Stupid. Like Putin is going to tell Russian soldiers that they will go and defend Syria and they'll go along with it.... Like I said - stupid. Yes, you are.
No question. The only issue is: An openly corporate run city, with a still massive manufacturing infrastructure and its ramifications for the US and by extension, the world VS. Robocop, so awesome; yes, oh man! We just have to do like Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Robot limbs for everyone! It's a new growth industry.
Ron Paul doesn't have a clue what Liberty is. But I thought you gave up on the Republican party, goans. uh huh. I'm sure your idea of liberty is greeeeeeat. And yeah, parties are stupid.
This should be the top comment. I'm disappointed reddit. Anyone that downvotes you is either an idiot or ignorant.
Because pot heads add nothing to the economy and in fact make it worse. All those lazy stoner hippies now have to work instead of smoking joints all day. while i am an ent, i agree with this completely. especially in a capitalist country where people need to be constantly buying in order to sustain the economy. im not saying i like the capitalist mentality, hence the smoking, but it's true that legalizing marijuana would destroy the economy despite the jobs it would also create.
Who else but the government can be trusted to control these things? These are basic elements of the governments job, nothing scary. Of course they can control them in a better way sometimes...but have you even thought about what this means? How can the government *not* control the military? How can they not control justice? How can they not control land rights? Whatever crazy alternative you have imagined is much worse. Exactly. This subreddit is meant to be /r/libertarianism, not /r/ancaps.
Her name is Monica, she's from Chicago, and she is NOT 14. Wrong, dumbfuck. It's Angie Verona. You're NOT too bright are you?
Sounds like she's got to get her facts straight. She's also not winning any support for her cause through immature displays of publicity. Put up signs asking why rich white straight men aren't endorsing Ron Paul if, by her logic, have the most to gain. Members of the military that contribute to Ron Paul aren't rich either. In fact, the majority of donations to Ron Paul's campaign are under $200. Romney is averaging closer to the maximum allowed - ~$2,000. Yeah, I said the same thing, and I even stood their debating her. My biggest concern is that the average college student will walk past that sign and nod their head instead of actually having a discussion about it. I think your idea of putting up signs up contradicting her makes the most sense.
I love reading all the hypocritical comments here. "How dare this "Fox pundit" suggest that Maddow should have been aborted? This is outrageous!" Prepare to eat crow, my Reddit friends. In April 2011, Keith Olbermann tweeted this about conservative S.E. Cupp: >On so many levels she's a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does Olbermann said the exact same thing Cal Thomas said. Most of what PP does is birth control. Thus, Olbermann is arguing that S.E. Cupp illustrates the necessity of birth control. It's the same thing. In response, S.E. Cupp's mother (Patricia Cupp) wrote this: >In response to your comment on Twitter that S.E.Cupp is “a perfect demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does,“ and that ”her parents would have helped the earth had they consulted PP for birth control”: >As S.E. Cupp’s mother, I have to ask: Have you no shame? No depth to which you will not stoop to insult an adversary? >My daughter was raised to express her opinion respectfully. I am sure you were as well. What happened? >You should know that her father and I are endlessly proud of the young woman she has become. --- I guess Reddit's standards are different when a conservatives says the exact same thing as a liberal. This doesn't shock me, though. The only standards pig liberal Reddit users know are double standards.
Using the whole hand, doc? Hand? Mine usually has both hands on my shoulders during the exam. I figured he was using some sort of pedal operated machine or something.
Your wife should get some badass tats on them tits. I think an outward facing bazooka on each breast will suffice. I would gladly donate to see this come to fruition. Edit: I mean thats what I would do if I was in that situation. Why have them look weird or normal? When you can have them look cool! She could be a BBMF; a bad breasted mother fucker. Wut?
I can't masturbate to this repost again Guess I'll have to do it twice to make up for you then.
Of course, Krugman is a little biased. Still, the only people that worry about this "family values" junk are people that make that their single-voting-issue anyway, so there's no use trying to tell them that anything else is at all important. My mother is one of them. * Is abortion rights a single-issue for Democrats? * Gay rights? * Same-sex marriage? The problem Democrats have now is that federal government workers are paying themselves 16% above their private-sector counterparts - thus creating huge income inequality for the government-halves, taken by force from the private-sector-have-nots. You've got regular old beat cops making a quarter million a year and bus drivers making $170,000 a year. That's simply horrid an unsustainable. The government elite is out of control and so we have to fire everyone who supports this (mostly Democrats, but even some Republicans.)
Guess I'll have to do it twice to make up for you then. please do, nothing better than tittless hotties
Don't be retarded, its a piece legislation proposed by one politician who happens to have an "R" in front of his name. It's not the "GOP party stealing your rights". Whooaaaa now, logic doesn't sit well around these parts.
ok you are right. my only opinion is we already have transportation taxes on gas that is supposed to fund these projects. Before we institute new taxes and new projects: where has the money already been going? how much is being wasted? can we just increase the gas tax? so we can decide how much we are willing to pay, without saying "we need more spending go tax the person with more money" For all those who think this is a good thing: California is getting a high speed rail from LA to the bay area, possibly longer. There has been almost zero expression of interest for this type of transport, given that airlines can often let these fares go for less than $70 each way. yet here we are, pissing away tax payer dollars to build this atrocity.
Ronald Reagan WAS a hooker before he was an actor. They don't want you to know their dirty past, they will do anything for money. Nancy almost divorced him when she found his blackbook, but he payed her off with whore money that he got fucking the gov. high rankers and that is why he got in with the right crowd I know this for a fact it was in a video I saw somebody say 9/11 was an inside job on a video once. It must mean it's true right? Oh right, Reagan did such a good job as president that libtards like yourself have to find things that have nothing to do with his presidency to make him look bad. Go fuck yourself.
The gold standard is the only standpoint of RP's that I don't agree with, but he's stated that it's something that needs to be worked on for a series of years, not implemented immediately. Also, if you think that the pointless wars shouldn't be ended, the Fed Reserve shouldn't be regulated, and the deficit shouldn't be trimmed... you're fucking high. I absolutely believe that those are more important issues at-hand that need to be solved within the next few years. I think removing a "standard" all together (allowing free market competing currencies to emerge) would be a better idea, although way to complicated for most to comprehend currently. BitCoin is a good example of an up and coming form of currency that could compete, although the security scare they experienced is reason for pause in digital currency.
Fairness doctrine was a horrible law because it allowed the government to decided who was telling the "truth". Conservatism also has nothing to do with how the news works. Sensationalism makes more money. also this title is ridiculous. you can find just as many liberal philosophy that are at odds with facts and completely absurd. Like saying FDR spent us out of the great depression without considering how much WW2 had to do with reducing unemployment and increasing domestic production. Or that 9/11 was a government plot to get us to invade the middle east. Both sides have their crazies the point is we need people on both the left and the right so we come to a balance and we compromise. Its like anything in life we must find a balance. I am sad that you have been downvoted.
you still sound smarter than an obama supporter ;) I am smarter than an Obama supporter because all of them are retarded fucking hippies. I don't understand how anyone can possibly support that retarded fucking nigger.
Says the dipshit who called for a housing bubble and didn't see the depression coming when ron paul, peter schiff, jim rodgers, jim grant, marc faber, max kaiser and others were predicting it for 10 years. With all the Obamatards joining the Bushtards in not criticizing 'their' guy when he does things you claimed to abhore when it was a D instead of an R, seems to me that most people who claim to be 'liberal' or 'conservative are equally full of shit. Yup! So far, the best comment on this page.
>That savings represents under-consumption at the risk of attaining greater gain later. This is very idealistic, and rarely actuality. There are all kinds of laws and circumstances that mitigate the actual risk for these "heroes" of yours. And those laws are terrible. They are a function of retarded government, which I seek to remove. Don't call them my "heroes". I never said anything of the sort. Why don't you dig up Marx and suck his rotting cock, shithead.
You believe whatever you like. Fuck you cocksucking slime ball. Someone should kick your teeth in and have his way with your asshole you cretin.
Fags are forcing the straight people to accept their standards. Why should we are forced upon? Why don't they get their own country to live there? Same goes for feminists. Why don't they get their own states and then fight with men, see who is stronger and should have higher authority. In other words women should have equal rights but men should have the last saying. Men are the president and women are the vice president. They both can not be presidents. Don't agree then lets fight see who wins. look all the faggs and womans down voting me. Thats all you are capable of. Thats why you are the vice president women and fags are the toilet shit.
I came here to say this but you had already said it. The story of reddit. That is all. Gay.
Pretty sure OP is a EPS troll. Of course he is, and the thread is filled with his minions. They are a joke, and a sad one at that.
Pretty sure OP is a EPS troll. 100% correct. More EPS spam.
Dusty, what was your digg username? Why won't you tell me? And what do you believe happened to those dead 6million jews, since you don't believe they were killed in the holocaust? I wonder why krugmanisapuppet is dodging all of these holocaust questions?
I guess Peter Jackson was taking the day off from filming The Hobbit. I love how he writes: > ... as did four of his prospective Republican challengers , former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, who represented Pennsylvania, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, state elections officials said. **U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas also qualified for the ballot, State Department spokesman Ron Ruman said Tuesday night.** I love how you're left not even sure what Ron Paul qualified for, as if he was in a different category to the other presidential candidates. Nobody knows what Ron Paul is qualified for. He's a vagina doctor, so maybe delivering babies -- but even then he doesn't even know the difference between the morning after pill and an abortion pill so he shouldn't even be trusted with that.
Nothing but whiny liberal hyperbole. liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal liberal (edit: added the word liberal)
*Nope. Not sure what to say, but I like the deflection attempt.* It's not an attempt at deflection. If you talk like a conspiracy theorist that's how I'll treat you and that's exactly how you sound. *I'd be pissed off my little racist, anti-woman, anti-disabled, anti-everything subreddit was getting outed too.* Outed by a conspiracy theorist that's spends his days promoting a white supremacist for the Presidency? Pardon me while I contemplate the depths of your hypocrisy. *I am right.* Not even close. *Last words yours. I don't care what you say, I'm done here, I can't stand talking to you people trying to undermine my nation and party.* It's been my nation longer than it's been yours and I've done far more in support of it than you have done. I've never tried to get a man elected who was as clueless and hate filled as Ron Paul. What you and your little friends have been doing has done far more damage to this country than anything you would like to falsely accuse me of doing. And as for your Party, you're not a Republican, you are a Libertarian. Just like Ron Paul you're trying to use the Republican party to sell your message of hate and intolerance. That 'nope Muslim terrorists' line about 9/11 could be a lie. RightC0ast was telling Dusty the other day to lie about his Holocaust views because the battle was already lost. Don't believe RightC0ast. He's an activist who puts advancing his extremist ideology before honesty.
Why is this in /politics? because most of this generation view colbert/the daily show as some comedic news source that panders to their pre-determined views
Yes. As annoying as they are, they're are only trying to keep people safe with these checkpoints. What's the point? You just end up being annoying, and probably getting yourself hassled much more than you need to...but hey, I guess that's your right. Exercise them needlessly if you want to, or save it for when you really need it. You get your shots in while you can. There aren't many times when you get to belittle an officer.
Honestly? this is bullshit. Answer truthfully to the officers because it is not that they are trying to take away your liberties, they are trying to be good members of the community and keep people who shouldn't be driving off the roads.This isn't the TSA where they take away your civil liberties on the off chance that you may be a terrorist. The ratio of terrorist attacks via plane to the number of flights is infinitesimally small, so to be subjected to a degrading loss of liberty is unreasonable. The number of drunk driving accidents to the number of drivers makes this scenario make sense. The TSA isn't taking away your liberties. Tell that to a person who lived in Nazi Germany and he or she would spit in your face. You don't have to go to the airport... they don't burst into your house and make you take off your shoes.
It's called Paul spam for a reason. I subbed to to EPS to get away from the Paul spam, but all they got there is Paul spam.
Even IF all this hypothesizing were true, black men just don't magically show up at prison. They are busted on the street, tried, and sent to prison. STOP SELLING DRUGS. STOP BUYING DRUGS. STOP WORSHIPING THE "THUG" LIFESTYLE. Seriously. Cry racism all you want. It won't ignore the fact that drug use and gang activity amongst the urban black population is high. Stop it. It's not the War on Drugs fault that you're too stupid to buy a 25 cent condom (and use it properly) before having sex with your "bitch". I have always said that the destruction of the black family has been far more harmful to the black community than anything since slavery. I'll even go so far as to say that there was a greater family structure in the antebellum south than in 2012. Sure, black parents were split up from their children frequently, but their had to have been a much greater sense of belonging and family given the lifestyle they faced back then. You are corrrect but will probably be downvoted since this is r/politics.
Yeah! People should be able to walk around naked! People should be able to strut around family theme parks with their pants pulled down showing all their underwear or panties! Creepy old men should be able to wander around at childrens petting zoos wearing only skimpy women's lingerie! Your downvote suggests that you support creepy old men in questionable ladies attire mingling at petting zoos.
GOLDMAN SACHS HERP DERP No argument herp derp.
Ha ha, why am I getting downvotes for pointing out how our constitution was written? j10jep2 implied that it was wrong for the majority to vote on the rights of the minority, I replied, pointing out the legal standing for what j10jep2 said. You fucking confuse me sometimes reddit. I'm upvoting you because that's exactly how a democracy is supposed to work. The opinion of the majority should prevail. Why is it that Reddit is so openly against the right of the 1% when they are bankers, but so strongly for it when they are homos?
As a vet, I'm sad he's not going to win the primary, I'm staying home in 2012. Quit the trolling.
end all pensions and welfare, the idea is you take apart of your pay dont spend it and invest it ^ This should be top post. You keep what you earn. You invest or you spend. It's up to you. Who is better at controlling the fruits of your labor; you or someone else? Anything that is taken away from what you've earned is theft. <-- see that, it's a period.
And we are in the process of taking over the Republican party. We are taking it away from the neocons. It's the liberals and democrats that don't have a plan to take their party away from Imperialists, interventionists, and militarists. That is why I love picking fights with them. I will keep rubbing their noses in it, and mocking their preoccupation with Social issues until they do get their heads out of their asses and start working on a plan to take their party back from the warmongers, mass-murderers, and Israel-firsters. WOW. Who knew reddit was full of such die-hard mindless Obama supporters? Seriously though, anyone votin for anyone other than Ron Paul, have fun with the destruction of the constitution. War is on the horizon. The war is on you and your freedoms. But you're all just going to beg for those to be taken away aren't you? Screw it, Reddit is so biased that this will get downvoted and never seen again. What does this do? Creates a bias where you only see the opinions you agree with. So that you never think about others' opinions. (not directed specifically at Poli_ticks)
Like [this](http://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughPaulSpam/comments/pvkgk/in_early_book_rep_ron_paul_criticized_aids/)? Perhaps, but more like the sockpuppet you just replied to.
Yes, it sounds like he's completely out of touch on that one, not recognizing how screwed people are if they lose their jobs; and if you quit you don't get unemployment. However, "quit or get what you get" *is generally what happens anyway*. Lawsuits are expensive to pursue and harassment is difficult to prove. The people who can afford to bring suit are likely also the ones who are financially stable enough to pursue other jobs. As for not wanting to pay for medical care for others, this is a standard libertarian position; and since we are the only "first-world" (supposedly) country WITHOUT socialized medicine, this is no different from the status quo. However, his support for states' rights means they all have the option for something like Romneycare. As for "minority rights", he isn't opposing *equal* rights, just *special rights* or differing treatment. At a guess, this probably referred to things like Affirmative Action. Nothing shocking there. So the one takeaway from that is that he's way out of touch on an issue that affects people in the workplace. Romney is out of touch with practically EVERY issue that affects non-millionaires. Obama is out of touch on medical marijuana, warrantless wiretapping, the 4th amendment, the TSA, extrajudicial assassination, extraordinary rendition, foreign wars, the drug war, the surveillance state, Internet freedom, extradition of foreign nationals for LEGAL websites, ICE takedowns of domains without due process, the First Amendment, corporations vs. individuals, whistleblowers, social security, medicare, the PATRIOT act, the NDAA indefinite detention provisions, appointing lobbyists to his cabinet, big banking handouts, expanding drone wars, escalating in Afghanistan, State Secrets privilege, and secret interpretations of laws. To name a few. Oh yeah, and nuking Iran may soon be added to that list -- which John McCain wanted to do. That's for adding to the conversation. Unfortunately while reasonable, you didn't completely crucify Ron Paul, so we are going to have to downvote you. Signed, r/politics and the anti-Paul sockpuppet brigade.
"It's dangerous to craft a separate set of rights for groups like Hispanics, African-Americans, children, employees and the homeless" Well it is. It really pisses me off when racialist groups like the NAACP bemoan the statistics of "black on black" violence when all violence is bad. Statistically, in self-segregated populations, violence *is* more frequent between members of similar ethnicities. However, that doesn't give us all a free pass to be dicks about it.
I guess if saying AIDS victims are a victim of their own behavior is bad then sure, he's a horrible person. If a man goes out and has promiscuous unprotected gay sex regularly, why should t hey expect someone else to pay for their treatment if they get sick?
Again?!? Come on. Put it in context. ThePieOfSauron is a dedicated anti-Paul misinformation troll who logs on every weekday at 9am where he continues to post distorted information and lies for the entire day. I'd suggest everyone update their RES (if you have it) for future references.
But it **is** hyperbolic bullshit. The traders in question did, in the context of a huge run up of oil prices, make matters worse. They did not cause the commodity spike. The firedoglake link has a link to the [NY Times article](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/25/business/global/25oil.html?_r=1) which puts it all in perspective. In the context of very high oil prices, some few people, in a small way (50 million USD total in illicit profits in the 100m barrel a day world oil market) affected prices in January and March of 2008. These guys had about 4.6 million barrels of oil _total_. Of course that did affect prices, but in a 100 million barrel _a day_ world, latching on to 5 million barrels isn't the end of the world. OP says rogue traders caused the commodity price spike. A few of them did exacerbate matters, but they were definitely not the cause. [edit add:]Further, the run up in prices started long before January 2008 and ended long after March 2008. [Insert Graph Here] [/edit] THANK YOU. I was searching this thread for sources other than thinkprogress before I got out my pitchfork.. I don't know why this doesn't have more upvotes.
I support you, farugo. Thanks, Major_Major_Major.
a billion upvotes to you sir. You said the wrong thing boy. The Justice League of Reddit is after you! EDIT: I'd like to state for the record that I upvoted you to try to offset the damage.
Clearly the solution the the problem is to eliminate education... The failure of the education system is why we have [/r/Libertarian](/r/Libertarian) in the first place. Improve the education in the US (And elsewhere) and no one would be a libertarian.
"totalitarian theocracy that Ron Paul wants it to be" As opposed to Obama, who just wants Totalitarianism. http://www.allgov.com//ViewNews/Obama_Fights_to_Retain_Warrantless_Wiretapping_120220 I love reddit. Its denizens love Obama so much that they downvote me for posting factual information about him that isn't good.
Some Democrats love taxes. and nanny-state legislation
> Recently he joked on BBC's The One Show that he would have striking public sector workers executed in front of their families, sparking 31,000 complaints to the Beeb. > In 2010 he offended Mexico by describing the population as "lazy, feckless, and flatulent". >A 2005 episode of Top Gear saw Clarkson do a Nazi salute when talking about car make Mini, owned by German car manufacturers BMW. > The satellite navigation system would only go to Poland, he said, referring the the German invasion of Poland in 1939 that triggered World War Two. Fucking legend. I like it when a presenter has the balls to piss off pussies nationwide. Shame this got so downvoted. The political correct brigade have gotten too carried away, there's nothing wrong with a bit of tongue in cheek humor.
Obama's actual budgets, however, have been applied and tested in the real world and found to increase deficits by $1.2 trillion per year and Democrats don't seem to have any problem with that. Of course they don't! Because they are the biggest group of mindless hypocrites in the world.
doesn't even address the point of private property. Don't worry about them, they're just trying to justify their hypocrisy. Hopefully, you've instilled at least a bit of cognitive dissonance.
Ron Paul is a dangerous right-winger who will turn America into a police state. He claims he is for freedom but any intelligent person knows that he's just lying. OBAMA 2012! Sorry, but Obama is a Nazi.
Ron Paul is a dangerous right-winger who will turn America into a police state. He claims he is for freedom but any intelligent person knows that he's just lying. OBAMA 2012! "Ron Paul is a dangerous right-winger who will turn America into a police state." That is one of many ludicrous and uninformed posts that make me believe that the Obama "Truth Teams" are in full force on reddit. He may not be a liberal but to insinuate he wants a police state when he won't even build a border fence or even think about about real ID, has been against computer surveillance since he's known about it, and wants to slash the military budget, is so absurd it almost isn't even worth mentioning.
Why does not wanting the government comprise over 50% of the economy make me an idiot? Because this is Reddit and just like the real world, you're shunned if you have an unpopular opinion.
>You really think the OWS movement has had any impact whatsoever on the investment community? The entire "movement" has had little to no impact on *anything*. But don't tell them or /r/politics that. They really think they're making a difference with their incoherent protesting and rabble-rousing. yup, pretty much. the only impact it had was rousing a bunch of neckbeard redditards from their slumber and getting them to post more hyperbolic, sensational bullshit articles on, well, reddit. good job OWS, you have accomplished nothing, plebs. us big boys with money sit back and laugh at your 99% faggotry (lol the math on that shit is wrong anyway and 99% of the country don't agree with you, more like only the 10% unemployed are also looking for handouts like you all are)
> *"...based on the ‘usefulness’ of an individual..."* That's how it works up here in Canada. Hockey players and politicians get gold-plated health care, while the rest of us get a [14 month median wait time](http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/qual/acces/wait-attente/index-eng.php) for an MRI. Common sense... on r/politics? Everyone *knows* that healthcare in Canada is perfect and should be emulated. /sarcasm off Article written poorly. Just an attack article with little to no useful information downvote and move on. But wait, its an attack on a Republican candidate.... Ignore all the logics! Edit: fixed a grammar.
Its an anti-cop thread, it doesnt matter. Just get on board with the circlejerk, and dont ask questions. People always downvote the truth.
Its an anti-cop thread, it doesnt matter. Just get on board with the circlejerk, and dont ask questions. Sorry that you are getting downvoted for the truth. Reddit hates cops. FUCK THE POLICE, SOPA, AND SANTORUM! YEAH RON PAUL!!!
by morons do you mean mormons? Or is it the same difference. ^_^
by morons do you mean mormons? Or is it the same difference. ,
By morons, do you mean mormons? Or is it the same difference. .
"Dog whistle" is just a euphemism for "I have no evidence to support this but I swear it isn't complete libel." Dissenting opinions aren't allowed here.
Please explain why Paul is not a "real" libertarian. You can be a Constitutionalist, neo-confederate, libertarian, you know. Interesting take and not the response I was expecting though, thanks all.
The girl in the video is a good reminder why I don't live in the USA. I only wish that people like her stayed there. You'll be scurrying back when your apartheid regime eventually crumbles, if you get the chance.
Americans, make this an election issue. No thanks, this is needed.
How can people seriously consider another 4 years of genocidal, warmonger, freedom stealing, puppet Soetoro term... Not that the other candidates are any better as they are pulled by the same strings as "Obama". maybe excluding Ron Paul who at least seems to address real issues... Downvote if you are a part of the sheeple herd :)
Sounds like you ladies are scared of Dr. Ron Paul beating Obama eh? Pathetic... Co-signed.
What does the Tea Party have to do with this? I get he supported the tea party, but is it really all that hard to see why someone who would directly benefit from less regulation and less taxes on the wealthy would? He was not a prominent tea party member. It isn't indicative at all of the tea party. ~~This is the kind of attitude that breeds bigotry and racism. If I said "oh, I saw one black person selling drugs" would you take it to mean that black people on the whole sell drugs? No, you'd rightly be called a racist if that happened.~~ EDIT: A better example: if I said redditors were pedophiles because of subreddits like jailbait, would I be accurate? if I said redditors were pedophiles because of subreddits like jailbait, would I be accurate? No. Redditors are pedophiles just because they're pedophiles - with or without a means of trading their warez.
Let me speak in /r politics so you can understand. I responded to the right comment you fucktard piece of shit. Your link is just one example of the many instances of the clear bias and intolerance of different opinions, not just here but in /r politics in general which is full of retarded parasites. Why don't you answer my question you piece of shit? Oh, thats right. /r politics is really /r circle-jerk around Obama where you downvote anything doesn't line up with the obama statist party line and too chickenshit to offer reasonable arguments. This is sadly spot on.
Except I don't bother voting down people even if I disagree. Every downvote is just proof that you are just children who live in a bubble. Too cowardly to actually think things through and respond when challenged. Every downvote is an admission that one does not have the intellectual capacity to defend their own beliefs. Beliefs that are shallow and simple minded. You sir, and the people of /r politics are shinning examples that stupidity. Most of the people on [/r/politics](/r/politics) have no beliefs. They just endlessly talk about stupid shit that Santorum says, and circlejerk random Obama articles while convincing themselves that he is somehow still the savior of American politics. They do this while never crafting their own viewpoints. Rather than believe in something out of principle, they essentially just craft their entire worldview by believing everything opposite of what the Republican party preaches, because 95% of [/r/politics](/r/politics) is angsty young teenagers who want to act "rebellious". As a result, nothing of real substance is ever discussed here, and I feel like I am wasting my time writing this post. Carry on though ServitumNatio, and wear your [/r/politcs](/r/politcs) downvotes with pride.
First, let me tell you that by using adblock you are being extremely selfish. Except if you donate to websites, using adblock means you are getting for free a service that everyone else is paying for. It is like going on a car trip with a friend but refusing to pay for petrol. Second, do you really believe that graffiti is the right response to advertising? If everyone graffitied, cities would look like shit. I agree that street advertising does practically the same thing as you have never agreed to have some street advertisings anywhere. But on the other hand 1) It is regulated by some higher authority, and therefore can never be too offensive or go anywhere in the street 2) It generates revenue for the council which itself redistributes these resources by funding schools, hospitals... If you do not believe in street advertising, voice your opinion, talk to your representatives, but I really do not think that graffitying is the right way. Downvoting an unpopular opinion on TrueReddit rather than participating in intelligent discussion? Looks like it has become... RegularReddit. *~Sigh~* [As far as your argument goes, my good sir, I do not use Adblock because I possess the wherewithal to ignore advertising if I wish it, and think those who cannot view an ad-bedecked website without buying something are weak-minded fools. However, I as something of a rogue artist myself cannot help but thoroughly approve of graffiti in all of its many glorious forms in all of the most inappropriate places possible and *prejudices be damned!*] Cheers!
I'm curious to see if they were actually just doing their job and all these videos were taken out of context. I am so tired of people blaming officers for doing their fucking job. Not saying they don't do stupid or wrong stuff, but a lot of the stuff against them these days is bullshit too. Wow, love that he's getting down voted for making an actual fucking point. It's very easy for us to watch a YouTube video and shoot comments like fascists, pigs, assholes, etc. but we're getting a very small clip of a cop. Has anyone here even talked to a cop? They're usually just some pretty normal, middle-class guys.
I know there are problems with transparency and accountability when it comes to many police departments, but did anyone else get the impression that the people asking for complaint forms were largely being dicks about the whole situation? It's not like they were nicely and courteously asking for a complaint form, it was all: "naaah bra, I don't gotta tell you nothin' son!" It doesn't seem fair to me to take a 10 second snippet of a conversation that could have lasted 10 minutes, and use that to paint a one-sided picture of the engagement. Some context is seriously lacking here. That is exactly what was happening. These guys went in there to aggravate as many police officers as possible and when they were told to leave that is a lawful order because it had become apparent they were there to abuse the time of the officer and waste finite public resources, which is a crime in almost all jurisdictions in the USA. The procedure for filing a complaint in almost every Department in my state is as follows, 1. Figure out who the officer is and what his working hours and district are. 2. Find his supervisor, who is the one who investigates all complaints on his officers.(ps, Sgts. are generally outside the police officer circles as they are supervisors and it is there job to get rid of officers.) 3. The supervisor investigates the allegations and if they are founded, the officer will generally be placed in front of a civilian review board that is separate from the police department. Generally they are the employment review board for the entire jurisdictions work force(county,city,state, whatever the case may be) 4. Discipline is handed out. These are as close to criminal procedings as you can get without someone actually going to jail. So you as a "victim" are needed to be know by the investigating party. These guys were out to just be assholes and try and make a name for themselves by pushing these, mostly sergeants, over the edge. Good job showing your true colors reddit. You perpetuate this cycle, I hope you are proud of yourselves.
and reddit is a bunch of brainwashed liberals. DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE
>*I fucking hate police.. I'd rather die than have one of those pig-fuckers protect me... they're nothing but an overgrown, over-testosteroned frat organization that cares about nothing but bullying the weaker.* Well it's nice to know that the one single, out of the ordinary, odd occurrence which happened to you and is in no way representative of the majority of peoples dealings with the police hasn't coloured your perceptions of the rest of them. How very rational and level-headed of you. **Edit:** Holy hell, I guess I forgot how caught up Reddit gets in its anti-police circle-jerks. I'm alright with those 'pig-fuckers' protecting me. Her story was decent until that point.
>*I fucking hate police.. I'd rather die than have one of those pig-fuckers protect me... they're nothing but an overgrown, over-testosteroned frat organization that cares about nothing but bullying the weaker.* Well it's nice to know that the one single, out of the ordinary, odd occurrence which happened to you and is in no way representative of the majority of peoples dealings with the police hasn't coloured your perceptions of the rest of them. How very rational and level-headed of you. **Edit:** Holy hell, I guess I forgot how caught up Reddit gets in its anti-police circle-jerks. See, what you are failing to realize is that ALL police are evil. Every one of them is a racist Super-Nazi, and their sole purpose is to infringe on everyone's rights and beat people.
In some ways much more cruel? Are you fucking shitting me? Do you have any idea what the Nazis did to the Jewish people during WW2? >In mid-1942 in Baranowicze, occupied Poland, experiments were conducted in a small building behind the private home occupied by Nazi SD Security Service officer, in which "a young boy of eleven or twelve [was] strapped to a chair so he could not move. Above him was a mechanized hammer that every few seconds came down upon his head." The boy was driven insane from the torture. >From about September 1942 to about December 1943 experiments were conducted at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, for the benefit of the German Armed Forces, to study bone, muscle, and nerve regeneration, and bone transplantation from one person to another. Sections of bones, muscles, and nerves were removed from the subjects without use of anesthesia. As a result of these operations, many victims suffered intense agony, mutilation, and permanent disability. Actually, just read this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation I understand, and I sympathize with the Palestinians. What Israel is doing to those poor people is appalling, and they need to stop. Israel is doing tons of fucked up shit. But you can NEVER compare them to Nazi Germany. What they and the Japanese did was on a whole different level of torture. You can't compare the two. >Israel is doing tons of fucked up shit. As are the Palestinians. This is a two way street, with plenty of fucked up parties from both sides on a very long road. And that's something people on this sub like to forget. Edit: Haha, case in point. Please, continue ignoring history and trying to convince yourself that the Palestinians are just peaceful victims whose own use of violence hasn't been long, systematized and bloody. Your downvotes are appreciated!
You mean the Kochs? /r/politics is this way. Plus, you lib's have no idea how the economy works. Go back to playing Pokemon, champ.
>Either a mistake or as I am beginning to suspect controlled dissent. I agree. I am not sure which of those is correct though. The [EDL](http://mondoweiss.net/2009/09/the-enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my.html) is a classic example of a New Right outfit. Many of the main influences on Breivik were New Right Jews like Fjordman and Pamela Gellar. You should know that SubredditDrama has written about yоu. «[/r/WhiteRights accuses /r/new_right of literally being Zionist Jews. Everyone accuses each other of being the real Jews.](http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/17q6zk)», submitted 42 minutes ago. As of now, yоur comment has a score of 1 (2|1). The parent submission has a score of 15 (16|1). SRD has no enforced rules agaіnst invading or vоtіng in linked threads, and threads linked by them have a tendency to suddenly аcquire large amounts of vоtes аnd derаiling comments. ^(bot so hard #swag)
We already have /r/atheism for these kinds of comments. Many Atheist fall into the category of "retarded" also!
We already have /r/atheism for these kinds of comments. Many Atheist fall into the category of "retarded" also!
All the comments on there are talking about how democrats are wrong because of this. Pretty much no democrats, or liberal, or anyone is saying that people with enough training and know-how should be denied the ability to own a gun. That's because every nut in the backwoods with their AR- collection would love to use the story of this well-trained law enforcement agent to justify the need for the CCW permit they got at their three hour class. The one they use to carry Glocks around Wal-Mart in the middle of the day.
Yeah, that u/e rate @12% and take home pay of less than $900/mo is certainly wonderful. I guess all those tech and manufacturing companies building plants to take advantage of the low wages has nothing to do with the growth in GDP. You dumb fuck. You either hate yourself or your children. Currently you owe $40,000 dollars in federal debt to your neighbors, China, Japan, Europe, etc. That idiot Krugman thinks this doesn't matter at all, and in fact, should be increased.
SO BRAVE. Upronned.
Fuck people. A true American Hero, taken from us. Even if you're Liberal (ha just kidding you're all Liberals) you have to feel some pain. A 39 year old man with a wife and kids, taken from this world. You'll be missed, Chris. He DID NOT report the mentally ill man he was shooting with to the police and from the sounds of it Chris Kyle should not have had access to guns either. I'm sorry but PTSD is a serious fucking mental illness and this asshole Chris Kyle needs to be held responsible for his part in this as well.
Helping soldiers with PTSD by not reporting them owning guns **and** going with them to a firing range means he is responsible in part for his own death. This man was not a hero, he was a gun nut in the truest sense of the word. Agreed, why the fuck would you bring a damaged jarhead out to a range? Isn't there places we can lock people like this up?
He DID NOT report the mentally ill man he was shooting with to the police and from the sounds of it Chris Kyle should not have had access to guns either. I'm sorry but PTSD is a serious fucking mental illness and this asshole Chris Kyle needs to be held responsible for his part in this as well. Anyone who thinks guns can cure PTSD is either an idiot or mentally ill themselves.
Which is why anyone who you know who is mentally ill with guns, the first thing you should do is notify the police for safety reasons. Did this a few times over the years and never regretted getting their right to guns taken away. At least none of them committed suicide or worse killed others. If you know people who are mentally ill with guns, call the fucking police so they can be removed. **Even the mentally ill deserve guns, that is their right you stupid bitch.**
... ...
He's also the 3rd vocal gun rights supporter to die in the past few weeks. I don't think it's a government plot, but it's an interesting sequence of events. Good riddance.
Goes to show how much people tend to overestimate how safe having a gun with make them. This man was literally one of the deadliest shots in the world and it didn't make a difference. BUT.. ... I THOUGHT GUNS SAVED LIVES
Iron Dome is ideal for shooting down fireworks that travel at 15 miles and hour and are powered by potatoes Oooo Israbots didnt like that one huh?
I don't understand how it was met with logic at all. "asked if the organization believed that every child in America faces a threat similar to that of the Obama kids. LaPierre said that they do" That's a straw man. He said "Ask the people in Newtown". That's not saying yes. That's saying that that argument is shit, and that the parents of the Newtown kids don't need an equal threat to be given access to weapons. That every individual threat should be judged on its own, and that people should not just broadly say "Oh they don't need X or Y level of protection". As we've seen, the level of threat will vary wildly, and sometimes the average citizen will be subjected to threats in excess of what legislators who never have to worry about those threats envisioned. Remember the LA Riots? Remember Harlem? Where do those threats rest on the scale, what guns are appropriate for people defending against thousands of angry looters? This wasn't logic at all, it was just fallacy. They strawmanned his argument, then went on to ad hominem him about security, when he's saying "everyone should get what I have", basically. I don't see how "You have security!" is a counterargument to "Everyone should have security". It's only a counter in this weird sense where people are taking the commercial to mean that Obama shouldn't have Secret Service protection. Wallace just sucks as a reporter, I lost all respect for him when he interviewed Clinton. EDIT: Yep, I know, how *dare* I argue against someone lambasting the head of the NRA. I thought this was a well worded argument that added insight into the conversation. Why it was down-voted, I don't know. Regardless if you agree with the statement, I believe that it added something relevant to a political discussion.
> invent a straw man who bears no resemblance at all to the economist/columnist of the same name, and ridicule that imaginary person. Right on, Paul, straw man arguments are worthless. >They insist that no government intervention is ever justified . . .They want smaller government, as a principle. . . .. They believe that deficits and printing money are always evil Strong irony. [OMG! Facts!!]( http://i.imgur.com/pVNZudS.jpg)
Hagel claimed that unlike him, some other people had more loyalty to Israel than to the US. THAT is the crime, and it is rather grave one. He later apologized for it. But pretending that this is about Israel is like pretending that the argument about raising the debt limit is about the deficit. This is about a Republican Congress hellbent on making Obama's life difficult, because they believe that anything is better than cooperating with him. >This is about a Republican Congress hellbent on making Obama's life difficult, Pretty easy to do when he's appointing Herman Goering to lead the Defense Department.