def response_GET(client, url): """Fixture that return the result of a GET request.""" return client.get(url)
def _get_realm(response): """Return authentication realm requested by server for 'Basic' type or None :param response: requests.response :type response: requests.Response :returns: realm :rtype: str | None """ if 'www-authenticate' in response.headers: auths = response.headers['www-authenticate'].split(',') basic_realm = next((auth_type for auth_type in auths if auth_type.rstrip().lower().startswith("basic")), None) if basic_realm: realm = basic_realm.split('=')[-1].strip(' \'\"').lower() return realm else: return None else: return None
from typing import List def _is_binary_classification(class_list: List[str]) -> bool: """Returns true for binary classification problems.""" if not class_list: return False return len(class_list) == 1
def get_in(obj, lookup, default=None): """ Walk obj via __getitem__ for each lookup, returning the final value of the lookup or default. """ tmp = obj for l in lookup: try: # pragma: no cover tmp = tmp[l] except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): # pragma: no cover return default return tmp
def tmNstate(trTrg): """Given (newq, new_tape_sym, dir), return newq. """ return trTrg[0]
import argparse def parse_arguments(args): """ Parse the arguments from the user """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Create UniRef database for HUMAnN2\n", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "-v","--verbose", help="additional output is printed\n", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument( "-i","--input", help="the UniRef fasta file to read\n", required=True) parser.add_argument( "-o","--output", help="the UniRef database to write\n", required=True) parser.add_argument( "-f","--filter", help="string to use for filtering (example: uncharacterized)\n") parser.add_argument( "--exclude-list", help="file of id list to use for filtering (example: id_list.tsv)\n") parser.add_argument( "--include-list", help="file of id list to use for filtering (example: id_list.tsv)\n") parser.add_argument( "-d","--format-database", choices=["fasta","rapsearch","diamond"], default="fasta", help="format of output files (default: fasta)\n") return parser.parse_args()
def slim_form(domain_pk=None, form=None): """ What is going on? We want only one domain showing up in the choices. We are replacing the query set with just one object. Ther are two querysets. I'm not really sure what the first one does, but I know the second one (the widget) removes the choices. The third line removes the default u'--------' choice from the drop down. """ return form
import re import requests def codepoint_to_url(codepoint, style): """ Given an emoji's codepoint (e.g. 'U+FE0E') and a non-apple emoji style, returns a url to to the png image of the emoji in that style. Only works for style = 'twemoji', 'noto', and 'blobmoji'. """ base = codepoint.replace('U+', '').lower() if style == 'twemoji': # See discussion in commit 8115b76 for more information about # why the base needs to be patched like this. patched = re.sub(r'0*([1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)', lambda m:, base.replace(' ', '-').replace('fe0f-20e3', '20e3').replace('1f441-fe0f-200d-1f5e8-fe0f', '1f441-200d-1f5e8')) response = requests.get('') version = response.text if response.ok else None if version: return '' \ % (version, patched) else: return '' \ % patched elif style == 'noto': return '' \ % base.replace(' ', '_') elif style == 'blobmoji': return '' \ % base.replace(' ', '_')
def getRNCS(ChargeSA): """The calculation of relative negative charge surface area -->RNCS """ charge=[] for i in ChargeSA: charge.append(float(i[1])) temp=[] for i in ChargeSA: temp.append(i[2]) try: RNCG = min(charge)/sum([i for i in charge if i < 0.0]) return temp[charge.index(min(charge))]/RNCG except: return 0.0
def decode(chrom): """ Returns the communities of a locus-based adjacency codification in a vector of int where each position is a node id and the value of that position the id of the community where it belongs. To position with the same number means that those two nodes belongs to same community. """ try: size = len(chrom) last_c = 0 communities = [float("inf")] * size pending = set(range(size)) while len(pending) != 0: index = int(pending.pop()) neighbour = int(chrom[index]) if neighbour != -1: communities[index] = min(last_c, communities[index], communities[neighbour]) while neighbour in pending: pending.remove(neighbour) communities[neighbour] = min(last_c, communities[neighbour]) neighbour = int(chrom[neighbour]) last_c += 1 return communities except Exception as e: raise e
import math def bin_search(query, data): """ Query is a coordinate interval. Approximate binary search for the query in sorted data, which is a list of coordinates. Finishes when the closest overlapping value of query and data is found and returns the index in data. """ i = int(math.floor(len(data)/2)) # binary search prep lower, upper = 0, len(data) if not upper: return -1 tried = set() rightfound = '' # null value in place of 0, which is a valid value for rightfound while not (data[i][0] <= query[0] and data[i][1] >= query[0]): # query left coordinate not found in data yet if data[i][0] <= query[1] and data[i][1] >= query[1]: # query right found, will keep looking for left rightfound = i if data[i][1] < query[0]: # i is too low of an index lower = i i = int(math.floor((lower + upper)/2.)) else: # i is too high of an index upper = i i = int(math.floor((lower + upper)/2.)) if i in tried or i == upper: if data[i][0] >= query[0] and data[i][1] <= query[1]: # data interval sandwiched inside query break elif i + 1 < len(data) and data[i+1][0] > query[0] and data[i+1][1] < query[1]: # data can be incremented i = i + 1 else: i = rightfound if rightfound != '' else -1 break tried.add(i) return i
import struct def Decodingfunc(Codebyte): """This is the version 'A' of decoding function, that decodes data coded by 'A' coding function""" Decodedint=struct.unpack('b',Codebyte)[0] N=0 #number of repetitions L=0 # length of single/multiple sequence if Decodedint >= 0: #single N = 1 L = Decodedint+1 else: #multiple L = -Decodedint//16+1 N = -Decodedint-(L-1)*16+1 #print("N =",N," L =",L) return (N,L)
from unittest.mock import patch def dont_handle_lock_expired_mock(app): """Takes in a raiden app and returns a mock context where lock_expired is not processed """ def do_nothing(raiden, message): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return [] return patch.object( app.raiden.message_handler, "handle_message_lockexpired", side_effect=do_nothing )
def system(_printer, ast): """Prints the instance system initialization.""" process_names_str = ' < '.join(map(lambda proc_block: ', '.join(proc_block), ast["processNames"])) return f'system {process_names_str};'
def blend_multiply(cb: float, cs: float) -> float: """Blend mode 'multiply'.""" return cb * cs
def my_func_1(x, y): """ Возвращает возведение числа x в степень y. Именованные параметры: x -- число y -- степень (number, number) -> number >>> my_func_1(2, 2) 4 """ return x ** y
def matrix_mult(a, b): """ Function that multiplies two matrices a and b Parameters ---------- a,b : matrices Returns ------- new_array : matrix The matrix product of the inputs """ new_array = [] for i in range(len(a)): new_array.append([0 for i in range(len(b[0]))]) for j in range(len(b[0])): for k in range(len(a[0])): new_array[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j] return new_array
def build_eslog_config_param( group_id, task_name, rt_id, tasks, topic, table_name, hosts, http_port, transport, es_cluster_name, es_version, enable_auth, user, password, ): """ es参数构建 :param group_id: 集群名 :param task_name: 任务名 :param rt_id: rt_id :param tasks: 任务数 :param topic: 来源topic :param table_name: 表名 :param hosts: es的host :param http_port: es的port :param transport: es transport的port :param es_cluster_name: es集群名称 :param es_version es集群版本 :param enable_auth 是否启用验证 :param user: 用户名 :param password: 密码, 加密过的 :return: 参数 """ return { "": group_id, "": rt_id, "topics": topic, "": table_name, "tasks.max": "%s" % tasks, "es.index.prefix": table_name.lower(), "": es_cluster_name, "es.cluster.version": es_version, "es.hosts": hosts, "es.transport.port": transport, "": hosts, "es.http.port": http_port, "connector.class": "", "": "10000", "batch.size": "10000", "": "5", "": "5000", "max.retry": "5", "es.cluster.enable.auth": enable_auth, "es.cluster.enable.PlaintextPwd": False, # 当前都是加密后的密码 "es.cluster.username": user, "es.cluster.password": password, }
import os def get_all_file_paths(directory): """ Gets all the files in the specified input directory """ file_paths = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) file_paths.append(filepath) return file_paths
def loadDataSet(): """ load data from data set Args: Returns: dataSet: train input of x labelSet: train input of y """ # initialize x-trainInput,y-trainInput dataSet = [] labelSet = [] # open file reader fr = open('testSet.txt') for line in fr.readlines(): # strip() -- get rid of the space on both side # split() -- division as tab lineArr = line.strip().split() # padding data in list # x0 = 1.0 , x1 = column1 , x2 = column2 dataSet.append([1.0, float(lineArr[0]), float(lineArr[1])]) # label = column3 labelSet.append(float(lineArr[2])) return dataSet,labelSet
def clear_bit(val, offs): """Clear bit at offset 'offs' in value.""" return val & ~(1 << offs)
def _ExtractCLPath(output_of_where): """Gets the path to cl.exe based on the output of calling the environment setup batch file, followed by the equivalent of `where`.""" # Take the first line, as that's the first found in the PATH. for line in output_of_where.strip().splitlines(): if line.startswith('LOC:'): return line[len('LOC:'):].strip()
def get_word_vector_list(doc, w2v): """Get all the vectors for a text""" vectors = [] for word in doc: try: vectors.append(w2v.wv[word]) except KeyError: continue return vectors
from typing import Optional from pathlib import Path import importlib def destination(stub: str) -> Optional[Path]: """Determine stub path Only handle micropython stubs, ignoring any cPython stdlib equivalents. """ prefix, _, suffix = stub.partition(".") if importlib.util.find_spec(prefix): # type: ignore return # in cPython stdlib, skip prefix = Path(prefix) if suffix in ("py", "pyi"): # module return prefix / f"__init__.{suffix}" return prefix / suffix
def get_edges_out_for_vertex(edges: list, vertex: int) -> list: """Get a sublist of edges that have the specified vertex as first element :param edges: edges of the graph :param vertex: vertex of which we want to find the corresponding edges :return: selected edges """ return [e for e in edges if e[0] == vertex]
def convert_to_floats(tsi): """ A helper function that tax all of the fields of a TaxSaveInputs model and converts them to floats, or list of floats """ def numberfy_one(x): if isinstance(x, float): return x else: return float(x) def numberfy(x): if isinstance(x, list): return [numberfy_one(i) for i in x] else: return numberfy_one(x) attrs = vars(tsi) return {k: numberfy(v) for k, v in list(attrs.items()) if v}
def build_job_spec_name(file_name, version="develop"): """ :param file_name: :param version: :return: str, ex. job-hello_world:develop """ name = file_name.split('.')[-1] job_name = 'job-%s:%s' % (name, version) return job_name
def conditions(x): """ This function will check whether the constraints that apply to our optimization are met or not. """ if ( (10/x[0]) > 66.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1]) > 88.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2]) > 107.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3]) > 128.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4]) > 157.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4] + 20/x[5]) > 192.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4] + 20/x[5] + 10/x[6]) > 222.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4] + 20/x[5] + 10/x[6] + 10/x[7]) > 242.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4] + 20/x[5] + 10/x[6] + 10/x[7] + 16/x[8]) > 268.0 ): return False elif ( (10/x[0] + 12/x[1] + 7/x[2] + 14/x[3] + 15/x[4] + 20/x[5] + 10/x[6] + 10/x[7] + 16/x[8] + 8/x[9]) > 292.0 ): return False return True
def single_from(iterable): """Check that an iterable contains one unique value, and return it.""" unique_vals = set(iterable) if len(unique_vals) != 1: raise ValueError('multiple unique values found') return unique_vals.pop()
from typing import Dict def line_coloring(num_vertices) -> Dict: """ Creates an edge coloring of the line graph, corresponding to the optimal line swap strategy, given as a dictionary where the keys correspond to the different colors and the values are lists of edges (where edges are specified as tuples). The graph coloring consists of one color for all even-numbered edges and one color for all odd-numbered edges. Args: num_vertices: The number of vertices in the line graph Returns: Graph coloring as a dictionary of edge lists """ line_coloring = {} for i in range(num_vertices - 1): line_coloring[(i, i + 1)] = i % 2 line_coloring[(i + 1, i)] = i % 2 return line_coloring
def flatten_outputs(predictions, number_of_classes): """Flatten the prediction batch except the prediction dimensions""" logits_permuted = predictions.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) logits_permuted_cont = logits_permuted.contiguous() outputs_flatten = logits_permuted_cont.view(-1, number_of_classes) return outputs_flatten # outputs_flatten = torch.tensor(predictions
def get_r_vals(cell_obj): """Get radial distances for inner and outer membranes for the cell object""" r_i = cell_obj.coords.calc_rc(['storm_inner']['x'],['storm_inner']['y']) r_o = cell_obj.coords.calc_rc(['storm_outer']['x'],['storm_outer']['y']) return r_i, r_o
def extract(input_data: str) -> tuple: """take input data and return the appropriate data structure""" rules = input_data.split('\n') graph = dict() reverse_graph = dict() for rule in rules: container, contents = rule.split('contain') container = ' '.join(container.split()[:2]) content_graph = dict() for content in contents.split(','): if content == " no other bags.": break parts = content.split() amount = int(parts[0]) color = ' '.join(parts[1:3]) content_graph[color] = amount if color in reverse_graph.keys(): reverse_graph[color].append(container) else: reverse_graph[color] = [container] graph[container] = content_graph return (graph, reverse_graph)
def api_2_gamma_oil(value): """ converts density in API(American Petroleum Institute gravity) to gamma_oil (oil relative density by water) :param value: density in API(American Petroleum Institute gravity) :return: oil relative density by water """ return (value + 131.5) / 141.5
def cluster_profile_platform(cluster_profile): """Translate from steps.cluster_profile to slugs.""" if cluster_profile == 'azure4': return 'azure' if cluster_profile == 'packet': return 'metal' return cluster_profile
import os def get_model_python_path(): """ Returns the python path for a model """ return os.path.dirname(__file__)
import os import errno def convertGMLToGeoJSON(config, outputDir, gmlFilepath, layerName, t_srs='EPSG:4326', flip_gml_coords=False): """ Convert a GML file to a shapefile. Will silently exit if GeoJSON already exists @param config A Python ConfigParser containing the section 'GDAL/OGR' and option 'PATH_OF_OGR2OGR' @param outputDir String representing the absolute/relative path of the directory into which GeoJSON should be written @param gmlFilepath String representing the absolute path of the GML file to convert @param layerName String representing the name of the layer contained in the GML file to write to a GeoJSON @param t_srs String representing the spatial reference system of the output GeoJSON, of the form 'EPSG:XXXX' @return String representing the name of the GeoJSON written @exception Exception if the conversion failed. """ pathToOgrCmd = config.get('GDAL/OGR', 'PATH_OF_OGR2OGR') if not os.path.isdir(outputDir): raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR, "Output directory %s is not a directory" % (outputDir,)) if not os.access(outputDir, os.W_OK): raise IOError(errno.EACCES, "Not allowed to write to output directory %s" % (outputDir,)) outputDir = os.path.abspath(outputDir) geojsonFilename = "%s.geojson" % (layerName,) geojsonFilepath = os.path.join(outputDir, geojsonFilename) if not os.path.exists(geojsonFilepath): # Need to flip coordinates in GML as SSURGO WFS now returns coordinates in lat, lon order # rather than lon, lat order that OGR expects. For more information, see: # if flip_gml_coords and t_srs =='EPSG:4326': ogrCommand = "%s -f 'GeoJSON' -nln %s -s_srs '+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +axis=neu +wktext' -t_srs %s %s %s" % (pathToOgrCmd, layerName, t_srs, geojsonFilepath, gmlFilepath) else: ogrCommand = "%s -f 'GeoJSON' -nln %s -t_srs %s %s %s" % (pathToOgrCmd, layerName, t_srs, geojsonFilepath, gmlFilepath) returnCode = os.system(ogrCommand) if returnCode != 0: raise Exception("GML to GeoJSON command %s returned %d" % (ogrCommand, returnCode)) return geojsonFilename
import os import re def _generate_flame_clip_name(item, publish_fields): """ Generates a name which will be displayed in the dropdown in Flame. :param item: The publish item being processed. :param publish_fields: Publish fields :returns: name string """ # this implementation generates names on the following form: # # Comp, scene.nk (output background), v023 # Comp, Nuke, v023 # Lighting CBBs, final.nk, v034 # # (depending on what pieces are available in context and names, names # may vary) context = item.context name = "" # If we have template fields passed in, then we'll try to extract # some information from them. If we don't, then we fall back on # some defaults worked out below. publish_fields = publish_fields or dict() # the shot will already be implied by the clip inside Flame (the clip # file which we are updating is a per-shot file. But if the context # contains a task or a step, we can display that: if context.task: name += "%s, " % context.task["name"].capitalize() elif context.step: name += "%s, " % context.step["name"].capitalize() # If we have a channel set for the write node or a name for the scene, # add those. If we don't have a name from the template fields, then we # fall back on the file sequence's basename without the extension or # frame number on the end (if possible). default_name, _ = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(["sequence_paths"][0]) ) # Strips numbers off the end of the file name, plus any underscore or # . characters right before it. # # foo.1234 -> foo # foo1234 -> foo # foo_1234 -> foo default_name = re.sub(r"[._]*\d+$", "", default_name) rp_name = publish_fields.get("name", default_name,) rp_channel = publish_fields.get("channel") if rp_name and rp_channel: name += "%s.nk (output %s), " % (rp_name, rp_channel) elif not rp_name: name += "Nuke output %s, " % rp_channel elif not rp_channel: name += "%s.nk, " % rp_name else: name += "Nuke, " # Do our best to get a usable version number. If we have data extracted # using a template, we use that. If we don't, then we can look to see # if this publish item came with a clip PublishedFile, in which case # we use the version_number field from that entity +1, as a new version # of that published clip will be created as part of this update process, # and that is what we want to associate ourselves with here. version = publish_fields.get("version") if version is None and "flame_clip_publish" in version =["flame_clip_publish"]["version_number"] + 1 version = version or 0 name += "v%03d" % version return name
def statistic_bbox(dic, dic_im): """ Statistic number of bbox of seed and image-level data for each class Parameters ---------- dic: seed roidb dictionary dic_im: image-level roidb dictionary Returns ------- num_bbox: list for number of 20 class's bbox num_bbox_im: list for number of 20 class's bbox """ num_bbox = [0] * 20 num_bbox_im = [0] * 20 for d in dic: for c in d['gt_classes']: num_bbox[c-1] += 1 for d in dic_im: for c in d['gt_classes']: num_bbox_im[c-1] += 1 print("Statistic for seed data bbox: ", num_bbox) print("Statistic for image-level data bbox: ", num_bbox_im) return num_bbox, num_bbox_im
import base64 import pickle def encode(something): """ We encode all messages as base64-encoded pickle objects in case later on, we want to persist them or send them to another system. This is extraneous for now. """ return base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(something))
import re def paginatedUrls(pattern, view, kwargs=None, name=None): """ Takes a group of url tuples and adds paginated urls. Extends a url tuple to include paginated urls. Currently doesn't handle url() compiled patterns. """ results = [(pattern, view, kwargs, name)] tail = '' mtail ='(/+\+?\\*?\??\$?)$', pattern) if mtail: tail = pattern = pattern[:len(pattern) - len(tail)] results += [(pattern + "/(?P<page_number>\d+)" + tail, view, kwargs)] results += [(pattern + "/(?P<page_number>\d+)\|(?P<page_limit>\d+)" + tail, view, kwargs)] if not kwargs: kwargs = dict() kwargs['page_limit'] = 0 results += [(pattern + "/?\|(?P<page_limit>all)" + tail, view, kwargs)] return results
def remove_empty(s): """\ Remove empty strings from a list. >>> a = ['a', 2, '', 'b', ''] >>> remove_empty(a) [{u}'a', 2, {u}'b'] """ while True: try: s.remove('') except ValueError: break return s
import pathlib import os def normalize_path(filepath, expand_vars=False): """ Fully normalizes a given filepath to an absolute path. :param str filepath: The filepath to normalize :param bool expand_vars: Expands embedded environment variables if True :returns: The fully noralized filepath :rtype: str """ filepath = str(pathlib.Path(filepath).expanduser().resolve()) if expand_vars: filepath = os.path.expandvars(filepath) return filepath
import hashlib def md5_hash_file(fh): """Return the md5 hash of the given file-object""" md5 = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break md5.update(data) return md5.hexdigest()
def Iq(q, intercept, slope): """ :param q: Input q-value :param intercept: Intrecept in linear model :param slope: Slope in linear model :return: Calculated Intensity """ inten = intercept + slope*q return inten
def _cast_query(query, col): """ ALlow different query types (e.g. numerical, list, str) """ query = query.strip() if col in {"t", "d"}: return query if query.startswith("[") and query.endswith("]"): if "," in query: query = ",".split(query[1:-1]) return [i.strip() for i in query] if query.isdigit(): return int(query) try: return float(query) except Exception: return query
def find_first_img_dim(import_gen): """ Loads in the first image in a provided data set and returns its dimensions Intentionally returns on first iteration of the loop :param import_gen: PyTorch DataLoader utilizing ImageFolderWithPaths for its dataset :return: dimensions of image """ for x, _, _ in import_gen: return x[0].shape[-2], x[0].shape[-1]
import math def q_b(m0, m1, m2, n0, n1, n2): """Stretch""" return math.sqrt((m0 - n0)**2 + (m1 - n1)**2 + (m2 - n2)**2)
from typing import List def metadata_partitioner(rx_txt: str) -> List[str]: """Extract Relax program and metadata section. Parameters ---------- rx_txt : str The input relax text. Returns ------- output : List[str] The result list of partitioned text, the first element is the relax program, and the second is metadata section. """ partitions = [] left_curly = 0 meta_start = 0 meta_end = 0 for i, char in enumerate(rx_txt): if i < 0: raise ValueError("The program is invalid.") if char == "{": if meta_start == 0: meta_start = i left_curly += 1 elif char == "}": left_curly -= 1 if left_curly == 0: meta_end = i + 1 break if meta_end == 0: raise ValueError("The metadata section was not found.") metadata = rx_txt[meta_start:meta_end] rx_program = rx_txt[meta_end:-1] partitions.append(rx_program) partitions.append(metadata) return partitions
def make_aware(value, timezone): """ Makes a naive datetime.datetime in a given time zone aware. """ if hasattr(timezone, 'localize'): # available for pytz time zones return timezone.localize(value, is_dst=None) else: # may be wrong around DST changes return value.replace(tzinfo=timezone)
def to_dict(funs): """Convert an object to a dict using a dictionary of functions. to_dict(funs)(an_object) => a dictionary with keys calculated from functions on an_object Note the dictionary is copied, not modified in-place. If you want to modify a dictionary in-place, do adict.update(to_dict(funs)(a_dict)) Use to_dict(funs) in a map, and you can generate a list of dictionaries from a list of objects (which could also be dictionaries). :: K is hashable type => {K: (X -> V)} -> [X] -> {K: V} Equivalent to the following in Python 3: {k: f(an_object) for (k, f) in funs.items()} >>> from operator import itemgetter >>> funs = {'id': itemgetter('id'), 'fullname': lambda x: '%(forename)s %(surname)s' % x} >>> an_object = {'id': 1, 'forename': 'Fred', 'surname': 'Bloggs'} >>> result = to_dict(funs)(an_object) >>> result['id'] 1 >>> result['fullname'] 'Fred Bloggs' >>> 'forename' in result # Original keys are left out False """ def to_dict_funs(an_object): return dict((k, f(an_object)) for (k, f) in funs.items()) return to_dict_funs
def fin(activity): """Return the end time of the activity. """ return activity.finish
def solve(in_array): """ Similar to 46442a0e, but where new quadrants are flips of the original array rather than rotations :param in_array: input array :return: expected output array """ array_edgelength = len(in_array[0]) # input array edge length opp_end = array_edgelength*2-1 # used for getting opposite end of array prediction = [[-1]*array_edgelength*2 for i in range(array_edgelength*2)] # init 2d array # iterate through all values for y in range(len(in_array)): for x in range(len(in_array[0])): val = in_array[y][x] prediction[y][x] = val # other 3 quadrants are flips prediction[y][opp_end-x] = val prediction[opp_end-y][opp_end-x] = val prediction[opp_end-y][x] = val return prediction
def get_mapping_rules(): """ Get mappings rules as defined in business_object.js Special cases: Aduit has direct mapping to Program with program_id Request has a direct mapping to Audit with audit_id Response has a direct mapping to Request with request_id DocumentationResponse has a direct mapping to Request with request_id DocumentationResponse has normal mappings with all other objects in maping modal Section has a direct mapping to Standard/Regulation/Poicy with directive_id Anything can be mapped to a request, frotent show audit insted """ def filter(object_list): """ remove all lower case items since real object are CamelCase """ return set([item for item in object_list if item != item.lower()]) # these rules are copy pasted from # src/ggrc/assets/javascripts/apps/business_objects.js line: 276 business_object_rules = { "Program": "Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Audit Request", # noqa # removed Person because Programs have a "Mapped" attribute for people mappings "Audit": "Issue ControlAssessment Request history Person program program_controls Request", # noqa "Issue": "ControlAssessment Control Audit Program Regulation Contract Policy Standard Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Issue Request", # noqa "ControlAssessment": "Issue Objective Program Regulation Contract Policy Standard Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Regulation": "Program Issue ControlAssessment Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Request", # noqa "Policy": "Program Issue ControlAssessment Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Request", # noqa "Standard": "Program Issue ControlAssessment Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Request", # noqa "Contract": "Program Issue ControlAssessment Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Section Request", # noqa "Clause": "Contract Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Section Policy Regulation Standard Request", # noqa "Section": "Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Policy Regulation Standard Contract Clause Request", # noqa "Objective" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Request", # noqa "Control" : "Issue ControlAssessment Request Program Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Person" : "Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Audit Request", # noqa "OrgGroup" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Vendor" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "System" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Process" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "DataAsset" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "AccessGroup" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Product" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Project" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Facility" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request", # noqa "Market" : "Program Issue ControlAssessment Regulation Contract Policy Standard Section Clause Objective Control System Process DataAsset AccessGroup Product Project Facility Market OrgGroup Vendor Person Audit Request" # noqa } split_rules = {k: v.split() for k, v in business_object_rules.items()} filtered_rules = {k: filter(v) for k, v in split_rules.items()} return filtered_rules
import os from pathlib import Path import zipfile def extract_zip(zip_path, ret_extracted_path=False): """Extract a zip and delete the .zip file.""" dir_parents = os.path.dirname(zip_path) dir_name = Path(zip_path).stem extracted_path = os.path.join(dir_parents, dir_name, '') if ret_extracted_path: return extracted_path with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(dir_parents) os.remove(zip_path) print(f"Extracted '{Path(zip_path).name}' to '{extracted_path}'.")
def get_version(): """ Do this so we don't have to import lottery_ticket_pruner which requires keras which cannot be counted on to be installed when this package gets installed. """ with open('lottery_ticket_pruner/', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith('__version__'): version = line.split('=')[1].strip().replace('"', '').replace('\'', '') return version return ''
def extract(d, keys): """ Extract a key from a dict. :param d: The dict. :param keys: A list of keys, in order of priority. :return: The most important key with an value found. """ if not d: return for key in keys: tmp = d.get(key) if tmp: return tmp
from pathlib import Path def get_output_filename(output_folder: str, repository_type: str, repository_name: str, filename: str) -> Path: """Returns the output filename for the file fetched from a repository.""" return ( Path(output_folder) / Path(repository_type.lower()) / Path(Path(repository_name).name) / Path(Path(filename).name) )
import logging def get_vertical_axes(nc_file): """ Scan input netCDF file and return a list of vertical axis variables, requiring specific axis names """ vertical_axes = [] for var_name, var in nc_file.variables.items(): if var_name in ('full_levels', 'half_levels'): vertical_axes.append(var)'Found %i vertical axes.', len(vertical_axes)) return vertical_axes
def b_2_d(x): """ Convert byte list to decimal :param x: byte list :return: decimal """ s = 0 for i in range(0, len(x)): s += x[i]*2**i return s
import pickle def get_weights(): """ Loads uni-modal text and image CNN model weights. Returns: tuple: text and image weights. """ text_weight_file = open("models/unimodal_text_CNN_weights.pickle", "rb") text_weights = pickle.load(text_weight_file) text_weight_file.close() image_weight_file = open("models/unimodal_image_CNN_LSTM_weights.pickle", "rb") image_weights = pickle.load(image_weight_file) image_weight_file.close() return text_weights, image_weights
def collect_users(): """Collect a list of all Santas from the user""" list_of_santas = [] while 1: item = input("Enter a name\n") if not item: break list_of_santas.append(item) return list_of_santas
def view_inv(inventory_list): """list -> None empty string that adds Rental attributes """ inventory_string = '' for item in inventory_list: inventory_string += ('\nRental: ' + str(item[0])+ '\nQuantity: '+ str(item[1])+ '\nDeposit: '+"$"+ str(item[2])+"\nPrice Per Week: "+ "$" + str(item[3])+ '\nReplacement Value: '+ "$" + str(int(item[4]))+ "\n") return inventory_string
def generate_smb_proto_payload(*protos): """Generate SMB Protocol. Pakcet protos in order. """ hexdata = [] for proto in protos: hexdata.extend(proto) return "".join(hexdata)
import pathlib import stat def check_file(file_name): """ test if file: exists and is writable or can be created Args: file_name (str): the file name Returns: (pathlib.Path): the path or None if problems """ if not file_name: return None path = pathlib.Path(file_name) # if file exists test if writable if path.exists() and path.is_file(): handle = None try: handle = open(path, 'w') except PermissionError: return None finally: if handle: handle.close() # crate file with write permissions try: path.touch(stat.S_IWUSR) except PermissionError: return None return path
def echo(word:str, n:int, toupper:bool=False) -> str: """ Repeat a given word some number of times. :param word: word to repeat :type word: str :param n: number of repeats :type n: int :param toupper: return in all caps? :type toupper: bool :return: result :return type: str """ res=word*n if (toupper): res=res.upper() return res
def add(a,b): """ This function adds two numbers together """ return a+b
def get_parser(dataset_name): """Returns a csv line parser function for the given dataset.""" def inat_parser(line, is_train=True): if is_train: user_id, image_id, class_id, _ = line return user_id, image_id, class_id else: image_id, class_id, _ = line return image_id, class_id def landmarks_parser(line, is_train=True): if is_train: user_id, image_id, class_id = line return user_id, image_id, class_id else: image_id, class_id = line return image_id, class_id parsers = { 'inat': inat_parser, 'landmarks': landmarks_parser, 'cifar': landmarks_parser # landmarks and cifar uses the same parser. } return parsers[dataset_name]
import math def mul_pdf(mean1, var1, mean2, var2): """ Multiply Gaussian (mean1, var1) with (mean2, var2) and return the results as a tuple (mean, var, scale_factor). Strictly speaking the product of two Gaussian PDFs is a Gaussian function, not Gaussian PDF. It is, however, proportional to a Gaussian PDF. `scale_factor` provides this proportionality constant Parameters ---------- mean1 : scalar mean of first Gaussian var1 : scalar variance of first Gaussian mean2 : scalar mean of second Gaussian var2 : scalar variance of second Gaussian Returns ------- mean : scalar mean of product var : scalar variance of product scale_factor : scalar proportionality constant Examples -------- >>> mul(1, 2, 3, 4) (1.6666666666666667, 1.3333333333333333) References ---------- Bromily. "Products and Convolutions of Gaussian Probability Functions", Tina Memo No. 2003-003. """ mean = (var1*mean2 + var2*mean1) / (var1 + var2) var = 1. / (1./var1 + 1./var2) S = math.exp(-(mean1 - mean2)**2 / (2*(var1 + var2))) / \ math.sqrt(2 * math.pi * (var1 + var2)) return mean, var, S
def obfuscate_email(email): """Takes an email address and returns an obfuscated version of it. For example: would turn into t**t@e*********m """ if email is None: return None splitmail = email.split("@") # If the prefix is 1 character, then we can't obfuscate it if len(splitmail[0]) <= 1: prefix = splitmail[0] else: prefix = f'{splitmail[0][0]}{"*"*(len(splitmail[0])-2)}{splitmail[0][-1]}' # If the domain is missing or 1 character, then we can't obfuscate it if len(splitmail) <= 1 or len(splitmail[1]) <= 1: return f"{prefix}" else: domain = f'{splitmail[1][0]}{"*"*(len(splitmail[1])-2)}{splitmail[1][-1]}' return f"{prefix}@{domain}"
def parse_boolean(arg: str): """Returns boolean representation of argument.""" arg = str(arg).lower() if 'true'.startswith(arg): return True return False
def ascending_coin(coin): """Returns the next ascending coin in order. >>> ascending_coin(1) 5 >>> ascending_coin(5) 10 >>> ascending_coin(10) 25 >>> ascending_coin(2) # Other values return None """ if coin == 1: return 5 elif coin == 5: return 10 elif coin == 10: return 25
def get_key(rule_tracker, value): """ Given an event index, its corresponding key from the dictionary is returned. Parameters: rule_tracker (dict): Key-value pairs specific to a rule where key is an activity, pair is an event index value (int): Index of event in event log Returns: key (int): Position of value in rule_tracker """ for key in rule_tracker: if rule_tracker[key] == value: return key
def all_columns_empty(): """All columns are empty ... test will demoonstrate this edge case can be handled""" return [[] for i in range(0, 100)]
def check_values_on_diagonal(matrix): """ Checks if a matrix made out of dictionary of dictionaries has values on diagonal :param matrix: dictionary of dictionaries :return: boolean """ for line in matrix.keys(): if line not in matrix[line].keys(): return False return True
from pathlib import Path def get_current_dir(): """ Get the directory of the executed Pyhton file (i.e. this file) """ # Resolve to get rid of any symlinks current_path = Path(__file__).resolve() current_dir = current_path.parent return current_dir
import csv def build_gun_dictionary(filename): """Build a dictionary of gun parameters from an external CSV file: - Key: the gun designation (e.g. '13.5 in V' or '12 in XI') - Value: a list of parameters, in the order: * caliber (in inches) * maxrange (maximum range in yards) * longtohit (chance to hit per gun and minute at long range) * longmin (minimum range considered to be long) * effectivetohit (chance to hit per gun and minute at effective range) * effectivemin (minimum range considered to be effective) * shorttohit (chance to hit per gun and minute at short range) """ gundict = {} with open(filename) as sourcefile: reader = csv.reader(sourcefile, delimiter=",") next(reader) for row in reader: gundata = list(row) gundict[gundata[0]] = list(map(float, gundata[1:])) return gundict
import string def column_to_index(ref): """ カラムを示すアルファベットを0ベース序数に変換する。 Params: column(str): A, B, C, ... Z, AA, AB, ... Returns: int: 0ベース座標 """ column = 0 for i, ch in enumerate(reversed(ref)): d = string.ascii_uppercase.index(ch) + 1 column += d * pow(len(string.ascii_uppercase),i) return column-1
import numpy as np def stdev_time(arr1d, stdev): """ detects breakpoints through multiple standard deviations and divides breakpoints into timely separated sections (wanted_parts) - if sigma = 1 -> 68.3% - if sigma = 2 -> 95.5% - if sigma = 2.5 -> 99.0% - if sigma = 3 -> 99.7% - if sigma = 4 -> 99.9% ---------- arr1d: numpy.array 1D array representing the time series for one pixel stdev: float number multiplied with standard deviation to define the probability space for a breakpoint Returns ---------- numpy.int32 0 = no breakpoint over time 15 = breakpoint in the 1st section 16 = breakpoint in the 2nd section 17 = breakpoint in the 3rd section 18 = breakpoint in the 4th section 19 = breakpoint in the 5th section 31 = breakpoint in the 1st AND 2nd section 32 = breakpoint in the 1st AND 3rd section 33 = breakpoint in the 1st AND 4th section OR breakpoint in the 2nd AND 3rd section 34 = breakpoint in the 1st AND 5th section OR 2nd AND 4th section 35 = breakpoint in the 2nd section AND 5th section OR 3rd AND 4th section 36 = breakpoint in the 3rd AND 5th section 37 = breakpoint in the 4th AND 5th section 48 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd AND 3rd section 49 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd AND 4th section 50 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd AND 5th section OR 1st, 3rd AND 4th section 51 = breakpoint in the 1st, 3rd AND 5th section OR 2nd, 3rd AND 4th section 52 = breakpoint in the 1st, 3rd AND 5th section OR 2nd, 3rd AND 5th section 53 = breakpoint in the 2nd, 4th AND 5th section 54 = breakpoint in the 3rd, 4th AND 5th section 66 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd AND 4th section 67 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd AND 5th section 68 = breakpoint in the 1st, 2nd, 4th AND 5th section 69 = breakpoint in the 1st, 3rd, 4th AND 5th section 70 = breakpoint in the 2nd, 3rd , 4th AND 5th section 85 = breakpoints in all section """ time_series = arr1d arr_shape = arr1d.shape[0] time_series_index = np.indices((arr_shape,))[0] # internal function to split time series in n sub time series def split_list(alist, wanted_parts=1): # based on: length = len(alist) return [alist[i * length // wanted_parts: (i + 1) * length // wanted_parts] for i in range(wanted_parts)] # split time series and list of time series indices in 4 subarrays time_series_split = split_list(time_series, wanted_parts=5) time_series_index_split = split_list(time_series_index, wanted_parts=5) # calculate linear regression for each time series subarray mini_list = [] sigma_list = [] for i in range(0, len(time_series_index_split)): mea = np.mean(time_series_split[i]) std_mea = stdev * np.std(time_series_split[i]) mini = min(time_series_split[i]) sigma = mea - std_mea i += 1 mini_list = [mini_list, mini] sigma_list = [sigma_list, sigma] # weird list append, cause .append doesnt work with multiprocessing # check for dropping slope values from one fifth of time series to next temp = 0 if mini_list[0][0][0][0][1] < sigma_list[0][0][0][0][1]: temp = temp + 15 if mini_list[0][0][0][1] < sigma_list[0][0][0][1]: temp = temp + 16 if mini_list[0][0][1] < sigma_list[0][0][1]: temp = temp + 17 if mini_list[0][1] < sigma_list[0][1]: temp = temp + 18 if mini_list[1] < sigma_list[1]: temp = temp + 19 if temp == 0: return 0 return temp
def find_index(predicate, List): """ (a → Boolean) → [a] → [Number] Return the index of first element that satisfy the predicate """ for i, x in enumerate(List): if predicate(x): return i
def _can_be_quoted(loan_amount, lent_amounts): """ Checks if the borrower can obtain a quote. To this aim, the loan amount should be less than or equal to the total amounts given by lenders. :param loan_amount: the requested loan amount :param lent_amounts: the sum of the amounts given by lenders :return: True if the borrower can get a quote, False otherwise """ return sum(lent_amounts) - loan_amount >= 0;
import os import sys def get_bt_mac_lsb_offset(any_path,config_file): """ Obains the offset of the BT_MAC LSB from the BASE_MAC LSB by sdkconfig inspection. """ mac_sdkconfig_string='CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_UNIVERSAL_MAC_ADDRESS' sdkconfig=os.path.join(any_path,config_file) config_lines=open(sdkconfig).readlines() for line in config_lines: if mac_sdkconfig_string in line: split_line=line.split('=') if '4' in split_line[1]: return 2 elif '2' in split_line[1]: return 1 else: print("Unable to find valid value of sdkconfig variable {mac_var}" .format(mac_var=mac_sdkconfig_string)) sys.exit(1)
def no_trajectory_dct(): """ Dictionary expected answer """ return ()
import re def output_name(ncfile): """output_name. Args: ncfile: """ ncfile_has_datetime ='[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2}', ncfile) if ncfile_has_datetime: forecast_time = else: raise Exception("ncfile doesn't have datetime data.") outname = (forecast_time + "apcp") return outname
def text_to_int(sentence, map_dict, max_length=20, is_target=False): """ 对文本句子进行数字编码 @param sentence: 一个完整的句子,str类型 @param map_dict: 单词到数字的映射,dict @param max_length: 句子的最大长度 @param is_target: 是否为目标语句。在这里要区分目标句子与源句子,因为对于目标句子(即翻译后的句子)我们需要在句子最后增加<EOS> """ # 用<PAD>填充整个序列 text_to_idx = [] # unk index unk_idx = map_dict.get("<UNK>") pad_idx = map_dict.get("<PAD>") eos_idx = map_dict.get("<EOS>") # 如果是输入源文本 if not is_target: for word in sentence.lower().split(): text_to_idx.append(map_dict.get(word, unk_idx)) # 否则,对于输出目标文本需要做<EOS>的填充最后 else: for word in sentence.lower().split(): text_to_idx.append(map_dict.get(word, unk_idx)) text_to_idx.append(eos_idx) # 如果超长需要截断 if len(text_to_idx) > max_length: return text_to_idx[:max_length] # 如果不够则增加<PAD> else: text_to_idx = text_to_idx + [pad_idx] * (max_length - len(text_to_idx)) return text_to_idx
from numpy import array def beamcenter_mask(): """Returns beamcenter mask as an array. Given the PSF and the dimensions of the beamstop, the minimum intensity around beamcenter occurs at a radius of 3 pixels, hence a 7x7 mask.""" return array([[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,1,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]])
import sys def attach_tfidf_weights(storage, vocab, tf_arr): """Appends tf-idf weights to each word """ wordlist = vocab storage_weighted = [] for i in range(len(storage)): sys.stdout.write(str(i)+",") sys.stdout.flush() docweights = [] stor_list = storage[i].split() for word in stor_list: words = [word,0] for j in range(len(wordlist)): if (wordlist[j] == word): words[1] = tf_arr[i][j] docweights.append(words) storage_weighted.append(docweights) return storage_weighted
def expanded_bb( final_points): """computation of coordinates and distance""" left, right = final_points left_x, left_y = left right_x, right_y = right base_center_x = (left_x+right_x)/2 base_center_y = (left_y+right_y)/2 dist_base = abs(complex(left_x, left_y)-complex(right_x, right_y ) ) return (int(base_center_x), int(base_center_y) ), dist_base
def extract_uris(data): """Convert a text/uri-list to a python list of (still escaped) URIs""" lines = data.split('\r\n') out = [] for l in lines: if l == chr(0): continue # (gmc adds a '\0' line) if l and l[0] != '#': out.append(l) return out
import re def extract_info(filepath,pdbid,info_id_list): """Returns a dictionary where the key is pocket ID (starting at zero) and the value is a dictionary of information points.""" pockets_info = {} pocket_file = open(filepath+pdbid+'_out/'+pdbid+'_info.txt') pocket_lines = pocket_file.readlines() pocket_file.close() # create inner dictionaries counter = 0 for line in pocket_lines: if line[:6] == 'Pocket': pockets_info[counter] = {} counter += 1 # populate inner dictionaries for info_id in info_id_list: counter = 0 for line in pocket_lines: if line.lstrip()[:len(info_id)] == info_id: split = re.split(r'\s+',line.rstrip()) pockets_info[counter][info_id] = float(split[-1]) counter += 1 return pockets_info
def mult_int_list_int(): """ >>> mult_int_list_int() [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] """ return 3 * [1, 2] * 2
def to_dict(eds, properties=True, lnk=True): """ Encode the EDS as a dictionary suitable for JSON serialization. """ nodes = {} for node in eds.nodes: nd = { 'label': node.predicate, 'edges': node.edges } if lnk and node.lnk is not None: nd['lnk'] = {'from': node.cfrom, 'to': node.cto} if node.type is not None: nd['type'] = node.type if properties: props = if props: nd['properties'] = props if node.carg is not None: nd['carg'] = node.carg nodes[] = nd return {'top':, 'nodes': nodes}
def mock_modules_list(): """Standard module list without any issues""" return [ {"name": "foo", "module_type": "app", "supported_platforms": ["macos"]}, {"name": "bar", "module_type": "app"}, ]
def SieveOfEratosthenes(limit=10**6): """Returns all primes not greater than limit.""" isPrime = [True]*(limit+1) isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = False primes = [] for i in range(2, limit+1): if not isPrime[i]:continue primes += [i] for j in range(i*i, limit+1, i): isPrime[j] = False return primes
import torch def iou_overlaps(b1, b2): """ Arguments: b1: dts, [n, >=4] (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) b1: gts, [n, >=4] (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) Returns: intersection-over-union pair-wise, generalized iou. """ area1 = (b1[:, 2] - b1[:, 0] + 1) * (b1[:, 3] - b1[:, 1] + 1) area2 = (b2[:, 2] - b2[:, 0] + 1) * (b2[:, 3] - b2[:, 1] + 1) # only for giou loss lt1 = torch.max(b1[:, :2], b2[:, :2]) rb1 = torch.max(b1[:, 2:4], b2[:, 2:4]) lt2 = torch.min(b1[:, :2], b2[:, :2]) rb2 = torch.min(b1[:, 2:4], b2[:, 2:4]) wh1 = (rb2 - lt1 + 1).clamp(min=0) wh2 = (rb1 - lt2 + 1).clamp(min=0) inter_area = wh1[:, 0] * wh1[:, 1] union_area = area1 + area2 - inter_area iou = inter_area / torch.clamp(union_area, min=1) ac_union = wh2[:, 0] * wh2[:, 1] + 1e-7 giou = iou - (ac_union - union_area) / ac_union return iou, giou
def aggregate(data): """Aggregate the data.""" return NotImplemented
import copy def iupac_fasta_converter(header, sequence): """ Given a sequence (header and sequence itself) containing iupac characters, return a dictionary with all possible sequences converted to ATCG. """ iupac_dict = {"R": "AG", "Y": "CT", "S": "GC", "W": "AT", "K": "GT", "M": "AC", "B": "CGT", "D": "AGT", "H": "ACT", "V": "ACG", "N": "ACGT"} iupac_dict = {k: list(iupac_dict[k]) for k in list(iupac_dict.keys())} if sequence.upper().count("N") >= 10: return {header: sequence} sequence = list(sequence.upper()) result_list = [] def iupac_recurse(seq): for i in range(len(seq)): if seq[i] in list(iupac_dict.keys()): iup = iupac_dict[seq[i]] for i_seq in iup: new_seq = copy.deepcopy(seq) new_seq[i] = i_seq iupac_recurse(new_seq) break else: result_list.append("".join(seq)) iupac_recurse(sequence) if len(result_list) == 1: return {header: result_list[0]} else: return {header + "-" + str(i): result_list[i] for i in range(len(result_list))}
def get_tpr_from_threshold(scores,labels, threshold_list): """Calculate the recall score list from the threshold score list. Args: score_target: list of (score,label) threshold_list: list, the threshold list Returns: recall_list: list, the element is recall score calculated by the correspond threshold """ tpr_list = [] hack_scores = [] for score, label in zip(scores,labels): if label == 1: hack_scores.append(float(score)) hack_scores.sort(reverse=True) hack_nums = len(hack_scores) for threshold in threshold_list: hack_index = 0 while hack_index < hack_nums: if hack_scores[hack_index] <= threshold: break else: hack_index += 1 if hack_nums != 0: tpr = hack_index * 1.0 / hack_nums else: tpr = 0 tpr_list.append(tpr) return tpr_list
def updating_node_validation_error(address=False, port=False, id=False, weight=False): """ Verified 2015-06-16: - when trying to update a CLB node's address/port/id, which are immutable. - when trying to update a CLB node's weight to be < 1 or > 100 At least one of address, port, id, and weight should be `True` for this error to apply. :param bool address: Whether the address was passed to update :param bool port: Whether the port was passed to update :param bool id: Whether the ID was passed to update :param bool weight: Whether the weight was passed to update and wrong :return: a `tuple` of (dict body message, 400 http status code) """ messages = [] if address: messages.append("Node ip field cannot be modified.") if port: messages.append("Port field cannot be modified.") if weight: messages.append("Node weight is invalid. Range is 1-100. " "Please specify a valid weight.") if id: messages.append("Node id field cannot be modified.") return( { "validationErrors": { "messages": messages }, "message": "Validation Failure", "code": 400, "details": "The object is not valid" }, 400 )
def parse_numbers(numbers): """Return list of numbers.""" return [int(number) for number in numbers]