What are the funding figures for those proving climate change... just out of curiosity? In the interests of a balanced argument - [ClimateGate](http://joannenova.com.au/global-warming-2/climategate-30-year-timeline/) Tell me a of a time when the climate of the Earth hasn't changed. In one generation we are certain that we have enough data to be conclusive about our sole impact on the climate of the earth? Seriously? I for one am not saying we are or are not responsible; however, even as a species we are not even the blink of an eye in planetary terms. One way or another a whole bunch of people will be embarrassed in 1000 years. Maybe people in the medieval times thought the earth was going to get warmer because of their impact? Although it is actually colder in modern times... EDIT: Yep, down vote me for wanting more data before making a decision. If you're certain that 50 years of accurate data in planetary terms is enough to be conclusive; continue... I will reserve judgement for 1000 years or so. You're absolutely right. For those of you who are taking the "scientists" word for it (Bill Nye isn't a scientist, and Michio Kaku doesn't study the climate), you should be taking the **meteorologists** word for it. We are currently in an Ice Age. That hasn't changed. The predictions made ten years ago by Warming Theorists have not come true. Weather *isn't* climate. If you haven't heard of the [Medieval Warm Period](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Warm_Period), you should check it out. Man-made global warming hasn't even passed the test to be called a "theory", much less scientific fact. edit: [How quickly we forget about Climate-gate](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climatic_Research_Unit_email_controversy)
Sometimes the truth hurts, it’s not ok for the big companies to have this much power it makes me super sad and I don’t think we can fix it. Load up your guns and kill the Exxon executives and their heirs to the companies (i.e. children and grandchildren)
That is complete myth. These companys have billions invested in alternative energy, the only projects they try to sink are the competing ones being built with tax payer money. Like any other profit driven company in America does. I see it everyday. Don't tell me it's myth.
We have certain 'cultural areas' in the US where the residents have a very high percentage of murderous thugs among them. IIRC, this cultural demographic commits about 50% of all murders, and takes casualties at just under that. To even attempt to address the root causes of this rather shocking statistic *means you're a racist*, and the liberal politically correct crowd will have your head. If you excluded this particular group from the statistics, you'd be surprised at how much lower our homicide level would be. come on just say it; poor people mostly niggers
Really? Please show me one incident of him saying homosexuals or jews are evil. Tim Tebow disagrees with abortion (which is an entirely different debate that no one ever changes their mind about) but it is his right to disagree with something, that doesn't make him a "meat head". He is a pretty down to earth guy, who tries to help those who are in need if you look at the non-profit organization that he already started. You are judging him before he has even spoken at this place, how do you know what he is going to say? Agreed. Homosexuals are less accepting of opposing viewpoints than people who disagree with their lifestyle. I don't support laws that apply to only one group either, but I don't want that lifestyle for me or my family. How hard is that? It's like you're a bigot all up until you have a dick in your mouth. Fuck their rights if they can't respect mine in return.
Capitalist reformist can fuck off. Communism can fuck off, it is inherently authoritarian.
I hate FB and don't even have an account, but this is the result that any crafty business can get for itself with the right attorneys and accountants. if we don't like that result, we need change our tax system. **The Atlantic:** *[How Facebook, Twitter and Google elected Barack Obama](http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/11/when-the-nerds-go-marching-in/265325/)* How to make a billion dollars? **Step 1:** Hire on your own President, preferably a black guy, so that if anyone catches you, you can claim they're racist if they criticize you. **Step 2:** Don't pay taxes. Your guy will see to it the Department of Justice doesn't come sniffing around. **Step 3:** PROFIT!
This. ... is bullshit. Nonones provided him with a megaphone, he has a commercial radio show paid for by sponsers. Kos is calling for the government to strip his license because they dont like what hes saying. how is that anything but kos asking the government to violate the first amendment?
Explain why oil has increased so much since the beginning of 2000. The costs of producing the oil have not increased by 300 percent. It's basically wall street raising the price of crude oil because of fears. Why raise the price until those fears materialize? >producing Ugh, labor value theory. No one "produces" oil. That oil was produced millions of years ago, and you didn't have anything to do with it.
I wish I could see a poll that breaks down who is buying the ammo. Like party affiliation, gender, race, what region of the country they live in etc...I'd be real curious to know. Southern, white, male, paranoid Republicans. And also neckbeard armchair reddit militias.
Yeah, there's no more sure-fire way to create jobs than to employ a philosophy we tried for ten years straight in the 1930s with no success. Ace has never found anything from the Left he doesn't slavishly worship and adore.
This was pretty painful to listen to. Is his audience 7 year olds here? I see what is trying to be done here and I'm glad this pisses off the republicans but sweet jesus this is a bit patronizing. It goes a long way towards seriously cheapening the argument from the political left. It also falls into a trouble area considering that proselytizing politically to children is universally wrong, yet the video simply cannot be for adults with functioning brains. Who is it for? *Sleep soundly children, and try not to be troubled by thoughts of giant Scrooge McDuck coins crushing you horribly in your sleep.*
>. Rich people love their money! Not as much as the other side, based on how much they talk about taking it from people who have slightly more than they do. Bingo. Bring up unions and watch normal folk refer to them as thugs.
Oooooh! A liberal circlejerk in /r/politics. *getting popcorn ready* Oooohhh. A conservative with nothing to add to the conversation. Paint me surprised.
Having assault weapons is civil rights? Can you elaborate why assault weapons = civil rights? (I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm hoping you'll explain to me your point of view). "Arms" are not specified in the 2nd Amendment, thus, I must have the right to any and all "arms" that I may want. You can have my home-made nuclear weapon when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!!! (/s) AFAIK, grenades are not legal. The government has the right to confiscate grenades because they are unreasonably dangerous. Some of us think that AR-15s, for example, fall into a similar category.
Sort of irrelevant to the larger point though isn't it. Reply hazy. Try again.
A rifle IS NOT easier to aim than a shotgun. That is completely ridiculous and it is completely aside from the fact that you can have a shotgun and a rifle of equal length. Anyone making this claim has very clearly never fired either weapon. Hell, most shotguns don't even have a rear sight because they are so easy to aim. On top of that, a rifle round is MUCH more likely to travel a great distance, even through a wall or a person (ever heard of a pistol being used at 150 yards?). Pistol rounds are much heavier and much lower velocity. You can get buckshot that won't even remain lethal after passing through dry wall. A rifle is the absolute worst weapon to defend your home with and *not a single person I know* who lives in a neighborhood even keeps their rifle available for home defense. I sure as hell don't, and I would never use it, as I don't want to send a handful of .223 round traveling through 3 different neighbors houses. I can't believe this disinformation got upvoted. Why reddit, why? >Why reddit, why? Gun nuts are never worried about telling lies to defend their dangerous hobby.
Ha, and all we hear are crickets after your comment. The problem is, Obama knows he can say whatever the hell he wants and the media will only report what he SAYS he said, not what he actually has done or said in the past... without any questions or fact checking. Obama is trying to destroy the republican party, and he is succeeding. You are right about Obama and the media, but I still place most of the blame on the Republican party. The Republican party is it's own worst enemy, and is incredibly inept at opposing Obama on any level. If Obama is an incompetent babysitter, the Republicans are the infantile toddlers running into walls and eating dirt while wondering all the while why they keep losing. Obama is what he is, a far-left liberal socialist who pretends to play the middle ground. You can't blame him for being who he is, but you CAN blame Republicans for not being who they're *supposed* to be: the small-government, fiscally conservative alternative to big-government, big spending liberalism. The vast majority of Republicans in office are watered-down, moderate to moderate-left politicians who care more about their political prestige and obtaining power than actual conservative principles. It seems none of them have the backbone or political conviction to oppose Obama without backing down and eventually giving in. It feels like we haven't had a strong conservative presence in the Republican Party since the Clinton administration. The new Republican Party are just Democrat-Light, attractive to neither conservatives or liberals. They only reason they still exist, in my opinion, is because there's no other viable party to oppose the increasingly liberal Democrat party.
If rapes are happening on campus it's news to me. I've heard plenty of allegations against frat houses and party spots, but I've never heard of a rape actually on campus. Its mostly just drunk women who later regret sleeping around. > They fill out "surveys" sent to them from radical feminist female PHds who then claim that 1/4 of all college girls get raped. > Where are the actual statistics - ie the number of actual rape convictions.
These are all true. Thank god for the Political Journalists at cracked.com Thank goodness for Glorious Leader, who understands Poor People. I mean, he even knows how out of control the price of arugula in Whole Foods has been. I'm glad hard-hitting articles like this one can show everyone how the evil Republicans could never understand how Poor People struggle. I expect this to hit the front page of /r/Politics/ very soon. DAE HAET LE STUPID RETHUGLICANS? UPSAGANS TO THE LEFT!
Is it really any wonder that players like Biden and Obama can politically outmaneuver a bunch of semi-literate freepers and NRA lobbying shills? Not really. Triangulating the right wing of America is like shooting fish in a barrel. Obama and Biden have been doing it masterfully for years. I mean just look at this thread. Full of progun folks that wouldn't be caught dead in an r.politics post till the call-to-action comes up in whatever forum they frequent. And they just can't help downvoting anything remotely against their progun fervor while upvoting even the most vapid progun nonsense. And all these bahviors do is cement public sentiment and here on reddit, distaste for the arguments they make. Like the Ron paul supporters before them, they don't know when to just let a thread go and when to not 'take the bait'.
At least that's what the media is told to tell you. Don't be a fucking idiot, open your eyes to obama's tyranny. Why are people downvoting you? This is Nazi USA. Americans, You have no more rights. None. Open your eyes.
And somehow the majority of Americans go to college, own smartphones, and consume enough foodstuffs to get diseases of excess. Wat do? Make it illegal to hire people that aren't worth 9$ an hour so they eat less is a good start.
Why not just embrace all democrat principles that way elections would just be about people's favorite color. LOL
Your false sense of morality will lead this party into the wilderness and never to return. I wish I could "like" this comment. Seriously, it's perfect.
Right now I could disclose publicly available information about /u/xxxxx. It's publicly available information provided by the ATF that reddit almost certainly has a right to know about since he is using that license to sell assault rifles on reddit. He is the arms dealer who admits to using both his FFL license to sell assault rifles but he also engages in "private transactions." Do I think Adrian Chen should have that info? No. I'm not going to fuck a guy over because I have a puerile taste in drama and schadenfreude. That's what Chen did. EDIT: I forgot your nick. That axe you are carrying should be pretty worn down by now. Chen may be a gossip-mongering douchebag, but saying he 'doxxed' someone is incorrect. By your standard, any form of investigative journalism at all is 'doxxing'. Also; VA fucked himself over. Chen didn't force VA to be a horrible horrible person in the name of 'lol i trol you', let real pictures of his face be passed around the internet identifying him as Violentacrez, and make him leave enough hints in his comment history anyone who can put dots together could figure out who he was IRL, VA did that to himself. Finally; if it wasn't Chen who did it first, it would've been someone else. HuffPo, Anderson Cooper, a local news agency...No one can pull that much shit,fail to cover their tracks properly, and not get found out and publicly shamed by *somebody*. EDIT: As for my username...what the fuck does that have to do with anything? So I chose to make fun of one of reddit's more infamous 'celebrities', big fucking whoop. Look, if you're going to ban gawker links, do it for a reason that's better then "They 'forced' my favorite internet-pervert to own up to the shit he did online in real life!" Ther're tons of other, more sensible reasons to hate Gawker, like it being a cesspool of gossip journalism that [engages in pedophile-apologism](http://gawker.com/5941037).
Ann Coulter vs a room full of libertarians Can they both die off? That would be the greatest thing ever. How tolerant of you. You must be very liberal.
There is nothing wrong with having faith in God. With the number of downvotes you got for simply stating a neutral (i.e. not negative) opinion of religion, I had to check to make sure this was in /r/politics, and not /r/atheism Seriously, people?
Contentment is the biggest crutch in America right now. From the poor, to the corporations, to the government, just at different levels. Poor don't have to work because many will make less money from the likes of unemployment and other benefits than if they worked and were forced to give up those benefits. In the corporate world there are no consequences it seems (subsidies for everyone, too big too fail, bailouts, etc) And in the govt. All they care about are the lobbyists that give them the most money. Raising wages can only do so much for the poor. If those wages go up, grocery markets and goods will have to increase prices to keep up with their cost basis (murdering small "mom and pop" businesses). Farm subsidies need to be completely overhauled because in many Ag heavy areas, whichever is the most subsidized crop will be the most planted crop, artificially propping up a few while screwing the rest (similar analogy works in every other situation of welfare I've already brought up, ironic?) A solution? It has to begin at the foundation. The home. The family. The parents, brothers, sisters, etc. The govt will give you enough to survive, but personal responsibility is the only thing that can make an escape from poverty. My parents didn't go to college, but they all but forced the idea onto myself and my older siblings that mediocrity and the hell they paid for for us to have the opportunity will not be wasted come hell or high water. It is ALL attainable if a foundation is set at the home. Principles, priorities, and personal responsibility. If those are kept, anyone succeed. For minorities especially if they can meet the same academic criteria of whites, scholarships will be thrown at them to the point that they can even get paid to go to school. You are being down voted because the posters on r/politics are rich, spoiled white liberal suburban brats and Democrat sheep who worship the state and deify Obama, and who don't experience the consequences of the policies they support. But what do you expect from art majors.
Ann Coulter vs a room full of libertarians Can they both die off? That would be the greatest thing ever. there is nothing less tolerant of other opinions than an "open minded" progressive. PS. Coulter is garbage.
Is it possible for reddit to have a conversation about guns that isn't flooded with brigades from /r/guns and /r/proguns ? *edit* I'm guessing from the number of PM death threats and people threatening to rape my wife and children in front of me the answer is no You are more likely to see a red and white stripped unicorn being ridden by newt gingrich
Dude, just give up. These useful idiots will only be disillusioned when the red military boot crushes their fat balls. No no no, it'll be different THIS time, not like last time where everyone ended up in gulags and being arrested by secret police. Just turn over all the fruits of your labor to a small group of elite bureaucrats and everything will be just fine.
Please send the drones after every member of Congress who voted in favor of DOMA. Agreed. The irony is FANT-FUCKING-TASTIC!!! A president that thinks it's constitutional to kill Americans just because he says so, is the same president that thinks something is unconstitutional. HA HA HA HA HAAA!!!!!
That is hilarious, though. Came here to say this, but I'm kinda glad I didn't cause people's downvoting you. People need to stop being so butthurt, downvotes are for saying you dislike something someone said lol.
For a party that says they LOVE democracy, they sure HATE democracy. [Warning signs of Facism](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ToNpS1dbero/TOmfiGVvXCI/AAAAAAAAAIY/_UZH2Juj4zI/s640/early+warning+signs+of+fascism.jpg) WOW! Minus one or two things, you just completely described Obama and the democrats!
WOW! Minus one or two things, you just completely described Obama and the democrats! I'm downvoting both of you.
Oh onama gives a shit about the Constitution now? We need to strengthen marriage, not redefine it after 3000 years. Onama Obama what's the fucking difference.
Here in America, you're fortunate enough, as an employee, to have the right to quit at any time. If you don't like the way your employer is treating you, you have the right to leave. The free market will quickly determine how companies should treat their employees. This won't be popular because it doesn't make people feel warm, fuzzy, and superior to agree with. But it's true.
Did you happen to read my first comment at the top? And yet you kept your post here...
Why is every article on this sub about Israel? Is the totality of world politics really about saying "fuck israel"? Or is it simply the hip thing to do to constantly harp about how much of a bummer Israel is? Can this sub diversify its content a little? Or is that too much to ask? It is a circlejerk of conspiratards who hate Jews and Israel. The name "worldpolitics" is, of course, purely arbitrary.
I've seen it brought up more than a few times where you didn't deny it, why the shift? I either ignored the post entirely because I was flooded with similar comments or they didn't say I did it for karma. That's an important distinction, even if you can't understand why.
So you faked cancer for some other reason? Do tell. Wait hold on. So you don't even know the whole story but feel you are somehow qualified to "call me out"?
Entitled doesn't feel like the right word, but I feel like the person who faked cancer doesn't have any room to talk. You don't know the whole story, you have no room to criticize me at least until you find out and decide for yourself what went down. You can look through my submission history and I think you'll know pretty quickly which thread is the correct one. I'm going to sleep.
Some people have some wacky ideas about the second amendment, like it justifies any weapon they want to buy. I have an inherent right to defend myself and my family from violent criminals flying Apache helicopters.
As an "American-Israeli" Anarchist, I can't figure out why this is here. I've seen it on r/Israel, /r/Worldpolitics, and probably other subreddits, but what's the point here? Sure the girl is stupid, but so is anyone who specifically sets out against Israel as a criminal "state" somehow deserving of more criticism than all the others. The thing is, in a venn diagram, the portion with "anarchists" and the portion with "people that erroneously think that Israel is the worst criminal state in the history of mankind" overlap quite strongly.
r/politics digs up shit from 2004 in a desperate attempt to blame the sequester on republicans. It's not 2004. The President's sequester is his own - the WH already admitted as much. He said he'd veto any attempts to remove it from the budget deal. really - this is getting sad. Getting?
I encourage you die in a fire. Hammond has consistently proven he's unable to play nice in society. He needs to be locked up with the other animals in the zoo. But if you want true insight into how much I hate him, I am quite content in knowing this man-child will be ass raped in prison and be made into some big-assed black dudes bitch to be forced to suck cock or be beaten silly. The only regret I have is that the little faggot might like it.
This should be the top comment. Yeah, but it's reddit and most people here are left leaning idealists who don't like to hear that liberalism is just as bad as conservatism. I guess it's to be expected from a site with most users in their early 20's. Ah, to be young and full of ideals.
No. They need to take responsibility for their actions and raise that child. I'm not going to pay my money to get some little hussie laid. I know people who honestly think that. And get upset if you point out those babies cost more than the abortions/condoms do. "ITT: People with crippling immunities to hyperbole, analogies, and similes." Fuck off liberal.
It does not accurately portray them, I am not part of the GOP but this just pisses me off, how can you guys be so 1-sided? I know a lot of people in the Tea Party that are **NOTHING** like this. This is one of the reasons government sucks, all each side can do is insult the other. If you are looking for philosophical respectful debate there are places, but this is reddit. It's a fun site that I have grown to love but because of the average age of the users it is also a very liberal site ( in the most stereotypical way) don't take it personally. Most of the users know that the right is not full of racist stupid rich CEOs. Think of the reddit hive mind as a visual on how peer presser works.
This same thing came up yesterday. As you can see from Ezra's claim of >I'm holding it. It's right here" the president's "plan" is a one page, vague executive summary. When people talk about the GOP plan, they refer to dozens of pages of specific, Congress ready bills, a number of which have already been passed by the house. In that context, I think it is pretty reasonable to understand that the GOP is referring to something a little more substantial than a one page outline when they are requesting a "plan" from the president. To ignore the obvious context surrounding the word "plan" in this discussion and to try and act like the GOP is just too stupid to use Google is a vast misrepresentation of the issue. Additionally, the claim that more details can be found in the president's budget is a big reach, at best. As someone that has read >80% of the president's budget proposal, I can tell you with certainty that the one page "plan" on sequester replacement IS NOT simply a summary of the budget he presented. Now, there certainly may be some overlapping between the two but you can't simply line up the one page summary with the budget and get all the details as Mr. Klein seems to imply. EDIT: I'm not sure where the confusion is. The top voted response to this post right now contains a link to the president's budget proposal which contradicts parts of the one page summary. Look at the lines on unemployment insurance solvency for instance. The summary claims $50 billion in deficit reduction due to spending reductions. The budget claims $47 billion in deficit reduction due to an increase in receipts. These are things like taxes, fees, interest paid to the federal government, etc... This is seen on page 236 in the link that WontThinkStraight provides. Spending reductions != increase in receipts As such, either the link that WontThinkStraight provides ISN'T a link to the details of the summary page OR the summary page is dishonestly portraying an increase in receipts as a spending reduction. Either the link ISN'T details of the one page summary OR the one page summary is full of shit. I posted this as a response to his link almost 30 minutes ago and have gotten no counter argument. All that happened was that it was swiftly downvoted. EDIT2: I have since gotten a new response (thanks WontThinkStraight). I invite anyone interested to take the time to read it. Get Outta here with that logic, we are trying to circlejerk!
House Democrats and the Senate are part of Congress. the house demo's that did nothing in the 2 years they had a majority and the senate that still has a majority and does nothing? We need a clean slate across the board
You sir are a true patriot haha I love it. I am but a man...
This feels even worse when you look at the numbers of representation. Each house seat represents about 700,000 constitutents. (It varies by district between 500,000 - ~700,000. 700,000 is what you get when you divide the US population by the number of house seats.) So, 1.4 million people voted for Democratic representation than for Republican representation. But there is 23.1 million votes more Republican represenation than Democratic representation. If the seats matched the national popular vote, the Democrats would have the house by 2 seats. The article goes into a lot more statistical detail covering the issues of majority rule with minority representation better. But I just find those numbers mind blowing. Also depressing. > If the seats matched the national popular vote, the Democrats would have the house by 2 seats. The article goes into a lot more statistical detail covering the issues of majority rule with minority representation better. But I just find those numbers mind blowing. Also depressing. Depressing? Fucktarded as the Republicans are, they're the only thing keeping Obama from ramming through all kinds of insane shit (gun control comes to mind). Furthermore, this methodology is lame. Yes there is gerrymandering, but it's also state by state... just because you have extra Democrats in New York and California doesn't mean you deserve extra Democratic congressmen in Montana and Alabama. Finally, keep your politics bullshit out of Truereddit. You can go whine about your pushing hurting in the cesspit Reddit makes available for that, /r/politics. Fuck off and die shitbag.
If you think gun control is 'insane' you are absolutely, mind-bogglingly delusional... [For 1987-96, the average firearm homicide rate was 5.7 per 100,000 in the U.S., compared to 0.7 per 100,000 for Canada. ](http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cfp-pcaf/res-rec/comp-eng.htm). So, you think people who want to save 5 people out of every 100,000 each year are insane??? > you are absolutely, mind-bogglingly delusional... And in Chicago and DC where firearms are difficult or impossible to own, especially handguns... Oh, that's right. You're full of shit. For you socialists and liberals and other fucktards, I have a deal for you: disarm the police and military first as a sign of good faith, and us citizens we'll give honest consideration to disarming ourselves. > So, you think people who want to save 5 people out of every 100,000 Just what sort of people are those, and in what circumstances are they dying? If 3 of them are suicides (and they are), what stops them from hanging themselves with an extension cord or belt? So not only are you asking me to give up my rights to save people who don't want to live, not only are you asking me to attempt that for some tiny, minuscule number of them... It won't even work. If you want to save people, give up your right to travel by automobile. Or shut the fuck up.
Wrong. The GOP rejected Obama's offer of $1.2 trillion dollars in new taxes, set to take effect immediately coupled with non-binding promises of future spending cuts. Promises of future spending cuts mean nothing. It means a lot on r/politics
Politicians who continue to spend money we don't have are the real terrorists. Its called sosialism.
I think you should probably read the article before you make your rather moronic comments. Reading might just debunk his preconceived notions and pierce that thick wall of cognitive dissonance though. He can't have that!
Yoga is a Hindu tradition, sure it promotes healthy lifestyle and relaxation, but it has religious origins. For some Christians prayer is a relaxation technique, like meditation, and it is something that has been removed from school. - This shouldn't be any different. Exactly, it's surprising how few people know about yoga's religious nature. Wikipedia it people, it's "one of the six astika schools of Hindu philosophy". Just because you personally find it relaxing or inoffensive does not make it any less religious or inappropriate for schools. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga
So, this is how the Secretary of State represents the interests of the United States? By insulting it's people and propagating stereotypes of them in front of foreign audiences? Yeah, great job. Quite proud of that one. Maybe next time he can tell them about how fat and promiscuous our mothers are. Seriously, Secretary Kerry? This is why we can't have nice things. My general impression of this man, and it's been reinforced year by year, is that he fairly oozes elitism. He has a sense of superiority that he can't help slipping into his remarks virtually every time he opens his mouth. His wife is the same.
Ok now try that when someone is invading your house, it is dark, adrenaline is pumping, possibly your children screaming, dogs barking, etc. Just because you can plink targets at the range does not translate into being able to effectively use your weapon in a combat situation. Unless you have taken regular training courses from professionals with the ability to teach how to react and operate in these situations your relative skill at the range is entirely moot. I am not trying to be a jerk, or say that you are incapable, but the burden of proof is on you to show that this is not how a majority of people react in an incredibly tense life or death situation. Oh, down votes... Sorry, my mistake, I forgot all gun owners in the US are former members of their local SWAT unit and Seal Team Six and regularly hone their close quarter combat skills to keep up to snuff. Listen, denying the reality of the weapons you use puts you at a tactical disadvantage. If you want to truly be a master of your personal domain and safety you will learn both the pros and the cons to the weapons systems you choose to employ, less you end up getting hurt yourself or hurting those you intend not to.
Also, they are like a lightning rod on a tall building for us. Most of the muslim world would love to wipe out the "great satan", the US. But they'll content themselves with attacking the "little satan" in their backyard. Israel fights the US's war by proxy for us. Some would agree, others wouldn't. There's no doubt moderate muslims should be shamed for remaining quiet when such hate speech is going on, but it is what it is. The difference is, Israel wouldn't be attacking the United States based on ideology if we suddenly stopped sending them aid. They are more civilized than that. Much of the muslim world is still stuck in the dark ages.
Did I just watch a Congressman act like a child on national television? I could care less about Hannity and Fox News (or any mainstream news, for that matter), but I can't believe an elected Congressman just behaved in such a manner... You're getting downvoted by people who didn't even watch the clip.
Yeah he got thrown off because he acted like a rude piece of shit on live TV! Thanks for taking the downvotes. I watched the clip and thought the same thing, then resolved that I would get massively downvoted for stating this observation. Now I will only get a few downvotes for agreeing with you. Thanks again.
I am not a fan of Hannity, but when a talk show host invites you onto their show you should show a bit if respect even if you disagree with them. This is the difference in having a strong opinion on a subject and being a rude asshole. This post is why Democrats lose.
Welcome to the Real World of Government Good Intentions. They're going to help us all right into poverty, but hey, at least they'll be here to help us, right? Yeah, the mean ol' big bad government came and forced Sherwin-Williams to cut his hours. Oh wait, you're an idiot.
I don't see a lot of intelligence from her. I see a lot of talking points from someone who doesn't understand how the real world works since she's been stuck in academia for decades. Her banking committee questioning was an embarrassment. It showed someone who is married to populist rhetoric rather than an understanding of the world she lives in. amen
> She's not a hypocritical, full-of-shit Republican like Brownie. Or any sort of Republican, for that matter. You're being downvoted, but rather than downvotes, I want to see someone reply and point out a Republican that's not a full-of-shit Republican. EDIT: My bad, I seem to have misunderstood what CaspianX2 was saying. My apologies.
Ill bet the Austrian/anti Obama conspiracy people will claim that the numbers were fudged to make it look like we didn't have negative growth. Of course they will, they are praying for another recession.
However since he is the most brilliant Justice on the bench, they will lose to him. I don't know why you're getting down voted, it's the truth; Roberts is probably his only rival.
A University in the South acting backwards? Well color me surprised. We're in NORTH Carolina ... duh! edit: sarcasm folks, get it
I love how its The House's~~Congress'~~ job to do this and they suck and they should fix this. Meanwhile, the Senate hasnt passed a budget (their job) in 4 years and nobody gives a shit. Funny. Edit: Meant The House If liberals weren't too dumb to realize this is a hit on them this post would be downvoted to infinity.
>we take the opinion that rape should be taken much more seriously by society so that victims don't have trouble reporting it and manipulative terrible people can't use it for their own gain If you want to value it more highly because of sheer numbers, fine, but would you not say false rape accusations lead to both of those problems as well? I'm surprised that what I said is this controversial. I welcome dissenting opinions, if you want to give them. As a man I think I'd rather be raped than accused of rape. Added: It's both something you wouldn't forget for the rest of your life, I'd have a hard time feeling safe in a neighbourhood where I just had to tell everybody I was a registered sex offender. It can be just as damaging mentally and probably is more damaging socially.
Hello /r/politics, This comment was submitted to /r/ShitRedditSays by [JohannAlthan](/u/ODgDf) and is trending as one of their [top submissions](http://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/19f3sz/massive_shitthatneverhappenedtxt_as_a_criminal/). Please beware of trolling or any unusual downvote activity. I feel like I have made it to the big leagues!
Easily: He's a Republican. Same logic as racism.
I saw how rigged the system was a few years ago. Got pissed, studied my field. Started my own business. Now i pull in more than I could ever make on salary and while taxes are higher, I can significantly lower my income by writing off so much in business expenses. Maybe they want you to get pissed off enough to innovate something..... I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying antidotally, I could not have started my own company with out some really heavy motivation. I did the same thing in the UK, my business is small- I only have 7 employees. I just under 30 and earn more than a surgeon. I can guarantee I would not have created those jobs, produced high quality goods and services without the prospects of earning a great living. That's what gets me on these forums, nothing of value would exist without an entrepeneur facilitating his own desire for wealth.
I did the same thing in the UK, my business is small- I only have 7 employees. I just under 30 and earn more than a surgeon. I can guarantee I would not have created those jobs, produced high quality goods and services without the prospects of earning a great living. That's what gets me on these forums, nothing of value would exist without an entrepeneur facilitating his own desire for wealth. Most of the people here have no concept of wealth. They just know other people have it and they don't.
So what? Is this "relevant" because they're black people from Chicago? Libtardians try really hard not to appear racist by bringing in black viewpoints whenever they can. It only makes them appear *more* racist LOL. I can't wait for their next circle jerk about their one black friend Uncle Tom Sowell.
I knew he was an asshole when off camera and not in front of an audience. I just hate seeing the man smile when the country he "runs" is deep in shit.
Just that it's the poorest excuse imaginable for denying someone due legal process by killing them. As usual, here is the correct answer, collecting downvotes.
I live near Hollywood. Can confirm this is false. Wow. You just lost 12 internet points for saying something that disagrees with the hive mind. Hope you learnt your lesson
Seek help. No kidding. The fact that he genuinely believes that people will praise him and happily click on all of these links shows a real problem with his mental state.
what the fuck are you trying to say? Oh I'm sorry - too lofty for you sweet pea?
After the government opened fire on them. This fact has been established countless times. It's a non issue. After you've seen your fellow protestors massacred around you with live ammo, yea, you're a little more inclined to set buildings afire, attack those shooting you. That's how this civil war started Do you think the subreddit is doing a good job of fostering fact-based discussion which aims to inform when false statements like those made by /u/xxxxx are heavily upvoted and yours (which is factually correct) is heavily downvoted? Do you not think a change of policy is required in this subreddit because it went downhill a long time ago.
Is that all you racists can see - skin color? How about another pic looking at the socioeconomic status of the perpetrators and victims? Oh wait, it has to be their skin color. My bad. I agree with you man, there are a hell of a lot of genuine racists here. That said, if you want to make a difference, you're going to have to come up with a counter argument that isn't name calling. Also, excusing violent crime by using their economic status is ethically reprehensible. There's a saying that blaming crime on poverty is a kind of slander against the poor. I am poor as hell and never burned a black man to death. If you try to argue with facts, not emotions, I think you will find productive discussion is entirely possible on this sub, even if you are talking to racists.
Obama wouldn't actually answer any questions and kept dancing around the issues Haha, how predictable, someone makes a decent point against the liberal president and gets downvoted below the threshold. This sub cracks me up. Obama evaded almost every question, sometimes very blatantly. I do agree that Bill seemed a little rude and did interrupt a bit, but to be fair, he probably interrupted him most of those times because he could tell that the President was meandering away from the actual question. He's very good at doing that.
Haha, how predictable, someone makes a decent point against the liberal president and gets downvoted below the threshold. This sub cracks me up. Obama evaded almost every question, sometimes very blatantly. I do agree that Bill seemed a little rude and did interrupt a bit, but to be fair, he probably interrupted him most of those times because he could tell that the President was meandering away from the actual question. He's very good at doing that. Yeah, I'd say shutting up his endless rhetoric doesn't count as cutting him off. He had 10 minutes, when it looks like he's going to tap dance the whole time, you have to move on.
It's an AMERICAN song. It was written in ENGLISH. The primary language spoken when it was written was English. You've gotta be joking. Have an upvote.
So none of you think at all CNN doesn't do this either? At all? Exactly what I was thinking. But this kind of bias is very common. People will get so pissed at someone they don't agree with for doing something. But then everyone always seems to be able to find a way to rationalize that it's OK when people they agree with do the exact same thing. I see people on both sides of the political spectrum do this all the time.
It was awkward to have a song about America being sung in other languages. It would have been much better if it was all in English showing that we are a melting pot where all races are united as Americans. It's not a melting pot, it's a white nation that is being overrun by foreign invaders.
> The Super Bowl was broadcast in 198 countries That's actually impressive, since there are only 193 countries in the world. There are 196 counting Taiwan. It's still not 198 but you should have your facts straight.
When people no longer feel the necessity of a unified form of communication society starts to break down into subgroups, think little china, little mexico places where they're basically all foreign language speakers living in a replicated foreign country. > society starts to break down into subgroups Absolutely. Reminds me of the end of Rome, where much of the city was divided that way, and the only people who kept order were mercenaries.
When people no longer feel the necessity of a unified form of communication society starts to break down into subgroups, think little china, little mexico places where they're basically all foreign language speakers living in a replicated foreign country. EXACTLY! If we're to be a unified country, we all must have common language and culture! Why do we have to keep making exceptions and concessions to people coming from elsewhere? You come here, you assimilate, don't expect us to change for you.
Here is the problem with the ad (and multiculturalism in general). We (America) are a melting pot, which is not a food analogy but a metal analogy. It is not supposed to be a stew with a lot of different and separate pieces, but a singular metal forged from different materials. America has its own culture - it is not simply a bunch of other cultures living together. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_pluribus_unum - out of many, one. Language is the base form of culture - without the ability to communicate, your ability to have a meaningful shared culture is almost impossible. The joy of America is not that many people can sing America the beautiful in different languages, but that any heritage can come be American and sing the song with everybody else. A different joy, one that Coke could have shown, would be that people all around the world recognize the beauty of America and are singing the song because of it. It would make sense for them to sing the song in their own language, because that's the language of their culture. But of course such a thing - saying America is beautiful to the rest of the world - is heinous to those on the Left. > out of many, one Ah, but that requires people to either: * Give up their ancestral culture, or * Be assimilated into the great McDonald's-and-Coke public culture. Most will say, correctly, "no thanks."
Here is the problem with the ad (and multiculturalism in general). We (America) are a melting pot, which is not a food analogy but a metal analogy. It is not supposed to be a stew with a lot of different and separate pieces, but a singular metal forged from different materials. America has its own culture - it is not simply a bunch of other cultures living together. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_pluribus_unum - out of many, one. Language is the base form of culture - without the ability to communicate, your ability to have a meaningful shared culture is almost impossible. The joy of America is not that many people can sing America the beautiful in different languages, but that any heritage can come be American and sing the song with everybody else. A different joy, one that Coke could have shown, would be that people all around the world recognize the beauty of America and are singing the song because of it. It would make sense for them to sing the song in their own language, because that's the language of their culture. But of course such a thing - saying America is beautiful to the rest of the world - is heinous to those on the Left. > It is not supposed to be a stew with a lot of different and separate pieces, but a singular metal forged from different materials. They tried that in Brazil, Mexico and Pakistan. How'd it work?
As ridiculous as this Perkins guy's comparison to nazi persecution was, it does irritate me how frequently people on /r/politics give blanket condemnation to "the 1%" as if they are some united, evil entity sharing the exact same values and viewpoints. I think you can have a substantive discussion about income inequality and affect change without having to unfairly generalize and vilify thousands of people. Thank you for injecting logic into the discussion. I'm continually blown away by the people who vilify those with meaningful wealth. I for one am not going to join those voices. Instead, I plan on becoming one of the 1%. You gotta have dreams... Edit: BTW, why is Elizabeth Warren's mug on this posting. Is this her propaganda squad again? I've seen no other politician work Reddit the she/her staff does.
Just letting you lads know that the good folks over at [SRD](http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1wwuvk/you_thought_the_conservative_coke_drama_was_over/) are brigading this thread like there is no tomorrow. This is their third attempt at it. They celebrate diversity by downvoting.
This is one of the best posts I've seen in /r/conservative in a long time. Liberals realized they could never win over Americans so they have resorted to the next best thing: REPLACE AMERICANS. Wake the fuck up before our country is destroyed for profit and votes. > Liberals realized they could never win over Americans so they have resorted to the next best thing: REPLACE AMERICANS. It's the same strategy they adopted in revolutionary France and the Soviet Union, both of which encouraged internationalism (the actual name of diversity/multiculturalism).
Just letting you lads know that the good folks over at [SRD](http://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1wwuvk/you_thought_the_conservative_coke_drama_was_over/) are brigading this thread like there is no tomorrow. [They like Opeth.](http://np.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1wwuvk/you_thought_the_conservative_coke_drama_was_over/cf65ozd) That's all that must be said.
318 > pretty sure that most people around the world hate us, I don't know why. Everybody hates the guy on top. It's also easy to forget America's contributions because we don't brag on them. However, we also bring some blight such as McDonald's and Coca-Cola, maybe lawyers. I can see why people are anti-American but usually they're mistaken because really what they dislike is the consumerist society that is part of the modern world.