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それはまた統一された権威です。 | [
] | It is also a unified authority. | It is also a unitary authority. |
マッカーサー司令部はフレッチャーに日本の侵略軍の場所を伝えた。 | [
] | MacArthur told Fletcher the location of the Japanese invaders. | MacArthur's headquarters told Fletcher about the locations of the Japanese invasion forces. |
まもなく、オーストラリアの先住民族はヨーロッパ人によって数を超え、多くは埋蔵量に住むようにされました。 | [
] | Soon, the indigenous peoples of Australia were numbered by Europeans and many were made to live in reserves. | Soon, Australia's Aborigines were outnumbered by Europeans, and many were made to live on reserves. |
マサチューセッツ州の元米国上院議員エドワードブルックは、最も古い生きている元上院議員になりました。 | [
] | Former U.S. Senator Edward Brooke in Massachusetts became the oldest living former senator. | Former United States Senator of Massachusetts Edward Brooke became the oldest living former Senator. |
それはブルガリアからのユダヤ人の移民を運んでいました。 | [
] | It was carrying Jewish immigrants from Bulgaria. | It was carrying Jewish emigrants from Bulgaria. |
彼女は戦いサリバンでアレッタサリバンを果たしました. | [
] | She played Aletta Sullivan in the fight Sullivan. | She played Aletta Sullivan in The Fighting Sullivans. |
論文は偽名Publiusを使用して公開されました。 | [
] | The paper was published using the pseudonym Publius. | The papers were published using a false name, Publius. |
洞窟内には、サイ、馬、野生の羊(ムーフロンと呼ばれる)、タール(野生のヤギを合成する)、ムスコックス(ウシの一種)、鹿、トナカイの骨が発見されています。 | [
] | Inside the cave, rhinos, horses, wild sheep (called muflons), tar (to synthesize wild goats), muscox (a kind of bovine), deer and reindeer bones have been discovered. | Bones of rhinoceros, horses, wild sheep (called Mouflon), Tahrs (resemble wild goats), Muskox (some kind of bovine), deer, and reindeer have been found in the cave. |
National Academy of Engineering選出。 | [
] | Selected by the National Academy of Engineering. | Elected Fellow of National Academy of Engineering. |
あるいは、マクロ進化、あるいはメガ進化といった用語を、種レベル以下で起こるプロセスとは異なるかのように用いる人もいます。 | [
] | Others use terms such as macro-evolution or mega-evolution as if they were different from processes occurring at or below the species level. | Others use terms like macroevolution, or even megaevolution, as if the processes are different from those which occur below species level. |
街は東黒海地域にあります。 | [
] | The city is located in the East Black Sea region. | The city is in the East Black Sea Region. |
クロンダイクゴールドラッシュはカナダ北西部から始まります。 | [
] | The Klondike Gold Rush starts in northwest Canada. | The Klondike Gold Rush begins in North-western Canada. |
アルツハイマー病、または統合失調症。 | [
] | Alzheimer's disease, or schizophrenia. | Alzheimer's disease, or Schizophrenia. |
しかし、クラブは2012シーズンの終わりにJ2に降格されました。 | [
] | However, the club was demoted to J2 at the end of the 2012 season. | However the club was relegated to J2 end of 2012 season. |
Lindenmeyr, Adele. | [
] | Hotels booking in Lindenmeyr, Adele. | Lindenmeyr, Adele. |
Chloroformは、1834年にJean-Baptiste Dumasによって命名され、化学的に特徴付けられました。 | [
] | Chloroform was named and chemically characterized by Jean-Baptiste Dumas in 1834. | Chloroform was named and chemically characterised in 1834 by Jean-Baptiste Dumas. |
Readerz.Net / スーザン・サイロ スーザン・サイロ(Susan Silo、1942年7月27日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の女優、歌手。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Susan Silo Susan Silo (born July 27, 1942) is an American actress and singer. | Susan Silo (born July 27, 1942) is an American actress and singer. |
彼はまた才能のあるハンターであり、彼の生涯の間に少なくとも30匹のトラを殺し、非常に有名な用語「ティーズマールカーン」と題されました。 | [
] | He was also a talented hunter, killing at least 30 tigers during his lifetime and entitled the very famous term "Teasmar Khan". | He was also a talented hunter, having killed at least 30 tigers during his lifetime and was titled the very well-known term "Tees Maar Khan". |
オーストリアの歴史的な「チロルの郡」との関係を取り除くために正式にHaut Adigeと名付けられました。 | [
] | It was officially named Haut Adige to remove the relationship with Austria's historic "County of Tyrol". | It was officially named Haut Adige to get rid of relation to the historic "County of Tyrol" of Austria. |
後 324 紀元前. machaira 剣とアレキサンダー大王の公式埋葬が起こった彼のsacerdotal 力を残しました。 | [
] | After 324 BC. the official burial of Alexander the Great with the machaira sword occurred left his sacerdotal power. | Later in 324 B.C. happened the official burial of the machaira sword and Alexander the Great left his sacerdotal powers. |
その一例が心不全です。 | [
] | One example is heart failure. | One example is Heart Failure. |
彼女は母親に押されて5歳で舞台のキャリアをスタートさせました。 | [
] | She started her stage career at the age of five under the tutelage of her mother. | She began a stage career at the age of five, pushed by her mother. |
木星の衛星:エウロパ、ガニメデ、カリストにあります。 | [
] | Jupiter's moons: located in Europa, Ganymede, Calisto. | Jupiter's moons: It is found on Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. |
Readerz.Net / レゾ・チェイシュヴィリ レゾ・チェイシュヴィリ(Revaz, 1933年4月24日 - 2015年9月11日)は、ジョージア出身の作家、脚本家。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Revaz Cheishvili Revaz (24 April 1933 – 11 September 2015) was a Georgian writer and screenwriter. | Revaz (Rezo) Cheishvili (, 24 April 1933 – 11 September 2015) was a Georgian writer and scriptwriter. |
この映画は2001年4月3日にVHSとDVDでリリースされ、2008年9月16日にDVDとBlu-rayディスクで再リリースされました。 | [
] | The film was released on VHS and DVD on April 3, 2001 and re-released on DVD and Blu-ray discs on September 16, 2008. | The film was released on VHS and DVD on April 3, 2001, and re-released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on September 16, 2008. |
初めて無罪判決を受けた後、同じ人に2回目の裁判を与えるという考えは、二重危険と呼ばれています。 | [
] | The idea of giving the same person a second trial after being acquitted for the first time is called a double danger. | The idea of giving the same person a second trial after being found not guilty the first time is called double jeopardy. |
両方のリストバンドに同じ番号が付いており、他の誰かが子供を連れて行くのを防ぎます。 | [
] | Both wristbands are numbered the same, preventing someone else from taking the child. | Both of their wristbands have the same number on them and this stops someone else from taking the child. |
2007年の研究では、ラットはある程度のメタ認知を持っていることがわかりました。 これは、以前は人間と一部の霊長類にのみ見られた精神的能力です。 | [
] | A 2007 study found that rats had some meta-cognition, a mental ability previously found only in humans and some primates. | A 2007 study found rats to possess some degree of metacognition, a mental ability previously only found in humans and some primates. |
それはPunggol LRT線に沿っています。 | [
] | It is located along the Punggol LRT line. | It is along the Punggol LRT Line. |
世界一高い旗竿はギルドフォードにあります。 | [
] | The tallest flagpole in the world is located in Guildford. | The world's tallest flagpole is in Guildford. |
それは1050年から1722年まで、特にサファヴィー朝時代の16世紀に強くなりました。 | [
] | It became strong from 1050 to 1722, especially in the 16th century in the Safavian era. | It was strong from 1050 to 1722, particularly in the 16th century under the Safavid dynasty. |
人類の物語は、人々がどのように生きてきたか、そして世界で大きな変化をもたらした人々が何をしたかを伝えます。 | [
] | The story of mankind tells how people have lived and what they have done to make a big difference in the world. | The Story of Mankind tells how people have lived and what things people have done that made a big change in the world. |
彼はサンクトペテルブルクの非常に小さなレンタルルームに住んでいます。 | [
] | He lives in a very small rental room in St. Petersburg. | He lives in a very small, rented room in Saint Petersburg. |
彼は、李家が戻ろうとした場合に備えて、家を生活に使用できないようにしたかった。 | [
] | He wanted to make the house unusable for life in case the Li family tried to return. | He wanted to make the house not usable for living, in case the Lee family tried to return. |
Michael Denison、Russell Waters、Charles Lenoが出演しています。 | [
] | Michael Denison, Russell Waters and Charles Lenovo appear. | It stars Michael Denison, Russell Waters and Charles Leno. |
「コモ・ラ・フロール」や「ラ・カルカチャ」などの曲は、セレナの代表的な曲となり、彼女のクロスオーバーをメキシコでツアーするのに役立ちました。 | [
] | Songs such as "Como La Flore" and "La Carcacha" became representative of Serena and helped her to tour her crossover in Mexico. | Songs like "Como La Flor" and "La Carcacha" became Selena's signature songs and helped her crossover to tour in Mexico. |
ヴィゴツキーは、言語の発達は、子どもたちが他の人とアイデアを伝えることができるため、考え方に大きな変化をもたらすと感じています。 | [
] | Vigotsky feels that language development can make a big difference in thinking because children can communicate ideas with others. | Vygotsky felt that growth of language leads to a huge change in how children think because they can communicate ideas with others. |
『ゲームフリーク』と『ニンテンドー64』でゴー・ビーティーンとして活躍する傍ら、『ポケットモンスタースタジアム』の番組制作にも携わる。 | [
] | While working as a go-beeteen on Game Freak and Nintendo 64, he was also involved in the production of programs for Pokémon Stadium. | While working as a go-between for Game Freak and Nintendo, he helped program Pokémon Stadium for the Nintendo 64. |
2019年までに、13は最新の種類、ボーイング737 MAXでした。 | [
] | By 2019, 13 were the latest types, Boeing 737 MAX. | By 2019, 13 were the newest kind, the Boeing 737 MAX. |
ホロウェイは、5月30日月曜日の午前1時30分頃に、彼女のクラスメートがアルバンのバーとナイトクラブカルロスンチャーリーを去るのを最後に見ました。 | [
] | Holloway last saw her classmates leave Alban's bar and nightclub Carlosn Charlie around 1:30 a.m. on Monday, May 30. | Holloway was last seen by her classmates leaving the Aruban bar and night club Carlos'n Charlie's around 1:30 a.m. on Monday, May 30. |
現代のボーイングジェットライナー。 | [
] | Modern Boeing jet liner. | Modern Boeing Jetliners. |
彼女はヴィズラ・ベオグラードで演奏しました。 | [
] | She performed in Vizra Belgrade. | She played for Vizura Beograd. |
2012年7月より現職。 | [
] | Incumbent since July 2012. | She began this position in July 2012. |
最初の全国協会は、ベルギー、デンマーク、フランス、オルデンブルク、プロイセン、スペイン、ヴュルテンベルクで設立されました。 | [
] | The first national associations were established in Belgium, Denmark, France, Oldenburg, Prussia, Spain and Württemberg. | The first national societies were founded in Belgium, Denmark, France, Oldenburg, Prussia, Spain, and Württemberg. |
通常のイラク軍はイラクのクルディスタンに入ることを禁じられているので、ペシュメルガ軍はこの地域で唯一の治安部隊です。 | [
] | The Peshmerga army is the only security force in the region, as ordinary Iraqi troops are forbidden to enter Kurdistan in Iraq. | The regular Iraqi army is forbidden to enter Iraqi Kurdistan, so Peshmerga forces are the only security forces in the area. |
重罪法は、イスラエル人を誘拐して奴隷にした罪に対する死刑を要求している。 | [
] | The felony law requires the death penalty for the crime of kidnapping and enslaving Israelis. | The Deuteronomic Code calls for the death penalty for the crime of kidnapping Israelites to enslave them. |
すべての巡礼者がメイフラワー・サモセット(約1590-1653年)にやって来たのは、プリマス植民地の巡礼者と話す最初のネイティブアメリカンでした。 | [
] | All pilgrims came to Mayflower Somerset (about 1590-1653) was the first Native American to talk to the pilgrims of the Plymouth colony. | All of the pilgrims came on the Mayflower Samoset (ca. 1590–1653) was the first Native American to speak with the Pilgrims in Plymouth Colony. |
フォルガドは2012年から2018年までスペインのレッド・エレクトリカ・デ・エスパーニャの社長を務めました。 | [
] | Forgado served as president of Red Electrica de España in Spain from 2012 to 2018. | Folgado was President of Red Eléctrica de España from 2012 to 2018. |
しかし、翌年に負傷し、ミルウォーキー提督と共に国際人道法に戻った。 | [
] | However, he was injured the following year and returned to international humanitarian law with Admiral Milwaukee. | However, injuries struck the next year and he found himself back in the IHL with the Milwaukee Admirals. |
彼らは後にマルタの主権軍事秩序になりました。 | [
] | They later became the sovereign military order of Malta. | They later became the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. |
大統領は首相を任命し、州議会によって承認されなければなりません。 | [
] | The president must appoint a prime minister and be approved by the state legislature. | The President appoints the Prime Minister and must be approved by the State Duma. |
変容は、ルカの福音書、マタイの福音書、マルコの福音書に記されているイエス・キリストの人生における出来事です。 | [
] | Transformation is an event in the life of Jesus Christ recorded in the Gospels of Luke, Matthew, and Mark. | The Transfiguration is an event in the life of Jesus Christ described in the Gospel of Luke, Gospel of Matthew, and Gospel of Mark. |
その歯は非常に奇妙で、古生物学者はそれを「歯医者」と呼んでいます。 | [
] | Its teeth are very strange, paleontologists call it a "dentist". | Its teeth are so strange that palaeontologists call it a 'Thingodont'. |
アデノイド切除術は通常、アデノイドがウイルスに感染していたため、幼児に対して行われます。 | [
] | Adenoid resection is usually performed against young children because the adenoid was infected with the virus. | Adenoidectomy is usually done on young children because their adenoids were infected by a virus. |
彼は今黙示録やマトリックスのような成功した映画の中で彼の役割で有名です。 | [
] | He is now famous for his role in successful films like Apocalypse and Matrix. | He is famous for his roles in successful movies like Apocalypse Now and The Matrix. |
彼はNCAAディビジョンIIの歴史の中でコーチとして最も多くの勝利の記録保持者でした。 | [
] | He was the most victorious record holder in NCAA Division II history as a coach. | He was the record-holder for the most wins as a coach in NCAA Division II history. |
1999年にユネスコの世界遺産に登録されました。 | [
] | It was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. | It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999. |
極端な状態。 | [
] | Extreme condition. | Extreme Condition. |
発電開始は2003年7月10日。 | [
] | The power generation started on July 10, 2003. | The first one to begin making electricity (Generator No.2) started on July 10, 2003. |
空のドームはそれ自体を回り、回転します。 | [
] | The empty dome goes around itself and rotates. | Dome of sky goes around itself; it rotates. |
三体問題は天文学でも起こります。 | [
] | The three-body problem also occurs in astronomy. | The three-body problem also happens in astronomy. |
カンクエンの宮殿はマヤ地域で最大です。 | [
] | The palace of Cancuen is the largest in the Maya region. | The palace at Cancuén is the largest in the Maya area. |
Burlingameは、トペカの南にある米国ルート56にあります。 | [
] | Burlingame is located on US Route 56, south of Topeca. | Burlingame is on U.S. Route 56, about south of Topeka. |
彼女は共同執筆し、映画スラムで主演しました (1998). | [
] | She co-wrote and starred in the film Slam (1998). | She co-wrote and starred in the movie Slam (1998). |
明治15年(1882 ) 、 石狩をはじめとする北海道10州は、函館県、札幌県、根室県に改組されました。 | [
] | In 1882, 10 states of Hokkaido, including Ishikari, were reorganized into Hakodate, Sapporo and Nemuro prefectures. | In 1882, Ishikari and the other ten provinces of Hokkaido were reorganized as Hakodate Prefecture, Sapporo Prefecture and Nemuro Prefecture. |
1956年から1957年にかけて、ムンバイのシッダールト法科大学院で憲法学の教授を務めました。 | [
] | From 1956 to 1957, he was a professor of constitutional law at the Siddharth School of Law in Mumbai. | During 1956 to 1957, he was a Professor of Constitutional Law in Siddharth College of Law, Mumbai. |
この試合でマコーミックは7連覇という新記録を樹立した。 | [
] | In this match, McCormick set a new record of seven consecutive victories. | In this match McCormick set a new club record of seven clean sheets in a row. |
Kachemakは、アラスカ州ホーマーの北東、大都市です。 | [
] | Kachemak is a large city in the northeast of Homer, Alaska. | Kachemak is north east of Homer, Alaska, a larger city. |
しかし、彼らのショーや映画は10代の女の子と若い女性(15~30歳)を対象としています。 | [
] | But their shows and films are intended for teenage girls and young women (15-30 years old). | However, their shows and movies are aimed at teenage girls and young women (age 15-30). |
しかし、長方形は主に長方形と呼ばれ、用語ボックスは長方形の輪郭または周囲です。 | [
] | But rectangles are mainly called rectangles, and term boxes are rectangular contours or perimeters. | But rectangles are mainly referred to as rectangles, the term box is the outline, or perimeter of the rectangle. |
Readerz.Net / ジョアン・レティシア・ラコック ジョアン・レティシア・ラコック(Joan Letitia LaCock、1922年1月31日 - 1996年9月10日)は、アメリカ合衆国のテレビ、舞台、映画女優。 | [
] | Readerz.Net / Joan Letitia LaCock Joan Letitia LaCock (31 January 1922 – 10 September 1996) was an American television, stage and film actress. | Joan Letitia LaCock (later Joanne Dru; January 31, 1922 – September 10, 1996) was an American television, stage and movie actress. |
性的に生殖する生物は、男性と女性の2つの異なる性別を持っています。 | [
] | Sexually reproductive organisms have two different genders: male and female. | Organisms that reproduce sexually have two different sexes: male and female. |
1832年までに、製材所、店舗、プリエンプションホテル、グリストミルを建設した180人の住民がネイパービルに住んでいました。 | [
] | By 1832, 180 residents who built sawmills, shops, preemption hotels and grist mills lived in Naperville. | By 1832, there were 180 residents living in Naperville whom they had built sawmills, stores, the Pre-Emption Hotel, and gristmills. |
したがって、0.000452は4.52 x 10−5(0.0000452 - - > 4.52 x 0.00001 - - > 4.52 x 10−5)になります。 | [
] | Therefore, 0.000452 will be 4.52 x 10-5 (0.0000452 --> 4.52 x 0.00001 --> 4.52 x 10-5). | So 0.0000452 would become 4.52 x 10−5 (0.0000452 --> 4.52 x 0.00001 --> 4.52 x 10−5). |
ジェームズ・ディーン、ナタリー・ウッド、サル・ミネオが出演します。 | [
] | James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo will appear. | It stars James Dean, Natalie Wood, and Sal Mineo. |
雨が激しく降るので、水は十分に速く地面に浸ることができず、水は山腹や丘を小川や川に押し寄せます。 | [
] | As it rains heavily, the water cannot be immersed in the ground fast enough, and the water rushes mountainsides and hills into streams and rivers. | It rains so hard that the water can not soak into the ground fast enough, and the water rushes down the mountainsides or hills into streams and rivers. |
雪は彼の人生の浮き沈みの彼の公正なシェアを見てきました。 | [
] | Snow has seen his fair share of the vicissitudes of his life. | Xue has seen his fair share of ups and downs in his life. |
ボウイはルー・リードの「トランスフォーマー」も制作した。 | [
] | Bowie also produced Lou Reed's Transformers. | Bowie also produced Lou Reed's "Transformer". |
1954年に、ハンフリー・ボガートがクィーグを演じた本に基づく映画がありました。 | [
] | In 1954, there was a film based on a book in which Humphrey Bogart played queer. | In 1954, there was a movie based on the book, in which Humphrey Bogart played Queeg. |
戦いでは、メデューサの頭を使ってクラーケンを石に変え、粉々に砕けます。 | [
] | In battle, use the Medusa's head to turn the Kraken into a stone and shatter it. | In the battle, he uses Medusa's head to turn the Kraken to stone, causing to crumble into pieces. |
Webブラウザには、しばしばJavaScriptエンジンがあります。 | [
] | Web browsers often have a JavaScript engine. | Web Browsers often have a JavaScript engine. |
ナショナリストはオーストラリアの政治において二度と本当の力ではありませんでした。 | [
] | Nationalists have never been a real force in Australian politics. | The Nationalists were never a real force in Australian politics again. |
百年戦争の終わりに、チャールズ7世とルイXIはチノンに王権を設置しました。 | [
] | At the end of the Centennial War, Charles VII and Louis XI established kingship in Chinon. | At the end of the Hundred Years War, Charles VII and Louis XI installed royal power in Chinon. |
彼は1940年3月10日に腎動脈硬化症(遺伝性腎臓病)で亡くなりました。 | [
] | He died of renal arteriosclerosis (hereditary kidney disease) on March 10, 1940. | He died from nephrosclerosis (an inherited kidney disorder) on 10 March 1940. |
金王朝は満州北部に創建され、創始者は阿骨打(ワニャン・アグダ)です。 | [
] | The Kim dynasty was founded in northern Manchuria, and its founder was Wanyan Agda. | The Jin Dynasty was founded in northern Manchuria, The founder was Wanyan Aguda (完顏阿骨打). |
国際主義者は、バンドの最初の2枚のアルバムとは異なりました。 | [
] | Internationalists differed from the band's first two albums. | Internationalist sounded different to the band's first two albums. |
それは部門の南部のメキシコとのSuchiate Riverの自然な国境に沿って位置しています。 | [
] | It is located along the natural border of the Sachiate River with Mexico in the south of the sector. | It is located along the Suchiate River natural border with Mexico in the southern part of the department. |
2006年に記録された降雨量は5.7メートルを超えました。 | [
] | The rainfall recorded in 2006 exceeded 5.7 meters. | In 2006, the rainfall recorded was over 5.7 metres. |
この委員会は、宇宙プログラムの開発を支援するために設立されました。 | [
] | This committee was established to support the development of space programs. | This committee was created to help develop a space program. |
カナダとイタリアで1位、アメリカで2位になりました。 | [
] | I finished first in Canada and Italy, and second in the United States. | It went to number one in Canada and Italy and number two in the United States. |
リサはマギーが彼らの注目を集めようとしているのを見て、彼女は赤ちゃんの手話を教えるショーにチャンネルを変えます。 | [
] | Lisa sees Maggie trying to attract their attention, and she turns the channel into a show that teaches baby sign language. | Lisa sees Maggie trying to get their attention so she changes the channel to a show that teaches babies sign language. |
ルシニャーノは、トスカーナのイタリアの地域のアレッツォ州のコミューンです。 | [
] | Lucignano is a commune in the province of Arezzo in the Italian region of Tuscany. | Lucignano is a comune in the Province of Arezzo in the Italian region of Tuscany. |
1950年にベルギーに戻ったレオポルドは、ベルギー史上最も暴力的なストライキの1つに遭遇しました。 | [
] | Returning to Belgium in 1950, Leopold encountered one of the most violent strikes in Belgian history. | On his return to Belgium in 1950, Leopold was met with one of the most violent strikes in the history of Belgium. |
紛争は物語文学の最も重要な要素の1つです。 | [
] | Disputes are one of the most important elements of narrative literature. | Conflict is one of the most important elements of narrative literature. |
2012年夏季オリンピックでは、国際ボクシング協会(AIBA)予選の準決勝に進出。 | [
] | At the 2012 Summer Olympics, he advanced to the semifinals of the International Boxing Association (AIBA) Qualifier. | In the 2012 Summer Olympics, he reached to the semi-finals of International Boxing Association (AIBA) qualifying event. |
イリノイ州の最初の知事はShadrach Bondでした。 | [
] | The first governor of Illinois was Shadrach Bond. | The first Governor of Illinois was Shadrach Bond. |
これは1755年にフランスのルイ15世によって完全に認識されました。 | [
] | This was fully recognized by Louis XV of France in 1755. | This was later fully recognised by Louis XV of France in 1755. |
アゼルバイジャンSSRの憲法は、1937年3月14日にソビエトの第9回臨時全アゼルバイジャン会議によって承認されました。 | [
] | The constitution of the Azerbaijani SSR was approved by the 9th Extraordinary All-Azerbaijani Conference of the Soviet Union on March 14, 1937. | The Constitution of Azerbaijan SSR was approved by the 9th Extraordinary All-Azerbaijani Congress of Soviets on March 14, 1937. |
連邦住宅コミッショナーは大統領によって任命され、米国上院によって確認されます。 | [
] | The federal housing commissioner is appointed by the president and confirmed by the US Senate. | The Federal Housing Commissioner is appointed by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate. |
今日ショーの主催者はまた、パレードで新しい行為を紹介することによってこのイベントを開催します。 | [
] | Today the organizers of the show also organize this event by introducing new acts in the parade. | The hosts of The Today Show also host this event by introducing new acts in the parade. |