the process to avoid issues with # potential memory leaks time.sleep(60 * 60 * 2) except Exception: # the sleep was interrupted pass for th in threads.keys(): threads[th].stop() # give up to 30 seconds for threads to exit cleanly timeout = + timedelta(seconds=30) while timeout > thread_running = False for th in threads.keys(): if threads[th].is_alive(): thread_running = True if not thread_running: break return 0
def fetch_cfr_parts(notice_xml): """ Sometimes we need to read the CFR part numbers from the notice XML itself. This would need to happen when we've broken up a multiple-effective-date notice that has multiple CFR parts that may not be included in each date. """ parts = [] for cfr_elm in notice_xml.xpath('//CFR'): parts.extend(notice_cfr_p.parseString(cfr_elm.text).cfr_parts) return list(sorted(set(parts)))
def get_dayofweek(date): """ Returns day of week in string format from date parameter (in datetime format). """ return date.strftime("%A")
def add_model_output(modelIn, mode=None, num_add=None, activation=None): """ This function modifies the last dense layer in the passed keras model. The modification includes adding units and optionally changing the activation function. Parameters ---------- modelIn : keras model Keras model to be modified. mode : string Mode to modify the layer. It could be: 'abstain' for adding an arbitrary number of units for the abstention optimization strategy. 'qtl' for quantile regression which needs the outputs to be tripled. 'het' for heteroscedastic regression which needs the outputs to be doubled. (current implicit default: 'het') num_add : integer Number of units to add. This only applies to the 'abstain' mode. activation : string String with keras specification of activation function (e.g. 'relu', 'sigomid', 'softmax', etc.) Return ---------- modelOut : keras model Keras model after last dense layer has been modified as specified. If there is no mode specified it returns the same model. """ if mode is None: return modelIn numlayers = len(modelIn.layers) # Find last dense layer i = -1 while 'dense' not in (modelIn.layers[i].name) and ((i+numlayers) > 0): i -= 1 # Minimal verification about the validity of the layer found assert ((i + numlayers) >= 0) assert ('dense' in modelIn.layers[i].name) # Compute new output size if mode is 'abstain': assert num_add is not None new_output_size = modelIn.layers[i].output_shape[-1] + num_add elif mode is 'qtl': # for quantile UQ new_output_size = 3 * modelIn.layers[i].output_shape[-1] else: # for heteroscedastic UQ new_output_size = 2 * modelIn.layers[i].output_shape[-1] # Recover current layer options config = modelIn.layers[i].get_config() # Update number of units config['units'] = new_output_size # Update activation function if requested if activation is not None: config['activation'] = activation # Create new Dense layer reconstructed_layer = Dense.from_config(config) # Connect new Dense last layer to previous one-before-last layer additional = reconstructed_layer(modelIn.layers[i-1].output) # If the layer to replace is not the last layer, add the remainder layers if i < -1: for j in range(i+1, 0): config_j = modelIn.layers[j].get_config() aux_j = layers.deserialize({'class_name': modelIn.layers[j].__class__.__name__, 'config': config_j}) reconstructed_layer = aux_j.from_config(config_j) additional = reconstructed_layer(additional) modelOut = Model(modelIn.input, additional) return modelOut
def parse(f): """Parse ASDL from the given file and return a Module node describing it.""" parser = ASDLParser() return parser.parse(f)
def distance(xyz, lattice, PBC=[1,2,3]): """ Returns the Euclidean distance from the origin for a fractional displacement vector. Takes into account the lattice metric and periodic boundary conditions, including up to one non-periodic axis. Args: xyz: a fractional 3d displacement vector. Can be obtained by subtracting one fractional vector from another lattice: a 3x3 matrix describing a unit cell's lattice vectors PBC: the axes, if any, which are periodic. 1, 2, and 3 correspond to x, y, and z respectively. Returns: a scalar for the distance of the point from the origin """ xyz = filtered_coords(xyz, PBC=PBC) matrix = create_matrix(PBC=PBC) matrix += xyz matrix =, lattice) return np.min(cdist(matrix,[[0,0,0]]))
def dobro(n=0, formato=False): """ Dobrar número :param n: número a ser dobrado :param formato: (opicional) mostrar o moeda :return: resultado """ n = float(n) n += n return moeda(n) if formato else n
def f_q2d(n, m): """Lowercase f term for 2D-Q polynomials. oe-20-3-2483 Eq. (A.18b). Parameters ---------- n : int radial order m : int azimuthal order Returns ------- float f """ if n == 0: return np.sqrt(F_q2d(n=0, m=m)) else: return np.sqrt(F_q2d(n, m) - g_q2d(n-1, m) ** 2)
def binary_search(data, target, low, high): """Return position if target is found in indicated portion of a python list and -1 if target is not found. """ if low > high: return -1 mid = (low + high) // 2 if target == data[mid]: return mid elif target < data[mid]: # recur on the portion left of the middle return binary_search(data, target, low, mid - 1) else: # recur on the portion right of the middle return binary_search(data, target, mid + 1, high)
def delete_position(id): """Delete a post. Ensures that the post exists and that the logged in user is the author of the post. """ db = get_db() db.execute('DELETE FROM gatekeeping WHERE id = ?', (id,)) db.commit() return jsonify(status='ok')
import struct def read_string(stream, length): """read data from the file and return as a text string """ text = struct.unpack('{}s'.format(length), try: result = str(text[0], encoding='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: result = str(text[0], encoding='latin-1') return result.rstrip('\x00')
import math def generate_gate_y_hamiltonian_vec() -> np.ndarray: """Return the vector representation for the Hamiltonian of a Y gate with respect to the orthonormal Hermitian matrix basis with the normalized identity matrix as the 0th element. The result is a real vector with size 4. Parameters ---------- Returns ---------- np.ndarray The real vector representation of the Hamiltonian of the gate. """ dim = 2 coeff = 0.5 * math.pi * np.sqrt(2) vec = np.zeros(dim * dim, dtype=np.float64) vec[0] = -coeff vec[2] = coeff return vec
def _semi_implicit_midpoint(ode_fun, jac_fun, y_olds, t_old, f_old, dt, args, solver_parameters, J00, I): """ Calculate solution at t_old+dt using the semi-implicit midpoint formula. Based on equations IV.9.16a-b of Ref II. """ y_older, y_old = y_olds je_tot=0 if(y_older is None): # Use Euler to get starting value return _semi_implicit_euler(ode_fun, jac_fun, y_olds, t_old, f_old, dt, args, solver_parameters, J00, I) if(f_old is None): f_yj = ode_fun(*(y_old,t_old)+args) fe_tot = 1 else: # We already computed it and can just reuse it f_yj = f_old fe_tot=0 b =*J00),(y_old-y_older)) + 2*dt*f_yj A = I-dt*J00 if(solver_parameters['initialGuess']): # Use Euler for initial guess x0, f_yj, fe_tot_,je_tot=_explicit_euler(ode_fun, jac_fun, y_olds, t_old, f_yj, dt, args, solver_parameters) fe_tot += fe_tot_ else: x0=None dy = linear_solve(A, b, iterative=solver_parameters['iterative'], tol=solver_parameters['min_tol'], x0=x0) y_new = y_old + dy return (y_new, f_yj, fe_tot, je_tot)
from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util import ( convert_variables_to_constants, remove_training_nodes, ) def freeze_session(session, keep_var_names=None, output_names=None, clear_devices=True): """ Freezes the state of a session into a pruned computation graph. Creates a new computation graph where variable nodes are replaced by constants taking their current value in the session. The new graph will be pruned so subgraphs that are not necessary to compute the requested outputs are removed. @param session The TensorFlow session to be frozen. @param keep_var_names A list of variable names that should not be frozen, or None to freeze all the variables in the graph. @param output_names Names of the relevant graph outputs. @param clear_devices Remove the device directives from the graph for better portability. @return The frozen graph definition. """ graph = session.graph with graph.as_default(): freeze_var_names = list( set( for v in tf.global_variables()).difference( keep_var_names or [])) output_names = output_names or [] output_names += [ for v in tf.global_variables()] # Graph -> GraphDef ProtoBuf input_graph_def = graph.as_graph_def() if clear_devices: for node in input_graph_def.node: node.device = "" frozen_graph = convert_variables_to_constants( session, input_graph_def, output_names, freeze_var_names) frozen_graph = remove_training_nodes(frozen_graph) return frozen_graph
def get_system_cpu_times(): """Return system CPU times as a namedtuple.""" user, nice, system, idle = _psutil_osx.get_system_cpu_times() return _cputimes_ntuple(user, nice, system, idle)
def Mce1(m, q, ξ, *, p=0): """ v = Mce1(m, q, ξ, *, p=0) Compute the value of the even Radial Mathieu function of the first kind Mce⁽¹⁾ₘ(q, ξ). Parameters ---------- m : array_like interger order of the Mathieu function q : array_like positive parameter in the Mathieu differential equation ξ : array like ``radial'' coordinate in the Elliptic coordinates p : 0 or 1 or 2 (default 0) 0 for the function, 1 for the first derivative 2 for the second derivative Returns ------- v : array like value of Mce⁽¹⁾ₘ(q, ξ) or Mce⁽¹⁾ₘ′(q, ξ) or Mce⁽¹⁾ₘ′´(q, ξ) """ if p == 0: return mathieu_modcem1(m, q, ξ)[0] if p == 1: return mathieu_modcem1(m, q, ξ)[1] if p == 2: return (mathieu_a(m, q) - (2 * q) * cosh(2 * ξ)) * mathieu_modcem1(m, q, ξ)[0] raise ValueError("The value p must be 0, 1, or 2.")
def profileown(): """Display user's profile""" return render_template("profile.html", user=session, person=session, books=None)
def GetChildConfigListMetadata(child_configs, config_status_map): """Creates a list for the child configs metadata. This creates a list of child config dictionaries from the given child configs, optionally adding the final status if the success map is specified. Args: child_configs: The list of child configs for this build. config_status_map: The map of config name to final build status. Returns: List of child config dictionaries, with optional final status """ child_config_list = [] for c in child_configs: pass_fail_status = None if config_status_map: if config_status_map[c['name']]: pass_fail_status = constants.FINAL_STATUS_PASSED else: pass_fail_status = constants.FINAL_STATUS_FAILED child_config_list.append({'name': c['name'], 'boards': c['boards'], 'status': pass_fail_status}) return child_config_list
def get_samples(df, selected_rows, no_of_samples, records_in_db): """ get samples without shuffling columns """ df_fixed = None df_random = None generic_data_dict = [] #drop rows with 'ignore' set to 'yes' if 'ignore' in df.columns: df = df[df["ignore"] != "yes"] df = df.drop(['ignore'], axis = 1) print_info("================================================================================") print_info("Total no. of samples found in variable xls file : {}".format(len(df.index))) print_info("Total no. of samples already tested : {}".format(len(records_in_db))) print_info("Total no. of samples remaining to test : {}".format(len(df.index) - len(records_in_db))) print_info("Total no. of random samples selected in this test : {}".format(no_of_samples)) if selected_rows: print_info("Selected rows to test : {}".format(selected_rows)) print_info("================================================================================") #select user selected rows if selected_rows: selected_rows = [row-1 for row in selected_rows] df_fixed = df.iloc[selected_rows] df = df.drop(selected_rows, axis=0) #select records in df which are not in db_df db_df = pd.DataFrame(records_in_db) if db_df.columns.tolist(): df = df.merge(db_df, how = 'outer' ,indicator=True).\ loc[lambda x : x['_merge']=='left_only'] df = df.drop(['_merge'], axis = 1) if no_of_samples and len(df.index) == 0: print_error("All the samples are tested. use --reset_execution to restart test again") exit(1) if no_of_samples and no_of_samples <= len(df.index): #select random samples df_random = df.sample(n=no_of_samples) elif no_of_samples and no_of_samples > len(df.index): print_error("Given no. of samples {} is greater than remaining samples to" \ " test {}. please reduce no. of samples".format(no_of_samples, len(df.index))) exit(1) df = pd.concat([df_fixed, df_random]) generic_data_dict = df.to_dict('records') print_info("selected samples : {}".format(generic_data_dict)) print_info("================================================================================") return generic_data_dict
def update_member_names(oldasndict, pydr_input): """ Update names in a member dictionary. Given an association dictionary with rootnames and a list of full file names, it will update the names in the member dictionary to contain '_*' extension. For example a rootname of 'u9600201m' will be replaced by 'u9600201m_c0h' making sure that a MEf file is passed as an input and not the corresponding GEIS file. """ omembers = oldasndict['members'].copy() nmembers = {} translated_names = [f.split('.fits')[0] for f in pydr_input] newkeys = [fileutil.buildNewRootname(file) for file in pydr_input] keys_map = list(zip(newkeys, pydr_input)) for okey, oval in list(omembers.items()): if okey in newkeys: nkey = pydr_input[newkeys.index(okey)] nmembers[nkey.split('.fits')[0]] = oval oldasndict.pop('members') # replace should be always True to cover the case when flt files were removed # and the case when names were translated oldasndict.update(members=nmembers, replace=True) oldasndict['order'] = translated_names return oldasndict
def part1(entries: str) -> int: """part1 solver take a str and return an int""" houses = {(0, 0): 1} pos_x, pos_y = 0, 0 for direction in entries: delta_x, delta_y = moves[direction] pos_x += delta_x pos_y += delta_y houses[(pos_x, pos_y)] = houses.get((pos_x, pos_y), 0) + 1 return len(houses)
def quantile_compute(x, n_bins): """Quantile computation. Parameters ---------- x: pd.DataFrame the data variable we want to obtain its distribution. n_bins: int the number of bins we want to use to plot the distribution. Returns ------- quantiles: np.ndarray the quantiles. """ # aux.quantile(np.linspace(0, 1, 11)) # version = 0.15 quantiles = [x.quantile(q) for q in np.linspace(0, 1, n_bins+1)] quantiles = np.array(quantiles) return quantiles
def remove_separators(version): """Remove separator characters ('.', '_', and '-') from a version. A version like 1.2.3 may be displayed as 1_2_3 in the URL. Make sure 1.2.3, 1-2-3, 1_2_3, and 123 are considered equal. Unfortunately, this also means that 1.23 and 12.3 are equal. Args: version (str or Version): A version Returns: str: The version with all separator characters removed """ version = str(version) version = version.replace('.', '') version = version.replace('_', '') version = version.replace('-', '') return version
def parse_coverage_status(status): """Parse a coverage status""" return Status.HIT if status.upper() == 'SATISFIED' else Status.MISSED
def max_index(list): """Returns the index of the max value of list.""" split_list = zip(list, range(len(list))) (retval, retI) = reduce(lambda (currV, currI), (nV, nI): (currV, currI) if currV > nV else (nV, nI), split_list) return retI
def mask_coverage(coverage: mx.sym.Symbol, source_length: mx.sym.Symbol) -> mx.sym.Symbol: """ Masks all coverage scores that are outside the actual sequence. :param coverage: Input coverage vector. Shape: (batch_size, seq_len, coverage_num_hidden). :param source_length: Source length. Shape: (batch_size,). :return: Masked coverage vector. Shape: (batch_size, seq_len, coverage_num_hidden). """ return mx.sym.SequenceMask(data=coverage, axis=1, use_sequence_length=True, sequence_length=source_length)
def DFS_complete(g): """Perform DFS for entire graph and return forest as a dictionary. Result maps each vertex v to the edge that was used to discover it. (Vertices that are roots of a DFS tree are mapped to None.) """ forest = {} for u in g.vertices(): if u not in forest: forest[u] = None # u will be the root of a tree DFS(g, u, forest) return forest
def _transform_p_dict(p_value_dict): """ Utility function that transforms a dictionary of dicts into a dataframe representing the dicts as rows (like tuples). Is needed to keep track of the feature names and corresponding values. The underlying datastructures are confusing. :param p_value_dict: dictionary of dictionaries storing the p_values :return: dataframe where the keys are added to the p_values as columns """ # Turn dictionary of dictionaries into a collection of the key-value pairs represented as nested tuples item_dict = dict() for feat in p_value_dict: item_dict[feat] = list(p_value_dict[feat].items()) # building a matrix (nested lists) by extracting and sorting data from nested tuples # (items[0], (nested_items[0], nested_items[1])) df_matrix = [] for items in item_dict.items(): for nested_items in items[1]: df_matrix.append([nested_items[1], nested_items[0], items[0]]) return pd.DataFrame(df_matrix)
import torch from typing import Optional def iou( predict: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ This is a great loss because it emphasizes on the active regions of the predict and targets """ dims = tuple(range(predict.dim())[1:]) if mask is not None: predict = predict * mask target = target * mask intersect = (predict * target).sum(dims) union = (predict + target - predict * target).sum(dims) + 1e-4 return (intersect / union).sum() / intersect.numel()
import re def get_sequence(seq_id): """ TO DO: 1. redirection 303. (not tested in compliance_suite) 2. Note: compliance_suite ignores the range if it is out of bounds or if > SUBSEQUENCE_LIMIT 3. Ambiguous error code resolution in refget documentation: range: The server MUST respond with a Bad Request error if one or more ranges are out of bounds of the sequence. If the server supports circular chromosomes and the chromosome is not circular or the range is outside the bounds of the chromosome the server shall return Range Not Satisfiable. start, end: The server MUST respond with a Bad Request error if start is specified and is larger than the total sequence length. If the server supports circular chromosomes and the chromosome is not circular or the range is outside the bounds of the chromosome the server shall return Range Not Satisfiable. 4. Should we validate the response headers in the compliance suite? 5. check if start and end are 32 bit """ header_content = request.headers accept_type = "text/vnd.ga4gh.refget.v1.0.0+plain" # validate the accept header if "accept" in header_content and header_content["accept"] not in [accept_type,"*/*"]: # bad mock server: status = 200 when headers are incorrect return Response(status=200) # check if the sequence is present. If not, error = 404 sequence_obj = get_sequence_obj(seq_id, DATA, TRUNC512) if not sequence_obj: # bad mock server: status = 200 when sequence is not found return Response(status=200) # get start, end and range params start = request.args.get('start', default = None) end = request.args.get('end', default=None) RANGE_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'bytes=[0-9]*-[0-9]*$') if "range" in header_content: seq_range = header_content["Range"] # bad mock server: status = 404 when both start/end and range parameters are passed if (start or end) and seq_range: return Response(status=404) # bad mock server: status = 404 when range pattern is not as expected if not RANGE_HEADER_PATTERN.match(seq_range): return Response(status=404) fbs = int(header_content['Range'].split('=')[1].split('-')[0]) lbs = int(header_content['Range'].split('=')[1].split('-')[1]) if (fbs > sequence_obj.size-1) or (fbs > lbs): """ Note: we are ignoring case where (lbs > sequence_obj.size-1), (lbs-fbs+1 > SUBSEQUENCE_LIMIT) to match the compliance_suite tests filtering the case where (fbs > lbs) : Sub-sequences of circular chromosomes across the origin may not be requested via the Range header """ # since fbs and lbs <= SUBSEQUENCE_LIMIT-1, it is implied that the subsequence limit if any is satisfied # bad mock server: incorrect status = 400 return Response(status=400) elif (lbs > sequence_obj.size-1) : lbs = sequence_obj.size # bad mock server: status = 200 while returning subsequence return Response(response=(sequence_obj.sequence[fbs:lbs+1]).encode("ascii"),status=200, mimetype=accept_type) if start or end: # if start or end params are present, return the filtered sequence # if start or end params are not 32 bit unsigned int, error = 400 # if start > sequence length, error =400 # if start > end and circular not implemented, error = 501 if start: # TO DO: check if start and end are 32 bit if not start.isdigit(): #checks if start is unsigned int # bad mock server: incorrect status 200 return Response(status=200) start = int(start) else: start = 0 if end: if not end.isdigit(): #checks if end is unsigned int # bad mock server: incorrect status 200 return Response(status=200) end = int(end) else: end = sequence_obj.size if start >= sequence_obj.size or end > sequence_obj.size : # bad mock server: incorrect status 400 return Response(status=400) elif start > end: if CIRCULAR_CHROMOSOME_SUPPORT == False: # bad mock server: incorrect status 416 return Response(status=416) else: if sequence_obj.is_circular == False: # bad mock server: incorrect status 500 return Response(status=500) else: if len(sequence_obj.sequence[start:sequence_obj.size]+sequence_obj.sequence[0:end])>SUBSEQUENCE_LIMIT: # bad mock server: incorrect status 400 return Response(status=400) else: # bad mock server: incorrect status 404 return Response(response=(sequence_obj.sequence[start:sequence_obj.size]+sequence_obj.sequence[0:end]).encode("ascii"),status=404,mimetype=accept_type) elif end-start >SUBSEQUENCE_LIMIT: # bad mock server: incorrect status 200 return Response(status=200) # bad mock server: incorrect status 404 return Response(response=(sequence_obj.sequence[start:end]).encode("ascii"),status=404,mimetype=accept_type) # bad mock server: incorrect status 500 return Response(response=(sequence_obj.sequence).encode("ascii"), status=500,mimetype=accept_type)
def getCondVisibility(condition): """ Returns ``True`` (``1``) or ``False`` (``0``) as a ``bool``. :param condition: string - condition to check. List of Conditions: .. note:: You can combine two (or more) of the above settings by using "+" as an ``AND`` operator, "|" as an ``OR`` operator, "!" as a ``NOT`` operator, and "[" and "]" to bracket expressions. example:: visible = xbmc.getCondVisibility('[Control.IsVisible(41) + !Control.IsVisible(12)]') """ return bool(1)
def history_cumulative(request): """ This endpoints returns the number of cumulative infections for each area given a date in history. """ days = int(request.query_params.get("days")) observed = Covid19DataPoint.objects.all() historyDate = max([ for d in observed]) - timedelta(days=-days) shownData = observed.filter(date=historyDate) deathData = Covid19DeathDataPoint.objects.filter(date=historyDate) #total_confirmed = sum([d.val for d in shownData]) #total_death = sum([d.val for d in deathData]) greatest_model = Covid19Model.objects.get(name="SI-kJalpha - 40x") greatest_predictions = Covid19PredictionDataPoint.objects.filter(model=greatest_model) greatest_predictions = greatest_predictions.filter(date=greatest_predictions.last().date, social_distancing=1) greatest_vals = [d.val for d in greatest_predictions] max_val = max(greatest_vals) greatest_death_model = Covid19Model.objects.get(name="SI-kJalpha - 40x (death prediction)") greatest_death_predictions = Covid19PredictionDataPoint.objects.filter(model=greatest_death_model) greatest_death_predictions = greatest_death_predictions.filter(date=greatest_death_predictions.last().date, social_distancing=1) greatest_death_vals = [d.val for d in greatest_death_predictions] max_death_val = max(greatest_death_vals) response = [{ 'area': { 'country':, 'state': d.area.state, 'iso_2': d.area.iso_2, }, 'value': d.val, #'value_percentage': 1e3*d.val/total_confirmed, 'max_val_percentage': 1e4*d.val/max_val, 'date':, 'deathValue': deathData.filter(area=d.area,, 'max_death_percentage':1e4*deathData.filter(area=d.area,, #'death_percentage': 1e3*deathData.filter(area=d.area,, } for d in shownData] return Response(response)
def check_partial(func, *args, **kwargs): """Create a partial to be used by goodtables.""" new_func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) new_func.check = func.check return new_func
def mcas(mc, entries): """Multi-entry compare-and-set. Synopsis: >>> from memcache_collections import mcas >>> mc = memcache.Client([''], cache_cas=True) >>> # initialize a doubly-linked list with two elements >>> mc.set_multi({ ... 'foo': {'next': 'bar'}, ... 'bar': {'prev': 'foo'}}) [] >>> # Always use mcas_get to access entries potentially in MCAS >>> # operations. It returns an object representing a memcache entry >>> # snapshot. >>> foo_entry, bar_entry = mcas_get(mc, 'foo'), mcas_get(mc, 'bar') >>> foo_entry.key, foo_entry.value ('foo', {'next': 'bar'}) >>> # atomically insert new node in our doubly linked list via MCAS >>> mc.add('baz', {'prev': 'foo', 'next': 'bar'}) 1 >>> mcas(mc, [ ... (foo_entry, {'next': 'baz'}), ... (bar_entry, {'prev': 'baz'})]) True Function is not thread safe due to implicit CAS ID handling of the Python API. Args: mc: memcache client entries: iterable of (Entry, new_value) tuples Returns: True if MCAS completed successfully. The aggregate size of current and new values for all entries must fit within the memcache value limit (typically 1 MB). Based on "Practical lock-freedom", Keir Fraser, 2004, pp. 30-34. """ dc = _DequeClient(mc) mcas_record = _McasRecord(mc, entries) dc.AddNode(mcas_record) # very sad that we need to read this back just to get CAS ID return _mcas_help(dc, mcas_record, is_originator=True)
def figure_8s(N_cycles=2, duration=30, mag=0.75): """ Scenario: multiple figure-8s. Parameters ---------- N_cycles : int How many cycles of left+right braking. duration : int [sec] Seconds per half-cycle. mag : float Magnitude of braking applied. """ on = [(2.0, mag), (duration - 2.0, None)] # Braking on off = [(1.0, 0), (duration - 1.0, None)] # Braking off inputs = { "delta_br": simulation.linear_control([(2, 0), *([*on, *off] * N_cycles)]), "delta_bl": simulation.linear_control([(2, 0), *([*off, *on] * N_cycles)]), } T = N_cycles * duration * 2 return inputs, T
import inspect def grad_ast(func, wrt, motion, mode, preserve_result, verbose): """Perform AD on a single function and return the AST. Args: See `grad`. Returns: node: The AST of a module containing the adjoint and primal function definitions. required: A list of non-built in functions that this function called, and of which the primals and adjoints need to be made available in order for the returned function to run. """ node = annotate.resolve_calls(func) fence.validate(node, inspect.getsource(func)) node = anf_.anf(node) if verbose >= 2: print('ANF') print(quoting.to_source(node)) if mode == 'reverse': node, required, stack = reverse_ad.reverse_ad(node.body[0], wrt, preserve_result) if verbose >= 2: print('RAW') print(quoting.to_source(node)) if motion == 'split': node = reverse_ad.split(node, stack) else: node = reverse_ad.joint(node) if verbose >= 2: print('MOTION') print(quoting.to_source(node)) elif mode == 'forward': node, required = forward_ad.forward_ad(node.body[0], wrt, preserve_result) return node, required
import re def sortRules(ruleList): """Return sorted list of rules. Rules should be in a tab-delimited format: 'rule\t\t[four letter negation tag]' Sorts list of rules descending based on length of the rule, splits each rule into components, converts pattern to regular expression, and appends it to the end of the rule. """ ruleList.sort(key = len, reverse = True) sortedList = [] for rule in ruleList: s = rule.strip().split('\t') splitTrig = s[0].split() trig = r'\s+'.join(splitTrig) pattern = r'\b(' + trig + r')\b' s.append(re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)) sortedList.append(s) return sortedList
def v3_settings_response(): """Define a fixture that returns a V3 subscriptions response.""" return load_fixture("v3_settings_response.json")
def Geom2dLProp_Curve2dTool_FirstParameter(*args): """ * returns the first parameter bound of the curve. :param C: :type C: Handle_Geom2d_Curve & :rtype: float """ return _Geom2dLProp.Geom2dLProp_Curve2dTool_FirstParameter(*args)
def decode_regression_batch_image(x_batch, y_batch, x_post_fn = None, y_post_fn = None, **kwargs): """ x_batch: L or gray (batch_size, height, width, 1) y_batch: ab channel (batch_size, height, width, 2) x_post_fn: decode function of x_batch y_post_fn: decode function of y_batch """ assert len(y_batch.shape)==4 and y_batch.shape[3]==2, "Invalid y_batch shape (batchsize, height, width, 2)" assert len(x_batch.shape)==3 and x_batch.shape[3]==1, "Invalid y_batch shape (batchsize, height, width, 1)" y_height, y_width = y_batch.shape[1:3] x_height, x_width = x_batch.shape[1:3] if x_height != y_height or x_width != y_width: y_batch = sni.zoom(y_batch, [1, 1.*x_height/y_height, 1.*x_width/y_width, 1]) # if x_batch = x_post_fn(x_batch) if x_post_fn is not None else x_batch y_batch = y_post_fn(y_batch) if y_post_fn is not None else y_batch y_batch_Lab = np.concatenate([y_batch_L, y_batch_ab], axis = 3) y_batch_RGB = np.array([cv2.cvtColor(image.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_Lab2RGB) for image in y_batch_Lab]) return y_batch_RGB
def get_mag_from_obs(h, e, d0=0): """gets the magnetic north components given the observatory components. Parameters __________ h: array_like the h component from the observatory e: array_like the e component from the observatory d0: float the declination baseline angle in radians Returns _______ tuple of array_like [0]: total h component as a float [1]: total d declination as a float """ mag_h = get_mag_h_from_obs(h, e) mag_d = get_mag_d_from_obs(h, e, d0) return (mag_h, mag_d)
def set_cell(client, instance, colid, value, file_=None): """Set the value of one cell of a family table. Args: client (obj): creopyson Client. instance (str): Family Table instance name. colid (str): Column ID. value (depends on data type): Cell value. `file_` (str, optional): File name (usually an assembly). Defaults is currently active model. Returns: None """ data = { "instance": instance, "colid": colid, "value": value, } if file_ is not None: data["file"] = file_ else: active_file = client.file_get_active() if active_file: data["file"] = active_file["file"] return client._creoson_post("familytable", "set_cell", data)
def find_bounds(particles): """ Find the maximum and minimum bounds describing a set of particles. """ min_bound = np.array( [np.min(particles[:, 0]), np.min(particles[:, 1]), np.min(particles[:, 2])] ) max_bound = np.array( [np.max(particles[:, 0]), np.max(particles[:, 1]), np.max(particles[:, 2])] ) return max_bound, min_bound
def get_tags_date(link, default_date=None): """Extract tags and date from the link.""" tags = ["links"] date = "" fltr = [ "Bookmarks Menu", "Bookmark Bar", "Personal Toolbar Folder", "Importierte Lesezeichen", "Bookmarks Toolbar", "Kein Label vorhanden", "Unsorted Bookmarks", "Unsortierte Lesezeichen", "Recently Bookmarked", "Recent Tags", ] for parent in link.parents: if == "dl": for sibling in parent.previous_siblings: if == "h3": tags += sibling.get_text().split(">") datestr = ( sibling.get("add_date", None) or sibling.get("last_visit", None) or sibling.get("last_modified", None) or default_date ) date = convert_date(datestr) for sibling in parent.next_siblings: if == "h3": tags += sibling.get_text().split(">") datestr = ( sibling.get("add_date", None) or sibling.get("last_visit", None) or sibling.get("last_modified", None) or default_date ) date = convert_date(datestr) break return ([standardize_tag(i) for i in tags if i not in fltr], date)
from datetime import datetime def _is_future(time, time_ref=None): """ check if `time` is in future (w.r.t. `time_ref`, by default it is now) Parameters ---------- time : int or datetime the time to check (if int it's considered a timestamp, see :py:meth:`datetime.timestamp`) time_ref : int or datetime the time reference (if int it's considered a timestamp, see :py:meth:`datetime.timestamp`), if None use the present time (default: None) Returns ------- bool is in future or not """ time = _parse_time_from_input(time, "time") if time_ref is None: time_ref = else: time_ref = _parse_time_from_input(time_ref, "time_ref") return time > time_ref
from datetime import datetime def create_and_train_model(x_learn, y_learn, model, n_cores): """General method to create and train model""" print(, y_learn)) start_time = c_val = cross_val_score(model, x_learn, y_learn, cv=10, n_jobs=n_cores) end_time = print(type(model).__name__, "with n_jobs =", n_cores, "took:", (end_time.second - start_time.second), "seconds") print(type(model).__name__, "cross_val_score:", c_val.mean()) return model, c_val
def cardidolizedimageurl(context, card, idolized, english_version=False): """ Returns an image URL for a card in the context of School Idol Contest """ prefix = 'english_' if english_version else '' if card.is_special or card.is_promo: idolized = True if idolized: if getattr(card, prefix + 'round_card_idolized_image'): return _imageurl(getattr(card, prefix + 'round_card_idolized_image'), context=context) if getattr(card, prefix + 'card_idolized_image'): return _imageurl(getattr(card, prefix + 'card_idolized_image'), context=context) return _imageurl('static/default-' + card.attribute + '.png', context=context) if getattr(card, prefix + 'round_card_image'): return _imageurl(getattr(card, prefix + 'round_card_image'), context=context) if getattr(card, prefix + 'card_image'): return _imageurl(getattr(card, prefix + 'card_image'), context=context) return _imageurl('static/default-' + card.attribute + '.png', context=context)
def extract_simple_tip(e): """ """ emin = e.min() emax = e.max() indices = [nearest_index(emin), nearest_index(emax)] indices.sort() imin,imax = indices imax +=1 # for python style indexing return imin, imax
def parse_pipeline_config(pipeline_config_file): """Returns pipeline config and meta architecture name.""" with tf.gfile.GFile(pipeline_config_file, 'r') as config_file: config_str = pipeline_config = pipeline_pb2.TrainEvalPipelineConfig() text_format.Merge(config_str, pipeline_config) meta_arch = pipeline_config.model.WhichOneof('model') return pipeline_config, meta_arch
import math def get_pwl(time_series, pwl_epsilon): """ This is a wrapper function for getting a bounded piecewise linear approximation of the data """ if not isinstance(pwl_epsilon, (int, float)): raise TypeError("pwl_epsilon must be a numeric type!") if not (isinstance(time_series, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(time_series, list)): raise TypeError("The argument time_series must be a Pandas Dataframe, or a list!") if isinstance(time_series, pd.DataFrame): # just how hakimis algorithm wants the data polyline_from_data = list(zip(time_series.index.tolist(), time_series[construct_variable_name(1)].values.tolist())) else: polyline_from_data = time_series if math.isclose(pwl_epsilon, 0.0): return polyline_from_data else: approx_grap = create_approximation_graph(timeseries=polyline_from_data, epsilon=pwl_epsilon) shortest_path_gen =\ nx.all_shortest_paths(approx_grap, tuple(polyline_from_data[0]), tuple(polyline_from_data[-1])) # this avoids generating all paths, since we take just the first one (saves memory and time) return next(shortest_path_gen)
def to_array(string): """Converts a string to an array relative to its spaces. Args: string (str): The string to convert into array Returns: str: New array """ try: new_array = string.split(" ") # Convert the string into array while "" in new_array: # Check if the array contains empty strings new_array.remove("") return new_array except: print("The parameter string is not a str") return string
def convert_atoms_to_pdb_molecules(atoms: t.List[Atom]) -> t.List[str]: """ This function converts the atom list into pdb blocks. Parameters ---------- atoms : t.List[Atom] List of atoms Returns ------- t.List[str] pdb strings of that molecule """ # 1) GROUP ATOMS BT MOLECULES molecules = defaultdict(list) for a in atoms: molecules[a.resi].append(a) # 2) CONSTUCT PDB BLOCKS #ref: pdb_format = "ATOM {:>5d} {:<2}{:1}{:>3} {:1}{:>3d}{:1} {:>7.3f}{:>7.3f}{:>7.3f}{:>5}{:>6}{:<3}{:>2} {:>2d}" dummy_occupancy= dummy_bfactor= dummy_charge = 0.0 dummy_alt_location= dummy_chain= dummy_insertion_code= dummy_segment = "" pdb_molecules: t.List[str] = [] for m_ID in sorted(molecules): m = molecules[m_ID] atoms_as_lines: t.List[str] = [] for a in sorted(m, key= lambda x: atoms_as_lines.append(pdb_format.format(int(,, dummy_alt_location, a.resn, dummy_chain, int(a.resi), dummy_insertion_code, a.x, a.y, a.z, dummy_occupancy, dummy_bfactor, dummy_segment, a.elem, int(dummy_charge))) # Sort by Id: => convert str up do first space to int #atoms_as_lines = sorted(atoms_as_lines, key=lambda x: int(x[:x.index('\t')])) molecule_as_str = "TITLE "+a.resn+"\n"+'\n'.join(atoms_as_lines) + '\nEND' # molecule_as_str = molecule_as_str.replace('\t',' ') pdb_molecules.append(molecule_as_str) print(pdb_molecules[-1]) return pdb_molecules
def unvoiced_features(sig,fs,vcont,sil_cont): """ Unvoiced segment features. Requires voiced and silence/pauses segment detection. """ #Unvoiced features uv_seg,_,_ = unvoiced_seg(sig,fs,vcont,sil_cont) lunvoiced = [] for uv in uv_seg: lunvoiced.append(len(uv)/fs)#Length of unvoiced segment uunvoiced = np.mean(lunvoiced)#Average length # sunvoiced = np.std(lunvoiced)#variation of length uvrate = (len(uv_seg)*fs)/len(sig)#Unvoiced segments per second numuv = len(uv_seg) rPVI,nPVI = get_pvi(lunvoiced) pGPI,dGPI = get_gpi(lunvoiced,len(sig)/fs) # feats_unvoiced = np.hstack([numuv,uvrate,uunvoiced,rPVI,nPVI,pGPI,dGPI]) feats_unvoiced = {'Unvoiced_counts':numuv, 'Unvoiced_rate':uvrate, 'Unvoiced_duration':uunvoiced, 'Unvoiced_rPVI':rPVI, 'Unvoiced_nPVI':nPVI, 'Unvoiced_dGPI':dGPI} return feats_unvoiced
def civic_methods(method001, method002, method003): """Create test fixture for methods.""" return [method001, method002, method003]
def _generate_tags(encoding_type, number_labels=4): """ :param encoding_type: 例如BIOES, BMES, BIO等 :param number_labels: 多少个label,大于1 :return: """ vocab = {} for i in range(number_labels): label = str(i) for tag in encoding_type: if tag == 'O': if tag not in vocab: vocab['O'] = len(vocab) + 1 continue vocab['{}-{}'.format(tag, label)] = len(vocab) + 1 # 其实表达的是这个的count return vocab
def delete_link_tag(api_client, link_id, tag_key, **kwargs): # noqa: E501 """delete_link_tag # noqa: E501 Delete link tag by key This method makes a synchronous HTTP request by default. To make an asynchronous HTTP request, please pass async_req=True >>> response = await api.delete_link_tag(client, link_id, tag_key, async_req=True) :param link_id str: str of link. e.g. lnk0 :param tag_key str: key of tag :param async_req bool: execute request asynchronously :param bool sorted: Sort resources :param _return_http_data_only: response data without head status code and headers :param _preload_content: if False, the urllib3.HTTPResponse object will be returned without reading/decoding response data. Default is True. :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one number provided, it will be total request timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of (connection, read) timeouts. :return: APIResponse or awaitable if async """ local_var_params = locals() request_params = [] # noqa: E501 collection_formats = {} path_params = {"link_id": link_id, "tag_key": tag_key} query_params = [] for param in [p for p in request_params if local_var_params.get(p) is not None]: query_params.append((param, local_var_params[param])) # noqa: E501 header_params = {} form_params = [] local_var_files = {} body_params = None # HTTP header `Accept` header_params["Accept"] = api_client.select_header_accept( ["application/json"] ) # noqa: E501 # Authentication setting auth_settings = ["ApiTokenAuth", "basicAuth"] # noqa: E501 return api_client.call_api( "/links/{link_id}/tags/{tag_key}", "DELETE", path_params, query_params, header_params, body=body_params, post_params=form_params, files=local_var_files, response_type="object", # noqa: E501 auth_settings=auth_settings, async_req=local_var_params.get("async_req"), _return_http_data_only=local_var_params.get( "_return_http_data_only" ), # noqa: E501 _preload_content=local_var_params.get("_preload_content", True), _request_timeout=local_var_params.get("_request_timeout"), collection_formats=collection_formats, )
def infect_graph(g, title): """ Function to infect the graph using SI model. Parameters: g: Graph Returns: G : Infected graph t : Time of diffusion of each node """ G=g # Model selection - diffusion time model = ep.SIModel(G) nos = 1/len(G) # Model Configuration config = mc.Configuration() config.add_model_parameter('beta', 0.03) config.add_model_parameter("fraction_infected", 0.05) model.set_initial_status(config) # Simulation execution iterations = model.iteration_bunch(200) diffusionTime={} for i in range(1,len(G)): diffusionTime[i]=-1 for i in iterations: for j in i['status']: if(i['status'][j]==1): diffusionTime[j]=i['iteration'] nodeColor = [] source_nodes = [] for i in G.nodes(): if iterations[0]["status"][i]==1: nodeColor.append('red') source_nodes.append(i) else: nodeColor.append('blue') sorted_values = sorted(diffusionTime.values()) # Sort the values sorted_dict = {} for i in sorted_values: for k in diffusionTime.keys(): if diffusionTime[k] == i: sorted_dict[k] = diffusionTime[k] plt.clf() nx.draw(G, node_color=nodeColor, with_labels=True) plt.title('Intial Phase') plt.savefig(f'./plots/{title}_Initial-infect.png') plt.clf() nx.draw(G, node_color=list(x for i,x in diffusionTime.items()),, with_labels=True) plt.title('Final Phase') plt.savefig(f'./plots/{title}_Final-infect.png') return (G, sorted_dict, source_nodes)
def main_func_SHORT(): """ Func. called by the main T """ sleep(SHORT) return True
from typing import Tuple import math def split_train_test(X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.Series, train_proportion: float = .75) \ -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]: """ Randomly split given sample to a training- and testing sample Parameters ---------- X : DataFrame of shape (n_samples, n_features) Data frame of samples and feature values. y : Series of shape (n_samples, ) Responses corresponding samples in data frame. train_proportion: Fraction of samples to be split as training set Returns ------- train_X : DataFrame of shape (ceil(train_proportion * n_samples), n_features) Design matrix of train set train_y : Series of shape (ceil(train_proportion * n_samples), ) Responses of training samples test_X : DataFrame of shape (floor((1-train_proportion) * n_samples), n_features) Design matrix of test set test_y : Series of shape (floor((1-train_proportion) * n_samples), ) Responses of test samples """ no_of_train_rows = math.ceil(train_proportion * X.shape[0]) X : pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame.join(X,y) train_data = X.sample(n=no_of_train_rows, axis=0) test_data = X.loc[X.index.difference(train_data.index), ] train_y = train_data[] test_y = test_data[] train_data.drop(,inplace=True) test_data.drop(,inplace=True) # print(train_data.shape) # print(test_data.shape) # print(train_y.shape) # print(test_y.shape) return train_data, train_y, test_data, test_y
def s2sdd(s): """ Converts a 4-port single-ended S-parameter matrix to a 2-port differential mode representation. Reference: """ sdd = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.complex128) sdd[0, 0] = 0.5*(s[0, 0] - s[0, 2] - s[2, 0] + s[2, 2]) sdd[0, 1] = 0.5*(s[0, 1] - s[0, 3] - s[2, 1] + s[2, 3]) sdd[1, 0] = 0.5*(s[1, 0] - s[1, 2] - s[3, 0] + s[3, 2]) sdd[1, 1] = 0.5*(s[1, 1] - s[1, 3] - s[3, 1] + s[3, 3]) return sdd
def plot_gdf(gdf, map_f=None, maxitems=-1, style_func_args={}, popup_features=[], tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom=6, geom_col='geometry', control_scale=True): """ :param gdf: GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame to visualize. :param map_f: folium.Map `folium.Map` object where the GeoDataFrame `gdf` will be plotted. If `None`, a new map will be created. :param maxitems: int maximum number of tiles to plot. If `-1`, all tiles will be plotted. :param style_func_args: dict dictionary to pass the following style parameters (keys) to the GeoJson style function of the polygons: 'weight', 'color', 'opacity', 'fillColor', 'fillOpacity', 'radius' :param popup_features: list when clicking on a tile polygon, a popup window displaying the information in the columns of `gdf` listed in `popup_features` will appear. :param tiles: str folium's `tiles` parameter. :param zoom: int initial zoom. :param geom_col: str name of the geometry column of `gdf`. :param control_scale: bool if `True`, add scale information in the bottom left corner of the visualization. The default is `True`. Returns ------- `folium.Map` object with the plotted GeoDataFrame. """ if map_f is None: # initialise map lon, lat = np.mean(np.array(list(gdf[geom_col].apply(utils.get_geom_centroid).values)), axis=0) map_f = folium.Map(location=[lat, lon], tiles=tiles, zoom_start=zoom, control_scale=control_scale) count = 0 for k in gdf.index: g = gdf.loc[k] if type(g[geom_col]) == gpd.geoseries.GeoSeries: for i in range(len(g[geom_col])): map_f = add_to_map(g[geom_col].iloc[i], g.iloc[i], map_f, popup_features=popup_features, style_func_args=style_func_args) else: map_f = add_to_map(g[geom_col], g, map_f, popup_features=popup_features, style_func_args=style_func_args) count += 1 if count == maxitems: break return map_f
def set_catflap_cat_inside(request, catflap_uuid): """GET so it can be used as an email link.""" catflap = CatFlap.objects.get(uuid=catflap_uuid) if not catflap.cat_inside: catflap.cat_inside = True track_manual_intervention(catflap, cat_inside=True) return redirect_to_status_page(request, catflap_uuid)
import ctypes def feature_list(): """Check the library for compile-time features. The list of features are maintained in libinfo.h and Returns ------- list List of :class:`.Feature` objects """ lib_features_c_array = ctypes.POINTER(Feature)() lib_features_size = ctypes.c_size_t() check_call(_LIB.MXLibInfoFeatures(ctypes.byref(lib_features_c_array), ctypes.byref(lib_features_size))) features = [lib_features_c_array[i] for i in range(lib_features_size.value)] return features
def _symm_herm(C): """To get rid of NaNs produced by _scalar2array, symmetrize operators where C_ijkl = C_jilk*""" nans = np.isnan(C) C[nans] = np.einsum('jilk', C)[nans].conj() return C
def cat(self, dim=0): """Map of 'cat' pytorch method.""" x = self dim = _dim_explicit(x[0].shape, dim) return P.concat(x, dim)
import re def _name_xform(o): """transform names to lowercase, without symbols (except underscore) Any chars other than alphanumeric are converted to an underscore """ return re.sub("\W", "_", o.lower())
def runner(app): """创建一个运行器,用于调用应用注册的 Click 命令""" return app.test_cli_runner()
def create_activation_cache(model): """Creates an activation cache for the tensors of a model.""" input_quantizer = quantized_relu(8, 0) output_cache = {} # If using a Sequential model, the input layer is hidden. Therefore, add the # input quantization to the cache if the first layer is not an input layer if not isinstance(model.layers[0], InputLayer): output_cache[model.layers[0].input.experimental_ref()] = input_quantizer # cache graph tensors' activations for l in model.layers: output_cache[l.output.experimental_ref()] = l if isinstance(l, QActivation) or isinstance(l, QAdaptiveActivation) : output_cache[l.output.experimental_ref()] = l.quantizer elif isinstance(l, InputLayer): # assume the input is 8-bit positive value output_cache[l.output.experimental_ref()] = input_quantizer elif l.__class__.__name__ in [ "QDense", "QConv2D", "QConv1D", "QDepthwiseConv2D" ]: output_cache[l.output.experimental_ref()] = l.activation else: if isinstance(l.input, list): # right now, we just get the first one - we assume this is the leading # one. all_q = [ output_cache.get(l.input[i].experimental_ref()) for i in range(len(l.input)) ] q = all_q[0] else: q = output_cache.get(l.input.experimental_ref(), None) output_cache[l.output.experimental_ref()] = q if q is None: raise ValueError("Unknown operation in {}".format( return output_cache
def feature_scatterplot(fset_path, features_to_plot): """Create scatter plot of feature set. Parameters ---------- fset_path : str Path to feature set to be plotted. features_to_plot : list of str List of feature names to be plotted. Returns ------- (str, str) Returns (docs_json, render_items) json for the desired plot. """ fset, data = featurize.load_featureset(fset_path) fset = fset[features_to_plot] colors = cycle(palette[5]) plots = np.array([[figure(width=300, height=200) for j in range(len(features_to_plot))] for i in range(len(features_to_plot))]) for (j, i), p in np.ndenumerate(plots): if (j == i == 0): p.title.text = "Scatterplot matrix"[:,i], fset.values[:,j], color=next(colors)) p.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None p.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None p.ygrid[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = 2 p.xgrid[0].ticker.desired_num_ticks = 4 p.outline_line_color = None p.axis.visible = None plot = gridplot(plots.tolist(), ncol=len(features_to_plot), mergetools=True, responsive=True, title="Test") # Convert plot to json objects necessary for rendering with bokeh on the # frontend render_items = [{'docid': plot._id, 'elementid': make_id()}] doc = Document() doc.add_root(plot) docs_json_inner = doc.to_json() docs_json = {render_items[0]['docid']: docs_json_inner} docs_json = serialize_json(docs_json) render_items = serialize_json(render_items) return docs_json, render_items
def model1(v, va, vb, ka, Wa, Wb, pa): """ A translation of the equation from Sandström's Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy, p. 14, for the uncoupled 2-site exchange simulation. v: frequency whose amplitude is to be calculated va, vb: frequencies of a and b singlets (slow exchange limit) (va > vb) ka: rate constant for state A--> state B pa: fraction of population in state Adv: frequency difference (va - vb) between a and b singlets (slow exchange) T2a, T2b: T2 (transverse relaxation time) for each nuclei returns: amplitude at frequency v """ pi = np.pi pb = 1 - pa tau = pb / ka dv = va - vb Dv = (va + vb) / 2 - v T2a = 1 / (pi * Wa) T2b = 1 / (pi * Wb) P = tau * ((1 / (T2a * T2b)) - 4 * (pi ** 2) * (Dv ** 2) + (pi ** 2) * (dv ** 2)) P += ((pa / T2a) + (pb / T2b)) Q = tau * (2 * pi * Dv - pi * dv * (pa - pb)) R = 2 * pi * Dv * (1 + tau * ((1 / T2a) + (1 / T2b))) R += pi * dv * tau * ((1 / T2b) - (1 / T2a)) + pi * dv * (pa - pb) I = (P * (1 + tau * ((pb / T2a) + (pa / T2b))) + Q * R) / (P ** 2 + R ** 2) return I
def calculate_laminar_flame_speed( initial_temperature, initial_pressure, species_dict, mechanism, phase_specification="", unit_registry=_U ): """ This function uses cantera to calculate the laminar flame speed of a given gas mixture. Parameters ---------- initial_temperature : pint.Quantity Initial temperature of gas mixture initial_pressure : pint.Quantity Initial pressure of gas mixture species_dict : dict Dictionary with species names (all caps) as keys and moles as values mechanism : str String of mechanism to use (e.g. "gri30.cti") phase_specification : str Phase specification for cantera solution unit_registry : pint.UnitRegistry Unit registry for managing units to prevent conflicts with parent unit registry Returns ------- pint.Quantity Laminar flame speed in m/s as a pint quantity """ gas = ct.Solution(mechanism, phase_specification) quant = unit_registry.Quantity tools.check_pint_quantity( initial_pressure, "pressure", ensure_positive=True ) tools.check_pint_quantity( initial_temperature, "temperature", ensure_positive=True ) # ensure species dict isn't empty if len(species_dict) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty species dictionary") # ensure all species are in the mechanism file bad_species = "" good_species = gas.species_names for species in species_dict: if species not in good_species: bad_species += species + "\n" if len(bad_species) > 0: raise ValueError("Species not in mechanism:\n" + bad_species) gas.TPX = ("K").magnitude,"Pa").magnitude, species_dict ) # find laminar flame speed flame = ct.FreeFlame(gas) flame.set_refine_criteria(ratio=3, slope=0.1, curve=0.1) flame.solve(loglevel=0) return quant(flame.u[0], "m/s")
def extrapolate_coverage(lines_w_status): """ Given the following input: >>> lines_w_status = [ (1, True), (4, True), (7, False), (9, False), ] Return expanded lines with their extrapolated line status. >>> extrapolate_coverage(lines_w_status) == [ (1, True), (2, True), (3, True), (4, True), (5, None), (6, None), (7, False), (8, False), (9, False), ] """ lines = [] prev_lineno = 0 prev_status = True for lineno, status in lines_w_status: while (lineno - prev_lineno) > 1: prev_lineno += 1 if prev_status is status: lines.append((prev_lineno, status)) else: lines.append((prev_lineno, None)) lines.append((lineno, status)) prev_lineno = lineno prev_status = status return lines
def get_image_features(filename): """ Param: Path to image Returns: Desired features of image in the form of a dictionary (key = feature_name, value = feature_value) """ array, metadata = return {k: f(array, metadata, filename) for k, f in image_feature_functions.items()}
def get_DCT_transform_matrix(N): """ Return the normalised N-by-N discrete cosine transform (DCT) matrix. Applying the returned transform matrix to a vector x: yields the DCT of x. Applying the returned transform matrix to a matrix A: applies the DCT to the columns of A. Taking applies the DCT to both columns and rows, i.e. a full 2D separable DCT transform. The inverse transform (the 1D IDCT) is D.T. Parameters ---------- N : int The size of the DCT transform matrix to return. Returns ------- D : ndarray The DCT transform matrix. Notes ----- The returned DCT matrix normalised such that is consitutes a orthonormal transform as given by equations (2.119) and (2.120) in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] A.N. Akansu, R.A. Haddad, and P.R. Haddad, *Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: Transforms, Subbands, and Wavelets*, Academic Press, 2000. Examples -------- For example, get a 5-by-5 DCT matrix >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.dictionaries import get_DCT_transform_matrix >>> D = get_DCT_transform_matrix(5) >>> np.round(np.abs(D), 4) array([[ 0.4472, 0.4472, 0.4472, 0.4472, 0.4472], [ 0.6015, 0.3717, 0. , 0.3717, 0.6015], [ 0.5117, 0.1954, 0.6325, 0.1954, 0.5117], [ 0.3717, 0.6015, 0. , 0.6015, 0.3717], [ 0.1954, 0.5117, 0.6325, 0.5117, 0.1954]]) and apply the 2D DCT transform to a dummy image >>> np.random.seed(6021) >>> img = np.random.randn(5, 5) >>> img_dct = >>> np.round(img_dct, 4) array([[-0.5247, -0.0225, 0.9098, 0.369 , -0.477 ], [ 1.7309, -0.4142, 1.9455, -0.6726, -1.3676], [ 0.6987, 0.5355, 0.7213, -0.8498, -0.1023], [ 0.0078, -0.0545, 0.3649, -1.4694, 1.732 ], [-1.5864, 0.156 , 0.8932, -0.8091, 0.5056]]) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('N', 'integer', range_='[1;inf)') validate_input() nn, rr = np.meshgrid(*map(np.arange, (N, N))) D = np.cos((2 * nn + 1) * rr * np.pi / (2 * N)) D[0, :] /= np.sqrt(N) D[1:, :] /= np.sqrt(N/2) return D
def get_reduce_nodes(name, nodes): """ Get nodes that combine the reduction variable with a sentinel variable. Recognizes the first node that combines the reduction variable with another variable. """ reduce_nodes = None for i, stmt in enumerate(nodes): lhs = rhs = stmt.value if isinstance(stmt.value, ir.Expr): in_vars = set( for v in stmt.value.list_vars()) if name in in_vars: args = get_expr_args(stmt.value) args.remove(name) assert len(args) == 1 replace_vars_inner(stmt.value, {args[0]: ir.Var(, name+"#init",}) reduce_nodes = nodes[i:] break; assert reduce_nodes, "Invalid reduction format" return reduce_nodes
def extract_mesh_descriptor_id(descriptor_id_str: str) -> int: """ Converts descriptor ID strings (e.g. 'D000016') into a number ID (e.g. 16). """ if len(descriptor_id_str) == 0: raise Exception("Empty descriptor ID") if descriptor_id_str[0] != "D": raise Exception("Expected descriptor ID to start with 'D', {}".format(descriptor_id_str)) return int(descriptor_id_str[1:])
def process_sources(sources_list): """ This function processes the sources result :param sources_list: A list of dictionaries :return: A list of source objects """ sources_results = [] for sources_item in sources_list: id = sources_item.get('id') name = sources_item.get('name') description = sources_item.get('description') url = sources_item.get('url') category = sources_item.get('category') language = sources_item.get('language') country = sources_item.get('country') print(sources_item) sources_object = Sources(id, name, description, url) sources_results.append(sources_object) return sources_results
import math def encrypt(message_text, key): """Method Defined for ENCRYPTION of a Simple \ String message into a Cipher Text Using \ 2x2 Hill Cipher Technique \nPARAMETERS\n message_text: string to be encrypted key: string key for encryption with length <= 4 \nRETURNS\n cipher_text: encrypted Message string """ # for 2x2 Hill Cipher length of key must be <= 4 # print("Warning: All Spaces with be lost!") cipher_text = "" key_matrix = None if len(key) <= 4: key_matrix = string_to_Matrix_Z26(key, 2, 2) else: print("Key Length must be <= 4 in 2x2 Hill Cipher") return pairs = math.ceil((len(message_text)/2)) matrix = string_to_Matrix_Z26(message_text, 2, pairs) key_inverse = matrix_inverse_Z26(key_matrix) if type(key_inverse) == type(None): print("NOTE: The provided Key is NOT Invertible,") print("To avoid failure while decryption,") print("Try again with an invertible Key") return None for i in range(pairs): result_char = (key_matrix*matrix[:, i]) % 26 cipher_text += ENGLISH_ALPHABETS[ result_char[0, 0] ] cipher_text += ENGLISH_ALPHABETS[ result_char[1, 0] ] return cipher_text
import torch def resnet101(pretrained=False, num_groups=None, weight_std=False, **kwargs): """Constructs a ResNet-101 model. Args: pretrained (bool): If True, returns a model pre-trained on ImageNet """ model = ResNet(Bottleneck, [3, 4, 23, 3], num_groups=num_groups, weight_std=weight_std, **kwargs) if pretrained: model_dict = model.state_dict() if num_groups and weight_std: pretrained_dict = torch.load('data/R-101-GN-WS.pth.tar') overlap_dict = {k[7:]: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if k[7:] in model_dict} assert len(overlap_dict) == 312 elif not num_groups and not weight_std: pretrained_dict = model_zoo.load_url(model_urls['resnet101']) overlap_dict = {k: v for k, v in pretrained_dict.items() if k in model_dict} else: raise ValueError('Currently only support BN or GN+WS') model_dict.update(overlap_dict) model.load_state_dict(model_dict) return model
def cron(cronline, venusian_category='irc3.plugins.cron'): """main decorator""" def wrapper(func): def callback(context, name, ob): obj = context.context crons = obj.get_plugin(Crons) if info.scope == 'class': callback = getattr( obj.get_plugin(ob), func.__name__) else: callback = irc3.utils.wraps_with_context(func, obj) crons.add_cron(cronline, callback) info = venusian.attach(func, callback, category=venusian_category) return func return wrapper
def oauth_type(): """Check if Slack or another OAuth has been configured""" if "OAUTH_TYPE" in current_app.config: return current_app.config["OAUTH_TYPE"].lower() else: return None
import random import string def create_categories(): """Create a group of random strings for each column in the table.""" return [ [ ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=random.randint(STR_MIN, STR_MAX))) for _i in range(CAT_COUNT) ] for _j in range(COL_COUNT) ]
from typing import Union from typing import Tuple from typing import List from typing import Any def _compute_comm_classes( A: Union[np.ndarray, spmatrix] ) -> Tuple[List[List[Any]], bool]: """Compute communication classes for a graph given by A.""" di_graph = ( nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph) if issparse(A) else nx.from_numpy_array(A, create_using=nx.DiGraph) ) nx.strongly_connected_components(di_graph) comm_classes = sorted( nx.strongly_connected_components(di_graph), key=len, reverse=True ) is_irreducible = len(comm_classes) == 1 return comm_classes, is_irreducible
import typing def parse_lines(lines: typing.List[str], units: Units, use_na: bool = True) -> typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]: """ Returns a list of parsed line dictionaries """ parsed_lines = [] prob = '' while lines: raw_line = lines[0].strip() line = core.sanitize_line(raw_line) # Remove prob from the beginning of a line if line.startswith('PROB'): # Add standalone prob to next line if len(line) == 6: prob = line line = '' # Add to current line elif len(line) > 6: prob = line[:6] line = line[6:].strip() if line: parsed_line = (parse_na_line if use_na else parse_in_line)(line, units) for key in ('start_time', 'end_time'): parsed_line[key] = core.make_timestamp(parsed_line[key]) parsed_line['probability'] = core.make_number(prob[4:]) parsed_line['raw'] = raw_line parsed_line['sanitized'] = prob + ' ' + line if prob else line prob = '' parsed_lines.append(parsed_line) lines.pop(0) return parsed_lines
import random def rand_cutout(np_img, pcts=(0.05, 0.4), depth=(1., 0.), max_k=1): """Cut out from image, and edges of rectangles are smooth. Returns: applied image, cut mask """ cut = np.ones(np_img.shape[:2]) k = random.randint(1, max_k) for _ in range(k): d = random.random() * depth[0] + depth[1] hill = rand_solid_hill((np_img.shape[1], np_img.shape[0]), pcts=pcts) cut = cut * (1 - d * hill) return np_img * cut[..., np.newaxis], (cut < 0.9).astype(np.int8)
from typing import List def create_content_list(contents: List[str]) -> str: """Format list of string into markdown list Args: contents: (List[string]), list of string to be formatted Returns: String """ return '\n'.join( [template.LIST_TEMPLATE.format( level='', content=item ) for item in contents])
from typing import Optional import requests import logging def convert(key: str, content: str, output_format: OWLFormat=OWLFormat.func) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert content into output_format :param key: Key of content for error reporting :param content: OWL representation :param output_format: target format :return: Converted information if successful """ try: resp ='', data=dict(onto=content, except ConnectionError as e: logging.getLogger().error(f"{key}: {str(e)}") return None if resp.ok: return resp.text logging.getLogger().error(f"{key}: {str(resp)}")
def _post_single_image(client: Imgur, image_path, title, description=None): """ Limit to 1250 POST requests per hour and 12500 per day """ image = client.image_upload(image_path, title, description) # album_id = client.album_get('Family Photos')['response']['data']['id'] # client.album_add(album_id, image['response']['data']['id']) return image['response']['data']['link']
def load_data(path, start=0, end=99999, step=1, returnNames = False): """Load images into a list #Arguments paths: List of strings representing paths to folders containing images that must be named as numbers start,end,step: Refers to the number of name of images. Only loads images with in this range. """ imgs = load_imgs(path,start,end,step,returnNames = returnNames) return imgs
def animated_1d_plot(probe_data_dnf: np.ndarray, probe_data_input1: np.ndarray, probe_data_input2: np.ndarray, interval: ty.Optional[int] = 30) -> None: """Generates an animated plot for examples in the DNF regimes tutorial. Parameters ---------- probe_data_dnf : numpy.ndarray probe data of the DNF probe_data_input1 : numpy.ndarray probe data of the first spiking input probe_data_input2 : numpy.ndarray probe data of the second spiking input interval : int interval to use in matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation """ probe_data_input = probe_data_input1 + probe_data_input2 probe_data_input = probe_data_input.astype(np.float) probe_data_dnf = probe_data_dnf.astype(np.float) probe_data_input = np.transpose(probe_data_input) probe_data_dnf = np.transpose(probe_data_dnf) num_neurons = np.size(probe_data_input, axis=1) num_time_steps = np.size(probe_data_dnf, axis=0) input_spike_rates = compute_spike_rates(probe_data_input) dnf_spike_rates = compute_spike_rates(probe_data_dnf) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 5)) line0, = ax[0].plot(np.zeros((num_neurons,)), 'bo-') line1, = ax[1].plot(np.zeros((num_neurons,)), 'ro-') im = [line0, line1] ax[0].set_xlabel("") ax[1].set_xlabel("Input neuron idx") ax[0].set_ylabel("Input spike rate") ax[1].set_ylabel("DNF spike rate") ax[0].set_xticks([]) ax[1].set_xticks([0, num_neurons - 1]) ax[0].set_yticks([0, 1]) ax[1].set_yticks([0, 1]) ax[0].set_xlim(-1, num_neurons) ax[1].set_xlim(-1, num_neurons) offset = 0.1 ax[0].set_ylim(np.min(input_spike_rates) - offset, np.max(input_spike_rates) + offset) ax[1].set_ylim(np.min(dnf_spike_rates) - offset, np.max(dnf_spike_rates) + offset) plt.tight_layout() def animate(i: int) -> ty.List: x = range(num_neurons) im[0].set_data(x, input_spike_rates[i, :]) im[1].set_data(x, dnf_spike_rates[i, :]) return im anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=num_time_steps, interval=interval, blit=True) html = display.HTML(anim.to_jshtml()) display.display(html) plt.close()
def create_tendencies(params, return_inner_products=False, return_qgtensor=False): """Function to handle the inner products and tendencies tensors construction. Returns the tendencies function :math:`\\boldsymbol{f}` determining the model's ordinary differential equations: .. math:: \dot{\\boldsymbol{x}} = \\boldsymbol{f}(\\boldsymbol{x}) which is for the model's integration. It returns also the linearized tendencies :math:`\\boldsymbol{\mathrm{J}} \equiv \\boldsymbol{\mathrm{D}f} = \\frac{\partial \\boldsymbol{f}}{\partial \\boldsymbol{x}}` (Jacobian matrix) which are used by the tangent linear model: .. math :: \dot{\\boldsymbol{\delta x}} = \\boldsymbol{\mathrm{J}}(\\boldsymbol{x}) \cdot \\boldsymbol{\delta x} Parameters ---------- params: ~params.params.QgParams The parameters fully specifying the model configuration. return_inner_products: bool If True, return the inner products of the model. Default to False. return_qgtensor: bool If True, return the tendencies tensor of the model. Default to False. Returns ------- f: callable The numba-jitted tendencies function. Df: callable The numba-jitted linearized tendencies function. inner_products: (AtmosphericInnerProducts, OceanicInnerProducts) If `return_inner_products` is True, the inner products of the system. qgtensor: QgsTensor If `return_qgtensor` is True, the tendencies tensor of the system. """ if params.ablocks is not None: aip = AtmosphericInnerProducts(params) else: aip = None if params.goblocks is not None and params.gotemperature_params._name == "Oceanic Temperature": oip = OceanicInnerProducts(params) else: oip = None if aip is not None and oip is not None: aip.connect_to_ocean(oip) agotensor = QgsTensor(aip, oip) coo = agotensor.tensor.coords.T val = @njit def f(t, x): xx = np.concatenate((np.full((1,), 1.), x)) xr = sparse_mul3(coo, val, xx, xx) return xr[1:] jcoo = agotensor.jacobian_tensor.coords.T jval = @njit def Df(t, x): xx = np.concatenate((np.full((1,), 1.), x)) mul_jac = sparse_mul2(jcoo, jval, xx) return mul_jac[1:, 1:] ret = list() ret.append(f) ret.append(Df) if return_inner_products: ret.append((aip, oip)) if return_qgtensor: ret.append(agotensor) return ret
import re def git_get_keywords(versionfile_abs): """Extract version information from the given file.""" # the code embedded in can just fetch the value of these # keywords. When used from, we don't want to import, # so we do it with a regexp instead. This function is not used from # keywords = {} try: with open(versionfile_abs, "r") as fobj: for line in fobj: if line.strip().startswith("git_refnames ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: keywords["refnames"] = if line.strip().startswith("git_full ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: keywords["full"] = if line.strip().startswith("git_date ="): mo ='=\s*"(.*)"', line) if mo: keywords["date"] = except OSError: pass return keywords